SUPER ROBOT TAISEN J (SRTJ) FAQ v0.97b by Kibbitz E-mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. INTRODUCTION 2. PILOTS 2.1 PILOT STATISTICS 2.2 PILOT ABILITIES 2.3 SEISHIN 2.4 PILOT UPGRADING 2.5 PILOT DATA 2.6 SKILL PARTS 3. MECHA 3.1 MECHA STATISTICS 3.2 MECHA ABILITIES 3.3 MECHA UPGRADING 3.4 MECHA DATA 3.5 COMBINATION ATTACKS 3.6 ENHANCEMENT PARTS 4. GAMEPLAY 4.1 GENERAL INFO 4.2 REPLAYS 5. WALKTHROUGH 6. TSUME SUPER ROBO 7. SECRETS 8. CREDITS ************************** * 1. INTRODUCTION * ************************** This FAQ is written mainly for those who are new to the game and would like to learn a bit about it before actually playing. It is assumed that the reader will be able to figure out how the game works on his/her own, so I will focus more on game mechanics instead. I sincerely hope that this will be helpful to those of you who are willing to plunge into this delightful game despite the language barrier. As it is, this FAQ has a lot of Japanese characters so you can do cross-referencing if needed, so you should be reading this under Shift-JIS on your browser, or in a JP-capable word processor. I used FixedSys as the font for this. As it is, this FAQ isn't 100% complete, and there's quite a bit more to be done before I can call this complete. Still, the essentials are here, and that should be good enough for most. Latest changes -------------- Not much changes recently, just some rewording and some corrections. ************************** * 2. PILOTS * ************************** 2.1 PILOT STATISTICS ==================== Pilots have the following attributes: 1) Pilot Name - Self-explanatory 2) Pilot Level - Self-explanatory 3) 気力 Kiryoku (Morale) - Effectively the morale of the pilot. Higher Kiryoku allows the pilot to do a little more damage and take a little less. More importantly, certain amounts of Kiryoku are needed to activate certain pilot abilities, mecha abilities or weapons. Morale may be gained or lost in different ways in combat. 4) 精神 Seishin - Seishin are like stat-boosting spells in most RPGs. Each pilot has his or her own unique set of six seishin, which are learned as the pilot gains levels. 5) 精神ポイント Seishin Point - Each seishin costs a certain amount of SP to cast, and this shows how many Seishin Points (SP) the pilot has. 6) ボーナスポイント (Bonus Point) - Bonus Points are earned from levelling. Each level you gain gives you one Bonus Point, which you can assign to your stats to improve them. 7) NEXT - The amount of experience points required to raise the character by one more level. 8) 撃墜数 Gekitsuisaku (Kills) - The number of enemy units the pilot has shot down, "kills" if you please. A pilot who manages to earn 50 or more kills gains Ace status, which is indicated by a 'A' symbol in the pilot information screen. Ace status gives +5 to a pilot's starting Morale in a stage. A pilot who gains 100 or more kills gets double Ace status, indicated by a pair of 'A's and gets a +10 to starting Morale instead. 9) 格闘 Kakuto - Melee/hand-to-hand ability. Pilots with high Kakuto ratings inflict more damage with melee attacks. Melee attacks are marked by the fist symbol next to the name of the attack under your mecha attack list. 10) 射撃 Shageki - Marksmanship. Pilots with high Shageki ratings inflict more damage with missile attacks. Missile attacks are marked by the cross-hairs symbol next to the name of the attack under your mecha attack list. 11) 命中 Meichuu - Accuracy. Pilots with higher Meichuu ratings hit more often when attacking. 12) 回避 Kaihi - Evasion. Pilots with higher Kaihi ratings are hit less often when attacked. 13) 防御 Bougyo - Defence. Pilots with higher Bougyo ratings take less damage when hit. 14) 技量 Giryou - Competence. Pilots with higher Giryou ratings have a higher chance of landing critical hits for more damage and have a lower chance of receiving critical hits. 15) 特別技能 Tokubetsu Ginou - Special abilities possessed by the pilot. The actual effects of these abilities are described in greater detail under the section PILOT ABILITY LIST. 2.2 PILOT ABILITIES ==================== Pilot abilities grant pilots useful bonuses during battle, and good use of these will help greatly in your campaign. Some abilities have levels and may be improved by raising the pilot's level. The only way to grant them abilities that they don't have normally is to equip them with Skill parts. Abilities are listed in the following format: <(English Term) From the abilities list, both during battle and intermission, the abilities are laid out as such: 斬り払い 撃ち落し シールド防御 カウンター ヒット&アウェイ スーパーモード 明鏡止水 コーディネイター SEED IFS ブラスター化 野生化 抗体反応 底力 指揮 援護攻撃 援護防御 コンボ Kiriharai Uchioshi Shield Bougyo Counter Hit & Away Super Mode Meikyoushisui Coordinator SEED IFS Blaster-ka Yaseika Koutai Hannou Potential Shiki Engo Kougeki Engo Bougyo Combo Sword Cut Shoot Down Shield Defence Counter Hit & Away Super Mode Clear Mirror, Still Water Coordinator SEED Image Feedback System Blaster Mode Bestial Mode Antibody Reaction Potential Leadership Support Attack Support Defend Combo Row 1: ---------- 斬り払い Kiriharai (Sword Cut) The pilot with this ability can block certain melee attacks without taking any damage if the mecha being piloted has a sword attachment. It triggers randomly when the unit is attacked by an enemy with the proper attack. The probability of the ability triggering might be based on Competency. This ability is implicit, and thus not displayed in the ability list under pilot info. You can see who has them from the complete ability list though. 撃ち落し Uchiotoshi (Shoot Down) The pilot with this ability can shoot down certain missile attacks without taking any damage if the mecha being piloted has a gun attachment. It triggers randomly when the unit is attacked by an enemy with the proper attack. As with Kiriharai, the probability might be based on Giryou. This ability is implicit, and thus is not displayed in the ability list under pilot info. You can see it in the ability list though. シールド防御 Shield Bougyo (Shield Defence) The pilot with this ability can decrease damage further by guarding with a shield if the mecha being piloted has a shield attachment. It triggers randomly when attacked by an enemy, though the probability might be based on Giryou. This ability is implicit, and thus is not displayed in the ability list under pilot info. You can see it in the ability list though. Row 2: ---------- カウンター (Counter) The pilot with this skill may counterattack first before the enemy attacks if the skill triggers. Triggers randomly when attacked by an enemy, though the probability might be based on Giryou. This ability is implicit, and thus is not displayed in the regular pilot ability list. You can see it in the ability list though. ヒット&アウェイ (Hit & Away) The unit can move after attacking, assuming it has not moved yet. スーパーモード (Super Mode) The pilot gains a bonus of 10 points to each pilot stat when the pilot's Morale reaches 120. This is also required to shift the Mobile Fighter's Gundams into their Super Forms. Row 3: ---------- 明鏡止水 Meikyoushisui (Clear Mirror, Still Water) The pilot gains a bonus of 10 points to each pilot stat when the pilot's Morale reaches 120. This is required to shift the God Gundam into its Hyper form. コーディネイター (Coordinator) The pilot gains a 1 point bonus to each pilot stat for every 5 points of Morale above 110 for a maximum of +8 at 150 Morale.. SEED The pilot gains a 10 point bonus to each pilot stat when the pilot's Morale reaches 120. Row 4: ---------- IFS (Image Feedback System) The pilot gains a 1 point bonus to each pilot stat for every 5 points of Morale above 110 for a maximum of +8 at 150 Morale. ブラスター化 Blaster Ka (Blaster Mode) The pilot gains a 10 point bonus to each stat when the pilot's Morale reaches 130. This is also required to shift Tekkaman Blade into Blaster form. 野生化 Yaseika (Bestial Mode) The attack power of the unit is increased by 25% when the morale of the pilot reaches or exceeds 120. Row 5: ---------- 抗体反応 Koutai Hannou (Antibody Reaction) The pilot's unit gains improved accuracy, evasion, attack power and range as the level of this ability increases. 底力 Tairyoku (Potential) When the HP of the unit of the pilot is reduced to critical levels, the unit gains a bonus to Accuracy, Evasion, Armour and Critical rates. The size of the bonus is determined by the level of Potential and possibly the percentage of HP remaining. 指揮 Shiki (Leadership) The pilot radiates an aura, and all friendlies in the area covered by the aura benefit from increased Hit and Evade rates. The aura is radial, with the radius equal to Leadership Lvl + 1. To see the actual area covered during a mission, leave your cursor over the unit carrying the pilot with the ability for a second or two. Row 6: ---------- 援護攻撃 Engo Kougeki (Support Attack) Allows the unit to do an attack in support of another attacking character. 援護防御 Engo Bougyo (Support Defend) Allows the unit to substitute itself as the target of an attack against the unit being assisted. Damage suffered is a fraction of the damage that would be (since the unit which is Support Defending is Guarding.) コンボ (Combo) This basically allows the pilot to hit multiple units in a straight line, with a weapon/attack marked with a (C). Besides having this skill, the pilot must be directly adjacent to the target, and the maximum number of targets that can be hit in the line is equal to 1+Combo level. Also, there must not be a gap in the line of enemy units, or your Combo will only extend that far. For example, if @ is your unit with the ability and appropriate attack, and X is the enemy, Case 1: @ XXXX No combo is possible, since @ is not directly adjacent to the enemy. Case 2: @X XXX No combo is possible, since there is a gap in the enemy lines. Case 3: @XXX X @ can hit up to 3 targets with Combo Lvl 2 or greater. The last one again cannot be hit even with Combo Lvl 4 because there is a gap. 2.3 SEISHIN ==================== Seishin is similar to the idea of spells in most fantasy games, though these generally are focused on improving your unit's abilities rather than hindering the enemies or doing direct damage to them. The effects of the various seishin in the game will be listed below in the format () : For example, Hot Blood will be listed as: 熱血 Nekketsu (Hot Blood) Battle : ... A seishin of Instant duration works instantly. This usually covers HP recovery or Morale boosting. Those of Turn duration last for the entirety of the Player Turn it was cast on, and the following Enemy Turn. Seishin of Battle duration last until the unit engages in a Battle, upon which the seishin is used up. Such seishin do not work for support attackers, so you cannot use a Hot Blood to double the damage of a support attacker. Some seishin are of Special duration, and the duration will be detailed in the description of the seishin itself. The English terms used are of those which I see more commonly on message boards. 偵察 加速 直撃 不屈 狙撃 突撃 鉄壁 努力 応援 幸運 祝福 根性 ド根性 信頼 友情 献身 補給 ひらめき 集中 必中 かく乱 脱力 気合 激励 闘志 熱血 魂 覚醒 再動 愛      Teisatsu Kasoku Chokugeki Fukutsu Sogeki Totsugeki Teppeki Doryoku Ouen Kouun Shukufuku Konjou Dokonjou Shinrai Yuujyou Kenshin Hokyuu Hirameki Shuuchuu Hicchuu Kakuran Datsuryoku Kiai Gekirei Toushi Nekketsu Tamashii Kakusei Saidou Ai Scan Accelerate Direct Hit Invincibility Snipe Assault Iron Wall Great Effort Aid Fortune Bless Guts Guts+ Trust Friendship Devotion Resupply Flash Concentrate Lock On Confuse Exhaust Yell Encourage Fighting Spirit Row 1: ---------- 偵察 Teisatsu (Scan) Instant The selected enemy unit's statistics are made immediately viewable. The selected enemy also suffers a 10% penalty to evading attacks for this turn. 加速 Kasoku (Accelerate) Special The unit casting this gets +3 to Movement for one move. This is used up by a Move command, even if the extra movement range is not used. As an example, a unit with a movement range of 6 casting this will have an adjusted movement range of 9 for its next move. However, even if it moves only 5 squares, the Kasoku effect will be used up. 直撃 Chokugeki (Direct Hit) Battle The caster's next attack will bypasses any special defences guarding the enemy. This includes barriers and Assist Guards, but not Bunshin. 不屈 Fukutsu (Invincibility) Special The next attack that hits this unit will do only 10 damage. This means that this will last until the unit is hit by an attack. 狙撃 Sogeki (Snipe) Turn The maximum range of attacks for this unit is increased by 2 for 1 turn. This doesn't work on attacks of range 1. Row 2: ---------- 突撃 Totsugeki (Assault) Turn The caster may use any non-P weapons (weapons that cannot be used after moving) as P-rated weapons. This does not work for MAP weapons. 鉄壁 Teppeki (Iron Wall) Turn The unit casting this will only take 1/4th of any damage inflicted upon it. 努力 Doryoku (Great Effort) Battle All EXP earned for the next attack by this unit will be doubled. It is wasted if the attack misses. Doesn't work for Assist Attacks. 応援 Ouen (Aid) Battle The selected target of this will benefit from a the effects of a Doryoku. 幸運 Kouun (Fortune) Battle All money earned for the next attack by this unit will be doubled. This is wasted if you miss with the attack. An attack that hits but fails to destroy the enemy unit will also use up a Kouun. Row 3: ---------- 祝福 Shukufuku (Bless) Battle The selected target of this will benefit from a the effects of a Kouun. 根性 Konjou (Guts) Instant The unit casting this regains HP equal to 30% of its maximum HP. ド根性 Dokonjou (Guts+) Instant The unit casting this regains all lost HP. 信頼 Shinrai (Trust) Instant The selected unit is healed of up to 2000 HP of damage. 友情 Yuujou (Friendship) Instant The selected unit is healed of all damage. Row 4: ---------- 献身 Kenshin (Devotion) Instant All pilots in the selected unit recovers up to 10 SP. 補給 Hokyuu (Resupply) Instant The selected unit regains all EN and all of its ammunition-based weapons are refilled. This takes place without a loss of 10 Morale, unlike the Resupply command. ひらめき Hirameki (Flash) Special The next attack on the unit will be automatically dodged. This lasts until you are attacked, so you will not lose Hirameki if you are attacking a Guarding or Evading unit. 集中 Shuuchuu (Concentrate) Turn The unit casting this gains 30% to its Accuracy and Evasion. 必中 Hicchuu (Lock On) Turn The unit casting this earns a 100% hitrate and can only be avoided by a unit protected by Hirameki. Row 5: ---------- かく乱 Kakuran (Confuse) Turn The chance of enemy attacks hitting your units is reduced by half. 脱力 Datsuryoku (Exhaust) Instant The selected enemy loses 10 Morale. Note that all attack and defence systems that are activated by amassing sufficient Morale cannot be shut down by using this, so you need to use this to prevent them from reaching those levels of Morale first. 気合 Kiai (Yell) Instant All pilots in the unit gain 10 Morale. 激励 Gekirei (Encourage) Instant All units directly adjacent to the caster (meaning one square to above, below, to the left and to the right of the unit) gain 10 Morale to a maximum of 150. 闘志 Toushi (Fighting Spirit) Turn All attacks done by the unit will be automatically be critical. Row 6: ---------- 熱血 Nekketsu (Hot Blood) Special The next attack executed by this unit does double damage. This overrides criticals, so there is not such thing as a critical Hot Blood attack. It is wasted if you miss with the attack, but it is only used up when you choose to attack. Thus, a unit can cast Hot Blood early on and still retain it if you decide to Evade or Guard during a Battle instead of attacking. 魂 Tamashii (Spirit) Special This is like Hot Blood except that it does 2.5 times normal damage for the attack. 覚醒 Kakusei (Awaken) Special The caster will be allowed another turn after taking the current turn. This means that the unit can execute a move and/or attack, and then be free to take another move and/or attack again. With sufficient SP, another Kakusei can be cast again before the second move and/or attack to allow a third move and/or attack, and the process repeats as long as you have enough SP to keep casting Kakusei. Kakusei does not "keep", so if you end a turn with a Kakusei effect unused, you don't get to keep it for the next turn. 再動 Saidou (Move Again) Special This works only on units that have taken their turn. The selected unit is reset, thus allowing it another turn. This is basically a variant of Kakusei which cannot be cast on oneself for obvious reasons. 愛 Ai (Love) Special The caster benefits from the effects of the following seishin : Accelerate, Lock On, Flash, Hot Blood, Yell, Fortune and Great Effort. The durations for these are as per the seishin itself. 2.4 PILOT UPGRADING ==================== There isn't much of note here. Basically, for every level that a pilot gains, (s)he gains a bonus point that may be applied to any of the six primary stats of Melee, Marksmanship, Defence, Competency, Accuracy and Evasion. These points may only be assigned during intermission, or during the pre-deployment menu for pilots who have not been sortied already due to events. I have not verified whether these bonus stats are applied to the enemies that are recruitable during the course of the game when you encounter them, though from what I see of Natarle, that doesn't seem to be the case. Further testing is needed. 2.5 PILOT DATA ==================== This is a list of the various pilots in the game, as well as their seishin, their abilities (at the maximum natural level possible) and the number of skill parts they can equip. The format is as follows: (no of skill parts equippable) 1st seishin 2nd seishin 3rd seishin 4th seishin 5th seishin 6th seishin 1st ability 2nd ability 3rd ability 4th ability 5th ability 6th ability Pilots are sorted by series. