Poke'mon Ruby/Sapphire Poke'Dex FAQ ~A Shin Kaiser Dragon FAQ~ *This document Copyright 2002 Shin Kaiser Dragon* "Temae kan tonda shuushi touhou" !!Game Info!! Game: Pocket Monsters (Poke'Mon) Ruby/Sapphire Version System: Gameboy Advance (GBA) Format: Gameboy Game Pak (Cartridge) Player: 1-4 (Via Link Cable) Memory Card Needed: No ***************************************************** Version History ***************************************************** V. 0.1 Started 2:13 P.M. 11/29/02 6:28 P.M. 11/29/02 =All new Poke'mon revealed! =Most Attacks added for them +12 pages 12 pages total PKMN 1, 252-277 V. 0.2 Second Attempt 10:46 A.M. 11/30/02 2:38 P.M. 11/30/02 =More attack charts added =Minor changes to all sections +17 pages 29 pages total PKMN 278-386 (That's a lot of updates!) V. 0.3 Third Attempt 4:15 P.M. 12/2/02 6:05 P.M. 12/2/02 =Evolution Lvs. Fixed and accurate =Minor Fixes Everywhere =Some Locations added +2 pages 31 Pages total (This is a lot of work......Hope CjayC posts it!) V. 0.4 Fourth Attempt 5:13 P.M. 12/4/02 6:58 P.M. 12/4/02 =Type/ Location Charts added =Name Conversion Charts added =More Locations +6 pages 37 Pages total (He posted it!) V. 0.5 Fifth Attempt 7:42 P.M. 12/4/02 8:28 P.M. 12/4/02 =Minor Fixes Everywhere =Descriptions added +3 pages 40 pages total V. 0.6 Sixth Attempt 2:02 P.M. 12/15/02 6:52 P.M. 12/15/02 =Minor Fixes Everywhere =Fixed Patruru's charts =Due to popular demand: The new Poke'Dex Numbers Added to the PKMN Basics Charts ONLY (for right now) =Red/Blue/Green Poke'mon Type/Location Charts Added =Discriptions changed to Unofficial Poke'Dex Intercept(s) +6 pages 46 pages total V. 0.7 Seventh Attempt 5:23 P.M. 03/17/03 8:41 P.M. 03/17/03 =Minor Fixes Everywhere =Added the Obtainables chart to make it easier. Now you can use the new Pokedex numbers on the Basics Chart =Added American names to the Basics Chart. I've yet to add them to the others =Found out all English names, yet to finish the conversion chart +29 Pages (ehh!) 75 Pages total V. 0.8 Eighth Attempt 3:58 P.M. 03/24/03 5:22 P.M. 03/24/03 =Minor fixes =TM/HM Chart started =Started Official Poke'Dex intercepts +0 Pages 75 Pages total V. 0.9 Ninth Attempt 9:02 A.M. 04/16/03 10:37 A.M. 04/16/03 =Undergoing heavy construction =Minor Changes =List of obtainable chart started +3 Pages 78 Pages total ***************************************************** Version History ***************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------------- Table Of Contents --------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction II. How to Use the FAQ III. Pocket Monsters Basics Chart IV. Name Conversion Charts V. Type/ Location Charts VI. Official Poke'Dex Intercept(s) VII. Characteristics Breakdown VIII. Acknowledgements IX. End --------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello. This FAQ is for the new Poke'Mon Advance game. This guide will show you the evolution charts for all the Poke'Mon including their attacks, who they evolve into, when they evolve, and their attacks. Most of the new PKMN's attacks vary with each evolution. You will have to make choices whether to evolve them right away or not. Most of the data is accurate. This FAQ is fun to write! I hope it gets posted....After all this work I believe it should be posted on Gamefaqs.com (Don't You?) Good. This guide should be very helpful to those playing the Japanese version of the game (And the American when it is released). Good luck findin' what cha' lookin' for. It's most likely here. Remember to press Crtl and F keys at the SAME TIME to access the search to narrow down this data. We will begin. --------------------------------------------------------------------- II. How to Use the FAQ --------------------------------------------------------------------- First off: The first chart shows the Poke'Mon evolution chart the number and the name is given. The number format is according to the "Old Poke'Dex" style. ____________________________________________________________________ No. Name Evoulution Lv. (1) XX Lv.X Location:XXXX \ (2) XX Lv.XX Location:XXXX ------Where to find that (3) XX Lv.XX Location:XXXX / Poke'mon ^ ^ ^ PKMN # ^ ^Lv. That PKMN evloves ^PKMN Name *Note! The second number is according to the new Poke'Dex ____________________________________________________________________ The next chart shows that Poke'mon's attacks. The levels they learn the attack on is given. The first set of numbers (going vertical = up to down) is for the basic Poke'Mon, next evolution and so on. For example: Bulbasaur Family Chart ____________________________________________________________________ Lv. Learned 1 Tackle 4 Growl 7 Leech Seed 10 Vine Whip 15 Poisonpowder 15 Sleep Powder 20 22 Razor Leaf 25 29 Sweet Scent 32 38 41 Growth 39 47 53 Synthesis 46 56 65 Solarbeam ^ ^ ^ ^Bulbasaur ^ ^------Venusaur ^-------Ivysaur **** (S)=Sapphire **** (R)=Ruby ____________________________________________________________________ Get it? Good! And that's it! Into the mix! --------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Pocket Monsters Basics Chart --------------------------------------------------------------------- These charts will explain the basics of the Poke'Mon such as their evolution levels, location, and the attacks they learn. ****************************************************** ********Ruby/Sapphire Obtainable Monsters************* ****************************************************** @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!REMEMBER YOU CAN ALWAYS USE Crtl+F TO FIND THE PKMN YOU WANT!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ (001) Treecko Lv.0 Location: Starter (002) Grovyle Lv.16 Location: ^ (003) Sceptile Lv.36 Location: ^ Attacks Lv. 1 Pound 1 Leer 6 Absorb 11 Quick Attack 16 Fury Cutter 16 17 Pursuit 21 23 Screech 26 29 Mega Drain 29 Leaf Blade 31 35 35 Agility 36 41 43 Slam 41 47 51 Detect 46 53 Giga Drain 59 False Swipe (004) Torchic Lv.0 Location: Starter (005) Combusken Lv.16 Location: ^ (006) Blaziken Lv.36 Location: ^ Attacks Lv. 1 Scratch 1 Growl 7 Focus Energy 10 Ember 16 Peck 19 21 Sand-Attack 25 Fire Spin 28 Build Up 28 32 Quick Attack 34 39 42 Slash 36 Blaze Kick 37 43 49 Mirror Move 43 Flamethrower 50 59 Sky Upper (007) Mudkip Lv.0 Location: Starter (008) Marshtomp Lv.16 Location: ^ (009) Swampert Lv.36 Location: ^ Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 1 Growl 6 Mud-Slap 10 Water Gun 15 Bide 16 Mud Shot 19 20 Foresight 24 25 Mud Play 28 31 Take Down 33 Whirlpool 37 39 Muddy Stream 37 42 46 Protect 42 Hydro Pump 46 52 Earthquake 46 53 61 Reckless (010) Pochiena Lv.0 Location: Routes 101, 102, 103 (011) Mightyena Lv.20 Location: ? Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 5 Howl 9 Sand-Attack 13 Bite 17 Scout? 21 22 Roar 25 27 Swagger 29 32 Scary Face 33 37 Take Down 37 42 Provocation 41 47 Crunch 45 52 Thief (012) Zigzagoon Lv.0 Location: Various Routes (013) Linoone Lv.20 Location: Route 118-123 Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 1 Growl 5 Tail Whip 9 Headbutt 13 Sand-Attack 17 Scout? 21 23 Mud play 25 Pin Missile 29 Fury Swipes 29 35 Covet 33 Flail 41 Slash 37 47 Rest 41 53 Belly Drum (014) Wurmple Lv.0 Location: Routes 101,102,104,Woods (015) Silcoon Lv.7(Day) Location: Woods (016) Beautifly Lv.10 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 1 String Shot 5 Poison Sting 7 Harden 10 Absorb 13 Gust 17 Stun Spore 20 Morning Sun 24 Mega Drain 27 Whirlwind 31 Attract 34 Silver Wind 38 Giga Drain (014)Wurmple Lv.0 Location: Routes 101,102,104,Woods (017)Cascoon Lv.7 (Night) Location: Woods (018)Dustox Lv.10 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 1 String Shot 5 Poison Sting 7 Harden 10 Confusion 13 Gust 17 Protect 20 Moonlight 24 Psybeam 27 Whirlwind 31 Light Screen 34 Silver Wind 38 Toxic (019) Lotad Lv.0 Location: Routes 102, 114 (S) (020) Lombre Lv.16 Location: Route 114 (S) (021) Ludocolo Lv.Aqua Stone Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Frighten 3 Growl 7 Absorb 13 Nature power 19 Cat Deceive 21 Mist 25 Fury Swipes 31 Rain Dance 31 Water Play 37 Thief 43 Mega Drain 43 Clamor 49 Hydro Pump (022) Seedot Lv.0 Location: Route 102 ,114 (R) (023) Nuzleaf Lv.16 Location: Route 144 (R) (024) Shifty Lv.Leaf Stone Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Bide 3 Harden 7 Growth 13 Nature Power 19 Cat Device 21 Synthesis 25 Ichamon 31 Sunny Day 31 Faint Attack 37 Razor Wind 43 Swagger 43 Explosion 49 Supernat. Power (025) Taillow Lv.0 Location: Routes 104,115,116 (026) Swellow Lv.22 Location: Route 115 Attacks Lv. 1 Peck 1 Growl 4 Focus Energy 8 Quick Attack 13 Wing Attack 19 Double Team 26 28 Reckless 34 38 ?????? 43 49 Agility (027) Wingull Lv.0 Location: All most everywhere (028) Pelipper Lv.25 Location: Route Later routes Attacks Lv. 1 Growl 1 Water Gun 7 Supersonic 13 Wing Attack 21 Mist 25 Protect 31 Quick Attack 33 Conceal? 33 Understand 43 Pursuit 47 Release 55 Agility 61 Hydro Pump (029) Ralts Lv.0 Location: Route 102 (030) Kirlia Lv.20 Location: ? (031) Gardevoir Lv.30 Location: ? Attacks Lv. 1 Growl 6 Confusion 11 Double Team 16 Teleport 21 ???? 