==================================================== Groove Adventure Rave 2: Hikari to Yami no Daikesson Move Lists/ Walkthrough By: Erik Yeow aka Chaos_Missile Gameboy Advance August 2005 Copyright Info:- Groove Adventure Rave 2: Hikari to Yami no Daikessen is copyrighted by Konami which created it. The anime is created by Hiro Mashima and own by him, not me. This FAQ however was created by me. It is only to be posted on www.gamefaqs.com and nowhere else. ============================================== Version History:- ============================================== Version 1.0-06/08/2005 Just started work on this FAQ Version 1.5-07/08/2005 Continued on the FAQ. Did some spelling changes Added the walkthrough for the game Added some secrets and tricks Added some extra info on the introduction Version 1.7-10/09/2005 Added the difference between the USA version and the Japanese version Updated some of the Finishing moves Added Musica's power-up Updated the Board game section Version 1.9- 27/12/2005 Made some changes with some of the Finishing Moves Added an Explanation of the Finishing Moves Updated some of the attacks ============================================== Introduction:- ============================================== This is my first FAQ so it won't be very good. Please bear with me. This story actually begins 50 years ago before the whole gang was introduced. We see a climatic battle between one warrior and his pet named Plue against the power of the final Dark Bring. Using the power of Rave, he managed to stop it momentarily before it blew up, causing 10% of the world to be destroyed in the explosion. The explosion was called 'Overdrive' and it scattered the pieces of Rave all over the world. This was one of the worst days in the history of the most powerful explosion ever seen. Fast forward to the future and we see a young 16-year old boy by the name of Haru searching for his pet by the name of Plue.... This game however, is in the setting for Rave season 2 where Haru and gang left Syphonia to continue on their journey, battling new enemies such as the Onigami and Doryu's Commandoes/Doryu Ghost Squad. =============================================== Main Menu:- =============================================== In order from top to bottom:- Story Mode: Choose form one of the 14 character of the series and go on their quest to stop evil or start it. Board Game: A new addition to the game where you buy your characters and use them to play a chess-like game. Vs. Mode: Just like its name, this mode allows you to pit yourself in one-on-one or team- battles against computer-controlled opponents. In one-on-one, you get to choose your characters and get to fight up to four characters in a free-for-all match. In team battle, you get to choose your characters and fight up to four characters in a 2-on-2, 3-on-1, or 2-on-1 match, by choosing your team. The numbers you see on the right is the handicap level. 1 is the lowest and 6 is the highest. Link Battle: Link up your Gameboy Advance with your friend for a friendly brawl. Training: Train yourself by mastering your favorite characters in this mode. Option: Difficulty: Easy, Normal, Hard or Expert (when it is unlocked) Time Limit: 3 minutes, 5 minutes or unlimited time. When the time runs out, the Ketsupuri-dan will decide the victory for you. :) Unknown Option. Record: How fast you beat the story mode on hard mode for each character. Delete Records: Delete everything you've worked so hard to earn. Speech: Change the speech of your character when you use the L special power-up. ================================================= Controls:- ================================================= Directional-pad: Moves your character in any direction/ adjust your character's mode of attack. If you're on a high level, press down twice to jump one level down. A button: Jump. Press again while in air for double jump. B button: Attack. Continuous pressing for combo hits. Pressing the up or down buttons with this button influences the type of attack coming out. R button: Special Attack. Pressing the up or down button with this button influences the type of attack coming out. L button: Power-up. It can only be activated if you won a lock-up battle. Pressing the down button with this button gives your another variety of power- up. L+R buttons: Lock-up battle. Your character