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ KIDOU BUTODEN G GUNDAM +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ドモン・カッシュ Domon Kashuu (2) Guts+ Concentration Invincibility Hot Blood Yell Love Counter Clear Mirror, Still Water Potential L7 Support Attack L2  Support Defend L1 Combo L2 -------------------------- レイン・ミカムラ Rain Mikamura (4) Lock On Encourage Devotion Hot Blood Love Resupply Hit & Away Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 -------------------------- チボデー・クロケット Chibodee Crocket (2) Lock On Invincibility Fighting Spirit Hot Blood Yell Friendship Counter Super Mode Potential L6 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L1 Combo L2 -------------------------- サイ・サイシー Sai Saichi (2) Flash Concentrate Fighting Spirit Hot Blood Yell Confuse Counter Super Mode Potential L8 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L1 Combo L2 -------------------------- ジョルジュ・ド・サンド George de Sand (2) Concentrate Flash Bless Hot Blood Yell Encourage Counter Super Mode Potential L5 Support Attack L2  Support Defend L1  Combo L2 -------------------------- アルゴ・ガルスキー Argo Gulskii (2) Iron Wall Lock On Guts+ Hot Blood Yell Direct Hit Counter Super Mode Potential L7 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L1 Combo L2 -------------------------- アレンビー・ビアズリー Allenby Beardsley (3) Fighting Spirit Concentrate Flash Hot Blood Yell Move Again Counter Potential L6 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3  Combo L3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ KIDOU SENSHI GUNDAM SEED +++++++++++++++++++++++++ キラ・ヤマト Kira Yamato (2) Concentrate Accelerate Flash Hot Blood Awaken Spirit Coordinator SEED Support Attack L1 Support Defend L1 Combo L2 -------------------------- -------------------------- カガリ・ユラ・アスハ Cagalli Yula Attha (4) Invincibility Concentrate Fighting Spirit Hot Blood Awaken Love SEED Potential L6 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 -------------------------- マリュー・ラミアス Murrue Ramias (3) Invincibility Concentrate Guts+ Flash Yell Love Potential L6 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L3 Leadership L3 -------------------------- ナタル・バジルール Natarle Badgireul (3) Direct Hit Iron Wall Yell Hot Blood Trust Encourage Potential L6 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L3 Leadership L3 -------------------------- ミリアリア・ハウ Miralia Haw (0) Aid Trust Bless Accelerate Encourage Resupply -------------------------- トール・ケーニヒ Toll Koenig (0) Accelerate Flash Assault Concentrate Friendship Move Again -------------------------- サイ・アーガイル Sai Argyle (0) Scan Guts Great Effort Lock On Hot Blood Friendship -------------------------- カズイ・バスカーク Kazui Buzzkirk (0) Fortune Snipe Yell Iron Wall Direct Hit Confuse -------------------------- アンドリュー・バルトフェルド Andrew Bartfeld (3) Invincibility Direct Hit Lock On Hot Blood Yell Encourage Coordinator Support Attack L2 Support Defend L3 Leadership L3 -------------------------- ラクス・クライン Lacus Clyne (3) Aid Trust Bless Love Awaken Resupply Coordinator SEED Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Leadership L3 -------------------------- マーチン・ダコスタ Martin DaCosta (0) Accelerate Concentrate Scan Iron Wall Snipe Confuse Coordinator -------------------------- アスラン・ザラ Athrun Zala (2) Concentrate Flash Direct Hit Hot Blood Awaken Spirit Coordinator SEED Support Attack L1 Support Defend L1 Combo L2 -------------------------- ディアッカ・エルスマン Dearka Elsman (3) Snipe Concentrate Flash Hot Blood Iron Wall Love Hit & Away Coordinator Support Attack L2 Support Defend L2 -------------------------- イザーク・ジュール Yzak Joule (3) Concentrate Flash Fighting Spirit Hot Blood Guts+ Yell Counter Coordinator Support Attack L2 Support Defend L2 Leadership L1 Combo L2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ SPT LAYZNER +++++++++++++++++++++++++ アルバトロ・ナル・エイジ・アスカ Albatro Nall Eiji Asuka (2) Concentrate Accelerate Flash Hot Blood Awaken Spirit Potential L7 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L2 Combo L2 -------------------------- デビッド・ラザフォード David Rutherford (3) Guts+ Concentrate Accelerate Hot Blood Friendship Love Counter Potential L6 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 -------------------------- ロアン・デミトリッヒ Roan Demitrihi (3) Scan Concentrate Flash Hot Blood Confuse Resupply Hit & Away Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 -------------------------- シモーヌ・ルフラン Simone Rufuran (3) Concentrate Guts Bless Hot Blood Love Move Again Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 ComboL3 -------------------------- アーマス・ゲイル Almas Geil (3) Concentrate Fighting Spirit Flash Hot Blood Direct Hit Spirit Counter Potential L8 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L2 Leadership L2 Combo L2 -------------------------- アルバトロ・ミル・ジュリア・アスカ Albatro Mill Julia Asuka (3) Concentrate Trust Bless Love Awaken Move Again Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ BRAIN POWERED +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 伊佐未 勇 Isami Yuu (2) Concentrate Flash Yell Hot Blood Lock On Spirit Antibody Reaction L9 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L2 Combo L2 -------------------------- 宇都宮 比瑪 Utsumiya Hime (3) Concentrate Aid Bless Hot Blood Encourage Love Antibody Reaction L9 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L2 Combo L2 -------------------------- カナン・ギモス Kanan Gimms (3) Concentrate Iron Wall Great Effort Hot Blood Snipe Love Antibody Reaction L9 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 -------------------------- ヒギンズ・サス Higgins Saz (3) Accelerate Concentrate Invincibility Hot Blood Yell Love Antibody Reaction L9 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 -------------------------- ラッセ・ルンベルク Russ Lunberg (3) Accelerate Concentrate Guts+ Hot Blood Direct Hit Love Antibody Reaction L9 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 -------------------------- ナンガ・シルバレー Nanga Silverly (3) Iron Wall Concentrate Trust Hot Blood Lock On Resupply Antibody Reaction L9 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Leadership L1 Combo L3 -------------------------- カント・ケストナー Kant Kestner (3) Scan Concentrate Great Effort Hot Blood Lock On Yell Antibody Reaction L9 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 -------------------------- ナッキィ・ガイズ Nakki Guys (3) Concentrate Fortune Direct Hit Hot Blood Yell Friendship Antibody Reaction L9 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 -------------------------- ジョナサン・グレーン Jonathan Green (2) Concentrate Flash Fighting Spirit Hot Blood Yell Confuse Counter Antibody Reaction L9 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L2 Combo L2 -------------------------- 伊佐未 依衣子 Isami Iiko (2) Accelerate Flash Fighting Spirit Hot Blood Concentrate Love Counter Antibody Reaction L9 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L2 Combo L2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ KIDOU SENKAN NADESICO +++++++++++++++++++++++++ テンカワ・アキト Tenkawa Akito (2) Concentrate Flash Friendship Hot Blood Awaken Spirit IFS Potential L5 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L2 Combo L2 -------------------------- ダイゴウジ・ガイ Daigouji Gai (2) Guts+ Invincibility Lock On Hot Blood Yell Spirit Counter IFS Potential L7 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L3 Combo L2 -------------------------- スバル・リョーコ Subaru Ryoko (2) Yell Concentrate Guts+ Hot Blood Flash Encourage Counter IFS Potential L5 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L2 Leadership L2 Combo L2 -------------------------- アマノ・ヒカル Amano Hikaru (3) Fortune Concentrate Aid Hot Blood Trust Confuse IFS Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 -------------------------- マキ・イズミ Maki Izumi (3) Concentrate Direct Hit Lock On Hot Blood Exhaust Iron Wall IFS Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 -------------------------- アカツキ・ナガレ Akatsuki Nagare (3) Accelerate Flash Snipe Hot Blood Concentrate Fortune IFS Support Attack L2 Support Defend L2 Leadership L1 Combo L2 -------------------------- ミスマル・ユリカ Misumaru Yurika (2) Exhaust Aid Confuse Bless Yell Love Support Attack L1 Support Defend L3 Leadership L3 -------------------------- ホシノ・ルリ Hoshino Ruri (2) Scan Snipe Flash Lock On Awaken Resupply IFS Support Attack L1 Support Defend L3 Leadership L2 -------------------------- ハルカ・ミナト Haruka Minato (0) Accelerate Flash Iron Wall Trust Devotion Move Again -------------------------- メグミ・レイナード Megumi Reinard (0) Great Effort Direct Hit Fortune Concentrate Hot Blood Encourage -------------------------- アオイ・ジュン Aoi Jun (0) Guts Invincibility Trust Assault Yell Friendship +++++++++++++++++++++++++ TEKKAMAN BLADE +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dボウイ (ブレード) D-Boy (Blade) (2) Concentrate Invincibility Yell Hot Blood Awaken Spirit Blaster Mode Potential L8 Support Attack L1 Support Defend L1 Combo L2 -------------------------- ペガス Pegas (3) Accelerate Lock On Snipe Confuse Exhaust Resupply Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 -------------------------- ノアル・ベルース Noal Herz (3) Guts+ Concentrate Fortune Hot Blood Assault Friendship Potential L6 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 -------------------------- 如月 アキ Kisaragi Aki (3) Accelerate Flash Iron Wall Lock On Love Devotion Potential L5 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 -------------------------- ミレッタ・ルルージュ Milleta Rulush (0) Aid Trust Snipe Bless Move Again Resupply -------------------------- バルザック・アシモフ Balzack Asimov (3) Scan Concentrate Fighting Spirit Hot Blood Invincibility Encourage Potential L6 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 ----------------------------- 相羽 ミユキ (レイピア) Aiba Miyuki (Rapier) (3) Lock On Flash Assault Hot Blood Yell Love Potential L7 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L2 Combo L2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ FULL METAL PANIC +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 相良 宗助 (ボン太くん) Sagara Sousuke (Bonta-kun) (2) Flash Concentrate Lock On Hot Blood Confuse Spirit Potential L7 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L2 Combo L2 ----------------------------- メリッサ・マオ Melissa Mao (3) Iron Wall Concentrate Lock On Hot Blood Fighting Spirit Encourage Counter Potential L6 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Leadership L2 Combo L3 ----------------------------- クルツ・ウェーバー Kurz Webber (3) Snipe Concentrate Lock On Hot Blood Fortune Exhaust Hit & Away Potential L5 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 ----------------------------- テレサ・テスタロッサ Teresa Testarossa (4) Accelerate Flash Bless Snipe Love Resupply Hit & Away Potential L4 Support Attack L2 Support Defend L3 Leadership L3 ----------------------------- アンドレイ・セルゲイビッチ・カリーニン Andrei Sergeivichi Kalinin (0) Scan Concentrate Invincibility Hot Blood Confuse Friendship ----------------------------- リチャード・マデューカス Richard Mardukas (0) Iron Wall Lock On Aid Trust Yell Encourage +++++++++++++++++++++++++ MAZINKAISER +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 兜 甲児 Kabuto Kouji (2) Guts+ Invincibility Lock On Hot Blood Iron Wall Fighting Spirit Potential L8 Support Attack L1 Support Defend L2 Combo L2 ----------------------------- 剣 鉄也 Tsurugi Tetsuya (2) Accelerate Invincibility Lock On Hot Blood Iron Wall Fighting Spirit Potential L7 Support Attack L1 Support Defend L2 Combo L2 ----------------------------- 弓 さやか Yumi Sayaka (4) Flash Trust Lock On Bless Encourage Resupply Potential L4 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 ----------------------------- 炎 ジュン Honou Jun (4) Great Effort Flash Lock On Hot Blood Encourage Devotion Potential L4 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3  Combo L3 ----------------------------- ボス Boss (4) Guts+ Fighting Spirit Invincibility Exhaust Yell Friendship Potential L5 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 ----------------------------- ヌケ Nuke (0) Trust Aid Flash Lock On Great Effort Exhaust ----------------------------- ムチャ Mucha (0) Scan Guts Accelerate Hot Blood Fortune Encourage ----------------------------- ローリィ Rolly (4) Accelerate Direct Hit Lock On Hot Blood Iron Wall Move Again Potential L4 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 ----------------------------- ロール Roll Scan Invincibility Snipe Yell Devotion Resupply +++++++++++++++++++++++++ COMBATTLER V +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 葵 豹馬 Aoi Hyouma (2) Hot Blood Lock On Yell Guts Invincibility Assault Potential L8 Support Attack L1 Support Defend L1 Combo L2 ----------------------------- 浪花 十三 Naniwa Juuzou (0) Lock On Flash Accelerate Direct Hit Snipe Encourage ----------------------------- 西川 大作 Nishikawa Daisaku (0) Guts+ Yell Iron Wall Great Effort Friendship Hot Blood ----------------------------- 南原 ちずる Nanbara Chizuru (0) Trust Flash Fortune Devotion Resupply Move Again ----------------------------- 北 小介 Kita Kosuke (0) Scan Great Effort Guts Concentrate Aid Confuse +++++++++++++++++++++++++ VOLTES V +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 剛 健一 Gou Ken'ichi (2) Lock On Snipe Invincibility Hot Blood Yell Encourage Potential L8 Support Attack L1 Support Defend L1 Combo L2 ----------------------------- 峰 一平 Mine Ippei (0) Concentrate Accelerate Fighting Spirit Guts Lock On Friendship ----------------------------- 剛 大次郎 Gou Daijirou (0) Guts+ Great Effort Yell Iron Wall Hot Blood Move Again ----------------------------- 剛 日吉 Gou Hiyoshi (0) Exhaust Trust Fortune Aid Flash Resupply ----------------------------- 岡 めぐみ Oka Megumi (0) Flash Scan Direct Hit Accelerate Concentrate Confuse +++++++++++++++++++++++++ DANCOUGA +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 藤原 忍 Fujiwara Shinobu (2) Guts+ Invincibility Accelerate Hot Blood Assault Yell Bestial Mode Potential L8 Support Attack L1 Support Defend L1 Combo L2 ----------------------------- 結城 沙羅 Yuuki Sara (0) Trust Concentrate Yell Hot Blood Encourage Love Bestial Mode ----------------------------- 式部 雅人 Shikibu Masato (0) Great Effort Lock On Fortune Flash Confuse Resupply Bestial Mode ----------------------------- 司馬 亮 Shiba Ryou (0) Iron Wall Direct Hit Flash Fighting Spirit Bless Friendship Bestial Mode ----------------------------- アラン・イゴール Alan Igor Scan Accelerate Concentrate Lock On Snipe Hot Blood Counter Bestial Mode Potential L7 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Leadership L2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ZEORYMAR +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 秋津 マサト Akitsu Masato (2) Invincibility Direct Hit Lock On Hot Blood Yell Iron Wall Potential L8 Support Attack L1 Support Defend L1 Combo L2 ----------------------------- 氷室 美久 Himuro Miko (0) Accelerate Trust Flash Snipe Devotion Awaken +++++++++++++++++++++++++ BANPRESTO ORIGINALS +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 紫雲 統夜 (グランティード) Shiun Touya (Granteed - SUPER) (2) Invincibility Accelerate Lock On Hot Blood Yell Love Counter Potential L8 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 ----------------------------- 紫雲 統夜 (ベルゼルート、クストウェル) Shiun Touya (non-Super) (2) Concentrate Assault Flash Hot Blood Love Awaken Hit & Away Potential L8 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Combo L3 ----------------------------- カルヴィナ・クーランジュ Carvina Clancy (Granteed - Super) (2) (グランティード) Invincibility Iron Wall Lock On Hot Blood Yell Love Counter Potential L8 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Leadership L2 Combo L3 ----------------------------- カルヴィナ・クーランジュ Carvina Clancy (non-Super) (2) (ベルゼルート、クストウェル選択) Concentrate Snipe Flash Hot Blood Love Awaken Hit & Away Potential L8 Support Attack L3 Support Defend L3 Leadership L2 Combo L3 ----------------------------- カティア・グリニャール Katia Granyl Bless Direct Hit Snipe Iron Wall Flash Friendship ----------------------------- フェスニア・ミューズ Fesnia Muse Guts+ Fighting Spirit Yell Lock On Confuse Encourage ----------------------------- メルア・メルナ・メイア Merua Meruna Meia Aid Trust Concentrate Devotion Move Again Resupply 2.5 SKILL PARTS ==================== Most pilots can equip various parts to give them a stat boost, or new abilities. They come in sets of varying strengths for the most part, so there are actually only 15 types of items. Here is a list of the items and their resale price. 格闘能力 (Melee +x) +5 1000 +10 1500 +15 2000 射撃能力 (Marksmanship +x) +5 1000 +10 1500 +15 2000 防御能力 (Defence +x) +5 1000 +10 1500 +15 2000 技量能力 (Competency +x) +5 1000 +10 1500 +15 2000 命中能力 (Accuracy +x) +5 1000 +10 1500 +15 2000 回避能力 (Evasion +x) +5 1000 +10 1500 +15 2000 精神力 (Seishin Points +x) +10 2000 +15 3000 +20 4000 初期気力 (Morale +x) +5 2000 +8 4000 +10 6000 SP消費 (SP Cost -x%) -10% 2000 -20% 4000 -30% 6000 援護攻撃 (Support Attack +x) +1 2000 +2 4000 +3 6000 援護防御 (Support Defend +x) +1 2000 +2 4000 +3 6000 底力 (Potential +x) +1 2000 +2 4000 +3 6000 コンボ (Combo +x) +1 2000 +2 4000 +3 6000 カウンター (Counter) 3000 ヒット&アウェイ (Hit & Away) 3000 ************************** * 3. MECHA * ************************** 3.1 MECHA STATISTICS ==================== Mecha have the following parameters: 1) Mecha Name - Self-explanatory 2) 移動力 (Idouryoku) - Movement capability, basically the maximum distance in squares a mecha may move in one turn, without terrain factored in. 3) タイプ (Type) - This indicates the terrain in which the mecha may function. The characters 空, 陸, 海 and 地 correspond to Air, Land, Sea and Underground, though I really don't remember ever having an option to go Underground... All mecha can function in space, so there is no Space terrain for type. Units without 陸 are always airborne and may not land on favourable ground terrain to take advantage of any bonuses from cover. Units without 海 do not function well underwater and suffer from a decreased movement capability. 4) Terrain Handling: - This is a measure of the mecha's performance when fighting on/in different terrains. The possible ratings for each terrain are rated as C,B,A or S, with C being the worst possible and S being the best possible. The characters 空, 陸, 海 and 宇 correspond to Air, Land, Sea and Space terrain respectively. The better the terrain rating in a certain terrain, the better the pilot will be at hitting and evading in the mecha on that terrain. 5) 特殊能力 (Tokushunoryoku) - Special abilities possessed by the mecha. The actual effects of these are described in greater detail under the section MECHA ABILITY LIST. 6) サイズ (Size) - A measure of the size of the mecha. Sizes range from S for Small to LL for super-large. Smaller mecha provide accuracy and evasion bonuses in combat against larger mecha, but larger mecha inflict more damage on smaller mecha. 7) 修理費 - Cost of repairs. Should the unit be destroyed during battle, it will cost you this much money to repair it. 8) 最大Wゲージ (Saidai W Gauge) - Maximum amount of weight (I presume W is for weight) that the unit has for additional armaments. 