<><><><><><><><><><><><><> Super Robot Taisen D(GBA) <><><><><><><><><><><><><> Super Robot Taisen D FAQ/Walkthrough Version 0.2 August 6, 2003 - August 24, 2003 Unpublished work (c) 2003 by masa7su E-Mail : masa7su@hotmail.com <><><><><><><><><> TABLE OF CONTENT <><><><><><><><><> I. Introduction II. E-Mail Guidelines III. Gameplay: A. Pilot Point B. Intermission Menu C. Battle Menu D. Combo System E. Song System F. Special(S) Weapon IV. Walkthrough V. Additional Stage VI. Synchro Attack VII. Secret VIII. FAQ IX. Forbidden Section X. Credit XI. Copyright <><><><><><><><> I. INTRODUCTION <><><><><><><><> Well as u know as a Hardcore fans of Gundam series u will naturally play SRW series ^_^, and for this title I'M DYING waiting IT!!! release date, for bitting my finger watching my friend playing @2(DON'T HAVE PS2 >_<), still this title're definitelly the best for now on GBA(some addition on battle animation Frame, and they really put SHIN GETTER PLOT on this title "KAI.WA KIREI DESU!!!":D) and some fresh character like "BIG-O"(Dorothy're really CUTE^^ and Roger're really COOL!!!). Then here we goes... =========== VERSION 0.2 =========== August 13, 2003 - August 24, 2003 Adding few Stage, some secret, and forbidden section(sob;_;), complete list of Special weapon(i think?!), the walkthrough progress're going slower than i thought it'll be, some bonus stage caused serious obstacle. =========== VERSION 0.1 =========== August 10, 2003 - August 12, 2003 Not Much Change from Late version, but i'm working on it. =========== VERSION 0.0 =========== August 6, 2003 - August 10, 2003 Started the Walkthrough mostly on Earth Route and Space Route was halted on Stage 8 but maybe the Walkthrough can also work for Space Route by jumping from Stage 7 to Stage 9. <><><><><><><><><><> II.E-MAIL GUIDELINES <><><><><><><><><><> ASK anything that u wan't to know about this game, and please don't make me repeat myself(I HATE IF THOSE THING HAPEN), and don't use Strange font/color/ anything strange, and put the Subject "SRW D" or sort of. And one last thing if my reply already answer your question, please don't Reply me w any gratitude or sort of it(u read my crap is more than enough^_^), my inbox re Overloaded 2 times in less than 3 day for those stuff and thing, so please understand me on this Condition ok? PLEASE^^". I would highly appreciate any help with the FAQ though, any clarification, corrections, & any additional Information would be very much appreciated and credit will be given. <><><><><><><> III. GAMEPLAY <><><><><><><> In this section i'll preview every major change in the gameplay, anything else that i didn't preview here stay the same like Original SRW. =============== A. PILOT POINT =============== Ok on this series PP're only used to upgrade Pilot Stats like (Melee, Range, Defend, Skill, Agility and Accuracy) u gain 1 pp every time u gain a level and a dialog box will apear when u level up(this dialog box appearance can be change if u don't want to add PP on the battle at option menu) that ask, are u want to modify your status or not(left => modify, right => left the status at it should and accumulate the Point). ======================= B. INTERMISSION SCREEN ======================= The Intermission screen're look a'lot the same like @2, here's the free translation of the Option on it 1. Unit : a. Unit List b. Unit Upgrade c. Unit Customization d. Unit Equip 2. Attack : a. Attack List/Mech b. Attack Upgrade 3. Pilot : a. Pilot List b. Pilot Upgrade(PP Usage) c. Pilot Equip d. Pilot Change 4. Market : a. Sell Unit Equipment b. Sell Pilot Equipment 5. Attack Name: a. Rename Main Chara Attack b. Rename 2nd Chara Attack 6. Data : a. Save b. Load 7. Bonus Stage 8. Proceed to the Next Stage ------------ EXPLANATION ------------ 1.a. Unit List : the list of your mech(obviously) .b. Unit Upgrade : Upgrade your unit HP/EN/Armor/Speed, if u fully upgrade your unit there's some bonus stat that u can choose to increase your mech parameter : 1. HP+20% 4. Movement+2 2. EN+30% 5. Speed+20% 3. Mech Stat [S] on all Terrain 6. Armor+20% .c. Unit Customization : like changing V Gundam to V Dash or GX Divider to GX .d. Unit Equip : Equiping your mech to enchance it performance row 1 : Equip effect to Mech Stats(HP/EN/ARM/SPD) row 2 : Equip effect to Mech Weapon(Range/Amo/CT...) row 3 : Restoration item(Repair kit, etc) row 4 : Equip additional weapon 2.a. Attack List : Attack List of your Mech .b. Attack Upgrade: Upgrade your unit Attack, if u fully upgrade your unit Attack, there's some bonus stat that u can choose to increase your mech Attack parameter : 1. Range +1 on all except 1 ranged attack 2. Accuracy of all Attack +20 3. EN consumption of all Attack -30% 4. Ammo of all attack x2 5. CT of all attack +20 6. All Attack Stat [S] on all terrain(except for some Attack like (B) cannot have S stat on undersea Terrain) 3.a. Pilot List : Obvious .b. Pilot Upgrade : Raising pilot parameter by using PP. 1 PP/Status point. .c. Pilot Equip : Equiping your pilot to enchance it Performance Row 1 : Equip Effect to your Pilot Stat(Melee/Ranged...) Row 2 : Equip Effect Adding your Pilot Skill(Counter, etc) .d. Pilot Change : Exchange Mech on each pilot 4.a. Sell Unit Equipment : U'll understand if u already know about equipping .b. Sell Pilot Equipment: U'll understand if u already know about equipping 5. Rename attack : Obvious^^ Here's some list about Original chara Attack Name(Correct me if i'm wrong): Aile.Chavalier : 1. Seifer Gun Blancheniege : 1. Vector Gun 2. Seifer Sword 2. Faust Buster 3. Impulse Cannon 3. Night Dimension 4. Bar Strife 4. Rain Rock Launcher 5. Rain Rock Launcher Ganadul : 1. Genocide Claw Strega : 1. Stun Punch 2. Edge Blaster 2. Lightning Shoot 3. Falchion Saber 3. Electric Cube 4. Ultimate Lancer 4. Thunder Crash 5. Heat Dive 5. Lightning Fist 6. Alternate Jail 6. Alternate Jail 6. Data : Obvious 7. Bonus Stage : Refer to section "V. Additional Stage". 8. Proceed to the next stage : Obvious <><><><><><><><> C. BATTLE MENU <><><><><><><><> Similar to OG, u may access to this feature on Stage 9 if u choose Earth route and Stage 5 if u choose Space Route. here's the free translation of each option Unit List Unit Upgrade Unit Customization Attack List/Unit Weapon Upgrade Unit Equip Pilot List Pilot Upgrade Unit Switch Pilot Equip Map Preview Option Start Battle <><><><><><><><> D. COMBO SYSTEM <><><><><><><><> Well i call this as "Assist Defense Counter System" when u use Combo attack the enemy cannot use assist defense on it ally(the same also work for u), combo attack're marked w (C) symbol, so not all attack're comboable and also to use Combo your pilot must have Combo ability(at least Combo level 1), most of Real Robot pilot'll learn this Ability at level 18~23 while the Super Robot pilot(like Daltanias, Shin Getter, Mazinger, etc) will learn this ability at level 25~29 and the original chara'll learn this ability at early level(about 5 , this can be one reason not to choose Blancheniege at your 1st play). The combo attack're always a melee weapon and must be executed as 1 ranged weapon(thought not all Combo attack're 1 ranged weapon, for eg: Getter Scythe) here's how it work: @123 @ : Your unit 1,2,3: Enemy unit Let's we pretend if "@" is "Shin Getter", it Combo attack is "Getter Scythe" and it's 1~3 ranged weapon, if u execute the attack on no 1, no 2'll also receive Damage eversince Gou/Ryoma'll lose his brake if they has Combo Ability Lv 1 and if Gou/Ryoma has Combo Ability Lv 2, the attack'll also pass to no 3 (and so on...), then 3 attack for the price of 1 u can also consider this as Mini map Attack, + the seishin effect like Hot Blood/Direct Hit/etc're still on effect for the 2nd, 3rd,... hit of combo attack that can couse a serious damage if u can use this kind of attack everytime u got a chance. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> E. SONG SYSTEM (VF-19 F VALKYRIE) <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> New to SRW is VF-19 abbility to support friendlly character status or Attacking certain enemy on the game btw if u already play "Brigandine" and familiar w "Pixie" probably u'll not need my YAPPIN here^^, on Basara(and Mylene later on) status instead of Melee and Ranged Status Basara has "Song Attack" and "Song EN", the Attack determine how strong his attacking/ supporting power, meanwhile the "EN"'re similar to normal EN, if u see VF-19 Attack(there's some Attack in english^^) all of it using EN, but not VF-19 EN, it's Basara EN and also similar to mecha EN, Basara EN'll recover by 5 point each round and u may increase it capacity using PP. VF-19 attack List effect on friendlly mech: 1. Planet Dance : increase Pilot Accuracy & Agility 2. Totsugeki Love Hurt: Increase Pilot Morale 3. Holy Lonely Light : Increase Pilot Skill & Defense 4. Power To the Dream : Increase Pilot Melle & Ranged Attack 5. Try Again : Increase ALL pilot Stats (Later w VF-19 SB) 6. My Friend : Recover pilot SP(Later w VF-11MAX SB) the Increase're vary depending how powerfull Basara "Song Attack" Status. <><><><><><><><><><><> F. SPECIAL WEAPON(S) <><><><><><><><><><><> Similar to OG u can equip weapon part to your mech(but only effect weapon) this kind of attack're realtivelly weak but it can give Surprisingly nice Negative effect to the enemy some mech already has and effect weapon that marked w (S) Symbol the list is: 1. Tower, Getter Absorb Arm : Steal 10 EN and add it to own 2. Big O, Mobility Anchor : Reduce target Movement by 50% for 1 turn 3. Mazinger Z, Rust Hurricane : Reduce target Armor by 30% for 1 turn Additional part list: 1. Energy Take : Reduce target EN by 30 2. Energy Drain : Steal 10 EN and add it to own 3. Mind Take : Reduce target morale by 5 point 4. Mind Drain : Reduce target morale by 5 and add it to own 5. Spider Net : Reduce target movement drop to 1 panel for 1 turn 6. Armor Breaker: Reduce target Armor by 30% for 1 turn 7. ECM Jammer : ? 8. Sensor Break : ? 9. Weapon Break : ? 10. HP Virus : Reduce Enemy Hp by 100 point for 3 turn 11. EN Virus : Reduce Enemy En by 10 point for 3 turn 12. Mind Virus : Reduce Enemy morale by 1 point for 3 turn 13. Short Circuit: ? <><><><><><><><> IV. WALKTHROUGH <><><><><><><><> OK here we start again, as usual i choose female Character as my main chara after that u must choose one from 4 mech(Aile.Chavalier & Blancheniege or Ganadul & Strega), i choose Ganadul(the Blue Lookin) as my main mech then here goes nothing. Important Notes: 1. The AI're getting better, they'll use restorative item if they have one 2. The retreatment(on percentage) of the enemy can be viewed by pressing "b" on it unit =============================================================================== SUB STAGE 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Starting Unit : -. Getter 1 Enemy Unit : -. Getter Dragon(Hp 4200) x 12:) Friendlly Reinforcement(Destroy 1 Getter Dragon): -. Getter 2 -. Getter 3 Enemy Reinforcement(Destroy 1 Getter Dragon): -. Getter Dragon (Hp 4200) x 2 -. Getter Liger (Hp 4200) x 2 -. Getter Poseidon (Hp 4200) x 2 -. Invader.Land (Hp 4800) x 4 -. Invader.Air (Hp 5000) x 2 Note : Well in this Stage u'll see all the cool stuff from Shin Getter OVA, the stage itself're Not really hard the enemy Ace is 2 Getter Dragon w Getter Beam in their reinforcement, Maximized use the base bonus stat then u'll be alright (a Happy EXPLOSIVE GETTER BEAM!!!), the Getter team're extremelly Powerfull here, i doubt u'll destroy any of your mech though u play recklessly:) =============================================================================== SUB STAGE 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Starting Unit : -. ?(Joshua Radcliff) Enemy Unit : -. Invader.Land (Hp 4800) x 4 -. Invader.Air (Hp 5000) x 2 Friendlly Reinforcement(Destroy 1 enemy): -. ?