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I can be reached by email at: tuqueelukee@gmail.com ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZZYXWVUTSIVART0LKJIHGFEDCBAABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ- ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBAABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYVANEHTNIOJQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA_ The above two lines are 79 characters wide. Make sure they line up before reading this guide. SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION ----------------------- 1.1) TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------------------- 1) INTRODUCTION 1.1) Table Of Contents 1.2) About this Guide 2) BATTLING: BETWEEN FR/LG 2.1) Direct Corner 2.2) Cable Club 2.3) Union Room 3) BATTLING: BETWEEN FR/LG and R/S 3.1) Cable Club 4) BATTLING: COLOSSEUM 4.1) Gang Battle 4.2) Mt. Battle 5) TRADING: BETWEEN FR/LG 5.1) Direct Corner 5.2) Cable Club 5.3) Union Room 6) TRADING: BETWEEN FR/LG and R/S 6.1) Getting the National Dex 6.2) The Ruby 6.3) The Sapphire 6.4) Making the Trade 7) TRADING: BETWEEN FR/LG and COLOSSEUM 8) OTHER LINKAGE 8.1) Mystery Gift 8.2) Berry Crush 8.3) Wireless Game Corner 9) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 10) CONCLUSION 10.1) Contact Details 10.2) The Credits 10.3) Version History & Coming Soon 10.4) Legal Boilerplate 1.2) ABOUT THIS GUIDE --------------------- This guide is dedicated to everyone on the GameFAQs FireRed board who has ever asked: "I cAN'T TRaDE!!!111!!!oneone!!!eleven!!!!shift+one". Seriously, a lot of people, with the release of Pokemon FireRed & LeafGreen, became "in the dark" over how to trade between these two games and their old Ruby and Sapphire games. This is an effort to help them regain their sanity, along with their beloved Ruby/Sapphire pokes. NOTE: This guide is a bit verbose at times. But trust me, it helps to make some people understand. Also, SPOILERS AHEAD!!! Around section 6. Enough of that, it's content time! SECTION 2: BATTLING BETWEEN FIRERED & LEAFGREEN ----------------------------------------------- To battle between FireRed and LeafGreen, you must have the Pokedex in both games. 2.1) DIRECT CORNER ------------------ Everyone who got FR/LG probably noticed something new in their package: a little device that looks like half a squished lemon called the Wireless Adapter. It allows you to link up with specially enabled games without any wires! Cool. So now, you've probably already found a friend, and want to battle with them. Let's do it to it! Step One: Connect the Wireless Adapter. Before you do this, turn off your Game Boy Advance/GBA SP/Game Boy Player. You don't have to turn it off, but it's recommended. To insert the Adapter, plug it in to the top of the GBA: label side facing you for the GBA, away for the SP. Game Boy Player: Have it facing up. Step Two: Turn the GBA On. Read your GBA instruction booklet for help with this. Step Three: Go to the 2nd floor of a Pokemon Center. Any Pokemon Center throughout Kanto and the Sevii Islands has a second floor, for all link operations. Go to one now. Step Four: Go to the Direct Corner, and select "Colosseum". Talk to the lady on the far right. She runs the Direct Corner. Select "Colosseum" (not to be confused with Pokemon Colosseum, the GameCube game). Step Five: Select Your Battle Style. Choose one of the following: SINGLE BATTLE: One on one, one pokemon on the field per trainer. The standard battle type. DOUBLE BATTLE: One on one, two pokemon on the field per trainer. You may have encountered this in-game, it's quite fun. MULTI BATTLE: (aka "True Double Battle") Two on two, one pokemon on the field per trainer. With four players in all, this style requires teamwork. Step Six: Choose a Leader, and Join Them. Between you and your friend(s), one person must be the leader. This doesn't affect anything in the battle, and is for organizational purposes only. Step Seven: Choose a Side (Multi Battle) If you're doing a Multi Battle, go to the same side