~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RAYMAN ADVANCE GUIDE - Electoon cage locations and more! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: July 20, 2001 Version: 1.0 By: dolphingirl (Sarah) dolphingirl2k1@yahoo.com I was so excited when Rayman (a long time favorite game of mine) came out for the GameBoy Advance! Some may think it's a "kiddy" game, but oh how I'd have to disagree. It proves to be a quite challenging game, what with all the cages that must be found just to reach the game's end boss, and some of the cages are so incredibly well hidden, one could go mad trying to find them all. That's why I decided to write an FAQ that went into depth on just how to find those cages! It took a lot of hard work, to do this guide, so I'd appreciate it if you would not steal my work. If you would like to use any of what I've written, please contact me asking for permission. I do hope this puts many people at ease when trying to find those seemingly impossible cages! Good luck, and have fun with this game's incredible graphics, music, and fun! ... =) Table of Contents: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Story of Rayman (taken from the instruction booklet) II. Special Items and Characters III. Rayman's Powers (permanent and temporary) IV. Breakdown of Worlds V. Electoon Cage Location Guide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Story of Rayman (taken from the instruction booklet): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The introductory story for this game is so comical in my opinion, I couldn't leave it out! Ubi Soft, the creators of this game, sure touched it up a bit with a sense of humor...heheh! As printed in the instruction booklet that came with the game, here's the story: ----- Hi folks! You want to know what's going on? Let me tell you the story of Rayman... In Rayman's world, nature and people live together in peace. The Great Protoon provides and maintains the harmony and balance in the world. Sorry Folks, this apparently can't last. Do you want to play or what? Some fateful day, the evil Mr. Dark steals the Great Protoon and defeats Betilla the Fairy as she tries to protect it! The Electoons who used to gravitate around it lose their natural stability and scatter all over the world! Troublesome, isn't it? And untidy, too! In the now-unbalanced world, strange phenomena begin to occur: freaks and hostile characters appear, capturing every Electoon they can find! The disappearance of the Great Protoon also neutralized all of Betilla the Fairy's powers, and she needs time to regenerate her energy before she can help in any way. They definitely need a hero to save them now, don't you think? Rayman to the rescue! As a guardian of this world, he must free the Electoons, recapture the Great Protoon from it's mysterious kidnapper and reassemble them all to restore the world's harmony. But will the bad guys let him do it? After all, Rayman doesn't have arms or legs, but don't panic, neither to the bad guys. ----- Heheh...great story in my opinion... ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II. Special Items and Characters: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Along Rayman's quest, there is a variety of special items and different characters he meets to help him on his journey. Some of the special items are in plain sight, while others are well hidden. The different characters he meets along the way help him with different aspects of the game, so it's important to remember who does what. Here's a descriptive list that may help keep things straight: Special Items: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (P) Health Balls: these come it a few different sizes and will recover Rayman's lost energy. He starts off with 4 circles of health, but can win up to 6 when a big health ball is found. A tiny single ball will recover 1 circle of health, while a tiny one with a few yellow ones bouncing around it will recover 2. Just keep in mind when all Rayman's health circles are lost, you lose one life. 1UPs: these look like tiny statues of Rayman himself, and are sometimes easy to find, while other times you must search for them. They will increase the number of lives Rayman has by 1. Speed-ups: these look like flashing gold fists with a blue "s" circling it. They will increase the speed of the punching fist. Golden Fist: these are just like the Speed-ups but stay a steady color of gold and don't have the circling "s". They increase the intensity of Rayman's punches. Tings: these are all the little blue shiny circles you see all over the place. They're what Rayman picks up to hopefully gain an extra life after collecting 100 of them. They are also used to pay the magician who lets you do bonus rounds for a certain amount of tings, which when completed give you a 1UP. Characters: ~~~~~~~~~~~ Betilla: She is of course the fairy that was kidnapped by the terrible Mr. Dark whom you must defeat in order to restore the world's harmony! She is who gives Rayman his powers, once she regenerates her own after Mr. Dark had neutralized them. She is definitely your friend. The Magician: This guy is easily recognizable by his black top hat with a star on it. It's the same top hat you see on the map that allows you to save your game. He is hidden within the levels, and when found, you can enter the bonus round if you have enough tings to enter. If you don't, he will point above his hat to the number you need. Usually it's cost is 10 tings. The Photographer: This is a very important guy. He serves as the levels' check points. When you lose a life, you will start again where the Photographer took your picture. If you passed him up without him snapping a picture of you, you'll have to start the level over again from the beginning or the last Photographer in which you had your picture taken. Flying Blue Elves: These little hovering Elves look like sparkling fairies. Their purpose is to give Rayman the ability to shrink/resize to be able to access certain areas where he couldn't otherwise. All you need to do is merely touch one, and depending on Rayman's current size, he'll either be shrunk or resized. Antitoons: These little guys are among the many enemies Rayman will encounter. They are basically Mr. Dark's foot soldiers and look like little tiny blue mad guys with white hair. They either pace on platforms, fly, chomp, or zoom by with their their teeth exposed. I've used their name in my Electoon Cage Location Guide, so this just gives you a reference as to what I'm talking about. Tarayzan: This guy is quite the nature-boy indeed! The poor thing lost his clothes to a tree above him, while he hides in a bush. Rayman, being the kind limbless creature he is, will knock his suit down and in return, Tarayzan gives him a magic seed. You will only meet him on one level. Musician: This is another friend Rayman meets along the way, a poor musician who has misplaced his guitar. Again, being the nice creature Rayman is, he helps bust his guitar out of a near by boulder. The Musician is happy once again and plays music for him. In addition, he gives Rayman a flask full of magic potion. You only see him once but the potion shows up a couple different times. Joe: This guy's an alien who can't seem to keep his sign plugged in! He owns a shop but needs help with his sign. So he gives Rayman a special Firefly to lead him through the dark caves so he can find the plug, and plug it back in. You will see him a couple times throughout the world in which he appears on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ III. Rayman's