Super Robot Wars OG It is the year AD 179, the people of Earth has been living a largely blissful life, even though 3 meteors from outer space have crashed on Earth. Stage 1. Elzam V Flashtein is out testing the Gesphent MkII R, however he is attacked by unknown attackers. He identifies these alien calling them Aerogater's Basku. Although without weapons, he managed to destroy 4 of them and captured the 5th for Bian Zoldark to analyze Stage 2. Ryusei Date and Kusuha Mizuha are on their way to the Burning PT tournament but stopped to visit Ryusei's mom, Yukiko Date at the hospital. Ryusei tells his mom that he is considering not going to college because he wants to work to get money for better treatment for his mom. However Yukiko won't have it and say to Ryusei not to let him waste his life, and to find the things that ONLY he can do. They say goodbye and head towards the championship. Kusuha asked Ryusei about Burning PT and Ryusei says that it is like piloting a robot and that his dream is to pilot a Super Robot one day. Kusuha looks at Ryusei and think that Ryusei is at his best when talking about Super Robot and she wishes that he would pay HER the same type of attention. At the tournament, Ryusei won because the champion Tensan Nakajima has disappeared. However he does not know that the game is what the Federation is using to scope out new recruits for a special team, Ingram and Aya are watching him and Ingram labeled him as Sample 55 and notes his high power. The area is under attack by Basku, although fighter jets appeared to fight them , Ingram ordered them away and have Aya unload the Gesphent MkII TT. Ryusei finds it and tells Kusuha to run while he gives it his best shot. He is surprised to find that it is controlled just like in Burning PT. Giving it his best, Ryu notes that the real thing is different than the game. He gets scolded by Aya over the com link for not doing well on the battle field and Ryusei retorted that if Aya, a trained military personnel, had THAT much time to scold him, then she should have enough time to evacuate the area and give him some backup. (If the difficulty is low enough) Kai and some of his troops come and help Ryusei out. After the battle, Ingram approach Ryusei who is desperately searching for Kusuha. Ingram tells him that Kusuha has been taken to the hospital, and that they need to talk. Later while talking with Aya, Ingram says that Ryusei has accepted his offer to join the military so that he does not get into trouble over piloting the Gesphent and that he also gets the military's full aid in medical care for his mother. Ingram tells Aya that Ryusei will be under his command as will the other member he has called. Outside Ryusei has forgotten his key card and can not enter the base. A young blonde man brushed him aside with a snobbish attitude and is permitted to enter. Aya comes out and help Ryu. Ryu recognized her as the one who scolded him and she apologizes for it. Aya tells Ryu to call her by her first name even though she outranked him and she'll do the same with him. Stage 3 Rai is interviewed by Ingram, he notes Rai's lineage from Maya and Elzam V. Flashtein. Rai says that he has cut all link to his family and that he is his own man now. He asked Ingram why Ingram summoned him especially after that accident that claimed his hand. Ingram says that he does not need to know that. After Rai left, Ingram notes that all the pieces and player have fully assembled. The team trained in a virtual reality game but Ryusei disobeyed order and rushed ahead and Rai and Aya had to cover him. After the game, Ryusei is told by Ingram to redo the training because he had not learned the meaning of teamwork. While getting out, he bumps into Garnette, Charter, and Ratouni who are also pilots of the federations beginning their daily training on the virtual reality game. Stage 4. Rai insults Ryu saying that after the test a couple of weeks ago, he's been doing poorly, with his stats going down, Ryu gets angry but Aya breaks them off. The team is to train near an island, but suddenly they receive an emergency signal, from a cargo ship under attack by unknown forces, Aya and Rai are sortied out to help them, it turns out Ilm is on the ship and recognize Rai and Ingram. Ryusei decides to go out and Ingram allows it only if he follows order. One of the enemy pilots is Tensan Nagajima who treats the battle as a real life game. During the fight, Ryusei gets combat fright and Tensan attacks him and notes that Ryu seems to be a newbie and someone who has played Burning PT before. After the battle, Ilm reports to Norman, the head of the base saying that he brought the Hilraptor with him to be modified. Stage 5. There is to be a talk, a first, between Aerogater and Earth, Ryu's team, henceforth known as SRX team is to accompany Federal forces lead by Daitestu, the captain of Shirokane, who will accompany the president of the United Earth (or something like that) to make the talk. Joining them is a representaive of EOTI company, in the experimental Armored Module Granzone, Professor Shuu Shirakawa. Ryusei, as a normal citizen, is shocked to learn that the Basku he fought off initially are from outerspace like in the SuperRobot shows he loves. The president calls the Aerogater "Guests" because they're not here to attack today. Of course Ryusei snapshot the Shirokane, but Rai gets a feeling something is wrong. This happens when Granzone attacks the Fu-re, the Aerogaiter ship, and they retaliate. After wiping out the underling enemies, Fu-re retreats and Granzone turns its attention to the Shirokane, sinking it and the remaining federal forces within the vicinity in one shot except for SRX team. Ryusei is in too much shock to fight and Rai and Aya tries to defend him, Rai asks Shuu whether this was his intention from the beginning but doesn't get an affirmative reply. Before Shuu could finish them off, Psybuster appears looking to fight Shuu who retreats. At the base, report of Granzone's doing has reached it, this effectively destroyed any chance of talk with Aerogaiter, and worse, on TV, Bian Zoldark, the leader of EOTI which now calls itself Divine Crusader, announce to the public, the existence of alien that was kept top secret and declared war on the ineffective Earth Government. Stage 6 The DC war goes poorly for Earth's federation, many bases were destroyed by MapW weapons and even the base in America where the ATX team were stationed was captured. After a battle to defend the base, the only team left were Garnette's team and Kai's team. Kai tells his subordinate to retreat while he takes them on. Being a former Special Forces Team member, he is up to the task. Garnette and the other refuse to retreat and they find themselves battling aerial Armored Modules, after a while the SRX team joins the fight and defeat them but the base is target for attack by a MapW weapon. Ingram orders a retreat, Ryusei doesn't want to and ask whether they could destroy it in midair, he is told byRai that he is not skilled enough to do that , Ryu then tells Rai to do it, HE should be skilled enough, but is told by Rai that their mech can't do what Ryusei wants to do, and the order is to retreat. They retreat but Ryusei screams in frustration before retreating. Later, he and Rai trade insults again, and Ryu doesn't care when Aya tells him that Rai is doing his best to fight when all Ryu see is just a smug cold person. Stage 7 The team are told to investigate an enemy movement near a water stream near the new base, Ilm joins the fight piloting a Mass produce Gesphent. They learn that the 2 KillerWhale subs are nuclear powered and have to disable it without destroying it. Of course Tensan comes out and attack Ryu, he note that Ryu got better and Ryu finds out that Tensan is the same Tensan who is a darkhorse in the Burning PT game. Tensan treats all this as just a real life game and doesn't care much for human life. He says that Ryusei is the same as him, being all giddly when the chance comes to actually pilot a real life robot. Ryusei says that he might have started like Tensan, but he's different now, he's learned the horror of war. Afterward Ryusei is confronted by Garnette and the other who says that Ryusei is unfair for not teaching them techniques in Burning PT to be use in real life combat. Ryusei notes that it is weird that if the federation uses Burning PT to scout out potential candidate then why is Tensan recruited by DC? Stage 8 In order to combat the increasing loss for the Federation, General Norman orders an attack on DC to be made by the Hagane, to be captained by the Former Shirokane's Captain, Daitetsu and Tetsuya, his vice captain. They are to take the SRX team and the other team to fight DC and defeat Bian Zoldark; a nearly impossible task. Ryusei meets Rob, the creator of Burning PT and the R- series, he tells Ryusei that the T-Link System is not ready and that R-1 cannot fully move without it. Ryusei ask what the T-Link System is and Rob is horrified to learn that Ingram did not tell Ryusei what it is not even in the manual. Meanwhile the crew of Hagane arrives, Rio Meilong and Kusuha Mizuha. Ryusei is shocked to find Kusuha in military uniform and learns that she is the operator for the Hagane. He berates her for joining saying that this isn't for her and almost make her cry. Rio tries to defend her but suddenly an alarm sounds. Bian Zoldark has taken interest in the Hagane and has Elzam V. Flashtein attack the docking bay, telling him not to forget their true purpose. Most of the team sortied out, even Ingram in his Hilchbine. Ryusei ask whether he can use the R-1 to fight but is told no by Rob. He then thinks of deploying in his Gesphent MK II only to learn that it was destroyed by the initial attack on the dock. Daitetsu prepares to launch the Hagane, predicting that the enemies will leave the other places alone and concentrate on it. Elzam deploys and notice Rai, attacking him, they exchange words; Rai says that he's cut himself off from the family; he'll go above Elzam, his older brother and Maiya, his father. Elzam applauds Rai's decision. Of course, during this conversation, Ryusei learns that Rai is from the Flashtein house, a highly placed family and the head of the Colony Federation, which holds all power within all space colonies. After the battle, Elzam leaves saying that a MapW weapon is on the way to destroy the Hagane. There is no time for evacuation and Ingram asked for R- 1's boosted Rifle to try to hit the MapW missile, but is told by Rob that the Hilchbine can't handle the job; Ryusei provides the only alternative, by deploying in the R-1. Ingram gives Ryusei the chance saying that he has only one shot to save everyone. However R-1 suddenly stop operating. Ryusei screams out to R-1 that he wants to protect Kusuha, and everyone on board the Hagane, his teammates and all, and that if R-1 wasn't create to protect them, what WAS it created for? Suddenly the R-1 roars to life and Ryusei use the boosted rifle to destroy the missile. After the battle, Ryusei ask Ingram to take Kusuha off the ship but is told that it is impossible. Annoyed, Ryusei met Rai, they talk about Rai's origin, and Rai ask whether Ryusei now views him as an enemy. Ryusei says no but wonder whether Rai can be cold and distant enough to fight them. Thinking back, Ryusei notes that he has found his reason for fighting; to protect those he loved. Stage 9, R-1 is still not functioning except for the instant it destroyed the missile, and Ryusei is assigned to the modified Hilraptor. Daitetsu decides to test the Hagane's limit by going undersea. This proves to be a mistake when it is attacked undersea by Killer Whale submarine, and the Hagane must rush past them to escape with no PT able to deploy because of the depth the Hagane is in. Stage 10 Noticing that Ryusei is avoiding Kusuha or being quite cold to her, Garnette, as a former Fashion Coordinator decides to doll up Ratoni (for whatever reason I forgot), but probably to get Ryusei to notice women more. Ryusei finds out that the Hyukebine 009 is onboard the ship and that Ilm will pilot it giving his Gesphent to Ratoni. Ryusei then learns of the history behind the Hyukebine, 3 of them were created, the 008L, the 008R and the 009. The 009 is inferior to the two 008s because it use a different engine, the two 008s used a BlackHole engine, which was the first PT to try to incorporate EOT technology, technologies gained from analysis of Meteor 3, into a PT. The 008R was tested and there was an accident when it's engine malfunctioned, destroying it, and killing all but 3 people, who were Rob, Ilm and Rai who was the test pilot. It was there that Rai lost his left arm, which was replaced by a cybernetic artifical one. This surprises Ryusei, and Ilm note that it's typical of Rai not to tell people about his injuries. As a result of this, the Hyukebine earned the bad reputation and moniker of "Vanishing Trooper" and the 008L was sealed away. Ryusei meets a cute young girl who runs away and asks Aya who she is? Aya wonder whether she's a friend of Rob. The Hagane land on an island to test the Hilraptor and Hyukebine 009 but enemy attack by Tempest, a DC Officer who hates the Federation because of an incident 16 years ago where because of the Federation, he lost his wife and child(a girl).Ratoni, Ryusei and Ilm deploys and Ilm asks why the Gesphent is piloted by an unknown beautiful young girl who he's never met, only to be told by her that she is Ratoni. This shocks Ilm and everyone, and they think she is cute especially the other Operator on the Hagane, and Rio mocks him to ask whether he's a Lolicon. Ilm himself regrets of not having marked her in his little black book, but suddenly the mood turned serious as Tempest attacks Ratoni and he see her as just a kid, wondering whether he can kill a kid, he doubts for an instance but decides that all Federations people must die. After a while the team sortied out and defeated him. Later, Ratoni puts on Normal clothes and says that she wouldn't wear that thing again because it's just not functional gears. Ryusei and Kusuha talks and Ryusei says that he's sorry for being a jerk, but he promised Kusuha that once the DC war is over, he will talk to Ingram to let her leave the Hagane, not knowing that Kusuha joined intentionally to be with Ryusei. Stage 11 Tempest is called away from his post at one of DC's fortress island and Tensan is sent to replace him. Tensan has a plan to take care of the Hagane. The Hagane has to go underwater to pass the island because it is full of fortress gun capable of destroying it. After the team deployed in deep water and take on some of the fortress gun, Tensan reveals his ace, with a Killer Whale sub that fired out a MapW missile to hit the Hagane, however the plan is foil by the SRX team when they destroy it. During the fight, an unidentified flying object with incredible speed moves quickly to the battle site, it is the same mech that appear to drive away the Granzone from the South Pole. Ryuseii only has one word to say: "Kakkoi (Cool)" Vice Captain Tetsuya demands to know who is piloting it, but the pilot say he is here to help and destroyed all fortress gun in one shot with the Psyflash and goes inside to search for Shuu. Tensan seeing his plans foiled, run away muttering whether this unit is some sort of hidden units in the game. When he comes out, Ingram asked the pilot who he is and we learn that he is Masaki Ando, pilot of Masoukishin Psybuster. However having used up too much Plana, Masaki falls unconscious and is taken aboard the Hagane. Rob look at Psybuster and note that whoever made it was a genius, and that it does not use any tech of a PT or an AM. It could be Aerogaiter mech Checking up on Masaki, they determined that he is definitely human. Of course that was when Kuro and Shiro and began talking to each other, Rio and the other overheard and was shocked to find talking cats. When Masaki comes around, he rushed to where the captains are meeting and demand to know if they know where Shuu is. Ingram tells him that Shuu Shirakawa is with DC, and if he helps them attack DC Island, Shuu will definitely pop up. Masaki agrees and Tetsuya is utterly shocked to find talking cats. Stage 12 A cargo plane that escaped from the North America base where the ATX team was formerly based is being attacked by Elzam's troops. The SOS reached the Hagane and asked for Ilm Kasahara to come at once. Before