Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire – TM/HM List Contributed by: Ultra -------------------- Copyright Info. -------------------- Copyright 2006 - Ultra This should be basic by now. You know the drill; this file is my work, and shall not be stolen for any means at all. I will list the sites that may use this guide; all others must e-mail me at my e-mail address, typed out below, and ask my permission before they can use my guide. You have been warned, and there will be no second warning. If I see you plagiarize my file in any way, you will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. If you ask me first, I will most likely say yes, provided you give the credit to me as due. So, ask me first, and we can get along well. And with that, on to the guide. ------- TMs ------- TM 01: Focus Punch Type: Fighting Base Power: 150 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Description: Focuses energy for the first part of the turn, and then hits last. If Pokemon using Focus Punch is hit in the processes, it loses its focus and can’t move. Found in: Route 115 TM 02: Dragon Claw Type: Dragon Base Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Description: No extra effects. Found in: Meteor Falls TM 03: Water Pulse Type: Water Base Power: 60 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Description: Has a 10% chance of confusing the opponent. Found in: Sootopolis Gym; received from Wallace. TM 04: Calm Mind Type: Psychic Base Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Description: Raises user’s Special Attack and Special Defense. Found in: Mossdeep Gym; received from Tate and Liza. TM 05: Roar Type: Normal Base Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Description: In trainer battle, it forces switch to a random Pokemon. In wild Pokemon battle, it sends wild Pokemon away. Found in: Route 114; received from man with Poochyena. TM 06: Toxic Type: Poison Base Power: N/A Accuracy: 85 PP: 10 Description: Poisons the foe with damage increase each turn. Found in: Fiery Path TM 07: Hail Type: Ice Base Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Description: Hurts all non-Ice Pokemon for five turns. Found in: Shoal Cave. TM 08: Bulk Up Type: Fighting Base Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Description: Raises user’s Attack and Defense. Found in: Dewford Gym; received from Brawly. TM 09: Bullet Seed Type: Grass Base Power: 10 Accuracy: 100 PP: 30 Description: Attacks 2-5 times in one turn. Found in: Route 104; received from guy near shop. TM 10: Hidden Power Type: Normal Base Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Description: The type and power vary with the Pokemon using it. Found in: Slateport City/Fortree City. TM 11: Sunny Day Type: Fire Base Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 5 Description: Raises the power of Fire type moves for 5 turns; lowers the power of Water type moves for 5 turns; lowers Thunder’s accuracy to 40; makes Solarbeam a one-turn move; Synthesis, Morning Sun, and Moonlight heal all HP. Found in: Scorched Slab TM 12: Taunt Type: Dark Base Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Description: Forces the opponent to use damaging moves. Found in: Trick House; received from Trick Master after clearing five challenges. TM 13: Ice Beam Type: Ice Base Power: 95 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Description: Has a 10% chance of freezing the opponent. Found in: Abandoned Ship/Game Corner TM 14: Blizzard Type: Ice Base Power: 120 Accuracy: 70 PP: 5 Description: Has a 10% chance of freezing the opponent. Found in: Lilycove Dept. Store TM 15: Hyper Beam Type: Normal Base Power: 150 Accuracy: 90 PP: 5 Description: A deadly move that makes the user unable to move the following turn. Found in: Lilycove Dept. Store TM 16: Light Screen Type: Psychic Base Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Description: Special Attack damage is halved for 5 turns. Found in: Lilycove Dept. Store TM 17: Protect Type: Normal Base Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Description: Negates all effects of the opponents attacks, but loses accuracy if used in succession. Found in: Lilycove Dept. Store TM 18: Rain Dance Type: Water Base Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 5 Description: Raises the power of Water type attacks for 5 turns; lowers the power of Fire type moves for 5 turns; maxes out Thunder’s accuracy; Solarbeam requires an extra turn to use; Moonlight, Morning Sun, and Synthesis recover only 25% HP. Found in: Abandoned Ship TM 19: Giga Drain Type: Grass Base Power: 60 Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Description: Replenishes half of the HP taken from the opponent. Found in: Route 123; received from Tree Doctor if you have a Grass type in your team. TM 20: Safeguard Type: Normal Base Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 25 Description: Protects your side from all status changes for 5 turns. Found in: Lilycove Dept. Store TM 21: Frustration Type: Normal Base Power: 100 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Description: Raises power if the Pokemon using it dislikes you. Found in: Pacifidlog Town; received from Chairman’s brother if the Pokemon at the top of your team dislikes you. TM 22: Solarbeam Type: Normal Base Power: 120 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Description: First turn is used to charge energy, and second turn is used to attack. If Sunny Day is in use, no charge is required. If Rain Dance is in use, two turns of charge are required. Found in: Safari Zone TM 23: Iron Tail Type: Steel Base Power: 100 Accuracy: 75 PP: 10 Description: Has a 10% chance of lowering the opponent’s Defense. Found in: Meteor Falls TM 24: Thunderbolt Type: Electric Base Power: 95 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Description: Has a 10% chance of paralyzing the opponent. Found in: Game Corner/Mauville City; given to you by Wattson for helping with the Power Plant problem. TM 25: Thunder Type: Electric Base Power: 120 Accuracy: 70 PP: 10 Description: Has a 10% chance of paralyzing the opponent; if Rain Dance is in effect, it’s accuracy is 100; if Sunny Day is in effect, it’s accuracy is 40. Found in: Lilycove Dept. Store TM 26: Earthquake Type: Ground Base Power: 100 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Description: Can hit enemies using Dig. Found in: Seafloor Cavern. TM 27: Return Type: Normal Base Power: 100 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Description: Raises power if the user likes you. Found in: Pacifidlog Town; received from Chairman’s brother if the top Pokemon on your team likes you. Also given to you by Prof. Cosmo when you return the Meteorite. TM 28: Dig Type: Ground Base Power: 60 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Description: Goes underground first turn to prevent all damage (the exception being Earthquake) and attacks second turn. Found in: Fossil Lover’s House; given to you by little boy. TM 29: Psychic Type: Psychic Base Power: 90 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Description: Has a 10% chance of lowering the opponent’s Special Defense. Found in: Game Corner/Victory Road TM 30: Shadow Ball Type: Ghost Base Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Description: Has a 10% chance of lowering the opponent’s Special Defense. Found in: Mt. Pyre TM 31: Brick Break Type: Fighting Base Power: 75 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Description: Can destroy Reflect and Light Screen. Found in: Sootopolis City; given to you by man with Kecleon. TM 32: Double Team Type: Fighting Base Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 15 Description: Raises user’s evasion. Found in: Game Corner/Route 113 TM 33: Reflect Type: Fighting Base Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Description: Halves all physical damage done to your Pokemon for 5 turns. Found in: Lilycove Dept. Store TM 34: Shock Wave Type: Electric Base Power: 60 Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Description: Never misses. Found in: Mauville Gym; received from Wattson. TM 35: Flamethrower Type: Fire Base Power: 95 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Description: Has a 10% chance of burning the opponent. Found in: Game Corner TM 36: Sludge Bomb Type: Poison Base Power: 90 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Description: Has a 30% chance of poisoning the opponent. Found in: Dewford Hall; after getting 5 badges, go to man and he’ll hand it over. TM 37: Sandstorm Type: Rock Base Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Description: Hurts all non-Rock/Ground/Steel type Pokemon for 5 turns. Found in: Desert TM 38: Fire Blast Type: Fire Base Power: 120 Accuracy: 85 PP: 5 Description: Has a 10% chance of burning the opponent. Found in: Lilycove Dept. Store TM 39: Rock Tomb Type: Rock Base Power: 50 Accuracy: 85 PP: 10 Description: Lowers opponents’ Speed. Found in: Rustboro Gym; received from Roxanne. TM 40: Aerial Ace Type: Flying Base Power: Flying Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Description: Never misses. Found in: Fortree Gym; received from Winona. TM 41: Torment Type: Dark Base Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Description: Opponent cannot use the same move more than once for a few turns. Found in: Slateport Contest Hall; received from annoying dude. TM 42: Façade Type: Normal Base Power: 70 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Description: Does more damage if the user if burned, poisoned, or paralyzed. Found in: Petalburg Gym; received from Norman. TM 43: Secret Power Type: Normal Base Power: 70 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Description: Effects change depending on where this move is used. Found in: Route 111; given to you by Secret Power member. Afterwards, it is sold at the Slateport City Market. TM 44: Rest Type: Psychic Base Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Description: Sleeps to heal all status changes, but cannot move for 2 turns. You can only use Snore and Sleep Talk while sleeping. Found in: Lilycove City; received from tired man. TM 45: Attract Type: Normal Base Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 15 Description: Infatuates opponents of the opposite gender of the user. Found in: Verdanturf Town; received from woman in Contest Hall. TM 46: Thief Type: Dark Base Power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Description: Has a 10% chance of stealing an opponents’ hold item. Found in: Museum; received from Aqua/Magma Grunt. TM 47: Steel Wing Type: Steel Base Power: 70 Accuracy: 90 PP: 25 Description: Has a 10% chance of lowering the opponents’ Defense. Found in: Granite Cave; received from Steven. TM 48: Skill Swap Type: Psychic Base Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Description: Switches abilities with the opponent until switched out. Found in: Mt. Pyre TM 49: Snatch Type: Dark Base Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Description: Steals the effects of the next opposing attack. Found in: S.S. Tidal; received from man in main hall. TM 50: Overheat Type: Fire Base Power: 140 Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Description: On use, it sharply lowers the users’ Special Attack. Found in: Lavaridge Gym; received from Flannery. ------- HMs ------- HM 01: Cut Type: Normal Base Power: 50 Accuracy: 90 PP: 30 Description: No extra effects. Outside of battle: Cuts small trees. Found in: Rustboro City; received from man in house next to Pokemon Centre. Badge Needed: 1st Badge HM 02: Fly Type: Flying Base Power: 70 Accuracy: 95 PP: 15 Description: A two-turn move. When in the air, only certain moves can hurt the user. Outside of battle: Lets you fly to cities and towns that you have been to before. Found in: Route 119; received from Rival. Badge Needed: 6th Badge HM 03: Surf Type: Water Base Power: 95 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Description: No extra effects. Outside of battle: Lets you swim on your Pokemon across oceans and rivers. Found in: Petalburg City; given to you by Wally’s dad after you beat Norman. Badge Needed: 5th Badge HM 04: Strength Type: Normal Base Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Description: No extra effects. Outside of battle: Lets you move boulders aside. Found in: Rusturf Tunnel; received from man trying to get through after using Rock Smash. Badge Needed: 4th Badge HM 05: Flash Type: Normal Base Power: N/A Accuracy: 70 PP: 30 Description: Lowers opponents’ accuracy. Outside of battle: Lights up dark caves/dungeons. Found in: Granite Cave; received from hiker at entrance of cave. Badge Needed: 2nd Badge HM 06: Rock Smash Type: Fighting Base Power: 20 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Description: Has a 10% chance of lowering the opponents’ Defense. Outside of battle: Breaks cracked rocks. Found in: Mauville City; received from man on east side of the city. Badge Needed: 3rd Badge HM 07: Waterfall Type: Water Base Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Description: No extra effects. Outside of battle: Lets you climb actual waterfalls; needed to get to Pokemon League. Found in: Cave of Origin Badge Needed: 8th Badge HM 08: Dive Type: Water Base Power: 60 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Description: A two-turn attack. Goes underwater first turn, and attacks second turn. Outside of battle: Lets you dive underwater in deep and dark water patches. Found in: Mossdeep City; received from Steven. Badge Needed: 7th Badge That’s all of them. See you in my next guide.