++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Pokemon: Ruby & Sapphire Berry Blending Guide + +Written by moviebuff2287 (JEH) + +Started on 03-28-03 + +Version 1 + +Email: N/A + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ******************* Sections ******************* 1. Berry Information Chart 2. Normal Rank Contest Hall Results 3. Super Rank Contest Hall Results 4. Hyper Rank Contest Hall Results 5. Master Rank Contest Hall Results 6. PokeBlock Effects 7. Versions & Updates 8. Legal Info. & Contact Info. ****************************** 1. Berry Information Chart ****************************** Here is a chart of all the Berries and there statistics. Taste Guide Color Guide Spicy : 1 (Red) Red=Cool Dry : 2 (Blue) Blue=Beauty Sweet : 3 (Pink) Pink=Cute Bitter: 4 (Green) Green=Smart Sour : 5 (Yellow) Yellow=Tough ====================================================================== Name Color Taste Size(cm) Firm ====================================================================== 1. Cheri Berry Red 1 0.8 Soft 2. Chesto Berry Blue 2 3.1 Super Hard 3. Pecha Berry Pink 3 1.6 Very Soft 4. Rawst Berry Green 4 1.3 Hard 5. Aspear Berry Yellow 5 2.0 Super Hard 6. Leppa Berry Red 1,3,4,5 1.1 Very Hard 7. Oran Berry Blue 1,2,3,4,5 1.4 Super Hard 8. Persim Berry Pink 1,2,3,4,5 1.9 Hard 9. Lum Berry Green 1,2,3,4,5 1.3 Super Hard 10. Sitrus Berry Yellow 1,2,3,4,5 3.7 Very Hard 11. Figy Berry Red 1 3.9 Soft 12. Wiki Berry Blue 2 4.5 Hard 13. Mago Berry Pink 3 5.0 Hard 14. Aguav Berry Green 4 2.5 Super Hard 15. Iapapa Berry Pink 5 8.8 Soft 16. Razz Berry Red 1,2 4.7 Very Hard 17. Bluk Berry Blue 2,3 4.3 Soft 18. Nanab Berry Pink 3,4 3.0 Very Hard 19. Wepear Berry Green 4,5 2.9 Super Hard 20. Pinap Berry Yellow 1,5 3.1 Hard 21. Pomeg Berry Red 1,3,4 5.3 Very Hard 22. Kelpsy Berry Blue 2,4,5 5.9 Hard 23. Qualot Berry Pink 1,3,5 4.3 Hard 24. Hondew Berry Green 1,2,4 6.4 Hard 25. Grepa Berry Yellow 2,3,5 5.9 Soft 26. Tamato Berry Red 1,2 7.9 Soft 27. Cornn Berry Blue 2,3 3.0 Hard 28. Magost Berry Pink 3,4 5.5 Hard 29. Rabuta Berry Green 4,5 8.9 Soft 30. Nomel Berry Yellow 1,5 11.2 Super Hard 31. Spelon Berry Red 1,2 5.2 Soft 32. Pamtre Berry Blue 2,3 9.6 Very Soft 33. Watmel Berry Pink 3,4 9.8 Soft 34. Durin Berry Green 4,5 11.0 Hard 35. Belue Berry Blue 1,5 11.8 Very Soft 36. Liechi Berry Red 1,3,5 4.4 Very Hard 37. Ganlon Berry Blue 2,4 1.3 Very Hard 38. Salac Berry Green 3,5 3.7 Very Hard 39. Petaya Berry Pink 1,4 9.3 Very Hard 40. Apicot Berry Blue 2,5 3.0 Hard 41. Lansat Berry Red 1,2,3,4,5 3.8 Soft 42. Starf Berry Green 1,2,3,4,5 6.0 Super Hard 43. Enigma Berry Blue 1,2,3,4,5 ??? ??? Note: Berries 30-43 can be found by telling Berry Masters wife phrases. Sorry but I do not know these so don't E-mail me asking. *********************************** 2. Normal Rank Contest Hall Results *********************************** Verdanturf Town: Here I will let you know If you use a certain berry. What berry he will use, what it's average level will be, and what pokeblock you will receive after blending with Mister. ========================================================================== Your Berry Mister's Berry Pokeblock Received Avg. Level ========================================================================== 1. Cheri Berry 5.Aspear Berry Red Pokeblock Level 12 2. Chesto Berry 1.Cheri Berry Blue Pokeblock Level 12 3. Pecha Berry 2.Chesto Berry Pink Pokeblock Level 12 4. Rawst Berry 3.Pecha Berry Green Pokeblock Level 12 5. Aspear Berry 4.Rawst Berry Yellow Pokeblock Level 12 6. Leppa Berry 1.Cheri Berry Red Pokeblock Level 23 7. Oran Berry 2.Chesto Berry Blue Pokeblock Level 12 8. Persim Berry 3.Pecha Berry Pink Pokeblock Level 12 9. Lum Berry 4.Rawst Berry Green Pokeblock Level 12 10. Sitrus Berry 5.Aspear Berry Yellow Pokeblock Level 11 11. Figy Berry 1.Cheri Berry Red Pokeblock Level 24 12. Wiki Berry 2.Chesto Berry Blue Pokeblock Level 25 13. Mago Berry 3.Pecha Berry Pink Pokeblock Level 24 14. Aguav Berry 4.Rawst Berry Green Pokeblock Level 24 15. Iapapa Berry 5.Aspear Berry Yellow Pokeblock Level 24 16. Razz Berry 1.Cheri Berry Purple Pokeblock Level 12 17. Bulk Berry 2.Chesto Berry Indigo Pokeblock Level 12 18. Nanab Berry 3.Pecha Berry Brown Pokeblock Level 12 19. Wepear Berry 4.Rawst Berry LiteBlue Pokeblock Level 12 20. Pinap Berry 5.Aspear Berry Purple Pokeblock Level 11 21. Pomeg Berry 1.Cheri Berry Purple Pokeblock Level 23 22. Kelpsy Berry 2.Chesto Berry Indigo Pokeblock Level 23 23. Qualot Berry 3.Pecha Berry Brown Pokeblock Level 23 24. Hondew Berry 4.Rawst Berry LiteBlue Pokeblock Level 23 25. Grepa Berry 5.Aspear Berry Olive Pokeblock Level 23 26. Tamato Berry 1.Cheri Berry Purple Pokeblock Level 24 27. Cornn Berry 2.Chesto Berry Indigo Pokeblock Level 24 28. Magost Berry 3.Pecha Berry Brown Pokeblock Level 24 29. Rabuta Berry 4.Rawst Berry LiteBlue Pokeblock Level 24 30. Nomel Berry 5.Aspear Berry Olive Pokeblock Level 24 31. Spelon Berry 1.Cheri Berry Purple Pokeblock Level 50 32. Pamtre Berry 2.Chesto Berry Indigo Pokeblock Level 50 33. Watmel Berry 3.Pecha Berry Brown Pokeblock Level 50 34. Durin Berry 4.Rawst Berry LiteBlue Pokeblock Level 50 35. Belue Berry 5.Aspear Berry Olive Pokeblock Level 50 36. Liechi Berry 1.Cheri Berry Gold Pokeblock Level 60 37. Ganlon Berry 2.Chesto Berry Gold Pokeblock Level 62 38. Salac Berry 3.Pecha Berry Gold Pokeblock Level 62 39. Petaya Berry 4.Rawst Berry Gold Pokeblock Level 62 40. Apicot Berry 5.Aspear Berry Gold Pokeblock Level 62 41. Lansat Berry 1.Cheri Berry Red Pokeblock Level 12 42. Starf Berry 2.Chesto Berry Blue Pokeblock Level 12 43. Enigma Berry 1.Cheri Red Pokeblock Level 12 *********************************** 3. Super Rank Contest Hall Results *********************************** Fallarbor Town: Here I will let you know If you use a certain berry. What berry he will use, what it's average level will be, and what pokeblock you will receive after blending with Mister. ========================================================================== Your Berry Mister's Berry Pokeblock Received Avg. Level ========================================================================== 1. Cheri Berry 5.Aspear Berry Red Pokeblock Level 12 2. Chesto Berry 1.Cheri Berry Blue Pokeblock Level 12 3. Pecha Berry 2.Chesto Berry Pink Pokeblock Level 12 4. Rawst Berry 3.Pecha Berry Green Pokeblock Level 12 5. Aspear Berry 4.Rawst Berry Yellow Pokeblock Level 12 6. Leppa Berry 1.Cheri Berry Red