Shaman King: Master of Spirits Guide by XnxMK2 E-mail: MSN: TABLE OF CONTENTS Note: For easy navigation, press Ctrl + F and enter the shortcut for the part you want to go to. (Ex.: Walkthrough: WKT) 1. Introduction (INT) 2. Story (STY) 3. Controls (CNT) 4. Walkthrough (WKT) 5. Items and Battle Equipment (IBE) 6. Spirit List and Combos (SLC) 7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 8. Credits (CDS) ------------------------------- Introduction (INT) ------------------------------- Um... Hi. This is my first FAQ ever. I am XnxMK2, someone with good grammar and the only one I saw so far from Israel in GameFAQs. Haha, fear me. Anyhow, this FAQ should be helpful to you in some ways. If not, well... Go read a book. >_>; ------------------------------- Story (STY) ------------------------------- Yoh and the gang are all at the inn, with Yoh laid back as usual and Morty desperately trying to encourage him to do something about Zeke. When suddenly a mysterious-looking man walks in and asks if there is an Anna Kyoyama. (I sure hope I spelled that right...) Anna informs him that it depends on what he wants with her. He asks for "The Tome of the Shaman", a book which will let him revive the man named Mephias-- The Guardian of Demons... And Ex-Shaman King! Lenny takes a wild guess and says he wants to use Mephias to win the tournament, rule the world etc., The usual stuff. Magister corrects him by saying that he does not want to use him to rule the world or as a spirit. He wants to revive Mephias so he (Mephias) can win the tournament and be Shaman King again. Anna, simple as that, says no. Big surprise. Magister decides he'll get the Tome by force, and Morty promptly gives Yoh the Sword of Light, and Magister mocks it. And with a good reason-- Yoh attacks, and the result is... The Sword of Light being thrashed to Kingdom Come. Who knows where, but far away. Rio intervenes, and tries to pull the tome away from Magister. Morty tries to warn him to not pull it too hard, or it'll rip open. And a bit too late at that-- The Tome rips open and its pages get scattered all over the map, er, world. ^_^; Magister then disappears, and Amidamaru points out that 'He is quick to flee'. Nice observation, Sherlock. The gang then wonders what was this all about, and splits up to look for the pages. Before that, though, Rio gives Yoh his Wooden Sword. Hey, would you rather PUNCH monsters to death? Stabbing them with sharp wood sticks is much more like it. ^_^ ------------------------------- Controls (CNT) ------------------------------- Here I will list all the controls and moves for this game. Directional Buttons: Move around, Duck, choose options (In option menu). A: Jump, continue text, accept option. B: Attack, Cancel option. L: Use Spirit. R: Use Spirit. Start: Open menu. Select: Switch decks. Down + Down: Back Dash. ------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH (WKT) ------------------------------- NOTE: THIS WALKTHROUGH WILL OBVIOUSLY CONTAIN SPOILERS. IF YOU DIDN'T COME FOR THAT, SKIP DOWN! :ETON You will start in the middle of the inn. There are four ways to go-- One is the Graveyard. Probably a bad idea... If you could go over there anyway. There's a firewall. Literally. Then there's the cave, with poison that takes 10 HP off of you every half a second till you die. Joy. Next up, there's a bright and quiet area, with a ledge that you can't jump on. And there's a crate that might help us get over there... But how do we push it? The only way you have is obviously through some grassy area. For the first stage, it's not very hard; very straightforward. Run along, kill the monsters, jump, kill more monsters, collect treasure etc... You're not bound for any trouble around this place. After you finish, you will come across your second path split, Down and forward. If you choose down, you will be blocked by a huge glowing totem. Try whatever you want, you cannot put it away now. The obvious choice is keep going forward... Well, we're--- Oh, EW! Stinking SEWER WATER! Yep, we ARE going down that low... Keep going forward. You'll meet our UNfriendly neighbourhood puncher-- A good strategy is to wait before he uses his Dash Punch at you (Called Gussy Kenji. My english translation is but a guess) then jump over him and SLICE HIM FOR ALL YOU GOT. Use Halo Bump if you wish. When you defeat him, you will notice a floating and glowing green ball... With a face? Collect this one for a spirit attack-- Gussy Kenji! NOW you can punch monsters to death. ^_^ Go on and you will come across a big hole. Hit UP and enter it. In the sewer we gooooo! Good thing you can't smell things from the GBA, huh? You might haven't noticed but there are Piranhas in this area. (What are Piranhas doing in sewers anyway? O_o) Beware, since they can surprise you. And