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Chapter 7 5h. Chapter 8 6. Card List 6a. Hero Cards 6b. Villain Cards 6c. Card Data 7. Changes Made to Resurrection of the Dark Dragon 8. Revision History 9. Acknowledgements 10. Copyright Info =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== Why Shining Force? Why not? While I am out for blood in my hunt for a prolific review spot, I'm not always fond of writing FAQs because it slows down my game playing (gotta play a little, write some notes, play some more, etc.) I figured Shining Force is worthy of my efforts. Not that my efforts are terribly outstanding in the first place. In any case, Shining Force is one of my favorite titles, ever since a friend told me I was an idiot for selling my Genesis because I missed out on this game. Yeah, well, I needed the money... Anyway, this is a spoiler-free walkthrough. I'm here to tell you how to get through the battles of the game without telling you the intricate details of the plot. I'm not going to include information on items or magic or weapons, because I'm a lazy bastard and you don't need to read up on all that technical crap when the game tells you what you need to know. So in the immortal words of the Linux gurus, RTFM and enjoy. =============================================================================== 2. Latest Updates =============================================================================== 1.37 - For some odd reason, I left out a small but crucial part in chapter 4. Well, it's added now. =============================================================================== 3. Frequently Asked Questions =============================================================================== Okay, I admit it, no one's asked me these questions personally, but I see a lot of them on the board, so I'm answering them here. Q. How do I recruit Hanzou, Musashi, etc.? A. Read the walkthrough. I've detailed how to recruit every character, including the elusive Hanzou and Musashi. Q. When should I promote my characters? A. Some people on the board have tested this, and unlike Fire Emblem, the extra ten levels you get from promoting at level 20 don't mean much. You gain the bulk of your end-game stats from your promoted levels. However, if you have a character that can learn magic, you benefit most from waiting. Characters learn magic based on their level (1-40) so if you promote Tao at level 10, when she reaches promoted level 20 she'll be at level 30 overall, so any spell learned at level 40 will require you to get her to level 30 promoted, which is not an easy task unless you spend a lot of time leveling up. In other words, wait till level 20 for magic users, and levels 15-20 for everyone else. Q. How do I get [blank] card? A. Read the appropriate section. Every card in the game is covered, hopefully well enough that you have no problems getting them. Q. What are the cards for? A. Mawlock. He can equip and use the various cards to gain certain abilities and powers. You won't get to equip him with anything until he joins your party, though. Q. What does Super Egress do? A. Takes your party out of battle and restores everyone to full health and status. It also revives dead characters, which saves you the money for raising them. Q. What are the secret items? A. There are three secret items that are basically costume changes for four of your female party members: Tao, Anri, Khris and Narsha. Besides changing their outfit (and in Anri and Tao's case, giving you a healthy dose of T&A) they don't do anything. Still, they're fun to have. Q. What do the stat growth charts mean? A. Those are an indication of the stat gains a character will have. The red part shows whether they'll have low gains at first and high gains later on, steady gains throughout the game, or major gains early on, then even out later. Honestly, I think they're a bunch of crap. It's all randomized anyway. Q. What's different in the New Game+? A. For one thing, you keep all the cards acquired in the last game, and Mawlock will join you before the first battle. Also, the enemies will be slightly stronger and have a point or two more HP. This effect is cumulative, meaning if you play through two or three New Game+'s, the enemies will become much more powerful. Q. How do I get the Teeny Bikini? A. Now, that has been a conundrum for me, because this FAQ only covers the initial play-through, and the costume for Tao/Narsha can only be acquired after receiving every card, which means it can only be gotten during a New Game+. To get this elusive costume, complete the above requirements (get every card) and start a New Game+. The first card you get in this New Game+ will be followed by the Teeny Bikini. =============================================================================== 4. Characters =============================================================================== Here I will give a summary of the characters. Unlike other FAQ writers, I won't give a numerical rating on a ten-point scale (or any scale, for that matter) because judging someone like that is rather arbitrary, and I'm bad at that sort of rating anyway. Characters will be listed in the order you meet them and not by class, but I will refer each character to their proper class in the summary. Max - This guy's your main character. You can name him anything you want (I called him Rend) but I will refer to him as Max. As a Swordsman, he is, of course, one of your best warriors. He has great stat growth across the board, though according to his charts his attack, defense and speed stats start out low and end up high. Either way, he will be your main guy throughout the game, both for his abilities and his Egress spell to take you out of the battle. Ken - This guy's your first Knight. He's got a two-square attack range thanks to his spear, and while he's not as strong as your hero, he's got decent power to start out and should be one of your frontline force till you get some flying creatures. Tao - Your first Mage. She's invaluable throughout the game, though she becomes outclassed in terms of stats later on. She learns Blaze 2 at level 4, which means she'll have the first area effect spell for a while. While she's not the best of her class, she is very strong and can easily wipe out groups of enemies that have foolishly clustered themselves together. Just make sure to watch her MP. Hans - A Swedish Archer? Okay. This guy's pretty fast, but has low defense and attack at about par with Ken. His bow is his main draw (har har) since he can attack from a distance while your melee fighters close in for the kill. His charts give him fast growth in HP, attack, and defense, but he'll never be strong enough to be more than a support fighter. Luke - Luke, I am your...bah, I can't pull that off. Luke is a Warrior, and is the strongest character you'll have for a while. In terms of pure attack, he can easily outclass most of your allies. However, he's slow as a brick, so by the time his turn comes up, either your allies have beaten all the enemies, or they've trampled you. Lowe - Your first Healer, Lowe is essential. While his healing magic can't affect an area till much later in the game, he's a good substitute for healing herbs and such. However, since he'll gain his XP mainly from healing, he'll likely be behind the rest of your party in levels unless you're regularly getting pounded, in which case you need to level up your party. Gong - One of the 'secret' characters, Gong has decent stats across the board, but he hasn't got much more attack power or HP than Ken or Hans. He gains stats pretty evenly and even has some magic resistence going for him, but he's eventually outclassed by later and more powerful allies. Gort - Another Warrior class, this guy is a semi-secret character that may join after the second battle if you do...something. He's got better defense than Luke and similar attack strength, but almost identical speed. Basically, he's a frontline guy to both absorb damage and dish it out. However, he's also like Luke in that his slow speed and movement rate will likely make him a waste of space in large battlefields. Mae - Your second Knight, Mae is a slightly more powerful version of Ken with less HP. She seemed to gain stats sporadically for me, with some level gains being sparse, while periodically she would get a huge boost to her stats and suddenly become incredibly powerful. Khris - Another Healer. In terms of stats she's comparable to Lowe (after all, they're both dedicated Healers) but what sets her apart is the Aura 2 spell she'll eventually learn. Area healing > Lowe's fat ass. Narsha - A Shaman, she's a brand-new character you'll use in the chapter epilogues until she joins your main force. She starts off very weak, but she has incredible stat gains early on that make her a force to be reckoned with. Combine that with Attack, Aura, Boost, and Step magic, and she's quite a fighter. While her stat gains taper off the higher her level, she's still a great asset. Zuika - This guy's an Assassin. Initially he's quite powerful, but he doesn't have as many stat gains as Narsha, and is eventually dwarfed by her. However, he has a secret. Once he's promoted and his HP drops below 25%, he will change and his attack power, attack range and movement rate will double. Yes, double. Booyah. The only downside to this is the obvious: to get these boons, you have to keep him near-death, and his defense is the Anri - She's the second Mage you'll pick up, and while Tao uses fire spells, she uses Freeze. She learns up to level 4 in Freeze, plus Blaze 2 and Bolt 1. Arthur - Arthur's kind of a mixed bag. He's a Knight that can learn magic (Bolt 1) and his stats aren't that great. He's above-average as a fighter, but there are better Knights to be had, even with Bolt. Earnest and Mae will likely end up stronger, depending on random stat gains. Balbaroy - While he will be your first flying unit, he's not that strong. His big draw is that he can use Swordsman weapons, meaning any weapon your hero can equip, he can too. While that gives him a stronger range of weaponry, there are other, stronger, flying units that will help you out more over the long haul. Until you get them, however, he'll do fine. Amon - Much like her husband, Amon's biggest asset is her flying power. She can be strong in terms of attack, but she'll often be shot out of the sky before too long. Diane - She's your other Archer, and very similar to Hans in terms of stats. Neither one is very useful when you consider you have knights that can attack from two squares away. Later in the game when you get bows with better range, she and Hans become useful again, but until then you'd be better off with someone else. Zylo - This guy's a powerhouse. He'll be one of your strongest warriors for a while, until later in the game when you get the really fantastic people, then he's just a god among gods. Use him as much as you can, and he won't disappoint you. Mawlock - He's a Cardmaster, and the final new party member added to the GBA version. His strength is entirely dependent on the cards you provide him with, so it's hard to give an accurate assessment. His stats aren't anything fantastic, but if you can get the more powerful cards in the game, he'll become extremely useful. Many of his cards will damage all enemies or turn an ally into a flying unit, or give them an extra turn, so if you can get the better cards, give him a try. Pelle - While he starts out with great stats, he doesn't end up very strong. Basically, he's yet another average Knight. Yogurt - This little critter sucks. Seriously. He's the worst character in the game, and this is confirmed by everyone who plays it. Check his stats. All 1's. If you should happen to level him up by some miracle, you'll get the Yogurt Ring, which turns any character who equips it into a Yogurt. In other words, if you should happen to be cursed with this pile of walking crap, don't ever use him. Vankar - Vankar's in the same boat, though there are some people who swear he becomes uber if you level him up. Considering the stat gains are random, it could just be luck. Kokichi - This guy not only flies, he can use spears! He's your only Winged Knight, which is good because if there were more of them, the regular Knights would become obselete. He's a decent warrior if you can level him up a bit, and he's much better than a certain other pair of flying units... Guntz - This guy's your tank. He's a Steam Knight and can't move very far, but he's got high attack, defense and will steamroll over anything in his path, but until you find an item to increase his movement rate (Step won't do for extended battles) he might not get any action unless the rest of your forces hold back. Domingo - He's...a Magic Egg? His attack power is absolute crap to start out, but not only can he fly, he has a ton of magical power. Don't underestimate him just because he sounds like a Pokemon, he can dish out a lot of damage with his spells, and he's capable of taking quite a few hits, both magical and otherwise. Earnest - Another Knight, he will eventually become very powerful if you take the time to level him up. As I recall, he wasn't that strong in the original game...go figure. Hanzou - He's a Ninja, and a damn good one! He's one of the game's 'god' characters, meaning he'll be kicking ass from the moment you get him. Great stats across the board, and he'll even learn a little magic, including the very nice Desoul spell. Lyle - He's an 'Assault Knight,' which basically means he's a centaur who uses bows. He only has the movement range of a regular Archer, though (only 5 as opposed to a Knight's 8) so he's not as special as you might think. He's about on par