Pokémon // ////// //// /// /// //// // // // //// //// //// // // // // // // // // // /// // // // // // // // // //// // // // // /// // ////// // // //// ///// // // // // // // // // // /// // // // // // // // //// // // // // // // //// //// // // <--------------------------------------------------------------> POKEMON RUBY/SAPPHIRE The complete In-Depth Guide for one of the best and most popular RPGs ever made concerning the finding of hidden items. Authorized to GAMEFAQS and written by: Pavel N. (Pidgeotto) Suggestions, Questions, Corrections, Comments? Contact me at: paffkabg@hotmail.com Version 0.5 Started: 10/02/2003 Last updated: 12/04/2004 Copyright (©) Pavel N. (Pidgeotto) 2004. No part of this In-Depth FAQ can be reproduced, copied, dispersed, sent or be done anything else to without the written permission/consent of me. People who illegaly commit any such sins are plagiarists and have stolen this text. In other words, Copyright Infringers. They will be discovered and instantaneously prosecuted severely by the author and legal authorities. Failure to meet my demands will result in the alarming of the bad site's server. Beware. This FAQ can >only< be viewed from: www.gamefaqs.com If you're viewing this text from any other source, consider it having been STOLEN and report it immediately. Nuff' said here. Thank you. ******** CONTENTS ******** -->Introduction -->FAQs (Frequently-Asked-Questions) -->Itemfinder Walkthrough -->History -->Copyrights +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ INTRODUCTION ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokémon. There is hardly a person on this planet that hasn't heard of, been influenced by or came to understand these magical creatures. Yes, we have been enthralled by this rather simple-looking GameBoy(TM) role playing game and have continued marvelling at its popularity and magic since it first hit the stores with Pokémon Red/Blue over half a decade ago. Pokémon Yellow then followed the success of the first two and finally, Pokémon Gold/Silver and lastly, Crystal entertained people globally. Today, yet another masterpiece has come into our gaming lives: Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire. This bright new pair of gems seems to have even further pulled us into the magic world of Pokémon. Overshadowed by the many superpowered monsters, there has been a little hardly-known item which has followed the series throughout its reign. This overshadowed key item is one with the unique name of "Itemfinder." Yes, many people have come to meet with it but were ignorant of its unique and entertaining feature: that of being able to help with the finding of hidden items, many of them, in the complete wild, and sometimes in the populated lands of Hoenn, which makes up the main land in Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire. This little item comes into use whenever you choose it from the "Key" items in your backpack which can be accessed by selecting it from the inventory which comes up whence you press down "Start." Of course, you can go treasure hunting in such a way, without the aid of the Itemfinder, but then you have no idea where to start looking. Use the Itemfinder in a particular area which looks suspicious of having such a hidden obeject in its midst. If there is an item, in a square radius around your character, the Itemfinder will beep a couple of times with a heart-warming tone indicating there is a hidden item. ITEMFINDER indicates there's a hidden item! Such is the magic of finding these free goodies. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ FAQS ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Here is the section where the most frequently-asked-questions get answered. >Where is the damned Itemfinder. I can't find it anywhere!< ~Unlike previous Pokémon versions, in this one you don't get it from inside a building or from a city-dweller. Instead, your rival hands it to you when you reach Route 110 and battle him/her. She/He will give it to you as a reward.~ >How do I use the Itemfinder?< ~Press "Start", select "Pack" and shift to the key items (where the bycicles and rods usually also remain.) Unless you haven't obtained the item yet, select it and press "A" to trigger it. If there's an item in the area around you, it will start beeping and this message will show up after a few seconds: ________________________________________ |Oh! | |The machine's responding! | |There's an item buried around here! | ---------------------------------------- If not, then keep on looking in another area!~ >I keep getting no responses...!< ~That occurs whenever you use it and there is no hidden item around. It will say the following: ________________________________________ |... ... ... ... Nope! | |There's no response. | ---------------------------------------- This indicates that you ought to move off to search elsewhere.~ >Yes, it's beeping! Where is the item now!?