Rave Master : Special Attack Force Walkthrough and Character Movesets by Symbolics This walkthrough will guide you through the game Rave Master : Special Attack Force. It will cover the whole storyline and also the 14 characters ( Extra 5 that were initially locked ¡V Gale Glory, King Raregroove, Lucia Raregroove, Ogre and Pumpkin Doryu). Part 1 ¡V Intro Part 2 ¡V Basics Part 3 ¡V Walkthrough Part 4 ¡V Movesets Part 5 ¡V Tips Part 5 ¡V Acknowledgements Part 6 ¡V Miscellaneous Part 1 ¡V Intro Greetings to anyone who reads this guide. I'm Symbolics, and I¡¦ll be guiding you through this game (improved version of Street Fighters that include the characters from the famous anime Rave Master.) Simple intro, sorry for that. Part 2 ¡V Basics Alright. This part will cover the basic controls of the game. A ¡V Jump A twice ¡V Double Jump (In mid-air) B ¡V Basic Attack B repeated ¡V Basic Attack Combo( your opponent will be KO¡¦ed if he/she(Elie) receives the final blow of your attack combo.) B + Up arrow ¡V Upwards Attack( normally KO¡¦s your opponent) B + Down arrow ¡V Lower attack(Tripping attack) B + Down arrow in mid-air ¡V Attacks from the air to ground target( normally end with a KO) B + Forward arrow ¡V Performs the last move of your Attack Combo, but will not make a KO. A + B ¡V Performs a Rush move across the screen. Down arrow ¡V En Guarde!( guard your character from damage, but will still make your tension gauge drop) L ¡V Rush Boost R ¡V Item Attack Select ¡V Pause Start ¡V Final Attack Rush This can be done by pressing the A + B buttons simultaneously. After that, you will see your character dart across the screen (half screen to be precise), and if you hit another character (opponent only), you will start a duel. ( If you noticed it, the other character(s) will be knocked back.) There will be 4 directional arrows, which you will need to press on the control pad. If you press them correctly, you win a round. The next round will start instantly, and you will repeat it again.(Total rounds needed to win the duel : 2). If you win, your opponent will be knocked back, and get a rush boost point; and if you lose, it¡¦s the opposite( you will be knocked back, your opponent gets a rush boost point.) There are 2 Rush Boosts : Primary and Secondary boosts. Primary Rush Boost can be done by pressing L only, whereas Secondary boost can be accessed by pressing L + Down. Boosts will up your defence, attack, make you fly, turn you invisible and so on¡K¡K Item attacks This attack is no doubt more powerful than the basic attack, but with a drawback. You can only use an item attack only with your item equipped. Your item will drop if you get KO¡¦ed. If you drop your item, you can only use your basic attack, unless you pick it up again. Most of the item attacks are powerful and useful (if you are skilled, you will breeze through all the levels without breaking a sweat). Final Attack This is the most critical part of the game/round, because this is the only way you can defeat your opponent (and progress to next level). The Final Attack can only be accessed when the tension bar on top of the screen is glowing with your colour (and press Start, remember?). But if when you are initiating the Final Attack, and your colour stops glowing, the move will be halted and you¡¦ll be stunned for a while( or anyone who initiated the Attack). Final Attacks normally takes a few seconds to be successfully initiated( with the sight of the yellowish-orange beam that surrounds your character). After that, your fingers must be nimble and agile, as you need to repeatedly press your L,R,Up,Down,Left,Right arrows button to keep your character figure bigger than your opponents. Try to keep your character figure bigger than your opponents until the time ends. If you initiated the Attack, your figure will be on the top half of the screen, and vice versa. If you succeed, you win the match and go on the the next battle, and if you lose, you¡¦ll be temporarily stunned. The Final Attacks are nothing different, except on its appearance. And if you get hit, defeated in duels, your colour will be lowered on the tension bar gauge. If your colour gets too low, you will be knocked unconscious temporarily. Note : You can increase your tension bar gauge by 1.Whack your enemy mercilessly; 2.Defeat them in a Rush Duel( repeat it if you want); 3.Use Elie¡¦s Etherion( L+Down) Basics covered, time to continue on with the storyline. Part 3 ¡V Walkthrough This is the interesting part of the game, as it is the only way you can unlock the locked characters, and with a plot. After you chose a character, it begins with: ¡§September 0066¡Xthe day called ¡§The Merging of Time¡¨. Two mighty warriors known as Gale Glory and King departed from the world of the living. The evil society known as the Shadow Guard no longer wielded the power they once had. People were jubilant, believing that the world was at peace. 