will rush forward to an opponent and you will be in a one-on-one close up battle with him. You must press the directional keys as shown on the screen as fast as possible and without mistakes. Do this twice and win will result in your opponent losing a bit of his life and you gain a power-up. Start button: Finishing move. Press this button when your life is at least three quarters or around 80% of the whole bar (you share a life bar with your opponent). Doing so will put you in a different screen where you must mash the A, B, L, R and the directional pad buttons continuously. If you can keep your character's portrait larger than your opponent before the bar fills up, you win. Even if you fail, as long as you do this three times (even in team battle), you automatically achieve victory. Select: Pauses the game. It also allows you to exit a particular game you are playing. ================================================= Character/ Move List:- ================================================= Haru: The hero of the story, Haru is the second Rave master, able to use the power of Rave. He welds the Ten Commandments and is a fairly easy character to use. (One of my favorites) Down + B: Sword Sweep Up + B: Sword Juggle Forward + B: Sword Strike R: Melforce. Attack with the power of the vacuum sword. Haru blows his opponent away. Moderate damage, long range Down + R: Explosion. Attack with the power of the exploding sword. Haru strikes the sword down, hitting the opponent away with an explosion. Heavy damage, short range Up + R: Blue Crimson. Attack with the power of ice and fire. Haru jumps up diagonally into the air with his swords stretch out, ice in his right, fire in his left. Heavy damage, moderate range In the air, R: Blue Crimson. See above. L: Explosion. Haru changes his sword to Explosion, an orange-colored sword. Now, his base attacks all cause explosions. (Attack Up!) Down + L: Silfolion. Haru changes his sword to Silfolion, a blue-colored sword. Now, he moves much faster. (Speed Up!) Finishing Moves: Twelve Wings of an Explosive Dragon/ Dual Explosion Musica: The ladies' man of the story, he is one of Haru's ally. He is a Silver Claimer, giving him the ability to control silver. His weapon is the shape of a skull usually around his neck. A fair character to use. Down + B: Spear Sweep Up + B: Silver Hurricane Forward +B: Spear Stab R: Whip. Attack with a silver whip. Musica trips his opponents with his whip. Moderate damage, long range Down + R: Gospelion Silver. Musica's trademark move. He uses his spear and slams his opponent to the ground. Usable to opponents on higher but not too high level. Heavy damage, long range Up + R: Silver Hurricane jump. Another of Musica's trademark move. It is basically his Up + B move with a jump. Musica jumps to the air and spins his spear. Heavy damage, long range. Only anti-air. In the air, R: Silver Hurricane jump. See above. L: Power Spear. Musica changes the color of his spear to red, increasing his range of attack. His base attacks are also increased. (Attack Up!) Down + L: Thumbs Down. Musica taunts his opponent while giving thumbs down. Now, he endures pain with much greater resistance. (Defense Up!) Finishing Moves: Gosperion Silver/ Silver Spear Colcesca Elie: Haru's first friend outside of Garage island. She's cute, funny and loves gambling. Her primary weapon is her tong-fa blasters. Another fair character to use. Down + B: Low Kick Up + B: Knock Up Forward + B: Forward Knock R: Shot. Fire a shot from her blaster. Elie shoots one shot to the opponent. Long range, low damage Down + R: Slide Kick. Attacks with a low kick. Elie slides and kicks her opponent with a low, sliding kick. Moderate range, moderate damage Up + R: Machine gun. Fires an array of shot from her blasters. Elie rapidly fires her blasters from the ground up. Moderate range, moderate damage In the air, R: Shot. See above. L: Anger. Elie becomes mad and ask,"What is that suppose to mean?" Now, all her base attack using her tong-fa blaster increase in range and damage. (Attack Up!) Down +L: Ethelion. Elie screams in pain as white orbs appear around her. Now, her opponent's life is being drained. (Ex Mode!) Finishing Moves: Berserker shot attack/ Ethelion Griff & Plue: The animals of Rave, Griff is the blue blob while Plue is the white creature following him. Plue is the Rave Bearer and