< ~The Itemfinder only indicates that there is an item nearby, not lead you to it. So, you should examine every spot in a close radius, from every angle by continuously pressing "A" to uncover the treasure. Something good which was introduced in Ruby/Sapphire is the character's ability to face the spot after the Itemfinder has positively beeped. Also, if you're right on the spot hiding it, your character will rotate.~ >Can I sell the Itemfinder?< ~Trying to seel such an item if foolish and for this very reason the game designers have cancelled that very ability.~ >Are there any really valuable items available?< ~Yes, besides all the Potions, Pokeballs etc, there are holdable items that have certain effect.~ >Is there a limit to findable items?< ~Yes, there is which means that once you pick up one, it won't be replaced. If you do manage to collect them all, you can as well try using any of the Pokémon with the characteristic to grab hold of random items such as Zigzagoon, etc, etc.~ >Can you give clues to where there are likely to be items?< ~Of course. When you start searching, look for queer and irregular surroundings which can possibly lead to nothing more than treasure Here are some such instances: *Look for patches of grass with an empty spot or square in them. Such as: (X is a spot of grass, etc) XXXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX The empty spot is very likely to reveal an item if you stand on any of the surrounding spots of grass, face the empty one, and press "A." **Whenever you come across a large, flar area without any or much details (such as a rock or tree) around in it, draw out your Itemfinder and it will certainly start signalling. ***In areas, usually surrounded by trees, that have little protrusions or depressions There's a good chance you'll discover something. Example: OOOOOOOOOOOOOXXXXXXXXX (O is open land. X are trees or OOOOOOOOxXXXXXXXXXXXXX rocks. x and o are likely places.) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoX OOOOOOOOOOOOOOXXXXXXXX ****Like the above, any other tunnels with no visible purpose, are usually the resting place of hidden valuables. *****A solitary tree or rock is likely to have something hiding in it. Rocks which can be broken with Rock Smash or moved with Strength are out of the question. Example: XOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOX (Xes are walls or trees. Os are XOOOOOOOOOOOOxOOOOOXXXXXX for empty land. x is for a XXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOXXXXXXX solitary rock, bush or tree) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ******A spot which needs an HM move to be accessed, such as an island, but has no other obvious purpose is highly likely to reward you. ******Underwater, (when Dive is used) look out for spots surrounded by seaweeds or slightly darkened ones on the seafloor. Quite obvious, I must say. So, next time you come across a spot (such as a beach) which looks suspicious, draw out the Itemfinder and confirm. One more reminder: don't bother searching in areas with many trainers or in buildings or homes.~ >In your walkthrough, some hidden items are named ???...< ~Well, yes. This is temporary and will be fixed once the US version comes out. Due to my lack of knowledge in the Japanese language I am unable to translate the names of all the items. Of course, that doesn't stop me from testing out what some of the do in battle, but I don't really have that amount of free time and, as I said, the names will be coming out soon.~ >Why don't you fill in the details of the walthrough?< ~That's because this is an In-Depth guide and is only concerned with the topic of itself. If you need comprehensive walkthroughs and other guides, choose any of the others on GameFAQs.~ >Why can't I disperse this FAQ without your written consent?< ~That's beacause I have taken much time and pains to compose this piece of fine writing. :D Now, if you wish to display this on your site, disperse it electronically etc etc, you must ask me first because if you don't, then you're plagiarising which is a very, very bad sin. Also, if you do get my consent, make sure you include all copyrights and legal info.~ Any more questions? Nothing!? Good... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ITEMFINDER WALKTHROUGH ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ==Littleroot Town== This is where you begin. Explore, talk to people and exit to Route 1001 to the North where you'll get your first Pokémon. Items: none Route 101 After collecting your first Pokémon head back into this route and level up. Follow the winding path to the next city. Items: none ==Oldale Town== Heal if you have to. Explore and collect any items which the citizens may give you. Items: none Route 103 This route is to the North of Kotoki Town and is currently optional, as it connects with another area further on in the game. Also, hear you meet your rival. Items: none Route 102 After moving the obstruction to the West of Kotoki Town, proceed into this forested area. Items: none ==Petalburg City== This is the first city with a Gym which you come to after all the battles at route 102. Items: 1)Rare Candy on the little patch of land below the large pool of water to the south-west of the city. (You need HM-03 Surf) Route 104 Exit the city since there's not much there which you should currently do and onto the beach which is ridden with hidden goodies. Items: 1)Antidote on the beach. Place your character in above the red-dressed girl (so that you're on the spot to her North) and take one step North. From this spot above the girl, go all the way West to the space just before touching the shore. The waves will be nearby. 