=================================== Super Robot Taisen Advance R (GBA) =================================== Super Robot Taisen Advance R FAQ/Walkthrough Version 0.7 August 21, 2002 - October 29, 2002 Unpublished work (c) 2002 by masa7su E-Mail : masa7su@hotmail.com ================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ================== I. Introduction II. E-mail guidelines III. General Faq IV. Pilot Faq V. Walkthrough VI. Growth Chart VII. Secret Mech VIII. Best Couple IX. Forbidden Section X. Credit XI. Copyright ============= INTRODUCTION ============= Well it's kindda late to update my waltrough, but better than Never^_^, the Walktrough are now cover all the path w very minor mistake, and i think i have found every secret unit in this game(Tsukumo & Genichiro Alstromeria really hurt my Head>_<). At August 21 i borrow my friend Japanesse Book for Beginner(not a Dictionary), start to learn "Katakana" and "Hiragana", Roughly translated most enemy name at Nadesico route, if the enemy name have "Kanji" and "Katakana" on it I didn't give it full name, Just translating the Katakana(>_<). i got confuse to translate this (-) Looks like Character on Katakana, you can spell it as "R", "H", etc though it can't stand independently, if any one know how to read this Character please mail me(^_^)". btw i made some mistake again(not FATAL^^"), i found out today, that's no Jammer part upgrade.if you find out i type Jammer in my walkthrough, it's actually a Hovercraft^_^". Still Need help to correct some name(well actually much of it >_< ). ------------- Version 0.7 ------------- October 29, 2002 Edited most of the spelling and some error information like "some times it have a name and some times it didn't have a name"(the unit i mean), but i believe there're still many mistake in this walkthrough, for that i beg u an apology. ------------- Version 0.6 ------------- September 15, 2002 Added Best couple, just because i feel like to add it^^, i hope it could be a good reference in choosing a pilot for you ------------- Version 0.5 ------------- August 28, 2002 - September 13, 2002 Added Pilot Faqs and Forbidden Section(tought i don't fell really like to add it). Fixed MUCH! mistake i made at Gundam Route(GOMEN NEE ^^"), added some name at Gundam route,Added growth chart(FAQ) and Secret Mecha section. ------------- Version 0.4 ------------- August 24, 2002 - August 28, 2002 Fixed some mistake at Nadesico & Gear Senshi route, Translated some name on the enemy unit. ------------- Version 0.3 ------------- August 22, 2002 - August 24, 2002 Finally The Walkthrough has Finished^^, maybe there's still some mistake on it, gonna clarify this Walkthrough very soon. ------------- Version 0.2 ------------- August 16, 2002 - August 21, 2002 Nothing really important got frustated with some stage, that cause i'm slowed down making this walkthrough. ------------- Version 0.1 ------------- August 14, 2002 - August 15, 2002 Got massive ammount of playing this game, need some rest (i'm sleepy,-_- zzzz). but no need to worry gonna update very soon. ------------- Version 0.0 ------------- August 8, 2002 - August 13, 2002 Started to work on walkthrough, have a terrible flu, gonna update very soon^^". ==================== II.E-MAIL GUIDELINES ==================== I would't repply any mail that concerning any question that already being writen on my FAQ/Walkthrough LOUD & CLEAR! >_0. I would highly appreciate any help with the FAQ though, any clarification, corrections, & any additional Information would be very much appreciated and credit will be given. ================= III. GENERAL FAQ ================= 1. Definition of Good Mecha : - Good mecha doesn't need to have a lot of moves that waste yer money too upgrade it - Good mecha have a move that can be used after moving one square to another square & have decent ranged weapon - Good mecha need to have good pilot to maximized it potential use.(see pilot FAQ for more information.) Conclusion : Every mecha in SRW have their own positive and negative side even the weakest mecha like methuss can save your day(it work for me).so it need strategic plan in each play, which you must use and which you musn't use. 2. Mecha type and Function : I. SWEEPER. my favorite type since most of my team member was a sweeper. a sweeper is a mecha that can produce massive amount of damage ya will be surprised how fast general enemy being sweeped by a legion of sweeper assisted one another. this kind of unit ussually a super robot type and an exception from G-gundam group (Gundam ussually weak but G-gundam was another story) weakpoint : the super robot ussually have an extraordinary lack of speed and accuracy and have a worst ranged attack.(this type can be countered by sniper & annoyer) II. SNIPER. I have at least 2 on my team. it will help you to reduce the amount of enemy who move toward yer team couse of it ranged weapon can reach 8 square ahead and have high accuracy. this kind of unit ussually comes From Gundam UC series such as Nu-Gundam, Zeta, etc weakpoint : if the enemy can cacth you in close combat batle, "YER DEAD MEAT" if you didn't have high mobility since all sniper have worst close combat attack. III. ANNOYER doesn't really need it but it wasn't a bad Idea to have it at least 1 in your team. it function was to set the enemy stand still on it's position(you ask why you need too do this? you'l find out eventually.) the annoyer must have extremelly high mobility and a pilot who's expert in agility and accuracy, doesn't really need high damage attack weakpoint : don't you try to attack general enemy that can cast "lock on"! IV. SUPPORT UNIT Need at least one in every battle since it have abillity to recover HP and or Resupply plus point : Don't need to levelling it up. you will surprissed how high it level can goes just by restoring friendly unit HP/EN V. SHIELDER well you will naturally bring one in each battle. yep the MOTHERSHIP can save your punny little SNIPER from blasted away for receiving lethal attack. my advice : try using Nadesico as a shield again mostly Gundam enemy that use Beam weapon since it have a barrier that will repel every Beam attack. VI. CROSSOVER There is some mecha that i figured out was a combination of 2 or 3 category that i have explained above i Called my best Combination as A Demolisher. a combination between Sweeper, Annoyer, & a Minimum skill that Sniper Need(Good ranged weapon). 3. Tactic: -. NEVER! rushing a swarm of real robot using your super robot alone(every robot sized L in it's status can be categorized super robot although it's Gundam like GPO3 Dendrobium,and every robot with sized S/M in it's status can be categorized real robot though it come from super robot series like Kerot ) you will commonly kill a real robot using super robot in 1 or 2 hardblow but you'l having a hard time to land a single hit to the enemy without "CONCENTRATION" or "LOCK ON" spell eversince real robot is a "SPEED DEMON" & Super robot was a "SLOW TITAN" -. KEEP IN GROUP! yep the best way to reach victory is keeping all your mech's stay close and Assist one another. DEMO when facing enemy mecha with map weapon ya must know when ya must scramble to separate so ye can receive minimal amount of damage. -. SEND YOUR ANNOYER, basically it's ok to send a single well prepared annoyer to the swarm of enemy(don't need to care though enemy was a small unit since the annoyer ussually have "CONCENTRATION" spell that can save his life for about 30 percent^_^)when the annoyer do his Job the other unit can move to a better ground like base or satellite that restoring small amount of HP/EN and adding 15 percent to your mobility. if your annoyer get blasted accidentally no need to fell sorry for him since the repairing cost was not to expensive and ussually the enemy will receive a significant damage when this was happen. -. REPLAY THE STAGE, doesn't really like to do it but it "MUST" when battling never save in the heat of battle cuz if you was defeated the money and the experience that you gain will stand still like before your last robot were destroyed(not like the previous series that will cut half of your total money for continue)REPLAY THE STAGE as necessary (my tactic is destroying Battleship ussing MAP weapon). 4. Tips : Don't let the enemy which ussually retreat if it's hp low manage their retreat. Reduce it's Hp as neccessary and then Destroy them using assist attack, sometimes something Good will come. but sometime when destroying enemy that supposed to retreat the result was Game over.^_^" ================= IV. PILOT FAQ ================= ----------------- Choosing a pilot ----------------- Actually it's not a bad idea to changging a mech's pilot, if ye get a good combination ye can mail me so here it goes: in status screen you can see =============== = = NAME ********** Level ** = character = = = = picture = = = MORALE 100 (usually) EXP Need for next Level *** = = =============== STATUS CLOSE COMBAT *** IMPACT DEFENSE(I'm not sure)*** ACCURACY *** RANGED COMBAT *** RANGED DEFENSE(I'm not sure either)*** SPEED ***+*** Well then ya in mecha there is 2 type of attack first impact (the one with symbol like fist)the other is ranged attack[i think the symbol looks like this(+)], then ya see close combat and ranged combat amount show how good that character using that type of attack for example if ya exchange the pilot between Amuro(sniper) and Domon(sweeper). if Amuro using Shining/God Finger that have impact type,the result will be not as devastated as if Domon that using Shining/God Gundam and so Domon, if he use Hyper Bazzooka that have symbol ranged attack the result will not be as devastating as if Amuro that use the attack. So that is how it work's, hope that it will help you find the best pilot for your favourite mecha. ----------------- Developing Pilot ----------------- Well here is the big difference between Super Robot Taisen Advance and Super Robot Taisen Advance Revenge. in Srw Advance the level of a pilot have a very little influence to it's Battle statistic since you'll gain status up very oftenly(+1 to most often use attack statistic/stage). but in Revenge that's not gonna happen(yay!^^) the pilot level is very crucial you'll need to gain level as much as you can to be stronger. Note : the mecha you use will actually build your pilot type, if it have a lot of close range attack He/She who piloting the mech will become a SWEEPER, if the Mech have a lot Ranged Attack the pilot will become a SNIPER. that's why i love this game so much!^o^, hundred of hours just for replaying the stage, i got so excited(more likely frustated^^") playing this awesome game^_^. ================ V. WALKTHROUGH ================ -------- STAGE 1 -------- * Friendly unit : Main chara * Enemy unit : - Dortres(hp 3000)x 4 - Jenis (hp 3300)x 2 * Friendly reinforcement (turn 3) - Nadesico B - S Aestivalis Saburouta - Ra Kailum - Re - Gz (BWS) - Jeegan * Enemy reinforcement (turn 3) - Jenis (hp 3300)x 4 - Dortres Commando(hp 3800)x 2 - Dortres Weapon (hp 3500)x 4 note : after testing a few robot the enemy mecha will arrive don't need to do anything just land and cast concentrate spell, counterattack every time and wait till the reinforcement arrive. a very simple stage^_^ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A split occur after the battle the first is Nadesico Route, the other are Gundam route ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- STAGE 2 (Nadesico) ------------------- * Friendly unit : - Main chara - S Aestivalis Saburouta - Aestivalis C Ryoko - Nadesico B * Enemy unit : - ? (hp 4800)x 2 - Strungeru (hp 3600)x 2 - Normal Aestivalis (hp 3300)x 4 - Aestivalis Heavy Frame(hp 4500)x 8 * Friendly reinforcement(all enemy unit eliminated) - Black Sarena x 1 * Enemy reinforcement (all enemy unit eliminated) - ?(hp 7800) x 1(will retreat if hp are red) - ?(hp 6300) x 6 * Nice item in this stage : - Booster -> major enemy in Enemy reinforcement Note : Quite a simple stage the enemy will stand on their ground, beware with Aestivalis HF which have artilery range for 2-6, save your concentrate spell for Enemy reinforcement since they will really kick your butt(>_<) just make your way destroying every enemy mech, the enemy reinforcement will appear above the last mech you encounter. my advice is run to the base which adding accuracy/mobility and Hp/en Recover since the enemy reinforcement will come toward you(one nice thing from this stage^_^). ------------------ STAGE 2 (Gundam) ------------------ * Friendly unit : - Main chara - Ra Kailum - Re - Gz(BWS) - Jeegan * Enemy Unit : - Gira Dorga (hp 4400) x 10 - Gira Dorga (hp 5400) x 1 - Yakuto Dorga(hp 7000) x 1 Beware with it artilery range 3-7 * Enemy reinforcement(turn 3 ouch>_<) - Gira Dorga (hp 4400) x 7 - Char Sazabi(hp 8000,x2 Ouchie!) x 1 * Nice item in this stage : - Booster -> Char Sazabi Note : Your mission here supposed to be destroying the meteor in 7 turn but if you didn't made it the game still continued instead of game over(though now i don't recommended you to do this). The reinforcement itself will appear right in front of the Meteor. if you manage to Destroy the Meteor, Kayra will be on Mass Production Nu Gundam for the Next Stage, if you didn't, she will use Amuro Re - Gz. all the enemy remain will flee if you've succeded destroy the meteor The Tactic: Replay this stage for a few times after you thing your Amuro(in Re-Gz) have sufficient level, rush it unit to the meteor, shot and Counter attack if necessary, surelly you'll destroy the meteor in 4/5 turn ------------------ STAGE 3 (Nadesico) ------------------ * Friendly unit : - Main Chara - S Aestivalis Saburouta - Aestivalis C Ryoko - Aestivalis C Hikaru - Aestivalis C Izumi - Black Sarena - Alstromeria - Nadesico B * Enemy unit : - Leader (hp 7800) (like previous enemy reinforcement) - ? (hp 6300)x 6(like previous enemy reinforcement) - ? (hp 4800)x 4 - Strungeru(hp 3600)x 2 * Neutral Unit (turn 7) : - Bandock (hp 20000)x 1 - Mechaburst Thrust (hp 7500)x 4 - Mechaburst Destroyer(hp 7300)x 2 * Nice item you can get here - High Performance Targeter -> Bandock(Butcher) - Mobility booster -> Leader. * Event - If you manage to destroy it leader in enemy unit, it will self destruct trying to destroy Nadesico(But He Fail^_^ he he). - In turn 7 if there is Any enemy unit Remain, it will Retreat when neutral reinforcement arrive. Note : The enemy who previously appear in enemy reinforcement was suck! it still can KICK your ass VERY HARD but no need to worry the Strungeru & ?