Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper FAQ/Movelist by Seth0708 =============== Notes =============== Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper is (C) Capcom & Crawfish Everything is set up by characters (which are listed in alphabetical order) Sections begin with a character story summary (of their complete career, not just this game; i.e. spoilers), followed by their Regular Moves, and then their Super Combos. =============== Key =============== Standard notation is used (ie -> is right) Assume facing right K is kick, P is punch, T is taunt L is low, M is mid, H is high A- is Aism, X- is Xism, V- is Vism 360 is a complete turn, 720 is two =============== Adon =============== Appears in: Street Fighter, Street Fighter Zero, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3 Before the first Street Fighter Tournament, Adon was a student of the Muay Thai. His skill proved great and Sagat, Muay Thai master, made him his apprentice. This didn't last long, for Sagat sent out a challenge announcing the First Street Fighter Tournament. Adon, being Sagat's apprentice, fought in the final round against the top challenger, Ryu. Adon was defeated and Ryu went on to defeat Sagat. As a result of his defeat, Sagat turned his back on him and sent him away. Infuriated, Adon vowed to get revenge. Sagat and Adon battled soon after. Adon won, because Sagat let him, though Adon was satisfied. Because of his victory, Adon became the Muay Thai champion. To celebrate he held a tournament. When the final round was to begin, Adon's opponent was found dead. He learned that Gouki was responsible. Adon left Thailand to find Gouki. But first, Vega appeared and recruited Adon into Shadowloo. Afterwards, he went out to hunt down Gouki. Apparently he has been unsuccesful. Regular Moves: Jaguar Crunch -> + MP [Adon elbows his foe] Jaguar Kick (A- & V- only) <- / | \ -> + K o v o [Adon does an upward lunge kick] Jaguar Tooth -> \ | / <- + K o v o [a jump kick] Rising Jaguar -> | \ + K v o [upward knee kick] Super Combos: Jaguar Revolver (A- only) | \ -> | \ -> + K v o v o [multiple jumping attacks] Jaguar Varied Assault (A- & X- only) | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [charging attack] Jaguar Assassin (A- & X- only) Jaguar Varied Assault + K Jaguar Thousand (A- & X- only) Jaguar Varied Assault + P =============== Aprile =============== Appears in: Street Fighter Zero 3 (cameo) Aprile is one of the thirteen dolls controlled by Vega. She was ordered to kill Rose, but was defeated. (Rose had been searching for her after receiving a lead from Aprile's brother about Vega's return.) Rose defeated Aprile. At this point Aprile must've regained some of her senses for she participated in the attack on Vega by all of the dolls. In the game she is represented by Juli in a battle with Rose. =============== Balrog (Vega) =============== Appears in: Street Fighter 2 (World Warriors), Street Fighter Zero 3 Balrog was born into a wealthy Spanish family. He enjoyed the aristocratic lifestyle throughout most of his childhood. However one day his mother was found murdered. Balrog eventually learned that his father was the perpetrator, but had no proof. This caused his mind to snap. In order to become powerful, Balrog began learning ninjitsu from a rogue ninja (probably Geki). When he was of age, Balrog became a bull fighter. He mercilessly killed all bulls thrown at him. During one such event, Vega saw Balrog's brutality. Immeadiately following the show, Vega asked Balrog to join Shadowloo. Balrog accepted and became a hitman of sorts. After a year or so, Vega ordered Balrog to find the rogue assasain Cammy. Balrog went after her. He caught up with her in Europe. After a brief fight, Cammy was beaten and brought back to Shadowloo HQ. It was at the same time as the fateful attack by many of the other Street Fighters. As Vega battled Ryu, Charlie and Guile had the base bombed. During the confussion, Balrog thought he saw Vega killed. Balrog left and took Cammy with him. He then dumped her at MI5 headquarters in England. Soon after this, Balrog was contacted by Vega. Vega ordered him to take control of Iberian operations (apparently Vega didn't know what became of Cammy). Balrog did as much. When the time came for the Second Street Fighter Tournament, Balrog waited patiently in Spain for the finalists. He was beaten by an unknown world warrior. After Vega's death, Balrog returned to bull fighting. Regular Moves: Backward Kick -> + HK [slow kick] Triangle Jump (jump backwards, almost touch wall) -> [a very long jump] Backslash 3P -OR- 3K [jump backwards] Flying Barcelona Attack | (charge) A + K + P v | [Vega jumps up and slashes down] Rolling Crystal Flash <- (charge) -> + P [a roll and a slash] Izuna Drop | (charge) A + K | + P v | v [Vega jumps up and grabs his foe] Heki Hari Tsuki | (charge) A + 3K v | [Vega stage only; grab cage wall] Scarlet Terror / (charge) -> + K o [sommersault kick] Sky High Claw | (charge) A + P v | [dash attack] Super Combos: Rolling Izuna Drop / (charge) \ / (\ -OR- o ) + K | + P o o o o \ v [powered-up Izuna Drop] Rolling Barcelona Attack (A- & X- only) / (charge) \ / \ + K + P o o o o [powered-up Flying Barcelona Attack] Heki Hari Tsuki Super (A- & X- only) / (charge) \ / \ + 3K o o o o [Vega stage only, Rolling Barcelona Attack + Rolling Izuna Drop] Red Impact (A- only) <- (charge) -> <- -> + P [Level 3; claw slashes (must have claw)] Scarlet Mirage <- (charge) -> <- -> + K [jump kicks and throws] =============== Birdie =============== Appears in: Street Fighter, Street Fighter Zero, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3 An English thug, Birdie was one of the original combatants in the First Street Fighter Tournament. Birdie made up half of the United Kingdom team (the other half being Eagle). Losing that fight was no big deal, he'd lost lots of fights before. Birdie began to travel after the tournament. While in Italy, he heard of a mysterious organization called Shadowloo. Eventually, he found Vega, their leader, and requested membership. Vega tested him by challenging him to a fight. Birdie won and was allowed to join Shadowloo. Birdie worked as hired muscle for Vega a while. However, he began to think that Vega was a weak leader and that he should lead. This idea was short lived, when Birdie challenged Vega and relized that their first fight was merely a test. It is uncertain what became of Birdie after Vega defeated him. Regular Moves: Bad Hammer (X- only) HP + A | [smash attack] Bandit Chain 360 + K [like Murderer Chain] Body Crash (in air) | + HP v [body slam] Bull Head <- (charge) -> + P [charging head butt] Bull Horn 2K -OR- 2P [just like Bull Head] Murderer Chain 360 + P [Biride uses his chain to slam his foe repeatedly] Super Combos: The Birdie <- (charge) -> <- -> + P [powered-up Bull Head] Bull Revenger | \ -> | \ -> + (P -OR- K) v o v o [powered-up Murderer Chain] ================ Blanka (Jimmy) ================ Appears in: Street Fighter 2 (World Warriors), Street Fighter Zero 3 After surviving a plane crash in South America, little Jimmy grew up in the jungle alone. As he tried to etch out an exsistence, his childhood friend, Dan Hibaki, came to Brazil searching for the neferious Vega. Instead of finding Vega, Dan found Jimmy, now known as Blanka by the local villagers. Overjoyed Dan and Jimmy headed out together to find Vega and, hopefully, destroy Shadowloo once and for all. They found their way to Thailand and into Shadowloo's main base. Ironically the base was bombed by Charlie Nash's squadron while they wandered inside. During the explosion the friends became seperated. Jimmy, thinking Dan dead returned to Brazil and began practicing, hoping to battle Shadowloo again someday. His chance came when he was invited to the Second Street Fighter Tournament. Blanka and Dan were eventually reunited again and Jimmy has gone on to run the Brazil branch of Dan's martial arts school. Regular Moves: Forward Lunge 3K [jump forward] Surprise Backward <- + 3K [jump backward] Rolling Attack <- (charge) -> + P [forward roll attack] Backstep Rolling <- (charge) -> + K [back kick] Electric Thunder P (repeatedly) [Blanka electrifies himself] Vertical Rolling | (charge) A + K v | [roll attack] Super Combos: Ground Shave Rolling (A- & X- only) <- (charge) -> <- -> + P [powered-up Rolling Attack] Tropical