____ _ | _ \ ___ | | _____ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | |_) / _ \| |/ / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ \ | __/ (_) | < __/ | | | | | (_) | | | | |_| \___/|_|\_\___|_| |_| |_|\___/|_| |_| | ___| _ \| | / ___| | |_ | |_) | | | | _ | _| | _ <| |__| |_| | __ _|_| |_| \_\_____\____| _ | \/ | _____ _____ ___ ___| |_ | |\/| |/ _ \ \ / / _ Y __|/ _ \ __| | | | | (_) \ V / __|__ \ __/ |_ |_| |_|\___/ \_/ \___|___/\___|\__| / ___|_ _(_) __| | ___ | | _| | | | |/ _` |/ _ \ | |_| | |_| | | (_| | __/ \____|\__,_|_|\__,_|\___| by blueshirt32 version 2.0 last updated on 1-3-07 ============================================================================== Revision Info ==========================================================================S1.0 1-3-07 v2.0 - EVs are (mostly) done - at least, I spread everything that I felt got used. With that, this FAQ is pretty much complete. Unless you have error correcting or something that completely breaks the metagame (and you better have a good explanation as to how it breaks the metagame), your e-mail will probably not be read. Sorry. 6-13-06 v1.97 - XD update, only 5 months late. 5-22-06 v1.96 - Added in a section on speed listings, revamped the whole EVs section a bit, and added in natures because I could never remember them. I've also gone through the movesets, doing some "cool" proofreading and small random things. No, I'm not coming back. Why I even updated at all, I don't know - well, I do know exactly why (goons should thank RedChocobo for his Emerald playthrough threads, which inspired me to play Emerald, which inspired me to download NB), but don't consider this any indication of future updates. This guide is so very close to being finished - my only major goal for now is to put in EV spreads, but you could always go to smogon for those - so we'll see where I go from here. 12-25-05 v1.95 - I just wanted to make this official, in case you didn't already get the memo. I've quit pokemon. To be honest, I've already quit for the last year, but I figure it's about time I put a final word in here in the guide. As anyone who has e-mailed me recently probably knows, I haven't exactly been reading them or responding to them, and for that I'm sorry - the motivation just hasn't been there. I am already woefully behind on the metagame, and with XD coming out and all that, the time has come for me to call this guide quits. You know you have lost your edge when you can't even remember simple things, like Jolt's max speed or the name of +SD -Atk. If you have proofreading errors, feel free to send them my way, but this guide is closed to moveset submissions. For future reference, I would like to direct everyone towards www.smogon.com for all your pokemon needs in the future. Thank you to everyone that has contributed to this guide, and a special thanks to Laurence, Dan, Jon, and Mike for sticking around even after I quit. 5-15-05 v1.65 - I just went through a week's worth of e-mails. Took me an hour, and I added 4 kb to the guide (a lot, at least in my mind, considering that all additions are reader-submitted at this point). I'm not sure which is more amazing: the fact that people still read/submit, or that I haven't completely abandoned the FAQ completely. Thank you to everyone out there who cares enough to keep this alive, since if it wasn't for you this FAQ would stagnate quite quickly. 4-1-05 v1.64 - Uh huh Sceptile learns Ice Punch. (April Fools, and stop e-mailing me about this.) 2-5-05 v1.63 - Kudos to Nicholas Davis, who found the update. His prize is to be enshrined forever in the Revision Info. In other news, some things must have changed, and you may now find this guide integrated into MetalKid's Pokemon Program. Go grab that from: >> http://www.uwplatt.edu/~lorenzd/ 1-17-05 v1.62 - Find the update, win a prize. 1-2-05 v1.61 - Happy New Year, and here's to the next generation, whatever that turns out to be. 11-24-04 v1.60 - Finally, a real Emerald update. If you want to skip to the "major" changes (there aren't too many) that come in Emerald, Ctrl-F "****Emerald". Most things are small - elemental punches replacing Hidden Power, a few Endure things. Also a few small metagame notes. The metagame is supposedly becoming more offensive (according to AK, my metagame correspondent). Good for it. This invariably leads to a few new movesets, but again, nothing too major has happened in the last several months. 10-21-04 v1.50 - I suppose it's time for the big obligatory update about Emerald. Please find your way down to S9.0, the very beginning of the sets, for my brief spheal on Emerald. Also added in some basic info on Clauses, for those people who aren't smart enough to read the NB stuff. And a legendary list. 10-2-04 v1.40 - I suppose I should update this every now and then, just to say that this guide is still the only one that is "constantly updated" <_< In other news, I've more-or-less quit competitive battling. That could be worth an FAQ on its own, but I'll put that aside for later - suffice to say that I can't waste my life online any more, although I will miss many of the people that I met there. Good news though for any of you who actually care about the guide, I will continue to update it. I still keep in touch with several of my friends from IRC, and they are helping me along with the metagame (and I trust them with my life [pokemon life], so I guess you should too). From what I've heard, the metagame is growing increasingly stale anyway, so don't expect anything major to happen until DSBot. I've also given up for the most part of ever getting a true team building guide in here, although if inspiration strikes (unlikely) it may come. Until then, I'll just give the most general team building tip: cover your defensive weaknesses. As for actual updates, there's stuff here in there that I've added. Some sets, some corrections, the norm. Can't believe I forgot to put GP into my jargon guide :( And finally, I know absolutely nothing about Emerald, so please don't ask. Except that the movepools haven't really changed, so this guide should hold true *crosses fingers*. 8-3-04 v1.35 - KOFFING!!!1 While I'm here, I also added some new sets, mostly thanks to InfecTion (Kayoss). More fixes to Jargon/UU list, and some stuff everywhere. As for the new things, we now have a handy indexing feature which is Ctrl-F'able from anywhere in the FAQ (look in the Table of Contents, S3.0). The only thing which hasn't been properly indexed are the pokes themselves, which I will get to at some point - in the future, you should be able to Ctrl-F the pokes number and come up with the correct section, although you can still search the name with some spaces " Pidgeot " for now. I also added in some common poke nicks in the Jargon section, in case you heard of a poke but didn't know which one was being referred to. 7-24-04 v1.3 - More Jargon stuff that I forgot. But the real reason for the .1 increase in version is the new Pokemon Classification list, which is an 00ber list and the best attempt at a UU list that I have seen so far. I suppose I should say that this FAQ is taking a slow turn toward being a team building FAQ as well as just a moveset FAQ, hence the jargon and so on. In the future, I hope to get in a list of clauses, and other battling resources. 7-22-04 v1.2 - A few new movesets (Raikou and Metagross), some more editing errors. But the meat of this update comes in a Jargon FAQ, which can be found under the approriately-titled Jargon section. Hopefully, if you don't get a term I've used in this FAQ, you can find it in there. 7-17-04 v1.1 - I am now back home, and ready to update, except not too has actually happened :/ The FAQ is now updated to include the moves from Pokemon Box (Surf Pikachu/Raichu, Softboiled Togetic/Clefable), which are clearly marked as being Pokemon Box movesets. Besides that, a couple typos have been fixed, NB stuff updated, right. 7-15-04 v1.01 - Some small updates, mostly in thanks to Synre. Moveset stuff, that kind of thing. 7-4-04 v1.0 - Done. All 388 pokes (including both FRLG Deoxys). Last update for a while (at least a couple weeks, while I'm away). Memoserv/email me if you have something to submit. 7-3-04 v0.90 - On the homestretch. 36 hours until I leave, 36 more pokes to go. For those of you who aren't too bright, that means I've done up to #350 (Gorebyss). Corrected a mistake with Blaziken's stats (thank you to the three or four people who pointed it out). Also, expect the next update to be the last one for awhile, besides minor error correcting. 6-30-04 v0.75 - Up to poke #300 (Luvdisc). And I have 4 days to try and finish this before vacation. Fun. Fixed some more errors, thanks to all those people that helped me proofread. 6-24-04 v0.66 - After slaving through the rest of the GSC generation, I must say that I am oddly surprised by the fact that anyone even lived through it. All the pokes suck so much :( In any case, the movesets are done through Celebi (#251), and with any luck I'll be able to finish RS in the next week and a half. Besides the movesets, I changed/edited a few things, fixed some typos, and also I have added extended credits to all the #gfaqers :P (which I technically had in the last update, but since nobody saw that I'll put it in here again). And because I need to feel proud about something, this FAQ has passed the 200 KB mark. Go me. 6-19-04 v0.5 - You people should be happy I feel so dedicated. Either that or I want to get this done before I leave on the 5th. Movesets are done up to Misdreavus (#200), I should have the rest of the GSC pokes done by the next update. Changed a few minor things, some typos (Omicron not Omnicron), added a few details. Also, most of you cool gfaqers have quotes now, GOGOGOGO X) 6-16-04 v0.4 - This guide has just been started. I suppose that after complaining about strawhat's guide for long enough, I should actually do something about it, and now is as good a time as any. Movesets are done up through Mew (#151, so I'm about 2/5 of the way done). Hopefully I can get through GSC in a week or two, but I can't make any promises ============================================================================== Online Battling ==========================================================================S2.0 Another time to shameless plug the programs which allow for online battling. RSBot (S2.1) >> www.freewebs.com/synre/RSBotTutorial.htm RSBot is an IRC-based battle simulator. It runs through any IRC client - the tutorial above shows how to use one of the easiest clients, mIRC. After connecting to the server, you will find an arena to battle pokemon online. RSBot is completely text-based, with all pokemon/attacks/battles occuring through channels and private messages. However, I cannot speak highly enough of the people that frequent RSBot - in addition to the superb battlers, there are many people who are just fun to talk to, and IRC also provides a good setting for that as well. RSBot has been my home for the past year, and it has been well worth it. If you are unable to download mIRC or otherwise can't get it to work, you may try Trillian. Trillian >> www.trillian.cc Trillian is a cross-platform communication program (which is my stupid way of saying that it connects to AIM/MSN/IRC simultaneously). The format is much the same as any other IRC client, although IIRC you need to go into options to set the server. Another option, though. And finally, we have Star Scream's Java IRC Client. >> http://www.ragingsilver.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/stuff/pokechat.htm (DOWN) A third option for those people who don't want to download anything at all to their comps. As I said, this is a Java client that connects to IRC, made by Star Scream. I have not tested it thoroughly, but from what I can tell it works perfectly fine. ===== Netbattle (S2.2) >> www.tvsian.com (Version 0.9.4) OR >> http://www.smogon.com/nb/ Please make sure you only download Netbattle from www.tvsian.com, or the mirror on smogon. There have been many spoofed downloads sprouting up around the net that contain viruses. Netbattle is the other main client used to battle Pokemon online. It is a stand-alone program which connects to servers online, which allow you to battle other players from around the world. As opposed to RSBot's completely text-based system, Netbattle has pretty graphics and an easy-to-use GUI interface that is, well, easy to use. Often cited as weaker when compared to the bots, but after the bots were down, many botters migrated to Netbattle. Nowadays, the only real way to battle online. ============================================================================== Table of Contents ==========================================================================S3.0 Revision Info (S1.0) Online Battling (S2.0) - RSBot (S2.1) - Netbattle (S2.2) Table of Contents (S3.0) Introduction (S4.0) Notes (S5.0) Team Building Basics (S6.0) - Hidden Power (S6.1) - HP 70 Listings (S6.2) - EV Spreads (S6.3) - Speed EVs (S6.4) - Natures (S6.5) - Items (S6.6) Jargon (S7.0) - Attacks (S7.1) - Team Building (S7.2) - Items (S7.3) - Pokemon Archetypes (S7.4) - Team Archetypes (S7.5) - Movesets (S7.6) - In Battle (S7.7) - Battle Clauses (S7.8) - Pokemon Nicknames (S7.9) Pokemon Classifications (S8.0) - 00ber List (S8.1) - Legendary List (S8.2) - UU List (S8.3) Movesets (S9.0) To Do List (S10.0) Credits (S11.0) Contact Info (S12.0) Copyright (S13.0) End (S14.0) If you would like to find something, please do a Ctrl-F search for the text WITHIN the parenthesis. ============================================================================== Introduction ==========================================================================S4.0 Welcome to my moveset guide for Pokemon FRLG. This guide is NOT a walkthrough or FAQ for this game. Instead, it is a moveset guide, to be used for link battling or competitive battling online. Do not expect any more out of it, unless I really get my ass into shape, and I probably won't. This guide was prompted by my (and the general #gfaqs crowd) personal wrangles with the only other moveset guide currently available, strawhat's Moveset/Team Building Guide. Although I respect strawhat as a FAQ writer and many of the movesets in his FAQ are plausible, I feel that as an actual RSBotter I am more capable of providing up-to-date standards as they are used. RSBot is one of the competitive mediums used for battling online, filled with many people who are both creative and smart enough to help change the metagame. It is from these people that I take many of these movesets. Now, you're probably wondering why this guide is better. The simple answer is: all of the sets I will detail have been proven to work. Most of them have been used to varying degrees of success on the bots, but they have all been proven to have some degree of capability on the bots. As such, they should all be trusted as at least semi-usable movesets. Unless I mark it as a joke moveset, in which case I hope I made it clear that you shouldn't really use this :( And if you have trouble finding something in this FAQ, scroll up one section and use the handy dandy indexes in the Table of Contents. If you want to find a specific moveset quickly, search for the poke's name proceeded by two spaces: Ctrl-F the term "Pidgeot " and you should go straight to the right section. For now, this will do, at least until I index it by pokedex number. ============================================================================== Notes ==========================================================================S5.0 - This FAQ/Walkthrough is best viewed in Courier New (or some other fixed width font), 10 pt font size, 79 characters per line. - No, I will NOT tell you where to find a rom of this game. I myself haven't even finished FRLG the game - I rely on others who have provided the new moves that are learned in this game, namely new level-up moves and move tutors. As such, you shouldn't really expect a Walkthrough for a game that hasn't even been played completely by the writer. Not that I'm writing a walkthrough anyway. - Remember, this is a moveset guide. Not a walkthrough, but a moveset guide. Even within the movesets themselves, I am not going to go into how exactly one can get such a moveset if one has already used the Earthquake TM, or which pokes need to be bred to get the right moves, or how to get the right Hidden Power. For now, just shark on all the moves (I will ensure that every set I give is a LEGAL set) and worry about the rest later. One more time: I DO NOT know how to breed X move on to Y poke, so stop asking. - Which brings me to my next point, about Gamesharks and other cheating devices. I see no problem in them. Then again, I rarely touch the game itself in spending most of my time on the bots, which in effect is a big Gameshark, but as long as you have a legal moveset no one really cares where you got it. This was added in for all the people on the boards who are convinced that using a Charizard is tantamount to sharking 100 DVs onto all your pokes. ============================================================================== Team Building Basics ==========================================================================S6.0 - This is not the right guide to be reading if you want to learn what EVs, DVs, natures, or other such things are. The following stat discussion, as is the rest of this FAQ, is tailored towards people who battle online and would like to learn specific team building techniques for online battling. ***Hidden Power*** (S6.1) (which will now be abbreviated as HP through the rest of this guide). Hidden Power is a TM move that has variable power. Depending on your DVs, which are decided upon catching/obtaining a poke, you will get a different HP each time. Hidden Powers can be of any type and have a range of power from 30-70. The reason I mention HP is that in-game, breeding/finding the correct DVs for a specific HP can be a pain in the ass. On the bots, this is not a problem with automatic HP DVs preset and ready to use, but in the cartridge (rom) and sans Gameshark you may have a problem. Unfortunately (and because I don't want to), I will not be suggesting replacement moves for HPs like I might on the boards. One, I don't know if they are necessary, and Two, I don't think that it really matters too much. However, I will suggest the following general alternatives: Return - For a physical HP, Return is always an option. Thanks to unlimited TMs, a 102 base power move can never really hurt. Although you lose type advantages by using Return, it's better than nothing, right? Protect - You can't really go wrong with this move. A old 200 standby in fear of Slaking, but it still is always an option. Substitute - The new FRLG Protect. A standby move of sorts, again no poke will lose out by adding Substitute to its moveset. Toxic - Always useful ever-increasing poison. Again, you can't really go wrong with this move. Also, any HP I suggest can be assumed to be power 70. --- And now, the brand spanking new section - HP 70 LISTINGS! ***HP 70 Listings*** (S6.2) I took these from ff8master's post on the gfaqs boards, who took it from my friend Khold's post on his own boards (link at bottom). However, I am just listing the most useful DV combinations. Also, a big thanks to Team Rocket Elite for starting the original HP 70 listings. - Any DV of 31 can be replaced by any other number which is equivalent to 3 mod 4, or 3/7/11/15/19/23/27. - Any DV of 30 can be replaced by any other number which is equivalent to 2 mod 4, or 2/6/10/14/18/22/26. - DVs are listed in the following order: HP, Att, Def, Speed, SA, SD. - The most commonly used DV is marked with a ***. By most commonly used, one generally takes into account the most like archetype of such a poke (namely, a poke using HP Bug probably wants more Att DVs and is willing to sacrifice SA DVs to get so). - Any "dominated" DV combinations have been excised. HP Fighting 70 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 31,31,30,30,30,30 *** 30,30,31,30,30,30 HP Flying 70 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 31,31,31,30,30,30 *** 30,30,30,31,30,30 <--use this for Jolly Aerodactyl, to counter Timid Jolt. HP Poison 70 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 31,31,30,31,30,30 *** 30,30,31,31,30,30 lol HP Poison HP Ground 70 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 31,31,31,31,30,30 *** 30,30,30,30,31,30 HP Rock 70 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 31,31,30,30,31,30 *** 30,30,31,30,31,30 HP Bug 70 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 31,31,31,30,31,30 *** 31,30,30,31,31,30 Go Pinsir. HP Ghost 70 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 31,31,30,31,31,30 *** 31,30,31,31,31,30 HP Steel 70 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 31,31,31,31,31,30 *** 31,30,30,30,30,31 HP Fire 70 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 31,30,31,30,30,31 *** 31,31,30,30,30,31 The only things which use HP Fire are Grumpig and Sunnybeam anyway. HP Water 70 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 31,31,31,30,30,31 *** 31,30,30,31,30,31 <-- note the 31 speed for Timid Jolt HP Grass 70 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 30,31,31,31,30,31 31,31,30,31,30,31 *** 31,30,31,31,30,31 HP Electric 70 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 31,31,31,31,30,31 *** 31,30,30,30,31,31 30,31,30,30,31,31 HP Psychic 70 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 31,30,31,30,31,31 *** 31,31,30,30,31,31 30,31,31,30,31,31 Go Unown. HP Ice 70 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 31,31,31,30,31,31 *** 31,30,30,31,31,31 <-- again, 31 in Speed for Timidjolt. 30,31,30,31,31,31 HP Dragon 70 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 31,31,30,31,31,31 31,30,31,31,31,31 *** 30,31,31,31,31,31 HP Dark 70 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 31,31,31,31,31,31 *** Hehehehe. If I had a nickel for every time someone accidentally used HP Dark because they forgot to change their DVs, I might have a dollar or two. --- ***EV Spreads*** (S6.3) In general, you'll want to boost the lower stats with EVs, the higher stats with Personalities. This is most obvious with pokes such as Steelix or the Regis, with base 200 defenses. Seeing as every 4 EVs adds one more point, what good is an extra point going to do to a defense that is already in the 400's? If you put that point into the significantly lower HP, you will get much better use out of that point. Blissey is a good example of the opposing point. Without EVs, it's max def at level 100 is 56. Put in a +def pers, and you only get yourself up to 62. However, if you put in a full 252 EVs (neutral pers), you have a final result of 119. Big difference, right? --- HP/Def/SD EVs 1. If you have Leftovers, try and use EVs to get your HP to a number that is divisible by 16, or slightly above. As Leftovers return HP/16 HP each turn, making your HP a number divisible by 16 helps maximize the HP returned per Lefties recovery period while not wasting EVs. Having 1 more than /16 will allow you to stay alive from Toxic/burn damage with 1 HP, although the odds of this actually happening are slim to none. 2. Subflailing/Subreversaling requires an HP that is = 1 mod 4. In more simple terms, your final HP must be 1 greater than a multiple of 4. The simplest case would be Flailgoose - at max DVs and level 100, it requires 8 EVs in HP to get to 289 HP, which is 1 greater than 288, which is divisible by 4. 3. If you need a berry to activate upon your 3rd Sub, make your HP divisible by 4. Berries activate when HP is <= 25% (less than or equal to), so if your HP is cleanly divisible by 4, you will get exactly 25% on your 3rd Sub. In the same vein, you won't get a fourth sub, so you better make it count. Bellyzard, this tip is for you. 4. In general, it is best to have HP and Def/SD values as close as possible. 400 HP and 160 SD won't offer as much protection as 360 HP and 200 SD, as far as defending from special attacks is concerned. However, you also have to take into consideration that putting EVs into HP helps buffer both defenses at once. In this case, HP should be as close to the sum of the defenses as possible - 380 HP/200 Def/200 SD is better than 340 HP/220 Def/220 SD if you want to defend against both physical and special attacks. 5. 338 HP is a magic HP number that allows you to take 4 STosses/Night Shades and still survive after Leftovers recovery. Same goes for 404, which gives 101 HP subs that survive a SToss. --- Speed EVs (S6.4) Speed is by far the most important EV, which is why a year after I quit battling I've come back to remake this section. Unlike damage, which is random and where "close matters", speed is a straight greater than comparison. If your speed is higher than your opponent's, it doesn't matter by how much - you'll move first. So, here are the most important speeds to consider, from high to low, ranked into tiers into mind. That means you'll have to deal with the tiers as well. Tier 1 ¯¯¯¯¯¯ - 416 - +pers/252 Electrode (base 140) - 394 - +pers/252 Jolteon, Aerodactyl, Crobat (base 130) - 383 - +pers/252 Swellow (base 125) - 372 - +pers/252 Alakazam, Sceptile, Dugtrio (base 120) - 361 - +pers/252 Starmie, Raikou (base 115) - 350 - +pers/252 Tauros, Gengar, Jumpluff, Espeon (base 110) This is as fast as it gets in the standard metagame, minus Ninjask, but that guy is so fast that we don't really care about him, the same way we really don't care too much about Electrode. At this speed, you really only need to think about the pers/EVs of your specific poke - if you are +pers/252, you are at worst 50/50 with anything with the same base speed and faster than anything with a lower base speed. Pretty simple. Tier 2 ¯¯¯¯¯¯ - 339 - 252 Alakazam, Sceptile, Dugtrio (base 120) - 329 - 252 Starmie, Raikou (base 115) - 328 - +pers/252 Slaking, Zapdos, Dodrio, Salamence, Flygon (base 100) - 319 - 252 Tauros, Gengar, Jumpluff, Espeon (base 110) - 317 - +pers/252 Jynx (base 95) - 306 - +pers/252 Zangoose/Pikachu (base 90) - 299 - 252 Slaking, Zapdos, Dodrio, Salamence, Flygon (base 100) - 295 - +pers/252 Heracross, Pinsir (base 85) - 284 - +pers/252 Medicham, Blaziken (base 80) This is basically all the tier 1 pokes, except neutral personalities. In general, the base 130 pokes almost always tend to be +pers/252, while anything else is much more likely to be Modest or Adamant or something else. Don't take this as canon, though. Also, if you ever see a Pikachu, it's probably 305/306. Tier 3 ¯¯¯¯¯¯ - 279 - 252 Zangoose/Pikachu (base 90) - 273 - +pers/252 Smeargle (base 75) - 269 - 252 Heracross, Pinsir (base 85) - 262 - +pers/252 Magneton, Breloom (base 70) - 259 - 252 Medicham, Blaziken (base 80) - 239 - 252 Magneton, Breloom (base 70) Here is where it starts to get interesting, and where remembering those numbers from tiers 1 and 2 comes in handy. At this point, you start to run into DD Gyarados and Salamence, and Salac Heracross/Medicham/Blaziken, all of which have the following important numbers to keep in mind: 264 - outspeeds everything but Electrode and Ninjask after one speed boost 263 - outspeeds +pers/252 Magneton and Breloom. Especially important for Salamence and Gyarados. 250 - outspeeds the +pers/252 base 120 pokes after a speed boost. More useful in 200 play. 240 - if you want to skimp on speed but still beat Modest Magneton, here's the spot for you At this point you need to make a judgment call and decide exactly what you need to outspeed. I personally like my Gyara/Sala at 264+ speed or so, since I tend to use Gyara/Sala as Magneton counters. Tier 4 ¯¯¯¯¯¯ - 206 - Suicune (base 85) - 198 - Milotic (base 81) A blank looking tier, but there are another couple things that show up here. First of all, it's worth putting some EVs into speed as a Suicune, for the purpose of outroaring other Suicunes. AK is known to put in up to 40 EVs here, but the general max you'll see is around 210. Also, here you start to come across some other speed thresholds: 198 - after two speed boosts, outruns everything but Electrode and Ninjask. Of great consideration on Agility Metagross and DD Tyranitar, although you should probably just go for... 200 - after one speed boost, outruns neutral Slaking, Salamence, and other base 100 pokes. You might want to consider this on things like Salac Machamp or Ursaring, as well as Salac Metagross and Tyranitar. Chlorophyll users also want to shoot for 200 or so. Much higher than that is an awkward zone, as anything with a speed in this tier is usually way below the speed necessary to get into Tier 3. I'm looking at you, Ursaring. Tier 5 ¯¯¯¯¯¯ - 176 - Skarmory (base 70) - 156 - Swampert, Weezing (base 60) - 146 - Blissey (base 55) - 140 - -pers Swampert, Weezing (base 60) - 136 - Regis, Donphan (base 50) More numbers that might be useful to know. It's always useful to get in the first hit on these tankish pokes, especially if they are at low % and you want to off them quickly. Rhydon, Donphan, and non-Agility Marowak might want to pay attention here. Tier 6 ¯¯¯¯¯¯ - 96 - Steelix, Snorlax, Slowbro (base 30) - 86 - Dusclops (base 25) Useful, if you're paralyzed or something and want to know if you'll go first still. --- If you would like some more detailed information about EV distribution, you might want to check the following link: >> www.marblepalace.net/gemmatics/evdistribution.shtml Written by quite possibly one of the most talented botters ever, McGraw himself, it has a LOT of good stuff on EV distrubution. Although the guide was written for 200 play, and thus a lot of the tips may be 200-oriented (specifically the focus on Speed), a lot of the information in that guide should be taken to heart. It also talks a bit about choosing personalities for your pokes, another topic closely related to EV distribution. --- ***Natures*** (S6.5) I'm sticking these in here, because I can never remember them, and it's nice to have them on my hard drive instead of looking them up on the net all the time. My guide, my rules. Neutral - Hardy, Docile, Serious, Bashful, Quirky +Att, -Def - Lonely +Att, -Spd - Brave +Att, -SA - Adamant +Att, -SD - Naughty +Def, -Att - Bold +Def, -Spd - Relaxed +Def, -SA - Impish +Def, -SD - Lax +Spd, -Att - Timid +Spd, -Def - Hasty +Spd, -SA - Jolly +Spd, -SD - Naive +SA, -Att - Modest +SA, -Def - Mild +SA, -Spd - Quiet +SA, -SD - Rash +SD, -Att - Calm +SD, -Def - Gentle +SD, -Spd - Sassy +SD, -SA - Careful --- ***Items*** (S6.6) Leftovers is the generally preferred item (I have teams with all Leftovers), generally for Sandstorms and other such things, and because I (for the most part) play defensively. If you don't know what to use (and it's not a CBer), stick on the Lefties. ============================================================================== Jargon ==========================================================================S7.0 Jargon is the terms that you may see in common battling, and also terms that I may use (intentionally or not) in this FAQ. I'll do my best to list as many common abbreviations as I can here. Items marked with a * are duplicated, so make sure you know the correct meaning, hopefully via context. ATTACKS: (S7.1) (format) Abbreviation - Actual Term/Description AA - Aerial Ace AP - Ancientpower AT - Aromatherapy BB - Brick Break BD - Belly Drum BP - Baton Pass BS - Body Slam CC - Cross Chop CM - Calm Mind CRay - Confuse Ray DBond - Destiny Bond DClaw - Dragon Claw DD - Dragon Dance DE - Double-Edge DP - Drill Peck DT - Double Team EQ - Earthquake ES - Extremespeed FB - Fire Blast FP* - Fire Punch FP* - Focus Punch FT - Flamethrower HB - Heal Bell HJK - Hi Jump Kick HP* - Hydro Pump HP* - Hidden Power IB - Ice Beam KO - Knock Off LK - Low Kick LS - Light Screen MC - Mirror Coat ML - Mean Look MM - Meteor Mash PSong - Perish Song QA - Quick Attack RB - Rock Blast RD - Rain Dance Rev - Reversal RS - Rock Slide SB* - Shadow Ball SB* - Sludge Bomb SD* - Sunny Day SD* - Swords Dance Seed - Leech Seed SToss - Seismic Toss Sub - Substitute SW - Silver Wind Synth - Synthesis TB - Thunderbolt TWave - Thunder Wave WoW - Will-o-Wisp --- TEAM BUILDING: (S7.2) Att - Attack Def - Defense DV/IV - Diversification Value/Identification Value (the one that goes from 0-31) EV/EP - Effort Value/Effort Point (the one that goes from 0-255) HP* - Hit Points Lvl - Level Pers - Personality PP - Power Points (move points, whatever, you know what they are) SA - Special Attack SD - Special Defense Spd - Speed @ - the general notation used to indicate an item (@ Leftovers) +/- - Generally used to refer to the stat boosted by a personality. +Atk -SA happens to be Adamant, etc. --- ITEMS: (S7.3) CB - Choice Band Lefties - Leftovers MMM - Moomoo Milk --- POKEMON ARCHETYPES: (S7.4) 00ber - One of the pokes that is designated as "uber". 00bers are decided SOLELY on the basis of stat total and the tier system, with the only exception being Slaking and its Truant trait. There are NO other 00bers - I don't care what you think about Blissey, its stat total does NOT qualify it as an 00ber. The complete list may be found at S8.1. Annoyer - A poke that is designed to annoy, and usually evade hits. Generally has DT, Confuse Ray, or some status inflicter. A dying archetype, since indirect kills are at best rare. BPer - A poke that uses Baton Pass. BUer - A poke that uses Bulk Up CMer - A poke that uses Calm Mind. DDer - Gyarados or Salamence, and the occasional Altaria. Maybe a Charizard or two. TTar as well. Drummer - A poke that uses Belly Drum. Most obviously Charizard, but you also run into a Poliwrath here and there, and the seeminly omnipresent Bellylax. Hazer - A poke that uses Haze. PHazer - A poke that phazes (pseudo-hazes). The most-used phazing move is Roar/Whirlwind, but it is also possible to use Yawn or even Lock On as phazing moves. Basically, phazers force switches to get rid of stat boosts. PPasser - A poke that uses moves that simulate Baton Passing. The three moves in mind are Light Screen, Reflect, and Safeguard. Sponge - Another poke that takes hits. Some terms get pretty stupid after awhile. Sweeper - A poke that is designed to take out enemies (vague, isn't it?). Comes in three varieties: physical, special, and mixed. Tank - A poke that has a wall's purpose, but generally attacks as well. Fairly stupid term if you ask me. The best example would be Snorlax - it absorbs special hits well and can also attack. Utility - A poke that does something besides attacking. Generally Rapid Spin, but also includes PPassing and other such stuff. UU - UnderUsed. This is a vague and hard-to-describe term. In the vaguest sense, a UU poke is one that is not used much. Then it starts to delve into your definition of "much", or whether a poke is necessarily UU because it's bad or because there are similarly-built but all-around better pokes (like Swampert vs Whiscash). Browse through the UU list (S8.2) and read the bit there, it might clarify something for you. Wall - A poke that is designed to take hits. Generally focused more on the physical or special side, but can be both (Blissey is the most prominent example). --- TEAM ARCHETYPES: (S7.5) Absorb team - A team that uses the different Absorbs to counter stuff. Stupid if you ask me, since it's basically an Eeveelution team with a few minor exceptions. Bellresting - Having a team that relies heavily on Rest, then using Heal Bell (or AT) to wake them all up at once. Dominant in GSC, shunned through early FRLG in the offensive metagame, and with Blissey's recent revival it has become nearly standard. Jaskwak - Using Ninjask to pass Speed/Attack boosts to Marowak. Adapated from the original Joltwak of GSC. Mono team - A team that uses only one type of pokemon. Fairly self-obvious ("I'm running a mono-flying team"). Skarmbliss - A team that uses the pokes Skarmory and Blissey on the same team. The idea being that Skarmory is the premiere (or among the best) physical tanks in the game, and Blissey is the best special tank. Hated by most, ignored by a select few who insist their team can take care of Skarmbliss without a problem - regardless of who you are, Skarmbliss is almost always a hassle to beat. Suispikes - A team that uses Spikes, and then Suicune to phaze people so they take Spikes damage. This team archetype wasn't first used by Suicune (it has its best fit with Skarm, who spikes AND phazes), but whereas Skarm has many counters, Suicune only has a couple after it has already CMed up. And if you happen to be facing a team with Vappy/Lapras as its only Cune counter, you can phaze it out and watch it die to Spikes eventually. TSS - Toxic Spikes Sandstorm. Originally coined in GSC as a team which utilized the TSS principle of forcing switches and constant damage, the term has basically evolved to any team that uses Tyranitar and its Sandstream trait. Wobbazard - the technique of using Wobbuffet to set up Belly Drum Charizard. Encore whatever your opponent does. If they use an attack, Counter/MC it back at them for a KO. Hence why most enemies will choose non-attacking moves, which after Encore'd allow Charizard to get in a free Belly Drum. --- MOVESETS: (S7.6) Boltbeam - Using TB and IB in the same moveset. Boltbeam is a move combo that is only resisted by two pokes, Lanturn and Magneton, making it good for at least neutral damage against almost everything. CBer - A poke that has a Choice Band attached. And 4 attacks, hopefully. End/Subflailing - See below, except for Flail. End/Subrevving - Endrevving came first. After using Endure to bring your HP down to 1 and activating Salac, you have a 200 power fighting move at your disposal. Now, in FRLG, you can use Sub in much the same way (4 subs with the correct HP will you bring down to 1 HP), and have a little more variety along the way. Metropoke - A poke that has all 4 of its moves as Metronome. Used primarily in metro battles, which tend to be a good way to let off steam. OHKO* - A poke that has a OHKO move (Fissure, Sheer Cold, Horn Drill). Perishtrapping - Using Mean Look to trap the opponent, and Perish Song to finish them off. Old stuff. Sporepunching - Using Spore and Focus Punch. Breloom only. Subpunching - Using Sub and Focus Punch. The Substitute protects your HP, so you can Focus Punch at will. Sunnybeaming - Using Sunny Day to make Solarbeam one turn. Meh. Thunderdancing - Using Rain Dance to make Thunder 100% hit. Even worse than Sunnybeaming, since you are better off with TB 9/10 times, whereas the grass type doesn't have a corresponding move that is better in almost all occasions. Not to mention that there aren't many pokes who do learn both Surf and Thunder, and the obvious ones that do (Starmie, Lanturn, Lapras) have better choices in the third and fourth slot. Trickbanding/milking - Using Trick while @ Choice Band, so your opponent gets stuck with the CB. Fairly situational, and it can often work out to your disadvantage if you CB the wrong thing. Not to mention you lose a moveslot. Trickmilking involves Tricking Moomoo Milk onto your opponent. :) Wishpassing - Using BP to pass Wish on to another poke. Reserved for Vappy and Umbreon, and explained in more depth in Vaporeon's section. Yawnpunching - Using Yawn to force sleep/switch, which then leads to a free FP. --- IN BATTLE: (S7.7) AJ - nub :) CH - Critical Hit FP* - Fully Paralyzed. A throwback to RBY days, where it said XXX is fully paralyzed! Nowadays, it means a turn where you can't attack due to paralysis. GP - a pokebattler named Green_Pikachu, who was famous for coming up with insane excuses that got him out of tournament battles. Unfortunately for him, the term expanded to include anyone who runs from a battle, at any point. The origin of the GP clause (run = instant lose clause, basically) hax - "hacking", or more specifically any time when one gets exceptionally lucky and gets a CH/freeze/0%/miss/etc at a critical moment. If you have no honor, blame it on hax. NVE - Not very effective. An attack that does .5x (or .25x) as much due to typing. OHKO* - To faint your opponent in one move. It could be with a OHKO move, but not necessarily (or usually). SE - Super effective. An attack that does 2x (or 4x) as much due to typing. STAB - Same type attack bonus. Using a move that is the same type as your poke gives an additional 1.5x modifier to damage. --- BATTLE CLAUSES: (S7.8) Any clause that is STARRED (*) is considered standard in normal play. If you break any of these clauses, your match is considered a forfeit. The little bits after a clause are my two cents. * BRANNERS CLAUSE - The use of the item Branners is strictly prohibited. - Duh. DOUBLE TEAM CLAUSE - This clause has two interpretations. Either the use of the move Double Team/Minimize is completely banned, or it is limited to one moveslot on one pokemon. - A lot of people complain about DT, saying that it devolves the metagame into a series of repeated coin flips. The theorist in me says that luck is part of the game, but the battler in me says that using DT is dishonorable and ruins the thinking part of the game. Judge accordingly. Not a standard clause, because no one can really seem to agree on one interpretation, but most people (on the bots, at least) agree to not use DT. * EXPLOSION CLAUSE/SELF-KO CLAUSE - If both you and your opponent are at your last poke, you may not use the move Explosion, Selfdestruct, or Memento to end the match. Destiny Bond and Perish Song will also lead to forfeits. - This prevents ties, which are considered dishonorable. Otherwise there isn't too much basis to this rule. And if you use Memento, you deserve to lose anyway right? ;) FREEZE CLAUSE - You may not freeze more than one (1) of your opponent's pokes at any given time. - Because freeze is determined solely by luck, unlike Sleep, this rule is harder to enfore, especially on the bots. As such, it isn't standard, although it certainly does suck (1/100 odds, anyone?). Can be implemented in NB, however. * GP CLAUSE - You may not run from a battle for any reason. If you do, your match is declared a forfeit. - Simple enough, you might think. And poor GP got blamed for something that wasn't *entirely* his fault. HIDDEN POWER CLAUSE - Two fairly separate clauses that share the misfortune of being related to a common move. The more arcane one first: 1. The move Hidden Power is completely banned. - The basis for this clause is that in-game, breeding correct DVs takes an impossibly long time. I would like to state that anyone who believes in this clause is full of soot and poo. 2. The move Hidden Power is banned on all "Legendary" pokes. - Since legendary pokes are only catchable once by definition, the idea of getting perfect DVs is even more impossible than HP Clause #1. While more theoretically sound, I still think this is baloney, but it is sometimes agreed upon for leagues or more official battles. Generally ignored in normal play. ITEM CLAUSE - Each poke on your team must be using a unique item (no repeats). - Some people insist. I choose not to battle them. My main objection to Item Clause is I don't actually know of 6 unique items, since Lefties/Salac/ Liechi/CB are the only ones I use. OHKO CLAUSE - This clause has two interpretations. Either the use of a OHKO move (Sheer Cold, Fissure, Horn Drill, Guillotine) is completely banned, or it is limited to one moveslot on one pokemon. - Similar basis as to the DT Clause, it makes the game luck-centric. Also not completely standard, as its interpretation varies, but like the DT clause most people shy away from OHKO moves, or at least limit it to one poke. PINCH BERRY CLAUSE - The use of any pinch berry (the old name for the 25 [50]% berries, since the move description was activated "in a pinch") except for Liechi Berry is banned in strict 200 play. - Only used if you were a strict 200 player, since the clause revolves around the fact that it is impossible to get the other pinch berries in-game. Pretty boring, if you ask me, but some people insisted. * SLEEP CLAUSE - You may not put more than one (1) of your opponent's pokes to sleep at any given time. This one pokemon limit does not apply to any pokes which are under self-induced sleep (Rest, etc) or fall asleep through the use of Effect Spore, or through forced use of a sleep move through Encore. I'm not sure what the verdict is on sleep induced through Synchronize - I'll say for the time being that it's fine, and that you were asking for it trying to put that Alakazam to sleep instead of KOing it. - Used mostly to prevent abuse of a Sporing Agility Smeargle, which would be fast enough to put your entire team to sleep and then do whatever it wanted. * SPECIES CLAUSE - Only one of any species of Pokemon on a team (Diglett and Dugtrio are considered part of the same species). - Keeps the game from getting boring. Not that having a team of all Salamence would necessarily be good. * UBER CLAUSE - Any poke that is in the 00ber list (S8.1) is banned from normal play. This applies mostly on the bots, since NB shows if your opponent uses ubers. - I'm a firm believer that any poke that passes a stat threshold (tier, whatever) should be banned, as it is unfair. You may disagree, but this is MY FAQ :) * WOBBUFFET CLAUSE - Don't use Wobbuffet. Or Wynaut. - Just don't, they're cheap, and you know it. There's also the technical aspect of a Wobb vs Wobb showdown (which would be about as interesting as a DBZ showdown, and almost as long), but Wobbuffet is cheap anyway. - Addendum: Smogon considers Wob an uber. I am in agreement. --- POKEMON NICKNAMES: (S7.9) AKA as if we aren't already lazy enough to type out the full eight letters of a pokemon's name, we need to shorten it even more. Specific moveset names (such as Tauntridos, or Bellyzard) can be Ctrl-F'd under that poke's section - I'm just going over general names here. Mostly, if you've heard of something and can't place a nick with a poke, look in here instead. And seeing as most of these nicks are just the first or last five letters of a poke's name, you should be able to figure them out for yourself, but hey - that's life. (format) POKEMON - NICKNAME Venusaur - Venu, Vulva, Saur, Sore Charizard - Zard Blastoise - Toise Pikachu - PIIIIIIKA PIKA PIIK PIIIIIIK PIIIIKA, Chu Sandslash - SS (thank SSM for this one) Nidoqueen/king - Nido (since most people use king over queen, assume king) Ninetales - 9tales (lol) Wigglytuff - Wiggly Dugtrio - Duggy Alakazam - Zam Tentacruel - Tenta, Cruel Magneton - Maggie, Maggy, Faggie Gengar - Gar Exeggutor - Eggy Marowak - Wak Hitmonlee/chan/top - Hitmon (generally refers to lee) Kangaskhan - Kanga Electabuzz - Buzz Gyarados - Gyara Lapras - Lappy Vaporeon - Vappy Jolteon - Jolt Aerodactyl - Aero Snorlax - Lax Zapdos - Zappy Dragonite - Draggy, Nite Mewtwo - m003 Ampharos - Amphy Quagsire - Quaggy Umbreon - Umby Misdreavus - Missy, Misd Wobbuffet - Wob Forretress - Forry Heracross - Hera Ursaring - Ursa Swinub - Secksnub Skarmory - Skarm Donphan - Phanny, Fanny Raikou - Kou Suicune - Cune Tyranitar - TTar Swampert - Pert Ludicolo - Ludi Ninjask - Jask Shedinja - Sheddy Luvdisc - Uberdisc Milotic - Lotic Hariyama - Hari Grumpig - Pig, Piggy Medicham - Medi Dusclops - Clops Zangoose - Goose Gardevoir - Gardy Salamence - Sala Metagross - Meta Latios/Latias - Lati@s Statistics on the above nicknames: 18/67 (26.87%) are the first X letters of a poke's name. 18/67 (26.87%) are derivatives of the first X letters of a poke's name. 19/67 (28.36%) are the last X letters of a poke's name. 5/67 (7.46%) are derivatives of the last X letters of a poke's name. 18/67 (26.87%) end in the letter "y". 