Pokeblock Level 23 7. Oran Berry 2.Chesto Berry Blue Pokeblock Level 12 8. Persim Berry 3.Pecha Berry Pink Pokeblock Level 12 9. Lum Berry 4.Rawst Berry Green Pokeblock Level 12 10. Sitrus Berry 5.Aspear Berry Yellow Pokeblock Level 11 11. Figy Berry 1.Cheri Berry Red Pokeblock Level 24 12. Wiki Berry 2.Chesto Berry Blue Pokeblock Level 25 13. Mago Berry 3.Pecha Berry Pink Pokeblock Level 24 14. Aguav Berry 4.Rawst Berry Green Pokeblock Level 24 15. Iapapa Berry 5.Aspear Berry Yellow Pokeblock Level 24 16. Razz Berry 1.Cheri Berry Purple Pokeblock Level 12 17. Bulk Berry 2.Chesto Berry Indigo Pokeblock Level 12 18. Nanab Berry 3.Pecha Berry Brown Pokeblock Level 12 19. Wepear Berry 4.Rawst Berry LiteBlue Pokeblock Level 12 20. Pinap Berry 5.Aspear Berry Purple Pokeblock Level 11 21. Pomeg Berry 1.Cheri Berry Purple Pokeblock Level 23 22. Kelpsy Berry 2.Chesto Berry Indigo Pokeblock Level 23 23. Qualot Berry 3.Pecha Berry Brown Pokeblock Level 23 24. Hondew Berry 4.Rawst Berry LiteBlue Pokeblock Level 23 25. Grepa Berry 5.Aspear Berry Olive Pokeblock Level 23 26. Tamato Berry 1.Cheri Berry Purple Pokeblock Level 24 27. Cornn Berry 2.Chesto Berry Indigo Pokeblock Level 24 28. Magost Berry 3.Pecha Berry Brown Pokeblock Level 24 29. Rabuta Berry 4.Rawst Berry LiteBlue Pokeblock Level 24 30. Nomel Berry 5.Aspear Berry Olive Pokeblock Level 24 31. Spelon Berry 1.Cheri Berry Purple Pokeblock Level 50 32. Pamtre Berry 2.Chesto Berry Indigo Pokeblock Level 50 33. Watmel Berry 3.Pecha Berry Brown Pokeblock Level 50 34. Durin Berry 4.Rawst Berry LiteBlue Pokeblock Level 50 35. Belue Berry 5.Aspear Berry Olive Pokeblock Level 50 36. Liechi Berry 1.Cheri Berry Gold Pokeblock Level 60 37. Ganlon Berry 2.Chesto Berry Gold Pokeblock Level 62 38. Salac Berry 3.Pecha Berry Gold Pokeblock Level 62 39. Petaya Berry 4.Rawst Berry Gold Pokeblock Level 62 40. Apicot Berry 5.Aspear Berry Gold Pokeblock Level 62 41. Lansat Berry 1.Cheri Berry Red Pokeblock Level 12 42. Starf Berry 2.Chesto Berry Blue Pokeblock Level 12 43. Enigma Berry 3.Cheri Berry Red Pokeblock Level 12 *********************************** 4. Hyper Rank Contest Hall Results *********************************** Slateport City: Here I will let you know If you use a certain berry. What berry they will use, what it's average level will be, and what pokeblock you will receive after blending with Mister and Laddie. ========================================================================== Your Berry Mister's Laddie's Pokeblock Received Avg. Level ========================================================================== 1. Cheri Berry Aspear Rawst Red Pokeblock Level 12 2. Chesto Berry Cheri Aspear Blue Pokeblock Level 12 3. Pecha Berry Chesto Cheri Pink Pokeblock Level 12 4. Rawst Berry Pecha Chesto Green Pokeblock Level 12 5. Aspear Berry Rawst Pecha Yellow Pokeblock Level 12 6. Leppa Berry Cheri Pecha Purple Pokeblock Level 23 7. Oran Berry Chesto Rawst Indigo Pokeblock Level 10 8. Persim Berry Pecha Aspear Brown Pokeblock Level 10 9. Lum Berry Rawst Cheri Purple Pokeblock Level 10 10. Sitrus Berry Aspear Chesto Indigo Pokeblock Level 10 11. Figy Berry Cheri Pecha Purple Pokeblock Level 23 12. Wiki Berry Chesto Rawst Indigo Pokeblock