Updated 1/18/2016 Version Final Born 5/9/2003 kenb215 Kenny Barney Kenbarney@optonline.net ------------------- Tetris Worlds GBA ------------------- The guide is copyright Kenny Barney 2003-2016. =============================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================== Note: To use the search code, press Ctrl. + F, enter the code, then press enter. You will be taken to the section that you want. Search Code 1.00..........Introduction 2.00..........Controls 3.00..........Story 4.00..........Glossary 5.00..........Menus 6.00..........Worlds 7.00..........Game modes and strategies 8.00..........Game Over messages and Extras 9.00..........Copyright 10.00.........Thanks =============================================================================== 1.00 Introduction =============================================================================== To find something quickly, use Ctrl. + F. This is my Tetris Worlds Walkthrough. The most current version can always be found at www.gamefaqs.com. It is intended to be a complete and detailed walkthrough for all aspects of the game. If you have any input, contact me at kenbarney@optonline.net, with Tetris Worlds as the subject, or use the message board at gamefaqs. All people who contribute will be given credit. If you liked this walkthrough, you might like my other work. Find it at http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/34422.html =============================================================================== 2.00 Controls =============================================================================== A BUTTON........................Rotate counter-clockwise B BUTTON........................Rotate clockwise UP..............................Hard Drop DOWN............................Soft Drop LEFT............................Move piece left RIGHT...........................Move piece right R BUTTON........................Hold piece START...........................Go to pause menu R BUTTON (Popular Tetris).......Move piece right L BUTTON (Popular Tetris).......Move piece left See Hidden Tetris at the bottom for how to get it. =============================================================================== 3.00 Story =============================================================================== Although the story was removed for the Gameboy Advance version of Tetris Words, it still exists. The story of the Minos. There are many theories as to the origin of the Tetrions (the playing field in Tetris Worlds). The simple truth is that the Tetrions are the only evidence of a long since forgotten space-faring species. Tetrions are Gateways to planets orbiting distant stars. They can only be opened by an intelligent species because it works only for those who unlock the secrets of the falling Blocks. We have called the gate opening activity Tetris. And while it is the key to connecting us to distant worlds, Tetris has been found to be very addictive by all intelligent species. The mission is to evacuate the Minos on Hadar 4 to six other planets that have been identified as suitable for terraforming. Mino scientists have discovered that their star (Hadar) has become unstable and as a result the surface of Hadar 4 will reach 5000 Kelvin's, which is well past the maximum operating temperature of the Minos. The best Mino Tetris players have been identified as the gate openers. Six Tetrinauts will be sent to the planets to open the Tetrion gates from the other side to facilitate the exodus. =============================================================================== 4.00 Glossary =============================================================================== Matrix- The area of the screen where you can maneuver the pieces. Tetrion- The matrix and the area around it. Tetrimino- One of the seven shapes that can be formed with four blocks according to the rules of Tetris. Block- One of the four pieces that makes a Tetrimino. Individual blocks are invisible in normal Tetriminos, but some can be seen in Multiminos, or when the rest of the Tetrimino if cleared. Hard Drop- The Tetrimino drops immediately to the bottom. Done by pressing UP. Soft Drop- The Tetrimino drops down faster. Done by pressing DOWN. Tetris- The act of clearing four lines at once. Garbage- The blocks already in the matrix at the start of the game, or those added during a multiplayer game. Multimino- A tetrimino that contains more then one color block. Sticky Blocks- Blocks that glue together when next to the same color. Polyminos- Shapes formed by joining sticky blocks together. Critical Mass- When a polymino has 25 or more blocks in it, and disappears from the matrix. Lock Down- The moment when a Tetrimino can not be moved any more. Gravity- The force, or condition where, blocks can fall after lock down. Cascades- Multiple line clears caused by gravity. Minos- The cubic character that rates your progress from the side of the screen. He does not always do a good job, depending on you method of playing. Line Clear- When an entire row is filled with blocks, and then removed from the Matrix T-Spin- The action of rotating a "T" block into a tight space. Hot-Line- A specially marked row in the Matrix where Line Clears will earn lines toward your score. Fusion- v. When an