Griff is a map freak. In a way, difficult to use. Down + B: Plue Falls Up + B: Plue Jumps Forward + B: Griff Head R: Plue toss. Griff tosses Plue at the opponent. Slow reaction time. Long range, moderate damage Down + R: Griff Knock. Griff bends and knocks his opponent to the ground. Short range, moderate damage Up + R: Griff tent. Griff expands himself becoming a tent to protect Plue from harm. Moderate range, moderate damage. In the air, R. Griff Knock. See above. L: The power of Plue. Plue uses the power of the Rave of Combat and defends Griff. (Defense Up!) Down + L: Griff and Plue increase in fighting spirit. Now, they move much faster. (Speed Up!) Finishing Moves: Group Battle Attack/ Plue's Final Attack Let: A warrior of the Dragon race who specializes hand-to-hand combat. A fairly easy character to use. (Another of my favorites) Down + B: Low Kick Up + B: Summersault Kick Forward + B: Front Kick R: Fire Dragon Flare. Attack with fire breath Let breathes fire at his opponents. Moderate damage, moderate range Down + R: Magic Phantom Dragon. Trick to opponent with a phantom to attack from behind. Let starts to flash. If an opponent attacks him, he kicks the opponent from the behind as the flash was a phantom. Short range, moderate damage Up + R: Earth Yellow Dragon Dust. Attack with a powerful stomp. Let jumps up to the air before going down, stomping on the opponent's head. Moderate range, heavy damage In the air, R: Earth Yellow Dragon Dust L: Dragon Power Up. Let powers up and his attack get more lethal like his Fire Dragon Flare gets much larger. (Attack Up!) Down + L: Dragon Endurance Up. Let powers up to endure more of his opponent's blows. (Defense Up!) Finishing Moves: Black Dragon Split Wings Ruby: Another animal of Rave who is suppose to be a penguin. He is as rich as Bill Gates. He carries a bell from his father that can change into a sword. He has some issues with Doryu... Also another easy character to use. Down + B: Sword Poke Up + B: Jumping Punch Forward + B: Sword Strike R: Magic Attack. Attack with magic. Ruby attacks with his magic by throwing magic balls at the opponent. One of his most effective attacks. Long range, low damage Down + R: Magic Reflection. Reflect and damage at the same time. Ruby uses the sword form of his bell to attack the opponent with a magic mirror. It can also be used to reflect certain projectiles. Short range, moderate damage Up + R: Rising Strom. A powerful tornado attack. Ruby spins around for multiple hits. Short range, heavy damage In the air, R: Magic Attack. See above. L: The power of flight. Ruby uses his magic to make him levitate in the air. He moves a bit faster and all his attack are his magic attack where he shoots his magic balls. (Ex Mode!) Down + L: The magic of stealth. Ruby uses his magic to turn invisible for a short while. The opponent cannot see him. (Ex Mode!) Finishing Moves: Rising Storm, poyo! Seriea: A very cute and beautiful mermaid that Haru and the gang meet in Minami/Southenburg. She fights with the power of water. A fair character to use. Down + B: Tail Swipe Up + B: Tail Knock Forward + B: Water shotgun R: Water Caesar. Attacks with magical water. Seriea shoots water balls at her opponents. Long range, moderate damage Down + R: Sealing Ocean. A trap attack. Seriea traps her opponents in a bubble, making them temporary paralyzed. Moderate range Up + R: Magic Bomb. Attacks with a powerful magic bomb. Seriea summons a magic bubble that explodes, damaging her opponent. Moderate range, heavy damage. Anti-air only. In the air, R: Water Caesar. See above. L: Shield Wave. Seriea summons a wave-like shield to protect her from damage. (Defense Up!) Down + L: Area Manipulation: Power of Sea. Seriea changes the area to the ocean and she changes back to her mermaid form. All her base attack becomes tail whack and she moves a bit easier now. (Ex Mode!) Finishing Moves: Blue Ecstasy Sieg Hart: A master of the elements, Sieg Hart is the female fan's favorite with his cold yet cool attitude. A very powerful sorcerer and on of the difficult characters to use. He moves much faster now from the first game. Down + B: Light Gust Up + B: Lightning Strike Forward + B: Fire Ball R: Power of Wind. Sieg Hart summons the power of the wind element to attack the opponent. Long range, moderate damage Down + R: Lightning Storm. Sieg Hart summons