Minna de Puyo Puyo - Script & FAQ English version written / transcribed by Boco the Chokobo boco@chibiusa-loves-hotaru.zzn.com http://www.livejournal.com/users/boco/ Random notes: 10-26-2001 Version 1.3 and still going. Many people have contacted me, requesting permission to post this FAQ. I have refused ALL offers save one, simply because of one simple reason: They were form letters. Do NOT send me a form letter. It is a guarantee that my permission will not be secured. If this FAQ is posted to a site that does NOT have my permission, I -will- pursue that site legally. So far, only GameFAQs and the Puyo Museum can post this. I've discovered soemthing, with a little help: the items you recieve are directly corrolated to how many times you've defeated the caracter, and NOTHING ELSE. I've updated the chart to reflect this, as well as added a complete (or at least MORE complete) card listing and the itemless endings to the script. Next up is profile translations: I'm going to type up the Japanese versions of the profiles and save them in a pic. If anyone knows Japanese and can help translate them, PLEASE e-mail me, and I'll send away. René will probably do a few, or at least redo the ones I did with a dictionary and Babelfish. 10-21-2001 Version 1.2 Lagnus's name has been corrected. Thanks to the owner of http://puyo.gq.nu/ despite him not having it anywhere on the page ^_^;; The script for the itemless ending has been put up, and the script for Trial Labyrinth is being started. Each of the options and menu's are now being explained, as this goes more and more towards being a full-fledged FAQ instead of a script with extras. Finished script of Trial Labyrinth, for now. More items added, more general stuff added. Etc. 10-21-2001 Version 1.1 and climbing.. I've added some of the profile translations. They still need a lot of work, but hey. I might include the Japanese versions of the profiles and script in the future. If anyone knows how to delete save data, I'd love to be able to, so I can get the Japanese names for each item and see how each item is gotten. To that end, I'm adding who I've won each item from and what difficulty I won it on, as well as which time I'd defeated them. The script for G.D.P.Castle, the item run, the attract mode tutorial and some additional items have been added. Oh, does anyone know the correct spelling of Lagnus's last name? The site I got the other names from doesn't have it. The name in KATAKANA is RAGUNASU ZESHYASHI... ..on the subject of names.. what is the G in G.D.P.Castle? When you get MONARCH SIGN it says "G. Dark Prince Castle"... I've also added an FAQ covering what I -think- is the correct Item Chart, as well as how to unlock the 6th area, and the options screen. 10-20-2001 This is version 1.0 I haven't beat everyone yet (just got the game) so I only have the script until G.D.P.Castle. Any typoes are the fault of Sonic Team, not me. I don't know everyone's names (and the names aren't stated in-game for most), so credit for the naming goes to the owner of http://puyo.gq.nu/ and error in naming goes to me ^_^;;;; Please correct any errors you see by e-mailing me... In the future, I'll expand this into a FAQ, but for now it's only a script and an item list. The FAQ will include character bios translated from the manual, as well as how each character plays, and a more complete list of items and what they do. If anyone wants to post this for any reason, e-mail me with a link to where it's being posted, and 99% of the time, you'll get an OK. Anyway, let's get