Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire Comprehensive Feebas/Milotic Guide Version 1.2 01/26/04 . +HH $-%. $H+ .+X% . %,$. . %XH. . X+ . .%,=%.. ,+/ . XH. .$,-@. . X $@% .$=-X- . X . @H., .%--=;+. . $ .@@.. $-==:$.. X .@@,. M-:==H. . .+/ ,%$.. H-:=:=@., . H. .H, . H==:==#.. . $+ $% . .%---=:@/#,. H+ @ ..$+-,=:=%%+$. X$ . +%..X+/-==-%++%$.. ,+X$ . 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H:=:;=;;:=;;:;;@;;M+/M:=;::=:## . .H#:::;=;;;:;:=;==;@%@;:=:### . ..X###;=::=:=:==/::@H#### .. . .,X##############. +++++++++++++***********--------------------***********++++++++++++++ Table of Contents +++++++++++++***********--------------------***********++++++++++++++ 0) Version History 1) Getting Started -Where are the Rods? 2) Finding Feebas 3) Evolving your new Feebas 4) Pokéblocks -Getting the Berries 5) Breeding Options 6) Move List -TM and HM list -Egg Moves 7) Credits (NOTE: To jump to a specific part, press Control+F and copy and paste the heading of what you want to jump straight to it.) +++++***********----------0) Version History----------***********+++++ 01/26/04 version 1.2 Updated some things, fixed a typo, not too much done, however it's now a final version as far as I can tell. 04/27/03 version 1.1 I updated the list of credits, did a little editing for continuity and clarification. Added berry phrase for Pamtre berries, corrected the erroneous egg move statement. 04/03/03 version 1.0 This is my first FAQ, I've written mini-faq's for friends but never something to submit. I figured I would put in everything I know about this specific topic and then take out the useless stuff. Well here's what's left! I hope you find it useful. Enjoy version 1.0! +++++***********----------1) Getting Started----------***********+++++ Well, first off you need a fishing rod. Any of the three will work fine, old rod, good rod, or super rod will work for you. The old rod is what I suggest because then you won’t have to waste as much time on the many other Pokémon you find by fishing. You will also need a Pokémon with Surf, if you for some reason got rid of your old HM slave with Surf on it, or for some reason don’t have a Pokémon with Surf, you have to teach it to one, no way around it. Just get any water type and teach it surf. ????? Where are the rods ?????? The old rod is found in Dewford town near the dock where you first enter the city. The good rod is found when you go on the west side of the lake on route 118. You can either a.) go to Mauville city and use surf to get across the river, or alternately you can go around Mt. Pyre and past the berry master from Lilycove city. However the second route will make you wait much longer and the first is recommended greatly. You have to walk that way while furthering the story anyway. The Super rod, which is overlooked by many, is actually right on Mossdeep Island. If you go all the way to the right and go up the stairs you will see a white rock in front of you. From there follow the path up and you will see a house. Go in the house and talk to the guy, he will give you the super rod. +++++***********---------- 2) Finding Feebas----------***********+++++ This is the hardest part. To find Feebas you have to go to Route 119, the route directly west of Fortree city. Now here’s the kicker, you need to fish for Feebas, however he only appears in 6 out of approximately 400 squares. Now it wouldn’t be so bad, but the 6 squares are randomly reset every time you change the “popular phrase” in Dewford town. Again it wouldn’t be so bad if you could just set the phrase to what someone else has and then fish in the spot the other person was to get it. But alas, this won’t work. When you change the phrase the 6 squares are randomized again. The best method I have found is to start in the lower right corner of Route 119 and then move left all the way, up one row, then right all the way like so, following the arrows. go up, then right, then up then left: >>>>>>>>>^ ^<<<<<<<<< []>>>>>>>>>^ Start here [] So you will be sure to hit every tile. I suggest that you fish in each tile 5 times. More is a little bit of overkill, and less just has enough to let Feebas slip through. If you are turned off of getting Feebas yet, your in luck, there is a small silver lining to this cloud. When you do find a tile with Feebas, you will be sure to find a lot of them. In the squares where he appears he has an approximate encounter rating of around 60-80%. So you will see him many times. I would recommend grabbing a few, and making sure you get at least one female, that way you can always breed more instead of going through this hell trying to get another. ****NOTE: The tile your fishing in will be the tile that your facing, not the tile that your on. +++++***********---------- 3) Evolving Feebas----------***********+++++ Finally the good part, because now you are stuck with an ugly fish. Well to evolve it once again isn’t easy. You need to feed it Blue or Indigo Pokéblocks to get his beauty rating to 170. Now here’s the tricky part, you can only feed a Pokémon 12 Pokéblocks before it won’t eat anymore. Therefore you need high quality Pokéblocks to feed your Feebas. +++++***********---------- 4) Pokéblocks ----------***********+++++ The Pokéblocks will raise various stats, mainly used in the contest part