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C0hS#j KMSPShEEf *************************************************************************** River City Ransom EX - FAQ/Walkthrough. Written By: Kain Stryder. E-Mail Address: ssj4kain@aol.com. Walkthrough Version: Final. Last Updated: 9/7/08. System(s): NES And Gameboy Advance. *************************************************************************** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Table Of Contents = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | [ I. Introduction ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] | | | | [ II. Current Updates ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]| | | | [ III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) ] . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] | | | | [ IV. How To Play ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTP4 ] | | A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAM4.1 ]| | B. Battle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BASYS4.2 ]| | C. Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WEAP4.3 ] | | D. Reputation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ REPUT4.4 ] | | | | [ V. The Characters Of The Story ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TPCOT5 ] | | A. Alex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ALE5.1 ] | | B. Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RYA5.2 ] | | C. Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GAR5.3 ] | | D. Conan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CONA5.4 ] | | E. Roxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ROX5.5 ] | | F. Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RIC5.6 ] | | G. Titus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TITU5.7 ] | | H. Shel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHEL5.8 ]| | I. Abby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ABB5.9 ] | | J. Jinny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ JINN5.10 ]| | K. Ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TED5.11 ] | | L. Cyndi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CYND5.12 ]| | | | [ VI. The Walkthrough ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWA6 ]| | | | [ VII. Gang List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GANLI7 ] | | A. Generic Dudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GENDU7.1 ]| | B. Frat Boys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FRBO7.2 ] | | C. Dragons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DRAG7.3 ] | | D. Jocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ JOCK7.4 ] | | E. Rockers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ROCKE7.5 ]| | F. Rejects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ REJEC7.6 ]| | G. Home Boys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOMBO7.7 ]| | H. Eagles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ EAGL7.8 ]| | I. Mob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOB7.9 ]| | J. Locals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ LOCA7.10 ] | | K. Internationals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTERNA7.11 ]| | L. Cowboys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COWBO7.12 ] | | M. Plague . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PLAG7.13 ] | | N. Gamers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GAME7.14 ] | | O. Entrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENTRE7.15 ] | | | | [ VIII. Technique List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TECLI8 ] | | | | [ IX. Shop List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHOITL9 ] | | A. Grotto Mall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GROTMA9.1 ]| | B. Waterfront Mall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WATMA9.2 ] | | C. Armstrong Thru-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARMTH9.3 ]| | D. Flatirons Mall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FLAMA9.4 ]| | E. Oak Hill Mall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ OAHIMA9.5 ]| | | | [ X. Secrets ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECR10 ] | | | | [ XI. Credits ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CREDI11 ] | | | | [ XII. My Words ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWOR12 ] | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Table Of Contents = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE: I've added a Search Engine into all my FAQs now. To use this, if there's something you wish to find instantly in my FAQ, in the above table, on the left is the name of a section or sub-section. To the right is a weird code, like GOK5.1. Basically, if you wish to go to the section where I tell you about Goku under The Playable Characters Of The Story, on your Keyboard, hold Ctrl and then hit F and a window will open. Type in GOK5.1 and hit Find Next. It'll bring you to that section instantly. The code to reach the Table Of Contents is just that: Table Of Contents. I hope this makes browsing my FAQs easier for you. Enjoy! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hi there and welcome to another one of Kain Stryder's Walkthroughs! I'm back once again and I'm covering River City Ransom EX this time, a upgrade to the classic NES game that was a underground smash hit. With graphical upgrades and new gameplay that allows you to recruit former enemies and even allies, all willing to lend you their services if you can locate them, River City Ransom EX is the ultimate school gang game. Hell, where else can you eat a burger and get stronger from it? Heh heh. Anyway, as usual, I ask that you please respect my work here and not copy it in any way and claim it as your own work. It's not supposed to be changed in any way, shape or form, without my consent, although feel free to do what you will with it for personal use. So, just don't use it for a profit, personal gain, etc, as that's all I'm asking, in return for you using this guide to help you. With that, thanks for listening and now, onto the actual Walkthrough! Update: This Walkthrough is now available at GameFAQs, Neoseeker and any other sites I've allowed via E-Mail to host this file. If I did not give you permission to host this FAQ on your site, then you're hosting it illegally and if you're reading this on a site with any variatin of "cheat" in its name, please notify me so I may take the necessary action. Thanks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = II. Current Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9/7/08 - Made a correction on the money Gamers are worth as well as the information on Hemlock and Cough Meds, courtesy of Litbit. Other than that, nothing else has been added or changed. 5/14/07 - Just writing in to let any readers know if they E-Mail me any questions or comments, that my address still works. My willpower to write walkthroughs over the last few years died, mostly to college and real life, but I may just start this up again. Feel free to write in, thanks. 6/22/04 - I've completed everything there is in the game and documented it to assist you. Along with that, I've labeled this Walkthrough as the final version, so, if I ever need to update this guide again, I'll do so, for whatever reason, but until that time, there's nothing left to really add and anything you need to know should be here. Well, until I next update, enjoy the Walkthrough and I hope it helps you! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Q. What are the differences in this version from the NES version? A. As far as I'm aware, just some name changes to things, especially enemies and all. Graphics are of course upgraded, there's the Save feature for the battery pack instead of the Password that was used for the NES and there's a option to recruit gang members to help you as you play. Not sure if there's anything else that's different, but if there is, I'm sure a few helpful people will let me know! Q. How long is the game? A. Not very long at all. The game is childishly easy and can be beaten in only a couple hours, even 30 minutes to an hour if you know what you're doing. If you decide to take your time, increase your stats, get new attacks and everything, it'll increase the gameplay, but you only need to get a little stronger and get one good Technique to really slaughter every person in the game with little ease. If you want a challenge, don't increase your stats that much, don't get any insanely good Techniques and have no gang members helping you, including Ryan. Max out the number of gang people on the screen and you'll be in for a challenge. Q. Is there any Easter Eggs in the game? A. Tons. I've noticed alot of the gang members in the game are all named after pop culture people, ranging from popular music singers, famous actors and even comic artists. Hell, Onizuka from the manga series Shounen Jun'ai Gumi and Great Teacher Onizuka is a Boss in this. (Named Otis, though. Japanese Version of the game had him as Onizuka.) Would've been cool if a attack he used was called Onibaku, heh heh. (I could be wrong, he may not be based off Onizuka, but with all the stuff in this game, I wouldn't be surprised.) I'm not real sure what else there is, though, except the massive amount of names, as well as some of the dialogue. Again, hopefully some people will inform me if I'm missing anything. Q. Are there any major changes from the Japanese Version over ours? A. If you're thinking blood or something on those lines, no. The only changes are virtually the names of characters. They virtually removed the Japanese names of people and replaced them with English names. For ' example, Alex is actually called Kunio, which is a popular series of games in Japan under the Kunio-kun title, under the NES and SNES genre. From sports (Super Dodgeball for the GBA and NES features Kunio.) to even more Beat 'Em Up games, Kunio is one bad dude. Though, other than name changes, I haven't seen anything changed. Q. Will a sequel be made? A. I won't ruin the game for you if you haven't played it, but obviously if you beat the game, you'll be asking this, as does anyone after beating a great game. From the looks of it, yes, they will, but I don't recall River City Ransom having a sequel, unless they go for porting another one of the Kunio-kun games to the GBA that continues the street fighting action. Although, they could just make a new one...who knows. We'll have to wait and see, I guess. Q. Is there a way to get Slick and the other gang bosses onto my team that I can't normally get? A. Yup. At Merlin's Mystery, there's a Item called the Custom Char. Item. Buy this and when used, you'll have a list of all the playable characters in the game. Select them and then Save them to a File and bam, choose them when you play and they're yours. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = IV. How To Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTP4 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAM4.1 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, let's start with learning the controls, shall we? D-Pad - Allows you to move your character around the screen. Also used to perform certain Techniques and to browse Menus. Select - Switches command displays on the Technique screen. Start - Pauses the game and brings up the Menu. B Button - Used to Kick your opponent. When you have a Weapon, use this to throw it. Also used in conjunction to perform many Techniques and moves. Also used to cancel an option in the Menus. A Button - Used to punch your opponent. When you have a Weapon, use this to attack with it. Also used in conjunction to perform many Techniques and moves. Also used to confirm an option in the Menus. L Button - Use it to move your cursor to the start of the list or to browse pages. R Button - Use it to move your cursor to the end of the list or to browse pages. Alright, there's the controls for the game. Next up, let's take a look at the various Menus in the game, starting with the one on the start up screen: Story - Select this to see the following: Alex+Ryan - Hit "Change" to edit this to either Alex+Ryan, Alex, Ryan or Ryan+Alex. Depending on your choice, you'll play as either Alex or Ryan alone or you'll have the computer controlling the other teammate. Ally - Choose how many of your friends are allowed in your gang and on screen at the same time. Minimum is 2, maximum is 4. Enemy - Choose how many enemies are on the screen at once. Choose from a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 4. Level - Means difficulty. Choose from Wussy, Easy, Normal, Hard and Crazy for the difficulty of the game. Attack - Decide how your friends will fight. Choose from doing nothing, to using Weapons or doing both. Text - Choose how fast the text in the game is displayed. Choose from Crawling, Slow, Normal, Fast and Very Fast. OK - Select this to confirm everything and to start the game. Change - Select this to change one of the options of the game. Brightness - Choose this to get the following: Brightness - Editing this changes the brightness of everything in the game. Select from Lighter, Light, Normal, Dark and Darker. Objects - Editing this changes the brightness of objects, such as characters and Weapons. Select from Lighter, Light, Normal, Dark and Darker. Background - Editing this changes the background's brightness, such as buildings and such. Select from Lighter, Light, Normal, Dark and Darker. Default - Put the brightness of everything back to how it originally is. Cancel - Go back to the Main Menu. File - Allows you to load a Saved File in the game. Also allows you to load up a Custom Char. if you happened to have saved one and have gotten the Custom