(x4) unit. my point is make your move toward it and form a formation, take advantage of Nadesico Command area(Blue square surround it not yellow), and Aestivalis Combination attack(it can and will hurt enemy Badly^_^). The Neutral reinforcement will Arrive at south west corner of the Map. You will receive Nadesico C after the battle. ------------------ STAGE 3 (Gundam) ------------------ * Friendly unit : - Main Chara - Ra Kailum - Nu Gundam (Yay^_^) - Re - Gz(BWS) - Jeegan - Jeegan/MP Nu Gundam * Enemy unit : - Gira Dorga (hp 4400) x 9 - Gira Dorga (hp 5400) - Yakuto Dorga(hp 7000, it will retreat if you destroy more than 6 Gira Dorga) - Yakuto Dorga(hp 6800, it will retreat if you destroy more than 6 Gira Dorga) * Neutral Unit (turn 5) - Bandock (Butcher, hp 20000) x 1 - Mechaburst Thrust (hp 7500) x 4 - Mechaburst Destroyer(hp 7300) x 2 * Nice item in this stage - High Performance Targeter -> Yakuto Dorga(Quess, 6800) - Booster -> Yakuto Dorga(Gyunei, 7000) - Mobility booster -> Bandock (Butcher) * Event : - Yakuto Dorga(7000) will retreat if Yakuto Dorga(6000) was destroyed or they will retreat if one of them being destroyed when Gira Dorga(5400) wasn't available on the MAP(you've destroy her). - The enemy unit will retreat when neutral reinforcement arrive. Note : Another simple scenario no need real atention against Gira Dorga x 9 which piloted by federation army, Amuro himself can Sweep them without worrying being hit, but when encountered with the leader at north west section, cast concentrate every turn since it have high accuracy, and can destroy Nu Gundam in 3 hit. The Neutral unit itself are powerfull but it have a lousy accuracy it's surely easy fighting them(Duo said: To fast 100 year to shoot me down^_^). ------------------- STAGE 4 (Nadesico) ------------------- * Friendly unit : - Main Chara - S Aestivalis Saburouta - Aestivalis C Ryoko (take advantage of it combination attack^_^) - Aestivalis C Izumi - Aestivalis C Hikaru - Nadesico C - Black Sarena - Alstromeria * Enemy unit : - Leader (hp 8300)x 1(like stage 2 enemy reinforcement) - ? (hp 6300)x 6(like stage 2 enemy reinforcement) - Normal Aestivalis(hp 3300)x 6 - Strungeru (hp 3600)x 6 - ? (hp 4800)x 6 * Nice item in this stage - Chobahm Armor -> Leader * Event - After you defeating your enemy, enemy reinforcement is arrive, after a small chit-chat Duminas appear and attacking your mech your partner come trying protecting you but then he/she(whatever>_<) start to attacking Nadesico until it's destroyed that caused a huge explosion, that caused a time warp. you and your partner then being helped by Banjo(Daitarn 3). Note : Supposedly not a realy hard stage what you need to do just wait, make formation Suround Nadesico(Since the unit cannot move But it can attack), the enemy will come toward you just wait and Assault them with Aestivalist Combination Attack ^_^. After that you'l get splited from Ruri and it's team and have a new team Daitarn 3 And original Nadesico Team. ---------------- STAGE 4 (Gundam) ---------------- * Friendly unit : - Main Chara - Nu Gundam - ? - Re - Gz(BWS) - Jeegan * Enemy unit : - Char Sazabi (hp 8500) x 1 - Alpha Ziel (hp 12000) x 1 - Gira Dorga (hp 4400) x 6 - Gira Dorga (hp 5400) - Yakuto Dorga(hp 6800) x 4 - Yakuto Dorga(hp 7000) * Nice item in this stage - Chobahm Armor -> Char * Event - The very same event initiate like in Nadesico Path Just this time Near Argama being the target and you jump to another Gundam scenario(Gundam X, Yay^_^) Note : It Actual mission was to bring Near Argama to the location that have been Pointed before, but defeating all the enemy will become more effective than bring Near Argama there(though i actually bring it^^"), it have the same effect as if you bring it. The enemy front line were actually weak against Amuro and his Nu Gundam, But the last defense were realy like an Iron wall(i got A lot of trouble Destroying Sazabi>_<), save your Sp till that point, Btw if you wanna get Gundam MK III later at stage 20, try to Destroy Quess(Alpha Ziel) with Chien(yup Definitelly it's "Chien Agi" that's on Re - Gz), while Hattaway(Jeegan) still on the map(his unit still breathing i mean,since he will not leave the Battle), after you Destroy Quess w Chien there is some event, and say Goodbye to Chien Forever since Hattaway goes Nuts and shoot Re - Gz Down (some people said it's the same event like in Gundam CC stories, but i haven't seen that episode). After you split from your team you got........, um i mean you're alone now.-_-" sigh. ------------------- STAGE 5 (Nadesico) ------------------- * Friendly unit : - Main Chara - Aestivalis(Akito, Gai,Ryoko,Hikaru,Izumi^^) x 5 - Nadesico - Daitarn 3 * Enemy unit : - Tetsujin (hp 8500)x 1 - Vuta (hp 2800)x 9 - Katonvo (hp 5300)x 4 * Neutral reinforcment(all enemy destroyed): - Aiai (hp 5060) - Aiai (hp 3800) x 9 - Mutangar (hp 7600) x 3 - Nibel Gun(hp 10000)x 2 * Nice item in this stage - Dual Sensor -> Gekigan. - Mobility Booster & Chobahm Armor -> Aiai(5060). Note : First stand still on the base, since the enemy unit will move toward you^_^. Daitarn 3 will become useless here since the enemy have high Mobility so move it to the corner of the map so the enemy cannot targeting him. After all the enemy destroyed the Neutral Enemy arrive and Nadesico now can move and attacking the enemy. (The true mission in this stage is actually moving the Nadesico unit to the pointed area, but destroying all neutral enemy will give no different ressult, though i completed it true mission ^_^") ---------------- STAGE 5 (Gundam) ---------------- * Friendly unit : - Main Chara - GX 9900 (i love it serial number,^_^) - Re - Gz (BWS) (Gimme back my Nu Gundam!>_<) - Freeden - Gundam Air Master - Gundam Leopard - Taurus Unit - Methuss * Enemy unit : - Doraisen (hp 5900) x 1 - Jenis (hp 3300) x 4 - Vau (hp 4200) x 3 - Grandyne (hp 9000) x 2 - Zusa (hp 3800) x 2 * Enemy reinforcement (turn 3/Destroy 8 enemy if you play as Raul): - Gundam Virsago (I wish i never met those psycho freak again>_<) - Gundam Ashtaron - Dortress (hp 3000) x 4 - Dortress Commando(hp 3800) x 2 - Dortress Weapon (hp 3500) x 2 * Nice item in this stage : - Chobahm Armor -> Doraisen - Dual Sensor -> Virsago - Mobility Booster -> Ashtaron(btw If one of Frost brothers Hp goes critical/ destroyed they will retreat,-_-" sigh) Note : A very simple stage the Main Chara, GX, Re - Gz(with Amuro, he will lost some of his Psycho Command,;_;sigh) appear near the enemy base and the other act as reinforcement on the west side of the map. just land the GX and then move him, the main Chara and Re - Gz to the enemy base since it will add 30% to your evasion and accuracy and have the other go toward north section of Enemy base since the enemy reinforcement will appear there, the only thing you need to worry here are just that Frost brothers with their "Damn Gundam!" the other was piece of cake^_^. After that there is some event, just like in the Gundam X anime(yay!,^_^) lot of Jenis unit appear, Tifa Activate Microwave system for GX like in that "THE POWER FOR YOU" episode of GX, and then "GX Satellite Canon Hashaaa!!" (a very nice event,^_^ it's one of my Favorite) ------------------ STAGE 6 (Nadesico) ------------------ * Friendly unit : - Nadesico - Daitarn 3 - Aestivalis unit x 5(all you have) - Main Chara(if you choose Raul as the main chara) * Enemy unit : - Tetsujin(hp 8500) x 4 - Katonvo (hp 5300) x 3 - Vuta (hp 2800) x 9 - Majin (hp 8500)only appear if you play as Raul * Player reinforcement(Enemy unit eliminated) : - Main chara(if you choose Fiona as your main chara) - Gear Senshi Dendoh * Enemy reinforcement (Enemy unit eliminated) : - Gear Knight(hp 8000 w Fiona, 9300 w Raul) x 1(retreat if hp bellow 3000) - Orbiton (hp 6300) x 5 - Garufa (hp 4300) x 9 * Neutral reinforcement (Enemy unit eliminated/1 turn after enemy eliminated if you play as Raul) : - Unicorn Drill(hp 3500) * Item in this stage : - Chobahm Armor -> Majin - Learning CP & Solar Panel -> Gear Knight Note : Another Damn! stage(why on earth it always happen with Nadesico scenario) what you need to do is scramble your team as fast as you can to the moon base since you will get an advantage there the Vuta(2800) was suck! it mobility was very high that make Daitarn unit useless. just give them all you got(but not that much) , save your Sp as much as you can. When you finish the first wave the second wave arrive, you got a backup unit, And neutral character arrive, now the mission become more frustating, what you need to do is to make a barricade surround the Neutral unit. so the enemy leader cannot approach the neutral character(that will cause game over), then Good luck (i don't have any strategy to fighting these bastard since it have high mobility and a large ammount of hp & Armor, but the another enemy unit was not as good as the 1st wave, but they still DAMN GOOD!!>_<). * Majin can be attacked by anyone except Raul, he will retreat if Raul stand 1 square near him. After the mission you will join with the Gundams plus Neo Getter team(yay!,^^). ---------------- STAGE 6 (Gundam) ---------------- * Friendly unit : - Neo Getter(yay!^_^) * Enemy unit : - Mechazaurus Dova(hp 5300) x 4 - Mechazaurus Bull(hp 5800) x 4 - Mechazaurus Mova(hp 6300) x 2 - Mechazaurus Boa (hp 18000) x 1 * Player reinforcement(turn 2, phew^^") - All your unit * Neutral reinforcement(turn 4, Ouch!>_<): - Jenis (hp 3300) x 4 - Zusa (hp 3800) x 2 - Grandine(hp 9000) x 2 - Vau (hp 4200) x 4 - Doraisen(hp 5670) x 1 * Item you can get here : - Learning CP -> Mechazaurus Boa(it will retreat if Hp lower than 5000) - Solar Panel -> Neutral unit leader Note : You'l start with Neo getter alone surrounded by 4 enemy mecha if you like head east to regroup with your reinforcement in turn 2(but i change into Neo Getter 2 and keep attacking them, since the enemy accuracy will less than 60%, after that the Methuss unit will be very usefull^_^). after that in turn 4 neutral reinforcement appear right below your team. my strategy is hold the enemy as necessary using Main Chara and Neo Getter and have your Gundams dealling with neutral reinforcement first, GX map attack will be very effective here since it almost kill all the neutral reinforcement that being hit, after you sweep all the neutral unit then you know what you must do (Don't use Neo Getter "Plasma Thunder" or sort of, i forgot it's name, to much, safe at least one shot to finish the enemy leader with assist from Excellent unit, that if you want the item,^_^) After the Mission you'l join with the other Group. -------- STAGE 7 -------- * Friendly unit: - Nadesico - Freeden - Mazinger Z - Great Mazinger - Diana A - Venus A - Bos Robot - Valkyrie - 8 other unit * Enemy unit : - Demonica (hp 12000) x 1 retreat if hp lower than 4000 - Giran (hp 6000) x 2 - Hariburn V6(hp 5300) x 2 - Gurtonios (hp 5800) x 2 - Aboron A1 (hp 4800) x 4 * Player reinforcement(enemy eliminated) : - Daitarn 3 * Neutral reinforcement(enemy eliminated) : - Megaborg Edwin (hp 18000) x 1 - Nibel Gun (hp 10500) x 3 - Aiai (hp 3990) x 4 - Mutangar (hp 7980) x 4 * Nice item in this stage : - En Saver & Bio Sensor -> Demonica - Booster & En Tank -> Megaborg Edwin Note : An easy stage since all the enemy are a super robot GX and Gear Senshi Dendoh Map attack could be lethal here. When neutral reinforcement arrive beware with Nibel Gun since it have good artillery range,Maximized Diana A & Venus A healing ability will sure help you complete this stage. Mazinger Z, Diana A, and Bos Robot will join after the Battle -------- STAGE 8 -------- * Friendly unit : - Zambot 3 - Freeden - Nadesico - 8 other unit * Enemy unit : - Bandock (butcher, hp 20000) x 1(will retreat if Hp lower than 5000/turn 5) - Mechaburst Galcasuk (hp 7000) x 3 - Mechaburst Destroyer(hp 7300) x 2 - Mechaburst Thrust (hp 7500) x 4 * Friendly reinforcement(turn 2): - Gundam Wing 0 Custom * Neutral reinforcement(all enemy eliminated/Bandock Destroyed): - Devil Army (hp 4000) x 9 - Devil Bomber(hp 4400) x 4 - Devil Gundam(hp 15500) x 1 * Friendly reinforcement(same requirement as above) : - Shining Gundam - Dragon Gundam - Bolt Gundam - Gundam Maxter - Gundam Rose * Nice Item in this stage: - Minovsky Craft & Beam Coating -> Bandock(Butcher) - Mobility Booster & Chobahm Armor -> Devil Gundam Note : A very simple stage and Blah, Blah, Blah..... i don't think i need to explain the strategy since all the enemy are Super Robot, just make your way till the Neutral reinforcement arrive on North west area , Sweep all the devil Army first since Devil & Devil Bomber will stand still on his ground for a few round. The G - Fighter will extremely usefull by now since it will gain morale in no time and did you realize what the different on G - Fighter than the last Srw Advanced episode?, THEY CAN FLY NOW!