they jump. Go forward, kill the creatures and jump over your first spike hole! Hooray! Still going forward, you will come to a dead end. With blocks that are apparently hanging on thin air... Climb them. Keep going forward aaaaand-- YOUR FIRST MAGATAMA BEAD! See Items and Battle Equipment for more information... Anyhow. Keep going up and you will exit the sewers. There you will see another Gussy Kenji-er. Use the same strategy... Or just jump over him and be done with it. ^_^; Well, we're out of THAT stinky area. Another path split shall miraculously appear before you. Up, Forward and Down. Let's see. Up is the same bright and quiet area, with another firewall blocking the way. Forward is somewhat a Graveyard, but obviously smaller then the one with the fire. And doesn't has the same creepy tune... Anyhow, there you should find another big crate that will help you get up a ledge. Don't bother with it. Well, down we go... Continue going and you will see tiny balls of blue fire. Actually spirits... What to do with them? SLASH EM. ^_^ After that, go on... You should probably know that Pressing Down + Jump makes you fall through something thin like a bridge. And apparently, you're currently on one of these, with no particular reason. Maybe except for the bottomless holes... Anyway, there's a treasure chest below there. Go on, kill more stuff and go on... Area change! Woo! You probably noticed some fire from the bottom of the screen. Another fire, yes, and it's not coming from the bottom of your computer's screen... Anyhow ignore it. Get the treasure chest with the money and... Sushi... in it... Who the heck would keep Sushi in treasure chests? O_o A bit more forward, and you will see a guy tossing little green... things at you. Slash 'em up and proceed to kick the sources' butt. And get Chimi-Moryo. Then you should see a floating stone elevator. If you go down to the path below you'll find a (Yet another) fire wall which is blocking another floating green face. Answer? IGNORE IT. If you didn't know that, then... You're stupid. Go back up (If you previously chose the bottom path) and leave the area. Whaddya know, another path split! Down leads to a spirit-infested area with a rock pillar you can't get to. So obviously go forward now. Now you'll be in a city... Which has randomly placed graves on the path for some odd reason. Run forward and you'll see an eagle. I suppose you already know what to do with it? Next up is another eagle. But it dropped the same thing the punching guy dropped. Take it for yeh Magnescope. Then there's this musical dude again. Kill him. Like you did to most of the obstacles of the game by now... Go a bit more forward, and you'll find your Headphones! Can't you hold your stuff to yourself?! Good thing you found it! Keeeeep going and you shall fight a Samurai on a bridge! Dramatic. Down and Jump to see the treasure that is waiting for you under it. Then there's another Samurai. Now, the bridge you're on is a BAD idea to fall through. The whole area is a bottomless pit. Good thing Amidamaru saves you from your certain doom if you accidently fall over. Go on, get the chest, go on... ---------- CUT SCENE! ---------- Yoh keeps going, and finds Rio. He asks Rio if he found any pages. Anna exclaims that she feels Evil spirits. Then Rio, with his red eyes, says he finally found his Sacred Hang. Whoopee-doo! It seems like Morty thinks it's pretty small, since it's just a little shrine. Rio is offended and counters with a 'Quiet, you' and takes out a stick. and Anna, like some teacher, says 'It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye'. *Laugh* Rio tells everyone to get out, saying that he won't give anyone his Sacred hang. Like someone would want it anyway... He slashes! Yoh back-dashes, and rain starts pouring. How about we tell Rio to NOT attack, the hard way? ---------- ------------ BOSS BATTLE! ------------ Rio's crazy, and we gotta calm him down. He'll use the following attacks (Which names I have only guessed. *shrug*): Lizard Slash: Rio will use Tokageroh to slash you in an arc! Get away from him. That's all I can say. This attack will turn you into Burn state. Slash: Do I really need to say anything? Bombs On The Road: Praise me, for I choose thy weird names for attacks. It fits well, though, as Rio will run out of the screen and will come back riding his motorcycle, while dropping bombs. Try sticking to the side of the screen he came out of and jump over him. Then just wait till the bombs explode. Rio is vulnerable every time he's finished an attack, or is about to start one. You'd better off using Amidamaru, as he is also thrown back by Halo Bump. Once you beat him, he comes back to his senses and you will get one of the pages of the Tome. ------------ After the battle, Rio will be just standing there, wondering what happened. Yoh explains, and Rio will tell that that's probably the reason why he's smarting a little. 