Powers (permanent and temporary): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is an assortment of powers given to Rayman to help him on his quest to save his world's harmony. Some of them are given by Betilla the Fairy, and some by friends Rayman meets on the way. The ones Betilla gives him are permanent, meaning once he's received them, he can never lose them. However the ones his friends give him are only temporary and can only be used for the level or stage in which they're given. Here's the list and when each is received: Permanent Powers: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Telescopic Fist: (given after the 2nd stage of Pink Plant Woods) This is essentially what gives Rayman the ability to punch. To use use it press "B". The longer you keep the button pressed, the more Rayman can wind up his punch, thus making the fist go further. Hanging onto Platforms: (given at the end of Anguish Lagoon) This allows Rayman to hang onto nearby platforms. He will automatically grab on when he's up next to an edge. Grabbing Fist: (given at the end of Moskito's Nest) This power lets Rayman hang onto and swing on flying rings (pink usually). It can also be used to pull bonus items to him (mainly the 1UPs). Use this the same way you use the Telescopic fist, by pressing "B". Helicopter: (given at the end of Allegro Presto) This extremely helpful ability is primarily used to slow Rayman's descent after jumping. To use his hair as propellers, press "A" to jump, then press it again and his built-in helicopter will kick in. Running: (given at the end of Mr. Stone's Peaks) This allows Rayman to run with speed and to be able to jump further. Just press and hold "R-trigger" while walking. Temporary Powers: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magic Seed: (given at beginning of The Swamps of Forgetfulness) Rayman's new found friend, Tarayzan, gives him a magic seed that will grow into a plant. To use it press the "R-trigger" while standing still. This can only be used on the first stage of that level. Super Helicopter: (given at the beginning of Mr. Stone's Peaks) Rayman meets up with a Musician who gives him a magic flask with potion that activates this ability. It basically allows you to fly. To use, activate the normal helicopter and then press "A" again, repeatedly to make him go higher. This can be used in the first two stages of the level in which it's given, then again on a level in the Picture City world. Firefly: (given at the beginning of Eat at Joe's) When Rayman finds Joe, the extra-terrestrial, he gives Rayman a Firefly to help guide him through the dark caves. Use it like the Telescopic Fist, and the circle of light will follow, lighting up the path. This can only be used on the first stage of that level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IV. Breakdown of Worlds: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are 6 different worlds on Rayman Advance, each having their own theme. Within those worlds are levels (designated by a golden circle on the map), and within each level are different stages (anywhere from 1-5). In some cases, the world's boss will make an appearance in one of the stages. When that happens, that particular stage will not be re-playable after beating that world's boss. Anyway, that's how I broke it down to make sense out of it all, especially when writing the Electoon Cage Location Guide. Here are the worlds, along with brief descriptions of each and the different levels and stages there within: THE DREAM FOREST: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This first world contains levels that all have a jungle/swamp look, with hunters and explorers as your enemies. The end boss is Moskito, an irritating giant mosquito. Here are the level names in this world, along with the number of stages in each: -Pink Plant Woods................3 stages -Anguish Lagoon..................3 stages -The Swamps of Forgetfulness.....3 stages -Moskito's Nest..................4 stages Band Land: ~~~~~~~~~~ This second world (personally my favorite having played the piano and other such instruments for quite a long time), has naturally, a music oriented theme, with corresponding enemies...including a bunch of wrong notes! Mr. Sax is the end boss for this world. These are the level names and the number of stages in each: -Bongo Hills.....................5 stages -Allegro Presto..................4 stages -Gong Heights....................2 stages -Mr. Sax's Hullaballoo...........2 stages Blue Mountains: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Corresponding to it's name, this third world is very rocky and mountainous. The enemies are mostly rock oriented. The boss of this world, and is made of rock, is Mr. Stone. Here are the list of levels and the number of stages in each: -Twilight Gulch..................2 stages -The Hard Rocks..................3 stages -Mr. Stone's Peaks...............4 stages Picture City: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the fourth world, and what a creative one indeed! It's filled with items associated with art and the making of. However the enemies and end boss aren't quite as theme oriented as the others, for some are guys in frying pans (others include pencil tips and thumbtack spikes though). Space Mama is who you will have to beat at the end of this world, and wait till you see the get-up she arrives in! Here's the list of levels and stages: -Eraser Plains...................3 stages -Pencil Pentathlon...............3 stages -Space Mama's Crater.............3 stages The Cave of Skops: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The fifth world has a similar theme as world 3, but it's still different since it's more cave and water oriented, with some enemies being the same. However there are much more spikes to hurt yourself on in this world. There are some strange things in this world as well, but it makes it fun. Skops the Scorpion is the world's boss. Here's the names of the levels and number of stages: -Crystal Palace..................2 stages -Eat at Joe's....................4 stages -Mr. Skops' Stalactites..........2 stages Candy Chateau: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last but not least, is the Candy Chateau world! The name says it all! The theme of this world is sweets. Decorated with frosting, and things of that nature, your enemies are (more fitting in this world) again the frying pan guys, and some interesting ones too. I won't spoil everything for you though, but you can only guess who the boss of this world is...dun dun dun...Mr. Dark himself! There's only one level on this world, and you've been given a break with the collecting of cages. However you must have 100% cages collected to even get to this world in the first place! Here's the level though: -Mr. Dark's Dare.................3 stages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IV. Electoon Cage Location Guide: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And here's what you all have been waiting for I'm sure, a highly descriptive guide to the location of the Electoon cages! As you all know, you must get 100% of the Electoon Cages in order to even visit the world Mr. Dark is on! And let me just say, some of the cages are so well hidden is down right maddening! I'm proud to say though that with the exception of two cages, all the others I found on my own. It was quite tedious, but rewarding at the same time once all of them were collected. It was a lot of hard work putting this whole location guide together what with all the notes, but I'm pretty