receiving this message, Ryusei, Ilm and Rob were talking about the Psybuster and how it's so cool and so SuperRobot-looking. Aya chimed in asking WHAT type of Robot that Ryusei doesn't find cool, and Ryusei can't come up with an answer. Ryusei wishes that the Hagane would have some sort of SuperRobot to up their power because the Personal Troopers aren't SuperRobot. Rob said that the Robot most like the SuperRobot is Grungast, created by Tesla Raibi Lab in America. Three of them were created, No. 2 was overhauled (The one that became Grungust Kai?) No.3 was taken by Rin Mao when she quit piloting to head Mao Industry on the moon, which leaves No.1 which was not functioning and left at the North America base along with it's prototype, the Grungust Reishiki. Suddenly Ilm gets the message from the operators and suddenly know who it's from, however with it being so far away, the Hagane wouldn't reach there fast enough and he asked Charter for an Fx28 Plane to pilot, Masaki, who got lost big time, so much that Rio couldn't find him, finally arrived at dock and say that he'll deploy in Psybuster to help. When Psybuster and Ilm arrived at the battle, Elzam attacked Psybuster saying that he's heard of him from Shuu, and Masaki demands to know where Shuu is but Elzam kept mum about it. Ilm's dad said for him to reach the cargo plane since he has a present to give Ilm. And Ilm retorted that usually the present his Dad gave him was weird, unuseable and sometime almost cost him his life. When Ilm reached the cargo plane, he finds out that it contains the Grungust from the North America base, now fully functional, and Ilm deploys in it. Elzam notes the Grungust and says that he's found a worthy opponent, and the Hagane comes to the rescue, after a while Elzam retreated. Rai note that his brother wasn't really trying to sink the Cargo Ship, if so it would have been done before Psybuster even got there, so why aren't the Aces like Elzam giving all they've got to stop the Hagane? Rob welcomes Jonathan Kasahara, Ilm's Dad and asks about how he escape from the North America base, Jonathan tells him that it was due to the ATX team. Rob then asks how could DC have conquered the base. Jonathan answer that he found out that Zengar Zombolt, the head of ATX team has betrayed the team and joined DC which stunned many people and Jonathan said that the whereabout of Kyosuke and Excellen are unknown. Most of the people there said that beside Kai who is guarding the base, most of the former special forces team seems to have sided with DC. Stage 13 Atola, the vice commander of DC is very worried about the Hagane which seems to be getting closer and closer to DC Island and urges Bian to order a full scale attack on them. Bian doesn't seem to want to do this but he say that they merit a look at, he'll go himself, in his mech to challenge them. Meanwhile aboard the Hagane, Rio comes to Kusuha's room to see if she is there since they last parted 3 hours ago to go take a shower and come back for duties, as she enter, she sees a mountain worth of junk and product within the room. Kusuha comes out saying what seems to be the matter since she just got out of the bath. Rio says in shocked that Kusuha took 3 hours to take a bath. Kusuha says that it's a pleasure of her to lie in the tub and read a good book, which unnerved Rio to no end because for her, a bath takes at most 30 minutes. Rio asked Kusuha what the mountain worth of product is for, and Kusuha answers that she is a hopeless addict of TV shopping and mail ordered product, and she ask Rio to try the special bargained exerciser made for deep space. (Author's note. This personality quirk of Kusuha makes this one of the very funny episode and was shown in the SRW alpha humour comic that she was the star of) Rio declined and got out pronto. Later on Kusuha brings Masaki a specially created drink, to help with his hopelessness in direction. Masaki took one gulp and his face more or less changed color, it was just then that enemies are sighted. Everyone except Masaki deployed because he is extremely sick from the taste of the drink. The attacker is a troop that includes Leona Kasshtien, cousin to Rai and once she notice that Rai is amongst the Hagane, she attacks him, saying that if he choose to fight to defeat his father and brother, she will fight to protect them. After Rai beats her, he tells Leona to quit the army since she's only going to kill herself trying to defeat him. Rai also beats the commander (forgot name) who is a servant of the Flashtein house, although the commander recognizes Rai, and is uneasy to fight him; he says that his duty to the Flashtein house comes first. After beating them all, a red majestic but evil looking mech appears, its name is Valcion, piloted by the leader of DC, Bian Zoldark. Amazed that the head of DC would come personally to fight them, the team is a bit uneasy but Daitetsu ordered a full scale attack on Valcion saying to Tetsuya that a big chance is before them, if they can kill Bian here, they could end the DC war right now. Ingram talks to Bian while fighting, he notes that Bian isn't really trying to destroy them, but Bian ask whether he can stake his life on it. Bian gives them all a choice, to die or to surrender, All of them chose neither and Ryusei gets especially angry at Bian for creating a world wide war that killed so many, and Bian says that Ryusei is too young and hot headed right now to think of why he started this war. The fight goes poorly, since the Valcion is too strong. Daitetsu ordered the Hyper Tronium Cannon to fire, even though it is an untested trump of the Hagane, but they need to buy time, which is when Psybuster appear out of the docking bay, saying that he'll buy the time for Hagane. Masaki says to Kusuha that even though her drink taste horrible, after a while it worked, he hasn't got lost yet (probably from the sick bay or the toilet to the dock). This offends Kusuha big-time. However Bian says that that's enough for today and state that the power the Hagane possessed right now is not enough to defeat him and turns to leave. Masaki cries out loud to Bian saying what about his grand entrance?, he's supposed to buy time for the Hagane so that they could fire at the Valcion, so why is Bian just leaving and leaving him high and dry. Bian said that that's Masaki's problem, why should he stick around to be fired on? And on cue Elzam's troop comes to the rescue with Elzam escorting Bian back to base. After defeating them all, the team wonders why Bian came here in the first place, just to demonstrate his power? To demoralize them?; or was it just to show off his really really cool robot that he created? Of course the team dismissed the third option not knowing that it might be closer to the truth than what any one expected (with Bian being a SuperRobot fan in the original SRW continuity, this seems very likely) Masaki and Ryusei were also talking about the special drink that Kusuha created, and Ryusei says that Masaki was an idiot to drink that concoction, since HE himself was also one of Kusuha's victims. Ryusei says that while the drink usually work, the taste is probably the worst in the universe, leaving an undescribable bad feeling afterward. He say that he once asked what she used to make it and was horrified to find out (I don't know what it was, but probably grinded lizard tails, or something gross and weird). It was then that Kusuha comes up to Masaki saying that she was offended that Masaki say her drink tasted horrible, so she's prepared a new one and made sure that it taste better. Of course after hearing Ryusei's story, Masaki says that the Psybuster needs checking up on and quickly runs away. Kusuha then offers the drink to Ryusei who also ran away saying that he needs to check up on the Hilraptor. Ilm declines saying that he hears the Grungast's motor running and has to go shut it down. Aya, definitely scared, says that she needs to go collect some data for Ingram. Garnette and Charter quickly offer the excuse that they need to go train IMMEDIATELY, leaving Kusuha all alone with the drink, it was then that she spotted Ingram making some checks on the PT. Kusuha offers Ingram the drink and not having heard Ryusei's story, he accepted and gulp it down. Kusuha asked about how it taste and Ingram says "It's….not…..bad". Satisfied, Kusuha left happy, not seeing Ingram's face a couple of seconds later. When a technician asked Ingram what was wrong, Ingram says "Nothing….. I just need to lie down ... for a LONG while" (Personally I think this is what turns Ingram bad and why he target Kusuha later) Stage 14 Tensan is peeved that Bian did not finish off the Hagane with the Valcion and that Bian had such a cool unit to himself to begin with. Atola decides to quell Tensan's grumbling by giving him a fleet of new cannon mech to go use on the Hagane and Tensan agrees. Afterward, Atola is met by Dr. Egret Fieve, the creator of the Earth Cradle, he wonder if Tensan is worthy of being part of it and Atola says maybe, but with the Earth Cradle gathering those that needs to be saved, he might just open a second "school". However Egret notes in his mind that Atola just isn't the one who will be saved. Tensan surrounds the Hagane with the cannon mech and even use MapW weapon with utter disregards for the safety of his subordinates that peeved Ryusei off. Ryusei is not also skilled in flight battle and had asked Ratoni before battle for a copy of her flight data from the FX28 plane but Ratoni just ran away. However when Ryusei and the Hagane is surrounded, Ratoni loaded the data into the Hilraptor making it maneuver even better than before. Tensan mocks Ryusei for having to depend on a child's data but then notes Hilraptor's movement. He then concludes that Ratoni is from the "School", a place Ratoni would rather forget. This is because, as Ryusei found out later from Garnette and Charter, children are taught since young to be pilots, to follow orders with utter disregard for everything else that a child might need. Ratoni graduated from the School but hated every moment of it, becoming the quiet no-talk person she is. Garnette and Charter is furious that Tensan made her remember her "School" origin and so is Ryusei, who demolished Tensan making him retreat. Later, after learning of Ratoni's past, Garnette tells Ryusei that Ratoni is opening up, because they and especially Ryusei is genuinely concerned for her and hopefully one day she'll be just like other girls. Stage 15 Atola is concerned that the Hagane is closing in on DC Island and that Bian isn't doing much to stop them, so he decides to use "that person." Meanwhile Aya and Rob are testing the T-Link System of the R-3 but it goes awry and Aya is unconscious, which is when enemies attack. The enemy is Tomas who is commandeering some small troops including Ryouto. Ryouto asks Tomas whether only they are available to fight the Hagane and Tomas screams at Ryouto for being quite cowardly and assigned him the task of attacking the Hagane while he waits. Ryouto secretly note that his commander doesn't care about him and is leaving him out to dry but follows order anyway. Back at the Hagane, Rio has deployed in Aya's GesphentMKII TT to strengthen their rank since Aya is unavailable, the other operator asked what she is doing there but she tells him to cope without her this time. Tomas then assigns Ryouto the task of shooting down Rio. When Ryouto is sufficiently hurt or when Tomas is defeated, he orders a retreat, but Ryouto's engine is mysteriously shut down and his mech falls to the sea and is recovered by the Hagane. Ingram wants the mech in order to see how some of DC's technologies work and the pilot might be able to give them some information and Rob reluctantly agrees but says he'll check first if DC has adopted a Trojan Horse plan. Stage 16 Rob's fear was true, Ryouto's mech was booby-trapped and he almost died when it activates. Ryouto is grilled by Tetsuya, he is a bit scared since he is in enemies hand, when he learn about the bomb in his mech, he couldn't believe it, but he notes that Tomas probably left him to die, and didn't care about him. Tetsuya ask Ryouto whether this is what he believes in? Is what DC doing right to him? Ryouto responds that he'll need sometime to think whether to cooperate with the Hagane or not and Tetsuya gave it to him talking to Daitetsu that while this may be foolish, he believes that Ryouto shouldn't be condemned for the rest of his life for one mistake and Daitetsu agrees. Meanwhile, Rio is reassigned to piloting duties because they need more pilots and the other operator says that his job just got a lot harder, and he should have asked for that raise before coming on board. An attack on the Hagane sends it to investigate, it is Tensan and Tomas, this time they'll finish off the Hagane. The blast scrambles the Electronic lock on Ryouto's cell and he wonders what he should do next? Return to DC or? Ryouto's answer came out when he deploys. Tomas recognize him and ask whether he is still alive and does he figure that he could return to DC that easily. All this taunting and Ryouto not saying anything made Rio angry and she tells Ryouto to shout back at that scum. Ryouto finally said that while he knows that the others don't trust him, he had no thoughts of returning to DC and will fight alongside them. Tomas mocks Ryouto saying that those are pretty good words for a loser like him, but it was the right choice, since even if he DID return, they would have killed him anyway and Ryouto feels utterly betrayed and used, getting quite angry but not as much as Rio and Ryusei who can't believe the utter disrepect for life that Tomas and Tensan had. Beat them all but afterward something comes out from nowhere, The Granzone. Shuu Shirakawa says that he is interested in the Hagane for a while now and has come out to meet and destroy them. This of course, infuriates Masaki who says that he'll beat Shuu, right here. However Daitetsu order a retreat but Tetsuya asked why? Doesn't Daitetsu want to get revenge for the crew of ShiroKane destroyed by Granzone in the SouthPole? Daitetsu says that their mission is to go to DC Island and defeat Bian Zoldark and that if Shuu really wants the Hagane destroyed, he would have destroyed it already and not waste time mincing words with them. The team is told to try and occupies Granzone while the Hagane escaped. Of course you COULD beat Granzone. During the fight, Ryusei says that he's not as scared as he was back in the South Pole and Ingram and Shuu trades word. Shuu ask how could Ingram understand EOT technology a lot more than even Bian and himself and Ingram doesn't answer. After beating Shuu, he retreats and the Hagane flies at top speed to reach DC Island. Meanwhile Ryouto says once again to Tetsuya that he doesn't want to return to DC and wants to fight beside them, and Tetsuya says that he'll talk to the Captain. Daitetsu allows Ryouto to join you putting him under Ingram's leadership. Stage 17 The Hagane is almost to DC Island but first it met up with Elzam's Last Battalion ordered by Bian to engage them. Before battle, Ryusei asked Rob whether the R-1 could deploy seeing as to how they need more firepower but Rob says that the R-1 is still unready and if Ryusei sorties in it, the T- Link System might kill him. This is when the battle is engaged. Ingram allows Ryusei to do whatever he wants seeing that this might be an ideal way to let Ryusei's Power activate. The Last Battalion is a tough enemy and Daitetsu order the Hagane to hurry and go past them. They have to reach DC Island. Rai fights his brother once more and finally we learn what came between them, it was because Elzam had killed his own wife in order to prevent a terrorist attack on a colony some years ago. Rai wouldn't allow himself to be THAT cold that he could coldly kill someone he loves, to abandon them for ideals like his brother and his father supposedly have and it seems that Elzam is a bit angry that Rai reminded him of his late wife. When the Hagane is almost to the goal, Tempest deploys, saying that while he doesn't want to interfere in the Last Battalion's battle, he wouldn't let the Hagane reach it's destination, stating again that he wants revenge for his late wife and child who dies because of another terrorist attack and the Federation's response to it. However Ryusei had convinced Rob to let him deploy in R-1 and finally it appears, moving perfectly