(Clyana Rimsky) Note : Umm this stage's not actualy tough, just make sure u don't smash Invader.Air into critical point without killing him in one turn couse it'll use the Repair Kit on their bag to Replenish their Hp, btw there is a base there, u may want to wait at there, though i rather rush out the enemy and kill 1 invader at turn 2(Works for me, end the stage w 2 mech w Critical Hp^^"). After the battle there's 2 option, the 1st is Earth Route(V gundam), the 2nd is Space Route(Gundam CC??) =============================================================================== STAGE 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ------------ EARTH ROUTE ------------ Starting Unit : -. Ganadul -. Top Fighter(V) Enemy Unit : -. Zolo (Hp 3000) x 6 -. Memedorza (Hp 3400) x 2 -. Gozora (Hp 3300) x 3 -. Shokew (Hp 3800) x 1 Retreat if Hp goes bellow 30% Friendlly Reinforcement(4 enemy Left): -. Bottom Unit for V Nice Item : -. Magnetic Coating -> Shokew Note : This Stage may come frustrating since the loosing condition is Uso being destroyed, use Concentration on him wisely and rush into the enemy Frontline, When u fighting Shokew, reduce it hp as necessary and counter it attack w "Top.Bottom.Attack or Bottom.Attack" to kill him that give u a nice amount of EXP and a Nifty part. After the Stage Uso & Marbet will join your team, Booth w V Gundam(Where's the White Ark, WHERE!!!!?) ------------ SPACE ROUTE ------------ Starting Unit : -. Ganadul -. R-GZ -. Sazabi -. Jagd Doga -. Gundam Epyon -. Ra-Kailum Enemy Unit : -. Zolo Alt (Hp 3200) x 8 -. Rig.Shokew (Hp 3500) x 3 -. Amaltea (Hp 18500)x 1 Nice Item : -. Chobahm Armor -> Amaltea Note: Well this Stage're a lot better than earth route, coz almost all your team has Commander ability, use it wisely and u'll finish this stage even w two eyes closed, keep your range 3 block away when dealling w Amaltea, so he'll have the worst accuracy. After the battle, all of them'll join your team. =============================================================================== STAGE 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ------------ EARTH ROUTE ------------ Starting Unit : -. Ganadul -. V Gundam x 2 -. Stelbar -. Tower Enemy Unit : -. Invader.Land (Hp 4800) x 8 -. Invader.Air (Hp 5000) x 2 -. Metal Beast.Brown (Hp 8800) x 1 Friendlly Reinforcement(Turn 3): -. Shin Getter(NO KIDDING!!!:D) Enemy Reinforcement(Turn 3): -. Invader.Land (Hp 4800) x 3-1 Nice Item : -. Booster -> Metal Beast.Brown Note : Well if u move all your unit in close Formation i think u'll be save, use Marbet assist ability as u can, and when Shin Getter Apear DON'T U EVER THINK DEALLING w Metal Beast.Brown by himself eversince it have a Significance increase in size(now it's Large unit) and don't forget Benkei Seishin "Great Effort" when u destroy Mecha Beast.Brown(don't ever look down to this monster, it have thick skin and great Attack power). ------------ SPACE ROUTE ------------ Starting Unit : -. Ganadul -. R-GZ -. Sazabi -. Jagd Doga x 2 -. Gundam Epyon -. Ra-Kailum Enemy Unit : -. Beamborg.Dranche (Hp 7200) x 3 -. ? Robot (Hp 5800) x 9 -. Neshia Mothership (Hp 20000)x 1 -> Retreat if hp goes below 2000 point Nice Item : -. Magnetic Coating & Booster -> Neshia Mothership Note : Nothing Really special about this stage, similar tactic like in previous work nicelly here, and the enemy have lousy accuracy^^. After the Battle Quess'll join your team. =============================================================================== STAGE 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ------------ EARTH ROUTE ------------ Starting Unit : -. Ganadul -. V Gundam x 2 -. Stelbar -. Tower Enemy Unit : -. Invader.Land (Hp 4800) x 9 -. Invader.Air (Hp 5000) x 3 -. Metal Beast.Brown (Hp 8800) x 2 -. Metal Beast (Hp 18500) x 1 Friendlly Reinforcement(7 Enemy Remain): -. Ganis -. V Gundam.Hexa -. Shin Getter 2 Enemy Reinforcement(7 Enemy Remain): -. Invader.Land (Hp 4800) x 3 -. Invader.Air (Hp 5000) x 2 Nice Item : -. Chobahm Armor -> Metal Beast Note : Well this stage're THOUGH, not much i can say just watch your Hexa Gundam, he was oftenlly destroyed on my game, 3 Metal Beast're sure pain in the ass against, btw Getter team will got new attack here(Shin Getter Change Attack!!!) After the Battle, Ganis & V Gundam. Hexa will join your team. ------------ SPACE ROUTE ------------ Starting Unit : -. Ganadul -. R-GZ -. Sazabi -. Jagd Doga x 2 -. Gundam Epyon -. Ra-Kailum Enemy Unit : -. Taurus.MA (Hp 3400) x 4 -. Virgo (Hp 4000) x 4 -. Virgo.II (Hp 4500) x 4 Friendlly Reinforcement(5 enemy left): -. Cosmo Crusher Enemy Reinforcement(All Enemy destroyed): -. Beamborg.Dranche (Hp 7560) x 3 -. ? Robot (Hp 6090) x 6 -. Bydar Mothership (Hp 25000)x 1 -> Retreat if Hp goes below 2500 point Nice Item : -. Magnetic Coating & Apooge Motor -> Bydar Mothership Note : Not really hard Stage, your major concern is Milliard w his Epyon u might destroy it unit by accident since it separate quite a distance from your other attack team, but the overall stage're easy and there's a base that ad 20% HP & EN/turn u might want to wait enemy reinforcement that apear at South West area of map there, as usual they all have a Lousy accuracy. After the Battle, Kamiyu, Fa and Cosmo Crusher Crew will join your team =============================================================================== STAGE 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ------------ EARTH ROUTE ------------ Starting Unit : -. Top.Fighter(V) Enemy Unit : -. Zolo (Hp 3150) x 6 -. Memedorza (Hp 3570) x 2 -. Gozora (Hp 3465) x 3 -. Shokew (Hp 4490) x 1 Friendlly Reinforcement(Turn 3): -. Ganadul -. V Gundam -. V Gundam.Hexa -. Ganis Friendlly Reinforcement(Destroy all enemy): -. Mazinger Z -. Great Mazinger w Great Booster -. Shin Getter -. Stelbar -. Tower -. Bottom Unit for V Enemy Reinforcement(Destroy all enemy): -. Taurus.MA(Hp 3400) x 4 -. Taurus (Hp 3400) x 6 -. Virgo (Hp 4000) x 3 Nice Item : -. Magnetic Coating & Chobahm Armor -> Shokew Note : Move your Top.Fighter to South East area of map to regroup w your reinforcement at turn 3 maybe a good idea, since the overall stage aren't that hard, Enemy and your 2nd Reinforcement will apear at west part of the map i tought by this point Mazinger Team and Shin Getter can sweep all the Taurus unit by himself^^. After the Battle, Koji, Tetsuya, Yumi, Jun, Bos & Shiro:] will join your team ------------ SPACE ROUTE ------------ Starting Unit : -. Ganadul -. R-GZ -. Sazabi -. Jagd Doga x 2 -. Gundam Epyon -. Z Gundam -. Methuss -. Cosmo Crusher -. VF-19.F.Valkyrie -. VF-17.S.Nightmare -. VF-17.D.Nightmare x 2 -. Ra-Kailum -. Macross 7 Enemy Unit : -. Fz-109 A Elgarzoln (Hp 4800) x 9 -. ? (Hp 28000) x 2 -. Fz-109 F Elgarzoln (Hp 5300) x 1 Nice Item : -. Beam Coating -> Fz-109 F Elgarzoln Note : A Macross 7 plot, but i don't have quite and understanding on this stage, the usual tactic still work, better u rush your main Attack unit to Macross enemy there, and there's some event between one of VF-17.D(Doc) and Fz-109 F, he'll blasted on turn 4 player phase, the same event'll still occur though if u can finish him of in 3 turn or less, then take it easy on this stage OK^^, the Stage will end after u smash Fz-109 F, the overall enemy're easy to handle, especialy couse Basara was on your Aid against the Fz-109 F^^. After the Battle, all the Macross 7 Crew(except Doc), will join your team. =============================================================================== STAGE 5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ------------ EARTH ROUTE ------------ Starting Unit : -. Atlas -. Gunpar Enemy Unit : -. Zolo(Hp +/- 3000) x 3 Friendlly Reinforcement(Destroy all Enemy): -. All your Unit(except Shin Getter series) Enemy Reinforcement(Destroy all enemy): -. Garickson (Hp 2800) x 6 -. Gozora (Hp 3465) x 3 -. Memerdoza (Hp 3570) x 2 -. Garickson (Hp 2940) x 2 Nice Item : -. Dual Sensor -> Garickson(Hp 2940, Female) -. Apooge Motor -> Garickson(Hp 2940, Male) Note : This Stage could come quite tough, try to destroy the last Zolo at your Phase on turn 3, so u'll gain advantage and rush your unit to the base, be aware to the Garickson unit, their agility're HELL, at this rate, Mazinger're almost no use against them, use Gunpar "lock On" Seishin to Destroy Garickson(male), eversince the unit has Commander aura. After the battle Atlas and Gunpar'll join your team. ------------ SPACE ROUTE ------------ Starting Unit : -. Gundam Wing Zero -. Gundam DH -. Taurus -. 1 Mothership -. 12 more unit Enemy Unit : -. Taurus -. Taurus.MA(Hp 3570) x 2 -. Virgo (Hp 4200) x 8 -. Virgo.II (Hp 4725) x 14 Note : Another Simple Stage, no reinforcement, weak enemy, u know what i mean don't ya?^^. After the Battle, Heero, Duo and Hilde'll join your team. =============================================================================== STAGE 6 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ------------ EARTH ROUTE ------------ [Part 1] Starting Unit : -. Big O Enemy Unit : -. Dorothy 1 Note : OK, all the Big O scene Protecting Dorothy 2 and Smashing Dorothy 1're on this part, btw there's no way u could destroy your mech, then have fun(Roger Smith are COOL!!!^O^). [Part 2] Starting Unit : -. Big O -. Ganadul -. Ganis -. Atlas -. Gunpar Enemy Unit : -. Virgo (Hp 4000) x 4 -. Virgo II (Hp 4500) x 2 -. Taurus (Hp 3750) x 2 -. Taurus.MA(Hp 3570) x 2 Friendlly Reinforcement(Destroy 1 Enemy) -. Beralios Friendlly Reinforcement(5 enemy remain): -. Tower -. 8 more Unit Enemy Reinforcement(5 enemy Remain): -. Virgo (Hp 4200) x 8 -. Virgo II (Hp 4725) x 4 Note : The overall Stage isn't to dificult your 1st Reinforcement actually will transform into Daltanias by combining w Atlas and Gunpar, at this point Rushing your team to the north was a good idea, your 2nd Reinforcement will apear at North west area of the map and the Enemy reinforcement will apear at South West After the battle Big O and Beralios'll join your team. ------------ SPACE ROUTE ------------ [Part 1] Starting Unit : -. Gundam Wing Zero -. Gundam DH -. Taurus -. Ganadul -. VF-17.S.Nightmare.F Enemy Unit : -. Fz-109 A Elgarzoln (Hp 4800) x 18 Note : Some tough Stage the objective here is to reach the pointed area or Defeat all enemy in 8 turn or less, otherwise it'll be a game over, the best tactic here, maybe rushing the designated point using Millia while the other dealling w the enemy and use Taurus Healing ability as u can, i believe u'll reach the Designated point in full 8 turn [Part 2] Starting Unit : -. Gundam Wing Zero -. Gundam DH -. Taurus -. Ganadul -. VF-17.S.Nightmare.F Enemy Unit : -. Fz-109 A Elgarzoln (Hp 5040) x 9 -. ? (Hp 2800) x 2 Friendlly Reinforcement(Turn 2) : -. VF-19.F.Valkyrie.F Friendlly Reinforcement(6 Enemy left): -. 1 Mother Ship -. 8 more Unit Enemy Reinforcement(6 Enemy Left): -. Fz-109 F Elgarzoln (Hp 5300) x 1 -> Retreat if Hp goes Critical -. Fz-109 A Elgarzoln (Hp 5040) x 8 Nice Item : -. Booster & Agility Equip+5 ->Fz-109 F Elgarzoln Note : Simple stage, just wait at the base and wait for your reinforcement to arrive, then rush your reinforcement to the base, the stage will imediatelly end when u smashing Fz-109 F =============================================================================== STAGE 7 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ------------ EARTH ROUTE ------------ Starting Unit : -. Mazinger Z -. Great Mazinger Enemy Unit : -. Belgrand (Hp 5000) x 4 Friendlly Reinforcement(all enemy destroyed): -. Tower -. Ganadul -. Getter 1 -. 11 more unit Enemy Reinforcement(all enemy destroyed): -. Belgrand (Hp 5000) x 10 -. Belgrand.S (Hp 7000) x 4 -. Inpetows (Hp 33000) x 1 -> retreat if Hp goes below 3300 Nice Item : -. High Performance Radar, Booster, Agility Equip+5 -> Inpetows Note : Some tough stage Belgrand unit're not actually need to be worried but Inpetows are Pain in the ass w map attack(that he have no hesitation to use it when any of your mech are on his reach 1~9 >_<), the best way to fight this mech is to stand 2 panel away from him and attack him w all your unit so he'll short of En to use his map attack(dealling w minor enemy 1st're highly recomended), sure this tactic're easier to said than to be done, but w Diana/Venus and Borot, u'll be alright, the stage'll imediatelly end after u finish him of. After the Battle Benkei'll join your team. ------------ SPACE ROUTE ------------ Starting Unit : -. 1 Mothership -. 14 more unit Enemy unit : -. Zolo Alt (Hp 3360) x 8 -. Rig.Shokew (Hp 3675) x 3 -. Abigor (Hp 4950) x 3 -. Amaltea (Hp 18000)x 2 Enemy Reinforcement(All Enemy destroyed): -. Beamborg.Dranche (Hp 7920) x 5 -. ? Robot (Hp 6380) x 6 -. Kabuto Mothership (Hp 23500)x 1 -> Retreat if Hp goes below 4000 point Neutral Reinforcement(All Enemy destroyed): -. Altron Gundam Nice Item : -. Dual Sensor -> Abigor(Gozu) -. High Performance Radar -> Abigor(Goldwald) -. Learning CP -> Abigor(Broth) -. Chobahm Armor -> Kabuto Mothership Note : Well not really a tough Stage at start i suggest u split your troop into 2 attack team, a Newtype pilot head to Northwest while GW head due North east to wait the enemy reinforcement if not Altron Gundam'll oftenlly being destroyed eversince his appearance isn't far away from enemy reinforcement and it's bold enough to rush in enemy garrison without any back-up and attacking without thinking(though i believe he'll join you whether u save him or not), and try to Destroy Kabuto Mothership w an Extremely powerfull attack assisted, since he'll retreat if Hp goes below 4000(Twin Buster Riffle & Heat Dive come in mind), and also give your team, stat boost using VF-19 if u have a chance of using it. After the battle u'll regroup with the other team and Wu fei'll join your team. =============================================================================== STAGE 8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ------------ EARTH ROUTE ------------ Friendly Unit : -. Tower -. Taurus(CPU Control) x 3 -. 