Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith ***************** Disclaimer ***************** I decided not to allow any other websites other than to use this FAQ. I don't want to be getting a bunch of e-mails from other sites if they can use it. So don't e-mail me. Copyright 2005 Alfred Lam ***************** Table of Contents ***************** I. Controls II. Walkthrough A. Anakin 1. Scene 1 - Spaceship Hangar 2. Scene 2 - Spaceship Corridors 3. Scene 3 - Duel Dark Tyranus 4. Scene 4 - Spaceship Bridge 5. Scene 5 - Coruscant Exterior 6. Scene 6 - Coruscant Senate 7. Scene 7 - Duel Mace Windu 8. Scene 8 - Jedi Temple Entrance 9. Scene 9 - Jedi Temple Library 10. Scene 10 - Duel Cin Drallig 11. Scene 11 - Mustafar Hangar 12. Scene 12 - Mustarfar Balconies 13. Scene 13 - Duel Obi-wan B. Obi-Wan 1. Scene 1 - Spaceship Hangar 2. Scene 2 - Spaceship Corridors 3. Scene 3 - Duel with Darth Tyranus 4. Scene 4 - Spaceship Bridge 5. Scene 5 - Utapau Control Center 6. Scene 6 - Utapau City 7. Scene 7 - Duel with General Grievous 8. Scene 8 - Utapau Cliffs 9. Scene 9 - Utapau Caves 10. Scene 10 - Duel with Bodyguard 11. Scene 11 - Jedi Temple Entrance 12. Scene 12 - Jedi Temple Library 13. Scene 13 - Duel with Anakin III. Force Powers A. Anakin B. Obi-wan IV. Items V. Credits ***************** I. Controls ***************** D-Pad - Move A - Jump B - Attack L - Block R - Focus Force Powers Start - Menu Select - Nothing ***************** II. Walkthrough ***************** ----------------- A. Anakin ----------------- ################# 1. Scene 1 ################# Walk right (that is what you do for most of the game) and you will encounter your first droid. Slash it once with your saber and it will die. If you die, I suggest you stop playing now and return the game. It will only get harder. Continue walking and you will encounter two more weak droids. Hack and slash them. There are those cylinder things in the back if you want to destroy them. It contains random stuff. More walking and there will be a group of three droids. Kill them. More walking and three more droids. Finish them and go onto the next screen. There are blocks here that are like the cylinders. Walk. Two droids approach you from the front and one from the back. Another two from the front and one from the back will come. A droid will drop down with three droids follow it. Continue to the next screen. Walk and then one droid will come from the front, one from the back, and two will drop. Once you kill one, more droids will come. They either come from the front, back, or drop down. Walk. Droids will approach you from the fronts. Finish them off and off to the next screen. Three droids from the front. Walk. Two droids from the front. When you defeat them, two will drop. After them two more from the front. A swarm of droids come and attack you. On to the next screen. You now have to fight a flying droid. It drops bomb on you so be careful. To attack it, you have to press up and then slash. Once you hit it, it will slide on the ground. You either avoid it or you can do a jump attack. After four hits, it will start walking and shooting a continuous beam. Go behind it and do an upward slash. After six or so hits it will explode. Run away from it or you can take damage. End of scene. ################# 2. Scene 2 ################# Starts with two droids coming at you. Remember to destroy those cylinder things. Walk. One from the front and two from the back. After you kill them, will come from the front and two from the back. Walk you will approach a blue droid. He is like any other droid. Walk. There will be a laser on the floor so jump over it. Or if you're manly, walk through it and take the damage. Walk. Two from the back and one from the front. Once those are destroyed, three from the front and two from the back. Walk. There will be a some moving lasers. One from the front and one from the back. Defeat them and two from the front and one from the back. More will come after those. Next screen. Two yellow from the front then one red from the back and front followed by two blues from the back and front.Walk. Red from the front and blue from the middle door. Another one from the door after those two are defeated. Two consecutive floor lasers and after them are two yellow droids. Droids from front and back and two drops in the middle. After that, two blues from the door and another drop. After them some more drops. Next screen. One drop and one from the door. Another one from the door with a droid from the front. After that two from the back. Walk. One droid in front. Walk. One from the back and one from the front. Walk. This part has some from the front and back with a lot of drops. They are the easy ones to kill. Walk. Two droids and then three floor lasers. There will be a droid in the middle. Walk. One from the door and two drops. Then more will drop and two more from the door. End of scene. ################# 3. Scene 3 ################# During this boss fight, everytime you get knock down, you will switch to Obi-wan if you're Anakin or you'll switch to Anakin if you're Obi-wan. Here you can't move up or down. The tutorial of what you learn here is important to beat him. You can