^_^. Yep they can fly even without Minovsky craft that make them even more lethal than before^o^. After the Battle all the G - Fighter & Zambot 3 will join you,huh where is zero? i don't said he will join by now^_^". -------- STAGE 9 -------- * Friendly unit : - Gear Senshi Dendoh - Valkyrie - Main Chara - Nadesico - Freeden - 12 other unit * Enemy Unit - Garufa (hp 4515) x 12 - Orbiton(hp 6615) x 6 * Neutral reinforcement(all enemy eliminated): - Dortres (hp 3300) x 2 - Dortres Commando(hp 4180) x 2 - Dortres Weapon (hp 3850) x 2 - Zusa (hp 4180) x 2 - Vau (hp 4620) x 2 - Jenis (hp 3630) x 2 - Gundam Virsago (hp 8400, ouch>_<) - Gundam Ashtaron (hp 9450) - Doraisen (hp 6210) * Nice item in this stage : - Booster -> Ashtaron - Beam Coating -> Virsago - Hovercraft -> Doraisen Note : Another Frustating stage(>_<,hate it)i spend quite some time in this stage. That stupid Gear Dendoh Spend all his en and Dying for receiving the Enemy counter attack. after that the enemy will attack Dendoh but the Main Chara help him with assist defense that caused his/her mech Destroyed, but no need to worry on turn 2 the main chara will be given new mech and that stupid Dendoh will become useless until end of mission, since doesn't have en and his morale being reduced to 50 point(suck!>_<).In this stage the enemy have high mobility and Attack power but it will come toward you^_^, just make a close formation and maximized Amuro & Aestivalis Ryoko command area or maybe recovery ability from Methuss or Diana A. after all the enemy're defeated the neutral unit will appear at north west area..!!very close, next to your team!!. But the enemy will came toward you again^_^. The neutral unit itself are not to powerfull 1 or 2 hard attack from shining will end up their life, but be carefull with Virsago & Ashtaron combination attack that can destroy your mobile suit in a single strike. and maybe you wanna keep GX map attack to destroy Virsago & Ashtaron since they will retreat if one of them being destroyed or have critical Hp (about 3000). --------- STAGE 10 --------- * Friendly unit : - Neo Getter - Neo Texas Mac(^_^) - Freeden - Nadesico - 12 other unit * Enemy unit : - Mechazaurus Dova(hp 5565) x 4 - Mechazaurus Bull(hp 6090) x 3 - Mechazaurus Mova(hp 6615) x 2 - Mechazaurus Boa (hp 18900) x 1(if you choose Fiona it will retreat if hp's low) * Player reinforcement(if you've destroyed at least 5 enemy unit) : - Gear Senshi Dendoh * Enemy reinforcement(same requirement as above): - Mechazurus Gera(hp 20000) x 1 * Neutral reinforcement(all enemy eliminated) : - Leo Chakram * Enemy reinforcement(all enemy eliminated) : - Garufa (hp 4515) x 6 - Orbiton (hp 6615) x 4 - Gear Knight(hp 10565) x 1 (will retreat if hp below 4000) * Nice item in this stage : - Mobility Booster & Learning CP -> Mechazaurus Boa - Apogee motor & Dual Sensor -> Mechazaurus Gera - Hybrid Armor -> Gear Knight Note : An easy stage(no kidding,^_^)Neo Getter will appear near the enemy and Texas will appear exactly at where the enemy reinforcement 3 appear, Gear Senshi Dendoh & Enemy reinforcement 2 will appear at east section of Map (maybe you will have hard time with it, since it always attack Dendoh >_<). but no need to worry if you bring Methuss & Diana A(Methuss always being my Favorite^_^). just regroup and attack with all you got. but save your sp for enemy reinforcement 3. Gear Knight have quite an agility,GX map attack and Dendoh map attack will become very helpfull here. ps : the Leo Chakram will stand still on it's ground but will Counterattack every enemy which is on his target range(^_^).but becarefull it's game over if the Enemy leader got him. after the battle Dendoh will get his leo Chakram(neutral character), Texas and an Aeroplane(Cell Fighter) with it's pilot will join your team. --------- STAGE 11 --------- * Friendly unit : - Main Chara(got new mech) - Shining Gundam - Dragon Gundam - Bolt Gundam - Gundam Rose - Gundam Maxter - Nadesico - Freeden - 6 other unit * Enemy unit - Devil Army (hp 4200)x 6 - Devil Bomber (hp 4620)x 6 - Devil Gundam (hp 15000, retreat if hp lower than 4500) * Friendly reinforcement(attack/being atacked by Devil Gundam) : - Nobel Gundam * Friendly reinforcement(enemy unit eliminated) : - Gundam W0 Custom - Gear Senshi Dendoh * Enemy reinforcement(enemy unit eliminated) : - Jenis (hp 3630) x 3 - Vuridowa (hp 8000) x 1(if you watching GX tv series you will see this unit in one episode) - Gavul (hp 13000) x 1(same as above) - Colrel (hp 5200) x 1(same as above) - Vau (hp 4620) x 2 - Dortres Commando(hp 4180) x 2 - Dortres Weapon (hp 3850) x 2 - Doraisen (hp 7010) x 1 - Gundam Virsago (hp 8000,it will not retreat now^^) - Gundam Ashtaron (hp 9000,same as above) - Altron Gundam (hp 5000) but i believe it's Nataku from EW * Nice item in this stage: - Shuffle Badge -> Devil Gundam - Booster -> Colrel - Thruster Module -> Vuridowa - Large Magazine -> Ashtaron - Minovsky Craft -> Virsago - Hybrid Armor -> Doraisen Note : Not really difficult stage stay where you are and the enemy Devil army will come toward you^^, but the Devil itself will remain on it's position. When Nobel come take advantage of it's combination attack with Shining (Need extra attention when facing Devil. The Nadesico unit will surelly help here since it will repel Devil Beam attack^_^). When you eliminated all the enemy, the Enemy reinforcement will appear at south west area(Damn!,they are really though>_<), watch out with Vuridowa Map attack, Virsago and Ashtaron will annoying your team very much(like usual) you can trigger event that look same like in anime by attacking: 1. Vuridowa,Colrel,Gavul,Virsago,& Ashtaron With: GX 9900 2. Altron Gundam With: Gundam W0 Custom After the battle Nobel will join you. --------- STAGE 12 --------- * Friendly unit : - Great Mazinger - Mazinger Z - Venus A - Diana A - Daitarn 3 - Bos Robot - Taurus unit - Nadesico - Freeden - 8 other unit * Enemy unit : - Gelnikas (hp 7400) - Aboron A1 (hp 5040) x 4 - Hariburn V6(hp 5565) x 2 - Gurtonios (hp 6090) x 2 - Dokaidar (hp 6500) x 2 - Giran (hp 6300) x 4 - Demonika (hp 12600) x 1(retreat if hp below 4000) * Enemy reinforcement (turn 3 or Gelnikas(7400) destroyed) - Combattler V (hp 9800, retreat if hp below 3000) - Magma Beast Galmus(hp 6800) x 6 * Nice item in this stage : - Mega Booster -> Demonika - Super Alloy Z -> Combattler V Note : There is some event between Great Mazinger and Gelnikas(7400) after that the mission start. the stage itself isn't to dificult because Diana A & Venus A will be a great help here. just regroup and let the enemy come toward you. the enemy reinforcement will appear at north west area of the map and will came after you^_^. ps : the Gelnikas(7400) will stand silently on his ground and he will selfdestruct at turn 3 beside the enemy leader(but it does nothing>_<,only great Mazinger will gain morale by 10).or you can destroy him using combination attack between Mazinger Z & Great Mazinger(it sure kill in 2 hit), but it doesn't give you anything, not even a repair kit, just earlier time of enemy reinforcement. And since there is no direct effect i didn't know what the point in doing this. so if any body know the effect later in the game, please mail me. ------------------- A split occur here ------------------- 1 Option (i Called Nadesico route) Unit available : - Nadesico - Aestivalis unit(all of them) - Mazinger Z - Great Mazinger - Diana A - Venus A - Bos robot - Taurus unit - G - Fighter(all of them) - Main Chara(w all his/her mech) 2 Option (i called Freeden Route) Unit available : - Freeden - GX 9900 - Gundam Air Master - Gundam Leopard - Re - Gz - Methuss - Gear Senshi Dendoh - Daitarn 3 - Zambot 3 - Neo Getter team - Neo Texas Mac - Cell Fighter - Valkyrie - Main Chara(w all his/her mech) ------------------- STAGE 13 (Nadesico) ------------------- * Friendly unit: - Nadesico - 13 other unit * Enemy unit : - Combattler V (hp 8800) -> Change into Magma Beast Great 1 - Magma Beast Dragon(hp 13000) x 1(will retreat with fake combattler if hp are low /retreat if hp goes bellow 4000) - Magma Beast Galmus(hp 6800) x 6 * Friendly reinforcement(turn 2): - Combattler V(the real^^) - Kerot * Enemy reinforcement(turn 4): - Dokugaga(hp 7000) x 4 - Vaizanga(hp 8000) x 2 - Skullrok(hp 18000) x 1(will retreat if hp below 5000) * Nice item in this stage: - Booster -> Fake combattler/Magma Beast Great 1 - Solar Panel -> Magma Beast Dragon - Mobility booster -> Skullrok Note : Well just as usual Scramble your team to the base and wait the enemy attack^^. a very simple stage the enemy was lack in mobility, the Aestivalis unit will surelly help here. Destroy the fake Combattler and great 1 first before you dealling with dragon, so you can get both the item^^. after the battle Combattler V and Kerot will join you. ------------------ STAGE 13 (Freeden) ------------------ * Friendly unit : - Neo Getter 3 - Gundam Leopard - Zambot 3 - Main Chara(got new mech^^) - Freeden - 9 other unit * Enemy unit : - Bandock (butcher, hp 20000)(retreat if hp are less than 6000) - Mechaburst Destroyer (hp 7300) x 2 - Mechaburst Thrust (hp 7500) x 2 - Mechaburst Galcasuk (hp 7000) x 2 - Mechaburst Dangaln (hp 10000) x 2 * Neutral reinforcement(Bandock was defeated): - Garufa (hp 4515) x 6 - Orbiton (hp 6615) x 3 - Gear Knight(hp 9765) x 1(will retreat if hp below 4000) * Nice item in this stage : - Booster & Mobility Booster -> Bandock(Butcher) - Solar Panel -> ?(9765) Note : Not to dificult stage as usual just make formation and stand still, the enemy will gladly come toward you just try not to destroy or make Bandock escape to early or the Neutral reinforcement will arrive and kicking your butt from Behind while you fighting the enemy. the Neutral reinforcement will appear at north west area near your starting point. in this stage Leopard will upgraded and become more handy in ranged combat(Leopard Custom can only be obtained through this way). ------------------- STAGE 14 (Nadesico) ------------------- * Friendly unit : - Voltes V * Enemy unit : - Dokugaga(hp 7000) x 6 - Vaizanga(hp 8000) x 2 - Skullrok(hp 18000, retreat if hp below 5000) * Player reinforcement(turn 2): - Nadesico - 14 other unit * Enemy reinforcement(turn 4): - Magma Beast Galmus (hp 6800) x 6 - Magma Beast Dragon (hp 13000) x 1(will retreat with Great 1 if hp below 5000) - Magma Beast Great 1(hp 14000) x 1(will retreat with Dragon if hp below 5000) * Nice item in this stage: - High Performance targeter -> Skullrok - Dual Sensor -> Magma Beast Dragon - Bio Sensor -> Magma Beast Great 1 Note : Well another easy stage move Voltes V to South east so he can regroup with other in turn 2. Stay at where you are and make Formation Maximized Aestivalis combine attack, Nadesico & Ryoko Command area, healing and resupply ability from Kerot and then you'll be fine. on turn 4 Enemy reinforcement will arrive at South west area and will also come toward you(stupid computer^_^). btw if you want both Dual & Bio Sensor, i recommend you to use Rose Map attack and Hot Blood spell(since they both will retreat if one of them being critical or Destroyed). You will Regroup with Freeden after the Mission. ------------------ STAGE 14 (Freeden) ------------------ * Frienly unit : - Daitarn 3 - Freeden - 11 0ther unit(that's all you have) * Enemy unit : - Aiai (hp 4180) x 6 - Mutangar (hp 8360) x 3 - Nibel Gun(hp 11000) x 2 - Aiai (hp 4750) x 1-> female piloted change Megaborg Vinoia(17000) when destroyed - Aiai (hp 4750) x 1-> male piloted change Megaborg Beltori (18000) when destroyed * Neutral reinforcement(all enemy eliminated) : - Jenis (hp 3630) x 3 - Vuridowa (hp 8000) x 1(if you watching GX tv series you will see this unit in one episode) - Gavul (hp 13000) x 1(same as above) - Colrel (hp 5200) x 1(same as above) - Dortress (hp 3300) x 2 - Dortress Commando(hp 4180) x 2 - Dortress Weapon (hp 3850) x 2 - Doraisen (hp 6210) x 1 - Gundam Virsago (hp 8000 it will retreat w Ashtaron if hp less than 2000) - Gundam Ashtaron (hp 9000 it will retreat w virsago if hp less than 2000) - Altron Gundam (hp 5000) * Nice item in this stage : - Bio Sensor -> Megaborg Beltori - Dual Sensor -> Megaborg Vinoia - High Performance Targeter -> Doraisen Note : Freeden and Daitarn 3 will cannot move and attack but still can do a counter attack. at turn 3 Daitarn 3 will regain it's ability to move and attack but Freeden will remain still. The enemy itself will come toward you so just remain at your place and make formation Amuro Re-Gz(BWS) will become very handy in this stage(Hyper Beam fun^_^) just equip it with Solar panel + a few High performance Targeter. after the enemy has been eliminated Neutral reinforcement will arrive at South east area of the map. they still will come after you^^, but beware with Vuridowa(8000) Map attack as usual, save your Satellite Canon Map attack to destroy Frost brother if you want some Cash since they didn't bring any goodies with them(just pilot ration and repair kit). after the battle you will join Nadesico group. ---------- STAGE 15 ---------- * Friendly unit : - Main Chara - Gear Senshi Dendoh - Bos Robot - Nadesico - Freeden - 10 other unit * Enemy unit : - Hariburn V6 (hp 5830) x 4 - Gurtonios (hp 6380) x 4 - Giran (hp 6600) x 2 - Demonika (hp 13200)x 1 - Dragonzaurus(hp 18000)x 1(retreat if hp are lower than 5000/Demonica destroyed) * Friendly reinforcement(Turn 3) : - Mazinger Z - Great Mazinger * Neutral reinforcement(Dragonzaurus are defeated/retreat) : - Ragou (hp 20000) x 1 (retreat if hp lower than 5000) - Garufa (hp 4730) x 6 - Orbiton(hp 6930) x 3 - Jamu (hp 8800) x 1 * Nice item in this stage : - En saver+(cut en use by 20%) -> Demonika - Shuffle Badge -> Dragonzaurus - Multiple Sensor -> Ragou - Chobahm Armor -> Jamu Note : Stay at where you are(as usual)since the enemy will come after you An Assist formation work well here, try to destroy Dragonzaurus first if you want the Shuffle Badge. after that the Neutral enemy appear at North east area of the Map(GX satellite cannon will come very usefull here^_^). at this point the Unicorn Drill & Leo Chakram will separate themself from Gear Senshi Dendoh and will become Independent mecha(just for this stage)and will chase toward the enemy(though they' re an ally you don't have dirrect control of them>_<).well that's all i think this stage will give less difficulty than the previous^^. ------------------------------------------------------ After the Battle another Split occur(DAMN not again><) ------------------------------------------------------ 1 Option (i called Freeden route) Unit available : - Freeden - GX 9900 - Gundam Leopard + S-1 module - Gundam Air Master - Re - Gz (BWS) - Methuss - Taurus unit - Daitarn 3 - Zambot 3 - Combattler v - Kerot - Neo getter team - Neo Texas Mac - Main Chara w all his/her Mech(obviously) 2 Option (i called Nadesico route) Unit Available : - Nadesico - Aestivalis unit(Akito, Gai, Ryoko, Izumi, Hikaru! at last i can remember all HOORAY!!