15 more unit Enemy Unit : -. Garickson (Hp 2940) x 6 -. Garickson (Hp 3080) x 2 Enemy Reinforcement(5 enemy left): -. Zolo (Hp 3150) x 4 -. Gozora (Hp 3465) x 2 -. Memerdoza (Hp 3740) x 2 Enemy Reinforcement(5 enemy left): -. Gozora (Hp 3465) x 2 -. Memerdoza (Hp 3570) x 4 -. Shokew (Hp 4180) x 1 -. Recarl (Hp 8000) x 1 -> Retreat if Hp goes below 3000 Nice Item : -. Learning Cp -> Shokew -. Beam Coating -> Recarl Note : Well the stage itself aren't actually tough if u play your card right, ignore the starting enemy and move your unit to the base, by that time maybe u'll use Sandrock, move the unit to the North base with some good accuracy unit such as V Gundam and Wait for the 2nd enemy reinforcement that appear at North East area of the map, meanwhile the Tower and Getter team head to the base at west side of the map, and Mazinger/Daltanias to the East Base, maximized use of your Commander Aura here eversince almost all the enemy has amazing evasion rate. After the battle u'll regroup w the other Mech(Macross 7 & the Gundams) and V Gundam Team will receive an Upgrade V Dash unit. =============================================================================== STAGE 9 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Starting Unit : -. 1 Mothership -. Daltanias -. 14 more unit( Treize w Talgesse II & 2nd Original Chara're Available by now) Enemy Unit : -. Beamborg.Dranche (Hp 7920) x 2 -. ? Robot (Hp 6380) x 6 -. Neshia Mothership(Hp 20000)x 1 -> Retreat if Hp goes below 25% Enemy Reinforcement 1(6 enemy left): -. Beamborg.Dranche (Hp 7920) x 2 -. ? Robot (Hp 6380) x 6 -. Bydar Mothership(Hp 25000)x 1 -> Retreat if Hp goes below 25% Enemy Reinforcement 2(6 enemy left): -. Beamborg.Dranche (Hp 7920) x 2 -. ? Robot (Hp 6380) x 6 -. Kabuto Mothership(Hp 23000)x 1 -> Retreat if Hp goes below 25% Nice Item : -. Solar Panel & Defend Equip+10 -> Neshia Mothership -. EN Chip & Accuracy Equip+5 -> Bydar Mothership -. Big Generator & Hit & away Equip -> Kabuto Mothership Note : Well all Daltanias enemy apear here(if i didn't mistaken), the 2nd reinforcement're apear at south side of map and the 2nd apear at north side of map, wait at the center of map, maximized use of your commander aura and healling or Ressuplying support from Taurus/Methuss/Cosmo Crusher will be very effective here^^. After the Mission, there is an option i think it ask us do we want to give our Spec.Ops name or not the 1st is Don't give a damn. the second is giving a name, maybe this option will effect the game later(havent confirm it yet) =============================================================================== STAGE 10 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Before the battle There'll be some Godmars event that u can see Starting Unit : -. 1 Mothership -. VF-17D Nightmare -. 13 more unit(Nu Gundam're available by now) Enemy Unit : -. Fz-109A Elgarzoln (Hp 5280) x 12 -. ? (Hp 28000) x 2 -. Fz-109F Elgarzoln (Hp 6630) x 1 Friendlly Reinforcement(5 enemy left) : -. VF-19F Valkyrie Enemy Reinforcement(5 enemy left) : -. Fz-109A Elgarzoln (Hp 5280) x 7 Nice Item : -. Hybrid Armor & Defense Equip+10 -> Fz-109F Note: Ok some Macross 7 Stage, the enemy here aren't actually tough, the usual tactic work fine here, the enemy reinforcement appear at South west area of and usual drill that i thought you all already remember^^, the stage will end as soon as u destroy Fz-109F Elgarzoln F After the Battle Basara'll once again join your troop =============================================================================== STAGE 11 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Starting Unit : -. Ra kailum -. Shin Getter -. 12 other unit Enemy Unit : -. Invader.Land (Hp 5280) x 11 -. Invader.Air (Hp 5500) x 5 -. Metal Beast.Brown (Hp 9240) x 4 Enemy Reinforcement(All enemy defeated): -. Angels S (Hp 6600) x 2 -. Angels (Hp 4400) x 3 -. ? (Hp 28000) x 1 -> retreat if Hp goes below 20% Friendly Reinforcement(1 turn after enemy reinforcement arrive/4 enemy left): -. Grandizer -. Marine Spacer Nice Item : -. Bio Sensor & Melee Equip+10 -> ?(Hp 28000) Note : Well some tough Stage, the Getter team will be separate quite a distance from your team, better rush your unit to aid them, after u defeat all the enemy, there's some event the apearance of Black Getter(w Extremelly Violent fighting Style^_^), the enemy reinforcement will apear at South East area of the map and have quite an Agility, watch out with the enemy leader there, the map attack're painfull if hit, your reinforcement will appear at North area of the map, if u use Mazinger Z & Great, some "Triple Mazinger Punch" will help a Lot against this little monster. After the stage Duke and Hikaru'll join your team. =============================================================================== STAGE 12 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Starting Unit : -. Big O -. Shin Getter Enemy Unit : -. Eel (Hp 7200) x 8 -. Beck Victory Drags (Hp 9000) x 1 Friendlly Reinforcement 1(Turn 3): -. 1 Mothership -. Gundam W0(w Trowa in it^^) -. 11 more unit Friendlly Reinforcement 2(all enemy destroyed): -. Godmars Enemy Reinforcement(all enemy destroyed): -. Beamborg.Dranche (Hp 7920) x 3 -. ? Robot (Hp 6380) x 6 -. Beamborg.Gulzon (Hp 8300) x 1 -> Must be destroyed last -. ? (Hp 10400)x 1 -. Kabuto Mothership(Hp 23000)x 1 Nice Item : -. Mega Booster -> Beck Victory Drags -. Chobahm Armor & Ranged Equip+10 -> ?(Hp 10400) -. Hovercraft -> Kabuto Mothership -. Minovsky Craft, Energy & Mind Take -> Beamborg.Gulzon Note : Not really a hard stage, maybe u'll want to wait all the enemy(including the reinforcement) at the base, thought it'll eat up a LOT of turn, basically the enemy here aren't to tough to deal w, but watch out your Hp if u want to rush in the enemy reinforcement that apear at South West area of map eversince u don't have Hp refilling unit on this stage that can give this stage quite a challenge if Gulzon rush into your mothership(that rarely he'll done especially if he have an eye on Grandizer/Great Mazinger). After the Battle Trowa w Heavyarms, Roger & Dorothy w Big O and Takeru w Gaia (WHERE'S Godmars>_>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Starting Unit : -. Ra Kailum -. 14 other Unit(by this Time Drill Spacer're available) Enemy Unit : -. Garickson (Hp 3080) x 6 -. Garickson (Hp 3220) x 2 -. Zolo (Hp 3300) x 4 -. Gozora (Hp 3630) x 2 -. Memerdoza (Hp 3910) x 2 Enemy Reinforcement 1 (5 enemy left/turn 4): -. Belgrand (Hp 5500) x 6 -. Belgrand S(Hp 7700) x 2 -. Inpetows (Hp 34650) x 1 Friendlly Reinforcement(5 enemy left/turn 4): -. Ganadul Neutral Reinforcement(8 enemy left in enemy reinforcement): -. Black Getter Enemy Reinforcement(3 enemy left in enemy reinforcement): -. Angels (Hp 4400) x 4 -. Angels S (Hp 6600) x 4 -. Fabularis(Hp 26250) x 1 Nice Item : -. ECM Jammer & Booster -> Garickson(Female) -. Magnetic Coating & Armor breaker -> Garickson(Male) -. Dual Sensor & weapon Breaker -> Memerdoza(Lupe) -. Learning CP & Sensor Breaker -> Memerdoza(Pipinorden) -. Magnetic Coating & Energy Drain -> Inpetows -. High Performance Radar & Mind Drain -> Fabularis Note : This Stage're really tough, 1st of it all the cool item're on enemy leader at starting enemy that'll retreat if the reinforcement arrive, rushing to them w gundams like Nu/Z/V/Epyon/Wing 0 might be a good idea without giving a damn to minor enemy while the other heading west and wait the enemy reinforcement there (if u didn't do this Black Getter'll oftenly get destroyed thought he'll join your team whether he survive this stage or not), the 2nd Enemy reinforcement'll arrive at south from the 1st Reinforcement Position (please note booth the reinforcement're really tough opponent) maybe u want to Replay this stage a few times for Good amount of cash by defeating Fabularis and Inpetows. when there's only 5 enemy left, there's some option i haven't figured how it'll effect the game later on. And if u play as Joshua u may Convince Gurakiers(Fabularis)here. After the Battle Ryoma w his Black Getter'll join your team =============================================================================== STAGE 14 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ------- Part 1 ------- Friendlly Unit : -. 1 Mothership -. Black Getter -. Shin Getter -. Stelbar -. 12 other unit Enemy Unit : -. Invader.Land (Hp 5280) x 5 -. Invader.Air (Hp 5500) x 6 -. Metal Beast.Brown(Hp 9240) x 3 Enemy Reinforcement(5 enemy left): -. Invader.Land (Hp 5280) x 3 -. Invader.Air (Hp 5500) x 5 -. Metal Beast.Brown(Hp 9240) x 1 Note : Not Really a hard stage, Big O w Hovercraft and some super robot/Gundam Epyon work well here w some Healling Support from Taurus Unit, the enemy reinforcement'll appear at North West area of Map ------- Part 2 ------- Friendlly Unit : -. Tower -. Ra Kailum -. 14 other unit Enemy Unit : -. Invader.Land (Hp 5280) x 7 -. Invader.Air (Hp 5500) x 6 -. Metal Beast.Brown(Hp 9240) x 4 -. Shin Dragon (Hp 20000) x 1 Friendlly Reinforcement(5 enemy left): -. Shin Getter Enemy Reinforcement(all enemy destroyed): -. Getter Dragon (Hp 5250) x 4 -. Getter Liger (Hp 5250) x 4 -. Getter Poseidon (Hp 5250) x 4 -. Metal Beast.Dragon(Hp 30000) x 1 Nice Item : -. Bio Sensor, Assist DF Equip+1 & Mind Virus -> Shin Dragon -. Apooge Motor, Assist AT Equip+1, EN Virus & HP Virus -> Metal Beast Dragon Note : Ok first of it, i reccomend u to conserve your Sp when dealling w Shin Dragon eversince Metal Beast Dragon'll gave u a lot of headache w high Agility, Acc and Attack power, thought the usual tactic work well here, eversince MB.Dragon didn't have Combo or Map attack so u can carelessly form a formation near him (but beware w Shin Dragon Map, IT HURT>_<). After the battle Shin Getter w receive new attack "Stonner Sunshine" and Getter 1/2/3're available, Ryoma/Hayato/Benkei'll replace Gou/Kai/Gai in Shin Getter. =============================================================================== STAGE 15 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Ra Kailum -. Macross 7 -. Gaia -. Grandizer -. 13 other unit Enemy Unit : -. Mini Ufo (Hp 5000) x 16 -. Space Beast.Girugiru (Hp 8300) x 4 -. Barubara (Hp 8800) x 4 -. Guldar (Hp 9200) x 2 -. Massalbarn (Hp 25800) x 1 -. Guruguru (Hp 9900) x 1 Nice Item : -. Chobahm Armor, Booster & Counter Equip -> Guruguru -. Hybrid Armor, Magnetic Coating, Potential+1 -> Massalbarn Note : Well the stage aren't to dificult, then minor're moderatelly easy to handle, but when dealling w the major enemy at West area of map, could gave some challenge, Guruguru have high acc and evasion rate thank godness she didn't have great HP and armor, it shouldn't be long dealling w the enemy here, especially w some Healling unit, u'll survive this stage easilly. After the battle, there's some split the 1st is Macross 7 route, the 2nd is Ra Kailum route. If u choose Macross Route u'll have access on Gundam Mk-III on Stage 16 If u Choose Ra Kailum Route Nu Gundam HWS'll be available on Stage 17(if Amuro has at least 50 kills by the end of stage 16). =============================================================================== STAGE 16 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ================ MACROSS 7 ROUTE ================ ------- Part 1 ------- Friendlly Unit : -. Gundam ZZ -. Gundam Mk-III -. Shin Dragon -. Shin Getter Enemy Unit : -. Invader.Space (Hp 7800) x 6 -. Invader.Land (Hp 5760) x 4 -. Invader.Air (Hp 6000) x 2 Note : Ok this part're really tough, it's a game over if any of your mech're destroyed Maximized use of your seishin(cast Concentrate on Judou and Ruu all the time and cast Accelerate and change into Shin Getter2/Liger so u'll reach them in 2 turn), by this point i believe you alreaddy Upgrade Shin Getter quite a bit on it's attack, use Hot Blood and Combo attack so u can couse major damage on them probablly single hit kill, assist attack while u got a chance and i believe u'll be alright(game over if any of your unit destroyed). ------- Part 2 ------- Friendlly Unit : -. Gundam ZZ -. Gundam Mk-III -. Shin Liger -. Shin Getter Enemy Unit : -. Invader.Space (Hp 7800) x 8 -. Invader.Land (Hp 5760) x 4 -. Invader.Air (Hp 6000) x 4 -. Metal Beast. Dragon(Hp 30000) Friendlly reinforcement 1 (Metal Beast.Dragon destroyed>_<) : -. Macross 7 -. 