2)Heart Scale again on the beach. Place your character on the spot so that you face the fisherboy with the straw hat's back. Now, walk South three steps and pick it up. 3)Potion. Go to the northernmost part of the beach to where the steps are. From the steps, walk over the sandy surface West till you find it. Route 104 (Forested Area) This continues to be route 104 but you have just entered the wooded area. There are many trainers hera and also many pick-ups. Some require you to return after attaining HM-01. Items: 1)Potion. As you enter the forest, take the right (East) path. Reach a small grassy area and in the middle of it there'll be an open space. There it is. 2)Pokéball. To the other side of the forest there is a bug catcher with a straw at. He is standing next to the West wall of trees. Keep walking below him until you reach the spot which is surrounded by grass. (Note that this is after the battle with Team Aqua/Magma.) 3)Tinymushroom just after the bushes in the North-East part of the forest. Trample through the grass and head north into the short unwooded patch. (You need HM-01 Cut) 4)Tinymushroom yet again. Just after pick-up #3, follow the path between the trees which leads South-East. Continue until you find yet another patch of grass with a small, empty square in a corner between the trees and the grass. (You need HM-01 Cut) Route 104 (Lake Area) Continue after the forest and explore. Battle the trainers and enter Rustboro city. Items: 1)Pokéball in the green patch of grass behind the Pretty Petal Flower Shop. It's in the first empty spot (as you come from the building) so search there. 2)Super Potion in another empty spot in the patch of grass above the Pretty Petal Flower Shop. Just keep checking in each of the empty patches because if I try to explain it, you'd most likely get confused. ==Rustboro City== This is possibly the largest city in the game. However, there's no Itemfinding to be done here. Obtain your first badge. Items: none Route 115 This is the short, dead-end route to the North of the city. Remember that the unaccessible area even more to the North will later be accessible and is still route 115. Items: none Route 116 North-West from Rustboro. Enter the cave to free a stolen Pokemon. Items: 1)Super Potion in the higher area overlooking the grassy one below. Keep looking in the South corner till you find it. (You need HM-01 Cut) Route 105 Go back to Rustboro City, cross route 104 yet again until you reach the small wharf just above the beach. Enter the building and discover the stolen Pokémon with its rightful master. He'll take you aboard his ship as a reward and take you on a small journey. Items: 1)Heart Scale on the smallest of a group of three islands on the West side of this route. (Need HM03- Surf) Route 106 This is yet the continuation of route 105. Continue the journey upon the boat till you reach Dewford Island. Items: ==Dewford Town== The boat will dock here. There's also a cave with good Pokémon to the West and this is the place for your second badge. Items: 1)Heart Scale to the North of the gym. Go to the red-clother trainer standing next to the water. Stand on the spot below him and from that position move East two steps. (Note: if the trainer challenged you and moved to a different position, you'll have to reset his regular position by entering and then exitting a house or building.) 2)Stardust. Head even further West, just before you reach the mouth of the cave. Go to the solitary rock just North of the red trainer there. (Note: if the trainer challenged you and moved to a different position, you'll have to reset his regular position by entering and then exitting a house or building.) 3)Pokéball at the very end of the long patch of sand just above the rocky hill to the West of the previous pick-up. Route 106 (Cave Area, Below the Seafloor) The whole complicated cave system is (well, nearly) is found below the sea. Items: 1)Everstone. Enter the cave. Past the trainer and climb the ladder. Continue further into the cave until you see a muddy slide on one of the underground cavern's North walls. Take out your bike, ride over it. Avoid the ladder going down but instead continue cycling across the broken floors. Cycle quick, but carefully over a long stretch off such floors soon after to reach a secretive ladder. Climb that ladder to emerge in a room with a Rare Candy in it. The greyish rock in one of the corners will reveal another item, but hidden. (Need Mach Bicycle) 2)Everstone. Follow the cave after the mud slide described above. Climb the ladder at the end to emerge into a new cavern. Cross it to an area with breakable rocks. Past them, there's a balcony with a grey rock standing like a tomb-stone. There it is! Route 107 Go back to the docked boat and ask the fellow to take you East, not North (from where you came.) He'll yet again ride you over the sea. Items: none Route 108 Yet again. this a route across th sea on the boat. Nothing to do than stay and watch. Items: none Route 109 The last part of the voyage over the sea with the boat. When you do manage to get hold of HM03- Surf head back into the water . Items: 1)Heart Scale. It is on the little island with the man and woman, standing arm to arm (that also fight a double-battle). Position yourself on the spot below the man and face West, without moving an inch. Press "A" to uncover it.