with Diane and Hans, so just take your favorite along. Musashi - Wow, a Samurai! He's another 'god,' and it really shows when you first find him. He starts out unpromoted with an attack of nearly 50, and he just gets stronger...and stronger. His only downside? His movement range is only 5. Pretty lousy for a melee fighter. If you should find a turbo pepper, give it to him immediately and he'll totally destroy everything in his path. Bleu - Bleu is the one and only Dragon you'll get, and in the original Shining Force he was the game's 'super character.' He had it all: attack, defense, speed, flight...now there's a chance he'll be beaten with the nerf bat. I say a chance, because many people report Bleu ended up with low attack and high defense, but again, I say a chance because I ended up with a powerful Bleu. In the end, it's the dreaded stat randomizer that'll determine the fate of your plucky little dragon, but you should at least spend some time raising him proper just in case he becomes a dragon god. Torasu - Just as Khris is Lowe's replacement as a healer, so is Torasu Khris' replacement. He will eventually learn Aura 4, literally the best healing magic in the game. While stat-wise he isn't anything spectacular, he is the best healer you'll have alongside Narsha. Unfortunately, he comes in very late in the game and is at level 16 unpromoted, which is the same promoted level most of your characters will likely be at. Alef - Sweet, a foxgirl Mage. Tao's specialty is Blaze, Anri's is Freeze, and by process of elimination, Alef's is Bolt magic. She'll learn up to Bolt 4 and the useful Desoul spell, making her the best Mage in the game in terms of sheer firepower. Her only downside is the same as Torasu's: she requires a lot of training in a relatively short amount of time. Adam - In the original he was quite powerful, and in this one he's not too bad. However, you get him so late in the game it's pointless to waste time leveling him up when you've already got a team of skilled fighters laying waste to the enemy. =============================================================================== 5. Walkthrough =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5a. Chapter 1 - Runefaust Invasion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you start out, you'll be treated to a little intro battle between Max and his instructor. When you get control, go inside the house and talk to Lowe, then go back out again (kinda have to, fatass Lowe is blocking the way) and you'll officially be in chapter 1! Wander around town and talk to the folks if you want, and push the cart out of the way to get to another area. You have no money, so go up to the castle and speak with the king and his buddies. After that, leave for town, then be stopped by a soldier and taken to your headquarters to meet up with your first troops, fatass Lowe included. If you want, you can talk to your new troops in the HQ and they should eventually hand over their cards. If they don't, those cards are either found later, or the bastards are holding out on you. Either way... If you haven't already, get your money from the king and buy an herb or two, sticking them with the people you think will most get their asses handed to them in the middle of a battle (Lowe...) Once you're ready, leave and be escorted to the Gate. Immediately retreat from the battle and go to the small hut near the shrine. If you didn't save with the priest in Guardiana, you'll automatically appear in the hut. Talk to the monk outside and he'll join your force. Enter the cabin and speak with the woman to get Gong's card. Now, save with the old man inside and hit that Gate once again! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 1 - Shaking Things Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Goblin 5x Dark Dwarf 2x Rune Knight Card: #34 Rune Knight - Max must deliver the finishing blow. This battle is pretty simple, even if you didn't get Gong. Make use of Tao's Blaze spell to weaken the Rune Knight before going in with your hero and Luke. The goblins aren't a challenge, though the Dark Dwarves will do some serious damage to your support fighters like Hans. This is the first battle of the game, so take advantage of Max's Egress spell to warp out and come back in. You retain XP even when you retreat, so you can use this battle to level up a little. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 8 Turns 250 Gold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section is for meeting the clear bonus. For this battle, it's simple. Just pound on the enemies. Leave and return at levels 2-3 to beat it in four or less turns. === End Battle === Now then, when you regain control, leave and you'll immediately go into another battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 2 - The Road's Blocked! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Goblin 6x Dark Dwarf 3x Rune Knight 2x See, this is why you leveled up in the last battle. The goblins are once again of no consequence, so steamroll over them and worry about the dwarves and knights. Those are just as strong as before, and hopefully you're stronger now. If not, practice on the goblins, then use Egress, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 12 Turns Dwarfbuster ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This one's a little tougher because you have to travel farther and through the mountains. Just let your fastest people through and slam on the enemy relentlessly. Use Egress if you need to, but quite honestly this sword is not worth the effort, unless you want to sell it for spare cash. === End Battle === Go to Guardiana and take a look around. Much destruction...go into the tavern and talk to Gort to get him to join up, then hit the shops if you really want to. They have nothing new in terms of weaponry. It's basically all the stuff your allies are already equipped with, so buy herbs if you need and otherwise save your money. Go down the stairs in the house at the left corner of town and talk to the woman there for Gort's card. Spiffy. Visit the castle again and watch the action, after which Mae will eventually join up with you. Hurray, two Knights! Now then, you can buy her a spear to replace her lance, but the spear has a lower attack rating, so it's your call. To the left of the castle is a storeroom that was previously blocked by a sentry. That sentry is fairly busted up now, so you can take the treasure, which includes a DEF and Power Potion, some regular items and the Rousing Ring, an item that will prevent the sleep status. Equip it on your hero immediately. The potions will permanently increase their respective stat by 1-2, but it's a random gain. Find a priest and save before you use it, and if you only get 1, reset and try again. Yeah, it's a little cheap, but so what? Those things are rare and valuable. Give it to whoever you think needs it, but I usually hand them to my weaker characters to balance out the party. When you're ready, leave Guardiana and attempt to head north. You will, of course, be thrown into a battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 3 - Eek, I Have Bats in my Hair! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Giant Bat 5x Dark Dwarf 5x Rune Knight 5x Such orderly numbers of enemies. The game suggests that you can distract the enemy and just have Max enter Alterone to end the battle, which is a nice idea, but you can kill every enemy and still get the clear bonus easily. The only thing to watch out for is the bats. They have annoyingly high evasion and can put your characters to sleep, so if someone is conked out, make sure to protect him/her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 10 Turns 400 Gold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I actually got this one the first time without trying. Send a couple guys over to the side to take care of the bats, and have the rest of your forces just plow on through to Alterone. The bats up top will close in once you get close, making them easy pickings for your main force. === End Battle === On to Alterone! This place has some new equipment, but nothing terribly good. They sell the middle sword here, so buy one for those who can use it and will benefit from it. Talk to Mishaela near the entrance for your fortune... cryptic, is it not? Yeah, not. There are a bunch of chests with some nice stuff around town, including a free middle sword! Just explore everywhere, only one chest requires some thought. Once you're done gathering up stuff, check out the chest in the middle of the river. See the woman nearby? Go to the east of her (to the right, for those directionally challenged) and you'll find a cart. Shove that cart at her, then talk to her. She'll push you into the river and you'll come up on the small island with the chest. It is...a Power Potion! Once you're all done in town, go up to the castle. Another treasure trove awaits you here, all spread out along the first floor. In the northwest corner you'll find a bevy of chests granting you another middle sword and a Life Loaf! This item is similar to the Power Potion and increases your max HP by 1-2. Again, save before you use it and give it to whoever has the least HP...or just power up your hero. Go down the stairs to the southwest of the many chests to see a scene, then go back up and speak with the king. He'll go to the northeast, and you should follow. Before you go down the stairs, go all the way to the left for a chest with a wooden staff you can sell for money, then follow the king. Talk to Mr. Skullhead to further the game, then when you regain control, talk to the priest and save your game, then speak to the bars. Khris will come by and free you, then join your party. Go down the stairs and follow the path to your HQ and a battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 4 - Alterone Under Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Giant Bat 4x Dark Dwarf 4x Rune Knight 4x Sniper 2x Dark Mage Oh, they're out in force this time! The snipers and dark mage are a new opponent and should be treated cautiously, but the knights and dwarves are nothing special anymore. The bats should still be feared for their sleep effect, but if you can take them out quick, you should have no trouble. Try to be at levels 5-6 by the time you complete this battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 12 Turns Jagged Flash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem with this battle is that the objective is to defeat all the enemies and they're spread out all over town. If you listened to the guy giving advice in your HQ, then you'll know what to do. Split your team in two, putting fatass (Lowe) with one team and Khris with the other. The team going off to the right will meet more opposition initially, but the team going straight will have to deal with the knights and snipers. Make your own judgments on this, since you'll have to make more difficult decisions later on. === End Battle === Afterwards, go up to the castle. Talk with Khris' admirer to get her card, then speak with the king. The dragon statue, you say? No kidding! Go examine it and go through the passage that opens up, and you'll be treated to an epilogue. It's just a bunch of cutscenes, so don't worry about what you should do until you're in battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue Battle 1 - A Princess in Danger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: G. Scorpion 2x G. Rat 4x G. Spider 3x Dark Mage Don't worry about fighting, you're not meant to beat all the enemies with just Narsha. Eventually Zuika will arrive and THAT is how you are meant to beat up the enemy. Zuika is level 6 and can kill every enemy with one hit, plus he has enough defense to only take one damage per attack...except for magic. So here's how you do this: take Narsha and go to the left. Don't go right, because a dark mage is waiting for you. While Narsha fights the two rats, Zuika should clear out the spiders and rats up top, opening chests as you see fit. It's mostly healing herbs and other curatives, which is good because you need them. Narsha will do only 6 or so damage to the rats, so expect to use up four turns killing them, and you should have only Narsha kill them, as she needs the XP. She will get massive stat gains on level-up, so you'll want to take the time. To beat this level, you only have to kill the dark mage. Obviously, using Zuika for this task is the best method. === End Battle === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5b. Chapter 2 - Spirit of the Holy Spring ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You're now in Rindo, so play nice. For some ungodly reason, the only new weapon in the shops is a staff for your magic-users. It gives them a great attack rating, but it's also very expensive, and if you're using your magic users as front line attackers, you're doing something wrong. Check out the playhouse for a fairly skewed view of your forces. Go to the storehouse in the northeast corner of town for a speed ring, then talk to the guy near the docks. Now go north to the big house and talk to the old guy. You can't get a boat, but rather directions to the next town. Buy what you need and save, then leave. Battle time! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 5 - Oh No, the Undead! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Giant Bat 4x Dark Dwarf 3x Zombie 4x Sniper 2x Dark Mage 3x New monster here, zombies. I hate zombies. The rest you've dealt with before and should know how to handle (stabby stabby!) but the zombies are tough sons of bi--well, they're tough. They have about double the defense against regular attacks that the other monsters have, they're incredibly strong and cause poison, plus they're backed up by a couple Blaze 2-casting dark mages. Caution is recommended, and if you can get Tao up there to cast a little Blaze 2 action of her own, so much the better. Let your strongest warriors be on the front lines to absorb hits, and have your healers ready at a moment's notice. Forget about your centaurs, though. The desert will reduce their movement rate to squat, so they won't be able to get in the fray till it's too late. If your hero is poisoned, get Lowe in there with a Detox spell. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 18 Turns Doll Hater ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's a reason you've got 18 turns: the battlefield is huge and you can't always move quickly. The dwarves blocking the bridge are the biggest problem, because you can only fit one melee fighter in there and ideally, Tao. Get her in there with Blaze 2 to kill off those bastards, then troop your forces up and out. Just go straight up the center and the enemies on the side will close in, making them easy pickings. While you should be able to get by the bridge in four or five turns, the real reason for the 18-turn limit is the desert. It slows you down something fierce. Just keep pushing, and you should reach the final opposition soon. The turn limit isn't terribly hard to meet; I did this battle in 17 turns, but I ended up with a lot of people poisoned and near-death. === End Battle === Yay, new town! Go straight up to meet with Anri, and after a cutscene, she'll join up with you! Congratulations, your second mage! Now, go to the northeast and into the library and talk to the mage by the strange statue...thing. Talk to him until he tells you about an egg in the statue. Examine said statue to get the Domingo egg. Stick it in a safe place and we'll get to it later. Also check the bookshelves for Anri's card. Now, take the stairs up. Go down and talk to the mage to be turned into a chicken! Yikes! You can't go back, so go up. Ignore Arthur (he doesn't say anything to you as a chicken) and keep going up till you reach an area with a walkway going to the west. Push the mage there down the slide, then follow and go downstairs. See that guy blocking your way? Talk to him (as a chicken) and he'll let you past to see a VIP mage who will turn you back to normal. What was the point of all that, you ask? Well, open that chest you see and you'll get Tao's card! ...yeah, kinda stupid, but hey, at least you had fun as a chicken. Now then, go back to where you first met Anri and go through the door she was blocking. Talk to Otrant, then go down the stairs to the north. Keep going down until you reach a battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 6 - Eek, More Undead! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Giant Bat 5x Zombie 3x Sniper 2x Dark Mage 4x Skeleton Card: #35 Skeleton - Anri must deliver the finishing blow. More undead...a skeleton, this time. While this battle looks simple on paper, take a look around the map. See all those dark mages? They're bastards. Because there are a couple zombies right where you start, use this battle to power up Anri to level 7, along with the rest of your crew. The monsters on the way to the skeleton are all those you've met before, so plow right through them. When you get to the end, group your forces together outside the mage's spell range (they won't move until you get in close) then rush them all at once. You want these mages to be dead before they can triple-cast Blaze 2 and wipe out your troops. The skeleton is a level 17 monster, so let Tao and newcomer Anri Blaze him to death. Don't try to kill him with physical attacks, he'll only take 2-3 damage from most of your fighters, and he hits like an undead truck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 10 Turns 500 Gold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This one is fairly easy. There's no tricks or shortcuts to this battle, so just kill the enemy as fast as you can. Make sure to use spellcasters against the skeleton at the end to save time. === End Battle === Now then, before you open the chest that magically appeared, go around the cave and snatch all the treasure you saw on your way to the skeleton. You could've gotten it all during the battle, but there's no point since you can get it now anyway. Equip the power ring on your weakest front-liner, which should be either Mae or Ken. Grab the Orb of Light and leave the cave, then go north to the eye door. Keep going up to meet the Spirit of the Spring. She'll fill you in on some backstory and tell you to go to Metapha. Now leave, talk to Otrant, and before you leave town, go back and talk to Arthur to get him to join up with you. Go back to Rindo (no battle on the return trip) and go to the guy by the boat. He'll tell you to talk to the mayor, so do that. His house is to the north. The mayor will ask you to find his son, and since that nets us a boat, we'll do it. Now, talk to the turban-wearing guy near the docks that's blocking the path to have him move. Go inside the tent for a battle! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 7 - The Puppets are Alive... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Mannequin 3x Giant Bat 3x Evil Puppet 3x Dire Clown 2x Marionette Card: #36 Marionette - Gort must deliver the finishing blow. Dig that great music! This is the battle you've been preparing for with all the leveling, and if you haven't gotten up to at least 7, practice on the mannequins until you fight for real. While the enemies aren't terribly numerous, the Marionette is your first real boss. Let's put it this way: it can cast Freeze 4, which will very nearly kill anyone it hits. Yeah. Level up to 8 on the regular enemies if you haven't already, then assault the stage. The clowns won't move unless you attack them or get close, similar to the mages of the last fight. The puppets will cast Freeze 1, which can take off 10 HP, so be careful. Once you've got the normal enemies dead, regroup and prepare to hit the Marionette with everything you've got, all at once. Make sure your healers are ready to keep your hero healthy, and don't be afraid to lose someone to Freeze 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 8 Turns Zombie Charmer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your priority here is mostly to survive the Marionette, but the doll enemies can hit hard and poison you, so that might slow you down. Bear in mind you only have to defeat the boss to win, so ignore the regular enemies as much as possible and rush the stage. The Marionette actually has less defense than the clowns, so let your heavy hitters in there first to chip away at its HP. Your hero will do huge amounts of damage to it, but if he's hit with Freeze 4, he'll likely be dead or close to it. === End Battle === Congrats, you saved the mayor's son! Go back inside the tent and grab all those chests you saw, then talk to the mayor to finally get your boat! Go down to the docks and board, and...well, at least you saved the mayor's son. Go talk to the mayor again, then his son, then leave Rindo. See how that wall north of Rindo has opened up? Follow the path north to Shady Abbey. Inside, talk to Amon, then go in the Abbey and talk to whoever you want. Creepy place... Well, Balbaroy's card is hidden in one of the bookshelves on the ground floor, so pick it up before doing anything. Make sure you've saved before going to the chapel. You'll see why soon. When you're ready, go up to the chapel (it's straight north, big building, you can't miss it) and talk to Balbaroy. Whoops, it's battle time! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 8 - Dead Things Walking ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Zombie 6x Skeleton 3x Ghoul Card - #37 Ghoul - Max must deliver the finishing blow. You can't retreat from this battle, which is why a saved game is handy. If you got the Zombie Charm from the last battle, make sure it's equipped to one of your mages. Take out the zombies on the right first, then focus your attention on the ghoul and skeletons. While the zombies and their damn poison may complicate things, this isn't a very difficult battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 8 Turns 1000 Gold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honestly, this is too easy for me to bother with a detailed strategy. About the only thing I can recommend is hope that the skeletons bunch themselves up when they move away from the ghoul like they did in my game so you can Blaze 2 their asses and make them easy pickings for your warriors. Don't bother with magic against the ghoul, it's immune to ice and resistant to fire. Just mop up here and get your 1000 gold. === End Battle === Immediately Amon and Balbaroy will join the Shining Force! Yay, your first flying units! If you need to decide who to take into battle, swap out Hans because he's a damn weakling. Anyway, you won't be able to do anything yet, since that last battle was the last of the chapter. Here we go again with the epilogue... Watch the cutscene until it's time to fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue Battle 2 - City Fighting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Outlaw 7x Kraken Gobgouitch Card: #38 Gobgovitch - Narsha must deliver the finishing blow. As you can see, you're plainly outnumbered. Use Narsha's attack magic to buff Zuika, then charge through the throng. Once Narsha hits level 3 she'll learn Aura 1, which will greatly increase your chances of winning. Whatever you do, don't let Narsha near the Kraken, because it will likely kill her in one hit. Use Zuika and have Narsha use either Aura or a healing item if you have one. After you kill the Kraken and before you cross the bridge, go down and snag the healing seed and DEF potion, and make sure to give the heavy mace the Kraken drops to Narsha, because it makes her ungodly powerful. Use the DEF potion on Narsha if you feel lucky, and pray for a 2-point increase. Finally, let Zuika cross the bridge first to deal with the outlaws, then have him and Narsha pound on the 'boss,' Gobgouitch until he falls. === End Battle === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5c. Chapter 3 - Secret Weapon of Runefaust ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We open in Bustoke, land of...what is this the land of, anyway? Well, it looks to be a land of mountains. The weapons shop FINALLY has new stuff for your front-liners with the power spear for your Knights and the middle axe for your warriors. If you don't have enough money, sell off some of your swag from past battles. Once you're done outfitting your party, go all the way to the west and go up into the house there. Talk to Diane's mother, then Diane, and you'll have a new archer! Congrats! Now go through the door to the immediate right and talk to...Diane's mother...about Zylo. Go north to the outdoors, then west and south down the stairs and talk to...Diane's mother...about Zylo again. There's no point to this in terms of advancing the game, but really, what was Sega thinking, making Diane have three lesbian mothers? Mmmm... (Note that the above was drawn from a mistranslation in the European version of the game, which this walkthrough is based on. I am, in fact, American, but the European version came out first, so that's what I used to write this. If you have the American version, you'll notice the three women are properly marked as Diane's Aunt and Cousin.) Okay, perverted thoughts aside, go to the right of the weapons shop and you'll notice the girl blocking the path is now wandering around. What a ditz. Anyway, go that way and into battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 9 - Quarry Quarrel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Skeleton 8x Dark Mage 2x Dark Elf 4x Dark Priest 4x Lizardman Master Mage This is your first battle where you'll have to select who fights and who stays behind. I'll only be giving advice on this aspect of the game when you'll really need a particular person's skills. Otherwise, use your own judgement. Personally, I swapped out Hans for Diane and Arthur for Balbaroy. As for the battle, you've got your classic undead (eek!) combined with mage power and three new foes, dark elves and priests and the new lizardman. The elves are strong, and give great XP just for damaging them, so feel free to use them to gain a level or two. For the most part all you have to do is get through the mass of enemies on the east side (near the elves) then survive the Master Mage and his cohorts. No Freeze 4 this time, but instead Freeze 2, so don't bunch up your forces. Kill off the nearby priest first, or he'll heal Master Mage. The lizardman isn't a cause for much concern as long as you use your warriors against him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 15 Turns Elf Slayer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While this map looks big, it isn't that hard to traverse. As long as you trash the big group to the east in due time, you'll be able to get this bonus with time to spare. Just don't let Master Mage take advantage of you. === End Battle === First off, go inside the cave and get the Moonstone. Now I'm going to guide you to one of the hidden items in the game. Trust me, it'll be worth it. Now, you remember where the dark elves were situated? Go there. See the little semicircle of grass that's poking into the cliff? Press A in that area to get the Maid's Outfit, a special item for Khris. Just keep tapping A around that area if you can't get it at first. Trust me, it's there and you want it. Now, leave the battlefield and go into the first house you see. Talk to the old geezer and get yourself some Lunar Dew from the Moonstone. Go back to where Diane's third mother (what the hell...) is guarding Zylo, and talk to her to go inside. After some talking, Zylo will join the Shining Force. Adjust your formation if necessary, but let me just say that you'll want Zylo on your team. Before leaving for the next battle, you'll want to do one last thing. Go to the first level of the town and go to the far left door. Go downstairs and examine the machinery near the floating guy. Watch the scene. Now leave. Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking, but he'll show up again later. Talk to the assistant to get Kokichi's card. Now, go to the second level of town and to the path the lady was previously blocking. Remember to save first, then go down that path and out into the world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 10 - Burn the Forests! Burn! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Skeleton 5x Lizardman 2x Dark Priest 2x Dark Elf 2x Pegasus Knight 5x Card: #39 Pegasus Knight - Zylo must deliver the finishing blow to the Lv 14 PegasusKt in the top-right corner of the map. Now we're talking! Heed the advice of your party and make good use of Zylo and the birdpeople (if you're using them) otherwise you'll have to wait for your knights to plod along through the woods. The skeletons and lizardmen are, of course, of no real concern, and while the dark priests can annoy you by healing the enemy, they're not the threat. As you may have guessed, the Pegasus Knights are the real problem here. They can fly, so they're not hampered by the forest like your knights, and they hit fairly hard. Keep your troops together and assault the two enemy groups on the road with your knights (since they can move easier out of the woods) and let the others take care of those pegasus knights. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 15 Turns 2000 Gold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another one of those battles where the biggest threat to your turn count is the terrain. Let Zylo and whatever flying unit(s) you're using go around the enemy force in the middle and take out the knights on the middle right side, plus the party of three near the bridge. While they're doing that, the rest of your (slower) troops should be heading up to the middle to take out that group. The two knights in the lower right will find their way to you on the first few turns, so don't worry about them. Don't wait on your main force to get up to the bridge, just let Zylo and your flying unit(s) do the job. === End Battle === Now then, see that bridge? Don't cross it yet. There's anothe secret item nearby. Remember Khris' item? Yeah, you want this one too. See the gray mountain range to the northwest of the bridge? Anri's Daring Dress (heh heh) is a little to the north of the tiny outcropping of brown mountain sticking into the gray mountain. I apologize if my directions suck, but it's really not that hard to find as long as you tap A and move slowly against the side of the gray mountains. Anyway, before you go onto the bridge, head back to Butoske and save, check the weapon shop for any deals, then head out and go for the bridge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 11 - Laser Aye-ay-ay! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Lizardman 6x Dark Priest 2x Dark Elf 3x Pegasus Knight 6x Laser Eye Silver Knight Cards: #40 Laser Eye - Anri must deliver the finishing blow. #41 Silver Knight - Tao or Anri must deliver the finishing blow. I apologize for the hokey title. You have two main enemies in this battle: the Silver Knight boss and the unbelievably powerful and annoying Laser Eye. The eye will go through a countdown sequence, so if you wait until after it fires to cross the bridge, you may be able to make it over with a minimum of casaulties. If you're using flying units, you might be tempted to have them divebomb the eye, but the elves and pegasus knights are blocking your airspace. As I said, wait till the eye first fires to go onto the bridge, then fight like mad and try to get to and destroy the eye before it fires again. Fortunately, unless you're going for the clear bonus, you can let the laser fire twice to wipe out most of the enemy troops on the bridge, then dash on over and destroy it and the Silver Knight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 16 Turns Duelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the other hand, if you are going for this bonus (the Duelist is a special weapon for promoted archers) then you've got no time to lose. Granted, going across the bridge while the laser is counting down is suicide, so surrender a few turns in favor of your health. It won't fire till turn 6, leaving you with only ten more turns in which to get the bonus. Once the laser fires, haul ass over the bridge and get to that laser! Fortunately, the eye doesn't discriminate between friend and foe, so it will damage any enemy troops on the bridge for 13-14 hit points, leaving them as easy prey. If you mass your troops just underneath the eye's firing range near the west end of the bridge, you should be able to make it to the other side and destroy the eye just before it fires. After that, regroup if necessary and take out the Silver Knight. === End Battle === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue Battle 3 - The Terrible Trio ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Ghost 8x Will-o-wisp 4x Wizary 2x Soul Eater Card: #42 Soul Eater - Zuika must deliver the finishing blow. They just keep raising the stakes, don't they? You finally get to use Mawlock, and he's not too bad. The ghosts, being the most numerous and able to fly and move across half the goddamn field, are your initial threat. They'll likely swarm you, and if Narsha is of any respectable level (4-6) she'll be able to take them out in one hit, while Zuika and Mawlock may require a second strike per ghost. The will-o-wisps have just enough MP to cast Freeze 1 on you before resorting to physical attacks which are, thankfully, weak. If you can get Narsha up to level 7 (not terribly difficult) then she'll gain the Step spell, which will increase one person's movement range by 2. Suddenly Mawlock's a lot more maneuverable! All the ghosts and two will-o-wisps should come after you in the beginning, and once those are down, use Aura and items to heal, then assault the final enemy group. The Wizary's know Freeze 2, and the Soul Eater...well, it's honestly not that powerful, but it does have an interesting attack that is fairly strong. It did about 9-10 damage to Zuika, but his defense is pretty crappy, so I'll chalk that up to stats. It doesn't seem to move and it only has an attack range of 1, so you can heal up and then assault it en masse and kill it quick. === End Battle === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5d. Chapter 4 - The Great Fortress of Balbazak ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yay, Pao, the land of caravans! Check the building to the immediate southeast and talk to Elliot for some backstory. The house to the east of that place has a chest with a long sword which you should equip on your hero. The wagons have a bunch of treasure, including a Quick Chicken (increases your agility) and a Life Loaf (for HP). The weapons store is also here, and has tons of stuff. The new power lance is expensive, but powerful, and the long sword can also be used by your flying units. Yogurt's card is underneath the control panel at the front of the caravan (to the east) and Diane's card is in a chest in the sheep pen to the north of the caravan. Go to where you came into Pao and go north to find it and the church. Inside the church, walk to the back of the inside of the building. You should see a strange creature outside. If you find you can't move, the creature (Yogurt) will join your team. I'm not sure what the conditions are for this (some say you have to do something in an earlier chapter) but Yogurt is quite literally the worst character in the game, so if you don't get him, really, don't worry about it. When you've picked the town clean, talk to the queen (little redheaded girl one car left of the control car) and the caravan will leave. Now's the time to buff up your forces! If you did what I said in Bustoke, Kokichi will fly down and join you. Now go to the west and you should see a Knight wandering around. Talk to him and Vankar will join! You're done here for now, so go and adjust your formation, save, and head out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 12 - A Duel Between Heroes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Lizardman 5x Dark Priest 3x Pegasus Knight 4x Silver Knight 4x Artillery General Elliot Card: #43 Elliot - Max must deliver the finishing blow. This battle is terribly uncomplicated. It's nothing more than a straight-up smackdown. You're on one side, the enemy's on the other. Well, it's a little complicated. The enemy continues to outnumber you, and they've got artillery support. The lizardmen and other units continue to be pests, and Elliot is another of those lovely bosses who hit hard and can take as much as they dish out. The enemies give decent XP, so you can level up a bit if necessary. Just be careful of Elliot when you finally get to him. Not only is he powerful, able to counterattack, and has an annoying tendency to dodge your attacks, but his defense is so high you'll have to surround him and pound on him till he falls. He won't move or strike till you first attack him, so you can get your troops into position and converge at once, which will likely help. Note: One of the Lizardmen will drop a Heat Axe, a good weapon for either Luke or Gort. Pick it up if you get the chance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 10 Turns Raging Drum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's really nothing to this battle aside from moving fast and striking hard. There's no forests or mountains to traverse, obviously, so just head straight for the enemy ala all those great battle scenes in Return of the King. This clear bonus is entirely dependent on how fast you can kill the enemy, so if you're not making it in time, Egress and level up a little before trying again. === End Battle === Watch the sad scene, but rejoice as Narsha and co. finally join up with you! Hell yeah! Put Narsha in your party immediately as a replacement for fatass Lowe, as she will be one of your greatest assets till late in the game. As for the other two...use your best judgment. Now then, go to the east to see a castle and Pao...again. Go to the castle if you want, but you won't be able to enter yet, so leave and go to Pao. Okay, this place is the caravan's new location. The weapon shop won't have anything new, but odds are you didn't get a power spear for Kokichi before Pao the 1st moved. Not a problem, just get one now. Go next door to the item shop and talk to the egg warmer (guy standing by the basket) to hatch the Domingo egg you got earlier. Domingo will naturally hatch from it, and you have another person to add to your formation. East of the item shop is a pigpen with a hunk of metal in it. That hunk (of metal) is Guntz. Talk to him and he'll join, and should be put into your formation immediately. Damn, all these great characters joining you... If you go north from the pigpen and into the queen's caravan car, you'll find two chests with a steel sword (save it for when your hero's promoted) and an elven arrow (for your promoted archers). Before going out to battle, talk to the guy in the Queen's caravan to get the Blaze Bomb. Save and leave Pao when you're ready, then hit the fortress. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 13 - Taking the Fortress ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Dark Priest 3x Pegasus Knight 3x Silver Knight 10x Artillery 2x Hellhound Card: #44 Hellhound - Guntz must deliver the finishing blow. Lookit all those knights...wow. However, those two knights at the beginning are great for leveling up your cavalcade of new characters. They should be at around level 14 or more before you fight this battle for real. When you're ready, make good use of your flying units, because they'll be the only ones who won't have to go through the ladder which will bottleneck your ground forces. The artillery later on is a bit of a pain considering the damage it can do, but by this time you should be able to take them out in one or two hits. The Hellhound's not terribly difficult, since it's yet another boss monster that'll be showing up as a regular enemy in later fights. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 10 Turns 4000 Gold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once again what foils you is not the enemy, but a ladder. A lot of the enemy troops (the pegasus knights especially) will go to you and create a choke point at the ladder that you'll have to fight past. Then once you get past that, there's more ladders! Joy! If you're having trouble, just ask yourself: is 4000 gold really worth the trouble? However, if you really want to get yourself the money, use Mawlock. Equip him with Balbaroy and Kokichi's cards, then use them to turn your ground units into flying units to bypass the initial choke point and make it into open ground sooner. From there, just wipe out the rest of the enemies. === End Battle === Well, now that that's over with, go inside the door and down the stairs. South is a mage lamenting his loss in your last battle, and north is stairs leading down. Take the stairs and follow the path, then talk to Earnest. Congrats, another Knight! Go north some more and up the stairs, into what is apparently friendly enemy territory. The large building has a staircase heading upward, and upstairs is a bookshelf with Earnest's card. There's an item shop if you need curatives, and you see that arrow sign pointing to the building? You can visit your HQ in the lower right corner, down some stairs. North of that building is the docks, protected by a large door. Talk to the guard to get him to open it, then save and go in there for a battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 14 - Rumble in the Docks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Seabat 5x Silver Knight 2x Artillery 3x Hellhound 2x Dark Priest Blue Dragon Balbazak Card: #45 Balbazak - Earnest must deliver the finishing blow. This fight's pretty simple, battlefield-wise. Just go straight up, butt some heads and clash some swords. Use Tao, Anri and Domingo to blast the inevitable enemy groups with Blaze and Freeze 2 magic while your melee fighters mop up. The hellhounds will do around 8 or so damage per hit and can counterattack, while the artillery is only dangerous in groups...like now. The seabats, a new enemy, are just as weak as the regular bats and they've lost their ability to put you to sleep, so they're of no consequence. The dragon, on the other hand, is built like a tank. Don't even attempt to fight it with melee attacks, it has incredible defensive strength. Use Tao's Blaze 3 or Anri's Bolt 1 to put it down. My strategy was to lure it out with Domingo and let the dragon beat on him (he only did 3 or so damage to Domingo's shell) then target it with magic. Balbazak is the real threat, though. With 65 hit points and a powerful melee attack, he can bring your weaker units down with a single hit. Have Khris and Narsha on stand-by for healing purposes, and if you didn't buy some curatives for your fighters...well...good luck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 8 Turns Merman Buster ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This isn't terribly difficult due to the small battlefield, but you might have trouble with Balbazak and his dragon after fighting through his forces. That dragon is a royal pain in the neck, and Balbazak isn't much better. I would actually recommend you ignore the dragon completely and just pound on Balbazak, since once he's dead, the battle is over. === End Battle === Watch the scene that follows, then prepare for an epilogue battle! ... ... Gotcha! No battle this time, just a little behind-the-scenes look at the villains' dark plot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5e. Chapter 5 - Gateway to the Hidden Shrine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah, Waral, the land of...water? Not yet. After a short scene with Narsha, the hero, and Mae, you've been surrounded! Fight on! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 15 - Surrounded at High Sea ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Conch 6x Seabat 4x Pegasus Knight 3x Shellfish 2x See anything familiar? The pegasus knights behind you aren't too tough anymore, are they? Let your flying units deal with them while you split the rest of your forces in half and go above and below the obstruction in front of you. You're doing this in order to coax the seabats toward you so you can beat the crap out of them while you fight the Conches and Shellfish. While the Conch aren't too strong, they can poison you, which means unless you stocked up on antidotes, you'll need Lowe for this battle. Except for the rampant poisoning, this battle isn't too difficult. Just don't let your support fighters (archers, mages, etc.) get surrounded by Conches. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 8 Turns 5000 Gold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not very hard unless you don't take the fight to the pegasus knights. They won't come after you for a few turns unless you go up to them, so let your flying units beat the crap out of them and just mop up the land units on deck. Easy money. === End Battle === I knew Waral was the land of water! After the scene you'll dock there, so look around. The item and weapon shops (both run by the king...) have some good stuff, and they'll start selling promoted-unit-only items from now on. If you haven't started promoting your fighters, now would be the time. Remember to wait and promote your magic-users at level 20. The church is only available by boat, which is at the docks south of where you enter. Before you do anything else, go talk to the king via the doorway in between the weapon and item shops, then go into the weapon shop through the back way and pick up the agility ring from the chests. It will increase any unit's movement by 2, so give it to Guntz to make him that much better. Now then, go talk to Shell's mother (Shelra...) who is blocking the only space through the buoys. When you regain control, go upstairs and talk to the priest to get the story on what happened. Wait till you can move again, then go upstairs and outside. Follow the path to see...a robot? Follow it down into the strange portal, then keep following it. When it says your hero's name and runs off, go up the long walkway you see. Really, there's only one path you can take, since all the other paths are blocked or lead to dead-ends. Ready? Fight! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 16 - At the Gate of the Ancients ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Seabat 4x Skeleton 5x Hellhound 5x Worm 3x Master Mage Card: #46 Master Mage - Mae must deliver the finishing blow. You should recognize the boss for this fight. The rest are monsters you've fought before, except the worms. Forget all the beasts flanking you and just go straight up the middle, even if you're not going for the clear bonus. The worms aren't as strong as other monsters you've fought, but they can cause sleep. The hellhounds are still as nasty as ever, and the Master Mage can cause a lot of damage with his magic. Rather than worry about the hellhounds guarding the boss, just hit the Master Mage hard and fast to end the battle quickly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 10 Turns 6000 Gold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are going for the bonus (who doesn't want more money?) then again, go straight up the middle and just clear a path to the Master Mage. You can actually use a flying unit like Kokichi to get close to the boss's pedastal while staying out of the hellhound's range, then fly around them and hit the mage from behind. Fun. === End Battle === Well, now that that's over, you might think you're getting a free pass through the gate. Nope. When you regain control, sail on over to Waral and talk to the king. Your ship has been repaired, but don't leave yet! It's time to get Hanzou. To the left of the castle is a sign. Read it. "Floating on the sea," huh? Now grab a boat and paddle to the building to the right of the church. On the lower-right side is a small sign hanging from the supports. Read it from the boat. It should say "Not the bookshelf." Now go out to the reef (past the buoys) and go to the island. You'll want to boat yourself into the newly-created pool that was brought about after the last battle to reach the sign on the far left side of the island that says "A cross atop the spire." Go back to the church and search the crate in the upper-right corner. It will read "Practicing a secret ninja technique. Those wishing a duel should search the fish." Now sail off to the northeast corner of Waral. Stand on the large fish north of where they're all lying out in the sun, and Hanzou will appear. Boken might show up first, though. You'll want Hanzou in your party, trust me. Now go talk to the king again and say you want to leave and you'll sail off into adventure! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 17 - Surrounded at High Sea...Again! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Pegasus Knight 2x Conch 2x Seabat Gargoyle The gargoyles are the next evolution of flying critters, and are much stronger than the previous incarnations, plus they can attack from two squares away! There's only one of them, though, and not many enemies...or so you may think. This battle isn't that difficult, so you shouldn't need a play-by-play at this point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 6 Turns Soul Buster ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow, you don't have a lot of turns for this. Fortunately, there are as many turns as there are enemies. Oh, oh, wait...more enemies! Suddenly that six- turn limit doesn't seem so easy, now does it? Anyway, more Conches will pop out of nowhere after a few turns. At the beginning of this battle, have Narsha use her Step magic on Tao and Anri (Domingo can fly...) so they can get to the battle and blast the enemy with magic. If your troops happen to get poisoned by the Conches, don't bother trying to heal them, just press on and deal as much damage as you can. Use Egress and try again if all else fails. Good luck. === End Battle === Once again disaster strikes, and the chapter ends. Enjoy the epilogue scene, then prepare for more danger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5f. Chapter 6 - Descendant of the Sacred Dragons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragonia, land of sharp, pointy rocks! Well, your ship's busted for good, so get out of bed and talk to the nice kids. Go outside and go into the building directly to the southwest, then up both sets of stairs. Talk to the knight there, and...it's Lyle, there to join your team! Huzzah! South of that building are the stores, and the weapon shop now has some nifty stuff, but only for promoted units. Now then, the building north of the dragon statue (the one surrounded by a little moat) is the library, and is home (I guess) to the girl you need to talk to in order to advance the plot. Do so, then go to the west end and talk to the boy by the rubble to have him clear it away for you. Before you leave, we're going to find Musashi. Go to the building northwest of the one you first woke up in (Krin's place) and examine the second scroll from the right. Now go outside and to the entrance/exit of town. To the left you should see a very obscure sign on the wall of the building, which you should also check out. Now comes the hard part. Go through the exit, but don't go too far! Edge your way up and to the left until you run up against the outside wall of Rudo. Just rapidly press Up while holding Left. It might take a few tries, but trust me, it's possible. Walk around the entire town, through trees and along walls until you reach the southwest end. There you'll find a sign, which you should read. Now either leave town and retreat from the battle or walk back and go to the roof above the building you first woke up in (there's a ladder near the dragon mural) and examine the lone shirt hanging on a line away from the others. The clue here is self-explanatory, so go to the dragon statue in the center of town and examine it to have Musashi join. Add him to your party if you want (you should, trust me) and leave town (finally) for a battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 18 - To Dragonia, and Glory! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Artillery 5x High Priest Master Mage Dullahan Card: #47 Dullahan - Domingo must deliver the finishing blow. Again, not a lot of units...riiiiight. The artillery is so outdated, I question why they're here. Most of your units should be able to kill them in one hit. Once turn 5 comes to a close, more enemies appear! Two master mages, two worms, and a grand total of five golems show up to make things even more interesting! At the end of turn 6, another master mage and worm appear! While this may seem overwhelming, Dullahan is another of those monster bosses that'll show up as a regular enemy later on, so he's not that tough once you kill off the high priest that will inevitably heal any damage dealt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 10 Turns 7000 Gold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can tell from the regular battle description, trying to win by killing everything won't get you your money. Instead, take the alternate approach and just rush Dragonia, kill Dullahan, ignore the appearing enemies as best you can (take out any that happen to be in your way, of course) and just complete the objectives listed for victory (kill Dullahan, reach Dragonia). === End Battle === Go to Dragonia. Take a look around. Seem a little odd? The item shop is to the west of the entrance, and your base is northwest. A bit east and north of HQ is a building you should enter, and stairs you should climb. In the building you find is Bleu, your next recruit. Talk to him, watch the scene, gain a dragon as a party member, and get the Shower Cure from the chest. Go outside and...ACK, IT'S KANE! Talk to him, then go to your HQ to save, make any last minute changes, promotions, etc. Leave when you're ready...for battle! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 19 - Duel with Kane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Golem 4x Gargoyle 3x Master Mage 3x High Priest 2x Dullahan 2x Kane Card: #48 Kane - Max must deliver the finishing blow. Oh yeah! Let's get it on! There's enough enemies close by for me to declare this battle best for leveling up, so if you still have characters to promote (or Bleu if you decided to take him along) this is the battle to do it in. Gain as many levels as you want, then fight for real. The master mages are still the same, but because there's a pair of them being guarded by golems, they can cast Freeze 2 on your party and be annoying. The Gargoyles only complicate things with their ranged attacks, but after you've leveled up sufficiently, they're nothing special. As for the rest of it, Kane is protected by two dullahans, a mage and a priest. The priest should be one of your first targets to eliminate its healing, then take out the mage and dullahans. Kane is definitely a worthy boss: strong, tough, and he has 70HP to boot. If your hero has leveled up enough, use Narsha's Boost and Supernova 3 to wipe out a good portion of his XP. Give him all you've got, and he'll fall to your superior might! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 12 Turns Ogre Slayer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This really isn't too difficult. You should be done with the gargoyles, golems and master mages/high priest within a few turns, especially if you used this battle to level up your troops. Getting to Kane will take another turn or two, leaving you with five or six to take out him and his troops. Focus on Kane if you find yourself using too many turns, since the condition for victory is only to defeat him. === End Battle === Now then, go up into the shrine, talk to Kane and you'll open the way. Follow the path and watch a cutscene, then leave Dragonia entirely and go back to Rudo. Go back and talk to Karin (girl in the building where you woke up) then go and talk to Krin in the library. Now go back and talk to Karin twice for Bleu's card! Now leave Rudo for a short scene and a big battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 20 - Onward to Demon Castle! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Gargoyle 3x Bowrider 2x Golem 4x High Priest 2x Master Mage 4x Belail 3x Ah, a pair of new enemies! The Bowriders are as their name suggests: strong archers, while the Belail are yet another iteration of the flying enemy. If you can, your best bet is to group a few strong ground units together and use Narsha's Step magic (the highest level you can cast) to cover more ground. You'll need it once you hit the mountains and forests. Zylo and Diane are useful in this fight, since they aren't hampered as much by unfriendly terrain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 20 Turns 8000 Gold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 turns, huh? Sounds like a lot of time, right? Well, you're partially right. Once again the terrain is your biggest time-waster, since none of the enemies in this battle are that strong after the last fight. Take a lot of flying units to speed things up. Unfortunately Domingo won't be able to go over the mountains, but Bleu can. The first mountain pass will be your biggest hurdle, since it's basically a choke point even after you kill the enemies waiting there. If they haven't had Step cast on them, your Knights will likely get left behind at that point, but press on, and try to get to the end to help out Bleu if he needs it. Guntz will more than likely end up battling the enemies at the end alone, since he's not affected by terrain as much as anyone else, and at this point he should live up to his 'tank' status. === End Battle === Go into the Demon Castle. It's time for another showdown. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 21 - Mishaela's Last Stand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Belail 3x Master Mage 4x High Priest Dullahan 2x Gargoyle 3x Bowrider 3x Mishaela Card: #49 Mishaela - Max must deliver the finishing blow. This lady's still going on about her marionettes? Get over it! While you'd think with Mishaela's starting position that this will be a short battle, she'll quickly retreat to the throne with her dullahans and wait for you there. Send someone off to the right to grab the Power Potion in the chest in the lower-right corner. Follow Mishaela, taking out her troops along the way. Mishaela herself is a massive pain in the ass. Besides the very strong and wide-range Bolt 2, she has a spell resistence of 80% and a defense of 30, meaning spells are all but useless against her, and physical attacks won't do too much. I'd say don't keep your units bunched up, but with Bolt 2's attack radius, it doesn't really matter. Use Aura magic to keep your health high and beat on her till she falls. As a final note, see those chests around the battlefield? They contain a White Ring, Shower Cure, Evil Ring, Black Ring, and Healing Seed. Unlike the Genesis version, these chests can't be picked up after the battle is over because Mishaela will surrender the Light Sabre automatically. Use Bleu or one of your Knights early on and just have him/her/it grab the chests while the rest of your forces go after Mishaela. That is, if you want the treasure. Alternatively, you can collect the treasure, cast Egress, then go fight and kill Mishaela without worrying about missing anything. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 16 Turns Destroyer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This one's easier than you think. If you use Step magic on your Knights, you may be able to catch up to Mishaela before she gets very far. The only real problem is the quadruplet master mage brothers, which can and will slow you down. However, if you can get within Mishaela's spell range, she'll stop and cast magic on you rather than run away, giving your other units a chance to catch up. Stay in her spell range as long as you can (don't be stupid and let your units die) until you can clear out the mages and other monsters, then just let loose on Mishaela. === End Battle === You'll get the Light Sabre (note it says Sword of Light) and a thoroughly disappointing epilogue, then it's on to the next chapter! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5g. Chapter 7 - The Lost Civilization ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prompt, land of punctuality! Get it? No? Bah. After the scene, go to the left for the weapon/item shop and buy some stuff if needed. Also make sure to equip the Light Sabre on your hero (note it can cast Bolt 2 when used. Sweet!) Wander around and talk to the folks, then go south and down the long staircase, then down the stairs on the west side of this pit. Keep going down until you reach the castle, then speak to the king via the central staircase. He'll toss you in the clink, so examine the bars to get out. Talk to the king again (he'll apologze) and go back north through the doorway, then wind around south to find Kane in bed. Talk to him, then leave when you can (it might take a couple tries) and then leave the castle entirely. Go to the large building in town with two doors. Search the wall in between the doors to find Musashi's card. Now then, to the east of the stairs leading down is a bridge with a guy that used to be guarding it. Pick up Alef's card from the chest and leave for more combat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 22 - Run for the Tower ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Dullahan 4x Torch Eye 2x Minotaur Wyvern Jet 2x Belail 2x Whoa, tons of new enemies! Let's go over them, shall we? Minotaurs are the next evolution of the 'strong' melee attackers, so don't let it get at your spellcasters. The Jets are odd things with an immunity to all attack magic, good defense and attack, and they can fly. The Wyverns are similar, but they aren't quite as immune to magic. Now, the Torch Eyes are real bastards. Remember the Laser Eye? Well, they're not quite as bastard-ish, but they still shoot fairly strong lasers and have a bit of magic resistence, but level 3 magic seems to kill them off nicely. The Jets are the real problem here due to their various strengths and immunity to magic. Let Bleu or any flying unit besides Domingo take care of them, or just gang up on them if they're stupid enough to fly over the low mountains. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 8 Turns 9000 Gold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does gold really matter now? Seriously, by this time you shouldn't need it. Anyway, Step magic is the key here, because without it, you'll plod along in the mountains and forests for eight turns at least. Take your allies' advice and ignore the enemies, since getting your hero to the tower will end the battle. === End Battle === Go into the tower! Follow the path and go up, opening chests along the way. One of the chests contains a Turbo Pepper, which will permanently increase your movement rate! If you got Musashi, run back and save, then have him use it to get a +2 bonus to his movement range. Eventually you'll run into your next battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 23 - To the Top of the Tower ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Ice Worm 5x Steel Claw 4x Torch Eye 3x Jet 3x Wyvern 2x Demonmaster Card: #50 Demonmaster - Narsha must deliver the finishing blow. The Steel Claws are yet another melee unit, but they can hit you from two squares away. The Ice Worms can use a Freeze attack from two squares away that'll do 10-15 damage, and the Demonmaster uses Freeze 3, so Tao will have a field day with these guys. Just be careful of the Torch Eyes, since their lasers can bypass your regular defenses (ordinary attacks done to Bleu deal perhaps 1-2 damage, while a Torch Eye attack did up to 20). Aside from the return of the infamous choke points, this is a straight fight to the top, so get ready to bash in some heads. The chest at the bottom of the main staircase contains the Valkyrie, one of the best spears in the game, so pick it up either during the battle or afterwards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 16 Turns Sniper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your flying units can head up the tower on their own, but given the number of enemies waiting for them, I wouldn't recommend it. Step magic for your Knights is once again a must, as they can go ahead and clear out the enemies fast. The stairs again present more choke points for the enemy and a waste of time for you, so if the enemy is ready for you, send in your strongest melee fighter with a mage and an archer (who should have a 2-3 range bow at this point) to back him/her up. The Demonmaster is another in a long line of bosses that are just regular enemies given a moment of glory, so take him down as you would any other mage. === End Battle === Get the Valkyrie in the chest if you haven't, then go through the door to meet up with Torasu and Alef (what a fox!) After you're done talking, go up the stairs for a lengthy scene, then go back to Prompt when you're able. Fix up your team to include Torasu and Alef if you want, then go talk to the king. Once done with that, go back downstairs and around to the north end of the castle, taking the stairs north of the stairs to the king...right. Go to the north end of the room and check out the odd symbol to have the wall open up. Go through and into the teleporter to get to Metapha. Go to the right and talk to Adam, then stand on the weird symbol to talk to the spirit girl again for more info. Talk to Adam once more, then after the long scenes, you'll have yourself a battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 24 - Violence in Metapha ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Jet 4x Torch Eye 4x Ice Worm 4x Demonmaster 2x Minotaur 2x Chaos Card: #51 Chaos - Adam must deliver the finishing blow. You've fought all these monsters before, so you should know how deadly they can be. You can't cast Egress thanks to your hero getting a sudden case of shyness, but unless you're leveling up Alef and Torasu, you shouldn't need it. If you absolutely need to retreat, you can always use angel wings or Kane's card with Mawlock. Chaos is fairly strong, and not another 'regular enemy as boss,' so take him seriously and don't be careless. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 8 Turns 10000 Gold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Come on, do you really need money at this point? Well, anyway, the objective is to kill Chaos, so just send your entire force up against him if you really want the money. He'll move in toward you on the left side, so just go left and around, kill him, win. === End Battle === Now, go through the path that just opened and read the tablets. It's time to get yourself that Chaos Breaker. Walk around the central peninsula to a pair of pedastals. Just walk up to them and the proper swords will be taken out of your inventory and placed on the pedastals. The Chaos Breaker will be formed, so go get it and continue up to talk to the Lady of the Lake once more, then go off to the right and into the teleporter. Well, we're back in Prompt. Short trip. Go talk to the king and say Yes to proceed. Save, promote Alef and Torasu if needed, then leave town and prepare for an annoying battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 25 - Wilderness Sucks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Demonmaster 2x Minotaur 3x Horseman 3x Skullforce 4x High Priest Cerberus 4x Chimera Another new bunch of enemies. The Cerberus are the new hellhounds, while the Horsemen are another breed of enemy archers. The Skullforce are bastards. Powerful bastards. Think around 60 attack power, with decent defense. Yeah. Bastards. If you can get Domingo near them, hit them with a Desoul spell to take them out quickly. The rest of the enemies just require a moderate amount of beatings to take down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clear Bonus: 8 Turns Dragon Slayer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is tough. Really tough. Between the terrain and all the enemies, you might need to make a few attempts at this. Stock up on angel wings, because your hero still can't cast Egress, so you need those wings to escape from battle. Zylo, Guntz, Bleu and any other flying units are once again your saviors. Go down on the far left side, along the coastline, and cut a path