======================================================================== SUPER ROBOT TAISEN R (Game Boy Advance) ======================================================================== Super Robot Taisen R FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.10 August 08, 2002-October 25, 2002 Unpublished work Copyright 2002 gundamtotoro E-Mail: gundamtotoro@hotmail.com ======================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ======================================================================== I. Introduction II. Email Guidelines III. Gameplay IV. Intermission Screen V. Walkthrough VI. Secrets VII. Combination Attacks VIII. Frequently Asked Questions IX. Special Thanks X. Copyright Information ======================================================================== I. INTRODUCTION AND VERSION NOTES ======================================================================== I am your typical mecha obsessed fan, so therefore I like Super Robot Taisen/War games. I wrote a FAQ for Super Robot Taisen A for GBA before, and I thought would do some work on one for Super Robot Taisen R, so tada! ----- Version 1.10 (October 25, 2002) Well I received the whole series of Gear Fighter Dendoh, so I fixed the names from that series. Added the Final Dynamic and Double Mazinger Blade Combination Attacks. I did some name corrections throughout and some general cleaning up. I also added some more specific info on recruiting Puru. The FAQ also won a September FAQ of the Month award which has me insanely genki. I can now further support my SRW habit and write more FAQs for these games. ^_^ ----- Version 1.00 (September 10, 2002) It's done! I missed a couple of alternate levels for the Walkthrough. Namely Scenario 36-Raul and Scenario 30-Gear HQ Path (No Master Asia). Every possible level is now included in the walkthrough. The Combination Attack list was updated with the Shuffle Alliance Fist and Super Electromagnetism Smashing. Information for Tsukumo and Genchiro's Alstromerias was clarified. Tables showing the advantages of each path were included. ----- Version 00.93 (September 02, 2002) The Walkthrough now covers the entire game and all of its paths. The Secrets, Combination Attack, and FAQ sections all received some more information as well. I am sure the Combination Attack and Secrets list still need some more work (such as confirming how to get both versions of Alstromeria), and that will be included once that information is discovered. Holidays are useful for finishing up FAQs. ^_^ *tries to think up a good version number* Umm, how about a little Char's Counterattack reference? ^_^; ----- Version .50 (September 01, 2002) The walkthrough now covers the Freedan, Fortress, and Colony Drop Paths. The Frequently Asked Questions section was given an update. Gundam Mk. III was added under Secrets after it was confirmed. Formatting was cleaned up. ----- Version .41 (August 25, 2002) The walkthrough now goes to end of the game, but I still need to finish the walkthrough up some other paths.. Secrets and Combination Attack Sections have been added. I also should be having a chance to see Gear Fighter Dendoh soon, so hopefully the names and information from that series will be improved. ----- Version .28 (August 20, 2002) Yeah, this is sooner than I meant to update, but it is now up until the end of Scenario 28 and covers how to get Shin Getter's extra attacks and Master Gundam, which seem to be some of the more common questions for the game, so I thought an update might be nice. I also cleaned up formatting errors as usual, and made a table to show what units go on which path. I swear I am going after masa7su with a Goldion Hammer if he mugs that format choice too... ----- Version .23 (August 19, 2002) The walkthrough now goes up to the end of Scenario 23 (want to guess what I base my version numbers on?) on the Vega Rescue Path. Some format adjustsments have been made. Frequently Asked Questions section has been added. The Ace Pilot system got an explanation under Gameplay. ----- Version .15 (August 14, 2002) I thought I'd put more work in trying to translate the enemy names so progress is going somewhat slow at the moment. I also decided in the middle of scenario 15 that I would start putting in how much money each unit drops so it will be easier for everyone to tell what stages to replay. Anyway, here are a few more stages for your relative enjoyment. ^^; I also fixed a few formatting problems. --- Version .10 (August 08, 2002) Umm, the thing was started, most of the non-walkthrough stuff I copied from my own SRTA guide and slightly modified since it is highly similar to SRTR. ======================================================================== II. E-MAIL GUIDELINES ======================================================================== First off, please do not email me concerning rom requests or the like. That is like rude and stuff, besides it is not too hard of a game to get... well when stores get their stock resupplied anyway... ^_^; Please put "SRWR: (name of subject)" or something similar in the subject heading, I normally do not read emails where there is no subject. Also avoid using caps, bad spelling, colors, or any strange fonts. Common courtesy will also do wonders for your chance of receiving a reply ^_^. I would highly appreciate any help with the FAQ though, any clarification, corrections, and additional information would be very much appreciated and credit will be given. ======================================================================== III. GAMEPLAY ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are the commands available to units, not all units have all of these commands, but this is the order they appear in when they are all available. MOVE ATTACK TRANSFORM FLY/LAND SPELLS STATUS ITEM MOVE: When chosen, the squares a unit can move to are highlighted. When a square is selected, the unit will move to that location. ATTACK: Available when an enemy unit is in range of an attack. A screen is displayed showing available attacks. When an attack is chosen the effective range is highlighted in red. When an enemy unit is chosen, the attack then commences. TRANSFORM: Some units can transform, this lets them do it. Getter Robo is the most obvious example, or even the Main Character's robot in this game. FLY/LAND: Allows a unit to take off or land, mostly useful to let units get on the appropriate height to use a combination attack or support techniques. SPELLS: Displays the spells available for that pilot, which can be used when selected. STATUS: Shows information on that unit. ITEMS: Any battle use items equipped on a unit can be used with this option. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Being Attacked ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1st Choice: The computer's automatic selection, normally an alright choice to go with. 2nd Choice: This brings up three options: 2A: Make your own attack choice. 2B: Blocking, which reduces damage taken by half. 2C: Dodge, increase evades rate by half. 3rd Choice: Selects Unit to use Support Technique, or choose for no unit to support. 4th Choice: Toggles Battle Animation ON/OFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Support Techniques ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When allied units are on the same height and next to each other, they can support one another. At least two units are needed and they must be adjacent to each other (not diagonal). The same height requirement from SRTA is gone here, yay! When attacking, an ally who can support will have a red arrow with an "A" on it pointing toward the ally who is performing the primary attack. The supporting ally must have an attack that can also reach the enemy from their placement for a support attack to work. When defending, an ally who can support will have a blue arrow with a "G" on it pointing toward the ally who is defending the attack. The supporting unit will move in front of the ally being attacked and guard the incoming attack. This is useful for defending a weaker unit, or just to reduce the total amount of damage received. Support techniques can be turned on or off before an attack takes place choosing the third option at the screen before a battle choice is made, choices can be made for a different unit to support as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ace Pilot System ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Super Robot Taisen R features a new Ace Pilot System. For every 50 kills that a character makes, he/she will receive an A beside the portrait on their profile. Each Ace marking will increase that pilot's starting morale by +5. Shuffle Badges will also add to the bonus, so a pilot with an Ace marking and a Shuffle Badge will start at 110 Morale instead of 100 as normal. Two Ace Markings and a Shuffle Badge will equal out to 115 morale. Unfortunately two Ace markings is the maximum. :( ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leadership System ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Certain characters have leadership qualities that effect gameplay. Any character with leadership will have the squares around them highlighted in blue, and any fellow units in those squares will benefit from increased hit and evade rates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replay System ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replaying the game is different in SRWR than it was in SRWA, and in my opinion it is for the better. All unit upgrades carry over to your replay game. Any and all unit upgrades in weapons, HP, EN, Mobility, or Armor will carry over. Any money left over from the previous game will also carry over. The number of kills a pilot has will also carry over to a new game, and if you choose a different main character starting out, they will still have the same number of kills as your previous main character. The number of item and upgrade slots will remain the same though. ======================================================================== IV. INTERMISSION SCREEN ======================================================================== Alright, this screen can be confusing at first, here is the basic lay out, the titles I am using are not translated by any means, but the meaning should come across. ^_^ UNIT LIST PILOT LIST CHANGE PILOT UPGRADE UNIT UPGRADE WEAPON ITEM EQUIP TRANSFORM MAP PREVIEW SAVE LOAD NEXT MISSION UNIT LIST: This lists all of your available units ranking from the highest HP to the least. PILOT LIST: This is a list of the pilots available in the order of highest level to lowest. CHANGE PILOT: This screen lets you move a pilot from one unit to another, pilots can only move to units that would normally be in the same universe. Amuro can go into any unit that is from a UC Gundam series, but can not pilot Getter Robo or Mazinger (or a Gundam Wing or G Gundam unit for that matter) UPGRADE UNIT: At this screen you choose a unit (still arranged in the previous order and upgrade their stats for a certain monetary price. UPGRADE WEAPON: At this screen you choose a unit (still in the same order as before), choose of their weapons, and increase its attack for a price. ITEM EQUIP: Choose a unit, and choose what item you want to equip on it. TRANSFORM: Lets you change the beginning form of a mecha, such as the main character's unit. MAP PREVIEW: This option shows a preview of the map for the next mission. SAVE: Lets you save your game on one of the two save slots available. LOAD: Lets you load a saved game from one of the two save slots, probably want to avoid this one for the most part. NEXT MISSION: Proceeds to the next mission. ======================================================================== V. WALKTHROUGH ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Excellence Player Reinforcements: Nadesico B Super Aestivalis Ra Kailum Re-GZ Jegan Enemy Units: Dautress x 04 (1200G) Jenice x 02 (1800G) Enemy Reinforcements: Daughtress Command x 02 (1400G) Jenice x 04 (1500G) Daughtress Weapon x 04 (1200G) Items: Cartridge x 02: Jenice (2 in Enemy Reinforcements) Propellent Tank x 02: Daughtress Command x 02 Repair Kit x 04: Jenice (2 in initial group, 2 in Reinforcements) Events: Turn 3: Player and Enemy Reinforcements Arrive Notes: The Excellence starts by showing off the capabilities on different suit variations on a bunch of cannon fodder mecha from Gundam X and W. A group of Jenice and Daughtress units actually end up attacking though. Scroll down to the fourth option which will be the main character's spells and use the 15 point spell which will increase your dodge and hit by 30%, which will make dodging the incoming attacks much easier. Just sit in place and let the Daughtress units attack you, which will promptly be destroyed by the Funnel type weapon. Just wait out the second round, and on the third round the player reinforcements and enemy reinforcements appear. Have the main character use the 15 point spell again to better handle the two Jenice units remaining from the intitial group which will now start moving. Just try to keep your units together so they can support each other and you should have little trouble finishing the stage. After all enemy units are destroyed you are given the first split of the game immediately. The first choice is the Nadesico path, and the second is the Ra Kailum path. The following table shows which units go on what path: |------------------------|---------------------------| | Nadesico Path | Ra Kailum | |------------------------|---------------------------| | Excellence | Excellence | | Nadesico C | Ra Kailum | | Super Aestivalis | Re-GZ | | | Jegan | |----------------------------------------------------| The following table shows what advantages are available on each path in terms of exclusive units and items: |-----------------------------|-----------------------------| | Nadesico Path | Freedan Path | |-----------------------------|-----------------------------| | HM Black Salena | MP Nu Gundam | | | Gundam Mk. III | | | | | Booster x 01 | Booster x 01 | | Cartridge x 02 | Cartridge x 05 | | Chobham Armor x 02 | Chobham Armor x 02 | | Dual Sensor x 01 | Dual Sensor x 01 | | High Performance Radar x 01 | High Performance Radar x 01 | | Learn Type CP x 01 | Learn Type CP x 01 | | Magnetic Coating x 02 | Magnetic Coating x 02 | | Propellent Tank x 07 | Propellent Tank x 08 | | Repair Kit x 07 | Repair Kit x 05 | | Solar Panel x 01 | Solar Panel x 01 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 02-Nadesico Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Excellence Nadesico B Super Aestivalis Aestivalis-Ryoko Player Reinforcements: HM Black Salena Enemy Units: Aestivalis-Artillery Frame x 08 MP Aestivalis x 04 Sternkugel x 02 Madura x 02 Enemy Reinforcements: Shishiki x 06 Yatenkou x 01 (Hokushin) Items: Booster x 01: Hokushin (Leader in Enemy Reinforcements) Cartridge x 01: MP Aestivalis Propellent Tank x 01: MP Aestivalis Repair Kit x 01: Madura Events: Initial Group of Enemies Destroyed: Player and Enemy Reinforcements Appear. Black Salena gains +30 Morale. Notes: The initial group of enemies are pretty easy for the most part. Just allow for your units to hop onto the Nadesico B to recharge their HP if needed. After the initial group is destroyed, player and enemy reinforcements arrive. The enemy reinforcements are somewhat difficult since they have some high dodge rates. Just let everyone support each other, and use appropriate spells to help hit the enemies. Concentrate, a 15 point spell that raises hit and dodge rates by 30% is of course useful here. Akito also has a 20 point spell that ensures a 100% hit rate on an enemy. Aestivalis-Ryoko joins after this battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 02-Ra Kailum Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Ra Kailum Excellence Re-GZ Jegan Enemy Units: Geara Doga x 10 (1000-1200G) Geara Doga-Rezin x 01 (2000G) Jagd Doga-Gyunei x 01 (3600G) Enemy Reinforcements: Gear Doga x 07 (1200G) Sazabi x 01 Items: Booster: Sazabi Cartridge: Geara Doga-Rezin Propellent Tank: Jagd Doga-Gyunei Repair Kit: Geara Doga-Rezin Repair Kit: Jagd Doga-Gyunei Events: Turn 3: Enemy Reinforcements Arrive Notes: Proceed south, have your Main Character and Amuro use Concentrate as needed to better handle all of the Geara Dogas. On Turn 3 Char arrives in his Sazabi with more Geara Dogas. Char will try to retreat when his HP becomes low, so try to finish it off with a strong attack (like a shot from Re-GZ with a Rage spell). After all units are defeated, or the Ra Kailum reaches 5th Luna, an event will take place with 5th Luna being disabled and the stage will end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 03-Nadesico Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Excellence Nadesico B Super Aestivalis Aestivalis-Ryoko Custom Aestivalis-Hikaru Custom Aestivalis-Izumi Custom Black Salena Alstromeria Enemy Units: Yatenkou x 01 (Hokushin) Shishiki x 06 Madura x 04 Sternkugel x 02 Neutral Units: Bandock x 01 (Butcher) Mechabeast Toratsushido x 04 (2160G) Mechabeast Doyozurahe x 02 (1700G) Items: High Performance Radar: Bandock (Butcher) Magnetic Coating: Yatenkou Propellent Tank: Mechabeast Doyozurahe Propellent Tank: Sternkugel Repair Kit: Sternkugel Repair Kit: Mechabeast Doyozurahe Events: Yatenkou is Destroyed: Yatenkou explodes next to Nadesico and makes it unable to move. Enemy Units are Destroyed: Neutral Units Appear Turn 5 (if enemies are not destroyed): Enemy Units Retreat, Nadesico is left immobile, Neutral Units Appear. Notes: A very straight forward mission. You have several units now, and the enemy is to the northwest. The strange event is that the Yatenkou will kamikaze itself on the Nadesico B rendering it immobile and prevents the Aestivalis Units from recharging their EN correctly. If Turn 5 rolls around before you destroy the Yatenkou, then the Yatenkou will attack the Nadesico B, his forces will retreat, and the Neutral Units will remain. Once all of the enemy units are defeated, Butcher will appear with his forces. They have a decent number of HP, but they are nowhere near as accurate as the previous forces you fought against, and the Aestivalis units should be able to dodge most of their attacks with relative ease. After the mission, the Nadesico C replaces the Nadesico B. The Black Salena, Aestivalis-Hikaru, Aestivalis-Izumi, and Alstromeria will join you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 03-Ra Kailum Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Ra Kailum Nu Gundam MP Nu Gundam Excellence Re-GZ Jegan Enemy Units: Geara Doga x 09 (1200G) Geara Doga-Rezin x 01 (2400G) Jagd Doga-Gyunei x 01 (3000G) Jagd Doga-Quess x 01 (3000G) Neutral Units: Mechabeast Toratsushido? x 04 (2160G) Mechabeast Doyozurahe? x 02 (1700G) Bandock x 01 (10000G) Items: Cartridge: Geara Doga-Rezin High Performance Radar: Jagd Doga-Quess Magnetic Coating: Bandock Repair Kit: Mechabeast Doyozurahe Propellent Tank: Jagd Doga-Gyunei Propellent Tank: Mechabeast Doyozurahe Events: 5 Enemies Remain/Quess or Gyunei is Defeated: Gyunei and Quess Retreat All Enemies Defeated/Turn 5: Neutral Units Arrive. Notes: The stage starts off with another group of Geara Dogas. Destroying Rezin or Gyunei offers no real benefits, but destroying Quess will land a High Performance Radar, which is always helpful. Quess will run away under various conditions though. She will run away when her own HP become low, Gyunei is destroyed or forced to retreat, only 5 enemy units remain, or Turn 5 arrives. I would suggest hitting her with Nu Gundam's Funnels with a Rage spell for the simplest method to defeat her. Butcher's forces will require some team work though. Head for one of the colonies if you would like to recover HP and EN every turn, otherwise keep everyone together so they can support one another. If Butcher ends a turn in front of your units, be sure to disperse them because he will fire a MAP Weapon at everyone if possible. Destroying Butcher is well worth it since he drops alot of money and some Magnetic Coating. