------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== T H E L E G E N D O F Z E L D A T H E F O U R S W O R D S =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Comprehensive FAQ/Walkthrough for Zelda on the Game Boy Advance ------------------------------ | By Colin Moriarty (CMoriarty) | E-Mail: cmoriarty311@cs.com | Date: January 13, 2003 | Version: Final ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: To thank, right away, Astro Blue and Shdwrlm3 for allowing me to use a part of their Zelda: OoS/OoA FAQ - the Triforce section header. Thanks to you both, and make sure to check out their great FAQs as well! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ, and all 30 other of my FAQ/Walkthroughs, are now dedicated to the over 3,000 innocent people killed in the World Trade Center and Pentagon terrorist attacks in New York City, New York, and Washington, D.C., on September 11, 2001. To all of the innocent working people, and FDNY Firemen, as well as other emergency workers, you will always be remembered. We won't stop until we bring these criminals to justice, your deaths were NOT IN VAIN! God Bless America, death to all terrorists of all races everywhere. ------------------------------------------------------ -> http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4280.html <- ------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: This document was created using Microsoft Word with a 7" width, and is best viewed using either your browser (preferably MSIE 5.0 or higher), and a screen setting of 800x600 pixels or more. If the guide seems jumbled up and not quite right looking, it's not the guide, but your screen and computer settings. If you do experience this problem, you probably have your screen settings on 640x480 pixels or less, which is rare but hey, it could be you. Sorry about whatever problems this may cause. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******For easy navigation, press CTRL + F and type in your search string.****** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE ONE: Don't e-mail me. Seriously, don't even bother. I've gotten so many useless, retarded-sounding, novice e-mails since this game came out that I basically delete all of this game's e-mails without reading them. Out of the some-odd-hundreds I've received for this particular game so far, I've answers MAYBE five. Hence, unless you have a really, really good question and it's obvious you read the entire document and still couldn't find your answer, don't expect me to read the entire e-mail, never-the-less respond. Truth be told, I've never found a lazier group of FAQ readers in my entire life then I have when I get feedback on this FAQ. Read the damn FAQ and leave my e-mail alone. NOTE TWO: Don't send in corrections or additions. You will be ignored. I've been playing this game for ten years now, and if you're reading a walkthrough for it, I evidently know the game better than you do. In this case, don't bother with your lame additions to the game, because in all seriousness, I don't care. I wrote this FAQ, not you, and what goes in it is up to me. It's a huge guide, it covers everything that -needs- to be covered. Period. T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S... --------- --- --------------- I.)........... | Legal Disclaimer II.).......... | Versions of the Guide III.)......... | Introduction IV.).......... | Storyline/Plot V.)........... | Characters VI.).......... | Controls VII.)......... | Game Physics and Mechanics (Battles and Movement, et cetera) VIII.)........ | The Four Swords (section permanently abandoned) IX.).......... | WALKTHROUGH X.)........... | Game Ending (SPOILERS!) XI.).......... | Weapons/Items/Accessories (and their locations, et cetera) XII.)......... | Enemies XIII.)........ | Bosses XIV.)......... | Dungeon Archive XV.).......... | Heart Pieces XVI.)......... | Secrets XVII.)........ | General FAQ XVIII.)....... | SNES-GBA Changes XIX.)......... | In Closing XX.).......... | About the Author Note: For the walkthrough on the Dungeon of the Four Sword, see the Four Swords Section (still incomplete), as well as that section for information on the mini- game as a whole. SNES-GBA Changes can be found at the corresponding area on the table of contents above. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ I S E C T I O N O N E | L E G A L D I S C L A I M E R I /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ This guide/FAQ/walkthrough is copyrighted (c) 2002-2003 to Colin Moriarty, and is the intellectual property of Colin Moriarty. This guide/FAQ/walkthrough is only to be found on GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) and IGN.com (http://www.ign.com). If you are reading and/or found this file ANYWHERE else but GameFAQs or IGN, please contact the author, Colin Moriarty, immediately, at cmoriarty311@cs.com. This guide/FAQ/walkthrough is protected under International Copyright Laws, and it is prohibited to take any piece of this document and reproduce it in anyway without the written consent of the author, Colin Moriarty. Any website or other medium found to have this document without permission will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. Please don't e-mail me and ask to have this document on your webpage. It's too frustrating for me to keep track of all of the webpages that have my document(s) on their page, especially the smaller, domain-less fan sites. GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) and IGN (www.ign.com) are the only, and I repeat, THE ONLY webpages allowed to host this document. You ARE allowed to download this off of GameFAQs or IGN and keep it on your computer's hard drive for personal use, as long as the document is not edited or otherwise distributed except for personal use. You can even print out the entire FAQ or portions therein to share with a friend who also needs help in the game. Just please don't distribute it as your own, sell it for profit, et cetera. Well, you guys get the idea. Oh, and if you decide to steal stuff from my FAQ, and you steal the "Triforce header" or dungeon layout/grid system, they aren't mine, they are being used under permission, as it says at the top of the FAQ, from Astro Blue and Shdwrlm3, so you'll have to deal with all three of us if you decide to be stupid and steal that stuff. Onward. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ II S E C T I O N T W O | V E R S I O N S II /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ This version of the guide currently the third and final version of the guide, Version Final. Version Information: Version: Final Date: January 13, 2003 Percent Complete: 100% Version Entails: Everything as far as A Link to the Past is done. The walkthrough and all appendices are 100% complete. However, I've abandoned any hope of doing a Four Sword section to this guide. When it comes down to it, I have no one to play Four Swords with, so how the hell am I going to access the game and write information on it? Ah well, that's life. Still To Come: Nothing - this is it, the final version of the guide! --PAST VERSIONS-- Version: 2.0 Date: December 22, 2002 Percent Complete: 95% Version Entails: The walkthrough was slightly tweaked. Some various notes were added around the FAQ, and an SNES-GBA Changes section was added as well. Still To Come: The Four Swords, full section! Stay tuned for that! Version: 1.0 Date: December 04, 2002 Percent Complete: 90% Version Entails: The walkthrough and appendices are all done, all completed! The only part that still needs to be done is the Four Swords section. As soon as I can hook up with someone to play it, that section of the FAQ will be completed. Still To Come: The Four Swords, full section! Stay tuned for that!. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ III S E C T I O N T H R E E | I N T R O D U C T I O N III /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is a fine game. Originally premiering on the Super Nintendo in 1991, Zelda:LttP proved to be one of the finest gaming experiences ever experienced up to that point in time. In fact, the gaming experience was so clutch that it's still one of the best games of all time. It makes perfect sense, henceforth, that Nintendo decided to re-release the game on the powerful Game Boy Advance, the handheld that brings the 16-bit classic to the 32-bit handheld flawlessly. Other than a few updates with the text, some added sounds, and an ALL new mini-game (The Four Swords), the game remains completely loyal to the original in all ways. So enjoy this extensive FAQ/Walkthrough for the game. And, of course, any questions you have can be sent my way to the e-mail address below.! Have fun! -Colin Moriarty (CMoriarty) [cmoriarty311@cs.com] /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ IV S E C T I O N F O U R | S T O R Y L I N E / P L O T IV /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ Like any good piece of literature, a good video game has a good plot, a good storyline. Well below is the storyline of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, a storyline that has basically been re-used in every Zelda game before and since (although they add little twists and turns along the way, of course). The below story is NOT in my own words, it's straight out of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past instruction manual that came with the game, and is (c) Nintendo, 1991. Again, these aren't my words, these are Nintendo's, but are put in the FAQ to give you, the reader, who may not have an instruction manual, and may not know the story of Zelda some insight before you play the game. It gives the game more depth. So HERE WE GO! (This is the story for the SNES version of the game, which tells the story in a far more complete fashion then does the GBA instruction manual. For sake of good story-telling, this version is the one now used.) -----------------------------The Legends of Hyrule----------------------------- To set the stage for this adventure of the legendary Hero of Hyrule, it will be informative to delve into the Triforce myth, an ancient epic about the creation of the world that is still believed in the land of Hyrule. Every culture has such myths and theories about the creation of their worlds, and it can be beneficial and entertaining to examine them in detail, for they often affect the present day social structure. The legends say the mythical gods of Hyrule had as their chosen people the Hylia. These ancient people left scrolls that are the primary source of the legends. ----------------------------The Creation of Hyrule----------------------------- According to the Hylian scrolls, the mythical gods descended from a distant nebula to the world and created order and life. The God of Power dyed the mountains red with fire and created land. The God of Wisdom created science and wizardry and brought order to nature. And the God of Courage, through justice and vigor, created life - the animals that crawl the land and the birds that soar in the sky. After the gods had finished their work, they left the world, but not before creating a symbol of their strength, a golden triangle known as the Triforce. A small but powerful portion of the essence of the gods was held in this mighty artifact, which was to guide the intelligent life on the world of Hyrule. Although it was an inanimate object, the Triforce had the power to bestow three titles which gave the person who received them great powers: "The Forger of Strength", "The Keeper of Knowledge", and "The Juror of Courage". From its hiding place in the so-called Golden Land where the Gods placed it, the Triforce beckoned people from the outside world to seek it in the hope that someone worthy of these titles would find it. With their magic infused blood, the Hylian people were endowed with psychic powers and skill in wizardry. It was also said that their long, pointed ears enabled them to hear special messages from the gods, so they were held in high esteem by many people in Hyrule. Their descendants settled in various parts of the world and passed on their knowledge and magical lore to all people. But in its passing, the lore was often distorted or lost altogether. ---------------------------Gates To The Golden Land---------------------------- In Hyrule, there are many Hylian buildings which are mentioned repeatedly in the legends. These buildings, which now lie in ruin, pale shadows of their former splendor, are closely tied to the Triforce. Some were even said to house the Triforce... If it were only a symbol of the gods, the Triforce would be coveted by many. But a verse from the Book of Mudora (a collection of Hylian legends and lore) made the Triforce even more desirable: In a realm beyond sight, The Sky shines gold, not blue. There, the Triforce's might Makes mortal dreams come true. Many aggressively searched for the wish-granting Triforce, but no one, not even the Hylian sages, was sure of its location; the knowledge had been lost over time. Some said the Triforce lay under the desert, others said it was in the cemetery in the shadow of Death Mountain, but no one ever found it. That yearning for the Triforce soon turned to lust for power, which in turn led to the spilling of blood. Soon the only motive left among those searching for the Triforce was pure greed. One day, quite by accident, a gate to the Golden Land of the Triforce was opened by a gang of thieves skilled in the black arts. This land was like no other. In the gathering twilight, the Triforce shone from its resting place high above the world. In a long running battle, the leader of the thieves fought his way past his followers in a lust for the Golden Power. After vanquishing his own followers, the leader stood triumphant over the Triforce and grasped it with his blood- stained hands. He heard a whispered voice: "If thou has a strong desire or dream, wish for it..." And in reply, the roaring laughter of the brigand leader echoed across time and space and even reached the far-off land of Hyrule. The name of this king of thieves is Ganondorf Dragmire, but he is known by his alias, Mandrag Ganon, which means Ganon of the Enchanted Thieves. ------------------------------The Imprisoning War------------------------------ I do not know what Ganon wished for from the Triforce. However, in time evil power began to flow from the Golden Land and greedy men were drawn there to become members of Ganon's army. Black clouds permanently darkened the sky, and many disasters beset Hyrule. The lord of Hyrule sent for the Seven Wise Men and the Knights Of Hyrule, and ordered them to seal the entrance to the Golden Land. The Triforce, being an inanimate object, cannot judge between good and evil. Therefore, it could not know that Ganon's wishes were evil; it merely granted them. Suspecting that Ganon's power was based on the Triforce's magic, the people of Hyrule forged a sword resistant to magic which could repulse even powers granted by the Triforce. This mighty weapon became known as the blade of evil's bane, or the Master Sword. It was so powerful that only one who was pure of heart and strong of body could wield it. As the Seven Wise Men searched for a valiant person to take up the Master Sword, Ganon's evil army swarmed from the tainted Golden Land into Hyrule and attacked the castle. The wise men and the Knights Of Hyrule combined forces to wage war on this evil horde. The Knights took the full brunt of the fierce attack, and although they fought courageously many a brave soul was lost that day, However, their lives were not lost in vain, for they bought precious time for the Seven Wise Men to magically seal ganon in the Golden land. All of Hyrule rejoiced at the victory that upheld peace and order over Ganon's evil and chaos. This war, which had claimed many lives, became known as the Imprisoning War in stories told in later centuries. ----------------------------The Coming of the Wizard--------------------------- Many centuries have passed since the Imprisoning War. The land of Hyrule healed its wounds and the people lived in peace for a long time. Memories of the vicious Imprisoning War faded over the generations... So it is no surprise that no one was prepared for the new disasters that have recently struck Hyrule. Pestilence and drought, uncontrollable even by magic, ravaged the land. The king of Hyrule, after counsel with his sages, ordered an investigation of the Imprisoned Dark World (as the Golden land had come to be known) but the wise men's seal was apparently intact. he offered rewards for anyone who could find the source of these troubles. In answer to these summons a stranger named Agahnim came and quelled the disasters with a previously unseen form of magic. As a reward, the king gave him a new position as chief advisor and heir to the Seven masses proclaimed him their hero. Peace had returned to Hyrule... or had it? Of late, rumors have traveled their whispering path with alarming frequency. Rumors saying Agahnim now rules the country with his magic... Rumors of strange magical experiments in the castle tower at night... The people of Hyrule were gripped by dread. -----------------------------------Prologue------------------------------------ One night, a girl's voice awakens you from your sleep. She telepathically pleads. You jump out of bed not knowing whether the voice was part of a dream or reality. Upon leaving your bed, you find your uncle, who should be fast asleep at this time, preparing to go out, girded for battle. "I'll be back by morning," he says as he departs. "Don't leave the house." You watch him leave with the family sword in hand and shield on arm. This night is like no other... Who is Zelda? Where had your uncle gone and for what reason? And so, on an ill-fated night, a new chapter in the legend of Hyrule's hero begins- a new chapter in The Legend of Zelda! YOUR QUEST AS THE LEGENDARY HERO! The Golden land of the Triforce has become a Dark World corrupted by Ganon's evil wishes. However, this is not enough for Ganon; he also wants to make Hyrule, the Light World, his own. To do this, he needs to break the Seal Of The Seven Wise Men. But he cannot do this with his power alone. He must also use the life force of the descendants of the Seven Wise Men. With Agahnim the wizard as his pawn, this is about to become a reality (thus the late night experiments in the castle tower...). You, as the legendary Hero of Hyrule, must enter the Dark World on a quest to save the maidens that Agahnim has sent there. The aim of the game is to solve the many mysteries and adventures that await you along the way to rescuing the maidens, defeating Ganon, and returning peace to Hyrule. END STORY. So there you go, the storyline of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Again, the above words were not my own, but Nintendo's, from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past instruction manual, (c) Nintendo, 1991! /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ V S E C T I O N F I V E | C H A R A C T E R S V /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ This section of the FAQ/Walkthrough is basically a summary of all major characters you meet in the game, with a description of each of them. Basically something for you, the reader, to have at your disposal, to give extra depth to the storyline and the game. Sometimes, understanding the characters in a game can give your game play more enjoyment! (in order of appearance) >>>Link<<< ---- Link is the main character in the game. You play as him, that is. He's the hero in all of the Zelda games, throughout all of the systems. This storyline throws him up against the evils of Ganon once more, when Zelda is once again kidnapped by him, for his evil deeds. Link wields a shield and sword, in addition to all of the weapons, armor pieces and items you find along the way in your quest. He's basically the way he is in every game. He says very little (well... nothing at all, actually), but he does a whole lot! =) >>>Zelda<<< ----- The seemingly helpless princess of the Zelda games, Zelda is always getting kidnapped! Well not always. In Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, a spell was casted upon her, putting her in a deep sleep. On the Game Boy Zelda, she doesn't even appear in it, just in Link's dreams. And then there's the Nintendo64 Zeldas, one of which she doesn't get kidnapped, and another which she doesn't even appear in. Go figure. But in this particular Zelda title, it is your job to rescue her! >>>Link's Uncle<<< ---- - ----- Link's Uncle is a mysterious character, because we don't really get to learn much about him at all. In fact, he only appears in the very beginning of the game, and at that, for only a moment or two. He originally tells Link to stay at the cabin after Zelda telepathically contacts the two of them for help, as she's trapped within the castle's dungeon. Not two minutes later, when Link finds his way into the castle, he finds his uncle, fatigued and injured, within the castle. That's when he gives Link his sword and shield, and tells him to rescue the princess! And that's all we know about this mysterious bearded man. >>>Sahasrahla<<< ---------- Sahasrahla is a mysterious old man, who Link meets early on in the game, before entering into the first palace of the game. It just so happens that Sahasrahla is a direct descendent of the Seven Wise Men, and is very wise himself. He gives Link lots of information and some items... and contacts Link telepathically with tips in each of the games' dungeons. Listen to his wise words... he often gives you words of wisdom that can get you out of some pretty tough situations! >>>Old Man<<< --- --- The Old Man is a character you find on your way up Death Mountain. He ends up giving you the all important item, the Magic Mirror, upon getting to the top of the mountain. Not much is known about this man, except that his granddaughter was a victim of the evil Wizard's plot for the domination of the Light and Dark Worlds of Hyrule. >>>Agahnim<<< ------- Agahnim seems to be the real bad guy in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past... that is until you actually fight him and defeat him midway through the game, and realize that he is simply a pawn of the all-powerful Ganon. Agahnim is a powerful magician however, and his magical spells are much to be contended with. You fight him twice in the game, and both times, he'll challenge you greatly with his magical prowess... but it doesn't seem much when you realize he's being controlled... >>>Ganon<<< ----- Ganon... oh Ganon. Ganon is the bad guy in basically every Zelda game every created. But Ganon remains very mysterious in this game, for he is actually controlling other characters (like the evil Magician Agahnim) like pawns in his game for total world domination. Opening the Sealed Gate to the Dark World of Hyrule, Ganon controls the Golden Power, which grants him any wish he so desires... he is your main objective in this game... you must defeat Ganon and save Hyrule, for the sake of everyone! /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ VI S E C T I O N S I X | C O N T R O L S VI /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ (the following controls are for A Link to the Past ONLY!) Directional Pad (D-Pad) - Use the D-Pad to move Link up, down, left, right, et cetera. Also, in various in-game menus, use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor and whatnot. Start Button: Press the Start Button while in-game to bring up your inventory menu. From there, you can navigate your various items and weapons. Select Button: Press the Select Button while in-game to bring up a small menu which will give you various save and quit options. L Button: While on the regular map, the L Button will bring up the map of Hyrule, whether you be in the Light World or the Dark World. From there, see various areas of the map by using the D-Pad. R Button: Pressing the R Button will allow you to pick up bushes, pots, clay jars, et cetera. You can also run and whatnot with this button as well, once you have the Pegasus Boots. B Button: The B Button allows Link to swing whatever sword he currently has equipped. Hold down the B Button for a few seconds and then release it to do the whirling blade technique, which is highly damaging to your foes. A Button: The A Button is largely an action button. Primarily, you use the A Button to use your secondary weapon (whichever you have equipped at the time) such as the Boomerang or Lamp. You can also use the A Button to talk to people and open treasure chests as well. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ VII S E C T I O N S E V E N | G A M E P H Y S I C S VII /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ The game physics and mechanics of the game aren't too hard. The game, being pretty primitive by today's standards, is straight-forward and easy to get the hang of. Plus, there are so many games that mimic the unique stylings of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, that you've almost certainly played a game like it, even if you've never actually played a Zelda game. You walk around, you hack and fight enemies, gather items and rupees (the monetary unit in Hyrule) and enter one of the the many dungeons (in order, preferably), to get new items, beat bosses, and advance farther into the game. It's really that simple. You never have more than one view, which is an over- head view of the game. The game is split into "squares" for easy programming, with each square having certain enemies and whatnot, that are special to that square. Having the over-head view of each square gives you the advantage to see an entire square without having to move. All in all, the game is classic because of the game physics. It takes from the older Zelda games and adds on to it, while at the same time keeping the points of the old games that made the old games great, and at the same time make The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past great, as well. There's nothing more that can really be said. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ VIII S E C T I O N E I G H T | F O U R S W O R D S VIII /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ After much thought and deliberation, I've given up on this part of the FAQ/Walkthrough. Truth-be-told, I have no one to play the game with or link up with (my friends are gaming nerds like I am), so I really have no choice. I don't think it'll be to damaging anyway to skip this part, as the fact of the matter is, most (if not all) of you people are reading this FAQ/Walkthrough for information on A Link to the Past and not The Four Swords. So... you'll find here an ultra- complete compendium on A Link to the Past, but this guide is, and I repeat IS completely void of any information on the Four Swords. Sorry about that. I did e-mail my fellow FAQ Author Efrem Orizzonte, who wrote not only an awesome FAQ/Walkthrough for this very game, but also a FAQ on the Four Swords Dungeon that you can access after beating the special mini-game. I asked him for permission to link to his Four Swords FAQ, but haven't gotten a reply. In all honesty, I probably haven't given him enough time to answer me back, but oh well. So I won't link to it (don't wanna upset the man), but in anycase, if you're reading this from GameFAQs, go to the FAQ page for this game and click on Efrem's work to get information on the Four Swords dungeon. He did an awesome job, and that's about as good as I can do for you guys. His work is just as competent as mine, and I'm sure it'll help you. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ IX S E C T I O N N I N E | W A L K T H R O U G H IX /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ And now, the walkthrough. But before we get down to the nitty-gritty, lets go over a few vitals that you should all probably be aware of. 1.) Saving is easy, saving is fundamental. But when you save and shut off your GBA, don't shut it off without first making sure you saved! That would SUCK! =D 2.) When you die on the overworld, you'll eventually have options on where you can restart the game, including Link's House, the Sanctuary (*cough* Church *cough*), or the Mountain Pass (for the Light World, anyway). If you die within a dungeon, you start at the dungeon entrance. See, it's simple, really! =) 3.) The walkthrough is written in such a way that I always went through the game since I was a kid. There are other walkthroughs on GameFAQs if you don't like the way I go through the game. Some play it like I do, some don't, I'm sure, so to each his own. This is the way I think it's easiest to get through the game. 4.) Keep an eye on your hearts, and if you're dangerously low ("beep, beep"), make sure to get your hearts or you're gonna perish, boy! 5.) Rupees are vital. You're definitely going to want to collect all the rupees enemies drop... you never know when you're going to need them. Or maybe you do, I don't know. =) And now, the walkthrough... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Zelda Speaks to Link... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you input your name, and start your new quest, you're brought to a mysterious hut, at night. You can hear the rain beating against the roof and the surrounding lands. Then, someone speaks to the hero, you, Link, as he lies in bed, as well as Link's Uncle, who is sitting awake at the table. She pleads for help, introducing herself as Zelda. She tells them that she is held captive at the castle by the evil wizard named Agahnim. Other girls were also kidnapped, but have disappeared. Agahnim, it seems, is trying to open up the seal of the Seven Wise Men... Suddenly, Link's uncle awakes Link, and tells him that he is going out, but will be back by morning. He instructs him not to leave the house in his absence! Then the uncle leaves, equipped with sword and shield. You can now control Link. Use this time to learn the various controls (although you don't have any weapons to use yet). Just get used to moving him about. The pots in the corner of the room all hold hearts in them. Just pick up the pots, grab the hearts, and then throw the pot. There is a treasure chest in the cabin, as well. Open it to get the Lamp! Your first item! Stay in the cabin long enough, and Zelda will telepathically contact Link again. She'll tell him that a secret passageway exists between the outside of the castle to the garden inside the castle walls! That's your cue! Lamp in hand, leave the cabin to the rainy outside world. Once outside, go to each bush around Link's house and pick them up, then throw them, to see if they harbor any stray rupees for you. As you walk around outside, you'll notice that guards block almost every exit around your house. Walk down to the normal ground, then around to the right of your cabin, and north. Go north one screen to a coastal section, which you should then follow to your left, and up across the blue-green bridge with the hearts on it. Go north across the bridge, and you'll see the castle walls. The castle entrance is guarded by some knights, however. Go right, avoiding the knights, and around the castle wall. Follow the stoned-pathway east, and then north, to a lone bush, surrounded by some ground stones. Lift it up, and hear that famous Zelda secret jingle! Step into the hole in the ground that the bush was hiding, and you'll now be inside the castle! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Within the Castle Walls... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you land in the castle, you'll find yourself in a small pool of water. Walk west out of it and follow the narrow green corridor heading leftward. You'll soon thereafter run into your stranded uncle, whom is either injured or tired (one can't be too sure). In anycase, talk to him and he'll eventually give you his (now yours) sword and shield. Keep in mind his lesson on focusing the power of the sword by holding down the B button! After grabbing his sword and shield, we're ready to move on. Pass by your uncle, and go through the door at the end of the path we're on. In this new section, we'll come across our first enemies - two Green Knights. The Green Knights are the most basic Knight enemy, and only take two hits of Link's sword each to kill. They are only equipped with Daggers, and aren't very smart, either... so slay both of them, gathering whatever hearts or rupees they happen to drop. After they are both slain, head all the way east down the path we're on to the treasure chest. Open it to get five rupees (whoopie!), and lift both jars right there as well, to get small magic jars, which will fill up your magic meter ever so slightly (we'll need the magic to use our Lamp, however, so every little bit helps!) Then, head back down the path, and south. Go up the stairs, and through the door there, which will bring us back outside. Once back outside (but now within the castle walls, instead of outside, like we were before), it's still dark and rainy. Now that we have a sword equipped, cut your way through the two bushes blocking your exit out of that little alcove you're in, and slash and hack the high grasses and bushes around your area, if you'd like, to find rupees and hearts. After that, go left, to the main path leading to the entrance to the castle, where you'll find three more Green Knights. Kill them, as well, and enter through the large doors to the north, entering back into the castle... Once inside the castle, head north to the middle of the majestic room, and slay all three Green Knights within. Now, we have some choices here, as to which door we take. Well, follow my lead, and take the door to your left, but NOT up the stairs. Take that door, and follow the passageway NOT up the stairs (again), but swinging around going north, through to another room. In this room, continue north, while killing three more green knights that await you. Then, follow the passage to the door on the other side, which leads to a horizontal hallway. In the middle of this hallway is a door, which has stairs leading downward. Go down these stairs, to the first basement floor. In this small room, a Blue Knight, equipped with a Long Sword, awaits you. These Knights are stronger than the Green Knights... better equipped, smarter, and with stronger attacking power. Don't take them too lightly! Kill the Blue Knight and grab the Key he drops when you kill him. Then, open the chest in the middle of the room to nab the map it's holding. Now you have a map of the castle we are exploring! Sweet! Now, unlock the locked door to the south of this small room, which leads south to another, larger room. In this large room, you'll notice a huge black chasm to the right-hand side... the chasm is the key to this area. While you can get knocked (or simply walk) into the chasm, you can also slash, push, or steer enemies into this chasm as well. So walk down the stairs, and slash at the Blue Knight there when he's near the edge of the walkway, by the chasm. Slash him into the chasm, and watch him fall! That was simple, wasn't it? Now, go south to the next room. In this area, there is a chasm on all four sides, and two Blue Knights patrolling the area. Be careful, knocking both of the Blue Knights into the chasm below, or by simply killing them in the generic fashion. Either way is fine, it's what makes you comfortable. Keep in mind that the clay jars in the room (as well as all clay jars) kill the Blue (and Green) Knights in one hit. Nifty, eh? Now head south along the path. You'll come across yet another Blue Knight. You know what to do by now, just make sure to not walk off the side of the path, or get knocked off the path! Follow the pathway to the next area, which is to the left. (Note: If you DO get knocked into the chasm, it's no big deal. You lose hardly any energy, but you start at designated areas around the rooms, making it more of an annoyance than anything, really). In this more wide open room, head north, then west into the main part of the room. Engage the two Green Knights here in battle, and ignore both staircases leading to an upper passageway in the room. Instead, go north to the doorway there, and into the next room. In this small room, a Green Knight patrols the area. Kill the Green Knight, and the door to the right opens. There's a locked door to the north, but we haven't a key! So go through the door to your right, and into that small room. In this room, we have a Blue Knight. Kill this Blue Knight, and he'll drop a Key. Grab the Key, and open the treasure chest in the middle of the room, to acquire the Boomerang! Sweet! Leave the room, going back to the previous room. Go up the stairs in this small room to the locked door we ignored previously, and open it, going through it to the next room. Simply follow this passage down the stairs, and down the doorway staircase as well, to another basement floor. Then, swing around, and go down one more time! You'll now be in the castle's deep-ground prison! Sweet. As you enter, kill the Green Knight, and enter the first jail cell, looking under the jars there for any hearts you may need. Then, go all the way to the right of the prison room, where your first boss fight will occur. **** ****** BOSS FIGHT ONE - MACE KNIGHT **** ****** The Mace Knight is by far the most simple boss fight in the game... some don't even consider it a boss fight, but I do! To defeat this rather intimidating enemy, this is what you want to do. Wait until he swings his huge ball and chain mace around once, and then brings it back to him. Then, run into him and slash him two times with your sword, and run back away a safe distance, and wait for him to do it again. He's that simple, really... just make sure to not get smacked up by his mace, which does considerable damage to the weak Link. Time your attacks and be patient, and the Mace Knight will fall quickly to Link's sword. ***** When the Mace Knight is defeated, he'll drop the Magic Key, which will open up Zelda's jail cell right in front of you. Open the jail cell, grab the five rupees out of the treasure chest within her cell, and then rescue the Princess. She'll thank Link, tell him a bit about what's going on (so pay attention!), and then tell you that there's a secret exit out of the castle (now that the guards'll be looking for the both of you), but we must go back to the castle entrance. That isn't so hard... just backtrack ALL THE WAY to the first, primary room in the castle. Kill the enemies as you go, and be quick about it! Once you reach this room, you'll now because Zelda will address Link, and tell him to head to the throne room, that the hidden passageway is there. So where is the throne room? Well, it's the door to the north of the room, right in the middle. You can get to it by going up the stairs to the side and following the upper passageway all the way around to the middle door, and then go through it, to the next room. In this room, you'll be jumped by several Blue Knights. Go up the stairs in the middle and you'll find yourself in the throne room. So what to do? Approach the throne, and go up the stairs there. Zelda will tell Link to push the shelf in the back over. So go to the side of it and push it all the way over. Enter into the castle catacombs here. It's dark in here, you can only see in front of you a bit and slightly to the sides. In this first dark room, try to find a sink- looking object, which is something you can light up (I call it a torch) with the Lamp. Find one and light it up, and the room will be temporarily lit. From there, kill the Rats in the room (they carry lots of rupees!), and then approach the door in the northeastern corner of the room, to the next part of this catacombs area. As you enter this dark room, there'll be a torch right in front of you. Light it up, and start going to work with your sword on the Snakes to your left. Kill them all, and go to your left, to the next door, which leads deeper into the catacombs. In this rather large room, it too is dark. Head north up the path, killing any Rats, Bats or Snakes in your path. Find the nearest torch and light it up. To the right of the room is a Key within a treasure chest. Make sure to pick it up, and go to the left to grab some magic under the jar there. Then go north, and unlock the door with the key you just found there. Go through the door, to the next room in the catacombs. As we enter this room, Zelda will tell Link that beyond these sewers lies the sanctuary that we are headed towards. This room truly is a sewer, with water all over the ground, et cetera. In this small sewer room, head due right and light up the torch there with your Lamp. Your safe in the water areas from enemies, so use that to your advantage. This particular room holds only Rats for you to fight. Slay them all, gathering whatever they drop, then simply go left through the door there, to yet another room. This part of the sewer is wide open. There are Rats, Bats and Snakes in this room, but it shouldn't give you a hard time. You can cut north through the water to the next door, or you can light up one of the torches and explore the various jars in the room for magic and hearts, and kill the various enemies as well. Either way, work your way to that northern door, in which we are headed. In this room, there are three Rats and two Bats. One of the Rats hold a Key, so slay them, grab the key they drop, and then kill the bats (all of this after lighting up a torch, of course). Then go to the northeastern part of the room, and unlock the door with the key you just got there. We're almost there. In this self-lit room, head north. You'll notice to your right two unstable walls that can be bombed... unfortunately, however, we haven't any bombs right now, so we'll have to pass for the time being. Head north, killing the various enemies as you go. When you get to a series of blocks, push the middle one out of the way, and go up the stairs there to the next room. In these wood-encased rooms (I'm guessing we're now in the sanctuary basement), there are Rats all over. Kill them all, using Jars or your sword, then go through the south door. In this FINAL room, there are two Rats, and two switches. Zelda tells you to pull a switch, but she's not specific enough. Kill the two Rats, and pull the right-hand side switch to make the door open. Pulling the other one will result in enemies falling down on you, so don't pull it! Then, go through the door, and enter into the safety of the sanctuary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. The Sanctuary and the Six Heart Pieces ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you deliver Zelda back to the sanctuary, the Priest thanks you for delivering Zelda back to him safely. He tells Link that it is absolutely necessary that Zelda not fall into the hands of the wizard again! The only weapon that can defeat the wizard, he tells Link, is the Master Sword. His quest is to acquire this Master Sword, and kill the evil wizard! After the Priest stops talking, Link can now grab the full Heart out of the treasure chest right up there on the alter. Now, we have much to do! But first, there are six Heart Pieces we can pick up at this point in the game that we should make haste in getting right now, so that's what we're going to do! The first heart piece on our list is located far to the south of the Sanctuary. To get there, go south from the Sanctuary, back down to the location of Link's house. Once you get to Link's house, go south to the large field below his house. Avoid or kill the Blue Knight Archers and Green Knight Archers, and head south one more screen, then head west a screen. Right on-screen there should be a small building made of stone there. Enter into this building. There's a row of three blocks blocking your way northward, as well as a treasure chest beyond it. Ignore the treasure chest for now, and push the middle block up towards the treasure chest, then the left block to the left, to make an entrance for Link heading north. Head north through the door into another room. In this room is an enemy that you can't kill, and two switches. Pull the right-hand switch to make the water start to flow inside this building. Pulling the right-hand switch will make four green bombs fall from the ceiling and explode, so avoid pulling it. Then, walk back outside of the stone building, and go to the shallows at the left of it. There, you'll find your first piece of heart. To get to the location of the second heart piece from here, head back north to Link's house. Stop by the house, first of all, if you need any Hearts from the jars within. Then, head west along the path below Link's house (but on the same screen). On this next screen, head east some more, while killing the three Green Knights you come across. Then, follow the path south to the next screen. On this screen, kill the Blue Knight Archer, while blocking or avoiding the arrows he shoots at you. Then follow the path east, then north into the next area, and again, north and east to another screen. You'll know you're in the right place because you'll hear the music change. This is the "town music" that will become familiar to you in no time. Follow the zig-zagging passage, past the library, and up to the next screen, which leads into the town proper. Go north straight through town, until you come out the other side. On this screen, you'll see a Fortune Teller's house. Ignore it, and go to the right of it. Kill the two Green Knights stationed here, and then head north into the woods above. This is the Lost Woods. Head north through this first area of the Lost Woods. Kill off the Crow that comes at you, and right after that, you'll come across a group of nine bushes, grouped all together. Slash at all of them, and the one smack-dab in the middle will be hiding a hole. You'll know you found it when you hear the famous "Zelda secret" tune. Jump into the hole, and you'll land directly north of another heart piece! Then, simply jump down off the ledge there, and go through the door to your left. The guy you come across on the passage out of here will tell you that this is a gang of thieves' hideout. Then, you can just leave by following that passage out of the cave, and then go south to get out of the Lost Woods all together. As for the third heart piece, as well as the three after that we need to get, we're going to need Bombs. If you haven't already found Bombs by simply fighting enemies, and don't feel like waiting any longer, go to the shop in the village to your south. The shop is a small shack next to a boy, in a small farm-like area. You can buy ten Bombs for 50 rupees! Not bad! After that, we can get the rest of the heart pieces we need. The first one is within the village itself. To get the third heart piece, head to the northern section of the village, to a silver house, adjoined to a regular looking house... you'll know the house in question not only because of its silver coloring, but its barred windows and green roof. Once within this house (it's a thieves hideout), talk to the man in there, and then go down the stairs through the door at the northwest end of the room. In this room, there are four treasure chests to the south of the room. But first, bomb the cracked wall at the north of the room to make a hole. Enter into this secret room, and grab the five rupee pieces under each of the six pots in your path, and then open the chest at the end of the path to get your third heart piece! Sweet! But before leaving this hideout, make sure to move the blocks strategically to get the red twenty rupee pieces that each of the four hold. Don't worry! If you can only get one or two at a time, that's okay, just leave the hideout and comeback, and the blocks'll have been reset, meaning you can easily get all four, for a total of 80 rupees! Not bad! As for the fourth heart piece... The fourth heart piece is a cinch to get. From this unusual looking house, head south, all the way to the southern entrance of the village, the one we originally entered into the village via. Jump down from ridge to ridge, and head to the western house. It's a long house, and only half of it is on the screen. You can't access the other half... or so it seems. Enter this house, and talk to the guy there. He says that he and his brother are fighting, so he sealed the doorway to his room. The faulty wall to your left is the door in question. Bomb it (sorry man, hope you didn't spend too much patching that wall up at the Home Depot), and enter into his brother's room. Talk to the other brother (he'll ask if his brother is still angry)... but wait, that's NOT how you get the heart piece. But it was a necessary step! Go outside of this brother's room, and you'll be right next to a young woman. Talk to her, and she'll tell you that if you get to the end of her obstacle course within 15 seconds, she'll give you something "special." While I'm sure Link wishes it were something else *winkwink*, traverse the obstacle course in the set amount of time to receive a piece of heart! That's the fourth heart piece, which, if you're getting them in the order I have them here, will now equal five hearts in your energy meter! Cool beans! Piece five, here we come! Head back into the village proper. Go straight to the northwest corner of the village. You'll notice a gapping hole in the ground, right next to a cave entrance... but how to get into this hole? Go around it, past the cave entrance, and above it via the ridge right to the north of it. Drop off of this ridge into the hole, and you'll enter into a secret cave area. Right where you drop is a treasure chest. Open it to get some Bombs, and then grab the Red and Blue rupee pieces out of the chests and jars along the northern wall. Right next to the leftmost treasure chest is a crack in the wall... a faulty wall! Bomb this faulty wall, and get two hearts, ten rupees total, and your fifth heart piece out of the chest there! Cool beans, once more! =D Exit out of this cave, back into the village. The sixth heart piece isn't in the village (oh well!), but we should really still get it, don't you think!? Leave the village, and backtrack all the way back to Link's house, then head down into the fields below his house, just like we did before. Then, head west a screen, and south once more. You'll see a sign there, that'll have an arrow pointing west, leading to the Desert of Mystery. This is our destination for this particular heart piece. Go west into the Desert of Mystery entrance, and follow the winding path westward, into the desert itself. Once you enter into the desert, hug the eastern wall as you head north. As you get to the very north of this desert, but on the eastern side, you'll come across a cave. Enter into this cave, and follow the cave passage up to another door, which you should go into as well, into the next area. In this room, a man named Aginah resides. Talk to him if you'd like (he'll give you a good time on where to get the Book of Mudora!), and then go to the south of this room, where another faulty wall exists. Bomb it, as we've been doing this entire heart-getting trip we've been on, and enter into the small room it reveals, which has a treasure chest holding the sixth heart piece. Now we're done with this heart-gettin' charade... for now, anyway! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Two Magic Bottles and a Bug Catching Net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section of the walkthrough, after we get the six hearts above, is to guide you on getting two of the Magic Bottles and the Bug Catching Net, as well. So let us do this, shall we? All three of these items we need to get are all located within the confines of the village, so we need not travel very far to get all of this crap. So, go back to the village, and we can get started. First and foremost, lets get these two Magic Bottles, eh? The first one is easy to get. Actually, they're both easy to get, but whatever... the first Magic Bottle is located within the Magic Bottle dealer's hands. Easy, eh? The Magic Bottle dealer is the dude sitting Indian style on his towel in the middle of town. He has four bottles right next to him, and located to the west of the weathercock... he should be easy for you to find. Talk to him and purchase the Magic Bottle he's selling for 100 rupees. A good deal, indeed! The second Magic Bottle is located in the Pub/Inn building in the village, which is located south and east a row of houses from the Magic Bottle dealer. But don't enter the Pub from the front. You'll know the right building because there is a gap in the back of the building in the bushes surrounding the structure, which will allow you entrance into the secret back entrance into the Pub. Enter into this secret entrance and open the treasure chest near the counter, to get your second Magic Bottle! As for the Bug Catching Net... To get the Bug Catching Net, head to the house near the middle of the village. It's to the left of the house with the bushes all in front of the house. It's basically due north of the back of the Pub. Enter into this house to find a little girl, sick in bed, with cages in her little home... go and talk to her! If you don't have the Magic Bottles (at least one), she'll ask Link if he has one, and if you don't, she won't talk to you further. If you DO have a Magic Bottle, she'll tell you why she's sick, and then offer you her Bug Catching Net! The Bug Catching Net is VERY useful, for catching bugs and Faeries with it, and then storing them in your bottle. Pretty neat, no? But no use for it right now really, so moving on... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Places of Interest Before the First Dungeon... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have all the stuff we need (and a lot more) to now traverse the first dungeon, which is located in the far east of Hyrule. But first, let us explore Hyrule a bit more, primarily the village area. Go to the little boy next to the shop, along the fence in the chicken coup. He'll tell you of his grandfather, and that you should go visit him, and then mark your map! Pretty cool, eh? Then, go west of the little boy, to the small shack in the southwest corner of town. It seems that there's no way in, but there is. Hack your way through the brush there to the front of the building, and plant a bomb there. A hole will be blown into the wall, giving you entrance into this small shack! Within the shack are several pots, hiding some rupees, bombs and arrows for Link to throw into his inventory. Pretty cool, eh? Now, head east, back to Link's house. Refill your hearts if need be, and then we'll head east, toward the palace. Head east from Link's house, and then north across the bridge there. Fight off the Blue Knights, Green Knights, and assorted Archers you come across. Then shoot rightward, and into the mountains heading north, into the Eastern Palace area. Head north, up the long staircase, and keep heading north, avoiding or killing the Octoroks that come at you. You'll see a hut below if you keep heading north. This is the house the little boy in the village marked off for us. Jump down where the hut is, and enter into it. Within, you'll meet the famed Sahasrahla, the village elder, and a direct descendent of the famed Seven Wise Men. He tells Link that to get the Master Sword, he needs to get the Three Pendants first, and the East Palace holds one of them, the Pendant of Courage... and that's a good place to start. If Link is to get this Pendant, he'll give him more information and a special item! Cool! To the north of the wise man is three jars, with three hearts... and beyond those jars, a faulty wall. Use a Bomb on the faulty wall, and enter into the hidden room beyond it, which holds three treasure chests, with bombs and a total of 100 rupees! Nice! You have an option now, before you get a-goin' into the East Palace, however... If you want to get the Magic Powder as soon as you get out of the East Palace, then this is what you need to do. Head all the way back to Kakariko Village, and past the Fortune Teller's house, to the Lost Woods entrance, where we went before to get a heart piece. Enter into the Lost Woods here, and head north to the thieve's hideout region where we were before. Explore the surrounding vicinity until you find a Mushroom lying on the ground. Grab it, and you'll find that it's actually the Magic Mushroom. Good stuff! This is what we came to the Lost Woods for. But now, what to do with it? Well, it's quite simple, really. Head all the way back to Link's House, and from there, head east, then north across the bridge. Instead of going east from the bridge, as if we were going back to the East Palace, head north one screen, through the maze of dirt piles and Octoroks, and then north another screen. Follow the river going north and east, and you'll come across a wooden bridge heading west. Ignore it, kill both Blue Knight Archers, and head north, through the bushes (slash them to make a path), and north another screen, and then east. There will be a mysterious and colorful hut here... and green monsters (which I call Magical Creatures) patrolling outside. NEVER slash them with your sword... they'll electrocute you! Instead, just use your Bow and Arrow (when you get a Bow), or Magic Powder (when you get that)... but then, talk to the Witch outside, and she'll tell you that if you give her the Magical Mushroom, she'll make something for you! Sweet! Equip it and give it to her, and she'll tell you to come back later for what she has for you. So that we'll do. If you want to have some Magic Potions with you, this is the place to get them. Enter into the hut there, and talk to the woman inside, who'll tell you Green Potion cures magic, Red Potion cures life, and the Blue Potion cures both magic and life. She'll even give you a free sample of the red potion! It'll be in lieu of you to purchase a Red Potion, so do that now... and then, after that, head back south to the East Palace area, and enter the palace, and we'll get underway! If you can't find it... well, there's no excuse for that. Just navigate the dirt corridors and stairways, while killing off Blue Knights, Armos' and Octoroks, and you'll be led directly to the entrance of this grand palace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Dungeon One, The East Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah yes, our first dungeon excursion. Get used to it, we'll be doing it a lot more as the game goes on. As we begin the first dungeon, you'll notice three doors... one on the left, one in the middle, and one on the right. The door in the middle is sealed shut. Ignore the doors to the left and the right completely. They both lead to broken passageways that lead into a chasm. No use going there period (although the pot in front of each door has a rupee under it, if you care to get them). So this leaves us with one door, the middle, sealed door. What do we do to open it? Life the pot in front of the door, underneath which has a gold circular switch. Press the switch and the door will swing open, allowing you to go forward to the following passageway over the chasm. This passageway has three simple-to- defeat "Snake Bushels" or blue and orange. Defeat them, gathering whatever goodies they drop, and then press the semi-hidden circular switch, out in the open, towards the bottom of the passageway, which opens the door leading northward, to yet another room. In this room, you'll hear some weird pulsing noises, which you'll notice are coming from below the platform you're standing on. Small balls are rolling down the corridor below, after every few of which you notice a huge cannon-ball looking ball rolling down the corridor, which takes up the entire width of the corridor. So descend the staircase to the level where these balls are flying down the corridor, and traverse these balls coming at you as you go. If the large ball is coming at you, try to sneak into one of the alcoves in the passageway. When you get to the end, don't go up the stairs there yet, but instead, follow the corridor going left, then down, and then right. It leads to a treasure chest and four pots. Each pot holds a five rupee pieces, while the treasure chest holds 100 rupees! A nice little prize, if I do say so myself. In anycase, follow the passageway back to the stairs I just told you to ignore. Go up these stairs now, and through the door there to the next area. In this area, follow the corridor up, and you can go left or right. First, go right. Behind the two pots in the corner is a switch. Press the switch and door right next to you will swing open. Enter into this door, and into the next room. This room is full of Skeletons. These Skeletons are tough, however, because when you hack at them, they jump away. You can ignore them, or you can try to slay them by cornering them, or slashing quick, or even chucking the clay jars at them. Either way, at the right end of this room are two doors, one to the north and one to the south. First, enter the south door, and follow the short corridor around to the stairs. Go down the stairs and you'll be in a small room, but you can't see anything to the left or right of you because of the platforms above. Nothing is to your left, but to your right are hidden clay jars that have hearts underneath them if you need them. Then, go back up the stairs and back to the previous room. Go now to the northern door on the right wall and into that room. In this room is a spinning enemy (which I call a Spinner), which you can't harm with your sword or any other weapon, so just avoid it. There are five clay jars in this room. The one in the middle hides a switch that opens the door leading south. Press this switch and run through to that room to your south, which is another segment of the room where we just got the hearts hidden by the clay jars previously. Open this treasure chest that's sitting there all by its lonesome, and you'll get the Dungeon Map! Sweet business! Now you can head back north, then west, and then south, back to the corridor where we could go left or right before (that we chose to go right). This time, go left. Move the clay pots in the corner like we did before and press the switch, and then enter into the left room there. This room is very similar to the other room right after the right-hand door we just took. Here too are Skeletons we can kill or avoid (it's up to you). However, there's only one door we can take here, on the left-hand side of the room. Go through the door there into the next room. In this room, the door closes behind you, and the other door in the room also closes. Then, four Skeletons appear. You'll have to kill all of them (try using the clay pots in the room to kill them, which makes your life a lot easier), and when they are all slain, the doors will re-open. Go through the north door into the next room. You're on a corridor leading north now, with a treasure chest on the other end. Open the treasure chest to receive the Dungeon Compass (!), so that now with the map and compass we can see where we're going AND the boss' location! Pretty neat, eh? Now, descend the staircase to your left, and go to the door at the right-hand side of the room, which will lead to a narrow corridor. On the wall here is a gray Triforce box. These are telepathic boxes that Sahasrahla can telepathically communicate with you via. He'll give you a tip (after explaining what that box was), on how the weapon in this dungeon can be used on the dungeon's boss. The weapon is the Bow, and now we're going to go find it. From here, don't head south (the pathway it blocked by unmovable green blocks), but instead, go right, to the massive middle-dungeon room. In this room, you'll find two points of interest. Number one, the massive treasure chest in the center of the room. And number two, the Magic Door to the north of the room, that leads to the boss of the dungeon. Neither of these things can yet be opened until we've found the Master Key, however... so hold your thoughts on them. Otherwise, this room is inhabited by two Skeletons, and two new enemies we haven't fought yet - Cyclops. Cyclops sit and chill with their one eye closed until you get too close. In this state, they are vulnerable to attack. When they open their eye and start to move at you however, you can attack them. They move quick, however, so keep your distance. While you can use your sword on them, your best bet is to wait until we get the Bow and Arrow from within this dungeon to fight them with. That's when these big enemies become especially simple to defeat. So shoot straight across this room for now, to the door on the right-hand side, which leads to a room that we were already in, just on the top floor. Head south through this room to the staircase at the southern end, which leads to another door, which you should go through. This room is all dark, and it's actually a square-shaped corridor. So what to do? Well, you'll notice two Spinners coming at you from the left, so don't go that way. Shoot right and then down. When you come across a Snake Bushel, slay it, and then press the switch right next to it, which will open the door immediately to your right. Go through this door, and you'll be in another dark room. In this room, you'll find three Skeletons guarding a small plethora of clay pots. Kill the Skeletons with your sword or some of the clay pots, and then lift all the clay pots to find rupees, magic jars, hearts, and above all else, a key. Once you get all of these items, you can go back to the darkened corridor we were just at. Once out in the corridor, head south, and then left. Kill the Snake Bushel in your path, and keep moving, because those two Spinners are on your tail! Then, head north, and there will be a locked door along the left-hand wall, which you can now open with your new found key. Open it quickly and go through this door, to the next area of the dungeon. You'll now find yourself on a thin platform over the beginning part of the dungeon, the part with the small balls and large balls (heh heh) going down the small corridor. Go left over this tiny platform, to the door on the other side, which leads to yet another room. In this room, you'll see ANOTHER large key door, as well as some Snake Bushels and four Spinners orbiting a clay pot in the middle of the room. Kill the Snake Bushels in the room, first, and the Skeletons as well. The Cyclops should also be killed (try chucking a clay jar at his open eye for a one hit kill). When all of the enemies are defeated, the four Spinners orbiting that one clay jar will disperse. Be careful they don't run into you, and run up to the clay jar. Pick it up and throw it, and press the gold circular switch it was hiding, which will make a small treasure chest appear on the alter in front of you. Open it to get the Big Key! The door to the north is openable with this Big Key, so open it, and go through to the next corridor. Then simply go north, pushing the right-hand block north to make a pathway for you to go, then go north and right, back to the dungeon's main room. See why I told you not to go south before? =) Back here, the enemies have reappeared, so kill them or avoid them, it's up to you. Go to the treasure chest in the middle of the room (yes, the massive one), and open it with the Big Key, to get the Bow! Now we have a Bow and Arrow to use! Sweet! Four Skeletons will fly down from the ceiling, and their heads will fly at you. Avoid them, and equip the Bow, and go to work on any remaining enemies in the room that you want to kill. Then go to the locked door in the north of the room, and use the Big Key on it. Enter into the room beyond it, which is dark. Head right or left from the entrance and light up the room with your Lamp, and then kill the two Cyclops in the middle of the room with your Bow and Arrow (when their eyes open), as well as the Snake Bushels. Grab whatever they drop, including the key, and then go to the northern right-hand door, beyond the clay jar. Enter into this darkened room, and go south down the stairs. While avoiding the two Spinners patrolling the area, grab the load of blue rupees ripe for the taking, and then head back to the previous room. Go to the northern left-hand door now, and open it with the key you got from fighting the two Cyclops and the Snake Bushels, and go through that door, which leads up to the second floor. The rooms here are now lighted, which is a good thing. There are four clay jars in this room, and two Spinners. While avoiding the Spinners, grab the arrows from underneath the clay pots. Underneath the lower left-hand one is a switch. Press it, and the left-hand door will open. Go through the door into the next room. In this room, make sure to have your Bow and Arrow equipped, for there are three Cyclops enemies in this room in close proximity. Kill all three of them (don't get hit, take one at a time), and then press the real switch, which is the southern most one, to open the left-hand door. Go through that door to the next room. This room has those black balls shooting in all directions! The door on the other side is sealed shut, and there are four switches in the room, one on each corner. Which one is the real one though? The upper left-hand one is! Press it and the door will open, leading to one of the final rooms in the dungeon before the boss battle! In this room, a Red Cyclops and two Skeletons patrol. Kill the two Skeletons, and pound two arrows into the open eye of the Red Cyclops (they are faster and take two hits instead of one to kill, than the normal Green Cyclops). Then, the door to the north will be open, and you can go north through to the next room. In this room, kill the crapload of Snake Bushels, grabbing whatever they drop. Be weary of the two Red Cyclops enemies coming from the north of the room however. Have that Bow and Arrow ready to fire when they are coming at you! Kill them both, and then grab the arrows and hearts out of the three jars on either side of the room. The door to the north leads to the boss battle with the Armos Knights! Have your Bow and Arrow ready for your first real boss battle! ***** ******* BOSS FIGHT TWO - ARMOS KNIGHTS ***** ******* The Armos Knights are you first true boss battle. The Armos Knights count six, and they all attack you at the same time. However, they attack in formations, and aren't too hard to kill, especially with the services of your trusty Bow and Arrow. With the Bow and Arrow equipped, allow them to do their several formations, including circles, straight lines (both vertical and horizontal), and other such nonsense. While this is going on, shoot your arrows at any Armos you want. Each Armos takes three hits each with the Arrow to kill, so you'll slowly but surely narrow down their numbers as they jump around the room. Staying on the bottom of the screen will nearly ensure that you won't get hit by them as their randomly bouncing around the room, but you should still be on guard. When five of the six Armos Knights are killed, the last remaining Armos Knight will turn red in color, and change his attack style. He'll simply jump around the room, trying to crush Link underneath him. At this point, the sword is easier to use than the Bow and Arrow, so go to work on his with the sword, and he took will bite the dust. Au revoir, Armos Knights. ***** After the Armos Knights are defeated, a full heart piece will appear. Grab it, giving you six hearts in your energy meter now, and then grab the Pendant of Courage chillin' there as well. After you pick it up, the game will tell you to take it to Sahasrahla, and that two Pendants remain. Good stuff. You'll then be automatically transported outside of the East Palace. Say goodbye to it, you're done there. Now... it's time to move on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Sahasrahla's History Lesson, the Magic Powder, and an Ice Rod... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the entrance of the East Palace, we have to go back and visit Sahasrahla, as he instructed you to do after you got the Pendant of Courage, which we just got when we defeated the Armos Knights. Once back at Sahasrahla's hut, enter into it and talk to him once more. Listen to his tail of the Hylian Wars and such, and at the end of his lore, he'll give you his Pegasus Shoes, which will allow Link to run and dash into many things! It also allows you to execute the dash attack... use the A button to activate the Pegasus Shoes at any time! But did you hear Sahasrahla's little hint after he gives you the Shoes? He tells you to get something in Lake Hylia... what could it be? Well, we'll check that out right now! But first, lets swing back to the witch's hut and pick up our Magic Powder that she promised to make for Link out of the Magic Mushroom he found in the Lost Woods! Leave the East Palace region and head north back to her hut, just like we did before we went to the East Palace. Talk to the witch outside that you gave the mushroom to and she'll give you the Magic Powder! Sweet business! Now that we have that, go inside and talk to the woman in there to heal up for free if you need to, and then head south and west, back to Link's house. From Link's house, we're going to head south into the swamp area there, that we've been to many times before. Head south from Link's house one screen, then east one screen. Go south until you come to a brown path of land, which you should jump to. This is Lake Hylia. Follow the coastline of the lake all the way around the southern edge of it, and then going north along the east edge of it, until you get to a cave entrance. Next to this open cave entrance is a faulty wall in the rock. Use a Bomb on the faulty wall to blow a hole in it, and enter this icy cave. Go north along the pathway one screen, and you'll be in a room with a treasure chest atop an alter. Open the treasure chest, and you'll get the Ice Rod! Pretty sweet! (Note: The open cave next to the secret cave is a cave of loose faeries if you want to catch any and throw them in any open bottles you may have.) After getting the Ice Rod, head north back to Link's house. We have a few more things to take care of before going to the second palace... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Another Heart Piece and the Book of Mudora ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Link's house, we will first head to the Sanctuary to get the seventh Heart Piece, one we need the Pegasus Shoes to get, which is why we waited until now to get it. From Link's home, go east, and then north across the bridge, as if we were going back to East Palace. Then, continue north through the Octorok- infested dirt mounds, and north again, until you get to the wooden bridge that's horizontal across the river, south of the witch's hut. Kill or avoid the two Blue Knight Archers as you go across the bridge heading west, and then go north. From here, go west a bit and you'll come to a graveyard. One screen west of the graveyard is the Sanctuary. But, we need to go one more screen west from the Sanctuary, the screen with two Green Knights patrolling the area. Kill them both, and get to the high point of the screen, the plateau above the normal ground level, and then head one screen east. This is the screen where we need to be. You'll see a green set of rocks, look almost like flowers, with four on each side and one in the middle, if you know what I mean. You can destroy these rocks if you simply dash into them. So stand back a bit, and then press the A button to use the Pegasus Shoes' dash ability, and run into these rocks to break them apart, revealing a staircase leading into the ground below. Go down into the ground, and open the treasure chest there to find your seventh piece of heart... one more piece and we'll have another full heart container! Pretty nifty! From here, we need to get to Kakariko village. To get there from the Sanctuary vicinity, simply continue west down the path, and you'll run into the Lost Woods' entrance/Fortune Teller's house screen. This is where we need to be. Our first order of business within the town is a little sidequest that's just fun to do after you get the Pegasus Shoes. There's a man in red that you might have noticed in town that, whenever you get near him, he runs away from you. He's located right above the back of the pub, west a little bit. Approach him from the left, so that he'll be running right. When he starts to run, dash after him with use of the Pegasus Shoes. When you catch up to him, he'll admire you agility and give you a tip to run into trees and other things to find hidden secrets! Pretty neat, I know. If he runs out of the village before you catch up, walk into a house or out of the village to reset his position. One other thing to do here quickly is...go to the woman's house with the woman sweeping out in front of it. It's located almost smack-dab in the middle of the village. Walk into her house (she has a lot of chickens in there), and bomb the right-hand wall in her house, the one with the crack on it. In this secret room is one treasure chest, which holds ten arrows, a nice little present indeed. Finally, exit out of the town through the south exit. Jump down one level, and then go left to the ladder, leading up to the house with the book over the door. This is the library, our next destination. Enter into the library, and on the left-hand shelf, you'll notice a big green book up top. How do we get it down? Simple. Dash into the shelf with your Pegasus Shoes and it'll fall off the shelf. Then, simply walk around the shelf and pick it up. This is the Book of Mudora, a very important item that we need to get into the Desert Palace, the next palace on our list! Now that we're all ready to go to the Desert Palace, this is how we get there. From Kakariko Village, head back to the screen that has Link's house on it, and then head south into the swamps. From there, head south one screen, and west one screen. A sign will be there, pointing you to the Desert of Mystery. This is where we got a heart piece earlier in the game, so the region should be familiar. Go around the zigzagging pathway and enter the desert proper. While avoiding the Mines, Sandmen and Vultures all over the place, head north and west a bit, to the platform with the stone tablet in the middle of it, and three alien-looking heads forming a triangle around it. Go up to it and read it, and it'll be all gibberish. This is where the Book of Mudora comes into play. Equip it on Link and read the tablet again. Just make sure to read it with the special item/weapon button. It'll say (in English) to make a wish and it'll be granted. So Link removes his hat and prays and wishes, as some cool music plays in the background, and the screen dims a bit. Then, the three statues move, revealing an opening going north. Go north, up the stairs, and enter into the Desert Palace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX. Dungeon Two, The Desert Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you enter the Desert Palace, you'll notice a huge room of sand, basically. But that's just from your point of view from the door, however. First on our list in this dungeon is to go north. As you go north, you'll come across some Sand Flowers popping out of the sand. Slash them with your sword or avoid them as you head north to the jars above. Nothing is underneath the jars however, so ignore them. The tiles in the center of the room have a rotating Laser Statue on it. These statues rotate 360 degrees in a continuous motion, and the eyeball on it, when it sees you, will fire a powerful laser at you... and it hurts. So avoid going into direct contact with this statue's powerful eye! From the tiles in the center of the room, head left to the two jars in your path. Lift them up to clear a path, killing any Sand Flowers in your path, and head north along the path to the next screen above. From here, your path will be blocked by a Sand Worm, with his pincers coming out of the sand, trying to damage Link. Wait until he comes out of the sand, then slash him to death with your sword. There's a piece of heart that we need to go get right now, so ignore the door to your north, and go left one screen, and then south a few screens, all the way until you can't go south anymore. Kill any enemies you want along the way, but make sure to go south all the way. When you do, you'll notice a door on the left-hand side of the screen, which leads to another room. Go to this room, which has a sealed door to the north, a Laser Statue in the middle, and a door leading outside to the south. While avoiding the harmful lasers being shot at you from the Laser Statue, go south out of the door, to the outside of the palace. Once outside of the palace, head south along the plateau you're on, and you'll run into a heart piece, right next to where a Vulture is sitting. Grab the heart piece and quickly run north, back inside the dungeon, before the Vulture has the chance to harm you! If you've gotten all eight heart pieces so far in the game, this particular heart piece should equal another whole heart container. Nifty! Anyway... onward. Back inside the room leading outside, with the statue in it, there's a door leading northward, but it's sealed. The room above has two fairies in it. If you need to heal up or catch one in a jar, feel free to do so. To open the door, go to the leftmost row of blocks, and push the second one from the left up to trigger the door open, and then go north and get your faeries. Just be careful of that damned Laser Statue! After you're done (or if you choose not to do this), then go back right to the previous room where we went all the way south before. This time, simply go north, to the junction (corner) of the dungeon where there's a door leading west, and one leading north. The door leading west leads, eventually, to the big treasure chest of the dungeon, and being that we don't have the big Key yet, that's not really an option to go there yet, unless you want to waste time. Instead, go to the north room. In this room, a Laser Statue rotates, and there doesn't seem to be anything going on in this room. However, Sahasrahla's plaque is in this room, which you have the option to talk to if you need advice. Also, you'll notice four standing torches in this room. The one on the upper left-hand corner of the room has a key on top of it. To get at it, first dash into it with the Pegasus Shoes, which will knock it down off of the torch (kind of like we got the Book of Mudora out of the library back in Kakariko Village), and then simply walk over to it and pick it up. We're done in this room now, so head back south to the previous corridor. Then, go east one screen. Once here, go through the door heading north into this next room, which happens to be a very long room. In this room, there are two Green Cyclops', as well as some Sand Flowers causing havoc. Before you bother with the plethora of clay pots in the room, kill all of the enemies first, to make your life a bit easier. The Green Cyclops you should be familiar with from the East Palace. You can use your Bow and Arrow on them, or you can throw a clay pot at them. Either of these methods will kill them in one hit. Otherwise, six slashes of your sword is necessary to kill them. Remember though, you can only damage them when their eye is open! After all of the Sand Flowers and Cyclops' are dead, go to work on those jars, gathering the magic jars, hearts, arrows, rupees, et cetera they have under them. Under the middle jar in the top row, however, is a hidden golden switch. Press the switch and a small treasure chest will appear in the middle of the room. Open it up to receive the dungeon Map! Cool! Now, go all the way to the right of the room, and exit out of that door... a different door then we came in, but it's convenient. Walk right one screen, which will be a dead end, so you can't go right anymore, but you can go north through a door, or south along the corridor. DON'T GO NORTH! The room to your north is a trap. If you go through this door, it'll seal behind you, and you'll have to fight the Sand Worm and four Sand Flowers in the room to get out, which you should just avoid at all costs. Instead, head south down the corridor. Once here, head south until you come across the locked door on the right-hand wall. Unlock the door and go through the door to the next room. The door to the north in this room is sealed shut, and there are three weak Snake Bushels and a Laser Statue in this room. Kill the three Snake Bushels, and collect the dungeon Compass out of the treasure chest in the middle of the room (a bit to the north) of the room. Then, head north through the previously sealed door, which will lead to a long sand corridor. In this room, run straight north... coming at you from the left and right will be a crapload of small black balls, like the ones we saw in the East Palace. However, if you run fast enough, you'll avoid all of them as you shoot north. All the way at the north end of this corridor is a small treasure chest. Open it to find the dungeon's Big Key! Sweet! Alright, now we're on a roll. Run back south, through the door we entered the sand corridor through, and then leave the Laser Statue room to the door at the left. There is a door to the south here, but ignore it. It leads no where of any importance. Instead, run north, and then left, all the way across until you can't run left anymore. At this point, go through the left-hand side door here, to another room. In this room, there is a Laser Statue surrounded by all sorts of clay jars. The doors in this room (the one you just came through and the one that's leading north) are both locked, and you have to find the golden switch underneath one of the jars. While the switch is located on the upper left-hand side of the statue, carefully lift all of the jars (while avoiding making contact with the statue's eye, which could mean damage from its powerful laser) to collect various hearts, rupees, and other such goods. Then, hit the switch, and go north, through the door into the next room. In this room, the big treasure chest of the dungeon sits. Open the treasure chest with your new-found Big Key, and you'll find the Power Glove! Using the Power Glove, Link can now automatically pick up and throw, move, or carry small and big light green rocks, found all over Hyrule! Very useful! So what to do with it now? Well... remember where we went in the beginning of the dungeon to get the eighth heart piece? Go back down there, back outside. Instead of going south along the plateau, however, as if we were going towards the location of the heart piece, go to the right side of the staircase, and then east from it, where you'll come across four small green rocks surrounding a doorway into a cave. This is obviously where we need to be. =) Using the power of your new found Power Glove, pick up and throw these rocks out of the way to clear the way, and then go through this entrance, back into another part of the dungeon! Once back inside, you'll be greeted by yet another Laser Statue. Yay. To the north of the room is a sealed door. To open it, go to the right-hand side row of blocks. Push the lowest one up, and the door will open. Go through this door into the next room. In this room, there's a locked door to the north of the room, but no key! What do we do? Well, first and foremost, you'll notice that the tiles from the floor are coming up from the ground and flying at Link. To make your life easier, position yourself against a wall, and as the tiles come flying at you, slash at them with your sword to destroy them before they hit you and do damage. Be patient, it takes a little while. Anyway, when all of that's done, you'll notice six clay pots in the room. Some of them have goodies underneath them, but the one in the lower left-hand corner of the room has a key underneath it, which you can now get and use on the door to the north of the room to open it. Then, go north through this door, you'll go up some stairs, and be on another floor, now heading south. Run across this platform to the door at the south, entering into another room. In this room, the door behind you and to the right of you will seal. You'll be in a room with a Laser Statue and four Snake Bushels. While avoiding the Laser from the Laser Statue, kill off the four weak Snake Bushels, and the doors will open. Then simply go through the right-hand door, which leads to a long corridor. In this "hairy" corridor, there are many Snake Bushels and Laser Statues for you to contend with. Kill of Snake Bushels and avoid the Laser Statues as you head north. The jars in your path have some useful items under them, just keep an eye on those Laser Statues! To the very north of the room, blocking the locked door at the north of the room, is a row of four clay jars. Underneath one of them is a key, which you should use on that northern locked door, which, when you go through it, will lead you to another room with these crazy floor tiles! Wait for them all to come at you again, killing them one by one. When that's all done, you'll see that the door to the north of the room is locked. The four pots in the room at the key, however. None of the pots in the room have anything underneath them, except for the upper right-hand corner one, which holds the key that'll open the door to the north. Go through this door, and you'll be in the final room of the dungeon before the boss fight. In this room, there is one enemy, a Red Cyclops. Break out your Bow and Arrow and pump two arrows into his open eye to kill him, and then grab the arrows, magic jar, and two hearts out of the four clay jars in the room. There seems to be no way out of this room, I know... but there is, don't worry. Equip the Lamp on Link, and light the four torches in the room. When you light up the fourth torch, the wall to your left will start to move over, revealing the boss' door. Use the Big Key on it, and enter the door, for your third boss fight, against The Lanmolas! *** ******** BOSS FIGHT THREE - THE LANMOLAS *** ******** The Lanmolas are three huge Sand Worms... really, really huge Sand Worms. They work in conjunction with each other in such a way that they pop out of the ground at almost the same time and float in the air in random directions until they decide they want to go back into the ground to do it all over again. At that point in time, they do indeed do it all again. It really is difficult to explain The Lanmolas because they don't really attack, they just kind of do their thing. Needless to say, the only way they can damage you is if you run into them, or get hit by the rock debris that flies up when they shoot out of the ground (which is easy to avoid). To destroy the Lanmolas, you must slice at their heads with your sword, which takes good timing and patience, being that you basically have to guess when they're going to come out of the ground, and then get in a quick slash or two before they get away from you. You can try that, or standing in one place and waiting for them to come at you, and then slash at them, but that's playing your luck quite a bit. The catch with The Lanmolas is that each of them die individually, so you have to hit each of them around eight to ten times to defeat just one of them. When two of the three die off, that's when things get interesting, because the final Lanmola will start shooting more debris in the air as he comes out of the ground, and will move faster and stay above ground less time... making it a tad bit harder, yes, but not as hard as any boss you'll meet in the Dark World. Trust me. =) ***** After the Lanmolas are defeated, grab the Heart container it drops, as well as the second of three Pendants we need! Then, you are automatically transported out of the palace, but only to the second dungeon entrance. From there, exit out of the Desert of Mystery completely, and then north through the plains, back to Link's house, where you can heal up with the hearts underneath the jars in his house, and prepare for the next leg of our journey. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X. Obtaining the Flippers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the Power Glove in hand, an entire new area of Hyrule is now open to us, which we need to now go to, because we need to purchase some Flippers for Link! Using the Flippers, Link can swim in the dark blue waters of Lake Hylia, as well as the various rivers and other bodies of water scattered around Hyrule. From Link's house, go east, and then north across the bridge. Keep going north to the witch's hut. To the east of the witch's hut is a huge green stone, which is blocking Link's path heading northward. Now that we have the Power Glove, we can get rid of this rock, so pick it up and toss it aside, and then head north. From here, head east, then south down the ladder, and swing around going north, while avoiding or killing any enemies we come across. Head north, and you'll come to the river mouth... this is where we need to be. The only enemies you'll regularly find in the river are Zoras, half-fish, half- human enemies that shoot fireballs at you. Block them with your shield or avoid them all together, but don't bother killing them unless they're directly in your path... it's a pain in the ass, trust me. Go north along the shallows of the river, and when you get all the way north along the shallows, head east, until you come to a massive fork in the shallows of the river, where it splits into four different paths. Which one to take? The bottom one, of course. Go south to the bottom shallow path, and keep going east. When you get to the waterfall, go north, and Zora will sell you his Flippers, but for 500 rupees! If you don't have the funds (but you should by this point in the game), go fight enemies until you do, then come back! After you get the Flippers, try them out in the deep waters around you! What to do now? Read on... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XI. A Heart Piece and a Magic Bottle... GOOD STUFF, BOY! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that we have the Flippers, two things we should take care of right off the bat are getting the ninth heart piece, and your third Magic Bottle, as well. First thing's first... the Heart Piece. To get to the heart piece, it's quite simple, ESPECIALLY if you're reading this right after buying the Flippers from Zora, because you don't have to go very far at all. From Zora's location, go south a bit to the waterfall that's right there, and swim/jump/whatever down it. Once down it, swim or walk in the shallows to the second set of waterfalls, but DON'T GO DOWN THEM! Instead, walk west, to the grassy area off of the water. Follow the fence westward, where you'll run into your ninth heart piece. Quite simple, really, just like I said it was going to be. Alright, cool, now that we have this heart piece, we can get that third Magic Bottle out of the way as well. From the location of the ninth heart piece, head back east, and swim south over the waterfalls. From here, head back west, and then south, out of the river region, and continue all the way back to the location of the witch's hut. Keep going south two more screens until you get to the bridge, the stone bridge. This is where we need to be to get the Magic Bottle in question. From here, head east all the way until you can't head east all the way, and then head south. When you head south far enough, you'll come across a ladder leading into the river. Take this ladder into the river, and swim back north, and then west, to the stone bridge we were just at. Where's the Magic Bottle? Underneath the bridge, of course. Swim underneath the bridge, and you'll find a hobo of sorts, with a campfire going, a tent, and he's sleeping... go figure. =) Climb up the ladder out of the water and go talk to him. You'll awake him, sure... but he's a nice guy, and instantly offers you your third Magic Bottle, out of his gratitude for you troubles. Thanks, man! From here... well, there's so much more to do! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XII. The Waterfall of Wishing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another stop before the third palace is the Waterfall of Wishing, where we can upgrade two items - our shield, and our Boomerang. Good stuff, right? AND it's done for free too, which is even better. If you're still under the bridge getting that damn bottle, get with it boy! =) Swim back east, and south to the ladder, where you can climb back up and get on dry land. From there, we're heading west, and back north a few screens to the witch's hut. Again, pick up the large green stone to the east of the witch's hut, and head north, and then east. From here, head south, and you'll see a sign, which says that the Waterfall of Wishing is near, and it is. Swing around to the upper plateau heading north, and then swim into the water. You'll see a waterfall to your left... swim into it and keep pressing into it until you walk into this hidden passageway. Walk up to the water in this cave, and it'll ask you if you'd like to throw anything into it. Say that you would, and then throw in your Boomerang. A fairy will appear and ask if you dropped your Boomerang into the water. Answer her that you did, and she'll give you back the Magical Boomerang in return. The Magical Boomerang is red, and goes faster and further than your old Boomerang! Cool! Leave the cave, and go back in. This time, walk up to the water and throw in your shield. The fairy will again appear, asking you if you dropped your shield into there. Answer that you did, and she'll give you back a stronger shield, which will block everything including fireballs. Good deal! Don't worry... there's still plenty more to do, my friends. PLENTY more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIII. Making your way up Death Mountain... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our next stop is the Tower of Hera, which happens to be atop the famed Death Mountain, to the north of Hyrule. From WHEREVER in Hyrule you are, start out by making your way back to Link's house. Inside, grab hearts if you need them from underneath the clay jars, and then leave the house. As we've done many times before, head east, and then north, to Kakariko Village. Once in the village, head all the way north, and exit the village, where the Fortune Teller's house is. Then, head east. Now, if you're familiar with the Chris Houlihan Room trick, then where you go south to gain access (by heading east) to Hyrule Castle, you'll instead head north here. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go east one screen from the Fortune Teller's house, and then go north. Shoot up north one more screen, and there will be trees all over the place, as well as Crows and Magical Creatures littering the area. You're in the right area. You'll see a sign, and a cave entrance blocked by a huge light green rock to the north. Go up there, read the sign (Don't enter Death Mountain without the King's permission? Ha). Go east and discard the large light green rock, and then enter into the Cave. The inside of the cave is very dark, so be careful where you're going. Immediately upon entering the cave, jump down one level and head north until the path splits to the north and to the east. Go east, and soon thereafter, the path splits again. Keep going east, or go north? Keep going east. But low and behold, the path splits again here, going either north or south. Go north, and the path splits AGAIN. Don't keep going north, go east instead, and you'll run into an Old Man. He'll tell you that he has no clue who you are, but that he'd be happy if you took him with you. You don't have much of a choice in the matter, so take the Lampless old man, and head east into the next room. The Old Man immediately asks if you're going to the Tower of Hera looking for the Golden Power. He tells you that many a person has died in search of the elusive power. He then offers to steer you around the dark caves (if he knows his way around, why the hell is he going with you?). He'll tell you to go right, so do so. Go around the hole heading right, walking all the way to the end of the right passageway, where the man will again tell you to turn right, and then tell you that his granddaughter was kidnapped by the evil Wizard! Head south down the path (you turned right, but rest assured, you're headed south.) Kill or avoid the four Bats in your path, and emerge back outside. You're now actually on Death Mountain. All around you are falling rocks and debris from the top of Death Mountain, as well as small winged creatures that I lovingly call Wing Monsters. Go figure. Anyway, when you slash at this Wing Monsters, they turn to stone. So do this to all three of them, and head south and then east to the next door way to your east, while avoiding all of the falling rocks. When you get in front of this door, the old man will address you now for the last time. He'll thank you for bringing him this far inside, and then give you the Magic Mirror! This is a very vital item, for it allows you to transport from the Light World to the Dark World and back. Very, very cool. So what to do from here? Well, you're probably in need of some healing right now, so first thing's first - go into the cave that the Old Man just went into and talk to him... he'll heal you for free, 'cause he's such a nice guy. Then, you can exit out of his cave. Yeah, you can go to an area beyond the man's position, but it's a long cave that leads to a place we can get outside a lot quicker, so don't bother, for the love of God. =) Outside the Old Man's cave, head east until you run into a wooden ladder leading up higher into the mountain. Climb up this ladder, avoiding the hazardous rocks falling from above. Once atop where the ladder was leading you, head east, and then north to where the door leading into the cave is. Ignore it, however, and head west, to where there is a signpost, a door into the cave, and a long ladder leading up. The passageway leads back to Kakariko Village, so unless you need to bail from Death Mountain for some reason, ignore that, and go up this long ladder, up higher into Death Mountain. Then, head east. You'll notice a platform sticking out of the rockface below, and you can jump to it. Ignore the first one you come across heading east, however, and instead, walk to the second one. You might not be able to see it, but you'll know it's there, because there's a gap in the side of the platform that'll allow you to jump across. It's directly in front of a huge rock on the ground, and a doorway. Jump down to the rock jutting out, and enter into the cave door there. Within the cave, run all the way up to the northern part, and then walk up the stairs to the higher platform, which will lead to a door with stairs leading up to the next floor. Go upstairs here, and then head south, where a piece of heart will be, as well as a Sahasrahla plaque. Grab the heart and talk to Sahasrahla (who'll give you a hint on getting to the Tower of Hera). Then, the only way out of here is to either jump into the pit to your south, or leave the cave, and jump down to the area of Death Mountain below where you previously jumped, where you'll have to climb back up the long ladder to your previous position. Do the latter (it's easier), until you get back up the long ladder... long paragraph, time for a new one. Phew, anyway... back atop where we just jumped off, you'll see a heart piece atop a part of the mountain that seems inaccessible. But trust me, it's not. Head east to the blue block in the middle of some rocks... welcome to your first trip to the Dark World. It's a pretty weird place, isn't it? When you transport to the Dark World in your current state, as we are now, you won't keep your human form. As I discussed in the walkthrough when the old man gave you the Magic Mirror, without the Moon Pearl from the Tower of Hera, no one keeps their human form in the Dark World, which ends up trapping many people. Anyway, head west from the transport, and you'll come across a monster kicking around a ball. Talk to both of them to find out that they too were chasing the Golden Power, and got trapped in the Dark World, without the use of the Moon Pearl to keep their human forms. The Golden Power makes you a certain form in the Dark World, depending on what's in your heart. Interesting. Anyway, you can explore Death Mountain in your current state if you want, but don't bother, it's a waste of time. Instead, stay right around the vicinity of the monster kicking around the ball. You'll notice in the ground an imprint of light brown into the otherwise dark brown ground. When you're on this ground, equip the Magic Mirror the old man gave you, and use it to transport back to the Light World. If it transports you back to the Dark World, make sure you're north enough in the light brown area. Once back in the light world, you'll be atop the area of the mountain called Spectacle Rock (because it looks like a pair of glasses, or so they say). Atop here is a piece of heart (the eleventh piece, grab it). Then, jump off the north end of the rock, and you'll be in the Tower of Hera's front yard (so to speak). We can enter into the tower now, but don't yet. Instead, go to the left side of the tower, and you'll notice a wooden bridge heading west over the chasm. Go over this bridge, where you'll find a green plaque written in the words of the ancient Hylia, just like the one we found in the Desert of Mystery, before the Desert Palace. Equip the Book of Mudora and read from the plaque. It'll tell you that you can get the power of Ether (or the Ether Medallion) after you get the Master Sword, so keep this in mind for later! Okay, now go back east, and south, and enter the Tower of Hera... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIV. Dungeon Three - The Tower of Hera ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you enter into the Tower of Hera, you'll notice three sparkling red crystals in the room. The system in this dungeon is cool, because you need to change these crystals from red to blue, back and forth continuously throughout the dungeon, to gain access to certain areas and whatnot. It sounds complicated, but it's really not. The crystals can be struck (and therefore changed) with the sword, Bow and Arrow, or Boomerang. Since you'll be doing a lot of long distance crystal changing, the Boomerang is an ideal weapon to have equipped for the duration of the palace, so if you don't have that equipped yet, now is a good time to do so. Okay, so walk north from the entrance and slash at the red crystal switch in front of you to turn it blue. This will open up the blocks around you. From here, go to the blue crystal switch at your left, and slash it to open up the blocks directly north of you, leading to the doorway with the stairs heading down into a basement area. Go down these stairs to the room below. In this room are two Skeletons and a Worm. The Worm is trapped inside some blocks, so first thing's first - kill the two Skeletons. Remember, they jump away from you when you slash at them, so try to corner them the best you can. When they are both defeated, go to the blue crystal switch in the northwest end of the room and slash it to make it red. This opens up the blocks in the middle of the room, letting the Worm in the middle go free. Kill off the Worm, and grab the key that was trapped along with it in the middle of the room, and then quickly run back upstairs to the main floor of the dungeon. You'll be trapped near the door on the main floor by the blocks around you. Chuck your Boomerang south, at the crystal switch, which will open the blocks, then walk north, and you'll be blocked again my blocks. Chuck your Boomerang south again, at the center crystal switch, and continue on your journey northward. Attached to the golden cyclops statue is a Sahasrahla plaque. Talk to it, and he'll tell you about the Magic Mirror's alternate use in dungeons - to transport yourself back to the entrance. We'll keep that in mind, of course. At the top of the room, a Worm roams the area. Slay him, and slay the two Rhinos trapped in boxes on either side of the room, so that they don't shoot fire at you and damage you. Then walk to the treasure chest in the middle of the room, and open it to get the dungeon map. From there, our only option is to head left and then up to the locked door in the northwest corner of the room. Open the door with the key we got earlier, and go down the stairs to the next room below. In this room, we have a sealed door to the right, surrounded by some blocks. Void of enemies though... or so it seems. Yes, another infamous flying tiles room. Position yourself against the northern wall and slash at the tiles as they come at you, one by one. As always, be patient, it takes a while for them all to fly at you! When all of the tiles are defeated, the door opens up to your right, but it still is surrounded by the blue blocks. That's easy to remedy, however. Just slash the red crystal switch in the lower left-hand corner of the room (behind the clay pots) so it turns blue, and the blocks'll turn blue. Then, all you have to do is walk right, to the next room. In this room, there are three Worms. One is out in the open, and the other two are blocked behind two barriers of blocks. Kill the one out in the open first, and then hit the blue crystal switch at the top of the room to make it turn red, and the blocks go down. The two other Worms will now be loose, so you can slay them both as well. Then simply go south through the door, to the next room below. In this room, it's a dead end... or so it seems. First and foremost, kill the two Skeletons in the room. They are simple, just use your sword, or the two clay jars at the top of the room (for one hit kills). Once they are dead, what do you do? It's simple. Equip the Lamp, and light up all four torches in the room. When the fourth torch is lit, a treasure chest will appear in the middle of the red floor in the room. Open it up to get the dungeon's Big Key! Sweet! Now, we need to go back to the entrance, but we don't have to walk. Remember what Sahasrahla told us? Equip the Magic Mirror and use it, and you'll automatically be transported to the Tower of Hera's entrance. Sweet business. Back at the entrance, slash the red crystal switch in front of you to do away with the blocks surrounding the entrance. Then, walk over the blocks to your right, and slash at the blue crystal switch there to make the blocks directly north of you go away. Then walk straight north, through the door and up the stairs there, to the next room. In this room, three Blue Tentacle Monsters patrol the area. The door out of the room to the left is sealed. Kill off the three monsters to open this door. Grab whatever's under the two clay jars to the south of the room, and go left into the next room. This room has three more Blue Tentacle Monsters for you to contend with. Before going any further in this room, clear the monsters out to make your life easier. Once they are all dead, you'll notice a star on a gray piece of tile. When you walk over the star, the two holes in the floor change where they are. Depending on the status of the crystal status', one of the blocks blocking the door, and the other won't. The door above is the Big Key door, by the way, so if you don't have the Big Key (which you should if you're following the walkthrough), you're shit out of luck. Anyway, go through the north Big Key door, into the next room. In this room, there are Blue Tentacle Monsters all over the damn place. There's no much else you can say about this room, except that the Blue Tentacle Monsters combined with the numerous holes in the ground can equal certain disaster, if you aren't careful. Also, be careful not to hit the stars on the ground, or the holes in the ground will change rapidly, and you just might be screwed, falling down a floor or two, back to the entrance. When you get all the way to the right of the room, hack the crystal switch to open up the blocks blocking off the door, and go through the door, leading up the stairs. There's a lot going on in this massive room. First and foremost, ignore the worm to your left as you come into the room. There's nothing up there, so don't even bother moving the clay jar that's keeping it trapped... or you'll have to fight it, and for no good reason. Instead, go south, to the row of three clay jars that are keeping two Worms trapped within the box to your south. Pick up the jars and throw them at the Worms, or slash at them with your sword, killing them both. Work your way into the middle of the room, where you'll see a treasure chest, flanked by two gray blocks (one of which has a star on it). Open the treasure chest to get the dungeon's compass. So what to do now? Well, you see that huge treasure chest to the north of the room, over the large chasm? That's our next objective. First, the star in front of the Sahasrahla plaque, which is in front of the treasure chest. Make sure it's on the left. Then, go left, killing the two Rhinos over there, and go up the stairs, through the door to the upper left of the room, going upstairs. Upstairs, avoid or kill the Blue Tentacle Monsters and the lone Red Tentacle Monster. Go to the left of the room, where the star is, next to the rotating Fire Pillar. Press the star, which'll make a hole appear in the middle of the room, towards the top. GO to this hole, and go to the top of it. Walk into it FROM THE TOP and you'll land on the next floor down over the chasm that holds the big treasure chest. Open it up to get the Moon Pearl. The Moon Pearl, as you should remember, is the vital item that allows the user to keep his natural shape in the Dark World. It'll be vital for Link, as his quest has really only begun. However, the boss battle is now coming up. Simply go back upstairs the way we went before, and shoot all the way across the room, to the door with the scary skull on the ground before it. Of course, you'll need to heal before. All of the clay jars at the right of the screen have hearts underneath them. If the blocks are blocking them, you have to go back downstairs and hit a crystal switch, and then come back upstairs. When you're all healed and ready to go, go upstairs, and you'll be in the boss lair. However, you still have to walk around the outside platform and jump down to the boss' actual place of rest to fight him. And then, my friends, we duel. ******* BOSS FIGHT FOUR - MOLDORM ******* The Moldorm is an interesting enemy. It's basically a huge version of the generic Worm enemy that are found all over the Tower of Hera. He's not really a hard boss at all. In fact, he has no real attacks. He kind of just moves around. There's a catch, however. You fight him on a small platform, suspended over the floor below. Meaning that if he hits you hard enough into the sides of the platform, you will fall down to the floor below, and have to walk back up and fight him all over again. Not only that, but there's also a hole in the middle of the platform, towards the left-hand side, making the battle even more of a pain in the butt. To battle him, you have to have your sword equipped, and that's all you really need. His weakness is the rattle-like object on his tail. Any other part of his body is invulnerable to any kind of attack, so concentrate your attack on his tail. You'll know you hit him when he freezes, and you hear a weird "blargh" like noise that you hear whenever you hit a boss in this game. As you hit him, he gets faster and more sporadic in his movement. You have to be close enough to him to damage him, but try to keep your distance, too, because if he hits you into the chasm surrounding the platform or in the middle of it, you'll have to do the battle all over again. It takes approximately eight hits to defeat the Moldorm, however... so he shouldn't give you TOO much trouble. Just be patient! ***** After the Moldorm is defeated, you'll get the final Pendant, and you'll be instructed to go to the Lost Woods and get the Master Sword! So that's exactly what we're going to do. Leave the Tower of Hera, and walk your way back down the mountain, to that long ladder leading downward. At the bottom of the ladder, to your left, will be a door into the cave. Go through it, and follow the two-part linear cave to the outside. Just be careful of the holes and Bats strewn across the dark, dim cave! When you get out of the other side, you'll be on top of a low part of the mountain. Simply jump down, and we'll be on our way to the Master Sword... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XV. Getting the Master Sword and the Ether Medallion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the three Pendants in hand, Link can now find and equip the Master Sword, located in the far reaches of the Lost Woods. To get there from the secret exit out of Death Mountain, go south two screens until you get back to the main path. Then, go left one screen, where you'll see the Fortune Teller's house. Simply go north, now, to the entrance to the Lost Woods. Once inside the Lost Woods, head north along the path until you reach the tree stump that leads to the thieves' hideout. To the north of that stump are two hollowed out trees lying on the ground, acting as tunnels. However, don't go through either of them. Instead, go left past them both, and then north, to the solitary hollowed out tree tunnel. Go through this one heading north, then go west, and south through another tree tunnel. Then, go west again, and north through the tree tunnel that seems to disappear into some brush and overgrowth. Beyond this tunnel is where the Master Sword is located. Run straight up through this opening in the Lost Woods, watching the animals frolic across the screen. Walk up to the platform where the sword is located, and walk around the alter. Try to grab hold of the sword, and the three Pendants will magically come from out of Link's hands into the air, and he'll be able to take the Master Sword. The screen suddenly lights up as he holds the sword high in the air, and Sahasrahla contacts you telepathically, telling you that he's proud of you for getting the sword... and now that you got it, it's time to defeat the evil wizard once and for all... or is it? First, we must go back to Death Mountain, to the Tower of Hera location, and get the Ether Medallion. Leave the Lost Woods the way you came in (yes, that IS Zelda yelling for your help, it seems they've kidnapped her from the Sanctuary, but first...), following the same path. Once you get outside, head back west, and then north, to the cave leading up through Death Mountain. I don't have to explain how to get back to the Tower of Hera again, do I? If you need help, see the previous sections to get through Death Mountain, I don't feel like typing it all again. Once you get to the Tower of Hera, go to the left of the tower, across the wooden bridge, and back to that green ancient Hylia plaque. Remember that thing? Of course you do. We went there before we went into the Tower of Hera, and it told us we needed the Master Sword. Now that we have it, we can free the Ether Medallion. Sweet business. Go up to the green plaque and equip the Book of Mudora. Use it to read the ancient Hylian text, and Link will hold his Master Sword high in the air, getting the power of the Ether Medallion. The medallion will then appear, allowing you to take its power. It's the wind element's medallion. Try it out, but try not to use it so much... it's very taxing on your magic power! After this, we're ready to go back to the castle... simply head to the castle, and make your way to the upstairs outside turrets. Go to the middle door that's surrounded by an evil power. Now that we have the Master Sword, we can do away with this "evil power" blockading the door. Slash at it, and enter this new part of the castle... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XVI. En Route to the Evil Wizard Agahnim ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We're about to fight the evil wizard who's behind all of these deeds, Agahnim! But first, we have to get to him! As you enter into the first room, simply go north through the door to the next room. In this room, you'll come across two Ball and Chain Troopers, just like the one we fought at the very beginning of the game, while one was guarding Zelda's prison cell. Kill both of these formidable foes to make the sealed door to the east open up. When they're dead and the door opens, go east into the next room. In this room, two Elite Troopers will run at you quickly, sword held hi. React quickly to them by slashing at them with your Master Sword (two hits each to kill them). Then, a treasure chest will appear in the lower right-hand corner of the room. Open it up to get a key out of it, and then use this key on the door in the north of the room, granting you access to the next room, which happens to bring you upstairs. In this darkened room, an Elite Trooper will come at you, as well as an Eyeball Bat. Slay both of them, and follow the red carpeting leading you west, through the next door, into the next room. This room is a complex maze really, and it's hard to explain, so I won't bother. Instead, I'll simply tell you to be weary of the Eyeball Bats and Blue Armored Knights that patrol the area. Slay them as you come across them, and be weary of the swords of the Blue Armored Knights! They CAN cross the maze barriers to damage you, so you're not safe from them, even from the relative "safety" of the maze barriers. There are several torches in the room, so try to light them up, and keep them lit, by using your Lamp on them. This way, the darkened room will now be light, and you can see more of what you're doing. The door out of this room is on the lower right-hand side of the room, but it's locked. On the left-hand side of the room is a treasure chest with the key in it. Work your way over there first, opening the chest and grabbing the key, and then work your way back to the right-hand side of the screen, where you can open the door, and work your way into the next room. BUT before leaving the room, make sure to go to the south end of the room, and push the block at the bottom of the screen over to the left. You'll hear a click. What did it do? You'll see. This room, too, is dark, and two Elite Troopers will run at you almost right away from out of the darkness. Slay both of them easily, and then follow the red carpet, as it leads you right, and then north, to the doorway at the north of the room, which has stairs leading up to yet another floor in this deep castle. Once in this next room, you'll be in a dark room with a Blue Armored Knight, and a Blue Armored Archer. Kill them both (blocking the arrows from the archer with your shield the best you can), and go right, into the next room. In this huge room, you'll be on a series of platforms over a huge dark chasm. It's dark, too. All over the platforms are Blue Armored Knights. Slay the Armored Knights, and work your way around the platform, collecting the hearts, rupees and magic jars from underneath the clay pots. Then, go north, and before going through the door at the right-hand side of the northern area of the room, push the block to your left over to the left, hearing yet ANOTHER click. Cool beans. Now, go right, and once again, into the next room. As you enter the room, the door behind you will seal shut, and you'll be in a dark room with two Blue Armored Archers and a Blue Armored Knight. Slay all three of these enemies, one of which will drop a key. Use this newfound key on the door to the north of the room, which will then open that door, and you can now go up the stairs behind the locked door, to the next floor. This room, incredibly, is lit up. But here to greet you in this room are two Red Armored Knights, chucking spears at you. To get in close, block the spears with your shield, and slice at both of them. Each of them take three hits with the Master Sword to kill, so, as always, be patient. When they are defeated, and the two Eyeball Bats in the room are defeated as well, go to the northwest corner of the room, where a Sahasrahla plaque is located. Talk to him telepathically there, where he'll tell you that the Master Sword can physically harm Agahnim... so what to do? Well, I'll show you when we get there. In anycase, go left, out of the room, and into the next room. In this room, the door behind you will seal shut, as well as the one leading out of the room to the south. Within the room are two more Red Armored Knights with spears, but they just plunge them at you, then don't throw them. Approach both of them, slaying both of them, and the door to the south and east will open. Walk south out of the room, to the next room. In this room, a few Eyeball Bats and two Red Armored Knights are in the room. Kill all four enemies, and you'll find that the Red Armored Knight in the middle of the room was carrying a key. Grab the key, and then take the time to get the items out of the numerous clay pots in the room. They are all vital at this point in the castle, to heal yourself and restore your stock of various items. When that's all said and done, use the key on the door to your right, and enter into yet another room. This room has three different kinds of enemies in store for you (one of each), a Red Armored Knight, a Ball and Chain Trooper, and an Elite Trooper. Take ONE at a time (preferably killing the Elite Trooper first, then the Red Armored Knight, and finally the Ball and Chain Trooper. When that's all done, go north to the door there, with stairs leading up to ANOTHER floor. (the castle didn't seem all that tall from outside, did it? ^_^) As you resurface on the next floor, the doorway will be surrounded by four statues. Push the left-hand one over to allow yourself access to the rest of the room. Two Blue Armored Archers and a Red Armored Knight will be there for you to fight. Kill off the archers first, blocking their incoming arrows, then take out the Red Armored Knight. From there, continue west, into the next room. In this room, follow the thin catwalk north, while knocking the two Blue Armored Knights patrolling the area into the dark chasms below. Be weary, they too can knock you into the chasm below, so take your time here and be careful. When you get to the end of the catwalk, walk up the stairs, and then go through the door and up another flight of stairs, to yet another floor in this seemingly endless castle. Then run straight north through this room, to the final room, where Agahnim will be waiting for you, with Princess Zelda unconscious on the "evil bed" in front of you. He'll then address you. He tells you that he's been waiting for you to come before making Princess Zelda vanish. He then levitates her, and does indeed make her disappear, with his dark magical powers. He tells Link that the seal of the wise men are broken, as she is the last descendant of them to disappear. The evil will now overtake the lands of Hyrule! Then, he disappears. But we must follow him! How to get there? Walk around the alter, to the curtains at the back of the room. Slash with your sword at the middle blue curtains, and a door will be revealed! Walk through this secret door, and we'll battle Agahnim... ******* BOSS FIGHT FIVE - AGAHNIM ******* Agahnim is very, very easy to beat, and you can easily defeat him without getting hit. All it takes is a little skill and a lot of patience. Agahnim fights in a predictable pattern, although he doesn't have a set fighting style. He'll teleport around the room, and then cast one of his three kinds of spells. The first (and most common) kind of spell he casts is a fireball, which he'll shoot at the direction of Link, but it doesn't follow you as you move away from it. The second attack he uses on you is an attack of four small spinning white balls, in an orb, nearly. When shot at you, they will follow you even if you move, until they hit a wall, where it'll knock the four balls loose and send them shooting back the other way across the room. The third and final spell, and the spell that he uses which is most powerful, is the Lightning spell. He only uses it when he's at the top middle of the room, facing downward. When he's there, you know he's going to cast it. At this point, he shoots powerful lightning bolts south across the room. When he does this, move next to him, out of the way of his lightning. So how to damage him? Easy, really. Equip the Bug Catching Net (yes, the Bug Catching Net), and when he shoots the fireball spell at you, use the Bug Catching Net to shoot them back at him, damaging him. You can also deflect his orb attack, but it won't go back to damage him. In anycase, this is the only way you can damage him. None of your other weapons, or the Master Sword itself, will work on him, so don't waste your time trying. Concentrate, instead, on deflecting the fireball spell back at him. Six hits or so with his own spell, and he'll be defeated, but not dead... ***** Once Agahnim is defeated, he escapes, but not before drawing you into the depths of the Dark World with him. You'll find yourself in a most dark and dreary world thereafter. You'll be atop the Pyramid of Power in the Dark World. This is your starting point in the Dark World, now. Sahasrahla will then telepathically contact you across the void between the worlds, and tell you that the Dark World you stand in now was once the Golden Land talked about in the prophecies, but the wizard's evil powers turned it into the Dark World, full of evil. It's up to you to turn it back, by saving the seven maidens cast away in seven dungeons throughout the Dark World! This is your quest! But first, we have some stuff to take care of. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XVII. Two heart pieces and a medallion... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes friends, we now have access to two more heart pieces, as well as another medallion with magical power. But first, one of the heart pieces. We're really close to it, in fact. It's ON the Pyramid of Power that we are currently chillin' on. Jump down one level, then go right, and jump down again. You should see it on the edge of the Pyramid of Power, out of the corner of your eye. Then simply run right, and then up, and grab it. If you've gotten all 12 heart pieces so far, you should now have nine heart containers in your health meter. But now, we must go back to the Light World. Equip the Magic Mirror and use it on the pyramid, and you'll be back in the Hyrule Castle area of the Light World. Pretty sweet. So where to go from here? Well... head south from the castle, back to Link's house. From here, head all the way west and then north, to Kakariko Village. Shoot straight north through the village, coming out of the other end, right next to the Fortune Teller's house. Then, head north as if you were going into the Lost Woods, but take a right turn into the next screen right by the entrance to the Lost Woods. Go north, past the Death Mountain entrance, and keep going north, until you come across a hut with a sign in front of it. This is the Lumberjack Brothers' house. You see that mysterious tree next to their house? The one with the lighter green leaves? Run into it with the use of the Pegasus Shoes, and the top of it will fall off, leaving a passageway into the subterrain behind. Enter into this underground passageway, and walk south. All the way south are a bunch of little faeries that you can catch or use if you need to. But then take the doorway heading east, which will lead you to a small platform on the other side, on which is the thirteenth piece of heart we are seeking. Grab it, then jump off of the platform, and back up through the cave entrance, back outside. You'll end up behind the Lumberjack Brothers' hut. From here, we need to go back to the Dark World. But since we just warped from the Dark World back to the Light World, the warp is already open, so we need to re-use it to get back, and close the warp. You should have warped somewhere around Hyrule Castle, but WHEREVER you warped from prior to this, go back there, and use the warp to return to the Dark World. Once back in the Dark World, head south off of the Pyramid of Power. Down here, you'll meet four of the newest enemies you could come across - Bomb Cyclops', Pig Soldiers, Skulls, and Evil Plants. Kill or avoid these various enemies (for more information on them, feel free to see the enemies section in this FAQ/Walkthrough), and head east, onto the next screen. Here, you'll find more enemies, but the area should be familiar. Corresponding areas between worlds almost always look the same... only discolored a bit, and with some different features, and of course, different enemies. In anycase, from here, run north. Act as if you were going to the Light World's witch hut. Run north (you'll notice that the wooden bridge heading across the river horizontally doesn't exist in the Dark World.) Kill or avoid the various enemies you come across, and move the rock or skull there to continue north. You'll see the equivalent of the witch's hut on your screen, now. However, in the Dark World, it's a shop. Avoid it, and head east, and then north. Pick up the huge rock there to clear your path, and continue north. You're basically heading to where the Waterfall of Wishing is in the Light World. Head south, and then around on the higher plateau going north. Kill or avoid the Rock Frogs you come across. When you come to a sign, it'll say something about throwing something into a circle. Pick up the sign, and jump west off of the plateau you're on. To your left, you'll see a circle of rocks within the water. Throw this sign into the circle of rocks, and the ground will shake violently, and a huge fish will come from under the rocks. He will scold you for awaking him, and gives you the Quake Medallion if you agree to leave him alone! Pretty nice deal! The Quake Medallion is the second of three magical spell medallions in the game, and is probably the most powerful. Try it out if you'd like... just don't waste your magic! You'll notice that Link smashes his sword into the ground, making purple lightning all over the ground, forcing the ground to shake. Pretty nifty. Now, however, we're ready to go to the first dungeon in the Dark World. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XVIII. En Route to the Palace of Darkness ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This particular dungeon is called the Palace of Darkness, and it is located in the same area that the East Palace was located in the Light World. So from where you just got the Quake Medallion, head south, back past the hut, and keep going south. When you reach where the bridge would normally be heading south, you'll find it blocked by some spike-like things hitting out of the ground. That's fine, however, we need not go down there yet. Instead, head east, killing Viking Pigs as you go. Head north into the Dark World equivalent of the East Palace area. Go north, killing off enemies as you go. Don't go north under the brush there, instead, go east. Then, run north through the path of triangle markers, to the hut. This is Sahasrahla's hut in the dark world, but he's not in there. Instead, you'll find a Broccoli (heh heh), that came to the Dark World looking for the Golden Power, but who got trapped when someone else found it first. It's funny, because the Broccoli is the first person in the game to say "Triforce" (which IS the Golden Power). Then he tells you he'll be in that shape until the evil man who possesses the Golden Power is destroyed. In anycase, to the north of him is a faulty wall that can be bombed. Use a bomb on the wall, and enter in through the hole you just created. Within, you'll find hearts under some skull pots, if you need any. Then, you can exit this hut. Go back south down the path you just went through to get to the hut, and head east. When you see an arrow pointing up on the ground, go up, and through the bush there. You can go through certain bushes. If you look HARD ENOUGH you can see the outline of the passage that you can take through the bushes. Once through this first bush, head north, and then west, going behind the hut where we just talked to our Broccoli friend. You can head north through the large bush ahead of you, but it's a trap. Instead, head west through the thin bush to the far western side of the region. Kill the Snake Bushel there, and head north. Then, shoot east, and south. Go around this big bush heading west, to the western entrance into it, and walk straight across it to the eastern side of this big bush. When you come out of the other end, a monkey will be tailing you. He'll tell you that he is Kiki the Monkey, and that he loves rupees. He'll ask you for ten rupees. Give them to him, and he'll accompany you. Follow the path heading east, and then north, and then east s'more. You'll be right in front of the palace now. Walk up the stairs to the locked door, and Kiki will ask you for 100 more rupees. Give them to him (if you don't have them, you can proceed, so go fight enemies until you do), and Kiki'll work his magic, and open the dungeon for you. Go Kiki, go Kiki. Then enter into the dungeon, and have some fun... THE PALACE OF DARKNESS! Welcome. =) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIX. Crystal Number One - The Palace of Darkness ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you enter the Palace of Darkness, you'll notice that the layout is very similar to that of the East Palace, which is in the same location in the Light World. That's where the similarities end, however... anyway... From the beginning door, you can go one of three ways. There's a door straight ahead of you, and two flanking it on either side. The open door straight ahead leads to a room which is locked by a key... since we haven't a key yet, we can't go there... well we can, but it'd be a waste of time. That leaves us with either the right-hand door or the left-hand door. Go to the right-hand door. Press the switch in front of it to open it, and proceed through the door into the next room. This room has a Helmet Bug patrolling it, with four pots full of goodies on it. Grab what's under all of the pots (one of which hides a switch which opens the door we just came through, keep that in mind), and then kill the Helmet Bug with one of the jars for a one-hit easy kill. Then go through the door at the north of the room, down the stairs to the dungeon basement. Down here, a Spinner patrols the relatively dull room. However, there IS a teleporter (that gold block) in the middle of the room. Go step on it, and reappear somewhere else! As you come out in this room, two Spinners will be here. To the north of the room is a Sahasrahla plaque, but it's actually Princess Zelda talking to you, telling you telepathically that she is trapped atop Death Mountain, in an area called Turtle Rock, and that she needs your help as soon as possible! We're coming, Zelda! Okay, to the south of the room is a faulty wall. Break out your Bombs, and Bomb the south wall, and then walk through the hole in the wall to the next area. In this corridor, follow it around and you'll come across three Blue Floaters. These enemies have powerful electric currents flowing through their body. Only attack them when they aren't sparking and have lightning around their bodies. If you DO attack them when they're in this state, they will shock you and damage you, and you won't do any damage to them... so be careful! Then, walk all the way west, and then north, to the dead end. Here you'll see two faulty walls and a faulty floor as well. Place a Bomb to the right of this wall, to bust a hole in the wall, and then proceed through it into the next room. In this room, you'll be faced with two Green Knomes and a Red Knome. These enemies are bizarre, because they follow your movements to the exact opposite degree - that is, they will move left if you move right, down if you move up, et cetera. The two Green Knomes are easy, however, as they can be damaged with your Master Sword. Walk up to them so that you are near one of them, then power up your Master Sword and do a power whirl, which will kill each of them in one hit! The Red Knome is a little bit more difficult, however, because it is not vulnerable to your Master Sword, and shoots fireballs at Link to boot. To combat him, equip your Bow and Arrow, and stand on opposite ends of the room from him. Then shoot your arrow, and move one way so that he moves the opposite way into the line of fire where the arrow will be going. Two hits with the arrow will do him in, and then the door to the north of the room will shoot open. Go north through to the next room. This room is weird, because it has conveyor belts shooting Link across the room, while steel Traps are shooting to and fro around the room. Two Blue Floaters and a Red Floater are also in this room (Red Floaters split into two smaller Floaters when striken with a weapon). Get across this room carefully, taking your time as to not get damaged. When you get all the way to the north end of the room, go through the door and up the stairs, to the next floor. You'll be on a platform with three Red Floaters and a treasure chest, now. Kill these enemies, and grab the Map out of the treasure chest in the middle of the platform. Both faulty walls on either side of the platform are Bombable, so place Bombs in front of both of the faulty walls to make two huge holes. The hole on the right side of the platform leads to a small room with three tiny faeries, in case you need to catch them, or heal yourself right there. On the left side of the room, the hole there leads to a platform over a chasm, which holds a treasure chest. Inside the treasure chest is a key. Very good. Go back to the previous room and get the items out of the skull pots at the north end of the platform, and then equip the Magic Mirror on Link, and use it to go back to the original room in the dungeon. This time, go left from the entrance, pressing the switch to open the left-hand door, and go through to the next room. In this room, kill the Helmet Bug with one of the skull pots, getting all of the items from underneath them. Then go through the door at the north end of the room, and go down the stairs to the dungeon's basement once more. In this room, two Statues are positioned in the middle of the room shooting fireballs at you. The three skull pots in the room are the key. Lift the three to find some items, and a circular gold switch. Press the switch and a treasure chest will appear in the lower right-hand corner of the room. Open the treasure chest to find another key! Nice. Then, use the Magic Mirror again and go back to the entrance of the dungeon. This time, go straight through the door in the middle of the room to the next room ahead. In this empty room, pick up both skull pots to get two Bombs, and then unlock the door to the north of the room with one of the keys we just picked up, going on through the door to the next room. In this room, you'll see a few Blue Floaters and yet another new enemy - Turtles. The thing with Turtles is, you can't harm them with your Sword... how do you harm them, then? Well, wait until we get the Hammer! Until then, the only thing you can do is avoid them. Also avoid the fireballs coming from the two Statues in the room. You can either go down the left-hand corridor or the right-hand corridor, to the left-hand side door or right-hand side door. First, go down the right-hand corridor, pushing the right block off of the platform so you can keep going north, and then through the door. Into the next room, grab the key out of the treasure chest sitting on the platform, and then jump off of the platform where the arrow facing outward is, to land on the next platform in front of you. To your left and right, you are surrounded by blue blocks blocking your path to either way, so go north, up the stairs to the next platform. Follow the path north and then west, killing the Blue Tentacle Monster you come across with two swipes of your Master Sword. Follow the path all the way west and then north, to the locked door. Use a key to unlock the door, and then go north through the door. You'll now be at the south end of a platform over a huge black chasm. Pick up one of the two skull pots in front of you, and start walking across this platform. Keep walking, it's crumbling behind you. When you come across the Helmet Bug on the bridge, throw the skull pot at it for an easy one hit kill, and come out on the other side of the bridge, past two more skull pots. From here, you can go through doors on either the right-hand or left-hand side. The left-hand side door is locked, so go to it and unlock it, and then go through that door to the next room. This room is dark, and you can only see just ahead of you. Making your life more difficult in this room are many green Rhinos shooting fireballs. They are the same from the red Rhinos we fought in the Tower of Hera... just a different color. I can guide you through this room, it's a maze... here are the things to find, however. In the northwest corner of the room is a treasure chest with some Bombs if you need any. In the southeast corner of the room, a treasure chest sits there with a key in it. Grab the key out of that, and then head north, along the east wall, looking for a weak, faulty wall. When you find it, bomb it and go through the hole you make in the wall. Here is the huge treasure chest of this dungeon, which holds the Hammer. We don't have the Big Key yet, but now you know where we have to go after we get it. Then go left, back into the dark maze room, and work your way back to the northeast corner of the room, where you can leave and go back to the previous room. Then, shoot east across the room, to the door on the other side, and go into the room there. In this room, a treasure chest sits in the middle of the room, with four Turtles guarding it. Get around the Turtles, and open the treasure chest, to get the dungeon Compass. Sweetness. To the north of the room are two doors, both of which have staircases leading lower into the dungeon's basement. It doesn't really matter which one you take, however. Take either one down into the dark room, and light up the torch to your right or left as you come down the stairs with your Lamp. While avoiding the two Spinners patrolling the area, grab all of the blue rupees in this circular passageway, while getting the key and arrows out of the two treasure chests to the southwest and southeast of the room. Then, go back upstairs, and west out of this room. To the south of the two staircase room is a locked door. Use the key we just got downstairs on this locked door, and go through this south door to the next room. As soon as you enter the room, go to your left, throwing the skull pot out of your way. Avoid the Spike Traps by simply going around them! Open up the treasure chest at the left-hand side of the room to get a five rupee piece. Then, the bottom statue on the left-hand side... push it to your right to block off the Spike Trap there, and clear a safe path to the southern door. Take the southern door to the next room and you'll be back in the room with all of the Blue and Red Tentacle Monsters. What to do now? Walk south, and then west along the catwalk. When you get to the part where you can jump from the catwalk to the middle platform teeming with Blue and Red Tentacle Monsters, do it. Knock all of the enemies into the chasms below, or kill them with your Master Sword. Don't let them knock you into the pits below, however! And don't run into the blue circle in the middle of the room, which will shoot you right into the chasm. Then, equip the Magical Boomerang, and use it to switch the Red Crystal Switch at the south of the room across the chasm to blue, which will open up the two rows of two blue blocks to your right, making that door open to your right. Go through that door to the next room. In this room, run straight up to the three skull pots on either side of the stairs leading up to the sealed door. On the left-hand side you'll find three hearts, and on the right-hand side, two Bombs and a golden circular switch. This is the switch that'll open the door at the north of the room - however, it won't stay down. This can be easily fixed, however. The top right-hand statue in the room can be pushed, so push it over to the right, and then all the way north, so you have it over the switch. This'll hold it down so the door stays open. Then, go up the stairs and through the northern door, to the next room. In this room, you'll come across two more Green Knomes, and another Red Knome. Use the battle tactics on them that we used earlier in the dungeon. When the three are defeated, the sealed door to the north will open, and you can now go north through the door there, to the next room. This room is a bit weird, however. A Spike Trap is going back and forth right in front of you, with a passage leading to a crystal switch to the north. When it's safe from the Spike Trap, run north to the crystal switch and strike it with your sword to change it. The blue blocks to the east will release the Spike Trap, and allow you access to the rest of the room. But it seems like a dead end, so what do we do? Ah yes, it is elementary. Equip the Bow and Arrow. You see the statue there, the one of the Green Cyclops. Shoot it in the eye with your Bow and Arrow. This will make the eastern wall push eastward, revealing a staircase going downstairs. But don't go down there yet! Instead, go all the way back to the room where we first met the Turtle enemies, the one with two platforms leading to two different doors, the one before the room with all of the chasms and Tentacle Monsters. Once back there, go to the right-hand platform, and where the side of the platform is missing, fall off of it. You'll land in a secret room below. Skeletons will attack you. Kill them and their heads will float around a bit before they disappear. Now, lift all of the skull jars up down here to reveal a golden circular switch underneath one of them. Press this switch to make a treasure chest appear, which will have a key in it. Grab the key, and then take the teleporter (the gold square) at the northeast end of this small room, which will lead you back to a room near the beginning of the dungeon. From here, go back upstairs, and then north through the center door, and you'll be back in the two-platform room. This time, go to the left-hand platform. Where there's a faulty floor on this platform, place a Bomb. The Bomb will blow a hole in the ground. Fall through this hole, and you'll land in the room we were in before where we got the key and teleported out of. However, you'll be on the upper platform of it. Walk south to get some arrows and Bombs out of the two skull jars to the south, and then walk north, and east to the locked door. Open the locked door and go up the stairs beyond it, which will lead you to a solitary room that has a small treasure chest in it. Open the treasure chest to find the dungeon's Big Key! Nice! Then jump off the right-hand side of the platform, and you'll land back down in the teleporter room. Take the teleporter back to the OTHER teleport room, then go up the stairs, and back to the center door. GO through the door, and back to the two platform room. From here, jump over the chasm, back onto the catwalk. Take it north, then west, then north again, through the door. You'll back at the crumbling catwalk. Grab a skull pot again and run across the catwalk like we did before, throwing the skull pot at the Helmet Bug when we come across it. Once on the other end, go left, back to the dark maze room. Go to the southeast hole we made in the wall, and go through it, to get to the platform on the other side. Here, as we saw earlier, is the big treasure chest of the dungeon. Open it to get the Hammer! The Hammer has many uses, including bashing enemies, and the like... but most importantly, it can smash stakes into the ground, and other annoying barriers. From here, leave the dark maze room, and go straight across the next room to the right-hand room. Work your way south two rooms, back to the catwalk room. Once here, go to the center platform with all of the Tentacle Monsters on it, and kill all of them. Then, throw your Magical Boomerang at the crystal switch to your south, and then leave this room through the right-hand side door. From here, again put the statue over the switch in the upper right-hand corner to keep the door open, and go up the stairs and through the door again. Then, again hit the switch to your north, and go east to the end of the room, and down the stairs we opened up before, down to another basement in the dungeon. Here, equip the Hammer, and smash the little pink enemies around you in the blue squares with it, to keep them down and allow Link to walk across them. Kill the two Turtles by smashing the Hammer on the ground to flip them over, then slash both of them twice in the stomach with your sword for a quick death. Then walk west to the row of blue blocks, but make sure you're inside the row of downed blocks (the yellow squares). Equip the Boomerang and hit the Red Crystal Switch at the right-hand side of the room with it to switch the blue blocks to your left down, and the yellow blocks to blue to your right. This grants you access to the left-hand side door, which is locked. Grab the two bombs out of the two skull pots flanking the locked door, and then open the door, and go through it, to the next room. In this tight corridor, kill the lone Turtle with the Hammer/Master Sword combination, and then go south to the next door. In this room, you'll be literally flooded by an onslaught of Turtles. Go to work on them (lighting a torch with your Lamp if your able to lighten up the room), and kill them all, or just avoid them, and go right, into the next room. In this room, light a torch with your Lamp, and then push the upper right-hand block downward in the middle of the room, to gain access to the teleport (gold square) in the middle of the room. Step on the teleporter, and you'll end up to the south of the boss room. Walk north, killing both sets of two Turtles, and then use the Big Key on the door to your north. Welcome to the Helmasaur King's boss chamber... ********* **** BOSS FIGHT SIX - HELMASAUR KING ********* **** The Helmasaur King is a huge enemy, and he seems hard, but he really isn't that hard. To fight him, have the Hammer equipped in the beginning of the battle. When the battle begins, run up to him and start bashing the blue mask over his face with the Hammer. As you do more and more damage to it, it starts to crack off bit by bit, until it comes off all together. This is your cue to unequip the Hammer, and equip your Bow and Arrow. The green dot over his two eyes, that's the area where you want to aim your Bow and Arrow and shoot him at. It takes about six shots with the Bow and Arrow at that green dot to kill him. As far as him attacking, and you avoiding, you can't go behind him because there is a plethora of Spike Traps behind him. The only attacks he has are his tail whip attack (which is pretty damaging, and hard to avoid), and his fireball attack. The fireball attack, in more detail, is when he shoots a fireball from his mouth, which then splits into three more fireballs, which then splits into four more fireballs. It sounds complicated, but it's really not. It's just that the fireballs are hard to avoid. And his huge size makes moving around hard as well, because he takes up about half of the room's space. Either way, remember - Hammer, then Bow and Arrow. ***** After this boss battle is over, you'll grab the heart and first crystal from the death explosions of the Helmasaur King. The maiden trapped within the crystal is now free, and she tells you about Ganon, the evil thief leader who wills the Golden Land to be in its Dark World state. She insists that freeing the other maidens (there are six more) will allow the maidens to combine their powers and destroy Ganon's curse, so that you can then fight him. Pretty nifty if I so say so myself. Then, you are automatically transported outside of the Palace of Darkness... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XX. A Whole Bunch of Stuff to Get Before Dungeon Number Two ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the newfound power of the Hammer, we can now get three more pieces of heart, and other such items, which is a good thing, trust me. =) Okay, so, lets be on our way to get these three pieces of heart, and a whole plethora of other useful items. From the Palace of Darkness, simply leave, and go down to where the bridge leading south it. Before, it was blocked by some stakes in the ground, and it still is. However, now, we can use the Hammer on them to smash them down and make a path for Link. So do that, and go south from the bridge. Go south until you can jump into the water to your south, the Dark World's version of Lake Hylia. While avoiding the Flying Bombers, go to the circle of shallow water in the middle of the Lake. Once within the middle of the circle, equip the Magic Mirror and use it to get back to the Light World. When you get back to the Light World, you will appear on a solitary island in the middle of Lake Hylia, with nothing on it but a Magical Creature and a heart piece. Grab the heart piece, and use the teleport to go back to the Dark World. Then, swim out of Lake Hylia, going north to the ladder there, where you can get out, and then go back around and down the bridge again. This time, instead of going south, go west, past the bomb shop sign, to the next area. When you go west one screen, you'll be where Link's House would be in the Light World. There is a house there, but it ain't Link's House anymore. =) Anyway, go east more, and then south, and east again. Where the Desert of Mystery would be, go above it, if you know what I mean, and then follow this rockface above where the Desert of Mystery would be, while killing the Snake Bushels and other Pig Soldiers you come across. When you get all the way west of the rockface, you'll see a circle made by some purple flower bushes. Get in the middle of this circle, and equip the Magic Mirror on Link once again. Use the Magic Mirror to warp back to the Light World, and you'll know be on a platform high above the rockface, bordering the Desert of Mystery. Enter the cave to the north of this small platform, and inside this cave, along with many hearts under some clay jars, you'll find heart piece number fifteen! Then, leave the cave, and warp back to the Dark World. From here, go north, and you'll see an arrow of purple flower bushes pointing south. Hack through these bushes, and go north through the trees into a little alcove of trees a screen up. Talk to the creature sitting on the tree stump there, who'll tell you his love for playing the Flute, and how he buried it somewhere... agree to find it for him and he'll give you his Shovel. The Shovel itself is a vital item, so be glad we have it now. =) Oh, but watch the simplicity. Use the Magic Mirror right in front of the tree stump where the creature is chillin', to return back to the Light World. As you appear, animals are surrounding a boy that looks like you, sitting on that same tree stump, playing a flute. Then, the animals run away and the boy disappears. Hm, I wonder who that is. ^_~ Anyway, equip the Shovel, and run up to the top of the alcove, and then go to the west. Dig in the western corner, to the west of that lone tree and everything. When you dig in the right area, the Flute'll pop out of the ground. Go ahead and grab it, and then run back to your warp, going back to the Dark World. Present the Flute to the creature there, and he'll ask you to play it for him. Play it for him, and he turns into a tiny tree, which looks weird, because it's a little tree on top of a tree stump. Go figure. Okay, with the Flute in hand, quickly run south out of the alcove, and then go west, to the area where the fighting brother's house was, to the south of Kakariko Village. Go to where you played the game (to get to the other side in 15 seconds to get the heart piece, you remember), and climb the ladder there, and talk to the old man. He'll lend you a shovel and allow you 30 seconds to dig up his field. This field happens to be where the sixteenth heart piece is located. Oh, how wondrous. Dig towards the middle of the field to find the heart piece. If you run out of time without finding it, no worries - leave the screen, come back, and talk to the old man again, who'll give you another chance. Grab the heart piece, and then run back down the ladder, and east of the old man. Now, use the Magic Mirror to get back to the Light World. Go north to Kakariko Village from wherever you warped, and equip the Flute on Link. Go near the center of the village, where there is a Weathercock, flanked on four sides by the N, W, S, and E of North, West, South, and East. Play the Flute to the Weathercock, and a duck will break out of the statue atop the Weathercock, and fly away. From now on, when you play the Flute, the duck will appear and bring you to and fro around Hyrule. Good deal, no? But we aren't done here yet. Go to the southeast section of Kakariko Village, and go east out of the village, to the area where the Blacksmith's house is. Approach the house, and to the east of the entrance of the house, you'll notice a hammer-smashable obstruction sticking out of the ground. Equip the Hammer, and smash it. Then walk past it, to the edge of the rock, and jump into the hole below you. You'll end up in a cave, with a door heading north, and one heading west. Head through the door to the north, and walk to the shrine in the small room. Equip the Magic Powder, and use it on the red orb there. A purple bat will come out of it, and, after some weird talk, half your magic power. Your magic meter will now have 1/2 over it, reflecting that all of the things you use that use magic will now use half of the power it previously did to use. NICE! Okay, cool. Now, walk back out of town, to where you warped to the Light World from, and warp back to the Dark World. From where you warped, head back east to where Link's house would be, and then go south, into the open field below. If you're lost, go where the second dungeon in the Dark World is. However, we're not going there yet, there's ONE more thing to do yet. Go all the way west, to where the Desert of Mystery would be in the Light World. You'll come across a group of stakes along the extreme west rockface here. Go inside where these stakes are, and equip the Magic Mirror. Use it on yourself, and use it to warp back to the Light World. If you did it right, you'll land on the very right of a plateau above the Desert of Mystery. Walk west to the other part of the plateau, and you'll see a green Hylia plaque, with the ancient language of the Hylian people written onto it. You know the drill by now. Equip the Book of Mudora, and read it with the book. Link will lift his sword high in the air, and the power of Bombos will flow through him. You'll then be given the Bombos Medallion... okay, now we're ready for the second dungeon. =) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXI. En Route to the Watergate Dungeon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After running around like a maniac for a hot minute, getting all of the above items we were in search for, it's now time, stronger than ever, to go to the Watergate Dungeon, the second dungeon on our tour of the Dark World. =) So how do we get there? Well, first, picture the Light World. The region south of Link's house in the Light World is a swampy region, with a small stone structure at the south of it. That was where we flipped the switch to get one of the first heart pieces in the game. Well, yeah, that's where we need to go, just in the south of the Dark World instead. So, go to where Link's house would be if you were in the Light World. There's a house there alright, just not Link's. Go south from that screen two full screens, then head west a screen. You'll see a small stone structure, identical looking to the one appearing in the Light World, flanked by two statues to the south of it. Enter this small building to find Link within a dungeon. I'm not including this in the walkthrough for the dungeon, because it's primarily fundamental to what we have to do before really traversing the dungeon as a whole. As you enter, walk south, down the stairs, and then north to the stairs right in front of you, to the Sahasrahla plaque there. He will give you a hint that what appears in one world often appears in the other... the rest of the dungeon is basically cut off from here, as the broken ladder to the left is broken, and that leads to the rest of the dungeon. So, what to do? It's simple, really. Leave the dungeon, and equip the Magic Mirror on Link. Use it to travel back to the Light World. Enter into the Light World's watergate, and push the blocks around the treasure chest to get around them as you head north, through the door, to the next room. In this room, avoid the Spinner and pull the switch on the north wall, the right-hand one. This'll open the watergate to your right, allowing water to flow. Then, simply head back south through the door, outside, and take the warp back to the Dark World. Then, enter the watergate... and get ready for the second Dark World dungeon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXII. Crystal Number Two - The Watergate Dungeon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very much unlike the Watergate Scandal (^_^), the Watergate Dungeon is an actual dungeon, not a massive government cover-up. "I am not a crook." Back in the Dark World, in the Watergate, you'll notice that it's different now that we've switched the switch in the Light World. There's water flowing after the first platform in the palace... neat. =) Go north and across this water. To your right is the Sahasrahla plaque that gave you a nifty little hint earlier, on things that effect both worlds. In anycase, swim to your left, and then up the broken ladder to a water-free platform. Right in front of you will be a Spike Trap going back and forth, and some waterbugs in the water shallows to your north. Run past the Spike Trap and destroy the Water Bugs there (one hit kills, all of them, so it's pretty neat), and continue running northward to the treasure chest on your right-hand side. Open it to get a key! You'll notice a locked door to the north of this shallow water path. Use your new found key on the door to open it, and go down the stairs, to the first basement area of this dungeon. And if you see any Water Balls shooting at you, avoid them best you can... nothing else can really be said about them. =) Once in this first basement area, go south a bit. While avoiding the fireballs the numerous statues are shooting at you, and the various Water Ball enemies firing at you, kill the two Water Bugs. In the middle of this narrow room filled with shallow water are four skull pots. Pick them up to get two Bombs, a five rupee piece, and most importantly, a key. Once you grab these items, go back to the north of the room, and you'll notice in a little alcove to the northwest part of the room, that there is a faulty wall there, that you can bomb. Equip your Bombs, and plant on there, blowing a hole in the wall. Go through the hole you made, heading left, to the next room. You'll be on a little platform that you can't get to any other way than to blow a hole in the wall we just destroyed. There's a treasure chest at the end of this small platform, of which holds the dungeon's map! Pretty sweet! Then, head back right to the previous room, and begin heading south. Run all the way south, weaving in and out of the fireballs the Statues are shooting at you, and the various Waterball enemies shooting at you as well. When you get to the south of this room, veer to your left, to the locked door there. Use the key we found in the skull pot above earlier to open it, and enter into the next room. As soon as you enter this room, you'll be greeted by some enemies we've seen before, but be ready to fight them as soon as you enter this room. A Red Floater, a Blue Floater, and a Skeleton will all be there to greet you, as well as a new enemy that we can't defeat (and can only avoid), the Fire Snake, which is that huge body of flame that moves around, kind of looks like a worm. Kill all of the enemies you can (while also avoiding the fireballs shot out of the statue in the middle of the room), and head left, and then north, down the stairs to a lower area of the room. To your left down this path is a broken ladder (which we can't reach, we'll need to get the water flowing here so that we can eventually reach it), and next to it to the right is a staircase leading up to a locked door (and a skull pot with nothing under it). However, we don't have a key. So ignore both of those, and head straight north through the door there, instead, to yet another room. In this short, narrow corridor, there's a skull pot to the north end of the corridor. Pick it up to find a key! Nice. Now, head back south to the previous room, and go left and up the stairs that I just told you to ignore, with the locked door. Unlock this door, and go through it to the next room. This room holds the switch that makes the water flow through the previous room. But first, kill both Skeletons patrolling the room, and bomb the faulty wall on the left-hand side of the room, right in the middle of it. Through this hole to the left is a small platform, which holds two skull pots. Pick them up to get a quick five rupees, and a bomb as well. Then go back right, to the previous room. You'll see the switch in the upper right-hand corner of this room... but there are some pink enemies blocking it, like the ones we say in the Palace of Darkness before. Of course, we'll need to do to these exactly what we did in the Palace of Darkness. Equip your Hammer and bash these pink enemies into the ground, so you have access to the switch. Then, simply push the switch from the right up to the left, and watch the water flow out of the statue mouth to your right. Woo! Now, head back south to the previous room, which is now full of water! Back in this room, you'll notice that the lower corridor is now full of water, a virtual river, like what we did to gain entrance to the Watergate Dungeon to begin with. Go south, and jump into the river, and then veer left, to the broken ladder right next to you - you needn't go far. Once back on dry land, on this new platform, head west, then south to the door on the west side of the room. Go through it to the next room. This room is incredibly busy. When I say busy, I of course mean that there's a whole lot going on within it. There are Water Bugs, Waterballs, statues shooting fireballs, and Fish Hybrids coming out of the walls, swimming rapidly at you, to damage your ass. =) So when you're in this room (as we will be more as we go on in this dungeon), you'll want to know exactly where you're going. Otherwise, your butt will be toast, as these enemies will have quite the field day with you. In anycase, go down the stairs to the water shallows below, and run to your left, and then go through the south door you come across, approximately half way across the south wall heading right. Go south through this door, and you'll still be in some water shallows, but it seems as if you can now go left or right. Going left is a waste of time (you'll be trapped by some blocks there), so head right instead, killing the Water Bug in your path. Then, shoot south through the door there, to the continuation of this water shallow path. Go south, and then west, and then north through the door there, while killing and/or avoiding the various enemies coming your way. Once back north (in the previous room we were in, just on the other side), go up to the two blocks at the north end of the path, that were blocking you from going this way from the get-go. Push the southern-most block to the right, and a treasure chest will appear in the upper-left-hand corner of the room. Open this treasure chest to get the dungeon's compass! Sweet! Then, simply go right, and then back north, to the previous hectic-as- hell room we were just in. Right away, head left, then north and left again, to the staircase leading up to the higher platform at the bottom left-hand corner of the room. Go through the door at the left there into the next room. In this room, we'll meet a similar combination of enemies we met earlier; a Red Floater, a Blue Floater, a Skeleton and a Fire Snake. Deal with them like we did before (killing the two Floaters and the Skeleton, avoiding the Fire Snake and the Statue in the middle of the room shooting fireballs at you). There's one difference here however - blue blocks (that are controlled by a crystal switch, like we've seen in many dungeons before) blocking your passage north... we'll get that taken care of soon though, don't worry. From here, head left, down the stairs, to the lower corridor. Then, go north through the door right in front of you. You'll be in a small, tight corridor like we were in before. Just like the one we were in before, there's also a skull pot to the north of the corridor. Pick up the skull pot to find a key! Nice. What to do with it? Well... first, head back south to the previous corridor. Well, back in this corridor, you can't go right (there's blocks there blocking your way), so head back up the staircase to your south, and then east (avoiding the Fire Snake), to the previous "hectic" room. Go down the stairs (or jump off of the platform), and run north to the next set of stairs you come across on your left. Go up these stairs to another platform, where you can open the locked door on the left-hand side wall with the key we just found. Go through this door to the next room. Here is the room that holds the crystal switch we were looking for... first and foremost, kill the Red Floater and the Skeleton patrolling the room. You'll see the crystal switch and a water switch behind a row of blue blocks. A Spike Trap is trapped (coincidentally) between the side of the wall and a block block. Go up to the right-hand side of the crystal switch, where the gray wall is. Slash at the crystal switch through the wall to deactivate it, and the blue blocks will disappear. The Spike Trap will now be free, however, so be careful of it! Go to the water switch at the upper left-hand side of this platform and push it left and up to activate it. The water to your left will start to flow into the lower corridors below. Now, go south out of this room, through the door. You'll be in the room that I pointed out before we couldn't get to the door at the north of the room because of the blue blocks blocking it. Well we just went through this door. With the water flowing now, go south and left (while avoiding the Fire Snake once again) to the flowing water, the new river we've created, if you will. The blocks that were blocking our way heading left are no longer a problem now, because we can swim above them. So head left, to the platform at the left. Get onto this platform, and head to the doorway on the left-hand wall there. Enter into this door, to another room. As you enter here, you'll be greeted by yet another Fire Snake, as well as three Spike Traps. Thankfully, these Spike Traps are stationary, so all you have to do to avoid them is to simply not run into them - not so hard (although it's set up so that the Fire Snake should run you into the Spike Traps). In anycase, head left through the maze of Spike Traps, to the staircase leading down to yet another lower corridor. Go down to this corridor. Don't go north (nothing up there at all), and instead, head left. Blocks will be here as well, but they won't be blocking your way, as these can be pushed out of the way. Push the lower block to the left, and then the block above it up, and you'll have a nice, wide-open path heading left. Head left, and then up the stairs there to the upper platform. From here, follow the path north, to the door with the staircase leading upstairs. Once upstairs, you'll be in another water- shallows covered room, with Water Bugs and Waterballs running rampant. A spinning Firewall is in the middle of the room, making matters worse. Basically, in this room, you have to head to the north end of the room, and jump through the holes on either side of the room, to the floor below, where you'll land somewhere you haven't been before. It's easy, really. So head to the north end of the room, and look at the two holes on either side of the room. The hole on the right-hand side is the main hole, as the Big Key is there. But there is one thing you need to do before you go down this hole. Head ALL the way back a few screens, to where the crystal switch was. Hit the switch to activate the blocks in that room back to the blue color, and then head back to this room. Now, push the block blocking the hole in the floor either up or down, and jump into the hole. You'll land on a solitary platform. Grab whatever's under the two skull pots, and then head east to the doorway there. You'll see the yellow blocks on the floor next to the right-hand pot, so now you should know why I sent you all the way back to strike the crystal switch again. Head east through this door. Grab all of the goodness out of the jars in front of you, and at the end of this platform, open the tiny treasure chest there to get the dungeon's Big Key! Sweet! Now, if you want to get a quick 20 rupees, head back upstairs, and fall down the left-hand side hole, to land in front of a treasure chest, which holds a red rupee piece (worth 20 rupees, naturally). Otherwise, head all the way back left a few screens to the screen I entitled the "hectic" screen. That's the one with all of the various enemies running rampant. This is also the room with the huge treasure chest, which holds the dungeon's special item. You know what I'm talking about now, right? Okay, great. Let me know when you get back there. *waits* Okay, you're there now? Great. At the center of this enemy-infested room is a large platform with the big treasure chest on it. Go to the south of it to get to the stairs that lead up to it. Walk up these stairs, and go north to approach the treasure chest. Open it with the Big Key we just got, and Link will be rewarded with the Hookshot! Nice! The Hookshot is a super-cool item/weapon, that can be used to grapple Link across chasms, and also as a pretty strong weapon! Very nice. From here, from the front of the treasure chest, grapple to your left (you have to aim the Hookshot at a pot, statue, or treasure chest and make it hit that to grapple), to two skull pots. Grab the rupees under them, then grapple back to your right, using the big chest as your grappling target. This time, grapple to your right across the chasm there, and grab the rupees and a key out of the pots there! Sweet! Again, grapple back to the big treasure chest. This time, go around to the north side of the big treasure chest, and using the skull pots to your north, grapple across. To the north of this small platform is a locked door. Open this locked door to gain access to the next room. We're almost to the boss! In this room, head left (instead of right). Kill the Red Floater patrolling this area, and pick up the skull pot the northwest section of the room, to reveal a gold circle switch. Step on it and two doors in this room (the one next to you and across the room) will open. But when you step off of it, the switch deactivates. You'll see a statue to your south... push this statue north to the switch, and leave it on top of it (like we've done before) to make the switch stay shut. Ignore the door to your right, and instead, go all the way to the east side of the room, to the door leading north (but NOT the door ALL THE WAY to the right that leads downstairs). Enter into this door and go north through this tight corridor, killing the Red Floater that patrols the area. Then, head downstairs. Right in front of you down here is a water switch. Push the switch, which will drain the water right in the room out. From here, simply go to your left, back up the staircase to your left, which will lead back upstairs to an even smaller corridor. Head south, and through the door heading west. In this room, kill the Skeletons and the Red Floaters that patrol the room, while avoiding the fireballs from the statues within this room. Then, you'll want to head south. You'll be back in the room we were in earlier, with the golden circle switch that won't stay down. We don't need to bother with that switch anymore. Instead, head all the way to the right side of the room, and go through the door and down the stairs to another room. From the upper platform, the lower platform is now drained, and has two skull pots and two treasure chests waiting for you. Get what's underneath the skull pots, and get the red rupee pieces out of both treasure chests. Then head through the west door there, to another corridor. Run straight north to the northern door on this corridor (ignore the door veering right, it leads to a previous room). Once through this north door, you'll be in a room full of shallow water. There's some Water Bugs and Fish Hybrids in the room, but nothing that should give you too much trouble. In anycase, shoot north through the door to the left-hand side of the room going north. It'll lead to a small corridor with six skull pots, which hold some goodies. Then go back to the previous room. If you want more quick rupees, push the block right in front of the red door grating to the north, and a treasure chest will appear right next to you with twenty rupees in it. Sweet. Then, go along the north wall to where all of the waterfalls are. The second waterfall from the right-hand wall is actually a doorway. Go through it to the next room. In this room, walk up the staircase to the small upper platform, and kill both Blue Floaters. Then grab the arrows, bombs and two hearts out of the four skull pots flanking you on both sides. Then go through the northern doorway, which has a staircase leading upstairs once more. Once up here, head south down this narrow corridor, while killing the Blue Floater in your way, to the southern door. This southern door leads to a room flooded with water, so enter into it. Jump into the water (which has a strong current flowing to the left side of the screen). Swim to your right, against the current, to the platform all the way at the right end of the screen. When you're in the water, it's up to you to avoid the Water Bugs the best you can, because you can't use any weapons while in the water. In anycase, get onto this platform and lift the pot there, to find a key! Grab the key, then jump back into the water, and let it take you to the platform (the rather long one) to the left of the doorway we used to get into this flooded room. Jump onto that platform and equip some Bombs. Bomb a hole going north into the faulty wall there, and enter through this hole you make to a small corridor, which holds eight pots. Within these eight skull pots, you'll find some arrows, bombs, magic potion and hearts. Then, head back south (killing the Red Slime coming out of the ground there), back to the flooded room of yore. Jump back into the water (avoiding the Water Bugs camped out waiting for you there), and follow the current down to the final platform on the north wall, which has a locked door on it. Open this locked door, and run straight north through this next room, to the boss chamber. Get ready to fight Arrghus. ******* BOSS FIGHT SEVEN - ARRGHUS ******* Ah yes, Arrghus. It's a relatively easy fight, so I wouldn't worry about it. It just takes a lot of patience. As you enter into the fight, you'll basically see a floating blob of small balls, with some vine-looking things coming out from underneath it. So this is what you do, my friend. Equip the Hookshot on Link. Then, shoot the Hookshot at Arrghus, and one of these balls will stick to it and come back at you. When it lands on the ground, slash at it two times with your Master Sword to destroy it. Do this to all of the balls surrounding Arrghus' true form, and his true form will start to be revealed. He's basically a giant eyeball with a red body and some red-tentacle looking things coming down from underneath it. Basically an eyeball-Jellyfish-who knows what hybrid. Once all of the balls are off and destroyed, it's time to fight Arrghus himself. (keep in mind that if you don't kill the balls, they'll eventually run back to Arrghus and re-attach themselves to him. In this case, you'll have to get them back off and kill them - but be aware that if you slash at one once, it'll still have that damage attached to him, a plus for you). Anyway, once all of the balls are off of Arrghus, he starts to jump in the air, and land on you. So keep moving! When he lands on the ground, he'll shoot around the room until you hit him. We no longer have any need for the Hookshot anymore - instead, use your Master Sword and slash at his eye. When you hit him, he'll jump back up in the air and repeat this monotonous process. Five hits with the Master Sword in his eye (MAYBE six), and he'll be destroyed. The second crystal (and its maiden) are yours, as well as another heart piece! ***** After Arrghus is destroyed, and blown up, grab the heart he drops, and then the Crystal that falls from the sky. The Maiden trapped (and now freed) from the crystal will tell you another piece of the Golden Land/Triforce/Ganon story, so listen closely! Then, you will be automatically transported out of the Watergate Dungeon, the the outside! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXIII. The Magic Cape and Three Heart Pieces ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the new found power of the Hookshot, we can now get the Magic Cape and some more heart pieces, so this section of the walkthrough is dedicated to that, before we go to the next dungeon in the Dark World. Since we actually need the Magic Cape to get one of the above pieces of heart, we'll get that first. The Magic Cape is located within the confines of a grave in the graveyard next to the Sanctuary. Now it's a glitch in the game that allows you to get the Magic Cape this early - otherwise you'd have to wait until after you defeat Blind the Thief in the fourth Dark World dungeon to get the Titan Mitt, which gives you direct access to this grave. We're going out of our way to get it this way, but it's worth it, so don't worry. Okay, in the Dark World, (you have to be in the Dark World), go to where the bridge (the horizontal one) is, to the east side of Hyrule, south of the witch's hut (if it were in the Light World). Sounds complicated, I know. In anycase, the bridge is no longer there, but you're still in the right area. Head north along the east coast of the river, until you come to an opening in the rocks surrounding the river. In this opening, face west and use your Hookshot. You'll grapple across the river (via some skulls there). Once on the other side, head north, and then west, to where the graveyard would be. The Dark World's equivalent of the graveyard is more like a rock garden, but that's okay. Work your way (by running into and smashing the large green rocks) to the upper right-hand corner of the graveyard, where the large green rock is. Smash this green rock and stand to the north of where it was. Equip the Magic Mirror and use it, IN THIS EXACT POSITION ONLY, to warp back to the Light World. You'll be in the Light World's graveyard now, surrounded by some dark green stones (that you shouldn't be able to pick up now... hell, you CAN'T without the Titan Mitt). See why I said this is a glitch? Anyway, walk around to the front of the grave and run into it. It'll open up, revealing a staircase leading down. Sweet! Go down these stairs into the subterrain, and follow the corridor northward to the treasure chest, which holds the Magic Cape! The Magic Cape is more of a novelty item that allows the user to be invisible when he wears it! Sweet! It just takes a shitload of magic away from your meter though, so be careful, eh. Now, to the heart pieces... Three heart pieces to get... which one first? Well, since we're right in the graveyard area of the Dark World, we'll go for the one right there first. Walk out of the graveyard area (Dark World), and around it, going to the west side, then north, and then to the back of the area. You'll see a ladder leading up to a platform that seemingly has nothing on it. But you should know by now that nothing is what meets the eye in the land(s) of Hyrule! So equip your Magic Mirror and climb up this ladder to the platform. Use the Magic Mirror to head back to the Light World, and enter the cave you're now in front of! Within this cave, grab the four Bombs and four hearts out of the eight clay pots in front of you, and head all the way north. Bomb the faulty wall along the short north wall to make a new door, and enter through it. In this new-found room, grab the heart piece! Nice going! Now, leave the cave and go back to the Dark World, so we can get our second piece. From the graveyard region we're in, head west. Head west past the Sanctuary (equivalent), and then go north, to where the Death Mountain entrance would be if we were in the Light World. It looks exactly the same, with a signpost and everything. If you read the signpost, however, it'll promise a heart to whoever "wears the cape"... hmm, I wonder what that could mean? =) Go east from the sign to the cave entrance. There's a huge rock blocking the entrance, so lift it and throw it away, and then simply enter the cave. In the cave, head north. Kill off or avoid the enemies coming at you, while avoiding the holes in the ground as well. Work your way northward, to the staircase leading upstairs. Take these stairs up. From here, head south. Use the Hookshot to Hookshot yourself across the chasm in front of you, and then kill or avoid more enemies, and avoid more holes in the ground as well. Now here comes the tricky part. When you get to the blue thing in the middle of the passageway that hits you back if you hit into it, you need to equip and use the Magic Cape, which will make you invisible to it, and allow you to pass right through it. From here, unequip the Magic Cape and continue south, out of the cave. You'll now be back outside, with a nice, juicy looking heart piece on the platform right in front of you. Sweet! From here, jump down to the main level, and head back south to the main path. From here, head west along the path, and then south, to where Kakariko Village would be if this were the Light World. It looks the same, except their are enemies and thieves patrolling the area. Oh well! Work your way to the middle of the left-hand side of the village (called the Village of Outcasts), where there will be a house with a huge treasure chest on it. This treasure chest represents the house that holds the Treasure Chest Game. The monster inside will charge Link 50 rupees to play the game and open two of the many chests within the house (there are like 15 of them too). If you keep playing the game, opening various chests, then you'll eventually find the heart piece. It can be highly taxing on your rupees, but you must play if you want to find the piece. I found the heart piece in my play-through while writing this FAQ in the lower- left-hand side treasure chest, but as far as I remember, it's not set where the heart is found, so you'll have to play and find out where it is! With the three heart pieces we needed to find in hand, we can now go to the third dungeon... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXIV. En Route to the Skull Dungeon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Skull Dungeon is the third Dark World dungeon, and is the next obstacle on our trip through Hyrule's Dark World. So how to get there? Well, it's simple, really. Read on. First and foremost, since you should now know your way around the northern areas of the Dark World after our excursions through there prior to this section, when we were getting the Magic Cape and the three heart pieces, it should generally be simple for you. But this is only if you're in the Dark World. Generally, you should start the game in the Light World so you needn't warp back to the Dark World... so go to the Light World and head towards Kakariko Village, then shoot straight north through the village to the Lost Woods entrance near the Fortune Teller's house. Once within the Lost Woods, start heading west, through various hollowed-out trees and the like. The idea is to veer west, and then be able to exit out of the Lost Woods through another entrance/exit to the southwest... it's really not that hard, it's almost impossible to miss if you just go west. In anycase, when you leave the Lost Woods here, go south. You'll be blocked by some stakes sticking out of the ground, but worry not! Equip the Hammer and pound them down to get to the southern area below. You'll see some bushes and a lone green rock there. Pick up the green rock to reveal a warp to the Dark World! Sweet! Once in the Dark World, head back north to the Dark World's Lost Woods' equivalent - the Skull Woods. Once within the Skull Woods, simply go north, and then east. When you can first go north, do so. You'll see a hole in the ground above... simply run up to this hole and fall into it... have fun, you're in the confusing and multi-parted Skull Dungeon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXV. Crystal Number Three - The Skull Dungeon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Skull Dungeon is... ugh, it's a real pain in the ass, to be honest. But here we go, none-the-less. Oh, one more thing. If the walkthrough for this dungeon is sketchy... I'm sorry. It's really a confusing place, and it's even more confusing to write a comprehensive walkthrough for it. But I did my best, it's like three or four pages long... so don't be TOO harsh on me, okay? It should still be MORE than ample to get you through this dungeon. From the beginning, where we fall into, turn around to take on two Blue Tentacle Monsters coming at you. Two swipes each will do them in, although, as when we first met them in the Light World's Tower of Hera, strategically slashing at them as to knock them into surrounding pits works just as well (especially with that far more powerful Red Tentacle Monsters). Work your way southward, avoiding the chasms all over the room, until you get to the huge Firewall circling around a block to the south of the room. In its path are four skull pots, that hold some goodies that you'll probably want to get, just to restock some lost Bombs and Arrows. Wait until the Firewall passes you by, then run over to the skull pots, two at a time, to the left of the room, grabbing whatever's underneath them. Don't let the Firewall hit you, however, or you'll lose a lot of life! Anyway, after that, work your way to the south of the room, and to your right will be a door leading into the next area. In this area, you'll have a Blue Tentacle Monster and a Red Tentacle Monster come at you right away. Before even proceeding through the rest of the room, you'll definitely want to take care of these menaces first. Remember, the Red Tentacle Monsters are -far- stronger than the Blue Tentacle Monsters, and can take a lot more damage before being defeated, so please, be patient! Once you defeat them, you can ignore the door heading east for now, and observe another rotating Firewall in the middle of the room. Do your best to avoid it as you work your way northward through this room. As you get far enough north, you'll notice that there's a treasure chest just chillin' there. Open this treasure chest up to get the dungeon's compass! Sweet. However, when you open the treasure chest, the various holes and chasms in the room will change position, which means you can't walk the same way you did before, you have to observe the new positions of these holes. From where we are now, we can either head south, and then east to a new room, or straight up north to a new room. First, head south, and then east, to the room down there. As soon as you enter this new room, the door behind you will seal shut, and you'll need to find the key in this room to open the other door out of this room, which is to the northeast corner of the large area. You'll be greeted by two new monsters in this huge room, however - Wall Masters and Mummies. The Wall Masters are infamous Zelda enemies that are actually hands that fly down from above, trying to land on Link. If they touch Link, they'll actually grab him, and bring him back to the dungeon's entrance. These guys are truly pains in the ass, so you'll want to avoid them the best you can. You'll know they're coming down on you by the special sound they make when they start to come down, and you'll know exactly where they're coming down, because you can see their circular shadow on the ground. If you see it over you, you better move quick before they grab you! As far as the Mummies go, they are basically just strong run-of-the-mill enemies that patrol this dungeon. They don't have any attacks, but follow you very actively, where ever you may go to. Not only that, but they can take a whole lot of hits from the Master Sword and other weapons in your arsenal before dying. So now that you know who you're going to meet in this room exactly, allow me to walk you through it, as I so elegantly do. From where you enter the room, walk east, to enter the main part of the room. Scattered all over the place are stationary Spike Traps, that won't move (hence "stationary"), but are in strategic locations so that Wall Masters and Mummies roaming around the room might just bump you into them if you try to escape them. Also all around the room are a plethora of skull pots, which hold everything from hearts and rupees to arrows and bombs. Grab what all of the pots have to offer, while avoiding the Wall Masters and killing the Mummies. If you're feeling especially daring, for whatever reason, you always have the option to wait until the Wall Masters land on the ground, then approach them and kill them. Two or three hits with the Master Sword will certainly do them in, but only do that if you really want to risk getting brought back to the entrance of the dungeon. While that isn't especially dangerous now (we're all but two screens left of the entrance), when you get deeper and farther into the dungeon, you'll probably be far more weary of the Wall Masters. In anycase, to the south of the room, you'll notice a treasure chest, with some skull pots in front of it. Move the skull pots out of the way there (grabbing whatever they have to hold for you), and open the treasure chest to get a key! Once you have this key, you're done in this room, so walk to the northeast section of the room, where there is a locked door. Use your new found key on the locked door to open it, and go north through the door, to the next room. In this room, a Red Tentacle Monster will attack you right away. Kill it or knock it into one of the chasms in the room, and then walk northward. Avoid the stationary Spike Traps and ignore the door heading west. Your objective here is to be able to get to that treasure chest in the upper right-hand corner of the room, which is surrounded by chasms on all sides. However, above the blue circle obstruction in front of you, do you see the two stars? We've seen these before - when pressed, they change the location of various holes and chasms in a room. Carefully walk northward, in between the blue obstruction and the Spike Trap (hitting the blue obstruction will knock you into the Spike Trap, or a hole, so be careful), and walk onto either of the stars. This will make them disappear, and the holes and chasms around the room will instantly rearrange themselves. Now, simply walk east to the now-obtainable treasure chest, where you can open it to get the dungeon map! Sweet! Now, the door leading west out of this room is not really an option right now - it leads to a room with the big treasure chest, and a door leading back into the Skull Woods. But without the stars, and holes in our way leading northward, what do we do? It's simple. Equip the Hookshot and approach the area where the stars were, bordering the hole. Shoot the Hookshot northward, and you'll grapple onto a skull pot above! Nice. You'll now be in the north section of this room, which is patrolled by a simple Fireball and a Helmet Bug. Kill the Helmet Bug and grab the various goodies out of the skull pots (while avoiding the roaming Fireball, which shouldn't be too much trouble for you.) After that, equip the Bombs onto Link and approach the left-hand side wall. Find the faulty, cracked section in the middle of this wall and use a Bomb on it to make a hole for you to pass through. Enter into this next, secret room. Within, you'll see cracked walls along the south of the room, and some skull pots. Grab what's in the skull pots if you'd like, but then, DON'T waste Bombs on the south walls, it won't work! Instead, you see the lever in the northern wall? It's quite visible. Grab it and the southern wall will explode to pieces, leaving a huge gap to the south, where the big treasure chest is. But we needn't go down there yet (although we now know where it is), so go back right through the blown up wall. Once back in the previous room, head south, back to the door at the south of the room that's heading west, the one I told you to ignore before. Enter left into this room, and you'll see the big treasure chest to the north (with the blown up wall giving you access to it above that), and a locked door to your left. To the south of the room is a door leading back outside into the Skull Woods. Go outside of this door and you'll be outside in the Skull Woods. Then simply head south and west a bit back to the hole where we fell into before, and you'll be back at the beginning of the dungeon! From here, head south, and then east into the next room. Instead of going east again, however, this time, go all the way north through this room, weaving in and out of holes and chasms, and avoiding or killing the various Blue Tentacle and Red Tentacle Monsters coming at you. When you get all the way to the north of this room, go through the door there into the next room. This room is surprisingly tame. You'll see four enemies to the north of the room in columns; three Mummies and a Skeleton. All are blocked off from going south by skull pots - however, the one to the left guards a treasure chest which holds a key! Ooooh. Remove the leftmost skull pot and fight the Mummy there. Once defeated, walk north and grab the key out of the treasure chest there. Ignoring the rest of the enemies in the vicinity, go to the east side of the room and open the locked door there with the key you just got to gain way to the next room, which is actually the locked door we saw before that leads into the big treasure chest room. So now that we've opened up all ends of the dungeon into one another, this is what we do next. From where you are, simply walk south, back outside (again) in the Skull Woods. Walk north, into some bones and such, until you find another entrance into the dungeon. This different entrance leads to another branch of the dungeon for us to deal with. Enter into it and you'll be in a room with two Blue Floaters and two Mummies, as well as Wall Masters continuously trying to grab you from above. Kill the two Blue Floaters first, and then concentrate your attacks (or use the Bombos Medallion if you're lazy) on the Mummies. After that, before we deal with this room, go left to the next room. In this room, avoid the Fire Worm and enemies and go left again, into yet another room. In this room, there will be a door leading south, back outside to the Skull Woods, and a door surrounded by chasms on all sides to the north, which is also locked. All you need to do here is go to the northwest side of the room to the skull pot there. Lift up the skull pot and grab the key from underneath it. Do this while avoiding or killing the Blue Tentacle Monster and the Wall Masters from above. After that, run back right two screens to the screen we were at before, with the Mummies and Blue Floaters. With the enemies defeated, you'll find that the center door to the north is sealed shut. The skull pot in front of the door is concealing the circular golden switch that'll open the door, but it's one of those pressure sensitive ones - if you don't keep pressure on it, the door will be closed again. This is easy to take care of. As we've done in the past, take the statue to the right of the room, and push it over, so that it's lined up with the switch above. Then, walk to the north of the statue and pull it up to the switch. If you push it on top of the switch, how will you get to the door? Do you see why we pull here instead of push? If the Wall Masters are giving you trouble while you're maneuvering the statue, use the Magic Cape, which will make you invisible. And as long as you're pulling or pushing, no magic will be subtracted from your magic meter, either! Sweet! Once the door to the north is forced open, go north to the next room! In this room, a Fire Snake and some other enemies roam around, but we won't waste much time here. The treasure chest in the center of the room is our main concern. Open this treasure chest to get the dungeon's big key! DO NOT move the skull pot to the north of the room. Underneath it is a mysterious energy that, if it strikes you, will turn you into a Bunny... you don't want that. To the east side of the room is a cracked, faulty wall. Bomb it and go into the next small room if you need your magic meter refilled (there's a large magic jar in the next room under a skull pot). Otherwise, we're done here, so go south two screens, and you'll be back outside in the Skull Woods again. From here, head north and then south on the path, back to the previous entrance. Once in this entrance, you'll see the big treasure chest, but, of course, we can't get to it from here. Instead, go east to the next room, then north through this room (using the Hookshot, as we did before, to get over the chasm), and then west through the