as whoever you'll be battling with. Then, choose 3 Pokemon for use. Step Eight: Battle!!! If you can't do this, then please read your manual. Please. Fun, eh? Sure it is. 2.2) CABLE CLUB --------------- Cables. Fun to play with, not to eat. The Wireless Adapter pretty much replaces them, but you may have misplaced it. Shame on you. Luckily, that's when these skills will come in handy. Step One: Connect the GBA Link Cable(s). Before you do this, turn off your Game Boy Advance/GBA SP/Game Boy Player. You don't have to turn it off, but it's recommended. Plug the 1P (small, purple) plug into one GBA, and the 2P plug into another. If Multi Battling, you'll need 2 more cables, the 1P end of them going into the purple hub in the middle of the previous cable. NOTE!!!! PLEASE USE A GBA LINK CABLE!!!! Do not use a Game Boy Color link cable, it WILL NOT WORK. Do not use a GameCube-GBA link cable, it WILL NOT WORK. Do not use an original Game Boy link cable, it WILL NOT WORK (and it'll damage your GBA to boot.) Step Two: Turn the GBA On. Again, read your GBA instruction booklet for help with this. Step Three: Go to the 2nd floor of a Pokemon Center. Any Pokemon Center throughout Kanto and the Sevii Islands has a second floor, for all link operations. Go to one now. Step Four: Go to the Cable Club, and select "Colosseum". Talk to the lady on the far right. She runs the Cable Club. Select "Colosseum" (again, not to be confused with Pokemon Colosseum, the GameCube game). Step Five: Select Your Battle Style. Choose one of the following: SINGLE BATTLE: One on one, one pokemon on the field per trainer. The standard battle type. DOUBLE BATTLE: One on one, two pokemon on the field per trainer. You may have encountered this in-game, it's quite fun. MULTI BATTLE: (aka "True Double Battle") Two on two, one pokemon on the field per trainer. With four players in all, this style requires teamwork. Step Six: Wait for all players to join. If you have the small purple connector in your GBA (aka 1P), wait for the screen to say "2P LINK" or "4P LINK", depending on how many players you have. Then press A. Step Seven: Choose a Side (Multi Battle) If you're doing a Multi Battle, go to the same side as whoever you'll be battling with. Then, choose 3 Pokemon for use. Step Eight: Battle!!! If you can't do this, I recommend playing the game a little longer. There ya go, now you can use a link cable to battle. 2.3) UNION ROOM --------------- Remember the Wireless Adapter I talked about? It lets you go into a new place: the Union Room. It seats 39 players, and you can battle, chat, and trade there. Right now, I'll focus on battle. Ready? Let's go! Step One: Connect the Wireless Adapter. Before you do this, turn off your Game Boy Advance/GBA SP/Game Boy Player. You don't have to turn it off, but it's recommended. To insert the Adapter, plug it in to the top of the GBA: label side facing you for the GBA, away for the SP. Game Boy Player: Have it facing up. Step Two: Turn the GBA On. There's a little black switch on your GBA; flick it. Step Three: Go to the 2nd floor of a Pokemon Center. Any Pokemon Center throughout Kanto and the Sevii Islands has a second floor, for all link operations. Go to one now. Step Four: Ready your party! You need to have two Pokemon under level 30 for battle. Step Five: Enter the Union Room. Talk to the lady in the middle. She'll let you into the Union Room. Step Six: Find Your Friend! If there's a lot of people in here, sift through them to find who you'll battle with. Step Seven: Battle! Choose battle, and choose the two Pokemon to battle with. Short, but sweet. That's how to battle in the Union Room. SECTION 3: BATTLING BETWEEN FIRERED/LEAFGREEN AND RUBY/SAPPHIRE --------------------------------------------------------------- To battle between these versions, everyone must have the Pokedex. 