Level 23 13. Mago Berry Pecha Aspear Brown Pokeblock Level 23 14. Aguav Berry Rawst Cheri LiteBlue Pokeblock Level 23 15. Iapapa Berry Aspear Chesto Olive Pokeblock Level 23 16. Razz Berry Cheri Pecha Purple Pokeblock Level 12 17. Bulk Berry Chesto Rawst Indigo Pokeblock Level 12 18. Nanab Berry Pecha Aspear Brown Pokeblock Level 12 19. Wepear Berry Rawst Cheri Purple Pokeblock Level 12 20. Pinap Berry Aspear Chesto Indigo Pokeblock Level 11 21. Pomeg Berry Cheri Pecha Gray Pokeblock Level 23 22. Kelpsy Berry Chesto Rawst Gray Pokeblock Level 23 23. Qualot Berry Pecha Aspear Gray Pokeblock Level 24 24. Hondew Berry Rawst Cheri Gray Pokeblock Level 23 25. Grepa Berry Aspear Chesto Gray Pokeblock Level 23 26. Tamato Berry Cheri Pecha Purple Pokeblock Level 24 27. Cornn Berry Chesto Rawst Indigo Pokeblock Level 24 28. Magost Berry Pecha Aspear Brown Pokeblock Level 24 29. Rabuta Berry Rawst Cheri LiteBlue Pokeblock Level 24 30. Nomel Berry Aspear Chesto Olive Pokeblock Level 25 31. Spelon Berry Cheri Pecha Purple Pokeblock Level 50 32. Pamtre Berry Chesto Rawst Indigo Pokeblock Level 50 33. Watmel Berry Pecha Aspear Brown Pokeblock Level 50 34. Durin Berry Rawst Cheri LiteBlue Pokeblock Level 50 35. Belue Berry Aspear Chesto Olive Pokeblock Level 50 36. Liechi Berry Cheri Pecha Gold Pokeblock Level 61 37. Ganlon Berry Chesto Rawst Gold Pokeblock Level 61 38. Salac Berry Pecha Aspear Gold Pokeblock Level 61 39. Petaya Berry Rawst Cheri Gold Pokeblock Level 61 40. Apicot Berry Aspear Chesto Gold Pokeblock Level 61 41. Lansat Berry Cheri Pecha Purple Pokeblock Level 10 42. Starf Berry Chesto Rawst Indigo Pokeblock Level 10 43. Enigma Berry Cheri Pecha Purple Pokeblock Level 10 *********************************** 5. Master Rank Contest Hall Results *********************************** Lilycove City: Here I will let you know If you use a certain berry. What berry they will use, what it's average level will be, and what pokeblock you will receive after blending with Mister, Laddie, and Lassie. ============================================================================ Your Berry Mister's Laddie's Lassie's Pokeblock Received Avg. Level ============================================================================ 1.Cheri Berry Aspear Rawst Pecha Red Pokeblock Level 11 2.Chesto Berry Cheri Aspear Rawst Blue Pokeblock Level 11 3.Pecha Berry Chesto Cheri Aspear Pink Pokeblock Level 11 4.Rawst Berry Pecha Chesto Cheri Green Pokeblock Level 11 5.Aspear Berry Rawst Pecha Chesto Yellow Pokeblock Level 11 6.Leppa Berry Cheri Pecha Rawst Purple Pokeblock Level 23 7.Oran Berry Chesto Rawst Aspear Indigo Pokeblock Level 10 8.Persim Berry Pecha Aspear Cheri Purple Pokeblock Level 10 9.Lum Berry Rawst Cheri Chesto Indigo Pokeblock Level 10 10.Sitrus Berry Aspear Chesto Pecha Brown Pokeblock Level 10 11.Figy Berry Cheri Pecha Rawst Purple Pokeblock Level 23 12.Wiki Berry Chesto Rawst Aspear Indigo Pokeblock Level 23 13.Mago Berry Pecha Aspear Cheri Brown Pokeblock Level 23 14.Aguav Berry Rawst Cheri Chesto LiteBlue Pokeblock Level 23 15.Iapapa Berry Aspear Chesto Pecha Olive Pokeblock Level 23 16.Razz Berry Cheri Pecha Rawst Purple Pokeblock Level 11 17.Bulk Berry Chesto Rawst Aspear Indigo Pokeblock