Jedi Power Battles monkeydance994 (Chapel Collins) Version 1.11 Table o' Contents Version History Intro Story Controls Walkthrough Tips and Tricks Legal Stuff =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.10 = Added the last three levels to the guide, along with the tips and tricks. Version 1.11 = Corrected little mistakes here and there. Added borders. Version 1.12 = Added more borders and a few words here and there =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Welcome to my first FAQ for Jedi Power Battles for GBA. This is NOT a great game and I hope you never buy it. But if you have and want help, here it is. ========= Controls ========= _______________________________________________ L / \ R / \ / ____________________ \ | Control | | | | || Pad | | | | || | | --- | | === === | Screen | -- B -- | | === === | | --- | | || | | --- | | || | | -- A -- | | | | --- | | | | | \ |__________________| / \ / \_______________________________________________/ + Pad = Move A Button = Attack B Button = Jump L Button = Special Attack R Button = Block (press right before laser hits to send back at shooter) START = Pause/Start Menu =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ===== Story ===== This game follows the story of the Phantom Manace. An evil Sith Lord is trying to (of course) take over the galaxy. You have to stop him. Good luck! =========== Walkthrough =========== ------------------------------ Level 1: Trade Federation Ship ------------------------------ Walk out and kill the droids. Follow the hallway and kill these droids, then the next hallway and kill those droids. Go through the door in the second hallway. Run to the ramp and kill the droids. Then go up turn left, then turn left again and go through the door. Run through this room and kill the droids. Then go up the ramp and jump onto the conveyor belt. Run straight down the conveyor belt killing droids as you go. When you get to the end, go into the next room. I hate these next rooms. Pick a bridge and head into the platforms. Look for the yellow ended sections and jump across those. Be VERY careful, as jumping in this game is retarted. The next room has little platforms you have to jump on. Jump to the first, and without moving up or down, continue to jump across the platforms until you get to the next room. This is the hardest room ever. Stand as close to the yellow mark at the end of the platform as you can. Don't move up or down, and jump from the moving things to the platforms until you reach the end of the room. Done with that? Good, most of the hard part is over. Go down the hall killing droids. When you get to the end, two Droidekas will come out. Stand back and wait for them to shoot at you, then deflect their shots. When they are dead, head up and through the door. The next room has lots of crates. Run through killing the droids, up the ramps, and into the next room. Grab th items on the elevator and wait for it to get to the top. Then go through the door. Walk around on the different platforms getting the items. Then head right. Watch in horror as the boss comes up. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= B O S S F I G H T: Droid Starfighter =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The ship will bob up and down then shoot. After it bobs down 6 times, it'll start shooting. Block the lasers back at the ship and it will eventually die. I either pay incredible attention to the pattern and then block, or just press block really really fast and hope it will go back. ------------------------ Level 2: Swamps of Naboo ------------------------ Follow the path down, killing all in your way. Turn and go up at the bottom, giving the droids what they deserve. Then go down once again, destroying the droids. Follow the path. Kill droids. Get the items as you come across them, and then out the end. Walk down this short path and kill the droids. Go down the little hills and get the health. Then exit. The next area has a bunch of mushrooms and a tree. Walk under the first mushroom. Double jump until you land on it. DO NOT MOVE UP OR DOWN ONCE YOU ARE ON THE MUSHROOMS UNLESS YOU HAVE TO. Then jump up the rest and on to the branch at the top. Be SURE to move left or right before you jump. If not, you won't move when you jump. After that, you have just proven you have skills. Drop down onto the platform and go left. Run and jump over the gap. There is an extra life down below, but if you just want to keep going, jump on the platform after the second gap. Walk across the log. Jump down on the different platforms. Then go left and jump up onto the platforms and proceed out of the area. Follow the path killing the droids until you get to a control center. Then go left and out of the area. Follow the path to the other end. There is an ite, in an alcove toward the north. Kill the droids as you go. Walk across the log. Jump over the gaps and kill the droids. You will then see a gungan. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S F I G H T: GUNGAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is really easy. Charge, attack and then run back. Do it over and over until he dies. When he starts walking back to the wall, he is defeated. I hit him about ten times after he was already dead, which was a waste of time. ---------------------- Level 3: City of Theed ---------------------- You have to save 5 handmaidens in this level.Walk straight down killing the droids. Jump over the bushes into the courtyard and walk to the person to save them. Go up the staircases. Kill the droids. Walk to the person in the alcove to save the man (?). Then go to the next area. Go up the path. Kill the droids and save the man in the alcove. Go along the path and kill the Droideka. Go down the staircases and kill the other droideka. Then save the man. Go into the next room to the left. Kill the droids and walk down the path. Kill the droidekas by taking one at a time, then save the man. You have now saved five people, the minimum amount. Continue down the path and through the area. You will be in a courtyard. One of the droids should get shot by another droid. Go down the path and jump up the platforms at the end. Go al the way up the platforms. Kill the droideka at the top, then go through the left wall. Kill the droids in here and DUH duh (duh)!! BOSS BATTLE!!