sure every thing is correct. If you find something wrong with any of the locations, please inform me of my mistake by email so I can quickly fix it. Once again, please do not take my work and pass it off as your own. Anyway, here are all the 102 Electoon Cage locations, according to the method I used to get them. They are in order of appearance in the level, but take note...some are not accessible until a certain power is given, so I've listed what's required if it's not obtainable just yet. Here they are: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ THE DREAM FOREST ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pink Plant Woods: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 2) **requires Fist/Grabbing and helps to have Hanging/Helicopter** Climb the vine at the beginning to the platform on your Right with the magician on it. Jump off the Right side of the platform and swing on the pink ring using the helicopter to get to the top of the colorful mushroom tree. Get the group of tings up there, and a cage will appear at the base of the tree. 2. (stage 2) **requires Fist/Hanging** You can either continue on from getting cage #1, or you can jump up and hang on the platform above the 4 tings you see near the beginning of the stage. Continue on the upper path, and it will lead you right to a cage. 3. (stage 2) **requires Fist** Knock the fruit (looks like a plum to me) off the 3rd vine where the fishes come up out of the water. Fall down on it and face Right so it'll move in that direction. It'll take you right to a cage sitting on a platform below. 4. (stage 3) There are 2 plums at the start of this stage. Knock the 2nd one down and really wind up your fist, hitting it hard enough to bounce over the water below, and to the platform with the tall enemy walking. Jump on the plum once it is stuck on his head, and jump up to get the Golden Fist way up high. If you jump high enough in that one spot, you should hear a "pling" causing a cage to appear on the next platform to the Right. 5. (stage 3) Climb up the vines, and to the right of the 2nd one sits a cage on a platform, guarded by an enemy. 6. (stage 3) You can't miss this cage, as it sits next to the "!"-exit sign at the end of this stage. Anguish Lagoon: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 1) **requires Grabbing** When on the 1st swinging plum, jump to the platform on the Left. Look up and Left for the pink ring. Swing on it, and a cage will be sitting on a platform there to the Left. 2. (stage 1) **requires Grabbing** After getting cage #1, slowly walk off the ledge to the Right, and you'll drop down on top of a colorful mushroom tree. You'll hear a "pling" and a cage will appear at the base of the tree. 3. (stage 1) When swinging Right on the second plum, you should see a ting in the lower Right-hand corner of the screen. Jump down, following the trail of tings, and the cage is sitting on that platform you'll land on. 4. (stage 1) After you swing Right on the 2nd plum, jump on the pink floating flower platforms, following them up. You'll then jump Left to a grassy platform where you need to stand facing Right, at the far Right edge. Look up and you should see a single ting. Jump aiming for it, and a pink flower platform will have appeared beneath you. Once "pling" is heard, go back to the platform now on the Left, and you'll soon see the cage. 5. (stage 1) Continuing walking Left after cage #4, and you'll see the next cage in plain sight, just before you reach the "!"-exit sign. **stage 2 is not re-playable and disappears when you've beaten it** 6. (stage 3) After passing the 3 flying Antitoons, move up to the far Right- hand side of the screen, staying in the middle. Once you hear a "pling" (you'll be right up next to an enemy and 2 platforms), the cage will appear on the upper most platform. This one's incredibly tough to get, so don't worry if you can't get it the first time (or second...or third...), as you must move very quickly to the far Left edge of screen and then up so you can get the cage and not get caught and die. Swamps of Forgetfulness: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 1) After killing the 1st enemy with the gun, jump up and Left, to the platform above. The cage sits there. 2. (stage 2) At the start of this stage, turn around and jump on the statue's hand. A "pling" is heard, and you'll see the cage drop down in plain sight. 3. (stage 2) Get to a platform with a tall enemy guy, along with some Antitoons and a plum hanging above. After taking out all the enemies, knock the plum down and hit it into the water on the Right. Ride it to the next platform, and while doing so a "pling" sounds, and a cage will appear. 4. (stage 3) Jump on top of the plum right at the beginning before knocking it off, and climb up the vine. When you see the long trail of tings, just jump off to the Left, and follow them to the ground you started on. You'll hear a "pling" and a cage will be waiting at the bottom. 5. (stage 3) **requires Grabbing/Helicopter** Go up same vine you used while getting cage #4, but this time jump off to the Right, collecting the trail of tings while helicopter-ing. You'll land on a pink flower platform, then jump on the swinging plum, taking it Right. Jump on 3 more pink flowers, using the helicopter in between if needed, and you'll soon see the cage up high on a narrow platform. 6. (stage 3) If you continue after getting cage #5, you can get this next one by swinging on the next plum, and following the tings to a pink flower platform that falls when landed on. Fall with it and you'll land on a wide platform with the magician. You can also get to this point by using the plum at the beginning of the stage to bounce down the hill full of red spiky balls. Make sure to jump off before getting to the bottom, so you'll land on the pink flower platform. Then just jump up and Right to get to the same platform that the magician is on. From that platform, stand on the far Right edge and jump aiming for the single further Right than the trail of others. A series of pink flowers will appear beneath you, and follow them leads to to a cage. Moskito's Nest: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 1) At the beginning, before knocking the plum down, stand on top of it and jump to the Left to get to the top of the colorful mushroom tree. Collect the group of tings up there, and after a "pling" is heard, fall down and a cage will have appeared at the base of the tree. 2. (stage 1) **requires Grabbing** After the Photographer, knock the plum down and ride it down the hill, but jump up half way so you can grab on the vine above. Climb up and follow the path to the Left. Go past the magician and when you reach the end of the platform, a "pling" is heard, and you'll see a pink ring appear. Swing across all the rings, keep going Left, and you'll run into the cage. 3. (stage 1) After the tall skinny yellow thing with red lips, ride the pink flower platform all the way to the top, then jump off to the vine on your Right. Collect the surrounding tings then climb down to get the cage that will have appeared. 4. (stage 2) At the start, jump on top of the colorful mushroom tree on the Left, and on top of the partial one above it. A "pling" sounds and after falling back down a cage has appeared on the far Right of the platform. 