9) 強化パーツ (Kyouka Parts) - Literally reinforcing parts, or Enhancements. These are basically special pieces of equipment awarded between missions or dropped by enemies shot down in battle which grant bonuses to your mecha in combat when equipped. Different mecha have different numbers of available slots to equip these. The more powerful a mecha, the less number of slots it has, for the sake of game balance. 10) HP - Probably stands for Hit Points. HP is a measure of the amount of damage the mecha can take in a battle before being destroyed. A mecha is destroyed in battle when its HP is reduced to zero. This removes the unit from that battle and the player has to pay for repairs after the battle. In some cases, victory requires that certain pilots not be shot down in a particular stage, and if that happens, you lose the battle. 11) EN - Probably stands for Energy. EN is used to fuel certain weapons on the mecha, as well as movement for flying 12) 運動性 (Undousei?) - Mobility, for the lack of a better way to describe this. The higher the mecha's mobility, the harder it is for it to be hit by enemy attacks. 13) 装甲 (Soukou) - Armour. Mecha with high Armour ratings take less damage from enemy attacks. 14) 交代 (Koutai) - A new stat to SRT, this allows you to relieve units currently sortied for other units in your battleships. This is initially impossible and requires money to be spent on upgrading to make it so. For easy of reference, this will be referred to as Relief. 3.2 MECHA ABILITIES ==================== As with pilots, mecha also have their own unique set of abilities that can make a huge difference in winning a battle. The only way to give them new abilities is to equip Kyouka Parts which grant those abilities. Mecha abilities are listed as per the mecha ability list accessible from certain menus in both battle and intermission. Some of these I've not managed to obtain, or have missed noting it during play, so they'll be filled in later in due time. The abilities are as follows: Page 1 剣装備 合体 銃装備 換装 盾装備 修理装置 変形 補給装置 分離 搭載 Page 2 分身 ビームコートS ゴッドシャド ビームコートM ECS ビームコートL バイタルジャンプ フェズシフト装甲 ??? ラミネート装甲 Page 3 チャクラシールド マジンパワー Dフィールド V-MAX バリアS V-MAX強化 バリアM V-MAXIMUM バリアL ラムダ・ドライバ Page 4 重力波ビーム ??? 重力波アンテナ ??? 次元連結システム EN回復S オルゴン・クラウド EN回復M HP回復S EN回復L Page 1: ------------------------- 剣装備 Kensoubi (Sword Attachment) The unit has some sort of melee weapon that allows the pilot to use the ability Kiriharai (Sword Cut). 銃装備 Juusoubi (Gun Attachment) The unit has some sort of gun that allows the pilot to use the ability Uchioshi (Sword Cut). 盾装備 Tatesoubi (Shield Attachement) The unit has some sort of shield that allows the pilot to use the ability Shield Bougyo (Shield Defence). 変形 Henkei (Transformation) The unit has the ability to transform into another form with different statistics and abilities. 分離 Bunri (Separate) The unit has the ability to separate into component units. 合体 Gattai (Combine) The unit has the ability to merge with another unit to form a new unit. 換装 Kousou (Switch) The unit has the ability to switch combat frames on certain other units. 修理装置 Shuurisouchi (Repair Equipment) The unit has the ability to repair damage sustained by other units. 補給装置 Hokyuusouchi (Resupply Equipment) The unit has the ability to resupply EN and ammunition to other units. The unit being resupplied loses 10 Morale with the minimum morale being 50. 搭載 Tousaii (Embarkation) The unit has the ability to take units in for repair and resupply. Page 2 ------------------------- 分身 Bunshin (Split-Body/After-Image) Depending on your interpretation, both may be correct. For SRT purposes, usually the mecha is fast enough to create after-images that confuse the opponent and cause the opponent to miss the unit itself. Functionally, at 130 Morale, the unit has a 50% chance of evading any attack on top of the regular chance of evasion. Thus, if attacked by an enemy with 100% chance of hitting as well, it still has a 50% chance of avoiding it through Bunshin. Bunshin doesn't defend against the seishin Lock On though. ゴッドシャド God Shadow Effectively Bunshin, though specific to God Gundam. ECS Electromagnetic Camouflage System Effectively Bunshin, though specific to Full Metal Panic units. No idea if Bonta-kun has this though. バイタルジャンプ Vital Jump Unique to Brains and Gran Chers, this allows them to 'jump' through space. This has the double effect of allowing them to ignore terrain penalties when traversing difficult terrain, and also allowing them to warp away to avoid attacks the same way Bunshin does. ??? ビームコートS Beam Coat, Small This blocks up to 800 damage from beam-type weapons at the cost of 5 EN each time the field is activated. ビームコートM Beam Coat, Medium This blocks up to 900 damage from beam-type weapons at the cost of 5 EN each time the field is activated. ビームコートL Beam Coat, Large This blocks up to 1000? damage from beam-type weapons at the cost of 5 EN each time the defence is activated. フェズシフト装甲 Phase Shift Armour This blocks up to 800 damage from ammunition-based attacks at the cost of 10 EN each time the defence is activated. ラミネート装甲 Laminate Armour This blocks up to 1200 damage from beam-type weapons at the cost of 10 EN each time the defence is activated. Page 3 ------------------------- チャクラシールド Chakra Shield This blocks up to 800 damage at the cost of 5 EN each time the defence is activated. Dフィールド Distortion Field This blocks up to 2500 gravity damage, 1500 beam damge or 1000 normal damage at the cost of 10 EN each time the defence is activated. バリアS Barrier, Small This blocks up to 800 damage at the cost of 5 EN each time the defence is activated. バリアM Barrier, Medium This blocks up to 1000 damage at the cost of 10 EN each time the defence is activated. バリアL Barrier, Large This blocks up to 1200 damage at the cost of 15 EN each time the defence is activated. マジンパワー Mazin Power The attack power of the unit is increased by 25% when the morale of the pilot reaches or exceeds 130. V-MAX The unit gains 1 Movement, 10 Mobility, After-image and Beam Coat S when the pilot's morale equals or exceeds 120. V-MAX強化 Strengthened V-Max The unit gains 1 Movement, 15 Mobility, After-image and Beam Coat M when the pilot's morale equals or exceeds 120. V-MAXIMUM The unit gains 2 Movement, 15 Mobility, After-image and Beam Coat L when the pilot's morale equals or exceeds 120. ラムダ・ドライバ The offensive and defensive power of the unit increases as the pilot's morale increases. It activates when the pilot's morale equals or exceeds 120. Page 4 ------------------------- 重力波ビーム Juuryokuha Beam (Gravity Wave Beam) The unit sends out gravity wave beams within a certain range. 重力波アンテナ Juuryokuha Antenna (Gravity Wave Antenna) The unit is capable of receiving gravity beams wave to refuel itself. If it is within the range of the gravity wave beam emitted by the right units, its EN is replenished completely at the start of every new player phase. If it isn't in range, it will lose 5 EN at the start of every player phase on top of whatever EN spent normally. 次元連結システム Jigenrenketsu System (Dimension Coupling System) The unit is capable of warping through space, allowing it to movement and defensive bonuses similar to Vital Jump. This activates at a morale of 130. オルゴン・クラウド Orgon Cloud The unit is capable of warping through space, allowing it to movement and defensive bonuses similar to Vital Jump. This activates at a morale of 130 HP回復S HP Recovery, Small The unit regains up to 10% of its maximum HP at the start of each new player phase. ??? ??? EN回復S EN Recovery, Small The unit regains up to 10% of its maximum EN at the start of each new player phase. EN回復M HP Recovery, Medium The unit regains up to 20% of its maximum EN at the start of each new player phase. EN回復L HP Recovery, Large The unit regains up to 30% of its maximum EN at the start of each new player phase. 3.3 MECHA UPGRADING ==================== Credits earned from battle may be spent on improving your mecha in terms of stats or weapons. Stat improvements are on a fixed rate of 5% off the base stat for each level of upgrade, with the exception of EN which improves at a rate of 10%. Weapons improve at a varying rate. Units from your selected 'favourite series' have up to 15 upgrade slots for their stats, while others may vary. On your fourth clear though, all units will have the maximum of 20 upgrade slots. Currently, data is provided for the first 15 slots, with updates to follow. The upgrade costs are calculated from zero upgrade to a particular level, and is as follows: Level HP EN Mobility Armour 1 2000 1000 5000 3000 2 6000 3000 13000 8000 3 12000 5000 23000 16000 4 20000 8000 36000 26000 5 30000 11000 51000 41000 6 42000 15000 71000 61000 7 56000 19000 96000 86000 8 72000 24000 126000 116000 9 90000 29000 161000 151000 10 110000 35000 201000 191000 11 132000 41000 246000 236000 12 156000 48000 296000 286000 13 182000 55000 351000 341000 14 210000 63000 411000 401000 15 240000 71000 476000 466000 Weapons have varying upgrade costs depending on the mecha being upgraded. Level Attack Power Attack Power (MAP) Cost Cost Cost Cost 1 50 50 4000 8000 10000 12000 2 150 100 10000 20000 25000 30000 3 250 150 18000 36000 45000 54000 4 350 200 28000 56000 70000 84000 5 450 300 40000 80000 100000 120000 6 600 400 54000 108000 135000 162000 7 750 500 70000 140000 175000 210000 8 900 600 88000 176000 220000 264000 9 1050 750 108000 216000 270000 324000 10 1250 900 130000 260000 325000 390000 11 1450 1050 155000 308000 385000 462000 12 1650 1200 184000 360000 450000 540000 13 1850 1400 218000 416000 520000 624000 14 2100 1600 258000 476000 595000 714000 15 2350 1800 305000 540000 665000 814000 In addition, battleships can have their Relief stat upgraded up to a maximum of level 3. The costs are 10000 from 0 to level 1, 20000 from level 1 to level 2, and 40000 from level 2 to level 3. Upgrade slots come in two types, black and blue. Black slots represents the standard maximum upgrade of the unit, while blue slots are bonus slots made available because it's a unit from a 'favourite series'. If the unit is improved to the point where the standard maximum upgrade is completed (all black slots filled), this gives you a special 'complete upgrade' bonus that can be applied to the unit. The bonuses are as follows: For stats: ・最大HP+20% ・最大EN+30% ・運動性+20% ・装甲値+20% ・移動力+2 ・地形適応[S] (ユニットの地形適応が ALL-S) - Increase in HP by 20% of base HP - Increase in EN by 30% of base EN - Increase in Mobility by 20% of base Mobility - Increase in Armour by 20% of base Armour - Increase in maximum movement by 2 - Terrain handling is S for all terrains For weapons: ・射程+1 (射程1、又はMAP兵器の射程には+1されない) ・命中補正+20 ・消費EN-30% ・弾数×2 ・CT補正+20 ・地形効果[S] (武器の地形適応が ALL-S) - Increase of all weapon system's maximum range by 1, excluding MAP weapons and weapons with a range of 1 - Increase in accuracy by 20 - Decreased EN cost of 30% - Maximum ammunition payload is doubled - Increase in criticial rate by 20 - All weapons systems have their terrain performance set to S. Further more, some mecha carry their upgrades forward to other forms. These are as follows: ベルゼルート → B・ブリガンディ Berzeld Berzeld Brigandi クストウェル → クストウェル・ブラキウム Custwell Custwell Bracium グランティード → G・ドラコデウス Granteed Granteed Dragdeus ヴォルレント → ラフトクランズ Wurrend Raftkranz マジンガーZ → マジンカイザー Mazinger-Z Mazinkaiser シャイニングガンダム → ゴッドガンダム Shining Gundam God Gundam ユウ・ブレン → ネリー・ブレン Yuu Brain Nelly Brain ラッセ・ブレン(青) → ラッセ・ブレン(黄) Russ Brain (Blue) Russ Brain (Yellow) レイズナー → 強化型レイズナー / レイズナーmk2 Layzner Upgraded Layzner / Layzner mk2 天のゼオライマー → グレートゼオライマー Zeorymar Great Zeorymar Some mecha have linked upgrades, where upgrades are shared amongst the units. Thus, upgrading Black Wing N's Mobility by one slot will also give one slot of Mobility upgrades to Dancouga and Final Dancouga. ダンクーガ(ファイナルダンクーガ) ⇔ ブラックウイングN Dancouga (Final Dancouga) Black Wing N テッカマンブレード (ブラスターテッカマンブレード) ⇔ ペガス テッカマン+ペガス (ブラスターブレード+ペガス) Tekkaman (Blaster Tekkaman Blade) Pegas Tekkaman + Pegas (Blaster Blade + Pegas) ARX7 アーバレスト ⇔ ボン太くん ARX-7 Arbalest Bonta-kun 3.4 MECHA DATA ==================== The format is as follows for mecha: with - Attack being the base attack value with zero upgrades, - Accuracy and Critical being the bonuses to both stats from the weapon, - Morale Req being the required pilot morale to use that weapon, - EN cost being the amount of EN used by one attack, - Ammo being the amount of ammunition the weapon has, - Terrain being the terrain ratings of the weapon in the order 'Air Land Underwater Space' Note that (P), (B), (G) and (M) labels after the weapon name refer to the weapon's properties with P being that the weapon is usable after moving, B being that the weapon does beam-type damage, G being that the weapon does gravity- type damage, and M being that the weapon has an Area of Effect attack. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ KIDOU SENKAN NADESICO +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ナデシコ Nadesico HP: 13800 (10) EN: 280 (10) Mobility: 65 (10) Armour: 1200 (10) Size: LL Terrain Type: Air Terrain Handling: A--A Part Slots: 4 Special Abilities: - Embarkation - Distortion Field - Gravity Wave Beam - EN Recovery, Small Weapon Systems: ミサイル Missile (P) 2600 1-5 +30 +10 - - 20 AACA グラビティブラスト Gravity Blast (G)(M) 3200 1-8 - - 120 60 - AABA グラビティブラスト Gravity Blast (G) 3700 2-7 +10 +10 120 60 - AABA +++++++++++++++++++++++++ BANPRESTO ORIGINALS +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ベルゼルード Berzerud HP: 3800 (10) EN: 160 (10) Mobility: 115 (5) Armour: 1000 (10) Size: M Terrain Type: Air/Land Terrain Handling: AACA Part Slots: 2 Special Abilities: - Weapon Systems: ミサイルランチャー Missile Launcher 2600 2-6 +30 +20 - - 8 AACA ショートランチャー Shoot Launcher (P)(B) 2700 1-4 +40 +20 - - 10 AA-A オルゴンライフルN Orgon Rifle Normal 3000 4-8 +20 +30 - - 6 AABA オルゴンライフルB Orgon Rifle Beam (B) 3200 2-5 +20 +20 110 20 - AA-A オルゴンライフルA Orgon Rife Arrow (M) 3200 1-8 - +10 120 50 - AABA オルゴンライフルA Orgon Rifle Arrow 3700 3-8 +10 +10 120 30 - AABA クストウェル Coustwell HP: 4800 (10) EN: 170 (10) Mobility: 110 (8) Armour: 1300 (10) Size: M Terrain Type: Air/Land Terrain Handling: AACA Part Slots: 2 Special Abilities: - Weapon Systems: Oスラッシュ O(rgon) Slash (P)(C) 2700 1 +40 +40 - - - AABA Oショット O(rgon) Shoot (P) 2800 1-4 +30 +30 - 10 - AABA Oスラッシュ O(rgon) Slash (P) 2900 1-3 +40 +40 - - - AABA Oブロー O(rgon) Blow (P) 3300 1-2 +20 +20 110 30 - AABA Oフィニッシュ O(rgon) Finish 3080 1 +10 +10 120 40 - AABA 3.5 COMBINATION ATTACKS ==================== Some units have special attacks available they are close to each certain other units in battle (1 square in any direction, including diagonals). These attacks require both of the units to fulfill Morale and EN requirements. These are combination attacks, and they are very useful. Combination attacks have very high attack power, higher than what your units will have alone. The target of such an attack may not receive support defence from other units as well, making this more valuable. On the other hand, combination attacks may not be supported by allies as well. Here is a list of attacks and their requirements. Combination attacks are listed in the format: <(Selling price)> ブースター Booster 1000 This increases the unit's maximum movement by 1. メガブースター Megabooster 2000 This increases the unit's maximum movement by 2. 超高性能電子頭脳 Super Hi-Efficiency Electronic Brain 5000 This increases the unit's Mobility by 20. Furthermore, the unit's maximum ranges for its weapons are increased by 2 (excluding MAP weapons and weapons with a range of 1) and the accuracy of all weapon systems by 25. 高性能スラスター High Performance Thruster 3000 This increases the unit's Mobility by 15. バイパーセンサー Hyper Sensor 2000 This increases the unit's Mobility by 10. サーボモーター Turbo Motor 1000 This increases the unit's Mobility by 5. アポジモーター Apogee Motor 1500 This increases the unit's Mobility by 5 and movement by 1. リフターモジュール Lifter Module 4000 This increases the unit's movement by 2. It also adds Air terrain type to the unit (basically allowing it to fly), and sets Air terrain values for the unit and its weapons to S. フライトユニット Flight Module 3000 This adds Air terrain type to the unit (basically allowing it to fly), and sets Air terrain values for the unit and its weapons to S. アクアモジュール Aqua Module 2000 This adds Underwater terrain type to the unit (basically allowing it to fly), and sets Air terrain values for the unit and its weapons to S. ホバークラフト Hovercraft 2000 This adds the terrain type "Hover" to the unit. This allows the unit to move over water as if it was normal Land terrain, and thus removes all advantages and disadvantages of being in Underwater terrain. スラスターモジュール Thruster Module 2000 This sets Space terrain values for the unit and its weapons to S. 防塵装置 Boujinsouchi (Dustproofing) 2000 This sets Land terrain values for the unit and its weapons to S. A-アダプター A-Adapter 3000 This sets all terrain values for the unit and its weapons to A. S-アダプター S-Adapter 5000 This sets all terrain values for the unit and its weapons to S. チョバムアーマー Chobahm Armour 1500 This increases HP by 500 and Armour by 100. ハイブリットアーマー Hybrid Armour 2500 This increases HP by 800 and Armour by 150. 超合金Z Super Alloy Z 3500 This increases HP by 1000 and Armour by 200. 超合金ニューZ Super Alloy New Z 4500 This increases HP by 1500 and Armour by 250. 超合金ニューZα Super Alloy New Z alpha 5500 This increases HP by 2000 and Armour by 300. パワーエクステンダー Power Extension 5500 This increases EN by 100. 大型ジェネレーター Large Generator 2000 This increases EN by 50. ソーラーセイル Solar Sail 3000 This recovers 10% of the unit's maximum EN at the start of each player phase. オーガニック・ビット Organic Bit 4000 毎ターンHP10%回復 重複不可 This recovers 10% of the unit's maximum P at the start of each player phase. This seems to not stack with other such abilities. 対ビームコーティングS Anti-beam Coating, Small 1000 This gives the unit the Beam Coat, Small ability. 対ビームコーティングM Anti-beam Coating, Medium 1500 This gives the unit the Beam Coat, Medium ability. 対ビームコーティングL Anti-beam Coating, Large 2000 This gives the unit the Beam Coat, Large ability. ラミネート装甲 Laminate Armour 2500 This gives the unit the Laminate Armour ability. バリアS発生装置 Barrier S Projection Unit 1500 This gives the unit the Barrier, Small ability. バリアM発生装置 Barrier M Projection Unit 2000 This gives the unit the Barrier, Medium ability. バリアL発生装置 Barrier L Projection Unit 2500 This gives the unit the Barrier, Large ability. 