Pokémon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald / Colosseum / XD: Advanced Generation In-Depth FAQ: Speed Reference Guide Version 7, last updated: 10/05/2007 by Charlie Supreme ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.- Index: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.- Index 1.- Introduction 2.- The Format 3.- How to use this document 4.- Core 5.- Version History 6.- Special Thanks & Contact Data 7.- Legal Crap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.- Introduction: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello. Welcome to my second FAQ. The following will deal with the Speed stat, particularly in the cases of maximum value and what is needed to achieve it. ATTENTION: Please note that this guide is not to be taken as strict law, rather than reference; most Pokémon don't require max Speed (in fact, only certain numbered standards do). Obviously, this guide includes mostly in-game information, although it's actually designed with online simulators users in mind. The guide also includes information about certain un-evolved Pokémon; this is because they are not really just downgraded versions of their fully evolved counterparts. AT ANY GIVEN TIME, a + sign next to a number indicates that a Speed boosting personality (Timid, Hasty, Jolly, Naive) must be used to reach that number. Likewise, a - sign next to a number indicates that a Speed hindering personality (Brave, Relaxed, Quiet, Sassy) must be used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.- The Format: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group ## (This means how the group is ranked overall) Member(s): (This means which Pokémon go inside each group) Max Speed: (This means the maximum Speed possible for the members of the group, both with and without a Speed boosting personality) Neutral max Speed ties with: (A Pokémon without a Speed boosting personality is obviously going to be slower than one that uses it. In the case that a lower Group gets [almost] that same Speed value with its max Speed with a boosting personality, it will be denoted in this space. Please remember that this is only for Pokémon without a Speed boosting personality) Speed required to surpass Group ##+1: (This means the minimum Speed required to surely beat the next group) Achieved with: (And how EV distribution must be set to achieve that number optimally) In-game: (And how that number can be achieved in other ways...) Speed required to surpass Group ##-1 after 1 Speed Boost: (This means the minimum Speed required to surely beat the preceding group with only one Speed Boost) Achieved with: (And how IV/EV distribution must be set to achieve that number optimally) In-game: (And how that number can be achieved in other ways...) How to achieve 396 Speed after "n" Speed Boosts: (For some Pokémon, reaching this number is important, therefore it will be included, and how IV/EV distribution must be set to achieve that number optimally. "n" indicates how many actual Speed Boosts are required.) In-game: (And how that number can be achieved in other ways...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.- How to use this document: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following FAQ is almost nothing but numbers. If for some reason you can't handle this type of FAQ, then please "turn back" now. The use of this FAQ is reserved for those people who clearly understand the advanced Pokémon mechanics of IV's and EV's. If you don't understand them clearly, then please check another FAQ's before trying to use this one. I WILL NOT ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS! Basic maths knowledge is also required to fully understand this FAQ. While it seems that more than half of the data is wasted, analyse all the possibilities. Let me put an example: suppose that you have a certain Pokémon belonging to Group 6. The data will tell you how to surpass Group 7, but maybe you don't want to do that, instead you want to surpass up to Group 12 only. The only thing you would have to do is to go to Group 11, and check the number there. Simple, right? ...RIGHT? Similarly, the Speed Boost data isn't precisely intended for use by the Groups themselves; they are most helpful when trying to use a Salac Berry to surpass "certain" opponents, or in Baton Pass chains. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.- Core: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 01 Member: S-Deoxys Base stat: 180 Max Speed: 459 / 504+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but Group 02 surpasses it by one point. Speed required to surpass Group 02: 462+ Achieved with: 096 EV's In-game: IV EV 00+ 220 01+ 216 02+ 212 03+ 208 04+ 204 05+ 200 06+ 196 07+ 192 08+ 188 09+ 184 10+ 180 11+ 176 12+ 172 13+ 168 14+ 164 15+ 160 16+ 156 17+ 152 18+ 148 19+ 144 20+ 140 21+ 136 22+ 132 23+ 128 24+ 124 25+ 120 26+ 116 27+ 112 28+ 108 29+ 104 30+ 100 31+ 096 Speed required to surpass Group 00 after 0 Speed Boosts: N/A Achieved with: N/A In-game: N/A How to achieve 396 Speed after 0 Speed Boosts: IV 31 In-game: IV EV 13- 252 14- 248 15- 244 16- 240 17- 236 18- 232 19- 228 20- 224 21- 220 22- 216 23- 212 24- 208 25- 204 26- 200 27- 196 28- 192 29- 188 30- 184 31- 180 00 124 01 120 02 116 03 112 04 108 05 104 06 100 07 096 08 092 09 088 10 084 11 080 12 076 13 072 14 068 15 064 16 060 17 056 18 052 19 048 20 044 21 040 22 036 23 032 24 028 25 024 26 020 27 016 28 012 29 008 30 004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 02 Member: Ninjask Base stat: 160 Max Speed: 419 / 460+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None. Speed required to surpass Group 03: 440+ Achieved with: 176 EV’s In-game: IV EV 12+ 252 13+ 248 14+ 244 15+ 240 16+ 236 17+ 232 18+ 228 19+ 224 20+ 220 21+ 216 22+ 212 23+ 208 24+ 204 25+ 200 26+ 196 27+ 192 28+ 188 29+ 184 30+ 180 31+ 176 Speed required to surpass Group 01 after 1 Speed Boost: 506 Achieved with: 337 -> IV 12 In-game: IV EV 00- 200 01- 196 02- 192 03- 188 04- 184 05- 180 06- 176 07- 172 08- 168 09- 164 10- 160 11- 156 12- 152 13- 148 14- 144 15- 140 16- 136 17- 132 18- 128 19- 124 20- 120 21- 116 22- 112 23- 108 24- 104 25- 100 26- 096 27- 092 28- 088 29- 084 30- 080 31- 076 00 048 01 044 02 040 03 036 04 032 05 028 06 024 07 020 08 016 09 012 10 008 11 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 0 Speed Boosts: 160 EV’s / 016+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 08 252 09 248 10 244 11 240 12 236 13 232 14 228 15 224 16 220 17 216 18 212 19 208 20 204 21 200 22 196 23 192 24 188 25 184 26 180 27 176 28 172 29 168 30 164 31 160 00+ 140 01+ 136 02+ 132 03+ 128 04+ 124 05+ 120 06+ 116 07+ 112 08+ 108 09+ 104 10+ 100 11+ 096 12+ 092 13+ 088 14+ 084 15+ 080 16+ 076 17+ 072 18+ 068 19+ 064 20+ 060 21+ 056 22+ 052 23+ 048 24+ 044 25+ 040 26+ 036 27+ 032 28+ 028 29+ 024 30+ 020 31+ 016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 03 Members: A-Deoxys, N-Deoxys Base stat: 150 Max Speed: 399 / 438+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None. Speed required to surpass Group 04: 418+ Achieved with: 176 EV’s In-game: IV EV 12+ 252 13+ 248 14+ 244 15+ 240 16+ 236 17+ 232 18+ 228 19+ 224 20+ 220 21+ 216 22+ 212 23+ 208 24+ 204 25+ 200 26+ 196 27+ 192 28+ 188 29+ 184 30+ 180 31+ 176 Speed required to surpass Group 02 after 1 Speed Boost: 462 Achieved with: 308 -> IV 03 In-game: IV EV 00- 152 01- 148 02- 144 03- 140 04- 136 05- 132 06- 128 07- 124 08- 120 09- 116 10- 112 11- 108 12- 104 13- 100 14- 096 15- 092 16- 088 17- 084 18- 080 19- 076 20- 072 21- 068 22- 064 23- 060 24- 056 25- 052 26- 048 27- 044 28- 040 29- 036 30- 032 31- 028 00 012 01 008 02 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 0 Speed Boosts: 240 EV’s / 096+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 28 252 29 248 30 244 31 240 00+ 220 01+ 216 02+ 212 03+ 208 04+ 204 05+ 200 06+ 196 07+ 192 08+ 188 09+ 184 10+ 180 11+ 176 12+ 172 13+ 168 14+ 164 15+ 160 16+ 156 17+ 152 18+ 148 19+ 144 20+ 140 21+ 136 22+ 132 23+ 128 24+ 124 25+ 120 26+ 116 27+ 112 28+ 108 29+ 104 30+ 100 31+ 096 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 04 Member: Electrode Base stat: 140 Max Speed: 379 / 416+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None. Speed required to surpass Group 05: 396+ Achieved with: 176 EV’s In-game: IV EV 12+ 252 13+ 248 14+ 244 15+ 240 16+ 236 17+ 232 18+ 228 19+ 224 20+ 220 21+ 216 22+ 212 23+ 208 24+ 204 25+ 200 26+ 196 27+ 192 28+ 188 29+ 184 30+ 180 31+ 176 Speed required to surpass Group 3 after 1 Speed Boost: 441 Achieved with: 294 -> IV 09 In-game: IV EV 00- 168 01- 164 02- 160 03- 156 04- 152 05- 148 06- 144 07- 140 08- 136 09- 132 10- 128 11- 124 12- 120 13- 116 14- 112 15- 108 16- 104 17- 100 18- 096 19- 092 20- 