Hazard (A- only) / (charge) \ / o + K o o o / [bizzare downward attack] =============== Cammy White =============== Appears in: Super Street Fighter 2 (New Heroes), Street Fighter Zero 2 (Gold), Street Fighter Zero 3 Cammy White is the result of a Shadowloo experiment. Sensing his possible defeat, Vega had Sotor make a clone of himself (why it's female is unknown). Vega planned on using Cammy as a new body if his old one was destroyed. However she began to show signs of individuality. Then on a mission, Cammy disappeared. Balrog was sent to find her. He eventually did and brought her back to Vega. But during the attack on Shadowloo HQ, Vega disappeared with the base. Balrog, being attracted to Cammy, but fearing Vega's rage, dumped a now amnesia strucken Cammy at the front door of MI5's base. Cammy was then trained as an agent for the British government. Three years later, she was ordered to infiltrate the Second Street Fighter Tournament. Eventually she came face-to-face with Vega himself. Vega told Cammy a little about her past. Cammy didn't believe him and fled the tournament. She has since gone back to work with her MI5 colleagues. Regular Moves: Spiral Kick | \ -> + K v o [forward spin kick] Cannon Revenge (V- only) | / <- + P v o [uppercut] Cannon Spike -> | \ + P v o [upward kick] Cannon Strike (V- only) (in air) | / <- + K v o [jump kick] Hooligan Combination / | \ -> o + P o v o / [varies; see below] You must follow this move up with one of the following: -> + K: Cammy tackles her foe -> + P: Cammy throws her foe with her legs nothing: Cammy trips her foe Super Combos: Killerbee Assault (A- only) / (charge) o / o +K o / o / [Level 3; involves jumping and lasers] Spin Drive Smasher (A- & X- only) | \ -> | \ -> + K v o v o [flying kick] Reverse Shaft Breaker (A- only) | / <- | / <- + K v o v o [a jump followed by a downward spin attack] =============== Charlie Nash =============== Appears in: Street Fighter Zero, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3 Charlie Nash was a sergeant in the air force when he heard about Shadowloo. Seems that it's leader, a man named Vega, had plans for world domination. Nash decided to try and capture him. Along the way, he ran into Roletto. They fought to a standstill. Soon he also met Chun Li, a woman looking for Vega as well. Together they caught up with Vega in Brazil. They battled and appeared to defeat him, but at the last minute Vega escaped in his private jet. Not to be set back by this, Nash continued his pursuit. Meanwhile the Air Force had designated him AWOL and sent his friend Guile after Nash. As Guile searched for Nash, had discovered Shadowloo HQ and was heading there. Guile eventually got there as well and beat Nash. Surprisingly, Guile had called in some bombers to attack the base. Even more surprising, he asked Nash to help him find Vega. They found Vega in the base and confronted him. Vega killed Nash there and escaped. Regular Moves: Knee Bazooka (A- & V- only) -> -> + K Somersault Shell | (charge) A + K v | [backflip kick] Sonic Boom <- (charge) -> + P [projectile] Super Combos: Crossfire Blitz (A- only) <- (charge) -> <- -> + K [multiple kicks] Sommersault Justice (X- & A- only) / (charge) \ / o + K o o o / [powered-up Sommersault Shell] Sonic Break (A- only) <- (charge) -> <- -> + P [powered-up Sonic Boom] =============== Chun-Li =============== Appears in: Street Fighter 2 (World Warriors), Street Fighter Zero, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3, Street Fighter III (Third Strike) At one point in Chun-Li's life Vega killed her father. Since that day she has devoted her life to training in the martial arts. After searching for the man named Vega for several months (years?) she ran into Charlie Nash. When they realized that they were searching for the same man, they decided to help each other find Vega. Together they caught up with Vega in Brazil. They battled and appeared to defeat him, but at the last minute Vega escaped in his private jet. They seperated and continued the search. Some time later she recieved word from Nash and was preparing to head for Shadowloo HQ. However Guile arrived to question her. They battled and Chun-Li was defeated. Guile then left after Nash. When he came back, Nash was dead and Vega had escaped (in the body of Rose). Three years passed. The Second Street Fighter Tournament was set to begin. Chun-Li immeadiately signed up. She made it to the finals and prepared to face Vega. But first she fought Guile, and this time she won. Next she was to finally fight Vega, but before the battle could begin Gouki appeared at Shadowloo Headquarters and killed Vega (destroying his soul this time). Five more years pass. A mysterious organization announces the Third Street Fighter Tournament. At this same time, someone kidnaps a gifted Chinese girl. Chun Li joins the fights to find this missing girl. She gets a lead from Sir Urien. He agrees to tell her where the girl is if she can beat him (seems he wishes to take on the one who beat Shadowloo). Chun Li emerges victorious and, true to his word, Urien gives the girl to Chun Li. She returns to China and makes the decision to train the children of China in self-defense. Regular Moves: Spinning Bird Kick <- (charge) -> + K [spinning kick] Hyakuretsukyaku K (repeatedly) [multiple kicks in succession] Senenshu (A- & V- only) -> \ | / <- + K o v o [forward flip kick] Tenshokyaku (A- & V- only) -> | \ + K v o (X- only) | (charge) A + K v | [upward kick] Kikoken (A- & V- only) <- / | \ -> + P o v o [projectile] Souhakkei <- (charge) -> + P [projectile] Super Combos: Senretsukyaku <- (charge) -> <- -> + P [multiple kicks] Hazan Tenshokyaku (A- only) / (charge) \ / o + K o o o / [powered-up Tenshokyaku] Kikoshou (A- only) | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [powered-up Kikoken] =============== Cody =============== Appears in: Final Fight, Final Fight Revenge, Street Fighter Zero 3 Before he was mayor of Metro City, Haggar's daughter, Jessica, dated Cody. When Haggar was elected mayor of Metro City, the Mad Gear Gang kidnapped Jessica and tried to bribe Haggar. Together Haggar, Cody, and Guy went after Mad Gear. As the three of them reached the top of Mad Gear's skyrise, Belgar, the leader of the Mad Gear Gang, grabbed Jessica and tried to stop them with a harpoon gun. During the fight, Cody upercutted Belgar and sent him out the window. Soon after this the remanants of Mad Gear plotted revenge. After Cody broke up with Jessica, Eddie E and Poison set him up and got Cody arrested. Cody broke out of prison and went on the run. Guy decided to find out what went wrong with Cody. When they met, Cody blew Guy off. They fought and Guy won, but as an act of loyalty let Cody go. Cody has since disappeared. Regular Moves: Pickup Knife | + 2P o [stand over knife and use to pick it up] Knife Throw | \ -> + P v o [throw knife; knife required] Ruffian Kick | \ -> + K v o [slide kick] Bad Stone | \ -> + P v o [projectile, hold P to increase power] Fake Stone (A- & V- only) | \ -> + T v o [looks like a Bad Stone, but isn't] Criminal Uppercut | / <- + P v o [uppercut] Bad Spray (on ground) | / <- + P v o [kick while knocked down] Super Combos: Dead End Irony (A- only) | \ -> | \ -> + K v o v o [multiple kicks] Final Destruction (A- & X- only) | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [multiple punches] =============== Dan Hibiki =============== Appears in: Street Fighter Zero, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3 After his father, Go, was killed by Sagat, Dan asked Gotetsu to train him. He did, but soon realized that Dan merely sought revenge. Dan was sent away, but Retsu took him as apprentice Dan continued training. When he thought he was ready, Dan faced Sagat. Sagat let Dan win to stop him from becoming evil. Dan then designed his own fighting style, Saikyo. He recruited both his friend Sakura and Jimmy (Blanka) to run schools. With Jimmy, Dan travelled to Thailand. They accidently wandered into Shadowloo HQ as it was bombed. They became seperated and Dan was thought dead. However he survived and reappeared later. Dan has now taken up teaching his students the art of Saikyo. Regular Moves: Dankukyaku | / <- + K v o [double jump kick] Gadoken | o -> + P v / [semi-projectile] Koryuken -> | o + P o / [sad excuse of an uppercut] Kouten Chouhatsu | / <- + T v o [Dan rolls