10 more Unit Enemy reinforcement 1 (Metal Beast.Dragon destroyed>_<) : -. Invader.Space (Hp 8190) x 12 -. Invader.Land (Hp 6000) x 2 -. Invader.Air (Hp 6000) x 2 Friendlly reinforcement 2(1 turn after 1st reinforcement arrive) : -. VF-19F Enemy reinforcement 2(5 enemy left) : -. Invader.Space (Hp 8580) x 12 -. Cowen & Steinger (Hp 40000) x 1 Nice Item : -. EN Chip -> Metal Beast Dragon -. Large Magazine & SP Equip+10 -> Cowen & Steinger Note : This Stage is "HELL"!!!, u must kill Metal Beast.Dragon only using 4 unit, i don't think any strategy would be effective here, the enemy has a bit of aggility and good attack power, the only chance to survive is to give them all u got, Hot Blood and Combo attack and assisted w other mech, and when your reinforcement arrive, restore Shin Dragon/Shin Getter Hp using support unit, then deal w the 1st reinforcement on the west side of the map, and the 2nd at South West, the inveader're realtivelly weak, but Cowen & Steinger're really tough high aggility and attack power, real pain in the ass against, give them all u got, Mazinger Tornado/Final Getter Tomahawk Hot Blood Pumped(if u have spare SP) and resuplly your unit. then u'll be alright(i think), it's a Game Over if Shin Getter/Dragon're destroyed, so watch it hp. After the battle Gou/Kai/Gai'll join your team but no Shin Dragon. and Jump to Stage 18. ================ RA KAILUM ROUTE ================ ------- PART 1 ------- Friendlly Unit : -. Gaia -. Cosmo Crusher -. Zeta Gundam -. V Dash Gundam -. Gundam Sandrock Enemy Unit : -. Guldar (Hp 9660) x 3 -. Barubara (Hp 9240) x 2 -. Ganimedes (Hp 19950) Enemy Reinforcement(Destroy 1 Guldar at 1 phase/all enemy except Ganimedes was destroyed): -. ?Robot (Hp 6380) x 2 -. Beamborg.Dranche (Hp 7920) x 2 -. Neshia Mothership(Hp 20000) x 1 Nice Item : -. EN Chip -> Neshia Mothership Note : Ok u see Sandrock and Cosmo Crusher there(if u know what i mean^^), and don't destroy Ganimedes(it's Gameover), the Reinforcement'll apear at south side of map, deal w them one by one then u'll be alright. ------- PART 2 ------- Friendlly Unit : -. Ra Kailum -. 15 other unit Enemy Unit : -. Zolo.Alt (Hp 3680) x 8 -. Rig.Shokew (Hp 3850) x 4 -. Abigor (Hp 4950) x 4 -. Amaltea (Hp 18000)x 2 -. Contio (Hp 4945) x 1 retreat if there's no Amaltea on the map Nice Item : -. SP equip+10 -> Contio Note : Very Simple stage u may rush your unit to the enemy garrison, they're relativelly weak but they have some agility, maximized use of your Commander ability and u'll be alright, some Combo attack can couse serious damage to them and the stage'll imediatelly end after u finish Contio. =============================================================================== STAGE 17 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ================ RA KAILUM ROUTE ================ Friendlly Unit : -. Ra Kailum -. 15 other unit by this time (Nu-Gundam HWS're availabe & Godmars receive new Waza) Enemy Unit : -. Zolo.Alt (Hp 3680) x 6 -. Rig.Shokew (Hp 4025) x 11 -. Amaltea (Hp 18900)x 2 -. Abigor (Hp 5400) x 5 Enemy Reinforcement(5 enemy left on the map): -. Contio (Hp 4730) x 10 -. Amaltea (Hp 18900) x 2 -. Rig.Shokew (Hp 4200) x 1 -. Contio (Hp 5160) x 1 -. Squid (Hp 23000) x 1 -> retreat if hp goes below 20% Nice Item : -. Large Magazine -> Squid Note : Another simple stage, but the enemy aggility might troubled your Super Robot, but w Commander aura, they'll be alright, some support unit also reccomended on this stage the enemy reinforcement'll appear at South west side of map, there's not much improvement from starting enemy unit,so u can take easy on them, Finish Squid w Top.Bottom Attack Hot Blood Pumped and some assist when his Hp reach Critical. =============================================================================== STAGE 18 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ------- PART 1 ------- Starting Unit : -. Galrand Enemy Unit : -. Halgan(Hp 1200) x 5 Note : Have Shougo (Megazone series. i think) cast "Accelerate" and "Concentrate" then move and smash the center enemy w the weakest attack that should finish him of after that end turn a probably u'll end this stage on enemy phase. ------- PART 2 ------- Starting Unit : -. Galrand Enemy Unit : -. GR-2Galrand(Hp 1400) x 9 Enemy Reinforcement(5 Enemy left): -. Wild=Jaw (Hp 2600) x 2 -. Zarme=Jaw(Hp 3800) x 1 Nice Item : -. Linear Shirt & Alloy Z -> Zarme=Jaw Note : keep your range from the enemy so u can counter every attack and cast "Concentrate" every turn, and destroy B.D before turn 5 initiate, so he'll join your team on the next stage. =============================================================================== STAGE 19 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ================ MACROSS 7 ROUTE ================ Friendlly Unit : -. 1 Mothership -. Galrand -. Zarme=Jaw -. 13 other unit Enemy Unit : -. Mini UFO (Hp 5250) x 16 -. UFO Robo Gosugosu (Hp 8700) x 4 -. UFO Robo Gingin (Hp 8900) x 4 -. UFO Robo Girugiru (Hp 8715) x 4 -. Massalbarn (Hp 25000) x 2 -> Retreat if Hp goes below 5000 Point Enemy Reinforcement (All enemy destroyed): -. Zurl (Hp 35000) Nice Item : -. Dual sensor -> Right Massalbarn -. Thruster Module -> Left Massalbarn -. Psycho Frame -> Zurl Note : Some simple stage, u may want to take it easy on the starting enemy unit thought they have good attack power, but i think they lack in armory and accuracy, deal w Right enemy first and aid Garland as soon as u can then deal w left, after that the enemy reinforcement'll apear at South West area of map , just one enemy BUT, it EVASION RATE're HORRIBLE!!!, without Lock On any Super Robot're almost sure'll miss the attack, keep your range 1~3 panel from him, so he cannot use his most powerfull attack that can destroy your poorly upgraded Real Robot in an Instant. After the Battle "?" and B.D'll join your team and Godmars're available on Intermission screen. =============================================================================== STAGE 20 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Macross 7 -. Ra kailum -. Godmars -. 14 other Unit Enemy Unit : -. Burubara (Hp 9680) x 4 -. Guldar (Hp 10120) x 4 -. Zeron (Hp 15000) x 1 -. Mark Mothership (Hp 28000) x 1 -. Beamborg.Gulzon (Hp 9130) x 4 -. Beamborg.Dranche(Hp 7920) x 6 -. ? (Hp 30000) x 1 -. Beamborg.Zaras (Hp 9400) x 2 -. ? Robot (Hp 6380) x 4 -. ? (Hp 8500) x 1 Enemy Reinforcement(5 enemy left on the map): -. Beamborg.Drachne(Hp 8280) x 2 -. ? Robot (Hp 6670) x 4 -. Beamborg Gulzon (Hp 9545) x 2 -. Bydar Mothership(Hp 26250) x 1 Enemy Reinforcement 2(? w 30000 hp destroyed): -. Destark 1 (Hp 35000) Nice Item : -. Magnetic Coating -> ?(Hp 8500) -. Big Generator -> ?(Hp 30000) -. Chobahm Armor -> Zeron -. Learning Cp -> Mark Mothership -. EN Chip -> Bydar Mothership Note : Not a Difficult, the objective to protect the colony're actually giving u an advantage on this stage, split your group into 4 and the weakest should go to eastern most, since the enemy're rarely attacking there, while the western most was the place where the actual battle on this stage being held, the 2nd enemy reinforcement're actually ?(hp 30000) when destroyed, and take Godmars to south team and use Convince on Mark.Mothership using Takeru on Godmars then destroy him and her partner(just playing save, probably later on the game). After the battle u'll receive some new unit like, MP Nu-Gundam, White Ark and VF19S Excalibur. =============================================================================== STAGE 21 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. 1 Mothership -. 12 other Unit(by this time V2 Gundam're available) Enemy Unit : -. Fz-109 Elgarzoln (Hp 5520) x 11 -. ? (Hp 29400) x 2 -. Fz-109 Elgarlzoln F(Hp 6895) x 1 Friendlly Reinforcement(Fz-109 F destroyed): -. VF-19F Valkyrie SB -. VF-11 MAXL SB -. VF-17 Nightmare SB Enemy Reinforcement(Fz-109 F Destroyed): -. Gravile (Hp 30000) x 1 -. Fz-109 Elgarzoln (Hp 5520) x 8 -. ? (Hp 29400) x 2 -. Az-130A Panzerzoln (Hp 7800) x 4 -. FBz-99Zaubargeran (Hp 10000) x 1 Nice Item : -. Hybrid Armor -> Fz-109 Elgarlzoln F -. Booster & EN Mega Chip -> Gravile -. High Performance Radar & Mega Generator -> FBz-99 Note : HARD STAGE, the enemy all have high accuracy, and nice evasion rate, but maximized your commander aura'll work fine here, the enemy reinforcement'll apear at north area of map, but i think they'll chase your VF on your reinfocement, the enemy here can couse major Headache, Gravile has extraordinary level of armor, booth Gravile & FBz-99'll retreat if their hp drop bellow 20% defeat them booth in a row probablly by reducing Gravile Hp to 6000 and FBz to 2000 then use Hi Mega Cannon w Spirit Pumped(i try Hot Blood but it only reduce Gravile Hp to 2000~3000 point, maybe using Armor Breaker 1st work better), i manage to destroy them booth using Combo Attack "Falchion Saber" w Hot Blood and assisted w "Stonner Sunshine". After The Battle the VF'll join your team and Char'll got his "Nightinggale" =============================================================================== STAGE 22 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. 1 Mothership -. 13 other Unit Enemy Unit : -. Contio (Hp 4730) x 5 -. Rig.Shokew (Hp 4025) x 10 -. Dogora (Hp 25000) x 1 -. Gedraf ER (Hp 5100) x 1 -. Gedraf ER (Hp 4600) x 2 -. Adorastia (Hp 25000) x 1 Enemy Reinforcement 1(10 enemy left on the map): -. Beamborg.Drachne (Hp 8280) x 12 -. Beamborg.Gulzon (Hp 9545) x 6 -. Beamborg.Zaras (Hp 10340)x 6 -. Kabuto Mothership (Hp 24150)x 1 -. Neshia Mothership (Hp 21000)x 1 -. Bydar Mothership (Hp 26250)x 1 -. ? (Hp 31500)x 1 Enemy Reinforcement 2(10 enemy left on the map): -. Guldar (Hp 10580) x 2 -. Burubara (Hp 10120) x 4 -. Guruguru (Hp 10810) x 4 -. Mark Mothership (Hp 29400) x 1 Enemy Reinforcement 3(?'re destroyed): -. Destark 1(Hp 36750) -> Retreat if Hp goes below 20% Nice Item : -. Bio Sensor -> Dogora -. Learning CP+ -> Gedraf ER -. Chobahm Armor -> Gedraf ER(Hp 5600) -. Multi Sensor -> Gedraf ER -. Aggility Equip+5 -> Bydar Mothership -. Skill Equip+10 -> Kabuto Mothership -. Defense Equip+10 -> Neshia Mothership -. Ranged atk Equip+10 -> ? -. Accuracy Equip+5 -> Mark Mothership -. Skill Equip+10 -> Destark 1 Note : Well this stage has A LOT OF ENEMY and Surprise, the starting enemy'll retreat if there's only 10 unit left on their troop(it's Gameover if u Kill Chronicle in Adorastia), the 1st Reinforcement'll appear all over the map, they'll trap u on the midle, while the 2nd'll appear at Noth East side of map, right on your tail and they'll retreat if there's 10 unit left on the map(maybe u wanna kill Mark w Godmars before they retreat), and when u destroy ?(31500) he'll transform into Destark 1, btw other than Gundam enemy, they all has lousy accuracy. After the battle u'll receive Vayeate(& Mercurius if Hilde + Noin Kill over 20) =============================================================================== STAGE 23 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Tower -. 15 other Unit Enemy Unit : -. Gedraf ER (Hp 4200) x 8 -. Gedraf ER (Hp 4600) x 1 -. Domutoria (Hp 5175) x 1 -. Burkengu ER(Hp 7130) x 1 -. Zoridea ER (Hp 5060) x 1 -. Adorasutia (Hp 25000) x 3 Enemy Reinforcement 1(Pipinorden/Dough Hp drop to 20%) -. Gedraf ER (Hp 4200) x 4 -. Zoridea ER (Hp 4620) x 5 -. Gedraf ER (Hp 5400) x 1 -. Adorasutia (Hp 25000) x 3 Enemy Reinforcement 2(Booth Pipinorden & Dough Adorasutia Hp drop to 20%) -. GR-2 Garland(MC)(Hp 1610) x 6 Nice Item : -. Booster -> Gedraf ER -. Magnetic Coating -> Domutoria -. Learning CP+ -> Burkengu -. Hovercraft -> Zoridea ER -. Hybrid Armor -> Gedraf ER(Katejina) Note : Ok this stage're BAD, the objective here is to prevent any enemy to enter the cityscape and Reduce Adorasutia Hp drop to 20% or below, do not kill them or Game over(thought if u use Combo attack accidentally and smash out Adorasutia from the map wasn't a game over), the 1st reinforcement'll apear at west area of map, when the 2nd apear surround the 2nd Adorasutia that u smash into critical hp(or Dough?), not far from your team i guess. in this stage, a Barricade of Super Robot w "Lock ON" ability might be a good idea and some supportive unit work great. =============================================================================== STAGE 24 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. 1 Mothership -. Big O -. Gunpar -. V Dash Gundam.Hexa -. V2 Gundam -. 