088 21- 084 22- 080 23- 076 24- 072 25- 068 26- 064 27- 060 28- 056 29- 052 30- 048 31- 044 00 036 01 032 02 028 03 024 04 020 05 016 06 012 07 008 08 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 0 Speed Boosts: (please refer to the previous information) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 05 Members: Aerodactyl, Crobat, Jolteon, Mewtwo Base stat: 130 Max Speed: 359 / 394+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but Group 08 surpasses it by two points. Speed required to surpass Group 06: 385+ Achieved with: 216 EV’s In-game: IV EV 22+ 252 23+ 248 24+ 244 25+ 240 26+ 236 27+ 232 28+ 228 29+ 224 30+ 220 31+ 216 Speed required to surpass Group 04 after 1 Speed Boost: 417 Achieved with: 278 -> IV 13 In-game: IV EV 00- 176 01- 172 02- 168 03- 164 04- 160 05- 156 06- 152 07- 148 08- 144 09- 140 10- 136 11- 132 12- 128 13- 124 14- 120 15- 116 16- 112 17- 108 18- 104 19- 100 20- 096 21- 092 22- 088 23- 084 24- 080 25- 076 26- 072 27- 068 28- 064 29- 060 30- 056 31- 052 00 052 01 048 02 044 03 040 04 036 05 032 06 028 07 024 08 020 09 016 10 012 11 008 12 004 How to achieve 394 Speed after 0 Speed Boosts: 252+ EV’s In-game: (see above) IV EV 31+ 252 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 06 Member: Swellow Base stat: 125 Max Speed: 349 / 383+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but Group 09 surpasses it by one point. Speed required to surpass Group 07: 374+ Achieved with: 216 EV’s In-game: IV EV 22+ 252 23+ 248 24+ 244 25+ 240 26+ 236 27+ 232 28+ 228 29+ 224 30+ 220 31+ 216 Speed required to surpass Group 05 after 1 Speed Boost: 396 Achieved with: 264 -> IV 09 In-game: IV EV 00- 156 01- 152 02- 148 03- 144 04- 140 05- 136 06- 132 07- 128 08- 124 09- 120 10- 116 11- 112 12- 108 13- 104 14- 100 15- 096 16- 092 17- 088 18- 084 19- 080 20- 076 21- 072 22- 068 23- 064 24- 060 25- 056 26- 052 27- 048 28- 044 29- 040 30- 036 31- 032 00 036 01 032 02 028 03 024 04 020 05 016 06 012 07 008 08 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: (please refer to the previous information) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 07 Members: Alakazam, Dugtrio, Sceptile Base stat: 120 Max Speed: 339 / 372+ Neutral max Speed ties with: Group 10. Speed required to surpass Group 08: 363+ Achieved with: 216 EV’s In-game: IV EV 22+ 252 23+ 248 24+ 244 25+ 240 26+ 236 27+ 232 28+ 228 29+ 224 30+ 220 31+ 216 Speed required to surpass Group 06 after 1 Speed Boost: 384 Achieved with: 256 -> IV 11 In-game: IV EV 00- 160 01- 156 02- 152 03- 148 04- 144 05- 140 06- 136 07- 132 08- 128 09- 124 10- 120 11- 116 12- 112 13- 108 14- 104 15- 100 16- 096 17- 092 18- 088 19- 084 20- 080 21- 076 22- 072 23- 068 24- 064 25- 060 26- 056 27- 052 28- 048 29- 044 30- 040 31- 036 00 044 01 040 02 036 03 032 04 028 05 024 06 020 07 016 08 012 09 008 10 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> IV 19 In-game: IV EV 00- 196 01- 192 02- 188 03- 184 04- 180 05- 176 06- 172 07- 168 08- 164 09- 160 10- 156 11- 152 12- 148 13- 144 14- 140 15- 136 16- 132 17- 128 18- 124 19- 120 20- 116 21- 112 22- 108 23- 104 24- 100 25- 096 26- 092 27- 088 28- 084 29- 080 30- 076 31- 072 00 076 01 072 02 068 03 064 04 060 05 056 06 052 07 048 08 044 09 040 10 036 11 032 12 028 13 024 14 020 15 016 16 012 17 008 18 004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 08 Members: Persian, Raikou, Sneasel, Starmie Base stat: 115 Max Speed: 329 / 361+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but it surpasses Group 11 by one point. Speed required to surpass Group 09: 352+ Achieved with: 216 EV’s In-game: IV EV 22+ 252 23+ 248 24+ 244 25+ 240 26+ 236 27+ 232 28+ 228 29+ 224 30+ 220 31+ 216 Speed required to surpass Group 07 after 1 Speed Boost: 375 Achieved with: 250 -> IV 15 In-game: IV EV 00- 172 01- 168 02- 164 03- 160 04- 156 05- 152 06- 148 07- 144 08- 140 09- 136 10- 132 11- 128 12- 124 13- 120 14- 116 15- 112 16- 108 17- 104 18- 100 19- 096 20- 092 21- 088 22- 084 23- 080 24- 076 25- 072 26- 068 27- 064 28- 060 29- 056 30- 052 31- 048 00 060 01 056 02 052 03 048 04 044 05 040 06 036 07 032 08 028 09 024 10 020 11 016 12 012 13 008 14 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> IV 29 / IV 05+ In-game: IV EV 00- 236 01- 232 02- 228 03- 224 04- 220 05- 216 06- 212 07- 208 08- 204 09- 200 10- 196 11- 192 12- 188 13- 184 14- 180 15- 176 16- 172 17- 168 18- 164 19- 160 20- 156 21- 152 22- 148 23- 144 24- 140 25- 136 26- 132 27- 128 28- 124 29- 120 30- 116 31- 112 00 116 01 112 02 108 03 104 04 100 05 096 06 092 07 088 08 084 09 080 10 076 11 072 12 068 13 064 14 060 15 056 16 052 17 048 18 044 19 040 20 036 21 032 22 028 23 024 24 020 25 016 26 012 27 008 28 004 00+ 020 01+ 016 02+ 012 03+ 008 04+ 004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 09 Members: Espeon, Gengar, Jumpluff, Lati@s, Lugia, Tauros Base stat: 110 Max Speed: 319 / 350+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None. However, it manages to beat Group 13 by two points, but gets beaten by Group 12 by three. Speed required to surpass Group 10: 341+ Achieved with: 216 EV’s In-game: IV EV 22+ 252 23+ 248 24+ 244 25+ 240 26+ 236 27+ 232 28+ 228 29+ 224 30+ 220 31+ 216 Speed required to surpass Group 08 after 1 Speed Boost: 363 Achieved with: 242 -> IV 17 In-game: IV EV 00- 176 01- 172 02- 168 03- 164 04- 160 05- 156 06- 152 07- 148 08- 144 09- 140 10- 136 11- 132 12- 128 13- 124 14- 120 15- 116 16- 112 17- 108 18- 104 19- 100 20- 096 21- 092 22- 088 23- 084 24- 080 25- 076 26- 072 27- 068 28- 064 29- 060 30- 056 31- 052 00 068 01 064 02 060 03 056 04 052 05 048 06 044 07 040 08 036 09 032 10 028 11 024 12 020 13 016 14 012 15 008 16 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> IV 15+ In-game: IV EV 06- 252 07- 248 08- 244 09- 240 10- 236 11- 232 12- 228 13- 224 14- 220 15- 216 16- 212 17- 208 18- 204 19- 200 20- 196 21- 192 22- 188 23- 184 24- 180 25- 176 26- 172 27- 168 28- 164 29- 160 30- 156 31- 152 00 156 01 152 02 148 03 144 04 140 05 136 06 132 07 128 08 124 09 120 10 116 11 112 12 108 13 104 14 100 15 096 16 092 17 088 18 084 19 080 20 076 21 072 22 068 23 064 24 060 25 056 26 052 27 048 28 044 29 040 30 036 31 032 00+ 060 01+ 056 02+ 052 03+ 048 04+ 044 05+ 040 06+ 036 07+ 032 08+ 028 09+ 024 10+ 020 11+ 016 12+ 012 13+ 008 14+ 004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 10 Members: Electabuzz, Manectric, Rapidash, Scyther Base stat: 105 Max Speed: 309 / 339+ Neutral max Speed ties with: Group 15. Speed required to surpass Group 11: 330+ Achieved with: 216 EV’s In-game: IV EV 22+ 252 23+ 248 24+ 244 25+ 240 26+ 236 27+ 232 28+ 228 29+ 224 30+ 220 31+ 216 Speed required to surpass Group 09 after 1 Speed Boost: 352 Achieved with: 235 -> IV 20 In-game: IV EV 00- 188 01- 184 02- 180 03- 176 04- 172 05- 168 06- 164 07- 160 08- 156 09- 152 10- 148 11- 144 12- 140 13- 136 14- 132 15- 128 16- 124 17- 120 18- 116 19- 112 20- 108 21- 104 22- 100 23- 096 24- 092 25- 088 26- 084 27- 080 28- 076 29- 072 30- 068 31- 064 00 080 01 076 02 072 03 068 04 064 05 060 06 056 07 052 08 048 09 044 10 040 11 036 12 032 13 028 14 024 15 020 16 016 17 012 18 008 19 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> IV 25+ In-game: IV EV 16- 252 17- 248 18- 244 19- 240 20- 236 21- 232 22- 228 23- 224 24- 220 25- 216 26- 212 27- 208 28- 204 29- 200 30- 196 31- 192 00 196 01 192 02 188 03 184 04 180 05 176 06 172 07 168 08 164 09 160 10 156 11 152 12 148 13 144 14 140 15 136 16 132 17 128 18 124 19 120 20 116 21 112 22 108 23 104 24 100 25 096 26 092 27 088 28 084 29 080 30 076 31 072 00+ 100 01+ 096 02+ 092 03+ 088 04+ 084 05+ 080 06+ 076 07+ 072 08+ 068 09+ 064 10+ 060 11+ 056 12+ 052 13+ 048 14+ 044 15+ 040 16+ 036 17+ 032 18+ 028 19+ 024 20+ 020 21+ 016 22+ 012 23+ 008 24+ 004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 11 Members: Celebi, Charizard, Dodrio, Entei, Fearow, Flygon, Jirachi, Linoone, Mew, Miltank, Ninetales, Raichu, Salamence, Slaking, Tentacruel, Typhlosion, Zapdos Base stat: 100 Max Speed: 299 / 328+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but Group 17 surpasses it by one point. Speed required to surpass Group 12: 323+ Achieved with: 232 EV’s In-game: IV EV 26+ 252 27+ 248 28+ 244 29+ 240 30+ 236 31+ 232 Speed required to surpass Group 10 after 1 Speed Boost: 342 Achieved with: 228 -> IV 23 / IV 03+ In-game: IV EV 00- 196 01- 192 02- 188 03- 184 04- 180 05- 176 06- 172 07- 168 08- 164 09- 160 10- 156 11- 152 12- 148 13- 144 14- 140 15- 136 16- 132 17- 128 18- 124 19- 120 20- 116 21- 112 22- 108 23- 104 24- 100 25- 096 26- 092 27- 088 28- 084 29- 080 30- 076 31- 072 00 092 01 088 02 084 03 080 04 076 05 072 06 068 07 064 08 060 09 056 10 052 11 048 12 044 13 040 14 036 15 032 16 028 17 024 18 020 19 016 20 012 21 008 22 004 00+ 012 01+ 008 