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Introduction........................................................[in54] II. Controls...........................................................[con32] III. Story.............................................................[st90] IV. Enemies............................................................[en02] V. Weapons.............................................................[wp59] VI. Multiplayer........................................................[mtp87] VII. Passwords.........................................................[ps26] VIII. Walkthrough......................................................[faq48] Tech-Com 2032..................................................[tc32] Freeway System.................................................[fs02] I Loved LA.....................................................[ill03] Future CRS.....................................................[fs04] Robot Factory..................................................[rf05] Encounter......................................................[e06] Graveyard......................................................[g07] CRS Compound...................................................[cc08] Test Area......................................................[ta09] Give Me Shelter...............................................[gms10] IX. Freqently Asked Questions.........................................[fqm8] X. Legal Information..................................................[legfg] XI. Version History...................................................[vr01] XII. Final Notes......................................................[fn05] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction [in54] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to my FAQ for the Game Boy Advanced version of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. In this FAQ you will find detailed information about every aspect of the game. I wrote this FAQ because at the time of this writing there were mo other guides posted for this game, and I happen to be a fan of The Terminator series. So I am not only helping GameFAQs out, but also you, the reader. It is interesting to note that Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines actually depicts events not featured in the full-length motion picture film released in 2003, so for Terminator fans this provides (at the very least) some insight into an often untouched part of The Terminator mythology. With that being said, it is on to the fAQ itself! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Controls [con32] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is a detailed listing of the control scheme and functions for each button in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines A button = Confirm selection (menu screens), Fires primary weapon (on foot), fires vehicle weapon (while driving) B button = Cancel selection/back (menu screens), uses secondary weapon, exits vehicle Directional pad = Moves Terminator, moves selection (menu screens), moves vehicle L button = Toggles through Run, Strafe, and Walk R button = Weapon inventory management, fires missles (in vehicle) Select button = Enables Terminator Vision mode, also turns it off Start button - Confirms selection, pauses the game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Story [st90] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Los Angelos, 2032 The war between Man and the Machine is raging. Judgement Day, originally prevented in 1997, had finally happened, despite Sarah Connor's effort and the Terminator's sacrifice. The Machines became self-aware in 2003 and took over, destroying most of humanity in the process. John Connor, leader of the human resistance, is missing. Now, all that stands between mankind and its final extermination are the Tech-Com soldiers, led by Connor's second in command: Kate Brewster. The resistance learns of the Machines' plan to send the latest cybernetic killer, the T-X, into the past to terminate the young Kate Brewster, John Connor and others who will become key resistance figures in the future. A Terminator must be reprogrammed and sent into the past to counter the plans of the Machines. The fate of the human race rests in the Terminator's hands. - Taken from the instruction manual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Enemies [en02] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is a detailed listing of every enemy found in the game, as well as a brief description of what they do/shoot. T/X: Main antagonist of the game. A combination of the T-101 and T-1000 (Also known as the Robert Patrick Terminator) and something else. Can duplicate anything it touches, has advanced bio-weaponry concealed under its outer layer of skin. T-1: The very first type of enemy you encounter in the game. Very large moving tank-like machine F/X Turret: Mounted gun that pops up from the ground when the Terminator is near. Due to their mounted position they are extremely vunerable to attack. T-900: Skeletal standard infantry troops of Skynet, the most recognizable units of them all. They mostly carry basic weapons but can sometimes wield more harm ful weaponry such as Flamethrowers. F/X Kite: Flyer enemy that levitates above ground and shoots from its dual wings. Fairly fast but also fragile. F/X Tank: Very similar to the T-1 units. Fire two twin rapid fire guns from both sides of its mechancial body. SWAT: Come in either groups or single units. Humans dressed up in blue uniforms equipped with guns. Shoot or punch them to incapacitate them, they always run away after their health is depleted. T-5: Skynet's Protoype "Sarge" unit. Similar to the T-900s in that they sort of resemble a humanoid form. Somewhat tough, can be taken down with superior firepower. First encountered in the CRS Compound mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Weapons [wp59] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a listing of every weapon that you can utilize in the game, as well as what they