########################################################################################### ########### # SUPER ROBOT WARS R # # SPIRIT COMMAND MINI-FAQ # # VERSION 1.0 # # BY: HATTAKAZAYA(HATTAKAZAYA@HOTMAIL.COM) # ########################################################################################### ########### Notes and other stuff: This FAQ was translated by me for fun. This information, beside the SP costs, were originally found at http://tekipaki.jp/~cybaster/r/seisin.html. Give credit where credit is due for the collection of data. If you want to include this in a FAQ of yours,feel free to cut and paste as is. Please credit the orignal other, and credit for me would be nice, but I'd be hard pressed to ever know where you got it anyways. This info is all over the net. I beleive this to be a full list of spirit commands in SRWR. I did the SP cost from memory, so they might be incorrect. If you know of any addition spirit commands or the SP costs are incorrect, e-mail me at hattakazaya@hotmail.com and I'll fix them. -Enjoy... ########################################################################################### ########### 自爆 - 自爆し、隣接したユニット(味方含む)にHP分の防御&シールド無視のダメージを与え る Self Destruction - Explodes the units, dealing the HP damage of it, ignoring armor. SP COST: 1 偵察 - 指定した敵ユニット1体の能力値を調べる Reconnaissance - Allows you to view movement, attack and pilot stats of a unit. SP COST: 1 加速 - 1回だけ移動力+3。移動するまで効果は継続 Acceleration - Adds +3 to movement, will last unit you exceed your normal unit movement. SP COST: 10 ひらめき - 一度だけ敵の攻撃を完全回避 Flash - Allows the unit to avoid an attack. SP COST: 10 てかげん - 敵ユニットを倒さずにHPを10だけ残す。相手より技量が上回っていなければ 無効 Mercy - Will leave 10HP instead of killing a unit it the pilots Skill is higher then the enemies. SP COST: 10 集中 - 1ターンの間、命中率と回避率が30%アップ Concentration - For the next turn To Hit, and Evasion precentage are increased 30% SP COST: 15 直撃 - 1度だけ相手の援護防御と特殊防御効果を無効化 Direct Hit - Nullifies any defense abilty and support defense for next attack SP COST: 15 不屈 - 1度だけ相手から受けるダメージが10 Invincibility - Next attack will only cause 10 HP in damage. SP COST: 15 根性 - 自分の最大HPの30%を回復 Nature - Heals a units health by 30%, targets self only. SP COST: 15 根性 - 1ターンの間、命中率を100% Lock On - For one turn, To Hit percentage is 100% SP COST: 20 努力 - 次の戦闘で得られる経験値が2倍 Effort - Experience for next attack is double. SP COST: 20 信頼 - 指定した味方ユニットのHPを2000回復 Reliance - Heals a unit's health by 30%, targets self or others. SP COST: 20 鉄壁 - 1ターンの間、相手から受けるダメージを4分の1にする Iron Wall - Damage is reduced to 1/4 for 1 turn. SP COST: 25 突撃 - 1ターンの間、マップ兵器以外の武器を移動後使用可能になる Assualt - For 1 turn, all weapons turn to P except map weapons. SP COST: 25 応援 - 指定した味方ユニットに「努力」の効果 Support - Allows Effort to be casted upon another unit. SP COST: 30 献身 - 指定したユニットの精神ポイントを10回復 Sacrifice - Restores 10 SP to a target unit. SP COST: 40 ド根性 - 自分のHPを完全回復 Great Nature - Heals a units health by 100%, targets self only. SP COST: 40 熱血 - 1度だけ相手に与えるダメージが2倍 Hot Blooded - Next attack will deal 2x damage. SP COST: 40 幸運 - 次の戦闘で得られる資金を2倍にする Lucky - If unit dies upon next attack, credits earned will be doubled. SP COST: 40 気合 - 自分の気力を+10 Battle Cry - Adds +10 to a units morale. SP COST: 40 脱力 - 指定した敵ユニットの気力ー10 Exhaustion - Decrease enemy morale by 10 points. SP COST: 50 祝福 - 指定した味方ユニットに「幸運」の効果 Bless - Allows Lucky to be cast upon another unit. SP COST: 60 覚醒 - 行動回数が1回増える。重ねがけ無効 Awaken - Allows a Unit to move again after it's current turn. SP COST : 60 かく乱 - 1ターンの間、敵の命中率が半分になる。ただし必中優先 Disturbance - Decreases ememy hit ratios by 50% for 1 turn, doesn't override Lock On. SP COST: 60 魂 - 一度だけ相手に与えるダメージが2.5倍。熱血と併用不可 Spirit - Next attack will deal 2.5x damage, doesn't stack with Hot Blooded. SP COST: 60 激励 - 隣接した味方ユニットの気力を10上げる Encouragement - Raises the target units morale +10, targets self or other. SP COST: 60 補給 - 指定した味方ユニットのENと残弾を完全回復。気力は減らない。 Reload - Fully recovers Ammo and EN of target units, targets self or other. SP COST: 60 友情 - 指定した味方ユニットのHPを完全回復 Friendship - Fully recvoers HP of target, tagets self or other. SP COST: 60 再動 - 指定した行動済み味方ユニット1体を再び行動可能にする Move Again - Allows 1 ally to move again. SP COST: 90 愛 - 加速、ひらめき、必中、努力、熱血、幸運、気合が同時にかかる Miricle - Acceleration, Flash, Lock On, Effort, Hot Blooded, Lucky and Battle Cry are all cast. SP COST: 100