02+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> 112 EV’s / 016+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 26- 252 27- 248 28- 244 29- 240 30- 236 31- 232 00 236 01 232 02 228 03 224 04 220 05 216 06 212 07 208 08 204 09 200 10 196 11 192 12 188 13 184 14 180 15 176 16 172 17 168 18 164 19 160 20 156 21 152 22 148 23 144 24 140 25 136 26 132 27 128 28 124 29 120 30 116 31 112 00+ 140 01+ 136 02+ 132 03+ 128 04+ 124 05+ 120 06+ 116 07+ 112 08+ 108 09+ 104 10+ 100 11+ 096 12+ 092 13+ 088 14+ 084 15+ 080 16+ 076 17+ 072 18+ 068 19+ 064 20+ 060 21+ 056 22+ 052 23+ 048 24+ 044 25+ 040 26+ 036 27+ 032 28+ 028 29+ 024 30+ 020 31+ 016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 12 Members: Luvdisc, Raticate Base stat: 97 Max Speed: 293 / 322+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but Group 18 surpasses it by two points. Speed required to surpass Group 13: 319+ Achieved with: 240 EV’s In-game: IV EV 28+ 252 29+ 248 30+ 244 31+ 240 Speed required to surpass Group 11 after 1 Speed Boost: 330 Achieved with: 220 -> IV 21 / IV 01+ In-game: IV EV 00- 184 01- 180 02- 176 03- 172 04- 168 05- 164 06- 160 07- 156 08- 152 09- 148 10- 144 11- 140 12- 136 13- 132 14- 128 15- 124 16- 120 17- 116 18- 112 19- 108 20- 104 21- 100 22- 096 23- 092 24- 088 25- 084 26- 080 27- 076 28- 072 29- 068 30- 064 31- 060 00 084 01 080 02 076 03 072 04 068 05 064 06 060 07 056 08 052 09 048 10 044 11 040 12 036 13 032 14 028 15 024 16 020 17 016 18 012 19 008 20 004 00+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> 136 EV’s / 040+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 02 252 03 248 04 244 05 240 06 236 07 232 08 228 09 224 10 220 11 216 12 212 13 208 14 204 15 200 16 196 17 192 18 188 19 184 20 180 21 176 22 172 23 168 24 164 25 160 26 156 27 152 28 148 29 144 30 140 31 136 00+ 164 01+ 160 02+ 156 03+ 152 04+ 148 05+ 144 06+ 140 07+ 136 08+ 132 09+ 128 10+ 124 11+ 120 12+ 116 13+ 112 14+ 108 15+ 104 16+ 100 17+ 096 18+ 092 19+ 088 20+ 084 21+ 080 22+ 076 23+ 072 24+ 068 25+ 064 26+ 060 27+ 056 28+ 052 29+ 048 30+ 044 31+ 040 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 13 Members: Arcanine, Houndoom, Jynx, Minun, Plusle, Primeape, Rayquaza, Sharpedo, Xatu, Yanma Base stat: 95 Max Speed: 289 / 317+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but it surpasses Group 19 by two points. Speed required to surpass Group 14: 314+ Achieved with: 240 EV’s In-game: IV EV 28+ 252 29+ 248 30+ 244 31+ 240 Speed required to surpass Group 12 after 1 Speed Boost: 324 Achieved with: 216 -> IV 21 / IV 02+ In-game: IV EV 00- 184 01- 180 02- 176 03- 172 04- 168 05- 164 06- 160 07- 156 08- 152 09- 148 10- 144 11- 140 12- 136 13- 132 14- 128 15- 124 16- 120 17- 116 18- 112 19- 108 20- 104 21- 100 22- 096 23- 092 24- 088 25- 084 26- 080 27- 076 28- 072 29- 068 30- 064 31- 060 00 084 01 080 02 076 03 072 04 068 05 064 06 060 07 056 08 052 09 048 10 044 11 040 12 036 13 032 14 028 15 024 16 020 17 016 18 012 19 008 20 004 00+ 008 01+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> 152 EV’s / 056+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 06 252 07 248 08 244 09 240 10 236 11 232 12 228 13 224 14 220 15 216 16 212 17 208 18 204 19 200 20 196 21 192 22 188 23 184 24 180 25 176 26 172 27 168 28 164 29 160 30 156 31 152 00+ 180 01+ 176 02+ 172 03+ 168 04+ 164 05+ 160 06+ 156 07+ 152 08+ 148 09+ 144 10+ 140 11+ 136 12+ 132 13+ 128 14+ 124 15+ 120 16+ 116 17+ 112 18+ 108 19+ 104 20+ 100 21+ 096 22+ 092 23+ 088 24+ 084 25+ 080 26+ 076 27+ 072 28+ 068 29+ 064 30+ 060 31+ 056 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 14 Member: Magmar Base stat: 93 Max Speed: 285 / 313+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None. However, it manages to beat Group 20 by one point, but gets beaten by Group 19 by two. Speed required to surpass Group 15: 310+ Achieved with: 240 EV’s In-game: IV EV 28+ 252 29+ 248 30+ 244 31+ 240 Speed required to surpass Group 13 after 1 Speed Boost: 321 Achieved with: 214 -> IV 23 / IV 04+ In-game: IV EV 00- 188 01- 184 02- 180 03- 176 04- 172 05- 168 06- 164 07- 160 08- 156 09- 152 10- 148 11- 144 12- 140 13- 136 14- 132 15- 128 16- 124 17- 120 18- 116 19- 112 20- 108 21- 104 22- 100 23- 096 24- 092 25- 088 26- 084 27- 080 28- 076 29- 072 30- 068 31- 064 00 092 01 088 02 084 03 080 04 076 05 072 06 068 07 064 08 060 09 056 10 052 11 048 12 044 13 040 14 036 15 032 16 028 17 024 18 020 19 016 20 012 21 008 22 004 00+ 016 01+ 012 02+ 008 03+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> 168 EV’s / 072+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 10 252 11 248 12 244 13 240 14 236 15 232 16 228 17 224 18 220 19 216 20 212 21 208 22 204 23 200 24 196 25 192 26 188 27 184 28 180 29 176 30 172 31 168 00+ 196 01+ 192 02+ 188 03+ 184 04+ 180 05+ 176 06+ 172 07+ 168 08+ 164 09+ 160 10+ 156 11+ 152 12+ 148 13+ 144 14+ 140 15+ 136 16+ 132 17+ 128 18+ 124 19+ 120 20+ 116 21+ 112 22+ 108 23+ 104 24+ 100 25+ 096 26+ 092 27+ 088 28+ 084 29+ 080 30+ 076 31+ 072 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 15 Members: Murkrow, Pidgeot Base stat: 91 Max Speed: 281 / 309+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but it surpasses Group 21 by one point. Speed required to surpass Group 16: 308+ Achieved with: 248 EV’s In-game: IV EV 30+ 252 31+ 248 Speed required to surpass Group 14 after 1 Speed Boost: 315 Achieved with: 210 -> IV 23 / IV 04+ In-game: IV EV 00- 188 01- 184 02- 180 03- 176 04- 172 05- 168 06- 164 07- 160 08- 156 09- 152 10- 148 11- 144 12- 140 13- 136 14- 132 15- 128 16- 124 17- 120 18- 116 19- 112 20- 108 21- 104 22- 100 23- 096 24- 092 25- 088 26- 084 27- 080 28- 076 29- 072 30- 068 31- 064 00 092 01 088 02 084 03 080 04 076 05 072 06 068 07 064 08 060 09 056 10 052 11 048 12 044 13 040 14 036 15 032 16 028 17 024 18 020 19 016 20 012 21 008 22 004 00+ 016 01+ 012 02+ 008 03+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> 184 EV’s / 088+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 14 252 15 248 16 244 17 240 18 236 19 232 20 228 21 224 22 220 23 216 24 212 25 208 26 204 27 200 28 196 29 192 30 188 31 184 00+ 212 01+ 208 02+ 204 03+ 200 04+ 196 05+ 192 06+ 188 07+ 184 08+ 180 09+ 176 10+ 172 11+ 168 12+ 164 13+ 160 14+ 156 15+ 152 16+ 148 17+ 144 18+ 140 19+ 136 20+ 132 21+ 128 22+ 124 23+ 120 24+ 116 25+ 112 26+ 108 27+ 104 28+ 100 29+ 096 30+ 092 31+ 088 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 16 Members: D-Deoxys, Furret, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Kangaskhan, Kyogre, Moltres, Mr. Mime, Pikachu, Venomoth, Vigoroth, Zangoose Base stat: 90 Max Speed: 279 / 306+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but Group 21 surpasses it by one point. Speed required to surpass Group 17: 301+ Achieved with: 232 EV’s In-game: IV EV 26+ 252 27+ 248 28+ 244 29+ 240 30+ 236 31+ 232 Speed required to surpass Group 15 after 1 Speed Boost: 312 Achieved with: 209 -> IV 24 / IV 05+ In-game: IV EV 00- 192 01- 188 02- 184 03- 180 04- 176 05- 172 06- 168 07- 164 08- 160 09- 156 10- 152 11- 148 12- 144 13- 140 14- 136 15- 132 16- 128 17- 124 18- 120 19- 116 20- 112 21- 108 22- 104 23- 100 24- 096 25- 092 26- 088 27- 084 28- 080 29- 076 30- 072 31- 068 00 096 01 092 02 088 03 084 04 080 05 076 06 072 07 068 08 064 09 060 10 056 11 052 12 048 13 044 14 040 15 036 16 032 17 028 18 024 19 020 20 016 21 012 22 008 23 004 00+ 020 01+ 016 02+ 012 03+ 008 04+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> 192 EV’s / 096+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 16 252 17 248 18 244 19 240 20 236 21 232 22 228 23 224 24 220 25 216 26 212 27 208 28 204 29 200 30 196 31 192 00+ 220 01+ 216 02+ 212 03+ 208 04+ 204 05+ 200 06+ 196 07+ 192 08+ 188 09+ 184 10+ 180 11+ 176 12+ 172 13+ 168 14+ 164 15+ 160 16+ 156 17+ 152 18+ 148 19+ 144 20+ 140 21+ 136 22+ 132 23+ 128 24+ 124 25+ 120 26+ 116 27+ 112 28+ 108 29+ 104 30+ 100 31+ 096 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 17 Member: Hitmonlee Base stat: 87 Max Speed: 273 / 300+ Neutral max Speed ties with: Group 23. Speed required to surpass Group 18: 297+ Achieved with: 240 EV’s In-game: IV EV 28+ 252 29+ 248 30+ 244 31+ 240 Speed required to surpass Group 16 after 1 Speed Boost: 309 Achieved with: 206 -> IV 27 / IV 09+ In-game: IV EV 00- 200 01- 196 02- 192 03- 188 04- 184 05- 180 06- 176 07- 172 08- 168 09- 164 10- 160 11- 156 12- 152 13- 148 14- 144 15- 140 16- 136 17- 132 18- 128 19- 124 20- 120 21- 116 22- 112 23- 108 24- 104 25- 100 26- 096 27- 092 28- 088 29- 084 30- 080 31- 076 00 108 01 104 02 100 03 096 04 092 05 088 06 084 07 080 08 076 09 072 10 068 11 064 12 060 13 056 14 052 15 048 16 044 17 040 18 036 19 032 20 028 21 024 22 020 23 016 24 012 25 008 26 004 00+ 036 01+ 032 02+ 028 03+ 024 04+ 020 05+ 016 06+ 