do, what situations each one is best suited for, et cetera. Grenades - A Secondary weapon, maximum capacity: 9. Lob these in a large group for best results. Can also be used to safely clear your way of C4 that is planted on the ground. Rockets - Can only be used on vehicles, launches a single or multiple burst(s) of rockets against an enemy. Picked up in various levels, mazimum capacity: 999 rounds. C4 - A very potent plastic explosive. Planted on the ground, then explodes mere seconds later. Very useful for taking out large groups of enemies. Punch - Default melee attack, the Terminator literally punches his oppoent, dealing a large amount of damage. Be warned though - all machine units explode upon destruction, and WILL cause damage to the Terminator. Handgun - Default primary weapon. Shoots one bullet per shot. Fair damage, unlimited ammo. Good for almost any situation. SMG - Sub-Machine Gun. Rapidly fires several rounds at once, good for quickly taking out enemy infantry. Acquired in the Tech-Com 2032 mission. Maximum capacity: 60 rounds. Shotgun - Fires a powerful round into an enemy, causing great damage. The more distance between you and your target the less effective it is. Acquired in the Tech-Com 2032 mission. Maximum capacity: 30 rounds. Flamethrower - Unleashes a powerful ball of flame upon your enemies. Highly effective and destructive. Acquired in the Freeway System level. Maximum capacity: 30 rounds Turret Ammo - Used for turrets that are found in specific locations in some missions. Highly effective, but leaves the Terminator and the turret itself wide open for attack. Maximum capacity: 999 rounds. AK-47 - Signature automatic weapon of virtually every action game. Fires a fast volley of single rounds. Maximum capacity: 60 rounds. Acquired in the I Loved LA mission. Laser - Fires a blue projectile beam, dealing out good damage. Complete with its own sci-fi sound effects. Acquired in the I Loved LA mission. Maximum capacity: 30 rounds. Taser - Discharges two bolts of electricity that disrupt machines. Acquired in the Future CRS mission. Maxium capacity: 30 rounds. Plasma - Releases a single red-orangish beam of Plasma against your foes. Acquired in the Robot Factory mission. Maximum capacity: 30 rounds. Flash grenades - Same as the standard grenade. Maximum capacity: 9. First acquired in the Encounter mission. Mini Gun - One of the more devastating automatic weapons of the entire game. Unleashes a fast volley of shells against an opponent. Maximum capacity: 99 rounds. Acquired in the Graveyard mission. Rocket Launcher - One of the most powerful weapons in the entire game. As the name says, launches rockets at the opponent. Highly destructive, acquired in the Give Me Shelter mission. Maximum capacity: 10 rounds. Fuel Cell - Storyline weapon, can only be used at one point in the entire game. Highly destructive and unpredictable. Maximum capacity: 1 round. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Multiplayer [mtp87] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines offers two multiplayer modes, Cooperative and Capture the Flag. Both require the use of multiple different Game Boy Advance or SP systems, as well as the appropriate link cables. Cooperative: Two players can tackle a succession of rooms, each offering enemies and bosses. Player 1 selects the playing time. In a cooperative game, both players must survive the entire playing time. Each player starts the game with a score of zero and a weapon that he/she will use for the entire game. Capture the Flag: In a Capture the Flag game, players receive points each time they successfully capture the game flag and return it to their team's home base. During the setup phase of the game, player 1 selects the game time length and each player is assigned a character and a corresponding color. The game starts when the game timer begins counting down. Each player starts the game at a color-coded home base with a score of zero flag captures. Players must locate the flag on the playing field. When players find the flag they simply run over it to pick it up. When players encounter one another, they may choose to engage their opponent in battle or run away. If the player carrying the flag is killed, the flag-carrier drops the flag and then respawns. The flag is then available for any player to pick up. A point is scored if the flag-carrier returns to their home base with the flag. The flag then respawns somewhere on the map. When the gam timer expires, the game ends and all players will see the game statistics screen, detailing the final game scores. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Passwords [ps26] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter these at the "Password" screen at the Main Menu to be taken to the appropriate mission. Given that there is no save function in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, using passwords are the only method of continuing your progress once you have turned the game off. Tech-Com 2032 - N/A (first level of the game) Freeway System - LRBGB I Loved LA - JWHGK Future CRS - LGGGC Robot Factory - DMFGT Encounter - GSHGP Graveyard - GSPGN CRS Compound - GMPGT Test Area - BXRGS Give Me Shelter - DHSGP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Walkthrough [faq48] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is a detailed walkthrough of every mission level found in this game. For the most part the game is very objective-based. You will spend most of your time going from one place to another, collecting keycards and disposing of enemies. At the end of each level you are given a statistics screen showing how long it took you to complete the mission, how accurate your shots were, and how many points (CPU) you racked up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tech-Com 2032 [tc32] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Begin by walking up to the Tech-Com soldier standing in front of you, he will debrief you about what needs to be done. Pick up the grenades he leaves behind and go to where the Guidance