Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green Pokedex FAQ by strawhat Version 3.8 Project started 4/25/04 Last update: 6/28/08 ___ _ ___ _ | _ \___| |_____ _ __ ___ _ _ | __(_)_ _ ___ | _/ _ \ / / -_) ' \/ _ \ ' \ | _|| | '_/ -_) |_| \___/_\_\___|_|_|_\___/_||_| |_| |_|_| \___| ___ _ ___ __ ___ | _ \___ __| | / / | ___ __ _ / _| / __|_ _ ___ ___ _ _ | / -_) _` |/ /| |__/ -_) _` | _| | (_ | '_/ -_) -_) ' \ |_|_\___\__,_/_/ |____\___\__,_|_| \___|_| \___\___|_||_| Remember, you always can find the newest version of this FAQ on Gamefaqs.com, so be sure to check there before E-mailing me about an error. I'd like to take this timeout to thank the more than fifty people who sent me e-mails with corrections to this document. Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it, and even though I'm super late with some of the updates, they're up with your name in the credits section. All is appreciated. Table of Contents ----------------- I. Introduction II. About the Pokedex III. Pokedex IV. FAQ V. Closing {5.1} Credits {5.2} Contact Info Disclaimer: =========== This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and violation of copyright. Sites this FAQ can be posted on: Gamefaqs.com ign.com thegenie.net http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/simpokemonreborn/ gamerhelp.com http://kinghunter.proboards40.com/index.cgi 1up.com honestgamers.com Version History =============== 3.8: - Added TM11(Solarbeam) for Castform. - Added Tri Attack to Dugtrio's moveset. - Corrected various spelling errors. - Corrected Onix's moveset. 3.7: - Added Route 16 as a location Ditto can be found in. - Corrected TM22 under Vibrava and Flygon. - Corrected the evolution route for Igglybuff, Cleffa, and Teddiursa. - Charizard is now Fire/Flying. - Forgot Tackle for Bulbasaur and its evolutions. D'oh. - Added TM26(Earthquake) to Onix/Steelix. 3.6: - Corrected Chansey's level up moves. - Corrected TM22 For Swablu/Altaria. - Added info on Wurmple and Espeon/Umbreon. - Corrected Clefairy's level up moves. - Corrected Growlithe's location. 3.5: I can't believe that after two years, this FAQ is still being updated. I've been lazy though, so all of these have been corrections I've received about five months ago. - Added TM40 to list of TMs for Dragonite. - Changed Gloom's evolution level to 21. - Switched Spearow and Fearow's base stats. Damn I could've sworn that I did that ages ago. - Corrected various typos. - Added Nightmare to Hypno's move list. - Added Psychic to Lapras's TM list. 3.1: Corrected Gengar's base stats. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX {I. Introduction} XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Pokedex is by hard one of the toughest things to FAQ. In this FAQ here, you will find a lot of info which I put a lot of effort into getting and recording. You will find general information about Pokemon such as their number and type, and also things like what moves they learn and levels which they evolve. This FAQ also has some information for more advanced players such as Base Stats and what EVs are given out when the Pokemon is defeated in battle. This is assuming that you know all of it. If you don't know the meaning and terms, read: http://db.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbadvance/file/pokemon_rs_trainer.txt For movesets, read: http://db.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbadvance/file/pokemon_frlg_moves.txt and To make good use of this FAQ, you must understand the more complex Pokemon terms and know how to read English and properly spell Pokemon names. Also please be aware that this FAQ may not be perfect. I'm trying to make it as accurate as possible, but you can't blame me if something goes wrong with your breeding. DO NOT use this guide for Ruby/Sapphire versions. The levels are different and Pokemon may learn different moves. This is JUST for Fire Red and Leaf Green versions. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX {II. About the Pokedex} XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX In Pokemon FRLG, the Pokedex is much more different than the other versions, especially the original Red and Blue. There are many ways to sort your Pokemon. You first get the Pokedex when you give Oak his parcel at the beginning of the game. This shows only the RBY Pokemon, #1-151. To see the rest and enable to trade with the R/S versions, you must get the National Pokedex after beating the Elite 4. (See walkthrough for details) So, now about the Pokedex. When you first select the Pokedex, there will be one option at the top. This is the Kanto Pokedex, it will show you the Pokemon entries from 1-151. When you get the National Dex, there will be another option under the Kanto Pokedex. This is the National Dex. Under those options, there will be several categories. In order, these categories are: Field, Forest, Pond, Ocean, Cave, Mountain, Prairie, Town, and Rare Pokemon. Each Pokemon made is sorted into a category, where they might live if they were "real". Special is usually Pokemon you can catch only once. When you view these Pokemon, they will NOT be sorted by number. I'm not quite sure how they're sorted, but I do know that there are four Pokemon on a page. Below those categories are search devices. The first one is by alphabet. The second is by type, then weight, then height. When you view a Pokemon entry, there will be information about the Pokemon (This advanced generation are the only Pokemon games that actually say the Pokemon name, just as an interesting fact) that has nothing to do with the game, just interesting facts and information. There are two pages of these. You can see the height and weight of the Pokemon, and press Start to hear the cry of the Pokemon however many times that you want. Well, that's all about the Pokedex. Now, you'll probably want to get on to the juicy information, right? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX {III. Pokedex} XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX To find a certain Pokemon, press Ctrl F and type in the name of your Pokemon or its number. 001 - Bulbasaur Type: Grass/Poison Locations: Starter in Pallet Town Egg group: Monster/Plant Ability: Overgrow[Grass attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 49/Defense 49/Speed 45/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 65 Evolution: -> Ivysaur(Level 16) -> Venusaur(Level 32) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Swords Dance Level 04 - Growl Body Slam Level 07 - Leech Seed Double-Edge Level 10 - Vine Whip Mimic Level 15 - Poisonpowder Substitute Level 15 - Sleep Powder Level 20 - Razor Leaf Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 25 - Sweet Scent Swagger Level 32 - Growth Defense Curl Level 39 - Synthesis Endure Level 46 - Solarbeam Sleep Talk Snore Mud-Slap Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 06 - Rock Smash 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Charm Curse Grasswhistle Light Screen Magical Leaf Petal Dance Safeguard Skull Bash ============================================================================== 002 - Ivysaur Type: Grass/Poison Locations: Evolve from Bulbasaur Egg group: Monster/Plant Ability: Overgrow[Grass attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack, 1 Special Defense Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 62/Defense 63/Speed 60/Sp Att 80/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Bulbasaur(Level 16) -> Venusaur(Level 32) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Swords Dance Level -- - Growl Body Slam Level -- - Leech Seed Double-Edge Level -- - Vine Whip Mimic Level -- - Poisonpowder Substitute Level -- - Sleep Powder Level 22 - Razor Leaf Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 29 - Sweet Scent Swagger Level 38 - Growth Defense Curl Level 47 - Synthesis Endure Level 56 - Solarbeam Sleep Talk Snore Mud-Slap Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 06 - Rock Smash 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Charm Curse Grasswhistle Light Screen Magical Leaf Petal Dance Safeguard Skull Bash ============================================================================== 003 - Venusaur Type: Grass/Poison Locations: Evolve from Ivysaur Egg group: Monster/Plant Ability: Overgrow[Grass attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack, 1 Special Defense Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 82/Defense 83/Speed 80/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 100 Evolution: From Bulbasaur(Level 16) and Ivysaur(Level 32) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Frenzy Plant Level -- - Growl Body Slam Level -- - Leech Seed Double-Edge Level -- - Vine Whip Mimic Level -- - Poisonpowder Substitute Level -- - Sleep Powder Swords Dance Level -- - Razor Leaf Level -- - Sweet Scent Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 41 - Growth Swagger Level 53 - Synthesis Defense Curl Level 65 - Solarbeam Endure Sleep Talk Snore Mud-Slap Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 09 - Bullet Seed 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Charm Curse Grasswhistle Light Screen Magical Leaf Petal Dance Safeguard Skull Bash ============================================================================== 004 - Charmander Type: Fire Locations: Starter at Pallet Town Egg group: Monster/Dragon Ability: Blaze[Fire attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 39/Attack 52/Defense 43/Speed 65/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Charmeleon(Level 16) -> Charizard(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Body Slam Level -- - Growl Double-Edge Level 07 - Ember Mimic Level 13 - Metal Claw Substitute Level 19 - Smoke Screen Swords Dance Level 25 - Scary Face Mega Kick Level 31 - Flamethrower Counter Level 37 - Slash Rock Slide Level 43 - Dragon rage Seismic Toss Level 49 - Fire Spin Mega Punch Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Defense Curl Fire Punch Mud-Slap Sleep Talk Snore Dynamicpunch Fury Cutter Swagger Endure Swift (Learns Rage at Level 19 instead of Smokescreen in R/S. Metal Claw is in FR/LG only) TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 02 - Dragon Claw 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Ancientpower Beat Up Bite Dragon Dance Outrage Rock Slide Swords Dance ============================================================================== 005 - Charmeleon Type: Fire Locations: Evolve from Charmander Egg group: Monster/Dragon Ability: Blaze[Fire attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 1 Speed, 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 58/Attack 64/Defense 58/Speed 80/Sp Att 80/Sp Def 65 Evolution: From Charmander(Level 16) -> Charizard(Level 36) (Learns Rage at Level 20 instead of Smokescreen in R/S. Metal Claw is in FR/LG only) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Body Slam Level -- - Growl Double-Edge Level -- - Ember Mimic Level -- - Metal Claw Substitute Level 20 - Smoke Screen Swords Dance Level 27 - Scary Face Mega Kick Level 34 - Flamethrower Counter Level 41 - Slash Rock Slide Level 48 - Dragon rage Seismic Toss Level 55 - Fire Spin Mega Punch Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Defense Curl Fire Punch Mud-Slap Sleep Talk Snore Dynamicpunch Fury Cutter Swagger Endure Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 02 - Dragon Claw 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Ancientpower Beat Up Bite Dragon Dance Outrage Rock Slide Swords Dance ============================================================================== 006 - Charizard Type: Fire/Flying Locations: Evolve from Charmeleon Egg group: Monster/Dragon Ability: Blaze[Fire attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 3 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 78/Attack 84/Defense 78/Speed 100/Sp Att 109/Sp Def 85 Evolution: From Charmeleon(Level 16) and Charizard(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Heat Wave Seismic Toss Level -- - Scratch Body Slam Level -- - Growl Double-Edge Level -- - Ember Mimic Level -- - Metal Claw Substitute Level -- - Smoke Screen Swords Dance Level -- - Scary Face Mega Kick Level -- - Flamethrower Counter Level 36 - Wing Attack Rock Slide Level 44 - Slash Blast Burn Level 54 - Dragon Rage Mega Punch Level 64 - Fire Spin Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Defense Curl Fire Punch Mud-Slap Sleep Talk Snore Dynamicpunch Fury Cutter Swagger Endure Swift (Metal Claw, and Heat Wave is in FRLG only. Rage can be learned through R/S.) TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 02 - Dragon Claw 02 - Fly 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 47 - Steel Wing 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Ancientpower Beat Up Bite Dragon Dance Outrage Rock Slide Swords Dance ============================================================================== 007 - Squirtle Type: Water Locations: Starter at Pallet Town Egg group: Monster/Water 1 Ability: Torrent[Water attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 44/Attack 48/Defense 65/Speed 43/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 64 Evolution: -> Wartortle(Level 16) -> Blastoise(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Seismic Toss Level 04 - Tail Whip Body Slam Level 07 - Bubble Double-Edge Level 10 - Withdraw Mimic Level 13 - Water Gun Substitute Level 18 - Bite Counter Level 23 - Rapid Spin Mega Punch Level 28 - Protect Mega Kick Level 33 - Rain Dance Level 40 - Skull Bash Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 47 - Hydro Pump Ice Punch Icy Wind Defense Curl Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Rollout Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 13 - Ice Beam 08 - Dive 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Flail Foresight Haze Mist Mirror Coat Mud Sport Refresh Yawn ============================================================================== 008 - Wartortle Type: Water Locations: Evolve from Squirtle Egg group: Monster/Water 1 Ability: Torrent[Water attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Defense, 1 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 59/Attack 63/Defense 80/Speed 58/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Squirtle(Level 16) -> Blastoise(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Seismic Toss Level -- - Tail Whip Body Slam Level -- - Bubble Double-Edge Level -- - Withdraw Mimic Level -- - Water Gun Substitute Level 19 - Bite Counter Level 25 - Rapid Spin Mega Punch Level 31 - Protect Mega Kick Level 37 - Rain Dance Level 45 - Skull Bash Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 53 - Hydro Pump Ice Punch Icy Wind Defense Curl Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Rollout Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 13 - Ice Beam 08 - Dive 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Flail Foresight Haze Mirror Coat Mist Mud Sport Refresh Yawn ============================================================================== 009 - Blastoise Type: Water Locations: Evolve from Wartortle Egg group: Monster/Water 1 Ability: Torrent[Water attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 3 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 79/Attack 83/Defense 100/Speed 78/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 100 Evolution: From Squirtle(Level 16) -> Blastoise(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Seismic Toss Level -- - Tail Whip Body Slam Level -- - Bubble Double-Edge Level -- - Withdraw Mimic Level -- - Water Gun Substitute Level -- - Bite Counter Level -- - Rapid Spin Mega Punch Level -- - Protect Mega Kick Level 42 - Rain Dance Hydro Cannon Level 55 - Skull Bash Level 68 - Hydro Pump Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Ice Punch Icy Wind Defense Curl Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Rollout Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 05 - Roar 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Flail Foresight Haze Mirror Coat Mist Mud Sport Refresh Yawn ============================================================================== 010 - Caterpie Type: Bug Locations: Viridian Forest, Route 25, Island 6 Forest Egg group: Bug Ability: Shield Dust[Prevents added effects] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 HP 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 30/Defense 35/Speed 45/Sp Att 20/Sp Def 20 Evolution: -> Metapod(Level 7) -> Butterfree(Level 10) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Nothing Level -- - String Shot TMs: HMs: Nothing Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 011 - Metapod Type: Bug Locations: Viridian Forest, Route 25, Island 6 Forest Egg group: Bug Ability: Shed Skin[Small chance of healing condition per turn] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 20/Defense 55/Speed 30/Sp Att 25/Sp Def 25 Evolution: From Caterpie(Level 7) -> Butterfree(Level 10) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level 07 - Harden Nothing TMs: HMs: Nothing Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 012 - Butterfree Type: Bug/Flying Locations: Evolve Metapod Egg group: Bug/Flying Ability: Compoundeyes[30% higher accuracy] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack, 1 Special Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 45/Defense 50/Speed 70/Sp Att 80/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Caterpie(Level 7) and Metapod(Level 10) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level 10 - Confusion Double-Edge Level 13 - Poisonpowder Mimic Level 14 - Stun Spore Substitute Level 15 - Sleep Powder Dream Eater Level 18 - Supersonic Level 23 - Whirlwind Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 28 - Gust Sleep Talk Level 34 - Psybeam Snore Level 40 - Safeguard Swift Level 47 - Silver Wind Swagger Endure TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 013 - Weedle Type: Bug/Poison Locations: Viridian Forest, Route 25, Island 6 Forest Egg group: Bug Ability: Shield Dust[Prevents added effects] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 35/Defense 30/Speed 50/Sp Att 20/Sp Def 20 Evolution: -> Kakuna(Level 7) -> Beedrill(Level 10) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Poison Sting Nothing Level -- - String Shot TMs: HMs: Nothing Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 014 - Kakuna Type: Bug/Poison Locations: Viridian Forest, Route 25, Island 6 Forest Egg group: Bug Ability: Shed Skin[Small chance per turn of healing condition] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 25/Defense 50/Speed 35/Sp Att 25/Sp Def 25 Evolution: From Weedle(Level 7) -> Beedrill(Level 10) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level 07 - Harden Nothing TMs: HMs: Nothing Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 015 - Beedrill Type: Bug/Poison Locations: Evolve Kakuna Egg group: Bug Ability: Swarm[Bug attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Attack, 1 Special Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 80/Defense 40/Speed 75/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Weedle(Level 7) and Kakuna(Level 10) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level 10 - Fury Attack Double-Edge Level 15 - Focus Energy Mimic Level 20 - Twineedle Substitute Level 25 - Rage Swords Dance Level 30 - Pursuit Level 35 - Pin Missile Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 40 - Agility Endure Level 45 - Endeavor Snore Sleep Talker Swift Fury Cutter Swagger TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 016 - Pidgey Type: Normal/Flying Locations: Route 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, Viridian Forest, Island 3, Island 5 Egg group: Flying Ability: Keen Eye[Accuracy can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 45/Defense 40/Speed 56/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 35 Evolution: -> Pidgeotto(Level 18) and Pidgeot(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level 05 - Sand-Attack Mimic Level 09 - Gust Substitute Level 13 - Quick Attack Level 19 - Whirlwind Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 25 - Wing Attack Mud-Slap Level 31 - Featherdance Endure Level 39 - Agility Sleep Talk Level 47 - Mirror Move Snore Swagger Swift TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 02 - Fly 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Air Cutter Faint Attack Foresight Pursuit Steel Wing ============================================================================== 017 - Pidgeotto Type: Normal/Flying Locations: Routes 13, 14, 15, Islands 3 and 5 Egg group: Flying Ability: Keen Eye[Accuracy can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 63/Attack 60/Defense 65/Speed 71/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 50 Evolution: From Pidgey(Level 18) and Pidgeot(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Sand-Attack Mimic Level -- - Gust Substitute Level -- - Quick Attack Level 20 - Whirlwind Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 27 - Wing Attack Mud-Slap Level 34 - Featherdance Endure Level 43 - Agility Sleep Talk Level 52 - Mirror Move Snore Swagger Swift TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 02 - Fly 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Air Cutter Faint Attack Foresight Pursuit Steel Wing ============================================================================== 018 - Pidgeot Type: Normal/Flying Locations: Evolve Pidgeotto Egg group: Flying Ability: Keen Eye[Accuracy can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 3 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 83/Attack 80/Defense 75/Speed 91/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Pidgey(Level 18) and Pidgeotto(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Sand-Attack Mimic Level -- - Gust Substitute Level -- - Quick Attack Level -- - Whirlwind Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Wing Attack Mud-Slap Level -- - Featherdance Endure Level 48 - Agility Sleep Talk Level 62 - Mirror Move Snore Swagger Swift TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 02 - Fly 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Air Cutter Faint Attack Foresight Pursuit Steel Wing ============================================================================== 019 - Rattata Type: Normal Locations: Routes 1, 2, 4, 9, 17, 18, 22, Pokemon Mansion Egg group: Ground Ability: Guts[Attack is doubled when inflicted with condition] Run Away[Always able to flee from wild Pokemon battle] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 30/Attack 56/Defense 35/Speed 72/Sp Att 25/Sp Def 35 Evolution: -> Raticate(Level 20) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Body Slam Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level 07 - Quick Attack Substitute Level 13 - Hyper Fang Thunder Wave Level 20 - Focus Energy Counter Level 27 - Pursuit Level 34 - Super Fang Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 41 - Endeavor Defense Curl Mud-Slap Endure Sleep Talk Snore Icy Wind Swift Swagger TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Bite Counter Flame Wheel(...) Fury Swipes Reversal Screech Swagger Uproar ============================================================================== 020 - Raticate Type: Normal Locations: Routes 17, 18, Pokemon Mansion Egg group: Ground Ability: Guts[Attack is doubled when inflicted with condition] Run Away[Always able to flee from wild Pokemon battle] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 81/Defense 60/Speed 97/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Rattata(Level 20) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Body Slam Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level -- - Quick Attack Substitute Level -- - Hyper Fang Thunder Wave Level 20 - Scary Face Counter Level 30 - Pursuit Level 40 - Super Fang Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 50 - Endeavor Defense Curl Mud-Slap Endure Sleep Talk Snore Icy Wind Swift Swagger TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Bite Counter Flame Wheel(...) Fury Swipes Reversal Screech Swagger Uproar ============================================================================== 021 - Spearow Type: Normal/Flying Locations: Routes 17, 18, 23, Islands 1, 2, 6, and 7 Egg group: Flying Ability: Keen Eye[Accuracy can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 2 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 60/Defense 30/Speed 70/Sp Att 31/Sp Def 31 Evolution: From Spearow(Level 20) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Peck Substitute Level -- - Growl Mimic Level 07 - Leer Level 13 - Fury Attack Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 19 - Pursuit Endure Level 25 - Aerial Ace Sleep Talk Level 31 - Mirror Move Snore Level 37 - Drill Peck Swagger Level 43 - Agility Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 02 - Fly 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Astonish Fain Attack False Swipe Quick Attack Scary Face Sky Attack Tri Attack ============================================================================== 022 - Fearow Type: Normal/Flying Locations: Routes 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, Islands 1, 2, 6, and 7 Egg group: Flying Ability: Keen Eye[Accuracy can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 1 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 90/Defense 65/Speed 100/Sp Att 61/Sp Def 61 Evolution: -> Fearow(Level 20) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Peck Substitute Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Leer Double-Edge Level -- - Fury Attack Level 26 - Pursuit Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 32 - Mirror Move Endure Level 40 - Drill Peck Mud-Slap Level 47 - Agility Swift Swagger Snore Sleep Talk TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 02 - Fly 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Astonish Fain Attack False Swipe Quick Attack Scary Face Sky Attack Tri Attack ============================================================================== 023 - Ekans Type: Poison Locations: Routes 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 22, and 23(Fire Red Only) Egg group: Ground/Dragon Ability: Intimidate[Foe's Attack is lowered when this Pokemon is sent out] Shed Skin[Has a chance of curing condition per turn] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 60/Defense 44/Speed 55/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 54 Evolution: -> Arbok(Level 22) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Wrap Substitute Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 08 - Poison Sting Body Slam Level 13 - Bite Double-Edge Level 20 - Glare Rock Slide Level 25 - Screech Level 32 - Acid Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 37 - Stockpile Endure Level 37 - Swallow Snore Level 37 - Spit Up Swagger Level 44 - Haze Sleep Talk TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Beat Up Poison Fang Pursuit Slam Spite ============================================================================== 024 - Arbok Type: Poison Locations: Routes 22, 23, and Victory Road(Fire Red Only) Egg group: Ground/Dragon Ability: Intimidate[Foe's Attack is lowered when this Pokemon is sent out] Shed Skin[Has a chance of curing condition per turn] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 85/Defense 69/Speed 80/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 79 Evolution: From Ekans(Level 22) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Wrap Substitute Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Poison Sting Body Slam Level -- - Bite Double-Edge Level -- - Glare Rock Slide Level 28 - Screech Level 38 - Acid Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 46 - Stockpile Endure Level 46 - Swallow Snore Level 46 - Spit Up Sleep Talk Level 56 - Haze Swagger TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Beat Up Poison Fang Pursuit Slam Spite ============================================================================== 025 - Pikachu Type: Electric Locations: Viridian Forest and Power Plant Egg group: Ground/Fairy Ability: Static[30% chance of paralysis on contact] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Speed 2560 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 35/Attack 55/Defense 30/Speed 90/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 40 Evolution: From Pichu(Happiness) -> Raichu(Thunderstone) Holds Oran Berry(Common) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Thundershock Substitute Level -- - Growl Mimic Level 06 - Tail Whip Body Slam Level 08 - Thunder Wave Double-Edge Level 11 - Quick Attack Mega Punch Level 15 - Double Team Mega Kick Level 20 - Slam Metronome Level 26 - Thunderbolt Counter Level 33 - Agility Seismic Toss Level 41 - Thunder Thunder Wave Level 50 - Light Screen **Also learns Volt Tackle through breeding, with the female holding a Light Ball. Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Defense Curl Dynamic Punch Endure Sleep Talk Rollout Snore Swagger Thunderpunch Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf(From Pokemon Box Only) 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 16 - Light Screen 06 - Rock Smash 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Reversal Bide Encore Doubleslap Charge ============================================================================== 026 - Raichu Type: Electric Locations: Evolve Pikachu Egg group: Ground/Fairy Ability: Static[30% chance of paralysis on contact] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 3 Speed 2560 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 90/Defense 55/Speed 100/Sp Att 90/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Pichu(Happiness) and Pikachu(Thunderstone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Thundershock Substitute Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Tail Whip Body Slam Level -- - Thunder Wave Double-Edge Mega Punch Mega Kick Metronome Counter Seismic Toss Thunder Wave **Also learns Volt Tackle through breeding, with the female holding a Light Ball. Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Defense Curl Dynamic Punch Endure Sleep Talk Rollout Snore Swagger Thunderpunch Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Reversal Bide Encore Doubleslap Charge ============================================================================== 027 - Sandshrew Type: Ground Locations: Routes 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 23.(Leaf Green Only) Egg group: Ground Ability: Sand Veil[Evasion rises in a sandstorm] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 75/Defense 85/Speed 40/Sp Att 20/Sp Def 30 Evolution: -> Sandslash(Level 22) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level 06 - Defense Curl Mimic Level 11 - Sand-Attack Body Slam Level 17 - Poison Sting Double-Edge Level 23 - Slash Swords Dance Level 30 - Swift Rock Slide Level 37 - Fury Swipes Seismic Toss Level 45 - Sand Tomb Counter Level 53 - Sandstorm Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Defense Curl Dynamic Punch Endure Sleep Talk Rollout Snore Swagger Fury Cutter Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Flail Safeguard Counter Rapid Spin Rock Slide Swords Dance Crush Claw ============================================================================== 028 - Sandslash Type: Ground Locations: Route 23 and Victory Road(Leaf Green Only) Egg group: Ground Ability: Sand Veil[Evasion rises in a sandstorm] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 2 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 75/Attack 100/Defense 110/Speed 65/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 55 Evolution: From Sandshrew(Level 22) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Defense Curl Mimic Level -- - Sand-Attack Body Slam Level 17 - Poison Sting Double-Edge Level 24 - Slash Swords Dance Level 33 - Swift Rock Slide Level 42 - Fury Swipes Seismic Toss Level 52 - Sand Tomb Counter Level 62 - Sandstorm Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Defense Curl Dynamic Punch Endure Sleep Talk Rollout Snore Swagger Fury Cutter Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Flail Safeguard Counter Rapid Spin Rock Slide Swords Dance Crush Claw ============================================================================== 029 - Nidoran Female Type: Poison Locations: Route 3 and Safari Zone. Egg group: Ground/Monster Ability: Poison Point[30% chance of Poisoning foe on contact] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 100% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 47/Defense 52/Speed 41/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 40 Evolution: -> Nidorina(Level 16) -> Nidoqueen(Moonstone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Growl Substitute Level -- - Scratch Mimic Level 08 - Tail Whip Body Slam Level 12 - Double Kick Double-Edge Level 17 - Poison Sting Counter Level 20 - Bite Level 23 - Helping Hand Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 30 - Fury Swipes Endure Level 38 - Flatter Defense Curl Level 47 - Crunch Swagger Mud-Slap Snore Sleep Talk TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 36 - Sludge Bomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Beat Up Charm Counter Disable Focus Energy Supersonic Take Down ============================================================================== 030 - Nidorina Type: Poison Locations: Safari Zone. Egg group: None Ability: Poison Point[30% chance of Poisoning foe on contact] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 100% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 62/Defense 67/Speed 56/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 55 Evolution: From Nidoran Female(Level 16) -> Nidoqueen(Moonstone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Growl Substitute Level -- - Scratch Mimic Level -- - Tail Whip Body Slam Level -- - Double Kick Double-Edge Level 18 - Poison Sting Counter Level 22 - Bite Level 26 - Helping Hand Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 34 - Fury Swipes Endure Level 43 - Flatter Defense Curl Level 53 - Crunch Swagger Mud-Slap Snore Sleep Talk TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 36 - Sludge Bomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Beat Up Charm Counter Disable Focus Energy Supersonic Take Down ============================================================================== 031 - Nidoqueen Type: Poison/Ground Locations: Evolve Nidorina Egg group: None Ability: Poison Point[30% chance of Poisoning foe on contact] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 100% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 3 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 82/Defense 87/Speed 76/Sp Att 75/Sp Def 75 Evolution: From Nidoran Female(Level 16) and Nidorina(Moonstone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Mimic Level -- - Tail Whip Body Slam Level -- - Double Kick Double-Edge Level -- - Poison Sting Counter Level 22 - Body Slam Substitute Level 43 - Superpower Mega Kick Seismic Toss Rock Slide Mega Punch Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Endure Defense Curl Swagger Mud-Slap Snore Sleep Talk Icy Wind Ice Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Dynamic Punch (Learns Superpower in FRLG only) TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Sludge Bomb 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Beat Up Charm Counter Disable Focus Energy Supersonic Take Down ============================================================================== 032 - Nidoran Male Type: Poison Locations: Route 3, Safari Zone Egg group: Ground/Monster Ability: Poison Point[30% chance of Poisoning foe on contact] Gender Ratio: 100% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 46/Attack 57/Defense 40/Speed 50/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 40 Evolution: -> Nidorino(Level 16) -> Nidoking(Moonstone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Peck Body Slam Level 08 - Focus Energy Double-Edge Level 12 - Double Kick Counter Level 17 - Poison Sting Substitute Level 20 - Horn Attack Level 23 - Helping Hand Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 30 - Fury Attack Defense Curl Level 38 - Flatter Sleep Talk Level 47 - Horn Drill Endure Swagger Snore Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Beat Up Charm Counter Disable Focus Energy Supersonic Take Down ============================================================================== 033 - Nidorino Type: Poison Locations: Safari Zone Egg group: Ground/Monster Ability: Poison Point[30% chance of Poisoning foe on contact] Gender Ratio: 100% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 61/Attack 72/Defense 57/Speed 65/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 55 Evolution: From Nidoran(Level 16) -> Nidoking(Moonstone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Peck Body Slam Level -- - Focus Energy Double-Edge Level -- - Double Kick Counter Level 18 - Poison Sting Substitute Level 22 - Horn Attack Level 26 - Helping Hand Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 34 - Fury Attack Defense Curl Level 43 - Flatter Sleep Talk Level 53 - Horn Drill Endure Swagger Snore Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Beat Up Charm Counter Disable Focus Energy Supersonic Take Down ============================================================================== 034 - Nidoking Type: Poison/Ground Locations: Evolve Nidorino Egg group: Ground/Monster Ability: Poison Point[30% chance of Poisoning foe on contact] Gender Ratio: 100% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 3 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 81/Attack 92/Defense 77/Speed 85/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 75 Evolution: From Nidoran(Level 16) and Nidorino(Moonstone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Peck Body Slam Level -- - Focus Energy Double-Edge Level -- - Double Kick Counter Level -- - Poison Sting Substitute Level 22 - Thrash Mimic Level 43 - Megahorn Mega Punch Mega Kick Seismic Toss Rock Slide Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Endure Defense Curl Swagger Mud-Slap Snore Sleep Talk Icy Wind Ice Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Dynamic Punch (Learns Megahorn in FRLG only) TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Sludge Bomb 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Beat Up Charm Counter Disable Focus Energy Supersonic Take Down ============================================================================== 035 - Clefairy Type: Normal Locations: Mount Moon Egg group: Fairy Ability: Cute Charm[30% chance of Attracting foe on contact] Gender Ratio: 25% Male, 75% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 2 HP 2560 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 45/Defense 48/Speed 35/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 65 Evolution: From Cleffa(Happiness) -> Clefable(Moonstone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Pound Body Slam Level -- - Growl Double-Edge Level 05 - Encore Mega Punch Level 09 - Sing Mega Kick Level 13 - Doubleslap Dream Eater Level 17 - Follow Me Mimic Level 21 - Minimize Metronome Level 25 - Defense Curl Substitute Level 29 - Metronome Seismic Toss Level 33 - Cosmic Power Thunder Wave Level 37 - Moonlight Counter Level 41 - Light Screen Level 45 - Meteor Mash Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Defense Curl Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Fire Punch Rollout Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Amnesia Belly Drum Wish Present Splash Substitute Metronome Mimic ============================================================================== 036 - Clefable Type: Normal Locations: Evolve Clefairy Egg group: Fairy Ability: Cute Charm[30% chance of Attracting foe on contact] Gender Ratio: 25% Male, 75% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 3 HP 2560 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 95/Attack 70/Defense 73/Speed 60/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 90 Evolution: From Cleffa(Happiness) and Clefairy(Moonstone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Sing Mega Kick Level -- - Minimize Metronome Level -- - Metronome Seismic Toss Level -- - Doubleslap Substitute Thunder Wave Counter Dream Eater Body Slam Double-Edge Mega Punch Mimic Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Defense Curl Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Fire Punch Rollout Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Amnesia Belly Drum Wish Present Splash Substitute Metronome Mimic ============================================================================== 037 - Vulpix Type: Fire Locations: Routes 7 and 8, Pokemon Mansion(Leaf Green only) Egg group: Ground Ability: Flash Fire[Fire Attacks used on this Pokemon strengthen it] Gender Ratio: 25% Male, 75% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 38/Attack 41/Defense 40/Speed 65/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 65 Evolution: -> Ninetales(Fire Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Ember Body Slam Level 05 - Tail Whip Mimic Level 09 - Roar Substitute Level 13 - Quick Attack Level 17 - Will-o-wisp Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 21 - Confuse Ray Endure Level 25 - Imprison Swift Level 29 - Flamethrower Sleep Talk Level 33 - Safeguard Swagger Level 37 - Grudge Snore Level 41 - Fire Spin TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Faint Attack Hypnosis Flail Disable Howl Psych Up Heat Wave ============================================================================== 038 - Ninetales Type: Fire Locations: Evolve Vulpix Egg group: Ground Ability: Flash Fire[Fire Attacks used on this Pokemon strengthen it] Gender Ratio: 25% Male, 75% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Speed, 1 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 73/Attack 76/Defense 75/Speed 100/Sp Att 81/Sp Def 100 Evolution: From Vulpix(Fire Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Ember Body Slam Level -- - Quick Attack Mimic Level -- - Confuse Ray Substitute Level -- - Safeguard Level 45 - Fire Spin Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Endure Swift Sleep Talk Swagger Snore TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Faint Attack Hypnosis Flail Disable Howl Psych Up Heat Wave ============================================================================== 039 - Jigglypuff Type: Normal Locations: Route 3 Egg group: Fairy Ability: Cute Charm[30% chance of Attracting foe on contact] Gender Ratio: 25% Male, 75% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 HP 2560 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 115/Attack 45/Defense 20/Speed 20/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 25 Evolution: From Igglybuff(Happiness) -> Wigglytuff(Moonstone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Sing Body Slam Level 04 - Defense Curl Mimic Level 09 - Pound Substitute Level 14 - Disable Double-Edge Level 19 - Rollout Mega Punch Level 24 - Doubleslap Mega Kick Level 29 - rest Thunder Wave Level 34 - Body Slam Dream Eater Level 39 - Mimic Seismic Toss Level 44 - Hyper Voice Counter Level 49 - Double-Edge Metronome Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Fire Punch Defense Curl Endure Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Psych Up Rollout Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Faint Attack Fake Tears Perish Song Present Wish ============================================================================== 040 - Wigglytuff Type: Normal Locations: Evolve Jigglypuff Egg group: Fairy Ability: Cute Charm[30% chance of Attracting foe on contact] Gender Ratio: 25% Male, 75% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 3 HP 2560 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 140/Attack 70/Defense 45/Speed 45/Sp Att 75/Sp Def 50 Evolution: From Igglybuff(Happiness) and Jigglypuff(Moonstone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Sing Body Slam Level -- - Defense Curl Mimic Level -- - Disable Double-Edge Level -- - Doubleslap Mega Kick Thunder Wave Dream Eater Seismic Toss Counter Metronome Substitute Mega Punch Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Fire Punch Defense Curl Endure Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Psych Up Rollout Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Faint Attack Fake Tears Perish Sond Present Wish ============================================================================== 041 - Zubat Type: Poison/Flying Locations: ...Too many places to count. Mount Moon, Rock Tunnel, Transformation Cave, Ice Caverns, just to name a few. Egg group: Flying Ability: Inner Focus[This Pokemon can't be flinched] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 1 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 45/Defense 35/Speed 55/Sp Att 30/Sp Def 40 Evolution: -> Golbat(Level 22) -> Crobat(Happiness) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leech Life Substitute Level 06 - Supersonic Mimic Level 11 - Astonish Double-Edge Level 16 - Bite Level 21 - Wing Attack Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 26 - Confuse Ray Swagger Level 31 - Air Cutter Swift Level 36 - Mean Look Snore Level 41 - Poison Fang Sleep Talk Level 46 - Haze Endure TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Faint Attack Quick Attack Pursuit Gust Curse Whirlwind ============================================================================== 042 - Golbat Type: Poison/Flying Locations: Mount Moon, Rock Tunnel, Island 5 Cave, Victory Road, Unknown Dungeon, Seafoam Islands. Egg group: Flying Ability: Inner Focus[This Pokemon can't be flinched] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 2 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 75/Attack 80/Defense 70/Speed 90/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 75 Evolution: From Zubat(Level 22) -> Crobat(Happiness) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leech Life Substitute Level -- - Supersonic Mimic Level -- - Astonish Double-Edge Level -- - Bite Level -- - Haze Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Wing Attack Swagger Level 28 - Confuse Ray Swift Level 35 - Air Cutter Snore Level 42 - Mean Look Sleep Talk Level 49 - Poison Fang Endure Level 56 - Haze TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Faint Attack Quick Attack Pursuit Gust Curse Whirlwind ============================================================================== 043 - Oddish Type: Poison/Grass Locations: Routes 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, and 25. Islands 2, 3, and 6 (Fire Red Only) Egg group: Plant Ability: Chlorophyll[Speed doubles in the sun] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 50/Defense 55/Speed 30/Sp Att 75/Sp Def 65 Evolution: -> Gloom(Level 21) -> Vileplume(Leaf Stone) OR Bellossom(Sun Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Absorb Substitute Level 07 - Sweet Scent Mimic Level 14 - Poisonpowder Double-Edge Level 16 - Stun Spore Swords Dance Level 18 - Sleep Powder Level 23 - Acid Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 32 - Moonlight Endure Level 39 - Petal Dance Sleep Talk Snore Swagger TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Razor Leaf Flail Synthesis Charm Ingrain ============================================================================== 044 - Gloom Type: Poison/Grass Locations: Routes 12, 13, 14, 15, Islands 2 and 3(Fire Red Only) Egg group: Plant Ability: Chlorophyll[Speed doubles in the sun] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 65/Defense 70/Speed 40/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 75 Evolution: From Oddish(Level 21) -> Vileplume(Leaf Stone) OR Bellossom(Sun Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Absorb Substitute Level -- - Sweet Scent Mimic Level -- - Poisonpowder Double-Edge Level -- - Stun Spore Swords Dance Level -- - Sleep Powder Level 24 - Acid Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 35 - Moonlight Endure Level 44 - Petal Dance Sleep Talk Snore Swagger TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Razor Leaf Flail Synthesis Charm Ingrain ============================================================================== 045 - Vileplume Type: Poison/Grass Locations: Evolve Gloom Egg group: Plant Ability: Chlorophyll[Speed doubles in the sun] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 3 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 75/Attack 80/Defense 85/Speed 50/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 90 Evolution: From Oddish(Level 21) and Gloom(Leaf Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Absorb Substitute Level -- - Aromatherapy Mimic Level -- - Mega Drain Double-Edge Level -- - Stun Spore Swords Dance Level 44 - Petal Dance Body Slam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Endure Sleep Talk Snore Swagger TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Razor Leaf Flail Synthesis Charm Ingrain ============================================================================== 046 - Paras Type: Bug/Grass Locations: Mount Moon, Safari Zone Egg group: Bug/Plant Ability: Effect Spore[30% chance of poisoning, paralyzing, or sleep on foe on contact] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 35/Attack 70/Defense 55/Speed 25/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 55 Evolution: -> Parasect(Level 24) Holds Small Mushroom(Common) and Large Mushroom(Rare) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level 07 - Stun Spore Mimic Level 13 - Poisonpowder Double-Edge Level 19 - Leech Life Swords Dance Level 25 - Spore Body Slam Level 31 - Slash Counter Level 37 - Growth Level 43 - Giga Drain Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 49 - Aromatherapy Endure Sleep Talk Fury Cutter Snore Swagger TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: False Swipe Sweet Scent Psybeam Counter Screech Light Screen Flail Pursuit ============================================================================== 047 - Parasect Type: Bug/Grass Locations: Safari Zone, Unknown Dungeon Egg group: Bug/Plant Ability: Effect Spore[30% chance of poisoning, paralysing, or sleep on foe on contact] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Attack, 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 95/Defense 80/Speed 30/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Paras(Level 24) Holds Small Mushroom(Common) and Large Mushroom(Rare) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Stun Spore Mimic Level -- - Poisonpowder Double-Edge Level -- - Leech Life Swords Dance Level 27 - Spore Body Slam Level 35 - Slash Counter Level 43 - Growth Level 51 - Giga Drain Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 59 - Aromatherapy Endure Sleep Talk Fury Cutter Snore Swagger TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: False Swipe Sweet Scent Psybeam Counter Screech Light Screen Flail Pursuit ============================================================================== 048 - Venonat Type: Bug/Poison Locations: Route 12, 13, 14, 15, Safari Zone, and Island 3 Forest Egg group: Bug Ability: Compoundeyes[Accuracy is raised by 30%] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 55/Defense 50/Speed 45/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 55 Evolution: -> Venomoth(Level 31) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Disable Mimic Level -- - Foresight Double-Edge Level 09 - Supersonic Level 17 - Confusion Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 20 - Poisonpowder Swift Level 25 - Leech Life Swagger Level 28 - Stun Spore Sleep Talk Level 33 - Psybeam Snore Level 36 - Sleep Powder Endure Level 41 - Psychic TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap Egg Moves: Giga Drain Baton Pass Signal Beam Screech ============================================================================== 049 - Venomoth Type: Bug/Poison Locations: Safari Zone and Island 3 Forest Egg group: Bug Ability: Shield Dust[Prevents added effects] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Speed, 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 65/Defense 60/Speed 90/Sp Att 90/Sp Def 75 Evolution: From Venonat(Level 31) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Disable Mimic Level -- - Foresight Double-Edge Level -- - Supersonic Level -- - Confusion Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Poisonpowder Swift Level -- - Leech Life Swagger Level -- - Stun Spore Sleep Talk Level 31 - Gust Snore Level 36 - Psybeam Endure Level 42 - Sleep Powder Level 52 - Psychic TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap Egg Moves: Giga Drain Baton Pass Signal Beam Screech ============================================================================== 050 - Diglett Type: Ground Locations: Diglett's Cave Egg group: Ground Ability: Arena Trap[Opponent can't escape unless it is immune to Ground] Sand Veil[Evasion increases in a sandstorm] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 10/Attack 55/Defense 25/Speed 95/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 45 Evolution: -> Dugtrio(Level 26) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Sand-Attack Mimic Level 05 - Growl Double-Edge Level 09 - Magnitude Body Slam Level 17 - Dig Rock Slide Level 21 - Fury Swipes Level 25 - Mud Slap Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 33 - Slash Endure Level 41 - Earthquake Sleep Talk Level 49 - Fissure Snore Swagger Mud-Slap (Learns Fury Swipes in FR/LG only) TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Ancientpower Uproar Faint Attack Beat Up Pursuit Screech Rock Slide ============================================================================== 051 - Dugtrio Type: Ground Locations: Diglett's Cave Egg group: Ground Ability: Arena Trap[Opponent can't escape unless it is immune to Ground] Sand Veil[Evasion increases in a sandstorm] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 2 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 35/Attack 80/Defense 50/Speed 120/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Diglett(Level 26) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tri Attack Rock Slide Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Sand-Attack Mimic Level -- - Growl Double-Edge Level -- - Magnitude Body Slam Level -- - Dig Level -- - Fury Swipes Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Mud Slap Mud-Slap Level 26 - Sand Tomb Endure Level 38 - Slash Sleep Talk Level 51 - Earthquake Snore Level 64 - Fissure Swagger (Learns Fury Swipes in FRLG only) TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Ancientpower Uproar Faint Attack Beat Up Pursuit Screech Rock Slide ============================================================================== 052 - Meowth Type: Normal Locations: Routes 5, 6, 7, 8, Islands 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 Egg group: Ground Ability: Pickup[Picks up random items after battle] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 45/Defense 35/Speed 90/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 40 Evolution: -> Persian(Level 28) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Growl Double-Edge Level 10 - Bite Body Slam Level 18 - Pay Day Mimic Level 25 - Faint Attack Dream Eater Level 31 - Screech Level 36 - Fury Swipes Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 40 - Slash Defense Curl Level 43 - Fake Out Psych Up Level 45 - Swagger Endure Sleep Talk Snore Swift Icy Wind Mud-Slap (Learns Swagger in FR/LG only) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Amnesia Assist Charm Hypnosis Psych Up Spite ============================================================================== 053 - Persian Type: Normal Locations: Islands 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 Egg group: Ground Ability: Limber[Cannot be paralyzed] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 70/Defense 65/Speed 115/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Meowth(Level 28) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Growl Double-Edge Level -- - Bite Body Slam Level -- - Pay Day Mimic Level -- - Faint Attack Dream Eater Level 34 - Screech Level 42 - Fury Swipes Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 49 - Slash Defense Curl Level 55 - Fake Out Psych Up Level 61 - Swagger Endure Sleep Talk Snore Swift Icy Wind Mud-Slap (Learns Swagger in FR/LG only) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 05 - Roar 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Amnesia Assist Charm Hypnosis Psych Up Spite ============================================================================== 054 - Psyduck Type: Water Locations: A lot...Most common places: Viridian City and Unknown Dungeon (Surfing)(Fire Red Only) Egg group: Ground/Water 1 Ability: Damp[Neither can selfdestruct or explode] Cloud Nine[No weather effects] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 52/Defense 48/Speed 55/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Golduck(Level 33) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Water Sport Mega Punch Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level 05 - Tail Whip Double-Edge Level 10 - Disable Body Slam Level 16 - Confusion Mimic Level 23 - Screech Counter Level 31 - Psych Up Seismic Toss Level 40 - Fury Swipes Mega Kick Level 50 - Hydro Pump Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Icy Wind Ice Punch Endure Psych Up Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Foresight Refresh Psychic Hypnosis Light Screen Future Sight Psybeam ============================================================================== 055 - Golduck Type: Water Locations: Seafoam Islands, Unknown Dungeon, Islands 2 and 3(Fire Red Only) Egg group: Ground/Water 1 Ability: Damp[Neither can selfdestruct or explode] Cloud Nine[No weather effects] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 82/Defense 78/Speed 85/Sp Att 95/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Psyduck(Level 33) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Water Sport Mega Punch Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Tail Whip Double-Edge Level -- - Disable Body Slam Level -- - Confusion Mimic Level -- - Screech Counter Level -- - Psych Up Seismic Toss Level 44 - Fury Swipes Mega Kick Level 58 - Hydro Pump Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Icy Wind Ice Punch Endure Psych Up Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Swift Mud-Slap Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Foresight Refresh Psychic Hypnosis Light Screen Future Sight Psybeam ============================================================================== 056 - Mankey Type: Fighting Locations: Routes 3, 4, 22, 23, Rock Tunnel, and Victory Road. Egg group: Ground Ability: Vital Spirit[Cannot be asleep] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountains EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 80/Defense 35/Speed 70/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 45 Evolution: -> Primeape(Level 28) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Mega Punch Level -- - Leer Substitute Level 06 - Low Kick Double-Edge Level 11 - Karate Chop Body Slam Level 16 - Fury Swipes Mimic Level 21 - Focus Energy Counter Level 26 - Seismic Toss Seismic Toss Level 31 - Cross Chop Mega Kick Level 36 - Swagger Rock Slide Level 45 - Screech Level 51 - Thrash (Learns Swagger in FRLG only) Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Endure Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Swift Defense Curl Mud-Slap Psych Up TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Beat Up Meditate Reversal Foresight Rock Slide Smellingsalt Counter Reversal ============================================================================== 057 - Primeape Type: Fighting Locations: Route 23, Victory Road, and Unknown Dungeon Egg group: Ground Ability: Vital Spirit[Cannot be asleep] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountains EVs RFB: 2 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 105/Defense 60/Speed 95/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Mankey(Level 28) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Mega Punch Level -- - Leer Substitute Level -- - Low Kick Double-Edge Level -- - Karate Chop Body Slam Level -- - Fury Swipes Mimic Level -- - Focus Energy Counter Level -- - Rage Rock Slide Level 28 - Seismic Toss Seismic Toss Level 35 - Cross Chop Mega Kick Level 44 - Swagger Level 53 - Screech Level 62 - Thrash (Learns Swagger in FRLG only) Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Endure Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Swift Defense Curl Mud-Slap Psych Up TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Beat Up Meditate Reversal Foresight Rock Slide Smellingsalt Counter Reversal ============================================================================== 058 - Growlithe Type: Fire Locations: Routes 7, 8, and Pokemon Mansion(Fire Red Only) Egg group: Ground Ability: Flash Fire[Becomes stronger when Fire attack is used on this Pokemon] Intimidate[Foe's attacks lowers when this Pokemon is sent out] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 70/Defense 45/Speed 60/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Arcanine(Fire Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bite Mimic Level -- - Roar Substitute Level 07 - Ember Double-Edge Level 13 - Leer Body Slam Level 19 - Odor Sleuth Level 25 - Take Down Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 31 - Flame Wheel Swift Level 37 - Helping Hand Sleep Talk Level 43 - Agility Snore Level 49 - Flamethrower Swagger Endure TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Crunch Heat Wave Body Slam Howl Thrash Safeguard Fire Spin ============================================================================== 059 - Arcanine Type: Fire Locations: Evolve Growlithe Egg group: Ground Ability: Flash Fire[Becomes stronger when Fire attack is used on this Pokemon] Intimidate[Foe's attacks lowers when this Pokemon is sent out] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 110/Defense 80/Speed 95/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Growlithe(Fire Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bite Mimic Level -- - Roar Substitute Level -- - Ember Double-Edge Level -- - Odor Sleuth Body Slam Level 49 - Extremespeed Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Swift Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Crunch Heat Wave Body Slam Howl Thrash Safeguard Fire Spin ============================================================================== 060 - Poliwag Type: Water Locations: A lot. Most common places: Island 6 South(Good Rod), Viridian City (Good Rod) Egg group: Water 1 Ability: Water Absorb[Absorbs Water attacks, 1/4 damage converted to HP] Damp[Neither can selfdestruct or explode] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 50/Defense 40/Speed 90/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 40 Evolution: -> Poliwhirl(Level 25) -> Poliwrath(Water Stone) OR Politoed(King's Rock) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bubble Mimic Level 07 - Hypnosis Substitute Level 13 - Water Gun Double-Edge Level 19 - Doubleslap Body Slam Level 25 - Rain Dance Level 31 - Body Slam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 37 - Belly Drum Defense Curl Level 43 - Hydro Pump Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Icy Wind Endure TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Haze Mist Water Sport Ice Ball Mind Reader Splash Bubblebeam ============================================================================== 061 - Poliwhirl Type: Water Locations: Most common places: Island 6 South, Viridian City(Super Rod) Egg group: Water 1 Ability: Water Absorb[Absorbs Water attacks, 1/4 damage converted to HP] Damp[Neither can selfdestruct or explode] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 2 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 65/Defense 65/Speed 90/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 50 Evolution: From Poliwag(Level 25) -> Poliwrath(Water Stone) OR Politoed(King's Rock) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bubble Mimic Level -- - Hypnosis Substitute Level -- - Water Gun Double-Edge Level -- - Doubleslap Body Slam Level 27 - Rain Dance Mega Punch Level 35 - Body Slam Mega Kick Level 43 - Belly Drum Counter Level 51 - Hydro Pump Seismic Toss Metronome Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Defense Curl Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Icy Wind Endure Ice Punch Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Haze Mist Water Sport Ice Ball Mind Reader Splash Bubblebeam ============================================================================== 062 - Poliwrath Type: Water/Fighting Locations: Evolve Poliwhirl Egg group: Water 1 Ability: Water Absorb[Absorbs Water attacks, 1/4 damage converted to HP] Damp[Neither can selfdestruct or explode] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 3 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 85/Defense 95/Speed 70/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 90 Evolution: From Poliwag(Level 25) and Poliwhirl(Water Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Hypnosis Substitute Level -- - Water Gun Double-Edge Level -- - Doubleslap Body Slam Level 35 - Submission Mega Punch Level 51 - Mind Reader Mega Kick Counter Seismic Toss Metronome Mimic Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Defense Curl Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Icy Wind Endure Ice Punch Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 08 - Bulk Up 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Haze Mist Water Sport Ice Ball Mind Reader Splash Bubblebeam ============================================================================== 063 - Abra Type: Psychic Locations: Routes 24 and 25 Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Synchronize[When opponent changes your condition(paralyze, etc.), they also get the same effect] Inner Focus[Can't be flinched] Gender Ratio: 75% Male, 25% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 25/Attack 20/Defense 15/Speed 90/Sp Att 105/Sp Def 55 Evolution: -> Kadabra(Level 16) -> Alakazam(Trade) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Teleport Substitute Double-Edge Body Slam Mega Punch Mega Kick Counter Seismic Toss Metronome Mimic Thunder Wave Dream Eater Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 12 - Taunt 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Encore Knock Off ============================================================================== 064 - Kadabra Type: Psychic Locations: Unknown Dungeon Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Synchronize[When opponent changes your condition(paralyze, etc.), they also get the same effect] Inner Focus[Can't be flinched] Gender Ratio: 75% Male, 25% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 35/Defense 30/Speed 105/Sp Att 120/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Abra(Level 16) -> Alakazam(Trade) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Teleport Substitute Level -- - Kinesis Double-Edge Level 16 - Confusion Body Slam Level 18 - Disable Mega Punch Level 21 - Psybeam Mega Kick Level 23 - Reflect Counter Level 25 - Recover Seismic Toss Level 30 - Future Sight Metronome Level 33 - Role Play Mimic Level 36 - Psychic Thunder Wave Level 43 - Trick Dream Eater Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 12 - Taunt 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Encore Knock Off ============================================================================== 065 - Alakazam Type: Psychic Locations: Evolve Kadabra Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Synchronize[When opponent changes your condition(paralyze, etc.), they also get the same effect] Inner Focus[Can't be flinched] Gender Ratio: 75% Male, 25% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 50/Defense 45/Speed 120/Sp Att 135/Sp Def 85 Evolution: From Abra(Level 16) and Kadabra(Trade) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Teleport Substitute Level -- - Kinesis Double-Edge Level 16 - Confusion Body Slam Level 18 - Disable Mega Punch Level 21 - Psybeam Mega Kick Level 23 - Reflect Counter Level 25 - Recover Seismic Toss Level 30 - Future Sight Metronome Level 33 - Calm Mind Mimic Level 36 - Psychic Thunder Wave Level 43 - Trick Dream Eater Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Encore Knock Off ============================================================================== 066 - Machop Type: Fighting Locations: Rock Tunnel, Victory Road, Island 1 Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Guts[Attack is doubled when inflicted with condition] Gender Ratio: 75% Male, 25% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 80/Defense 50/Speed 35/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 35 Evolution: -> Machoke(Level 28) -> Machamp(Trade) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Low Kick Substitute Level -- - Leer Double-Edge Level 07 - Focus Energy Body Slam Level 13 - Karate Chop Mega Punch Level 19 - Seismic Toss Mega Kick Level 22 - Foresight Seismic Toss Level 25 - Revenge Metronome Level 31 - Vital Throw Mimic Level 37 - Submission Rock Slide Level 40 - Cross Chop Counter Level 43 - Scary Face Level 49 - Dynamicpunch Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Rock Slide Smellingsalt Light Screen Encore Counter Meditate Rolling Kick ============================================================================== 067 - Machoke Type: Fighting Locations: Victory Road, Unknown Dungeon, Island 1 Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Guts[Attack is doubled when inflicted with condition] Gender Ratio: 75% Male, 25% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 2 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 100/Defense 70/Speed 45/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Machop(Level 28) -> Machamp(Trade) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Low Kick Substitute Level -- - Leer Double-Edge Level -- - Focus Energy Body Slam Level -- - Karate Chop Mega Punch Level -- - Seismic Toss Mega Kick Level -- - Foresight Seismic Toss Level -- - Revenge Metronome Level 33 - Vital Throw Mimic Level 41 - Submission Rock Slide Level 46 - Cross Chop Counter Level 51 - Scary Face Level 59 - Dynamicpunch Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Rock Slide Smellingsalt Light Screen Encore Counter Meditate Rolling Kick ============================================================================== 068 - Machamp Type: Fighting Locations: Evolve Machoke Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Guts[Attack is doubled when inflicted with condition] Gender Ratio: 75% Male, 25% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 3 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 130/Defense 80/Speed 55/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 85 Evolution: From Machop(Level 28) and Machoke(Trade) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Low Kick Substitute Level -- - Leer Double-Edge Level -- - Focus Energy Body Slam Level -- - Karate Chop Mega Punch Level -- - Seismic Toss Mega Kick Level -- - Foresight Seismic Toss Level -- - Revenge Metronome Level 33 - Vital Throw Mimic Level 41 - Submission Rock Slide Level 46 - Cross Chop Counter Level 51 - Scary Face Level 59 - Dynamicpunch Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Rock Slide Smellingsalt Light Screen Encore Counter Meditate Rolling Kick ============================================================================== 069 - Bellsprout Type: Grass/Poison Locations: Routes 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, Islands 2, 3(Forest), and 6(Leaf Green Only) Egg group: Plant Ability: Chlorophyll[Speed is doubled in the sunlight] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 75/Defense 35/Speed 40/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 30 Evolution: -> Weepinbell(Level 21) -> Victreebel(Leaf Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Vine Whip Substitute Level 06 - Growth Double-Edge Level 11 - Wrap Mimic Level 15 - Sleep Powder Swords Dance Level 17 - Poisonpowder Level 19 - Stun Spore Emerald Move Tutor Moves Level 23 - Acid Sleep Talk Level 30 - Sweet Scent Snore Level 37 - Razor Leaf Swagger Level 45 - Slam Endure TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Magical Leaf Leech Life Reflect Ingrain Encore Swords Dance Synthesis ============================================================================== 070 - Weepinbell Type: Grass/Poison Locations: Routes 12, 13, 14, 15, Islands 2, 3, and 6(Leaf Green Only) Egg group: Plant Ability: Chlorophyll[Speed is doubled in the sunlight] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 90/Defense 50/Speed 55/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 45 Evolution: From Bellsprout(Level 21) -> Victreebel(Leaf Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Vine Whip Substitute Level -- - Growth Double-Edge Level -- - Wrap Mimic Level -- - Sleep Powder Swords Dance Level -- - Poisonpowder Level -- - Stun Spore Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 24 - Acid Sleep Talk Level 33 - Sweet Scent Snore Level 42 - Razor Leaf Swagger Level 54 - Slam Endure TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Magical Leaf Leech Life Reflect Ingrain Encore Swords Dance Synthesis ============================================================================== 071 - Victreebel Type: Grass/Poison Locations: Evolve Weepinbell Egg group: Plant Ability: Chlorophyll[Speed is doubled in the sunlight] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 3 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 105/Defense 65/Speed 70/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Bellsprout(Level 21) and Weepinbell(Leaf Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Vine Whip Substitute Level -- - Sweet Scent Double-Edge Level -- - Razor Leaf Mimic Level -- - Sleep Powder Swords Dance Level -- - Stockpile Level -- - Spit Up Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Swallow Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure (Learns Stockpile, Spit Up, and Swallow in FRLG only) TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Magical Leaf Leech Life Reflect Ingrain Encore Swords Dance Synthesis ============================================================================== 072 - Tentacool Type: Water/Poison Locations: Should I bother? They're at most oceans. Surf to find them. Egg group: Water 3 Ability: Liquid Ooze[Foe gets damaged from absorbing HP from this Pokemon] Clear Body[Stats can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 40/Defense 35/Speed 70/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 100 Evolution: -> Tentacruel(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Poison Sting Substitute Level 06 - Supersonic Double-Edge Level 12 - Constrict Mimic Level 19 - Acid Swords Dance Level 25 - Bubblebeam Level 30 - Wrap Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 36 - Barrier Sleep Talk Level 43 - Screech Snore Level 49 - Hydro Pump Swagger Icy Wind Endure TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 03 - Surf 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Confuse Ray Safeguard Mirror Coat Aurora Beam Confuse Ray Rapid Spin ============================================================================== 073 - Tentacruel Type: Water/Poison Locations: Islands 1, and 3-7 Egg group: Water 3 Ability: Liquid Ooze[Foe gets damaged from absorbing HP from this Pokemon] Clear Body[Stats can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 2 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 70/Defense 65/Speed 100/Sp Att 80/Sp Def 120 Evolution: From Tentacool(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Poison Sting Substitute Level -- - Supersonic Double-Edge Level -- - Constrict Mimic Level 19 - Acid Swords Dance Level 25 - Bubblebeam Level 30 - Wrap Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 38 - Barrier Sleep Talk Level 47 - Screech Snore Level 55 - Hydro Pump Swagger Icy Wind Endure TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 03 - Surf 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Confuse Ray Safeguard Mirror Coat Aurora Beam Confuse Ray Rapid Spin ============================================================================== 074 - Geodude Type: Rock/Ground Locations: Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel, Victory Road, Unknown Dungeon, Island 1 and 7 Egg group: Mineral Ability: Rock Head[Doesn't take recoil damage] Sturdy[OHKO attacks have no effect on this Pokemon] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 1 Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 80/Defense 100/Speed 20/Sp Att 30/Sp Def 30 Evolution: -> Graveler(Level 25) -> Golem(Trade) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Defense Curl Double-Edge Level 06 - Mud Sport Mimic Level 11 - Rock Throw Swords Dance Level 16 - Magnitude Metronome Level 21 - Selfdestruct Counter Level 26 - Rollout Body Slam Level 31 - Rock Blast Seismic Toss Level 36 - Earthquake Explosion Level 41 - Explosion Rock Slide Level 46 - Double-Edge Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Defense Curl Endure Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Mud-Slap Rollout TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 03 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Block Mega Punch Rock Slide ============================================================================== 075 - Graveler Type: Rock/Ground Locations: Rock Tunnel, Unknown Dungeon, Island 1 and 7 Egg group: Mineral Ability: Rock Head[Doesn't take recoil damage] Sturdy[OHKO attacks have no effect on this Pokemon] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 2 Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 95/Defense 115/Speed 35/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 45 Evolution: From Geodude(Level 25) -> Golem(Trade) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Defense Curl Double-Edge Level -- - Mud Sport Mimic Level -- - Rock Throw Swords Dance Level -- - Magnitude Metronome Level -- - Selfdestruct Counter Level 29 - Rollout Body Slam Level 37 - Rock Blast Seismic Toss Level 45 - Earthquake Explosion Level 53 - Explosion Rock Slide Level 62 - Double-Edge Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Defense Curl Endure Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Mud-Slap Rollout TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 03 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Block Mega Punch Rock Slide ============================================================================== 076 - Golem Type: Rock/Ground Locations: Evolve Graveler Egg group: Mineral Ability: Rock Head[Doesn't take recoil damage] Sturdy[OHKO attacks have no effect on this Pokemon] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 3 Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 110/Defense 130/Speed 45/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 65 Evolution: From Geodude(Level 25) and Graveler(Trade) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Defense Curl Double-Edge Level -- - Mud Sport Mimic Level -- - Rock Throw Swords Dance Level -- - Magnitude Metronome Level -- - Selfdestruct Counter Level 29 - Rollout Body Slam Level 37 - Rock Blast Seismic Toss Level 45 - Earthquake Explosion Level 53 - Explosion Rock Slide Level 62 - Double-Edge Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Defense Curl Endure Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Mud-Slap Rollout Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 03 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Block Mega Punch Rock Slide ============================================================================== 077 - Ponyta Type: Fire Locations: Island 1 Egg group: Ground Ability: Run Away[Can always flee from wild Pokemon battle] Flash Fire[Strengthens when Fire attacks are used on this Pokemon] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 85/Defense 55/Speed 90/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 65 Evolution: -> Rapidash(Level 40) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Quick Attack Double-Edge Level 05 - Growl Mimic Level 09 - Tail Whip Body Slam Level 14 - Ember Substitute Level 19 - Stomp Level 25 - Fire Spin Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 31 - Take Down Sleep Talk Level 38 - Agility Snore Level 45 - Bounce Swagger Level 53 - Fire Blast Endure Swift (Learns Quick Attack in FR/LG only and Tackle in R/S.) TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Flame Wheel Charm Thrash Double Kick Double-Edge Hypnosis ============================================================================== 078 - Rapidash Type: Fire Locations: Island 1 Egg group: Ground Ability: Run Away[Can always flee from wild Pokemon battle] Flash Fire[Strengthens when Fire attacks are used on this Pokemon] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 100/Defense 70/Speed 105/Sp Att 80/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Ponyta(Level 40) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Quick Attack Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Tail Whip Body Slam Level -- - Ember Substitute Level -- - Stomp Level -- - Fire Spin Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Take Down Sleep Talk Level -- - Agility Snore Level 50 - Bounce Swagger Level 63 - Fire Blast Endure Swift (Learns Quick Attack in FR/LG only and Tackle in R/S only.) TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Flame Wheel Charm Thrash Double Kick Double-Edge Hypnosis ============================================================================== 079 - Slowpoke Type: Water/Psychic Locations: Most common places: Viridian City and Unknown Dungeon(Surf) Egg group: Monster/Water 1 Ability: Own Tempo[Cannot be confused] Oblivious[Can't be attracted] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 65/Defense 65/Speed 15/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 40 Evolution: -> Slowbro(Level 37) OR -> Slowking(King's Rock) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Curse Double-Edge Level -- - Yawn Mimic Level 06 - Growl Body Slam Level 13 - Water Gun Dream Eater Level 17 - Confusion Thunder Wave Level 24 - Disable Level 29 - Headbutt Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 36 - Amnesia Endure Level 40 - Psychic Psych Up Level 47 - Psych Up Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Icy Wind Swift TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 04 - Calm Mind 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 48 - Skill Swap Egg Moves: Belly Drum Mud Sport Safeguard Future Sight Snore Stomp Sleep Talk ============================================================================== 080 - Slowbro Type: Water/Psychic Locations: Seafoam Islands, Cinnabar Island, Islands 2 and 3(Forest)(Leaf Green Only) Egg group: Monster/Water 1 Ability: Own Tempo[Cannot be confused] Oblivious[Can't be attracted] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 2 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 95/Attack 75/Defense 110/Speed 30/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Slowpoke(Level 37) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Curse Double-Edge Level -- - Yawn Mimic Level -- - Growl Body Slam Level -- - Water Gun Dream Eater Level -- - Confusion Thunder Wave Level -- - Disable Seismic Toss Level -- - Headbutt Counter Level 37 - Withdraw Mega Punch Level 44 - Psychic Mega Kick Level 55 - Psych Up Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind Fury Cutter Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych up Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 48 - Skill Swap Egg Moves: Belly Drum Mud Sport Safeguard Future Sight Snore Stomp Sleep Talk ============================================================================== 081 - Magnemite Type: Electric/Steel Locations: Power Plant Egg group: Mineral Ability: Sturdy[Cannot be fainted by an OHKO attack] Magnet Pull[Steel types can't switch] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 25/Attack 35/Defense 70/Speed 45/Sp Att 95/Sp Def 55 Evolution: -> Magneton(Level 30) Holds Metal Coat(Rare) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Metal Sound Double-Edge Level 06 - Thundershock Mimic Level 11 - Supersonic Thunder Wave Level 16 - Sonicboom Level 21 - Thunder Wave Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 26 - Spark Sleep Talk Level 32 - Lock On Snore Level 38 - Swift Swagger Level 44 - Screech Endure Level 50 - Zap Cannon Swift Rollout TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 082 - Magneton Type: Electric/Steel Locations: Power Plant and Unknown Dungeon Egg group: Mineral Ability: Sturdy[Cannot be fainted by an OHKO attack] Magnet Pull[Steel types can't switch] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 60/Defense 95/Speed 70/Sp Att 120/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Magnemite(Level 30) Holds Metal Coat/Magnet(Rare) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Metal Sound Double-Edge Level -- - Thundershock Mimic Level -- - Supersonic Thunder Wave Level -- - Sonicboom Level -- - Thunder Wave Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Spark Sleep Talk Level 35 - Lock On Snore Level 44 - Swift Swagger Level 53 - Screech Endure Level 62 - Zap Cannon Swift Rollout TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 083 - Farfetch'd Type: Normal/Flying Locations: Trade in Vermilion City Egg group: Flying Ability: Inner Focus[Cannot be flinched] Keen Eye[Accuracy can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 52/Attack 65/Defense 55/Speed 60/Sp Att 58/Sp Def 62 Evolution: None Holds Stick(Always) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Peck Substitute Level 06 - Sand-Attack Double-Edge Level 11 - Leer Mimic Level 16 - Fury Attack Body Slam Level 21 - Knock Off Swords Dance Level 26 - Fury Cutter Level 31 - Swords Dance Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 36 - Agility Sleep Talk Level 41 - Slash Snore Level 46 - False Swipe Swagger Swift Mud-Slap Endure Psych Up TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 02 - Fly 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Mirror Move Featherdance Steel Wing Foresight Flail Curse Quick Attack Gust ============================================================================== 084 - Doduo Type: Normal/Flying Locations: Routes 16, 17, 18, and Safari Zone Egg group: Flying Ability: Early Bird[Wakes up earlier from sleep] Run Away[Can always flee from Wild Pokemon battle] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 35/Attack 85/Defense 45/Speed 75/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 35 Evolution: -> Dodrio(Level 31) Holds Sharp Beak(Rare) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Peck Substitute Level -- - Growl Double-Edge Level 09 - Pursuit Mimic Level 13 - Fury Attack Body Slam Level 21 - Tri Attack Level 25 - Rage Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 33 - Uproar Sleep Talk Level 37 - Drill Peck Snore Level 45 - Agility Swagger Endure Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 02 - Fly 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Haze Endeavor Quick Attack Supersonic ============================================================================== 085 - Dodrio Type: Normal/Flying Locations: Evolve Doduo Egg group: Flying Ability: Early Bird[Wakes up earlier from sleep] Run Away[Can always flee from Wild Pokemon battle] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 110/Defense 70/Speed 100/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Doduo(Level 31) Holds Sharp Beak(Rare) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Peck Substitute Level -- - Growl Double-Edge Level -- - Pursuit Mimic Level -- - Fury Attack Body Slam Level -- - Tri Attack Level -- - Rage Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 38 - Uproar Sleep Talk Level 47 - Drill Peck Snore Level 60 - Agility Swagger Endure Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 02 - Fly 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Haze Endeavor Quick Attack Supersonic ============================================================================== 086 - Seel Type: Water Locations: Seafoam Islands, Island 5 Ice Cave Egg group: Water 1/Ground Ability: Thick Fat[Takes 1/2 damage from Fire and Ice attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 45/Defense 55/Speed 45/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 70 Evolution: -> Dewgong(Level 34) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Headbutt Substitute Level 09 - Growl Double-Edge Level 17 - Icy Wind Mimic Level 21 - Aurora Beam Body Slam Level 29 - Rest Level 37 - Take Down Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 41 - Ice Beam Sleep Talk Level 49 - Safeguard Snore Swagger Endure Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Lick Fake Out Encore Disable Slam Perish Song Icicle Spear Horn Drill ============================================================================== 087 - Dewgong Type: Water/Ice Locations: Seafoam Islands, Island 5 Ice Cave Egg group: Water 1/Ground Ability: Thick Fat[Takes 1/2 damage from Fire and Ice attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 70/Defense 80/Speed 70/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 95 Evolution: From Seel(Level 34) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Headbutt Substitute Level -- - Signal Beam Mimic Level -- - Growl Double-Edge Level -- - Icy Wind Body Slam Level -- - Aurora Beam Level -- - Rest Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 34 - Sheer Cold Sleep Talk Level 42 - Take Down Snore Level 51 - Ice Beam Swagger Level 64 - Safeguard Endure Icy Wind (Learns Signal Beam in FR/LG only) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Lick Fake Out Encore Disable Slam Perish Song Icicle Spear Horn Drill ============================================================================== 088 - Grimer Type: Poison Locations: Celadon City(Fishing with Super Rod) and Cinnabar Mansion Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Stench[Pokemon encounter rate is lowered] Sticky Hold[Item holding can't be taken or knocked off] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 80/Defense 50/Speed 25/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Muk(Level 38) Holds Nugget(Rare) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Poison Gas Substitute Level -- - Pound Mimic Level 04 - Harden Double-Edge Level 08 - Disable Body Slam Level 13 - Sludge Explosion Level 19 - Minimize Level 26 - Screech Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 34 - Acid Armor Fire Punch Level 43 - Sludge Bomb Thunderpunch Level 53 - Memento Ice Punch Dynamicpunch Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Mud-Slap Endure TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Sludge Bomb 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Haze Shadow Punch Curse Mean Look Explosion Imprison Lick ============================================================================== 089 - Muk Type: Poison Locations: Pokemon Mansion(Leaf Green Only) Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Stench[Pokemon encounter rate is lowered] Sticky Hold[Item holding can't be taken or knocked off] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 1 HP, 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 105/Attack 105/Defense 75/Speed 50/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 100 Evolution: From Grimer(Level 38) Holds Nugget(Rare) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Poison Gas Substitute Level -- - Pound Mimic Level -- - Harden Double-Edge Level -- - Disable Body Slam Level -- - Sludge Explosion Level -- - Minimize Level -- - Screech Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Acid Armor Fire Punch Level 47 - Sludge Bomb Thunderpunch Level 61 - Memento Ice Punch Dynamicpunch Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Mud-Slap Endure TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Sludge Bomb 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Haze Shadow Punch Curse Mean Look Explosion Imprison Lick ============================================================================== 090 - Shellder Type: Water Locations: Vermilion City, Cinnabar Island, Island 1, Island 4 Cave, and Island 5(Fire Red Only) Egg group: Water 3 Ability: Shell Armor[Foe can't have critical hits] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 30/Attack 65/Defense 100/Speed 40/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 25 Evolution: -> Cloyster(Water Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Withdraw Mimic Level 08 - Icicle Spear Double-Edge Level 15 - Supersonic Level 22 - Aurora Beam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 29 - Protect Sleep Talk Level 36 - Leer Snore Level 43 - Clamp Swagger Level 50 - Ice Beam Endure Swift Icy Wind (Learns Icicle Spear in FR/LG only) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 08 - Dive 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Icicle Spear Take Down Barrier Rapid Spin Screech Bubblebeam ============================================================================== 091 - Cloyster Type: Water/Ice Locations: Evolve Shellder Egg group: Water 3 Ability: Shell Armor[Foe can't have critical hits] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 2 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 95/Defense 180/Speed 70/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 45 Evolution: From Shellder(Water Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Withdraw Mimic Level -- - Supersonic Substitute Level -- - Aurora Beam Double-Edge Level -- - Protect Explosion Level 33 - Spikes Level 50 - Spike Cannon Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Swift Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 08 - Dive 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Icicle Spear Take Down Barrier Rapid Spin Screech Bubblebeam ============================================================================== 092 - Gastly Type: Poison/Ghost Locations: Pokemon Tower, Island 5 Cave Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Levitate[Ground attacks don't affect this Pokemon] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 30/Attack 35/Defense 30/Speed 80/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 35 Evolution: -> Haunter(Level 25) -> Gengar(Trade) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Lick Mimic Level -- - Hypnosis Substitute Level 08 - Spite Explosion Level 13 - Curse Dream Eater Level 16 - Night Shade Level 21 - Confuse Ray Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 28 - Dream Eater Sleep Talk Level 33 - Destiny Bond Snore Level 36 - Shadow Ball Swagger Level 41 - Nightmare Endure Level 48 - Mean Look Psych Up (Learns Shadow Ball and Nightmare in FR/LG only) TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Astonish Psywave Explosion Grudge Haze Will-o-wisp Perish Song ============================================================================== 093 - Haunter Type: Poison/Ghost Locations: Pokemon Tower, Island 5 Cave Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Levitate[Ground attacks don't affect this Pokemon] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 50/Defense 45/Speed 95/Sp Att 115/Sp Def 55 Evolution: From Gastly(Level 25) -> Gengar(Trade) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Lick Mimic Level -- - Hypnosis Substitute Level -- - Spite Explosion Level -- - Curse Dream Eater Level -- - Night