012 07+ 008 08+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> 216 EV’s / 120+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 22 252 23 248 24 244 25 240 26 236 27 232 28 228 29 224 30 220 31 216 00+ 244 01+ 240 02+ 236 03+ 232 04+ 228 05+ 224 06+ 220 07+ 216 08+ 212 09+ 208 10+ 204 11+ 200 12+ 196 13+ 192 14+ 188 15+ 184 16+ 180 17+ 176 18+ 172 19+ 168 20+ 164 21+ 160 22+ 156 23+ 152 24+ 148 25+ 144 26+ 140 27+ 136 28+ 132 29+ 128 30+ 124 31+ 120 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 18 Members: Aipom, Articuno, Girafarig, Gligar, Golduck, Heracross, Illumise, Kingdra, Ledian, Misdreavus, Nidoking, Pinsir, Qwilfish, Stantler, Suicune, Volbeat Base stat: 85 Max Speed: 269 / 295+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None. Speed required to surpass Group 19: 288+ Achieved with: 224 EV’s In-game: IV EV 24+ 252 25+ 248 26+ 244 27+ 240 28+ 236 29+ 232 30+ 228 31+ 224 Speed required to surpass Group 17 after 1 Speed Boost: 301 Achieved with: 201 -> IV 26 / IV 08+ In-game: IV EV 00- 196 01- 192 02- 188 03- 184 04- 180 05- 176 06- 172 07- 168 08- 164 09- 160 10- 156 11- 152 12- 148 13- 144 14- 140 15- 136 16- 132 17- 128 18- 124 19- 120 20- 116 21- 112 22- 108 23- 104 24- 100 25- 096 26- 092 27- 088 28- 084 29- 080 30- 076 31- 072 00 104 01 100 02 096 03 092 04 088 05 084 06 080 07 076 08 072 09 068 10 064 11 060 12 056 13 052 14 048 15 044 16 040 17 036 18 032 19 028 20 024 21 020 22 016 23 012 24 008 25 004 00+ 032 01+ 028 02+ 024 03+ 020 04+ 016 05+ 012 06+ 008 07+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> 232 EV’s / 136+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 26 252 27 248 28 244 29 240 30 236 31 232 02+ 252 03+ 248 04+ 244 05+ 240 06+ 236 07+ 232 08+ 228 09+ 224 10+ 220 11+ 216 12+ 212 13+ 208 14+ 204 15+ 200 16+ 196 17+ 192 18+ 188 19+ 184 20+ 180 21+ 176 22+ 172 23+ 168 24+ 164 25+ 160 26+ 156 27+ 152 28+ 148 29+ 144 30+ 140 31+ 136 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 19 Members: Gyarados, Milotic Base stat: 81 Max Speed: 261 / 287+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but Group 24 surpasses it by one point. Speed required to surpass Group 20: 286+ Achieved with: 248 EV’s In-game: IV EV 30+ 252 31+ 248 Speed required to surpass Group 18 after 1 Speed Boost: 297 Achieved with: 198 -> IV 31 / IV 13+ In-game: IV EV 00- 216 01- 212 02- 208 03- 204 04- 200 05- 196 06- 192 07- 188 08- 184 09- 180 10- 176 11- 172 12- 168 13- 164 14- 160 15- 156 16- 152 17- 148 18- 144 19- 140 20- 136 21- 132 22- 128 23- 124 24- 120 25- 116 26- 112 27- 108 28- 104 29- 100 30- 096 31- 092 00 124 01 120 02 116 03 112 04 108 05 104 06 100 07 096 08 092 09 088 10 084 11 080 12 076 13 072 14 068 15 064 16 060 17 056 18 052 19 048 20 044 21 040 22 036 23 032 24 028 25 024 26 020 27 016 28 012 29 008 30 004 00+ 052 01+ 048 02+ 044 03+ 040 04+ 036 05+ 032 06+ 028 07+ 024 08+ 020 09+ 016 10+ 012 11+ 008 12+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> 168+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 10+ 252 11+ 248 12+ 244 13+ 240 14+ 236 15+ 232 16+ 228 17+ 224 18+ 220 19+ 216 20+ 212 21+ 208 22+ 204 23+ 200 24+ 196 25+ 192 26+ 188 27+ 184 28+ 180 29+ 176 30+ 172 31+ 168 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 20 Members: Altaria, Arbok, Blaziken, Dragonite, Feebas, Gardevoir, Glalie, Grumpig, Kabutops, Magikarp, Medicham, Meganium, Shiftry, Venusaur Base stat: 80 Max Speed: 259 / 284+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but it surpasses Group 25 by one point. Speed required to surpass Group 21: 281+ Achieved with: 240 EV’s In-game: IV EV 28+ 252 29+ 248 30+ 244 31+ 240 Speed required to surpass Group 19 after 1 Speed Boost: 288 Achieved with: 192 -> IV 27 / IV 10+ In-game: IV EV 00- 196 01- 192 02- 188 03- 184 04- 180 05- 176 06- 172 07- 168 08- 164 09- 160 10- 156 11- 152 12- 148 13- 144 14- 140 15- 136 16- 132 17- 128 18- 124 19- 120 20- 116 21- 112 22- 108 23- 104 24- 100 25- 096 26- 092 27- 088 28- 084 29- 080 30- 076 31- 072 00 108 01 104 02 100 03 096 04 092 05 088 06 084 07 080 08 076 09 072 10 068 11 064 12 060 13 056 14 052 15 048 16 044 17 040 18 036 19 032 20 028 21 024 22 020 23 016 24 012 25 008 26 004 00+ 040 01+ 036 02+ 032 03+ 028 04+ 024 05+ 020 06+ 016 07+ 012 08+ 008 09+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> 176+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 12+ 252 13+ 248 14+ 244 15+ 240 16+ 236 17+ 232 18+ 228 19+ 224 20+ 220 21+ 216 22+ 212 23+ 208 24+ 204 25+ 200 26+ 196 27+ 192 28+ 188 29+ 184 30+ 180 31+ 176 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 21 Members: Blastoise, Feraligatr Base stat: 78 Max Speed: 255 / 280+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but Group 26 surpasses it by one point. Speed required to surpass Group 22: 277+ Achieved with: 240 EV’s In-game: IV EV 28+ 252 29+ 248 30+ 244 31+ 240 Speed required to surpass Group 20 after 1 Speed Boost: 286 Achieved with: 191 -> IV 30 / IV 13+ In-game: IV EV 00- 208 01- 204 02- 200 03- 196 04- 192 05- 188 06- 184 07- 180 08- 176 09- 172 10- 168 11- 164 12- 160 13- 156 14- 152 15- 148 16- 144 17- 140 18- 136 19- 132 20- 128 21- 124 22- 120 23- 116 24- 112 25- 108 26- 104 27- 100 28- 096 29- 092 30- 088 31- 084 00 120 01 116 02 112 03 108 04 104 05 100 06 096 07 092 08 088 09 084 10 080 11 076 12 072 13 068 14 064 15 060 16 056 17 052 18 048 19 044 20 040 21 036 22 032 23 028 24 024 25 020 26 016 27 012 28 008 29 004 00+ 052 01+ 048 02+ 044 03+ 040 04+ 036 05+ 032 06+ 028 07+ 024 08+ 020 09+ 016 10+ 012 11+ 008 12+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> 192+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 16+ 252 17+ 248 18+ 244 19+ 240 20+ 236 21+ 232 22+ 228 23+ 224 24+ 220 25+ 216 26+ 212 27+ 208 28+ 204 29+ 200 30+ 196 31+ 192 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 22 Members: Hitmonchan, Nidoqueen Base stat: 76 Max Speed: 251 / 276+ Neutral max Speed ties with: Group 27. Speed required to surpass Group 23: 275+ Achieved with: 248 EV’s In-game: IV EV 30+ 252 31+ 248 Speed required to surpass Group 21 after 1 Speed Boost: 282 Achieved with: 188 -> IV 31 / IV 14+ In-game: IV EV 00- 208 01- 204 02- 200 03- 196 04- 192 05- 188 06- 184 07- 180 08- 176 09- 172 10- 168 11- 164 12- 160 13- 156 14- 152 15- 148 16- 144 17- 140 18- 136 19- 132 20- 128 21- 124 22- 120 23- 116 24- 112 25- 108 26- 104 27- 100 28- 096 29- 092 30- 088 31- 084 00 124 01 120 02 116 03 112 04 108 05 104 06 100 07 096 08 092 09 088 10 084 11 080 12 076 13 072 14 068 15 064 16 060 17 056 18 052 19 048 20 044 21 040 22 036 23 032 24 028 25 024 26 020 27 016 28 012 29 008 30 004 00+ 056 01+ 052 02+ 048 03+ 044 04+ 040 05+ 036 06+ 032 07+ 028 08+ 024 09+ 020 10+ 016 11+ 012 12+ 008 13+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> 208+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 20+ 252 21+ 248 22+ 244 23+ 240 24+ 236 25+ 232 26+ 228 27+ 224 28+ 220 29+ 216 30+ 212 31+ 208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 23 Members: Absol, Beedrill, Claydol, Delibird, Kingler, Smeargle Base stat: 75 Max Speed: 249 / 273+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but Group 27 surpasses it by two points. Speed required to surpass Group 24: 264+ Achieved with: 216 EV’s In-game: IV EV 22+ 252 23+ 248 24+ 244 25+ 240 26+ 236 27+ 232 28+ 228 29+ 224 30+ 220 31+ 216 Speed required to surpass Group 22 after 1 Speed Boost: 277 Achieved with: 185 -> IV 30 / IV 14+ In-game: IV EV 00- 204 01- 200 02- 196 03- 192 04- 188 05- 184 06- 180 07- 176 08- 172 09- 168 10- 164 11- 160 12- 156 13- 152 14- 148 15- 144 16- 140 17- 136 18- 132 19- 128 20- 124 21- 120 22- 116 23- 112 24- 108 25- 104 26- 100 27- 096 28- 092 29- 088 30- 084 31- 080 00 120 01 116 02 112 03 108 04 104 05 100 06 096 07 092 08 088 09 084 10 080 11 076 12 072 13 068 14 064 15 060 16 056 17 052 18 048 19 044 20 040 21 036 22 032 23 028 24 024 25 020 26 016 27 012 28 008 29 004 00+ 056 01+ 052 02+ 048 03+ 044 04+ 040 05+ 036 06+ 032 07+ 028 08+ 024 09+ 020 10+ 016 11+ 012 12+ 008 13+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 1 Speed Boost: 264 -> 216+ EV’s In-game: (please refer to the previous information) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 24 Members: Breloom, Butterfree, Castform, Cloyster, Delcatty, Dewgong, Hitmontop, Ludicolo, Lunatone, Magneton, Mantine, Metagross, Mightyena, Noctowl, Politoed, Poliwrath, Skarmory, Solrock, Victreebel Base stat: 70 Max Speed: 239 / 262+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but Group 29 surpasses it by one point. Speed required to surpass Group 25: 259+ Achieved with: 240 EV’s In-game: IV EV 28+ 252 29+ 248 30+ 244 31+ 240 Speed required to surpass Group 23 after 1 Speed Boost: 276 Achieved with: 184 -> IV 23+ In-game: IV EV 00- 240 01- 236 02- 232 03- 228 04- 224 05- 220 06- 216 07- 212 08- 208 09- 204 10- 200 11- 196 12- 192 13- 188 14- 184 15- 180 16- 176 17- 172 18- 168 19- 164 20- 160 21- 156 22- 152 23- 148 24- 144 25- 140 26- 136 27- 132 28- 128 29- 124 30- 120 31- 116 00 156 01 152 02 148 03 144 04 140 05 136 06 132 07 128 08 124 09 120 10 116 11 112 12 108 13 104 14 100 15 096 16 092 17 088 18 084 19 080 20 076 21 072 22 068 23 064 24 060 25 056 26 052 27 048 28 044 29 040 30 036 31 032 00+ 092 01+ 088 02+ 084 03+ 080 04+ 076 05+ 072 06+ 068 07+ 064 08+ 060 09+ 056 10+ 052 11+ 048 12+ 044 13+ 040 14+ 036 15+ 032 16+ 028 17+ 024 18+ 020 19+ 016 20+ 012 21+ 008 22+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 2 Speed Boosts: 198 -> 088 EV’s / 016+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 13- 252 14- 248 15- 244 16- 240 17- 236 18- 232 19- 228 20- 224 21- 220 22- 216 23- 212 24- 208 25- 204 26- 200 27- 196 28- 192 29- 188 30- 184 31- 180 00 212 01 208 02 204 03 200 04 196 05 192 06 188 07 184 08 180 09 176 10 172 11 168 12 164 13 160 14 156 15 152 16 148 17 144 18 140 19 136 20 132 21 128 22 124 23 120 24 116 25 112 26 108 27 104 28 100 29 096 30 092 31 088 00+ 140 01+ 136 02+ 132 03+ 128 04+ 124 05+ 120 06+ 116 07+ 112 08+ 108 09+ 104 10+ 100 11+ 096 12+ 092 13+ 088 14+ 084 15+ 080 16+ 076 17+ 072 18+ 068 19+ 064 20+ 060 21+ 056 22+ 052 23+ 048 24+ 044 25+ 040 26+ 036 27+ 032 28+ 028 29+ 024 30+ 020 31+ 016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 25 Members: Exploud, Seaking Base stat: 68 Max Speed: 235 / 258+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None. Speed required to surpass Group 26: 257+ Achieved with: 248 EV’s In-game: IV EV 30+ 252 31+ 248 Speed required to surpass Group 24 after 1 Speed Boost: 264 Achieved with: 176 -> IV 19+ In-game: IV EV 00- 220 01- 216 02- 212 03- 208 04- 204 05- 200 06- 196 07- 192 08- 188 09- 184 10- 180 11- 176 12- 172 13- 168 14- 164 15- 160 16- 156 17- 152 18- 148 19- 144 20- 140 21- 136 22- 132 23- 128 24- 124 25- 120 26- 116 27- 112 28- 108 29- 104 30- 100 31- 096 00 140 01 136 02 132 03 128 04 124 05 120 06 116 07 112 08 108 09 104 10 100 11 096 12 092 13 088 14 084 15 080 16 076 17 072 18 068 19 064 20 060 21 056 22 052 23 048 24 044 25 040 26 036 27 032 28 028 29 024 30 020 31 016 00+ 076 01+ 072 02+ 068 03+ 064 04+ 060 05+ 056 06+ 052 07+ 048 08+ 044 09+ 040 10+ 036 11+ 032 12+ 028 13+ 024 14+ 020 15+ 016 16+ 012 17+ 008 18+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 2 Speed Boosts: 198 -> 104 EV’s / 032+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 17- 252 18- 248 19- 244 20- 240 21- 236 22- 232 23- 228 24- 224 25- 220 26- 216 27- 212 28- 208 29- 204 30- 200 31- 196 00 228 01 224 02 220 03 216 04 212 05 208 06 204 07 200 08 196 09 192 10 188 11 184 12 180 13 176 14 172 15 168 16 164 17 160 18 156 19 152 20 148 21 144 22 140 23 136 24 132 25 128 26 124 27 120 28 116 29 112 30 108 31 104 00+ 156 01+ 152 02+ 148 03+ 144 04+ 140 05+ 136 06+ 132 07+ 128 08+ 124 09+ 120 10+ 116 11+ 112 12+ 108 13+ 104 14+ 100 15+ 096 16+ 092 17+ 088 18+ 084 19+ 080 20+ 076 21+ 072 22+ 068 23+ 064 24+ 060 25+ 056 26+ 052 27+ 048 28+ 044 29+ 040 30+ 036 31+ 032 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 26 Members: Hypno, Lanturn Base stat: 67 Max Speed: 233 / 256+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None. Speed required to surpass Group 27: 253+ Achieved with: 240 EV’s In-game: IV EV 28+ 252 29+ 248 30+ 244 31+ 240 Speed required to surpass Group 25 after 1 Speed Boost: 259 Achieved with: 173 -> IV 19+ In-game: IV EV 00- 216 01- 212 02- 208 03- 204 04- 200 05- 196 06- 192 07- 188 08- 184 09- 180 10- 176 11- 172 12- 168 13- 164 14- 160 15- 156 16- 152 17- 148 18- 144 19- 140 20- 136 21- 132 22- 128 23- 124 24- 120 25- 116 26- 112 27- 108 28- 104 29- 100 30- 096 31- 092 00 136 01 132 02 128 03 124 04 120 05 116 06 112 07 108 08 104 09 100 10 096 11 092 12 088 13 084 14 080 15 076 16 072 17 068 18 064 19 060 20 056 21 052 22 048 23 044 24 040 25 036 26 032 27 028 28 024 29 020 30 016 31 012 00+ 076 01+ 072 02+ 068 03+ 064 04+ 060 05+ 056 06+ 052 07+ 048 08+ 044 09+ 040 10+ 036 11+ 032 12+ 028 13+ 024 14+ 020 15+ 016 16+ 012 17+ 008 18+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 2 Speed Boosts: 198 -> 112 EV’s / 040+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 19- 252 20- 248 21- 244 22- 240 23- 236 24- 232 25- 228 26- 224 27- 220 28- 216 29- 212 30- 208 31- 204 00 236 01 232 02 228 03 224 04 220 05 216 06 212 07 208 08 204 09 200 10 196 11 192 12 188 13 184 14 180 15 176 16 172 17 168 18 164 19 160 20 156 21 152 22 148 23 144 24 140 25 136 26 132 27 128 28 124 29 120 30 116 31 112 00+ 164 01+ 160 02+ 156 03+ 152 04+ 148 05+ 144 06+ 140 07+ 136 08+ 132 09+ 128 10+ 124 11+ 120 12+ 116 13+ 112 14+ 108 15+ 104 16+ 100 17+ 096 18+ 092 19+ 088 20+ 084 21+ 080 22+ 076 23+ 072 24+ 068 25+ 064 26+ 060 27+ 056 28+ 052 29+ 048 30+ 044 31+ 040 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 27 Members: Banette, Beautifly, Chimecho, Dustox, Flareon, Pelipper, Roselia, Sandslash, Scizor, Seviper, Umbreon, Vaporeon, Walrein Base stat: 65 Max Speed: 229 / 251+ Neutral max Speed ties with: Group 30. Speed required to surpass Group 28: 244+ Achieved with: 224 EV’s In-game: IV EV 24+ 252 25+ 248 26+ 244 27+ 240 28+ 236 29+ 232 30+ 228 31+ 224 Speed required to surpass Group 26 after 1 Speed Boost: 258 Achieved with: 172 -> IV 22+ In-game: IV EV 00- 228 01- 224 02- 220 03- 216 04- 212 05- 208 06- 204 07- 200 08- 196 09- 192 10- 188 11- 184 12- 180 13- 176 14- 172 15- 168 16- 164 17- 160 18- 156 19- 152 20- 148 21- 144 22- 140 23- 136 24- 132 25- 128 26- 124 27- 120 28- 116 29- 112 30- 108 31- 104 00 148 01 144 02 140 03 136 04 132 05 128 06 124 07 120 08 116 09 112 10 108 11 104 12 100 13 096 14 092 15 088 16 084 17 080 18 076 19 072 20 068 21 064 22 060 23 056 24 052 25 048 26 044 27 040 28 036 29 032 30 028 31 024 00+ 088 01+ 084 02+ 080 03+ 076 04+ 072 05+ 068 06+ 064 07+ 060 08+ 056 09+ 052 10+ 048 11+ 044 12+ 040 13+ 036 14+ 032 15+ 028 16+ 024 17+ 020 18+ 016 19+ 012 20+ 008 21+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 2 Speed Boosts: 198 -> 128 EV’s / 056+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 23- 252 24- 248 25- 244 26- 240 27- 236 28- 232 29- 228 30- 224 31- 220 00 252 01 248 02 244 03 240 04 236 05 232 06 228 07 224 08 220 09 216 10 212 11 208 12 204 13 200 14 196 15 192 16 188 17 184 18 180 19 176 20 172 21 168 22 164 23 160 24 156 25 152 26 148 27 144 28 140 29 136 30 132 31 128 00+ 180 01+ 176 02+ 172 03+ 168 04+ 164 05+ 160 06+ 156 07+ 152 08+ 148 09+ 144 10+ 140 11+ 136 12+ 132 13+ 128 14+ 124 15+ 120 16+ 116 17+ 112 18+ 108 19+ 104 20+ 100 21+ 096 22+ 092 23+ 088 24+ 084 25+ 080 26+ 076 27+ 072 28+ 068 29+ 064 30+ 060 31+ 056 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 28 Member: Tyranitar Base stat: 61 Max Speed: 221 / 243+ Neutral max Speed ties with: Group 32. Speed required to surpass Group 29: 242+ Achieved with: 248 EV’s In-game: IV EV 30+ 252 31+ 248 Speed required to surpass Group 27 after 1 Speed Boost: 253 Achieved with: 169 -> IV 27+ In-game: IV EV 00- 244 01- 240 02- 236 03- 232 04- 228 05- 224 06- 220 07- 216 08- 212 09- 208 10- 204 11- 200 12- 196 13- 192 14- 188 15- 184 16- 180 17- 176 18- 172 19- 168 20- 164 21- 160 22- 156 23- 152 24- 148 25- 144 26- 140 27- 136 28- 132 29- 128 30- 124 31- 120 00 168 01 164 02 160 03 156 04 152 05 148 06 144 07 140 08 136 09 132 10 128 11 124 12 120 13 116 14 112 15 108 16 104 17 100 18 096 19 092 20 088 21 084 22 080 23 076 24 072 25 068 26 064 27 060 28 056 29 052 30 048 31 044 00+ 108 01+ 104 02+ 100 03+ 096 04+ 092 05+ 088 06+ 084 07+ 080 08+ 076 09+ 072 10+ 068 11+ 064 12+ 060 13+ 056 14+ 052 15+ 048 16+ 044 17+ 040 18+ 036 19+ 032 20+ 028 21+ 024 22+ 020 23+ 016 24+ 012 25+ 008 26+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 2 Speed Boosts: 198 -> 160 EV’s / 088+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 31- 252 08 252 09 248 10 244 11 240 12 236 13 232 14 228 15 224 16 220 17 216 18 212 19 208 20 204 21 200 22 196 23 192 24 188 25 184 26 180 27 176 28 172 29 168 30 164 31 160 00+ 212 01+ 208 02+ 204 03+ 200 04+ 196 05+ 192 06+ 188 07+ 184 08+ 180 09+ 176 10+ 172 11+ 168 12+ 164 13+ 160 14+ 156 15+ 152 16+ 148 17+ 144 18+ 140 19+ 136 20+ 132 21+ 128 22+ 124 23+ 120 24+ 116 25+ 112 26+ 108 27+ 104 28+ 100 29+ 096 30+ 092 31+ 088 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 29 Members: Clefable, Farfetch'd, Lapras, Masquerain, Porygon2, Spinda, Swampert, Tangela, Wailord, Weezing, Whiscash Base stat: 60 Max Speed: 219 / 240+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None. However, it manages to beat Group 33 by one point, but gets beaten by Group 32 by two. Speed