of the game, which I will not be going into detail about. I suggest looking at the gamefaqs.com Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire Message board for help, or look into a FAQ on the same site for help in the contest portion of the game. Back to the subject at hand, The Pokéblocks we want will make either blue or indigo blocks; these will increase Feebas’ beauty. Like I said before we need to get the beauty rating of Feebas up to 170 before it will evolve. Now since there is no numerical representation on the summary function of the party screen, for simplicity we can easily assume that 170 is extremely close to max. ****NOTE: Some Pokémon only like certain colored blocks, this is determined by their personality. I highly recommend checking your Feebas’ personality before trying to feed it Pokéblocks, if it is Impish, Careful, or Adamant, don’t even bother trying to evolve him. He will only evolve with very high quality berries because those personalities hate DRY blocks, which is what the indigo and blue blocks are. Any other personality will be ok to evolve with. Some people swear by using only Rash, Quiet, Modest, or Mild, since they love Dry blocks, however any other personality will work also. However with one of the four just listed you can use lower level Pokéblocks. To make these blocks you need certain berries, you can use low level and low quality berries, however you do run the risk of not being able to evolve Feebas. Here is a list compiled by the user jimmycrakcorn: Group "C" (levels ~11) Chesto Berry - Blue Oran Berry - Indigo Lum Berry - Indigo Bluk Berry - Indigo Weaper Berry - Indigo Group "B" (levels ~23) Wiki Berry - Indigo Kelpsy Berry - Indigo Hondew Berry - Indigo Cornn Berry - Indigo Group "A" (levels ~45) Pamtre Berry In this list it separates them into 3 classes, A, B, and C. C would be all the berries that are NOT recommended to use for making Pokéblocks to evolve Feebas with. However B is a very viable choice, and when these blocks are fed to Feebas it should be almost guaranteed to evolve. Also finally you find the Group A berries, or rather berry. You can feed this to Feebas and not even have to feed him 12 to max out beauty. The preferred berries usually used are Cornn, Hondew, and Kelpsy. There have also been reports of a few people using Wikki berries, but those reports are less prolific. ????? Getting the Berries ?????? You can get the group "B" berries around the Hoenn region, however a popular spot to go is the "Berry Master." The berry master lives on Route 23. If you go to Lilycove and exit to the left, follow the path to the safari zone, next surf south, past Mt. Pyre, and below Mt. Pyre you will be on Route 23. Follow this route and you will end up at the house of the "Berry Master." Inside talk to the gentleman and he will give you 2 rare berries, you can save before you talk to him, and just reset and keep trying until he gives you the desired berry(s). Another option you have here is talking to his wife. If you tell the "Berry Master's Wife" the phrase "CHALLENGE CONTEST" then she will give you one Pamtre berry, the only 'A' class berry. You only get one however, and telling her the phrase again will not get you another. Make sure you plant it and grow more, and that way you can make sure to always have at least one. ****NOTE: To get the word "CONTEST" in your vocabulary you have to beat the Elite Four. When you do get your berries and are ready to make Pokéblocks, make sure you have the Pokéblock case. This can be found in the contest hall in Slateport. Talk to the little girl on the left when you enter and she says she has 2 cases, and gives you one. Now that you have the case and the berries, head over to Lilycove city and go to the contest hall there. I choose this hall because that you can try to mix berries with 3 other people at the Pokéblock blender. Once your there, walk over to the berry blender and choose the berry you want to blend into a Pokéblock. You will then be put into a mini-game where you have to hit the (A) button right when the arrow is pointing at your pointer. If you miss a blue X appears, but if you hit, a red O appears, and finally if you get a bull’s-eye a red O with an X in it appears. The more O’s and O’s with X’s you get the better. You will get a higher level Pokéblock, a level 23 Pokéblock is good for Feebas’ evolution. Also a lower Feel rating is better; usually you can get around a Feel rating of 11. After feeding your Feebas the 12 indigo or blue Pokéblocks, he should hopefully have a high enough rating to evolve him. Now here is where it’s finally easy, to evolve him once his beauty is high enough, you just have to level him in battle. After he goes up in level he will evolve. You could even use a rare candy if you wish. He will still evolve either way, as long as you have his beauty high enough. +++++***********---------- 5) Breeding Options ----------***********+++++ Some people have decided they want an extra edge with their Feebas/Milotic, so what they do is breed it to have specific moves when it hatches. One example is breeding a female Feebas or Milotic with a male Corsola to breed over the move Mirror Coat. While it is a very good move in Player vs. Player, you might not see it used quite as much against the computer