(You need HM03- Surf) Items: none Route 109 (Slateport Beach) Fight all the weak trainers and gain Exp. Find all the hidden goodies and then proceed to the main city. Items: 1)Heart Scale. Go to the very Eastern part of the beach where there's an elderly man with a Zigzagoon. Stand on the spot above the man and wlak one step due North. Then, turn around without moving an inch and pick it up. 2)Ether. Go south from the spot described above, past an inflatable mattress, past a second one. The hidden item is to be found two steps to the right of the third inflatable. 3)Revive. It is very near to where the boat docked. Stand in the spot below the blue-hatted sailor. From there walk two steps to the South and from there, four to the West. Without taking a new step, turn to face South and pick the item up. 4)Heart Scale. Walk North from the spot where you landed. There will be two green umbrellas and one red above them. Stand below the green umbrella on the left to uncover it. 5)Great Ball. Even more North from the spot in section 3, just below the house. Next to the water, there's a blue inflatable bed. Stand on it and in its center there'll be the item. ==Slateport City== This is a large city where many, many things can be done. Here you can also get your third badge. Do check out the market and the stuff on sale. Items: none Route 110 Catch Pokémon, battle the trainers and level up. Items: none (beginning area so far) Route 103 This is an optional area to the West of route 110. If you haven't noticed so far, this is a point of connection over a lake from Kotoki Town. Items: none Route 110 (Continued) Battle all the trainers and level up. Some interesting new Pokémon as well. Items: 1)Full Heal. Arrive at the first sign (or billboard) just after crossing below the cycling path and also above the trainer. Above the sign, walk through the grass North to the spot where a patch of grass is missing. Look there. (Two steps above the sign) 2)Great Ball in the spot without grass just below the second sign. 3)Revive. From below that second sign, walk to the West eight steps and press "A" to uncover the item. 4)Pokeball in the spot without grass North of the trainer with the purple hair. ==Mauville City== This is the city with the electric gym. Explore as there are also many things you can do here. Items: none Route 117 Level up here and collect cash. Items: 1)Repel. When you reach the two flower gardens opposite each other, be prepared to use your Itemfinder. Enter the lower garden and find the secret passage out and into the bushes. Go to the very right. Keep walking and stop onto the spot just before walking on the last possible one. Route 118 A few trainers which need battling. This is to the West of Mauville and you'll be visiting it later in the game again. Items: 1) Heart Scale in the brown boulder one step to the West if the trainer dressed in red. ==Verdanturf Town== The cave to the North leads to the meeting point of where you previously stumbled across some rocks. Here you also get your Contest Pass which lets you comepte in all the contests, including this one! After everything is done, head back to Mauville and take the route to the North. Items: none Route 116 (Rusturf Tunnel) This is the little cave above Verdanturf. It is where you freed the Wingull earlier. Now, there still are rocks blocking the way to the other side but you can still go through another opening to emerge in a mountain clearing to the South. Items: 1)Blackglasses in a spot two steps away from the man looking for glasses. Stand to his West and walk those steps. Press "A" and dig them out. After all, it'll turn out that those glasses aren't his, making him go look elsewhere. Route 111 This route is to the North of Mauville. Fight the trainers. Items: none Route 112 (Fiery Path) This area can also be accessed further into the game. Now, this is the route you should take as the desert in inaccessible. It joins up with the correct route which also comes out of the desert. Before entering the cave, notice the lift station, blocked by Team Aqua/Magma members. If you need fire type Pokémon, here's the place to look for good ones. Items: none Route 111 (Continued) This route continues above the desert and there are some trainers which you can fight. Here, you'll find a fellow who'll give you TM43- Secret Power which allows you to create hideouts and secret bases out of battle. Items: none Route 113 Continue levelling up and battling. Enter the snow-capped mountainous areas. Weirdly, that snow covering is not ice, but volcano ash... <_< Items: 1)Ether in the small ash depression close to the item Pokéball, both found on the first terrace. 