straight for the Chimera. Ignore the other enemies and just go for the boss. Your main hurdle is the terrain, while the secondary is the group of enemies on the way to the boss. Compounding your difficulties is the rest of the enemy units on the field will run for you as you attack that group. Sneak strong allies like Guntz and Zylo past them and have them take on the Chimera. They should be strong enough to fight it until the rest of your force can make it. If you have enough MP, have Narsha cast Attack 3 on whoever's going to attack the Chimera to speed things up. Also, just in case you're wondering, the Dragonslayer is an especially powerful lance that does extra damage against dragons. Trust me, it'll be worth it soon. === End Battle === That's it, we're almost there. It's time for the final chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5h. Chapter 8 - Rise of the Ancient Castle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Runefaust, land of...well, it better be the land of snowcones, I can tell you that! After all the crap the Shining Force has been through, they need a snowcone! Runefaust itself is to the southwest of where you appear. Enter. Aside from the info Narsha gives you on Runefaust, there's two things of note here. The item and weapon shop is to the west of the entrance, near a blockade. The weapon shop sells the Buster Shot for your archers, while the item shop sells the very useful Prayer Ring. This handy little item grants any unit 20 points of magic resistence. Not only that, but the effects stack, meaning you could equip someone like Bleu or Zylo with four rings and give them 80% magic resistence. Buy as many rings as you can afford. You won't need money for much longer. Pass them out first to all your non-magic-users (those with zero magic resistence) then beef up your magic-tossing units, depending on how many rings you have left. As a final note, you may find a Holy Ring in the deals section of the weapons shop. This ring can negate the effects of cursed items, allowing you to use their beneficial effects with no penalty. While it says you are cursed, the regular penalties won't apply. Equipping the Black and Evil rings on a unit will boost their attack power by 14 and give them access to some nice spells. Anyway, to advance the plot some, go into the castle (north of the entrance to the city) and talk to Mahato. After the scene, the soldiers blocking the road near the shops will let you past, and you'll be well on your way to the end of the game. Go up when you reach the castle to meet Darksol, then go inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 26 - Attack on the Castle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Chimera 5x Horseman 3x Skullforce 3x Cerberus 3x Blue Dragon 3x Dark Priest 2x Ramladu Good god, they came out in force this time. The Blue Dragons are as strong as the one you fought several chapters ago, but thankfully you're much stronger. There is no clear bonus this time, and your objective is to just kill anything and everything. There's only one break between the pair of chimeras that come after you and the three groups of enemies that will attack you all together. Start on the left and work your way over. Make sure to send someone like Zylo or one of your Knights grab the chests nearby, which contain the Atlas and Miracle Mace (Narsha's final weapon). After this battle is over you'll go straight to the next one and you won't have an opportunity to get the chests till later. === End Battle === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 27 - Fall of the King ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Steel Claw 6x Torch Eye 6x Ramladu Card: #52 Ramladu - Narsha must deliver the finishing blow. Holy Jebus. Lookit them machines behind you. The clear conditions only require you to kill Ramladu, so forget the enemies behind and press on. When they come after you, use your tanks (Bleu, Guntz, Zylo) to keep them busy while you fight Ramladu. Use Narsha to deal the final blow with her new Miracle Mace in order to get his card. Would you have it any other way? === End Battle === If you didn't get the chests in the previous battles, now's the time. Grab them and go back to Runefaust. Talk to Mahato again, then go back to the castle. There will be a staircase in the west corner of the entrance. Do as Mahato said and go to the coast to bring something very big out of the ocean. Go back to Runefaust and save! You're about to go through several big battles with little to no chance for a rest. When you're ready, go in the little fort next to Runefaust castle, through the previously locked double doors, into the teleporter, and up into a battle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 28 - The Ultimate Guardian, Colossus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Horseman 2x Skullforce 3x Jet 3x Chimera 6x Blue Dragon 3x Colossus 3x Card: #53 Colosus - Luke must deliver the finishing blow. Heed Nova's advice. If you don't feel up to a prolonged fight, focus all your attacks on the middle head of Colossus. This battle's a pain because the blue dragons and chimeras will flank you and breath ice and fire respectively at you, and generally harassing you while you make your way through the long choke point. Half the battle is in defeating all the regular enemies. The rest of it is the damn Colossus. It's not the strongest enemy you've fought, but it's got fairly balanced stats, plus there's three of them. Not only that, but the heads can cast Bolt 4. By this time everyone should have a Prayer Ring, so it shouldn't be a huge problem anymore. Be liberal with the healing magic, and you'll come away fine. === End Battle === At this point you should return to Runefaust if you want to save. You'll have to fight the next two battles back to back. You can use an angel wing or Mawlock to leave either one of the battles, but even if you beat the first and leave the second, you'll have to replay the first fight when you come back. Anyway, press on when you're ready. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 29 - Showdown with Darksol ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Steel Claw 5x Torch Eye 8x High Priest 2x Blue Dragon 2x Darksol Card: #54 Darksol - Max must deliver the finishing blow. Here we go...the enemies are all ones you've fought before, and by this time the steel claws and high priests should be fodder. The many torch eyes complicate matters, as will the dragons. Then there's Darksol. He is, of course, a bastard among bastards. Powerful magic, incredible stats, and he can take a beating and a half before you even get through a third of his HP, plus he counterattacks nearly everything. Rather than go straight toward him through that ominous-looking choke point, only send a few units through there (your stronger ones) and send the rest off to the left. Don't go right, as there's more enemies that way, plus more choke points. Regroup before attacking Darksol. Like most bosses, he won't actively come after you, and since there's no clear bonus, you can take the time to heal and cast buffs like Attack and Shield magic. You'll need it if you want to survive and take off his 240(!) HP. Surround him and pound on him (forget magic, his resistence is too good) and eventually he'll fall. Try your best to keep your allies alive, because there's no turning back from this. === End Battle === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 30 - The Final Battle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Skullforce ?x Dark Dragon 3x Card: #55 Dark Dragon - Mawlock must deliver the final blow. It doesn't matter which head Mawlock destroys as long as he kills the last one standing. This is it. As the title will imply, this will be your final battle, and what a battle it is! Ignore the skullforces, they'll continuously spawn in the squares beside Dark Dragon, and there's only two of them. The dragon himself has three heads, and if that isn't enough, the center head can spew demon breath that will do an upwards of 30 damage to a very wide area. Your first target should be the center head for this very reason. Narsha, Torasu or Khris should provide healing power with Aura, and if either Narsha or Torasu has learned Aura 4, abuse it like hell. Once the center head is gone, the other two should fall as soon as you can surround and pound on them. Freeze 3 works quite well, doing anywhere from 30-40 damage to a head, so Domingo and Anri will be a big help here. Keep your health high, and good luck! === End Battle === Assuming you've won, congratulations! You've saved the world! Enjoy the credits and save when prompted to try the New Game+! =============================================================================== 6. Card List =============================================================================== This list is borrowed from Tyma's FAQ, with permission. I also borrowed the info on the friendship cards because if I didn't, I'd get e-mails. Basically, everything in this section was originally written up by Tyma and co. who have saved me from my state of bum-hood...for now. A note on 'Friendship Cards': Friendship cards cannot be found in any specific location, and will only be entrusted to you if you go out of your way to form a bond with that specific character. In order to form a bond, make sure that you ALWAYS: * Include the character in your party * Protect the character in battle * Make sure the character levels up properly * Speak to the character in your HQ after EVERY battle As the game progresses, these characters will start confiding in you, whenever you talk to them in the HQ, sharing thoughts and stories. When they have sufficient trust in you, they will entrust you with their card. This can happen in any town, in any chapter, and will only happen if you pay them attention throughout the duration of the game, although some characters find Max much easier to trust than others do. If at any point the characters stop confiding in you, then the trust cannot be regained. You'll have to pay them more attention during your next game in order to get the card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6a. Hero Cards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #01 Max [Chapter 8-2] Awarded upon completion of the game for the first time. #02 Mae [Friendship Card] #03 Pelle [Friendship Card] #04 Ken [Friendship Card] #05 Vankar [Friendship Card] #06 Earnest [Chapter 4-3] Hidden in a bookshelf in Urbanatol. #07 Arthur [Chapter 2-2] After the battle to find the Orb Of Light, talk to Arthur in Manarina to recruit him. He'll hand over his card as he joins. #08 Gort [Chapter 1-2] After returning to Guardiana, recruit Gort in the town pub. After the scene in Guardiana castle, visit his grand-daughter (in a basement near the center of town), to receive his card. #09 Luke [Friendship Card] #10 Guntz [Friendship Card] #11 Anri [Chapter 2-2] Search all the bookshelves inside Manarina castle. #12 Alef [Chapter 7-2] Hidden in a chest in Prompt. Pick it up before going to Metapha. #13 Tao [Chapter 2-2] After the chat with Anri in Manarina castle, search the castle for the madman with the ability to turn humans into chickens. If you've triggered the cutscene with Anri, he'll perform his magic. Once in chicken form, you can sneak into the 'VIP Mages Room,' where you'll find Tao's card hidden in a chest. #14 Domingo [Chapter 4-2] Once Pao re-locates to the other side of the Pao Plains, enter the town and head to the 'Pao pigpen' in the bottom-right (where you'll find Guntz). Talk to all the of Paopigs wandering outside the pen until one of them surrenders Domingo's card. #15 Lowe [Friendship Card] #16 Khris [Chapter 1-3] After Khris' first battle (Battle 4), find her admirer, hanging around outside the castle. After seeing Khris fight by your side, he'll donate his most prized possession to your cause. ^^; #17 Torasu [Chapter 7-2] Inside the room with the Prompt Elders. Search the room on the left. #18 Gong [Chapter 1-1] Egress out of the first battle of the game and go to the 'Mountain Hut' on the right of the world map. Talk to Gong outside to recruit him into your party, and then talk to the woman inside the cabin, to receive his card. #19 Diane [Chapter 4-1] Inside Pao town, hidden in the top-right corner of the Paopig cage. #20 Hans [Friendship Card] #21 Lyle [Chapter 6-1] Hidden in a chest in the far top left corner of Rudo. You'll have to inch your way up and left out of the town exit to locate a secret path around the outer edge of Rudo. #22 Amon [Chapter 2-4] Balbaroy hands it to you when he and Amon join the Shining Force. #23 Balbaroy [Chapter 2-4] Hidden in a bookshelf in Shade Abbey. Pick it up after first meeting Amon, but before the battle where you meet Balbaroy. #24 Kokichi [Chapter 3-2] Find Kokichi in Bustoke, and watch his demonstration of Guntz' steam suit. After the demonstration, talk to Kokichi's assistant to receive his card. #25 Bleu [Chapter 6-2] After the battle with Kane, talk to Karin, then Krin, and then talk to Karin twice more. She should surrender Bleu's card. #26 Adam [Chapter 8-2] Inside Castle Runefaust's entrance hall, on the wall opposite the stairs to the ancient castle. #27 Zylo [Chapter 3-1] Examine the church sign in Bustoke. #28 Musashi [Chapter 7-1] After speaking with Kane in Prompt, search the large building with two doors. On the wall in between the doors you'll find Musashi's card. #29 Hanzou [Chapter 8-1] Hidden in a tree in Runefaust east of the pub. This is the spot where Hanzou was recruited in the original Shining Force game. #30 Yogurt [Chapter 4-1] Inside the front carriage of the caravan located in the middle of Pao town. Examine the control panel at the