3.1) CABLE CLUB --------------- Battling via Link Cable is the only way to battle with Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire. Do NOT let anyone tell you otherwise. Step One: Connect the GBA Link Cable(s). Before you do this, turn off your Game Boy Advance/GBA SP/Game Boy Player. You don't have to turn it off, but it's recommended. Plug the 1P (small, purple) plug into one GBA, and the 2P plug into another. If Multi Battling, you'll need 2 more cables, the 1P end of them going into the purple hub in the middle of the previous cable. NOTE!!!! PLEASE USE A GBA LINK CABLE!!!! Do not use a Game Boy Color link cable, it WILL NOT WORK. Do not use a GameCube-GBA link cable, it WILL NOT WORK. Do not use an original Game Boy link cable, it WILL NOT WORK (and it'll destroy your GBA to boot.) Step Two: Turn the GBA On. Again, read your GBA instruction booklet for help with this. Step Three : Go to the 2nd floor of a Pokemon Center. Any Pokemon Center throughout Kanto, Hoenn, and the Sevii Islands has a second floor, for all link operations. Go to one now. Step Four (FR/LG): Go to the Cable Club, and select "Colosseum". In your FireRed/LeafGreen game, talk to the lady on the far right, who runs the Cable Club. Select "Colosseum". Step Four (R/S): Go to the Colosseum Booth. Talk to the lady in the booth on the right. Step Five: Select Your Battle Style. Choose one of the following: SINGLE BATTLE: One on one, one pokemon on the field per trainer. The standard battle type. DOUBLE BATTLE: One on one, two pokemon on the field per trainer. You may have encountered this in-game, it's quite fun. MULTI BATTLE: (aka "True Double Battle") Two on two, one pokemon on the field per trainer. With four players in all, this style requires teamwork. Step Six: Wait for all players to join. If you have the small purple connector in your GBA (aka 1P), wait for the screen to say "2P LINK" or "4P LINK", depending on how many players you have. Then press A. Step Seven: Choose a Side (Multi Battle) If you're doing a Multi Battle, go to the same side as whoever you'll be battling with. Then, choose 3 Pokemon for use. Step Eight: Battle!!! You know how it goes. Kanto vs. Hoenn: Who will win? Find out today! SECTION 4: BATTLING WITH COLOSSEUM ---------------------------------- To be completed... SECTION 5: TRADING BETWEEN FIRERED AND LEAFGREEN ------------------------------------------------ To trade between FireRed and LeafGreen, both players must have the Pokedex. 5.1) DIRECT CORNER ------------------ Wireless Adapter, yada yada, no wires, yada yada. You know what it is. So now you can use it to trade! And get more Pokemon! AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD!! Mwahahahaha. Sorry, went a little maniacal there. Back to the show... Step One: Connect the Wireless Adapter. Before you do this, turn off your Game Boy Advance/GBA SP/Game Boy Player. You don't have to turn it off, but it's recommended. To insert the Adapter, plug it in to the top of the GBA: label side facing you for the GBA, away for the SP. Game Boy Player: Have it facing up. Step Two: Turn the GBA On. Read your GBA instruction booklet for help with this. Step Three: Go to the 2nd floor of a Pokemon Center. Any Pokemon Center throughout Kanto and the Sevii Islands has a second floor, for all link operations. Go to one now. Step Four: Go to the Direct Corner, and select "Trade Center". Talk to the lady on the far right. She runs the Direct Corner. Select "Trade Center". Step Five: Choose a Leader, and Join Them. Between you and your friend, one person must be the leader. This doesn't affect anything in the trade, and is for organizational purposes only. Step Six: Browse and Trade Here, you can browse your friend's party Pokemon, and your own as well. Choose a Pokemon to offer up, and approve the trade. If it's fair, of course; don't trade your Jirachi for a Rattata. Step Seven: No Thieverying My Guide! This is to fool anyone who decides to shoplift this fine piece of work. Step Eight: Watch the Magic. See the little Pokemon go through the air. Wheeeeeeeee! There you go, you can trade. Give yourself a pat on the back. I'm going to go get a sandwich, so wait for me, I'll be back. *munch munch munch(lax)* 5.2) CABLE CLUB --------------- Mffgrp tfrrd