Shade Level -- - Confuse Ray Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 25 - Shadow Punch Sleep Talk Level 31 - Dream Eater Snore Level 39 - Destiny Bond Swagger Level 45 - Shadow Ball Endure Level 53 - Nightmare Psych Up Level 64 - Mean Look (Learns Shadow Ball and Nightmare in FR/LG only) TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Astonish Psywave Explosion Grudge Haze Will-o-wisp Perish Song ============================================================================== 094 - Gengar Type: Poison/Ghost Locations: Evolve Haunter Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Levitate[Ground attacks don't affect this Pokemon] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 3 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 65/Defense 60/Speed 110/Sp Att 130/Sp Def 75 Evolution: From Gastly(Level 25) and Haunter(Trade) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Lick Mimic Level -- - Hypnosis Substitute Level -- - Spite Explosion Level -- - Curse Dream Eater Level -- - Night Shade Body Slam Level -- - Confuse Ray Mega Punch Level 25 - Shadow Punch Mega Kick Level 31 - Dream Eater Seismic toss Level 39 - Destiny Bond Metronome Level 45 - Shadow Ball Counter Level 53 - Nightmare Level 64 - Mean Look (Learns Shadow Ball and Nightmare in FR/LG only) Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Astonish Psywave Explosion Grudge Haze Will-o-wisp Perish Song ============================================================================== 095 - Onix Type: Rock/Ground Locations: Rock Tunnel, Victory Road, Island 7 Egg group: Mineral Ability: Rock Head[Doesn't take recoil damage] Sturdy[Can't be fainted by OHKO attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 1 Defense 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 35/Attack 45/Defense 160/Speed 70/Sp Att 30/Sp Def 45 Evolution: -> Steelix(Metal Coat) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Mimic Level -- - Screech Substitute Level 08 - Bind Explosion Level 12 - Rock Throw Double-Edge Level 19 - Harden Rock Slide Level 23 - Rage Level 30 - Dragonbreath Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 34 - Sandstorm Sleep Talk Level 41 - Slam Snore Level 45 - Iron Tail Swagger Level 52 - Sand Tomb Endure Level 56 - Double-Edge Psych Up Swift Mud-Slap Defense Curl (Learns Dragonbreath in FR/LG only) TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Explosion Flail Rock Slide Block ============================================================================== 096 - Drowzee Type: Psychic Locations: Route 11 and Island 3 Forest Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Insomnia[Can't fall asleep] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 48/Defense 45/Speed 43/Sp Att 42/Sp Def 90 Evolution: -> Hypno(Level 26) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Pound Mimic Level -- - Hypnosis Substitute Level 07 - Disable Metronome Level 11 - Confusion Double-Edge Level 17 - Headbutt Mega Punch Level 21 - Poison Gas Mega Kick Level 27 - Meditate Thunder Wave Level 31 - Psychic Seismic Toss Level 37 - Psych Up Counter Level 41 - Swagger Dream Eater Level 47 - Future Sight (Learns Swagger in FR/LG only) Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Role Play Barrier Assist ============================================================================== 097 - Hypno Type: Psychic Locations: Island 3 Forest Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Insomnia[Can't fall asleep] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 85/Attack 73/Defense 70/Speed 63/Sp Att 73/Sp Def 115 Evolution: From Drowzee(Level 26) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Nightmare Dream Eater Level -- - Pound Mimic Level -- - Hypnosis Substitute Level -- - Disable Metronome Level -- - Confusion Double-Edge Level -- - Headbutt Mega Punch Level -- - Poison Gas Mega Kick Level 29 - Meditate Thunder Wave Level 35 - Psychic Seismic Toss Level 43 - Psych Up Counter Level 45 - Swagger Level 57 - Future Sight (Learns Swagger and Nightmare in FR/LG only) Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 12 - Taunt 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Role Play Barrier Assist ============================================================================== 098 - Krabby Type: Water Locations: Common places: Fuchsia City, Pallet Town, Seafoam Island(Good Rod) Egg group: Water 3 Ability: Shell Armor[Foe can't have critical hits on this Pokemon] Hyper Cutter[Prevents attack reduction] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 30/Attack 105/Defense 90/Speed 50/Sp Att 25/Sp Def 25 Evolution: -> Kingler(Level 28) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bubble Mimic Level 05 - Leer Substitute Level 12 - Vicegrip Body Slam Level 16 - Harden Double-Edge Level 23 - Mud Shot Swords Dance Level 27 - Stomp Level 34 - Guillotine Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 38 - Protect Sleep Talk Level 45 - Crabhammer Snore Level 49 - Flail Swagger Endure Icy Wind Fury Cutter (Learns Flail in FR/LG only) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 03 - Surf 07 - Hail 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 13 - Ice Beam 08 - Dive 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Swords Dance Slam Amnesia Flail Dig Haze Knock Off ============================================================================== 099 - Kingler Type: Water Locations: Islands 1-7, Routes 19, 20, and 21 Egg group: Water 3 Ability: Shell Armor[Foe can't have critical hits on this Pokemon] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 2 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 130/Defense 115/Speed 75/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 50 Evolution: From Krabby(Level 28) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Metal Claw Double-Edge Level -- - Bubble Mimic Level -- - Leer Substitute Level -- - Vicegrip Swords Dance Level -- - Harden Body Slam Level -- - Mud Shot Level -- - Stomp Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 38 - Guillotine Sleep Talk Level 42 - Protect Snore Level 57 - Crabhammer Swagger Level 65 - Flail Endure Icy Wind Fury Cutter (Learns Flail and Metal Claw in FRLG only) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 03 - Surf 07 - Hail 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 13 - Ice Beam 08 - Dive 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Swords Dance Slam Amnesia Flail Dig Haze Knock Off ============================================================================== 100 - Voltorb Type: Electric Locations: Power Plant, Route 10 Egg group: Mineral Ability: Static[30% chance of paralysis on contact] Soundproof[Not affected by sound moves] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 1 Speed Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 30/Defense 50/Speed 100/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 55 Evolution: -> Electrode(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Charge Double-Edge Level -- - Tackle Mimic Level 08 - Screech Substitute Level 15 - Sonicboom Explosion Level 21 - Spark Thunder Wave Level 27 - Selfdestruct Level 32 - Rollout Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 37 - Light Screen Sleep Talk Level 42 - Swift Snore Level 46 - Explosion Swagger Level 49 - Mirror Coat Endure Swift Rollout TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 12 - Taunt 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 46 - Thief Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 101 - Electrode Type: Electric Locations: Power Plant, Unknown Dungeon Egg group: Mineral Ability: Static[30% chance of paralysis on contact] Soundproof[Not affected by sound moves] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Speed Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 50/Defense 70/Speed 140/Sp Att 80/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Voltorb(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Charge Double-Edge Level -- - Tackle Mimic Level -- - Screech Substitute Level -- - Sonicboom Explosion Level -- - Spark Thunder Wave Level -- - Selfdestruct Level 34 - Rollout Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 41 - Light Screen Sleep Talk Level 48 - Swift Snore Level 54 - Explosion Swagger Level 59 - Mirror Coat Endure Rollout Swift TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 46 - Thief Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 102 - Exeggcute Type: Grass/Psychic Locations: Safari Zone, Island 3 Forest Egg group: Plant Ability: Chlorophyll[Doubles Speed in sunlight] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 40/Defense 80/Speed 40/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 45 Evolution: -> Exeggutor(Leaf Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Barrage Double-Edge Level -- - Hypnosis Mimic Level -- - Uproar Substitute Level 07 - Reflect Explosion Level 13 - Leech Seed Body Slam Level 19 - Confusion Dream Eater Level 25 - Stun Spore Level 31 - Poisonpowder Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 37 - Sleep Powder Sleep Talk Level 43 - Solarbeam Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Rollout TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 09 - Bullet Seed 10 - Hidden Power 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Psych Up Synthesis Ancientpower Moonlight Ingrain Reflect Curse ============================================================================== 103 - Exeggutor Type: Grass/Psychic Locations: Evolve Exeggcute Egg group: Plant Ability: Chlorophyll[Doubles Speed in sunlight] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 95/Attack 95/Defense 85/Speed 55/Sp Att 125/Sp Def 65 Evolution: From Exeggcute(Leaf Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Barrage Double-Edge Level -- - Hypnosis Mimic Level 19 - Stomp Substitute Level 31 - Egg Bomb Explosion Body Slam Dream Eater Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Rollout TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 09 - Bullet Seed 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Psych Up Synthesis Ancientpower Moonlight Ingrain Reflect Curse ============================================================================== 104 - Cubone Type: Ground Locations: Pokemon Tower and Island 7 Egg group: Monster Ability: Rock Head[Takes no recoil damage] Lightning Rod[All electric attacks come to this Pokemon] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 50/Defense 95/Speed 35/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Marowak(Level 28) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Growl Double-Edge Level 05 - Tail Whip Mimic Level 09 - Bone Club Substitute Level 13 - Headbutt Body Slam Level 17 - Leer Metronome Level 21 - Focus Energy Rock Slide Level 25 - Bonemerang Counter Level 29 - Rage Mega Punch Level 33 - False Swipe Mega Kick Level 37 - Thrash Seismic Toss Level 41 - Bone Rush Swords Dance Level 45 - Double-Edge Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Icy Wind Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 09 - Bullet Seed 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Belly Drum Skull Bash Rock Slide Perish Song Ancientpower Swords Dance Screech ============================================================================== 105 - Marowak Type: Ground Locations: Victory Road and Island 7 Egg group: Monster Ability: Rock Head[Takes no recoil damage] Lightning Rod[All electric attacks come to this Pokemon] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 2 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 80/Defense 110/Speed 45/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Cubone(Level 28) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Growl Double-Edge Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level -- - Bone Club Substitute Level -- - Headbutt Body Slam Level -- - Leer Metronome Level -- - Focus Energy Rock Slide Level -- - Bonemerang Counter Level 32 - Rage Mega Punch Level 39 - False Swipe Mega Kick Level 46 - Thrash Seismic Toss Level 53 - Bone Rush Swords Dance Level 61 - Double-Edge Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Icy Wind Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 09 - Bullet Seed 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Belly Drum Skull Bash Rock Slide Perish Song Ancientpower Swords Dance Screech ============================================================================== 106 - Hitmonlee Type: Fighting Locations: Saffron City Fighting Dojo Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Limber[Can't be paralyzed] Gender Ratio: 100% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Attack 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 120/Defense 53/Speed 87/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 110 Evolution: From Tyrogue(Level 20, Attack > Defense) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Double Kick Double-Edge Level -- - Revenge Mimic Level 06 - Meditate Substitute Level 11 - Rolling Kick Body Slam Level 16 - Jump Kick Metronome Level 20 - Brick Break Rock Slide Level 26 - Hi Jump Kick Counter Level 31 - Mind Reader Mega Punch Level 36 - Foresight Mega Kick Level 41 - Endure Seismic Toss Level 46 - Mega Kick Level 51 - Reversal Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Swift Dynamic Punch Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Helping Hand Mach Punch Mind Reader Rapid Spin Hi Jump Kick ============================================================================== 107 - Hitmonchan Type: Fighting Locations: Saffron City Fighting Dojo Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Keen Eye[Accuracy can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 100% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Special Defense 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 30/Attack 105/Defense 79/Speed 76/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 110 Evolution: From Tyrogue(Level 20, Defense > Attack) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Comet Punch Double-Edge Level -- - Revenge Mimic Level 07 - Agility Substitute Level 13 - Pursuit Body Slam Level 20 - Mach Punch Metronome Level 26 - Fire Punch Rock Slide Level 26 - Ice Punch Counter Level 26 - Thunderpunch Mega Punch Level 32 - Sky Uppercut Mega Kick Level 38 - Detect Seismic Toss Level 44 - Mega Punch Level 50 - Counter Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Swift Dynamic Punch Mud-Slap Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Helping Hand Mach Punch Mind Reader Rapid Spin Hi Jump Kick ============================================================================== 108 - Lickitung Type: Normal Locations: Trade for Slowbro(Leaf Green) or Golduck(Fire Red) on Route 18 Egg group: Monster Ability: Oblivious[Can't be attracted] Own Tempo[Can't be confused] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 HP 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 55/Defense 75/Speed 30/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 75 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Lick Double-Edge Level 07 - Supersonic Mimic Level 12 - Defense Curl Substitute Level 18 - Knock Off Body Slam Level 23 - Stomp Metronome Level 29 - Wrap Rock Slide Level 34 - Disable Counter Level 40 - Slam Mega Punch Level 45 - Screech Mega Kick Level 51 - Refresh Seismic Toss Dream Eater Swords Dance Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Rollout Dynamic Punch Mud-Slap Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Belly Drum Body Slam Sleep talk Substitute Smellingsalt Curse Snore Magnitude ============================================================================== 109 - Koffing Type: Poison Locations: Celadon City Rocket Base, Cinnabar Mansion Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Levitate[Immune to Ground attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 65/Defense 95/Speed 35/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 45 Evolution: -> Weezing(Level 35) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Poison Gas Explosion Level -- - Tackle Mimic Level 09 - Smog Substitute Level 17 - Selfdestruct Level 21 - Sludge Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 25 - Smokescreen Sleep Talk Level 33 - Haze Snore Level 41 - Explosion Swagger Level 45 - Destiny Bond Rollout Level 49 - Memento Endure TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Sludge Bomb 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Psywave Screech Will-o-wisp Destiny Bond Pain Split Psybeam ============================================================================== 110 - Weezing Type: Poison Locations: Cinnabar Mansion(Fire Red Only) Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Levitate[Immune to Ground attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 90/Defense 120/Speed 60/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Koffing(Level 35) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Poison Gas Explosion Level -- - Tackle Mimic Level -- - Smog Substitute Level -- - Selfdestruct Level -- - Sludge Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Smokescreen Sleep Talk Level -- - Haze Snore Level 44 - Explosion Swagger Level 51 - Destiny Bond Rollout Level 58 - Memento Endure TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Sludge Bomb 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Psywave Screech Will-o-wisp Destiny Bond Pain Split Psybeam ============================================================================== 111 - Rhyhorn Type: Rock/Ground Locations: Safari Zone Egg group: Monster/Ground Ability: Rock Head[No recoil damage] Lightningrod[All electric attacks come to this Pokemon] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 85/Defense 95/Speed 25/Sp Att 30/Sp Def 30 Evolution: -> Rhydon(Level 42) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Horn Attack Double-Edge Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level 10 - Stomp Substitute Level 15 - Fury Attack Body Slam Level 24 - Scary Face Swords Dance Level 29 - Rock Blast Counter Level 38 - Horn Drill Rock Slide Level 43 - Take Down Level 52 - Earthquake Level 57 - Megahorn Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Mud-Slap Rollout TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Rock Slide Curse Magnitude Crush Claw Curse Reversal Crunch Swords Dance ============================================================================== 112 - Rhydon Type: Rock/Ground Locations: Evolve Rhyhorn Egg group: Monster/Ground Ability: Rock Head[No recoil damage] Lightningrod[All electric attacks come to this Pokemon] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 105/Attack 130/Defense 120/Speed 40/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 45 Evolution: From Rhyhorn(Level 42) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Horn Attack Double-Edge Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level -- - Stomp Substitute Level -- - Fury Attack Body Slam Level -- - Scary Face Swords Dance Level -- - Rock Blast Counter Level -- - Horn Drill Rock Slide Level 46 - Take Down Mega Punch Level 58 - Earthquake Mega Kick Level 66 - Megahorn Seismic Toss Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Mud-Slap Rollout Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Icy Wind Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 05 - Roar 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Rock Slide Curse Magnitude Crush Claw Curse Reversal Crunch Swords Dance ============================================================================== 113 - Chansey Type: Normal Locations: Safari Zone Egg group: Fairy Ability: Natural Cure[Cures condition when switched out] Serene Grace[Chance of added effects increases] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 100% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 HP 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 250/Attack 5/Defense 5/Speed 50/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 105 Evolution: -> Blissey(Happiness) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Pound Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level 05 - Tail Whip Substitute Level 09 - Refresh Body Slam Level 13 - Softboiled Dream Eater Level 17 - Doublesl Counter Level 23 - Minimize Metronome Level 29 - Sing Mega Punch Level 35 - Egg Bomb Mega Kick Level 41 - Defense Curl Seismic Toss Level 49 - Light Screen Softboiled Level 57 - Double-Edge Rock Slide Thunder Wave Emerald Move Tutors: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Dynamic Punch Icy Wind Endure Psych Up Rollout Mud-Slap Defense Curl TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Aromatherapy Heal Bell Metronome Substitute Present ============================================================================== 114 - Tangela Type: Grass Locations: Route 21, Island 1 Egg group: Plant Ability: Chlorophyll[Double Speed during sunshine] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 55/Defense 115/Speed 60/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 40 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Constrict Double-Edge Level -- - Ingrain Mimic Level 04 - Sleep Powder Substitute Level 10 - Absorb Body Slam Level 13 - Growth Swords Dance Level 19 - Poisonpowder Level 22 - Vine Whip Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 28 - Bind Sleep Talk Level 31 - Mega Drain Snore Level 37 - Stun Spore Swagger Level 40 - Slam Endure Level 46 - Tickle Psych Up TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Amnesia Reflect Confusion Leech Seed Nature Power Flail Mega Drain ============================================================================== 115 - Kangaskhan Type: Normal Locations: Safari Zone Egg group: Monster Ability: Early Bird[Wakes up a turn earlier] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 100% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 105/Attack 95/Defense 80/Speed 90/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 80 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Comet Punch Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 07 - Bite Substitute Level 13 - Tail Whip Body Slam Level 19 - Fake Out Mega Punch Level 25 - Mega Punch Mega Kick Level 31 - Rage Seismic Toss Level 37 - Endure Rock Slide Level 43 - Dizzy Punch Level 49 - Reversal Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Icy Wind Fury Cutter Mud-Slap Defense Curl TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 04 - Calm Mind 04 - Strength 05 - Roar 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Crush Claw Substitute Focus Energy Foresight Counter Stomp Safeguard Disable ============================================================================== 116 - Horsea Type: Water Locations: Most common places: Vermilion City and Island 4 Ice Cave(Good Rod) Egg group: Water 1/Dragon Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles Speed in rain] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 30/Attack 40/Defense 70/Speed 60/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 35 Evolution: -> Seadra(Level 32) -> Kingdra(Dragon Scale) Holds Dragon Scale(Rare) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bubble Double-Edge Level 08 - Smokescreen Mimic Level 15 - Leer Substitute Level 22 - Water Gun Level 29 - Twister Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 36 - Agility Sleep Talk Level 43 - Hydro Pump Snore Level 50 - Dragon Dance Swagger Swift Endure Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Aurora beam Disable Dragon Rage Dragonbreath Splash Flail Octazooka ============================================================================== 117 - Seadra Type: Water Locations: Routes 19, 20, 21, and Islands 1-7 Egg group: Water 1/Dragon Ability: Poison Point[30% chance of poison on contact] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack, 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 65/Defense 75/Speed 85/Sp Att 95/Sp Def 45 Evolution: From Horsea(Level 32) -> Kingdra(Dragon Scale) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bubble Double-Edge Level -- - Smokescreen Mimic Level -- - Leer Substitute Level -- - Water Gun Level 29 - Twister Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 40 - Agility Sleep Talk Level 51 - Hydro Pump Snore Level 62 - Dragon Dance Swagger Swift Icy Wind Endure TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Aurora beam Disable Dragon Rage Dragonbreath Splash Flail Octazooka ============================================================================== 118 - Goldeen Type: Water Locations: Most common places: Fuchsia City, Victory Road, Islands 3 and 4 (Good Rod) Egg group: Water 2 Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles Speed in rain] Water Veil[Prevents burning] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 67/Defense 60/Speed 63/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Seaking(Level 33) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Peck Double-Edge Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level -- - Water Sport Substitute Level 10 - Supersonic Level 15 - Horn Attack Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 24 - Flail Sleep Talk Level 29 - Fury Attack Snore Level 38 - Waterfall Swagger Level 43 - Horn Drill Endure Level 52 - Agility Swift Level 57 - Megahorn Icy Wind (Learns Megahorn in FRLG only) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Hydro Pump Sleep Talk Mud Sport Psybeam Haze ============================================================================== 119 - Seaking Type: Water Locations: Fuchsia City, Safari Zone, Island 3 Forest Egg group: Water 2 Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles Speed in rain] Water Veil[Prevents burning] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 2 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 92/Defense 65/Speed 68/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 80 Evolution: -> Seaking(Level 33) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Peck Double-Edge Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level -- - Water Sport Substitute Level -- - Supersonic Level -- - Horn Attack Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Flail Sleep Talk Level -- - Fury Attack Snore Level 41 - Waterfall Swagger Level 49 - Horn Drill Endure Level 61 - Agility Icy Wind Level 69 - Megahorn Swift (Learns Megahorn in FRLG only) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Hydro Pump Sleep Talk Mud Sport Psybeam Haze ============================================================================== 120 - Staryu Type: Water Locations: Pallet Town, Vermillion City, Cinnabar Island, Island 1, 4, and 5 (Super Rod)(Leaf Green Only) Egg group: Water 3 Ability: Illuminate[Increases Wild Pokemon encounter rate] Natural Cure[Condition is healed when switched out] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 30/Attack 45/Defense 55/Speed 85/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 55 Evolution: -> Starmie(Water Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Harden Mimic Level 06 - Water Gun Substitute Level 10 - Rapid Spin Thunder Wave Level 15 - Recover Level 19 - Camouflage Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 24 - Swift Sleep Talk Level 28 - Bubblebeam Snore Level 33 - Minimize Swagger Level 37 - Light Screen Swift Level 42 - Cosmic Power Endure Level 46 - Hydro Pump Psych Up Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 121 - Starmie Type: Water/Psychic Locations: Evolve Staryu Egg group: Water 3 Ability: Illuminate[Increases Wild Pokemon encounter rate] Natural Cure[Condition is healed when switched out] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 2 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 75/Defense 85/Speed 115/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 85 Evolution: From Staryu(Water Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Water Gun Double-Edge Level -- - Rapid Spin Mimic Level -- - Recover Substitute Level -- - Swift Thunder Wave Level 33 - Confuse Ray Dream Eater Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Swift Endure Psych Up Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 122 - Mr. Mime Type: Psychic Locations: Trade for Abra on Route 2 Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Soundproof[Immune to sound attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Special Defense 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 45/Defense 65/Speed 90/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 120 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Barrier Double-Edge Level -- - Confusion Mimic Level 08 - Substitute Substitute Level 12 - Meditate Thunder Wave Level 15 - Doubleslap Dream Eater Level 19 - Light Screen Seismic Toss Level 19 - Reflect Counter Level 22 - Magical Leaf Mega Punch Level 26 - Encore Mega Kick Level 29 - Psybeam Metronome Level 33 - Recycle Body Slam Level 36 - Trick Level 40 - Role Play Level 43 - Psychic Level 47 - Baton Pass Level 50 - Safeguard (Learns Magical Leaf in FR/LG Only) Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Fire Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Future Sight Fake Out Mimic Psych Up Trick Hypnosis ============================================================================== 123 - Scyther Type: Bug/Flying Locations: Safari Zone and Game Corner(Both Fire Red Only) Egg group: Bug Ability: Swarm[Bug attacks become stronger at 1/3 HP or less] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Attack 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 110/Defense 80/Speed 105/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 80 Evolution: -> Scizor(Metal Coat) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Quick Attack Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 06 - Focus Energy Substitute Level 11 - Pursuit Swords Dance Level 16 - False Swipe Counter Level 21 - Agility Level 26 - Wing Attack Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 31 - Slash Sleep Talk Level 36 - Swords Dance Snore Level 41 - Double Team Swagger Level 46 - Fury Cutter Endure Swift Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Silver Wind Endure Razor Wind Reversal Light Screen Safeguard Counter Baton Pass ============================================================================== 124 - Jynx Type: Ice/Psychic Locations: Trade for Poliwhirl at Cerulean City Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Oblivious[Can't be attracted] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 100% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 50/Defense 35/Speed 95/Sp Att 115/Sp Def 95 Evolution: From Smoochum(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Pound Double-Edge Level -- - Lick Mimic Level 09 - Lovely Kiss Substitute Level 13 - Powder Snow Body Slam Level 21 - Doubleslap Counter Level 25 - Ice Punch Dream Eater Level 35 - Mean Look Mega Punch Level 41 - Fake Tears Mega Kick Level 51 - Body Slam Metronome Level 57 - Perish Song Seismic Toss Level 67 - Blizzard Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Icy Wind Ice Punch Dynamic Punch TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 05 - Flash 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Toxic 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap Egg Moves: Fake Out Meditate Ice Punch Wish Psych Up ============================================================================== 125 - Electabuzz Type: Electric Locations: Power Plant(Fire Red Only) Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Static[30% chance of paralysis on contact] Gender Ratio: 75% Male, 25% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Speed 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 83/Defense 57/Speed 105/Sp Att 95/Sp Def 85 Evolution: From Elekid(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Quick Attack Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 09 - Thunderpunch Substitute Level 17 - Light Screen Body Slam Level 25 - Swift Counter Level 36 - Screech Seismic Toss Level 47 - Thunderbolt Mega Punch Level 58 - Thunder Mega Kick Thunder Wave Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Swift Ice Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Dynamic Punch Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Meditate Barrier Cross Chop Fire Punch Ice Punch Rolling Kick Karate Chop Meditate ============================================================================== 126 - Magmar Type: Fire Locations: Island 1 Mountain, grass outside Moltres's cave(Leaf Green Only) Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Flame Body[30% chance of burning on contact] Gender Ratio: 75% Male, 25% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 95/Defense 57/Speed 93/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 85 Evolution: From Magby(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Ember Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 07 - Smog Substitute Level 13 - Fire Punch Body Slam Level 19 - Smokescreen Counter Level 25 - Sunny Day Seismic Toss Level 41 - Flamethrower Mega Punch Level 49 - Confuse Ray Mega Kick Level 57 - Fire Blast Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Thunderpunch Barrier Cross Chop Screech Rolling Kick Karate Chop Mega Punch ============================================================================== 127 - Pinsir Type: Bug Locations: Safari Zone and Game Corner(Both Leaf Green Only) Egg group: Bug Ability: Hyper Cutter[Attack can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Attack 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 125/Defense 100/Speed 85/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 70 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Vicegrip Double-Edge Level -- - Focus Energy Mimic Level 07 - Bind Substitute Level 13 - Seismic Toss Body Slam Level 19 - Harden Swords Dance Level 25 - Revenge Seismic Toss Level 31 - Brick Break Rock Slide Level 37 - Guillotine Level 43 - Submission Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 49 - Swords Dance Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 08 - Bulk Up 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Fury Attack False Swipe Faint Attack Flail ============================================================================== 128 - Tauros Type: Normal Locations: Safari Zone Egg group: Ground Ability: Intimidate[Lowers opponent's attack when sent out] Gender Ratio: 100% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Attack, 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 75/Attack 100/Defense 95/Speed 110/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 70 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level 04 - Rage Substitute Level 08 - Horn Attack Body Slam Level 13 - Scary Face Swords Dance Level 19 - Pursuit Seismic Toss Level 26 - Swagger Level 34 - Rest Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 43 - Thrash Sleep Talk Level 53 - Take Down Snore Swagger Endure Icy Wind (Learns Swagger in FR/LG only) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 129 - Magikarp Type: Water Locations: Everywhere(Old Rod) Egg group: Water 2/Dragon Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles Speed in rain] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Speed 1280 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 20/Attack 10/Defense 55/Speed 80/Sp Att 15/Sp Def 20 Evolution: -> Gyarados(Level 20) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Splash None Level 15 - Tackle Level 30 - Flail TMs: HMs: None Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 130 - Gyarados Type: Water/Flying Locations: Everywhere(Super Rod) Egg group: Water 2/Dragon Ability: Intimidate[Lowers opponent's attack when sent out] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 2 Attack 1280 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 95/Attack 125/Defense 79/Speed 81/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 100 Evolution: From Magikarp(Level 20) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Thrash Double-Edge Level 20 - Bite Mimic Level 25 - Dragon Rage Substitute Level 30 - Leer Body Slam Level 35 - Twister Thunder Wave Level 40 - Hydro Pump Level 45 - Rain Dance Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 50 - Dragon Dance Sleep Talk Level 55 - Hyper Beam Snore Swagger Endure Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 131 - Lapras Type: Water/Ice Locations: Island 4 Ice Cave(Surf), Silph Co(Receive) Egg group: Monster/Water 1 Ability: Water Absorb[Absorbs Water attacks, recovers 1/4 of what would have been damage] Shell Armor[Prevents Lapras from taking critical hits] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 2 HP 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 130/Attack 85/Defense 80/Speed 60/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 95 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Water Gun Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Sing Substitute Level 07 - Mist Body Slam Level 13 - Body Slam Dream Eater Level 19 - Confuse Ray Level 25 - Perish Song Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 31 - Ice Beam Sleep Talk Level 37 - Rain Dance Snore Level 43 - Safeguard Swagger Level 49 - Hydro Pump Endure Level 55 - Sheer Cold Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Refresh Sleep Talk Curse Dragon Dance Horn Drill Tickle Foresight Substitute ============================================================================== 132 - Ditto Type: Normal Locations: Routes 13, 14, 16, Cinnbar Mansion, and Unknown Dungeon Egg group: Ditto(Can breed with any Pokemon except those who can't breed) Ability: Limber[Can't be paralyzed] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 48/Attack 48/Defense 48/Speed 48/Sp Att 48/Sp Def 48 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Transform None TMs: HMs: None Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 133 - Eevee Type: Normal Locations: Celadon Mansion(Back door, top floor. You receive it) Egg group: Ground Ability: Run Away[Always lets this Pokemon run from Wild Pokemon battles] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 8960 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 55/Defense 50/Speed 55/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 65 Evolution: -> Vaporeon(Water Stone) OR -> Flareon(Fire Stone) OR -> Jolteon(Thunderstone) OR Espeon(Happiness) OR -> Umbreon(Happiness) (Whew, that's a lot!) Note: You can't evolve Eevee into Umbreon or Espeon in FR/LG. Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level -- - Helping Hand Substitute Level 08 - Sand-Attack Body Slam Level 16 - Growl Level 23 - Quick Attack Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 30 - Bite Sleep Talk Level 36 - Baton Pass Snore Level 42 - Take Down Swagger Swift Endure Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Wish Charm Flail Tickle Curse Endure NOTE: I received this from an E-mail. I am not quite sure it if is true or not, but it's certainly believable. Eevee -Evolves to Umbreon between 6pm and 4am in R/S and at Night in FR/LG. -Evolves to Espeon between 4am and 6pm in R/S and during the Morning or Day in FR/LG -These evolutions aren't definite, but they become more likely during that time. Example, Umbreon can be gained in the day, but its a lot more likely at night. ============================================================================== 134 - Vaporeon Type: Water Locations: Evolve Eevee with a Water Stone Egg group: Ground Ability: Water Absorb[Absorbs Water attacks, recovers 1/4 of what would have been damage] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 HP 8960 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 130/Attack 65/Defense 60/Speed 65/Sp Att 110/Sp Def 95 Evolution: From Eevee(Water Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level -- - Helping Hand Substitute Level 08 - Sand-Attack Body Slam Level 16 - Water Gun Level 23 - Quick Attack Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 30 - Bite Sleep Talk Level 36 - Aurora Beam Snore Level 42 - Haze Swagger Level 47 - Acid Armor Endure Level 52 - Hydro Pump Swift Mud-Slap Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 05 - Roar 07 - Waterfall 06 - Toxic 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Wish Charm Flail Tickle Curse Endure ============================================================================== 135 - Jolteon Type: Electric Locations: Evolve Eevee with a Thunderstone Egg group: Ground Ability: Volt Absorb[Absorbs Electric attacks, recovers 1/4 of what would have been damage] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Speed 8960 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 65/Defense 60/Speed 130/Sp Att 110/Sp Def 95 Evolution: From Eevee(Thunderstone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level -- - Helping Hand Substitute Level 08 - Sand-Attack Body Slam Level 16 - Thundershock Thunder Wave Level 23 - Quick Attack Level 30 - Double Kick Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 36 - Pin Missile Sleep Talk Level 42 - Thunder Wave Snore Level 47 - Agility Swagger Level 52 - Thunder Swift Mud-Slap Endure TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Wish Charm Flail Tickle Curse Endure ============================================================================== 136 - Flareon Type: Fire Locations: Evolve Eevee with a Fire Stone Egg group: Ground Ability: Flash Fire[Fire attacks make Flareon stronger] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Attack 8960 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 130/Defense 60/Speed 65/Sp Att 95/Sp Def 110 Evolution: From Eevee(Fire Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level -- - Helping Hand Substitute Level 08 - Sand-Attack Body Slam Level 16 - Ember Level 23 - Quick Attack Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 30 - Bite Sleep Talk Level 36 - Fire Spin Snore Level 42 - Smog Swagger Level 47 - Leer Endure Level 52 - Flamethrower Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Wish Charm Flail Tickle Curse Endure ============================================================================== 137 - Porygon Type: Normal Locations: Game Corner Egg group: Mineral Ability: Trace[Copies opponent's ability] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 60/Defense 70/Speed 40/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 75 Evolution: -> Porygon2(Upgrade) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Conversion Mimic Level -- - Conversion 2 Substitute Level 09 - Agility Dream Eater Level 12 - Psybeam Thunder Wave Level 20 - Recover Level 24 - Sharpen Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 32 - Lock-On Sleep Talk Level 36 - Tri Attack Snore Level 44 - Recycle Swagger Level 48 - Zap Cannon Swift Endure Psych Up Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 46 - Thief Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 138 - Omanyte Type: Rock/Water Locations: Revive from fossil at Mt. Moon at Cinnabar Island(Helix Fossil) Egg group: Water 1/Water 3 Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles speed in rain] Shell Armor[Prevents Omanyte from recieving a critical hit] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Defense 7680 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 35/Attack 40/Defense 100/Speed 35/Sp Att 90/Sp Def 55 Evolution: -> Omastar(Level 40) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Withdraw Double-Edge Level -- - Constrict Mimic Level 13 - Bite Substitute Level 19 - Water Gun Body Slam Level 25 - Mud Shot Rock Slide Level 31 - Leer Level 37 - Protect Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 43 - Tickle Sleep Talk Level 49 - Ancientpower Snore Level 55 - Hydro Pump Swagger Icy Wind Endure Rollout TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Rock Slide Slam Spikes Aurora Beam Haze Supersonic Bubblebeam ============================================================================== 139 - Omastar Type: Rock/Water Locations: Evolve Omanyte Egg group: Water 1/Water 3 Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles speed in rain] Shell Armor[Prevents Omastar from recieving a critical hit] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 2 Defense 7680 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 60/Defense 125/Speed 55/Sp Att 115/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Omanyte(Level 40) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Withdraw Double-Edge Level -- - Constrict Mimic Level -- - Bite Substitute Level -- - Water Gun Body Slam Level -- - Mud Shot Rock Slide Level -- - Leer Seismic Toss Level -- - Protect Level 40 - Spike Cannon Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 46 - Tickle Sleep Talk Level 55 - Ancientpower Snore Level 65 - Hydro Pump Swagger Endure Icy Wind Rollout TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Rock Slide Slam Spikes Aurora Beam Haze Supersonic Bubblebeam ============================================================================== 140 - Kabuto Type: Rock/Water Locations: Revive from fossil at Mt. Moon at Cinnabar Island(Dome Fossil) Egg group: Water 1/Water 3 Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles speed in rain] Battle Armor[Prevents Kabuto from getting a critical hit] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Defense 7680 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 30/Attack 80/Defense 90/Speed 55/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 45 Evolution: -> Kabutops(Level 40) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Double-Edge Level -- - Harden Mimic Level 13 - Absorb Substitute Level 19 - Leer Body Slam Level 25 - Mud Shot Rock Slide Level 31 - Sand-Attack Level 37 - Endure Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 43 - Metal Sound Sleep Talk Level 49 - Mega Drain Snore Level 55 - Ancientpower Swagger Endure Icy Wind Rollout TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Knock Off Rapid Spin Flail Confuse Ray Dig Aurora Beam Bubblebeam ============================================================================== 141 - Kabutops Type: Rock/Water Locations: Evolve Kabuto Egg group: Water 1/Water 3 Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles speed in rain] Battle Armor[Prevents Kabutops from getting a critical hit] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 2 Attack 7680 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 115/Defense 105/Speed 80/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Kabuto(Level 40) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Double-Edge Level -- - Harden Mimic Level -- - Absorb Substitute Level -- - Leer Body Slam Level -- - Mud Shot Rock Slide Level -- - Sand-Attack Mega Kick Level -- - Endure Seismic Toss Level -- - Fury Cutter Swords Dance Level 40 - Slash Level 46 - Metal Sound Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 55 - Mega Drain Sleep Talk Level 65 - Ancientpower Snore Swagger Endure Rollout Icy Wind Fury Cutter (Learns Fury Cutter in FR/LG only) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 03 - Surf 07 - Hail 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 07 - Waterfall 13 - Ice Beam 08 - Dive 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Knock Off Rapid Spin Flail Confuse Ray Dig Aurora Beam Bubblebeam ============================================================================== 142 - Aerodactyl Type: Rock/Flying Locations: Revive Amber at Cinnabar Island(Get Amber at the back door of the Pewter Museum) Egg group: Flying Ability: Pressure[Opponent used twice as much PP per attack] Rock Head[No recoil damage] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 2 Speed 8960 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 105/Defense 65/Speed 130/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 75 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Wing Attack Double-Edge Level 08 - Agility Mimic Level 15 - Bite Substitute Level 22 - Supersonic Rock Slide