AI. ******SIDE NOTE: To get a Corsola, you will need to fish just south of Evergrande city, either above or below the waterfall, however the Super rod is required for Corsola. Once you have a Corsola then you must first, make sure it’s male, and second, level it up to level 39 to make it learn Mirror Coat. To then breed the move over, you need to put the female Feebas or Milotic, and male Corsola in the daycare next to Mauville. Leave and walk around for a while and come back, hopefully the old man outside the day care will be standing outside the fence, talk to him and he will give you an egg that your Feebas or Milotic laid. Next, you can take your Feebas/Milotic and Corsola out of daycare if you want. Now if you took out your 2 Pokémon, you can bring them back to the pc in the pokecenter, they aren’t needed right now. However keep the egg in your party and walk around. I suggest using the Mach bike and riding around the town. Eventually the egg will hatch and you will have a Feebas with the move Mirror Coat. It will also be level 5, so you can train a somewhat better Pokémon. Refer to the advanced trainers guide on Gamefaqs.com for information on how to train a better Pokémon. +++++***********---------- 7) Move list ----------***********+++++ Feebas’ Level up moves: Splash – Normal type – lvl 1 Tackle – Normal type – lvl 15 Flail – Normal type – lvl 30 Now for those paying attention, this means don’t waste time leveling Feebas, just try and evolve it right away!!! Milotic’s Level up moves: Water Gun – Water type – lvl 1 Wrap – Normal type – lvl 5 Water Sport – Water type – lvl 10 Refresh – Normal type – lvl 15 Water Pulse – Water type – lvl 20 Twister – Dragon Type – lvl 25 Recover – Normal Type – lvl 30 Rain Dance – Water type – lvl 35 Hydro Pump – Water Type – lvl 40 Attract – Normal type – lvl 45 Safeguard – Normal type – lvl 50 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& TM and HM list &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& TM Feebas Milotic Water Pulse X X Toxic X X Hail X X Hidden Power X X Ice Beam X X Blizzard X X Hyper Beam X Protect X X Rain Dance X X Safeguard X Frustration X X Iron Tail X Return X X Double Team X X Façade X X Secret Power X X Rest X X Attract X X HM Surf X X Waterfall X X Dive X X &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& EGG MOVES &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Now, lastly for the egg moves that can be taught to it by breeding Feebas or Milotic with a Pokémon in its egg class which is Dragon and water 1. Mirror Coat Dragonbreath Mud Sport Hypnosis Light Screen Confuse Ray The Pokémon in it’s egg type are: (organized by evolution) Relicanth (Water 1) Corsola (Water 1) Corphish – Crawdaunt (Water 1) Feebas – Milotic (Water 1) Psyduck – Golduck (Water 1) Spheal – Sealo – Walrein (Water 1) Clamperl – Huntail – Gorebyss (Water 1) Horsea – Seadra – Kingdra (Water 1) Wingull – Pelipper (Water 1) Lotad – Lombre – Ludicolo (Water 1) Surskit – Masquerain (Water 1) Azurill – Marill – Azumarill (Water 1) Seviper (Dragon) Swablu – Altaria (Dragon) Bagon – Shelgon – Salamence (Dragon) Treeko – Grovyle – Sceptile (Dragon) A sample move set for Milotic: Surf Recover Attract Rain Dance or Mirror Coat or Ice Beam +++++***********---------- 7) Credits ----------***********+++++ This FAQ was compiled together by me, Johanass, and the research done by myself and many more people on the Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire Message boards. I owe a credit to everyone posting especially in JimmyCrackCorn's Milotic thread, and also lulumarie for correcting the berry table for the Wikki Berries placement in the "B" category. If you would like to add something, question something, or ask for something to be added, please contact me at dimmesdale@netzero.net Please put Milotic Guide question, or something near that in the subject or your email might accidentaly get deleted as spam. :::NOTE::: FOR EVERYONE EMAILING ME: Read my FAQ, I will not answer any question that is painstakingly described in my FAQ For example, a popular email to me is:"How do I get a Feebas?" These will be ignored, along with "Which rod should I use?" Both questions are in the FAQ if you just took a minute and read it. Otherwise, I will happily respond. =) Also, if Milotic or Feebas does not appear in the subject line of the email, or if the email is blank, the email will also be deleted as spam. I get close to 150 spam messages a day, I don't have a surplus of time to weed through them. I'm sorry for any inconvenience. I will happily respond to all emails I can. This Document is Copyright 2003 by Johanass (Chris Lefevre) Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire and all related marks are copyrighted and trademarked by their respective owners. I am not affiliated with them in any way. This FAQ may be posted on any site so long as it remains unchanged as I have posted it, in part or in full. You also must email me telling me that you wish to post it on another site. You may not charge for, or in any way profit from this FAQ. You may save this FAQ and also print it out if you wish. Thanks to all who helped with the filling in the few blanks I had, anyone who would wish to further contribute to this FAQ is welcome to do so, and you will be noted in the FAQ.