Shrek: Hassle at the Castle - Guide/ US Version For the Nintendo GameBoy Advance Version FINAL (October 25, 2002) Guide by Myke - mykeownz (at) yahoo (dot) com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents Version History.....................1 Controls............................2 Walkthrough.........................3 Credits.............................4 Copyright...........................5 ============================================================================== Version History ============================================================================== October 23, 2002: First version of this document, got up to level 5-1. Version 0.1 October 25, 2002: 5-2 to 7-2 is completed, final version of this guide. Version FINAL ============================================================================== Controls ============================================================================== You can change the difficulty of the game by going in Options from the Main Menu, there are 3 different difficulties and they are Easy, Normal, and Advanced. You can also change the language in the game, those are the only available languages in the game: English, Francais, Deutsch, Italiano, Espanol, Nederlands. START - Pause the game Control Pad - Move character Control Down - Duck A Button - Jump B Button - Punch B + A + Cntrl - Jump Farther A + B - Roar ============================================================================== Walkthrough ============================================================================== ---------------------------Level 1 - Shrek's Swamp---------------------------- "Once upon a time in a far away swamp there lived an ornery ogre named Shrek. Shrek enjoyed his peaceful life without any disturbances from the outside world. This is Shrek's story." 1-1: Wanted: Ogre, Reward! ------------------------ Like in the movie, the villagers came in Shrek's Swamp and tried to get the ogre out of there. Your goal in this level is to get all of the villagers out of Shrek's Swamp. There are at least 20 villagers running from either the left or right side of the screen, simply punch the villagers out with the B button. 1-2: Meeting Donkey ------------------------ Your goal here is to rescue your new friend, Donkey and defeat the Guard Captain. At the beginning of this level, several villagers will come up and try to stab you with the pitchfork, punch them out and avoid being hit by the rock by the bearded villager. There will be some rocks blocking your way up ahead, and to get rid of them press B to punch. Use the logs to get across the black lake to the other side. Pick up the stick in the middle of this area before you meet Donkey. Once you meet Donkey, couple guards will come out and try to beat you down. Take them out and Donkey will be rescued. Continue down the level and go across the black lake by jumping from log to log. At the end of the level, you'll meet up with the Guard Captain. He will call out guards to attack you, while he is doing that, give the Guard Captain a good hit. The Guard Captain only have one attack and that is to run you down with his spear, avoid it by jumping over him. 1-3: Let's Go To Duloc ------------------------ To get to Duloc, you have to go through the forest. But, you have a time of 150 seconds, which is 2 minutes and 30 seconds for those who wanted to the better way of reading it. Several villagers will try to slow you down, plus you have to ride the log to get to the other side of the lake or to get to another log. --------------------------Level 2 - The Road to Duloc------------------------- "Shrek's solitude is suddenly shattered by an invasion of annoying fairy tale creatures. Shrek and Donkey set off on a journey for Duloc to regain Shrek's Swamp." 2-1: Protect the Pig ------------------------ In this level, you have to protect the poor Pig from the hungry Wolf. Meet up with the pig a little bit after the start of this level and you have to follow the pig to his house while protecting him. Knock out any wolf you see in the screen. When you get to the pig's house, plenty of wolves to get rid of here, but the pig will still be in the screen, stay in the middle of the area to be in a good position to get rid of the wolves. 2-2: Find Red ------------------------ Same thing as the previous level but use Donkey this time, Don't worry about protecting Red as you go through this level because she doesn't have a life meter. Wolves will come in the screen, take them out and break down some rocks to get some health. Halfway down the level, you will be doing a little bit of jumping. Go down through the mountain and jump over gaps. When you reach the lake, jump from rock to rock until you reach Grandma's House. The fake grandma has two attacks, pounce on you and take a bite at you or run to you and snap you. Just run back and forward when it does either one of the two attack. If the wolf is about to catch you down while running, jump over him in the opposite direction. Headbutt him a couple time when he is at rest. 2-3: Journey Through the Corn Field ------------------------ You have 150 seconds or 2 minutes and 30 seconds to get through this level. It is better for you to use Donkey for this one. To speed up through the level, hold down B. There are a couple of longer gaps towards the end of the level, so, to jump even farther, hold down B and then press A while going in that direction. ------------------------------Level 3 - Duloc--------------------------------- "Lord Farquaad chooses the beautiful Princess Fiona for his future wife in order to secure his title as King. He has decided to have a tournament to select a warrior to rescue Princess Fiona from the Dragon's Castle." 