9 other Unit Enemy Unit : -. Gedraf ER (Hp 4400) x 6 -. Domutoria (Hp 4950) x 5 -. Domutoria MA(Hp 4950) x 4 -. Zoridea ER (Hp 5060) x 1 -. Adorasutia (Hp 25000) x 3 Enemy Reinforcement 1(Katejina Zoridea ER were destroyed): -. Gedraf ER (Hp 4400) x 2 -. Burkengu ER(Hp 7130) x 1 Friendlly reinforcement(next turn after enemy reinforcement arrive) -. V2 Gundam Enemy reinforcement 2(next turn after enemy reinforcement arrive) -. Gedraf ER (Hp 4400) x 4 -. Domutoria (Hp 4950) x 2 -. Domutoria MA (Hp 4950) x 2 -. Zoridea ER (Hp 5060) x 1 Nice Item : -. Equip SP use-10% -> Zoridea ER(Katejina) -. SP Equip+10 -> Burkengu ER -. Skill Equip+10 -> Zoridea ER(Gozu) Note : At 1st this stage, act like normal stage, Game over if u destroy Adorasutia or Uso and Oliver being killed, the 1st reinforcement appear at South side of map they're easy to handle(w some "lock On") and the 2nd appear at South West area of map(the Minor), when the Major, Gozu(Zoridea ER) appear near Chronicle Adorasutia(w Combo ability level 2) and u musn't destroy him(WHAT THE!!!...), then some Healling Unit is very reccomended on this stage, the stage'll end as soon as u finish all the enemy except 3 Adorasutia & Gozu Zoridea ER. =============================================================================== STAGE 25 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Before u start Stage 25, there's some option the 1st is start the mission, the 2nd is rename your New Mech that u'll got later on(it's "Folte Gigas" if i didn't mistaken for Ganadul). Friendlly Unit : -. Gundam WO -. Beralios Enemy Unit : -. Eel (Hp 7920) x 10 -. Dorothy 1 (Hp 5280) x 6 -. Beck Victory Drags(Hp 10850) x 1 Friendlly Reiforcement(Turn 3): -. Big O Friendlly Reinforcement(Turn 4): -. Tower -. Ganadul -. 9 other unit Friendlly Reinforcement(Have Beralios enter the Tower): -. Daltanias Enemy Reinforcement 1(Turn 4): -. Belgrand (Hp 5750) x 6 -. Belgrand S (Hp 8050) x 3 -. Mummy (Hp 15000)x 1 -. Inpetows (Hp 36300)x 1 Enemy Reinforcement 2(10 Enemy Left on the map): -. Angels (Hp 4600) x 6 -. Angels S (Hp 6900) x 3 -. Fabularis(Hp 27500) x 1 Nice Item : -. Chobahm Armor & Melee Equip+10 -> Beck Victory Drags -. Booster & Skill Equip+10 -> Inpetows -. Magnetic Coating & Ranged Equip+10 -> Fabularis Note : Well when the stage start, it could be pain in the ass saving your Beralios and W0, cast "Iron Wall" on Beralios and "Concentrate" on W0, then have Beralios rushing to the east to regroup w your main reinforcement and have W0 dealling w the ell, when Big O arrive, i think if u use it unit on your main team, equipped w Heavy Armor & Minovsky Drives, he can dealling w Dorothy1 and Beck all by himself, the 1st enemy reinforcement'll arrive at north area of map, they have Heavy Armor and high attack power, bring "Armor Breaker" or have Mazinger Z using "Rust Tornado" on the major enemy, the 2nd enemy reinforcement arrive at South area of map, and they got even nastier than the 1st one, high aggility and Combo attack're sure pain in the ass and When there's only 5 enemy left u got an option, i'm not really sure if the option will effect the game later but i think it wasn't a good idea to pick the 1st. eversince your main Character will shut of it system and leave the battle, while the 2nd'll keep him on the field. After the battle, Dorothy're Back(YAY^^), and u got some new Gundam Pilot. =============================================================================== STAGE 26 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ------- PART 1 ------- Friendlly Unit : -. 1 Mothership -. 15 more unit Enemy Unit : -. Belgrand (Hp 5750)x 12 -. Belgrand S (Hp 8050)x 6 Enemy Reinforcement(10 enemy remain) : -. Angels (Hp 4800) x 6 -. Angels S (Hp 7200) x 3 -. ? (Hp 32200) x 1 Nice Item : -. Combo Equip+1 & Defense Equip+10 -> ?(32200) Note : well the majority of this stage have equal level like the previous, then u know what u must do rite?...the enemy reinforcement appear at North area of map, just becarefull w ?(32200) map attack OK. ------- PART 2 ------- Friendlly Unit : -. Ganadul -. 14 more Unit Enemy unit : -. Scalpelm (Hp 5400) x 12 -. Scalpelm S (Hp 7800) x 9 -. ? (Hp 34500)x 1 -> retreat if HP goes below 20% Enemy reinforcement 1(turn 3): -. Scalpelm (Hp 5400)x 4 -. Scalpelm S (Hp 7800)x 2 Enemy Reinforcement 2(5 enemy left on the map) -. Scalpelm (Hp 5400)x 10 -. Scalpelm S (Hp 7800)x 5 Nice item : -. Bio Sensor -> ? (Hp 34500) Note : Nothing really special comes from this stage, JUST RUSH YOUR WAY OUT to the designated point or beat all enemy(in 10 turn), the enemy here're just an average between Belgrand and the Angels, btw to makes this stage a bit more difficult i guess u know where the reinforcement'll come^^, the ?(34500) has HP regenerate, use "Armor Breaker" on him. after the Stage your main Chara'll receive new unit. =============================================================================== STAGE 27 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. 1 Mothership -. 15 other Unit(by this stage Wentos and his Stoudyum're available) Enemy Unit : -. Mini UFO (Hp 6000) x 8 -. UFO Robo Girugiru (Hp 9960) x 2 -. UFO Robo Gosugosu (Hp 10440) x 2 -. UFO Robo Gingin (Hp 10680) x 2 -. Massalbarn (Hp 28750) x 2 Enemy Reinforcement 1(5 enemy left on the map): -. Guruguru (Hp 11280) x 4 -. Barubara (Hp 10560) x 4 -. Guldar (Hp 11040) x 4 -. Randoora (Hp 11520) x 2 -. Zeiron (Hp 18000) x 1 -. Mark Mothership (Hp 32200) x 1 Enemy Reinforcement 2(all enemy destroyed): -. GR-2Garland(MC) (Hp 1680) x 6 -. Gedraf ER (Hp 4800) x 3 -. Domutoria MA (Hp 5400) x 2 -. Zoridea ER (Hp 5280) x 2 -. Domutoria (Hp 5400) x 1 -. Adorasutia (Hp 28750) x 1 Enemy Reinforcement 3(all GR-2Garland're destroyed): -. Zannesk (Hp 23000) x 1 retreat if hp goes bellow 20% Nice Item : -. High Performance Radar -> Massalbarn(Gandal) -. Dual Sensor -> Massalbarn(Bratsky) -. Big Generator -> Mark Mothership -. Beam Coating -> Zeiron -. EN Chip -> Domutoria -. Learning CP -> Adorasutia -. Psycho Frame, Minovsky Craft & Hit and Away equip ->Zannesk Note: Ok this stage's frustrating at 1st the enemy have high attack Power, Armor and Hp but they aren't really good w accuracy, the 1st reinforcement act the same so i didn't recommend u to waste your precious SP(Lucky or Great Effort is another Story), and u can convince Mark w Takeru on Godmars, after that the 2nd reinforcement're getting much 2x worst they have great aggility(especially GR-2), conserve your SP w Lock On abbility for Super Robot and Command area for the Gundams, and do not touch Adorasutia before u defeat Zannesk, btw Falla on Zannesk's the true EVIL!!! on this stage, it has great stats on EVERYTHING!!! the MAP ATTACK're sure pain and Combo Ability Lv 2 work great on sweeping your troop, nothing i can say, just save your best effort dealling this sweet DEVIL. the 1st enemy reinforcement'll apear at North west area of map, the 2nd at North east and the 3rd at North section. After the battle Wentos'll join your team(not a Bad unit at all!) =============================================================================== STAGE 28 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ------- PART 1 ------- Friendlly unit : -. 1 Mothership -. VF-19F SB -. VF-11MAXL SB -. VF-17 SB -. 12 other Unit(by this time FAZZ, V2 Assault/Buster & Hi-NU're available) Enemy unit : -. Fz-109A (Hp 6000) x 12 -. Az-130A (Hp 9360) x 8 -. ? (Hp 32200)x 2 -. FBz-99G (Hp 12500)x 1 retreat if hp goes bellow 30% Nice Item : -. Apooge Motor -> FBz-99G Note : Bad stage, the enemy here has great Attack power and aggility, increase your pilot stats w "Try Again" map attack(or targetting on the enemy leader) would be a great idea, maximized use of command area and support unit and Combo ability as usual'll gave u less difficulty w this stage, on turn 3, there's some event between VF pilot and FBz, i suggest u rushing your team toward the enemy from the start of the stage. ------- PART 2 ------- Friendlly Unit : -. 1 Mothership -. Daltanias -. 13 other unit Neutral Unit : -. Mini UFO(Hp 5000) Enemy unit : -. Beamborg.Gulzon (Hp 9960) x 4 -. Beamborg.Drachne (Hp 8640) x 5 -. Beamborg Zaras (Hp 10810) x 2 -. Kabuto Mothership (Hp 25300) x 1 Friendlly Reinforcement(Turn 3): -. Gascon Robo Nice Item : -. Bio Sensor -> Kabuto Mothership Note : Not really a hard stage, the stage'll end when Mini UFO reach Macross 7, then if u want to destroy all of the enemy on this stage better u move Macross 7 to southern side of the map, have Beralios cast "iron wall" and move it to the enemy(don't use "Accelerate") and have the other rush out toward the enemy, the stage're surprisinglly easy maximized use your seishin here eversince the enemy didn't have any back up. After the battle there's an option, 1st is Macross 7 route and the 2nd is Ra-Kailum route. Gascon'll imediatelly join your force if u choose the 1st route. =============================================================================== STAGE 29 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ================ MACROSS 7 ROUTE ================ ------- PART 1 ------- Friendlly Unit : -. Macross 7 -. Godmars -. 14 other unit Enemy unit : -. Guruguru (Hp 11280) x 3 -. Barubara (Hp 10560) x 2 -. Guldar (Hp 11040) x 4 -. Randoora (Hp 11520) x 2 -. Zeiron (Hp 18800) x 1 -. Mark Mothership(Hp 32200) x 1 Enemy Reinforcement 1(Mark Mothership's destroyed): -. Godmars(Mark, Hp 40000) Enemy Reinforcement 2(All enemy Destroyed): -. Beamborg.Zaras (Hp 11280) x 4 -. Beamborg.Gulzon (Hp 10375) x 8 -. Twinborg.Unitgerasu(Hp 18000) x 4 -. Bydar Mothership (Hp 30000) x 1 retreat if hp goes below 20% Enemy Reinforcement 3(All enemy destroyed): -. Destark 2 (Hp 46000) x 1 -. Twinborg.Unitgerasu(Hp 18900) x 4 Nice Item : -. Hybrid Armor & SP equip+15 -> Zeiron -. Bio Sensor -> Mark Mothership -. S Adaptor & SP equip+15 -> Godmars -. Linear Shirt & Defense equip+10 -> Bydar Mothership -. Alloy Z & Morale Equip+5 -> Destark 2 Note : Ok this stage're great headache to play with, 1st don't destroy Zeiron before u destroy Godmars(Mark), for some Godmars event and u may convince Mark here using Takeru on your Godmars, the 2nd reinforcement appear at South west and North east side of map, the 2nd appear at the starting enemy appear, the majority of the enemy're hard to deal with eversince no Newtype here for u who play using Cosmo Crusher, use it Command area wiselly and bring! Support unit (Hilde w her Taurus's a nice choice), beware w Destark combo ability Lv 3, the remainning enemy'll retreat when Destark 2's destroyed ------- PART 2 ------- Friendlly Unit : -. Macross 7 -. Daltanias -. 14 other unit Enemy Unit : -. Beamborg.Zaras (Hp 11750) x 2 -. Beamborg.Gulzon (Hp 10375) x 2 -. beamborg.Drachne (hp 9000) x 4 -. Twinborg.Unitgerasu(Hp 19800) x 2 -. ? (Hp 36000) x 1 Nice Item : -. Large Magazine & Short Circuit -> ?(Hp 36000) Note : Not a bad stage at all, just gave them all u got eversince u already dealling w the big Wave, rush all your unit toward the enemy, use some Support unit then u'll be fine. ================ RA KAILUM ROUTE ================ ------- PART 1 ------- Friendlly Unit : -. Ra Kailum -. 15 other Unit enemy Unit : -. Abigor (Hp 5625) x 8 -. Contio (Hp 5375) x 4 -. Adorasutia (Hp 28750) x 3 -. Burkengu ER(Hp 8550) x 1 -. Dogoora (Hp 28750) x 1 -. Adorasutia (Hp 28750) x 1 Enemy Reinforcement(5 Enemy Left on the map) -. Abigor (Hp 5625) x 8 -. Contio (Hp 5375) x 4 -. Zannesk (Hp 24000)x 1 Nice Item : -. Hybrid Armor -> Burkengu ER -. S Adapter -> Dogoora -. Linear Shirt & Defense Equip+10 -> Adorasutia -. Minovsky Drive, Alloy Z & Ranged Attack Equip+15 -> Zannesk Note : Ok u got a lot of Newtype pilot here(if u use one^^), the stage aren't to dificult especially w commander area and healling unit, the reinforcement'll apear at South West area of map, Falla in Zannesk're surprisinglly easy to fight against just play your card as usual then u'll be fine. ------- PART 2 ------- Before the battle begin, there's an option(i dunno if it'll effect the game later on) if u pick the 1st u only have 9 unit at your starter but Basara and his gang'll help u at turn 4 and if u choose the 2nd u'll have 12 unit as your starter. Friendlly Unit : -. Ra Kailum -. 9/12 other Unit Enemy Unit : -. Abigor (Hp 5625) x 8 -. Burkengu ER (Hp 7750) x 4 -. Dogoora (Hp 28750) x 2 -. Dogoora (Hp 31250) x 1 -. Zannesk (Hp 25000) x 1 -. Adorasutia (Hp 28750) x 2 -. Squid (Hp 26450) x 1 retreat if Hp goes bellow 20% Friendlly Reinforcement(Turn 4, apear if u pick the 1st option): -. VF-19 -. VF-11MAX -. VF-17T Enemy Reinforcement(5 enemy left on the map): -. Abigor (Hp 5625) x 4 -. Burkengu ER (Hp 7750) x 2 -. Dogoora (Hp 28750) x 2 -. Adorasutia (Hp 28750) x 3 -. Rig Contio (Hp 33350) x 1 Retreat if Hp Goes Bellow 20% -. Gotoratan (Hp 34500) x 1 Retreat if Hp Goes Bellow 20% Nice Item : -. Melee Equip+15 -> Zannesk -. Bio Sensor -> Squid -. Giant Magazine & Morale Equip+5 -> Rig Contio -. Short Circuit & Sp Equip+10 -> Gotoratan Note : Ok this stage're frustrating, especially Falla w Zannesk and Chronicle w Rig Contio, then u know what u must do rite?, WRONG! all the Newtype pilot aren't available here, that means a Great HEADACHE fighting those high agility devil, and the reinforcement appear at South west area of map and Katejina(Gotoratan) will stay on it's ground(on my game), then better u rush out your Unit toward them and smash booth Rig Contio and Gotoratan w your most powerfull map attack (or Combo if it possible), eversince booth of them'll retreat when one of them being in critical hp or one of them being destroyed(easy for me to say we're Sitting Duck!!! for Zannesk Map attack on this formation>_<), after that deal w the Squid the last since the stage's over when he's destroyed or Forced to retreat. =============================================================================== STAGE 30 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== ================ MACROSS 7 ROUTE ================ ------- Part 1 ------- Friendlly Unit : -. Macross 7 -. Daltanias -. 