system points, which in this particular case, is to the east. You will encounter a T-1 soon after departing. Evade its shots and use your Handgun to destroy it. After 5 shots it should explode in a ball of flame. Pick up the keycard that it leaves behind so that you are able to open the door (of sorts) and progress further. The Tech-Com soldier will tell you to rescue his commander from a platform that is due northeast of you. Follow the Guidance System in the proper direction and you will encounter an F/X turret as well as a flight of stairs behind it. Take out the F/X turret and ascend the stairs. There is a breakable wall just to the right of the top of the stairs. Shoot it with your Handgun or Punch it with your bare fists until it shatters, leaving the commander out in the open. Speak with him, he tells you to take out the generator that is directly above your position and even gives you a parting gift to help out with this task - C4 explosive. Climb the stairs that are just to your right and either plant the C4, or shoot it with your Handgun. After this you are told to be aware of Skynet units that are sent to your position, and you are also told to locate an armored door that is somewhere south of where you are currently located. The game provides you with some health and other essentials, though right now you probably do not need any of them. There is a bunch of CPU lying near the summit of the stairs, the one on the leftmost side is booby-trapped and will only bring Skynet units to your positon that you will have to combat. Fight them or don't, it does not really matter either way. Those two T-900s are not really much of a threat anyway, and you could use any CPU they leave behind. Speak to the Tech-Com soldier awaiting on the steps for you. He tells you meet him below, warning of different types of Skynet units. As you climb down that set of stairs you will encounter another F/X Turret, except that this one has green outer-armor and shoots blue rounds of plasma at you. Dispatch of it and continue on. Take care of the F/X Kite flying around as well as the lone T-1 unit. After they have been destroyed break down the cement wall that stands between you and progress. Continue through it. Destroy the next F/X Kite and T-1s you see, then move to your right and break down the stone wall. Speak to the Tech-Com soldier, he will give you orders to rescue yet ANOTHER Tech-Com unit in despair, as well as a keycard to open the appropriate door. Take the directions provided by your Guidance System to get a good idea of where you are supposed to go. You will encounter a lone T-900 unit. Destroy it so that you can pick up a new weapon - the SMG (Sub-Machine Gun). Another T-1 unit will spawa soon after this so be prepared to use your new weapon immediately. A few more will follow that one, after you have destroyed them all you will hear a confirmation "beep" sort of sound. Find the door that is near to your left, unlock it, and climb down the ladder to the next area. Eradicate the T-i unit that is holding the Tech- Com soldier down in his bunker. Destroy the wall, then speak with that soldier. He will thank you for your brave efforts and instruct you where to go next, he even gives you another keycard for your troubles that you will be able to use on the door that is to the south of your current position. Go through the door, quickly shoot (or blow) up the two T/X Turrets that are mounted there, collect all of the CPU, then climb down that open manhole where the red arrow is pointing down. Walk all of the way over to the Tech-Com unit standing there. He tells you to watch his back while he opens the next exit hatch. He even gives you a Shotgun to help out! This part really is not too terribly difficult. Just destroy the T-900s as they make their way in the room, they will leave behind energy and health. Make sure that none of them reach the Tech-Com unit - if they do you have failed in your mission and must start it over again. After you have completed your objective, follow him through the door and into the next area. Right from the get-go you are greeted by an F/X Turret, an F/X Kite and a T-1 unit. Destory all three of them, then break down the objects that are in the way of you and the bunkered down soldier. He tells you that he is going to use his keycard to open the locked door you may have noticed at the start of this area. As you make your way back to where the opened door is you are greeted by a small group of three T-900s. Take one out and another one spawns, this will happen twice. Meet back up with the Tech-Com soldier who gives you your next objective. He tells you that in order to blow the bunker he needs some C4. So while he is off doing that it is your job to clear the area of enemies. You see a new type of T-1 unit here - one that has blue outer armor. What this means is that instead of firing typical ammo rounds, this T-1 unit unleashes blue laser beams at you, complete with a neat-sounding special effect. Avoid the lasers and take out that T-1. It leaves behind a slew of CPU and the appropriate C4 that you need to destroy the bunker. After you pick it up the Tech-Com soldier will thank you for a job well done and plant the C4. Be sure that you are not relatively close to the explosion. After it explodes he tells you to move through the bunker that is to your left. This is the official end to the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Freeway System [fs02] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the start of this mission take out the Skynet portal that is to the right of where you start in this level. If you do not take care of it immediately it will endlessly spawn Skynet units. Destroy the T-900 and T-1 units that are present, and be sure you take out the other Skynet portal that is in the room. After you have done this, continue on by going through the path clearly marked with a red arrow. In the next room you do more of the same stuff, pick up the CPU chip in order to prompt an attack by Skynet forces. Destroy the portals and the