Level 11 18.Nanab Berry Pecha Aspear Cheri Purple Pokeblock Level 11 19.Wepear Berry Rawst Cheri Chesto Indigo Pokeblock Level 11 20.Pinap Berry Aspear Chesto Pecha Brown Pokeblock Level 11 21.Pomeg Berry Cheri Pecha Rawst Purple Pokeblock Level 23 22.Kelpsy Berry Chesto Rawst Aspear Indigo Pokeblock Level 23 23.Qualot Berry Pecha Aspear Cheri Purple Pokeblock Level 23 24.Hondew Berry Rawst Cheri Chesto Indigo Pokeblock Level 23 25.Grepa Berry Aspear Chesto Pecha Brown Pokeblock Level 23 26.Tamato Berry Cheri Pecha Rawst Purple Pokeblock Level 24 27.Cornn Berry Chesto Rawst Aspear Indigo Pokeblock Level 24 28.Magost Berry Pecha Aspear Cheri Brown Pokeblock Level 24 29.Rabuta Berry Rawst Cheri Chesto LiteBlue Pokeblock Level 24 30.Nomel Berry Aspear Chesto Pecha Olive Pokeblock Level 24 31.Spelon Berry Cheri Pecha Rawst Purple Pokeblock Level 50 32.Pamtre Berry Chesto Rawst Aspear Indigo Pokeblock Level 50 33.Watmel Berry Pecha Aspear Cheri Brown Pokeblock Level 50 34.Durin Berry Rawst Cheri Chesto LiteBlue Pokeblock Level 50 35.Belue Berry Aspear Chesto Pecha Olive Pokeblock Level 50 36.Liechi Berry Cheri Pecha Rawst Gold Pokeblock Level 61 37.Ganlon Berry Chesto Rawst Aspear Gray Pokeblock Level 61 38.Salac Berry Pecha Aspear Cheri Gray Pokeblock Level 61 39.Petaya Berry Rawst Cheri Chesto Gray Pokeblock Level 61 40.Apicot Berry Aspear Chesto Pecha Gray Pokeblock Level 61 41.Lansat Berry Cheri Pecha Rawst Purple Pokeblock Level 10 42.Starf Berry Chesto Rawst Aspear Indigo Pokeblock Level 10 43.Enigma Berry Cheri Pecha Rawst Purple Pokeblock Level 10 ****************************** 6. PokeBlock Effects ****************************** Red raises Cool. Blue raises Beauty. Pink raises Cute. Green raises Smart. Yellow raises Tough. Indigo raises Cute & Beauty. Brown raises Smart & Cute. Purple raises Cool & Smart. LiteBlue raises Tough & Smart. Olive raises Cool & Tough. Gold raises Tough & Beauty. Gray raises Cool, Tough, & Cute. Black raises Smart,Tough, & Cool. Note: The level of pokeblocks can change there Effects. ****************************** 7. Versions & Updates ****************************** Version .5 on 03-28-03 Started Guide I have all 43 Berries listed. But some Halls are missing. I will update next with the Super Hall Results. I will welcome anyone's help just e-mail me. Version .6 on 04-05-03 Updated guide with Super Hall Results and Hyper Hall Results. Added Gray Pokeblock yes I know there is a white one I haven't Encountered it yet. I Will update next with Master Hall Results. Version .7 on 04-13-03 Updated guide with Master Hall Results. Version .8 on 5-11-03 Updated the notes removed a note added one for PokeBlock Effects, and a Note to everyone: PokeBlock Case is in Slateport City go to the contest hall and talk to a girl she will give you her extra one. Please don't e- mail me asking this anymore. Version .85 on 6-3-03 Version 1 guide is complete to my knowledge and I will nolonger work on it. ****************************** 8. Legal Info. & Contact Info. ****************************** Copyright 2003 Moviebuff2287 (Joshua Hancock) Also at this Time GameFaqs.com is the only site allowed to use my Faqs. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.