6 months had now passed¡K After that, it will show a short character-introducing story(not important actually). Level 1 You will either start at Symphonia, a barren wasteland, or peaceful Garage Island. The opponent you will fight is pretty randomized, so not much walkthrough can be given. Level 2 Gosh, I hate this map. The battle will commence at Hundred Eater Cave, with numerous rock ledges and at the bottommost part of the map is a pool of water that will lower your colour on the tension gauge. If you happen to drop in there, get out of there as soon as possible. This battle is a team battle( kinda unfair, 2v1 match), you and a partner, and an opponent, all randomly chosen. Try your best to not drop into the water, use double jumps as much as you can to avoid the water, and jump onto ledges. Level 3 Welcome to Shao Lan, the only underwater map in this game. All movements are slowed here( except attacking speed), and you can enjoy jumping here and there, from Point A to B, from left cliff to right cliff, and so on, just don¡¦t try to attack from above( you can if you want to), as your opponent may just go under you and do an R+Up or B+Up attack( those are anti-air). Its also a team battle, this time its fair, 2v2. As always, opponents are random. Level 4 This is the first of 2 bonus stages in the game. You will fight against an unlimited number of Majins outside the Tower of Jin, and with a time limit of 1 minute. They will just keep coming after you, and at most 3 Majins will come after you, you will have to solo this stage.( Did someone say one-man-show?) However, I don¡¦t see how it can affect your game. Level 5 This is the forever so popular Free-For-All stage, at Silver Knights.It will have 4 fighters, including you. You have to fight them all by your own. The map is annoying, with thunderstorms (the rain won¡¦t affect your game, but the sometimes hurricane-force winds will affect your speed, and will blow you around like a rag-doll). You can tell where the wind is blowing by looking at which direction the rain is facing. Careful though, if a hurricane wind trap you at the corner, it may just blow the other 3 characters to you, you may have an advantage, you may not. As usual, random opponents. Level 6 Hurrah, first boss match. You will face King Raregroove, which he was brought back to life by Doryu¡¦s black magic. After some chit-chat, the battle will commence. You will fight King, with another 2 random partners, in short, its 3v1. Though he is powerful than you are, he sure is not as fast as you are. Watch out for his Silpharion attack( it will make him dash and cause damage, knock you back if you¡¦re not guarding) and the black orb thingy though. If you touch it, you will be knocked back. Not too hard on taking him down though, use a combo of item attacks and B+(control pad direction) attacks and it should be a breeze. Level 7 Another bonus stage, but this time in Shao Lan ( Remember the 2v2 map?), and you¡¦ll be fighting Oni. It has a forked spear, but not too hard either. Same with the other bonus stage, unlimited Oni¡¦s, and a time limit of 1 minute. Level 8 Boss battle again, this time in the super annoying Nerve of Silver Ray. You face Ogre, who is slightly harder(maybe 5%?) than King. After more chatting, the battle will begin. You¡¦ll fight Ogre with another randomly chosen partner, 2v1 match. Watch out for those small little mines flying across the screen. THEY DO HURT. If you¡¦re not careful, they¡¦ll eat your tension gauge a lot. You can defend against it by blocking ( Down arrow). Ogre will paralyse you with the big mine he throws. Hmm¡Kranged attacks will work better against him, since he¡¦s fighting close-combat style. Not too hard either. Level 9 Holy Cow, for God¡¦s sake! The hardest among them all. The final stage. You will fight against Lucia Raregroove and Pumpkin Doryu. It¡¦s a Free-For-All match. Lucia and Doryu will normally fight each other, leaving you free to pick anyone. ( Of course, I will attack them both) Look out for your tension gauge here. They will easily knock you out if you¡¦re not careful. And it is also very difficult to stop their