高性能レーダー Hi-Efficiency Radar 1500 This increases the maximum ranges of all weapons by 1, excluding MAP weapons and weapons of range 1. オールレンジレーダー All Range Radar 3500 This increases the maximum ranges of all weapons by 2, excluding MAP weapons and weapons of range 1. 高性能照準器 High Performance Sight 3500 This increases the accuracy of all weapon systems by 30. マルチロックオンSYS Multi-Lock On System 2500 This increases the accuracy of all weapon systems by 20. スナイパースコープ Sniper Scope 1500 This increases the accuracy of all weapon systems by 10. 超高性能OS Super High Performance OS 3000 This increases the critical rate of all weapon systems by 30. 高性能OS High Performance OS 2000 This increases the critical rate of all weapon systems by 20. 学習型OS Learning Type OS 1000 This increases the critical rate of all weapon systems by 10. ENチップ EN Chip 1500 Energy costs of all weapon systems are decreased by 10%. The effects do not stack with other similar parts or abilities. ENメガチップ EN Megachip 2500 Energy costs of all weapon systems are decreased by 20%. The effects do not stack with other similar parts or abilities. ENギガチップ EN Gigachip 3500 Energy costs of all weapon systems are decreased by 30%. The effects do not stack with other similar parts or abilities. 大型マガジン Large Magazine 2000 The ammunition for the unit's weapon systems is increased by 50%. The effects do not stack with other similar equipment. 超大型マガジン Extra Large Magazine 3000 The ammunition for the unit's weapon systems is doubled. The effects do not stack with other similar equipment. プロペラントタンク Propellant Tank 500 When consumed in battle, it restores the unit's EN completely. リペアキット Repair Kit 500 When consumed in battle, it restores the unit's HP completely. カートリッジ Cartridge 500 When consumed in battle, it restores the unit's ammunition completely. 非常食 Hijoushoku (Emergency Rations) 1000 When consumed in battle, it restores 50 SP to all pilots in the unit. スーパーリペアキット Super Repair Kit 1000 When consumed in battle, it restores the unit's HP, EN and ammunition completely. ************************** * 4. GAMEPLAY * ************************** This are some notes on gameplay which I took down for myself. Perhaps, in future, this will be developed into a proper section examining various aspects of the game, but for now, it will be left as is. 4.1 GENERAL NOTES ==================== 1) Terrain ratings are extremely important, since unit terrain ratings greatly affect the odds of you hitting a target and evading attacks, while weapon terrain ratings greatly modify damage done. Make good use of your terrain adaptation parts and your various frames for the different units. 2) Your character's 'final attack' for his or her final mecha depends on the subpilot being used. A different sub-pilot will give you a different attack for each mecha. Since there are four mecha in the game (three available initially, the fourth is supposedly unlocked when you've finished the game with the other three mecha), this comes to a total of 3x4 = 12 different 'final attacks'. For every stage you deploy your original mecha, a certain hidden counter measuring the relationship between your character and the sub-pilot is incremented. It is said that you need 18 missions with a specific sub-pilot to unlock an attack. Since these sub-pilots can be swapped from the pilot assignment menu, this also means that you can change 'final attacks' ingame as long as you've unlocked them. 4) Morale-activated systems such as Orgon Cloud cannot be shut down by lowering Morale after the system kicks in. If you don't want them to activate it, make sure their morale never reaches the level. 5) Size differences in damage are 5% per rank, favouring the larger. Thus, an L-sized unit does 10% more damage against a S-sized unit, and takes 10% less as well. 6) The glowing blue dots which appear over certain other units when you leave your cursor over a unit indicates that the unit has a special friendship with those unit. If a unit is placed directly adjacent to another unit with such a relationship, it gains a large bonus to hit and evade. This bonus is larger if the symbol that appears is that of a red heart instead of a blue dot. 4.2 REPLAYS ==================== Upon finishing the last stage, you'll be allowed to save a clear save after the credits have rolled. Loading data from the clear save starts a new game, with several priviledges for the player. They are as follows. 1) Bonus points applied to pilot stats are retained, though they cannot be reassigned. It is hard to determine if the points affect enemy pilots. Initial comparisons between Murrue and Natarle who I developed identically in terms of bonus points seemed to show that it doesn't. 2) Upgrades are retained, and any money unspent by the end of the last stage is carried forward to your next game. 3) Items are not carried forward. Thus, it is best to sell off everything you do not plan on using during the final battle. 4) The original character gets to build his or her own seishin list. Simply pick the seishin you want to learn by levels 1,5,15,20,30 and 45. Of course, having the seishin doesn't guarantee you'll have enough SP to cast it by that level. 5) You get to add three more favourites to your existing favourite series. Thus, through constant replays, you can get to the point where every series is a favourite. 6) The appearance of the strongest attack available to the upgraded version of your original mecha is based on the subpilot that you have. This supposedly is determined by the number of times the subpilot has been deployed for combat with your main pilot in a game prior to obtaining the upgraded original. Supposedly, only one version of the attack may be unlocked per game, and these carry over to replays. This I cannot vouch for, since I pretty much stuck to one subpilot for most of the game. For example, my first game was with Touya (male original) in the Granteed (super). Since I mainly used Merua, the Infinity Calibur attack on the Granteed Dragdeus (upgraded version of Granteed) is initially only available if Merua is the sub-pilot. My second game was with Carvina (female original) in the Berzerud (real), and with the Berzerud (real). While I mainly used Katia this time around, the Orgon Buster Cannon for the Berzerud Brigandi can be used with Katia or Merua with different attack animations for each subpilot. 7) A new mecha is available for selection upon the 3rd time cleared. 8) Upon the fourth clear, all pilots are set to have gains of 1.5 for experience and money, and all units are given the new maximum upgrade slots of 20. 9) Kills are kept for all pilots, so you get to keep your Ace and double Ace morale bonuses. ************************** * 5. WALKTHROUGH * ************************** J isn't truly hard by any means, though it is fairly punishing to real units the first time around due to poor evade rates. As the game goes further on, reals start to shine since the heavy armour on your supers fare less and less better against the upgraded weapons of your enemies. As it is, you're usually warned ingame if there are more waves of enemies. This does require the number of enemies to be reduced sufficiently before this happens, so the FAQ is more for those who min-max and yet don't have good memory of events ingames (I'm such a person, and this FAQ incidentally started out as personal notes anyway.) Stage 01 (Male) -------------------- Fend off the enemies to the best of your ability with Kouji and Sayaka. After sufficient time, your original pilot in the Super will pop out to assist. After defeating the initial batch of goons, yet another batch will appear to the south. Finish them off to end the mission. Stage 01 (Female) -------------------- Interestingly enough, you don't get to use your original yet. This stage reenacts the maiden voyage of the Nadesico where Battas attack and Akito has to fend them off. Reinforcements are on the way, and all you need to do is to hold the enemy off for 10 turns, which is overly generous since you'll probably be able to kill them all way before that. After dealing with then, more Battas will appear from both east and west of the base area, but Combattler V and the Blue Earth come to aid as reinforcements. Finish them off to end the stage. Stage 02 (Male) -------------------- One batch of enemies around, followed by another in the northwest after you wipe out the initial group. You do get Ryoko, Hikaru and Izumi as reinforcements as well. Stage 02 (Female) -------------------- Standard batch of Jovian enemies around the northern side. Afer killing sufficient numbers, more events take place involving your female original, but enemy reinforcements only come after you've eliminated the initial group of Jovians. They appear to the south, but you do get reinforcements in the form of Hikaru, Izumi, Ryoko and Akito in their Aestivalis', as well as your first use of your original unit. Finish them off to end the stage. Stage 03 -------------------- What you see is what you get. The enemies are mostly fliers, so it's preferable to switch your Aestavalis 0G frames for air combat. Armas Geil in the Graimkaiser can be convinced with Eiji in Layzner . Nothing notable happens immediately, so you'll still have to wipe him out. Take out everything before taking out Armas, because everyone else retreats with him. After that, another set of enemies appear. Deal with them as necessary. Stage 04 -------------------- Standard batch of enemies. As usual, have Eiji convince Armas Geil. After dealing with everything, more enemy reinforcements, Armas turns neutral, you get shelled and you're given two choices, mainly 贊成 and 反対, literally for, and against. I take it that they asked if you are for saving him, but regardless, you will still have to protect him anyway. Choose the former to continue on the process of recruiting Armas Geil. Wipe out the rest to end your mission. Regrettably, Armas still gets taken away. Oh well... Stage 05 -------------------- Out to space. Remember to switch your Air Frames to 0G if you haven't already. After your first kill, Akito will retreat in and Akatsuki Nagare will appear for you to use instead. Tekkaman Blade appears in the lower corner after you wipe out the first batch, but he is apparently not convinceable. Min-maxers may wish to rush southwest ASAP and not finish off the initial batch of enemies until they reach there to minimize the number of kills done by Blade. Stage 06 -------------------- Considering all the enemy forces are ground-based, it is more effective to use ground-based Aestivalis to make use of the heavy cover around (which more than compensates for the difference of 10 in unit mobility) and for better damage ratings (Air frames have mainly C-rated attacks towards ground units, doing less damage). After finishing off the grunts, another group will appear to the south with Crueset. Finish them off to end the stage, leaving Crueset for last if you don't want everything else to retreat first.. Stage 07 -------------------- You'll be fighting on Heliopolis, and regardless of your setup, Strike will be sortied as Aile Strike. Switch your Aestivalis' to 0G frames. Eventually, a new set of enemies will appear in the east with the notable ones being four enemy Gundams. Deal with them to end the battle. Remember, Phase Shift armour does not protect against beam weapons, so make full use of yours. Stage 08 -------------------- Lots of cover, in exchange for restricted movement. After dealing with Buster and Duel Gundam, Crueset will appear to the north with more forces. Everything flees when you damage the battleship or Crueset sufficiently, so you may want to try for a MAP attack on both. Stage 09 -------------------- After handing back Lacus to the ZAFT, you're attacked by more Tekkaman Blade enemies. After sufficient numbers are killed, the enemy is reinforced by the addition of Tekkaman Dagger and more of those monsters. However, D-Boy takes out his crystal and transforms into Tekkaman Blade. There you have it, yet a new addition to your team. Stage 10 -------------------- Being on earth, you may wish to change your Aestivalis frames accordingly. After the initial scene, you're left with various Tekkaman Blade enemies and a couple of damaged units. Deal with them as you like. After you rid the map of all enemies, the Death Army appears, though without any real boss-class units. However, when enough have been killed, the Devil Gundam appears near the Nadesico and with enough Morale for a MAP attack. After finishing it off, the mission ends and you're given a choice of two paths. Archangel Nadesico ------------------------------ ------------------------------ SEED G Gundam Layzner Nadesico Tekkaman Blade Mazinkaiser Dancouga Combattler V Stage 11 (Archangel) -------------------- The first batch of enemies are from the northwest. Beat them, and you then get to face Andrew Bartfeld, the Desert Tiger. Everything flees when either he or the enemy mobile fortress is taken down. Unless you're willing to set them up for a MAP attack, take Bartfeld down for better EXP and items. Stage 11 (Nadesico) -------------------- The reenactment of the Nadesico mission against the Jovian Graviton Rail Gun with the use of Artillery frames. Since your Aestivalis' are landbound, you should use either Artillery frames or Ground Combat frames. This stage also marks the earliest appearance of Full Metal Panic units. You need to get one of your units into the highlighted area, or kill off all the Battas. Once that is done, Master Gundam and Devil Gundam appear with more Death Army. Master and Devil will flee when the other runs, so if you want the money and kills, use Dankokuugaken MAP and try to maneuver them out of cover and use Mazinger-Z's Rust Hurricane if needed. Getting rid of them leaves you with one last batch of Death Army to deal with. Stage 12 (Archangel) -------------------- You can either land your units on the four special squares, or decimate all of the initial batch of enemies. Either way, this must be done within 4 turns. Accomplishing this will unleash Tekkaman Dagger and another batch of enemies on you. Deal with them, and then you have more in the form of BaCowes and an mobile fortress unit. Taking them out will result in an event, and you having more enemies to tackle, with the only reinforcement being Cagalli in a Skygrasper. Stage 12 (Nadesico) -------------------- The battle begins with Kouji, Sayaka and Boss in their respective mechas. Once you tap Baron Ashura's craft, an event will take place resulting in Kouji and Sayaka leaving the stage, Great Mazinger and Combattler V appearing on the scene, and regular friendly reinforcements. Of course, more enemies pop out as well. Beat them to end the stage. Stage 13 (Archangel) -------------------- Finally, something new in the form of Brains. Or Brain Powerds, to be exact. Defend yourself to the best of your ability with Yuu and Hime. After sufficient kills, reinforcements will appear for both sides. Do note that the enemies can Combo, so be careful when placing your units. Stage 13 (Nadesico) -------------------- The battle begins with Great Mazinger against some grunts. Combattler V arrives in turn 2 to assist. Defeating the initial grunts results in a series of events which leads to Great Mazinger being damaged to half of its maximum HP (not sure what happens if its HP was less than that), Zeorymar, and reinforcements for both friendly and hostile forces. Defeat Lanster of the Wind with Zeorymar if you wish to shoot for Great Zeorymar. Beating them results in Baron Ashura coming from the west with one group of enemy reinforcements. The fun has yet to end after Ashura is dealt with, for you must take down Ashura's Mazinger and subdue the Mazinkaiser. You need to destroy Ashura's Kaiser first, then reduce the Kaiser to 3000 HP or less, after which the stage will end. Stage 14 (Archangel) -------------------- First batch comes from the northeast, second is a Layzner band from the northwest lead by Armas Geil again. He's not convinceable this time around. Whether you manage to take him out, an event will take place removing Layzner from your active squad and bringing around ZAFT with Miguel, Yzak, Dearka and Nicol. This normally wouldn't be a problem if not for the fact that you're dealing with underwater units. While your Brains will cope fine, it still may be advisable to lure as many enemies as you can onto the island in the centre. Note that Yzak has to be killed TWICE before it's over. Stage 14 (Nadesico) -------------------- You start off with Voltes V against the Boazans, Friendly reinforcements comes on turn 3. A second batch of reinforcements in the form of Great Mazinger, Boss Borot, Zeorymar and Combattler V appear to the northeast. There's no more enemy reinforcements so just finish off the current batch to end the stage. Stage 15 (Archangel) -------------------- Your mission is to prevent the Radams from entering the complex, marked off by the highlighted area. Don't charge too far westward, since another batch will appear from the northeast and charge south. Tekkaman Dagger is obsessed with killing Blade, and will not go for the highlighted area, so focus on the Radams first. Once they've been dealt with, once more, Layzner enemies attack from the northwest. Cagalli and Roan return in time to help around. Finish them off to end the stage. Stage 15 (Nadesico) -------------------- The Boazans don't give up, so off we go to round 2. Voltes V pops around briefly around turn 2, but doesn't stay to help. By turn 3, more reinforcements come from the north in the form of Great Mazinger, Zeorymar, Boss Borot and Combattler V. However, the Nadesico and your Aestivalis pick this moment to spaz out and turn neutral. They will open fire on you, so be careful when moving around. Anyway, after downing all enemies, Baron Ashura appears to the west with more reinforcements, but Kouji makes an appearance too in Mazinkaiser. Finish them off to end the stage. Stage 16 -------------------- It's your original unit and four Brains against a lot of Gran Chers. Make use of the available Leadership aura and the forest for cover and dig in. After a couple of enemies are downed, reinforcements will arrive and you get to use the others who were away on the other route. After taking down the Gran Chers, out pops the Death Army, and rest of the Shuffle