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 04-Nadesico Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Excellence Nadesico C Aestivalis-Saburouta Aestivalis-Ryoko Aestivalis-Hikaru Aestivalis-Izumi Black Salena Alstromeria Enemy Units: Yatenkou x 01 (Hokushin) Shishiki x 06 Madura x 06 Sterkugel x 06 MP Aestivalis x 06 Items: Cartridge x 02: Madura Chobham Armor x 01: Yatenkou Propellant Tank x 02: Madura Repair Kit x 02: Madura Notes: Player Units start out being surrounded. The units to the north will wait a few rounds before advancing. The units to the west, east, and south will all immediately start attacking, and will focus on the disabled Nadesico C. Sending the Black Salena with Concentrate in one direction, and the Main Character with Concentrate in another direction will each distract an enemy group from going after the Nadesico C and focus on some rather hard to hit units. Just a suggested way to avoid being totally surrounded. Of course place units directly north, south, east, and west of the Nadesico to help support defend it. After all the enemy units are defeated, some strange unit arrives to apparantly destroy the Nadesico C, and cause a reaction with the Excellence's time engine, and the Main Character and friends are transported into the past where they meet Daitarn 3 Characters and the Nadesico A crew.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 04-Ra Kailum Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Ra Kailum Nu Gundam MP Nu Gundam Re-GZ Jegan Excellence Enemy Units: Geara Doga x 06 (1200G) Geara Doga-Rezin x 01 (2480G) Jagd Doga-Quess Type x 04 (3000G) Jagd Doga-Gyunei Type x 01 (3900G) Alpha Azieru x 01 (12000G) Sazabi x 01 (13000G) Item: Cartridge: Jagd Doga-Quess Type Cartridge: Jagd Doga-Quess Type Chobham Armor: Sazabi Propellent Tank: Jagd Doga-Quess Type Propellent Tank: Alpha Azieru Propellent Tank: Jagd Doga-Gyunei Type Repair Kit: Geara Doga-Rezin Repair Kit: Jagd Doga-Quess Type Event: Chein (Re-GZ) destroyes Quess (Alpha Azieru): Hathaway destroys Chein, Gyunei gains +10 Morale. Notes: Move northeast and destroy Geara Dogas. Use Concentrate or Autohit to be better able to hit some of the character pilots (Rezin, Gyunei, Quess, Char). If Chein destroys Quess (which shouldn't be too hard if Chein has learned her Rage spell), an event will take place where Hathaway destroys Chein and Gyunei gains +10 morale. This event is needed to receive Gundam Mk. III later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 05-Nadesico Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Excellence Nadesico Aestivalis-Akito Aestivalis-Gai Aestivalis-Ryoko Aestivalis-Hikaru Aestivalis-Izumi Daitarn 3 Enemy Units: Batta x 09 Jovian Battleship x 04 Tetsujin x 01 Neutral Units: Aiai x 10 (1200G) Metsutangahe x 03 (1560G) Niheberugun x 02 (1800G) Items: Chobham Armor: Kiros (last Aiai in Neutral Units) Dual Sensor: Tetsujin Magnetic Coating: Kiros (last Aiai in Neutral Units) Propellent Tank: Tetsujin Repair Kit: Tetsujin Events: Turn 5: Nadesico regains ability to move. Notes: Honestly a really easy mission for the most part. You can have your units sit at the base in the southeast corner and let the enemies come to you while you gain the benefits of easy HP and EN recharge. When the first group of enemies are defeated, some neutral units appear. All except three units (Kiros in an aircraft and two tanks) will immediately start moving toward you. Go finish off Kiros and friends and enjoy the easy items obtained from destroying Kiros' little fighter craft. ^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 05-Ra Kailum Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Freedan Gundam Airmaster Gundam Leopard Taurus Metthus Re-GZ Excellence-S Gundam X Enemy Units: Jenice x 04 (1500G) Zzsa x 02 (1820G) Bawoo x 03 (2080G) Dreissen x 01 (2000G) Grandine x 02 (6500G) Enemy Reinforcements: Gundam Virsago x 01 (7000G) Gundam Ashtaron x 01 Daughtress x 04 (1000G) Daughtress Command x 02 (1400G) Items: Cartridge: Daughtress Command Chobham Armor: Dreissen Dual Sensor: Gundam Virsago Magnetic Coating: Gundam Ashtaron Propellent Tank: Daughtress Command Events: 6 Enemies Remain: Enemy Reinforcements Appear Notes: The Freedan crew starts out on the northwest side of the map while the Excellence, Re-GZ, and Gundam X start at the base at the southeast. Staying at the base is not a very good idea though. The Grandines both have MAP Weapons and can possibly catch your units in a nasty MAP cross fire. Start moving the Freedan crew toward that direction though so they are not too close to the enemy reinforcements when they appear. When 6 Enemies Remain, the Enemy Reinforcements arrive around the canyon to the north. Hopefully the Freedan group put some distance between them and this group otherwise they could get swarmed pretty quickly, and the two Gundams can be quite destructive. When one is forced to retreat or is destroyed, the other will leave as well. The Freedan, Gundam Airmaster, Gundam Leopard, Gundam X, Re-GZ, Taurus, and Metthus will all join after this battle. ^_^ Re-GZ keeps any upgrades you made to it before too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 06-Nadesico Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Aestivalis-Akito Aestivalis-Gai Aestivalis-Ryoko Aestivalis-Hikaru Aestivalis-Izumi Daitarn 3 Player Reinforcements (1): Gear Fighter Dendoh Player Reinforcements (2): Excellence Neutral Units: Unicorn Drill Enemy Units: Batta x 09 Jovian Battleship x 03 Tetsujin x 04 Daimagiso x 01 Enemy Reinforcements: Karufa x 09 Machine Beast Obiton x 05 Gear Fighter Ogre Items: Chobham Armor: Daimagiso Learn Type CP: Gear Fighter Ogre Propellent Tank: Daitetsujin Repair Kit: Daitetsujin Solar Panel: Gear Fighter Ogre Events: Initial Enemy Units are Defeated: Player, Neutral, and Enemy Reinforcements Appear One Turn After Initial Enemy Units are Defeated: Player Reinforcements (2) Appear Excellence moves beside Daimajiso: Daimajiso retreats. Notes: The Nadesico enemies in this stage turn out to be tougher than they normally are. Keep everyone together, heal when necessary. Move toward the base toward the middle of the screen if you want a 10%HP and EN recovery each turn. Once the initial group of enemies are destroyed some Gear Fighter Dendoh enemies arrive along with Gear Fighter Dendoh itself to help you. The Unicorn Drill Data Weapon also arrives as a neutral unit. Dendoh and Ogre will apparantly try to race each other to the Unicorn Drill. Use Hokuto's (brown haired Dendoh pilot) 5 point spell to increase Dendoh's movement rate and touch a square next to the Unicorn Drill to combine with it, which will give Dendoh some more attack options. Gear Fighter Ogre will try to run away when its HP reaches near 2000 HP. Try to finish it off with a strong single attack, or a support attack. Gear Fighter Dendoh will join after this battle, and the two groups will come back together again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 06-Ra Kailum Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Neo Getter Player Reinforcements: Freedan Gundam X Gundam Airmaster Gundam Leopard Excellence Re-GZ Taurus Methuss Enemy Units: Mechasaurus Doba x 04 (1400-1820G) Mechasaurus Buru x 04 (1700-1870G) Mechasaurus Mora x 02 (2200G) Mechasaurus Poa x 01 (11700G) Neutral Units: Dreissen x 01 (2600G) Bawoo x 04 (2080G) Jenice x 04 (1950G) Zzsa x 02 (1820G) Grandine x 02 (6500G) Items: Cartridge: Mechasaurs Mora Propellent Tank: Mechasaurus Mora Learning Type CP: Mechasaurus Poa Solar Panel: Dreissen Events: Turn 2: Player Reinforcements Appear Turn 4: Neutral Units Appear Notes: Neo Getter starts off alone, head east and hit one of the enemy units. On Turn 2 the Player Reinforcements will show up a short distance to the east from Neo Getter making it easier to destroy the enemy units. On Turn 4 the Neutral Units will appear toward the southern part of the map. It might be a good opportunity for Gundam X to set up a MAP Shot. Mechasaurus Poa will retreat when its HP become low, so finish it off with a strong attack for the Learning Type CP. The Dreissen definitely has the more valuable item though since a Solar Panel can recharge 10% EN of a unit's total EN every round. Neo Getter joins after this battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intermission between Scenario 06 and 07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ An option is given here to choose the name of what you want your group to be named. Nothing particularly significant other than some dialogue changes, which can possible make the dialogue of some enemies more... colorful if you want to go that route. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Venus A Diana A Boss Borot Mazinger Z Great Mazinger Valkyrie Nadesico Freedan 8 other Units Player Reinforcements: Daitarn 3 Enemy Units: Battlebeast Boros A1 x 04 (1600-2080G) Battlebeast Haribyuun V6 x 02 (1980G) Battlebeast Guratoniosu x 02 (2200G) Battlebeast Giran x 02 (2200-2640G) Dark Shogun x 01 (8000G) Neutral Units: Aiai x 04 (1200G) Metsutangahe x 04 (1560G) Niheberugun x 03 (1800G) Megapohegu Edouin (Commander Edouin/old guy) (5000G) Items: Biosensor: Dark Shogun Booster: Megapohegu Edouin Cartridge: Niheberugun (center tank) EN Chip: Dark Shogun Giant Generator: Megapohegu Edouin Events: Enemy Units are Defeated: Neutral Units and Player Reinforcements Appear. Notes: Great Mazinger is attacked at the start and is prevented from moving. Use Diana and Venus A to heal Great Mazinger. Move your units together so they can support each other as the enemy units come from the north. Dark Shogun will run away when his HP becomes low, so you need to finish him off with a strong attack or support attack to get the money, experience, and items. You may also want to have Vega (the masked girl on the motorcycle cast her 45 point spell on whoever initiates the finishing blow to double the money earned). When the enemy units are defeated the Neutral Units as well as Daitarn 3. Great Mazinger is still unable to move. Attack the enemies on the sides before proceeding south to finish off the last remaining enemies. The old guy will not retreat so just hit him with everything you have. Mazinger Z, Diana A, and Boss Borot join after this stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Zambot 3 Nadesico Freedan 8 Other Units Player Reinforcements (1): Gundam Wing Zero Custom Player Reinforcements (2): Shining Gundam Gundam Maxter Dragon Gundam Gundam Rose Bolt Gundam Enemy Units: Bandock x 01 (Butcher) (10000-12000G) Mechabeast Toratsushido x 04 (1870-2340G) Mechabeast Doyozurahe x 02 (2210G) Mechabeast Galuchisetsuwa x 03 (2090G) Neutral Units: Devil Army x 09 (1000-1300G) Devil Army Bomber x 04 (1400-1820G) Devil Gundam x 01 (8000G) Items: Beam Coating: Bandock Chobham Armor: Devil Gundam Magnetic Coating: Devil Gundam Minovsky Craft: Bandock Events: Turn 2: Player Reinforcements (1) Appear Butcher Retreats (either when HP is low or Turn 5 arrives): Neutral Units and Player Reinforcements (2) Arrive. Notes: Move Zambot 3 southwest to group up with the other units starting out. On Turn 2 Wing Zero Custom arrives and will move to a square adjacent to the Freedan. Butcher will retreat when his HP becomes low, or at the beginning of Turn 5. Neutral Units and Player Reinforcements (2) will then arrive. The Devil Army units will come toward you while Devil Gundam will stand back and wait for you to come to it. Go through the Devil Army units, and let those you need their morale raised for their stronger attacks land the finishing blows for +5 Morale each. Devil Gundam will not retreat, but it is best to try to finish it off in one round since it will regenerate each turn. Zambot 3, Shining Gundam, Gundam Maxter, Dragon Gundam, Gundam Rose, and Bolt Gundam will join after the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Gear Fighter Dendoh Valkyrie Freedan Nadesico Excellence 12 Other Units Player Reinforcements: Excellence G Frame Enemy Units: Gear Fighter Ogre Karufa x 12 (900-1170G) Machine Beast-Bitoso x 06 (1320-1560G) Neutral Units: Viper Whip Neutral Units (2): Jenice x 02 (1500-1950G) Daughtress x 02 (1100G) Daughtress Command x 02 (1560-2000G) Daughtress Weapon x 02 (1560G) Bawoo x 02 (1920G) Zzsa x 02 (1820-1960G) Gundam Ashtaron x 01 (7480G) Gundam Virsago x 01 (7480G) Dreissen x 01 (4000G) Items: Beam Coating: Gundam Virsago Booster: Gundam Ashtaron Hovercraft: Dreissen Events: Turn 1: Ogre combines with Viper Whip and leaves. Dendoh loses 53 morale. Turn 2: Excellence receives G-Frame. Enemy Units are Defeated: Neutral Units (2) Arrive Notes: The battle starts with Dendoh and Ogre battling. The Viper Whip Data Weapon arrives, but Ogre grabs it first and nearly destroys Dendoh. The Main Character will get in the way of the next strike resulting in the destruction of the C Frame. Ogre will then retreat and Dendoh will lose 53 morale. On the second turn, the Main Character will receive the G Frame for use. The intitial enemies are not much of a challenge and will all advance toward your units. When the Enemy Units are defeated, the Neutral Unit force arrives to the northwest corner of the map. The big concerns are with Gundam Virsago and Ashtaron and the Dreissen since they have some powerful weaponry and some high dodge rates. Virsago and Ashtaron will also both retreat when one of their HP becomes low or if they are destroyed. You therefore have to make a choice between Beam Coating or a Booster.... The G Frame becomes selectable for the main character after this battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Freedan Neo Getter 1 12 Other Units Texas Mack Player Reinforcements (1): Gear Fighter Dendoh Enemy Units: Mechasaurus Doba x 04 (1400-1820G) Mechasaurus Buru x 03 (1700-2210G) Mechasaurus Mora x 02 (2200G) Mechasaurus Poa x 01 (9900G) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Mechasaurus Galley x 01 (8000G) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Gear Fighter Ogre (w/Viper Whip) (6960G) Karufa x 06 (900G) Machine Beast Obiton x 04 (1200G) Neutral Units: Leo Circle Items: Apogee Motor: Mechasaurus Galley Dual Sensor: Mechasaurus Galley Hybrid Armor: Gear Fighter Ogre Learn Type CP: Mechasaurus poa Magnetic Coating: Mechasaurus poa Events: 5 Enemies Remain: Enemy Reinforcements (2) and Player Reinforcements (2)Arrive. Dendoh receives +30 Morale. Enemy Units and Enemy Reinforcements (1) are Defeated: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Arrive. Notes: Your units start out to the south of the enemies, with Neo Getter and Texas Mack to the northwest. Just group everyone together for support and work up to the north. When 5 enemies remain the Mechasaurus Galley appears to the northeast with Dendoh a few squares below it. Galley and Poa will not retreat, so you do not have to worry about any special way to finish them off. Once all the enemies are destroyed Ogre will arrive with reinforcements to the west. Ogre will try to destroy the Leo Circle if he can get close enough. The Leo Circle is strong enough to take one hit though. Ogre will retreat when his HP becomes low though, so be sure to finish him with a strong attack for a Hybrid Armor. Dendoh will be able to combine with Leo Circle after the battle is over. Texas Mack will also join. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Freedan Excellence-F Frame Shining Gundam Gundam Maxter Dragon Gundam Gundam Rose Bolt Gundam 6 Other Units Player Reinforcements (1): Nobel Gundam Player Reinforcements (2): Gear Fighter Dendoh Gundam Wing Zero Custom Enemy Units: Devil Army x 06 (1100-1300G) Devil Army Bomber x 06 (1540-1680G) Devil Gundam Enemy Reinforcements: Dreissen x 01 (2600G) Gundam Virsago x 01 (9100G) Gundam Ashtaron x 01 (8840-9520G) Gundam Nataku x 01 (4550G) Jenice x 03 (1800G) Daughtress Command x 02 (1400G) Daughtress Weapon x 02 (1320G) Bawoo x 02 (1600G) Colrel x 01 (3720G) Gabul x 01 (3740G) Britova x 01 (3520G) Items: Booster: Colrel Cartridge: Gabul Dustproof Device: Britova Giant Magazine: Gundam Virsago Hybrid Armor: Dreissen Shuffle Badge: Devil Gundam Minovsky Craft: Gundam Ashtaron Events: Devil Gundam is Attacked/Turn 5: Nobel Gundam Arrives Devil Gundam is Destroyed/Retreats: Enemy Reinforcements Arrive and Player Reinforcements (2) Arrive Notes: Devil Gundam will run away when its HP reach below 4500, so you have to finish it off with a strong attack to get the Shuffle Badge. When Devil is Defeated or Retreats some Enemy Reinforcements arrive, mostly mass produced cannon fodder mecha from Gundam X that should not put up much of a fight. ^^; The Colrel has a huge evade rate though and you will probably have to use Autohit to be able to hit it (but it only has 5200 HP). Gundam Virsago and Ashtaron will not retreat this time, just they will use support defend/attack when possible. Use a relatively weak attack so they waste their support defend and finish off one before going for the other. Heero will have a conversation with Wufei if they battle, but there is no way to convince Wufei here and leaving him as the last remaining enemy will not work (it worked with Norris in SRWA, thought I would try it here.) Nobel Gundam will join when the battle is over (wow that was simple, especially after everything that had to be done in SRWA...). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Great Mazinger Venus A Nadesico Freedan 8 Units of Player's Choice Mazinger Z Diana A Boss Borot Taurus Daitarn 3 Enemy Units: Battlebeast Bull x 01 Battlebeast Boros A1 x 04 (1600-2240G) Battlebeast Haribyuun V6 x 02 (2520G) Battlebeast Guaratoniosu x 02 (2200-2400G) Battlebeast Dokoida x 02 (3360G) Battlebeast Giran x 04 (2640-3080G) Dark Shogun x 01 (9600G) Enemy Reinforcements: Combattler V x 01 (3600G) Garamusu x 06 (1760-2080G) Items: Cartridge: Battlebeast Haribyuun V6 Cartridge: Battlebeast Haribyuun V6 Mega Booster: Dark Shogun Super Alloy Z: Combattler V Events: Dark Shogun is Destroyed before Turn 3: Battlebeast Bull destroys self on Great Mazinger reducing its HP to 10. Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear. Turn 3: Battlebeast Bull Destroys self on Dark Shogun. Great Mazinger and Venus A gain +10 Morale. Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear. Battlebeast Bull is Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear. Notes: Alright, there are three options in dealing with the guy confronting Great Mazinger and Venus A at the beginning of the stage. You can immediately destroy him for some EXP and Money, or wait until Turn 3 where he will destroy himself on Dark Shogun... well it will not do any damage but Great Mazinger and Venus A will both gain +10 Morale. I would take the experience over the morale boost personally. There is also a third option, destroy Dark Shogun before Turn 3. I did this by equipping Daitarn 3 with 2 Boosters, and hitting him with a strong attack strengthened by a Rage Spell. This results in Battlebeast Bull destroying itself on Great Mazinger, leaving it with only 10 HP, and the Enemy Reinforcements will then arrive. Once the Battlebeast Bull is destroyed by either way, Combattler V will show up being piloted by an unknown enemy to the northwest. Concentrate on the intitial enemy units and let Combattler V come toward you. Dark Shogun will retreat when his HP reach below 4000, so be sure to finish him with a strong attack. Great Mazinger and Venus A will join after this battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intermission between Scenario 12 and 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A choice is given between going on the Nadesico Route or the Freedan Route. The following units will go on their respective routes. |------------------------|---------------------------| | Nadesico Path | Freedan Path | |------------------------|---------------------------| | Excellence | Excellence | | | | | Nadesico | Freedan | | Aestivalis-Akito | Gundam X | | Aestivalis-Gai | Gundam Airmaster | | Aestivalis-Ryoko | Gundam Leopard | | Aestivalis-Hikaru | | | Aestivalis-Izumi | Re-GZ | | | Methuss | | Shining Gundam | | | Gundam Maxter | Daitarn 3 | | Dragon Gundam | Zambot 3 | | Gundam Rose | | | Bolt Gundam | Neo Getter | | Nobel Gundam | Texas Mack | | | | | Great Mazinger | Gear Fighter Dendoh | | Mazinger Z | Valkyrie | | Venus A | Cell Fighter | | Diana A | | | Boss Borot | | | | | | Taurus | | ------------------------------------------------------ The following table shows what advantages are available on each path in terms of items: |-----------------------------|----------------------------| | Nadesico Path | Freedan Path | |-----------------------------|----------------------------| | Bio Sensor x 01 | Bio Sensor x 01 | | Booster x 01 | Booster x 01 | | Dual Sensor x 01 | Dual Sensor x 01 | | High Performance Radar x 01 | High Performance Radar x 01| | Magnetic Coating x 01 | Magnetic Coating x 01 | | Solar Panel x 01 | Solar Panel x 01 | |----------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 13-Nadesico Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units Nadesico 13 Other Units Player Reinforcements: Combattler V Kerot Enemy Units: Combattler V Magma Beast Dragon Garamasu x 06 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Beast Warrior Dokugaga x 04 Beast Warrior Izasoga x 02 Skullrook x 01 Enemy Reinforcements (2): Magma Beast Gerebato 1 Items: Booster: Magma Beast Gerebato 1 Magnetic Coating: Skullrook Solar Panel: Magma Beast Dragon Events: Turn 2: Player Reinforcements Arrive Turn 4: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Arrive Enemy Combattler V Defeated: Magma Beast Gere-to 1 Appears. Notes: Alright, a pretty straight forward stage. Start off by moving your units east to the base which will give them +20%HP/EN Recover each round. Group your units around the Nadesico to take advantage of its Leadership ability which increases your units' evade rate. Combattler V and Kerot will arrive on Turn 2 in the base. The Magma Beast Dragon will flee when its HP become low, so be sure to finish it with a strong attack if you want the Solar Panel. The enemy Combattler V, and subsequently the Magma Beast Gerebato1 will not flee. The enemy reinforcements arrive at the northeast and will be happy to travel to the base on their own. Combattler V and Kerot will join after the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 13-Freedan Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Freedan Gundam Leopard-S1 Equipment Excellence-D Neo Getter 3 8 Other Units Enemy Units: Mechabeast Toratsushido x 02 (1870-2340G) Mechabeast Doyozurahe x 02 (1870-2210G) Mechabeast Galuchisetsuwa x 02 (2090G) Mechabeast Dasogaluso? x 02 (2860-3080) Bandock x 01 (Butcher) (10000) Neutral Units: Gear Fighter Ogre x 01 (5600G) Karufa x 04 (990G) Machine Beast Obiton x 03 (1320G) Items: Booster: Bandock Magnetic Coating: Bandock Solar Panel: Gear Fighter Ogre Events: Enemy Units are Defeated: Neutral Units Appear Notes: This scenario lets you know it is a heavily water influenced stage from the beginning. Leopard, Excellence, and Neo Getter are all in their appropriate forms for water combat. Luckily the Freedan's hover ability will let it skim across the water fine. Hop into the water to the southeast and beat down Butcher's forces. When Butcher is defeated, Gear Fighter Ogre will show up with some units to the northwest. Travel back to land and mop them up. Ogre will try to retreat so be sure to finish it off with a strong strike (Daitarn and Zambot 3's combination might be good choice). Leopard will continue to have the S-1 equipment available to it, and the Excellence will keep the D-Frame. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 14-Nadesico Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Voltes V Player Reinforcements: Nadesico 14 Units Enemy Units: Skullrook x 01 Beast Warrior Izasoga x 02 Beast Warrior Dokugaga x 06 Enemy Reinforcements: Magma Beast Gerebato 1 x 01 Magma Beast Dragon x 01 Garamasu x 06 Items: Biosensor: Magma Beast Gerebato 1 Dual Sensor: Magma Best Dragon High Performance Radar: Skullrook Events: Turn 2: Player Reinforcements Arrive Turn 4: Enemy Reinforcements Arrive Notes: The stage starts with Voltes V alone, so move it southeast so it can group up with everyone else on Turn 2. All of the enemies on this stage will move toward your units, so set up defensive positioning and await the enemy's arrival. The enemy reinforcements will arrive to the southwest and will be happy to move toward your units. The Skullrook will flee, so be sure to finish it with a strong attack to get the High Performance Radar. You have to choose which of the Magma Beasts you want to finish off since the other will run away when its companion is defeated. Magma Dragon has more experience and money though if that is your primary interest. Combattler V and Voltes V's combination attack is an excellent way to finish off any of these characters by the way. Voltes V joins after this stage, and the two groups re-unite. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 14-Freedan Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Daitarn 3 Freedan 11 Other Units Enemy Units: Aiai x 08 (1100G) Niheberugun x 02 (1650-2100G) Metsutangahe x 03 (1300-1560G) Enemy Reinforcements: Megapohegu Binoia x 01(Commander Binoia) (5000G) Megapohegu Berutorihe (Commander Berutorihe) (5500G) Neutral Units: Daughtress x 02 (1300-1400G) Daughtress Command x 02 (1540G) Daughtress Weapon x 02 (1500G) Jenice x 02 (1500G) Colrel x 01 (3720G) Gabul x 01 (3240-3740G) Britova x 01 (3520-4160G) Gundam Nataku x 01 (3850G) Gundam Ashtaron x 01 (7480G) Gundam Virsago x 01 (7700G) Dreissen x 01 (2200G) Items: Bio Sensor: Megapohegu Berutorihe Dual Sensor: Megapohegu Binoia High Performance Radar: Dreissen Events: Turn 3: Daitarn 3 is able to move again. Aiai (Binoia, purple skinned female) is destroyed: Megapohegu Bionia Appears. Aiai (Berutorihe, moustached male) is destroyed: Megapohegu Berutorihe Appears. Enemy Units are Defeated: Neutral Units Appear to the southeast. Gundam Virsago or Ashtaron is Defeated: Both Units Retreat Notes: Daitarn 3 and the Freedan receive a great deal of HP and EN loss at the beginning of the scenario. They will also be unable to move. Daitarn will regain its ability to move on Turn 3 though. When all of the enemy units are defeated, some Neutral units will arrive and occupy much of the southeast corner of the map. The Daughtress and Jenice units should not provide too much resistance. The Gabul still takes alot of hits until it goes down. The Britova and Colrel are both fairly quick. Gundams Nataku, Ashtaron, and Virsago all have high evade rates as well. Use Concentrate and Autohit as needed. Virsago and Ashtaron will both flee when one or the other is defeated. Neither one of them drops an item here, but Virsago has a little bit more money and experience. The two groups will reunite after this mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Freedan Boss Borot Gear Fighter Dendoh Excellence-D-Frame 10 Other Units Player Reinforcements: Mazinger Z Great Mazinger Enemy Units: Battlebeast Haribyuun V6 x 04 (1980G) Battlebeast Guaratoniosu x 04 (2800G) Battlebeast Giran x 04 (3080G) Dragonsaurus x 01 (14000G) Dark Shogun x 01 (9800G) Neutral Units: Rangoh x 01 (14000G) Karufa x 06 (900G) Machine Beast-Bitoso x 03 (1320G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 01 (2000G) Item: Chobham Armor: Mecha Warrior Jiyamu EN Mega Chip: Dark Shogun Multiple Sensor: Rangoh Shuffle Badge: Dragonsaurus Events: Turn 3: Player Reinforcements Arrive Dragonsaurus Retreats or is Destroyed: Neutral Units Arrive Notes: Much of the area here is covered in water. So flight capable units and/or units with some terrain items would fare better here. The new D Frame for the Excellence is made for the water so it will perform well here. The Freedan's hover ability will let it skim across the water so it will do fine. Great Mazinger and Mazinger Z will arrive at the top left of the map on Turn 3. They were away receiving new powerful long range 1 shot weapons (I like Mazinger Z's Giant Rocket Punch ^_^). Keep proceeding south to meet with the enemies. The Dragonsaurus and Dark Shogun will retreat together if Dark Shogun's HP is reduced or it is destroyed. To get both items, destroy the Dragonsaurus first and then Dark Shogun. When Dragonsaurus is defeated or retreats, the Neutral Units will arrive. Leo Circle and Unicorn Drill will seperate from Dendoh and start acting on their own, but will still remain on your side. Rangoh is a dangerous opponent and will easily kill either Data Weapon in two hits. Rangoh also regenerates, has a high evade rate, and will retreat when its HP become low. Defeating Rangoh gives you a sizable experience and money contribution as well as a Multiple Sensor. Be careful of the Machine Warrior Jiyamu since it has a MAP Weapon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intermission between 15 and 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another path choice is given. The first choice is Fortress NiLineKu? The second path is GEAR Headquarters. You probably want to change the Excellence out of the D-Type Frame too. This table shows which unit goes on which path. |------------------------|---------------------------| | Fortress Path | GEAR HQ Path | |------------------------|---------------------------| | Excellence | Excellence | | | | | Freedan | Nadesico | | Gundam X | Aestivalis-Akito | | Gundam Leopard | Aestivalis-Gai | | Gundam Airmaster | Aestivalis-Ryoko | | | Aestivalis-Izumi | | Daitarn 3 | Aestivalis-Hikaru | | Zambot 3 | | | | Voltes V | | Combattler V | | | Kerot | Great Mazinger | | | Mazinger Z | | Neo Getter | Venus A | | Texas Mack | Diana A | | | Boss Borot | | Taurus | | | | Gear Fighter Dendoh | | Re-GZ | -Leo Circle | | Metthus | -Unicorn Drill | | | Cellfighter | | | Valkyrie | | | | | | Shining Gundam | | | Gundam Maxter | | | Dragon Gundam | | | Gundam Rose | | | Bolt Gundam | | | Nobel Gundam | ------------------------------------------------------ The following table shows what advantages are available on each path in terms of items: |------------------------|---------------------------| | Fortress Path | GEAR HQ Path | |------------------------|---------------------------| | Beam Coating x 01 | | | Booster x 01 | Booster x 02 | | Chobham Armor x 01 | Chobham Armor x 01 | | EN Chip x 01 | EN Chip x 01 | | Giant Generator x 01 | Giant Generator x 01 | | Learning Type CP+ x 01 | Learning Type CP+ x 01 | |----------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 16-Fortress Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Freedan 11 Other Units Enemy Units: Bawoo x 02 (1920-2240G) Daughtress Command x 04 (1680G) Daughtress x 04 (1800-2340G) Grandine x 02 (5000G) Wise Wallaby x 01 (2800G) Neutral Units: Mechabeast Toratsushido x 06 (1870-2340G) Mechabeast Doyozurahe x 03 (1870-2210G) Mechabeast Galuchisetsuwa x 02 (1900-2090G) Mechabeast Dasogaluso? x 02 (2420-3080) Bandock x 01 (Butcher) (10000G) Items: Chobham Armor: Wise Wallaby Giant Generator: Bandock Notes: First off you will want to switch the Excellence to a different frame. Amuro will also be unavailable.... so you might actually want to put Fa in the Re-GZ for just this stage if you feel Kerot can take care of all of the healing responsibilities. The stage starts out with Carris' Vertigo trashing the Gundam X, kidnapping Tifa, and retreating. Wipe up the Daughtress and Jenice units (no cool snowboarding Jenices on this stage >_<). Wise Wallaby has a high evade rate, but is nothing more than a really cool looking customized Daughtress. Butcher's forces show up after you finish off the enemy units. The usual stuff applies. Be careful of placing units in front of the Bandock due to its MAP weapon, and try to use a money doubling spell to pick up 20,000G instead of 10,000G. The stage will end after the neutral units are defeated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 16-GEAR Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico 14 Units Player Reinforcements: Gear Fighter Dendoh Enemy Units: Batta x 08 Jovian Battleship x 03 Daitetsujin x 03 Daimajin x 01 Enemy Reinforcements: Karufa? x 08 Machine Beast Obiton x 04 Gear Fighter Ogre w/Bull Horn Items: Booster: Gear Fighter Ogre Learn Type CP+: Daimajin EN Chip: Daitetsujin Events: Turn 5 or Enemy Units are Defeated: Enemy Reinforcements Arrive. Notes: The stage starts with some Nadesico enemies surrounding your units on the east and south sides. The enemies will come toward your units so set up some defensive positioning. When all of the enemy units are defeated, or Turn 5 Arrives. Dendoh will show up in a square adjacent to the Nadesico. Enemy Reinforcements Arrive and all of the Data Weapons appear as Neutral Units in the