Level 29 - Ancientpower Level 36 - Scary Face Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 43 - Take Down Sleep Talk Level 50 - Hyper Beam Snore Swagger Swift Endure TMs: HMs: 02 - Dragon Claw 02 - Fly 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Dragonbreath Curse Foresight Steel Wing Whirlwind Pursuit ============================================================================== 143 - Snorlax Type: Normal Locations: Cycling Road, Route 12(One time only, use Pokeflute) Egg group: Monster Ability: Immunity[Snorlax can't be poisoned] Thick Fat[Takes half damage from Fire and Ice attacks] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 2 HP 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 160/Attack 110/Defense 65/Speed 30/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 110 Evolution: None Holds Chesto Berry(Always) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level 06 - Amnesia Mimic Level 10 - Defense Curl Substitute Level 15 - Belly Drum Rock Slide Level 19 - Headbutt Seismic Toss Level 24 - Yawn Body Slam Level 28 - Rest Mega Punch Level 28 - Snore Mega Kick Level 33 - Body Slam Metronome Level 37 - Sleep Talk Counter Level 41 - Block Level 45 - Covet Level 49 - Rollout Level 53 - Hyper Beam (Learns Sleep Talk in FR/LG only) Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind Mud-Slap Rollout TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Fissure Lick Substitute Curse Double-Edge Charm ============================================================================== 144 - Articuno Type: Ice/Flying Locations: Seafoam Islands Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Pressure[Opponent uses 2 PP instead of 1] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Rare Pokemon EVs RFB: 3 Special Defense 20480 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 85/Defense 100/Speed 85/Sp Att 95/Sp Def 125 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Gust Double-Edge Level -- - Powder Snow Mimic Level 13 - Mist Substitute Level 25 - Agility Level 37 - Mind Reader Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 49 - Ice Beam Sleep Talk Level 61 - Reflect Snore Level 73 - Blizzard Swagger Level 85 - Sheer Cold Swift Endure Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 02 - Fly 05 - Roar 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 37 - Sandstorm 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 145 - Zapdos Type: Flying/Electric Locations: Power Plant Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Pressure[Opponent uses 2 PP instead of 1] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Rare Pokemon EVs RFB: 3 Special Attack 20480 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 90/Defense 85/Speed 100/Sp Att 125/Sp Def 90 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Thundershock Double-Edge Level -- - Peck Mimic Level 13 - Thunder Wave Substitute Level 25 - Agility Thunder Wave Level 37 - Detect Level 49 - Drill Peck Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 61 - Charge Sleep Talk Level 73 - Light Screen Snore Level 85 - Thunder Swagger Swift Endure TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 02 - Fly 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 37 - Sandstorm 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 146 - Moltres Type: Flying/Fire Locations: Island 1 Mountain Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Pressure[Opponent uses 2 PP instead of 1] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Rare Pokemon EVs RFB: 3 Special Attack 20480 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 100/Defense 90/Speed 90/Sp Att 125/Sp Def 85 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Wing Attack Double-Edge Level -- - Ember Mimic Level 13 - Fire Spin Substitute Level 25 - Agility Level 37 - Endure Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 49 - Flamethrower Sleep Talk Level 61 - Safeguard Snore Level 73 - Heat Wave Swagger Level 85 - Sky Attack Endure Swift TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 02 - Fly 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 47 - Steel Wing 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 147 - Dratini Type: Dragon Locations: Safari Zone(Super Rod), Game Corner Egg group: Dragon/Water 1 Ability: Shed Skin[Has a chance of healing condition per turn] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Attack 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 41/Attack 64/Defense 45/Speed 50/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Dragonair(Level 30) -> Dragonite(Level 55) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Wrap Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 08 - Thunder Wave Substitute Level 15 - Twister Body Slam Level 22 - Dragon Rage Thunder Wave Level 29 - Slam Level 36 - Agility Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 43 - Safeguard Sleep Talk Level 50 - Outrage Snore Level 57 - Hyper Beam Swagger Endure Swift Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Dragon Dance Dragonbreath Haze Light Screen Supersonic Mist ============================================================================== 148 - Dragonair Type: Dragon Locations: Safari Zone(Super Rod) Egg group: Dragon/Water 1 Ability: Shed Skin[Has a chance of healing condition per turn] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 2 Attack 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 61/Attack 84/Defense 65/Speed 70/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Dratini(Level 30) -> Dragonite(Level 55) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Wrap Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Thunder Wave Substitute Level -- - Twister Body Slam Level -- - Dragon Rage Thunder Wave Level -- - Slam Level 38 - Agility Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 47 - Safeguard Sleep Talk Level 56 - Outrage Snore Level 65 - Hyper Beam Swagger Swift Endure Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Dragon Dance Dragonbreath Haze Light Screen Supersonic Mist ============================================================================== 149 - Dragonite Type: Dragon/Flying Locations: Evolve Dragonair Egg group: Dragon/Water 1 Ability: Inner Focus[Can't flinch] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 3 Attack 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 91/Attack 134/Defense 95/Speed 80/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 100 Evolution: From Dratini(Level 30) -> Dragonite(Level 55) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Wrap Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Thunder Wave Substitute Level -- - Twister Body Slam Level -- - Dragon Rage Thunder Wave Level -- - Slam Level -- - Agility Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Safeguard Sleep Talk Level 55 - Wing Attack Snore Level 61 - Outrage Swagger Level 75 - Hyper Beam Endure Swift Mud-Slap Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Ice Punch Thunderpunch Fury Cutter Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 02 - Dragon Claw 02 - Fly 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Dragon Dance Dragonbreath Haze Light Screen Supersonic Mist ============================================================================== 150 - Mewtwo Type: Psychic Locations: Unknown Dungeon Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Pressure[Opponent uses 2 PP instead of 1] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Rare Pokemon EVs RFB: 3 Special Attack 30720(holy crap :o) Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 106/Attack 110/Defense 90/Speed 130/Sp Att 154/Sp Def 90 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Confusion Double-Edge Level -- - Disable Mimic Level 11 - Barrier Substitute Level 22 - Mist Body Slam Level 33 - Swift Thunder Wave Level 44 - Recover Mega Punch Level 55 - Safeguard Mega Kick Level 66 - Psychic Metronome Level 77 - Psych Up Counter Level 88 - Future Sight Dream Eater Level 99 - Amnesia Seismic Toss Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind Endure Psych Up Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 07 - Hail 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 151 - Mew Type: Psychic Locations: Pokemon Emerald Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Synchronize[When foe changes your condition, foe's condition changes too] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Rare Pokemon EVs RFB: 3 HP 30720 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 100/Attack 100/Defense 100/Speed 100/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 100 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Pound Double-Edge Level 10 - Transform Mimic Level 20 - Mega Punch Substitute Level 30 - Metronome Body Slam Level 40 - Psychic Thunder Wave Level 50 - Ancientpower Mega Punch Mega Kick Metronome Swords Dance Dream Eater Seismic Toss Counter Softboiled Rock Slide Explosion Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Icy Wind Fury Cutter Rollout Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 02 - Dragon Claw 02 - Fly 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 04 - Calm Mind 04 - Strength 05 - Roar 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 08 - Bulk Up 08 - Dive 09 - Bullet Seed 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Sludge Bomb 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== ============================================================================== This line ends the original R/B/Y Pokemon. Now we move forward to the Second Generation of G/S/C. Also, quick reminder: Please note that this FAQ is written by strawhat. Thanks, now moving on: ============================================================================== 152 - Chikorita Type: Grass Locations: Pokemon Emerald, after completing the Hoenn Pokedex. Egg group: Plant/Monster Ability: Overgrow[Grass attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 49/Defense 65/Speed 45/Sp Att 49/Sp Def 65 Evolution: -> Bayleef(Level 16) -> Meganium(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level 08 - Razor Leaf Substitute Level 12 - Reflect Body Slam Level 15 - Poisonpowder Swords Dance Level 22 - Synthesis Counter Level 29 - Body Slam Level 36 - Light Screen Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 43 - Safeguard Sleep Talk Level 50 - Solarbeam Snore Swagger Endure Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Ancientpower Counter Flail Grasswhistle Ingrain Leech Seed Nature Power Vine Whip ============================================================================== 153 - Bayleef Type: Grass Locations: Evolve Chikorita Egg group: Plant/Monster Ability: Overgrow[Grass attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense, 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 62/Defense 80/Speed 60/Sp Att 63/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Chikorita(Level 16) -> Meganium(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Razor Leaf Substitute Level -- - Reflect Body Slam Level -- - Poisonpowder Swords Dance Level 23 - Synthesis Counter Level 31 - Body Slam Level 39 - Light Screen Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 47 - Safeguard Sleep Talk Level 55 - Solarbeam Snore Swagger Endure Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 06 - Rock Smash 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Ancientpower Counter Flail Grasswhistle Ingrain Leech Seed Nature Power Vine Whip ============================================================================== 154 - Meganium Type: Grass Locations: Evolve Bayleef Egg group: Plant/Monster Ability: Overgrow[Grass attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Special Defense, 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 82/Defense 100/Speed 80/Sp Att 83/Sp Def 100 Evolution: From Chikorita(Level 16) and Bayleef(Level 32) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Razor Leaf Substitute Level -- - Reflect Body Slam Level -- - Poisonpowder Swords Dance Level -- - Synthesis Counter Level -- - Body Slam Level 41 - Light Screen Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 51 - Safeguard Sleep Talk Level 61 - Solarbeam Snore Swagger Endure Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 06 - Rock Smash 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Ancientpower Counter Flail Grasswhistle Ingrain Leech Seed Nature Power Vine Whip ============================================================================== 155 - Cyndaquil Type: Fire Locations: Pokemon Emerald, after completing the Hoenn Pokedex. Egg group: Ground Ability: Blaze[Fire attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 39/Attack 52/Defense 43/Speed 65/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Quilava(Level 14) -> Typhlosion(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 06 - Smokescreen Substitute Level 12 - Ember Body Slam Level 19 - Quick Attack Level 27 - Flame Wheel Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 36 - Swift Sleep Talk Level 46 - Flamethrower Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Rollout Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Fury Swipes Foresight Reversal Covet Crush Claw Thrash Quick Attack Howl ============================================================================== 156 - Quilava Type: Fire Locations: Evolve Cyndaquil. Egg group: Ground Ability: Blaze[Fire attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Speed, 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 58/Attack 64/Defense 58/Speed 80/Sp Att 80/Sp Def 65 Evolution: From Cyndaquil(Level 14) -> Typhlosion(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Smokescreen Substitute Level -- - Ember Body Slam Level 21 - Quick Attack Level 31 - Flame Wheel Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 42 - Swift Sleep Talk Level 54 - Flamethrower Snore Swagger Endure Swift Rollout Mud-Slap Defense Curl TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Fury Swipes Foresight Reversal Covet Crush Claw Thrash Quick Attack Howl ============================================================================== 157 - Typhlosion Type: Fire Locations: Evolve Quilava Egg group: Ground Ability: Blaze[Fire attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 3 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 78/Attack 84/Defense 78/Speed 100/Sp Att 109/Sp Def 85 Evolution: From Cyndaquil(Level 14) and Quilava(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Smokescreen Substitute Level -- - Ember Body Slam Level -- - Quick Attack Mega Kick Level -- - Flame Wheel Mega Punch Level 45 - Swift Counter Level 60 - Flamethrower Rock Slide Seismic Toss Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Swift Rollout Mud-Slap Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Fury Swipes Foresight Reversal Covet Crush Claw Thrash Quick Attack Howl ============================================================================== 158 - Totodile Type: Water Locations: Pokemon Emerald, after completing the Hoenn Pokedex. Egg group: Monster/Water 1 Ability: Torrent[Water attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 65/Defense 64/Speed 43/Sp Att 44/Sp Def 48 Evolution: -> Croconaw(Level 18) -> Feraligatr(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 07 - Rage Substitute Level 13 - Water Gun Body Slam Level 20 - Bite Rock Slide Level 27 - Scary Face Counter Level 35 - Slash Seismic Toss Level 43 - Screech Mega Punch Level 52 - Hydro Pump Mega Kick Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Dynamic Punch Icy Wind Ice Punch TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Rock Slide Ancientpower Dragon Claw Hydro Pump Thrash Water Sport Crunch Mud Sport ============================================================================== 159 - Croconaw Type: Water Locations: Evolve Totodile Egg group: Monster/Water 1 Ability: Torrent[Water attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Attack, 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 80/Defense 80/Speed 58/Sp Att 59/Sp Def 63 Evolution: From Totodile(Level 18) -> Feraligatr(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Rage Substitute Level -- - Water Gun Body Slam Level 21 - Bite Rock Slide Level 28 - Scary Face Counter Level 37 - Slash Seismic Toss Level 45 - Screech Mega Punch Level 55 - Hydro Pump Mega Kick Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Dynamic Punch Icy Wind Ice Punch TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Rock Slide Ancientpower Dragon Claw Hydro Pump Thrash Water Sport Crunch Mud Sport ============================================================================== 160 - Feraligatr Type: Water Locations: Evolve Croconaw Egg group: Monster/Water 1 Ability: Torrent[Water attacks become stronger with less than 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 2 Attack, 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 85/Attack 105/Defense 100/Speed 78/Sp Att 79/Sp Def 83 Evolution: From Totodile(Level 18) and Croconaw(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Rage Substitute Level -- - Water Gun Body Slam Level -- - Bite Rock Slide Level -- - Scary Face Counter Level 38 - Slash Seismic Toss Level 47 - Screech Mega Punch Level 58 - Hydro Pump Mega Kick Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Dynamic Punch Icy Wind Ice Punch Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 02 - Dragon Claw 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 05 - Roar 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Rock Slide Ancientpower Drawgon Claw Hydro Pump Thrash Water Sport Crunch Mud Sport ============================================================================== 161 - Sentret Type: Normal Locations: Islands 5, 6, and 7 Egg group: Ground Ability: Run Away[Can always run from Wild Pokemon battle] Keen Eye[Accuracy can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Attack 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 35/Attack 46/Defense 34/Speed 20/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 45 Evolution: -> Furret(Level 15) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Double-Edge Level 04 - Defense Curl Mimic Level 07 - Quick Attack Substitute Level 12 - Fury Swipes Body Slam Level 17 - Helping Hand Level 24 - Slam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 31 - Follow Me Endure Level 40 - Rest Sleep Talk Level 49 - Amnesia Snore Swagger Swift Rollout Endure Fury Cutter Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Pursuit Reversal Assist Substitute Slash Trick Double-Edge Focus Energy ============================================================================== 162 - Furret Type: Normal Locations: Evolve Sentret Egg group: Ground Ability: Run Away[Can always run from Wild Pokemon battle] Keen Eye[Accuracy can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 85/Attack 76/Defense 64/Speed 90/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 55 Evolution: From Sentret(Level 15) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Double-Edge Level -- - Defense Curl Mimic Level -- - Quick Attack Substitute Level -- - Fury Swipes Body Slam Level 19 - Helping Hand Level 28 - Slam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 37 - Follow Me Endure Level 48 - Rest Sleep Talk Level 59 - Amnesia Snore Swagger Swift Rollout Endure Fury Cutter Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Pursuit Reversal Assist Substitute Slash Trick Double-Edge Focus Energy ============================================================================== 163 - Hoothoot Type: Normal/Flying Locations: Trade Noctowl from Colosseum and breed Egg group: Flying Ability: Insomnia[Can't fall asleep] Keen Eye[Accuracy can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 HP 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 30/Defense 30/Speed 50/Sp Att 36/Sp Def 56 Evolution: -> Noctowl(Level 20) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level 06 - Foresight Substitute Level 11 - Peck Dream Eater Level 16 - Hypnosis Level 22 - Reflect Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 28 - Take Down Sleep Talk Level 34 - Confusion Snore Level 48 - Dream Eater Swagger Swift Endure Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 02 - Fly 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Featherdance Mirror Move Whirlwind Wing Attack Faint Attack Sky Attack Supersonic ============================================================================== 164 - Noctowl Type: Normal/Flying Locations: Trade from Colosseum or evolve Hoothoot Egg group: Flying Ability: Insomnia[Can't fall asleep] Keen Eye[Accuracy can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 HP 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 100/Attack 50/Defense 50/Speed 70/Sp Att 76/Sp Def 96 Evolution: From Hoothoot(Level 20) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Foresight Substitute Level -- - Peck Dream Eater Level -- - Hypnosis Level 25 - Reflect Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 33 - Take Down Sleep Talk Level 41 - Confusion Snore Level 57 - Dream Eater Swagger Endure Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 02 - Fly 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Featherdance Mirror Move Whirlwind Wing Attack Faint Attack Sky Attack Supersonic ============================================================================== 165 - Ledyba Type: Bug/Flying Locations: Island 6 Forest Egg group: Bug Ability: Early Bird[Wakes up a turn earlier] Swarm[Bug attacks are stronger at 1/3 HP or less] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 20/Defense 30/Speed 55/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 80 Evolution: -> Ledian(Level 18) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level 08 - Supersonic Mimic Level 15 - Comet Punch Substitute Level 22 - Light Screen Swords Dance Level 22 - Reflect Level 22 - Safeguard Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 29 - Baton Pass Sleep Talk Level 36 - Swift Snore Level 43 - Agility Swagger Level 50 - Double-Edge Swift Endure Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Thunderpunch TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Bide Psybeam Silver Wind ============================================================================== 166 - Ledian Type: Bug/Flying Locations: Evolve Ledyba Egg group: Bug Ability: Early Bird[Wakes up a turn earlier] Swarm[Bug attacks are stronger at 1/3 HP or less] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Special Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 35/Defense 50/Speed 85/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 110 Evolution: From Ledyba(Level 18) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Supersonic Mimic Level -- - Comet Punch Substitute Level 24 - Light Screen Swords Dance Level 24 - Reflect Level 24 - Safeguard Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 33 - Baton Pass Sleep Talk Level 42 - Swift Snore Level 51 - Agility Swagger Level 60 - Double-Edge Endure Swift Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Thunderpunch TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Bide Psybeam Silver Wind ============================================================================== 167 - Spinarak Type: Bug/Poison Locations: Island 6 Forest Egg group: Bug Ability: Insomnia[Can't fall asleep] Swarm[Bug attacks are stronger at 1/3 HP or less] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Attack 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 60/Defense 40/Speed 30/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 40 Evolution: -> Ariados(Level 22) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Poison Sting Double-Edge Level -- - String Shot Mimic Level 06 - Scary Face Substitute Level 11 - Constrict Body Slam Level 17 - Night Shade Level 23 - Leech Life Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 30 - Fury Swipes Endure Level 37 - Spider Web Sleep Talk Level 45 - Agility Snore Level 53 - Psychic Swagger TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Baton Pass Signal Beam Psybeam Disable Sonicboom Pursuit ============================================================================== 168 - Ariados Type: Bug/Poison Locations: Evolve Spinarak Egg group: Bug Ability: Insomnia[Can't fall asleep] Swarm[Bug attacks are stronger at 1/3 HP or less] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Attack 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 90/Defense 70/Speed 40/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Spinarak(Level 22) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Poison Sting Double-Edge Level -- - String Shot Mimic Level -- - Scary Face Substitute Level -- - Constrict Body Slam Level -- - Night Shade Level 25 - Leech Life Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 34 - Fury Swipes Sleep Talk Level 43 - Spider Web Snore Level 53 - Agility Swagger Level 63 - Psychic Endure TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Baton Pass Signal Beam Psybeam Disable Sonicboom Pursuit ============================================================================== 169 - Crobat Type: Poison/Flying Locations: Evolve Golbat Egg group: Flying Ability: Inner Focus[This Pokemon can't be flinched] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 3 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 85/Attack 90/Defense 80/Speed 130/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Zubat(Level 22) and Golbat(Happiness) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leech Life Substitute Level -- - Supersonic Mimic Level -- - Astonish Double-Edge Level -- - Bite Level -- - Haze Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Wing Attack Sleep Talk Level 28 - Confuse Ray Snore Level 35 - Air Cutter Swagger Level 42 - Mean Look Endure Level 49 - Poison Fang Swift Level 56 - Haze TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 02 - Fly 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Faint Attack Quick Attack Pursuit Gust Curse Whirlwind ============================================================================== 170 - Chinchou Type: Electric/Water Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Water 2 Ability: Volt Absorb[Absorbs electric attacks and converts 1/4 of what would have been damage into HP] Illuminate[Increases encounter rate when in first slot] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 75/Attack 38/Defense 38/Speed 67/Sp Att 56/Sp Def 56 Evolution: -> Lanturn(Level 27) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bubble Substitute Level -- - Thunder Wave Mimic Level 05 - Supersonic Double-Edge Level 13 - Flail Thunder Wave Level 17 - Water Gun Level 25 - Spark Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 29 - Confuse Ray Sleep Talk Level 37 - Take Down Snore Level 41 - Hydro Pump Swagger Level 49 - Charge Endure TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Amnesia Screech Flail ============================================================================== 171 - Lanturn Type: Electric/Water Locations: Evolve Chinchou Egg group: Water 2 Ability: Volt Absorb[Absorbs electric attacks and converts 1/4 of what would have been damage into HP] Illuminate[Increases encounter rate when in first slot] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 2 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 125/Attack 58/Defense 58/Speed 67/Sp Att 76/Sp Def 76 Evolution: From Chinchou(Level 27) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bubble Substitute Level -- - Thunder Wave Mimic Level -- - Supersonic Double-Edge Level -- - Flail Thunder Wave Level -- - Water Gun Level -- - Spark Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 32 - Confuse Ray Sleep Talk Level 43 - Take Down Snore Level 50 - Hydro Pump Swagger Level 61 - Charge Endure TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Amnesia Screech Flail ============================================================================== 172 - Pichu Type: Electric Locations: Breed Pikachu Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Static[30% chance of paralysis on contact] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Speed 2560 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 20/Attack 40/Defense 15/Speed 60/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 35 Evolution: -> Pikachu(Happiness) -> Raichu(Thunderstone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Thundershock Substitute Level -- - Charm Mimic Level 06 - Tail Whip Body Slam Level 08 - Thunder Wave Double-Edge Level 11 - Sweet Kiss Mega Punch Mega Kick Metronome Counter Seismic Toss Thunder Wave **Also learns Volt Tackle through breeding, with the female holding a Light Ball. Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Defense Curl Endure Sleep Talk Rollout Snore Swagger Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 03 - Surf(From Pokemon Box Only) 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Reversal Bide Encore Doubleslap Charge Volt Tackle ~~To get Volt Tackle, you must breed a female Pikachu with a Light Ball or a Pikachu with Light Ball and a Ditto. ============================================================================== 173 - Cleffa Type: Normal Locations: Breed Clefairy Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Cute Charm[30% chance of Attracting foe on contact] Gender Ratio: 25% Male, 75% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 2560 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 25/Defense 28/Speed 15/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 55 Evolution: -> Clefairy(Happiness) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Pound Body Slam Level -- - Growl Double-Edge Level 04 - Encore Mega Punch Level 08 - Sing Mega Kick Level 13 - Follow Me Mimic Level 17 - Magical Leaf Metronome Substitute Seismic Toss Thunder Wave Counter Dream Eater (Learns Magical Leaf in FR/LG only) Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Defense Curl Rollout Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Amnesia Belly Drum Wish Present Splash Substitute Metronome Mimic ============================================================================== 174 - Igglybuff Type: Normal Locations: Breed Jigglypuff Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Cute Charm[30% chance of Attracting foe on contact] Gender Ratio: 25% Male, 75% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 HP 2560 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 30/Defense 15/Speed 15/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 20 Evolution: -> Jigglypuff(Happiness) -> Wigglytuff(Moonstone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Sing Body Slam Level -- - Defense Curl Mimic Level 09 - Pound Substitute Level 04 - Charm Double-Edge Level 14 - Sweet Kiss Mega Punch Mega Kick Thunder Wave Dream Eater Seismic Toss Counter Metronome Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Defense Curl Endure Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Psych Up Rollout Mud-Slap Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Faint Attack Fake Tears Perish Sond Present Wish ============================================================================== 175 - Togepi Type: Normal Locations: Island 5(receive) Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Serene Grace[Twice the chance of extra effect] Hustle[Strengthens Togepi's attack, but lowers accuracy] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 2560 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 35/Attack 20/Defense 65/Speed 20/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 64 Evolution: -> Togetic(Happiness) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Growl Body Slam Level -- - Charm Mimic Level -- - Metronome Substitute Level 09 - Sweet Kiss Double-Edge Level 13 - Yawn Mega Punch Level 17 - Encore Thunder Wave Level 21 - Ancientpower Mega Kick Level 25 - Follow Me Metronome Level 29 - Wish Seismic Toss Level 33 - Safeguard Dream Eater Level 37 - Double-Edge Counter Level 41 - Baton Pass (Learns Ancientpower and Baton Pass in FR/LG only) Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Rollout Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Mirror Move Future Sight Peck Substitute Psych Up Present Foresight ============================================================================== 176 - Togetic Type: Normal/Flying Locations: Evolve Togepi Egg group: Fairy/Flying Ability: Serene Grace[Twice the chance of extra effect] Hustle[Strengthens Togetic's attack, but lowers accuracy] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 40/Defense 85/Speed 40/Sp Att 80/Sp Def 105 Evolution: From Togepi(Happiness) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Magical Leaf Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Body Slam Level -- - Charm Mimic Level -- - Metronome Substitute Level 09 - Sweet Kiss Mega Kick Level 13 - Yawn Mega Punch Level 17 - Encore Thunder Wave Level 21 - Ancientpower Counter Level 25 - Follow Me Metronome Level 29 - Wish Seismic Toss Level 33 - Safeguard Dream Eater Level 37 - Double-Edge Softboiled Level 41 - Baton Pass (Learns Magical Leaf, Ancientpower and Baton Pass in FRLG only) Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Rollout Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 02 - Fly 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Mirror Move Future Sight Peck Substitute Psych Up Present Foresight ============================================================================== 177 - Natu Type: Psychic/Flying Locations: Island 6 Egg group: Flying Ability: Synchronize[When opponent inflicts a condition on you, they get the condition too] Early Bird[Wakes up a turn earlier from sleep] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 50/Defense 45/Speed 70/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 45 Evolution: -> Xatu(Level 25) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Peck Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Dream Eater Level 10 - Night Shade Mimic Level 20 - Teleport Substitute Level 30 - Wish Thunder Wave Level 30 - Future Sight Level 40 - Confuse Ray Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 50 - Psychic Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Swift Endure Psych Up TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Steel Wing Quick Attack Haze Drill Peck Refresh Faint Attack Psych Up Featherdance ============================================================================== 178 - Xatu Type: Psychic/Flying Locations: Evolve Natu Egg group: Flying Ability: Synchronize[When opponent inflicts a condition on you, they get the condition too] Early Bird[Wakes up a turn earlier from sleep] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack, 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 75/Defense 70/Speed 95/Sp Att 95/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Natu(Level 25) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Peck Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Dream Eater Level -- - Night Shade Mimic Level -- - Teleport Substitute Level 35 - Wish Thunder Wave Level 35 - Future Sight Level 50 - Confuse Ray Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 65 - Psychic Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Swift Endure Psych Up TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Steel Wing Quick Attack Haze Drill Peck Refresh Faint Attack Psych Up Featherdance ============================================================================== 179 - Mareep Type: Electric Locations: Trade from Colosseum and Transformation Cave? Egg group: Ground/Monster Ability: Static[30% chance of paralysis on contact] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 40/Defense 40/Speed 35/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 45 Evolution: -> Flaaffy(Level 15) -> Ampharos(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Dream Eater Level 09 - Thundershock Mimic Level 16 - Thunder Wave Substitute Level 23 - Cotton Spore Thunder Wave Level 30 - Light Screen Level 37 - Thunder Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Swift TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Charge Body Slam Safeguard Take Down Odor Sleuth Screech Reflect ============================================================================== 180 - Flaaffy Type: Electric Locations: Evolve Mareep Egg group: Ground/Monster Ability: Static[30% chance of paralysis on contact] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 55/Defense 55/Speed 45/Sp Att 80/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Mareep(Level 15) -> Ampharos(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Dream Eater Level -- - Thundershock Mimic Level 18 - Thunder Wave Substitute Level 27 - Cotton Spore Thunder Wave Level 36 - Light Screen Body Slam Level 45 - Thunder Counter Seismic Toss Mega Punch Mega Kick Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Charge Body Slam Safeguard Take Down Odor Sleuth Screech Reflect ============================================================================== 181 - Ampharos Type: Electric Locations: Evolve Flaaffy Egg group: Ground/Monster Ability: Static[30% chance of paralysis on contact] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 3 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 75/Defense 75/Speed 55/Sp Att 115/Sp Def 90 Evolution: From Mareep(Level 15) and Flaffy(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Dream Eater Level -- - Thundershock Mimic Level -- - Thunder Wave Substitute Level -- - Cotton Spore Thunder Wave Level 30 - Thunderpunch Mega Kick Level 42 - Light Screen Body Slam Level 57 - Thunder Counter Seismic Toss Mega Punch Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Swift Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Charge Body Slam Safeguard Take Down Odor Sleuth Screech Reflect ============================================================================== 182 - Bellossom Type: Grass Locations: Evolve Gloom Egg group: Plant Ability: Chlorophyll[Speed doubles in the sun] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 3 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 75/Attack 80/Defense 85/Speed 50/Sp Att 90/Sp Def 100 Evolution: From Oddish(Level 22) and Gloom(Sun Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Absorb Substitute Level -- - Sweet Scent Mimic Level -- - Magical Leaf Double-Edge Level -- - Stun Spore Swords Dance Level 44 - Petal Dance Level 55 - Solarbeam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Razor Leaf Flail Synthesis Charm Ingrain ============================================================================== 183 - Marill Type: Water Locations: Islands 4 and 6(Leaf Green Only) Egg group: Fairy/Water 1 Ability: Thick Fat[Takes 1/2 damage from Fire and Ice] Huge Power[Doubles Marill's attack] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 2 HP 2560 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 20/Defense 50/Speed 40/Sp Att 20/Sp Def 50 Evolution: From Azurill(Happiness) -> Azumarill(Level 18) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Defense Curl Mimic Level 06 - Tail Whip Double-Edge Level 10 - Water Gun Mega Punch Level 15 - Rollout Mega Kick Level 21 - Bubblebeam Seismic Toss Level 28 - Double-Edge Body Slam Level 36 - Rain Dance Level 45 - Hydro Pump Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Defense Curl Endure Rollout Mud-Slap Swift Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Light Screen Amnesia Substitute Future Sight Supersonic Encore Body Slam Sing Tickle Refresh Belly Drum Perish Song ============================================================================== 184 - Azumarill Type: Water Locations: Evolve Marill Egg group: Fairy/Water 1 Ability: Thick Fat[Takes 1/2 damage from Fire and Ice] Huge Power[Doubles Azumarill's attack] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 3 HP 2560 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 100/Attack 50/Defense 80/Speed 50/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Azurill(Happiness) and Marill(Level 18) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Defense Curl Mimic Level -- - Tail Whip Double-Edge Level -- - Water Gun Mega Punch Level -- - Rollout Mega Kick Level 24 - Bubblebeam Seismic Toss Level 34 - Double-Edge Body Slam Level 45 - Rain Dance Level 57 - Hydro Pump Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Defense Curl Endure Rollout Mud-Slap Swift Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Light Screen Amnesia Substitute Future Sight Supersonic Encore Body Slam Sing Tickle Refresh Belly Drum Perish Song ============================================================================== 185 - Sudowoodo Type: Rock Locations: Trade from Colosseum Egg group: Mineral Ability: Rock Head[Takes no recoil damage] Sturdy[Sudowoodo isn't effected by an OHKO attack] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 100/Defense 115/Speed 30/Sp Att 30/Sp Def 65 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Rock Throw Substitute Level -- - Mimic Mimic Level 09 - Flail Double-Edge Level 17 - Low Kick Mega Punch Level 25 - Rock Slide Mega Kick Level 33 - Block Seismic Toss Level 41 - Faint Attack Body Slam Level 49 - Slam Counter Level 57 - Double-Edge Rock Slide Explosion Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Fire Punch Ice Punch Endure Psych Up Rollout Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Selfdestruct ============================================================================== 186 - Politoed Type: Water Locations: Evolve Poliwhirl Egg group: Water 1 Ability: Water Absorb[Absorbs Water attacks, 1/4 damage converted to HP] Damp[Neither can selfdestruct or explode] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 3 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 75/Defense 75/Speed 70/Sp Att 90/Sp Def 100 Evolution: From Poliwag(Level 25) and Poliwhirl(King's Rock) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Hypnosis Substitute Level -- - Water Gun Double-Edge Level -- - Doubleslap Body Slam Level 35 - Perish Song Mega Punch Level 51 - Swagger Mega Kick Counter Seismic Toss Metronome Mimic Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Defense Curl Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Icy Wind Endure Ice Punch Mud-Slap Dynamic Punch TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 08 - Bulk Up 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Haze Mist Water Sport Ice Ball Mind Reader Splash Bubblebeam ============================================================================== 187 - Hoppip Type: Grass/Flying Locations: Island 5(Grass and water) Egg group: Plant/Fairy Ability: Chlorophyll[Doubles speed during sunshine] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 35/Attack 35/Defense 40/Speed 50/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 55 Evolution: -> Skiploom(Level 18) -> Jumpluff(Level 27) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Splash Substitute Level 05 - Synthesis Double-Edge Level 05 - Tail Whip Mimic Level 10 - Tackle Swords Dance Level 13 - Poisonpowder Level 15 - Stun Spore Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 17 - Sleep Powder Sleep Talk Level 20 - Leech Seed Snore Level 25 - Cotton Spore Swagger Level 30 - Mega Drain Endure Defense Curl TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 09 - Bullet Seed 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Amnesia Helping Hand Encore Confusion Reflect Double-Edge Psych Up ============================================================================== 188 - Skiploom Type: Grass/Flying Locations: Evolve Hoppip Egg group: Plant/Fairy Ability: Chlorophyll[Doubles speed during sunshine] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 45/Defense 50/Speed 80/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 65 Evolution: From Hoppip(Level 18) -> Jumpluff(Level 27) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Splash Substitute Level -- - Synthesis Double-Edge Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level -- - Tackle Swords Dance Level -- - Poisonpowder Level -- - Stun Spore Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Sleep Powder Sleep Talk Level 22 - Leech Seed Snore Level 29 - Cotton Spore Swagger Level 36 - Mega Drain Endure Defense Curl TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 09 - Bullet Seed 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Amnesia Helping Hand Encore Confusion Reflect Double-Edge Psych Up ============================================================================== 189 - Jumpluff Type: Grass/Flying Locations: Evolve Skiploom Egg group: Plant/Fairy Ability: Chlorophyll[Doubles speed during sunshine] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 3 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 75/Attack 55/Defense 70/Speed 110/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 85 Evolution: From Hoppip(Level 18) and Skiploom(Level 27) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Splash Substitute Level -- - Synthesis Double-Edge Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level -- - Tackle Swords Dance Level -- - Poisonpowder Level -- - Stun Spore Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Sleep Powder Sleep Talk Level -- - Leech Seed Snore Level 33 - Cotton Spore Swagger Level 44 - Mega Drain Endure Defense Curl TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 09 - Bullet Seed 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Amnesia Helping Hand Encore Confusion Reflect Double-Edge Psych Up ============================================================================== 190 - Aipom Type: Normal Locations: Trade from Colosseum and Transformation Cave? Egg group: Ground Ability: Run Away[Always can run from wild Pokemon battles] Pick Up[Picks up random items after battle] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 70/Defense 55/Speed 85/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 55 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Tail Whip Double-Edge Level 06 - Sand-Attack Mimic Level 13 - Astonish Body Slam Level 18 - Baton Pass Counter Level 25 - Tickle Thunder Wave Level 31 - Fury Swipes Mega Punch Level 38 - Swift Mega Kick Level 43 - Screech Metronome Level 50 - Agility Seismic Toss Dream Eater Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Thunderpunch Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Ice Punch Fury cutter Swift Mud-Slap Defense Curl TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Agility Beat Up Counter Pursuit Slam Doubleslap Screech Spite ============================================================================== 191 - Sunkern Type: Grass Locations: Trade Sunflora from Colosseum and breed Egg group: Plant Ability: Chlorophyll[Doubles speed in sunshine] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 30/Attack 30/Defense 30/Speed 30/Sp Att 30/Sp Def 30 Evolution: -> Sunflora(Sun Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Absorb Substitute Level 06 - Growth Double-Edge Level 13 - Mega Drain Mimic Level 18 - Ingrain Swords Dance Level 25 - Endeavor Level 30 - Sunny Day Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 37 - Synthesis Sleep Talk Level 42 - Giga Drain Snore Swagger Endure TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Encore Helping Hand Leech Seed Grasswhistle Nature Power Curse ============================================================================== 192 - Sunflora Type: Grass Locations: Trade from Colosseum Egg group: Plant Ability: Chlorophyll[Doubles speed in sunshine] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 75/Attack 75/Defense 55/Speed 30/Sp Att 105/Sp Def 55 Evolution: From Sunkern(Sun Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Absorb Substitute Level -- - Pound Mimic Level 06 - Growth Double-Edge Level 13 - Razor Leaf Swords Dance Level 18 - Ingrain Level 25 - Bullet