multiple lightning down to attack his opponents multiple times. Moderate range, heavy damage Up + R: Smoke Spread. Sieg Hart skips to the air and releases a lot of smoke around him. Moderate range, moderate damage In the air, R: Smoke spread. See above L: The Power of Wind. Sieg Hart summons the power of the wind to help him fly. All his base attacks become lightning strikes, his base damage increases; his special attack becomes Smoke Spread and he becomes much faster. (Ex Mode!) Down + L: Lightning Strike. Sieg Hart summon multiple lightning strikes to knock his opponents down. This does not do any damage. Finishing Moves: Gran-Shario Reina: One of the Oracion Six, Demon Card generals, Reina wields the Six Star Dark Bring, White Kiss. She is also a Silver Claimer where her weapon is the snake on her bracelet. Quite easy to use. Down + B: Trap Snake Up + B: Rising Arrows Forward + B: Forward Arrows R: Ostrich. One of Reina's childhood toys created by her father. Reina summons a silver knight that moves forward and attack her opponents. Moderate damage, long range Down + R: Silver Arrow Rain. One of her more commonly used attack. Reina summons a couple of arrows from the sky to attack her opponents. Short range, moderate damage Up + R: Peregrin. Another of Reina's childhood toys created by her father. Reina summons a bat-like creature to attack her opponents on the air. Long range, moderate damage. Anti-air only. In the air, R: Ostrich. See above. L: The Defender, Ostrich. Reina summons Ostrich (see above) in defense mode to protect her from her enemies. (Defense Up!) Down + L: Silver Strike. Reina summons multiple silver arrows to knock her opponents down. This does not do any damage. Finishing Moves: White Silver Emperor Hidden Characters: Gale Glory: Haru's father. He is supposed to be on par with King. He is good friends with King and is one of the founders of Demon Card. His weapon is Matter is Void. He seems to have some connection with Shuda... Quite difficult to use. Down + B: Sword Sweep Up + B: Sword Strike Forward + B: Sword Draw R: Dash Punch. Gale dashes forward and punch. Moderate range, moderate damage Down + R: Shockwave. Gale uses his strength and strike the ground, creating a shockwave similar to Explosion. Long range, moderate damage Up + R: Sky Heaven Slash. Gale's strongest attack. He jumps up and delivers a quick slash downwards, hitting the opponent away. Short range, moderate damage In the air, R: Sky Heaven Slash. See above. L: The Power of the Sky and Heaven. Gale holds his sword high to receive the power from heaven. He is now much stronger. (Attack Up!) Down + R: The Spirit of Family. Gale rummages his shirt and observes a picture. (Presumably his family) He wants to live for them. He now moves like a ninja with amazing speed. (Speed Up!) Finishing Move: Sky Heaven Slash King: The leader of Demon Card and best fiend of Gale. He is a powerful man who supposedly controls 5 different type of Dark Bring. He wields the Dark Bring sword, Decalogs which mirrors the Ten Commandments. A fair character. Down + B: Sword Sweep Up + B: Sword Juggle Forward + B: Sword Strike R: Black Zenis. One of the Dark Brings controlled by King. King summons a powerful but slow moving projectile that moves towards the opponent. King cannot do any specials or finisher while the projectile is on screen. The ball absorbs all projectiles. Long range, heavy damage Down + R: Silfolion. One of the forms of the Ten Commandments. King attacks his opponent at an amazing speed. However, there is a slight delay before the actual move is done. Moderate range, moderate damage Up + R: Blue Crimson. See above. (Haru) In the air, R: Blue Crimson. See above. L: Explosion. King changes his sword to one of the Ten Commandments forms. Now, all his base attacks explode on contact. His power is also increase. (Attack Up!) Down + L: Silfolion. King changes his sword to one of the Ten Commandments forms. Now, he moves much faster than usual. (Speed Up!) Finishing Moves: Desperado Bomb Lucia: The son of King and the rival of Haru. He is the claimed Dark Bring Master. He fights with the power of the Mother Dark Bring, Sinclair. He is the new leader of Demon Card after King and also wields the Dark Bring sword, Decalogs. Down + B: Sword Sweep Up + B: Sword Juggle Forward + B: Sword Strike R: Silfolion. One of the forms of the Ten