front of the carriage both before and after Pao relocates. #31 Narsha [Friendship Card] #32 Zuika [Friendship Card] #33 Mawlock [Friendship Card] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6b. Villain Cards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 'villain cards' make up the members of the enemy forces, and can only be obtained during battle. In each battle, one of the enemy forces will be holding a card. To win the card, you have to kill that enemy with one specific member of the Shining Force. This character doesn't have to fight the battle alone, they only have to deliver the finishing blow. #34 Rune Knight [Chapter 1-1] Max must deliver the finishing blow. #35 Skeleton [Chapter 2-2] Anri must deliver the finishing blow. #36 Marionette [Chapter 2-3] Gort must deliver the finishing blow. #37 Ghoul [Chapter 2-4] Max must deliver the finishing blow. #38 Gobgovitch [Chapter 2-E] Narsha must deliver the finishing blow. #39 Pegasus Knight [Chapter 3-2] Zylo must deliver the finishing blow to the Lv 14 PegasusKt in the top-right corner of the map. #40 Laser Eye [Chapter 3-3] Anri must deliver the finishing blow. #41 Silver Knight [Chapter 3-3] Tao or Anri must deliver the finishing blow. #42 Soul Eater [Chapter 3-E] Zuika must deliver the finishing blow. #43 Elliot [Chapter 4-1] Max must deliver the finishing blow. #44 Hellhound [Chapter 4-2] Guntz must deliver the finishing blow. #45 Balbazak [Chapter 4-3] Earnest must deliver the finishing blow. #46 Master Mage [Chapter 5-2] Mae must deliver the finishing blow. #47 Dullahan [Chapter 6-1] Domingo must deliver the finishing blow. #48 Kane [Chapter 6-2] Max must deliver the finishing blow. #49 Mishaela [Chapter 6-4] Max must deliver the finishing blow. #50 Demonmaster [Chapter 7-2] Narsha must deliver the finishing blow. #51 Chaos [Chapter 7-3] Adam must deliver the finishing blow. #52 Ramladu [Chapter 8-2] Narsha must deliver the finishing blow. Would you have it any other way? #53 Colosus [Chapter 8-3] Luke must deliver the finishing blow. #54 Darksol [Chapter 8-4] Max must deliver the finishing blow. #55 Dark Dragon [Chapter 8-5] Mawlock must deliver the final blow. It doesn't matter which head Mawlock destroys as long as he kills the last one standing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6c. Card Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Card Ability Effect MP Cost ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 Max | Attack with Supernova | Super Egress | 20 MP 02 Mae | Fast-moving knight | Attack from any range | 8 MP 03 Pelle | Fast-moving knight | Attack from any distance | 10 MP 04 Ken | Fast-moving knight | Attack from any range | 10 MP 05 Vankar | Fast-moving knight | Attack from any distance | 10 MP 06 Earnest | Fast-moving knight | Attack from any distance | 10 MP 07 Arthur | Fast-moving knight | Attack from any range | 10 MP 08 Gort | Well-balanced warrior | Increase ally attack | 11 MP 09 Luke | Well-balanced warrior | Raise ally defense | 7 MP 10 Guntz | Superior defense | Reduce ally's damage to 1 | 20 MP 11 Anri | Attack with Freeze | Attack enemies within a | 30 MP | | range of 2 | 12 Alef | Attack with Bolt spell | Attack from any distance | 15 MP 13 Tao | Attack with Blaze | Attack from any range | 6 MP 14 Domingo | Attack with Freeze | Attack enemies within | 30 MP | | 2 spaces | 15 Lowe | Restore attacked ally's HP| Restore 1 ally's HP | 10 MP 16 Khris | Restore one ally's HP | Restore all allies' HP | 25 MP 17 Torasu | Restore attacked ally's HP| Shield for all allies | 26 MP 18 Gong | Monk with super attack | Cancel one enemy turn | 20 MP 19 Diane | Archer with distance of 2 | +2 to ally's distance | 24 MP 20 Hans | Archer with distance of 2 | +1 to ally's distance | 12 MP 21 Lyle | Knight with distance of 3 | +2 to ally's distance | 18 MP 22 Amon | Increase movement range | +3 to ally's movement | 10 MP 23 Balbaroy | Increase movement | Ally movement type | 20 MP | | changed to "Flying" | 24 Kokichi | Increase movement | Ally movement type | 20 MP | | changed to "Flying" | 25 Bleu | Great ATK and DEF | Attack enemies within | 30 MP | | 2 spaces | 26 Adam | Robot with high ATK | Attack with enemy's own | 20 MP | | ATK power | 27 Zylo | Increase MOV in forests | Ally movement type | 15 MP | | changed to "Beast" | 28 Musashi | Super attack | Ally's next attack is | 20 MP | | a super attack | 29 Hanzou | Ninja with high speed | Raise 1 ally's speed | 8 MP 30 Yogurt | Rendered useless | Something BAD happens | 1 MP 31 Narsha | Boost ally's strength | Restore 20MP to ally | 30 MP 32 Zuika | Warrior with high speed | Instant death attack | 25 MP | | on enemy | 33 Mawlock | Return to original form | Restore used cards | 30 MP --------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+-------- 34 Rune Knight| Fast-moving knight | Attack from any range | 5 MP 35 Skeleton | Regain HP automatically | Put 1 enemy to sleep | 20 MP 36 Marionette | Attack with Blaze | Attack from any range | 2 MP 37 Ghoul | Regain HP automatically | Poison 1 enemy | 20 MP 38 Gobgouitch | Well-balanced warrior | Extreme random damage | 20 MP 39 Pegasus KT | Fast-moving knight | Attack from any range | 7 MP 40 Laser Eye | Attack with Bolt | Damage all enemies | 30 MP | | in range | 41 Silver KT | Fast-moving knight | Attack from any range | 7 MP 42 Soul Eater | Regain HP | Ally regains HP for | 30 MP | | 5 turns | 43 Elliot | Balanced stats | Attack from any range | 3 MP 44 Hellhound | Powerful beast attack | Attack from any range | 20 MP 45 Balbazak | Great stat balance | Raise ally's ATK/DEF/SPD | 40 MP 46 Master Mage| Attack with Blaze | Attack enemies within | 20 MP | | 2 spaces | 47 Dullahan | Regain HP | Instant death to 1 enemy | 25 MP 48 Kane | Attack with Desoul | Cast Egress to return | 8 MP | | to town | 49 Mishaela | Attack with Bolt | Attack all enemies | 40 MP 50 Demonmaster| Attack with Freeze | Attack from any range | 25 MP 51 Chaos | Robot with great ATK | Attack with enemy's | 15 MP | | ATK power | 52 Ramladu | Excel in all areas | Prevent enemy from acting | 20 MP 53 Colossus | Attack with Bolt | Raise allies' defense | 30 MP 54 Darksol | Excel in all areas | Attack all enemies | 50 MP 55 Dark Dragon| Huge dragon of darkness | Attack all enemies | 50 MP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== 7. Changes Made to Resurrection of the Dark Dragon =============================================================================== Considering this is a remake, there have been some extensive and somewhat noticable changes, though I couldn't be bothered to find the original SF game to find out what. So, I got a submission. The following things were changed in the transition from the original Shining Force to the GBA iteration. 1. You meet your first companions (Luke, Tao, Hans, Ken, Lowe) in the HQ for GBA, but in the Megadrive version you meet them down the path leading to the castle. 2. The characters have different battle poses and portraits. 3. The attack styles are different. 4. At the beginning you see a battle screen between Max and Varios, but in the Megadrive version, you just hear beeps and slashes. 5. Cards were added to the GBA version. 6. Three added characters: Narsha, Zuika and Mawlock. 7. The battles are slightly easier. 8. Various characters have had certain stat balances and tweaks. 9. Damage from enemy attacks has been lessened. 10. Max now learns the Supernova spell. 11. Epilogues were added to some chapters. 12. Hanzou and Musashi can now be promoted. 13. The New Game+ mode has been added. 14. Domingo (among others...) have altered dialogue. =============================================================================== 8. Revision History =============================================================================== 0.01 - Just started out. Going to do the initial character reviews and the first four battles. More later. 0.10 - Beat chapter 2. More characters, battles, etc. 0.15 - Added info on how to get Domingo even though I completely missed him in my game. I used a Codebreaker to add the egg to my item box so I could give strategies for him later if necessary. Also wrote up the first two battles of chapter 3. 0.17 - Added a FAQ section. More battle data. 0.25 - More battle data and I added Tyma's card list. Yay. 0.27 - I realized I forgot to list a couple characters in their section. Also fixed some random problems. 0.65 - Added a lot of stuff...characters, battles, you name it. Fixed a couple bits in the card section. 0.70 - Goddamn it. I realized I missed Hanzou in Waral and Musashi in Rudo, so I'll have to add the info to get them when I play a New Game+. Oh, I also added a bunch of info for chapter 7. 0.85 - Almost done with the walkthrough. I won't turn the version over to 1.00 until I get Hanzou and Musashi, but I will complete the general guide for the benefit of everyone. I just have two battles to go, then I'm starting over. 0.95 - Done with the main walkthrough. Starting over to get stuff I missed. 0.97 - Added Yogurt to the character list. I'm up to chapter 4, so it won't be long till I get Hanzou and Musashi. 0.98 - Got Hanzou. Going for Musashi. 1.00 - Musashi gotten! Also added Adam to the character list since I forgot to do it last time. For all intents and purposes this is the last major update, and likely one of the last at all. The guide's complete and I really gotta fix a couple other FAQs of mine... 1.10 - Totally redid the layout. I read some of Kao's FF7 guide and decided he really knew what he was doing in terms of layout. I like this a lot better, actually. More space for things like titles. 1.12 - Some minor changes made. I went through and leveled up some characters to get a more accurate assessment of their abilities. 1.13 - Fixed the copyright information. 1.15 - Yay, ASCII art! 1.16 - Layout changes again. Trying to get all my FAQs to use the same system of navigation. Also added Dark Dragon's card to the list. 1.18 - Made a layout change to one guide, so all the rest will follow suit. 1.20 - Added a Changes section, which was prompted by a user submission. Also clarified how to get a couple cards, since people are still asking about them. 1.22 - Made a note on Diane having three mothers. Apparently they fixed that in the NA version of the game. 1.23 - Various additions. 1.24 - More additions. 1.25 - A question added to the FAQ section, and some additional clarification on Hanzou and Musashi's recruitment process. Hopefully they're easier to understand now. 1.26 - As of this version, my FAQ has won the May 2004 FAQ of the Month contest! Amazing, considering I've never won a contest before in my life. 1.27 - Once again fixed up Hanzou's recruitment method. I figure writing down what the signs actually say will help people who are reading the wrong ones. 1.28 - Cheat Code Central's recent theft of my FAQs has prompted an addition to the copyright section. 1.30 - On a suggestion from Azortex, I added the villain card data to the battle strategy sections so you can tell at a glance who needs to beat up the boss to get the proper card. 1.31 - Lots of minor fixes, mostly in the Cards section. 1.35 - Well, thanks to a reader submission, I now have a chart detailing cards and their effects. Thanks, Tinytode. Also wrote how to get the Teeny Bikini in the FAQ section, finally. 1.36 - 'nother update. Little addition this time. See if you can spot it. =============================================================================== 9. Acknowledgements =============================================================================== Thanks to you, the reader and gamer, for taking the time to read my faq. Thanks so much to Tyma for letting me use the info on the cards, and as for the contributors for that, here's Tyma's...rather extensive...list of those who helped with the cards: PhatoseAlpha, patapikachu, Gohanks, Prince Medion, Tyma, AlasterB, jtelec, Blastoff, Produn, erneighbour, SILKA, I WIll Not Stab You, saihyyamoy, theweirdmusician, siczor, notoriousviv, NeoZeroX, fredkkc, Dark Isaac, SageAcrin, OblivionKnight, Caxin, xescapeplanx, Shdw and Outrun 2. Wow. Great list, there. Also thanks to patapikachu for telling me how to get the Dark Dragon card. Thanks goes to Ken for the list of changes from the Megadrive to GBA version. Kudos to Tamlin for a bunch of hints here and there. Also, thanks to azortex for telling me what's written on the signs leading to Hanzou, and for the suggestion about putting the cards in the battle strategy sections. More thanks to Forget Me Not (weird name...) for some corrections. Some thanks to Matt Tsui for the tip on the Heat Axe. Some gratitude flies off to Malohkan for a quick and dirty suggestion. Domo and all that to Tinytode, who wrote up the chart with the cards and effects. ASCII art was done compliments of http://www.network-science.de/ascii/ =============================================================================== 10. Copyright Info =============================================================================== This file is Copyright (c)2002-2005 to its respective author, namely myself. All rights reserved. This file may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any web site other than those listed below, or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Sites allowed to use this FAQ: www.gamefaqs.com www.ign.com www.neoseeker.com If you find this FAQ on www.cheatcc.com, it has been stolen by the webmaster there and is being used in violation of intellectual copyright laws and more importantly, against my wishes. Simply, www.cheatcc.com and its respective webmaster does not have my permission to use this FAQ on his website. To contact me for permission to use my FAQ on your website, e-mail me here: getrelle@yahoo.com.