5. (stage 2) Get to the 2nd Photographer (after the 3 red creaky flowers) and walk to the Right edge of the platform he's on. Jump to the vine on the Right, climb up, and get the big (P) health ball. After you hear a "pling" go back to the Left and follow the pink flower platforms that will have appeared, grabbing on to the vine. Get tings and another "pling" will sound, causing a plum to appear at the end of the vine. Climb down so you stand on it (don't worry you won't fall), then knock it off and ride it to the Left, and it'll lead you right to a cage! **stage 3 is not re-playable after you beat the world's boss** 6. (stage 4) Near the end of the stage where the platform starts to incline, knock the plum off the vine and make it bounce up the hill to the Right so it falls down and into the water below(this can be somewhat hard, but can be done). Ride it Left to a 1UP so a "pling" sounds, then ride it back to the Right where a cage is sitting in front of the "!"-exit sign. Congratulations! You should now have all the cages in The Dream Forest! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ BAND LAND ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bongo Hills: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 1) There's two different ways of getting this cage. One, after the part where you walk Right and down, on 2 maracas and 2 bongo platforms that alternate, you ride a cloud to the Right, down. Jump quick to the cloud on the Left before dying. Ride this cloud to the Left as far as it goes, then jump up on the huge bongo to the Left, where the cage sits. **OR** Two, at the end of the stage, jump to the Left side of the "!"-exit sign and you'll hear a "pling". Turn around and walk to the Right, and you'll notice a cloud has appeared. Ride it to the Right till it stops, and jump up to the huge bongo on the Right, where an Annotation is. Jump to the next platform on the Right, and the cage is there. 2. (stage 2) Ride very 1st maraca to the area where the Photographer is, and instead of getting off, make the maraca take you to the Right just a bit and up. You will see a group of tings that are arranged in an arrow. Follow the direction the arrow points to, and you'll step off to the Left on a platform that looks as if you have to crawl in the space. You don't have to crawl though, just walk normally across it, then fall down and you'll see the cage in plain sight. 3. (stage 3) **requires Helicopter** At the start of the stage, jump on the 1st large bongo with eyes, shooting lightning bolts. Turn around, face Left, and look up. You'll see a group of tings arranged in an arrow pointing to the Left. Jump up high and to the far Left, while using the helicopter so you touch the wall of bongos on the far Left. Two clouds will appear, then just take them up and walk along the platform above. The cage is simply on that path. 4. (stage 3) **requires Helicopter** After the part where a trail of tings lead you to a bit (P) health ball, keep going to the Right. When you get to the longer bongo platform with an Annotation on it, then a little tan circular platform with another Annotation on it, look up and to the Right. There's a pink ring you need to swing on. Jump off the ring really high, and fall slowly to the Right, using the helicopter. You'll land on a large bongo, and if you fall off the Right side, the cage will be there. 5. (stage 4) At the beginning of the stage you're on a platform, and to the Right are brown and white face balls spinning around like a wheel. Instead of riding them (they move when you step on them), jump on one just quick enough to get a boost so you can get up on the instrument (looks like a clarinet) behind you, to the Left. When up there, have the Flying Blue Elf shrink you to the small size, and then fall down to the Left. Follow the path, and at the top of riding the cloud up is where the cage is. 6. (stage 5) After jumping over the big guy with the spiked balls for fists, head down and ride the cloud to the Right. You will have seen a cage pass by above you. Jump on the 2 disappearing clouds above the pointy music notes till you hear a "pling". Turn back and 2 more clouds will have appeared. Jump quick because they move Right when landed on, and you want to go Left (or you could just ride it all the way Right, and back Left). Jump to the clarinet, drop down, and the cage is yours. Allegro Presto: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 1) The 1st part of the stage you go Right. The 2nd part you go Left (3rd you go Right again). So, at the end of the 2nd part when you've gone as far Left as possible without dropping down to lower platform, stand next to the last note in the group you just ducked under. Jump up high and to the Left, then follow the path up there which will lead you right to a cage. 2. (stage 1) When on the 3rd part of the level where you're going Right again, you'll come upon an incline with a group of tings at the top, arranged in an arrow pointing up and to the Right. Turn around at that point, and fall down the gap to the Left of you. Continue Left just a bit, and the cage is right there. 3. (stage 1) After getting cage #2, go back to the incline (to the Right) where you saw the group of tings arranged in an arrow pointing up and to the Right. Jump up on the cloud there, and then jump Right. Just a little further on that platform is the cage. 4. (stage 2) **requires Helicopter/Running** Just after the Photographer, stand on the clarinet and look up and to the Right. Get on the tiny platform, jump to the next one above, and follow the path up there. You'll find the cage way up high on a Clarinet. (It may be possible to do it without the Running ability, but it sure makes it more simple.) 5. (stage 3) After the Photographer, you should hear a "pling" when you jump to the 2nd platform to the Right. Turn back and ride the brown and white spinning face balls, then following the path above will lead you to a cage. 6. (stage 3) When you come to a group of tings arranged in an arrow pointing down and to the Right. Follow the direction, and the path below will lead you to a cage. Gong Heights: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 1) High above the 1st Tibetan Monk-looking guy (with bongos he raises to his face) is a cloud platform. When you jump on it, you'll hear a "pling" and some disappearing clouds will appear. Follow them to the Left, going back to the start of the level. A cage will be waiting there. 2. (stage 1) To the Left of the 4th Monk is a bouncing cloud. When standing on the bongos he holds in his hand, at their highest position, jump on the disappearing above and to the Left. The cage sits to the Left there. 3. (stage 1) After getting cage #2, stand where the cage was, facing Right. Look up and get the tings that are in the shape of a question mark (?). You will hear a "pling", and a bouncing cloud will appear beneath you. Turn Left and jump to the disappearing cloud and keep going. Get to the cloud that moves Right when landed on so it'll take you directly to a cage (try staying on the moving cloud while hitting the cage). 4. (stage 1) After the 4th Monk there is 4 bouncy clouds in a row. Drop below the 4th one and you'll see a Photographer. Stand on the far Left side of the platform, facing Left, and duck. You'll see a single ting that when gotten, a disappearing cloud appears below you to catch your fall. Jump quick to the one that appears to the Right of that, and a cage is waiting on the platform the Photographer was on. 5. (stage 1) Just after the Monk that spreads a hand full of blue crystal balls, you'll jump on top of a clarinet and hear a "pling" which in turn causes 2 flying Antitoons to appear directly above you. Take them out, then look up. A cage will come falling down, right where you're standing. 