3-1: Arriving in Duloc ------------------------ You have to catch Lord Farquaad mascot in this level. Several crates will slow down your process in catching him. The only way to be able to catch him is when you get to either one of the rolling barrels set. Try to jump onto the top of the barrel and when you do, quickly jump and you'll have a giant leap and be able to catch him. If you do not catch him in time, jump simply jump on another barrel and get another big leap. 3-2: Shrek Gets His Quest ------------------------ On your way through this level, you have to defeat all of the Duloc soldiers. The gray soldiers only take 1 hit to defeat them, the purple takes 2. The boss takes a while to take out but the battle is simple. When the boss is running after you with the hammer in the air and when he gets close to you, jump and he'll throw his hammer down and pause for a bit, when he is at rest, hit him. Repeat this steps and after the 4th hit, he'll spin around with the hammer while sliding across the ground, jump on either one of the crates at each ends of the area. --------------------Level 4 - On The Way to Dragon's Castle------------------- "Lord Farquaad promises Shrek that he will get rid of all the fairy tale creatures in Shrek's swamp if Shrek rescues Princess Fiona from the Dragon's castle. Shrek and Donkey leave on a journey to rescue Princess Fiona." 4-1: The Lost Forest ------------------------ To get to the Dragon's Castle, you'll have to go through the forest, but there is something that you have to do before going to the Dragon's Castle, and that is to rescue Hansel and Gretel, and you need to defeat the old crone. First off, through the first part of the level, you'll see a wooden sign that has the wolf on it, take that path up and kill any wolf you see up there. Down the next couple wooden signs, take the opposite direction of each arrows or else you'll be going through the same area over and over. When you find Hansel and Gretel, a battle will begin. The old lady will call out 2 crows at a time, kill the crows then hit the lady. She will appear at the other end of the area, kill the crows and hit her. Each time you hit her, she will appear at the other end. 4-2: The Witch and Miss White ------------------------ You are better off to use Donkey for this one. Ride from log to log in the first part of this level while knocking the crows out of the way. When you get on land, you'll meet up with Miss White, but there are four crows sitting on the tree above, kill off all four and proceed up ahead. Get on the rock and when you get on the skinny log, keep jumping on it so that you won't sink, wait for the moving log to get close and then get on it, same with the next skinny log. When you get to the area with two skinny logs in the lake, you need to perform a long jump (hold down B while running and press A at the same time) over on the two logs. The witch will be at the end of this level, she will drop 5 apples on you, run to avoid it, but you can hit her before she drops it. She also performs another attack, a set of 5 witches, but one of them is real and the real one is the one throwing the apple, go over to the real one and hit her. Keep doing this until the battle's over. 4-3: Going to the Dragon's Castle ------------------------ You have to reach the Dragon's Castle within 150 seconds or 2 minutes and 30 seconds. You'll have to fight through many crows, and through geysers when you go up the hills. You are better off using Donkey for this one because he jumps higher than Shrek does. --------------------------Level 5 - Dragon's Castle--------------------------- "Shrek and Donkey arrive at the Dragon's castle. It is surrounded by burning lava, fire and steam. Shrek and Donkey sneak very quietly into the castle." 5-1: Sneaking Into The Dragon's Castle ------------------------ Your goal in this level is to find Princess Fiona, but you are going to have to go through this dangerous level. Start by going across the bridge, but don't stay on one spot too long or you'll drop into the lava below. Run across the bridge and jump over each gap you come across. Pick up the sword when you enter the castle and watch out for some pieces from the ceiling indicating that the section of the ceiling is about to fall on you. When you get to the dead end, jump up and grab onto the chain and then jump from chain to chain, then go up the stairs and jumping over any gap you come up to. Keep running at the speed and jump over any obstacles on the path. Ceilings will fall on you and if you are still running at the speed, none of it will hit you. At the end, use the B button to break through the door. You will meet Princess Fiona at the end of this level. 