started, shall we? ---- Character Introductions ---- Translated mostly by the Babelfish. So blame Altavista. Arle Nadja The always-bright-and-energetic sorceress of eggs. To tell the truth, amazing bewitchment is concealed, for it seems that such consciousness is completely absent from this person. Carbunkle (Cakkun, Kaakun) A strange creature with a red jewel in his head. He and Arle like curry a lot. the Puyo The leading part in the game, but (perhaps) they don't talk. There are 5 colors: Green, Yellow, Red, Blue, and Purple. Skeleton-T The eternally inept character, he can't rotate the puyo, yet he's a lover of Japanese tea. ...huh? He's a man? Red, Yellow, Purple Incubus Seriri Suketoudara Kiki Mora Harpy Nohoho Draco Centaur Witch Zoh Daimaoh Lagnus Bishashi Minotaur Schezo Wegey Rulue Lord Satan (Satan-sama, Dark Prince) ---- Attract Mode Tutorial ---- -- BASIC MOVES THE ARROW BUTTON MOVES RIGHT TO LEFT. PUYO FALL FASTER WHEN MOVED DOWN. A BUTTON ROTATES THEM CLOCKWISE. B BUTTON ROTATES THEM COUNTER CLOCKWISE. IF MORE THAN FOUR PUYO STICK TOGETHER THEY DISAPPEAR. -- GAME OVER GAME OVER WHEN 3 ROWS PILE UP ON THE LEFT. -- CHAIN ATTACK DELETE PUYO TO INCREASE NUISANCE PUYO FOR YOUR OPPONENT. ATTACHING MANY CHAINS TO SEND MANY NUISANCE PUYO. -- NUISANCE PUYO NUISANCE PUYO ALSO VANISH WHEN NORMAL PUYO VANISH. HARD PUYO WON'T VANISH THE FIRST TIME. BUT, IF YOU DO THIS, THEY'LL ALL VANISH POINT PUYO WILL VANISH NORMALLY BUT YOU GET POINTS. -- OFFSETTING YOU CAN NEGATE YOUR OPPONENT'S NUISANCE PUYO WITH YOUR OWN. -- ALL ERASE ERASE ALL PUYO AND SEND MANY NUISANCE PUYO TO YOUR OPPONENT. -- QUICK TURN PUSH THE BUTTON TWICE TO FLIP 180 DEGREES. ---- Hitori de Puyo Puyo ---- ---Prologue One Fine Day Arle was playing with Cakkun as usual but... Oh! Cakkun!! What did I tell you about eating stuff on the ground! Say Ah! Ahhh!! Guu... Come on now. You.. Huh? What's could this be? No way? Way! I don't think we are in Kansai anymore. Maybe it's just me? Guuguuguu!! Hey! Cakkun!! Where do you think you're going! Wait for me!! Guuguu guuguu!! And this is how another funny, little adventure began for Arle. ---Hajimari Forest --Versus Skeleton-T Arle: Hey, hey you... Arle: A strange gate just appeared at the forest entrance. Arle: Know anything about it? Skeleton-T: Just rest your bones. Have a cup of tea with me. Arle: Uh, thanks. (Gulp-gulp...) Skeleton-T: Wha-ha-ha. I got you! Arle: Huh! No way. Did you poison my tea? Skeleton-T: Wha-ha-ha. No, just left over from last month!! Arle: Ughhhhhh! ...But, not bad after a few sips. Skeleton-T: What! If you can handle month old tea then either... Skeleton-T: You have the palette of a connoisseur or no tongue at all. Arle: Are all skeletons this nosy? Leave me alone! Skeleton-T: If that's how you want it, then, let's PUYO PUYO! --Versus Incubus Incubus: Hi, honey. Where are you off to? Arle: Whatever... Talk about your stuck-up smartalecks. Incubus: Oh, darling. Even your troubled face is cute in my eyes. Arle: Jeez... And fifty other lines to get you nowhere. Incubus: You poor baby... Here let me, beautiful me, warm you up. Arle: Stop it! --Versus Seriri Seriri: Uh... H-hellooo... Arle: Oh, hi. Seriri: Could it be you came to play with me? Arle: No, not really but... Seriri: Huh! I knew it. You're after my body right... Arle: No, not really but... Seriri: The idea that if you eat us, you'll never age is just a legend. Arle: Hmm... I think I heard that before but... You don't say? Seriri: Ah! Darn it! I let another secret slip out! Seriri: So be prepared! -End Seriri: Ah, I guess I am done for too... Seriri: It was a short life... Arle: Hello, hello? Arle: I wasn't planning on eating you... Seriri: Y-you weren't? Arle: Not, not at all. I just wanted to ask you directions. Seriri: Oh, was that all? I guess I got my fins crossed again... Arle: Well... Don't worry. It's no big deal. Seriri: Sorry for everything. Let me make it up to you. Here... *get an item* -End with SCALE PENDANT Seriri: Ah, I guess I am done for too... Seriri: It was a short life... Arle: Hello, hello? Arle: I just came here to bring you this but... Arle takes out the SCALE PENDANT. Seriri: Oh, that! Seriri: I lost it a while back and was looking for it. Arle: Well then that's great news! Seriri: Thank you. Take this as a token of my appreciation. Arle gains the GODDESS SIGN! You can now go to TRIAL LABYRINTH! -End without getting an item Seriri: Ah, I guess I am done for too... Seriri: It was a short life... Arle: Hello, hello? Arle: I wasn't planning on eating you... Seriri: Y-you weren't? Arle: Not, not at all. I just wanted to ask you directions. Seriri: Oh, was that all? I guess I got my fins crossed again... Arle: Well... Don't worry. It's no big deal. Seriri: Sorry for everything. If you don't mind, come and play again. ---Goldtown --Versus Kiki Mora Kiki: Welcome, welcome. Are you new here? Arle: Yes it is but... Why do you ask? Kiki: Because the rules are a bit different here. Kiki: A NUISANCE PUYO called a POINT PUYO. Arle: Point PUYO? Kiki: If you erase POINT PUYO, Kiki: you can send many POINT PUYO to your opponent. Arle: Now those sound like handy little guys. Kiki: But, the same goes for your opponent, so be careful. Okay? Arle: I see your point... Watch out for counterattacks right? Kiki: That's right. Kiki: First, try practicing here to get the hang of it. --Versus Suketoudara Arle: My tummy is growling. I want to eat something. Arle: What should I have... Something refreshing would be good. Arle: Yeah... Suketo: Fish! Watch me strut my stuff!! Arle: Oh, sashimi... Suketo: ...Aye? Arle: That's it! Let's have sashimi! Suketo: ...... Arle: Uh-huh? How long have you been there? Suketo: J-just don't do that again... --Versus Harpy Arle: Hey, hey, you over there. Harpy: You rang~ What is it~ Arle: Hear me out on something would you? Harpy: Oh~ You'd like to hear me sing would you~ Harpy: Get out your recorder~ Here I go~ Arle: Huh? Harpy: Ha-ra Ho-re~ Hi-re Ha-re~ Arle: Wow! Talk about tone-deaf! Oh...my ears! Harpy: Well! You said you wanted to hear something!! --Versus Minotaur Arle: And who are you? Mino: Moooh... Arle: Why aren't you with Rulue today? Mino: She's out buying groceries for tonight's dinner. Arle: Really... Hey by the way... Mino: Moooh? Arle: Don't you find it hard being with Rulue all the time? Mino: What do you mean? Arle: Will, Rulue is like really selfish. Arle: You should tell her how you feel sometimes. Mino: Moooh! I won't have you badmouthing my Rulue! Mino: I'll beat you for my Rulue! Moooh! --Versus Nohoho Nohoho: Nohoho! See anything you like? Arle: Sorry... But I didn't come here to shop. Nohoho: Regardless, you have to at least by something. Store policy. Arle: Well, I don't need to shop. Arle: But I do need to ask directions... Nohoho: Okay then... Let's PUYO PUYO! Arle: Why? -End Nohoho: Nohoho! Give up do you? Arle: Well... I won fair and square, so tell me the way. Nohoho: Well okay then... Here. Arle: No... Not a thing... Huh? What's this? *get an item* -End with NOHOHO RUCKSACK Arle: Well... I won again! Nohoho: Nohoho! That was practice! Arle: Hey, that's not fair. Arle takes out the NOHOHO RUCKSACK. Nohoho: Hey, that's! Arle: What do you do? Nohoho: I give up. You win... Nohoho: I'll give you this, but give me back my rucksack. Arle gians the SCALE PENDANT! Deliver it to Seriri in HAJIMARI FOREST! -End without getting an item Nohoho: Nohoho! You got me again. Arle: I wonder what I can get this time. Nohoho: Well okay then... ...Whoh? Arle: What's the matter? Nohoho: All sold out. There's nothing left. Arle: What do you mean! What a scam!! Nohoho: Sorry about that. Well, come again soon. ---Gachinko Dungeon --Versus Kiki Mora Kiki: Oh, hello. Arle: Huh? You again. Arle: I guess you've got some whacky, new rule huh? Kiki: You guessed it. A NUISANCE PUYO called a HARD PUYO. Arle: Hard puyo? Kiki: They are pesky little PUYO who won't go away in one try. Arle: A real pain in the you-know-where. Kiki: Well... Start practicing. --Versus Harpy Harpy: You rang~ Arle: Oh... Our paths cross again... Harpy: What is your business this time~ Arle: Uh, well... I don't really want anthing. Harpy: Oh really~ So you're just killing time huh~ Arle: Huh? Harpy: If so, then how about listening to my new song~ Harpy: Ha-ra-ho-re~ Hi-re-ha-re~ Arle: Jeez! It's just as bad as last time!! --Versus Zoh Daimaoh Zoh: No one passes here! Arle: Because why? Zoh: Because, because! Zoh: If you want by, we have to PUYO PUYO! Arle: Then, I'm going home. Zoh: ...I just won't let you! Arle: Why not! Zoh: Because you're here, so we have to PUYO PUYO! Arle: So you want to play do you? --Versus Rulue Rulue: Well if it isn't Arle. What ever are you doing here? Arle: Rulue! Perfect timing. Arle: Actually, I need some directions and... Rulue: And you what!! Rulue: And you thought you'd see the Dark Prince without me! Arle: Dark Prince? No, that wasn't my intention but... Rulue: Don't give me that babe in the woods routine! Rulue: I'll defeat you and be the one to see the Dark Prince! --Versus Draco Centaur Draco: Arle! Arle: Oh, Draco... Draco: If you want by me, challenge me to a contest! Arle: A contest... Not another beauty contest? Draco: Not a beauty contest, a PUYO PUYO contest. Draco: When are you going to wake up to what's really going on? Arle: Hmm! So you're dead serious huh? Draco: Today's world is not about beauty but healing! Arle: ...Sure. Now go back to bed and let me bring you your medicine. Draco: Such a pity, Arle... To be behind the times and all. Draco: I'll send you straight to PUYO PUYO hell!! -End Arle: Hi-hi-ha! You're not even in my league Draco! Draco: Darn, darn, double darn! Draco: But, that's the way the cookie crumbles. Here's your prize. *get item* -End with FLAME EXPANDER Arle: Hi-hi-ha! You're not even in the same ballpark! Draco: Darn, darn, triple darn! Draco: Huh? Arle! is that what I think it is? Arle: Oh, this? Arle takes out the FLAME EXPANDER! Draco: That's it! Draco: I ordered one 3 years ago. The ever popular FLAME EXPANDER! Arle: You did? Here. Have mine. Draco: Really and truly? Everyone should have a friend like you! Arle: Come on. Don't go overboard now... Draco: Oh, I almost forgot! Take this as a token of thanks. Arle gains the NOHOHO RUCKSACK! Deliver it to Nohoho in GOLDTOWN! -End without getting an item Arle: Hi-hi-ha! You're not even in my league Draco! Draco: Darn, darn, double darn! Draco: Next time we meet, I'm gonna teach you a lesson! ---Magical Tower --Versus Kiki Mora Kiki: Oh, hello. Arle: You agian... So lay the rules on me. Kiki: Hey now... At least pretend you like me... Kiki: Or I won't tell you. Arle: Hey! Just get