=============================================================================== POKEMON RUBY / SAPPHIRE COMPETITIVE BATTLING GUIDE =============================================================================== _______________________________________________________________________________ Author / Editor: David J. Bodimer - Phoenyx Co-Author: Kanvaly Bamba - DrCrocodile Email: Phoenyx_FAQ@yahoo.com Version: .80 Date: April 28, 2003 _______________________________________________________________________________ "Ipsa scientia potestas est, Knowledge itself is power" ~Sir Francis Bacon This guide is designed to provide an overview of competitive battling for Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. I have composed this guide with the intention to provide useful information to new players and veterans alike, and have included recommended movesets for the final evolution of every pokemon, including those not currently obtainable in Ruby / Sapphire. Read on and enjoy! _______________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents: _______________________________________________________________________________ 1) Copyright Notice and Legal Information 2) Contact and Submission Information 3) General Terminology and Strategy 4) Held Item Information 5) Pokemon Moveset Recommendations 6) Team Building Strategy 7) 2 v 2 Battling Strategy 8) Credits For easy searching purposes, this guide's sections will begin with the equivalent Roman numeral contained within other symbolic markers. These symbols are displayed above, on the same line as the corresponding section number. As these character combinations will appear nowhere else in the guide, this makes finding the section you're looking for quick and painless. Simply hit Ctrl+F to bring up a within document search box, enter the symbols (e.g. to skip to section X, enter ) and then search - viola! You're at the section you desired. Note: If you're looking for movesets for a particular pokemon, use this method to skip to the Moveset Recommendations section (), then search the pokemon name from there to avoid having to scroll through any other references in this guide. _______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright Notice and Legal Information - _______________________________________________________________________________ This guide, by the nature of its publication, is a copyright (c) registered to David J. Bodimer 2003. This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use without the express written consent of the registered owner, David J. Bodimer. As of the current date listed in the version information, these sites have permission to display this guide in its entirety: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com If you wish to reproduce this guide publicly on a website or for any other reason, please email Phoenyx_FAQ@yahoo.com to obtain permission. _______________________________________________________________________________ Contact and Submission Information - _______________________________________________________________________________ Regarding contacting me, please include a subject line with your email, even something as simple as "Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire" because I am known to delete emails without subjects lines on sight. My email address is listed above. As the movesets in this guide originated from a collaboration of submissions in the gameFAQS forums, I will continue to accept submissions for individual pokemon movesets and overall team strategies. Please title all emails to this effect "Pokemon Battle Guide Submission" so that I can quickly file emails accordingly. All future submissions become the property of this guide and its registered owner, although author credit will be noted in all circumstances. Rules for submissions: When submitting a moveset for a pokemon, please render it in the following format, as this is the format that I will consistently use throughout: @ Personality: Characteristic: ~Move One ~Move Two ~Move Three ~Move Four Please also include a brief, coherent description of how the moves, personality, item, and characteristic for your pokemon work in concert. Editing pending, I will include this description if your submission is posted. When submitting team strategies, make sure to include complete pokemon descriptions in the above format for all named members of the team. It is not required for a strategy to include any named pokemon at all; the TSS (Toxic, Sandstorm, Spikes - more on this later) strategy, for example, indicates only pokemon types and consistent moves. I reserve the sole right to decide which submissions are posted. Due to the volume of submissions I have already received, I only guarantee replies to authors whose movesets or strategies will be posted. I may reply to other emails, including those concerning questions or corrections at my discretion. Please only submit information once, and please do not email me asking if I got your email, or why your submission was not posted, etc. Remember to include your name, online or otherwise, in your email if you want to be recognized for your hard work and effort! _______________________________________________________________________________ General