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S F I G H T: Droid Tank (?) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is an annoying boss. You only have to hit him a few times to kill him, but he uses this annoying beam attack that is not to strong. But it is ANNOYING!!! Run up to this thing and attack it. Then run back as fast as you can. If you know that he is about to attack, turn to face him. His attack will then knock you back instead of pulling you toward him. --------------------- Level 4: Theed Palace --------------------- You have to save the queen in this level. Go up one of the staircases on the right or left. Then go through the starnge looking door. It is black with two orange circles on it. Go through this room and kill the droids, then proceed out of the door. Do the same in this room. Kill the droidekas and head through the door. Kill the droids in here and then turn right and go through the door. Go up the stairs and follow the path. Go down the staircase at the end of the pathway and then through the door. Jump over the bars and on to the platform to get the big P. Then follow the path, kill the droidekas, and continue along the path. Go through the room. Kill all the droids, then kill the droideka. Follow the path and kill the droids. And look who it is! The QUEEN!!! Go to her and she'll start to follow you. Follow her to the door and leave. Follow her along the path. Kill all the droids that try to stop you. Then go through the door. When you walk in, you will see one of the stupidest things ever. Giant Battle Droids. You know what that means? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S F I G H T: GIANT BATTLE DROIDS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- What! you may think. TWO BOSSES!!! AHHHHHHHH! Well, both of them put together would barely qualify as one almost hard boss. These guys use the same attack as the last guy. A lightning attack. Just run up to these guys and attack attack attack. Eventually they will die. Really easy to do. ----------------- Level 5: Tatooine ----------------- You have to protect Anakin in this level. Go down and then go right. Follow the path killing the Tusken Raiders. Go through the end of the area at the end. Anakin will start to chase a Jawa. Foolish boy!! Grrrr. Anyway follow him. Kill all the Tusken Raiders on the way. In the next area, follow the path. Make turns when necessary. Kill all the Tusken Raiders in your way. The next area has several gaps. Jump over the first one and kill the Tusken. Walk across the "bridge" on the next. In the next one, go along the bottom ledge and get the big P. Then jump over and proceed to the next area. The next area has some houses. Follow the path, turn when needed, and kill the sand people. Make your way to the next area. Follow the path killing sand people. The next area has more gaps.And it's hard to get across. Kill the tusken and go down. Go right and jump up and across onto the next ledge. Then jump down and across. After that follow the path killing the tuskens. The next area has strange buildings. Instead of the usual "follow the path" jump on top of the bulidings. Jump from one to the other then on top of the ledge. Then proceed to the next area. The next area has Anakin. And these weird droids that I guess are the... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S F I G H T? DROIDS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These are probably not a boss, but oh well. Attack them or I think you can just jump up near them and they blow up. Either way, after a second they will all be dead. ------------------ Level 6: Coruscant ------------------ Follow the path and kill the mercenaries. Don't fall off, either. Proceed into the building. Kill the mercenaries in here. Then proceed to the other door. Follow the path until you reach the T-junction. If you go straight, you will find some health. If not that way, go right. Follow the path until you get to the door. Once in this room, clear it of mercenaries and exit through the door at the other end. Kill the two mercenaries down here, then jump up onto the other area with the mercenaries. Follow the bridge. Clear this room and leave it. There is an item you can pick up. I think this is the famous leap of faith. Just jump over the south edge in the middle. Then jump down the following platforms. At the bottom, there is some health in the little allyway. Go right and jump over the platforms. At the end, jump up on the platform and exit. Ah, THIS is the leap of faith. Run straight to the right and jump. After you land, kill the mercenaries. Then jump down when you get to the end. Run across and you will come to a... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S F I G H T: GIANT MERCENARY =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This guy is actually hard. Jump and press attack, a.k.a. press a then B. Do this quickly. If you do it again and again really quickly, he won't have time to attack. After a minute, he will die. If you can't do this, attack and jump. Do whatever you can to avoid the kicking attack. --------------------- Level 7: Naboo Swamps --------------------- Follow the path killing droids. Drop down and head along that path, pulverizing the droids as you go. Watch out for a droideka. Bloody buggers. Kill the rest of the droids and go down the path to the next area. Follow the path killing droids. Jump up on the ledge when you reach the end of the path, and then follow this one. Watch out for yet another droideka. Kill it and everything else in your way and continue down the path. While this mat look threatening (not reall, nothing in this game is intimidating) it's not. Drop down to the control center. Kill the droids and we're off to the next area. Go in and kill the droids. Turn and jump over the hole in the bridge. Continue up the path and attack yet ANOTHER droideka!! Dang these things are annoying. Kill it and go on. This part is a prime example of a screwed up game. You see those wooden things under the windows? Well, those are actually platforms. What---The---HECK!!!!!! Anywho, jump up on the platforms. Then jump up on the other platform that is higher up. Jump on the other platforms, then the lower one, then drop down. Continue along the platforms. Did you get through that? It took me EIGHTEEN lives to, all for you. ;) Anyway, now that you ARE through that torture, you get more! YAY!! Continue following the paths and platforms until you beat the level. ------------------------- Level 8: Streets of Theed ------------------------- This is the easiest level ever. A good thing, too, after the last level. Just press B over and over again. The big things on the ground cannot be destroyed, I don't think. When you get to the end of the level, there will be a big brown... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= B O S S B A T T L E : GIANT STATUE -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Just shoot, shoot, shoot. Avoid the little blue balls and shoot the rockets before they hit you. --------------------- Level 9: Theed Palace --------------------- Drop down to the right. Jump to the next platform and drop, then the next and drop to either the left or right. DON'T jump down from here, but drop. If you jump, the fall will kill you. Continue to the left and drop down, and carefully jump to the right platform, which is a bit under you. Go along this one and to the next area. Kill these droids and and go to the right. Try to get the droid to shoot at you so you can block it back at him. If not, jump over there and as soon as you hit the ground, PRESS R AS SOON AS YOU HIT THE GROUND SO YOU AREN'T BLOWN OFF!!! After that exitement, jump to the next platform, drop down to the right, then to the left, and kill the droids. Drop down the "staircase" of platforms and It's really easy to figure. Just keep along the platforms until you get to a large balcony (the next area). Go to the right and then down. Watch for a droideka. Keep going to the right and jump across when you get to the end. Work your way up and around this part and jump across the platforms to the next part of this area. Go up and turn to the next area. The next area is shaped line an "n". Go up, turn, and down. Then jump to the next balcony. Follow it up and jump along the platforms at the top. Grab the health and continue to the next area. Yay, more cliffs...ugh... Go along the platforms killing droids. Continue up and to the right to get to the next area. This is where the pilots are. Almost every (if not all) door/s have pilots inside. After you rescue five, the level will end. ---------------------- Level 10: Final Battle ---------------------- Yay, the last level! Run down and turn right. Go through the door at the end. Inside is... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : DARTH MAUL =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I'm sure you're caught COMPLETELY by surprise that Darth Maul is the final boss of the game. I mean, it's not like it's on the level select screen. =) Okay, run up to him and attack. Try to attack him to where he stumbles back and that will give you time to attack him again, and not giving him the opportunity to attack you. After you attack him enough, he will run for the next area. Jump to the "donut" and then go down. Keep going down and get the extra life. Then head back up and go down the path you skipped. Walk around this donut and go into the next area. Walk down and across the blue thing. Don't worry, you won't fall. Go around the donut at the bottom. Now this is the most FREAKING annoying part of a video game I have ever played. It is SO easy to fall off the edge and die, and of course Darth Maul won't fall off. There is a glitch however. As soon as you see Darth Maul, get him to follow you down the catwalk you just came from. After he reaches the second white box, he will freeze. Now you can attack him. If he moves he will unfreeze, but he'll just walk back and refreeze. I am not sure, howeverif you can kill him while he is frozen. Anyway, if that fails, try to keep him on the edge of one of the catwalks. You stay on the edge too, and make him face you. That way if he uses that annoying lightning attack, he won't knock you off. But you can fall off, so be careful. Attack him to go to the next area. Find him in the next area, and attack him. Keep doing this and he will die. GAME COMPLETE!!! YOU HAVE UNLOCKED DARTH MAUL!! Yay, who cares. =============== Tips and Tricks =============== 1. Always face your enemy, as if he shoots you in the back, you will move toward him. In better words, if you get hit, you move in the opposite direction of the one you're facing, no matter where you get hit. 2. Jumping is screwed up. Make sure your shadow is on the platform your trying to land on if you want to live. 3. BLOCK LASERS!! Press R right before the laser hits you, and it will hit the shooter. 4. Write down your progression codes. ========== Legal Info ========== This is mine. Don't use it without my permission. And chances are you won't get any. =) Copyright Chapel Collins 2006 Every copyright etc. listed are owned by their holders. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ___ ____ _____ / | / | __ \ ___ / |/ | | | \ / " \ / __ __ | |__| | <\_o_/> /___/ \/ |__|_____/ O U T | |