14 other Unit Neutral Unit : -. Destark 3 (Hp 50000) x 1 Enemy Unit : -. Beamborg.Gulzon (Hp 10375) x 8 -. Beamborg.Zaras (Hp 11750) x 4 -. Twinborg.Unitgerasu(Hp 20700) x 3 -. Twinborg.Gurozarus (Hp 20000) x 2 -. Bydar Mothership (Hp 31250) x 1 Enemy Reinforcement(Bydar Mothership's destroyed): -. Guldar (Hp 11500) x 6 -. Guruguru (Hp 11750) x 4 -. Randoora (Hp 12000) x 4 -. Zeiron (Hp 20250) x 1 Nice Item : -. Haro & Defense Equip+15 -> Bydar Mothership -. New Alloy Z & Counter Equip -> Zeiron Note : Not a hard stage, eversince Destark 3 was actually on your aid, just make sure he didn't destroy the major enemy that'll make u lost the cool item here, the nice thing comes from the enemy is actually they'll not retreat by this stage, one healling unit on this stage's enough, the enemy reinforcement'll appear at south side of the map. And don't let the neutral/Godmars get Destroyed or gameover. In this stage Daltanias'll receive 2 additional attack. ------- PART 2 ------- Friendlly Unit : -. Macross 7 -. 15 other Unit Neutral Unit : -. Destark 3 (Hp 62500) x 1 Enemy Unit : -. Beamborg.Gulzon (Hp 10375) x 6 -. Beamborg.Zaras (Hp 11750) x 4 -. Twinborg.Unitgerasu(Hp 20700) x 3 -. Twinborg.Gurozarus (Hp 21000) x 5 -. ? (Hp 37500) x 2 Enemy Reinforcement 1(10 enemy left on the map): -. Randoora (Hp 12000) x 4 -. Guruguru (Hp 11750) x 4 -. Ganimedes (Hp 27600) x 2 -. Vacumm (Hp 12250) x 1 -. Coorukach (Hp 12375) x 1 Enemy Reinforcement 2(? Hp 37500 on the left is Destroyed): -. Neshia Mothership(Hp 25000) x 1 Enemy Reinforcement 3(? Hp 37500 on the right is Destroyed): -. Kabuto Mothership(Hp 28750) x 1 Enemy Reinforcement 4(Booth ? Hp 37500're destroyed/10 enemy left on the map): -. Guldar (Hp 11500) x 2 -. Randoora (Hp 12000) x 2 -. Ganimedes (Hp 27600) x 1 -. Guruguru (Hp 11750) x 1 Nice Item : -. Mega Generator & Skill Equip+15 -> Vacumm -. Multi Sensor & Accuracy Equip+10 -> Coorukach -. Minovsky Drive & Assist Attack Equip+2 -> Neshia Mothership -. Best Performance Radar & Potential Equip+2 -> Kabuto Mothership -. Mega Booster & Agility Equip+10 -> Guruguru Note : Not really a hard stage, but don't destroy booth Neshia and Kabuto mothership that apear after u destroy ?(Hp 37500) eversince the stage'll end when u defeat booth of them, so let Destark 3 deal w them for a while when u dealling w the 1st reinforcement at West and East section of the map and the 4th will apear at your starting point, the enemy here have good accuracy and Attack power bring at least 2 healling unit on this stage. + make sure Daltanias pilot reach 140 morale here so Daltanias will receive his Final Waza that only appear at 140 Morale. ================ RA KAILUM ROUTE ================ Friendlly Unit : -. Ra Kailum -. V2 Assault Buster gundam -. 14 other Unit Enemy Unit : -. Abigor (Hp 5625) x 4 -. Burkengu ER (Hp 7750) x 2 -. Zanneks (Hp 23000) x 4 -. Adorasutia (Hp 28750) x 2 -. Dogoora (Hp 31250) x 1 -. Gengaozo (Hp 36750) x 1 Enemy Reinforcement 1(All enemy destroyed): -. Burkengu ER (Hp 7750) x 4 -. Dogoora (Hp 28750) x 2 -. Zannesk (Hp 23000) x 4 -. Squid (Hp 26450) x 1 Enemy Reinforcement 2(all enemy destroyed): -. Zannesk (Hp 23000) x 3 -. Rig Contio (Hp 34800) x 1 retreat if Hp goes Bellow 20% -. Gotoratan (Hp 36000) x 1 retreat if Hp goes Bellow 20% Nice Item : -. Mega Generator & Skill Equip+15 -> Dogoora -. New Alloy Z, Haro, Potential Equip+2 -> Gengaozo -. Mega Booster & Defense Equip+15 -> Squid -. Best Performance Radar & Accuracy Equip+10 -> Gotoratan -. Multi Sensor & Assist Attack+2 -> Rig Contio Note : Ok Falla Gengaozo're even much much worst than her Zanneks(not to mention in this stage there's a lot of this unit w map attack), gave them all u got(i mean ALL!!! and save 1 Spirit and Lock on or Concentrate for Chronicle and Katejina) and pump out your level w great Effort or Valkyrie song attack to increase your stats, the 1st reinforcement'll appear at South east area of the map, and the 2nd'll appear at north west section. Finish Rig Contio & Gotoratan in single strike(Map/Combo Attack) eversince the stage'll end if any of them being destroyed or in Critical Hp. ------- PART 2 ------- Friendlly Unit : -. Ra Kailum -. V2 Assault Buster Gundam -. 14 other unit Enemy Unit : -. Burkengu ER (Hp 7750) x 4 -. Dogoora (Hp 28750) x 4 -. Zanneks (Hp 23000) x 4 -. Gengaozo (Hp 32200) x 4 -. Adorasutia (Hp 28750) x 4 Enemy Reinforcement (V2 reach the designated area): -. Rig Contio (Hp 36250) x 1 -. Gotoratan (Hp 37500) x 1 Nice Item : -. Counter Equip -> Rig Contio -. Aggility Equip+10 -> Gotoratan Note : Ok the objective here's occupy the designated point(in 5 Turn) w V2, just rush out your unit to the designated point and focus your attack to any 1 of the Adorasutia which is bloking the way after V2 reach the designated point enemy reinforcement apear near the Adorasutia unit on the south, with Command area Chronicle and Katejina might give u some chalenge here, u may convince Chronicle and Katejina on this stage w Uso(dunno what'll happen later on>_<). =============================================================================== STAGE 31 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== if u pick Ra Kailum route on the stage 28 and Amuro+Char+Kamiyu+Judou kills = 400+ by stage 30, Hamahn w her Qubeley'll be available at this stage. Friendlly Unit : -. 1 Mothership -. 15 other unit(Garland'll receive an Upgrade here) Enemy Unit : -. Mini UFO (Hp 6500) x 12 -. UFO Robo Girugiru(Hp 10790) x 6 -. UFO Robo Gingin (Hp 11570) x 2 -. UFO Robo Gosugosu(Hp 11310) x 4 -. UFO Robo Fubifubi(Hp 12090) x 4 -. Massalbarn (Hp 32500) x 2 Enemy Reinforcement(5 enemy left on the map): -. Guruguru (Hp 12220) x 6 -. Randoora (Hp 12480) x 6 -. Ganimedes (Hp 28750) x 3 -. Zeiron (Hp 19500) x 1 Nice Item : -. EN Mega Chip & Sp Conserve-20% -> Massalbarn(left) -. Solar Panel & Assist Defense+2 -> Massalbarn(right) -. High performance Sensor & Morale Equip+8 -> Zeiron <><><><><><><><><><> V. ADDITIONAL STAGE <><><><><><><><><><> Additional Stage/Bonus Stage can be accessed after u beat the actual "stage" on the game, it function is to boost your income and also giving cool part for your unit/character, in here your strategic thinking're being tested, so for u who like solving Puzzle i really don't reccomend u to read this section, eversince i gave direct conclusion on every Stage on it. the Rule're simple at early stage you and your enemy always have 100% Accuracy, no Critical may occur, the damage're sure(not even a point difference when u attacking the same mech w the same attack all the time and the enemy does the same to ya). i Have some advice for ya if u want to figure most of it by your own: 1. Take good attention on your and Enemy formation(assist or sort of) 2. Look at available Seishin that may help u on that stage 3. Look at the Terrain that can give advantage/disadvantage like water & Beam attack, or building that may give bonus Defense to grounded unit =============================================================================== STAGE 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. V Gundam -. Ganis Enemy Unit : -. Zolo (Hp 3000) -. Zolo (Hp 1800) Winning Condition : Destroy All Enemy Loosing Condition : Enemy remain, 1st Player Phase end Reward : -. Super Repair Kit -. 5000 Credit Note : Move V and attack Zolo(3000) assisted w Ganis, then destroy Zolo(1800) w Ganis =============================================================================== STAGE 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Jagd Doga -. Top.Fighter(V) Enemy Unit : -. Invader.Land(Hp 1920) Winning Condition : Destroy All Enemy Loosing Condition : Enemy remain, 1st Player Phase end, Uso/Gyunei Destroyed Reward : -. Donkey Bread -. 5000 Credit Note : Move Jagd Doga up by 3 panel then attack w "Beam Assault Riffle" then have Top.Fighter(V) land the Finishing Blow. =============================================================================== STAGE 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Stelbar -. Ganis Enemy Unit : -. Invader Land(Hp 4800) Winning Condition : Destroy All Enemy Loosing Condition : Enemy remain, 1st Player Phase end Reward : -. Super Repair Kit -. 5000 Credit Note : Move Ganis out of the water toward Stelbar and attack Invader Assisted w Stelbar then Have Stelbar Land the Finishing Blow. =============================================================================== STAGE 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Methuss -. Ganis Enemy Unit : -. Zolo (Hp 1350) x 2 -. Zolo (Hp 1800) x 1 Winning Condition : Ocupied the pointed area Loosing Condition : Winning Condition're not Fullfiled, 1st Player Phase end Reward : -. Skill Equip+20 -. 10000 Credit Note : Move Ganis and destroy Zolo on the left side of Methuss using Ganis w "Beam Riffle" then transform Methuss into MA and enter the base, as simple as that^_^. =============================================================================== STAGE 5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Jagd.Doga -. V Gundam Enemy Unit : -. Zolo (Hp 2700) Winning Condition : Destroy All Enemy Loosing Condition : Enemy remain, 1st Player Phase end, Uso/Gyunei Destroyed Reward : -. Ranged Combat Equip+20 -. 10000 Credit Note : Move Jagd.Doga 2 panel to the right and attack Zolo, then have V land the Finishing Blow. =============================================================================== STAGE 6 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Z Gundam -. Methuss Enemy Unit : -. Virgo (Hp 2000) x 3 Winning Condition : 1 Turn end, enemy unable to reach your base Loosing Condition : Enemy manage to enter your base Reward : -. Melee Combat Equip+20 -. 10000 Credit Note : 1st use Kamiyu Seishin "Assault" that cost 25 Sp, then Move Z, 1 panel to the Right and attack Virgo on your right, assisted w Methuss then move Methus to the left, then end phase, Counter if u want to & tadaa, u re won =============================================================================== STAGE 7 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Tower -. Stelbar -. Ganis -. V Gundam.Hexa Enemy Unit : -. Garickson (Hp 2800) x 2 Winning Condition : Destroy All Enemy Loosing Condition : Enemy remain, 1st Player Phase end Reward : -. Learning CP++ -. 10000 Credit Note : 1 st use Hayato Seishin "Direct Hit" that cost 20 SP then Attack upper Garickson, Then Move Stelbar and attack lower Garickson, then attack lower Garickson w "Beam Bazooka" using Ganis she'll be dead by now, then have Oliver cast "Accelerate", move and attack the last Garickson. =============================================================================== STAGE 8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Mazinger Z -. Great Mazinger w Great Booster -. Borot Enemy Unit : -. Invader.Air (Hp 5250) Winning Condition : Destroy All Enemy Loosing Condition : Enemy remain, 1st Player Phase end Reward : -. Counter -. 10000 Credit Note : 1st use Tetsuya Seishin "Accelerate" then move to the spot where Borot can refill it En and attack Invader using "Breast Burn", then refill it EN using Borot, then land Mazinger Z and move toward the Invader and attack it using Synchro Attack "W Mazinger Punch" that'll finish the Invader. =============================================================================== STAGE 9 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. R-GZ(BWS) -. Z Gundam -. ZZ Gundam -. Gundam Wing 0 -. Core.Fighter(V) Enemy Unit : -. Amaltea (Hp 18000) x 2 Winning Condition : 1 Turn End, Enemy Unable to reach the designated area Lossing Condition : Enemy Reach the designated area Reward : -. Giant Magazine -. 10000 Credit Note : 1st change all your unit to Wave Rider/Bird mode then have Amuro cast "Accelerate"(cost 5 sp) then move your unit and make a formation like this 1o o5 234 o = Amaltea 1 = Gundam Wing Zero 2 = R-GZ 3 = Z Gundam 4 = ZZ Gundam 5 = Core Fighter(V) then end phase, Counter if u like and u won. =============================================================================== STAGE 10 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Ra Kailum -. Gundam Heavyarms -. Big O Enemy Unit : -. Taurus (Hp 4080) x 17 Winning Condition : 10 or less enemy're on map Loosing Condition : 1 turn passed, Winning Condition're not full filled Reward : -. Hit & Away -. 