and R-1 defeated Tempest. After suffering a beating, Elzam also retreats saying that he'll meet Rai on DC Island. The final battle between Hagane and DC is about to take place. Stage 18 The Hagane has entered DC Island territory and DC is getting ready to fight. On board the Hagane, the plan is to get the Hagane close enough for it to unleash it's strongest attack, the Tronium Buster Cannon, at the main DC Bunker hopefully killing Bian in the process. To do that, all units must protect the Hagane at all cost. Rob says that Tronium is extremely powerful but volatile and in the worst case, it could backfire and tear the Hagane apart, when asked why this is by Ryusei, he reply that Tronium is a metal that was scavenged from within Meteor 3 that fell to Earth onto what is now DC Island. This surprised Ryusei and he asked why did Bian not get his hands on the Tronium earlier. This made Rob think as well, out of all 6 Tronium metal lump scavenged from Meteor 3, 5 of them are in Federation's hand with the remaining in Bian's hand. Why would Bian, who is the head of the company that initially scavenged the Meteor 3 not keep them for himself if he had planned to start a war. In DC Island, Atola prepares to get his ace in the hole ready, the same type of ship as Hagane, the Kurogane to fight it. Tensan and Tomas are deployed as well, Tensan is as usual, hyperexcited about this game but Tomas notes that it's a bit strange that Valcion and Granzone is not deploying as well to cement their victory. After some battle, Atola joins the battle as well; he notes Ratoni and says that she is one of the fine offspring of the "School" that he created. This angers Ryusei, Garnette and Charter, and Ratoni says to Atola that she will defeat him, personally. The battle resumes and the Hagane reached the spot to try to fire the Tronium Cannon, only to have it shut down. It was then that Atola has Elzam, who is captaining the Kurogane, attack the Hagane. Almost destroyed, the Hagane still won't sink but Daitetsu ordered all Personal Trooper to go into the main bunker and defeat Bian at all cost, while they hold the line here. Of course killing all of them works also, and Tomas sees where this is going, says farewell to DC and splits. Stage 19 As the team enters the DC base, Bian ordered all DC personnel except Elzam's Last Battalion to evacuate, he will deploy in the Valcion and Shuu in the Granzone. As the battle begins, the SRX team, Masaki and the others tells Bian that it's all over, why did he not try to fight alongside them if his true intention is to defeat the Aerogaiter like he claimed on TV. Masaki also screams at Shuu that he won't forgive him for the atrocities he commited at the South Pole. Shuu smirkly respond that he SAVED the Earth back then, and though Masaki won't believe him, Bian chimed in saying that the Hagane members didn't really know what was really going on at the "peace talk" at the South Pole. It wasn't a peace talk but the surrendering of Earth and humanity to the Aerogaiter, and only by attacking them could they force the Federation to fight the Aerogaiter. As for cooperating with the Earth Federation, that's what Bian's been trying to do all these years before he gave up on them because of their ineffectiveness and their spinelessness and formed DC to create a fighting force to defeat the Aerogaiter. That's why most of the Tronium are in Government hand, Bian donated them to the Government while he was trying to work with them to create weapon to fight Aerogaiter like his Armored Module or the Government's Personal Troopers. While this may be true, it doesn't excuse the massacre of the SouthPole nor the death of the innocent soliders just doing their jobs elsewhere who died when DC attack and the Hagane team is ready to fight Bian. The battle is tough, though Granzone will not lift a finger, Bian is more than enough at this point, Bian recognizes Ryouto even though Ryouto was just a foot solider in DC army and says to him that Ryouto made the right choice, Masaki is taunted by Bian as being too green to know what is Bian's true objective but Masaki persevered and along with Ryusei and the rest of the team, finally defeated Bian. It was then that the truth came out, the reason Bian did not fully destroy them the first time they met, the reason no full scale attack was used was to raise them, make them grow into a fighting force capable of defeating the Aerogaiter, this was his and Maiya's Flashtien's TRUE goal all along. Bian realized that the Earth Government wouldn't be effective against Aerogaters before the DC War so he destroy some base making them toughen up, making them develop new technologies and he did a lot more (as we'll soon find out) Bian's last word before death is that he asks for forgiveness from his daughter Ryune for not being the father he should have been to her. Masaki heard his last word before the Valcion explodes, and Granzone vanished. Outside, the Hagane is taking a beating from Elzam, and Atola (who have returned if you beat them last stage) when the Valcion's explosion notified them of Bian's Death. Atola wouldn't have any of this and tries to rally the remaining DC forces to follow him, HE'LL be the new DC leader to take over the world, but Elzam issues an order to the Last Battalion member on the field to retreat. It's over and Atola has to flee as well. Contacting Raker, their commander, the Hagane finds out that most of DC forces, without their leader and their main base, is retreating, they may engage in guerilla warfare but DC is no longer the threat it was without Valcion or Granzone. Stage 20 Staying at the former DC Island for repairs to the Hagane, Charter and Garnette looks upon the remains of Meteor 3, Garnette wants to be in a romantic mood with Charter but he just keeps on mentioning the Meteor 3 and Ratoni chimes in as well ruining the mood for her. They met Masaki who is leaving to pursue Shuu, although his intention weren't clear when battling Bian, Masaki knows that Shuu is too dangerous to leave alone, and will pursue him to defeat him for what happen (in Lar Gias). Tetsuya ordered that they not erase Psybuster's code number so that the radar can still identify him as a friendly if they meet again. Meanwhile Daitetsu has finally open his bottle of old Japanese Sake that he kept on board the Hagane in his cabin to celebrate and ask if Tetsuya would join him, Tetsuya declines saying that the Captain and the Vice Captain should never be drunk at any time but Daitestu doesn't relent and finally gets Tetsuya to take a few sip. Bad Move, since Aerogaiter mech appears suddenly and the male operator tries to find Tetsuya and Daitetsu only to find them pretty much wasted from the sake. The male operator is given command and he orders the team to deploy, although Rio ask him annoyingly as to why HE's giving the command not the Captain or the Vice Captain, and he reply "it's a LONG story" Nevertheless, the team defeated the Aerogaiter mech but they keep coming, it was then that Psybuster reappears, saying that he saw on the radar screen what's happening from a long distance away and came back to help, destroying them all, and finally leaving. The team is then told that once the Hagane finished repairs, they are to leave immediately. Stage 21 It has been a few months since the event in Stage 20, and the Hagane is given the task of hunting down the Kurogane and the remaining DC forces that are still waging their war against Earth. Ryusei and Ryouto had been doing their scouting for a couple of months, Ryouto had a question that he wanted to ask Ryusei for a while, he wants to know whether Ryusei was chosen by being a Burning PT Champion in his area, and Ryusei says yes with Ryouto saying that it was the same for him where he lived, though not in the same vicinity as Ryusei so they never met. However Ryouto finds it odd that he (and Tensan) got picked by DC while Ryusei got picked by the Fed when the game is just the way the Fed use to scout new pilot, one possible answer is that there is a spy within the Federation, high enough to look at the data and give it to DC before the Fed could use it to scout out the pilot. When they return to Hagane, they received a distress call from a small country under attack by DC. It is Tempest, he demands the surrender of the country, to use for DC's revival and that the Princess be turned over to him to guarantee their obedience. However the young Princess Shine knows that they have a different reason for targeting her and that they won't just use the country for DC's revival but for other things to it's citizen as well. The Hagane arrived in time to rescue the princess and Tensan comes out saying that he "continued" the game from his game over last time. Tempest of course raved about his revenge yet again, but he goes down and DC retreats. The talk between Princess Shine's assistant and the top crew of the Hagane revealed that they probably also target the princess because of her precognitive powers and the person who probably ordered this is Atola who had unite some of the remaining DC forces, in order to use as material for his second "School" At the Earth Cradle, Atola is talking with Dr. Egret Feive about using the Meigas system and it's special guardian to boost up the DC's power but is told that Dr. Sophia Neet is still working on the system that is one year until completion. Atola wishes that Tempest didn't fail because he could have use the Princess for the Keim System to boost the DC's power. The problem now, is what to do, for the Hagane, if they leave, the Princess will be targeted by DC again, so the only answer is to escort her to the Federation base where she will be safer. The Princess goes off wandering and meets Rai who she immediately seems to have a crush on. When she returns to the meeting room, Ratoni is assigned the task of being her bodyguard, and the Princess tells her to take off the glasses and dress neater when being with her, which pretty much upsets Ratoni who doesn't want to go to Garnette to get new clothes because she knows Garnette will give her the frilly clothes she once wore some times ago. Stage 22 Back at the base Ryusei talked to Ingram to let Kusuha go since the DC war is over but he declines saying that that is not possible and there is no need to tell Ryusei why either? Ryusei gets angry and asked whether this has something to do with the mysterious "T-Link System" and Ingram says that there is no need to tell him. As Ryusei leaves, frustrated, Ingram smirk noting that it is good that Ryusei is getting suspicious. Ingram had also earlier met Kusuha and told her to start training in the Burning PT simulator and if not, to get out, and Kusuha reluctantly agree. At the Base, Jonathan Kasahara and Rob had finally finished the Grungust Nishiki and R-2. Aya had to return to her father's lab to test out the T-Link system for the R-3. It is training time and Ryusei and Rai are deployed in R1 and R-2 along with the new pilot for Nishiki who turns out to be Kusuha. Ryusei is furious that Ingram choose to do this and demands that Kusuha get out at once, if she stays, she'll have to fight and maybe kill other people, but Kusuha doesn't relent saying that she chose to do this herself. This is when a mysterious red mech appears and attacks R-1. It is Kyosuke Nanbu from the Hiryu Kai in the Gesphent MK III Altaisen. Ingram then order Ryusei to attack back and Rai figure out that the two teams are to test each other because they will now be working together and the best way to do that is to have them go at it. His hunch proved correct when the Gesphent MkII Custom Weizbritter appears piloted by Excellen Browning saying half jokingly that she's Rai's date for today. Brooklyn Brit also appears in the Hyukebine MK II and his opponent is Kusuha's Nishiki. However Kusuha does not attack back saying that she CAN'T hurt someone whom they'll be fighting alongside with. Ingram then says coldly that if she doesn't, she'll be killed and ordered Brit to attack her, and if he hits the cockpit accidentially, that's ok too. Rob and Jonathan can't believe that Ingram just said that and urges him to rescind that command. Brit looks at Kusuha and then he shuts down the Hyukebine MK II saying that there's been some problem with the motor and he can't move or operate the weapon system, thinking to himself what type of commander is Ingram to so coldly force someone who doesn't want to fight to fight. Meanwhile, the battle between Altaisen and R-1 is reaching a peak. Ryusei can't believe the sheer toughness of Altaisen and Kyosuke is impressed with R-1's mobility. Ryusei charged up for his T-Link Knuckle saying that he'll put everything into this attack of his and Kyosuke responds saying that he'll use his Joker and uses his last attack on R-1. The sheer force of the attack hits them both and Kyosuke couldn't believe that R-1 could do that much damage close-handed and Ryusei had to admit that Kyosuke is a pro at fighting. Ryusei then ask Kyosuke's name and then remember that Ilm told him that the test pilot for Hilraptor was Kyosuke. The two teams then stop fighting and return to base. Back at the base, Rob and Jonathan says to Ingram that they DID NOT create the R-series or the Grungust series so that the pilot could be a killing machine, and Ingram walks out not replying, Rob knows Ingram just didn't listen to what they said. Kyosuke, Excellen, and Brit reports to Raker.Hanz who was also there and responsible for Kyosuke's accident and dismissal to the ATX team mocks Kyosuke saying that it's a miracle Kyosuke survived until now but Kyosuke wouldn't find it easy anymore under HIS control. This was when Raker burst Hanz's bubble saying that the HiryuKai and all the pilot including the ATX team will be put under Daitetsu's control to weed out DC forces and the upcoming Aerogater attacks, and Hanz bit his lips in anger. Stage 23 Out in space, a mysterious platenoid dubbed WhiteStar by the Federation is moving in closer to Earth, the Hiryu Kai that is still in space is sent to investigate. With it's rank severely depleted because many members such as Gilliam, Viletta having left since DC War and their leader Kyosuke Nambu, along with Excellen Browning and Brooklyn Brit on Earth, it's PT troop consist of mostly Gesphent, Chikwald, Shubalt piloted by Kathina, Russell, Tasku and Rada. When Aerogaiter forces attack, Kathina feeling the need to prove something, attacked without order forcing the rest of the team to back her up. When even more forces appear, the Granzone appear, surprising everyone. Shuu says that he have no intention of fighting the Hiryu Kai and will help them if they want. Knowing of the Granzone's sinking of Shirokane at the SouthPole before the DC War, Refina and the other are doubtful whether to trust Shuu or not, but John the vice captain see that they can't refuse his help nor can they defeat him without Kyosuke or the others, and accepts his help. Even amongst all this, Kathina wouldn't retreat and keep asking Russell to watch her back. However the Psybuster appear, having finally found the Granzone. Masaki is intent on a showdown with Shuu but before he could attack, Shuu berates him for not having grown up a bit, not knowing the situation that they are in. Shuu said that Masaki should be helping fight the Aerogaiter first not tracking him down. Masaki still wouldn't accept that and even Refina asked Masaki to put aside his hatred of Shuu for a while, even though she said she doesn't know what went on between them. Masaki shouted at her that if she doesn't know, then butt out, but he notes the situation and says to Shuu that if he makes one false move here, Masaki will attack him without regret and Shuu notes it with a smirk. With both Psybuster and Granzone's help, the scouting Aerogaiter are defeated and Refina ordered a full retreat that even Kathina had to obey. Shuu says to Masaki that he's better off right now co-operating with the HiryuKai since he himself will not be active HERE for a while, but before Masaki could question him, Granzone disappear. Refina then asked Masaki if he would lend them their strength like he did the Hagane during the DC War. Currently the Hiryu Kai is on a course to meet the Hagane near Earth and Masaki agrees which surprises Refina that Masaki would agree so readily. Masaki then notes that it's been HALF a year since he left the Hagane on DC Island. Stage 24 Rendezvousing with the Hagane, Ryusei