center of the map. Leo Circle, Unicorn Drill, Dragon Flare, and Gatling Boar will go to Dendoh. Ogre regains Viper Whip and gains Bull Horn as well. The Dendoh enemies will approach your units, so set up defensive positioning again. Ogre will not retreat in this battle. Just finish off the remaining units and head to the next stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 17-Fortress Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Freedan Super Gundam GX-Divider 12 Other Units Enemy Units: Valient x 04 (1900-2090G) Daughtress x 04 (1980-2520G) Dreissen x 02 (2000G-2200G) Britova x 01 (4480G) Gabul x 01 (4440G) Wise Wallaby x 01 (2600G) Gundam Ashtaron x 01 (7480G) Gundam Virsago x 01 (8400G) Patulia x 01 (10000G) Bawoo x 01 (2000G) Neutral Units: Battlebeast Guaratoniosu x 04 (2800G) Battlebeast Giran x 04 (3080G) Dark Shogun x 01 (9800G) MP Great Mazinger x 06 (2400-2880G) Items: Beam Coating: Wise Wallaby Booster: Gundam Virsago EN Chip: Dark Shogun Learning Type CP+: Gundam Ashtaron Events: Patulia is Destroyed: Neutral Units Appear Notes: Yay, a simple blast the hell out of the enemy mission. Simple other than some of the better enemy pilots in the game come out to play with some pretty tough units, particularly poor Carris who is being controlled to operate the Patulia, the big battleship in the middle of the level that has some tough armor and a beam coating. Destroying the Patulia will probably take some time due to its thick armor. Try to destroy the rest of the enemy units first since destroying the Patulia will trigger an event that will make the Neutral Units appear to the east, north, and south of the base (which will probably effectively surround your units). Do not worry, Carris will join you later on in the game even though he was in the Patulia. Dark Shogun's forces should provide no more opposition than they normally do. This is the first possible encounter with the MP Great Mazingers which you will face many many many times in the future, so get accustomed to watching them explode now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 17-GEAR Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico 14 Other Units Player Reinforcements: Voltes V Enemy Units: Skullrook x 02 (13200G) Beast Warrior Izasoga x 03 (1800G) Beast Warrior Dokugaga x 06 (1700G) Neutral Units: Devil Army x 06 Devil Army Bomber x 06 (1400 G) Devil Gundam x 01 (8000 G) Items: Booster: Skullrook (Zardos) Chobham Armor: Devil Gundam Giant Generator: Skullrook (Draco) Events: Turn 3: Player Reinforcements and Neutral Units Arrive. Notes: A strange stage at the beginning since your units start out being slightly damaged. Move east to the base to replenish 20% of HP and EN per turn. The enemies will once again come toward your units, so set up defensive positioning to deal with them. Voltes V arrives on Turn 3 along with Master Asia and the Devil Army. The Devil Army will arrive to the southwest and slowly work itself toward your units while Devil Gundam remains still until about Turn 7. Each of the Skullrooks will retreat when its HP goes under 6000. Be sure to finish them off with a strong attack. Devil Gundam will not retreat though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Daitarn 3 Player Reinforcements: Nadesico Freedan Gear Fighter Dendoh Aestivalis-Akito Excellence 11 Other Units Enemy Units Karufa x 07 (990G) Machine Beast Obiton x 02 (1600G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 03 (2000G) Neutral Units: Batta x 10 (800-1040G) Jovian Battleship x 04 (2000-2600G) Denjin x 02 (4200G) Items: Dustproof Device: Denjin (on the right) Psyco Frame: Denjin (on the left) Super Repair Kit: Machine Warrior Jiyamu (center) Events: Turn 2: Player Reinforcements and Enemy Reinforcements Appear. Any Denjin is Destroyed: All Neutral Units Retreat. Notes: The stage starts out with Daitarn 3. Go ahead and end your turn. On Turn 2 the Player Reinforcements will arrive, as well as Dendoh with all of the Data Weapons collected so far. Leo Circle and Unicorn Drill will be destroyed by Rangoh who will then flee when enemy reinforcements arrive. When the Neutral Units arrive, you must use your units to occupy the base to the south so that the opposing forces can not land there. It is suggested to not destroy the last enemy unit with a counterattack on the enemy turn since the Neutral Units will then have a head start on the base immediately. Destroying either Denjin unit will force all of the Neutral Units to retreat. Personally I would suggest the one on the left since a Psyco Frame will probably be more useful than a Dustproof Device. Some events will take place after all of the Neutral Units are defeated and the mission will end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Gear Fighter Dendoh Freedan 13 other units Player Reinforcements: Hyakushiki Enemy Units: Rangoh x 01 (14000-15400G) Karufa x 07 (900-1260G) Machine Beast Obiton x 04 (1200-1440G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 01 (2000-2800G) Machine Fighter Giga Gourmet x 01 (5500 G) Machine Fighter Giga Absolute x 01 (5500 G) Machine Fighter Giga Veda x 01 (5500G) Enemy Reinforcements: Karufa x 06 (900-1260G) Machine Beast Obiton x 04 (1200-1440G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 02 (2000-2800G) Item: EN Chip: Machine Fighter Giga Gourmet Thruster Module: Machine Fighter Giga Absolute Shuffle Badge: Rangoh Solar Panel: Machine Fighter Giga Veda Stew: Machine Warrior Jiyamu (Enemy Units) Super Repair Kit x 02: Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 02 (Enemy Reinforcements) Events: Turn 2: Player Reinforcements (1) Appear Rangoh is Defeated: Dendoh receives Leo Circle/Unicorn Drill Combination Data Weapon. Enemy Reinforcements Arrive. Notes: All of the Machine Fighter Giga units will try to flee, so be sure to finish them off with a strong attack. Hyakushiki will join after this battle. Dendoh will keep the CK Data Weapon. Gundam Leopard will be upgraded to Leopard Destroy and Gundam Airmaster will be upgraded to Airmaster Burst. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Gundam Airmaster Burst Gundam Leopard Destroy 9 Other Units Gundam Double X Jegan/Gundam Mk. III (Four) Player Reinforcements Gundam Deathscythe Gundam Sandrock Enemy Units: Valient x 04 (2660G) Fire Wallaby x 05 (1800-2160G) Gundam Virsago x 01 (7700G) Gundam Ashtaron x 01 (7480-8160G) Rasveyt x 01 (3300G) Wise Wallaby x 01 (2400G) Dreissen x 01 (2000-2200G) Bawoo x 01 (2200-2400G) Gundam Nataku x 01 (3500G) Gundam Heavyarms x 01 (3500G) Neutral Units: Batta x 06 (1600G) Jovian Battleship x 03 (2200G) Tetsujin x 02 (3000G) Daimagiso x 01 (3000G) Denjin x 01 (3000G) Items: Apogee Motor: Gundam Virsago Beam Coating: Gundam Ashtaron Bio Sensor: Dreissen Hovercraft: Daimajiso Hybrid Armor: Bawoo Linear Seat: Denjin Shuffle Badge: Rasveyt Events: Turn 2: Player Reinforcements Arrive Enemy Units Defeated: Neutral Units Appear Notes: This scenario starts out being rather tricky since Garoad and Four start at the top right of the map in the middle of an enemy group. They both should use Concentrate (15 point spell) so they can better dodge the enemy's attacks until the rest of the units arrive. Deathscythe and Sandrock will appear on Turn 2 in the middle of the western portion of the map. Advance your units to the northeast corner. You may need to use some spells to be able hit some of the enemy units, but strictly only a few of them. Virsago and Ashtaron will not immediately move toward each other this time, and no one here will retreat. When the enemy units are defeated, the neutral units arrive to the northwest corner of the map. Place any units that need HP or EN recharge on the base. The neutral units will move toward you, or you can move west to meet them sooner of course. Gundam Double X and Jegan/Gundam Mk. III will join after the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Freedan Gear Fighter Dendoh Valkyrie 13 Other Units Enemy Units: Mechabeast Toratsushido x 06 (1800G) Mechabeast Doyozurahe x 03 (1700G) Mechabeast Galuchisetsuwa x 02 (2090G) Mechabeast Dasogaluso x 02 (2200G) Bandock x 01 (10000G) Enemy Reinforcements: Karufa x 08 (1100-1260G) Machine Beast Obiton x 04 (1320G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 02 (2200G) Item: Giant Magazine: Bandock Events: Enemy Units are Defeated: Valkyrie is Destroyed, Dendoh loses 50 morale, and Enemy Reinforcements Arrive. Notes: Fairly simple mission starting out, just advance forward and cut through Butcher's forces. Be cautious of the Bandock's MAP Weapon though. Ogre will arrive after the enemy units are defeated and conversations result. Vega will be kidnapped by Altea, Ogre's pilot and her brother. Dendoh will lose 50 morale. Dendoh will also lose all of its Data Weapons since Altea broke down Ginga and Hokuto's morale, so the spirit contract with the Data Weapons was broken. The enemy reinforcements will surround your units from the north and south. Just be careful of the Machine Warrior Jiyamu's MAP Weapon and destroy these enemies as you normally would. The mission will end after the Enemy Reinforcements are Defeated. The Cellfighter earns an upgrade after this mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intermission between 21 and 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is another split in the paths, the first is Vega Rescue and the second is Colony Drop. o_O |------------------------|---------------------------| | Vega Rescue Path: | Colony Drop Path | |------------------------|---------------------------| | Excellence | Excellence | | | | | Nadesico | Voltes V | | Aestivalis-Akito | Combattler V | | Aestivalis-Gai | Kerot | | Aestivalis-Ryoko | | | Aestivalis-Izumi | Gundam Double X | | Aestivalis-Hikaru | Gundam X/GX Divider | | | Gundam Leopard Destroy | | Great Mazinger | Gundam Airmaster Burst | | Mazinger Z | | | Venus A | Super Gundam | | Diana A | Re-GZ | | Boss Borot | Hyakushiki | | | Metthus | | Neo Getter | Jegan/Gundam Mk III | | Texas Mack | | | | Taurus | | Gear Fighter Dendoh | | | Cellfighter | | | Valkyrie (no pilot) | | | | | | Shining Gundam | | | Gundam Maxter | | | Dragon Gundam | | | Gundam Rose | | | Bolt Gundam | | | Nobel Gundam | | ------------------------------------------------------ The following table shows what advantages are available on each path in terms of exclusive units and items: |------------------------|---------------------------| | Vega Rescue Path: | Colony Drop Path | |------------------------|---------------------------| | | Febral | | | Puru | | | Qubeley Mk. II (purple) | | | 1st Step Lancerow Process | | | | | Biosensor x 01 | Biosensor x 01 | | Chobham Armor x 01 | | | Magnetic Coating x 01 | | | Mega Booster x 01 | Mega Booster x 01 | | Multiple Sensor x 01 | Multiple Sensor x 01 | | Learning Type CP x 01 | | | Psyco Frame x 01 | Psyco Frame x 01 | | Super Alloy Z x 01 | Super Alloy Z x 01 | | 3D Radar x 01 | 3D Radar x 01 | |----------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 22-Vega Rescue ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Full Armor Gear Fighter Dendoh Cellfighter 13 Other Units Enemy Units: Karufa? x 08 (990G) Machine Beast Obiton x 04 (1320G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 02 (2200G) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Gear Fighter Ogre (w/Viper Whip) (6380G) Enemy Reinforcments (2): Karufa x 04 Machine Beast Obiton x 04 Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 02 Machine Fighter Giga Gourmet x 01 (5500 G) Machine Fighter Giga Absolute x 01 (5500 G) Machine Fighter Giga Veda x 01 (5500G) Items: Bio Sensor: Giga Gourmet Learning CP: Giga Veda Mega Booster: Giga Absolute Super Alloy Z: Gear Fighter Ogre Events: 8 Enemies Remain: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear. Dendoh regains Leo Circle and Unicorn Drill. Dendoh loses Full Armor. Ogre is Destroyed or Retreats: Ogre retreats to the base. Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Notes: First off I would highly suggest switching the Excellence to G or C Frames, and your Aestivalis Units to OG Frames since the upcoming stage is in space. Dendoh will start off with the Full Armor parts, which are incredibly awesome because they pay homage to all sorts of other mecha (Raideen's Bow, Combattler V's yoyos, a Gundam-esque Beam Rifle, a Beam Tomahawk, and just a really large blade that may be a nod to all sorts of Super Robots). Start moving northwest to meet the enemy. When 8 enemies remain the Enemy Reinforcmenets will appear along with Leo Circle, Unicorn Drill, Dragon Flare, and Gatling Boar who will attack Dendoh. Leo Circle and Unicorn Drill will then return to your side (they were the Data Weapons with the closest relationship with Ginga and Hokuto respectively), Dendoh loses the Full Armor (gyah, it was so cool too) and has its HP replenished. When Ogre is defeated, he will retreat back to his ship and the next set of Enemy Reinforcements will arrive. The mission objective is to get Dendoh to the ship to save Vega, but defeating the remaining enemies will work just as well since Dendoh will go straight to the base once all enemies are defeated. The Giga machines will not run away this time either, so destroy them anyway you want. During the intermission Ginga (and therefore Dendoh) will regain Leo Circle, Gatling Boar, and Altea will give Bull Horn to him. Hokuto will receive Gear Fighter Ogre from Altea (who is also his uncle) who needs to recover from some injuries and is unable to pilot. Hokuto will regain Unicorn Drill, Dragon Flare, and Viper Whip. Dendoh or Ogre can use the CK Data Weapon as long as either Leo Circle or Unicorn Drill is not currently in use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 22-Colony Drop ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Tallgeese III Near Argama Gundam Wing Zero Custom Gundam Deathscythe Custom Gundam Sandrock Custom Gundam Heavyarms Custom Gundam Double Zeta Gundam Zeta GX-Divider 7 Other Units Enemy Units: Bawoo x 01 (2000G) Taurus x 04 (2400G) Serpent x 04 (2500-3750G) R-Jarja x 01 (2400G) Hamma Hamma x 01 (2800G) Qubeley Mk II x 02 (2000G) Crouda Lancecrow Custom x 01 (2100-3150G) Regelg x 01 (3850-4200G) Qubeley x 01 (16000G) Neutral Units: Beast Warrior Dokugaga x 06 (1870-2550G) Beast Warrior Izasoga x 03 (2160-2700G) Beast Warrior Daimon x 01 (6000G) Beast Warrior Saimon x 01 (6000G) Skullrook x 02 (6600G) Items: Biosensor: Skullrook (Zardos) Mega Booster: Qubeley Super Alloy Z: Bawoo Events: Enemy Units Retreat/Destroyed: Neutral Units Appear Notes: I can easily imagine Camille saying that he's not in a coma yet when he sees Roux show up in Zeta.... Anyway, the goal of this scenario is to have the Near Argama reach the colony before Turn 6, or force Haman's Qubeley to retreat or be destroyed before that time. This stage also offers two recruitment process steps. To get Puru and her purple Quebeley Mk. II (the one placed above the colony) you must have Judau (Gundam ZZ) use 'Convince' on her twice. It is the last choice available on his menu when next to her, and the second choice when you move next to her. To start the recruitment process for Lancrow (red haired male pilot on the left side), have Jamil attack him, or be attacked by him, at least once. This is only the first step of the process. Feel free to destroy Lancerow after having the battle encounter, or even have Jamil destroy Lancerow's Crouda with the same attack that started the conversation. For the level itself, start off using Quatre's Sandrock, use his Concentrate spell, and move forward and attack the Taurus. Have the rest of the Endless Waltz units surround Quatre to take advantage of his leadership ability to raise their own evade rates so they will perform better. If you want to recruit Puru, then have Judau change into G-Fortress mode and start heading toward her (again she is in the purple Qubeley Mk. II to the north of the colony). Be sure to use 'Convince' on her twice before you defeat Haman or have the Near Argama reach the colony. You can defeat any of the other enemies before finishing the Puru recruitment, just not Haman and her white Qubeley. If Puru Two has not been destroyed yet, she will retreat when Puru is recruited. Once Haman's Qubeley is defeated/retreats. Neutral Units will show up around Earth. Set up some defensive positioning, and try to take advantage of the MAP Weapons of Gundam ZZ, Hyakushiki, Wing Zero Custom, Tallgeese III, and Heavyarms Custom. Tallgeese III, Heavyarms Custom, Deathscythe Custom, and Sandrock Custom will join after this battle. Puru will join with her Qubeley Mk. II if you did the Convince process on her. The Febral unit will also become available if Jamil has earned 20 kills total by the end of this mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 23-Vega Rescue ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Cellfighter Valhalla 11 Other Units Player Reinforcements: Gear Fighter Dendoh Gear Fighter Ogre Enemy Units: Karufa x 04 (900G) Machine Beast Obiton x 02 (1200G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 04 (2200G) Machine Fighter Giga Gourmet x 01 (5500 G) Machine Fighter Giga Absolute x 01 (5500 G) Machine Fighter Giga Veda x 01 (5500G) Enemy Reinforcements: Karufa x 02 (900G) Machine Beast Obiton x 04 (1200G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 02 (2200G) Spiral City x 01 Mechabeast Toratsushido? x 04 (1800G) Mechabeast Doyozurahe? x 02 (1700G) Mechabeast Galuchisetsuwa? x 02 (2090G) Rayugarahelu x 01 (8000G) Items: 3D Radar: Rayugarahelu Chobham Armor: Giga Veda Magnetic Coating: Giga Absolute Multiple Sensor: Giga Gourmet