Commandments. Lucia attacks his opponent at an amazing speed. However, there is a slight delay before the actual move is done. Long range, moderate damage Down + R: Ground Smash. Lucia smashes the Decalogs to the ground, sending rocks to attack his opponents. Moderate range, heavy damage. Also anti-air. Up + R: Blue Crimson. This attack is different compared to Haru and King. Lucia jumps in to the air vertically up with the Blue Crimson swords stretch out. The ice and fire that comes out of the sword gives it an added range. Long range, heavy damage In the air, R: Blue Crimson. See above. L: Explosion. Lucia changes his sword to one of the Ten Commandments forms. Now, all his base attacks explode on contact. His power is also increase. (Attack Up!) Down + L: Silfolion. Lucia changes his sword to one of the Ten Commandments forms. Now, he moves much faster than usual. (Speed Up!) Finishing Moves: The Powers of the Mother Dark Bring, Sinclair. Ogre: The leader of Onigami. Ogre makes a temporary alliance with Doryu to defeat Demon Card. Ogre owns one of the 5 Sinclair pieces, Limitless Matter. He is also a Gold Claimer, which gives him the power to control gold. This makes him much more powerful than a Silver Claimer. Down + B: Low Kick Up + B: Punch Up Forward + B: Hammer Punch R: Gold Trap. The power of gold. Ogre throws a spike ball at the opponent, paralyzing him momentarily. Long range Down + R: Limitless Matter. Ogre activates his Dark Bring while taunting his opponents. He will then counter anybody who hits him. Short range, heavy damage Up + R: Spike Mines. Ogre throws a couple of spike balls up to his opponent. Long range, heavy damage L: Gold Power Up. Ogre laughs at his opponent, confident in his victory. Now, golden spike balls circle him, damaging his opponents. His base strength also increases. (Attack Up!) Down + R: Limitless Matter. Ogre taunts his opponents while activating his dark Bring. Now, he increase in endurance and doesn't flinch easily. (Defense Up!) Finishing Moves: Gold Rush Doryu: Leader of Doryu's Commandoes/ Doryu Ghost Squad. Doryu makes a temporary alliance with Ogre to destroy Demon Card. Doryu owns one of the 5 Sinclair pieces, Vampire. He also wields the Twilight Sword and Jet Black. Down + B: Shadow Goop Up + B: Sword Juggle Forward + B: Dark Ball R: Shadow Hand. Doryu summons a ball of shadow that stuns the opponent momentarily. The ball well then come back to Doryu for an attack. Long range Down + R: Darkness Weight. Doryu summons a ball of dark energy that flies diagonally down at his opponents. Moderate range, heavy damage Up + R: Repulsion. Doryu summons the power of of his Sincalir , Vampire to create a powerful repulsing force that damages those around him. Moderate range, moderate damage L: Jet Black/ Kokkumaru. Doryu uses a sword more superior than his Twilight Sword. Now, his powers are increase. Also, all his base attack will cause continuous damage over time. (Attack Up!) Down + L: Area Manipulation: The Power of Darkness. Doryu will envelope the area in darkness. While doing this, he transform in to the Demon King, making him self invisible to the naked eye. (Ex Mode!) Finishing Moves: Nightmare Spread ================================================= Explanation of the Finishing Moves:- ================================================= Twelve Wings of an Explosive Dragon:- An Explosive Sword Dance skill and one of Haru's most powerful attack, first used against Sieg Hart who countered it with ease. Haru uses a combination of the Explosion and Silfolion swords to create 12 sonic bombs and launches them at his opponents. Dual Explosion:- Haru first uses this attack in a battle against Doryu. He uses a combination of the Explosion and Blue Crimson swords to create an extremely powerful explosion. Gosperion Silver:- Musica's trademark attack, he first uses it in a battle against Shuda's lackey, Posya and Rugus 70. Musica swings his spear from the top down, slaming against his opponents. Silver Spear Colcesca:- Musica uses this attack a couple of times when battling Onigami and the Doryu Ghost Squad. He charges at his opponents at a great speed with his spear drawn out. Berserker Shot Attack:- Otherwise known as Angry Attack. More than once, somebody will make Elie angry. This in turn makes her use her tong-fa to shoot aimlessly at her opponents in