Terminology - _______________________________________________________________________________ This section is designed as a quick reference for terminology and abbreviation explanations for the competitive pokemon battling community. The Basics - Pokemon Abilities Pokemon have a series of abilities that influence their performance in combat. These include their characteristic, personality, and their six individual number values called their statistics, or stats for short. A pokemon's six stats are as follows: Hit Points: Determines the maximum life (HP) a pokemon can have (Physical) Attack: Determines damage when using physical attacks* (Physical) Defense: Determines resistance to physical attacks Speed: Determines which pokemon will attack first in battle Special Attack: Determines damage when using special attacks* Special Defense: Determines resistance to special attacks *Attack types that are considered physical: Bug, Fighting, Flying, Ghost, Ground, Normal, Poison, Rock, Steel *Attack types that are considered special: Dark, Dragon, Electric, Fire, Grass, Ice, Psychic, Water The Actual Values for these stats (those listed in the information screen of the pokemon) will grow and change as pokemon level up, gain combat experience, and evolve. The speed with which these stats grow and their maximum potential are determined by the following factors: Pokemon Level, Base Stats, Individual Values (IV's), Effort Values (EV's), Personalities, and sometimes Characteristics. Pokemon Level - Simply, a pokemon's statistics rise as it climbs in levels. When a pokemon acquires enough experience to advance a level, the game raises its statistics by a determined increment, but its stats are also recalculated to account for any changes in Effort Values. The maximum level for a pokemon is 100. Base Stats - Base stats are values unique to each pokemon species that determine the overall potential of that pokemon. They are not random and do not vary between members of the same species. Base stats will change when a pokemon evolves to reflect the new base level for that evolution. This means that a Pikachu will have the same base stats as every other Pikachu, but a Raichu will have different (higher) base stats than a Pikachu. Effectively base stats determine the overall potential for each pokemon evolution and provide a uniform comparison between pokemon of different species and experience. Individual Values (IV's) - When pokemon are first caught (or otherwise acquired - through a hatched egg etc), each of their stats is given an individual value, a number ranging from 0 to 31. These numbers determine how much of the potential allowed by the base stats that a pokemon's actual stats can reach. The higher a pokemon's IV, the closer to the maximum value its stats will reach. IV's are also used in calculating the type and attack power for the Hidden Power move (more on this later). Effort Values (EV's) - Each of the six statistics for a pokemon has an effort value. These values reflect the amount and type of battle experience that a pokemon has acquired. When a pokemon defeats another in battle, the victor receives effort value points to certain statistics; which stats receive points is pre-determined by the defeated pokemon's species. EV's begin at 0 and are capped at 255. Overall, a pokemon can have a maximum of 510 EV points across all six statistics, and once this point is reached, the pokemon cannot gain any further EV points. For those familiar with previous pokemon games, effort values are the Ruby / Sapphire equivalent of stat experience, except that there is an overall cap on EV's, which is divided between stats instead of individual caps for each stat. Characteristics - Characteristics are like an always on ability for pokemon, and like IV's, all pokemon have then and they are determined when the pokemon comes into existence either through capture or hatching from an egg. They can have a variety of effects, such as halving the opposing pokemon's attack power or making ground type moves ineffective. Most characteristics come into play during combat, but some, however, function while walking around - the Gather Items characteristic, for example gives your pokemon a chance to find items after a battle. A pokemon can only have one characteristic, although some have the potential to have one of two different characteristics. Personalities - Pokemon can have personalities, which alter their base statistics slightly, adding to one and subtracting from another. A pokemon can have one hindering personality (one that subtracts from a stat) coupled with one augmenting personality (one that adds to a stat), or they can be entirely neutral, which is like not having any personality at all. Personality affects the base stat by 10%, with a hindering one reducing it to 90% of its original value and an augmenting one boosting it to 110%. Pokemon can have personalities that affect each combination of their stats excluding Hit Points, which are not included in personalities. Personality Table: _______________________________________________ Personality | Atk | Def | Spd | SpAtk | SpDef | _______________________________________________ Hardy | = | = | = | = | = | Lonely | + | - | = | = | = | Brave | + | = | - | = | = | Adamant | + | = | = | - | = | Naughty | + | = | = | = | - | _______________________________________________ Bold | - | + | = | = | = | Docile | = | = | = | = | = | Relaxed | = | + | - | = | = | Impish | = | + | = | - | = | Lax | = | + | = | = | - | _______________________________________________ Timid | - | = | + | = | = | Hasty | = | - | + | = | = | Serious | = | = | = | = | = | Jolly | = | = | + | - | = | Naïve | = | = | + | = | - | _______________________________________________ Modest | - | = | = | + | = | Mild | = | - | = | + | = | Quiet | = | = | - | + | = | Bashful | = | = | = | = | = | Rash | = | = | = | + | - | _______________________________________________ Calm | - | = | = | = | + | Gentle | = | - | = | = | + | Sassy | = | = | - | = | + | Cheerful | = | = | = | - | + | Quirky | = | = | = | = | = | _______________________________________________ + : The stat is augmented (x 1.1) - : The stat is hindered (x 0.9) = : The stat is unaffected* *Note: For ease in writing this guide, and in the pokemon community in general, I refer to each of the five personalities with no stat alterations as Neutral. The Basics - Combat Type Effectiveness - Type effectiveness means that certain attack types enhance or reduce their damage against certain other pokemon types. Attacks can be neutral, super-effective, not-very-effective, or ineffective. The complete list of type effectiveness is charted in the table below. Super-Effective Attacks - When an attack is super-effective, this means that the defending type was weak against the attacking type. An attack that is super-effective will do double damage to the defending pokemon. Not-Very-Effective Attacks - When an attack is not-very-effective, the defending type was resistant to the attacking type. A not-very-effective attack will deal half damage to the defending pokemon. Ineffective Attacks - Certain pokemon types are immune to certain type attacks entirely; for example, a flying pokemon being attacked with a ground attack. In this situation, an ineffective attack does not affect the defending pokemon and deals no damage at all. Dual Type Pokemon - In the case of a dual type defending pokemon, each type contributes equally to the determination of super-effectiveness or resistance. If one type is weak and the other resistant, the attack will do normal damage, if both types are resistant, the attack will be reduced to 25% (50% x 50%), and if both types are weak, then the attack will be 4 times (2 x 2) as effective. If even one type of the defending pokemon is immune to the attack type, then the attack does no damage, regardless of the other type. Type Effectiveness Table: ____________________________________________ E F L I P D E G F G N P S R C H L G G R O O Y S W D A T T F Y H R O R I C R T A B A G R I I I O A U I M S H O E T U R O I N R N S S N C A O I C E E G K N C G E G T S D E L N C K L R ____________________________________________ BUG | |+| | |-|-|-|-|+| | | |-|+| |-| | DARK | |-| | |-| | |+| | | | | |+| |-| | DRAGON | | |+| | | | | | | | | | | | |-| | ELECTRIC | | |-|-| | |+| |-| | | | | | | |+| FIGHTING |-|+| | | | |-|X| | |+|+|-|-|+|+| | FIRE |+| |-| | |-| | |+| |+| | | |-|+|-| FLYING |+| | |-|+| | | |+| | | | | |-|-| | GHOST | |-| | | | | |+| | | |X| |+| |-| | GRASS |-| |-| | |-|-| |-|+| | |-| |+|-|+| GROUND |-| | |+| |+|X| |-| | | |+| |+|+| | ICE | | |+| | |-|+| |+|+|-| | | | |-|-| NORMAL | | | | | | | |X| | | | | | |-|-| | POISON | | | | | | | | |+|-| | |-| | |X| | PSYCHIC | |X| | |+| | | | | | | |+|-| |-| | ROCK |+| | | |-|+|+| | |-|+| | | | |-| | STEEL | | | |-| |-| | | | |+| | | |+|-|-| WATER | | |-| | |+| | |-|+| | | | |+| |-| ____________________________________________ + : The attack is super-effective. - : The attack is not-very-effective. X : The attack is ineffective. The most efficient ways to read this chart are to scan the columns vertically for the types that a pokemon type resists (or is weak against), and to scan horizontally for the types attacks that are super effective against other pokemon. _______________________________________________________________________________ Held Item Information - _______________________________________________________________________________ This section provides a quick reference for the various held items that a pokemon can use in battle. Berries are called "consumable" items, because they are gone after one use, while other items are "persistent," because their effects continue as long as the pokemon holds the item. Berry Guide (Only berries used in battle are included) Berry Name Effect Location Flavor _______________________________________________________________________________ Oran Restores 10 HP Routes 102, 111 / BG6 All Sitrus Restores 30 HP Routes 118, 119 / BG6 All Leppa Restores 10 PP Routes 103, 119 / BG6 All Lum Cures All Status Routes 103, 119 / BG6 All Cheri Cures Paralysis Routes 103/ BG6 Spicy Chesto Cures Sleep Routes 116, 121 / BG6 Dry Pecha Cures Poison Routes 102, 112, 120 / BG6 Sweet Persim Cures Confusion Routes 114, 121 / BG6 All Rawst Cures Burn Routes 112, 121 / BG6 Bitter Aspear Cures Freeze Routes 121/ BG6 Sour _______________________________________________________________________________ Note: Locations that read "BG#" reference the various "Berry Givers" in