enemies, then speak with the Tech-Com soldier, he will lead you to the next room. In this third room you are doing the exact same thing as in the first two rooms but be prepared to take on a new type of T-1 enemy - one that unleashes Tazer projectiles. Dodge, then shoot. Speak to the Tech-Com soldier in order to progress further. In this next area avoid the crushers and make your way down the conveyer belt. Pick up the ammunition there, then destroy the F/X Turret that is positioned down from your position. Carefully move down this next conveyer belt, picking up the ammo as well as a new weapon - the ever kickass Flamethrower. Try out your new weapon on the F/X Turret which is to your right and continue moving to the Tech-Com soldier standing. He gives you a keycard and tells you that you must go back to the platform that you just passed and quickly take out all of the enemies there, all within a span of thirty seconds. All you have to do is take out the Skynet portal, but be sure you get rid of the T-900 and F/X Turret before they become a nuisance. Speak to the Tech-Com soldier that appears, who will tell you to keep moving eastward and taking out the Skynet units. Eliminate the Skynet portal, as well as the enemies. Then walk over the rotating satellite icon learn about what you are supposed to do next. Take out the two F/X Turrets that spawn near your location, then step on the pentagon-like shape to turn the lights back on, picking up the ammo and health which is left behind. When you are ready, move down the next conveyer belt. Avoid the crushers as best you can, if you watch them for a few moments it will be easy to determine their patterns. Take out the single T-900 there and move up to continue to the next part of the level. Walk over the satellite in order to receive your new orders. This portion is basically just a "survive and kill everything else in the room until x period of time". Stay on the defensive, but do not hesitate to lob a few grenades or use your Flamethrower- it is very effective for taking out machines. Use the explosive barrels in the room to your advantage, as well as explosive shockwaves that machines producer when they are destroyed. Move to the red arrow and continue to the next portion of the level. This next segment has you commandeering a vehicle and quickly driving it to the end point. You have a whole three minutes to do this, but chances are you will make your way to the end in under a minute - presuming you do not sprint the entire way and actually ride a vehicle. Avoid the enemies, shooting them is an absolute waste of time. If your car explodes, sprint until you find a new one. Also be careful as to avoid the barrels and other objects blocking your path. When you reach the end you are taken to part of the desert where you must fight a boss, described as a giant F/X Kite. Take the time to destroy the other F/X Kites in the area, and to pick up the CPU and ammo that the objects on the ground will provide for you. Pick up the turret ammo that is off to the right, it will soon come in handy againt the boss. Carefully engage the giant F/X Kite. It will shoot plasma projectile spheres at you. Shoot the two panels on both of his lower sides - they will flash when you hit them to indicate that you are doing something right. After you have done this, carefully destroy the two spheres on its upper regions, they will also flash when you correctly land a hit on them. Be sure to dodge appropriately, the giant F/X Kite will constantly shift left, right, forwards, and even backwards to accomodate for your movements. You have one final part to take out before your job is done. Carefully shoot the guns mounted on both of its sides, you may wish to hop in the gun turret to make your job that much easier. After you have taken out those six parts, the giant F/X Kite will begin to shake violently and explode, completing your mission. Move south of your current position and walk over the red arrow to completely finish the mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Loved LA [ill03] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Begin by destroying the T-900s that you will run into at the start of the mission, as well as the other ones that spawn. Also take out the T-1 and F/X Turret units. Then use your Guidance System to meet up with the Tech-Com unit to learn about what you must do next. Head south from your current location, down the path and next to the electronic door. Take out the new F/X Tank enemy that awaits down there. Also eliminate the F/X Turret. Find the Tech-Com soldier after you do this, and continue on toward your next objective. The Tech-Com soldier gives you a keycard to use. Go back to where you first saw that electronic door, use your keycard to bypass it and move toward your top commanding officer. She instructs you to go through the manhole. Grab the next keycard that is sitting on the ground. You have thirty (30) seconds to go back through the manhole and make a dash for the Skynet computer. Simply use your Guidance System to figure out where to go next. Avoid all enemies. Once you get to the computer terminal use the F/X Kite to destory the spawning T-900 units as well as the lone F/X Tank. Press B to stop using the F/X Kite and use the manhole next to the terminal, to make your way to the next manhole (for best results, make good use of your Guidance System). In the next area quickly destory the Tazer-discharging T-1 unit, then hop through the manhole which is in that area. Destroy the two F/X Turrets, then go through the next manhole that you see. In this area you have three minutes to make a mad dash down the highway to the end of the road. Destroy the rocket-launching T-1 unit to acquire its keycard. Hop in the vehicle to make your journey that much more easier. Avoid all of the enemy units. Eventually you will find yourself at the end of the road. Destroy the T-900 units, as well as the rocket-launching T-1 units. Utilize your Guidance System. Once you have the Turret ammo, put yourself in the Turret then unload