^o^) - Voltes V - Mazinger Z - Great Mazinger - Diana A - Venus A - Bos robot - Gear Senshi Dendoh(w all his module) - Selfaitar - Wargear - Shining Gundam - Nobel Gundam - Dragon Gundam - Bolt Gundam - Gundam Maxter - Gundam Rose - Main Chara w all his/her mech(very obvious^^) if you want to some event with Master Asia later, maybe you want to go the 2 option tought the stage are harder like hell. but you'll encounter Devil Gundam at stage 17 and have Domon give him finishing blow(it didn't give any effect with master gundam recruiting procedure it's just for fun^_^) ------------------- STAGE 16 (Freeden) ------------------- * Friendly Unit : - Freeden - 11 other unit(Amuro isn't available in this stage><) * Enemy unit : - Dortress Commando(hp 4370) x 4 - Vau (hp 4830) x 4 - Fire Warfare (hp 4800) x 4 - Grandyne (hp 10350) x 2 - ? (Enil hp 5700) x 1 (retreat if hp are low) * Neutral reinforcement : - Mechaburst Thrust (hp 7875) x 6 - Mechaburst Destroyer(hp 7665) x 3 - Mechaburst Galcasuk (hp 7350) x 2 - Mechaburst Dangaln (hp 10500) x 2 - Bandock (Butcher hp 21000)(will retreat if hp below 5000) * Nice item in this stage: - Chobahm Armor -> Enil El - EN Tank -> Bandock * Event^^: - At the beginning of this stage there's some event between Garrod and Karis(it's exactly the same like in the Anime), Karis kidnaped Tifa and Garrod will chase him thought his Mecha are badly damaged by Vertigo Funnel. Note : Nothing need to worry in this stage, just becarefull with Grandyne artillery range and Map attack. the enemy are relatively weak here, Neither do the reinforcement unit just stand on your ground heal using Kerot and Methuss, and everything will goes smooth like silk^^ ------------------- STAGE 16 (Nadesico) ------------------- * Friendly unit : - Nadesico - 14 other unit * Enemy unit : - Vuta (hp 3080) x 8 - Katonvo (hp 5830) x 3 - Tetsujin(hp 9350) x 2 - Tetsujin(hp 9775) - Majin (hp 9200) * Player reinforcement(turn 4 w Fiona/turn 5 w Raul) : - Gear Senshi Dendoh * Enemy reinforcement(turn 4 w Fiona/turn 5 w Raul) : - Garufa (hp 4730) x 8 - Orbiton (hp 6930) x 4 - Gear Knight w Bull horn(hp 10230) * Nice item in this stage: - En saver -> Tetsujin 99 - Learning CP+ -> Majin - Booster -> Gear Knight Note: Frustating Stage(HELL! why it always happen to Nadesico, Why, Whyyyyyy?!>.<). the Enemy seem weak at first but have high mobility!(Damn i hate that Nadesico Enemy). The enemy reinforcement will appear near your starting point at North west area of Map. that can cause A pincer attack > Enil - Learning CP+ -> Ashtaron - Booster -> Virsago - En saver -> Demonika Note : A simple stage, make your way to enemy base the enemy are relatively weak Neo Getter "PLASMA THUNDER" and Re - Gz "HYPER BEAM" work very well here. be patient when Facing that Frost brother since they will gladly stay in the battle even if one of them Destroyed. After you finish the enemy the neutral reinforcement will arrive at your starting point. but the mass production Great Mazinger will appear at north and south area of enemy base(3 on each section). After the battle Kamiyu will join with his Super Gundam and you'll have all your team back + Voltes V team. ------------------- STAGE 17 (Nadesico) ------------------- * Friendly unit : - Nadesico - 14 other unit * Enemy unit : - Dokugaga(hp 7350) x 6 - Vaizanga(hp 8400) x 3 - Skullrok(hp 18900) x 2(retreat if hp lower than 5000) * Friendly reinforcement(turn 3) : - Voltes V * Neutral reinforcement(turn 3) : - Devil Army (hp 4400) x 6 - Devil Bomber(hp 4840) x 6 - Devil Gundam(hp 17000) * Nice item in this stage : - En Tank -> Skullrok w red face pilot - Booster -> Skullrok - Chobahm Armor -> Devil Gundam Note : Well some weird stage as usual the enemy will came after you, and at turn 3 Neutral reinforcement will arrive at South west area and also come toward you. so just stand your position at Voltes V base and assault every enemy that appear on shooting range Not a very difficult stage since you have Nadesico against Devil Gundam^^. After the Battle you'l get exactly the same team as Freeden route --------- STAGE 18 --------- * Friendly unit : - Daitarn 3 * Enemy unit : - Ragou * Player reinforcement(Turn 2) : - Main Chara - Aestivalis Akito - Gear Senshi Dendoh - Freeden - Nadesico - 11 other unit * Enemy Reinforcement(turn 2) : - Garufa (hp 4730) x 8 - Jamu (hp 9130) x 3 - Orbiton(hp 6930) x 2 * Neutral reinforcement(all enemy eliminated) : - Vuta (hp 3080) x 10 - Katonvo(hp 5830) x 4 - Denjin (hp 10350) x 2 (they will retreat if they are the only unit remain in this stage/all enemy will retreat if left side neutral leader are destroyed). * Nice item in this stage: - Thruster Module -> Right side Neutral leader - Psycho Frame -> Left side Neutral leader * Event : - There is some event between Gear Senshi Dendoh with Ragou in turn 2. and Gear Senshi will Lose Unicorn Drill and Leo Chakram Permanently>_<. - Ragou will retreat after the event - After the battle there is some event between Tetsujin 13 Aestivalis Akito and Main chara. the Main chara will blow up his/her mech tought i don't know what the meanning of this and your mech are not actually destroyed at the intermission screen. Note : Not a difficult stage, your team appear right on the base and Blah, Blah Blah....., after you finish sweep all the enemy, neutral enemy appear at Left and Right side of the Map(Now you got a trouble><) since the enemy have protection with weak Beam attack, if you don't upgrade Re - Gz/ Super Gundam attack they will almost useless against these enemy, but The super robot can be a very nice friend of you in this stage, ground your super robot in the base area and inside Mothership command area will add about 30% to their accuracy^^ and most of the enemy will be in History just by a single "Plasma Thunder" or something like that(easy stage,no kidding^^) Btw your mission is to protect your base and do not allow a singgle enemy enter your base or......(ya know^^) --------- STAGE 19 --------- * Friendly Unit : - Gear Senshi Dendoh - Freeden - 13 other unit * Enemy unit : - Ragou (hp 22000) - Garufa (hp 4730) x 7 - Orbiton (hp 6930) x 3 - Jamu (hp 9130) - Giga Gulmei (hp 20000 retreat if hp lower than 5000) - ? (hp 19000 retreat if hp lower than 5000) - Giga Absolute(hp 18000 retreat if hp lower than 5000) * Friendly reinforcement(turn 2): - Hyakku Shiki * Enemy reinforcement(Ragou destroyed): - Garufa (hp 4730) x 6 - Orbiton(hp 6930) x 4 - Jamu (hp 9130) x 2 * Nice item in this stage: - Shuffle Badge -> Ragou - En Saver -> Giga Gulmei - Solar Panel -> ?(19000) - Dustpoofing -> Giga Absolute(18000) * Event : - After you defeat Ragou Gear Senshi Dendoh Will regain it's Leo and Unicorn Module + one module a fussion between Unicorn and Leo Module^^ (i get interested with gear senshi here^^) Note : make your way toward the enemy, you'll have less chalenge fighting Ragou since he will move toward your unit alone^^. then give him all you got, surelly you will take him down in 1 turn. but becarefull with it's counter attack that can damaged you for over 2000 point. after that the enemy reinforcement will appear in North east and South west area of the map it's surelly easy fight since it's low accuracy. If you have upgraded GX - DV/Re - Gz mobility and attack, it will help you very much^^ Ps : you must defeat Ragou in 4 turn or you loose Unicorn Drill & Leo Chakram (this time permanently!!) --------- STAGE 20 --------- * Friendly unit : - GX-9901-DX(love it serial number to^^) - Jeegan/Gundam Mk III(Four,^^) - Gundam Air Master Burst - Gundam Leopard Destroy - Nadesico - 9 other unit * Enemy unit : - Altron Gundam (hp 5000) - Gundam Heavyarms Custom(hp 5400) - Gundam Virsago (hp 8400) - Gundam Ashtaron (hp 9450) - ? (Enil, hp 5460) - ? (hp 6800) - Doraisen (hp 6480) - Vau (hp 6890) - Fire Warfare (hp 5040) x 6 - Valiant (hp 5670) x 4 * Player reinforcement(turn 2) : - Gundam Deathscythe HC - Gundam Sandrock C * Neutral reinforcement(all enemy eliminated): - Vuta (hp 3080) x 6 - Katonvo (hp 5830) x 3 - Tetsujin (hp 9350) x 2 - Majin (hp 9200) x 1 - Denjin (hp 10350) x 1 * Nice item in this stage : - Hybrid Armor -> Vau - Shuffle Badge ->?(6800) - Bio Sensor -> Doraisen - Apogee Motor -> Gundam Virsago - Beam Coating -> Gundam Ashtaron - Jammer -> Majin - Linear Seat -> Denjin * Event : there is some event can be triggered by attacking this unit using: - Virsago & Ashtaron -> DX - Gundam Nataku -> Deathscythe HC - Gundam Heavyarms -> Sandrock C Note : This Stage are Hard like Hell you'll commonly make your Jeegan/ DX dying or even Destroyed(Thank Good it's Not A game over-_-), the only chance to survive here are just enter the Enemy base, cast concentrate every turn and Evade every enemy attack(that's how i make a perfect score in this stage^^"), but not just that, you must scramble your team as fast as you could to invade the enemy base (since if you don't do that, you'll Short of Sp when Facing Virsago and Ashtaron, coz you'll need a lot Lock on Spell to Hit them>_<). The Neutral unit will appear at the west side of enemy base, it's not a hard enemy, since DX map attack will be very usefull here^^. just wait in the base and Fire at will^^. btw if you using money code, and already upgraded mass production Nu gundam that you got at stage 3, you not need to worryed four with her MK III, i believe she will sweep about a half enemy unit when your team reach the base(THAT'S WHY I HATE THOSE CODE>_ Bandock(Butcher) * Event : - After you clear all the enemy there is some event between Gear Senshi Dendoh with Gear Knight(Ogre/Ohga) and he will take all Module that Gear Senshi have, then Gear Senshi Dendoh will be reduced by 50><. Note : Nothing need to worry here Coz the enemy Blah, Blah, Blah.............. you see, just wait make formation and attack when enemy on target range just becarefull with Mechaburst Thrust(8250) artilerry range. When you clear all the enemy, as usual enemy reinforcemet will appear and Pincer attack you from North and South. But it's easy enemy ^^. ------------------------------- After The Battle A split occur ------------------------------- 1st Option(i called Nadesico route as ussual) Unit available : - Daitarn 3 - Mazinger Z - Great Mazinger - Bos Robot - Diana A - Venus A - Nadesico - Aestivalis Unit(Akito,Gai,Hikari,Ryoko,& Izumi) - Gear Senshi Dendoh(w NO Module!><) - Cell Fighter - Valkyrie - Neo Getter Team - Neo Texas Mac - Zambot 3 - Shining Gundam - Nobel Gundam - Dragon Gundam - Bolt Gundam - Gundam Rose - Gundam Maxter - Main Chara W all his/her Frame + C Frame 2nd Option(i called Freeden route, obviously^^) Unit available : - Voltes V - Combattler V - Kerot - GX 9900 - GX-9901-DX - Gundam Air Master - Gundam Leopard - Taurus Unit - Re - Gz - Super Gundam(w MK II of course) - Methuss - Jeegan/Gundam Mk III(if available) - Hyakku Shiki - Main Chara W all his/her Frame + C Frame -------------------- STAGE 22 (Nadesico) -------------------- * Friendly unit: - Gear Senshi Dendoh FA - Selfaitar+ - Nadesico - 13 other unit * Enemy unit: - Garufa (hp 4730) x 8 - Orbiton(hp 6930) x 4 - Jamu (hp 9130) x 2 * Enemy reinforcement(turn 3 w Fiona/Destroy 6 enemy w Raul): - Gear Knight Viper Wire(hp 10300) * Enemy reinforcement(all enemy destroyed) - Garufa (hp 4730) x 4 - Orbiton (hp 6930) x 4 - Jamu (hp 9130) x 2 - ? (hp 19950) - Giga Absolute(hp 18900) - Giga Gulmei (hp 21000) * Nice item in this stage: - Super Alloy Z -> Gear Knight - Mega Booster -> ?(19950) - Learning CP -> Giga Absolute - Bio Sensor -> Giga Gulmei * Event : you can trigger an event just by attacking: - Gear Knight, Giga Gulmei, Giga Absolute, ?(19950) -> Gear Senshi Dendoh Note : Not a Hard Mission as usual on Nadesico route(thank goodness^_^), all the enemy reinforcement will appear exactly where the enemy unit belong. just make your way to North west and Destroy all the enemy, beware with Jamu(9130) Map Attack. After the Mission you'll lose Gear Senshi FA>< ------------------ STAGE 22(Freeden) ------------------ * Friendly unit : - Tallgesse III - Gundam Wing 0 Custom - Gundam Deathscythe HC - Gundam Sandrock Custom - Gundam Heavyarms Custom - GX 9900(Jamil) - Gundam ZZ - Gundam Z - Near Argama - 7 other unit * Enemy unit : - Taurus unit (hp 5000) x 4 - Serpent Custom(hp 7000) x 4 - Crouda (Lancelow, hp 5800) - Qubelley MK II(Puru 1 & 2, hp 4000) x 2 - Qubelley (Hamahn Kahn, hp 14000) retreat if hp lower than 4000 - Rigelgu (hp 7800) - R Jaja (hp 6400) - Hanm hanm (hp 6600) - Vau (hp 7090) * Neutral reinforcement(all enemy destroyed/you reach the designated point): - Dokugaga (hp 7700) x 6 - Vaizanga (hp 8800) x 3 - Red & Blue Daimon (hp 12000) x 2 - Skullrook (hp 19800) x 2 will retreat if hp lower than 4000 * Nice item in this stage : - Mega Booster -> Qubelley(Hamahn Kahn) - New Super Alloy Z -> Vau - Bio Sensor -> Skullrook * Event : - You can recruit Puru 1 By convince her 2 times^^, using Judou(ZZ pilot) - Must Trigger an Event Between Lancelow w Jamil, so you can Convince him Later - There's a lot of event Between Enemy commander w Jamil & Judou, try to attack each of them using both pilot. Note : Pretty easy stage since you can Pincer attack them^_^, but becarefull w Hamahn Qubelley it's Funnel can reach quite a distance and cause a lot of Damage, your Mission here are moving Near Argama/any other unit to the Pointed area in 4 Turn or GAME OVER ^^" but since the pointed area in front of Hamahn Qubelley, you'll have a hard time w qubelley funnel, you can reach it without destroying her, but you'll lose Mega Booster.if Hamahn Destroyed, the other enemy remain will retreat and the reinforcement arrive. The Neutral reinforcement will appear exactly at Gundam W team Appear (They are "WEAK"><) After the mission Gundam W team(Except 0 & Altron), ZZ Gundam, Z Gundam will join your troops, and if Jamil killed over 20 you'll get Febral. ------------------ STAGE 23(Nadesico) ------------------ * Friendly unit: - Cell Fighter - Valhala - Nadesico - 11 other unit * Enemy unit : - Garufa (hp 4730) x 4 - Jamu (hp 9130) x 4(beware w it Map Weapon) - Orbiton (hp 6930) x 2 - ? (hp 20900) - Giga Absolute(hp 20300) - Giga Absolute(hp 22000) * Friendly reinforcement(turn 3) : - Gear Senshi Dendoh - Gear Knight(Ogre) * Enemy reinforcement(turn 3) : South west area: - Mechaburst Thrust (hp 8250) x 4(beware w it artillery) - Mechaburst Destroyer(hp 8030) x 2 - Mechaburst Dangaln (hp 11000) x 2 - Tyugaterl (hp 25000)retreat if Hp below 8000 North East area : - Orbiton(hp 6930) x 4 - Garufa (hp 4730) x 2 - Jamu (hp 9130) x 2 (beware with it Map Weapon) - ?