atom block joins the Fusion blocks. Pure Square- A square of four blocks to a side formed by identical Tetriminos. Combo Square- A square of four blocks to a side formed by different Tetriminos. Avalanche- When the Tetriminos separate into blocks and collapse. Top Out- When there is no more room in the Matrix for Tetriminos. =============================================================================== 5.00 Menus =============================================================================== ========= Main Menu ========= | | |------------------|--------|----------|-----------------| | | | | | =-=-=-=- =-=-= =-=-= =-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=- Marathon Ultra Level Options VS. Tetris =-=-=-=- =-=-= =-=-= =-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=- | | | | |--------|------|--------|--------|--------| | | | | | | ------ ------ ------ -------- ------ ------- Tetris Sticky Fusion Hot-line Square Cascade ------ ------ ------ -------- ------ ------- =-=-= Level =-=-= | Press right and left to select starting level. =-=-=-=-=- VS. Tetris =-=-=-=-=- | Start a two player Tetris game. =-=-=-= Options =-=-=-= | | |------|--------|-----------|---------|-------| | | | | | | ----- ----- ---------- ----------- ---- ------------ Sound World Next Piece Ghost Piece Hold Game Credits ----- ----- ---------- ----------- ---- ------------ | | |---------|---------| ---- ----- ----- Song Music Sound ---- ----- ----- | | | | | | Press right or left to select song, music, and volume level. ----- World ----- | Press right or left to select background type. ----------------------------- Next Piece, Ghost Piece, Hold ----------------------------- | Press right or left to enable or disable these options. ------------ Game Credits ------------ | Press a to see the creators of the game. ========== Pause Menu ========== | | |--------------------|----------------| | | | ----------- ----- ---- Resume Game Sound Quit ----------- ----- ---- | | | | | | continue the game see sound above |-----------| | | -- --- No Yes -- --- | | | | ========== ========= Pause Menu Main Menu ========== ========= =============================================================================== 6.00 Worlds =============================================================================== ----- Water ----- The water world shows the rocky bottom of the ocean, with bubbles to the left and right, and a plant in the lower-left. At level 1 a jellyfish swims across the screen. At level 3 a crab walks across the bottom of the screen, and a plant grows in the middle right. At level 5 a plant grows in the left middle, and a sting ray swims across the screen. At level 7 two goldfish will swim across the screen together. At level 8 a submarine will move across the screen. At level 9 a school of fish will swim across the screen. At level 12 a squid will propel itself across. ---- Fire ---- The fire world shows a mountain with plumes of lava, and a river of lava flowing towards the screen. At level 1 a red, rainbow colored bird flies across the screen. It may fly in a circle once, or many times. At level 3 a salamander walks on the right side of the screen. It will shake its head, and wag its tail. Also, patches of green form in several places, and the closer lava plumes will go out. At level 5 another lizard will crawl, wag its tail, and shake its head, this time at the left. Trees will sprout from some of the patches, all of the forward fires will go out, and the back ones will shrink some. At level 7 blue flowers will grow at the bottom left, and the flames at the top will shrink more. At level 9 the flames will go out, and the river of lava will stop. --- Air --- The air world shows a moon in the background of a hazy atmosphere. At level 1 an alien jellyfish creature flies to a point on the screen, sometimes spins, then floats away. At level 3 an eagle will fly across the screen. At level 5 a small hawk will fly strait across the screen. At level 6 a red colored jellyfish creature will appear. At level 14 a spaceship will fly strait across the screen in a random direction. ------ Forest ------ The forest world shows a muddy river flowing in a dirt bank with several barren trees. At level 1 a deer walks from the left. It may drink, shake its head, wag its tail, or eat a plant from off screen. At level 3 the trees will sprout leaves, and evergreen trees will grow in the background. At level 4 a rabbit hops at the right, and stands on its back legs. At level 5 the trees in the background will grow. Also, a squirrel will scamper, wag its tail, stand on its back legs, and eat an acorn that will appear. At level 6 a deer will walk at the bottom right, eat, and shake its head. At level 8 the river will clear slightly, and the ground around it will turn green. At level 15 the squirrel will dig into the ground. -------- Mountain -------- The mountain world shows a mountain range with grass in front. Trees grow when you start At level 1 a bear walk across, sits, and shakes its head. At level 3 the trees disappear and re-grow. At level 4 an antelope will walk across. At level 5 the trees grow larger, and new trees will grow. Also, two antelopes will butt their heads together. At level 6 an eagle will fly overhead, and it may circle. At level 