anger. Ethelion:- The ultimate magic that's sealed inside her, this as the reason Sieg Hart hunted her in the first place. When her friends are hurt, Elie will lose control of this power and destroy everything around her. Group Battle Attack:- Used against Julius of the Oracion Six, Griff will switch on the Battle Mode of his horse with his group to ram into the opponent. One of the funiest finishing moves in this game. Plue's Final Attack:- No idea where did this come from, Plue will attack together with Uni and Griff throwing a lot of bombs to defeat his opponents. Black Dragon Spilt Wings:- Used against Jegan, Let will summon wings from his back to attack his opponent with amazing speed and power. Rising Strom, poyo! :- This attack may appear sooner or later, Ruby spins at an amazing speed to create a tornado around him and blow all his opponents away. Just lie in the game. Blue Ecstasy:- The most powerful sea magic, Seriea channels all her magic into her hand to fire a powerful energy blast at her opponents. Gran Shario:- One of the powerful space magic known by Sieg Hart. First used against the Oracion Six and almost defeated them, Sieg Hart summons the power of seven stars to unleash seven powerful blast against his opponents. Silver White Emperor:- First used against Musica, Reina uses a combination of her silver and her Dark Bring, White Kiss, to create a warrior-like emperor to strike her opponents with a massive blow. Sky Heaven Slash:- Used against his battle against King, Gale uses all his knowledge of the sky to power his sword up. His power-up results in a powerful attack that cause King who was berserk at the time to lose all of his powers. Desperado Bomb:- One of the Explosive Sword Dance skills, King uses this attack in his battle against a team of Gale and Haru. He throws the Explosion sword down creating a powerful wave to damage his opponents. Power of the Mother Dark Bring, Sinclair:- Used to show his powers against Haru and his party, Lucia asked the Sinclair piece to destroy the Sigma 44 battleship that brought him to Symphonia. In this game, Lucia asked the Sinclair piece to destroy his opponents with a powerful explosion. Gold Rush:- One of Ogre's most powerful attack, Ogre uses his gold-claiming skills to construct a large amount of gold spike balls? before lauching it against his opponents. Nightmare Spread:- "More like a curse than magic," so says Seriea, Doryu summons his dark magic to launch a large amount of darkness at his opponents and destroy them from inside. . .presumably. We never had a chance to see exactly what this attack does because it was countered by Ruby. This attack is supposedly to be unavoidable. ================================================= Walkthrough:- ================================================= This is the story mode for every character. You will go through a series of battles before finishing the game. The character will be arranged like this:- : Haru : Musica : Elie : Griff/Plue : Let : : Ruby : Seriea : Random : Sieg Hart : Reina: : Gale : King : Lucia : Ogre : Doryu : This will also be the order when you choose your character in the Vs. and training mode. Now, on to the game. Stage 1: You will have a one-on-one battle with a randomly chosen opponent. Your battlefield will be either Garage Island or the barren land of Symphonia. Battling in the Symphonia stage will be easier due to the one level terrain. Stage 2: Your first team battle. This is a two-on-one battle where you will be fighting alongside a randomly generated ally against another randomly generated opponent. Your battlefield will be in the Dark Bring Cave with many levels of terrain. The land is also split so jumping will be a necessity. If you continue jumping toward the top, you can see the Hundred-Eater monster looming over you. (Luckily, he won't harm or attack you in this game) At the bottom is murky-like water. It is actually the digestive juices of the monster and will damage you if you're in it too long. Long distance attacks will be very useful here. Stage 3: This battle will be a two-on-two where you have another randomly generated ally against two randomly generated opponents. Your battle field will be in River Saly, just outside Ogre's base in the water. Your movements will be greatly reduced especially for King. Hitting hard is essential especially if you're playing