bombed wall. Once in here, go south, killing both Worms patrolling the area, and then open the big treasure chest. Within the big treasure chest is the dungeon's special item, the Fire Rod. We need this to defeat the dungeon's boss enemy, but we won't need it beforehand, so try it out once or twice, but put it away after that - it uses a lot of magic to use. From here... head ALL THE WAY BACK to the room previous to where we got the Big Key (meaning you'll have to go back to the Skull Woods). From here, head west two screens. When you can't head west anymore, head south, and you'll be back outside again in the Skull Woods. Here, go north via the western trail you can take, where you'll come across a skeleton-looking thing blocking your path. Equip the Fire Rod and shoot it at the obstruction, which will burn it up and clear a path to a new door for you to take. This is the final leg of the dungeon. Walk down the stairs in front of you to the bottom level of this room. Here, you'll have to weave in and out of the passageway heading north... it's hard to explain so I won't really bother, just weave in and out, and don't let the fact that the bridge above blocks a lot of your view. It's totally doable, just avoid those Fireballs roaming around the area! When you get all the way north, go through the door at the northeast end of the room, into the next area. In this room, there is a bridge leading across the upper area of the room. It's useless, however, so ignore it. Instead, while avoiding the blue obstructions and moving Spike Traps, run south through the room, to the door at the southwest corner of the room. Go through this door back to the previous room. However, here, you'll find a treasure chest, which holds a key! Grab the key, then go back to the previous room. Run north, and then exit this room, and work your way all the way back to the entrance of this section of the dungeon. Go back upstairs, and this time, run across the bridge heading north. The two Worms in your path will both be slain by the sword automatically if you run into them, so don't worry. When you get all the way across the bridge, you'll come to a locked door. Open the locked door with the key you just got, and go through the door to the next room. This room looks busy and difficult, and it is both. First thing's first, before you even move (as one move can make or break you here). Equip the Bombos Medallion and use it to clear the room of the various Floaters in the room. With it that much easier, walk north one step onto the stars in front of you, which will rearrange the holes in the room. Walk around the room clockwise, hitting the stars as you go to change the holes' position in the room. If you go clockwise, hitting the stars as you go, you'll get to the entrance in no time at all. If not, this room can be difficult for you, so just follow those easy instructions I just gave you, and you'll be fine. Once at the door in the right-hand side of the room, go through it to the next room. In this room, instantly use the Bombos Medallion again, so that the Mummies in the room are all destroyed. However, you'll still have to worry about the Wall Masters here, so bare that in mind. In anycase, once the room is enemy free (with the exception of the Wall Masters), equip your Lantern and start lighting all of the torches in the room. Do this quickly, as if you don't, they will start to go out! You'll notice the one to the north, however, you can't get to, because there is a huge hole in front of it. This is no problem, however. Simply equip the Fire Rod on Link now and use it to light that final torch right in front of you. If don't quick enough, so that all five torches are lit at the same time, you'll hear that famous Zelda secret jingle, and the sealed door to the left of the room will open up. Go through this door to the next room. This room is full of enemies - Worms, Mummies, and another of those magical energies that'll change Link into a Bunny! In anycase, be careful here. To make your life easier, you might want to employ the uses of your handy-dandy Bombos Medallion once more. Destroy the enemies with the medallion or your Master Sword, and grab whatever goodies they have. It seems now that there's no way out of this room... but there is. There are vines growing all over the walls here. While avoiding the wrath of the Wall Masters, go to the north end of the room, and swipe at the middle group of vines there, which will reveal a hidden entrance leading to another room to your north! Go through this door, to the next room. Here, you'll come across a Worm, a Helmet Bug, a Mummy, and a Blue Tentacle Monster. Kill them conventionally, or use the Bombos Medallion to quickly do away with them. After they are all defeated, grab what they drop - one of the enemies will drop a key. Grab the key and use it to open the door on the right-hand side of the room, which leads to another room. In this final room, there will be a hole in the middle of the floor, and two Spike Traps patrolling the area. Grab the skull pots from the Spike Traps' path (for some magic and arrows), and then simply fall through the hole in the floor, while avoiding hitting into the Spike Traps there. When you come through the hole to the floor below, you'll be in the boss enemy's chamber. This is Mothula. ******* BOSS FIGHT EIGHT - MOTHULA ******* The Mothula boss fight seems hard, because of the room he's in. It's surrounded by countless Spike Traps on all sides, and even some in the middle of the room. This would make it seemingly hard, but he's actually quite simple, if you know what to do. Moth's bodies, in the real world, are very delicate. Just imagine what a flame would do to it. *hint hint* That's right, as we've done throughout the game, use the dungeon's special item on the boss here. Equip the Fire Rod on Link and go to town on Mothula with it. As the battle starts, he'll come from his resting position to fly in the air. From here on out, he's vulnerable to attack. Keep your distance from Mothula and fire your Fire Rod at him. Even if it seems that his altitude is higher than ground level, still shoot in his direction and he'll be damaged regardless. If you run out of magic power in your magic meter in this fight by using the Fire Rod too much, you can use your Master Sword on him too, it's just not as strong. However, this shouldn't happen. If you have the 1/2 Magic Meter (and you should if you've been following my walkthrough), you can miss him every other shot and still beat him with magic in your magic meter to spare, so don't worry! As far as Mothula's attacks go, he only has one attack. He shoots, from his mouth, a set of three rays at Link, that look like circles in a straight line coming at you. They are slow moving, however, and easy to avoid. Don't let them hit you, though, or you'll be greatly damaged! Other than that, Mothula can control the plethora of Spike Traps in his lair, to come shooting out in whatever direction he wants, which makes the fight far more harder. If these Spike Traps weren't in the lair, this boss fight would be cake! It was probably an afterthought on the side of the Nintendo programmers to throw that in there, however, realizing he was far too easy without those... in anycase, Mothula is cake, just aim carefully with that Fire Rod of yours, and don't miss TOO much, and you'll be just fine! ***** Once the powerful Mothula is defeated, the third crystal will be yours. Grab the crystal and another heart container, and then the maiden trapped within the crystal will tell you more of the Golden Land's prophecy. She'll tell you about the event known as the "Great Cataclysm." She explains it in-depth, but it's basically the system of when someone who shouldn't have the Triforce's power obtains it, a hero automatically appears to faceoff with this person, one-on- one, alone. If this hero fails, the Great Cataclysm will be inevitable, with the evil's power over the almighty powerful Triforce... in anycase, we're done here. You'll automatically be transported outside of the Skull Dungeon, back to the Skull Woods itself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXVI. Getting to Blind's Hideout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blind's Hideout is actually the fourth dungeon in the game. While we usually have little adventures in between dungeons, we don't have that here. Why is that, you might ask me? Well the answer is quite simple, my dear. Usually, we get items that open up new areas to use, like the Power Glove or the Hookshot. But in the previous dungeon, Skull Dungeon, we got the Fire Rod. That doesn't exactly open up new and exciting areas for us to explore, I'm sorry. =) In anycase, getting to Blind's Hideout is quite easy. Leave Skull Woods (by following paths to the south), so that you come out either by the Fortune Teller's house or in the Village of Outcasts itself. Either way, the Village of Outcasts is the primary target here. Enter into this monster-ridden town, and go to the center of the town. Near the center, where the Weathercock would be in the Light World's Kakariko Village, the Dark World has a statue of a Gargoyle holding a trident. Approach the gargoyle statue, and go up to the trident in his hands. Pull on it, and it'll eventually break after a second or two. This leads to Blind's Hideout, just go within the gargoyle statue! Don't worry, this dungeon isn't nearly as much a pain in the ass as the Skull Dungeon was. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXVII. Crystal Number Four - Blind's Hideout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blind's Hideout is the fourth dungeon in the Dark World, and so, here we are. Not a very hard dungeon, just follow my walkthrough closely! As you enter Blind's Hideout, you'll notice that you're on a set of upper-level catwalks, suspended over the lower level of the room. First thing's first. Run around the upper level of catwalks, grabbing the various items out of the skull pots located all over the catwalks. DO NOT lift up the skull pot in the upper left-hand corner of the room, however. Underneath that pot is some Magical Energy, and we'll want to stay away from that, unless you want to lose your human form and turn into a Bunny for a little while. And we don't want that, now do we? After that, walk back to the entrance of the dungeon, and go down the stairs to the lower level of the room, located to the left of the entrance. Once down here, a Blue Dragon Knight will greet you. Simply walk up to him and slash him once with the Master Sword to do him in, and walk north to the center area of the room. To the left of the center of the room is a treasure chest. Open the treasure chest to get the dungeon's map! With that in hand, kill the Red Dragon Knight in this room (the difference between the two is basically that the Red one takes two hits to kill, and can shoot fire that you can't block with your Red Shield, while the Blue one only takes one hit to kill, and has no weapons to shoot at you.) Once the enemies in this room are defeated, you can go north. The two doors north out of this room are there, but are concealed by the catwalks above. So which one to take, the one on the left or the one on the right? Well, take the right-hand door first. Once through the door, kill the Red Dragon Knight in front of you quickly, before he burns you with his lethal fire. Then, run straight north across the room to the staircase, leading to the upper level catwalks. Once on this upper level, walk east, and then south. Grab the heart out of the skull pot midway south down the east hand side catwalk, and then you'll notice that in the middle of the right-hand side wall on the catwalk is a faulty, cracked wall. Equip the Bombs on Link and bomb this wall. The bomb, naturally, will make a hole in the wall, which you can go through to the next room. In this next room, you'll be on a solitary catwalk. Go south and north to get items out of the skull pots, and then go to the north end of the catwalk, where, along the left-hand side of the northern wall, you'll see another cracked, faulty wall. Bomb this wall as well and go through the hole there to get to another room. While you'll be zoned off from a majority of the room, you can still get ten rupees (two blue rupees worth five rupees each) out of the two skull pots in front of you. Then, you can go back south, and then west, to the previous room we were at before. Walk north and then west along the catwalk, and back down the stairs, to the bottom floor of this room. From here, while avoiding the Fire Snake and killing the remaining Dragon Knights, walk west, then south, and then east. You'll come across another staircase leading up to the catwalk above. Go up these stairs so that you're now on the catwalk. DO NOT LIFT UP ANY SKULL POTS UP HERE! They all conceal Magical Energy. Instead, walk around south via the catwalk, to the treasure chest, where you can get a quick 20 rupees from the red rupee within the chest. Sweet! Now, jump off or climb down from the catwalk, and work your way east across the room, to the east doors (concealed by the catwalk) that will lead you to the next room to your right. Either door'll do, it doesn't matter which. As you enter into this room, notice yet another catwalk above. Completely ignore it for now - it leads to the big key door, and since we don't have the big key yet, it serves us no purpose. Back on the ground, walk east and kill the Red Dragon Knight, as you avoid the two fireballs orbiting the brown statue there. Then, walk straight down, through the door (hidden by a catwalk), to the room south of us. Once in this room, walk south to the staircase right in front of you, and walk up it, to the catwalk above. Traverse the catwalk, grabbing whatever items you can get (and want) out of the various skull pots there. However, walk south along the catwalk, and veer north towards the treasure chest there, to get the dungeon's Compass. Then, make your way back down to the main floor of the room, off of the catwalks. Walk south, to the southwest side of the room, and walk over to the wall, where yet another hidden door will be. Walk through this door to get to the western room, where a treasure chest lies. Walk to the treasure chest and open it to get the dungeon's Big Key! Okay, sweet! Walk back to the east room, and then go north to the next room. Back here, make your way back up to the catwalk (the one I earlier told you to ignore because we didn't have the Big Key.) Now that we DO have this key, make your way to the northeast end of the catwalk, where the big key door is. You can now open it, and proceed to the next room. Once in this new corridor, run straight up and kill the three Skeletons waiting for you there. You'll notice on the left side wall that there is a locked door to the south end of it, and a sealed door to the north end. The door at the north of the corridor leads to a barren room, so ignore it for now. Once the enemies are all defeated here, walk to the northern end of the corridor, where two skull pots lie. Under one of these pots is the key to the door in this corridor. Grab the key, and walk back south to the southern end of the corridor, where you can open the locked door there, and proceed into the next room. Here, while avoiding the constantly roaming Fire Snake, kill the Red Dragon Knight and the Blue Dragon Knight. Then, grab the goodies out of the skull pots in the room, and go left, to the next room. In this room, you'll be greeted by a Spinner, two Red Ghosts, and a plethora of Spike Traps, along with a conveyor belt in the middle of the room. There's a door leading north out of this room, and a door leading west out of this room. Since none of the enemies in this room can be harmed at all, simply run west through this room (avoiding the enemies and Spike Traps), to the next room. In this next long room, a conveyor belt leads all the way throughout the corridor, with Red Ghosts all over the place. Worry not, though. Traverse the conveyor belt, avoiding the Red Ghosts and Spike Traps, to the door at the north end of the room. Go through this door to yet another room. This room is fully of activity too, as Spike Traps are eeking to go back and forth. Some blocks are blocking them, however. In anycase, go up to the crystal switch on the left side of the room. In front of it is a skull pot. Pick up the skull pot to get a key, and then strike the crystal switch to change its color. The Spike Traps will now be able to fly all over the place. Carefully traverse and avoid these traps as you work your way to the north end of the room. Here, a locked door is present. Open the locked door with your new key, and go up the stairs through the door, to the next floor. Up here, a Green Bug patrols the otherwise vacant room. Grab the skull pots and whatever's under them to the south of the room. The ones to the north of the room are blocked by some blocks, as well as the Sahasrahla plaque there. If you need to see it (it's just Zelda telling you about Blind the Thief), go back downstairs and strike the crystal switch again). Otherwise, hit the golden circular switch to the southeast corner of the room, under a skull pot, and go east. DO NOT PULL THE SWITCH IN THIS ROOM, ignore it. Go east. In this bright corridor, some Green Bugs will approach you. Just run straight east, to the other end of the corridor, where it's more of the same. Run east into the next room. In this room, more Green Bugs will greet you. Kill them first, and then you'll notice a cracked floor surrounded by some wall to the north of the room. You need to bomb it, but naturally you can't go place a bomb over it. Instead, plant a bomb on the ground in front of you, then pick it up and throw it at the hole, to blow it open. Why we did this will be evident in a while. Anyway, once that's done, go all the way back west, and back downstairs. Once downstairs, make sure the crystal switch is struck so that the Spike Traps are moving across the room freely. Then, go south through the Spike Trap room, to the conveyor belt room below. As soon as you enter this room, veer right to the now-open door there, that was previously blocked by a block in the way. Go through this door to the next room. As you enter into the next room, kill the various Dragon Knights and avoid the Red Ghost... that's all you can do here, as you go right yet another screen, to the next room. In this room, you can go south, east, or north. First of all, DON'T go east, or you'll be back in a previous corridor, where the door will seal behind you, and you'll have to walk all the way back around to the previous room. Instead, slay the enemies in this room, while carefully treading upon the conveyor belt covering the floor. Go south through the door to get two quick blue rupees from under the two skull pots there, then go back north to the conveyor belt room. Go straight north (around the hole in the middle of the room, of course), to the doorway, which holds the staircase leading down. Go down these stairs to the next room. In this room, simply kill the Skeleton, Red Dragon Knight and Blue Dragon Knight. Then, the sealed door to the left will open. The door to the south is completely blocked off for now, so ignore it, and go west. In this room, follow the conveyor belt south across the chasm carefully, or you'll fall into the death pits below! On the conveyor belt are the uber-pesky Red Floaters and Blue Floaters, so be careful! When you get to the south of the room, the door heading west is locked, so instead, go east, to the next room. In this room, you'll be greeted by a lone Red Dragon Knight. Slay him, and ignore the door heading north. Instead, go east again. In this room, another Red Dragon Knight will greet you, along with some Red Slimes. Slay the enemies, and go north through the various locked gates (the big key unlocks them for you, just like when you unlocked Zelda's cell in Hyrule Castle in the beginning of the game). As you head north, kill the various Blue Dragon Knights. When you finally get to the final cell, a young lady will be waiting for you... or so it seems. Talk to "her" and she'll come with you. Within her cell was a treasure chest. Open it to get a key! Then, go south, and west out of the room. Go west through the next room as well, and go west to the locked door. Use your key on it to open it, and go through to the next room. In this room, the big treasure chest is just CHILLIN', san. =) Equip the Hammer to knock in the pesky pink blockers around the chest, and quickly unlock the chest and get the Titan's Mitt from within it! If you're not quick, you'll be stranded in the middle of the room, as the floor around you starts to collapse! So be quick, get the Titan's Mitt and get out, going back east to the previous room. From here, equip the Magic Mirror on Link and use it, which will bring both you and the young woman back to the entrance of Blind's Hideout. As you come back at the entrance, the young woman'll steer you from going outside... interesting. =) Anyway, from the entrance, go down to the main level (not on the catwalk, that is), and go north, and then east a screen. Once here, find a staircase leading up to the catwalk above. Once on the catwalk, walk north, to the door that was previously locked with the big lock, that we opened with the big key. Go through this door, and run straight north through the corridor to the empty room I told you to ignore before. Teehee... this is where it happens, my friends. With the "young woman" trailing you, walk into the sunlight in the middle of the room (if you didn't bomb the floor above like I told you to earlier, this won't work). When you walk to the light with the young woman, you'll hear the boss music start up. See, the "young woman" is actually Blind the Thief! Gahahaha, go figure. =P In anycase, the battle royale begins after Blind turns into a huge red monster... ***** *** ***** BOSS FIGHT NINE - BLIND THE THIEF ***** *** ***** Blind the Thief isn't actually Blind the Thief in his normal form here. If you remember correctly, we meet Blind early on in the game, in his hideout in Kakariko Village. When we meet him there, he's nothing more than a blond haired punk with some stylish sunglasses on, because he "hates light." Now, he's a huge red monster with one hell of an attitude. After you drag the chick you've been leading around the dungeon into the light, she'll turn into Blind, who'll turn into a monster. This monster is huge, and has quite a few interesting attacks, but nothing too life threatening. His primary attack is, as he floats around the room pretty randomly, that he'll shoot these huge laser beams at you, which does pretty good damage, and can't be blocked with your shield in any way, so don't bother. His other attack is, after you hit him enough times, his head comes off and starts rotating (or orbiting) around the room, shooting projectiles at Link continuously. These heads cannot be damaged or harmed in any way with any weapon in your arsenal, so don't waste your time on those, either. So how, exactly, do you hurt Blind the Thief, then? It's quite simple, really. No special weapons or items to use on him, just use your Master Sword and hack away at him. The disadvantage to having to use the Master Sword on him, is, of course, that you need to sacrifice any advantage you'd have with distance on him - getting in close and slashing away at him is the only way to damage this monstrous form of Blind the Thief... that bastard. =P ***** After Blind the Thief meets his ultimate demise, grab the heart he drops, for another heart container in your energy meter, and the fourth Dark World crystal as well. When you grab the crystal, the maiden within it will talk to Link, thanking him and telling him more of the story of the Golden Land and the Triforce, so listen carefully! After that, you'll automatically be healed and transported outside of Blind's Hideout. You're now back in the Village of Outcasts... much to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXVIII. Getting the Tempered Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Tempered Sword is the third strongest sword in the game, and now that we have the Titan Mitt from Blind's Hideout, we can now get it. But how do we go about doing so? It's easy, really. From the Village of Outcasts, head to the eastern end of the village, and leave the village through the southern exit. Then simply walk west from there, where you'll see a blue-purple frog behind some skulls, skulls that we can now pick up with the use of our Titan Mitt. Pick the skulls up and talk to the frog, who'll beg you to bring him back to his "partner"... so what does all of this mean? It's quite simple. After talking to him, equip your Magic Mirror and use it to get back to the Light World. After doing that, so that you're back in the Light World, go back north to Kakariko Village, and then swing east almost right away, and enter the house there, which is the Blacksmith's House. With the blacksmith's partner returned, they both thank you very much, and promise to temper your sword! Nice! Leave the house, and go back into it. Talk to the blacksmiths and they'll offer to temper your sword for only ten rupees! Of course we'll take that offer! Give them your sword and leave for now. Now, you have no sword, but we have some other stuff to take care of for now, so by the time we finish the rest of our agenda, we can come back and our Tempered Sword'll be ready! Sweet! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXIX. Stuff to do before the Ice Palace... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ice Palace is next on our agenda, but first, we need to get our sword back from the blacksmiths in a stronger, tempered state. Since it won't be ready for a while, why not do some other stuff first? There's a Magic Bottle out there we need to get, as well as another heart piece and a special item... PLEASE NOTE: If you're following the walkthrough, you have NO SWORD right now... so try not to fight any enemies. Equip the Fire Rod or Ice Rod or the Bow and Arrow if you feel you need a weapon to protect yourself, just in case. But you should be fine without one... First, lets get that heart piece. Walk back to where you warped to the Light World, and warp back to the Dark World. Good, that's the way. Now, back in the Dark World, go back to the Blacksmith's House region, to the east of the Village of Outcasts. Here, with the Titan Mitt, you can now move those two huge dark green rocks to your right, blocking the rest of the screen. Once you move those, head south, through the hammer-smashable stakes in the ground. Equip the Hammer, smashing each stake into the ground. Each stake MUST BE SMASHED. When the last stake is smashed into the ground, you'll hear the magical Zelda secret melody... go south and the tree trunk in the ground will now be a staircase leading into the ground below. Take these stairs down into the underground, and grab your 20th heart piece from within the confines of the small cave. If you've been following the walkthrough so far, and that is indeed your 20th heart piece, you should now have another heart in your health meter. Cool! Okay, now for the fourth Magic Bottle. We're in the right area already, so that's awfully convenient. The area, of course, is the Dark World's Blacksmith's House. Approach the house and enter it, where Link will find a purple treasure chest he just can't seem to open it. You'll now be dragging it along with you. First and foremost, equip the Magic Mirror and warp back to the Light World. The treasure chest will still be with you. Now, walk (you HAVE to walk or you'll lose the chest), to the Desert of Mystery (you remember where that is I'm sure). Now, once there, find the Middle Aged Man, near the entrance to the desert. Talk to him and he'll agree to open this purple treasure chest that you can't seem to open for you, as long as you promise him that you'll never tell anyone that he did this for you. Agree that you'll never tell anyone, and he'll open it for you. It's a good deal, trust me. When he opens it, he'll find the fourth and final Magic Bottle, and give it to you! Sweet! Now we have all of the Magic Bottles... good deal. For the final thing on our list, we can now go and get the Cane of Byrna, another of those optional items/weapons in the game, but something that's still cool for us to get. To get this weapon, we need to travel to Death Mountain in the Light World. Make sure that you have no portals open to the Dark World, you have to be in the Light World only. Okay, so work your way up Death Mountain, all the way to the first warp that we used atop Death Mountain, next to Spectacle Rock, the first time we ever entered into the Dark World. Enter the Dark World via this warp, and then walk straight south to the ledge. You'll see a small hole in the ledge that'll allow you to jump off of the cliff below. Jump off here and you'll land on a little platform jutting out to the mountain, with a cave entrance right there. Enter into this cave, and you'll see a whole shitload of stuff ahead of you. First, equip the Hammer and pound down the three pink annoying things in front of you, blocking your way. Then, you'll see a hole path of spikes ahead of you, winding through the cave. They damage you for a heart every second or so... so to avoid being damaged, equip the Magic Cape on Link, and use it. Then, run quickly through this winding path of spikes to the end, where a huge gray block will be in the way. Use the Titan Mitt to move it out of your way, and then approach the treasure chest on the alter in front of you to get the Cane of Byrna! This is a cool item that pretty much serves the same invisibility purposes as the Magic Cape... go figure. In anycase, we're all set now. Leave Death Mountain and go back to the Blacksmith's House, where your Tempered Sword will await you. Pick it up and wield its power! But now... now, we're ready to go to the Dark World's fifth dungeon, the Ice Palace... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXX. Getting to the Ice Palace... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting to the Ice Palace is quite simple. I'll tell you how to get there from the Pyramid of Power. From the Pyramid of Power, simply run down the pyramid, and head east one screen. Then go south, all the way past the Palace of Darkness area, and go south to the bridge that was (and is) blocked off my stakes, heading south. Equip the Hammer, as we've done many times before, and bash these stakes down, to get across the bridge. Then, go south one screen. On this screen, you'll see a house to the left and some water to the right. Jump into the water and swim all the way east (while avoiding those pesky sky bomb enemies that keep dropping explosives on you.) When you get far enough east, you'll come to an icy-looking building on a sheet of ice. But it seems as if you can't get in! That's okay. Use the Magic Mirror to get back to the Light World, when you're in front of the building. When you transport and get back to the Light World, you'll be in Lake Hylia, right in front of an island. Climb up on this island. You'll see a dark green stone right in front of you. Pick it up to reveal a warp back to the Dark World. Take this warp back to the Dark World and you'll now be within the walls of the icy dungeon! Sweet. Then, simply enter the dungeon, and get ready. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXVII. Crystal Number Five - Ice Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This walkthrough for the Ice Palace is 100% valid for the SNES version of the game. Even though you've accessed this guide for the GBA version, some people will access it for the SNES version. Because of this, I've left the walkthrough the same for the SNES version. The GBA version is considerably easier (no pushing blocks through floors, et cetera). So changing the walkthrough would be futile, as the dungeon has become incredibly easier. I'm more-or-less trying to have mercy on the SNES players who still need to play the considerably harder version of the dungeon. For this, I hope you understand. The Ice Palace isn't too difficult... just be weary of all of the slippery floors and such scattered throughout the dungeon! As you enter the dungeon, you'll be in a room with seemingly no enemies. The only other door in the room is to your left, and it's sealed shut. Go to the Sahasrahla plaque at the north end of the room and he'll tell you, telepathically (as he always does) that the use of fire will protect you within the confines of this dungeon. With that in mind, an Ice Monster comes out of the wall to the left. You think it's a statue just chillin' there, but it's actually an evil creature! As he comes at you, you'll notice that your Tempered Sword isn't damaging it at all. So what to do? Heed Sahasrahla's words! Equip the Fire Rod on Link and fire it once at the Ice Monster to make it evaporate into thin air. After he's defeated, the door to your left will open, so go through it to the next room. In this room, you'll see a tiled floor. On the tiled floor, as I mentioned in the first short paragraph of this Ice Palace walkthrough are slippery, and can be really annoying. Once you walk onto it, you'll start to slide around, and it's impossible to truly control where Link is going to go. It's like playing Ice Man's stage in Mega Man, or Flash Man's stage in Mega Man 2... or even Blizzard Man's stage in Mega Man 6. Yeah, I'm nerdy like that. In anycase, hovering to your left over this slippery surface are three Blue Floaters. Carefully walk onto the ice and over to them, and slay them. One of them will drop a key, which you'll need to open the locked door to the north of the room. So grab the key, walk up to the northern door, and open it. Then proceed through it and down the stairs to the next floor. In this corridor-room, you'll see a sealed door to your right, and no enemies within (except some Green Slimes, when you walk over certain floors, but they're easy to defeat and not even worth mentioning). Simply walk south, past the sealed door, to the lower left-hand corner of the room, where a semi- camouflaged switch is on the ground there. Press this switch and the door to the right will open. Then, simply go through this door to the next room. In this room, there are three other doors to get out of it. The door to the north and the door to the east are both sealed shut. The door to the south, however, is open. Walk to your right, to the intersection of the room, and push the middle of the five blocks blocking your way over. Then, run south and out of this room to the next room. In this room, six or seven Green Penguins will be there to greet you, slipping and sliding all over the slippery ice floor. Stand near the door and swing your Tempered Sword wildly. They will all run into your sword and die, one by one, after getting hit twice each. When all of these pesky Green Penguins are defeated, a treasure chest will appear to the south of the room. Walk, run, or slide your way to the south of the room and open up this treasure chest. You'll find the dungeon's compass within it! Sweet! Then, simply run back north, and through the door there, back to the previous room. Back in this room with all of the doors, walk north to the blocks blocking your way, and push the middle block to the north, opening your way to go either west or east. Go east, and press the semi-camouflaged switch on the ground as you go, which will open all three sealed doors within the room. Then, continue going east and through the door, to the next room. In here, again defeat all of those pesky sliding Green Penguins that are all over the room, and do that while avoiding the Spinner roaming around the room. After the enemies are defeated, you'll notice two skull pots in the middle of the room. The one to the north is hiding Magical Energy, so DON'T pick it up. The one to the south, however, has a golden circular switch underneath it. Press it, and the sealed doors to the east and west will both open. However, don't go east. Instead, go back west to the previous room. Once back in the previous room. Press the switch as you walk west that's on the ground, and push the middle block that's blocking you over to the west. Then, walk north through the opened sealed door to another room. In this room, you'll be greeted by four Red Floaters. Flanking the middle of the room are blocks, controlled by the crystal switch on the right-hand side of the room. Defeat all of the enemies in the room, then, strike the crystal switch so you can get to the back of the room. After that, place a bomb on or near the crystal switch, and run back north, beyond the blocks that are in the down position. When the bomb detonates, the crystal switch will go back the other way, and the blocks blocking the patch of ice in the middle of the room will be no more. Walk onto the sheet of ice there and place a bomb on it. The bomb will explode, and open up a hole in the ground, leading down to the floor below. Jump through this hole to the floor below. Once in this room, you'll be standing over a faulty floor, but don't bother with it yet. Grab the goods out of the four surrounding skull pots in the room, and then approach the northern wall, where another Sahasrahla plaque will be waiting for you. Read it and the old wise man will tell you that the Skeleton Knights can only be killed by another weapon, after being stunned by your sword... and suddenly, a Skeleton Knight drops from the ceiling! Hit him once with your sword, and then quickly place a Bomb over the pile of bones on the floor. You must be quick about this, so that the bomb is placed and explodes before he reassembles himself! When the bomb goes off (if it does in time), the Skeleton Knight will be no more. But the door to the south is still sealed. Don't worry! Walk to the southern wall, where another Skeleton Knight will fall from the ceiling. Hit it with your sword and then bomb it in its disassembled state, just like we did before. When this happens, and both Skeleton Knights are defeated, the door to the south of the room will open. Go through this door, south to the next room. Okay, down in this room, you'll be in a massive room with a constantly moving floor. Spike Traps are all over the room, and Black Spiders scurry across the moving floor every few seconds. Not only that, but Blue Floaters are all over the place too! Carefully and cautiously make your way leftward across this dangerous room, while killing the Blue Floaters as you go. You must kill the Blue Floaters until one of them drops a key, and then you can ignore the rest of them if that's what you want to do. Anyway, work your way to the left side of the room, where you'll see a locked door to the south of the room, all the way to the left. With the key you got from one of the Blue Floaters, unlock this door, and go south into the next room. Make sure that the switch to the north of the room is activated (the crystal switch) so that in the southern room, you can pass by the blue blocks there... you'll see what I mean when you get there. In this room, there are holes and chasms all over the place, not to mention a rotating Firewall in the middle, to make your life more difficult. The door to the right of the room is sealed shut, and the skull pot to the lower left-hand corner is the key, for it's hiding the golden circular switch that'll open the door. So, time your walking so that you can quickly get through and seek safety in the lower left-hand corner of the room before the Firewall swings around and smashes into you. When you get down there, pick up the skull pot and press the switch, which'll open the door to the right. Then, quickly run to the right of the room (grabbing hearts out of the skull pots), and go right, into the next room. In this short corridor, the door behind you will slam shut. Walk to your right (turning around to kill the three Green Slimes that come up behind you), and grab the magic jar out of the skull pot in the room, before going north, through the door there, and down the stairs, to the next floor. Once down here, you'll be on a slippery floor, greeted by six Green Penguins. You can slay them all with your sword, or use that handy dandy Bombos Medallion that you have, and watch them all die instantly. Then, the sealed door to the north of the room will be opened, so go on through it, but be careful! As soon as you enter into this room, a huge Door Trap will come flying at you from the north end of the room. Stay within the confines of the doorway to avoid getting it, and as it retracts back to it's normal position, go north to the intersection, and veer to the left or right and wait for it to fully reset. When it does, walk into the middle path to reactivate the Door Trap and as it goes south, walk north past it, and into the next room. In this room, avoid the fireballs coming from the two Statues, and walk around the room, grabbing goodies from the various skull pots. Then, suddenly, the floor will start to collapse! But don't worry, we need to fall down to the floor below, so fall, my friend. Fall. When you fall, you'll be on the floor below. As soon as you're down here, run north to the third Sahasrahla plaque we've found in this dungeon, where he'll tell you to conserve your magic! Listen to the man, for Christ's sake! Okay, so where to go from here? Well, there's a door to your right that you don't even need to go down the screen at all to see. So go right and through this door to the next room. In this next room, you'll find four Red Floaters occupying the air over a largely open room, with huge holes all about. Kill the Red Floaters with your sword, Bow and Arrow, Hookshot, or even the Bombos Medallion. After that, equip the Hookshot and aim it at the block on the platform to your right, across the large chasm. Grapple across this hole via the block, and then simply walk south to the next room. But don't enter the room, stay in the doorway - you guessed it, a room full of Door Traps! Activate the one at the north, and as it retracts, run south, and quickly run to your left and then north again, before the next Door Trap gets to you. From there, simply go through the door in the northwest corner of the room, and up the stairs, to the next floor above. As you enter into this room, you'll be greeted by three Blue Floaters. There's a locked door to your left, and in the upper right-hand corner of the room, a doorway with a staircase leading up a floor. So, what to do, what to do. Well, first, kill the Blue Floaters. The spikestrip at the bottom of the floor will damage you, so to avoid damage while walking across it, you can use the Magic Cape or the Cane of Byrna. Of course, you SHOULD use the Magic Cape, because it utilizes far less magic power to use than the Cane of Byrna does. So run across the spike strip, killing the rest of the Blue Floaters. You'll see a skull pot on the right side of the room. Pick it up to reveal a golden circular switch. Press this switch, and a treasure chest will appear at the right-hand side of the room. Reactivate the Magic Cape and walk leftward, back across the spikes. Then, open the treasure chest to get a key. Don't use the key on the door to the left yet (we'll come back to it!). Reactivate the Magic Cape to go right across the spikestrip once again. The faulty, cracked wall on the right-hand side of the room is a trick, and it won't blow up, so don't waste your time, or your Bombs. Simply walk north to the doorway there, and go up the stairs to the next floor. Once up here, walk south and you'll be greeted by a Skeleton Knight coming from the ceiling. As we've done before in this dungeon, slash the Skeleton Knight, and when he's on the ground, use a Bomb to permanently destroy him. Then, equip the Hammer on Link, using it to bash in the pink animals to your left that're blocking your way to the left side of the room. Bash the first two, then use the might of the Titan Mitt to lift the huge gray block in the middle of the room. Toss it aside, and you'll see some Magical Energy and a key to where the block was. Grab the key and quickly smash the other two pink things with your Hammer, and you'll be at the left side of the room. Avoid the Magical Energy, or you'll (of course) get turned into a Bunny. As soon as you're at the left side, another Skeleton Knight drops down to greet you. Defeat it the same way we have been. Then, grab the goodies out of the six skull pots below, pressing on the golden circular switch under the skull pot in the lower left-hand corner, which will make a treasure chest appear on the other side of the room. Go to the other side of the room and grab the dungeon's map out of the treasure chest. But the door to the right of the room is still sealed. Go back to the left of the room and approach the statue with its tongue sticking out. Grab the tongue and pull on it, which is actually the door's switch. The door will then open, and you can go through it to the next room. In this small room, simply go to the staircase leading up, and go up the stairs. You'll come up in a room that I told you to ignore before, primarily because the goods in it we couldn't even get to from the other entrance. Anyway, go south, removing both skull pots in your way so you can get through to the treasure chest at the south of the room. Within this treasure chest, when you open it, you'll find the dungeon's Big Key! Sweet! Now, with that in hand, you see the blocks in your way to your left. Well, go to the bottom of the two blocks and push it to the left, and then push the top block upward, to make a path... then, go left to the next room. In this room that we've been in before, you'll be greeted my a plethora of Green Penguins and a Spinner. Defeat the Penguins anyway you want or can (the Bombos Medallion is cheap to use, but it works). When they are defeated, go to the bottom of the two skull pots in the middle of the room and lift it up, to reveal a golden circular switch. Press this switch to make the door at the left-hand side of the room open up. Go through this door to the left, to the next room, the original intersection in the palace. Once here, walk left, over the semi-camouflaged switch, and then push the block over to your left. Go up and into the room with the Red Floaters in it, that we've been in before. Employ the same strategy here that we did earlier (kill the enemies, then hit the switch, put a Bomb on it, then walk north and let it detonate, so that the barrier in front of the icy surface in the middle of the room is open to us). Once you do that, place a Bomb on the ice surface like we did earlier, and the bomb will again blow a hole through the ice, allowing you to go to the floor below. Drop down to the next floor, and we'll be in more familiar territory. Since we've done this before, I'm just going to breeze through it. Here, activate both of the Skeleton Knights to the north and to the south of the room, slashing and then blowing up both of them, which will open the door to the south of the room. Go through this door, and you'll be back at the moving floor room, with Spike Traps, Blue Floaters and Black Spiders everywhere! As we did earlier, carefully traverse this area, heading left. Since we don't need a key from any of the Blue Floaters this time around, you can just breeze right through it. When you get all the way to the left, go south through the door there to another familiar room. In this room, walk around the perimeter of the room, timing your steps to avoid getting hit by the Firewall there. Make sure to press the golden circular switch under the skull pot in the lower left-hand corner of the room, which will open the sealed door to your right. Go through this door, and then in this next room, simply follow the corridor to the east, and go north through the door and down the stairs, to the next room. In this (another familiar) room, use the Bombos Medallion to quickly kill the squadron of Green Penguins quickly and easily. Grab whatever they drop, and then go through the door to the north of the room, but don't enter into the room! Stay in the doorway until the Door Trap zooms at you, misses, and goes back to reset. At this time, walk north to the middle of the intersection, and then veer left, going through the door to the left, and into the next room. In here, while avoiding the massive Firewall rotating in the middle of the room, work your way across the slippery, icy floor to the left. When you get all the way to the left, go to the staircase leading down there, and go down the stairs, down into the next room. As you come up here, equip the Fire Rod and kill the Ice Monster that comes out of the northern wall. Then, walk to the cracked areas of floor to the north of the staircase you just descended. Place a Bomb in the middle of the cracked floor and blow a hole into it. Then, jump down through the hole to the floor below. You'll come up right in front of the dungeon's big treasure chest! Sweet! Approach the treasure chest and open it up, and you'll be given the Blue Clothes for Link, that he'll automatically put on. This reduces damage Link sustains from enemies by half! A very, very, very useful item indeed, that, when combined with the Tempered Sword, makes Link a very tough customer indeed! Now, simply walk to your right, pushing the block out of the way. Then, walk north or south, and then go east again, pushing another block out of the way. Then, go through the east door there, and into the next room. In this room, you can go east, or north... the north door is locked with the big lock, but that's no problem. First, kill the Ice Monster that comes from the northwest wall with the Fire Rod, and then o to the northern door and unlock it with the Big Key. From there, simply go north through the door and into the next room. In this room, you'll be greeted by three Red Floaters and a Skeleton Knight. Equip that Bombos Medallion and use it on the enemies to kill the Red Floaters, and knock over the Skeleton Knight. Then, ignore the Skeleton Knight on the ground and run straight north, to the locked door there. We have a key, so use it on the door and run north through the door and down the stairs, to the next room below. In this room, simply run straight south through it, avoiding the Spinner as you go, and go south through the door there to the next room. In this room, you'll be greeted by an Ice Monster, four Blue Floaters and a Skeleton Knight. Take out the Ice Monster first with the Fire Rod, and then slash at the Skeleton Knight, and blow him up with a Bomb. From there, take on the Blue Floaters. The skull pot in the middle of the room is concealing a circular golden switch. Pick it up and press it to open the sealed door to the south. However, the door to the south won't stay open after you come off the switch. Use our remaining key, instead, to unlock the locked door to the right of the room, and enter through that door to the next room. Here, go right and slash at the crystal switch there to make it blue, and give you access to the three skull pots on either side of the room. While avoiding the Magical Energy roaming the room, grab what's under all of the pots. Making sure the crystal switch is blue, leave the room back to the left, to the previous room. From here, go north, back through the door there, and then north again, passing the Spinner, to the northern door, which has stairs leading back upstairs. Once back upstairs, go straight down, ignoring the Skeleton Knight coming from the ceiling, and go south to the next