Alliance under the influence of the Devil Cells or whatnot. Do not expend everything you have on them, because (surprise, surprise), finishing them all off brings out another horror in yet another Death Army, Master Gundam and Devil Gundam. Both flee, and unless you actually have a battleship with Hot Blood and Lock On by now, it might be difficult to kill them both. Devil Gundam has the better item in the form of an SP Cost -10%, while Master Gundam is worth more EXP. Take your pick and pick them off to end this. Stage 17 -------------------- Deal with everything as best as you can and note that Yzak's Duel must be destroyed twice. After all that is done, Baron Ashura will appear, with Sayaka and Kouji as hostage. Hold off attacking Baron Ashura for six turns, rest seem to be free game as long as eight units excluding Baron Ashura are left. After that, the objective is changed and you may freely nuke everything around. Stage 18 -------------------- Hold off as best as you can for the first turn. By turn 2, reinforcements will arrive, after which you should advance on Baron Ashura's forces while taking out anything and everything in your way. No battleships are available currently, so you might want to think carefully about deploying Aestivalis. After everything has been dealt with, more enemy forces (this time from FMP) will appear, and you're put under a strict time limit of 5 turns as well. You do get Sousuke in his ARX-7 Arbalest as a reinforcement though. Kill everything to end the mission. Stage 19 -------------------- Initially, you need to defend the city from the ravages of the Zeorymar and FMP enemies. After sufficient enemies have been downed, a combined Boazan and Jovian force arrives from the south and your objective changes from protecting the city to destroying all enemies. Stage 20 -------------------- First set of forces charge from the west. The Tetsujin will continuously harass your units through constant boson jumping. After sufficient enemies have been downed, SPT enemies appear from the southwest and more Jovian forces appear from the southeast. Have Eiji convince the ??? pilot in the SPT forces if you want Julia. Just when you think it's all over, here comes more forces, this time, original ones from the northeast. These come with 10K odd HP for their grunts, 15k for a miniboss, and their head honcho itself comes with 50K HP and a MAP weapon. At this point, you get another path branch, one to the earth and the other to the moon. Stage 21 (Earth) -------------------- Two Brains and one Skygrasper against a horde of Gran Chers again. Fortunately, reinforcements arrive by turn 3. After you wipe them out, Dr Hell pops around, but unfortunately, so do the Braist of Flame and the Garowin of Water. Deal with them as normal, but note that when either Flame or Water is destroyed, the other sister will go berserk with tons of offensive and defensive seishin, so make sure you're prepared for it, unless you want to try Meiou Kougeki MAP on them. After taking them down, Rose Cest La Vie of the Moon appears. It will retreat after you lower its HP sufficiently. Yuu finally joins after this. Stage 21 (Moon) -------------------- If you like, you can make your way to the base area in the southwest corner, though you'll probably do well enough meeting the enemies in the centre of the map. After killing sufficient grunts, more will appear from the western and southern sides of the map. Barring the high HP enemies and the annoyance of distortion fields, this is a pretty simple map. Lunar Frames are now available for your Aestivalis' if you want. Note these do no have Gravity Wave Antennas, so you may want to be careful when abusing the Formation Attack for Ryoko, Hikaru and Izumi. Stage 22 (Earth) -------------------- More Gran Chers, though nothing you shouldn't be used to by now. After killing enough of them, more appear to the south. After nuking everything, Yuu moves southward, Kanan and Higgins appear and join you, and more Gran Chers to the southwest. Destroy enough, and yet another appear from the northwest. Ega needs to be defeated twice for the stage to end. Stage 22 (Moon) -------------------- The situation is changed slightly, with your forces starting near the base area and the Jovian enemies approaching from the southeast. Your Nadesico gets the Y-Unit attachment now, so it's a good time to test it on the Jovians, considering the large numbers of high HP battleships and Majins and whatnot. Beating down Genichiro results in all enemies fleeing, so leave him for last. After you drive off the Jovians, Radam beasts appear from the southwest. Finish them off and the stage is over. Stage 23 (Earth) -------------------- Combattler V and Voltes V versus two big monsters. After beating them, reinforcements arrive, though both of them leave. You get to face down a Skullrook with lots of high HP enemies. Beat down enough, and they're reinforced by yet another Skullrook and similar forces. That's the last of it though. Stage 23 (Moon) -------------------- There's a base in the centre surrounded by Radam. Move forward to liberate it for your own use. Destroy all of them to bring out Tekkaman Evil who will injure Blade and remove him from the scene. Then, Jovian forces appear to the northwest. Beating off the Jovians results in more enemies from the east, this time from Layzner baddies. Eiji gains use of V-Max system in the following turn, and thus, has access to the Layzner Formation attack with the Barudi and the Beibul. As if the four boss-class units weren't enough to deal with, Ru Kain and Shapiro deploy from the enemy battleship once enough of the enemy has been eliminated. Ru Kain even has his morale boosted to activate his own V-Max system. Your objective will change at one point to moving the Nadesico to any square on the highlighted area on the east border of the map. This seems to be triggered after further kills on the enemy. You do not need to retreat from the area if you think you can handle it, which is to your benefit, considering the huge amounts of EXP and money the boss units are worth, as well as the battleships. Save Ru Kain for last if you can, since the stage ends after you defeat him. Stage 24 -------------------- Your forces rejoin, only to have to deal with FMP enemies. Save Seina in the RX-92 for last, since his death brings out the Behemoth. Take down the Behemoth with Sousuke as a step towards getting Bonta-kun. After you beat the Behemoth, various events take place, but it all leads to the Boazans attacking, and you getting only the Archangel as a reinforcement. Kill the two Kagamikiris, and more enemy reinforcements appear. Still, that's the last of them, so it should be smooth sailing from there. Stage 25 -------------------- Voltes and Combattler against one Skullrook and one Kagamikiri. The pilots for both Voltes and Combattler should have Support Defend by now, which will help to minimize the damage taken. Damage the Kagamikiri enough, and an event will take place with it being destroyed by Voltes' Choudenji Ball V no Jigiri. Damage the Skullrook enough, and Combattler V finishes it off with the Grand Dasher. This does result in more enemy reinforcements led by Prince Heinel, and Combattler V making an exit. Retreat towards the southeast, where your reinforcements will arrive within two turns. As always, after beating down enough enemy craft, another wave of reinforcements appear, this time, more Boazans from the north. This will be the last batch, but considering the relatively huge amount of HP around for enemies, you'll find life easier if you can set up some MAP attacks from your units, especially the Nadesico. Stage 26 -------------------- You need to prevent the Tekkaman Blade enemies from entering the city/industrial area. It's easier if you send Blade to harass them while moving your forces to the northeast to camp and form a perimeter around the base terrain. After killing sufficient monsters, Tekkaman Evil appears from the southeast with more monsters. After enough monsters are killed, Tekkaman Evil and Blade cross swords and disappear while bringing yet more monsters in, this time directly from the south of the map. After killing the remainder, another set of events will trigger leaving you with an enemy Blade in your vicinity and more monsters from the northwest. There is no further need to protect the area, and all you need to do is to beat down all the monsters and leave Tekkaman Blade alone to end it. Stage 27 -------------------- At this point, you seem to do what is the same mission, though with different teams. If you choose to sorty with the Nadesico, you have Yuu and Eiji out, and access to the Aestivalis'. If you choose the Archangel, Cagalli sorties in the Aile Strike Rouge as well and you have access to Kira and Mwu instead of the Aestivalis'. The battle will take place over an archipelago with little terrain to land on, so flying units are essential. First comes the SPT enemies from the northwest. Julia must NOT be defeated if you wish to recruit her. After the SPT enemies are downed, Gran Chers appear from the southwest, though without any real bosses leading them. Russ appears and takes Yuu with him if you took the Nadesico with you. After that, there's one more batch from the northeast. After killing sufficient numbers of them, Jonathan appears from the northwest with more Gran Chers. Beat them, and you're done. Stage 28 -------------------- Brain Powerd scenario, Yuu, Nelly and your original versus Jonathan, who has a spiffy new monstrosity in his hands. Doesn't help that your units have normal Morale, and fractions of their HP. Anyway, just have your original defend for a while. If you're feeling daring, you may try attacking Jonathan just for EXP and Morale. After two turns, an event takes place with the end result of Yuu getting Nelly's Brain and Jonathan leaving the vicinity. Of course, this brings in a batch of Gran Chers from the north. Slay them, and a big mess of SPT enemies plus Shapiro comes from the south. Two battleship-class enemies at 18k HP, four bosses with 22k HP each, with Shapiro himself clocking in at 50k doesn't make for a fun fight, so take them out as soon as they get in range. Remember that Gashuran's unit has V-Max, so use Exhaust if you like. Stage 29 -------- Horribly desolate place to begin in. Anyway, your job here is to protect the Tuatha de Danaan (the super submarine from FMP) while not getting killed yourself. On turn 2, more enemy reinforcements arrive on the scene. Have Sousuke take down Zaido when the opportunity arises to obtain Bonta-kun. On turn 3, your people arrive to help. Soon, Gaulin makes an appearance with two Behemoths. Damage Gaulin enough, and a scene takes place where Mao is taken down. You still have to deal with Gaulin himself, so budget enough SP for that. Gaulin is dealt with, Rose Cest La Vie makes an appearance, and so does Zeorymar. Sadly, unlike previous cases with Yzak, where you get to kill him twice for double the EXP and one final cash deposit, Rose recovers itself at 1/3rd or 1/4 its HP. Perhaps in an upgraded game... Unfortunately, things are far from over after you beat Rose Cest La Vie. Baron Ashura makes its appearance, attacking and corrupting Venus A. Of course, it's not alone, and you'll need to hack through a troupe of bodyguards, as well as the corrupted Venus A TWICE. Still, with your Morale level, Zeorymar, Great Mazinger and Mazinkaiser, it's more of a chore rather than anything. After the small fry are gone, you're left with Baron Ashura. Damage it enough, and an event will take place with Great Mazinger being totalled, and Mazinkaiser obtaining the Kaiser Scrander. Still, Ashura revives after the first time you kill him, albeit with only 75% of its original HP. One last time will do the trick, and the stage will be completed. Stage 30 -------- Lots of water around and the enemy having water-based units makes for a less than fun stage. It doesn't help either that Gaulin is now on the Tuatha de Danaan and has taken over it. Since you lose if the Tuatha is sunk, you need to rush over ASAP, and the best way is to land everyone around near the battleships after deployment and move them in. However, since the enemy will be focusing on the Tuatha, it is necessary to be able to do significant damage to water units, which basically suggests that you go for 0G Aestivalis' and/or Brain Powerds, with any others getting A-Adapters and Aqua Modules to deal out decent damage to underwater enemies. Anyway, accelerate your battleships towards the Tuatha. You may even want to equip them with Boosters or MegaBoosters or Apogee Motors to increase the pace. Three turns with Accelerate, possibly two with enough boosters, and you should be near the Tuatha. Kill off any enemies nearby to prevent them from damaging the Tuatha. Those with 0G Aestivalis' will want to return to swap for Air Combat Frames, or hold off and switch for Ground Combat Frames in preparation for the next wave of enemies. After you wipe out all enemies, Gaulin is ejected and another force assembles on the northwestern island. This may turn out extremely nasty, since while Zeorymar does appear on the scene to help, the Zeorymar enemies are three boss-class freaks with over 40k HP each and MAP attacks that fire at 110 Morale. Still, they generally seem more interested in nuking Zeorymar, so you can always push Masaki in to tank for a while. Beat the Zeorymar enemies in the order of Mountain, Earth and Thunder to prevent any of them from rejuvenating themselves (Earth will do so if Thunder is defeated first, Mountain will do so if Earth is defeated first. Alternatively, focus exclusively on one, so the rejuvenation has zero effect.) Defeat them with Zeorymar, if you're shooting for Great Zeorymar. Defeat Gaulin with Sousuke as the last step towards getting Bonta-kun. After Gaulin is defeated, you have 4 turns to get either battleship (Archangel, or Nadesico) to any of the highlighted squares in the southwest corner of the map. Do so, and you've finished the stage. Stage 31 -------- More hijinks with underwater enemies. After you defeat enough of them, a huge ZAFT army appears to the south, with the four Gundams. Leave Athrun for the finish. Izak must be beaten twice, as usual. This does lead to another path branch, where you may choose to stay to continue operations or go to North America. The unique differences are as follows:- Stay North America ------------------------------ ------------------------------ SEED Layzner Brain Powerd Nadesico Combattler/Voltes V Tekkaman Blade Zeorymar Stage 32 (Stay) --------------- Initial enemy forces consist of the three surviving Zeorymar baddies and lots of FMP enemies, notably two Behemoths. If anything, the bosses are deadly as usual due a relatively small number of enemies for Morale-building, and their huge Potential bonuses. Considering their stupid love triangle, they will all get full HP/EN restore after their loved one is downed, so it's best to take them down in the order of Mountain, Earth, then Thunder. Mapping them supposedly results in Mountain reviving, which might be good for EXP. After downing all three of them, out pops the empress?princess? herself in the Hau Dragon in the far northeast corner. Take a moment to resupply and repair if needed, then again, attack. As with Rose Cest La Vie, she restores her own HP and EN once after 1/2 her HP is taken off. Actually, since she is so obsessed with killing Zeorymar, it is possible to actually lead her around to waste her EN, if you have a Megabooster or better. You need to time it well, since she does have a Propellant Tank for cases like this. Defeating her will also result in Zeorymar taking off. Sadly, this is far from over, as a last wave of original forces appear to the southeast. Still, nothing too harsh, though it is quite sad to see enemy reals at 10k HP each. Beat them all down to end the scenario. Stage 32 (North America) -------------------- The first choice you have is to pick between two plans, A for strengthening the Layzner and B for total redesign. Plan B gives you the Layzner Mk-2 which is a good deal stronger than even the strengthened Layzner, though you do lose the standard Layzner missiles. Anyway, the battle begins proper with your Soltekkaman against a horde of Radam beasts. Wait a little while, and Balzack in Soltekkaman-1 will be lost battling Tekkaman Evil. A little longer, and Noal will retreat to the southwest where friendly reinforcements arrive. After sufficient numbers of beasts are killed, the Tekkamen appear, both the baddies and Blade. After they are defeated, the original enemies pop out. Stage 33 -------------------- G Gundam hour. Your Shuffle Alliance starts off against the standard Death Army grunts. Finally, everyone has Super/Hyper Mode. For long-time SRT player, do note that in Hyper mode, you now have new combination attacks too between Dragon/Bolt Gundam, and Gundam Rose/Maxter. Beat down enough of the Death Army, and more enemies will appear in the form of more Death Army, and two Gundams (Heaven's Sword Gundam and Grand Gundam). Reinforcements will arrive too, and you have access to the others who were on the other path previously. Beat them down, and a story event will take place, leaving Domon in close proximity of the Devil Gundam, Master Gundam and some Death Army grunts. After beating Devil Gundam, events will lead to Master Gundam being in the vicinity of your units and Domon receiving God Gundam. Since this takes place regardless of whether you beat Master Gundam previously, you should go for Master Gundam first before beating Devil if you have the resources. Anyway, Grand Gundam and Heaven's Sword Gundam also return to harass your squad, with another eight Death Army grunts. If you can, leave Master Gundam for last and kill them first. If you can't, well, too bad then. Stage 34 -------------------- Another one of the screwy missions. Annoying rather than difficult, you have two stationary battleships, one Skygrasper, one Ground Combat Aestivalis, an M-9 Gernsbark and the ARX-7 Arbalest (Bonta-kun, if you fulfilled the reqs) against a small cluster of Battas. Beat the Battas and we have a Tekkamen fest, with Tekkamen oozing all over the place. Your enemies are in the southwest corner, consisting of Radams led by Tekkamen