only hit him after your block his attacks. When he crouches, block low. When Dooku holds his saber up, block low. When he holds his saber back, block high. When he is standing with his lightsaber down, block high, high, and then low. ################# 4. Scene 4 ################# You start off in an elevator where a bunch of droids drop down on you. They are the easy ones. If there is a huge group, use your new fury move, it kills them with on hit. Once you reach the bottom go in the door to the next screen. When you start off, you see some barrels. Don't go near them until something falls on them. Inside are healing items. You can also destroy the pillars in the background to get some items. Walk. Two from the back and one from the front. Destroy the barrels to get stuff. Walk. One from the front and back. Next screen. There will be two from the front. One of them is the rolling droid which will have a shield. Just attack it when the shield disappears. Walk. Avoid the turret on the wall. You won't be able to attack it. Kill the droid from the front. Watch out for the falling barrels and the turret. Once you reach the right side, a droid will drop and then another one. Walk. The droid with the shield will come from the front. Next screen. This screen has a 1 minute limit. Watch out for the falling barrels and walk. The shield droid will be in front. After the droid is defeated, run. A shield droid will come from the front. Run and you will face another shield droid. End of scene. ################# 5. Scene 5 ################# Three droids from the front. Walk. Watch out for the cannon on the floor. Don't bother destroying it. Stay at the top or bottom of the screen. One big droid and two yellow ones will come from the back. If you get caught by the big droid, press B until you are release. Another set of droids will come after you defeat them. Next screen. Two droids from the front. Walk. There will be a floor cannon and two big droids from the back. Walk. Two shield droids, one from the front and one from the back. After them two from the front and one from the back. Next screen. Walk a little bit. A floor cannon. A big one will come from the back. Walk. There will be three floor cannons. Two big droids from the back with a yellow one. Use your Plo Koon's Round fury to attack the droids and the turrets at the same time. After you destroy those droids, more will come. Walk. Two big droids from the front. Next screen. A cannon will be at the front. Four droids will drop from the back. Walk. A big and shield droid from the front. Walk. Two droids from the front and back and two drops. Next Screen. A boss battle with a tank. Reflect the lasers back at the tank while avoiding the cannon. There is no point destroying the droids. They will just keep on coming. Hit it three times with the reflected lasers. The tank will now have a machine gun. Watch out for that. Reflect the laser back three times and the machine gun will be destroyed. Reflect the laser back four times to destroy the main cannon this time. After that a droid will come out and shoots lasers at you. Reflect it four more times to destroy the tank completely. ################# 6. Scene 6 ################# You can destroy the chairs or lights here to get items. Two droids will come from the front and one from the back. Walk and another droid will be there. Walk. One from the front and two from the back. Once you destroy one, another one will come from the front. More destroying and one more will come from the back. Next screen. There is a droid that is shooting at you. Just move up and then go for the kill. Walk. A droid will come in from the front. Walk. Two shield droids will come from the back and one from the front. Then there is a droid that will come through the door. Walk. Two droids will come from the front and the back. Destroy them and one will come from the back and the front. Next screen. Walk and then you are in a fight with a bunch of droids. First one will come from the front and the back. After them two will come from the back and one will come from the front. Last two from the back and one from the front. Walk. Two will come from the back. Walk. Two will come from the doors four times. Next screen. In this screen, you will have to destroy 30 droids. Walk and then one will come from the front. After you destroy one, more will come, but there is a total of nine droids you destroy here. Walk. Another nine droids will come like last time. Walk. One will come from the back and the front. Then three will come from the front. Then one will come from the back and the front. This will continue until you kill your remaining twelve droids. End of scene. ################# 7. Scene 7 ################# Windu has many combo moves. You can also absorb his Force when his hands glow. When he crouches down and charge, block high. He will jump and do a couple of hits. Once he is in the air, press block again. When he leans back and charge, block high and then go low. When he emits an aura, block low, high, low, and high again. You have to press L each time because he knocks you back. When he leans back without a lightsaber, block high. ################# 8. Scene 8 ################# In