required to surpass Group 30: 231+ Achieved with: 216 EV’s In-game: IV EV 22+ 252 23+ 248 24+ 244 25+ 240 26+ 236 27+ 232 28+ 228 29+ 224 30+ 220 31+ 216 Speed required to surpass Group 28 after 1 Speed Boost: 244 Achieved with: 163 -> IV 24+ In-game: IV EV 00- 228 01- 224 02- 220 03- 216 04- 212 05- 208 06- 204 07- 200 08- 196 09- 192 10- 188 11- 184 12- 180 13- 176 14- 172 15- 168 16- 164 17- 160 18- 156 19- 152 20- 148 21- 144 22- 140 23- 136 24- 132 25- 128 26- 124 27- 120 28- 116 29- 112 30- 108 31- 104 00 152 01 148 02 144 03 140 04 136 05 132 06 128 07 124 08 120 09 116 10 112 11 108 12 104 13 100 14 096 15 092 16 088 17 084 18 080 19 076 20 072 21 068 22 064 23 060 24 056 25 052 26 048 27 044 28 040 29 036 30 032 31 028 00+ 096 01+ 092 02+ 088 03+ 084 04+ 080 05+ 076 06+ 072 07+ 068 08+ 064 09+ 060 10+ 056 11+ 052 12+ 048 13+ 044 14+ 040 15+ 036 16+ 032 17+ 028 18+ 024 19+ 020 20+ 016 21+ 012 22+ 008 23+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 2 Speed Boosts: 198 -> 168 EV’s / 096+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 10 252 11 248 12 244 13 240 14 236 15 232 16 228 17 224 18 220 19 216 20 212 21 208 22 204 23 200 24 196 25 192 26 188 27 184 28 180 29 176 30 172 31 168 00+ 220 01+ 216 02+ 212 03+ 208 04+ 204 05+ 200 06+ 196 07+ 192 08+ 188 09+ 184 10+ 180 11+ 176 12+ 172 13+ 168 14+ 164 15+ 160 16+ 156 17+ 152 18+ 148 19+ 144 20+ 140 21+ 136 22+ 132 23+ 128 24+ 124 25+ 120 26+ 116 27+ 112 28+ 108 29+ 104 30+ 100 31+ 096 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 30 Members: Ampharos, Blissey, Cacturne, Crawdaunt, Exeggutor, Machamp, Omastar, Relicanth, Swalot, Ursaring Base stat: 55 Max Speed: 209 / 229+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but it surpasses Group 35 by two points. Speed required to surpass Group 31: 224+ Achieved with: 232 EV’s In-game: IV EV 26+ 252 27+ 248 28+ 244 29+ 240 30+ 236 31+ 232 Speed required to surpass Group 29 after 1 Speed Boost: 243 Achieved with: 162 -> 064 EV’s / 008+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 03- 252 04- 248 05- 244 06- 240 07- 236 08- 232 09- 228 10- 224 11- 220 12- 216 13- 212 14- 208 15- 204 16- 200 17- 196 18- 192 19- 188 20- 184 21- 180 22- 176 23- 172 24- 168 25- 164 26- 160 27- 156 28- 152 29- 148 30- 144 31- 140 00 188 01 184 02 180 03 176 04 172 05 168 06 164 07 160 08 156 09 152 10 148 11 144 12 140 13 136 14 132 15 128 16 124 17 120 18 116 19 112 20 108 21 104 22 100 23 096 24 092 25 088 26 084 27 080 28 076 29 072 30 068 31 064 00+ 132 01+ 128 02+ 124 03+ 120 04+ 116 05+ 112 06+ 108 07+ 104 08+ 100 09+ 096 10+ 092 11+ 088 12+ 084 13+ 080 14+ 076 15+ 072 16+ 068 17+ 064 18+ 060 19+ 056 20+ 052 21+ 048 22+ 044 23+ 040 24+ 036 25+ 032 26+ 028 27+ 024 28+ 020 29+ 016 30+ 012 31+ 008 How to achieve 396 Speed after 2 Speed Boosts: 198 -> 208 EV’s / 136+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 20 252 21 248 22 244 23 240 24 236 25 232 26 228 27 224 28 220 29 216 30 212 31 208 02+ 252 03+ 248 04+ 244 05+ 240 06+ 236 07+ 232 08+ 228 09+ 224 10+ 220 11+ 216 12+ 212 13+ 208 14+ 204 15+ 200 16+ 196 17+ 192 18+ 188 19+ 184 20+ 180 21+ 176 22+ 172 23+ 168 24+ 164 25+ 160 26+ 156 27+ 152 28+ 148 29+ 144 30+ 140 31+ 136 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 31 Members: Gorebyss, Huntail Base stat: 52 Max Speed: 203 / 223+ Neutral max Speed ties with: Group 36. Speed required to surpass Group 32: 222+ Achieved with: 248 EV’s In-game: IV EV 30+ 252 31+ 248 Speed required to surpass Group 30 after 1 Speed Boost: 231 Achieved with: 154 -> IV 31+ In-game: IV EV 00- 252 01- 248 02- 244 03- 240 04- 236 05- 232 06- 228 07- 224 08- 220 09- 216 10- 212 11- 208 12- 204 13- 200 14- 196 15- 192 16- 188 17- 184 18- 180 19- 176 20- 172 21- 168 22- 164 23- 160 24- 156 25- 152 26- 148 27- 144 28- 140 29- 136 30- 132 31- 128 00 180 01 176 02 172 03 168 04 164 05 160 06 156 07 152 08 148 09 144 10 140 11 136 12 132 13 128 14 124 15 120 16 116 17 112 18 108 19 104 20 100 21 096 22 092 23 088 24 084 25 080 26 076 27 072 28 068 29 064 30 060 31 056 00+ 124 01+ 120 02+ 116 03+ 112 04+ 108 05+ 104 06+ 100 07+ 096 08+ 092 09+ 088 10+ 084 11+ 080 12+ 076 13+ 072 14+ 068 15+ 064 16+ 060 17+ 056 18+ 052 19+ 048 20+ 044 21+ 040 22+ 036 23+ 032 24+ 028 25+ 024 26+ 020 27+ 016 28+ 012 29+ 008 30+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 2 Speed Boosts: 198 -> 232 EV’s / 160+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 26 252 27 248 28 244 29 240 30 236 31 232 08+ 252 09+ 248 10+ 244 11+ 240 12+ 236 13+ 232 14+ 228 15+ 224 16+ 220 17+ 216 18+ 212 19+ 208 20+ 204 21+ 200 22+ 196 23+ 192 24+ 188 25+ 184 26+ 180 27+ 176 28+ 172 29+ 168 30+ 164 31+ 160 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 32 Member: Tropius Base stat: 51 Max Speed: 201 / 221+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but Group 36 surpasses it by two points. Speed required to surpass Group 33: 220+ Achieved with: 248 EV’s In-game: IV EV 30+ 252 31+ 248 Speed required to surpass Group 31 after 1 Speed Boost: 225 Achieved with: 150 -> IV 30+ In-game: IV EV 00- 240 01- 236 02- 232 03- 228 04- 224 05- 220 06- 216 07- 212 08- 208 09- 204 10- 200 11- 196 12- 192 13- 188 14- 184 15- 180 16- 176 17- 172 18- 168 19- 164 20- 160 21- 156 22- 152 23- 148 24- 144 25- 140 26- 136 27- 132 28- 128 29- 124 30- 120 31- 116 00 172 01 168 02 164 03 160 04 156 05 152 06 148 07 144 08 140 09 136 10 132 11 128 12 124 13 120 14 116 15 112 16 108 17 104 18 100 19 096 20 092 21 088 22 084 23 080 24 076 25 072 26 068 27 064 28 060 29 056 30 052 31 048 00+ 120 01+ 116 02+ 112 03+ 108 04+ 104 05+ 100 06+ 096 07+ 092 08+ 088 09+ 084 10+ 080 11+ 076 12+ 072 13+ 068 14+ 064 15+ 060 16+ 056 17+ 052 18+ 048 19+ 044 20+ 040 21+ 036 22+ 032 23+ 028 24+ 024 25+ 020 26+ 016 27+ 012 28+ 008 29+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 2 Speed Boosts: 198 -> 240 EV’s / 168+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 28 252 29 248 30 244 31 240 10+ 252 11+ 248 12+ 244 13+ 240 14+ 236 15+ 232 16+ 228 17+ 224 18+ 220 19+ 216 20+ 212 21+ 208 22+ 204 23+ 200 24+ 196 25+ 192 26+ 188 27+ 184 28+ 180 29+ 176 30+ 172 31+ 168 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 33 Members: Aggron, Azumarill, Bellossom, Donphan, Hariyama, Mawile, Muk, Piloswine, Regice, Regirock, Registeel, Sableye, Vileplume Base stat: 50 Max Speed: 199 / 218+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None. Speed required to surpass Group 34: 215+ Achieved with: 240 EV’s In-game: IV EV 28+ 252 29+ 248 30+ 244 31+ 240 Speed required to surpass Group 32 after 1 Speed Boost: 222 Achieved with: 148 -> IV 30+ In-game: IV EV 00- 240 01- 236 02- 232 03- 228 04- 224 05- 220 06- 216 07- 212 08- 208 09- 204 10- 200 11- 196 12- 192 13- 188 14- 184 15- 180 16- 176 17- 172 18- 168 19- 164 20- 160 21- 156 22- 152 23- 148 24- 144 25- 140 26- 136 27- 132 28- 128 29- 124 30- 120 31- 116 00 172 01 168 02 164 03 160 04 156 05 152 06 148 07 144 08 140 09 136 10 132 11 128 12 124 13 120 14 116 15 112 16 108 17 104 18 100 19 096 20 092 21 088 22 084 23 080 24 076 25 072 26 068 27 064 28 060 29 056 30 052 31 048 00+ 120 01+ 116 02+ 112 03+ 108 04+ 104 05+ 100 06+ 096 07+ 092 08+ 088 09+ 084 10+ 080 11+ 076 12+ 072 13+ 068 14+ 064 15+ 060 16+ 056 17+ 052 18+ 048 19+ 044 20+ 040 21+ 036 22+ 032 23+ 028 24+ 024 25+ 020 26+ 016 27+ 012 28+ 008 29+ 004 How to achieve 396 Speed after 2 Speed Boosts: 198 -> 248 EV’s / 176+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 30 252 31 248 12+ 252 13+ 248 14+ 244 15+ 240 16+ 236 17+ 232 18+ 228 19+ 224 20+ 220 21+ 216 22+ 212 23+ 208 24+ 204 25+ 200 26+ 196 27+ 192 28+ 188 29+ 184 30+ 180 31+ 176 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 34 Members: Ditto, Unown Base stat: 48 Max Speed: 195 / 214+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but Group 37 surpasses it by one point. Speed required to surpass Group 35: 209+ Achieved with: 232 EV’s In-game: IV EV 26+ 252 27+ 248 28+ 244 29+ 240 30+ 236 31+ 232 Speed required to surpass Group 33 after 1 Speed Boost: 220 Achieved with: 147 -> 060 EV’s / 008+ EV In-game: IV EV 00- 252 01- 248 02- 244 03- 240 04- 236 05- 232 06- 228 07- 224 08- 220 09- 216 10- 212 11- 208 12- 204 13- 200 14- 196 15- 192 16- 188 17- 184 18- 180 19- 176 20- 172 21- 168 22- 164 23- 160 24- 156 25- 152 26- 148 27- 144 28- 140 29- 136 30- 132 31- 128 00 184 01 180 02 176 03 172 04 168 05 164 06 160 07 156 08 152 09 148 10 144 11 140 12 136 13 132 14 128 15 124 16 120 17 116 18 112 19 108 20 104 21 100 22 096 23 092 24 088 25 084 26 080 27 076 28 072 29 068 30 064 31 060 00+ 132 01+ 128 02+ 124 03+ 120 04+ 116 05+ 112 06+ 108 07+ 104 08+ 100 09+ 096 10+ 092 11+ 088 12+ 084 13+ 080 14+ 076 15+ 072 16+ 068 17+ 064 18+ 060 19+ 056 20+ 052 21+ 048 22+ 044 23+ 040 24+ 036 25+ 