Psyco Frame: Spiral City x 01 Events: Turn 3: Player Reinforcements Appear. Enemy Reinforcements Appear Notes: This mission turns into a free for all very quickly. Gear Fighers Dendoh and Ogre will arrive on Turn 3. Dendoh will have access to Leo Circle, Bull Horn, Gatling Boar, and the CK (Leo Circle/Unicorn Drill Combination) Cata Weapons. Ogre will have access to Unicorn Drill, Viper Whip, Dragon Flare, and the CK (Unicorn Drill/Leo Circle Combination) Data Weapons. A large number of enemy reinforcements appear to the northeast corner of the map and the southwest corner of the map. Add this in with the enemies approaching for the northeast and your forces will be surrounded quickly. Just stay in tight formation, and you may want to bring at least one HP replenishing unit with you. The Cellfighter and Valhalla can replenish EN, including Dendoh and Ogre's EN Supplies. Destroying Spiral City (it looks like a top with tentacles) to the northeast will end the mission, so you may want to destroy all of the other units before finishing it off, particularly the Rayugarahelu which carries a 3D Radar but will try to run away when its HP reach below 8000. Gear Fighter Ogre will join after this battle, and the Valhalla will remain available. The two groups will reunite again after this battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 23-Colony Drop ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama Vertigo Tallgeese III Taurus Gundam Deathscythe Custom Gundam Heavyarms Custom Gundam Sandrock Custom Gundam Double X Excellence 6 Other Units Player Reinforcements: Gundam Wing Zero Custom x 01 Enemy Units: Taurus x 06 (2000G) Serpent x 06 (2500-2750G) Gundam Nataku x 01 (4200G) Jenice Kai Enil El Custom x 01 (3000G) Dreissen x 01 (2400G) Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab x 01 (14160G) Gundam Virsago Chest Break x 01 (14400G) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Devil Army x 06 (1900G) Devil Army Bomber x 06 (2100G) Devil Gundam x 02 (8000-9600G) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Devil Army x 06 (1900G) Devil Army Bomber x 06 (2100G) Devil Gundam x 02 (8000-9600G) Items: 3D Radar: Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab Multiple Sensor: Gundam Virsago Chest Break Psyco Frame: Dreissen Events: Turn 1: Excellence loses -10 Morale. Turn 2: Player Reinforcements Appear. Nataku is Convinced: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear, Excellence gains +10 Morale, and is able to attack again. Nataku (either as a Player Unit or as an Enemy) is Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear, Excellence gains +10 Morale, and regains ability to Attack if it has not already. Notes: The stage starts with Gundam Virsago Chest Break and Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab using their variation on the Satellite Cannon on a group of poor little Daughtress units. The Excellence also loses 10 morale, and is unable to attack or counterattack for the rest of this battle... There is a really strange Convince process for Wufei and Gundam Nataku. Have Wing Zero Custom (Heero) attack or be attacked by Nataku (Wufei). Then have Wing Zero Custom use the Convince command on Nataku. Nataku will reduce Wing Zero's HP to 10 and join your side. This will also bring in a large group of Enemy Reinforcements, the Excellence will gain +10 Morale, and be able to attack again. Destroying Nataku, either as a player unit, or when it is still an enemy will bring on the Enemy Reinforcements, gain the Excellence +10 Morale, and make it regain its attack ability if it has not already. Basically this means it is possible to get ALOT of enemies on the screen and have the Excellence gain +20 morale, strange is it not? Gundam Virsago Chest Break and Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab return to be even more than annoying ever, mostly due to their new Satellite Cannon combination attack abilities. The good thing is that this attack drains alot of EN, so after either one of them counterattacks a few times, they will not have enough EN to do the attack anymore. As usual Ashtaron will support defend for Virsago, and they will both run away when one of them has become weakened or is destroyed. Virsago will only give up a Multiple Sensor, but Ashtaron drops a 3D Radar which are always useful (+2 to attack range). Enil El will retreat when her HP becomes low. She does not drop any items though. The Dreissen will not retreat, but it will drop a Psyco Frame. The stage will end once all of enemy forces are destroyed. Enil El will join with her Jenice Kai, Carris will join with his Vertigo, and Wufei will join with his Gundam Nataku no matter what may have happened to them during the scenario. Wing Zero will also finally join permanently. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama Nadesico Great Mazinger Mazinger Z Boss Borot Diana A Venus A 8 Other Units Player Reinforcements: Combattler V Kerot Enemy Units: Mass Produced Great Mazinger x 09 (2400G) Battlebeast Dokoida x 02 (2090G) Battlebeast Balukania x 02 (2600G) Battlebeast Gohegera x 02 (3080G) Dragonsaurus x 01 (10000G) Dark Shogun x 01 (8000G) Combattler V x 06 (3630-4290G) Great Magma Beast-1 x 01 (11000G) Magma Beast Dragoon x 01 (11000G) Battlebeast Guaratoniosu x 04 (1760) Magma Sent x 01 (15000G) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Hiyubokurishisu? x 01 (8000G) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Dark Shogun Giant Machine? x 01 (13000G) Enemy Reinforcements (3): Great Magma Beast-2 (1200G) Items: Booster: Magma Beast Dragoon Dual Sensor: Great Magma Beast-2 Dustproof Device: Dragonsaurus Giant Generator: Hiyubokurishisu? Shuffle Badge: Magma Sent Solar Panel: Dark Shogun Giant Machine Events: Turn 2: Player Reinforcements Arrive. Enemy Reinforcements (1) Arrive. Dark Shogun is Defeated: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appears in same square. Magma Beast Gerebato is Defeated: Enemy Reinforcements (3) Appear on the same square. Notes: This is something of a painful mission. You are essentially stuck with the Mazinger team taking up 5 of your unit slots. This might not effect players who have spent time with all of the group, but for others Boss and Diana A could be replaced with more effective units. The enemy also has your units effectively surrounded from the north and south. They will be nice and attack in waves instead of sending their full force at you at one time, which is nice because there are some rather large enemy units that take quite a bit of effort to bring down (like the Dragonsaurus, I still have nightmares of the encounter with that thing in SRW4...). The good thing is that there are few worries on EN and Ammo conservation since you have four supply units on this stage (Diana A, Venus A, Boss Borot, and Kerot) which all serve quite effectively to replenish the HP, EN, and Ammo of the fighting units. ^_^ Just keep everyone together (unless you have some powerful units that can hold their own and repair/resupply as needed). Dark Shogun and Great Magma Beast-1 will both come back with stronger forms when defeated. Hiyubokurishisu will try to retreat when its HP get in the red. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Near Argama Shining Gundam 12 Other Units Player Reinforcements: God Gundam Fuunsaki Enemy Units: Devil Army x 02 (1000-1200G) Devil Army Bomber x 04 (1400G) Devil Gundam x 03 (8000G) Mass Produced Great Mazinger x 06 (2640-3120G) Combattler V x 04 (3300-4290G) Hiyubokurishisu? x 01 (8000G) (northwest corner) Rayugarahelu x 01 (8000G) (southeast corner) Ereosu x 01 (8000G) (northeast corner) Neutral Units Devil Aestivalis x 06 (1000-1300G) Items: Hybrid Armor: Devil Gundam (Master Asia) Learn Type CP: Rayugarahelu? (southeast corner) Linear Seat: Ereosu (northeast corner) Mega Booster: Hikyubokurishisu?(northwest corner) Events: Turn 2: Player Reinforcements Appear Turn 5: Neutral Units Appear Notes: Another mission where it is easy to be surrounded. There are forces to the northwest corner, northeast corner, and southeast corner. The Neutral Units that show up will occupy the southwest corner as well. Again the enemy will attack in a series of waves, keep everyone together and resupply as necessary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Neo Getter 2 God Gundam Gundam Maxter Dragon Gundam Gundam Rose Bolt Gundam Player Reinforcements: Shin Getter (replaces Neo Getter) Nadesico Near Argama 8 Units Enemy Units: Mechasaurus Doba x 03 (1400-1680G) Prototype-Getter x 01 (3000G) Devil Army x 03 (1000G) Devil Army Bomber x 06 (1680G) Enemy Reinforcements: Mechasaurus Poa x 01 (9000G) Mechasaurus Buru x 03 (1700G) Mechasaurus Moba x 03 (2200G) Grand Master Gundam x 03 (5500G) Devil Gundam x 02 (12000G) Devil Gundam x 01 (13000G) (Master Asia) Hiyubokurishisu x 01 (8000G) Ereosu x 01 (8000G) Items: Beam Coating: Prototype Getter Giant Generator: Devil Gundam (Master Asia) Learning CP+: Ereosu Multiple Sensor: Hiyubokurishisu Events: Turn 3: Player and Enemy Reinforcements Arrive Notes: Start the mission off by moving your units toward the base so they will have the benefits of HP and EN Recharge every turn, or start heading southeast to get away from some of the enemies and group up with the Player Reinforcements when they arrive on Turn 3. On Turn 3, Neo Getter 2 will be attacked by Mechasaurus Poa and the Prototype Getter and be reduced to 10HP. Shin Getter will be deployed and all of the pilots will transfer over to it. Player Reinforcements will appear in the water just southeast of the base. When Master Asia, Ereosu, or Hiyubokurishisu is Defeated or forced to retreat, all of the remaining enemy units will retreat and the scenario will be over. You will need to actually destroy Master Asia's Devil Gundam though to get the Master Gundam later. Shin Getter will now replace Neo Getter, but any upgrades you made for Neo Getter will be carried over to Shin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Near Argama Shin Getter 11 Other Units Texas Mack (PK) Player Reinforcments: Voltes V Daitetsujin Enemy Units Mechasaurus Doba x 06 (1400) Mechasaurus Buru x 04 (1700G) Mechasaurus Moba x 03 (2200G) Prototype Getter x 01 (3000G) Mechasaurus Gura x 01 (8000G) Gol x 01 (12000G) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Beast Warrior Dokugaga x 06 (1870G) Beast Warrior Izasoga x 04 (2160) Beast Warrior Daimon x 01 (6000G) Beast Warrior Saimon x 01 (6000G) Skullrook x 02 (6600G) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Lu Heine (10000G) Enemy Reinforcements (3): Gol 2nd Form (21600G) Items: Haro: Lu Heine Stew: Prototype Getter A-Adapter: Skullrook (Draco) High Performance Targeter: Mechasaurus Gura New Super Alloy Z: Gol 2nd Form Events: Turn 4: Player and Enemy Reinforcements Appear Skullrook (Zardos) Defeated: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear on the same square. Notes: Your forces and the enemy forces are once again at opposite ends of the map. You can either wait at the base (and wait a long time), or start advancing toward the enemy. Be careful with Shin Getter since it will result in a loss condition if it is destroyed. The strange thing though is that you really do what to get its HP into the red line to gain access to more of its attacks and to get Master Asia. So allow Shin Getter to be hurt until its HP number turns red (the Getter 3 Pilot's damage reducing spell can be useful here, and have it move away from the battle. When Gol (the northeastern most enemy) is destroyed, it will come back with a new unit, and Shin Getter will become powered up and shows absolutely no mercy on Gol.... 51500 HP taken off in one blow... that had to hurt... Tetsujin will join after the battle is over, and Texas Mack keeps his horse. ^^ Master Asia will wait until the next mission to show up on your unit list, you know just for dramatic effect and to keep baka students on their toes. If you decide for whatever reason to not trigger the Shin Getter event, Shin Getter will still destroy Gol after you destroy Gol the second time. Shin Getter will not keep the attack it used to defeat Gol or the Stoner Sunshine though. Master Gundam will not join you either. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 28-Raul ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama 11 Units Aestivalis-Akito Player Reinforcements: Daitarn 3 Enemy Units: Metsutangahe x 06 (1300-1820G) Niheberugun x 04 (1500G) Nadesico x 01 (0G) Megaporegu Binoia x 01 (5000G) Enemy Reinforcements: Megapregu Nendoru x 01 (5000G) Metsutangahe x 06 (1430-1820G) Niheberugun x 02 (1500G) Megaporegu Berutorihe x 01 (5000G) Neutral Units Karufa x 04 (900G) Machine Beast Obiton x 04 (1200G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 03 (2200G) Items: Booster: Megaporegu Nendoru Chobham Armor: Megaporegu Binoia Super Repair Kit: Megaporegu Berutorihe Events: Turn 4: Neutral Units Arrive Nadesico changes back to Player's Side: Player and Enemy Reinforcements Appear. Notes: This stage is slightly different depending on if you picked Raul or Fiona. If you picked Raul, the male character, this is the right stage. If you picked Fiona, the female character, go down to find the right stage for her. Okay, you do not have access to all of your units on this stage. All Nadesico characters, Daitarn 3, Gear Fighter Ogre (along with Unicorn Drill, Dragon Flare, and Viper Whip Data Weapons) are unavailable. Ogre makes a short appearance on Turn 4 before disappearing again, and some Neutral Units will appear on the northeast corner of the map. Anyway, do not destroy the Nadesico since that will result in a loss. To get the Nadesico back to your side, place Akito's Aestivalis next to the Nadesico. Daitarn will exit along with Megaporegu Nendoru from the Nadesico, and the rest of the enemy reinforcements will arive around the northwest corner of the map. When these units are destroyed, the stage will end. The Nadesico will keep the Y Unit and Master Gundam will now be officially available if you performed the steps to get him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 28-Fiona ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama 11 Units Excellence Player Reinforcements: Daitarn 3 Enemy Units: Metsutangahe x 06 (1300-1430G) Niheberugun x 04 (1500G) Nadesico x 01 Megaporegu Binoia? x 01 (5000G) Enemy Reinforcements: Megapregu Nendoru x 01 (5000G) Metsutangahe x 06 (1430) Niheberugun x 02 (1500G) Megaporegu Berutorihe x 01 (5000G) Neutral Units Karufa x 04 (900G) Machine Beast Obiton x 04 (1200G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 03 (2200G) Items: Booster: Megaporegu Nendoru Chobham Armor: Megaporegu Binoia Super Repair Kit: Megaporegu Berutorihe Events: Turn 4: Neutral Units Arrive Nadesico changes back to Player's Side: Player and Enemy Reinforcements Appear. Notes: This stage is slightly different depending on if you picked Raul or Fiona. If you picked Fiona, the female character, this is the right stage. If you picked Raul, the male character, go up to find the right stage for him. Okay, you do not have access to all of your units on this stage. All Nadesico characters, Daitarn 3, Gear Fighter Ogre (along with Unicorn Drill, Dragon Flare, and Viper Whip Data Weapons) are unavailable. Ogre makes a short appearance on Turn 4 before disappearing again, and some Neutral Units will appear on the northeast corner of the map. Anyway, do not destroy the Nadesico since that will result in a loss. To get the Nadesico back to your side, place the Excellence next to the Nadesico. Daitarn will exit along with Megaporegu Nendoru from the Nadesico, and the rest of the enemy reinforcements will arive around the northwest corner of the map. When these units are destroyed, the stage will end. The Nadesico will keep the Y Unit and Master Gundam will now be officially available if you performed the steps to get him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intermission between 28 and 29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another Path Choice is given. The choices are GEAR HQ route and Space route. This table shows which units go on which path. |------------------------|---------------------------| | GEAR HQ Path: | Space Route | |------------------------|---------------------------| | Excellence | Excellence | | | | | Nadesico/w Y-Unit | Ra Kailum | | Daitetsujin | Gundam ZZ | | Aestivalis-Akito | Zeta Gundam | | Aestivalis-Gai | Super Gundam | | Aestivalis-Ryoko | Hyakushiki | | Aestivalis-Izumi | Re-GZ | | Aestivalis-Hikaru | Metthus | | | Jegan/Gundam Mk. III | | Gear Fighter Dendoh | | | -Leo Circle | Combattler V | | -Gatling Boar | Kerot | | -Bull Horn | | | Valhalla | Shin Getter | | Cellfighter | Texas Mack (PK) | | Valkyrie | | | | God Gundam | | Voltes V | Fuunsaki | | | Shining Gundam | | Great Mazinger | Gundam Maxter | | Mazinger Z | Dragon Gundam | | Venus A | Gundam Rose | | Diana A | Bolt Gundam | | Boss Borot | Nobel Gundam | | | | | | Gundam Double X | | Master Gundam | Gundam X/GX-Divider | | | Gundam Airmaster Burst | | Gundam Wing Zero | Gundam Leopard Destroy | | Gundam Deathscythe | Vertigo | | Gundam Heavyarms | Jenice Kai Enil El Custom | | Gundam Sandrock | | | Gundam Nataku | Daitarn 3 | | Tallgeese III | | | Taurus | | | | | | Zambot 3 | | ------------------------------------------------------ The following table shows what advantages are available on each path in terms of exclusive units and items: |---------------------------|---------------------------| | GEAR HQ Path: | Space Route | |---------------------------|---------------------------| | Zambot 3 Ion Cannon | Lancerow | | | Crouda