Char. Item at Merlin's Mystery. Status - View the Stats of a character. Alright, after Story, we have: Manage Data - When selected, you'll see the following: OK - Select this to exit the Manage Data Menu. Status - Select this to view the Stats of the character you have Saved on File. Delete - Select this to delete a character from one of your Files. Trade - If you and a friend each have a GBA and a River City Ransom EX game with a GBA Link Cable, you can trade each other Saved Files from your game. Ok, now that that's out of the way, next, we have the Menu in the game that you use as you play. To view it, hit the Start Button. Here's a run down on what you'll see: Item - Shows you a list of all the Items you're currently holding. Use - To use a Item, select this. Discard - To discard a Item, select this. Status - Shows you your character's current Stats: Name - Shows your characters name with his portrait. Punch - Determines how strong your Punches are. Kick - Determines how strong your Kicks are. Weapon - Determines how strong your attacks with a Weapon are. Defense - Determines how well you can block attacks. Toughness - Determines how well you can sustain attacks if hit. Strength - Determines how strong your overall attacks are. Agility - Determines how fast you run. Jump - Determines how high and far you can Jump. Will Power - Determines how high your Will Power is. Stamina - Determines how high your current and maximum Stamina is. Name - Allows you to rename your character. Also used to enter in name passwords. See Section X. Secrets for more on that. Strategy - Allows you to change how your friends fight: Action - Decides how the character acts in battle. Choose from Alone, Random, Joint, Wait or Random. Target - Decides who the character goes after in a fight. Choose from Apart, Close, Same, Backup or Random. Range - Decides how close the character fights in a battle. Choose from Far, Middle, Close, Varied or Random. Attack - Choose how much a character fights in a battle. Select from Mean, Timid, Rash, Annoy or Random. Weapon - Choose how a character fights with a Weapon. Select from Not Use, Ideal, Use, Throw or Random. Behave - Choose a character's behavior in a fight. Choose from Good, Mature, So-So, Bad or Random. OK - Select this to confirm and exit the Strategy Menu. Change - Select this change the options around. Random - Choose this to have your options randomized for each character. Cancel - Exit the Strategy Menu. File - Allows you to Save your game or Delete Files. OK - Confirm and exit the File Menu. Save - Select this to Save your current game. Delete - Select this to delete a File. Load - Select this to load a Saved File. Loading a character into the game does not restart the game you're currently playing, so have fun loading in new people to try certain things out if you wish or to just change around who you're playing as if you get bored. Technique - Allows you to view your current Techniques and to toggle them on or off. OK - Select this to confirm and exit the Technique Menu. Use - Select this to see how to use a Technique and to determine if you want the Technique on or off. A heart next to the Technique means the Technique is on, a Technique without a heart means it's off. Discard - Select this to get rid of a Technique. Log - Shows you how often you do certain actions in the game. They are: R: Close, R: Normal, R: Far, Punch, Kick, Jump, Run, Special, Weapon, Weapon Throw, Accur and Foul Play, all each with .000 next to them and they will increase over time, whenever you use one of them. OK - Exit out of the Log Menu. Stop - Stop having the Log record your data. Start - Start having the Log record your data. Reset - Select this to have your Log reset back to .000 for all. Cancel - Exit out of the Log Menu. Options - Allows you to change random stats while playing the game to benefit you and make the game easier: Speed, Weapon Throw, Attack Balance, Weapon Balance, Defense Balance, Damage, Gravity and Techniques can all be increased from -2 to +2 to give you an edge in fighting or to give yourself penalties. Obstacles - Change how much stuff appears on the screen. Select from None, Weapons, People or All. Restock - Choose how often Shops change their Items available to you. Select from Every, Often, Normal, Rare or Never. Enemies - Select from how many Enemies will appear total per each screen. Select from either 10 or 20. OK - Select this to confirm your options and exit the Options Menu. Change - Select this to change the options. Default - Select this to have everything go back to how it normally is. Cancel - Select this to exit the Options Menu. Mode - Select this to see the same options you saw at the Start Menu. Whew, ok, that's all cleared now. Next up, let's check out the screen you'll see while playing the game itself. First, we'll start with the upper left hand part of the screen and move clockwise: Name - Shows your character's current name. Stamina - The top bar represents how much Stamina you currently have. Blue is Best with 100% power, Green is Good with 75% power, Yellow is Fair with 50% power and Red is Bad with 25% power. Will Power - Determines how long you can fight after your Stamina is gone. When your Stamina is gone, you'll rely on Will Power to keep your going. Blue is Best with 100% power, Green is Good with 75% power, Yellow is Fair with 50% power and Red is Bad with 25% power. Money - Shows you how much money you currently have on you. Screen - Everything goes on here. Your current character, your friends, gang members, everything appears here. Here's what you'll see: Character - The person you control at all times. Move him around and fight as him. Ally - People who are with you. They will assist you while fighting. Gang Members - Your enemy. Engage them in battle once they appear. Weapons - Everyday ordinary objects laying around. Pick them up before your enemies do and have a ball with them. Coins - Money dropped by fallen enemies. Collect it so you can buy Items with it. NPCs - People walking around at Malls. They do nothing. Damage - When you or an enemy is hit, you'll see a number appear overhead. This shows you how much damage you or the enemy has taken. Each person, including you, can only take so much damage before you are beaten. So if a person has, say 20 Stamina and you hit them for 5, then they will now have 15 Stamina. Once it hits 0, they are dead. Same goes for you and your friends. Text - Shows you what's being said at the moment. For the most part, you'll see random jibber jabber from the gang members, but it's also used when important story points are in effect. Alright, there you go. Finally, let's examine the Shop Menus: When you enter a shop, you'll see the name of the shop in the lower left hand corner, with a list of the available Items to the right and their price. For a complete list of what each Item does when bought, check out Section IX. Shop List for more. When you wish to purchase something, highlight it and then select "OK". OK - Allows you to purchase an Item. Cancel - Allows you to leave the Shop. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Battle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BASYS4.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Battle System in River City Ransom is quite simple to grasp and figure out within a few minutes at most. First, let's look at the basic fighting of the game. Your basic way of fighting consists of punching and Kicking your way through the various gang members. When you attack an opponent, you'll notice a number appear over their head. That means how much damage you've delt to them. Each opponent has a certain amount of Hit Points they have until they are defeated. So, if a person has, say, 30 Hit Points or Stamina as it's called here, once you deal 30 damage to them, they will be defeated. To increase your attack power, by eating certain foods or using certain Items, you can raise your stats and become stronger. Over time, you'll eventually be able to dispose of most gang members with a single blow! Next up, Weapons. As you go from area to area in the game, you'll see various objects on the ground that you can pick up. When you do, you'll be able to use the object you acquired. This object will stay with you until an opponent hits you, you throw it or you die. By using Weapons, you can use them to your advantage to get an edge on your opponents in terms of reach for your attacks, power, etc. Each Weapon is good for something, some are better used and some are simply better if you just pick them up and throw them. Either way, use Weapons to your advantage, but to increase their power, make sure you increase your Weapon Stat. Then we have Techniques. Each character in the game, except your basic street gang member, has at least one Technique that they use. By using a Technique, you can easily get the edge on any opponent and deal massive amounts of damage. With the right Techniques under your belt, you can become unstoppable, althrough some Techniques may and will make the game MUCH too easy for you, but it's your call. You can acquire Techniques by buying them at the Read All About It store, but each one is costly and you may end up dropping some serious cash on something that's not that great, so be careful. Next, we have the people who help you. As you progress through the game, people may offer to join you, which is good, because it's a extra hand that's helping you take down the enemy. Each ally has their own ups and downs and the further in the game you go, the better the people who join you are. Each have their own Techniques and Stats, so choose wisely who you want to recruit. Some are easy to get, others, well, you'll have to have high Reputation, which you can acquire by running yourself into a wall over and over again, in order for them to join you. Some other odds and ends are money. When you defeat an opponent, you'll see a bouncing coin appear. Grab this to obtain some money that you can use to buy various things with at Malls throughout River City. A nice tip, though, is if you're fighting a rather hard gang or if you just want to do this for whatever reason, you can make sure a new enemy doesn't appear by not picking up the money. You'll notice that when each person dies, their replacement doesn't appear until the money is collected or disappears. Speaking of enemies, you can change how many of them are on the screen at once, which helps you in deciding what type of challenge you want in the game, as well as friends helping you. Finally, be sure to keep your Stamina high at all times while fighting and never let it fall into the red, as things will start to get bad. Master the fighting system early on, inputing Techniques correctly, figuring out what attacks for best for you and on the enemy and you'll be taking down Slick in no time at all. Other than that, not much else I can explain to you about the Battle System, so just go out, test it yourself and have fun with it! Note: For your convienence, here's a basic move list incase you need it: Move - D-Pad. Punch - A Button. Press and hold it to charge your attack up, then release to deal more damage. Kick - B Button. Press and hold it to charge your attack up, then release to deal more damage. Jump - Press the A and B Buttons at the same time to jump. Run - Tap the Left or Right Buttons twice to begin running. Running Jump - While running, perform a Jump to go extra high into the air. Jump Attack - While jumping, hit the A or B Button. Dash Attack - While running, hit the A or B Button. Running Jump Attack - While running, Jump and hit the A or B Button. Defend - When being attacked, hit the A or B Button to have a chance to Defend yourself. Rear Attack - While an enemy is behind you, attack to perform this. Jump On Enemy - While Jumping, try to land on an enemy. Lift Enemy - When a enemy is on the ground, hit the B Button near them to pick them up. Strike With Enemy - When holding an enemy, hit the A Button to attack with them. Throw Enemy - When holding an enemy, hit the B Button to throw them away. Leg Grab - When a enemy is on the ground, hit the A Button to pick them up by the legs. Enemy Swing - When holding an enemy, hit the A Button to spin around with them to attack with. Swing Throw - When holding an enemy by the legs, hit the B Button to throw them away. Pick Up Weapon - Press the A or B Buttons near a Weapon to pick it up. Strike With Weapon - Press the A Button to attack with the Weapon you're holding. Throw Weapon - Press the B Button while you're holding a Weapon. Attack With Objects - While an object is on the ground, attack it with the A or B Button to send it across the screen to hit an opponent. Stand On Objects - Jump onto an object to stand on it. Attack From Objects - While standing on a object, attack with the A or B Buttons. Defend Against Weapons - When a Weapon is thrown at you, block it by attacking with your Weapon. Wear An Object - If a Object is thrown on you, to get it off, run into something. Triangle Attack - Run at a wall and jump at it and attack to bounce off it, then attack while you're bouncing off it. Uppercut - While jumping, quickly hit the A Button. Double Kick - While jumping, quickly hit the B Button. Play Dead - When you're knocked on the ground, press the Down Button to remain on the ground. God Fist - (Yes, you actually have this move at the start, even if the game doesn't truly document it.) Press the A Button, then hit the B Button. Dragon Knee - (Yes, you actually have this move at the start, even if the game doesn't truly document it.) Press the B Button, then hit the A Button. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WEAP4.