and the other are surprised to see Masaki with them. Suddenly the alarm sound, one DC mech is fast approaching them, it looks like a giant sci-fi fan service girl. It is the Valcione piloted by Ryune Zoldark who seems to want revenge for her father. She notes that while he isn't the most perfect man in the world, he's still her father. Masaki asked her whether she is still with DC and she replies no, since the remaining DC forces right now is not the DC that her father and Maiya Flashtien created. And Masaki then asked her why is an army of DC Mech behind her? This surprises everyone and it is the remnant of the Colony forces which is with DC, amongst them Leona Kasshtein who did not join in the final battle when the ATX team defeated Maiya. She is disappointed in what DC stands for now, and that this isn't what Maiya and Bian had wanted. Ryune objects to being linked with these scums saying that the DC her father created would never resort to using poison gas on a colony. This surprise the Hagane member when Tasku or the other Hiryu member says that it was in a mission that they prevented but still, these people do not stand for what DC was supposed to stand for. Ryune attacks them to show them that she is no longer connected with them and Sebel. Sebel then ordered everyone to attack but Leona having heard Ryune's word says that THIS isn't what she fought for and move against the Hagane shouting that THIS will be her FINAL battle, Tasku notes that she is planning on a kamikaze attack and won't stop till she's dead or disabled so Tasku, Ryusei and the rest pretty much destroy her mech but left the cockpit block intact. As for Sebel, he fell hard to the team (by Rampage Ghost's first attack in Ryusei route) and retreat like a wussy. With no one else between them, Ryune turns her attention to the Hagane/Hiryu but Masaki says that Bian gave his life to raise them as the fighting force against Aerogaiter but Ryune wouldn't listen and Masaki brought her down. Ryune then sort of stop saying with a smile that she knows that she really couldn't defeat the combination of the team that brought down her father and Maiya by herself, she was just testing them saying that she has different believes from her father, her father's her father, she's herself. She then asked whether she can join the team and they agree. After battle, Kyosuke is admiring the Hilraptor seeing as how it can now transfom and Ilm says that it wasn't Kyosuke's fault but Hanz's who forced him to transform during the test sometime ago knowing it would blow up. Kyosuke says that it's partly his fault too, if he had more skills, maybe he could have done it without having it blown up. Meanwhile, Leona asked why Tasku didn't kill her outright and Tasku says that he destroyed her mech but she survive out of luck, with that strong a luck, she should put it, and her life to good use and not throw it away. Later on Leona is asked by Refina to join them seeing as how they are personally whom Maiya and Bian selected to fight the Aerogaiter. Leona then think and said that she's already thrown away her life once during the battle and survived because of luck, so she'll use this second chance at life to fight alongside them, if that was what Bian and Maiya have wanted. Of course Tasku and the other men are also rumoring about how beautiful Leona is and how Rai is lucky to have her as a cousin. Rai doesn't think so when Leona approached him and they talked to each other civilly for the first time in a long while. Rai still wouln't forgive Elzam for what he did to his wife and Leona asked Rai whether he knows how Elzam felt, being the one to murder the one you love because it's the only way to save numerous lives. A little more details is given over the incident, it seems that some years ago, terrorists attacks a colony and took over the dock threatening to kill everyone if their demands weren't met, Elzam's wife was being held as hostage when Elzam's troop arrived to try to rescue the colony. In order to get into the colony, Elzam chose to blew up the dock killing his wife in the process, this angered Rai when he found out and drove a wedge between them because Elzam did not show any sign of grief, but Leona knows that Elzam suffered in silence and must have been torn inside when he did it. She wouldn't forgive Rai who is blind to the pain of his brother and left him angrily making Rai think. During the DC War, he had thought of rising above his father and bigger brother but in the end couldn't, he have misjudged them both after finding the truth about why Maiya and Bian formed DC, and now this. We see then, Rebi Tora, the head of the Aerogaiter attack force along with Adett admiring Earth from the White Star and they say that soon, the Earth will be theirs. Stage 25 The voice of Rebi Tora and the Aerogaiter rang across the Earth, demanding the Earth's total surrender, giving the Earth 30 days to comply and the top officials of both Earth and the Colony meet to decide their future. Of course there is much debate as to why the Aerogaiter are giving them enough time to gather force and mount a counter attack, is it arrogance or do they want something from the Earth's military. Anyhow, the Earth President ordered all military resistance towards the Aerogaiter to end, and that applys to the Hagane and HiryuKai commanded by Raker and Norman, if both ship attack Aerogaiter forces, Raker and Norman will be court martialed and the team will be consider as renegades. And in order to make sure that they don't do anything else, both the Hagane and Hiryu Kai are ordered to come to the Capital at once to guard it during the 30 days period. While returning to base, Kachina petitioned Ingram to be the pilot of R-Gun and Ingram says that he'll consider it, he later says to Rada that the R- Gun, while designed by him wasn't exactly just for him. Rada then ask him to try some new Yoga technique for fun but Ingram says that he's heard from the Hiryu Kai team about the various pose that Rada had them performed. Rada then says that Viletta can do this pose too which irks Ingram and he says that ANYTHING Viletta can do, he can do better, and promptly assumed the pose which probably gives him a lot of pain. (For a master manipulator, Ingram is SURE gullible and the butt of a lot of joke) At the base, it is under attack by DC forces and Raker and Norman wonder how they could have gotten this close without the alarms sounding. They got their answers a second later when Hanz appear in a cargo plane with Princess Shine with him. He bids farewell to the idiots in the base and it's pretty apparent that he's the MOLE that gave the data of Ryouto and Tensan to DC. Hanz says that with Princess Shine as his gift to Atola, he'll be granted a position of power in DC and Kai comes out angry that Hanz played them for fools. After Hanz escaped, the two teams arrived and when Rai found out that Princess Shine was kidnapped, he gets very angry and wants to rush after Hanz at once. Ryusei calms him down saying that Rai isn't acting like his calm collected self, and Rai calms down. Kyosuke ordered all members to defend the base and repel all intruders first and is asked (I think it was by Brit) as to how Kyosuke not care that Hanz betrayed them but is told by Excellen that Kyosuke is steaming inside and she wouldn't want to be Hanz when Kyosuke gets his hands on him because Hanz had made Kyosuke really angry, and Kyosuke will tear Hanz to pieces when next they meet. Katina comes out in the R-Gun and says to Kyosuke that she'll prove that she's got what it takes to be a test pilot for Prototype. Later, the team is told about the decision by the President and isn't very happy about it. Ilm then says that he now knows why Hanz tries desperately to have the Hilraptor project fails when Kyosuke test-piloted it. If the Hilraptor had proved successful then, it would have been mass-produced and it would have meant the loss of advantages for the DC's flying AM like Leon or Karion. Having succeeded in sabotaging the project; the Federation were forced to rely on ground only Gesphent and a few flight capable PT like the rebuilt Hilraptor and R-1. Meanwhile Ryune, Ryouto and Rob are searching the Valcione's computer for any lead where Hanz might have taken Princess Shine. Ryouto finds a file but it is encoded needing a password, one that Ryune provided with ease because it is a verse from a book that her father and she know. The file then turns out to be a recording from Bian Zoldark, he state that if Ryune has found this, odds are he is probably dead. He lamented the fact that he wasn't the ideal father, but one thing that he hopes will help Ryune is the content of this file. It contains all information that Bian was privied to during his reign of DC before Ryune left for outer space. (And that's almost everything), in it are plans for the Earth Cradle which Bian notes is created by Dr. Egret Feeve, a key player of DC and Ryune then thinks that it might be where the DC forces are stationed. Stage 26 On their way to the capital, Daitetsu ordered them through the route where it is likely that they will be attack by DC in order to gain Dc's attention so that they have an alibi to fight DC. Meanwhile (I could be wrong about the sequence here) Aya has returned with R-3. However she had found something out when she was testing the T-Link system at her Dad's lab, one of the early tester for the T-Link was Kiriko Date, Ryusei's mom and she wonders if Ryusei was not just chosen by the Burning PT game. Ingram tells her not to worry about it but smirks once she leaves the room saying that if only Kiriko Date had not lose her power, by now she would have been ???" Of course Ryusei and Rai meets Aya and wonders why she is a bit dejected but Aya managed a smile towards them. Masaki and Ryune is sent out to scout the area and meet Sebel who gets extremely angry at Ryune for mocking him and he orders all units to attack her. Sometimes before, Kathina had asked Refina to order the unlocking of Hyukebine 008L so that she could pilot it but is denied, frustrated as to why she doesn't seem to be good enough to be a test pilot, Kathina rushes out to accompany Masaki and Ryune without order in their patrol. Kathina shows up and Masaki asked why is she here alone,and she said that she came to help, of course Russell comes running behind saying that Kathina has to have him watching her back (considering how reckless she can be). The four tried to survive until both ship arrived, and when Leona deployed, Sebel mocks her for giving up and surrendering to the enemies like a dog but Leona says that what Sebel is doing is not why DC was form, and that without Bian and Maiya, DC is an evil organization that must be destroyed. As the fight rage, Zengar comes out in his Reishiki. Brit asked him why he is still being an enemy to them if his purpose was to train them to fight Aerogater, and Zengar says that Brit is being too green. Brit says that if Zengar STILL choose to fight them, then HE"LL destroy the Reishiki Kyosuke and Excellen exchanged a few words with Zengar and fights him, however (in my game) it is Brit who destroyed the Reishiki and gets the ChichiO blade from killing him. Zengar retreats but says that he'll be waiting for them at the capital (which the Hagane and HiryuKai were enrooted to) since that's where DC will stage its most massive attack yet. Sebel also bites it and screamed out why he is to die now and not be the ruler of DC. Back on the ship, Kathina got slap by Russell and is shocked to find him (as timid as he is to be quite defiant towards her) He says that he will always be there to watch her back in battle but that's if ONLY she will follow order and fight alongside everyone like she's supposed to. If she does anything like this again, he'll slap her again until she comes to her senses. Kathina is a bit shocked at what Russell said and paused for a while before apologizing to Russell and everyone for her rash behaviour these past couple of missions. Brit is very dejected that Zengar has still chosen to be an enemy even once the DC war is over and he complains to Excellen that Zengar has really betrayed them but Excellen wonders if that is really so since Zengar did let it "accidentially" slip that the DC was planning to attack the Capital. So perhaps Zengar is still on their side but with DC right now to see what the remaning DC troops will do once they lose Bian and Maiya. Back at the Earth Cradle, a DC technician asked Zengar of who could have so severely destroyed the Reishiki and Zengar says that it was his former troops, he thinks to himself that it is good that the HiryuKai and the Hagane's troop is getting stronger if they are to face what is ahead. Stage 27 Atola had finally managed to complete "that" and have Tempest deployed in one of them to test run it and the Keim System on board. He also asked Hanz to sink the Hagane and HiryuKai in order to prove himself to the new DC. After knowing Dc's target, the HiryuKai and Hagane rushed towards the capital. Of course they are met by Tempest in the Valcion Kai. Ryune is furious that they managed to duplicate her father's masterpiece for their own use and deploys in the Valcione with Masaki right behind her. Tasku also deploys in the (ChikanSchwuld, or something, the big red mech) and Tempest could barely contain himself seeing it saying that it is good that he gets to destroy the mech that is responsible for killing his wife and children along with the Fed. Leona tells Tasku that the ChikanSchwuld"was responsible for some hostages dying some 16 years ago and that is why it was sealed. The incident became known as the Hope Incident. Tasku says that he had known from (can't remember whom, Viletta? Refina? Rada?) that the mech has a tragic past behind it but didn't know that it was responsible for the death of innocent but he still wouldn't let it deter him, he 'll make ChikanSchwuld work and atone for it's past After reducing his mech to some percentage, Tempest goes a bit crazy, as the machine seems to make him think of only revenge. Ratoni recognizes this, it is the Keim system which Atola once tested it on some "School" members, it is technically the Zero System of OG, except that unless you have special powers, odds are it'll drive you mad, or think of only one thing until you die. There is no way to save Tempest except to kill him. Of course Hanz comes out with an army of DC Troops and berates the Hagane and Hiryukai team for continuing to fight a futile battle. Daitestu asked Hanz why he betrayed the Earth Federation, and Hanz smugly says that there is NO way that the Federation can beat the Aerogater, it is too soft, that is why he turns to DC, once Bian was dead and DC was ruined, it still have the Earth Cradle, it's purpose was to save some of the best and brightest of Earth in a cold sleep so that humanity can survive the alien invasion after the rest have died or are enslaved. Hanz plans to be one of those people selected and he'll do so by killing the Hiryukai and Hagane team. Of course this makes Kyosuke angry again and he practically "Rampage Ghost" Hanz to his death. Hanz couldn't believe that he is going to die but he smugly says that the HiryuKai and Hagane team that only knows how to fight will all die fighting the Aerogaiter and laugh maniacally before his death. As for Tempest, his Valcion Kai is destroyed and him with it. Ratouni says to him before his death, still screaming for revenge, that he is going to finally go meet his wife and child again, and that HIS war ended 16 years ago. Tempest dies./ The team discussed that the possibility of more Valcion Kai being produced are high and that the abducted Princess Shine might be used to further the Keim System's power. Stage 28 Preparations are made for Atola's attack on the Capital and Dr. Sofia Neats of the Earth Cradle wonders why humanity as a whole have to fight each other when the alien threat is looming above them. She also worries that the Earth Cradle will become a warzone when the Federation force of HiryuKai and Hagane attacks them. She then meets Zengar Zombolt for the first time and he reassures her that the Earth Cradle will not be touched. Tensan is gleefully admiring his new "Secret Cheat Code" unit and says that he should have been given one a long time ago. Atola notes that he'll take Princess Shine in the last Valcion Kai with him as a guarantee and says to Egret that he will come back from the