All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Version 4.3 Yakusoku no Chi Riviera ~Promised Land: Riviera~ This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright of Alan Quirino (grayfox2510 (at) gmail (dot) com). Ok, so let us go over a few basic things... Ownership, Borrowing Info, Contributing, etc.: 1) Please do not take any of this without my consent or at the very least, without a written gratitude in wherever you posted this. I had to spend quite some time getting all there is to this, or at least as close as possible, and well, if you have written any document of this kind and someone took something without gratitude then you must know it sucks... 2) Taking up part of the previos point, if you wish to take some information from my guide, then make it reasonable... I mean, don't take a whole section. Nonetheless, give credit where it's due; golden rule of I don't mind if I'm not told, as long as I'm given credit for what I did to contribute. 3) So, you notice a similarity between my guide and a piece of someone's else but it looks out of place? What do you do? Simple, just let me know. It might be a coincidence, it might be plagiarize, who knows, but I'll contact the other author and find what's going on. Thank you for the support if you do notice this by the way. 4) I try, but perhaps my efforts alone are not enough and thus I end up missing something here or there. Contributions are of course welcome, but be sure to be looking at the latest version, which is always found here: Or just to be sure, hit Ctrl+F5 while viewing this file to ensure it's not a cached version. Also, be sure to put "Yakusoku no Chi Riviera"* or the like as the subject of your mail. If you wish for me to put you under a special name, include so. I normally also include e-mails just for reference, but if you want otherwise, then please let me know. * "Riviera the Promised Land" is also good. Permission, Posting, etc.: 1) First and foremost, I am NOT allowing other sites to post my works. The only sites that are allowed to host this is, and on the rare occasion GameSpot, but that's since they, and only they can directly link to the former site. So save us both our time and do not ask for permission to post this. Amendment: IGN is also allowed. 2) So, assuming you inded had permissiong to post this... Do not change the format, the font size, the font... Nothing. Why? Simple, the whole basis of this guide is based on the current format, so changing it will simply corrupt the whole file or make it hard to read. 3) Pay note that this is a free FAQ/Walkthrough. I make nothing out of this, so why should you? In other words, don't charge people for this. If I allowed this to be on display in your site, it must be free. Do not go around distributing this asking for money either. In short, don't get money at all for this... 4) Yes, I do get questions about this... You are free to download this and store it on your computer. No problem with that, just be careful with the format unless you want to have trouble reading. But if you want to e-mail me for any reason, make sure you are using the latest version... Mailing, Inquires, etc.: 1) Ok, first of all, go to the TOC (Table of Contents). Then look at it again, and again a third time. Sorry for stressing that out, but most often the answers to your questions can be found in a particular section of the guide. Make sure you are also viewing the latest version, which will always be found at: Hit Ctrl+F5 to make sure you aren't seeing a cached version. That aside, if you still need to contact me for an inquire, then put a subject relevant to the game such as, but not limited to "Yakusoku no Chi Riviera."* {No Subject} mails will be deleted 90% of the time, so... * "Riviera the Promised Land" is also good. 2) In addition to the previous point, I reserve the right to answer or not, and as such, I will only answer questions that I missed to detail here at all, or extreme cases. Mails asking about information that is already found here might, and probably will end up in the trash can on my mail account. 3) A few things though, use proper grammar and spelling for all that is holy. Even if the answer can be found here, the odds of me answering a mail like those will raise if you took the time to write properly. Now, I understand not everyone knows English, heck, even mine ain't that good, but if so, say so. Is that so much to ask? 4) Lastly, I check my mail around twice a day. Some times even more, but on the rare occasion, allow up to two business days for a reply. If they are gone and you haven't heard back from me, then either the mail got lost, both mine or yours. That, or I ignored your mail for X reason, such as, but not limited to: Crappy grammar, inquires already answered here, etc. So what if it's a long TOS, it needs to be done nowadays... *Rolls eyes* _______________________________________________________________________________ -----------------------------------Contents------------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ BE SURE TO USE THE [] WHILE SEARCHING WITH THE KEY, OTHERWISE YOU MIGHT, AND PROBABLY WILL LAND IN ANOTHER PLACE. ##. Section [Key] Status Updated? 00. ToDo, Updates & Forewords [000] Updated V 4.2 01. Story [001] Done V 2.0 02. Controls [002] Done V 2.8 03. Battle, Level Up, Etc. [003] Done I believe V 2.5 04. Walkthrough 04.01. Angelic Advent [041] Redoing stuff V 4.1 04.02. Lacrima Castle [042] Done V 4.2 04.03. Nelde Ruins [043] Done V 2.3 04.04. Tetyth [044] Done V 2.3 04.05. Mireno Cemetery [045] Done V 2.5 04.06. Yggdrassil [046] Done V 2.8 04.07. Maze of Shadows [047] Done V 3.0 05. Characters 05.01. Ecthel [051] Done V 3.2 05.02. Ledah [052] Done V 3.2 05.03. Lyuri [053] Done V 3.2 05.04. Fiaa [054] Done V 3.2 05.05. Serene [055] Done V 3.2 05.06. Cierra [056] Done V 3.2 06. Weapons 06.01. Swords [061] In Progress... V 3.1 06.02. Rapiers [062] In Progress... V 3.1 06.03. Bows [063] In Progress... V 3.2 06.04. Scythes [064] In Progress... V 3.2 06.05. Staves [065] In Progress... V 3.3 06.06. Spears [066] In Progress... V 3.3 06.07. Claws [067] In Progress... V 3.4 06.08. Whips [068] In Progress... V 3.4 06.09. Books/Orbs [069] In Progress... V 3.6 06.10. Extras [060] In Progress... V 3.7 06.11. Add Effects [06A] See Section 00 for help V 3.0 06.12. Key Items [06B] Finally started... V 3.8 07. Endings 07.01. Lyuri [071] Done V 2.3 07.02. Fiaa [072] Done V 3.0 07.03. Serene [073] Done V 2.3 07.04. Cierra [074] Done V 3.0 07.05. Rose [075] Done V 3.1 08. Enemies & Break Outs 08.01. Enemies [081] In Progress... V 3.8 08.02. Mini-Bosses [082] In Progress... V 3.0 08.03. Angels [083] In Progress... V 3.0 09. Extras 09.01. CG List [091] Done V 3.1 09.02. Voice List [092] Done V 2.3 09.03. Underground Lake Ankhs [093] Done V 3.0 10. Conclusion [010] Done V 4.3 10.01. Thanks [101] Done so far V 4.3 _______________________________________________________________________________ [000]--------------------00. ToDo, Updates & Forewords------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ To do: -> Enemy attacks data. -> Probably missing some items. -> Get the 'bad' ending for Rothe. -> Finish the Key Items section -> About the ADD Effects, I'm missing the next: 12, 41, 86, 90, 92, 93, 94 and 96. Any help appreciated. Updates: -> Version 4.3 - August 29, 2005. 419Kbs Seems I kinda skipped 4.2 here... Anyway, no chapter updates, just modified the last section and split it into a Conclusion and a Thanks section. -> 4.1: Finally started the Key Items section along with the... What, 5th 01/08 time I play this game? I'm doing some extra stuff to each Stage as I go along as well too. -> 3.7: Redid the Extras. This completes the item section redo. And well, now 28/07 I need to finish the rest of the To Do list... And damn, this has become my biggest FAQ up to date and with the highest number of contributions. o.o -- Thanks I guess. ^0^ Who would have thought Word would make it so easy to replace every single [P] to [N] (For Neutral and better sense)... -> 3.6: Sorry for the big gap in updates, some stuff showed up... Anyway, 27/07 Books and Orbs has been redone. Still dreading the Extras section... -> 3.5: No item updates this time, it was mostly to do some modifications here and there and other stuff. Nothing major. -> 3.4: Redid Claws and Whips. Books/Orbs is going to go alone in the next version, and Extras... Who knows, I might split it into 2 versions... -> 3.3: Staves and Spears redone. Some other info too. -> 3.2: Bows and Scythes done. I'm gonna have a blast with the Extras... Redid some info in the profiles too, etc. -> 3.1: Started redoing the item sections. Swords and Rapiers are done. Modified some stuff in the CG List. I might do a list for the faces, but who knows... Oh yeah, added Rose's ending. -> 3.0: Kinda forgot to log 2.8 here... Anyway, walkthrough done, only missing Rothe's ending now... I might redo the item section later to look nicer... -> 2.5: Same as before, but Stage 5 only. Since many were having trouble with it, I decided to do a single release of it quickly. -> 2.3: Two more chapters, and redoing other stuff. -> 2.0: Starting the remake with the NA version. Redid the CG section somewhat, modified names throughout some chapters, items, enemies, attacks, etc. -> 1.1: Redid Chapter 1, now to add more detail, taking up... Well, I don't know how much it took me and how much nagging to a friend to help me in a few points, but heck... At least I'm giving more details now. Oh yeah, also I'm redoing enemy's attacks to include their info. Redid the item section due to the fact Skill Ups are pretty much fixed, so instead I listed those amounts in each character's individual section. -> 1.0: Walkthrough done. Lyuri's ending added... That's about it. Chapter 8 is also done, but I took the section off since it was pretty much useless just saying the name of the place and "Fight Hades."... -> 0.9: Not released but heck. I just redid the whole enemy section and it looks more readable now... -> 0.8: Chapter 6 down. The same as usual, updated item list, enemies and another angel. I also added the Status Effects under Battle in section 3. -> 0.7: Chapter 5 down, updated item list, finished the Voice List but missing translations... More enemies, etc. Also, I decided to separate Mini-Bosses from Angels. -> 0.6: Just finished Chapter 4 of the walkthrough, added more items, new voice list... That's about it. -> 0.5: Well, just started... Forewords: So, it seems this game was actually translated to English. Nice surprise there. So yeah, easier job for me to do this now... _______________________________________________________________________________ [001]------------------------------01. Story----------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Asgard, realm of the gods... Utgard, land of the demons... Ragnarok--the war between the gods and the demon invaders--cast the world into a state of violent chaos. Overrun by demons, Asgard teetered on the brink of destruction. In desperation, the gods broke the ancient covenant and created the black-winged Grim Angels. Each armed with a Diviner, the angels descended to battle... The battle raged on, but through their valiant efforts, the angels brought an end to the war. The demons were sealed away, but the gods would soon follow. Leaving their power behind in the heavenly isle of Riviera, the gods entrusted the land's inhabitants to watch over it until their return... 1000 years passed quietly... Signs of the demons' return were rumored throughout Riviera. The Seven Magi, proxies of the gods, made a difficult decision for the sake of Asgard's continued existance... ...To activate the diviner power of destruction, "The Retribution." The Magi appointed to this task to beings well-suited for the job... Now, two angels shall descend to the sacred soil of Riviera. _______________________________________________________________________________ [002]----------------------------02. Controls---------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -> D-Pad -> When in field, this, in conjuction with the on-screen tabs, allows your character to move or inspect something. -> In battle, you can browse through your items, menus, and what not. -> A Button -> Scrolls through text. -> Selects a weapon, item, option, etc. -> B Button -> Acts as a Cancel button in some menus. -> L Button -> Skips dialogues in sequences, both inside/outside of battles. (Thanks to Rainarrow for this.) -> R Button -> In battle, press when over an item to see a description of the ADDs the item has. -> In the Item Select screem, press it to see detailed info about each character's action with said item. -> Select Button -> Both out and inside battle, it opens a small menu. The contents vary however. Refer to the next section for them. -> Start Button -> Outside battle, this brings out the map of the areas and the map of the current area. -> Inside battle, this brings up the Status screen, in which you can see the Wait, HP, Status, etc of each participant. _______________________________________________________________________________ [003]----------------------03. Battle, Level Up, Etc.-------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -> Movement: You can't move by the D-Pad in itself. Each map has several notes with an arrow attached to it. Just press that arrow to do whatever the tab says. In the case of MOVE mode, you will move to the screen the arrow points. If you hit A to enter QUEST mode, you will instead inspect places or objects with the correct arrow. Note however that if the color of a place/item is red while in QUEST mode, you need to expend a TP point to search it. You get TP from fights. -> Battles: The battle system is rather fun if you ask me, and quite unique while we are at it. Lets go over some basics. Each item you use will generate a certain amount of Wait. You can view the amount this generates by looking just below the character design in the screen above the one with the items. There's a small bar, white colored that says WT, the number down there is the amount you will generate by doing an action. The Wait you generate depends however on the type of action, and other things such as an enemy raising your Wt or such. It will go down on itself, and once it hits 0, you act again. Each item can only be used several times before it breaks up. So be wary on that. When you have the cursor over an item, the screen on the right (Skill Data Info) will reflect the use of the item for that character. Not all are adept with every item, and very often they have different attacks per character. At the top it will say Attack or Magic, this just means which stat will it use for the damage. The number on the right is the weapon strength or in some cases, the recovery rate. Combo means how many attacks it will perform in a single use. Add, well, there are loads of effects here, and they are fairly obvious. Target will just mention the target to attack. Some will always target the front row, others the back row, some are random, etc... So you noticed there are different colors under Combo? Well, there are 5, white, blue, red, yellow and green. They are like elemental afinities, and I presume they are Physical, Ice, Fire, Elec and Holy. Hit Start while in battle, move the cursor over an enemy and press A to view a detailed info about it, the colors bars going down means weaknesses, whereas the ones going up are resistances. NOTE: Your characters have a resistance to Darkness instead of Holy. (Thanks to Basketball_guy29 for reminding me this. I knew I had to update this sometime...) You see that Exp. bar above the top item? Some characters can learn to use an item in better ways. Each time that character uses an item, that bar will fill up by 1 (Pay note not every character can get Exp with every item). If the bar goes to the top, the character will "Level up" at the end of the fight and gain a new skill with that weapon. To use skills, hit Left while over an item whose Exp gauge says Full! and this will bring up the Skill info. Depending on the level of the skill is the amount of OverDrive! you need to execute it. Lv1 consumes one bar of OD, Lv2 consumes 2, Lv3 and Exl consume all 3. Warning, using an Exl will break the OverDrive gauge and it won't fill for the remainder of the battle. When you hit an enemy, or when they act, you should see a bar on the lower right fill or decrease. That's the Rage bar. Once it goes past the white point in the middle, enemies can use special skills. If it hits MAX, the enemies can use a Break Out ability, which is like an OverDrive, so be careful. When you win you might get a Skill Up (Look below). After that, depending on your overall perfomance in the battle (Turns you took to finish, finisher move, etc) you will get a score (This adds up throughout all of the game and, well, look further below) and a rank. An S awards you 4 TPs (Look above at Movement), and you get 1 TP less per lower Rank. So always try to go for the highest Rank! Last thing, after a point in the game, you can do a formation at first and have to select three characters. The formations are 2-1 (Attack) or 1-2 (Magic). They just affect how will the enemies attack since some always attack the back row and if you have two characters there, they will be at random and such. After that, you need to select 4 items (This is since the beginning) to take with you into battle. Yes, only 4. And after that, well, just fight. Ok, so it wasn't the last thing, sue me! ;p Anyway, Status Effects: -> Freeze: Your character can't act as he/she is frozen solid. An attack will cure this status. -> Sleep: Your character is asleep, and thus can't act. Getting hit will neutralize the effect. -> Purify: Your character's Str and Mgc are lowered. -> Heat: I think you take some damage every now and then... -> Poison: You take quite a hit every time the character acts. -> Dazzle: I think this kills your hit ratio, but not sure. And that's about it for the fights I believe. -> Skill Up: (Or Level up) Remember in the Battle section I mentioned that exp bar? Each time you use said item it fills by one, and once it's full, at the end of that fight you'll get a Skill Up. This will raise some of your attributes (Vary per chara and per item) and give you a skill to use with that weapon. What level depends on the proeficiency of that character with said type of weapons. -> Score: Well, score here is more like an overall way to say how good you are. You get score for basically everything. Each fight gives you some, depending on your rank, time you took to fight and finisher. Doing a side event grants you some. Finding rare and precious items do so as well. Successfully avoiding a trap and what not does as well. Just try to attain the biggest number you can! -> Traps and MiniGames: There are several of these. You can activate them opening chests, or through the story or there are kinda minigames. There are various of them as well: -> Dash At: Press X button or direction X amount of times in an X amount of time. -> Command At: You have a button sequence which you must input in a certain time. No, you do NOT have to memorize it, but if you press a wrong button, it's over. -> Rhythm At: There's a line with a marker moving, and several buttons displayed on top of the line. You have to press each button while the marker is below it. If you press a wrong button, or press something when you shouldn't, it's over. Directions are: ^: Up. >: Right. <: Left. V: Down. _: Empty. -> Just At: There's a line, with a white section and a marker moving. Hit A when ther marker is on the white section. -> Menus: Ok, outside battle, press Select to bring it up. -> Item: This lets you browse your current items. Press R over an item to view the Skill Info of the item with every character, their Exp bars with said item and the specials info. -> Status: This displays the stats of each character. Str affects physical attacks, Magic affects Magical ones. I suppose Agility has to do with hit/evasion and Vit is to defense. Max HP is, well, your Max HP (This always recovers after battle). The resistances are just that. The higher a bar above the middle is, the better. The bottom part displays how good a character is with a weapon. Lv3 is obviously the best, and you can only use Lv3 OverDrives with those. Lv2s with the ones on Lv2 and such. Other characters (The 4 girls actually) have a speech icon next to them. This is how much they like you. A double heart is the best, and the highest one you have by the end will be the one whose Epilogue with Ecthel you get. -> Training Battle: Fights against a set of enemies you've run in the area so far. This doesn't awards any Score and items don't get used up, so you can fill up those Exp bars here. They don't increase your turn count however, so feel free to go at your leisure. -> Score: Lists an overall list of the Score modifications of this stage and at what turn it happened and how. It also shows the overall score for previous Stages. -> Game Exit: This is a like a pseudo-save. If you can't reach an Area change but have to stop playing, use this to make a temporary save which will resume when you hit Continue, and it will be erased once you do so. Inside battle however, they change. -> Position: The first two requires that at the very least you have a Lv1 Overdrive gauge ready. It won't be consumed though. The first one rotates your formation clockwise, and the 2nd does counter-clockwise. The third one needs a lv2 and flips vertically your formation. You can only modify this once per turn. -> Run Away: Fairly obvious... Won't always work though. -> Item: Gives a list of your items. To browse through though, you can't change them anymore. -> Config: Change various stuff about the battle. -> Formation Memory: If On, your last formation will be automatically filled in for you. -> Item Memory: Same as above, but for items. -> Skill Memory: Will remember the last action done by a character in that battle. -> Icon Display: Displays Status Effects or Wait when time is passing (In other words, prior to any action). -> Enemy Window: Shows skill info about enemy attacks. -> Enemy Cut Scene: Shows the splash screen for Break Outs. -> Voice: Turns On/Off your character voices for battle. -> Suspend: Same as in the normal Menu, except you resume in the middle of a battle. _______________________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------04. Walkthrough-------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ So yeah, me despising the English names, I refuse to use them... SO! Some of them I'll keep, some of them I won't... Ein -> Ecthel Ledah -> Ledah Rose -> Rose Lina -> Lyuri Fia -> Fiaa Serene -> Serene Cierra -> Cierra Malice -> Malice Hector -> Hector _______________________________________________________________________________ [041]------------------------04.01. Angelic Advent----------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Well, you are starting up most probably. After the introduction you will be presented with a background. This denotes the start of a chapter. There are 7 in total with an extra. Hit A twice to go on. After that, you will be presented with a map of Valhala and the cursor will move atop Heaven's Gate ~ Road to the Promised Land ~ -[Stage 1]-[Area 1]-[Angels' Memorial]- -[The resting place of the Grim Angels that lost their lives in Ragnarok. Entry is now prohibited.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3] Screen: [1] Ledah and Ecthel here will talk about how they are getting closer to Riviera, and once they pass this gate, they should be there. Suddenly, a Hell Hound will come at you. It will be time then to test your Divines, on in other words, the weapons you are carrying around. FIGHT: VS Unleashed Beast - 1,500 Points TACTICS: The Hell Hound is weak against fire, so Ledah's attack should come in handy. This battle shouldn't be a problem. You will be given the choice to fight or escape, but you can't escape this being the tutorial fight... Next comes the Item Select screen, since you only have 2 items right now, as Rose mentions, select them and go into battle. Be sure to look at enemies' weaknesses in the future. Select both swords for now and hit OK! Ok, just some things. If you put the cursor on the red sword, you should see that under Add in the right screen it says "02: Low%". That means that character has a lower hit percentage with said weapon. Stay away from those. Just use Einherjar (The lower one) and attack the enemy. Ledah can only attack with Lorelei (the top one), so use it. Once the enemy is weak, try to use Ledah's Exl skill (put the cursor over Lorelei and hit left). This skill will break the OverDrive gauge, and so it's best used as a finisher move to get more Score. The number of attacks this Exl does depends on the lv of the Overdrive. (Plus, you gotta love the voice of Ledah for that skill -- This only applies to the JP version.) Once the fight is done. Ecthel will mention their new item, and you will be taught how to access the menu of the game, which is with the Select button. Well, read the previous section under Movement to get the idea on how to move and quest. It is not necessary to QUEST every location, as some are rather unuseful and will only add a turn to your total turn count. Which makes up part of your final score. Try heading right and Hekuta (Ok, so his name is Hector, but come on, Hekuta sounds cooler~) appears. You will be told to hurry to Riviera, which supposedly has became a land of demons and must be destroyed. And that you two will be on your own because Hector won't be able to contact you after you leave the Heaven's Gate. Screen: [2] Simply MOVE right. Screen: [3] Another fight here. FIGHT: VS Snarling Demons - 1,500 Points TACTICS: Devastator, the Gremlin's Max attack, cuts everyone's HP in half. Getting hit early on will make things difficult. This battle is also another tutorial, and will explain how the enemy is sort of angered for the death of an ally, which was the Hell Hound we previously defeated. In short, each time you defeat or attack an enemy, the RAGE gauge on the bottom will rise. Once past the white point, enemies can use RAGE attacks, and at the top, they will use the Break Out! skill. In this fight, the Gremlin will automatically go for the Devastator, and then when it's will be Ecthel's turn, mentioning how to use the Potions we got earlier. After that, the fight is pretty much yours to command. Oh yeah, you can also view the information of an item while pressing R over it. Remember, try using an Exl at OverDrive 3 as a finisher for the Score. Ecthel will then learn about item durability. In short, as you use an item, the number on the right decreases, and as thus, once it hits 0, the item is gone. Head back to the previous room. Screen: [2] Ledah will ask Ecthel where he is going, and Ecthel will comment on how the path was a dead end. Ledah will say it was too early to judge it as a dead- end and Rose will teach you how to QUEST. Screen: [3] Rose here will teach you to QUEST, as previously said. Look at the bottom right part of the screen where it says MOVE. Rose will say you can't QUEST in MOVE mode, obviously, so in order to change, you hit A. (I refuse to call this LOOK) So, you see the Trigger up there? Go for it. Ecthel will mention there's a stone ledge they can use to go down, and thus he learns that QUESTing can be useful indeed. Rose also warns that QUESTing will use up one Trigger Point (Hereafter known as TP), but only when QUESTing (And actually only when the trigger is red colored). You gain TP by defeating enemies, and the higher the rank, the more you get. Once you are done, switch back to MODE and press up, then select the top choice to jump. -[Stage 1]-[Area 2]-[Skywalk]- -[A walkway at Heaven's Gate made of floating rocks, leading to a cavern.]- Map: [4]-[3]-[5]> | [1]-[2] Screen: [1] When you gain control, QUEST down in order to open the chest and get 3 Potions. Go back to MOVE and take a right. Screen: [2] After Rose sorts of worries on how much they are advancing, an enemy will appear, threatening for their lives. FIGHT: VS Savage Demon - 1,500 Points TACTICS: The Berserker's attacks are not very accurate, but do a great deal of damage. He targets characters from a distance. The conversation then shifts to normal skills and OverDrives, and how the latter are more powerful. And in order to use one, one must get Exp first, which accumulates by using normal skills, so all in all, the only way to get Exp is to fight. Inside battle you can only use your Einherjard sword to get Exp, and in the end you will get a Skill Up. Or Level up if you wish. You also get OverDrives at this point. Ecthel will then comment on how he learned Double Slash, and Ledah will tell you about the parameters that went up on the Skill up. Ecthel, enthusiasmic about it says he will learn Lorelei's next, but Ledah says it's futile, as only certain persons can master the OverDrives of some weapons. And you can tell by the Exp gauge. Enter QUEST mode, and use the down trigger to look around the stones. You will find a Rock and get 500 Score Points. Head up then. Screen: [3] There's nothing to do here, so instead just MOVE left. Screen: [4] QUEST the left trigger. The first time will only mention how the place is destroyed, but searching a second time will reveal a Power Up, or Mana Wisp. You will be given the choice to Touch it (First) or not to (Second), though be warned that you only have one chance, so touch it. Both Ecthel and Ledah will get +10 to HP, and +1 to every other attribute, and 3,000 points. MOVE right twice. Screen: [5] Simply MOVE NEXT into... -[Stage 1]-[Area 3]-[Stairway of Judgement]- -[The stone stairway where fallen angels were tried. It spirals up to a cavern.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]> Screen: [1] Simply MOVE right. Screen: [2] In this next screen, Rose will first whine about the situation in her own strange way... Then enemies appear. Ecthel will mention how this will be an easy fight since he plans to use his new skill, but Ledah warns him that in order to use an OverDrive skill, the OverDrive gauge must have a level worth of the level of the skill or higher, so in order to use Double Slash, you need at least a LV1. Note as well that the OverDrive gauge is for everyone in your group, and it increases as you get hit or attack. FIGHT: VS Tiny Magician - 1,500 Points TACTICS: The Rabid Beast has a lot of HP, but, like most beasts, is weak against fire. Ledah should be able to handle it. Inside battle, once the OverDrive hits Lv1 and Ecthel's turn comes around, Rose will block you from doing anything else but the OverDrive. Simply hit left while the cursor ir over the Einherjar sword to access its OverDrive skill. Ecthel will then mention how the gauge decreased by 1. Rose adds that the gauge will drop by the amount of the level of the OverDrive skill. Ledah also mentions that his breaks the gauge instead, but Rose simply says that that skill is special, or Execution level (I prefer Exl). Anyway, head right. Screen: [3] You will notice how the entrance to the cave is closer. But QUEST up when you can and a spider will show up. Rose suggests you try throwing the rock we had just picked up, so select the top choice (You don't lose anything) and... -> Just At Just At is one of the 'mini-games' as par se, as you see a cursos moving right and left around a bar, and there's a white section. You must press A and stop the cursor over the white section. Doing it correctly in this case will net you 10,000 points! Missing will make you fight the 2 Arachne. If you do hit them, you will get 20x Spider Web. In the end, just MOVE right into... -[Stage 1]-[Area 4]-[Cavern of Judgment]- -[The stone steps eventually lead into a cavern. Light gently seeps through the cracks.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]> Screen: [1] Rose makes a quick mention about the place seems unexpectedly bright for being a cave, and then asks if this will lead the group closer ro Riviera. Ledah says that only if they can actually get through, indeed they will be there. QUEST up and then head right. Screen: [2] Ecthel says how the climbing seems to go on and on. Just at that, some enemies appear, calling you prey, as usual. Rose says you can't run, so take care of the Lilith and Hell Hound. FIGHT: VS Soul Hunter - 2,500 Points TACTICS: Lilith usually strikes only one target, but in Rage Mode, her Max attack will hit the entire front line, so watch out! Once you win, Ledah says they can't waste time and need to execute the 'Retribution'. Rose questions what that is, and Ecthel replies it's a method of execution used to save the world of Asgard. Though it seems the powers are strong enough to destroy Riviera in the process. Ledah interjects saying how if they just stand there, the demons will also gain posesion of the Divines. Rose then asks if they will have to defeat the demons and Riviera altogether before the demons reach the Divine World. Ecthel asks if there is no way of saving both the Divine World and Riviera, and Ledah comments how he is still having such ideas, and that some sacrifices are inevitable. Ecthel tries to protect Riviera in a way by saying the place should be peaceful by now, but Ledah still insists and they move on. Before you actually MOVE on, QUEST up here as well. If you did QUEST up in the previous screen, Ecthel mentions how the light might be representing something and searches the ground. You find an Orihalcon and 7,000 points. Now you can MOVE right. Screen: [3] You find Hector, who asks for a situation report. Ledah says they are just moving through. Hector then says how Riviera might be becoming a demonic world already and a second Ragnarok might be inevitable. Ecthel simply mentions his name and Hector snaps on him, saying to not worry and trust the Seven Sages, then he pushes you forward to Riviera. Ledah says for Ecthel to worry about their duties first and foremost, and he can think about anything after that. QUEST down here, choose the first option (hit it) and prepare: -> Command At: Press Up, Up, A. You get 5,000 points for doing this correctly. MOVE NEXT to... -[Stage 1]-[Area 5]-[Heaven's Scale]- -[Where judgment used to be passed on fallen angels. Giant boulders hang in the sky by chains.]- Map: [1] [2]> Screen: [1] Ecthel notices that it looks like a dead end. If you QUEST down for the sword, Ecthel adds that the sword is stuck in the stone, obviously. Rose thinks it might be a trap and it is best not to pull it. You have two choices now... If you go for the first one, you will face the following: -> Dash At: Press A 12 times. And if done correctly, you'll get a Dragon Killer x15, 3,000 points, and Ecthel receives a bonus to Str +1. The other one is to attempt the Dash At, but fail it. Doing so three times will break the sword and you will get the Sword Hilt. Which is in fact a key item and you only get 1,500 points for doing so. I suggest you at least get this key item in one play or another. The problem is, there's a dragon enemy coming up, so... Random quote time! Ecthel: "Ughhhh! It's no use. It won't budge." Rose: "Sure, blame it on the sword..." (Love this) Now, QUEST up and Ecthel will find a ledge suspended, which you can use to go down. But it's a one way trip. So go to MOVE mode and jump down using the Up trigger and the first choice. Screen: [2] After some freak stuff, a dragon appears. FIGHT: VS Boulder Dragon - 7,500 Points TACTICS: High HP and fire resistance make it a troublesome foe. It'd be nice to have a Dragon Killer for this battle. Even without the Dragon Killer, this isn't a really tough fight. For reference, you are fighting a Red Dragon. Seeing how Ledah's Exl is Fire, and so is the Dragon, it won't deal much, so be sure to use Ecthel's OverDrive Skill when possible. Once that is done, the place is still shaking. You will attempt to jump into another ledge... -> Just At Assuming you succeed, you'll end up in Area 9. If you fail, you will end up in Area 6. So try to succeed... If you do so, you also get 2,000 points. -[Stage 1]-[Area 9]-[Silver Palace]- -[Ruins of a palace that once held sacred treasures, but was destroyed during Ragnarok.]- Map: [1]-[2]> Screen: [1] Ecthel mentions how the place looks like a palace. Not so much interesting here, really. Anyway, QUEST up. Ecthel notices the decoration of the statue. Rose comments on how not many demons must show up down here, and thus some statues still retain their decorations. If you QUEST the upper trigger again, you'll get the choice to take it (top one). Doing do will get you the Golden Decoration key item, and 3,000 points. QUEST down and use the top choice to open the chest. You get the... Album Key Item. It's the item that unlocks the CG List section in the Extra Contents option at the main screen. You also get 3,500 points. MOVE right. Screen: [2] As soon as you get here, you are thrown into a fight. FIGHT: VS Masters of the Palace - 4,000 Points TACTICS: When Big Bear's HP gets low, his Brutal Onslaught becomes more powerful. Don't ever let your guard down! Meh, they aren't really that tough... Once you've dealt with them, QUEST right for the statue on the floor. At first Rothe mentions how the statue is crumbling, same as the sword as Ecthel adds. QUEST again and you will be able to take the sword (top choice) for the Rusty Sword key item, and 1,000 points. QUEST up twice for the other statue. The first time Rothe mentions how there seems to be something in the palm of its hands. The second time Ecthel decides to search and finds a light that surrounds him. He suddenly feels his body lighter and gets an Agl +1 bonus, not to mention 3,000 points. Now, jump down (MOVE trigger up). -[Stage 1]-[Area 6]-[Stone Lattice]- -[A path made of rocks chained together. The footing is shaky, but they are seen all over Heaven's Gate.]