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However, please DO NOT ever claim this FAQ as your own. Also, please put a link to www.kyogre.cjb.net in return. If you wanted to suggest what do you want to see in the FAQ just drop me a mail.(my e-mail is at the end of this FAQ). I'll try to include them in the next version of the FAQ(Hopefully:) The site below is the only one allowed to put up my FAQ without asking any permission: www.gamefaqs.com The site below is the only one allowed to modify this FAQ in any way: www.kyogre.cjb.net Pokemon and all its product are the copyright of Nintendo, Gamefreaks and Creature inc. The author of the walkthrough are not affiliated with any company mentioned above. No infringements of copyright is intended. I'm really sorry, if I can't reply to your e-mail, you might want to post at some Pokemon boards instead (see creadits) if you want to get help faster. Please do not e-mail me about where to get the roms. ============================================================================================= Contents ============================================================================================= 1. Version Update 2. Introduction 3. New Moves 4. Acknowledgement ====================== 1. Version Update ====================== V 0.10 - FAQ created, not all moves has been included V 0.20 - More attacks added v 0.30 - More attacks added V 0.40 - Added in contest type ===================== 2. Introduction ===================== It has been a few years since Nintendo released a brand new Pokemon RPG. Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire has been hyped as one of the most anticipated game of the year for GBA. To simply put it, this game really exceed my expectation. The improvement that They've done with the game is just really much for Pokemon players to enjoy. New Features - There are two kind of Bike in this game - 2 on 2 battle against certain trainer - New HM, Dive - Contest - Trainer Dex - Running Shoes, which work like bicycle There are a few differences between the two version: Basically, the game is almost identical in gameplay. However, there are a few differences as mentioned below. Besides this difference, some Pokemon might be commonly found in one version while rare in the other version. Ruby: You will fight Team Magma in this game, and Latios could be encountered randomly in the wild after beating the elite four. Pokemon exclusive to Ruby are: Zangoose, SolRock, Groudon, Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry, Mawile After you awakened Groudon, the weather will be sunny. Latios is catchable randomly in the wild. Sapphire You will fight Team Aqua in this game, and Latias could be encountered randomly in the wild after beating the elite four. Pokemon exclusive to Sapphire are: Seviper, Lunatone, Kyogre, Lotad, Lombre, Ludocolo After you awakened Kyogre, the weather will be rainy. Latias is catchable randomly in the wild. =================== 3. New Moves =================== Below are the new moves in the games. They are displayed in the following format. Attack Name: Type: Base Damage: Accuracy: PP: Effect: Contest Type: Attack Name: Aerial Ace Type: Flying Base Damage: 60 Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: None TM: 40 Contest Type: Cool Attack Name: Arm Thrust Type: Fighting Base Damage: 15 Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: Hits for 2-5 turns Contest Type: Tough Attack Name: Aromateraphy Type: Grass Base Damage: - Accuracy: - PP: 5 Effect: Heal status ailment of Pokemon Contest Type: Smart Attack Name: Assist Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: - PP: 20 Effect: Help came from nowhere Contest Type: Cute Attack Name: Astonish Type: Ghost Base Damage: 30 Accuracy: 100% PP: 15 Effect: Good chances of flinching opponent Contest Type: Smart Attack Name: Belly Drum Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: - PP: 10 Effect: Greatly raises user's attack in return of 1/2 of the HP. Contest Type: Cute Attack Name: Blaze Kick Type: Fire Base Damage: 85 Accuracy: 90% PP: 10 Effect: Chances to burn opponent's Pokemon Contest Type: Beauty Attack Name: Block Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 5 Effect: Same effect as Mean Look and Scary face Contest Type: Cute Attack Name: Bounce Type: Flying