Final Attacks. Try to finish them off as fast as you can. Try to attack them from below. After that, you should see the ending, and credits. Congrats, you beat the game! Now, time to use the next character¡K Part 4 ¡V Movesets This part will supply you with the movesets you wanna know of. Ok, here goes. Haru Glory He is the second Rave Master and the (literally) easiest character to use in-game. Strongly recommended for beginners. Decent strength and speed, superb item attacks. B : Punch B repeated : Punches 3 times, swings sword sideways, then swings sword from up to down. B + Up : Haru swings his sword upwards, deterring air attacks( normally ends in a knock-down) B + Down : Haru swings his sword near leg level( no knock-down) B + Down in mid-air : Haru will swing his sword downwards in mid-flight. R + Up : Blue Crimson ¡V Haru¡¦s sword changes into 2 blades, his right being fire, left being ice. Anti-air, multi-targetable. R : Melforce ¡V Haru¡¦s sword changes into Melforce, blowing vacuumed air forwards.( May end in a knock-down, may not) ¡V Medium range, medium damage, multi-targetable R + Down : Explosion ¡V Haru¡¦s sword changes into Explosion, swinging his sword downwards, striking the ground with explosive force. Those near him will receive damage and be knocked back. ¡V Short range, heavy damage, multi-targetable. L : Ten Powers ¡V Explosion (This is the power of Rave!!). Haru¡¦s sword will temporarily change into Explosion, and whenever he punches or swings the sword(if it hits the enemy), it will create and explosion as well. Attack Up! L + Down : Ten Powers ¡V Silpharion (Heed the call of warriors!!). Haru¡¦s sword will temporarily change into Silpharion, upping his speed and attack speed. Speed Up! Hamrio Musica The Silver-claimer, a fairly easy character to use, with decent strength and speed. Wields a spear, which means he fights using long range attacks. B : A single thrust of his spear. B repeated : Musica thrusts a few times, then goes berserk.( Thrusts his spear up, middle, down repeatedly) B + Up : Musica swirls his spear upwards. B + Down : He swings his spear at the lower part of the body. B + Down in mid-air : Musica¡¦s spear changes into a hammer as he swings it downwards. B + Forward : A single thrust of the spear, and the spear lengthens.(Long ranged) R + Up : Whirling Silver. Musica spins his spear in a circular motion, while jumping. Anti-air, medium damage. R : Musica shouts : Hey! His spear becomes a whip, tripping an/a few opponents while causing damage. Long range, low damage. R + Down : Gospelion Silver. Musica swings his spear wildly forward 3 times, creating a tornado-like effect. Long range, medium ¡V heavy damage. L : ¡§Kun Gure!¡¨ (I won¡¦t hold back like Haru!) Musica¡¦s spear changes colour into orange, damage and length/range of spear increases. Attack Up! L + Down : ¡§Hey!¡¨ (Alright, I¡¦ll make you shut up!). Defense Up! Elie She fights with Tonfa blasters, and one of the only few with true long range attacks. Decent speed. B : A single punch. B repeated : Punches 3 times, swings her blaster up, then down, and finally a back-thrust. B + Up : Elie swings her blasters upwards. Anti-air or near targets. B + Down : Tripping attack. Elie trips the opponent by swinging her leg through the opponents leg. B + Down in mid-air : Elie kicks downwards with her foot. B + Forward : A back-thrust with her blasters. R + Up : Elie fires her blasters thrice like a machine-gun. Once at horizontal level, another diagonally, and the last one vertically. Short range, medium ¡V heavy damage. R : Elie fires her blasters once while also pushing her back a bit, and the shot will travel map-wide.(From one end to the other) Extreme range, low damage. R + Down : Elie executes a sliding attack. She slides at her opponent, causing damage and tripping the opponent as well. Medium ¡V Long range, medium damage. L : ¡§What?!¡¨ (Now you¡¦re gonna get it!) Elie becomes enraged. Attack Up! L + Down : ¡§Aargh!