26 Psychic 31 33 Sealed 36 40 42 Future Sight 41 47 51 Hypnosis 46 54 60 Dream Eater (032) Surskit Lv.0 Location: 102,111,114,117,120 (033) Masquerain Lv.22 Location: ? Attacks Lv. 1 Bubble 7 Quick Attack 13 Sweet Scent 19 Water Play 25 Bubble Beam 26 Gust 31 Agility 33 Scary Face 37 Mist 37 Haze 40 Stun Spore 47 Silver Wind 53 Whirl Wind (034) Shroomish Lv.0 Location: Woods (035) Breloom Lv.23 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Absorb 4 Tackle 7 Stun Spore 10 Leech Seed 16 Mega Drain 22 Headbutt 23 Mach Punch 28 Poison Powder 28 Counter 36 Growth 26 Sky Upper 45 Giga Drain 45 Mind Reader 54 Spore 54 Dynamic Punch (036) Slakoth Lv.0 Location: Woods (037) Vigoroth Lv.16 Location: ? (038) Slaking Lv.36 Location: ? Attacks Lv. 1 Scratch 1 Yawn 7 Encore 13 Neglect 13 Clamor 19 Fury Swipes 19 Faint Attack 25 Amnesia 25 Endure 31 Slash 31 ???? 36 Swagger 37 Counter 43 Flail 43 Scream Punch 49 Reversal (042) Nincada Lv. 0 Location: Route 116 (043) Ninjask Lv. 20 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Scratch 1 Harden 5 Leech Life 9 Sand-Attack 14 Fury Swipes 19 Mind Reader 20 Double Team 20 Fury Cutter 20 Screech 25 Swords Dance 25 False Swipe 31 Mud-Slap 31 Slash 38 Metal Claw 38 Agility 45 Dig 45 Baton Pass (042) Tsuchinin Lv. 0 Location: Route 116 (044) Shedinja Lv.20 Location: Must 5 or less PKMN being carried Attacks Lv. 1 Scratch 1 Harden 5 Leech Life 9 Sand-Attack 14 Fury Swipes 19 Mind Reader 25 False Swipe 25 Spite 31 Mud-Slap 31 Confuse Ray 38 Metal Claw 38 Shadow Ball 45 Dig 45 Grudge (045) Wishur Lv.0 Location: Route 116 (046) Loudred Lv.20 Location: Victory Road (047) Exploud Lv.40 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Pound 5 Clamor 11 Frighten 15 ???? 21 23 Supersonic 25 29 Stomp 31 37 Screech 35 43 45 Roar 40 Hyper Beam 41 51 55 Rest 41 51 55 Sleep Talk 45 57 63 Hyper Voice (048) Makuhita Lv.0 Location: 1st Cave, Victory Road (049) Hariteyama Lv.24 Location: Victory Road Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 1 Focus Energy 4 Sand-Attack 10 Support 13 Vital Throw 19 Cat Deceive 22 Whirlwind 28 29 Drop Feather 31 33 Encouragement 37 40 Belly Drum 40 44 Endure 46 51 Seismic Toss 49 55 Reversal (054) Azurill Lv.0 Location: Breed 2 Marill with Tidal Herb attached to the male Attacks Lv. 1 Splash 3 Charm 6 Tail Whip 10 Bubble 15 Slam 21 Water Gun (060) Nosepass Lv.0 Location: 1st Cave Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 7 Harden 13 Rock Throw 16 ?????? 22 Thunder Wave 28 Rock Slide 31 Sandstorm 37 Rest 43 Zap Cannon 46 Lock-On (061) Skitty Lv.0 Location: Route 116 (062) Dalcatty Lv.Moon Stone Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Growl 1 Tackle 3 Tail Whip 7 Attract 13 Sing 15 Doubleslap 19 Nekonote 25 Charm 27 Faint Attack 31 ???? 37 Heal Bell 39 Double-Edge (068) Sableye Lv.0 Location: Milo Cave, S.Tower, Rune Cave Victory Road (S) Attacks Lv. 1 Leer 1 Scratch 5 Foresight 9 Night Shade 13 Frighten 17 Fury Swipes 21 Cat Deceive 25 Detect 29 Faint Attack 33 Drop Feathers 37 Confuse Ray 41 Shadow Ball 45 Mean Look (069) Mawile Lv.0 Location: Milo Cave, Victory Rd. (R) Attacks Lv. 1 Frighten 6 Fake Tears 11 Bite 16 Sweet Scent 21 Vicegrip 26 Faint Attack 31 Baton Pass 36 Crunch 41 ???? 46 Hide 46 Understand 46 Release (070) Aron Lv.0 Location: Milo Cave (071) Lairon Lv.32 Location: Victory Road (072) Aggron Lv.42 Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 4 Harden 7 Mud-Slap 10 Headbutt 13 Metal Claw 17 ???? 21 Roar 25 Take Down 29 Iron Tail 34 37 Protect 39 45 50 Kinzokuon 44 53 63 Double-Edge (076) Meditite Lv.0 Location: Route 122, Victory Road (077) Medicham Lv.37 Location: Victory Road Attacks Lv. 1 Fire Punch 1 Thunder Punch 1 Ice Punch 1 Bide 4 Meditate 9 Confusion 12 Detect 18 Hidden Power 22 Mind Reader 28 ???? 32 Hi Jump Kick 38 40 Psych Up 42 46 Reversal 48 54 Recover (078) Electrike Lv.0 Location: Route 110, 118 (079) Manectric Lv.26 Location: Victory Road Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 4 Thunder Wave 9 Leer 12 Howl 17 Quick Attack 20 Spark 25 Scout? 28 31 Roar 33 39 Bite 36 45 Thunder 41 53 Electrification (080) Plusle Lv.0 Location: Route 110 Attacks Lv. 1 Growl 4 Thunder Wave 10 Quick Attack 13 Helping Hand 19 Spark 22 Encore 28 Fake Tears 31 Electrification 37 Thunder 40 Baton Pass 47 Agility (081) Minun Lv.0 Location: Route 110 Attacks Lv. 1 Growl 4 Thunder Wave 10 Quick Attack 13 Helping Hand 19 Spark 22 Encore 28 Fake Tears 31 Electrification 37 Thunder 40 Baton Pass 47 Agility (086) Volbeat Lv.0 Location: Route 117 Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 5 Confuse Ray 9 Double Team 13 Moonlight 17 Quick Attack 21 Pray 25 Encore 21 Firefly Glow 25 Signal Beam 29 Protect 29 Instigate 33 Helping Hand 37 Double-Edge 37 ????? (087) Illumise Lv.0 Location: Route 117 Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 5 Confuse Ray 9 Double Team 13 Moonlight 17 Quick Attack 21 Pray 25 Encore 21 Firefly Glow 25 Signal Beam 29 Protect 29 Instigate 33 Helping Hand 37 Double-Edge 37 ????? (094) Roselia Lv.0 Location: Route 117 Attacks Lv. 1 Absorb 5 Growth 9 Poison Sting 13 Stun Spore 17 Mega Drain 21 Leech Seed 25 Magical Leaf 29 Reed Pipe 33 Giga Drain 37 Sweet Scent 41 Ne-O Haru 45 Toxic 49 Petal Dance 53 Aroma Therapy 57 Synthesis (095) Gulpin Lv.0 Location: Route 110 (096) Swalot Lv.26 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Pound 6 Yawn 9 Poison Gas 14 Sludge 17 Amnesia 23 Encore 26 Body Slam 28 31 Toxic 34 40 Hide 34 40 Release 34 40 Understand 39 48 Sludge Bomb (097) Carvanha Lv.0 Location: Routes 118,119 (Fish) (098) Sharpedo Lv.30 Location: Routes 103,118,122, 124 (Fish) Attacks Lv. 1 Leer 1 Bite 7 Rage 13 Focus Energy 16 Scary Face 22 Crunch 28 Screech 31 Take Down 33 Slash 37 Swagger 38 Provocation 43 Agility 43 Swagger 48 Skull Bash 53 Agility (099) Wailmer Lv.0 Location: Route 129 (100) Wailord Lv.40 Location: Route 129 Attacks Lv. 1 Splash 5 Growl 10 Water Gun 14 Rollout 19 Whirlpool 23 Frighten 28 ?????? 32 Mist 37 Rest 41 44 Spout 46 52 Amnesia 50 59 Hydro Pump (101) Numel Lv.0 Location: Route 112, Chimney Mt. (102) Camerupt Lv.33 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Growl 1 Tackle 11 Ember 19 Magnitude 25 Focus Energy 29 Take Down 31 Amnesia 33 Rock Slide 35 37 Earthquake 41 Flamethrower 45 Eruption 49 Double-Edge 55 Fissure (105) Torkoal Lv.0 Location: Chimney Mt. Attacks Lv. 1 Ember 4 Smog 7 Curse 14 Smokescreen 17 Fire Spin 20 Body Slam 27 Protect 30 Flamethrower 33 ???? 40 Amnesia 43 Flail 46 Hot Wind (110) Spoink Lv.0 Location: Route 112 (111) Grumpig Lv.32 Location: ? Attacks Lv. 1 Splash 7 Psywave 10 Scout 16 Psybeam 19 Psych Up 25 Confuse Ray 28 Magic Coat 34 37 Psychic 37 43 Rest 37 43 Snore 43 55 ????? (114) Spinda Lv.0 Location: Route 113 Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 5 Clamor 12 Faint Attack 16 Psybeam 23 Hypnosis 27 Dizzy Punch 34 Dizzy Dance 38 Psych Up 45 Double-Edge 49 Flail 56 Thrash (116) Trapinch Lv.0 Location: Desert (117) Vibrava Lv.35 Location: - (118) Flygon Lv.45 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Bite 9 Sand-Attack 17 Faint Attack 25 Sand Trap 33 Crunch 35 Dragon Breath 41 Screech 41 Dig 49 53 Sandstorm 57 65 Hyper Beam (119) Cacnea Lv.0 Location: Desert (120) Cacturne Lv.32 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Poison Sting 1 Leer 5 Absorb 9 Growth 13 Leech Seed 17 Sand-Attack 21 Pin Missile 25 Ne-O-Haru 29 Faint Attack 33 35 Spikes 37 41 Needle Arm 41 47 Cotton Spore 45 53 Sandstorm (121) Swablu Lv.0 Location: Routes 114,115 (122) Altaria Lv.35 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Peck 1 Growl 8 Frighten 11 Sing 18 Fury Attack 21 Safeguard 28 Mist 31 Take Down 35 Dragon Breath 38 Mirror Move 40 ?????? 41 45 Refresh 48 54 Perish Song 59 Sky Attack (123) Zangoose Lv.0 Location: Route 114 (R) Attacks Lv. 1 Scratch 4 Leer 7 Quick Attack 10 Swords Dance 13 Fury Cutter 19 Slash 25 Pursuit 31 Break Claw 37 Provocation 46 Detect 55 False Swipe (124) Seviper Lv.0 Location: Route 114 (S) Attacks Lv. 1 Wrap 7 Lick 10 Bite 16 Poison Tail 19 Screech 25 Glare 28 Crunch 34 Toxic Fang 37 Swagger 43 Haze (125) Lunatone Lv.0 Location: Sand Cave (S) Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 1 Harden 7 Confusion 13 Rock Throw 19 Hypnosis 25 Psywave 31 Cosmic power 37 Psychic 43 Future Sight 49 Explosion (126) Solrock Lv.0 Location: Sand Cave (R) Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 1 Harden 7 Confusion 13 Rock Throw 19 Fire Spin 25 Psywave 31 Cosmos Power 37 Rock Slide 43 Solarbeam 49 Explosion (127) Barboatch Lv.0 Location: Meteor Falls, Rts. 111,114 120, Victorly Rd. (Fish) (128) Whiscash Lv.30 Location: Meteor Falls, Victory Rd. (Fish) Attacks Lv. 1 Mud-Slap 1 Tickle 6 Mud Play 6 Water Play 11 Water Gun 16 Magnitude 21 Amnesia 26 Rest 26 Snore 31 36 Earthquake 36 46 Future Sight 41 56 Fissure (129) Corphish Lv.0 Location: Routes 102,117 (Fish) (130) Lobstar Lv.30 Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 4 Charm 7 Harden 10 Vice Grip 13 Leer 12 Water Gun 16 Agility 20 Bubble Beam 23 Protect 24 Take Down 26 Drop Feather 28 Attract 32 34 Provocation 35 39 Crab Hammer 36 Sweet Kiss 38 44 Swords Dance 40 Flail 44 52 Guillotine 48 Safeguard (131) Baltoy Lv.0 Location: Desert (132) Claydol Lv.36 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Confusion 1 Teleport 3 Harden 5 Rapid Spin 7 Mud-Slap 11 Psybeam 15 Rock Seal 19 Self Destruct 25 Ancient Power 31 Sandstorm 36 Hyper Beam (133) Lieep Lv.0 Location: Root Fossil (134) Cradily Lv.40 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Frighten 8 Constrict 15 Acid 22 Ne-o Haru 29 Confuse Ray 36 Amnesia 43 48 Ancient Power 50 60 Hide 50 60 Release 50 60 Understand (135) Anorith Lv.0 Location: Claw Fossil (136) Armaldo Lv.40 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Scratch 7 Harden 13 Mud Play 19 Water Gun 25 Metal Claw 31 Protect 37 Ancient Power 43 46 Fury Cutter 49 55 Slash 55 64 Rock Blast (140) Feebas Lv.0 Location: Route 119 (Fish) (141) Miltotic Lv.