- Map: [4]-[5]> | [1]-[2]-[3] Screen: [1] You get some dialogue about how it won't be good if Ecthel falls, seeing how he has no wings... There's nothing else here, so just MOVE right. Screen: [2] QUEST up when you can. Rothe decides to go look for whatever is stuck in the chains in behalf of Ecthel. In the end you get the Power Wrist x15. As the name suggests, it temporarily raises your Str when used in battle. Ecthel can also learn a skill from this. It's up to you if to learn it now, or later when you can access the Practice Battle option. MOVE right. Screen: [3] Rothe wonders about demons, seeing how it would be best if they don't appear as Ecthel notes, but... A Naga shows up. FIGHT: VS Wind Splitter - 4,000 Points TACTICS: What you get after battle depends on your rank and who you defeat last. You'll get a Naga Fang for defeating the Naga. Killing it should reward you with 10x Naga Fang. Once it's down, enter QUEST mode. You hear a noise, that seems to be emanating from above. QUEST up and it seems that a bell is about to fall on you! -> Command At: Left, Right, Up, Down, A. Rothe says "Nice catch," and you get the Angel's Bell key item and 6,000 points. Ecthel says tit would look good on Rothe's neck, but she says she is not a house-cat, so she won't put it on. ^^ MOVE left and up. Screen: [4] Two Lilithts will fight you here. FIGHT: VS Dark Queens - 2,5000 Points TACTICS: Lilith's Max attack, Dark Grip, heals her allies while damaging her enemy. It's double the trouble, so be careful. (Lame expression if you ask me...) By the way, though the Naga Fangs aren't too strong, they attack a whole row and Ecthel can also learn a skill. Use them if you wish. MOVE right when you are done. Screen: [5] Ledah comments that you should be close to Riviera by now. QUEST up and open the chest with the top choice to get a Fire Orb x3. Not so much use, but Ecthel can also learn from it... If used in battle, it raises your Fire resistance as Rose mentions. MOVE NEXT into... -[Stage 1]-[Area 7]-[Remote Sanctuary]- -[A nameless temple in the southernmost area of Heaven's Gate. Its floor has cracked over time.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]> Screen: [1] Ecthel wonders how there are many islands in this place, which all make up the Heaven's Gate. QUEST up. Ecthel: This is...! Ledah: Poison gas... Get away! -> Command At: Down, Down, A. If you succeed, you get 3,000 points. You get a small lecture on how not all chests are safe, and yes, it was empty... MOVE right. Screen: [2] Rothe says how Ecthel lost his wings in order to get his divine, but wonders what Ledah lost. He mentions it's not something to talk about and enemies creep up on you. A Naga and a Lilith to be precise. You'll know the answer later though, so don't worry. ;p FIGHT: VS Beauty and the Wyvern - 4,000 Points TACTICS: A strong pair, but because they are so close together, Ledah's pierce attacks can damage both at once. (Who came up with these battle names...) QUEST up. Rothe seems to find something. Use the top choice to pull it out... -> Dast At: Press A 10 times. This part, well, it depends I believe. It has been clarified to me by Eric N that in your first game or if you don't S-Rank the last boss and this is a second or further run, you'll get a Rosier and 1,000 points. If you S-Rank the final boss, you can find Longinus here and 10,000 points. MOVE right. Screen: [3] Ledah says that passing this temple will finally get you to the gate, so to be prepared. Go into QUEST and a fairy will appear. Ledah wonders what is a spirit of Riviera doing here. In the end, they decide to ask the fairy to clear all these matters to them. So, QUEST up. The fairy seems to be lost, as she is crying when you first activate the trigger. She mentions how she suddenly woke up here and is surrounded by demons. Echtel asks if she isn't a demon, to which she responds no, and introduces herself as NoNo. She adds how suddenly she awoke here after being surrounded by a black 'thing'. Ledah sort of snaps and says they can't lose any more time and must hurry. Ecthel wonders what to do with her and you get the choice to take her, or leave her. Of course we'll be taking her along. She happily heals you in return and adds a +1 to Echtel's Magic. Not to mention the key item Nono and 4,000 points to boot. So, MOVE right into the final area... -[Stage 1]-[Area 8]-[Gate to Riviera]- -[The southernmost gate of Heaven's Gate. A barrier that prevents anyone from passing.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3] Screen: [1] Rose asks if we are there yet. Ledah says that because of the demons they are behind schedule. Suddenly a voice booms in saying for those of the divine world to go back. Suddenly Hector shows up and say that the voice probably belonged to the one responsible from bringing demons to this place. Before you MOVE on, be sure to QUEST right. Ledah mentions how a strong force flows here, a force different that theirs. MOVE right. Screen: [2] Ledah mentions we are finally there. Or so very close at least. Ecthel sounds a little, well, not overly confident and Rose is worried about that. QUEST left first though to get an Elixir. This heals up all of your HP, as Ledah mentions. Mind you, the Elixir will only show up if you QUESTed in the previous screen. Though you only get one, so... MOVE right. Screen: [3] Ledah brings up Ragnarok, and how they must work to prevent a tragedy such as that from repeating. Hector shows up and says that it is time to turn the pages around, and to give the 'crushing' blow to all of this as the Grim Angels. A woman suddenly shows up, and Echtel is surprised at that. Hector seems a little out of shape and tells you to execute her, declaring she is an enemy. Nonetheless, Ursula begins to chant a spell in divine language. Ecthel has the idea that she might be from the divine world, seeing how she knows the language, but Hector claims she is nothing but a ghost and your enemy. Ecthel is still not sure that she is an enemy, mainly from the power she is emanating, of course he thinks that to himself, but Ledah snaps him, saying the enemy is coming. BOSS FIGHT: VS The Holy Beast - 12,000 Points TACTICS: Aghart uses primarily fire attacks. If you have one, you should use a Fire Orb to raise your fire resistance. You fight Aghart, who is, well, being the boss, it's the stronger monster of this particular Stage... Just be sure to bring a set of Potions just in case, and keep at it with Ecthel's Double Slash and Ledah's normal attack. Remember the Exl finisher. In the event you get an S rank, which isn't too hard, you should get an Ignis Spear x1. Ledah tries striking her, but no damage is done, as she seems to have no form. Ecthel suddenly disappears. And the scene ends with Rothe screaming Ecthel's name... Echtel wonders where he is, and tries calling out names but suddenly screams in pain. Ursula says that the pain will end in an instant for those who oppose Riviera, and to sleep eternally... Back at Heaven's Gate, Rothe still can't believe Ecthel disappeared. Ledah asks what happened and Hector just says he's useless. Rothe, still in denial asks Hector for help, but he says they've lost that Grim Angel already. And as usual, pushes them around to go. We see Ecthel lying around with 4 faeries around. One comments on how he isn't disappearing, and that if he were a bad guy, he should be gone by now. Another adds how he is still feeling pain. Yet another wonders if there's such a thing as an Angel who means no harm to Riviera. But it seems he has a pure heart, which is why he hasn't disappeared. They decide to ask Master Ursula as they call her and so she appears. She agrees with the faeries, saying how he has a pure heart. And that perhaps he... Yes, she decides to entrust him with the peace of Riviera, and their future... Stage Clear! My highest score? I got 60 turns, 12 items left, but a total of 151,500 points, huzzah! _______________________________________________________________________________ [042]------------------------04.02. Lacrima Castle----------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Elendria ~ A Quiet, Peaceful Village ~ You will see Ecthel lying down on a bed and two girls in the room. After some things and a few introductions, we get their names are Lyuri (the blondie little girl) and Fiaa (the green haired woman). By the way, your stats have been modified, and quite greatly... (Ok, so they are Lina and Fia in the NA version, but I refuse to call them so, so...) And the fun begins already. When you can, QUEST down twice to get 10 pieces of bread. Otherwise, QUEST up to talk with Fiaa. The top option will raise her affection to you, the second one will lower it, and the third is sort of neutral. Oh yeah, this is where it gets fun. From now on, your main party will consist of Ecthel and then only woman. That is, Fiaa, Lyuri, then Serene and finally Cierra. Each one has an affection value to you and in the end, the one with the highest will decide your ending. So make up your mind pronto. Anyway, after that, MOVE up and QUEST left to talk to Lyuri. In this case, the top choice will make her sweatdrop, the second will make her like you and the third is neutral as well. CoCo, the fairy here is the way to get all those details on the two girls living here. I guess you can talk to her each stage. The book up there will let you save. MOVE back down and exit left. Then MOVE left again to get a menu of the places you can visit. Right now we are missing a place though, which will open up later... (The place you are at won't show up though) -> Lina and Fia's Residence. -> Pixea Residence: Just two persons here, and also way to a small plaze if you MOVE down. -> Hobbit Smithy: Smith. You'll see later.. -> Crystal Caverns: Several characters here. -> Undine Spring: There's a mermaid who can't speak here... -> Grove of Repose: Well, there are only female anthropomorphic figures here. -> Stay Here. First, head to the Pixea Residence. Speak to the locals if you wish, but MOVE down and talk to Gill, the boy, twice for 50x Coral Staves. Now go to the Undine Spring and talk to the Fairy on the right. She's actually NoNo and will give you 25x Ribbons for saving her. If you head up to the spring and talk to LuLu, she will tell you that Meute can't talk, but a Moondrop, if it really exists might help her. Go to the smithy. Chappi can turn your Rusty Word into 50x Iron Swords. (Thanks to nik~ for this.) This is where it gets strange. For now, head to the Grove of Repose and talk to the Fairy here, then MOVE right and talk to Mursya, the WereCat twice. Thanks to Kenai Wolf for this: Just go into the Crystal Caverns, all the way to the back and speak to the fairy there. She'll mention Lyuri went into the Elder's House. If she isn't there for some reason, head to the Grove of Repose and talk to everyone there. This should add the Elder's House option, so head there. When the Fairy comes and talk you, you will get the Elder's House trigger in the Exit menu-thingy, so head there and inside. Go through all that scene and when you are done, head to the Crystal Caverns. MOVE up, up and right, then QUEST up for the bookshelf to get a Divine Scripture*. MOVE left and talk to Claude there twice, then MOVE down and use the new right path. * Seems it will only appear if you defeat Hades (Secret Chapter 8). So wait until your second run. You will get 50x Rapier and 50x Longbow. As well as Lyuri and Fiaa added to your group. So we begin Chapter 2~ Pursuit of Truth. Lacrima ~ The Castle Bathed in Moonlight ~ -[Stage 2]-[Area 1]-[Wilheim Bluff]- -[A cliff on the eastern island of Riviera. Migrating birds enjoy the warm weather there.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]> Screen: [1] As you begin, QUEST upwards and select the top choice when possible to get 15 Healing Herbs. After that, if you choose the top option, you can raise Lyuri's affection. As you cancel QUEST, you should see Lyuri gets an idea. If you go back to QUEST and right, and with the bottom option, not only will Lyuri like you even more, but you get a Chipped Dagger. A Key item and 500 points. Now, MOVE right. Screen: [2] Get ready to fight a Rope Plant. Once you are done, QUEST up. The top answer will give you a Rock Key item and 500 points, the second will instead raise Ecthel's strenght by 1; you decide. MOVE right. Screen: [3] Don't even bother here, just MOVE right again. -[Stage 2]-[Area 2]-[Shadow Bridge]- -[A stone bridge leading to the castle. The moonlight creates a mysterious shadow on the water.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]> Screen: [1] In the first choice you have, the top one will make both dislike you, same as the second one, but the third will make them both like you. QUEST left twice and you'll be attacked by a Runess Vampire. You will learn about formations here. You can also use this time to hit Start and view the enemy data to select a correct Item line up. In short, formations depend on the enemy type. If the enemies mostly attack the back row, you'll want a Magic formation, otherwise, stick to Attack, and such... MOVE right. Screen: [2] QUEST right for the chest and... -> Command At: Right, Up, A, Right. This is a random item chest. You can get a Rapier or a Long Bow here. If you QUEST left and select the top choice... -> Command At: Right, A, Right A. This will net you 3,500 points. MOVE right and get ready... Screen: [3] Fight the Evil Mage and Gladiator. When you are done, MOVE right into... -[Stage 2]-[Area 3]-[Moonlit Garden]- -[In the castle's courtyard, stone pillas and small shrubs line a garden path.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[4]> | [3] Screen: [1] Select any choice, the end result is the same: -> Command At: Up, Up, A, Down. With this you'll hide from a guard and get 3,000 points. But, if you rather fight for 1,000, don't do anything. If you fought, use the top option after- wards if you want to make them like you. MOVE right and get ready... Screen: [2] You will be taught about Position now. Hit Select and the first option is Position. Refer to section 3 under Menus for more info. After this, you can now do Training Battles. Hit Select outside of battle and choose the third option. Items won't be consumed, but you gain Exp and items, and no, you don't use a Turn. Highly suggested you use this time to Skill Up with all your current items. Anyway, QUEST right and open the chest for another roulette. Here you can get Rapiers, Long Bows, or Coral Staves. Screen: [3] MOVE down and QUEST right, pick the top choice and... -> Command At: Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right. 2,500 points and another choice. With the top one you get some fruit, the 2nd gives Lyuri a +10 HP. The third gives everyone a +5 HP. The fourth gives Ecthel a +10 HP and the last is like the 2nd, without the affection boost. MOVE back up. Screen: [2] Another guard shows up. -> Command At: Up, Up, A, Down. Then another one to hold Lyuri from sneezing. -> Command At: Right, Right, A. You get an affection boost from Fiaa and 4,000 points. If you fail, a fight will ensue. MOVE right. Screen: [4] QUEST down and use the 2nd choice, then... If you use the last one, the next comes. -> Rhythm At: ^ > _ > _ > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ With this you get 5,000 points. However, if you select the first or the second to use one of the girls as a decoy: -> Just At Doing it right is worth 2,000 points and an affection boost from both girls. IF the chest wasn't opened, this will net you 6,000 points though. (Thanks to nik~ for this.) This will also make you fight, so it's up to you. Enter QUEST and use right for another roulette chest. This one has an Iron Sword, make sure you try to get that. -[Stage 2]-[Area 4]-[Sentry Tower]- -[A tower located in a corner of the Moonlit Garden. The spiral stairs lead to the top.]- Map: [1]-[2]> Screen: [1] QUEST right in this area. If you choose the top option, Fiaa will go to the skeleton and you'll get a... -> Rhythm At: _ > < ^ _ _ V _ ^ > _ _ V _ If done right, you'll get 4,000 points. But Fiaa will lose 5% of it's Max HP for the next fight. On the other hand, by selecting the second choice Lyuri will attack the skeleton and you'll fight for 1,000 points. However, if you decide to do absolutely nothing and let them be, then if you get blown away from the enemy ahead, when you come back here you will fight 3 Skeletons. (Thanks to Jawstrock for this) MOVE right when done. Screen: [2] This enemy can be tedious... As once it reaches Break Out! It will send you away to another area... Don't worry, when you come back and fight it, its HP will be the same as when you left it though... -[Stage 2]-[Area 5]-[Connecting Bridge]- -[A walkway high above the ground which connects two towers. It was reserved for emergency use only.]- Map: [6]-[7]> [2]-[3]-[4]-[5]> <[1] Screen: [1] If you notice, one of the girls has gone AWOL and you are attacked... Once you are done with them, QUEST right if you want some extra affection from the girl with you. Otherwise MOVE up back to... -[Stage 2]-[Area 3]-[Moonlit Garden]- MOVE up and right to find Fiaa. With the top choice Fiaa will like you more, but the second will raise both girl's affection. Up to you. MOVE right to... -[Stage 2]-[Area 4]-[Sentry Tower]- Go back to the Black Wyrm (The thing that made you fly) and try to defeat him. You might want to get blown away again... Well, if you do so, once you hit Area 3 again you can QUEST a new key item: Mosamo Branch. Anyway, when you defeat the Wyrm, MOVE right. QUEST up. If you select the top choice you'll get a... -> Command At: Up, Right, A, Right, Up, A, B, Left, Right. This will give you 5 Bat Wings and 3,000 points. IF however, you chose the second, you will end up with a Just At. Doing it will net you 1,000 points, a Key Item and less affection from Lyuri. MOVE right to... -[Stage 2]-[Area 5]-[Connecting Bridge]- Map: [6]-[7]> [2]-[3]-[4]-[5]> <[1] Screen: [2] As you enter, QUEST right. The chest is trapped with a Just At though. Another roulette, this one has Iron Swords, Long Bows, Corel Wood Staves and Rapiers. MOVE right and fight. Screen: [3] You will get another mini-tutorial on items. Such as the strength of the hit, and added effects. QUEST right for an Hell Scythe. Keep it... MOVE right. Screen: [4] For some reason Ecthel will go and bash up the chest, triggering a... -> Command At: Down, Left, Left, A. Doing so will net you 4,000 points. A Succubus will also appear, and regard- less of the choice, you will fight her (Runness Vampire, Misery Bringer and Hedge Spider), though the top one has a hit on Lyuri's affection towards you. MOVE right afterwards. Screen: [5] QUEST the chest and select the bottom choice if you want extra affection from Lyuri. The end result will be the same and you'll end in... -[Stage 2]-[Area 9]-[Castle Dungeon]- -[A humungous prison beneath the castle. Giant chains are a remnant of the beasts held here.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3] Screen: [1] QUEST for the chest, but you must first clear a: -> Command At: A, Up, Right, Down. You can get the same 4 items as usual. Screen: [2] MOVE right and QUEST up for a hint of sorts and 1,500 points. MOVE right. Hint: "'Right' from heaven fill thyself with 'down' and like A hunting 'up' correct what is B..." Screen: [3] In this room, inspect all the coffins, then the one you wish again. If you go for the bottom one, you'll get a Thunder Bow and a fight with a T-Luminas. The right one will give you a Flamberg and a fight with a T-TorWisp. The top one however is for a Silver Rapier and a fight with a T-Nightmare. When you open one, you must select a player. The one you choose will take a 15% hit on HP for the next fight. Pick the one you want. Though in the end you get 5,000 points. You will automatically warp to... -[Stage 2]-[Area 3]-[Moonlit Garden]- MOVE up and right twice to reach... -[Stage 2]-[Area 4]-[Sentry Tower]- Again... MOVE right thrice and into... -[Stage 2]-[Area 5]-[Connecting Bridge]- Map: [6]-[7]> [2]-[3]-[4]-[5]> <[1] Screen: [2] MOVE right once. Screen: [3] QUEST up. Then MOVE up through the newly opened path and select the first option to jump. Screen: [6] You will have to fight a Runess Vampire here and two Misery. If you want to learn about the moon, QUEST up, otherwise MOVE right. Screen: [7] Be sure to QUEST down here! You will get 1,500 points and avoid some other stuff later. MOVE right. -[Stage 2]-[Area 6]-[Castle Chambers]- -[Blue-white flames light the dark chambers. Strange statues of knights line the halls.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3] Screen: [1] QUEST up. Select the top choice for a Key item: Torch or the middle one for a +1 in Magic with Ecthel. Then MOVE right. Screen: [2] Fight 2 Skeletons, an Evil Mage and a Murmur. After this, first QUEST right twice to get the Gae Bolg, doing this first will trigger a fight with an S.Nightmare, so yeah, extra points and a shot at getting some Tarot Cards if you like them (Thanks to Vixen1977). Now you can QUEST up here and you will get what you didn't picked in the previous room. MOVE right when done. Screen: [3] QUEST right and untrap the chest with a... -> Command At: Down, A, Right, Down. Another roulette, the usual prizes. MOVE right. -[Stage 2]-[Area 7]-[Moonlit Courtyard]- -[A well-maintained courtyard, complete with a fountain. Beyond here lies the Sealed Tower.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[4]> | [3] Screen: [1] As you get here, you get a choice. The first one is normal. The second one will give three more, out of which the first two make Lyuri hate you, contrary to the third. QUEST to find the flowers here, you'll see later. MOVE right. Screen: [2] Fight a Triffid, Bogie and Viper Ratchet. MOVE down. (So yeah, thanks to Lazyboy554 for a slight correction here.) Screen: [3] QUEST the fountain. If you have the torch, you can choose to turn it into ashes, receiving a key item Mosamo Ash, though you can also leave it lit for an event in a screen a little later. If you found the flowers in Screen [1], then you can get some water here, which you can take back to the flowers in order to get the Moondrop Key Item. (Thanks to Jitawa for this) QUEST them again for some Lyuri affection plus the Moon Lily (Thanks to ZL Lin for this). MOVE back up and left to Screen [1]. Screen: [1] (Thanks to Jawstrock for detailed information on this) Eventually Lyuri wants to spill the water in her own way (Read: She trips) when you move from Screen [2] to this one and you get two choices. The top one is for: -> Command At: Down, Right, Up, A Doing that raises her affection and gives you 3,000 points, but you still lose the water. Failing it gives a 5% HP hit to her and you still lose the water. Second choice gives her the HP hit but you keep the water. If you lose it, you can just go back and pick some. Get the Moondrop key item and then MOVE right. Screen: [2] Try heading right as you see a stone piece fall down. QUEST it and with the top option you can get 25x Black Earring. MOVE right and prepare to face cuteness~ (Sorry, I just love Serene, though her Japanese voice was a lot better mind you). Screen: [4] Before anything, QUEST right and then down to get a Four-Leaf Clover and 6,000 points. (Thanks to d3m0n for the Clover and BlastOff for the points.) QUEST up to see Malice, a future enemy attack Serene, the pseudo-demonic girl. After a while, you will fight Marisu. Just build up her Rage, once she does a Break Out! the fight will end. Long story short, Serene will introduce herself and join you with 20 Hell Scythes. MOVE right into... -[Stage 2]-[Area 8]-[The Sealed Tower]- -[A tower located deep within the castle. A demonic god is said to be sealed away here.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]-[5] Screen: [1] This is the final area of this Stage by the way. I suggest you practice with Serene if you are going to make her one of your standard party members (like me). And even if you aren't, you should train her nonetheless.. At this point you will also fight, and be warned how you can only bring 3 characters into battle. From now on you will always have to select the 3 you want to send to battle. Anyway, fight the Bogie and a Tiny Thief. MOVE right. Screen: [2] Fiaa will try to light up the place, but she'll end up taking a 5% hit on HP for the next battle. If you didn't drenched the Mosamo Torch-thingy, lit this place up to get a chest with some Ogrenium. (Thanks to liljimmy (at) MOVE right. Screen: [3] Get ready... -> Command At: Up, Up, A, Down. Split Point! IF you have the torch still lit up, you have two choices here: Run for it, or turn the lights on... (Thanks to ZL Lin for this) MAKE A RUN FOR IT -> Command At: Right, Up, Up, A, Left. -> Command At: Left, Up, B, Down, A, Right. -> Command At: Up, A, Left, Up, B, Down, Right, Left, A. You get a total of 12,000 points from doing this and advance automatically. TURN ON THE LIGHTS If you turn on the lights, you miss the 12,000 points but you gan find a chest with 50x Book of Laura. In the end, MOVE to reach Screen [5] to the right. Screen: [5] Enter QUEST and hit right. Ecthel will start to speak something rare and then Isher, the angel shows up. At first, he resists everything, so just use Einherjar the sword to waste time. When Isher charges its Break Out!, the fight will stop and Ursula will appear. This will 'power' up your sword, allowing Ecthel to use his Exl skill, which like Ledah's, breaks the OverDrive gauge. Fight ensues again. This time you can kill Isher. After going down, Ursula will reapear and actually introduce herself. For all that is holy, select the top choice. And you get a Stage Clear in the end. My score: 87 Turns with a final score of 122,600. If you did things correctly, you should end up with fewer turns. -[Stage 2]-[Area 1]-[Wilheim Bluff]- Yes, we are done here, you just have to take the warp back. -[Elendia]- Before we leave the caverns, MOVE left and up to talk to Claude. Remember those words inscribed in the stone all the way in the dungeon? Well, you have to input the order here: -> Password: Right, Down, A, Up, B. You'll get the Item Manual. This adds to the Extra Contents. Talk to him again to get the Mushroom Book. (Thanks to liljimmy (at) for this.) Note however, that if you get this book, you won't be able to get the Spiral Shell later which unlocks the Voice section in the Extras (Thanks to Edward Elric for this) If you got the Wings from the bats (The key item), MOVE right and speak to NaNa, give them to her for a +20 HP to Ecthel. (Thanks to M P for this.) If you have the Moon Lily, you can give it to Soala along with all your Staves but she breaks them... >_> She'll request another item that we get in the next chapter. If you want some extra affection from Serene, head to the Grove of Repose and talk to her, then select the third choice. You can also get some Applecot x10 here. Talk to the Harpuia and select the third choice: Rebecca to get 50x Harpie Talon. Now, you were probably cursing at me from the Mosamo Ash/Branch deal back there, well, MOVE right and speak to Reiche. Give her the Mosamo Ash in exchange for 10x Flag. If you got the Moondrop, you can talk to Meute in exchange for 50x Ice Javelin. Now, head to the Hobbit Smithy. Eventually he'll ask for your Chipped Dagger. Give it to him to get a Silver Dagger x10 in return. If you have the Ogrenium as well, he'll turn it into 50x Ogre Scythe. (Thanks to liljimmy (at) hotmail. com) Head to the Elder's House now. Answer you are ready to go in. Then you will end at the Nelde Ruins. _______________________________________________________________________________ [043]--------------------------04.03. Nelde Ruins------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Chapter 3 ~ The Accursed. You'll go to Nelde ~ Ancient Ruins Deep in the Forest ~ -[Stage 3]-[Area 1]-[Wiese Forest]- -[A forest located south of Elendia. The fertile land is home to numerous rare plants.]- Map: [5] | [1]-[2]-[6]> | [4]-[3] Screen: [1] As you begin, enter QUEST mode. The first and second choices are neutral, the third one will raise Lyuri's affection in exchange for Fiaa and Serene's. Whichever way, the squirrel takes a raincheck. QUEST right for the mushroom and select the 2nd choice to get a Key Item: Mushroom and 1,500 points. Then MOVE right. Screen: [2] The chest here is trapped: -> Command At: Left, Up, A, Down. And the roulette here has new items: Lightning Bow, Flamberge and Silver Rapier. I suggest you try getting whichever you didn't back at the Coffins. QUEST up and choose the second option as well to pick this mushroom along with 1,500 points. Screen: [3] MOVE down and QUEST the plant there. With the first option you can lower Lyuri's affection; with the second it'll increase and you'll fight two Man Traps. You might get a Flame Whip from them. MOVE left. Screen: [4] QUEST right, then pick the top choice to recover everyone to 100% HP and raise the Magic of each by 1. HOWEVER: You might want to wait until we get Cierra, since she is a witch and all... Don't worry, you ARE going to end up in the nearby area of this screen later... (Thanks to ZL Lin for pointing this to me.) Pick the mushroom as well while you are here for yet another 1,500 points, or, you can eat this one to raise Echtel's Str and HP. (Thanks to liljimmy (at) MOVE right and up twice. Screen: [5] Fight the two Gust. QUEST up but surprise surprise... -> Dash At: A 10 times. (Read NOTE below) Lesson of the day: Never trust the guy who makes the guide. ^^ NOTE: This can also be done after we get Cierra, though only worry if you have a Book of Laura, as otherwise you might probably miss the chance to teach the OverSkill to her if this becomes a Wet Book. (Thanks to ZL Lin) So you pull yourself out of there with 2,500 points. Any choice will work for now. QUEST up again and pick the middle choice to send Serene and get the chest, considering she can fly. Both the top and bottom choice raise her affection for you. In the end, you get 5 Tarot Cards. MOVE down and right. Screen: [6] Fight a Mantrap and a Banshee. Then QUEST right... -> Rhythm At: V _ > A _ _ _ ^ _ < A _ B A Doing it correctly gives you 2,500 points. The three choices here are neutral. You'll hit Area 2. -[Stage 3]-[Area 2]-[Tree Ruins]- -[A massive tree grew over ancient ruins, eventually forming a towering edifice.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]> Screen: [1] The chest here is trapped by the way. -> Command At: A, Up, Right, Down. Another roulette, the same items as usual. Try to compliment with the one you are missing. If you want extra affection from Serene, QUEST down so that when you leave the room you get a choice; pick the top one. The other two will crush some hearts here. (Middle both Lyuri and Serene, the third is only Serene.) Screen: [2] More extra loving? QUEST up here and select the bottom choice. In the next choice, the top one will raise Serena's affection, the second will lower it and the third will raise Fiaa's affection. Nonetheless, you still have to fight the Aeon Ape there anyway. However, the bottom choice will get you to the next room without fighting. Whatever, MOVE right. Screen: [3] QUEST up and use the top option for Fiaa to search, she will find a Thunder Onyx key item, and you get 2,500 points as well. MOVE right to... -[Stage 3]-[Area 3]-[Treetop Ruins]- -[A giant tree trunk extends through the ceiling, and the floor has been weakened by rain.]- Map: [3] | [1]-[2] Screen: [1] Don't open the chest. QUEST up to get a +1 to Str with everyone, but you'll take a 5% HP hit for the next fight. MOVE right. Screen: [2] QUEST down. Pick any choice at first. Then I suggest you choose the second, triggering a: -> Just At If done correctly, you get 2,000 points and +1 Str to Ecthel. You can get 5 Eggs by choosing the first option, but the enemy about to attack might and probably will drop more of them. QUEST right twice to make a new mark appear with the Up arrow, QUEST it. Then MOVE up through the new path. Screen: [3] The Vultures will go at you, forcing you to jump down to... -[Stage 3]-[Area 4]-[Pelga Nests]- -[Pelgas, dangerous monster-like birds, build nests such as these in the branches of trees.]- I have one thing for this scene: XD -- And then the top answer makes it even more funny. And yes, that raises her affection while crushing the rest, or you can choose the 2nd to do a global hate-effect. Anyway, fall... -[Stage 3]-[Area 1]-[Wiese Forest]- Map: [5] | [1]-[2]-[6]> | [4]-[3]-[7] Screen: [3] You'll take a 15% HP hit for now. Cierra will join you at this point, altogether with 20x Ruby Staves. Be sure to train her if you wish to use her. She also mentions Gateau... Which in French is actually almost cake, but... Head right if you wish to go through a strange maze, otherwise, skip this section. Screen: [7] You get into an "Accident!" The sign reads: Summer, winter, spring and fall... N: White Snow S: Bright Sun E: Blooming Flowers W: Vivid Leaves The forest shall shift as the seasons change. Time passes in cycles. So yeah, figure it out yet? Well, we gotta move through the seasons in that order, but each time the directions (N, S, W, E) will change, so you can check the signs and blow off several turns, or read below. If you want to get an Aran Doll (key item), from this first screen go up, down, up and down then check the opened chest. (Thanks to Luyang Han) Anyway, from the start MOVE down, right, up and left. After you get to the next board, MOVE left, down, up, down and right. And you are out, with 20,000 points to add. MOVE right to... -[Stage 3]-[Area 2]-[Tree Ruins]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]> Screen: [1] MOVE right. Screen: [2] Fight a Rogue, a Banshee, and an Amazon. MOVE right twice to... -[Stage 3]-[Area 3]-[Treetop Ruins]- Map: [3]-[4] | [1]-[2]-[5]> Screen: [1] According to Lorrill Buyens, you can open the chest here now that Cierra is with you. Pick the top choice for extra Cierra love. This chest contains a roulette of a Holy/Lightning/Fire/Ice Orb. (Thanks to Jawstrock.) Try moving right, but you will be stopped. Any choice will work fine, you will have to fight them anyway, 3 HobGoblins. You will get a Hammer key item and 2,000 points. MOVE right and up. Screen: [3] QUEST right, use the top choice and... -> Command At: Left, Up, Down, Right, A, B. You'll get Serene's Pendant and 2,000 points. It would be common sense to give it to her, especially if you want a double affection raise from her, but if you must give it to someone else...MOVE right. Screen: [4] With the first choice you will fight the Harpy. The bottom will give out more. The top raises Cierra's affection plus you get 10 Happy Plumes. The 2nd is neutral, third will apparently lower Cierra's affection, 4th will apparently raise Lyuri's and the 5th is the same as the first. MOVE back left, down and right to open the door. Screen: [5] You can only quest for that shiny object, and doing so will trigger a... -> Rhythm At: _ > < ^ _ _ V _ ^ > _ _ V Being in rhythm will net you 3,000 points and save you from a fall. MOVE right. (Note: You might want to fall down on a future gameplay though. I'll log this part later.) -[Stage 3]-[Area 9]-[Royal Tomb]- -[Tomb of the royal family of Binon. It is hidden deep within the forest of Nelde.]- Map: [1] | [2]-[3]-[4]> Screen: [1] QUEST right. All five optinos will lead to the same. So pick any then take it to get a Key Item: Golden Egg and 2,000 points. MOVE down. Screen: [2] QUEST up for the chest: -> Dash At: Up 6 times. The roulette has some new things: Flamberge, Harpie Talon, Ogre Blade and the Rose Whip. Choose the one you prefer and MOVE right. Screen: [3] QUEST up. With the first choice Serene and Lyuri wil catch the faery-like thingies (The next first choice will break their heart, second and third are neutral), you'll get 50 Ruby Staves. With the middle or the third choice however, you will catch them. Subsequent top choice will raise Lyuri's affection, middle is neutral and third will hurt Fiaa. If you decided to catch them, then you do must do it with a... -> Rhythm At: < ^ < _ V > A ^ > _ < > _ ^ If you did catch them, you get a key item: White Butterflies and 3,000 points. You also get another choice, but they are all the same. QUEST left, and with any choice you will fight two Cardinal Bones and two Gusts. QUEST right after the fight to get a Book of Nanai. MOVE right... Twice. -[Stage 3]-[Area 5]-[Tree Hollow]- -[A hollow which formed naturally as the wood decayed. The damp air inside allows fungi to grow.]- Map: [4]-[2]-[3]> | [1] Screen: [1] QUEST up for... -> Dash At: Press B 8 times. 3,000 points. QUEST down for a roulette chest: Ogre Blade, Harpy Claw or Rose Whip. Pick one you are missing. MOVE up. Screen: [2] QUEST up. The first and bottom are the only neutrals. The second will hurt Lyuri, the third will do the former but add in Fiaa. In the end you fight two Acid Jelly. Here you can MOVE left as well. You will reach the screen that you would have ended on had you fallen a long time ago. Screen: [4] (Thanks to .ice. for this) QUEST down here to get 5x Eggs. Then QUEST up. First and bottom choices are neutral, middle one raises Lyuri's. Then comes another one... If you chooce Lyuri, you'll raise her affection even more: -> Just At If you fail, enemies come. Get it right for 10x Applecot and 2,000 points. HOWEVER, if you chose Serene, you raise her affection, though an enemy comes and gives her a hit of 5% HP, you will fight but not before a last set of choices: First one raises Serene's, third is the opposite, second and fourth are neutral. MOVE right twice when you are done. Screen: [3] Fight an Acid Slime and two Giant Beetles. If you want a BeeHive (Nice damage), then QUEST up, and.. -> Command At: Up, Up, A, Down, B. Get 2,500 points and get the heck out. Go back and QUEST the Beehive, then use the top option to get 3 BeeHives, or the middle to get 1,500 points. MOVE right. -[Stage 3]-[Area 6]-[Wooden Platforms]- -[Platforms built with timber from the tree itself. Still sturdy after hundreds of years.]- Map: [1]-[2]> Screen: [1] MOVE right... -> Command At: Right, Down, Up, A, Left, Down, B, Up. 2,000 points to the bag. Top choice will hurt Serene, bottom is neutral. Screen: [2] Fight two Lizardman, and a Serpent. MOVE back left after the fight. Screen: [1] (Thanks to Dfnord and Kénox for this.) You will find another squirrel here. First set of choices: Top one is neutral, second one raises Lyuri's, third raises Fiaa's at the expense of Lyuri and Serene, fourth lowers Fiaa's and bottom lowers Serene's. Then another set of choices: Second will leave the squirrel, top one gives you: -> Command At: Up, Right, Right, Up, Down, Right, A. Then another set of choices: First two are neutral, third raises Lyuri's, fourth is for Fiaa's and fifth is for Cierra's. MOVE back right. Screen: [2] Once you are done, QUEST up. You get a choice for every girl, Cierra, Serene, Lyuri and Fiaa in that order. The one you choose will get an affection rise. In the end you get a Power Up: +10HP and +1 to every other stat for everyone and 3,000 points. MOVE right. -[Stage 3]-[Area 7]-[Colony Remains]- -[The remains of a wyrm colony. In ancient times, colonies like this one were found everywhere.]