grmp kmanlk blua *swallows* Sorry, I hadn't finished the sandwich yet. For trading your Pokemon with a Link Cable, the procedure is roughly the same. With a cable, of course. But, this is a guide, so I shall guide you through! Step One: Connect the GBA Link Cable. Before you do this, turn off your Game Boy Advance/GBA SP/Game Boy Player. You don't have to turn it off, but it's recommended. Plug the 1P (small, purple) plug into one GBA, and the 2P plug into another. NOTE!!!! PLEASE USE A GBA LINK CABLE!!!! Do not use a Game Boy Color link cable, it WILL NOT WORK. Do not use a GameCube-GBA link cable, it WILL NOT WORK. Do not use an original Game Boy link cable, it WILL NOT WORK (and it'll a splode your GBA to boot.) Step Two: Turn the GBA On. Get it through your head! Little switch, flick it! Step Three: Go to the 2nd floor of a Pokemon Center. Any Pokemon Center throughout Kanto and the Sevii Islands has a second floor, for all link operations. Go to one now. Step Four: Go to the Cable Club, and select "Trade Center". Talk to the lady on the far right. She runs the Cable Club. Select "Trade Center". Step Five: Wait for all players to join. If you have the small purple connector in your GBA (aka 1P), wait for the screen to say "2P LINK". Then press A. Step Six: Browse and Trade Here, you can browse your friend's party Pokemon, and your own as well. Choose a Pokemon to offer up, and approve the trade. If it's fair, of course; don't trade your Mewtwo for a Weedle. Step Eight: Watch the Magic. The Pokemon... going across the cable... it's mesmerizing... MISSION COMPLETE! 5.3) UNION ROOM --------------- Trade with complete strangers! One of the many things possible in the Union Room. Today on the Freddie the Teddie show, we'll show you how to do it! Just follow these easy steps: Step One: Connect the Wireless Adapter. Before you do this, turn off your Game Boy Advance/GBA SP/Game Boy Player. You don't have to turn it off, but it's recommended. To insert the Adapter, plug it in to the top of the GBA: label side facing you for the GBA, away for the SP. Game Boy Player: Have it facing up. Step Two: Turn the GBA On. There's a little black switch on your GBA; flick it. Step Three: Go to the 2nd floor of a Pokemon Center. Any Pokemon Center throughout Kanto and the Sevii Islands has a second floor, for all link operations. Go to one now. Step Four: Enter the Union Room. Talk to the lady in the middle. She'll let you into the Union Room. Step Five: Register at the Board. Not a message board, but a Trading Board. Back left corner. Specify which Pokemon, and which Pokemon type you want in return. Step Six: Trade, or Be Traded! Either wait around in the Room, or go back to the Board and select a Pokemon to trade for. Your choice. And that's how to trade with others in the Union Room. SECTION 6: TRADING BETWEEN FIRERED/LEAFGREEN AND RUBY/SAPPHIRE -------------------------------------------------------------- The bulk of the guide, in which the Secret of the Trade is revealed to all... Alright, a little note before the content starts: this is where most people get confuzzled. It's quite simple, but it needs to be explained. Why? Because I said so! And nearly everyone else I've talked to. 6.1) GETTING THE NATIONAL DEX ----------------------------- The National Dex is an add-on to the Pokedex given to you by Professor Oak after you meet these requirements: -Have at least 60 Pokemon listed as Caught in the Pokedex -Defeat the Elite Four (and the Champion) If you did the first before the second, then you should already have it. If not, then take a trip over to Oak's lab in Pallet when you get sixty Pokemon. Talk to him, and get a FREE (yes, FREE) update to your Pokedex. 