Base Damage: 85 Accuracy: 85% PP: 5 Effect: Attack in two turns Contest Type: Cute Attack Name: Brick Break Type: Fighting Base Damage: 75 Accuracy: 100% PP: 15 Effect: Not affected by light screen and reflect TM: 31 Contest Type: Cool Attack Name: Bulk Up Type: Fighting Base Damage: - Accuracy: - PP: 20 Effect: Raises attack and defense TM: 08 Contest Type: Beauty Attack Name: Bullet Seed Type: Grass Base Damage: 10 Accuracy: 100% PP: 30 Effect: hits 2-5 times TM: 09 Contest Type: Cool Attack Name: Calm Mind Type: Psychic Base Damage: - Accuracy: - PP: 20 Effect: Raises Special Attack and Special Defense TM: 04 Contest Type: Smart Attack Name: Camouflage Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: Changes type according to location Contest Type: Smart Attack Name: Charge Type: Electric Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: Charge for a turn, electric moves power become stronger Contest Type: Smart Attack Name: Cosmic Power Type: Psychic Base Damage: - Accuracy: - PP: 20 Effect: Raises defense and SP defense Contest Type: Cool Attack Name: Cotton Spore Type: Grass Base Damage: - Accuracy: 85% PP: 40 Effect: Greatly lowers opponent's speed Contest Type: Beauty Attack Name: Covet Type: Normal Base Damage: 40 Accuracy: 100% PP: 40 Effect: Steals opponent held-item Contest Type: Cute Attack Name: Crush Claw Type: Normal Base Damage: 75 Accuracy: 95% PP: 10 Effect: 50% chance to lower enemy's defense Contest Type: Cool Attack Name: Dive Type: Water Base Damage: 60 Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 Effect: Took two turns to attack HM: 08 Contest Type: Beauty Attack Name: Dragon Claw Type: Dragon Base Damage: 80 Accuracy: 100% PP: 15 Effect: None TM: 02 Contest Type: Cool Attack Name: Dragon Dance Type: Dragon Base Damage: - Accuracy: - PP: 20 Effect: Raises Attack and Speed Contest Type: Cool Attack Name: Endeavor Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 5 Effect: Damage deal is based on HP Contest Type: Tough Attack Name: Eruption Type: Fire Base Damage: 150 Accuracy: 100% PP: 5 Effect: Damge is less when HP is less Contest Type: Beauty Attack Name: Extrasensory Type: Psychic Base Damage: 80 Accuracy: 100% PP: 30 Effect: 10% chance of flinching opponent Contest Type: Cool Attack Name: Facade Type: Normal Base Damage: 70 Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: Double attack power if user is afflicted with status change TM: 42 Contest Type: Cute Attack Name: Fake Out Type: Normal Base Damage: 40 Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 Effect: Will hit only on the first turn. 100 % chance of flinching. Contest Type: Cute Attack Name: Fake Tears Type: Dark Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: Greatly lowers opponent's special defense Contest Type: Smart Attack Name: Featherdance Type: Flying Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 15 Effect: Greatly lowers enemy's attack Contest Type: Beauty Attack Name: Flatter Type: Dark Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 15 Effect: Confuse opponent, and raise its SP attack Contest Type: Smart Attack Name: Focus Punch Type: Fighting Base Damage: 150 Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: None TM: 01 Contest Type: Tough Attack Name: Grasswhistle Type: Grass Base Damage: - Accuracy: 55% PP: 15 Effect: Put opponent to sleep Contest Type: Smart Attack Name: Grudge Type: Ghost Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 5 Effect: Reduce opponent last move's PP when user's opponent fainted Contest Type: Tough Attack Name: Hail Type: Ice Base Damage: - Accuracy: - PP: 10 Effect: Causes hailstorm for 5 turns TM: 07 Contest Type: Beauty Attack Name: Heat Wave Type: Fire Base Damage: 100 Accuracy: 90% PP: 10 Effect: 10% chance of burning opponent Contest Type: Beauty Attack Name: Helping Hand Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: Increase partner attack in a 2v2 battle Contest Type: Smart Attack Name: Howl Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: - PP: 40 Effect: Raises attack Contest Type: Cool Attack Name: Hyper Voice Type: Normal Base Damage: 90 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effect: None Contest Type: Cool Attack Name: Ice Ball Type: Ice Base Damage: 30 Accuracy: 90% PP: 20 Effect: Attacks opponent for 5 turns Contest Type: Beauty Attack Name: Imprison Type: Psychic Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 15 Effect: disable an opponent move Contest Type: Smart Attack Name: Ingrain Type: Grass Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: Recover HP each turn Contest Type: Smart Attack Name: Iron Defense Type: Steel Base Damage: - Accuracy: - PP: 15 Effect: Raises Defense greatly Contest Type: Tough Attack Name: Knock Off Type: Dark Base Damage: 20 Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: Knock off item off opponent Contest Type: Smart Attack Name: Leaf Blade Type: Grass Base Damage: 70 Accuracy: 100% PP: 15 Effect: Higher chances of critical hit Contest Type: Cool Attack Name: Luster Purge Type: Psychic Base Damage: 70 Accuracy: 100% PP: 5 Effect: Lower Opponent special defense (50%) Contest Type: Smart Attack Name: Mach Punch Type: Fighting Base Damage: 40 Accuracy: 100% PP: 30 Effect: Always attak first regardless of speed Contest Type: Cool Attack Name: Magic Coat Type: Psychic Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 15 Effect: Opponent will take damage if it uses special attack Contest Type: Beauty Attack Name: Magical Leaf Type: Grass Base Damage: 60 Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: None Contest Type: Beauty Attack Name: Memento Type: Dark Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 Effect: Lowe Opponent Attack and Special Attack and faint your pokemon Contest Type: Tough Attack Name: Metal Claw Type: Steel Base Damage: 50 Accuracy: 95% PP: 35 Effect: 10% chance of raising attack Contest Type: Cool Attack Name: Metal Sound Type: Steel Base Damage: - Accuracy: 85% PP: 40 Effect: Lower opponent's Special Defense greatly Contest Type: Smart Attack Name: Mud Shot Type: Ground Base Damage: 55 Accuracy: 95% PP: 15 Effect: Lower opponent's speed Contest Type: Tough Attack Name: Mud-Slap Type: Ground Base Damage: 20 Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 Effect: Reduce opponent accuracy Contest Type: Cute Attack Name: Mud Sport Type: Ground Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 15 Effect: Reduce the power of electric attack Contest Type: Cute Attack Name: Muddy Water Type: Water Base Damage: 95 Accuracy: 85% PP: 10 Effect: Decrease opponent accuracy Contest Type: Tough Attack Name: Nature Power Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: 95 % PP: 20 Effect: Just like metronome, but the attack is fixed and based on location. Contest Type: Beauty Attack Name: Needle Arm Type: Grass Base Damage: 60 Accuracy: 100% PP: 15 Effect: 30% chance of flinching opponent Contest Type: Smart Attack Name: Odor Sleuth Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 40 Effect: Prevent any move/abilities that could raise evasion Contest Type: Smart Attack Name: Overheat Type: Fire Base Damage: 140 Accuracy: 90% PP: 5 Effect: SP attack decrease greatly when the move is used. Contest Type: Beauty Attack Name: Powder Snow Type: Ice Base Damage: 40 Accuracy: 100% PP: 25 Effect: 10% chance of freezing opponent Contest Type: Beauty Attack Name: Protect Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: - PP: 10 Effect: Prevent any damage. Could not be used consecutively Contest Type: Cute Attack Name: Rapid Spin Type: Normal Base Damage: 20 Accuracy: 100% PP: 40 Effect: None Contest Type: Cool Attack Name: Refresh Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: Recover from any status ailments Attack Name: Rock Tomb Type: Rock Base Damage: 50 Accuracy: 80% PP: 10 Effect: Lower opponent's speed TM: 39 Attack Name: Sand Tomb Type: Ground Base Damage: 15 Accuracy: 70% PP: 20 Effect: Deal damage for opponent for 2-5 turns Attack Name: Sandstorm Type: Rock Base Damage: - Accuracy: - PP: 10 Effect: Causes a sandstorm for 5 turns TM: 37 Attack Name: Secret Power Type: Normal Base Damage: 70 Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: Depends on the environment, could create hideout TM: 43 Attack Name: Sheer Cold Type: Ice Base Damage: - Accuracy: 30% PP: 5 Effect: OHKO move Attack Name: Shock Wave Type: Electric Base Damage: 60 Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: None TM: 34 Attack Name: Silver wind Type: Bug Base Damage: 60 Accuracy: 100% PP: 5 Effect: 10% chance of raising all stats Attack Name: Skill Swap Type: Psychic Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 