============================================================================= Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3 -- STORY FAQ ============================================================================= Written and compiled by Danny Henderson [Seizui/Fluteboy_Will] Email: ddhender@sbcglobal.net I have worked hard on getting all of the information here done, so please, if you intend to use this, give me credit for constructing this. The following places hosting this are: GameFAQs: http://www.gamefaqs.com Tales-Central: http://www.tales-central.com So, I'm one of the few people who actually loves Narikiri Dungeon 3 as opposed to the other games. Games like this and ND2 doesn't get as much love, so I decided to do something about it. I felt the need to write the summary of the story as well as the beginning. Enjoy! Prologue ---------- In Minacle City, the stories of the "Tales of" series are handed down as legend. The main characters, Frio and Kyaro, and their aquaintance Professor Brown, who lives there, have long admired the legendary heroes. The ruins of an ancient super-civilization were found in a crack in the ground caused by an earthquake several years ago. Frio and Kyaro visit Professor Brown, who's studying and repairing some of the artifacts found in the ruins. Among the relics is a timeship, a craft capable of transcending time and space. Its function is to travel space-time to keep in touch with the legends of the world. The restoration is finally completed by the triumphant Professor Brown. He has Frio and Kyaro give the timeship a name. The name it Dream, because tomorrow they will achieve their dreams of meeting the heroes they admire. But that evening... Frio reads about legends as usually before sleeping, but something is strange. The story is different than what he read before. The hero doesn't get there in time to save the day, and the world is ruined. Frio mutters a complaint and goes to sleep. "It's, it's, it's horrible!" Frio and Kyaro awake to Professor Brown shouting, his brown hair disheveled. It seems that the Dream was carried away the night before. Since the story of the heroes are different, Professor Brown realizes that the theif's intent must be to alter the legends. They must stop this somehow, but it'd be impossible to create a new timeship in time. As they try to decide what to do, a differently colored dream ship suddenly appears in front of them. There is a familiar-looking white-haired man inside. He is Professor Brown from 100 days in the future. He found a second timeship, Dream II, in the ruins, repaired it, and brought it here. One hundred days from now, the future is on the verge of crisis caused by the changing of the legends. His hair having become snow-white with heartache, the man now calls himself Professor White. Frio and Kyaro try to board the Dream II right away, but the doctor stops them and makes them prepare. Another relic was found in the ruins: clothes that let them become different things. With the narikiri clothes and the Dream II, they can surely change this miserable destiny. Not only that, but they meet with the Heroes of Legend. Lloyd Irving, Genis Sage, and Colette Brunel are the Symphonian Legends, Stahn Aileron, Bruiser Khang, and Mary Argent are the Destiny Legends, and Reid Hershel, Farah Oersted, and Keele Zeibel. Raine ends up blowing a gasket towards Lloyd for not introducing her, but she chooses to accompany Frio and Kyaro's team. Frio and Kyaro, along with the heroes, will transcend time and travel wars to save the world. Now the curtain rises. ========= MISSION 1 ========= Frio and Kyaro start their adventure within the Ruins of the Meeting from Tales of Destiny 2(JP). It's the beginning of the timeline where Kyle and Loni are supposed to see the giant lens in order to help Rutee pay for the orphanage. Frio and Kyaro will have to reach to the other side to meet with Elraine and two mysterious strangers that are accompanying her. Raine gives a tutorial of the dungeon movement. Frio will unlock the chests as a thief and the whole team will fight their way through the forest monsters. Kyaro will switch to her scholar costume and use her knowledge as a scholar to activate the switch that leads to Elraine. After the trees open the path, the guest team from either of the legends will fight against Elraine(and probably impress Frio and Kyaro at the process). After