(hp 25000) * Nice item in this stage: - Mobility Booster -> ?(20900) - Chobahm Armor -> Giga Absolute - Multiple Sensor -> Giga Gulmei - Psycho Frame -> ?(25000) North east reinforcement - 3D Radar -> Tyugaterl * Event : Attack all Enemy Commander using Gear Senshi Dendoh/Gear Knight Note : make your way to the enemy at North west, Finish them all, then head South West if you really want the 3d radar(^^ it's very nice item), maybe you'll repeat this stage a few times since the commander at South west have HP and En recovery ability, it's very hard to keep her hp stay at 8000 point(but it doesn't matter if you use Gear Senshi Dendoh Pretty often and the pilot have a quite high level + Max Upgraded for it's Weapon just use it's most powerfull attack that reduce almost all your En w Hot Blood Spell it will damaged for over 10000 in single strike and don't destroy the enemy leader at north east reinforcement, since it will end this stage(at this point you'll need an annoyer to keep the enemy remain still at his position^^) After the Mission you'll join with the other group without Puru 1 Of course>< ------------------ STAGE 23 (Freeden) ------------------ * Friendly unit : - Vertigo - GX-9901-DX - Tallgeese III - Taurus unit - Gundam Deathscythe HC - Gundam Heavyarms Custom - Gundam Sandrock Custom - Near Argama - Main Chara - 6 other unit(as Raul), 7 other unit(as Fiona) * Enemy unit : - Taurus unit (hp 5250) x 6 - Serpent Custom (hp 7350) x 6 - Jeniss Kai. Enil Custom (hp 5830) retreat when hp is low - Altron Gundam (hp 5000) - Gundam Virsago Chest Blast(hp 16000)retreat w ashtaron if hp lower than 5000 - Gundam Ashtaron (hp 18000)retreat w Virsago if hp lower than 5000 - Doraisen (hp 6480) * Friendly reinforcement(turn 2): - Gundam Wing 0 Custom * Enemy reinforcement(Wu Fei Convinced/destroyed) : - Devil army(hp 4600) x 6-1 by Wu Fei^^ - Devil Bomber(hp 5060) x 6 - Devil Gundam x 2^^ * Friendly reinforcement(Wu Fei Convinced/destroyed, Fiona only) : - Fiona w her excelent * Nice item in this stage : - Multiple Sensor -> Gundam Virsago Chest Blast - 3D Radar -> Gundam Ashtaron - Psycho Frame -> Doraisen * Event : - Attack Gundam Nataku Using Wing 0 and then convince him using Wing 0 he'll join you imediately and Destroying 1 Devil Army^^, after convince him Wing 0 hp will be reduced to 10^^, if you didn't convince him, He's still join your team after the Stage^^. - Game over if Wing 0 Destroyed Note : Virsago and Ashtaron was "SUCK" it's very powerfull, it custom made satellite cannon was so powerfull and have high accuracy. that's the only bad thing that comes from this stage^^, the enemy reinforcement will appear at west area of the map and they are piece of cake^^. Btw if you want Both Multiple Sensor and 3D Radar, try destroying Frost brother w Twin satellite cannon + Hot Blood spell, since Wing 0 Twin Buster Ray will not as Powerfull as Twin Satellite Cannon(but it much more effective) You'll join the other team after the mission --------- STAGE 24 --------- * Friendly unit : - Mazinger Z - Great Mazinger - Bos robot - Diana A - Venus A - Nadesico - Near Argama - 8 other unit * Enemy unit: North side of map : - Mass Production Great Mazinger(hp 8400) x 9 - Dokaidar (hp 7475) x 2 - Balkania (hp 8970) x 2 - Gogra (hp 8280) x 2 - Dragonzaurus (hp 19800) - Demonika (hp 13800) -> change into ?(20000) when destroyed South side of map : - Mass Production Combattler V (hp 9240) x 6 - Magma Beast Galmus (hp 7480) x 4 - Magma Beast Great 1 (hp 15400) -> change into Magma Beast Great 2(hp 18000) when destroyed - Magma Beast Dragon (hp 14300) - Saint Magma (hp 23000) * Friendly reinforcement : - Combattler V - Kerot * Enemy reinforcement : - Hypokris (hp 30000) retreat if hp below 9000 * Nice item in this stage: - Booster -> Magma Beast Dragon - Shuffle Badge -> Saint Magma - Dual Sensor -> Magma Beast Great 1 - thruster Module -> Dragonzaurus - Solar Panel -> ?(20000) north of map - En Generator -> Hypokris Note : Not a hard stage Neither easy, if you use Mazinger Z & Great Mazinger pretty often this will be an easy stage^^. at first maybe you'll become frustated by so many enemy appear in beginning, but they are not that hard, split your group into 2 attack team, at north your Super Robot would make this Stage an easy mission, at south your NT Gundam will wreck Havoc certainly(since all the enemy here have a lousy accuracy^^). --------- STAGE 25 --------- * Friendly unit: - Shining Gundam - Nadesico - Near Argama - 12 other unit * Enemy unit : - Mass Production Great Mazinger(hp 8400) x 6 - Mass Production Combattler V (hp 9240) x 4 - Devil Army (hp 4600) x 2 - Devil Bomber (hp 5060) x 4 - Devil Gundam (hp 17250) x 3(^^) - Hypokris (hp 30000) - Ereos (hp 28000) - Tyugaterl (hp 25000) * Friendly reinforcement(turn 2) : - Rain w God Gundam - Fuun Saiki * Neutral reinforcement(turn 5) : - Devil Aestivalis(hp 4000) x 6 * Nice item in this stage : - Hybrid Armor -> Toho Fuhai(Devil Gundam) - Mega Booster -> Hypokris - Linear Seat -> Ereos - Learning CP -> Tyugaterl * Event : - Rain Appear at turn 2 w God Gundam, and Domon Switch it Shining w God, then Fuun Saiki appear and give God Gundam a ride^^ Note : It supposedly an easy mission, just stay at where you are and the enemy will came toward you^^, and when the Neutral reinforcement appear at South west area of map (exactly at your ass><), just send your annoyer since they didn't have a lot of hp , Deathscythe/Sandrock/Nataku could handle them pretty well. And kill Master Asia the last, since Ereos, Hypokris, & Tyugaterl will flee if Master Asia Devil Gundam is destroyed. After the Battle Rain and Fuun Saiki join your troops, but Rain haven't got her Rising Gundam(and will never get it>_<). --------- STAGE 26 --------- * Friendly unit : - Neo Getter 2 - God Gundam - Dragon Gundam - Bolt Gundam - Gundam Rose - Gundam Maxter * Enemy unit : - Devil Army (hp 4600) x 3 - Devil Bomber (hp 5060) x 6 - Mechazurus Dova (hp 6095) x 3 - Prototype Getter(hp 12000) * Player reinforcement(turn 3): - Shin Getter Robo - Nadesico - Near Argama - 8 other unit * Enemy reinforcement(turn 3): - Mechazaurus Mova (hp 7245) x 3 - Mechazaurus Bull (hp 6670) x 3 - Grand Master Gundam (hp 11500) x 3 - Devil Gundam Mid Evolution (hp 23000) x 2 - Ereos (hp 28000) - Hypokris (hp 30000) - Mechazurus Boa (hp 20700) - Devil Gundam Perfect Evolution(hp 28750) * Nice item in this stage : - En Generator -> Devil Gundam PE - Multiple Sensor -> Hypokris - Learning CP+ -> Ereos - Beam Coating -> Prototype Getter Note : Honestly this stage was an "Easy" Stage^^ make your Neo Getter 2 Scramble to the left enemy and G - fighter to the lower enemy, no need to worry about your mobility, since Devil Army and Devil Bomber will be destroyed in 2 hit from G - Fighter. And about Neo Getter 2, she will be damaged heavily trust me altough the enemy have a lousy accuracy but i think they will manage to land about 3 hit to her, but don't need worryed her unit since they will change unit into Shin Getter in turn 3 w full health. the enemy reinforcement will appear at north area of map. and if you want to recruit Master Asia later make sure you destroy him at this stage(Devil Gundam PE,Hypokris,Tyugaterl will retreat if one of them have critical hp below 9000)it's a MUST so you can forget about getting multiple sensor/Learning CP+, unless you have extremely powerfull Twin Satellite Cannon + Good Position + Extra Hard Stage(to create that "GOOD POSITION" to triger that satellite cannon). --------- STAGE 27 --------- * Friendly unit : - Shin Getter 1 - Nadesico - Near Argama - Neo Texas Mac w horse^^ - 11 other unit * Enemy unit : - Mechazaurus Dova (hp 6095) x 6 - Mechazaurus Bull (hp 6670) x 4 - Mechazaurus Mova (hp 7245) x 3 - Prototype Getter (hp 12600) - Mechazaurus Zara(hp 23000) - ?(hp 45000)->change into ?(51500) when destroyed * Friendly reinforcement(turn 4) : - Voltes V - Tetsujin(99) * Enemy reinforcement(turn 4) : - Dokugaga (hp 8050) x 6 - Vaizanga (hp 9200) x 4 - Daimon (hp 12600) x 2 - Skullrok (hp 20700) x 2 one of them change into ?(hp 45000) when destroyed * Nice item in this stage : - High Performance Radar -> Mechazaurus Zara - A-Adapter all Terrain -> Skullrok w Red Bearded pilot - Haro -> ?(45000)at enemy reinforcement Note : make your way toward the enemy Destroy everything that goes on your way(obviously) the Gundam UC will be very effective here since the enemy have lousy accuracy. Enemy reinforcement will arrive at North west area of the Map and your reinforcement will apear at west(Voltes V) and east(Tetsujin 99) side of map. and Tetsujin 99 will go toward Nadesico unit. Prety easy stage since you not need to worry about enemy retreat, since they'll not retreat^^. now, the #$%@ part><. If you want to recruit Toho Fuhai(a.k.a Master Asia) at Stage 28 you must make Shin Getter Hp glows "RED"(critical hp, about 30%), and destroying ?(45000)after that there is some event and ?(51500) appear, then Shin Getter will destroy him in a Single Blow using "Shin Getter Finger"(It really looks like it, Shin Getter change into hyper mode or sort of it and then...... NO KIDDING^^). Note: in this stage, no mater which route you take. If you wanna get Alstromeria for 99, and if you wanna take Moon Colony route after stage 28, make sure 99 kill 10 enemy in this stage, that if you want recruit Lancelow(you must fullfill the requirement such as triger an event between him and Jamil at stage 22 Freeden route) and Get 99 Alstromeria(it's very hard, but i made it. Hint : 99 map attack w Hot Blood spell). after the Event Shin Getter Will Receive 2 additional Move(Stonner Sunshine & Getter Final Crush)and Tetsujin 99 will join your forces. --------- STAGE 28 --------- * Friendly unit : - Aestivalis Akito(only available if you play as Raul) - Main Chara (it's a must if you play as Fiona) - Near Argama - 11 other unit(at this point you may Choose Master Gundam if available) * Enemy unit : - Mutangar (hp 8740) x 6 - Nibel Gun (hp 11500) x 4 - Nadesico y (hp 8800) - Megaborg Vinoia(hp 20050) * Neutral reinforcement(turn 4): - Garufa (hp 4945) x 4 - Orbiton(hp 7245) x 4 - Jamu (hp 9545) x 3 * Friendly reinforcement(Nadesico Y turn to your side): - Daitarn 3 * Enemy reinforcement(Nadesico Y turn to your side): - Mutangar (hp 8740) x 6 - Nibel Gun (hp 11500) x 2 - Megaborg Nendol (hp 21850) - Megaborg Beltori(hp 20700) * Nice item in this stage: - Chobahm Armor -> Megaborg Vinoia - Booster -> Megaborg Nendol - Mobility Booster -> Megaborg Beltori Note : Pretty confusing Stage, but the enemy are easy, considering that you already high leveled and high upgraded mecha. Make your way as usual destroying all enemy & neutral enemy. BUT don't you ever tried to destroy Nadesico Y(except if you want to collect cash here, it's sure easy destroying Nadesico^^) or Game Over. after all the enemy destroyed, here comes the confusing part, the enemy left supposedly only Nadesico Y, you can't Destroy her Neither the Stage didn't Finish. i've try to Convince him using almost all my character. the result is i spent over 20 turn for nothin. my last resort was luring Nadesico to our Base. Then the ressult also Nothin ><, after that i accidentally stop my Near Argama (this step isn't necesary) and my Main Character surround Nadesico Y, then she return to our side(phew-_'"), then the enemy who's controling Nadesico show itself next to Nadesico and the enemy reinforcement arrive, if you play as Raul, surround Nadesico Y w Akito instead of "Raul"(my point is, just stop Fiona/Akito beside Nadesico Y). No Need to explain, Easy stage i swear^^. ------------------------------- After the Battle a Split Occur ------------------------------- 1st Option was Gear Senshi Route * Unit available : - Nadesico Y - Tetsujin(99) - Aestivalis unit(all of them) - Zambot 3 - Voltes V - Great Mazinger - Mazinger Z - Venus A - Diana A - Bos Robot - Gear Senshi Dendoh(obviously) - Cell Fighter - Valhala - Wargear - Gundam Wing 0 Custom - Gundam Deathscythe HC - Gundam Sandrock C - Gundam Heavyarms C - Altron Gundam - Tallgeese III - Taurus Unit - Master Gundam(if available) - Main Chara 2nd Option was Colony Route * Unit available : - Near Argama - Re - Gz - Zeta Gundam - Super Gundam(w MK II obviously) - Hyakku Shiki - Methuss - Jeegan / MK III - Gundam ZZ - Qubelley MK II Purple(if available) - GX 9900 / GX 9900 DV - GX 9901 DX - Gundam Airmaster Burst - Gundam Leopard Destroy - Vertigo - Jenis Kai Enil Custom - God Gundam - Shining Gundam - Dragon Gundam - Bolt Gundam - Gundam Rose - Gundam Maxter - Fuun Saiki - Daitarn 3 - Shin Getter Robo - Neo Texas Mac w his Horse - Combattler V - Kerot - Main Chara ---------------------- STAGE 29 (Gear Senshi) ---------------------- * Friendly unit : - Gear Senshi Dendoh - Zambot 3 - Nadesico - 12 other unit * Enemy