on with it and spit it out! Kiki: Hmm... You should have told me so in the first place. Arle: Hmph! Now you really got me steamed! Kiki: Nuisance puyo are on the field here from the start. Arle: From the get go? So I should erase them first... Kiki: That might work but... It's smarter to make use of them. Kiki: Also make cahins and you'll be styling! Arle: Huh... It all sounds a little difficult... Kiki: Waste not, want not! Practice makes perfect! --Versus Suketoudara Arle: Oh, I got the munchies again... Arle: Waht shall I have... Suketo: Fish! Watch me strut my stuff!! Arle: Got it! How about grilled fish! Suketo: ...Aye? Arle: Fish is so healthy. It does the body good! Suketo: ...... Arle: Uh-huh? You again? Suketo: You! You're doing that on purpose!! Arle: Huh? What ever do you mean? Suketo: Don't give me that! I'll knock you down, I tell you! --Versus Incubus Incubus: Baby... We meet again, honey. Arle: Phooey... Of all the rotten luck! Incubus: What's a girl like you doing in a place like this? Incubus: You and I, we must be soulmates connected b the sands of time. Incubus: Baby! It's destiny girl! Arle: Get a clue! It's mroe like bad luck! Arle: I'm going to beat you so I never have to see your face again! --Versus Schezo Wegey Schezo: Arle! Arle: ... Schezo: Today your power is my power! Arle: ...... Schezo: Lighten up, Arle! Don't try and ignore me!! Arle: ...... Schezo: Darn it! You've made a fool of me! Arle: Mmm... Win some; lose some. That's what I say. Schezo: Mmm... If that's what you say, why didn't you say so at first! Arle: Hmph! Do you actually think people listen to you?! Schezo: What did you say!! Arle: Every man, woman and child. This whole world thinks you're a geek! Arle: And I'm here to beat you! En guarde, Schezo! --Versus Witch Witch: Yo! Arle: Yo! Witch: Where's your fight? Yo! Arle: Yo! Witch: Were's your fight? Yo! Arle: Yo! Witch: Now that's the spirit! Yo! -End Witch: Owwwch! Arle: Oops! I did it again! Witch: Rats... Oh, la-ti-da... Witch: I'll give you this. Now be gone with you!! Arle: And what's that? *get item* -End with DUBIOUS BOOK Witch: Owwwch! Arle: I win again! Witch: Rats... Something's been bothering me... Arle: What? Witch: That book wouldn't happen to be... Arle: This old thing? Arle takes out the DUBIOUS BOOK! Witch: It! It is!! I just knew it!! Witch: Uh, Arle... I've got a little proposition for you... Arle: Sure... Witch: And? Arle: You want this book, right? Well, have it. Witch: Okay, I'll take it! Don't ask for it back because I won't do it. Arle: Hey! You could at least say thank you. Witch: Come to think of it... A little while back... Witch: A TV shopping show sent me the wrong item. Witch: It's not much of a swap but here... Witch: I don't need it, so you take it. Arle gains the FLAME EXPANDER! Deliver it to Draco in GACHINKO DUNGEON! -End without getting an item ---G. Dark Prince Castle --Versus Lagnus Bishashi Lagnus: I am Lagnus the Brave! Lagnus: I don't know what danger lurks beyond here. Lagnus: It's too dangerous for a girl to go alone! Let me protect you. Arle: Right... Sorry but... Arle: I don't have time to play house with a little runt like you! Lagnus: Wa... How dare you call me a runt! Lagnus: Whatever... Find out for yourself if I'm a runt. --Versus Zoh Daimaoh Zoh: No one passes here! Arle: I know the deal. All we gotta do is play PUYOPUYO right! Zoh: Hmph... I just hate when people beat me to the punch!! Zoh: I'll end it all with one blow of my rage! --Versus Minotaur Mino: Moooh!! Arle: Whaoh!! Warn me before scaring the