========================================================= ------------------------------------------ River City Ransom EX Reputation Guide ------------------------------------------ ========================================================= ============ Version 1.0 ============ Last Updated: 6/7/04 ---------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Things that Helps Reputation 3. Things that Lowers Reputation 4. Recruiting Characters 5. Certain Events and Dialogues Due to Rep. 6. Credits ---------------------------------------------------- ========================== Introduction ========================== This is a complete section covering just about every aspect about the reputation meter in the game. First of all, the reputation meter is not shown at any menu. Also you need to have beaten the game already once. This Faq does not explain how to beat the game so you'll have to consult the other faqs on gamefaqs. The reputation meter I have been informed can go up to 127 and lowest as -127. This faq only tells the reputation section of the game and nothing else. Anything reputation related will be found in this section. ===================================================================== ===================================================================== ==================================== Things that Helps Reputation ==================================== There are certain things you can do to increase your rep. score: For example such as: - Hitting the Wall: For some weird reason that actually increases rep by 1 every time you crash into a wall and fall down. It can be used over. You can even crash continously until you think is 127. - Dieing: The weirdest way to earn reputation. This gives 4 rep and the easiest way to earn rep. Just keep jumping into the pit at where you fight Moose. - When an enemy hits you when you're on the ground: This is fair since it applies the same if you hit them the ground. Each time they do that, you gain a little reputation each time. Another way to do this is hold the down button to play dead on a boss. I suggest no allies doing this or they might kill the boss. Is good to have max hp and willpower. You can just stay down and get hit and gain tons of reputation score. - Defeating an Entire Gang: This is reasonable too. It doesn't give you much rep. So if you want to earn reputation this way, don't turn enemies option to 20 in the options menu. Amount isn't counted on weak or strong gangs; they all give the same amount. - Defeating a Boss: This gives you about 4 rep. when you do this. It doesn't rely on what boss; all of them give the same amount. - Recruiting an Ally: This probably will give you the most raise there is. I was informed that this gives you 16 rep.! If you start out with Ryan, then you start out with 16 reputation. - Meeting a Secret Character that Only Appears Due to Rep: This helps your reputation by a bit. Not too little, not too much. There's not much secret characters in here to use this way entirely and max out your reputation. ==================================================================== ==================================================================== ===================================== Things that Lowers Reputation ===================================== There are also certain things that lower your reputation. Such Things As: - Hitting an Enemy on the Ground: It doesn't decrease much if you do this once but continously, it will do alot of harm to your reputation. Throwing them around is ok but spinning them and also hitting enemies nearby with them decreases too. - Hitting a Boss Before He Finishes Talking: This probably will do the most harm. It subtracts about 16 reputation from you if you hit a boss before he finishes talking. Even if you're far away and he didn't start talking and you hit him; it still lowers it. - Accidentally or Purposely Hitting an Ally: This only occurs if you turn the friendly fire option (Attack) to weapon or varied. This also decreases a significant amount of reputation. - Ally Death: Probably the most 2nd harmful thing to your rep. Even if your ally falls inside a pit himself, it would still count against you. Also this applies if you kill your ally or the boss does. This would also count if you have more than 1 ally and another ally kills an ally. - Using Cheap Moves or Weapons Over and Over: This is what usually gets people's reputation hurt the worst because they don't realize it. For instance, there are certain techniques that should be limited of use such as: = Acro Circus ( 2 times then switch) = Torpedo ( should only kill up to 3 enemies at a time) = Slick Trick ( Use only 2 times at a time) = Glide Chop ( only 4 kills at a time) = Top Spin or Hyper Guard if you changed the input ( only use about 2 times at once) = Double Lengthed Chain ( Twice at a time) = Pulper ( Use only 1 at a time) - Beating the Same Boss or Gang Over and Over: This applies to all gangs and bosses especially Benny and Clyde at the health club. It is best you don't exceed beating the same boss over 5 times; if you do, is going to start counting off your reputation. =================================================================== =================================================================== ================================ Recruiting Characters ================================ Alex - Start the game with him of either an ally or main character Ryan - Start the game with him of either an ally or main character Moose - Cannot join you during gameplay; he can only be recruited by Custom Character and selected in