Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire One-Pokémon Challenge Guide Version 1.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Legal stuff- Copyright 2006 by Galcle C. Silva (FinalSkull)/ E-mail finalskull@hotmail.com Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire and all related marks are copyrighted and trademarked by their respective owners. This guide can be found mainly on Gamefaqs.com You may print, read, do what you want with it, just don't steal my work, alright? If you want to put this in your site, mail me first. People who want to use something of it on their own guide, don't forget to give me a little credit. If there are some major spelling errors, feel free to contact me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -History- Version 1.0-October, 2006: Finish the entire guide, and posted in the Gamefaqs. Version 1.5-February, 2007: Updated some stuff. Created the History section. Added the "MADkip mode", plus new FAQ questions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Introduction- This guide started in a nice day of October. I was happily looking through my nearly-complete Pokédex (Ruby version only - no trades), when my good old GBA fell on the floor. Conclusion: ALL my data was erased. I was so pissed off, that my next step was throwing it again in the floor. I left it there for an hour, while I went to take a bath to cool down a bit. When I went back to it, it was still miraculously working. So, I had no choice but to start my game all over again. Then, I had an idea: could I finish the game using only one Pokémon in battle? And so my quest began. After some time, I finally finished it. So, to those who had a similar problem like mine, or just is sick of doing the same thing over and over again, have a emulator to divide save files (or any other device that does this), or simply aren't afraid of erasing your own game data, I wrote this guide as a challenge for them, plus threw in my own guide to finish it, to those who think it's impossible. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Main Steps: Normal One-Pokémon Challenge- The normal game stands for the previous version of my guide. 1> Choose your "Battler Pokémon". The first Pokémon you choose will be the only Pokémon you'll be using to battle. Naturaly, it will be one of the starters: Treecko, Torchic or Mudkip. This challenge is set to use one of these 3 Pokémon as your only battler. 2> Get 2 "Support Pokémon". "Wha? You said that I could only use one Pokémon. What about the other 2?" As you may know, a Pokémon can only learn 4 techs, and in the game, you will need 6 of the 8 HM techs to proceed, thus you'll end up with 2 Poke, even if the challenge says "one-Pokémon". But you can only use your battler Pokémon to battle. That's why they're called support. They'll be on your party only to learn the HM moves and use them, and nothing more. After you enter a gym, you must place the support on the Pc (now you have only one battler). When you finish, take them back to proceed. Also, it's best to save before every trainer battle, 'cause if you lose with your battler, it's a reset and reload matter. Oh yeah, you're free to use some HMs on your battler too (if compatible). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Rules- .You can use only the chosen battler Pokémon to fight anytime and anywhere; .Support Pokémon can only be used to learn the HM moves; .If your battler faints, you need to reset to your last save, or let all your support faints; .Abilities such as "Pick up" of the Zigzagoon are not allowed; .No Gameshark cheats (this one is obvious, but I decided to put it here as a reminder); .No "glitches" are allowed; .HM moves can be used on the battler. If it can't learn it, use it in the support. Fly and Flash are not required to complete the game, so, support are not allowed to learn them (only battlers); .The main objective is to finish the Pokémon League Elite Four and the champion battle. Sidequests are not necessary, but if you feel like you need to complete everything, you're free to do so; .People using emulators: no save states; .No time limit to finish the challenge. No level caps either; .You are not allowed to enter in 2x2 battles besides the gym leaders in Mossdeep; .You can teach to your battler any TM that you think is useful. Also equip anything on it. If you think that you disagree with any one of these rules, don't try to nuke my home, just try the way you think is best for you. If you have any question about the rules, you can e-mail me if you wish. I'll try to reply as soon as I can. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -"MADkip" Mode- People told me that my previous challenge was way too easy. So, I found that you can finish a game using only and only one Pokémon, regardles of HM moves. I call it the MADkip mode. Choosing a Mudkip in the beginning, the player can play through the entire game using only him. You can swap some HM moves through the game with move deleter, and finish the game. -Main steps- 1> Get Mudkip in the beginning. 2> Capture 2 Zigzagoons (for Tate&Liza battle). The rules are similar for the One-Poke challenge, but this time, all HM moves are learned by Mudkip. The scheme of learning HMs are as follows: 1: Learn Cut; 2: Learn Rock Smash; 3: Learn Strenght; 4: Learn Surf; 5: Erase Cut at move deleter. Learn Dive; 6: After you win the last badge, go back to the move deleter and erase Dive. Learn Waterfal. That's it. You may cross the Victory Road and reach the Elite Four. It's all up to you when to learn the moves, because you can wait until the move is extremelly nescessary to proceed. Oh yeah, you can still make Mudkip evolve normally (besides, it's the only way to learn most of the HMs). I haven't wrote a guide for it yet, but I'll think about one soon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to try the One-Pokémon challenge alone, stop reading here and try it out. If you think it's totally impossible to do so, keep reading the walkthrough that I've wrote. Good luck! (Scroll down a bit to see the rest) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -One-Pokémon Walkthrough- This walkthrough is for those who want to complete a One-Pokémon Challenge described in this guide. It's best if you have finished the game at least 1 or 2 times normally already. This guide may contain spoilers in it. What you'll see here is my way of finishing the challenge, but there may be many other tactics to be explored (every person has it's own way of playing Pokémon), so you're free to use whatever you think that's gonna work. It's a little