+170 Beauty Points Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Splash 1 Water Gun 5 Wrap 10 Water Play 15 Refresh 15 Tackle 20 ????? 30 Recover 30 Flail 35 Rain Dance 40 Hydro Pump 45 Attract 50 Safe Guard (142) Castform Lv.0 Location: Gift after event on Route 119 Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 10 Water Gun 10 Ember 10 Powder Snow 20 Rain Dance 20 Sunny Day 20 Hail 30 Weather Ball (145) Kecleon Lv.0 Location: Route 120 (Event) Attacks Lv. 1 Thief 1 Tail Whip 1 Frighten 1 Lick 1 Scratch 4 Bind 7 Faint Attack 12 Fury Swipes 17 Psybeam 24 Screech 31 Slash 40 Substitute 49 Ancient Power (146) Shuppet Lv.0 Location: Ghost Tower (147) Banette Lv.37 Location: Secret Tower Attacks Lv. 1 Drop Feather 8 Screech 13 Night Shade 20 Curse 25 Spite 32 Jack-o'-lantern 37 39 Faint Attack 44 48 Shadow Ball 49 55 Seizure 56 64 Grudge (148) Duskull Lv.0 Location: Ghost Tower (149) Dusclops Lv.37 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Leer 1 Night Shade 5 Disable 12 Foresight 16 Frighten 23 Confuse Ray 27 Pursuit 34 Curse 38 41 Jack-o'-Lantern 45 51 Mean Look 49 58 Future Sight (150) Tropius Lv.0 Location: Route 119 Attacks Lv. 1 Leer 1 Gust 7 Growth 11 Razor Leaf 17 Stomp 21 Sweet Scent 27 Whirlwind 31 Magical Leaf 37 Body Slam 41 Solarbeam 47 Synthesis (151) Chimecho Lv.0 Location: Ghost Tower Attacks Lv. 1 Wrap 6 Growl 9 Frighten 14 Confusion 17 Take Down 22 Clamor 25 Yawn 30 Psywave 33 Double-Edge 38 Heal Bell 41 Safeguard 46 Psychic (152) Absol Lv.0 Location: Route 120 Attacks Lv. 1 Scratch 5 Leer 9 Provocation 13 Quick Attack 17 Razor Wind 21 Bite 26 Swords Dance 31 Double Team 36 Slash 41 Future Sight 46 Perish Song (160) Wynaut Lv.Frindship Location: Egg on Fuen Town Attacks Lv. 1 Splash 1 Charm 1 Encore 15 Counter 15 Mirror Coat 15 Safeguard 15 Destiny Bond (171) Snorunt Lv.0 Location: Shoal Cave (After 6pm) (172) Glalie Lv.35 Location: - Lv.Learned 1 Powder Snow 1 Leer 7 Double Team 10 Bite 16 Icy Wind 19 Headbutt 25 Protect 28 Crunch 34 Ice Beam 37 42 Hail 43 53 Blizzard 61 Absolute Zero (173) Spheal Lv.0 Location: Shoal Cave (174) Sealeo Lv.32 Location: - (175) Walrein Lv.44 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Powder Snow 1 Growl 1 Water Gun 7 Encore 13 Ice Ball 19 Body Slam 25 Aurora Beam 31 Hail 37 39 Rest 37 39 Snore 43 47 50 Blizzard 49 55 61 Absolute Zero (176) Clamperl Lv.0 Location: Any patch of seaweed (Dive) (177) Huntail Lv.Trade w/Deep Sea Fang Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Clamp 1 Water Gun 1 Whirlpool 1 ???? 8 Bite 15 Sceech 22 ?????? 29 Scary Face 36 Crunch 43 Baton Pass 50 Hydro Pump (176) Clamperl Lv.0 Location: Same as above (178) Borebyss Lv. Trade w/Deep Sea Scale Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Whirlpool 8 Confusion 15 Agility 22 ?????? 29 Amnesia 36 Psychic 43 Baton Pass 50 Hydro Pump (179) Relicanth Lv.0 Location: Dive around Rune City Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 1 Harden 8 Water Gun 15 Rock Seal 22 Yawn 29 Take Down 36 Mud Play 43 Ancient Power 50 Rest 57 Double-Edge 64 Hydro Pump (183) Luvdisk Lv.0 Location: Route 128, Saiyuu City (Fish) (187) Bagon Lv.0 Location: Dragon Training Grounds (188) Shellgon Lv.30 Location: - (189) Boomanda Lv.50 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Rage 5 Bite 9 Leer 17 Headbutt 21 Focus Energy 25 Ember 33 38 Dragon Breath 37 47 Scary Face 50 Fly 41 56 61 Crunch 49 69 79 Dragon Claw 53 78 93 Double-Edge (190) Beldum Lv.0 Location: Daigo's House (Event) (191) Metang Lv.20 Location: - (192) Metagross Lv.45 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Take Down 20 Confusion 20 Metal Claw 26 Scary Face 32 Pursuit 38 Psychic 44 ???? 50 55 Comet Punch 56 66 Agility 62 77 Hyper Beam (193) Regirock Lv.0 Location: Desert Ruins Attacks Lv. 1 Explosion 9 Rock Throw 17 Curse 25 Animal Strength 33 Ancient Power 41 ???? 49 Zap Cannon 57 Lock-On 65 Hyper Beam (194) Regice Lv.0 Location: Marine Ruins Attacks Lv. 1 Explosion 9 Icy Wind 17 Curse 25 Animal Strength 33 Ancient Power 41 Amnesia 49 Zap Cannon 57 Lock-On 65 Hyper Beam (195) Registeel Lv.0 Location: Route 120 Ruins Attacks Lv. 1 Explosion 9 Metal Claw 17 Curse 25 Animal Strength 33 Ancient Power 41 ???? 41 Amnesia 49 Zap Cannon 57 Lock-On 65 Hyper Beam (196) Latias Lv.0 Location: Random (Event) (S) Attacks Lv. 1 Psywave 5 Prayer 10 Helping Hand 15 Safeguard 20 Dragon Breath 25 Water Play 30 Refresh 35 Mist Ball 40 Psychic 45 Recover 50 Charm (197) Latios Lv.0 Location: Random (Event) (R) Attacks Lv. 1 Psywave 5 Parting Gift 10 Helping Hand 15 Safeguard 20 Dragon Breath 25 Protect 30 Refresh 35 Raster Purge 40 Psychic 45 Recover 50 ?????? (198) Kyogre Lv.0 Location: Rune City Cave (S) Attacks Lv. 1 ?????? 5 Scary Face 15 Ancient Power 20 Body Slam 30 ???? 35 Ice Beam 45 Hydro Pump 50 Rest 60 Absolute Zero 65 Double-Edge 75 Spout (199) Groudon Lv.0 Location: Rune City Cave (R) Attacks Lv. 1 Mud Shot 5 Scary Face 15 Ancient Power 20 Slash 30 Build Up 35 Earthquake 45 Fire Blast 50 Rest 60 Fissure 65 Solarbeam 75 Eruption (200) Rayquaza Lv.0 Location: Tower East of Monagi (Fast Bike) Attacks Lv. 1 Twister 5 Scary Face 15 Ancient Power 20 Dragon Claw 30 ?????? 35 Crunch 45 Fly 50 Rest 60 Extreme Speed 65 Outrage 75 Hyper Beam (201) Jiracgi Lv.0 Location: ? Attacks Lv. 1 Prayer 1 Confusion 5 Rest 10 Swift 15 Helping Hand 20 Psychic 25 Refresh 30 Rest 35 Double-Edge 40 Future Sight 45 Cosmos Power 50 ??????? (202) Deoxys Lv.0 Location: ? Attacks Lv. 1 Leer 1 Wrap 5 Night Shade 10 Teleport 15 Drop Feather 20 Pursuit 25 Psychic 30 Seizure 35 Cosmos Power 40 Recover 45 Psyco Blast 50 Hyper Beam ****************************************************** ********End Ruby/Sapphire Obtainable Monsters********* ****************************************************** @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!REMEMBER YOU CAN ALWAYS USE Crtl+F TO FIND THE PKMN YOU WANT!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ****************************************************** ********Red/Blue/Green 1st Appearance Monsters******** ****************************************************** No. Name Evolution Lv. (1) Bulbasaur Lv.0 (2) Ivysaur Lv.16 (3) Venusaur Lv.32 Lv. Learned 1 Tackle 4 Growl 7 Leech Seed 10 Vine Whip 15 Poisonpowder 15 Sleep Powder 20 22 Razor Leaf 25 29 Sweet Scent 32 38 41 Growth 39 47 53 Synthesis 46 56 65 Solarbeam Sorry..........Will finish later! *********************************************************** ********End Red/Blue/Green Version Monsters**************** *********************************************************** @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!REMEMBER YOU CAN ALWAYS USE Crtl+F TO FIND THE PKMN YOU WANT!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ *********************************************************** ********Gold/Silver/Crystal 1st Appearance Monsters******** *********************************************************** Under Construction! *********************************************************** ********End Gold/Silver/Crystal Version Monsters*********** *********************************************************** @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!REMEMBER YOU CAN ALWAYS USE Crtl+F TO FIND THE PKMN YOU WANT!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ***************************************************** ********Ruby/Sapphire 1st Appearance Monsters******** ***************************************************** **** (S)=Sapphire **** (R)=Ruby (252/001) Treecko Lv.0 Location: Starter (253/002) Grovyle Lv.16 Location: ^ (254/003) Sceptile Lv.36 Location: ^ Attacks Lv. 1 Pound 1 Leer 6 Absorb 11 Quick Attack 16 Fury Cutter 16 17 Pursuit 21 23 Screech 26 29 Mega Drain 29 Leaf Blade 31 35 35 Agility 36 41 43 Slam 41 47 51 Detect 46 53 Giga Drain 59 False Swipe (255/004) Torchic Lv.0 Location: Starter (256/005) Combusken Lv.16 Location: ^ (257.006) Blaziken Lv.36 Location: ^ Attacks Lv. 1 Scratch 1 Growl 7 Focus Energy 10 Ember 16 Peck 19 21 Sand-Attack 25 Fire Spin 28 Build Up 28 32 Quick Attack 34 39 42 Slash 36 Blaze Kick 37 43 49 Mirror Move 43 Flamethrower 50 59 Sky Upper (258/007) Mudkip Lv.0 Location: Starter (259/008) Marshtomp Lv.16 Location: ^ (260/009) Swampert Lv.36 Location: ^ Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 1 Growl 6 Mud-Slap 10 Water Gun 15 Bide 16 Mud Shot 19 20 Foresight 24 25 Mud Play 28 31 Take Down 33 Whirlpool 37 39 Muddy Stream 37 42 46 Protect 42 Hydro Pump 46 52 Earthquake 46 53 61 Reckless (261/010) Pochiena Lv.0 Location: Routes 101, 102, 103 (262/011) Mightyena Lv.20 Location: ? Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 5 Howl 9 Sand-Attack 13 Bite 17 Scout? 21 22 Roar 25 27 Swagger 29 32 Scary Face 33 37 Take Down 37 42 Provocation 41 47 Crunch 45 52 Thief (263/012) Zigzagoon Lv.0 Location: Various Routes (264/013) Linoone Lv.20 Location: Route 118-123 Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 1 Growl 5 Tail Whip 9 Headbutt 13 Sand-Attack 17 Scout? 21 23 Mud play 25 Pin Missile 29 Fury Swipes 29 35 ??? 33 Flail 41 Slash 37 47 Rest 41 53 Belly Drum (265/014) Wurmple Lv.0 Location: Routes 101,102,104,Woods (266/015) Silcoon Lv.7(Day) Location: Woods (267/016) Beautifly Lv.10 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 1 String Shot 5 Poison Sting 7 Harden 10 Absorb 13 Gust 17 Stun Spore 20 Morning Sun 24 Mega Drain 27 Whirlwind 31 Attract 34 Silver Wind 38 Giga Drain (265/014)Wurmple Lv.0 Location: Routes 101,102,104,Woods (268/017)Cascoon Lv.7 (Night) Location: Woods (269/018)Dustox Lv.10 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 1 String Shot 5 Poison Sting 7 Harden 10 Confusion 13 Gust 17 Protect 20 Moonlight 24 Psybeam 27 Whirlwind 31 Light Screen 34 Silver Wind 38 Toxic (270/019) Lotad Lv.0 Location: Routes 102, 114 (S) (271/020) Lombre Lv.16 Location: Route 114 (S) (272/021) Ludocolo Lv.Aqua Stone Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Frighten 3 Growl 7 Absorb 13 Nature power 19 Cat Deceive 21 Mist 25 Fury Swipes 31 Rain Dance 31 Water Play 37 Thief 43 Mega Drain 43 Clamor 49 Hydro Pump (273/022) Seedot Lv.0 Location: Route 102 ,114 (R) (274/023) Nuzleaf Lv.16 Location: Route 144 (R) (275/024) Shifty Lv.Leaf Stone Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Bide 3 Harden 7 Growth 13 Nature Power 19 Cat Device 21 Synthesis 25 Ichamon 31 Sunny Day 31 Faint Attack 37 Razor Wind 43 Swagger 43 Explosion 49 Supernat. Power (276/042) Nincada Lv. 0 Location: Route 116 (277/043) Ninjask Lv. 20 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Scratch 1 Harden 5 Leech Life 9 Sand-Attack 14 Fury Swipes 19 Mind Reader 20 Double Team 20 Fury Cutter 20 Screech 25 Swords Dance 25 False Swipe 31 Mud-Slap 31 Slash 38 Metal Claw 38 Agility 45 Dig 45 Baton Pass (276/042) Tsuchinin Lv. 0 Location: Route 116 (278/044) Shedinja Lv.20 Location: Must 5 or less PKMN being carried Attacks Lv. 1 Scratch 1 Harden 5 Leech Life 9 Sand-Attack 14 Fury Swipes 19 Mind Reader 25 False Swipe 25 Spite 31 Mud-Slap 31 Confuse Ray 38 Metal Claw 38 Shadow Ball 45 Dig 45 Grudge (279/025) Taillow Lv.0 Location: Routes 104,115,116 (280/026) Swellow Lv.22 Location: Route 115 Attacks Lv. 1 Peck 1 Growl 4 Focus Energy 8 Quick Attack 13 Wing Attack 19 Double Team 26 28 Reckless 34 38 ?????? 43 49 Agility (281/034) Shroomish Lv.0 Location: Woods (282/035) Breloom Lv.23 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Absorb 4 Tackle 7 Stun Spore 10 Leech Seed 16 Mega Drain 22 Headbutt 23 Mach Punch 28 Poison Powder 28 Counter 36 Growth 26 Sky Upper 45 Giga Drain 45 Mind Reader 54 Spore 54 Dynamic Punch (283/114) Spinda Lv.0 Location: Route 113 Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 5 Clamor 12 Faint Attack 16 Psybeam 23 Hypnosis 27 Dizzy Punch 34 Dizzy Dance 38 Psych Up 45 Double-Edge 49 Flail 56 Thrash (284/027) Wingull Lv.0 Location: All most everywhere (285/028) Pelipper Lv.25 Location: Route Later routes Attacks Lv. 1 Growl 1 Water Gun 7 Supersonic 13 Wing Attack 21 Mist 25 Protect 31 Quick Attack 33 Conceal? 33 Understand 43 Pursuit 47 Release 55 Agility 61 Hydro Pump (286/032) Surskit Lv.0 Location: 102,111,114,117,120 (287/033) Masquerain Lv.22 Location: ? Attacks Lv. 1 Bubble 7 Quick Attack 13 Sweet Scent 19 Water Play 25 Bubble Beam 26 Gust 31 Agility 33 Scary Face 37 Mist 37 Haze 40 Stun Spore 47 Silver Wind 53 Whirl Wind (288/099) Wailmer Lv.0 Location: Route 129 (289/100) Wailord Lv.40 Location: Route 129 Attacks Lv. 1 Splash 5 Growl 10 Water Gun 14 Rollout 19 Whirlpool 23 Frighten 28 ?????? 32 Mist 37 Rest 41 44 Spout 46 52 Amnesia 50 59 Hydro Pump (290/061) Skitty Lv.0 Location: Route 116 (291/062) Dalcatty Lv.Moon Stone Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Growl 1 Tackle 3 Tail Whip 7 Attract 13 Sing 15 Doubleslap 19 Nekonote 25 Charm 27 Faint Attack 31 ???? 37 Heal Bell 39 Double-Edge (292/145) Kecleon Lv.0 Location: Route 120 (Event) Attacks Lv. 1 Thief 1 Tail Whip 1 Frighten 1 Lick 1 Scratch 4 Bind 7 Faint Attack 12 Fury Swipes 17 Psybeam 24 Screech 31 Slash 40 Substitute 49 Ancient Power (293/131) Baltoy Lv.0 Location: Desert (294/132) Claydol Lv.36 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Confusion 1 Teleport 3 Harden 5 Rapid Spin 7 Mud-Slap 11 Psybeam 15 Rock Seal 19 Self Destruct 25 Ancient Power 31 Sandstorm 36 Hyper Beam 37 42 Cosmos Power 45 55 Explosion (295/060) Nosepass Lv.0 Location: 1st Cave Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 7 Harden 13 Rock Throw 16 ?????? 22 Thunder Wave 28 Rock Slide 31 Sandstorm 37 Rest 43 Zap Cannon 46 Lock-On (296/105) Torkoal Lv.0 Location: Chimney Mt. Attacks Lv. 1 Ember 4 Smog 7 Curse 14 Smokescreen 17 Fire Spin 20 Body Slam 27 Protect 30 Flamethrower 33 ???? 40 Amnesia 43 Flail 46 Hot Wind (297/068) Sableye Lv.0 Location: Milo Cave, S.Tower, Rune Cave Victory Road (S) Attacks Lv. 1 Leer 1 Scratch 5 Foresight 9 Night Shade 13 Frighten 17 Fury Swipes 21 Cat Deceive 25 Detect 29 Faint Attack 33 Drop Feathers 37 Confuse Ray 41 Shadow Ball 45 Mean Look (298/127) Barboatch Lv.0 Location: Meteor Falls, Rts. 111,114 120, Victorly Rd. (Fish) (299/128) Whiscash Lv.30 Location: Meteor Falls, Victory Rd. (Fish) Attacks Lv. 1 Mud-Slap 1 Tickle 6 Mud Play 6 Water Play 11 Water Gun 16 Magnitude 21 Amnesia 26 Rest 26 Snore 31 36 Earthquake 36 46 Future Sight 41 56 Fissure (300/183) Luvdisk Lv.0 Location: Route 128, Saiyuu City (Fish) (301/129) Corphish Lv.0 Location: Routes 102,117 (Fish) (302/130) Lobstar Lv.30 Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 4 Charm 7 Harden 10 Vice Grip 13 Leer 12 Water Gun 16 Agility 20 Bubble Beam 23 Protect 24 Take Down 26 Drop Feather 28 Attract 32 34 Provocation 35 39 Crab Hammer 36 Sweet Kiss 38 44 Swords Dance 40 Flail 44 52 Guillotine 48 Safeguard (303/140) Feebas Lv.0 Location: Route 119 (Fish) (304/141) Miltotic Lv.+170 Beauty Points Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Splash 1 Water Gun 5 Wrap 10 Water Play 15 Refresh 15 Tackle 20 ????? 30 Recover 30 Flail 35 Rain Dance 40 Hydro Pump 45 Attract 50 Safe Guard (305/097) Carvanha Lv.0 Location: Routes 118,119 (Fish) (306/098) Sharpedo Lv.30 Location: Routes 103,118,122, 124 (Fish) Attacks Lv. 1 Leer 1 Bite 7 Rage 13 Focus Energy 16 Scary Face 22 Crunch 28 Screech 31 Take Down 33 Slash 37 Swagger 38 Provocation 43 Agility 43 Swagger 48 Skull Bash 53 Agility (307/116) Trapinch Lv.0 Location: Desert (308/117) Vibrava Lv.35 Location: - (309/118) Flygon Lv.45 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Bite 9 Sand-Attack 17 Faint Attack 25 Sand Trap 33 Crunch 35 Dragon Breath 41 Screech 41 Dig 49 53 Sandstorm 57 65 Hyper Beam (310/048) Makuhita Lv.0 Location: 1st Cave, Victory Road (311/049) Hariteyama Lv.24 Location: Victory Road Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 1 Focus Energy 4 Sand-Attack 10 Support 13 Vital Throw 19 Cat Deceive 22 Whirlwind 28 29 Drop Feather 31 33 Encouragement 37 40 Belly Drum 40 44 Endure 46 51 Seismic Toss 49 55 Reversal (312/078) Electrike Lv.0 Location: Route 110, 118 (313/079) Manectric Lv.26 Location: Victory Road Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 4 Thunder Wave 9 Leer 12 Howl 17 Quick Attack 20 Spark 25 Scout? 