capital as the new ruler of Earth. Egret only smiles and laughs in his mind that someone like Atola will never be chosen for the Earth Cradle and he begins to make preparations to spare the Earth Cradle from the attack of Federation forces afterwards. As the Hagane and Hiryu Kai are almost entering the capital, Brit is worried that he'll have to fight Zengar again even when the DC War is over and they should work together to repel the Aerogaiter. Kusuha tells him that if he believes in someone, he should believe in them till the end. The Capital is attacked by Tensan in the Valcion Kai and he killed Albert (The president) and a lot of officials in one blow. He roars hysterically that that's what should have been done a long time ago if Bian would have just given him the Valcion to play with. Ryusei and the others arrived too late. Ryusei screamed for Tensan to get out of Valcion Kai because the Keim system will make him mad but it's too late, Tensan has already begun to go mad, saying that he'll kill everybody, the Hagane, the HiryuuKai, Atola, everybody. Ratoni and the others tells Ryusei that it's too late for Tensan and Ryusei says that he'll stop Tensan's rampage. However Atola deployed and he used Princess Shine to pilot the Valcion Kai's Keim system. Rai is furious at Atola for doing this and Ingram orders everyone to attack Shine's Valcion saying that if they hurry and destroy the Keim system, they can save her. The battle is hard but Rai and the others prevailed. Lili notes that DC right now is not what Bian and Maiya envisioned and attacked Tensan, this surprises everyone but Tensan attacked back and killed Lili. She dies peacefully saying that she's going to go to meet Maiya, and that Zengar will take care of everything else. And appear he does, Brit and the others are worried that they have to take on Zengar as well when Zengar says that Maiya had ordered him to tie up the loose end of those in DC who wouldn't follow their dreams and would use DC's power to rule the world like Atola. Atola is furious at Zengar but Zengar roared "I AM ZENGAR ZOMBOLT, THE SWORD THAT CLEAVES EVIL!!!!!!!!" and he begins to attack Tensan and Atola Tensan died laughing maniacally which depressed Ryusei as to what he might have been. Atola dies when everyone else on the ship abandons him there. However the Hagane and HiryuKai manage to save Princess Shine and that's what mattered. Kyosuke, Brit and Excellen talked to Zengar, he says that he has no intention of rejoining them because all in all he DID betray them even if they forgive him, it's just not right. However, when the Aerogater attacks, he will be there to fight alongside them and then Zengar leaves. With Albert dead, the no-attack policy against Aerogater is gone and Norman and Raker begins to plan an attack of Nebgeim or WhiteStar that will be called Operation SRW. Stage 29 The Earth Cradle has contacted the Hagane saying that it will surrender and Daitetsu and Tetsuya thinks that it will be Ok to leave it alone for now (You're gonna regret it, think Ancestors, people) The team has recovered Princess Shine's Valcion Kai and though Ryune wouldn't pilot it, she did give her blessing for anyone else to use it. The unit is stripped of the Keim system. Rai talked to Princess Shine and says that she has to go back to her country even though she wants to be with them. However Rai says that her duty is to her country and that their duty is to protect the Earth. Shine asked him to come meet her once the battle is over and Rai agrees. The capital is then under attack by Aerogaiter forces, the team deployed and after beating some small fries, a mysterious enemy appeared and Ingram notes to himself whether it is time for him to complete his mission. Ingram tells Daitetsu to evacuate at once since they can't beat the new enemy and even if they deal enough damage to it, the enemy might send in Map W like weapon to devastate the capital. Daitetsu doesn't see any proof of this and wonders how Ingram knows but he did allow Ingram to order the units to stay near the ship. After dealing some damages, the enemy retreats and the operators then said that Map W weapons are on the way to devastate the capital. Daitetsu is amazed that Ingram guessed correctly and the two teams escaped. Later on Rebi Tora and Adett is talking to Viletta Badem?? Thanking her for her undercover work on Earth and asked where is the other Spy they sent to Earth and Viletta says that he'll be arriving in a little while. Stage 30 Ingram tells Aya that they will practice the SRX Formation today since R-3 and R-2 has gotten the Plus Part. Aya isn't confident as to whether they can do it and Ingram tells her that he'll always be there for her. Aya regains her confidence and walks out determined not to let Ingram down when Ingram smirks to himself that humans are SO easily manipulated. Meanwhile Ilm, Rob and a lot of the others have gathered to spy up on Kusuha and Brit. They see Brit and Kusuha as a couple in the making and wonders why Brit doesn't just profess his love for her. Things get even wackier when Kusuha tells Brit that she'll make her special drinks for him if he'd like it and Brit gladly accepted not knowing about the earlier victims. Ryusei, Kyosuke, Excellen, and Masaki are talking and Ryusei say that the R- series have a secret which Masaki and the others guessed correctly that the R- Series could combine into a super robot which annoys Ryusei that it was so easily deduced. Heck he even got a code name for the transformation which is Variable Formation, and Rai asked what the heck it is when Excellen chimed in saying that she's heard it in all those old TV shows like "Pild-r On" or "Let's Com-ine"etc And Rai says it's nonsense but Ryusei tries extremely hard to defend it when Aya comes in saying pleasantly about the time for the training which makes them wonder whether anything good happens to her. However Aerogater attack and Daitetsu tells Ingram and the SRX team to sit this one out, however Ingram says that their team will deploy as well but it will take a while. Before the battle starts, Brit wonders where Kusuha is and is told that she will deploy along with Ingram and the SRX team because her Nishiki had developed some problems. After beating out enough of them, Ingram in the R-Gun and the SRX team appear along with the Nisihiki, however Aerogater ship Fure also comes out, after beating a couple more of them, Ingram tells the team to form SRX. They are shocked since they have never attempt such a thing but Ingram says that this is the moment that he trained them all for, and for them to trust in him, if they can combine then the victory is clearly won, Aya believes in Ingram and begins the variable formation. It failed and Aya is knocked away barely conscious. Ingram looks at this and begins to laugh. Suddenly he rushed to Aya's side and tells her that it is time for her to die, and R- Gun blasted the R-3 into bits. The others are shocked at what Ingram just did and suddenly Aerogater appears beside Ingram as if to protect him. Ryusei couldn't believe it and shouted out why Ingram had to kill Aya. Ingram says that Aya is a failed sample and must be eliminated. Kyosuke surmised that Ingram betrays them to join Aerogater to ensure his own safety. Ingram says that is a good guess but wrong because he has always been with Aerogater because he is an Aerogater spy, and that to him, the team was never more than samples to him. Ryusei couldn't believe it and Ingram says that to him Ryusei is Sample 55,nothing more. Ryusei screamed out that Aya truly truly believed in him and love him and he made a mockery of it, he won't stand for it "Commander Ingram … No… Ingram Prisken!!!! He shouted " I won't forgive you, I'll take you out!!!!!" The team also rushed him, Masaki says that he won't forgive someone like Ingram and Ingram countered whether Masaki will follow him to the end of the Earth like he did Shu Shirakawa, and Masaki says that he'll finish Ingram off here. Ingram says to Rai that SRX probably need 3 Psychic making the suggestion that Rai is unnecessary. However Rai says that until he beat Ingram, R-2's seat is still his. Ilm says that he should have noticed Ingram earlier and Ingram says that Ilm has become a fine pilot since the PTX days and Rin would be proud of him if she were here. After beating the R-Gun, more Aerogater forces appear and also took Kusuha along with her Nishiki, the Aerogater force is lead by Viletta who has come to welcome Ingram back, Ingram goes,but not empty handed. After the dust is over, Rio tries to find Kusuha but see that she is gone, she tells Brit and Ryusei and Ryusei screams out in frustration at the turn of events. Ryusei and Brit almost gets into a fistfight because Ryusei said that Brit should have protected Kusuha, but Brit countered that it's Ryusei thart Kusuha always wanted and what does she means to him exactly, if he doesn't want her then tell her. Charter interrupt the battle saying that even if they fight, Kusuha won't come back and to save their energy for rescuing her. Tetsuya reported to Daitetsu that they have recovered both the R-Gun (if you blew it up) and the remains of R-3, and Aya is still alive but unconscious unhurt physically but psychically. Excellen goes to see Aya in the medical room but she is unconscious, Ryune and Rada also wait for her. She wakes up saying that she just had a very bad dream where Ingram tries to kill her and something like that JUST can't happen, can it? Excellen stops her and tells her the truth that Ingram betrays them all to stop her from becoming delusional and have her confront the hard truth. She screams out that it's a lie but the others tell her it's true; they convince her to fight once more to find out the truth for herself and to meet Ingram once more on the battlefield. And Rada says that she know just the Yoga pose to relax them. Excellen tries to sneak away but is caught and she thinks that her bones will be broken THIS time. Meanwhile Ingram is greeted back on the Nevigeim for a job well done by Rebi and Adett. Stage 31 Adat is waking up one of her project; she gives him the name Keiza and tells him that the time has come to attack the Earth. However Ingram says to send in Iron Mask first to test them. Kyosuke is promoted a rank to Chuui and the others are also promoted a rank because of their work in the DC War. Kyosuke is asked to take command and asked whether Aya or Ilm would be better but they both decline, Aya because she is still raw over Ingram's betrayal and Ilm isn't good in a commanding position. Although he really doesn't want it, Kyosuke accepts the job. Durign the battle, he comes out and reintroduce himself and the other ribs him a bit but promise to follow his lead. Excellen also ribs him saying that Kyosuke is such a good man, good position, how come he doesn't have any women at his side (take the hint Kyosuke) The battle is tough and Kyosuke knows that Ingram must have programmed these Aerogater with their fighting pattern because they are better than normal. However help arrives in the form of Gilliam Eika who helped the Hiryu Kai during the DC War. When he appear, Masaki asked whether they have met before elsewhere and Gilliam paused and say that they have never met, at least not here (Think Hero Senki) He comes with his Gesphent Mk II R but however finds Iron Mask who commadered the attack. Ratouni and Tasku think that the movement pattern is very familiar and so does Gilliam. They beat off Iron Mask. Later Gilliam met Refina, he says that he is still working with the information Bureau but at this time it is better that he stays with them to gather the information he needed about the Aerogater. He says he'll stick with the team until the end. Kai, Ratouni and Gilliam met with Refina and Daitetsu to discuss the movement of Iron Mask, it is extremely similar to that of Commander Kaweui of the old special force which Gilliam, Kai, the late Tempest, Zengar and Elzam was a part of. He disappear testing one of the Gesphent S and the special team disbanded after that. Gilliam notes that the Aerogater's true objectives might be…. Daitetsu tells all the members at the meeting to keep this hushed up for now because they don't want to add to the distress of the other members. Later Gilliam met Rada and he jokes that he doesn't want to do bone-breaking Yoga right now. Rada is depressed that everyone sees her as JUST a yoga freak. She asked Gilliam's help in breaking into Ingram's encrypted files on Mai Kobayashi. Gilliam agrees thinking that the information in the file might help to illustrate Ingram Prisken's personality Stage 32 At the Nebigeim, Ingram is brainwashing Kusuha, you can tell by her blank blue eye. He ask her what she is and she replys that she is a weapon for the mighty empire, he ask her who are the enemies and she replys that all those who oppose the empire are the enemies, to her the Hagane and HiryuKai is the enemies, but when pressed by Ingram to tell him what Ryusei Date and Brooklyn are to her, she hesitate a while before stating that they too are her enemies. Ingram plans to send her out even though Adat is opposed to this. Meanwhile, the SRX Team and all R-Series mech are suspended from operations because of guilt by association to Ingram. While the Hagane crew knows that Ryusei and the others wouldn't betray them, the top brass aren't so sure and of course Ingram has a hand in creating the R-Series and who knows what he puts in there, until the R-Series is completely checked out, they are grounded for questioning. The mechanics like Jonathan, Rob and Kirk are busy repairing mech, Rob comments that the battle will be very hard from here since Ingram knew everything about them. The base is attacked and the team saw that it is Kusuha who attacked them. They know that she is being stringed like a puppet when she doesn't reply to them and speak Heero Yui-like language all monotone like. Kyosuke tells Brit to just disable the Grungust Nishiki so that they could rescue her. However when he almost does that, she regains a bit of her sense and screams for Ryusei's help that breaks Brit's heart and she is recalled. After more battle with Geisar, Brit is lamenting about not being able to rescue Kusuha and Garnette comments that it must be heartbreaking for Brit for him to learn that in Kusuha's heart is Ryusei. Speaking of which, Ryusei is grilled and while he is released, he is shocked to learn from the questioner about Kiriko Date's (his mom) past connection with Aya's father's lab and Ingram Meanwhile Gilliam and Rada has successfully break into Ingram's encrypted files and found out that the odds of Mai Kobayashi and one Dr. Janet Fonda (I think that was the name) are only listed as missing not dead like the official files. The odds are very high, seeing as how Kusuha is turned into an enemy, and the mysterious Iron mask man's appearance, that Mai is still alive, somewhere. However the data seems different than what Aya remembers. From Aya's memory, Mai is her older sister but according to the file, Mai's age is younger than Aya.Rada ponders the thought that Aya's memory might have been tampered with. She wants to meet Dr. Kobayashi to discuss what HE knows and is hiding but Gilliam tells her that Dr. Kobayashi is in intensive custody following Ingram's betrayal and that access to him is impossible. Rada regrets that but notes that Mai and Aya might not even be real sisters if Aya's memory has been tampered. Episode 33 Knowing that the Aerogaiter are targeting them, Masaki offers a plan, since Psybuster is top on the Aerogaiter's most wanted list, he'll go on survelliance and offer himself as bait so that they will attack and hope that Kusuha is also there. It's a good plan but since the Captains don't trust Masaki not to get lost, they have Ryune accompany him and also Excellen to keep tab on these two hotheads. What they find is the original Valcion piloted by the supposedly dead Bian Zoldark and Shu Shirakawa in the Granzone. "Bian" tells Ryune that the time has come for the Earth to unite, under DC's feet to fight the Aerogaiter, and Ryune says that that's not what her dad would really want since he would want everyone to bond together to fight the Aerogaiter whether they are Federation, Space Colony or DC. Masaki shouts to "Shu" that "Is this what you mean by not doing anything" and "Shu" replies that Masaki is an idiot to ever trust him. In the midst of this, Excellen is shouting