this scene, you can destroy pillars or statues. When you start out you have to fight a Jedi. They aren't too hard. Walk. One drop from the front and then one from the back. Walk. Two will come from the front. Next screen. There will be two orbs floating in the beginning. Reflect, slash, or use Force to destroy them. Walk. Two Jedi's from the front. Walk. Two orbs in the back and one Jedi from the front. Next screen. One Jedi in the front and one drop in the middle. Walk. One orb from the front and one from the front. Then two, three, and four from the front and back. When more come out, use Force Push to destroy them in one hit. Walk. Two from the front and one from the back. Then another one will drop and one from the front. Next screen. In this screen, you can destroy the statue heads for items. You will have survive for two minutes. There will be a Jedi coming from the front and the back. You won't be able to kill them. You just have to survive until time runs out and this scene is over. The Jedis use Shield, Saber Throw, Force PUll and Force Push. One way to do it is to try to get to one side, then use Choke on them. Keep doing that until you run out of Force then just fight them off. ################# 9. Scene 9 ################# Walk a little and then one will drop in the middle. Walk. Orbs from the back and front. A Jedi will drop from the middle. Walk. One from the front and back. Two more will come after one of them dies. Walk. One from the front and a Jedi drops from the middle. Once they are killed, another Jedi will come from the front. Walk. Three orbs from the back and one Jedi from the front. Next screen. Walk. One drop from the front then one drop from the back. Walk. One orb from the front and the back. There will be a Jedi following the orb in the back. Then an orb and a Jedi will come from the front and the back. Walk. Two orbs in the front. Walk. One drop from the middle and two from the back. Two more from the back and then a drop from the middle. Next screen. A Jedi will be walking toward you. Walk. Two will drop and then two more will drop as you kill them. Walk. One from the front. Walk. Another one from the front. Walk. Two drops in the middle and one in the back. Then there will be a drop, back, and another drop as you kill them. Walk. One from the front. End of scene. ################# 10. Scene 10 ################# First you will have to fight Drallig's padawan. He is easy, but Drallig will heal him from time to time. When he has a red shield over you, absorb it. When he has his lightsaber back, block high. When he holds his lightsaver like swinging a back, block low. When he couches back, block high, low, high, low, and then high again. When his head is glowing, absorb. ################# 11. Scene 11 ################# Jump over the mines and destroy the crate for items. Two droids will come from the front and a red one will come from the back. If you kill the yellow ones but not the red one, the yellow droids will keep on coming. Once the red one is destroyed, they will flee. Walk. Two from the front and the red one from the back. Next screen. Two droids will shoot at you. Destroy them and walk. A tank thing will start chasing you. Run until you encounter a droid. Kill it while avoiding the missiles. Run and jump over more fire. A droid appear in the front. Destroy that and another one will come. Run. Two droids will charge at you from the front. Run and avoid fire. One droid will come. Another one will come when you destroy that. Run to the next screen. There are three droids shooting at you. Walk. That tank will chase you again. One red and one yellow-green droid will come from the front. Just destroy the red one. Run and jump the fire. Three droids will come from the front. Run and jump more fire. Two droid will come from the front. Destroy the red one. Run and destroy the crate on your way. Next screen. Watch out for the mines. A droid will appear in the front and the red one will come from the back. Walk. Detroy the barrels and go. There will be a turret on the wall so watch out. Right of the turret there will be fire on the floor and barrels will be dropping down. After the fire there will be mines and droids will appear from the front. Destroy the red one. Next screen. This is like the tank in the previous fight, but this time it will have bombs. Use Force Push to push it towards the tank. If you don't have enought Force, kill the droid for Force Shadows. Reflect five lasers to destroy the laser shooter. Reflect five bombs and the machine gun will be destroy. A droid will come out and shoot lasers. Reflect five lasers or bombs at him and the battle will end. ################# 12. Scene 12 ################# Here you can destroy those green light to get items. Walk a little and three droids will come from the front. One is that grenade launching one. The red one will come from the back. Destroy the red one. Walk. Two from the back and one from the front. The red one will come from the front shortly after them. Once the red on is destroyed, one droid will come from the back and front. After you destroy them, another two will come. Walk. The grenade droid will come from the front. Next