unit : - Gear Knight(hp 9300) - Garufa (hp 4945) x 4 - Orbiton (hp 7245) x 2 - Jamu (hp 9545) x 2 * Enemy reinforcement(you destroy Gear Knight): - Mass Production Great Mazinger(hp 8800) x 4 - Mass Production Combattler V (hp 9680) x 4 - Mechaburst Thrust (hp 8625) x 2 - Mechaburst Galcasuk (hp 8050) x 2 - Mechaburst Destroyer (hp 8395) x 2 - Mechaburst Dangaln (hp 11500) x 2 - Bandock(Butcher hp 23000)retreat if hp lower than 5000 * Enemy reinforcement (you smash Gear Knight until critical hp): - Same as above, say Good Bye to Large Magazine, plus - Garufa (hp 4945) x 4 this enemy appear at south east - Orbiton(hp 7245) x 2 same as above - Jamu (hp 9545) x 2 same as above * Friendly reinforcement : - Gear Knight(if you didn't destroy him of course) * Nice Item in this Stage : - Large Magazine -> Gear Knight - I-Field Barrier & Apooge Motor -> Bandock(Butcher) Note : At this stage you must choose: - if you want the Large Magazine, Destroy Gear Knight. - if you want to see the most powerfull mecha in this game and wanna gain some kill's don't destroy Gear Knight but you'll need some recovery unit since Gear Knight & Gear Senshi hp will be reduced to 10. If you didn't Destroy Gear Knight, his status will be boosted almost 2x^^ for it's Unicorn Mode but it only effect in this stage(DAMN!!!!), that if you already upgrade Gear Knight Status to the MAX, but if you haven't upgrade it's status, after the mission you'll get full upgraded version of Gear Knight (to think of it, you can save your money for over 900'000^^). well i think that's all, the enemy reinforcement will appear at north west side of map, no need to explain the strategy, easy stage^^. ------------------ STAGE 29 (Colony) ------------------ * Friendly Unit : - Gundam DX - G Falcon - Near Argama - 11 other unit * Enemy Unit : - R Jaja (hp 6400) x 4 - Hanm hanm (hp 6600) x 3 - Serpent Custom (hp 7700) x 2 - Doben Urufu (hp 8800) - Rigelgu (hp 8190) - Psycho Gundam Mk II (hp 16000) - Qubelley Mk II Purple(hp 4800, if you haven't convince Puru at stage 22 Freeden route) - Crouda/Lancelow (hp 5800) - Queen Mantha (hp 18000) - Zaku III Kai (hp 9030) - Geymark (hp 12600) * Enemy reinforcement (Giant Cannon destroyed): - Grandmaster Gundam(hp 11500) x 4 - Gundam Virsago CB (hp 16000) retreat w Ashtaron if hp are lower than 4800 - Gundam Ashtaron HC(hp 18000) retreat w Virsago if hp are lower than 5000 * Nice item in this stage: - Large Magazine -> Queen Mantha - I field Barrier -> Gundam Virsago CB - Apooge Motor -> Gundam Ashtaron HC * Event: - Here you can recruit Puru 2 after attacking him w Judou then Puru 1 and then convince her w Judou, after that she'll self destruct and join you at intermission w....EMPTY HANDED/NO MECHA(^^"). - There is so many Event that you can trigger between Judou(ZZ pilot) w most of enemy leader. - Lancelow w Jamil & Garrod Note : Frustating stage(at Gundam scenario weird isn't it^^) your mission here are to Destroy the Giant Cannon in 5 turn or Game over, it's supposedly an easy mission but eversince Queen Mantha are on the way, his Map attack are really pain in the ass he'll shoot every time he got a chance><, well i think that's all the hard part(for the first wave). the second wave appear after you destroying the cannon exactly at bottom of map(that's in front of your team), Grandmaster Gundam have an artillery attack ranged 3-7(><) and you better save your sp to deal w Frost brothers(not again ><)they have extraordinary high evasion rate, but thanx Good they didn't bring they custom made Satellite Cannon(phew-_-"), Save your Map attack to destroy Both of them, and fill up the Cannon area with your team since you got advantage there and HP/EN recover 10% every turn. ----------------------- STAGE 30 (Gear Senshi) ----------------------- * Friendly unit : - Gear Knight - Gear Senshi Dendoh - Nadesico Y - 12 other unit * Enemy unit : - Mechaburst Destroyer (hp 8150) x 2 - Mechaburst Galcasuk (hp 11500) x 2 - Mass Production Great Mazinger(hp 8800) x 4 - Mass Production Combattler V (hp 9680) x 4 - Jamu (hp 9545) x 2 - Bandock (Butcher, hp 23000)will retreat if hp goes bellow 5000 - Hypokris (hp 30000)will retreat if Regashi destroyed - Regashi (hp 9000) * Enemy reinforcement(Regashi destroyed): - Jamu (9545) x 4 - Grand Master Gundam(hp 11500) x 2 - Devil Gundam (hp 17250) - Viro (hp 40000) * Friendly Reinforcement(Regashi destroyed) : - Master Gundam(if available) * Nice item in this stage: - Dual Sensor -> Bandock(Butcher) - Large Magazine -> Hypokris - Minovsky Craft -> Viro * Event : - Hypokris & Regashi w All GEAR pilot - Master Gundam Appear and raise his morale 30 point^^ Note : Pretty easy stage the enemy came after you and Blah 2x 2x....... after Regashi been destroyed enemy reinforcement will arrive at north area of map and Master Gundam will appear at their ass^^, here come the fun part, have Yurika(Nadesico Captain) cast Confuse(cost 50 sp/cast) every turn if not enough have Master cast Concentrate every turn^^ then have him enter the enemy Garrison, he'll sure wreck havoc till your troops arrive to help him^^ ------------------- STAGE 30 ( Colony) ------------------- * Friendly unit: - Gundam ZZ - GX 9901 DX - Near Argama - 13 other unit(Puru Two are now available w Qubelley Mk II RED^^ "if you've convince her") * Enemy unit : - Dortress Neo (hp 5800) x 6 - G - Bits (hp 6800) x 4 - Grandmaster Gundam (hp 11500) x 3 - Ereos (hp 28000) retreat if Hp below 8000 - Gundam Virsago CB (hp 16000) - Gundam Ashtaron HC (hp 18000) * Enemy reinforcement(all enemy defeated): - Mass Production Qubelley (hp 7500) x 8 - Mass Production Qubelley (hp 8300) x 2 - Crouda/Lancelow (hp 5800) - Rigelgu (hp 8190) - Doben Urufu (hp 8800) - Sadarahn (hp 15000)retreat if hp lower than 5000 - Queen Mantha (hp 18000) - Zaku III Kai (hp 9030) - Geymark (hp 12600) - Hamahn Qubelley (hp 14700) * Nice item in this stage: - Dual Sensor -> Ereos - EN Saver -> Gundam Virsago CB - Mobility Booster -> Gundam Ashtaron HC - Hybrid Armor x 2 -> Mass Production Qubelley(8300) x 2 - Minovsky Craft -> Queen Mantha - Large Magazine -> Hamahn Qubelley * Event : - You can Trigger Many Event Between Amuro, Kamiyu/Judou W most of enemy leader at enemy reinforcement - You can recruit Lancelow here, what you need just trigger an event Between him w Garrod(not a necessary step "just for fun")then Jamil and then Convince him w Jamil Note : Easy stage, what you need to worry are just Virsago and Ashtaron Satellite Cannon attack the rest are peace of cake, beware with G-Bits artillery then you should be fine. Enemy reinforcement will appear at west side of Map, as usual don't expose your unit in front of Queen Mantha, Beware With Hamahn Qubelley Funnel and then Nothing need real attention. ps : if you getting hard time recruitting Lancelow since Twin Vulcan attack From DX reduce (tought there's no point attacking Lancelow w Garrod, but you'll get some event)it Hp more than half and another Vulcan attack from GX will Sure finish Him. i've some tip, make sure at this stage Garrod and Jamil Didn't kill any enemy until enemy reinforcement appear w Lancelow and then save your game before Garrod attack Lancelow. At this point DX Twin Vulcan accuracy will Less than 70%(due to low morale), so we will bet with another 30%^^, if it's hit and destroying him reset your game and repeat as necessary, after you succeded convince Lancelow he will immediatelly join your Forces. (by now if you don't want to get the event between Garrod and Lancelow, you can ignore this mistake that i made, "Gomen Nee..."-_-). ----------------------- STAGE 31 (Gear Senshi) ----------------------- * Friendly unit : - Main Chara - Zambot 3 - Nadesico - 13 other unit * Enemy unit: - Mechaburst Destroyer (hp 8395) x 4 - Mechaburst Dangaln (hp 11500) x 4 - Mechaburst Thrust (hp 8625) x 4 * Enemy reinforcement(you've destroyed 4 enemy unit): - Mass Production Great Mazinger(hp 8800) x 4 - Mass Production Combattler V (hp 9680) x 4 - Deskain (hp 13000) - Heldain (hp 13000) - Bandock (butcher, hp 23000) * Enemy reinforcement(Bandock destroyed): - Deskain (hp 13000) x 3 - Heldain (hp 13000) x 3 - Tyugaterl(hp 25000) retreat if hp below 5000 - Hypokris (hp 30000) retreat if hp below 5000 - Bandock (hp 23000) * Nice item in this stage : - 3D Radar(^^) -> Bandock(butcher) - Giant Magazine -> Hypokris - Large En Tank -> Tyugaterl - I Field Barrier -> Bandock Note : Just another easy mission, Gundam and aestivalis unit will sure help eversince all the enemy are super robot. Doesn't need to explain the tactic, the first enemy reinforcement will appear behind the enemy unit, and the second appear at South west, just becarefull with Deskain & Heldain(13000) combination attack (it's really hurt, if "HIT"^^). ----------------- STAGE 31 (Colony) ----------------- * Friendly unit: - Near Argama - Main Chara - God Gundam - 13 other unit * Enemy unit : - G-Bits (hp 6800) x 3 - Dortress Neo (hp 5800) x 6 - Grandmaster Gundam(hp 11500) x 2 - Devil Gundam ME (hp 23000) x 2 - Devil Gundam PE (hp 28750, piloted by Toho Fuhai if you haven't got him before) - Gundam Virsago CB (hp 16000) - Gundam Ashtaron HC(hp 18000) * Enemy reinforcement(8 enemy remain, last forever till Devil PE Destroyed^o^): - Grandmaster Gundam (hp 11500) x 2 - G-Bits (hp 6800) x 6 * Enemy reinforcement(Devil Gundam PE destroyed) : - Duminas(hp 20000) * Nice item in this stage : - 3D Radar & I Field Barrier -> Devil Gundam PE - Large EN Tank -> Gundam Virsago - Giant Magazine -> Gundam Ashtaron Note : This Stage...... this stage was to........ "EASY"!!! i can't stop laughing my superiority in this stage, you ask why?, then i tell you, most of the enemy was sized L and piloted by stupid AI. And most of your team are "NEW TYPE". That mean they will never hit your mech for ages, Virsago and Ashtaron will give you very Little difficulty since they will never move from it's position, that if you fast enough to invade enemy base^^(that mean you got x-tra Accuracy and Hp/En recover for each turn). The enemy reinforcement will appear at northwest and Southwest section from the base, Hell!!! this stage was the best stage to collect money, kill, and Experience, Kerot was really usefull here^^. The more stupid thing come from this stage are the enemy last reinforcement (Duminas)appear in front of you, rite behind that Frost Brother, i having good time attacking him w Hyper Beam Cannon, Harmonica Beam and every ranged weapon i have(he have a lousy accuracy^o^). ps : just don't forget to maximized use your pilot command area like Amuro, Quatro, Jamil and Lancelow(switch his unit with Air Master Burst, since his status are better than wits). ===================================== New unit you acquired after stage 31 ===================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Name Requirement ---------------------------------------------------------------- - Ra Kailum | None - Nu Gundam | None | - MP Nu Gundam I & F | Destroy the meteor | at stage 2 at Gundam | Route | - Sazabi | None - FA ZZ | None - Aestivalis C | None (Akito, Ryoko, Izumi, Hikaru) | - S Aestivalis Gai | None | - HM Black Sarena | Take Nadesico route | at 1st split | - Black Sarena | None | - Alstromeria 99 | Have Tsukumo(99) kills 10 | enemy before this point | - Fully upgraded Gear Knight | Take Gear Senshi route | after stage 28 ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------- STAGE 32 --------- * Friendly unit: - Ra Kailum - Nadesico Y - Daitarn 3 - 13 Other unit * Enemy unit: - Devil Aestivalis (hp 4600) x 8 - Majin (hp 9200) x 2 - Tetsujin (hp 9775) x 2 - Daimajin (hp 14950) - Daitetsujin (hp 16100) - Denjin (hp 10350) - Gundam Ashtaron HC (hp 18000) - Gundam Virsago CB (hp 16000) * Friendly reinforcement(all enemy eliminated): - Main Chara w his/her Final Frame (Excelent.L for Raul & Excelent.E for Fiona, Basically their mech have no diffrent in use, the very same amount of Attack Damage, range, en cost, etc, not to mention Raul and Fiona have exactly the same statistic, Psycho Command, and ability^^) * Enemy reinforcement (all enemy eliminated): - Tetsujin (hp 9775) x 2 - Majin (hp 9200) x 2 - Denjin (hp 10350) x 2 - ? (hp 6930) x 6 - ? (hp 9380) * Nice item in this stage : - En Saver++ -> Daimajin - En Tank + -> Daitetsujin - Learning CP -> Denjin(first enemy unit) - Mega Booster -> Gundam Ashtaron HC - High Performance Targeter -> Gundam Virsago CB - Hybrid Armor -> ?(hp 9380) Note : Same as usual make your way toward the enemy, make formation for assist attack and don't forget to use your command area, DX and GX will learn new move here, G-bit Hyper Beam for GX DV & DX. G-Bit Sattelite Cannon for DX(only can be obtained through Moon Colony route), the enemy here are relatively easy, since they have bad accuracy^^, but becarefull with enemy reinforcement(appear at the same place as the enemy unit) ?(6830) and their leader, they have high agility and accuracy. Strategy : first before you start a mission equip Shin Getter w 3D Radar/Haro , that make him can counter every attack ranged 1-5 w Stroom Sunshine After that raise his morale by destroying the first enemy wave, and when you encounter ?(6930) & ?(9380) i'm sure your morale are supposed to be over 130, cast Confuse(50sp/cast yurika and Getter 2 pilot have that spell)every turn + Lock on(i figured out that Lock On spell effect for 1 Turn, not a single strike like previous SRW^_^), then consider your level and weapon upgrade, the ?