'Ouch', for a direct quote. Morty asks Rio what happened, and he says he doesn't remember. When he got to the shrine, Magister was standing there. His body started to glow, and that's the end of the flashback. Amidamaru says he's glad that he returned to his senses. Not like Rio was ever sane, anyway. At least you don't see him randomly asking girls to marry him. ^_^; Anna mocks Rio and... LAUGHS? WHO'S IN CHARGE HERE?! SHE NEVER LAUGHED IN THE SHOW! WHY WEREN'T I... Well, anyway, Rio tells Anna to 'Give a man a rest'. Riiiight... Anyhow, for apologizing, he agrees to give up Tokageroh, and he will give him to you! Anna just asks what's his going to help in (How's that for impolite?). He'll explain that Tokageroh can use his Big Thumb to push heavy objects. Morty will proclaim that he didn't know that it was used for that... And you'll get Tokageroh. Rio will say he will retire to the inn and repeat the line of 'A man needs his rest'. JUST GO ALREADY! ------------ ------------ Now that we have Tokageroh, you might remember that we had some wood crates that would help us go up high places, but are too far away. That's when Tokageroh comes into the picture. If you hold R, Tokageroh's face will come up and push crates. Sweet. Anyhow, keep going towards up. Retrack to the first stage you saw the block, the bright, quiet area. Push it, and vwalla! You can now reach high places, which has misplaced crates next to them for some odd reason... Well, keep pushing that crate and the one after it. Kill the monster, and take the chest above. Is it just me, or does 85% of this game consists of jumping? Anyhow, continue over. JUMP over the pit and kill the monsters. And then, go on... Seriously, what do you EXPECT me to say? Retrack? Now, for starters, jump over to the floating wood platforms and take the chest. Go back and go on. And take the chest by pressing Down + Jump. You already figured that, yes? Now, for your amazement, you will find a WOODEN CRATE. Push it, but NOT, I repeat, NOT to the ground. Push it to the lower part of the platform so you can get up the ledge. You will witness a lonely green face (Spirit from now on, please) which is Nizba. Take it and open the chest. Then... Well, go forward. *Shrug* Run along, collect the chests, defeat the monsters... Very detailing, ne? You'll come to an area with two boxes which need to be pushed at the correct order and right timing! Nah, just kidding. You need to push a crate so you can push the other crate, after you push that crate. ...Just push the damn crates! Go forward and you SHALL EXIT THIS AREA! Pretty annoying with the boxes, eh? Just wait till you get to the later stages... Now go to the only way you can go, and you'll find a crate blocking the way. PUSH IT! I bet you didn't think I was gonna say that. Admit it. Anyhow, jump along the floating wooden platforms to find another box. Push it, and not to the ground this time either. Just get to the higher platform. Now there is yet another wooden box... Push it... *yawn* Oh, and don't push it in the wall. You can't squeeze in in this game. ^^ Go on and push random crates and be careful to not misplace them. Eventually you'll that you have your Left Glove just around here. Now WHAT did I say about holding on your things? This will let you use two spirits now-- R and L. For extra convenience, a good choice is Amida and Toka. And yes, I like to use those shortcuts. A bit forward on, you'll see circular ropes with platforms spinning on them. Now here's where you need to time... Beware not to fall down too much. There's a part with a safe ground on it, also with a Magatama Bead there. Take it, what else? Now just keep jumping around and take the chest at the top. Keep going, and end of stage. Oh, and... Don't go up in the world map. Instead, go to the area where the fire blocked you from the other side. In other words, down. Continue along the path and you'll see Master Yohmi, Yoh's grandfather! After a bit of ramblin' and talkin', he'll give you his Shikigami and explain that you need leaves to use them. After he leaves the area will have a few. Oh, he'll also give you a page from the tome. NOW you can go up... And here we are, in the *shiver* icy stages. What a coincidence, it's raining in here as i'm writing all this... Cold here, cold there, IT'S COLD FRIGGIN' EVERYWHERE! Sorry, couldn't resist... Anyway, go to the first stage you see from Up. A bit on and you will see the same old monsters... RIDING CLOUDS. -_-; (To be continued! Once the author getn un-lazy enough to go through all the details of the stages!) ------------------------------- Items and Battle Equipment (IBE) ------------------------------- Here