screen. Walk. Two droids from the front with the grenade droid. One from the back. Red will come shortly after them. Three droids will come from the front. One of them has the shield. After them, two more will come. Three more droids will come from the front. And another three. Next screen. Watch out for the mines and the falling barrels inside them. Around the next set of mines, a droid wil come from the front. Another one after that. Then one from the front and one from the back. After that another one from the front and the back. Walk. There are falling barrels and fire on the floor that goes up and down. When you reach the end of that, there will be a droid for you to fight. Next screen. There are mines on the floor. Run and jump until you reach the end of the mine field. Walk and two droids from the front and one from the back. The red one is in the front. Then three from the front and one from the back. The red one is in the front. This time one from the front and the back. Another one from the back and the front. ################# 13. Scene 13 ################# The duel with Obi-wan. When he crouches, block high. Continue blocking until he comes down. When he spins his lightsaber, block high. When he leans back, block low. When he has an aura, absorb. When he stabs his lightsaber into the ground, block low. When he holds his lightsaber back, block high. When you get Obi-wan to half health, you jump down into the next screen. Here he will do a couple of new moves. When he holds his lightsaber back parallel to the ground, he can do one of two things. If it is before he stabs his lightsaber into the ground, block high. If he does it after he stabs it, block low. Bring him down to very little health and the battle is over. YOU LOSE!!! your lower half of your body. Now play Obi-wan's story line. ----------------- B. Obi-wan ----------------- ################# 1. Scene 1 ################# Walk right (that is what you do for most of the game) and you will encounter your first droid. Slash it once with your saber and it will die. If you die, I suggest you stop playing now and return the game. It will only get harder. Continue walking and you will encounter two more weak droids. Hack and slash them. There are those cylinder things in the back if you want to destroy them. It contains random stuff. More walking and there will be a group of three droids. Kill them. More walking and three more droids. Finish them and go onto the next screen. There are blocks here that are like the cylinders. Walk. Two droids approach you from the front and one from the back. Another two from the front and one from the back will come. A droid will drop down with three droids follow it. Continue to the next screen. Walk and then one droid will come from the front, one from the back, and two will drop. Once you kill one, more droids will come. They either come from the front, back, or drop down. Walk. Droids will approach you from the fronts. Finish them off and off to the next screen. Three droids from the front. Walk. Two droids from the front. When you defeat them, two will drop. After them two more from the front. A swarm of droids come and attack you. On to the next screen. You now have to fight a flying droid. It drops bomb on you so be careful. To attack it, you have to press up and then slash. Once you hit it, it will slide on the ground. You either avoid it or you can do a jump attack. After four hits, it will start walking and shooting a continuous beam. Go behind it and do an upward slash. After six or so hits it will explode. Run away from it or you can take damage. ################# 2. Scene 2 ################# Starts with two droids coming at you. Remember to destroy those cylinder things. Walk. One from the front and two from the back. After you kill them, will come from the front and two from the back. Walk you will approach a blue droid. He is like any other droid. Walk. There will be a laser on the floor so jump over it. Or if you're manly, walk through it and take the damage. Walk. Two from the back and one from the front. Once those are destroyed, three from the front and two from the back. Walk. There will be a some moving lasers. One from the front and one from the back. Defeat them and two from the front and one from the back. More will come after those. Next screen. Two yellow from the front then one red from the back and front followed by two blues from the back and front.Walk. Red from the front and blue from the middle door. Another one from the door after those two are defeated. Two consecutive floor lasers and after them are two yellow droids. Droids from front and back and two drops in the middle. After that, two blues from the door and another drop. After them some more drops. Next screen. One drop and one from the door. Another one from the door with a droid from the front. After that two from the back. Walk. One droid in front. Walk. One from the back and one from the front. Walk. This part has some from the front and back with a lot of drops. They are the easy ones to kill. Walk. Two droids and then three floor lasers. There will be a droid in the middle. Walk. One from the door and two drops. Then more will drop and two more from