¡¨ (Someone tell me ¡V Who am I?!!!) 2 white orbs surround and circle Elie as it drains the opponent¡¦s tension gauge. Griff and Plue Griff and Plue works together as a team. Suitable for intermediate players. Short and long ranged fighting. B : A single punch. B repeated : Punches 5 times, then land a continuous barrage of spankings. B + Up : Plue will be seen to be chasing a butterfly overhead, steps on Griff, and falls down. Attacks upwards, whoever touches Plue will be hurt and knocked down. B + Down : Plue will be seen chasing a worm on the ground, trips on Griff¡¦s hand, and falls. Attacks downwards and forwards. B + Down in mid-air : Griff kicks downwards with his¡K.tentacles? B + Forward : Griff will use his head/face to block and damage incoming enemy. R + Up : Griff uses his body to act like a tent to protect Plue. Anti-air, short range, medium - heavy damage. R : Griff will throw Plue across the screen ( half screen), damaging any enemies it come across. Long range, medium damage. R + Down : Griff will bash the enemy by swinging his arms downwards. Short range, heavy damage. L : (Pu-puuun! Pu-puuun!) Defense Up! L + Down : (Alright! I¡¦m getting pumped up!) Griff ties a bandanna, and a flag will be seen attached to Griff¡¦s back. Speed Up! Let Let¡¦s lover has been killed by Jegan, a fellow dragon. Close-combat style, suitable for beginners. B : A single punch. B repeated : Punches 5 times, followed by an elbow jab, then a barrage of punches. B + Up : Let executes a somersault kick. Anti-air. B + Down : A trip attack. Let swings his legs to trip and damage the enemy. B + Down in mid-air : Let kicks down with straight-foot kick. B + Forward : A side-kick from Let. R + Up : Gust Dragon( not sure what¡¦s the name). Let jumps into the air, and then hurtles down towards the ground, damaging anyone who touches him. This can also be used by jumping above the enemy, and press R. It will auto trigger this attack. Short range, heavy damage. R : Fire Dragon. Let breathes a fiery breath that burns and damages the foe upon contact. Medium range, low damage. R + Down : (I don¡¦t know what did he say). Let¡¦s body glows, and when the enemy attacks, Let, teleports( literally) to the enemy's other side and gives a nasty kick. Short range, heavy damage. L : ¡§Fix it!¡¨ (I sense unconditional victory!) Let¡¦s damage and attack range increases. Attack Up! L + Down : (I can¡¦t hear what he said, fix or something).(I too fight because I believe.) Defense Up! Ruby Short-Long ranged attacks, suitable for beginners. B : A swing with the bell. B repeated : Swings the bell 6 times, and lands a barrage or swings. B + Up : Ruby jumps and wildly swings his arms. Anti-air. B + Down : Ruby stabs across the ground with a red sword. B + Down in mid-air : Ruby slashes downwards with his sword. B + Forward : Ruby strikes downwards with his magic sword. R + Up : Ruby creates a mini-tornado by spinning himself. Anti-air, short range, medium damage. R : Ruby fires a small green orb across the map( half map), and sometimes, I don¡¦t know how it is formed, but Ruby will create a BIG ORB that travels the whole map. Long range, medium damage. Big orb, Long range, heavy damage. R + Down : Magic Reflection. Ruby creates a shield using magic powers. The shield blocks incoming attacks, and hurts enemies. L : ¡§I hear you, boyo.¡¨(Is it?) (I can fight too, boyo!) Ruby floats in the air, free to move around. Ex Action! L + Down : ¡§Goodbye, boyo!¡¨ (Disappear sometimes, boyo!) Ruby becomes invisible to other players/opponents. Celia Moderate difficulty. Short ¡V long range attacks. Suitable for intermediate players. B : A punch. B repeated : Punches 3 times, pushes once, then strikes with a stick. B + Up : Celia flicks her mermaid tail upwards. Anti-air. B + Down : Celia flicks her tail at the leg part. B + Down in mid-air : Celia flicks her tail downwards. B + Forward : Celia¡¦s attack resemble something like a gun. R + Up :Celia creates a water bomb in the air. Anti-air, medium range, heavy damage. R : Celia fires a waterball across the screen ( half screen). Long range, low damage. R + Down : Celia creates a temporary enclosure to trap an opponent. Medium range, no damage. L : ¡§Feels good!¡¨ (Ocean Magic packs a big punch!) Defense Up! L + Down : ¡§Prepare yourself!¡¨ (Mermaids can be veeeery scary!) Ex Action! Sieg Hart A cool-looking magician. Good for intermediate players. Short ¡V medium ranged. B : Sieg Hart shoots a blob of magic power. B repeated : Sieg Hart throws 3 blobs, then a bigger blob, finally a magical sword. B + Up : Sieg Hart fires a bolt of lightning upwards. Anti-air. B + Down : Sieg Hart blows a gust of wind at ground level. B + Down in mid-air : Sieg Hart fires a jolt of lightning with a shape of an arrow-head downwards. B + Forward : Sieg Hart throws a beam of fireball. R + Up : Mist. Sieg Hart gives off 5 puffs of mist that hurt enemies. Anti-air, short ranged, medium damage. R : Wind. Sieg Hart blows a stronger gust of wind. Medium ranged, medium damage. R + Down : Thunder. Sieg Hart slams his palm against the ground, unleashing lightning bolts scattering at both sides. Medium range, medium damage. L : ¡§Ha!