7 the trees will grow larger. At level 12 Bigfoot will appear at the top of the mountain. ---- Snow ---- The snow world shows a valley in a pile of snow. Ice crystals will grow. At level 1 a penguin walks and slides across the screen, and shakes its head. At level 3 the crystals will grow. At level 4 a seal will flop its way across. It may also roll on its side. At level 5 the crystals will grow again. At level 6 the seal will flap its flippers, and play with a snowball. Also, a bear will walk across the screen and shake its head. At level 9 the crystals will grow a final time. =============================================================================== 7.00 Game Modes and Strategies =============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= General Tetris Strategies =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GLITCH WARNING Occasionally, when nearly all of the matrix is filled, and you use the hold button, R, the game will say game over. Rotating a piece will prevent it from locking down. If you have a piece that you need to "climb" over the blocks next to it, try spinning it in both directions and it may rise over. Only press down, or up, when you are certain that the piece is in the correct place. If you use hold, it is usually possible to get several Tetrises in a row with no gaps. =-=-=- Tetris =-=-=- Default World: Water Goal is to clear 5 times the level number in lines. Level 1--------------- 5 lines Level 2--------------- 10 lines Level 3--------------- 15 lines Level 4--------------- 20 lines Level 5--------------- 25 lines Level 6--------------- 30 lines Level 7--------------- 35 lines Level 8--------------- 40 lines Level 9--------------- 45 lines Level 10--------------- 50 lines Level 11--------------- 55 lines Level 12--------------- 60 lines Level 13--------------- 65 lines Level 14--------------- 70 lines Level 15--------------- 75 lines Scoring is as follows. Single---------------- 1 line Double---------------- 3 lines Triple---------------- 5 lines Tetris---------------- 8 lines 2 or more Tetrises---- 21 lines + 8 for each Tetris more then 2 T-spin---------------- 1 line T-spin with one line-- 3 lines T-spin with two lines- 7 lines Strategies: Try to get frequent Tetrises, and back to back Tetrises. An easy was to get a Tetris is to fill up the whole area except for the far left or right part of the matrix. =-=-=- Sticky =-=-=- Default World: Fire Goal is to clear the bottom line of garbage in the matrix. The number of lines of garbage is the same as the level number. Strategies: Use the multiminos, the pieces that are more then one color, to fill the spaces that would be out of reach with a normal piece. This will not work though if the piece is the same color as the one next to where it lock down. If you can fill the bottom row, go out of your way to do so. If you have a large polymino, add a few more blocks of the same color to remove it. Try to cause cascades, multiple line clears after each other, if you can to clear the garbage faster. =-=-=- Fusion =-=-=- Default World: Air GLITCH WARNING Sometimes when you beat a level, all of the blocks will be stacked on top of the new blocks that are made when the next level starts. If you can just get two more atoms blocks to connect to the fusion block on top, you can beat the level, and everything will be normal the next time. The goal is to connect twice the level number of atom blocks to the fusion block in the corner. The number of lines of garbage is the same as the level number. Strategies: Put the first atom block in hold for when it might be needed. In the first 4 levels, just clear the garbage so you can reach the fusion block, then stack the remaining blocks on top of each other until you finish. If an atom block connects to the fusion block, it will still count, even if it disconnects. Starting with level 5, try to spread the atom blocks evenly across the matrix. =-=-=-=- Hot-line =-=-=-=- Default World: Forest Goal is to clear 5 times the level number in Hot-lines. Level 1--------------- 5 lines Level 2--------------- 10 lines Level 3--------------- 15 lines Level 4--------------- 20 lines Level 5--------------- 25 lines Level 6--------------- 30 lines Level 7--------------- 35 lines Level 8--------------- 40 lines Level 9--------------- 45 lines Level 10--------------- 50 lines Level 11--------------- 55 lines Level 12--------------- 60 lines Level 13--------------- 65 lines Level 14--------------- 70 lines Level 15--------------- 75 lines The bottom Hot-line counts as one. The one above it counts as two. The highest line counts as six. Getting multiple hot lines at once simple adds the score from each together. At the end of each level, an avalanche will occur. Strategies: Stack the blocks on top of each other to reach the higher lines. Multiminos break, use this to fill a Hot-line below where the piece you have can normal reach. Don't try to fill lines below the Hot-line you are using. Always try to fill the Hot-line below the one you feel most comfortable with. =-=-=- Square =-=-=- Default World: Mountain Goal is to clear 10 times the level number in lines. Level 1--------------- 10 lines Level 2--------------- 20 lines Level 3--------------- 30 lines Level 4--------------- 40 lines Level 