(6930) will be dead for a single hit of Stonner Sunshine^^. --------- STAGE 33 --------- * Friendly Unit : - Daitarn 3 - Ra Kailum - Nadesico Y - 14 other unit * Enemy unit : - Aiai (hp 4560) x 3 - Sorushar (hp 9120) x 4 - Sorushar (hp 9880) x 4 - Nibel Gun(hp 12000) x 7 -> One of them which piloted by old man change into Megaborg Edwin(hp 20700) if destroyed -> one of them which piloted by Blue haired woman change into Megaborg Vinoia(hp 19550) if destroyed -> one of them which piloted by an ORC change into Megaborg Nendol(hp 21850) if destroyed -> one of them which piloted by a blonde old man change into Megaborg Beltori(hp 20700) if destroyed - Nibel Gun(hp 13000) x 4 - Aiai (hp 5130)-> Change into Koros(hp 40000) when destroyed * Enemy reinforcement (Koros Destroyed): - Don Zausar(hp 50000) * Nice item in this stage : - En Saver+ -> Megaborg Edwin - 3D Radar -> Megaborg Vinoia - Multiple Sensor -> Megaborg Nendol - Dust Proof -> Megaborg Beltori - Haro(^^) -> Koros - Learning CP++ -> Don Zausar Note : Not a really hard stage if you play your card, right as usual take advantage of Command area, Methuss will surelly help here, the Nibel Gun tough it have quite a distance for it's artillery range, but they have lousy accuracy^^, but be prepare w the surprise attack from Megaborg, they have better accuracy than Nibel Gun but they didn't have Good attack range, Sazabi & Nu Gundam Fin Funnel will work very well here and especially DX Twin Satellite Cannon Map + Hot Blood + Lock On(but i think you'll not need this spell, since they have lousy evasion rate^^). After you finish the first Group, make your way to the second, since they will not came toward you, they are easy but when Koros appear the thing will come a bit different, High Hp and Armor, High Damage and Accuracy, thanx God she have loussy evasion, the strategy here are just use your assist attack, Heavyarms, G-Fighter, & Shin Getter will be a very nice Friend of your assist team. After Koros defeated Don Zausar appear about one square away from Koros position, use the same strategy as you use to defeat Koros plus have Yurika/Getter 2 Pilot Cast Confuse every turn, since Don Zausar attack are real Pain to your unit(over 3000 for single hit), after that hopefully he'll destroyed in 2 turn using assist attack. Ps : Bring Resuplly unit at least 1, my Heavyarms run out of Ammo in this stage^_^" --------- STAGE 34 --------- * Friendly Unit : - Tetsujin(99)/Alstromeria(99 if available) - Nadesico - Ra Kailum - 14 other unit * Enemy Unit : - Majin (hp 9200) x 2 - Devil Aestivalis(hp 4600) x 7 - Tetsujin (hp 9775) x 4 - Daitetsujin (hp 16100) - Denjin (hp 10350) x 3 - Daimajin (hp 14950) - ? (hp 6930) x 6 - ? (hp 10800) - Devil Gundam ME (hp 23000) x 3 * Enemy reinforcement(appear If there only 8 enemy rest on the Map and every time you killed 6 enemy) - ?(hp 5760) x 6 * Nice item in this stage : - Shuffle Badge -> Daitetsujin - High Performance Targeter -> Denjin(which piloted by...mm, Dunno how to explain><) - Giant Magazine -> Daimajin - New Super Alloy Z -> ?(10800) Note : Not a hard Stage either, But the ?(10800) and his ?(6930) are make me pissed of, lucky for me i have Shin Getter, use the same tactic as before will sure finish them in 2 round, after that the rest are easy to deal with. enemy reinforcement appear in front of Devil Gundam and will came after you^^, they are also easy to deal with(they appearance last for about 5/6 times, sorry i didn't make an accurate note of it^^"). --------- STAGE 35 --------- * Friendly unit : - Gear Senshi Dendoh - Gear Knight - Valhala - Alstromeria(Genichiro) - Nadesico C - Near Argama - 11 other unit * enemy unit : - Jamu (hp 9545) x 4 - Devil Aestivalis (hp 4600) x 4 - Deskain (hp 14300) - Heldain (hp 14300) - Mass Production Great Mazinger(hp 9200) x 2 - Mass Production Combattler V (hp 10120) x 4 - ? (hp 27500) x 2 - Hypokrys (hp 33000) - Tyugaterl (hp 27500) - Gundam Ashtaron HC (hp 19800) - Gundam Virsago CB (hp 17600) - Viro + Vektar (hp 45000) * Enemy reinforcement(one of your mecha arrive at red moon) : - Devil Gundam PE(hp 28750) x 3 - Ereos (hp 31800) * Nice item in this stage: - A Adapter all Terrain -> Hypokrys - Psycho Frame -> Tyugaterl - High Performance Radar -> Gundam Ashtaron HC - Learning CP+ -> Gundam Virsago - Super Alloy Z -> Ereos * Event : - Destroy Viro + Vektar 3 times before Valhala reach red moon to get Phoenix Seal for Gear Senshi Dendoh & Gear Knight(it's hard, but it can be done^_^) Note : A simple Stage(But Frost brother & Viro make it difficult like HELL>_<), your mission here are just escort Valhala(ressuply aeroplane) to the red moon, the minor enemy are easy to handle but the leader SUCK. Viro have command ability with the radius 4 square from him><, that make every enemy unit near him will gain 15% bonus for accuracy and evasion rate, that make Virsago and Ashtaron even harder to KILL><. the tactic here, THERE IS NO TACTIC! my advice is use Yurika Confuse spell as needed and cast Concentrate and Lock On as necessary, Destroy Ashtaron first(since Level 4 assist Defense are really annoying>_<), the easiest leader here are Hypokrys, couse lousy accuracy and mobility so maybe you wanna destroy him first(coz he oftennly attacking you alone^^) Evade unnecessary Battle with Viro since his attack are really painfull(but he gives you a lot of exp^^). the enemy reinforcement will appear exactly at the Red Moon, no need to explain, easy enemy (trust me^_^). Alstromeria(Genichiro) will join your forces after the battle. --------- STAGE 36 --------- * Friendly unit(Raul Route) : - Shin Getter - Raul * Friendly reinforcement(Raul Route, turn 2) : - Gear Senshi Dendoh - Gear Knight - Ra Kailum - Nadesico - 11 other unit * Friendly unit(Fiona Route) : - Gear Senshi Dendoh - Gear Knight - Fiona - Ra Kailum - Nadesico C - 11 other unit * Enemy unit : - Devil Aestivalis (hp 4600) x 6 - ? (hp 9545) x 2 - Mass Production Great Mazinger(hp 9200) x 2 - Mass Production Combattler V (hp 10120)x 4 - Deskain (hp 14300) - Heldain (hp 14300) - Ereos (hp 30800) - Tyugaterl (hp 27500) - Hypokris (hp 33000) - Viro + Vektar (hp 45000) * Enemy reinforcement(Ereos, Hypokris,& Tyugaterl defeated): - Jamu (hp 9545) x 5 - Vektarviro(hp 50000) - Garufa (hp 50000) * Nice item in this Stage : - Linear Seat -> Hypokrys - I Field Barrier -> Tyugaterl - Bio Sensor -> Ereos - EN Tank + -> Viro Note : A Normal stage(if Viro doesn't hanging around), easy enemy except Viro of course. Destroy those three little stooges(Ereos, Hypokrys, & Tyugaterl), and then Viro will unite w Vektar plus enemy reiforcement at north area of map, as usual, enemy reinforcement are easy to deal with^^. Vektarviro and Garufa will resurect every turn if they are destroyed, so destroy them in the same turn to finish this stage. The strategy: If you're a fan of Gundam and use most of them at your team this is surelly easy stage since Vektarviro and Garufa have(well i can't said they're bad neither they good, sigh-_-) lack of accuracy, just split your team into 2 group and surround Vektarviro(if necessary) , couse you'll be in great trouble if he started to aimming at your mothership, reduce Garufa HP into critical point, and then Destroy Viro first then you can destroy Garufa, since Viro Invisible ability can give you a Heart attack(DAMN i hate his Invisible ability>_<). so here comes the fun part,(2 i found in this stage^^), if you want a lot of EN Tank+ (well 9, since it's the limit), Destroy Viro Consecutivelly, he'll give you that item every times he's dead^^, if you want a lot of exp, Destroy Garufa consecutivelly, since it's easier than fighting Vektarviro. ------------ FINAL STAGE ------------ * Friendly unit: - Ra Kailum - Nadesico C - Main Chara - 14 other unit * Enemy unit : - Devil Aestivalis (hp 4600) x 4 - Devil Gundam (hp 17250) x 3 - Devil Gundam ME (hp 23000) x 2 - Devil Gundam PE (hp 28750) x 2 - Mass Production Great Mazinger (hp 9200) x 2 - Mass Production Combattler V (hp 10120) x 4 - Deskain (hp 14950) - Heldain (hp 14950) - Hypokris (hp 33000) - Ereos (hp 30800) - Tyugaterl (hp 27500) - Duminas Proton (hp 20000) ->Change into Duminas Deutron(hp 55000) ->Change into Duminas Triton (hp 65000) Note : Well the Final Stage at last^^, but i got a little dissapointed w the final bos Duminas, it didn't have enough accuracy and Attack Power(i remember when fighting Neo Granzon at SRW alpha Gaiden, he destroy most of my troops, it was fun by then ^^). anyway i'll give ya the strategy, Bring all your Gundam UC, then this stage will be piece of cake. since they all have lousy accuracy except Devil Aestivalis but they are still very easy to handle^^ . after you destroy all the minor enemy make a formation for assist attack and use your Command area(the blue square surround some pilot like, Amuro, Quatro, Jamil, Lancelow, etc)like usual, aim at single enemy like Hypokris/Ereos/Tyugaterl, don't bother w Duminas Assist Defense(about 3 times)surelly you'll defeat one of them every 2 turn. it's easy Stage no need to worry w Map attack, since they didn't have Map attack^^(remember Neo Granzon "GRAVITON CANNON HASHAA...!"). btw if Duminas destroyed and her son are still live, her son/daughter will ressurect him. after that you've "FINISH" your game Horay...Bravo........Phew thank God i can Finish this Walkthrough. -------- THE END -------- ================= VI. GROWTH CHART ================= The Beginning: * Q :Which must i choose? Raul or Fiona A : Basically there is no major Different between them same statistic, Psycho spell, and Abbility, there are only a little different in storyline, some Stage (28 and 36), different final frame(but actually have the very same attack and status^_^), so just follow your mood^_^. =============================================================== Stage 1 =============================================================== Split Occur ----------- 1st Choice ----------- Nadesico Route: Nothing really special about this stage the only advantage if you choose this path you'll have access to HM Black Sarena later at stage 31, the overall stage are HARD like HELL!! ----------- 2nd Choice ----------- Gundam/Ra Kailum Route : There's many unit that you can acquire trough this route,Destroy the Meteor on stage 2 in 7 turn to obtain MP Nu-Gundam I at stage 3 and later at stage 31 you'll obtain both MP Nu-Gundam I & F at Stage 31(those unit are relativelly weak tough MP Nu-Gundam F had I-Field Barrier), After that if you wanna get Gundam MK III at stage 21 w Four as the Pilot, make sure you killed Quess in Alpha Ziel at stage 4 w Chien Agi in Re-Gz/Jeegan while Hattaway(Jeegan) is on the map(upgrading her Re-Gz will be nice here since you'll not wasting your money, since Amuro will piloting that unit till stage 31, it's the best unit for Amuro till then^^). The MP Nu-Gundam were not as hot as the original Nu, but MK III will burn your GBA(Who said MK III was Suck?^^), it's Hyper Beam attack are slightly more powerfull than Zeta neither do the status equip it w Minovsky Craft, Solar Panel, EN Tank/Haro/3D Radar/Mega Booster, it's the best Demolisher unit till you got Alstromeria^^. Btw if you have upgrading MP Nu-Gundam I that you got at stage 3, MK III will inherit those upgrade neither do the other MP Nu you got later(imagine how much money that can you save by doing this ^_^). * Believe it or not: Gundam MK III are actually Prototype Zeta^^, at the first Zeta 1/144 Model kit(released at 80's), Zeta Gundam was look exactly like it^_^ after that we know MK III design're a lot more resemble Zeta Plus . --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Q: It's very Hard to have Jamil Killed 20 enemy, since Freeden was a mothership that have loussy accuracy, evasion, etc. What must i do ? A: Just Upgrade it. Since you'll not wasting your money tought you only use Freeden for a while but Near Argama and Ra Kailum will inherit it Upgrade^^. ===================================================================== STAGE 12 ===================================================================== Another split is occur here, but you need not to worry which route you must choose since there is no big difference between each route (maybe i haven't found yet^^"), but if u choose Freeden route(1st option), you'll have access to Gundam Leopard Custom(not a really great unit, but better than original Leopard) ===================================================================== STAGE 15 ===================================================================== Well what can i say. There is also no big difference in this split point, if you wanna some GX scenario choose 1st option, if you want some G-Gundam, Voltes V and Gear Senshi, choose 2nd option. ===================================================================== STAGE 21 ===================================================================== Well at this split point, if you really like GX story i reccomend you to take the Freeden/moon colony route(2nd option) since there's so many thing that you can get from now on like convincing Puru so you could get Puru two later, trigger an event between Jamil and Lancelow (it a must) so you can Convince him later, and this path is a must if you wanna get Tifa, G-bit formation attack for DX and GX, since the other route will provide you nothin>_<. ===================================================================== STAGE 28 ===================================================================== Another split point, if you choose 1st option(Gear Senshi route) you'll receive Full upgrade Gear Knight(Ohga/Ogre)after stage 29, but if you take Freeden route at stage 21 i reccomend you to take 2nd option(Moon Colony route) since from now on you can start convincing Puru Two and Lancelow, this route also a "must" if you wanna get Tifa and G-bit formation attack. ===================================== New unit you acquired after stage 31 ===================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Name Requirement ---------------------------------------------------------------- - Ra Kailum | None - Nu Gundam | None | - MP Nu Gundam I/F | Destroy the meteor | at stage 2 at Gundam | Route | - Sazabi | None - FA ZZ | None - Aestivalis C | None (Akito, Ryoko, Izumi, Hikaru) | - S Aestivalis Gai | None | - HM Black Sarena | Take Nadesico route | at 1st split | - Black Sarena | None | - Alstromeria 99 | Have Tsukumo(99) kills 10 | enemy