backwards] Kuchuu Dankukyaku (A- & V- only) (in air) | / <- + K v o [air-based Dankukyaku] Saikyo Defense (V- only) (block) -> + P [can be done in air; propels foe across screen] Zenten Chouhatsu | o -> + T v / [Dan rolls forward] Super Moves: Chouhatsu Densetsu (A- only) | o -> | o -> + T v / v / [the infamous SUPER TAUNT] Chouhatsu Shinwa | / <- | / <- + T v o v o [a custom super taunt; follow with other buttons for more taunts] Hissho Buraiken (A- & X- only) | / <- | / <- + K v o v o [if it connects, it does damage] Koryu Rekka (A- only) | \ -> | \ -> + K v o v o [Dan rips off Ken's moves] Shinku Gadoken | o -> | o -> + P v / v / [powered-up Gadoken] =============== Dee Jay =============== Appears in: Super Street Fighter 2 (New Heroes), Street Fighter Zero 3 (Home Version) Since he was young, Dee Jay always wanted to sing reggae. After impressing a talent scout he got his chance. He made it big in the Bahamas, but wished to expand. When he heard about the Second Street Fighter Tournament he joined for plublicity. It seems to have worked as he's taken the US by storm. Regular Moves: Air Slasher <- (charge) -> + P [projectile] Double Rolling Sobat <- (charge) -> + K [two kicks] Jackknife Maximum (X- & V- only) | (charge) A + K v | [arcing kicks] Machine Gun Upper | (charge) A + P (repeatedly) v | [repeatedly punch foe] Super Combos: Climax Beat (A- only) / (charge) \ / o + K o o o / [dance attack] Sobat Carnival (X- & A- only) <- (charge) -> <- -> + K [powered-up Double Rolling Sobat] Sunrise Theme (A- only) / (charge) \ / o + P o o o / [uppercuts and what-not] =============== Dhalsim =============== Appears in: Street Fighter 2 (World Warriors), Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3 The Hindu priest Dhalsim is a mysterious figure. A Hindu monk from India, Dhalsim first sought to help his village. He eventually got aid and returned India with his wife, Sari, and son. He also tested those that destiny brought to him. However, he heard of an evil man named Vega. This unsettled him greatly. By the Second Street Fighter Tournament, Dhalsim decided that Vega must be stopped and signed up. When he realized that others were destined to defeat Shadowloo, he allowed them to do so. He has since returned home. Regular Moves: Drill Kick/Drill Zutsuki (in air) | + (K -OR- P) v [downward spin attacks] Yoga Blast (X- only) <- / | o -> + K o v / [Dhalsim spits flames upwards] Yoga Escape (on ground) | / <- + K v o [teleport] Yoga Fire | o -> + P v / [projectile] Yoga Flame (X- only) -> / | o <- + P o v / [flame attack] Yoga Flame (A- & V- only) -> o | / <- + P / v o [flame attack] Yoga Teleport (-> | o -OR- <- | / ) + (3P -OR- 3K) v / v o [teleport] Super Combos: Yoga Inferno (A- only) | o -> | o -> + P v / v / [powered-up Yoga Flame] Yoga Stream (A- only) | / <- | / <- + P v o v o [downward Yoga Inferno] Yoga Strike (A- only) | / <- | / <- + K v o v o [weird kick combo] Yoga Tempest (X- only) <- / | o -> <- / | o -> + P o v / o v / [like Yoga Inferno] =============== Eagle =============== Appears in: Street Fighter, Street Fighter Zero 3 (Upper) An English gentlemen. Fights with two rods. Part of the original England team. Eagle was hired to fight in the First Street Fighter Tournament by an unknown individual. He is rumored to be an MI5 agent. Eagle also participated in the events surrounding the first Psycho Crusher. He apparently after his defeat in the First Street Fighter Tournament, in which he was hired to fight Sagat, he is still after his target. It would seem he does indeed meet up with Sagat, but what occured is unclear. Regular Moves: Canterbury Blue | \ -> + P v o [Eagle twirls his rod and then smacks his foe] Liverpool White | / <- + K v o [jumping attack] Manchester Black | / <- + P v o [spinning attack] Oxford Red | / <- / | \ -> + K v o o v o [charging attack] St. Andrew Green -> | \ + P v o [Eagle takes a full swing] Super Combos: Manchester Gold | / <- | / <- + P v o v o [Eagle lands multiple hits and then throws his foe upwards] Union Jack Platinum | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [powered-up Oxford Red] =============== Edmund Honda =============== Appears in: Street Fighter 2 (World Warriors), Street Fighter Zero 3 Edmund Honda is a famous sumo from Japan. At the height of his career, Sodom interupted one of his matches and tried to recruit him into Mad Gear. He refused and they fought. Soon after, Birdie came to his school and tried to recruit him into Shadowloo. Honda thought he was joking and beat him in a match. After this he decides to take a break from sumo to face other styles of fighting. He went to Thailand to help destroy Vega's evil empire. Both he and Zangief trashed Vega's base before Nash's squadron bombed it. When Vega announced the Second Street Fighter Tournament, Honda joined in hopes of gaining respect for the art of sumo. After the tournament, he returned to sumo. Regular Moves: Hundred Hand Slap P (repeatedly) [sumo slap] Oicho Throw 360 + P [a throw and a butt bounce] Sumo Head Butt <- (charge) -> + P [charging attack] Sumo Squash | (charge) A + K v | [butt bounce] Super Combos: Fuji Drop (A- & X- only) <- (charge) -> <- -> + K [smashing and punching invlved] Oni Musou (A- only) <- (charge) -> <- -> + P [powered-up Sumo Head Butt] Orochi Crush (A- only) 720 + P [not a SNK attack, but a powered-up Sumo Squash; level 3 only] =============== Evil Ryu =============== Appears in: Street Fighter Zero 2 (Gold), Street Fighter Zero 3 (Home Version) When Ryu first met Vega, he awakened the "evil intent" within him. It gave Ryu the same powers Akuma weilds. (For more info, see Ryu.) Regular Moves: Ashura Senku -> | \ + (3K or 3P) -OR- <- | / + (3K or 3P) v o v o [Evil Ryu slides across the screen, cannot be hit] Hadoken | \ -> + P v o [fireball] Fake Fireball (A- & V- only) | \ -> + T v o [fake fireball, duh!] Shakunetsu Fireball <- / | \ -> + P o v o [strong fireball] Shoryuken -> | \ + P v o [uppercut] Tatsumaki Senpukyaku | / <- + K v o [spinning jump kick] Super Combos: Messatsu Gou Shoryuken | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [powered-up Gou Shoryuken] Raging Demon (A- & X- only) LP + LP + -> + LK + HP [don't ask; level 3 only] Shin Shoryuken | \ -> | \ -> + K v o v o [perform far from opponent] Shinku Hadoken (A- & X- only) | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [powered-up Hadoken] Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (A- only) | / <- | / <- + K v o v o [powered-up Tatsumaki Senpukyaku] =============== Fei Long =============== Appears in: Super Street Fighter 2 (New Heroes), Street Fighter Zero 3 (Home Version) Fei Long was born in Hong Kong. However because of a street brawl, his father sent him to the United States. Trouble followed him there when Mike Bison tried to recruit him in to Shadowloo. He refused and beat Mike. After the he was hunted by Shadowloo's top men. Eventually he managed to shake them off. Soon a director discovered him. Using Fei Long's life story, they made a movie. It was a smash hit and even took home awards at the premiere movie award shows. Fei Long continued this career, but eventually became bored with the lack of talent those he fought had. Naturally when Vega announced the Second Street Fighter Tournament, he signed up. After competeing he went back to his movie career. Regular Moves: Chokka Rakushu/Engekishu -> + K [running kick] Rekkaken | \ -> + P v o [running punch] Rekkukyaku (X- & V- only) <- / | \ -> o + P o v o / [long jump kick] Shienkyaku <- | / + K v o [upperkick] Super Combos: Rekka Shinken | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [lots of puchs and kicks] Ryu Shin Yassai (A- only) | / <- | / <- + P v o v o [jump kicks; level 3 only] Shien Renkyaku | / <- | / <- + K v o v o [powered-up Shienkyaku] =============== Gen =============== Appears in: Street Fighter, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3 A blind Chinese assassin. He fought with his student Lee in the First Street Fighter Tournament When he faced Ryu, Gen allowed him to win to help nurture Ryu's talent. Afterwards, he sought Gouki, the dark warrior. Gen did finally find Gouki. During the battle Gen realized Gouki's mastery of the dark hadou. They fought to a standstill and both managed to escape death. Gen thought that he had indeed triumphed over Gouki. When Gouki began to increase his power, Gen went after