BOSS FAQ/WALKTHROUGH For: SPIDERMAN: THE MOVIE For Game Boy Advance This FAQ is written by: Krzysztof Tekiela This is also the first FAQ I have written. Krzysztof Tekiela - Started on May 15, 2003 by KRS. Finished on June 3, 2003 by KRS. Table of Contents 1. Introduction to the Game. 2. Introduction to this FAQ. 3. Bosses Introduction. 4. Vulture 5. Kraven (1st) 6. Shocker 7. Green Goblin (1st) 8. Scorpion 9. M.E.C.H. 10. Kraven (2nd) 11. Green Goblin (2nd) 12. Credits 1. Introduction to the Game. Spiderman: The Movie game for GBA was released on 4/18/02. It was to be released at the same time as the movie to boost popularity. It is rated "E" for everyone, because of Violence. The Story Introduction on the back says: "Bitten by a genetically engineered spider, high school student Peter Parker is suddenly empowered with supernatural abilities, including Spider-Sense, Web- Slinging, and Wall-Crawling. Assume the role of Parker as he adapts to his new powers and becomes Spider-Man. But beware-the city's villains won't be pleased to see a new hero on the scene." This game has 11 levels. Good luck! 2. Introduction to this FAQ. This FAQ was written by me on 5/15/03 to answer all the questions about the Bosses the players ask on the Message Board. 3. Bosses Introduction. VULTURE Originally an electrical engineer, Adrian Toomes was also a budding inventor of considerable skill. Early in his career he created an electro magnetically powered harness that gave the ability of flight to anyone who wore it. The power he felt after donning the device led him down the dark path of crime and corruption, resulting in the birth of the Vulture. KRAVEN The son of a Russian aristocrat, Sergei Kravinoff found that he had a great talent at an early age: hunting. After meeting a witch doctor on an expedition in Africa, Kraven ingested a herbal potion which enhanced his physical powers. Kraven is swifter than the falcon and more agile than a jungle cat. SHOCKER An unsuccessful burglar, Herman Shultz developed the infamous Vibro-Shock units during an extended stay in prison. These units can create high-pressure air blasts that are very destructive. They can also deflect blows aimed at him. When coupled with a uniform of foam-lined fabric, he can be a very difficult foe to deal with. SCORPION MacDonald "Mac" Gargan became the Scorpion after chemical and radiological treatments caused a mutagenic change in his DNA. Similar to Spider-Man, Mac's mutated DNA imbued him with superhuman strength, speed, and agility. Shortly after his mutation, Gargan was physically bonded to a biomechanical battle suit created especially for him. It was at this time that the Scorpion was truly born. Attached to his battle armor is a 7-foot tail, which is cybernetically controlled. The tip of his tail has a spike that can fire force blasts. M.E.C.H. (Mega Electric Creature Hunter) The M.E.C.H. unit was devised by Norman Osborn to track down and "remove" any threat to his company. It is the ultimate robotic sentry. And boy, is it a tough one! GREEN GOBLIN The co-owner of a leading military high-tech corporation, Norman Osborn was less obsessed with money and more obsessed with power. His desire to complete his experimental "human performance enhancer" drove him to desperate measures. It was supposed to increase the intellect and physical strength of an ordinary human being to breed a new race of super-soldiers. With OsCorp on the verge of bankruptcy, Osborn became impatient. He decided to become the first human test subject. The effects gave him superhuman strength and drove him to madness. Since that day he became the arch-enemy of Spider-Man. His wide array of weaponry includes Pumpkin- Bombs, Gas Bombs, Electro Gloves, and the deadly Goblin- Glider. DIFFICULTY *=Very Easy **=Easy ***=Medium ****=Hard *****=Very Hard 4. VULTURE - ** This Boss is easy. From the beginning, go to one of the lower corners on the level. Whenever the Vulture is near, punch and kick wildly. You'll hit him most of the time and he'll go away for a while. He'll get to you sometimes, but he won't cause that much damage. 