- Map: [3]> | [1]-[2] Screen: [1] QUEST right, use the top choice twice... -> Dash At: Press Down 12 times. You all take a 5% hit to HP for a while but each gains a Str point, plus 25 Vines, oh yeah, and 1,000 points. MOVE right. Screen: [2] Fight a Rogue, Heretic, and an Aeon Ape. Look inside the here and choose the first option if you want some Harpie Plume. Otherwise MOVE up. Screen: [3] If you QUEST the broken egg, you will have to fight a Giant Beetle. Afterwards, untrap the chest with a... -> Command At: Down, A, Right, Down. More roulette fun: Harpy Claw, Ogre Blade, Rose Whip. MOVE right. -[Stage 3]-[Area 8]-[The Apex]- -[The highest level of the ancient ruins. The largest of all wyrms reigned from here.]- Map: Finally... (Hey, it takes a while to record all the skills, weapons, enemies and stuff... It takes me about a day per Chapter... And lets not even go into redoing everything... For some reason it takes even longer!) Screen: [1] MOVE right. Screen: [2] Fight the Serpent, and the Harpuia. QUEST up and select the top option. Lyuri and Fiaa will get the feather, but fall down. They'll be back up right away though. Pay attention to that 'You know what we're going to do first when we get back?' bit. *Wink wink* You end up with the Paradise Plume and 2,000 points. MOVE up twice and face your next Angel: Lindwurm. He isn't to hard to deal with. Try to finish with an Exl as always for extra score. 88 turns, and a grand total of 148,500 points for this Stage. After this, Rothe will appear. So, after some more talk, we end up again in Elendia... -[Elendia]- MOVE right, since it's the only thing you can do. Back in town... Here, well, lets just get some events down... Inside the cave you can find Cierra, and if you want some extra affection, use the top choice, the middle is neutral and the third will hurt her. If you got the Golden Egg and you gave the Moon Lily and all your items to Soala before, give it to her to get some Moon Wands. (Thanks to ZL Lin and many others, but he was the first to provide full details on the items...). Notice however that doing this will make it impossible for Cierra to learn the OverSkill from the Coral Staff. Now, there's another event in the Undine's Pond, but first head back to Fia and Lyuri's house andd talk to CoCo (The faery in the second floor). Love how even Rothe tags along in Ecthel's train. NOTE: If you want to see the event, head there straight away. Don't waste turns, otherwise you'll miss it. You can head to the Undine Spring about now, though be warned there's some skin showing... *Shrugs* Some people just react weird to that so I thought I might mention that. I don't know if this has any adverse consequences with Ecthel's relationship to Fiaa or Lyuri, but it's fun seeing Lyuri call him stupid so many times. ^^ -- Again, this only applies to the Japanese version... Head to Chappi, the smithy. He can use your Thunder Onyx and ALL your swords to create a Thunder Blade if you want. Head to the Pixia Residence, go inside and talk to Kyle, then answer Yes to get a Fishing Rod Key Item. Talk to Mylene, she will mention her daughter has disappeared. Go out and down, then talk to Gill to get a Pouch key item. MOVE back up and QUEST down the Shade twice. You'll find Molan (Mylene's daughter). Go back inside the house and speak to Mylene to get 25x Earrings. Now, to the Grove of Repose. MOVE right and speak to Reiche. She will trade your three mushrooms for a Spiral Shell key item. This will add the Voice Collection section to the Extra Contents. (If you got the Mushroom Book, you won't be able to get this. Thanks to Edward Elric) We are done with the extra stuff. Go to the Elder's House. Talk to Ladie out here to get 50x Cross Lance. Then go inside the Elder's house itself. _______________________________________________________________________________ [044]----------------------------04.04. Tetyth--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Chapter 4 ~ Sunken Wisdom Tetyth ~ The City of Lost Knowledge ~ -[Stage 4]-[Area 1]-[Lake Cavern]- -[The cavern found beneath Tetyth's lake. Lake water drops from above occasionally.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]> Screen:[1] MOVE right. Screen: [2] Fight two Merucy Ooze. QUEST up and with the top choice... -> Command At: Right, Right, Down, A. Key Item: Grasshopper and 2,000 points. MOVE right twice to... NOTE: This grasshopper will let you catch a fish in a few screens later. If you fish without the insect, you can get a key item. Both items can be turned in at Elendia, but only one at a time, so decide what you want and do the other in another game if you want. -[Stage 4]-[Area 2]-[Sinking Island]- -[The island in the middle of Lake Tetyth. It has been sinking since ancient times...]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]> Screen: [1] And we get a change of scenes to two girls dressed up with giant bandages. MOVE right. Screen: [2] Fight the Chariot and the Tarantula. QUEST right to get a rock for 500 points. Then QUEST up. Here's where the Rod and Bait we got before come into use. So after the dialogues are done, QUEST up again... -> Just At (See note) You get Fish and 4,000 points. MOVE right. NOTE: Fishing without the grasshopper you might be able to get an Upola Statue, this is also a key item. (Thanks to Luyang Han) Screen: [3] Open the chest here and a snake appears: -> Command At: Down, Down, Left, Right, A. Get it right for 3,000 points and evergy girls likes you more now! Now you can open the chest for 5 Tarot. MOVE right into... -[Stage 4]-[Area 3]-[Carnea District]- -[In the city said to be built by an angel, Carnea is a low-ground residential district.]- Map: [9]-[10]> | [6]-[7]-[8] | [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]-[5] Screen: [1] Hear that strange sound? Well, you're locked out of the previous areas. This will keep happening for a while by the way. QUEST down and pick the book, which is in fact a Key item: Lala Sutra, and one worth 1,500 points. MOVE right. Screen: [2] Open the chest for: Burning Sun, Flame Whip or Estoc. Pick the complementary one to your current item line up. MOVE right. Screen: [3] Fight the Kobold and the Chariot. QUEST right to find out that the door can't be destroyed, and that you can't pass through. Then QUEST down to find out that someone must act as a weight to hold the switch down. You must leave a girl behind, with the exception of Lyuri, since she can't create enough weight. Regardless of your choice, you will break a heart here. MOVE right. Screen: [4] QUEST up and open the green chest for a Rusty Key worth 1,500 points. The blue chests are empty, so don't bother with them and MOVE right. Screen: [5] Those who want extra affection from Lyuri, use the top choice, but nonetheless, you end up fighting a Pyrallis, Misery and a Devil Imp. Once you are done, go back to the girl you left. Screen: [3] The item you get here depends on the girl you leave behind. I left Fiaa here, and I got 15x Holy Crests. Thanks to Zabuza, who left Serene and got 10x Black Scythe instead. And thanks to Sammo Hung, who got nothing by leaving Cierra behind. XD MOVE left and up. Screen: [6] Fight the Vile Raven and Savage Ogre, then open the door. And of course go inside. Screen: [7] You will be locked out again. QUEST down and chose the top option, then the first one again for Rothe to get you a Power Up: +10 HP and +1 to each stat to everyone and 3,000 points. Cierra also gets an affection raise. MOVE right. -> Command At: Right, Right, Down, Down. 2,500 points for doing it right. You will face three Amazon. Screen: [8] They leave a chest behind, which you open automatically for an Elfin Bow. QUEST right to get another key, the Crystal Key, which is in fact a key worth 1,500 points. MOVE left and up. Screen: [9] QUEST up for a roulette: Thunder Blade, Estoc, Burning Sun and Flame Whip. Then QUEST right to open the door. More events with the Bandage girls. Screen: [10] You end up fighting with an Elder Wyrm. Yes, he will probably blow you too off to somewhere else... If he does, MOVE left, up and right. Once that thing is down, move right for... -> Command At: Up, Left, Right, Left, Up, A. 2,000 points! And a the Golem Manual the girls lost. -[Stage 4]-[Area 4]-[Colosseo]- -[A battle colosseum outside of Carnea. It was filled with battles between warrios and beasts.]- Map: [8]> | [6]-[7] | [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]-[5] Screen: [1] Go for the trapped chest. This gives you a roulette of: Thunder Blade, Elfin Bow, Flame Whip or a Burning Sun. MOVE right once you are done with that chest. Screen: [2] QUEST up for the ropes. The first option will give you 5 Banangos, the middle will make you take a 5% HP hit, the third one makes a beehive drop and... -> Dash At: Press Left 10 times. If you do this particular one, you get 3,000 points, plus you can get the Killer Bee Hive, which has a nice 88 Attack, 8 hit combo. You can burn them for 1,500 points. If you didn't had to leave the room, do so and come back to make a note fall, which you can grab for 500 points. Grab the Rope as well for an extra 2,000 points and then MOVE right, but be prepared... Screen: [3] Oh shi-! It's a he?! *Sigh* Fight Fool and 2 Hobgoblins. He isn't that tough, with the correct equipment and characters of course. MOVE right twice once she is down. Screen: [5] You must have noticed that sword in the wall, QUEST it. With the top choice you will... -> Dash At: Press B 12 times. Doing so will make Ecthel take a 15% HP hit and get 5x Zantetsu. If you however choose the middle one, Fiaa will do a... -> Command At: Up, Right, Left, Up, A, B, Down. With this you'll get 10x Zantetsu instead. Go back left. Screen: [5] If you want 10 Banangos, break the barrel here, otherwise MOVE up. Screen: [6] Fight the Strong Guard and the Hobgoblin. The lower section of the area will fill up with water. QUEST up and pick the top choice to raise Ecthel's every stat other than HP by 3, plus 15,000 points! And everyone likes you even more now~ MOVE right. Screen: [7] Break the barrel for 50x Blood Fang. MOVE up. Screen: [8] Fight the Raven, Baboon, and Dragonite. MOVE right into... -[Stage 4]-[Area 5]-[Aura Plateaus]- -[Located in the middle of tetyth, it is often called the White Plateaus due to the white limestone.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]> Screen: [1] MOVE right as you begin to get a weird trivia going on... The answer to the first question is True, so select the O; you get 5 Bananas for this by the way. Now, QUEST down for a Note and get 500 points. Then MOVE right. Screen: [2] Fight the Baboon and the Wyvern. QUEST left and choose the first option for another Key item: Mint and 2,000 points. Then QUEST up for another Key item: Mithril and 2,000 points. MOVE right. Screen: [3] QUEST left here and use the middle choice for a... -> Just At Do it right for 1,500 points. If you did it right, you can QUEST up now, do so and select the first option for another... -> Just At If done right, you will get 5 Bat Wings 3 and 3,000 points. But, if you want to kill Lyuri's feelings and get 3,500 points, select the second choice. -> Just At IF you killed it, QUEST down for the Fang Bat Wings key item and 1,000 points. MOVE next into... -[Stage 4]-[Area 6]-[St. Claremonts]- -[The high ground filled with religious buildings like churches and sacntuaries.]- Map: [8]-[5]-[6]-[9]> | | | [1]-[2]-[4]-[7] | [3] Screen: [1] Open the chest and remove the trap. Here you can get: Thunder Blade, Burning Sun or an Elfin Bow. MOVE right. Screen: [2] Remember the Mermaid we save time ago? MOVE down to meet her. NOTE: After spending 20 turns here, this part will flood, once it's done, a bottle will appear here. QUEST it: If you open it, you get the Music Sheet key item, but you lower Fiaa's relationship. If you leave it, Fiaa's affection is raised but you get nothing. (Thanks to both James Lin and Thomas Fox for this.) Screen: [3] MOVE back up when you are done. We'll come back in a bit, don't worry. Take a right in screen [2]. Screen: [4] Fight the Dragonewt, Savage Ogre and a Kobold. Then head up and right. (We'll get this chest later) Screen: [6] Fight 2 Hoggoblins, a Strong Guard, and a Violet Down. MOVE down. Screen: [7] Open the chest for a Golden Key and 1,500 points. Now, remember the screen with the mermaid? Head back there. Screen: [3] You'll get 50x Iria's Bow from the mermaids here. MOVE up twice. But, before you do, check the Golem Manual key item you should have by now. Screen: [8] The Password is in the Golem Manual key item if you choose the first option, but the ensuing fight will be worth 1,500; if you screw the password and/or select the middle choice, the fight will be of 2,500 points. The enemies are a Mean Witch, a Seraph Hunter, and a Feel Golem if you screwed the password or just decided to fight. Since we already have the Key, QUEST right and go through to get to that other chest we couldn't get before. Open it for a Holy Grail key item and 3,000 points. Go back all the way to the screen [6] and MOVE right from there. Screen: [9] Here you will find ZK-1, who asks for a password. Same as before, the Golem Manual. You can get a paper for 500 points, but, if you were to fight it, not only you get at least 2,500 points, AND still get the paper and those 500 points. MOVE next into... -[Stage 4]-[Area 7]-[Mizel Bridge]- -[This holy bridge is where an angel once descended. It leads to the Flaybell Cathedral.]- Map: [1]-[2]> Screen: [1] Untrap the chest and grab the spoils from one of the next: Estoc, Flame Whip or Elfin Bow. MOVE right. Screen: [2] You'll find Full and Wise. It's time to fight Wise now, and she comes with two Pyrallis. You should get 3 Red Vipers from this. Choice time: Upper one, let them live, get 1,000 points and have Lyuri like you more. Bottom one, kill them, get 3,000 points but the girls dislike you. MOVE forward into... -[Stage 4]-[Area 8]-[Flaybell Cathedral]- -[The spot where the fallen angel has descended. Inside, a giant goddess statue stands.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3] Screen: [1] Last area. MOVE right. Screen: [2] Fight the Mean Witch, and the 3 S. Elemental. MOVE right for now. Screen: [3] (Thanks to Luyang Han for this) QUEST the statue here twice, you will notice it's shining. That's it for now, return to Screen[2]. Screen: [2] QUEST up twice and pick the first choice for a... -> Just At Do it right to go down into a secret area... In case you failed, I suggest you reload, or if not, skip Area 9. -[Stage 4]-[Area 9]-[Cathedral Library]- -[The library inside the cathedral. It has many books on the dawn of Riviera and the gods.]- Map: [3]-[4]-[5]-[6]> | [2] | [1] This is a fun segment, if you don't mind killing the affection of all the girls in the first two screen though. XD Screen: [1] Whatever you do, don't QUEST here, just MOVE up. Screen: [2] Neither here, just go up... Screen: [3] (Thanks to Luyang Han for the Angel Gem) If you did the QUEST twice in Area 8/Screen 3 to see the shining forehead, QUEST here to get a key item: Angel Gem. Otherwise you will just lower Serene and Lyuri's affection. Anyway, MOVE along. Screen: [4] QUEST up here, and in the choice option: First one to raise Lyuri's and lower Fiaa's, second to do the opposite. Third to raise Cierra's and lower Fiaa's, fourth to raise Serene's, the last two are neutral. In the end, whichever girl you sided with, you'll get a Ripped Page of the book in relation to what she liked. 2,000 points to the bag! MOVE right. Screen: [5] Fight the two Violet Down here. MOVE right and select the top choice: -> Dash At: Press A 8 times. Screen: [6] QUEST up twice and use the first choice to get the Valdes Scriptures key item and 3,000 points. Then MOVE up back into... NOTE: This item lets you see the High Score section on the Extra Contents. -[Stage 4]-[Area 8]-[Flaybell Cathedral]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]-[4] Screen: [1] MOVE right thrice and prepare yourself. You will find the Archangel. Anyway, she is your next Angel to eliminate. Yeah, she can be a bit tough... And that's it! Total turn time: 115. Score obtained: 151,300. Surprise surprise, look who's back! Anyway, back in town... -[Elendia]- Well, there's another event like the one we saw with Fiaa and Lyuri last time we were in town, just that this time it's with Serene and Cierra. If you want to go for it, head into Fiaa and Lyuri's house, up the second floor and speak to them, then head to the Undine's Pond, try moving right and... -> Dash At: Press A 12 times. (Interesting, the name of the golem is the same as my 3 letter acronym for my nickname (Gray Fox -> GFX).) And there you go. Go to the Crystal Caverns now. QUEST the Butterfly Spot and use the top choice to get a Diamond Teardrop. MOVE up and speak twice with Claude. He will ask to see the scriptures you found in the library, agree to do so. You'll get 3x Nost Lenne if you picked Cierra's page; 3x Ceneca Qui if you went with Fiaa and 3x Clene Met if Ecthel chose. You get nothing from Serene and Lyuri's. (Thanks to Sammohung for this.) MOVE right. If you got the Fang Bat Wings, speak to NaNa and give them to her. She'll raise Ecthel's Max HP by 30. Go to Chappi. He can use your Mithril and all your Swords or Rapiers to craft you something: Swords -> Mithril Sword x50 Rapiers -> Holy Sabre x50 Also, if you give him the Diamond Teardrop you got, he'll work on it while you are at the Cemetery and get 50x Silvia when you return (Thanks to James Lin for this) though you also need to have a lance/spear/javelin item with you. (Thanks to Luyang Han for that last part) You can make a trip to the Undine's Pond where you can fill your Holy Grail to get 5x Holy Water as well. (Thanks to Aluxcard) Now, head to the Grove of Repose and talk to Mursya. If you caught the fish back in the earlier parts of Stage 4, you can give it to her in exchange for 20x Cheer Bells. I couldn't find anything for Reiche this time. Anyone had different luck with this? Anyway, go to the Elder's Hut for another briefing. Onwards to Chapter 5! _______________________________________________________________________________ [045]------------------------04.05. Mireno Cemetery---------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Chapter 5 ~ Eternal Beings. Mireno ~ The cemetery of lurking evil ~ -[Stage 5]-[Area 1]-[Ghost Town]- -[A ghost town in northeastern Riviera. And underground catacomb lies beneath it.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]> Screen: [1] If you need to lower Serene's or Lyuri's affection, QUEST left twice. The top one if to lower Lyuri's and the bottom is for Serene's. I suggest you this one way or another however. Anyway, MOVE right. Screen: [2] QUEST up twice if you want to get Crest of either Ice, Lightning, Fire or Holy element. QUEST the well before you MOVE right again. (Thanks to Ice Wrong for a clarification on the well part.) Screen: [3] Fight the Skull Fencer and the Necromancer. I'm not sure if this is dependant on rank, but with an S I got 10x Book of Gelt. QUEST left and hit the top choice if you want Fiaa to like you. QUEST down when you are done to make a new path appear. We can't go down yet though, since the Rope was on Lyuri's backpack... Quest left if you haven't already then MOVE left twice. Screen: [1] QUEST up for the house and Investigate it. Feel free to kick some. Choice time: Top choice for Serene love and 4,000 points. Middle choice for Lyuri's affection and a key item: Thief Manual and 2,000 points. Third choice to drop Lyuri's and that's it. MOVE back to screen [3]. Screen: [3] Now that we have the rope back, MOVE down. Use the top choice to climb down, or the middle one to joke around and get some affection from Lyuri. Anyway, move down. -[Stage 5]-[Area 2]-[Pilgrimage Way]- -[A dark path leading toward the cemetery's underground caverns. Torches illuminate the path.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]> Screen: [1] Down here, top choice will lower everyone's, middle will raise it, and third is neutral. Once that's taken care of, MOVE right. Screen: [2] Greet the Unknown Material and its loyal Saber Wolf. MOVE right. Screen: [3] Ok, QUEST up. In you want hilarity but decrease in affection, go for the top choice, otherwise just pick the bottom option when you can, then MOVE back left. Screen: [2] If you QUEST the surroundings here, you can drop Serene's affection. Screen: [1] Enter QUEST mode, then select the top choice for a Key item: Light Moss and 2,500 points. MOVE right back to Screen [3]. Screen: [3] If you want some extra affection, turn the lights back on and then QUEST the chest again. The top choice will raise Serene's and put out the lights. The middle choice will raise Lyuri's but the lights won't go out at all. Doing the second choice will allow you to do the first one as well. (Thanks to nik~ for this.) -[Stage 5]-[Area 3]-[Cemetery Entrance]- -[The Pilgrimage Way leads to this ivy infested area. There are two entrances: north and south.]- Map: [1]-[2] | [3]> Screen: [1] MOVE right as you begin in this area, and this is where it gets fun... Screen: [2] MOVE down. Screen: [3] QUEST up here if you want, and regardless of the first choice, a Succubus enemy will appear. In the next choice, the top and middle lower Serene's, though the latter also includes Fiaa, contrary to the third. In the end you get to fight a Pyrallis, and two Balrogs. Open the chest that appeared and get the Silver Moon. MOVE right into... -[Stage 5]-[Area 6]-[Southern Catacombs]- -[Yumel, Iduna and Teula rest in this part of the catacombs.]- Map: [7] | <[1]-[2]-[5]-[6] | [3]-[4] Screen: [1] Don't worry, we are going back to Area 3 in a few. For now, MOVE right. Screen: [2] QUEST up and grab the Book of Gelt. You will be attacked by two Elementals and a Lich. You can get a Book of Kirie from the fight. MOVE down. Screen: [3] QUEST left for the chest contains a Mythril Sword, Salamander Rod, Thunder Chain or a Black Scythe though you will be attacked by 3 Skull Fencers, not to mention lower Fiaa's and raise Lyuri's. You can get some Holy Sabres from the Skull Fencers too by the way. MOVE right. Screen: [4] QUEST up to fight the guardians of Iduna's grave: a Skull Fencer, Necromancer and a Lunatic Maiden. You can get 10x Book of Gelt from the fight. Anyway, after the fight everyone gets a +1 to Magic, plus you get I Ankh, and 1,000 points. MOVE left, up and right twice. Screen: [6] QUEST up for Teula's grave and fight a Balrog, a Saber Wolf and a Flare Phantom. Another +1 to Magic and the T Ankh, as well as 1,000 points. MOVE left and up. Screen: [7] QUEST Yumel's grave. Defeat the keepers: Flare Phantom, Black Knight and Barbaric Drake. You might win some Crystal Lances here. Another +1 to Magic, the Y Ankh and 1,000 points. Head back to Area 3. -[Stage 5]-[Area 3]-[Cemetery Entrance]- Map: [4]> | [1]-[2] | [3]> Screen: [3] Here, MOVE up twice. Screen: [4] QUEST for the plant and select the top choice. If you want to fight for 1,000 points, select the top one. For Cierra's affection, choose the second and go for a... -> Rhythm At: _ > < > _ _ _ > ^ > _ _ V _ Earning you 3,000 points. The bottom will be a... -> Just At With Serene, for the same result. MOVE right into... -[Stage 5]-[Area 5]-[Northern Catacombs]- -[Xenon, Lokin and Askus rest in this section of the catacombs.]- Map: [8] [5]-[6] | | <[1]-[2]-[7] | [3]-[4] Screen: [1] Yes, we still have to head back in a few... Don't bother with the tusk wall, just MOVE right. Screen: [2] QUEST the only tab here, use the top choice for a... -> Dash At: Press Down 8 times. Extra affection from Serene and Lyuri, not to mention 2,000 points. IF you don't do so right away, you can get the choice to raise Serene's affection however, but will end up in using another turn. Either way, when you are finished head down. (Thanks to Dfnord for this last part) Screen: [3] QUEST the chest and pick the middle option for a roulette of: Ice Emblem, Lightning Emblem, Holy Emblem, or Fire Emblem. MOVE right. Screen: [4] Do the same as with the previous pole... -> Dash At: Press Down 8 times. Only 2,000 points here. But anyway, check Askus' grave and defeat the Black Knight, Skull Fencer and Lunatic Maiden. You might get some Phoenix Wand here too. Same, +1 Mgc, the A Ankh and 1,000 points. MOVE left and up twice. Screen: [5] Open the chest... -> Random Trap. Roulette time: Thunder Chain, Black Scythe or Holy Sabre. MOVE right. Screen: [6] Go for the stake again... -> Dash At: Press Down 8 times. This, like the others is for 2,000 points. QUEST Xenon's grave and defeat the Flare Phantom, Pyrallis and Golem. +1 to Mgc again, 1,000 points and the X Ankh. MOVE left, down and right. Screen: [7] Inspect Lokin's Grave and fight the Barbaric Drake, Skull Fencer and Carnage Sect. Same as usual, the +1 to Mgc, the 1,000 points and the L Ankh. MOVE left twice. Screen: [1] QUEST for the path we opened up. Select the top choice. Screen: [8] Another chained sword... Fun stuff. QUEST it, select the top choice and defeat the Hell Curse. You might get 10x Rosier from him. Get the 5x Kiku-Ichimonji. Now go back to Area 3. -[Stage 5]-[Area 3]-[Cemetery Entrance]- Map: [4]> | [1]-[2]-[5]-[6]> | [3]> Screen: [4] MOVE down and right. Screen: [5] Fight the Carnage Sect, and the Carnivine. Untrap the chest: -> Random Trap. Roulette time! Mythril Sword, Crystal Lance, Salamander Rod or Holy Sabre. MOVE right. Screen: [6] There's nothing here most of the times. But due to the randomness of this stage, a stalactite might drop on you. It's mostly likely that if you get this event here you won't get it later. (There's another part where this can happen.) Successfully evading this will net you a Rock key item (After QUESTing) and 500 points. (Thanks to nik~ for this) -[Stage 5]-[Area 4]-[Underground Lake]- -[A large lake of collected rain water. The clarity makes it appear shallow, but it's actually quite deep.]- NOTE: I HAVE CREATED A SPECIAL SECTION UNDER 09. EXTRAS DEDICATED TO THIS PLACE REGARDING ALL THE COMBINATIONS AND STUFF. WHILE IT'S NOT AS IN-DEPTH DETAILED AS HERE, IT WILL LET YOU MOVE EASIER IN A WAY. Map: [1]-[2] Screen: [1] (See note at bottom) Simply MOVE right and... Man, I hate this area... At least now with the English versio this should be easier... I know I missed something, so feel free to help. NOTE: A stalactite can drop on you here too. Remind you that this can only happen once. (Thanks to nik~ for this too.) Screen: [2] When you get a choice, select the top one and Ecthel... Well... -> Dash At: Press Up 10 times. 3,000 points! You go back a room automatically. Screen: [1] See that crystal thingy? Enter QUEST mode, then inspect it and with the top choice... -[Stage 5]-[Area 7]-[Crystal Sanctuary]- -[Giant crystals stand within each sacred shrine, silentyly illuminating the darkness.]- Screen: [Red Crystal] Now, you remember all those Ankhs we collected? Here is were we put them to use. QUEST the crystal here and use the L one. Leave the place. -[Stage 5]-[Area 4]-[Underground Lake]- Map: [1]-[2] | [3]-[4] Screen: [1] MOVE right. Screen: [2] Open the chest and... -> Random Trap. More roulettes! Mythril Sword, Crystal Lance, Thunder Chain or Holy Sabre. MOVE down and right. Screen: [4] Enter the Portal here... -[Stage 5]-[Area 7]-[Crystal Sanctuary]- Screen: [Yellow Crystal] First, use the A Ankh and go back... -[Stage 5]-[Area 4]-[Underground Lake]- Map: [1]-[2] | [3]-[4] Screen: [4] MOVE left. Screen: [3] QUEST for the Power Up. You know the usual: +10 HP to all, and +1 to each other stat, and 3,000 points. Go back to the yellow portal and enter it again. -[Stage 5]-[Area 7]-[Crystal Sanctuary]- Screen: [Yellow Crystal] QUEST the crystal and select the first option to retrieve the A Ankh. Then QUEST again and place the T one, then go back... -[Stage 5]-[Area 4]-[Underground Lake]- Map: [5] | [1]-[2] | [3]-[4] Screen: [4] MOVE left and up twice. Screen: [5] open the chest for 50x Wyvernzem. Then go back to the Yellow crystal. -[Stage 5]-[Area 7]-[Crystal Sanctuary]- Screen: [Yellow Crystal] Take out the T, and place in the I one. Leave the place... -[Stage 5]-[Area 4]-[Underground Lake]- Map: [5] [7] | | [1]-[2]-[6] | | [3]-[4] Scren: [4] Starting to hate the place? Figure how it was for me... Anyway, MOVE up twice... Screen: [7] ...To find yet another warp. Enter it. -[Stage 5]-[Area 7]-[Crystal Sanctuary]- Screen: [Blue Crystal] Place T here and exit. -[Stage 5]-[Area 4]-[Underground Lake]- Map: [5] [7] | | [1]-[2]-[6] | | [3]-[4] Screen: [7] First of all, QUEST for that buried sword. Remember how in the first stage we also had something like this? You can pull it out, or fail thrice to get a Sword Hilt, but 1,500 points. Nonetheless... -> Dash At: Press A 12 times. If you do pull it? Your reward are 15x Dragon Buster and 3,000 points. MOVE down once. (I suggest you do pull them.) Screen: [6] QUEST the rock twice. Then... -> Dash At: Press Left 10 times. You get 12,000 points! Enter anyway. -[Stage 5]-[Area 9]-[Gate to Hell]- -[A dungeon deep beneaththe ground, unknown to man. What secrets does this forsaken maze hide?]- First of all, thanks to Rob Ray for being the first one on filling me on this part. I know I missed it, but he decided to sent me the info of the place. Map: [1]-[2]-[3]-[4] Screen: [1] MOVE right. Screen: [2] You'll fight 2 Lethal Insects and a Basilisk. Hope you have that Dragon Buster if you want to kick some quickly. You will be warned to turn back. Choice time: First three are neutral, bottom hits Cierra. But yeah, following the rules of any RPG, we are going to ignore that voice and press on... BUT, not before QUESTing the icicle. Hit Chop... -> Just AT 4,000 points to the bag! And Lyuri affection. Anyway, QUEST the new trigger and take it: Magic Icicle key item plus 2,000 points. MOVE right. Screen: [3] QUEST up. First and third are neutral. Second raises Cierra's and bottom raises Lyuri's. QUEST the ice block again: Top raises Fiaa's, middle is neutral and third lowers Fiaa's. Next set of choices, it doesn't matter, really. No affection modifiers. Just hit the: -> Just At (For the girls) -> Dash At: Press Up 12 times. (For Ecthel) On cue to destroy the ice and get 3,000 points. QUEST it again to get 50x Blue Stingers. MOVE right. Screen: [4] Fight 2 Elementals here. Then right away you fight a Zombie Dragon. Those Dragon Busters will be of use here, since this guy has perfect resistances to Lightning, Ice and Fire... He'll drop the key item: Key to Hell. You also get 3,500 points. You are automatically thrown out. NOTE: I assume this Key to Hell is what allows you to access Stage 8 from the Extra Contents. -[Stage 5]-[Area 4]-[Undeground Lake]- Map: [5] [7] | | [1]-[2]-[6] | | [3]-[4] Screen: [6] Once you are done and back up, MOVE down once, back to the Yellow warp... -[Stage 5]-[Area 7]-[Crystal Sanctuary]- Screen: [Yellow Crystal] Take the I and place the X instead. -[Stage 5]-[Area 4]-[Underground Lake]- Map: [5] [7]-[8] | | [1]-[2]-[6] | | [3]-[4] Screen: [4] MOVE twice up and right. Screen: [8] Another portal... Yayness. Yes, we are going inside, but we gotta waste about 10 minutes of our lives first... QUEST up first and prepare... -> Rhythm At: _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (3 times) -> Rhythm At: _ _ _ A _ _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (3 times) -> Rhythm At: _ > _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ V _ (4 times) -> Rhythm At: _ > _ ^ _ _ V _ _ A _ _ _ _ (4 times) -> Rhythm At: _ A _ V _ > _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ^ (5 times) -> Rhythm At: _ _ > V < _ _ _ A V ^ _ _ _ (5 times) -> Rhythm At: _ _ _ ^ > ^ A _ V < _ _ V _ (6 times) -> Rhythm At: _ ^ _ < _ < _ _ V ^ > _ V A (6 times) -> Rhythm At: _ < > < > _ _ _ A < _ A V ^ (4 times) -> Rhythm At: _ ^ V ^ V A _ _ V V > < > _ (5 times) -> Rhythm At: _ _ ^ A > A V _ ^ > ^ V > A (1 time) -> Rhythm At: _ A ^ A > V < A ^ > V ^ V _ (1 time) -> Rhythm At: _ ^ > A V < V ^ ^ > < V V A (1 time) -> Rhythm At: < > < V ^ > V A ^ > < A V ^ (1 time) -> Rhythm At: > ^ > V A > A > V > < ^ V A (1 time) Wha? Oh, you still here? Good... For all this you get 1,000 points; 2,000; 4,000; 8,000 and 15,000... Tired? Go into the green portal... Surprise! 3 Elementals... And yes, they change... MOVE left to [7] and enter the Crystal Sanctuary. -[Stage 5]-[Area 7]-[Crystal Sanctuary]- Screen: [Blue Crystal] Take the T Ankh and put the A Ankh instead. Leave. -[Stage 5]-[Area 7]-[Underground Lake]- Map: [5] [7]-[8] | | | [1]-[2]-[6] [9]-[B]> | | | [3]-[4] [A] Screen: [7] MOVE right and down twice. Screen: [A] QUEST the chest. So, bad luck you say? Meh, we have that scroll-thingy we got from the thief before, so this is no biggy... -> Command At: Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Right, A. All that.. For 5x Tarot... MOVE up and right. And for the record, no, there's nothing in Screen [9]. Thanks to Tri Hoang for shooting down my dreams. ;p (Kidding, thanks, really.) Screen: [B] Hugeass place huh? Let's just move on and... Surprise attack coming from above! -> Command At: Down, Right, Right, Up, A. QUEST down to get another Rock and 500 points. MOVE right. -[Stage 5]-[Area 8]-[Pieta]- -[The holy land of death that lies beyond the lake. Poisonous air leads visitors to their untimely deaths.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]-[4] EXTRA NOTES: This is directly copied from an email I got until I get the exact sequence in another play, or someone submits it: "In Pieta, the poisonous area in the cemetery where you fight Death, you can pick up a Venoma Bud. I'm not sure what the exact sequence for getting it is, but I asked Fia about Venoma, looked at the Venoma spores in the first screen, then found it while examining the spores in the second screen, where the blobs are. You need a spare bottle to store it in; the bottle from Tetyth containing the music sheet works for this. I left the bottle unopened, and for some reason they called it an "open bottle." I assume that this works if you took the music sheet out, but I need to check this." (James Lin) (It has been confirmed to work by Lu Yang but I still leave this like that until I get the chance to rewrite it fully.) Screen: [1] You'll automatically take a 2% HP hit. The choices are neutral. Disarm the chest: -> Random Trap. Roulette: Holy Sabre, Salamander Rod, Mythril Sword or Crystal Lance. MOVE right. Screen: [2] Blow up the 3 Unknown Materials to Kingdom come. MOVE right. Screen: [3] Another 2% HP hit. Lyuri will open this chest for 10 Spiral Archs. And you take another 2% HP hit... If you want, you can MOVE back to Screen [2]. Screen: [2] Though you get poisoned again, Serene asks you a question: Top choice raises Serene's, middle raises hers and Lyuri's, though the third choice will lower them. (Thanks to Dfnord for this.) MOVE back right to Screen[3]. Screen: [3] Cierra will now ask if you want her to try burning the venoma buds: Top choice will raise her affection, middle choice raises Lyuri's affection and the bottom is neutral. (Thanks to BioHaZarDx911) When you are done, MOVE right into Screen[4]. Screen: [4] Here is your next Accursed... Death?! Well, he... she... it... Whatever, and two S. Elementals. Hint hint, if you still have the Saint Scepter, you can use it to kick his ass... Well, somewhat since the damage cap per hit is on 999... And you are done... Turns: 154 and 185,100 points. Now, wasn't this place simply tedious? And in the end... -[Elendia]- For now, head to the Crystal Caverns, all the way to the back and talk to Soala twice. She'll want your Magic Icicle, give it to her. Speak to her again and give her the Light Moss too. If you got the Venoma Bud, she'll take it too and make your 50x Book of Kirie (Thanks to James Lin) Then speak to NaNa and agreed to help her... -> Rhythm At: < > _ < _ < _ > _< _ > _ > You'll get 10x Witch Broom. Head to the Undine Spring and QUEST the ground five times. You'll get a Fanelia x1. Can you say uber? I couldn't find anything for Reiche either. Not sure if it's even possible. Confirmation here would be nice too. Anyway, go to the Elder's House and go inside. Ecthel will automatically head to bed in Lyuri and Fiaa's house. You'll have a dream with Ursula in it, and well, just read~ You wake up and head outside automatically where everyone gathers. Head to the Elder's House again. I love the CG that shows up here. ^^ To Chapter 6! _______________________________________________________________________________ [046]--------------------------04.06. Yggdrassil------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Chapter 6 ~ The Promised Land... Riv-- Erm, wait, up to Promised Land. Yggdrasil ~ The Sanctuary of Revered Wisdom. ~ And so we begin... -[Stage 6]-[Area 1]-[Peseta Everglades]- -[The wetlands that extend out at the bottom of Yggdrasil. Gregarious plants grow in the water.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]> Screen: [1] MOVE right as you start. Screen: [2] In this screen just enter QUEST mode to find two faeries, but they will run away nonetheless. Follow them to the right. Screen: [3] You will have to take care of a Larva and a Belial Queen. Once you've taken care of them, QUEST down here to find the two faeries. When you get the choice, pick the top one. You raise everyons's affection, get a key item and 4,000 points! Then MOVE next into... -[Stage 6]-[Area 2]-[Spiral Stones]- -[Stone blocks spiral around the giant pillar that rises from the center of Yggdrasil.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3] | [4]> Screen: [1] Simply MOVE right... Screen: [2] ...To find a Demon Lord, and two Dark Elves. QUEST right and select to stomp it. The block will then fall to its doom... MOVE right. Screen: [3] And open the chest... -> Random Trap. Anyway, roulette: Phoenix Wand, Spiral Arch or Silver Moon. QUEST up then and get the Power Up, this time however it's a +20 HP and +2 to every other stat! Oh, and 3,000 points again. MOVE back left and down. Screen: [4] QUEST right to get a Rock and 500 points. MOVE right into... -[Stage 6]-[Area 3]-[Manalith Garden]- -[A group of floating stones known as Manalith are strung out in a spiral-like fashion.]- Map: [5]> | [4] [1]-[2]-[3]> Screen: [1] As you begin, the wind will try to blow you off... -> Dash At: Press Right 8 times. 