2)TM32-Double Team. See what Itemfinding gets you? ^_^ It's the second depression you'll encounter in the soot-covered area, so do take care not to miss it. ==Fallarbor Town== This new town is high on the mountain and there seems to be some volcanic activity in the area. Items: 1)??? in the mud crater in the South-West of the town. Route 114 After the town, proceed over the lake. Items: 1)Revive. At the lower end of the bridge, take to the left and walk on the little land along the side of the lake. At the very last possible spot, search. 2)Carbos in the little rock behind the back of a man in a white lab coat at the very Southern area. Route 114 (Inside Meteor Falls) None in the main, easily accessible part so far but there are further in which I'll update upon later. Exit the cave through the other end. Items: none at this time Route 115 (Outside Meteor Falls) This area comes out from the cave and is to the North of Kanazuma. It has some interesting features such as poroks, secret bases and wild Jigglypuff to the very North via Surfing. ^_^; Items: 1)Heart Scale. Head over West to the small beach with the red-dressed girl and stand on the spot right behind (above) her, before battling. Look East, move one step. Then turn around, to face West and press "A." Mt. Chimney After passing the Meteor Falls, above, you have to make your way backwards, till you reach the lift station you saw earlier just before entering the Fiery Path. Fight your way through the thugs and obtain the Meteorite. Next, either go back down the lift or take Route 112 to continue your journey. Items: none Route 112 (Jagged Pass) This is the route below the volcano. From here, you'll be descending down to Lavaridge Town. At the end, head West to enter the town. Items: 1)Full Heal. Cross the two sets of ladders. Jump over the following terrace and stop. Turn around, to face West and walk. This means you'll have to jump over the edge of that balcony and drop into a spot with ash-covered grass. Look into the spot of grass to the left of the one you're standing in. 2)Great Ball. This one is a bit hard to explain. After battling with the Hiker, drop down several terraces (at the West side of the Pass), past the patch of grass. Next, you'll see three solid rocks lined one above the other. Just above them, drop down to the left. The spot you land on is the one holding te item so walk one space South and turn around 180 degrees to pick it up. ==Lavaridge Town== Drop down from Route 115. Nothing new to do here, so head to Touka City via all the routes already covered South. Collect the Heat Badge and then the Go Goggles which let you walk around in the desert. Items: 1)Ice Heal. Head into the Pokécenter and out through the back door. Walk over to the edge of the hot water spring. From the edge, enter the water and three steps to the South. Turn West and walk on step. Pick up the item from the floor. Don't look at the grannies tho. =S Route 111 (Desert Area) This is one annoying place but can be a source of different Pokémon, including a fossil. You can only access this if you have the Go Goggles. Items: 1)Protein. As soon as you enter, head North-East to that solitary rock. Pick the hidden item up. 2)Rare Candy in the South-East of the desert region. It's in another solitary rock. 3)Stardust. In the South-West, look for a hiker with a pink hat that is circling yet another solitary rock which contains an item. From here on, there is no advance upon any new routes. What you have to do is return to Petalburg City, where you can now fight your father in his gym. To go back there, you'll have to either: -Go West from Mauville, and North of Verdanturf, cross the Rusturf Tunnel (with HM06- Rock Smash), past Rustboro, and pass the Petalburg Woods at which point you'll find your way to the Petalburg Gym. or -Go North from the desert, through Routes 111 and 113, Fallarbor Town and then South, through the Meteor Falls and into Rustboro. South through the Petalburg Woods and from there to Petalburg City where you'll surely find the gym. -Go South, to Mauville, and South from that as well until you reach Slateport City. Go further South from there to Southport Beach (Roue 109) and catch a ride with Mr. Britney who'll take you all the way to Dewford. After docking there, ask him to take you even further still, to Petalburg. You'll dock at his house and from there you'll pretty much make your way easily to the gym. ==Petalburg City== You've been here before but this time the Petalburg Gym is up and running. It's a Normal-type Gym and you should have made your team sturdy by now, without large weaknesses. To take the badge, fight your father. Gee... that sounds weird. Those Slakoths of his are a pain to take