him again. They met up for a second time. Gouki's power had increased and he used it to kill Gen. Regular Moves: Change Style (A- & V- only) 3K: So-Style 3P: Ki-Style [change style from Ki to So, vice versa; X- is both at once] Hyakurenko (So) P (repeatedly) [wide-angled punches] Gekirou (So) -> | \ + K (repeatedly) v o [Gen kicks his foe through the air] Jasen (Ki) <- (charge) -> + P [dash attack] Oga (Ki; A- & V- only) | (charge) A + P v | [Gen jumps into the air and kicks down] Super Combos: Jakoha (Ki; A- only) | \ -> | \ -> + K v o v o [grab and throw] Koga (Ki; A- only) (in air) | / <- | / <- + K v o v o [jump kick] Shitenshu (So; A- only) | / <- | / <- + P v o v o [powered-up Jasen] Zanei (So; A- & X- only) | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [dash attack] =============== Gouki (Akuma) =============== Appears in: Super Street Fighter 2 (Grandmaster's Challenge), Street Fighter Zero, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3, Street Fighter III (Double Impact) Does the infamous brother of Gouken need an introduction? The master of dark power is one of the most feared villians in the entire video game world! A former Shotokan student, Gouki turned to evil and disappeared before the First Street Fighter Tournament. Shortly after the tournament, Akuma began searching the world for worthy opponents. Eventually he found his master, Gotetsu. Taken by surprise, Gouki finished him off. Then he dropped in on the Shotokan school. When he left, the school was ruined and everyone, including his brother, was dead. He then set his sights on the two "missing" students Ken and Ryu. Gouki waited on an island off the coast of Japan for Ryu. Ryu soon came and they battled. In the end, Ryu won and Gouki retreated. Gouki began traveling the world again. The Chinese assasain Gen found him in China. They fought to a standstill. Three years later, he meets with Gen again. This time Gouki kills the assasain. Afterwards he disappeared. He then resurfaced at the end of the Second Street Fighter Tournament. After killing Vega before the final round, he hunted down Ryu. They battled and eventually Gouki was defeated. Gouki disappeared again after that. Wandering the world again, Oro finds him and defeats Gouki. Could this be his end? Time will tell. Regular Moves: Gou Hadoken | \ -> + P v o [fireball] Zankuu Hadoken (in air) | \ -> + P v o [mid-air fireball] Shakunetsu Hadoken <- / | \ -> + P o v o [strong fireball] Gou Shoryuken -> | \ + P v o [an uppercut] Tatsumaki Zankukyaku (in air) | / <- + K v o [spinning jump kick] Ashura Senku -> | \ + (3K or 3P) -OR- <- | / + (3K or 3P) v o v o [Gouki slides across the screen, cannot be hit] Zenpo Tenshin (A- & V- only) | / <- + P v o [a roll] Hyakkishu (A- & V- only) | \ -> o + P v o / [varies; see below] You must follow this move up with one of the following: P (close): Gouki tackles his foe P (away): Gouki lunges and attacks with his palm K (close): Gouki throws his foe K (away): Gouki drop-kicks his foe nothing: Gouki slide kicks his foe Super Combos: Messatsu Gou Shoryuken (A- only) | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [powered-up Gou Shoryuken] Messatsu Gou Hadou (A- only) -> \ | / <- -> \ | / <- + P o v o o v o [powered-up Gou Hadoken] Tenma Gou Zanku (A- only) (in air) | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [powered-up Zankuu Hadoken] Raging Demon (A- & X- only) LP + LP + -> + LK + HP [don't ask; level 3 only] =============== Guile, William =============== Appears in: Street Fighter 2 (World Warriors), Street Fighter Zero 3 (Home Version) The "original" American hero in the Street Fighter universe. Guile was always proud to call himself a friend of Charlie Nash. However when Nash went AWOL, Guile had no choice but to track down his and detain his renegade friend. Along the way, he ran into Chun Li who tried to stop him. Guile emerged victorious and continued on the Shadowloo's base. There he fought Nash and then decided to help him find Vega. Guile ordered the base bombed in an attempt to flush out Vega. Vega came out and battled both of them. In the fight, Nash and Guile were seperated. It was later found out that Vega killed Nash. Three years passed. Vega announced the Second Street Fighter Tournament and Guile was one of the first to enter. In the end, both Guile and Chun Li made it to the final round. Vega was, of course, there too. This time, Chun Li took down Guile and faced Vega. Chun Li defeated (and probaby killed) Vega. Guile then vanishes from the story. As a side note, Guile and Ken are brothers-in-law (their wives are sisters). Regular Moves: Knee Bazooka -> + K Reverse Spin Kick (close) -> + HK Somersault Kick | (charge) A + K v | [backflip kick] Sonic Boom <- (charge) -> + P [projectile] Super Combos: Sonic Hurricane (A- only) <- (charge) -> <- -> + P [powered-up Sonic Boom] Sommersault Strike (X- & A- only) / (charge) \ / o + K o o o / [powered-up Sommersault Kick] =============== Guy =============== Appears in: Final Fight, Final Fight 3, Street Fighter Zero, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3 Guy claims to practice Bushin. His master is Zeku. As Guy trained, Zeku saw that the "evil intent" was showing signs of appearing. As such, Genryusai warned Guy against it and then sent him away. Guy is a good friend of Mayor Haggar. After leaving his master, he travelled to Metro City. Upon arriving Jessica (Haggar's daughter) was kidnapped by the Mad Gear Gang. Guy went after Mad Gear with Cody and Haggar. Together they took the gang down. However, both Roletto and Sodom remember what he did, and plotted revenge. When both Sodom and Roletto began looking for new Mad Gear recruits, Guy went after them. He caught up with Sodom in the American desert. While he was doing this, Retu kidnapped Genryusai and Rena, his girlfriend. Guy returned to Metro City, but was unable to help because Haggar had already gone off in search of them. Guy did however find Roletto. They fought and Guy came out victorious. When Haggar returned, Guy once again began travelling the world. His friend Cody however, had been arrested. Cody was put in prison, but soon escaped. Guy eventually tracked Cody down and confronted him. Cody blew Guy off and they battled. Guy beat Cody, but decided to let him escape. In Thailand, Guy began searching for the woman named Rose. He found here almost dead outside Shadowloo HQ. He brought her to safety and then continued his journey. Returning to Metro City once again, Guy found the city in the clutches of the Skull Cross Gang. With the help of Haggar, Lucia, and Dean, they tracked down Skull Cross's leader, Black, and defeated him. Regular Moves: Bushin Izuna Drop/Izuna no Hiji Otoshi | \ -> + P (repeatedly) v o [depending on distance, Guy attacks slightly differently] Bushin Senpukyaku | / <- + K v o [spinning kick] Hayake | \ -> v o [Guy runs across the screen] Hozanto | / <- + P v o [charging uppercut] Kage Sukui | \ -> + MK v o [slide kick] Kamaitachi \ + HK o [Guy trips his foe and jumps backward] Kubikari | \ -> + HK v o [jump kick] Kyuteishi | \ -> + LK v o [run and kick] Super Combos: Bushin Goraikyaku (A- only) | \ -> | \ -> + K v o v o [mixture of Kage Sukui, Kamaitachi, & Hozanto] Bushin Hassoken (A- only) | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [Guy sends his foe upwards with multiple blows] Bushin Musourenka (X- & A- only) -> \ | / <- -> \ | / <- + P o v o o v o [level 3; most powerful throw in the game] =============== Juli =============== Appears in: Street Fighter Zero 3 One of the girls kidnapped by Shadowloo, Juli still has some memories of her life before Vega began her training. Juli is said to be of Dutch descent. Together with Juni, they make up Vega's personal guard. Three years before the Second Street Fighter Tournament they faced Ken at Shadowloo HQ. Both were defeated and have disappeared. Regular Moves: Cannon Spike -> | \ + P v o [upward kick] Spinning Arrow | \ -> + K v o [forward spin kick] Spin Knuckle -> \ | / <- + P o v o [semi-teleport, followed by an attack] Super Combos: Reverse Shaft Breaker | / <- | / <- + K (repeatedly) v o v o [a jump followed by a downward spin attack] Spin Drive Smasher (A- only) | \ -> | \ -> + K v o v o [flying kick] Team-Up Techniques (with Juni): Death Cross Dancing LP + LP -> + LK + HP [level 3; the ultimate bitch slap] Psycho Charge Beta 3K [fill