2,000 points if done right. Take a 5% HP hit if you fail. MOVE right and... Screen: [2] Hope you are fond of this enemy by now, cause yes, it's time to be blown away again. Well, not, if you were indeed blown away, look at Screen [4]. Otherwise, MOVE right. NOTE: If you don't get blown away, you can still reach Screen [4] by QUESTing up. (Thanks to Dfnord) Screen: [3] Open the chest: -> Random Trap. Roulette: Gradius, Viper Whip, Spiral Arch or Silver Moon. (Thanks to Dfnord for reminding me of this.) Then continue right (And skip Screen [4] -- Start at [8] in the next Area). Screen: [4] Yes, it is indeed possible to kill it right from the start, just for the sake of completeness... If you are blown away you will have to fight two Mael and a Devil Imp. MOVE up and right.... (Continue in Screen [1]) You will see Ledah attack a Succubus-type enemy and move on... -[Stage 6]-[Area 4]-[Eternal Eden]- -[Circular gardens float about, encompassing the trees over and over at the center of Yggdrsil.]- Map: <[7]-[6] | [1]-[2]-[3]-[4] | [8]-[9] Screen: [1] QUEST left for the sword. Again, if you fail thrice, you get a Sword hilt. Otherwise: -> Dash At: Press A 12 times. You get 15x Dragon Eraser and 3,000 points. MOVE right. NOTE: If you arrive at this area from Screen [8] (Defeating the Wyrm in Area 3) then you won't be able to get this weapon. (Thanks to Zero Yagami) Screen: [2] QUEST down the chest: -> Random Trap Roulette: Leyte Claw, Viper Whip, Silver Moon and Phoenix Wand. MOVE right: -> Just At IF you fail that: -> Dash At: Press Up 12 times. IF you fail that too, you end up in Area 5. Otherwise, you MOVE right. Screen: [3] QUEST left. Use the Rock we picked up: -> Command At: Right, Right, A, Up, A, B, Down. 3,000 points. MOVE right for now. Screen: [4] QUEST the chest and get 50x Mithril Swords. MOVE left to Screen [3], QUEST up and MOVE up. Screen: [6] MOVE left. Screen: [7] MOVE left into Area 9. (IF you went to 5 for some reason, look further below.) Screen: [8] (Thanks to Dfnord for this and Screen 9) MOVE right. Screen: [9] Fight here and then you can get a Wind Bowgun from the chest. Then MOVE left and QUEST up to reach Screen [2]. -[Stage 6]-[Area 9]-[Crumbling Gardens]- -[The first Aquarium now lies in ruin. A powerful impact has caused the place to start crumbling.]- (Thanks to James Ruan for information on getting here and the place in general.) Map: [1]-[2]-[3] You will see Malice here. Screen: [1] Insta-fight with a Blood Rose and a Lich. QUEST up for 15x Healing Herbs. Then MOVE right. Screen: [2] QUEST up and examine the water and a fairy will show up. Drink up the water for a +30 HP bonus to all. QUEST down as well to get 10x Heilkraut. I suggest you take them and mix up some Elixirs. They recover 99% of your HP. MOVE right. Screen: [3] QUEST down to get the Black Feathers and 2,000 points. QUEST up and use the top choice to get an Aquarium Fragment and 3,500 points. MOVE back to Area 4. -[Stage 6]-[Area 4]-[Eternal Eden]- Map: <[7]-[6]-[5]> | | [1]-[2]-[3]-[4] Screen: [7] MOVE right. Screen: [6] MOVE right: -> Just At. (Fail and...) -> Dash At: Press Up 12 times. Just get it done... You MOVE right automatically. Screen: [5] Same as before. -[Stage 6]-[Area 5]-[The World Tree]- -[The main tree that grows in the center of Yggdrasil. It is said that it gives life to all.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]> Screen: [1] MOVE right and... -> Dash At: Press Right 3 times. If done right, you go through. Screen: [2] Fight the Griffon and Siren in the next screen. Open the chest: -> Random Trap. Roulette: Silver Moon, Leyte Claw, Spiral Arch or Viper Whip. MOVE right and... -> Dash At: Press Right 6 times. Screen: [3] In the next room MOVE right and again... -> Dash At: Press Right 9 times. Screen: [4] Fight the Dragoon, Demon Lord, and Talos. Once you are done, MOVE next into... -[Stage 6]-[Area 6]-[Aquarium Springs]- -[Created by the gods, it protects and controls Yggdrasil. There are three Aquariums total.]- Map: [5]-[6]> | [1] [4] | | [2]-[3] More events with Ledah. Screen: [1] Open the chest to reveal... a Fairy?! Select the Middle choice, then the top one if you have a Mythril Sword, and finally, the top one again. With this not only you get 4,000 points and key item, but the Mythril Sword you had is transformed into a Zephyr. MOVE up. Screen: [2] QUEST the giant stone and select the top choice, though you need the Lala Sutra: -> Rhythm At: _ ^ < ^ _ _ V ^ ^ A _ _ > _ In the end you get another key item: Magic Mirror and 8,000 points! MOVE back down and right. Screen: [3] QUEST up here. Selecting a girl here will raise her affection, and selecting the bottom to last will just get everyone down. Up to you. MOVE up. Screen: [4] Fight a Cerberus, Mael and Blood Rose. Open the chest when you can: -> Random Trap Roulette: Viper Whip, Leyte Claw, Phoenix Wand MOVE up. Screen: [5] QUEST up to find yet another fairy. Select the top choice to be fully recovered, as well as getting another key item, plus 4,000 points. MOVE right. Screen: [6] Get ready to fight Ledah. He is immune to Fire by the way, so don't even think about using Cierra. Get in Serene with a weapon that has a blue OverDrive for some nice damage. Other than that... Well, you can bring the Elixirs just in case. Then watch. -[Stage 6]-[Area 7]-[Divine Ray]- -[The top area of Yggdrasil. Holy blue light fills the space. Crystal fibers spread out like a maze.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]> Screen: [1] MOVE right. Screen: [2] Fight the Siren, and the two L. Elementals. -[Stage 6]-[Area 8]-[Where Wisdom Lies]- -[The top of Yggdrasil. The manalith holding the wisdom of the gods lies here in the sacred light.]- Map: [5] | [1]-[2]-[3]-[4] Screen: [1] Head right. Screen: [2] Fight the Valkyrie and Bahamut. QUEST down here to find another fairy. Use the second choice, you get a key item as well as 3x Battle Pixies. MOVE right. Screen: [3] Open the chest here: Ice Emblem, Lightning Emblem, Fire Emblem or Holy Emblem. MOVE right. Screen: [4] Finally, get ready and MOVE up. Screen: [5] You will now fight Malice. She ain't so tough, gain, with the correct line up and equipment... Your best bet is to bring Cierra and Lyuri with you. Ledah will appear again and... We finally found out that Ledah gave up his emotions in exchange for his Diviner. That's it for this chapter... Total turns it took me: 68. Score: 144,200. -[Elendia]- Go with Chappi, the smithy and give him the Aquarium Fragment in exchange for for 10x Manalith Daggers. Then go to the back of the Crystal Caverns and speak to Soala, give her the Black Feathers in exchange for 20x Fallen Fan. Then go to the Elder's house as usual... To the final chapter, 7! _______________________________________________________________________________ [047]------------------------04.07. Maze of Shadows---------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Chapter 7 ~ Within the Darkness. Maze of Shadows ~ The Labyrinth of Eternal Darkness ~ -[Stage 7]-[Area 1]-[Clemonia Stratum]- -[One end of Heaven's Gate which has been tainted by darkness. Large rocks are stacked in layers.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]> Screen: [1] As you begin, QUEST down for the sword... (Again, fail thrice for a Hilt and 1,500 points.) -> Dash At: Press A 12 times. You'll get a Dragon Slayer and 3,000 points. MOVE right. If you want to raise Serene's, select the top choice, if you want to lower it, pick the bottom one. Screen: [2] Fight the Tiamat and Pazuzu. MOVE right once they are out of the way. Screen: [3] Open the Chest you see here... -> Random Trap Roulette time: Diana's Bow, Gran Sabre, Infinite Arc, or Southern Cross. MOVE next once you grab the spoils. -[Stage 7]-[Area 2]-[Ethereal Way]- -[A walkway connecting Heaven's Gate to the Isle of Goriate. It's made of rocks chained together.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]> [5]-[6]-[7]> [8]-[9]> Screen: [1] MOVE right as you begin. Screen: [2] Face the Minotaur, Quetzalcoatl and Bomber Kid. If the Bomber Kid uses his Break Out, you will automatically go to another room. If not, I think you get 15,000 points. IF you made it through, go to Screen [3]. Screen: [3] Another fight here: A Simurgh, Diana's Vassal and 2 Bomber Kids. MOVE right if you are still here. You also get 15,000 points if you don't fall. (Thanks to Sean Giles for confirming this.) Screen: [4] (Thanks to Zero Yagami for this) QUEST left for the chest: -> Random Trap Roulette: Southern Cross, Infinite Arc, Diana's Bow and Gran Sabre. Then MOVE right into Screen [7] Screen: [5] Assuming you fell... Head right. Screen: [6] Fight yet another Bomber Kid, but this time accompanied by two Obinkicks. Once that's done, you should get 15,000 points if the Bomber Kid didn't used his Break Out. MOVE right if he didn't blew you up. In the other hand, go to Screen [7] if you were blown off. Screen: [7] Open the cest: -> Random Trap Roulette: Southern Cross, Infinite Arc, Diana's Bow and Gran Sabre. Head NEXT into... (Screen [1]) Screen: [8] MOVE right. Screen: [9] QUEST the chest: -> Random Trap. You can get Gran Sabre, Infinite Arc, Diana's Bow and Southern Cross. MOVE next into... (Screen [4]) -[Stage 7]-[Area 3]-[The Isle of Goriate]- -[The floating island where Hector's castle is situated. A barrier has shrouded the isle in darkness.]- Map: [7]-[8]-[9]> [1]-[2]-[3]> [4]-[5]-[6]> Screen: [1] Simply head right. Screen: [2] Meet more opposition: Ogre Eater, Simurgh, and Tyrant. MOVE right. Screen: [3] Open the chest: -> Random Trap. Roulette: Infinite Arc,, Southern Cross, Diana's Bow or Gran Sabre. MOVE NEXT into... Screen: [4] MOVE right. Screen: [5] Fight the Ogre Eater, Pazuzu and 2 Geists. MOVE right when you are done. Screen: [6] QUEST the chest: -> Random Trap Roulette: Infinite Arc,, Southern Cross, Diana's Bow or Gran Sabre. MOVE NEXT into... Screen: [7] (Thanks to Sean Giles for this, [8] and [9]) Simply MOVE right. Screen: [8] Fight a Minotaur, Obinick and Ogre Eater. After the fight s done, QUEST the crack here. If you have a Bomb with yourself (Obtained from the Bomber Kids), you can blow this up. You'll get 10,000 points for this. If you were able to open up, enter it. Otherwise MOVE right. (If you enter, skip the next screen) Screen: [9] QUEST the chest: -> Random Trap Roulette: Southern Cross, Diana's Bow, Infinite Arc, Gran Sabre. MOVE next into... -[Stage 7]-[Area 9]-[Granada Fortress]- (Thanks to Sean Giles and Andrea) -[The fort where Hector repelled the demon attack during Ragnarok. It still bears scars from the battle.]- Map: <[1]-[2]-[3]-[4] Screen: [1] Simply MOVE right. Screen: [2] You'll fight 2 Hell Curse and a Geist here. Once you are done, MOVE right. Screen: [3] Right away you'll enter another fight, this time with 2 Tyrants, and one Diana's Vassal. MOVE right. Screen: [4] QUEST the chest here for 50x Rosiers. You can now leave this place back to Area 3 and move right into Area 4. -[Stage 7]-[Area 4]-[The Road to Darkness]- -[A winding path leading to the Maze of Shadows, Hector's castle. The road is much longer than it appears.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]> Screen: [1] The paths from the previous scenes all meet here, so no more different scenarios... MOVE right once. Screen: [2] And take care of the Titan, Pazuzu and Hell Curse. MOVE right twice. Screen: [4] You should see a chest: -> Random Trap Roulette: Infinite Arc,, Southern Cross, Diana's Bow or Gran Sabre. MOVE right and prepare to fight Malice again. Cheesiness with Malice's speech... Bring Cierra with you, but put her in the front! If she get's caught in the back with Malice's Break Out, she's down. You can put Serene on the back and use weapons of other elements, like yellow with her if you want. Once you are done, head NEXT into... -[Stage 7]-[Area 5]-[Ruby Tier]- -[One of the layers of the Triple Strata in the Maxe of Shadows. It's cast in eerie, red light.]- Map: [3]-[4] | [1]-[2] | [5] Screen: [1] Almost there... MOVE right and... Well, this place is like a maze. Though I believe I have the shortest route through... Screen: [2] Serene will find something in here, more Black Feathers actually. MOVE up here then right. Screen: [4] Fight the first Dark Progenitor here: Dark Aghart. Any combination should do for the fight actually... Ok no, he has high Magic so leave Cierra out... Once he is out, MOVE down into the warp. -[Stage 7]-[Area 6]-[Emerald Tier]- -[One of the layers of the Triple Strata in the Maze of Shadows. It's cast in odd, green light.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3] | [4] Screen: [1] If you want to raise either Fiaa's or Serene's affection, QUEST up here and select the top for the former or the middle for the latter. The bottom one will drop Serene's though. MOVE right. Screen: [2] Some little scene between Ecthel and Rose. MOVE right. Screen: [3] Here you fight the second Dark Progenitor: Dark Isher. He has a high Str and high Physical resistance. You might want to leave Serene out of this one. Another Warp; take it. -[Stage 7]-[Area 7]-[Sapphire Tier]- -[A layer of the Triple Strata in the Maze of Shadows. It's cast in mysterious, blue light.]- Map: [1]-[5] | [4]-[2]-[3] Screen: [1] Another little scene between Ecthel and Rose. "Are you gonna get all sappy on me now?" ... "I'll take that as a yes. But, please, continue..." XD Take a down. Screen: [2] And a right here. Screen: [3] And now fight the third Dark Progenitor: Dark Lindwurm. Bring anything you wish, mind you he is resistant to Ice in high levels. You should bring Lyuri and perhaps Cierra. He is also flying and is a dragon. *Hint hint* You can get some Heilkraut if you S-Rank. Take the Warp as well. -[Stage 7]-[Area 5]-[Ruby Tier]- Map: [3]-[4] [9] | | [1]-[2] [8]-[6]-[7] | [5] Screen: [6] Here you get a small event with Fiaa. If you want to see one with Lyruri, MOVE left. Otherwise, head right. Screen: [7] Foruth Dark Progenitor: the Darkangel... Crappy name... Anyway, high magic and top resistance to Lightning and Holy. Her only weak element is Physical... You can bring in Lyuri if you have some non-lightning weapon, otherwise, be careful if you bring in Serene. Take this next portal. -[Stage 7]-[Area 6]-[Emerald Tier]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3] | [4] [5]-[6] Screen: [5] Little scene now with Ecthel and Cierra. Anyway, take the only path: Right. Screen: [6] Fift Dark Progenitor: Dark Death. You might want to leave Serene out since this guy is resistant to Ice, though if you bring her, get her some weapons of other elements. Since he has high Magic, Cierra might not do THAT well even though he is weak to Fire. Holy is his worst nightmare, so it's EXL time~! He has assloads of HP though... Take this warp as well. -[Stage 7]-[Area 7]-[Sapphire Tier]- Map: [1]-[5] [6] | | [4]-[2]-[3] [7]-[8] | [9] Screen: [6] Head down. Screen: [7] At this fork, head right to... Screen: [8] Find Hector. Well, long story short... Kick his ass. You might want to leave Serene out as well. Bring in Lyuri and if you like to risk it, have Cierra in, otherwise stick in Serene for defense. He has 11,000 HP by the way. See? He was easy... Take this warp. -[Stage 7]-[Area 8]-[Summit of the Gods]- -[The fourth layer of the Triple Strata in the Maze of Shadows, located within a dimensional rigt.]- Map: [1]-[2]-[3] Screen: [1] Well, this is it... MOVE right. Screen: [2] QUEST up if you want to go through some reminiscence. MOVE right again and find Hector once more. Screen: [3] Well, you've paying attention to the affection of the girls right? Cause right here, she who loves you the most will find her death at the hands of Malice and Hector... Anyway, Malice dies, your sweetheart dies, and Hector summons Seth, and long story short, she is transformed into Setora... Well, this is the last battle of the game... This is a trick battle. Originally she is only weak to Holy and neutral to Physical, but when she changes, it's the opposite, she becomes weak to Lightning, Fire and Ice but resistant to the others. So keep your attacks varied! She has about 12,500 HP. I kinda killed her too quickly so I missed some of her data... Enough, just kick her behind... You also get the Longinus... And Stage 7 is over. Turns: 42; Score: 179,700 points. The girls that are alive will run away with you (Or in the case you got Rothe's ending, I have no idea how things work...). Just as you are leaving the place, Ecthel is transported to where Ursula, and after some more comments which I partly understand, she revives your sweetheart! (Whoever that is...) You will suddenly appear back in Erendia. And well... Enjoy your ending! Once you go back to the Title Screen, hit Extra Contents and into Chapter 8 to fight Hades which pretty much gives almost nothing, but heck, it's a thing to do... My ending score this time was of... Damn, I forgot to note it... Oh wait, 1,093,300. This doesn't includes Chapter 8 of course. To access Chapter 8, I assume you need to have gotten the Key to Hell in Stage 6. Someone correct me if this is wrong. _______________________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------05. Characters--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________________________ [051]----------------------------05.01. Ecthel--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ English Name: Ein Ecthel's stats at Stage 1 are stronger than normal. Once you hit Stage 2, the starting stats will be the ones on the right. Starting Stats: Useful Levels: Str: 70/21 Lv3: Swords Mgc: 36/23 Lv2: Rapiers, Lances Agl: 20/12 Lv1: Bows, Sickles, Staves Vit: 31/16 Max HP: 710/215 Resistances: Battle Quote: Physic: +15%/+5% "The Glorious Brand is Heavenly Gleam..." JP Fire: +100%/-10% "The glorious blade gleams with truth." NA Ice: -100%/-10% "The angelic plume shall be the knife of Lightning: Neutral/-10% justice." Exl Darkness: Neutral/+90% "The feline shall tower like a dragon." Rose (Thanks to Rick Rack Roo) OverDrive Names: OS1: Rengekizan -> Sword Blitz OS2: Kaen Rengekizan -> Flame Slash OS3: Raikou Rengekizan -> Lightning Strike OS4: Musou Roku Renzan -> Earth Shaker OS5: Senkou Shougekidan -> Mimic Ray OS6: Shingi Tenshouzan -> Divine Ascencion EXL: KokuShi Disaresuta -> Disaresta Comments: Well, he is the main character so you are pretty much stuck with him... I still find it odd how he has 4 girls behind him... *Rolls eyes* He has a nice damage output, being in second place, as well as a somewhat good Magic output. Somewhat low in the Agl department, but overall good. Skill Ups (Ordered by OverDrive level) Item Type | OverDrive | + Str | + Mgc -----------------+-----------+-------+------ Sword | 3 | + 6 | Fire Emblem | 3 | | + 3 Rapier | 2 | + 4 | Spear | 2 | + 4 | Armor | 2 | | + 4 Amulet | 2 | | + 4 Naga Fang | 2 | | + 2 Bow | 1 | + 2 | Scythes | 1 | + 2 | Einherjar | 1 | + 2 | Power Wrist | 1 | | + 2 Shield | 1 | | + 2 Staff | 1 | | + 1 Orb | 1 | | + 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ [052]----------------------------05.02. Ledah---------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ English Name: Ledah Starting Stats: Useful Levels: Str: 83 Lv3: --- Mgc: 42 Lv2: --- Agl: 14 Lv1: --- Vit: 37 Max HP: 1250 Resistances: Battle Quote: Physic: +15% "The Sacred Scarlet Will Devastate Them..." JP Fire: +100% "The scorching flames shall envelop evil." NA Ice: -100% Lightning: Neutral. Darkness: Neutral. OverDrive Names: EXL: KokuShi RosutoSefi -> Lost Seraph Comments: Gotta love the things he say. I still say the speech he gives during an Exl kicks major tail. Anyway, you only have him for Stage 1, but he is pretty good... _______________________________________________________________________________ [053]----------------------------05.03. Lyuri---------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ English Name: Lina Starting Stats: Useful Levels: Str: 20 Lv3: Bows Mgc: 24 Lv2: Claws, Books Agl: 25 Lv1: Lances, Sickles, Whips Vit: 16 Max HP: 170 Resistances: Battle Quote: Physic: -10% "Arrows are Shot as if a Shooting Star..." JP Fire: -90% "Arrows will rain down from the heavens." NA Ice: Neutral. Lightning: +90% Darkness: Neutral. OverDrive Names: OS1: Aroo Rein -> Arrow Rain OS2: Toriniti Supaaku -> Trinity Spark OS3: Borutekku Reido -> Voltage Raid OS4: Gatoringu Shuuto (Gatling Shot) -> Barrage OS5: Avaranchi Aroo (Avalanche Arrow) -> Divine Wind OS6: Sutaa Gasuto (Star Gust) -> Stardust Comments: My 2nd favorite girl. There has to be something about that voice and the specials... She is the fastest of the group, meaning she can attack more times than any other, and has a nice str/mgc output to boot! Skill Ups (Ordered by OverDrive level) Item Type | OverDrive | + Str | + Mgc -----------------+-----------+-------+------ Bow | 3 | + 6 | Book | 2 | + 4 | Claw | 2 | + 4 | Shield | 2 | + 4 | Cape | 2 | | + 6 Ribbon | 2 | | + 6 Rosary | 1 | + 2 | Whip | 1 | + 2 | Banango | 1 | + 2 | Egg | 1 | + 2 | Applecot | 1 | + 2 | Spear | 1 | | + 3 Orb | 1 | | + 3 Scythe | 1 | | + 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ [054]-----------------------------05.04. Fiaa---------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ English Name: Fia Starting Stats: Useful Levels: Str: 15 Lv3: Rapiers Mgc: 24 Lv2: Staves, Bows Agl: 20 Lv1: Swords, Books, Lances Vit: 13 Max HP: 170 Resistances: Battle Quote: Physic: Neutral. "The Saint Saber shall Purify the Dark..." JP Fire: +20% "The holy saber shall purify the darkness." NA Ice: +20% "Darkness will be eclipsed by holy radiance." Lightning: +20% (Banishment, thanks to liljimmy (at) Darkness: -50% OverDrive Names: OS1: Risoruto -> Risoluto OS2: Burirurante -> Brillante OS3: Puresuto -> Presto OS4: Vivaache -> Vivace OS5: Kadencha -> Appassionato OS6: Apachonaato -> Cadenza EXL: Vanisshu -> Banishment Comments: Mostly a healer, since she is packed with those skills. She can do some damage every now and then with the OverDrives but to me she falls mostly under the healing category. Item Type | OverDrive | + Str | + Mgc -----------------+-----------+-------+------ Rapier | 3 | + 6 | Rosary | 3 | | + 9 Bow | 2 | + 4 | Staff | 2 | | + 6 Herb | 2 | | + 2 Holy Water | 2 | | + 2 Orb | 2 | | + 1 Book | 1 | | + 3 Spear | 1 | | + 3 Sword | 1 | | + 3 Mage Ring | 1 | | + 1 Shield | 1 | | + 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ [055]----------------------------05.05. Serene--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ English Name: Serene Starting Stats: Useful Levels: Str: 27 Lv3: Sickles Mgc: 24 Lv2: Lances, Claws Agl: 15 Lv1: Swords, Rapiers, Whips Vit: 20 Max HP: 220 Resistances: Battle Quote: Physic: -10% "Black Wings Turn into the Arc of Justice..." Fire: -30% "The black wings shall embody justice." NA Ice: +90% Lightning: -90% Darkness: +20% OverDrive Names: OS1: Serene Kombineechon (Serene Combination) -> Serene Combo OS2: Serene Desutorakuchon (Serene Destrucion) -> Serene Blast OS3: Serene Fureibaado -> Serene Inferno OS4: Serene Abusoryuto (Serene Absolute) -> Serene Nightmare OS5: Serene Puratinamu (Serene Platinum) -> Serene Almighty OS6: Serene Iryuchon (Serene Illusion) -> Serene Abosulte (Yes, they switched the JP name of OS4 with the NA version of OS6...) Comments: My favorite girl. ^^ -- Anyway, she is the strongest of all, and what with carrying that giant Scythe... You gotta love all those accessories, but anyway... As said, she is basically the strongest in the physical department, highest Str and Vit, not to mention a nice Mgc. She also stands in the middle of the speed area. Item Type | OverDrive | + Str | + Mgc -----------------+-----------+-------+------ Scythe | 3 | + 9 | Dragon Wing | 2 | + 6 | Claw | 2 | + 6 | Rapier | 2 | + 3 | Pendant | 2 | | + 4 Power Wrist | 2 | | + 4 Spear | 2 | | + 2 Orb | 1 | | + 2 Whip | 1 | | + 1 Sword | 1 | | + 1 Holy Water | 1 | | + 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ [056]----------------------------05.06. Cierra--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ English Name: Cierra Starting Stats: Useful Levels: Str: 19 Lv3: Staves Mgc: 36 Lv2: Whips, Books Agl: 5 Lv1: Swords, Rapiers, Bows Vit: 17 Max HP: 320 Resistances: Battle Quote: Physic: -20% "The Witch will Call down the Mad Flame..." JP Fire: +90% "The scarlet witch will summong an inferno." NA Ice: -90% Lightning: 0% Darkness: 0% OverDrive Names: OS1: Magikaru Inpakuto (Magical Impact) -> Magical Burst OS2: Furei Sukooru -> Cinder Squall OS3: Hoorii Burasuto -> Holy Blast OS4: Fureimu Surowaa (Flame Thower) -> Firestorm OS5: Purominensu -> Prominence OS6: Karamiti Furea -> Calamity Flare Comments: Ok... A mage with an HP higher than a full-fledged warrior?! Screwed up, yes, but she lacks the Agl to put it to good use since she often lags behind. She has a tail-kicking Mgc though, and if the enemy is weak to fire, this girl will bring it down in no time with a nice OverDrive... IF her turn comes around... Item Type | OverDrive | + Str | + Mgc -----------------+-----------+-------+------ Staff | 3 | | + 6 Whip | 2 | + 4 | Pendant | 2 | | + 4 Book | 2 | | + 4 Rapier | 1 | | + 2 Orb | 1 | | + 2 Meat/Flesh | 1 | | + 2 Bow | 1 | | + 2 Mage Ring | 1 | | + 2 Sword | 1 | | + 2 Egg | 1 | | + 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------06. Weapons---------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ So, let's go over this... Let's use the Dragon Buster as an example. ================================= Dragon Buster -> Found in Stage 5 ================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Dragon Slay | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 47: O Dragon | | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ See those letters on the left side? The E, L, F, S and C? Guess what they stand for. If you said the initials of the names, then you are correct: Ecthel, Lyuri, Fiaa, Serene and Cierra in that order. Where the letters are means the attack applies only to that character, so in this case the Dragon Slay is for Ecthel, while the 4 girls get Throw. Next you see Type (Attack, Magic, Support or Other). The Hits. Again, the letters: N is for Neutral, L: Lightning, F: Fire, I: Ice and H: Holy. Then ADD, those are the EFFECTS as listed on the NA version. Target: Need I say more? If the weapon has an OverSkill for that character, you would see a second square to the right... Let me use part of any sword for this: ============================================= Flamberg -> Several places, mainly at Stage 3 ============================================= _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Slash |OS Lv.3 - Flame Slash | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [F][F] | Hits: [F][F][F][F] | | ADD: | ADD: 05: X Guard | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| I cut off the rest for space purposes. Anyway, you see how Lyuri only has one square. We all know that if you get Throw, it means they aren't good with that weapon, so in this case no OverSkill for her. Instead, with Ecthel you see a second square, with the details of the OS. As for stats in Skill Ups... They are fixed, look under the profiles for them. HP is the only one NOT fixed, and the formula is as follows: x5 + x5 Enjoy the new list that came thanks to Dario P. _______________________________________________________________________________ [061]----------------------------06.01. Swords--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================= Dragon Buster -> Found in Stage 5 ================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Dragon Slay | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 47: O Dragon | | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================= Dragon Eraser -> Found in Stage 6 ================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Dragon Slay | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 47: O Dragon | | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================= Dragon Killer -> Found in Stage 1 ================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Dragon Slay | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 47: O Dragon | | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================= Dragon Slayer -> Found in Stage 7 ================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Dragon Slay | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 47: O Dragon | | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================== Einherjar -> Start with it ========================== __________________________________________________________________________ E|Normal Skill - Slash |OS Lv.1 - Double Slash |Exl Skill - Disaresta | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | Type: Attack. | | Hits: [H] | Hits: [H][H] | Hits: 8x [H] | | ADD: 04: X Avoid | ADD: 04: X Avoid | ADD: 01: Ultima! | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Near | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [H] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ==================================== Excalibur -> S-Rank Isher at Stage 2 ==================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Xanadu | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [H] | | ADD: 43: O Human | | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Astral Glitter | | Type: Magic | F| Hits: [H] | | ADD: 06: X AV-GD | | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================================= Flamberg -> Several places, mainly at Stage 3 ============================================= _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Slash |OS Lv.3 - Flame Slash | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [F][F] | Hits: [F][F][F][F] | | ADD: | ADD: 05: X Guard | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Slash Upward |OS Lv.1 - Vertical Flare | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | F| Hits: [F][F] | Hits: [F][F] | | ADD: | ADD: 42: X Air | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Mage Slash |OS Lv.1 - Volcano Strike | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [F][F] | Hits: [F][F] | S| ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magic Blade |OS Lv.1 - Fire Blade | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [F][F] | Hits: [F] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: | C| Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Enemy/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ===================================== Gran Sabre -> Found in Stage 7 mostly ===================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Slash |OS Lv.3 - Divine Ascension | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N][N][N][N][N][N]| | ADD: | ADD: 57: F2-All | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Slash Upward |OS Lv.1 - Riot Edge | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | F| Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: 42: X Air | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Mage Slash |OS Lv.1 - Sonic Spear | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N][N] | S| ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magic Blade |OS Lv.1 - Hyper Blade | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: | C| Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ===================================== Iron Sword -> Found mainly in Stage 2 ===================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Slash |OS Lv.3 - Sword Blitz | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Slash Upward |OS Lv.1 - Critical Edge | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | F| Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: 42: X Air | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Mage Slash |OS Lv.1 - Mage Stream | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N][N] | S| ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magic Blade |OS Lv.1 - Blade Shot | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: | C| Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================== Kiku-Ichimonji -> Found in Stage 5 ================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Oboro-Garasu | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N][N][N][N][N][N][N][N]| | ADD: 11: Revenge; 09: Not-Vit | | Target: Enemy/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================== Mithril Sword -> Found mainly in Stage 4 ======================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Slash |OS Lv.3 - Earth Shaker | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N][N][N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: 56: F1-All; 07: Element | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Slash Upward |OS Lv.1 - Rising Edge | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | F| Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: 42: X Air; 07: Element | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Mage Slash |OS Lv.1 - Bone Breaker | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | S| ADD: 07: Element | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magic Blade |OS Lv.1 - Mithril Blade | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N][N] | | ADD: 02: Low%; 07: Element | ADD: 07: Element | C| Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================== Thunder Blade -> Found mostly in Stage 4 ======================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Slash |OS Lv.3 - Lightning Strike | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [L][L] | Hits: [L][L][L][L][L] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Slash Upward |OS Lv.1 - Spark Edge | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | F| Hits: [L][L] | Hits: [L][L][L] | | ADD: | ADD: 42: X Air | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Mage Slash |OS Lv.1 - High Voltage | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [L][L] | Hits: [L][L][L] | S| ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magic Blade |OS Lv.1 - Thunder Blade | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [L][L] | Hits: [L][L] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: | C| Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================= Zantetsu -> Found both in Stage 4 and 5 ======================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Ama-Tsubame | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N][N][N][N] | | ADD: 11: Revenge; 09: Now-Vit | | Target: Enemy/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================================================ Zephyr -> Transformed from a Mithril Sword by a Fairy in Stage 6 ================================================================ _______________________________ _______________________________ |Normal Skill - Slash |OS Lv.3 - Mimic Ray | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [L][L][L][L][L][L][L] | | ADD: | ADD: 56: F1-All; 16: HP-ABS+ | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Slash Upward |OS Lv.1 - Ether Edge | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [L][L][L][L] | | ADD: | ADD: 42: X Air; 15: HP-ABS | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Mage Slash |OS Lv.1 - Voltek Wave | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [L][L] | Hits: [L][L][L][L] | | ADD: | ADD: 15: HP-ABS | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magic Blade |OS Lv.1 - Plasma Blade | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [L][L] | Hits: [L][L][L][L] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: 15: HP-ABS | | Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________________________ [062]---------------------------06.02. Rapiers--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================= Blue Stinger -> Found mostly in Stage 5 ======================================= _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Stab |OS Lv.2 - Un Quatre | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [I][I][I][I][I] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: | | Target: Random Enemy B | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Touche |OS Lv.3 - Appassionato | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [I][I][I][I][I][I][I] | | ADD: 09: Not-Vit | ADD: 05: X Guard; 51: F1-Thru | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Stab |OS Lv.2 - Ice Stinger | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [I] | S| ADD: | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magic Shot |OS Lv.1 - Freezing Matter | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [I][I][I] | Hits: [I][I][I] | | ADD: 42: X Air | ADD: | C| Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================ Estoc -> Found mostly in Stage 4 ================================ _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Stab |OS Lv.2 - Un Trois | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N][N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: | | Target: Random Enemy B | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Touche |OS Lv.3 - Presto | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N][N][N] | | ADD: 09: Not-Vit | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Stab |OS Lv.2 - Hell Stinger | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magic Shot |OS Lv.1 - Punish | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N][N] | | ADD: 42: X Air | ADD: | C| Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ===================================== Holy Sabre -> Found mostly in Stage 5 ===================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Stab |OS Lv.2 - Ascend | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [H][H][H] | Hits: [H][H][H][H][H] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: | | Target: Random Enemy B | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Touche |OS Lv.3 - Vivace | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [H][H][H] | Hits: [H][H][H][H][H][H] | | ADD: 09: Not-Vit | ADD: 09: Not-Vit | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Stab |OS Lv.2 - Evil Break | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [H][H][H] | Hits: [H] | S| ADD: | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magic Shot |OS Lv.1 - Fatality | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [H][H][H] | Hits: [H][H][H] | | ADD: 42: X Air | ADD: 06: X AV-GD; 46: O Undead| C| Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =============================================== Rapier -> Obtained from Fiaa and Stage 2 mostly =============================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Stab |OS Lv.2 - Un Deux | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: | | Target: Random Enemy B | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Touche |OS Lv.3 - Risoluto | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | | ADD: 09: Not-Vit | ADD: 09: Not-Vit | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Stab |OS Lv.2 - Stinger | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magic Shot |OS Lv.1 - Huge Spike | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 42: X Air | ADD: | C| Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================= Rosier -> Found mostly in Stage 7 ================================= _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Stab |OS Lv.2 - Terre Promise | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [H][H][H] | Hits: [H][H][H][H][H][H] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: | | Target: Random Enemy B | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Touche |OS Lv.3 - Cadenza | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [H][H][H] | Hits: [H][H][H][H][H][H][H][H]| | ADD: 09: Not-Vit | ADD: 05: X Guard; 52: F2-Thru | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Stab |OS Lv.2 - Judgment | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [H][H][H] | Hits: [H] | S| ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magic Shot |OS Lv.1 - Holy Blight | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [H][H][H] | Hits: [H][H][H][H] | | ADD: 42: X Air | ADD: | C| Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================== Silver Rapier -> Found mostly in Stage 3 ======================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Stab |OS Lv.2 - Balestra | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [H][H][H] | Hits: [H][H][H] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: | | Target: Random Enemy B | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Touche |OS Lv.3 - Brillante | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [H][H][H] | Hits: [H][H][H][H] | | ADD: 09: Not-Vit | ADD: 51: F1-Thru | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Stab |OS Lv.2 - Straight Slash | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [H][H][H] | Hits: [H] | S| ADD: | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magic Shot |OS Lv.1 - Holy Needle | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [H][H][H] | Hits: [H][H] | | ADD: 42: X Air | ADD: | C| Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________________________ [063]-----------------------------06.03. Bows---------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ====================================== Diana's Bow -> Found mostly in Stage 6 ====================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.1 - Glint Arrow | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [L] | Hits: [L] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.3 - Stardust | L| Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [L] | Hits: [L][L][L][L][L][L][L][L]| | ADD: | ADD: 44: O Air | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Random Enemy B | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.2 - Radiant Arrow | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [L] | Hits: [L][L][L] | | ADD: | ADD: 44: O Air | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/Low HP | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Try and Shoot |OS Lv.1 - Plasma Shot | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [L] | Hits: [L][L][L] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: | C| Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Random Enemy B | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================== Elfin Bow: Found mostly in Stage 4 ================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.1 - Rising Shot | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.3 - Voltage Raid | L| Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [L][L][L][L][L] | | ADD: | ADD: 44: O Air | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Random Enemy B | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.2 - Piercing Arrow | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: 44: O Air | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/Low HP | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Try and Shoot |OS Lv.1 - Thunder Arrow | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [L][L][L] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: | C| Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Random Enemy B | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =================================================== Iria's Bow -> Obtained from the mermaids in Stage 4 =================================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.1 - Buster Shot | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.3 - Barrage | L| Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N][N][N][N][N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: 44: O Air | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Random Enemy B | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.2 - Purity Arrow | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | Hits: [H][H][H][H] | | ADD: | ADD: 44: O Air | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/Low HP | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Try and Shoot |OS Lv.1 - Holy Arrow | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [H][H][H] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: | C| Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Random Enemy B | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================================= Iron Bowgun -> From Archer-type enemy: Amazon ============================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Gale Arrow | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 44: O Air | | Target: Enemy/Far | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================================================= Lightning Bow -> Coffin in Stage 2, but mostly in Stage 3 ========================================================= _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.1 - Lightning Arrow | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [L] | Hits: [L] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.3 - Trinity Spark | L| Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [L] | Hits: [L][L][L][L] | | ADD: | ADD: 44: O Air | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Random Enemy B | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.2 - Bore Arrow | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [L] | Hits: [L][L][L] | | ADD: | ADD: 44: O Air | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/Low HP | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Try and Shoot |OS Lv.1 - Twinkle Shot | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [L] | Hits: [L][L][L] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: | C| Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Random Enemy B | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ====================================================== Longbow -> When Lyuri joins you, but mostly in Stage 2 ====================================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.1 - Berserk Arrow | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.3 - Arrow Rain | L| Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: 44: O Air | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Random Enemy B | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.2 - Cleave Arrow | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | Hits: [N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: 44: O Air | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/Low HP | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Try and Shoot |OS Lv.1 - Magic Arrow | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: | C| Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Random Enemy B | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ====================================================== Spiral Arch -> At Stage 5, but found mostly in Stage 6 ====================================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.1 - Spiral Shot | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.3 - Divine Wind | L| Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [H][H][H][H][H][H][H] | | ADD: | ADD: 44: O Air | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Random Enemy B | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Shoot |OS Lv.2 - Slayer Arrow | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | Hits: [H][H][H][H] | | ADD: | ADD: 44: O Air | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/Low HP | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Try and Shoot |OS Lv.1 - Tri-Shot | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [H][H][H] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: | C| Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Random Enemy B | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================================= Tempest Bow -> S-Rank Lindwurm in Stage 3 ========================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Gigantic Bolt | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [L] | | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Low WT | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Giga Drive | | Type: Magic | F| Hits: [L][L][L][L] | | ADD: | | Target: Random Enemy B | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =============================================== Wind Bowgun -> From Archer-type enemy: Dark Elf =============================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Phoenix Arrow | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 44: O Air | | Target: Enemy/Far | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________________________ [064]---------------------------06.04. Scythes--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================= Black Scythe -> Found mostly in Stage 5 ======================================= _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Mow |OS Lv.1 - Schwarz Flash | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N] | | ADD: | ADD: -2: Low%; 05: X Guard | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Swing Around |OS Lv.1 - Deity Bane | L| Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N] | | ADD: | ADD: 02: Low%; 04: X Avoid | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Reap |OS Lv.3 - Serene Nightmare | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N][N][N][N][N][N] | S| ADD: 04: X Avoid | ADD: 43: O Human; 48: F1-Near | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ====================================== Burning Sun -> Found mostly in Stage 4 ====================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Mow |OS Lv.1 - Quake Flash | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N] | | ADD: | ADD: 02: Low%; 05: X Guard | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Swing Around |OS Lv.1 - Chaotic Flare | L| Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [F] | Hits: [F] | | ADD: | ADD: 02: Low%; 04: X Avoid | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Reap |OS Lv.3 - Serene Inferno | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [F][F][F][F][F] | S| ADD: 04: X Avoid | ADD: 43: O Human; 49: F2-Near | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =========================================================== Hell Scythe -> When Serene joins you, but mostly in Stage 2 =========================================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Mow |OS Lv.1 - Dragon Flash | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N] | | ADD: | ADD: 02: Low%; 05: X Guard | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Swing Around |OS Lv.1 - Terror Swing | L| Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [I] | Hits: [I] | | ADD: | ADD: 02: Low%; 04: X Avoid | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Reap |OS Lv.3 - Serene Combo | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [I][I][I] | S| ADD: 04: X Avoid | ADD: 05: X Guard; 48: F1-Near | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================= Infinite Arc -> Found mostly in Stage 7 ======================================= _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Mow |OS Lv.1 - Rainbow Flash | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [I] | Hits: [N] | | ADD: | ADD: 02: Low%; 05: X Guard | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Swing Around |OS Lv.1 - Misty Arc | L| Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [I] | Hits: [I] | | ADD: | ADD: 02: Low%; 04: X Avoid | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Reap |OS Lv.3 - Serene Absolute | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [I] | Hits: [I][I][I][I][I][I][I][I]| S| ADD: 04: X Avoid | ADD: 57: F2-All | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================= Night Scythe -> S-Rank Death at Stage 5 ======================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Glacial Shadow | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [I] | | ADD: 02: Low%; 15: HP-ABS | | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Nightmare Chill | | Type: Magic | | Hits: [I] | S| ADD: 25: Freeze; 16: HP-ABS+ | | Target: All Enemies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ===================================== Ogre Blade -> Found mostly in Stage 3 ===================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Mow |OS Lv.1 - Devil Flash | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [I] | Hits: [I] | | ADD: | ADD: 02: Low%; 05: X Guard | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Swing Around |OS Lv.1 - Ogre Impulse | L| Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [I] | Hits: [I] | | ADD: | ADD: 02: Low%; 04: X Avoid | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Reap |OS Lv.3 - Serene Blast | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [I] | Hits: [I][I][I][I] | S| ADD: 04: X Avoid | ADD: 05: X Guard; 49: F2-Near | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ====================================== Silver Moon -> Found mostly in Stage 5 ====================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Mow |OS Lv.1 - Freeze Flash | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [I] | Hits: [I] | | ADD: | ADD: 02: Low%; 05: X Guard | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Swing Around |OS Lv.1 - Refrigerate | L| Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [I] | Hits: [I] | | ADD: | ADD: 02: Low%; 04: X Avoid | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Reap |OS Lv.3 - Serene Almighty | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [I] | Hits: [I][I][I][I][I][I][I] | S| ADD: 04: X Avoid | ADD: 56: F1-All | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________________________ [065]----------------------------06.05. Staves--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =================================================================== Coral Staff -> Obtained from Gill at Elendia, but mostly in Stage 2 =================================================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Strike |OS Lv.1 - ForceImpact | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Healing |OS Lv.2 - White Wave | | Type: Support, 30% | Type: Magic | F| Hits: | Hits: [N][N] | | ADD: 59: HP-Heal | ADD: 42: X Air | | Target: Ally/Low HP | Target: Enemy/Back | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magical Shot |OS Lv.3 - Magical Burst | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: 56: F1-All | C| Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Random Enemy B | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================= Phoenix Wand -> Found mostly in Stage 6 ======================================= _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Strike |OS Lv.1 - Flame Bind | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [F][F][F][F] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Healing |OS Lv.2 - Carmine Cutlass | | Type: Support, 50% | Type: Magic | F| Hits: | Hits: [F][F][F][F][F][F] | | ADD: 59: HP-Heal | ADD: | | Target: Ally/Low HP | Target: Enemy/Back | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magical Shot |OS Lv.3 - Prominence | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [F][F] | Hits: [F][F][F][F][F][F][F] | | ADD: | ADD: 56: F1-All | C| Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Random Enemy B | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ===================================== Ruby Staff -> Found mostly in Stage 3 ===================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Strike |OS Lv.1 - Flame Toss | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [F][F][F] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Healing |OS Lv.2 - Red Regulator | | Type: Support, 35% | Type: Magic | F| Hits: | Hits: [F][F][F] | | ADD: 59: HP-Heal | ADD: 42: X Air | | Target: Ally/Low HP | Target: Enemy/Back | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magical Shot |OS Lv.3 - Cinder Squall | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [F][F] | Hits: [F][F][F][F] | | ADD: | ADD: 57: F2-All | C| Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Random Enemy B | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================================ Saint Scepter -> S-Rank the Archangel at Stage 4 ================================================ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Angel Cure | | Type: Support, 99% | F| Hits: | | ADD: 60: ST-Cure; 59: HP-Heal | | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Sacrament | | Type: Magic | | Hits: [H] | | ADD: | C| Target: Enemy/Back | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================================= Salamander Rod -> Found mostly in Stage 5 ========================================= _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Strike |OS Lv.1 - Fire Blast | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [F][F][F][F] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Healing |OS Lv.2 - Scarlet Screen | | Type: Support, 45% | Type: Magic | F| Hits: | Hits: [F][F][F][F][F] | | ADD: 59: HP-Heal | ADD: 42: X Air | | Target: Ally/Low HP | Target: Enemy/Back | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magical Shot |OS Lv.3 - Firestorm | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [F][F] | Hits: [F][F][F][F][F][F] | | ADD: | ADD: 57: F2-All | C| Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Random Enemy B | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================================= Southern Cross -> Found mostly in Stage 7 ========================================= _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Strike |OS Lv.1 - Burn Bullet | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [F][F][F][F] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Healing |OS Lv.2 - Magenta Missile | | Type: Support, 55% | Type: Magic | F| Hits: | Hits: [F][F][F][F][F][F] | | ADD: 59: HP-Heal | ADD: 42: X Air | | Target: Ally/Low HP | Target: Enemy/Back | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magical Shot |OS Lv.3 - Calamity Flare | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [F][F] | Hits: [F][F][F][F][F][F][F][F]| | ADD: | ADD: 57: F2-All | C| Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Random Enemy B | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________________________ [066]----------------------------06.06. Spears--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================================================= Cross Lance -> Obtained from Ladie after returning from the Nelde Ruins ======================================================================= _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Slash |OS Lv.2 - Trinity Strike | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [H][H] | Hits: [H][H][H] | | ADD: | ADD: 05: X Guard | | Target: All Enemies | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw In |OS Lv.1 - Milky Way | L| Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [H][H] | Hits: [H][H] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/LowHP | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Vacuum Blade |OS Lv.1 - Holy Edge | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | F| Hits: [H][H] | Hits: [H][H] | | ADD: | ADD: 09: Not-Vit | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Mow |OS Lv.2 - White Flash | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [H][H] | Hits: [H][H][H][H] | S| ADD: 42: X Air | ADD: 42: X Air | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================================================================ Crystal Lance -> Found mostly in Stage 4... Alright, I won't change to K... ============================================================================ _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Slash |OS Lv.2 - Crystal Dance | | Type: Attack | Type: MAgic | | Hits: [I][I] | Hits: [I][I][I][I] | | ADD: | ADD: 54: F1-Line | | Target: All Enemies | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw In |OS Lv.1 - Falling Star | L| Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [I][I] | Hits: [I][I][I] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/LowHP | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Vacuum Blade |OS Lv.1 - Diamond Edge | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | F| Hits: [I][I] | Hits: [I][I][I] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Mow |OS Lv.2 - Blue Gleam | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [I][I] | Hits: [I][I][I][I][I] | S| ADD: 42: X Air | ADD: 52: F2-Thru | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================ Gae Bolg -> Found in Stage 2 ============================ _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Slash |OS Lv.2 - Demonic Spear | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: 18: Self-DM; 11: Revenge | | Target: All Enemies | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw In |OS Lv.1 - Lancer | L| Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N] | | ADD: | ADD: 18: Self-DM | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/LowHP | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Vacuum Blade |OS Lv.1 - Air Edge | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | F| Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N] | | ADD: | ADD: 18: Self-DM; 09: Not-Vit | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Mow |OS Lv.2 - Illuminance | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N] | Hits: [N][N] | S| ADD: 42: X Air | ADD: 18: Self-DM; 42: X Air | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================= Ignis Spear -> S-Rank Aghart in Stage 1 ======================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Efreet Rezon | L| Type: Magic | | Hits: [F] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Enemy/Far | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================================================= Longinus -> In Stage 1 after defeating Seth-Ra for the first time ================================================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Null Lance | | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N][N][N][N][N][N] | | ADD: 06: X AV-GD; 56: F1-All | | Target: Random Enemy B | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================================================= Lorelei -> With Ledah, and as his parting gift in Stage 6 ========================================================= NOTE: Ecthel does not have an OverDrive... The left attack is the one he does in Stage 1, the one on the right is after Ledah gives you his Lorelei. _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Fire |Normal Skill - Shining Flare | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [F] | Hits: [F][F][F] | | ADD: 02: Low% | ADD: 24: Heat; 05: X Guard | | Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Enemy/Far | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| L|Normal Skill - Divie |Exl - Lost Seraph | E| Type: Magic | Type: Attack | D| Hits: [F][F][F][F] | Hits: [F][F][F][F][F][F][F][F]| A| ADD: 51: F1-Thru; 05: X Guard | ADD: 01: Ultima! | H| Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================================================== Silvia -> Never saw it in game, but it's with you in Chapter 8 ============================================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Slash |OS Lv.2 - Frigid Shame | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [I][I] | Hits: [I][I][I][I] | | ADD: | ADD: 54: F1-Line | | Target: All Enemies | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw In |OS Lv.1 - Twinkle Tear | L| Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [I][I] | Hits: [I][I][I] | | ADD: | ADD: | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/LowHP | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Vacuum Blade |OS Lv.1 - Tragic Edge | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | F| Hits: [I][I] | Hits: [I][I][I] | | ADD: | ADD: 09: Not-Vit | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Mow |OS Lv.2 - Crystia Cannon | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [I][I] | Hits: [I][I][I][I][I][I] | S| ADD: 42: X Air | ADD: 53: F3-Thru | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________________________ [067]----------------------------06.07. Claws---------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================================== Blood Fang -> Found in a barrel in Stage 4 ========================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Scratch |OS Lv.2 - Buster Claw | L| Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: 11: Revenge | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Scratch |OS Lv.2 - Blood Rave | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | S| ADD: | ADD: 11: Revenge | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================================================== Harpie Talon -> Found at Stage 3, and from Rebecca in town ========================================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Scratch |OS Lv.2 - High Claw | L| Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: 11: Revenge | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Scratch |OS Lv.2 - Wild Tear | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N][N] | S| ADD: | ADD: 11: Revenge | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ===================================== Leyte Claw -> Found mostly in Stage 6 ===================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Scratch |OS Lv.2 - Rising Claw | L| Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [L][L][L] | Hits: [L][L][L][L][L][L] | | ADD: | ADD: 11: Revenge | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Scratch |OS Lv.2 - No Mercy | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [L][L][L] | Hits: [L][L][L][L][L] | S| ADD: | ADD: 11: Revenge | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================= Wyvernzem -> Found in Stage 5 ============================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Scratch |OS Lv.2 - Passion Claw | L| Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N][N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: 18: Self-DM; 11: Revenge | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Scratch |OS Lv.2 - Fenrir Attack | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [I][I][I][I] | S| ADD: | ADD: 18: Self-DM; 11: Revenge | | Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________________________ [068]----------------------------06.08. Whips---------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ===================================================== Flame Whip -> Found at Stage 3, but mostly in Stage 4 ===================================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Swing |OS Lv.1 - Red Cyclone | L| Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [F][F][F] | Hits: [F][F][F] | | ADD: | ADD: 11: Revenge; 18: Self-DM | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Swing |OS Lv.1 - Flare Burst | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [F][F][F] | Hits: [F][F] | S| ADD: | ADD: 02: Low%; 05: X Guard | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Whip |OS Lv.2 - Burning Lash | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [F][F][F] | Hits: [F][F][F][F] | | ADD: | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 45: O Beast | C| Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================== Thunder Chain -> Found mostly in Stage 5 ======================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Swing |OS Lv.1 - Plasma Spin | L| Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [L][L][L] | Hits: [L][L][L] | | ADD: | ADD: 11: Revenge; 18: Self-DM | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Swing |OS Lv.1 - Bolt Gash | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [L][L][L] | Hits: [L][L] | S| ADD: | ADD: 02: Low%; 05: X Guard | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Whip |OS Lv.2 - Thunder Beat | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [L][L][L] | Hits: [L][L][L][L][L] | | ADD: | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 45: O Beast | C| Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ==================================== Rose Whip -> Found mostly in Stage 3 ==================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Swing |OS Lv.1 - Rosy Roll | L| Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: 11: Revenge; 18: Self-DM | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Swing |OS Lv.1 - Rumble Smash | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: | ADD: 02: Low%; 05: X Guard | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Whip |OS Lv.2 - Snapping Rose | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 45: O Beast | C| Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ===================================== Viper Whip -> Found mostly in Stage 6 ===================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Swing |OS Lv.1 - Constrictor | L| Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | | ADD: | ADD: 11: Revenge; 18: Self-DM | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Swing |OS Lv.1 - Detonator | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [F][F][F] | S| ADD: | ADD: 02: Low%; 05: X Guard | | Target: Enemy/Front | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Whip |OS Lv.2 - Snake Bite | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N] | Hits: [F][F][F][F][F][F] | | ADD: | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 45: O Beast | C| Target: Enemy/Near | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________________________ [069]--------------------------06.09. Books/Orbs------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================= Book of Gelt -> Found mostly in Stage 5 ======================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | C| ADD: 02: Low%; 38:Add-LThunder| | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Book Toss |OS Lv.2 - Electric Thunder | L| Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N][N][N][N] | | ADD: 04:XAvoid;38:Add-LThunder| ADD: 04:XAvoid;38:Add-LThunder| | Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Random Enemy B | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Restoration |OS Lv.1 - Blitz Rune | | Type: Support, 35% | Type: Magic | F| Hits: | Hits: [L] | | ADD: 59: HP-Heal | ADD: 06: X AV-GD | | Target: All Allies | Target: All Enemies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Gelt's Lightning|OS Lv.2 - Thunder Storm | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [L] | Hits: [L] | | ADD: | ADD: 06: X AV-GD | C| Target: Enemy/Back | Target: All Enemies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================== Book of Kirie -> Found mostly in Stage 5 ======================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | C| ADD: 02: Low%; 34: Add-Holy | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Book Toss |OS Lv.2 - Blazing Light | L| Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N][N][N][N] | | ADD: 04: X Avoid; 34: Add-Holy| ADD: 04:X Avoid; 39: Add-LHoly| | Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Random Enemy B | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Restoration |OS Lv.1 - Heilig Rune | | Type: Support, 40% | Type: Magic | F| Hits: | Hits: [H] | | ADD: 59: HP-Heal | ADD: 06: X AV-GD | | Target: All Allies | Target: All Enemies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Light of Kirie |OS Lv.2 - Innocent Sphere | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [H] | Hits: [H] | | ADD: | ADD: 06: X AV-GD | C| Target: Enemy/Back | Target: All Enemies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================== Book of Laura -> Found mostly in Stage 2 ======================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | C| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Book Toss |OS Lv.2 - Wild Flames | L| Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | | ADD: 04: X Avoid; 31: Add-Fire| ADD: 04: X Avoid; 36:Add-LFire| | Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Random Enemy B | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Restoration |OS Lv.1 - Feuer Rune | | Type: Support, 25% | Type: Magic | F| Hits: | Hits: [F] | | ADD: 59: HP-Heal | ADD: 06: X AV-GD | | Target: All Allies | Target: All Enemies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Flame of Laura |OS Lv.2 - Disaster | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [F] | Hits: [F] | | ADD: | ADD: 06: X AV-GD | C| Target: Enemy/Back | Target: All Enemies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================== Book of Nanai -> Found mostly in Stage 3 ======================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | C| ADD: 02: Low%; 32: Add-Ice | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Book Toss |OS Lv.2 - Violent Blizzard | L| Type: Attack | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N][N][N] | | ADD: 04: X Avoid; 32: Add-Ice | ADD: 04: X Avoid; 37: Add-LIce| | Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Random Enemy B | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Restoration |OS Lv.1 - Eis Rune | | Type: Support, 30% | Type: Magic | F| Hits: | Hits: [I] | | ADD: 59: HP-Heal | ADD: 06: X AV-GD | | Target: All Allies | Target: All Enemies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Nanai's Snow |OS Lv.2 - Frigid Zone | | Type: Magic | Type: Magic | | Hits: [I] | Hits: [I] | | ADD: | ADD: 06: X AV-GD | C| Target: Enemy/Back | Target: All Enemies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================================ Ceneca Qui -> Exchange Fiaa's page to Claude (Thanks to Sammohung) ============================================ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 03: Low%; 31: Add-Fire | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Strength Trance | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | | ADD: 70: C-Str Up | | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Ceneca Qui | | Type: Magic | | Hits: [F] | | ADD: 24: Heat | C| Target: Enemy/Back | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================================ Clene Met -> Echange Ecthel's page to Claude (Thanks to Sammohung) ============================================ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 03:Lower%; 33:Add-Thunder| | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Agility Trance | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | | ADD: 72: C-Agi Up | | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Clene Met | | Type: Magic | | Hits: [L] | | ADD: 26: Dazzle | C| Target: Enemy/Back | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================== Fire Crest -> Found in Stage 5 ============================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Fire Wave | | Type: Support | Type: Magic, 20% | | Hits: | Hits: [F] | | ADD: 74: Fire Res Up | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 31: Add-Fire| | Target: Self | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - CII Grenade | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 31: Add-Fire| | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 74: Fire Res Up | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Fire Resist | | Type: Support | Type: Support | | Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 74: Fire Res Up | ADD: 74: Fire Res Up | C| Target: Self | Target: All Allies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ===================================== Fire Emblem -> Found in Stage 5 and 6 ===================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.3 - Blazing Rose | | Type: Support | Type: Magic | | Hits: | Hits: [F][F][F][F][F][F][F] | | ADD: 74: Fire Res Up | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 31: Add-Fire| | Target: Self | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - CC-Grenade | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 31: Add-Fire| | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 74: Fire Res Up | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Fire Resist | | Type: Support | Type: Support | | Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 74: Fire Res Up | ADD: 74: Fire Res Up | C| Target: Self | Target: All Allies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================== Fire Orb -> Found in Stage 1 and 3 ================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Katon-no-Jutsu | | Type: Support | Type: Magic, 15% | | Hits: | Hits: [F] | | ADD: 74: Fire Res Up | ADD: 24: Heat; 10: HP%-DM | | Target: Self | Target: Enemy/Front |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - CI-Grenade | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 31: Add-Fire| | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 74: Fire Res Up | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Fire Resist | | Type: Support | Type: Support | | Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 74: Fire Res Up | ADD: 74: Fire Res Up | C| Target: Self | Target: All Allies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================================== Holy Crest -> Stage 4 from Fiaa and in Stage 5 ============================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Raise | | Type: Support | | Hits: | S| ADD: 78: Darkness Res Up | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - CII-Grenade | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 34: Add-Holy| | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Dark Resist | | Type: Support | Type: Support | F| Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 78: Darkness Res Up | Add: 78: Darkness Res Up | | Target: Self | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Holy | | Type: Support | Type: Magic, 20% | | Hits: | Hits: [H] | | ADD: 78: Darkness Res Up | ADD: 27: Purify; 10: HP%-DM | C| Target: Self | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ===================================== Holy Emblem -> Found in Stage 5 and 6 ===================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Raise | | Type: Support | | Hits: | S| ADD: 78: Darkness Res Up | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - CC-Grenade | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 34: Add-Holy| | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Dark Resist | | Type: Support | Type: Support | F| Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 78: Darkness Res Up | Add: 78: Darkness Res Up | | Target: Self | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Holy | | Type: Support | Type: Magic, 25% | | Hits: | Hits: [H] | | ADD: 78: Darkness Res Up | ADD: 27: Purify; 10: HP%-DM | C| Target: Self | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================ Holy Orb -> Found in Stage 3 ============================ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Raise | | Type: Support | | Hits: | S| ADD: 78: Darkness Res Up | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - CI-Grenade | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 34: Add-Holy| | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Dark Resist | | Type: Support | Type: Support | F| Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 78: Darkness Res Up | Add: 78: Darkness Res Up | | Target: Self | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Holy | | Type: Support | Type: Magic, 15% | | Hits: | Hits: [H] | | ADD: 78: Darkness Res Up | ADD: 27: Purify; 10: HP%-DM | C| Target: Self | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================= Ice Crest -> Found in Stage 5 ============================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Raise | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | | ADD: 75: Ice Res Up | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - CII-Grenade | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 32:Add-Ice | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Ice Resist | | Type: Support | Type: Support | | Hits: | Hits: | S| ADD: 75: Ice Res Up | Add: 75: Ice Res Up | | Target: Self | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Blizzard | | Type: Support | Type: Magic, 20% | | Hits: | Hits: [I] | | ADD: 75: Ice Res Up | ADD: 25: Freeze; 10: HP%-DM | C| Target: Self | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ==================================== Ice Emblem -> Found in Stage 5 and 6 ==================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Raise | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | | ADD: 75: Ice Res Up | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - CC Grenade | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 32:Add-Ice | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Ice Resist | | Type: Support | Type: Support | | Hits: | Hits: | S| ADD: 75: Ice Res Up | Add: 75: Ice Res Up | | Target: Self | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Blizzard | | Type: Support | Type: Magic, 25% | | Hits: | Hits: [I] | | ADD: 75: Ice Res Up | ADD: 25: Freeze; 10: HP%-DM | C| Target: Self | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =========================== Ice Orb -> Found in Stage 3 =========================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Raise | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | | ADD: 75: Ice Res Up | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - CI-Grenade | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 32:Add-Ice | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Ice Resist | | Type: Support | Type: Support | | Hits: | Hits: | S| ADD: 75: Ice Res Up | Add: 75: Ice Res Up | | Target: Self | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Blizzard | | Type: Support | Type: Magic, 15% | | Hits: | Hits: [I] | | ADD: 75: Ice Res Up | ADD: 25: Freeze; 10: HP%-DM | C| Target: Self | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =================================== Lightning Crest -> Found in Stage 5 =================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Raise | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 76: Thunder Res Up | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - CII-Grenade |OS Lv.1 - Thunder Resist | L| Type: Attack | Type: Support | | Hits: [N] | Hits: | | ADD: 09:Not-Vit;33:Add-Thunder| Add: 76: Thunder Res Up | | Target: Random Enemy A | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Lightning | | Type: Support | Type: Magic, 20% | | Hits: | Hits: [L] | | ADD: 76: Thunder Res Up | ADD: 26: Dazzle; 10: HP%-DM | C| Target: Self | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================================== Lightning Emblem -> Found in Stage 5 and 6 ========================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Raise | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 76: Thunder Res Up | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - CC-Grenade |OS Lv.1 - Thunder Resist | L| Type: Attack | Type: Support | | Hits: [N] | Hits: | | ADD: 09:Not-Vit;33:Add-Thunder| Add: 76: Thunder Res Up | | Target: Random Enemy A | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Lightning | | Type: Support | Type: Magic, 25% | | Hits: | Hits: [L] | | ADD: 76: Thunder Res Up | ADD: 26: Dazzle; 10: HP%-DM | C| Target: Self | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================= Lightning Orb -> Found in Stage 3 ================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Raise | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 76: Thunder Res Up | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - CI-Grenade |OS Lv.1 - Thunder Resist | L| Type: Attack | Type: Support | | Hits: [N] | Hits: | | ADD: 09:Not-Vit;33:Add-Thunder| Add: 76: Thunder Res Up | | Target: Random Enemy A | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise |OS Lv.1 - Lightning | | Type: Support | Type: Magic, 15% | | Hits: | Hits: [L] | | ADD: 76: Thunder Res Up | ADD: 26: Dazzle; 10: HP%-DM | C| Target: Self | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================================== Nost Lenne -> Exchange Cierra's page to Claude ============================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 03: Lower%; 32: Add-Ice | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magic Trance | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | | ADD: C-Mgc Up | | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Nost Lenne | | Type: Magic | | Hits: [I] | | ADD: 25: Freeze | C| Target: Enemy/Back | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================================ Wet Book -> Obtained when any book gets drenched (Thanks to Marcy Maguilan) ================================================ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Decipher | L| Type: Other | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 99: ....... | C| Target: | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________________________ [060]----------------------------06.10. Extras--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================================== Amulet -> Obtained from Half-Beast enemies ========================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Equip |OS Lv.2 - Iron Wall | | Type: Support | Type: Support | | Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 73: Physical Res Up | ADD: Physical Res Up | | Target: Self | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Equip | L| Type: Support | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 73: Physical Res Up | C| Target: Self | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================================== Applecot -> Stage 2, Stage 3, and from Bug enemies ================================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Nibble | | Type: Support, 45% | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 59: HP-Heal | C| Target: Self | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Nibble |OS Lv.1 - Applecot Spiral | L| Type: Support, 45% | Type: Attack, 45% | | Hits: | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 59: HP-Heal | ADD: 19: ITM-LOS; 10: HP%-DM | | Target: Self | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =========================== Banango -> Found in Stage 4 =========================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Eat | | Type: Support, 55% | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 59: HP-Heal | C| Target: Self | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Eat |OS Lv.1 - Banana Slugger | | Type: Support, 55% | Type: Attack, 55% | | Hits: | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 59: HP-Heal | ADD: 19: ITM-LOS; 10: HP%-DM | | Target: Self | Target: Enemy/Back | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================================================= Battle Pixies -> In Stage 6 if you keep saving the Pixies ========================================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Delta Formation | L| Type: Magic, 333 | F| Hits: [H][H][H] | S| ADD: 02: Low%; 08: Fix-DM | C| Target: All Enemies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =============================== Bat Wings 1 -> Found in Stage 2 =============================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Revolt | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N][N] | | ADD: 17: Revolt; 15: HP-ABS | C| Target: Enemy/High HP | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Vampire Night | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N] | S| ADD: 16: HP-ABS+ | | Target: Enemy/High HP | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =============================== Bat Wings 2 -> Found in Stage 4 =============================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Revolt | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N][N][N] | | ADD: 17: Revolt; 15: HP-ABS | C| Target: Enemy/High HP | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Vampire Night | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N][N] | S| ADD: 16: HP-ABS+ | | Target: Enemy/High HP | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================== Bat Wings 3 -> Probably in Stage 6 or so ======================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Revolt | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N][N][N][N] | | ADD: 17: Revolt; 15: HP-ABS | C| Target: Enemy/High HP | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Vampire Night | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N][N][N][N][N] | S| ADD: 16: HP-ABS+ | | Target: Enemy/High HP | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================= Beehive -> Found in Stage 3 and 4 ================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Bee Assault | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N][N][N][N][N][N][N][N]| S| ADD: 17: Revolt; Fix-DM | C| Target: Random Enemy B | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================= Black Earring -> Found in Stage 2 ================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack, 2 | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 08: Fix-DM | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Wear | L| Type: Support | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 65: Mgc Up; 80: Hit% Up | C| Target: Self | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================================ Blue Bomber -> Obtained from Fool in Stage 4 ============================================ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Toss | | Type: Attack, 50% | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low%; 10: HP%-DM | | Target: Enemy/High HP | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Critical Hit | L| Type: Attack, 50% | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 14: Vanish; 10: Fix-DM | | Target: Enemy/High HP | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Blue Layer | | Type: Magic | | Hits: [I] | | ADD: | C| Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================================= Bomb -> Obtained from Bomber Kids enemies ========================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Smart Bomb | L| Type: Attack, 50% | F| Hits: [F] | S| ADD: 10: HP%-DM | C| Target: All Enemies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================================== Bread -> From the basket in Fiaa and Lyuri's house ================================================== Random quote: "Sweet! Free Bread!" (Or something to that extent) _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Bread | L| Type: Support, 50% | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 59: HP-Heal | C| Target: Self | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================================= Canine Fang -> From Viper Rachet hound-type enemy ================================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Revenge Fang | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low%; 11: Revenge | | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Hunting Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 45: O Beast; 06: X AV-GD | | Target: Enemy/Far | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =================================== Cape -> From Evil Mage-type enemies =================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Equip | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | | ADD: 67: Agl Up | C| Target: Self | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Equip |OS Lv.2 - Cape Magic | L| Type: Support | Type: Support | | Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 67: Agl Up | ADD: 67: Agl Up | | Target: Self | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================================================================ Cheer Bell -> Obtained from Mursya in exchange for the fish found in Stage 4 ============================================================================ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Ring | L| Type: Support | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 62: RM-Down | C| Target: Rage Meter | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================= Dragon Meat -> From Dragon-type enemies ======================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Eat Anyway | L| Type: Support, 35% | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 59: HP-Heal | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Practice Cooking|OS Lv.1 - Magical Cooking | | Type: Other | Type: Other | | Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 99: .... | ADD: 63: Item-CMV | C| Target: | Target: | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================== Egg -> Found mostly in Stage 3 ============================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack, 1 | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 08: Fix-DM | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw |OS Lv.1 - Egg Shot | L| Type: Attack, 1 | Type: Attack, 35% | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 08: Fix-DM | ADD: 19: ITM-LOS; 10: HP%-DM | | Target: Random Enemy A | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Practice Cooking|OS Lv.1 - Magical Cooking | | Type: Other | Type: Other | | Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 99: .... | ADD: 63: Item-CMV | C| Target: | Target: | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================= Elixir -> Found in several places ================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Drink | L| Type: Support, 99% | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 60: ST-Cure; 59: HP-Heal | C| Target: Self | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ==================================================================== Fanelia -> Dig the ground 5 times in the Undine Spring after Stage 5 ==================================================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Fanelia Beam | | Type: Attack, 999 | | Hits: [N][N][N][N][N][N][N][N]| | ADD: 08: Fix-DM | | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =============================================== Fallen Fan -> Obtained from Soala after Stage 6 =============================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low%; 08: Fix-DM | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Mad Raven | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 06: X AV-GD; 08: Fix-DM | | Target: Enemy/Pierce/Near | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Dark Dance | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | | ADD: 71: C-Mgc Up | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Fan |OS Lv.? - Black Tornado | | Type: Support | Type: Magic | | Hits: | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 64: Str Up | ADD: 29: Stone; 08: Fix-DM | | Target: Self | Target: All Enemies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Dark Fire |OS Lv.? - Dark Heal | | Type: Magic | Type: Support, 30% | | Hits: [F][F][F] | Hits: | | ADD: 23: Gst-Off; 09: Not-Vit | ADD: 23: Gst-Off; 59: HP-Heal | C| Target: Enemy/Far | Target: All Allies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================================================= Flag -> Obtained from Lizard Men-type enemies and from Reiche ============================================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Root | | Type: Support | | Hits: | | ADD: 61: ODG-UP | | Target: OverDrive Gauge | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Cheer | L| Type: Support | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 20: -Wait | C| Target: All Allies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================================= Hair Ornament -> S-Rank Malice in Stage 6 ========================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low%; 08: Fix-DM | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Crescent Ring | L| Type: Attacl | | Hits: [H] | | ADD: 23: Gst-Off; 05: X Guard | | Target: Enemy/Back | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Wear | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 69: Rec Up; 65: Mgc Up | C| Target: Self | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ====================================================== Happy Plume -> Found in Stage 3 if you spare the Harpy ====================================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Summon Happy | | Type: Attack, 50% | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 06: X AV-GD; 10: HP%-DM | | Target: Enemy/High HP | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Tickle | L| Type: Support | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 21: +Wait | C| Target: Self/Area Nearby | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================================================ Harpie Plume -> Found in Stage 3 and from the Harpy-type enemies ================================================================ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Tickle | L| Type: Support | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 21: +Wait | C| Target: Self/Area Nearby | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================ Healing Herb -> Found in Stage 2 ================================ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Sniff | L| Type: Support | | Hits: | | ADD: 60: ST-Cure | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Practice Mix |OS Lv.2 - Mix Potion | | Type: Other | Type: Other | F| Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 99: .... | ADD: 63: Item-CMV | | Target: | Target: | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================= Heilkraut -> Found in Stage 6 ============================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Sniff | L| Type: Support | | Hits: | S| ADD: 60: ST-Cure | C| Target: Self | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Practice Mix |OS Lv.2 - Mix Elixir | | Type: Other | Type: Other | F| Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 99: .... | ADD: 63: Item-CMV | | Target: | Target: | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================================= Hourglass -> Obtained from Pixie-type enemies ============================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Flip | L| Type: Support | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 22: Switch Wait | C| Target: All Allies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =================================== Killer Bee Hive -> Found in Stage 4 =================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Bee Vulcan | L| Type: Attack, 88 | F| Hits: [N][N][N][N][N][N][N][N]| S| ADD: 17: Revolt; 08: Fix-DM | C| Target: Random Enemy B | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =============================================== Mage Armor -> Obtained from Knight-type enemies =============================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Equip |OS Lv.2 - Armored | | Type: Support | Type: Support | | Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 66: Vit Up | ADD: 66: Vit Up | | Target: Self | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack, 15. | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 08: Fix-DM | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Equip | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | | ADD: 66: Vit Up | | Target: Self | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================================== Magna Rock -> Obtained from Golem-type enemies (Thanks to Stungun for a ============================================== correction) _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack, 40 | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 39: Add-LHoly; 08: Fix-DM| | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack, 40 | | Hits: [L] | | ADD: 38:Add-LThunder;08:Fix-DM| | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack, 40 | F| Hits: [H] | | ADD: 39: Add-LHoly; 08: Fix-DM| | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack, 40 | | Hits: [I] | S| ADD: 37: Add-LIce; 08: Fix-DM | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack, 40 | | Hits: [F] | | ADD: 36: Add-LFire; 08: Fix-DM| C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================================ Mage Ring -> Obtained from Magician-type enemies ================================================ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Equip | L| Type: Support | | Hits: | S| ADD: 65: Mgc Up | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Equip |OS Lv.1 - Magic Heal | | Type: Support | Type: Support, 20% | F| Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 65: Mgc Up | ADD: 59: HP-Heal; 65: Mgc Up | | Target: Self | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Equip |OS Lv.1 - Magic Blast | | Type: Support | Type: Support | | Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 65: Mgc Up | ADD: 65: Mgc Up | C| Target: Self | Target: All Allies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =========================================================== Manalith Dagger -> Trade in the Aquarium Fragment to Chappi =========================================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Kill Shot | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 06: X AV-GD | | Target: Enemy/Low HP | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Stun Edge | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 21: +Wait | | Target: Enemy/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================= Meat -> From Ape-type enemies ============================= _______________________________ |Normal Skill - Eat Anyway | | Type: Support, 30% | | Hits: | | ADD: 28: Poison; 59: HP-Heal | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack, 5 | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 08: Fix-DM | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Practice Cooking|OS Lv.1 - Magical Cooking | | Type: Other | Type: Other | | Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 99: .... | ADD: 63: Item-CMV | | Target: | Target: | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =========================================== Naga's Tusk -> Obtained from the enemy Naga =========================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Boomerang |OS Lv.2 - Thunder Call | | Type: Attack | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [L][L][L] | | ADD: | ADD: 05: X Guard | | Target: Enemy/Back | Target: Enemy/Far | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Giga Thunder | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [L] | | ADD: 21: +Wait | | Target: Enemy/Back | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================================== Pendant -> Obtained from Succubus-type enemies ============================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Equip | L| Type: Support | F| Hits: | | ADD: 69: Rec Up | | Target: Self | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Equip |OS Lv.2 - Shining Star | | Type: Support | Type: Support | | Hits: | Hits: | S| ADD: 69: Rec Up | ADD: 67: Agl Up; 69: Rec Up | | Target: Self | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Equip |OS Lv.2 - Etherlight | | Type: Support | Type: Support | | Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 69: Rec Up | ADD: 69: Rec Up | C| Target: Self | Target: All Allies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================================== Potion -> From Hell Hounds, by mixing Healing Herbs, etc ======================================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Heal | L| Type: Support, 75% | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 59: HP-Heal | C| Target: Self | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ===================================================================== Power Wrist -> Found in Stage 1, but mostly with Warrior-type enemies ===================================================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Equip |OS Lv.1 - Strong Blast | | Type: Support | Type: Support | | Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 64: Str Up | ADD: 64: Str Up | | Target: Self | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Equip | L| Type: Support | F| Hits: | | ADD: 64: Str Up | C| Target: Self | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Equip |OS Lv.2 - High Tension | | Type: Support | Type: Support | | Hits: | Hits: | S| ADD: 64: Str Up | ADD: 70: C-Str Up | | Target: Self | Target: Self | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =========================================== Red Viper -> After fighting Wise in Stage 4 =========================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Toss | | Type: Attack, 50% | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low%; 10: HP%-DM | | Target: Enemy/High HP | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Critical Hit | L| Type: Attack, 50% | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 14: Vanish; 10: HP%-DM | | Target: Enemy/High HP | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Red Surface | | Type: Magic | | Hits: [F] | | ADD: | C| Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================================================== Ribbon -> Obtained from NoNo when you reach Elendia the first time ================================================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Wear?! | | Type: Support | | Hits: | | ADD: 23: Gst-Off | | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Recover |OS Lv.2 - Pretty Dance | L| Type: Support | Type: Support | | Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 81: X Bad-ST | ADD: 81: X Bad-ST | | Target: Self | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Recover | | Type: Support | F| Hits: | S| ADD: 81: X Bad-ST | | Target: Self | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ====================================== Rosary -> Obtained from Murmur enemies (Thanks to Stungun) ====================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Raise to Heaven | | Type: Support | | Hits: | S| ADD: 60: ST-Cure | C| Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise to Heaven |OS Lv.1 - Cross Boomerang | Name? L| Type: Support | Type: Attack, 25% | | Hits: | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 60: ST-Cure | ADD: 46: O Undead; 10: HP%-DM | | Target: All Allies | Target: Enemy/Back | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Raise to Heaven |OS Lv.3 - Banishment | | Type: Support | Type: Magic | F| Hits: | Hits: [H] | | ADD: 60: ST-Cure | ADD: 19: ITM-LOS; 14: Vanish | | Target: All Allies | Target: All Enemies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =========================================== Shield -> Obtained from Undead-type enemies =========================================== _______________________________ _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Equip |OS Lv.1 - Shield Barrier | | Type: Support | Type: Support | | Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 68: Grd Up | ADD: 68: Grd Up | | Target: Self | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Equip |OS Lv.2 - Shield Slugger | L| Type: Support | Type: Attack, 25% | | Hits: | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 68: Grd Up | ADD: 10: HP%-DM; 05: X Guard | | Target: Self | Target: Enemy/Back | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Equip |OS Lv.1 - Force | | Type: Support | Type: Support, 20% | F| Hits: | Hits: | | ADD: 68: Grd Up | ADD: 59: HP-Heal; 68: Grd Up | | Target: Self | Target: All Allies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Equip | | Type: Support | | Hits: | S| ADD: 68: Grd Up | C| Target: Self | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ===================================================== Silver Dagger -> Exchange the Chipper Dagger to Chappi ====================================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Kill Shot | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 09: Not-Vit; 06: X AV-GD | | Target: Enemy/Low HP | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Stun Edge | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 21: +Wait | | Target: Enemy/Near | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================= Skadi -> S-Rank Malice in Stage 7 (Thanks to Sean giles for this) ================================= _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Misty Mist | | Type: Magic | | Hits: [I] | | ADD: 25: Freeze; 06: X AV-GD | | Target: All Enemies | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [I] | S| ADD: 02: Low%; 32: Add-Ice | C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================================== Slime Ball -> Obtained from Slime-type enemies ============================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Toss | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 28: Poison; 21: +Wait | C| Target: Enemy/Low WT | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =============================================== Slumber Ivy -> Obtained from Plant-type enemies =============================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack, 3 | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 30: Sleep; 08: Fix-DM | | Target: Enemy/Far | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Lullaby Whip | | Type: Attack, 10% | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 10: HP%-DM; 30: Sleep | C| Target: All Enemies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =============================================== Spider Web -> Obtained from Spider-type enemies =============================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Entangle | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 21: +Wait | C| Target: All Enemies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =========================================================== Spiked Hammer -> Obtained from Gremlin-type enemy HobGoblin =========================================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Sling | | Type: Attack, 50% | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 03: Lower%; 10: HP%-DM | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Toss | L| Type: Attack, 75% | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 03: Lower%; 10: HP%-DM | | Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =========================================================================== Tarot -> Found in Stage 3, 4, 5 and is dropped by some Element-type enemies =========================================================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Hermit | | Type: Magic, ?% | | Hits: RANDOM [N] | | ADD: 10: HP%-DM; 13: RND-Hit | | Target: All Enemies | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Fortune's Wheel | L| Type: Magic, 8% | | Hits: RANDOM [L] | | ADD: 10: HP%-DM; 13: RND-Hit | | Target: All Enemies | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Justice | | Type: Magic, 9% | F| Hits: RANDOM [H] | | ADD: 10: HP%-DM; 13: RND-Hit | | Target: All Enemies | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Devil | | Type: Magic, 8% | | Hits: RANDOM [I] | S| ADD: 10: HP%-DM; 13: RND-Hit | | Target: All Enemies | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Magician | | Type: Magic, 11% | | Hits: RANDOM [F] | | ADD: 10: HP%-DM; 13: RND-Hit | C| Target: All Enemies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================== Tentacle Rod -> S-Rank Hector in Stage 7 ======================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Throw | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | | Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Gravity Nova | | Type: Magic | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 06: X AV-GD | C| Target: All Enemies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ====================================================== Tiny Hammer -> Obtained from some Gremlin-type enemies ====================================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Sling | | Type: Attack, 50% | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 03: Lower%; 10: HP%-DM | C| Target: Random Enemy A | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Toss | L| Type: Attack, 75% | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 03: Lower%; 10: HP%-DM | | Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =============================================================== Witch Broom -> Obtained from NaNa if you help her after Stage 5 =============================================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Swing Around | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low%; 08: Fix-DM | | Target: Enemy/Front | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Star Duster | L| Type: Magic, 25% | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 15: HP-ABS; 10: HP%-DM | | Target: Enemy/Far | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Sweep | | Type: Other | F| Hits: | | ADD: 99: .... | | Target: | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Memento |OS Lv.? - Witch Wish | | Type: Support | Type: Magic | | Hits: | Hits: RANDOM [N] | | ADD: 20: -Wait | ADD: 13: RND-Hit; 08: Fix-DM | C| Target: Ally/High WT | Target: Enemy/Low HP | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ====================================================== Wolf Fang -> Obtained from Hound-type enemy Saber Wolf ====================================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Revenge Fang | | Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 02: Low%; 11: Revenge | | Target: Enemy/Near | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Hunting Throw | L| Type: Attack | | Hits: [N] | | ADD: 45: O Beast; 06: X AV-GD | | Target: Enemy/Far | |-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Throw | | Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 02: Low% | C| Target: Random Enemy A | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================================================== Wyrm Wing -> Obtained from Giant Serpent-type enemy Wyvern ========================================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Gale Wing | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 06: X AV-GD; 14: Vanish | C| Target: All Enemies | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Gale Wing |OS Lv.2 - Wind Hazard | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack, 35% | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 06: X AV-GD; 14: Vanish | ADD: 10: HP%-DM; 04: X Avoid | | Target: All Enemies | Target: All Enemies | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ============================================================================== Wyvern Wing -> Obtained from Giant Serpent-type enemies Quezacoatl and Serpent ============================================================================== _______________________________ E|Normal Skill - Blow Away | L| Type: Attack | F| Hits: [N] | | ADD: 06: X AV-GD; 14: Vanish | C| Target: Enemy/Far | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------| |Normal Skill - Blow Away |OS Lv.2 - Wind Cutter | | Type: Attack | Type: Attack, 25% | | Hits: [N] | Hits: [N] | S| ADD: 06: X AV-GD; 14: Vanish | ADD: 10: HP%-DM; 04: X Avoid | | Target: Enemy/Far | Target: Enemy/Front | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________________________ [06A]-------------------------06.11. Add Effects------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ADD effects are, well, the effects added to an attack. They are listed under ADD of a weapon and I just included here in case you might not know what one is for. But now with the release of the NA version, they are just here for your reading pleasure I guess. 01: Ultima! -> Shatters OverDrive bar. 02. Low% -> The character is not proeficient with said weapon and has a low hit ratio. 03. Lower% -> Perhaps it lowers the enemy's hit, or your hit is even lower than 02... 04. X Avoid -> Unavoidable. 05. X Guard -> Unblockable. 