¡¨ (Come, you who defile time.) Ex Action! L + Down : ¡§Thunder!¡¨ (Fate will lay its course.) After that, all opponents who are near Sieg Hart will be knocked down by a bolt of thunder. Reina One of the members of the Shadow Guardians. Short ¡V long ranged attacks. Suitable for both beginners and intermediates. B : A silver snake will strike once. B repeated : A small snake strikes thrice, a big snake curls upwards, and a bunch of silver arrows fire towards the target. B + Up : 2 silver arrows fires upwards. B + Down : A snake suddenly appears from the ground in front of her. B + Down in mid-air : 2 silvers arrows strike downwards. B + Forward : 6 silver arrows will strike forwards. R + Up : A bat will appear to fend off incoming air attacks. Anti-air. Medium damage. R : A silver figurine will appear with a roar, and rush forwards. Medium-long range, medium damage. R + Down : 4 balls of silver , each will fire an arrow downwards. Short range, heavy damage. L : (You¡¦ll pay for not asking me!) Defense Up! L + Down : (Do you want to play?) A silver arrow will hit any enemies near to Reina. Gale Glory Haru¡¦s father. Fights with short-long range attacks. I think it is more suitable for intermediate to skilled players. B : A single thrust with the sword¡¦s stub end. B repeated : Thrusts the stub end of the sword 5 times, then lands a barrage of thrusts with the blade. B + Up : Gale swings his sword upwards, at a diagonal angle. B + Down : Gale swiftly swings his sword to leg level. B + Down in mid-air : Gale swings his sword downwards, at a 30 degree angle. B + Forward : A side swing from his sword. R + Up : Gale swings his sword upwards, while jumping forward. Anti-air, short range, medium damage. R : Gale rushes forward, then after a certain distance, he punches. Long range, medium damage. R + Down : Gale smashes his sword to the ground, creating an aftershock that will hurt enemies too near( similar to Haru¡¦s Explosion).Short range, medium-heavy damage. L : (Be gone, to the eternal sky!) Gale¡¦s damage increases. Attack Up! L + Down : (Outta my way! I¡¦m heading home!) Speed Up! How to unlock : Beat Story Mode using either 5 characters in Normal Difficulty mode. (Easy mode won¡¦t work) King Raregroove Lucia Raregroove¡¦s father. Short ¡V long ranged attacks. Suitable for beginners, intermediate and skilled players. B : A punch. B repeated : Punches 3 times, swings sword sideways, then a downwards strike. B + Up : King swings his sword upwards. Anti-air and nearby ground enemies. B + Down : King slashes his sword downwards and sideways. B + Down in mid-air : King stabs with his sword downwards. B + Forward : A downwards slash from the sword. R + Up : Blue Crimson. Effect the same as Haru¡¦s. Anti-air, medium damage. R : That¡¦s the orb thingy I¡¦ve said earlier. I don¡¦t know what he says. Medium-long range, heavy damage. R + Down : Silpharion. King dashes forwards at tremendous speed, knocking and hurting anyone in his way. Long range, medium damage. L : (I¡¦ll show you all I¡¦ve got!) King¡¦s sword changes form, and his attack and damage increases, if he hits his enemy there will be an explosion. Attack Up! L + Down : (Hmph! Smartaleck!) King¡¦s sword changes into Silpharion, granting him more speed and also attacking speed. Speed Up! How to unlock : Beat Story Mode using all 9 characters (excluding Gale) in Normal Difficulty. Lucia Raregroove King¡¦s son. Wields the Decalogue sword. Capable of short and long range attacks. Beginners may not know how to use this character well, therefore only recommended for intermediate and skilled players. B : A strike with the stub end of the sword. B repeated : Same results. Strikes thrice with stub end, swings sword sideways, then downwards. B + Up : Lucia attacks upwards with his sword. B + Down : Lucia swings his sword sideways. B + Down in mid-air : Hmmm¡KA weird case. Lucia swing his sword upwards. B + Forward : Lucia slashes downwards with his sword. R + Up : Blue Crimson. Lucia jumps up, makes the move while doing a back-flip. Anti-air, short range, medium damage. R : Silpharion. Lucia dashes forwards with tremendous speed, hurting anyone in his way. Long range, medium damage. R + Down : Lucia plants his sword into the ground with such force that rocks were seen to fly upwards, hurting anyone near him. Medium range, heavy damage. L : ¡§You¡¦re nothing!