Seed Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 30 - Sunny Day Sleep Talk Level 37 - Petal Dance Snore Level 42 - Solarbeam Swagger Endure TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Encore Helping Hand Leech Seed Grasswhistle Nature Power Curse ============================================================================== 193 - Yanma Type: Bug/Flying Locations: Island 6 Egg group: Bug Ability: Speed Boost[Gains 50% more speed per turn] Compoundeyes[Raises accuracy] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 65/Defense 45/Speed 95/Sp Att 75/Sp Def 45 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Foresight Mimic Level 06 - Quick Attack Double-Edge Level 12 - Double Team Dream Eater Level 17 - Sonicboom Level 23 - Hypnosis Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 28 - Detect Sleep Talk Level 34 - Uproar Snore Level 39 - Wing Attack Swagger Level 45 - Supersonic Endure Level 50 - Screech Swift (Learns Hypnosis in FR/LG only) TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Reversal Leech Life Signal Beam Silver Wind Whirlwind ============================================================================== 194 - Wooper Type: Water/Ground Locations: Islands 4 and 6(Fire Red Only) Egg group: Water 1/Ground Ability: Damp[Neither Pokemon can explode or selfdestruct] Water Absorb[Absorbs Water attacks, recovers 1/4 of what would have been damage] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 45/Defense 45/Speed 15/Sp Att 25/Sp Def 25 Evolution: -> Quagsire(Level 20) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Water Gun Substitute Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level 11 - Slam Double-Edge Level 16 - Mud Shot Body Slam Level 21 - Amnesia Level 31 - Yawn Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 36 - Earthquake Sleep Talk Level 41 - Rain Dance Snore Level 51 - Mist Swagger Level 51 - Haze Endure Rollout Mud-Slap Ice Punch Dynamic Punch TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 07 - Hail 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 07 - Waterfall 13 - Ice Beam 08 - Dive 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 37 - Sandstorm 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Body Slam Curse Mud Sport Ancientpower Spit Up Stockpile Pound Safeguard ============================================================================== 195 - Quagsire Type: Water/Ground Locations: Evolve Wooper Egg group: Water 1/Ground Ability: Damp[Neither Pokemon can explode or selfdestruct] Water Absorb[Absorbs Water attacks, recovers 1/4 of what would have been damage] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 2 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 95/Attack 85/Defense 85/Speed 35/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 65 Evolution: -> Quagsire(Level 20) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Water Gun Substitute Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level 11 - Slam Double-Edge Level 16 - Mud Shot Mega Punch Level 21 - Amnesia Mega Kick Level 31 - Yawn Counter Level 36 - Earthquake Seismic Toss Level 41 - Rain Dance Body Slam Level 51 - Mist Level 61 - Haze Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Rollout Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Mud-Slap Defense Curl TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 07 - Hail 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 07 - Waterfall 13 - Ice Beam 08 - Dive 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Body Slam Curse Mud Sport Ancientpower Spit Up Stockpile Pound Safeguard ============================================================================== 196 - Espeon Type: Psychic Locations: Evolve Eevee Egg group: Ground Ability: Synchronize[When opponent changes your condition(paralyze, etc.), they also get the same effect] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 8960 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 65/Defense 60/Speed 110/Sp Att 130/Sp Def 95 Evolution: From Eevee(Happiness) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level -- - Helping Hand Substitute Level 08 - Sand-Attack Body Slam Level 16 - Confusion Dream Eater Level 23 - Quick Attack Level 30 - Swift Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 36 - Psybeam Sleep Talk Level 42 - Psych Up Snore Level 47 - Psychic Swagger Level 52 - Morning Sun Endure Psych Up Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 48 - Skill Swap Egg Moves: Wish Charm Flail Tickle Curse Endure ============================================================================== 197 - Umbreon Type: Dark Locations: Evolve Eevee Egg group: Ground Ability: Synchronize[When opponent changes your condition(paralyze, etc.), they also get the same effect] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Special Defense 8960 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 95/Attack 65/Defense 110/Speed 65/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 110 Evolution: From Eevee(Happiness) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level -- - Helping Hand Substitute Level 08 - Sand-Attack Body Slam Level 16 - Pursuit Dream Eater Level 23 - Quick Attack Level 30 - Confuse Ray Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 36 - Faint Attack Sleep Talk Level 42 - Mean Look Snore Level 47 - Screech Swagger Level 52 - Moonlight Endure Psych Up Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Wish Charm Flail Tickle Curse Endure ============================================================================== 198 - Murkrow Type: Dark/Flying Locations: Island 5 Cave(Fire Red Only) Egg group: Flying Ability: Insomnia[Murkrow can't fall asleep] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Speed 8960 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 85/Defense 42/Speed 91/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 42 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Peck Double-Edge Level 09 - Astonish Mimic Level 14 - Pursuit Substitute Level 22 - Haze Thunder Wave Level 27 - Night Shade Dream Eater Level 35 - Faint Attack Level 40 - Taunt Level 48 - Mean Look Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Mud-Slap Icy Wind Swift TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 02 - Fly 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Featherdance Drill Peck Mirror Move Sky Attack Whirlwind Wing Attack Confuse Ray Perish Song ============================================================================== 199 - Slowking Type: Water/Psychic Locations: Evolve Slowpoke Egg group: Monster/Water 1 Ability: Own Tempo[Cannot be confused] Oblivious[Can't be attracted] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 3 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 95/Attack 75/Defense 80/Speed 30/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 110 Evolution: From Slowpoke(King's Rock) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Curse Double-Edge Level -- - Yawn Mimic Level 06 - Growl Body Slam Level 13 - Water Gun Dream Eater Level 17 - Confusion Thunder Wave Level 24 - Disable Mega Punch Level 29 - Headbutt Mega Kick Level 36 - Amnesia Seismic Toss Level 40 - Psychic Counter Level 47 - Psych Up Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind Fury Cutter Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 48 - Skill Swap Egg Moves: Belly Drum Mud Sport Safeguard Future Sight Snore Stomp Sleep Talk ============================================================================== 200 - Misdreavus Type: Ghost Locations: Island 5 Cave(Leaf Green Only) Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Levitate[Immune to Ground attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense, 1 Special Attack 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 60/Defense 80/Speed 85/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 85 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Growl Substitute Level -- - Psywave Double-Edge Level 06 - Spite Mimic Level 11 - Astonish Body Slam Level 17 - Confuse Ray Dream Eater Level 23 - Mean Look Level 30 - Psybeam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 37 - Pain Split Sleep Talk Level 45 - Perish Song Snore Level 53 - Grudge Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Swift TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Imprison Psych Up Destiny Bond Screech ============================================================================== 201 - Unown Type: Psychic Locations: Island 7 Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Levitate[Immune to Ground attacks] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Rare Pokemon EVs RFB: 1 Attack, 1 Special Attack 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 48/Attack 72/Defense 48/Speed 48/Sp Att 72/Sp Def 48 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Hidden Power None TMs: HMs: None Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 202 - Wobbuffet Type: Psychic Locations: Unknown Dungeon and Island 6 Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Shadow Tag[Opponent can't escape] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 2 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 190/Attack 33/Defense 58/Speed 33/Sp Att 33/Sp Def 58 Evolution: From Wynaut(Level 15) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Counter None Level -- - Mirror Coat Level -- - Safeguard Level -- - Destiny Bond TMs: HMs: None Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 203 - Girafarig Type: Psychic/Normal Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Ground Ability: Inner Focus[Girafarig can't flinch] Early Bird[Wakes up faster] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 80/Defense 65/Speed 85/Sp Att 90/Sp Def 65 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Growl Substitute Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level 07 - Astonish Mimic Level 13 - Confusion Body Slam Level 19 - Stomp Dream Eater Level 25 - Odor Sleuth Thunder Wave Level 31 - Agility Level 37 - Baton Pass Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 43 - Psybeam Sleep Talk Level 49 - Crunch Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Amnesia Foresight Psych Up Magic Coat Future Sight Take Down Beat Up Wish ============================================================================== 204 - Pineco Type: Bug Locations: Trade from Colosseum and breed and Transformation Cave? Egg group: Bug Ability: Sturdy[Can't be defeated by an OHKO attack] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 65/Defense 90/Speed 15/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 35 Evolution: -> Forretress(Level 31) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Protect Double-Edge Level 08 - Selfdestruct Mimic Level 15 - Take Down Body Slam Level 22 - Rapid Spin Counter Level 29 - Bide Rock Slide Level 36 - Explosion Level 43 - Spikes Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 50 - Double-Edge Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Rollout Defense Curl TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 37 - Sandstorm 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Counter Flail Reflect Swift Pin Missile Sand Tomb ============================================================================== 205 - Forretress Type: Bug Locations: Trade from Colosseum Egg group: Bug/Steel Ability: Sturdy[Can't be defeated by an OHKO attack] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 75/Attack 90/Defense 140/Speed 40/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Pineco(Level 31) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Protect Double-Edge Level -- - Selfdestruct Mimic Level -- - Take Down Body Slam Level -- - Rapid Spin Counter Level -- - Bide Rock Slide Level 31 - Zap Cannon Level 39 - Explosion Emerald Move Tutor Moves Level 49 - Spikes Sleep Talk Level 59 - Double-Edge Snore Swagger Rollout Defense Curl Endure (Learns Zap Cannon in FR/LG only) TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 37 - Sandstorm 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Counter Flail Reflect Swift Pin Missile Sand Tomb ============================================================================== 206 - Dunsparce Type: Normal Locations: Island 3 Egg group: Ground Ability: Run Away[Always able to escape from wild encounters] Serene Grace[Higher chance for added effects in attack to occur] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 100/Attack 70/Defense 70/Speed 45/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 65 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Rage Substitute Level 04 - Defense Curl Double-Edge Level 11 - Yawn Mimic Level 14 - Glare Body Slam Level 21 - Rollout Counter Level 24 - Spite Rock Slide Level 31 - Pursuit Thunder Wave Level 34 - Screech Dream Eater Level 41 - Take Down Level 44 - Flail Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 51 - Endeavor Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Rollout Mud-Slap (Learns Rollout and Flail in FR/LG only) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Astonish Bite Headbutt Rock Slide Curse Bide Ancientpower ============================================================================== 207 - Gligar Type: Flying/Ground Locations: Trade from Colosseum Egg group: Bug Ability: Sand Veil[Evasion rises in a sandstorm] Hyper Cutter[Attack can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountains EVs RFB: 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 75/Defense 105/Speed 85/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 65 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Poison Sting Substitute Level 06 - Sand-Attack Double-Edge Level 13 - Harden Mimic Level 20 - Quick Attack Body Slam Level 28 - Faint Attack Counter Level 36 - Slash Rock Slide Level 44 - Screech Swords Dance Level 52 - Guillotine Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Fury Cutter Swift TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 04 - Strength 11 - Sunny Day 06 - Rock Smash 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Metal Claw Counter Wing Attack Razor Wind Sand Tomb ============================================================================== 208 - Steelix Type: Steel/Ground Locations: Evolve Onix Egg group: Mineral Ability: Rock Head[Doesn't take recoil damage] Sturdy[Can't be fainted by OHKO attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 2 Defense 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 75/Attack 85/Defense 200/Speed 30/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 55 Evolution: From Onix(Metal Coat) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Mimic Level -- - Screech Substitute Level 08 - Bind Explosion Level 12 - Rock Throw Double-Edge Level 19 - Harden Rock Slide Level 23 - Rage Level 30 - Dragonbreath Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 34 - Sandstorm Sleep Talk Level 41 - Slam Snore Level 45 - Iron Tail Swagger Level 52 - Crunch Defense Curl Level 56 - Double-Edge Endure Rollout Mud-Slap Psych Up (Learns Dragonbreath in FRLG only) TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Explosion Flail Rock Slide Block ============================================================================== 209 - Snubbull Type: Normal Locations: Trade Granbull from Colosseum and breed Egg group: Ground/Fairy Ability: Intimidate[When sent into battle, opponent's attack lowers] Run Away[Always allows Snubbull to escape from wild encounter] Gender Ratio: 25% Male, 75% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 50/Defense 80/Speed 30/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 40 Evolution: -> Granbull(Level 23) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Mimic Level -- - Scary Face Substitute Level 04 - Tail Whip Body Slam Level 08 - Charm Double-Edge Level 13 - Bite Mega Punch Level 19 - Lick Mega Kick Level 26 - Roar Metronome Level 34 - Rage Seismic Toss Level 43 - Take Down Counter Level 53 - Crunch Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Mud-Slap Defense Curl TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 03 - Water Pulse 06 - Rock Smash 05 - Roar 06 - Toxic 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Sludge Bomb 38 - Fire Blast 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Crunch Snore Reflect Smellingsalt Faint Attack Present Heal Bell Metronome ============================================================================== 210 - Granbull Type: Normal Locations: Trade from Colosseum Egg group: Ground/Fairy Ability: Intimidate[When sent into battle, opponent's attack lowers] Run Away[Always allows Snubbull to escape from wild encounter] Gender Ratio: 25% Male, 75% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 120/Defense 75/Speed 45/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Snubbull(Level 23) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Mimic Level -- - Scary Face Substitute Level -- - Tail Whip Body Slam Level -- - Charm Double-Edge Level -- - Bite Mega Punch Level -- - Lick Mega Kick Level 28 - Roar Metronome Level 38 - Rage Seismic Toss Level 49 - Take Down Counter Level 61 - Crunch Rock Slide Thunder Wave Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Mud-Slap Defense Curl TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 03 - Water Pulse 06 - Rock Smash 05 - Roar 06 - Toxic 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Sludge Bomb 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Crunch Snore Reflect Smellingsalt Faint Attack Present Heal Bell Metronome ============================================================================== 211 - Qwilfish Type: Water/Poison Locations: Surf/Fish on Island 7 Egg group: Water 2 Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles Speed in rain] Poison Point[30% chance of poison on contact] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 95/Defense 75/Speed 85/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 55 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Mimic Level -- - Poison Sting Substitute Level -- - Spikes Double-Edge Level 09 - Harden Counter Level 09 - Minimize Swords Dance Level 13 - Water Gun Thunder Wave Level 21 - Pin Missile Level 25 - Revenge Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 33 - Take Down Sleep Talk Level 37 - Hydro Pump Snore Level 45 - Destiny Bond Swagger Endure Swift Icy Wind Rollout (Learns Revenge and Destiny Bond in FR/LG only) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Astonish Bubblebeam Flail Haze Supersonic ============================================================================== 212 - Scizor Type: Bug/Steel Locations: Evolve Scyther Egg group: Bug Ability: Swarm[Bug attacks become stronger at 1/3 HP or less] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Attack 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 130/Defense 100/Speed 65/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Scyther(Metal Coat) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Quick Attack Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 06 - Focus Energy Substitute Level 11 - Pursuit Swords Dance Level 16 - False Swipe Counter Level 21 - Agility Level 26 - Wing Attack Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 31 - Slash Sleep Talk Level 36 - Swords Dance Snore Level 41 - Iron Defense Swagger Level 46 - Fury Cutter Endure Fury Cutter Swift (Learns Iron Defense in FR/LG only and Double Team in R/S only.) TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 04 - Strength 11 - Sunny Day 06 - Rock Smash 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Silver Wind Endure Razor Wind Reversal Light Screen Safeguard Counter Baton Pass ============================================================================== 213 - Shuckle Type: Bug/Rock Locations: Trade from Colosseum and Transformation Cave? Egg group: Bug Ability: Sturdy[Can't be defeated by OHKO attack] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 1 Defense, 1 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 20/Attack 10/Defense 230/Speed 5/Sp Att 10/Sp Def 230 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Constrict Double-Edge Level -- - Withdraw Mimic Level 09 - Wrap Substitute Level 14 - Encore Body Slam Level 23 - Safeguard Rock Slide Level 28 - Bide Level 37 - Rest Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Defense Curl Endure Rollout Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 06 - Rock Smash 17 - Protect 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Sweet Scent ============================================================================== 214 - Heracross Type: Bug/Fighting Locations: Island 6 Forest Egg group: Bug Ability: Swarm[Strengthens Bug attacks at 1/3 HP or less] Guts[Doubles attack when inflicted with condition] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Attack 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 125/Defense 75/Speed 85/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 95 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 06 - Horn Attack Substitute Level 11 - Endure Body Slam Level 17 - Fury Attack Rock Slide Level 23 - Brick Break Counter Level 30 - Counter Seismic Toss Level 37 - Take Down Swords Dance Level 45 - Reversal Level 53 - Megahorn Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Snore Swagger Endure Fury Cutter Sleep Talk TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: False Swipe Harden Bide Flail ============================================================================== 215 - Sneasel Type: Ice/Dark Locations: Island 4 Ice Cave(Leaf Green Only) Egg group: Ground Ability: Inner Focus[Can't flinch] Keen Eye[Accuracy can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 95/Defense 55/Speed 115/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 75 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 06 - Taunt Substitute Level 11 - Quick Attack Dream Eater Level 17 - Screech Swords Dance Level 23 - Faint Attack Counter Level 30 - Fury Swipes Level 37 - Agility Level 45 - Icy Wind Level 53 - Slash Level 57 - Beat Up Level 64 - Metal Claw Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind Fury cutter Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 04 - Calm Mind 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 07 - Hail 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Fake Out Bite Crush Claw Counter Reflect Spite ============================================================================== 216 - Teddiursa Type: Normal Locations: Trade Ursaring from Colosseum and Transformation Cave? Egg group: Ground Ability: Pickup[May pick up random items after battle] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 80/Defense 50/Speed 40/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Ursaring(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 07 - Lick Substitute Level 13 - Fury Swipes Mega Kick Level 19 - Fake Tears Mega Punch Level 25 - Faint Attack Swords Dance Level 31 - Rest Seismic Toss Level 37 - Slash Metronome Level 43 - Snore Counter Level 49 - Thrash Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Fury cutter Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Fire Punch Thunderpunch Mud-Slap Rollout Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Fake Tears Metal Claw Sleep Talk Yawn Take Down Counter Crunch Seismic Toss ============================================================================== 217 - Ursaring Type: Normal Locations: Trade from Colosseum Egg group: Ground Ability: Guts[Increases attack if inflicted with status condition] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 130/Defense 75/Speed 55/Sp Att 75/Sp Def 75 Evolution: From Teddiursa(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Lick Substitute Level -- - Fury Swipes Mega Kick Level -- - Fake Tears Mega Punch Level -- - Faint Attack Swords Dance Level 31 - Rest Seismic Toss Level 37 - Slash Metronome Level 43 - Snore Counter Level 49 - Thrash Rock Slide Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Fury cutter Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Fire Punch Thunderpunch Mud-Slap Rollout Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Fake Tears Metal Claw Sleep Talk Yawn Take Down Counter Crunch Seismic Toss ============================================================================== 218 - Slugma Type: Fire Locations: Island 1 Cave Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Magma Armor[Can't be frozen] Flame Body[30% chance of burn on contact] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 40/Defense 40/Speed 20/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 40 Evolution: -> Magcargo(Level 38) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Yawn Double-Edge Level -- - Smog Mimic Level 08 - Ember Substitute Level 15 - Rock Throw Rock Slide Level 22 - Harden Body Slam Level 29 - Amnesia Level 36 - Flamethrower Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 43 - Rock Slide Sleep Talk Level 50 - Body Slam Snore Swagger Defense Curl Endure Mud-Slap Rollout TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Acid Armor Heat Wave ============================================================================== 219 - Magcargo Type: Fire/Rock Locations: Evolve Slugma Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Magma Armor[Can't be frozen] Flame Body[30% chance of burn on contact] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 2 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 50/Defense 120/Speed 30/Sp Att 80/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Slugma(Level 38) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Yawn Double-Edge Level -- - Smog Mimic Level -- - Ember Substitute Level -- - Rock Throw Rock Slide Level -- - Harden Body Slam Level -- - Amnesia Level -- - Flamethrower Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 48 - Rock Slide Sleep Talk Level 60 - Body Slam Snore Swagger Defense Curl Endure Mud-Slap Rollout TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Acid Armor Heat Wave ============================================================================== 220 - Swinub Type: Ground/Ice Locations: Island 4 Ice Cave Egg group: Ground Ability: Oblivious[Can't be attracted] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 50/Defense 40/Speed 50/Sp Att 30/Sp Def 30 Evolution: -> Pilowswine(Level 33) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Odor Sleuth Mimic Level 10 - Powder Snow Substitute Level 19 - Endure Rock Slide Level 28 - Take Down Body Slam Level 37 - Mist Level 46 - Blizzard Level 55 - Amnesia Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Mud-Slap Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Mud Shot Rock Slide Take Down Body Slam Icicle Spear Ancientpower Bite Double-Edge ============================================================================== 221 - Pilowswine Type: Ground/Ice Locations: Evolve Swinub Egg group: Ground Ability: Oblivious[Can't be attracted] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 1 Attack, 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 100/Attack 100/Defense 80/Speed 50/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Swinub(Level 33) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Horn Attack Double-Edge Level -- - Odor Sleuth Mimic Level -- - Powder Snow Substitute Level -- - Endure Rock Slide Level -- - Take Down Body Slam Level 33 - Fury Attack Level 42 - Mist Level 56 - Blizzard Level 70 - Amnesia Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Mud-Slap Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Mud Shot Rock Slide Take Down Body Slam Icicle Spear Ancientpower Bite Double-Edge ============================================================================== 222 - Corsola Type: Water/Rock Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Water 1/Water 3 Ability: Hustle[Strengthens attack but lowers accuracy] Natural Cure[Cures condition when switched out] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Defense, 1 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 55/Defense 85/Speed 35/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 85 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level 06 - Harden Mimic Level 12 - Bubble Substitute Level 17 - Recover Rock Slide Level 17 - Refresh Body Slam Level 23 - Bubblebeam Explosion Level 28 - Spike Cannon Level 34 - Rock Blast Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 39 - Mirror Coat Sleep Talk Level 45 - Ancientpower Snore Swagger Defense Curl Endure Rollout Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 04 - Calm Mind 04 - Strength 05 - Roar 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Ingrain Amnesia Rock Slide Screech Mist Confuse Ray Barrier Icicle Spear ============================================================================== 223 - Remoraid Type: Water Locations: Islands 5, 6, and 7(Leaf Green Only, Super Rod) Egg group: Water 2 Ability: Hustle[Strengthens attack but lowers accuracy] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 35/Attack 65/Defense 35/Speed 65/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 35 Evolution: -> Octillery(Level 25) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Water Gun Double-Edge Level 11 - Lock-On Mimic Level 22 - Psybeam Substitute Level 22 - Aurora Beam Thunder Wave Level 22 - Bubblebeam Level 33 - Focus Energy Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 44 - Ice Beam Sleep Talk Level 55 - Hyper Beam Snore Swagger Swift Endure Defense Curl Swagger TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Octazooka Thunder Wave Screech Rock Blast Supersonic Haze Aurora Beam ============================================================================== 224 - Octillery Type: Water Locations: Evolve Remoraid Egg group: Water 2 Ability: Suction Cups[Can't be forced to switch out] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack, 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 75/Attack 105/Defense 75/Speed 45/Sp Att 105/Sp Def 75 Evolution: From Remoraid(Level 25) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Water Gun Double-Edge Level -- - Constrict Mimic Level -- - Psybeam Substitute Level -- - Aurora Beam Thunder Wave Level -- - Bubblebeam Level 25 - Octazooka Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 38 - Focus Energy Sleep Talk Level 54 - Ice Beam Snore Level 70 - Hyper Beam Swagger Swift Endure Defense Curl Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 09 - Bullet Seed 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Sludge Bomb 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Octazooka Thunder Wave Screech Rock Blast Supersonic Haze Aurora Beam ============================================================================== 225 - Delibird Type: Ice/Flying Locations: Island 4 Ice Cave(Fire Red Only) Egg group: Ground Ability: Hustle[Strengthens attack but lowers accuracy] Vital Spirit[Can't fall asleep] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 55/Defense 55/Speed 75/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 45 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Present Double-Edge Mimic Substitute Body Slam Mega Punch Mega Kick Counter Seismic Toss Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Swift Mud-Slap Endure Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 02 - Fly 03 - Water Pulse 06 - Toxic 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Splash Future Sight Ice Ball Quick Attack Rapid Spin Aurora Beam ============================================================================== 226 - Mantine Type: Water/Flying Locations: Island 7(Leaf Green Only, Surf) Egg group: Water 1 Ability: Water Absorb[Absorbs Water attacks, 1/4 of what would have been damage is converted to HP] Swift Swim[Doubles Speed during rain] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 2 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 40/Defense 70/Speed 70/Sp Att 80/Sp Def 140 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Bubble Mimic Level 08 - Supersonic Substitute Level 16 - Bubblebeam Body Slam Level 22 - Take Down Level 29 - Agility Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 36 - Wing Attack Sleep Talk Level 43 - Water Pulse Snore Level 50 - Confuse Ray Swagger Endure Mud-Slap Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Splash Future Sight Ice Ball Quick Attack Rapid Spin Aurora Beam ============================================================================== 227 - Skarmory Type: Steel/Flying Locations: Island 7(Fire Red Only) Egg group: Flying Ability: Keen Eye[Accuracy can't be lowered] Sturdy[Can't be defeated by OHKO attack] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 2 Defense 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 80/Defense 140/Speed 70/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 70 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leer Double-Edge Level -- - Peck Mimic Level 10 - Sand-Attack Substitute Level 13 - Swift Counter Level 16 - Agility Level 26 - Fury Attack Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 29 - Air Cutter Sleep Talk Level 32 - Steel Wing Snore Level 42 - Spikes Swagger Level 45 - Metal Sound Endure Psych Up Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 02 - Fly 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Pursuit Drill Peck Sky Attack Curse Whirlwind ============================================================================== 228 - Houndour Type: Fire/Dark Locations: Breed Houndoom from Colosseum and trade and Transformation Cave? Egg group: Ground Ability: Early Bird[Wakes up earlier] Flash Fire[Gets stronger when hit by a Fire Attack] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 60/Defense 30/Speed 65/Sp Att 80/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Houndoom(Level 24) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leer Double-Edge Level -- - Ember Mimic Level 07 - Howl Substitute Level 13 - Smog Counter Level 19 - Roar Body Slam Level 25 - Bite Dream Eater Level 31 - Odor Sleuth Level 37 - Faint Attack Emerald Move Tutor Moves Level 43 - Flamethrower Sleep Talk Level 49 - Crunch Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Sludge Bomb 38 - Fire Blast 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 49 - Snatch 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Beat Up Counter Pursuit Fire Spin Rage Reversal Spite Will-o-wisp ============================================================================== 229 - Houndoom Type: Fire/Dark Locations: Trade from Colosseum Egg group: Ground Ability: Early Bird[Wakes up earlier] Flash Fire[Gets stronger when hit by a Fire Attack] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 75/Attack 90/Defense 60/Speed 95/Sp Att 110/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Houndour(Level 24) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leer Double-Edge Level -- - Ember Mimic Level -- - Howl Substitute Level -- - Smog Counter Level -- - Roar Body Slam Level 27 - Bite Dream Eater Level 35 - Odor Sleuth Level 43 - Faint Attack Emerald Move Tutor Moves Level 51 - Flamethrower Sleep Talk Level 59 - Crunch Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Sludge Bomb 38 - Fire Blast 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 49 - Snatch 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Beat Up Counter Pursuit Fire Spin Rage Reversal Spite Will-o-wisp ============================================================================== 230 - Kingdra Type: Water/Dragon Locations: Evolve Seadra Egg group: Water 1/Dragon Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles Speed during rain] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack, 1 Defense, 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 75/Attack 95/Defense 95/Speed 85/Sp Att 95/Sp Def 95 Evolution: From Horsea(Level 32) and Seadra(Dragon Scale) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bubble Double-Edge Level -- - Smokescreen Mimic Level -- - Leer Substitute Level -- - Water Gun Level 29 - Twister Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 40 - Agility Sleep Talk Level 51 - Hydro Pump Snore Level 62 - Dragon Dance Swagger Endure Swift Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Aurora beam Disable Dragon Rage Dragonbreath Splash Flail Octazooka ============================================================================== 231 - Phanpy Type: Ground Locations: Island 7 Egg group: Ground Ability: Pickup[Picks up random items after battle] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 60/Defense 60/Speed 40/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 40 Evolution: -> Donphan(Level 25) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Odor Sleuth Double-Edge Level -- - Tackle Mimic Level -- - Growl Substitute Level 09 - Defense Curl Body Slam Level 17 - Flail Counter Level 25 - Take Down Level 33 - Rollout Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 41 - Endure Sleep Talk Level 49 - Double-Edge Snore Swagger Rollout Mud-Slap Defense Curl Endure TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Focus Energy Body Slam Ancientpower Snore Counter Fissure ============================================================================== 232 - Donphan Type: Ground Locations: Evolve Phanpy Egg group: Ground Ability: Sturdy[Can't be defeated by OHKO attack] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 1 Attack, 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 120/Defense 120/Speed 50/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Phanpy(Level 25) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Odor Sleuth Double-Edge Level -- - Horn Attack Mimic Level -- - Growl Substitute Level -- - Defense Curl Body Slam Level -- - Flail Counter Level 25 - Fury Attack Rock Slide Level 33 - Rollout Level 41 - Rapid Spin Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 49 - Earthquake Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Rollout Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Focus Energy Body Slam Ancientpower Snore Counter Fissure ============================================================================== 233 - Porygon2 Type: Normal Locations: Evolve Porygon Egg group: Mineral Ability: Trace[Copies opponent's ability] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 85/Attack 80/Defense 90/Speed 60/Sp Att 105/Sp Def 95 Evolution: From Porygon(Upgrade) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Conversion Mimic Level -- - Conversion 2 Substitute Level 09 - Agility Dream Eater Level 12 - Psybeam Thunder Wave Level 20 - Recover Level 24 - Defense Curl Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 32 - Lock-On Sleep Talk Level 36 - Tri Attack Snore Level 44 - Recycle Swagger Level 48 - Zap Cannon Defense Curl Endure Psych Up Swift Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 46 - Thief Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 234 - Stantler Type: Normal Locations: Trade from Colosseum and Transformation Cave? Egg group: Ground Ability: Intimidate[Lowers opponent's attack when sent out] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 73/Attack 96/Defense 62/Speed 85/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 65 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level 07 - Leer Mimic Level 13 - Astonish Substitute Level 19 - Hypnosis Dream Eater Level 25 - Stomp Thunder Wave Level 31 - Role Play Level 37 - Take Down Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 43 - Confuse Ray Sleep Talk Level 49 - Calm Mind Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Swift Mud-Slap (In R/S, Stantler gets Sand-Attack instead of Role Play at Level 31.) TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 05 - Roar 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap Egg Moves: Disable Bite Swagger Extrasensory Psych Up Spite ============================================================================== 235 - Smeargle Type: Normal Locations: Trade from Colosseum and Transformation Cave? Egg group: Ground Ability: Own Tempo[Can't be confused] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 20/Defense 35/Speed 75/Sp Att 20/Sp Def 45 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Sketch None Level 11 - Sketch Level 21 - Sketch Level 31 - Sketch Level 41 - Sketch Level 51 - Sketch Level 61 - Sketch Level 71 - Sketch Level 81 - Sketch Level 91 - Sketch (Note: You can't have 2 Sketches at the same time) TMs: HMs: None Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 236 - Tyrogue Type: Fighting Locations: Breed Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan/Hitmontop with Ditto Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Guts[Increases Attack if Tyrogue has an unusual condition] Gender Ratio: 100% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 1 Attack 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 35/Attack 35/Defense 35/Speed 35/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 35 Evolution: -> Hitmonlee(Level 20, Attack > Defense) OR -> Hitmonchan(Level 20, Defense > Attack) OR -> Hitmontop(Level 20, Attack = Defense) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Mimic Substitute Seismic Toss Mega Kick Metronome Counter Rock Slide Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 08 - Bulk Up 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Helping Hand Mach Punch Mind Reader Hi Jump Kick Rapid Spin ============================================================================== 237 - Hitmontop Type: Fighting Locations: Evolve Tyrogue Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Intimidate[Opponent's attack lowers when Hitmontop is sent out] Gender Ratio: 100% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Special Defense 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 95/Defense 95/Speed 70/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 110 Evolution: From Tyrogue(Level 20, Attack = Defense) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Rolling Kick Double-Edge Level -- - Revenge Mimic Level 07 - Focus Energy Substitute Level 13 - Pursuit Seismic Toss Level 19 - Quick Attack Mega Kick Level 20 - Triple Kick Rock Slide Level 25 - Rapid Spin Counter Level 37 - Agility Level 43 - Detect Level 49 - Endeavor Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 08 - Bulk Up 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Helping Hand Mach Punch Mind Reader ============================================================================== 238 - Smoochum Type: Ice/Psychic Locations: Breed Jynx Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Oblivious[Can't be confused] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 100% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 30/Defense 15/Speed 65/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 65 Evolution: -> Jynx(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Pound Double-Edge Level -- - Lick Mimic Level 09 - Sweet Kiss Substitute Level 13 - Powder Snow Body Slam Level 21 - Confusion Counter Level 25 - Sing Dream Eater Level 33 - Mean Look Mega Punch Level 37 - Fake Tears Mega Kick Level 45 - Psychic Metronome Level 49 - Perish Song Seismic Toss Level 57 - Blizzard Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Icy Wind Ice Punch Dynamic Punch Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Toxic 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap Egg Moves: Fake Out Meditate Ice Punch Wish Psych Up ============================================================================== 239 - Elekid Type: Electric Locations: Breed Electabuzz Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Static[30% chance of paralysis on contact] Gender Ratio: 75% Male, 25% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Speed 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 63/Defense 37/Speed 95/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 55 Evolution: -> Electabuzz(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Quick Attack Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 09 - Thunderpunch Substitute Level 17 - Light Screen Body Slam Level 25 - Swift Counter Level 33 - Screech Seismic Toss Level 41 - Thunderbolt Mega Punch Level 49 - Thunder Mega Kick Thunder Wave Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Swift Ice Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Dynamic Punch Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Meditate Barrier Cross Chop Fire Punch Ice Punch Rolling Kick Karate Chop Meditate ============================================================================== 240 - Magby Type: Fire Locations: Breed Magmar Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Flame Body[30% chance of burning on contact] Gender Ratio: 75% Male, 25% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 1 Speed 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 75/Defense 37/Speed 83/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 55 Evolution: -> Magmar(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Ember Double-Edge Level 07 - Leer Mimic Level 13 - Smog Substitute Level 19 - Fire Punch Body Slam Level 25 - Smokescreen Counter Level 31 - Sunny Day Seismic Toss Level 37 - Flamethrower Mega Punch Level 43 - Confuse Ray Mega Kick Level 49 - Fire Blast Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Thunderpunch Barrier Cross Chop Screech Rolling Kick Karate Chop Mega Punch ============================================================================== 241 - Miltank Type: Normal Locations: Trade from Colosseum and Transformation Cave? Egg group: Ground Ability: Thick Fat[Halves Fire and Ice attacks] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 100% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 80/Defense 105/Speed 100/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 70 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level 08 - Defense Curl Substitute Level 13 - Stomp Body Slam Level 19 - Milk Drink Counter Level 26 - Bide Seismic Toss Level 34 - Rollout Mega Punch Level 43 - Body Slam Mega Kick Level 53 - Heal Bell Rock Slide Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind Mud-Slap Rollout TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Curse Helping Hand Present Endure Psych Up Seismic Toss Sleep Talk Reversal ============================================================================== 242 - Blissey Type: Normal Locations: Evolve Chansey Egg group: Fairy Ability: Natural Cure[Cures condition when switched out] Serene Grace[Chance of added effects increases] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 100% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 3 HP 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 255/Attack 10/Defense 10/Speed 55/Sp Att 75/Sp Def 135 Evolution: From Chansey(Happiness) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Pound Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level 04 - Tail Whip Substitute Level 07 - Refresh Softboiled Level 10 - Softboiled Body Slam Level 13 - Doubleslap Dream Eater Level 18 - Minimize Counter Level 23 - Sing Metronome Level 28 - Egg Bomb Mega Punch Level 33 - Defense Curl Mega Kick Level 40 - Light Screen Seismic Toss Level 47 - Double-Edge Rock Slide Thunder Wave Emerald Move Tutors: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Dynamic Punch Icy Wind Endure Psych Up Rollout Mud-Slap Defense Curl TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Aromatherapy Heal Bell Metronome Substitute Present ============================================================================== 243 - Raikou Type: Electric Locations: Random in Kanto after Elite 4 if your starter is Squirtle, otherwise trade Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Pressure[Opponent uses 2PP instead of 1] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack, 2 Speed 20480 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 85/Defense 75/Speed 115/Sp Att 115/Sp Def 100 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bite Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 