defeating Elraine, the two mysterious people who happen to be a blond woman and a skinny long-nosed man will take Elraine's pendant and run off. They will enter the Dream to escape. The Legends will end up surrounding the Dream to stop the escape, but the machine will escape with the guests. Afterwards, Frio and Kyaro will witness the meeting between Kyle, Loni, and Reala. Kyle will approach the lens, and it shatters, revealing a black haired girl. Kyle tells her that he's the hero that will help her. She dismisses him, saying that he's not the hero, and she'll walk off. Kyle and Loni will meet Frio, Kyaro, and Raine, and will join them. They talk about what happened, evaulating everything, including the strangers. Then they go to sleep. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle ========= MISSION 2 ========= Next day, Professor Brown wakes Frio and Kyaro up to tell them that Professor White got captured and was taken to Lemi Ruins. The kids head to Lemi Ruin Dungeon 1F, which is not too far from the city. It seems that some bandits are holding Profesor White captive. While exploring the ruins, Raine displays her 'Archeological Mania' title. There are even legends about the people being turned into stone by the medusa statue, which makes the Hero Team very uneasy. When Frio and Kyaro arrive to Professor White, they see that he's held by bandits. After defeating the bandits, they rescue Professor White and rest up for the next day. ========= MISSION 3 ========= This takes place within the God's Eye Shrine of the Destiny Legends line. This would be the shrine where the Eye of Atamoni is in. The big doors require two teams to stand in front of them to open it. A tall blue haired man, Barbatos, is at the other end. Currently, there is a woman(Mary), who is petrified. When Frio and Kyaro reach at the line, the strangers, revealed to be Ponie and Clyte, petrifies the two. Philia comes to the rescue and will join as a third team. The Hero team faces off against Barbatos, who proves to be a tough challenge. After he's defeated, he will turn into stone and the two bandits will run off in the Dream machine once more. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary ========= MISSION 4 ========= The next mission takes place within the Trial Shrine from the Symphonian Legends line. Frio and Kyaro will see Lloyd and Colette walk around. Lloyd and Colette will lead them to Thanatos, who tells them that Frio and Kyaro aren't the same ones that defeated him from the alternate world(Narikiri Dungeon 2) and sends Lloyd and Colette to face them. Thanatos has them under his mind control, so they obey and attack. After defeating the two, Frio and Kyaro will face off against Thanatos, who proves to be a challenge. But when he's defeated as well, Ponie and Clyte will show up again, only to escape. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette ========= MISSION 5 ========= Professor Brown wakes them up and ships the Hero Team to Dhaos's Castle dungeon. Arche and Klarth are held captive by Dhaos, who's accompanied by Ponie and Clyte. The Hero Team work together to activate the switches, slaying each of the monsters that get in their way. Although more keep appearing out of nowhere, the team eventually rescue the distraught and annoyed Arche. Because Arche has the ability to fly on her broom, she can activate the switch for the hero team to face off against Dhaos. Dhaos introduces himself to the heroes and the fight begins. Despite of Dhaos's martial arts skills, he is easily defeated. Ponie and Clyte escape once again, entering Dream once more. Klarth is rescued and both Arche and Klarth join the team. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth ========= MISSION 6 ========= Professor Brown wakes the two up to tell them about the whereabouts of something strange within the Lemi Ruins. Frio, Kyaro, and the rest of the hero team head over to the ruins. Through exploring to the second floor, they find out something that shocks them... Both Elraine and Dhaos are alive and well. It shocks them because they thought that the two were killed. But given that they are in front of them, the two are very much alive and well. To prove it, they fight the hero team. After being defeated, the two will run to the Dream machine and escape. The heroes rest. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth. ========= MISSION 7 ========= Professor Brown wakes the two up again to tell them that he found few of the missing heroes. They are drifting through time in a space continuum. They are to take the Dream machine to the rift and get them back. Reala and Rutee are those following that are lost. The only way to convince them without resorting to violence is letting Kyle convince Reala to join and letting Mary convince Rutee to join. Afterwards, the mission is complete. However, the mission can be taken again to get Chester, who has to be convinced through Arche. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester. ========= MISSION 8 ========= Professor Brown wakes the two up for the next next mission: Heading to Palace of Despair, Shizel's Castle. The Eternian Heroes have been found. Frio and Kyaro prepare the trip to the Palace to see a lot of floating pillars. They meet up with Reid, who sees that Farah and Keele are traveling with the monsters, being taken around the place as hostages. However, as the heroes meet up with them, they're forced to fight the heroes. After the monsters are defeated, Frio and Kyaro head to the sealed gate, only to meet with Farah and Keele. They'll attack the Narikiri kids, but will end up losing. After the fight, the two will run away and the hero team go after them. They find out that the ones they faught are clones of the real heroes, who are unconscious. The two apologize for what happened and join the team. Time to get a good night's rest, only to be waken up for the next mission. The rest will be omitted because it happens so often. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid. ========= MISSION 9 ========= The next mission takes place within the Gate of Rebirth, where Atwight and Dylmos are held hostage at the gate. If the party takes the east gate, Judas will help, if they take the west gate, Leon will be able to help. Both of them are the same character-wise, but Judas is more of the future. But either way, the party has to activate the switches at the side to rescue version of Leon that did not help the hero team. Each time the switch is pressed, a monster will appear and attack. Also, to keep in mind, there are hostages behind the switches. But once the buttons are pressed at the same time, the gate will open. Next a group fo monsters will attack. Leon and Judas will work together to kill the monsters. After that, Atwight and Dylmos will leave. Depending which gate that was chosen, Leon or Judas will leave, leaving the alternate version, who'll join the hero team. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon). ========== MISSION 10 ========== After getting babbled by Professor Brown, Frio and Kyaro from their nap. He has located the whereabouts of Ponie and Clyte. This time, the group are to arrest them for the crimes that they have committed. Traveling all the way to the third floor, Ponie and Clyte are there with a pair of mysterious people. Both of these people are wearing a masked helmet and a cloak. Ponie and Clyte are noticed, so they create illusions of themselves all around the place. Those illusions reveal to be horrific monsters. But after all of the clones are taken care of, Ponie and Clyte are ready to make their escape. Unfortunately for them, their business partners left in the Dream Machine, deserting them to get captured. Not wanting to take things lightly, Ponie and Clyte set up traps while running to a distance. After Frio deactivates the traps, both Frio and Kyaro deal with the cowardly thieves. After defeating them, they are safely put into jail. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon). Afterwards, there will be three events that need to be taken care of, and there won't be any waking up from Professor Brown for a while. ========== MISSION 11 ========== The next mission is in the Elf Forest. There are people captured there by the monsters. Unfortunately, due to half-elves being banished from entering the sanctum of the village, Raine and Arche aren't allowed to enter. Plus, magic is forbidden in the land, so the hero team needed to use their non-magical techniques. At the village, they found Stahn, Nanaly, and Cless. Mint was their healer. After rescuing the elves, the elder gave them treasures to open. The very last one had the villagers that they saved inside. Their little joke. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon), Stahn, Cless, Nanaly, Mint. ========== MISSION 12 ========== Katz Village is the next destination. The Village Elder of the Katz people requests that Hero Team protect the village. Monsters are trying to invade straight to the Elder's home. All of the teams split up to each portion of the village. However, things aren't enough as more monsters suddenly pile up. And out of nowhere, a huge beam of energy annhilates the monsters. The defender is Max, who wields the Elemental Cannon. Max is joined by two of the Katz people in his team. After defending the village, the two Katz citizens thank Frio and Kyaro, but suddenly reveal their true forms to be the people that abandoned Ponie and Clyte. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon), Stahn, Cless, Nanaly, Mint, Max. ========== MISSION 13 ========== This begins in the Balir's house of Tales of Eternia. Harold is chasing a robot around, thus throwing Frio and Kyaro into confusion. But soon, the robot goes haywire and tries to attack Harold, who hides behind Frio. Frio and Kyaro attack the robot, easily defeating it. For his reward, Harold clocks Frio in the face. The problem is that there are copy machines running in the factory, and no one knows where the real one is at. The goal is to have Harold deactivate the copy machines. Two of them are real while the others are fake. While Harold goes off, the hero team have to protect her from harm so she can deactivate the switches. It takes some time for her to deactivate the right ones. Meanwhile, Shizel plots over the machines until the hero team face off against her. Destroying her, they proceed to deactivate the switches. After that mission, Harold joins the team as well as Meredy. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon), Stahn, Cless, Nanaly, Mint, Max, Harold, Meredy. ========== MISSION 14 ========== Professor Brown is back to bugging Frio and Kyaro about the copy machine. They are sent to a Human Ranch from the Tales of Symphonia world. Within the ranch, they meet with Zelos and Sheena, who seem quite proud to introduce themselves to the Narikiri Team. Quite happy to see Zelos and Sheena, Frio and Kyaro offer to assist them. The dungeon is fille with several copies of Zelos and Sheena. Some of them are monsters while the others are clones of Zelos and Sheena combat-wise. Each team defeats the clone guardians. And as they keep deactivating the switches, more of them show up. After getting to the last set on the northwestern section, the clones confuse the Narikiri kids by claiming that they're the real ones until they show that they are monsters. The fight is Zelos and Sheena vs Zelos and Sheena. Eventually, the true form wins over the clones. The switch is deactivated and the bid the heroes farewell. But a surprise awaits the children as the tank releases the real Zelos and Sheena, who aren't happy about being captured. It left Frio and Kyaro thinking, 'If those are the real Zelos and Sheena, who were the other ones...?' That's the mystery. Zelos and Sheena join the team. The way how they join is a bit amusing as far as the skit goes. Kyaro: "It's Zelos!" Zelos: "You may call me Zelos-kun." Frio: "Zelos-kun!" Zelos: "Wait, wait... what? Excuse me?" Frio: "What's wrong?" Zelos: "Guys are not supposed to call me Zelos-kun!" Frio: "Why can't I call you Zelos-kun?" Zelos runs off. Frio: "Hey! Wait!" Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon), Stahn, Cless, Nanaly, Mint, Max, Harold, Meredy, Zelos, Sheena. ========== MISSION 15 ========== When Frio and Kyaro wake up, they find that Klarth, Philia, Keele, Harold, and Raine are missing. They are reported to be in Traitor Fortress by Professor Brown. The professor sends them to the Fortress. There, everyone tells them to stay back and not come any closer. Genis and Kratos are in the place as well. Magic is cut off from the heroes, although the missing allies can use it. The missing seven people are guided by a black version of Frio or Kyaro with odd colored hair. After knocking the senses into the missing members, the heroes are greeted by the mysterious figures. The mysterious figure in blue and pink escape once again, telling them to meet them at the third floor of Lemi Ruins. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon), Stahn, Cless, Nanaly, Mint, Max, Harold, Meredy, Zelos, Sheena, Kratos, Genis. ========== MISSION 16 ========== After getting rested up, Frio and Kyaro journey towards the Lemi Ruins. However, they were told to venture without anyone else with them. Leaving the Legendary Heroes behind, they went alone. It's a long process straight to the fourth level. After braving the monsters, Frio and Kyaro make it to the final section of the room. The mysterious duo reveal themselves. The male turned into Dhaos, the female turned to Elraine, then to Farah, then the male turned to Zelos. Finally, the two reveal to be... Frio and Kyaro. Frio has blue hair and Kyaro has pink hair, but both have black clothes. They introduce themselves as Evil Frio and Evil Kyaro from 100 days in the future. They mention about the four keys that need to be collected before they run off. Needless to say, the event left Frio and Kyaro spooked. Frio vehemently disliked his future self, and he kept denying that Evil Frio is not him. Kyaro told him that she'll protect him. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon), Stahn, Cless, Nanaly, Mint, Max, Harold, Meredy, Zelos, Sheena, Kratos, Genis. ========== MISSION 17 ========== The next mission will take Frio and Kyaro to the Magitechnology Research Lab, where they have to obtain the Key of Light. A cannon fires off towards Frio, and Suzu rushes in and saves Frio, taking the hit herself. She tells him to get the key. The key itself is held by its guardians, who won't let it go. And as the Narikiri Team get close, it reveals to be that one of the holders of the key is Evil Frio, who just wants to blast the team with the laser cannons. Once the team reach too close, Evil Frio makes a break for it until Suzu gets in his way. He relunctantly gives her the Key of Light. He tells Frio and Kyaro that they may be strong enough to defeat Jababa. They wondered who Jababa was. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon), Stahn, Cless, Nanaly, Mint, Max, Harold, Meredy, Zelos, Sheena, Kratos, Genis, Suzu. [18 and 19 will basically lead to twenty. You have to choose which one you will deal with.] ========== MISSION 18 ========== This takes Frio, Kyaro, and the team through the Cave of Ice. It's very cold; bitterly cold. After each few moments, the members who are not wearing protection against ice will face damages from the frost-biting flurry. There are a few rocks to break as well as dangerous monsters such as the sasquash and ice based monsters. This path is a more dangerous path. This will lead to an unconscious Garr. Celsius will appear and attack the Hero Team. After defeating her, Garr will wake up and thank the heroes before leaving. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon), Stahn, Cless, Nanaly, Mint, Max, Harold, Meredy, Zelos, Sheena, Kratos, Genis, Suzu. [Skip to 20] ========== MISSION 19 ========== This will take the Hero Team to the Labyrinth of Fire. This is the more safe of the two because there are only lava pits on the ground. This area, however, gives off a lot of intensive heat. After venturing through the heat, the adventurers arrive to the central room, where they find an unconscious Chelsea. Valkyrie will appear and attack the heroes. After she is defeated, Chelsea will act like a brat and run off. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon), Stahn, Cless, Nanaly, Mint, Max, Harold, Meredy, Zelos, Sheena, Kratos, Genis, Suzu. [Skip to 20] ========== MISSION 20 ========== After taking either mission 18 or 19, the heroes will be lead to the Colosseum. A tournament is hosted by someone. The Narikiri heroes will have to fight through all of the monsterous contestants to get to the champ, Bruiser. The group fight against Bruiser and defeated him. After the defeat, the host of the tournament is revealed to be Evil Frio, who sends monsters to go after the treasure. This leads to the next mission. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon), Stahn, Cless, Nanaly, Mint, Max, Harold, Meredy, Zelos, Sheena, Kratos, Genis, Suzu, Chelsea(or Garr), Bruiser, and Karyl. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon), Stahn, Cless, Nanaly, Mint, Max, Harold, Meredy, Zelos, Sheena, Kratos, Genis, Suzu. ========== MISSION 21 ========== The new goal of the group is to prevent the monsters from accessing the treasury. The team set up the traps to make sure that they do not access the treasury. Each of the monsters are lead by a leader pack. Bruiser won't be much help, as he'll be busy fretting over the treasure. Along the way, depending on who was rescued, the opposite person(Chelsea or Garr) and Karyl will join the fray to prevent the robbers from getting the treasure. After defeating the monsters, the heroes will be given the 'Key of Travel'. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon), Stahn, Cless, Nanaly, Mint, Max, Harold, Meredy, Zelos, Sheena, Kratos, Genis, Suzu, Chelsea(or Garr), Bruiser, and Karyl. ========== MISSION 22 ========== The Key of Future is located by Professor Brown and White. It's located within the Time Drift. They have also located the lost heroes of legend. Within the Time Drift, the Narikiri team have to find the Key of Future. However, Evil Frio is around, and he's going after the key as well. The race is off. Both sides are trying to find the keys, but the team also run into Presea and either Garr or Chelsea, whoever was not seen in the Colosseum. After Genis speaks with Presea and Garr to Chelsea or vice-versa, they join the team. Thankfully, Frio and Kyaro locate the key and obtain it. Evil Frio assures them that they won't get the last key. Also, the Time Drift will also report of the last three missing heroes: Chat, Regal, and Rassius. Chat will talk with Meredy, Regal will talk with Presea, and Rassius will talk with Farah. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon), Stahn, Cless, Nanaly, Mint, Max, Harold, Meredy, Zelos, Sheena, Kratos, Genis, Suzu, Chelsea, Garr, Bruiser, Karyl, Rassius, Presea, Chat, and Regal. ========== MISSION 23 ========== In order to access the last key, the switch from the Ancient City and the Floating Fortress will have to be activated. Frio and Kyaro will have to split up. They both will need a full team to get the job done. Suzu is leading Frio to the Ancient City, aka Abyss of Thor from Tales of Phantasia. Kyaro's not happy with being left out, but she hopes that Frio and everyone will be okay. Frio is leading everyone through the Ancient City. The difficult part about this city is that there will be electrical barriers blocking the path as they progress. To make matters worse, monsters will generate throughout the adventure from the warps. When the team arrive, Frio and the company will face off against Yggdrasill. After defeating the flying ponce, Frio's group will arrive at the switch. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon), Stahn, Cless, Nanaly, Mint, Max, Harold, Meredy, Zelos, Sheena, Kratos, Genis, Suzu, Chelsea, Garr, Bruiser, Karyl, Rassius, Presea, Chat, and Regal. ========== MISSION 24 ========== Kyaro, disgrunted with leaving Frio's side, knows that she has to do her part. Like the Magic Technology Reseaerch Center, this place has laser beams. Kyaro and Arche have to team up to fly towards the switches, activating them for the team to pass through while avoiding the lasers from striking them. After deactivating the switches, the group will meet up with Barbatos. After defeating Barbatos, it reveals to be Evil Frio. He runs off after his defeat. Soon, Frio gets signal from Kyaro that she is at the switch. Both members wait on the count of three to activate it, and they get to their prize, which takes place in the center of both areas: The Key of Hope. Everyone heads home. Everything is well and nice until Frio and Kyaro are lead to Lemi Ruins by Suzu, only to find an unconscious Suzu in the hands of both Frio and another Suzu, who has the Key of Hope. The Suzu with the key reveals to be Evil Kyaro, who awaits for both Frio and Kyaro to meet them at the deepest part of the ruins if they want the key back. This infuriates the two. Evil Frio and Kyaro are waiting to activate the four keys to release Jababa from his captivity. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon), Stahn, Cless, Nanaly, Mint, Max, Harold, Meredy, Zelos, Sheena, Kratos, Genis, Suzu, Chelsea, Garr, Bruiser, Karyl, Rassius, Presea, Chat, and Regal. ========== MISSION 25 ========== This is the mission to end all missions. Every hero of legend is going to assist them in the fight. However, they are told that the battle between Evil Frio and Kyaro is between them. The heroes will help them along the way, however. It is a good thing that they did, because the monsters within the ruins are even stronger, now that more of them have been freed. As the heroes reach over to the next stairs to the deeper part of the dungeon, one of the four members have to stay behind. (Lloyd looks irritated with the fact that he