28 31 Roar 33 39 Bite 36 45 Thunder 41 53 Electrification (314/101) Numel Lv.0 Location: Route 112, Chimney Mt. (315/102) Camerupt Lv.33 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Growl 1 Tackle 11 Ember 19 Magnitude 25 Focus Energy 29 Take Down 31 Amnesia 33 Rock Slide 35 37 Earthquake 41 Flamethrower 45 Eruption 49 Double-Edge 55 Fissure (316/173) Spheal Lv.0 Location: Shoal Cave (317/174) Sealeo Lv.32 Location: - (318/175) Walrein Lv.44 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Powder Snow 1 Growl 1 Water Gun 7 Encore 13 Ice Ball 19 Body Slam 25 Aurora Beam 31 Hail 37 39 Rest 37 39 Snore 43 47 50 Blizzard 49 55 61 Absolute Zero (319/119) Cacnea Lv.0 Location: Desert (320/120) Cacturne Lv.32 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Poison Sting 1 Leer 5 Absorb 9 Growth 13 Leech Seed 17 Sand-Attack 21 Pin Missile 25 Ne-O-Haru 29 Faint Attack 33 35 Spikes 37 41 Needle Arm 41 47 Cotton Spore 45 53 Sandstorm (321/171) Snorunt Lv.0 Location: Shoal Cave (After 6pm) (322/172) Glalie Lv.35 Location: - Lv.Learned 1 Powder Snow 1 Leer 7 Double Team 10 Bite 16 Icy Wind 19 Headbutt 25 Protect 28 Crunch 34 Ice Beam 37 42 Hail 43 53 Blizzard 61 Absolute Zero (323/125) Lunatone Lv.0 Location: Sand Cave (S) Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 1 Harden 7 Confusion 13 Rock Throw 19 Hypnosis 25 Psywave 31 Cosmos power 37 Psychic 43 Future Sight 49 Explosion (324/126) Solrock Lv.0 Location: Sand Cave (R) Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 1 Harden 7 Confusion 13 Rock Throw 19 Fire Spin 25 Psywave 31 Cosmos Power 37 Rock Slide 43 Solarbeam 49 Explosion (325/054) Azurill Lv.0 Location: Breed 2 Marill with Tidal Herb attached to the male Attacks Lv. 1 Splash 3 Charm 6 Tail Whip 10 Bubble 15 Slam 21 Water Gun (326/110) Spoink Lv.0 Location: Route 112 (327/111) Grumpig Lv.32 Location: ? Attacks Lv. 1 Splash 7 Psywave 10 Scout 16 Psybeam 19 Psych Up 25 Confuse Ray 28 Magic Coat 34 37 Psychic 37 43 Rest 37 43 Snore 43 55 ????? (328/080) Plusle Lv.0 Location: Route 110 Attacks Lv. 1 Growl 4 Thunder Wave 10 Quick Attack 13 Helping Hand 19 Spark 22 Encore 28 Fake Tears 31 Electrification 37 Thunder 40 Baton Pass 47 Agility (329/081) Minun Lv.0 Location: Route 110 Attacks Lv. 1 Growl 4 Thunder Wave 10 Quick Attack 13 Helping Hand 19 Spark 22 Encore 28 Fake Tears 31 Electrification 37 Thunder 40 Baton Pass 47 Agility (330/069) Mawile Lv.0 Location: Milo Cave, Victory Rd. (R) Attacks Lv. 1 Frighten 6 Fake Tears 11 Bite 16 Sweet Scent 21 Vicegrip 26 Faint Attack 31 Baton Pass 36 Crunch 41 ???? 46 Hide 46 Understand 46 Release (331/076) Meditite Lv.0 Location: Route 122, Victory Road (332/077) Medicham Lv.37 Location: Victory Road Attacks Lv. 1 Fire Punch 1 Thunder Punch 1 Ice Punch 1 Bide 4 Meditate 9 Confusion 12 Detect 18 Hidden Power 22 Mind Reader 28 ???? 32 Hi Jump Kick 38 40 Psych Up 42 46 Reversal 48 54 Recover (333/121) Swablu Lv.0 Location: Routes 114,115 (334/122) Altaria Lv.35 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Peck 1 Growl 8 Frighten 11 Sing 18 Fury Attack 21 Safeguard 28 Mist 31 Take Down 35 Dragon Breath 38 Mirror Move 40 ?????? 41 45 Refresh 48 54 Perish Song 59 Sky Attack (335/160) Wynaut Lv.Frindship Location: Egg on Fuen Town Attacks Lv. 1 Splash 1 Charm 1 Encore 15 Counter 15 Mirror Coat 15 Safeguard 15 Destiny Bond (336/148) Duskull Lv.0 Location: Ghost Tower (337/149) Dusclops Lv.37 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Leer 1 Night Shade 5 Disable 12 Foresight 16 Frighten 23 Confuse Ray 27 Pursuit 34 Curse 38 41 Jack-o'-Lantern 45 51 Mean Look 49 58 Future Sight (338/094) Roselia Lv.0 Location: Route 117 Attacks Lv. 1 Absorb 5 Growth 9 Poison Sting 13 Stun Spore 17 Mega Drain 21 Leech Seed 25 Magical Leaf 29 Reed Pipe 33 Giga Drain 37 Sweet Scent 41 Ne-O Haru 45 Toxic 49 Petal Dance 53 Aroma Therapy 57 Synthesis (339/036) Slakoth Lv.0 Location: Woods (340/037) Vigoroth Lv.16 Location: ? (341/038) Slaking Lv.36 Location: ? Attacks Lv. 1 Scratch 1 Yawn 7 Encore 13 Neglect 13 Clamor 19 Fury Swipes 19 Faint Attack 25 Amnesia 25 Endure 31 Slash 31 ???? 36 Swagger 37 Counter 43 Flail 44 Scream Punch 49 Reversal (342/095) Gulpin Lv.0 Location: Route 110 (343/096) Swalot Lv.26 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Pound 6 Yawn 9 Poison Gas 14 Sludge 17 Amnesia 23 Encore 26 Body Slam 28 31 Toxic 34 40 Hide 34 40 Release 34 40 Understand 39 48 Sludge Bomb (344/150) Tropius Lv.0 Location: Route 119 Attacks Lv. 1 Leer 1 Gust 7 Growth 11 Razor Leaf 17 Stomp 21 Sweet Scent 27 Whirlwind 31 Magical Leaf 37 Body Slam 41 Solarbeam 47 Synthesis (345/045) Wishur Lv.0 Location: Route 116 (346/046) Loudred Lv.20 Location: Victory Road (347/047) Exploud Lv.40 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Pound 5 Clamor 11 Frighten 15 ???? 21 23 Supersonic 25 29 Stomp 31 37 Screech 35 43 45 Roar 40 Hyper Beam 41 51 55 Rest 41 51 55 Sleep Talk 45 57 63 Hyper Voice (348/176) Clamperl Lv.0 Location: Any patch of seaweed (Dive) (349/177) Huntail Lv.Trade w/Deep Sea Fang Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Clamp 1 Water Gun 1 Whirlpool 1 ???? 8 Bite 15 Sceech 22 ?????? 29 Scary Face 36 Crunch 43 Baton Pass 50 Hydro Pump (348/176) Clamperl Lv.0 Location: Same as above (350/178) Borebyss Lv. Trade w/Deep Sea Scale Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Whirlpool 8 Confusion 15 Agility 22 ?????? 29 Amnesia 36 Psychic 43 Baton Pass 50 Hydro Pump (351/152) Absol Lv.0 Location: Route 120 Attacks Lv. 1 Scratch 5 Leer 9 Provocation 13 Quick Attack 17 Razor Wind 21 Bite 26 Swords Dance 31 Double Team 36 Slash 41 Future Sight 46 Perish Song (352/146) Shuppet Lv.0 Location: Ghost Tower (353/147) Banette Lv.37 Location: Secret Tower Attacks Lv. 1 Drop Feather 8 Screech 13 Night Shade 20 Curse 25 Spite 32 Jack-o'-Lantern 37 39 Faint Attack 44 48 Shadow Ball 49 55 Seizure 56 64 Grudge (354/124) Seviper Lv.0 Location: Route 114 (S) Attacks Lv. 1 Wrap 7 Lick 10 Bite 16 Poison Tail 19 Screech 25 Glare 28 Crunch 34 Toxic Fang 37 Swagger 43 Haze (355/123) Zangoose Lv.0 Location: Route 114 (R) Attacks Lv. 1 Scratch 4 Leer 7 Quick Attack 10 Swords Dance 13 Fury Cutter 19 Slash 25 Pursuit 31 Break Claw 37 Provocation 46 Detect 55 False Swipe (356/179) Relicanth Lv.0 Location: Dive around Rune City Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 1 Harden 8 Water Gun 15 Rock Seal 22 Yawn 29 Take Down 36 Mud Play 43 Ancient Power 50 Rest 57 Double-Edge 64 Hydro Pump (357/070) Aron Lv.0 Location: Milo Cave (358/071) Lairon Lv.32 Location: Victory Road (359/072) Aggron Lv.42 Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 4 Harden 7 Mud-Slap 10 Headbutt 13 Metal Claw 17 ???? 21 Roar 25 Take Down 29 Iron Tail 34 37 Protect 39 45 50 Kinzokuon 44 53 63 Double-Edge (360/142) Castform Lv.0 Location: Gift after event on Route 119 Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 10 Water Gun 10 Ember 10 Powder Snow 20 Rain Dance 20 Sunny Day 20 Hail 30 Wezaa Ball (361/086) Volbeat Lv.0 Location: Route 117 Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 5 Confuse Ray 9 Double Team 13 Moonlight 17 Quick Attack 21 Pray 25 Encore 21 Firefly Glow 25 Signal Beam 29 Protect 29 Instigate 33 Helping Hand 37 Double-Edge 37 ????? (362/087) Illumise Lv.0 Location: Route 117 Attacks Lv. 1 Tackle 5 Confuse Ray 9 Double Team 13 Moonlight 17 Quick Attack 21 Pray 25 Encore 21 Firefly Glow 25 Signal Beam 29 Protect 29 Instigate 33 Helping Hand 37 Double-Edge 37 ????? (363/133) Lieep Lv.0 Location: Fossil (364/134) Cradily Lv.40 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Frighten 8 Constrict 15 Acid 22 Ne-o Haru 29 Confuse Ray 36 Amnesia 43 48 Ancient Power 50 60 Hide 50 60 Release 50 60 Understand (365/135) Anorith Lv.0 Location: Fossil (366/136) Armaldo Lv.40 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Scratch 7 Harden 13 Mud Play 19 Water Gun 25 Metal Claw 31 Protect 37 Ancient Power 43 46 Fury Cutter 49 55 Slash 55 64 Rock Blast (367/029) Ralts Lv.0 Location: Route 102 (368/030) Kirlia Lv.20 Location: ? (369/031) Gardevoir Lv.30 Location: ? Attacks Lv. 1 Growl 6 Confusion 11 Double Team 16 Teleport 21 ???? 26 Psychic 31 33 Sealed 36 40 42 Future Sight 41 47 51 Hypnosis 46 54 60 Dream Eater (370/187) Bagon Lv.0 Location: Dragon Training Grounds (371/188) Shellgon Lv.30 Location: - (372/189) Boomanda Lv.50 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Rage 5 Bite 9 Leer 17 Headbutt 21 Focus Energy 25 Ember 33 38 Dragon Breath 37 47 Scary Face 50 Fly 41 56 61 Crunch 49 69 79 Dragon Claw 53 78 93 Double-Edge (373/190) Beldum Lv.0 Location: Daigo's House (Event) (374/191) Metang Lv.30 Location: - (375/192) Metagross Lv.45 Location: - Attacks Lv. 1 Take Down 20 Confusion 20 Metal Claw 26 Scary Face 32 Pursuit 38 Psychic 44 ???? 50 55 Comet Punch 56 66 Agility 62 77 Hyper Beam (376/193) Regirock Lv.0 Location: Desert Ruins Attacks Lv. 1 Explosion 9 Rock Throw 17 Curse 25 Animal Strength 33 Ancient Power 41 ???? 49 Zap Cannon 57 Lock-On 65 Hyper Beam (377/194) Regice Lv.0 Location: Marine Ruins Attacks Lv. 1 Explosion 9 Icy Wind 17 Curse 25 Animal Strength 33 Ancient Power 41 Amnesia 49 Zap Cannon 57 Lock-On 65 Hyper Beam (378/195) Registeel Lv.0 Location: Route 120 Ruins Attacks Lv. 1 Explosion 9 Metal Claw 17 Curse 25 Animal Strength 33 Ancient Power 41 ???? 41 Amnesia 49 Zap Cannon 57 Lock-On 65 Hyper Beam (379/198) Kyogre Lv.0 Location: Rune City Cave (S) Attacks Lv. 1 ?????? 5 Scary Face 15 Ancient Power 20 Body Slam 30 ???? 35 Ice Beam 45 Hydro Pump 50 Rest 60 Absolute Zero 65 Double-Edge 75 Spout (380/199) Groudon Lv.0 Location: Rune City Cave (R) Attacks Lv. 1 Mud Shot 5 Scary Face 15 Ancient Power 20 Slash 30 Build Up 35 Earthquake 45 Fire Blast 50 Rest 60 Fissure 65 Solarbeam 75 Eruption (381/200) Rayquaza Lv.0 Location: Tower East of Monagi (Fast Bike) Attacks Lv. 1 Twister 5 Scary Face 15 Ancient Power 20 Dragon Claw 30 ?????? 