to the two as to why they are behaving strangely since the two enemies there are only…. Masaki and Ryune attack the two but can't make much of a dent. Masaki notes that while "Shu" is pushing all the right button with his words to Masaki, something is a bit off since according to Shu's own nature, he doesn't really make an appearance without any purpose and the Lapis Computer inside the Psybuster doesn't detect the Granzone. Excellen figures out that the two are under illusions and that the mastermind must be somewhere close. She detects Adett and Adett comes out saying that it is amazing that Excellen doesn't fell under the illusion, there must be something special about her, and Adett is determine to find out once she takes Excellen back to her lab. Excellen hits Adett's mech that negates the illusion and "Shu" and "Bian" turns out to be Aerogaiter's Basku. The rest of the team arrived and defeated them and Adet beats a retreat. She later screamed at Ingram as to why he didn't bring back Excellen because HE HAS to know what makes her immune to the illusion and Ingram only says mysterious stuff that I don't really care to find out. Meanwhile for a mission well done, Excellen asked Daitetsu if Daitetsu could give her, some of his old fine liquour. Daitetsu says that once they get back to base, he'll give her some and the conversation turns to what Liquour (Sake, Wine, etc) tastes great. And with the SubCaptain, Daitetsu's former SubCaptain joining in to talk about good Captain knowing what Liquour to drink, Refina, feeling left out, wonders whether if SHE should start drinking. Stage 34 The Aerogaters are attacking again and this time it is Ingram who commandeered the attack. After fighting off a few of them, he and Kusuha come out. Rio and the other are astonished as to why Ingram still has the R- Gun since they have it in dock (if you blew it up) Leona and the other says that with Aerogaiter technology, it is probably easy to recreate it since Ingram was the one who designed R-Gun. Kusuha says to Brit and Ryusei in her normal voice that she's fallen for Ingram. And that she has decided to go with him. Brit and Ryusei know that Ingram is still manipulating her. Ingram order Kusuha to attack them. Ryusei says that he'll cover for Brit, while Brit rescue Kusuha. Ryusei gives Brit his blessing saying that he can't make Kusuha happy but Brit CAN. When Brit confronts Kusuha, she asked whether Brit wants to be her lover since he's always acting a bit weird when around her. Also Ryusei never pay attentions to her no matter how hard she try, if Brit can beat her, she'll be his forever. Brit says that those words wouldn't confuse him, and that he'll hear it from Kusuha when she's herself again by his own effort. "Brimg it on Grungust Nishiki!!!!!" he screams, "As Master Rishu and Captain Zengar taught me!! Attack before you are attacked. Kusuha then says "Goodbye Brit kun" and uses her Hissatsu Keitou ShunGoken, but Brit duck and disable the Nishiki saving Kusuha and freeing her. Ryusei notes that Brit did his part now it's their turn. They defeated Ingram's R-Gun however, it suddenly reappear, definitely mutated. Ingram says that this is the R-Gun Reviere, and it is a monster to beat. Needing more firepower, the SRX Team then decides to form SRX and THIS time it succeeds. Ingram smiles and says that he'll be the SRX's first opponent. Rai says that the SRX can't last that long so they have to finish Ingram off quickly and SRX then takes on R-Gun Reviere. However the MOST interesting battle is when Gilliam engaged Ingram. Ingram is astounded and shock (and that's a rare occurrence) it is like looking into a mirror image, but one slightly different than him This is the direct quote: Gilliam: So YOU"RE Ingram Prisken Ingram: Huh?!!!! What?!! This man Gilliam: ………….. Ingram :WHO ARE YOU !!!!!!? Gilliam: The same fate as you…..I'll only say that I am someone who also shoulder the same fate of roaming and wandering the parallel worlds…. Just like you. Ingram: WHAT !!!!!???? Gilliam : But it seems we've taken different path…. I ….know that… Ingram: ………. Ingram :What is your purpose ???? Gilliam : To pursue and investigate a certain group of people. At least that was it Ingram: Was? Gilliam : Defeating you and the Aerogater is my top priority right now Ingram :Hmmphh, looks like an Irregular (unexpected player) has enter the game. Ingram runs after taking lots of damage but the Reviere is still fill with HP. After the battle, Ryusei went to see Kusuha at the medical room and see Brit there. He gives Brit his blessing again and runs off. He then meet Charter and Garnette who correctly guess that Ryusei doesn't want to open his heart to someone because he fears that he might not survive the war with the Aerogater. Charter tells him that no matter what, he's not fighting alone, Masaki, Kyosuke, and the others will all fight alongside him. Kusuha has revive and amazingly doesn't remember anything from when she was an Aerogater puppet but she felt that she must have done something bad, Brit tries to calm her down by lying saying that she didn't get kidnapped and turn into an enemy who is bent on killing them and in love with Ingram. Brit is a lousy liar because Kusuha figured everything out in seconds, and say that she must have caused a lot of problem for the team.almost crying. Meanwhile Ryusei is told by Rob and Rai that SRX has develop a problem, it seems that it can only combine only one more time, because of some unspecified problems (probably the Tronium Engine). However once combined, it will last the battle. Ryusei notes that it is then best to use the last SRX Combination in the upcoming counterattack in the final battle. Stage 35 Daitetsu is told that a crew of high ranked people in the Federation is trying to reach the White Star in order to draw up a peace treaty (read: Surrender) from the Southpole in Daitetsu's old ship the Shirokane. However at the South Pole, it is under attacked by automated Aerogater forces. The Kurogane headed by Elzam comes out and talked to the cowardly officials and decides to protect it. Zengar also arrives to help Elzam in his Huckebeing Tronbe. After defeating some of them, the two teams comes out and both Elzam and Zengar retreats saying that they will meet again when the attack on White Star begins. Even though the team is victorious, a lone enemy unit attacks the Shirokane with precision and destroyed the deck killing all the officials, the pilot of the unit is revealed to be Viletta (but not to the team). Later the team notice s that everything else of the Shirokane is still in perfect condition needing only minor repairs. They wonder why the Aerogater unit did not completely disabled the ship so that it cannot participate in the upcoming attack. Meanwhile, an associate of the cowardly officials whom I forgot name and will now dub Evil Indian Guy notes from afar that it is unfortunate that the officials have died and that it might be time to go back to his "country" (Point to note: some episodes ago, after the end of the 2nd DC Uprising by Adola, and the announcement of surrender by Rebi,the officials were asking EIG why Rebi wants them to surrender since they had already discussed surrendering before with him to his planet. EIG then says that like Earth, his planet is made up of different counties, and these countries have different empires.) (What this COULD mean is that back in Ep 5, the "Aerogaters" there were actually Zezenan and the other Souwolk disguised as Aerogaters, or that the Souwolk had defeated and absorb the Balmar (Aerogater) into their empire. Whatever it is, in the sequel, it WILL be something that should be picked up on) Stage 36 It is nearing the 30 days ultimatum that the Aerogater gave the Earth; preparations are almost underway for the counterattack. With tension increasing each day, the two teams decided to have one last party before the coming battle. Rio is excited and coaxed Leona, who seems especially unwilling, into preparing the food to make it an international banquet with foods from Korea, India, German, etc. Tasku is gleeful that he is going to get to eat Leona's cooking at last. Meanwhile Daitetsu and John, his old vice commander on the Hiryu) are in Daitetsu's room drinking to each other and Daitetsu tells him that John has been with him through thick and thin and that if anything happens, he ask that John do his best to help everyone. John rebuffed him, saying that that is no way to think. And the foods are out, Rio gives Rai the curry that Rada and Yun (the female operator on the Hiryu Kai) has prepared, it is a combination of Indian and Korean taste, and it pretty much burned Rai's lip as he gasped for water. Next up is Leona's German cuisine and Tasku offers to eat it with Leona protesting to the last minute. He does and turns another color and goes down. She apologizes saying that cuisine was NEVER her strong point. Kuro points out that EVERYONE has to have a weakness. (It gets even funnier in Kyosuke's route, when trying to digest the food, Taksu asked for something to drink and Kusuha gives him her "special" drink which double K.O. ed him) (You know, I'm sensing a pattern here, original SRW female heroine doesn't seem to be able to cook well, even Excellen once said in Kyosuke route that the best food she could do was the 3 min Cup Noodles) But the highlight of it is when Excellen and Garnette come out in Bunny Girl costume to be the eye candies for the male. Needing liquour and lots of it as the party gets underway, Garnette and Excellen goes to Daitetsu's room and shocks him with their curvely appearances and asked for booze, the one that Daitestu promised Excellen several mission ago. While handing it over to Excellen, he notes that Excellen and Garnette are big drinkers and that he'll never see this bottle and the liquour it contained again. Back at the bridge of Hagane, the male operator is piffed that he doesn't get to attend and Tetsuya says that someone has to be on duty in case of enemy attack but he tells him that he can cover for him for 10 minutes. As he runs out, Refina comes in saying that she isn't much of a party person and someone has to be available. They talk and seem to hit it off, since they are both young but are either Vice Captain or Captain. Of course Aerogater has to attack at this time, ruining the mood. It is Gezar, the weird pimple and hair guy who looks strikingly familiar to someone and Iron Mask Guy. The team scrambled hastily and SOME member are still reeking of booze, Tasku is still queasy from Leona's cuisine and Garnette and Excellen didn't have time to change and are piloting the mech in their bunny girl suits (you tell me how sexy, and weird that is) Excellen asked Kyosuke why HE doesn't seem drunk and he says that he drank only Green Tea during the party to be alert and Ilm says that he drank only a milkshake just in case. During the battle, Iron Mask seems to recognize the Gesphent and combining that with his movement, Gilliam notes that it could be Commander Kaweii from the old Special Forces. After getting a beating, Gezar plays dirty and reminds Ryusei of Tensan Nagajima, the others noticed it too but Tensan is supposed to be dead. Excellen says that maybe it's a long lost twin brother, but the other dismissed it saying how could Tensan have a brother who looks like him but is an alien. Gezar send out Map W nukes and flee, the team disabled it. Giliam is now sure of the Aerogater's motive. The party resumed. Stage 37 It is time to announce the counter attack name; its codename is SRW, Operation SRW. The counter attack will consist of all Federation, DC, Colony ships attacking, Phase Two will consist of them attacking with nukes if conventional attacks failed. If Phase Two failed, then Phase 3 will have the Hagane and HiryuKai invade the White Star to destroy it from within, and Phase 4, if the ships are incapacitated will have ALL PT from both ship, the strongest of Earth's force, attacking the core and defeating Ingram Prisken and Rebi Tora and destroying the White Star. A near futile mission, but one that must NOT fail at ALL cost. The team are a bit uneasy hearing the plan explained and Charter says that the odds of them dying are high. Garnette snaps at him telling him NEVER to say that, she will live, and don't Charter dare DIE on her. Kyosuke notes that it is the biggest gamble of all time and smile saying that it is a bet worth taking. Ryusei and some of the others wonders what SRW means and Excellen offers her version, being that S is for Sexy, R is for Romance and W is for Weapon, so it means Operation Sexy Romance Weapon. (Probably only the Valcione fits this category) And Ryusei counter that it's obvious, SRW stands for Super Robot Wars. The other doesn't think so (which shows just how non-otaku they are, of course it stands for Super Robot Wars, we live for this thing) Ilm talks to his father before leaving, His father says that Ilm HAS to come back, he has to come back to see his father again, or else…his father will raid Ilm's little black book and make off with everyone Ilm jotted down even Rin. Is that enough motivation for you, Mr. Playboy? Ryusei also meets with his mom; he tells her that he knows about her past with Genzo Kobayashi's lab and Ingram Prisken. Yukiko says that she didn't mean for Ryusei to find out because that part of her life was over, she wishes Ryusei the best of luck in his new life. Rio and Ryouto talks and Ryouto asked Rio that if they survived this, can they go on a picnic, Rio answers that it would be a nice reward with the others after the battle. Ryouto says that he wants only just the two of them to go and Rio says that that isn't such a bad idea. Meanwhile in the hangar, Rob and Dr. Kasahara are surprised to find Dr. Marion; she had come with a generator that will give the SRX the ability to combine almost infinitely. She says that while she still hated mech using Alien tech, using this Earth technology created generator on it seems poetic and ironic considering who help built SRX and she leers at Professor Karku who tries to address her by her first name but rebuffed by her. Rob asked why Professor Marion is SO antagonistic towards Karku and Jonathan tells Rob that the two USED to be married, and got divorced. Rob can't picture the two of them together. Daitetsu and Tetsuya convene in Daitetsu's room, he asked Tetsuya to take a drink but Tetsuya doesn't, because he hates booze. Daitetsu tells him that Tetsuya is like a son to him, and that no father should ever lose their children. Tetsuya notes that Daitetsu's real children died during???? (I'm guessing either the Hope Incident with ChikanSgrud or the incident in Elzam's colony or when the Hiryu got attacked by Aerogater.) He tells Daitetsu that he will reserve the drink for when they come back victorious, and Daitetsu agrees, As the two ships are leaving Earth's atmosphere, they pick up a signal from Mao Industry on the moon, Aerogater are attacking. Noting that it could be a trap or a diversion set up so that they miss the rendezvous with the other ships, but not wanting to lose Mao Industry and Rin, the team heads toward the moon. On the moon, Aerogater forces are attacking, and though the personnel are in the shelter, Rin Mao doesn't want to take the chance that they won't attack it. She asked Rio's father, for ANY PT she can used, Rio's dad says that a lot of the Gesphent were destroyed in the DC War and all remaining Gesphent were given to the Federation for Operation SRW. The two Huckebine MK II are also gone, but Rin Mao notes that ther is one mech left that is powerful enough to repel the attacker, it is her own personal Grungust which she took as a memento from her piloting days before coming to head Mao Industry if you didn't meet the requirement, if you do, Rin asked that the lock on the original Huckebine 008L be unlocked. As Rin attacks them in her mech, the other comes out and if it is a Huckebein, Rai notes that he never thought he would live to see the day that this "Vanishing Trooper" would be fighting in a battle alongside him. But he won't let what happened to him on the 008R soured his feeling, he's moved on and put the past behind him. Ilm asked Rin if she is doing Ok and she doesn't answer back nicely which tells Ilm that Rin is still angry at him for his behaviour. (Fess' up loverboy) However Iron Mask then comes out, and they are shocked to find out that he is piloting a Gesphent S that