20000 Credit Note: a a~q = Taurus unit b c 1 = Big O d e1 2 = Heavyarms f g h 3 = Ra Kailum i j2k l3m n Have Ra kailum attack "b" w it stronggest attack, then have Roger & o p Trowa cast "Hot Blood", have Big-O shoot his map weapon to the left q and Heavyarms shoot his map weapon to "d" and u won =============================================================================== STAGE 10 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. VF-17D Nightmare x 2 -. VF-19F Valkyrie Enemy Unit : -. Fz-109A Elgarlzoln(Hp 6040) Winning Condition : Destroy All Enemy Loosing Condition : Enemy remain, 1st Player Phase end, any of your unit destroyed Reward : -. Skill Equip+20 -. 20000 Credit Note : 1st have VF-19 use "Holy Lonely Light" to Gamlin(VF-17D w 1624 HP), then change VF-17D(870 Hp) into Batroid mode and have Gamlin cast "Accelerate"(5 SP) then have Doc cast "Charge"(40 SP), then move Gamlin and attack the enemy assisted w VF-17D, then move Doc toward the enemy and attack the enemy with it most powerfull attack then u won. =============================================================================== STAGE 12 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Diana A -. Venus A -. v Gundam.Hexa -. Ganis Enemy Unit : -. Virgo(Hp 4000) Winning Condition : Destroy Virgo Loosing Condition : Virgo Escape, 1st Player Phase end Reward : -. Agility Equip+15 -. 20000 Credit Note : Have Oliver cast "Accelerate"(5 Sp), move Hexa Gundam to the left side of Ganis then move Ganis and attack Virgo using "Beam Saber" then move Diana and Attack Virgo w it most powerfull attack assisted by Venus A that should finish him of. =============================================================================== STAGE 12 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Ganis Enemy Unit : -. Zolo x 4 -. Shokew Winning Condition : Reach the Designated point Loosing Condition : 3 turn have passed and Winning condition aren't fullfiled, Marbet unit're destroyed. Reward : -. Accuracy Equip+15 -. 20000 Credit Note : --------------------- | | | | | |Z| | | | | Z = Zolo --------------------- S = Shokew |Z| | | | | | | | | | G = Ganis --------------------- X = Designated point | | | | |2| | | | | | 1st have Marbet cast "Ivincible"(15 sp), then move to 1 --------------------- then end phase, then have Marbet cast Invincible again | | |X|S| | | | | |G| and move to 2, and end phase, and move to X and u won --------------------- (u may conter enemy attack if u like to). | | | | | | |1| | | | --------------------- | |Z| | | | | | | | | --------------------- | | | | |Z| | | | | | --------------------- =============================================================================== STAGE 14 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. R-GZ(BWS) -. Ra Kailum Enemy Unit : -. Zolo (Hp 1280) -. Zolo (Hp 960) Winning Condition : Destroy All Enemy Loosing Condition : Enemy remain, 1st Player Phase end, any of your unit destroyed Reward : -. EN Virus -. 25000 Credit Note : 1st remove R-GZ BWS that turn him into MS then have Amuro cast "Accelerate" and move R-GZ 2 panel below Ra Kailum then Attack Zolo(960) w Beam Riffle, and have Ra Kailum attack the last Zolo. =============================================================================== STAGE 15 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. VF-19F -. VF-17S Enemy Unit : -. Fz-109F(Hp 8300) Winning Condition : Destroy All Enemy Loosing Condition : Enemy remain, 1st Player Phase end, any of your unit destroyed Reward : -. Minovsky Drive -. 25000 Credit Note : 1st have VF-17S pilot cast "Flash"(10 SP) & "Hot Blood"(40 SP) then attack Fz-109F w it most powerfull Attack, then have Basara cast "Charge"(40 SP) and "Hot Blood"(40 SP) then move toward the enemy and attack w it most powerfull attack =============================================================================== STAGE 16 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Core Fighter(V) Enemy Uniy : -. Zolo x 5 Winning Condition : Reach the Designated point Loosing Condition : 2 turn have passed and Winning condition aren't fullfiled, Uso unit're destroyed. Reward : -. Combo Equip+3 -. 25000 Credit Note : Move Core Fighter 5 panel to the right and 1 panel down, then end phase then move to the designated point =============================================================================== STAGE 17 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Jagd Doga x 2 -. Ra Kailum Enemy Unit : -. Shokew(Hp 2800) -. Shokew(Hp 1750) Winning Condition : Destroy All Enemy Loosing Condition : Enemy remain, 1st Player Phase end, any of your unit destroyed Reward : -. Hp Virus -. 25000 Credit Note : 1st have Ra Kailum Refill Gyunnei Jagd Doga En using "Propelant Tank" then have Quess cast "Assault"(25 SP), move and attack Shokew(Hp 1750) w it stronggest attack, then move Ra Kailum and attack the other Shokew and have Gyunnei gave the Finishing Blow. =============================================================================== STAGE 18 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Daltanias Enemy Unit : -. ?Robot (Hp 4060) Winning Condition : Destroy All Enemy Loosing Condition : Enemy remain, 1st Player Phase end Reward : -. High Performance Targetter -. 25000 Credit Note : 1st Dissassemble Daltanias into Atlas, Gunpar & Beralios, then attack the enemy using Gunpar and Beralios then form Daltanias again and attack the enemy w Daltanias using "Tran Saber" that supposed to end the enemy =============================================================================== STAGE 19 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Borot Enemy Unit : -. Recarl x 5 Winning Condition : Borot Must Survive on turn 2 Loosing Condition : Borot're destroyed Reward : -. Assist Defense Equip+3 -. 25000 Credit Note: just move to the far west and block every enemy attack. =============================================================================== STAGE 20 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Gundam WO -. Gundam Sandrock -. Gundam Heavyarms -. Gundam DH -. Altron Gundam Enemy Unit : -. Taurus (Hp 3400) x 6 Winning Condition : Destroy All Enemy Loosing Condition : Enemy remain, 1st Player Phase end Reward : -. S Adaptor -. 30000 Credit Note: S S=Sandrock 1 W 5 W= Wing Zero 234 1~6 = Taurus 6 1st have WO land it unit, then Move toward Sandrock and Attack no 1 assisted w Sandrock, then have all the pilot cast "Hot Blood" (40sp), Move DH to the left of no 2 and use Combo Attack on no 2 that should finish 2 unit in 1 swipe, then have each unit destroy enemy remain(Altron can only attack no 5). =============================================================================== STAGE 21 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Z Gundam -. Nu Gundam -. Sazabi Enemy Unit : -. Squid (Hp 28500) -. Virgo (Hp 3600) x 4 Winning Condition : Reach the Designated point Loosing Condition : 1 turn have passed and Winning condition aren't fullfiled Reward : -. Energy Drain -. 30000 Credit Note: 12S34 1~4 = Virgo S = Squid 1st Have Kamiyu cast "Hot Blood"(40 SP) and attack no 1 w Hyper Mega Launcher, then have Char Cast "Direct Hit"(20 SP) and Attack no 2, that should finish him then the last have Amuro cast "Accelerate"(5 SP) and move to designated point. =============================================================================== STAGE 22 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Gundam Epyon -. Taurus Enemy Unit : -. Guldar (Hp 5520) -. Randoora (Hp 5760) -. Ganimedes(Hp 13800) -. Burubara (Hp 6600) Winning Condition : Protect the Colony for 1 turn Loosing Condition : Winning condition aren't fullfiled, Zechs/Noin unit're destroyed. Reward : -. New Alloy Z -. 30000 Credit Note: 1st have Epyon transform into Bat mode then Cast "Flash"(10 SP) then shoot Guldar w "Energy Drain" and Move 1 panel to the right and 6 panel Down. then have Noin Cast "Awaken"(90 SP) and "Trust"(30 Sp)on Epyon, then move Taurus 3 panel down and attack Burubara w "Spider Net" then move Epyon 5 panel down and 1 panel to the right, End Phase and Block every enemy attack . =============================================================================== STAGE 23 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Grandizer -. Drill Spacer -. Marine Spacer Enemy Unit : -. Recarl x 3 Winning Condition : Protect the Base for 1 turn Loosing Condition : Winning condition aren't fullfiled, Duke/Maria/Hikaru unit're destroyed. Reward : -. Haro -. 30000 Credit Note : 1st have maria cast"Accelerate"(5 SP) on Drill Spacer then move Drill Spacer toward Grandizer and form Grandizer.DS then have Maria Cast "Accelerate" again and move Grandizer.DS to the far West panel of the base and move Marine Spacer to right panel of the base then end phase, counter if u like to. =============================================================================== STAGE 24 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Gundam W0 -. Gundam Sandrock -. Gundam DH -. Gundam Heavyarms -. Taurus(S.K) Enemy : -. Cybill Winning Condition : Cybill Retreat Loosing Condition : 1 turn passed, Winning Condition're not fullfilled, Cybill Destroyed Reward : -. Morale Equip+10 -. 30000 Credit Note : Move Heavyarms to the center panel between Cybill, Taurus & DH, have Duo cast "Self Destruct"(1 SP) then have Noin cast "Awaken"(90 SP) on Heavyarms then have Trowa cast "Self Destruct". =============================================================================== STAGE 25 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Ra Kailum -. Nu Gundam -. Taurus(S.K) Enemy Unit : -. Burkengu ER(Hp 6200) Winning Condition : Enemy destroyed Loosing Condition : Enemy Remain, 1 Turn Passed Reward : -. Best Performance Radar -. 35000 Credit Note: 1st have Amuro cast"Accelerate"(5 SP), "Move Again"(50 SP) & "Spirit"(60) then have Nu Gundam enter the Ra Kailum, then have Bright cast "Acelerate" & "Assault"(25 SP) then move to South as far as u can then have Noin cast "Awaken"(90 Sp) on Ra Kailum, have Bright cast "Accelerate" once again and move to the south and attack Burkengu ER then upload Nu Gundam and finish the enemy. =============================================================================== STAGE 26 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Core Fighter(V) -. Core Fighter(VD) -. Getter 1 -. Garland(MD) Enemy Unit : -. Rig.Shokew (Hp 3500) x 2 Winning Condition : Protect ?(Whatever...) for 1 turn and....??? Loosing Condition : Winning condition aren't fullfiled,Uso/Marbet/Hayato/Shougo unit're destroyed. Reward : -. EN Giga Chip -. 35000 Credit Note : 1st have Getter transform into Getter 2 and have Hayato cast "Accelerate"(5 SP) and "Flash"(10 SP), then move 2 panel up and 1 left from the Right Shokew and attack. Then have Usso cast "Sniper"(20 SP) and Move 1 panel Up and 3 panel to the left from Getter 2 and attack the right Shokew, then have marbet cast "Invincible"(15 SP) and move it unit the left from usso Unit then have Shougo cast "Accelerate" transform it Unit into Garland(MC) and move right on the left from Getter 2 and Finish the right Shokew, end phase and assist defense Garland w Getter 2 from Adorasutia attack, then have Shougo cast "Accelerate" again and move toward Adorasutia and stand in front of it(Don't Attack) your formation an the 1st half should looks like this xxxxx x: the yellow area u must protect xxxxx 1: Core Fighter V 12 2: Core Fighter VD 34 3: Garland MC 4: Getter 2 =============================================================================== STAGE 27 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Cosmo Crusher -. VF-11C (CPU control) Enemy Unit : -. Fz-109F Elgarzoln (Hp 3567/5300) -. ? (Hp 28000) Winning Condition : Reach the Designated point Loosing Condition : Winning condition aren't fullfiled & Cosmo Crusher/VF-11C destroyed. Reward : -. Mind Virus -. 35000 Credit Note : Easy 1st have Kenji(1st pilot) cast "Flash"(10 SP), then have Naoto(2nd) cast "Hot Blood"(40 SP) and the last have Akira cast "Accelerate"(5 SP) and move 2 panel to the right and 1 down from Fz-109F and attack, end phase and Block the attack, then have Kenji and Akira cast flash and accelerate again and move upward as far as u can(Don't attack), end phase, have Akira cast "Accelerate" again and move to the designated point. =============================================================================== STAGE 28 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Taurus -. Gundam W0 -. Gundam DH -. Gundam Sandrock -. Gundam Heavyarms Enemy Unit : -. Mini UFO (Hp 5750) x 4 -. Massalbarn(Hp 12500) x 1 Winning Condition : Destroy Massalbarn in 1 Phase Loosing Condition : Winning condition aren't fullfiled Reward : -. Potential Equip +3 -. 