6.2) THE RUBY ------------- Now, travel to the sunny port town of Vermillion City. Go to the dock, and talk to the sailor. (Note: If you've read this before, then you may notice the subliminal message is gone. Don't worry- it's still in the document somewhere, you've just got to look. Or, rather, not look- it's a subliminal message, for goodness sakes!) Travel to One Island, and head up to the Pokemon Network Center. Talk to Celio, and he will tell you the story of the Ruby and Sapphire. Guess what? You have to find them! The Ruby, first item on the quest, is located in the bowels of Mt. Ember. That's close, so we'll get it. Surf east of the island, and travel along Kindle Road north to Mount Ember. At the base of Mt. Ember (right side), there'll be two mysterious guys. They're not the Men In Black- they're the Team Rocket Members In Black With A Large Red "R" On Their Uniforms. Defeat them; they're pie compared to the Elite Four. Mmmmm... pie... After beating them, look in the cave they're guarding. Wow! There's a Johto Pokemon! Sure, it's just Slugma, but that's okay. Travel through the many levels, and turn LEFT when there's two paths, each with a Strengthable boulder blocking them. After descending, take the Ruby. Hooray!!! And there was much rejoicing. Go back up, take the other path, and travel to the Pokemon Network Center once you get out of Mt. Ember. Give the Ruby to Celio, and he'll give you the Rainbow Pass (with some Town Map pages to boot). Travel to the next destination: Four Island. 6.3) THE SAPPHIRE ----------------- Once you get off the ferry, your rival will talk to you. He'll mention that someone you know is on the island. Who could it be? Let's find out! Go to the very east side of the island, and Surf across to the cave. Enter. Since you can't go up waterfalls yet, enter the left cave. Now, it's quite hard to explain the puzzle here, so use your mad puzzle solving skills and find your prize: HM07, the Waterfall Hidden Machine. Go back to the first part, and travel up the waterfall. Go along to find... Rockets! And not the candy kind. As well as the mystery person. Battle, and win. If you don't win, battle again. And win. If you don't win... then train. And battle. And win. After winning, take off to the next destination: Six Island. Here we go! When you get here, the Rival talks to you about how the Sevii Islands suck. Loser. But we have a quest to do, so go east of the town, and then south. Travel along to the Ruin Valley, and go to the very heart of it. There's a mysterious door! With Braille. Normally, you'd have to decode this, but I'll give you a freebie today. Use Cut on the door, and gain access to the cave. Fall into the hole. Then, fall into the north hole, then the west hole, then the east hole, then the south hole. There it is. The Sapphire. In all its beauty. OMGWTFBBQ!!? The scientist just took it? Looks like it's a questin' time. Giddy up to Five Island! So you're here, eh? Good work. Head east of town through the Five Isle Meadow, and then south to the Rocket Warehouse. By now, you should have 2 passwords. Enter, and enjoy the trademark Rocket conveyor belts. Fun? I think so! There's a Rocket Admin at theend, so watch out. After beating her, there's another one. I recommend leaving (thanks to the path she opened) and traveling to the Pokemon Center before battling the next one. Done? Good! After beating the Admins and the Scientist, you now have the Sapphire. Return it to Celio, he'll work his magic, and ba-da-boom-ba-da-bing! you can now trade between FR/LG and R/S. 6.4) MAKING THE TRADE --------------------- The following procedure can be carried out at ANY Pokemon Center, not just the Network Center. It's nearly identical to all the other procedures, so it's easy peasy for you. Step One: Connect the GBA Link Cable. Before you do this, turn off your Game Boy Advance/GBA SP/Game Boy Player. You don't have to turn it off, but it's recommended. Plug the 1P (small, purple) plug into one GBA, and the 2P plug into another. NOTE!!!! PLEASE USE A GBA LINK CABLE!!!! Do not use a Game Boy Color link cable, it WILL NOT WORK. Do not use a GameCube-GBA link cable, it WILL NOT WORK. Do not use an original Game Boy link cable, it WILL NOT WORK (and it'll pwn your GBA to boot.) Step Two: Turn the GBA On. If you need help, ask an adult! Step Three : Go to the 2nd floor of a Pokemon Center. Any Pokemon Center throughout