032 26+ 028 27+ 024 28+ 020 29+ 016 30+ 012 31+ 008 How to achieve 396 Speed after 2 Speed Boosts: 198 -> 192+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 16+ 252 17+ 248 18+ 244 19+ 240 20+ 236 21+ 232 22+ 228 23+ 224 24+ 220 25+ 216 26+ 212 27+ 208 28+ 204 29+ 200 30+ 196 31+ 192 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 35 Members: Armaldo, Dunsparce, Golem, Granbull, Marowak, Octillery, Wigglytuff Base stat: 45 Max Speed: 189 / 207+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None. Speed required to surpass Group 36: 204+ Achieved with: 240 EV’s In-game: IV EV 28+ 252 29+ 248 30+ 244 31+ 240 Speed required to surpass Group 34 after 1 Speed Boost: 216 Achieved with: 144 -> 072 EV’s / 020+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 03- 252 04- 248 05- 244 06- 240 07- 236 08- 232 09- 228 10- 224 11- 220 12- 216 13- 212 14- 208 15- 204 16- 200 17- 196 18- 192 19- 188 20- 184 21- 180 22- 176 23- 172 24- 168 25- 164 26- 160 27- 156 28- 152 29- 148 30- 144 31- 140 00 196 01 192 02 188 03 184 04 180 05 176 06 172 07 168 08 164 09 160 10 156 11 152 12 148 13 144 14 140 15 136 16 132 17 128 18 124 19 120 20 116 21 112 22 108 23 104 24 100 25 096 26 092 27 088 28 084 29 080 30 076 31 072 00+ 144 01+ 140 02+ 136 03+ 132 04+ 128 05+ 124 06+ 120 07+ 116 08+ 112 09+ 108 10+ 104 11+ 100 12+ 096 13+ 092 14+ 088 15+ 084 16+ 080 17+ 076 18+ 072 19+ 068 20+ 064 21+ 060 22+ 056 23+ 052 24+ 048 25+ 044 26+ 040 27+ 036 28+ 032 29+ 028 30+ 024 31+ 020 How to achieve 396 Speed after 2 Speed Boosts: 198 -> 216+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 22+ 252 23+ 248 24+ 244 25+ 240 26+ 236 27+ 232 28+ 228 29+ 224 30+ 220 31+ 216 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 36 Member: Cradily Base stat: 43 Max Speed: 185 / 203+ Neutral max Speed ties with: Group 38. Speed required to surpass Group 37: 198+ Achieved with: 232 EV’s In-game: IV EV 26+ 252 27+ 248 28+ 244 29+ 240 30+ 236 31+ 232 Speed required to surpass Group 35 after 1 Speed Boost: 210 Achieved with: 140 -> 072 EV’s / 024+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 02- 252 03- 248 04- 244 05- 240 06- 236 07- 232 08- 228 09- 224 10- 220 11- 216 12- 212 13- 208 14- 204 15- 200 16- 196 17- 192 18- 188 19- 184 20- 180 21- 176 22- 172 23- 168 24- 164 25- 160 26- 156 27- 152 28- 148 29- 144 30- 140 31- 136 00 196 01 192 02 188 03 184 04 180 05 176 06 172 07 168 08 164 09 160 10 156 11 152 12 148 13 144 14 140 15 136 16 132 17 128 18 124 19 120 20 116 21 112 22 108 23 104 24 100 25 096 26 092 27 088 28 084 29 080 30 076 31 072 00+ 148 01+ 144 02+ 140 03+ 136 04+ 132 05+ 128 06+ 124 07+ 120 08+ 116 09+ 112 10+ 108 11+ 104 12+ 100 13+ 096 14+ 092 15+ 088 16+ 084 17+ 080 18+ 076 19+ 072 20+ 068 21+ 064 22+ 060 23+ 056 24+ 052 25+ 048 26+ 044 27+ 040 28+ 036 29+ 032 30+ 028 31+ 024 How to achieve 396 Speed after 2 Speed Boosts: 198 -> 232+ EV’s In-game: (please refer to the previous information) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 37 Members: Ariados, Camerupt, Forretress, Kecleon, Rhydon, Shedinja, Togetic Base stat: 40 Max Speed: 179 / 196+ Neutral max Speed ties with: Group 40. Speed required to surpass Group 38: 187+ Achieved with: 216 EV’s In-game: IV EV 22+ 252 23+ 248 24+ 244 25+ 240 26+ 236 27+ 232 28+ 228 29+ 224 30+ 220 31+ 216 Speed required to surpass Group 36 after 1 Speed Boost: 204 Achieved with: 136 -> 080 EV’s / 032+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 04- 252 05- 248 06- 244 07- 240 08- 236 09- 232 10- 228 11- 224 12- 220 13- 216 14- 212 15- 208 16- 204 17- 200 18- 196 19- 192 20- 188 21- 184 22- 180 23- 176 24- 172 25- 168 26- 164 27- 160 28- 156 29- 152 30- 148 31- 144 00 204 01 200 02 196 03 192 04 188 05 184 06 180 07 176 08 172 09 168 10 164 11 160 12 156 13 152 14 148 15 144 16 140 17 136 18 132 19 128 20 124 21 120 22 116 23 112 24 108 25 104 26 100 27 096 28 092 29 088 30 084 31 080 00+ 156 01+ 152 02+ 148 03+ 144 04+ 140 05+ 136 06+ 132 07+ 128 08+ 124 09+ 120 10+ 116 11+ 112 12+ 108 13+ 104 14+ 100 15+ 096 16+ 092 17+ 088 18+ 084 19+ 080 20+ 076 21+ 072 22+ 068 23+ 064 24+ 060 25+ 056 26+ 052 27+ 048 28+ 044 29+ 040 30+ 036 31+ 032 How to achieve 395 Speed after 3 Speed Boosts: 158 -> 168 EV’s / 112+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 28- 252 29- 248 30- 244 31- 240 10 252 11 248 12 244 13 240 14 236 15 232 16 228 17 224 18 220 19 216 20 212 21 208 22 204 23 200 24 196 25 192 26 188 27 184 28 180 29 176 30 172 31 168 00+ 236 01+ 232 02+ 228 03+ 224 04+ 220 05+ 216 06+ 212 07+ 208 08+ 204 09+ 200 10+ 196 11+ 192 12+ 188 13+ 184 14+ 180 15+ 176 16+ 172 17+ 168 18+ 164 19+ 160 20+ 156 21+ 152 22+ 148 23+ 144 24+ 140 25+ 136 26+ 132 27+ 128 28+ 124 29+ 120 30+ 116 31+ 112 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 38 Members: Corsola, Quagsire Base stat: 35 Max Speed: 169 / 185+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None. Speed required to surpass Group 39: 182+ Achieved with: 240 EV’s In-game: IV EV 28+ 252 29+ 248 30+ 244 31+ 240 Speed required to surpass Group 37 after 1 Speed Boost: 198 Achieved with: 132 -> 104 EV’s / 056+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 09- 252 10- 248 11- 244 12- 240 13- 236 14- 232 15- 228 16- 224 17- 220 18- 216 19- 212 20- 208 21- 204 22- 200 23- 196 24- 192 25- 188 26- 184 27- 180 28- 176 29- 172 30- 168 31- 164 00 228 01 224 02 220 03 216 04 212 05 208 06 204 07 200 08 196 09 192 10 188 11 184 12 180 13 176 14 172 15 168 16 164 17 160 18 156 19 152 20 148 21 144 22 140 23 136 24 132 25 128 26 124 27 120 28 116 29 112 30 108 31 104 00+ 180 01+ 176 02+ 172 03+ 168 04+ 164 05+ 160 06+ 156 07+ 152 08+ 148 09+ 144 10+ 140 11+ 136 12+ 132 13+ 128 14+ 124 15+ 120 16+ 116 17+ 112 18+ 108 19+ 104 20+ 100 21+ 096 22+ 092 23+ 088 24+ 084 25+ 080 26+ 076 27+ 072 28+ 068 29+ 064 30+ 060 31+ 056 How to achieve 395 Speed after 3 Speed Boosts: 158 -> 208 EV’s / 152+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 20 252 21 248 22 244 23 240 24 236 25 232 26 228 27 224 28 220 29 216 30 212 31 208 06+ 252 07+ 248 08+ 244 09+ 240 10+ 236 11+ 232 12+ 228 13+ 224 14+ 220 15+ 216 16+ 212 17+ 208 18+ 204 19+ 200 20+ 196 21+ 192 22+ 188 23+ 184 24+ 180 25+ 176 26+ 172 27+ 168 28+ 164 29+ 160 30+ 156 31+ 152 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 39 Member: Wobbuffet Base stat: 33 Max Speed: 165 / 181+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None, but it surpasses Group 42 by two points. Speed required to surpass Group 40: 180+ Achieved with: 248 EV’s In-game: IV EV 30+ 252 31+ 248 Speed required to surpass Group 38 after 1 Speed Boost: 187 Achieved with: 125 -> 092 EV’s / 048+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 05- 252 06- 248 07- 244 08- 240 09- 236 10- 232 11- 228 12- 224 13- 220 14- 216 15- 212 16- 208 17- 204 18- 200 19- 196 20- 192 21- 188 22- 184 23- 180 24- 176 25- 172 26- 168 27- 164 28- 160 29- 156 30- 152 31- 148 00 216 01 212 02 208 03 204 04 200 05 196 06 192 07 188 08 184 09 180 10 176 11 172 12 168 13 164 14 160 15 156 16 152 17 148 18 144 19 140 20 136 21 132 22 128 23 124 24 120 25 116 26 112 27 108 28 104 29 100 30 096 31 092 00+ 172 01+ 168 02+ 164 03+ 160 04+ 156 05+ 152 06+ 148 07+ 144 08+ 140 09+ 136 10+ 132 11+ 128 12+ 124 13+ 120 14+ 116 15+ 112 16+ 108 17+ 104 18+ 100 19+ 096 20+ 092 21+ 088 22+ 084 23+ 080 24+ 076 25+ 072 26+ 068 27+ 064 28+ 060 29+ 056 30+ 052 31+ 048 How to achieve 395 Speed after 3 Speed Boosts: 158 -> 224 EV’s / 168+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 24 252 25 248 26 244 27 240 28 236 29 232 30 228 31 224 10+ 252 11+ 248 12+ 244 13+ 240 14+ 236 15+ 232 16+ 228 17+ 224 18+ 220 19+ 216 20+ 212 21+ 208 22+ 204 23+ 200 24+ 196 25+ 192 26+ 188 27+ 184 28+ 180 29+ 176 30+ 172 31+ 168 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 40 Member: Clamperl Base stat: 32 Max Speed: 163 / 179+ Neutral max Speed ties with: Group 42. Speed required to surpass Group 41: 176+ Achieved with: 240 EV’s In-game: IV EV 28+ 252 29+ 248 30+ 244 31+ 240 Speed required to surpass Group 39 after 1 Speed Boost: 183 Achieved with: 122 -> 088 EV’s / 044+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 04- 252 05- 248 06- 244 07- 240 08- 236 09- 232 10- 228 11- 224 12- 220 13- 216 14- 212 15- 208 16- 204 17- 200 18- 196 19- 192 20- 188 21- 184 22- 180 23- 176 24- 172 25- 168 26- 164 27- 160 28- 156 29- 152 30- 148 31- 144 00 212 01 208 02 204 03 200 04 196 05 192 06 188 07 184 08 180 09 176 10 172 11 168 12 164 13 160 14 156 15 152 16 148 17 144 18 140 19 136 20 132 21 128 22 124 23 120 24 116 25 112 26 108 27 104 28 100 29 096 30 092 31 088 00+ 168 01+ 164 02+ 160 03+ 156 04+ 152 05+ 148 06+ 144 07+ 140 08+ 136 09+ 132 10+ 128 11+ 124 12+ 120 13+ 116 14+ 112 15+ 108 16+ 104 17+ 100 18+ 096 19+ 092 