up Super meter] Psycho Rolling Super Combo | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [the duo rolls at their foe] =============== Juni =============== Appears in: Street Fighter Zero 3 Unlike Juli, Juni has no memories of her real life. One of the twelve girls Vega had kidnapped Juni showed promise in her training. As a result both her and Juli became Vega's bodyguards. When Ken first came to Thailand, Vega ordered the team to attack him. They were defeated and have disappeared. Also, she is not T. Hawk's sister (Noembelu is his sister). As a side note, there are thirteen girls that fight for Vega. There is Cammy of course. The other twelve are named after months. They are (with home countries in paranthesis): Enero (Spain), FĂ©vrier (France), Mertz (Netherlands), Aprile (Italy), Satsuki (Japan), Juni (Germany), Juli (Netherlands), Santamu (Vietnam), Jiuyuu (China), Yanyuu (China), Noembelu (Mexico), and Dikappri (Russia). Regular Moves: Cannon Spike | (charge) A + K v | [upward kick] Cannon Strike (V- only) (in air) | / <- + K v o [jump kick] Earth Direct (close) 360 + P [a cross between a kick and a throw] Hooligan Combination <- / | \ -> o + P o v o / [varies; see below] You may follow this move up with one of the following: -> + K (low, close): Juni tackles and kicks off of her foe -> + K (high, close): Juni throws her foe with her legs nothing: Juni slide kicks her foe Mach Slide | \ -> + K v o [charging attack] Psycho Shield (A- & V- only) -> + 3P [can be performed in the air; charging attack that auto-blocks] Spiral Arrow <- (charge) -> + K [forward spin kick] Super Combos: Psycho Streak (A- only) <- (charge) -> <- -> + P [Vega flies in and does a psycho crusher] Spin Drive Smasher / (charge) \ / o + K o o o / [upward kick] Team-Up Techniques (with Juli): Death Cross Dancing LP + LP -> + LK + HP [level 3; the ultimate bitch slap] Psycho Charge Alpha 3P [restores health] Psycho Rolling Super Combo | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [the duo rolls at their foe] =============== Karin Kanzuki =============== Appears in: Street Fighter Zero 3 Karin is the young heir to the Kanzuki family. To gain notoriety, she has decided to find and beat Sakura in a match. After Sakura trained with Dan, she was invited to Karin's yacht for a match. The result remains unclear, but it was enough to cause Karin to lose interest in further fights. Regular Moves: Arakuma 360 + K [similar to a knee press] Gurenken | \ -> + P v o [varies; see below] You may follow this move up with one of the following: -> + P: activates Hosho (hit P again for Ressencho) <- + P: activates Yasha Counter -> + K: Karin kicks her foe <- + K: activates Yasha Counter | + K: Karin slide kicks her foe v o + K: activates Ressenha | Hosho -> | \ + P v o [Karin punches her foe twice] Mujinkyaku -> | \ + K v o [double kick] Ressencho <- | / + P + P v o [double punch] Ressenha | \ -> o + K v o / [Karin stomps her foe's head] Yasha Counter | / <- + (K -OR- P) v o [P counters high, K counters low] =============== Ken Masters =============== Appears in: Street Fighter, Street Fighter 2 (World Warriors), Street Fighter Zero, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3, Street Fighter III (The New Generation) Ken Masters was a student of Shotokan Karate, and trained alongside Ryu. They soon became friendly rivals. Victor Sagat announces the First Street Fighter Tournament in the mid-1980s. Ryu convinces Ken to compete on the same team as him. Together they managed to defeat the Muay Thai champ himself. Afterwards, Ken met Eliza. They dated for a while, but soon married, making him Guile's brother-in-law. Every year from then on Ryu and Ken have a match. After Ryu fought Sagat for a second time, Ken beat Ryu. As a parting gift, Ken gave Ryu his red headband. For some reason, Ken travelled to Thailand in 1989. There he met Ryu. They had a friendly fight, which Ken lost. Suddenly Vega materialized. Ken was thrown aside, and Ryu battled with the Shadowloo leader. At this point Ken blacks out. When he awakens Ryu is nearby and Vega has disappeared. Ken and Ryu Say goodbye and leave Thailand. Ken's first son is born soon after. Three years later Vega announces the Second Street Fighter Tournament. Ryu convinces Ken to compete once again. In the semi-finals, Ken and Ryu meet again. This time Ken is victorious, but he loses to Guile in the next round. Ken then returns back home. After Vega's death, a Brazilian named Sean asks Ken to teach him Shotokan. Ken agrees and begins training Sean. As this is going on, Ken also starts teaching Mel, his son, Shotokan. Gill announces the Third Street Fighter Tournament, but Ken declines to go. Sean however heads right for it. Regular Moves: Dragon Punch -> | \ + P v o [uppercut] Forward Collapse (A- & V- only) | \ -> + T v o [Ken falls down] Forward Roll (A- & V- only) | / <- + P v o [roll forward] Hadoken | \ -> + P v o [fireball] Hurricane Kick | / <- + K v o [spinning kick] Super Combos: Rising Dragon Violent Wave (A- & X- only) | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [series of uppercuts] Supreme Dragon Fist (A- only) | \ -> | \ -> + K (repeatedly) v o v o [powered-up Dragon Punch] Thunder Kick (A- only) | / <- | / <- + K v o v o [level 3; multiple slow attacks] =============== Kyosuke =============== Appears in: Rival Schools: United By Fate, Rival Schools: Evolution, Rival Schools 2: Project Justice Kyosuke does not actually appear in Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper, however when the game was first announced there was some discussion about him on the Crawfish boards. It was stated there that Capcom did not ask for Kyosuke to be included, although there were rumors that he would be since Eagle, Maki, and Yun. Kyosuke hails from Taiyou Gakuen High School. Together with Batsu Ichimonji, Hinata Wakaba, and Ran Hibiki he began investigating the disappearances surrounding the appearance of Justice High School. Battling through the high schools of Japan, the group eventually confronted Hyo Imawano, the student behind the disappearances. Justice High School engaged in kidnapping in order to try and secure the best and brightest students to use in their plan to restore Japan to it's pre-democracy state. The students there have been brainwashed into executing a diabolical plan to take over all of Japan and form a military dictatorship. Using the power of love and friendship they manage to counteract the brainwashing and return the school to normal. A year passes and more trouble arises. A new organization, the Darkside Student Council, appears with the intent of carrying out the former mission of Justice High School. A new villan, Kurow Kirishima, is behind this ressurgence. Once more the best students Japan has to offer square off once more... =============== Maki =============== Appears in: Final Fight 2, Street Fighter Zero 3 (Upper) Rena's older sister. When Mad Gear was initially beaten, their new leader, Retu, kidnapped Genryusai and Rena. Maki didn't know what to do, so she tried to contact Guy, Rena's boyfriend. Instead she found Mike Haggar. He immeadiately agreed to help her find Retu. Together with Carlos, they searched the world for Retu. They ran into Roletto in Italy, who told them Retu was in Japan. They travelled there and found Retu atop a dojo. The battle began and, in the end, Maki kicked Retu and sent him through the paper wall. He plunged to his death. Thanking Haggar, she went home with Rena and Genryusai. A few years later, Maki set off on another journey. She began searching for Guy, having not seen him since before Retu's defeat. She did eventually find him, and presumably convinced him to return home. Regular Moves: Genko | \ -> + P v o [quick punch] Hassou Kyaku | / <- + K v o [Maki kicks off the wall and hits her foe] Hayagake | \ -> + K v o [Guy runs across the screen] Tengu Daoshi -> | \ + P v o [air attack] Super Combos: Ajara Tengu 720 + P [can be used in air; mix of punches and kicks] Bushin Goraikyaku (A- only) | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [similar to Guy's Bushin Goraikyaku] Tesshin Hou | \ -> | \ -> + K + K v o v o [charging attack] =============== Mike Bison (Balrog) =============== Appears in: Street Fighter, Street Fighter 2 (World Warriors), Street Fighter Zero 3 Mike used to be a heavyweight boxer. He learned the hard way that