has to stay at the first level. I choose him.) As the heroes get through each floor, more and more have to stay behind. At the last floor, it's Frio and Kyaro alone. They battle their way through the dungeon until they reach Evil Frio and Kyaro. When asked why they want to release him just to kill him, Evil Kyaro goes on about how Jababa killed everyone of the village and the fact that they could not protect one of them. They were bitter and hateful for their loss, and they blame it on themselves(particularly the past). Frio sees that there is no sense of talking to them, so they undergo three fights. The first fight will be against Evil Frio while a Martial Artist and Evil Kyaro while a Gladiator. After the defeat, it'll be Leon costume and Mint Costume. The last costume is the most painful: Yggdrasill and Shizel. This is perhaps the most difficult battle. After the defeat, they get the Key of Hope back as well as the root items for the villain costumes. Unfortunately, both Evil Frio and Kyaro will die. As both Frio and Kyaro are ready to leave, Jababa introduces himself, trying to coax the two to open the seal with the four keys and fight him. Frio and Kyaro mock him before leaving. He knows that they will want to unseal him for the fight. He believes that he'll crush them. Evaluation of team: Raine, Frio, Kyaro, Loni, Kyle, Philia, Mary, Lloyd, Colette, Arche, Klarth, Rutee, Reala, Chester, Farah, Keele, Reid, Judas(or Leon), Stahn, Cless, Nanaly, Mint, Max, Harold, Meredy, Zelos, Sheena, Kratos, Genis, Suzu, Chelsea, Garr, Bruiser, Karyl, Rassius, Presea, Chat, and Regal. ====== ENDING ====== Back at Minacle Town, all of the heroes and the Narikiri Duo say their farewells. With time being restored once again, the heroes are able to complete their missions and set the dimensional timeline right again. Professor White leaves with the group in Dream II. This leaves them with Dream I again, which is promptly stolen again by the escaping Ponie and Clyte. Frio and Kyaro are furious, but Professor Brown tells them not to worry. He had the time-machine send them to some place where they will have a real hard time coping with. The ending proceeds to show them being chased by elephants and other animals of the African jungle. ========== Epilogue ========== The two decide to enter the Lemi Ruins once more to fight Jababa. He tells them a little secret. They were the ones that unsealed him and failed to stop him. which is what they're doing. However, this time, Frio and Kyaro are able to defeat him. Jababa Bwahahaha, you're pretty good, aren't you? But this is not the end. Bwahahaha, I know it! I have returned to life several times over. Bwahahaha, bwahahahahahaha... Kyaro In a nutshell, tomorrow will be worse than today, hm? o/` Frio You got that right! That's why us heroes can't stop!! ------------------------------ +EXTRAS!!!+ ------------------------------ Alright, so I wanted to include some pieces of the script from the game that my friend did. Ayu did a huge favor for me, and I give her a public thanks. These are different segments that I wanted to include. ============================================== Before Final Battle vs Evil Frio and Evil Kyaro ============================================== Evil Frio Heh, I thought the bull ran away or something. Evil Kyaro Any last words? Kyaro Where are you saying there's a need for the Demon Lord to be revived? Evil Frio Even if we didn't do it, I'm sure there's some idiot somewhere who'd release the seal. And then 100 days later, the world is destroyed... Before that happens, we're gonna kill Jababa! Frio First off, I totally don't get your reason for reviving him in order to kill him! Evil Kyaro What would you people of "today" understand?! Ken and Linda! And Sister Paula! And Miss Judy!! And Miss Maho!! None of them... none of them! I couldn't protect...a single one of them! Frio ...I guess there's no point in talking past this point Evil Frio That's me for ya, you get straight to the point. Now, why don't we get started soon? Will you fight? Yes<- No Evil Frio Well then, first off, the first test will start with THIS outfit! ======================================= After Defeating Evil Frio and Evil Kyaro ======================================= [You gain all of the root items of the villains.] Kyaro: Stop speaking (or you'll die!)