11 - Thundershock Substitute Level 21 - Roar Body Slam Level 31 - Quick Attack Thunder Wave Level 41 - Spark Level 51 - Reflect Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 61 - Crunch Sleep Talk Level 71 - Thunder Snore Level 81 - Calm Mind Swagger Endure Psych Up Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 01 - Cut 05 - Roar 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 37 - Sandstorm 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 244 - Entei Type: Fire Locations: Random in Kanto after Elite 4 if your starter is Bulbasaur, otherwise trade Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Pressure[Opponent uses 2PP instead of 1] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 HP, 2 Attack 20480 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 115/Attack 115/Defense 85/Speed 100/Sp Att 90/Sp Def 75 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bite Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 11 - Ember Substitute Level 21 - Roar Body Slam Level 31 - Fire Spin Level 41 - Stomp Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 51 - Flamethrower Sleep Talk Level 61 - Swagger Snore Level 71 - Fire Blast Swagger Level 81 - Calm Mind Endure Psych Up Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 01 - Cut 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 245 - Suicune Type: Water Locations: Random in Kanto after Elite 4 if your starter is Charmander, otherwise trade Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Pressure[Opponent uses 2PP instead of 1] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Defense, 2 Special Defense 20480 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 100/Attack 75/Defense 115/Speed 85/Sp Att 90/Sp Def 115 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bite Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 11 - Bubblebeam Substitute Level 21 - Rain Dance Body Slam Level 31 - Gust Level 41 - Aurora Beam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 51 - Mist Sleep Talk Level 61 - Mirror Coat Snore Level 71 - Hydro Pump Swagger Level 81 - Calm Mind Swift Endure Psych Up Mud-Slap Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 04 - Calm Mind 03 - Surf 05 - Roar 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 37 - Sandstorm 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 246 - Larvitar Type: Rock/Ground Locations: Island 7 Mountain Area Egg group: Monster Ability: Guts[Strengthens Attack if Larvitar has unusual condition] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountains EVs RFB: 1 Attack 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 64/Defense 50/Speed 41/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Pupitar(Level 30) -> Tyranitar(Level 55) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bite Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 08 - Sandstorm Substitute Level 15 - Screech Body Slam Level 22 - Rock Slide Rock Slide Level 29 - Thrash Level 36 - Scary Face Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 43 - Crunch Sleep Talk Level 50 - Earthquake Snore Level 57 - Hyper Beam Swagger Endure Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Ancientpower Dragon Dance Curse Stomp Outrage Pursuit Focus Energy ============================================================================== 247 - Pupitar Type: Rock/Ground Locations: Evolve Larvitar Egg group: Monster Ability: Shed Skin[Conditions have a chance of disappearing per turn] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountains EVs RFB: 2 Attack 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 84/Defense 70/Speed 51/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Larvitar(Level 30) -> Tyranitar(Level 55) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bite Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Sandstorm Substitute Level -- - Screech Body Slam Level -- - Rock Slide Rock Slide Level -- - Thrash Level 38 - Scary Face Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 47 - Crunch Sleep Talk Level 56 - Earthquake Snore Level 65 - Hyper Beam Swagger Endure Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Ancientpower Dragon Dance Curse Stomp Outrage Pursuit Focus Energy ============================================================================== 248 - Tyranitar Type: Rock/Dark Locations: Evolve Pupitar Egg group: Monster Ability: Sand Steam[A never-ending Sandstorm occurs when Tyranitar is sent out] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountains EVs RFB: 3 Attack 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 100/Attack 134/Defense 110/Speed 61/Sp Att 95/Sp Def 100 Evolution: From Larvitar(Level 30) and Pupitar(Level 55) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bite Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Sandstorm Substitute Level -- - Screech Body Slam Level -- - Rock Slide Rock Slide Level -- - Thrash Mega Punch Level -- - Scary Face Mega Kick Level -- - Crunch Thunder Wave Level 61 - Earthquake Counter Level 75 - Hyper Beam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Fury Cutter Fire Punch Dynamic Punch Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 02 - Dragon Claw 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 05 - Roar 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Ancientpower Dragon Dance Curse Stomp Outrage Pursuit Focus Energy ============================================================================== 249 - Lugia Type: Psychic/Flying Locations: Island 8 Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Pressure[Opponent uses 2PP per move instead of 1] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Rare Pokemon EVs RFB: 3 Special Defense 30720 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 106/Attack 90/Defense 130/Speed 110/Sp Att 90/Sp Def 154 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Whirlwind Double-Edge Level 11 - Safeguard Mimic Level 22 - Gust Substitute Level 33 - Recover Body Slam Level 44 - Hydro Pump Swords Dance Level 55 - Rain Dance Dream Eater Level 66 - Swift Thunder Wave Level 77 - Aeroblast Level 88 - Ancientpower Level 99 - Future Sight Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Mud-Slap Icy Wind Swift TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 02 - Fly 04 - Calm Mind 03 - Surf 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 37 - Sandstorm 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 47 - Steel Wing 48 - Skill Swap Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 250 - Ho-oh Type: Fire/Flying Locations: Island 8 Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Pressure[Opponent uses 2PP per move instead of 1] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Rare Pokemon EVs RFB: 3 Special Defense 30720 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 106/Attack 130/Defense 90/Speed 90/Sp Att 110/Sp Def 154 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Whirlwind Double-Edge Level 11 - Safeguard Mimic Level 22 - Gust Substitute Level 33 - Recover Dream Eater Level 44 - Fire Blast Thunder Wave Level 55 - Sunny Day Level 66 - Swift Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 77 - Sacred Fire Sleep Talk Level 88 - Ancientpower Snore Level 99 - Future Sight Swagger Endure Psych Up Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 02 - Fly 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 47 - Steel Wing 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 251 - Celebi Type: Grass/Psychic Locations: Trade from Colosseum's Japanese Bonus Disc Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Natural Cure[Cures Condition when switched out] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 3 HP 30720 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 100/Attack 100/Defense 100/Speed 100/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 100 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leech Seed Double-Edge Level -- - Confusion Mimic Level -- - Recover Substitute Level -- - Heal Bell Dream Eater Level 10 - Safeguard Metronome Level 20 - Ancientpower Swords Dance Level 30 - Future Sight Level 40 - Baton Pass Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 50 - Perish Song Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 37 - Sandstorm 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 48 - Skill Swap Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== ============================================================================== This line ends the G/S/C generation. We now move onto the final generation in this "advanced" generation. R/S/E, here we come! ============================================================================== 252 - Treecko Type: Grass Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Monster/Dragon Ability: Overgrow[Grass attacks become stronger at 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 45/Defense 35/Speed 70/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 55 Evolution: -> Grovyle(Level 16) -> Sceptile(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Pound Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 06 - Absorb Substitute Level 11 - Quick Attack Mega Punch Level 16 - Pursuit Mega Kick Level 21 - Screech Swords Dance Level 26 - Mega Drain Counter Level 31 - Agility Rock Slide Level 36 - Slam Seismic Toss Level 41 - Detect Body Slam Level 46 - Giga Drain Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Fury Cutter Endure Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 09 - Bullet Seed 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Endeavor Crunch Mud Spot Dragonbreath Crush Claw Leech Seed ============================================================================== 253 - Grovyle Type: Grass Locations: Evolve Treecko Egg group: Monster/Dragon Ability: Overgrow[Grass attacks become stronger at 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 65/Defense 45/Speed 95/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 65 Evolution: From Treecko(Level 16) -> Sceptile(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Pound Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Absorb Substitute Level -- - Quick Attack Mega Punch Level -- - Pursuit Mega Kick Level 16 - Fury Cutter Body Slam Level 23 - Screech Swords Dance Level 29 - Leaf Blade Counter Level 35 - Agility Rock Slide Level 41 - Slam Seismic Toss Level 47 - Detect Level 53 - False Swipe Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Fury Cutter Endure Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 09 - Bullet Seed 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Endeavor Crunch Mud Spot Dragonbreath Crush Claw Leech Seed ============================================================================== 254 - Sceptile Type: Grass Locations: Evolve Grovyle Egg group: Monster/Dragon Ability: Overgrow[Grass attacks become stronger at 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 3 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 85/Defense 65/Speed 120/Sp Att 105/Sp Def 85 Evolution: From Treecko(Level 16) and Grovyle(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Pound Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Absorb Substitute Level -- - Quick Attack Mega Punch Level -- - Pursuit Mega Kick Level -- - Fury Cutter Body Slam Level -- - Screech Swords Dance Level -- - Leaf Blade Counter Level -- - Agility Rock Slide Level 43 - Slam Seismic Toss Level 51 - Detect Level 59 - False Swipe Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Fury Cutter Endure Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 02 - Dragon Claw 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 09 - Bullet Seed 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Endeavor Crunch Mud Spot Dragonbreath Crush Claw Leech Seed ============================================================================== 255 - Torchic Type: Fire Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Ground Ability: Blaze[Fire attacks become stronger at 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 60/Defense 40/Speed 45/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Combusken(Level 16) -> Blaziken(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level 07 - Focus Energy Substitute Level 11 - Ember Body Slam Level 16 - Peck Rock Slide Level 19 - Sand-Attack Swords Dance Level 25 - Fire Spin Level 28 - Quick Attack Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 34 - Slash Sleep Talk Level 37 - Mirror Move Snore Level 43 - Flamethrower Swagger Swift Endure Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 04 - Strength 11 - Sunny Day 06 - Rock Smash 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Endure Swagger Rock Slide Smellingsalt Counter Reversal ============================================================================== 256 - Combusken Type: Fire/Fighting Locations: Evolve Torchic Egg group: Ground Ability: Blaze[Fire attacks become stronger at 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack, 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 85/Defense 60/Speed 55/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Torchic(Level 16) -> Blaziken(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Focus Energy Substitute Level -- - Ember Body Slam Level -- - Peck Rock Slide Level 16 - Double Kick Swords Dance Level 21 - Sand-Attack Mega Punch Level 28 - Bulk Up Mega Kick Level 32 - Quick Attack Swords Dance Level 39 - Slash Seismic Toss Level 43 - Mirror Move Counter Level 50 - Sky Uppercut Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Mud-Slap Swift Endure TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 08 - Bulk Up 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Endure Swagger Rock Slide Smellingsalt Counter Reversal ============================================================================== 257 - Blaziken Type: Fire/Fighting Locations: Evolve Combusken Egg group: Ground Ability: Blaze[Fire attacks become stronger at 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 3 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 120/Defense 70/Speed 80/Sp Att 110/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Torchic(Level 16) and Combusken(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Focus Energy Substitute Level -- - Ember Body Slam Level -- - Peck Rock Slide Level -- - Double Kick Swords Dance Level -- - Sand-Attack Mega Punch Level -- - Bulk Up Mega Kick Level -- - Quick Attack Swords Dance Level 36 - Blaze Kick Counter Level 42 - Slash Seismic Toss Level 49 - Mirror Move Level 59 - Sky Uppercut Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Fury cutter Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 08 - Bulk Up 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Endure Swagger Rock Slide Smellingsalt Counter Reversal ============================================================================== 258 - Mudkip Type: Water/Ground Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Water 1/Monster Ability: Torrent[Water attacks become stronger at 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 70/Defense 50/Speed 40/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Marshtomp(Level 16) -> Swampert(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level 06 - Mud Slap Substitute Level 10 - Water Gun Body Slam Level 15 - Bide Level 19 - Foresight Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 24 - Mud Sport Sleep Talk Level 28 - Take Down Snore Level 33 - Whirlpool Swagger Level 37 - Protect Endure Level 42 - Hydro Pump Defense Curl Level 46 - Endeavor Icy Wind Mud-Slap Rollout TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 07 - Hail 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 07 - Waterfall 13 - Ice Beam 08 - Dive 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Curse Ice Ball Mirror Coat Stomp Refresh Uproar ============================================================================== 259 - Marshtomp Type: Water/Ground Locations: Evolve Mudkip Egg group: Water 1/Monster Ability: Torrent[Water attacks become stronger at 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 2 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 85/Defense 70/Speed 50/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Mudkip(Level 16) -> Swampert(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Mud Slap Substitute Level -- - Water Gun Body Slam Level -- - Bide Mega Punch Level 16 - Mud Shot Mega Kick Level 20 - Foresight Swords Dance Level 25 - Mud Sport Counter Level 31 - Take Down Seismic Toss Level 37 - Muddy Water Rock Slide Level 42 - Protect Level 46 - Earthquake Level 53 - Endeavor Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Rollout Mud-Slap Icy Wind Ice Punch Dynamic Punch TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 07 - Hail 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 07 - Waterfall 13 - Ice Beam 08 - Dive 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Curse Ice Ball Mirror Coat Stomp Refresh Uproar ============================================================================== 260 - Swampert Type: Water/Ground Locations: Evolve Marshtomp Egg group: Water 1/Monster Ability: Torrent[Water attacks become stronger at 1/3 HP] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 3 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 100/Attack 110/Defense 90/Speed 60/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 90 Evolution: From Mudkip(Level 16) and Marshtomp(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Mud Slap Substitute Level -- - Water Gun Body Slam Level -- - Bide Mega Punch Level -- - Mud Shot Mega Kick Level -- - Foresight Swords Dance Level -- - Mud Sport Counter Level -- - Take Down Seismic Toss Level 39 - Muddy Water Rock Slide Level 46 - Protect Level 52 - Earthquake Level 61 - Endeavor Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Rollout Mud-Slap Icy Wind Ice Punch Dynamic Punch TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 05 - Roar 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Curse Ice Ball Mirror Coat Stomp Refresh Uproar ============================================================================== 261 - Poochyena Type: Dark Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Ground Ability: Run Away[Can always run from Wild Pokemon battle] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Attack 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 35/Attack 55/Defense 35/Speed 35/Sp Att 30/Sp Def 30 Evolution: -> Mightyena(Level 18) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level 05 - Howl Mimic Level 09 - Sand-Attack Substitute Level 13 - Bite Body Slam Level 17 - Odor Sleuth Counter Level 21 - Roar Level 25 - Swagger Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 33 - Take Down Sleep Talk Level 37 - Taunt Snore Level 41 - Crunch Swagger Level 45 - Thief Endure Psych Up Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Leer Yawn Astonish Covet Poison Fang ============================================================================== 262 - Mightyena Type: Dark Locations: Evolve Poochyena Egg group: Ground Ability: Intimidate[When sent out, opponent's attack lowers] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Attack 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 90/Defense 70/Speed 70/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Poochyena(Level 18) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Howl Mimic Level -- - Sand-Attack Substitute Level -- - Bite Body Slam Level -- - Odor Sleuth Counter Level 22 - Roar Level 27 - Swagger Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 32 - Scary Face Sleep Talk Level 37 - Take Down Snore Level 42 - Taunt Swagger Level 47 - Crunch Endure Level 52 - Thief Psych Up Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Leer Yawn Astonish Covet Poison Fang ============================================================================== 263 - Zigzagoon Type: Normal Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Ground Ability: Pickup[Picks up random items after battle] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 38/Attack 30/Defense 41/Speed 60/Sp Att 30/Sp Def 41 Evolution: -> Linoone(Level 20) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level 05 - Tail Whip Substitute Level 09 - Headbutt Body Slam Level 13 - Sand-Attack Thunder Wave Level 17 - Odor Sleuth Level 21 - Mud Sport Level 25 - Pin Missile Level 29 - Covet Level 33 - Flail Level 37 - Rest Level 41 - Belly Drum Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger psych Up Endure Defense Curl Swift Icy Wind Mud-Slap Fury Cutter Rollout (Obtains Extremespeed through Pokemon Box) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 03 - Surf 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Substitute Charm Pursuit Tickle Trick ============================================================================== 264 - Linoone Type: Normal Locations: Evolve Zigzagoon Egg group: Ground Ability: Pickup[Picks up random items after battle] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 78/Attack 70/Defense 61/Speed 100/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 61 Evolution: From Zigzagoon(Level 20) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Tail Whip Substitute Level -- - Headbutt Body Slam Level -- - Sand-Attack Thunder Wave Level -- - Odor Sleuth Level 23 - Mud Sport Level 29 - Fury Swipes Level 35 - Covet Level 41 - Flail Level 47 - Rest Level 53 - Belly Drum TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 05 - Roar 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Substitute Charm Pursuit Tickle Trick ============================================================================== 265 - Wurmple Type: Bug Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Bug Ability: Shield Dust[Prevents added effects] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 HP 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 45/Defense 35/Speed 20/Sp Att 20/Sp Def 30 Evolution: -> Cascoon(Level 07) -> Dustox(Level 10) OR -> Silcoon(Level 07) -> Beautifly)(Level 10) (Note: Evolution is based in Personality IVs. In other words, random.) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - String Shot Mimic Level 05 - Poison Sting TMs: HMs: None Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 266 - Silcoon Type: Bug Locations: Evolve Wurmple Egg group: Bug Ability: Shed Skin[Chance of healing condition every turn] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 35/Defense 55/Speed 15/Sp Att 25/Sp Def 25 Evolution: From Wurmple(Level 07) -> Beautifly(Level 10) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level 07 - Harden None TMs: HMs: None Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 267 - Beautifly Type: Bug/Flying Locations: Evolve Silcoon Egg group: Bug Ability: Swarm[Bug attacks become stronger at 1/3 HP or less] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 3 Special Attack 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 70/Defense 50/Speed 65/Sp Att 90/Sp Def 50 Evolution: From Wurmple(Level 07) and Silcoon(Level 10) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level 10 - Absorb Substitute Level 13 - Gust Mimic Level 17 - Stun Spore Double-Edge Level 20 - Morning Sun Level 24 - Mega Drain Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 27 - Whirlwind Sleep Talk Level 31 - Attract Snore Level 34 - Silver Wind Swagger Level 38 - Giga Drain Endure Swift TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 268 - Cascoon Type: Bug Locations: Evolve Wurmple Egg group: Bug Ability: Shed Skin[Chance of healing condition every turn] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 35/Defense 55/Speed 15/Sp Att 25/Sp Def 25 Evolution: From Wurmple(Level 07) -> Dustox(Level 10) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level 07 - Harden None TMs: HMs: None Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 269 - Dustox Type: Bug/Poison Locations: Evolve Cascoon Egg group: Bug Ability: Shield Dust[Prevents added effects] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 3 Special Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 50/Defense 70/Speed 65/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 90 Evolution: From Wurmple(Level 07) and Cascoon(Level 10) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level 10 - Confusion Substitute Level 13 - Gust Mimic Level 17 - Protect Double-Edge Level 20 - Moonlight Level 24 - Psybeam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 27 - Whirlwind Sleep Talk Level 31 - Light Screen Snore Level 34 - Silver Wind Swagger Level 38 - Toxic Endure Swift TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 270 - Lotad Type: Water/Grass Locations: Trade from Sapphire Egg group: Plant/Water 1 Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles speed in rain] Rain Dish[Gains 1/16 HP per turn while raining] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 30/Defense 30/Speed 30/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Lombre(Level 14) -> Ludicolo(Water Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Astonish Substitute Level 03 - Growl Mimic Level 07 - Absorb Double-Edge Level 13 - Nature Power Level 21 - Mist Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 31 - Rain Dance Sleep Talk Level 43 - Mega Drain Snore Swagger Endure Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 07 - Hail 09 - Bullet Seed 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Razor Leaf Synthesis Flail Water Gun Sweet Scent Leech Seed ============================================================================== 271 - Lombre Type: Water/Grass Locations: Evolve Lotad Egg group: Plant/Water 1 Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles speed in rain] Rain Dish[Gains 1/16 HP per turn while raining] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 2 Special Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 50/Defense 50/Speed 50/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Lotad(Level 14) -> Ludicolo(Water Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Astonish Substitute Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Absorb Double-Edge Level -- - Nature Power Body Slam level 19 - Fake Out Swords Dance Level 25 - Fury Swipes Level 31 - Water Sport Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 37 - Thief Sleep Talk Level 43 - Uproar Snore Level 49 - Hydro Pump Swagger Endure Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 07 - Hail 05 - Flash 09 - Bullet Seed 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 07 - Waterfall 11 - Sunny Day 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Razor Leaf Synthesis Flail Water Gun Sweet Scent Leech Seed ============================================================================== 272 - Ludicolo Type: Water/Grass Locations: Evolve Lombre Egg group: Plant/Water 1 Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles speed in rain] Rain Dish[Gains 1/16 HP per turn while raining] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 3 Special Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 70/Defense 70/Speed 70/Sp Att 90/Sp Def 100 Evolution: From Lotad(Level 14) and Lombre(Water Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Astonish Substitute Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Absorb Double-Edge Level -- - Nature Power Body Slam Swords Dance Mega Punch Mega Kick Metronome Seismic Toss Counter Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Icy Wind Ice Punch Thunderpunch Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 07 - Hail 06 - Rock Smash 09 - Bullet Seed 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Razor Leaf Synthesis Flail Water Gun Sweet Scent Leech Seed ============================================================================== 273 - Seedot Type: Grass Locations: Trade from Ruby Egg group: Plant/Ground Ability: Chlorophyll[Doubles speed in sunshine] Early Bird[Wakes up earlier than usual] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 40/Defense 50/Speed 30/Sp Att 30/Sp Def 30 Evolution: -> Nuzleaf(Level 14) -> Shiftry(Leaf Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bide Substitute Level 03 - Harden Mimic Level 07 - Growth Double-Edge Level 13 - Nature Power Body Slam Level 21 - Synthesis Swords Dance Level 31 - Sunny Day Explosion Level 43 - Explosion Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Defense Curl Endure Swift Rollout TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 09 - Bullet Seed 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Amnesia False Swipe Quick Attack Leech Seed Take Down ============================================================================== 274 - Nuzleaf Type: Grass/Dark Locations: Evolve Seedot Egg group: Plant/Ground Ability: Chlorophyll[Doubles speed in sunshine] Early Bird[Wakes up earlier than usual] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Attack 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 70/Defense 40/Speed 60/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 40 Evolution: From Seedot(Level 14) -> Shiftry(Leaf Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bide Substitute Level -- - Pound Double-Edge Level -- - Harden Mimic Level -- - Growth Swords Dance Level -- - Nature Power Body Slam Level 19 - Fake Out Explosion Level 25 - Torment Level 31 - Faint Attack Level 37 - Razor Wind Level 43 - Swagger Level 49 - Extrasensory Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Defense Curl Endure Swift Rollout Fury Cutter Mud-Slap Psych Up TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 06 - Rock Smash 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Amnesia False Swipe Quick Attack Leech Seed Take Down ============================================================================== 275 - Shiftry Type: Grass/Dark Locations: Evolve Nuzleaf Egg group: Plant/Ground Ability: Chlorophyll[Doubles speed in sunshine] Early Bird[Wakes up earlier than usual] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 3 Attack 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 100/Defense 60/Speed 80/Sp Att 90/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Seedot(Level 14) and Nuzleaf(Leaf Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bide Substitute Level -- - Pound Double-Edge Level -- - Harden Mimic Level -- - Growth Swords Dance Level -- - Nature Power Body Slam Explosion Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Defense Curl Endure Swift Rollout Fury Cutter Mud-Slap Psych Up TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 06 - Rock Smash 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Amnesia False Swipe Quick Attack Leech Seed Take Down ============================================================================== 276 - Taillow Type: Normal/Flying Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Flying Ability: Guts[Attack is raised when Taillow has an unusual condition] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 55/Defense 30/Speed 85/Sp Att 30/Sp Def 30 Evolution: -> Swellow(Level 22) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Peck Substitute Level -- - Growl Double-Edge Level 04 - Focus Energy Mimic Level 08 - Quick Attack Counter Level 13 - Wing Attack Level 19 - Double Team Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 26 - Endeavor Sleep Talk Level 34 - Aerial Ace Snore Level 43 - Agility Swagger Endure Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 02 - Fly 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Rage Sky Attack Pursuit Refresh Mirror Move Supersonic Barrage ============================================================================== 277 - Swellow Type: Normal/Flying Locations: Evolve Taillow Egg group: Flying Ability: Guts[Attack is raised when Swellow has an unusual condition] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 85/Defense 60/Speed 125/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 50 Evolution: From Taillow(Level 22) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Peck Substitute Level -- - Growl Double-Edge Level -- - Focus Energy Mimic Level -- - Quick Attack Counter Level -- - Wing Attack Level -- - Double Team Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 28 - Endeavor Sleep Talk Level 38 - Aerial Ace Snore Level 49 - Agility Swagger Endure Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 02 - Fly 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Rage Sky Attack Pursuit Refresh Mirror Move Supersonic Barrage ============================================================================== 278 - Wingull Type: Water/Flying Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Flying/Water 1 Ability: Keen Eye[Accuracy can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 30/Defense 30/Speed 85/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 30 Evolution: -> Pelipper(Level 25) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Growl Substitute Level -- - Water Gun Double-Edge Level 07 - Supersonic Mimic Level 13 - Wing Attack Level 21 - Mist Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 31 - Quick Attack Sleep Talk Level 43 - Pursuit Snore Level 55 - Agility Swagger Endure Icy Wind Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 02 - Fly 06 - Toxic 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Twister Gust Water Sport Agility Mist ============================================================================== 279 - Pelipper Type: Water/Flying Locations: Evolve Wingull Egg group: Flying/Water 1 Ability: Keen Eye[Accuracy can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 2 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 50/Defense 100/Speed 65/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Wingull(Level 25) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Growl Substitute Level -- - Water Gun Double-Edge Level -- - Supersonic Mimic Level -- - Wing Attack Level -- - Mist Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 25 - Protect Sleep Talk Level 33 - Stockpile Snore Level 33 - Swallow Swagger Level 47 - Spit Up Endure Level 61 - Hydro Pump Icy Wind Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 02 - Fly 06 - Toxic 03 - Surf 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Twister Gust Water Sport Agility Mist ============================================================================== 280 - Ralts Type: Psychic Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Synchronize[When Ralts gets an unusual condition, the opponent gets it too] Trace[Copies opponent's ability] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 28/Attack 25/Defense 25/Speed 40/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 35 Evolution: -> Kirlia(Level 20) -> Gardevoir(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Growl Substitute Level 06 - Confusion Double-Edge Level 11 - Double Team Mimic Level 16 - Teleport Body Slam Level 21 - Calm Mind Thunder Wave Level 26 - Psychic Dream Eater Level 31 - Imprison Level 36 - Future Sight Level 41 - Hypnosis Level 46 - Dream Eater Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind Mud-Slap Defense Curl Endure Psych Up TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 16 - Light screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Disable Mean Look Will-o-wisp Memento Destiny Bond ============================================================================== 281 - Kirlia Type: Psychic Locations: Evolve Ralts Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Synchronize[When Kirlia gets an unusual condition, the opponent gets it too] Trace[Copies opponent's ability] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 38/Attack 35/Defense 35/Speed 50/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 55 Evolution: From Ralts(Level 20) -> Gardevoir(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Growl Substitute Level -- - Confusion Double-Edge Level -- - Double Team Mimic Level -- - Teleport Body Slam Level -- - Magical Leaf Dream Eater Level 21 - Calm Mind Thunder Wave Level 26 - Psychic Level 33 - Imprison Level 40 - Future Sight Level 47 - Hypnosis Level 54 - Dream Eater Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind Mud-Slap Defense Curl Endure Psych Up TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 16 - Light screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Disable Mean Look Will-o-wisp Memento Destiny Bond ============================================================================== 282 - Gardevoir Type: Psychic Locations: Evolve Kirlia Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Synchronize[When Gardevoir gets an unusual condition, the opponent gets it too] Trace[Copies opponent's ability] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 3 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 68/Attack 65/Defense 65/Speed 80/Sp Att 125/Sp Def 115 Evolution: From Ralts(Level 20) and Kirlia(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Growl Substitute Level -- - Confusion Double-Edge Level -- - Double Team Mimic Level -- - Teleport Body Slam Level -- - Magical Leaf Dream Eater Level -- - Calm Mind Thunder Wave Level -- - Psychic Level 33 - Imprison Level 42 - Future Sight Level 51 - Hypnosis Level 60 - Dream Eater Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind Mud-Slap Defense Curl Endure Psych Up TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Disable Mean Look Will-o-wisp Memento Destiny Bond ============================================================================== 283 - Surskit Type: Water/Bug Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Bug/Water 1 Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles Speed during rain] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 30/Defense 32/Speed 65/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 52 Evolution: -> Masquerain(Level 22) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bubble Substitute Level 07 - Quick Attack Double-Edge Level 13 - Sweet Scent Mimic Level 19 - Water Sport Level 25 - Bubblebeam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 31 - Agility Sleep Talk Level 37 - Mist Snore Level 37 - Haze Swagger Endure Psych Up Icy Wind Swift TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Sport 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Foresight Mind Reader Hydro Pump Psybeam Mud Shot ============================================================================== 284 - Masquerain Type: Flying/Bug Locations: Evolve Surskit Egg group: Bug/Water 1 Ability: Intimidate[Opponent's attack lowers when this Pokemon is sent out] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack, 1 Special Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 60/Defense 62/Speed 60/Sp Att 80/Sp Def 82 Evolution: From Surskit(Level 22) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bubble Substitute Level -- - Quick Attack Double-Edge Level -- - Sweet Scent Mimic Level -- - Water Sport Level 26 - Gust Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 33 - Scary Face Sleep Talk Level 40 - Stun Spore Snore Level 47 - Silver Wind Swagger Level 53 - Whirlwind Endure Psych Up Icy Wind Swift TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Sport 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Foresight Mind Reader Hydro Pump Psybeam Mud Shot ============================================================================== 285 - Shroomish Type: Grass Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Plant/Fairy Ability: Effect Spore[Can give out Confusion, Sleep, Paralyze, or Poison on contact] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 HP 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 40/Defense 60/Speed 35/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 60 Evolution: -> Breloom(Level 23) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Absorb Substitute Level 04 - Tackle Double-Edge Level 07 - Stun Spore Mimic Level 10 - Leech Seed Body Slam Level 16 - Mega Drain Swords Dance Level 22 - Headbutt Level 28 - Poisonpowder Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 36 - Growth Sleep Talk Level 45 - Giga Drain Snore Level 54 - Spore Swagger Endure TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 09 - Bullet Seed 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Charm Fake Tears False Swipe Helping Hand Swagger ============================================================================== 286 - Breloom Type: Grass/Fighting Locations: Evolve Shroomish Egg group: Plant/Fairy Ability: Effect Spore[Can give out Confusion, Sleep, Paralyze, or Poison on contact] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Attack 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 130/Defense 80/Speed 70/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Shroomish(Level 23) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Absorb Substitute Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Stun Spore Mimic Level -- - Leech Seed Body Slam Level -- - Mega Drain Swords Dance Level -- - Headbutt Counter Level 23 - Mach Punch Mega Punch Level 28 - Counter Mega Kick Level 36 - Sky Uppercut Seismic Toss Level 45 - Mind Reader Level 54 - Dynamic Punch Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Mud-Slap Thunderpunch Dynamic Punch Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 08 - Bulk Up 05 - Flash 09 - Bullet Seed 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Charm Fake Tears False Swipe Helping Hand Swagger ============================================================================== 287 - Slakoth Type: Normal Locations: Trade with R/S Egg group: Ground Ability: Truant[Attack once every two turns] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 HP 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 60/Defense 60/Speed 30/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 35 Evolution: -> Vigoroth(Level 18) -> Slaking(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Yawn Double-Edge Level 07 - Encore Mimic Level 13 - Slack Off Body Slam Level 19 - Faint Attack Rock Slide Level 25 - Amnesia Counter Level 31 - Covet Mega Punch Level 37 - Counter Mega Kick Level 43 - Flail Seismic Toss Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Fire Punch Icy Wind Fury Cutter Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Curse Crush Claw Sleep Talk Body Slam Snore Slash Pursuit ============================================================================== 288 - Vigoroth Type: Normal Locations: Evolve Slakoth Egg group: Ground Ability: Vital Spirit[Can't fall asleep] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 80/Defense 80/Speed 90/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 55 Evolution: From Slakoth(Level 18) -> Slaking(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Yawn Double-Edge Level -- - Encore Mimic Level -- - Slack Off Body Slam Level 19 - Fury Swipes Rock Slide Level 25 - Endure Counter Level 31 - Slash Mega Punch Level 37 - Counter Mega Kick Level 43 - Focus Punch Seismic Toss Level 49 - Reversal Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Fire Punch Icy Wind Fury Cutter Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 05 - Roar 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Curse Crush Claw Sleep Talk Body Slam Snore Slash Pursuit ============================================================================== 289 - Slaking Type: Normal Locations: Evolve Vigoroth Egg group: Ground Ability: Truant[Attack once every two turns] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 3 HP 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 150/Attack 160/Defense 100/Speed 100/Sp Att 95/Sp Def 65 Evolution: From Slakoth(Level 18) and Vigoroth(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Yawn Double-Edge Level -- - Encore Mimic Level -- - Slack Off Body Slam Level -- - Faint Attack Rock Slide Level 25 - Amnesia Counter Level 31 - Covet Mega Punch Level 36 - Swagger Seismic Toss Level 37 - Counter Mega Kick Level 43 - Flail Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Fire Punch Icy Wind Fury Cutter Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 05 - Roar 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Curse Crush Claw Sleep Talk Body Slam Snore Slash Pursuit ============================================================================== 290 - Nincada Type: Bug/Ground Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Bug Ability: Compoundeyes[Accuracy is raised] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Defense 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 31/Attack 45/Defense 90/Speed 40/Sp Att 30/Sp Def 30 Evolution: -> Ninjask(Level 20) AND Shedinja(Level 20, extra spot in party) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Harden Double-Edge Level -- - Leech Life Mimic Level 09 - Sand-Attack Level 14 - Fury Swipes Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 19 - Mind Reader Sleep Talk Level 25 - False Swipe Snore Level 31 - Mud Slap Swagger Level 38 - Metal Claw Endure Level 45 - Dig Mud-Slap Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest Egg Moves: Gust Endure Faint Attack Silver Wind ============================================================================== 291 - Ninjask Type: Bug/Flying Locations: Evolve Nincada Egg group: Bug Ability: Speed Boost[Speed rises every turn] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 61/Attack 90/Defense 45/Speed 160/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 50 Evolution: From Nincada(Level 20) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Harden Double-Edge Level -- - Leech Life Mimic Level -- - Sand-Attack Level -- - Fury Swipes Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Mind Reader Sleep Talk Level 20 - Double Team Snore Level 20 - Fury Cutter Swagger Level 20 - Screech Endure Level 25 - Swords Dance Mud-Slap Level 31 - Slash Fury Cutter Level 38 - Agility Swift Level 45 - Baton Pass TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Gust Endure Faint Attack Silver Wind ============================================================================== 292 - Shedinja Type: Bug/Ghost Locations: Evolve Nincada Egg group: Mineral Ability: Wonder Guard[Can only be damaged by super effective attacks] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 HP 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 1/Attack 90/Defense 45/Speed 40/Sp Att 30/Sp Def 30 Evolution: From Nincada(Level 20) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Harden Double-Edge Level -- - Leech Life Mimic Level -- - Sand-Attack Dream Eater Level -- - Fury Swipes Level -- - Mind Reader Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 25 - Spite Sleep Talk Level 31 - Confuse Ray Snore Level 38 - Shadow Ball Swagger Level 45 - Grudge Mud-Slap Fury Cutter Endure TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Gust Endure Faint Attack Silver Wind ============================================================================== 293 - Whismur Type: Normal Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Monster/Ground Ability: Soundproof[Unaffected by sound attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 64/Attack 51/Defense 23/Speed 28/Sp Att 51/Sp Def 23 Evolution: -> Loudred(Level 20) -> Exploud(Level 40) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Pound Substitute Level -- - Uproar Double-Edge Level 11 - Astonish Mimic Level 15 - Howl Mega Punch Level 21 - Supersonic Mega Kick Level 25 - Stomp Counter Level 31 - Screech Substitute Level 35 - Roar Level 41 - Rest Level 41 - Sleep Talk Level 45 - Hyper Voice Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Endure Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind Rollout Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Roar 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Swagger Smellingsalt Extrasensory Snore Take Down ============================================================================== 294 - Loudred Type: Normal Locations: Evolve Whismur Egg group: Monster/Ground Ability: Soundproof[Unaffected by