cheating will damage one's professional career. After being kicked out of professional boxing, Mike Bison worked with Joe in the First Street Fighter Tournament. Afterwards he was approached by Vega. Vega asked if he would like to join Shadowloo and make lots of money. Mike thought this was a good idea and oversaw the Shadowloo gambling rackets in Las Vegas. Life was good until one day when a man named Fei Long arrived at Mike's favorite casino. Impressed by Fei Long's skill, Mike decided to recruit Fei Long. When he asked Fei Long to join Shadowloo, Fei Long said he would never join a gang of evil criminals like Shadowloo. Upset, to say the least, Mike attacked Fei Long and was defeated. The next he heard of Fei Long was his acceptance speach at the most respected movie award ceremony on the planet (a movie had been made about Fei Long's run-ins with Shadowloo). Humiliated, Mike went back to running his casinos, until Vega "requested" that he participate in the Second Street Fighter Tournament. He was defeated before any of the other so-called "Lords of Shadowloo." His final fate, however, remains unknown. Regular Moves: Dash Straight <- (charge) -> + P [dash attack] Dash Uppercut <- (charge) -> + K [dash followed by an uppercut] Dash Ground Straight (A- & V- only) <- (charge) / + P o [downward dash attack] Dash Ground Uppercut <- (charge) \ + P o [stronger Dash Uppercut] Turn Punch 3P -OR- 3K [powerful jab] Buffalo Headbutt (A- & V- only) | (charge) A + P v | [jumping headbutt] Super Combos: Crazy Buffalo (A- & X- only) <- (charge) -> <- -> + (P + P -OR- K) [multi jab attack] Gigaton Blow (A- only) <- (charge) -> <- -> + K [powered-up Dash Straight, cannot be blocked; Level 3] =============== Noembulu =============== Appears in: Street Fighter Zero 3 (cameo) Noembulu is the sister of Thunder Hawk. She was kidnapped by Vega and brainwashed into becoming one of his dolls. Eventually she rebelled against Vega with the other dolls, and was apparently defeated. She also fought her brother, as ordered by Vega, so it is unclear exactly how both events occured. After her defeat at the hands of her brother, Thunder grabbed her and brought her ack home with him. In the game she is represented by Juni in one fight with Thunder Hawk. =============== Rainbow Mika (Mika Nankawa) =============== Appears in: Street Fighter Zero 3 Impressed by Zangief's skill, Mika Nankawa becomes a wrestler for the Union. She takes the stage name Rainbow Mika. Regular Moves: Daydream Headlock 360 + K (repeatedly) [throws and kicks] Flying Peach | \ -> + P v o [lunging attack] Paradise Hold 360 + P [throw] Shooting Peach | \ -> + K v o [a butt attack] Wingless Airplane ( in air) -> \ | / <- + K o v o [jumping throw] Super Combos: Beach Special | \ -> | \ -> + K v o v o [hit more buttons at the end for more effects] Heavenly Dynamite 720 + P (repeatedly) [head butt attack] Rainbow Hip Rush | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [charging punch attack] =============== Roletto Schugerg =============== Appears in: Final Fight, Final Fight 2, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3 Rolletto Schugerg served his country in Vietnam. Witnessing the horror of war, and then seeing that his country cared little for "losers," Roletto realized that the United States needed reform. To fulfill his dream, Roletto joined Mad Gear Gang thinking they would be the catalysts for a new country. Helping to subdue Metro City, Roletto set up his headquarters in an abandoned construction site. Then Haggar was elected mayor. As Haggar and company ripped through town, Roletto dug in. When they arrived at his home turf, Roletto anbushed them. However Haggar, Cody, and Guy fought back and beat his men. Roletto then attacked. He engaged Guy in combat, but was beaten. Belgar was killed soon after. As the gang regrouped, Roletto went after Guy. He searched the world for him, but they ended up meeting back in Metro City. They fought and again Roletto was beaten. Fleeing to Italy he was contacted by Retu, Mad Gear's new leader. He agreed to try and hold of Haggar and his new allies for Retu (who had kidnapped Reni and Genryusai). Roletto battled Haggar, Maki and Carlos atop a building. After a long fight, Roletto fell to the ground defeated. He told Haggar where Retu was and, taking advantage of Haggar's shock, escaped capture. Rolleto returned to Metro City and tried to take over Mad Gear. However, the ressurection of Belgar and the traitorous actions of El Gado foiled his plans. After defeating El Gado, he left town. He then met up with Sodom. They fought and Roletto won. Bound by honor, Sodom swore loyalty to Roletto. They have since been compiling their forces, planning a new attack upon the country. Regular Moves: High Jump (A- & V- only) | (charge) A v | [jump really high] Mekong Delta Air Raid | / | + P + P v o v [Roletto rolls backwards and then lunges forward] Mekong Delta Attack 3P + P [roll and smack with the cane] Mekong Delta Escape | / <- + K + (K -OR- P) v o [Roletto jumps against the back wall and lubges forward] Patriot Circle | \ -> + P v o [smack 'um with the cane; can be repeated as a combo] Stinger -> | \ + K + (K -OR- P) v o [knife attack] Super Combos: Minesweeper (A- only) | / <- | / <- + P v o v o [Roletto throws a lot of grenades all over the place] Steel Rain (A- only) | \ -> | \ -> + K v o v o [you might say it's unique] Take No Prisoners (A- & X- only) | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [Roletto snaps his fingers, and then opens a can] =============== Rose =============== Appears in: Street Fighter Zero, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3 The mysterious mystic Rose is believed to originate from Italy. She apparently once aided Vega, but has since beem ordered by her masters to hunt him down and kill him. Rose searched for Vega all over the world. She eventually learned his whereabouts and confronted him. They fought, and it appeared that Vega had died. However she soon discovered this was not the case... A man named Thunder Hawk came to her seeking help. He told a story of how Shadowloo had kidnapped his sister, Aprile, and explained that the man behind this was Vega. Shocked by this, Rose set out once more. Rose began looking for Vega harder after that incident. As she searched, she met Ryu. Rose realized that Vega would search for Ryu and tried to stop Ryu's travels. She was beaten but warned Ryu about "that man." Ryu didn't understand and left. Rose continued on to Italy and faced Vega. Vega defeated and (apparently) left her for dead. However, Guy found her and saved her life. It was not learned until much later that Rose's body had in fact been possessed by the soul of Vega... Regular Moves: Soul Reflect | / <- + P v o [reflects projectiles while increasing Rose's power] Soul Spark <- / | \ -> + P o v o [projectile] Soul Spiral | \ -> + K v o [charging attack] Soul Throw -> | \ + K v o [jump and stomp] Super Combos: Aura Soul Spark (A- only) | / <- | / <- + P v o v o [powered-up Soul Spark] Aura Soul Throw (A- & X- only) | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [similar to Soul Throw] Soul Illusion | \ -> | \ -> + K v o v o [powered-up custom combo] =============== Ryu =============== Appears in: Street Fighter, Street Fighter 2 (World Warriors), Street Fighter Zero, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3, Street Fighter III (The New Generation) Ryu is the perpetual wanderer and hero of the Street Fighter franchise, appearing in every incarnation of the series (except Rival Schools and Final Fight). His name is synonmous with the franchise itself. Ryu began as a student training under Gouken, master of Shotokan. He was an orphan and thus spent his entire life in training. In these days he befriended Ken Masters. After much training together they decided to enter the First Street Fighter Tournament being held by Victor Sagat, the Muay Thai Champion. They battled through the matches together, but in the end it was Ryu who faced the mighty Sagat. Sagat had the upperhand, but for a brief moment Ryu gave into the Dark Hadou and defeated him with a Dragon Uppercut, scarring Sagat's chest. Shocked by his weakness he left Sagat and returned to Japan to see his master. While he was gone, however, Gouki, the brother of Gouken, had returned and murdered his master and the entire Shotokan school. Unsure