5/67 (7.46%) end in the letter "i" or "ie". 7/67 (10.45%) end in the letter "a". 15/67 (22.39%) are pokes that are in the UU list or unevolved. 2/67 (2.99%) are pokes that are 00bers. 50/67 (74.63%) are pokes that are considered "standard". 35/67 (52.24%) of the nicks are RBY pokes. 16/67 (23.88%) of the nicks are GSC pokes. 16/67 (23.88%) of the nick are RS pokes. ============================================================================== Pokemon Classifications ==========================================================================S8.0 I believe this needs some clearing up, since people often ask "is such and such UU or 00ber"? And thus, I have the following lists. The 00ber list is primarily on the basis of stat total, and is also pretty much set in stone. The UU list, on the other hand, is somewhat vague. I am using AK's list, which I believe to be the most accurate, but someone will always argue about it :/ Any pokes not in this list can be assumed to be "standard". 00BER LIST: (S8.1) Celebi, Deoxys (all forms), Groudon, Jirachi, Kyogre, Ho-oh, Lati@s, Lugia, Mew, Mewtwo, Rayquaza, Uberdisc I would also like to mention right now that Wobbuffet and Wynaut, while not technically considered 00bers by this tier system, are generally banned from standard play. --- LEGENDARY LIST: (S8.2) Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Regirock, Registeel, Regice. Some people include pokes such as Salamence, Dragonite, Tyranitar, and Metagross on this list. I disagree with this, since a legendary poke is mostly defined by the fact that is only catchable once. Thus, the only one that would possibly fall in this category is Metagross, and Meta...isn't generally considered legendary. --- UU LIST: (S8.3) Absol, Aggron, Aipom, Altaria, Ampharos, Arbok, Ariados, Banette, Beautifly, Beedrill, Bellossom, Butterfree, Cacturne, Camerupt, Castform, Chimecho, Clefable, Corsola, Cradily, Crawdaunt, Delcatty, Delibird, Dewgong, Ditto, Dunsparce, Dustox, Electabuzz, Electrode, Exploud, Farfetch'd, Fearow, Flareon, Furret, Girafarig, Glalie, Gligar, Golduck, Golem, Granbull, Grumpig, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, Huntail, Hypno, Illumise, Kecleon, Kingler, Ledian, Lickitung, Lunatone, Luvdisc, Magcargo, Magmar, Manectric, Masquerain, Mawile, Mightyena, Minun, Murkrow, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Ninetales, Noctowl, Nosepass, Octillery, Parasect, Pelipper, Persian, Pidgeot, Piloswine, Plusle, Politoed, Poliwrath, Primeape, Quagsire, Qwilfish, Raichu, Rapidash, Raticate, Relicanth, Roselia, Sableye, Sandslash, Seaking, Seviper, Sharpedo, Shiftry, Slowking, Sneasel, Solrock, Spinda, Stantler, Sudowoodo, Sunflora, Swalot, Tangela, Tentacruel, Togetic, Torkoal, Tropius, Unown, Venomoth, Victreebel, Vileplume, Volbeat, Wailord, Walrein, Whiscash, Wigglytuff, Xatu, Yanma Just to clarify - this UU list is not exclusive by any means. It was constructed with a couple goals in mind - 1. removing all pokes that are used in "standard" play 2. eliminating pokes that have base stat totals that would make them dominant over other UUs. This is why you will not see pokes such as Typhlosion, Feraligatr, or Arcanine in this list - although they certainly are not used much at all, their base stat totals put them far and above the other pokes in this UU list. ============================================================================== Movesets ==========================================================================S9.0 Now, for the bread and butter of this Moveset Guide :O I will do my best to explain every Moveset that will be given in this guide, and provide some historic information about the set if applicable. What I believe to be the general standard (if it exists) will be marked. I will be addressing movesets for fully evolved pokes only, except for five exceptions - Trapinch, Vigoroth, Pikachu, Scyther, and Clamperl. Trapinch maintains Arena Trap (probably the second sexiest ability in the game, after Trace/Serene Grace) in its unevolved form, Vigoroth doesn't have Truant, Pikachu gets a Light Ball, Scyther has better typing and substantially different stats from its evolved form, and Clamperl has a Deepseatooth.. EVs are posted in standard bot form, HP/Att/Def/Speed/SA/SD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VENUSAUR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nice Grass/Poison typing. With Psychics long past their moments in the spotlight, the Poison type isn't quite as bad as it used to be. Very nice resistance to fighting, although you trade it for neutral Ground. Venusaur's defenses let it survive almost any attack, save a STABed Fire Blast from Moltres or the like. My personal favorite poke to use, since I take a lot of credit in it being used at all. VENUSAUR @ Leftovers Overgrow "Sexsaur" - Sludge Bomb/HP Grass - Leech Seed - Sleep Powder - Synthesis EVs: Careful (+SD -SA), 252/?/?/56/0/? - 56 Speed EVs puts you at 210 speed, which is enough to outrun most Suicune). Fiddle the rest into Def/SD as you see fit, depending on what you want to guard against. If you have anything spare, throw it into Att, but you're not really going for the KO with Sludge Bomb. ****FRLG standard**** VULVASORE!!! This one I can take credit for, this set was created by #gfaqs. Credit goes to AJ for first coming up with the idea, and then myself (aren't I a whore) for adding in the attacks. Venusaur is a tank. Period. 80/83/100 Defenses puts it above average on the physical side (coupled with the Fighting resistance), and certainly very strong on the special side (it survives Alakazam Psychics). Sleep Powder is always a useful move. Leech Seed is IMO the best move in the game, especially in this defensively oriented metagame filled with Blisslax, where the potential for draining HP is amazing. Synthesis only adds to the tankage. Sludge Bomb is the generally preferred move, working off a higher base damage. However, after everyone in RSBot learned to predict Sludge Bomb and started switching in Ground/Rock/Steel types, a switch back to HP Grass can work for a surprise. Venusaur should be played as a tank. Sleep Powder is a free disabler and forces a switch to utilize Sleep Clause, allowing a free Seed/Synthesis. With two healing moves, Venu can last a long time, and Sludge Bomb provides a nice physical attack. --- VENUSAUR @ Leftovers/Lum Berry/Salac Berry/Liechi Berry Overgrow - Sludge Bomb - Earthquake - Swords Dance/Curse - Sleep Powder/HP Ghost or Rock/Synthesis/Substitute Attacking Venusaur. One of the few pokes to get Swords Dance on a STABed Sludge Bomb (the most other notables are Victreebel and Tentacruel), and it gets a nice EQ too for physical attacks. A little too offensively oriented for my taste as SB/EQ leaves you vulnerable to Weezing/Skarm, unless you take them out with Sleep Powder, then you still have type problems. Although a workable set (EQ especially comes as a surprise to many), a fairly one-dimensional use. After having tried out Curse for a little bit, I can say that it only makes Venu even more vulnerable to WoW or TWave, Sludge Bomb and EQ aren't the best attacking combo, and any decent defensive phazer can beat it up fairly easily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHARIZARD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Everyone's favorite Fire/Flying type. Charizard suffers a lot from being a Fire type, still a crappy type, although Bellyzard certainly dominated the early 386 Metagame back when the berries were 50%. And when I say dominated, I'm not sure you realize the extent of this statement unless you were really there - EVERY team had to consider Bellyzard just as they consider Curselax now. CHARIZARD @ Salac Berry Blaze "Bellyzard" - HP Flying - Earthquake - Overheat/Fire Blast - Belly Drum ****old 386 standard**** Probably the most well-known poke in 386 play. This thing managed to dominate the 386 metagame for a few months, punishing everything with a maxed attack of 1175, a cool STABed attack, and another STABed attack that dealt with the most predictable counter named Skarmory. Back when berries were 50%, a single Belly Drum activated Salac, leaving a huge attack stat with godly speed (faster than all unboosted pokes save Jolly Ninjask). Bellyzard created a metagame of its own. No longer was CB Dugtrio acceptable, in fear that Bellyzard could switch in after the EQ and Belly Drum down. Wobbazard was also another tactic, as was Encorezard and many others. Every team was almost forced to have a Bellyzard counter (cough Suicune cough), which oddly enough led to a huge increase in the number of Suispikes or Sandstorm teams to try and deal with Bellyzard. Fairly simple to use in principle. Switch in on a Rest/Sleeping Turn, and Belly Drum without fear of retaliation. Or use Wobb/Encore to set it up. Or just predict right or something. When the berry activation percentage was moved back down to 25%, this poke lost a lot of its previous use, and is now relegated to the UU. --- CHARIZARD @ Salac Berry/Liechi Berry/Leftovers Blaze - HP Flying - Earthquake - Overheat/Fire Blast - Swords Dance/Dragon Dance EVs: Lonely (+Att -Def) 0/252/0/140/116/0 with a 30 DV in HP. - This assumes HP Flying and gets you 270 speed to outrun Adamant Hera/Pinsir and also gets you 296 HP to ensure Salac kicks on after Sub/BD. Let's be honest now, Charizard doesn't take hits well. ****FRLG standard**** The new Bellyzard, although Charizard has taken quite a hit. Liechi/Lefties with DD obviously, Salac/Lefties with SD. Still usable, but the significantly lower attack doesn't help the awful typing. --- CHARIZARD @ Salac Berry Blaze - HP Flying - Earthquake/Rock Slide/Overheat - Substitute - Belly Drum Y helo thar psuedo-Bellyzard. Uses Sub to get to the 25% needed to activate berries. This set kinda loses at life though, you lose either the second attack or the ability to OHKO Skarm/Forry. --- CHARIZARD @ Petaya Berry/Leftovers Blaze - Fire Blast - Dragon Claw/HP Fighting/Focus Punch - Sunny Day - Overheat Surprisingly similar to Moltres, in this respect. Although physical Charizard is more popular, people forget that its SA is the higher base stat. A fairly sad and pathetic set in the long run, lack of special attacks really kills it, but it can make for a nice surprise. And Blaze + STAB + Sunny Day + Petaya + Overheat can do a pretty good deal of damage, pretty much OHKOing anything that doesn't resist. --- CHARIZARD @ Leftovers Blaze - HP Flying/Rock Slide - Focus Punch - Overheat/Fire Blast - Substitute Katch22's set. A subpuncher, and it works decently well, although it fears Rock Blast greatly. The high speed and bad typing hurt Charizard here, other pokes with better attack/defenses are more apt to a Subpunching moveset, but I've seen it work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BLASTOISE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The least used of the RBY starters. Blastoise's main disadvantages stem from a typing that is extremely common, stats that scream mediocrity in the face of Suicune/Milotic, and no real advantages over superior water types besides Rapid Spin. It is still a decent UU hazer/spinner, its defenses certainly aren't bad, and special attacking Blastoise can be funny to watch. BLASTOISE @ Leftovers Torrent - Surf - Ice Beam/Rapid Spin/Roar/Rest/Haze - Ice Beam/Rapid Spin/Roar/Rest/Haze - Ice Beam/Rapid Spin/Roar/Rest/Haze EVs: Calm (+SD -Att), 252/0/96/40/120/0 - 40 speed gives you 202 total to outrun Metagross and Ttar. 120 SA lets you OHKO the 252/252/4 DDmence with IB. Feel free to fiddle with Speed and Def as you see fit. ****FRLG standard**** Outclassed by Suicune/Vaporeon in the phazing department, and many others in the spinning department, but it makes a good utility poke, combining all the useful moves into one big package. Feel free to also throw in Mirror Coat or Counter as a surprise attack. --- BLASTOISE @ Leftovers Torrent - Yawn - Focus Punch - Earthquake/filler - Surf/Ice Beam/HP Rock/filler A Yawnpuncher. Yawnpunching is generally pretty good at forcing switches, and you'll generally see a lot of flyers on the switch, leading to IB or HP Rock. EQ is a good solid attack, and can be replaced by any of the moves listed in the first set, if you need some more utility. Sleep Clause kinda beats this thing in over the head though, and you still need to take a hit while Yawning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUTTERFREE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Compoundeyes. 90% Sleep Powder is the best you are going to get short of Spore. Pity it's the same speed as the other big Spore user (Breloom) and slower than the other other Spore user (Smeargle). Besides Sleep Powder and perhaps Stun Spore/Supersonic, Butterfree is just a small fly on the wall. BUTTERFREE @ Quick Claw/nothing/Leftovers Compoundeyes - Sleep Powder - Stun Spore/Supersonic/Toxic - Silver Wind/Psychic/HP Flying - Thief/Protect/Substitute I personally like Thief, seeing as Butterfree isn't going to be doing any major attacking, and you might as well disable something else while you're still alive. Stun Spore has the same 90% as Sleep Powder, Toxic never hurts, and whatever attack you choose is really a last ditch thing. HP Flying does more damage than Psychic in the long run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BEEDRILL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It got Swords Dance back. Woohoo. It's also slower than Blastoise, which says something about the bee that can't outrun the turtle. BEEDRILL @ Lum Berry/Salac Berry Swarm - Sludge Bomb - HP Bug - Substitute/Aerial Ace/Brick Break - Swords Dance It learns Brick Break, which I just found out. How awesome. Too bad Beedrill sucks. --- BEEDRILL @ Liechi Berry/Salac Berry/Quick Claw Swarm - Substitute - Endeavor - HP Bug - Agility/Sludge Bomb It has potential as a Subdeavorer, but not much when it's already so slow and so weak. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PIDGEOT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Outclassed by Fearow in every way, which is in turn outclassed by Swellow and Dodrio. A decent CBer though. PIDGEOT @ Choice Band Keen Eye - Return - Aerial Ace/Air Cutter - Quick Attack - HP Ground/Fighting Meh. Better defenses than Fearow, but less in the two stats which actually mean something - Att and Spd. It also doesn't have Drill Peck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RATICATE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One of two users of Super Fang, and unlike Smeargle Raticate can actually follow it up with something. However, the overgrown rat can't take a hit, nor does it really do much besides take off 50% health and die. RATICATE @ Leftovers Guts - Return/Double-Edge - Super Fang - Substitute/Quick Attack/Shadow Ball - Thunder Wave/Quick Attack/Thief The principle behind Double-Edge is that it won't live long anyway, so why not do more damage while still alive? Raticate is basically a crapshoot - Super Fang something, and hope to kill it while you're still alive. TWave and the hax para rate might help keep you alive a bit longer, and Sub/TWave can be used to try and stall until the FP. QA is a useful move. --- RATICATE @ Choice Band Guts - Return - Facade - Shadow Ball - HP Ground/Fighting/Super Fang CB Super Fang, as moronic as it may sound, could work for switching in and out and demi-shuffling. Facade + Guts + status is a Swellow tactic that might work on a the rat that has less attack than the swallow. Seriously Nintendo, don't rats eat birds or something like that? --- RATICATE @ Salac Berry Guts - Quick Attack/Return - Endeavor - Substitute - Shadow Ball/Thunder Wave I've seen this before, it's actually pretty funny when Raticate haxes the crap out of some poor soul and Endeavors it down to 1 HP, then finishes it off with a QA. Endeavor actually works in ghosts in RSBot, which is the reason for Shadow Ball, but TWave might have some haxing potential and let you Endeavor another poke. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FEAROW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Better than Pidgeot, with higher Att/Spd stats and a much sexier move in Drill Peck. Still outclassed by Dodrio in every way, but at least it's a step up. FEAROW @ Choice Band Keen Eye - Return - Quick Attack - Drill Peck - HP Ground/Fighting POX ME I'M CONTAGIOUS. This thing owned for me in a UU tourney. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ARBOK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Don't use it, try Ekans instead. _,--""'"""-. ,' .,-. `. '`...( | | \ | `--' . 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ARBOK @ Leftovers Intimidate - Sludge Bomb - Earthquake - Glare - Snatch/Haze/Toxic Snatch a SD or two from a Ninjask, and you're in the money. --- ARBOK @ Leftovers Shed Skin - Sludge Bomb - Rest - filler - filler The main point here is that Shed Skin has a 33% chance of healing sleep, which could lead to some more interesting possibilities. Charbok is still bad though, don't get me wrong on that. --- ARBOK @ Choice Band Intimidate - Sludge Bomb - Earthquake - Rock Slide - HP Ghost/Iron Tail/etc That's surprisingly cool, it learns Rock Slide. CB Intimidation is pretty cool, just ask Tauros. Better than Seviper, at least. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PIKACHU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It gets a Light Ball to double it's SA, effectively giving it the highest unboosted non-uber SA in the game, unless you're Deepseatooth Clamperl. An Adamant max Att Slaking, non-CBed, has a 1/10 chance of OHKOing said Pikachu with SCRATCH. Keep this all in mind. PIKACHU @ Light Ball Static - Thunderbolt - HP Ice/Grass - Substitute - Encore/TWave/Sweet Kiss/Attract/Quick Attack Sub/Encore is (c) OmicronDonut, probably one of the most innovative people I have ever met. Base 90 Speed usually allows for a first turn Sub, and if you manage to get Sub on a status/stat move, you can Encore it and start wailing away with TBs. The other moves are all basically stallers. And considering that Pikachu has a higher base Att than it does SA, QA might be worth a shot. --- PIKACHU @ Light Ball Static - Thunderbolt - Surf - Substitute/HP Ice/Grass - Encore/Substitute (Pokemon Box only) Behold, the only Electric type that scares Steelix, except for those funny CB HP Ground Zapdos. Now that Pika gets Surf, the 95 base power is more important than the better type coverage of the other two HPs. You can always run 3 attacks and Sub/ Encore, but I prefer keeping the original set with Sub over HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAICHU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Somewhat worse than Pikachu, if you ask me. Not getting a Light Ball hurt it dearly, and the rest of its stats don't raise it high enough. It also suffers from the general weakness of "being an electric type", meaning that it generally gets shafted in terms of movepool depth. RAICHU @ Leftovers Static - Thunderbolt - HP Ice/Grass - Substitute - Encore/TWave/Sweet Kiss/Attract/Quick Attack See above, although with slightly better defenses Raichu might better off with TWave. --- RAICHU @ Leftovers Static - Focus Punch - Thunderbolt - Attract/Sweet Kiss/Thunder Wave/Encore/Substitute - Attract/Sweet Kiss/Thunder Wave/Encore/Substitute Another attempt at a stalling set of sorts. The plethora of disabling moves is an attempt to set up a Focus Punch (I personally like Substitute and Encore, although some have sworn by Attract/Sweet Kiss and even TWave for paracontraction), while TB works off the STAB. Raichu has the same base in Att and SA. An odd Skarmbliss counter of sorts. --- RAICHU @ Leftovers Static - Thunderbolt - Surf - Substitute/HP Ice/Grass - Encore/Substitute (Pokemon Box only) Same deal as Pikachu, although it still doesn't get the Light Ball. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SANDSLASH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Good Att/Def, but Donphan does a much better job with it. It does get Swords Dance though, its one real advantage over the Elephant. It also, however, lost Roar, which relegates it to a primarily attacking role. Sand Veil makes it handy in a TTar team though. SANDSLASH @ Lum Berry/Leftovers/Salac Berry Sand Veil - Earthquake - HP Rock/Rock Slide - Swords Dance - Counter/Substitute/Focus Punch As said before, its only real advantage over Donphan is Swords Dance, so I'm hoping you would make use of it somehow. Not too slow, actually, for a ground type not called Dugtrio, max Speed Jolly after the Salac boost can get it to 377 Speed, better than all the base 120ers, although obviously shy of the 130ers. --- SANDSLASH @ Leftovers Sand Veil - Earthquake - HP Rock/Rock Slide - Substitute - Focus Punch A fairly generic moveset for almost all the Rock or Ground types, but it can work. Switch in on a physical attacker, Sub up, and try and get some punches in. --- SANDSLASH @ Salac/Liechi Berry Sand Veil - Substitute - Focus Punch - Flail - Swords Dance That's right...it's back. If you can dodge a couple hits with Sand Veil, this could rock. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NIDOQUEEN/KING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nidoqueen gets higher stats in the 3 defensive categories, lower stats in the 3 offensive categories. It gets Crunch and Focus Energy vs Megahorn and Horn Drill. I prefer Nidoking, seeing as Megahorn > Crunch and the extra defense doesn't really help it do too much, but they are for all practical purposes the same. Huge movepool in both cases, lots of options. NIDOQUEEN/KING @ Choice Band Poison Point - Earthquake - Sludge Bomb - Rock Slide - Focus Punch/Brick Break/Megahorn (NK) Nidoking does it better, with Megahorn in the last slot, and better all-around stats. --- NIDOQUEEN/KING @ Leftovers Poison Point - Focus Punch - Substitute - Ice Beam/Fire Blast - Thunderbolt Boltbeampunch. Well suited to either Nido, and a fairly universal set, with Boltbeam hitting SE against a lot of enemies and FP a good Blisslax counter. Fairly dependable moveset, but watch out for things that take neutral damage from all 3, or can attack before you get a sub in. --- Basically, choose any four from: EARTHQUAKE SLUDGE BOMB SHADOW BALL ROCK SLIDE FIRE BLAST/FLAMETHROWER ICE BEAM THUNDERBOLT SURF SUBSTITUTE COUNTER MEGAHORN (NK only) CRUNCH (NQ only) BRICK BREAK and you've got a winner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLEFABLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another poke with a very cool movepool. It learns Meteor Mash for comedy, Calm Mind/Moonlight for more serious battles, Belly Drum just because, and Splash because it's cool like that. Lots of options here. CLEFABLE @ Leftovers Cute Charm - Ice Beam/Fire Blast - Thunderbolt - Calm Mind - Moonlight A lot of potential here. Watch out for status, and you should be fine. Very nice base HP/SD to work with here, and the defense isn't too bad. CM boosts your SD to the point that you can start recovering the damage with Moonlight, and start blasting away with Boltbeam. --- CLEFABLE @ Leftovers Cute Charm - Fire Blast - Solarbeam - Sunny Day - Moonlight/Ice Beam GSC, anyone? Somewhat outdated though in today's metagame, dragons own the standard Sunnybeamer and Blissey wipes it out period. --- CLEFABLE @ Salac Berry Cute Charm - Return/Body Slam - Meteor Mash/Substitute - Shadow Ball - Belly Drum Another cool set with quite a bit of potential. Bring it on Sleep/Encore and try and do something with it. If you can Belly Drum and avoid all Steels, you might have a winner. Not something I would use in a tourney team though, or anything like that. --- CLEFABLE @ Leftovers Cute Charm - Ice Beam - Thunderbolt - Calm Mind - Softboiled Softboiled is infinitely superior to Moonlight, mostly for the increased PP. And the weather effects are pointless, for the most part. Otherwise, same as before. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NINETALES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Very good speed and SD, survives a surf from just about anything. Also a good disabler. NINETALES @ Leftovers Flash Fire - Flamethrower/Fire Blast - Will-o-Wisp - HP Grass - Protect/Confuse Ray/Safeguard/Overheat/Hypnosis ****FRLG Standard**** Flamethrower is prized over FB in this case for consistency, as Ninetales definitely clocks in as a defensive poke. WoW is never a bad thing, and HP helps beat up waters on the switch. Any of the last moves can work - I like Protect myself, but CRay has haxed me before (cough Keff cough) One final note - Pyroshuffling sucks. Ninetales sucks as a Roarer, the fire type makes it vulnerable to almost anything that might switch in. To say nothing about the fact that you could always switch in the same poke that was already burned to absorb the next WoW. Try another tactic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WIGGLYTUFF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A bad Clefable, in essence. Lots of HP, little defense, and not quite as good as its Moon Stone counterpart. WIGGLYTUFF @ Leftovers Cute Charm - Double-Edge/Return - Shadow Ball/HP Rock - Substitute - Focus Punch A good switch-in for Blisseys. With the nice HP, Wiggly can take a SToss without breaking the Sub - it is also slower than Blissey, which lets you get the Sub in safely. A fairly specialized poke though, the low defenses aren't really enough to protect it from numerous hits. --- WIGGLYTUFF @ Leftovers Cute Charm - Rollout - Defense Curl - Double Team - Rest/Wish Comedy BHtuff option. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VILEPLUME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I have an ASCII of Vileplume as well, but I won't post it for your sake :* Another of those cool Grass/Poison types that everyone thinks suck, and I'm here to prove otherwise. VILEPLUME @ Leftovers Chlorophyll - HP Grass/Sludge Bomb - Sleep Powder - Synthesis - Toxic/Aromatherapy This thing owned for me in UU with Toxic, where it makes a cool tank, and one of the few electric counters in UU (only takes 30-40% from HP Ice, which is recoverable with Synthesis). 75/85/90 defenses is nice. AT is also very handy, if you choose to use it. --- VILEPLUME @ Petaya Berry/Lum Berry Chlorophyll - Solarbeam - HP Fire/Ice - Sunny Day - Sleep Powder/Synthesis The first in a long line of grass types that Sunnybeams, and gets Chlorophyll as well to help boost speed. IMO not quite as good as RD Kingdra, but it can work at times, although not too stellar. HP Fire takes advantage of Sunny Day, while HP Ice owns the likely Salamence switch. I prefer Sleep Powder to Synthesis most of the time, as healing doesn't really fit in to the Sunnybeam mindset, but it could work. A fast sleep is very cool though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PARASECT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After passing on Spore to Breloom and Smeargle, this bug's usefulness in the RS metagame kinda faded away. Besides Spore and perhaps Aromatherapy though, Parasect isn't really good for much. PARASECT @ Leftovers Effect Spore - HP Bug/Body Slam - Spore - Aromatherapy/Body Slam/Aerial Ace/Stun Spore - Counter/Light Screen/Toxic/Swords Dance You can try Doublepowder, or PPassing, or Countering anything not Flying. Remember that Parasect is also weak to Rock, although it does have a nice 4x ground resist. Failing all that, SD + Spore might help you take out a stray Curselax or two. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VENOMOTH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It actually looks decent on paper, but the moveset options kinda screwed it over. Sleep Powder is nice, BP but without much to pass, and the universal TMs. Shield Dust is potentially a good trait, protecting from freeze/burn on the base 95 moves, but is too specific to really do anything. VENOMOTH @ Leftovers/nothing Shield Dust - Signal Beam/Silver Wind - Sludge Bomb - Sleep Powder - Thief/Stun Spore/Toxic/Substitute Double STAB is interesting, albeit on two bad types. You can't go wrong with Sleep Powder or Thief. Baton Passing doesn't really work when you only have the universal moves (Sub/DT/random SW boosts) to pass. As for Silver Wind vs Signal Beam, I have not (in my 10 months of playing) ever gotten any boosts with either SW or Ancientpower, so I will boycott the move. Signal Beam has significantly (75 vs 60) more power anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUGTRIO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DIGLETT DIGLETT DIG DIGLETT DIG TRIO TRIO TRIO Arena trap alone makes it one of the coolest pokes ever. 120 speed doesn't hurt, either. Not only is Arena Trap good for trapping Electric/Fire types, but it also helps to finish off weak pokes, and without the Choice Band it acts as a good Slaking counter. You can't really go wrong with Dugtrio. Watch out for Porygon2 though. DUGTRIO @ Choice Band Arena Trap "Traptrio" - Earthquake - Rock Slide - HP Bug/Flying - Aerial Ace/Sludge Bomb EVs: Jolly (+Spd -SA) 0/252/0/216/0/40 - Jolly Dugtrio has 363 speed to outrun Timid Raikou and Starmie. Extra EVs are in SD to ward off HP Ice/Grass, which is more of a threat than physical attacks. Adamant (+Att -SA) 0/252/0/216/0/40 - Funny it has exactly the same EVs, yeah? This time the speed is for non- Timid Raikou and Starmie, as well as Slaking/Salamence and other things with base 110 speed. ****FRLG Standard**** For HP flying, use 30,30,30,31,30,30 DVs. Fairly standard CBtrio, no real questions here. HP Bug/AA is preferred nowadays because of Celebi. --- DUGTRIO @ Soft Sand Arena Trap - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Protect - Toxic ****Old 386 Standard**** Utilitytrio. @ Soft Sand to counter Bellyzard. Protect for Slakings. Toxic for Wobs. You won't see this around too much any more, but it deserves its own section, if only to show how much Bellyzard (and Slaking, and Wob) changed the metagame when they were popular. You can catch some people by surprise however (if they expect the CB), but otherwise this sorta died out with FRLG and 25% berries. --- DUGTRIO @ Choice Band Sand Veil - Earthquake - Rock Slide - HP Flying - Sludge Bomb/Toxic Comedy Sand Veil option here, in case you really fear P2. And most people don't bother checking Arena Trap, although it is a good countermeasure, as Duggie's default trait (at least on the bots) is Sand Veil. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PERSIAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This cat needs to go back to RBY, where it was actually decent :( PERSIAN @ Choice Band Limber - Return - Shadow Ball - HP Ground - Hyper Beam/Iron Tail/Aerial Ace/Thunderbolt Crap movepool what? --- PERSIAN @ Leftovers/Lum Berry Limber - Return - Shadow Ball - Hypnosis - Substitute/HP Ground/Hyper Beam/etc Fastest sleep move in the game. Too bad the accuracy sucks almost as much as Persian does. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GOLDUCK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A nice UU CMer, there aren't too many of these. Unfortunately, it has to compete with Slowbro and Suicune for water type CMers, and it really isn't much of a competition. GOLDUCK @ Leftovers/Chesto Berry Cloud Nine - Surf - Psychic/Ice Beam - Calm Mind - Rest/Hypnosis/Substitute/Psychic/Ice Beam I prefer Rest myself, with Surf/Psychic/CM/Rest. It's decent, but completely outdone by Suicune. --- GOLDUCK @ Leftovers Cloud Nine - Surf - Psychic/Ice Beam - Focus Punch/Cross Chop - Substitute/Calm Mind/Rest Subpunch has some potential with the random 2HKO on Blissey/Lax. It is still a 2HKO though. If you do use CC, it's a 3HKO in most cases, so try and keep that in mind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PRIMEAPE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRIMEAPE @ Leftovers Vital Spirit - Cross Chop - Rock Slide - Bulk Up - Substitute @ AK. The attack boost from BU is nice, but the real kicker is the defense boost, which lets you safely sub and take a few hits. Too bad that Primeape is so weak defensively. Otherwise, this is fairly similar to 200 Blaziken, although the fast sub from Primeape also helps it avoid most status and strike back with a new hard hit. cool stuff. --- PRIMEAPE @ Salac Berry Vital Sprit - Focus Punch - Substitute - Reversal - Rock Slide This one is @ Donut. Fun Subpunchreversaling, combines the best of both sets. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ARCANINE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /me sighs...many people have tried to make a usable set for this godly poke, and thus far noone has really succeeded. Incredible base stats (nothing UNDER 80), and the crappiest movepool you may ever see. Fire type doesn't help either. Here are some ideas. ARCANINE @ Liechi Berry/Leftovers Intimidate - Extremespeed - HP Fighting/Ground - Howl - Overheat/Fire Blast Physcanine. Howl to boost attack for ES. Another cool idea was to use ML Umbreon to BP some Curses to Arcanine, bringing back Curse + ES Arcanine from GSC. In that case, you might want Crunch/Iron Tail/Rest over Howl. --- ARCANINE @ Petaya Berry/Leftovers Flash Fire - Fire Blast - HP Grass - Crunch/Sunny Day - Extremespeed/Overheat A special based Arcanine, with most of its power likely coming from Sunny Day FB. Overheat couldn't hurt either, but ES is useful for Endrev and other pokes that need a quick kill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POLIWRATH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another one of those lovely BDers that died out when the berries got shifted to 25%. Still has some hope though, as it doesn't need the 4th move quite as desperately as Charizard. POLIWRATH @ Salac Berry Water Absorb - Brick Break - HP Rock/Ghost - Focus Punch/Hypnosis - Belly Drum ****old 386 standard**** It made an awesome Suicune counter back in 386, when you could get in a free attack (not BD, obviously, because of Roar). Fighting is a pretty cool type to use the BD boost on, Hypnosis (if it hits) is plain abusive, and Focus Punch beats the crap out of any poke that would try to phaze you out. It had some good stuff going for it, but the slow speed (it couldn't beat Timid Jolt after Salac) and lack of a good second (or third) move hurt it a bit. --- POLIWRATH @ Leftovers Water Absorb - Brick Break - HP Rock/Ghost - Focus Punch - Substitute It lost Belly Drum, but it still has the cool water absorb, which gives it basically a free switchin against most Suicune, which then leads to a free FP. Sub helps in that regard as well against other stuff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALAKAZAM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Still good, even after all these years. Alakazam is a special CBer of sorts - run in, throw in a quick Psychic or two, and switch back out. CMing, while always in the moveset, tends to not help the fact that Zam is still base 55 HP. It still is a very good poke though, with two big numbers in the stats where it matters most. ALAKAZAM @ Lum Berry/Leftovers Synchronize - Psychic - Fire Punch - Calm Mind - HP Dark/Water/Ice Punch/Thunderpunch/Recover EVs: Timid (+Spd -Att) 72/0/0/252/184/0 - 72 HP gives you 269 HP, another of those magic number HPs that will let you survive 3 STosses after Leftovers recovery. You can take those out if you have a better Blissey/Dusclops/Miltank counter. ****FRLG Standard**** Psychic/CM is fairly obvious, Fire Punch is for Steels (Metagross/Skarm in particular, but all steels). The last move is really the tossup. HP Dark was used a lot in 200 play, to battle other Zams (Modest), Starmies, and Dusclops. HP Water was also a 386 option, to give you a SE move against Houndoom and to counter the TTars that rampaged through early 386. Ice Punch is for non-DDed Salamence and Claydol, and Thunderpunch is for Starmie/ non-DDed Gyarados (although it doesn't OHKO). Recover is a new FRLG idea, ever since the advent of SToss Blissey. Recover outraces SToss in terms of damage (albeit not by much), giving you time to CM up and Psychic Bliss to death. --- ALAKAZAM @ Lum Berry/Choice Band/Moomoo Milk Synchronize - Psychic - Fire Punch/Reflect - Calm Mind - Knock Off/Encore/Recover/Trick I believe that any two of an elemental punch/Knock Off/Encore is illegal, so you probably shouldn't use it. This is just the hodgepodge of random Zam sets that I've seen around that really don't belong with the standard. Reflect and Recover work in tandem, but you start to have problems dealing damage, and it doesn't help Zam survive that much longer. Trickbanding (Trickmilking) is always there, Knock Off is a cool move, and Encore is awesome when you switch in against Curselax and own it. ****Emerald Update**** Due to the new tutors, you can now use one of the punches along with either Knock Off or Encore. Not sure how useful it is, but it does work now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MACHAMP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Severely toned down from GSC, mostly because Breloom is that much more useful in general, as are Heracross and Metagross. It still attacks like a mofo with the 130 base attack, but it is no longer the premiere physical attacker in this generation. MACHAMP @ Choice Band Guts - Cross Chop/Low Kick - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Focus Punch/Fire Blast EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 124/248/0/136/0/0 - 136 speed puts you at 180, which should be safely ahead of most Skarms you'll run into. Fire Blast is a comedy option for the most part. CB Focus Punch is awesome though, it does 90ish% to Suicune and OHKOs most other things that don't resist. Low Kick is useful if you know your opponent uses Snorlax/Steelix/ other Rock/Grounds, but in today's age of Skarmbliss (Skarmory is surprisingly light) it loses. --- MACHAMP @ Leftovers Guts - Cross Chop - Rock Slide - Rest - Sleep Talk EVs: Adamant (+Att, -SA) 252/128/?/16/0/0 - A bit of speed to outrun Blissey, and the 128 Att means you should OHKO a non-Bold 252 Def Blissey. Do the rest of the defense (114 EVs) as you see fit. Rest activates Guts. Pretty cool, no? Machamp is strong enough defensively to (mostly) pull this off. Of note is the fact that this can beat Dusclops and Weezing. --- MACHAMP @ Leftovers/Salac Berry Guts - Cross Chop - Rock Slide - Substitute - Focus Punch/Bulk Up Machamp certainly has the defenses to pull off a Bulk Up set, although it's a tad slow to utilize it well. Certainly has a lot of potential though, especially with Guts discouraging status. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VICTREEBEL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If Venusaur is the staller, and Vileplume is the Sunnybeamer/ATer, Victreebel is the attacker. Most known for SD/Sludge Bomb combo, but it can pull off the Sunnybeaming just as well as Vileplume, with the same base SA stat. Very UU, and I will once again sing the praises of the poison type. VICTREEBEL @ Leftovers/Lum Berry/Salac Berry/Liechi Berry Chlorophyll - Sludge Bomb - Swords Dance - HP Ground/Fighting/Ghost - Substitute/Giga Drain/Sleep Powder Swords Dance + Sludge Bomb is sex. Sort of. --- VICTREEBEL @ Leftovers Chlorophyll - Solarbeam - Sunny Day - HP Fire/Ice/Swords Dance/Sleep Powder - Sludge Bomb The nice high stat in the other attack makes for a nice dual attacker. Sunnybeaming is still a pretty dead tactic, though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TENTACRUEL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Mystery Machine X) Tentacruel is sex with tentacles. Could it get any better? STABed Sludge Bomb, really really really high SD, surprisingly good speed, and a cool trait in Liquid Ooze. Tentacruel resists Water/Ice and also is immune to Toxic, which makes it an idea counter to Walrein or Lapras. You can use either Clear Body or Liquid Ooze, but Liquid Ooze is so specific and probably expected that it isn't worthwhile. TENTACRUEL @ Leftovers Clear Body/Liquid Ooze - Sludge Bomb - Hydro Pump/Surf - Confuse Ray/Swords Dance/Ice Beam - Mirror Coat/Substitute/HP Ground/Giga Drain Hydro Pump is more worthwhile on Tentacruel than it might be on other pokes - base 70 SA is somewhat disappointing. Swords Dance + Sludge Bomb is very cool, but I like the base 100 speed Confuse Ray. Ice Beam suffers from the same low SA and isn't going to KO much, but it's worth a shot. Mirror Coat might be a decent surprise on this attacking moveset, and Sub helps you deal with the Dugtrio switch and Hydro Pump it instead. If you stick on Ice Beam and Giga Drain, you can focus all EVs into SA and beat up nearby Quagsires. --- TENTACRUEL @ Leftovers Clear Body/Liquid Ooze - Sludge Bomb/Ice Beam - Hydro Pump/Surf - Confuse Ray/Rapid Spin - Haze/Mirror Coat/Safeguard Utilitycruel. I personally like Sludge Bomb/Hydro Pump/Confuse Ray/Rapid Spin but it's all a matter of preference. Lots of options. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GOLEM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cool in RBY, when Hidden Power didn't exist. With the existence of HP however, and with Grass/Ice/Water being the most commonly used HPs, Golem's once-fabled electric immunity is now rendered almost useless. However, with Substitute now a universal TM, Golem can have some luck subbing up and launching Rock Blasts or Earthquakes at stuff. It doesn't get Rhydon's Megahorn, or its Swords Dance, but it does get a cool finisher in Explosion. GOLEM @ Leftovers/Quick Claw Rock Head/Sturdy - Rock Blast/HP Rock/Rock Slide - Earthquake - Counter/Focus Punch/Double-Edge - Explosion Cool. Counter owns people who think they can EQ you to death, and Explosion is a nice strong finisher. DE is kinda stupid with a 150 power move already, but to each their own. The rock moves are listed in order of preference - Rock Blast for sub breaking, HP Rock for consistent (and higher) average damage, and RS because slow speed = no flinching. As for Quick Claw, people often forget that it has a 25% chance of activation, which isn't bad at all - try it out sometime. --- GOLEM @ Leftovers Sturdy - Rock Blast/HP Rock/Rock Slide - Focus Punch - Substitute - Roar/Earthquake/Explosion My Rhydon set, adapted to Golem. Subpunch is fairly simple, and Rock Blast covers the fighting resists. I use Roar as a Curselax counter, but EQ is also useful, and I would prefer Explosion over EQ anyway to blow up on Milotics or something. Useful stuff. Unfortunately, it doesn't get Rhydon's 404 HP to help with the Sub, but it's still more than usable. --- GOLEM @ Choice Band/Quick Claw Sturdy/Rock Head - Rock Blast/Rock Slide - Earthquake - Focus Punch/Double-Edge - Explosion Ouch. Hard to switch in though, but if you can catch a Tauros or something unaware, whatever switches in is in for some pain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAPIDASH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It's fast, and that's about it. Rapidash is somewhat unbalanced, with good speed and Att (with its physical moves being Return, Iron Tail, HP, and the wonderful Bounce), and only average SA. It makes a decent Sunnybeamer, but so do a lot of pokes, and the subpar SA makes this poke a bad candidate. RAPIDASH @ Leftovers Flash Fire - Fire Blast - Solarbeam - Sunny Day - Hypnosis/Overheat Good luck with the 60% Hypnosis, you're going to need it. The only real worth of Rapidash is taking advantage of Flash Fire and hopefully getting in a few STABed Sunny Day'd Flash-Fire-boosted Overheats. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SLOWBRO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One of the best "UU" pokes there is. Slowbro is amazingly underrated as a tank, and IMO it rivals Suicune as one of the best water types in the game. 95/110/80 in the defenses, great physical defense, and it gets Calm Mind to help boost the SD. Also comes with a prepackaged 100 SA, two good STABed special types, and a plethora of other useful moves. You can't really go wrong with Slowbro. SLOWBRO @ Leftovers Own Tempo - Surf - Psychic/Ice Beam - Calm Mind - Rest/Substitute/Flamethrower EVs: Bold (+Def, -Att) 252/0/68/8/108/72 - It never hurts to outrun Steelix and Snorlax, does it? 108 SA is one of those magic stat numbers that lets you take out the high majority of non- defensive Salamences. Fiddle with Def and SD as you like. ****FRLG Standard**** With Calm Mind and Rest, this thing is a mini-Suicune, especially with roughly equal HP/Def for a non-legendary. Psychic is a cool second STABed move, the Def is covered by high base, and the SD gets boosted through Calm Mind. Some like Flamethrower to provide a jump on Forry or Skarm, and Substitute always works well with Calm Mind (albeit the speed hurts Slowbro here), but I prefer a CMbro that can tank with the best of them. --- SLOWBRO @ Leftovers Own Tempo - Psychic/Surf - Counter - Calm Mind - Rest Seeing as this is my moveset guide, I get to pay special attention to my own sets. My attempt at making a beast that is hard to attack from either end of the spectrum, with CM for special attacks and Counter (it takes tons of physical hits, even SE ones) for the physical side. The main drawback is being limited to one special attack, a problem that has often daunted CMcune. I like Psychic, as it is fairly universal and not resisted by many (as opposed to the constant Water/Grass types that Slowbro seems to run into). Dark types suck anyway. --- SLOWBRO @ Leftovers Own Tempo - Surf/Psychic - Focus Punch - Substitute/Yawn - Ice Beam Another interesting idea. Slowbro has base 75 attack to top off the rest of those amazing stats, so Yawn/Subpunching could always work. Slow enough to ensure a Sub against almost anything (save Shuckle), but Yawn is more universal and in general better. Ice Beam for the inevitable Flying/Venusaur switch. --- SLOWBRO @ Leftovers Own Tempo - Surf/Psychic - Thunder Wave - Calm Mind - Rest Uh oh Tobybro is back to rule RS, except not really since Calm Mind is only a one-stage boost :( --- SLOWBRO @ Leftovers Own Tempo - Surf - Calm Mind - Yawn - Rest The newly dubbed "AJBro", as thought up by AJ. Yawn allows it to gather a CM on the switch, and it acts as a phazer of sorts, although obviously not as effective as Roar on Cune. Slowbro suffers from the same problem of relying on one attack, but if you can force people into switching you'll have a good chance of getting in a few Surfs. Think of it as a more attack-based version of CMCune, relying on CMs to power up attack more than to boost defense. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAGNETON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magnet Pull. This trait alone strikes fear into Skarms and Forrys, with the ability to trap all Steel types and the SE/STABed TB to finish them off. This is probably the major reason as to why Skarm (and spiking in general) never COMPLETELY dominated in 200 play, where Magneton doesn't have to fear its own trapper, Dugtrio. Magneton is also very underrated as a special tank - it is one of two pokes to resist the common Boltbeam, although it doesn't exactly have the stats to do it well unless you focus your EVs into SD and HP (a tactic which has been pulled off with great success by AK). Watch out for Duggie, other Maggies, and Trace when using Magneton. MAGNETON @ Leftovers Magnet Pull - Thunderbolt - HP Fire/Grass - Toxic/Thunder Wave - Substitute/Protect EVs: Modest (+SA -Att) 0/0/0/180/252/76 - 180 speed puts you at 221, which should more than enough to outrun any stray Suicune. You're not going to catch that cluster of pokes at 264+ Speed, even with Timid. Feel free to reduce SA into HP/SD if you want a Maggie that takes some hits. ****FRLG Standard**** Thunderbolt is a OHKO on Skarm, and HP Fire helps take care of Forry (watch out for EQ/Light Screen on the switch). HP Grass is a nice surprise, but mostly a carryover from 200 days when Maggie feared Swampert more than it did Forry. Protect is another carry-over from 200, when Maggie made a decent Slaking counter with Protect, but more likely its crap movepool left few other good options. Toxic/TWave is your preference. --- MAGNETON @ Leftovers Magnet Pull - Thunderbolt - HP Fire/Grass - Toxic/Thunder Wave - Metal Sound/Substitute In a different category from the standard because it really isn't standard. Metal Sound Maggie is used to help battle Snorlax (it resists Return/Shadow Ball, and Metal Sound let's it put a dent in Lax's SD), Trace CM Gardevoir (by using Metal Sound, you're forcing it to kill you), and the occasional Blissey. I've seen people throw on Substitute as well, mostly as a counter to Vulvasore but it can work against other stuff as well. An interesting idea, but fairly limited in usefulness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FARFETCH'D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Besides having its own item (which doubles CH percentage from 6% to 12%, woohoo), Farfetch'd is a joke of a pokemon. It's slower than Skarmory, for god's sake. How did the big metal bird outspeed the small little one? FARFETCH'D @ Stick/Salac Berry/Liechi Berry Keen Eye - Flail - Substitute - Agility/HP Ghost/Aerial Ace - Swords Dance/HP Ghost/Aerial Ace For @ Stick, use both stat uppers (good luck getting it off). For Salac/ Liechi, boost the other stat (I'd go with SD and Salac) and choose an attack for the last slot. Good luck, btw. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DODRIO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rape Rape Rape! The other cool 200 CBer. Good speed, very good attack, two good types and high powered STAB moves in both of them, and Quick Attack (STABed too) just in case. It has problems with Skarm, but it can hold its own against Weezing (Return bites when not resisted), or any of the other common physical tanks. DODRIO @ Choice Band Early Bird - Return - Drill Peck - HP Ground/Fighting - Quick Attack EVs: Jolly (+Spd -SA) 4/252/0/252/0/0 ****FRLG Standard**** Nice. It even makes a decent switch against Sleep with Early Bird's haxish one-turn wakeups. Choose an attack and wail away, it even puts a good 20% dent into Skarmory even with NVE attacks. HP Ground was the 200 preference for Metagross, but Fighting works just as well in 386 as a more universal type and for Tyranitar. Watch out for Skarms and Sandstorms. --- DODRIO @ Choice Band/Salac Berry/Liechi Berry Early Bird - Flail/Endeavor - Substitute - Drill Peck - Quick Attack EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 144/252/0/112/0/0 - Nabs 264 speed for the Salac boost. If you're CBing, you should probably go 4/252/0/252/0/0 again. Before you go off laughing at CB Subflail, it has worked before. Bring in Dodrio, use CB Sub 4 times until you get to 1 HP, then switch out. When Dodrio comes back in, you have a base 450 move (200 BP * 1.5 STAB * 1.5 CB) from 100 speed. Endeavor is also another possibility with Sub which is best paired with QA. Drill Peck helps for Ghosts, but Rocks/Steelix still pose a problem. You could always go with Liechi/Salac, but then you run into problems if forced to switch, which is why I like CBFlail which keeps the extra damage even after switching (and isn't even hurt by Spikes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEWGONG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A bad Walrein, in almost every aspect. Completely outclassed in stats and movepool by the other Walrus. The only real difference between the two is Signal Beam and Perish Song, neither of which warrants extended use. DEWGONG @ Leftovers Thick Fat - Surf - Ice Beam - Sheer Cold/Encore/Perish Song - Horn Drill/Rest It gets 2 OHKO moves. Whoopdeedoo. This piece of crap doesn't even get Sleep Talk to at least try a Fish set. As for Encore, Synre used this to some success, paired with Dugtrio (or Trapinch). Encore the likely Thunderbolt, and switch in Dugtrio (again, or Trapinch). With an extended Encore, you should have plenty of turns to KO your opponent. Also, if you don't want to risk Encore ending, letting Dewgong die and getting a free Duggy switch is also an option. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MUK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another highly underrated type, and it happens to be a poison type. ^^ With its insane HP/SD (105/100), this thing is guaranteed to survive any un-boosted Psychic with well over 30% to spare. Nice Att too, a cool STABed move in Sludge Bomb, and Cursemuk plays much the same as Curselax, although with more weaks and worse attacks. It also gets Fire Blast to take on Skarm/Forry. MUK @ Leftovers Sticky Hold - Sludge Bomb - Brick Break/Return/HP Ghost - Curse - Rest/Explosion Cursemuk. Sludge Bomb is cool off base 100 Att, and it only gets better with Curses. The second move choice is somewhat more ambigious though - do you dislike Skarm (Brick Break), Weezing (Return), or Ghosts/Psychics (HP Ghost) more? Rest lets it absorb status and live again, but this is somewhat less likely with the ground weakness that is only partially defendable with Curse, and the ever-present Psychic weakness. Explosion after a few Curses is my preference, and it KOs almost anything that doesn't resist, and even a few that do. Get in 3 or 4 curses, and you might OHKO Skarm. --- MUK @ Leftovers Sticky Hold - Sludge Bomb - Brick Break/Return/HP Ghost - Fire Blast - Explosion As Snorlax developed alternative movesets throughout GSC that weren't so dependent on Curse, so did Muk. Here is the mixed Muk, capable of 2-3HKOing Skarm with Fire Blast, Sludge Bomb and another for physical attacks, and boom as finisher. Much the same as the Return/EQ/FB/Self Destruct Snorlax lead of GSC. --- MUK @ Leftovers Sticky Hold - Sludge Bomb - Focus Punch - Substitute - HP Ghost/Explosion/Fire Blast With naturally low speed and high HP, Muk is another good candidate for Subpunching. Like the Golem I mentioned earlier, it gets a nice out in Explosion - if you can't FP it to death, just blow up and hope for the best. Watch out for Ghosts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLOYSTER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best known as the Spiker that doesn't get completely owned by Maggie, although it is weak to TB. Cloyster is likely the most one-sided poke in FRLG - easily exceeding 400 defense, but it can get OHKOd by almost any special attack (Alakazam's unboosted Psychic is almost a guaranteed OHKO, and this is a neutral attack). Cloyster is unfortunately not as great a tank as its other spiking brethren (Forry/Skarm), due to Water/Ice not providing any physical resistances, and in fact only adding a Rock/Fighting weak that is a potential 2-3HKO. Good for spiking and booming, but don't expect it to take many hits. The good news is that it's so hard to predict a Cloyster explosion, since most things that scoff at Explosion have some fear of Surf/Ice Beam. CLOYSTER @ Leftovers Shell Armor - Surf/Ice Beam - Surf/Ice Beam/Explosion/Toxic/Protect - Spikes - Rapid Spin EVs: Bold (+Def -Att) 252/0/0/16/116/124 - Max HP obviously, a bit of speed for Skarm, 116 SA should OHKO Dragonite (but keep in mind that Draggy spreads vary GREATLY). The rest in SD, since the stat is so low that each point makes a pretty big difference. ****FRLG Standard**** It takes some solace in being the only real special attacking Spiker, with its base 85 SA and decent base 70 Speed. I like Ice Beam/Explosion myself, but any combination of the moves can work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GENGAR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gengar. Probably one of the most unpredictable pokes in play today, ranking up there with the two Dragons, the Nidos, and Smeargle for most unpredictable moveset. With an incredibly cool movepool and unfortunately unbalanced stats, Gengar has gone from special sweeper to CB Sludge Bomb to the now-standard McGar. Make sure you keep a close eye on Gengar - with the ever-cool Levitate (immune to all but Shadow Ball from Slaking) and a huge variety of movesets, this poke can be a beast to deal with. Gengar picks up a very handy Ice Punch in Emerald now. Very handy. GENGAR @ Leftovers Levitate "McIceGar" - Focus Punch - Substitute/Hypnosis - Ice Punch - Thunderbolt EVs: Timid (+Spd -Att) 44/0/0/216/248/0 - 341 Speed for Adamant Dugtrio or Modest Zam/Sceptile. Speed can be lowered to 330 if so desired. ****FRLG Standard**** Great set. Use it. The new and improved McGar variation. --- GENGAR @ Leftovers Levitate "McGengar" - Shadow Ball - Focus Punch - Substitute - Thunderbolt The now infamous McGengar. Another of those sets which can be attributed to the great McGraw, McGar was originally crafted as a FRLG Blissey counter. Natural immunity to SToss/Counter and Sub to prevent TWave, this thing struck fear into many a Blissey's eyes, and it succeeded in succesfully discouraging Slaking use for a long time. Now, for my social commentary on McGar. Although it is a great set, it really needs Substitute in order to do anything - Shadow Ball is fairly weak on Gengar's 65 base stat, and the EVs that have been placed into Att require it to sacrifice a lot on TB. It is still the ultimate Skarmbliss counter, puts a nice dent into Suicune/Lax, and even became fairly standard on Nubbattle (:O). Although it requires setup more than any other poke I know, McGar is around to stay. --- GENGAR @ Leftovers/Salac Berry Levitate - Psychic - Thunderbolt - HP Fire - Explosion/Will-o-Wisp/Destiny Bond/Giga Drain Ye old SpecialGar. Big problems with non-STABed attacks and a huge Lax liability, but the variety combined with good speed/SA makes it a decent special attacker. The lack of STAB is the real kicker though. It still has potential for outstalling any Blissey not smart enough to put on a HPSA, and you can hope for SD drops from Psychic or something :/ --- GENGAR @ Choice Band/Salac Berry Levitate - Shadow Ball - Sludge Bomb - Explosion - Brick Break/Will-o-Wisp/Destiny Bond Between SpecialGar and McGar, you have the transition period of ChoiceGar. An interesting take on a poke that hadn't seen much variety in early 386 play, Gengar packs about as much a punch on Shadow Ball/Sludge Bomb as it did with Psychic or TB. CB Explosion did a nice deal of damage, Brick Break/Shadow Ball have no combined weaks, and WoW/DBond are always good surprises, although the Salac kick is often a dead giveaway for Destiny Bond. --- GENGAR @ Leftovers Levitate - Perish Song - Mean Look - Protect - Hypnosis/Substitute/Taunt/Destiny Bond The newest Gengar that has seen some use today, mostly to annoy the crap out of Blissey. ML/PSong is an old but still usable combo. Assuming you survive the two turn setup, you're already at a 50% chance (depending on Protect) to KO your opponent. Hypnosis adds another 60% crapshoot (although at the risk of taking another hit and dying), the fast Substitute can act as essentially another Protect, and Taunt stops Roar/WW from phazing you away. Gengar may have problems surviving the setup hits, but PSong is a deadly combo that any smart battler must always be on the lookout for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HYPNO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Surprisingly good for a UU poke. Nice balanced stats, one of the few Psychics that can take a physical hit or two, and cool SD. One of the better Psychic counters with Shadow Ball, it can also get the elemental punches and TWave as a disabler. Insomnia can be both a blessing and a curse, since Hypno would actually benefit from being able to Rest. Not bad for such a UU poke. HYPNO @ Leftovers Insomnia - Shadow Ball/Seismic Toss - Psychic - Thunder Wave/Toxic - Counter/Fire Punch/Ice Punch/Thunderpunch Lots of variety here. I like Shadow Ball/Psychic/TWave/Fire Punch, which makes it a good counter to other Psychics with Shadow Ball, a decent disabler, and having some variety and special oomph with the punches. Base 73 SA really hurt it though in the hurting-other-things department. --- HYPNO @ Leftovers Insomnia - Psychic - Toxic - Skill Swap - Rest Ever face a tank that you really didn't want to Rest? Skill Swap Insomnia onto it. A very limited moveset, and it suffers from not being able to trap the opponent, but it's very good at what it does. If you dislike Suicune that much, this might be a useful counter. --- HYPNO @ Leftovers Insomnia - Psychic - Fire Punch - Calm Mind - Substitute Subpiggy anyone? Doesn't need HP Fire, but it suffers from lower speed and a lower base SA to deal damage. A proven set however, and it is works. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KINGLER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pretty bad. Incredible attack (as high as Machamp), but only non-STABed attacks to use it on. A lack of non-STABed attacks to use it on (it gets Return/HP). Crap HP/SA/SD. Try it if you like Hyper Cutter, but you're better off using Pinsir or Gligar anyway. KINGLER @ Salac Berry/Lum Berry Hyper Cutter - Return - HP Ghost/Ground - Surf - Swords Dance Uh huh. Surf is kinda stupid, you aren't going to be doing much damage on base 50 SA, but it's either that or Rock Tomb. Or Metal Claw. Or HAIPAR BEEM. --- KINGLER @ Salac Berry Hyper Cutter - Flail - HP Ghost/Ground - Substitute - Swords Dance Again, good luck. Base 75 Speed isn't too bad though (although certainly not as good as Scyther/Zangoose/Hera), so this has some potential. Actually I lied, Kingler sucks, just wait for Krabfest at the nearest Red Lobster and enjoy your fresh crab. Or order California rolls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ELECTRODE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fastest non-uber in the game not named Ninjask. What does that give it? Sadly enough, not much. 80 SA isn't enough to do much, the defenses suck, and "Fastest Explosion in the Game" isn't really worth it on base 50 attack. At least FRLG gave it back its much-needed Thunder Wave, but other than that it really isn't worth much any more. At the same time, many pokes are designed to beat the base 130ers (Crobat/ Jolteon/Aero), including things like DD Gyara/Sala/TTar, Agiligross, or Salac Sweepers. And Electrode's extra burst of speed can surprise a few people. ELECTRODE @ Leftovers Static - Thunderbolt - HP Ice/Grass - Thunder Wave - Explosion EVs: Hasty (+Spd -Def) 44/0/0/196/252/18 - 401 Speed should be enough to catch those 200 speed Metagross and TTar with 2x Speed boosts. ****FRLG Standard**** Have fun. Twave is abusive, the rest isn't really worth much. And gogo Explosion, 60% on Blissey if you're lucky. HP Ice is much preferred to Grass here, since you won't come close to OHKOing Swampert (maybe 70%, if you're lucky), whereas the 140 speed is meant to put a dent in 264 speed Salamence that don't expect an Electrode to outspeed them after a DD. And although it also won't OHKO (or at least it shouldn't), you'll get the hit in. --- ELECTRODE @ nothing Static - Thunder - HP Grass - Thief - Explosion Laztrode. Good luck Laz, wherever you may be. --- ELECTRODE @ Choice Band Static - Return - HP Fighting/Ground - Explosion - Thunder Something I was fooling around with the other day. CB Explosion does a decent amount of damage, but it isn't something to go out and buy a GBA for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXEGGUTOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots of fun. Grass types aren't used enough, and Eggy is one of the best. Good all-around stats, except in Speed and SD. It resists EQ/Fighting, which is very nice, gets Leech Seed/Sleep Powder, and can always double as a Sunnybeamer with a good STABed attack in the second type. I would also like to take this team to try and dispel the rap that Eggy got in RBY/GSC as having the most weaks. While stastically this may be true, for all practical purposes it doesn't really matter. On the physical side, you have 4x Bug, 2x Flying, 2x Poison, and 2x Ghost. If you honestly fear Bug attacks, try any of the OTHER 385 POKES THAT BEAT THE CRAPPY BUG TYPE. Ghost, while somewhat prominent with Shadow Ball, really isn't that common except on normal pokes. Poison is even less common, but the 90 Sludge Bomb does warrant some consideration. Still, keep in mind that the number of pokes that commonly use Sludge Bomb is about 2 (Venusaur and Weezing and possibly Tentacruel/Crobat). Flying is probably the worst weakness for Eggy. But did I mention that Exeggutor resists Ground and Fighting attacks. With its already good Defense, it can beat up almost any poke that relies on EQ to do the most damage (hi Donphan, Steelix). And Fighting is more useful than one would expect. Most Fighters nowadays have Rock Slide to counter the most common Fighting counter, Flyers (and especially the Intimidating duo of Gyara and Sala). But they often don't have anything for the Psychics, besides the ocassional HP Ghost on a Breloom. What does this all mean? Eggy is underused as a physical tank. As for the special weaknesses. 2x Fire, 2x Ice, and 2x Dark. It also resists Water and Psychic. Now, I will admit that weaks to Fire and Ice have fairly substantial drawbacks, but Dark? Unless you run into the odd Crunching TTar or the even rarer Crunching Raikou, you have nothing to fear from Dark attacks. And in return, it makes the perfect Slowbro counter. Or even some Cunes, at least the ones without IB. Not a bad deal. So, after all this, we can basically cut out the Bug, Dark, and possibly the Ghost and Poison weaknesses. So we're done from 8 (including the 4x bug) to a more realistic 3 (at least according to the standard metagame). Not too bad anymore is it? EXEGGUTOR @ Leftovers Chlorophyll - Psychic - Sleep Powder - Leech Seed - HP Grass/Fire/Explosion/Synthesis EVs: Modest (+SA -Att) 252/0/176/48/0/32 - 158 speed should outrun neutral Swampert and Weezing, which both clock in at 156. I like my defensive Eggy to take physical hits with the Ground/ Fighting resist, so I stack towards Def. A more tanky set, especially with Synthesis. Eggy has 95/85/65 in the defenses - good enough to take most physical attacks, a bit weak to Fire/Ice. Still, it plays very similar to Venusaur except with an additional Ground resistance, but it also is much weaker on the SD side. Still a strong option though. --- EXEGGUTOR @ Leftovers Chlorophyll - Solarbeam - Sleep Powder - Sunny Day - Psychic/HP Fire/Ice/Explosion EVs: Modest (+SA -Att) 48/0/0/208/252/0 - hits 198 speed, so 396 after Chlorophyll. If you run Explosion, feel free to change to Mild (+SA -Def) or Rash (+SA -SD). Probably the best Sunnybeamer available. It gets Psychic in the second type, has good enough speed to outrun stuff after Chlorphyll, and gets that cool 125 SA to work with. Mmmmm...Donuts...fast Sleep Powder is IMO more useful than using HP, but standard Sunnybeaming does ask for one of the two. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAROWAK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clubwak. Early in 200 play, the famed Joltwak of GSC became Jaskwak, as people found that Ninjask's auto Speed Boost and Swords Dance made it a perfect BPer. People then discovered that Ninjask is just asking for a phazer to switch in and ruin all the work, and as such Marowak use kinda dropped off. Marowak can still be found nowadays, although it isn't as popular as it used to be. IMO it will make a comeback, especially in today's age of Blisslax, and the more recent discovery that Bonemarang does a number on Subs. MAROWAK @ Thick Club Rock Head - Earthquake/Bonemarang - Rock Slide/HP Rock - Double-Edge/Focus Punch - Swords Dance EVs: Jolly (+Spd -Att) 4/252/0/252/0/0 - 207 speed. Hey, you might run into a Suicune with no Speed. ****FRLG Standard**** Fairly simple, and nothing too original in FRLG. Bonemarang breaks Subs and has the same base power as EQ, but with 90% accuracy. Choose as you wish. HP is preferred to RS because of the low speed, Double-Edge is good on Flygon and Claydol, Focus Punch is nice to predict Skarm switches, and Swords Dance just owns. Whew, that was a long sentence. --- MAROWAK @ Thick Club Lightning Rod - Earthquake/Bonemarang - HP Rock - Focus Punch - Substitute Basically the same as above, but different in a way, seeing as it leaves off the Swords Dance that everyone would scream is a must. Props to NdMan for first using it, it gives Skarm and a lot of other phazers problems. Watch out for Claydol though, although FP still puts a good 30-40% dent into Claydol. --- MAROWAK @ Thick Club Lightning Rod - Earthquake/Bonemarang - Rock Slide/HP Rock - Swords Dance - Sing ***XD only*** Let's just say this is pretty much a 55% chance to instantly win the game. Pass in Agility (from BP Zapdos, another XD exclusive, perhaps?), put Skarm/ Cune/Weezing to sleep, and sweep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HITMONLEE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ An interesting alternative, but unfortunately not that great. The Speed isn't as high as one might expect from a karate master, the nice SD isn't so great when you look at its HP, and the HP/Def (50/53 respectively) just blow. And I wouldn't mind all of this, if it weren't for the fact that it is base 87 speed. Many better fighters exist. Limber is interesting though, if you can predict TWave. One quick note - I highly recommend Brick Break over Hi Jump Kick - you'll never know when 90% bites you in the ass one day, and unlike FB/FT the difference in damage isn't really that great. Think of it as more similar to Surf/Hydro Pump, and Surf is almost a unanonymous sweep in that category. HITMONLEE @ Salac Berry Limber - Focus Punch - Reversal - Substitute - Rock Slide EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 4/252/0/252/0/0 - 273 speed, pretty convenient. Subpunchreversaling. Thanks to Donut for the cool set, and although I suggest it for most fighters Donut used it first on Hitmonlee. --- HITMONLEE @ Salac Berry Limber - Brick Break - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Bulk Up With Bulk Up, you might somehow hax 90% from a hit and activate Salac. Then again, you might just die anyway. Up to you. --- HITMONLEE @ Choice Band Limber - Brick Break - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Focus Punch/HP Ghost EVs: Jolly (+Spd -SA) 4/252/0/252/0/0 - 300 speed exactly. How awesome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HITMONCHAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See Hitmonlee, but imagine even worse attack and worse speed. Same movepool though, with the exception of the Elemental Punches (omg base 35 SA RUN FOR THE HILLS) and Sky Uppercut. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LICKITUNG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pretty bad :x Only decent defenses, and no attack/SA/speed to speak of. Clefable was at least good for something. It did get Swords Dance in FRLG, but the base 55 attack isn't exactly made for boosting. Knock Off is cool though. LICKITUNG @ Leftovers/nothing Own Tempo - Seismic Toss - Knock Off/Thief - Rest - Counter/Shadow Ball Knock Off does redeem it somewhat, but obviously is exclusive from Thief. I like Counter, 90 HP/75 Def can let it take a hit. --- LICKITUNG @ Leftovers Own Tempo - Return - Shadow Ball - Curse/Swords Dance - Rest/Earthquake Mini-Curselax, or all-out attacker. And again, base 55 attack really sucks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KOFFING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______ __| |__ _| |_ _| __ __ |_ | _| O| _| O| | | |____| |____| | | _______________ | | | |_| |_| | | | |_ _| | | |_ ___ _| | | |_|___|_| | | | |_ _| |_ _| |__ __| |_______| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WEEZING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEIL SMOGON! WEEZING @ Leftovers Levitate - Sludge Bomb - Fire Blast/Thunderbolt/Explosion/Rest/Destiny Bond/Pain Split/Rests - Will-o-Wisp - Haze EVs: Relaxed (+Def -Spd) 252/60/96/4/0/96 - 330 Def and 200 SD. Nice even numbers. A little extra oomph in your Sludge Bomb makes Gyarados a sad panda. ****FRLG Standard**** Both Will-o-Wisp and Haze are necessary, for the most part - WoW alone can't stop repeated Attack boosts, and Haze alone can't stop repeated Normal/Rock attacks. Fire Blast is for Skarm/Forry/Metagross, and TB is for Gyara, although Sludge Bomb alone is usually enough to take out Gyara (pray for 30% poison too). Explosion is a possibility, but IMO blowing up a tank isn't that smart, and Rest is best paired with Blissey. I've seen people who use DBond, and I can't say I like it, but it is there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RHYDON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Underrated. FRLG gave it Swords Dance and Megahorn, and it has much sexier overall stats than Golem. It doesn't have Explosion, but why blow up something so cool? :) Special Rhydon is always an option as a joke, but Rhydon is definitely cool. I mean _cool_. RHYDON @ Choice Band Rock Head - Earthquake - Rock Blast/HP Rock/Rock Slide - Double-Edge/Focus Punch - Megahorn Ouch. Makes a nice switch on CBdrio, or something like that. Base 130 attack with a CB and 2 strong STABed attacks does a lot of damage. --- RHYDON @ Leftovers/Salac Berry Rock Head - Earthquake - HP Rock/Rock Blast/Rock Slide - Megahorn - Swords Dance If you don't like the CB. The setup kinda kills it though, watch for Suicunes and stuff. --- RHYDON @ Leftovers Rock Head - Rock Blast/HP Rock/Rock Slide - Focus Punch - Substitute - Roar/Earthquake/Megahorn/Swords Dance EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 212/118/0/164/0/16 - 157 speed should outrun any Weezings, which is your main goal here. The EVs in SD lets your Sub survive a 256 SA Fire Blast, which is exactly what a neutral Salamence might pack. Why I did this, I don't know, since Salamence has much better moves to break a Sub with, but 256 is a pretty nice number. Free advertisement for my set. Sub is actually really nice, put in some speed EVs and Weezing can't touch you while you Rock Blast away. Focus Punch is also nice for PHazing Skarm. 404 HP works well against SToss Blissey. Roar is for Curselax, but you can use a lot of other things there. --- RHYDON @ Leftovers Rock Head - Rock Blast - Earthquake - Counter - Roar/Megahorn/filler In case you didn't notice, I really like Rhydon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TANGELA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fairly cool for a blob of grass. The high defense is nice, it also learns Leech Seed/Sleep Powder, which is always nice, and has some crapshoots for the other two moves. TANGELA @ Leftovers Chlorophyll - HP Grass - Sleep Powder - Leech Seed - Reflect/Growth/Stun Spore/Toxic Growth is actually pretty interesting, AJ tried it once on a UU team. I like Reflect myself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KANGASKHAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amazing stats (total of 490 - but 40 is in SA, the stat it doesn't need, and the rest are all above 80), yet no one seems to use it. Sad case. Base 90 speed is good, nice high HP, lots of potential. Cool trait, too. KANGASKHAN @ Leftovers Early Bird - Return - Shadow Ball - Earthquake/Sleep Talk - Rest EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 212/168/16/96/0/16 - 404 HP/200 Def/200 SD. Solid. Early Bird cuts the resting time down to 1 turn, which is extraordinarily hot. It suffers from not being able to boost any stats, however, and normal type not resisting anything in particular, which makes most STABed attacks 3HKOs. Doesn't Sleep Talk sound fun with 1 turn Rests? --- KANGASKHAN @ Leftovers Early Bird - Return - Shadow Ball - Substitute - Focus Punch EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA), 212/200/0/96/0/0 - 240 speed for non-Modest Magneton and Breloom Kangaskhan is another interesting Subpuncher, well exceeding the cool 404 HP that makes SToss a 2 hit break on the sub. --- KANGASKHAN @ Leftovers Early Bird - Return - Shadow Ball - Counter - Rest/Earthquake/Focus Punch That same 400+ HP also helps with Counter, especially when Kangaskhan is already blessed with base 80 defense. Focus Punch is an idea - once you've countered them, they're probably going to switch :* --- KANGASKHAN @ Choice Band Early Bird - Return - Shadow Ball - Earthquake - Focus Punch Astra tells me this thing beats the crap out of the UU metagame. Hence why it shouldn't really be UU. After all, when your defensive tanks are limited to the likes of Aggron/Golem to resist normal and Gligar/Tangela to try and cover everything else, you might run into problems. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEAKING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It gets Megahorn. So does Heracross, and Hera is much better at using it. Seaking also gets screwed over by its relatively low stats. SEAKING @ Liechi Berry/Salac/Lum Swift Swim - Megahorn - Return - Surf/Hydro Pump - Rain Dance Use the Rain Dance to help boost speed, then start Megahorning things. It also gets Swords Dance in FRLG, but getting both the speed boost and the attack boost is asking for a bit too much. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STARMIE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boltbeam, two cool STABed special types, and decent enough all-around defenses makes Starmie the best boltbeamer in the game. IMO the most unexpected Gyara/Sala counter (it survives a 1 DD HP Flying with 30% to spare, and unlike Regice it can OHKO Gyara with TB), and Natural Cure is a blessing. Has problems with Blissey and Lax, but other than that Starmie is a monster. STARMIE @ Leftovers Natural Cure - Surf/Psychic - Thunderbolt - Ice Beam - Recover EVs: Modest (+SA -Att) 44/0/0/216/248/0 - Hits 320 speed for Adamant Tauros or Modest Espeon. Modest is a must to give you a legitimate shot of OHKOing Gyarados. ****FRLG Standard**** I like Surf myself. Boltbeam is the big thing here, it survives one DD HP Flying from both Gyara and Sal, and Recover backs up the decent defenses. --- STARMIE @ Leftovers Natural Cure - Surf/Psychic - Thunder Wave - Confuse Ray/Rapid Spin/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt - Recover Deathstar has been brought back in FRLG, but it isn't much of a threat with Blissey everywhere. If I had to choose one of the disablers, I would take TWave, but if you like 50% hax rate feel free to choose Confuse Ray. Rapid Spin needs to be fit into Starmie's movesets somehow, and here is as good a place as any to do it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MR. MIME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fast, good SD/SA, and as weak as Alakazam defensively. Basically outclassed by Zam in almost every way, except for more unpredictability and Thunderbolt. It makes a decent Encorer though, especially if you can Encore some special attack and start CMing up yourself. Soundproof can be an interesting trait - people have made teams revolving around Mr. Mime using Encore on CMcune's Roar (after Umbreon trap of course) and CMing up. MR. MIME @ Leftovers/Choice Band Soundproof - Psychic - Substitute/Calm Mind - Encore - Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Baton Pass/Trick The first options are another of Donut's movesets. Parashuffling of sorts, Encore is a decent phazer if you manage to Encore something that your opponent would not care to repeat. The rest is what most other people use. Encore Cune's Roar and CM up to beat it in (nice if used with Mean Look), or if you feel really insecure you could try Trickbanding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SCYTHER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It's fast. It can BP some pretty good stuff (although not as well as Ninjask, but Scyther might catch a few people by surprise when it BPs). Also can End/Subrev, and hope for SW hax. Scyther isn't as good as it used to be, but it's usable. Bug/Flying is really a crap type though, weak to everything under the sun. SCYTHER @ Salac/Liechi/Lum Berry Swarm - Silver Wind/HP Bug/HP Flying - Swords Dance/Substitute - Agility/Substitute - Baton Pass BP whatever you want. SW is always haxy, if you manage to get a 10% boost you can always pass that along as well, but I prefer HP Flying for the more consistent damage. --- SCYTHER @ Salac Berry Swarm - Reversal - Substitute/Endure - Swords Dance - HP Bug Swarm'd HP Bug with a SD or two does almost as much as the non-STABed Reversal might. Still somewhat inferior though, any of the fighting types pull this off better. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JYNX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A lot like many Psychics - crap HP/Def, good SA/SD/speed. Jynx's real kicker comes in having two cool STABed moves and Lovely Kiss, the sixth (?) fastest sleep move after Persian/Ninetales/Rapidash/Gengar with their 60% hax and Jumpluff (however, Lovely Kiss' consistency would make it more valuable than Hypnosis). Calm Mind too never hurt. JYNX @ Leftovers/Lum Berry/Salac Berry Oblivious - Ice Beam - Psychic/Substitute - Lovely Kiss - Calm Mind EVs: Timid (+Spd -Att) 4/0/0/216/252/36 - 308 speed, for Jolly Zangoose and everything else at 299. ****FRLG Standard**** Cool. If you can draw out your opponent's special tank and put it to sleep, you can get in a few free CMs (good for, say, Jynx vs Regice). Two STABed moves is nice, and after CM you might be able to survive a hit to activate Salac, which would be really cool. --- JYNX @ Leftovers Oblivious - Mean Look - Perish Song - Lovely Kiss - Protect Sleeping Doom, or something like that. Pity Jynx can't really survive the two turns needed to setup, which is supposedly why Lovely Kiss is thrown in, but Switching sorta does a number on that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ELECTABUZZ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fast. Decent Skarmbliss counter, with TB and Focus Punch/Cross Chop. Pity it has such crappy physical defense though. ELECTABUZZ @ Leftovers Static - Thunderbolt - Focus Punch/Cross Chop - Substitute/Ice Punch - Ice Punch/Thunder Wave/Fire Punch Subpunch/TB/Ice Punch or TWave is the general standard for now. Still a 2HKO on Lax and Bliss though, and getting in another Sub is tough. Cross Chop is always there, but barring any CHs that's a 3HKO. Tough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAGMAR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slightly worse off than Electabuzz, due to the worser typing and lack of a good 4th move (Thunderpunch as a water counter is crap when it does 40% and Surf OHKOs it back). Still an option though, Flame Body is a hot trait. Decent Skarmbliss counter as well, obviously. MAGMAR @ Leftovers Flame Body - Fire Blast - Focus Punch/Cross Chop - Substitute/Thunderpunch - Thunderpunch/Confuse Ray/Thief Higher base attack than Electabuzz, slightly lower in SA and Speed though. And the last move is up in the air. Thief is courtesy of shiny zangoose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PINSIR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hyper Cutter is cool. Pinsir resists the most deadly part of the Sala/Gyara switches (Intimidate), and base 85 speed makes it faster than the average Sala and Gyara. Swords Dance Rock Slide bites. It also has good enough defense to survive at least one HP Flying from max Att Adamant Sala/Gyara, although the SD isn't as good as Heracross. PINSIR @ Salac Berry Hyper Cutter - HP Bug/Brick Break - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Swords Dance EVs: Jolly (+Spd -SA) 36/252/0/220/0/0 - 286 speed for Jolly Medicham. This set accounts for HP Bug's 30 speed DV. Don't laugh, Cloud9x almost beat my standard whore team with one of these, as it beat the crap out of my Salamence with SD Rock Slide. It fears Skarm and Weezing, but does a pretty good number on a lot of the other phazers with HP Bug. BB is for Blissey or someone else. --- PINSIR @ Salac Berry/Leftovers Hyper Cutter - Substitute - Focus Punch - HP Bug - Rock Slide Simple, clean, crisp. --- PINSIR @ Choice Band Hyper Cutter - HP Bug/Brick Break - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Focus Punch Thanks to forgotten myth for reminding me that CB Pinsir rocks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAUROS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wild Family Dog GO! The other other other cool 386 CBer, although the last moveslot leaves something to be desired. Intimidate is a nice side effect, but don't expect to switch Tauros into things and have it live. TAUROS @ Choice Band Intimidate - Return - Earthquake - HP Ghost - Iron Tail/Facade/Hyper Beam EVs: Jolly (+Spd -SA) 4/252/0/252/0/0 - I like maxing speed, since this puts you above Adamant Dugtrio and gives you a 50/50 with Gengar and Espeon, neither of which usually maxes speed. ****FRLG Standard**** One of the few types where Hyper Beam is sanctioned, simply because there aren't many other options. Facade is reactionary, Iron Tail has that 75% hit rate (although it seems to hit more than Rock Blast's 80%) but the added advantage of being SE on Aero, and Hyper Beam has the ever-present stall turn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GYARADOS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you Mystery for showing us the god that is Tauntridos. When RS first came out, and everyone saw the cool new EQ and Dragon Dance moves, everyone thought Gyara would finally be good. But with the addition of Taunt, it is now plain sexy X) Great attack, good enough speed, Intimidate, and incredible SD that lets it take a non-STABed TB from lots of things (ie Regice) and not die. GYARADOS @ Leftovers Intimidate "Tauntridos" - HP Flying/Rock - Earthquake - Taunt - Dragon Dance EVs: Jolly (+Spd -SA) 28/224/0/196/0/60 - I run my Gyarados fast, at 270 speed for Adamant Hera/Pinsir. Others don't run as fast, ranging from 264 down to the 220's. Gyara has some flexibility. ****FRLG Standard**** Flying is prefered to Rock, mostly for STAB. Godly Tauntridos. --- GYARADOS @ Leftovers Intimidate - HP Flying/Rock - Earthquake - Roar - Dragon Dance Not quite the standard, but an interesting alternative. After a DD, you outroar other pokes that might try to phaze you. Fun, but not as effective as Taunt. --- GYARADOS @ Leftovers Intimidate - HP Flying - Earthquake - Roar - Thunder Wave EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 252/72/24/100/0/60 - 222 speed for your slowish Modest Magnetons and to outroar Suicune. One of AK's concoctions, a defensive Gyarados. TWave is cool, Intimidate is always useful, and with some EVs in defense and the naturally good SD it can act as a decent phazer/tank. --- GYARADOS @ Liechi Berry Intimidate - Substitute - Flail - Dragon Dance - Earthquake/HP Ghost How cool is this? Thanks to Günther for suggesting it, a SubFlailing Gyarados. It has obvious problems with Skarm and other more standard Gyara counters, so I'd save it as one of your last pokes and guard it well. Just imagine - two DD's and a Liechi kick will give you Flail equal with SD Zangoose power, and I'm sure we all know just how strong that is. EQ is for Steelix/Golem/etc, and Ghost is for Gengar - take your pick. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAPRAS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wonderful, another poke with about 5 different movesets that all work to some degree. It can Boltbeam, gets Surf as well, has crapshoots with Sheer Cold and Horn Drill, and gets DD/Confuse Ray if you want another fun move. This completely disregarding the tankishly disgusting stats (130/80/95 in the defenses), with a stat total of 535, higher than Starmie. Did I mention Water Absorb makes it a good Cune counter? So why DON'T people use this? Well, Water/Ice being the crappy type it is affords exactly ONE type resistance (Ice) and ONE immunity (Water), which is bad on a stalling poke. It doesn't get CM like Cune, and it doesn't really do much damage. It's also very vulnerable to repeated attacks, especially after Resting. But whatever, Lapras owns, use it to as a punching bag if nothing else. LAPRAS @ Leftovers Water Absorb - Ice Beam - Thunderbolt - Sheer Cold/Surf/Confuse Ray/Sleep Talk - Rest EVs: Calm (+SD -Att) 124/0/148/0/120/116 - This thing is confusing to spread. ****FRLG Standard**** Boltbeam, Rest, another STABed attack if necessary, or Sheer Cold for the hax against Blissey/Cune/Milotic whom you otherwise can't really touch. --- LAPRAS @ Leftovers Water Absorb - Horn Drill/Ice Beam - Sheer Cold/Thunderbolt - Sleep Talk - Rest I had to put it in somewhere. Fishlapras, go. Ever since Sleep Talk got borked in RS though (if you choose Rest while talking, nothing happens), this tactic sorta died out. --- LAPRAS @ Leftovers Water Absorb - Return/Body Slam - HP Ground/Ghost/Rock - Curse/Dragon Dance - Rest/Ice Beam Physical Lapras woohoo. The DD one is for fun, the Curse one might actually work out, it has been posited but AFAIK no one has used it yet (I imagine it's about as good as Curseking though, and Curseking isn't too good :(). Lapras does have the same Att as it does SA though, the only difference comes in STAB and movepool. --- LAPRAS @ Leftovers Water Absorb - Ice Beam - Sleep Talk - Rest - Heal Bell ***XD only*** Wake up when you sleep? Too good to be true. Lapras gains a new level of utility with the addition of Heal Bell from XD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DITTO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DITTO @ Metal Powder Limber - Transform - INSTANT DEATH STRIKE WHOAMG No weak. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VAPOREON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Awesome blob of water. The nice high HP bolsters both his good SD (95) and his bad Def (65), and 110 SA jumps out of nowhere to make it a viable special attacker (although outclassed by Kingdra and CMcune). Still a useful tank. Water Absorb is another cool ability, but unlike Lapras (Sheer Cold) it doesn't have a "reliable" way of forcing Suicune out. VAPOREON @ Leftovers Water Absorb - Surf - Ice Beam - Toxic/Wish - Roar/Rest EVs: Calm (+SD -Att) 124/0/252/0/64/68 - Go Bold if you want an even bulkier water. 272 SA lets you OHKO those 252/252/4 Aerodactyls with Surf. I used Roar/Wish for a while, but avoid status like hell. Makes a decently good phazer, max Def Bold gives it a 35% from CBdactyl. Toxic so you can do something to Cune. --- VAPOREON @ Leftovers Water Absorb - Surf - Ice Beam/Substitute/Acid Armor/Wish - Substitute/Acid Armor/Wish - Baton Pass Vappy also makes a decent BPer, one of the few things that can directly pass Defense. It also passes 101 HP Subs, which is very cool. Now, to explain Wishpassing, a tactic many people don't seem to understand: You use Wish the first turn, and normally you would switch out to the poke that gets the Wish. But then that poke needs to take the opponent's hit before it gets recovered by Wish, which acts at the end of the turn. But if you BP instead to said poke, Vappy's low base 60 speed usually means that Vappy will take the hit and not the poke you're BPing to. And since the whole point of Wish is that you pass health without taking damage, this is a good thing right? You can lower your speed DV down to 0 to get even slower, if so desired. Wishpassing in a nutshell. --- VAPOREON @ Leftovers Water Absorb - Surf - Ice Beam - HP Grass/Electric - Wish/Rest/Toxic 350 SA when Modest (that's as high as Jolteon). Fear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JOLTEON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blindingly fast (fastest used poke in the game - or at least when I have my way, people won't use Ninjask), good SA too. But unfortunately, that's about it. Electric type means it almost automatically has a bad moveset :(, and Jolt definitely ran out of moves. Still useful, one of the few electric types that can do something about Dugtrio. And since it's an eeveelution, its cool absorb is Volt Absorb, which is always useful. JOLTEON @ Leftovers/Nevermeltice/Miracle Seed Volt Absorb - Thunderbolt - HP Grass/Ice - Thunder Wave/Substitute/Agility/Wish - Baton Pass/Substitute EVs: Timid (+Spd -Att) 4/0/0/252/252/0 - Yeah yeah. I'll take my 50/50 any day. If you're running HP Ice and it's 30 speed DV, you might want to fall down to 374 Speed and bump up SD. ****FRLG Standard**** Note that without the item boost, HP has a 1/8 chance of OHKOing Dugtrio - with item boost, that percentage jumps to 70%. I recommend keeping BP on all Jolteon anyway, in case you need to mount a quick getaway from Dugtrio. TWave/Sub is useful to some degree - you TWave and keep Subbing until you get a FP, in which case you have a free sub up. --- JOLTEON @ Salac Berry Volt Absorb - Thunderbolt - Endure - filler1 - filler2 It gets its own moveset for being so cool. Along with HP Rock Ninjask, this is another moveset (c) Donut that he used as a Bellyzard counter. Endure the EQ, let Salac activate, and TB it to death. A somewhat useless moveset, but it was creative, and another one of those pokes that got turned around to deal with Bellyzard. On the other hand... --- JOLTEON @ Petaya Berry/Salac Berry Volt Absorb - Thunderbolt - HP Ice/Grass/Agility - Endure - Baton Pass Endure to activate berry (probably Petaya), then either attack or pass (Starmie what?). Simple and elegant. Thank you for bring up the idea, Skullworm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLAREON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The crappiest of the Eeveelutions. It gets the 130 in attack, a stat where its forced to use Shadow Ball and Return as its main attacks. 110 SD is decent but not overly great, and the 95 in the STABed attack doesn't pack as much a punch as 130 would've. It has some potential, but the speed especially hurts it. And of course, Flash Fire isn't quite as good as the two Absorbs. FLAREON @ Salac Berry Flash Fire - Flail - Endure/Substitute - Shadow Ball - Overheat Endure is generally preferred to Sub here, base 65 speed isn't wonderful for getting up Subs. Flail off 130 attack is sadly enough the best use you'll get out of it. --- FLAREON @ Leftovers Flash Fire - Return - Shadow Ball - Curse - Rest/Fire Blast IMO this has more potential than Flailing, thanks to the 100 SD and the low speed not hampering it as much here. Still, you have to deal with the base 60 defense, and hope you don't meet any EQs while cursing up. It can't even take a Duggie CB EQ after a Curse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OMASTAR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One of the more UU spikers. Nice defense, but the Fighting/Ground weakness hurts it a lot, as does Electric/Grass on the special side. It's only real method of attacking is via Rain Dance, but then the same water attacks it uses takes it out. OMASTAR @ Leftovers Swift Swim - Hydro Pump/Surf - Ice Beam - Rain Dance - Spikes/HP Grass Kingdra does it better :( Have fun with the Spikes. On a somewhat related note, RD Omastar does a number on the UU game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KABUTOPS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Odd poke. Pretty cool Att/Def, but not too much to do with them, since it doesn't learn EQ. It does get Knock Off though, one of my personal favorite moves, and SD/Flail/Rock Slide is awesome. Interesting UU poke. KABUTOPS @ Salac Berry Battle Armor - Flail - Substitute/Endure - Rock Slide - Swords Dance Someone has tried this before, and Kabutops has decent enough speed to do a good job about it. SD Rock Slide also puts a number on Ghosts, although likely not enough to KO Dusclops. Still usable. --- KABUTOPS @ Leftovers Battle Armor - Rock Slide - Knock Off/Rapid Spin - Confuse Ray/Toxic/Ice Beam - Surf If it gets Knock Off, it can't be bad in my book :( I believe Knock Off and Rapid Spin are illegal, but don't quote me on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AERODACTYL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The other cool 386 CBer. FRLG gave it Double-Edge and Rock Slide through the tutors, which fixed a lot of problems for this bird. First, something to do with that random Rock Head trait. Second, a reliable Rock move not named Ancientpower with a cool flinch rate. Third, using Rock Slide let it use HP Flying, as opposed to the old 386 struggle of deciding between HP Rock/AA or HP Flying/AP. And on top of it all, it kept Earthquake. How hot. Did I mention that it resists standard Tauntridos and OHKOs back the other way? This thing completely dominated early FRLG, and it's making a comeback as people realize how cool it is. AERODACTYL @ Choice Band Rock Head - Rock Slide - Earthquake - HP Flying - Double-Edge EVs: Jolly (+Spd -SA) 4/252/0/252/0/0, DVs 30/30/30/31/30/30 - Don't forget your HP Flying DVs to keep max speed. ****FRLG Standard**** An attack for every situation. DE does the most damage, keep that in mind. --- Aerodactyl @ Liechi Berry/Leftovers Rock Head - Rock Slide - Earthquake - HP Flying/Double-Edge/Taunt - Substitute Substitute Aerodactyl, it has the advantage of not having to predict things and always having the right move. I like Double-Edge over HP, just get something else for Grass types. And Taunt is @ gm, who says it works wonders against Wobbuffet. How I don't exactly know (ok I get how, but why is another question...), but gm is good pokemon battler and stuff like that ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SNORLAX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ohshi Snorlax. Curselax - probably the most dominant poke this side of RBY. As if it didn't rule enough through GSC, this thing scared the crap out of everyone in early FRLG play (why did it die out? :(). With godly SD (takes < 30% from most un- boosted special attacks not called Moltres Fire Blast), godlier HP, good enough Def, huge Att, and a crappy speed that could care less if it got lowered. Metagamers beware, make sure you have something for this beast. Did I mention that SD? 160/110 HP/SD. And Immunity too, to take out the most obvious way of wearing down this tank. SNORLAX @ Leftovers Immunity "Curselax" - Return/Body Slam - Shadow Ball - Curse - Rest EVs: Calm (+SD -SA) 76/136/136/4/0/156 - Snorlax spreads vary greatly. ****FRLG Standard**** :( --- SNORLAX @ Leftovers Immunity - Focus Punch - Shadow Ball - Substitute - Curse/Return/Belly Drum Subpunching Snorlax, another nod to Donut for first using this. Sub protects you while you punch, and with Lax's awesome defenses you will often find the sub taking two hits before dying. Belly Drum was Donut's original 4th move, although it probably isn't best. Return is probably the most common, but Curse can be a bitch if it gets set up. Try to avoid status as best as you can, predict when Subs will break and always have one up. Watch for Koffings too. --- SNORLAX @ Leftovers Immunity - Return - Shadow Ball - Fire Blast/Earthquake - Rest/Selfdestruct GSC lax go. Fire Blast is actually somewhat fun, base 65 SA isn't too bad and you can beat the crap out of someone who depends on only Skarm as their physical tank. --- SNORLAX @ Choice Band Immunity - Return - Shadow Ball - Earthquake - Focus Punch Fun stuff, you might want to try this out sometime. --- SNORLAX @ Leftovers Thick Fat - Double-Edge/Return - Shadow Ball/Earthquake - Rest - Sleep Talk For reasons that are beyond me, the new metagame seems to love using EQ over SB. DE and Thick Fat are both used here because you expect to be spending a lot of time sleeping, so status and HP aren't as big problems. --- SNORLAX @ Leftovers/Choice Band Immunity - Double-Edge/Return - Shadow Ball/Earthquake - Fire Blast/Earthquake - Selfdestruct ***XD only*** XD has harkened back to RBY days, where Snorlax regains the strongest physical attack in the game in Selfdestruct. Lax almost has as many different sets as Salamence now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ARTICUNO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The worst of the RBY birds, unfortunately enough. Ice/Flying is a pretty bad type, with weaknesses to Rock/Fire/Electric being the most glaring ones, and especially bad on a poke that is built to tank. Articuno also suffers from the no-good-attacks syndrome, with Ice Beam being it's only real useful move, either that or Sheer Cold. I'd recommend Lapras or something else if you want a more useful tank. It also gets the crappy uber trait known as Pressure, only good if you are a MYSTERIOUS ORANGE POKEMON or just a MYSTERY. ARTICUNO @ Leftovers Pressure - Ice Beam - Roar/Haze/Sheer Cold - Sleep Talk/Reflect - Rest EVs: Calm (+SD -Att) 252/0/56/56/56/88 - Enough speed (220) to outroar Suicune, enough SA to OHKO all but the most defensive Dragonites. Maxing out HP is a must, the other defenses can be tweaked as you wish. ****FRLG Standard**** The Sleep Talker is nearly impossible to kill without some form of Rock attack or STABed FB/TB. If you get Roar when Sleep Talking, the Roar acts instaneously and ignores its usual priority modifier, making it quite spiffy with Spikes. --- ARTICUNO @ Leftovers Pressure - Ice Beam - Sheer Cold - Substitute/Rest - Double Team Thank Synre for this thing. Ever want to play a completely luck based game? Here's your poke! --- ARTICUNO @ Leftovers Pressure - Ice Beam - Heal Bell - Sleep Talk - Rest ***XD only*** Rest, Sleep Talk, and hope you wake up. Articuno finally gains some use with HB and a good enough STABed attack in Ice Beam. --- ARTICUNO @ Leftovers Pressure - Ice Beam - Rest - Haze - Sheer Cold/Toxic/Reflect ***XD only*** Articuno isn't the best Hazer in the world with its lack of any real resistances, but the good defenses and decent speed make it a possibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MOLTRES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another legendary which suffers from no-attack syndrome. 125 SA is donuts, but it would be nice to have something other than Fire moves to use them on (Moltres can't even Sunnybeam, since it doesn't get Solar Beam). Otherwise, Fire/Flying is still a pretty bad type, and Moltres doesn't really get to do much besides Fire Blast random things. It can KO a Suicune if used correctly though, which must mean something. MOLTRES @ Leftovers/Petaya Berry Pressure - Fire Blast - Sunny Day - Overheat - HP Grass/Aerial Ace/Substitute/Toxic With the help of Sunny Day, you can take on Suicune one-on-one, with Surf doing half damage and Fire Blast doing mucho. FB twice, then Overheat the last turn, which can KO Suicune assuming it doesn't CM. Or if it does, hope for a CH or something. Or use a better cune counter :O --- MOLTRES @ Leftovers Pressure - Fire Blast/Flamethrower - HP Grass/Will-o-wisp - Sunny Day - Morning Sun ***XD only*** Finally, Moltres becomes useful, thanks to XD. Morning Sun gives Moltres some much needed staying power, and it also happens to work nicely with the same Sunny Day set that Moltres always uses. It's other new XD move, WoW, is useful for things like Lax and also helps Moltres on the defensive side. Flamethrower is now definitely a consideration for PP purposes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ZAPDOS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The most used of the RBY birds, and for good reason. The only bird to get a decent attack in the other type (Drill Peck), a good disabler (TWave), and a weird resistance to Flying/Ground, making it the ideal Gyarados counter. This one is actually useful - try it out sometime. Especially with the addition of XD moves, Zapdos has become a beast to be feared. ZAPDOS @ Leftovers Pressure - Thunderbolt - HP Grass/Ice - Rest - Sleep Talk EVs: Modest (+SA -Att) 252/0/60/20/60/116 - Should outrun Modest Magneton. EVs are slanted defensively, since this is a STalker after all. Sleep Talk Zapdos. Zapdos is surprisingly tanky at 90/85/90 and pretty hard to 2HKO, and it packs a mean punch when it's sleep talking. Still won't touch Blissey, but you stand a much better chance against things like Suicune or Steelix. It's always nice to have something that can take sleep on your team. --- ZAPDOS @ Leftovers Pressure - Thunderbolt - HP Grass/Ice/Substitute - Agility - Baton Pass EVs: Modest (+SA -Att) 68/0/0/240/200/0 - Outruns Jolly Hera/Pinsir and packs a mean 368 SA. ***XD only*** Makes for a very nice pass to something like Clubwak and only adds to Zappy's unpredictability. Zapdos does a number on your standard phazers (Suicune, Skarm, Donphan), making it really hard to stop. --- ZAPDOS @ Leftovers Pressure - Thunderbolt - HP Grass/Ice - Metal Sound - Roar ***XD only*** Time to play the predicting game. This Zapdos works best with Spikes support, as you'll see in a second. Metal Sound has its obvious advantages - with a 2 level SD drop, TB now packs an even meaner punch, especially for things like Snorlax. Bring in Zapdos and Metal Sound the switch. Now for the prediction. If you think your opponent is going to switch out and avoid the powered-up TB, use Roar for extra spikes damage. If you think they'll stay in, use TB. With the SD drop, TB becomes a 3HKO against Lax. --- ZAPDOS @ Leftovers/Chesto Berry Pressure - Thunderbolt - HP Grass/Ice - Drill Peck - Thunder Wave/Rest/Substitute/Light Screen Old 386 Zapdos that tried to counter Blissey and Lax, and didn't really do too well. The STalker and Metal Sound do a better job. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DRAGONITE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Argh...too many sets to choose from. Ever since the beginning of 386, Dragonite was fairly neglected as the other dragon (also somewhat due to the fact that people were used to the 200-legal Salamence from 200). Soon enough though, people realized that Dragonite had better defenses, similar attacking stats, and couldn't be KOd by most non-STABed Ice Beams. Then they later remembered that Salamence had Intimidate, while Dragonite was stuck with the crappy Inner Focus. Then people realized Dragonite learned Boltbeam and was a good counter to Sala/Gyara. Is there any real consensus as to which is the better dragon? No, not really, although AFAIK Dragonite is being used more nowadays. You can't go wrong either way. DRAGONITE @ Leftovers Inner Focus - Focus Punch - Substitute/Earthquake - Thunderbolt - Ice Beam/Flamethrower EVs: Quiet (+SA -Spd) 252/0/124/20/40/72 - This is a bitch to spread. HP max obviously, and 72 SD lets you survive an IB from a 300 SA non-STABed attacker or Gengar Ice Punch. SA goes to 270, which is enough to kill all but the most defensive Salamence. The high Def means you should survive a RS from max Att Tyranitar with 32% to spare, enough to get up a Sub and survive the Sandstorm. Speed puts it at 180, which should be safely above all Skarms you might find, but low enough to get a Sub up against faster things. Phew. ****FRLG Standard**** The first poke to really popularize both Subpunching and Boltbeam at the same time. I *believe* I was the first to use Subpunching Draggy (after seeing AJ's normal FP draggy which depended a lot on predicting, and Donut's Subpunch Snorlax), and the Boltbeam fell in somewhat naturally. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. In any case, with -Spd personality Dragonite can unspeed (be slower than :() most base 80 pokes, while still remaining of base 70 (Skarm being the most noticable base 70 poke) - this allows you to get up the sub against faster pokes and still KO Skarm. Insane defenses (on the level of TTar) only helps the Sub, as does the very cool Dragon type with its list of resistances. Boltbeam is the general standard, but I find myself having lots of problems with Heracross (and thus wishing I had Salamence), so I ended up putting on FT instead. Although you can't counter Salamence anymore, Metagross and Hera are no longer a threat, but choose according to your team. Blastbolt fears Rock/Ground types. Earthquake is of great use on Metagross and other steels, as well as giving some consistent damage against Blissey - unfortunately, Dragonite does not have the 404 HP needed to get unbreakable subs, so having another damaging attack is useful against Bliss. --- DRAGONITE @ Leftovers Inner Focus - HP Flying - Earthquake - Brick Break/Thunder Wave/Roar - Dragon Dance EVs: Jolly (+Spd -SA) 60/248/0/200/0/0 - 270 speed. Gets past everything after a DD. Adamant (+Att -SA) 60/232/0/216/0/0 - 250 speed. Doesn't outspeed everything, but you're over Modest Maggie without a speed boost and pass Dugtrio/Sceptile/Zam after a speed boost. Packs a monstrous 398 attack. Pure physical Dragonite. It doesn't learn Rock Slide, which is a pity. TWave is just for fun, and Roar comes in handy when you face a silly person with a Ninjask who insists on trying to out-statup you and gets Roared away instead after a convenient number of DDs. --- DRAGONITE @ Choice Band Inner Focus - HP Flying - Earthquake - Focus Punch - Double-Edge/Brick Break/Thunderbolt EVs: Jolly (+Spd -SA) 56/252/0/200/0/0 - 270 speed. The high speed should put you above your average DDing Sala or Gyara, as well as all Maggies. Trades Rock Slide for Focus Punch. Good trade? You tell me, but this thing cleans up about as well as its better-known brother CBmence, albeit with slightly less speed (but better defenses instead!). This thing deals with bulky waters much better than Salamence - non-STABed IB is almost certainly a 2HKO against this guy, and CB HP Flying is a 3HKO against things like Milotic, so if Milotic tries to switch in against Dragonite, you're going to win the race. --- DRAGONITE @ Leftovers Inner Focus - Ice Beam - Thunderbolt - Fire Blast/Surf - Focus Punch/Dragon Claw/Thunder Wave/Agility EVs: Modest (+SA -Att) 116/0/0/180/212/0 - You need Modest to get up to this Draggy's 317 SA, which gives you a pretty legit chance at OHKOing Gyarados. Speed of 241, which should get over Modest Magneton. On the other side of the spectrum, we have special Dragonite. Better than Elemence due to getting Boltbeam, and Focus Punch is IMO a much better option to catch spare Regice/Blissey on the switch. TWave is again thrown in for fun. --- DRAGONITE @ Leftovers Inner Focus - HP Flying - Earthquake/Fire Blast/Thunderbolt - Fire Blast/Thunderbolt/Thunder Wave/Dragon Claw - Dragon Dance EVs: Lonely (+Att -Def) 60/232/0/216/0/0 - 250 speed again. I think SA EVs are a waste, since you're pretty much going to 2HKO Skarm no matter how you EV it. And finally, we have the umpteen number of mixed Dragonites that roam the streets. Mix and match as you choose. One trademark I want to mention - HP Fly/FB/DClaw/DD is gpmence (gpnite), and that's about it. I personally like HP Fly/EQ/FB/DD if I were to choose one from here (the same set I prefer on Salamence), but choose as you wish. --- DRAGONITE @ Leftovers Inner Focus - HP Flying/Dragon Claw - Heal Bell - Sleep Talk - Rest ***XD only*** I'm giving the more standard Heal Bell/Resttalk set here, but feel free to put in some more creative moves. I like the idea of a defensive Dragonite with TWave and perhaps a ppassing move along with Heal Bell. Run wild. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEWTWO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use something else :( On a more comedic note, my Magneton once took out some uber-using loser's Mewtwo one-on-one. MasterHand, I laff at you. MEWTWO @ Leftovers Pressure - Psychic/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt - Psychic/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Substitute - Calm Mind - Recover Use a Chimecho ^^ They're almost the same ^^ And Chimecho needs its moment in the sun ^^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eww, it learns everything. Make a moveset for youself. Some quick suggestions: MEW @ Leftovers Synchronize - Psychic/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt - Psychic/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Substitute - Calm Mind - Softboiled Special Mew --- MEW @ Leftovers Synchronize - Shadow Ball - Brick Break - Return/Explosion/Earthquake/Psychic - Bulk Up/Swords Dance Physical Mew. CB is also an option, obviously choose another last move. --- MEW @ Leftovers Synchronize - Focus Punch - Substitute - Ice Beam/Flamethrower - Thunderbolt Subpunchboltbeam Mew. Seriously, choose any 4 moves from: PSYCHIC BRICK BREAK BULK UP CALM MIND EARTHQUAKE FIRE BLAST,FLAMETHROWER FOCUS PUNCH HIDDEN POWER ICE BEAM OVERHEAT PROTECT REST RETURN SHADOW BALL SURF THUNDERBOLT TOXIC COUNTER EXPLOSION SOFTBOILED SUBSTITUTE SWORDS DANCE THUNDER WAVE Selfdestruct (XD only) and you have a winner. Or use METROMEW ^^ MEW @ Leftovers/Starf Berry Synchronize - Metronome - Metronome - Metronome - Metronome Metrosexual. I have maybe ten metrobat stories which I could go through right now, most of which tend to deal with oddly placed Mementos, or one Mew using Conversion2 and turning into a Rock type just as the other Mew used Explosion, but that could get tedious. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEGANIUM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GSC starters as a whole tend to suck, and sadly enough Meganium is probably the best of them. A Venusaur, but without the second typing - it trades a ground/psychic resist for the fighting, but at the same time loses the STABed Sludge Bomb that made Venusaur useful as a tank and not just a wall. The part poison also makes it vulnerable to Toxic, which is a big negative on a poke that is meant to tank. The other really important move it misses out on is Sleep Powder, instead having to depend on Grasswhistle for a sleep move (don't do it). Standard Meganium usually has one of the ppassing moves or Counter to make up for this deficiency. MEGANIUM @ Leftovers Overgrow - HP Grass - Leech Seed - Counter/Reflect/Light Screen/Earthquake/Stun Spore/Toxic/Synthesis - Counter/Reflect/Light Screen/Earthquake/Stun Spore/Toxic/Synthesis Mix and match. I'd label this a standard, but I think I covered just about every good move that Meganium learns in here :( I personally like Counter and Toxic, Meganium kinda needs better moves :( --- MEGANIUM @ Lum Berry/Leftovers Overgrow - Earthquake - Body Slam/Return - Swords Dance - HP Grass/Rock/Leech Seed/Nature Power The attacking Meganium. It gets Swords Dance, woohoo. About Nature Power: if your setting is Mountain, you'll get Rock Slide as your Nature Power move. Kickass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TYPHYLOSION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The least used of the GSC starters (which is saying something, since none of the three are really used). Good all-around stats, but it's basically a Charizard without the cool moves or the flying type. And the flying type at least made Charizard unique. Typhlosion is just kinda lost. TYPHLOSION @ Leftovers Blaze - Focus Punch - Substitute - Rock Slide/HP Ice - Fire Blast/Overheat Could work, I tried it once, but it's somewhat disappointing. Crappy fire type and high speed makes it impossible to keep a sub up to get the punches in, and until then you're stuck with the wonderful Fire Blast :( I do have a funny story to tell about this, though. I was trying this out on my NU (never-used) team, along with Arbok, Sunflora, Farfetch'd, and some other stuff. I offered to battle Dan (DUrk) with this team, since he wanted an easier team to beat on to regain some confidence or something. In any case, it was Typhlosion vs Regice, I was at 12% or so after exhausting my Subs, and Regice was at full health and TBing me to pieces. blue's TYPHLOSION used FIRE BLAST! A critical hit! It's super effective! DUrk's REGICE fainted! (blue: 4 - Durk: 5) In case you're slow, the comedy comes from the fact that Regice got OHKOd by a special attack (albeit a STABed Blaze'd CH SE Fire Blast) with it's base 200 SD. Dan GPd after that, and I kinda feel bad because he hasn't really battled much ever since :x TYPHLOSION @ Leftovers/Petaya Berry Blaze - Fire Blast - Thunderpunch - HP Ice - Substitute/Endure/Focus Punch ****Emerald Only**** Typhlosion finally got to be good. Or at least useful. Whoopdeedoo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FERALIGATR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Impossible to spell, for the most part, but that's about it. It doesn't get STAB on any of the physical moves, it's SA is pretty bad (base 79) for a starter, and it certainly doesn't tank as well as Cune/Milotic/Vappy without Bulk Up or CM. An interesting attacker though, it also seems to get an extraordinary amount of hax. FERALIGATR @ Lum Berry/Salac Berry Torrent - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Return/Hydro Pump/Focus Punch - Swords Dance It really does hax quite a bit. Ask Matt and AJ X) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FURRET ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try something else :( FURRET @ Leftovers Keen Eye - Return - Focus Punch/Reversal/Quick Attack - Substitute - Shadow Ball :( --- FURRET @ Choice Band Keen Eye - Return - Shadow Ball - Quick Attack - Focus Punch/Trick Fun. --- FURRET @ Leftovers Keen Eye - Assist - Double Team - Rest - Return Some fun stuff. Make your second poke a Snorlax with Curse/Shadow Ball/EQ/FP, or something like that, and have fun. :o ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOCTOWL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ God they only get worse. How could anyone like GSC? NOCTOWL @ Branners Insomnia - Return - HP Flying - Hypnosis/Reflect/Toxic - Reflect/Toxic/Whirlwind Go away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEDIAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I already hate GSC, and I never even really got into it, besides playing through Gold once and Crystal once. Sixth crap poke in a row, if you include their inferior starters. Ledian is really an insult to injury though, how is a "special wall" with its base 110 SD supposed to do anything when it doesn't even resist any special attacks, and is weak to the three elemental punches. LEDIAN @ Leftovers Early Bird - Silver Wind - Reflect - Light Screen - Toxic/Safeguard If you actually care about a Ledian moveset, please jump into the following well: --- / \ / \ ------- | | ------- | | | | |~~~~~| |~~~~~| ------- And so the well looks like a lamp. Oh nos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ARIADOS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ever binged on Snapple? Seriously. Have you ever died of Snapple-induced drunken laughter? Or possibly fainted in the presence of the godliness that is Raspberry Snapple? Or have you pondered what exactly "Made from the greatest stuff on Earth" means? Is it possible that after drinking a Snapple, you will indeed achieve some superhuman level of conscience? Unfortunately enough, I have drunk many a Snapple in my day, and I do not appear to have reached said superhuman mind yet. But perhaps it is impossible within the arc of only a hundred Snapple. Perhaps this elusive feat is akin to making a Thousand Cranes, where is it not the end but the means that truly condense the frivolities of life into a small managable parcel and allow one to extend one's vision beyond what is obvious or immediately perceptible. Now as to the individual flavorings of Snapple. Let's take, for instance, Peach Snapple, the proported favorite of a certain ULTEE. If it is indeed Peach Snapple and it indeed is made from natural ingredients, there must be Peach in Peach Snapple, right? And from the aforementioned statement ("Made from the greatest stuff on Earth", for those of you who can't scroll up), peaches must therefore be a member of this elite group known as "The Greatest Stuff on Earth." But now let's take my favorite, Raspberry. By the same logic, raspberries are also part of "The Greatest Stuff on Earth." But then there is a problem - which is the greatest? I know it says the Greatest Stuff, implying a collection, but surely there must be a greatest among the greatest stuff, or else who would be able to lead them? I sense an inner conflict among the Snapple... In case you didn't notice, I don't want to make a moveset for Ariados. Although, to give it credit, Ariados is better than the crap that is Ledian. Ariados has an ATTACK stat (WHOAMG /me faint) ARIADOS @ Leftovers Insomnia - Sludge Bomb/Signal Beam/Night Shade - Substitute - Spider Web - Baton Pass I'm not sure if Signal Beam and Baton Pass is legal (actually, I highly doubt it is), but then again I don't really care. At least Crobat is next. ARIADOS @ Choice Band Insomnia - Sludge Bomb - Signal Beam - Double-Edge - HP Fighting/Ground Worth a try. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CROBAT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crobat. Finally all those bats you caught in the caves were worth something. Crobat is blindingly fast, has a good attack and two cool STABed attacks, decent enough defenses, and it's just plain _cool_. Really fast too X) CROBAT @ Choice Band Inner Focus "CB@" - Sludge Bomb - Aerial Ace - Shadow Ball - HP Ground/Fighting EVs: Jolly (+Spd -SA) 4/252/0/252/0/0 - I love my 50/50, really I do, despite the fact that Crobat has no business trying to take out Aero or Jolt. If you're using HP Fighting, drop Speed down to 374 or so. ****FRLG Standard**** CB@, thank you Laz. It has Sludge Bomb (third strongest consistent (100% hit) damage physical type), a good option in the other type, and Shadow Ball off the nice speed for Zam. It does have its problems though, namely with Skarmory and Weezing, so do your best to predict those switches. Still, I cannot say enough about Sludge Bomb being a cool attack - 30% poison is almost always useful (unless you face a lot of Milotic), 90 power is cool, and the STABed CB'd attack just owns. --- CROBAT @ Leftovers Inner Focus - Fly - Toxic - Mean Look - Confuse ray Hi Trapbat. Go back to GSC. --- CROBAT @ Leftovers Inner Focus - Haze I mention this set only to bash it ;_;. Now, I will rant for a bit about Hazebat, IMO one of the stupidest tactics you will ever hear people defend. 1. First off, the most common need for a Hazer is when an opponent stat-ups. Let's see what can do this - DD, BU, CM, and Swords Dance are the most common stat-upping moves. Dragon Dance - Gyarados and Salamence. Salamence learns Rock Slide, which is almost a OHKO against Hazebat anyway, and is fast enough to get in the RS before Haze. So you're left with a 5% (if not KO'd) Crobat against a normal Salamence. Gyara, although it does not get the SE attack, has about the same potential. And remember, after a DD they will be FASTER than you, so you'll need to take the boosted hit before you can Haze. Bulk Up/SD - mostly fighting/normal types. Any good fighter has Rock Slide, which preys on Hazebat's flying type. The normal types all have Return, which just does a helluva lot of damage. Is it worth it? Even if you do get in your Haze, you're still taking a good 60-80% from whatever move your oppoenent used. Calm Mind - they almost always have Psychic. Need I really continue? Seriously, if you were facing CM Alakazam, would you rather Haze it or CB Shadow Ball? 2. Ever heard of the phrase the best defense is a good offense? Haze is a REACTIONARY technique - you need to get hit the turn you are using Haze. Why do that when you can attack, and with the added CB power possibly KO? Now some smart aleck is going to ask "why don't you put attacks and Haze on Crobat?" The CB adds a lot of damage - slightly less than 1.5x. Crobat has base 90 attack, which is far from stellar (albeit good), and if you are going to use a Hazebat you can't afford many Att EVs. The Choice Band means a lot. 3. Notice Crobat's types - Flying/Poison. I already discussed this in point 1, but that is an awful type combation. Almost every physical stat-upper has Rock Slide now in FRLG, which preys on the Flying type. The poison type gives it a weakness to Psychic, the common link between most CMers. The flying type also makes it weak to Boltbeam, probably the most common special attack out there. Hazebat takes so much damage from the moves it is trying to prevent that it really isn't worth it. --- Crobat @ Leftovers Inner Focus - Sludge Bomb - Aerial Ace - Curse - Shadow Ball Funny set, Dan used it once. OMG CURSEBAT HAS NO WEAK EXCEPT ALL OF A SUDDEN IT'S SLOW :( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LANTURN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A very cool UU poke. One of two pokes to resist Boltbeam (the other being Maggie), with extraordinarily high HP and good SD Lanturn is a great special tank. Water/Electric is also a nice type combo, with the only weaknesses coming to Grass and Ground. It pairs very nicely with Skarmory, resisting both Fire and Electric with the uber-cool Volt Absorb. Lanturn is also surprisingly hard to counter if you don't have Blissey or Snorlax, since the wide variety of attacks makes it awkward to deal with. Although the SA is a bit lacking, the two special types make for a good one-two punch. I'm sure you can find a use for Lanturn. LANTURN @ Leftovers Volt Absorb - Surf/Ice Beam - Thunderbolt - Toxic/Thunder Wave - Rest EVs: Calm (+SD -Att) 52/0/0/52/152/252 - Play with SD/Def as you want. ****FRLG Standard**** It originally had Rest to stand down Regice, who was forced to Toxistall it to death until Rest became standardish. Now, with the great HP and good SD, Lanturn becomes a good general special tank with its cool resists and Volt Absorb. Boltbeam has no weak (besides a mirror-match or Maggie), but Surf/TB gets the dual STAB (watch out for grass). Tankishly cool. --- LANTURN @ Leftovers Volt Absorb - Hydro Pump/Surf - Thunder - Ice Beam - Rain Dance An old set. The only poke to get STAB on the two Rain Dancing moves helps make up for its subpar SA. It makes for a nice SAer, but has major problems with any special tank and dies fairly quickly to Toxic (which is why the standard has Rest). --- LANTURN @ Leftovers Volt Absorb - Surf - Confuse Ray - Thunder Wave - Rest/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam Old paracon set. More used in GSC. Have fun if you're feeling lucky, but it's not too great competitively. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TOGETIC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ And I was so excited about Crobat too, now we're back to the crap :( It gets two cool traits, but Hustle is sad with base 40 attack and only un-STABed special moves, and Serene Grace doesn't have as great a movepool as Dunsparce to abuse. Togetic has more defensively inclined stats, which sorta sucks, but I suppose it does have some value as a 2v2 punching bag with Follow Me. TOGETIC @ Leftovers Serene Grace - Seismic Toss - Light Screen/Counter/Encore - Wish/Light Screen/Counter/Encore - Yawn I'd do my best to keep Yawn in there, it's probably the most useful move Togetic gets. SToss let's it focus even more on defenses without having to worry about SA or Att EVs. --- TOGETIC @ Leftovers Serene Grace - Body Slam - Ancientpower - Rock Smash - Metronome My sad attempt at making something that would use Serene Grace. And I lied, I've never used this set/seen anyone use this set, so only try it if you feel lucky. Rock Smash is for the 100% def drop, btw. --- TOGETIC @ Leftovers Serene Grace - Seismic Toss - Follow Me - Wish/Reflect/Light Screen - Protect/Reflect/Light Screen A 2v2 moveset, if Follow Me wasn't obvious enough. It can take some hits, letting your partner/other poke do something cool, like Belly Drum. Nice if you can lure in some EQs or something. Remember, in 2v2, Reflect/LS protect both pokes, which is something. --- TOGETIC @ Leftovers Serene Grace - Seismic Toss - Toxic - Softboiled - Substitute/Yawn (Pokemon Box moveset) It learns Softboiled now. Not that this necessarily warrants using Togetic, but it's there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XATU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It has the stats of a Gengar, but with less speed and a worse defensive type. Also gets a crappier ability :( Flying/Psychic is only good for the 4x fight resist, but Crobat can do that too, and Crobat can also attack with more than Psychic. XATU @ Lum Berry Synchronize - Psychic - HP Fire - Calm Mind - Substitute/Wish Hey, if it works for Grumpig, it might work for Xatu. The Flying type really hurts it here though, adds more weaknesses. --- XATU @ Lum Berry/Leftovers Synchronize - Psychic/Shadow Ball - Drill Peck - Reflect/Light Screen/Thunder Wave - Reflect/Light Screen/Thunder Wave Xatu is a decent ppasser, again just watch out for the nasty Rock/Boltbeam weakness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AMPHAROS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Probably the most reliable Skarmbliss counter, either Ampharos or Blaziken. It's slow enough to get the Sub up behind Blissey, which is more than Draggy or Nidoking to say. It also has a reliable OHKO on Skarm, no matter what you do with the EVs. AMPHAROS @ Leftovers/Black Belt Static - Focus Punch - Substitute - Thunderbolt - Thunder Wave/HP Ice/Grass ****FRLG Standard**** Black Belt is if you know what you're doing, it gives it a chance at a OHKO on non-Bold Blissey, and if not TB can finish it off (or another FP while it softboils). The last move is in the air, choose as you wish. Pity Ampharos lost its elemental punches in the transition from GSC. --- AMPHAROS @ Leftovers/Black Belt Static - Thunderbolt - HP Ice/Grass - Brick Break/Focus Punch/Thunder Wave - Counter An older GSC moveset, but still cool. Ampharos has 90/75 in HP/Def, which is good enough to survive any random EQs that might come your way. Fairly unexpected as well, most people don't remember/care that Ampharos learns Counter unless they played significant amounts of GSC, in which case they're all brain-dead anyway :( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BELLOSSOM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELLOSSOM @ Leftovers Chlorophyll - Solarbeam - HP Fire - Sunny Day - Sleep Powder/Synthesis Hehe, maybe I can get away with suggesting the most standard set for grass types without revealing the fact that I don't know a good Bellossom set and could really care less. --- BELLOSSOM @ Leftovers/Lum Berry Chlorophyll - Sludge Bomb - Return/HP something - Swords Dance - Sleep Powder Thank you forgotten myth for pointing out that Bellossom learns Swords Dance, which makes it partially usable. At best. --- BELLOSSOM @ Salac Berry Chlorophyll - Endure/Substitute - Flail - HP Ghost - Swords Dance WHEE. Thank you BlkAngel54 for suggesting this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AZUMARILL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Marill is cuter ^^ Azumarill is a surprisingly cool UU poke, Pure Power and personality puts it with a higher base than anything but Slaking and Medicham, although it has no STABed attacks to speak of. Nice and slow to get up the Sub, cool cool defenses to let the Sub live, and the aforementioned 437 attack, although it's somewhat wasted on the non-STABed attacks. AZUMARILL @ Leftovers Huge Power - Double-Edge/Return - Focus Punch - HP Ghost - Substitute Double-Edge is fairly useful with the high HP lessening recoil damage. Thanks to Donut for bringing another UU poke to life. Of note is the fact that Azumarill's 404 HP Substitute can survive a Blissey SToss, it naturally resists Ice Beam, and Focus Punch is pretty much a OHKO. Also, it has come to my attention that I apparently credit Donut with more sets than anyone else in this FAQ. I believe the following quote speaks for itself: <@AK> eh wrong one <@AK> blue and donut sitting in a tree~ EFF YOU SEE KAY AYE EHN GEEEE~ :***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUDOWOODO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OK, you must have better things to do than watch me pull movesets out of my ass for pokes I haven't even seen used competitively. Remind me to ask Tig for his Sudowoodo moveset when I get a chance. SUDOWOODO @ Leftovers Rock Head - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Double-Edge/Block/Counter - Explosion Block might be interesting. If your opponent is down to a non-grass/water/ ground/good poke. And according to Synre, Meteor Mash from Metagross doesn't OHKO this thing. COUNTERWTFKDIE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POLITOED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The special attacking frog. Unfortunately, it has to compete with Kingdra in this category, and competeting with IMO the coolest type combination in the game is a hard bet. It does try to make for it with Water Abosrb, but Surf/Ice Beam only pokes are getting stupid. POLITOED @ Leftovers Water Absorb - Surf - Ice Beam - Substitute/Hypnosis/Counter - Focus Punch/HP Grass/Electric I've actually never tried Counter myself, but it has interesting potential. Similar to Ampharos with 90/75 HP/Def, except with no physical weakness. I like. And hey, I didn't even know Politoed learned Counter until now, so I guess writing this thing is good for me as well as for you :( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JUMPLUFF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It used to be cool. Back in early 200/386, I remember being the only one that used one to any extent (after reading through some GSC battle logs, ironically enough), and it was cool then. Then everyone started using a Jumpluff, and it now earns the prize of "Most predictable but still cool anyway" poke ever. JUMPLUFF @ Leftovers Chlorophyll - Sleep Powder - Encore - Leech Seed - Toxic/Reflect/Stun Spore/HP Grass/Substitute EVs: Timid (+Spd -Att) 188/0/0/252/0/68 ****FRLG Standard**** Where the last move is listed in order of preference, from Toxic -> Substitute in that order (<-- was an attempt to end the previous line at exactly the line break, instead of having to do something fancy (move "Substitute" to the next line so I could add the period) to space it correctly. Stupid 79 char limit). In any case, Jumpluff has a fast Sleep Powder going for it, and the best move (IMO) in the game in Leech Seed. Unfortunately, that's about it. Encore has become predictable (how sad, a move that depends on predicts is predictable - those people who have used Jumpluff get the irony). As for the last move, Toxic actually does damage, Reflect helps against Curselax (those that Return first move as opposed to Cursing, which can be Encored), Stun Spore is ok, and HP Grass is last ditch (and Grass is a crappy type anyway). Sub is a waste of time, both yours and your opponents. It does not help you in any way, unless you really like to force switches and do 6% to each of your opponent's pokes. Seriously, don't use it, all it does is prolong games that really don't need to be any longer. --- JUMPLUFF @ Lum Berry/Leftovers Chlorophyll "Humpluff" - HP Flying - Swords Dance - Leech Seed - Substitute When the first FRLG move tutors came out, the most highly anticipated move was Swords Dance (lol, now it's probably the least used of the moves, either SD or Mimic). And topping out that list, paired with such pokes as Heracross and Ursaring, was Jumpluff. HUMPLUFF GO! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AIPOM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crackmonkey oh nos. AIPOM @ nothing/Leftovers GP - Seismic Toss/Return/Assist - Counter/Thunder Wave/Substitute/Thief - Agility - Baton Pass It's 10:30 at night, and you want me to think up an Aipom set? :( --- AIPOM @ Leftovers Pick Up - Focus Punch - Shadow Ball - Seismic Toss - Thunder Wave Huh. I bet there used to be a description here that got itself deleted. Whatever, Aipom sucks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUNFLORA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seriously, I already hate GSC, and I barely even played it. No wonder Celia is such a bitch. SUNFLORA @ Leftovers Chlorophyll - Solarbeam - HP Fire - Sunny Day - Leech Seed/Synthesis/Grasswhistle Seriously, how bored am I? --- SUNFLORA @ Leftovers Chlorophyll - Return - Swords Dance - Encore - Leech Seed I actually used this once. Most specialized Curselax counter ever. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YANMA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It gets Speed Boost :OOOOO Sub/Rev Yanma was probably one of the only sets (@ Donut once again) that I've seen actually turn heads in #rs (and when you're a bunch of "I've been here longer than you thus I am automatically better than you even though I suck at RS" stupid dumbasses, it takes a lot to turn your head). YANMA @ Liechi Berry Speed Boost - Reversal - Substitute - HP Rock/Bug/Flying - Hypnosis/Aerial Ace/Shadow Ball As I mentioned, @ Donut, although he used Signal Beam in his original moveset which was pointed out as illegal by at least twenty people who wanted to take a shot at the new cool Yanma. Subrev is easy enough, but while you're subbing you get speed increases too, which is hot. Wait for Liechi, then own. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUAGSIRE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If it wasn't for Water Absorb, Quagsire would be forever reduced to an inferior Swampert. Now, with Water Absorb, it's a slightly less UU (ie more used) poke that tends to be found on TSS teams for the sandstorm/water immunities. Otherwise it really isn't good for much :( Same movesets as Swampert, but it doesn't use them quite as well. QUAGSIRE @ Leftovers Water Absorb - Earthquake - Surf - Ice Beam/HP Rock - Rest Swampert set adapted to Quagsire. Not quite as useful as on Swampert, or as the more specialized Quagsire sets. --- QUAGSIRE @ Leftovers Water Absorb - Earthquake - HP Rock - Curse - Rest Again, not quite as useful as on Swampert, due to the problem of getting 3HKOd by almost any special attack. --- QUAGSIRE @ Leftovers Water Absorb - Earthquake - Seismic Toss - Counter - Toxic AK's Quagsire set in the ICE UU tourney, and it did surprisingly well. Any poke that resisted electric was pretty good in the UU tourney, and with SToss the EVs can be focused on defenses, with EQ working off the STAB bonus to deal damage. And Counter was the one move that doomed me :( --- QUAGSIRE @ Leftovers Water Absorb - Earthquake - HP Rock - Focus Punch - Yawn/Substitute Oh nos another set from Donut. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ESPEON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Much better than Alakazam IMO, close SA, slightly less speed, and a lot more survivability. Also one of a few CM passers, although that is a somewhat dead technique. Still best as a special sweeper though. Think of it as a Gardevoir, without Trace or the high SD, but with a 50% healing move, and see how you like it. ESPEON @ Leftovers Synchronize - Psychic - HP Fire/Ice - Calm Mind - Morning Sun/Baton Pass EVs: Timid (+Spd -Att) 200/0/0/76/0/236 - Taken straight from Jumpman himself. 301 speed to outrun neutral Sala. Espeon is a better special tank than anyone ever gives it credit for. ****FRLG Standard**** Morning Sun for the sweeper, BP for the passer. I'm more partial to Morning Sun, AJ used it well against me the first time I faced it, and it survives a CBtrio EQ :( doesn't even need many def EVs, although it would certainly be nice if you were to use such an Espeon. --- ESPEON @ Leftovers Synchronize "Espyjump" - Psychic - Substitute - Calm Mind/Wish - Baton Pass I saw AJ using this the other day, and although I can't really say I like it, I suppose it's worth putting into the FAQ. IMO Umbreon would be better for the job though, but Espeon can provide some nice damage in a pinch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UMBREON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Like Shuckle, this thing has absolutely no attacks, but it never seems to die. The only GOOD trap-passer (don't even mention Ariados or Smeargle...), Umbreon has the defenses to take a Cross Chop from Machamp and laugh as it only does 70%. To say nothing of the SD, where it has no weaknesses and an even higher base stat. The most tankish of the Eeveelutions, obviously enough, and although it can't attack well it certainly has its uses. UMBREON @ Leftovers Synchronize - Mean Look - Baton Pass - Charm/Taunt - Rest/Moonlight EVs: Calm (+SD -Att) 252/0/76/0/0/180 - If you run Taunt, you might want to consider 252/0/0/204/0/52, which puts you at 217 speed. This outruns the cluster of stuff in the 200 range that might want to stat-up, like Agiligross or DDtar. ****FRLG Standard**** The trap-passer. Please use Charm/Rest in tandem, as well as Taunt/Moonlight (that means don't mix them). Charm is nice if you're passing to something more delicate physically (Curselax, Gardevoir), while Taunt gets rid of the phazer that is inevitably being switched in. --- UMBREON @ Leftovers Synchronize - Mean Look - Baton Pass - Curse - Rest Kinda fun, it's meant to pass to Arcanine/Curselax to give them pre-boosted stats. Watch out for phazing. --- UMBREON @ Leftovers Synchronize - Mean Look - Toxic - Rest - filler (Taunt) Something like that. The Toxitrapper, although it fears steel/poison without mercy. Remember, if something like Suicune tries to Roar you out, Roar always goes last, so it will be stopped by Taunt. Just hope that you don't have to Rest first. --- UMBREON @ Leftovers Synchronize - Wish - Moonlight - Baton Pass - something (Substitute?) Yusuke's Umbreon, stalling healing ppassing bitch. It seriously doesn't die, although it doesn't get much done in the process. --- UMBREON @ Leftovers Synchronize - Mean Look - Toxic - Snatch - Moonlight Submitted by K1ng0fn0o13s. This is an anti-Blissey Umbreon. Mean Look, use Toxic, then Snatch away any ATs or Softboileds that come your way. Moonlight is for your own healing purposes when Blissey starts to SToss you. Be warned, this set does require a great deal of predicting, especially if you face a Blissey with Toxic - at that point, it becomes VITAL that you snatch an AT, which may get difficult if your opponent knows what you're doing. --- UMBREON @ Leftovers Synchronize "Chaosbreon" - Return - Shadow Ball - Tickle - Rest Chaosbreon no weak lolol (this is a joke moveset, don't use it ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MURKROW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ask Absolute_Power or someone if you want a real set, she's actually thought about this one :O MURKROW @ Leftovers Insomnia - Drill Peck - Thunder Wave/Toxic - Substitute - Snatch/Shadow Ball/Confuse Ray Snatch has potential. I'm pretty sure Confuse Ray and Drill Peck is legal (through Xatu), but check with someone else on that, I suck at breeding. Decently good attack though and nice high speed, Murkrow might be worth something if it weren't for the flying type or the crap defenses. --- MURKROW @ Leftovers Insomnia - Mean Look - Perish Song - Protect - Substitute/Taunt Fairly simple Perishtrapper, but Murkrow is UU enough that you might catch someone by surprise the first time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SLOWKING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slowbro is generally considered to be better, as Slowbro has the higher stat in the unboostable defense. Slowking takes Thunderbolts almost as well as Milotic, but it dies to Shadow Balls. Still an interesting option though, for all useful purposes they have the same movesets. Another of those cool UU pokes that I will attempt to promote by giving many potential movesets. SLOWBRO @ Leftovers Own Tempo - Surf - Psychic/Ice Beam - Calm Mind - Rest/Substitute/Flamethrower EVs: Calm (+SD -Att) 252/0/100/12/144/0 - A bit of speed lets you outrun anything that gets paralyzed. 272 SA for the OHKO on Aero. ****FRLG Standard**** With Calm Mind and Rest, this thing is a mini-Suicune, especially with roughly equal HP/Def for a non-legendary. Psychic is a cool second STABed move, the Def is covered by high base, and the SD gets boosted through Calm Mind. Some like Flamethrower to provide a jump on Forry or Skarm, and Substitute always works well with Calm Mind (albeit the speed hurts Slowbro here), but I prefer a CMbro that can tank with the best of them. --- SLOWBRO @ Leftovers Own Tempo - Psychic/Surf - Counter - Calm Mind - Rest Seeing as this is my moveset guide, I get to pay special attention to my own sets. My attempt at making a beast that is hard to attack from either end of the spectrum, with CM for special attacks and Counter (it takes tons of physical hits, even SE ones) for the physical side. The main drawback is being limited to one special attack, a problem that has often daunted CMcune. I like Psychic, as it is fairly universal and not resisted by many (as opposed to the constant Water/Grass types that Slowbro seems to run into). Dark types suck anyway. --- SLOWBRO @ Leftovers Own Tempo - Surf/Psychic - Focus Punch - Substitute/Yawn - Ice Beam Another interesting idea. Slowbro has base 75 attack to top off the rest of those amazing stats, so Yawn/Subpunching could always work. Slow enough to ensure a Sub against almost anything (save Shuckle), but Yawn is more universal and in general better. Ice Beam for the inevitable Flying/Venusaur switch. lol, gogo copy and paste. I'm not even going to change the names, I'm that lazy X) Also, since this is Slowking, I'll add in another interesting set. SLOWKING @ Leftovers Own Tempo "Curseking" - Body Slam/Return - Shadow Ball/Earthquake - Curse - Rest Fun, eh? Since Slowking has the naturally good SD, why not boost the other stat? And base 75 attack isn't bad as well. I'm tempted to say ditch Shadow Ball and leave Gengar/Missy alone, Slowking sorta needs the extra power. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MISDREAVUS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The old perishtrapper from GSC. How does it fare now? Well, for one thing, EVs gave the perishtrapping idea a run for its money, as MissyD can't afford to cover both defenses, whereas most attackers are streamlined in one stat or another. In return, it did get a very cool trait in Levitate (hi5 Gengar) and another option in Calm Mind. UU, but it's more interesting than the other crappy GSC pokes like ARIADOS and FURRET and SUNFLORA. MISDREAVUS @ Leftovers/Salac Berry Levitate - Mean Look - Perish Song - Protect - Taunt/Substitute/Destiny Bond/Pain Split Old, boring, but it has better defenses than Gengar or Jynx. Taunt is for phazers, Substitute is to prevent damage. Choose what you think will work best (or look at your opponent's team and DECIDE which works best X). Salac is really only for use with DBond, and you better hope it doesn't look too obvious what you're doing. Pain Split is another old option, but I prefer for its reliability. --- MISDREAVUS @ Leftovers/Salac Berry Levitate - Psychic - Thunderbolt - Calm Mind - Substitute/Thunder Wave/Destiny Bond Hey look, it's a crappy Gardevoir :O --- MISDREAVUS @ Leftovers/Salac Berry Levitate - Thunderbolt - Pain Split - Psychic/HP Fire/Destiny Bond - Toxic A more interesting Skarmbliss counter. Max SA Modest TB does a number on Skarm, while Pain Split and immunity to SToss makes it a decent Bliss staller. Toxic is for when you go one-on-one with Blissey. Plays very similarly to the Sableye I used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNOWN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UNOWN @ Choice Band Levitate - HP Normal/Bird No weak. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WOBBUFFET ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mwahahaha, I hate Wobbuffet so much that I WON'T GIVE YOU A MOVESET. Take that. [NUMBER] 150 [NAME] SPLASH [DESCRIPTION] Instant one hit knock out. [TYPE] DEATH [BASE PP] 40 [BASE DAMAGE] 0 [BASE ACCURACY] 100% [TARGET] One random opponent [EFFECT] One-hit KO on opponent. [MOLEST] Yes [CAN MISS] No [CAN MAGIC COAT] No [CAN SNATCH] No [USES KING'S ROCK] No [SOUND MOVE] No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GIRAFARIG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The other other poke that can BP Calm Mind, which makes it somewhat useful (although not incredibly). An interesting type combo though, Normal/Psychic loses the fighting weakness thanks to Psychic and gets a Ghost immunity thanks to the Normal, meaning it only fears Dark/Bug attacks (and since no one uses those, you should be fine). Well, that is, if it didn't have subpar defences that let the rest of the attacks (which are pretty much all neutral) KO it fairly easily. GIRAFARIG @ Salac Berry/Petaya Berry Early Bird - Thunderbolt/Psychic - Calm Mind - Agility/Substitute/Thunder Wave/Wish/Psychic - Baton Pass Thunderbolt is generally preferred, as even though it doesn't get STAB it is SE against two of the most common phazers (Skarm and Suicune). Decent at what it does, but IMO if you want a CM passer try Espeon first. Throw in something else to pass along, or Psychic to try and sweep a bit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FORRETRESS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Probably the second most-used Spiker nowadays, although IMO it should be used more than Skarm. Unlike Skarm, it has a more proactive Magneton counter, which should make it automatically better although no one listens to me anyway. Although it can't phaze (Explosion is a phazer <_<), it can Spin, which is probably more useful anyway. Did I mention a cool typing (no physical weaks, including a normal resistance)? FORRETRESS @ Leftovers Sturdy - Earthquake - Counter/Explosion/Light Screen/HP Rock/Zap Cannon/Reflect/Toxic - Spikes - Rapid Spin EVs: Impish (+Def -SA) 252/64/192/0/0/0 ****FRLG Standard**** Hi I need another 10 moveslots or so, to fit in the rest of my moves. Counter is nice against DDers (they won't OHKO), but you can't directly damage them. Explosion is my general choice. Light Screen is for Maggies (HP Fire no longer OHKOs, and you can OHKO back with EQ). HP Rock to hit flyers, Zap Cannon because it's surprisingly fun (Zap Cannon unsuspecting Skarms, hehe), and the last two are just nice. Spikes/Spin is standard, EQ is a must to handle Maggie. If you don't have LS, you're going to have to EQ the switch and hope to catch Maggie coming in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUNSPARCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Uh oh. Tigoro can tell you all about Dunsparce, he completely raped my standard team with it once. >> http://boards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=53706805&replies=11 If you want to see :P In any case, it gets the other coolest trait in the game, Serene Grace, which was just made for furious "OMG YOU HAX I'M NEVER BATTLING YOU AGAIN". Decent enough base stats to take a few hits, and it gets the hax rate to cover everything else. Seriously, watch out for this thing, it beat a Curselax one-on-one. After a AP boost, 4 flinches, and a CH. DUNSPARCE @ Leftovers/Lum Berry Serene Grace - Headbutt - Body Slam/Thunder Wave/Glare - Ancientpower/Ice Beam/Rock Slide/Rock Smash/Shadow Ball - Substitute/Counter Headbutt gives you 60% flinch and nice STAB. I like Body Slam, 60% par is pretty good with another strong STABed move, but if you're particularly unlucky you could use TWave as well, or Glare for Ground types. AP has a 20% win-game rate, Rock Slide is another 60% flincher for Flyers or something of the sort, Rock Smash is 100% Def down, and IB is 20% freeze. Shadow Ball doesn't hax, but if you run into ghosts it might be worth something :P Counter is also surpisingly devious, Dunsparce has base 100 HP. And, uh, hatu Tig :* --- DUNSPARCE @ Leftovers Serene Grace - Ice Beam - Thunderbolt - Water Pulse/Substitute/Body Slam/Thunder Wave - Calm Mind Specialsparce, thank you Guth for trying it out, although he said it didn't work quite as well as a normal Dunsparce. 20% isn't as good as 60%, sadly, and Dunsparce loses in the Normal-type Boltbeamers category to Porygon2. It is fun though, if you do use Water Pulse you can get 60% confuse (better than Supersonic), STABed Body Slam isn't too bad even if you go Modest, and yeah. --- DUNSPARCE @ Leftovers Serene Grace - Body Slam - Shadow Ball - Curse - Rest Cursesparce. Snorlax will surely put in a nice word about Cursing Normal types. Also, thanks to the par hax of Body Slam, your Cursing speed drop becomes much less important. Thank you shiny zangoose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GLIGAR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One of the coolest UU pokes I have ever used, this thing needs to be used more. Completely dead through most of the early 386 metagame, until the FRLG tutors came out, and everyone predicted it would become popular with the advent of SD Heracross, as it was one of the few pokes to resist Brick Break and Megahorn and still be neutral to Rock Slide. Except SD Hera never really caught on, so a few people tried Gligar anyway, but it still got relegated to the UU pile. It's still cool in my book :) Resisting fighting while remaining neutral to Rock is incredibly hot (especially in the UU metagame, where Primeapes run amuk). Gligar gets two very cool STABed attack types, good stats to fit its type (nice high Def, decent HP), and it also got Swords Dance via tutor. It also looks pretty cool. Hyper Cutter is also an underrated trait, if there is such a thing. GLIGAR @ Leftovers Hyper Cutter - Earthquake - Rock Slide - HP Flying - Swords Dance About as simple as it gets, but this thing owned for me in the ICE UU tourney. Lots of defense, seeing as the pool of good normal attackers severely drops in UU, it did well against a lot of EQers or Fighting types. --- GLIGAR @ Salac Berry Hyper Cutter - Earthquake - HP Flying - Substitute - Swords Dance I believe Guth used this as well. Hyper Cutter is very cool, especially after Salac activates. --- GLIGAR @ Choice Band Hyper Cutter - Earthquake - HP Flying - Rock Slide - Quick Attack What do you know, the same moveset as Flygon. The attack leaves something to be desired, but it certainly might work. --- GLIGAR @ Leftovers Hyper Cutter - Earthquake - HP Flying - Rock Slide - Counter So I made an entire new moveset just to show that it learns one more move. When you get your own guide, you can do that too :o ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STEELIX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another of my new favorite pokes. The best electric counter in the game (well, either this or Maggie, but Maggie's SD leaves something to be desired), it gets a natural immunity to Electric and the Steel resists the two most common HP types, Ice and Grass (making it neutral). In the same vein, it also resists both TWave and Toxic, the two most common disablers. Did I mention 200 base defense, and a normal resistance? Although the weaknesses to ground and fighting are unhelpful, Steelix has more than enough Def to take those SE hits. 40% from Metagross EQ, for example, and it can outrace it to a KO with its own STABed EQ. STEELIX @ Leftovers/Choice Band Sturdy/Rock Head - Earthquake - HP Rock/Rock Slide/Double-Edge - Rest/Explosion/Toxic/Double-Edge - Roar EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 252/148/0/12/0/96 - Enough Att to OHKO Dugtrio. If you're going to CB, you might consider lowering Att and switching to Impish, putting extra stuff into SD. ****FRLG Standard**** I use it in a lot of teams now as my phazer :o Best Curselax counter ever, but it does run into problems with Cursepert and other EQers. Also, watch out for the rare surfing Pikachu. Choice Band for the same reason as Donphan, since you don't really switch attacks that much. CB Explosion might actually kill something, since Steelix has pretty bad attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GRANBULL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It gets Heal Bell, but noone really knows why. Base 120 attack is cool, but it doesn't exactly have the speed to use it. IMO Ursaring is better in most cases, but Granbull does get Intimidate, which is useful. It missed out on Swords Dance in FRLG, but Bulk Up works decently well considering its already good defenses and Intimidate. GRANBULL @ Choice Band Intimidate - Return - Shadow Ball - Earthquake - Focus Punch Hi mini-Slaking. --- GRANBULL @ Leftovers/Lum Berry/Salac Berry Intimidate - Return - Shadow Ball - Earthquake/Rest - Bulk Up Lumresting could work pretty well here, it really isn't fast enough to fully use the Salac kick. Not too bad with BU, as I said above. --- GRANBULL @ Leftovers Intimidate - Return - Shadow Ball - Focus Punch - Substitute It had to be mentioned. Slow enough to get the Sub down, good enough defense to take the hit, it's has good potential as a Subpuncher. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QWILFISH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I remember talking about Qwilfish once with Donut. The basic point being that Qwilfish had such a cool movepool, but it didn't have the stats to bear it out. It still has a lot of variety, you can use it a bunch of different ways. Up the ass, inserted into the glans, rubbed on the nipples, you know what I mean :* QWILFISH @ Leftovers Swift Swim - Sludge Bomb - Spikes - Thunder Wave/Surf/Shadow Ball/Toxic - Destiny Bond/Substitute/Ice Beam Look at all those cool moves :o --- QWILFISH @ Salac Berry Swift Swim - Flail - Substitute - Swords Dance - Sludge Bomb/HP Ghost/Fighting/Ground (lol) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SCIZOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 130 base attack :O Pity it had to use Return as its strongest move. It didn't even get the Flying type STAB of Scyther. Bug/Steel is a pretty cool type combo defensively, but not if you want to attack :( It does function as a good BPer though (to whatever oxymoronic level you would like to take that, as BPing itself isn't exactly a good technique). Lack of good attacks hurts it the most. SCIZOR @ Leftovers/Lum Berry Swarm - Silver Wind - Return - HP Ground/Ghost - Swords Dance A decent enough Curselax counter, SD and the base 130 attack helps it outrace Curse. Not good for much else though. --- SCIZOR @ Liechi Berry/Salac Berry Swarm - Silver Wind/Return/Substitute - Agility/Swords Dance/Substitute - Agility/Swords Dance/Substitute - Baton Pass Choose something to pass, or if you really want to be risky add in Sub as well. BPing is pretty dead though, and Scizor is no better at it than Ninjask was. --- SCIZOR @ Salac Berry/Liechi Berry Swarm - Substitute/Endure - Reversal - Swords Dance/Agility - HP Rock/Ghost Meh. It needs a bit more speed to get to 395 after the Salac kick, which is why Agility is in there. Non-STABed Reversal isn't quite as good as Heracross though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHUCKLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Do yourself a favor and don't use it. Using Shuckle is the equivalent of punching a wall - it's not exactly going to lunge out and attack you, and at the same time you can't do much to it. Especially if said wall happens to be using Double Team and Rest. SHUCKLE @ Leftovers Sturdy - Toxic - Encore/Substitute/Protect - Wrap/Double Team/Bide - Rest Just call it a Unown with HP Toxic, because that's the only move it's going to use against you. Double Team is especially stupid and invariably leads to a Struggle war, unless you hax it somehow. Even SE attacks are mostly 2-3HKOs. Of course, you could always use... --- Shuckle @ Lum Berry Sturdy - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Sludge Bomb - Rest ATTACKING SHUCKLE OH NOS. /me cower On a brighter note, I managed to pass a few SDs to this once, it was pretty cool :D. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HERACROSS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This thing rapes standard teams actually, it's pretty funny. Also possibly one of the easier pokes to use. A nice typing (resists Ground, neutral to Rock), nice SD (it survives Zam Psychics without EVs), and decently good Speed. Did I mention that it also has base 125 attack? And is the sole owner of STABed Megahorn, the strongest STABed drawback-free physical move? And it also gets STAB on Fighting moves? You can't really go wrong with Heracross, unless you find yourself in a sandstorm or facing Weezing. Another of the pokes that has so many potential sets that there is no real standard. HERACROSS @ Choice Band Guts - Brick Break - Rock Slide - Megahorn - Focus Punch/Earthquake EVs: Jolly (+Spd -SA) 4/252/0/252/0/0 I personally like Focus Punch, it does like 80% to Skarm. You have to switch, but isn't that what you would've done anyway? ;( --- HERACROSS @ Salac Berry Guts - Focus Punch - Substitute - Reversal - Rock Slide/HP Ghost EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 0/252/0/252/0/4 - 301 HP for Reversal, 269 speed for Salac kick. Subpunchreversaling. I know I mentioned this before, but it's still fun to use. --- HERACROSS @ Salac Berry Guts/Swarm - Substitute/Endure - Reversal - Swords Dance/Megahorn - Rock Slide/HP Ghost Megahorn should be used with Swarm, after you've Endured/Subbed down to 1% Swarm will kick in. Although Rock Slide is overall better for flyers. Swords Dance is nasty, use it with Sub obviously :( --- HERACROSS @ Leftovers Guts - Megahorn - Rock Slide - Rest - Sleep Talk EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 204/132/0/76/0/96 - 225 speed to make sure you clear Suicune and stuff in that area. Guts bonus activated by sleep? Wynaut? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SNEASEL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It's like Kingler all over again, except this time faster and even weaker. Basically, it has significantly higher attack than SA, but two special types, and a pretty crappy variety of physical attacks to choose from. It is fast though, but then again so is Dugtrio, and Dugtrio can actually do something :( SNEASEL @ Choice Band Keen Eye - Return - Brick Break - Shadow Ball - Focus Punch/Quick Attack/Ice Beam Mmm hmmm. --- SNEASEL @ Salac Berry Keen Eye - Return - Brick Break - Shadow Ball - Swords Dance Hope you survived, Ice/Dark is a pretty bad defensive type. If it somehow got Earthquake, I might consider using Sneasel, but BB is a pretty bad move :( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ URSARING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UU, and I really don't know why. Very nice all-around stats, it can Subpunch, all-out attack with a CB, or Bulk Up/SD. It also gets the uber-cool Guts, which stops the most common counter of Will-o-Wisp. It plays a lot like Machamp, except with slightly worse defense and slightly higher SA (big deal). They even have the same base speed. However, the big kicker is in type - sorry to all those Machamp fans out there, but Normal type is better than Fighting, solely because Return's 102 base power trumps Cross Chop's 80% accuracy. Normal is also a more useful defensive type, without the Flying/ Psychic weakness that haunts Machamp. If you're up in the air though, it really doesn't matter that much :( URSARING @ Leftovers/Salac Berry Guts - Return - Earthquake/HP Ghost/Rock Slide - Focus Punch - Swords Dance Focus Punch is for phazing Skarm, whenever it comes in. EQ vs HP Ghost is kinda your own choice - I like EQ and will take my chances with Gengar, but you could choose otherwise. A balanced set, it doesn't fear the average phazers, but it also has some trouble switching in. --- URSARING @ Choice Band Guts - Return - Earthquake - HP Ghost - Focus Punch/Facade I tried Facade once, it was yummy :D 75% to Skarm, IIRC, and it did 95% to an Armaldo that tenchi had switched in (after para). --- URSARING @ Leftovers Guts - Return - HP Ghost/Rock - Substitute/Yawn - Focus Punch I'd give a rant about Yawnpunching again, but I think I already did it. In any case, IMO it's no better than Sporepunching, which can work at times but often doesn't. Subpunching could work out nicely, with -Spd you're almost guaranteed to be slower than anything that would matter. --- URSARING @ Salac Berry Guts - Return - Earthquake - HP Ghost - Bulk Up Popular back in old 386 play, when SD wasn't around, and Focus Punch hadn't really caught on as a viable move. Bulk Up is decent with only one physical weakness, but Ursaring is still too slow and can't do enough damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAGCARGO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It gets Flame Body. And it resists normal attacks. Sadly enough, that's about the extent of Magcargo's usefulness. 4x weak to both Water and Ground is too nasty to get around, the stats are subpar, and it kinda just sucks. Fun to switch in against CB Slaking using Return though, if you can hax in a Flame Body burn you're set :D (ty jojo). MAGCARGO @ Leftovers Flame Body - Rock Slide - Fire Blast - Toxic - Protect/Yawn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PILOSWINE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I fail to see how Ulti's Swinub won't sweep the entire competition. Don't use Piloswine, use the sexpot that is Swinub. I mean, just look at it, it's so amazingly shagilicious. PILLOWSEX @ Moomoo Milk Sexmachine - !molest - !fondle - !grope - !tighten Also, while you're here, try EQ/IB/Rock Slide/Roar or Toxic. 100/80 in HP/Def coupled with a base 100 Att, more people need to use this thing. Too bad the typing gives it a nasty water weakness. --- PILOSWINE @ Leftovers/Chesto Berry Oblivious - Earthquake - HP Rock/Ice Beam - Amnesia - Rest Interesting idea submitted by InfecTion. With 100/80 HP/Def, Piloswine can take a physical hit or two to let it Amnesia and cover the horrid SD. However, Ice/Ground also has no physical resistances, which despite the good Def makes most physical attacks a likely 3HKO, not good especially when you have such a slow poke. And it needs an Amnesia desparately, considering that Ice/Ground makes it weak to Water/Fire/Grass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CORSOLA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It gets Natural Cure. So does Celebi, and Celebi can actually do something :O As far as I'm concerned, the only good use for Corsola would be passing Rock Blast to Octillery. Now that I take a closer look at it though, it has a scarily good movepool :( CORSOLA @ Leftovers Natural Cure - Rock Blast/Rock Slide - Surf - Ice Beam/Toxic/Confuse Ray - Rest/Recover Natural Cure Rest is surprisingly cool. Toxic is probably the best choice, you could try outstalling things. --- CORSOLA @ Leftovers Natural Cure - Surf - Ice Beam - Calm Mind - Recover/Substitute/Psychic How nice, CM Corsola. It has some potential, now that I look at it. No better than CM Alakazam though. --- CORSOLA @ Choice Band Natural Cure/Hustle - Rock Slide/Rock Blast - Earthquake - Shadow Ball - HP Flying/Return Hustle if you feel lucky. 50% damage increase, 20% accuracy decrease. Sounds like a good deal, right? With CB that damage increase goes up to 75%, which almost makes up for the crap attack, but then again it still sorta loses at life :( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OCTILLERY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I have tried very hard to make this thing successful, but unfortunately it just falls into the category of "good if it were another type but completely outdone by its brethren in the water type". Specifically, Octillery is just a bad Starmie, with the only positive being the equally high Att and Rock Blast. And one move isn't going to change it for Octillery. Suction Cups is always a fun trait though, it makes a decent target from BP Espeon or something. OCTILLERY @ Leftovers Suction Cups - Surf - Ice Beam - Psychic/Fire Blast/Thunder Wave - Rock Blast/Thunder Wave Cool movepool, no? Rock Blast is only useful against Regice though, who kinda died out when 200 ended. And otherwise, Octillery is a tad too slow and a tad too outclassed to really become standard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DELIBIRD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Delibird hehe. It looks like a stoned owl crossed with a pelican. DELIBIRD @ Choice Band Hustle - Aerial Ace - Return/Body Slam - HP Ground/Fighting - Quick Attack/Focus Punch Hustle abuse of sorts. Not like base 55 attack is doing much anyway. Focus Punch is via forgotten myth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MANTINE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It's supposed to be a special sponge, with the base 140 SD (OMG BLUE YOU'RE A GENIUS YOU CAN READ NUMBERS AND TELL IF THEY'RE BIG OR NOT), but the 4x weak to Electric kinda ruined that point. It still survives all manner of non- STABed Thunderbolts, and a couple STABed ones too, but the 4x is a nasty problem. Mantine is an overspecialized Suicune counter (the best, though), and since Cune died out in popularity Mantine sorta did too. But, Mantine Prime is cool ^^ MANTINE @ Leftovers Water Absorb - Surf - Ice Beam/Confuse Ray/Rest - Toxic - Haze ****FRLG Standard**** Haze eliminates the CM from CMCune (so it's just Cune now, get it? hahaha), and the part-flying type eliminates the Spikes from Suispikes (so it's just Sui now, get it? SUI-CUNE). Toxic lets it actually do something to Cune, albeit not much. --- MANTINE @ Leftovers/Chesto Berry Swift Swim - Hydro Pump/Surf - Ice Beam - Rain Dance - HP Grass/Rest/Toxic/Confuse Ray Hey look it's a crappy Kingdra. Say hi Kingdra. --- MANTINE @ Choice Band Water Absorb - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Aerial Ace/HP Flying - Return/HP Fighting Don't actually use this, I'm just amused by the fact that a FLYING STING RAY can use moves like Earthquake and Rock Slide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SKARMORY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Probably the most dominant poke throughout the generations this side of RBY. No physical weaknesses with the Steel/Flying combo, it can spike AND phaze (a unique combination, sans Qwilfish), and did I mention the base 140 defense to back up the strong typing? It resists normal (unlike Weezing) and has an immunity to ground, already ridding you of the most common attacking types. The fact that it is part steel as well means only two weaknesses, Fire and Electric, both of which are fairly predictable. All this and a ball of sweat too, if it wasn't for Magneton. Unlike the other common spiker, Forretress, Skarmory has no proactive counter against Magneton (and DON'T mention HP Ground). Magnet Pull completely and totally disables it, as well as that STABed SE Thunderbolt off the base 120 SA. 200 didn't see too many Skarms because of Maggie, but it opened up a bit in 386 when Dugtrio was around as a Maggie counter. And now, with Blissey back in force, the GSC combo of SkarmBliss has been revived and is happily dominating today's metagame (too bad it sucks :(). Like it or not, Skarm is around to stay. SKARMORY @ Leftovers Sturdy - Drill Peck/HP Rock/Flying - Spikes - Whirlwind/Roar - Toxic/Substitute/Protect/Rest EVs: Impish (+Def -SA) 252/56/106/0/0/96 - A touch of attack never hurt a Skarm, especially for those times when you need to take on Gyara by yourself. I like bumping SD up to 200, since it messes with things that want to OHKO Skarm with their IB/TB/FB. ****FRLG Standard**** Now for the explanation. Drill Peck is fairly standard (remember kiddies, Drill Peck and Whirlwind is illegal), but HP Rock was fun when Bellyzard came around (it Belly Drummed, Skarm HP Rock'd, good times - ty AJ for using this on me once). Spikes and the phazing move are fairly standard, again WW > Roar in all cases (Soundproof can screw up Roar on occasion), but watch for the legality of your move. The last move is a bit of a tossup - Toxic/Protect were 200 standards for the longest time, Protect working especially well in a Sandstorm but Toxic being an overall more useful move. Substitute is now used with the not-so-recent relevation that Rapid Spin doesn't work through a Sub, thus enabling you to continue spiking all Forry/Claydol switches and Roar them out when you get bored. Sub is also used as a Maggie counter of sorts (Sub the switch, if Maggie comes in you can phaze it away), slightly better than the old tactic of phazing the first turn, which often cost a chance to ever get down a round of Spikes. Metagame tested, this thing stuck. Additional fact: Steel Wing + WW is legal, so if you want to give up a bit of power and the slightly better attack type for WW, be my guest. --- SKARMORY @ Leftovers Sturdy - Drill Peck - Curse - Roar - Substitute/HP Ground A new set I'm trying out, shades of GSC Skarm. It's meant to be a more specialized Curselax counter. Most Curselax continue to attack Skarm until they are phazed, not wanting to "waste" the Curses that they have accumulated. This is meant to punish those people. Sub the first turn for those people that do switch out, and outrace Lax in Curses. When you have enough, phaze it out and start attacking things. As I said, this was a GSC Skarm set originally, but it has worked pretty well so far, at least as far as I've tested it. It can also outcurse Subpunchers, who are also leery about switching out with their Sub still up, then phaze them when appropriate and beat up whatever is switched in. --- SKARMORY @ Leftovers Sturdy - Drill Peck - HP Ground - Return/Steel Wing - Agility LOOK UP IN THE SKY! IT'S A BIRD! IT'S A PLANE! IT'S A FLYING METAL BIRD THAT IS ABOUT TO BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF MAGNETON. I saw it do that once (Agility the switch then use HP Ground), I must say it was pretty damn funny. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOUNDOOM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One of the premiere special attackers in the game. Also one of the few pokes to get Crunch (STABed whoamg) as well as another cool special type to launch attacks from. With said Dark type, it's a poke specifically designed to combat Psychics, and Flash Fire helps against Zams packing Fire Punch. So, what's so bad about it? Unlike the Grass types, it doesn't increase speed in the Sun (although Flash Fire is arguably a better trait, although more opportunistic). It is about as weak defensively as an Alakazam (slight exaggeration), but it has much more common weaknesses. It's also stuck with the crappy fire type, which gives it weaknesses up the yazoo. Nothing to use against Blissey/Lax unless you Subrev, which in itself is dangerous and not too useful against Gyara/ Sala/Swampert, the other common Houndoom counters. In other words, Houndoom, for the most part, is played like a CBer - one quick Fire Blast, then you have to switch out after whatever comes in. I should add, if Alakazam can get a CM before Houndoom is switched in, Crunch is no longer a OHKO. And Thunderpunch becomes a 2HKO. Schematically... Alakazam used CALM MIND! TRAINER switched in HOUNDOOM! ALAKAZAM used THUNDERPUNCH! (60% damage) HOUNDOOM used CRUNCH! (85% damage) ALAKAZAM used THUNDERPUNCH! HOUNDOOM FAINTED! The numbers do not lie... HOUNDOOM @ Leftovers Flash Fire - Fire Blast - Solarbeam - Sunny Day - Crunch/HP Ice Standard Sunnybeamer, but HP Ice is for Salamence switches. Like I said, not getting Chlorophyll really hurts it, and Houndoom's base 95 speed, while fast, isn't really as fast as it needs. --- HOUNDOOM @ Leftovers Flash Fire - Fire Blast - HP Grass/Ice - Will-o-Wisp - Crunch/Substitute/Overheat/Protect My recommended set. Will-o-Wisp is always cool, especially since Houndoom is often just fast enough to get it off. The last move is a filler of sorts, Protect can let you leech off more WoW damage (if they stay in, which is unlikely), but Overheat and Sub are just cool. Crunch is probably the worst of the lot :( --- HOUNDOOM @ Salac Berry Flash Fire - Substitute - Reversal - Fire Blast - Crunch/HP Ice/Grass A pretty cool Blissey counter, although you need almost max Attack in order to ensure a OHKO. Fire Blast makes it a good Skarmbliss counter as well. Crunch for Dusclops, HP Ice for Sala, Grass for Swampert, try and guess what your opponent will use as a counter :( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KINGDRA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coolest typing in the game IMO, for whatever that means. It's a step away from "no weak", with Dragon being such a rare type that it might as well have no weak. Sexily balanced stats, Swift Swim, and a natural affinity to Surfing the crap out of things leads to Kingdra's best play as a Rain Dancer. And for those of you who are curious, a defensive Kingdra (ala GSC) isn't extraordinarily useful in today's offensively-based metagame. KINGDRA @ Leftovers/Chesto Berry Swift Swim - Hydro Pump/Surf - Ice Beam - Rain Dance - Toxic/Rest/HP Grass ****FRLG Standard**** Sadly outdated in today's metagame, unless you feel like wrecking havoc on the swarms of TSS teams that seem to be coming back. Completely dismembered by Bliss or Lax or Cune too. Still, it's a fun poke to use, and it certainly takes a few hits to die. --- KINGDRA @ Chesto Berry Swift Swim - Return - Dragon Dance - Attract - Rest lol, one of the very first pokes I used...I remember the days. It somehow managed to outstall a Regice by using Rest (Ice Beam was a 4HKO, and I was lucky enough not to get any criticals during the 16 turns), which was incredibly cool. If you want a more usable DDing set, try HP Ghost over Attract, although DD Kingdra isn't exactly advisable (not because it has a low attack [base 95, same as its SA], but because it has a crap movepool :() --- KINGDRA @ Liechi Berry Swift Swim - Flail - Substitute - Dragon Dance - Hydro Pump Sent in by KiT. This set looks like it would be fun to use, so I added it in. Don't count on much in the way of damage, but hey, Dragon Dancing Kingdra needs more use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DONPHAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One of the more UU phazers, since it only resists one physical type. The highest attack of the common phazers though, which makes it a good hybrid attacker/defender/utilitier (with Rapid Spin). Although Donphan has good stats, the lack of a real physical resistance hurts it in the phazing department, as does the water/grass/ice weakness. DONPHAN @ Leftovers/Choice Band Sturdy - Earthquake - HP Rock/Ancientpower - Roar/Rapid Spin/Rest/Counter - Roar/Rapid Spin/Rest/Counter EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 252/56/140/8/0/54 - If you have a CB, this Donphan's 317 Att should OHKO Ttar and Dugtrio, as well as put a nice dent into Dusclops. ****FRLG Standard**** Obviously enough, pick and choose as you wish, but Rapid Spin/Roar is the most general standard. If you don't need either the phazer or the spinner, consider one of the other moves (I find Counter to be particularly cool). EQ does a good number on people who switch in Dusclops expecting Rapid Spin, which makes Donphan pretty useful. Choice Band is used for EQ/HP Rock/RS/ Roar sets, since as someone put it, "you don't really switch moves much with Donphan". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PORYGON2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PORYGON2 FOR PREZ! (wubu cody) It may not be the best poke in the world, but it certainly ranks up there as one of the most fun to use (this or Dunsparce). Trace wins my prize for "coolest trait ever" (along with Serene Grace), and the cool all-around defenses and nice SA makes it a better candidate for Trace over Gardevoir. Porygon2 made its name trapping random Wobs, Dugtrios, or Magnetons (although it can't do much to Maggie in return), as well as tracing Absorbs from the Eeveelutions or snagging Levitate against Flygon. Or you can grab Serene Grace from a Blissey and combine the two best traits in the game :D Seriously, although P2 may not be as dominant as other pokes, there are none other in the fun category. PORYGON2 @ Leftovers Trace - Ice Beam - Thunderbolt - Toxic/Thunder Wave - Recover EVs: Modest (+SA -Att) 108/0/0/96/208/96 - 170 speed. Pump your SA up even higher if you want, since this set is borderline on OHKOing Gyara with its 327 SA, although Gyara spreads vary so greatly that that might be a lost cause. ****FRLG Standard**** IMO the best boltbeamer, or at least the sexiest one. Toxic is for trapping Wob (who seems to be on the rise lately, despite its nubbiness), but TWave is in-general more useful. Recover is just cool. With proper EVs (namely, focused in SD), you can take < 50% from almost all unboosted special attacks, which lets you Recover your way back up. --- PORYGON2 @ Leftovers Trace - Ice Beam - Thunderbolt - HP Fire - Agility Old Agility P2. I remember using one of these waaaaaaaaay back, before Recover became common. Most commonly used for trapping a Maggie, getting in an Agility, then removing Maggie and hopefully sweeping anything else in the way. Not a wonderful set, but Agility had its high points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STANTLER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey look, another poke to add to that category of "it learns good moves but itself sucks". It also fits in nicely with Masquerain and Mightyena of "learning an awesome trait but still sucking". Try something else. STANTLER @ Choice Band Intimidate - Return - Earthquake - Shadow Ball - HP Fighting/Flying/Iron Tail It's a bad Tauros that gets Shadow Ball. Only slightly lower attack (100 vs 95), but the speed took a major hit (110 vs 85), and Tauros has better defense anyway. Shadow Ball is nice though, albeit only 10 extra power. It's a lot like Dodrio vs Fearow. Tauros is the Dodrio of normal type CBers, but if you want a decent UU alternative go with Stantler. --- STANTLER @ Leftovers Intimidate - Thunderbolt - Psychic - Calm Mind - Rest/Substitute/Confuse Ray/Thunder Wave/Hypnosis Pory2 is much cooler. --- STANTLER @ Leftovers Intimidate - Hypnosis - Confuse Ray - Thunder Wave - Thief This isn't a moveset so much as a list of random disabling moves that Stantler learns and can be thrown in on any Stantler moveset if you feel haxy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SMEARGLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Uh oh, it's the database of all moves. Smeargle, as you probably already know, can use every move in the game. The only catch? It has slightly less defense/SD than a Sharpedo (which speaks wonders about Sharpedo), and in case you didn't notice Sharpedo sucks. For that matter, Squirtle has a higher stat total than Smeargle. SQUIRTLE SQUIRTLE SQUIRT SQUIRTLE So, besides being a crappy defensive sponge, what can Smeargle do? The one move that is standard on all Smeargle is Spore, as the one good stat (75) it gets is in Speed, allowing for a fast Sleep. The every-move-in-the-game bit makes it the most varied BPer, although the only move it should seriously consider is Belly Drum. It also makes a decent use of Super Fang and the other set damage moves. SMEARGLE @ Salac Berry Own Tempo - Spore - Belly Drum/Tail Glow - Baton Pass - Taunt/Substitute/Endure/Extremespeed EVs: Timid (+Spd -Att) 252/0/4/252/0/0 Taunt for the natural phazer switchin, Substitute to both get the Salac kick and to pass along with the Belly Drum, Endure to activate Salac, and Extremespeed as a last ditch attack. Don't count on doing anything with it though - if Linoone can't do much with ESpeed why would Smeargle? Tail Glow is for the special route, obviously. --- SMEARGLE @ Salac Berry Own Tempo - Spore - Endure - Endeavor - Seismic Toss AK was the first to inform me about this set. Basically, Endure a killing blow, then Spore the next turn. Endeavor whatever switches in (or whatever doesn't switch in), and SToss it for the kill. Finally, Endeavor the last poke, which should eventually kill you. In essence, you have put one poke to sleep, killed another, and left a third with 1 HP. Not a bad deal IMO, if you can get it to work. --- SMEARGLE @ Salac Berry Own Tempo - Spider Web - Spore - Super Fang - Seismic Toss One of those good-luck-getting-it-to-work kinda sets. Cool if you do get it, though. A Super Fang and two STosses will kill almost all the pokes, and two Fangs and a SToss will take care of most of the rest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HITMONTOP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A defensive fighting type. What a stupid idea, Nintendo. It gets Endeavor, which is about the best use you'll have for it. You can also try something with Rapid Spin, but the idea of a defensive fighting type (Rapid Spin is an intrinsicly defensive ploy) makes me sick. It has the same ratio of HP/Def/SD as Umbreon, except 2/3 lower in all cases. Try something else. I also forgot, it ties Masquerain for suckiest-user-of-Intimidate. HITMONTOP @ Salac Berry Intimidate - Substitute - Endeavor - Mach Punch - HP Ghost Endeavor woohoo. Fun stuff. --- HITMONTOP @ Salac Berry Intimidate - Brick Break/Hi Jump Kick - Rock Slide - Mach Punch/HP Ghost - Bulk Up It has some potential, the defenses might allow Hitmontop to take a hit and eventually do something with Bulk Up. The attack isn't as good as the other Hitmons though. --- HITMONTOP @ Liechi Berry Intimidate - Brick Break/Hi Jump Kick - Earthquake/Mach Punch - Rock Slide - Agility Agilitop :) Plays similar to Agility Metagross, I would assume, except with crap attack and lower Defense. It does get Intimidate though to help out a bit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MILTANK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Awesome Pimptank. Miltank is one of the better all-around pokes in the game. Incredible defenses (95/105/70), incredibly good speed for a cow (base 100, which equals that of Ninetales - don't tell me that cows run the same speed as foxes), and good enough attack if it needs it. The defenses are the real kicker though, as far as stats go. And did I mention the moves? Miltank is the other used Heal Beller, in essence a physical version of Blissey. Its trait, Thick Fat, also helps boost its already decent SD. Like Blissey, it is well suited to use Seismic Toss and focusing EVs on the defenses, although the base 80 attack certainly bodes well for Body Slam/Return and Shadow Ball. There are two main paths with Miltank - the Heal Beller and the Curser, and both work very well. MILTANK @ Leftovers Thick Fat - Seismic Toss/Return/Body Slam - Thunder Wave/Shadow Ball/Focus Punch/Counter - Milk Drink - Heal Bell EVs: Bold (+Def -Att) 212/0/82/120/0/96 - SToss only - if you run Return/BS, you'll probably want some Att EVs and Impish. 266 speed makes this thing surprisingly fast, at least above most DD Sala/Gyara and Magneton. ****FRLG Standard**** The most standard set is SToss/TWave/Milk Drink/HB. SToss is a reliable 100 damage from a tankish poke, and it also lets you focus your EVs in the defenses. Return and Body Slam are also options though as strong STABed moves. TWave is always useful, but SToss/TWave runs into the same McGar problems that Blissey did, which is why Shadow Ball is also thrown in there. Focus Punch can be nice for a surprise, but it generally isn't best. Counter is @ Chimerae, cool if your opponent doesn't see it coming. Milk Drink and Heal Bell are fairly obvious, I would hope. The base 100 speed lets you outspeed DD Salamence and Breloom, and the defense is just spectacular. Thick Fat can help it square off against Regice or other such pokes. But, if I haven't said it already, the defense is amazing. 95/105 lets it stand down Tauntridos fairly successfully, which is scary as hell when it only does a set 100 damage per turn. --- MILTANK @ Leftovers Thick Fat - Return/Body Slam - Shadow Ball/Earthquake - Curse - Milk Drink/Rest Unique in the set of curses which also gets an instant 50% healing move, as opposed to Curselax having to use Rest and sleep for two turns to restore its health (other notables in this category are Venusaur, Exeggutor, Vigoroth - I think you can tell that Miltank is the best of this group when it comes to Cursing). Curse boosts the already good defense and helps with the decent- enough attack. IMO the only drawback of Cursing is wasting Miltank's great speed. As always, if you are going to use Milk Drink, you need to watch out very carefully for Status, as losing Heal Bell leaves you with problems (which is also why some people opt out for Rest instead). --- MILTANK @ Leftovers Thick Fat - Return - Focus Punch - Psych Up - Milk Drink Thank you to gm for the set, and AK for pointing it out to me. Another one of those overspecialized Curselax counters, but it does a very good job at that. Uber defense (after Curse) and STABed Returns force Curselax to Rest, after which you can FP away at will. So specialized though that it can't even touch ghosts. Good if you know your opponent has a Curselax/pert, fun in other situations, but very very focused. --- MILTANK @ Choice Band Thick Fat - Return - Shadow Ball - Earthquake - Focus Punch An interesting way to catch people off-guard. 80 Attack isn't bad by any stretch. The only real problem I have with a CB Miltank is it seems like a waste - the surprise factor goes away fairly quickly (as in one turn quickly), and after that you're just misrepresenting Miltank's strengths. Still viable though (as viable as CBlax :), and thanks to giant fishball for pointing it out to me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BLISSEY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wonderful. All I will say about Blissey is that FRLG brought about two things for it - 1. Seismic Toss 2. a sudden "brilliant" idea that putting EVs into defense might actually DO something. Seriously, the EV thing has been around since the beginning, why didn't anyone notice it then? The other half of Skarmbliss, in case you couldn't figure that out, and as such it sucks. Moreso than Skarm, this poke is why maybe 25% of the good battlers dropped out when FRLG rolled around. BLISSEY @ Leftovers Natural Cure - Seismic Toss - Ice Beam/Counter/Thunder Wave/Toxic - Aromatherapy - Softboiled/Rest EVs: Bold (+Def -Att) 252/0/252/4/0/0 ****FRLG Standard**** Ice Beam is the new standard now, to help counter McGar. Counter is always useful (it survives things like CBdactyl and CBdrio with ease), TWave is the new status inflictor of choice, although Toxic allows it to actually kill things that might happen to have Recover but not Rest. Aromatherapy > Heal Bell (HB doesn't work on Soundproof pokes [not that you use Electrode or Mr. Mime anyway, but...]), Softboiled is the general standard but Natural Cure + Rest can be nice with the somewhat major drawback of having to switch out after using it. --- BLISSEY @ Leftovers Serene Grace - Blizzard/Ice Beam - Thunder/Thunderbolt - Water Pulse - Softboiled Seriously, use this instead, it's much more worthwhile. Ask Tig :( 60% chance of Freeze/Para, respectively. --- BLISSEY @ Leftovers Natural Cure - Ice Beam - Toxic - Snatch - Softboiled I believe this is correct. The set that Donut used in early 386 play, it was surprisingly fun. Before the advent of FRLG, Blissey was forced to use Boltbeam or Toxic to satisfy its attacking needs, thus pokes which would Calm Mind and Rest (hi Gardevoir or Raikou) could often CM up and Rest off the Toxic. So, this Blissey came around with Snatch, both to pick off the CMs and to Snatch up any unsuspecting Rests (which can be Snatched, btw). It even worked fairly nicely in early FRLG play, when Snatch picked up Substitutes as well. Interesting stuff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAIKOU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The second-most-used of the GSC gerbils. Raikou is the best attacker of the three, using CM to boost its SA and beat things up with Thunderbolt. However, being an Electric type, Raikou has its problems in Dugtrio, and like almost all electric types it has to depend on hidden power to get a usable second attack (Crunch is NOT worth it). CM, however, does boost Raikou's already good SD to even higher levels, and it has the speed to sweep things before they can even blink. However, Raikou does have fairly signifcant problems in Blissey and Snorlax. RAIKOU @ Leftovers Pressure "Fluffy" - Thunderbolt - HP Grass/Ice - Calm Mind - Substitute EVs: Timid (+Spd -Att) 68/0/0/252/188/0 - Max speed - the one time you catch an Adamant Dugtrio and take it out, you will be wondering why you even considered dropping Raikou's speed. This guy has 338 HP, enough to survive 4 STosses after Leftovers, which I feel might happen enough to warrant taking out SA EVs to make sure it does. ****FRLG Standard**** Get in a Sub, and you're protected from the Toxic that doomed Raikou in early 386 play. Get in some CMs, and nothing short of a couple STABed EQs will take you down. HP Grass is for Swampert in particular (watch out for Grass types), HP Ice is more universal but has problems with some of the more ecletic ground typings. Credit to Synre for popularizing Fluffy. --- RAIKOU @ Salac Berry Pressure - Thunderbolt - HP Grass/Ice - Crunch - Calm Mind Synre's older 386 Raikou set. It held its own against Regice fairly well, often KOing it before succumbing to Toxic. Fairly simple to use as well, CM up until the Salac kick (which, remember, used to be 50%, making the wait a lot shorter than it used to be) and then start sweeping. Fairly cool when it first came out, then people realized that Toxic Blissey kinda destroyed it. --- RAIKOU @ Chesto Berry/Leftovers Pressure - Thunderbolt - HP Grass/Ice - Calm Mind - Rest The Blissey countering Raikou. Rest countered Toxic, but you'd better hope nothing killed you in the 2-turn interim period. --- RAIKOU @ Leftovers Pressure - Thunderbolt - HP Grass/Ice - Calm Mind - Roar Submitted by shiny zangoose, and he says it works well enough. Roar uses a similar tactic as putting Roar on DD Gyara - you can outroar most other pokes, although this begs the question of what exactly you would be outroaring (possibly a cune). Otherwise, you can use Raikou more defensively, if you manage to switch against another CMer, you can CM up yourself and then roar it away when apt. Like if you switched in against a Suicune, and predicted its Roar, hopefully netting in a few CMs for youself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ENTEI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The sucky gerbil. It suffers from much the same problem as EVERY OTHER FIRE TYPE IN THE GAME - too much Attack with no STABed moves, too low SA to really use the fire type well, and overall crappy typing. Entei is, oddly enough, the most defensive Fire type (oxymoron what?) with its 400+ HP and 85/75 in the defenses. For whatever that's worth. Unlike Moltres, however, it can't learn Overheat (why? :(), the defense doesn't really help too much, and it still can't attack. Try something else. ENTEI @ Leftovers Pressure - Return - HP Fighting - Substitute - Fire Blast The anti-Bliss Entei. The good HP lets it survive a SToss, and HP Fighting is a 3HKO. Of course, 3HKOs sorta suck, especially when your opponent has Softboiled, or an easy to switch to almost anything else. --- ENTEI @ Leftovers Pressure - Fire Blast - HP Grass/Solarbeam/Roar - Calm Mind - Sunny Day/Substitute Same high HP makes Substitute the more viable option, although it can Sunnybeam decently enough I suppose. Calm Mind would be good, except for the fact that it still can't really do anything to Blissey. And with Entei's 404 HP, you can get Subs that let you take 2 tosses - Entei will take out Blissey 1on1 with CM and FB. Roar/Sub/CM is an idea vs Suicune - if you have a Sub up and Cune comes in, you can outRoar it and take your free turn to CM again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUICUNE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Um...CALM MIND SUICUNE HAS NO WEAK <_< Seriously, no weak. 100/115 in HP/Def is, for all practical purposes, even with Skarm, although Suicune doesn't get the handy resistances (although, on the other hand, it also doesn't have any physical weaknesses, but Skarm can claim that as well). It also gets Calm Mind to boost the 115 SD, eliminating the Electric/Grass weaknesses from the picture (hence the saying CMSHNW). Metagame dominator through almost all of early 386 play, one of the few pokes that survived a Bellyzard rampage (with 25% to spare, I should add), Suicune is probably tied with Snorlax for most dominant poke ever. Cool defenses, a stat-boosting move that is actually worth something, a useful trait that helps its stally nature, and it can even phaze - is there anything Suicune can't do? SUICUNE @ Leftovers Pressure "CMCune" or "Calmcune" or "No weak" - Surf - Calm Mind - Roar - Rest EVs: Bold (+Def -Att) 252/0/212/16/28/0 - I still use AK's EVs. 404 HP, 350 Def, and a few EVs that you can put into Speed/SA/SD however you want. ****FRLG Standard**** No weak. I'm just going to keep saying that over and over, if you don't mind :P Use CM until you get bored, phaze out other things that might pose a threat, then Rest back your HP and prepare to dominate. Think of it as RS's Tobybro, if you will. No weak. --- SUICUNE @ Leftovers Pressure - Surf - Ice Beam/Substitute - Rest/Roar/HP Electric - Rest/Roar/Calm Mind/Toxic And the other Suicunes, although none have proven as useful as the original. Ice Beam is the only other move I would strongly consider, to help against the pokes that naturally resist Surf (Dragon/Grass, mostly). Sub/CM plays very similar to Sub/Curse Snorlax, except you don't have the Toxic immunity, so a few speed EVs are necessary. Much more offensively oriented, obviously. --- SUICUNE @ Leftovers Pressure - Surf - Calm Mind - Rest - Sleep Talk Submitted by forgotten myth. It deserves mention as being very hard to take out, as Sleep Talk makes it a bit more risky to try and phaze away the CMs. Unfortunately, you lose the ability to compete with other Cunes/Raikou/etc, and the standard problems that come about with using Sleep Talk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TYRANITAR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The GSC version of Dragonite. After all the crap I said about GSC, IMO this poke kinda makes up for it, but then Sandstream had to come around and bite me in the ass. Absolutely godly stats, 134 base attack is heavenly, and the defenses are outrageous. It takes 60% from the average STABed Surf, and it can't be OHKOd by anything non-fighting. The speed is decent enough to top 400 after 2 DD's, and besides that there aren't really any complaints :x Besides Sandstream, which is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing, in that it naturally lends itself to the TSS archetype that has seen its ups and downs in RS play. A curse, because it requires the entire team to be revolved around Tyranitar, or else your own team gets destroyed by the Sandstorm. Both good and bad, I believe the general consensus is that if Tyranitar didn't get Sandstorm it would be on every team :( Best Psychic counter in the game (resisting both Psychic and Fire), one of the cooler Curselax counters (resists Return/Shadow Ball and outraces Curse with DD), and overall nasty. TYRANITAR @ Leftovers/Chesto Berry Sandstream "Tauntritar" - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Dragon Dance - Taunt/Rest EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 108/228/0/172/0/0 - 201 speed. DDtar has speeds from 200 up to 240 (Jolly), depending on who you want to outrun. The simplest set. Taunt beats up on both Skarm and Weezing, who are both forced to use NVE attacks to try and down TTar before it DDs up. Rest is more useful against non-Haze Weezing, as you can DD up all the way and then Chestorest away the burn. Taunt is just cool though. Which brings me to my next point - Tyranitar's movepool. It has the approximate movepool of its RBY predecessor Dragonite, which means EVERY MOVE UNDER THE SUN NOT NAMED SOFTBOILED. I mean, how does a dinosaur learn Surf? :( And as such, there are about twenty different usable sets for Tyranitar. I'll go through a few. --- TYRANITAR @ Leftovers Sandstream "Tyraniboah" - Crunch/Ice Beam - Thunderbolt - Substitute - Focus Punch/Rock Slide EVs: Quiet (+SA -Spd) 252/0/0/28/228/0 - I run my Tyraniboah a bit differently than smogon. 148 speed instead of 157 means I give up on Cursepert (which destroys any sort of Ttar) and non-FB Weezing (which is terribly rare) for a little extra oomph on Crunch. Weezing is a terrible Ttar counter anyway. Quiet (+SA -Spd) 252/0/0/68/188/0 - The classic Tyraniboah EVs from chaos and Jumpman16. 157 speed. Crunchboltpunch Tyranitar. Set first used by Salaspectrum, EVs popularized by chaos. Fast enough to get up a 404 HP sub in front of Blissey and Weezing, slow enough to underspeed most other things. Crunch is for a STAB attack, which works nicely against things such against neutral pokes such as Swampert or Metagross, and goes for a 3HKO or so. Tyraniboah is renowned for tearing apart stall teams with a SE attack on Bliss/Snorlax/Skarm and a hard hitting Crunch for everything else. --- TYRANITAR @ Leftovers Sandstream - Rock Slide - Focus Punch - Thunder Wave - Substitute Free advertisement woohoo. My more unusual set, the principle being to TWave whatever comes in and Sub until your opponent FPs. At that point, you have a free Punch coming your way, and not too much resists Rock Slide and FP. Not as effective in the damage dealing department as I would've liked though. Time for that list of usable moves again. ROCK SLIDE CRUNCH DRAGON DANCE BRICK BREAK EARTHQUAKE FIRE BLAST,FLAMETHROWER FOCUS PUNCH HIDDEN POWER ICE BEAM PROTECT REST SURF THUNDERBOLT TOXIC CURSE COUNTER SUBSTITUTE THUNDER WAVE Not quite as impressive as Mew, but it's pretty damn good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HO-OH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Heh, I never realized Ho-oh had such high SD. It's SD is its highest stat :( HO-OH @ Leftovers Pressure - Earthquake - Sacred Fire/Flamethrower - Thunderbolt - Recover --- HO-OH @ Leftovers Pressure - Sacred Fire/Flamethrower - Thunderbolt - Calm Mind - Recover Ho-oh actually doesn't have as good a movepool as I thought it would. Not getting Ice Beam hurts it somewhat, as does missing out on Rock Slide and some other key physical attacks. Fire typing probably hurts it the most. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LUGIA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It learns AEROBLAST ^_____________^ That's right AEROBLAST ^____________^ LUGIA @ Leftovers Pressure - Aeroblast - Psychic - Ice Beam - Recover --- LUGIA @ Choice Band Pressure - Aeroblast - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Shadow Ball WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE --- LUGIA @ Leftovers Pressure - Psychic/Ice Beam - Psychic/Thunderbolt - Calm Mind - Recover Seriously, I've never used legendaries, submit some movesets if you want something good here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CELEBI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Haha, Celebi. Misty: "OMG I have an idea. Celebi and Jirachi aren't uber. Everyone use them now!!!11!!1!" Me: "Right...sounds fun." And thus, we come to the only legendary that I HAVE actually used, and I can officially say that Celebi is so cheap that it needs to be put into a lockbox and shipped off to Aussieland where it will be forced to take the role of DM's penis for a week after he talks to kiera. Torture, believe me. CELEBI @ Leftovers Natural Cure - Psychic/HP Grass - Leech Seed - Calm Mind/Heal Bell - Recover EVs: Calm (+SD -Att) 252/0/0/120/60/76 - 266 speed. I'll admit, these are somewhat arbitrary. I can officially say that this thing doesn't die. SW Ninjask does 70%. It can take on Gyarados switches, either Seeding the switch or getting in a CM, in which case Gyara is 2HKOd (also faster). It doesn't even really fear dark types, as it can seed/stall them to death, with the exception of Cacturne and Shiftry. Hell, it even beats Houndoom one-on-one with the help of a few CMs and Recover. So who's smart idea was it to unban this thing anyway? (HUH MISTY). Heal Bell removes the tankishness, but restores the utility. --- CELEBI @ Leftovers Natural Cure - Return - Psychic/Substitute - Swords Dance/Calm Mind - Baton Pass Did I mention it's also a good BPer? BPing Swords Dance is pretty cool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SCEPTILE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ God this thing is ugly :( Why can't they make cool-looking starters like VULVASORE anymore? In any case, Sceptile has its moments in the sun, often fading in and out of usefulness with Alakazam. They share the same base speed, but have fairly major differences elsewhere. First, Alakazam has the significantly higher SA (Sceptile is only 105, which seems apalling for the special-based starter), as well as Calm Mind, a better movepool (thanks to the elemental punches), and a more solid attack in Psychic. Sceptile, on the other hand, gets defenses that let it survive a hit, the best non-HP grass move in the game, an attack stat that can be useful for something, and LEECH SEED (the best move in the game IMO, as I'm sure I've mentioned before). So, to summarize (as much as I hate doing it), Alakazam is more apt to attacking quickly and doing as much damage in one hit as possible (think a special CBer, except without the move restriction of CB). Sceptile is more tankishly based, has less type coverage, but can be used as a dual-sweeper and also gets LEECH SEED ^^ SCEPTILE @ Leftovers Overgrow "McSceptile" - Leaf Blade - HP Ice - Leech Seed - Substitute EVs: Timid (+Spd -Att) 28/0/0/252/228/0 - Don't forget to go 31/30/30/31/31/31 if you want HP Ice. ****FRLG Standard**** A cool poke, ty McSlaw. When Substitute first came out, everyone was wondering exactly what good it was for. It was first used in pokes such as Grumpig and for Subpunching, but then with FRLG people like Graw came up with new uses for Substitute. In this case, the main point is to Seed something, then get a Substitute up (best used if can Seed a switch and thus not take damage). After getting a Seed in, continue to set up Subs. You drain back a fairly significant amount of HP each turn, almost enough to make up for the HP lost in Sub. The only solution for the opponent is to switch - however, that turn they also can't destroy the Sub. So, you seed the next opponent, and continue. A fairly safe tactic, your opponent loses their 12% a turn and you lose 4-5%, depending on your and the opponent's HP. This only runs into problems when 1. Leech Seed misses 2. You run out of PP (only 16 with PP Ups) 3. They switch in a grass type. To solve 3, Sceptile added on HP Ice (it's also used as a Sala counter). And Leaf Blade is just cool like that. McSceptile matches up best against pokes with high HP (hi Snorlax) - as a matter of fact, when AK first used the set he managed to beat down my Snorlax with it, thanks to my never having seen it before and a few timely Leaf Blade haxes. --- SCEPTILE @ Leftovers/Petaya Berry Overgrow - Leaf Blade - HP Fire/Ice - Dragon Claw - Crunch ****200 standard**** A pure special sweeper, and it loses rather supremely in this category to Alakazam. Regice too. --- SCEPTILE @ Leftovers Overgrow - HP Rock - Earthquake - Focus Punch/Leaf Blade - Swords Dance Oh nos, physical Sceptile. Base 85 Att isn't bad, by any stretch of the imagination. --- SCEPTILE @ Leftovers Overgrow - Leaf Blade - HP Fire - Focus Punch - Protect/Crunch/Leech Seed The other 200ish style Sceptile, and IMO a much better alternative. The FP does a fairly good deal of damage against Regice, or Blissey if you bring it into 386. --- SCEPTILE @ Leftovers Overgrow - Leaf Blade - Toxic - Leech Seed - Protect/Substitute Like to stall? Here's your poke. Also makes a decent Kyogre counter, you stall it down and hope to hax the CM with Leaf Blade. Or you could put on EQ for consistent damage against Ky00ber. --- SCEPTILE @ Leftovers/Petaya Berry Overgrow - Leaf Blade - Thunderpunch - Leech Seed/HP Fire - Substitute ****Emerald Only**** Nothing too major here, just Thunderpunch over HP Ice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BLAZIKEN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Because it's the fire starter, it's also automatically the worst of the three :( As much as Blaziken likes its second fighting type, it's much more of a hassle than it's probably worth. STABed fighting attacks are a nice change, but the weaknesses to Psychic and in particular Flying really doom Blaziken. Blaziken is the perfect example of the poke that has the potential to absolutely demolish a lot of the standard metagame, it just has huge problems switching in against anything. On the other hand, it has 120 in Att and 110 in SA, combined with average defenses and ok speed. So, with any luck at all, you'll kill your opponents before they take advantage of your weaknesses ;) BLAZIKEN @ Salac Berry Blaze - Substitute - Reversal - Rock Slide - Focus Punch/Overheat/Fire Blast/Swords Dance EVs: Naive (+Spd -SD) 0/252/0/176/80/0 - 266 speed for the Salac kick. You can either try Subpunchreversaling, or go with a safer fire move for Skarm. Or Swords Dance and follow Heracross' pattern. Fun stuff. --- BLAZIKEN @ Leftovers/Lum Berry/Salac Berry Blaze - Brick Break - Rock Slide - Earthquake/Overheat - Bulk Up ****200 standard**** Heh, 200 Blaziken sucked. Bulk Up is a crappy move :( If you want a more FRLG-ish moveset, Swords Dance is preferred over BU. --- BLAZIKEN @ Choice Band Blaze - Brick Break - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Focus Punch EVs: Jolly (+Spd -SA) 4/252/0/252/0/0 - You might as well go max speed, catch Sala/Gyara off guard. IMO more useful than anything else you might find. This shoulda been the 200 standard :( --- BLAZIKEN @ Leftovers Blaze - Focus Punch - Substitute - Fire Blast - Thunderpunch Subpunchboltbeaming of sorts, except with FB over Beam (watch for Rock/Grounds like Rhydon). Blaziken has such cool Att AND SA that it would be one of the better candidates, except it doesn't get Bolt or Beam :( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SWAMPERT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I just noticed that the three RS starters all have the same number of letters in their names. Scary, no? Swampert, one of the better type combinations in the game, and IMO the best of the three RS starters. Water/Ground is an incredibly cool combo, with only one weak to grass, and good enough stats to cover it. It also gets a STABed Earthquake, probably the best all-around physical attack in the game, as well as a useful Surf on the special side. The most balanced poke (especially in- game), with tankishly delicious defenses and good enough attack. Swampert is just awesome. SWAMPERT @ Leftovers Torrent "Mixpert" - Earthquake - Surf - Ice Beam/Rock Slide - Rest/Roar/Refresh/Protect EVs: Relaxed (+Def -Spd) 252/56/100/4/0/96 - I'll be honest, this is somewhat arbitrary. I can't think of a great way to spread Mixpert. ****FRLG Standard**** Mixpert, if you will. I remember being one of the first to use this back in early 200 play, when Weezing was destroying my Skarm/Ludicolo combo with Sludge Bomb and Fire Blast/TB. I spent some time thinking of a poke that resisted all 3 of those moves, and came across either the Rock/Grounds or Swampert. And since Weezing also had WoW, I decided that Swampert needed a special move as well, and the logical choice was Surf. So, I definitely wasn't the first person to use Mixpert, but it definitely stands out in mind, and it's my FAQ anyway so meh :P In any case, Earthquake/Surf is for STAB, and the last option is for flyers. You have Ice Beam for Salamence, or Rock Slide for both Salamence and Gyara. However, Rock Slide is fragile after Sala/Gyara switches in and Swampert gets Intimidated, which is why more people lean towards Ice Beam. Not to mention there are more reliable Gyara counters anyway. The last move is your preference, I like Rest, but I know Cody uses Roar and Refresh is pretty cool as well. --- SWAMPERT @ Leftovers Torrent "Cursepert" - Earthquake - HP Rock - Curse - Rest EVs: Careful (+SD -SA) 252/56/44/0/0/156 Plays a lot like Curselax, but a few differences. One, instead of a STABed Return, you have a STABed EQ, which is arguably just as useful if not more, as it beats the crap out of Steelix/Rhydon phazers and does almost the same damage vs the rest (however, Cursepert has more signficant problems with Weezing). It only has one elemental weak (not cool compared to Lax's 0), but Careful and quite a few SD EVs can fix that. On the flip side, it doesn't have the physical weaknesses of Snorlax. Both are equally good choices - although Snorlax is better off as a special sponge, Swampert has better all-around defenses. Strong choices. --- SWAMPERT @ Leftovers Torrent - Earthquake - Surf - Counter - Mirror Coat With proper EVs (namely 252 HP/252 SD), Swampert can survive a Leaf Blade from Sceptile and Mirror Coat it back for a OHKO. ET pulled it off once, and it's probably the only time he has ever made anyone laugh out loud. --- SWAMPERT @ Leftovers Torrent - Substitute - Focus Punch - Earthquake - Rock Slide/Ice Beam Subpunch Swampert. I know it's been done before, but thanks to RoketPowered for reminding me about this. Swampert gets that nice 404 HP for its Sub to survive a SToss, and it can 2HKO Blissey with a FP followed by an EQ. You also get the Rock/Ice move to counter the likely flying switch. A point was brought up about spreading this thing - you obviously need 252 HP to get to 404 HP, but I would strongly recommend focusing on one of the defenses and hoping to take < 25% from that type of attack. The physical side is probably easier. --- SWAMPERT @ Choice Band Torrent - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Focus Punch/Brick Break - HP Ghost/Return You didn't forget that Swampert has base 110 attack, did you? Good. HP Ghost for Ghosts and Claydol, Return for Weezing. OHKO on most TTars, just for an indication of the power you're looking at. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MIGHTYENA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The RS Furret. It gets Intimidate, and it makes for a nice opponent when you go around beating the crap out of the Mightyenas that Team Aqua/Magma trains. Otherwise, it sucks. The other other winner of "crappiest poke ever that somehow got Intimidate". MIGHTYENA @ Choice Band Intimidate - Shadow Ball - HP Fighting - Poison Fang - Return/Body Slam Poison Fang is a pretty crappy move :( 50 base power. --- MIGHTYENA @ Leftovers/nothing Intimidate - Shadow Ball/Crunch - HP Fighting/Thief - Yawn - Toxic Remember, Shadow Ball + HP Fighting has no resistant enemies, for whatever that means. Toxishuffling with Yawn forcing switches. It sorta works. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LINOONE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So much potential wasted on a crap attack stat. Linoone is oneofakind in STABed Extremespeeds (and Smeargle), which would have a lot of potential - but for the base 70 attack stat. It gets Belly Drum, which just owns - except for that base 70 attack stat. It can Subflail, STABed too - except for the base 70 attack. Get the point? Crappy trait doesn't help either. LINOONE @ Salac Berry/Scope Lens Pickup - Extremespeed - Shadow Ball - Belly Drum - Return/HP Fighting I'm sorely tempted to use Return, just because even after Belly Drum Linoone can't sweep like Bellyzard. Return would be for the extra 22 power that would let it OHKO things instead of 90%. Be warned, run at the first site of anything with a defense stat - BD ES does only 70% against Suicune, and even Return won't OHKO without some Spikes help. --- LINOONE @ Salac Berry/Liechi Berry/Choice Band Pickup - Flail - Shadow Ball - Substitute - Extremespeed/HP Fighting/Belly Drum Again, without an attack modifier you won't be doing much damage. ES is a decent shot I guess for anything that might try to QA you at 1 HP. Linoone is probably a decent candidate for CBFlailing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BEAUTIFLY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It couldn't even get Compoundeyes, which would make it at least unique. Instead it's another crappy Bug/Flying type poke with weaknesses to everything under the sun. BEAUTIFLY @ Choice Band Swarm - Silver Wind - Aerial Ace - HP Rock - Double-Edge No ****ing weak. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUSTOX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shield Dust is at least interesting. This way, you won't be paralyzed, frozen, burned, flinched, or any of those other nasty things. However, what they forgot to mention is that in order to use this trait, you need to be hit, and when you're a Bug/Poison type you don't want to take many hits (although Dustox has decent defensive stats). DUSTOX @ Leftovers Shield Dust - Sludge Bomb - Silver Wind/Moonlight - Toxic - Light Screen/Moonlight As I said, Dustox has pretty good defensive stats for one of those early bug types. Still not worth using though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LUDICOLO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Water/Grass being one of the coolest typings in the game, with no special weaks (of course, so does Normal/Dark/etc, but this one also resists stuff, namely 4x water). Ludicolo is best used as a special sponge, with the cool typing and base 100 SD. However, although a good special sponge, it isn't as good as Bliss/Lax - Water/Grass only affords it one special resistance (water) and Psychics or anything else with CM can beat you up pretty easily. Also, Divecolo is a waste of a trait. Not only does using Rain Dance waste a turn in which you could be Leech Seeding, but Swift Swim + STAB + RD-boost + Surf is more useful than a measly 6%. LUDICOLO @ Leftovers Swift Swim "Mexicolo" - Surf/Ice Beam/Seismic Toss - Leech Seed - Toxic - Rest EVs: Calm (+SD -Att) 252/0/100/8/0/148 - You'll want the extra SD for things like Zapdos and Raikou. ****FRLG Standard**** Surf is for the STAB, Ice Beam was used since Ludicolo had big problems with other grass switches (namely Venusaur, which was the ultimate Ludi counter for a while), and SToss is @ Rhythm (ARE YOU HAPPY NOW??). SToss is probably best when your opponent is CMing up and you need consistent damage (pre-FRLG Blissey can attest to this problem). The rest is fairly run-of-the-mill stalling stuff. Rest is fairly important, otherwise Toxic beats you pretty easily. --- LUDICOLO @ Leftovers Swift Swim - Surf - Ice Beam - Giga Drain - Rain Dance Covers a lot of types, but that's about it. Base 90 SA is decent, and Swift Swim is nice (as is dual STAB). Probably about as good as Kingdra, except people don't really expect it, so slightly better I guess. --- LUDICOLO @ Leftovers Swift Swim - Surf - Ice Beam/Focus Punch/Giga Drain/Toxic - Substitute - Leech Seed Dodge status (Swift Swim helps here) and you should be fine, with Seed + Sub working to your benefit. Thanks to Shadow for reminding me about how all grass types work well with Sub. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHIFTRY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A surprising amount of potential. Great attacks in both stats, good enough HP to make up for the OK defenses (90/60/60), and good speed. Sorta like a fast Octillery or Camerupt. And unlike both of them, it has a great movepool, with Explosion/Shadow Ball/Swords Dance on the physical side and Sunnybeaming on the special side. In the same vein, however, it is a grass type, which is fairly limited and doesn't get STAB on anything worthwhile. Dark type isn't great either, most Psychics pack a fire move and dark only gives it another weakness to Fighting. Still, I would like to see someone do something cool with a Shiftry, it certainly could do it. A note to add about Nature Power: in Netbattle at least, you can change your battle setting. And look at all the cool things that gets you: Mountain - Rock Slide Sand - Earthquake Sea - Surf Use as you wish. And regarding Early Bird, I have a quote from The Anagram Man, posted in his moveset guide which can be found on the NB Forums (link proceeding quote). "Rest only lasts one turn due to Early Bird, making him [Shiftry] nearly invincible." >> http://www.tvsian.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2091 Back to my movesets. SHIFTRY @ Leftovers Chlorophyll - Solarbeam - Sunny Day - HP Fire/Ice - Explosion The original Shiftry from old 200. Pretty cool, good stats in both attacks. I think Ulti's HP Ice Shiftry was the first time I saw someone putting HP Ice on a grass type to counter Salamence, but I'm probably going to get twenty people complaining about how they did it first. Complaint #1 - Synre :* --- SHIFTRY @ Lum Berry/Salac Berry Early Bird - Shadow Ball - Brick Break/Nature Power - Swords Dance - Explosion Pure physical Shiftry. Pretty cool. Watch out though, lack of STAB bites. Also, you can basically mix and match any of the moves from the last two sets to get a decent mixed Shiftry. More people need to use Shiftry :( --- SHIFTRY @ Leftovers Early Bird - Shadow Ball/Faint Attack - Brick Break/HP Grass/Nature Power - Substitute - Leech Seed McShiftry anyone? --- SHIFTRY @ Choice Band Early Bird - Shadow Ball - Brick Break - Return/Double-Edge/HP Ground/Nature Power - Explosion CB Shiftry no weak. Again, no STAB, which is why DE is considered for the damage. --- SHIFTRY @ Focus Band Chlorophyll - Solarbeam - Fake Out - Explosion - Protect A Shiftry that I've stolen from JAA 2v2 and decided that it would probably work just fine in 1v1. It's meant to be used with ubers, specifically Groudon, but heck, try it out and have some fun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NINJASK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The most overrated poke EVER. Ninjask is really pathetic, all it does is force switches to phazers, which I suppose could be a good way to trap Skarms without their getting down any spikes. And Ninjask has base 90 attack, which a lot of people tend to overlook and two decent STABed types to use it with. A 4x resist to Fighting, too (takes 40ish% from a STABed FP). But besides that, the defenses suck (Bug/Flying what?), the tactics suck, and it's overall pretty useless. Every team has a phazer of some sort, and Ninjask becomes crap. But while I'm here, Speed Boost is cool, and high speed is also nice. You can sometimes outrun some things that would beat base 130ers (DD Sala/Gyara) but don't expect Ninjask. And CB HP Rock to KO. NINJASK @ Liechi Berry/Leftovers Speed Boost - Silver Wind/HP Flying/Rock - Substitute/Protect - Swords Dance - Baton Pass EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 72/252/0/184/0/0 - Don't risk anything. This little guy has 402 speed, to be on the very very safe side. ****FRLG Standard**** Standard, but that doesn't make it good. --- NINJASK @ Choice Band Speed Boost - Silver Wind - HP Rock - Shadow Ball - Hyper Beam/Aerial Ace This cool thing is probably the only reason I would ever use Ninjask. Thank you Donut. As for a description, I'll do my best to quote him: "A strong fast assassin that people don't expect". It has about a 50/50 chance to OHKO Aerodactyl with HP Rock, which is very cool, as well as sometimes finishing off 1 DD Sala/Gyara. Also the other time when I use Hyper Beam - when your strongest attack is a 60 power STABed move, the 1.67x increase in attack from Hyper Beam is actually worthwhile. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHEDINJA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bugs as a whole are overrated, and here's another example. As cool as Wonder Guard is (and it is very cool), Bug/Ghost isn't the best type to take advantage of it. Neither is 1 HP. It is sorta fun as a novelty poke though, it makes for a decent phazer of sorts, and if you can catch your opponent's last poke or two without a valid move you're in the money. And while I'm here, I'll make a list of things that kill Shedinja (let me know if I miss any, I'm sure I did). Flying Rock Ghost Fire Dark Spikes Sandstorm Hail Leech Seed Poison (inc. Toxic) Burn Confusion damage Curse (ghost-type) Double-Edge recoil Future Sight Doom Desire Struggle (both being hit by Struggle, and Struggle recoil) Rough Skin (thank you Toaranga) Leech Life on a poke with Liquid Ooze SHEDINJA @ Lum Berry Wonder Guard - Shadow Ball - Silver Wind/HP Fighting - Agility - Swords Dance EVs: Lonely (+Att -Def) 0/252/0/252/4/0 - 179 speed, which should put you above Skarm. Only really useful if you somehow get Mean Looked with something that you know can't hurt you, or get lucky, or something. Silver Wind gets dual STAB, but HP Fite has no weak. Otherwise you have problems with Normal/Flying, for one example. --- SHEDINJA @ Lum Berry Wonder Guard - Shadow Ball - Silver Wind/HP Fighting - Toxic - Protect Protect, and probably run like hell the next turn when you see what your opponent is going to do to KO you. And while I'm here, Ulti used one of these once to lure status out for a CB Facade Guts Swellow. And like the Swedish slut himself, it was undeniably cool. --- SHEDINJA @ Leftovers Wonder Guard - Double-Edge - Sandstorm - Substitute - Baton Pass NO WEAK. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SWELLOW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It gets Guts, and is faster than Alakazam. Other than that though, Swellow doesn't really have much on Dodrio. It doesn't even get a good flying move, counting on AA, so Swellow is basically forced to Return/Facade things and hope for status. It's quite good at that though, CB + status + Guts + Facade is 472 power after STAB. SWELLOW @ Choice Band Guts - Facade/Quick Attack - Aerial Ace - HP Fighting/Ground - Return EVs: Jolly (+Spd -SA) 4/252/0/252/0/0 - Outruns everything but Jolt/Aero/Crobat. Depends a lot on Facade. Base 85 Att isn't as high as it should be. In order to play this thing, you'll need to be pretty good at predicting WoW or Toxic. --- SWELLOW @ Salac Berry Guts - Return - Substitute - Endeavor - Toxic/Aerial Ace/Quick Attack I dunno, I'm sorta making up an Endeavor set. Donut used Toxic on his baby team, as Toxistalling and Endeavoring at the same time kinda combines two decent tactics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BRELOOM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sleep - 100% Accuracy. And on a poke that can actually outrun a Snorlax. How abusive, right? Well, not really. Even with the ever-so-fun technique known as Sporepunching, Breloom suffers mightily at the hands of Sleep Clause, as well as Sala/Gyara being on a lot of competitive teams. Or the fact that Sporepunching is such an obvious technique that switching in something resistant is fairly easy. Or besides Spore/Focus Punch, the other two moveslots are up in the air. Or the nasty Flying/Fire/Ice weakness. Still, Sleep is always nice. Especially a fast reliable sleep. And Effect Spore is funny. BRELOOM @ Leftovers/Lum Berry Effect Spore - Spore - Focus Punch - Brick Break/Mach Punch/Substitute/Leech Seed/Swords Dance/Giga Drain/HP Ghost/Rock - Brick Break/Mach Punch/Substitute/Leech Seed/Swords Dance/Giga Drain/HP Ghost/Rock EVs: Jolly (+Spd -SA) 4/252/0/252/0/0 ****FRLG Standard**** Ha it took two lines Breloom, like Forry, needs about ten moveslots. I think most people use Sub/Seed or HP Ghost/Mach Punch, but hey who asked me. As for Giga Drain, you'll thank me when you run into a Swampert or something and OHKO it :( --- BRELOOM @ Blackbelt/Liechi Berry/Lum Berry Effect Spore - Sky Uppercut/Brick Break - Mach Punch - Swords Dance - Spore/HP Ghost/Rock I was going for something a little different here. Sorta McGoosish, or at least the same principle, althoug using an inferior move. IMO Sky Uppercut is better here, the damage difference between BB and Return is pretty big. Besides that, it plays a lot like McGoose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPINDA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Don't do drugs. SPINDA @ Choice Band/Leftovers Own Tempo - Focus Punch - Substitute - Teeter Dance - Trick/Encore Guth's Volbeat set, and since I don't have other ideas, this will do. It all revolves around setting up the FP, with confusion and Trickbanding and Sub to help to that effect. Sub/Encore is another underrated combo. --- SPINDA @ Leftovers Own Tempo - Body Slam/Return - Shadow Ball - Hypnosis - Focus Punch Hypnopunching. No weak. Spinda has a godly movepool, figure something out yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PELIPPER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Um, it was used as a Bellyzard counter. That's about the extent of my knowledge of Pelipper. Good Def, crap everything else. Also, I can't spell Pelipper correctly for the life of me, I keep typing Pelliper :( PELIPPER @ Leftovers Keen Eye - Surf - Ice Beam - Toxic - HP Flying/Protect Keen Eye. Oh nos Flash no longer works. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SURSKIT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MEE asked me to mention Surskit because it was another of those pokes that was unique from its evolved form with Water/Bug typing. Surskit is unique from its evolved form because it has Water/Bug typing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MASQUERAIN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scary ass looking bug. Also, one of these days they're going to make a Bug/Flying type that DOESN'T suck. Oh wait who am I kidding GRINGOS XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDddddddddddddddddd MASQUERAIN @ Leftovers Intimidate - Silver Wind - Hydro Pump - Quick Attack/Ice Beam/HP Flying - Toxic The other other OTHER winner of "crappy poke that got Intimidate" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WAILORD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You'd think that a poke which was required to get the Regis would be good for something. And by good for something, I mean HM Slave. Surf, Dive, and Waterfall, all in one. And since you NEED one for the Regis, why not stick them onto this? WAILORD @ Leftovers/Chesto Berry Water Veil - Surf/Water Spout - Ice Beam - Rest - Roar/Earthquake/Sleep Talk/Fissure The Chesto is mostly for Water Spout, so you can try and get in a full-power Spout before taking much more damage. --- WAILORD @ Leftovers Water Veil - Double-Edge - Earthquake - Curse - Rest Quite a bit of potential, if it got around the STAB problem. No burns is handy, in a sense, and DE with the high HP isn't such a problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DELCATTY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MEE's favorite poke, oddly enough :O Either this or Shelgon, or so he says. DELCATTY @ Choice Band Cute Charm - Return - Shadow Ball - Body Slam - HP Fighting I'm sorry, the image of a cat using BODY SLAM is too appealing for me to pass up. --- DELCATTY @ Leftovers Cute Charm - Return - Shadow Ball - Heal Bell - Thunder Wave/Wish Heal Beller --- DELCATTY @ Leftovers Cute Charm - Ice Beam - Thunderbolt - Calm Mind - Substitute/Wish No weak. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KECLEON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I tried using this once, then Color Change raped me. And anything involving Skill Swap is a waste of a turn :( KECLEON @ Leftovers Color Change - Focus Punch - Shadow Ball - Ancientpower/HP Rock/Thunder Wave - Substitute Fun stuff, if you get it to work. 120 base SD is donuty, but as I said Color Change has a nasty habit of biting you in the ass and breaking subs. Nice and slow though to get in the Sub. --- KECLEON @ Leftovers Color Change - Skill Swap - Shadow Ball - Return/Body Slam - Counter/Thunder Wave I really dislike Skill Swap, since IMO it's a wasted turn of sorts, but you can try it out if you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLAYDOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A great spinner, as Levitate makes it immune to the very spikes it's trying to get rid of. Nice NICE defenses, cool Levitate/Ground type combo (makes it immune to Ground and resists rock) makes it the ultimate TTar counter. It has some problems doing damage, and Psychic type kinda bites (watch for Heracross in particular). Cool stuff though. CLAYDOL @ Leftovers Levitate - Earthquake - Ice Beam/Psychic/Explosion - Rapid Spin - Rest EVs: Sassy (+SD -Spd) 252/216/16/0/20/0 - A lot of Att, I know, but this should 2HKO Liechigross and come damn close against TTar. ****FRLG Standard**** EQ/IB is another of those nice type combos that doesn't have many weaks, besides like Masquerain or something. As I said, Rapid Spin + Levitate is very cool, and Rest is just there becaues it's a TANK. Although Claydol does have a fairly sizable number of special weaknesses thanks to its ground type. IB is nowhere near a OHKO on Salamence, while CBmence has about a 2HKO with HP Flying, so keep that in mind if you use Claydol as a Sala counter. --- CLAYDOL @ Leftovers Levitate - Earthquake/Psychic - Light Screen/Reflect/Rapid Spin/Toxic - Light Screen/Reflect/Rapid Spin/Toxic - Rest/Rapid Spin PPassing utility Claydol (wow, I can't remember the last time I described a poke as utility :( edit - donphan) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOSEPASS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skarm and Maggie users, beware. Nosepass is the new kid on the block. NOSEPASS @ Choice Band/Leftovers Magnet Pull - Earthquake - Thunder - Toxic - Explosion It needs HP and SD EVs in order to survive a Magneton Thunderbolt, which prevents you from putting EVs into Att, which is why the Choice Band is there. Thunder is a 2/3HKO on Skarm, Toxic is for Wobs or something, and CB Explosion because BLOWING UP ROCKS IS COOL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TORKOAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A defensive fire type. GREAT IDEA NINTENDO. TORKOAL @ Leftovers White Smoke - Flamethrower/Body Slam/Toxic - Iron Defense/Curse - Amnesia - Rest Stalling Torkoal. Body Slam/Curse go together, obviously enough. --- TORKOAL @ Leftovers White Smoke - Flamethrower - Body Slam/Protect/Overheat - Yawn - Toxic Toxishuffling...? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SABLEYE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OMG NO WEAK LET'S GIVE IT WONDER GUARD. With that said, Sableye is actually pretty cool. The no weak thing comes in handy with today's defensive teams, since defensive pokes generally don't have many EVs in attack/SA and thus don't do much without type advantage. And with Sableye, you have no type advantage ^^ It also makes a good Blissey counter in today's metagame. SABLEYE @ Leftovers Keen Eye - Seismic Toss - Toxic - Knock Off - Recover As I said, no SE attacks means it takes 40ish% from a lot of common attacks, which is Recoverable. Long enough to get in a Knock Off and switch out, at least. And like I said, it makes for a good Blissey counter - non-STABed IB does 20-30%. My Sableye once took out a stalling Blissey team all by itself, I was proud :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHISCASH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Not too bad, if you ask me. It's sorta like a Lapras, except with a sucky trait but much better typing. 110/73/71 defenses is nothing to sneer at. And it gets the same double STAB as Swampert, which is cool. The only real drawbacks of Whiscash that make it worse than Swampert is the crap movepool, which is limited to basically Earthquake/Surf/Spark. WHISCASH @ Leftovers Oblivious - Earthquake - Surf - Ice Beam/Rock Slide/HP Rock - Rest/Fissure Mini-Swampert. Almost equivalent defenses, but worse in the attacks. Which is why you put in FISSURE ^^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LUVDISC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LUVDISC is the coolest pokemon on the face of the planet. With it's sleek aerodynamic form, LUVDISC cuts through the water like a scythe, intimidating its opponents with its speed. LUVDISC also uses deadly moves like HYDRO PUMP to take advantage of its opponent's weaknesses. Its deadly power is paralleled by no other, and LUVDISC is clearly a force to be reckoned with. In the realm of uber pokes, LUVDISC is only rivaled by CRITIKARP and GODDISH, but LUVDISC is the clear winner in terms of overly-DOMINATING pokes. LUVDISC @ Scope Lens Swift Swim "Uberdisc" - Surf - Ice Beam - Rain Dance - Sweet Kiss When your LUVDISC loves you as much as Ash loves his pokemon, and when you believe in the HEART OF THE CARDS, you will become a true pokemon MASTER like POKEMON TRAINER IAN GARVEY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CRAWDAUNT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Better than Kingler, at least. It keeps the high attack (still no STABed attacks though), adds to it a cool SA, and has better all-around stats than its crab counterpart. That doesn't mean it's good though. Second type as Dark only adds more weaknesses, and when I say "better all-around stats", that only goes to show how much Kingler sucks, not how cool Crawdaunt is. But it did keep Hyper Cutter though, which is nice. CRAWDAUNT @ Salac Berry/Leftovers/Lum Berry Hyper Cutter - Return/Body Slam - Brick Break/HP Ghost - Swords Dance - Surf/Ice Beam Same base speed as Ursaring and Machamp, and it does get a STABed Surf off a decent stat, unlike the two of them. But lack of STAB on the SD-boosted attacks hurts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MILOTIC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coolest poke ever. It takes 35% from non-STABed Thunderbolts, complemented with Recover. It gets a cool trait in Marvel Scale (although overrated - the 12% you take in burn damage/turn kinda ignores the less damage you might take from physical attacks, and paralysis just hates me). 100 SA couldn't hurt. Did I mention that even a CH Leaf Blade doesn't kill it? Or that it could be the most annoying tank ever? MILOTIC @ Leftovers Marvel Scale - Surf - Ice Beam/Refresh - Toxic/Hypnosis - Recover EVs: Calm (+SD -Att) 212/0/138/16/144/0 - Should OHKO all Aero/Sala. You can also go Bold if so desired. ****FRLG Standard**** Toxic so you can do damage. Surf for STAB. And Recover to make it a pain to kill. Refresh makes it a true tank, with the ability to ditch Toxic, but Ice Beam makes it a Salamence counter (the best, after Regice), and deals with the problems that arise when Surf is your only attack (ask CMCune). I personally like Ice Beam, Refresh is much more individualistic. --- MILOTIC @ Leftovers Marvel Scale - Surf - Recover - Confuse Ray/Hypnosis - Mirror Coat/Safeguard/Light Screen Another list of moves. To tell the truth, only Surf and Recover are really standard, you can choose at will for the last two. I just listed the most common moves, and the ones most generally accepted as standard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHARPEDO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The other winner of weakest poke ever. Sharpedo can't take a hit from anything. Not to mention it's trait counts on taking hits, which is something it doesn't do very well. No matter, Sharpedo is the epitome of the mixed sweeper - 120 in Att and 95 in SA, 95 Speed. It runs in, tries to OHKO its opponent, then runs off. Good luck. SHARPEDO @ Lum Berry/Scope Lens Rough Skin - Surf/Hydro Pump - Ice Beam - Crunch - Earthquake Mixed Sharpedo of sorts. The main problem is that it doesn't have the best type coverage in the world. And Hydro Pump because Sharpedo is meant to jump in and out and do as much damage as possible, and you'll need the extra 25 points. --- SHARPEDO @ Choice Band Rough Skin - Return/Double-Edge - Earthquake - HP Ghost/Rock - Surf/Hydro Pump ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRAPINCH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It gets Arena Trap. And Quick Attack. And base 100 attack. Together, this might all be good, except for the fact that Trapinch is second to last in terms of speed (hi5 Shuckle). Which also means it's going to be depending on Quick Attack a lot to do damage. But, Trapinch does have its uses. With specific EVs (as created by Yusuke and MrDodrio, IIRC), it survives Alakazam Psychic and can OHKO back with Earthquake. Or it can switch in the turn Regice uses Rest, use 2 EQs, and then QA for a KO. And like all Arena Trappers, it makes for a nice Slaking/ Wob counter. Not to mention the best End/Subrevver counter as well, since Arena Trap prevents them from switching out and saving the 200 power move for another occasion. TRAPINCH @ Soft Sand/Quick Claw Arena Trap - Earthquake - Quick Attack - Toxic - Protect I believe it needed Soft Sand to 3HKO Regice with EQ and QA, but I can't exactly recall. Quick Claw is funny. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLYGON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You'd think that one of these days, Nintendo would make a Dragon that wasn't 4x weak to Ice. And excluding ubers and Kingdra and Bagon and Dratini and Dragonair, they still haven't done so. Poor Flygon. On the other hand, Ground/Dragon with Levitate is a fun typing. Like Claydol, it resists both Rock and Ground, making it a good TTar/Rhydon counter. Like Rhydon, give it Sub and Weezing won't really be able to touch you. Or take advantage of the base 100 attack and speed and beat things in with STABed EQs. Unfortunately, Ground/Dragon is neutral to almost anything, and Flygon tends to get 2HKOd by a lot of common attacks, somewhat limiting its usefulness. FLYGON @ Choice Band Levitate - Earthquake - Rock Slide - HP Flying - Quick Attack EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 4/252/0/252/0/0 - 299 speed, so above Heracross and Pinsir. I don't think it's worth Jolly, since you're competing with things like Slaking and Zapdos that usually beat Flygon anyway. ****FRLG Standard**** Fun stuff, fairly simple. Getting Rock Slide from FRLG was nice. If you can't get a move in here, substituting Return always works (which was done a lot in 200). --- FLYGON @ Leftovers Levitate - Sunny Day - Fire Blast - Solarbeam - Dragon Claw Runs off Flygon's lower SA stat, which isn't too wonderful. On the other hand, at least it isn't weak to Sunny Day like half the other Sunnybeamers. A crappy boring set, but it might work if you're lucky. --- FLYGON @ Leftovers Levitate - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Substitute - Fire Blast A Flygon I've been trying out more recently. Makes for a good switchin against Forry (well, all Flyers/Levitators do), and lets you get in a free Sub. Fire Blast for the same Forry. As I said before, if you get in a Sub before Weezing can WoW, you can KO it with Fire Blast before it does anything with Sludge Bomb. However, this set has the same problem as all non-CB Flygons - it really doesn't do much damage. Namely why CB Flygon is considered standard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HARIYAMA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After using a Hariyama on one of my teams, it sorta spiked a recent comeback in this pokes' usefulness. And goddamn is it good. Pure Fighting type with 120 attack makes for a good Blisslax counter in today's metagame. It doesn't even need many attack EVs to land a big blow. Not to mention that 144 base HP is abusive, especially when the defenses aren't as bad as, say, Wigglytuff. It also learns one of the coolest moves in the game, Knock Off, and combined with Thick Fat, you can make a good stalling Hariyama. I use it on my tourney team now, incredibly cool, and a good counter to the stally metagame. HARIYAMA @ Leftovers Thick Fat - Cross Chop - HP Rock/Ghost/Toxic - Knock Off - Whirlwind/Counter/Rest EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 12/20/176/48/0/252 - Faster than Blissey. I'm not going to lie, somewhat arbitrary EVs. The flurry of defensive Hariyamas. When I first used it, I had CC/HP/KO/ Counter, while AK ran a parallel set but with WW instead of Counter. Which led to a decent amount of fun. When someone battled me first, I switched in my Hariyama to meet a Salamence. Salamence, not knowing what was going on, used HP Flying, which was promptly countered back for a OHKO. Later, that same person battled AK, and he switched in his Hariyama to face the same Salamence. The opponent predicted Counter and chose to DD up instead, and got Whirlwinded away. Fun stuff. Now, I have Rest in the last slot, to complement my Restbelling team. Sorta a stalling team that counters other stallers. I also used Toxic over HP Rock. After Knocking Off one poke, most opponents generally switch in that same poke when Hariyama comes back out, to avoid getting Knocked Off again. Instead, they find Toxic waiting for them. Eventually though, I ended up ditching the idea after running into 3 Weezings in a row and stuck with the more consistent HP Rock. --- HARIYAMA @ Salac Berry Guts - Endure - Reversal - Rock Slide/HP Ghost - Belly Drum Belly Drum Reversal...finally the damage cap might be good for something. It needs a fairly substantial amount of Speed though (at least 3 stages, so two stages passed and another by Salac). Which also led to someone using Agility Ninjask (lol), but that's another story. --- HARIYAMA @ Leftovers Thick Fat - Substitute - Focus Punch - Rock Slide - HP Ghost/Knock Off/Whirlwind/Reversal Hariyama is naturally pretty slow, has more than enough HP (400+) to ensure the 100+ HP Sub, and also this nice attack stat and STAB to make it a good Subpuncher. Can't believe I forgot this set. Ultimate Blissey counter, btw. If you feel risky, try Subpunchrevving. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MANECTRIC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As far as I'm concerned, a crap Jolteon :( About the same movepool, except Mancetric gets Crunch. And it can't BP. Not to mention it's slower, has signficantly lower SD, doesn't get Volt Absorb, and it looks like it just got its bundo pwnt. Zapdos, Raikou, Jolteon, and Magneton are about the only really good Electric types. MANECTRIC @ Leftovers Static - Thunderbolt - HP Ice/Grass - Toxic/Thunder Wave/Crunch - Substitute One of the status moves, preferably. Non-STABed Crunch is pathetic, Dark is a pretty crappy attacking type. It couldn't even get CM like Raikou, which would at least make it semi-decent. Except not really. But someone might use it outside of the UU environment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAMERUPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I would like to quote Nerd-Man's description of Camerupt, as can be found in his Camerupt guide on IGN (link proceeding quote). "The first thing that catches my attention about this pokemon is that it can explode. This seriously tickles me to death. All other pokemon that can explode are round like a bomb, and Metagross is machine-like, so it somewhat makes sense. But Camerupt is no bomb; he is a freaking camel for crying out loud! I can just imagine this thing’s glazed over expression right before it ends itself in a fiery explosion. Okay, maybe I think about it too much..." >> http://boards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=61177537&start=61213493 Wubu Courtney :* Well, what can I say about Camerupt? It's another one of those cool pokes with huge Att and SA, but tends to be either really slow (Crawdaunt, Octillery) or really weak (Sharpedo). In this case, Camerupt comes out on the slow side. Still, cool SA lets it Overheat things, as well as getting a STABed Earthquake to mess around with and even a natural Rock Slide. Very very very hot in-game, and with FRLG it got EXPLOSION :D Somehow I imagine that the explosion power comes from its humps...Watch out for the 4x water though, but while you're here Camerupt is another one of those cool ground types that is neutral to Ice/Grass (the two most common HP types). Finally, it clocks in as the ultimate Weezing counter, if you really need one of those. CAMERUPT @ Leftovers Magma Armor - Earthquake - Rock Slide/Substitute - Fire Blast/Overheat - Explosion EXPLODING CAMEL DAI --- CAMERUPT @ Choice Band Magma Armor - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Explosion - Fissure Now with 1.5x the exploding power! --- CAMERUPT @ Leftovers Magma Armor - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Overheat - Roar Synre's old 200 Camerupt. Takes on Skarms and some other stuff, it can survive an EQ sometimes, and it's a CAMEL !hump ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WALREIN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Not as good as Lapras, if only because it doesn't get Thunderbolt. But then again it does get Earthquake, which is certainly a viable option. Think of Walrein as *slightly* less tanky and *slightly* more attack-oriented, with Walrein's higher speed, higher SA, and lower HP. But as I said, it basically comes down to TB vs EQ. Oh, and Thick Fat is nowhere as cool as Water Absorb, although to be quite honest neither trait is really useful on a Water/Ice. WALREIN @ Leftovers Thick Fat - Ice Beam - Earthquake - Surf/Body Slam/Toxic/Sheer Cold - Rest/Substitute I used IB/EQ/Sheer Cold/Rest in a UU tournament. EQ was probably the most useful move, it helped it match up against things like SD Tentacruel or Subpiggy, even without too many Att EVs. I also like Sheer Cold in the last slot, but Toxic works very well too. And Sub/Rest in the last slot is sorta your choice - I'm against Sub in principle, since a LOT of things do 25% to Walrein, but knock yourself out. --- WALREIN @ Leftovers Thick Fat - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Curse - Rest I have to put it in right? --- WALREIN @ Leftovers Thick Fat - Ice Beam - Yawn - Earthquake - Surf/Body Slam And another moveset to point out that it learns Yawn, which is always handy. Body Slam is parashuffling of sorts. Crappy sorts. But if you par them on the Yawn turn, it kinda sucks :( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CACTURNE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Look at that. 115 in both attacking stats, 75/60/60 in the Defenses, and low speed. Seem familiar? And people wonder why RS 200 is considered the most offensive (as in more attacking less defending) generation. CACTURNE @ Leftovers Sand Veil - Focus Punch - Substitute - Teeter Dance - Leech Seed @ Donut (omg I <3 Donut right?). Subpunching, combined with the same Sub/Seed principle that is used in McSceptile, combined with Teeter Dance so you can get the Subs up safely, combined with Sand Veil for some added protection in a sandstorm team. Fun to use. --- CACTURNE @ Leftovers Sand Veil - Needle Arm - Spikes - Leech Seed - Substitute/Faint Attack/Seismic Toss I'm sorely tempted to use Seismic Toss - despite that cool attack stat, it has nothing to use it on. It couldn't even get Brick Break or Shadow Ball or even Sludge Bomb. In any case, Cacturne also learns Spikes, but it doesn't work out to well on a poke with such crap defenses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GLALIE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The definition of mediocrity, although the solid base 80 stats is somewhat better than the average. But then again, you don't win with pokes that are "somewhat better than average". Especially when you have a crap movepool that relegates Glalie to "now the balanced stats makes it impossible to choose a personality". GLALIE @ Leftovers Inner Focus - Ice Beam - Spikes - Explosion - Toxic/Substitute/Crunch/Earthquake Spike and Explode. Kinda like Cloyster, except it can't really take a hit along the way. And Inner Focus wtf...now that Rock Slide won't flinch, it just KOs - stupid wasted traits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LUNATONE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Floating Rock. Up there IMO as one of the coolest type combinations ever, as it resists Normal, Ground, and Flying (hi Dodrio). However, the cool typing/ trait comes at a price - Lunatone's stats are below average. The defense isn't good enough to really take advantage of the typing - without Def EVs CB Tauros still 2HKOs with Return. On the other hand, Lunatone does get Calm Mind, and some other cool moves in Psychic and Ice Beam. Hm wonder how that'll work out. LUNATONE @ Leftovers Levitate - Psychic - Ice Beam - Calm Mind - Hypnosis/Substitute/Toxic Meh. Kinda boring, and the Rock typing hurts it quite a bit, as now it dies very quickly to the average Starmie. It doesn't even get a SE attack, or a neutral attack for that matter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SOLROCK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Much better than its floating counterpart. Solrock's stats actually take advantage of the type/trait, with higher Def than Lunatone. As such, I used a Solrock as a defensive wall of sorts in UU, it was fun, although it required a significant amount of EVs. Still better than Lunatone IMO - even if it doesn't get CM, it can use a Choice Band to get a comparable boost in Atk. SOLROCK @ Choice Band Levitate - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Explosion - Shadow Ball/Overheat CB Solrock. STABed Rock Slide hurts. It makes a decent enough switch against CB Dodrio or something of the sort, although you need to ignore the Speed and put signficant EVs into Def to really use it as a counter. --- SOLROCK @ Leftovers Levitate - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Reflect - Explosion I had some fun with that. PPassing is still overrated IMO (it goes away so quickly :(), but sometimes it can jump up and cover your ass. Like when Cody comes in, Solrock just flies in to the rescue ("GET YOUR BUTTPLUGS"). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GRUMPIG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grumpig. A poke I will forever attribute to Keffin the Ironwang, Subpiggy was one of the cooler things I saw through most of 200. Grumpig is a cool special tank - although the SD/SA are lower than that of Gardevoir, Grumpig's higher HP covers for it in the end. And it learns Sub naturally. Too bad the move difference was rectified in FRLG, otherwise Grumpig would have something to make it stand out. Unfortunately, the only real differences between Gardy and Grumpig are Grumpig's marginally better defenses (it survives a bit more on the physical side), trait, and movepool. And unfortunately for Grumpig, Trace and Thunderbolt outclass Thick Fat and HP Fire. And now that the rest of the psychics learn Sub as well, Grumpig has found itself short of a job. GRUMPIG @ Leftovers Thick Fat "Subpiggy" - Psychic/Extrasensory - HP Fire - Calm Mind - Substitute EVs: Calm (+SD -Att) 204/0/0/176/60/68 - Grumpig desparately wants to outrun Modest Magneton, putting it at 240 Speed. Thick Fat is, sadly enough, fairly opportunistic - although Grumpig makes for a nice switchin against Fire/Ice types, they aren't very common as a whole :( However, the natural Sub combined with Ice resistance made Grumpig one of the few 200 special attackers that face down Regice, and it did so fairly succesfully. HP Fire is for Steels (Metagross and Skarmory in particular), but it can be substituted for HP Dark/Ice/Grass if you see fit, although I don't recommend it. This thing owned in the recent Ice UU tourney, which was very cool. I should also mention that Extrasensory is considered for PP reasons. If you forsee a long stally match with your Subpig, Extrasensory's 48 PP is much nicer than the 16 PP clip of Psychic. Still, this is only really useful if you anticipate long stalling, and I find that 16 hits of the stronger Psychic is often enough to wipe out a team (or get yourself killed, whichever comes first). Also mentioned because with FRLG tutors this set is now legal. Thanks to Flaming Knuckles for his sizable e-mail touting the wonders of Extrasensory. --- GRUMPIG @ Choice Band Thick Fat - Psychic - HP Fire - Calm Mind/Confuse Ray - Trick I never really understood the point of Trickbanding, often times it doesn't do much (oh boy, I took Heracross' Salac Berry and gave it a Choice Band instead) or is just a waste of a moveslot. In this case, it takes away the Sub that Subpiggy needs to get set up (hence the name). You can always default to Confuse Ray, but IMO Grumpig has better things to do. --- GRUMPIG @ Leftovers Thick Fat - Psychic/Extrasensory - Fire Punch/Ice Punch/Thunderpunch - Substitute - Calm Mind ****Emerald Only**** Another placeholder moveset. Notice that Grumpig gets all 3 punches, which moves it up in the Psychic type pecking order. I'd put it at near Zam now, and edging closer to Gardevoir. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLUSLE/MINUN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So, they power up with each other. That means you need 2 TIMES the crap just to get the same results as a Raikou, or even a Pikachu. That's all Plusle and Minun are - cheap imitations of Pikachu. That said, they are fun if you have a buddy who doesn't mind losing and who enjoys 2v2. TWICE AS EASILY OWNED BY DUGTRIO, WOOHOO. PLUSLE/MINUN @ Leftovers Plus/Minus - Thunderbolt - HP Ice/Grass - Substitute - Encore Hi I am crap. --- PLUSLE/MINUN @ Leftovers Plus/Minus - Thunderbolt - Agility - Substitute/Thunder Wave/HP Ice/Grass - Baton Pass What's yellow and red and blue all over? HOT PLUSLE ON MINUN ACTION. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAWILE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey, I completely forgot it learned Intimidate. Mightyena, Masquerain, you might have some competition for that coveted "learns Intimidate and has no other use" prize. Did anyone notice that all the crappy pokes that got Intimidate start with the letter M? Maybe because M stands for MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMcrap. MAWILE @ Leftovers Intimidate - Fire Blast - Solarbeam - Sunny Day - Ice Beam hehehehe --- MAWILE @ Lum Berry/Salac Berry/Liechi Berry Hyper Cutter - Return - Swords Dance - Substitute/Brick Break - Baton Pass --- MAWILE @ Leftovers Intimidate - Seismic Toss - Counter - Toxic - Fire Blast For crap, it learns a lot of moves. --- MAWILE @ Leftovers Intimidate - Substitute - Focus Punch - Ancientpower/HP Rock - Baton Pass And I feel obligated to list crappy sets. This one might do something, you can choose to either Subpunch or pass the Sub instead. Oooh I thought of something interesting, go me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEDICHAM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pure Power. All it needs to jump past all non-ubers for highest unboosted attack in the game. And unlike the other Huge Power abuser, Azumarill, Medicham gets a cool STABed attack and a cool movepool too. Part-Psychic type gives it a fighting resist (woohoo), and it has good enough speed to max out after Salac. And did I mention 482 UNBOOSTED ATTACK BRICK BREAKS? Good I did. I would also like to take this time to add that BPing Medicham sucks, as it has no defense on either side, nor any resistances that would let it survive a hit to either BU or CM. For the same reason, Recover is a waste. And why would anyone use a special Medicham when it has 482 UNBOOSTED ATTACK. MEDICHAM @ Choice Band Pure Power - Brick Break - Shadow Ball - Rock Slide - Focus Punch EVs: Jolly (+Spd -SA) 4/252/0/252/0/0 Awesome stuff. About as good as CBHeracross - although it doesn't get the other STAB move, it can counter both ghosts and flyers with SB/RS. And I'd prefer the counters any day. --- MEDICHAM @ Salac Berry Pure Power - Substitute/Endure - Reversal - Rock Slide/Shadow Ball - Focus Punch/Rock Slide/Shadow Ball/Bulk Up Endure is EMERALD only. Remember, Medicham *didn't* even learn Endure, so people kinda forgot that it learned Reversal through all of 200. But with FRLG and Subrevving, Reversal Medicham (300 power off 480 attack) came back into the picture. You can try Subpunchreversaling, or use one (both) counter moves, or try Bulk Up (although Heracross wins that contest with Swords Dance instead of Bulk Up). Still awesome though. --- MEDICHAM @ Salac Berry Pure Power - Brick Break - HP Rock/Return - Shadow Ball - Bulk Up ****old 386 standard**** This isn't a great set, I just want to prove how bad Medicham was in pre-FRLG play. People used either this or CB. Kinda like Bulk Up Blaziken, but I can attest to how easily Blaziken dies. And this one folds over even quicker. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALTARIA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It passes Dragon Dance on to Salamence. Next. It also gets Natural Cure and a cool movepool, but the lower stats warrant using another dragon over this one. ALTARIA @ Leftovers Natural Cure - HP Flying/Earthquake/Ice Beam - Dragon Claw - Fire Blast - Rest Natural Cure Resting is surprisingly fun, and Altaria's stats are more inclined toward tanking than Salamence (although Dragonite is the epitome of a tankish dragon-type). An attack for every occasion, with any luck. --- ALTARIA @ Leftovers Natural Cure - HP Flying - Earthquake/Dragon Claw - Dragon Dance - Fire Blast A mini-Salamence, and it does a very sucky job at it. I should also add that it learns Perish Song and Sing, which might merit some use. Although PSong kinda sucks without ML, and it still kinda sucks even with a trap. And 55% accuracy blows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WYNAUT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <+O_o> (wynaut?) <%DUrk> sure wynaut :* * MystErikEry has an adamant wynaut XD named Because. WYNAUT <+escaLade> I come back and see wynaut X) <+CanOfTuna> sure <+CanOfTuna> whynot <+CanOfTuna> what's the team <%DUrk> *wynaut ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUSCLOPS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ God I hate this thing. Dusclops does not freaking die, ever, to anything. It survives all manner of CB Slaking Shadow Balls, doesn't get KO'd by several stage boosted attacks, immunity to Normal/Fighting is annoying as hell, and Pressure could possibly be the most annoying trait ever in today's stall-based metagame. Argh. And being a ghost type, it resists Rapid Spin. Not to mention it's a decent Skarmbliss counter, with FP for Bliss and WoW for Skarm. Or you could go with the consistent damage Seismic Toss. Or have some fun with Pain Split or DBond or Imprison. Or don't use it and do me a favor :D DUSCLOPS @ Leftovers Pressure - Shadow Ball - Focus Punch - Will-o-Wisp - Rest/Substitute EVs: Careful (+SD -SA) 252/32/0/0/0/224 - Choose one defense and run it all the way up. Dusclops isn't strong enough to go 252/129/129 and expect to survive. You can also put in some speed EVs if you want to outrun Snorlax. ****FRLG Standard**** With only a few Att EVs (32, and 31 DV), you have a guaranteed OHKO against Alakazam. And those EVs add a tiny bit more power on Focus Punch, which works against non-IBing Blisseys (and the ones with IB can be WoWed instead, as they do insignicant damage with un-STABed IB against you [15-20%]). WoW because it's probably the best status move in the game, and Rest to make it a bitch. The FRLG Standard is mostly the Focus Punch (base 70 attack isn't BAD...), which was used a lot for Blissey. Sub kinda fits in naturally with the speed and the punches, thank you forgotten myth for pointing this out. --- DUSCLOPS @ Leftovers Pressure - Night Shade - Will-o-Wisp/Toxic - Rest/Destiny Bond - Confuse Ray/Toxic/Pain Split/Mean Look/Protect And here we have the tons of other Dusclops that were tried out, mostly in 200 play. Double status to counter immunities, and a lot of choices for the last slot. Pain Split is my choice, but Mean Look can catch quite a few pokes unaware. I was on the wrong end of a Dusclops which MLed my Blissey and eventually took it out after repeated Toxics/Aromatherapies. --- DUSCLOPS @ Leftovers Pressure "CMclops" - Ice Beam - Calm Mind - Will-o-Wisp/Psychic - Rest CM Dusclops. It doesn't do too much damage, but it becomes even bitchier to take out. When combined with Pressure, you basically have an advanced staller which can occassion to do some damage when necessary. CMclops vs Blissey is the epitome of the stalling metagame. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ROSELIA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100 SA must be good for something. Like HP Dragon. ROSELIA @ Leftovers Natural Cure - HP Grass - Spikes/Synthesis/Toxic - Aromatherapy/Growth - Leech Seed It really doesn't have any business using Spikes/AT, as those are defensive moves on a poke that isn't going to survive much at all, but there aren't exactly many other options. Growth is sorta cool, if you get it to work (unlikely). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VIGOROTH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Although technically different from Slaking, that doesn't warrant using it. I'd prefer Kangaskhan or Snorlax any day of the week. And more people need to use Kangaskhan anyway. Heck, they even have similar traits. VIGOROTH @ Leftovers Vital Spirit - Return - Shadow Ball - Bulk Up - Slack Off Worth a try, if you're bored. 50% healing moves are hot, but watch for status. Plays almost exactly like Curse Miltank, except with crappier stats. --- VIGOROTH @ Salac Berry Vital Spirit - Substitute - Flail - Shadow Ball - Bulk Up/Reversal Now that I think about it, being able to use both inverse-HP moves at the same time could potentially do something, although Heracross would still be better. The only difference is that Vigoroth needs Flail for damage and Reversal for typing, whereas Heracross' Reversal gets both the damage and the typing. --- VIGOROTH @ Leftovers Vital Spirit - Focus Punch - Substitute/Yawn - Shadow Ball - Return/Slack Off Same thing, avoid status. --- VIGOROTH @ Leftovers Vital Spirit - Return - Substitute - Bulk Up - Slack Off The more I look at its movepool, the more potential I see. Vigoroth is actually pretty cool. In this case, watch for special attacks/Ghosts/phazers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SLAKING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SLAKING @ Choice Band Truant - Return - Earthquake - Shadow Ball - Focus Punch EVs: Jolly (+Spd -SA) 4/252/0/252/0/0 ****FRLG Standard**** Argue with this and I'll shoot you. Yes over the Internet, I will make sure you die a slow stabbity death. --- SLAKING @ Lum Berry/Leftovers - Return/Slash - Shadow Ball - Bulk Up - Rest If you ever happen upon a hacked Truantless Slaking, here's a good suggestion for a set :* MC has one of these, and I got one for myself in redux (before tenchi cleared the bots :[), and goddamn it's fun to use. Sweeps entire teams. And Slash is a redux move, so avoid it in real battles :/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SWALOT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ An interesting poke. More balanced overall defenses than either Muk or Weezing. It doesn't get Levitate, which already makes it less useful, but instead a fun trait to play around with in Liquid Ooze. This alone wouldn't make Swalot more useful than either Muk or Weezing, but it does get some interesting moves in Ice Beam and Yawn. Then again, without the standout defenses of Muk and Weezing, Swalot just kinda patters out in the middle as dying to both types of attacks instead of just one. Fun to use, but not worth choosing over the other two poisons. SWALOT @ Leftovers Liquid Ooze - Sludge Bomb - Ice Beam - Yawn - Explosion/Pain Split/Counter Defenses are good enough to take a non-STABed EQ, or even a STABed one if you're lucky. Hence Counter. And IMO Swalot's base 100 HP somewhat discourages Pain Split :/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TROPIUS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HM Slave. Best used as such, unless you have a mono-grass team, in which case you still have better choices. Good all-around defenses, but the grass/ flying type relegates that to at-best average defenses with the numerous weaknesses. Boring movepool too. TROPIUS @ Leftovers Chlorophyll - Body Slam/Earthquake - HP Flying - Swords Dance - Substitute Humpius. --- TROPIUS @ Leftovers Chlorophyll - Solarbeam - HP Fire/Ice - Sunny Day - Body Slam --- TROPIUS @ Leftovers Chlorophyll - HP Flying/Grass - Body Slam/Earthquake - Leech Seed - Synthesis Tanky. And I could've sworn Tropius learned Counter, that would've been a nice addition to this set :/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXPLOUD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One of the cooler 200 anti-metagame pokes. With Soundproof, Exploud keep in Ninjask passes vs Skarm, and then proceed to beat it up with Fire Blast. Good all-around stats also helps, Exploud can go physical, special, or both. EXPLOUD @ Lum Berry/Leftovers Soundproof - Return - Earthquake/Brick Break - Shadow Ball - Fire Blast ****200 Standard**** Cody was the first to really use this, IIRC. Beats up Skarms, makes a nice BP target with Soundproof, and is pretty cool. This set is specially for receiving a BP from Ninjask, otherwise you might want to throw Howl in there somewhere. --- EXPLOUD @ Choice Band Soundproof - Return - Earthquake - Shadow Ball - Hyper Beam/Brick Break I just noticed it doesn't learn Focus Punch, despite having arms and fitting in nicely with the rest of the FPers. Too bad. Brick Break is only in there if you need to take out a ppass - Return will do more damage in every situation, unless you come up against an Aggron, in which case EQ does more damage than BB. The only exception to this is pokes that are 4x weak to fighting and not ground, namely Tyranitar, and you can switch to your handy dandy Swampert in that case :) --- EXPLOUD @ Leftovers Soundproof - Fire Blast - Ice Beam - Earthquake - Return Crappy special Exploud. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLAMPERL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I almost forgot, Deepseatooth Clamperl is technically better than Light Ball Pikachu, at least in terms of SA and defense. But when you're already weak, and Clamperl is slow to top it off, the higher SA doesn't mean much if you don't live to use it. Base 32 Speed is bad. CLAMPERL @ Deepseatooth Shell Armor - Surf - Ice Beam - HP Grass - Protect/Substitute --- CLAMPERL @ Deepseatooth Shell Armor - Surf - Barrier - Confuse Ray - Rest I've been told this works. Watch for special attacks. Actually, watch for damaging attacks :/ It requires setup to really be useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HUNTAIL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Interesting poke. Good stats in Att/Def/SA, pretty bad elsewhere. Imagine Kabutops, except with better SA, and without the Rock typing. And without a STABed physical move, Huntail sorta loses. Better analogy - a Sharpedo with good defense and bad speed. So it survives stuff, but can't exactly sweep. HUNTAIL @ Leftovers/Lum Berry Swift Swim - Surf - Ice Beam - Rain Dance - Confuse Ray/Body Slam/HP Grass Unlike Kabutops, however, Huntail doesn't have any moves to take advantage of the high Att. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GOREBYSS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extremely popular for the ability to BP both Amnesia and Iron Defense, but any botter will tell you what a bad tactic that is. The odds of getting to pass more than a single stage boost is very unlikely, phazers still beat the crap out of you, and unlike passing the positive stats of Att or SA or Speed you pass defensive stats. And unless you're making a huge BP chain, passing defense tends to only prolong death as opposed to help defeat things. And like most other water pokes, there are better Swift Swimmers out there, namely Kingdra or Omastar. Still, it's UU, and fun to play around with. Fun if you can get something passed, it also learns Agility to help the speed. GOREBYSS @ Leftovers/Lum Berry/status berry Swift Swim - Surf/Ice Beam/Agility/Iron Defense/Amnesia - Agility/Iron Defense/Amnesia - Agility/Iron Defense/Amnesia - Baton Pass Choose something to pass. Having Agility in there is nice, if you ask me. I like Surf/Agility/Amnesia/BP myself, and you can pass it off to Metagross or something that'd be nice. Agility on the switch, Amensia and hope to survive, and you might have enough stats to make use of Gorebyss. Also, the @ status berry depends on what you're passing to - for example, if you're passing to Metagross, you might go @ Liechi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABSOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It could be so much better, if it wasn't Dark type. 130 Attack is great, except for the ever-so-slight drawback of non-STABed attacks and a crap movepool that is limited to Return/HP/Shadow Ball. Average defenses doesn't help either. Still, it can BP away its boosts, and it learns both SD and CM, which makes for an interesting combination, although best not combined. ABSOL @ Lum Berry/Salac Berry/Liechi Berry Pressure - Shadow Ball - Return/HP Fighting - Swords Dance - Baton Pass/HP Fighting/Aerial Ace I prefer BP. If you can somehow remove your opponent's phazer, you have some options in either attacking or BPing, and a Swords Dance gets around the lack of STAB fairly nicely. --- ABSOL @ Leftovers/Lum Berry Pressure - Ice Beam/Fire Blast - Thunderbolt - Calm Mind - Substitute/Fire Blast/Baton Pass The special Absol. It gets an interesting movepool, and 75 SA isn't TOO bad. Like most special BPers, it tends to give the normal phazers a problem, especially with Thunderbolt/Fire Blast, which will work through Skarm/Cune/ Steelix. Not to mention it's somewhat unexpected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BANETTE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The attacking ghost-type. Oxymoron? As it turns out, not really. Banette is actually incredibly cool, getting nice move choices in WoW and Knock Off, as well as that base 115 attack. It isn't that slow, either, and in today's metagame it does a nice number against Blissey. I really can't say enough about Banette, it really owns, Insomnia is handy if you remember it has it, and cool damage. BANETTE @ Leftovers Insomnia - Shadow Ball - HP Fighting - Knock Off/Substitute - Will-o-Wisp/Substitute Ghost/Fighting, as I'm sure I've mentioned, is one of those type combos that gets at least neutral against everything. With Banette's great attack, HP Fighting ALMOST OHKOs TTar, which is cool. Knock Off and WoW is a combo of two of the best moves in the game - pity Banette isn't stronger defensively, or it would be awesome. --- BANETTE @ Choice Band Insomnia - Shadow Ball - HP Fighting - filler1 - filler2 Wee. --- BANETTE @ Leftovers Insomnia - Shadow Ball - Knock Off/HP Fighting/Return - Toxic/Will-o-Wisp - Skill Swap I'm sorta making up a Skill Swap set, since that's the main point. Skill Swap Insomnia onto a poke that depends on Rest, and force it to switch/die. Not quite as useful as Hypno (which already wasn't too great), but it makes for a nice anti-standard moveset. Still, IMO, if you want a Rest-killer try Taunt Umbreon/Imprison Dusclops. --- BANETTE @ Leftovers/Lum Berry Insomnia - Shadow Ball - HP Fighting - Return/Substitute - Snatch MrE used this in old 200, although obviously not with Substitute. He managed to snatch a DD or two when facing an unsuspecting Gyarados, which made for a funny turn. DD Banette has no weak. Sorta like Metronome Blissey :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEVIPER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Find someone with a Ruby cartridge and swipe a Zangoose instead. Seviper lives to be outclassed by it's rival. 100 SA - to waste on moves like Giga Drain or Flamethrower (IT DOESN'T LEARN FIRE BLAST :(). Same defenses as Zangoose, and anyone who's played with the goose knows that it gets 2HKOd by anything. Except with Ground/Psychic weakness, you have even more to fear. Shed Skin is fun to play with, but not reliable enough to consider on a competitive team. SEVIPER @ Choice Band Shed Skin - Sludge Bomb - Earthquake - HP Rock/Ice - Poison Fang/Flamethrower/Crunch Meh. It gets Earthquake. And better Attack than Arbok. Strong stats in both attacks might makes this a specialized dragon killer, or something similar. --- SEVIPER @ Leftovers Shed Skin - Sludge Bomb - Flamethrower - Glare - Earthquake/Toxic/Haze/Snatch Glare abuse. It couldn't even get Arbok's Intimidate to let it survive a tad bit longer :( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ZANGOOSE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The epitome of the 200 metagame. Zangoose made a name for itself when McGraw first came up with McGoose, which symbolized the transition between GSC and RS. No RestBell, no Curse, just stat up and attack. Even with McGoose's eventual demise, Zangoose remained a constant threat through most of 200 play with some modified sets. Base 115 attack, STABed Return, and Swords Dance only makes it better. Why do you think everyone whored Skarm? :( Immunity only makes a cool poke even sexier. ZANGOOSE @ Silk Scarf Immunity "McZangoose" - Return - Quick Attack - Swords Dance - Protect ****old 200 standard**** The original McGoose. Protect was WAAAAAY back in the early 200 metagame, when Slaking was as common as Blissey is today. Swords Dance/QA is the main reason McGoose was unique, and with only normal moves the Silk Scarf (one of two times when type-boosting items are even remotely considered) was really put to its best use. Especially after the discovery that SD + Silk Scarf made QA a OHKO against Alakazam. The original McGoose. --- ZANGOOSE @ Lum Berry/Liechi Berry Immunity - Return - Shadow Ball - Swords Dance - Quick Attack/Protect ****200 Standard**** Following in the steps of McGoose came the other 200 Zangoose. When Dusclops use jumped in popularity, people started putting Shadow Ball on for Dusclops (although it's not a guaranteed OHKO, even after a SD). Remember, there is no real reason to use BB, as Return does more damage unless it happens to be quad resisted, which would only be Aggron or TTar (who isn't in 200, remember?. So, I guess this isn't too different from McGoose, but it does deserve mention somehow. --- ZANGOOSE @ Salac Berry Immunity "Flailgoose" - Flail - Shadow Ball - Swords Dance - Substitute EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 0/252/4/252/0/0 If you're reading this set, and you use a Flailgoose, I just want to make sure that you are aware that I made this set. After watching Donut use Subrev Medicham, I began a hunt for other pokes that could take advantage of this. And the first poke I cam across was Zangoose. THAT'S RIGHT THIS SET IS MINE. Where was I? Right. If you can get in 2 SDs and Sub down to 1 HP, Flailgoose will OHKO everything short of Aggron or Steelix. Even with one SD, you do a nice solid 80% against the likes of Skarmory or Forretress, and Weezing/Cune are long gone. Flailgoose is so cool, more people need to use it, it swept an all-uber team once :( Also, take credit for Flailgoose and you die. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RELICANTH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I would like to posit a general theory about Pokemon that all people should learn. If you need to use a poke to get another poke, the second one is much better than the first. OK, that was a crappy way of saying that Relicanth and Wailord suck. Good Def/HP, nice attack, but people just can't seem to make it work. Not to mention that Rock/Water is a pretty bad typing, with Electric/Ground/Grass weaks hurting it quite a bit, even with the nice Def. It's been used before, but Relicanth begs a slightly better type. RELICANTH @ Leftovers Rock Head/Swift Swim - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Yawn - Double-Edge/Hydro Pump Well, it's better than I'm giving it credit for. If it learned Counter, I'd use it. But it doesn't, and it's sorta relegated to the status of a bad Rhydon/TTar that gets Yawn. Although Yawn is cool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AGGRON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pretty cool, if it wasn't for the typing. Being 4x weak to both Fighting and Ground limits its use to almost all but the UU metagame, since EQ and/or BB is so common. Still, it's a solid contender as a defensive wall, if you avoid any fighting/ground attacks. And it can survive one of those, usually, and Counter it back for a KO. Fun stuff. AGGRON @ Choice Band Rock Head - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Double-Edge - Focus Punch/Iron Tail EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 228/198/0/84/0/0 - This guy really wants to outspeed all Weezings, hence 157 speed. I prefer having 338 HP to maxing Att in case you run into SToss problems, but that's up to you. Used a lot in 200 as a "standard" Aggron. Pretty cool, if you managed to catch CB Dodrio or something. --- AGGRON @ Leftovers Sturdy/Rock Head - Rock Slide - Earthquake/Double-Edge/Thunder Wave - Roar/Substitute - Focus Punch/Counter EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 252/96/0/48/0/112 - Enough Att to OHKO Aero. Packs 148 speed to get past Bliss. You can go up to 157 speed to outrun non-FB Weezing, and also shift SD into Att if desired. The rest of the non-CB Aggrons kinda get lumped together. I used RS/EQ/Roar/ FP in the ICE UU tourney, it was pretty fun, especially with Fearow as common as it was. And it only takes 50% from CB Fearow HP Ground, nice if you make a mistake predicting. --- AGGRON @ Leftovers Sturdy - Fire Blast - Thunderbolt - Ice Beam - Water Pulse OMG111!!!11!11111!!!!!!!onethounsandonehundredeleven!11 no weak --- AGGRON @ Salac Berry Sturdy - HP Rock - Earthquake/Focus Punch - Substitute - Endeavor Credited to soggy_cardboard from TPM. Another of those funny pokes that can learn Endeavor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CASTFORM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check out the knockers on that thing <.< CASTFORM @ Leftovers Forecast - Rain Dance - Thunder - Weather Ball - Substitute/Thunder Wave/Ice Beam --- CASTFORM @ Leftovers Forecast - Sunny Day - Solarbeam - Weather Ball/Fire Blast - Ice Beam Possibilities, except the setup sucks. Weather Ball vs Fire Blast is 100 Pow/ 100% accuracy vs 120 Pow/85% Acc. Generally, most people choose FB in FB vs FT, but here the decision is much closer. I'd go for Weather Ball, if only for the novelty value. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VOLBEAT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sad how Volbeat and Illumise have reversed stats. Volbeat is most commonly used as a Tail Glow passer, except it has the lower SA. Two stage SA boost is cool. Volbeat, on the other hand, isn't :( Pity it and Smeargle are the only holders of this move. VOLBEAT @ Salac Barry/Petaya Berry Swarm - Thunderbolt - Tail Glow - Baton Pass - Thunder Wave/Signal Beam/Confuse Ray/Substitute Have fun. TB works nicely against Skarm and Cune, after a Tail Glow it does like 60%. Woohoo. --- VOLBEAT @ Choice Band/Macho Brace Swarm - Signal Beam/Focus Punch - Confuse Ray - Trick - Thunder Wave Guthwulf's Volbeat, and it's popular enough that several people have asked him if they can use the set. It works along the same principle as FP Raichu or Cacturne, namely Paracon your opponent and hope they switch/FP/confuse so you can get in a FP. Trickbanding also helps, if you manage to Trickband a special attacker, or something of the sort. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ILLUMISE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ILLUMISE @ Leftovers Oblivious - Seismic Toss/Thunderbolt - Substitute - Thunder Wave - Light Screen/Encore/Wish/Toxic Straight out of my ass. Volbeat is at least good for something. --- ILLUMISE @ Leftovers Oblivious - Thunderbolt - HP Ice/Ice Punch - Flatter - Psych Up Better than what I had. Please please note that Ice Punch is Emerald only. Thanks to Francisco X. Ospina for submitting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CRADILY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The crappier fossil, most would agree. Built to Tank, but Fighting/Ice weaknesses hurt it quite a bit. It doesn't get Leech Seed either, which hurts its tanking prowess significantly. Still, Suction Cups is unexpected, and it makes a good BP target. Works especially nicely with BP Smeargle, if you can get in a Belly Drum. CRADILY @ Leftovers Suction Cups "STAN" - Toxic - Barrier - Amnesia - Rest Lol, I think #gfaqs remembers STAN the cradily. I used this on my early 386 TSS team, and it stalled the crap out of people who had no idea what it did the first couple times. Suction Cups makes it impossible to phaze away the defensive boosters, which makes STAN a bitch to kill. And then people just started bring in Metagross and waiting for CHs. As for the name STAN, AJ once called Cradily "Satan". When I was trying to tell someone else my new nickname for Cradily, I made a typo and instead it came out as STAN. And people liked STAN much better, so it stuck :D --- CRADILY @ Lum Berry Suction Cups - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Rest - Giga Drain BP in a Belly Drum to this, and you won't fear much. Giga Drain is mostly for Claydol and Flygon, the only pokes to resist RS/EQ. --- CRADILY @ Leftovers Suction Cups - Rock Slide - Giga Drain/Earthquake - Mirror Coat/Confuse Ray/Toxic - Recover/Rest And the rest of the somewhat more tankish Cradilies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ARMALDO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One of those pokes that seems like it can do almost anything. Besides special sweep. It acts as a decent physical wall, resisting normal moves with 75/100 in HP/Def. It can both Rapid Spin and Knock Off (although not at the same time) for utility purposes. It breaks Subs with Rock Blast. Or it beats things up with Rock Blast/EQ/Swords Dance. Seriously, I'm sure you can find a use for Armaldo. Watch out for the Water/Rock weaknesses though. ARMALDO @ Leftovers/Lum Berry/Salac Berry Battle Armor - Rock Blast/HP Rock/Rock Slide - Earthquake - HP Bug - Swords Dance Salac is sorta iffy, even after the boost it has a maximum of 322, which isn't really that fast. And as such, I'd prefer Lum or Lefties. --- ARMALDO @ Leftovers/Chesto Berry Battle Armor - Rock Blast/HP Rock/Rock Slide - Earthquake/HP Bug - Rapid Spin/Knock Off/Sleep Talk - Rest EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 252/0/56/92/0/110 - Unfortunately, it's near impossible to OHKO Celebi or Starmie unless you max Attack. The most defensively oriented Armaldo set. It has better things to do though :( Resting is somewhat awkward with Armaldo, it tends to get 3HKOd by a lot of things, which is why Sleep Talk is a decent option. Battle Armor helps in this regard to keep you from getting luck haxed while asleep. --- ARMALDO @ Leftovers/Lum Berry Battle Armor - Rock Blast/HP Rock/Rock Slide - Earthquake/HP Bug - Rapid Spin/Knock Off - Swords Dance And finally the Hybrid Armaldo. Swords Dance makes it good as a Curselax counter, and it can still RS/KO if wanted. Probably the best balance between the two sets, and my preferred Armaldo set. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GARDEVOIR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oh nos I got a male Gardevoir I should be b& (or at least says 50% of the nubby gfaqs boards). Gardevoir competed with Alakazam in 200 for "best psychic", and sorta got creamed, at least in 200 :/ However, with the advent of FRLG's more stall- based metagame, IMO Gardevoir becomes the much better choice. It has the defenses to take a hit on the physical side, it tanks much better on the special side, and Rest is standard enough that it naturally competes with Blissey. Still, base 80 speed isn't close to Zam's 120, and Gardy is still fragile on the physical side. Still, it does get TB, a much better move than Zam's Punches, and it has much more options in the last slot. GARDEVOIR @ Leftovers/Chesto Berry/Salac Berry/Lum Berry Trace - Psychic - Thunderbolt - Calm Mind - Rest/Will-o-Wisp/Thunder Wave/Toxic/Destiny Bond/Wish/Mean Look EVs: Calm (+SD -Att) 244/0/0/180/56/28 - Runs 241 speed to get past Modest Maggie, with 300 SA and 300 SD. Try and avoid anything with physical attacks that is faster than you. The last move is listed in approximate order of preference. Fairly simple in principle, Gardevoir is a good special tank with 68/115 in HP/SD. Salac is for use with Trace - Trace Magnet Pull from Magneton, CM up until the Salac kick, then Rest. After you max out your CMs (hope Maggie doesn't have Metal Sound), be prepared to sweep. As for the rest of the moves, WoW is generally frowned upon, as it's at best a last ditch move. Gardevoir isn't going to switch in against TTar or Salamence to burn it. And if you're not facing a physical attacker, you're generally better off CMing or attacking. The rest of the status moves follow the same general idea. DBond is also an option, but it needs the Salac kick first, and once you get boosted it becomes somewhat suspicious. Wish and Mean Look are last, because they suck with Gardy's crap defenses. --- GARDEVOIR @ Leftovers Trace - Psychic - Thunderbolt - Substitute - Calm Mind After seeing the success Subpiggy had in 200, I tried adapating the same moveset to Gardevoir, with about equal results. TB is infinitely superior to HP Fire, and Trace is fun to play with, but I still find myself preferring the reliability of Thick Fat at times. Grumpig also has better defenses, thanks to the higher HP. Still, fun to use, it works about as well as Subpiggy (which is pretty damn good), and a good sponge. --- GARDEVOIR @ Leftovers/Lum Berry Trace/Synchronize - Psychic - Thunderbolt - Calm Mind - Imprison Mekkah wanted me to add an Imprison set, "for kicks". Does pretty well as a special tank, especially against other CMers, and especially especially well against other Psychic CMers. As if you needed more reasons not to use Kazam. --- GARDEVOIR @ Salac Berry/Lum Berry/Leftovers Trace - Psychic - Thunderbolt - Fire Punch/Calm Mind - Ice Punch/Calm Mind ****Emerald Only**** The point is not to make a triple(double)-punching set, but to point out that Gardevoir now has the variety of Alakazam. Which sorta does away with most of the reasons to use Alakazam over Gardy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SALAMENCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you want my opinion, probably the most feared poke nowadays, at least on the offensive end. Base 135 Attack and 110 SA means that Salamence can be either physical or special, or mixed. As such, Salamence's biggest threat comes from its variability - you CAN'T know what set your opponent is running, unless you watched a previous battle. And as such, there is no "standard" for Salamence, since it has multiple effective movesets. Also, people don't respect Salamence as a defensive tank of sorts. Intimidate is by far the most useful factor in this regard, which effectively gives it an automatic Defense up. Which cuts damage by about 1.5x. Add in a fighting resistance, and Sala becomes the most reliable switch against your common Heracross or Blaziken. On the special side, Dragon/Flying seems to only get bashed for being 4x weak to Ice. But did you miss the stuff that it resists? 2x Fire, 2x Water, 4x Grass - that's about half the common special moves in this game. Add in a decent SD, and you have yourself the makings of a tank. Not quite as reliable as Dragonite, but it takes a 260 SA non-STABed IB to OHKO Salamence. And for the average poke, 260 SA is a lot. SALAMENCE @ Leftovers/Lum Berry Intimidate - HP Flying - Earthquake - Rock Slide/Brick Break - Dragon Dance EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 148/222/0/140/0/0 - 270 speed for Adamant Hera/Pinsir. You can drop down to 264 if you just want to clear Aero/Jolt/Crobat after a DD, but I don't think it's necessary. Purely physical Salamence. Rock Slide is for Aero/Gyara (which makes Sala a decent switchin against Gyara), while Brick Break is mostly for Blisslax. Move choice depends on your team. --- SALAMENCE @ Leftovers/Lum Berry Intimidate "Elemence" - Fire Blast - Dragon Claw - Hydro Pump/Crunch/HP Grass/Electric - Hydro Pump/Crunch/HP Grass/Electric EVs: Modest (+SA -Att) 28/0/0/244/236/0 - OHKOs Skarm with FB. 296 speed for Jolly Hera, and I advise you run at the sight of anything faster. Purely special Salamence. Thank MrE for this one. I'm not entirely sure how this caught on though, it was primarily a 200 moveset, and Regice completely dominates Elemence in 200 :( --- SALAMENCE @ Leftovers/Lum Berry Intimidate "GPmence" - HP Flying - Dragon Dance - Fire Blast - Dragon Claw So GP finally contributed something to RS. Good for him. Used a lot more in 200, and various forms have evolved through in FRLG. The first mixed Sala to really be used in RS. --- SALAMENCE @ Leftovers/Lum Berry Intimidate - HP Flying - Earthquake/Rock Slide/Brick Break - Fire Blast/Flamethrower/Hydro Pump/Substitute - Dragon Dance EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 148/222/0/140/0/0 - FT should be a 2HKO on Skarm even with Adamant. The rest of the sets, mostly other forms of GPmence, and as such they're also mixed Salas. Probably also the most preferable of the Salamence sets. I myself run HP Flying/RS/FB/DD. I've seen HP Fly/EQ/Sub/DD, which is somewhat awkward, but it can work if your opponent depends on doing damage to take out Salamence as opposed to phazing it. --- SALAMENCE @ Choice Band Intimidate - HP Flying - Double-Edge - Earthquake - Rock Slide/Brick Break EVs: Jolly (+Spd -Att) 4/252/0/252/0/0 - Don't forget to use 30/30/30/31/30/30 DVs for HP Flying. Ahhhhhhhhhh how could I forgot this beast. CB Double-Edge off a 400+ attack stat is amazingly deadly, even without STAB. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ METAGROSS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The other other poke that ties for highest non-uber/Slaking attack in the game. Not to mention that it gets its own unique STAB move, an EQ power move in an otherwise unused attacking type that can on occasion hax out attack boosts (all this at the cost of 85% accuracy, however, which can seem to be much lower than that). Besides that godly Attack, Metagross is also good as a tank. Base 130 defense and steel typing makes it an effective Curselax counter. You can also switch in on things like Aerodactyl CB Rock Slide and come out on top in most cases. Back in 200, Metagross was (still is) considered the ultimate Regice counter, resisting Ice Beam and Toxic and having a STABed 100 power SE move to counter back with. METAGROSS @ Liechi Berry/Leftovers Clear Body "Agiligross" - Meteor Mash - Earthquake - Rock Slide/Explosion/Shadow Ball/Sludge Bomb/Substitute - Agility/Substitute EVs: Adamant (+Att -SA) 164/252/0/92/0/0 - 199 speed ensures you're faster than everything important after Agility. Rock Slide for Gyarados. Explosion just because. Shadow Ball for ghosts. Sludge Bomb for Ludicolo. Listed in order of preference. Fairly simple Agiligross, Agility the first turn, wait for your Liechi kick, and beat things up. Explosion is also a OHKO against Suicune, with or without Liechi. If you prefer to use your Metagross in a more tankish manner, Lefties also works. Substitute is also useful, especially against Weezing and WoW, or other TWavers. --- METAGROSS @ Choice Band Clear Body - Meteor Mash - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Explosion Explosion does 90% to Skarm. Seriously. 600+ effective attack is deadly, just ask Slaking. --- METAGROSS @ Leftovers Clear Body - Meteor Mash - Thunderpunch/HP Electric/Fire - Psychic - Agility Thunderpunch is Emerald only. Mystery was the first to use such a mixed Metagross, or at least one that counters most of its normal counters. However, the most memorable use of this was when Salaspectrum pulled it out against AK. I remember him using HP Fire on AK's Skarm, it was funny :) HP Electric is probably preferable though, since it's a 2HKO against Gyara as well, and this set was originally intended for 200 play. Then again, in 386, you might want to go for Fire for Forry, or you could keep Electric for Cune or Skarm. The new Thunderpunch from Emerald is a 2HKO on Skarm, even without EVs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REGIROCK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorta interesting, and not really at the same time. Even though it is primarily a defensive wall, 80/100 in HP/SD lets it survive a Surf or two. That is, it would survive, if water (and grass) wasn't as common as it is. Rock typing also means that it's weak to EQ, which is on 75% of the physical attackers, albeit being a 3HKO or so. Regirock is hard to OHKO, but the Rock typing almost ensures that everything else will be a 2 or 3HKO, which is not good in a supposed tank :( REGIROCK @ Leftovers/Chesto Rest Clear Body - HP Rock/Rock Slide - Earthquake - Curse - Explosion/Rest Thanks to pure Rock typing, and the prominence of water types, Resting is not too great an idea with Regirock. Go boom instead, or at least Chestorest. --- REGIROCK @ Choice Band Clear Body - HP Rock/Rock Slide - Earthquake - Superpower/Focus Punch - Explosion Superpower hehe. Almost a guaranteed OHKO against max Def no HP Blissey, and about 50/50 against max HP/max Def Blissey. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REGISTEEL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The most balanced of the Regis, and the best defensive typing. Unfortunately, although Registeel may be the most useful in terms of overall defense, it also has this most problems doing damage, with low attacks on both stats and no STABed attack to do it with. Hence, most Registeels nowadays pack SToss or Toxic for their damage dealer. REGISTEEL @ Leftovers Clear Body - Seismic Toss - Counter/Iron Defense - Thunder Wave/Toxic/Amnesia - Rest/Explosion FRLG Registeel. I've seen a lot of people running SToss/Counter/TWave/Rest, which works nicely until you run into something that has Recover, or more commonly, Rest. --- REGISTEEL @ Leftovers Clear Body - HP Rock - Earthquake - Curse - Rest/Explosion Unlike Regirock, Registeel has some survivability. Then again, it also lost STAB. Cursesteel is no better at this than Regirock, although fire attacks are rare enough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REGICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The premiere 200 special tank. A bitch to take out, it shrugs off 20% Fire Blasts like no other. Regice's main drawback is a reliance on Toxic to do damage vs most special pokes, hence why Subpiggy beats the crap out of this thing. Still, Regice does well with a fairly consistent boltbeam for damage, Toxic for everything else, and the high defensive stats make it a good candidate for Rest. Mono-ice is also a pretty crappy typing - it affords only one special resistance (Ice), while being weak to Rock/Fighting on the physical side. 200 BASE SPECIAL DEFENSE WTF. REGICE @ Leftovers Clear Body - Ice Beam - Thunderbolt - Toxic/Thunder Wave - Rest EVs: Calm (+SD -Att) 252/0/200/0/56/0 ****FRLG Standard**** blisseyisadirtylittlecheappinkwhorethatputregiceoutofajob. --- REGICE @ Leftovers Clear Body - Ice Beam - Thunderbolt/Toxic/Thunder Wave - Focus Punch - Explosion You might scare someone. And Explosion is good for a OHKO on, like, Zam :( --- REGICE @ Leftovers Clear Body "Curseice" - Rock Slide/HP Rock - Earthquake/Ice Beam - Curse - Explosion/Rest Funny. You might catch someone by surprise. Then Skarm switches in and ruins all the fun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KYOGRE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KYOGRE @ Leftovers Drizzle "Ky00ber" - Surf - Ice Beam - Thunder - Calm Mind Throw in Ancientpower somewhere if you have Shedinja problems. Or, for god's sake, use something else to take out Sheddy and leave the balance of Kyogre alone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GROUDON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GROUDON @ Leftovers Drought - Earthquake - HP Rock/Rock Slide - Swords Dance/Bulk Up - Fire Blast/Substitute --- GROUDON @ Leftovers Drought - Fire Blast - Solarbeam - Earthquake - Substitute/HP Rock/Rock Slide Don't use special Groudon. Please notice that the attack is much higher than the SA and Sunnybeaming is complete crap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAYQUAZA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RAYQUAZA @ Leftovers Air Lock - Earthquake/HP Flying - Dragon Dance - Ice Beam - Thunderbolt It learns every move, as far as I'm concerned. Pull 4 of them together to make a set. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LATI@S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LATI@S @ Soul Dew/Leftovers Levitate - Dragon Claw/Psychic/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt - Dragon Claw/Psychic/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Substitute - Calm Mind - Recover The most important thing in considering a Lati@s set is to figure out who your opponents are going to be. For instance, if you're planning on battling other ubers, Boltbeam is probably your best bet, as almost all the other ubers are weak to Boltbeam. If you aren't, Dragon Claw/Psychic do more damage, but run into type problems (watch for Steels). And DClaw/Sub/CM/Recover is my idea, which I haven't tried yet since I don't use ubers, but it seems more than plausible, since the only real way to take out a Lati@s tends to be status. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JIRACHI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JIRACHI @ Leftovers Serene Grace - Psychic - Thunder/Thunderbolt - Calm Mind/Reflect/Light Screen - Substitute/Wish EVs: Calm (+SD -Att) 252/0/136/20/56/46 - Enough Def (270) to survive an EQ from Dugtrio, enough speed to outrun Modest Maggie (241), hopefully enough SA to OHKO Gyarados with Thunder. Lot of ifs in this spread. ****FRLG Standard**** People have tried to make good Jirachi sets, and it hasn't worked out too well. CM Wish does decently well for healing vs Lax and Blissey, and Synre says to pair it up with Aerodactyl to dodge both EQ and Fire Blast, as well as PPassing Wish to Aero along the way. Thunder takes full advantage of Serene Grace, with a 42% paralysis chance. Jirachi is considered the least cheap of the ubers, mostly because of the crappy movepool. --- JIRACHI @ Leftovers Serene Grace - Psychic - Thunder/Thunderbolt - Substitute - Calm Mind Subjirachi. Thank you forgotten myth for suggesting it. Thunderbolt is preferred here, since you're supposed to be sweeping, not haxing. --- JIRACHI @ Leftovers Serene Grace - Psychic - Thunder/Thunderbolt - Sleep Talk - Rest Sleep Talking Jirachi has mad defenses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEOXYS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEOXYS @ Choice Band Pressure - Shadow Ball - Rock Slide - Return/Superpower/Brick Break - Focus Punch/Psycho Boost Physical Deoxys. CB is cool. --- DEOXYS @ Lum Berry/Scope Lens Pressure - Thunderbolt - Ice Beam - Psychic - Psycho Boost It needs Fire Blast. Badly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEOXYS-FR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See Deoxys. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEOXYS-LG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot of potential, if it were allowed into the normal metagame. As it is mostly limited to the uber metagame, there isn't too much for Deoxys-LG to do, as it doesn't fare well against pokes like Kyogre or Groudon or Lati@s whose high Att/SA dominates Deoxys-LG's defensive prowess. DEOXYS-LG @ Leftovers Pressure - Seismic Toss/Psychic - Spikes/Counter - Taunt/Knock Off/Counter - Recover/Rest Taunt is at the suggestion of forgotten myth. --- DEOXYS-LG @ Leftovers Pressure - Psychic/Ice Beam - Thunderbolt - Calm Mind - Recover/Rest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEOXYS-EMERALD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See Mew. Except with a lot more speed (albeit worthless without a high Att/SA stat), and a lot less HP. Not too useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHIMECHO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm sure you've heard this before, but Chimecho doesn't deserve to be the last poke in the 386 Pokedex. About the only good thing about Chimecho is Heal Bell...or Levitate...yeah, that's about it. Stats are below average, and it isn't even worth the pokeball nor the time spent to catch it. CHIMECHO @ Leftovers Levitate - Psychic - Light Screen/Yawn - Reflect/Yawn - Heal Bell Utility. --- CHIMECHO @ Leftovers Levitate - Psychic - HP Fire - Calm Mind - Substitute Levitate isn't as useful as Thick Fat or Trace, at least in terms of setting up a Sub/CM set. Unless you happen to catch CB Flygon, or something of the like, in which case you'd still be off with Trace Gardevoir. ============================================================================== To Do List =========================================================================S10.0 - Don't think there's much left here that hasn't already been covered by smogon. ============================================================================== Credits =========================================================================S11.0 - Nintendo/GAME FREAK for making this game, and completely destroying my life. We are uber pokegeeks now :D - The wonderful people of #gfaqs. We are a fairly isolated group, most of us never really posting on the boards anymore, but you'll never find a better group of people in your life. In no particular order (namely, I'm staring at the access list): Ironhead - Keffin is probably the coolest name ever (it's like a puffin :O). Although I never really see you around any more, different time zones and stuff, you are the original Brit, and a very cool one at that. LordS - Because I feel like it, it's time to count how many times ignfaqs has been said in #gfaqs and #ice. #gfaqs - 189 times #ice - 113 times And you say you don't advertise :O Shroomie - Probably the funniest little dude I have ever met. Your brand of random, insane wit, coupled with OMG NINJAS and obsessive information about 24 really brightens my day. You are godly Matt :S <@Shroomie> ... <@Shroomie> so <@Shroomie> the banana was halfway up my anus at that point <@Shroomie> and the chocolate sauce was EVERYWHERE <@Shroomie> and she just kept jamming it up there Ultima96 - ULTEEEEEEEEE .________________________________________. !molest You are the new SSS (cool Swedish Slut) <@blue[away]> !molest <@ShrimpBondage> !countermolest <@blue[away]> !countercountersex <@ShrimpBondage> !countercountercounterfondle <@blue[away]> !countercountercountercountergrope <@ShrimpBondage> !countercountercountercountercountercaress <@blue[away]> !countercountercountercountercountercounterthrust <@ShrimpBondage> !countercountercountercountercounyoureafagcountercounter countergrind <@blue[away]> !countercountercountercountercountercountercounteriloveyouanyway insert <@ShrimpBondage> !countercountercountercountercounteroilmeupbabycountercounter countercounterpenispoke codemann92587 - LA rocks :* My late night buddy Cody, you could be the coolest person in there, and you're always on the same times I am ^^ How drop dead cool. I am going to visit you, mark my words. You are also probably one of 5 people in that chan that actually battles anymore, props. as long as we're telling secrets i wet the bed at night Asuka Langley Sohryu - Did I spell that right? You need to come on more Jon, fellow AP Chem sufferer. Rhythm/NdMan - All the Brits kinda melt together in my mind :P You two, like Keff, fill the chan with British coolness. And some of you guys have actually met :( I want to live in bloody England. Dan - Aussies rock. Period. And because you asked me to, hey sexy :* Pity we never see each other anymore, stupid time zones. Synre - POWER ABUSE OMG. I'll never forget, you were the ones to first give me hops in that chan - although I don't have them now, I still thank you for it. Also, you have the best predictions ever <_< <@Synre[Away]> also I WILL BAN YOU ALL IF YOU KEEP WHINING ABOUT STATUS <@Synre[Away]> kthxdie <@Synre[Away]> (whoashi powerabuse out of no where) Mr_Mister - AJ :O Another Californian and now owner of the chan, I still hold you in the utmost respect. Although I know we have our differences, I am glad that the channel is in your hands. <@AJ> and im not mad at you anymore brandon :) Special mention goes to Guthwulf. And Rasta. For no reason. They just asked. Actually, Guth was the one who asked for this credit, but Rasta asked to be added around the same time, so you guys kinda get put together. Aussieland and New Zealand are close enough, right? ;) I mean they're on the same continent. Amazingampharos/Jackie - quite possibly the coolest family ever. Thanks Chris for your help in revising/suggesting things, mostly about GSC crap, which I personally didn't join until very late. And Jackie, for being the most amusing person ever to come into our homoerotic clan. I still remember hearing this voice clips - "and ICE sucks ASS" "Alex-ANDROSS" - god, I couldn't stop laughing :D shiny zangoose - although I don't see you much on IRC anymore (time zone'd), you have e-mailed me with several helpful comments. Thanks dude. Shadow/Akuma/anyone else I forgot - You're cool too. - My other home on #ice. And because IGN SUCKS ASS like that, you guys get one line mentions :* Absolut-Kaos - IGN lol. Go Team Orgasmic! (three capitalized words out of three X) Astra - LAURY! If there is one person I can completely trust on IRC, it is you :) Nowen - The most condense (ability to pack the most humor into the least words) person I have ever met. Noone is godly. Mewthree15 - JOJOTHEOTHERPINKPOWERRANGER Tigoro - Blugoro has no weak :D cool Tig. All of the above have contributed to the making of this guide, whether in actually creating one of the movesets that I have typed up, or just being really funny and cool like that. - OmicronDonut - one of the coolest people I have occassioned to meet through the world of Pokemon. I remember first pairing up with him in a 2on2, me with my Salamence and him with a Light Ball Pikachu. X) Donut definitely wins my prize for most innovative battler - he refuses to use standards, which is refreshing in today's metagame of Skarmbliss everywhere. Not only does he get credit with a ton of movesets, he helped proofread the guide for me, and we still continue to randbat in order to receive "inspiration for future sets". OmegaDonutDeux: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA blueshirt32: you caught a mew? OmegaDonutDeux: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OmegaDonutDeux: No, but I caught my little brother looking at porn. - Whoever created Metapad, which allows me to write this FAQ in a notepad-like form, which is cool. - Figlet, for the ASCII at the top. - Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for his wonderful site, and for hosting this FAQ for me. I cannot put into words how much I and the entire gaming community owes you. If it weren't for you, my life would have this big hole in it :( - You, the reader of this FAQ...by reading it, you're helping me out :). ============================================================================== Contact Info =========================================================================S12.0 Email: blueshirt_32 (at) yahoo (dot) com AIM: blueshirt32 IRC: irc.your-irc.net, Port 6667 #gfaqs #ice #rsarena Message Boards: I can be found on the Pokemon RS Board most of the time. I also frequent some other boards, but that (or IRC) would be the easiest place to find me. If you're going to email me, please put "Pokemon Moveset Guide" or something like that in the subject line, so I don't automatically delete it. And don't include me in your chain letters/spam/viruses/death threats/flames. I don't need it. ============================================================================== Copyright =========================================================================S13.0 This FAQ is copyright 2004-7 by Brandon "blueshirt32" Szeto. This FAQ should not be found at any website besides www.gamefaqs.com, and in MetalKid's Pokemon Program (http://www.uwplatt.edu/~lorenzd/). Period. Please don't e-mail me and ask if you can put this on your site; I don't really want this guide floating around when it is easily accessible from GameFAQs. Also, only use this guide to help create movesets in Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire or Fire Red/ Leaf Green. Don't print it out and make money out of it, or anything like that, unless the money comes to me :). And after I get the money, I'll use it to get a lawyer and sue you anyway. So don't bother. This includes any magazines, books, newspapers, etc. that might want a copy. If you want to take ideas, phrases, or paragraphs from this FAQ, go right ahead. Just please quote me, or somehow show that this was my idea, and I won't care. To make this quite clear, yes you are allowed to use the MOVESETS of the guide, otherwise this guide would be somewhat pointless wouldn't it? However, you may NOT take and claim my explanations to the movesets (which is easily remedied by using " " quote marks or italicize tags), nor take credit for any of the sets (unless they ARE yours), nor completely rip off major sections of the guide and claim it as your own. The characters, places, and story of this game are copyrighted (c) to Pokemon USA, Inc/Nintendo/GAME FREAK, Inc. ============================================================================== End =========================================================================S14.0 * Nowen (planet3234@nowen.your-irc.net) has joined #ice * Icebot sets mode: +h Nowen <^^> NOONE BLOO <^^> been a while ^^ a few days, yeah <^^> where you been? <^^> make up a girlfriend if you must ^^ out of town. :( lies and i can't make up a gf. the one sleeping behind me would prolly get mad.