6. (stage 2) This cage is near the beginning of the stage, and you simply can't miss it. It sits in plain sight on the main path. Mr. Sax's Hullaballoo: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 1) After getting shrunk and then resized by a couple of Flying Blue Elves, you must jump up high to get on top of a clarinet. Jump over the 1st gap then drop down the 2nd one. The cage is down there. 2. (stage 1) After the Photographer, you'll continue to the Right. Go till you reach an incline where you can't go Right anymore. On the very Right edge of the screen, jump up and get the tings. A wheel of spinning brown and white face balls appears to the Left. Get on them and once at the top, jump up and to the ledge on the Right. A cage sits there. 3. (stage 1) After getting cage #2, continue Left for a while. When the level takes you in the direction of going Right, you'll be shrunk by a Flying Blue Elf. Jump up quickly after the 2nd clarinet to get the Golden Fist power-up on the wavy platform above. Keep walking Right, and at the end of that upper platform, you'll hear a "pling" and a series of moving clouds appear to the Left and up. Follow the path of clouds, and they'll lead you right to a cage. 4. (stage 1) When you get resized by the Flying Blue Elf after getting cage #3, at the end of the platform on the Right is a group of tings arranged in an arrow pointing up and to the Right. Jump really high and to the Right, using the helicopter, and a cloud will appear. Take the path of the other clouds and they'll lead you to another cage. 5. (stage 1) There's a series of 3 Monks arranged almost as stair steps going down and to the Left. When you're on the bongos the 3rd one is holding, in their upper most position, jump up high while helicopter-ing to the Left. You'll get a trail of tings, and swing on a pink ring, right over to a cage. 6. (stage 1) Right after riding the huge set of cymbals to the Right, stand on the platform's far Left side, facing Left. Look up and swing on that pink ring, as well as the others above it, till you reach a platform to the Right containing a 1UP. After getting it, look up again, and swing on the next series of pink rings stacked on top of one another. The cage is at the top of them all. Congratulations! You should now have all the cages in Band Land! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ BLUE MOUNTAINS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twilight Gulch: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 1) Right at the start, jump Left so you're on the other side of the " <- " sign from when you started. Drop down off the platform, hugging the wall to the Right as you fall. (**Note**: Doing this next step will cause cage #2 to appear so you don't have to retrace your steps after getting the 1st cage: When you've fallen down and start walking Right, you incline slightly and at it's peak, look up and jump high in the gap to make cage #2 appear. If you did it right you will have heard a "pling".) Follow the path as far as you can to the Right, avoiding the obstacles. Once in the last are where you can't go any further, turn around (facing Left) and stand next to the wall with spikes on the bottom. Look up, then jump up, hugging the wall there (if you don't look up before jumping, the "pling" will never sound). You'll hear a "pling" if done right, a cage will appear, along with a cloud. 2. (stage 1) If you did the step under **Note** in cage #1's description, all you have to do then, is use the cloud that appeared when cage #1 appeared to get to the upper platform. Follow the path till you get to the cage. If you skipped the step previously mentioned, the cage will not be there. What you will then have to do, is before falling down the gap on the Left, skillfully hang on the platform's Left edge so the "pling" sounds and the cage appears on the ledge you're hanging from. 3. (stage 1) Go back to the start of the stage where the " <- " sign is, and follow the path to the Right, swinging on some pink rings, and then landing on a platform with a rock-enemy. After walking a bit to the Right on that platform, you will hear a "pling". Turn around, fall off the Left side of the platform, and continue walking Left till you see the cage in plain sight. 4. (stage 1) Get back up to the platform with the rock-enemy and take him out. Then fall down the 1st gap you come to. Take out the enemy down there, and walk up to the wall where the little bouncing (p) health ball is. You'll hear a "pling" and once you turn around and head back to the Right, a cage will be waiting there. 5. (stage 1) Upon coming out of the gap from getting cage #4 you'll see some tings in a row to the Right, leading to a pink ring. Swing on it, jump on the cloud to the Right, then jump up to the ledge above. Walk to the Right up there, then drop down off the ledge. In doing so you'll hear a "pling" making the cage to appear right there. 6. (stage 1) After you've gotten cage #5, back track to the cloud that was above and to the Right of the pink ring. Stand on it, and fall straight down when it disappears. You'll fall on more disappearing clouds, so jump off quickly to the Right. Follow the path, and ride the cloud that appears when going for the single ting resting in mid-air. Ride it all the way to the Right, then back again, and a cage will have appeared. The Hard Rocks: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 1) At the beginning of the level, ride the cloud to the Right as far as it takes you, then ride the next cloud up. Avoid the big swinging spiky ball, and get the trail of tings while jumping to the cloud to the Right. After you hear a "pling" jump back over to the Left and fall down to the cloud that took you up, this time riding it all the way to the top, as far as it will take you. The cage is on the ledge to the Left. 2. (stage 2) At the 5 clouds moving up and down that act as steps going up and to the Right, stand on the far Right edge of the 3rd cloud going up. You should see a green platform on the far Right side of the screen. Jump to that, and follow the path to a group of tings, arranged in an arrow pointing down and to the Right (it points to a cage on the other side of the wall). After you get them all, you should hear a "pling", and then back track to the clouds, continuing on this time. When you pass the Photographer, ride the cloud down to the platform on the Right, and fall down the gap to the Left to get that cage. 3. (stage 2) After the small narrow platform with a bouncing rock that must be broken to pass, go down on the two moving clouds, and across the two clouds to the 1st small green platform. Turn to the Left and look down. You'll see a ting below you, and must get it by hanging on the Left ledge of that platform. When you get the ting, you'll hear a "pling" and a disappearing cloud will appear directly below you. Drop down and then quickly jump to the Left, following the path of disappearing clouds. You must jump over the small moving spiky ball and get the 1UP. Make sure you hear another "pling" and make your way back to the platform, which will have a cage resting on it. 4. (stage 3) Start the stage by following the path to the Right, and go as far as it will allow, till you have to go up and to the Left. Continue till you reach as far as you can where you then must go up and to the Right again. Don't go any further though, but instead, drop down that gap on the far Left and you'll follow a trail of tings. In the process you should hear a "pling" and once you get to the bottom, a cage will have appeared where you started. 