the beginning option before the game starts Rocko - Also cannot join you during in game; he can only be recruited by using Custom Character and been selected from the saved files in the beginning before the game starts Gary - No reputation required for him to join your posse. If you just meet him then he'll ask you to join. Blade - You need about 90-120 reputation for him to join you. Turk - You need about 70-80 reputation for him to join you. Fight him 5 times in a row to unlock Jesse. Jesse - Needs the same amount of reputation as Turk to join you Mojo - You need about 90-120 reputation for him to join you. Thor - You need about 110-127 reputation for him to join you. Also take note that if you have any other zombies in your posse, he will not ask you. You also only get one chance to let Thor ask you. Rex - You need about 5-15 reputation for him to join you. He only appears once though so you better be prepared the first time. Ted - Decline Rex's offer to let Ted join. ( No Rep. Required) Ivan - No reputation required for him to join you; all you have to do is get all Shel meetings and meet Abby Popov which is Ivan's sister. These meetings must also be done the 1st time you meet Ivan. Otis - Cannot join you during in game. Only option is to use custom char and select him from the saved files in the beginning of the menu selection screen. Tex - Must have Ivan in your posse and have about 20-40 reputation. Randy - Cannot join you unless you use custom character and select him in the saved files in the beginning menu. Andy - Cannot join you unless you use custom character and select him in the saved files in the beginning menu. Slick - Cannot join you unless you use custom character and select him in the saved files in the beginning menu. Conan and Generic Dudes - No Rep. Required; just need to beat Generic Dudes 3 times anywhere Rick - No Rep. Requried; just start the game only with Ryan ================================================================= ================================================================= =============================================== Certain Events and Dialogues Due to Reputation Score =============================================== Things that They Say when You have Low Reputation: 1st time meeting Blade - " You actually showed up for this?! " 1st time meeting Rocko - " I'm gonna rearrange your ugly face!" Rex - " Hey you guys, I'm no defender of justice but punks like you need to be thrashed " Ivan - something like this: " My pride won't let me lose to you ever! " Tex - (with Ivan in your posse) - " Aww shucks, I can't fight Ivan, his sisters so purty.... " After defeating Otis - " You have such disrespect..... " 1st time fighting Turk - " So you think you can take me a zombie on?! " Things that They Say when you have " OK " Reputation: 1st time meeting Blade - " What?! Now you're all angry now?! " 1st time meeting Rocko - " You got pass Moose? I'll handle you now. " 1st time meeting Rex - " You guys taking on an army or something? Is all good, can I help? " 1st time meeting Ivan - " I won't rest until you're gone, but until then! " 1st time meeting Mojo - " You're nothing you stupid weakling, Blade, Turk and I come before Thor! " After defeating Mojo - " Ack! I didn't mean it! Thor's in the factory back room. " 1st time meeting Turk -"So you're ( Your Name ), guys call me Flying Turk!" 1st time meeting Thor - " So you found Thor, leader of the zombies, welcome to your worst nightmare! " Things that They Say when You Have Good Reputation: 1st time meeting Blade - " You probably hate me like all the others. " 1st time meeting Turk - " So you're ( whatever your name is ), I've heard all about you. " After defeating Turk - " I misunderstood you, they tricked me.... " After defeating Mojo - " Unbelieveable! You're mean as a zombie! " After defeating Mojo(a bit higher rep) - " Protectin the inoc- cent.. I've alw.. " Tex with Ivan in your posse - " I reckon I won't fuss with y'all if Ivan's with ya. " After defeating slick - " Count on it, BARF! Oh, and Titus is bad news.. count on that too.... " Having a Zombie while fighting Otis - " Hey no dirty Sh -- What the?! What are you doing on their side?! " Otis with Dragon Twins - " The Dragon Twins with Otis, can you stand the heat in this kitchen? " Certain Events that Happen Due to Reputation: - Meeting Titus: You need to have equal reputation of Thor joining your posse to Meet Titus at the 2nd mall. I suggest you get Thor so it would add 16 rep. giving you a lower chance of losing it all when you reach there. - Meeting Titus 2nd time: You need to have the 1st meeting with Titus. The 2nd meeting it doesn't require any reputation score to meet him. Just beat Ivan once and come back to the same place and beat everyone. - Meeting Jinny at the Spa: Must have a reputation score of around 100-120 and beat Benny and Clyde at the spa 4 or 5 times in a row. - Meeting Roxy at River City High's 2nd Floor: Must have a really high reputation when you met her at the bridge like around 95-110. =============================================================== =============================================================== -------------- | Credits | -------------- Thanks to Momotato for informing me of the causes of rep. Thanks to JulieSu ( BNii) for reminding me of Jinny's name. ------------------------------------------------------------ This faq is protected by copyright by the United States law. Resell of this guide is strongly prohibited and against the law. No post is allowed without the original author's permission. All Rights Reserved.