rushed, really, especially towards the end. I won't be telling what items does, or other things that can be found in other guides (which Pokémon you can find in a route, etc.). We'll go straight forward to the Pokémon League Elite Four. It's not a beginner guide, so, don't bother asking me if you are lost somewhere, or don't know where something is. Read the full walkthroughs on other guides if you are stuck with something other than the challenge itself. Also, this walkthrough only covers the normal challenge, not MADkip mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Your initial options- As wrote before, you'll probably be using one of the three starter Pokémon. Those are: .Treecko- a Grass type Pokémon. .Torchic- a Fire type that later becomes a Fire/Fighting Pokémon (after evolution). .Mudkip- a Water type that later becomes a Water/Ground Pokémon (after evolution). There you go, the 3 choices. But, which you should choose? That's up to you, but in my experience, it's easier using Mudkip, average with Torchic and average/hard with Treecko. It's all because of the variety of moves they can learn in the game (you'll see that Mudkip can learn the most useful moves of the game, while Treecko can't learn much things). Of course, in the walkthrough I'll tell strategies to all of them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Supporters- The two best supporters that can (combined) learn all the HMs that you're gonna need are: Zigzagoon - learns Cut, Rock Smash, Surf; Goldeen - learns Surf, Dive, Waterfal If you are wondering about Strength, Fly and Flash: Strength can be taught to your battler (it's somewhat a useful attack); Fly and Flash are optional: you don't need them to finish the game (but they help a lot). Also, those supporters are weak enough to be taken out in one hit by the Pokémon of Tate and Liza (you'll know later). You can catch the Zigzagoon right in the beginning, and wait a bit to catch the Goldeen. Remember that you aren't allowed to use Zigzagoon's "Pick up" to get items. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Battler Move charts- Here is information about the moves you should learn with each battler to finish the game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Treecko>>Lv16>>Grovyle>>Lv36>>Sceptile When attacked by... - Damage is... Normal ----------------- Regular Grass ----------------- Not effective Fire ----------------- Super effective Water ----------------- Not effective Electric --------------- Regular Flying ----------------- Super effective Bug ----------------- Super effective Ground ----------------- Not effective Rock ----------------- Regular Ice ----------------- Super effective Ghost ----------------- Regular Poison ----------------- Super Effective Psychic ---------------- Regular Fighting --------------- Not effective Steel ----------------- Regular Dark ----------------- Regular Dragon ----------------- Regular Moves that it should learn during the challenge: (Let Treecko evolve when it reaches the evolve cap, so it can learn them in the proper order below; any moves that are not listed should not be learned) Move Learn at: Pound -learned Leer -learned Absorb - Lvl 6 Quick Attack - Lvl 11 Bullet Seed - use TM Bullet Seed: put in place of Absorb Pursuit - Lvl 16: put in place of Pound Screech - Lvl 23: put in place of Leer Rock Smash - use HM Rock Smash: put in place of Quick Attack Leaf Blade - Lvl 29: put in place of Bullet Seed Dig - use TM Dig: put in place of Screech Strenght - use HM Strenght: put in place of Rock Smash* Earthquake - use TM Earthquake: put in place of Dig *To forget Rock Smash, go to the Move Deleter's house in Lylicove. Final move list: Pursuit Leaf Blade* Strenght Earthquake *"Why leave that crappy Leaf Blade? Solar Beam is much better!" Yeah, but remember that you must charge one turn before actually firing it, and depending on your foe or your luck, you won't even survive one turn, or you may be lulled to sleep, paralyze... many things can happen in the next turn that can break your attack. Also, Leaf Blade has a real high critical hit ratio, so you can rely on it to defeat even enemies that are strong against Grass attacks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Torchic>>Lv16>>Combusken>>Lv36>>Blaziken When attacked by... - Damage is... Normal ----------------- Regular Grass ----------------- Not effective Fire ----------------- Not effective Water ----------------- Super effective Electric --------------- Regular Flying ----------------- Regular/ super effective* Bug ----------------- Not effective Ground ----------------- Super effective Rock ----------------- Super effective/ regular* Ice ----------------- Not effective Ghost ----------------- Regular Poison ----------------- Regular Psychic ---------------- Regular/ super effective* Fighting --------------- Regular Steel ----------------- Not effective Dark ----------------- Regular/ not effective* Dragon ----------------- Regular * These types' damage change when Torchic evolves to Combusken and Blaziken, since it then becomes a Fire/Fighting type. Moves that it should learn during the challenge: (Let Torchic evolve when it reaches the evolve cap, so it can learn them in the proper order below; any moves that are not listed should not be learned) Move Learn at: Scratch -learned Growl -learned Focus Energy - Lvl 7 Ember - Lvl 10 Peck - Lvl 16: put in place of Scratch Double Kick - Lvl 16: put in place of Growl Bulk Up - Lvl 28*: put in place of Focus Energy Dig - use TM Dig: put in place of Peck Blaze Kick - Lvl 36: put in place of Ember Strenght - use HM Strenght: put in place of Dig *You may as well use TM Bulk Up to learn this. Final move list: Blaze Kick* Double Kick** Bulk Up Strenght *"Why not Fire Blast?" Due to the fact that Fire Blast has very little PP and a real bad accuracy. Trust me, you don't want to face Steven's Metagross, use a Fire Blast just to see it miss, and get crushed by his Psychic. Blaze Kick will do just fine. **"And why not learn Sky Uppercut?" Well, with Double Kick you have two chances of doing a critical hit. Also, you can Double Kick LOTS of times, and this will be basicaly your main attack in the journey in the seas. Also, you can always rely on this attack, unless your foe increases it's evasiveness or your accuracy is lowered, it will always be a sure double hit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mudkip>>Lv16>>Marshtomp>>Lv36>>Swampert When attacked by... - Damage is... Normal ----------------- Regular Grass ----------------- Super effective Fire ----------------- Not effective Water ----------------- Not