the door. ################# 3. Scene 3 ################# During this boss fight, everytime you get knock down, you will switch to Obi-wan if you're Anakin or you'll switch to Anakin if you're Obi-wan. Here you can't move up or down. The tutorial of what you learn here is important to beat him. You can only hit him after your block his attacks. When he crouches, block low. When Dooku holds his saber up, block low. When he holds his saber back, block high. When he is standing with his lightsaber down, block high, high, and then low. ################# 4. Scene 4 ################# You start off in an elevator where a bunch of droids drop down on you. They are the easy ones. If there is a huge group, use your new fury move, it kills them with on hit. Once you reach the bottom go in the door to the next screen. When you start off, you see some barrels. Don't go near them until something falls on them. Inside are healing items. You can also destroy the pillars in the background to get some items. Walk. Two from the back and one from the front. Destroy the barrels to get stuff. Walk. One from the front and back. Next screen. There will be two from the front. One of them is the rolling droid which will have a shield. Just attack it when the shield disappears. Walk. Avoid the turret on the wall. You won't be able to attack it. Kill the droid from the front. Watch out for the falling barrels and the turret. Once you reach the right side, a droid will drop and then another one. Walk. The droid with the shield will come from the front. Next screen. This screen has a 1 minute limit. Watch out for the falling barrels and walk. The shield droid will be in front. After the droid is defeated, run. A shield droid will come from the front. Run and you will face another shield droid. End of scene. ################# 5. Scene 5 ################# You start off with two droids in the front. Walk. There will be a turret. Two will drop from the front and two from the back. There will be two moving floor lasers just right of where the fight was. Walk. Two droids will come from the front. Walk. Two droids from the front and back. Next screen. Walk a little. Two from the front and one from the back. Walk. There will be two moving floor lasers, a turret, and one droid from the front and back. Walk. One droid from the front and one from the back. Once the back one is destroyed, another one will come. Use Force Pull on the one with the rod or else he blocks a lot. Walk. Avoid three wall lasers. Two droids will come from the front. Next screen. One droid from the back. Another one will drop after you destroy one. Walk. A tank will chase you so run and watch out for the bombs on the floor. One droid will drop from the front and then another. Run and watch out for bombs. The droid with the rod from the front. Run to the next screen. Walk and two droids will come from the front. Walk. That tank will come again. Run and then two droids will come from the front. Run. Two more droids from the front. Run. One rod droid from the front. Run to the next screen. A boss battle with a tank. Reflect the lasers back at the tank while avoiding the cannon. If you destroy the droid, they will just keep on coming, but they give you Force. Hit it three times by reflecting lasers. The tank will now have a machine gun. Watch out for that. Destroy those droids now and use Force Push to push those pieces at the machine gun. Do it four times and the machine gun is destroyed. Do it four more times to destroy the main cannon. Now a droid will come out. You can continue using the pieces or reflect the lasers four times to destroy the tank completely. ################# 6. Scene 6 ################# There is one droid shooting at you. Walk. There will be three droids from the back. After that, one will come from the front and two will come from the back. Walk. There will be the rod droid from the front. You can destroy those things in the background. One will come from the back after you destroy that one. Walk. Two droids will come from the back. Next screen. Walk. Two droids wil come from the back and the front. Walk. A rod droid from the front. You can destroy the computer panels for items. Walk. One droid from the front and back. After you destroy those two. Another two will come. Next screen. Here you can destroy those low walls in the background. Walk a little. One from the front and back. After you destroy them one from the back and the front. Walk. One shield droid from the front and back. Then one from the front and back again. Walk. There are barrels, but a barrel will fall on them when you get close to it. Next screen. In this screen, you have to survive for two minutes and it will be over. You have you fight off three rod droids at once. Use Force Push when they are near each other. That way you knock all three of them down at once. ################# 7. Scene 7 ################# When he holds both of his lightsabers back, block high. When he jumps, block high. When he crosses his arm, block high for three hits the go low. When his right arm is over his left, block high. When you take him down to 1/2 his health, you will have a very short talk and the fighting will resume again. This