room. Then, go right, through the opened door here, to the room next to it. In this room, Black Spiders and a Spinner are all over the place, and a Firewall in the middle to boot. Surrounding the ice, slippery surface all over the place are skull pots. Roam around the room carefully, grabbing whatever is in these skull pots for you to take. Under a skull pot in the upper right-hand corner of the room is a golden circular switch. Press it, and then shoot south through the previously sealed door, south to the next room. In this room, a Firewall is spinning and you have to time your movements to get around it and passed it over the thin catwalk, and then veer left, to the door at the left, and through the door to the next room. Carefully do that (not much of a strategy there, just be quick), and come to the next room. In here, go left and kill the two Blue Floaters in the room. Then, go south and pick up a skull pot, which was concealing a circular golden switch. Press this switch and a treasure chest will appear right next to you. Open this treasure chest and you'll find a key within it. Nice. Now, go north to the doorway there, and up the stairs to the next floor. In this room, go south, grabbing some arrows out of the skull pot and avoiding the Magical Energy coming from the other one. Kill the Green Slimes coming at you from all over the place. As you go north on the right-hand side of the room, equip the Fire Rod and kill the Ice Monster as he comes out of the wall. With him slain, simply go through the northern door there and north into the next room. In this room, walk north across the ice, to the two skull pots adjacent to each other on the right-hand side. Under one of them is a circular golden switch. Press this switch, and the door on the left-hand side of the room will open. Work your way left across the room to this door, and go though it. As soon as you enter through this door, a hole will be blocking your way. But don't worry about it... jump into the hole to go to the floor below you. From here, simply go right, and into the next room. Now, as you enter this room, an Ice Monster will rush you from the north. Equip the Fire Rod and kill him, and then approach the white blocks surrounding the hole in the middle of the room. The northern of the two blocks, push it into the hole, and then jump into the hole. You'll land on top of the block in a room we've already been in. You'll be surrounded by a Skeleton Knight and four Blue Floaters, like we were the last time we were in this room. Kill the enemies, and then push the white block from the floor above that came down with you over the golden circular switch in the middle of the room, which will open and keep open the southern door. Then go through that door, to the next room. This room is super busy. First and foremost, kill the two Red Floaters and the little Red Floaters that they separate into to clear up the enemy confusion. Then, you'll see all sorts of things to the south, and two passages to go down. First, go down right, killing the Blue Floaters there, smashing down the pink things with your Hammer, and grabbing the goods from the two skull pots. Then, go to your left. When you get to the statues, you have to pull them out of the way. Then, smash down the pink things, and pick up the huge gray rock there, which will reveal a hole leading down. Jump through this hole, and get ready to fight Kholdstare. ********** BOSS FIGHT TEN - KHOLDSTARE ********** Kholdstare is by far the coolest name for a boss enemy in any Zelda game, hands down. Hell, as a joke, me and my friend Devin (fellow GameFAQs writer - DMorgan) went and tried to register that name on AOL Instant Messenger, and someone already had it. I couldn't quite believe it, but such is life, and it figures that a fellow nerd like me is out there, and thinks that having Kholdstare as a backup AIM name is a cool idea. In anycase, Kholdstare, when you first fight him, looks like an eyeball stuck in some ice. And that's basically what he is. In this state, he can't attack, but huge chunks of ice continuously come down from above, raining down on you. While this is going on, equip your Fire Rod and fire at the ice of Kholdstare eight times. When the eighth fireball hits the ice, it'll melt away, and Kholdstare's true form will be revealed. He's actually three eyeballs, and he's incredibly easy. The only thing that can harm you here is the ice falling from above. This is because even in this state, Kholdstare still has no attacks. So when he is in this state, which is the only time you can actually physically harm him, start shooting your Fire Rod at any of the three eyeballs as they fly around the room, trying to collide with you. When you run out of magic energy in your magic meter (which you will), don't worry! Your Tempered Sword works just as good. You just have to get in close to them and start hacking away at them. It's really cool if you can slash them into a corner, which will literally corner them, and then you can slash away until they are destroyed. Each eye takes 6 to 8 hits with the Fire Rod and Tempered Sword each to kill, so be patient... but trust me, this boss fight is really easy. You'll be pleasantly surprised to have such an easy boss battle after the hell that was the Ice Palace. =) ***** After Kholdstare is defeated, grab the heart from his exploding body to add to your health meter, and grab the Crystal as well. The maiden from within the crystal will thank Link and tell him a little bit more on the history of Hyrule, the Golden Land, and the Triforce. Then, you'll be transported outside of the Ice Palace. Since you are within the castle walls outside, and can't get out, equip your Magic Mirror to warp back to the Light World, and then swim ashore here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXVIII. The Path to the Misery Mire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First and foremost, Misery Mire is a cool name for a place, isn't it? Yeah, I thought so. Okay, so anyway, when you're in the Light World, equip the Flute and play it to bring the traveling duck to you. When he arrives, go to location six on your map, which will be in the lower left-hand corner of Hyrule, in the Desert of Mystery. You'll be on this ledge with two dark green stones flanking you. Pick up the right-hand stone to reveal passage into the Dark World! Go into the Dark World, and you'll be in the swampy, crappy, rainy and miserable area of the Dark World, Misery Swamp. From here, the path to the Misery Mire is simple and straight forward. But first off, lets take care of some other things, shall we? From the cliff in the Dark World you're on, go north and jump off, and then, while hugging the rockface to your left, run straight north, to the tree trunk there that has a door on it. Go into this door, which will lead you into small, one room dungeon. Patrolling it are two Fireballs and that's it. So, go north while avoiding these two Fireballs, and then down the stairs. Go north a bit more and you'll come across two treasure chests guarded by some blocks. In the left-hand chest is your 21st heart piece (!), and in the right-hand chest are 20 rupees. To get both, you have to leave the dungeon and come back to reset the blocks. After you get the contents of the chest, leave the cave, and run right across the northern area of the Misery Swamp. You'll come across yet another tree trunk with a door in it. Go into this door and you'll be in a small cave with a fairy! Sweet! Simply heal up in here, then we'll get the 22nd heart piece, and then, finally, we're ready to enter the Misery Mire. To get the 22nd heart piece, it's really quite simple. In the swamp, go to the extreme northeast corner. You'll be nestled in some rocks... then you'll know you're in the right area. Once you're there, equip the Magic Mirror and use it to get back to the Light World. You'll be in the Desert of Mystery, atop a lone, solitary platform looking down onto the Desert itself. On this platform is a huge green stone. Lift it up and toss it aside to reveal a staircase leading into the subterrain below. Go down these stairs to be brought into a small cave. To the north is a heart piece, surrounded by a series of pushable blocks. Push your way through them to get to the heart... if you mess up, leave the cave and go back in to reset the blocks to their original position. Now, we're ready to go to the Misery Mire. To gain entrance to the Misery Mire, you'll have to work your way to the center of the swamp we're in. Wade through the shallow water and swim through the deep water, while avoiding the Water Worms shooting out of the water, as well as the Zoras shooting fireballs at you. When you get to the center platform in the swamp, go north to the top of it, where there will be a lightning bolt in a circle on the ground in front of you. Look familiar? It should. It's the symbol for the Ether Medallion! Stand atop this symbol and equip the Ether Medallion on yourself, and then use it. When you use it, the large tree/flower thing in front of you will turn into the cave entrance. Welcome, my friends, to the Misery Mire! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXIX. Crystal Number Six - Misery Mire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah, okay, so we're now finally within the confines of the Misery Mire. Very good, indeed. Walk north along the linear path ahead of you, and then to the right, to the gapping whole in the floor. While you walk, beware of the Yellow Slimes coming out of the floor behind you! Slay them all! When you get to the hole in the floor, it seems that you can't get over it. Of course, that's not the case. Equip the Hookshot on Link and aim it at the block on the other side of the hole. Shoot it and grapple over the hole. Then continue right, to the doorway which has a staircase leading downstairs. Go down the stairs here to the room below. In this room, as you come out of the door, two weak Snake Bushels will be flanking you. Worry not, just slash them both once to do away with them right away. Then, walk west, and north into the proper of the room. You'll notice that a Laser Statue is in the middle of the room (identical to the ones we met far earlier in the game, in the Desert Palace of the Light World. When you walk in front of their rotating eye, they shoot lasers in your direction... just for a quick explanation, in case you've somehow forgotten between now and then). All around the statue, also, are Wizards (properly known as Wizzrobes, but for the sake of simplicity, since a majority of you aren't Zelda buffs like I am, I call the enemies by improper names so you know what the hell I'm talking about). These Wizards are pesky enemies that appear and then disappear all around the room. When the appear, they shoot magical energy at you, and then disappear again. Dispose of them the best you can (you have to avoid them and their magic, and get in close enough to slash them, although having perfect health and use of the sword beam helps a lot too, so you can attack them from a safer distance). When all of the enemies in the room are defeated, including more Snake Bushels in the region of the Laser Statue, the sealed door to the north of the room will open, revealing a pathway northward, to the next room (which is pretty big). In this huge room, you'll be on the upper level, on a small catwalk. Go right to the staircase in front of you, leading to the lower level of the room. From here, go west. As you head west, you'll be in a semi-complex set of maze-like structures, teaming with enemies and Firesnakes and Fireballs, and the like. Also, blurring your vision will be a grating up in the sky, which is an uber pain in the ass. The idea is to work your way to the left, and then north. When you get north enough, you'll come across a staircase, leading back up to a separate section of the upper level catwalk. Ignore it for now, and go right, along the north of the room, to another staircase leading up to yet another segment of the upper level catwalk. Go up the stairs to the catwalk, and then through the door to the north on this catwalk, to the next room. In this room, two Snake Bushels patrol the room. Kill the two weak enemies quickly, and then you'll see a choice of going left, right, or north. First, go right. In this room, some Skeletons patrol the area, as well as a Laser Statue. Slay the Skeletons, while avoiding the rotating eyeball of the Laser Statue. The skull pot to the northwest side of the room is concealing a key. Grab it from under the skull pot. You'll also see some spikes to the southeast of the room, surrounding another skull pot. Equip the Magic Cape on Link (to avoid damage from the spikes along the ground), and walk over the spikes to the pot. Pick it up to reveal a circular golden switch. Press this switch to make a treasure chest appear over the spikes. With the Magic Cape still equipped, go to the newly discovered treasure chest and grab yet another key from out of it. Pretty sweet, I know. From here, you'll now be able to unlock the locked door to the north of the room. And so, that's what we'll do now. Go to the locked door and use a key on it to unlock it. Then walk north through the door to the next room. In this void room, walk east a bit, then north along the grating floor, to the door at the north end of the room. Again, simple. Go through this door, and in the next room, run north across this linear bridge, and then west, to another door. THEN, run straight west across the bridge in this next room, to ANOTHER door. You'll now be in another room for us to do battle in. In this room, some Wizards will start to battle you right away. In addition, statues will be shooting fireballs at you. You can't yet access the southern sector of the room because of the blue blocks that block your way, so instead, slay the Wizard that comes at you from the outset, and then head north, to the north end of the room. While avoiding the Fireballs patrolling the various structures in this room, simple head all the way to the left of the northern sector of the room, where a lone skull pot will stand, as well as a crystal switch. Pick up the skull pot to reveal the location of yet another key, and, in addition, slash or hit (in anyway you want) the crystal switch there, to make it red. Then, go back to the entrance of the room, and you'll notice that the blue blocks that were blocking your path at one point are now down, clearing a path to the rest of the room. Pretty sweet, I know it. Avoid the spikes as you head south and battle the two Skeletons there. Then, grab the goodies out of the various skull pots in the southern area of the room, and use a key to unlock the southern locked door in this room. Then, go south, to the next room. In this room, two statues will shoot fireballs at you, and a patch (more like a path, really) of spikes will be in front of you. Equip the Magic Cape on Link and activate it, then run south along the spikes (not being damaged by use of the mystical Magic Cape). Once you run south along the spikey path, you'll come to the southern area of the room, which is patrolled by more fire shooting statues, a Spinner, and a huge Door Trap. You can get out of this room by either going left, or by going south. Ignore the door heading left, and simply go south, down to the next room. (the room leading left leads to the Big Key door... do we have the Big Key yet!? NO!). Okay, anyway, in this southern room, two statues will be shooting fireballs at you, while a lone Skeleton patrols the area. To the right is an open door, to the left is a sealed door. Kill the Skeleton and avoid the statues' fireballs, and go right, into the next room. We'll now be back in that huge room we were in, in the beginning of the game. We're on a new catwalk however, above the rest of the room. So what to do, what to do. Well, it's simple, really. From where we come out onto the catwalk, walk south, past the locked door. Then, walk east, and then north onto the grating over the floor below. Walk north along this grating, while avoiding the fireballs from the statues all around. To the northern end of the grating, you'll find a skull pot. Pick it up to reveal a hidden golden circular switch. Press it, and a treasure chest will appear to the northwest of you, on the catwalk ahead. Open it up to get another key! Then, walk left from the treasure chest, to the lone door on this catwalk, and walk north through it, to the next room. In this room, four Bomb Slugs patrol the area. These green Slugs walk around slowly, and plant green Bombs once in a while, which soon thereafter explode. They each only take one slash of the Tempered Sword to defeat, however, so worry not. The door to the right of the room is sealed, however, so defeat all four of these enemies, and then the door will unseal. You can then go right into the next room. This is a familiar room (or it should be), as we've been here before. Don't go right, we've been there already. Instead, push the block blocking the center passage of the room, which will make the sealed door to the north of the room to open. Then, simply go north through the now-opened door, to yet another room. Run across this catwalk, north to yet another door, which you should go through. From here, run north along this wooden bridge, which leads to a lone treasure chest, in which is a key. Grab the key from the treasure chest, and then return, and then go back south across the wooden bridge, and back up the stairs, to the door leading south. Go south through this door, and then south along this catwalk, to the previous room. Once in this room, go south, and then left, through the door there. With no enemies in this room, go south through another door, and we'll be back in the huge room. Go south, to the grating over the floor below, and run straight across the grating, to the catwalk on the other side. Then, follow the catwalk as it goes west, and then north, where you'll come across a locked door on the western wall there. Unlock it with one of your many keys, and go through the newly opened door, to the next room. In this room, conveyor belts will be surrounding the entire vicinity of the room. Within the room are two Floating Skulls and a Blue Floater for you to contend with, as well as a fireball shooter. Kill the three enemies in the room (while avoiding the Spinner and the fireball shooter), and one of them will drop a key. Grab the key that they drop, and then you have a choice. You can go west through the locked door, or south through the open door. The door to the south leads essentially no where, so unlock the left-hand side door, and go through it to the next room. In this room, a statue is in the center, with floor tiles coming at you from all directions. What to do, what to do. The northern door is sealed, and the southern door is open. Well, first of all, equip the Lamp. Now you'll notice that there are four torches, one in each corner of the room. Run around the room, avoiding Floor Tiles and fireballs from the statue, and light them all up. The door to the north will then unseal itself when the four are all lit. Go north through the door, and you'll be in a lone room with a treasure chest over some spikes. If the blue blocks are in front of it, you won't be able to get the treasure chest, so go back south and then east, and hit the crystal switch, turning it the other color. Then, come back here. Within the treasure chest is the dungeon's Compass. Pretty neat. From here, go south, back to the floor tile room, and then run south again, though the door there, to another southern room. In here, you'll come across one Wizard, one Bomb Slug, and one Red Floater, as well as a fireball shooter. Kill the enemies, and then go south, along the conveyor belt, and then north, to the right side of the room. Go north, collecting the goodies from the skull pots there, and then go through the door and up the stairs, to the next floor. Up here, go south, avoiding the gaps in the floor, to the south end of the room. On either side of you are torches, which you can't get to because there are blocks in your way. While avoiding the endless barrage of Wizards that come into the room, push your way into either of the torch areas, but don't light them with your Lamp yet! Instead, go south, and do the same exact thing, simply clearing a path to the torches there. Once all four are quickly get-to-able, light the four up as quickly as you can. When you do this (if you're quick enough) the screen will shake and you'll hear a loud noise. This is a good sign! Go south, and then right, to a room filled with a floor of grating. To the north of the room is a Sahasrahla plaque (where he'll give us a tip on what to do to get the Big Key), but it's too late, we've done it already! To the south end of the room, there is a hole in the grating. Fall into the hole, and you'll land on the floor below, on a small platform with a treasure chest on it. Open up the treasure chest to get the dungeon's big key! Sweet! Now, this is going to be semi-unorthodox, but... well, use the Magic Mirror to go back to the entrance of the dungeon. Going to the west of the treasure chest leads to a warp that leads to the boss eventually, but without the dungeon's special item, we can't go there yet, so it's a waste of time. So go back to the dungeon's entrance, my friends. Back at the entrance, work your way all the way back to the "big room" of the dungeon. To get there, as we did earlier, from the entrance, follow the linear path north, and then eastward to the gap. Cross the gap using the Hookshot, and then go east some more, to the door with the stairs leading down. Then, kill all of the Snake Bushels and Wizards in the next room to make the northern door unseal, and go through the door to be back in the dungeon's big room. You'll be atop the catwalk, which is where we need to be. Simply go right, and north along the catwalk to the first door you come to on the right. Go through this door to the next room. In this room, go right to the next door, while avoiding the Spinner. Now, this room can be tricky. In the middle of the room, from north to south, is a bridge that will eventually start to crumble. You'll have to get there quickly, before it starts to crumble, but it won't work if you try getting there by walking around to it. Instead, equip the Hookshot, and Hookshot your way across the gap in front of you, using the block near the beginning of the crumbling bridge. Once across the bridge, run straight north while avoiding the lasers from the wall mounted Laser Eyes on either side of the room. Run north all of the way and you'll come to the dungeon's big treasure chest. Open up the treasure chest, now that we have the Big Key, and you'll find the final inventory item we'll get in the game... the Cane of Somaria, which, when used, creates a red block which you can use in all sorts of situations! Very useful! From here, go left, to the door there, and into the next room. Then, on this platform, jump off of it south, and then run south to the staircase leading up a platform, and go back left, to the dungeon's big room. From here, go down from the catwalks of the room to the main floor, and work your way to the staircase leading back up to the catwalks in the upper left-hand corner of the room. When you get to this staircase, take it back up to the catwalk, and walk west, then south to the first door you get to on the western wall. Walk through this door to the next room. Now, avoid all of the enemies here, we need to conserve energy! Run to the northern door in this room and go through it, and then the left-hand side door in the next room, followed by the northern door in the next room once more. In this sequence, you'll be brought to a room with a golden transporter in the middle of it. Take the transporter and you'll be brought to another area of the dungeon. Here, avoid the Spinners and Wizards, and simply walk to the middle of the room, go up the stairs to the higher level, and unlock the Big Door there with the Big Key, and go north to the next room. From here, you'll be on a catwalk, with a wooden bridge in front of you. First of all, go all the way west on the catwalk to the skull pot there, which conceals a Magic Potion that you'll be in need of now that we've used a lot of magic power. Use it to refill your empty magic meter, and then go north along the wooden bridge to the doorway at the other end, which will lead you to a staircase leading downstairs. Take these stairs down another level, and you'll be in a darkened room. Oh behave! =P In here, several statues will shoot fireballs at you insecently... but first, run straight south, to the right-hand side door, which is locked with a locked door. Open it with one of your several keys, and go south through the door to the room below. In here, in this small room, are nine blue rupees for you to get. Grab the 45 total rupees (9 x 5 = 45), and then go back north to the previous darkened room. Follow the southern wall to the sealed door on the other side, and then go north to the skull pot there. Lift it to reveal a golden circular switch, but it's one of the ones that need constant pressure to stay down. This is where the Cane of Somaria comes in. Equip this cane and use it to create a red block. Then push it over the golden circular switch, which will keep the sealed door to your south jammed open, so that you can go through it, to the next room. Sweet business. But the room is still dark! Don't worry though. Simply go west, and then south, to the door on the western end of this room, to yet another door. This room here is teaming with more enemies for you to fight, unfortunately. While avoiding the Spike Trap to your north, work your way to the right-hand side of the room, where there's another door leading to your left. Go through this door to yet another room. If there are blue blocks right in front of you, you have to go back to the previous room and strike the crystal switch at the north of the room. If the blue blocks are up on the left-hand side of the room, you're okay. Equip the Bombs and bomb your way through the northern cracked and faulty wall smack dab in the middle of the northern wall there. Go through this door and you'll see a crystal switch there. Strike it once, then go back south, and west. The blocks to your right will be up now, but that's of no concern to us. Instead, go left into the next room. Phew. From here, you'll now be in a lit up room. Run north (avoiding the Yellow Slimes falling from above), but ignore the door with the staircase leading up for a moment. Instead, go to the back of it and strike the crystal switch behind it there once, and then go back south, and north through the door there and up the stairs to the floor above. Once up here, avoid the Firesnake and head left, and avoid the Spinners and head north, to the final locked door with the Big Key. Open it and enter into the dungeon's boss chamber. We're gonna fight Vitreous, now. ******** BOSS FIGHT ELEVEN - VITREOUS ******** Vitreous is a disgustingly easy excuse for a boss. And that's something you should be thankful for. =D Vitreous is a huge eyeball, but he's accompanies by many smaller eyeballs, which have no name, but are still a vital part of Vitreous' being. Vitreous, initially, starts chucking his eyeballs at you (the smaller ones), eyeball after eyeball. Keep slashing in the air at them, and they'll all eventually die. Each small eyeball can only take four or five slashes each with the Tempered Sword, so you don't have a whole lot to worry about. During this onslaught of eyeballs, Vitreous will every so often shoot a huge lightning beam (identical, in fact, to the one Aghanim uses) across the room to the south. Don't bother avoiding it, just keep slashing away at those damn eyeballs. When all but four of the eyeballs that were once surrounding Vitreous' body are sent out (not necessarily killed yet), he starts to move around, out of the slime and ooze at the northern end of the room. Don't worry though, all he does is bounce around and shoot the occasional lightning beam across the room at you. When he bounces towards you, simply slash at him with the Tempered Sword, which will back him up. He'll then jump at you again, where you slash at him again. Really, I said it in the beginning of this boss description, and I'll say it again. Vitreous is disgustingly easy, and I mean it. He's THAT easy. =P If you have problems with him, well... read this description again, because it says it all. And if you're STILL having problems with him, then you've got some problems of your own, my friend. =) ***** Once the easy, simplistic, retarded Vitreous is no more, he'll explode and leave behind a full heart for you to take. Take it, and then your sixth of seven crystals will fall from above. Grab it and free the maiden from within. She'll thank you, and tell you more about the story... this time, a bit about the relationship between Ganon and Aghanim. After that, you'll automatically be transported out of the Misery Mire, and we'll pick up on the next part of our journey, now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXX. The Super Bomb and some Upgrades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The best thing to do now is to warp to the Light World, and save and quit, then restart your game. This way, you'll have the opportunity to start at Link's House right away, with no warps open. Okay, so do that, I'll wait. *waits* Okay, done? Awesome. From Link's House, walk north to the warp under Hyrule's castle gates, and go to the Dark World. From there, work your way east, then south, then west, to Link's house's equivalent in the Dark World. Now that the Misery Mire is defeated, the Super Bomb is for sale at the Bomb Shop in the Dark World. To get it, simply walk up to the large orange bomb there and purchase it for 100 rupees. Once you do that, you'll be dragging it around. Words of wisdom - walk, don't run, and don't jump cliffs or anything like that. If you do either, you'll lose the bomb. When you lose it, a "3" will pop on the screen in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, and when it gets to 0, the bomb explodes. Walk the Super Bomb carefully and slowly back to the Pyramid of Power. Walk up the stairs of the Pyramid of Power, and approach the cracked wall there that won't be damaged by a regular bomb. Leave the Super Bomb in front of this crack and allow it to explode, which will pound a hole in the Pyramid of Power! With this hole in the Pyramid of Power, enter into it and approach the small waterhole there. A screen will pop up, allowing you to throw in any item you choose... there are two items to throw into this pond which will have a positive effect. One, throw in your Bow and Arrow, and two, throw in your Tempered Sword. A fat fairy will appear both times and give you back a "better" item in return... that is, the Silver Arrows for your Bow and the Golden Sword for your Tempered Sword... good deal! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXI. En Route to Turtle Rock ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well now that we're all set with our Silver Arrows and Golden Sword, it's time to get the seventh and final crystal... and for that, we must go to Turtle Rock, the hardest dungeon we've been to yet. But how do we get there? Elementary, my dear Watson. We need to work our way to Death Mountain, but in the Light World. You see, you can manually climb up the Mountain... but there's an easier way! Use that damn Flute of yours, and whistle your way point number one on the map, via the Flying Duck, that's kind enough to take us everywhere. When you land atop Death Mountain, you'll be in front of a door that leads into the mountain itself. Ignore it, and begin heading to your right. Slash at the creatures crawling all over the mountain to turn them into stone and make them leave you alone, and then begin bobbing and weaving to avoid the falling rocks and boulders flying off of Death Mountain from above. This is exactly what we do every time we come to Death Mountain, so it should seriously be nothing new to you. When you get to your right, climb up the ladder to the next level, and then go up and swing around left, while still avoiding the rocks and enemies. When you get all the way to the left up here, we'll come to that famous juncture that we've seen so many times before. A signpost in front of a cave entrance that leads back into the mountain (and down to Kakariko Village), and a long, long ladder leading up farther into the reaches of Death Mountain. Opt to climb the long ladder, up to yet another level of Death Mountain. From up here, simply go right, while avoiding the spider enemies, and go to the warp tile surrounded by some green rocks at the right end of this area, and warp your way to the Dark World. Once in the Dark World, simply go right a bit, to where the monster is playing with the ball... this is Spectacle Rock, and we've been here before, so it shouldn't be too unfamiliar to you. On the lighter soil where the boy and ball are playing, equip the Magic Mirror and use it to warp back to the Light World, so that you'll be atop Spectacle Rock. Once on top of the rock, jump northward, down, so that you're in front of the Tower of Hera. Sweet. Okay, but we're not here to be concerned with the Tower of Hera... we need to go past it. Walk in front of the tower and head east, east past the tower and into the next area. From here, avoid or slay any enemies in your path and go right across the wooden bridge suspended over a huge gap. At the end of the bridge are some stakes. To rid yourself of them so you can continue going right, equip the Hammer and pound them in. From here, you'll be on top of more mountain, with some cave entrances and the like. Your goal however is to continue going right, and go right all the way until you can't go right anymore. From there, head south to the ladder leading up to a platform high above the mountain, where there are three more stakes in the ground... what to do? Well, have that Hammer equipped again, and smash them in... BUT! You must smash them in a certain order. Smash the right-hand side one first, then the one at the top of the screen, and finally the left-hand side one. When all three are smashed down in that order, a warp tile will appear in the center of the platform. Take this warp tile to the Dark World. You'll now be on the entrance to Turtle Rock... but let us not bother with that quite yet. First, we have some other business to attend to. Before jumping off of the cliff we're on, you'll notice that there's a circular symbol right there that looks like the Quake Medallion. Well... stand on top of this symbol and use the Quake Medallion, and the Turtle's head (heh heh) below will open up, revealing a door that leads into Turtle Rock, the seventh Dark World dungeon. So jump down, but don't enter into the dungeon yet! We can still get our twenty-third heart piece, so we should probably do that first! From here, run back left to the next area, this time heading to your left. Avoid or slay the fierce Mountain Lions we come across as we go. When you get to the next screen, head left and down to the large green rock just sitting there (that's actually a set of green rocks in the Light World). Pick up this large, dark green stone and you'll find that it was hiding a staircase leading down into the subterrain below. Go down into this cave below. Now this cave has a set of treasure chests that hold money and other goods, but don't waste your time with them... we really don't need them at this point in the game. Instead, go north along this platform until it seems to go into a gap. However, this isn't the case. Equip the Ether Medallion and use it, and then keep an eye on the gap to your north. The light of the Ether Medallion will show you exactly where the hidden and invisible passageway across the gap is. Slam that into your memory and walk across this gap, to the platform on the other side. Then simply go through the door there to the next room. In this room, you'll be at an intersection. To your north, right and left are all cracked and faulty walls. The one leading right is a fake, but bomb the upper and left-hand walls. The upper wall leads to a fairy (if you need to heal up), and the one to the left leads through to another room, that leads up back outside, on a solitary platform. It seems as if there's nothing special up here, but don't be fooled! Equip the Magic Mirror and warp back to the Light World from here, where you'll be on an identical platform, but this platform happens to have heart piece number 23 on it! Nice! From there, simply warp back to the Dark World, and work your way all the way back to the Turtle Rock entrance, where you can now enter into the seventh dungeon of the Dark World. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXII. Crystal Number Seven - Turtle Rock ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turtle Rock is the biggest, hardest, and longest dungeon we've come to in the game. You'll need to use a whole lot of magic in this dungeon, so I suggest (as does Sahasrahla at the plaque in the very beginning of the dungeon) that you have some Magic Potion in at least one Magic Bottle in your inventory, and the rest should be filled up with Red, Health Potions. A two-two ratio between the red and green potions will suffice nicely. If you don't have these potions, go back to the Light World, and head to the witch's hut to get them, unless you're really confident in your skills... Enter into the dungeon, where, to your left, as I mentioned above, Sahasrahla will telepathically talk to you via the Sahasrahla plaque mounted on the wall there. He warns you to have some Magic Potions. In anycase, head straight up to the chasm there, where you'll see a small box with a question mark on it. What to do, what to do. It's simple, really. Whenever you see one of these boxes with question marks on them, know that you'll need to equip the Cane of Somaria on Link and use it to create a large box on top of the question mark box, which Link can then use to transport himself across chasms and such. So do that now, and go north across the chasm, to the door on the other end, which you can then go through to the next area. Once in this next area, go north to the question mark box, and again use the Cane of Somaria to create a block to move on, and then head left on the block to the adjacent door, in the lower left-hand corner of the room. Go south off of the platform and walk south and through the door. From here, run straight south to the treasure chest flanked by two statues shooting fireballs at you. No worries here, just grab the dungeon's Compass from the treasure chest, and then DO NOT RUN BACK NORTH! If you run north and face the north, the door will shut in the room and a Laser Eye will appear, which will start shooting damaging lasers at you over and over again. Instead (and thanks to my good friend Devin Morgan, who I just called on the phone for the answer to this one), charge up your sword, but don't let go of the button. This will allow you to walk backwards out of the room, so that you don't trigger the Laser Eye... then you can walk north, and out of the room, back to the previous room. Back in this room, use the Cane of Somaria once again to create a block for you travel upon, and then go left, to the two skull pots on the left-hand side of the room, which have some goodies for you to grab. Then, work your way back to the right side of the room. The doorway on the lower right-hand side of the room you should ignore - it leads to some useless items, and it's a waste of time and magic to go there. Instead, go to the door on the upper right-hand side of the room, and go through that door to the next room. Here, go south on the small platform to get the goodies out of the two skull pots there, and then go to the question box on the chasm to your right. The door to the north needs to be unsealed so that we can continue... but first, we need to light the four torches suspended over the chasm. And for that, we need some precise timing. This part is really tricky, so it's going to take some patience (and magic power, too). To light these torches, we obviously can't use the Lamp, like we'd conventionally use, so instead, equip the magic-eating Fire Rod. Line yourself up with each of the four torches and fire all four of them up quickly. Try to line yourself up so that you can hit the two on the left side at the same time, then hit each one on the right quickly. When you do that, you'll never get back to the platform in time... the door will close when the torches go out. Instead, you'll need to intentionally fall off of the platform. The only way to do this is to use the Hookshot. Equip the Hookshot and grapple to any of the four torches, so that you fall into the chasm below, and reappear at the entrance to the room. Then quickly go right and north to the now unsealed door, and up to the next room. In here, two massive Spike Rollers are rolling all over the room. It'd be impossible for you to continue upward without getting severely damaged by these huge creations of Ganon. To avoid being damaged, equip and then activate the Magic Cape on Link, and run all the way to the north of the room, to the two treasure chests. Then, quickly deactivate the Magic Cape to conserve precious magic. At the top of this room where the two treasure chests are, you'll find the dungeon's map in the left-hand treasure chest, and a key in the right-hand treasure chest. In addition, you'll find a small magic jar in the skull pot between the two treasure chests. Now, here's a useful trick. Instead of going back south, equip the Magic Mirror and use it to warp back to the entrance of the dungeon. From the entrance, go north and get the huge magic jar from the skull pot before the first question mark box, and then use the Cane of Somaria to go north to the door there, and back to the big room, with the sets of Somaria Block Lines. Back in this room, use the Cane of Somaria to create a block, and then go right, and north, past the two right-hand side doors. The first door on the northern wall, the one on the right-hand side of the room, is open. If you need to get some magic and health power, follow this paragraph. Otherwise, skip this paragraph and go right on to the next paragraph following this one. Go north on this platform and kill the Skeleton, and then go north through the door to the next room. In this small room, there are spikes on all sides, and a sealed door to the north. The Floor Tiles, as they've done many times in the past, will start to fly at you from all directions. Wait until they are all defeated, and the northern door will unseal. Then you can go north through the door, where you'll find a fairy that you can catch with the Bug Catching Net and store in a Magic Bottle, or you can use it now. The skull pot in the middle of the room hides a huge magic jar that you can also use to heal up your magic meter. Then, go back south to the previous room, and south again, back to the large room. Use your Cane of Somaria on the question mark box in front of you (or if you didn't follow the above paragraph, just use the one that's already there), and go left, to the left-hand side northern door, which is locked. Walk onto the small platform before the door and slay the Skeleton there, and then use the key we found earlier on the locked door there, and go north through it, to the next room. In this room, some Green Slimes and a large, Orange Bouncer will come flying at you. Defeat all of the enemies, and one of them will drop a key. This key is vital right away, because you'll then use it to unlock the door to the north of the small room. Once this deed is done, go north and through to the next room. In this room, two Chain Balls will be stationed in the middle of the room (Super Mario Bros. 3 anyone?). There are two crystal switches, one on either side of the room. Work your way carefully to the left-hand side of the room, out of the way of the Chain Balls, but as far south as you can. Equip your Magical Boomerang and chuck it at the crystal switch above, which will make the blocks below you turn down. Once that happens, go to the top most block at the south end of the room, and push the one on the left side over to the right, which will make a treasure chest appear at the top of the room. After that happens, chuck your Boomerang at the Crystal Switch again (after getting north of the previous blue barrier) to make the northern barrier disappear. Go up to the treasure chest quickly (while avoiding the Chain Balls) and grab the key from within the treasure chest. Then quickly run to the door at the north of the room, which is locked, and unlock it. Go through the door and down the stairs, down to the floor below. On this next floor, go south and down the stairs in front of you. Then turn and go right, to the staircase there leading up to a small platform with some skull pots. Grab all of the goodies from the skull pots that you'll probably be in desperate need of now, and then go back down the stairs. First and foremost, there are lots of Spinners in this room. Avoid them if you want, but if you're feeling daring, equip Magic Powder on Link and sprinkle some on them to turn them into Fairies, which you can use on the spot or catch with the Bug Catching Net and throw them in empty Magic Bottles. Either way, self-sufficiency is the key this late in the game. In anycase, work your way to the lower right-hand side of the room, where some more Green Slimes and another Orange Bouncer will greet you. Slay the enemies (or avoid them), and climb up the staircase there to the higher level of the room, where a green tunnel entrance will be waiting for you to enter, to your left. Enter into this tunnel and (eventually) come out on the other end of the tunnel, in the upper left-hand corner of the room. Pretty damn sweet, I know it. Once out of the tunnel and on this new platform, grab the rupees and arrows from the skull pots above you, and then walk left though the door there, and into the next room. Now in this room, we have a choice of two more green tunnels to take. The one on the left side takes us to a series of rooms that we aren't ready for yet (as we need the Big Key for them), so lets ignore them for now. Instead, take the right-hand tunnel, and come back out on the upper left-hand side of the room, where there's a door on the left wall leading to yet another room. Go through this door and to the next room. In this room, you'll be charged at by four Spinners right away. But not to worry! Run to your left, and then straight to your south, where you'll find two Floating Skulls and an Orange Bouncer. To your right is a locked door. DON'T WALK IN FRONT OF IT! If you do, a Laser Eye will appear and shoot your ass. Slay the two Floating Skulls and the Orange Bouncer, while avoiding the Spinners, and one of the fallen enemies will drop a key. Use this key to open the door at the lower right-hand side of the room, and go through this door, back to the previous room we were just in. Okay, NOW!... We'll be in front of another tunnel. Take this tunnel, and you'll end up smack dab in the middle of the room, where a treasure chest awaits you. Open this treasure chest to get the dungeon's Big Key! Sweetness! Okay, from there, you have to work your way back to the upper right-hand side of this room, so go back through the tunnel you came from, and go left into the previous room. Then go north, and right out of this room, and through the tunnel, back to the upper right-hand side of the room. Do you follow so far? Good. Okay, from there, simply go left one tunnel, and take THAT tunnel, which will lead you to the southern section of the room. Then go south through the door there, and into the next room. The doors in this room will seal, and you'll have to fight two Orange Bouncers in this room, all while a statue in the middle is shooting fireballs at you. Defeat both enemies, and the doors to the right and south of the room will open. Take the southern door down to the next room. Here, you can either go left or right. Going right is useless, so go left. In this room, you'll be in a room with FIVE Laser Eyes pointing at you from the north, with some skull pots to the south. The southern wall needs to be bombed right in the middle, where it's cracked and faulty. So quickly run down there and place a Bomb, then get out of harm's way with the lasers from the north. When the bomb explodes and the wall to the south leads outside, go south and outside of Turtle Rock. You'll now be on a platform jutting out of Death Mountain. Go right along the path, and to the door on the right-hand side, but DO NOT GO IN! Instead, equip the Magic Mirror and use it to warp back to the Light World. From there, you'll be on a platform in the Light World. Go back into the cave (now in the Light World) where you'll be faced off with four Green Knomes. First, equip the Hammer and smash the pink animals to the north with them, and then slay all of the Knomes with one hit each with the Silver Arrow, which will allow the sealed northern door to swing open. From there, go north through the door, and approach the treasure chest. Open the treasure chest to get the twenty-fourth and final heart piece, which will give you one more full heart in your health meter! In anycase, walk back south and back outside to the warp, and warp back to the Dark World. Once back in the Dark World, walk north through the right-hand side door and back into Turtle Rock, where you'll be greeted by another question mark box. Use the Cane of Somaria to place a block over this box, and walk north, to the dungeon's big treasure chest. Now that we have the Big Key of the dungeon, use it to open up the treasure chest, and get the Mirror Shield, the most powerful shield in the game! You can block any and all projectiles with it. Then, walk north one screen. While avoiding the Spike Roller patrolling the middle of the room, as well as the two statues shooting fireballs at each north end of the room, walk north the door locked by the Big Key, and unlock it. Then, go north through this door, where you'll come out back in the huge lava room with all of the tunnels going to and fro. Walk into the tunnel on the platform you're on, which will automatically take you to the upper left-hand side of the room. From there, simply walk north through the door there and into the next room. In this room, you'll be greeted by two more Orange Bouncers. Slay both of them and ignore the skull pots in the middle of the room (nothing underneath them at all.) To the north and east sides of the room are faulty walls. Place Bombs in front of both faulty walls to knock holes into the wall. From there, first go right into the next room. In this room, grab the goodies that flank the walls of the room. Kill any Green Slimes that come up as you walk over them, and then push the top of the two blocks in the middle of the room over to gain access to the sealed door to the north of the room. On either side of the sealed door is a Tongue Statue. Pull the tongue of the left-hand statue to open the door. DO NOT PULL THE RIGHT STATUE! If you do, Bombs will fall from above and detonate soon thereafter, so simply be careful! Then, enter north into the next room. In this HUGE rupee room, three Spike Rollers roam around, while you can get a crapload of blue rupees. TO make your life easier, equip the Magic Cape to make yourself invisible, and then run around and grab all of the rupees. When you're done, head back south to the previous room, and unequip the Magic Cape right away. Then, go back left, to the previous room, and from there, go north. In here, a Spike Roller patrols the center of the room. There's a treasure chest to the left of the room surrounded by some blue blocks, and a Crystal Switch to the north of the room. Walk north, to the north of the downed yellow blocks, and equip the Boomerang. While avoiding the Spike Roller, chuck your Boomerang at the Crystal Switch and then quickly run to your left to the treasure chest. Open the treasure chest to get a key, and then walk back right, chucking your Boomerang once more at the crystal switch, so that you can go north, to the locked door there. Unlock the door with your new key, and then go through the door and down the stairs, down another floor. In this darkened room, go south to the question mark box, and use the Cane of Somaria on the box to create a block. It's hard to explain exactly what to do here, so I'm basically going to give you an outline, instead of step by step directions, which would take me forever to explain. Okay, so, the idea is to work your way to the center of the room, where, under a skull pot, is a switch. This switch opens the door (the only door out of this room) to the southwest of the room. That's the idea. There are lots of goodies around the room under skull pots too, so take your time to explore the area thoroughly. When you do this and get to the south of the room and into the next room, run south across the thin bridge, to avoid the lasers from the Laser Eyes flanking the bridge. Quickly put on the brakes when you see the Helmet Bug, or you'll fall into the pit. Slay the bug, and ignore the locked door to the left for now (we haven't a key yet), and instead, go south and to the next room. In this room, there are treasure chests on all sides of the room. Laser Eyes are mounted on the walls, as well. Run down, and grab the goodies out of all of the chests, while avoiding or blocking the lasers from the Laser Eyes (remember, you have the Mirror Shield now, all projectiles can now be blocked). The treasure chest all the way to the south of the room has a key in it, which we need to use back north. The door leading south leads out of Turtle Rock, but only to a small platform that leads nowhere... so ignore it, and instead, run back north to the previous room. Once here, kill the Helmet Bug and go to the locked door at your left. Unlock it with the new found key, and enter left into the next room. In this next seemingly complex room, the idea is to simply work your way to the north of the room by working the various crystal switches in the room. Rarely I can't explain exactly what to do, and this is one of those times. It's really not hard at all, just equip the Boomerang to hit the crystal switches from afar, and use some basic logic, and you'll be out of there in no time. If you need energy, turn the Spinners into Fairies with Magic Powder, but try conserving magic energy... we need what little we have left. Just avoid the Spinner, kill the Orange Bouncers and Helmet Bugs, and work your way north. When you do, go through the door at the north of the room and down the stairs to the dungeon's final floor. Here, on the platform you come out on, go to your left and grab the magic jar from under the skull pots there... we definitely need it by this point. Then simply approach the question mark box and use the Cane of Somaria on it to make a block... then ride it northward, and you'll come to the boss room, locked with a Big Lock. Use the Big Key on it and enter into Trinexx's boss lair... ******* BOSS FIGHT TWELVE - TRINEXX ******* Trinexx is a pretty easy boss enemy to defeat... there's just a few catches that you have to realize, to make sure that you're fully prepared to defeat him. Before entering the battle, have a full magic meter... that's basically all you have to worry about. If you have a full magic meter, the rest will work itself out. Trinexx is fought in three main parts. The huge rock beast has three heads. A center head, and two side heads. The two side heads are elemental... that is to say, one is a fire elemental enemy and the other is an ice elemental enemy. The fire elemental enemy uses fire attacks, such as a fireball, but is weak to ice. The ice elemental enemy uses ice attacks, such as making the floor slippery, but is weak to fire. Are you catching my drift yet? Well this is what you do. First, approach the right-hand side head (which is blue, and is the ice elemental enemy). Equip the Fire Rod on Link and fire it at the head, which will make it freeze. Then run up to the head and slash it three times with your Golden Sword, which will destroy it. Once that's done, run up to the left-hand side head, which is the fire elemental enemy. While avoiding his attacks, equip the Ice Rod and fire it once at his head, which will make him freeze. At that point, slash him three times with the Golden Sword and he too will be destroyed. All at once it seems as if Trinexx is defeated, but my friend, you've forgotten about Trinexx's center main head! Oh yes indeed, we have to contend with that now. Trinexx turns into a dragon-like enemy and flies at the room. It's nearly impossible to avoid getting hit by him, so make sure to use those Red Potions as much as you can. Even with the Blue Clothes on Link, Trinexx still does three hearts of damage with each his he lays on you, so don't take your eye off of your health meter! You'll notice that the center segment of his body is constantly glowing - this is where you need to hit him. Simply hit him three times with the Golden Sword in the center segment of his body, and watch as Trinexx bites the dust... for good. ***** Once Trinexx is defeated and his body exploding, grab the heart his fiery body drops, and then pick up the seventh and final crystal that falls from the sky. This crystal, unlike the other six, doesn't just hold any maiden. It holds Princess Zelda herself. After telling you that you need to now go to Ganon's Castle, with the combined powers of the seven crystals, you're automatically transported out of Turtle Rock... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXIII. Preparing for Ganon's Tower... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ganon's Tower is no cakewalk. It's a long and arduous journey with the hardest enemies we've yet to face in the game... and lots of them. After leaving Turtle Rock, head west a few screens until you come to a huge tower... this is Ganon's Tower. The seven crystals will rotate on the screen, and their combined power will magically and mystically open up the entrance to Ganon's Tower for you to enter... but don't, until you read below. Ganon's Tower is another place that you need to be prepared for. The essentials are: -Golden Sword -Blue Clothes -Mirror Shield -Three Magic Bottles of Red Potion -One Magic Bottle of Green Potion -Full Health (with all 20 hearts obtained) -Full Magic Meter (with 1/2 Magic) If you're missing heart pieces, see the Heart Piece section of this FAQ. If you're magic meter isn't 1/2, see either the FAQ section or the Secrets section. If you don't have all of the Magic Bottles, see Magic Bottle under the Weapons and Items section. The Mirror Shield you should have just gotten in Turtle Rock. The Blue Clothes you should have gotten a long time ago in the Ice Palace. The Golden Sword you should have gotten after Misery Mire at the hole you blow into the Pyramid of Power with the Super Bomb. Are you still with me? Good. (P.S. Potions for your Magic Bottles should be bought at the Light World's witch's hut, for the cheapest fares.) So you think you're ready now? Okay, but I warned you... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXIV. This is It - Ganon's Tower ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you enter Ganon's Tower, you'll be on a platform over-looking the rest of the dungeon. Two staircases lead down, but just go north and jump off of the platform. Statues of Ganon holding the Triforce line the center of the room. You have three choices from the outset. On either side of the northern wall are doors with staircases leading downstairs. In the middle of the northern wall, up some stairs, is a door with a staircase leading upstairs. First, take the left-hand side door, and the stairs going down. In this room you come to, you'll have two Skeletons there. Slay both of them, and you'll see a key atop one of the torches in the center of the room. Dash into the torch to knock the key off of the torch, and then scoop it up. Then, ignore the locked door to the right of the room for now, and go left into this next room. (the locked door leading to your right is, in all actuality, the separator between the right staircase leading down and the left staircase leading down from the Tower's main room, so it's basically a waste of a key. Back in this next room, avoid the blue obstruction spinning around on the conveyor belt. The pink enemies in the middle need to be bonked down, so equip the Hammer on Link and bonk them all down. Then, go to the left side of the room and approach the middle block in the room, pushing it from the left to the right, which will reveal a switch underneath it. Press this star switch and the sealed door to the left of the room will open, allowing you to continue going left and into the next room. In this room, the Hookshot is a must, because you have to grapple from platform to platform using the various blocks and skull pots available to you in the room. Grapple from the platform you're on to the middle platform, and then grapple to the northern platform, which has an open door leading northward on it. Go through this door and into the next room. Here, the door will seal behind you and you'll be stuck with three Skeletons and two fireball shooters... kill the Skeletons and avoid the fireballs from the fireball shooters, and the door will reopen leading south. However, the main attraction in this room is the four treasure chests in each corner. Grab the various goodies out of each treasure chest in the room, and when you're done in there, head back south to the previous room. Back here, simply start grappling all the way to the south end of the room, until you get to the platform with two crystal switches and a Skeleton on it. Slay the lone Skeleton, and then use a key on the door to your right, which will open up, then go through the door. In this room, duel Firewalls spin around a middle block, blocking a treasure chest. Equip the Magic Cape on Link and activate it, and use the power of invisibility to get to the treasure chest in the middle of the room, which will have the dungeon's map, which is especially important in this huge dungeon. Then head back west through the previous door. Now, the crystal switches on this platform must be struck, so... strike the crystal switch so that the blue blocks below you go down, but then, equip the Bombs and place it next to either of the crystal switches, and quickly run to the south of the downed blue blocks. When it explodes and the blocks go up, go south into the next room. In this room, go to the left-hand side of the room where there are two Crystal Switches. Plant a Bomb far away enough from the Crystal Switches so that the explosion radius hits one but not the other, then quickly run to the other side of the room so that you can get to the right side of the room. Lift up the skull pot on that side of the room (to the southeast corner) to get a key, and use that key to unlock the right-hand side door. After it's unlocked, go through it and to the next room. In this room, there's a crystal switch in front of you, and Spike Traps (like ten of them) trapped behind some blocks on the right side of the room. Equip and activate the Magic Cape, and then hit the crystal switch, letting all of the Spike Traps go free. Run to the right side of the room (with the Magic Cape you don't have to worry about getting damaged) and use the golden teleporter square there to teleport to another area of the Tower. Once there, you'll be in a small maze-like situation with four Firesnakes patrolling the area. Equip the Magic Cape once again and walk all the way to the end of the maze, where a chasm'll be in your way. There's a lone block on the bottom of the "maze"... approach it and push it up, and a treasure chest will appear across the chasm. Equip the Hookshot and Hookshot across the chasm, using the treasure chest to grapple on to. When you're over the chasm, open the treasure chest to get a key, and use that key to open the door to the south of the room, allowing you to go south into the next room. In this new room, you'll be sectioned off to a small part of it. This is okay... go down and to the right-hand side golden square teleporter, and take it to yet another new area of the Tower. From this new room, head south, and you'll have your choice of two more teleporters. Opt to take the one on your left, and you'll be in yet another new room. In this new room, you have four golden square teleporters to choose from. Go down, and then into the lower left-hand corner, and take the teleporter there to another new room. In this room, you'll have no choice but to take the golden square teleporter right there, so do so now... and when you come out in this new room, head right. There will be a series of chasms in your way, with two Blue Tentacle Monsters patrolling the area. Slay both of the enemies, and then head to the northeast corner of the room, where another golden square teleporter will be awaiting you. Take that teleporter to a small room, which will lead you to another teleporter, which you'll take back to the previous room (you'll see what I mean when you get there)... this allows you access to the right-hand side of the room. From here, simply go right and into the next room. Okay, now here it gets a little bit tricky, from the door, follow the passageway until it branches upward. Go up all the way and bare left to the doorway ahead of you, but don't go through the door yet. Face right and equip the Fire Rod, and shoot fire to your right, at the torch there on the platform. The invisible pathways of the room will now light up as long as the torch is lit. Run back south to the fork and go up and right. Throw the skull pots in your way and traverse the invisible passageways to the platform where the torch is that we just lit up. From there, you'll see a door heading north. Go through this door and up into the next room. In this room, avoid the Spinners and grab all of the goodies from the various skull pots in the room. To the southeast of the room is a treasure chest. Open this treasure chest to get ten arrows... but that's not all there is to do here. Place a bomb right next to the treasure chest, and the faulty and cracked floor there will blow up into a million pieces, leaving a hole to the floor below. (you can blow a hole in any faulty floor in the room, you'll just be nearer to the treasure chest when you do it, so...) Jump into this hole and you'll come out in the floor below. When you land on the floor below, you'll see the first dungeon in the game's boss enemy, Armos Knights! Get ready to fight these enemies... equip the Bow and Silver Arrows and get ready for one hit kills on each of them. I don't have to explain how to defeat them again, do I? If you need help, please see the boss section below the walkthrough... they have the advantage here though, because the floor ice icy and slippery, just like the Ice Palace's. In anycase, when the Armos Knights are defeated, the sealed doors leading north and west both open up. First, go to the room at the north. In this room, three treasure chests sit atop a platform. The back left and right chests hold some arrows and Bombs for you... the middle chest holds something far more important, however - the dungeon's Big Key! With this, you're granted a lot more freedom to explore and such. With the Big Key in hand, head back south to the previous room, and then bare left into the next room. In this room, there is a door with a staircase leading back upstairs in the northwest corner. But first, in the middle of the northern wall is a cracked and faulty section. Bomb it and create a hole in the wall, and then go north through this hole. In this room there are FOUR fairies... refill your life and capture some with the Bug Catching Net if you have any empty bottles. When you're done here, head south back to the previous room, and then go to the northwest corner of the room and up the stairs, to the floor above. When you come up at the next floor, you'll be in the room with the Big Treasure Chest! SWEET! Push the block to your right over so you can gain access to the rest of the room, and then avoid the Firesnakes and Spike Traps. Approach and open the big treasure chest to get the Red Clothes for Link! These clothes cut damage in half again for Link... it's four times stronger then the Green Clothes and twice as strong as the Blue Clothes. Good deal! With these now equipped, you are looking VERY STRONG. Now, just head north up to the next room, which will be a familiar room. Avoid the two Skeletons and go up to the door at the north of the room, and take the stairs there back up to the main floor of the Tower. Back on the main floor, approach the center door, by going up the stairs, and then going through the door and up the stairs to a whole new level of the dungeon... Once up here, it'll be a pretty hairy situation. But it's really not. Equip the Boomerang on Link and chuck it at the crystal switch to your left. When the blocks around the spikes to your left go down, walk on them, and approach the crystal switch again. The idea is to get to the upper left-hand corner of the room to push the block there down, which will trigger the sealed door to the south of the room to open. So basically, do that... it's not too hard, but how can I really explain it. It's easy, just use some logic! When the door is open, go south out of this room and into the next room. In this room, there are some Spike Traps and two Red Gnomes kinda just chillin'. The door leading out of the room to your right is sealed shut, so you'll have to kill both of the Red Knomes to open it... time your attacks so you go south and attack the Gnome with the Bow and Silver Arrow, and get out of harm's way in time to avoid getting hit by the Spike Traps on their way back. When both Red Gnomes are no more, the sealed door to the right opens up. In this next room, it's more of the same. Two Red Knomes and two Laser Statues are in this room, with a sealed door to the north. While avoiding the deadly lasers of the Laser Statues, slay both Red Gnomes with the Bow and Silver Arrow like we did before, and the sealed door to the north will open up... go north through this door to the next room. This next room is actually a void corridor... take it north and you'll come to a room locked with the Big Key. Use our new found Big Key to open this locked door, which will lead you to another room at your north. Go through the door to the next room. In this loud and noisy room, a catwalk surrounds a lower area below... on the upper right-hand side of the catwalk is a sealed door. We need to unlock it to proceed. This is what we do to do so. It's a lot simpler then it looks. Go down the stairs to your north, to the lower area of the room. There are two Spike Traps going back and forth, guarding two Crystal Switches. For the sake of less damage (you'll see what I mean), ignore the first crystal switch you come across and, instead, strike the second of the two crystal switches, which will allow all of the Spike Traps trapped behind the yellow walls to come free, but also give you access to the region at the north. Here, you'll come across a Red and Green Cyclops. With the Bow and Silver Arrow, slay both of these enemies, and you'll see three skull pots to your north. Lift them up to get some goodies... the middle of these skull pots will be hiding a golden circular switch. Press this switch to open the sealed door along the catwalk, and then go back south to the crystal switch you struck before. Wait until the Spike Traps are behind the yellow lines at the outside of the room and then hit the switch to retrap the Spike Traps. Then head south back to the staircase, and go back up the stairs. Follow the catwalk to your right and then north to the now- open door. Go through this door to the next room. In this next room (which is more like a corridor) black balls (heh heh) are coming from both the north and south walls. Run straight across the corridor (getting hit a few times, probably) to the end of the corridor. There's a cracked wall to the south, but we can't get to it, so we'll have to ignore it. Instead, simply head north through the door there and up the stairs to the next floor. As you come up on this floor, the door out of this room to the left will seal. A Red Dragon Knight and Blue Dragon Knight, as well as other enemies will come and attack you. Slay all of the enemies and the sealed door will unseal, allowing you access to the room at your left. Go through this door to the room at your left. The door behind you will seal, as well as the door heading south in this room. You'll have to kill the three Skeletons patrolling the room now, as well as avoid the lasers from the Laser Statue that's on the conveyor belt in the middle of the room. When the three Skeletons are killed, the doors will unseal. Grab the goodies from the four skull pots in the room, and then head south to the next room. In this next room, you'll be assaulted by four more Blue Dragon Knights and two rotating Laser Statues... slay the four enemies here and the sealed door to the south will open... start getting the drift yet? In this next room, the floor'll be icy in some spots, so be very careful. While avoiding the lasers from the Laser Statues rotating around the middle of the room, slay the two Dragon Knights and the door leading south will open. Go south to the next room, where the floor is still icy. Kill the Skeleton and Dragon Knight and avoid more lasers and fireballs, and the door heading to your left will then open. In this next room, run straight left to the next door, avoiding the Magical Energy. In the NEXT room you come to, the doors will again seal shut. You'll be in a desert environment now. Yes, another boss fight. Lanmolas, this time, the boss enemy from the Desert Palace in the Light World. Easy as can be now though with the Golden Sword. If you need a tip on beating them, see the boss section of the FAQ. When they are slain, head north and through the door there to the next room. In this room, grab the goodies from the four jars in the room, and go to the door at the north of the room, which has a staircase leading up to the next floor. When you come up, the entire room is dark, and three Wizards appear. When they appear, equip and use the Ether Medallion. Not only will this kill the Wizards, but it will allow you to see the invisible pathway in the room, and let you take it to the other side. With the three wizards slain, the door to the south will open. Once out here, go down and run right across the corridor, avoiding the lasers from the wall-mounted Laser Eyes. At the end of the corridor are two guards which you can slay quickly, and then head north to the next room. In here, you'll have to run straight across a crumbling passageway heading north. Just run and slay the enemies as you go, and work your way to the next door heading right. In this room, you'll have to light up all four torches there with the Fire Rod and then quickly work your way to the unsealed door at the bottom right of the screen. In the next screen, simply walk up the stairs to the next floor. Now this part is a little tricky. You have to light up the four torches in the room as the floor around you falls... use the Fire Rod for this tricky deed, and be tenacious! It may take a while to do. When the four are lit, the door to the north of the room will open. Go through the door to the next room. In this room, two statues shooting fireballs are just chillin', with two Helmet Bugs coming at you. Slay the Helmet Bugs, one of which is carrying a key. Use the key on the locked door to the left of the room, and go through to the next room, after getting the Bombs from the treasure chests. Here, a conveyor belt lines the bottom of the room. A Spike Trap and Door Trap are both lining the bottom as well, and a cracked, faulty wall is in need of bombing here... bomb the bottom wall carefully, while avoiding the two traps, and go south through the hole you make into the next room. In this room, work your way to the center of the room by using the various crystal switches located within the room, while avoiding the Spinners... the center of the room has a treasure chest, in which holds a key that opens the door to the south. Go south into this next room where you'll have a fight with the Tower of Hera boss enemy, Moldorm. He was hard at one point, but not anymore. With the Golden Sword, two hits will take him out... for tips on beating him (like you should need any) see the boss section. When he's defeated, it seems as if you're stranded on that platform, but you're not. Go to the east end of the platform and hookshot to the newly found treasure chest there. Open it to get a red rupee (worth 20 rupees) and then work your way to the left and out of this room, into the next room. From here, just walk along the slippery surfaces and conveyor belts, and avoid the Helmet Bugs. Work your way northward and go through the door and up the stairs to the next floor. Then follow this red carpet to Agahnim's lair... ********** BOSS FIGHT THIRTEEN - AGAHNIM II ********** This is our second fight with Agahnim, but it means nothing, really. Aghanim fights the same way as he did earlier in the game, but there's a catch. Instead of it just being him, the great wizard and magician has made two clones of himself that fight alongside with him. This might sound like kind of a pain in the ass, and hell... it is, but it's not SO bad. There will be three Agahnims running around, in that case, and you have to discern which one is the real one. It's easy, though. The three shadows that go around the room before Agahnim and the two clones attack... two of them are light and one of them is dark. The dark shadow is going to be the real Agahnim when they reappear to attack, you see? Furthermore, while all three Agahnims can attack, and can damage you (even if the attack comes from a fake clone), Agahnim lost his greatest attack from the last battle we had with him - that is, his lightning attack. So just like we did last time, equip the Bug Catching Net (or just use your sword) and deflect his fireball attack back at him. The actual beauty in having two clones fighting alongside with him is that the two fake guys' attacks can also be deflected back at the real Agahnim for damage. That's clutch at times. It's hard to avoid the clones' attacks when you're attacking Agahnim himself, however... so make sure to have a Red Potion handy to use when the time comes. Even then, Agahnim does VERY little damage, especially barring the fact that you have the Red Clothes on Link now. All in all, this battle is easy. Six or so reflections of his fireball attacks back on him, and Agahnim will bite the dust... for good. Oh, and about his other attack, the orb attack, if it's coming at you, slash it away. But just like with the last fight with Agahnim, deflecting that back on Agahnim won't damage him at all... only the fireball attack will. ***** When Agahnim bites the dust here, he falls to the ground and Ganon's spirit comes out of him. He was being possessed by Ganon all along! Ganon turns into a Bat and flees the scene, but then, the Duck comes (the Flute playing automatically in the background) and swoops Link up. The Bat (Ganon) smashes a hole into the top of the Pyramid of Power, and the duck takes Link there... but do we fight Ganon now? Read on... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXV. Before Battling Ganon... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you enter into the Pyramid of Power, make sure to have all four of your Magic Bottles full of Red Potions for your health. To get these potions, teleport to the Light World and hit up the Witch's Hut one last time. Then teleport back to the Dark World and jump into the hole in the Pyramid of Power, and get ready to fight Ganon! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXVI. THE BATTLE WITH GANON! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you jump into the hole at the top of the Pyramid of Power, Ganon will address you briefly. He honors you by being surprised that you got this far, that you beat Agahnim twice, and that you are about to battle him... but then, he promises you that he'll end your life here! GET READY! ***** BOSS FIGHT FOURTEEN - GANON ***** The battle with Ganon isn't hard at all, especially if you took my advice to get Red Potions before fighting him. Even with four Red Potions in your four Magic Bottles, you'll probably only need to use one... two, maximum. In anycase, the battle begins with Ganon running around his room, doing random attacks with fire. He has so many attacks that it's too hard to name them all. Before you do much of any damage to him, he just chucks around his trident a lot, and tries to strike you with it. Coincidentally, his trident has boomerang-like qualities, because it comes back to him when he throws it. So run up to him and strike him with your sword over and over again... it's quite simple. As you begin to do more damage to him, he starts to incorporate fire into his attacks. He'll shoot fire, shoot fire birds (like phoenix attacks, I suppose), and even do these crazy fire earthquake attacks that make the sides of the room fall apart, which makes the area in which you battle him even smaller. Don't worry about dodging his attacks, really, just concentrate more on hitting him over and over again. As you do even more damage, Ganon will start to teleport around. He'll do it relentlessly actually, making him a pain in the ass. Stay with him however, because when he stops teleporting to attack briefly, you'll have just a moment to strike him with your sword before he does it all over again. When you finally do enough damage to him, he'll tell you that he's going to use his Darkness Technique, and then the room will go semi- dark. You won't be able to see him. The idea is to equip your Fire Rod or Lamp and light the two torches on the bottom of the room. When both are lit, Ganon will be in full view. At this point, run up to him and slash him with your Golden Sword, which will turn him blue. While he's blue, equip your Bow and Silver Arrow and shoot him with it, which will make the room go back dark. Repeat this process four times total on him, and the fourth Silver Arrow will kill the evil Ganon for good. ***** See the next section for the ending information... but beware of SPOILERS! /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ X S E C T I O N T E N | E N D I N G X /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ THIS SECTION CONTAINS INFORMATION ON THE GAME'S ENDING! IF YOU HAVEN'T YET BEATEN THE GAME AND DON'T WANT HEAVY SPOILERS, DO NOT READ ON! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! As the game ends, you run north through the new door created. The Essence of the Triforce then addresses Link. The essence tells Link of the Triforce's ways of granting wishes, and how the evil-hearted Ganon wanted to rule the world, which changed the powerful Golden Land into the Dark World. Through this, Ganon wished to defeat the Dark World as well, and reign over both lands as supreme ruler. With Ganon now destroyed, the Dark World is no more. The Golden Power is now in Link's hands, for him to do as he wishes... After that, the Triforce is completed and Link hoists it into the air. Then, the game takes us to different places... Hyrule Castle, first, where the King is reinstated as the ultimate ruler of Hyrule. To the Sanctuary, where the priest is reinstated as the religious ruler. Saharsrahla then returns back to his home in Kakariko Village. The Vultures rule over the Desert Palace, and two bullies run around the Tower of Hera. And thankfully, Link's uncle is okay! The Zoras also thank you for your troubles, as does the Witch and her assistant. The Lumberjacks start to cut trees again, while the flute playing boy also returns. Venus, Queen of Fairies once again rules over the Wishing Well, and the Dwarven Silversmiths make some awesome weapons from the metals they harness. The Bug Catching Kid makes a full recovery as well, with the dark airs coming from Death Mountain now completely gone. And, thankfully, the old man of Death Mountain, who's been wandering around there for quite some time, is okay as well. And hell, even the forest thief is okay... even if he did steal rupees, bombs and arrows from you. And also, the Master Sword is back in its place, deep within the Lost Woods... FOREVER! Then, the credits role... with all of the geniuses that made The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past come true. Then, at the end of the credits, view all of your numbers and games played, et cetera. Then... that's... THE END! /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XI S E C T I O N E L E V E N | W E A P O N S / E T C XI /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ This section has it all... weapons, armor, items, et cetera, that you find in the game. It's separated into a few sections, however, for easy reading. Common Items are the items that you find in the field and dungeons, that are, well... common! Dungeon Items are items that you only find in the dungeon. Weapons and Armor are pieces of weapons and armor that you find in the game. Other Items are items you find in the game that are also vital to your success in the lands of Hyrule. Easy, isn't it? ------ ----- Common Items ------ ----- -Name: RUPEES -Use: Hyrule's monetary unit -Where Found/How Obtained: Kill enemies, and some of them sometimes drop rupees. Sometimes, you can even find large sums of rupees in hidden areas. Also, slashing away at bushes and plants, or running into trees can also spawn a few rupees for you to use! -Description: There are three forms of rupees. There is a one rupee piece, a five rupee piece, and a twenty (!) rupee piece. The one rupee piece is green, and is common after defeating an enemy. A five rupee piece is blue in color, and far rarer to get after an enemy is defeated, although they still show up. And then the ultra-rare twenty rupee piece, which is red in color. They are really rare, but seem to show up at many times! ----- -Name: HEART -Use: Refills one heart container -Where Found/How Obtained: When you defeat an enemy, they sometimes drop hearts. Also, slash away at bushes and plants, or buy them from shops, if need be. -Description: The heart is an important item that enemies drop after they meet their demise in battle. They can also be found in bushes or at shops. Pick them up and one heart container will be refilled on your health meter... not a bad deal. ----- -Name: FAIRY -Use: Refills many heart containers -Where Found/How Obtained: Very rare items dropped by enemies after they are defeated. -Description: Fairies are famous Zelda "items" but they are actually alive. When they are released by their enemy captor, they fly around the screen. Catch the fairy and she'll refill your health to a certain degree, far more than a single heart can. Additionally, if you have the Bug-Catching Net and an empty Glass Bottle, you can catch a Fairy and put 'er in a bottle for later use! Pretty nifty, eh!? ----- -Name: MAGIC JAR (small and big) -Use: Refills your magic meter -Where Found/How Obtained: Common items that are found after defeating enemies, in jars, and in grass and bushes. -Description: The Magic Jars are common items that are vital in your quest. They come in two varieties - small and big. Small jars increase your magic meter slightly, while the larger magic jars have a more drastic effect. Many items in the game use magic, which will be taxing on your magic meter, so it's vital that you keep filling up your magic meter with regularity, if you want to survive in the lands of Hyrule. If you see a Magic Jar lying around after you defeat an enemy or destroy a bush or jar, grab it! Make sure that magic meter is full all the time! ----- -Name: MAGIC KEY -Use: Opens up large treasure chests, jail cells, and boss lairs. -Where Found/How Obtained: In various ways, depending on the particular dungeon you're in. -Description: The Magic Key (also known as the Big Key) is a special key you find once or twice in each dungeon in the game. They are vital, for they allow Link to open the big treasure chest in each dungeon, as well as the door leading to the dungeon's boss lair. Nothing else can be said about the Dungeon Key, except that they are quite vital. =) ------- ----- Dungeon Items ------- ----- -Name: MAP -Use: See the layout of a dungeon. -Where Found/How Obtained: Each dungeon has one map within it. They are hidden all in various places, in various ways, depending on the particular dungeon. -Description: The map is a very important item to find within a dungeon, especially if you're attempting to defeat a dungeon on your own, with no outside help. It should be your first objective upon entering any new dungeon, and is usually located around the beginning of the dungeon. ----- -Name: COMPASS -Use: Puts the location of the dungeon boss on the map. -Where Found/How Obtained: Each dungeon has one compass within it. They are hidden all in various places, in various ways, depending on the particular dungeon. -Description: The compass isn't quite as vital an item as the map, but it's pretty important none-the-less, and should be sought out after the map is acquired in each dungeon. The compass, once you have the map, pin points the location of the dungeon boss on the map, for your convenience. ----- -Name: KEY -Use: Opens regular locked doors. -Where Found/How Obtained: Found in various places, hidden in various ways, in dungeons. You can also buy them at various stores around Hyrule. -Description: The Key is a vital item, found in all the dungeons in the game. You need them to open locked doors within the dungeon, of which there are usually several, to many. If you can't seem to find a key in a dungeon, but there's a locked door within the dungeon, you can go to stores around Hyrule and buy a key. There is ALWAYS a key for a door, however, within the dungeon... you just have to find it. ------- Weapons [in alphabetical order] ------- -Name: BOMB -Use: An uber-useful (and absolutely necessary) weapon that not only blows up enemies, but walls and objects! -Where Found/How Obtained: Certain enemies can drop Bombs after you defeat them, but they are also found in various treasure chests, and in some shops around Hyrule, as well. -Description: The Bombs are another of the "basic" Zelda items that are found in every Zelda game. You -need- them, but they're not really used as weapons (although they certainly can be). Instead, Link's primary use for them is to blow up faulty and cracked walls, leading to new and exciting rooms, where you can find items, weapons, and heart pieces. You should always have Bombs in your inventory, and a good amount of them, at that. You'll never know exactly when you might need them! ----- -Name: BOMBOS MEDALLION -Use: A powerful magic spell that harnesses the power of fire. -Where Found/How Obtained: Once you get the Hammer from the Palace of Darkness, head all the way west in the Dark World, to where the Desert of Mystery would be if you were in the Light World. When you get all the way west, walk inside a ring of stakes sticking out of the ground. Then use the Magic Mirror to warp back to the Light World, where you'll find yourself atop a plateau over-looking the Desert of Mystery. Walk west to the green Hylian plaque, and equip the Book of Mudora on Link. Read the plaque, and Link will get the Bombos Medallion, which harnesses the power of fire. -Description: The Bombos Medallion is an extremely powerful magic spell that uses the element of fire. When Link uses it, he swings his sword around, which causes a wall of fire to build around him. Then fireballs starts exploding all over the screen, literally decimating all of the enemies on the screen in one fowl swoop. VERY powerful and VERY useful... just a tad bit taxing on your magic meter. ----- -Name: BOOMERANG -Use: A projectile weapon that comes back to you after striking an enemy. -Where Found/How Obtained: Deep within the dungeons of the castle in the beginning of the game, Link will come across this useful weapon. It's in a treasure chest guarded by a lone Blue Knight. -Description: The Boomerang is a classic Zelda series weapon that doesn't do any damage to most enemies. Instead, when the Boomerang strikes an enemy, it freezes and paralyzes it, leaving it open to attack with Link's sword or other weapons in Link's arsenal. Not only that, but it comes back to Link (it IS a Boomerang, afterall) after being thrown, and can be used as much as you want... you'll often find it equipped as your special weapon early on in the game, when you're just walking around, exploring, or dungeon-crawling. ----- -Name: BOW AND ARROW/SILVER ARROW (stronger Arrows) -Use: A long ranged weapon that packs a lot of punch on almost all enemies. -Where Found/How Obtained: The Bow is the special item/weapon found in the first dungeon in the game, the East Palace. However, the Arrows can be found all around Hyrule, by defeating enemies, in slashed bushes, under pots, et cetera. You can buy them as well. (to get the Silver Arrow, blow a hole in the cracked wall of the Pyramid of Power, and then enter the cave there. Throw in your bow and arrow into the pond within the cave and the fat fairy will give you the Silver Arrows back along with your Bow). -Description: The Bow and Arrow is an uber-useful weapon to have. It's long ranged, like the Boomerang, but it actually damages the enemies it hits, instead of just stunning them. The Bow is found in the first dungeon, but you find Arrows far sooner on in the game. In anycase, try using the Bow and Arrow on all sorts of enemies. It truly packs quite the punch. Just watch your Arrow quantity! You can only shoot the Bow and Arrow if you have Arrows to shoot! It makes sense, doesn't it? =) ----- -Name: ETHER MEDALLION -Use: A powerful magic spell that harnesses the power of the wind. -Where Found/How Obtained: After obtaining the Master Sword, climb Death Mountain again, going to where the Tower of Hera is in the Light World. To the left of the tower is a wooden bridge leading over a large chasm. On the other side of it is an ancient green Hylian block, like the one in front of the Desert Palace. Read it with the Book of Mudora, and you'll get the Ether Medallion, you MUST have the Master Sword though. -Description: The Ether Medallion is a very powerful spell that, when casted, allows Link to fire wind power all around him, damaging and destroying all of the enemies on the screen. Use this powerful Medallion sparingly, however, because it is very, very taxing on your magic meter! ----- -Name: FIRE ROD -Use: The Fire Rod is a weapon, similar to the Ice Rod, that shoots fireballs out of it. It also serves the function of the Lamp; lighting torches. -Where Found/How Obtained: The Fire Rod is the special item/weapon of the Dark World's third dungeon, the Skull Dungeon. -Description: The Fire Rod is a fairly strong weapon, similar to its brother weapon, the Ice Rod. The differences end there, however, as while the Ice Rod shoots Ice, the Fire Rod, naturally, shoots Fire. The fire burns all it touches, killing most enemies in one or two hits. You must keep an eye on your magic meter, however. Even with the 1/2 magic meter that is very advantageous to have, the Fire Rod can still do quite the job on your magic meter if you use it haphazardly. Only use the Fire Rod if you have to. And while it serves the same purpose as the Lamp as far as lighting up torches and such, don't use it in place of the Lamp. The Lamp uses less magic on your magic meter. The only reason you should ever use the Fire Rod to light up a torch is if the torch in question is far away, or across a hole or chasm. Otherwise, the Lamp will still suffice in place of the far stronger Fire Rod. ----- -Name: GOLDEN SWORD -Use: The most powerful of the four swords in the game... a must have! -Where Found/How Obtained: When you're able to purchase the Super Bomb (after defeating the Misery Mire, the Dark World's sixth dungeon) from the Bomb Shop, drag it to the Pyramid of Power. The cracked wall one level up on the Pyramid of Power is un-blowup-able with a regular bomb, but use the Super Bomb and the crack will blow up. This will allow passage into the small room within the Pyramid of Power, where a pond will be. Throw your Tempered Sword into the pond, and the fat fairy will appear, giving you the Golden Sword in return! AWESOME deal! -Description: Not much can really be said about the Golden Sword, except that out of the four swords in the game, it's by far the most powerful. Twice as powerful as the Tempered Sword, and eight times more powerful then the original sword... while being four times more powerful then the Master Sword. Pretty damn cool, isn't it? I thought you'd think so. ----- -Name: HAMMER -Use: The Hammer can not only be used as a powerful weapon, but it smashes stakes and other obstacles into the ground, clearing a path for Link to walk. -Where Found/How Obtained: The Hammer is the first item Link finds in the Dark World. It's the Palace of Darkness' special item/weapon, and is highly useful, to say the least. -Description: The Hammer is a cool item to have. Although it is awfully clumsy and slow-working as a weapon, it's extremely powerful. However, the normal Zelda player won't be using the Hammer as a weapon. Instead, the Hammer should primarily be used as an item, an item to smash stakes and other obstacles and the like into the ground and out of the way, so that Link can walk and go certain places that would otherwise be impassable, and therefore, you couldn't go there. ----- -Name: HOOKSHOT -Use: A handheld weapon that grapples Link across various chasms. Can also be used as a pretty strong weapon on most enemies. -Where Found/How Obtained: The Hookshot is the special item you find in the Dark World's second dungeon, the Watergate Dungeon. -Description: The Hookshot is an uber-useful and powerful item that you find before you fight Arrghus in the Watergate Dungeon (and that you'll need to use on him to defeat him). After getting out of the dungeon, you'll realize the full versatility of the Hookshot, however. The Hookshot is not only a great weapon that pierces the enemy and hurts/destroys him, but it is also used to grapple across various chasms, rivers, et cetera. If you see a skull, rock, block, statue, et cetera across a river, for instance, aim the Hookshot at it and you'll hit it, which will allow you to grapple over the chasm to the other side. Pretty nifty, I know. The Hookshot is very, very useful, so make sure to use it to its full potential! ----- -Name: MAGICAL BOOMERANG -Use: An upgraded version of your regular Boomerang. -Where Found/How Obtained: Once you have the Flippers and Power Glove, you can access the Waterfall of Wishing (see walkthrough for location). Within this cave, throw your Boomerang into the water, and the fairy there will give you the Magical Boomerang in return for it. -Description: The Magical Boomerang is simply an upgrade of the regular old Boomerang you've been carrying around since the beginning parts of the game. It's faster, stronger, and goes farther than the original Boomerang, that's about it. If you need more of an explanation, feel free to see the regular Boomerang's description, on just what a Boomerang does. =) ----- -Name: MASTER SWORD -Use: The second strongest sword in the game. -Where Found/How Obtained: The Master Sword is in the depths of the Lost Woods, and can only be freed from its stone pillar after Link kills the boss enemies of all three Light World palaces, and collects the three Pendants that these enemies were holding. With the power of the Pendants, the Master Sword can then be freed, and used by Link. -Description: Not much can be said about the Master Sword. It's basically a stronger sword than your regular sword, that does twice the damage to enemies you strike with it as the regular sword did. Not only that, but if your energy meter is full, when you slash the Master Sword, is shoots out a powerful circle of damaging enemy, that's strength is about equivalent to the strength of slashing an enemy with your regular sword. A nice touch, indeed, to be used for long distance attacks... you just need to be patient. And damaged for even half a heart, and you can't use this option. Such is the luck of the draw. ----- -Name: QUAKE MEDALLION -Use: A powerful magic spell that harnesses the power of the earth. -Where Found/How Obtained: Once you get into the Dark World after defeating Agahnim, you can get this Medallion. To get it, go to where the Waterfall of Wishing would be if it were in the Dark World. You'll see a circle of stones in the water at that location. There will also be a signpost right near this area. Take the signpost and throw it into the stone circle. A large fish will come out, and give you the Quake Medallion if you agree to leave him alone. -Description: The Quake Medallion is one of three powerful magical medallions that you can find in the game, and might be the most powerful one, as well. When activated, Link leaps into the air and sticks his sword forcefully into the ground, causing shockwaves to come from his sword, and the ground around him to violently shake, killing all enemies in the vicinity. ----- -Name: SUPER BOMB -Use: One use and one use only - to blow a hole in the Pyramid of Power, so you can gain access to the fat fairy's pond, which, in turn, allows you to get the Silver Arrows and Golden Sword. -Where Found/How Obtained: To get the Super Bomb, the Misery Mire and Ice Palace must both be defeated. After that, go to the Dark World's equivalent of Link's House. In the Dark World, Link's House is actually a Bomb Shop. Enter into the Bomb Shop, where the monster there will be selling regular Bombs and a huge orange bomb for 100 rupees. This huge orange bomb is actually the Super Bomb... and there you have it. -Description: The Super Bomb, once you get it, isn't put into your inventory. Instead, you drag it behind you... but you can't run or jump or whatever with it, you have to be slow and walk, and drag it. Drag it to the Pyramid of Power and use it on the cracked, faulty wall there... and the rest is history. =) ----- -Name: SWORD -Use: Your primary weapon... it's a sword, for God's sake. =) -Where Found/How Obtained: After Link enters the castle in the beginning of the game via the hidden entrance, he runs into his injured Uncle. His Uncle hands him his sword and shield and instructs him to go save Zelda. That's how we get it! -Description: What can really possibly be said about the sword. It's a sword. It's Link's run-of-the-mill primary weapon in every Zelda game, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is no exception. Use the sword (which is always equipped) fighting all enemies, hacking and slashing your way through them. Also use the sword to slash away