on the bunker until it is destroyed. Make your way through the series of manholes, staying true to your Guidance System. You will pick up the brand new Laser weapon. Continue north. Use the Dermal Synth if you need to. Take out the mass of enemies in this field area. Then go through the manhole. Now you must protect the Tech-Com soldier while he hacks the Skynet server farm. Like with all of the other protection missions, keep the machines away from the soldier who you are protecting. Pick up the ammo the machines drop and be absolutely sure you do not let anything get past you. Soon enough the Tech-Com soldier will be done with his business. Move through the manhole. In this new area make a sprint for the Tech-Com soldier behind ground objects and a slew of Skynet machines. You have thiry seconds to make it to him, so be sure that you do not waste your time with the small meaningless enemies. Go through the manhole to complete the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Future CRS [fs04] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Begin by destroying the Skynet portals that are present, then take out the several T-900 units in the level. Be careful as to not let them overtake you. There is another Skynet portal that is to the far right of the other ones. Take time to recharge your Energy if you need to do so. Destroy the T-1 unit and claim the keycard that it leaves behind. Then continue on through the door that not too far from where you fought the T-1. Go through the manhole to end up in the next part of the level. Destroy the two F/X Tanks and the F/X Kite, then move to destory the Skynet portal that is spawning enemies. Take out the legion of T-900s and F/X Tanks. The last F/X Tank will drop a keycard that you need to use in order to get to the Tech-Com soldier. First go to the northwest area of this zone and shoot the explosive barrel to pick up some grenades that you can use to take care of the C4 that is laying in front of the electronic door that you need to open. Go through the door, speak to the Tech-Com soldier and keep moving in order to destroy the F/X Tank that spawns. Pick up the health and CPU that it leaves behind, then go down through the manhole in order to find your way to the next part of the level. Welcome to a true gauntlet portion of this mission. Walk over the satellite icon to begin the next part of the game. You have to endure and destory an endless swarm of enemies for a grand total of three (3) minutes. I recommend using your Flamethrower weapon for the T-900s and weapons like your AK-47 for the T-1s and F/X Tanks. Pick up all CPU, ammo, health and energy that your foes will drop. Do not get too close to the machines as you destory them. Setting up C4 in convenient places will often prove VERY beneficial. When all three minutes have passed, go through to the next area. Now you must retrieve a blank keycard, no problem! Pick up the various ammos on the ground, destroy the rocket-launching F/X Tank and pick it up. Give it to the Tech-Com soldier, then speak with him to find out that the keycard you picked up was damaged. So now he has to manually hack the door while you...yes, you probably guessed it, protect him. Plant some C4 in the small space in the hallway to set up a good trap for the machines. Then do what you do best and take them out. Be sure none get past you and make their way to the Tech-Com soldier, otherwise you will have to start all over again. Destroy the two Skynet portals that will emerge. When all of the machines have been destroyed talk to the Tech-Com soldier and continue on through the portal. Go where your Guidance System points you to go, snaking up the path, making sure to take out the F/X Turrets and F/X Kites present. Speak to the Tech-Com soldier, pick up the energy pickup that he leaves behind, then follow him down back to the bottom of the area. He will open up the electronic doors that were blocking your path earlier. Go past the doors. You will pick up the new Taser weapon from the ground. Destory the swarm of T-900s and make your way to the Tech-Com soldier. After he gives you instructions, follow your Guidance System up to where the soldier is standing now. You have to destroy the swarm of foes spawn. When all of them have been taken care of, go through the manhole to get to the other side. Destory each of the individual rocket hubs in order to take out the structure itself. Pick up any needed health items that are left behind. After you have taken care of that, speak to the Tech-Com soldiers. They will lead you to a manhole that effectively bring this misson to a close. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robot Factory [rf05] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make your way up the stairs, being careful to dodge the endless falling objects that will bounce. Once you are up there, go to your right and use the console to deactivate the electronic sparks. Destory the rocket hub that is on this level as well. Pickup the keycard, recharge your energy if needed, then move to your left and destroy the "factory fresh" T-900 units. Keep your distance from them, but also shoot them up as fast as possible. They wield Flamethrowers and as you already know, those pack quite a punch and can actually destroy you within one-two hits. Go down to where you started this level, and go right. The Tech-Com soldier tells you to find a way to disable the electric sparks while he does his own thing. In actuality all you have to do is destroy any and all machines that spawn. The "big gun" that spawns is actually just a plasma- shooting T-900 unit. Follow the Tech-Com Soldier through to the next area. Avoid the crushers and take out the Flamethrower-wielding T-900 unit - chances are it will surprise you. Avoid the second set of crushers, use the keycard you get after destroying the T-900 unit, and keep moving. Lob a grenade to take out that pack of C4 - and avoid the boucning giant metal screw. Destroy the F/X Turrets and pick up your brand new Plasma weapon! Make your way down this new