Effect: Swap Characteristic with opponent TM: 48 Attack Name: Sky Uppercut Type: Fighting Base Damage: 85 Accuracy: 90% PP: 15 Effect: None Attack Name: Snatch Type: Dark Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 Effect: TM: 49 Attack Name: Sludge Bomb Type: Poison Base Damage: 90 Accuracy: 100% PP: 15 Effect: 30 % chance of poisoning opponent TM: 36 Attack Name: Smelling Salt Type: Normal Base Damage: 60 Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 Effect: Attack doubled if opponent is paralyzed Attack Name: Spark Type: Electric Base Damage: 65 Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: 30%chance of paralyzing opponent Attack Name: Spit Up Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 Effect: Useless unles used with stockpile Attack Name: Spite Type: Ghost Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 Effect: Decrease opponent last move's PP by 2-5 Attack Name: Spore Type: Grass Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 15 Effect: May send Pokemon into sleep Attack Name: Stockpile Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: - PP: 10 Effect: Useless unless used with Swallow Attack Name: Swallow Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: - PP: 10 Effect: Useless unless used with stockpile Attack Name: Sweet Kiss Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: 75% PP: 10 Effect: Confuses opponent Attack Name: Sweet Scent Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: Lower enemy evasion Attack Name: Taunt Type: Dark Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: TM: 12 Attack Name: Tickle Type: Normal Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: Lower opponent attack and defense Attack Name: Torment Type: Dark Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 15 Effect: Prevent the use of consecutive move throughout the battle TM: 41 Attack Name: Uproar Type: Normal Base Damage: 50 Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 Effect: Prevent sleeping in battle for 2-5 turns Attack Name: Vital Throw Type: Fighting Base Damage: 70 Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 Effect: Never missed. Always attack last Attack Name: Water Pulse Type: Water Base Damage: 60 Accuracy: 100% PP: 20 Effect: 20 chance of confusing opponent TM: 03 Attack Name: Water Sport Type: Water Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% PP: 15 Effect: Weaken Fire type attacks Attack Name: Water Spout Type: Water Base Damage: 150 Accuracy: 80% PP: 5 Effect: Power decreases as user's HP decreases ==================== 4. TM list ==================== Below is TM list. (*) beside the name indicate new moves. TM 01 - Focus Punch* Type: Fighting PP: 20 Base Damage: 150 Accuracy: 100% Location: Route 115 TM 02 - Dragon Claw* Type: Dragon PP: 15 Base Damage: 80 Accuracy: 100% Location: Meteor Falls TM 03 - Water Pulse* Type: Water PP: 20 Base Damage: 60 Accuracy: 100% Location: Given to you by 8th gym leader TM 04 - Calm Mind* Type: Psychic PP: 20 Base Damage: - Accuracy: - Location: Given to you by 7th gym leaders TM 05 - Roar Type: Normal PP: 20 Base Damage: - Accuracy: - Location: Route 116 TM 06 - Toxic Type: Poison PP: 10 Base Damage: - Accuracy: 85% Location: Fiery Path TM 07 - Hail* Type: Ice PP: 10 Base Damage: - Accuracy: - Location: Shoal Cave TM 08 - Bulk Up* Type: Fighting PP: 20 Base Damage: - Accuracy: - Location: Given to you by 2nd gym leader TM 09 - Bullet Seed* Type: Grass PP: 30 Base Damage: 10 Accuracy: 100% Location: Outside Flower Shop (Route 104) TM 10 - Hidden Power Type: Normal PP: 15 Base Damage: 70 Accuracy: 100% Location: Rustboro City flea market TM 11 - Sunny Day Type: Fire PP: 5 Base Damage: - Accuracy: - Location: Route 120 TM 12 - Taunt* Type: Dark PP: 20 Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% Location: Route 110 TM 13 - Ice Beam Type: Ice PP: 10 Base Damage: 95 Accuracy: 100% Location: Casino Prize (4000 Coins) TM 14 - Blizzard Type: Ice PP: 5 Base Damage: 120 Accuracy: 75% Location: Lilycove City Dept Store, 4th Floor (5500 Poke) TM 15 - Hyper Beam Type: Normal PP: 5 Base Damage: 150 Accuracy: 95% Location: Lilycove City Dept store, 4th Floor (7500 Poke) TM 16 - Light Screen Type: Psychic PP: 20 Base Damage: - Accuracy: - Location: Minamo Dept Store 4th floor (3000 Poke) TM 