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Later I will add more detail into this faq telling you more about each mission and how to get through it. One of the best sites I have found for S.P.D. is: http://www.stormloader.com/linearranger/SPDRangers.htm I used this site to check out which enemies were in the show and also in the game. I also used information from there to name all the SPD Rangers used in the game. It has the most information I have found and more information than the Jetix website for the TV show. Thank you Linrar Ranger for having that site. There are 8 different episodes in the game. Nine if you count episode 0 which is just an intro. Okay, lets begin. ____ ____ ____ / ___| | _ \ | _ \ \___ \ | |_) | | | | | ___) | | __/ | |_| | |____/ |_| |____/ _____ | ____| _ __ ___ ___ _ __ __ _ ___ _ __ ___ _ _ | _| | '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '__|/ _` | / _ \| '_ \ / __|| | | | | |___ | | | | | || __/| | | (_| || __/| | | || (__ | |_| | |_____||_| |_| |_| \___||_| \__, | \___||_| |_| \___| \__, | |___/ |___/ Emperor Gruumm, Warlord and Commander of the Troobian Forces has picked Earth as his next target. He wants to take all the resources and destroy Earth. It is up to you to stop Gruumm and his evil Krybots. One thing you will notice right off is you have alot of fighting to do. In every mission you will have a few times where you will have Krybots coming at you from both sides and at some points, both sides and falling from an area above. The normal Krybots you get in the first mission are easy to eliminate. Just hit them four times and they are gone. Beware because there are also some that shoot at you. Note: When I say four hits, I mean four direct hits. Any misses and you might have to hit them more. Later you will have the Blue Troobian Foot soldiers and hitting them four times will just knock them down. Hit them three more times when they get up to eliminate them. You meet the Blue Troobian Foot soldiers on the second mission, but don't fight it until the end of the mission. He will be tossing 4 balls on the ground and they will grow into Krybots. ------------- - Episode 0 - ------------- This is just an introduction. You see a planet being destroyed and Gruumm saying to destory it (isn't that backwards?). Then he says he found a new target . . . Earth. ------------- - Episode 1 - ------------- 2 Missions - Blue and Red Rangers Password: ZZB The first mission is with the Blue Ranger and you learn of his ability to double jump. The Green Ranger can also double jump. You will also learn that the Blue Ranger can also project a force field in front of him. Let me take a moment and explain about the Special abilities in this game. In the top left you will two bars, HP (green), and SP (purple). Below that is a shield and the number of shields you have left. Actually everytime you loose a mission a shield goes away. There are only a few you can get through the entire game. I will mention them later on. If you play the game and find more shields, please let me know. Okay, back to the Special Ability. When you use the ability, Shield with the Blue Ranger, the purple bar will blink and slowly go away. When the bar is gone the ability is gone and the bar will slowly fill back up. Once the bar is filled the ability is able to be used again. All you really need to do in this mission is to keep going right. There will be a total of three times you will have to deal with Krybots coming at you from both sides and when you complete then third one the mission ends. - Mission Clear - The second mission is the Red Ranger and you learn of his abilities. One is he jumps up on a wall and then jusmps up again higher. His special ability is he can go through solid objects. When you get to the end of the mission with the Red Ranger you fight the Troobian Foot Soldier. Once he is defeated the mission and the first episode is over. - Mission Clear - - Episode Clear - ------------- - Episode 2 - ------------- The first thing you do in this mission is my favorite part because it reminds me of my favorite old game 'Missle Command'. You have missles falling down on the city and it is your job to save the city. Don't worry if you don't stop all of them. So far, even in the easy setting, I cannot stop ALL of them. You just need to make sure that at least one of the buildings is still standing at the end of the mission. On easy setting getting through is pretty easy, but on normal and hard, forget it. All you will see is "YOU LOSE". There are just too many coming down to get them all. If anyone gets through, especially on hard, please let me know. Once that mission it is now time to go on one with the Yellow Ranger. You learn her moves and special ability. The Yellow Ranger can dublicate herself and that will come in quite handy. At the end of her mission you have to dodge cars and fight four Krybots. Next mission is with the Pink Ranger. Her ability is to make her hand metal and bust metal walls. You can also use it on the enemies. Her mission ends when you reach a room with a long desk. You have alot of Krybots coming at you from both sides and some get on the desk. Next is the Red Ranger. Just keep going right til you get to the end where you fight a tough oponent and the mission ends. As in the show you will see the judment time and he is found guilty. ------------- - Episode 3 - ------------- - The End - ---------------------------------------------------------- - S.P.D. Power Rangers - ---------------------------------------------------------- - Red Ranger - Jack Landors - ---------------------------------------------------------- - Blue Ranger - Schuyler "Sky" Tate - ---------------------------------------------------------- - Green Ranger - Bridge Carson - ---------------------------------------------------------- - Yellow Ranger - Elizabeth "Z" Delgado - ---------------------------------------------------------- - Pink Ranger - Sydney "Syd" Drew - ---------------------------------------------------------- - Shadow Ranger - Commander Anubis 'Doggie' Cruger - ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- - Items and vehicles used in the game - ---------------------------------------------------------- - R.I.C - Robotic Interactive Canine - ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- - Enemies you have to fight in the game - ---------------------------------------------------------- - Krybots - Blue Head Krybots - Orange Head Krybot - ---------------------------------------------------------- - Rhinix - Salimoht - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - ----------------------------------------------------------