conveyer belt, taking out the T-900 unit, avoiding the crushers, and dealing with the rocket-launching F/X Turret. After you do this, go through the manhole into the next part of the level. Ugh, I hate this part of the mission. You find yourself in a type of catacomb area. Destroy the T-900 unit that you will first come across. Then turn off the sparks above, move to the right to grab the Laser ammo. Use the switch next to you so that you can make it safely down. Use the first switch you used, only this time go to the left. Take out the T-900 unit, climb up the ladder and press the switch. Move to your left, destory the F/X Turret and climb up, punch the object on the ground to find an access tunnel. Go through this tunnel to get to the Skynet utility area. Pick up the grenades as well as the plethora of ammunition, then climb down the ladder. Grab the other goodies down here and activate the master switch to disable all of the other electronic sparks in the ground. Go back through the tunnel and down the ladder, stay right and destroy the F/X Turret. Keep moving until you encounter a Tech-Com soldier. He will do his part and "cover" you while you continue ahead. Boy, with the pure cowardice and inability to get anything done I am truly surprised the human race has not been completely wiped out by the machines in this future yet! At any rate, keep moving, destroying the T-900 units, climbing down the ladder and going left to come across several of those dark solid objects on the ground. Punch through them, destory the Flamethrower-wielding T-900, use the switch to turn off the sparks to your right, make a dash for the other side of the platform to claim the keycard, then turn the sparks off again so you can make your way back up the ladder you climbed down earlier. Move to your right to use that keycard. Take out the F/X Turret, climb up to either side of the top of the platforms, deal with more dangerous T-900s and use the switch that is fairly guarded. Make your way down to the bottom, and go through the open tunnel to make it to the next part of the level. Horray for more crushers! Dodge them, get to the end, avoid the falling screws while shooting your path open. Take out the T-900 and move down the next conveyer belt. Avoid the crushers, when you reach the end walk over the hexagon platform on the ground to turn the lights back on. A Tech-Com soldier will tell you to hold off some machines while he works his magic. Go to the conveyer belt as it offers a good vantage point. After you have destroyed all of them, follow the Tech-Com soldier through the tunnel. Take care of the T-900 unit to snag the appropriate keycard, then go through the electronic doors. Speak to the Tech-Com soldier. Now you must cover the Tech-Com soldier while he prepares everything that is needed for the time machine. Destroy the Skynet machines that spawn. After he is done with his business, destory the last three F/X Tanks that spawn. When you can, go through the tunnel leading to the time machine...to the end of the level and back to the past. Holy time paradox Batma- er, player! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Encounter [e06] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only thing that sucks about time travel is how you lose all of your good weapons! Find your way out of this area. Avoid the C4 on the ground. You will notice those rather annoying SWAT guys coming out of nowhere and shooting at you. Just take care of them, after their health is depleted they will run away hastily. Pick up everything you can, from health to Flash grenades. A guard in the upper northwest region of the area (in a green patch of land) drops a very useful keycard. Head east from here until you encounter a type of shed. Go to where the red arrow points to in order to get to the next portion of this most wonderful level. Take out the SWAT team as you make your way through the structure. When you reach the end, another unit of the SWAT guys will approach through the west. Punching them works wonders, as unlike the machines as they explode you will not take any sort of damage. Thankfully one of them drops an SMG for you to use, so pick it up and continue through the door. You have to find and destroy every SWAT van before you can progress further. I recommend just punching them until they are about to explode, then getting back in time before you take damage yourself. There is one van immediately to the right of where you start in this area, and another due east of that one. The last two are northeast of the start of the level and the last one is just south of there. After you have destroyed all four of them, go through the structure marked with an arrow to be taken to the next part of the level. All you have to do in this area is take care of all the SWAT that emerge. Continue through the door to continue on. As John Connor himself tells you, the T/X has control of some of the vehicles in this area. As you make your way across the area you will find cars and vans attacking you. Dispose of them as soon as you can and try not to take any damage. Eventually your Guidance System will kick in. Just keep due south, and deal with the vehicles as best you can. As you take care of enough SWAT and their vans you are told to go back up north to the warehouse. Just be sure to stay true to your Guidance System and you will get their quickly enough. Find the red arrow, and go through it to be taken to the next area. You are warned about the SWAT's ability to use strong explosives. Just take all of them out as fast as you can. You are told to grab the SWAT equipment that is left behind. Do so and continue through the door before the C4 blows up. Expect some "heavy" resistance here. Just do what you have been doing, as you move southwest. When you finally get there, destroy as many vehicles and SWAT as you can. Eventually John will tell you to hop in the Jeep as you must flee from the T/X. This last part of the mission as you shooting at the T/X. Never stay in the same lane as its vehicle. Stay in the one