I will detail through the various items and equipment. HEALING ITEMS: Sushi- Heals 20 HP. Can be bought for 150 Yen. Takes 1 space. HotDog- Heals 50 HP. Can be bought for 400 Yen. Takes 1 space. Hamburger- Heals 120 HP. Can be bought for 1000 Yen. Takes 2 spaces. Noodles- Heals all HP. Can be bought for 3000 Yen. Takes 3 spaces. Antidote- Recover from poison states. Can be bought for 300 Yen. Takes 1 space. ARMOR: Lucky Charm- First defending armor. Gives 5 points to Defense. BearPaw- I never really got to this one. Not even sure it's armor. Battle Clothes- Best armor. Gives 40(!) points to Defense. WEAPONS: Wooden Sword- Rio's wooden sword. Gotten from the start. Lets you use Halo Bump. Sword of Light- Gotten from Rio at the inn after defeating Faust. Lets you use Celestial Slash. The Antiquity- Gotten from Master Yohmi after defeating Lyserg(?). Lets you use Into The Antiquity. UPGRADES: Magatama Bead- Collect four parts of these to increae your MAX health. Tome Page- Collect four pages to increae your furyoko by one meter. ------------------------------- Spirit List and Combos (SLC) ------------------------------- Here I will detail the various spirits, and the combos they make. SPIRITS ------- 01: Amidamaru Can be gotten in three levels. Halo Bump: Slashes wide once. Celestial Slash: Slashes at the air to send a shockwave. Into the Antiquity: Slashes with a big sword. Everyone in front, above and below you gets hurt. Level 1: Gotten in the start of the game. Level 2: Sword of light, gotten from Rio by going to the inn after defeating Faust. Level 3: After defeating Lyserg, instead of going back, keep going forward. Eventually, Master Yohmi will greet you and give you the Antiquity. 02: Mosuke Attack goes up by 3 levels. (Attack goes up by 20, I think) Found in the Graveyard levels with the blue spirits. 03: Tokageroh Pushes heavy crates of wood with Tokageroh's face. Gotten after defeating Rio. 04: Corey Uses Nipopo Punch. Can freeze some enemies until they are damaged or after time passes. Gotten after defeating Trey. 05: Eliza If in deck, poison will not affect you (Not the kind of Antidote heal poison- The gas in the cave). Gotten after defeating Faust. 06: Silver Shield Increases defense power two levels. (Defense goes up by 10) Part of the Totem Attack. 07: Silver Tail Increases movement speed by 2 levels. Part of the Totem Attack. 08: Silver Wing Increases furyoko recovery speed. Part of the Totem Attack. 09: Silver Horn Increases attack power by two levels. (Attack goes up by 10) Part of the Totem Attack. 10: Silver Rod Increases MAX health. Part of the Totem Attack. 11: Mic Makes you dash. Jump in the middle for increased distance. Gotten after defeating Joco. 12: Lee Pai-Long Makes you use a sliding low kick, can be used to get under low places. Gotten after defeating Lee Pai-Long. 13: Bason Can be gotten in two levels. Rapid Tempo Assault: Similiar to Nipopo Punch, only that it can hit rapidly with contact. And it's longer. Golden Thunder Impalement: Makes the whole ground area flooded with gold shining weapons. Hits rapidly with contact. Level 1: Gotten from defeating Lenny. Level 2: After defeating Tao En, go back to the inn. You'll get the Golden Thunder Sword. 14: Grand Tao Dragon Skips a level. Gotten from Tao En after his defeat. 15: Chloe Can hang onto blue shining rings. Gotten from beating Lyserg. 16: Michael Shoots an angel from a gun. Gotten from Marco after defeating him. 17: Kanta Uses a brush to hit enemies with white paint. Is behind a fire in one of the Grass levels with the graves in the background. Nipopo Punch/Corey needed. 18: Gussy Kenji Uses a rapid-punch. Should be the first spirit you get. This is from the second Boxer guy in the sewer level. 19: 20: Shikigami Sends a homing leaf-powered Shikigami at the enemy. Requires leaves, obviously. Before going to the icy areas, go back to the village area. A bit forward on you'll see Master Yohmi, which will give you the Shikigami. Yoh will also announce about that being a 'Cool one!'. 21: Frankensteiny Increases movement speed a little. Gotten in the graveyard area from an Undead Dog. 22: Konchi Uses an energy arrow to paralyze the enemies. Gotten from the same level as Mosuke, from Tamera. 23: Ponchi Uses a heart shield to block projectile attacks. See #22. 24: Chimi-Moryo Sends little green things at the enemy to slow them down. At the grass levels, there's one who shoots those green things at you-- Defeat him to get Chimi-Moryo. 25: Shaolin Sends a little energy ball to short distance. Gotten from some astronaut guy at the Tao Residence. 26: Black Raven Considerably boosts Furyoko recovery speed. 27: Tao the Great Tao the Great falls down beside Yoh with a big quake. After beating Tao En, go forward. This is hanging in mid-air. 28: Ian Increases attack power a little. 