daylight out of me! Mino: Arle... I hold no hatred for you but... Mino: Until Rulue gets here, I just can't let you slide by!! Arle: Rulue again?! When does she ever quit?! She's such a chick!! Mino: So I'll take my leave! --Versus Skeleton-T Skeleton-T: Tea time!! Arle: Whaoh!! You scared the pants of me! ...What the? Arle: You showing up here is some kind of mistake right? Skeleton-T: Ha-pa-pa-pa! No bones about it, you mixed me up with the other me! Arle: Uh-huh... This is tougher than I thought. Skeleton-T: Now, have I got a bone to pick with you!! --Versus Schezo Wegey Schezo: Arle! Hand over your charms! Arle: Yo, Schezo! Perfect timing! Schezo: ??? Arle: I just met a girl who said she liked you. Arle: She had a love letter and went that way. Schezo: Did she? Really, Arle? Arle: Gotcha! Schezo: Damn... Arle, you gump! I'm the one who should be teasing you! Schezo: I'm gonna slice you, dice you and minch you into shreds! --Versus Rulue Rulue: So you finally made it. Rulue: Arle, hush up and set the that sign down before me! Rulue: Then maybe I'll pretend I didn't see you. Arle: Huh! Why you?! Rulue: Just let me have it! Arle: Why should I?! Do you even have a clue what this is, Rulue? Rulue: Don't play dumb, dummy! But if that's the way you want to play it... Rulue: I'll just have to beat it out of you! --Versus Lord Satan Satan: A-ha-ha!! You were lucky to make it this far,Arle! Arle: Dark Prince! I should have know you'd be behind all this!! Satan: Huh? What ever are you suggesting? Arle: Well... Okay then. Forget I mentioned it. Arle: But... Whenever I see your face, I'm reminded of the dumbest stuff. Arle: Like maybe you have something up your sleeve...or robe... Satan: No fooling you, Arle! You've caught on to my plans! Arle: What!! Not again!! Satan: Listen and learn! You have to defeat me or else... Arle: Or else what! -End A-ha-ha. Arle! I...I might have know!! Y-you...were lucky to defeat the likes of me! Tryign to be cool Dark Prince? And that voice? Definitely not you. So! What evil is up your sleeve? You've got a sleeve right? Little Arle... You didn't happen to find five signs on the way here? Signs? Road signs? Maybe that's what Rulue was going on about. What are they anyway? Hmm... Turn it over and try lining it up. Every which way? Oh! What's this... Two nights, three days at the LoveMe HoldMe Hot Springs with the Dark Prince. Gimme a break! You can't even swim!! Hmph, hmph... You're blushing. Of course, we can take Cakkun with us! ...In your dreams! Ahhh! Oh my God! What am I saying!! Let's hit it, Cakkun. Guuguuguu!! Huh? Cakkun, what's that thing? *get item* Later, your Blackness. Guuguuguu!! Flattery will get you everywhere... *credits roll* -End without getting an item A-ha-ha. Arle! I...I might have know!! Y-you...were lucky to defeat the likes of me! Hey, Dark Prince? W-what? There's one thing I don't get. Why did Cakkun pick up this sign anyway? Hm, hm, hm... Actually, Arle you... That sign is made of the finest quality curry powder known to man! Really! But it doesn't smell at all. Of course not! I coated it with magic to keep it from smelling. A trace smell was all that was needed for Cakkun to pick it up! So that's how you did it. Pretty sneaky, Dark Prince. This means so much to me. Really, Arle? Not that much! Ahhh! Oh my God! What am I saying!! Wow! It smells so good when broken in half. Gooo! Let's get on home and make some curry Cakkun! Guuguuguu!! What about me... *credits roll* ---Trial Labyrinth Arle: This place? Looks like that labyrinth the Dark Prince