5-2: Escaping the Dragon's Castle ------------------------ Another Time Attack level, you'll have the dragon behind you the whole way through and spitting fireballs at you. Use the speed and try not to jump into anything. If the fireball is low, you can duck from it by pressing the control pad down. Be careful when you go down the stairs because some platforms weren't there where they should be. When you get on the first chain, press up on the Control Pad a couple times because you want to jump from chain to chain at the highest point on each one. Keep running and jump over any fallen objects on your way down with the dragon close behind you. When you get to the bridge, there are more gaps than there were before, so, be cautious. ------------------------Level 6 - A Fork In The Road-------------------------- "Shrek and Donkey find and rescue Princess Fiona and return to Duloc to take her to Lord Farquaad" 6-1: Princess Fiona Sings ------------------------ This is one of the funniest part in the movies. This is when Princess Fiona is running off in the wood, singing and she come up to this blue bird who is tweeting along with her. Fiona starts to sing loudly and that got the blue bird to explodes and I guess she...had a bird for dinner? Anyway, you need to rapidly press B to get the bird to blow up. 6-2: Monsieur Hood And His Merry Men ------------------------ All the way through the level, you'll have to either use the vine and ledges to get to the other end of the level, but there are some logs in which you have to jump from to get to Monsieur Hood. The other way is to jump from rock to rock and log to log to get to the other end, your choice. For the Monsieur Hood battle, stay on either one end, punch/headbutt/kick whoever comes out in the nearest bush and if its Monsieur Hood, then punch the other two to make Hood pop up again somewhere else, but you might want to stay in one spot. The running monk will be gone when 3 or 4 hearts of Hood's life meter is gone and the other merry man will be gone when another 1/3 of Hood's life meter is depleted. Defeat Hood and move onto the next chapter. 6-3: Shrek Learns Princess Fiona's Secret ------------------------ Either use Donkey or Princess Fiona to get through this Time Attack level faster. The hard part is the logs in the water, some are far apart from each other. Watch out for the monk at the end and jump over each trees until you get to the end of the level. ----------------------Level 7 - Rescuing Princess Fiona----------------------- "On the way back to Duloc, Shrek and Princess Fiona get into a fight because of a misunderstanding. But Shrek learns what the misunderstanding was and what really happened. He goes back to Duloc to stop the wedding of Princess Fiona and Lord Farquaad. 7-1: Stopping Princess Fiona's Wedding ------------------------ you got 200 seconds, or 3 minutes and 20 minutes to get through this level, and there are plenty of guards trying to stop you from stopping Fiona's wedding. You got two battles to go through and you've been through those two before, so, you know the strategy to beat it, right? 7-2: Objection! ------------------------ Lord Farquaad will call out several guards to weaken you first, worry about the purple ones when they come on screen because they take two hits. After that's over, move onto to the princess and Farquaad, you'll see that the Princess Fiona is an ogre too! Farquadd will call out a black guard, but he's nothing to worry about. Lord Farquaad will then challenge you, he'll use his head as an attack but again, its nothing bad, punch him three times to complete the level and the game too. "Shrek kisses Princess Fiona at the wedding. Princess Fiona is surrounded by a magic dust and light, and falls to the ground. The curse on Princess Fiona is lifted and she is surprised to find that she has not returned to her human form, but that she stays as an Ogre. Shrek tells Princess Fiona that she is beautiful and that he loves her. And they lived happily ever after........ to be continued........... The End. ============================================================================== Credits ============================================================================== Tose - for developing the game TDK Mediactive - for publishing the game [ ? ] - this could be you if you care to help me out on anything in this document. You'll receive a big pat on the back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright This document is Copyright (c)2002 Myke. This guide is for personal use. If you use any information from this Shrek: Hassle at the Castle FAQ for GameBoy Advance document, please give me full credit, do not alter my information in any way, shape, or form. This document/guide can only AND ONLY be found at,, and, if you find this guide somewhere else, IMMEDIATELY notify me. This game is rated (E) Everyone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -END OF DOCUMENT-