adjacent from it and take pot shots, all while avoiding the other traffic and vehicles she sends to intercept you. Shoot her vehicle in different spots. IF a segment flashes, it means that it is not quite destroyed yet. After you shoot each part enough times, the truck will stop, and explode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graveyard [g07] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level is a true maze. Your Guidance System will prove to be your best friend. At the start of the mission go south, taking care of the two bothersome SWAT guys. There really is not anywhere else you can go, the path is very much a linear one. You will encounter more SWAT and a police car controlled by the T/X. Eventually you will come to three of those solid cement roadblocks. Break them open to continue on. Keep moving, shooting the SWAT that are stationed around the Graveyard. As you make your way around you will come across some C4 lying on the ground. For now just leave it alone - you can use it to your advantage when a vehicle ruhes at you. As you move along you will eventually pass a backwards L part of the maze, and of course there will be plenty of SWAT for you to fight. Oddly enough, you will pick up Rockets by breaking items in the area. Destroy the SWAT van that you come across. If you think this level gets any more exciting, you are unfortunately not correct. Outsmart the T/X controlled police car, and meet John Connor near the grave shed. Pick up the Sub-Machine Gun and follow him through that path. Punch every coffin until you open them all up, pick up every single piece of ammo you can. The third (and final) one contains my favorite weapon of the game - the ever coveted Mini Gun! After you have picked it up, simply exit through the other side of this area to continue in the next part of the level. Follow your Guidance System up and around yet another winding path. After some tiring wandering around the T/X will catch up to you. She hits hard and at this point, you cannot kill her. Merely run away from her. She pops up again as you make your escape to John Connor and Kate Brewster. Again, I am not quite sure why the game has you pick up Rockets when you cannot even use them in this mission, and the fact that they do not carry over. When you reach the end you will have encountered the T/X for the third time in this level, and an ambulance will pursuit you. Avoid the T/X, destroy the ambulance, and speak with John and Kate. This brings you to the end of the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRS Compound [cc08] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mission feels very out of place with the rest of the game. In short, you will be forced to dispatch a large group of tough enemies, go to a room, and repeat the process all over again. For the first room, destroy everything as fast as you can. You will face F/X Tanks and F/X Kites, and lastly, SWAT units. Follow John and Kate to the next part of the level. You have thirty (30) seconds to cover John and Kate while they "hack" the door. Just be sure nothing gets to them, otherwise you have to start all over again. Watch your health as well. When the time is up and all enemies have been taken care of, walk over and speak to John and Kate. Note that the last enemy you face is a T-5. But they go down easy. As it turns out, John and Kate are unable to hack the door. You have to climb up the ladder, take out the enemies above and get a special keycard. No problem. All that remains at the top are T-5s so deal with them quickly. Climb back down the ladder, avoid the rocket hubs and get back to John and Kate. Blah blah blah lots of boring dialogue. Pick up the keycard and go through the door to enter the last part of this mission. All you have to do is blow away every single enemy that spawns. Occasionally John and Kate will warn you about some enemies at some position, but they are as about useful as a poopy-flavored lolipop (Dodgeball reference there). Go Rambo style and destroy anything and everything that moves. You will encounter a wide variety of enemies. After you have taken care of the last enemies, John and Kate will lead the way to the exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test Area [ta09] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You start this mission off by clearing the mine field for John and Kate to safely pass through. Use grenades to accomplish this easy task. You can also take the time to pick up some of your old weapons, like the Laser gun and the Flamethrower. After you clear the mines out, move ahead and eliminate the T-1s that are up ahead. Once all of those pesky T-1s are toast, continue eastward and eradicate the F/X Kites. Be careful, one of them shoots twin bursts of fire at the Terminator. As you know, that is pretty dangerous. The next batch of enemies for you to take down are some "new and improved" T-5 Sarge units. Dodge their firepower and counter back with your own. After you have destroyed all of them, pick up the new Plasma weaponry and continue on through the tunnel to the next mission. Wow, what a short level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Give Me Shelter [gms10] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah, the final mission and level of the game. You start off from the get-go protecting John Connor and Kate Brewster. Engage the T/X...yes, engage her. Do your best to avoid her hits while you hit her with your own. After a little bit you are instructed to use the rockets you apparently picked up earlier to take out her plasma cannon. According to Kate, 10 direct hits will do the trick. Go back to the start of the level and pick up the Rocket Launcher. You unfortunately also have to deal with the T-900s that spawn. Take them out, and fire Rockets at the T/X when you get a good shot. Each time you run out of rockets, go back to where you first picked up the Rocket Launcher to get some more. Only use the Dermal Synth when you absolutely have to. The T-900s will not attack you, they just serve to distract