made but... Lagnus: That it is! Lagnus: This is a labyrinth for aiming at another level up. Arle: Are you... You are. Lagnus! Lagnus: All enimies that appear are all illuions... But yes... Lagnus: Your abilities are a higher level than in reality! Lagnus: Then, the same goes for me too. Arle: Whoh? Lagnus: Brave Lagnus! I'm on the move! STAGE 01 VS LAGNUS STAGE 02 VS SKELETON-T STAGE 03 VS SERIRI STAGE 04 VS INCUBUS STAGE 05 VS NOHOHO STAGE 06 VS KIKIMORA STAGE 07 VS SUKETOUDARA STAGE 08 VS HARPY STAGE 09 VS ZOH-DAIMAOH STAGE 10 VS DRACO-CENTAUR STAGE 11 VS MINOTAUR STAGE 12 VS WITCH STAGE 13 VS SCHEZO STAGE 14 VS RULUE STAGE 15 VS DARK PRINCE Arle: I made it! All cleared!! Arle: Ah! A treasure chest. Kaakun: Guuuuuu. Arle: Huh? What's wrong, Cakkun?! Kaakun: Guuguuuuuu!! Arle: Cakkun! Kaakun: Guguuguuuguuuu!!! Arle: Whaah! FINAL STAGE VS CARBUNCLE Arle: Cakkun! You okay? Kaakun: Guu! Arle: Whew, that's good to hear. Kaakun: Guu. Guu. Arle: Oh yeah... There was A treasure chest. Really? Arle opened the Treasure chest... *get item* Arle: Let's get on home, Cakkun! Kaakun: Guuu! *credits roll, without animation* ---- Futari de Puyo Puyo ---- *coming soon* ---- Minna de Puyo Puyo ---- *coming soon* ---- Endless Mode ---- ---Endless It's very easy to live forever in Puyo Puyo, so long as you don't have an opponent, and this is the mode that lets you do it. When you die, you'll have no-one to blame but yourself. ---Task A set of instructions is given to you, along with 99 seconds to follow them. For every task completed, you get a bit more time. Tasks get more challenging as you go on - the first task might be to pop 5 puyo, but a later one might have you pop 3 colors of puyo simultaneously. Great training for multiplayer games, as it requires rensa-building skill and quick-thinking. ---- Options ---- --Difficulty This option makes the Hitori de game harder or easier. It affects your score but not what items you get, as far as I know. Three settings: Easy, Normal, and Hard. --Message Speed How fast the text scrolls. In 'slow', you have to press a button to go to te next screen, but in all three you can press a button to have all the text display at once. --Rounds How many times do you play in Futari de and Minna de? Choices are 1-all, best 2 of 3, best 3 of 5, best 4 of 7, and best 5 of 9. Well, the choices are really 1-5, but how else to resolve ties? --Ranking View the high-score list for each area, Endless, and Nazo. --Gallery View character artwork and voices. 'A' plays a voice clip, 'B' exits, 'L' and 'R' cycle through collected CARDs. --Language English or Japanese? --Return to Preset Resets defaults, including changing language to Japanese. Does not affect savedata or high scores, unfortunately. --Return Exit the Options screen. ---- Item list ---- ITEM NAME - What it does - Who, Difficulty, Order of items Signs: Signs let you gain access to new areas. WELCOME SIGN - Hajimari Forest - you start with it MERCHANT SIGN - Goldtown - Seriri, Easy, 1 WARRIOR SIGN - Gachinko Dungeon - Nohoho, Easy, 1 CONJURER SIGN - Magical Tower - Draco, Easy, 1 MONARCH SIGN - G. Dark Prince Castle - Witch, Easy, 1 GODDESS SIGN - Trial Labyrinth - trade from Seriri Cards: View artwork and hear voices in the gallery. CARD 01 - Arle Nadja - you start with it CARD 02 - Skeleton-T - Seriri, Normal, 3 CARD 03 - Incubus - Seriri, Easy, 2 CARD 04 - Seriri - Seriri, Easy, 4 CARD 05 - Nohoho - Nohoho, Normal, 3 CARD 06 - Suketoudara - Nohoho, Easy, 4 CARD 07 - Kiki Mora - Nohoho, Easy, 5 CARD 08 - Draco Centaur - Draco, Normal, 