the game who will give you one or two berries a day, every day. It is random which berry is given to you so just keep trying until you get the one you want. The locations of each Berry Giver are listed below: BG1: Route 111, near Route 113 BG2: Route 120, near Route 121 BG3: Route 123, house next to large garden BG4: Lilycove City, standing on top of a ridge BG5: Sootopolis City, western side of the city BG6: Route 104, little girl in flower shop BG7: Route 114, guy just south of Lanette's House Persistent Held Items Guide (Only Held items used in battle are included) Item Name Effect Location _______________________________________________________________________________ Black belt Increases Fighting attacks Defeat Blackbelt Nob (Route 115) 5 times, use Thief on Machamp Black Glasses Increases Dark attacks Route 116, hidden near the man looking for his glasses Charcoal Increases Fire attacks Lavaridge Town Dragon Fang Increases Dragon attacks Defeat Dragon Tamer Nicolas (Metoer Falls) 5 times, use Thief on Altaria Hard Stone Increases Rock attacks Trick House Prize, Wild Aron/Lairon Magnet Increases Electric attacks Trick House Prize Metal Coat Increases Steel attacks Wild Steel pokemon Miracle Seed Increases Grass attacks Petalburg Woods Mystic Water Increases Water attacks Weather Institure (on Castform) Nevermelt Ice Increases Ice attacks Shoal Cave (low tide) Poison Barb Increases Poison attacks Wild Roselia/Cacnea Sharp Beak Increases Flying attacks Wild Doduo (Safari Zone) Silk Scarf Increases Normal attacks Dewford Town Silver Powder Increases Bug attacks Defeat Bug Maniac Brandon (Route 120) 5 times, use Thief on Masquerain Soft Sand Increases Ground attacks Route 109 - beach south of Slateport, Wild Ground pokemon Spell Tag Increases Ghost attacks Wild Ghost pokemon Twisted Spoon Increases Psychic attacks Wild Abra _______________________________________________________________________________ Bright Powder Lower's opposing pokemon's Battle Tower Prize Accuracy Choice Band Increase power of one attack Battle Tower Prize by 1.5, but pokemon cannot use other attacks Deep Sea Doubles Clamperl's SpDef, Slateport City, give the scanner Scale evolves it into a Gorebyss to Captain Stern when traded Deep Sea Doubles Clamperl's SpAtk, Slateport City, give the scanner Tooth evolves it into a Huntail to Captain Stern when traded Focus Band 10% chance to prevent a Shoal Cave (low tide) Pokemon from fainting King's Rock 10% chance to cause a flinch Mossdeep City, Wild Hariyama on an attack Lax Incense Same as Bright Powder, Mount Pyre, Wild Hariyama encourages Wobbuffet to breed Leftovers Restores 1/16 HP every turn Battle Tower Prize, SS Tidal Light Ball Doubles Pikachu's SpAtk. Wild Pikachu Mental Herb Prevents Attract condition Fortree City Quick Claw 30% chance to attack first Rustboro City trainer hall, regardless of speed Wild Sandshrew Scope Lens Increases Critical Hit rate Battle Tower Prize Sea Incense Increases Water attacks, Encourages Marill to breed Mount Pyre Shell Bell Restores 1/8 of damage dealt Shoal Cave mini-quest to opposing an pokemon White Herb Cures any negative status Route 104 after you have 3 badges (one time use) _______________________________________________________________________________ *Note: The first half of this chart consists of items which boost certain type attack powers. These items all increase damage by 10% of its final value. As a personal preference, I generally do not affix type-damage boosting items to pokemon who will battle competitively. The increased damage is marginal, and usually outweighed by something like Leftovers. The only exception that I make is when the pokemon I'm using has an obscenely damaging attack, such as a Sunny Day Fire Blast, because the 10% boost makes a large enough difference with such a high base damage. _______________________________________________________________________________ Pokemon Moveset Recommendations - _______________________________________________________________________________ This section originally started as the famous Strategy Central post in the gameFAQs forums, and many of the movesets were first introduced on those boards. Here I will provide a complete moveset for the final evolution forms of all pokemon in Ruby / Sapphire, including those not currently obtainable in the game. Since all pokemon are contained within the game code, it's a reasonable inference that Nintendo will allow access to them in the future, so this guide provides movesets for currently unobtainable pokemon as well. 003) Sceptile@Lum Berry (1) Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Overgrow ~ Leaf Blade ~ HP Ground / Rock ~ Double Team ~ Endeavor Sceptile@Leftovers (2) Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Overgrow ~ Leaf Blade ~ Screech ~ Earthquake ~ Crunch / Dragonbreath / Crush Claw / Safeguard Sceptile@Leftovers (3) Personality: Modest or Calm or Bold Characteristic: Overgrow ~ Giga Drain ~ Leech Seed ~ Safeguard ~ Dragon Claw 006) Blaziken@Leftovers / Scope Lens Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Blaze ~ Brick Break ~ Earthquake / Rock Slide ~ Flamethrower / Blaze Kick ~ Bulk Up / Focus Energy Blaziken@Salac Berry Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Blaze ~ Endure ~ Reversal ~ Flamethrower ~ Sunny Day 009) Swampert@Leftovers / Mint Berry Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Torrent ~ Surf ~ Earthquake ~ Ice Beam ~ Rest / Roar 011) Mightyena@Leftovers Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Intimidate ~ Shadow Ball ~ Yawn ~ Taunt ~ Roar / Return / Dig 013) Linoone@Leftovers Personality: Jolly or Impish or Careful Characteristic: Pickup ~ Belly Drum ~ Return ~ Rest ~ Shadow Ball / Substitute 016) Beautifly@Leftovers Personality: Relaxed or Sassy Characteristic: Swarm ~ Stun Spore ~ Silver Wind ~ Attract / Mourning Sun ~ Giga Drain / Mourning Sun 018) Dustox@Leftovers Personality: Bold or Impish Characteristic: Shield Dust ~ Moonlight ~ Light Screen ~ Toxic ~ Silver Wind / Sludge Bomb 021) Ludicolo@Leftovers Personality: Modest or Timid or Bold Characteristic: Rain Dish ~ Rain Dance ~ Leech Seed ~ Surf / Dive ~ Double Team / Giga Drain / Toxic / Ice Beam 024) Shiftry@Leftovers Personality: Modest Characteristic: Chlorophyll ~ Sunny Day ~ Solar Beam ~ Taunt / Swagger ~ Supernatural Power 026) Swellow@Lum Berry or Scope Lens Personality: Adamant or Impish or Careful Characteristic: Guts ~ Aerial Ace ~ Façade / Refresh / Double Team ~ Endeavor ~ Ground or Rock HP / Return 028) Pelliper@Leftovers Personality: Modest Characteristic: Keen Eye ~ Arial Ace ~ Water Pulse ~ Attract ~ Rest 031) Gardevoir@Leftovers or Shell Bell (1) Personality: Modest or Bold or Calm or Timid Characteristic: Trace or Synchronize ~ Psychic ~ Thunderbolt ~ Calm Mind ~ Reflect / Will-o-Wisp / Safeguard Gardevoir@Leftovers (2) Personality: Modest or Bold or Calm or Timid Characteristic: Trace or Synchronize ~ Dream Eater ~ Thunderbolt ~ Hypnosis ~ Mean Look Gardevoir@Leftovers (3) Personality: Modest or Bold or Calm or Timid Characteristic: Trace or Synchronize ~ Psychic ~ Thunderbolt / Calm Mind ~ Imprison ~ Rest Gardevoir@Salac Berry (4) Personality: Modest or Bold or Calm or Timid Characteristic: Trace or Synchronize ~ Psychic / Thunderbolt ~ Taunt ~ Mean Look ~ Destiny Bond 033) Masquerain@Leftovers Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Intimidate ~ Water Pulse / Silver Wind / Aerial Ace ~ Ice Beam ~ Stun Spore ~ Whirlwind / Haze 035) Breloom@Shell Bell (1) Personality: Adamant or Impish or Careful or Jolly or Neutral Characteristic: Effect Spore ~ Hyper Punch / Brick Break ~ Spore / Stun Spore ~ Leech Seed / Fake Tears ~ Bulk Up / Giga Drain Breloom@Leftovers or King's Rock (2) Personality: Adamant or Impish or Careful or Jolly or Neutral Characteristic: Effect Spore ~ Headbutt / Brick Break ~ Stun Spore ~ Swagger ~ Attract 037) Vigoroth@Salac Berry (1) Personality: -SpAtk, +Atk Characteristic: Vital Spirit ~ Bulk Up ~ Endure ~ Reversal ~ Shadow Ball Vigoroth@Leftovers or Shell Bell (2) Personality: Adamant or Impish or Jolly or Cheerful or Neutral Characteristic: Vital Spirit ~Slack Off ~Counter ~Shadow Ball ~Encore / Amnesia / Facade 041) Alakazam@Leftovers (1) Personality: Modest or Calm or Bold or Timid Characteristic: Synchronize ~ Psychic ~ Recover ~ Encore ~ Torment Alakazam@Leftovers (2) Personality: Modest or Calm or Bold or Timid Characteristic: Synchronize ~ Psychic ~ Recover ~ Calm Mind / Roleplay ~ Fire Punch / Ice Punch / Thunder Punch 043) Ninjask@Leftovers or Lum Berry Personality: Adamant or Impish or Careful Characteristic: ~ Swords Dance / Double Team ~ Silver Wind / Aerial Ace ~ Baton Pass ~ Dig / Protect 044) Shedinja@Focus Band/Miracle Berry Personality: Adamant or Jolly Characteristic: Wonder Guard ~ Toxic ~ Confuse Ray ~ Shadow Ball ~ Grudge 047) Exploud@Leftovers Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Soundproof ~ Hyper Voice ~ Shadow Ball ~ Extrasensory / Flamethrower ~ Screech / Sunny Day / Roar 049) Hariteyama@Leftovers Personality: Adamant or Careful Characteristic: Guts ~ Bulk Up ~ Cross Chop / Brick Break ~ Earthquake ~ Rock Tomb / Rest 051) Seaking@+Speed or Attack berry Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Swift Swim ~ Rain Dance ~ Water Pulse / Surf ~ Attract / Mud Play ~ Flail 053) Gyarados@Leftovers Personality: Adamant or Impish or Careful or Jolly Characteristic: Intimidate ~ Dragon Dance ~ Earthquake ~ Flying HP / Fire Blast ~ Rest 056) Azumarill@Leftovers (1) Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Huge Power ~ Dive ~ Substitute ~ Double Team / Ice Beam ~ Dig / Brick Break / Rest Azumarill@Chesto Berry (2) Personality: Neutral or Jolly Characteristic: Huge Power ~ Light Screen / Amnesia / Substitute ~ Substitute ~ Rest ~ Dig / Rollout / Return / Iron Tail 059) Golem@Leftovers or Quick Claw Personality: Adamant Characteristic: Solid ~ Block ~ Defense Curl ~ Rollout ~ Earthquake / Explosion 060) Nosepass@Chesto Berry Personality: Adamant, Impish, Careful or Jolly Characteristic: Sturdy ~ Rock Slide ~ Thunder Wave ~ Sandstorm ~ Rest 062) Delcatty@Salac Berry or Leftovers (1)* Personality: Adamant, Impish, Careful or Jolly Characteristic: Cute Charm ~ Heal Bell ~ Sing / Attract ~ Return ~ Safeguard Delcatty@Salac Berry or Leftovers (2) Personality: Adamant, Impish, Careful or Jolly Characteristic: Cute Charm ~ Heal Bell ~ Baton Pass ~ Return ~ Substitute 065) Crobat@Leftovers Personality: Adamant Characteristic: Inner Focus ~ Mean Look ~ Toxic ~ Confuse Ray ~ Fly 067) Tentacruel@Leftovers (1) Personality: Characteristic: Clear Body ~ Wrap ~ Toxic ~ Confuse Ray ~ Diving Tentacruel@Leftovers (2) Personality: Adamant or Modest Characteristic: ~ Surf / Sludge Bomb ~ Mirror Coat ~ Barrier / Ice Beam ~ Rest 068) Sableye@Leftovers (1) Personality: Bold or Relaxed Characteristic: Keen Eye ~ Calm Mind ~ Psychic ~ Recover ~ Shadow Ball / Confuse Ray / Double Team Sableye@Leftovers (2) Personality: Bold or Relaxed Characteristic: Keen Eye ~Mean Look ~Recover ~Toxic ~Confuse Ray Sableye@Leftovers (3) Personality: Adamant Characteristic: Keen Eye ~ Shadow Ball ~ Combo / Double Team ~ Recover ~ Confuse Ray 069) Mawile@Leftovers Personality: Adamant Characteristic: Intimidate ~ Brick Break ~ Return ~ Taunt ~ Rest 072) Aggron@Leftovers or +Speed Berry Personality: Adamant or Careful Characteristic: Solid ~ Rock Tomb ~ Headbutt ~ Earthquake / Body Slam ~ Endeavor 075) Machamp@Leftovers / Mint Berry Personality: Adamant Characteristic: Guts ~ Cross Chop ~ Earthquake ~ Rock Slide ~ Rest 077) Medicham@Leftovers Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Pure Power ~ High Jump Kick / Brick Break / Psychic ~ Recover ~ Bulk Up / Calm Mind ~ Baton Pass 079) Manectric@Leftovers Personality: Modest, Bold, Calm or Timid Characteristic: Static ~ Crunch / Bite ~ Thunderbolt ~ Thunder Wave ~ Roar / Attract 080 - 81 Plusle and Minun@Leftovers or Bright Powder Personality: Modest or Timid Characteristic: Plus - Minus ~ Thunderbolt ~ Thunder Wave ~ Wish ~ Double Team 083) Magneton@Shell Bell or Leftovers (1) Personality: Modest or Bold or Calm or Timid Characteristic: Magnet Pull ~ Rain Dance ~ Water HP ~ Thunder ~ Reflect / Metal Sound Magneton@Shell Bell or Leftovers (2) Personality: Modest or Bold or Calm or Timid Characteristic: Magnet Pull ~ Metal Sound ~ Thunderbolt ~ Thunder Wave ~ Reflect 085) Electrode@Leftovers or Nothing Personality: Modest Characteristic: Soundproof ~ Taunt ~ Thief / Explosion ~ Thunderbolt ~ Mirror Coat / Light Screen 086) Volbeat@Leftovers Personality: Adamant Characteristic: Swarm ~ Silver Wing ~ Moonlight ~ Confuse Ray ~ Arial Ace / Light Screen 087) Illumise@Leftovers Personality: Characteristic: Oblivious ~ Silver Wind / Thunderbolt ~ Flatter ~ Light Screen ~ Wish 90) Vileplume@Leftovers (1) Personality: Calm or Careful or Bold or Impish Characteristic: Chlorophyll ~Aroma Therapy ~Moonlight ~Razor Leaf / Sludge Bomb ~Stun Spore / Toxic Vileplume@Leftovers (2) Personality: Calm or Careful or Bold or Impish Characteristic: Chlorophyll ~Sludge Bomb ~Sword Dance ~Moonlight / Ingrain ~Razor Leaf / Ingrain 091) Bellossom@Leftovers Personality: Modest Characteristic: Chlorophyll ~ Sunny Day ~ Stun Spore ~ Solar Beam ~ Synthesis 093) Dodrio@Leftovers Personality: Adamant or Impish or Careful or Jolly Characteristic: Early Bird ~ Drill Peck ~ Haze ~ Rest ~ Torment 094) Roselia@Bright Powder Personality: Impish, Careful, Bold or Calm Characteristic: Natural Cure ~ Aroma Therapy ~ Spikes ~ Rest ~ Magical Leaf / Sludge Bomb 096) Swalot@Leftovers Personality: Characteristic: Sticky Hold ~ Sludge Bomb ~ Body Slam ~ Shadow Ball ~ Rest 098) Sharpedo@Leftovers Personality: Modest Characteristic: Rough Skin ~ Crunch ~ Surf ~ Agility ~ Swagger 100) Wailord@Leftovers Personality: Adamant Characteristic: Water Veil ~ Earthquake ~ Double Edge ~ Rest ~ Sleep Talk 102) Camerupt@Shell bell / Leftovers Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Magma Armor ~ Scary Face / Body Slam ~ Rock Slide / Amnesia ~ Flamethrower / Eruption ~ Earthquake 104) Magcargo@Leftovers Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Flame Body ~ Yawn ~ Flamethrower ~ Rock Slide ~ Rest 105) Torkoal@Leftovers (1) Personality: Brave or Quiet Characteristic: White Smoke ~ Body Slam ~ Curse ~ Amnesia / Flamethrower ~ Rest 107) Muk@Leftovers Personality: Adamant Characteristic: Sticky Hold ~ Shadow Punch ~ Curse ~ Torment / Rest ~ Brick Break / Sludge Bomb 109) Weezing@+Speed Berry Personality: Adamant or Jolly Characteristic: Levitate ~Sludge Bomb/Shadow Ball ~Fire Blast / Shadow Ball / Jack-o-Lantern ~Haze/Filler ~Destiny Bond/Explosion 111) Grumpig@Leftovers Personality: Neutral, Bold or Timid Characteristic: Own Tempo or Thick Fat ~Substitute ~Extrasensory ~Confuse Ray ~Bounce 113) Sandslash@Leftovers Personality: Adamant or Careful Characteristic: Sand Veil ~ Toxic ~ Sandstorm ~ Double Team / Crush Claw / Rock Slide ~ Earthquake 114) Spinda@Leftovers Personality: Adamant Characteristic: Own Tempo ~ Teeter Dance ~ Return ~ Attract / Shadow Ball ~ Wish / Shadow Ball 115) Skarmory@Leftovers Personality: Adamant or Impish or Careful or Jolly Characteristic: Sturdy or Keen Eye ~ Spikes ~ Aerial Ace / Air Cutter ~ Roar / Sandstorm ~ Steel Wing / Ground HP 118) Flygone@Leftovers (1) Personality: Adamant or Impish of Careful or Jolly or Neutral Characteristic: Levitate ~ Sand Tomb ~ Toxic / Dragonbreath ~ Dig ~ Sandstorm 118) Flygone@Leftovers or Scope Lens(2) Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Levitate ~ Focus Energy ~ Earthquake ~ Crunch / Flamethrower ~ Sandstorm 120) Cacturne@Leftovers Personality: Bold or Modest or Calm Characteristic: Sand Veil ~ Spikes ~ Sandstorm ~ Leech Seed / Toxic ~ Faint Attack / Needle Arm 122) Altaria@Leftovers or Bright