35 Crunch 45 Fly 50 Rest 60 Extreme Speed 65 Outrage 75 Hyper Beam (382/196) Latias Lv.0 Location: Random (Event) (S) Attacks Lv. 1 Psywave 5 Prayer 10 Helping Hand 15 Safeguard 20 Dragon Breath 25 Water Play 30 Refresh 35 Mist Ball 40 Psychic 45 Recover 50 Charm (383/197) Latios Lv.0 Location: Random (Event) (R) Attacks Lv. 1 Psywave 5 Parting Gift 10 Helping Hand 15 Safeguard 20 Dragon Breath 25 Protect 30 Refresh 35 Raster Purge 40 Psychic 45 Recover 50 ?????? (384/201) Jiracgi Lv.0 Location: ? Attacks Lv. 1 Prayer 1 Confusion 5 Rest 10 Swift 15 Helping Hand 20 Psychic 25 Refresh 30 Rest 35 Double-Edge 40 Future Sight 45 Cosmos Power 50 ??????? (385/202) Deoxys Lv.0 Location: ? Attacks Lv. 1 Leer 1 Wrap 5 Night Shade 10 Teleport 15 Drop Feather 20 Pursuit 25 Psychic 30 Seizure 35 Cosmos Power 40 Recover 45 Psyco Blast 50 Hyper Beam (386/151) Chimecho Lv.0 Location: Ghost Tower Attacks Lv. 1 Wrap 6 Growl 9 Frighten 14 Confusion 17 Take Down 22 Clamor 25 Yawn 30 Psywave 33 Double-Edge 38 Heal Bell 41 Safeguard 46 Psychic ****************************************************** ******End Ruby/Sapphire Version Monsters************** ****************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------- IV. Name Conversion Charts ----------------------------------------------------------- =============================== Japanese---------------American =============================== (001) Kimori Treecko (002) Juputol Grovyle (003) Jucain Sceptile (004) Achamo Torchic (005) Wakashamo Combusken (006) Bursyamo Blaziken (007) Mizugorou Mudkip (008) Numakuroo Marshtomp (009) Raguraaji Swampert (261) Pochiena Poochyena (262) Guraena Mightyena (263) Jiguzaguma Zigzagoon (264) Massuguma Linoone (265) Kemusso Wurmple (266) Karasarisu Silcoon (267) Ageh-Hunt Beautifly (268) Mayurudo Cascoon (269) Dokukeiru Dustox (270) Hassboh Lotad (271) Hasubrero Lombre (272) Runpapa Ludicolo (273) Taneboh Seedot (274) Conohana Nuzleaf (275) Daatingu Shifty (276) Tsuchinin Nincada (277) Tekkanin Ninjask (278) Nukenin Shedinja (279) Subame Taillow (280) Oosubame Swellow (281) Kinokoko Shroomish (282) Kinogassa Breloom (283) Patchiiru Spinda (284) Kyamome Wingull (285) Perippaa Pelipper (286) Ametama Surskit (287) Amemoosu Masquerain (288) Hoiruko Wailmer (289) Hoeruo Wailord (290) Eneko Skitty (291) Enekororo Delcatty (292) Kakureon Kecleon (293) Yajiron Baltoy (294) Nendooru Claydol (295) Nozupasu Nosepass (296) Kootasu Torkoal (297) Yamirami Sableye (298) Dojocchi Barboach (299) Namazun Whiscash (300) Rabukasu Luvdisk (301) Heigani Corphish (302) Shizarigar Crawdaunt (303) Hinbasu Feebas (304) Mirokarosu Miltotic (305) Kibania Carvanha (306) Samehader Sharpedo (307) Knuckler Trapinch (308) Biburaaba Vibrava (309) Furaigon Flygon (310) Makunosita Makuhita (311) Hariteyama Hariteyama (312) Rakura Electrike (313) Raiboruto Manectric (314) Donmeru Numel (315) Bakuuda Camerupt (316) Tamazarash (317) Todogurar (318) Todozeruga (319) Sabonea (320) Nokutasu (321) Yukiwarash (322) Onigoor (323) Runatoon (324) Soru-Rock (325) Ruriri Azurill (326) Banebuu (327) Buu-Pig (328) Purasuru (329) Mainan (330) Kuchiito (331) Asanan (332) Chaaremu (333) Chirutto (334) Chirutarisu (335) Soonano Wynaut (336) Yomawaru (337) Samayooru (338) Rozeria Roseria (339) Namakero (340) Yarukimono (341) Kek-King (342) Gokurin (343) Marunoomu (344) Torupiusu (345) Go-Nyo-Nyo (346) Dogoomu (347) Bakuong (348) Paaruru (349) Hanteeru (350) Sakurabisu (348) Paaruru (350) Sakurabisu (351) Abusoru (352) Kagebouzu (353) Jupetta (354) Habunake (355) Zanguusu Zangoose (356) Jilanth Relicanth (357) Kokodora (358) Kodora (359) Bosugodora (360) Powarun (361) Borubiito Volbeat (362) Irumiize Illumise (363) Ririira (364) Yureidoru (365) Anopusu (366) Aamurudo (367) Rarutosu Ralts (368) Kiruria (369) Saanaito (370) Tatsubei (371) Comoruuu (372) Boomanda (373) Danbaru (374) Metangu (375) Metagurosu (376) Rezurooku Rejirock (377) Rezuaisu Rejice (378) Rezusuchiru Rejisteel (379) Kaiorga Kyogre (380) Guraadon Groudon (381) Rekkuuza Rayquaza (382) Ratisou Latios (383) Ratiasu Latias (384) Jiraachi Jiachi (385) Deokishisu Deoxys (386) Chiriin Chimecho Now we're talkin'! I know all the names, I'm just to lazy to finish... ----------------------------------------------------------- V. Location/ Type Chart ----------------------------------------------------------- Here we go! ==================================================================== Poke'Mon Type(s) Location (Routes, Caves) ==================================================================== ****(R)=Ruby ****(S)=Sapphire ********************************************* ****************List Of Obtainable*********** ********************************************* ======UNDER HEAVY CONSTUCTION====== (001) Treecko Grass Starter (002) Grovyle Grass - (003) Secptile Grass - (004) Torchic Fire Starter (005) Combusken Fire/Fighting - (006) Blaziken Fire/Fighting - (258) Mudkip Water Starter (259) Marshtomp Water/Ground - (260) Swampert Water/Ground - (261) Poochyena Dark 101,102,103 (262) Mightyena Dark - (263) Zigzagoon Normal Almost any Route (264) Linoone Normal 118,119,120,121,122,123 (265) Wurmple Bug 101,102,104, P. Woods (266) Silcoon Bug Petalburg Woods (267) Beautifly Bug/Flying - (268) Cascoon Bug Petalburg Woods (269) Dustox Bug/Poison - (270) Lotad Water/Grass 102,114 (S) (271) Lombre Water/Grass 114 (S) (272) Ludicolo Water/Grass -(S) (273) Seedot Grass 102,114 (R) (274) Nuzleaf Grass/Dark 114 (R) (275) Shifty Grass/Dark - (279) Taillow Normal/Flying 104,115,116 (280) Swallow Normal/Flying 115 (284) Wingull Water/Flying 110 (285) Pelliper Water/Flying - (367) Ralts Psychic 102 (368) Kirlia Psychic - (369) Gardevior Psychic - (286) Surskit Bug/Water 102,111,114,117,120 (287) Masquerain Bug/Flying - (281) Shroomish Grass Petalburg Woods (282) Breloom Grass/Fighting - (339) Slakoth Normal Petalburg Woods (340) Vigoroth Normal - (341) Slaking Normal - (276) Nincada Bug/Ground 116 (277) Ninjask Bug/Flying - (278) Shedinja Bug/Ghost - (345) Whismur Normal 116 (346) Loudred Normal Victory Road (347) Exploud Normal - (048) Makuhita Fighting Granite Cave V.R. (049) Hariyama Fighting Victory Road (118) Goldeen Water 102,111,114,117,120 (119) Seaking Water Safari Zone (129) Magikarp Water Old Rod (Fishing) (130) Gyarados Water/Flying - (054) Azurill Normal Egg (183) Marill Water 102,111,114,117,120 (184) Azumarill Water - (74) Geodude Rock/Ground 114,117,S.Z.,Victroy Rd. (75) Graveler Rock/Ground Victory Road (76) Golem Rock/Ground - (060) Nosepass Rock Granite Cave (061) Skitty Normal 116 (062) Delcatty Normal - (41) Zubat Poison/Flying Caves (42) Golbat Poison/Flying Caves (169) Crobat Poison/Flying - (72) Tentacool Water/Poison Water (Surfing) (73) Tentacruel Water/Poison East Dewford Waters (068) Sableye Dark/Ghost Granite Cave, V.R.(S) (069) Mawile Steel Granite Cave, V.R.(R) (357) Aron Steel/Rock Granite Cv. ,Victory Raod (358) Liron Steel/Rock Victory Road (359) Aggron Steel/Rock - (66) Machop Fighting 112 (67) Machoke Fighting - (68) Machamp Fighting - (331) Meditite Fighting/Psychic 122,Victory Road (332) Medicham Fighting/Psychic Victory Road (312) Electrike Electric 110,118 (313) Manectric Electric 118 (328) Plusle Electric 110 (329) Minun Electric 110 (81) Magnemite Electric/Steel New Mauville (82) Magneton Electric/Steel - (100) Voltorb Electric New Mauville (101) Electrode Electric - (361) Volbeat Bug 117 (362) Illumise Bug 117 (094) Roselia (095) Gulpin (096) Swalot (097) Carvanha (098) Sharpedo (099) Wailmer (100) Wailord (101) Numel (102) Camerupt (105) Torkoal (110) Spoink (111) Grumpig (114) Spinda (116) Trapinch (117) Vibrava (118) Flygon (119) Cacnea (120) Cacturne (121) Swablu (122) Altaria (123) Zangoose (124) Seviper (125) Lunatone (126) Solrock (127) Barboach (128) Whiscash (129) Corphish (130) Crawdaunt (131) Baltoy (132) Claydol (133) Lileep (134) Cradily (135) Anorith (136) Armaldo (140) Feebas (141) Milotic (142) Castform (145) Kecleon (146) Shuppet (147) Banette (148) Duskull (149) Dusclops (150) Tropius (151) Chimecho (152) Absol (160) Wynaut (171) Snorunt (172) Glalie (173) Spheal (174) Sealeo (175) Walrein (176) Clamperl (177) Huntail (178) Gorebyss (179) Relicanth (183) Luvdisc (187) Bagon (188) Shelgon (189) Salamence (190) Beldum (191) Metang (192) Metagross (193) Regirock (194) Regice (195) Registeel (196) Latias (197) Latios (198) Kyogre (199) Groudon (200) Rayquaza (201) Jirachi (202) Deoxys ********************************************* ****************List Of All****************** ********************************************* (1) Bulbasaur Grass/Poison - (2) Ivysaur Grass/Poison - (3) Venusaur Grass/Poison - (4) Charmander Fire - (5) Charmeleon Fire - (6) Charizard Fire/Flying - (7) Squirtle Water - (8) Wartortle Water - (9) Blastoise Water - (10) Caterpie Bug - (11) Metapod Bug - (12) Butterfree Bug/Flying - (13) Weedle Bug/Poison - (14) Kakuna Bug/Poison - (15) Beedrill Bug/Poison - (16) Pidgey