3 CARD 09 - Minotaur - Draco, Easy, 4 CARD 10 - Harpy - Draco, Easy, 5 CARD 11 - Witch - Witch, Easy, 2 CARD 12 - Schezo Wegey - CARD 13 - Zoh Daimaoh - CARD 14 - Rulue - CARD 15 - Lagnus Bishashi - CARD 16 - Satan (DARKPRINCE) - CARD 17 - Carbunkle - Kaakun CARD 18 - Puyo - Kaakun, Easy, 2 CARD 19 - Minna de Puyo Puyo - Kaakun Rings: Twist the rules of Futari de and Minna de Puyo Puyo to your liking. POINT PUYO RING - Use tokuten puyo rules - Nohoho, Easy, 2 HARD PUYO RING - Use kata puyo rules - Draco, Easy, 2 Secret: Unlock hidden characters for Futari de and Minna de Puyo Puyo. DARK PRINCE MASK - Play as Lord Satan - Satan, Easy, 1 CURRY CALLING BELL - Play as Carbuncle - Kaakun, easy, 1 Stuff: These items assist you in unlocking Trial Labyrinth. DUBIOUS BOOK - Deliver to Witch for FLAME EXPANDER - Satan, Easy, 2 FLAME EXPANDER - Deliver to Draco for NOHOHO RUCKSACK - from Witch NOHOHO RUCKSACK - Deliver to Nohoho for SCALE PENDANT - from Draco SCALE PENDANT - Deliver to Seriri for GODDESS SIGN - from Nohoho ---- FAQ ---- Q. How do I unlock the 6th area? A. Defeat Satan twice, then deliver the items. Q. What item do I get from defeating _______? A. I -think- this is it. Who has what cards will be added later, along with confirmation of the number of times battled. Does difficulty matter? I need someone else's list to see. Or I'll use a ROM (which I can, legally) to delete savedata. +-----------------------------------------+ |Name | How to get | Item | |-----------------------------------------| |Seriri | defeat 1 | MERCHANT SIGN | | | defeat 2 | CARD 03 | | | defeat 3 | CARD 02 | | | defeat 4 | CARD 04 | | | trade | GODDESS SIGN | |-----------------------------------------| |Nohoho | defeat 1 | WARRIOR SIGN | | | defeat 2 | POINT PUYO RING | | | defeat 3 | CARD 05 | | | defeat 4 | CARD 06 | | | defeat 5 | CARD 07 | | | trade | SCALE PENDANT | |-----------------------------------------| |Draco | defeat 1 | CONJURER SIGN | | | defeat 2 | HARD PUYO RING | | | defeat 3 | CARD 08 | | | defeat 4 | CARD 09 | | | defeat 5 | CARD 10 | | | trade | NOHOHO RUCKSACK | |-----------------------------------------| |Witch | defeat 1 | MONARCH SIGN | | | defeat 2 | CARD 11 | | | trade | FLAME EXPANDER | |-----------------------------------------| |Satan | defeat 1 | DARK PRINCE MASK | | | defeat 2 | DUBIOUS BOOK | | | HARD def 1 | | |-----------------------------------------| |Kaakun | defeat 1 | CURRY CALLING BELL | | | defeat 2 | CARD 18 | | | defeat 3 | CARD 17 | | | defeat 4 | CARD 19 | | | HARD def 1 | PUYO MASTER RING | +-----------------------------------------+ Q. What are all these strange names on the high-score list? A. Those are characters from this and other Puyo Puyo games. Each has been abbreviated to 5 characters, and in Hitori de, at least, will give you an idea of who's there. I'll type up a list of them in a later version (after I get the ROM or some help). Q. What do the CARDs do? A. Go to the Options screen. See the 'Gallery' option? Select a number and press 'A', and you'll be presented with a different Sonic Team artwork of a particular character. Pressing 'A' cycles through all of the voice clips for that character, and the 'L' and 'R' buttons switch to other CARDs. The Puyo card, 18, is special. Puyo have no voices (as stated in their profile ^_- ) so, instead, the Puyo card acts as a sound test, and cycles through all of the sound effects of the game.. INCLUDING the 'gloop' of dropped Puyo and Ojyama that is not in the game itself. Q. Ojyama? Kata? Tokuten? A. Nuisance. Hard. Point.