Kanto and the Sevii Islands has a second floor, for all link operations, including trading with R/S. Go to one now. Step Four (FR/LG): Go to the Cable Club, and select "Trade Center". Talk to the lady on the far right. She runs the Cable Club. Select "Trade Center". Step Four (R/S): Go to the Trade Center Booth. Talk to the lady in the middle to trade. Step Five: Wait for all players to join. If you have the small purple connector in your GBA (aka 1P), wait for the screen to say "2P LINK". Then press A. Step Six: Browse and Trade Here, you can browse your friend's party Pokemon, and your own as well. Choose a Pokemon to offer up, and approve the trade. If it's fair, of course; don't trade your Deoxys for a Pidgey. Step Eight: Watch the Magic. The Pokemon march one by one, hurrah, hurrah... SECTION 7: TRADING BETWEEN FIRERED/LEAFGREEN AND COLOSSEUM ---------------------------------------------------------- To be completed... SECTION 8: OTHER LINKAGE ------------------------ There are many ways to link with your friends, and they'll be covered below. 8.1) MYSTERY GIFT ----------------- NO! It is NOT like the feature in G/S/C. Not at all. It's used by Nintendo at special events to give you stuff. NOT to obtain gifts with friends. The only event so far, however, is the Pokemon Rocks America event, at which you can get Deoxys. First thing: How do you unlock Mystery Gift? Easy. Go to the Pokemon Mart in any city, and press A on the paper on the counter. Fill in the following: LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL Save, and reset your GBA (turn off, turn on). "Mystery Gift" appears on the main menu. Second thing: How do I receive a Gift? Currently, you can only get the Aurora Ticket, which takes you to Birth Island and Deoxys. For detailed instructions on how to get it, go to: http://www.pokemon.com/deoxys/ and see the Flash movie. 8.2) BERRY CRUSH ---------------- Over time, you'll get berries. But, other than the useful ones that give health/cure status/other special effects, the others are useless! What to do? Crush them! To activate Berry Crush, go to Cerulean City, and go to the house next to the one in the upper left corner of town. Talk to the man (you need at least one Berry), and he'll give you a Powder Jar. Sweet! Now, you can go to the Direct Corner and select Berry Crush. The objective of Berry Crushing is simple: press the A button incredibly quick. The faster, the more Powder you get. Here's a list of what's available: ENERGYPOWDER 50 ENERGY ROOT 80 HEAL POWDER 50 REVIVAL HERB 300 PROTEIN 1000 IRON 1000 CARBOS 1000 CALCIUM 1000 ZINC 1000 HP UP 1000 PP UP 3000 Sweet stuff. Except the powders, root, and herb, which are bitter and your Pokemon don't like them. Otherwise, sweet. 8.3) WIRELESS GAME CORNER ------------------------- On Two Island, after saving Lostelle from the Hypno, you can play minigames with friends at the Wireless Game Corner. There are two games: Pokemon Jump and Dodrio Berry-Picking. How to play, you ask? See below! Pokemon Jump Players: 2 to 5 Elegible Pokemon: Most under 48", that can jump (ie. Eevee can, Diglett can't) Instructions: Press A when the vine is about to come to jump. Dodrio Berry-Picking Players: 3 or 5 Elegible Pokemon: Dodrio Instructions: Press left, up, or right on the + Control Pad to move Dodrio's heads and collect berries. A fun way to party with friends. At least, I think so. SECTION 9: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ------------------------------------- Alrighty, here's a smattering of FAQs for your viewing pleasure. Any you'd like to add? Contact me, my e-mail's at the end of the show. Q: Can I trade between FireRed/LeafGreen/Ruby/Sapphire/Colosseum and Red/Blue/ Green/Yellow/Gold/Silver/Crystal? A: NO. Nononononononononononononononononononononononono. It is impossible. You cannot do it by any method. No, nada, zilch, negative on that one chief. -asked by TheHOINK, Nick Simien (and several other people on the GameFAQs boards) Q: But didn't you say that it was possible earlier on? A: Three words: April