Evil, Sword, Axe and Lance. You'll pretty much need Supers or lots of targetters on your Reals first time around to deal with this lot well, considering their insane ability to evade attacks as well as the Leadership aura that each Tekkaman seems to have. Fortunately, that's about all there is, so beat down the Tekkaman and move on. Beat Tekkaman Evil with Tekkaman Blade if you want to recruit Tekkaman Rapier later. Stage 35 -------------------- A SEED stage from initial looks, though the pre-scenario dialogue and the fact that Layzner is sortied implies that the SPT freaks aren't far behind. Your battleships are immobile, so you'll just have to rush through. As it is, the conventional way of dealing with Phase Shift Armour is hampered somewhat, due to Athrun and Yzak packing a Barrier and a Anti-Beam Coating respectively. As usual, Yzak has to be defeated twice. Finishing them off leads to more events, and you lose Kira for now. Leave Athrun for last, since it leads to the rest of the forces retreating and the next wave coming. Anyway, you've bigger things to worry about, with the SPT baddies coming from the northeast. While the Nadesico can move around now, the Archangel is still stuck, so you're forced to rush back to battle them. Thus, it may be better to camp near the shores and fight the ZAFT forces there to save at least one turn of rushing back. Finish them off, and the stage will end. Again, Julia must not be defeated if you want to recruit her. Stage 36 -------------------- A battle against the Jovians, though Blade's presence probably means that Radam crud is heading your way. You should switch Akito's Aestivalis frame to something more useful, though it's up to you whether you want to opt for the Lunar frame or the 0G. Beat them down, and as expected, out pop Tekkaman Axe and Lance to the northwest. Beat them down and you're done. Beat Axe with Blade if you want to recruit Rapier. Though... it's path branch time again. Alaska Peace Negotiation ------------------------------ ------------------------------ SEED Nadesico Layzner Full Metal Panic Brain Powerd Zeorymar Combattler V Stage 37 (Alaska) -------------------- Another defensive mission. While the surroundings are beautiful, the mission isn't. You have to prevent any enemy from crossing the highlighted area, which is pretty much part the entire northern border of the map. A quick look at your surroundings will show the need for you to split your forces in two, one to take care of the few attempting to cross by sea, and the others from the southwest corner charging directly north. As expected, when enough enemies are downed, more appear from the southeast, so you should rush the force originally attacking the underwater group eastwards. Down some more, and out pops neutral originals. Take them down too, and you're given a time limit by which you must take the Archangel to the southern border. However, killing all the enemies works as well, so take your pick. Stage 37 (Peace Negotiation) -------------------- You need to get Akito to the highlighted area. When Akito has reached the area, reinforcements will appear in the form of the Shuffle Doumei in the southwest, Zeorymar from the southeast, and the Nadesico from the south. However, the Boazans appear from the northwest as neutrals. Both the Skullrooks retreat once the other is downed, so you may want to use a MAP attack or Combo to nail both. After all that, the last wave arrives from the northeast in the form of more original enemies. Finish them off to end the stage. Stage 38 -------------------- One cluster of enemies initially in the northwest, another to the northeast in turn two. This features the annoying trio of pilots for Calamity, Forbidden and Raider Gundam. If that wasn't bad enough, Allenby in psycho-mode appears to the north with yet another batch of grunts. All that and all you get is Dearka in the Buster. One turn later, more Strike Daggers appear, but you do get Athrun in Justice Gundam, which does help somewhat. Hang around and kill some more, and the original enemies appear in the southwest corner. When either of the trio is defeated, all will retreat and so will Allenby. You'll either have to settle for one of them, or MAP everyone. Allenby can be recruited if you leave her alone for this stage and defeat the trio instead. Anyway, after getting rid of them, you can focus on the originals. One of the two bosses, a Jua Mu Dalbi (green-haired) will retreat when his HP is decreased to less than half, your guys from Tekkaman Blade will return, and Tekkaman Blade will have the Blaster armour. Wipe them all out to end the scenario. Stage 39 -------------------- Most of the Gundam SEED pilots are sortied here, and you finally obtain your new mecha. You may even rename it. Initial enemy forces come in the form of Strike Daggers from the southeast, and the second wave is more of the same from the southwest, though led by the trio of Calamity, Forbidden and Raider Gundams. This time, they won't flee at all, so take your time to remove them. Stage 40 -------------------- A major battle against the Boazans. Lots of high HP enemies mean that this battle is best played with Real units that can Combo. Aestivalis' with Air Combat Frames, the FMP trio with Flight Modules, or Brains, all of them are best here, though I suppose it's equally doable with your SRs and heavy use of Iron Wall. What you should do is to form a wall of some distance in front of your battleships, and Reals will do best here in a war of attrition. That and your reals generally have combinations to get past support defences without using SP. Obviously, Bargan isn't the last you'll have to deal with, so surround him with reals and spend your time repairing and resupplying if necessary before finishing him off. After beating down everything, Prince Haniel will show up in the wargod Godol with the remnants of his forces. This should be pretty doable considering your current Morale. Surprisingly, yet more of the Boazan Battle Beasts appear after you've down some. Still, they don't retreat after you down Haniel, so kill at will to end the scenario. Stage 41 -------------------- The Shuffle Alliance against the Death Army... round one, Chapman and Micheal? of Grand Gundam and Heaven's Sword Gundam. Beat them down, and we have round two, against Allenby, Kyouji and Touhou Fuhai of Nobel Gundam, Devil Gundam and Master Gundam. Once round two begins, you do get Raine as a reinforcement, and she can be used to convince Allenby. Note that you finally have the Shuffle Doumeiken now. Anyway, when you damage the Devil Gundam enough, a scene with Schwartz will take place and the Devil Gundam will be restored to full HP. After that, destroy it and Master as normal to end the scenario. Those who spared Allenby during Stage 38 will have access to her now. Stage 42 -------------------- Layzner and Dancouga auto-sortied, Shapiro and SPT baddies obviously not far away. As it is, you're surrounded. Once it begins, everything except the battleships will start making for your position. Best to move northeast and take out Costello. It's not going to be easy though, since he has ridiculously thick armour as well as high evasion. After doing in Costello, the three battleships still refuse to budge, so your call as to how you want to deal with them. It's a huge map, measuring 40 by 40, so the best is probably to split into two teams to attack the northeastern and southwestern ships before conversing on the southeastern. Regardless of your path, all three sides (NE, SE, SW) will spawn Layzner bosses and grunts once you've finished off all the battleships. After beating two of the bosses, Shapiro himself will appear at the northeast base. Stage 43 -------------------- For once, original enemies from the very start. Then again, you have been systematically removing your series enemies... Blade is especially wonderful here with his Voltekk MAP attacks and Tekk Lancer combos, considering all the grunts have in excess of 10k HP. Having to deal with a boss-class mecha with a MAP weapon this early with only so many enemies to raise Morale on isn't really fun. Still, persevere and you... don't get to rest, because Blaster Tekkaman Evil is here. When Tekkaman Evil is damaged to less than 25% of health, an event will take place where Tekkaman Rapier dies saving Blade. Finish off Tekkaman Evil to end the stage. This should not happen if the right things were done previously. This will lead to yet another path branch. The left choice has you going off to deal with the Radam and the units unique to here are Tekkaman Blade and SEED units. The right choice takes you with the Nadesico and Layzner people to another peace conference. Stage 44 (Radam) -------------------- This is basically a reenactment of the bit where Kira and company make their discoveries at the Mendel labs. Therefore, Kira, Mwu and Dearka will disappear after a turn into there, followed by Crueset and Yzak. Events happen on regular intervals after a certain number of enemies have been downed. When everything has been downed, everyone returns, though Mwu takes off again. Both ZAFT and the Federation make their appearance, with you having to deal with attacks from two fronts. The pair of Yzak and Crueset retreat when either is done in, though Yzak must be done in twice. Dominion will retreat when Calamity, Forbidden and Raider are downed, and the three will retreat when the Dominion is downed. Stage 44 (Peace) -------------------- Turn 1 has your units with Gai around against one batch of Jovian forces from the northeast. Come turn 2, and yet another batch appears from the northwest. Considering the layout of the enemies, it is no surprise that the last batch of enemy reinforcements come from the south in an attempt to surround you. All of them save the battleship and two mini-boss units will rush you too on the same phase. All things considered, this is a fairly annoying battle with a decent number of high HP enemies (with distortion fields and MAP attacks to boot!) and lots of them around as well. Thus, it may be in your best interest to move to one corner of the map and defend from there so you don't get surrounded and overrun. Stage 45 (Radam) -------------------- Tekkaman Sword with a couple of Radam beasties doesn't make for an impressive army. Sword's duty is to prevent your passage, so he and the batch of beasts there will not budge from their position. After you've cut down everything (or possibly ran past Sword), Blade will move forward into the other room, Evil will appear and more Radam will appear in the corridor. Remember to defeat Sword with Balzack in Soltekkaman-1 if you want him to survive after this stage. After beating down Evil, Tekkaman Omega appears in the last room further west with a couple more Radam beasties. Barring the MAP weapon, it's easy enough to take down. Stage 45 (Peace) -------------------- You start in the northeast with Jovians directly to the west and south of you. It'd be good to send highly mobile units to harass the enemy as they move for your position while the rest dig in defensively. The three Jovian aces will retreat as soon as any of them are taken down, so plan carefully for a MAP if you want to. After the Jovians retreat, Shapiro appears with more of the Layzner enemies, and this time, Ru Kain himself makes an appearance. This makes six boss class enemies, and both Ru Cain and Gashuran have some form of V-Max, so budget your SP for that. Stage 46 -------------------- Yet another reenactment of a SEED event. Lots of missiles heading northwards, though it shouldn't be hard for you to stop them from entering the highlighted area with your spiffy new Meteor attachments. Neutrals here cannot be attacked, and I'm not sure if MAP-ing them gives you any EXP or money. The missiles make interesting targets. For once, something defends when attacked if it cannot counterattack. If you attack them from range 1 though, they work as a weapon of 5000 attack power and will always hit. This will kill the average unit, so you should be careful. Either way, after dealing with the missiles, the Dominion appears with the the standard trio of Gundams again, and this time, they bring Moebius with missiles. Blow up the Moebius, you still have a missile making its way to the highlighted area. Still, Kira and Athrun themselves should be able to put up a cross-fire of MAP attacks to decimate them, so it's not really that hard. Assisting you is another group of neutral Zaft units led by Yzak. However, pretty much everyone but Yzak will die anyway fighting Calamity, Forbidden and Raider. I'm not sure if taking down the Dominion first will result in everyone fleeing, but if you take down the Gundams before the Dominion, everything should be okay. Or not. Since the originals decide to make an appearance and attack from the south. Still, nothing special here, barring the barriers and bunshin effect that the bosses have from their Orgon Clouds. Beat them down, and you're treated to... another path branch! The left choice is to go to space, where you follow the story of Layzner, SEED and Tekkaman Blade. The right has remain with the Nadesico and the Brains on Earth. Rest of your forces go whichever way you choose. Stage 47 (Space) -------------------- Again, more fun with the Feds and Zaft, as expected. This time though, both are open game, making this a free for all. Feds and Zaft will be more interested in killing each other though. Also, since their missiles aren't focused on getting into a specific zone now, they will take any nearby target. This means that you should never, ever, destroy a Moebius if you don't have backup units to destroy the missile you leave behind. As the battle drags on, Dominion appears with the the trio in tow. Crueset will appear soon enough with more Zaft troops. Kill everything as normal, but note that defeating all of either force will end the battle, so you may wish to prioritize your targets. Stage 47 (Earth) -------------------- Hime, Yuu, Kant and Nakki are sortied with Mazinkaiser KS in the southeast corner of the map, and you get to pick 10 more to deploy. After dealing with the initial force of Gran Chers, out pops Mazinkaiser enemies from the southwest, Hime disappears and you need to form a triangle with Yuu, Kant and Nakki in the marked locations within four turns. Once that is done, Hime returns but more Gran Chers appear as well, and this time, they're led by Shera, Quincy and Jonathan. Finish off both forces to end the battle. Stage 48 (Space) -------------------- More of Zaft vs Feds. This time, the Feds start in the northwest, the Zaft in the south and your people in the northeast. Still, the Plant has to be protected, so off you go battling both sides. After sufficient Feddie units have been downed, two squads of reinforcements appear as well. These reinforcements aren't unlimited, but there is a sizable number especially when you factor in the missiles carried by the Moebius'. So if you're looking to build kills, leave the Dominion until there's no more reinforcements. When the Dominion is downed, Mwu will bite it, and you WILL have to down it, so unless there is some secret criteria to saving him, it just doesn't happen. Anyway, once you've beat down everything, out comes Crueset in Providence Gundam with a whopping 100k HP, and interestingly enough, so do a bunch of Jovians. Beat down both to end the stage. Stage 48 (Earth) -------------------- The last battle with both the Brain Powerd and Mazinkaiser enemies. Both forces are arrayed on opposing sides of Orphen while your group charges in from the north. Defeating Jonathan brings out one batch of Gran Chers led by Shera and Quincy. Sinking Ankoku Daishogun's vessel brings him out the big boss out himself. Beat off Quincy and company, and Baron Maximillian makes his first and last combat appearance. Stage 49 -------- A combined Jovian and Layzner force lies at the southwest corner of the map while your units are in the southeast. Yzak joins. Anyway, after defeating the initial forces, two sets appear. To the northeast, another Layzner and Jovian force, as expected. To the the west, you have three Jovian aces in their Majin, Tetsujin and Denjin as neutral forces. The Jovians will assist you, so try to focus your attacks if you don't want any of them kill-stealing from you. The new enemy forces comes with no less than five boss class pilots, two mini-bosses and hefty enemies, so be careful. Still, winning shouldn't be much of an issue, but do not burn up all your SP yet. Kira and Athrun were auto-sortied for a reason, and that reason is Crueset. Crueset appears in Providence with an assortment of forces after all enemies have been eliminated. Sadly, the trio of Jovian aces did not stick around to assist (they leave after that Jovian battlefortress is defeated), so wheel around, regroup and finish off Crueset. Stage 50 -------- You start the stage in space against those high HP original enemies, with one boss at 57.5K HP and Orgon Cloud abilities, as well as a MAP attack. As nasty as he might be, you obviously need to save up some SP for the next wave, which appears after the current boss is eliminated. This is the last wave of reinforcements, so go all out. The entire army will retreat if the boss is eliminated first, so decide if you want to lose out on possible EXP and money. Stage 51 -------- An indoor stage, with several defence lines worth of enemy. They aren't aggressive, so cut through them one by one. Tekkaman Blade is especially good here, with his Voltekka MAP attack. When there are only 9 or less enemy units left, two bosses warp in with more grunts, and due to certain events, you have 10 turns in which to get rid of the two bosses starting from then. As usual, they have 62.5K HP and Orgon Cloud, so make sure you have heavy hitters with Lock-on. Rest should be pretty standard. Stage 52 (Final) ---------------- Finally, where it all ends. Equip yourselves accordingly for an indoor stage, and sell off everything else, since it won't be retained for your playthrough. When you destroy the first boss, he flees and comes back in something bigger. Much bigger. And it has an effective attack range of 20. On the bright side though, this doesn't have Orgon Cloud, so it's more straightforward. After lowering the HP of the