Powder (1) Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Natural Cure ~ Aerial Ace ~ Flamethrower / Dragon Breath ~ Haze ~ Rest 122) Altaria@Leftovers or Bright Powder (2) Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Natural Cure ~ Aerial Ace ~ Earthquake ~ Dragon Dance ~ Rest 123) Zangoose@Silk Scarf or Salac Berry or +Atk Berry Personality: Admamant or Impish or Careful or Jolly Characteristic:Immunity ~ Swords Dance ~ Aerial Ace / Crush Claw ~ Brick Break / Shadow Ball ~ Flail 124) Seviper@Leftovers (1) Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Shed Skin ~ Bite ~ Glare / Body Slam ~ Swagger ~ Screech / Sludge Bomb / Earthquake Seviper@Leftovers (2) Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Shed Skin ~ Crunch ~ Glare / Body Slam ~ Haze ~ Sludge Bomb / Earthquake / Flamethrower 125) Lunatone@Leftovers Personality: Characteristic: Levitate ~ Calm Mind ~ Ice Beam ~ Psychic ~ Rest 126) Solrock@Salac Berry (1) Personality: Adamant Characteristic: Levitate ~ Rock Slide ~ Explosion ~ Cosmic Power ~ Double Team Solrock@Leftovers (2) Personality: Modest Characteristic: Levitate ~ Sunny Day ~ Flamethrower ~ Calm Mind ~ Solar Beam 128) Whiscash@Leftovers Personality: Neutral or Brave or Relaxed or Quiet or Sassy Characteristic: Oblivious ~ Ice Beam ~ Earthquake ~ Amnesia ~ Rest 130) Crawdaunt@Shell Bell Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Shell Armor or Hyper Cutter ~ Swords Dance ~ Aerial Ace ~ Crabhammer ~ Endeavor / Brick Break / Body Slam / Ice Beam / Ancient Power 132) Claydol@Leftovers Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Levitate ~ Psychic ~ Earthquake ~ Cosmic Power ~ Rest 134) Cradily@Leftovers (1) Personality: Adamant Characteristic: Suction Cups ~ Ancient Power ~ Earthquake ~ Recover ~ Double Team Cradily@Leftovers (2) Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Suction Cups ~ Sunny Day ~ Solar Beam ~ Recover ~ Ancient Power / Earthquake 136) Armaldo@Leftovers Personality: Adamant or Sassy Characteristic: Battle Armor ~ Brick Break ~ Rock Tomb / Rock Slide ~ Rock Slide / Arial Ace ~ Rest / Earthquake 139) Wigglytuff@Leftovers (1) Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Cute Charm ~ Body Slam ~ Sweet Kiss ~ Fake Tears ~ Flamethrower / Thunderbolt / Ice Beam Wigglytuff@Leftovers (2) Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Cute Charm ~ Body Slam ~ Sweet Kiss ~ Wish ~ Mimic / Shadow Ball /Brick Break / Reflect 141) Miltotic@Leftovers (1) Personality: Modest or Mild or Quiet Characteristic: ~ Surf ~ Ice Beam ~ Mirror Coat / Confuse Ray / Light Screen ~ Recover Miltotic@Leftovers (2) Personality: Modest or Mild or Quiet Characteristic: ~ Dive ~ Toxic ~ Wrap ~ Recover 142) Castform@Leftovers (1) Personality: Modest or Bold or Calm or Timid Characteristic: Forecast ~ Sunny Day ~ Weather Ball ~ Solar Beam ~ Rest Castform@Leftovers (2) Personality: Modest or Bold or Calm or Timid Characteristic: Forecast ~ Rain Dance ~ Weather Ball ~ Thunder ~ Rest Castform@Leftovers (3) Personality: Modest or Bold or Calm or Timid Characteristic: Forecast ~ Hail ~ Weather Ball ~ Water Pulse ~ Rest 144) Starmie@Leftovers Personality: Modest or Bold or Calm or Timid Characteristic: Natural Cure ~ Surf / Psychic ~ Cosmic Power ~ Recover ~ Thunderbolt / Ice Beam 145) Kecleon@Leftovers Personality: Adamant or Impish or Careful Characteristic: Color Change ~ Substitute ~ Shadow Ball ~ Focus Punch ~ Skill Swap 147) Banette@Leftovers (1) Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Insomnia ~ Shadow Ball ~ Calm Mind ~ Thunderbolt ~ Will-o-Wisp 147) Banette@Salac Berry (2) Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Insomnia ~ Shadow Ball ~ Spite ~ Taunt ~ Destiny Bond 149) Dusclops@Leftovers (1) Personality: Adamant Characteristic: Pressure ~ Shadow Ball ~ Confuse Ray ~ Will-O-Wisp ~ Rest / Attract / Ice Beam / Earthquake Dusclops@Leftovers (2) Personality: Adamant Characteristic: Pressure ~ Shadow Ball / Toxic ~ Imprison ~ Earthquake / Toxic ~ Mean Look 150) Torpius@Leftovers or King's Rock Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Chlorophyll ~ Sunny Day ~ Solar Beam ~ Headbutt ~ Synthesis 151) Chimecho@Leftovers Personality: Characteristic: Levitate ~ Yawn ~ Heal Bell ~ Safeguard / Light Screen ~ Psychic 152) Absol@Leftovers or Shell Bell Personality: Characteristic: Pressure ~ Slash / Shadow Ball ~ Taunt / Baton Pass ~ Double Team ~ Substitute 154) Ninetails@Leftovers or Salac Berry (1) Personality: Modest or Bold or Calm or Timid Characteristic: Flash Fire ~ Grudge ~ Flamethrower / Overheat ~ Safeguard ~ Sunny Day / Faint Attack Ninetails@Leftovers (2) Personality: Modest or Bold or Calm or Timid Characteristic: Flash Fire ~ Sunny Day / Safeguard ~ Flamethrower ~ Roar ~ Will-o-Wisp Ninetails@Leftovers or Salac Berry (3)* Personality: Modest or Bold or Calm or Timid Characteristic: Flash Fire ~ Spite ~ Flamethrower ~ Confuse Ray ~ Sunny Day / Safeguard 157) Raichu@ Leftovers (1) Personality: Neutral Characteristic: ~ Thunderbolt ~ Thunder wave ~ Sweet Kiss ~ Combo / Wish Raichu@ Leftovers (2) Personality: Neutral Characteristic: ~ Rain Dance ~ Thunder ~ Sweet Kiss ~ Combo / Wish / Attract 159) Golduck@Leftovers Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Cloud Nine ~ Combo ~ Surf / Ice Beam ~ Calm Mind ~ Light Screen 161) Wobbuffet@Leftovers Personality: Characteristic: Bold or Impish or Relaxed or Calm or Careful or Sassy ~ Encore ~ Mirror Coat ~ Counter ~ Safeguard / Destiny Bond 163) Xatu@Leftovers Personality: Modest or Neutral Characteristic: Early Bird ~ Confuse Ray ~ Psychic ~ Calm Mind / Drill Peck ~ Rest 164) Girafarig@Leftovers Personality: Modest or Timid Characteristic: Early Bird ~Psychic/Crunch/Thunderbolt ~Baton Pass ~Calm Mind ~Prayer/Rest 166) Donphan@Leftovers Personality: Adamant Characteristic: Sturdy ~ Earthquake ~ Ancient Power ~ Body Slam / Counter ~ Rest / Attract 167) Pinsir@Leftovers or +Speed berry Personality: Characteristic: ~ Bulk Up ~ Brick Break ~ Earthquake ~ Flail / Rest 168) Heracross@Leftovers (1) Personality: Adamant or Impish or Careful or Jolly Characteristic: Swarm or Guts ~Megahorn ~Earthquake / Brick Break ~Counter ~Bulk Up Heracross@Salac Berry (2) Personality: Adamant or Impish or Careful or Jolly Characteristic: Swarm or Guts ~Megahorn ~Earthquake / Bulk Up ~Endure ~Reversal 170) Rhydon@Leftovers Personality: Adamant or Jolly Characteristic: Lightning Rod ~ Sword Dance ~ Mega Horn ~ Rock Slide ~ Earthquake 172) Glalie@Leftovers Personality: Neutral or Modest or Bold or Calm Characteristic: Inner Focus ~ Spikes / Block ~ Ice Beam / Icy Wind ~ Crunch / Bite ~ Light Screen / Safeguard /Headbutt 175) Walrein@Leftovers Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Think Fat ~ Surf ~ Ice Beam ~ Yawn / Encore / Roar ~ Body Slam / Earthquake 177) Huntail@Leftovers Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Swift Swim ~ Rain Dance ~ Surf ~ Body Slam ~ Confuse Ray / Attract/ Crunch / Ice Beam 178) Gorebyss@Leftovers Personality: Characteristic: Swift Swim ~ Surf ~ Amnesia ~ Baton Pass ~ Iron Defense 179) Relicanth@Leftovers (1) Personality: Adamant or Careful Characteristic: Rock Head ~ Earthquake ~ Double Edge ~ Sleep Talk ~ Rest Relicanth@Leftovers (2) Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Swift Swim ~ Earthquake / Rock Slide ~ Rain Dance ~ Calm Mind / Amnesia ~ Surf / Rock Slide 180) Corsola@Leftovers Personality: Adamant Characteristic: ~ Ancient Power ~ Earthquake / Confuse Ray ~ Recover ~ Mirror Coat 182) Lanturn@Leftovers Personality: Bold or Modest or Calm Characteristic: Volt Absorb ~ Surf ~ Thunder Wave / Rain Dance ~ Thunderbolt / Thunder ~ Confuse Ray 183) Luvdisc@Leftovers or King's Rock Personality: Modest or Clam or Timid or Bold Characteristic: Swift Swim ~ Attract ~ Sweet Kiss ~ Safeguard / Rain Dance ~ Surf 186) Kingdra@Leftovers Personality: Modest Characteristic: Swift Swim ~ Octazooka ~ Ice Beam ~ Dragon Breath ~ Rain Dance / Attract 189) Salamence@Leftovers or Shell Bell Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Intimidate ~ Dragon Dance ~ Aerial Ace ~ Earthquake ~ Flamethrower / Dragon Claw / Rest 192) Metagross@Leftovers Personality: Neutral or Adamant Characteristic: Clear Body ~ Metal Mash ~ Earthquake ~ Psychic / Iron Defense ~ Agility / Light Screen / Reflect 193) Regirock@Leftovers Personality: Lonely or Quiet Characteristic: Clear Body ~ Ancient Power ~ Earthquake ~ Thunderbolt ~ Curse / Rest 194) Regice@Leftovers Personality: Lonely or Quiet Characteristic: Clear Body ~ Ice Beam ~ Thunderbolt ~ Earthquake ~ Rest 195) Registeel@Leftovers Personality: Brave Characteristic: Clear Body ~ Metal Claw ~ Curse ~ Amnesia ~ Rest 196) Latias@Leftovers Personality: Modest Characteristic: Levitate ~ Psychic ~ Dragon Breath ~ Recover / Wish ~ Calm Mind 197) Latios@Leftovers Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Levitate ~ Luster Purge ~ Earthquake ~ Dragon Dance ~ Recover 198) Kyogre@Chesto Berry Personality: Neutral or Modest or Calm or Timid Characteristic: Drizzle ~ Surf / Water Spout ~ Ice Beam / Thunder / Ancient Power ~ Calm Mind ~ Rest 199) Groundon@Leftovers Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Drought ~ Earthquake ~ Bulk Up ~ Fire Blast ~ Solar Beam 200) Rayquaza@Leftovers Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Air Lock ~ Earthquake ~ Arial Ace ~ Dragon Dance ~ Ice Beam / Thunderbolt / Fire Blast 201) Jirachi@Leftovers Personality: Modest Characteristic: Serene Grace ~ Wish ~ Calm mind ~ Thunderbolt ~ Water Pulse 202) Deoxys@Leftovers Personality: Neutral Characteristic: Pressure ~ Psychic ~ Cosmic Power ~ Recover ~ Arial Ace / Brick Break / Thunderbolt / Ice Beam _______________________________________________________________________________ Credits - _______________________________________________________________________________ First off, thanks to Nintendo and Game Freak for making and producing this game, which can capture the minds of all ages. Additionally thanks to Meowth for running one of the best Pokemon sits on the net. Contributors: Thanks to these people for submitting and refining most of the movesets posted here. This guide would not exist without your hard work: V Faction, Astral Fire, Mousse, Dudamon, Farfetched, LinkSlayer831, Eclipse, Meophist, Team Rocket Elite, Furoshuz, Vega, Stickachu, Don't Run with Scizors, Crufidal, Chocolate Teapot and many more. Finally, a big thank you to DrCrocodile who has and continues to help greatly with the production of this guide. This guide is Copyright (c) David J. Bodimer, 2003.