Custom | | | Puru Two | | | Qubeley Mk. II (Orange) | | | G-Bit System | | | | | Apogee Motor x 01 | Apogee Motor x 01 | | Dual Sensor x 01 | Dual Sensor x 02 | | | EN Chip x 01 | | Extra Giant Magazine x 01 | Extra Giant Magazine x 01 | | Giant Magazine x 02 | Giant Magazine x 02 | | | Hybrid Armor x 02 | | I-Field Generator x 02 | I-Field Generator x 03 | | Mega Generator x 01 | Mega Generator x 01 | | Minovsky Craft x 01 | Minovsky Craft x 01 | | Stew x 02 | | | Super Repair Kit x 03 | Super Repair Kit x 02 | | | Thruster Module x 01 | | 3D Radar x 01 | 3D Radar x 01 | |-------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 29-GEAR HQ Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Gear Fighter Dendoh Zambot 3 12 Other Units Enemy Units Karufa x 04 (900G) Machine Beast Obiton x 02 (1200G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 02 (2200G) Gear Fighter Ogre(w/Unicorn Drill) (6380G) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Karufa x 04 (900G) Machine Beast Obiton x 02 (1200G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 02 (2200G) Enemy Reinforcements (2): MP Great Mazinger x 04 (2640G) Combattler V x 04 (3300G) Mechabeast Toratsushido? x 02 (1870G) Mechabeast Doyozurahe? x 02 (1700G) Mechabeast Galuchisetsuwa? x 02 (2090G) Mechabeast Dasogaluso? x 02 (2200G) Bandock x 01 (10000G) Items: Apogee Motor: Bandock Giant Magazine: Ogre I Field Generator: Bandock Events: Dendoh attacks Ogre: Both are Reduced to 10 HP, Enemy Reinforcements Appear (1) and (2), Ogre switches back to Player side. Ogre is Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Only. Notes: Very basic stage starting out, there are some enemies to the south which are exactly the same they have been for the last several stages. There is one strange part of the stage. If Dendoh attacks Ogre and does not destory it, they will both continue to battle and reduce each other's HP to 10, Enemy Reinforcements (1) and (2) Arrive, and Ogre will return to your side. If Ogre is destroyed you receive a Giant Magazine, the usual experience and money, and not so many enemies will appear. Either way you will still receive Ogre again after the stage and it will be fully upgraded. Butcher will try to retreat when his HP becomes low, so be sure to finish off his Bandock with a strong attack to get the items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 29-Space Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama Gundam Double X G-Falchon 13 Other Units: Enemy Units: Virgo x 02 (2750G) R-Jarja x 04 (2400G) Hamma Hamma x 03 (2800-3640G) Crouda Lancecrow Custom x 01 (2100G) Psyco Gundam Mk II x 01 (8000G) Doven Wolf x 01 (4400G) Quin Mantha x 01 (12000G) Geymark x 01 (5000G) Zaku III x 01 (4400G) Regelg x 01 (3850G) Qubeley Mk II x 01 (Only if Puru was not Convinced) (2000G) Enemy Reinforcements: Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab Gundam Virsago Chest Break Grand Master Gundam x 04 (5000G) Items: Apogee Motor: Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab Giant Magazine: Quin Mantha I Field Generator: Gundam Virsago Chest Break Events: Player Unit touches Space Mirror: Enemy Reinforcements Appear Turn 6 and Space Mirror is not touched: Game Over :( Notes: To be able to get Puru Two here you must have convinced Puru earlier. If you did not convince Puru earlier, then Puru will also be here in her Qubeley Mk. II and you will not be able to convince either of the girls. If you did convince Puru, then deploy her and Judau in order to convince Puru Two. The process is for Judau and Puru to each have a battle encounter (attack her, or be attacked by her) with Puru Two in the Psyco Gundam Mk. II. Then after Glemy (blonde male in the Quin Mantha) is defeated, have Judau use Convince on Puru Two. It will be the command listed last if he starts his turn beside Puru Two, and it will be the next to last command if he moves next to her that turn. DO NOT use the command before Glemy's Quin Mantha is destroyed. If done correctly the Psyco Gundam Mk. II will explode. Another recruitment process step is in this stage too with Lancerow and his Custom Crouda. Jamil needs to have a battle encounter with him, just part of the Convince process to get him in the next stage. If it is the attack that destroys the Crouda, that is perfectly acceptable too. ^_^ Only one really slightly complicated thing about the stage outside of the recruitments. You need to have one of your units reach the Space Mirror at the bottom of the screen before Turn 6 Arrives. Shin Getter 2 can reach it pretty easily, especcially with its pilot's speed spell. It is nothing to be too concerned about, just it is something you should keep in mind. When a player unit touches the Space Mirror, the Enemy Reinforcements arrive. Actually it would be beneficial to have a couple boss killer units already waiting near the Mirror when it is touched so they can deliver some strong hits to Virsago and Ashtaron before they start their usual support defending annoyance. Of course they will run away when one their HP becomes too low (below 5000HP). Try to get them fairly low, then finish them off with a Satellite Cannon MAP Blast. ^_^ The scenario will end once all of the enemies are defeated. A really cool event will take place with the G-Bits afterwards. ^_^ Puru Two will be available as a pilot if you did the Convince process right. Her Qubeley Mk. II will not be available for upgrading during the intermission, but will be selectable at the beginning of Scenario 30. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 30-GEAR HQ Path (Master Asia) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Gear Fighter Ogre Gear Fighter Dendoh 12 Other Units Player Reinforcements: Master Gundam Enemy Units: MP Great Mazinger x 04 (2400G) Combattler V x 04 (3300G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 02 (2200G) Mechabeast Galuchisetsuwa? x 02 (2090G) Mechabeast Dasogaluso? x 02 (2200G) Machine Warrior Vegashihe x 01 (Subaru) (2240G) Hiyubokurishisu x 01 (8000G) Bandock x 01 (10000G) Enemy Reinforcements: Devil Gundam x 01 Grand Master Gundam x 02 Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 04 (2200G) Zero x 01 (0G) Items: Dual Sensor: Bandock Giant Magazine: Hiyubokurishisu Minovsky Craft: Zero Stew x 02: Grand Master Gundam x 02 Super Repair Kit: Devil Gundam Events: Subaru is Defeated or Convinced: Enemy and Player Reinforcments Arrive. Hiyubokurishisu Retreats. Master Gundam gains +30 Morale. Notes: Master Gundam and the Valhalla are unavailable for selection at the start. Nothing much to worry about, take some defensive positioning and let the MP Great Mazingers, Combattler Vs, Machine Warriors, and Mechabeasts come toward you. The three intially seen 'boss' characters are Subaru in a Vegashihe, Butcher in his Bandock, and Rariahe in a Hiyubokurishisu. There is pretty much no advantage to killing Subaru (blonde kid in a purple mecha) other than some relatively minor experience and money. Subaru can be convinced using Hokuto (Ogre's pilot). First have a battle encounter between the two of them, and then use 'Convince' on the following round. When Subaru is Defeated or Convinced (well Ogre goes ahead and destroys the Vegashihe after Subaru is convinced) the Player and Enemy Reinforcements will arrive and Hiyubokurishisu will retreat. You will want to wait to finish off Subaru by whatever means you decide until you finish off Butcher and Rariahe. Butcher will try to run away of course, so finish it off with a strong attack (he drops 20,000G if you use a money doubling spell, I say he is worth the kill even if you are up to your knees in Dual Sensors by now). Hiyubokurishisu will not retreat though, so getting the kill there is not too difficult. When the Player and Enemy Reinforcements Appear, have Voltes V or the Nadesico cast the Confuse spell while Master Gundam uses Concentrate and starts making its way south as your units move north. Destroy the units when everyone regroups and the stage will be over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 30-GEAR HQ Path (No Master Asia) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Gear Fighter Ogre Gear Fighter Dendoh 13 Other Units Enemy Units: MP Great Mazinger x 04 (2400G) Combattler V x 04 (3300G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 02 (2200G) Mechabeast Galuchisetsuwa? x 02 (2090G) Mechabeast Dasogaluso? x 02 (2200G) Machine Warrior Vegashihe x 01 (Subaru) (2240G) Hiyubokurishisu x 01 (8000G) Bandock x 01 (10000G) Enemy Reinforcements: Devil Gundam x 01 Grand Master Gundam x 02 Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 04 (2200G) Zero x 01 (0G) Items: Dual Sensor: Bandock Giant Magazine: Rayugarhelu Minovsky Craft: Zero Stew x 02: Grand Master Gundam x 02 Super Repair Kit: Devil Gundam Events: Subaru is Defeated or Convinced: Enemy and Player Reinforcments Arrive. Hiyubokurishisu Retreats. Notes: Master Gundam and the Valhalla are unavailable for selection at the start. Nothing much to worry about, take some defensive positioning and let the MP Great Mazingers, Combattler Vs, Machine Warriors, and Mechabeasts come toward you. The three intially seen 'boss' characters are Subaru in a Vegashihe, Butcher in his Bandock, and Rariahe in a Hiyubokurishisu. There is pretty much no advantage to killing Subaru (blonde kid in a purple mecha) other than some relatively minor experience and money. Subaru can be convinced using Hokuto (Ogre's pilot). First have a battle encounter between the two of them, and then use 'Convince' on the following round. When Subaru is Defeated or Convinced (well Ogre goes ahead and destroys the Vegashihe after Subaru is convinced) the Player and Enemy Reinforcements will arrive and Hiyubokurishisu will retreat. You will want to wait to finish off Subaru by whatever means you decide until you finish off Butcher and Rariahe. Butcher will try to run away of course, so finish it off with a strong attack (he drops 20,000G if you use a money doubling spell, I say he is worth the kill even if you are up to your knees in Dual Sensors by now). Hiyubokurishisu will not retreat though, so getting the kill there is not too difficult. Destroy the last of the enemy reinforcements to the north and the stage will be over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 30-Space Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama Gundam Double X Gundam Double Zeta 13 Other Units Enemy Units: Daughtress Neo x 06 (2400G) G-Bit x 04 (2990G) Grand Master Gundam x 03 (5000G) Ereosu x 01 (8000-11200G) Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab x 01 (14160G) Gundam Virsago Chest Break x 01 (14400G) Enemy Reinforcements: MP Qubeley x 10 (3000-4500G) Crouda Lancecrow Custom x 01 (2100G) Doven Wolf x 01 (4400-4840G) Quin Mantha x 01 (12000G) Geymark x 01 (5000-7000G) Zaku III x 01 (4400-4800G) Regelg x 01 (3500-3850G) Qubeley x 01 (20800G) ? x 01 (8000G) Items: Dual Sensor: Ereosu EN Chip: Gundam Virsago Chest Break Giant Magazine: Qubeley Hybrid Armor x 02: MP Qubeley x 02 (the two guarding Haman's Qubeley) Minovsky Craft: Quin Mantha Thruster Module: Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab Events: Enemy Units are Defeated: Enemy Reinforcements Appear Qubeley (Haman) is Defeated: Geymark, Zaku III, and Regelg all gain +30 Morale Notes: Move southeast, encounter all the enemies, clean them up like usual. The really neat thing about this part of the stage is that the Frost Brothers pretend they have balls for a few moments and will not retreat. The stage gets interesting when the Frost Brothers and the rest of the enemies are defeated. A large group of enemy reinforcements arrive, mostly consisting of MP Qubeleys (who will glady shoot down any Funnel attacks). >< The Lancerow Convince process can finally be completed. Jamil should have an attack encounter with Lancerow (attack Lancerow, or be attacked by him). Then have Jamil use 'Convince' on Lancerow and he will join at that moment with his Crouda. A semi-interesting event will occur if you destroy Haman's Qubeley since her officers will all recieve a morale boost as a result. Glemy will be unaffected though. >> Once all of the enemies are destroyed (isn't it odd that two MP Qubeleys are carrying Hybrid Armors?), the scenario will end. Lancerow will join your group if you convinced him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 31-GEAR HQ Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Zambot 3 Excellence 13 Other Units Enemy Units: Mechabeast Toratsushido? x 04 (2160G) Mechabeast Doyozurahe? x 04 (1700G) Mechabeast Dasogaluso? x 02 (2200G) Enemy Reinforcements (1): MP Great Mazinger x 04 (2460G) Combattler V x 04 (3960G) Red Knight Deathguine x 01 (4400G) Blue Knight Helldine x 01 (4400G) Bandock x 01 (10000G) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Red Knight Deathguine x 03 (4400G) Blue Knight Helldine x 03 (4400G) Hiyubokurishisu x 01 (9600G) Rayugarahelu x 01 (8000G) Bandock x 01 (Gaizotsuku) (10000G) Items: 3D Radar: Bandock (Butcher) Extra Giant Magazine: Hiyubokurishisu I Field Generator: Bandock (Gaizotsuku) Mega Generator: Rayugarahelu Super Repair Kit: Blue Knight Helldine Super Repair Kit: Red Knight Deathguine Events: 7 Enemies Remain: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Arrive Bandock (Butcher is Defeated): Enemy Reinforcements (2) Arrive, Main Character is raised to 150 Morale. Notes: First off before the battle you will want to switch the Aestivalis units and the Excellence to frames that work better in space. There are relatively few enemies starting off, but Reinforcments will Appear when the numbers become low. Be sure not to leave any units directly in front of the Bandock or you will be setting yourself up for a MAP shot. Butcher will not run away this time, even after being scared when his Knights are defeated. When Butcher is Defeated the next set of Enemy Reinforcements Arrives. The Knights will move toward you immediately, the Hiyubokurishisu and Rayugarahelu will start moving on the next round, and the Bandock will move on the turn after that. Take up defensive positioning and await their arrival. Try to finish all of the Knights in one round of possible. The Hiyubokurishisu and Rayugarahelu offer up some nice items, but each of them will try to retreat when their HP becomes low. The Bandock will not flee though. The two groups will reunite after this scenario. Akito receives the Black Salena (and HM Black Salena if you took Nadesico path starting out in the game), Gai receives the the Super Aestivalis frame which was used at the start by Saburouta. The girls all receive new Custom Aestivalis units. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 31-Space Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama God Gundam Excellence 13 Other Units Enemy Units: Daughtress Neo x 06 (2200G) G-Bit x 03 (3000-3220G) Grand Master Gundam x 02 (7000G) Devil Gundam x 02 (11000-15000G) Devil Gundam x 01 (18200G) Gundam Virsago Chest Break x 01 (18000G) Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab x 01 (18000G) Enemy Reinforcements (1): G-Bit x 06 (3000-3220G) Grand Master Gundam x 02 (7000G) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Deyuminasu-Purooton (10000G) Items: 3D Radar: Devil Gundam Extra Giant Magazine: Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab I Field Generator: Devil Gundam Mega Generator: Gundam Virsago Chest Break Super Repair Kit x 02: Grand Master Gundam x 02 (initial Enemy Units) Events: Everytime 8 Enemies Remain: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear Devil Gundam is Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Notes: A rather interesting stage, namely because there are an infinite number of enemies. A similar stage will come later, but they will stop after awhile. They do not ever stop coming here. As long as you leave the Devil Gundam sitting on the base alone, the Enemy Reinforcements will keep popping up. Are you afraid of these things? Of course not, you are well equipped to handle these guys. If you have a couple of very fast and high HP units (Shin Getter 2 and Double X/w G-Falchon spring to mind), they can easily hold off these units on their own and earn you alot of money. I earned 999,999G here anyway. ^^; If you don't want to deal with the enemies though, focus alot of attacks on the Devil Gundam on the base since it will replenish much of its HP each turn due to Devil Gundam's own regen ability and being on the base. The Frost Brothers continue their streak of not retreating, I guess they wanted to be remembered as not being cowards? When the Devil Gundam is Defeated, Deyuminasu-Purooton shows up. Destroy it, and the remaining enemies, and the stage is over. After the stage Double Zeta is upgraded to FAZZ. The Near Argama is replaced with the Ra Kailum. Nu Gundam and Sazabi become available. MP Nu becomes available if you took the Ra Kailum path at the start. Gundam Double X and Gundam X will also now have access to the G-Bit System. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Ra Kailum Daitarn 3 13 Other Units Player Reinforcements: Excellence (L Frame if Raul, E Frame if Fiona) Enemy Units: Devil Aestivalis x 08 (1100G) Tetsujin x 02 (3000G) Daitetsujin x 01 Majiso x 02 (3300G) Daimagiso x 01 (6000G) Denjin x 01 (3600G) Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab x 01 (12000G) Gundam Virsago Chest Break x 01 (12000G) Enemy Reinforcements: Tetsujin x 02 (3000G) Majiso x 02 (3300G) Denjin x 02 (3600G) Shishiki x 06 (2400G) Yatenkou x 01 (5000G) Items: Biosensor: Yatenkou EN Megachip: Daimagiso High Performance Radar: Gundam Virsago Chest Break Learning CP: Denjin Mega Booster: Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab Mega Generator: DaiTetsujin Events: Enemy Units are Defeated: Main Character gets L or E Frame. Enemy Reinforcements Appear Notes: Ah, the long awaited stage where you get the Excellence's last frame. First off you have to deal with several waves of Nadesico enemies, all of which have some high evade and hit rates so Concentrate and Autohit spells might become quite essential here. Gundam Ashtaron and Virsago will not retreat here. Use weak attacks on one until its brother stops support defending, and then hit it with your strong attacks. Once you get one out of the way the other will fall soon. Once the Frost brothers and the rest of the Enemy Units are defeated, the Reinforcements will arrive. Your Main Character will appear beside the Ra Kailum with their brand new strongest frame. Pretty isn't it? Again the enemies have some high evade and hit rates. The Yatenkou will not flee though, so just hit it with whatever you can. The stage will end when all enemies are defeated. Your Main Character will of course keep their new Frame. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Ra Kailum Daitarn 3 14 Other Units Enemy Units: Aiai x 05 (1200G) Niheberugun x 11 (1650G) Metsutangahe x 08 (1430G) Enemy Reinforcements: Megapohegu Edouin (Commander Edouin/old guy) (5000G) Megapohegu Berutorihe (Commander Berutorihe) (5500G) Megapohegu Nendoru (Commander Nendoru) (6000G) Megapohegu Binoia (Commander Binoia) (5000G) Megapohegu Kiros (20000G) Don Saucer (30000G) Items: 3D Radar: Megapohegu Binoia EN Megachip: Megapohegu Edouin Haro: Megapohegu Kiros Learning CP++: Don Saucer Multiple Sensor: Megapohegu Nendoru Super Repair Kit: Megapohegu Berutorihe Super Repair Kit x 03: Niheberugen Events: Niheberugen (Edouin) is Defeated: Megapohegu Edouin Appears Niheberugen (Berutorihe) is Defeated: Megapohegu Berutorihe Appears Niheberugen (Nendoru) is Defeated: Megapohegu Nendoru Appears Niheberugen (Binoia) is Defeated: Megapohegu Binoia Appears Aiai (Kiros) is Defeated: Megapohegu Kiros Appears Megapohegu Kiros is Defeated: Don Saucer Appears Notes: It is rather interesting every time you kill a character out of Daitarn 3 that they pop back immediately with a new and stronger unit. The units here are more stubborn than you may have been used to in that they will be happy to wait for you to come toward them. It is highly suggested you wait until everyone is available to attack before finishing off Kiros' Aiai. She will of course immediately come back with a strong unit, but Don Saucer also arrives when she is defeated. You will want to have as many attacking units available as possible so you can finish both of them in the same turn and not give them the opportunity to attack ^_^ The stage ends promptly after Don is defeated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico Tetsujin Ra Kailum 14 Other Units Enemy Units: Devil Aestivalis x 07 (1200G) Tetsujin x 05 (3600G) Majiso x 02 (3000G) Denjin x 03 (3000G) Daitetsujin x 01 Daimajiso x 01 (6000G) Shishiki x 06 (2400G) Yatenkou x 01 (6000G) Devil Gundam x 03 (13000) Enemy Reinforcements: Madura x 06 Items: Extra Giant Magazine: Daimajiso High Performance Radar: Denjin New Super Alloy Z: Yatenkou Shuffle Badge: Daitetsujin Stew: Devil Gundam Events: 7 Enemies Remain: Enemy Reinforcements Arrive (repeat this 5 times) Notes: The scenario starts with a Devil Gundam and Ereosu damaging the Nadesico, which renders it immobile, and then retreating. A rather strange stage in that the enemy reinforcements keep appearing several times before they stop. This makes for a good opportunity to get lots of experience and money though. After most of the initial enemy set is destroyed, the object that is surrounded by the 3 Devil Gundams is highlighted indicating the stage will end if the Ra Kailum can reach those squares. Destroying all of the enemies on the stage will also complete the level. The Nadesico C will replace the Nadesico after this mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico C Ra Kailum Gear Fighter Dendoh Gear Fighter Ogre (Artea) Valhalla 11 Other Units Alstromeria Enemy Units: Devil Aestivalis x 04 (1100G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 04 (2000G) Red Knight Deathguine x 01 (4800G) Blue Knight Helldine x 01 (4800G) Combattler V x 04 (3630G) MP Great Mazinger x 04 (2880G) Hiyubokurishisu x 01 (8000G) Rayugarahelu x 01 (8000G) Spiral City x 02 (10000G) Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab x 01 (13200G) Gundam Virsago Chest Break x 01 (13200G) Zero x 01 (0G) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Zero x 01 (0G) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Devil Gundam x 03 (14300G) Ereosu x 01 Items: A Adapter: Hiyubokurishisu High Performance Radar: Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab Learning CP+: Gundam Virsago Chest Break New Super Alloy Z: Ereosu Psyco Frame: Rayugarahelu Stew: Devil Gundam Events: Zero is Defeated: Zero Reappears Zero is Defeated 3 times: Gear Fighters Dendoh and Ogre receive Phoenix Data Weapons Vega reaches the red planet: Valhalla, Dendoh, Ogre, and Zero will all be removed from the battle. Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear. Notes: An interesting stage to say the least. The goal to complete this scenario is to have Vega (masked blonde Valhalla pilot) reach the red planet appearing satellite at the northwest corner of the screen. There is of course several enemies ready to prevent Vega from reaching her destination though. For the most part nothing serious (and no one retreats on this stage which is always nice), with the exception of Gundam Virsago Chest Break, Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab, and Zero. These three will continue to support each other heavily. Leave Zero for last because you will be with busy with him for quite awhile. Focus your attacks on the other enemies while keeping Vega out of harm's way toward the back. When Zero is the only unit left, the real fun starts. Zero will automatically return every time he is defeated. Destroying him three times triggers an event that will allow Gear Fighters Dendoh and Ogre to access the Phoenix Data Weapons which have the helpful ability of recharging all of their EN every turn. I would suggest saving before every attack against Zero though since he has a dodge skill. Reloading your game after a missed attack will better your chances of landing successful attacks against Zero, and help you trigger the event sooner. Once you have obtained Ogre and Dendoh's Phoenix Data Weapons feel free for Vega to head toward the satellite, or keep killing Zero if you really want some experience. When Vega reaches the satellite the Valhalla, Dendoh, Ogre, and Zero will all be removed from the battle. The Valhalla does a Star Wars: New Hope/Return of the Jedi trench run and fly into the core to destroy the shield generator around the planet Aruters. Dendoh, Ogre, and Zero all fly to Aruters to finish their battle. Anyway Enemy Reinforcements (2) will appear. Mop up the remaining forces and the mission ends. Dendoh and Ogre will of course keep their new Phoenix Data Weapons and Alstromeria will join your group. Remember that Dendoh's most powerful attack now is in his normal mode where he uses the abilities of all of the Data Weapons for a really nice attack for 50 EN. ^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 36-Raul ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Shin Getter Excellence Player Reinforcements: Ra Kailum Nadesico Gear Fighter Dendoh Gear Fighter Ogre 11 other Units Enemy Units: Devil Aestivalis x 06 (1300G) MP Great Mazinger x 02 (2880G) Combattler V x 04 (3630G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 02 (2000G) Red Knight Deathguine x 01 (4800G) Blue Knight Helldine x 01 (4800G) Hiyubokurishisu x 01 (8000G) Rayugarahelu x 01 (8000G) Ereosu x 01 (8000G) Zero x 01 (0G) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Zero x 01 (0G) Enemy Reinforcements (2) Bekutao Zero x 01 (0G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 04 (2000G) Emperor Karufa x 01 Items: Biosensor: Ereosu I Field Generator: Rayugarahelu Linear Seat: Hiyubokurishisu Mega Generator: Zero Events: Zero is Defeated: Zero Appears All enemies except Zero are Defeated: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Bekutao Zero is Defeated: Bekutao Zero Appears on the next round Emperor Karufa is Defeated: Returns on the next round. Notes: Welcome to the planet Aruters... it looks alot like Earth doesn't it? If you have any units that only work in space, equip a Minovsky Craft or A Adapter on them so they can be used here. The stage starts off pretty simple. Destroy the Devil Aestivalis, MP Great Mazinger, and Combattler V units to build up morale. Defeating all of the units other than Zero will start the next phase of the battle. If you destroy Zero he will return again like he did on the last stage, but this time he drops a Mega Generator every time you kill him.... so if you want to stock up on Mega Generators... well this is about the only opportunity in the game you will have. Once all of the units are destroyed (other than Zero), Zero is changed into Bakutao Zero and the rest of the Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear. Of course this version of Zero can come back too. >_< Again there is a trick. You must defeat Bakutao Zero and Emperor Karufa in the same turn. This may sound like a difficult task considering each of them has 50,000HP, but it is possible even if you do not have some wonderfully upgraded units. Reduce each one's HP, but do not finish them off. Wait to deliver the killing blow on a turn when you are sure you can get both of them. Maybe reduce them to around 10-20,000 HP, deal with their attacks on their turn, and then finish them off when it is your turn again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 36-Fiona ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Ra Kailum Nadesico C Gear Fighter Ogre Gear Fighter Dendoh Excellence 11 Other Units Enemy Units: Devil Aestivalis x 06 (1300G) MP Great Mazinger x 02 (2880G) Combattler V x 04 (3630G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 02 (2000G) Red Knight Deathguine x 01 (4800G) Blue Knight Helldine x 01 (4800G) Hiyubokurishisu x 01 (8000G) Rayugarahelu x 01 (8000G) Ereosu x 01 (8000G) Zero x 01 (0G) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Zero x 01 (0G) Enemy Reinforcements (2) Bekutao Zero x 01 (0G) Machine Warrior Jiyamu x 04 (2000G) Emperor Karufa x 01 Items: Biosensor: Ereosu I Field Generator: Rayugarahelu Linear Seat: Hiyubokurishisu Mega Generator: Zero Events: Zero is Defeated: Zero Appears All enemies except Zero are Defeated: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Bekutao Zero is Defeated: Bekutao Zero Appears on the next round Emperor Karufa is Defeated: Returns on the next round. Notes: Welcome to the planet Aruters... it looks alot like Earth doesn't it? If you have any units that only work in space, equip a Minovsky Craft or A Adapter on them so they can be used here. The stage starts off pretty simple. Destroy the Devil Aestivalis, MP Great Mazinger, and Combattler V units to build up morale. Defeating all of the units other than Zero will start the next phase of the battle. If you destroy Zero he will return again like he did on the last stage, but this time he drops a Mega Generator every time you kill him.... so if you want to stock up on Mega Generators... well this is about the only opportunity in the game you will have. Once all of the units are destroyed (other than Zero), Zero is changed into Bakutao Zero and the rest of the Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear. Of course this version of Zero can come back too. >_< Again there is a trick. You must defeat Bakutao Zero and Emperor Karufa in the same turn. This may sound like a difficult task considering each of them has 50,000HP, but it is possible even if you do not have some wonderfully upgraded units. Reduce each one's HP, but do not finish them off. Wait to deliver the killing blow on a turn when you are sure you can get both of them. Maybe reduce them to around 10-20,000 HP, deal with their attacks on their turn, and then finish them off when it is your turn again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Ra Kailum Nadesico C 14 Other Units Excellence Enemy Units: Devil Aestivalis x 04 (1300G) Devil Gundam 1st Stage x 03 (8000G) Devil Gundam 2nd Stage x 02 (11000G) Devil Gundam 3rd Stage x 02 (13000G) MP Great Mazinger x 02 (2640G) Combattler V x 04 (3630G) Red Knight Deathguine x 01 (4800G) Blue Knight Helldine x 01 (4800G) Hiyubokurishisu x 01 (8000G) Rayugarahelu x 01 (8000G) Ereosu x 01 (8000G) Deyuminasu-Purooton (10000G) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Deyuminasu Deuteron (20000G) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Deyuminasu Toriton Notes: Wow, the last stage. o_O Nothing particularly impressive, not like the massive time limit free for all there was in SRWA. Just the usual Devil Aestivalis, MP Great Mazingers, and Combattler V units. The only particularly difficult part is dealing with Deyuminasu and the girls since Deyuminasu has the leadership ability which increases the hit and dodge rates of the girls, and they all support defend each other. Concentrate on one girl at a time, and Deyuminasu will stop support defending them when its HP becomes low. This will make finishing off the rest of the girls easier. Deyuminasu has three forms, so it will take a little while to get through them all, but there is nothing particularly impressive or dangerous about any of them. Just keep up everyone's HP and take advantage of your spells. I hope you enjoy the ending and 'Thank you for playing Super Robot Taisen R.' ======================================================================== VI. SECRETS ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alstromeria (Genchiro) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are two Alstromerias actually. To receive Genchiro's Alstromeria it seems you must have Tsukumo have a battle encounter with Genchiro on Scenario 32 and 34 (Uncomfirmed Method). Genchiro's Alstromeria has a base AT of 2400. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alstromeria (Tsukumo) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are two Alstromerias actually. Tsukumo's Alstromeria is received by Tsukumo receiving 10 kills at the end of Scenario 31. Tsukumo's Alstromeria has a base AT of 2200. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Febral: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Febral is a Zeong-like MA used by Lancerow when he fought against Jamil and the end of the Seventh Space War (similar to how Char used the Zeong against Amuro at the end of the OYW). Apparantly if Jamil has earned 20 kills by Scenario 22 and you have gone on the Colony Drop path this suit can be earned. You will not receive the unit if you went on the Vega Rescue path. Basically allow Jamil to finish off weakened enemy units (the Freedan does have a long range with the cannon). It is quite possible to get the necessary number of kills on Scenario 18 and 19 (I did anyway). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G-Bit System ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Take the Space Route after Scenario 28. After Scenario 31 is over, the Gundam Double X and Gundam X will have access to the G-Bit system which gives them even more attacks than before. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gundam Mark III ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Take the Ra Kailum route at the end of Scenario 01. Use Chein (Re-GZ) to destroy Quess (Alpha Azieru). An event will take place. On Scenario 20 when Four appears, she will have the Gundam Mk. III instead of the Jegan she would normally have. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ High Mobility Black Salena ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you took the Nadesico path at the end of the first Scenario, you will receive the High Mobility Black Salena for Akito too. The HM Black Salena is the Mobile Armor-like armor that goes over the Black Salena and acts as an armored carrier (and the Black Salena acts like an armored carrier for Akito's Custom Aestivalis). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lancerow ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lancerow's Convince Process has three steps. 1)On Scenario 22-Colony Drop, Jamil needs to have a battle encounter with Lancerow (either attack Lancerow or be attacked by Lancerow), which will create a conversation between the two of them. Feel free to blow him up afterwards though (or destroy him with that attack). 2)On Scenario 29-Space Path, Jamil needs to have another battle encounter with Lancerow. 3)On Scenario 30-Space Path, Jamil needs to have another battle encounter with Lancerow, but do not destroy him this time! On the next turn Jamil will be able to use 'Convince' on Lancerow and he will immediately join. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Master Gundam ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy Master Asia's Devil Gundam on Scenario 26. On Scenario 27 allow Shin Getter 1's HP to be reduced until the numbers appear red. When Gol (the upper right most enemy) is Defeated, an event will take place with Shin Getter destroying Gol's second form. Gol's first form may be destroyed by any character. Master will join in the intermission, and will be available to be chosen on Scenario 28, but you can not upgrade in the intermission between 27 and 28. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Puru ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the intermission between Scenario 21 and 22, choose to go on the 'Colony Drop' Path (the second choice). To get Puru and her purple Quebeley Mk. II you must have Judau (Gundam ZZ) use 'Convince' on her twice in Scenario 22 and she will join you. Be sure to recruit Puru before defeating Haman or having the Near Argama touch the colony though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Puru Two ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In order to get Puru Two you must have first completed the steps to get Puru (directly above). After that requirement has been completed choose to go on the 'Space' path (the second choice) during the intermission between Scenario 28 and 29. On Scenario 29-Space path, be sure to deploy Judau and Puru. The process is for Judau and Puru to each have a battle encounter (either by attacking her by being attacked) with Puru Two's Psyco Gundam Mk. II. Destroy Glemy (blonde male in the Quin Mantha), and then have Judau use the 'Convince' command on Puru Two. DO NOT use the 'Convince' Command before Glemy is Defeated or the process will not work. If done successfully the Psyco Gundam Mk. II will explode. Puru Two will be available on the pilot roster in the next intermission, but her Qubeley Mk. II will not be shown. The Qubelely Mk. II will be available on the deploy roster for Scenario 30 though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shin Getter's Extra Attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destroy Master Asia's Devil Gundam on Scenario 26. On Scenario 27 allow Shin Getter 1's HP to be reduced until the numbers appear red. When Gol (the upper right most enemy) is Defeated, an event will take place with Shin Getter destroying Gol's second form. Gol's first form may be destroyed by any character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zambot 3's Ion Cannon ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choose to go the GEAR HQ Path after Scenario 28. Zambot 3 will start with this weapon on Scenario 29. ======================================================================== VII. COMBINATION ATTACKS ======================================================================== Combination Attacks are very specific attacks that only certain characters/mecha possess with certain other characters/mecha. These attacks often have a specific range and those performing the attack must be within close range of each other. Here are a list of some currently known attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Buttercup Formation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Aestivalis-Ryoko, Aestivalis-Hikaru, and Aestivalis-Izumi Range: 1-5 EN Required: 30 from each Morale Required: 110 for each Placement: Aestivalis units must all have the same frame type and be adjacent or diagonal to each other. The Aestivalis initiating the attack must be within 1-5 squares of the target. Description: The 3 Aestivalis Units get into formation and fire their guns at the enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Combination Yonatatsuku ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Daitarn 3 and Zambot 3 Range: 1 EN Required: 80 of each Morale Required: 130 for both Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be beside the target, and the support unit must be adjacent or diagonal to the attacking unit. Description: Zambot 3 uses its Moon Tatsuka and Daitarn 3 uses its Sun Tatsuka on the opponent, if the attack is strong enough to defeat the opponent, the two mecha will jump kick a hole out of the middle of it together. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Beam Launcher: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Gundam Double Zeta/FAZZ and Gundam Zeta Range: 2-6 EN Required: 60 Morale Required: 110 for both Placement: The unit initiating the attack must in range of target, and the support unit must be adjacent or diagonal to the attacking unit. Description: The two units fire off their respective Beam Launchers for lots of beam lovin' on the target. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Breast Fire: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Great Mazinger and Mazinger Z Range: 1 EN Required: 60 of each Morale Required: None Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be beside the target, and the support unit must be adjacent or diagonal to the attacking unit. Description: The Mazingers lay down fiery pain upon their enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Breast Missle: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Venus A and Diana A Range: 1-5 EN Required: 30 of each Morale Required: 110 of each Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the support unit must be adjacent or diagonal to the attacking unit. Description: Each unit fires off their respective breast missles at the target.... and the missles even got individual appearances for this release... must not laugh... may cause bodily injury laughing so hard... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Funnel: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Qubeley Mk. II and Qubeley Mk. II Range: 3-8 EN Required: 45 of Each Morale Required: 110 of Each Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the support unit must be adjacent or diagonal to the attacking unit. Description: The two Qubeley's fire off their Funnels for a bunch of pretty little swirlies and lots of beam blasts on their poor target. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Funnel: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Nu Gundam and MP Nu Gundam-Funnel Range: 3-7 EN Required: 45 Morale Required: 110 of Each Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in rage of target, and the support unit must be adjacent or diagonal to the attacking unit. Description: Same great taste, and even more filling. o_o ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double God Finger: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: God Gundam and Nobel Gundam Range: 1 EN Required: 70 of Each Morale Required: 120 of Each Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be beside the target, and the support unit must be adjacent or diagonal to the attacking unit. Description: God and Nobel attack with a God Finger from in front and behind their target. I loved that episode, Allenby is just like perfect. *shakes fist angrily at Rain* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Gekigan Flare ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Aestivalis-Akito and Aestivalis-Gai Range: 1-3 EN Required: 50 of each Morale Required: 120 for each Placement: The Aestivalis initiating the attack must be within 3 squares of the target, and the partner Aestivalis must be on a square adjacent or diagonal to the Aestivalis intitiating the attack. Both Aestivalis Units must have the same frame type, and it must be OG or Aerial Frame. Description: Akito and Gai get into a close formation while doing the Gekigan Flare move, a close up of both units appearing golden is shown (a different shot depending on if they are using OG or Aerial Frames) before the strike the opponent from the front, and again from the back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double God Finger: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: God Gundam and Master Gundam Range: 1 EN Required: 70 of each Morale Required: 120 of each Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be beside the target, and the support unit must be adjacent or diagonal to the attacking unit. Description: God and Master attack together with God Finger attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Mazinger Blade: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Great Mazinger and Mazinger Z Range: 2-5 EN Required: 10 of each Morale Required: None Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the support unit must be adjacent or diagonal to the attacking unit. Description: The Mazingers strike the enemy from both sides with their respective blades. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Rocket Punch: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Great Mazinger and Mazinger Z Range: 2-5 EN Required: 50 of each Morale Required: 110 of each Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the support unit must be adjacent or diagonal to the attacking unit. Description: The Mazingers fire off their fists together. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Satellite Cannon: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Gundam Double X and Gundam X (not GX-Divider) Range: 1-9 EN Required: 0 Morale Required: 140 of Each Placement: The unit initiating the attack must in range of target, and the support unit must be adjacent or diagonal to the attacking unit. Description: An Epileptic's Nightmare ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Sekiha Tenkyoken ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: God Gundam and Master Gundam Range: 1 EN Required: 50 of each Morale Required: 140 of each Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be beside the target, and the support unit must be adjacent or diagonal to the attacking unit. Description: God and Master Gundam attack with a combined Tenkyoken. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Final Dynamic ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Shin Getter 1, Great Mazinger, Mazinger Z Range: 1 EN Required: 100 of each Morale Required: 120 of Each Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be beside the target, and the support units must be diagonal or adjacent to each other. Description: The three units pose together, and blast the enemy with a Double Breast Fire with Getter Beam. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Love Love Finger ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: God Gundam and Shining Gundam Range: 1 EN Required: 80 of each Morale Required: 120 of Each Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be beside the target, and the support unit must be adjacent or diagonal to the attacking unit. Description: A Shining Finger attack from one side of the enemy, and a God Finger attack on the other side and a lot of hearts fly out of the enemy before it explodes. Pretty much the same as the rest of the 'Finger' combinations, but it costs 10 more EN. >_< ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Love Love Tenkyoken ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: God Gundam and Shining Gundam Range: 1 EN Required: 160 of Each Morale Required: 130 of Each Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be beside the target, and the support unit must be adjacent or diagonal to the attacking unit. Description: Booyah, the power of love baby! I love the little heart shaped hole it leaves in enemies. ^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moon & Sun Slash ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Daitarn 3 and Zambot 3 Range: 1 EN Required: 50 Morale Required: 120 for each Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be beside the target, and the support unit must be adjacent or diagonal to the attacking unit. Description: Daitarn 3 and Zambot 3 attack together with their individual sword techniques (look at the pretty backgrounds *_*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shuffle Alliance Fist ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: God Gundam, Gundam Maxter, Dragon Gundam, Gundam Rose and Bolt Gundam. Range: 1-2 EN Required: 70 of each Morale Required: 120 for each Placement: All units must be adjacent to the unit initiating the attack. Description: The Shuffle Alliance does a Tenkyoken together. Pain ensues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strong Wind Pair Connected Attacking ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Gear Fighter Dendoh and Gear Fighter Ogre Range: 1 EN Required: 40 of each Morale Required: 110 for both Placement: A Gear Fighter must be adjacent or diagonal to the Gear Fighter initiating the attack. Neither Gear Fighter may have a Data Weapon equipped. Description: The Gear Fighters bounce the target back and forth before launching it into the air. The Gear Fighters then jump above the target and fly downward for a powerful strike. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Super Electromagnetism Smashing: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Combattler V and Voltes V Range: 1 EN Required: 100 Morale Required: 130 of Each Placement: The unit initiating the attack must in range of target, and the support unit must be adjacent or diagonal to the attacking unit. Description: Combattler V and Voltes V each strike with their strongest attacks after posing. ======================================================================= VIII. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Can I play this game on a USA/NA Game Boy Advance? A. Yes. GBA does not have any territorial lock outs, so you can play import games on the system. NA games can even be played on japanese GBAs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. How do I replay a stage? A. Save at intermission and force yourself to lose (like putting all your units on a battleship and placing it in the middle of the enemy's forces). DO NOT save anywhere else since that will disable the ability to replay a stage. The experience and money earned in the battle will remain, but the characters' kill count will remain as it was before the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. How many Scenarios/Levels/Missions are there? A. There are 37 levels from beginning to end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Will Gear Fighter Ogre retain its fully upgraded status on a replay game? A. Yes, even if you did not pay for the upgrades. ^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Is it a waste to upgrade Neo Getter since it will be replaced by Shin Getter? A. NO! Upgrades between Neo and Shin Getter are shared. ^_^ So all upgrades you have given to Neo Getter will go over to Shin. All of the upgrades you have given Shin Getter will of course also go to Neo Getter on a replay game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Is it a waste to upgrade the Freedan since it will be replaced by Near Argama/Ra Kailum and Jamil will return to piloting mobile suits? A. Nope, all upgrades between Freedan, Near Argama, and Ra Kailum are shared. ^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Will upgrading the G-Falchon's weapons make the DX/G-Falchon combination's weapons stronger? A. No, the strength of the Combined Form's weapons is based on the strength of DX's only. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. If I upgrade one of the Excellence's (Main Character's unit) Frames, are the other frames upgraded too? A. Yes, even the Lightning/Eternal Frames. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Do Shining's upgrades carry over to God Gundam? A. Yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. How can I use a space only unit on an earth stage? A. Equip a Minovsky Craft on the unit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Is Mazinkaiser, Cybuster, Lord of the Elementals, Aura Battlers, Original Mobile Suit Gundam, Gundam: 08th MS Team, Gundam 0080, Gundam 0083, Gundam F91, Turn A Gundam, V Gundam, Grendizer, Daimos, Gunbuster, Evangelion, Macross, Original Getter Robo, Getter Robo G, L-Gaim, or Gekiganger in SRWR? A. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. How come masa7su's FAQ looks somewhat similar to yours in format? A. Excellent question, I mentioned that he had the same format and copyright info on his guides, and here was his reply: "Te he he^^ you know it, i just copy and paste your's" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Can you give me VBA codes? A. Hell no. First off it is easy enough to buy the cart, and second you should not need to cheat on games anyway. Just my ideas on the subject. ^^; =================== IX. SPECIAL THANKS =================== Thanks to CJayC for GameFAQs.com, and the FAQ of the Month award. ^^ Thanks to Otaku for listening to all my insane anime and game rambles. Extra thanks to him for his help with the name translations. Thanks to Haipaakoneko as always for everything. Thanks to ikusagami and All Your Base for information of the new items in the game. Thanks to masa7su for really liking the format I use for SRW FAQs? o_O Thanks to DragoonT for having mad skills at finding goodies in SRW games as usual. ^_^; Thanks to Nadesico: Project Schiaparelli (http://homepage.mac.com/tatara/nadesicops/) for making an excellent Nadesico site and it helped me out with the PoD info alot. ^_^ Thanks to Yuuki Soushi for pointing out the Final Dynamic Combination Attack. =================== X. COPYRIGHT =================== Unpublished work Copyright 2002 gundamtotoro This document is protected by US Copyright Law. It is meant for private use only. This FAQ may not be referenced or altered without permission from myself. This FAQ is a GAMEFAQS Exclusive and may not be hosted elsewhere. Alteration of this Copyright is punishable under Title 17 Chapter 5 Section 506(d) of US Copyright Law for a fine of up to $2,500. "Gundam", "Mobile Suit", and all related characters and names are property of Sotsu Agency, Sunrise, and Bandai Co. Ltd. "Daitarn 3" and all related characters and names are property of Nippon Sunrise, Sotsu Agency, and Doro TV Merchandising. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned herein.