boss sufficiently, it springs an interesting trap. While you do get another of the original bosses to aid you as a reinforcement, the boss cannot be hurt until you take out the four Orgon Extractors that appear, so you do need to go over and deal with it. Once they're destroyed, the boss can be hurt normally. Enemies seem to spawn again when sufficient numbers are destroyed, so those interested in racking up more kills and money may do so at their own discretion. For an easy way to take down the boss, keep your attackers within a range of 1-5 and constant Exhaust it to keep its Morale under 110. Finish it off, and you'll have finished SRT J. My usual favourites are:- Eternal Million Alpha (with Boss as the pilot) Freedom Gundam (M) Justice Gundam (M) Nelly Brain & Hime Brain OR Baronz & Iiko Baronz Tekkaman Tekkaman Rapier Zeorymar / Great Zeorymar God Gundam Bolt Gundam Dragon Gundam Gundam Maxter Gundam Rose ************************** * 6. TSUME SUPER ROBO * ************************** This is a puzzle game which made its first appearance in SRT D. The idea is to accomplish certain objectives within the puzzle and to earn items and money as prizes. This will test your understanding of SRT, so it's good to go through them for that as well. For directions, I use North, South, East, West in place of up, down, right, left, so 3W 1N would mean 3 squares left and 1 square up. Puzzles are laid out in the following format: --------- Puzzle 01 --------- O: Sayaka has to survive till player phase 2. P: Cartridge, 3000 credits Move Aphrodite 2E for a 30% defensive bonus and end your turn. Defend when attacked. Puzzle 02 --------- O: Prevent the enemy ship from entering the highlighted area. P: Propellant Tank, 3000 credits Move Combattler V 4W and pass the turn. Defend or counterattack when attacked, it doesn't matter. Puzzle 03 --------- O: One enemy must be destroyed by the end of player phase 1. P: Repair Kit, 3000 credits Attack the target to the east, since it's on an inferior defensive position. Puzzle 04 --------- O: Get Sayaka to the highlighted area. P: Emergency Rations, 3000 credits Have Kouji Breast Fire the enemy 1S of Aphrodite A to clear a path for Sayaka to move. Puzzle 05 --------- O: Destroy the enemy by the end of player phase 1. P: Defence +5, 5000 credits Note that the enemy has two attacks, of which the stronger one is range 1-3. Move Ryoko 1W 1N for defensive terrain bonuses, and attack the Radam Beast with the Rapid Rifle from the maximum range of 4. The resulting exchange will leave Ryoko's Aestivalis barely intact. Move Akito in to finish the job. Puzzle 06 --------- O: Destroy the enemy by the end of player phase 1. P: Accuracy Ability +5, 5000 credits Aim for the enemy 1E 4S with your strongest attack. The north one has better cover, and the nearest one is too strong to kill with your weaker weapons. Puzzle 07 --------- O: Prevent the enemy ship from landing on the highlighted area. P: Competency +5, 5000 credits Block the path for the enemy ship by moving the Beibul 5E 1N, and the other 2E 4N. End your turn and counterattack or defend as you like. It'll be one square short of landing on the highlighted area. Puzzle 08 --------- O: Destroy the enemy by the end of player phase 1. P: Evasion +5, 5000 credits Move Aphrodite A 1S and attack with its strongest attack. Move Mazinger-Z 3S and use its strongest attack on the Batta. Puzzle 09 --------- O: Destroy the Batta by the end of player phase 1. P: Hi-Efficiency OS, 5000 credits The Batta flees if you damage it too severely. Have Mazinger-Z fire its weakest attack at the Batta, then have Aphrodite A move in with its strongest attack for the prize. Puzzle 10 --------- O: Destroy one enemy by the end of player phase 1. P: Potential +1, 7000 credits Have Combattler V pilots cast Accelerate and Yell, and rush towards the lower enemy without cover. Attack with the Twin Lancer to win the prize. Puzzle 11 --------- O: Get to the highlighted area by the end of player phase 1. P: Multi Lock-on Sys, 7000 credits Since Gai has Support Attack, move Akito adjacent to Gai and fire on anything in range. That should clear a space for Gai to move through to the highlighted area. Puzzle 12 --------- O: Destroy one enemy by the end of player phase 1. P: High Performance Thruster, 7000 credits Have Ryoko use Yell, then move her towards the right enemy and use your strongest attack. Puzzle 13 --------- O: Survive until player phase 2. P: Apogee Motor, 7000 credits The trick lies is in Strike Gundam's Phase Shift armour. Move Strike Gundam next to the enemy Jin and end your turn. When it attacks, defend. Puzzle 14 --------- O: Get Layzner to the highlighted square by the end of player phase 2. P: Hi-Efficiency, 7000 credits You also need to prevent your enemies from entering it themselves. Cast Accelerate, and move 8N so you can take out Carla with your Lazered Rifle at the maximum range of 4. When Armas moves in, you'll be too far for him to attack. On the next turn, move into the highlighted square. Puzzle 15 --------- O: Destroy all enemies by the end of player phase 1. P: Anti-Beam Coating M, 10000 credits Have Tekkaman Blade move next to the Skygrasper and attack the nearest target with your strongest attack. Then, let Kira cast Accelerate and move the Strike Gundam in to attack the remaining target. Move the Skygrasper in and finish it off with its strongest attack. Puzzle 16 --------- O: Prevent enemies from entering the highlighted area for one phase. P: EN Chip, 10000 credits Since the one closest to it will be able to go around your units regardless of placement, it must be killed. Have Combattler V cast Accelerate and Assault. Move it 7W and attack the closest enemy. Then, have Akatsuki cast Snipe and Accelerate, and move 6W 3N and finish off the weakened enemy. End your turn and counterattack or defend as you like. Puzzle 17 --------- O: Prevent the enemy from entering the highlighted area for one phase. P: Super Alloy Z, 10000 credits Move Akatsuki 4E and attack the lower Batta. Move Ryoko 4E and finish off the lower Batta. Move Hikaru 5E N1 and attack the remaining Batta. Move Izumi 3E 2N and destroy the remaining Batta. End your turn and counterattack or defend as you like. Puzzle 18 --------- O: Get Akito to the highlighted area by the end of player phase one. P: Combo+1, 10000 credits Note that your units are strategically positioned for various specific attacks. The idea is to have a unit clear a path for the next, occasionally with support from the unit you're clearing the path for. First, have Akatsuki cast Snipe and attack the only Batta in range with your strongest attack. That frees Izumi to move 6S and use the Aestivalis' strongest attack on the Batta 3S from her current position. This in turn frees a proper path for Hikaru to move 5W S1 and attack and destroy the Batta to the south with a support attack from Ryoko. Move Ryoko 6S to destroy yet another Batta with the help of Akito, and then move Akito into the designated area. Puzzle 19 --------- O: Destroy Crueset by the end of player phase 1. P: Support Attack+1, 10000 credits Have Izumi cast Direct Hit and attack the Gin below Miguel to destroy it. Then, have Hikaru move northwards to attack Crueset with the Rapid Rifle. Finish him off with an Armor Schneider from Strike Gundam. Switching the order results in failure, due to damage resistance from Morale differences, apparently. Puzzle 20 --------- O: Zeorymar must have 99 EN by the start of player phase 2. P: Counter, 15000 credits This is basically a lesson on EN management. Have Miku cast Accelerate, and fly Zeorymar to the 5W S3 of the base terrain so you have 9 EN left. This way, you have insufficient EN to activate the barrier, and when your turn comes, you will recover 90 EN for a total of 99. This is possible because Zeorymar lacked the 10 EN to activate its barrier when attacked on the enemy phase. Puzzle 21 --------- O: Move a friendly unit into the highlighted area P: Hit & Away, 15000 credits This teaches you about swapping equipment between Strike and the Skygraspers. Crueset must not be allowed into the highlighted area as well. Have Mwu move the Skygrasper next to Strike Gundam, and give it the Aile Strike parts. Then, move Aile Strike Gundam to 1W N6 Crueset and end your turn. In the next turn, move Aile Strike Gundam to the highlighted spot. Puzzle 22 --------- O: Move a friendly unit into the highlighted area. P: Defence +15, 15000 credits This teaches you the value of Hit & Away. Have Mao fire at the enemy 6W 1S from her current position to weaken it. Then Webber should fire on it with his strongest attack and kill it, and then move into the area . Puzzle 23 --------- O: Destroy all enemies by the end of player phase 1. P: Accuracy +15, 15000 credits This is on using Combos. First, have Yuu Brain move 1E 5N and combo the two Battas to the east. Then, have Strike Gundam move 3W 3N and combo the Battas to the north. Then move the M-9 Gernsback move 5W and combo the Battas to the north. Puzzle 24 --------- O: Destroy Zaido by the end of player phase 1. P: Melee +15, 15000 credits This teaches you that combination attacks ignore support defences. Have everyone cast Hot Blood to maximize damage. Then have Sousuke move 1E 4S and combo southwards. Move Mao E2 S4 and combo westwards. Then, move Webber 5S and use the Uruz Strike to take out Zaido. Puzzle 25 --------- O: Get Layzner into the highlighted area by player phase 2. P: Marksmanship +15, 20000 credits This is a lesson in minimizing damage. You need to get Layzner into the highlighted area by turn 2. The Battas have two attacks, one at range 1-4 and the stronger at range 2-6. Move Layzner 4E 1S. This forces both Battas to attack you with their weaker attack (which you will survive, if you defend), and leave you in range of the objective. End your turn, block the attacks, and when your turn comes again, move Layzner in for the prize. Puzzle 26 --------- O: Reduce Mazinger-Z's HP to below 550 by turn 2. P: Competency +15, 20000 credits Move Mazinger-Z 2W 2N and attack the enemy 2E from Mazinger's current position with your weakest attack. There's no cover there to decrease damage and you'll be in range of each of the enemies' strongest attacks. End your turn, and when attacked, keep counterattacking only with your weakest attack. Upon turn two, attack the enemy with more HP (should be the one 1S of Mazinger-Z) with its weakest attack. Puzzle 27 --------- O: Destroy all enemies by the end of enemy phase 1. P: Evasion +15, 20000 credits This teaches you seishin use. Your mission implies two things - kills will have to be done on counterattacks, and you must be able to withstand all attacks done on you. Have her cast Iron Wall, Fighting Spirit and Hot Blood. Then, have her retreat 1E 2S. That way, all your counterattacks can be done with your strongest weapon. After that, end your turn and counterattack all three enemies. If you didn't cast Hot Blood, you'll fail to kill the first one. This is probably due to Morale. Puzzle 28 --------- O: Have all friendly units survive until player phase 2. P: Morale +5, 20000 credits This tests your understanding of cover, and apparently, enemy AI. Enemies prefer to target Layzner here, so you need to have Layzner be in position to take both attacks and survive, because Roan's Barudi isn't going to be able to. Directly south of Layzner, below the eastmost enemy is 20% cover. Move Layzner 4S, and then move the Barudi to heal Layzner. End the turn. Layzner should defend against both attacks and should win with 7 HP remaining. Puzzle 29 --------- O: Reduce Dancouga's EN to 16 or below. P: A-Adapter, 20000 credits This requires the use of its high-powered attacks, which in turn require Morale. Begin by casting Yell twice, Hot Blood once and Iron wall once. Then, attack the monster 5E 1S. This should burn 20 EN and result in it counterattacking you, thus giving you more Morale. End your turn, and counterattack everything with your strongest attacks. This should result in the previously weakened monster being killed, giving you further Morale. This should leave you with 55 EN at the beginning of turn 2. Use the Aggressive Beast charge on whichever enemy you like, and that should leave you with less than 16 EN. Puzzle 30 --------- O: Survive 1 until player phase 2 without having an enemy land on the highlighted square. P: Potential +3, 30000 credits Any one hit will destroy Voltes V, and the nearest enemy to the north and south will be able to land on the highlighted square. Cast Flash, Fighting Spirit and Snipe. Move two squares south and attack the Radam to the north. You should be able to kill it. End your turn. The monster to the south will miss you due to Flash, and the remaining Radam in the north can neither reach the square, nor Voltes V, thus granting you victory. Puzzle 31 --------- O: Destroy all enemies by the end of player phase 2. P: Laminate Armour, 30000 credits Have the Tuatha de Danaan (the submarine) cast Accelerate, Flash and Invincibility. Fire your strongest available weapon at the rightmost enemy, then move 3E 1N. After that, move Cagalli's Skygrasper 3E 4N and repair the submarine. This will allow your submarine to make more counterattacks without dying, and place the Skygrasper in range of the enemies as well. End your turn, and take your counterattacks. You should kill the rightmost Guun and weaken the other two severely. Have Cagalli attack the enemy 5W 1N of her current position with the Skygrasper's strongest attack and and finish off the last one with the Tuatha de Danaan's strongest available attack. Puzzle 32 --------- O: Raise Mazinger-Z's EN to 45 or more by player phase 2. P: Support Defend +3, 30000 credits This again tests your understanding of AI. Over here, enemies try to use their strongest attacks on the closest possible target. With that in mind, have Sayaka cast Flash, and Kouji cast Invincibility. Move Sayaka 1W S2 and attack the Batta 1E 2S of her current location with her strongest attack, while Kouji supports with his weakest. This will be her Kakutou supported by the Photon Beams. This will destroy one Batta. Move Kouji 4S, and end your turn. This will result in both Battas attacking Koujin instead, and Kouji should defend both. Puzzle 33 --------- O: Destroy all enemies before 2 player phases are up. P: Megabooster, 30000 credits Send Mazinger-Z 5W to recover EN on that available plot of base terrain. Aphrodite A will move 2E 3S and attack the enemy 1E of Aphrodite's current position with its strongest attack. End your turn, and counterattack with your strongest attack. On phase 2, move Mazinger-Z 4E S2 and attack the enemy 2S of Mazinger's with the highest HP with your strongest attack, supported by Aphrodite A. That should kill it, and Aphrodite A should be able to attack and kill the other enemy. Puzzle 34 --------- O: Get a unit to the highlighted area. P: Support Attack +3, 30000 credits. This is a lesson in using battleship facilities for changing frames. Move the Archangel 4W 1N. Move Strike Gundam into the Archangel, and change its frame to Aile Strike. End the turn. On the next turn, move the Archangel 6W. From there, launch Aile Strike and move it 3W 3S. Puzzle 35 --------- O: Get Yuu to the highlighted area by the end of player phase 2. P: Combo+3, 40000 credits If you measure the distance to the highlighted spot, it is obvious that Yuu has to charge through to it. This would require Yuu to teleport there, and this in turn requires 130 Morale to activate. Since you can only do Yell twice, you need to make up the Morale somehow. Begin by casting Yell twice, and Flash. Move Yuu 7E attack the enemy 4N of his current position. End your turn. During the enemy phase, you should only counterattack the unit you've weakened previously and kill it for more Morale. The rest of the enemy attacks should just be defended. This should get you 131 Morale, which is more than enough to allow you to teleport behind the Gran Cher into the highlighted area. Puzzle 36 --------- O: Reduce the Daimajin's EN to 120 or less in player phase 1. P: Morale +10, 40000 credits Have Hikaru move 1W and attack the Daimajin. Then, have Izumi move 1N and attack the Daimajin. This is done so the Daimajin is forced to counterattack with its only available EN-consuming weapon then. Have Akito cast Awaken. Then, move Akito 3S and attack, supported by Ryoko. Have Akito recast Awaken, but this time, cast Flash as well since he's too wounded to take anymore hits. Attack again, then cast Flash one last time and attack. Then, have Ryoko cast Flash and attack as well to end the puzzle. Puzzle 37 --------- O: Have Mazinkaiser's HP be at 1040 or less by the end of player phase 2. P: High Efficiency OS, 40000 credits Geh, hate masochistic games. Furthermore, you're not allowed to kill anything. Move Mazinkaiser 2W 1N to leave defensive terrain and maximize damage taken. End your turn. Counterattack the first enemy that attacks you (it's the eastmost monster and should have sufficient HP to survive your Giganto Missile attack), and the second enemy should be counterattacked with the Photon Beams (your weakest attack). The rest should be defended against. When phase 2 comes around, attack the enemy 5E 1S with the Giganto Missile. Puzzle 38 --------- O: High Performance Sight, 40000 credits P: Destroy 2 Siegs in 1 player phase. Have Kira cast Accelerate, Awaken and Hot Blood. Rush him 7S and combo southwards. This should kill the Jin and severely damage one Sieg. This will render it incapable of support defending the other Sieg. Have Cagalli cast Hot Blood and attack 2E with the strongest attack. Then, have Kira attack 2S with the strongest attack possible. Puzzle 39 --------- O: Barrier L, 40000 credits P: Get Cagalli into the highlighted area by player phase 2. Have Mwu cast Invincibility, then spend all his remaining SP on Yell. Then, move the Skygrasper 3S. Have Cagalli cast Invincibility as well, drop down into the water, then move 1E 3S. End the turn, and block all attacks. When possible, have Aile Strike defend the Skygrasper. You should barely survive this turn. On the next phase, have the Skygrasper resupply Aile Strike. This will allow Aile Strike to lift off and fly to the highlighted location. Puzzle 40 --------- O: Super Large Magazine, 50000 credits P: Destroy the Daimajin Interesting, if painful puzzle. There probably is some room for deviance on this, but this will definitely work. The key to winning lies in the use of support attacks, since there is pretty much only enough SP for Awakening on the two mecha pilots, and their heaviest weapons may not be employed post-movement. 