! E.Kyaro: We are... who you'll be tomorrow... E.Frio: And you'll open the door yourselves at some time... Frio: What are you saying?! Oi, don't die on me! E.Frio: Don't forget... you won against yourselves from the future... E.Kyaro: Fate... can be changed. The future must contain infinite possibilities... E.Frio: (dying) You must win... against the damned Jababa! E.Kyaro: (dying) Be prepared... because tomorrow will be worse than today... Got the Key of Hope back! Frio: So, after all that effort to stop the door from opening... we'll do it ourselves? Kyaro: We won't do something that stupid! C'mon, let's go back to everyone. ???: Wait~ Frio: You hear something? Kyaro: Not really... I didn't hear anything that sounds like "Wait~"... ???: Wait~ Frio: Who is that!? ???: BWAHAHAHA! My name is Maou Jababa! Jababa: If you're real heroes, open the seal and fight me! Kyaro: If you're powerful enough to to be called the King- then you must be reeeeeally powerful, and that scares us /sarcasm Frio: And we're not heroes~ /mock Jababa: Wait! Wait! Stand and fight! Kyaro: Ignore that worm. Jababa: BWAHAHAHA humans who acquire strength will try... and it's possible to have that kind of strength... I know it! They will come back to unseal me! THEY WILL! BWHAHAHAHAHAAH (more laughter) ------ ========== Jababa ========== Jababa Bwahahaha, I knew you would return! Humans are creatures that inevitably come to wish to test the power that they've obtained. Bwahahaha, I was the same way! That's why I know them SO well. Now, open the door! Will you fight? (Yes) No Jababa Bwahahaha, I'll tell you something good. The ones who released me and destroyed the future in 100 days were-- none other than you two yourselves! Now, come at me! Bwahahaha!! Bwahahahahahaha!! [After defeating Jababa] Jababa Bwahahaha, you're pretty good, aren't you? But this is not the end. Bwahahaha, I know it! I have returned to life several times over. Bwahahaha, bwahahahahahaha... Kyaro In a nutshell, tomorrow will be worse than today, hm? o/` Frio You got that right! That's why us heroes can't stop!! ------ ====== Druaga ====== Paula Your further growth follows the wish of God, does it not? Please do your best! Frio Put the epic of Druaga under my pillow, and... Aaaall right, preparations complete! Awriiiiight!! Time for BED!! Kyaro Ugh, shut up! What are you yelling about at this time of night? Frio Duuummy, didn't ya know? When you sleep with a book under your pillow, You can go to that world in your dreams! Kyaro You're the dummy here... These days, even Ken and Linda don't do such childish things. Frio Lemme alone! Here on, I'll set off on an adventure to the world of dreams by myself o/` Kyaro Sure, Sure... Have a safe trip to wherever you feel like going, 'cuz I won't care even if you wake up all sore and stiff. Good night, o brave hero. Frio I've transformed (narikiri) into the hero Gil And I'm trapped in the Tower of Druaga---- A magnificent rescue for the beautiful maiden Ki!! ...And then the two of us will ...And then the two of us will <3 <3 <3 (Yes. They totally put three heart marks there instead of text.) Mhmhm... What a scrumptious plot! Awriiiight!! Time for BED!! z z z z Frio I'm HERE! This is that place that was written about in the legend for sure! The Tower of Druaga!! Aaaall right, wait for me, Miss Ki ??? As I suspected... That's what I thought it'd be. Frio Hm? I have a bad feeling... Geh, Kyaro!? Why are you in my dream... Kyaro You don't know? A little while ago, a new edition came out for the Druaga legend. What I put under my pillow was that version. Don't you think even I'd want to try to meet the newborn Lord Gil? <3 ...and, with that, let's begin of our grand adventure~ o/` Frio Waaaah... But this is *my* dream... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Credits and Special Thanks - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GameFAQs: For hosting it. * ClessSthan: For also putting the FAQs up. * Namco: For making the game. It'd be more appreciative if they released the game. * Tales-Central.com: For being a rocking Tales forum. * Vorfeed: For listening and helping me through the story. * Ayu: For translating important pieces for me. * Zero Hiei - For translating the aftermath of the battle for me. VERY appreciated. * Kajitani Eizan - For patching the game and giving corrections. * Cyllya - Oh god, your prologue was beautiful and it helped me get a jump start in everything. I wanted to give you a huge credit for this.