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throughout the game, you'll encounter a wide variety of Weapons that you and your opponents can use. Here's a rundown on each of them: Note: To make using Weapons better, be sure to get the Grand Slam Technique. Weapon Name: Box. Description: Basically like the Crate in every way. Weapon Name: Bucket. Description: A regular old Bucket that can be used for a Weapon or thrown onto a opponent's head. Weapon Name: Brass Knuckles. Description: A strong but slow Weapon, this is a prime choice to use, but you may not want to use it for long. Weapon Name: Chain. Description: A regular Chain that's used like a Whip. Very useful and fun to use, especially those of you liking Castlevania. Weapon Name: Cone. Description: A regular Cone used in constuction. Poor reach, so don't bother with it unless your feel like it. Weapon Name: Crate. Description: A regular Crate that's just laying around. Pretty strong, but there's better Weapons to use than this. Weapon Name: Ladder. Description: Probably the best Weapon to use in terms of length, this thing is long, but slow. Use it to take out a crowd of gang members fast. Weapon Name: Long Chain. Description: Just like the Chain, except it's much longer. Castlevania folks will love this one even better, heh heh. Weapon Name: Pipe. Description: A regular Pipe that's been turned into a Weapon. Slightly better than the Wooden Sword, it's still pretty good to carry around if you need a Weapon. Weapon Name: Pole. Description: A regular Pole used for...something. Anyway, it's a rather good Weapon with decent attack power. Weapon Name: Rock. Description: A regular Rock that has fair attack power, but it's better to just throw it Weapon Name: Tire. Description: A regular Tire that's pretty strong and when thrown, rolls on the ground and can even be ridden on. Weapon Name: Trash Can. Description: One of the best Weapons to use, even if it is slow. These things can also be used to trap opponents in if you throw them at them and they land on their head. Weapon Name: Wooden Sword. Description: A Sword that's used in training. In River City Ransom EX, it's a basic Weapon most gangs use and it has a ok reach, but don't rely on it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = D. Reputation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ REPUT4.4 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Throughout the game, you'll have a hidden count of Reputation. What this does is determine if certain Bosses will join you or not. Depending on your actions in the game, your count will rise and fall. Here's a list of things to do to raise your Reputation and what to do to lower it: Note: The highest your Reputation can go is 127, but since the game doesn't document this for you, you'll have to keep track of this yourself. Raising Reputation: - Defeat an entire gang while being honorable (No hitting when they're down, use various Techniques, etc.) and you'll gain some Reputation. - Running into a wall increases your Reputation by 1. - Recruiting an ally increases your Reputation by 16. - Dying will increase your Reputation by 4. - Locating secret characters increases your Reputation a little. - Defeating a Boss increases your Reputation by 4. - While on the ground, hold the Down Button to let an enemy hit you and your Reputation will increase a little. Lowering Reputation: - Attacking a Boss before they finish talking decreases your Reputation by 16. - Attacking an ally with a Weapon decreases your Reputation a little. - Hitting an enemy while they're down decreases your Reputation a little. - Using the same Technique over and over descreases your Reputation a little. - Having an ally die decreases your Reputation a little. - Defeating Bosses over 5 times will start to lower your Reputation a little. On a side note, to trigger certain events in the game, such as meeting certain characters, you'll need the following: - For Jinny, you need at most 120 Reputation for her to appear and you need to beat up Benny & Clyde at most 5 times. - For Roxy, to meet her at River City High, you have to have at most 110 Reputation when you first meet her after Grotto Mall at the start of the game. - For Titus, Thor has to be in your group and your Reputation has to be about equal to what it was when Thor joined you for him to appear. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = V. The Characters Of The Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TPCOT5 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: For Alex and Ryan, if either are in your gang, their stats are MUCH higher than what's listed. Also, to play as someone other than Alex or Ryan, you need to beat the game at least once and go to Merlin's Mystery and get the Custom Char. Item. This allows you to Save ANY character in the game and use them for your own, including others you couldn't get, including Slick himself! Finally, to see how to get every character on your side, follow Section VI. The Walkthrough, since you can't keep them and have to recruit them each and every time you play the game. (Unless you use the Custom Char. Item.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Alex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ALE5.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main character of the story, although it's mainly about Ryan. Either way, the best friend of Ryan, he's helping him get his girlfriend back and to make sure River City High, his school, is freed from Slick. Alex's Starting Stats: Punch: 16. Kick: 16. Weapon: 16. Defense: 16. Toughness: 16. Strength: 16. Agility: 16. Jump: 16. Willpower: 64. Stamina: 64. Technique(s): Dragon Kick - Hit B Button. Money: $30.00. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RYA5.2 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The other main character of the story, who should be the main, but oh well. Ryan is out to get Slick for kidnapping his girlfriend and he has Alex, his best friend and rival helping him. With these two together, Slick doesn't have a chance...right? Ryan's Starting Stats: Punch: 16. Kick: 16. Weapon: 16. Defense: 16. Toughness: 16. Strength: 16. Agility: 16. Jump: 16. Willpower: 64. Stamina: 64. Technique(s): Mach Punch - Hit A Button. Money: $30.00. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GAR5.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A friend of Alex's who's willing to help him in his cause. Gary's Starting Stats: Punch: 49. Kick: 25. Weapon: 24. Defense: 18. Toughness: 30. Strength: 34. Agility: 34. Jump: 38. Willpower: 92. Stamina: 84. Technique(s): Bomb Blow - Press A Button, Hit B Button. Money: $5.10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Conan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CONA5.4 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The leader of the Generic Dudes who wishes to join Alex and Ryan in their cause, because he's sick of Slick pushing him and his gang around. Conan's Starting Stats: Punch: 16. Kick: 16. Weapon: 24. Defense: 24. Toughness: 33. Strength: 16. Agility: 24. Jump: 24. Willpower: 68. Stamina: 58. Techniques(s): Big Bang - Stunned + Up, Up Button. Money: $3.60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Roxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ROX5.5 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slick's Ex-Girlfriend, she's willingly helping Alex now, even flaunting herself at him. She pops up a few times in the game, but you really have to seek her out for her talks. Useful, but not a playable character. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RIC5.6 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A friend of Ryan's, like Gary, he's also willing to help him in his cause against Slick. Rick's Starting Stats: Punch: 36. Kick: 77. Weapon: 31. Defense: 40. Toughness: 64. Strength: 63. Agility: 20. Jump: 52. Willpower: 140. Stamina: 134. Technique(s): Flying Kick - Press B Button, Hit A Button. Money: $7.80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - G. Titus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TITU5.7 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A hidden person in the game who's a hassle to find and only talks to you, never joins you, but he does have stats... Titus's Starting Stats: Punch: 1. Kick: 1. Weapon: 1. Defense: 1. Toughness: 1. Strength: 1. Agility: 1. Jump: 1. Willpower: 2. Stamina: 2. Technique(s): None. Money: $1,010. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H. Shel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHEL5.8 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A girl helping Alex and Ryan in taking down Slick by rescuing people out of River City High. She's not a playable character. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I. Abby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ABB5.9 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A girl who was rescued by Shel, she's key to finding Titus later on. Not a playable character. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - J. Jinny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ JINN5.10 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another girl who stands up for the weak and helpless. Appearing to stop Alex/Ryan from beating up certain people, if she joins them, she'll later GREATLY assist them in their mission, but she isn't a playable character. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - K. Ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TED5.11 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A person willing to help Alex and Ryan in their mission to stop Slick. Ted's Starting Stats: Punch: 21. Kick: 21. Weapon: 12. Defense: 68. Toughness: 87. Strength: 93. Agility: 42. Jump: 64. Willpower: 132. Stamina: 172. Technique(s): Flip Throw - Press B Button. Javelin Man - Press B Button. Money: $8.40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - L. Cyndi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CYND5.12 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryan's Girlfriend, who's being held hostage at River City High and is the reason Alex and Ryan are after Slick. Waiting patiently for her boyfriend, can he stand up to Slick and win his girl back? Either way, she's not a playable character, obviously, heh heh. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VI. The Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWA6 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: Unlike how I normally do this section in my other Walkthroughs, I'm just going to do the entire thing here as one giant section, as the game is far too short to chop each area up into using A. The Beginning, B. Cross Town High, etc. Also, I won't really give a recommendation on how much to train in each area. As long as you take the time and get your stats up, mainly Defense, Toughness and Strength, you'll be ok. Stamina and Will Power are also very vital. Punch and Kick you'll want to focus on if you can, but the rest you really won't need to upgrade as much as the above ones I just listed. Techniques are optional and VERY costly, so, buy them at your own leisure. The reason I won't give my recommendation for each area in the game, in terms of what area of power you should be at, is because if I did that, the game would be easier than it already is and you'd fly through it and bam, there's $30 down the drain, huh? Finally, when you reach a Mall in the game, I suggest you check the data for each Mall in Section IX. Shop List to see what Items are available and what each does, so you get your money's worth and to figure out what gets you the best stats for whatever you wish. Tip: New gang members will not appear until you collect the money dropped from the defeated member. Use this to your advantage if need be. Need a Map of the game? Here's the NES version of the game's Map: http://www.classicgaming.com/kunio/images/rcr-map.jpg Thanks to Classic Gaming for hosting this, as it's theirs. Side Note: If you think you can just breeze past all the Bosses and such in the game and go straight to Slick, you can't. You have to follow this Walkthrough on every step I mention in order to even be able to enter River City High. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Beginning - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The story is this: Alex and Ryan are two High School rivals, but friendly ones, in the sense of fighting. One day, the Dragon Twins took over River City High, Alex's school, inclosing everyone in the school and no one got in or out. Holding the city in fear, no one could stop their power, as the number their gang total reached far out did a small army. Alex, a boy who fights for what's right, had been absent from school the day it was taken over, so he is safe. Though, he decides to stop the Dragon Twins and free everyone, but first, he'll need help from his long time rival first... Meanwhile, Ryan is done with his classes at Cross Town High and heads to his locker. Gettin ready to head home, he opens the locker to find a piece of paper from a boy named Slick, telling him he has his girlfriend and if he wants her back, he has to go to River City High. With the entire student body helping him and the Dragon Twins under his belt, things look really bad. Despite the odds, he rushes out of the school, only to bump into Alex... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Cross Town High - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: Gary. As you start the game, Ryan will relay what's going on to Alex. Afterwards, you'll be thrown into the game. Defeat the gang that's here and then head into the next area to the east. Note: To get Gary, make sure you kill all the gang members when you first start the game in Cross Town High. Then, head over to Sticksville - 3rd Street and kill the gang members there. Afterwards, head back to Cross Town High and at the entrance to the school, Gary will be there. You can ONLY get Gary IF you are playing as Alex. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sticksville - 3rd Street - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: Conan. Eh, more of the same that you just encountered. Have fun with the weapons here and try chucking the Trash Can onto people for a funny moment. When you're ready, head north into the first Mall of the game. Note: To get Conan, completely defeat the Generic Dudes three times and then head back to this area. Make sure the Generic Dudes are here and defeat them again and Conan will appear at the north exit. Take him along if you wish, as he AND the Generic Dudes will join you. He's not that strong, but if it's your first time playing, he'll help a little bit, even his gang members, who are INSANELY weak, so be careful. To "revive" them if they die, enter a new area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Grotto Mall - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stores In The Area: Latte Caffeine, Metro Bakery, Sushi Bar, Read All About It. Note: Stores are listed in order from when you enter the area to the end of the area. The first mall in the game offers quite alot to you, even though most things here will cost you an arm and a leg. Anyway, make sure to heal up at the Latte Caffeine and to get stronger, but use the Sushi Bar to get REALLY strong. If needed, go to the Metro Bakery for take out Healing Items and to learn new Techniques or increase some of your stats. I suggest you spend...eh, maybe an hour tops gaining money to buy things and to increase your stats. That's IF you want to be strong. Otherwise, 10-15 minutes should do. The best way to get money, though, is attempting to fight the Entrees over in Sticksville - Park Dr. to the east. They appear rarely there, but if you keep entering and exiting the screen, you'll increase the chances much faster. They drop $7.00 each, which is INSANE for the start of the game when you're barely making $1.00 off three people. Just be warned, they are cowards and WILL run away at the SLIGHTEST sign of fighting, so make sure you go in, fists a flying. When you're all ready and feel like you've done enough, head to the east into the next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sticksville - Park Dr. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: None. Nothing really here, ignore the entrance to the north that leads to Sherman Park, IF you aren't Ryan, otherwise, head east into the next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sherman Park - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: Rick. If you're playing as Ryan, when you enter, you may find Rick here. If not, keep exiting and entering until you do. Once you find him, let him join you, as like Gary, he's a great fighter for early on in the game. When you're done, exit Sherman Park and head east into the next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sticksville - 2nd Street - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: None. Be careful in this area, as it appears construction is going on to the road and the large pit you see can instantly kill you if you fall into it. It's handy to kill people with, but you don't get money and the gangs here shouldn't really require you to do this, so, just kill them and get the money. Make sure you kill everyone here, as afterwards, the first Boss appears. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Moose - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: Punch: 28. Kick: 24. Weapon: 25. Defense: 28. Toughness: 28. Strength: 25. Agility: 28. Jump: 28. Willpower: 76. Stamina: 56. Techniques: Shuriken Run. Reward: $4.20. Strategy: First, let Moose finish talking before you fight him, so that your Reputation isn't hurt. When he's done, get ready for your first challenge in the game. Moose is a rather good fighter and can easily take you down if you aren't careful and/or prepared enough. Moose's special attack, the Shurken Run is rather deadly, so, again, be careful of it. Over all, he's not someone that'll take you all day to beat, so don't worry about it. With gang members, it'll take even less time to beat him and your chances increase. After you beat him, you'll learn about Rocko, who's waiting for you in the WSL Warehouse. So, now, head north into the area Moose was blocking before. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Waterfront Mall - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stores In The Area: Read All About It, French Italia, Mao's Place, Metro Bakery, JCS Pharmacy. Note: Stores are listed in order from when you enter the area to the end of the area. Welcome to the next Mall in the game. Once again, use this time to get a bit stronger, restock up on Items you may need to take with you, buy some new Techniques, whatever. Again, an hour for those of you wanting insane power, 10-15 minutes for those of you wanting to refill your energy and get a tad stronger. When you're ready again, head east into the next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Capital Ave. Bridge - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: None. Nothing's here...for now, except a cutscene, involving Roxy, Slick's Ex-Girlfriend, who tells you how she's on your side now. After she tells you she'll see you later, head north into the next area, IF you want to fight two optional Bosses. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Riverside Park - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: None. As you enter this place, you'll encounter Benny and Clyde. Get ready to fight two on one, unless Ryan/Alex or some people are in your gang. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Benny & Clyde - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benny's Stats: Punch: 30. Kick: 26. Weapon: 30. Defense: 35. Toughness: 33. Strength: 27. Agility: 30. Jump: 35. Willpower: 38. Stamina: 70. Clyde's Stats: Punch: 28. Kick: 26. Weapon: 36. Defense: 38. Toughness: 33. Strength: 22. Agility: 30. Jump: 30. Willpower: 38. Stamina: 76. Techniques: Boomerang. Reward: $4.50 x2. Streategy: Let them talk first and finish before you fight, just like with Moose, then affterwards, go nuts on them. Both use Weapons to fight, which is what their special Technique relies on. Their Technique, Boomerang, is when they'll throw the Weapon at you, but then it comes back, like a Boomerang. Watch out for it, but the best way to win this is to hit them so they drop their Weapon and then go nuts on them. Without their Weapons, they'll fall quite fast, depending on your level of strength. Once they fall, they aren't done yet and you'll be meeting them later on now. After this, exit the area and back at Capital Ave. Bridge, head east into the next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Bike Trail - Entrance - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: None. Nothing really here. Just make your way east and head north into the next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - WSL Co. Warehouse - West - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: None. Watch out for the hole in the ground here, as it looks like they're doing work on this area as well. Your goal is to the east, which is the Warehouse. Once there, enter the door you see. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - WSL Warehouse - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: None. You have a rather large battlefield in this area to fight in, so have fun with it. Take out the gang here and afterwards, Rocko will appear. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Rocko - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: Punch: 68. Kick: 6. Weapon: 26. Defense: 21. Toughness: 5. Strength: 71. Agility: 6. Jump: 10. Willpower: 42. Stamina: 252. Techniques: Charge It. Reward: $5.40. Strategy: Like the others, let Rocko talk first, then let your fists do the talking. Rocko's rather strong, especially his Charge It which can definitely make you see some birdies if you're hit by it. Take your time with him, slam him with your best attacks, heal if you have to and he'll eventually give up. When he does, he'll tell you about Blade, who's waiting for you at Sherman Park. After this, go ahead and backtrack to Sticksville Park Dr. and head north into Sherman Park, when you're ready. You can increase your stats some more if you want, but it's your call of course. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sherman Park - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: Blade, Gary. (If not previously acquired.) As you enter this area, if you're playing as Alex only, Gary may appear here to help you. If not, Blade will be here, ready to challenge you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Blade - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: Punch: 44. Kick: 45. Weapon: 48. Defense: 38. Toughness: 51. Strength: 43. Agility: 45. Jump: 44. Willpower: 122. Stamina: 122. Techniques: Chain Chump. Reward: $7.20. Strategy: Again, let him talk, then fight him. Blade, one of the leaders of the Zombie's, is not too bad, but he can be, depending on your level of strength. Blade's special Technique is Chain Chump, which allows him to throw a Chain at you, wrapping it around you. Like having a Trash Can on your head, you can't attack until you are hit or run into a wall or something. Anyway, make sure you disarm him and then just beat the crap out of him, as like Benny & Clyde, without his Weapon, he's worthless. After he falls, he'll tell you about Thor over at the Vacant Tire Factory. After this, if your Reputation is high enough, Blade will offer to join you. Once this is done with, either if he's with you or not, head back to the WSL Warehouse where you fought Rocko and this time, exit through the door he was blocking to enter the next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - WSL Co. Warehouse - East - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: None. In this area, if you defeat all the gang members here, Moose will appear again for a rematch. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Moose - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: Punch: 28. Kick: 24. Weapon: 25. Defense: 28. Toughness: 28. Strength: 25. Agility: 28. Jump: 28. Willpower: 76. Stamina: 56. Techniques: Shuriken Run. Reward: $4.20. Strategy: Again, let him talk, then take him down. He's not any stronger than he was when you first encountered him, so take him down and marvel with how much stronger you've become. After the fight, head east into the next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Armstrong Thru-way - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stores In The Area: Merlin's Mystery. People To Recruit: None. Not much here, just head east into the next area after taking out the gang members here if you decide to. In the next part of this area, head east, killing gang members if you wish and to find a secret shop, hit the Up Button after the fourth light in the tunnel. This is THE shop for you, but it's VERY expensive. Just make sure you come back later when you are loaded with cash. Whenever you're ready, exit the store and head east into the next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - WSL Co. Entrance - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: Jesse, Turk. Just take out all the gang members here, then Turk, another Zombie, will appear. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Turk - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: Punch: 64. Kick: 34. Weapon: 17. Defense: 48. Toughness: 39. Strength: 36. Agility: 115. Jump: 52. Willpower: 114. Stamina: 116. Techniques: Nitro Port. Reward: $7.80. Strategy: Let Turk talk, then fight him. If anything, Turk has Agility on his side and it even favors into his special Technique, Nitro Port, where he teleports in front of you, hitting you. It's not possible to dodge it, but you can block it. Either way, just make sure you defeat him before he can do this enough times, rather, even once and you'll be ok. Note: If you fight Turk 5 times and win, (Just beat him, exit the area, beat the gang members, he'll appear again, repeat.) Jesse will appear with him. Both will fight you, although Jesse is a joke. When you win, if your Reputation is high enough, both of them will join you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Jesse - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: Punch: 27. Kick: 26. Weapon: 7. Defense: 38. Toughness: 39. Strength: 32. Agility: 36. Jump: 36. Willpower: 94. Stamina: 64. Techniques: Grand Slam, Speed Drop. Reward: $4.80. Once you're done here, head east into the next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Empty Lot - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: Mojo. In this area, take out all the gang members, then Mojo will appear. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Mojo - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: Punch: 48. Kick: 46. Weapon: 50. Defense: 44. Toughness: 40. Strength: 49. Agility: 49. Jump: 42. Willpower: 122. Stamina: 142. Techniques: Slam Punk. Reward: $7.50. Strategy: Let him talk first, then go ahead and take him out, but if you get too close to him, he'll use his Technique, the Slam Punk. He's rather strong, especially with this move, so be careful around him. Just be sure you've been regularly increasing Alex/Ryan in terms of power and you'll be ok. Be warned, you are nearing the end of the game, so you will want to be ready. Note: If your Reputation is high enough after you defeat Mojo, he'll offer to join you. When you're done here, head north into the next Mall in the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Flatirons Mall - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stores In The Area (1): Read All About It, Latte Caffeine, Sweet Tooth. Stores In The Area (2): Happy Feet, Meat Market, Toys "B" We, CD Cellar. Note: Stores are listed in order from when you enter the area to the end of the area. Alright, again, I suggest you spend some time here and stock up on more Healing Items, heal up, get stronger, maybe get a new Technique or two, then move on. Spend maybe an hour here tops, just going and getting money and spending it here. If you want to go to the next part of the Mall, it's to the east and it holds even more stores. When you're ready, head east in the second part of Flatirons Mall into the next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Downtown - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: None. Nothing much here, so plow the road along past this construction sight and head east into the next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Vacant Tire Factory - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: Thor. Again, nothing really here, just take out the gang members, then head north into the Vacant Tire Factory. Inside, head east and if you can't jump across the gap here, there's a door below where you can enter and it'll bring you up to the top part of the otherside. Fight your way across and head east into the final part of this area. In this room, there's another hole here, so you have to be careful. Don't jump across the hole AT ALL and instead, hop up onto the grates above you. Kill all the gang members here, then, Thor will appear. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Thor - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: Punch: 59. Kick: 58. Weapon: 43. Defense: 38. Toughness: 61. Strength: 57. Agility: 84. Jump: 53. Willpower: 170. Stamina: 164. Techniques: Glide Chop, Hyperguard. Reward: $9.30. Strategy: If you thought Turk was bad, Thor's worse. Being the leader of the Zombies, he definitely lives up to being the God Of Lightning and his Glide Chop will leave you begging for mercy. Be careful that you're NEVER too close to the hole or else you're screwed. Just make sure you take him down as fast as possible because you don't want him to hit you once and then have yourself fall down into the pit and die. Just keep your assault up, make sure you're never near the hole and you'll be ok. Note: If your Reputation is high enough, Thor will offer to join you. If this happens, you'll also unlock being able to meet Titus. Head back to the Waterfront Mall to find him. The next part comes after defeating Ivan. When you're done, head east to exit this place. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Back Alley - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: None. If you've been playing solo, as in just as Alex or Ryan and not having them with you, the other will appear and want to challenge the other to a friendly fight. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Alex/Ryan - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: All stats vary based on your data for that character. Techniques: Whatever your Save File for them has. Reward: Varies based on how much money the saved data character has. For an INSANE amount of money, load your character up as a clone to fight and you'll make however much money your character has! Strategy: Let Alex/Ryan talk, then go ahead and fight them. Both use their signature moves, Dragon Kick and Mach Punch, but neither are that hard to beat, so don't worry, especially if you have people with you. After the fight, head east into the next and final Mall of the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Oak Hill Mall - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruite: Jinny. Stores In The Area (1): Latte Caffeine, Metro Bakery, Read All About It. Stores In The Area (2): Read All About It, Metro Bakery, JCS Pharmacy. Stores In The Area (3): Health Club. Note: Stores are listed in order from when you enter the area to the end of the area. Alright, this is the final Mall in the game, so I suggest you power up as much as you can, buy anything you may need, whatever. Explore all three parts of the Mall, especially the Health Club to be healed. Whenever you are ready, if you went to the second part of Oak Hill Mall, I'm sure you net Shel by now. After she talks to you, she runs off. If you wish to get Ivan, the person guarding River City High to join you, you'll have to do the following: First, head back to Flatirons Mall and find Shel again. She mentions Abby, the person she rescued, is shopping somewhere. Head back to Oak Hill Mall to find Abby and once you find her, Ivan will join you once you beat him. Anyway, at the third area of Oak Hill Mall, you may have met up with Benny & Clyde again, if you fought them previously. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Benny & Clyde - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benny's Stats: Punch: 30. Kick: 26. Weapon: 30. Defense: 35. Toughness: 33. Strength: 27. Agility: 30. Jump: 35. Willpower: 38. Stamina: 70. Clyde's Stats: Punch: 28. Kick: 26. Weapon: 36. Defense: 38. Toughness: 33. Strength: 22. Agility: 30. Jump: 30. Willpower: 38. Stamina: 76. Techniques: Boomerang. Reward: $4.50 x2. Strategy: Let them talk and then beat them senseless. Like Moose, they aren't any stronger than before, so make short work of them now. Note: If you defeat Benny & Clyde four times and your Reputation is high, Jinny will appear. She'll tell you to stop picking on the weak and offer her services to you. If you tell her yes, she just runs off, saying she'll do it later, but it you tell her you aren't sure, she'll hand you $1,000! After all this and when you're ready, head east into the next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Burb Village - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: Rex, Ted. Nothing's really here, so, head east into the final area. Note: To get Rex, clear out the area of all the gang members. If you happen to have only one other person with you, Rex will appear and ask to join you. Though, if you happen to have three Zombies with you, Rex will actually fight you. He's a rather strong fighter, but if you refuse his help, exit the area, re-enter and fight and kill the gang members again, Ted will appear and offer to join you. He's better than Rex, so it's up to you on who you want to take along. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - River City High - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: Ivan. Well, you made it, but the fight is not over yet. Clear the area of gang members, then Ivan will appear. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Ivan - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: Punch: 51. Kick: 48. Weapon: 28. Defense: 77. Toughness: 108. Strength: 60. Agility: 53. Jump: 60. Willpower: 178. Stamina: 172. Techniques: Head Bomb, Headbutt. Reward: $9.90. Strategy: He's not guarding River City High for nothing. After he talks, take him down with your strongest attacks and I hope you maybe have an ally or two to help you. Ivan's Headbutt and Head Bomb Techniques are very strong, so you may want to have an ally take the hits for you if possible. Anyway, keep your assault up, heal if you have to and have Healing Items and you'll gain access to River City High. Note: If you met Abby, then Ivan will ask to join you. Take him, as he's VERY strong. Also, if you previously met Titus, exit this area, come back, kill the gang members and he'll appear to you again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - River City High - Gymnasium - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: None. Alright, you did it, you're inside. Now get ready for the real battle. Take out the gang members here and once you do, Otis will appear. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Otis - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: Punch: 51. Kick: 52. Weapon: 35. Defense: 86. Toughness: 92. Strength: 128. Agility: 23. Jump: 45. Willpower: 140. Stamina: 236. Techniques: Top Spin, Wheel Throw. Reward: $10.50. Strategy: Let Otis talk, then get ready to fight him. His Techniques, the Wheel Throw and Top Spin are very strong, so be on your guard at all times. Having an Ally or two here helps greatly, but by now, you should be too strong for these guys, so just wreck him as badly as you can. After the fight, head through the door Otis was nearby and you'll go up to the second floor. Just be careful of the Basketball hoops here and make your way up to the next area to the north. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - River City High - 2nd Floor - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: None. Nothing really here, so just kill the gang members if you want and head up to the next floor to the north. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - River City High - 3rd Floor - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: Tex. Note: If you are Alex and met Titus, Roxy will appear and talk to you. Clear the area of gang members and Tex will appear. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Tex - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: Punch: 43. Kick: 33. Weapon: 115. Defense: 42. Toughness: 43. Strength: 64. Agility: 48. Jump: 44. Willpower: 180. Stamina: 156. Techniques: Bat Fang, Pulper. Reward: $9.00. Strategy: Let Tex talk, then take him on. He uses a Wooden Katana to fight with, so watch out, as his Technique uses them. He can hit multiple times with Pulper, so be careful. Disarm him and just take him out, as you should be more than powerful at this point. Note: If Ivan is with you, Tex will offer to join you IF you have an open slot. If not, he'll talk and then leave. When you're done, head north up to the next area of River City High. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - River City High - 4th Floor - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: None. Alright, here comes the final Bosses in the game before Slick. Clear the area of the gang members here and then the Dragon Twins appear. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Randy, Andy & Otis - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Randy's Stats: Punch: 68. Kick: 86. Weapon: 78. Defense: 78. Toughness: 58. Strength: 60. Agility: 78. Jump: 78. Willpower: 186. Stamina: 196. Andy's Stats: Punch: 86. Kick: 68. Weapon: 78. Defense: 78. Toughness: 58. Strength: 60. Agility: 78. Jump: 78. Willpower: 196. Stamina: 196. Otis's Stats: Punch: 51. Kick: 52. Weapon: 35. Defense: 86. Toughness: 92. Strength: 128. Agility: 23. Jump: 45. Willpower: 140. Stamina: 236. Techniques: Bat Fang (Otis.) Bike Kick, (Randy, Andy.) Dragon Knee, (Randy.) God Fist, (Andy.) Pulper (Otis.) Twin Kick. (Randy, Andy.) Reward: $11.70, $11.50, $10.50. Strategy: If there's a Zombie with you, Otis will come in to even the odds. Randy and Andy are very tough, so stay on your guard. Randy uses Dragon Knee, a powerful Kick and Andy uses God Fist, a strong uppercut. Just keep your strength up and go nuts on these guys and you'll take them down. Also, Otis isn't any tougher than he originally was, but still, having him on top of the Dragon Twins is going to definitely be a challenge, so be careful. You SHOULD be strong enough to do so and if you find yourself hurting afterwards, I suggest you go back to Oak Hill Mall, heal up, get stronger and then come back for Slick. Either way, when you're ready, if you happened to tell Jinny yes in joining you, after beating the Dragon Twins, head to the west and enter the one door you can and you'll find Cyndi! Afterwards, go ahead and head east to the final area of the game and the final fight. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - River City High - Rooftop - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- People To Recruit: None. Once you reach the Rooftop, Slick will appear and you'll begin the fight against him to save Cyndi and River City High. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Slick - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: Punch: 127. Kick: 117. Weapon: 128. Defense: 115. Toughness: 118. Strength: 127. Agility: 128. Jump: 124. Willpower: 255. Stamina: 255. Techniques: Acro Circus, Killer Kick, Slick Trick. Reward: Cyndi and River City High! Strategy: Alright, I strongly hope your stats are insanely high for this, because Slicks are. At this point, screw Reputation and everything else, if you want, bash Slick as soon as you see him, unless you want to hear what he says. Just be careful, because Slick has a DEADLY Technique on him, which is the Slick Trick. Apparently, he can use telekentic powers to raise all the Weapons on the ground and to hurl them ALL at you. This can REALLY hurt, so I suggest you nail him before he can get it off. He also can use Killer Kick, a deadly jump Kick and Acro Jump as well. If your stats aren't very high, you'll have a hell of a time here, but with your friends helping, hopefully it'll go easier, especially if you have some Healing Items on you as well. Just keep your assault up and this bad boy will go down, vowing for revenge like any good villain. Congratultions! You've beaten Slick, saved Cyndi AND saved River City High! Enjoy the ending! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ending - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you defeat Slick, watch the ending and after the credits role, wait until the music ends and Save your data. Perhaps now there will be a sequel...? Well, that about does it for me. Thanks for reading my Walkthrough and I hope it helped you in the long run. So, until next time, later! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VII. Gang List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GANLI7 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: Most of the gang members in this game are named after popular people or pop culture characters. Some, though, are just named after people on the development team. Pretty cool, huh? Also, the Gamers and Entrees are rare gangs, so they won't appear as much as the others do. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Generic Dudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GENDU7.1 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Carried: $0.30 Description: A gang dressed in aqua. Very, very weak, they'll prove no threat to you in the least. Gang Members: Bob, Dave, Dewey, Fred, Hal, Jack, Jacob, Kevin, Luke, Max, Pat, Pete, Phil, Roger, Roy, Sam, Smith, Steve, Tim, Tom. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Frat Boys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FRBO7.2 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Carried: $0.40 Description: A gang dressed in light pink. Stronger than the Generic Dudes, these thugs use Weapons to give them an edge, but not much of one. Gang Members: Alec, Arnie, Boyd, Bruce, Chad, Chaz, Clark, Corey, Dean, Howie, Jake, Ken, Lax, Lloyd,Mort, Reese, Tad, Trey, Ty, Zazu. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Dragons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DRAG7.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Carried: $0.50 Description: A gang dressed in light orange. They love to use Rocks and will throw them at any chance they get. More annoying than strong, though. Gang Members: Asa, Ferio, Fuuma, Hagi, Kage, Kaji, Kunio, Largo, Oni, Pala, Piro, Raika, Riki, Ryu, Sepku, Shizu, Souma, Sudou, Tatsu, Yoru. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Jocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ JOCK7.4 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Carried: $0.60 Description: A gang dressed in light green. A rather strong gang, they perfer to use their fists instead of Weapons to fight. Gang Members: Ace, Barry, Bert, Biff, Brad, Craig, Dax, Dolph, Ethan, Jett, Joe, Mike, Nick, Ruben, Russ, Spike, Van, Vash, Vic, Zed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Rockers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ROCKE7.5 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Carried: $0.70 Description: A gang dressed in red. A rather strong gang that likes to attack head on. Gang Members: Axe, Chris, Dex, Gavin, Hyde, Jimmu, Kanno, Kouda, Larc, Lars, Ozzy, Quin, Ringo, Rob, Scott, Shino, Slash, Sting, Trent, Zac. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - F. Rejects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ REJEC7.6 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Carried: $0.80 Description: A gang dressed in blue. They're fair at best for a gang, but not much of a challenge. Gang Members: Adam, Basil, Bubba, Byron, Colin, Derek, Dirk, Elton, Gabe, Griff, Harry, Igor, Jimbo, Lance, Marco, Peter, Stewy, Waldo, Yemi. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - G. Home Boys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOMBO7.7 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Carried: $0.90 Description: A gang dressed in yellow. They're very strong and can prove quite a challenge when you first encounter them. Gang Members: 6Paq, BigG, Bizle, Busta, Dawg, D-Jay, DLux, Dre, Eik1, Fiddy, Gomez, Ice, Kidd, Nizle, Pedro, Slim, Snoop, SusiK, Will, Zibit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H. Eagles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ EAGL7.8 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Carried: $1.00 Description: A gang dressed in green. A strong gang, they like to use Long Chains to fight with. Gang Members: Allen, Bart, Bret, Cid, Drake, Ed, Ford, Gates, Gray, Hank, Joey, Keif, Kevin, Logan, Paul, Rocky, Ross, Scott, Snape, Sorbo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I. Mob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOB7.9 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Carried: $1.10 Description: A gang dressed in grey. With a name like the Mob, they sure can back it up with their high Stamina. Gang Members: Artie, Axl, Baret, Blaze, Chipp, Clive, Eddie, Guido, Guy, Hoffa, Micel, Ralph, Rosso, Silvo, Tony, Ugly, Viggo, Vince, Vinny, Vito. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - J. Locals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ LOCA7.10 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Carried: $1.20 Description: A gang dressed in light orange. These guys love using Brass Knuckles and hand to hand combat to bring you down. Gang Members: Akibo, Brian, Angel, Barb, Bill, Carl, Gail, Eric, James, Jim, John, Jon, Mai, Matt, Satou, Sonok, Taro, Tomm, Wally, Yu. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - K. Internationals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTERNA7.11 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Carried: $1.30 Description: A gang dressed in dark green. A rather strong gang formed of many different cultures. Gang Members: Baka, Boris, Bruno, Chang, Ein, Faiz, Franz, Hans, Hugh, Iwada, Jaque, Juan, Kim, Kurt, Mamud, Putin, Tama, Toph, Wai, Wong. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - L. Cowboys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COWBO7.12 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Carried: $1.40 Description: A gang dressed in dark blue. Like their name, these boys talk and fight just like they were in the west, minus the guns. Gang Members: Billy, BigJo, Bo, Butch, Cane, Cass, Clint, Duke, Earp, Eli, Jam, Jedd, Legat, LilJo, Oakly, Shane, Snake, Tonto, Wayne, Wyatt. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - M. Plague . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PLAG7.13 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Carried: $1.50 Description: A gang dressed in light red. Living up to their name, these guys are quite deadly, being the strongest gang in River City. Watch out for them. Gang Members: Ash, Chole, Cloud, Duo, Edge, Ikari, Jonds, Kaoru, Keith, Kurtz, Lucas, Malar, Otaku, Pox, Reno, Sars, Spark, Yaoi, Zel. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - N. Gamers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GAME7.14 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Carried: $1.60 Description: A gang dressed in purple. Like their name suggests, they are gamers and not really good fighters. Gang Members: Akira, Canus, Cody, Don, Etna, Flon, Gordo, Hogg, Joaqu, Jin, Krich, Lahar, Lamin, Leo, Meis, Muza, Prinn, Skoy, Suou, Vyers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - O. Entrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENTRE7.15 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Carried: $7.00 Description: A gang dressed in gold. Dressed up as painters/workers, these guys are cowards and will run at the sight of a fight. Though, they carry a TON of cash on them. Gang Members: Burg, Cokie, Frank, Fry, Gheti, Java, Kohii, Mayo, Menchi, Pazda, Piza, Pocke, Pretz, Raisu, Sake, Soba, Sushi, Takos, Wings, Zalad. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VIII. Technique List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TECLI8 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: In this list, I'm including both Techniques for Alex and Ryan and Techniques that Bosses use, as well as allies. Technique Name: Acro Circus. How To Perform: Run + Jump. Price: $300.00. Desciption: An attack where the user leaps into the air and grabs his legs and moves around like a bowling ball around the screen, knocking gang members around like pins. To stop using this, just jump until you get out of it. Technique Name: Bat Fang. How To Perform: Up, Up Button. (Must have a Wooden Katana.) Price: None. Description: One of Tex's Techniques, it allows him to jump into the air and spin his Wooden Sword. Technique Name: Big Bang. How To Perform: Stunned, Up, Up Button. Price: None. Description: One of Conan's Techniques, where it allows him when he's Stunned to release a deadly fart. I'm not joking, either, heh heh. Technique Name: Bike Kick. How To Perform: Run + B Button repeatively. Price: $200.00. Description: An attack that's similar to Liu Kang's Bicycle Kick. When used, the user Kicks his way across the screen while in the air. Technique Name: Bomb Blow. How To Perform: Press A Button, Hit B Button. Price: None. Description: A powerful punch attack that's one of Gary's Techniques. The longer the A Button is held down, the stronger the attack. Technique Name: Boomerang. How To Perform: Press B Button with a Weapon. Price: None Description: A Technique that Benny & Clyde use. The user throws a Weapon and like a Boomerang, it comes back to them. Technique Name: Chain Chump. How To Perform: Down, Down Button with a Chain. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Blade. The user throws a Chain at the opponent and it wraps itself around them, making them unable to fight. Technique Name: Charge It. How To Perform: Press A Button. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Rocko. The user charges up a strong Punch and throws it at the opponent. Technique Name: Deadly Shot. How To Perform: Run + Jump + Hit B Button with a Weapon. Price: $150.00 Description: An attack where the user runs, jumps into the air and throws a Weapon to deal even more damage than normal. Technique Name: Dragon Kick. How To Perform: Hit B Button. Price: None. Description: The Technique Alex starts with, the user rapidly throws his leg forward to deal damage. Technique Name: Dragon Knee. How To Perform: Press B Button, Hit A Button. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Randy. The user jumps and hits the opponent with his knee. Technique Name: Flip Throw. How To Perform: Hit B Button at close range. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Ted. The user takes and throws the opponent over his shoulder. Technique Name: Flying Kick. How To Perform: Press B Button, Hit A Button. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Rick. The user performs a Flash Kick similar to Guile's. Technique Name: Glide Chop. How To Perform: Jump + Up, Up Button. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Thor. The user flies across the screen and delivers a damaging punch. Technique Name: God Fist. How To Perform: Press A Button, Hit B Button. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Andy. The user charges up a punch attack, similar to Ryu and Ken's Shoryuken. Technique Name: Grand Slam. How To Perform: Hit A Button with a Weapon. Price: $200.00. Description: A Technique where the user swings rapidly with a Weapon. Technique Name: Head Bomb. How To Perform: Press B Button. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Ivan. The user uses his head to attack with in a devestating headbutt. Technique Name: Headbutt. How To Perform: Press B Button. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Ivan. The user charges and rams the opponent with a headbutt. Technique Name: Helicopter. How To Perform: Down, Down Button with a opponent in your hands. Price: $100.00. Description: A Technique where the user spins an opponent around so fast they fly into the air. Technique Name: Hyperguard. How To Perform: Automatically used. Price: $150.00. Description: A Technique used by Thor. The user, when successfully blocking an attack, spins around, attacking the opponent. Technique Name: Javelin Man. How To Perform: Hit B Button with a opponent in your hands. Price: $100.00. Description: A Technique used by Ted. The user throws an opponent like a Javelin, as they slide across the ground, knocking over anyone in their way and not stopping until they hit a solid object. Technique Name: Jet Kick. How To Perform: Press B Button. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Rick. The user takes and Kicks the opponent with a very powerful Kick that sends them flying. Technique Name: Kickstand. How To Perform: Up, Up Button, with a opponent in your hands. Price: $100.00. Description: A rather brutal Technique where the user Kicks the opponent in the balls while holding them. Technique Name: Killer Kick. How To Perform: Run + Press B Button, Hit A Button. Price: $150.00. Description: A Technique used by Slick. The user runs, jumps and performs a deadly flying Kick. Technique Name: Mach Punch. How To Perform: Hit A Button. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Ryan. The user rapidly fires out punches at the opponent. Technique Name: Nitro Port. How To Perform: Run + Run. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Turk. The user rushes the opponent, appears next to them and hits them with a powerful knee shot. Technique Name: Pulper. How To Perform: Down, Down Button with a Wooden Sword. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Tex. The user spins their Wooden Sword around to deal damage. Technique Name: Shuriken Run. How To Perform: Run + Down, Down Button. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Tex. The user throws himself at the opponent like a Shuriken. Technique Name: Slam Punk. How To Perform: Hit A Button at close range. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Mojo. The user grabs the opponent with his legs and then slams them on the ground hard. Technique Name: Slap Happy. How To Perform: Run + Hit A Button. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Rocko. The user runs and starts spinning around, hitting opponents all around them. Technique Name: Slick Trick. How To Perform: Up, Up Button. Price: None. Description: Possibly THE ultimate move in the game, this Technique is used by Slick himself. The user uses telekinesis to lift all nearby Weapons into the air and send them at the nearest opponent, causing mass amounts of damage. Technique Name: Speed Drop. How To Perform: Jump + Up, Up Button with a opponent in your hands. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Jesse. The user takes the opponent and brings them down onto the ground with enough force to kill. Technique Name: Twin Kick. How To Perform: Jump + Hit B Button repeatively. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Randy and Andy. The user leaps into the air and continuously spins around while Kicking. Technique Name: Topspin. How To Perform: Down, Down Button. Price: $150.00. Description: A Technique where the user jumps into the air and dives at the opponents and spins around like a torpedo, not stopping until they hit a solid object. Technique Name: Wheel Throw. How To Perform: Press B Button with a opponent in your hands. Price: None. Description: A Technique used by Otis. The user takes the opponent and throws them into the air. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = IX. Shop List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHOITL9 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Just a little note on the shops in the game: When you enter a shop, you may or may not see som of the products listed below. To get them to appear, be sure to exit and re-enter the store or to change the process in your Status Menu under Options go to Restock and change it around a bit. Note: Some Shops, like Metro Bakery, are take out stores, where the Items you buy go to your Items on the Status screen. So if you aren't sitting down at a store when you buy something, then the product you buy goes right to your inventory and you'll have to use it to get the benefits it offers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A. Grotto Mall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GROTMA9.1 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- List Of Stores: Latte Caffeine, Metro Bakery, Sushi Bar, Read All About It. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Latte Caffeine - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product |Price |Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coffee |$3.50 |Stamina +1, Will Power +30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- French Toast |$5.50 |Stamina +40, Will Power +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fruit Juice |$5.00 |Agility +2, Stamina +10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hot Cocoa |$4.00 |Defense +1, Stamina +10, Will Power +10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lemon Tea |$4.00 |Stamina +10, Weapon +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pizza |$5.50 |Jump +2, Stamina +36. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sampler |$6.00 |Defense +1, Stamina +40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spaghetti |$6.00 |Stamina +60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tea |$3.50 |Stamina +1, Will Power +30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toast |$4.00 |Stamina +12, Strength +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waffles |$2.50 |Stamina +28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yogurt |$6.00 |Punch +1, Stamina +32. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Metro Bakery - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product |Price |Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bagel |$1.00 |Stamina +6, Toughness +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bagel Dog |$1.20 |Stamina +13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cream Puff |$1.00 |Stamina +10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Croissant |$1.00 |Jump +1, Stamina +4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Croquette |$1.20 |Stamina +13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doughnut |$0.80 |Stamina +8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fruitcake |$1.10 |Agility +1, Stamina +4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honey Bun |$1.00 |Stamina +10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muffin |$1.00 |Defense +1, Stamina +6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multigrain |$1.20 |Stamina +12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rye |$1.00 |Stamina +10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sandwich |$2.00 |Stamina +20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sourdough |$1.00 |Defense +1, Stamina +6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sushi Bar - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product |Price |Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ark Shell |$9.00 |Stamina +32, Toughness +6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- California Roll |$4.00 |Punch +1, Stamina +12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conger Eel |$4.00 |Stamina +44. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crab |$8.00 |Stmaina +32, Weapon +2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Egg |$2.00 |Stmaina +12, Toughness +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fatty Tuna |$9.00 |Stamina +32, Will Power +30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fish Eggs |$8.00 |Stamina +32, Strength +1, Weapon +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flounder |$20.00 |Kick +3, Punch +3, Stamina +30, Will Power +30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Halibut |$3.00 |Defense +1, Stamina +20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kappa Roll |$2.00 |Stamina +20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kyuri Roll |$2.00 |Stamina +12, Toughness +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mackerel |$8.00 |Defense +2, Stamina +40, Toughness +2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mixed Roll |$2.00 |Jump +1, Stamina +10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octopus |$2.00 |Jump +1, Stamina +12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prawn |$6.00 |Agility +1, Stamina +40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Salad Roll |$2.00 |Agility +1, Stamina +8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Salmon |$5.00 |Kick +1, Stamina +24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scallop |$10.00 |Agility +4, Stamina +30, Will Power +20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sea Urchin |$12.00 |Defense +3, Jump +3, Stamina +30, Weapon +2, Will | |Power +20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrimp Roll |$2.00 |Defense, +1 Stamina, +12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Squid |$2.00 |Jump +1, Stamina, +12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swordfish |$7.00 |Agility +2, Stamina +32. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toro |$30.00 |Defense +5, Stamina +100, Strength +4, Toughness | |+5, Will Power +40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuna |$6.00 |Punch +1, Stamina +32. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuna Roll |$6.00 |Stamina +20, Will Power +20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wasabi Roll |$10.00 |Stamina +100. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yellowtail |$8.00 |Stamina +32, Strength +2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Read All About It - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product |Price |Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acro Circus |$300.00 |Learn "Acro Circus" Technique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- American Anime |$25.00 |Punch +3, Jump +4, Weapon +3, Will Power +50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bike Kick |$200.00 |Learn "Bike Kick" Technique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comic Times |$30.00 |Max Stamina +10, Will Power +200. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deadly Shot |$150.00 |Learn "Deadly Shot" Technique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fashion Magazine |$6.50 |Toughness +4, Will Power +20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gaming Magazine |$9.80 |Toughness +10, Will Power +5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grand Slam |$200.00 |Learn "Grand Slam" Technique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helicopter |$100.00 |Learn "Helicopter" Technique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hyperguard |$150.00 |Learn "Hyperguard" Technique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imported Manga |$4.50 |Toughness +5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indian Lore |$8.00 |Agility +1, Kick +1, Punch +1, Will Power +60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Javelin Man |$100.00 |Learn "Javelin Man" Technique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kickstand |$100.00 |Learn "Kickstand" Technique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Killer Kick |$150.00 |Learn "Killer Kick" Technique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mystic Seer |$4.00 |Will Power +27. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nuclear Spy |$6.00 |Defense +1, Toughness +1, Will Power +45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scandal Rag |$4.50 |Will Power +40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slap Happy |$150.00 |Learn "Slap Happy" Technique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swimsuit Magazine |$15.00 |Strength +4, Will Power +60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Topspin |$150.00 |Learn "Topspin" Technique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Torpedo |$250.00 |Learn "Torpedo" Technique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - B. Waterfront Mall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WATMA9.2 ] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- List Of Stores: Read All About It, French Italia, Mao's Place, Merv's Burger, JCS Pharmacy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Read All About It - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- See Grotto Mall's List. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - French Italia - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product |Price |Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caviar |$2.00 |Stamina +20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cornish Hen |$35.00 |Agility +5, Max Stamina +20, Strength +5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lasagna |$1.50 |Stamina +10, Toughness +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nero Pizza |$1.50 |Stamina +16. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Onion Soup |$1.20 |Stamina +12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ravioli |$1.00 |Jump +1, Stamina +10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Salad Paris |$1.00 |Stamina +10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Veal Walle |$45.00 |Agility +5, Kick +5, Max Stamina +35, Punch +5, | |Toughness +5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mao's Place - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product |Price |Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chow Mein |$6.00 |Kick +1, Stamina +35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ducklets |$6.00 |Defense +1, Stamina +50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Egg Roll |$4.50 |Agility +1, Stamina +36. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fried Rice |$6.00 |Stamina +30, Strength +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Garlic Pork |$6.00 |Stamina +35, Weapon +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orange Chicken |$5.00 |Stamina +56. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pepper Beef |$5.00 |Punch +1, Stamina +30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet & Sour |$6.00 |Jump +1, Stamina +50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Merv's Burger - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product |Price |Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Pie |$1.50 |Stamina +8, Toughness +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheese Merv |$2.20 |Agility +1, Stamina +8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chicken Sandwich |$2.50 |Stamina +28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iced Tea |$1.50 |Stamina +1, Will Power +10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merv Dog |$2.00 |Stamina +12, Toughness +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merv Burger |$2.10 |Stamina +24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merv Fries |$2.20 |Jump +1, Stamina +12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merv Malt |$2.20 |Defense +1, Stamina +12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Milk |$1.20 |Stamina +12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mondo Merv |$4.00 |Defense +1, Jump +1, Stamina +20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soda |$2.00 |Agility +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Souper Merv |$1.50 |Stamina +16. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spicy Chili |$3.00 |Stamina +10, Weapon +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - JCS Pharmacy - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product |Price |Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antidote 12 |$15.00 |Max Stamina +20, Will Power +30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Saver |$12.00 |Stamina +150. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digestol |$8.00 |Stamina +90. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ginseng |$10.00 |Stamina +60, Toughness +2, Will Power +35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Karmajolt |$25.00 |All Stats +1, Stamina +100, Will Power +40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lion's Milk |$10.00 |Defense +2, Stamina +50, Will Power +50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Love Potion |$10.00 |Stamina +85, Toughness +3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Omni Elixir |$9.00 |Stamina +80, Will Power +50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plasebol |$2.00 |Stamina +30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recharge! |$10.00 |Agility +3, Stamina +40, Will Power +40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soma |$20.00 |Kick +1, Punch +1, Stamina +130, Will Power +50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vita-Mints |$5.00 |Stamina +60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C. Armstrong Thru-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARMTH9.3 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- List Of Stores: Merlin's Mystery. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Merlin's Mystery - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product |Price |Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Merc's |$200.00 |Increases the height of your Jump. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cough Meds |$30.00 |Quadruples your Willpower. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Char |$999.90 |Customize your own character. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Fit |$300.00 |Run while you're in the air. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Move |$9.90 |Edit your Technique Button inputs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Self |$99.90 |Change your character's design. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Excalibur |$100.00 |Kick +10, Punch +10, Strength +10, Weapon +10, | |Will +50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hemlock |$20.00 |Doubles your Willpower. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inlines |$250.00 |Glide on skates while you run. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Isis Scroll |$100.00 |Max Stamina +30, Toughness +50, Will Power +60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lotto Tix |$10.00 |Given chance to win $0, $1, $100, $1,000, $10,000 | |or $100,000. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Pants |$500.00 |Regain Stamina over time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Narcishoes |$300.00 |Your Jump is unlimited. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pandora's Box |$40.00 |Everytime you are hit, you gain $0.10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pheonix Wing |$300.00 |When you Jump, you'll hover a bit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rocketeers |$200.00 |Your running speed is greatly increased. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rodan Wing |$100.00 |Defense +50, Max Stamina +30, Will Power +60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seraph Cola |$20.00 |Changes your Stats around randomly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skaterz |$500.00 |Allows you to teleport around. (Think Nitro Port.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Springlines |$250.00 |When you Jump, you'll bounce. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xray Specs |$20.00 |Max Stamina +20, Will Power +40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zeus' Wand |$200.00 |Agility +40, Jump +40, Max Stamina +50, Will Power | |+40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - D. Flatirons Mall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FLAMA9.4 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- List Of Stores (1): Read All About It, Latte Caffeine, Sweet Tooth. List Of Stores (2): Happy Feet, Meat Market, Toys "B" We, CD Cellar. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Read All About It - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- See Grotto Mall's List. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Latte Caffeine - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- See Grotto Mall's List. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sweet Tooth - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product |Price |Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chocolate Egg |$1.50 |Defense +1, Stamina +7, Will Power +2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fudge Bar |$1.00 |Stamina +10, Will Power +2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jawbreaker |$1.00 |Jump +1, Will Power +2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lollipop |$1.00 |Defense +1, Will Power +2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mint Gum |$1.00 |Toughness +1, Will Power +2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rock Candy |$1.00 |Stamina +10, Will Power +2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Happy Feet - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product |Price |Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Army Boots |$60.00 |Agility +10, Jump +4, Kick +10, Punch +10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Board Shoes |$20.00 |Kick +3, Max Stamina +6, Will Power +30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boat Shoes |$45.00 |Agility +13, Jump +20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cleats |$50.00 |Agility +12, Defense +4, Kick +8, Toughness +4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Trains |$45.00 |Agility +6, Kick +6, Strength +6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flipflops |$9.80 |Jump +8, Kick +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- High Tops |$45.00 |Agility +8, Kick +8, Toughness +5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insoles |$7.00 |Agility +4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod Boots |$60.00 |Agility +10, Defense +8, Kick +10, Toughness +8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kung-Fu Shoes |$30.00 |Agility +4, Jump +4, Kick +5, Punch +2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loafers |$90.00 |Agility +10, Jump +40, Kick +10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pump Sneakers |$45.00 |Agility +20, Kick +2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sandals |$5.00 |Agility +4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slippers |$5.00 |Kick +1, Weapon +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sneakers |$40.00 |Jump +15, Kick +4, Toughness +15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Texas Boots |$120.00 |Kick +30, Strength +8, Weapon +8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Meat Market - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product |Price |Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck Roast |$5.00 |Defense +2, Punch +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lamb Leg |$25.00 |Punch +8, Will Power +80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rib-Eye |$6.00 |Punch +1, Weapon +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sirloin |$5.00 |Punch +1, Toughness +2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- T-Bone |$10.00 |Punch +4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Toys "B" We - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product |Price |Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maze Craze |$20.00 |Will Power +190. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MauiLauren |$30.00 |Agility +10, Jump +8, Will Power +40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ninjaman 2 |$50.00 |Strength +5, Weapon +5, Will Power +100. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Techno Belt |$28.00 |Kick +3, Punch +3, Strength +3, Weapon +2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teddy Bear |$30.00 |Defense +12, Toughness +12, Will Power +40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - CD Cellar - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product |Price |Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classical |$10.00 |Defense +9, Will Power +50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Country |$10.00 |Punch +3, Will Power +50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emo |$10.00 |Toughness +8, Will Power +50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Tunes |$10.00 |Kick +3, Will Power +50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jazzy Blues |$10.00 |Strength +3, Will Power +50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Movie OST |$10.00 |Weapon +3, Will Power +50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pop |$10.00 |Jump +8, Will Power +50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rock |$10.00 |Agility +5, Will Power +50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - E. Oak Hill Mall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ OAHIMA9.5 ]- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- List Of Stores (1): Latte Caffeine, Metro Bakery, Read All About It. List Of Stores (2): Read All About It, Metro Bakery, JCS Pharmacy. List Of Stores (3): Health Club. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Latte Caffeine - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- See the Grotto Mall's List. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Metro Bakery - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- See the Grotto Mall's List. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Read All About It - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- See the Grotto Mall's List. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Read All About It - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- See the Grotto Mall's List. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Metro Bakery - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- See the Grotto Mall's List. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - JCS Pharmacy - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- See the Grotto Mall's List. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Health Club - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product |Price |Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sauna |$4.50 |Stamina +50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = X. Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECR10 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Easy Reputation - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- To easily increase your Repuation, just run yourself into a wall and it'll go up +1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Passwords - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter these Passwords on the Status Screen when you change the character's name: BEAR - Air Merc's, Custom Fit, Inlines, Magic Pants, Narcishoes, Pandora Box, Phoenix Wing, Rocketeers, Skaterz, Springlines. (All Items.) DAMAX - All Stats are maxed out. ERAZE - Clears your Saved Data. FUZZY - Acro Circus, Deadly Shot, Dragon Kick, Grand Slam, Helicopter, Javelin Man, Mach Punch, Nitro Port, Slick Trick, Top Spin, Torpedo, Twin Kick. (All Techniques.) WAZZA - Bat Fang, Bike Kick, Bomb Blow, Boomerang, Charge It, Dragon Knee, Flying Kick, God Fist, Hyper Guard, Killer Kick, Slam Punk, Speed Drop. WUZZY - Big Bang, Chain Kick, Glide Chop, Flip Throw, Head Bomb, Headbutt, Jet Kick, Kickstand, Pulper, Shuriken, Slap Happy, Wheel Throw. XTRA0 - Custom Char. XTRA2 - Custom Move. XTRA1 - Custom Self. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XI. Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CREDI11 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well, here's where I give credit to the ones that helped make this guide possible. Here's the following people: Altus - For making this game, of course. They did a great job of porting it and incorperating new elements to an already awesome game. Keep up the great work, guys, as your games continue to turn out to be winners. Myself - Me, of course. Thanks me for writing the Walkthrough! Stephen Ng - For giving me this game to do for IGN. Thanks again, man! Classic Gaming - For the River City Ransom NES Map. Thanks for hosting this for all to see and help! Litbut - For the correction on the amount of money Gamers are worth, as well as the information on Hemlock and Cough Meds. Thanks again! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = XII. My Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWOR12 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thanks for reading my walkthrough first of all. I sure hope it helped you. If you wish to submit something to this walkthrough, send it to ssj4kain@aol.com and label the subject as "Submit-RCREX" and as nothing else please. It isn't too hard and I'm not asking for alot. If you have any questions regarding this game, also send them to me and label the subject as "Question-RCREX" please. Again, not asking much here and it isn't hard to understand. Now for the legal stuff. This guide was created by Kain Stryder. It is not meant to be used on any other site besides IGN and any other site I've deemed to have it hosted on. It's not to be edited in ANY way for other use. (Unless I give permission to do so.) I did not create, nor take in participation of creating River City Ransom EX, I am not affiliated with Atlus, nor the team who made it. I also don't have the rights to it. I am a writer simply giving out information to other gamers of River City Ransom EX. Copyright © 2004 by Kain Stryder. All rights reserved.