1) Have Ruri cast Awaken and Minato, Accelerate. 2) Move the Nadesico to the location 1N 1E of Akito's Aestivalis. 3) Have Akito cast Awaken and move into the Nadesico. 4) Repeat step 1. 5) Move the Nadesico to 1W 3S of Sword Strike Gundam, and attack the Radam. 6) Have Kira cast Awaken and move Strike into the Nadesico. 7) Have Jun cast Yell twice, and Assault once. Have Megumi cast Hot Blood and Direct Hit. Have Yurika cast Exhaust twice on the Daimajin. 8) Have Minato cast Devotion on the Nadesico until she can't do it anymore. This should be a total of four casts. 9) Repeat step 1 10) Have Jun cast Yell and Yurika cast Exhaust, again, on the Daimajin. 11) Switch the frames for Aile Strike and 0G Aestivalis to Launcher Strike and Lunar Frame Aestivalis. 12) Move the Nadesico 9S. 13) Launch Kira, have him cast Awaken, and move him 6S without attacking. 14) Launch Akito, have him cast Awaken, land the Aestivalis on the ground, and move him 5S and attack the Daimajin, supported by Kira. 15) Move the Nadesico 4S and attack the Daimajin with the Gravity Blast, supported by Akito's missile. 16) Attack the Daimajin with Launcher Strike's Agni supported by Akito's missile. 17) Finish off the Daimajin with Akito's Rail Cannon. Puzzle 41 --------- O: Get Kurz to the highlighted area P: Power Extension, 50000 credits This involves travelling far and clearing a path. Experiments will show that Kurz is unable to kill anything on his own here. Thus, the Archangel will have to clear the path for him. First, have Mao cast Hot Blood and blow away the enemy 1S of the Archangel. This is important, since it does save you some distance running around an enemy. Roan cannot normally reach the Archangel with the enemy on the east blocking. Have Roan cast Hot Blood and destroy the enemy 1E of the Archangel, and since Roan has Hit & Away, move him into the Archangel and swap him out for Kurz. Have Mariyu cast Love, Nataru and Kazui cast Yell until Morale is maxed, and Toll cast Assault. Move the Archangel 9S. Have Simone cast Move Again on the Archangel, then have Miralia on the Archangel cast Accelerate. Move the Archangel 9S again, and attack the enemy 4S with its strongest attack. Deploy Kurz from the Archangel and move him into the highlighted square to win. Puzzle 42 --------- O: Destroy all enemies by player phase 2. P: Lifter Module, 50000 credits The first thing you note is the lack of EN for everyone, making them far more vulnerable to damage, and also limiting their attacks. The second is that everyone's isolated and vulnerable to ganging up on, so support defending is needed badly. 1) Move Akito 1E and attack the enemy 1W 1S with Ryoko supporting. 2) Move Hikaru 1E and finish off the enemy 1W 1N. 3) Move Izumi 1E and attack the enemy 4E with Ryoko supporting. 4) Finish off the wounded enemy with Ryoko. 5) Move the Nadesico 6W. This setup has everyone supported by someone capable of defending, and also allows for full EN regen by the next run for attacking. 6) End your turn, and manually counterattack all enemies (Izumi will usually be set to defend, due to the damage her frame has sustained). 7) Move the Nadesico 2W 1N and attack the enemy 3W 1N from the Nadesico's current position, supported by Akito. 8) Have Akito combo into both enemies from the north with the Immediate Knife. This should kill one and leave one severely wounded. 9) Note that currently, Hikaru is at 118 Morale, 2 short of allowing everyone to use the gun Formation Attack. Have her shoot the enemy 2W 2N with the Rapid Rifle. 10) Finish off the rest with Formation Attacks. Puzzle 43 --------- O: Destroy all enemies by player phase 1. P: All Range Radar, 50000 credits Enemy out of range with Blade low on EN. This implies the need for EN conservation (i.e. walk, not fly), and use of any range extenders, meaning Accelerate, Snipe and Awaken. This teaches you that any seishin cast by the subpilot of a combined unit transfers to the main unit after separated. 1) Land Tekkaman Blade, and have him cast Awaken. 2) Move Blade on Pegas, and combine with it. 3) Cast Awaken. Snipe and Accelerate, then rush Blade 11N and destroy the enemy unit with your strongest attack. 4) Cast Accelerate, then separate Pegas. 5) The effects of Accelerate has transferred to Blade, so Pegas will need to cast Accelerate and Snipe to reach the enemy as well. 6) Charge Blade 8N and attack. 7) Charge Pegas 9N and finish off the enemy. Puzzle 44 --------- O: Have Combattler V's HP exceed 6300 by player phase 2. P: Super Ally New Z Alpha, 50000 credits No recovery squares means you need to rely on your two healer units and damage minimization tactics. Begin by having Combattler cast Guts twice (recovering to 5900 HP), Accelerate and Flash. The pilots of your two repair craft should cast Hot Blood and Flash (and Accelerate for the Blue Earth). Have the Blue Earth fly 1W 7S and attack the enemy 2W 2S from its current location. Have the Barudi attack it as well, and them move him 4W. Then move Combattler 5E. This way, you have cover to minimize damage, and more of the enemies are forced to move and attack with their weaker weapons instead of using the stronger stationary ones with range 2-7. End the turn and defend all attacks, When you're done, move Combattler 2N and have both units heal it to end the puzzle. Puzzle 45 --------- O: Destroy all enemies by player phase 2 without letting them enter into the highlighted area P: EN Gigachip, 70000 credits A couple of things worth noting: 1) A Moebius will release a missile when destroyed. This missile will have to be be destroyed as well. 2) Zeorymar's presence and the sheer number of enemies heading for one common location imply that the Meiou Kougeki MAP attack will be employed at some point. This means that EN management is vital as well. 3) There are 12 Moebius and 8 of them can get into area given a chance. Since you only have three units and only two can actually get there, this means four of the Moebius' must be dealt with immediately. The rest can be blocked by careful positioning of your units. Here's the seishin prep-list, to be cast in the following order. Zeorymar: Yell x4, Awaken, Snipe, Accelerate Blue Earth: Accelerate, Devotion x 5 (on Zeorymar) Dancouga: Assault, Accelerate, Iron Wall, Yell x4 (cast it in this order, and you won't go wrong. Otherwise, note that if you spend all of Shinobu's SP to cast Yell, you won't have enough for Assault) Zeorymar: Hot Blood. After your preparations, move Dancouga 5W 4S and use your strongest attack on the Moebius at 5W 3N from your current position. Then, have the Blue Earth cast Move Again on Dancouga. Then, move Dancouga 3W 3S into the top-right corner of the highlighted area and attack the Moebius 6E 2S of your current position. This concludes the moves with Dancouga. For Zeorymar, move to the maximum distance northwards and attack the Moebius 1E 2N of your current position with its weakest attack. Recast Awaken and Accelerate, and move 8N. Cast Awaken once more, and attack the Moebius 7W 2N from your current position. Move Zeorymar 1W. Move the Blue Earth into range and attack the weakened Moebius. End your turn, and counterattack using the default attacks (the AI does a good job of picking just what you need to kill). When your turn comes around, you should have 116 EN for the Zeorymar. Have Dancouga cast Flash, then have Zeorymar fire the Meiou Kougeki MAP and end the mission. Puzzle 46 --------- O: Defeat all enemies by player phase 1. P: S-Adapter, 70000 credits The fact that no seishin can be used simplifies this a lot. Begin by using Mazinkaiser's Rust Tornado on Gaulin to reduce his armour. Experiments will show that Sousuke cannot survive any counterattack, so Mwu needs to weaken him. Weirdly enough, Gaulin's Grenade Launcher isn't affected by Phase Shift. Facts are facts though, so you need to attack outside the range of his Grenade Launcher... which is at range 1. Thus, discard the Launcher parts and dash in with the Armor Schneider. Your Phase Shift will save you this time. Finish Gaulin off with Sousuke's strongest attack. Puzzle 47 --------- O: Lower Yuu Brain's EN to 8 or below by the end of player phase 2. P: Organic Bit, 70000 credits To complicate things, you need to block them from entering the highlighted area. If you examine the various Gran Cher's, you will note that: 1) Ega's has superior offensive and defensive capabilities, and should be avoided. 2) The distance that the Gran Chers can travel will require you to block off several points. 3) Yuu's EN needs to be lowered, thus, a lot of support attacking will have to be done. 4) Your units have more than 120 Morale. Coupled with the presence of Hime, this can only mean that Chakra Extension Yuu-Hime will be necessary to your plans, which also means that you need to plan your placements properly. Again, the lack of seishin makes this easier than expected. First, move Russe to 1N of Yuu and attack the Gran Cher 3E 1S from Russ with support from Yuu. Then, move Hime to 1W of Yuu and repeat, killing the Gran Cher. Move Yuu 2W 1S from his current position and end your turn. Counterattack the normal Gran Cher, and block Ega's attack. This ends phase 1. By now, Russe is the least damaged, so have Russe move 3W 2S and direct an attack on Ega supported by Yuu. Then have Hime move next to Yuu and direct an attack on the normal Gran Cher, again, supported by Yuu. Finish off the normal Gran Cher with a Chakra Extension from Yuu. Puzzle 48 --------- O: Destroy all enemies by the end of player Phase 1. P: Solar Sail, 70000 credits Considering the enemies are lined up nicely for you as well as the sheer numbers they come in, it's pretty much time to use combos. However, this solves the row of units on the ground. The aerial units can't be comboed with Sword Strike. However, note too that Cagalli is in Launcher Skygrasper. This points at Agni MAP attacks for that. Last thing to note is that underwater unit. Brains attack at A ratings for all terrain, so you will be making use of Hime Brain to shoot that down. Mwu is pretty much useless here with Aile parts. Begin by having Kira cast Awaken, Hot Blood and Accelerate and Cagalli Awaken. Move Kira 3E 2N and Combo eastwards. Then, have Cagalli cast Awaken, move 2W 4S and attack the enemy 2E 1N with Hime supporting. Have Cagalli cast Awaken, Hime Encourage, and Roll cast Devotion on Kira twice, Cagalli once, and Hime once. Have Hime cast Encourage again. Move Hime 1E 1N and combo eastwards supported by Cagalli. Have Rolly cast Hot Blood, then move Million Alpha 2W and kill the underwater enemy. Move Cagalli 1W. Have Cagalli cast Awaken, then use Agni MAP on the enemies (Kira will live). Have Cagalli give the Agni to Kira. Then, have Kira cast Hot Blood and finish off the enemies. Puzzle 49 --------- O: Prevent the enemy from entering the highlighted area. P: Super Hi-Efficiency Electronic Brain, 70000 credits Four locations, four Jovian supermecha. This means you need to kill two while blocking the other two. Which two to kill and which two not to? The ones to kill are the top two, which will be obvious when you examine the distance they can travel to. Since Boson Jumping allows them to ignore obstacles, and since Voltes V has a pilot with Exhaust, you can lower Morale sufficiently to prevent that from happening with the lower two and block their paths, while eliminating the upper two. With that in mind, here's the Seishin prep list: Combattler V - Assault, Hot Blood, Accelerate, Direct Attack, Yell, Devotion x2 (on Voltes V) Voltes V - Snipe, Hot Blood, Accelerate, Yellx2, Exhaust (once on the enemy 3W 2S of Combattler V, once on the enemy 2E 3S of Combattler V) Move Voltes V to 1E of Combattler V and destroy the enemy 2E 2N with your strongest attack supported by Combattler V. Then, Combattler V will move 4W 2S and destroy the enemy 2E 5N with its strongest attack. End your turn and collect your prize. Puzzle 50 --------- O: Lower Dancouga's HP to less than 1122 by player phase 2. P: SP+20, 90000 credits More masochism. Sigh. Anyway, you will note that all the enemies' best attacks work on ground terrain, so you need to land Dancouga. You also need to be in range to counterattack everything to maximise the damage you take, so move Dancouga 2E 1S and attack 1E 1S. Move the Blue Earth to 1W of Dancouga's location and end the turn. Counterattack everything with the weakest attacks available. When player phase 2 comes around, have the Blue Earth resupply Dancouga to lower its Morale. Then, have Dancouga hit the LaGowe with it's weakest attack to end the puzzle. Puzzle 51 --------- O: Destroy all enemies by the end of player phase 1. P: SP-30%, 90000 credits Lots of units, lots of enemies and lots of seishin make for complex possibilities. Let's take it one step at a time. 1) Voltes V will cast Yell, Accelerate, Fighting Spirit and Exhaust x2 (on the enemy 3W S1 of Voltes' position). 2) Soltekkaman 2 will cast Assault and Hot Blood. Move it next to Voltes V and attack the enemy 3W 1S of his current position with his strongest attack while supported by Voltes. 3) Final Dancouga casts Yell x4, Fighting Spirit and Hot Blood. Use its MAP attack southwards. 4) Let the Blue Earth cast Move Again on Final Dancouga, then move it next to the Archangel. 5) Voltes V should cast Move Again on the Blue Earth, then Hot Blood. 6) The Blue Earth must resupply the Archangel. 7) The Archangel should cast Yell x6, Accelerate, Assault and Hot Blood. Then, move the Archangel to 1E of Final Dancouga and attack the enemy 3W 1S of its current position with its strongest attack, supported by Final Dancouga. 8) Final Dancouga casts Direct Attack and Hot Blood. Separate Final Dancouga into Dancouga and Black Wing-N, and destroy the enemy 1W 5S of Dancouga's current location, supported by Black Wing-N. 9) Land Voltes V, and move it 2W 3S and attack the nearest enemy with Soltekkaman 1 supporting to kill it. 10) Have the Black Wing-N cast Accelerate, then move down to attack the last enemy with its strongest attack. 11) Have Soltekkaman 1 cast Hot Blood and destroy the enemy to win the prize. ************************** * 7. SECRETS * ************************** SRT J brings a decent amount of secrets to the table. As it is though, I've only managed to obtain Geil and his Graimkaiser, and the IWSP parts for Strike. The rest of these are taken from webpages devoted to SRT J. Geil and the Graimkaiser - On Stage 3, convince (説得) Geil with Eiji - On Stage 4, pick 賛成 - Take the Archangel Route on Stage 10 - Have a battle encounter between Geil and Eiji on Stage 14 - Geil will be available after Stage 39. Julia and the Bloody Kaiser - On Stage 20, convince the unit with unknown pilot data '???' with Eiji. - On Stages 27 and 35, do NOT defeat Julia. - Julia will be available after Stage 39. - Apparently you may not recruit Julia if Geil is recruited. Balzack & Soltekkaman 1 Custom - Pick the Radam route after Stage 43 - Have Balzack kill Tekkaman Sword - If this is not done, Balzack will not be around after your groups rejoin. Gai and Tsukumo - Take the Nadesico route after Stage 20 - Take the peace route after Stage 43 Bonta-kun - On stage 24, defeat Takuma with Sousuke - On stage 29, defeat Zaido with Sousuke - On stage 30, defeat Gaulin with Sousuke - Bonta-kun should be available after stage 34. Tekkaman Rapier - On Stage 34, defeat Tekkaman Evil with Tekkaman Blade - On stage 36, defeat Tekkaman Axe with Tekkaman Blade - Rapier should be available after stage 43. X-Aestivalis - Take the Nadesico route after stage 31 - The X-Aestivalis should be available after stage 32. Allenby and Nobel Gundam - On stage 38, do not defeat Allenby - On stage 41, convince Allenby with Rain. Then defeat Allenby as you like. - Allenby should be available after Stage 41. Layzner Mk-II - Take the route to North America after Stage 31. - On stage 32, pick the second choice ISWP parts - Take the Archangel Route after Stage 10 - Take the Archangel Route after Stage 36 - It will be available on Stage 38 Great Zeorymar - Note that you must never choose to sorty Zeorymar before stage 32. - After Stage 10, pick the Nadesico route - On Stage 13, defeat Lanster of Wind with Zeorymar. - After Stage 20, pick the Archangel route - On Stage 21, defeat Garowin of Water and Braist of Fire with Zeorymar. - On Stage 29, take down Rose Cest La View of the Moon with Zeorymar. - After Stage 31, pick the Archangel route. - On Stage 32, defeat Dinodros of Earth, Baston of Mountain and Omzak of Thunder with Zeorymar. - The boss should appear with Great Zeorymar instead of the Hau Dragon. Defeat Great Zeorymar with Zeorymar. - Great Zeorymar will be available after Stage 36. A brief analysis of all these secrets and the paths they relate to result in something along these lines: Stage 11 -Archangel = Geil 1 + IWSP 1 -Nadesico = Great Zeorymar 1 Stage 21 -Archangel = Great Zeorymar 2 -Nadesico = Gai 1 Stage 32 -Stay = Great Zeorymar 3 -North America = X-Aestivalis, Layzner Mk-II Stage 38 -Archangel = IWSP 2 -Peace = Nothing Stage 44 -Radam = Balzack -Peace = Gai 2 This implies that if you go for Great Zeorymar, the only thing you can get which is route-specific is the opportunity to save Balzack. The rest of the secrets can be obtained simply by taking path branches 11-Archangel, 21-Nadesico, 32- North America, 38-Archangel, 44-Peace (if you want Gai, just go the other for Balzack) ************************** * 8. CREDITS * ************************** Thanks go out to: 1. Banpresto for making such an excellent game. 2. Shocking Alberto for being a big fan and for being someone I can discuss this with actively. The information here for the other stages I've not taken or reached, was provided by him, as was other miscellany. 3. various friends for providing some quick translations. 4. the makers of JWPce and JQuickTrans, for their software, which made a lot of this much easier. 5. the SRT community for discussing and sharing information. 6. Aoshi0 who informed me about the mistake for Tsume Super Robo 40.