Fool's Day. Q: What does that mean? A: It means, you got pranked, foo. Next question. Q: But I emailed you because I was having problems, an- A: MOVING ON! Ahem. Q: Can I use the Nintendo DS to trade? I heard it has wireless. A: Unfortunately, no. The Nintendo DS is not compatible with Game Boy Advance multiplayer modes, even if it is wireless. -asked by Mahar Bozorginia Q: Can I transfer the AuroraTicket to other people? A: No. It's not transferrable. -asked by herbmeistr Q: Do I need to do anything special in Ruby/Sapphire to get the National Dex? A: No. The National Dex is automatically obtained when you trade a Kanto Pokemon to Ruby/Sapphire. -asked by caballerial9152 Q: Why isn't my Wireless Adapter working when I'm trading to Ruby and Sapphire? A: You need a LINK CABLE to trade to Ruby and Sapphire. Sorry. Q: My Mystery Gift isn't working! The list of friends is empty! A: Like I said before, Mystery Gift is for receiving gifts from Nintendo events, and not for getting gifts with friends like Gold/Silver/Crystal. -asked by Dr. Evil Q: Where can I get berries for Berry Crush? A: Look for dark spots on the ground, and press A in front of them. There's usually a berry there. There's many spots in the Berry Forest on Three Island. Q: There's nobody in the Union Room! A: That's not a question. Q: There's nobody in the Union Room, eh? A: There needs to be someone around you that has their Wireless Adapter on in the vicinity, and they need to be in the Union Room as well. Q: Is this a good team? Blaziken, Altaria... A: I don't rate teams. Sorry. SECTION 10: CONCLUSION ---------------------- 10.1) CONTACT DETAILS --------------------- I'm Freddie the Teddie, you may know me from the GameFAQs FireRed board. You can contact me there, as well as via email, at: tuqueelukee (at) gmail (dot) com I can be reached on AIM at: tuqueelukee@mac.com 10.2) THE CREDITS ----------------- Me: for writing this guide. CJayC: for putting this up on GameFAQs. Lanerobertlane: The 1337 ASCII art. Man, that stuff rocks! Mewtwo: for putting this up on Pokemon Dream. You: for reading this guide. The people who emailed me: because getting email rocks. Nintendo, Game Freak, Creatures, and The Pokemon Company: for making this game. And of course, anyone I forgot. If I did, email me and I'll correct it. 10.3) VERSION HISTORY & COMING SOON ----------------------------------- Version History: v0.82 (Apr 02, 2005): Revert after the AFD joke. v0.81z(Apr 01, 2005): AFD joke. v0.81y(Feb 20, 2005): Shiny new AIM address! v0.81w(Jan 17, 2005): Added IGN to the list of allowed sites. v0.81t(Jan 09, 2005): Put in another question. For the FAQ section. v0.81q(Dec 23, 2004): Added Pokemon Dream to the allowed sites list. v0.81a(Nov 13, 2004): Added ASCII art, and put in credits related to ASCII art. v0.81 (Nov 11, 2004): Updated stuff, put "asked by" in the FAQs, and added a site. Yippee yahooie. v0.80 (Nov 06, 2004): Put in one integral question into the FAQs. And when I say integral, I mean it. v0.77 (Oct 20, 2004): Added more Q and A to the FAQs. v0.76 (Oct 14, 2004): Added Neoseeker to the list of allowed sites. v0.75 (Oct 11, 2004): The first publicly released version. Coming Soon: -Colosseum guides. (coming very soon, once I beat the game) -Detailed strategy for minigames. 10.4) LEGAL BOILERPLATE ----------------------- ----------- | -------- | | __________| |________ | | | | | | | | | LEGAL | | BOILER | | | | | | | | | | ------------------ | | | | | | | LEGAL | | | | PLATE | | | | | | | ------------------ | |______________________| This guide is copyright 2005 Lucas Wagner (aka Freddie the Teddie). All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide may be hosted at the following sites: -GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) -GameSpot (www.gamespot.com) -Neoseeker (www.neoseeker.com) -AOL Games (games.channel.aol.com) -Pokemon Dream (www.pokedream.com) -IGN (faqs.ign.com) and none other. If you wish to have your site on this list, e-mail me at the address above. ------- |THE END| ------- Thanks for reading!