¡¨ (¡§Enchanted sword¡¨¡KI like it.) Same like King. Sword changes form, every hit creates an explosion. Attack Up! L + Down : (All who thwart me are enemies!!!) Lucia¡¦s sword changes into Silpharion, making his attacking speed and running speed much faster. Speed Up! How to unlock : Possibly the hardest to unlock. Get Rank 1 in Ranking Battle. You need patience, skill and perseverance to unlock him. Ogre Gold claimer, close-combat style. Not really good for beginners. B : A simple punch. B repeated : Ogre punches 6 times, then unleashes a barrage of hits from a bunch of tentacle-like objects. B + Up : Ogre executes an uppercut. B + Down : Ogre kicks downwards at leg level. B + Down in mid-air : Ogre punches downwards. B + Forward : Ogre reaches out and punches downwards. R + Up : Ogre fires 3 mines upwards. One goes diagonally left, one goes vertical, and the other goes diagonally right. Anti-air, may hit someone beside him, medium-heavy damage. R : Ogre fires a mine across the screen( half screen), anyone (enemy) touches it will be paralyzed temporarily. Long range, no damage. R + Down : Ogre taunts ¡§Come here!¡¨ Anyone who make a move by attacking beside him will be punched by Ogre. Short range, heavy damage L : ¡§Hahahaha!¡¨ (Gwa-hahahaha!) Ogre¡¦s body will be surrounded by 2 mines circling him. Anyone who touches the mine will be hurt. Attack Up! L + Down : ¡§Not working!¡¨ (You think that¡¦s gonna work?) Defense Up! How to unlock : I don¡¦t know, but my case is, I unlock Lucia, beat Story Mode with him only I get Ogre. But they say beat the Story Mode using Gale and King to get Ogre, I tried and tried and tried, but to no avail. Doryu Leader of the Doryu Legion of Phantoms. Short ¡V medium ranged attacks. Suitable for beginners, intermediate and skilled players. B : Doryu swings his arm forward. B repeated : Doryu swings his arms forward thrice, then swings his sword in a seemingly X shape. B + Up : Doryu swings his sword upwards. Anti-air and anyone near him. B + Down : A dark blob appears at the ground, tripping anyone near the vicinity. B + Down in mid-air : Doryu¡¦s hand and feet become one to form a big shadow ball at his feet. B + Forward : A similarly big shadow ball appear in front of Doryu. R + Up : A shadow field surrounding Doryu. Anti-air and anyone beside him, short range, medium-heavy damage. R : Dark Power. Doryu throws a paralyzing ball made of pure darkness. Long range, no damage. R + Down : Doryu fires a dark ball in a diagonal motion.( the ball goes south-east direction) L : ( My dark sword will swallow you!) Doryu¡¦s sword changes form into a somewhat solid sword, making his damage higher. Attack Up! L + Down : ¡§Darkness!!¡¨ (The night will make me Lord¡K) Doryu floats in the air for a while, then he becomes invisible to other players. How to unlock : Beat Story Mode with Ogre. That¡¦s it. The characters and movesets are given as above. Part 5 ¡V Tips This part will supply you with some tips, essential for you to complete the game. 1) I strongly suggest that you master the B + Down move, as it will surprise your enemy with that sudden attack from the air. You need good timing as well. 2) Use a combo of Item Attacks and Basic Attacks, because the 2 combinations will make you much stronger than using Item Attack or Basic Attack alone. 3) Try to get 2 hits on the enemy before he hits the ground. If you succeeded in doing so, run away. Max hits you will get while the enemy is in lying position is 2.( First hit will be to knock him down, the other hit is to drain more from the tension gauge, and no more hits can be made.) I suggest using B + Up attack. 4) Be alert and know when to block from your enemy¡¦s attack, or else you will lose if you¡¦re not careful. 5) In a team battle, don¡¦t fight too much yourself. Let your teammate(s) do the job as you¡¦re needed to quickly initiate the Final Attack when your colour on the tension gauge starts glowing.( Unless its 2v2 in Shao Lan, Level 3, 1 teammate will fight 1 opponent, and another enemy will be yours or when you're in a 2v2 or 2v1 battle, when your teammate is knocked out, you'll have to fight them.) Part 6 ¡V Acknowledgements Frankly, no one to thank. =( Part 7 ¡V Miscellaneous This guide/walkthrough is meant only for personal uses. No reproduction or distribution of any part of this guide is allowed without prior permission. Any questions or spotted something missing, you may contact me through e-mail : zombiewalking891@hotmail.com. That¡¦s it for now. Au revoir. (c) Copyright 2009 Symbolics. Rave Master: Special Attack Force! is (c) 2005 Nintendo of America.