time when he crosses his arm, block high, low, high, low, high, and low. When he crouches down, block high six times. You gotta press block each time. ################# 8. Scene 8 ################# You can destroy the rocks or the things in the background. There are three Storm Troopers in the front. Walk. There will be three more in the front. After you defeat them, three more will come. After that group there will be one more Storm Trooper. He doesn't shoot lasers so you can't reflect his shots. Walk. One will come from the front. After him, one from the back and one from the front. Walk. Two will come from the front and there will be two more after them. Next screen. Walk a little. There will be a floor cannon and three troopers from the back. Walk. Two from the front and one from the back. Walk. Jump over the mines and continue walking. There will be two floor cannons. Three troopers from the front and one from the back. After you defeat those, one from the back and the front. Next screen. Walk. This place has falling boulders so watch out. One trooper from the front and one from the back. Walk. One from the front. Walk. Jump over the mines and continue. Three troopers from the front will run behind you. Another three from the front will just stay there. A way to beat them is to kill one of the ones in the middle then use Force Pull. Next screen. Walk. There will be a floor cannon and four troopers will come from the back. Walk and jump over the mines. Two from the front. After them three will come from the front. Walk. There will be two floor cannons. Two troopers from the back. Next screen. A boss fight with the flying droid like in Scene 1. This time it will have a machine gun. So block it and quickly do an upward slash. When it is on the ground, do a jump attack or just avoid it. Once it has been hit three times, it will start walking. Go behind it and do an upward slash five times. This time he also drops grenades. But if you are right between the legs, you don't have to worry about it. When you defeat him, run away from the explosion or you can get hurt. ################# 9. Scene 9 ################# Walk and then three troopers will come from the front. Walk and jump over the mines. There will be a flying droid in the front. Walk. One trooper from each side. After that, one flying droid from each side and a trooper from the front. Walk. Watch out for falling boulders and continue walking. There will be mines. There will be two droids from the front and one blue trooper from the back. The trooper shoots something that can trap you. Once you defeat them, three droids from the front and one trooper from the back. Next screen. There will be three blob things approaching you. Walk. Two droids will come from behind. Two more will come once you defeat one of them. Walk while trying to avoid the boulders. After the boulders, there are mines. One trooper from the front and two from the back. Once you kill them another one will come to take their place. Next screen. Walk and then two droids from the back and two troopers from the front. Walk. Jump over the mines and there will be three droids from the front. Run past them so they will be in the back. Walk. Two troopers from the back and one from the front. Next screen. There will be two troopers in front of you. Move right a little and then one trooper will come from the front and one from the back. Walk. There will me mines and boulders will fall in between each of them. Run and jump over them. Continue walking and there will be those seal things. Use Force to kill them. ################# 10. Scene 10 ################# Here you will have to fight two droids. A yellow and a green one. They have the same attacks so it should be easy. Once you knock one down, the other one will fight. Everytime they switch, block high. When his upper body glows, block high. When his legs glow, block low. When his whole body glows, block high. It will be two attacks, but you can just hold L. When it seems like he is facing the background and glowing, block high. When he holds the rod foward and glows, block high. ################# 11. Scene 11 ################# Walk Two flying droids from the front. After that two from the front and one from the back. Walk. One trooper from the front. Walk. One from the front and back. Then two from the front and one from the back. Next screen. Walk and three from the front. Walk. One from the front and one from the back with a droid. When you kill the red one, another red one will come. Once you defeat them all, two from the front and one from the back. Once the red one is killed, another one will come. Walk. One from the front. Kill that and another one from the front. Next screen. Two droids will be heading toward you. Walk. One from the back and front. Then two from the back and one from the front. Walk. Two droids from the front and one trooper from the back. Then two droids from the front and one trooper from the back. Those will come out once you kill one. Walk. Two troopers from the front. Once you defeat them, two from the back. After that one from the front and one from the back. Next screen. There will be two troopers in the front and some bombs in the