35000 Credit Note : 1st have Hilde cast "Encourage"(70 SP) twice that raise all the Gundam pilot morale to 120 point then have W0, DH & Sandrock attack Massalbarn assisted by the Taurus unit(don't bother w assist Defense), then have Taurus attack Massalbarn assisted w Heavyarms "Full Open Attack" then have Trowa cast "Hot Blood"(40 SP) and Finish Massalbarn w "Full Open Attack". =============================================================================== STAGE 29 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Top.Fighter V -. R-GZ(BWS) -. Z Gundam -. Garland Enemy Unit : -. Shokew (Hp 3500) x 3 -. Memerdoza(Hp 3400) x 3 Winning Condition : 1 or less enemy're on map Loosing Condition : 1 turn passed, Winning Condition're not full filled, Any of your unit destroyed. Reward : -. Mind Drain -. 35000 Credit Note : V V : Top.Fighter V R R : R-GZ 12 Z : Zeta Gundam 345ZG G : Garland 6 1,2,4 : Shokew 3,5,6 " Memerdoza Ok 1st have Shougo cast "Miracle"(90 SP), then have Kamiyu, Amuro and Uso cast "Hot Blood"(40 SP). then Transform Zeta into Wave Rider mode and attack no 3 w "Hyper Mega Launcher" assisted w Garland unit, move Garland to the panel below no 4 and attack no 4 w Combo attack, Move V to the panel below no 6 and attack no 6 w Combo attack and the last have R-GZ attack no 5 w "Mega Beam Launcher". =============================================================================== STAGE 30 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Getter 1 Enemy Unit : -. Getter Dragon (Hp 4410) -. Getter Liger (Hp 4200) -. Getter Poseidon (Hp 4200) -. Invader.Land (Hp 4320) Winning Condition : Destroy All enemy Loosing Condition : 1 turn passed, Winning Condition're not full filled, u destroy Getter Robo. Reward : -. Short Circuit -. 50000 Credit Note : 1st change into Getter 3 and have Ryoma Cast "Move Again"(50 SP) and Benkei cast "Hot Blood" then attack Poseidon w "Getter Missile", then have Ryoma cast "Move Again" and Benkei cast "Hot Blood" and change into Getter 1 and land your unit then move 2 panel to the left and 2 panel up and attack Getter Dragon w "Getter Beam", then have Benkei cast "Hot Blood", and Hayato cast "Accelerate" (5 SP), then use "Donkey Bread" that refill your getter team SP by 50 and have Ryoma cast "Move Again" then change into Getter 2 and move to the far west and attack Liger using "Drill Arm", then have Benkei cast "Hot Blood" again and Hayato cast "Accelerate" and change into Getter 1 move and smash the invader w "Getter Tomahawk" =============================================================================== STAGE 31 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============================================================================== Friendlly Unit : -. Getter 1 -. Z Gundam -. ZZ Gundam -. V Gundam -. VF-17D Enemy Unit : -. Fz-109A (Hp 4800) x 7 Winning Condition : 1 Turn end, enemy unable to reach your base Loosing Condition : Enemy manage to enter your base Reward : -. SP Equip+20 -. 50000 Credit Note : EASY. 1st have Kamiyu cast "Hot Blood"(40 SP) & "Assault"(25 SP), then have Uso cast "Hot Blood" & "Flash"(10 SP), Haro cast "Accelerate"(5 SP), then Judou cast "Hot Blood", then Gou cast "Hot Blood" and the last have gamlin cast "Miracle"(90 SP), then change Z into Waverider, ZZ to G Fortress and VF-17D into Batroid mode. The Formation: 1 1~7 : Fz-109A(enemy unit) Z 2 3J4 1st Move Zeta to Z position and attack no 4 w "Hyper Mega Launcher" 5 then move VF to V position and Finish no 6 w it most powerfull attack G6 7 then move Getter to G position and attack no 3 w "Spiral Getter Beam" V then move V to no 3 position and attack no 5 w "Beam Riffle" and the last Move ZZ to J position and finish no 5 w "Double Cannon". End phase and do whatever u like u've won by doing this. <><><><><><><><><><> VI. SYNCHRO ATTACK <><><><><><><><><><> =============== ALTERNATE JAIL =============== Type : Melee Range : 1 Morale : 130 + EN Cost : 50 Unit Requirement : Ganadul, Strega ================= W MAZINGER BLADE ================= Type : Melee Range : 1 Morale : - EN Cost : 10 Unit Requirement : Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger(only 2 of them) =================== W MAZINGER PUNCH(Z) =================== Type : Melee Range : 1~3 Morale : - EN Cost : 30 Unit Requirement : Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Grandizer(only 2 of them) =============== W BURNING FIRE =============== Type : Melee Range : 1 Morale : - EN Cost : 60 Unit Requirement : Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger ====================== TRIPLE MAZINGER BLADE ====================== Type : Melee Range : 1 Morale : - EN Cost: 20 Unit Requirement : Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Grandizer ====================== TRIPLE MAZINGER PUNCH ====================== Type : Melee Range : 1~3 Morale : - EN Cost: 50 Unit Requirement : Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Grandizer ================= MAZINGER TORNADO ================= Type : Melee Range : 1 Morale : 110 EN Cost: 80 Unit Requirement : Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Grandizer =================== W LIGHTNING BUSTER =================== Type : Melee Range : 1 Morale : - EN Cost: 60 Unit Requirement : Great Mazinger, Grandizer ============= DUAL MISSILE ============= Type : Ranged Range : 1~5 Morale : 110 EN Cost: 30 Unit Requirement : Diana A, Venus A ============== BOROT HOMERUN ============== Type : Melee Range : 1~9 Morale : 130+ EN Cost : 30 Unit Requirement : Borot, Borot Jr ================== FINAL GETTER BEAM ================== Type : Melee Range : 1 Morale : 120+ EN Cost : 70 Unit Requirement : Shin Getter, Shin Dragon ====================== FINAL GETTER TOMAHAWK ====================== Type : Melee Range : 1 Morale : 130+ EN Cost : 100 Unit Requirement : Shin Getter, Shin Dragon ======================== Alpha Beta Gamma ATTACK ======================== Type : Ranged Range : 1 Morale : 110 EN Cost : 30 Unit Requirement : Atlas, Gunpar, Beralios ============= DOUBLE SABER ============= Type : Melee Range : 1 Morale : 110 EN cost : 30 Unit Requirement : Daltanias & Gascon Robo ============= W FIN FUNNEL ============= Type : Range Range : 3~7 Morale : 110 EN Cost : 45 Unit Requirement : Mp Nu Gundam & Nu Gundam/HWS =================== W FIN FUNNEL Hi/Nu =================== Type : Range Range : 3~7 Morale : 110 En Cost : 45 Unit Requirement : Nu Gundam/HWS & Hi-Nu Gundam ============== DOUBLE FUNNEL ============== Type : Range Range : 3~7 Morale : 110 EN Cost : 45 Unit Requirement : Jagd Doga Gyunnei & Jagd Doga Quess ===================== DOUBLE MEGA LAUNCHER ===================== Type : Range Range : 2~6 Morale : 110 EN Cost : 60 Unit Requirement : Z Gundam(MS), ZZ Gundam(MS)/FAZZ =================== PLANET DANCE(M)MAX =================== Type : - Range : 2~6 Morale : 120 EN Cost : 30 Unit Requirement : VF-19 SB, VF-11MAX SB, VF-17 SB ========================== Totsugeki LOVE HURT(M)MAX ========================== Type : - Range : 2~6 Morale : 120 EN Cost : 40 Unit Requirement : VF-19 SB, VF-11MAX SB, VF-17 SB ======================== HOLY LONELY LIGHT(M)MAX ======================== Type : - Range : 2~7 Morale : 120 EN Cost : 50 Unit Requirement : VF-19 SB, VF-11MAX SB, VF-17 SB ================ MY FRIEND(M)MAX ================ Type : - Range : 2~7 Morale : 120 EN Cost : 30 Unit Requirement : VF-19 SB, VF-11MAX SB, VF-17 SB Note : Only Mylene and VF-11MAX SB may use this attack ========================= POWER TO THE DREAM(M)MAX ========================= Type : - Range : 2~6 Morale : 130 EN Cost : 60 Unit Requirement : VF-19 SB, VF-11MAX SB, VF-17 SB Note : Only Basara and VF-19 SB may use this attack ================ TRY AGAIN(M)MAX ================ Type : - Range : 2~6 Morale : 140 EN Cost : 70 Unit Requirement : VF-19 SB, VF-11MAX SB, VF-17 SB Note : Only Basara and VF-19 SB may use this attack <><><><><><> VII. SECRET <><><><><><> ============== GUNDAM MK-III ============== Requirement : At the end of Stage 15 pick the 1st option(Macross7 Route) then u'll have access to this Gundam at stage 16 w Ruu as the pilot, otherwise she'll join you empty handed. ==================================== NU GUNDAM 'H'eavy 'W'eapon 'S'ystem ==================================== Requirement : at the end of Stage 15 pick the 2nd option(Ra Kailum Route) then have Amuro Kills at least 50 enemy unit by the end of stage 16 then u'll have access to this Gundam at the beginning of stage 17 ================ B.D w ZARME=JAW ================ Requirement : At stage 18 part 2, make sure u destroy B.D in it w Shougo on Garland before turn 5 initiate, then he'll join your team at stage 19 ========== MERCURIUS ========== Requirement : Have Hilde + Noin kills at least 20 enemy at the end of stage 22 thus the unit'll be available on the intermission screen. ============================ DALTANIAS ADDITIONAL ATTACK ============================ Requirement : Pick Macross 7 route(1st option) at stage 28 and u'll receive 2 New Attack at stage 30 part 1 and at stage 30 part 2 make sure Daltanias morale reach 140 point for the 3rd additional attack. ========================= V2 ASSAULT BUSTER GUNDAM ========================= Requirement : Pick Ra Kailum route(2nd option) at stage 28 and u'll receive this unit at stage 30 ======================= Hamahn Kahn w QUBELLEY ======================= Requirement : Pick Ra Kailum route(2nd option) at stage 28 and have Amuro + Char + Kamiyu + Judou kills at least 400 enemy at the end of stage 30, then she'll join u at stage 31 Note : Qubelley aren't actually a great unit(it have simmilar class like Nightingale)but Hamahn're really great pilot(even better than Amuro!!!), that worth the pain killing 400 enemy. <><><><><> VIII. FAQ <><><><><> Q: Is there any chance i can see Dorothy face instead of Roger when attacking using Big O? A: YES, by using 3 of Big O most powerfull Attack(?,Crom Buster, Sudden Impact) , Roger may lend Big O control to Dorothy and u may see Dorothy Face instead of usual Roger face and the Attack was always cousing a Critical Hit(the chance of Dorothy appearing is VERY SLIM, GASP>_<><><><><><><><><><> IX. FORBIDDEN SECTION <><><><><><><><><><><> I make this Section only for those who using VBA and i didn't responsible if anything strange happen on your game! in fact i don't reccomend u to use any code playing this great game! Money Code : 020010d0:ff, Signed, 32 Bit EXP Code : 020173da:ff, signed, 16 bit(only for 1st pilot) Important Character Code(Infinite PP, all the code's Signed, 8 Bit): Original Chara : Clyana Rimsky : 02012bb3:ff Joshua Radcliff : 02012b8f:ff Real Robot : Amuro Rey : 0201202b:ff Char Aznable : 02012073:ff Kamiyu Bidan : 02011f77:ff Judou Ashta : 02011fe3:ff Uso Ebing : 020120df:ff Heero Yuy : 02012223:ff Super Robot : Roger Smith : 0201238b:ff Gou : 0201265b:ff Ryoma Nagare : 020126c7:ff Kouji Kabuto : 02012517:ff Duke Freid : 020125ef:ff Kill Modifier(255 kill, all the code's Signed, 8 bit, disable after use): Amuro Rey : 0201201c:ff <><><><><> X. CREDIT <><><><><> -. to Gundam Totoro, which inspiring me to make my own walkthrough (and thanks for copyright section, since i don't know anything about it^_^"). -. Thanks to ShinChan & Frederick couse without yer Both I will never playing SRW series. -. "nekki basara" & "Dan Wheller" for additional info on Macross 7 Song and Megazone pilot -. My real life "Paula Cis" for : * being so supportive to all my stupidness * Cheering me up when i feel down * being "YOU" * one last thing "STOP BITTING ME! IT'S HURT, DON'T YOU KNOW THAT?" tought it can keep me conscious. -. to "Bright Noah" for : * Kamiyu/Cammile thing * Being such a pal as the same Gundam "Freak"! (hope our friendship last forever, "VIVA GUNDAM!") * one last thing "Mission acomplish sir! The Hyper Bazooka alreaddy hit the Center of Zeon Empire that couse unrepairable Damage!". -. My Brother for : * Didn't give a damn to what've i write * Said my walkthrough was piece of S**T(censored) and useless * Follow my advice to buy Deathschyte HC model kit. -. "You" for reading my Faq/walkthrough ARIGATOU GOZAIMASTA ^^ <><><><><><><> XI. COPYRIGHT <><><><><><><> Unpublished work Copyright 2003 masa7su This document is protected by US Copyright Law. It is meant for private use only. This FAQ may not be referenced or altered without permission from myself. This FAQ is a GAMEFAQS Exclusive and may not be hosted elsewhere. Alteration of this Copyright is punishable under Title 17 Chapter 5 Section 506(d) of US Copyright Law for a fine of up to $2,500. "Super Robot Taisen D"/"Super Robot War D" and all related names and character're Copyright of Banpresto. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned herein.