sound attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 2 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 84/Attack 71/Defense 43/Speed 48/Sp Att 71/Sp Def 43 Evolution: From Whismur(Level 20) -> Exploud(Level 40) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Pound Substitute Level -- - Uproar Double-Edge Level -- - Astonish Mimic Level -- - Howl Mega Punch Level 23 - Supersonic Mega Kick Level 29 - Stomp Counter Level 37 - Screech Substitute Level 43 - Roar Rock Slide Level 51 - Rest Level 51 - Sleep Talk Level 57 - Hyper Voice Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Endure Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind Rollout Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 05 - Roar 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Swagger Smellingsalt Extrasensory Snore Take Down ============================================================================== 295 - Exploud Type: Normal Locations: Evolve Loudred Egg group: Monster/Ground Ability: Soundproof[Unaffected by sound attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 3 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 104/Attack 91/Defense 63/Speed 68/Sp Att 91/Sp Def 63 Evolution: From Whismur(Level 20) and Loudred(Level 40) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Pound Substitute Level -- - Uproar Double-Edge Level -- - Astonish Mimic Level -- - Howl Mega Punch Level -- - Supersonic Mega Kick Level -- - Stomp Counter Level -- - Screech Substitute Level 40 - Hyper Beam Rock Slide Level 45 - Roar Level 55 - Rest Level 55 - Sleep Talk Level 63 - Hyper Voice Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Endure Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind Rollout Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 05 - Roar 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Swagger Smellingsalt Extrasensory Snore Take Down ============================================================================== 296 - Makuhita Type: Fighting Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Thick Fat[Half damage from fire and ice attacks] Guts[Higher attack when under an unusual condition] Gender Ratio: 75% Male, 25% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 72/Attack 60/Defense 30/Speed 25/Sp Att 20/Sp Def 30 Evolution: -> Hariyama(Level 24) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Sand-Attack Double-Edge Level -- - Focus Energy Mimic Level 10 - Arm Thrust Mega Punch Level 13 - Vital Throw Mega Kick Level 19 - Fake Out Counter Level 22 - Whirlwind Substitute Level 28 - Knock Off Rock Slide Level 31 - Smellingsalt Seismic Toss Level 37 - Belly Drum Level 40 - Endure Level 46 - Seismic Toss Level 49 - Reversal Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Fire Punch Endure Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 08 - Bulk Up 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Cross Chop Foresight Detect Dynamicpunch Counter Helping Hand Faint Attack Revenge ============================================================================== 297 - Hariyama Type: Fighting Locations: Evolve Makuhita Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Thick Fat[Half damage from fire and ice attacks] Guts[Higher attack when under an unusual condition] Gender Ratio: 75% Male, 25% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 2 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 144/Attack 120/Defense 60/Speed 50/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Makuhita(Level 24) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Sand-Attack Double-Edge Level -- - Focus Energy Mimic Level -- - Arm Thrust Mega Punch Level -- - Vital Throw Mega Kick Level -- - Fake Out Counter Level -- - Whirlwind Substitute Level 29 - Knock Off Rock Slide Level 33 - Smellingsalt Seismic Toss Level 40 - Belly Drum Level 44 - Endure Level 51 - Seismic Toss Level 55 - Reversal Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Fire Punch Endure Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 08 - Bulk Up 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Cross Chop Foresight Detect Dynamicpunch Counter Helping Hand Faint Attack Revenge ============================================================================== 298 - Azurill Type: Normal Locations: Breed Marill with a Sea Incense Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Thick Fat[Takes 1/2 damage from Fire and Ice] Huge Power[Doubles Azurill's attack] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 HP 2560 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 20/Defense 40/Speed 20/Sp Att 20/Sp Def 40 Evolution: -> Marill(Happiness) -> Azumarill(Level 18) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Splash Substitute Level -- - Charm Mimic Level 06 - Tail Whip Double-Edge Level 10 - Bubble Body Slam Level 15 - Slam Level 21 - Water Gun Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Rollout Swift Mud-Slap Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Light Screen Amnesia Substitute Future Sight Supersonic Encore Body Slam Sing Tickle Refresh Belly Drum Perish Song ============================================================================== 299 - Nosepass Type: Rock Locations: Trade with R/S Egg group: Mineral Ability: Sturdy[Can't be defeated by OHKO attacks] Magnet Pull[Steel Pokemon can't escape or switch] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 30/Attack 45/Defense 135/Speed 30/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 90 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level 07 - Harden Mimic Level 13 - Rock Throw Double-Edge Level 16 - Block Body Slam Level 22 - Thunder Wave Rock Slide Level 28 - Rock Slide Thunder Wave Level 31 - Sandstorm Level 37 - Rest Level 43 - Zap Cannon Level 46 - Lock-On Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Magnitude Rollout Explosion ============================================================================== 300 - Skitty Type: Normal Locations: Trade with R/S Egg group: Fairy/Ground Ability: Cute Charm[30% chance opponent will be attracted on contact] Gender Ratio: 25% Male, 75% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 45/Defense 45/Speed 50/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 35 Evolution: -> Delcatty(Moon Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Tail Whip Double-Edge Level 07 - Attract Body Slam Level 13 - Sing Dream Eater Level 15 - Doubleslap Thunder Wave Level 19 - Assist Level 25 - Charm Level 27 - Faint Attack Level 31 - Covet Level 37 - Heal Bell Level 39 - Double-Edge Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Psych Up Icy Wind Rollout Swift Mud-Slap (You can get a Skitty with Pay Day from Pokemon Box) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Psych Up Fake Tears Baton Pass Helping Hand Substitute Tickle Uproar Wish ============================================================================== 301 - Delcatty Type: Normal Locations: Evolve Skitty Egg group: Fairy/Ground Ability: Cute Charm[30% chance opponent will be attracted on contact] Gender Ratio: 25% Male, 75% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Speed, 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 65/Defense 65/Speed 70/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 55 Evolution: From Skitty(Moon Stone) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Sing Substitute Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Doubleslap Double-Edge Level -- - Attract Body Slam Dream Eater Thunder Wave Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Psych Up Icy Wind Rollout Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Psych Up Fake Tears Baton Pass Helping Hand Substitute Tickle Uproar Wish ============================================================================== 302 - Sableye Type: Dark/Ghost Locations: Trade from Sapphire Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Keen Eye[Accuracy can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 1 Attack, 1 Defense 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 75/Defense 75/Speed 50/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 65 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 05 - Foresight Double-Edge Level 09 - Night Shade Body Slam Level 13 - Astonish Dream Eater Level 17 - Fury Swipes Seismic Toss Level 21 - Fake Out Rock Slide Level 25 - Detect Mega Punch Level 29 - Faint Attack Mega Kick Level 33 - Knock Off Metronome Level 37 - Confuse Ray Counter Level 41 - Shadow Ball Level 45 - Mean Look Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Fury Cutter Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Recover Moonlight Psych Up ============================================================================== 303 - Mawile Type: Steel Locations: Trade from Ruby Egg group: Fairy/Ground Ability: Hyper Cutter[Attack can't be lowered] Intimidate[When Mawile is sent into battle, opponent's attack lowers] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 1 Attack, 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 85/Defense 85/Speed 50/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 55 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Astonish Substitute Level 06 - Fake Tears Mimic Level 11 - Bite Double-Edge Level 16 - Sweet Scent Body Slam Level 21 - Vicegrip Counter Level 26 - Faint Attack Seismic Toss Level 31 - Baton Pass Rock Slide Level 36 - Crunch Mega Punch Level 41 - Iron Defense Mega Kick Level 46 - Stockpile Metronome Level 46 - Swallow Level 46 - Spit Up Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Icy Wind Endure Psych Up Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Sludge Bomb 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Swords Dance Poison Fang False Swipe Ancientpower Tickle Psych Up ============================================================================== 304 - Aron Type: Steel/Rock Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Monster Ability: Sturdy[Can't be defeated by OHKO attack] Rock Head[No recoil damage] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 1 Defense 8960 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 70/Defense 100/Speed 30/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 40 Evolution: -> Lairon(Level 32) -> Aggron(Level 42) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Harden Mimic Level 07 - Mud Slap Double-Edge Level 10 - Headbutt Body Slam Level 13 - Metal Claw Rock Slide Level 17 - Iron Defense Level 21 - Roar Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 25 - Take Down Sleep Talk Level 29 - Iron Tail Snore Level 34 - Protect Swagger Level 39 - Metal Sound Endure Level 44 - Double-Edge Defense Curl Rollout Mud-Slap Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Smellingsalt Stomp Endeavor Body Slam ============================================================================== 305 - Lairon Type: Steel/Rock Locations: Evolve Aron Egg group: Monster Ability: Sturdy[Can't be defeated by OHKO attack] Rock Head[No recoil damage] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 2 Defense 8960 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 90/Defense 140/Speed 40/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 50 Evolution: From Aron(Level 32) -> Aggron(Level 42) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Harden Mimic Level -- - Mud Slap Double-Edge Level -- - Headbutt Body Slam Level -- - Metal Claw Rock Slide Level -- - Iron Defense Level -- - Roar Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Take Down Sleep Talk Level -- - Iron Tail Snore Level 37 - Protect Swagger Level 45 - Metal Sound Endure Level 53 - Double-Edge Defense Curl Rollout Fury Cutter Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Smellingsalt Stomp Endeavor Body Slam ============================================================================== 306 - Aggron Type: Steel/Rock Locations: Evolve Lairon Egg group: Monster Ability: Sturdy[Can't be defeated by OHKO attack] Rock Head[No recoil damage] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 3 Defense 8960 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 110/Defense 180/Speed 50/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Aron(Level 32) and Lairon(Level 42) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Harden Mimic Level -- - Mud Slap Double-Edge Level -- - Headbutt Body Slam Level -- - Metal Claw Rock Slide Level -- - Iron Defense Counter Level -- - Roar Seismic Toss Level -- - Take Down Mega Punch Level -- - Iron Tail Mega Kick Level -- - Protect Level 50 - Metal Sound Level 63 - Double-Edge Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Fire Punch Icy Wind Rollout Mud-Slap Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 02 - Dragon Claw 03 - Surf 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 05 - Roar 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Smellingsalt Stomp Endeavor Body Slam ============================================================================== 307 - Meditite Type: Fighting/Psychic Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Pure Power[Doubles Attack] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 30/Attack 40/Defense 55/Speed 60/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 55 Evolution: -> Medicham(Level 37) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bide Substitute Level -- - Meditate Mimic Level 09 - Confusion Double-Edge Level 12 - Detect Body Slam Level 17 - Hidden Power Thunder Wave Level 22 - Swagger Counter Level 25 - Mind Reader Seismic Toss Level 28 - Calm Mind Mega Punch Level 33 - Hi Jump Kick Mega Kick Level 36 - Psych Up Metronome Level 41 - Reversal Level 44 - Recover (Note: Swagger can only be learned in FR/LG) Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Thunderpunch Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Ice Punch Swift Mud-Slap Endure Psych Up TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Dynamicpunch Fake Out Foresight Baton Pass ============================================================================== 308 - Medicham Type: Fighting/Psychic Locations: Evolve Meditite Egg group: Humanshape Ability: Pure Power[Doubles Attack] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 2 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 60/Defense 75/Speed 80/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 75 Evolution: From Meditite(Level 37) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Fire Punch Substitute Level -- - Thunderpunch Mimic Level -- - Ice Punch Double-Edge Level -- - Bide Rock Slide Level -- - Meditate Metronome Level -- - Confusion Mega Kick Level -- - Detect Body Slam Level -- - Hidden Power Thunder Wave Level -- - Swagger Counter Level -- - Mind Reader Seismic Toss Level -- - Calm Mind Mega Punch Level -- - Hi Jump Kick Level -- - Psych Up Level 47 - Reversal Level 56 - Recover (Note: Swagger can only be learned in FRLG) Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Thunderpunch Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Ice Punch Swift Mud-Slap Endure Psych Up TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Dynamicpunch Fake Out Foresight Baton Pass ============================================================================== 309 - Electrike Type: Electric Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Ground Ability: Static[30% chance of paralysis on contact] Lightningrod[All electric attacks will hit Electrike] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 45/Defense 40/Speed 65/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 40 Evolution: -> Manectric(Level 26) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Thunder Wave Mimic Level 09 - Leer Double-Edge Level 12 - Howl Body Slam Level 17 - Quick Attack Thunder Wave Level 20 - Spark Level 25 - Odor Sleuth Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 28 - Roar Sleep Talk Level 31 - Bite Snore Level 36 - Thunder Swagger Level 41 - Charge Endure Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Uproar Curse Headbutt Crunch Swift ============================================================================== 310 - Manectric Type: Electric Locations: Evolve Electrike Egg group: Ground Ability: Static[30% chance of paralysis on contact] Lightningrod[All electric attacks will hit Manectric] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 75/Defense 60/Speed 105/Sp Att 105/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Electrike(Level 26) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Thunder Wave Mimic Level -- - Leer Double-Edge Level -- - Howl Body Slam Level -- - Quick Attack Thunder Wave Level -- - Spark Level -- - Odor Sleuth Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 31 - Roar Sleep Talk Level 39 - Bite Snore Level 45 - Thunder Swagger Level 53 - Charge Endure Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Uproar Curse Headbutt Crunch Swift ============================================================================== 311 - Plusle Type: Electric Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Fairy Ability: Plus[Gets stronger when its partner in a 2 VS 2 is Minun] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 50/Defense 40/Speed 95/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 75 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Growl Substitute Level -- - Thunder Wave Mimic Level 10 - Quick Attack Double-Edge Level 13 - Helping Hand Body Slam Level 19 - Spark Thunder Wave Level 22 - Encore Counter Level 28 - Fake Tears Seismic Toss Level 31 - Charge Mega Punch Level 37 - Thunder Mega Kick Level 40 - Baton Pass Metronome Level 47 - Agility Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Rollout Mud-Slap Thunderpunch Dynamic Punch Swift TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Substitute Wish ============================================================================== 312 - Minun Type: Electric Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Fairy Ability: Minus[Gets stronger when its partner in a 2 VS 2 is Plusle] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 40/Defense 50/Speed 95/Sp Att 75/Sp Def 85 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Growl Substitute Level -- - Thunder Wave Mimic Level 10 - Quick Attack Double-Edge Level 13 - Helping Hand Body Slam Level 19 - Spark Thunder Wave Level 22 - Encore Counter Level 28 - Charm Seismic Toss Level 31 - Charge Mega Punch Level 37 - Thunder Mega Kick Level 40 - Baton Pass Metronome Level 47 - Agility Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Rollout Mud-Slap Thunderpunch Dynamic Punch Swift TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Substitute Wish ============================================================================== 313 - Volbeat Type: Bug Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Bug/Humanshape Ability: Illuminate[Higher chance of wild encounters when first on party] Swarm[Bug attacks become stronger at 1/3 HP or less] Gender Ratio: 100% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 73/Defense 55/Speed 85/Sp Att 47/Sp Def 75 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Confuse Ray Mimic Level 09 - Double Team Double-Edge Level 13 - Moonlight Body Slam Level 17 - Quick Attack Thunder Wave Level 21 - Tail Glow Counter Level 25 - Signal Beam Seismic Toss Level 29 - Protect Mega Punch Level 33 - Helping Hand Mega Kick Level 37 - Double-Edge Metronome Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 05 - Flash 03 - Water Pulse 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Baton Pass Silver Wind Trick ============================================================================== 314 - Illumise Type: Bug Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Bug/Humanshape Ability: Oblivious[Can't be attracted] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 100% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Speed 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 47/Defense 55/Speed 85/Sp Att 73/Sp Def 75 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Sweet Scent Mimic Level 09 - Charm Double-Edge Level 13 - Moonlight Body Slam Level 17 - Quick Attack Thunder Wave Level 21 - Wish Counter Level 25 - Encore Seismic Toss Level 29 - Flatter Mega Punch Level 33 - Helping Hand Mega Kick Level 37 - Covet Metronome Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 05 - Flash 03 - Water Pulse 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Baton Pass Silver Wind Growth ============================================================================== 315 - Roselia Type: Grass/Poison Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Plant/Fairy Ability: Natural Cure[Cures condition when switched in battle] Poison Point[30% chance of poison on contact] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 60/Defense 45/Speed 65/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 80 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Absorb Substitute Level -- - Growth Mimic Level 09 - Poison Sting Double-Edge Level 13 - Stun Spore Body Slam Level 17 - Mega Drain Swords Dance Level 21 - Leech Seed Level 25 - Magical Leaf Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 29 - Grasswhistle Sleep Talk Level 33 - Giga Drain Snore Level 37 - Sweet Scent Swagger Level 41 - Ingrain Endure Level 45 - Toxic Psych Up Level 49 - Petal Dance Fury Cutter Level 53 - Aromatherapy Swift Level 57 - Synthesis TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 09 - Bullet Seed 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Pin Missile Spikes Synthesis Cotton Spore ============================================================================== 316 - Gulpin Type: Poison Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Liquid Ooze[When opponent drains HP from this Pokemon, instead of healing, they will be damaged] Sticky Hold[Item can't be knocked off or stolen] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 43/Defense 53/Speed 40/Sp Att 43/Sp Def 53 Evolution: -> Swalot(Level 26) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Pound Substitute Level 06 - Yawn Mimic Level 09 - Poison Gas Double-Edge Level 14 - Sludge Body Slam Level 17 - Amnesia Explosion Level 23 - Encore Counter Level 28 - Toxic Dream Eater Level 34 - Stockpile Level 34 - Spit Up Level 34 - Swallow Level 39 - Sludge Bomb Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Mud-Slap Rollout TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 09 - Bullet Seed 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Pain Split Acid Armor Dream Eater Smog ============================================================================== 317 - Swalot Type: Poison Locations: Evolve Gulpin Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Liquid Ooze[When opponent drains HP from this Pokemon, instead of healing, they will be damaged] Sticky Hold[Item can't be knocked off or stolen] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 100/Attack 73/Defense 83/Speed 55/Sp Att 73/Sp Def 83 Evolution: From Gulpin(Level 26) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Pound Substitute Level -- - Yawn Mimic Level -- - Poison Gas Double-Edge Level -- - Sludge Body Slam Level -- - Amnesia Explosion Level -- - Encore Counter Level 26 - Body Slam Dream Eater Level 31 - Toxic Level 40 - Stockpile Level 40 - Spit Up Level 40 - Swallow Level 48 - Sludge Bomb Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Mud-Slap Rollout TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 09 - Bullet Seed 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Pain Split Acid Armor Dream Eater Smog ============================================================================== 318 - Carvanha Type: Water/Dark Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Water 2 Ability: Rough Skin[Opponent is hit with 1/16 of their HP if they use a contact attack] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 90/Defense 20/Speed 65/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 20 Evolution: -> Sharpedo(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leer Substitute Level -- - Bite Mimic Level 07 - Rage Double-Edge Level 13 - Focus Energy Level 16 - Scary Face Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 22 - Crunch Sleep Talk Level 28 - Screech Snore Level 31 - Take Down Swagger Level 37 - Swagger Swift Level 43 - Agility Endure Fury Cutter Icy Wind Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Hydro Pump Thrash Double-Edge ============================================================================== 319 - Sharpedo Type: Water/Dark Locations: Evolve Carvanha Egg group: Water 2 Ability: Rough Skin[Opponent is hit with 1/16 of their HP if they use a contact attack] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 2 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 120/Defense 40/Speed 95/Sp Att 95/Sp Def 40 Evolution: From Carvanha(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leer Substitute Level -- - Bite Mimic Level -- - Rage Double-Edge Level -- - Focus Energy Level -- - Scary Face Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Crunch Sleep Talk Level -- - Screech Snore Level 33 - Slash Swagger Level 38 - Taunt Endure Level 43 - Swagger Swift Level 48 - Skull Bash Mud-Slap Level 53 - Agility Icy Wind Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Hydro Pump Thrash Double-Edge ============================================================================== 320 - Wailmer Type: Water Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Water 2/Ground Ability: Water Veil[Can't be burned] Oblivious[Can't be attracted] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 HP 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 130/Attack 70/Defense 35/Speed 60/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 35 Evolution: -> Wailord(Level 40) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Splash Substitute Level -- - Growl Mimic Level 10 - Water Gun Double-Edge Level 14 - Rollout Body Slam Level 19 - Whirlpool Level 23 - Astonish Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 28 - Water Pulse Sleep Talk Level 32 - Mist Snore Level 37 - Rest Swagger Level 41 - Water Spout Endure Level 46 - Amnesia Defense Curl Level 50 - Hydro Pump Swift Rollout Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Double-Edge Curse Sleep talk Thrash Tickle Snore Fissure Swagger ============================================================================== 321 - Wailord Type: Water Locations: Evolve Wailmer Egg group: Water 2/Ground Ability: Water Veil[Can't be burned] Oblivious[Can't be attracted] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 2 HP 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 170/Attack 90/Defense 45/Speed 60/Sp Att 90/Sp Def 45 Evolution: From Wailmer(Level 40) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Splash Substitute Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Water Gun Double-Edge Level -- - Rollout Body Slam Level -- - Whirlpool Level -- - Astonish Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Water Pulse Sleep Talk Level -- - Mist Snore Level -- - Rest Swagger Level 44 - Water Spout Defense Curl Level 52 - Amnesia Endure Level 59 - Hydro Pump Rollout Icy Wind Swift TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Double-Edge Curse Sleep talk Thrash Tickle Snore Fissure Swagger ============================================================================== 322 - Numel Type: Fire/Ground Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Ground Ability: Oblivious[Can't be attracted] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 60/Defense 40/Speed 35/Sp Att 65/Sp Def 45 Evolution: -> Camerupt(Level 33) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Growl Mimic Level 11 - Ember Double-Edge Level 19 - Magnitude Body Slam Level 25 - Focus Energy Rock Slide Level 29 - Take Down Level 31 - Amnesia Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 35 - Earthquake Sleep Talk Level 41 - Flamethrower Snore Level 44 - Double-Edge Swagger Endure Defense Curl Mud-Slap Rollout TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Howl Rollout Body Slam Stomp Scary Face Defense Curl ============================================================================== 323 - Camerupt Type: Fire/Ground Locations: Evolve Numel Egg group: Ground Ability: Magma Armor[Can't be frozen] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack, 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 100/Defense 70/Speed 40/Sp Att 105/Sp Def 75 Evolution: From Numel(Level 33) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Ember Double-Edge Level -- - Magnitude Body Slam Level -- - Focus Energy Rock Slide Level -- - Take Down Level -- - Amnesia Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 33 - Rock Slide Sleep Talk Level 37 - Earthquake Snore Level 45 - Eruption Swagger Level 55 - Double-Edge Defense Curl Endure Rollout Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Howl Rollout Body Slam Stomp Scary Face Defense Curl ============================================================================== 324 - Torkoal Type: Fire Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Ground Ability: White Smoke[Stats can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 2 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 85/Defense 140/Speed 20/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 70 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Ember Substitute Level -- - Smog Mimic Level 07 - Curse Double-Edge Level 14 - Smokescreen Body Slam Level 17 - Fire Spin Rock Slide Level 20 - Body Slam Explosion Level 27 - Protect Level 30 - Flamethrower Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 33 - Iron Defense Sleep Talk Level 40 - Amnesia Snore Level 43 - Flail Swagger Level 46 - Heat Wave Endure Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Sludge Bomb 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: Eruption Endure Yawn Sleep Talk ============================================================================== 325 - Spoink Type: Psychic Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Ground Ability: Thick Fat[Ice and Fire damage is halved] Own Tempo[Can't be confused] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 25/Defense 35/Speed 60/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 80 Evolution: -> Grumpig(Level 32) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Splash Substitute Level 07 - Psywave Mimic Level 10 - Odor Sleuth Double-Edge Level 16 - Psybeam Body Slam Level 19 - Psych Up Dream Eater Level 25 - Confuse Ray Level 28 - Magic Coat Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 34 - Psychic Sleep Talk Level 37 - Rest Snore Level 37 - Snore Swagger Level 43 - Bounce Endure Psych Up Icy Wind Swift TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Substitute Trick Extrasensory Future Sight ============================================================================== 326 - Grumpig Type: Psychic Locations: Evolve Spoink Egg group: Ground Ability: Thick Fat[Ice and Fire damage is halved] Own Tempo[Can't be confused] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 2 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 45/Defense 65/Speed 80/Sp Att 90/Sp Def 110 Evolution: From Spoink(Level 32) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Splash Substitute Level -- - Psywave Mimic Level -- - Odor Sleuth Double-Edge Level -- - Psybeam Body Slam Level -- - Psych Up Dream Eater Level -- - Confuse Ray Counter Level -- - Magic Coat Seismic Toss Level 37 - Psychic Mega Kick Level 43 - Rest Mega Punch Level 43 - Snore Metronome Level 55 - Bounce Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Ice Punch Thunderpunch Icy Wind Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Substitute Trick Extrasensory Future Sight ============================================================================== 327 - Spinda Type: Normal Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Ground/Humanshape Ability: Own Tempo[Can't be confused] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 60/Defense 60/Speed 60/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 60 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Uproar Mimic Level 12 - Faint Attack Double-Edge Level 16 - Psybeam Body Slam Level 23 - Hypnosis Dream Eater Level 27 - Dizzy Punch Counter Level 34 - Teeter Dance Seismic Toss Level 38 - Psych Up Mega Kick Level 45 - Double-Edge Mega Punch Level 49 - Flail Metronome Level 56 - Thrash Rock Slide Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Psych Up Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Icy Wind Mud-Slap Rollout Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mind 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Rock Slide Assist Encore Trick Smellingsalt Wish Disable Baton Pass ============================================================================== 328 - Trapinch Type: Ground Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Bug Ability: Hyper Cutter[Attack can't be lowered] Arena Trap[Opponent can't escape unless it's immune to Ground] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 100/Defense 45/Speed 10/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 45 Evolution: -> Vibrava(Level 35) -> Flygon(Level 45) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bite Substitute Level 09 - Sand-Attack Mimic Level 17 - Faint Attack Double-Edge Level 25 - Sand Tomb Body Slam Level 33 - Crunch Rock Slide Level 41 - Dig Level 49 - Sandstorm Level 57 - Hyper Beam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Focus Energy Quick Attack Gust ============================================================================== 329 - Vibrava Type: Ground/Dragon Locations: Evolve Trapinch Egg group: Bug Ability: Levitate[Unaffected by Ground attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 1 Attack, 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 70/Defense 50/Speed 70/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 50 Evolution: From Trapinch(Level 35) -> Flygon(Level 45) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bite Substitute Level -- - Sand-Attack Mimic Level -- - Faint Attack Double-Edge Level -- - Sand Tomb Body Slam Level -- - Crunch Rock Slide Level 35 - Dragonbreath Level 41 - Screech Level 49 - Sandstorm Level 57 - Hyper Beam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 02 - Fly 10 - Hidden Power 04 - Strength 11 - Sunny Day 06 - Rock Smash 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Focus Energy Quick Attack Gust ============================================================================== 330 - Flygon Type: Ground/Dragon Locations: Evolve Vibrava Egg group: Bug Ability: Levitate[Unaffected by Ground attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 1 Attack, 2 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 100/Defense 80/Speed 100/Sp Att 80/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Trapinch(Level 35) and Vibrava(Level 45) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bite Substitute Level -- - Sand-Attack Mimic Level -- - Faint Attack Double-Edge Level -- - Sand Tomb Body Slam Level -- - Crunch Rock Slide Level -- - Dragonbreath Level -- - Screech Level 53 - Sandstorm Level 65 - Hyper Beam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Mud-Slap Swift Fury Cutter Fire Punch TMs: HMs: 02 - Dragon Claw 02 - Fly 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Focus Energy Quick Attack Gust ============================================================================== 331 - Cacnea Type: Grass Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Humanshape/Plant Ability: Sand Veil[Evasion rises in sandstorms] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 85/Defense 40/Speed 35/Sp Att 85/Sp Def 40 Evolution: -> Cacturne(Level 32) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Poison Sting Substitute Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Absorb Double-Edge Level 09 - Growth Body Slam Level 13 - Leech Seed Mega Punch Level 17 - Sand-Attack Swords Dance Level 21 - Pin Missile Seismic Toss Level 25 - Ingrain Counter Level 29 - Faint Attack Level 33 - Spikes Level 37 - Needle Arm Level 41 - Cotton Spore Level 45 - Sandstorm Level 49 - Destiny Bond (Destiny Bond is only learned in FR/LG) Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Mud-Slap Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 09 - Bullet Seed 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Grasswhistle Acid Teeter Dance Dynamic Punch Counter ============================================================================== 332 - Cacturne Type: Grass/Dark Locations: Evolve Cacnea Egg group: Humanshape/Plant Ability: Sand Veil[Evasion rises in sandstorms] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack, 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 115/Defense 60/Speed 55/Sp Att 115/Sp Def 60 Evolution: From Cacnea(Level 32) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Poison Sting Substitute Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Absorb Double-Edge Level -- - Growth Body Slam Level -- - Leech Seed Mega Punch Level -- - Sand-Attack Swords Dance Level -- - Pin Missile Seismic Toss Level -- - Ingrain Counter Level -- - Faint Attack Mega Kick Level 35 - Spikes Level 41 - Needle Arm Level 47 - Cotton Spore Level 53 - Sandstorm Level 59 - Destiny Bond (Destiny Bond is only learned in FR/LG) Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Mud-Slap Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 09 - Bullet Seed 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Grasswhistle Acid Teeter Dance Dynamicpunch Counter ============================================================================== 333 - Swablu Type: Normal/Flying Locations: Trade with R/S Egg group: Dragon/Flying Ability: Natural Cure[Condition is healed when switched out] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 40/Defense 60/Speed 50/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 75 Evolution: -> Altaria(level 35) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Peck Substitute Level -- - Growl Mimic Level 08 - Astonish Double-Edge Level 11 - Sing Body Slam Level 18 - Fury Attack Dream Eater Level 21 - Safeguard Level 28 - Mist Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 31 - Take Down Sleep Talk Level 38 - Mirror Move Snore Level 41 - Refresh Swagger Level 48 - Perish Song Endure Psych Up Swift Mud-Slap (Learns Faint Attack through Pokemon Box) TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 02 - Fly 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Agility Haze Rage Pursuit Barrage ============================================================================== 334 - Altaria Type: Dragon/Flying Locations: Evolve Swablu Egg group: Dragon/Flying Ability: Natural Cure[Condition is healed when switched out] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 75/Attack 70/Defense 90/Speed 80/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 105 Evolution: From Swablu(level 35) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Peck Substitute Level -- - Growl Mimic Level -- - Astonish Double-Edge Level -- - Sing Body Slam Level -- - Fury Attack Dream Eater Level -- - Safeguard Level -- - Mist Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 35 - Dragonbreath Sleep Talk Level 40 - Dragon Dance Snore Level 45 - Refresh Swagger Level 54 - Perish Song Endure Level 59 - Sky Attack Psych Up Swift Mud-Slap (Learns Faint Attack through Pokemon Box) TMs: HMs: 02 - Dragon Claw 02 - Fly 05 - Roar 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Agility Haze Rage Pursuit Barrage ============================================================================== 335 - Zangoose Type: Normal Locations: Trade from Ruby Egg group: Ground Ability: Immunity[Can't be poisoned] Gender Ratio: 25% Male, 75% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 2 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 73/Attack 115/Defense 60/Speed 90/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 60 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 07 - Quick Attack Double-Edge Level 10 - Swords Dance Body Slam Level 13 - Fury Cutter Dream Eater Level 19 - Slash Mega Punch Level 25 - Pursuit Mega Kick Level 31 - Crush Claw Swords dance Level 37 - Taunt Thunder Wave Level 46 - Detect Rock Slide Level 55 - False Swipe Counter Seismic Toss Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Defense Curl Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Thunderpunch Fire Punch Icy Wind Fury Cutter Mud-Slap Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 03 - Water Pulse 06 - Rock Smash 05 - Roar 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Double Kick Razor Wing Flail Curse Counter Roar ============================================================================== 336 - Seviper Type: Poison Locations: Trade from Sapphire Egg group: Dragon/Ground Ability: Shed Skin[Has a chance of healing condition every turn] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Attack, 1 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 73/Attack 100/Defense 60/Speed 65/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 60 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Wrap Substitute Level 07 - Lick Mimic Level 10 - Bite Double-Edge Level 16 - Poison Tail Body Slam Level 19 - Screech Level 25 - Glare Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 28 - Crunch Sleep Talk Level 34 - Poison Fang Snore Level 37 - Swagger Swagger Level 43 - Haze Endure Mud-Slap Fury Cutter Swift TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Sludge Bomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Stockpile Spit Up Swallow Body Slam ============================================================================== 337 - Lunatone Type: Rock/Psychic Locations: Trade from Sapphire Egg group: Mineral Ability: Levitate[Unaffected by Ground attacks] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 55/Defense 65/Speed 70/Sp Att 95/Sp Def 80 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 07 - Confusion Double-Edge Level 13 - Rock Throw Body Slam Level 19 - Hypnosis Rock Slide Level 25 - Psywave Explosion Level 31 - Cosmic Power Seismic Toss Level 37 - Psychic Level 43 - Future Sight Level 49 - Explosion Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Swift Rollout TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 48 - Skill Swap Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 338 - Solrock Type: Rock/Psychic Locations: Trade from Ruby Egg group: Mineral Ability: Levitate[Unaffected by Ground attacks] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 2 Attack 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 95/Defense 85/Speed 70/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 65 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level -- - Leer Mimic Level 07 - Confusion Double-Edge Level 13 - Rock Throw Body Slam Level 19 - Fire Spin Rock Slide Level 25 - Psywave Explosion Level 31 - Cosmic Power Seismic Toss Level 37 - Rock Slide Level 43 - Solarbeam Level 49 - Explosion Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Swift Rollout TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 48 - Skill Swap 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 339 - Barboach Type: Ground/Water Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Water 2 Ability: Oblivious[Can't be attracted] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 48/Defense 43/Speed 60/Sp Att 46/Sp Def 41 Evolution: -> Whiscash(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Mud Slap Substitute Level 06 - Mud Sport Mimic Level 06 - Water Sport Double-Edge Level 11 - Water Gun Level 16 - Magnitude Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 21 - Amnesia Sleep Talk Level 26 - Rest Snore Level 26 - Snore Swagger Level 31 - Earthquake Endure Level 36 - Future Sight Icy Wind Level 41 - Fissure Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Sport 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Thrash Spark Whirlpool ============================================================================== 340 - Whiscash Type: Ground/Water Locations: Evolve Barboach Egg group: Water 2 Ability: Oblivious[Can't be attracted] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 2 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 110/Attack 78/Defense 73/Speed 60/Sp Att 76/Sp Def 71 Evolution: From Barboach(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Mud Slap Substitute Level -- - Mud Sport Mimic Level -- - Water Sport Double-Edge Level -- - Water Gun Rock Slide Level -- - Magnitude Level -- - Amnesia Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Rest Sleep Talk Level -- - Snore Snore Level 36 - Earthquake Swagger Level 46 - Future Sight Endure Level 56 - Fissure Icy Wind Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Sport 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 07 - Hail 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 07 - Waterfall 13 - Ice Beam 08 - Dive 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Bear 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Thrash Spark Whirlpool ============================================================================== 341 - Corphish Type: Water Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Water 1/Water 3 Ability: Shell Armor[Doesn't take Critical Hits] Hyper Cutter[Attack can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Attack 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 43/Attack 80/Defense 65/Speed 35/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 35 Evolution: -> Crawdaunt(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bubble Substitute Level 07 - Harden Mimic Level 10 - Vice Grip Double-Edge Level 13 - Leer Counter Level 19 - Bubblebeam Swords Dance Level 22 - Protect Body Slam Level 25 - Knock Off Level 31 - Taunt Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 33 - Crabhammer Sleep Talk Level 37 - Swords Dance Snore Level 44 - Crunch Swagger Level 46 - Guillotine Endure Mud-Slap Fury Cutter Icy Wind (Can only learn Crunch in FR/LG) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Sport 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 03 - Surf 07 - Hail 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 12 - Taunt 07 - Waterfall 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Body Slam Mud Sport Ancientpower Endeavor ============================================================================== 342 - Crawdaunt Type: Water/Dark Locations: Evolve Corphish Egg group: Water 1/Water 3 Ability: Shell Armor[Doesn't take Critical Hits] Hyper Cutter[Attack can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 2 Attack 3840 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 63/Attack 120/Defense 85/Speed 55/Sp Att 90/Sp Def 55 Evolution: From Corphish(Level 30) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bubble Substitute Level -- - Harden Mimic Level -- - Vice Grip Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Counter Level -- - Bubblebeam Swords Dance Level -- - Protect Body Slam Level -- - Knock Off Level 33 - Taunt Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 38 - Crabhammer Sleep Talk Level 43 - Swords Dance Snore Level 51 - Crunch Swagger Level 56 - Guillotine Endure Icy Wind Mud-Slap Fury Cutter (Can only learn Crunch in FR/LG) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Sport 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 03 - Surf 07 - Hail 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 12 - Taunt 07 - Waterfall 13 - Ice Beam 08 - Dive 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Body Slam Mud Sport Ancientpower Endeavor ============================================================================== 343 - Baltoy Type: Psychic/Ground Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Mineral Ability: Levitate[Immune to Ground attacks] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 40/Defense 55/Speed 