disappeared with Commander Kaweii therefore he must be… The "Gesphent S" is stronger than it looks and Ratoni suggest that only the appearance is a Gesphent like the R-Gunthat Ingram pilot against them which became R-Gun Rivale. It is an Aerogater mech disguised as a Gesphent. After killing him, he thanks them for releasing him from this existence. Gilliam then vows revenge on the Aerogater for doing this to his old commander. Rin still doesn't forgive Ilm that easily but she did tell him to come back from the battle. And she probably gave him the 008L to help out. Rio meet with her father and he said that while he personally want Rio to stay where it is save with him, he understands why Rio has to go and fight the Aerogater. Stage 38, The operation is staring and the two teams arrived in the nick of time, the mission is command by Commander Norman. However after all attacks failed, they go to Phase 3 where all ships tries to make for the WhiteStar, however they are up against an army of Fure, Kyosuke tells all member to protect all the ship at all cost to enter the White Star. However, most are destroyed and Commander Norman died trying to enter with his ship, leaving the Hagane and the Hiryu Kai to finish the job. Stage 39 Nearing the entry point, Ingram tells Viletta to deploy and do what she has to do, Adett then tells Geza to go and destroy the double crosser. The team entered the area and found it is guarded by an army of Aerogater, however, they are surprised when one of them destroyed the other one being Geza destroying Villeta's mech saying that he and Adett knows what Viletta is really up to and that this is the end for double crosser like her. He calls for more reinforcement. Ryusei is almost sure that Geza is Tensan somehow because Tensan could have been rescue by the Aerogater. However help comes in the form of the Kurogane and Zengar in the Reishiki. With their help the Hagane makes it way to the selected point and begins to charge up it's Tronium Buster Cannon, Gezar intervenes but Daitetsu tells the team to overeheat the cannon and the engine and to ram both Gezar, and the Hagane into the barrier of the White Star. The explosion deafens the place and Refina and John in the HiryuKai wonders whether the Captain and the others crew are dead or not? They then see the escape pod for the Hagane being picked up by Kurogane and the robot entering it. Daitetsu tells Refina to stay behind so that Aerogater forces can't follow them, and to protect their homeworld while the Kurogane and the PT enters it to destroy it. Refina reluctantly agrees. Elzam gives Daitetsu full command of his ship and himself and so does Zengar, Zengar meets with his former subordinate and though it is a bit clumsy to talk to them once more, they forgave him for his past attacks on them. Stage 40, Entering White Star or Nebi Geim, The team are shocked to find out that it has an atmosphere and environment that seems like Earth. They are even more shocked to find DC forces waiting to attack them. Elzam identifies them as DC troops from the numbers that went missing and that these aren't Aerogater mech made to look like DC forces. The DC Troops piloting them must have been brainwashed by Ingram. Kusuha says that that is horrible and say that they have to rescue them like they did her, however she is told that in her case, it was an exception because Ingram only used the T-Link system to temporarily brainwashed her with no side-effect while these people are goners. Saddened at this, the team vowed that they have to stop the Aerogater and defeated the brainwashed DC troops. Afterward, four Valcion Kai appears. Ryune says that they defeated those before and cheap copy of her dad's mech won't stop them. The team noted that with Aerogater's tech, most Earth mech can be copied. After finishing THEM off, the team is surprised to find THEMSELVES??? It seems that a copy of most major players in the team has appeared as enemies, such as the SRX team, Ryusei, Rai, Aya in SRX, Kyosuke, Excellen and Brit, Gilliam, Tasku, Leona, Ilm, Masaki and Ryune. "Kyosuke" tells his team that it seems that a fake team has appeared and our Kyosuke noted likewise. Kuro and Shiro are also shocked to see that they too were duplicated. However help arrives in the form of Viletta in the Geshpent S, Rada asked her where she's been and she ducked the question by saying that she's been around since they last met. Gilliam questioned her whether they should trust her since she is very much like Ingram and she tells them that if they don't trust her then they are free to shoot her in the back anytime they like and Gilliam then said he trust her. She tell them that the shadows are created from scans on their memories like snapshot of them but fully under Aerogater control, she tells them to destroy these shadow since they won't listen to reason. As Psybuster goes up against Psybuster, Valcione against Valcione and more, Ryusei fights against his double in the SRX, "Ryusei" says to him that if Ryusei destroys the SRX, it might just trigger the Tronium Engine and "Aya" further drums it to Aya that the T-Link System is something that will always attract misfortune in a move to demoralized the team. However it failed and all the doubles are gone but the battle's not over yet, cause here comes Adett and Geiza, tired, the team is ruthlessly rushed by high HP Aerogater mech along with Geiza, but they don't give up, As Geiza goes down, it seems that he remembers stuff from his past that he has to go play a game tomorrow, the Burning PT, and he'll slaughter them all THEN, This cinches it for Ryusei that Geiza was Tensan Nagajima. Adett confirms this by saying that they rescued Tensan and gives him this new body with no memory of his past life. And that's what she's going to do to all of them. However the team unleashed everything they have at her and as her mech crashes and she crawls out, she is met by Ingram, who shows her through data that her true identity WAS and still IS Jennifer Fonda of the Kobayashi Lab, whom he had kidnapped along with one other as the first sample. He thanks Jennifer Fonda for her hard work but now it's over for her. Adett screams that she isn't Jennifer Fonda, that she's an Aerogater, but Ingram coldly says that the ONLY true Aerogater on board is him and he shoots her dead. Stage 41 A (The truth about Ingram) The team has finally reached their destination and Ingram welcomes them to the heart of Nebigeim. He says that their original mission is at an end and they will get new mission here. Kyosuke orders all units to destroy R-Gun Rivalere knowing that if they kill him, they can destroy the Nebigeim. The fight with Ingram is silent, tough but in the end R-Gun Rivalre goes down. Viletta paused briefly noting that this horrible way is the ONLY way to free Ingram. Ingram chuckles a bit before dying and he congratulates them on what they've done, they 've finally stopped him when he couldn't himself. Ryusei and the others are confused and they asked what Ingram actually is, he replies that he is a manufactured man, sent along with Judecca to collect samples and that his will is bounded to Judecca and it's objective and he can never escape it's thrall as many other that he brought here. Kyosuke and the other then realize that Ingram was actually training them to bring him down to release him. Ingram tells Aya not to be bounded by the past and to forge a new life for herself, he truly wished the team luck in the battles beyond, he thinks to himself that everywhere he goes, in whatever dimension, the results seems to always be the same, but for one brief moment, he is truly Ingram Prisken, a man of his own free will and he smiled before R- Gun Rivalere exploded as Ryusei screams out "Commande Ingram!!!!!!" in disbelief and in sorrow. Masaki can't believe that Ingram did all that to get them to kill him. Ryune says that deep down Ingram can't forgive himself either for what Judecca made him do, but even so, it was no forgiveness for what he did. Suddenly there is a shaking and the team gets a feeling that something bad is about to happen outside, the Kurogane hightails it out of there. Stage 41 B (The Battle with Rebi) Outside the Nebigeim, Refina and other ships are waiting, seeing as to what happened, Refina asked whether Daitetsu made it out and is relieved to find them, however something else also emerged from Nebigeim, it is the Judecca piloted by Rebi Tora along with the remaining Aerogater force, it destroyed the rest of the Earth fleet and damaged both ship. The team deployed and Rebi tells them that they have been chosen to become warriors for the Aerogater. Elzam asked her what would become of them afterward and she says that weapons do not need to know such things. Of course the team rejected whatever she says and as Zengar puts it, no questions asked, they will defeat her. Kyosuke chuckled a bit, and says that he hasn't found anything this big to gamble on before and Excellen notes that his gambllerholic mania is kicking in, which might not be that good, even Tasku don't seem to think that they can win, but Kyosuke announced to all units, and to everyone in the vicinity, this IS their final mission, It's time to put all their money where there mouth is , and he leads the charge against Rebi who is content to give them a sparring. Daitetsu shouts as the Kurogane enters the frontline that it all began when the Hiryu under his commands and that he lost many fine crewmembers, their sacrifice won't be in vain and he tells Tetsuya to open fires. Leona shouts that Maiya, Bian and so many others had died so that they could be prepared to defeat the Aerogater, now is the time to fulfill their dream and protect the planet and the race that they loved, for humanity's future. As Rada enters the battle against Rebi, her equipment shows no mistake, Rebi is actually that person. Rebi asked Rada what she hopes to learn about her through the measly psychic relation power of her but Rada countered that the instruments confirmed that Rebi is a human just like them. Ilm mockingly says to Rebi that why don't he give her a handicap and comes out of his Grungust to fight personally. Rebi isn't amused and tells him to give her all he's got, Ilm smirked saying that why don't she come out of Judecca then? I mean it's such a waste for a cute young girl like her to be doing this, he's pretty sure that she'll grow up to be a good (looking) young woman whom he can take out on a date. Rebi's expected reaction was "YOU PERVERT!!!!, I'll zip that mouth of yours SHUT FOREVER". Ilm then say " Hey, I did say, that I was going to give you a handicap (Meaning: he could have been more lewd with the sexual joke) Ratouni faced off against Rebi and she exhibits Heero Yui signs that Rebi says will make her a good solider for them. Ratouni says that she won't dance to anyone's tune anymore, thanks to Ryusei and the others, she's found her true self and she'll help Rebi find hers as well and Rebi mocks her that she's still following orders and dancing to someone's tune Rebi mocks Valcione for being a life sized- doll created to fulfill Ryune's ego but Ryune then says that this doll packs enough powers to beat her and attacks Rebi. Rebi also mocked Kachina for being basely simpled for just spoliing for a fight, saying that it's the main event. Kachina retaliates saying that she'll kick the butt of whomever she don't like with 100% of herself and she says that " You haven't study me enough Alien!!!" (For Kai,(Kyosuke Route,) he thanks Rebi for reuniting the special team and that they were able to put Commander Kaweui's ghost to rest, Rebi then asked whether Kai is that haunted by ghost and spirits and Kai says that the Special Team has ALWAYS walked with spirit, the spirit named Gesphent) Rio tells Rebi that what she and the other Aerogater had done is wrong but Rebi doesn't even begin to understand her and dismissed her. But Rio shouted that to HER, Rebi is EVIL and her sense of justice tells her that Rebi MUST be brought down. Ryouto, is scared, and Rebi asked mockingly as to what a scared wuss like him can do, he replies back that even though he's scared, being scared won't solve anything, so he'll fight despite his fear, and he's not the only one. When Russell is targeted by Rebi, she mocks him also, but Russell says that while he's scared, compare to what Kachina puts him through and what she'll do to him if he runs, this isn't that scary. Even Garnette has something to say about it, she tells herself that she's not going to die, she's going to live, because she has found her reason, whatever the case, she WILL GO BACK, BACK WHERE SHE BELONGS. Rebi then asked her why she's trying to commit suicide by picking a fight with her, Garnette retorted that she doesn't want a future that is handed to her on a silver platter, if she wanted to run, she'd have done so in the first place, she's here to make a future for herself and the one she love Rebi also notes a strong almost indomitable force of will rushing at her, she says to it's owner that that power and that will is what they were looking for even though it is aimed at her at the moment, but then the source of the will shouted, (like he always does, ) " I am Zengar, Zengar Zombolt, the sword that cleaves Evil, Rebi Tora !!!!! , you WILL disappear by the hands of my ZanKatou" and the Grungust Reishiki unleashed it's most powerful move. As the battle raged on and Judecca is hit by Metal Genocider, Ripslasher and more. Ryusei asked Rebi to consider that since Tensan, Adett, Kaweui and more were just brainwashed people by Ingram, isn't the possibility high that she TOO is the same, Rebi shout back as if to reaffirm to her self, "NO, I am an Aerogater, the Core of Judecca" and Ryusei shouted that THAT could be false memory too! Rebi retorted back to Ryusei to shut up, she would not believe Ryusei. Rai says that every good warrior knows his place to die and Rebi then says that he's certainly found the place but Rai rejects that saying that as long as there is something and someone he has to protect, he won't die, this WON"T be his place to die. Tasku says that it's time to test his luck just like Kyosuke, Rebi says that luck alone won't win a battle, there's such a thing as difference in power and that he'll never defeat Judecca, however Tasku says that he has this nasty habit of turning his opponent's word right back at them. Gilliam faces Rebi and he tells her that it's time for a divergence in the timeline, will this timeline goes the way he predicted or will it turns to a new unpredictable path, of course Rebi can't understand him at all but she notes something special about him. She also faces Viletta whom she called Ingram's little doll and asked whether she can do anything by herself. Viletta says that she's been given free reign by Ingram, and that she will free Rebi from the fate that Ingram inflicted on her, because that was his last request. Excellen also joked about Rebi saying that it's nice to meet Rebi-chan but they have to fight now, Rebi recognized her as the woman Adett mentioned. Rebi mentioned to Brit that with his power, he just might make the grade and become one of them but Brit says that his power isn't the deciding factor in beating her, as Zengar and his mentor has shown, his skill is what will beat her and he will BEAT her. Elzam meets Rebi and Rebi says that Elzam will be good as a weapon of the Aerogater or die but Elzam says that he's not ready to go meet his dead wife yet. He recount that his wife has given her life willingly to stop the terrorist attack years earlier, and that he will not let her death be in vain, with his blood stained hand, he will bring her down with his Tronbe. Ryusei tries once more to reason with Rebi but she rejects his claims, he shouted that DC, the Colonial Troops and them fights with their own free will but he hasn't seen any of her free will, she's just like a puppet, a marionette dancing to Judecca's string. She rejects his claim again, Masaki and Kyosuke tell him that it's probably too late for Rebi, the Judecca must be destroyed at all cost. When Masaki comes close to fight, Rebi notes that the Masoukishin he piloted is an enigma to them and a great power but that power will be use for them once they have it. Masaki retorts that making people dance to your tune is a great power, as he has great experience with Shuu and then Ingram and he knows that Rebi is dancing to someone else's tune since he