with time limit. Interstage: This is a bonus stage where you will be pitted against a never ending wave of attacks by Majins. Each Majin you destroy is worth 100 points. I have not discovered the uses of these points yet but I think they may help you in your record time. You will have sixty seconds to destroy every Majin you encountered. The battlefield will be in front of Majin tower. Stage 4: This will be your first free-for-all battle against 3 randomly generated opponents. Your battlefield will be on board the Silver Knights during their journey through the Death Storm. So, the mighty rain and wind will play a great part in your movements. You can use this to your advantage. The stage is divided to three levels. Just a note to say, the music here is one of the best I've heard in the whole game. (Except for the Symphonian level song) Stage 5: This will be a three-on-one battle with you having two randomly generated allies to help you against the opponent. Your opponent will be either King for everybody or Gale if you're using King. This battle can be classified as your first boss battle especially if you're battling King. King is immensely powerful with attack like Silfolion and Black Zenis being two of his most frequent attacks. However he is slow. Use this to your advantage. Fighting Gale however, you will now be the powerhouse but slow. Your allies will either be a help or a bother too you. Gale is just as tough as if you're fighting King so patients with your allies' bothersome actions are needed. Your battlefield will be in front of Majin tower. The area has three levels on either side. They too will be difficult obstacles. Use them well. Interstage: Another bonus stage. Yea! Wait! This time, you will be pitted against a never ending wave of attacks from the minions of Onigami IN RIVER SALY. These creatures will be defending much more than the Majin added to the fact that you movements are slowed down considerably and you have a time limit of sixty seconds doesn't make this stage any easier. If you're lucky, you can get rid at least twenty Oni. Stage 6: This will be another two-on-one battle this time against the powerful Ogre. If you're lucky, you may get a useful ally like Let or Haru because Ogre is very difficult. Getting allies like Griff/Plue will make this battle much difficult because they are the most bothersome ally you can ever get. Ogre's most commonly used attack will be Limitless Matter where he will constantly taunt you to attack him. His Gold Trap will also be another attack to watch out for. He loves to combo it with his 'machinegun' technique (see Secrets & Tricks for explanation on this). Ogre will be difficult but with patients, you can beat him. Your battlefield will be inside Ogre's base, at the core of the Silver Ray weapon. There will be flying spikes at every level. These spikes will damage anybody they touch, even Ogre himself even if the damage is minimal.. They can be destroyed, but the time it takes is not worth it. Stage 7: This is it, the final stage. Be prepared for another difficult fight as you will be against both Doryu and Lucia. Luckily, this is a free-for-all fight. The two of them will be constantly attacking you and each other. This can be your advantage or your own undoing as each of them is capable of doing their finishing move if you're not careful. The only advice I can give if for you to hit hard and be careful. The battlefield will be in front of Doryu's castle inside Creature, Doryu's ship. There will be around four levels that you can go to. ================================================== The Board Game:- ================================================== As you go into this option, you can see two menus. The top one is the new game while the bottom one continues where you left of. When you start a new game, you must first type your name. Then, you will be given an amount of money(50000 Edel) to buy some creatures, namely Majin and Oni. The menu when you enter the game will look something like this: : Buy Creature : Stage Select : : Change Name : Save and Exit : When you first enter the Buy Creature option, you can only buy two types of creatures: Oni (the pink one) and Majin (the green one)/ However as you progress through the game, you will get access to more creature, some of them much powerful. The Creature list will look something like