Normal/Flying - (17) Pidgeotto Normal/Flying - (18) Pidgeot Normal/Flying - (19) Rattata Normal - (20) Raticate Normal - (21) Spearow Normal/Flying - (22) Fearow Normal/Flying - (23) Ekans Poison - (24) Arbok Poison - (25) Pikachu Electric Safari Zone (26) Raichu Electric - (27) Sandshrew Ground 114 (28) Sandslash Ground - (29) Nidoran Poison - (30) Nidorina Poison - (31) Nidoqueen Poison/Ground - (32) Nidoran Poison - (33) Nidorino Poison - (34) Nidoking Poison/Ground - (35) Clefairy Normal - (36) Clefable Normal - (37) Vulpix Fire - (38) Ninetales Fire - (39) Jigglypuff Normal 115 (40) Wigglytuff Normal - (41) Zubat Poison/Flying Caves (42) Golbat Poison/Flying Caves (43) Oddish Grass/Poison - (44) Gloom Grass/Poison - (45) Vileplume Grass/Poison - (46) Paras Bug/Grass - (47) Parasect Bug/Grass - (48) Venonat Bug/Poison - (49) Venomoth Bug/Poison - (50) Diglett Ground - (51) Dugtrio Ground - (52) Meowth Normal - (53) Persian Normal - (54) Psyduck Water Safari Zone (Fishing) (55) Golduck Water Safari Zone (Fishing) (56) Mankey Fighting - (57) Primeape Fighting - (58) Growlithe Fire Ground - (59) Arcanine Fire Ground - (60) Poliwag Water - (61) Poliwhirl Water - (62) Poliwrath Water/Fighting - (63) Abra Psychic Trade (64) Kadabra Psychic - (65) Alakazam Psychic - (66) Machop Fighting 112 (67) Machoke Fighting - (68) Machamp Fighting - (69) Bellsprout Grass/Poison - (70) Weepinbell Grass/Poison - (71) Victreebel Grass/Poison - (72) Tentacool Water/Poison Water (Surfing) (73) Tentacruel Water/Poison East Milo Waters (Surfing) (74) Geodude Rock/Ground 114,117,S.Z.,Victroy Rd. (75) Graveler Rock/Ground Victory Road (76) Golem Rock/Ground - (77) Ponyta Fire - (78) Rapidash Fire - (79) Slowpoke Water/Psychic - (80) Slowbro Water/Psychic - (81) Magnemite Electric/Steel New Mauville (82) Magneton Electric/Steel - (83) Farfetch'd Normal/Flying - (84) Doduo Normal/Flying - (85) Dodrio Normal/Flying - (86) Seel Water - (87) Dewgong Water/Ice - (88) Grimer Poison Chimney Mtn. (89) Muk Poison - (90) Shellder Water - (91) Cloyster Water/Ice - (92) Gastly Ghost/Poison - (93) Haunter Ghost/Poison - (94) Gengar Ghost/Poison - (95) Onix Rock/Ground - (96) Drowzee Psychic - (97) Hypno Psychic - (98) Krabby Water - (99) Kingler Water - (100) Voltorb Electric New Mauville (101) Electrode Electric - (102) Exeggcute Grass/Psychic - (103) Exeggutor Grass/Psychic - (104) Cubone Ground - (105) Marowak Ground - (106) Hitmonlee Fighting - (107) Hitmonchan Fighting - (108) Lickitung Normal - (109) Koffing Poison - (110) Weezing Poison - (111) Rhyhorn Ground/Rock Safari Zone (Fast Bike) (112) Rhydon Ground/Rock - (113) Chansey Normal - (114) Tangela Grass - (115) Kangaskhan Normal - (116) Horsea Water Sea Currents (Fishing) (117) Seadra Water - (118) Goldeen Water 102,111,114,117,120 (119) Seaking Water Safari Zone (120) Staryu Water - (121) Starmie Water/Psychic - (122) Mr.Mime Psychic - (123) Scyther Bug/Flying - (124) Jynx Ice/Psychic - (125) Electabuzz Electric - (126) Magmar Fire - (127) Pinsir Bug Safari Zone (Fast Bike) (128) Tauros Normal - (129) Magikarp Water Old Rod (Fishing) (130) Gyarados Water/Flying - (131) Lapras Water/Ice - (132) Ditto Normal - (133) Eevee Normal - (134) Vaporeon Water - (135) Jolteon Electric - (136) Flareon Fire - (137) Porygon Normal - (138) Omanyte Rock/Water - (139) Omastar Rock/Water - (140) Kabuto Rock/Water - (141) Kabutops Rock/Water - (142) Aerodactyl Rock/Flying - (143) Snorlax Normal - (144) Articuno Ice/Flying - (145) Zapdos Electric/Flying - (146) Moltres Fire/Flying - (147) Dratini Dragon - (148) Dragonair Dragon - (149) Dragonite Dragon/Flying - (150) Mewtwo Psychic - (151) Mew Psychic - ---------------------------------------------------------------- (152) Chikorita Grass - (153) Bayleef Grass - (154) Meganium Grass - (155) Cyndaquil Fire - (156) Quilava Fire - (157) Typhlosion Fire - (158) Totodile Water - (159) Croconaw Water - (160) Feraligatr Water - (161) Sentret Normal - (162) Furret Normal - (163) Hoothoot Normal/Flying - (164) Noctowl Normal/Flying - (165) Ledyba Bug/Flying - (166) Ledian Bug/Flying - (167) Spinarak Bug/Poison - (168) Ariados Bug/Poison - (169) Crobat Poison/Flying - (170) Chinchou Water/Electric - (171) Lanturn Water/Electric Seaweed(Anywhere) (172) Pichu Electric - (173) Cleffa Normal - (174) Igglybuff Normal - (175) Togepi Normal - (176) Togetic Normal/Flying - (177) Natu Psychic/Flying Safari Zone (178) Xatu Psychic/Flying Safari Zone (179) Mareep Electric - (180) Flaaffy Electric - (181) Ampharos Electric - (182) Bellossom Grass - (183) Marill Water 102,111,114,117,120 (184) Azumarill Water - (185) Sudowoodo Rock - (186) Politoed Water - (187) Hoppip Grass/Flying - (188) Skiploom Grass/Flying - (189) Jumpluff Grass/Flying - (190) Aipom Normal - (191) Sunkern Grass - (192) Sunflora Grass - (193) Yanma Bug/Flying - (194) Wooper Water/Ground - (195) Quagsire Water/Ground - (196) Espeon Psychic - (197) Umbreon Dark - (198) Murkrow Dark/Flying - (199) Slowking Water/Psychic - (200) Misdreavus Ghost - (201) Unown Psychic - (202) Wobbuffet Psychic Safari Zone (203) Girafarig Normal/Psychic Safari Zone (204) Pineco Bug - (205) Forretress Bug/Steel - (206) Dunsparce Normal - (207) Gligar Ground/Flying - (208) Steelix Steel/Ground - (209) Snubbull Normal - (210) Granbull Normal - (211) Qwilfish Water/Poison - (212) Scizor Bug/Steel - (213) Shuckle Bug/Rock - (214) Heracross Bug/Fighting Safari Zone(Trick Bike) (215) Sneasel Dark/Ice - (216) Teddiursa Normal - (217) Ursaring Normal - (218) Slugma Fire Chimney Mt. (219) Magcargo Fire/Rock - (220) Swinub Ice/Ground - (221) Piloswine Ice/Ground - (222) Corsola Water/Rock - (223) Remoraid Water - (224) Octillery Water - (225) Delibird Ice/Flying - (226) Mantine Water/Flying - (227) Skarmory Steel/Flying - (228) Houndour Dark/Fire - (229) Houndoom Dark/Fire - (230) Kingdra Water/Dragon - (231) Phanpy Ground Safari Zone(Fast Bike) (232) Donphan Ground - (233) Porygon2 Normal - (234) Stantler Normal - (235) Smeargle Normal - (236) Tyrogue Fighting - (237) Hitmontop Fighting - (238) Smoochum Ice/Psychic - (239) Elekid Electric - (240) Magby Fire - (241) Miltank Normal - (242) Blissey Normal - (243) Raikou Electric - (244) Entei Fire - (245) Suicune Water - (246) Larvitar Rock/Ground - (247) Pupitar Rock/Ground - (248) Tyranitar Rock/Dark - (249) Lugia Psychic/Flying - (250) Ho-Oh Fire/Flying - (251) Celebi Psychic/Grass - ---------------------------------------------------------------- (252) Treecko Grass Starter (253) Grovyle Grass - (254) Sceptile Grass - (255) Torchic Fire Starter (256) Combusken Fire/Fighting - (257) Blaziken Fire/Fighting - (258) Mudkip Water Starter (259) Marshtomp Water/Ground - (260) Swampert Water/Ground - (261) Poochyena Dark 101,102,103 (262) Mightyena Dark - (263) Zigzagoon Normal Almost any Route (264) Linoone Normal 118,119,120,121,122,123 (265) Wurmple Bug 101,102,104, P. Woods (266) Silcoon Bug Petalburg Woods (267) Beautifly Bug/Flying - (268) Cascoon Bug Petalburg Woods (269) Dustox Bug/Poison - (270) Lotad Water/Grass 102,114 (S) (271) Lombre Water/Grass 114 (S) (272) Ludicolo Water/Grass -(S) (273) Seedot Grass 102,114 (R) (274) Nuzleaf Grass/Dark 114 (R) (275) Shifty Grass/Dark - (276) Nincada Bug/Ground 116 (277) Ninjask Bug/Flying - (278) Shedinja Bug/Ghost - (279) Taillow Normal/Flying 104,115,116 (280) Swallow Normal/Flying 115 (281) Shroomish Grass Petalburg Woods (282) Breloom Grass/Fighting - (283) Spinda Normal 113 (284) Wingull Water/Flying 110 (285) Pelliper Water/Flying - (286) Surskit Bug/Water 102,111,114,117,120 (287) Masquerain Bug/Flying - (288) Wailmer Water Good Rod (Fishing) (289) Wailord Water 129 (290) Skitty Normal 116 (291) Delcatty Normal - (292) Kecleon Normal 120 (After Event) (293) Baltoy Ground/Psychic Desert (294) Claydol Ground/Psychic - (295) Nosepass Rock Granite Cave (296) Torkoal Fire - (297) Sableye Dark/Ghost Mt.Pyre, Sky Pillar Victory Road(S) (298) Barboach Water/Ground - (299) Whiscash Water/Ground - (300) Luvdisk Water 128,129,130 (Fishing (301) Corphish Water 102,117 (Fishing) (302) Crawdaunt Water/Dark - (303) Feebas Water 119 (Fishing) (304) Miltotic Water - (305) Carvanha Water/Dark 118,119 (Fishing) (306) Sharpedo Water/Dark 103,118,122,124-134 (Fish) (307) Trapinch Ground Desert (308) Vibrava Ground/Dragon - (309) Flygon Ground/Dragon - (310) Makuhita Fighting Granite Cave, Victory Road (311) Hariteyama Fighting Victory Road (312) Electrike Electric 110,118 (313) Manectric Electric 118 (314) Numel Fire/Ground 112 (315) Camerupt Fire/Ground - (316) Spheal Ice/Water Shoal Cave (317) Sealeo Ice/Water - (318) Walrein Ice/Water - (319) Cacnea Grass Desert (320) Cacturne Grass/Dark - (321) Snorunt Ice Shoal Cave (322) Glalie Ice - (323) Lunatone Rock/Psychic Meteor Falls (S) (324) Solrock Rock/Psychic Meteor Falls (R) (325) Azurill Normal Egg (326) Spoink Psychic - (327) Grumpig Psychic - (328) Plusle Electric 110 (329) Minun Electric 110 (330) Mawnile Steel Sky Pillar, V.R. (331) Meditite Fighting/Psychic 