doesn't see her true will, her determintion in the battle, he shouts that as a Masoukishin pilot, he will cut Rebi from the strings that binds her. Aya meets Rebi and she feels the psychic energy is like her own, Rebi doesn't like it and she tries to kill Aya, Aya notes that while she may hates her psychic power for what it costed her, if it is needed to stop Rebi from herself and from Judecca, then she will accept it. Kusuha shouts out for Rebi to end this since this battle won't solve anything and that she's already lost and that Rebi might have just been like her when she was brainwashed, Rebi reject that claim again. During the battle, Rebi feels a shock in her head, she screms what's happening. Aya asked Rada if Rebi is and Rada's silence confirmed it, Aya notes that the only way is to destroy Judecca, isn't it because she's too far gone like Ingram. Kyosuke and the other tries to comfort her but she says it's all right, for the Earth, Judecca must fall. Rebi shouted that they can't possibly think to stop Judecca and Nebigeim, but Kyosuke counters her that he already see a victory on the horizon, if Judecca's destroy then the battle's won, he won't let this chance go, it's time for him to unveil his joker. Rebi starts to realize that the power the Aerogater were trying to harvest has become a double edged sword and she screams that she'll destroy them all but Masaki shouted back for her to shut up and see who's underestimating who now!!! He tells her that Rebi and the Aerogater are like spoiled brat and bad losers who loves to tip over the table when they are losing. Rebi retorted back that she has all their data, they can't win, but Masaki says that Data are only records of yesterday and they have grown since yesterday, taste our power!!! Kyosuke leads the final charge, he says to all unit "Assault 1 to all units, let's end this" "I'm putting everything into this bet, all money's on the table, no regrets, this is our final card" Ryune then shouts " Right, the future that my Dad left us, we'll protect it with our own hands" Excellen " I guess that goes for everybody" Masaki " Let's end this, for the sake of this planet's tomorrow,our future we will grab with these hands of ours !!!!" And they charged Judecca one last time and finished it off. Rebi then laughed saying that by destroying Judecca, they have doomed their home planet, because the last invader is where it all started and Judecca was the only thing keeping it dormant, with it gone, it will activate and consumes the Earth. Rebi dies as the explosion from the Judecca consumes her. Ryouto then knows what Rebi was talking about, the Meteor 3, everything began there, and it was probably an Aerogater weapon in disguise. The team must now go to their TRUE FINAL mission. Stage 42, Meanwhile back on Earth, Kai is monitoring the attack on Meteor 3 and the results are not good, all attacking forces have been absorbed by it. He is told that the Kurogane and HiryuKai is headed for it and wished them luck in the final battle. They find Meteor 3, now fully functional, it WAS a final weapon of the Aerogater aimed at Earth, it spewed out copies of assimilated DC forces, Federation forces and Aeogater forces. Charter says that if they fail they'll get assimilated as well and becomes a part of it, a fate worse than becoming weapons for Aerogater. Garnette tells him to stop it, she's going to live, she's going to go back, and don't Charter DARE DIE ON HER. Daitetsu says that they won't be beaten by a rock no matter how alien it is, For the sake of this planet's tomorrow, chimed in Refina, all units deploy!!! Meteor 3 announced itself; it is Septagin the last invader The battle is fierce and Septagin spews out a lot of strong unit when damaged enough and goes haywire after that and Daitetsu tells the team to finish it off in 5 minutes, they do and their battle, against DC, against the DC remnant against the Aerogater is finally at an end. Aya, Rai, Ryusei and Rada talks together, Aya confirms it with Rada that Rebi was probably Mai Kobayashi who was taken by Ingram and brainwashed. Ryusei asked whether destroying her and Judecca was the only way and Rai says it was. Aya says that Ingram tells her before his death not to be mired by the past and to forge new future and that is what she will do, beside she has this weird feelings that she can meet Ingram and Mai (Rebi) elsewhere, she doesn't understand it but knows it to be true (Alpha continuity anyone? So Ingram's still alive there then?) Gillaim and Viletta talks, He asked her who she really is, she says that her real name is Viletta Prisken, not Viletta Badem as the other know her, she was created from a part of Ingram (cue biblical reference of Adam and Eve) to act on Ingram's behalf once he become inable to act with his own free will. She was created when Judecca's control over Ingram was not strong which means that he never subjected her to Judecca's control. To Judecca, she was an irregular, out of its control, which is why Ingram sent her away to be with the Hagane and HiryuKai when he starts to become completely controlled, she would complete his true will. So in a sense, she says, she is a double agent, although she doesn't plan on telling the other this. Gilliam asked her what she knows about the Aerogater and Ingram. She tells him that Ingram was sent along with the Judecca by the creator, Aerogater whom they know as Balmar, to travel space and collect samples to be remolded as weapons and they traveled space for an unknown amount of time before arriving on Earth and determining that Earth was perfect. Somehow Ingram awake not totally under Judecca's control and wants to be free, rebelling against his instruction, he plans all this and create Viletta to achieve his true objective to be achieve when he couldn't resist anymore. She doesn't know whether Balmar is still out there or if they are still alive. Gilliam notes that the "aerogaters" who appeared at the South Pole could have been a different batch than Ingram and the Judecca or it could mean that there is more than one race of alien out there in the universe, whatever the case, this dimension is turning out to be more than he expected. He asked Viletta to come with him back to the information bureau to work with him in gatheing information on the Aerogaters and other things but she declined saying that Ingram wants her to be a team with Rai, Ryusei, and Aya and to train them further, and she will respect that last wish not because she is told to but because she wants to. John and Refina along with Tasku, Russell and Kachina are leaving for the Asteroid base Icaros (Where in Alpha continuity, Gunbuster went there after the Balmar war). Kachina says goodbye to Kyosuke saying that while she might not get to be a test pilot like him, it was fun being with them. Although she is taking a memento, Kyosuke's old Gesphent which became her Red Gesphent to remember them by. Tasku wants Leona to go with him but can't find the courage to ask her, When the others tell him to be brave because this might be the last time he meets her, he screws up the courage to asked her, extremely awkwardly, Leona looks at him coldly for a minute before accepting his offer. However she wonder whether there is a place and enough supply in the HiryuKai if she also comes along and Kachina says that she listed her team as four members, herself, Russell, Tasku and Leona. Leona says to Tasku before they leave to join the Hiryu that if Tasku EVER cheats on her, she'll make him live to regret it. As she leaves, Tasku wonder whether he made the right choice. Refina tells Tetsuya that it was nice meeting him and reassure him that he will one day become a GREAT captain just like Daitetsu. Daitetsu says farewell to John and hope they will meet again one day Ryusei meets Charter and Garnette who are leaving the military to get married. They haven't set a date yet but will invite everybody when they do. They relate to him their meeting with Ratouni. Apparently Ratouni still wants to be in the military to find her old friend from the school, Arad, Seora and one other whose name I forgot, she knows they have to be alive and she will find them, which is why Gai will take her under his wing and help her. Charter and Garnette tells her that to them, she will always be their little daughter and that by the time she comes back from searching, she might have a little brother or sister to call her own, which led Gai to wonder when did they "do it" Rada, Ilm, Ryouto and Rio will leave the military to be test pilot for Mao industries. Jonathan welcomes Ilm back at the base and Ilm says that his dad now doesn't have to raid his little black book for the girls he marked but an unexpected visitor Rin heard him and says a bit angrily that she and Ilm needs to have a LONG talk. Rio is welcome by her dad and Ryouto apparently beginning a relationship with Rio finally meets his girlfriend's father which shocked him that his little baby has a boyfriend now. Of course Ryouto lets it slip while talking to Rio's dad that his family runs a dojo (martial art house) and Rio peeved that Ryouto didn't tell her this challenged Ryouto to a duel once they reach Mao industry. Ryouto asked if Rio knows Martial art and Rio says no but she won't Ryouto to be better than her in anything. (Way too competitive person here) Kyosuke and the ATX team are leaving for their old North American base, it got demolished during the beginning of the DC war, but it is repaired, Rob says that with the war over, the government is planning a freeze on PT and AM production and Excellen wonder if that means that their mech like Weizbritter and Altaisen will be destroyed, Rob says that the current mech available will still be needed to protect the peace, but to show that it is serious about peace, the Federation has order halt to the development and production of Grungust Sanshiki and Hyukebine MkIII (which has EOT tech in them, I guess) and Ryusei wonder when THESE things were ever made. Dr. Marion says that hasn't discouraged her, she is planning on creating the Bilt Bilgar, Bilt Falgen, and of course the upgrade to Altaisen (can you say Altaisen Rieze) all with Earth technologies. Excellen tries to get a word in to Dr. Marrion to upgrade her little old Weiz, and not to leave it alone. Marrion says that she'll look into it. Kyosuke, Excellen, Ryusei and the rest meets Masaki and Ryune. Masaki is intent on going after Shu once more now that the danger is passed, saying that someone like him can't be left alone to plan whatever he has in mind. The other thanks him for his help and he says that whenever they need the Masoukishin's power once more, he will be there for them. Ryusei says to leave the well-being of Upper Earth to them and for Masaki to go do his business be it here or Lar Gias. Ryune doesn't plan to stay in the military since it doesn't suit her and also because her dad was the one who started a war with the Fed. She plans to go back into outer space to investigate Jupiter perhaps. Brit asked Kusuha whether what she want to do next is really Ok with her, she says that while it might be hard for her to leave Ryusei, she wants to go with Brit, but not as a pilot, she plans to become a doctor and that will be a job more suited for her than piloting, and she'll go to the North American base with Brit to train there and be there for him and the rest of the ATX team. Kyosuke and Excellen says farewell to Ryusei, Aya, and Rai saying to leave the well-being of the Western continents to them and for them to take care of the East, Kyosuke notes that Zengar and Elzam are gone like the wind, but he knows that they'll reappear and they will meet once again when the Earth is in danger. Kyosuke tells Excellen to hurry up since Brit and the others are waiting in the transport plane. Excellen ask if they couldn't wait a minute so that they could kiss, and Kyosuke agrees and the two kiss in each other's embrace (Enjoy it, when the Einst comes there's gonna be more trouble on the corner) Aya tells Ryusei that their mech is getting an overhaul and that they are free to take a leave for a while, she is staying to supervise the overhaul and she suggest that Ryusei go home to visit his mom since Rai has already left. Rai visited the grave of his sister in law, Elzam's brother, he is greeted by Princess Shine who has come to meet him, he tells her that his dead sister in law was a great influence for him and that is why he has taken her maiden name as his middle name, Raidis Fujiwara Flashtein. Shine then asked whether the bouquet at the grave is his and he says it isn't and smile knowing that his brother was probably here before him to honor his late- wife. Ryusei arrived home and finds Kusuha's letter which tells him that she went with Brit to become a doctor and Ryusei, though a bit sad that she isn't here anymore with him is happy for her and Brit, he rings the bell and his mom greets him, Ryusei says to his mom " I'm home, Mom" The END . . . . . . . . . . . . Epilogue...(6 Months later) Half a year after the Balmar war that was codenamed the L5 Battle, the Earth Federation has begin to rebuild. Brian Midcliff, the president of the Colony Alliance has since become the Earth Federation's President. He push for the public acknowledgment of the existence of Alien Life Form in the broadcast that would be known as the "Tokyo Broadcast that made them known as threats to humanity. Brian Midcliff also push for the creation of the Aegis project, a strengthening of the Earth area's domain by mass-producing many Personal Troopers and creation of new one. However there are those in the shadows that begin to move in this situation such as the remnant of Bian Zoldark's Divine Crusaders, those within the Earth Federation with ambitions and the mysterious enemies that are called the Einst Series. During this, the heroes from the DC Wars and the L5 Battle have moved on with their lives… Ryusei Date has become a test pilot for the Arblade, a mass-produced R-1 Kyosuke Nambu has return to Langrey Base with Excellen Browning and Brooklyn Luckfield to head the PT Team there in dealing with remnants of the Divine Crusaders along with the new recruit Lamia Loveless who is an enigma herself. Excellen Browning is wondering about what connection the Einst Series and the mysterious girl Alfimy has with her. Kusuha Mizuha had worked as a staff at Langrey Base for the past 6 months but after taking part in a mysterious project, she finds herself needing to leave for Tesla Raibi Lab. Masaki Ando is still searching for his arch-nemesis Shuu Shirakawa, needing a lead he has headed towards the Tesla Raibi Lab. Rai F. Flashtein had along with Ratouni Zubota joined the TD Test team and has met two test pilots Ivis Douglas and Srei Prestei along with their friend Tsugumi Takakura. During Ratouni's testing of the BiltFalken, she met Zeora, an old classmate from the "School" who along with another student from the school Arad Blanka are in the DC Remnant. Aya Kobayashi had been working with her dad in his research but she suddenly find herself coming face to face with her supposedly dead, amnesiac sister Mai Kobayashi who bears an uncanny resemblance to Rebi Tora whom she and the team faced back in the L5 Battle. Viletta Bardem had joined forces with Gilliam Aeger and Ryune Zoldark to investigate the Aerogaiter's White Star (Nebigeim) where their final battle with Ingram and Rebi Tora took place. Tasku Shinguchi and Leona Kachtein have returned from the Icaros Asteroid Base along with the Hiryu Kai after 6 months of duties there. Ryouto Hikawa and Rio Meiron have been working at Mao Industry to create the Huckebein MKIII and other new PT Zengar Zombolt has disappeared but someone using the Zankantou named Wotan Ymir has been spotted in the upper ranks of the remnants of DC alongside other ace pilots such as Axel Almar and Echidona Isakki. Elzam V Flashtein has also disappeared but a mysterious man named Retzel Fairschmaker calling his machine "Trombe" have been spotted helping the Hiryu Kai and Hagane in the shadows. The Earth is now being plunged into a chaotic state as it was once was 6 months ago… To be continued in Super Robot Wars OG2 (Feb 3, 2005) Author Notes: (I combined the ending since it focused on different people in each route) (The Epilogue is made up from details from OG2 Famitsu scans and informations from ) This Faq is copyrighted by nitake92. Super Robot Wars is copyrighted by Banpresto.