55/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 70 Evolution: -> Claydol(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Confusion Substitute Level -- - Harden Mimic Level -- - Rapid Spin Double-Edge Level 07 - Mud Slap Rock Slide Level 11 - Psybeam Explosion Level 15 - Rock Tomb Body Slam Level 19 - Selfdestruct Dream Eater Level 25 - Ancientpower Level 31 - Sandstorm Level 37 - Cosmic Power Level 45 - Explosion Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 48 - Skill Swap Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 344 - Claydol Type: Psychic/Ground Locations: Evolve Baltoy Egg group: Mineral Ability: Levitate[Immune to Ground attacks] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 2 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 70/Defense 105/Speed 75/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 120 Evolution: From Baltoy(Level 36) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Confusion Substitute Level -- - Harden Mimic Level -- - Rapid Spin Double-Edge Level -- - Mud Slap Rock Slide Level -- - Psybeam Explosion Level -- - Rock Tomb Body Slam Level -- - Selfdestruct Dream Eater Level -- - Ancientpower Level -- - Sandstorm Level 36 - Hyper Beam Level 42 - Cosmic Power Level 55 - Explosion Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 06 - Strength 13 - Ice Beam 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 48 - Skill Swap Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 345 - Lileep Type: Rock/Grass Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Water 3 Ability: Suction Cups[Can't be forced to switch] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 7680 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 66/Attack 41/Defense 77/Speed 23/Sp Att 61/Sp Def 87 Evolution: -> Cradily(Level 40) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Astonish Substitute Level 08 - Constrict Mimic Level 15 - Acid Double-Edge Level 23 - Ingrain Rock Slide Level 29 - Confuse Ray Body Slam Level 36 - Amnesia Level 43 - Ancientpower Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 50 - Stockpile Sleep Talk Level 50 - Spit Up Snore Level 50 - Swallow Swagger Endure Psych Up Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 09 - Bullet Seed 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 37 - Sandstorm 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 346 - Cradily Type: Rock/Grass Locations: Evolve Lileep Egg group: Water 3 Ability: Suction Cups[Can't be forced to switch] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 2 Special Defense 7680 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 86/Attack 81/Defense 97/Speed 43/Sp Att 81/Sp Def 107 Evolution: From Lileep(Level 40) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Astonish Substitute Level -- - Constrict Mimic Level -- - Acid Double-Edge Level -- - Ingrain Rock Slide Level -- - Confuse Ray Body Slam Level -- - Amnesia Level 48 - Ancientpower Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 60 - Stockpile Sleep Talk Level 60 - Spit Up Snore Level 60 - Swallow Swagger Endure Psych Up Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 09 - Bullet Seed 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 36 - Sludge Bomb 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 347 - Anorith Type: Rock/Bug Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Water 3 Ability: Battle Armor[Not affected by critical hits] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Attack 7680 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 95/Defense 50/Speed 75/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Armaldo(Level 40) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level 07 - Harden Mimic Level 13 - Mud Sport Double-Edge Level 19 - Water Gun Rock Slide Level 25 - Metal Claw Body Slam Level 31 - Protect Swords Dance Level 37 - Ancientpower Level 43 - Fury Cutter Level 49 - Slash Level 55 - Rock Blast Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Mud-Slap Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Swords Dance Rock Slide Rapid Spin Knock Off ============================================================================== 348 - Armaldo Type: Rock/Bug Locations: Evolve Anorith Egg group: Water 3 Ability: Battle Armor[Not affected by critical hits] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 2 Attack 7680 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 75/Attack 125/Defense 100/Speed 45/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Anorith(Level 40) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Substitute Level -- - Harden Mimic Level -- - Mud Sport Double-Edge Level -- - Water Gun Rock Slide Level -- - Metal Claw Body Slam Level -- - Protect Swords Dance Level -- - Ancientpower Seismic Toss Level 46 - Fury Cutter Level 55 - Slash Level 64 - Rock Blast Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Mud-Slap Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Swords Dance Rock Slide Rapid Spin Knock Off ============================================================================== 349 - Feebas Type: Water Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Water 1/Dragon Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles Speed during rain] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 20/Attack 15/Defense 20/Speed 80/Sp Att 10/Sp Def 55 Evolution: -> Milotic(Beauty) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Splash Substitute Level 15 - Tackle Mimic Level 30 - Flail Double-Edge Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Swift Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Mirror Coat Dragonbreath Light Screen Mud Sport Confuse Ray Hypnosis ============================================================================== 350 - Milotic Type: Water Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Water 1/Dragon Ability: Marvel Scale[Stronger Defense when under an unusual condition] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 2 Special Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 95/Attack 60/Defense 79/Speed 81/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 125 Evolution: From Feebas(Beauty) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Water Gun Substitute Level 05 - Wrap Mimic Level 10 - Water Sport Double-Edge Level 15 - Refresh Body Slam Level 20 - Water Pulse Level 25 - Twister Level 30 - Recover Level 35 - Rain Dance Level 40 - Hydro Pump Level 45 - Attract Level 50 - Safeguard Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Swift Icy Wind Psych Up Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Mirror Coat Dragonbreath Light Screen Mud Sport Confuse Ray Hypnosis ============================================================================== 351 - Castform Type: Normal Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Fairy/Indeterminate Ability: Forecast[Type changes according to weather] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 HP 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 70/Defense 70/Speed 70/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 70 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Substitute Level 10 - Water Gun Mimic Level 10 - Ember Double-Edge Level 10 - Powder Snow Body Slam Level 20 - Rain Dance Thunder Wave Level 20 - Sunny Day Level 20 - Hail Level 30 - Weather Ball Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Swift Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Solarbeam 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief Egg Moves: Future Sight Psych Up ============================================================================== 352 - Kecleon Type: Normal Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Ground Ability: Color Change[Type changes to attack that was last used on it] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 90/Defense 70/Speed 40/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 120 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Thief Substitute Level -- - Tail Whip Mimic Level -- - Astonish Double-Edge Level -- - Lick Body Slam Level -- - Scratch Thunder Wave Level 04 - Bind Counter Level 07 - Faint Attack Seismic Toss Level 12 - Fury Swipes Rock Slide Level 17 - Psybeam Metronome Level 24 - Screech Mega Punch Level 31 - Slash Mega Kick Level 40 - Substitute Level 49 - Ancientpower Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Swift Dynamic Punch Thunderpunch Fury Cutter Fire Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind Mud-Slap Rollout TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 28 - Dig 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Disable Magic Coat Trick ============================================================================== 353 - Shuppet Type: Ghost Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Insomnia[Can't fall asleep] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 1 Attack 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 44/Attack 75/Defense 35/Speed 45/Sp Att 63/Sp Def 33 Evolution: -> Banette(Level 37) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Knock Off Substitute Level 08 - Screech Mimic Level 13 - Night Shade Double-Edge Level 20 - Lick Body Slam Level 20 - Curse Thunder Wave Level 25 - Spite Dream Eater Level 32 - Will-o-wisp Level 37 - Faint Attack Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 44 - Shadow Ball Sleep Talk Level 49 - Snatch Snore Level 56 - Grudge Swagger Icy Wind Endure Psych Up TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Destiny Bond Astonish Imprison Disable Foresight ============================================================================== 354 - Banette Type: Ghost Locations: Evolve Shuppet Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Insomnia[Can't fall asleep] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Town EVs RFB: 2 Attack 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 64/Attack 115/Defense 65/Speed 65/Sp Att 83/Sp Def 63 Evolution: From Shuppet(Level 37) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Knock Off Substitute Level -- - Screech Mimic Level -- - Night Shade Double-Edge Level -- - Lick Body Slam Level -- - Curse Thunder Wave Level -- - Spite Dream Eater Level -- - Will-o-wisp Metronome Level 39 - Faint Attack Level 48 - Shadow Ball Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 55 - Snatch Sleep Talk Level 64 - Grudge Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Mud-Slap Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Flash Egg Moves: Destiny Bond Astonish Imprison Disable Foresight ============================================================================== 355 - Duskull Type: Ghost Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Levitate[Immune to Ground attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Defense, 1 Special Defense 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 20/Attack 40/Defense 90/Speed 25/Sp Att 30/Sp Def 90 Evolution: -> Dusclops(Level 37) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leer Substitute Level -- - Night Shade Mimic Level 05 - Disable Double-Edge Level 12 - Foresight Body Slam Level 16 - Astonish Dream Eater Level 23 - Confuse Ray Level 27 - Pursuit Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 34 - Curse Sleep Talk Level 38 - Will-o-wisp Snore Level 45 - Mean Look Swagger Level 49 - Future Sight Endure Icy Wind Psych Up TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Destiny Bond Imprison Faint Attack Grudge Memento Pain Split ============================================================================== 356 - Dusclops Type: Ghost Locations: Evolve Duskull Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Pressure[Opponent uses 2PP per attack instead of 1] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 1 Defense, 2 Special Defense 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 70/Defense 130/Speed 25/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 130 Evolution: From Duskull(Level 37) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Bind Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Substitute Level -- - Night Shade Mimic Level -- - Disable Seismic Toss Level -- - Foresight Body Slam Level -- - Astonish Dream Eater Level -- - Confuse Ray Mega Punch Level -- - Pursuit Mega Kick Level -- - Curse Counter Level 37 - Shadow Punch Rock Slide Level 41 - Will-o-wisp Metronome Level 51 - Mean Look Level 58 - Future Sight Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Fire Punch Thunderpunch Icy Wind Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Destiny Bond Imprison Faint Attack Grudge Memento Pain Split ============================================================================== 357 - Tropius Type: Flying/Grass Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Plant/Monster Ability: Chlorophyll[Doubled speed in sunshine] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Forest EVs RFB: 2 HP 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 99/Attack 89/Defense 83/Speed 51/Sp Att 72/Sp Def 87 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leer Double-Edge Level -- - Gust Substitute Level 07 - Growth Mimic Level 11 - Razor Leaf Body Slam Level 17 - Stomp Swords Dance Level 21 - Sweet Scent Level 27 - Whirlwind Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 31 - Magical Leaf Sleep Talk Level 37 - Body Slam Snore Level 41 - Solarbeam Swagger Level 47 - Synthesis Endure Mud-Slap Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 05 - Roar 01 - Cut 06 - Toxic 02 - Fly 09 - Bullet Seed 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 05 - Flash 11 - Sunny Day 06 - Rock Smash 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 19 - Giga Drain 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: Nature Power Leech Seed Slam Headbutt Razor Wind ============================================================================== 358 - Chimecho Type: Psychic Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Indeterminate Ability: Levitate[Immune to Ground attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Field EVs RFB: 1 Special Attack, 1 Special Defense 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 50/Defense 70/Speed 65/Sp Att 95/Sp Def 80 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Wrap Double-Edge Level 06 - Growl Substitute Level 09 - Astonish Mimic Level 14 - Confusion Dream Eater Level 17 - Take Down Level 22 - Uproar Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 25 - Yawn Sleep Talk Level 30 - Psywave Snore Level 33 - Double-Edge Swagger Level 38 - Heal Bell Endure Level 41 - Safeguard Psych Up Level 46 - Psychic Defense Curl Rollout Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 04 - Calm Mind 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Curse Hypnosis Dream Eater Disable ============================================================================== 359 - Absol Type: Dark Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Ground Ability: Pressure[Opponent uses 2PP instead if one per attack] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 2 Attack 6400 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 130/Defense 60/Speed 75/Sp Att 75/Sp Def 60 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Scratch Double-Edge Level 05 - Leer Substitute Level 09 - Taunt Mimic Level 13 - Quick Attack Dream Eater Level 17 - Razor Wind Thunder Wave Level 21 - Bite Rock Slide Level 26 - Swords Dance Counter Level 31 - Double Team Swords Dance Level 36 - Slash Body Slam Level 41 - Future Sight Level 46 - Perish Song Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Swift Mud-Slap Icy Wind Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 01 - Cut 04 - Calm Mind 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 05 - Flash 07 - Hail 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 46 - Thief 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Double-Edge Substitute Magic Coat Baton Pass Faint Attack Curse ============================================================================== 360 - Wynaut Type: Psychic Locations: Breed Wobbuffet with a Lax Incense Egg group: No Eggs Ability: Shadow Tag[Opponent can't escape] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 95/Attack 23/Defense 48/Speed 23/Sp Att 23/Sp Def 48 Evolution: -> Wobbuffet(Level 15) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Splash None Level -- - Charm Level -- - Encore Level 15 - Counter Level 15 - Mirror Coat Level 15 - Safeguard Level 15 - Destiny Bond TMs: HMs: None Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 361 - Snorunt Type: Ice Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Fairy/Mineral Ability: Inner Focus[Can't become confused] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 50/Defense 50/Speed 50/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Glalie(Level 42) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Powder Snow Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Substitute Level 07 - Double Team Mimic Level 10 - Bite Body Slam Level 16 - Icy Wind Level 19 - Headbutt Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 25 - Protect Sleep Talk Level 28 - Crunch Snore Level 34 - Ice Beam Swagger Level 37 - Hail Endure Level 43 - Blizzard Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Block Spikes ============================================================================== 362 - Glalie Type: Ice Locations: Evolve Snorunt Egg group: Fairy/Mineral Ability: Inner Focus[Can't become confused] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 2 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 80/Defense 80/Speed 80/Sp Att 80/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Snorunt(Level 42) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Powder Snow Double-Edge Level -- - Leer Substitute Level -- - Double Team Mimic Level -- - Bite Body Slam Level -- - Icy Wind Explosion Level -- - Headbutt Level -- - Protect Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Crunch Sleep Talk Level -- - Ice Beam Snore Level 42 - Hail Swagger Level 53 - Blizzard Endure Level 61 - Sheer Cold Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Block Spikes ============================================================================== 363 - Spheal Type: Ice/Water Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Ground/Water 1 Ability: Thick Fat[Halves damage from Fire and Ice attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 70/Attack 40/Defense 50/Speed 25/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 50 Evolution: -> Sealeo(Level 32) -> Walrein(Level 44) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Powder Snow Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Substitute Level -- - Defense Curl Mimic Level -- - Water Gun Body Slam Level 07 - Encore Rock Slide Level 13 - Ice Ball Level 19 - Body Slam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 25 - Aurora Beam Sleep Talk Level 31 - Hail Snore Level 37 - Rest Swagger Level 37 - Snore Endure Level 43 - Blizzard Defense Curl Level 49 - Sheer Cold Mud-Slap Icy Wind Rollout (Spheal only learns Defense Curl in FR/LG) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 07 - Hail 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 07 - Waterfall 13 - Ice Beam 08 - Dive 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Water Sport Spit Up Yawn Rock Slide Stockpile Swallow Fissure Curse Pound ============================================================================== 364 - Sealeo Type: Ice/Water Locations: Evolve Spheal Egg group: Ground/Water 1 Ability: Thick Fat[Halves damage from Fire and Ice attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 2 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 90/Attack 60/Defense 70/Speed 45/Sp Att 75/Sp Def 70 Evolution: From Spheal(Level 32) -> Walrein(Level 44) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Powder Snow Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Substitute Level -- - Defense Curl Mimic Level -- - Water Gun Body Slam Level -- - Encore Rock Slide Level -- - Ice Ball Level -- - Body Slam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Aurora Beam Sleep Talk Level -- - Hail Snore Level 39 - Rest Swagger Level 39 - Snore Endure Level 47 - Blizzard Defense Curl Level 55 - Sheer Cold Mud-Slap Rollout Icy Wind (Sealeo only learns Defense Curl in FR/LG) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Water Sport Spit Up Yawn Rock Slide Stockpile Swallow Fissure Curse Pound ============================================================================== 365 - Walrein Type: Ice/Water Locations: Evolve Sealeo Egg group: Ground/Water 1 Ability: Thick Fat[Halves damage from Fire and Ice attacks] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 3 HP 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 110/Attack 80/Defense 90/Speed 65/Sp Att 95/Sp Def 90 Evolution: From Spheal(Level 32) and Sealeo(Level 44) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Powder Snow Double-Edge Level -- - Growl Substitute Level -- - Defense Curl Mimic Level -- - Water Gun Body Slam Level -- - Encore Rock Slide Level -- - Ice Ball Level -- - Body Slam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Aurora Beam Sleep Talk Level -- - Hail Snore Level -- - Rest Swagger Level -- - Snore Endure Level 50 - Blizzard Defense Curl Level 61 - Sheer Cold Mud-Slap Rollout Icy Wind (Walrein only learns Defense Curl in FR/LG) TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Water Sport Spit Up Yawn Rock Slide Stockpile Swallow Fissure Curse Pound ============================================================================== 366 - Clamperl Type: Water Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Water 1 Ability: Shell Armor[Can't be hit by critical hit] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Defense 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 35/Attack 64/Defense 85/Speed 32/Sp Att 74/Sp Def 55 Evolution: -> Huntail(Deepseatooth) OR -> Gorebyss(Deepseascale) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Clamp Double-Edge Level -- - Water Gun Substitute Level -- - Whirlpool Mimic Level -- - Iron Defense Body Slam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Mud Sport Body Slam Barrier Supersonic Confuse Ray Refresh ============================================================================== 367 - Huntail Type: Water Locations: Evolve Clamperl Egg group: Water 1 Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles Speed during rain] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Defense, 1 Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 104/Defense 105/Speed 52/Sp Att 94/Sp Def 75 Evolution: From Clamperl(Deepseatooth) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Whirlpool Double-Edge Level 08 - Bite Substitute Level 15 - Screech Mimic Level 22 - Water Pulse Body Slam Level 29 - Scary Face Level 36 - Crunch Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 43 - Baton Pass Sleep Talk Level 50 - Hydro Pump Snore Swagger Endure Swift Icy Wind Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: Mud Sport Body Slam Barrier Supersonic Confuse Ray Refresh ============================================================================== 368 - Gorebyss Type: Water Locations: Evolve Clamperl Egg group: Water 1 Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles Speed during rain] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 2 Special Attack 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 55/Attack 84/Defense 105/Speed 52/Sp Att 114/Sp Def 75 Evolution: From Clamperl(Deepseascale) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Whirlpool Double-Edge Level 08 - Confusion Substitute Level 15 - Agility Mimic Level 22 - Water Pulse Body Slam Level 29 - Amnesia Level 36 - Psychic Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 43 - Baton Pass Sleep Talk Level 50 - Hydro Pump Snore Swagger Endure Mud-Slap Swift Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Mud Sport Body Slam Barrier Supersonic Confuse Ray Refresh ============================================================================== 369 - Relicanth Type: Water/Rock Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Water 1/Water 2 Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles Speed during rain] Rock Head[Doesn't get hit by recoil damage] Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male, 12.5% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 HP, 1 Defense 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 100/Attack 90/Defense 130/Speed 55/Sp Att 45/Sp Def 65 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level -- - Harden Substitute Level 08 - Water Gun Mimic Level 15 - Rock Tomb Body Slam Level 22 - Yawn Rock Slide Level 29 - Take Down Level 36 - Mud Sport Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 43 - Ancientpower Sleep Talk Level 50 - Rest Snore Level 57 - Double-Edge Swagger Level 64 - Hydro Pump Endure Psych Up Mud-Slap Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 04 - Calm Mind 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Magnitude Amnesia Rock Slide Water Sport Skull Bash Sleep Talk ============================================================================== 370 - Luvdisc Type: Water Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Water 2 Ability: Swift Swim[Doubles Speed during rain] Gender Ratio: 25% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 1 Speed 5120 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 43/Attack 30/Defense 55/Speed 97/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 65 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Tackle Double-Edge Level 04 - Charm Substitute Level 12 - Water Gun Mimic Level 16 - Agility Level 24 - Take Down Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 28 - Attract Sleep Talk Level 36 - Sweet Kiss Snore Level 40 - Flail Swagger Level 48 - Safeguard Endure Psych Up Icy Wind Swift TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 32 - Double Team 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Water Sport Mud Sport Splash Supersonic ============================================================================== 371 - Bagon Type: Dragon Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Dragon Ability: Rock Head[Doesn't take recoil damage] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 1 Attack 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 45/Attack 75/Defense 60/Speed 50/Sp Att 40/Sp Def 30 Evolution: -> Shelgon(Level 30) -> Salamence(Level 50) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Rage Double-Edge Level 05 - Bite Substitute Level 09 - Leer Mimic Level 17 - Headbutt Body Slam Level 21 - Focus Energy Rock Slide Level 25 - Ember Level 33 - Dragonbreath Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 37 - Scary Face Sleep Talk Level 41 - Crunch Snore Level 49 - Dragon Claw Swagger Level 53 - Double-Edge Endure Mud-Slap Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 02 - Dragon Claw 01 - Cut 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Dragon Rage Dragon Dance Hydro Pump Thrash Twister ============================================================================== 372 - Shelgon Type: Dragon Locations: Evolve Bagon Egg group: Dragon Ability: Rock Head[Doesn't take recoil damage] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 2 Defense 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 65/Attack 95/Defense 100/Speed 50/Sp Att 60/Sp Def 50 Evolution: From Bagon(Level 30) -> Salamence(Level 50) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Rage Double-Edge Level -- - Bite Substitute Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Headbutt Body Slam Level -- - Focus Energy Rock Slide Level -- - Ember Level 30 - Protect Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 38 - Dragonbreath Sleep Talk Level 47 - Scary Face Snore Level 56 - Crunch Swagger Level 69 - Dragon Claw Endure Level 78 - Double-Edge Rollout Mud-Slap Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 02 - Dragon Claw 01 - Cut 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Dragon Rage Dragon Dance Hydro Pump Thrash Twister ============================================================================== 373 - Salamence Type: Dragon/Flying Locations: Evolve Shelgon Egg group: Dragon Ability: Intimidate[Lowers opponent's attack when sent out] Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 3 Attack 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 95/Attack 135/Defense 80/Speed 100/Sp Att 110/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Bagon(Level 30) and Shelgon(Level 50) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Rage Double-Edge Level -- - Bite Substitute Level -- - Leer Mimic Level -- - Headbutt Body Slam Level -- - Focus Energy Rock Slide Level -- - Ember Level -- - Protect Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Dragonbreath Sleep Talk Level -- - Scary Face Snore Level 50 - Fly Mud-Slap Level 61 - Crunch Swagger Level 79 - Dragon Claw Endure Level 93 - Double-Edge Rollout Fury Cutter Swift TMs: HMs: 02 - Dragon Claw 01 - Cut 05 - Roar 02 - Fly 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 23 - Iron Tail 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 35 - Flamethrower 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract Egg Moves: Dragon Rage Dragon Dance Hydro Pump Thrash Twister ============================================================================== 374 - Beldum Type: Steel/Psychic Locations: Trade from R/S Egg group: Mineral Ability: Clear Body[Stats can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 1 Defense 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 40/Attack 55/Defense 80/Speed 30/Sp Att 35/Sp Def 60 Evolution: -> Metang(Level 20) -> Metagross(Level 45) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Take Down None TMs: HMs: None Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 375 - Metang Type: Steel/Psychic Locations: Evolve Beldum Egg group: Mineral Ability: Clear Body[Stats can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 2 Defense 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 60/Attack 75/Defense 100/Speed 50/Sp Att 55/Sp Def 80 Evolution: From Beldum(Level 20) -> Metagross(Level 45) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Take Down Substitute Level 20 - Confusion Double-Edge Level 20 - Metal Claw Mimic Level 26 - Scary Face Body Slam Level 32 - Pursuit Explosion Level 38 - Psychic Rock Slide Level 44 - Iron Defense Level 50 - Meteor Mash Level 56 - Agility Level 62 - Hyper Beam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Thunderpunch Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Fury Cutter Swift Mud-Slap Rollout Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 04 - Strength 11 - Sunny Day 05 - Flash 15 - Hyper Beam 06 - Rock Smash 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 36 - Sludge Bomb 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 376 - Metagross Type: Steel/Psychic Locations: Evolve Metang Egg group: Mineral Ability: Clear Body[Stats can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 3 Defense 10240 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 135/Defense 130/Speed 70/Sp Att 95/Sp Def 90 Evolution: From Beldum(Level 20) and Metang(Level 45) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Take Down Substitute Level -- - Confusion Double-Edge Level -- - Metal Claw Mimic Level -- - Scary Face Body Slam Level -- - Pursuit Explosion Level -- - Psychic Rock Slide Level -- - Iron Defense Level 55 - Meteor Mash Level 66 - Agility Level 77 - Hyper Beam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Thunderpunch Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Fury Cutter Swift Mud-Slap Rollout Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 06 - Toxic 01 - Cut 10 - Hidden Power 04 - Strength 11 - Sunny Day 05 - Flash 15 - Hyper Beam 06 - Rock Smash 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 36 - Sludge Bomb 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 377 - Regirock Type: Rock Locations: Trade from R/S Egg Group: No Eggs Ability: Clear Body[Stats can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 3 Defense 20480 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 100/Defense 200/Speed 50/Sp Att 50/Sp Def 100 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Explosion Substitute Level 09 - Rock Throw Double-Edge Level 17 - Curse Mimic Level 25 - Superpower Body Slam Level 33 - Ancientpower Explosion Level 41 - Iron Defense Rock Slide Level 49 - Zap Cannon Mega Punch Level 57 - Lock-On Mega Kick Level 65 - Hyper Beam Metronome Seismic Toss Thunder Wave Counter Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Mud-Slap Rollout Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 37 - Sandstorm 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 378 - Regice Type: Ice Locations: Trade from R/S Egg Group: No Eggs Ability: Clear Body[Stats can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 3 Special Defense 20480 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 50/Defense 100/Speed 50/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 200 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Explosion Substitute Level 09 - Icy Wind Double-Edge Level 17 - Curse Mimic Level 25 - Superpower Body Slam Level 33 - Ancientpower Explosion Level 41 - Amnesia Rock Slide Level 49 - Zap Cannon Mega Punch Level 57 - Lock-On Mega Kick Level 65 - Hyper Beam Metronome Seismic Toss Thunder Wave Counter Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Mud-Slap Rollout Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Icy Wind TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 379 - Registeel Type: Steel Locations: Trade from R/S Egg Group: No Eggs Ability: Clear Body[Stats can't be lowered] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Cave EVs RFB: 1 Special Defense, 2 Defense 20480 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 75/Defense 150/Speed 50/Sp Att 75/Sp Def 150 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Explosion Substitute Level 09 - Metal Claw Double-Edge Level 17 - Curse Mimic Level 25 - Superpower Body Slam Level 33 - Ancientpower Explosion Level 41 - Amnesia Rock Slide Level 41 - Iron Defense Counter Level 49 - Zap Cannon Mega Punch Level 57 - Lock-On Mega Kick Level 65 - Hyper Beam Metronome Seismic Toss Thunder Wave Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Mud-Slap Rollout Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 07 - Hail 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 380 - Latias Type: Psychic/Dragon Locations: Trade from R/S Egg Group: No Eggs Ability: Levitate[Immune to Ground attacks] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 100% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 3 Special Defense 30720 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 80/Defense 90/Speed 110/Sp Att 110/Sp Def 130 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Psywave Substitute Level 05 - Wish Double-Edge Level 10 - Helping Hand Mimic Level 15 - Safeguard Body Slam Level 20 - Dragonbreath Dream Eater Level 25 - Water Sport Thunder Wave Level 30 - Refresh Level 35 - Mist Ball Level 40 - Psychic Level 45 - Recover Level 50 - Charm Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Fury Cutter Swift Icy Wind Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 02 - Dragon Claw 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 02 - Fly 04 - Calm Mind 03 - Surf 05 - Roar 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 37 - Sandstorm 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 381 - Latios Type: Psychic/Dragon Locations: Trade from R/S Egg Group: No Eggs Ability: Levitate[Immune to Ground attacks] Gender Ratio: 100% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Pond EVs RFB: 3 Special Attack 30720 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 80/Attack 90/Defense 80/Speed 110/Sp Att 130/Sp Def 110 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Psywave Substitute Level 05 - Memento Double-Edge Level 10 - Helping Hand Mimic Level 15 - Safeguard Body Slam Level 20 - Dragonbreath Dream Eater Level 25 - Protect Thunder Wave Level 30 - Refresh Level 35 - Luster Purge Level 40 - Psychic Level 45 - Recover Level 50 - Dragon Dance Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Fury Cutter Swift Icy Wind Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 02 - Dragon Claw 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 02 - Fly 04 - Calm Mind 03 - Surf 05 - Roar 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 10 - Hidden Power 08 - Dive 11 - Sunny Day 13 - Ice Beam 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 37 - Sandstorm 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 45 - Attract 47 - Steel Wing Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 382 - Kyogre Type: Water Locations: Trade from Sapphire Egg Group: No Eggs Ability: Drizzle[Starts a never ending rain when sent in battle] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Ocean EVs RFB: 3 Special Attack 30720 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 100/Attack 100/Defense 90/Speed 90/Sp Att 150/Sp Def 140 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Water Pulse Substitute Level 05 - Scary Face Double-Edge Level 15 - Ancientpower Mimic Level 20 - Body Slam Body Slam Level 30 - Calm Mind Rock Slide Level 35 - Ice Beam Level 45 - Hydro Pump Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Level 50 - Rest Sleep Talk Level 60 - Sheer Cold Snore Level 65 - Double-Edge Endure Level 75 - Water Spout Psych Up Mud-Slap Icy Wind Swift TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 03 - Surf 04 - Calm Mind 04 - Strength 05 - Roar 06 - Rock Smash 06 - Toxic 07 - Waterfall 07 - Hail 08 - Dive 10 - Hidden Power 13 - Ice Beam 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 39 - Rock Tomb 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 383 - Groudon Type: Ground Locations: Trade from Ruby Egg Group: No Eggs Ability: Drought[Starts a never ending sunshine when sent in battle] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Prairie EVs RFB: 3 Attack 30720 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 100/Attack 150/Defense 140/Speed 90/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 90 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Mud Shot Substitute Level 05 - Scary Face Double-Edge Level 15 - Ancientpower Mimic Level 20 - Slash Body Slam Level 30 - Bulk Up Rock Slide Level 35 - Earthquake Mega Punch Level 45 - Fire Blast Mega Kick Level 50 - Rest Counter Level 60 - Fissure Seismic Toss Level 65 - Solarbeam Swords Dance Level 75 - Eruption Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Rollout Mud-Slap Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Thunderpunch Fury Cutter TMs: HMs: 02 - Dragon Claw 01 - Cut 05 - Roar 04 - Strength 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 08 - Bulk Up 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 28 - Dig 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 39 - Rock Tomb 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 384 - Rayquaza Type: Dragon/Flying Locations: Trade from R/S Egg Group: No Eggs Ability: Air Lock[Stops all weather effects] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Rare Pokemon EVs RFB: 2 Attack, 1 Special Attack 30720 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 105/Attack 150/Defense 90/Speed 95/Sp Att 150/Sp Def 90 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Twister Substitute Level 05 - Scary Face Double-Edge Level 15 - Ancientpower Mimic Level 20 - Dragon Claw Body Slam Level 30 - Dragon Dance Rock Slide Level 35 - Crunch Thunder Wave Level 45 - Fly Level 50 - Rest Level 60 - Extremespeed Level 65 - Outrage Level 75 - Hyper Beam Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Fury Cutter Icy Wind Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 02 - Dragon Claw 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 02 - Fly 05 - Roar 03 - Surf 06 - Toxic 04 - Strength 08 - Bulk Up 05 - Flash 10 - Hidden Power 06 - Rock Smash 11 - Sunny Day 07 - Waterfall 13 - Ice Beam 08 - Dive 14 - Blizzard 15 - Hyper Beam 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 23 - Iron Tail 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 26 - Earthquake 27 - Return 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 34 - Shock Wave 35 - Flamethrower 37 - Sandstorm 38 - Fire Blast 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 50 - Overheat Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== 385 - Jirachi Type: Steel/Psychic Locations: Receive from Colosseum Bonus Disc, PAL Pokemon Channel(GCN) Egg Group: No Eggs Ability: Serene Grace[Extra effects has a higher chance of happening] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Mountain EVs RFB: 3 HP 30720 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: HP 100/Attack 100/Defense 100/Speed 100/Sp Att 100/Sp Def 100 Evolution: None Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Wish Substitute Level -- - Confusion Double-Edge Level 05 - Rest Mimic Level 10 - Swift Body Slam Level 15 - Helping Hand Dream Eater Level 20 - Psychic Thunder Wave Level 25 - Refresh Level 30 - Rest Level 35 - Double-Edge Level 40 - Future Sight Level 45 - Cosmic Power Level 50 - Doom Desire Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Defense Curl Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Thunderpunch Ice Punch Icy Wind Swift Mud-Slap TMs: HMs: 03 - Water Pulse 05 - Flash 04 - Calm Mine 06 - Toxic 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 37 - Sandstorm 40 - Aerial Ace 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 48 - Skill Swap Egg Moves: None ============================================================================== (Note: To those who don't already know, Deoxys has 4 forms. Each version has one 1 form. When you trade them, their stats change. Each form has different stats and attacks.) 386 - Deoxys Type: Psychic Locations: Island 9 Egg Group: No Eggs Ability: Pressure[Opponent uses 2PP per move instead of 1] Gender Ratio: 0% Male, 0% Female Pokedex Category: Rare Pokemon EVs RFB: 1 Attack, 1 Speed, 1 Special Attack 30720 Steps to hatch from egg Base Stats: (R/S)HP 50/Attack 150/Defense 50/Speed 150/Sp Att 150/Sp Def 50 (FR)HP 50/Attack 180/Defense 20/Speed 150/Sp Att 180/Sp Def 20 (LG)HP 50/Attack 70/Defense 160/Speed 90/Sp Att 70/Sp Def 160 (E)HP 50/Attack 95/Defense 90/Speed 180/Sp Att 95/Sp Def 90 Evolution: None (FR) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leer Substitute Level -- - Wrap Double-Edge Level 05 - Night Shade Mimic Level 10 - Teleport Body Slam Level 15 - Taunt Dream Eater Level 20 - Pursuit Thunder Wave Level 25 - Psychic Mega Punch Level 30 - Superpower Mega Kick Level 35 - Cosmic Power Seismic Toss Level 40 - Zap Cannon Rock Slide Level 45 - Psycho Boost Counter Level 50 - Hyper Beam (LG) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leer Substitute Level -- - Wrap Double-Edge Level 05 - Night Shade Mimic Level 10 - Teleport Body Slam Level 15 - Knock Off Dream Eater Level 20 - Spikes Thunder Wave Level 25 - Psychic Mega Punch Level 30 - Snatch Mega Kick Level 35 - Iron Defense Seismic Toss Level 35 - Amnesia Rock Slide Level 40 - Recover Counter Level 45 - Psycho Boost Level 50 - Counter Level 50 - Mirror Coat (RS) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leer Substitute Level -- - Wrap Double-Edge Level 05 - Night Shade Mimic Level 10 - Teleport Body Slam Level 15 - Knock Off Dream Eater Level 20 - Pursuit Thunder Wave Level 25 - Psychic Mega Punch Level 30 - Snatch Mega Kick Level 35 - Cosmic Power Seismic Toss Level 40 - Recover Rock Slide Level 45 - Psycho Boost Counter Level 50 - Hyper Beam (E) Natural Moves: Move Tutor Moves: Level -- - Leer Substitute Level -- - Wrap Double-Edge Level 05 - Night Shade Mimic Level 10 - Double Team Body Slam Level 15 - Knock Off Dream Eater Level 20 - Pursuit Thunder Wave Level 25 - Psychic Mega Punch Level 30 - Swift Mega Kick Level 35 - Agility Seismic Toss Level 40 - Recover Rock Slide Level 45 - Psycho Boost Counter Level 50 - Extremespeed Emerald Move Tutor Moves: Sleep Talk Snore Swagger Endure Psych Up Mud-Slap Thunderpunch Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Ice Punch Icy Wind Swift TMs: HMs: 01 - Focus Punch 01 - Cut 03 - Water Pulse 04 - Strength 04 - Calm Mine 05 - Flash 06 - Toxic 06 - Rock Smash 10 - Hidden Power 11 - Sunny Day 12 - Taunt 13 - Ice Beam 15 - Hyper Beam 16 - Light Screen 17 - Protect 18 - Rain Dance 20 - Safeguard 21 - Frustration 22 - Solarbeam 24 - Thunderbolt 25 - Thunder 27 - Return 29 - Psychic 30 - Shadow Ball 31 - Brick Break 32 - Double Team 33 - Reflect 34 - Shock Wave 39 - Sandstorm 40 - Aerial Ace 41 - Torment 42 - Facade 43 - Secret Power 44 - Rest 48 - Skill Swap 49 - Snatch Egg Moves: None XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX {IV. FAQ} XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Q: I know how Eevee evolves! It's by day and night! A: No it's not. There's no clock in FRLG and no day or night in RS. Many people just assume it's random. Q: Beautifly evolves if Wurmple's a girl and Dustox if it's a boy. A: Not true. Try this yourself, catch a bunch of female or male wurmple, then evolve them all. They will become different species. People again assume that this is just random. Q: What are Base Stats and EVs? A: Read the link in the introduction. Q: Why do you sometimes say trade from RS/FR/LG when every Pokemon can be traded by them? A: I only say that when it's the absolute only way to get them. Q: How do I get Mew? A: It has to do with Pokemon Emerald. I've never played Emerald, so you'll have to check out a different source to find your answer. Try serebii.net XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX {V. Closing} XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Thank you everyone for reading. I hope you find this helpful! I'll be sure to update again very soon. +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ | {5.1} Credits | +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ ~serebii.net ~James L ~RenRen ~Psypoke ~Jouknowwho ~Gerald San Juan ~ScottD ~Crank Yanker 606 ~Tsuna Chio ~heracross847 ~Micheal B ~Lheaather ~Mat ~Lloyd L ~Travis L ~Jonathan ~Lorraine B ~Rogue Sheep ~tsphoenix ~Vincent C ~Ratmus ~Kovacs ~Jose ~Wiwi ~Carl D ~Tim ~mwg ~vernanonix ~Lopes ~Ilia ~Boomer The Mouse ~artemi ~SHaDoWTyRanT ~geremy12 ~(S) Serebii (S) ~FanofTys ~Matt Ball ~Donald Trump ~Xenesis Xenon ~RedRaven222 ~Drew ~Firegryphon ~DeathViper007 ~A.R A.Samad ~hellgiver ~Stephen Bear ~John ~Joonil Oh ~Frankie ~James ~TimeSpaceMage ~Dragonlord6266 ~Fardeen ~longhorn65 ~blazingdragoon04 ~Iksuru ~Honiberrie ~Keith ~Cmaster ~Roma ~Mark ~Joshua ~James Y. ~Robbie L ~Gensuke626 ~Jason Falcao ~Combarishnigm ~oisin4690 ~TSphoenix ~ShinyMew ~Galirand ~AVA 3272 ~Glen ~Drakodosho Thanks for the corrections that all these people made. Never thought I'd be working on this guide four years after I wrote it. Without these guys, this document wouldn't be as accurate as it is today. Thank you! +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ | {5.2} Contact Info | +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ Wish for me to add something to the Pokedex? E-mail me and I'll consider it. OK. ENOUGH WITH WURMPLE. JUST STOP. You think you have it, but you don't. STOP IT. NO MORE E-MAILS WITH WURMPLE. I've gotten so many damn E-mails about this socksucker that it prompted me to write about it here. So please, stop. Contact Rules: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. I will not help with the game. 2. I will absolutely positively not rate teams. EVER. 3. PLEASE stop E-mailing me about Eevee and Wurmple's evolution. 4. plasmad00d13smooth{at}gmail[dot]com 5. Don't E-mail me about Pokemon Emerald/Diamond/Pearl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 2004-2008 {c} MG(Strawhat) END OF FILE