122,Victory Road (332) Medicham Fighting/Psychic Victory Road (333) Swablu Normal/Flying 114,115 (334) Altaria Dragon/Flying - (335) Wynaut - Egg (Event) (336) Duskull Ghost Mt. Pyre (337) Dusclops Ghost - (338) Roseria Grass/Poison 117 (339) Slakoth Normal Petalburg Woods (340) Vigoroth Normal - (341) Slaking Normal - (342) Gulpin Poison 110 (343) Swalot Poison - (344) Tropius Grass/Flying 119 (345) Whismur Normal 116 (346) Loudred Normal Victory Road (347) Exploud Normal - (348) Clamperl Water Seaweed (349) Huntail Water Trade (Sea Fang) (350) Gorebyss Water Trade (Sea Scale) (351) Absol Dark 120 (352) Kagebouzu Ghost Mt. Pyre (353) Shuppet Ghost - (354) Banette Poison 114 (S) (355) Zangoose Normal 114 (R) (356) Relicanth Water/Rock Seaweed: Sootopolis (357) Aron Steel/Rock Granite Cv. ,Victory Raod (358) Liron Steel/Rock Victory Road (359) Aggron Steel/Rock - (360) Castform Normal Weather Institute (Event) (361) Volbeat Bug 117 (362) Illumise Bug 117 (363) lileep Rock/Grass Fossil (Right) (364) Cradily Rock/Grass - (365) Anorith Rock/Bug Fossil (Left) (366) Armaldo Rock/Bug - (367) Ralts Psychic 102 (368) Kirlia Psychic - (369) Gardevior Psychic - (370) Bagon Dragon Meteor Falls (Dragon Area) (371) Shellgon Dragon - (372) Salamence Dragon/Flying - (373) Beldum Steel/Psychic Steven's House (After E4) (374) Metang Steel/Psychic - (375) Metagross Steel/Psychic - (376) Regirock Rock Desert Ruins (377) Regice Ice Marine Ruins (378) Registeal Steel Ruins on Route 120 (379) Kyogre Water Rune City Cave (S) (380) Groudon Ground Rune City Cave (R) (381) Rayquaza Dragon/Flying Sky Pillar (Fast Bike) (382) Latias Dragon/Psychic Random after E4(S)/Eon Pass (383) Latios Dragon/Psychic Random after E4(S)/Eon Pass (384) Jirchi Steel/Psychic - (385) Deoxys Psychic - (386) Chimecho Psychic Top of Mt. Pyre ----------------------------------------------------------- VI. Official Poke'Dex Intercept ----------------------------------------------------------- Ruby intercept first, Sapphire second. (001)Treecko Height: 1'8" Weight: 11 lbs TREECKO has small hooks on the bottom of its feet that enable it to scale vertical walls. This POKeMON attacks by slamming foes with its thick tail. TREECKO is cool, calm, and collected - it never panics under any situation. If a bigger foe were to glare at this POKeMON, it would glare right back without conceding an inch of ground. (002)Grovyle Height: 2'11" Weight: 47.6 lbs The leaves growing out of GROVYLE's body are convenient for camouflaging it from enemies in the forest. This POKeMON is a master at climbing trees in jungles This POKeMON adeptly flies from branch to branch in trees. In a forest, no POKeMON can ever hope to catch a fleeing GROVYLE however fast they may be. (003)Secptile Height: 1.7 m Weight: 52.2 kg 4 Torchic 5 Combusken 6 Blaziken 7 Mudkip 8 Marshtomp 9 Swampert 10 Poochyena 11 Mightyena 12 Zigzagoon 13 Linoone 14 Wurmple 15 Silcoon 16 Beautifly 17 Cascoon 18 Dustox 19 Lotad 20 Lombre 21 Ludicolo 22 Seedot 23 Nuzleaf 24 Shiftry 25 Taillow 26 Swellow 27 Wingull 28 Pelipper 29 Ralts 30 Kirlia 31 Gardevoir 32 Surskit 33 Masquerain 34 Shroomish 35 Breloom 36 Slakoth 37 Vigoroth 38 Slaking 42 Nincada 43 Ninjask 44 Shedinja 45 Whismur 46 Loudred 47 Exploud 48 Makuhita 49 Hariyama 54 Azurill 60 Nosepass 61 Skitty 62 Delcatty 68 Sableye 69 Mawile 70 Aron 71 Lairon 72 Aggron 76 Meditite 77 Medicham 78 Electrike 79 Manectric 80 Plusle 81 Minun 86 Volbeat 87 Illumise 94 Roselia 95 Gulpin 96 Swalot 97 Carvanha 98 Sharpedo 99 Wailmer 100 Wailord 101 Numel 102 Camerupt 105 Torkoal 110 Spoink 111 Grumpig 114 Spinda 116 Trapinch 117 Vibrava 118 Flygon 119 Cacnea 120 Cacturne 121 Swablu 122 Altaria 123 Zangoose 124 Seviper 125 Lunatone 126 Solrock 127 Barboach 128 Whiscash 129 Corphish 130 Crawdaunt 131 Baltoy 132 Claydol 133 Lileep 134 Cradily 135 Anorith 136 Armaldo 140 Feebas 141 Milotic 142 Castform 145 Kecleon 146 Shuppet 147 Banette 148 Duskull 149 Dusclops 150 Tropius 151 Chimecho 152 Absol 160 Wynaut 171 Snorunt 172 Glalie 173 Spheal 174 Sealeo 175 Walrein 176 Clamperl 177 Huntail 178 Gorebyss 179 Relicanth 183 Luvdisc 187 Bagon 188 Shelgon 189 Salamence 190 Beldum 191 Metang 192 Metagross 193 Regirock 194 Regice 195 Registeel 196 Latias 197 Latios 198 Kyogre 199 Groudon 200 Rayquaza 201 Jirachi 202 Deoxys ----------------------------------------------------------- VII. Characteristics Breakdown ----------------------------------------------------------- Each Poke'Mon has a type of characteristic. This part of the FAQ Tells you just what they are and who obtains them. *If the names Of the characteristics are wrong, E-Mail me the corrections at Kaiser1720@aol.com* Name Discription Able Poke'Mon --------------------------------------------------------------- *AIR-LOCK Unaffected by weather Rayquaza *ARENA TRAP Pokemon is unable to flee Trapinch battle *BATTLE ARMOR Prevents Critical Hits Anorith Armaldo *BLAZE When HP is low, Fire Blaziken attacks deal 50% more Combusken damage Torchic *CHLOROPHYLL If Sunny Day is in effect Bellossom speed increases Gloom Nuzleaf Oddish Seedot Shiftry Tropius Vileplume ----------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Attacks/TM&HM List ----------------------------------------------------------- *****TM List***** TM # Name Type POW Acc PP Description ------------------------------------------------------------------- TM01 Focus Punch Fighting 150 100% 20 TM03 Water Pulse Water 60 100% 20 CONFUSION 20% TM04 Calm Mind Psychic - - 20 +1 SPEC ATK & SPEC DEF TM05 Roar Normal - - -- End Battle TM06 Toxic Poison - 85% 10 TOXIC 100% TM10 Hidden Power Normal ? 100% 15 Different Poke'mon deal different damage TM11 Sunny Day Fire - - 5 Sunny Weather (5 turns) TM12 Taunt Dark - 100% 20 TM13 Ice Beam Ice 95 100% 10 FREEZE 10% TM15 Hyper Beam Normal 150 90% 5 1st turn attack,2nd recharge TM16 Light Screen Psychic - - 30 1/2 Damage (5 turns) TM17 Protect Normal - - 10 No damage from enemy attack 60% less accurate if used twice in a row TM18 Rain Dance Water - - 5 Rainy Weather (5 turns) TM20 Safeguard Normal - - 25 TM21 Frustration Normal ? 100% 20 Attack favors on the Pokemon's hatred of you TM22 Solarbeam Grass 120 100% 10 1st turn charge, 2nd Attack (1 turn if Sunny Day) TM24 Thunderbolt Electric 95 100% 15 PARALYSIS 10% TM25 Thunder Electric 120 70% 10 PARALYSIS 30% Attack will be 100% Accurate if raining TM27 Return Normal ? 100% 20 Power Increases when Pokemon likes you TM29 Psychic Psychic 90 100% 10 SPECIAL DEFENSE -1 10% TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost 80 100% 15 SPECIAL DEFENSE -1 20% TM31 Brick Break Fighting 75 100% 15 Reflect and Light Screen removed TM32 Double Team Normal - - 15 EVASION +1 TM33 Reflect Psychic - - 20 Physical moves deal 1/2 Damage (5 turns) TM34 Shock Wave Electric 60 - 20 Never misses (If on screen) TM39 Rock Tomb Rock 50 80% 10 SPEED -1 100% TM40 Aerial Ace Flying 60 - 20 Never misses (If on screen) TM41 Torment Dark - 100% 15 Foe can't use same move two times in a row TM42 Facade Normal 70 100% 20 Attack x2 if user is under POSION,PARALYZE or BURN TM43 Secret Power Normal 70 100% 20 Depends on battlefield. Grass = POISON. Tall = Grass SLEEP. Ocean = ATTACK -1. Underwater = DEFENSE -1 Pond = SPEED -1. Sand = Accuracy -1 Cave = FLINCH. Rocks = CONFUSION. Elsewhere = PARALYZE. 30% TM44 Rest Psychic - - 10 Regain all HP and SLEEP (5 turns) TM48 Skill Swap Psychic - 100% 10 Switches abilities with foe TM49 Snatch Dark - 100% 10 *****HM List***** HM # Name Type POW Acc PP Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HM01 Cut Normal 50 95% 30 HM02 Fly Flying 70 95 15 Fly up 1st turn, strike on 2nd HM03 Surf Water 95 100% 15 HM04 Strength Normal 80 100% 15 HM05 Flash Normal - 70% 20 Lowers enemy hit rate -1 HM06 Rock Smash Fighting 20 100% 15 DEFENSE -1 50% HM07 Waterfall Water HM08 Dive Water Under Construcion ----------------------------------------------------------- IX. Acknowledgements ----------------------------------------------------------- Well...... I guess this is the end of the road. I think this is part where I thank everyone GOD-For life and the patience to write this mess GBAgamer-The "New" Poke'Dex numbers...... Hmph! I like my numbers just fine. Oh well Me-Just because......I am accurate with my data! You-For reading this TCW- Just cuz..... He did something before I think *Due to people who keep asking me about her, Ms.G asked to be removed from this list* http://user.yagb.de/meowth346/ - Yeah, they helped...A little. Great Site I must admit. Ket Shi- Attack names, suggestions, descriptions Koneko- Spelling Errors That's it for now. Look for more updates soon! --------------------------------------------------------- VIII. End --------------------------------------------------------- Hope ya found this FAQ useful. Most of the date is accurate. I'll be seein' ya. ********************************************************** **SEND ALL USEFUL INFO TO: Kaiser1720@aol.com************* ********************************************************** -Kaiser