what to do, but wishing to avenge his fallen master, he set out to travel the world and increase his strength so he could one day face Gouki. He met many famous warriors on his journey, but none could prepare him for "that man" who sought after him everywhere he went. From the shadows Vega had been watching Ryu, waiting for the opportunity to recruit him into his ranks. Finally that day came in Thailand at Shadowloo Headquarters. Vega offered Ryu a place in his organization, but Ryu refused. Unconcerned, Vega engaged Ryu and defeated him. At this moment, unsure of how to survive, Ryu gave in to the Dark Hadou again. In his evil state he was an easy target for Vega who brought the now dark warrior into his fold with ease. As Vega was gloating, however, Ken, Sagat, and Sakura arrived and attacked the leader of Shadowloo. As the battle raged they called to Ryu and eventually brought him out of his trance. Ryu, returned to normal, attacked Vega as well. They fought for some time, but in the end he was repulsed and forced to flee. Shortly later Vega was killed and the world seemed at peace. It was not to last though, for Vega, ressurected in Rose's body, reappeared and put on the Second Street Fighter Tournament. Ryu entered the tournament and worked his way up, eventually facing Sagat again. Together they dropped out of the tournament and had a fair fight ending with Ryu's victory. At this point Gouki appeared and attacked Ryu. Having learned from his travels Ryu fought Gouki long and hard, defeating the dark warrior and sending him packing. Ryu then continued his travels. When Gill announced the Third Street Fighter Tournament Ryu entered, but not for glory. Instead he wished to see the fighting styles of the new generation. In battle he faced many of these faces, including Yun, Alex, and Remy. Where he's gone now is not known, but he most likely is continuing his journey to become the greatest warrior. Regular Moves: Hadoken | \ -> + P v o [fireball] Fake Fireball (A- & V- only) | \ -> + T v o [fake fireball, duh!] Shakunetsu Fireball <- / | \ -> + P o v o [strong fireball] Shoryuken -> | \ + P v o [uppercut] Tatsumaki Senpukyaku | / <- + K v o [spinning jump kick] Super Combos: Metsu Shoryuken (A- only) | \ -> | \ -> + K v o v o [must be close; multiple uppercuts; level 3 only] Shin Shoryuken | \ -> | \ -> + K v o v o [perform far from opponent] Shinku Hadoken (A- & X- only) | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [powered-up Hadoken] Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (A- only) | / <- | / <- + K v o v o [powered-up Tatsumaki Senpukyaku] =============== Sagat, Victor =============== Appears in: Street Fighter, Street Fighter 2 (World Warriors), Street Fighter Zero, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3 Victor Sagat was a gifted Muay Thai student. He trained long and hard. In fact he trained so hard that he almost lost sight in one eye during practice. This was a small detourent though, for he defeated the Muay Thai Champion and became the greatest fighter in Thailand. Go Hibiki came to Sagat and challenged him to a match after that. Go took advantage of Sagat's bad eye in the fight. As it drug on, Go leaped forward and plucked out Sagat's bad eye. Enraged, Sagat killed Go. Sagat then took an apprentice, Adon. After extensive training he called the First Street Fighter Tournament. Two young Shotokan students, Ken and Ryu, made it to the finals to face him. Sagat decided to battle Ryu. They fought a long battle. In the end, Ryu used a dragon punch to defeat Sagat and scare his chest. Humiliated by his defeat, Sagat sent Adon away and isolated himself. Vega came to him and asked Sagat to join Shadowloo. Sagat didn't want any part of a criminal organization, but Vega offered him a chance tto find Ryu. Sagat agreed on that matter to help Vega. Adon came with Vega and fought Sagat. Sagat let him win, to appease Adon. He did the same for Dan Hibiki when he came to fight Sagat. Sagat then found Ryu and they fought. This time Sagat won. He then left Shadowloo. One year later, Vega captured Ryu. Vega planned on using Ryu to conquer the world. Vega had awakend the "evil intent" in Ryu. With the help of Sakura and Ken, they managed to stop Vega and free Ryu. Vega escaped into his HQ, but Sagat didn't have time to chase him. Instead he helped get Ryu to safety. Three years pass. The Second Street Fighter Tournament is held. Sagat joins to fight Ryu once more and reclaim his title. In the semi-finals, Ryu and Sagat battled. It is unknown what happened, but neither of the warriors fought for the duration of the tournament. Sagat now waits in Thailand for worthy opponents. Regular Moves: Ground Tiger Shot | \ -> + K v o [low projectile] Tiger Blow (A- & V- only) -> | \ + P v o [uppercut] Tiger Crush (A- & V- only) -> | \ + K v o [charging attack] Tiger Crush (X -only) | \ -> o + K v o / [charging attack] Tiger Shot | \ -> + P v o [projectile] Tiger Uppercut (X- only) -> | \ + P v o [double uppercut] Super Combos: Tiger Cannon (A- only) | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [powered-up Tiger Shot] Tiger Charge (A- only) | \ -> + T v o [increases power of next Tiger Blow] Tiger Genocide (A- & X- only) | \ -> | \ -> + K v o v o [lots of uppercuts] Tiger Raid (A- only) | / <- | / <- + K v o v o [kicking combo] =============== Sakura Kasugano =============== Appears in: Street Fighter Zero, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3, Rival Schools: United By Fate, Rival Schools: Evolution Sakura Kasugano attended middle school in Japan. While there, she became a fan of the fighter Ryu. Sakura tried to emulate him. Her best friend, Kei Chitose, warned her against involving herself with those type of people, but Sakura persisted. She eventually went looking for her hero. She actually managed to find him, and got a picture! She then asked Ryu to train her, but he did not have the time. Soon after this, Sakura met Dan Hibiki. Dan convinced her to train in the art of Saikyo. She studied hard in this. She even had a chance to test her skills when Karin Kanzuki challenged her to a match on her yacht. She accepted and they fought. It still is unclear as to who won. After this match, Sakura travelled to Thailand to prove herself to Ryu. She found Ryu as he was changing into Evil Ryu. Together with Ken and Sagat, they managed to stop Vega from using Ryu to further his goals. The years went by and Sakura progressed through school. During her senior year, other students began to disappear throughout town. Sakura investigated the disturbances, but was too late to fully unraval the mystery. Regular Moves: Hadoken | \ -> + P v o [projectile; hit P again to change trajectory] Sakura Otoshi (A- & V- only) -> | \ + K + P (repeatedly) v o [jump and punch] Shouoken -> | \ + P v o [forward uppercut] Shunpukyaku (A- & V- only) | / <- + K v o [spinning jump kick; can be done in air] Super Combos: Haru Ichiban (A- only) | / <- | / <- + K v o v o [multiple kicks] Midare Zakura (A- & X- only) | \ -> | \ -> + K v o v o [charging uppercuts] Shinku Hadoken (A- only) | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [powered-up Hadoken] =============== Sodom (Kantana) =============== Appears in: Street Fighter Zero, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3, Final Fight, Final Fight Revenge Sodom always was fascinated by the Japanese. He even dreamed of being a samurai. Sadly, he was really a gaijin. So he began wearing a mask to cover this "weakness." But he knew the truth. And being a samurai didn't pay much. This fact forced him to join Mad Gear. Soon he was a high-level gang member. This ended though when Mayor Haggar thrashed him and his cronies. With Mad Gear's first defeat, Sodom fled Metro City. When he heard that Guy was traveling the world, he went searching for him. He did manage to find Guy, but was beaten again. He then went back to Metro City. Sodom played a little part in the events after Belgar's ressurection, but he did nothing major. Afterwards though, he met up with Rolletto. They fought and Roletto won. Bound by honor, Sodom swore loyalty to Roletto. Together they plan to ressurect Mad Gear. Regular Moves: Butsumetsu Buster 360 + P [tackle and throw] Daikyo Burning 360 + K [stab and throw] Fake Tengu Walking | / <- + T v o [almost Tengu Walking] Jigoku Scrape | \ -> + P v o [charging