down. You'll need to grab HM03- Surf from Wally's father after the battle if you want to progress... Items: none From here on, you should probably cover anything you might have missed out so far. ==Mauville City== (again) You should find yourself in Mauville City. Get the Basement Key from Wattson to access the optional New Mauville area to the South. When you're ready and have completed all tasks, head East to surf across the body of water. Items: none Route 118 After crossing the channel, battle the trainers here and continue your journey. Items: 1)Iron in the little brown rock lying on the beach, bordering the water. Route 123 (Optional, first time) This is an area to the East of route 118 and you can visit it optionally. When you reach the dead end, behind the Berry Master's house, you can go back and continue to route 119. Items: 1)Revive in the narrow path behind the fenced berry garden. It is underneath the last square of land, so step on the before-last one, turn to face West and pick it up. Route 119 (Main area with tall grass) This area specializes in annoyance but you can fight the trainers and thus level up easily. There are quite a few new Pokémon here, such as Tropius, which might need collecting. No biking or running allowed. ;_; Items: 1)Full Heal in the empty spot to the North-East from your arrival to the place. It's diffcult to describe it even further as you'll probably get confused. Route 119 (Continued) This is basically another annoying continuation with clumps of tall grass here and there and several trainers. Items: 1)Calcium hidden in the spot with a flower below the wooden bridge. To reach it you'll have to hop, using the bike, across the channel separating the secret area. (Need Acro Bike) 2)Ultra Ball. Just after the Weather Institute, cross the bridge and then surf South. he channel will eventually lead you to several Eastern banks with clumps of tall grass. On the first one (from the top) walk to the lone spot without grass. Place your character on it and then, face South. Pick it up. (Need MH03- Surf) 3)Max Ether. As with the above, enter the water but this time, surf North (up) the channel. At the end, you'll reach a waterfall. Avoid it and land on the East bank. Find it there. Fortree City This is the tree-top, or rather, tree-house city. Just walk around, talk to the dudes. Grab TM10- Hidden Power from an elderly lady. Then, head East to route 120 as there's an invisible something blocking your way to the gym. Items: none Route 120 This is an area to train, and also an area with Kecleons which are needed to unlock the gym in Fortree. Head back to the treetops and get the gym's badge which will also allow you to Fly anywhere you want. Afterwards, continue your journey down this route. Items: 1)Rare Candy. As you enter the route, head to the North side until you reach a small path with cuttable bushes. Stop on the before-last spot at the end of the passage and face West. Press "A" and uncover the item. (Need HM01- Cut) 2)Revive in the Southernmost single spot without tall grass. Walk in the grass one step from it, and then turn around to face it. Pick it up. Route 120 (After defeating gym leader) Fight all the soaked trainers and get yourself soaked as well. About time you saw some interesting Pokémon. Items: 1)Zinc at the end of a path in the pasture of long grass. Take the first West empty patch, to find it. Route 121 Reemerge into the sunny coastal area. Items: 1)Rare Candy. There's a side clearing to the West where there's a patch of berries, a secret base (in a bush) and a small lake. Cross the lake and you'll discover the hidden item in the opposite landlets. (Need HM03- Surf) 2)HP Up. Take note of where the blue railings start. Enter the grassy area below the lower one and walk East until you're right in front of the empty spot. Find it there. 3)Nugget in the small, sealed-off clearing above the maze with the grass, blue railings and trainers. It is in the far corner where two flowers grow around it. (Need HM01- Cut) 4)Full Heal in the dead end passage, just after the bush that was cut to obtain the item above. I'll make you more confused if I describe it. Just use your Itemfinder and you'll be fine. ==Lilycove City== Another large city with plenty of things to do. Go from house to house and do anything you have to do. This part will be updated soon. Send any suggestions/comments or things I have missed out, because there are such things, to my email address. Items: 1)Heart Scale in a lone rock found in the long sandy grotto which can be accessed by entering the beach from the North-East. 2)Pokéball in another lone rock, opposite from the one above, and found, being lapped by the waves to the East. 3)PP Up. It's in a rock in the Northermost part of the beach Route 121 (again) After doing everything necessary in Lilycove, head back through the grassy areas. When you reach the Safari Zone Entrance, go South to the dock leading to route 122. Items: none Route 122 Surf to reach Mt. Pyre. Its entrance is the cave in the South cliff. Items: none Mt. Pyre (Pokégraveyard) This is an unappeasing place to be, but you'll have to complete it. Climb to the top of the building and only then should you take the corridor to the West. Items: none Mt. Pyre (Outside) When you've batled all the trainers inside the building, exit and start climbing those cliffs. After hearing about the calamity, you'll have to go back down to the base of the island and continue your journey South. Items: 1)Max Ether. In the misty areas, follow the path until you reach a clump of grass which leads to a lone orange gravestone. The grave holds the item. 2)Ultra Ball in another gravestone, at the end of a short, winding path a little to the North of the item described above. 