06. X AV-GD -> Attack can't be guarded, nor avoided. 07. Element -> Attacks with the last used element by an enemy. 08. Fix-DM -> Deals fixed damage. 09. Not-Vit -> Ignore enemy properties. 10. HP%-DM -> Does the damage in percentage based on the enemy's HP. Percentage dished out is dependant on the attack. 11. Revenge -> Lower HP equals higher damage output. 13. RND-Hit -> Random amount of hits. 14. Vanish -> Might deliver a One-hit KO. 15. HP-ABS -> Absorbs part of the damage done. 16. HP-ABS+ -> Whole party regains HP in relation to the damage done. 17. Revolt -> The item may go against you. 18. Self-DM -> The attack will hurt the character who made it as well. 19. ITM-LOS -> Completely eradicates the item, regardless of uses left. 20. -Wait -> Lowers the wait of the affected character. 21. +Wait -> Raises the wait of the affected character. 22. Switch Wait -> Switches around the wait of the affected characters. 23. Gst-Off -> Removes beneficial status on the character. 24. Heat -> Can provoke the Heat status. 25. Freeze -> Can provoke the Freeze status. 26. Dazzle -> Might provoke the Dazzle status. 27. Purify -> Might inflict the Purify status. 28. Poison -> Can provoke Poison status. 29. Stone -> Can provoke Stone status. 30. Sleep -> Can provoke Sleep status. 31. Add-Fire -> Possibility of adding a Fire attack at the end. 32. Add-Ice -> Possibility of adding an Ice attack at the end. 33. Add-Thunder -> Possibility of adding a Thunder attack at the end. 34. Add-Holy -> Possibility of adding a Magic attack at the end. 35. Add-Darkness -> Possibility of adding a Darkness attack at the end. 36. Add-LFire -> Possibility of adding a Fire attack that affects the line attacked. 37. Add-LIce -> Possibility of adding an Ice attack that affects the line attacked. 38. Add-LThunder -> Possibility of adding a Thunder attack that affects the line attacked. 39. Add-LHoly -> Possibility of adding a Magic attack that affects the line attacked. 40. Add-LDarkness -> Possibility of adding a Darkness attack that affects the line attacked. 42. X Air -> Doesn't affects Air enemies. 43. O Human -> Deals extra damage against Humans. 44. O Air -> Deals extra damage against Air enemies. 45. O Beast -> Deals extra damage against Beasts. 46. O Undead -> Deals extra damage to the Undead. 47. O Dragon -> Deals extra damage against Dragons. 48. F1-Near -> One attack will hit the nearest enemy row. 49. F2-Near -> Two attacks will hit the nearest enemy row. 50. F3-Near -> Three attacks will hit the nearest enemy row. 51. F1-Thru -> Last strike pierces. 52. F2-Thru -> Two attacks will hit in a straight line in relation to the target. 53. F3-Thru -> Three attacks will hit in a straight line in relation to the target. 54. F1-Line -> One attack will hit in a straight line in relation to the character. 55. F2-Line -> Two attacks will hit in a straight line in relation to the character. 56. F1-All -> One attack will hit all enemies. 57. F2-All -> Two attacks will hit all enemies. 58. F3-All -> Three attacks will hit all enemies. 59. HP-Heal -> Heals a character by the amount of Support. 60. ST-Cure -> Recovers status. 61. ODG-Up -> Raises the OverDrive Gauge. 62. RM-Down -> Lowers the Rage Meter. 63. Item-CMV -> Creates an Item. 64. Str Up -> Raises the Str of the character. 65. Mgc Up -> Raises the Mgc of the character. 66. Vit Up -> Raises the Vit of the character. 67. Agl Up -> Raises the Agl of the character. 68. Grd Up -> Raises odds of guarding an attack. 69. Rec Up -> When the status is in effect, the character will recover some HP each turn. 70. C-Str Up -> Raises Str greatly at the expense of HP. 71. C-Mgc Up -> Raises Mgc greatly at the expense of HP. 72. C-Agl Up -> Raises Agl greatly at the expense of HP. 73. Sword Res Up -> Raises the Resistance of the character against Swords. 74. Fire Res Up -> Raises Fire Resistance of the character. 75. Ice Res Up -> Raises Ice resistance of the character. 76. Thunder Res Up -> Raises Thunder Resistance of the character. 77: Holy Res Up -> Raises Holy Resistance of the character. 78. Darkness Res Up -> Raises Darkness Resistance of the character. 79. D-Res Up -> Raises the resistance of the last element used in the target. 80. Hit% Up -> Raises Hit Percentage of the character. 81. X Bad-St -> Raises resistance to negative effects. 82. FM-Rand -> Shuffles formation. 83. FM-Flip -> Flips the front row with the back one. 84. FM-Back -> Pushes the front row into the back one. 85. Summon -> Summons something into battle. 87. PowerUp -> Charges up for a stronger attack next turn. 88. Itm-Use -> Lowers item's endurance. 89. Item-Get -> Steals an item. 91. Explode -> Sacrifices self for major damage. 95. Angelix -> Awakens without Grim Angel power. 97. Escape -> Runs away. 98: Ringout -> Blows out of battle. 99. .... -> Nothing happens... _______________________________________________________________________________ [06B]--------------------------06.12. Key Items-------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Key Items are listed as they show up in the Event Item section of the game. The description given is the original one that shows up (as in right when you get it). If you give away an item, trade it, etc, they description changes, that one isn't written here. Each item also includes the points value you get when you find it. ====== PAGE 1 (Complete) ====== Immoral Rosary: No points. You start the game with it. "Obtained from Hector. It it as forbidden item that gives the wearer power." Stone: 500 points. Found: Several places: Stage 1, Area 2. "Found lying on the ground. It's about the size of a fist." Sword Hilt: 1,500 points. Found: Several places: Stage 1, Area 5. "A failed attempt at pulling Dragon Killer/Buster/Eraser/Slayer from the ground." Orichalcon: 7,000 points. Found: In Stage 1, Area 4. QUEST up in Screen [1] then do to the same in Screen [2] to get it. "A rare metal from the Cavern of Justice. It's used to forge Diviners." Angel's Bell: 6,000 points. Found: In Stage 1, Area 6, Screen 3. QUEST up after the fight and successfully do the Command At. "A small bell shaped like an angel feather. It makes a sweet sound." NoNo: 4,000 points. Found: In Stage 1, Area 7, Screen 2. Simply enter QUEST mode and then QUEST up, pick the top choice. "A Fairy that wandered into Heaven's Gate. Her name is NoNo." Golden Decoration: 3,000 points. Found: In Stage 1, Area 9, Screen 1. "A gorgeous golden decoration from the Silver Palace." Album: 3,500 points. Found: In Stage 1, Area 9, Screen 2. "An Album of the world's memories. Ein found it at the Silver Palace." Note: Unlocks CG Collection. ====== PAGE 2 ====== Rusty Sword: 1,000 points. Found: In Stage 1, Area 9. "A sword from the Silver Palace. It's way too old to use." _______________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------07. Endings---------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________________________ [071]----------------------------07.01. Lyuri---------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Epilogue ~ In a Forest Lyuri: Ecthel! Come over here! The treasure's this way! Ecthel: Be careful, Lyuri...! Lyuri: Stop worrying! *Chest goes poof on her* Ecthel: Lyuri! Lyuri: Hee hee... Oopsie~ *Switch to CG picture* Lyuri: (Voice) Don't worry about me, Ein. *Screen turns a black color* "Ecthel remained in Riviera, where he and Lyuri became treasure hunters, wandering from ruin to ruin. Thus began a new adventure... The unlikely pair would later make a grand discovery and become known as the Legendary Treasure Hunters." *Scene changes to a book* "Thus ends my account of the interwining histories of Asgard and Riviera. I saw, heard, and experienced the events first-hand... Fate is not something forced onto you, nor is it something yields to. Fate is something to be carved with one's own hands... If you believe in yourself, you will break free from all that binds you.. I hope to pass this message on to as many people as I can... This is dedicated to a certain angel, who was my dearest friend." Written by Rose R. Crawford Historian FIN _______________________________________________________________________________ [072]-----------------------------07.02. Fiaa---------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ (Thanks to Sara S. for this.) Epilogue ~ At a Temple Near Elendia Fiaa: Ancient spirits who bind Riviera together, protect our land... -- Echtel! Ecthel: You did a good job. I haven't seen a single demon in this area. Fiaa: No... This is all thanks to you, Echtel. Ecthel: I didn't do anything. It was your mana... Fiaa: I just pray that this peace will last. Ecthel: It will, as long as we keep trying hard. Fiaa: Yes... You're right. Fiaa: (Voice) I pray this will last forever, Ein. "Ecthel remained in Riviera to help maintain the peace with Fiaa, who became a valiant warrior. Due to their efforts, it is said, the Sprites of Elendia spent an eternity of peace without any suffering." *Scene changes to a book* "Thus ends my account of the interwining histories of Asgard and Riviera. I saw, heard, and experienced the events first-hand... Fate is not something forced onto you, nor is it something yields to. Fate is something to be carved with one's own hands... If you believe in yourself, you will break free from all that binds you.. I hope to pass this message on to as many people as I can... This is dedicated to a certain angel, who was my dearest friend." Written by Rose R. Crawford Historian FIN _______________________________________________________________________________ [073]----------------------------07.03. Serene--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Epilogue ~ At an Ancient Castle Serene: Take this, punk! -- Ecthel! Ecthel: Was that the last of them, Serene? Serene: I think so... Ecthel: Now the nearby towns can live in peace. Serene: There are still many demons in Riviera. But one day... Ecthel: ...We'll wipe them out completely. Serene: You're darn right we will! *Switch to CG picture* Serene: (Voice) Ya ready for more? *Screen turns a black color* "Ecthel remained in Riviera and traveled across the land with Serene to rid the world of demons. One day, the pair's unrelenting 10-year battle will be passed down from generation to generation in the Annals of Riviera." *Scene changes to a book* "Thus ends my account of the interwining histories of Asgard and Riviera. I saw, heard, and experienced the events first-hand... Fate is not something forced onto you, nor is it something yields to. Fate is something to be carved with one's own hands... If you believe in yourself, you will break free from all that binds you.. I hope to pass this message on to as many people as I can... This is dedicated to a certain angel, who was my dearest friend." Written by Rose R. Crawford Historian FIN _______________________________________________________________________________ [074]----------------------------07.04. Cierra--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Epilogue ~ At the Nelde Ruins Cierra: I've never seen this herb before... I bet I could use it to develop new spells. Ecthel, I found something incredible! Ecthel: An herb? Cierra: ...With this, magic would advance 10 years. Ecthel: Really? Cierra: I just need to test it... Ecthel: Huh? -- *Cough* So... Did it work? *Cough* Cierra: Huh!? I don't know that the problem is... Cierra: (Voice) Now it's your turn, Ein! "Ecthel remained in Riviera and, along with Cierra, searched the Nelde Ruins for hidden knowledge. In fact, all the spells used today in modern Riviera stem from magic those two discovered..." *Scene changes to a book* "Thus ends my account of the interwining histories of Asgard and Riviera. I saw, heard, and experienced the events first-hand... Fate is not something forced onto you, nor is it something yields to. Fate is something to be carved with one's own hands... If you believe in yourself, you will break free from all that binds you.. I hope to pass this message on to as many people as I can... This is dedicated to a certain angel, who was my dearest friend." Written by Rose R. Crawford Historian FIN _______________________________________________________________________________ [075]----------------------------07.05. Rothe---------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ (Thanks to Nichole Adams.) Epilogue ~ At the Magic Guild in Asgard Ecthel: Huh... Rose: Are you done cleaning? Lets take five. Ecthel: That sounds good. Rose: Hm? What's that bottle, Ecthel? Ecthel: Its's a magical purfume that Cierra gave me. It grants a single wish. Rose: Sounds like trouble... Ecthel: Not that I have a wish to make... Rose: You're not going to make a wish? Ecthel: I don't have one... What about you, Rose? Rose: Maybe one... Ecthel: Here, I'll just spray it on you... Rose: Wha-? No, Echtel, I- *Rose transforms into a girl* Rose: Now I'm cute! Ein: ..... Rose: I'm normal like you now. Ein: Rose... you're a girl?? Rose: Well, what did you think? Ein: I never thought about it... "Ein was surprised that his Familiar was female (and now human) but they remained an inseperateable team. They kept busy by recording the entire account of the first war fought by brave Sprites and Angels who live in the pages of history... *Scene changes to a book* "Thus ends my account of the interwining histories of Asgard and Riviera. I saw, heard, and experienced the events first-hand... Fate is not something forced onto you, nor is it something yields to. Fate is something to be carved with one's own hands... If you believe in yourself, you will break free from all that binds you.. I hope to pass this message on to as many people as I can... This is dedicated to a certain angel, who was my dearest friend." Written by Rose R. Crawford Historian FIN _______________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------------08. Enemies & Break Outs---------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Ok, general info for the layout... This only applies to bosses though. In weaknesses, a + means resistance, a - is weakness. Name of enemy. -> Normal Attack: Description. (Add subsequent arrows if more than one) -> Break Out: Name and description. -> Stats: HP, Str, Mag, Agl, Vit. -> Weaknesses; W: ###% (Physic), R: (Fire), B: (Ice), Y: (Elec), G (Holy). -> Item. -> Appears...? _______________________________________________________________________________ [081]---------------------------08.01. Enemies--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ NOTE: Not all the attacks listed are for all the monsters. Some might use it, some might not. Family List: (Search for the key, between [] to find the family) Family Name [KEY] Enemies in the Family Archer Family [ARF] Amazon, Dark Elf, Diana's Vassal, Seraph Hunter Ape Family [APF] Baboon, Aeon Ape, Rabid Beast, Yeti Bomber Family [BMF] Bomber Kid Bug Family [BGF] Chariot, Giant Beetle, Larva Dragon Family [DGF] Bahamut, Tiamat, Red Dragon Element Family [ETF] G-Element, T-Element, T-Luminas/Nightmare/ThorWisp Evil Mage Family [EMF] Evil Mage, Heretic Magician, Necromancer Ghost Family [GTF] Flare Phantom, Gust, Mama Ghost Giant Serpent Family[GSF] Black Wyvern, Naga, Quetzalcoatl, Serpent, Wyvern Golem Family [GLF] Feel Golem, Taros Gremlin Family [GMF] Gremlin, HobGoblin, Mael, Tiny Silph Griffon Family [GFF] Griffon, Raven, Pelga, Simurgh Half-Beast Family [HBF] Bug Bear, Bogie, Minotaur, Tetikoborito Harpy Family [HPF] Harpuia, Opininkusu, Paapuru Fegaa, Siren Hound Family [HDF] Hell Hound, Kerberos, Saber Wolf, Viper Rachet Knight Family [KNF] Black Knight, Demon Rod, Gladiator, Knight Guardian LizardMen Family [LRF] Barbarian Drake, Dragonite, Dragoon, Lizardman Magician Family [MGF] Banshee, Lunatic Maiden, Majirasu Witch, Valkyrie Pixie Family [PXF] Devil Imp, Misery, Pluralize Plant Family [PTF] Bloody Rope, Canibal Vine, Mantrap, Triffid Slime Family [SLF] Acid Jelly, Asoun Material, Green Slime, Mercury Ooze Spider Family [SPF] Arachne, Carnake Sekuto, Heji Spider, Tarantula Succubus Family [SBF] Barurogu, Belial Queen, Lilith, Luna Vampire Undead Family [UNF] Cardinal Bone, Scar Fencer, Skeleton Warrior Family [WAF] Berserker, Rogue, Savage Ogre, Tyrant ############################# # [ARF] Archer Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Amazon # 405/ 28/ 27/ 14/ 10 # 0/ 0/ 0/+7/ 0 # 1 # 3 # # Dark Elf # 1100/ 47/ 46/ 14/ 47 # 0/ 0/ 0/+8/-3 # 3 # 6 # # Diana's Vassal # 1425/ 53/ 52/ 14/ 63 # 0/ 0/ 0/+8/+5 # 4 # 7 # # Seraph Hunter # 600/ 34/ 33/ 14/ 20 # 0/ 0/ 0/+8/+3 # 2 # 4 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Iron BowGun # # 2~ Arbalest # # 3~ Wind BowGun # # 4~ Tri-Shot # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Shoot Arrow: Attack. 1, White. Enemy/Far # # -> Simple back attack. # # 2~ Meditate: Support. Add 80. Random Enemy/Front # # -> Raises Accuracy to an enemy. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Magic Arrow: Magic. 3~4, . Add , 07. Enemy/Low HP # # -> Varies due to Add 07. # # 2~ Twin Shot: Attack. 2, White. Add 09, 02. Enemy/Low HP # # -> Double hit to lowest HP ally. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Shooting Stars: Magic. Random, Yellow. Add 02,13. Random Enemy B# # -> 5~7 hits. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [APF] Ape Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Aeon Ape # 465/ 36/ 12/ 11/ 15 # +1/-7/+3/ 0/ 0 # 1 # 3 # # Baboon # 705/ 44/ 15/ 11/ 27 # +1/-8/+3/ 0/+3 # 1 # 4 # # Rabid Beast # 940/ 55/ 18/ 11/ 21 # +1/-8/+3/ 0/ 0 # 1 # 1 # # Ogre Eater # 1695/ 69/ 23/ 11/ 70 # +1/-7/+3/ 0/+1 # 1 # 7 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Meat # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Punch: Attack. 1, White. Enemy/Near # # -> Not much to say... # # 2~ Boulder Dash: Attack. 1, White. Add 02. Enemy/Far # # -> Throws a stone with a lot hit ratio. # # 3~ Strenght Sacrifice: Support. Add 70. Front row Random. # # -> Raises Str of a front row enemy at the expense of own HP. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Angry Fist: Attack. 1, White. Add 11, 84. Enemy/Near # # -> The less HP the Ape has, the more damage output. Pushes ally back. # # 2~ Giga Strike: Attack. 1, White. Add 02. Enemy/Far # # -> Throws a stone to an ally at random with low hit ratio. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Meteo Impact: Attack. 1, Red. Add 24, 06. All enemies # # -> Hits everyone with a Red hit that can cause Heat. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [BMF] Bomber Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Bomber Kid # 1500/ 47/ 35/ 21/ 47 # -1/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 # 1 # 7 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Dud # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Dud Disposal: Attack, 164. 1, White. Add 02. Enemy/Far # # -> Simple attack. # # 2~ Bomb Squad: 7 Random White hits. # # 3~ Bomb Slam: Attack, 158. 1, White. Enemy/Near # # -> Simple hit. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Smack: Attack, 84. 2, White. Add 09, 23. Enemy/Near # # -> Dispels possitive effects. # # 2~ Mass Disposal: Attack, 81. 3, White. Add 02. All Enemies # # -> Three low-hit ratio attacks to everyone. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Atomic Bomb: Attack, 70%. 1, Red. Add 06, 10. All Enemies # # -> Prepare for a world of hurt. 70% damage to everyone... # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [BGF] Bug Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Chariot # 570/ 24/ 41/ 10/ 35 # +8/ 0/+3/-7/ 0 # 1 # 4 # # Giant Beetle # 390/ 19/ 34/ 10/ 20 # +8/ 0/+3/-8/ 0 # 1 # 3 # # Lethal Insect # 810/ 28/ 49/ 10/ 53 # +8/ 0/+3/-7/-1 # 1 # 5 # # Larva # 1065/ 22/ 55/ 10/ 73 # +7/ 0/+3/-7/-5 # 1 # 6 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Applecot # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Front Attack: Attack. 1, White. Add 02. Enemy/Near # # -> Simple hit. # # 2~ Alien Beam: Magic. 1, White. Add 09, 30. Enemy/Far # # -> Can sleep. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Stone Beam: Magic. 1, White. Add 09, 29. Enemy/Far # # -> Might petrify. # # 2~ Rolling Attack: Attack. 2, White. Add 18, 05. Enemy/Near # # -> Self-damaging tackle. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Freezer Bomb: 5 Random Blue hits. Last one can provoke Freeze. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [DGF] Dragon Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Bahamut # 1575/ 66/ 33/ 11/ 61 # +1/+9/-3/ 0/+5 # 1 # 6 # # Basilisk # 1235/ 57/ 29/ 11/ 43 # +1/+8/-3/ 0/ 0 # 1 # 5 # # Tiamat # 1945/ 76/ 38/ 11/ 81 # +1/+9/-3/ 0/-5 # 1 # 7 # # Red Dragon # 1740/ 60/ 30/ 11/ 22 # +1/+8/-3/ 0/-1 # # 1 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Dragon Meat # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Bite: Single White hit to a front ally. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Saberfang: Attack. 2, White. Add 11. Enemy/Front # # -> 2 hits to the ally ahead. Higher damage if Dragon has low HP. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Chaos Rain: Magic. 5, Purple. Add 23, 04. Random Enemy B. # # -> 5 Purple hits, all random. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [ETF] Element Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Elemental # 640/ 15/ 61/ 18/ 0 # +9/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 # 1 # 5 # # L. Elemental # 960/ 18/ 70/ 18/ 0 # +9/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 # 1 # 6 # # S. Elemental # 400/ 13/ 51/ 18/ 0 # +9/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 # 1 # 4 # # S. Diamond Dust # 400/ 13/ 51/ 18/ 0 # +9/ 0/+9/-9/ 0 # 2 # 2 # # S. Nightmare # 400/ 13/ 51/ 18/ 0 # +9/+8/+8/+8/-9 # 1 # 2 # # S. Thor Wisp # 400/ 13/ 51/ 18/ 0 # +9/-9/ 0/+9/ 0 # 3 # 2 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Tarot # # 2~ Ice Orb # # 3~ Lightning Orb # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Spell: Magic. 1, White. All Enemies # # -> Hit to all. # # 2~ Rock: Magic. 2, . Add . Random Enemy B. # # -> depends on the ghost type. So replace accordingly, same with # # status effects. # # 3~ Elemental Shock: 3 random hits of the innate element. Plus the # # possibility of provoking the element of that color. # # 4~ Change: Changes element and attack properties: Attacks listed without # # a specific element will take the current one. As well as be able to # # to inflict the status of said color. Weaknesses will alter as well, # # taking a +90% to the element and a -90% to the contrary. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Fragment: Magic. 4, White. Random Enemy B. # # -> Four random hits. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Phantom: Magic. 1, White. All Enemies # # -> Just a strong, general hit. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [EMF] Evil Mage Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Evil Mage # 240/ 16/ 30/ 13/ 2 # -1/ 0/+8/-3/-1 # 1 # 2 # # Heretic # 390/ 21/ 38/ 13/ 9 # -1/ 0/+8/-3/-1 # 1 # 3 # # Lich # 1095/ 36/ 65/ 13/ 44 # -1/ 0/+7/-3/-4 # 1 # 5 # # Necromancer # 835/ 31/ 56/ 13/ 30 # -1/ 0/+8/-3/-3 # 1 # 4 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Cape # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Book Toss: Attack. 1, White. Add 32, 02. Enemy/Near # # -> Attacks with a freeze book. # # 2~ Cast Magic: Magic. 1, Blue. Add 25. Enemy/Far # # -> Can freeze. # # 3~ Necro Gate: Other. Add 85. # # -> Summons a Skeleton into battle. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Throw Combo: Attack. 3, White. Add 02, 37. Random Enemy/Front # # -> Last hit can cause damage to the whole row. # # 2~ Freezer: Magic. 3, Blue. Add 25. Enemy/Back # # -> Can freeze. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Biting Frost: Magic. 4, Blue. Add 06, 25. All Enemies # # -> Attacks the whole group. Might freeze. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [GTF] Ghost Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Flare Phantom # 920/ 25/ 51/ 21/ 0 # +7/-3/+3/ 0/-8 # 1 # 5 # # Geist # 1580/ 34/ 67/ 21/ 0 # +7/-3/+4/ 0/-9 # 1 # 7 # # Gust # 440/ 17/ 35/ 21/ 0 # +8/-3/+3/ 0/-9 # 1 # 3 # # Murmur # 255/ 13/ 27/ 21/ 0 # +8/-3/+3/ 0/-8 # 1 # 2 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Rosary. # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Cling: Magic. 4, Purple. Add 30. Enemy/Low HP # # -> Attack your weakest chara and might sleep. # # 2~ Fire Blast: 3 Red hits to a front ally. Absorbs 1/3. # # 3~ Lickety-Lick: Attack. 1, White. Add 21. Enemy/Near # # -> Raises wait count of ally hit. # # 4~ Heal: Heals an enemy. # # 5~ Snatch: Attack. 3, White. Add 89, 08. Random Enemy A # # -> Steals an item from you. # # 6~ Spell Up: Support. Add 71. Random Enemy/Front # # -> Raises Magic of an enemy at the expense of HP. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Mystery Fire: Magic. 3, Red. Add 15, 24. Enemy/Near # # -> Aborbs part of the damage done and might cause heat. # # 2~ Nightmare: Magic. 4, Purple. Add 30. Enemy/Low HP # # -> Can sleep. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Explosion: Magic. 5, Red. Add 06, 91. All Enemies # # -> Self-destruct for high damage. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [GSF] Giant Serpent Family# ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Black Wyvern # 1000/ 26/ 27/ 18/ 10 # +1/ 0/-3/+3/-3 # # 2 # # Serpent # 615/ 31/ 32/ 15/ 8 # +1/ 0/-3/+3/-1 # 2 # 3 # # Naga # 1310/ 47/ 49/ 15/ 13 # +1/ 0/-3/+3/+5 # 1 # 1 # # Quezacoatl # 1895/ 59/ 54/ 15/ 55 # +1/ 0/-3/+3/+5 # 2 # 7 # # Wyvern # 890/ 38/ 39/ 15/ 17 # +1/ 0/-3/+4/-1 # 3 # 4 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Naga's Tusk # # 2~ Wyvern Wing # # 3~ Wyrm Wing # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Tail Whip: Attack. 1, White. Enemy/Near # # -> Simple white hit to an ally ahead. # # 2~ Ice Spikes: 7 Random Blue hits to front row. # # 3~ Frost Breath: Magic. 4, Blue. Add 25. Enemy/Front # # -> Can freeze the front row. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Thunder Tail: Attack. 3, Yellow. Add 26. Enemy/Near # # -> Three yellow hits that can Dazzle. # # 2~ Spiral Zone: Attack. 3, Yellow. Add 09. Enemy/Near # # -> Simple attack. # # 3~ Ice Blast: Magic. 4, Blue. Add 25. Enemy/Front # # -> Can freeze. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Stormbringer: Magic. 1, White. Add 06, 82. All Enemies # # -> Hit to everyone and shuffles formation. # # Break Out! Gale Wing: Other. Add 98. # # -> This is mostly used in fixed encounters. Ends battle. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [GLF] Golem Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Feel Golem # 840/ 51/ 13/ 8/ 38 # +9/ 0/-8/-9/+3 # 1 # 4 # # Golem # 1115/ 61/ 15/ 4/ 54 # +9/ 0/-8/-9/ 0 # 1 # 4 # # Talos # 1440/ 70/ 18/ 8/ 80 # +9/ 0/-8/-9/+1 # 1 # 6 # # Titan # 1760/ 80/ 20/ 8/105 # +9/ 0/-8/-9/+5 # 1 # 7 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Magna Rock # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Down Slam: White hit to ally ahead. # # 2~ Frontal Slam: Stronger White hit to ally ahead. # # 3~ Jump Around: Attack, 20%. 1, White. Add 10, 04. Enemy/Front # # -> 20% hit to the front row. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Conk Buster: Attack. 1, White. Add 11, 02. Enemy/Near # # -> Low-hit ratio revenge hit. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Earthquake: Attack, 20%. 3, White. Add 10, 06. All Enemies # # -> Total drop of 60% of your HP to all. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [GMF] Gremlin Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Gremlin # 710/ 37/ 28/ 21/ 10 # -1/ 0/-8/-9/+3 # # 1 # # HobGoblin # 540/ 30/ 22/ 21/ 14 # -1/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 # 2 # 3/4 # # Mael # 1005/ 41/ 31/ 21/ 34 # -1/ 0/ 0/ 0/-4 # 1 # 6 # # Tiny Thief # 210/ 19/ 14/ 21/ 2 # -1/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 # 1 # 2 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Tiny Hammer # # 2~ Spiked Hammer # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Hammer Hit: Attack. 1, White. Enemy/Near # # -> Attacks a front row ally. # # 2~ Hammer Throw: Attack. 1, White. Add 02. Enemy/Far # # -> Throws a Hammer to an ally of the back row. Low hit ratio. # # 3~ Charm: Support, 30%. Add 67, 59. Ally/Low HP # # -> Heals and raises Agi of an enemy. # # 4~ Run Away: Other. Add 97. # # -> The Gremlin runs away from battle... # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Slam: Attack. 2, White. Add 09, 23. Enemy/Near # # -> Hits an enemt on the front row twice. # # 2~ Grenade: Attack. 1, White. Add 23, 02. Enemy/Far # # -> Dispels positive effects. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Devastator: Attack, 50%. 1, White. Add 06, 10. All enemies. # # -> Massive earthquake that takes off 50% of current HP of every ally. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [GFF] Griffon Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Griffon # 1260/ 51/ 33/ 18/ 44 # 0/-3/-3/+3/+3 # 1 # 6 # # Vile Raven # 675/ 37/ 24/ 18/ 19 # 0/-3/-3/+3/-1 # 1 # 4 # # Pelga # 450/ 30/ 20/ 18/ 9 # 0/-3/-3/+3/ 0 # 1 # 3 # # Simurgh # 1620/ 58/ 38/ 18/ 59 # 0/-3/-3/+3/+3 # 1 # 7 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Egg # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Peck: Attack. 1, White. Enemy/Near # # -> Simple attack. # # 2~ Evil Eye: Magic. 4, White. Add 09, 30. Enemy/Far # # -> Can sleep. # # 3~ Feather Sakuru: Raises Ice Resistance of an enemy. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Beak Barrage: Attack. 2, White. Enemy/Far # # -> Double hit. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Cyclone FUry: Attack. Random, Blue. Add 13, 25. Random Enemy B # # -> Random number of hits. Can freeze. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [HBF] Half-Beast Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Big Bear # 810/ 48/ 26/ 16/ 15 # 0/-3/-8/+3/ 0 # # 1 # # Bogie # 240/ 33/ 22/ 16/ 2 # 0/-3/-7/+3/ 0 # 1 # 2 # # Minotaur # 1455/ 69/ 33/ 16/ 61 # 0/-3/-7/+3/-1 # 1 # 7 # # Kobold # 615/ 39/ 25/ 16/ 20 # 0/-3/-8/+3/+1 # 1 # 4 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Amulet # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Wind Blade: Magic. 2, White. Enemy/Front. # # -> Attacks the front line twice. # # 2~ Hack: Attack. 1, White. Ally ahead. # # -> Single White hit to ally ahead. # # 3~ Jump Slash: Attack. 1, Yellow. Add 26, 05. Enemy/Low HP # # -> Attack the ally with lowest HP. Attack might Dazzle. # # 4~ Power Lift: Support. Add 64. Random Enemy/Front # # -> Raises Str of a random enemy on the front row. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Power Charge: Etc. Add 87. # # -> Charges up power for next attack. # # 2~ Sonic Boom: Magic. 2, White. Add 23. Enemy/Front # # -> Not too bad unless you have severabl buffs on you. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Brutal Onslaught: Attack. 5, White. Add 11. Enemy/Near # # -> Five White hits. Higher damage with lower HP. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [HPF] Harpy Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Harpuya # 450/ 27/ 22/ 20/ 9 # 0/-3/-3/+3/+1 # 1 # 3 # # Obinick # 1590/ 52/ 42/ 20/ 58 # 0/-3/-3/+3/+5 # 1 # 7 # # Violet Down # 660/ 33/ 27/ 20/ 19 # 0/-3/-3/+3/+3 # 1 # 4 # # Siren # 1245/ 46/ 37/ 20/ 43 # 0/-3/-3/+3/+5 # 1 # 6 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Harpie Plume # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Scratch: Attack. 1, White. Enemy/Near # # -> Simple white hit. # # 2~ Vertigo: Attack. 1, White. Add 02. Enemy/Low HP # # -> Simple hit to your ally with lowest HP value. # # 3~ Sleep Song: Attempts to sleep an ally. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Wind Shot: Attack. 4, White. Add 21. Enemy/Near # # -> Adds wait. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Air Assault. Attack. 5, White. Add 04, 11. Random Enemy B # # -> Unavoidable attack that deals vengeful damage. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [HDF] Hound Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Cerberus # 1275/ 55/ 25/ 17/ 40 # +1/-8/+7/-3/-4 # 4 # 6 # # Hell Hound # 915/ 50/ 22/ 16/ 2 # +1/-8/+7/-3/-3 # 1 # 1 # # Saber Wolf # 960/ 44/ 21/ 17/ 31 # +1/-7/-7/-4/ 0 # 3 # 5 # # Viper Rachet # 270/ 25/ 11/ 17/ 3 # +1/-8/+8/-4/ 0 # 2 # 2 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Potion # # 2~ Canine Fang # # 3~ Wolf Fang # # 4~ Beast Fang # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Howl: Attack. 3, White. Add 06, 21. Enemy/Far # # -> Added wait, simple. # # 2~ Bite: Attack. 1, White. Add 28. Enemy/Near # # -> Simple. # # 3~ Lick Wounds: Heals an enemy. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Howling Blue: Magic. 4, Blue. Add 25. Enemy/Back # # -> 4 Blue hits to the back row which can Freeze. # # 2~ Revenge Bite: Attack. 2, White. Add 11. Enemy/Near # # -> The less HP it has, the more damage dealt. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Bullett Dive: Attack, 136. 2, White. Add 83, 06. Enemy/Front # # -> Hits front row twice and pushes them back. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [KNF] Knight Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Black Knight # 855/ 45/ 38/ 11/ 35 # +1/ 0/ 0/-7/-3 # 1 # 5 # # Demon Lord # 1125/ 52/ 44/ 11/ 50 # +1/ 0/ 0/-8/-5 # 1 # 6 # # Gladiator # 240/ 24/ 20/ 11/ 3 # +1/ 0/ 0/-8/+1 # 1 # 2 # # Strong Guard # 600/ 38/ 32/ 11/ 22 # +1/ 0/ 0/-8/ 0 # 1 # 4 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Mage Armor # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Slash: Attack. 1, White. Add 24, 07. Enemy/Near # # -> Simple slash that might burn. # # 2~ Sword Glitter: Magic. 2, Yellow. Add 26. Enemy/Near # # -> Might Dazzle. # # 3~ Shield: Support. Add 68. Random Enemy/Front # # -> Raises defense of an enemy. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Trick Blade: Attack. 3, White. Add 36, 07. Enemy/Near # # -> Might create a line of fire and uses the last element used. # # 2~ Stun Bolt: Magic. 2, Yellow. Add 02, 26. Enemy/Near # # -> Might dazzle, but has a low hit ratio. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Dancing Saber: Attack. 6, White. Add 31, 07. Enemy/Near # # -> Might burn. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [LRF] Lizard Men Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Barbaric Drake # 840/ 47/ 32/ 14/ 31 # +1/+7/-7/ 0/ 0 # 1 # 5 # # Dragonewt # 400/ 40/ 27/ 14/ 19 # +1/+8/-8/ 0/+1 # 1 # 4 # # Dragoon # 1100/ 55/ 37/ 14/ 45 # +1/+8/-7/ 0/+3 # 1 # 6 # # Lizardman # 405/ 32/ 22/ 14/ 10 # +1/+8/-7/ 0/ 0 # 1 # 3 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Flag # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Javelin Throw: Attack. 1, Red. Add 24, 02. Enemy/Far # # -> Might burn. # # 2~ Flame Spear: Attack. 1, Red. Add 24. Enemy/Front # # -> Swipe to the front-row, might burn. # # 3~ Spear: Attack. 1, White. Enemy/Near # # -> Simple hit. # # 4~ Engourage: Support. Add 72. Random Enemy/Front # # -> Raises the Agility value of a front-line enemy. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Phalanx: Attack. 1, Red. Add 24, 02. Enemy/Far # # -> Simple red hit with burn chance. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Comet Lancer: Magic. 3, Yellow. Add 02, 26. Enemy/Far # # -> Can dazzle. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [MGF] Magician Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Banshee # 390/ 20/ 40/ 16/ 7 # -1/+8/ 0/-3/ 0 # 1 # 3 # # Lunatic Maiden # 810/ 29/ 59/ 16/ 26 # -1/-7/ 0/-3/+5 # 1 # 5 # # Mean Witch # 570/ 24/ 49/ 16/ 16 # -1/+8/ 0/-3/+1 # 1 # 4 # # Valkyrie # 1065/ 33/ 68/ 16/ 38 # -1/+8/ 0/-3/+5 # 1 # 6 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Mage Ring # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Raise Staff: Magic. 1, Red. Add 24. Enemy/Far # # -> Can place you on heat. # # 2~ Staff Swing: Attack. 1, White. Enemy/Near # # -> Simple white hit. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Burn: Magic. 5, Red. Add 21, 24. Enemy/Far # # -> Added wait and might burn. # # 2~ Hard Staff: Attack. 2, White. Add 23, 31. Enemy/Near # # -> Dispels possitive effects. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Heat Wave: Magic. 7, Red. Add 04, 24. Enemy/Far # # -> Can inflict heat. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [PXF] Pixie Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Devil Imp # 930/ 25/ 69/ 22/ 21 # -1/+3/+3/+8/-8 # 1 # 6 # # Misery # 195/ 11/ 31/ 22/ 1 # -1/+3/+3/+8/-8 # 1 # 2 # # Pyrallis # 690/ 22/ 55/ 22/ 14 # -1/+3/+3/+8/-8 # 1 # 4 # # Puzuzu # 1185/ 29/ 79/ 22/ 30 # -1/+3/+3/+7/-8 # 1 # 7 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Hourglass # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Wand Conk: Attack. 1, White. Enemy/Near # # -> Simple hit. # # 2~ Zap: Magic. 4, Yellow. Add 26. Enemy/Far # # -> Might dazzle. # # 3~ Quick: Support. Add 20. Random Enemy/Front # # -> Lowers wait of an enemy. Yes, it says Enemy not Ally... # # 4~ Moonlight: Support, 30%. Add 67, 59. Self/Other Row # # -> Heals and raises Agi of someone on the other row. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Paradox: Magic. 3, Purple. Add 04, 22. Enemy/Low WT # # -> Turns around the Wait of your character most close to action. # # 2~ Lightning: Magic. 4, Yellow. Add 02, 26. Enemy/Far # # -> Low hit ratio, might dazzle. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Bolt Dance: Magic. 6, Yellow. Add 21, 26. Enemy/Back # # -> Added wait and might dazzle. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [PTF] Plant Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Blood Rose # 1380/ 44/ 52/ 6/ 41 # -1/-9/ 0/ 0/-1 # 1 # 6 # # Carnivine # 1035/ 38/ 45/ 6/ 28 # -1/-8/ 0/ 0/ 0 # 1 # 5 # # Mantrap # 495/ 26/ 31/ 6/ 8 # -1/-9/ 0/ 0/ 0 # 1 # 3 # # Triffid # 300/ 20/ 24/ 6/ 1 # -1/-9/ 0/ 0/ 0 # 1 # 2 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Slumber Ivy # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Pollen Spray: Magic. 1, White. Add 30. All Enemies # # -> Can sleep. # # 2~ Tentacle Attack: Attack. 1, White. Add 15. Enemy/Near # # -> Absorbs part of the damage dealth. # # 3~ Healing Pollen: Support, 30%. Add 59. Ally/Low HP # # -> Restores the HP of an ally. # # 4~ Aroma Therapy: Support. Add 69. Random Enemy/Front # # -> Raises Rec. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Triple Whip: Attack. 3, Yellow. Add 28. Enemy/Near # # -> Three attacks that can posion. # # 2~ Sleep Pollen: Magic. 3, White. Add 30. All Enemies # # -> Can sleep the whole group. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Leaf Rush: Magic. 6, White. Add 09, 30. Random Enemy B # # -> Random hits. Can sleep. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [SLF] Slime Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Acid Jelly # 450/ 21/ 31/ 11/ 3 # -1/+3/-8/+3/ 0 # 1 # 3 # # Unknown Material # 945/ 30/ 46/ 11/ 17 # -1/+3/-8/+3/+5 # 1 # 5 # # Green Slime # 270/ 16/ 24/ 11/ 1 # -1/+3/-8/+3/-1 # 1 # 2 # # Merucy Ooze # 675/ 25/ 38/ 11/ 10 # -1/+3/-9/+3/+1 # 1 # 4 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Slime Ball # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # N~ Natural Trait: Regens some HP each action. (Some, not all.) # # 1~ Pounce On: Attack. 1, White. Enemy/Near # # -> Simple hit, nothing too special. # # 2~ Bane: Magic. 4, White. Add 28, 88. Enemy/Far # # -> Poison and durability hits. # # 3~ Bane: Magic. 4, White. Add 28, 88. Enemy/Far # # -> Durability hit... # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Acidic Solution: Magic. 3, Blue. Add 25, 88. Enemy/Near # # -> Can freeze and your items take a -1 hit. # # 2~ Acid Gas: Magic. 4, White. Add 28, 88. Enemy/Far # # -> Same as above, but for back row. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Splatter Bomb: Magic. 4, White. Add 09, 22. All Enemies # # -> Can poison you all and ignores defenses. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [SPF] Spider Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Arachne # 890/ 41/ 40/ 16/ 15 # 0/-3/ 0/ 0/+5 # # 1 # # Carnage Sect # 930/ 39/ 38/ 16/ 32 # 0/-3/ 0/ 0/ 0 # 1 # 5 # # Hedge Spider # 270/ 20/ 20/ 16/ 2 # 0/-3/ 0/ 0/ 0 # 1 # 2 # # Tarantula # 675/ 33/ 32/ 16/ 20 # 0/-3/ 0/ 0/ 0 # 1 # 4 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Spider Web # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Shoot Webbing: Attack. 4, White. Add 21, 26. Enemy/Far # # -> Induces wait and might dazzle. # # 2~ Charge: Attack. 1, White. Add 18. Enemy/Front # # -> Charges an ally at the expense of some health. # # 3~ Web Barrier. Support. Add 79. Random Enemy/Front. # # -> Raises the defense of the last property used. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Magic Web: Magic. 4, Yellow. Add 21, 26. Enemy/Far # # -> Throws a web that adds Wait and might dazzle. # # 2~ Hard Tackle: Attack. 2, White. Add 84, 18. Enemy/Front # # -> Switches front row with back row. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Mirage Web: Magic. 5, White. Add 04, 21. Random Enemy B. # # -> Five random hits. Last one adds Wait. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [SBF] Succubus Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Balrog # 960/ 41/ 44/ 13/ 27 # 0/-3/-3/+8/-8 # 1 # 5 # # Belial Queen # 1275/ 48/ 51/ 13/ 39 # 0/+3/+3/+9/-7 # 1 # 6 # # Lilith # 905/ 43/ 46/ 13/ 12 # 0/+4/+4/+9/-8 # # 1 # # Luna Vampire # 270/ 22/ 23/ 13/ 3 # 0/+3/+3/+8/-8 # 1 # 2 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Pendant # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Swing Scythe: Attack. 1, White. Enemy/Near # # -> Attack to a single ally in the front. # # 2~ Secret Technique: Magic. 4, Purple. Add 30. Enemy/Far # # -> 4 Purple hits to ally on the back row. Can sleep. # # 3~ Sleep Dust: Attempts to sleep an ally. # # 4~ Summon Misery Bringer: Summons a Misery Bringer into battle. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Prism Cutter: Attack. 2, Yellow. Add 15, 26. Enemy/Front # # -> Two yellow hits to the front row, can Dazzle. Lilith absorbs 1/2. # # 2~ Energy Drain: Magic. 4, Purple. Add 15. Enemy/Far # # -> It's better if you are on an Attack formation for this... # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Dark Grip: Magic. 4, Purple. Add 04, 16. All Enemies. # # -> Damage done is absorbed equally by all enemies. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [UNF] Undead Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Cardinal Bone # 545/ 32/ 26/ 10/ 0 # 0/-3/-7/+3/ 0 # 1 # 3 # # Hell Curse # 1955/ 62/ 50/ 10/ 0 # 0/+3/+8/-3/-8 # 1 # 5/7 # # Skull Fencer # 1155/ 47/ 38/ 10/ 0 # 0/+3/+8/-3/-8 # 1 # 5 # # Skeleton # 340/ 28/ 20/ 10/ 0 # 0/+3/+9/-3/-9 # 1 # 2 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Shield # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Wisp Strike: Two Purple hits to the front row. Absorbs 1/2. # # 2~ Poison Stab: Attack. 1, White. Add 28. Enemy/Near # # -> Can poison. # # 3~ Dark Sweep: Magic. 3, Purple. Add 23. Enemy/Front # # -> Eliminates your possitive status. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Head Hunter: Magic. 3, Purple. Add 28. Enemy/Front. # # -> Triple hit to the front line. Can poison. # # 2~ Necro Slash: Attack. 2, Purple. Add 15. Enemy/Front. # # -> Damage to the front row and absorb damage. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Mortem Dance: Attack. 5, Purple. Add 28, 09. Enemy/Near # # -> Can poison. # ############################################################################## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################# # [WAF] Warrior Family # ############################################################################## # Name # HP /Str/Mgc/Agl/Vit # Weaknesses # Item # Stage # ############################################################################## # Berserker # 830/ 51/ 23/ 13/ 16 # 0/ 0/ 0/-3/ 0 # # 1 # # Rogue # 420/ 33/ 15/ 13/ 11 # 0/ 0/ 0/-3/ 0 # 1 # 3 # # Savage Ogre # 630/ 41/ 18/ 13/ 21 # 0/ 0/ 0/-3/-1 # 1 # 4 # # Tyrant # 1500/ 64/ 29/ 13/ 65 # 0/ 0/ 0/-3/ 0 # 1 # 7 # ############################################################################## # Items: # # 1~ Power Wrist # ############################################################################## # Attacks, Etc.: # # 1~ Smash: Attack. 1, White. Enemy/Front # # -> Single white hit to front ally. # # 2~ Throw: Attack. 1, White. Add 02. Enemy/Far # # -> Throws a low-hit ratio axe to an ally. # # 3~ Berserk: Support. Add 70. Random Enemy/Front # # -> Raises Str of a front row enemy at the expense of own HP. # # RAGE Moves: # # 1~ Wild Axe: Attack. 1, Purple. Add 35, 11. Enemy/Near # # -> Revenge hit. # # 2~ Tomahawk: Attack. 1, White. Add 02. Enemy/Far # # -> Simple low-hit ratio attack. # ############################################################################## # Break Out! Carnage Drive: Attack. 2, White. All allies. # # -> Creates a giant blade that hits all allies. # ############################################################################## _______________________________________________________________________________ [082]-------------------------08.02. Mini-Bosses------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Elder Wyrm -> Tail Whip: Attack. 1, White. Enemy/Near. -> RAGE: Spiral Zone: Attack. 3, Yellow. Add 09. Enemy/Near. -> Break Out! Gale Wing: Other. Add 98. -> Stats: 2500, 42, 44, 18, 20. -> Weaknesses: +10%, 0%, -30%, +30%, +30%. -> Item: None. -> Appears: Stage 4, Area 3. Fool -> Swing Around. Attack, 80. 4, White. Add 02. Random Enemy B. -> Full Moon: 4 Blue hits to an ally. -> Break Out! Illusion Waltz: Attack, 56. 8, Purple. Add 09, 28. Rndm Enemy A. -> Stats: 2200, 45, 35, 25, 20. -> Weaknesses: 0%, -80%, +90%, -30%, +80%. -> Item: None. (S-Rank for a Blue Bomber x3) -> Appears: Stage 4, Area 4. Ledah (Left stats are normal, right ones are OverDrive) -> Stab: Attack, 159. 2, White. Add 31. Enemy/Near. -> Burning Galley: Magic, 144. 3, Red. Add 24. Enemy/Far. -> OverDrive: Changes into OverDrive mode. -> Break Out! Crinsom Courreges: Attack, 103. 7, Red. Add 27. Enemy/Near. -> Stats: 5500, 98/128, 30/45, 10/15, 70/80. -> Weaknesses: +10%/+50%, +90%/+90%, -90%/-40%, 0%/-40%, +90%/+90%. -> Item: None. (S-Rank for the Lorelei.) -> Appears: Stage 6, Area 6. Malice (Stage 2 version) -> Mow: Attack. 2, White. Add 25. Enemy/Front. -> Ice Lift: Does a double Blue hit against the back. -> Break Out! Blue Sofia: Magic. 5, Blue. Add 56, 27. Enemy/Far. -> Stats: ????, 40, 48, 15, 6. -> Weaknesses: 0%, -90%, +90%, 0%, +80%. -> Item: None. -> Appears: Stage 2. Malice (Stage 6 Version) (Same, stats: Normal/OverDrive) -> Noble Blue Edge: Magic, 110. 3, Freeze. Add 25. Enemy/Back. -> Brandish: 3 hits to a front member, and then 3 to each front member. Can Freeze. -> Angel Awakening: Other. 95. -> Break Out! Trie: Magic, 85. 8, Blue. Add 27, 57. Enemy/Far. -> Stats: 6500, 68/98, 76/106, 15/20, 6272. -> Weaknesses: 0%/+30%, -90%/-40%, +90%/+90%, 0%/0%, +80%/90%. -> Item: Black Choker. (S-Rank for the Hair Ornament) -> Appears: Stage 6, Area 8. Malice (Stage 7 Version) -> Brandish: 3 hits to a front member, and then 3 to each front member. Can Freeze. -> Break Out! Trie Noir: Magic, 95. 8, Blue. Add 27, 57. Enemy/Far. -> Stats: 3250 out of 6500, 98, 106, 20, 72. -> Weaknesses: +30%, -40%, +90%, 0%, +90%. -> Item: Black Choker. (S-Rank for her Skadi.) -> Appears: Stage 7, Area 4. Sage -> Red Moon: Magic. 4, Red. Add 24. Enemy/Far. -> Break Out! Nightmare Waltz: Magic, 57. 8, Yellow. Add 09, 26. Rndm Enemy A. -> Stats: 2500, 30, 60, 30, 20. -> Weaknesses: 0%, +90%, -70%, -40%, +80%. -> Item: None. (S-Rank for a Red Viper x3) -> Appears: Stage 4, Area 7. White Wyrm -> Tail Whip: Attack. 1, White. Enemy/Near. -> RAGE: Spiral Zone: Attack. 3, Yellow. Add 09. Enemy/Near. -> Break Out! Gale Wing: Other. Add 98. -> Stats: 4500, 58, 60, 18, 30. -> Weaknesses: +10%, 0%, -30%, +30%, +80%. -> Item: None. -> Appears: Stage 6, Area 3. Zombie Dragon -> ETC: Chaotic Propel: Support. Add 69. Self. -> RAGE: Poison Breath: Magic. 3, Purple. Add 23, 28. All Enemies. -> Break Out! Drake Soul: Magic. 3, Purple. Add 09, 06. All Enemies. -> Stats: 4500, 74, 474, 5, 0. -> Weaknesses: 0%, +90%, +90%, +90%, -90%. -> Item: None. (Not even for S-Rank) -> Appears: Stage 5, Area 9. _______________________________________________________________________________ [083]----------------------------08.03. Angels--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Archangel (ArcAngel. Angel) -> Downward Slash: Attack, 162. 3, White. Add 07. Enemy/Near. -> Plasma Spark: Magic, 61. 4, Yellow. Add 27. Enemy/Front. -> Break Out: Angelic Thunder: Magic, 98. 5, Yellow. Add 27. All Enemies. -> Stats: 4000, 28, 76, 15, 32. -> Weaknesses: -30%, +30%, +30%, +90%, +90%. -> Item: None. (S-Rank for the Saint Scepter.) -> Appears: Stage 4, Area 8. Aghart (Angel) -> Normal: Swipe: Attack, 97. 3, Red. Add 24. Ally ahead. Triple red hit to a front ally. The attacks can cause Heat. -> Etc: Burn Up: Support. Add 71. Self. Raises Magic at the expense of some HP. -> RAGE: Raid Burner: Magic, 79. 4, Red. Add 24. Enemy/Front. 4 hits to everyone in the front row. Can cause Heat. -> Break Out! Flare Tempest: Magic, 122. 3, Red. Add 04, 24. All Enemies. 3 red unavoidable hits to everyone. Can cause Heat. -> Stats: 6000, 44, 76, 10, 0. -> Weaknesses: All 0%. -> Item: None. (Ignis Spear if you S-Rank him.) -> Appears: End of Stage 1, Area 8. Darkangel (Angel Reborn) -> White Blast: 3 White hits to ally ahead. -> RAGE: Plasma Spark: Magic, 123. 4, Yellow. Add 27. Enemy/Front. -> Break Out! Angelic Thunder: Magic, 115. 5, Yellow. Add 27. All Enemies. -> Stats: 4600, 54, 86, 15, 65. -> Weaknesses: -30%, +30%, +30%, +90%, +90%. -> Item: Southern Cross. -> Appears: Stage 7, Area 5. Dark Aghart (Angel Reborn) -> Reap: Attack, 170. 3, Red. Add 24. Enemy/Near. -> Reidobana: 4 Red hits to each front member. -> Break Out! Flare Tempest: Magic, 178. 3, Red. Add 04, 24. All Enemies. -> Stats: 3000, 48, 84, 10, 65. -> Weaknesses: +30%, +30%, +30%, +30%, +30%. -> Item: Leyte Claw. -> Appears: Stage 7, Area 5. Dark Death (Angel Reborn) -> Water Strike: 4 Blue hits to ally ahead. -> Dark Sabre: Magic, 97. 5, Purple. Add 28. Random Enemy A. -> Break Out! Onslaught of Doom: Attack, 118. 8, Purple. Add 15. Enemy/Near. -> Stats: 7000, 78, 92, 10, 40. -> Weaknesses: 0%, -30%, +90%, +30%, -80%. -> Item: Infinite Arc. -> Appears: Stage 7, Area 6. Dark Isher (Angel Reborn) -> Cleave: Attack. 1, White. Add 02, 05. Enemy/Near. -> RAGE: Blade Ripper: Attack, 178. 3, White. Add 22. Enemy/Front. -> Break Out! Fallen Crest: Attack, 197. 7, White. Add 56, 06. Enemy/Near. -> Stats: 3500, 96, 36, 5, 65. -> Weaknesses: +90%, -50%, -50%, -50%, -50%. -> Item: Gran Saber. -> Appears: Stage 7, Area 6. Dark Lindwurm (Angel Reborn) -> Tear Up: Attack, 200. 2, White. Enemy/Near. -> Blizzard: Magic, 148. 3, Blue. Add 25. Enemy/Front. -> Break Out! Crystal Breath: 7 Blue hits to everyone. -> Stats: 4500, 76, 56, 15, 65. -> Weaknesses: +50%, -30%, +80%, -70%, +30%. -> Item: Healing Herb. (S-Rank for some Heilkraut.) -> Appears: Stage 7, Area 7. Death (Angel) (Left stats are for normal, right are for Cardinal mode) -> Cardinal: Changes into Cardinal mode. -> Break Out! Onslaught: Attack, 80. 6, Purple. Enemy/Near. -> Stats: 4200, 60/76, 56/72, 10/15, 20/40. -> Weaknesses: -30%/0%, -30%/+90%, +80%/+90%, +30%/+90%, -80%/-30%. -> Item: None. (S-Rank for Night Scythe.) -> Appears: Stage 5, Area 8. Hades -> Wing Flap: Two White hits to an ally. -> Dark Breath: 3 Purple hits to everyone. Can Poison. -> Break Out! Kaasuobu Chaos: 3 Purple hits to everyone. -> Stats: 20000, 120, 110, 5, 0. -> Weaknesses: +30%, -90%, -90%, -90%, -90%. -> Item: Key item. -> Appears: Chapter 8. -> Comments: He is just... Just take the weapon of your characters and bring the Elixirs if you want and you are done. This is just for fun apparently... Hector -> Etherion: 6 Blue hits to an ally. Add Wait and Freeze to boot. -> Break Out! Ether Burst: Magic, 115. 5, Blue. Add 25, 06. All Enemies. The JP voice for this was soooo much cooler... -> Stats: 11000, 74, 90, 10, 70. -> Weaknesses: 0%, 0%, +100%, -90%, +40%. -> Item: None. (S-Rank for the... Tentacle Rod? No comments...) -> Appears: Stage 7, Area 7. Isher (Angel. Take 1; undefeatable) -> Cleave: Attack, 40. 1, White. Add 02, 05. Enemy/Near. -> RAGE: Blade Ripper: Attack, 30. 3, White. Add 22. Enemy/Front. -> Break Out! Fallen Crest: Attack. 7, White. Add 58, 06. Enemy/Near. -> Stats: 1000, 64, 16, 5, 10. -> Weaknesses: +90%, +90%, +90%, +90%, +90%. -> Item: None. (Excalibur if you S-Rank) -> Appears: Stage 2, Area 8. Isher (Angel. Take 2; defeatable) -> Cleave: Attack, 40. 1, White. Add 02, 05. Enemy/Near. -> RAGE: Blade Ripper: Attack, 30. 3, White. Add 22. Enemy/Front. -> Break Out! Fallen Crest: Attack. 7, White. Add 58, 06. Enemy/Near. -> Stats: 1000, 59, 16, 5, 10. -> Weaknesses: +40%, -80%, -80%, -80%, -80%. -> Item: None. (Excalibur if you S-Rank) -> Appears: Stage 2, Area 8. Lindwurm (Angel) -> Tear Up: Attack. 2, White. Enemy/Near. -> RAGE: Blizzard: Magic. 3, Blue. Add 25. Enemy/Front. -> Break Out! Crystal Breath: Magic. 7, Blue. Add 25, 09. All Enemies. -> Stats: 2000, 54, 38, 15, 20. -> Weaknesses: +30%, -40%, +80%, -80%, +10%. -> Item: None. (Tempest Bow if you S-Rank) -> Appears: Stage 3, Area 8. Seth-Rah (Left stats are Red, right are Blue) -> Tria: 3 Purple hits to an ally/far. -> Metamorphosis: Changes from Red to Blue. -> RAGE: Pitch Darkness: Magic, 102. 5, Purple. Add 28. Enemy/Back. -> Break Out! (Red) Ragnarok: Magic, 105. 8, Purple. Add 23, 58. Rndm Enemy A. -> Break Out! (Blue) Armaggedon: 5 White hits to an ally, then 3 to each. (Note: Both Break Outs can Purify) -> Stats: 12,500, 80/99, 99/80, 15, 78. -> Weaknesses: 0%/+90, +90%/-90%, +90%/-90%, +90%/-90%, -90%/-90%. -> Item: You think you need items anymore? (...S-Rank for the Longinus.) -> Appears: Stage 7, Area 8. Final Area in other words. _______________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------09. Extras----------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________________________ [091]---------------------------09.01. CG List--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Here I'll just give the name of the picture given by the game; a very slight description and how to get said picture. Left is the title, the right portion are the words below the title. NA only. 01. Title - Into the Fantasy -> Opening title, simple as that. -> You just need to turn on the game to get this one. ^^ 02. Ragnarok - As the War Drags On... -> Part of the opening story, it shows someone battling against several monsters. -> Just start a new game. 03. Birth of an Angel - The Will of the Gods -> It shows a blue angel flying down. -> Likewise, you can't miss it. 04. The Promised Land - The Sacred Garden -> There's a mountain and a river being shown, all the way from up the sky. -> Same as No. 02 and 03. 05. The Seven Magi - The Realm of the Gods -> There's a little person casting some sort of spell or the like and there's a giant crystal in the middle. -> Like 02, 03 and 04. 06. The Grim Angels Revisited - The Second Advent -> This time a red angel is shown flying down towards a boy. -> Just like 02~05. 07. Preparing for Battle - Are You Ready? -> Shows every playable character on the left against a horde of enemies on the right. The colored version makes a nice wallpaper by the way. ^^ -> Enter a fight. 08. Ursula's Wish - The Winged Prayer -> Shows several small faeries flying around a larger one. -> After clearing Stage 1, and Ecthel is separated from Ledah by Ursula. 09. Awakening from Slumber - Unfamiliar Faces -> Lyuri and Fiaa are looking at Ecthel who just apparently woke up. -> Directly after the events of picture 08. 10. In Pursuit of Serene - MMoonlight Clashing of Sword -> Marisu is attacking Serene under the moonlight. -> On Stage 2, just before you get Serene. You can't really miss it. 11. Diviner Unleashed - The Awakening -> Ecthel is holding his sword in surprise with Ursula in the background. -> Part of the story as well, you just can't miss it. 12. Meeting with Cierra - The Red-Haired Witch -> A red-haired witch is looking down to a hole in the ground. -> In Stage 3, before getting Cierra. 13. Through the Branches - Like Falling Leaves -> The four girls are showed falling down a tree. -> After entering a house and jumping, or being forced to jump down not long after the previous picture. 14. Saving Gateau? - I'm not a Cat! -- (Boku wa Neko janai~! XD) -> The four girls are shown slightly delighted at the sight of Rothe. -> Same, in Stage 3, near the end. 15. Bathing Scene 1 - One Sunny Afternoon... -> There's Mursya (The cat-girl from town) in a spring. In the same scene are Fiaa and Lyuri showing a little too much skin, but doing that nifty trick females have of covering themselves without actually doing so. -> After Stage 3, go to Fia and Lyuri's house to the 2nd floor and talk to Koko (the faery). Then head to the Undine's Pond and MOVE right. 16. Twin Magicians - Executing the Plan -> Two girls covered in bandages are shown, the red one bossing the blue one to rotate a lever of sorts. -> Near the beginning of Stage 4, can't miss it. 17. The Undines - An Underwater Paradise -> Several mermaids are shown, simple as that. -> From 'rescuing' a mermaid found in Stage 4. 18. Ledah and Ein - An Unexpected Reunion -> Ecthel and Rothe are looking at Ledah standing on a cliff. -> Part of the story. 19. Bathing Scene 2 - A Time of Peace -> If you thought 15 had skin showing, there's even more here. Not only are Serene and Sierra here, but several other women as well. Again, doing that nifty trick. -> After coming back from the Drown City, head to Fiaa and Lyuri's house, up to the second floor and talk to them. Head to the Undine's Pond, pass the Dash At of the Golem and there. 20. Zombie Dragon - Invitation to Chaos -> Hades, a giant undead dragon is shown here. -> Just go for Chapter 8 (Special chapter unlocked after finishing the game). 21. Elendia at Night - A Quiet Night -> A village is shown at night. -> When you go to rest after clearing Stage 5. 22. To Yggdrasil - Into the Light -> The whole group is looking up at a giant tree. -> Prior to entering the Yggdrassil tree. 23. The Lone Grim Angel - In the Nane of Fate -> Ledah is supporting himself on his lance. -> After the fight with Ledah. 24. Ledah's Last - Death in Exchange for Life -> Ledah is shown unconcious with some blood trailing from his mouth -> After the fight with Ledah. 25. The Maze of Shadows - The Dark Sanctuary -> A mass of land is floating with some light coming from it. -> Get it prior to entering Stage 7. 26. The Showdown with Malice - Tempers Flare -> Marisu is holding her lance in a fighting position. -> Before fighting Malice. 27. Seth in Pain - Unbereable Pain -> A girl clad in some freak tiger leotard of sort is kind of being tortured. And yes, the barely noticeable body is Hector. -> Just before the final boss. 28. Awakening of Seth-Rah - The Advent of Seth-Rah -> A girl with a demon wing and another made of bones with a triangle on her head holds a weapon. -> Just before the final boss. 29. The Crumbling Labyrinth - The Great Escape! -> Ecthel, Fiaa, Lyuri and Serene are running frantically. -> Happens if you are going for Cierra's ending. 30. The Crumbling Labyrinth - The Great Escape! -> Ecthel, Fiaa, Lyuri and Cierra are running frantically. -> Happens if you are going for Serene's ending. 31. The Crumbling Labyrinth - The Great Escape! -> Ecthel, Fiaa, Cierra and Serene are running frantically. -> Happens if you are going for Lyuri's ending. 32. The Crumbling Labyrinth - The Great Escape! -> Ecthel, Serene, Lyuri and Cierra are running frantically. -> Happens if you are going for Fiaa's ending. 33. The Crumbling Labyrinth - The Great Escape! -> Ecthel is running as Rothe flies near him. -> Happens if you are going for Rothe's ending. 34. Happy Ending - The Dawning of a New Day -> The girls are shown baking, cooking, etc. -> Regardless of the ending, you get this at the end. 35. Happy Ending - Magic is Mysterious... -> Cierra is giving magic to a flower as Ecthel watches near her. -> Obtained from Cierra's ending. 36. Happy Ending - The Adventure Continues... -> Ecthel and Serene are shown back to back, smiling at each other with weapons drawn. -> Obtained from Serene's ending. 37. Happy Ending - In Search of Magnificient Treasures -> A chest exploded on Lyuri and Ecthel holds her worried. -> Obtained from Lyuri's ending. 38. Happy Ending - The Prayer Cradling Riviera -> Fiaa is praying/singing and Ecthel smiles behind her. -> Obtained from Fiaa's ending. 39. Happy Ending - Who are You?! -> A cat girl with a lot of green clothing and accessories is shown smiling at Ecthel. -> Obtained from Rothe's ending. 40. Fin - From Tale to Legend... -> A book is shown. -> The very ending picture. _______________________________________________________________________________ [092]--------------------------09.02. Voice List------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Ok, so I'll leave the scraps from my Japanese transliterations just in case. First one is Japanese, obvious, then the English version. A lot of thanks were given here to White Requiem when I had the translations of the Japanese quotes. They are no longer here, but he still has my gratitude in helping me back then. Ecthel 01. Stand: "Yoshi, ganbaruzo!" - "Let's do it!" 02. Fight: "Warui yatsuha, yurusanaizo." - "Everyone ready?" 03. Brave: "Tekiha tsuyoi, minna ganbarou!" - "The enemy is strong. Be careful!" 04. Feel : "Divine ga... Naiteiru!?" - "My Diviner's resonating!?" 05. Fate : "Ledah..." - "Ledah..." 06. Rival: "Marisu!" - "Malice!" 07. Shout: "Zenryoku deikuyo!" - "I won't hold back!" 08. Shot1: "Teya~!" - "Hah!" 09. Shot2: "Taa~!" - "Yah!" 10. Heat : "Kono Ichigekini subetewo takusu" - "This should end it..." 11. OS3-1: "Rengekizan!" - "Sword Blitz!" 12. OS3-2: "Kaen Rengekizan!" - "Flame Slash!" 13. OS3-3: "Raikou Rengekizan!" - "Lightning Strike!" 14. OS3-4: "Musou Roku Renzan!" - " Earth Shaker!" 15. OS3-5: "Senkou Shougekidan!" - "Mimic Ray!" 16. OS3-6: "Shingi Tenshouzan!" - "Divine Ascension!" 17. Call : "Saa, Rothe, Ikke~" - "Go, Rose!" 18. OSBRA: "Honnono Rothe Attack!" - "Blazing Rose!" 19. Bring: "Korega Chinhi Sabakino Toki..." - "This is the will of the gods..." 20. OSEXL: "KokuShi Disaresuta!" - "Disaresta!" 21. Fail : "Tegowai..." - "Such power..." 22. Ouch1: "Ku~!" - "Ah!" 23. Ouch2: "Ua~!" - "Ugh!" 24. Cry : "Uwaa~!" - "Ahhh..." 25. Win : "Yatta~, Minna Kattayo." - "Alright, we did it!" 26. Pain : "Bokuga shikkarishinakucha." - "I still need more training..." 27. Glory: "?" - "Alright, let's get moving." 28. Angel: "KokuShi Tenshi no Shimenanda..." - "This is the duty of the Grim Angels..." 29. Away : "?" - "Retreat!" 30. Train: "?" - "That was a good practice." 31. Up : "Sukiru Appu!" - "Alright!" 32. Final: "Danzaiha... Owatta." - "It's finally over..." Ledah 01. Fight: "Tsumibukaki Mono Tachi ni Shi wo..." - "Death to all sinners..." 02. Feel : "Masaka, Inferus tohana...." - "The Accursed..." 03. Shot1: "Fu~..." - "Yah!" 04. Shot2: "Ha~..." - "Huh!" 05. Bring: "Nanjira ni Tsugu, konoyaibade..." - "Thy sins shall be purged..." 06. OSEXL: "KokuShi RosutoSefi!" - "Lost Seraph!" 07. Fail : "Maaii..." - " So be it..." 08. Ouch1: "Ku~..." - "Ugh..." 09. Ouch2: "Chi~..." - "Tch..." 10. Win : "Horakana..." - "How foolish..." 11. Pain : "Fu, Zenbutanondana..." - "Many difficulties lie ahead..." 12. Glory: "Danzaiha Kanryou Shita..." - "Judgement has been passed..." Serene 01. Fight: "Konogamadesaku Sakuttone~" - "This'll be a cinch!" 02. Brave: "AiTenitotte sokuhanai... Yone?" - "This could get ugly..." 03. Shout: "Totteokino, ikuyo~!" - "Check this out!" 04. Shot1: "Ya~!" - "Yah!" 05. Shot2: "To~!" - "Huh!" 06. Heat : "Atashino Waza, Uketemiru?" - "Here's my trump card!" 07. OS3-1: "Serene Konbine~chon!" - "Serene Combo!" 08. OS3-2: "Serene Desutorakuchon!" - "Serene Blast!" 09. OS3-3: "Serene Fureibaado!" - "Serene Inferno!" 10. OS3-4: "Serene Abusoryu~to!" - "Serene Nightmare!" 11. OS3-5: "Serene Puratinamu!" - "Serene Almighty!" 12. OS3-6: "Serene Iryu~chon!" - "Serene Absolute!" 13. Fail : "Onne~?" - "Huh?" 14. Ouch1: "Wa~!" - "Ugh!" 15. Ouch2: "Yan~!" - "Ah!" 16. Cry : "Kyaa~..." - "Ahhh..." 17. Win : "IiYunDou Nihanattakana?" - "I barely broke a sweat." 18. Pain : "Fu~, abunakatta~" - "*Sigh* That was close." 19. Glory: "Ma, atashigaireba Rakushou yone." - "You can thank me later." 20. Away : "Daashu!" - "See ya!" 21. Train: "Otsukaresama~" - "Let's take five." 22. Up! : "Sukiru Appu!" - "Alright!" 23. Happy: "Jya, Ekuseru, mouhitto ganbarishiyo." - "Ya ready for more?" Lyuri 01. Fight: "Ruuri, makkenaiyo~" - "Lina won't lose!" 02. Brave: "Kowaitekidakeyo, ganbaru!" - "I-I-I'll do my best!" 03. Shout: "Korehadoukana~" - "How's this?" 04. Shot1: "Soree~!" - "Yah!" 05. Shot2: "Eei~!" - "Hah!" 06. Heat : "Neratta Emonoha Nigasanamon~~~" - "I never miss~" 07. OS3-1: "Aroo~ Rein!" - "Arrow Rain!" 08. OS3-2: "Toriniti Supaaku!" - "Trinity Spark!" 09. OS3-3: "Borutekku Reido!" - "Voltage Raid!" 10. OS3-4: "Gatoringu Shuuto!" - "Barrage!" 11. OS3-5: "Avaranchi Aroo~!" - "Divine Wind!" 12. OS3-6: "Sutaa Gasuto!" - "Stardust!" 13. Fail : "Sonnaa~" - "No way..." 14. Ouch1: "Wa~!" - "Ugh!" 15. Ouch2: "Ita~!" - "Ouch!" 16. Cry : "E~~~~n..." - "Ahhh..." 17. Win : "Ruuri tachino Kachii~ Ne~?" - "We won!" 18. Pain : "Wa~i, Kachatta~" - "Yay! We did it~" 19. Glory: "HyakuchakuHyakuchiou, Ehe~" - "Tada~ *Giggle*" 20. Away : "Baiba~i" - "Bye-bye!" 21. Train: "O~shimai~" - "All done~" 22. Up! : "Sukiru Appu!" - "Yay!" 23. Happy: "ShinpaiShitekurete Arigato, Ekuseru~" - "Don't worry about me, Ein~" Fiaa 01. Fight: "Saa, ZenRyoku Demairimashou." - "Let's give it our all!" 02. Brave: "Konoteki... Rochiouidesu." - "Don't let your guard down." 03. Shout: "Kakuwanasai!" - "En garde!" 04. Shot1: "Ya~!" - "Yah!" 05. Shot2: "Ha~!" - "Hah!" 06. Heat : "SegiNoKensen" - "My resolve shall prevail!" 07. OS3-1: "Risoruto!" - "Risoluto!" 08. OS3-2: "Burirurante!" - "Billante!" 09. OS3-3: "Puresuto!" - "Presto!" 10. OS3-4: "Vivaache!" - "Vivace!" 11. OS3-5: "Apachonaato!" - "Appassionato!" 12. IS3-6: "Kadencha!" - "Cadenza!" 13. Pray : "AshikiMonoyo, KieSarinasai" - "Evil ones, begone!" 14. OSVAN: "Vanisshu!" - "Banishment!" 15. Fail : "Kikanai!?" - "It didn't work!?" 16. Ouch1: "Kya~!" - "Ahh!" 17. Ouch2: "A~!" - "Ugh!" 18. Cry : "KyaAaa~~!" - "Ahhh..." 19. Win : "Hayaku Heioga HouRemasuyouni" - "I pray for peace." 20. Pain : "Ho~, Nantokakatemashita..." - "Whew.... We managed to win..." 21. Glory: "KonoShouri, Rivieranotemni..." - "For Riviera!" 22. Away : "TaiKyaku Desu!" - "Everybody run!" 23. Train: "ShuuKyou Arunomi" - "That's it for now." 24. Up! : "Sukiru Appu!" - "Yes!" 25. Happy: "ZuttoNi Mamotte Itekudasai, Ekuseru-sama" - "I pray this will last forever, Ein..." Cierra: 01. Fight: "MakKuroKoge Nishichaimasou." - "I'll burn you to ashes." 02. Brave: "Kyoutekiyo, Minna Kiwotsukete!" - "A formidable foe! Stay on guard!" 03. Shout: "Honki Deikuwane." - "Playtime's Over." 04. Shot1: "Ei~!" - "Hah!" 05. Shot2: "Sore~!" - "Huh!" 06. Heat : "Mahou no Chikara, Misete Agemasowa." - "I'll show you the power of magic." 07. OS3-1: "Magikaru Inpakuto!" - "Magical Burst!" 08. OS3-2: "Furei Sukooru!" - "Cinder Squall!" 09. OS3-3: "Hoorii Burasuto!" - "Holy Blast!" 10. OS3-4: "Fureimu Surowaa!" - "Firestorm!" 11. OS3-5: "Purominensu!" - "Prominence!" 12. OS3-6: "Karamiti Furea!" - "Calamity Flare!" 13. Fail : "Araa~..." - "Awww..." 14. Ouch1: "Kya~!" - "Ah!" 15. Ouch2: "An~!" - "Ugh!" 16. Cry : "KyaAaa~~..." - "Ughhh..." 17. Win : "Ufufu, Watashi tachino Kachidesune." - "*Giggle* We did it!" 18. Pain : "Fuu~, Dounarukato Omoimashitawa." - "Whew... I was worried there." 19. Glory: "Majo no Namo Datejya Anaidesho." - "I'm not a witch for nothing." 20. Away : "Nigemasho~!" - "Let's go, everyone!" 21. Train: "Patapata..." - "*Sigh* I'm tired..." 22. Up! : "Sukiru Appu!" - "I did it!" 23. Happy: "Kondoha Ekuseru ga Mahou wo Kaketemitene." - "Now it's your turn Ein." _______________________________________________________________________________ [093]--------------------09.03. Underground Lake Ankhs------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This whole section is thanks to nik~. (With some minor modifications from me of course.) First off, let us begin with the descriptions for each Ankh. Iduna... Teula... the priest of rebirth; the priest of courage; below Xenon in fire, below Iduna in fire, above Yumel in lightning, above Iduna in lightning, above Xenon in ice. above Iduna in ice. Yumel... Askus... the priest of creation; the priest of birth; below Teula in fire, above Teula in fire, above Askus in lightning, above Xenon in lightning, above Teula in ice. above Yumel in ice. Lokin... Xenon... the priest of chaos; the priest of death; above Xenon in fire, above Askus in fire, below Xenon in lightning, below Iduna in lightning, below Iduna in ice. below Lokin in ice. Now, wondering what all that is for? Well, if you had inspected a crystal already you would know they ask for the top priest in an element. Though of course you can do some variations. Here's the ranking: Fire -> Yumel, Teula, Askus, Iduna, Xenon, Lokin Lightning -> Lokin, Xenon, Askus, Yumel, Iduna, Teula Ice -> Xenon, Lokin, Iduna, Teula, Yumel, Askus What now? Well, let's take a look at the map of the Underground Lake: Map: [5] [7]-[8] | | | [1]-[2]-[6] [9]-[B]> | | | [3]-[4] [A] As you know, most scenes are either fully submerged in water, or even when you can walk in them, there's some water left over not letting you grab some of those treasure chests. So, here are some combinations to do pretty much all the stuff you need: NOTES: The first letter is the Red Crystal ankh, second being the Yellow and the third being the Blue. D means the scene is drained. U means the scene is unlocked, thus allowing letting you set foot there. End means it allows you to reach the damned exit of this place. >_> L-A D23 L-A-I D2346 L-A-T D123469 End L-A-X D1239 End L-A-Y D12349 End L-I D4 Blue L-I-A D2346 L-I-T D1456 U7 L-I-X D145 U7 L-I-Y D145 L-T D14 Blue U7 L-T-A D123469 End L-T-I D1456 L-T-X D13457 L-T-Y D1457 L-X D13 L-X-A D1239 End L-X-I D1345 U7 L-X-T D13457 U7 L-X-Y D1345 U5 L-Y D14 L-Y-A D12349 End L-Y-I D1345 U7 L-Y-T D1457 U7 L-Y-X D1345 U5 Any quetions? Good... This is mostly if you just want a bare-bones guide of the area, or feel up like wondering what the heck does what. Though with this do you really need my in-depth guide up there? If so, then scroll up. ^^ _______________________________________________________________________________ [010]---------------------------10. Conclusion--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ So yeah, this is basically a clossure to the guide. In other words, hope you enjoyed the guide, because well, you know, this kinda takes a while to finish. Any problems, or stuff you can easily email me (See top or bottom of file). As you know, most of us FAQ writers pretty much just do it for the heck of it or to help (Yes, I know you people wonder how we can spend all our time doing this). So if you ever feel like repairing to me in one way or another, money is the way. ^0^ Seriously, if you ever have one spare buck you wish to send me, it would be greatly appreciated. What is it used for? Well, either to keep me alive, or help me keep my comp up to date and/or buy new games to keep more guides like these coming out. How to do so? Well, if you are interested, how kind of you. Just enter the page below, and you need a PayPal account though. Then just enter my mail in the "Recipient's Email" and the rest of the subjects are up to you. Giving a note or reason is appreciated, but not necessary (as it says Optional there). _______________________________________________________________________________ [101]----------------------------10.01. Thanks--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Thanks to: -> Bandai/Sting, for creating one heck of a game! -> pokeeiyuu, from the Message Board for translating the name of a lot of items, some of which I had wrong or needed correcting. Though now with the NA version out... -> White Requiem , for quite a few corrections to the voice list. Even though they aren't being used anymore, he still has my gratitude. -> Jitawa for informing me of the Moondrop item in the Lacrima Castle. -> Kenai Wolf for the clarification of the Elder's House event in your first trip to Elendia. Also to Calvin Elizan. -> Lorril Buyens , for a detail on the 'sealed chest' in Stage 3. -> Zabuza for an addition of Stage 4, Area 3 Screen 3 regarding the item you get from the girl you leave behind. -> Rob Ray for info on Stage 5, Area 9. An area I had originally missed during my first runs. Even though I knew of it (Just kinda messed horribly the last time), he still gave me a pseudo- walkthrough of the area. So kudos to you. -> M P for a +20 HP bonus from NaNa in exchange for the bat wings that can be found in Stage 2. -> Sammo Hung for an addition to Stage 4, Area 3 Screen 3 on what you get for leaving X girl behind and another thing to a chest in the same stage, but Area 4. Not to mention the different scrolls you can get from the ripped pages when talking to Claude. -> Rainarrow , for yes, believe it or not, a correction to the L button usage. Heh. -> .ice. (kawaiihozhi_rulz (at)> for a clarification on the well in Stage5/Area1/Screen2, as well as whole screen I missed in Stage3/Area5. Go figure how I missed that. Thanks! -> James Ruan and Tom L for information on Stage 4/Area 9. -> d3m0n for the Four-Leaf Clover in Stage 2. -> Dfnord for an event with the Squirrel in Stage3/ Area1. Also a way to raise Serene's affection in Stage5/Area5/Screen2, plus another choice like that in Area 8. Correction on chest at 6/3/3. And the addition of two screens at Stage 6/Area 3. -> nik~ for information regarding an event in Stage2/Area3/Screen4 and about an item you can give to Chappi before the start of Stage 2. Some other stuff on 5/2/3, 5/3/6 and 5/4/1. Finally, the most amazing contribution I've had in all my guides, a text document with all the possible combinations and stuff that happens to the Underground Lake in Stage 5. It's up there already. Section 09.03. -> for reminding me (In a way...) of redoing part of the general stuff section, the one with battles and stuff. -> for the Mushroom Book key item, a quote of Fiaa when she does Banishment and a correction to the Dragon Killer item plus some others. As well as an extra detail for a choice regarding the Powershroom. Information on the Ogrenium and items in 2/8/2 and 2/8/3. plus turning in the Ogrenium to Chappi. -> Kénox for an addition to 3/6/1 with a whole series of choices. -> Sean Giles for the Skadi weapon information, as well as pointing out some item replicas I left from the Jp scraps and some other stuff in 7/2/3. And a full (And I do mean full) summary of the Area 9 in Stage 7. -> Sara S. for Fiaa's ending. -> Thomas Fox for a QUEST in 4/6/2 regarding a bottle item. -> Dario P. for giving me ideas on how to redo the items section. I should get around to that and when's it done, this is the man to thanks. ^^ -> Nichole Adams for Rose's ending. -> James Lin for several things: How to get the Music Sheet, some items in town from other events, stuff to do with the Diamond Teardop and extra stuff in the Pieta before fighting Death. -> Lu Yang (zoharmodifier (at)> for confirming the events in the Pieta that James Lin submitted. -> Zero Yagami for a screen addition in 7/2 and 6/4/1. -> Marcy Maguilan for extra info on the Book of Laura and the Wet Book. -> ZL Lin for information on the Moon Wand and how to get it and the items I was missing for that (Such as the Moon Lily) that no one else who mentioned the Wand did... And some rather interesting points in 3/1/4 and 3/1/5, plus some other stuff. -> Andrea Portale for some information Sean Giles forgot on Stage7/Area9. -> BlastOff for the points you get by obtaining the Four-Leaf Clover. -> Eric N for clarifying the fact on how to get a Rosier or Longinus at Stage 1. -> Jawstrock for an event in 2/4 and more info on stuff at 2/7, and info on the locked chest in 3/3/1. -> Tri Hoang for clarifying the fact that there's nothing in a screen at Stage 5 I thought had something. Oh well. -> BioHaZarDx911 for an event in 5/8/3. -> Aluxcard for information on how to get a set of Holy Waters after returning from Tetyth. -> Lazyboy554 for a slight correction in 2/7/2. -> Luyang Han for some stuff in 4/8/3, 4/9/3, extra info for Elendia after you return from Stage 4. Plus some extra items in the Forest Maze and from Reiche. -> Vixen1977 for an extra event in 2/6/2. -> Stungun for the enemy that drops the Rosary, which I already had logged in the enemy section, but stupid me forgot to check when doing the item section. >_< That, plus some ADD corrections and something else to the Magna Rock. -> Edward Elric for the clarification on if you get or not the Mushroom Book/Spiral Shell. -> Rick Rack Roo for the quote of Blazing Rose. This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright of Alan Quirino (grayfox2510 (at) gmail (dot) com). All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Stop scrolling... There is nothing more below this!!