slash] Koten Okagiri (on ground) -> \ | + P o v [Sodom rolls around] Shiraha Catch -> | \ + K v o [stab and throw] Tengu Walking (on ground) | / <- + K v o [tackle] Super Combos: Meido no Miyage (A- & X- only) | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [lots of slashes] Tenchusatsu (A- only) 720 + P [powered-up Butsumetsu Buster] =============== Thunder Hawk =============== Appears in: Super Street Fighter 2 (New Challengers), Street Fighter Zero 3 (Home Version) Thuder is the son of Accorio Hawk. As Thunder grew up, his father warned about an evil man. This man was named Vega. His father said this man had stolen their homeland. Thunder realized that he may one day have to face this man. After Accorio died, members of Thunder's tribe began disappearing. Among them was his sister, Noembulu. Thunder went searching for her. He got a lead and headed for Thailand. There he managed to find Shadowloo HQ. Upon arriving he came face-to-face with Vega. Vega was occupied, so in an ironic gesture, he ordered Noembulu to kill Thunder. Thunder tried talking to his sister, but she didn't even recognize him anymore. Thunder was forced to defeat Noembulu. As this was going on, Nash's squadron began bombing. Thunder grabbed Noembulu and fled. (It's not clear when exactly she participated in the doll's rebellion against Vega.) Three years passed. The Second Street Fighter Tournament was announced. Thunder joined to find Vega and destroiy Shadowloo. He failed in winning the tournament, but with Shadowloo's destruction, his people's land was theirs once again. Regular Moves: Condor Dive A + 3P | [dive attack] Condor Spire (A- & V- only) <- | / + P v o [upward charge] Mexican Typhoon 360 + P [throw] Tomahawk Buster -> | \ + P v o [double hitting attack] Super Combos: Canyon Splitter | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [powered-up Condor Spire] Raging Typhoon 720 + P [powered-up Mexican Typhoon] =============== Vega (Bison) =============== Appear in: Street Fighter 2 (World Warriors), Street Fighter Zero, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3 Vega was the mysterious leader of Shadowloo before it's destruction. When he was young, he trained with two other students under an evil master. Vega learned to harness the mysterious psycho power. Using this power, Vega thought he could rule the world. At about this time he met a woman named Rose. Their exact relationship though remains a mystery. Vega left his master and formed Shadowloo. He then set out to recruit warriors into his organization. First he found the scientist Senoh, then the Muay Thai champ Adon, Birdie the English thug followed, then boxing's bad boy Mike Bison, and lastly Balrog the conquistador. Vega then heard about a man named Ryu. This man had bested Sagat, the great Muay Thai warrior. He inquired about Ryu. This led him to Sagat. Sagat refused to join a group of criminals, but did agree to help find Ryu. To further extend his influence, Vega captured twelve girls from around the world. He had them all trained to be killers. At this time Senoh perfected the psycho drive. Ready to strike, Vega suddenly made a strange request. He needed a clone of sorts. Senoh pulled this off and created Cammy. She soon broke loose though. Vega sent Balrog to find her. As this was going on, Chun-Li, Charlie Nash, and Rose were searching for him. Vega met all three in turn and quickly defeated them. Vega then set his sights back on Ryu. He lured Ryu to Shadowloo HQ in Thailand. As Ryu arrived, so did Ken Masters, Sakura Kasugano, and Victor Sagat. To make matters worse, T. Hawk, E. Honda, Zangief, Blanka, and Dan came seperately too. Ken was first to see Vega. Vega captured him and waited for Ryu. T. Hawk came next, but Vega couldn't be bothered. He sent one of his dolls after him. Ryu finally came after that. Vega fought him and managed to release the dark hadou in Ryu. Ryu went berserk. As Vega gloated, Sagat, Sakura, and Ken cornered him. Vega sent Ryu at them. Together they repulsed him and knock him back to his senses. Vega then attacked, but was repulsed. Vega fled into his base. Inside, Birdie attacked him. He was dispatched. Next Rose came Vega almost killed her, but Guy managed to pull her out of the base. Lastly Guile and Charlie Nash arrived. Nash attacked and was killed. Guile ordered the base bombed. Vega (now in the body of Rose) was carried away by Guy as the place went up in flames. Three years passed. Vega was only able to find Mike Bison and Balrog of his former henchmen. Still after Ryu, he announced that the Second Street Fighter Tournament would be held. From all over warriors came. Among them were Guile, Chun-Li, Cammy, Sagat, Ken, and Ryu. As the fights raged on, Ryu and Sagat disappeared. In the end, Chun Li and Guile faced off in the finals. Chun-Li was victorious and was to take on Vega, but as the final round was to begin Gouki suddenly appeared and killed Vega, destroying his soul. Regular Moves: Double Knee Press <- (charge) -> + K [back kick] Head Press | (charge) A + K v | [Vega stomps on his foe's head] Psycho Crusher (X- only) <- (charge) -> + P [ultimate charging attack] Psycho Shot (A- & V- only) <- (charge) -> + P [projectile] Sommersault Skull Dive | (charge) A + (K -OR- P) + (<- -OR- ->) + P v | [dive into foe] Teleport (A- & V- only) ( -> | \ ) -OR- ( <- | / ) + 3P v o v o [teleport] Super Combos: Knee Press Nightmare (A- & X- only) <- (charge) -> <- -> + K [powered-up Knee Press] Shin Psycho Crusher <- (charge) -> <- -> + P [powered-up Psycho Crusher] =============== Yun, Lee =============== Appears in: Street Fighter Zero 3 (Upper), Street Fighter III (The New Generation) Yun is one of the so-called Kung Fu brothers. To differentiate himself from his brother, he wears a baseball hat. Taught since he was very young, Yun learned a lot from his father Lee. He might even be more skilled then him. To show his prowress Yun joined the Third Street Fighter Tournament. As he progressed, he eventually faced his brother (they've always been rivals). Yun defeated him and moved on to face Gill. Gill was arrogant and thought little of Yun. Yun showed him though when he defeated Gill. Impressed, Gill gave Yun ownership of a small city. Gill then left the shocked Yun. Regular Moves: Fake Kobokushi | / <- + T v o [a fake Kobokushi, but why?] Kobokushi | / <- + P v o [open-palm punch; blocks projectiles] Senkyutai | \ -> + K v o [rising kick] Tetsuzanko -> | \ + P v o [a duck followed by an uppercut] Zenpou Tenshin | / <- + K v o [Yun jumps over his foe] Zesshou Hohou | \ -> + P v o [charging punch] Super Combos: Hiten Souryuujin | / <- | / <- + K v o v o [level 3 only] Raishin Maken | \ -> | \ -> + K v o v o [Yun attacks] Sourai Rengeki | \ -> | \ -> + P v o v o [powerful punches] You Hou | / <- | / <- + P v o v o [level 3 only] =============== Zangief =============== Appears in: Street Fighter 2 (World Warriors), Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 3 A Russian wrestler known as the Red Cyclone. Zangief has fought for the Soviet Union ever since he saw some old footage of Mayor Haggar in action. He trained to fight so he could help bolster the Union's image. An example, Zangief was once picked up by a cyclone while training and was inspired to make a new move, the cyclone spin. To prove his loyalty to the Soviet Union, he faced many fighters from around the world. He even wrestled bears to show the world the strength of Mother Russia. When he heard about the evil organization Shadowloo, Zangief went hunting for Vega. He ran into a sumo named Edmund Honda and they travelled to Thailand together. They even managed to find, and trash, Shadowloo HQ. Later, he joined the Second Street Fighter Tournament to further prove his loyalty. The representative of Russia fared well, but didn't win the title. Regular Moves: Atomic Suplex (close) 360 + K [grab and smash] Bansihing Flat (A- & V- only) -> | \ + P v o [backhand punch] Banishing Flat (X- only) -> \ | + P o v [backhand punch] Double Lariet 3P -OR- 3K [Zangief spins with outstretched fists; K is faster, P does more damage] Flying Power Bomb 360 + K [grapple and smash] Piledriver ( / -OR- \ ) + 2K o o [throw] Screw Piledriver 360 + P [grab, jump, and smash] Super Combos: Aerial Russian Slam -> | \ -> | \ + K v o v o [upward tackle and slam] Final Atomic Buster 720 + P [guess what, it's a smashing attack]