17 - Protect* Type: Normal PP: 10 Base Damage: - Accuracy: - Location: Lilycove Dept Store 4th floor (3000 Poke) TM 18 - Rain Dance Type: Water PP: 5 Base Damage: - Accuracy: - Location: Wrecked Ship TM 19 - Giga Drain Type: Grass PP: 5 Base Damage: 60 Accuracy: - Location: Route 122 TM 20 - Safeguard Type: Normal PP: 25 Base Damage: - Accuracy: - Location: Lilycove Dept Store 4th Floor (3000 Poke) TM 21 - Frustation Type: Normal PP: 20 Base Damage: 1-120 Accuracy: 100% Location: Pacifidlog Town TM 22 - Solar Beam Type: Grass PP: 10 Base Damage: 120 Accuracy: 100% Location: Safari Zone TM 23 - Iron Tail Type: Steel PP: 10 Base Damage: 100 Accuracy: 75% Location: Meteor Falls TM 24- ThunderBolt Type: Electric PP: 15 Base Damage: 95 Accuracy: 100% Location: Casino Prize (4000 Coins) TM 25 - Thunder Type: Electric PP: 10 Base Damage: 120 Accuracy: 70% Location: Lilycove City Dept Store, 4th floor (5500 Poke) TM 26 - Earthquake Type: Ground PP: 10 Base Damage: 100 Accuracy: 100% Location:Groudon/Kyogre Lair (Route 128) TM 27 - Return Type: Normal PP: 20 Base Damage: 1-120 Accuracy: 100% Location: Lilycove Town TM 28 - Dig Type: Ground PP: 10 Base Damage: 60 Accuracy: 100% Location: Fallarbor town. Talk to the small boy to get it TM 29 - Psychic Type: Psychic PP: 10 Base Damage: 90 Accuracy: 100% Location: Casino Prize (3500 Coins) TM 30 - Shadow Ball Type: Ghost PP: 15 Base Damage: 80 Accuracy: 100% Location: Pokemon Tower TM 31 - Brick Break* Type: Fighting PP: 15 Base Damage: 75 Accuracy: 100% Location: Sootopolis City TM 32 - Double Team Type: Normal PP: 15 Base Damage: - Accuracy: - Location: Casino prize (1500 Coins) TM 33 - Reflect Type: Psychic PP: 20 Base Damage: - Accuracy: - Location: Lilycove City Dept store, 4th floor (3000 Poke) TM 34 - Shock Wave* Type: Electric PP: 20 Base Damage: 60 Accuracy: 100% Location: Given to you by 3rd gym leader TM 35 - Flamethrower Type: Fire PP: 15 Base Damage: 95 Accuracy: 100% Location: Casino Prize (4000 Coins) TM 36 - Sludge Bomb* Type: Poison PP: 10 Base Damage: 90 Accuracy: 100% Location: Dewford Town TM 37 - Sandstorm* Type: Rock PP: 10 Base Damage: 120 Accuracy: - Location: Desert TM 38 - Fire Blast Type: Fire PP: 5 Base Damage: 120 Accuracy: 85% Location: Lilycove City Dept store, 4th floor (5500 Poke) TM 39 - Rock Tomb* Type: Rock PP: 10 Base Damage: 50 Accuracy: 85% Location: Give to you by 1st gym leader TM 40 - Aerial Ace* Type: Flying PP: 20 Base Damage: 60 Accuracy: - Location: Given to you by 6th gym leader TM 41 - Torment* Type: Dark PP: 15 Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% Location: Slateport City TM 42 - Facade* Type: Normal PP: 20 Base Damage: 70 Accuracy: 100% Location: Given to you by 5th gym leader TM 43 - Secret power (used to create your secret base)* Type: Normal PP: 20 Base Damage: 70 Accuracy: 100% Location: Route 111, Slateport City Flea Market TM 44 - Rest Type: Psychic PP: 10 Base Damage: - Accuracy: - Location:Lilycove City TM 45 - Attract Type: Normal PP: 15 Base Damage: - Accuracy: - Location: Verdanturf Town TM 46 - Thief Type: Dark PP: 10 Base Damage: 40 Accuracy: 100% Location: Given to you by Team Magma/Aqua member in ocean museum TM 47 - Steel Wing Type: Steel PP: 25 Base Damage: 70 Accuracy: 90% Location: Given to you by the Champion after you delivered the memo TM 48 - Skill Swap* Type: Psychic PP: 10 Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% Location: Mt Pyre TM 49 - Snatch* Type: Dark PP: 10 Base Damage: - Accuracy: 100% Location: Boat TM 50 - Overheat* Type: Fire PP: 5 Base Damage: 140 Accuracy: 90% Location: Given to you by the 4th gym leader ==================== 5. Credits ==================== - You for Reading it - Bunnygirl for the ACSII fanart =============================================================================================== This FAQ is copyright of RAMS 2003 all right reserved You can contact me at RAMS1801@hotmail.com 8:12 AM 28/03/03 =============================================================================================== (==RAMS==) ######## ### #### #### ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ######## ## ## ## ## ## ######## ## ## ####### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ######## ===============================================================================================