back. Keep killing the troopers until the purple one comes out. When he does, focus your attacks on him. The scene will end once he flees. ################# 12. Scene 12 ################# Two troopers will approach you from the front. Walk. One from the front and one from the back. Walk. One from the front and one from the back. Walk. Two from the front and one from the back. Walk. One from the front. Next screen. Walk. One trooper from the front. Two droids and one trooper from the back. Walk. Two from the front and one from the back. Once one of them is killed, another trooper will take its place. The blue ones will one be replaced once, and the red ones twice. Walk. One droid and trooper from the front and back. They will be replaced once. Next screen. Walk. Three troopers from the front, but they will run behind you. After that another squad will do the same thing, but there is a red from the back and yellow in the front. Walk. Two droids from the front and back. Walk. One droid and one trooper from the back and front. Then one droid from the front and back. Next screen. Walk. One droid comes from the front and back. Then another droid from the front and the back. Then a squad of 4 troopers from the front. Followed by two troopers from the front and one from the back. The red ones will be replaced once. ################# 13. Scene 13 ################# The duel with Anakin When it looks like he is going to do a backhand, block high. When he crouches with the lightsaber parallel to the ground, block low. When he spins around, block high. When he crouches with the lightsaber down, block high three times, then low. You have to keep pressing block for those three times. When the light goes from his feet to head, absorb. When you bring him down to half health, you go to the next screen. Anakin has some new movies. When he holds his lightsaber back after he does a backhand, block high. When he spins then hold his lightsaber back, block high. When it looks like he is going to stab you, block high. When he holds his lightsaber back after the stab, block high for three hits. You can just hold L. Congratulations. You beat both of them. ***************** Force Powers ***************** ----------------- A. Anakin ----------------- ################# Saber Throw ################# Level 1 - Throws Lightsaber. Level 2 - Throws Lightsaber with minimal control and damage. Level 3 - Throws Lightsaber with maximum control and damage. ################# Absorb ################# Level 1 - Drains enemy's life into fury (6HP/sec) Level 2 - Drains enemy's life into fury (16HP/sec) Level 3 - Drains enemy's life into fury (30HP/sec) ################# Force Pull ################# Level 1 - Pulls an enemy. Level 2 - Pulls an enemy and inflicts minimal damage. Level 3 - Pulls an enemy and inflicts maximum damage. ################# Force Push ################# Level 1 - Pushes an enemy. Level 2 - Pushes an enemy and inflicts minimal damage. Level 3 - Pushes an enemy and inflicts maximum damage. ################# Rage ################# Level 1 - Increases damage for the next 3 hits (damage x2). Level 2 - Increases damage for the next 4 hits (damage x3). Level 3 - Increases damage for the next 5 hits (damage x3). ################# Choke ################# Level 1 - Breaks droids inner circuits / chokes humans (1 enemy, 60HP in 3 seconds). Level 2 - Breaks droids inner circuits / chokes humans (2 enemies, 64HP in 2 seconds). Level 3 - Breaks droids inner circuits / chokes humans (3 enemies, 75HP in 1.5 seconds). ----------------- B. Obi-wan ----------------- ################# Force Speed ################# Level 1 - Increases the speed of movement by 25% for 3 seconds. Level 2 - Increases the speed of movement by 50% for 3 seconds. Level 3 - Increases the speed of movement by 50% for 5 seconds. ################# Force Heal ################# Level 1 - Heals 15 HP/SEC. Level 2 - Heals 30 HP/SEC. Level 3 - Heals 60 HP/SEC. ################# Force Pull ################# Level 1 - Pulls an enemy. Level 2 - Pulls an enemy and inflicts minimal damage. Level 3 - Pulls an enemy and inflicts maximum damage. ################# Force Push ################# Level 1 - Knocks 1 enemy to the floor. Level 2 - Knocks 2 enemies to the floor. Level 3 - Knocks 3 enemies to the floor. ################# Force Shield ################# Level 1 - Immune to blasters for 3 seconds. Level 2 - Immune to blasters and stun projectiles for 3 seconds. Level 3 - Invincible for 3 seconds. ################# Mind Trick ################# Level 1 - Stuns 1 enemy for 2 seconds. Level 2 - Stuns 3 enemies for 2 seconds. Level 3 - Stuns all enemies for 2 seconds. ***************** Items ***************** Bonus - Green orbs that will give more custimization points at the end of the scene. Force Shadow - Blue orbs that will refill Force. Bacta Tank - Tanks with orange liquid to restore health. 1 UP - Have the character's face to give one extra live. Sith Head - Can only get it with Anakin. Yoda Head - Can only get it with Obi-wan. ***************** Credits ***************** CJayC for his great site with great message boards and contests. Ubisoft and LucasArts for creating this game. Hoping to see the movie as well.