effective/regular* Electric --------------- Super effective/No damage** Flying ----------------- Regular Bug ----------------- Not effective Ground ----------------- Regular Rock ----------------- Not effective Ice ----------------- Not effective/regular* Ghost ----------------- Regular Poison ----------------- Not effective Psychic ---------------- Regular Fighting --------------- Regular Steel ----------------- Not effective Dark ----------------- Regular Dragon ----------------- Regular *Those values change when Mudkip turns into Marshtomp and Swampert. It then becomes a Water/Ground type. **When hit by Electric type attacks, you won't receive any damage and/or effects. But Paralyzis side effect may happen when struck by other types's attacks that produces this effect (Stun Spore, Dragon Breath, etc.). Moves that it should learn during the challenge: (Let Mudkip evolve when it reaches the evolve cap, so it can learn them in the proper order below; any moves that are not listed should not be learned) Move Learn at: Tackle -learned Growl -learned Mud-Slap - Lvl 6 Water Gun - Lvl 10 Mud Shot - Lvl 16: put in place of Mud-Slap Dig - use TM Dig: put in place of Mud Shot Strenght - use HM Strenght: put in place of Tackle Surf - use HM Surf: put in place of Water Gun Ice Beam - use TM Ice Beam: put in place of Growl Earthquake - Lvl 52: put in place of Dig Final move list: Strenght Ice Beam* Earthquake Surf *"Why not learn Blizzard?" Well, I think a attack with 10 PP, 100% accuracy and a above average 95 attack power is good enough for me, but if you like to use a clumsy move with 5 PP, 75% accuracy just because it has 120 of power, be my guest. But don't complain if you lost 'cause you missed all 5 attacks in a single battle. I also think that using X-Accuracy every time you wish to pull this out is a waste of time, but that's just me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------Walkthrough----------------------------------- Here goes. First off, I'll let you know that this is a very short challenge. I needed only 12 hours to finish it the first time I played. That's because you need to level up only one Pokémon that already have a high level up rate. Also, I finished it already with all battlers, and I know it's possible with everyone. Avoid battles with random Pokémon. Just run away, unless your level is too low, but battle every trainer that you find in the way. And, take a careful look through each route to get items, and berries. The guide is divided in sections (or chapters, your choice), so look out for the numbers at the title of each section. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -1.Beginning to First Badge- Skipping the beginning and straight to the first Pokémon battle. Now, it's time to choose your partner for life. You should get a well-balanced stat Pokémon. Save before touching the bag and go to battle. Look the stats and see if it's good to you. If not, reset and try again. (I prefer those with high attack power. You can measure this like this: attack the Poochiena. If it's energy goes to the yellow bar with a normal hit, the attack of your battler is good) After choosing your partner, leave the house and keep going north. Talk to the woman next to the house to get a Potion. Keep going north to fight your rival. His/Her Pokémon will be of the type that has higher advantage over you, but just hit it with Pound/Scratch/Tackle until it falls. Go back to Prof. Birch's lab to get the Pokédex (useless to us) and 5 Pokéballs. Go to the shop in Oldale Town and buy some Potions (5 is good). Also get a Zigzagoon on Route 101. Go west from Oldale and reach Petalburg. Buy some Antidotes and Paralyz Heals, enter the gym and talk to your dad. After some animations, leave the gym and go west. Go all the way through the woods. You'll battle a Team Magma/Aqua grunt here, but it's too easy. Get the TM Bullet Seed (for Treecko) with the guy outside the woods. Keep going to Rustboro. Here, buy 5 Potions (and 1 or 2 X-Attacks if you're using Torchic), go to the school and get the Quick Claw with the teacher (equip it). Next, go to the Cutter's house and get the HM Cut. Teach Cut to Zigzagoon, and recover your health if you haven't done so. Before going to the gym, make sure you are Lv16; if not, go to Route 116 (northeast of Rustboro) and fight some trainers until you get the desired level. All set, go to the gym and fight everyone. You should have no problem dealing with them. Next comes the gym leader, Roxanne. -Roxanne--------------------------------------------------------------------- .Geodude Lv14 .Nosepass Lv15 Too easy. Your Pokémon should be more than capable of defeating her. Just make sure you are healthy, and you are set. Treecko/Grovyle> Just use Bullet Seed to defeat all of her Pokémon. Torchic/Combusken> First, use 1 or 2 X-Attacks, then Double Kick them both. Use Potion, if needed. Mudkip/Marshtomp> Too easy, Water Gun in the Geodude, and Mud Shot in the Nosepass. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -2.Knuckle Badge to Route 110- Leave the gym, go through Route 116, and enter in the cave, to battle that grunt again in another easy battle. Go back to Rustboro, exit the building, buy more X items (5 of each is ok, you may not have the money, so sell the TM Rock Tomb you got earlier), talk to your rival in the south exit, and return to the forest. Use Cut to pass through the small trees and get items (you can get an Miracle Seed with the woman, good for Treecko/Grovyle). Go south to reach Mr. Brinney's house. Talk to him and go to Dewford. When you arrive, talk to the guy with red clothes and cap to get a Old Rod (it will be useful to get Goldeen later), recover your health and go to the gym. Defeat everyone to light up the place. Save and fight with Brawly. -Brawly---------------------------------------------------------------------- .Machop Lv17 .Makuhita Lv18 Brawly can be somewhat hard at this part of the game. Machop is more dangerous than Makuhita, 'cause he will attack you almost every turn. It's best to use X-Defend and try to defeat them the quickest possible. Grovyle> Use X-Defend and Bullet Seed. Heal if needed. Combusken> Use Focus Energy, then Peck everyone. Heal if needed. Marshtomp> Use X-Attack and Mud Shot. Heal if needed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle with Brawly, recover, go to Granite Cave. Get the HM Flash with the man (I don't recomend learning this, it will take too long to delete, plus it's horrible). Go to the underground. It's dark, alright, but it's a one-way place, so there's no way to get too much lost. Give the letter to Steven in the end, and to return, just jump over the ledges to the right. Go back to Mr. Brinney. Next stop: Slateport. In the beach, fight some trainers, get the Soft Sand with the girl in the tube, then enter in the house. Defeat everyone there and talk to the guy, he will give you 6 Soda Pops (buy some more, around a total of 30), and head to the shipyard. Talk to the man in front of the table, go to the museum. Talk to the grunt right in front of you to get the TM Thief. Climb the stairs and talk to Stern. Now you'll battle two grunts in a row. The first will use only a Numel (Ruby)/Carvana (Sapphire), and the other a Zubat and another Numel/Carvana. Defeat them, exit the museum, recover, and head north. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -3.Rival battle to Dynamo Badge- In Route 110, fight the trainers (except the 2X2 battle), then go through the grassy path. (If you wish, you can try the Trick House challenge, but it's not a necessity). You'll meet your rival again. This battle will require some thinking, because he/she has a Pokémon that have high advantage over you. Before engaging, make sure you are Lv25 at least. Follow those instructions carefully: Grovyle> first use a Dire Hit, next use a X-Attack. Use Bullet Seed to take down the Wailmer. Next is Combusken's turn. First, use a Screech in two turns (Combusken will probably attack you two times with Ember, depending on how high your Hp and Sp.DF is, you may survive it). Use an Soda Pop, and attack with Quick Attack next turn. This should do it. The Shroomish go down with one or two Pursuits. You can also use one Screech and two Quick Attacks to defeat Combusken (if you get a critical hit, you may defeat it with only one). If it uses Focus Energy, you may have another turn with half Hp, take this advantage to defeat it. If you get burned, you are done for. Just pray that you don't get a burn. Combusken> best to equip a Cheri Berry first. Then, use Bulk Up when fighting the Shroomish (3 or 4 times). Then, heal Hp, heal the paralyzis, and finally Ember the Shroomish. Do a Double Kick in Marshtomp, and another to take down the Numel. Don't worry about Marshtomp's Mud Shot, if it somehow attack you first, since you've been bulking up, it won't damage you much. But avoid having low Hp, remember that a critical hit can KO you if you do. Also stay alert about Shroomish's Leech Seed, it will keep draining Hp through all battle. There's not much you can do about this, so keep yourself healthy and you're set. Marshtomp> first, use 3 X-Attacks, 2 X-Speeds plus Dire Hit in the battle with the Wailmer. Now, if your health is yellow, use Soda Pop to heal, and defeat the Wailmer. Grovyle is very fast, but with 2 speed boosts you can outrun it. Take it down with Tackle, and use a single Water Gun to defeat the Numel. If Grovyle somehow starts before you, be aware that its Absorb will do 4X damage, due to your dual weakness to Grass. Best to keep attacking, healing won't help you much, anyway. After this battle, keep going until Mauville. Enter in the house to the right of the mart, talk to the guy to get HM Rock Smash, buy some more Paralyz Heals (10 is good, Grovyle get 20, just in case, don't buy for Marshtomp), get the Mach Bike in the bike shop, recover and head to the gym (defeat Wally on the entrance). Well, you know how it goes... Now, the gym leader. -Wattson--------------------------------------------------------------------- Magnemite Lv22 Voltorb Lv20 Magneton Lv23 Combusken and Marshtomp users can pass him with no sweat. Grovyle, however, will have a real tough time fighting those guys. Actually, all of Grovyle's attacks are not effective against the Magnemite and Magneton. The only way I've found is to teach Grovyle Rock Smash. It's weak, but at least it causes some damage to Steel. It will be hard, but not impossible. Grovyle> Learn Rock Smash, equip one Cheri Berry, and you are good to go. Use Screech a couple of times, then Rock Smash it. Best to heal the paralyzis between attacks, the sooner the better. For the Voltorb, just Pursuit him twice (heal if you are too low on Hp). For Magneton, do the same thing you did for the Magnemite, and recover Hp when you have only 20 or lower. If you get confused by the Supersonic attack (I really hate this attack), there's not much you can do, but NEVER stay paralyzed and confused at the same time, it's a deathwish. Combusken> Too easy. Ember or Double Kick them, the choice is yours. Don't worry about paralyzis, just blindly attack them and it will be all over. Marshtomp> you'll be technically invincible during this battle (only Sonic Boom may hit you), so just waste all of them with Mud Shot. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -4.Mauville to the Top of MT. Chimney- Heal yourself and head north. Ignore the Winstrate Family's challenge, and keep north, west, and enter in the volcano. Past the cavern, keep going north, recover your Hp in the house, and keep going until the Glass Workshop. Get the Soot Sack, and get enough ash to make the Blue Flute. Now you don't need Awakenings anymore. You may get the other flutes as well, it's up to you. Keep going to Fallarbor. Heal, talk to Lannete, pick a Nugget in the crater, and go west. Get the TM Dig from the boy in the house (it will be VERY useful for the next gym). Also, try to fish a Goldeen in the river here (this is your second support). Don't worry if you are too strong, it will be probably under Lv10, so throw a Great Ball on it and it should work (you may have one or two of it). Now, keep going to reach the cavern (you can visit Lanette, if you wish). Talk to Prof. Cozmo, then go south. You'll exit near Rustboro. Go to the city, recover, then head to the cave to the east. Get the HM Strenght (don't learn it now), and go to the exit, to reach Verdanturf. (Grovyle users: exit through the entrance far to the left, use the Itemfinder to get a Blackglasses, it will be useful later) Recover, cross Route 110 to Mauville again, and go north (you can accept the Winstrate family challenge now, if you wish), take the cable car to reach the summit of the montain. Defeat some grunts here. Get ready to face Maxie (Ruby)/ Archie (Sapphire). -Maxie (Ruby Version)------------------------------Archie (Sapphire Version)- Mightyena Lv24 Mightyena Lv24 Camerupt Lv25 Sharpedo Lv25 Golbat Lv24 Golbat Lv24 Athough not gym leaders, those guys can make you embarass yourself if you don't be careful. Fortunatelly, your battler should be around Lv36 by this point, and evolved to the last and most powerful form. Two of his Pokémon are the same in both versions, and, overall, easy to defeat. The core of the challenge is Camerupt/Sharpedo. They can be very dangerous. Sceptile> If you are in Ruby Version, equip the Soft Sand before entering battle. Mightyena go down with one or two Leaf Blades. Use Dig to hit Camerupt. His Hp should reach the red/yellow near death mark. Use X-Attack next turn. He will recover Hp, but won't take another Dig. Use Pursuit to defeat Golbat, healing Hp when needed. In Sapphire Version, equip the Blackglasses. Just use Leaf Blade to take down Mightyena and Sharpedo, and use Pursuit to defeat Golbat. Blaziken> Ruby version, use Bulk Up a couple of times, then Double Kick the Myghtiena and Dig the Camerupt. Use Blaze Kick against the Golbat. Sapphire Version, use Bulk Up a couple of times and again Double Kick Myghtiena and Sharpedo, then Blaze Kick Golbat. Swampert> Ruby version, use Strenght in Mightyena and Golbat, and Water Gun/ Dig in the Camerupt. Sapphire version, use Strenght in everyone (it's that easy, really). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's no need to get the Meteorite in the machine. Just go south to reach Lavaridge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -5.Heat Badge to Balance Badge- First, time to equip yourself. Go to shop and buy Burn Heals (about 10 will do), and Super Potions, if you are short on Soda Pop. Heal, and head to the gym. Flannery next... -Flannery-------------------------------------------------------------------- Slugma Lv26 Slugma Lv26 Torkoal Lv28 Somehow, Flannery can be one of the easiest gym leaders, with all Pokémon. It's so easy, that except maybe for Sceptile, she won't even hurt you too much. Oh yeah, don't forget to equip the Soft Sand you got earlier, it will help your Dig. Don't bother using Dig with Swampert, though. Sceptile> just use Dig on everyone and you are done. But be careful with Torkoal's Overheat: it can take you down with one single shot, specialy if a Slugma uses Sunny Day. However, it seems that Torkoal don't use Overheat twice in a row, so you have high chances of defeating it before it does. (To use some X-Attacks on the first Slugma battle is a good idea, but watch out your Hp! Use Burn Heal if you get burned) Blaziken> Bulk Up a few times and use Dig to take down everyone. If you get poisoned (sometimes the first Slugma uses Smog), don't worry about it, since you start the battle with full Hp, it won't hurt you much. Swampert> Water Gun... Fire Pokémon... Should I say anymore? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle, you'll get a Go-Goggles from your rival. There's really no need to go to the desert during this challenge, but if you want, hack some more exp. from trainers there. (Blaziken users: get the Charcoal with the old man in the Herb Shop.) Now, go back to Mauville, go west, cross Rustboro and go back all the way to Petalburg. Heal if you need, and head to the gym. Same thing as always, then time to beat DAD. -Norman---------------------------------------------------------------------- Slaking Lv28 Vigoroth Lv30 Slaking Lv31 One of the easiest leaders, considering his Pokémon are highly underleveled for you. You should not have any problems if you're Lv40 or such. If they put you to sleep, use the Blue Flute to heal. Remember that the Slakings pass one turn doing nothing, this is useful if they hit you too much (very unlikely). Use this advantage to heal yourself. Sceptile> Not much to say, just use Leaf Blade and you are ok. Blaziken> Bulk Up once, then Double Kick. It's so easy that you'll laugh. Swampert> Just use Strenght on all of them and you are done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -6.From Petalburg to Feather Badge- With the Balance Badge in hands, go to Wally's house and get HM Surf (excellent attack for Swampert to learn). Teach it to your support. Now you have two ways of reaching your destination: using Surf in the beach near Mr. Brinney's house and go south, all the way to Slateport (really long way, good to get exp.), or head to Route 102, using Surf to get to Route 110 (short way, no trainers). I think you should aim to get exp., so, it's best to go the long way. (If you have a Swampert, don't forget to get the TM Ice Beam in the Abandoned Ship, it will help a hell lot). Either way, when you reach Route 110, go to Slateport beach house and restock some more Soda Pops. Then go north, cross the cycling road to reach Mauville faster, and go east. (You can complete Wattson's subquest, but it's a waste of time) Use Surf to reach Route 118, and go all the way to the Weather Institute. Defeat the grunts here, to open your path. There's a minor boss battle here, but it's too easy for you. After putting Castform on Pc or kicking it for good, continue your path (Swampert users, get the Mystical Water from Castform). You'll find your rival again. He/She will use the same team as before, but it will be much easier than last time. Sceptile> Leaf Blade on Wailmer, Dig on Combusken, and Pursuit on Shroomish. Simple as that. Blaziken> Blaze Kick on Shroomish, Dig on Numel, and Double Kick on Marshtomp. That's it. Swampert> Surf in Numel, Ice Beam in Grovyle, and Strenght in Wailmer. A cinch. Yo'll get HM Fly. It's a shame you can't use it. Oh well, just keep going until you reach Fortree. Buy some Hyper Potion (20 or 30, your money's choice), and head to the east. Talk to Steven in the bridge, defeat the Kecleon, and go back to Fortree. Heal and head to the gym. Ugh, I REALLY hate the puzzle of rotating doors (just thought of getting this out of my chest). -Winona---------------------------------------------------------------------- Swellow Lv31 Pelliper Lv30 Skarmory Lv32 Altaria Lv33 Like Norman's party, they are really underleveled. But depending on your battler, this battle can be a little annoying. Special attention to Altaria: it's a Dragon/Flying type, be careful. When it starts using Dragon Dance, it increase it's attack AND speed, so, don't count on attacking before it. Sceptile> Defeat Swellow first with Pursuit (or Leaf Blade, it is very powerful, even being a attack weak against Flying). Now, use X-Attack and X-Defend until you are tough enough (I think 4 of each is enough), and trash Pelliper with Leaf Blade. Don't use Dig on Skarmory, crush it with Rock Smash. It's defense is pretty high, so it will take a while. For Altaria, use Pursuit, healing everytime your hp is yellow, to avoid a surprise of his Aerial Ace attack. Blaziken> Bulk Up in Swellow a few times (I think 4 or 5 is good), then heal Hp, and use Blaze Kick to take it down. Sometimes Swellow will keep using Double Team - in this case, use Double Kick to rise your chances. Then, Double Kick everyone else that shows up. Swampert> Take Swellow down with Strenght, Peliper too, use Ice Beam in Skarmory and Altaria. You may want to boost your attack with X-Attacks in the battle with Swellow. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -7. From Fortree to Mind Badge- Wow, 6 badges already. Now, cross Routes 120/121, until the Safari Zone. From there, head south to Mount Pyre (use Surf). (If the PP of your moves are too low, go all the way to Lilycove to heal, then head back) There, climb up the tower to fight the trainers first, then, go to the first floor and exit through the entrance to the left. Climb to the summit, fight some grunts, and get the Blue/Red Orb. Exit Mount Pyre, and head south. Go west and walk all the way to Slateport. There, talk with Stern, then, head back all the way to Lilycove (awww...). Heal, then go to the shop (that big building a shop?!) to fight your rival again. Not too hard, folks. Just one new adition depending on his/her first Pokémon. Sceptile> Take Swellow down with Leaf Blade/Pursuit, Combusken with Dig, Wailmer with Leaf Blade again, and Shroomish with Pursuit. That's it. Blaziken> Blaze Kick in Swellow, Dig in Numel, Double Kick Marshtomp and again Blaze Kick Shroomish. Marshtomp> Strenght in Swellow, Ice Beam in Grovyle, Surf in Numel and Strenght again in Wailmer. So much for the old days' rivalry... After this easy task, time to equip yourself. Go to the "shop" and restock on all items. Now, learn Strenght if you are using Sceptile or Blaziken (Sceptile will need to go to the Move Deleter's house to forget Rock Smash first). Now go to Team Magma/Aqua Hideout, that cave east of Lilycove. Progress to the end. After an easy boss battle, head back to Lilycove, heal, and go east through the sea to reach Mossdeep. Before going to the gym, go to Steven's house and get HM Dive. Go north of Mossdeep and fight some trainers to get more exp.. Try to get at least Lv60. Go back to Mossdeep, heal and head to the gym. This time don't leave your support on Pc, bring them with you. Time for a gym leader battle. I know what you're thinking. Well, first we need to take some precautions before the battle. -Place your support in the left and top slots. -Enter battle. Use some move just to pass a turn. In this turn, Lunatone and Solrock MUST defeat both supporters. If they don't do this, reset and try again. Now that the supporters are gone, it's time to battle for real. -Tate & Liza----------------------------------------------------------------- Solrock Lv42 Lunatone Lv42 This battle will not be too hard, even if you are at an extreme disadvantage, except for Blaziken. With 2 Pokémon in a all out offensive, things can get out of control, however. Best thing to do is take out each Pokémon at a turn. Sceptile> Use Leaf Blade to smash them. Don't use Pursuit, it's too weak. Be careful with Solrock's Flamethrower: it can cause a mean damage to you. Take care of Solrock first. You can pass through them without one scratch. Blaziken> in this battle, you'll need to be a little lucky. All will be determined right in the beginning of the battle. Before jumping into battle, equip a Chesto Berry. Once the battle begins, use Bulk Up. In this turn, Solrock probably will just use Sunny Day, and Lunatone will use Calm Mind OR Light Screen, OR attack you with Hypnosis OR Psychic. We hope it don't use the later, wich will certainly make you lose. If it use Calm Mind or Light Screen, you win: Double Kick Lunatone first, then go for Solrock. If it use Hypnosis, Chesto Berry will cure the slumber, and you are ok. But if it uses Psychic right off, you are in big trouble, because Solrock surely will use it too on next turn (even recovery won't help, since they both will attack next). Consider yourself extremely lucky if you survive. Sometimes Solrock will attack instead of Lunatone. Solrock is a little weaker, and you won't be too damaged by its Psychic. The problem is, if Lunatone uses Psychic too, you are done for, but this is very rare to happen. Swampert> Keep using Surf to attack them both. You can take them down at the same time, if you are lucky, but this doesn't matter much, anyway. If Lunatone puts you to sleep (very rare to happen), use Blue Flute. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -8.Mossdeep to Rain Badge- Now, teach Goldeen Dive. Go south of Mossdeep. Now it's best to fight with all the trainers that you find around Route 127, 128, 129 and Sootopolis. When you are done, heal and head to the deep waters in Route 128, and use Dive to search for the seafloor cavern. Make your way to the end (there's a useful TM Earthquake here, in the end, you can't miss it), and get ready to fight Maxie/Archie again. -Maxie (Ruby Version)------------------------------Archie (Sapphire Version)- Mightyena Lv41 Mightyena Lv41 Camerupt Lv43 Sharpedo Lv43 Crobat Lv41 Crobat Lv41 Much like the last time you faced them. The advantage is that you are WAY more powerful. Sceptile> Mightyena goes down with an Leaf Blade, Camerupt with a Earthquake (it takes the place of Dig). Now, waste Crobat away with Pursuit or Strenght. In the Sapphire version, take Sharpedo down with Leaf Blade. Blaziken> Double Kick Myghtiena and Earthquake Camerupt, and Blaze Kick or use Strenght on Crobat. You may want to Bulk Up in Myghtiena, so you can take Camerupt down with one hit. Use Double Kick in Sharpedo for Sapphire version. Swampert> Earthquake in Mightyena, Ice Beam in Crobat, and Surf in Camerupt. Use Strenght in Sharpedo for Sapphire Version. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Groudon/Kyogre will awake. Go to Sootopolis, heal, and go pay your respect to the Legendary Pokémon... Oh, don't forget to get the HM Waterfal on your way down the cavern. Obs. It's good to have an Escape Rope here, it will save you the trouble of returning. -Groudon Lv45---------------------------------------------------------------- You must defeat it quickly. If your attacks don't defeat it quickly, the chances it will have to take you on in one hit are very high. Just hope it don't use Fire Blast on Sceptile or Earthquake on Blaziken. Sceptile> Use Leaf Blade. This should kill Groudon with one hit. If it don't, pray that it won't use Fire Blast. It can kill you instantly with a critical hit. Blaziken> use Blaze Kick. It should defeat it in one hit. If it don't, hope that Earthquake (very high probability of using it) don't kill you. Swampert> Surf it to death. It doesn't have any attack that offers real danger for you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Kyogre Lv45----------------------------------------------------------------- Kyogre can be somewhat easier than Groudon, but don't let your guard down around this Pokémon. Best to defeat it quickly to avoid any surprises. Sceptile> You should be more than capable to take it down with only one Leaf Blade. If it still survives, it maybe will use Ice Beam, but don't worry, this attack won't kill you instantly. If you froze, you'll be in trouble, so it's best to equip an Aspear Berry just for this battle. Blaziken> Keep using Double Kick or Strenght until it falls. If it uses Water Pump, it's over. But it looks like it loves to Body Slam you instead... Well, this sure can help you a lot, but don't count too much in it. You'll need to be a little lucky. Swampert> Use Earthquake to kill it in one shot, if it somehow survives, Strenght will do the trick. Use Aspear or equip it before hand in case of a Frozen status. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- All done, time to head to the gym. (Heal first) -Wallace--------------------------------------------------------------------- Luvidisc Lv40 Sealeo Lv40 Seaking Lv42 Wishcash Lv42 Millotic Lv43 Yup, a bunch of water Pokémon. Your level is so high that even with Blaziken things will go smooth. Sceptile> well, just use Leaf Blade on each one of them and they will go down in one hit. Blaziken> Double Kick Luvdisc and Sealeo. For Wishcash, Bulk Up first, then Double Kick it. Now Double Kick the rest and you are done here. Don't Bulk Up in Luvdisc, it will use Attract on you, and things can get weird. Swampert> You may take them all down with Earthquake alone. Use X-Attack if you wish. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -9. From Sootopolis to Victory Road- (There's really no need to go to Pacifidlog, unless you are really underleveled, wich I doubt, if you've been fighting with all trainers along the way, your level should be somewhere between 63-66. If you are still lower than this, then train a little more, but remember that you'll have to go ALL the way back to the Victory Road) Now, from Sootopolis, cross Route 128, climb the waterfal (teach Waterfal to Goldeen), and go to Evergrande City, and to the dreaded Victory Road. The biggest problem is, since you can't use Flash, you'll have to blindly find your way to the exit. Fight with everyone you find in your way, to get the most exp., except wild Pokémon. It's a good idea to bring a good amount of Super Repels. You'll really need to be a little familiar with the cavern to pass by. In the end, you'll be challenged by Wally. -Wally----------------------------------------------------------------------- Altaria Lv44 Roselia Lv44 Delcatty Lv43 Magneton Lv41 Gardevoir Lv45 At this point, no trainer outside of the Elite Four can beat you. But, after going through this hell, your PP must be almost depleted. So, choose your moves carefully to each opponent. Sceptile> Take Altaria on with Strenght, Earthquake in Roselia, Delcatty and Magneton, and Pursuit in Gardevoir. And they all go down. Blaziken> Strenght in Altaria and Gardevoir, Double Kick Delcaty and Magneton, and Blaze Kick in Roselia. Swampert> Ice Beam in Altaria and Roselia, Earthquake in Delcaty, Magneton and Gardevoir. *Update Note: I've had a report about Wally's Magneton. It seems that it can have the Levitate ability, wich negates Ground-type attacks. I am sure I never see it (I've played through the game a lot of times to create this guide), but in case that the Earthquake in question doesn't work, then you could use Leaf Blade (it's not effective, but is strong enough) for Sceptile and Ice Beam with Swampert. -Thanks to dragonlord6266 for the tip. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit the cavern. It's time for the last challenge: the Elite Four!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -10.The Elite Four and the Champion- First, expend all yor money with Hyper Potions and Full Restores (99 Hyper, about 20 or 30 Full), then place your support in the Pc (you won't need them anymore). Take out all your Ethers and Elixirs that you got along the way. Now, onto the Elite Four! -Round 1: Sidney------------------------------------------------------------- Mightyena Lv46 Cacturne Lv46 Sharpedo Lv48 Shiftry Lv48 Absol Lv49 Not particularly hard, you won't have any problems with him. But be careful with the Swagger attack: it's very dangerous, because it increases your own attack, but leave you confused, and attacking yourself with high att. power really hurts. Sceptile> You can take almost everyone down with Leaf Blade. For Cacturne and Shiftry, use Strenght instead. Blaziken> Double Kick everyone. Dark type is weak against Fighting attacks. Swampert> Surf in Mightyena, Ice Beam in Cacturn, Earthquake in Sharpedo, another Surf in Absol and Ice Beam again in Shiftry. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heal. Now next! -Round 2: Phoebe------------------------------------------------------------- Dusclops Lv48 Banette Lv49 Banette Lv49 Sableye Lv50 Dusclops Lv51 This battle is far more harder than the last one. You must defeat the first Dusclops and the two Bannetes ASAP, before they use Curse, or you'll surely lose. The Dusclops have an annoying variety of attacks, making them very dangerous. Also, everyone seems to have a very high amount of Hp, wich will reduce your chances of 1 hit-KOs (just a little bit). Sceptile> Use Pursuit to kill the first Dusclops quickly. The second Dusclops can use Ice Beam on you, so stay on your toes. If you froze, use a Full Restore quickly. You can take the advantage of Ice Beam not killing you to use X-Special and jack up your Pursuit, to take on the Banettes (I think 4 X-Specials is enough). For Sableye, use Leaf Blade. Blaziken> Keep using Blaze Kick to take down the Dusclops. She'll probably use Sableye next, due to the Psychic attack (if it's a Bannete, take it down!). Now, keep using X-Special, healing if your Hp is low. Now just use Blaze Kick to finish everyone else. And never ever use Double Kick or Strenght -- you'll waste your time. Swampert> Surf should take care of everyone but the Dusclops. Use Earthquake for them. If Surf does not work well, use X-Special twice and it surely will. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heal. Next fight!! -Round 3: Glacia------------------------------------------------------------- Glalie Lv50 Sealeo Lv50 Sealeo Lv52 Glalie Lv52 Walrein Lv53 Not too hard, not too easy. But, since only Sceptile is weak against Ice, you won't have much problems with her. But be careful! If you get frozen, use Full Restore to heal yourself. The first Glalie will most likely use a Hail, to increase Ice-type moves' power, but it'll also use Ice Beam on a all out attack. Whatever you do, don't let it use Light Screen: it'll make the battle a little harder. Sceptile> Take them down with Leaf Blade. Be careful with Walrein's Blizzard: it will wipe you out. You can use a couple of X-Specials in the battle with the first Sealeo to help. But heal if it uses Ice Beam! Blaziken> Use Blaze Kick in the Glalies, and Double Kick in the Sealeos and Walrein. It's a good idea to Bulk Up once in the first Glalie, so you'll have a extra edge against the Sealeos. Swampert> Use X-Attack in the first Glalie (3 or 4 is good). You must be frozen and with low Hp, so use Full Restore to heal yourself. Now, use Strenght to defeat everyone that crosses your path. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heal. Heal PP, if needed. Now, next match! Round 4: Drake--------------------------------------------------------------- Shelgon Lv52 Flygon Lv53 Flygon Lv53 Altaria Lv54 Salamance Lv55 This guy is really annoying. Sceptile users will have a real bad time fighting with him. The dragons have a real high speed, and some very bothersome attacks. You'll use lots of X-Attacks and Full Restores to pass by them. In the other hand, Swampert users will have a great time fighting him, due to the super useful Ice Beam. Don't give up! Sceptile> First, eliminate Shelgon: if he uses a single Rock Tomb attack, all other dragons will attack first. Use Strenght. Next, the Flygon, take your time to use X-Attack (max use). Use X-Speed in case the Shelgon hit you with Rock Tomb. Flygon will waste you with Flamethrower, Fly and Dragon Breath, so use Hyper Potion to heal if you are extremely injured. In case of a burn or paralyzis, use Full Restore. Then when you are real tough, use Strenght. It should kill anything that crosses your path with one hit, now. Blaziken> Take Shelgon down with Strenght. Then, use a X-Speed (Shelgon will surely hit you with Rock Tomb), then keep using Bulk Up until it's maxed out. If you get paralyzed by the Dragon Breath, use a Full Restore to heal. Now take everyone down with Strenght. Swampert> There's one Ice Beam to each one of them, so stay cool (yeah, very cool, indeed). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heal. Use a Max Elixir to fully restore PP. Take a deep breath... Now is the time. -Steven---------------------------------------------------------------------- Skarmory Lv57 Cradily Lv56 Armaldo Lv56 Claydol Lv55 Aggron Lv56 Metagross Lv58 Well, I'll be. The first time I tried the challenge, I didn't thought I could make this far. Now that you reached the almighty Steven, you would wonder, "man, with 6 Pokémon was hard, how can I pass with only one?" Well, follow the tactics below and see for yourself! Sceptile> If Sceptile go head-on into battle, it will surely be crushed. So, we increase its stats a little. In the battle with Skarmory, use all your X items to increase all your stats, plus Dire Hit. It's kind of annoying doing this, because the Skarmory will keep poisoning you and doing heavy damage with the Aerial Ace attack. Heal, and keep increasing the stats. If you get poisoned AND with low Hp, use Full Restore. Otherwise use plain Antidote. Now, use Strenght against Skarmory. Use Earthquake in everyone else except the Claydol (use Leaf Blade or Pursuit for this one), and you will win! Blaziken> Bulk Up in the Skarmory. Do it until it's maxed out. If you have low Hp, use Hyper Potion, and heal poisoning with Antidote. Then Blaze Kick Skarmory, Aggron and Metagross, Strenght in Claydol, Double Kick in Armaldo and Cradily. It's over! Swampert> Use X-Special roughly 3 times in Skarmory, then use Ice Beam to take it down. Now, Surf in Aggron, Ice Beam Cradily, Surf again in Claydol, Earthquake in Metagross, and another Surf for Armaldo. Nice job, buddy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well done, you completed your One-Pokémon Challenge!! It was not so bad, right? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Small FAQ that I created- Well, it's not trully frequently asked, but they're some questions that need some explaining: Q.Can I use items like Carbos, Iron, and Rare Candies in my battler? A.Yes you can. It's actually a good idea. Q.I messed up with my move list and I don't know what to do. A.You can try the Move Tutor to get the moves you skipped back. But remember you'll need Heart Scales to do that. You can usually find them hidden in rocks near the ocean areas. Use the Itemfinder to help. Q.I have lots of TMs that aren't compatible with my battler. What should I do with them? A.Selling them is the best choice. Q.Should I sell Pokeballs that I have stocked? A.If you already have two supports, you can. If not, better have some with you. Q.I lost a battle, and didn't saved! My support has been dragged to fight! I need to reset?? A.You may let the support faint during battle. Remember to save before each trainer battle next time! It's faster. Q.My Zigzagoon got an item with "Pick Up". What should I do? A.You may leave the item with it. Unless it's not holding something, it cannot get anything else. Q.Can I try the Move Contest subquest? A.I don't recommend during the One-Pokémon challenge. You'll have to mess too much with the battler's moves. You can try it out after clearing the Elite Four. Q.I want to beat Rayquaza. Can I? A.Be my guest. I'm still working in tactics for Rayquaza, so, maybe in the next version of this guide I may have something (but I don't promise!). If you have a good tactic for it, let me know! I'll gladly put your name on the thanks and give big credit for it. Just don't forget to put your name or nick. Q.I got a shiny battler. Can I use it? A.Yes. I don't think there's any difference between a normal Poke and a shiny one. Q.MADkip. A.All right, I knew it was bad... is this a question, anyway?! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Thanks- -To Game Freak, who created a pretty good game -To my mother, for the lunch :) -My sister, and her impressed face "YOU wrote all this alone?!" -To My Chemical Romance, who kept me sane while doing this -To my friends who thought this was impossible -To my hands. Boy, I didn't thought that writing a guide would be so hard on my hands (but also so accomplishing, too!) -To Gamefaqs.com, who did take my guide in. Much thanks! -To dragonlord6266, for the tip about Wally's Magneton -To you, who either read this or tried the challenge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See you in the next one!! --------------------------------------X--------------------------------------