3)Zinc. Behind the first Grunt you encounter at the summit, there's a narrow passage leading to four graves. The lower-left one hides the item. 4)Rare Candy. After battling the third Grunt, head into the passage to the right. There'll be two graves surrounded by grass. Look in one of the grassy patches, not the stones. Route 123 This is your continuation to the South. It will gradually lead you back to Mauville. Items: 1)Hyper Potion in a solitary rock to the West of the first grassy area you'll come across. 2)Super Repel. Jump over the balcony West of the Leppa Berries. Look in the empty spot of grass. Aqua/Magma Hideout After the encounter with Team Aqua/Magma, fly back to Lilycove and head to the beach. This is in a cave which can be reached by surfing North from Lilycove beach. You'll be fighting many, many fights here, so be prepared. Battle all the thugs and see the Boss off in his submarine. Items: none From here on, you'll have to jhourney across the vast waters off the coast of Hoenn. I can assure you, it is not an exciting experience and do check your map from time to time to avoid getting utterly lost. Route 124 This is a vast stretch of sea to the East of Lilycove. Surf across it to the next island-city. Items: none Route 125 Another stretch of open sea, a bit shorter than the previous one, but with more obstacles. Items: none Route 125 (Shoal Cave) This is a mysterious cave to the North where you can collect shells and salts depending on what tide is on. Items: none ==Mossdeep City== This is a sunny city found on the island which route 124 leads you to. There's a space centre and lots of people give various items to you here. Grab your seventh badge. Items: none Route 128 This is a massive water route. There are also some useful trainers but the whole area is too large to be entertaining. Items: 1)Herat Scale. There's a small solitary island to the South with a large rock in its centre. Land on the South shore of the island and look in one of the spaces. More info will come sooner or later. Please excuse some old Japanese names as I'm trying to convert everything to the newly released US version. Enjoy. I will soon update on everything I've missed or has nto yet been covered. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ HISTORY ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10/02/2003 This guide was started. Most of the FAQs and the beginning part of the waltktrough were begun. 12/02/2003 Continued filling in data mainly in the walkthrough. 14/02/2003 Walkthrough as you see it today completed. 15/02/2003 Contributed to GameFAQs today and also made two more FAQs. (18.2 KBs) 13/03/2003 The previous attempt was unsuccessful but this will hopefully be. I'm currently converting everything from Jap to Eng so this ought to explain the ???s. (20.something KBs) 01/04/2003 Another attempt to post this online. (33.7KBs) 03/01/2003 Nearly a year after writing, I am still persistent on sending this in. (35.2KBs) 12/04/2004 Ahem. Better overall look. (40KB) 11/09/2004 I have long given up, and I'm afraid I haven't the will nor the resources to continue my work on this. People wishing to fill up various sections with their own personal help may do so and will be rewarded, after I scramble the time and effort to edit all enw data into this document. Sorry for leaving this so incomplete. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ COPYRIGHTS ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokémon, Pikachu and all other related characters are copyrights (©) 1995-2004 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK Inc. This GameFAQs FAQ/Walkthrough is Copyright (©) Pavel N. (Pidgeotto) 1998-2004. All rights reserved. No part of this FAQ can be copied, reproduced, or dispersed via electronic means without my written consent. I would like to remind you that I love my work along with the time I spend on it so, please, if you want this published on your site, kindly email me for my possible consent at paffkabg@hotmail.com This can ONLY be viewed from GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) and any other appearances on other guide-hosting sites are simply ILLEGAL, unless I have given them permission, in which case I will include their URL on this publication. Report immediately if the site you're viewing this from does not have my authorization. Thank you for reading, and have a nice day.