5. (stage 3) After the 1st big swinging spiky ball, keep going to the Left and up, then to the Right, and swing on the pink rings to the Right. You'll pass another big swinging spiky ball, and walk all the way up the hill to the Right, till you hear a "pling" and a cloud appears. Follow the clouds up to the ledge on the Right, where a cage sits. 6. (stage 3) Just when you think you've reached the end of the level, you must not finish if you want the last cage. In the area where the "!"-exit sign sits on the far Right, go to the far Left and get the big (P) health ball. You'll hear a "pling" and will see a cage appear on the other side of the wall. To get it, you must back track Left all the way to the disappearing clouds that take you down to a tiny green platform on the Left edge of the screen. Jump up and helicopter to the Right. Follow the pathway up and to the Right till you fall down where that last cage sits. Mr. Stone's Peaks: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 1) After getting the flask of magic potion that lets you use the Super Helicopter, fly way up high above the house at the beginning of the stage. Get the 2 tings up there and you should hear a "pling" causing a cage to appear. To get it, go back down to the ground and walk to the Right. The cage sits under 2 birds. 2. (stage 1) At the end of the stage where the "!"-exit sign is, go off the platform and helicopter down, hugging the Right side of the wall. You'll see a small empty ledge, just big enough for a cage. Fly over to the Left side of the wall. If you touch the wall near the bottom of the screen, you should hear a "pling" and a cage will have appeared on that small empty ledge. 3. (stage 2) Once on the ground after cutting the ropes with rocks tied to the ends, and letting the water level go down, get on the side of the screen where the "!"-exit sign is. Fly up the gap and you'll see a cage to your Right, behind a wall. Keep flying up and over the wall, and the cage is yours. 4. (stage 3) On your climb up this stage, after jumping off the 1st cloud, keep an eye out for 4 tings arranged in a square. Soon after that you will see 3 tings arranged in a triangle. Jump on the small ledge above those tings and take note because this is where the cage is going to appear. Jump to the ledge up and to the Left, next to a disappearing cloud, and you'll hear a "pling", causing the cage to appear on that small ledge above the triangle of tings. 5. (stage 4) Start out this stage by going Right up the hills, till you can't go any further. Turn around and run back down the hill, jumping right when you get to that hill's ledge. Helicopter to the Right after jumping and follow some tings to a pink ring. Swing on it, then jump to the next ring moving up and down. From that ring, jump on the cloud to the Left and bounce up high and to the Left, landing on the 2 disappearing clouds. Once on the upper most one, jump up and Right, then grab on the red ring and quickly jump off to the cloud on the Right. Jump up to get the 1UP, then fall hugging the wall on your Right. You'll land on a cloud that takes you down, and you'll then hear a "pling". Near the ground you should spot the cage on your Right, then just continue the path. The cage is in plain sight. 6. (stage 4) Just after the Photographer, you'll come to a big swinging spiky ball. Fall down the gap below it (it's a long fall), you'll land on a cloud, hear a "pling" and see the cage appear on the other side of the wall to the Right. Jump back up using the clouds and fall down the next gap. That's the area containing this last cage. Congratulations! You should now have all the cages in Blue Mountains! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ PICTURE CITY ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eraser Plains: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 1) Knock the yin-yang ball down at the beginning and use it to jump to the metal platform above. Follow the path to the Right till you see another yin-yang ball under the platform you're standing on. Hang on the edge of it since there are spikes below, and knock the yin-yang ball down. Use the helicopter to help you land on it, then jump to the little area to the Left containing some tings and a Golden Fist. When you get the cluster of tings, you'll hear a "pling". Back track now, to the metal platform you jumped on using the 1st yin-yang ball, and on the platform to the Left of it sits a cage. 2. (stage 1) When you get to the last pencil after the Photographer, jump up and to the Left to get a Golden Fist. You'll hear a "pling", and a metal platform has appeared to the far Right. Jump on that, then up and Left again to get a single ting. Then to the far Right and up a little, is a trail of tings. With a running start, jump and use the helicopter to follow them. You should hear a "pling", then go back to the platform you just jumped off of and a cage will be there. 3. (stage 2) After the 2nd group of moving pencils, hang down the 1st gap between the pink platform and the blue sparkly bouncy eraser. You'll hear a "pling" and a moving metal platform will have appeared in that next gap. If you miss it the 1st time, just stay there and wait for it to appear again. Ride it up and jump off to the Left. Swing on the ring to the Left and land on the tiny ledge. Another "pling" is heard and you'll see a cage fall down on the other side of the blue eraser wall. Fall down and it's there to your Left. 4. (stage 3) At the ledge with 1 regular yin-yang ball, and 1 spiky yin-yang ball bouncing directly on a Golden Fist (a platform with a Flying Blue Elf is below), hit just the spiky one down, and use the regular one to jump to the platform to the Left. Ride it carefully to the Left, avoiding the enemies that pop up behind you. It will stop by a Flying Blue Elf, so get shrunk by it then drop down and walk to the Right. Drop down the 1st narrow gap and walk all the way to the Left till you see a cage. 5. (stage 3) After getting shrunk by the Flying Blue Elf underneath the platform with the 2 bouncing yin-yang balls (1 regular and 1 spiky), proceed till you get resized by another Elf. Stand facing Left on the tiny purple eraser to the Left, and jump up to the blue sparkly eraser. Bounce on it till you hear a "pling" then jump to the moving metal platform to the far Right. Face Left while standing on it, and shoot the yin-yang ball down when there's an opening. Go back to the blue sparkly eraser and use the yin-yang ball to reach the cage up and to the Right. 6. (stage 3) When you're at the end of the level where you can't go any further without being shrunk, from that spot you hear a "pling". Turn around and walk Left till you're next to the group of pencils moving up and down. Face Right, then jump up and grab onto the pink ring. A Flying Blue Elf is to your Right, but don't get shrunk just yet. Instead, swing off the ring to the Left and land on top of the pencils. Get the tings up there, and after a "pling" is heard, continue Left and fall back down the gap where the 5 spiky yin-yang balls sit in a row. Walk Right, and you'll run right into the cage. Pencil Pentathlon: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 1) After crawling under alternating eraser-end pencils and what looks like long thumbtack spikes, don't swing on the pink ring but instead, fall down just where the oil covered platform ends. Being positioned there, hopefully you won't hit any of the spiky yin-yang balls on the way down. Falling on that Left side of the area will cause a "pling" to sound, and a cage to appear on the other side of the green dented pencil. Back track using the clouds that appear above to get up and out of the area, and head back to the disappearing clouds near the beginning where you'll find the cage after bouncing up some ink pens. 2. (stage 1) When you get to the blue sparkly erasers with a single yin-yang ball resting on top, stand on it and jump far to the Left (or use the bouncy erasers). Swing across the 3 pink rings, a "pling" is heard, and the cage sits on a platform in plain sight. 