----------------------------------------------------------- SUPER ROBOT TAISEN/WARS ORIGINAL GENERATION secret FAQ(GBA) iMMMMMMMMMM WMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMM, SMMMMM ZMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMZ MMMM MMMMM MMMMM@ MMMMMM MMMMM SMMMMM ZMMMMM rMMMMM MMMMMr MMMM MMMM aMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMS MMMMM SMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM MMMM MMMM MMMMMM MMMMMS MMMMM SMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM MMMM WMM7@M MMMMMM MMMMMS MMMMM MMM SMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM B..: MMMMMM MMMMM@ MMMMMM MMMMM MMM SMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMM@ MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMM MMM SMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMM MMM SMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMM MMMMM@ MMMMM MMMMM MMM iMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMMM MBMMM r MMMMMM aMaMMM : M@@MM. 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Author : AtomicBazooka Mail : me_rule777@hotmail.com Contributed to : www.gamefaqs.com ___________________________________________________________ INDEX 1)Version History 2)Indroduction 3)The secret Units 4)The secret Weapons 5)The secret Items 6)Words from the author 7)Copyright stuff 8)Credits ___________________________________________________________ 1)***************Version History****************** version 1.00 .The first completed FAQ ___________________________________________________________ 2)Introduction This guide is for those of you who don't read Japanese and couldn't find a site which tells how to get secret Mecha/Weapons in English. I'm just translating them for you. If you try to Unlock the secret units, and lost a few times, it is totally not fault. So Don't be sending me mail saying I'll murder you or something. Also, there are some spoilers in this guide. If you don't want spoilers, I encourage you to go back. ___________________________________________________________ 3)The secret Units ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Valcion Kai- You can get this unit in both routes(Kyosuke and Ryusei). To obtain this unit, in chapter 28, you must slice Valcion Kai(Which has Shine Princess as the pilot)'s hp to 10% or less (I think it was about 1000-2000) in less than 5 turns. The difficulty should be medium or hard. You will get this unit after the battle. Unit Rating:****/*****(It's really slow) ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Reon F- You can get this unit only in Ryusei route. You will get this unit after chapter 16. Unit Rating:***/*****(It's ordinary unit. It can dodge attacks easily with Ryouto in it) ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Gareon- You can get this unit in both routes. To get it, you must destroy Leona's unit with either Rai or Tusk in chapter 24. Unit Rating:*****/*****(It's a very nice unit with speed, power and hp) ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Geshnphest R(YES, R not mk-II R)- You can only get this unit in Kyosuke route. TO get it, you must level up Gilliam above 23 by chapter 19. You will get it in chapter 31. Unit Rating:*****/*****(It's an upgrade of mk-II R with Neutron Beam and different color. Its stats are higly upgraded too) ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Geshnhest Mk-II M(Kai Kitamura)- You can only get this unit in Kyosuke route.(I might be wrong. If I am, please mail me)You can completely obtain(I mean you can use him in few chapters but he will leave after it) it in chapter 34 before the battle. If you launch him, you can obtain 1 more.(I don't know if this will work again. I got 1 more when I did) Unit Rating:****/*****(It has 2 range Jet Magnum but it still is just a Geshnphest Mk-II M) ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Geshnphest S- You can only get this unit in Ryusei route. To get it, you must destroy R-Gun in chapter 30. You will get this unit in chapter 40. Unit Rating:*****/*****(I think it is the best Geshnphest of all the Geshnphests with the powerful attacks) ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Hyuckebine 008L(Yes! The original vanishing trooper!)- You can obtain this unit in both routes. To get it in Ryusei route-You must level Viletta up to 23 or above by chapter 19. You will get it in chapter 37. Kyosuke route-You must level Ingram up to above 32 by chapter 29. You will get it in chapter 37. Unit Rating:****/*****(This unit was real pain in butt to get it. It has really powerful long range kick ass weapon (The Black Hole Cannon!)but its armor still isn't high so my advice to you is to let the speedy pilot pilot it. You may want to use few game over tricks) ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Gurungast Roushiki the third- You can get this unit un both routes. To get it, don't get Hyuckebine 008L. You will get it in chapter 37. Unit Rating:****/*****(I like the Gurungasts, but I don't think this is worth to not to get Hyuckebine 008L. But it is super sale for super robot fans.) ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- The Kurogane- You can only get this SHIP in Ryusei route. It will replace Hagane when it gets destroyed. Unit Rating:*****/*****(It has higer armor than other 2 ships so it must be good:) ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- R-Gun(After Ingram turns on you)- You can get this in both routes. To get it, you must destroy Ingram's R-Gun in chapter 30 in both routes. You will get it after the battle. Unit Rating:*****/*****(Yep, its got everything the true powerful unit needs. The hp, speed, armor and the power. Equip it with the Giga Generator, Raise pilot's morale to 130 and start shooting stuff with the Metal Genocider) ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- R-1- Ok this really isn't secret mech, but someone might think "OMG why doesn't Ryusei pilot the R-1 yet!!??Is this a secret mech!!??"since it takes long time. So all I'm saying is you are GOING to get it. ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- 4) The secret Weapons ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Shishiou Blade- You can get this in both routes. To get it in Ryusei route-Ryusei's kill count must be 50 or above and you must destroy Zengar(Gurungast Reishiki/Zero)who retreats when hp is below 50% in chapter 26. Kyosuke route-Same as Ryusei's route. But Kyosuke's kill count should be 75 or above.(Might not be necessary) Weapon rating:***********/*****(OH MAN! Talking about some powerful bastard! This baby has base power of 4000 yes the and has an S for all the terrains and it doesn't even cost you anything to use it! Only downside is that it's not ranged but who cares! If you are trying to get it, you will see the hell. In other words, good luck.) ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Graviton Launcher- You can get this in both routes. To get it in RYUSEI route-KYOSUKE's kill count must be 55 or above by chapter 31, KYOSUKE must NOT use Hyuckebine Mk-II and the skill point should be 29 or above by chapter 31. You will get it after the battle. KYOSUKE route-RYUSEI's kill count must be 55 or above by chapter 31, RYUSEI must NOT use Hyuckebine Mk-II, Vaiswritter(One that Excellen rides) and Alteisen. The skill point should be 29 or above by chapter 31. You will get it after the battle. Weapon Rating:??/*****(I haven't actually got it yet. I just heard it) ------------------------------------------------------------ 5) The secret items ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Yuja no shirushi(Symbol of the hero)- You can get this in both routes. To get it in Ryusei route-Level Daitetsu(The Hagane pilot) up to 35 or above and the skill point should be 23 or above by chapter 34. You will get it after the battle. Kyosuke route-Level Lefina(The Hiryuu Kai pilot) up to 35 or above and the skill point should be 23 or above by chapter 34. You will get it after the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Gon no Tamashie(Spirit of Metal)- You can get this in both routes. To get it in Ryusei route-Level LEFINA up to 38 or above and the skill point should be 30 or above by chapter 37. You will get it after the battle. Kyosuke route-Level DAITETSU up to 38 or above and the skill poine should be 30 by chapter 37. You will get it after the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ 6) Words from the author Whew! I think that's about everything but if there's something you know that are not in this guide then..don't send me mail and share it in the board! ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ 7) Copyright stuff Don't just copy and paste my guide into your website 'cause that's a pragirism(or however you spell it). If you want this guide on your site, then send me the mail and go right ahead! If I catch this guide anywhere else other than www.gamefaqs.com without sending me the mail then I WILL sue that person! ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ 8) Credits! -www.gamefaqs.com(It's the best site for informations on games!) -http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown/4917/srwOGkakusi.html(For information on how to get the Graviton Launcher and Hyuckebine 008L. -Gundamtotoro for the site above. -People on the board for various informations especially DragoonT for his Secret units confirmed thing.(I think the topic got deleted) -People who took their time to read this. -ASCII Generator for creating the art on the top of the page. HAVE A NICE DAY!