this: Name :Haru:Musica:Elie:Griff&Plue: oo: X people :Let:Ruby:Seriea:Sieghart: :Reina:Gale:King:Lucia: Price :Ogre:Doryu:Oni:Majin: oo: Power Sphere Price List:- Haru-5000 Edel-2 power spheres Musica-3500 Edel-2 power spheres Elie-1200 Edel-2 power spheres Griff&Plue-800 Edel-2 power spheres Let-2500 Edel-2 power spheres Ruby-1600 Edel-2 power spheres Seriea-2000 Edel-2 power spheres Sieghart-4000 Edel-2 power spheres Reina-3000 Edel-2 power spheres Gale-4500 Edel-2 power spheres King-6000 Edel-3 power spheres Lucia-7000 Edel-3 power spheres Ogre-8000 Edel-3 power spheres Doryu-9000 Edel-3 power spheres Majin-300 Edel-1 power sphere Oni-500 Edel-1 power sphere When you first enter the Stage Select option you will start at number 50 or the 50 levels. As you win each level, you will gain money and access to the next level. As the level get lower, the difficulty get higher. However, you will get access to more creatures as you progress through the game. When you select a level, the screen will then show you the enemies you must face and it will give you a selection whether you want to battle the enemies. If you select yes, you will be taken to another screen where you must pick you creatures. You are given a fixed amount of power spheres. These power spheres are your limit as to how many creatures you can send to the field. At first you only have 5 power spheres. However as the game progresses, it will be increased to a maximum of 10 spheres. You will then be taken to 5X5 terrain board. Your creatures will be the bottom and your opponent will be the top. You are given one turn each to move a monster in the up, down, left or right direction once. If both you and your opponent's monster meet, you fight normally until one dies. If a few of your monsters meets his monsters, you will have a team battle. As each of your monster battles, they will gradually get weaker, making them easier to be defeated. This is something you must take notice of. Your terrain will differ on where you are. All the battle fields will not be new to you. So, your skills are all you need to beat each level. When you beat this mode once, you can get access to a few extras. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Secrets & Tricks:- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To unlock Gale, King, Ogre and Doryu, beat the Story Mode on hard difficulty with all the characters. To unlock Lucia and Expert mode, beat the Board Game. Tips when playing the game: 1. Block always. Your opponent will always do it and so should you. 2. Try to juggle your opponent. All characters can juggle their opponent. You do this by hitting them up into the air continuously. This a good strategy as your opponent cannot block while in the air and you can do some damage to them. However, they can counter you if you're not fast enough. 3. If you don't like juggling, try to do the 'machinegun' technique. Only certain characters can do this technique like Ogre, Musica, Gale, Griff & Plue, Ruby and Let. To do this, just press the B button continuously and your character will be in a non-stop attacking state, hitting your opponent until they fall. This can drain your opponent's life at a very fast state, especially if you opponent is stupid and seldom blocks. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Differences between the USA and the Japanese versions ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In the USA version, the game is called "Rave Master: Special Attack Force" The Japanese version is called "Groove Adventure Rave: Hikari to Yami no Daikessson" Seriea is called Celia in the USA version. Seriea's finishing move is called Blue Rapture in the USA version. But, ironically, she calls out 'Blue Ecstasy'... The USA version has crappy voice acting. Some of it is quite cheesy being said in English. This is why I prefer the original Japanese version. There is only one finishing moves for all the characters in the USA version compared to Japanese version where some of the characters have two. Ruby says 'boyo' instead of 'poyo' in the USA version. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Credits & Thanks +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Myself for making this FAQ. Mashima Hiro for creating the manga 'Rave' Konami for making such an excellent game and sequel. GameFAQs for putting this up. *THE END*