29: Nizba Increases defense power a little. 30: Dreisa Increases MAX health a little. 31: Yophia Increases furyoko recovery speed a little. 32: Badbh Prevents going into freeze state. 33: Vodianoi Won't slip on water, neither will be slower in water. 34: Deht the Viking This will negate the effect of slipping on ice. 35: Gororo More powerful version of Nipopo Punch. This acts as a machine gun... Which does not shoot. 36: Zenki This will block projectile attacks from the front. 37: Kohki Thus will block projectile attacks from behind. 38: Golem A laser that will pierce any shielding the enemy uses. All enemies in front will be damaged. 39: 40: Pascal Avaf This will make you hang in mid-air until your furyoko depletes or you stop holding the R/L button. 41: Yamagami Four balls of blue fire will surround you. Note that this isn't a protection, but will hurt enemies that will come close to you. 42: 43: 44: Gabriel Lights up dark places, such as caves. 45: Uriel Reduces the damage recieved when you fall in a pit. 46: Metatoron Reduces damage from spikes. 47: Sariel Reduces damage recieved from fire-based attacks. 48: Remiel Reduces damage recieved from electricity-based attacks. 49: Mash If the angel is chosen, you will be healed completely. If the devil is chosen, all enemies on-screen will recieve big damage, although bosses will get 1. 50: Blaumro Uses a life-sucking whip. The longer the R/L button is held, the more HP you get. Sucks 1 HP per second. 51: Footballer Body-slams forward. You WILL get hurt when you make contact, unless the enemy is destroyed from one hit. 52: Shion-Shion Produces a disk that you can spin around with the D-Pad. 53: Blocks Makes a block that you can step on. Disappears after a few seconds. 54: Jen By defeating 50 enemies, a roulette will appear and when you press A, you might get either Sushi, Hotdog, Hamburger or Noodles. 55: Ashcroft Throws a wide spear in an arc. 56: Jack Will let you throw knives rapidly. 57: Chuck The Chuck doll will appear and shoot 3 circular waves forward. 58: Carlos & Joao A cactus appears in your hand, and spikes will shoot out in 8 directions when making contact with an enemy. 59: 60: Jose Sets up a doll to attack enemies. 61: Pancho Sets up a doll to attack enemies. 62: Zapata Sets up a doll to attack enemies. 63: Miguel Sets up a doll to attack enemies. 64: Magnescope Enables to look ahead a bit in all directions. 65: Mama Turns you into a little sheep. Can go under low places + Move fast + Jump higher + Look funny. 66: Cifer A blue glowing stick appears in your hands and smashes down anyone right in front of you. 67: Spirit of Fire Every time you destroy an enemy, you will get 10 HP back. 68: Matamune Similiar to Amidamaru's 3rd attack, only doing NORMALLY 207 damage. COMBOS ------ Grand Halo Blade: Amidamaru + Mosuke Uses Halo Bump in a triple slash. - Revival: Ian + Nizba + Dreisa + Yophia No real name-- When you die, four spirits will come down and bring you back to the world map instead of Game Over. - Totem Attack: Silver Shield + Silver Tail + Silver Wing + Silver Horn + Silver Rod A huge silver-glowing cannon will appear and shoot a wide beam of energy, after charging power for a while. Used to destroy totems. - Ultra Cavalry Charge: Bason + Black Raven Lenny's Spear will appear and Yoh will charge forward a bit. R/L button needs to be held. - Jaguarman: Mic + Pascal Avaf You will have a glider in a jaguar style. When you press Forward or Back, you'll slowly start gliding. Very fun at high places. - Ray of Light: Michael + Gabriel + Uriel + Metatoron + Remiel The screen will freeze, the background will change to the X-Laws' spirits, and Yoh will release a blast to all enemies on-screen. - Grande Phantasma: Miguel + Pancho + Zapata + Jose + Antonio(?) I only heard about this combo. Once I find Antonio, i'll describe more. ------------------------------- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ------------------------------- None yet. Scroll up to Email me if you need something... And no spam, and make sure I can READ your mail. ------------------------------- Credits (CDS) ------------------------------- Shane Lowe for reminding me the name of Bason's first attack... Not the real name, but hey, at least you gave it a name! ^_^ Pakman, for telling me the REAL name of Bason's first attack, and for #47 Sariel in the Spirit list. GameFAQs, for letting my FAQ in. Various FAQ authors, for inspiring me to make this. This game, how would I write a FAQ about it without it? You, for reading this. Me, for making it. You wanna be listed here? Send me useful information (Not about the walkthrough though, i'll work on that) and i'll put your name in the Credits. ------------------------------- END OF FAQ -------------------------------