5.KRAVEN (1st time) - **** This Boss is kind of hard for beginners. The first thing you should do is turn on the light. Remember, turning the lights on is very important because you can't damage Kraven in the dark. Don't stay up on the ceiling because he can stab you with his knife. When he throws his darts, jump onto the ceiling. Then jump back down and hit him. Then dodge his next attack. When he jumps into the air to stab you, go right under him. Then turn around fast and QCF Kick his sorry ass. Repeat the process over and over again until he is dead. IMPORTANT!!!!! THE QCF KICK IS A BIT HARD TO PULL OFF. TO DO IT, PRESS THE DOWN BUTTON, THEN THE RIGHT BUTTON WHILE HOLDING DOWN THE B BUTTON. (REMEMBER TO DO THIS VERY FAST.) 6. SHOCKER - **** To beat this boss, you have to be fast. First, go right up to him and shoot a POWER WEBBING at the ceiling. Do this by pressing the Up Button and the R Button at the same time. The ceiling should come down on Shocker and shave off one third of his life. Do this three times to win. 7. GREEN GOBLIN (1st time) - **** You start off in the lower left corner. Right at the beginning the Goblin is going to charge you. When he is in range, punch, kick, and web him wildly. He will retreat. The he'll charge you again. Do the same thing. When he is hovering right above you, turn around. He'll come at you. Again, punch, kick, and web him wildly. Keep repeating until dead. 8. SCORPION-*** This guy will charge you head on in the beginning of the fight. Don't stay on the ceiling too long because he'll shoot force blasts at you. When you are on the ground, he'll shoot three force blasts at you. Dodge them. Then, he'll charge you head on. Jump over him. He'll wait in the corner for a few seconds. At this time, you charge him, and hit him with all that you've got. Within a short while, he should be dead. 9. M.E.C.H. - ***** This guy/thing is really hard. The only thing you can damage it with is your webbing. And the only place that takes damage is those huge yellow balls on its lower front. You'll see that you have a lot of webbing around you. That's good. From the beginning, try to get those eyes. If you have Web Bombs, that's good, because you can come up to it and bounce a few in it's face. If you have power webbing, or any other kind except shield webbing, then you have to jump, the shoot. Shield Webbing is totally useless here. The attacks that this thing will use are very damaging. One of them is that it will shoot a big green laser out if it's spine at you. Dodge it. Another is that it will shoot a couple of green fireballs (slime balls?) at you. Fairly easy to dodge. And the last one is when it actually comes over to your corner and tramples you. That ones impossible to dodge, but luckily it doesn't cause that much damage. To win over this thing, you have to be quick. Good luck! 10. KRAVEN (2nd time) - ***** Oh boy, this one is hard. From the beginning, dodge those crosshairs. That's Kraven trying to shoot you, and it causes a lot of damage. Then, Kraven will come out an fight you. Shoot some webbing at him, then use the QCF Kick a few times, no problem. UNTIL, he drinks the potion. He regenerates himself completely, and increases his performance. So now he causes a lot more damage. Dodge his attack when he jumps into the air while trying to stab you with a long knife, then turn around and QCF Kick him. Do that a few times. Then, when his health is low, he'll drink another one. Good thing that that is his last one. By now you see that he is very fast and causes a lot of damage. Now you have to be quick. Repeat the strategy above as fast as you can, over and over again. This guy will take a good while. Good luck on this one. 11. GREEN GOBLIN (2nd time) - **** While the rest of the games end in a big bang, this one doesn't. This boss is easy. First of all, when you begin, the Goblin will cruise around on his glider trying to smash into you. Luckily, he is at perfect height to perform the QCF Kick and hit him good. So do that a few times. When you lower his health to Zero, he'll jump off his glider, regenerate himself, and then attack you. Watch out, his glider, now unmanned, will still try to hit you occasionally with bullets sometimes. The Goblin will keep throwing this orange ball at you: a Pumpkin Bomb. Just dodge it, and perform the QCF Kick. Repeat a few times until this loser is dead. 12. Credits -Me: For writing this guide. -My Dad: For buying me this game. -Activision Instruction Booklet: Copied Some of the Bosses Information from the Booklet into this guide (into Bosses introduction. -Box Back Cover: The intro on the back copied into Introduction to the Game. -Activision, Marvel, Columbia Pictures, Digital Eclipse: For making this game. -Nintendo: For publishing this game + being a COMPLETELY AWESOME company. This guide was written by K.*******. If you want to put this guide on your site just email me I'll probably say yes. If I, or anyone else, finds this guide on another website without permission, then you're in heaps of trouble. This guide is also copyrighted by me.