20+ 088 21+ 084 22+ 080 23+ 076 24+ 072 25+ 068 26+ 064 27+ 060 28+ 056 29+ 052 30+ 048 31+ 044 How to achieve 395 Speed after 3 Speed Boosts: 158 -> 232 EV’s / 176+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 26 252 27 248 28 244 29 240 30 236 31 232 12+ 252 13+ 248 14+ 244 15+ 240 16+ 236 17+ 232 18+ 228 19+ 224 20+ 220 21+ 216 22+ 212 23+ 208 24+ 204 25+ 200 26+ 196 27+ 192 28+ 188 29+ 184 30+ 180 31+ 176 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 41 Members: Lickitung, Magcargo, Nosepass, Parasect, Slowbro, Slowking, Snorlax, Steelix, Sudowoodo, Sunflora, Sunkern Base stat: 30 Max Speed: 159 / 174+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None. Speed required to surpass Group 42: 165+ Achieved with: 216 EV’s In-game: IV EV 22+ 252 23+ 248 24+ 244 25+ 240 26+ 236 27+ 232 28+ 228 29+ 224 30+ 220 31+ 216 Speed required to surpass Group 40 after 1 Speed Boost: 180 Achieved with: 120 -> 096 EV’s / 056+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 06- 252 07- 248 08- 244 09- 240 10- 236 11- 232 12- 228 13- 224 14- 220 15- 216 16- 212 17- 208 18- 204 19- 200 20- 196 21- 192 22- 188 23- 184 24- 180 25- 176 26- 172 27- 168 28- 164 29- 160 30- 156 31- 152 00 220 01 216 02 212 03 208 04 204 05 200 06 196 07 192 08 188 09 184 10 180 11 176 12 172 13 168 14 164 15 160 16 156 17 152 18 148 19 144 20 140 21 136 22 132 23 128 24 124 25 120 26 116 27 112 28 108 29 104 30 100 31 096 00+ 180 01+ 176 02+ 172 03+ 168 04+ 164 05+ 160 06+ 156 07+ 152 08+ 148 09+ 144 10+ 140 11+ 136 12+ 132 13+ 128 14+ 124 15+ 120 16+ 116 17+ 112 18+ 108 19+ 104 20+ 100 21+ 096 22+ 092 23+ 088 24+ 084 25+ 080 26+ 076 27+ 072 28+ 068 29+ 064 30+ 060 31+ 056 How to achieve 395 Speed after 3 Speed Boosts: 158 -> 248 EV’s / 192+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 30 252 31 248 16+ 252 17+ 248 18+ 244 19+ 240 20+ 236 21+ 232 22+ 228 23+ 224 24+ 220 25+ 216 26+ 212 27+ 208 28+ 204 29+ 200 30+ 196 31+ 192 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 42 Member: Dusclops Base stat: 25 Max Speed: 149 / 163+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None. Speed required to surpass Group 43: 154+ Achieved with: 216 EV’s In-game: IV EV 22+ 252 23+ 248 24+ 244 25+ 240 26+ 236 27+ 232 28+ 228 29+ 224 30+ 220 31+ 216 Speed required to surpass Group 41 after 1 Speed Boost: 177 Achieved with: 118 -> 128 EV’s / 088+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 14- 252 15- 248 16- 244 17- 240 18- 236 19- 232 20- 228 21- 224 22- 220 23- 216 24- 212 25- 208 26- 204 27- 200 28- 196 29- 192 30- 188 31- 184 00 252 01 248 02 244 03 240 04 236 05 232 06 228 07 224 08 220 09 216 10 212 11 208 12 204 13 200 14 196 15 192 16 188 17 184 18 180 19 176 20 172 21 168 22 164 23 160 24 156 25 152 26 148 27 144 28 140 29 136 30 132 31 128 00+ 212 01+ 208 02+ 204 03+ 200 04+ 196 05+ 192 06+ 188 07+ 184 08+ 180 09+ 176 10+ 172 11+ 168 12+ 164 13+ 160 14+ 156 15+ 152 16+ 148 17+ 144 18+ 140 19+ 136 20+ 132 21+ 128 22+ 124 23+ 120 24+ 116 25+ 112 26+ 108 27+ 104 28+ 100 29+ 096 30+ 092 31+ 088 How to achieve 395 Speed after 3 Speed Boosts: 158 -> 232+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 26+ 252 27+ 248 28+ 244 29+ 240 30+ 236 31+ 232 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 43 Member: Torkoal Base stat: 20 Max Speed: 139 / 152+ Neutral max Speed ties with: None. Speed required to surpass Group 44: 132 Achieved with: 224 EV’s / 176+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 24 252 25 248 26 244 27 240 28 236 29 232 30 228 31 224 12+ 252 13+ 248 14+ 244 15+ 240 16+ 236 17+ 232 18+ 228 19+ 224 20+ 220 21+ 216 22+ 212 23+ 208 24+ 204 25+ 200 26+ 196 27+ 192 28+ 188 29+ 184 30+ 180 31+ 176 Speed required to surpass Group 42 after 1 Speed Boost: 165 Achieved with: 110 -> 136 EV’s / 096+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 15- 252 16- 248 17- 244 18- 240 19- 236 20- 232 21- 228 22- 224 23- 220 24- 216 25- 212 26- 208 27- 204 28- 200 29- 196 30- 192 31- 188 02 252 03 248 04 244 05 240 06 236 07 232 08 228 09 224 10 220 11 216 12 212 13 208 14 204 15 200 16 196 17 192 18 188 19 184 20 180 21 176 22 172 23 168 24 164 25 160 26 156 27 152 28 148 29 144 30 140 31 136 00+ 220 01+ 216 02+ 212 03+ 208 04+ 204 05+ 200 06+ 196 07+ 192 08+ 188 09+ 184 10+ 180 11+ 176 12+ 172 13+ 168 14+ 164 15+ 160 16+ 156 17+ 152 18+ 148 19+ 144 20+ 140 21+ 136 22+ 132 23+ 128 24+ 124 25+ 120 26+ 116 27+ 112 28+ 108 29+ 104 30+ 100 31+ 096 How to achieve 396 Speed after 4 Speed Boosts: 132 -> 224 EV’s / 176+ EV’s In-game: (please refer to the previous information) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 44 Member: Trapinch Base stat: 10 Max Speed: 119 / 130+ Neutral max Speed ties with: Group 45. Speed required to surpass Group 45: 121+ Achieved with: 216 EV’s In-game: IV EV 22+ 252 23+ 248 24+ 244 25+ 240 26+ 236 27+ 232 28+ 228 29+ 224 30+ 220 31+ 216 Speed required to surpass Group 43 after 1 Speed Boost: 154 Achieved with: 103 -> 188 EV’s / 152+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 27- 252 28- 248 29- 244 30- 240 31- 236 15 252 16 248 17 244 18 240 19 236 20 232 21 228 22 224 23 220 24 216 25 212 26 208 27 204 28 200 29 196 30 192 31 188 06+ 252 07+ 248 08+ 244 09+ 240 10+ 236 11+ 232 12+ 228 13+ 224 14+ 220 15+ 216 16+ 212 17+ 208 18+ 204 19+ 200 20+ 196 21+ 192 22+ 188 23+ 184 24+ 180 25+ 176 26+ 172 27+ 168 28+ 164 29+ 160 30+ 156 31+ 152 How to achieve 396 Speed after 5 Speed Boosts: 113 -> 228 EV’s / 188+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 25 252 26 248 27 244 28 240 29 236 30 232 31 228 15+ 252 16+ 248 17+ 244 18+ 240 19+ 236 20+ 232 21+ 228 22+ 224 23+ 220 24+ 216 25+ 212 26+ 208 27+ 204 28+ 200 29+ 196 30+ 192 31+ 188 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group 45 Member: Shuckle Base stat: 5 Max Speed: 109 / 119+ Neutral max Speed ties with: N/A Speed required to surpass Group 46: N/A Achieved with: N/A In-game: N/A Speed required to surpass Group 44 after 1 Speed Boost: 132 Achieved with: 088 -> 168 EV’s / 136+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 20- 252 21- 248 22- 244 23- 240 24- 236 25- 232 26- 228 27- 224 28- 220 29- 216 30- 212 31- 208 10 252 11 248 12 244 13 240 14 236 15 232 16 228 17 224 18 220 19 216 20 212 21 208 22 204 23 200 24 196 25 192 26 188 27 184 28 180 29 176 30 172 31 168 02+ 252 03+ 248 04+ 244 05+ 240 06+ 236 07+ 232 08+ 228 09+ 224 10+ 220 11+ 216 12+ 212 13+ 208 14+ 204 15+ 200 16+ 196 17+ 192 18+ 188 19+ 184 20+ 180 21+ 176 22+ 172 23+ 168 24+ 164 25+ 160 26+ 156 27+ 152 28+ 148 29+ 144 30+ 140 31+ 136 How to achieve 396 Speed after 5 Speed Boosts: 113 -> 228+ EV’s In-game: IV EV 25+ 252 26+ 248 27+ 244 28+ 240 29+ 236 30+ 232 31+ 228 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.- Version History: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1, 01/13/2006: First release. Version 2, 03/03/2006: Second release. Fixed some random mistakes. Version 3, 06/06/2006: Third release. Filesize shrinked. Unknown culprit still at large. Version 4, 08/26/2006: Fourth release. Fixed some random mistakes. Version 5, 09/24/2006: Fifth release. Added "Tie" data. Version 6, 09/08/2007: Sixth release. Fixed some minimal stuff. Allowed the FAQ to be hosted at GameFAQs. Fixed some of the format to comply with GameFAQs standards. Version 7, 10/05/2007: Seventh release. After all this releases, I still can't believe I forgot about Furret... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.- Special Thanks & Contact Data: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CJayC - For creating GameFAQs and allowing this to be published. Nintendo, the Pokémon Company and Genius Sonority - For making this series of fabulous games. You - For taking the time to read this. NUUS(F) (http://www.uustadium.com/) - Always and forever, guys and gal. The only sites allowed to host this document are www.uustadium.com and www.gamefaqs.com Webmasters: please save me the trouble of having to personally deny you the required permission to host this document. Don't even try. If you have something to add to this document, please send your E-Mail to the following address: charlie(removespace)supreme(at)gmail(dot)com If you see this document hosted in some other site other than in the only authorized sites (www.uustadium.com or www.gamefaqs.com), please contact me at once. Please use the header "Speed Reference Guide", and the first sentence of your message must be "Charlie, your guide is delicious"; else your message will be ignored. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.- Legal Crap: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. (C) 2007 Charlie Supreme ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GUIDE ENDS HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------