3. (stage 2) When you get to the "!"-exit sign, just before it you'll hear a "pling". Turn around and fall down. The cage is sitting on the blue sparkly erasers to the Left. 4. (stage 3) Right at the start of this stage you are forced to bounce up higher and higher on the blue sparkly erasers. Immediately at the beginning, before bouncing up, you'll see a cage to the Right. You can't get it just yet, so you'll have to skillfully make your way back to the bottom. Once at the bottom, you can either go Right, continuing the level, or go Left to get that cage. 5. (stage 3) You'll reach a section where there are 3 disappearing clouds hovering over a group of 4 thumbtack spikes sticking up from the ground. There's a gap, and another disappearing cloud hovering over a group of 3 spikes. Jump up and get the (P) health ball above that cloud and you'll hear a "pling". A metal platform moving up and down appears directly to your Left. Instead of jumping on it and following it up, fall down the gap and you'll land on another metal platform that will then take you to the Left. Let it take you all the way, and you'll hear another "pling". Don't jump off to the next platform but instead stay on it, riding it all the way back to the Right, and then some. You'll get to a point where you can see a tiny area above you where a cage sits, and you'll have to jump up through the narrow gap to get it. (**Note**: If you jump up and get the cage fast, you can continue without dying, otherwise you might lose a life.) Immediately after getting the cage jump on the metal platform that appeared in the gap and jump back off (straight up), helicopter-ing down and carefully landing on the other platform you rode to get to this point. It will be making it's way back to the Left and it's the one you need to take. The platform that appears in the gap can't be ridden, or you'll be pushed off. At least if you die, you'll have that cage though. 6. (stage 3) After getting cage #5, you'll either have successfully landed on the bottom most platform, or you may have died. (In the event that you died, just make your way back to the point where you drop down the gap between the two groups of thumbtack spikes, and this time ride the platform to the Left and jump to the next metal platform there.) Hoping you didn't die, you'll ride that platform all the way to the Left again. Jump on the metal platform just sitting there (the one you should've passed when getting cage #5). It will take you up, and you'll need to jump on the pencils to your Left. Continue going Left, jumping over large gaps between pencil groups. When you get to the group of pencils with a cloud above them, there will be a platform above it with this last cage resting on it. Carefully avoid the lighting bolts the big eyes shoot at you, and the cage is yours. Space Mama's Crater: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 1) After the Photographer, follow the path all the way to the Right till you come to some moving metal platforms. When on the 3rd one, jump to the 4th one on the Right, instead of the blue eraser platform to the Left. Continue on that upper path and after swinging on a pink ring, the cage is accessible. 2. (stage 1) Stand on top of the yin-yang ball you use to reach the "!"-exit sign at the end of this stage. Face Right, jump straight up and you should hear a "pling" which in turn causes some moving pencils to appear. Follow them up and then jump far Left to reach the big (P) health ball sitting high up on a small platform. After another "pling" is heard, fall down and to the Right of where the yin-yang sits is the cage. 3. (stage 2) Near the beginning when you get to the 2 metal platforms that sit next to single spiky yin-yang balls, and when landed on they move up and down, stand on the 2nd one facing Left. When it's moved up, jump up high and to the Left to reach a pink ring. Swing on 2 rings and they'll lead you right to a cage. 4. (stage 2) After the Photographer, fall down when the 2nd cloud disappears as well as the one underneath it. Follow the path down there till you reach the yin-yang ball suspended in mid-air, and a frying pan guy comes after you. Jump on the yin-yang ball and the one above it as well. Then jump straight up high, and you should hear a "pling". Back track to the disappearing clouds just after the Photographer and just continue the normal path to the Right. You'll find the cage under a group of tings arranged in an arrow pointing down. 5. (stage 3) After the 3rd Photographer, ride the 1st metal platform till you hear a "pling" and notice an arrow of tings pointing to the Left. Stay on that platform so you can ride it back to the one the Photographer is on. Swing Right on the pink ring above the Photographer and jump over the thumbtack spikes, landing on a cloud. Bounce high on it and another "pling" will sound. A metal platform has appeared to the Left, but don't get on it just yet. Instead, jump on another cloud to the Right. Continue up to get the cluster of tings to the Left, making a cage appear on the other side of the pencil wall. Now go back to the moving metal platform you skipped before getting the tings. Follow the path and get the cage. 6. (stage 3) On the Right side of the "!"-exit sign there's a tiny pink and blue ledge with an incline. Jump on it and make sure you hear a "pling". Back track riding the last metal platform to a new one that has appeared above. Follow the path and swing on a pink ring till another "pling" is heard, then jump up and swing on another ring above. You should then see the cage. Congratulations! You should now have all the cages in Picture City! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ THE CAVES OF SKOPS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crystal Palace: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 1) Right at the start of the level, swing on the 1st pink ring and grab the 2nd one. Instead of continuing, let yourself swing back to the Left and jump up high, getting the tings way up above that 1st ring. You should hear a "pling", then go back to where you started. Walk to the Right, off the ledge, then to the Left, breaking the 3 big boulders in the way. Ride up the moving spiky platform to the top, you'll hear another "pling", and let it take you back down. Make your way to the point where you started the level and a cage will be there waiting. 2. (stage 1) While swinging on the pink rings you come to a cloud. Stand on it and jump up. You'll grab onto a ledge to the Right, and this ledge will be where the cage will appear. You should see the Photographer on the other side of the wall to the Right, which is where you need to get to. Swing over the small spiky ball, grab the next ring, and when you get to a moving ring, don't get on it but instead swing back to the Left and up to grab a higher ring that will lead you to the platform with the Photographer. That's where the "pling" will sound, and the cage will have appeared on that platform mentioned earlier. 