your rockets, but also serve to give you more health and energy if needed. After you have destroyed her plasma cannon you have to use special grenades to extinguish her rigged Flamethrower. Again, according to Kate, 20 grenades will do the trick. Interestingly enough, the Dermal Synth will recharge over time, but it is still in your best interest to use it sparingly. Those special grenades you are using are just the typical flash grenades you have been using since you traveled back to 2003. Now the T/X will fire at will with conventional weapons. Do what John said and unleash on her with everything you got. After you have done this, John and Kate will go through the blast doors. At this point you are told that the T/X can only be destroyed by using one of your fuel cells. Unfortunately, the only way to utilize a fuel cell is when the Terminator is severely damaged. When you are near critical damage level, a fuel cell will drop off from your body. Pick it up, but be sure that the T/X does not destroy you - otherwise you will have to begin the fight from the very beginning. The game really takes a cinematic turn right here. Once you have picked it up and use it, a few moments will pass, then everything slows down, and the screen turns white. That would be the very end of the game. You are thanked for your vailant efforts, and asked to imput your name for a high score tally. Congratulations, you have just completed the Game Boy Advanced version of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX. Frequently Asked Questions [fqm8] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below are a few common questions you may have about the game. This section also serves to provide essential information that I could not include anywhere else in this FAQ without it confusing the reader or adding another section to the guide that would really serve no purpose. Q: What is Terminator Vision and how do I use it? A: Terminator Vision is a form of infared sight that allows you to see such useful pieces of information such as names of enemies, items concealed in objects lying around, walls that can be broken, and it also slightly increases your accuracy. Press Select to turn it off and on. It consumes Energy. Q: What is Energy? A: The blue status bar below your health indicator is your energy gauge. Energy provides a protective type of shield around the Terminator - as long as you have energy, you will not take any damage. You lose energy after being hit, it slowly regenerates over time. Q: What is that thing in the upper left hand corner of the screen? A: That is the Guidance System, the arrow points in the direction of your next objective, while the number at the bottom of the Guidance System displays the distance to the objective. The icon in the center of the Guidance System represents the type of objective. For example, a person icon appears when you need to rendezvous with another character. Q: What is the difference between Easy and Terminal difficulty levels? A: On Easy you start with three lives and earn an extra life every 1000 CPU points you earn. When you lose a life, you continue right where you left off. Continues are unlimited. On Terminal you start the game with only one life and cannot earn extra lives. Continues are unlimited, but you will start the continued game at the beginning of the level. Q: I just punched an enemy and after it exploded I got hurt! What gives? A: Though simply beating down your opponent saves ammo and is very effective, you also take damage from the explosion. Q: Got any cheats for this game? A: Aside from the ones listed in this FAQ and on GameFAQs, no. Q: Will there be a "re-release" of this game like Atari did with the console versions when they released Redemption? A: I doubt it, this game has been out just as long as its console counterparts so I am inclinded to think if we have not gotten one yet, we will not get one now. Q: What is that yellow circular thing on the ground in some levels? A: That is a Dermal Synth. What it does is recharge your Energy and restore your health. A single Dermal Synth can be used only once. And if the Terminator is already fully replenished you will not be able to use it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X. Legal Information [legfg] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective and copyright holders. This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any other website besides http://www.gamefaqs.com/ or otherwise distributed publicly at all. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is prohibited, and a violation of copyright. I'm only granting GameFAQs permission to host this guide, so please refrain from requesting permission to host this anywhere else, as your request will be denied respectably. Copyright 2008 Jose Escamilla. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XI. Version History [vr01] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 18th, 2008: 0.23 - Initial start of the FAQ itself. Got mostly every other section done except for the walkthrough itself - in this first version I only wrote up the first level. May 20th, 2008: 0.31 - Wrote up the Freeway System level for the Walkthrough section of the guide. Also updated the Weapons section. May 25th, 2008: 1.00 - Updated virtually every section, from the Weapons, Enemies, Frequently Asked Questions, and of course, the final last few parts of the walkthrough itself. Also updated the Passwords section. So yeah, that about does it for this guide, everything is finished. That as they say, is that. It's finished. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XII. Final Notes [fn05] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I encourage feedback of any kind, and I can be reached at the email listed above. In addition to feedback, if you have errors or missing content to report I'll look into it, and if everything checks out credit will be given to you in a future update. Thank you for viewing my FAQ. ===============================================================================