before this point | - Fully upgraded Gear Knight | Take Gear Senshi route | after stage 28 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ================== VII. SECRET MECH ================== ================== *MP Nu Gundam I/F ================== * Destroy the meteor at stage 2 Gundam route, then you'll receive this unit at stage 3 and later after stage 31 * Upgrade level : 8 * Max status : HP : 6020 EN : 306 Mov : 6 square Agi : 119 Arm : 1120 Ability : Sword, Shield, Gun,I Field Barrier(F type only) Part : 2 slot Size : M Repair cost : 5000 Battle ability : Land(A), Air(-), Sea(C), Space(A) * Attack: - (+) Missile Launcher(P),3000,2~5,ammo 4,acc +20,moral 0,critical +/-0% Land(A), Air(A), Sea(C), Space(A) - (+) Beam Spray Gun(P)(B),3100,1~5,ammo 6,acc +20,moral 0,critical +5% Land(A), Air(A), Sea(-), Space(A) - (+) Beam Ray Full(P)(B),3300,1~4,ammo 10,acc +15,moral 0,critical +10% Land(A), Air(A), Sea(-), Space(A) - (Fist) Beam Saber(P),3300,1,acc +40,moral 0,critical +30% Land(A), Air(-), Sea(B), Space(A) - (+) Hyper Bazooka,3800,3~6,ammo 4,acc +/-0,moral 0,critical +20% Land(A), Air(A), Sea(A), Space(A) - (+) Fin Funnel(F type only),4400,3~7,EN 30,acc +20,moral 105,critical +10% NT only,Land(A), Air(A), Sea(c), Space(A) - (+) Incom(I type only),4000,2~7,EN 10,acc +20,moral 0,critical +10% Land(A), Air(A), Sea(B), Space(A) ================ * GUNDAM MK III ================ * Destroy Quess w Chien in Stage 4 Gundam route then you'll receive this unit at stage 20 * Upgrade level : 12 * Max status : HP : 5760 EN : 352 Mov : 6 square Agi : 152 Arm : 1440 Ability : Sword, Shield, Gun Part : 3 slot Size : M Repair cost : 3200 Battle ability: Land(A), Air(-), Sea(C), Space(A) * Attack : - (+) Beam Ray Full(P)(B),4000,1~4,Ammo 10,acc +15,moral 0,critical +10% Land(A), Air(A), Sea(-), Space(A) - (Fist) Beam Saber(P),4000,1,acc +40,moral 0,critical +30% Land(A), Air(-), Sea(B), Space(A) - (+) Duble Beam Cannon(B),4700,2~6,EN 20,acc +10,moral 0,critical +10% Land(A), Air(A), Sea(-), Space(A) ================ * MASTER GUNDAM ================ * Destroy Master Asia Devil Gundam at stage 26, then have Shin Getter HP glows red at stage 27 before you destroy ?(hp 45000) that looks like disc (O_o?) * Upgrade level : 10 * Max status : HP : 8250 EN : 400 Mov : 5 square Agi : 135 Arm : 1425 Ability : Sword, Shadow Part : 1 slot Size : M Repair Cost : 8000 Battle Ability : Land(B), Air(A), Sea(C), Space(A) * Attack : - (Fist) Master Cross(P),3400,1~4,acc +30,Moral 0,critical +10% Land(A), Air(A), Sea(A), Space(A) - (+) Darkness Shot,3500,1~5,ammo 8,acc +15,moral 0,critical +/-0% Land(A), Air(A), Sea(B), Space(A) - (Fist) ?(P),3900,1~3,EN 10,acc +25,moral 0,critical +10% Land(A), Air(A), Sea(A), Space(A) - (Fist) ?,4300,1~3,EN 30,acc +10,moral 0,critical +/-0% Land(A), Air(A), Sea(-), Space(A) - (Fist) ?(P),4500,1~2,EN 40,acc +20,moral 110,critical +/-0% Land(A), Air(A), Sea(A), Space(A) - (Fist) Darkness Finger(P),4800,1,EN 60,acc +20,moral 120,Critical +10% Land(A), Air(A), Sea(A), Space(A) - (Fist) Sekiha Tenkyoken(P),5400,1,EN 80,acc +10,moral 140,critical +/- 0% Land(A), Air(A), Sea(A), Space(A) * Sekiha Tenkyoken only apear when Master Reach Super Mode, i think Sekiha Tenkyoken attack power will increase based on Master Asia Level, since it's not and accurate number please forgive me if i made a mistake. ========= * FEBRAL ========= * Have Jamil kill 20 enemy before stage 22(Freeden route only) * upgrade level : 10 * Max Status : HP : 10200 EN : 400 Mov : 6 square Agi : 150 Arm : 1800 Ability : Gun Part : 2 slot Size : L(ouch!>_<) repair cost : 5200 Battle ability : Land(-), Air(A), Sea(-), Space(A) * Attack: - (+) Finger Beam(p)(b),3950,1~4,ammo 10,acc +15,moral 0,critical +10% Land(A), Air(A), Sea(-), Space(A) - (+) Bit,4750,3~7,EN 30,acc +20,Moral 105,Critical +10%,NT(X) only Land(A), Air(A), Sea(C), Space(A) ================== * HM BLACK SARENA ================== * Take Nadesico route at 1st split * Upgrade level : 12 * Max Status : HP : 6880 EN : 330 Mov : 10 square Agi : 160 Arm : 1520 Ability : Armor, Gravity Barrier, EN Regenerate, Invisible Part : 2 slot Size : S Repair Cost : 0 Batle Ability : Land(-), Air(A), Sea(-), Space(A) * Attack : - (Fist)Distortion Attack(P),4800,1~3,EN 30,acc +30,Moral 0,critical +/-0% Land(B), Air(A), Sea(B), Space(A) ======================= * ALSTROMERIA(Tsukumo) ======================= * Have Tsukumo(99) kill 10 enemy before stage 32 * it's status are slightly weaker than Genichiro Alstromeria that you receive at stage 35. * Upgrade Level : 13 * Max Status : HP : 6600 EN : 345 Mov : 8 square Agi : 165 Arm : 1567 Ability : Gravity Barrier, EN Regenerate, Invisible Part : 2 slot Size : S Repair cost : 6000 Battle ability : Land(A), Air(A), Sea(C), Space(A) * Attack : - (Fist)Kuro/Claw(P),4600,1~5,EN 20,acc +40,Moral 0,critical +30% Land(A), Air(A), Sea(B), Space(A) ================== VIII. BEST COUPLE ================== Another New sytem are introduced here in AR, the relation system, they will add some point w the pilot statistic if they oftenly fight side by side(Assist attack/defense will build relation much faster)the relation can only be build between a character that come from the same universe like Akito and Gai(Nadesico Character), Judou and Kamiyu(Gundam UC) , Garrod and Jamil(Gundam X series), Kouji and Tetsuya (Mazinger series), etc, the main character itself can build a relation with any character, but it relation that have been build will be decreased if he/she assist other character that came from different universe, but assisting many character that come from the same universe will not decrease the relation point that have been build each other, like building relation between Main Chara w Amuro, Kamiyu and Judou at the same time since they all come from the same universe (Gundam UC). There are two type of relation that can be build here, thought i don't really understand the difference of it: 1. Friendly Fire : Can be build Between the Character w the same Gender and come from the same universe of course (simbolize w burst of "Fire" when they unit goes side by side). - it adding an extra damage for assist attack 5% for small fire, 10% for medium fire, 15% for big fire and it can stack. 2. Love at Will : Can be build between the Character w different gender(since there's no Bishoujou/Bishonen character in srw series^^) that come from the same universe (sibolize w burst of "Heart" when they unit goes side by side). - it adding an extra resistance for assist defense 5% for small heart, 10% for medium heart, 15% for big heart and it can stack(i'm sorry if i made a mistake for this section, since i didn't remember exactlly the ammount for this assist defense). Since i'am a Gundam Freak, all my best pilot are actually a Gundam Pilot(Gou w Neo/Shin Getter was an exception) so this section will fell like Best Gundam Couple but it work very well w my game^^. ---------------- Domon & Allenby ---------------- You got them very early at the game plus they have combination Double Shining/God Finger it's a very Good idea to build relation between them w assist attack/defense they will become a very reliable character at the heat of battle couse they will become very strong in a very short of time(the biggest Flame/Heart you'll see very earlly) * Best Item Combination: * Shining :- Haro/3D Radar - Mega Booster * God :- Solar Panel * Nobel :- Haro/3D Radar - Solar Panel - Mega Booster/New Super Alloy Z(or everything that raise defense) -------------- Kamiyu & Four -------------- Jeegan was suck but Four itself was a great pilot thought she's not a Newtype, better have her at MK III and Kamiyu on Zeta rather than Rue, they was a great pair of Sniper unit that you'll not need to worry placing them in Frontline since it have VERY HIGH evasion rate. (plus point they both have Love interest^^) * Best Item Combination: * Super Gundam(in case you didn't get MK III^^):- Haro/3d radar - Giant Magazine - Learning CP++ * Gundam MK III:- Minovsky Craft - Haro/3D Radar - Solar Panel * Zeta Gundam :- Solar Panel - 3D Radar/EN Tank ++ --------------- Amuro & Quatro --------------- A High class Newtype, Have Command ability, Spirit and Lock On Spell whew^_^" what else you want to expect from a pilot, They both was my best pilot Assist each other w Command ability make them even better and a must have in Battle, their only weaknesses was they will gain Assist attack ability at very high level(but Double Funnel will really painfull by then^^), so it's kindda hard to build relation between them. * Best Item Combination: * Type 100 : - Minovsky Craft - Giant Magazine - Learning CP++/3D Radar * Re-GZ : - Solar Panel - Learning CP++ - Anything you like^^ * Nu Gundam/Sazabi : - Solar Panel - Mega Booster/Minovsky Craft ----------------- Jamil & Lancelow ----------------- Another New type Combination thought didn't have spirit spell, but they both have react(move again) spell that could be as lethal as spirit spell^^, they have the same weaknesses like Amuro and Quatro, but their unit are slightly a better Agressor especially when you got G-bit formation attack for GX, i prefer Lancelow w Air Master since it have better mov range and lower upgrade level than Crouda but have the same attack level(it can save your money quite much^^). * Best Item Combination: * Air Master :- Solar Panel - Learning CP++ * GX/GX-DV :- Solar Panel - Learning CP++/Mega Booster(if you like) --------------------- Garrod, Tifa & Paula --------------------- Well i don't fell like to build relation between Garrod w Paula but i prefer to dock my DX unit to Paula G-Falcon^_^, they unit was stunning, you don't even need to upgrade G-Falcon, since it will Follow DX statistic when they unite^^, a more deadly combination is Tifa React spell + Garrod Hot Blood & Lock on Spell + Max Morale and Twin Satellite Cannon Map attack, imagine how big the damage that could result this way^^. * Best Item Combination : * DX w G-Falcon :- 3D Radar - Mega Booster/Solar panel(could be nice^^) -------------------- Tsukumo & Genichiro -------------------- Whew>_<, you got Genichiro at very end of the game, so it's kindda impossible to make a good relation between them, but they unit was "THE BEST MECH IN THIS GAME!" hell yeah! i'm not kidding, i can finish the last stage with just using them alone(complete upgrade of course^^, tought it will take quite a time with Duminas assist defense), my point is, they wasn't a best couple to use but they mech will be a very valuable ally and a must have in your team, they both have Command ability that makes them even more precious character in this series. * Best Item Combination : * Alstromeria :- Haro/3D Radar - Learning CP++/EN Tank++(for a long fight) ======================= IX. FORBIDDEN SECTION ======================= I don't fell really like to adding this section, but coz there is so many Board asking, "CAN ANYONE GIMME THE CODE", "TO HARD, THE CODE PLEASE", then BLAH 2x 2x............... What i wanna told ya is THE GAME WAS PIECE OF CAKE!!! if you play it right you'll enjoy the excitement everytime you're Destroyed, everytime you missed an attack(thought it sometime it fell more frustating than exciting^^) and especially everytime you finish the stage w your own strategy(At least that what i fellO_o). One last thing i wanna told you, "DONT YOU EVER USE THIS CODE" even if you think you need this code, but actually "YOU DON'T NEED IT !!". Trust me, since using this code will ruin all the excitement playing this game. I'AM SERIOUS ALL!! the excitement of playing this game!!!. so here is the CURSED NUMBER!! Master Code(item only) 86EB75C4 B8C307FE ED3EFFD1 26C6425F Inf money B3A8FB74 8CDF7C83 All item A986794A20765E4C 3303DC65E7940C22 7F99277F5D85BFA9 6C0C0EBA3EC5970C 95AE69CD2721D0ED CA0B95754B20E935 8928B9562DADA596 7AE073ECCB7B17A7 2F691479CA0B144C F4865980F36D61C1 2C00FB3BBDF024AD THERE!!, SATISFIED?! then DELETE this code before you're cursed by looking at it! =========== X. CREDIT =========== -. to Gundam Totoro, which inspiring me to make my own walkthrough (and thanks for copyright section, since i don't know anything about it^_^") -. To Coolazn for his board(the Code!) -. to Korosu & DivideR for......, sorry i forgot. -. To RoTk Freak for the hint at stage 35 -. Thanks to Neo Zerox for EVERY THING(can't thank you enough^^") -. Thanks to Everyone whose Confirmed Gundam Mk III on my board (sorry i forgot all of your name, if ya wanna some credit please mail me) -. Thanks to ShinChan & Frederick couse without yer Both I will never playing this game -. My real life "Paula Cis" for : * being so supportive to all my stupidness * Cheering me up when i feel down * being "YOU" * one last thing "STOP BITTING ME! IT'S HURT, DON'T YOU KNOW THAT?" tought it can keep me conscious. -. to "Bright Noah" for : * Kamiyu/Cammile thing * Being such a pal as the same Gundam "Freak"! (hope our friendship last forever, "VIVA GUNDAM!") * one last thing "Mission acomplish sir! The Hyper Bazooka alreaddy hit the Center of Zeon Empire that couse unrepairable Damage!". -. My Brother for : * Didn't give a damn to what've i write * Said my walkthrough was piece of S**T(censored) and useless * Follow my advice to buy Deathschyte HC model kit. -. "You" for reading my Faq/walkthrough ARIGATOU GOZAIMASTA ^^ =============== XI. COPYRIGHT =============== Unpublished work Copyright 2002 masa7su This document is protected by US Copyright Law. It is meant for private use only. This FAQ may not be referenced or altered without permission from myself. This FAQ is a GAMEFAQS & SRWWEB.net Exclusive and may not be hosted elsewhere. Alteration of this Copyright is punishable under Title 17 Chapter 5 Section 506(d) of US Copyright Law for a fine of up to $2,500. "Gundam", "Mobile Suit", and all related characters and names are property of Sotsu Agency, Sunrise, and Bandai Co. Ltd. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned herein.