3. (stage 1) When you get to the 4 pink rings stacked on top of each other, and a few tings next to them, swing on the 3rd one to the Left. You'll need to jump between the small spiky balls to get that ting to the Left, and once gotten, you should hear a "pling" and a spiky platform will appear a bit more to the left, with a cage resting on top of it. 4. (stage 2) The 2nd platform that raises you up runs you into a group of tings arranged into an arrow pointing up. Once near the top, jump over the spikes on the platform to the Right, aiming for the Golden Fist. You'll hear a "pling", a cloud will appear underneath you as well as a cage on the spiky platform you just jumped over. Jump quick on that cloud since it's a disappearing one, and the cage is yours. 5. (stage 2) When you get to the platforms with one ting each on them that will fall once you jump on them, take note. The 4th platform doesn't have a ting resting on it, and when you jump on it, fall down while hugging the Left wall. You'll land on a very tiny platform, and just walk to the Right to make it to the one below. Follow the path and you'll soon find a cage. 6. (stage 2) After passing the big swinging spiky ball, jump up and punch those Antitoons on that small platform way up high and to the Right. Once it's cleared off, jump up and follow the platforms. You'll notice some with a small spiky ball circling them, and you'll have to time it right. On the last (3rd) one, you'll see a (P) health ball to the Left. Jump up and get it falling to the Left. you'll think you're jumping into nowhere, but you'll land on a platform if you helicopter down. Make sure you walk and jump off, instead of running and jumping off, as it will make you land that platform easier. Anyway, continue on the platforms leading you to the Left, and a moving cloud will appear. Ride that till you hear a "pling", stay on it so it takes you back to where you got on it. Another moving cloud will have appeared higher up, and you'll ride this one farther, ducking when you come to a spiky platform. Once at the end of where it takes you, fall down, and you'll get that last cage. Eat at Joe's: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 1) When you go up 4 clouds that are arranged like stair steps going to the Right, leading to a small pink platform, stand on the 4th cloud and face Left. Jump up high and grab onto the ledge (look with the Firefly ahead of time to see where you're going). Crawl right away under the spikes and watch for a point where they aren't above you anymore. Stand up at this point and jump straight up. A "pling" is heard, and if you crawl back to the Right, you'll see the cage. 2. (stage 2) When you get to 3 moving small blue spiky balls (2 up and 2 down), there's a single ting amongst them that when gotten, a "pling" is heard. Go back to the Right and a spiky platform will have appeared. Follow the path, swinging on pink rings to the Left, then back to the Right, and jump to the platform that holds the cage. 3. (stage 2) There's a Photographer above the big (P) health ball that when gotten makes a cloud and some bouncing rocks appear. Make your way to the Photographer then jump up on the small ledge to the Right. Look up and Left for a pink ring. Upon following that path, you come to a long row of clouds with some spiky balls above them. Under the clouds is a platform, and when walking all the way to the Left on it, you run into a cage. 4. (stage 2) After going down where the skinny blue crushing rock and big spiky blue ball are, you walk Left. At the edge of the platform, you can see scattered tings. From the edge, jump high up and helicopter Left till you see a pink ring. Swing on it and you'll hear a "pling". Swing back to the platform before the scattered tings and a cage is sitting there. 5. (stage 3) After riding one of the green discs with eyeballs along the cables to the Right in which you have to duck for a long period of time to avoid spikes, you'll jump up on another one. Immediately after doing so you'll see a tiny ledge with 2 tings on it to the Left. Getting them will make a cage appear to the Right, floating on a cloud. 6. (stage 4) There's a big (P) health ball sitting on 5 golden spiky platforms lined up right next to each other. If you stand on the last one to the far Right, a "pling" is heard, causing a cage to appear behind you. Turn around to the Left and it's on those platforms. Mr. Skops' Stalactites: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. (stage 1) At the start you're facing Right. Turn around and walk Left, down the small hill. Once on the ground, walk Right and listen for a "pling" while clouds appear farther Right. Follow them over to a cage, carefully though since they're all disappearing ones. 2. (stage 1) This cage is along the main path in plain sight near the Photographer. Nice for a change isn't it...?! 3. (stage 1) After getting cage #2, jump to the platform to get the big (P) health ball. You should hear a "pling", then go down back to the Left onto the platform with the Photographer. Stand on the Left edge and you'll see a pink ring. Swing on a few to get to the next cage. 4. (stage 1) After continuing along the platforms near the Photographer you swing Right on 2 pink rings and land on a stalactite platform that falls when you land on it. Tings are to the Right, but fall down with the platform and you'll see the cage to the Right. There's a cloud down below, but be careful of the spikes near the cage. 5. (stage 1) After you follow a row of tings down and to the Right, above a hill of spikes, get on the teeny-tiny platform close to the water, right below a pink ring. When standing there a "pling" will sound, and a cage will appear to the Left. 6. (stage 1) When on the last golden spiky platform moving up and down that takes you right to the "!"-exit sign, turn around and to the Left you'll notice a sparkle further Left. When the platform is in it's highest position jump off and touch the sparkle. A "pling" causes a cloud to appear under you but try to jump off it as quickly as possible since it disappears. Stand next to the "!"-exit sign on the Left side, and face Left. Look up, and swing on that pink ring to make another "pling" sound, and a cage appears on the other side of the sign. Congratulations!!! You should now have all the cages in The Caves of Skops, therefore making your search for all the 102 Electoon Cages, 100% complete! YEAH!!! Doesn't that feel great? Well it should, because now you can proceed to Candy Chateau and defeat the terrible Mr. Dark! Oh, and good luck! ^_~ I hope this Electoon Cage Location Guide has served it's purpose - to help those who can't seem to find the well hidden cages! Please let me know if you need further help on any of the locations, of if you've found a mistake so that I can give you the additional help you need, or correct the mistake(s) as quickly as possible! Feel free to email me, or stop by the Rayman Advance message board on GameFAQs.com since I'm regularly there. Thanks to all at the Rayman Advance message board here at GameFAQs for the help, support and encouragement. A special thanks goes out to MzXr468 and Dr Evil for their help on one cage location each. They were a couple cages I just couldn't find and without their help, I don't know if I would have any hair left! So, thanks guys... ^_~ ...! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rayman Advance Guide © 2001 "dolphingirl/Sarah" All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part of this guide, without written permission of "dolphingirl/Sarah" is prohibited. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~