5--------------- 50 lines Level 6--------------- 60 lines Level 7--------------- 70 lines Level 8--------------- 80 lines Level 9--------------- 90 lines Level 10--------------- 100 lines Level 11--------------- 110 lines Level 12--------------- 120 lines Level 13--------------- 130 lines Level 14--------------- 140 lines Level 15--------------- 150 lines Scoring is as follows. Single---------------- 1 line Double---------------- 3 lines Triple---------------- 5 lines Tetris---------------- 8 lines 2 or more Tetrises---- 21 lines + 8 for each Tetris more then 2 T-spin---------------- 1 line T-spin with one line-- 3 lines T-spin with two lines- 7 lines Strategies: Every piece can make a square except for the "s" and "z" piece. The "T" piece can only make a pure square, with itself. Always try to hold a piece except for the "T", "s", and "z", so it can be used for a square. If you can make a square easily, then always do so. =-=-=-= Cascade =-=-=-= Default World: Snow Goal is to clear 5 times the level number in lines. Level 1--------------- 5 lines Level 2--------------- 10 lines Level 3--------------- 15 lines Level 4--------------- 20 lines Level 5--------------- 25 lines Level 6--------------- 30 lines Level 7--------------- 35 lines Level 8--------------- 40 lines Level 9--------------- 45 lines Level 10--------------- 50 lines Level 11--------------- 55 lines Level 12--------------- 60 lines Level 13--------------- 65 lines Level 14--------------- 70 lines Level 15--------------- 75 lines Scoring is as follows. Single---------------- 1 line Double---------------- 3 lines Triple---------------- 5 lines Tetris---------------- 8 lines Decitris-------------- 9 lines + the number of lines removed Does anybody know what a decitris is? If you get a cascade, then your score is the normal score for the number of lines that were removed each time, plus 2 times the number of cascades that was caused so far. Try to leave one blank spot in a row, and then fill in the row above it so that when the line disappears, and block will fall into the row below. Look out for when the above can happen without you trying. In the medium difficulty levels, fill up all but the far left or right columns. In those columns put alternating "z" and "s" pieces. Put a strait piece on top of the last one, then put another one so it will fill up the top line, and cause cascade after cascade. =============================================================================== 8.00 Game Over Messages and Extras =============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-= Hidden Tetris =-=-=-=-=-=-= There is a hidden mode of Tetris in the game. It is called popular. This mode is the original version of Tetris. To unlock it, from the main menu go into marathon. Then hold L and press SELECT. At the bottom of the screen popular will be selected. =-=-=-=-=-= Other Stuff =-=-=-=-=-= ------------------ Game Over messages ------------------ If you lose the game, then you will get a message that says Game Over. It will say your time, the number of lines you cleared, and the level you were in. If you win, but did not do so well, you will get a message that says, "You Won! Congratulations. You are on your way to becoming a Tetris master." It will also say your time and number of lines. If you win, and do well, you will get a message that says, "You won! Congratulations. You are an Nth degree Tetris master." With N replaced by a number. A higher number means a better job at beating the game. It will also say the time and number of lines that you got. ----- Minos ----- Minos is the cubic character that floats around sometimes when you are playing the game. Depending on how he thinks that you are doing, he will display different emotions. -------- Universe -------- On the main menu screen, there is a universe spinning. Press and hold R to make it spin faster. Press and hold L to make it spin quickly in the opposite direction. =============================================================================== 9.00 Copyright =============================================================================== This walkthrough was created by kenb215 (Kenneth W. Barney). It may be freely saved to your hard drive or printed, as long as it is not used for monetary purposes. You may post it on your website provided that I am informed of this, that I retain credit for creating the guide, and that no part of it is altered in any way. I reserve the right to require any website hosting this guide to remove it at my choosing, for any reason, or for no reason at all. All copyrights and trademarks are copyright and trademark by their respective owners. By breaking this copyright, you are in violation of copyright law under Title 17 Chapter 5 Section 506(d) of US Copyright Law you can be fined for up to $2,500. =============================================================================== 10.00 Thanks =============================================================================== Thanks to the game manual for much information. http://www.thq.com/tetrisworlds/story.asp for the official storyline. http://www.tetris.com/building_blocks/building_blocks.html for terms and strategies. Zachary Felix for correcting how many lines the top most Hot-line counts as. EOF (End Of FAQ)