at bushes and tall grass, revealing any rupees or hearts they may be hiding on you! ----- -Name: TEMPERED SWORD -Use: The second strongest sword Link can have in the game. -Where Found/How Obtained: It's not too complex... or maybe it is. See the walkthrough or the FAQ section for a more in-depth explanation, but basically, rescue the "frog" south of the Village of Outcasts in the Dark World, and bring him back to the Light World's blacksmith house. It'll actually be the blacksmith's partner. To thank you, they offer to temper your sword for ten rupees. Allow them to, and your sword will increase in power greatly! -Description: What can really be said about the Tempered Sword. If you don't know what the sword does, see the "Sword"... however, the Tempered Sword is about twice as strong as the Master Sword, or four times stronger than the regular sword Link uses in the game. It's not necessary that you get the Tempered Sword (in fact, many players of this game don't even know you can get it), but you should get it... your quest becomes so much easier once you wield the power of the Tempered Sword, using it on the enemies that are taking over Hyrule. ----- ----------- Other Items [in alphabetical order] ----------- -Name: BLUE CLOTHES -Use: The Blue Clothes are the replacement for Link's Green Clothes, that serve as his armor for a majority of the game. -Where Found/How Obtained: The Blue Clothes are the special item/weapon found in the fifth dungeon of Hyrule's Dark World, the Ice Palace. -Description: There's not too much you can say about the Blue Clothes... basically, they serve the same purpose as the Green Clothes did for Link, that he wears for a majority of the game. The only difference (which is a major difference) however, is that the Blue Clothes protect Link twice as good - that is, the Blue Clothes cut any damage Link would receive if he were wearing the Green Clothes in half. This is very good, because it prolongs the damage Link could take by two, and lessens the need for a defensive game. All in all, this is a great item to have. It's too bad we have to wait until nearly the end of the game to get it. ----- -Name: BOOK OF MUDORA -Use: Allows the ancient Hylian language to be translated -Where Found/How Obtained: After you obtain the Pegasus Shoes immediately following the East Palace victory, head over to the library, south of Kakariko Village. Within the library, atop one of the shelves, is a green book. To get it down, simply use the Pegasus Boots to smash into the shelf, and knock the book down, so you can grab it. -Description: The Book of Mudora is highly necessary in the game. You'll need it to translate several works of ancient Hylian writing, which will not only gain you access into the Desert Palace, but also translate other things as well, so that you can obtain some ancient Hylian magical powers, such as the Quake spell. ----- -Name: BUG CATCHING NET -Use: Catch Faeries and Bugs -Where Found/How Obtained: In the village there is a sick little girl, who has caught a sickness from the evil air emanating from Death Mountain. Talk to her, and if you have at least one Magic Bottle in your inventory, she'll give you her Bug Catching Net. Hell, she can't use it anyway, so don't feel bad! =D -Description: The Bug Catching Net is an often over-looked item, but it's very cool to have. Using it in conjunction with Magic Bottles, you can catch all sorts of bugs with it to store later and release on enemies. Even more importantly, you can catch stray faeries and store them for later use as well! Its good uses are twofold, you see. ----- -Name: CANE OF BYRNA -Use: A cane that, when used, makes Link invisible to damage from any enemy or outside influence. -Where Found/How Obtained: After getting the Magic Cape, Hammer and Titan Mitt, enter into the secret Death Mountain cave, and traverse it. At the end of the cave is a treasure chest, which holds the Cane of Byrna. (see the walkthrough for more information on just how to get it... it's not worth explaining it again. Don't be lazy, see the walkthrough.) -Description: The Cane of Byrna serves the same purpose as the Magic Cape as far as I can tell... except, it looks cooler (as the cane swings around Link, protecting him), and it takes a lot more magic power. It eats more magic than the Magic Cape, and serves the same purpose. I'm not quite sure of its purpose, other than a cool novelty item to have, but whatever. It's in the game, and for the sake of completeness, you should get it. It looks cool in your inventory, anyway. =P ----- -Name: CANE OF SOMARIA -Use: A can that, when used, creates a red block for the user (in this case, Link) to throw, push, pull, et cetera. Quite the useful (and necessary) item. -Where Found/How Obtained: It's the special item/weapon found in the Dark World's sixth dungeon, the Misery Mire. -Description: The Cane of Somaria, if you follow my walkthrough to a tee, is the final inventory item/weapon/whatever you'll find in the game, meaning that after you find the Cane of Somaria, your inventory screen will be all the way full, to the fullest extent. This gives you an extra feeling of accomplishment, indeed. In anycase, the Cane of Somaria is quite the cool item. When you use it, it uses a bit of magic power, but it also creates a red block, which can serve all kinds of uses. Primarily, you can create one of these blocks to put over a switch, or throw at an enemy or switch. All in all, a very useful and very necessary item, that you can't avoid getting. You have to! It'll be impossible to overlook in the Misery Mire... you can't defeat the Misery Mire without it. ----- -Name: FLIPPERS -Use: Allows Link to swim in the deep waters of Hyrule's water bodies. -Where Found/How Obtained: After the Desert Palace, when you get the Power Glove, you can now move the large green rock next to the witch's hut, which leads to the river... at the end of the river is Zora, who'll sell you his Flippers, but for 500 rupees! -Description: Sure, they cost a lot, but they're a MUST HAVE. So get them as soon as you possibly can, because like the Power Glove, the Flippers open up so many areas of Hyrule it's insane. With the Flippers equipped (which they automatically are after you purchase them), there are no waters in the Light World and Dark World that you can't swim, so take advantage of this, and explore my friends, EXPLORE! =D ----- -Name: FLUTE -Use: Many mysterious uses - call upon the Travel Duck (after freeing him) to travel quickly around Hyrule. -Where Found/How Obtained: In the Dark World, you'll find a creature in the tree alcove west of Link's House (where it would be if we were in the Light World), who is pining over the fact that he can't find his flute, and therefore, can't play it. He asks you if you'll find it for him, and you agree to. He'll give you a shovel, and then all you have to do is use the Magic Mirror right there to warp to the Light World tree alcove, dig in the northwest corner of it, find the Flute, and go back to the Dark World. Present it to him, and he'll ask you to play it for him. He'll actually turn into a tree at that time, and you get to keep the Flute. -Description: After obtaining the Flute, go to the weathercock in Kakariko Village, and play the Flute for it, which will free a duck from it. This duck is called the Travel Duck and from now on whenever you play the Flute, it'll appear and swoop you to a random area of Hyrule for quick travel. Very, very useful in making travel to and fro not so tedious, and more importantly, a whole lot quicker. ----- -Name: GREEN CLOTHES -Use: Link's first and primary set of armor in the game. -Where Found/How Obtained: You don't find or obtain the Green Clothes in your course throughout the game. Instead, Link starts the game out in his traditional green garb. It's up to you to find the Blue and Red Clothes, which cut Link's received damage in half, and in fourths (from the Green Clothes' damage received), which can both be found on your journey through Hyrule's Dark World. The Red Clothes in the last dungeon... -Description: The Green Clothes are what Link wears throughout a great majority of his adventures. Eventually, you can stumble across the Blue Clothes (which will cut Link's damage received in half), and in Ganon's dungeon at the end of the game, you can find the Red Clothes, which will cut Link's damage received in half again from the Blue Clothes, making it four times defensively stronger than the Green Clothes. However, these Green Clothes will have to do for all of the Light World and a lot of the Dark World... you don't have much of a choice in the matter. Imagine the damage you'd take if Link was naked? Well, I didn't mean to get you excited, it was really just a question. =) ----- -Name: LAMP -Use: Lights up darkened areas -Where Found/How Obtained: This is the first item (period) you find in the game. It's in a treasure chest inside Link's house. Grab it after Link's Uncle heads to the castle! -Description: The Lamp is a vital item throughout the game. Although is uses precious magic power every time you activate it, you'll need it to light torches throughout the game to light up darkened areas. Not only that, but the only way to open some locked doors is to use the Lamp on torches in a room, activating them all, which will in turn open up the door in question. A cool little item to have... it's vital indeed! ----- -Name: MAGIC BOTTLE -Use: Store potions, bugs and faeries -Where Found/How Obtained: There are four Magic Bottles in the game, and each is acquired in a different way... Bottle One... Bottle One is on sale in the village by the Magic Bottle Merchant, for 100 rupees. Bottle Two... Bottle Two is also found within the village, but via the secret back entrance of the pub. Go through the pub's back entrance and open up the treasure chest there to get your second Magic Bottle. Bottle Three... Bottle Three is an easy find, once you have the Flippers. After purchasing the Flippers from Zora, go to the stone bridge (the vertical one) right near the East Palace. From the north end of the bridge, head east, and then south to the ladder there, which will lead into the water. Jump into the water, and swim back to the bridge, where you can go under it and talk to the hobo there. He'll give you this Magic Bottle as a token of his appreciation for your hard work and troubles. Bottle Four... The fourth Magic Bottle is found in the Dark World. After you get the Titan Mitt from Blind's Hideout, you can enter into the Dark World's Blacksmith's House. Within the house is a purple treasure chest that you just can't open. After you get it, warp to the Light World, and then walk to the Desert of Mystery. Remember the Middle Aged Man there next to the signpost? Well talk to him, and he'll open the treasure chest for you as long as you promise him not to tell anyone he did it. Agree not to tell anyone, and he'll give you the Magic Bottle, which was within the purple treasure chest. Good deal. =) -Description: Magic Bottles are rare and great items in the lands of Zelda. This is the Magic Bottle's first appearance in a Zelda game, but certainly not its last. Use them to store Magic Potions you get from the Witch and Faeries, as well as faeries and all sorts of bugs, to store for later use, when and if you ever do need them! To catch bugs and faeries, though, you'll need the Bug Catching Net... ----- -Name: MAGIC CAPE -Use: Allows the user to be invisible completely from enemies (and even you when you play, except for Link's shadow, which mysteriously remains...) -Where Found/How Obtained: The Magic Cape is in the Sanctuary's graveyard in the Light World. To get there, gain access to the grave in the upper right-hand corner of the graveyard (either by warping to the [to get it earlier than you're supposed to], or by waiting until you get the Titan Mitt and get to it that way). Push the grave out of the way and go into the subterrain, where a short corridor will lead you to the Magic Cape in a treasure chest. -Description: The Magic Cape's use is pretty cool, as it makes you invisible to all enemies, et cetera. However, being that it's an optional item (you don't HAVE to have this item, afterall, and it is pretty well-hidden), there's no mandatory things for it to be used as. Instead, use it for fun, experiment with it. Although it totally eats your magic energy, it's still fun to play around with. Plus, you need to use it to get a heart piece in the Dark World... so it has its uses afterall... ----- -Name: MAGIC MUSHROOM -Use: Give to the witch, and she'll make Magic Powder out of it. -Where Found/How Obtained: The Magic Mushroom is found in one place, and one place only - the Lost Woods. It's randomized where exactly they are, but that's the only region of Hyrule where they can be found. -Description: The Magic Mushroom serves no purpose on its own, but this sweet smelling fruit has another, far more fantastic use. Give to the witch next to her hut on the northeast end of Hyrule, and she'll take it, and tell you to come back later. When you come back later, she'll have Magic Powder for you, a strong weapon that has many uses! ----- -Name: MAGIC MIRROR -Use: Allows Link to transport to the Dark World and back to the Light World. -Where Found/How Obtained: On your way up Death Mountain, en route to the Tower of Hera, you'll run into an old man in the depths of a dark and dreary cave. Lost, he asks if he can tag along with you to the top. When you get him near the top, he thanks you, and gives you the Magic Mirror as a token of his appreciation for guiding him up the mountain. -Description: Not to say every item in the game isn't vital, because almost all of them are if you want to beat the game, but the Magic Mirror is one of those items that you absolutely positively have to have. The Magic Mirror is a priceless transport item, that when Link looks into it, transports him to the Dark World and back to the Light World at will. However, he'll lose his form in the Dark World, unable to use weapons or items, without the use of the Moon Pearl, which you'll find in the Tower of Hera. ----- -Name: MAGIC POTION (Blue, Red, and Green) -Use: There are three types of Magic Potion, each having a different use... -Where Found/How Obtained: The three types of Magic Potions can be purchased from the witch's hut, at the northeast end of the Light World in Hyrule. The Blue Potion costs 160 rupees, the Red Potion costs 120 rupees, and the Green Potion costs 60 rupees. For each potion you buy, you must have an empty Magic Bottle! -Description: Each potion, as I said above, has a different function. The Green Potion, when used, fills up your Magic Meter to the maximum. When you use a Red Potion, all of your empty hearts are restored to full health. And when you use a Blue Potion, your Magic Meter is filled to the maximum AND your health is also filled all the way up. Pretty nifty, eh? ----- -Name: MIRROR SHIELD -Use: Fends off ALL projectiles -Where Found/How Obtained: The Mirror Shield is the special item found in the Dark World's seventh dungeon, Turtle Rock. -Description: What can really be said about the Mirror Shield? Out of all of the shields in the game (the regular shield, the Red Shield, and the Mirror Shield), the Mirror Shield is by far the most defensively powerful in the game. The Mirror Shield can fend off any projectile that any enemy fires at you, including the large fireballs and laser attacks that the Red Shield and regular Shield couldn't fend off. What else can really be said? The Mirror Shield is a hell of an item that you shouldn't pass up for any reason... but the same thing can be said about any item in the game, so what the hell am I talking about, really? =P ----- -Name: MOON PEARL -Use: Allows the user to keep his or her natural form in the Dark World. -Where Found/How Obtained: The Moon Pearl is the special item found in the third palace in the game, the Tower of Hera. It's in the big treasure chest across a large chasm, two floors down from the dungeon's boss. -Description: The Moon Pearl is another item that works automatically after you get it. It's function is very simple, however. Once you have it, and use the Magic Mirror to teleport to the Dark World, you will keep your regular human form, instead of turning into a Bunny. This is vital, for it allows you to function normally in the Dark World, weapons and all, without a handicap from the mysterious dark forces of the Dark World. ----- -Name: PEGASUS SHOES -Use: Allows Link to run and dash -Where Found/How Obtained: After you defeat the Armos Knights in the East Palace and return to Sahsrahala with the Pendant of Courage, he'll tell you a story of the history of Hyrule, and then give you these Pegasus Shoes in showing his confidence that Link can indeed save Hyrule from certain disaster. -Description: The Pegasus Shoes are an awesome item to have. Not only is it a necessary item to get far in the game, but it makes traveling to and fro on the world map and in dungeons a lot quicker. Instead of walking everywhere, you can simply dash everywhere! Not only that, but using the Pegasus Boots, try running into trees and rocks... you never know what you might discover! ----- -Name: POWER GLOVE -Use: Allows Link to pick up small and large light green stones. -Where Found/How Obtained: It's the item to find in the second dungeon, the Desert Palace. -Description: The Power Glove is a very cool item that you find early in the game, in the second palace, the Desert Palace. The Power Glove, once you obtain it, is automatically equipped from there on out and allows Link to pick up the large and small light green stones and rocks alike, that are found all over the lands of Hyrule. This is very useful, for it unlocks paths that were previously blocked, as well as many secrets for Link to find as well. Finding the Power Glove is a great turning point in the game, because it unlocks so much for you to find from that point onward. ----- -Name: RED CLOTHES -Use: The strongest pair of clothes Link can wear in the game, it cuts damage in half from the Blue Clothes, and in fourths from the strength of the Green Clothes. -Where Found/How Obtained: The Red Clothes are the special item found in the Dark World's eighth and final dungeon (and the game's final dungeon, at that), Ganon's Tower. -Description: The Red Clothes are the third and final set of clothes that Link will have on his journey. It's too bad we find them this late in the game, because the Red Clothes are uber-useful. If you compared the Red Clothes to the Blue Clothes, the Red Clothes cut damage Link receives from an enemy in half... but if you compare them to the weaker Green Clothes, the damage is even more drastic... the Red Clothes cut damage received from enemies in a FOURTH from the strength of the Green Clothes. Obviously, from my description above, you'll see that the Red Clothes are all too important to find. So make sure to find them, they're in the depths of Ganon's Tower's basement. Sucks, I know, but get searchin', my friend! ----- -Name: RED SHIELD -Use: Same as the regular shield, only you can now block fireballs. -Where Found/How Obtained: After obtaining the Flippers and Power Glove, you can now access the Waterfall of Wishing (see walkthrough for precise location). In this cave, throw your shield into the water and the fairy there will offer you the Red Shield in return. Cool deal! -Description: The Red Shield... not much to say about it. It's identical to the shield as far as what it does, except it can block Fireballs as well as everything a shield can usually block. For a more in-depth description of what a Shield does, you can see the Shield description. ----- -Name: SHIELD -Use: Fends off projectiles -Where Found/How Obtained: After Link enters the castle in the beginning of the game via the hidden entrance, he runs into his injured Uncle. His Uncle hands him his sword and shield and instructs him to go save Zelda. That's how we get it! -Description: The Shield is an often-overlooked item in all Zelda games. It's pure defense with the shield, sure, but it's also highly useful, and can save Link's life many times over. While this shield is the most basic of the shields, it can still fend off rocks, arrows, et cetera, that are shot at Link. There are some projectiles this little shield CAN'T fend off, but still try using it on all projectiles, to see what it can and cannot fend off, because you'll need it... believe you me. =) It's a useful item that's always equipped, so make sure to use it! All you have to do is face whatever's coming at you and Link'll block automatically. It's a beautiful thing, I know. ----- -Name: SHOVEL -Use: Allows Link to dig up all sorts of ground, in both the Light World and the Dark World. -Where Found/How Obtained: In the Dark World, go west, south, and then north into the tree alcove from where Link's house would be if it were in the Dark World. Within this alcove, a creature will be sitting on a tree stump. Talk to him, and he'll tell you his sad story of losing his Flute. He'll ask you if you'll find it for him. Agree, and he'll give you the Shovel to go look for it. Hey, thanks man. =P -Description: The Shovel's use is quite obvious. While its primary use is to dig up the Flute at its location, you can use it to dig up basically every kind of ground in the game. You NEED the Shovel to find a piece of heart, too. So all around, it's a pretty vital item to have. And even if he says you're "borrowing" it, don't worry... you're keepin' it. =) ----- -Name: TITAN MITT -Use: Same use as the Power Glove found in the Desert Palace of the Light World, except that it can lift dark stones as well as light stones. -Where Found/How Obtained: It's the special item/weapon found in the Dark World's fourth dungeon, Blind's Hideout. -Description: What can really be said about the Titan Mitt? Not much, really. It's identical to the Power Glove that we got in the game's second dungeon, the Desert Palace, but the Power Glove could only lift the light colored green blocks. That's not the case with the Titan Mitt. The Titan Mitt can lift the dark green rocks of the Light World and Dark World regions of Hyrule, opening up many new areas of exploration and possibility for you and Link on your quest to save the lands of Hyrule from Ganon's evil clutches. Well at least I make it sound cool, right? =) ----- /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XII S E C T I O N T W E L V E | E N E M I E S XII /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ This section encompasses a list of enemies found in the game, along with descriptions of each, et cetera. Please bear in mind that not all enemy names will be official. I'm not a Zelda nerd, I don't have time to learn every enemy's name in the game. That, and the instruction manual doesn't have the enemy names within it, which doesn't help at all either. Trust me though, I'll do the best I can. I promise. Oh, and... all enemies are in alphabetical order according to the names I give them! PLEASE BARE IN MIND! The enemy names are mostly made up. Why is this? The answer is quite simple. Yes, I am a Zelda nerd, I know the names of the Zelda enemies. Chances are, if you're reading a FAQ for the game, you don't. So calling a Wizzrobe a Wizard, for instance, will actually mean something to you, even if you're not a Zelda fanatic. Do you see what I mean? The same goes for the walkthrough section of the FAQ, but what I'm trying to say is that the enemy names are more based on their looks then on their real names, because calling a freakin' Stalfos a Skeleton will mean something to Joe Shmo who doesn't play Zelda games. Follow me? So please, don't e-mail me regarding my incorrect Zelda enemy names, because I don't give a crap. ----- Name: Armos Location: Light World Description: Armos' looked like statues holding freakin' television sets back in the 1986 release of The Legend of Zelda on the NES. In 1991, however, for the release of the SNES Zelda, the Nintendo animators finally realized this and actually made them look cool. Go figure. Armos' are actually statues that come to life when you get too close. When they come to life, they don't attack, they just hop at you in an attempt to damage you via collision. That's okay though, just keep hacking at them with your sword to keep them at bay... four hits with Link's regular sword will do an Armos in. ----- Name: Ball and Chain Trooper Location: Light World Description: Ball and Chain Troopers are very formidable enemies. While we initially fight one while he's guarding Zelda's prison cell in the very beginning of the game, we later come across Ball and Chain Troopers as regular old enemies for us to contend with. When they walk around, they are vulnerable to attack, so you can move in on them and get one or two slashes in. When they start swinging their ball and chain, however, not only are they invulnerable to attack, but you better run the hell away, because they'll smash that ball and chain into you, doing pretty massive damage. Be careful with these guys, and be patient, or they'll damage you greatly in your haste. ----- Name: Balloon Location: Light World Description: The Balloon is a large red enemy that floats in the air and looks exactly like a Balloon... go figure. It has eyes, though, so it's obviously alive. =) When you slash the Balloon, it explodes, letting many smaller Balloons loose on the grounds below. Don't worry though, they disappear after only a few seconds on the ground, so you don't have to worry about killing all of them... quite the contrary, let them fade away by themselves, don't even waste your energy swiping your swords at the nuisances. ----- Name: Bat Location: Light World Description: Bats are pretty common Light World enemies in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. They are weak, and lack any attacks at all, but can fly around, and swarm in groups on their enemy, making them more difficult than they probably should be. Try to kill them while their stationary on the ground, before they get airborne. That's when they cause some problems. ----- Name: Black Spider Location: Dark World Description: Black Spiders are Dark World dungeon creatures that we first have the "pleasure" of fighting in the Ice Palace, the Dark World's fifth dungeon. It is unclear if you can actually damage Black Spiders, because they move so quickly, but this is what they do. There will be two holes, lined up with each other, on either side of a wall in any room of a dungeon. Every few seconds, one of these Black Spiders will scurry across the room to the hole on the other side, and then after a few more seconds, he'll scurry back to the previous hole, and do this over and over again. I've never tried to kill one, so I can't tell you whether or not they can be slain, but it's better if you just avoid them. You'll know that they're coming out of their holes because you'll see some "activity" from within their hole, and that will signify to you that you should get out of the way, because they will be shooting across the room at any second. There's not much else to say about them except for what I have already... just be weary of them. They are often found in already crowded rooms with other enemies, making them far more formidable at times than they probably should be. ----- Name: Blue Dragon Knight Location: Dark World Description: Blue Dragon Knights are first found in the Dark World's fourth dungeon, Blind's Hideout. They are fairly weak enemies that don't serve much of a purpose. They don't have any attacks, and roam around pretty aimlessly. Not only that, but it only takes one slash of Link's Master Sword to kill them. They are basically weaker versions of their far stronger cousins, the powerful Red Dragon Knight. The Blue Dragon Knights are more common, but you don't have to worry about them at all... the Red Dragon Knight should be your primary concern, trust me. Just don't let the Blue Dragon Knight run into you (the only way he can damage you, coincidentally), or you will sustain quite a bit of damage. ----- Name: Blue Floater Location: Dark World Description: Blue Floaters are floating enemies that are found in many Dark World dungeons. They simply float around, but are more of a tease to their foes, for they spontaneously get a current of electricity to run through them, which, if struck by a metallic object (like a sword, for instance) will electrocute their foe, while they won't sustain any damage from the attack onto them. So time your attacks on them so that you attack right after the electrical current stops flowing through their bodies, to avoid getting damaged at all by them via the electrical shock. A couple of hits with your Master Sword does them in, just don't get shocked! ----- Name: Blue Knight Location: Light World Description: The Blue Knights are the mediocre strength Knights. Dressed in all Blue Armor, Blue Knights are equipped with Long Swords and pretty large shields. They are smart and strong, and often fight in large groups. Make sure to attack them from the sides and behind... they are smarter than Green Knights and will lock onto you quickly, which is when attacking them is made difficult. With Link's run-of-the-mill normal sword, Blue Knights are slain in three slashes. ----- Name: Blue Knight Archer Location: Light World Description: The Blue Knight Archers look exactly the same as the Blue Knight, except instead of having a sword and shield equipped, they have a bow and arrow. They still only take three hits to kill with the regular sword... just use your shield to block their incoming arrows! ----- Name: Blue Tentacle Monster Location: Light World Description: Blue Tentacle Monsters are first encountered in the game when you're in the Tower of Hera. They are all over the place. They don't have any attacks, but they actively try to run into you in an attempt to damage you. Be careful when fighting them though, they are often positioned around holes in the ground, and have no qualms about knocking your ass into them. On the flipside, you can use these holes to your advantage, and knock them down a floor, out of your way, so that you can move on without having to worry about them. ----- Name: Bomb Cyclops Location: Dark World Description: Bomb Cyclops' are super-strong enemies found in the Dark World. They are hugely build, with one eye (hence the name Cyclops), and pinkish-red skin, with some tattered clothing on. True to their name, their weapons are bombs, and they have an unending number of them to throw at their foes. They can take a lot of damage, but it's safe to get in close to them, as they often throw their bombs pretty far. Just be careful of their bombs, and especially their explosion radius. If the bombs happen to explode near you, you will be damaged pretty greatly. These are formidable foes, especially when you first visit the Dark World around the middle of the game. ----- Name: Bomb Slug Location: Dark World Description: Bomb Slugs are dungeon crawling enemies (literally) that are first found in the Dark World's sixth dungeon, Misery Mire. These yellowish slugs look harmless enough at first look. They seem as if they just slowly crawl along the ground, simply waiting for you to slash at them and do them in. But as we all know, in the world(s) of Hyrule, looks can be quite the opposite of what the truth is. I say this because while crawling around, the Bomb Slug, true to its name, will plant green bombs on the ground every so often, which soon thereafter explode, so don't be in these green bombs' blast radius, or you WILL be damaged! Otherwise, the Bomb Slug is defenseless to your attacks. Just slash at him once with your Tempered Sword, and he'll be done in for good... just make sure he isn't concealing a bomb or anything when you kill him, or he'll attempt to take you with him to the other side... literally! ----- Name: Chain Ball Location: Dark World Description: Another enemy straight out of Super Mario Bros. 3 and for some reason makes an appearance in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, the Chain Ball are another of the many enemies that can't be damaged with any weapon or item in your arsenal, no matter how much you try to defeat them. They are always attached, by a chain, to a block, so their reach is only so much. However, the Chain Ball is fast moving and spontaneous, and packs quite a punch to boot. Not much else could really be said about them, except that the Chain Ball is best to be avoided, and not messed with. Try to learn their attack radius, and then stay away from that radius, unless you want to get damaged for some pretty serious damage. ----- Name: Crab Location: Light World Description: The Crab is an enemy that is found mainly around bodies of water, especially Lake Hylia. While they are extremely weak, and can be killed with basically any weapon in Link's arsenal with one quick slash or hit, they are quick moving and very aggressive, making them very formidable opponents indeed. Don't let them gang up on you or they might give you trouble. If you see one, kill it before it sees you and starts to run at you... that's when they can be hard to hit, and can damage you, regardless of their weak nature. Weak but aggressive, that's the Crab way. =) ----- Name: Crow Location: Light World Description: Crows are airborne creatures that wait for their prey to pass, or get near, and then spring into action. They are hard to hit and can be quite annoying, even if they don't do much damage to whomever they are attacking. You'll find that they'll circle around you, getting closer and closer with every rotation, until they finally collide with you and do damage. Slash at them with your sword best you can, or avoid them all together. Either way, that should solve their annoying ways well. ----- Name: Door Trap Location: Dark World Description: When I first saw a Door Trap in the Ice Palace of Hyrule's Dark World, I wasn't sure what to call them. They are these huge brownish balls that just sit around until you come through a door or in front of them on any side, and then they shoot at you. Since this almost always happens when you first walk through a door, I decided to call these huge enemies "Door Traps." What can be said about them, except that you'll know exactly what these enemies are when you see them, because they shoot at you when you walk through a door. To avoid them (they're impossible to not trigger if they're guarding a door), stay within the door jam until they come down at you, and then when they go to reset themselves, walk to wherever you need to be. If they hit you, they do some major damage, so just be careful, okay? ----- Name: Elite Trooper Location: Light World Description: These troopers are geared up with long swords and blue armor, with orange decorations on them. While they can't take much damage (two hits with the Master Sword), they move VERY fast in on their target, and they fight smart. Not only that, but when they strike you with their sword, it does quite a bit of damage. To stand a chance against Elite Troopers, keep on swinging that sword to keep them at bay, and more importantly, react quickly to them, because once you're in a room that they're in, they'll be on you like white on rice. Quite literally. ----- Name: Evil Plant Location: Dark World Description: Evil Plants are white and purple plant-like creatures that hobble around the Dark World, trying to bite their enemies with their razor-sharp teeth. They don't have any attacks other than that, however. Their real advantage comes in their tenacious attitudes, and their drive to catch up and bite their enemy. They will follow you all over the screen you're on, until you kill them off. And you should take the time to kill them off. They don't take many hits to defeat, and it'll make your life just a little bit easier. ----- Name: Eyeball Bat Location: Light World Description: Eyeball Bats are first found in the upper reaches of Hyrule Castle, before you go to fight Aghanim. They are simple, and are basically identical to the regular Bat in terms of strength, speed, skill, and (lack) of attacks. They only difference is how they look. Instead of being a bat, they're basically an eyeball with wings. I choose to call them Eyeball Bats so people actually know what I'm talking about though. Calling them "Floating" or "Flying" eyeballs seems too ambiguous to me. ----- Name: Fish Hybrid Location: Dark World Description: When I saw these enemies for the first time in the Watergate Dungeon in the Dark World, I had no idea what to call them, or even what they were. I sat there from the safety of a dry platform, and watched as these enemies fell out of holes in the wall down to the water shallows below, and then swim away, and I thought "what the hell ARE these things?" But then I realized, they have to be fish-like creatures, just with legs, like an amphibian. So then I told myself "just call them Fish Hybrids," and so, here we are. Anyway, these enemies come out of holes in walls in various dungeons, and swim away once they hit some water below them. They are easy to kill, with basically any weapon in your arsenal they can only take one hit to destroy. Just make sure they don't gang up on you... there can literally be ten of them on screen at one time, all coming at you. And if that's the case, you best start slashing, man, or you're toast! ----- Name: Fire Snake Location: Dark World Description: These mysterious enemies can be harmed by virtually none of Link's weapons in his arsenal, and instead, must be avoided at all costs, for they do massive damage if they run into Link. We start to run into these starting in the Dark World's second dungeon onward, and they are extremely pesky, because you just can't rid yourself of them no matter what you do. They appear to look like worms made of flames, and that's precisely what they are. They have segmented bodies, each segment is a fireball... it's hard to explain them further, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about when you encounter one, and realize that you just can't harm it. =) ----- Name: Firewall Location: Light World Description: Firewalls... no, I'm not talking about those pesky programs on your computer that won't let you check your e-mail, use an Instant Messaging program or use CGI Message Boards. Quite the contrary, these Firewalls are enemies that are groups of Sparks (an enemy) in a line branching outward, that rotate like the hand of a clock around a block, treasure chest, or other such enemy... not much else to say, except that they are annoying as hell to avoid. ----- Name: Floating Skull Location: Dark World Description: Floating Skulls are enemies that are found in many dungeons throughout the game. But don't get these Floating Skulls confused with the skulls that float off of the Skeleton enemies throughout the game - those skulls can't be damaged, and are actually far more difficult and annoying then these Floating Skulls for which I speak. To be more specific, so you know just what I'm talking about, the Floating Skulls for which I speak are first found in the Dark World's Misery Mire, which is the sixth dungeon through our tour of the Dark World. They spin and rotate in the air, but look identical the heads of the Skeleton enemies, except there are no Skeletons in sight when these guys are around. They don't have any attacks, they simply try to collide with you. But that's okay, simply slash at them a few times to do them in... they are more just an annoying enemy then an enemy that'll actually threaten your well being. So again, nothing to worry about here, trust me. ----- Name: Floor Tiles Location: Light World Description: Sound pretty menacing, don't they? ^_^ Well don't worry, they aren't. Floor Tiles are "enemies" that are actually possessed tiles on the floor, that when you walk into a room, they suddenly come up from the floor one-by-one and fly at you, trying to damage you. And they don't stop flying at you until they are all done! It's weird, I know, and it sounds weird if you haven't experienced it yet, but when you get to a point in the game when you deal with these enemies, then you'll know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. =D ----- Name: Flying Bomber Location: Dark World Description: Flying Bombers often hang out over the water regions of the Dark World, especially Lake Hylia. Once their foe is in the water, and seemingly helpless, they start dropping mysterious explosives at their enemies from above, into the water, which makes them incredibly hard to avoid. They are difficult to kill, too, unless you're on ground, where you can actually use your various arsenal of weapons. Since they mostly attack while you're in the water, as I said before, it's best to keep moving in the water when they are around, making it harder for them to lock on to you and bomb you, damaging you quite a bit. ----- Name: Ghost Location: Light World/Dark World Description: Ghosts are run of the mill enemies in both the Light World and Dark World of Hyrule that roam the graveyard regions of Hyrule exclusively. They are ghosts of Hyrule's past, and while they don't have any attacks, or actively attack you at all, they do indeed do a nice clip of damage if you happen to run into them... there's not much else to say about these ghastly enemies, except to be careful and give them room, and you'll be fine, they won't even touch you. Get too close to them, however, and you're risking getting damaged by them. ----- Name: Green Bug Location: Dark World Description: Green Bugs are pretty easy enemies that we find in Dark World dungeons, starting with Blind's Hideout. There's not a whole lot you can say about these enemies, however, except that, for their size, they take a whole lot of damage before they are killed - two slashes with the Master Sword each to do them in. Their real advantage isn't in them just wandering around aimlessly with no attacks (which is all they do), but rather the fact that they almost always come in numbers, and swarm their enemies, using their vast numbers as a distraction to do some damage. If they are solitary, however, laugh away as you kill the helpless creature. =P ----- Name: Green Cyclops Location: Light World Description: Green Cyclops' are dungeon-dwelling enemies with one huge eye on their faces. They usually sleep in a statue-like state until an enemy gets too close. Then, they come to life and chase after their foe, before going back to sleep. While they are only vulnerable to attack when their eye is open, it's too risky to use your weak sword on them. Try using the Bow and Arrow on them instead. One hit in the eye with an Arrow will kill a Green Cyclops for you with the quickness. ----- Name: Green Knight Location: Light World Description: The Green Knight is the weakest of the Knight enemies working for Aghanim. They are dressed in all green armor, and equipped with a small, weak shield, and a dagger for attacking. They aren't very smart compared to the stronger Knights, and are often slain by their attackers before they even realize what hit them. With Link's regular sword, they can only sustain two slashes of it before they are killed. Easy prey, really... just be careful when they attack you in groups! ----- Name: Green Knight Archer Location: Light World Description: The Green Knight Archers look exactly the same as the Green Knight, except instead of having a dagger and shield equipped, they have a bow and arrow. They still only take two hits to kill with the regular sword... just use your shield to block their incoming arrows! ----- Name: Green Knome Location: Dark World Description: Green Knomes are very mysterious enemies. These large green creatures resemble knomes, but they don't move unless you do. And whichever way you move, they move in the exact opposite direction. For instance, if you move forward, they move backwards. If you move left, they move right. This is to avoid being hurt by their foe's attacks. To strike them, move so that they're facing away from you, but they're close to you. Then you can simply use a powered up sword twirl attack to destroy them in one hit. Easy, easy, easy. Just be careful to not collide with them! They have no qualms with that. ----- Name: Green Penguin Location: Dark World Description: Green Penguins are interesting ice-loving enemies that we find in the Dark World's Ice Palace for the first time, and believe you-me, they are all over the place there. Green Penguins often come in large groups and start in a straight line. When they see their foe or their target, they run forward on the ice for a few steps, and then jump onto the ice with their stomachs, and quickly slide towards their foe on the ice and great speeds. While they have no real attacks, this is an ample enough attack, because as soon as they run into you, they do pretty good damage to you, and that's what they like, my friend. Do defeat them in large groups, utilize the super-powerful Bombos Medallion if you want to make your life easier. Otherwise, you'll have to fight them one-on- one. And since they're always found on slippery, icy surfaces, have fun fighting them when you're sliding all over the place, trying to aim that sword of yours at them. =) ----- Name: Green Slime Location: Dark World Description: Green Slimes are found in the latter dungeons of Hyrule's Dark World. I'm sure that if you've gotten far enough to see the Green Slimes, that you've seen their weaker cousins, the Red Slimes. Well the two fight exactly the same, it's just that the Green Slimes are slightly stronger, smarter, and do more damage/can take more damage than the Red Slimes can. They are hidden in floors all over the place until Link walks over them... then, they pop out and chase after Link as soon as he walks over them. You can never know if they're there or not until you walk over them, and then you'll know for sure. They only take one swipe to kill with the Tempered Sword, and I wouldn't be too worried about them if I were you. It's basically adding a little variety to the enemy mix on the part of Nintendo programmers, by coloring the Red Slime sprite green and making him "stronger." =D ----- Name: Green Snake Location: Dark World Description: These enemies are quite interesting, because you hardly ever see them. You see them for the first time if you pull the false switch in Blind's Hideout, the fourth dungeon in the Dark World. Otherwise, you'll be hard pressed to find them anywhere. These snakes have green snake bodies with a white head that almost resembles a skull, but it's more of a white mask then anything. They have no attacks to worry about, either... they are quite simple to deal with. They can take quite a bit of damage with your Master Sword, or other weapons in your arsenal, but you shouldn't be too concerned with fighting them - you'll hardly see them around, anyway. ----- Name: Helmet Bug Location: Dark World Description: Helmet Bugs are tiny enemies that roam around Dark World palaces, going after their foes with a tenacious attitude. They continuously go after their foe, regardless of their very weak nature and lack of any attacks. Simply colliding with their enemy will result in some damage, and that's good enough for these guys. Be weary of their heat-sinking nature, for they'll keep going after you until they are defeated. Simply swing your Master Sword at them for an easy one-hit kill, to end their meager reign of terror. ----- Name: Ice Monster Location: Dark World Description: Ice Monsters are interesting enemies that we find in the Dark World's fifth dungeon, the Ice Palace. They are strategic enemies, because they like to act like they are simply statues, or something similar, and then they suddenly pop out of the walls that they were originally in, running at their foe, trying to run into them and damage them. The interesting thing about the Ice Monster is that no weapon in your arsenal can hurt them, or even slow them down, with the exception of the Fire Rod. This sucks, because you have to kill them a lot of the time (as they are hard to avoid without getting damaged pretty nicely), and the Fire Rod is the only way to do this, which takes valuable magic from your magic meter, that you might need to fight the Ice Dungeon's boss, Kholdstare, or other such enemies/tasks that you'll need to save magic for. All in all, Ice Monsters are pesky, but don't worry, they don't have any attacks. They are just super fast. ----- Name: Laser Eye Location: Dark World Description: Laser Eyes are not to be confused with Laser Statues (see below). They are two different enemies, but they basically attack in the same fashion, with the same kind of attack, and do the same damage. Hell, the similarities go beyond that, because both of these enemies can't be destroyed or hindered from attacking by any weapon or item in your arsenal. Isn't that a coincidence? =) Okay, so that coincidence sucks, but that's okay. Laser Eyes are exactly what they sound like... eyes that shoot lasers. They are wall mounted, and are first found in the Misery Mire of the Dark World. They are often positioned in discreet ways so you don't see them until they shoot a laser at you and damage you... then you'll know. =) When they are around, use the power of your Pegasus Boots and run across their path. They don't have the advantage of 360 degree rotation that the Laser Statue has, so you have nothing to worry about there. If you're not directly in front of them, you seriously have nothing to worry about. Hell, that's a good thing, right? Just don't bother wasting your time, energy and weaponry on trying to defeat them. There's simply no reason to even bother... seriously. ----- Name: Laser Statue Location: Light World Description: These dungeon-dwelling statues are powerful enemies that are just what they sound... statues. You can't harm them, which sucks for you, so the only thing you can to is avoid them. What DO they do, exactly? Well, each of these statues is equipped with a huge eyeball that rotates around the statue continuously, in a 360 degree fashion. When the eyeball comes into line with your character, it shoots a powerful red laser beam in your direction, which does great damage to Link! So try to avoid getting into that line of fire, and if you do, run or move any way you can! ----- Name: Magic Creature Location: Light World Description: These green walking "somethings" patrol the area around the witch's hut. They don't attack, but if you run into them, they'll electrically shock you. Oh, and don't bother attacking them with your sword either. If you do that, they'll also electrically shock you. If you really need to kill them, use your Bow and Arrow, Bombs, or some Magic Powder, and everything'll be okay. But what the hell ARE these creatures, I have no idea. =) ----- Name: Magical Energy Location: Dark World Description: Magical Energies are hard enemies to describe, because technically, they aren't real enemies, so to speak. Instead, they are these energies, that look like a group of stars, that just chill under skull pots and out in the open in various dungeons throughout the Dark World. However, get too close or wait too long, and they'll shoot at Link. When this happens, and they touch you, they'll turn Link into a Bunny! This is the Bunny that Link looks like when he first enters the Dark World on Death Mountain. Even now that you have the Moon Pearl however, which allows Link to keep his regular form in the Dark World, you'll still be turned into a Bunny. This is only temporary, however, but if you get hit with this with other enemies in the room coming at you, I hope you can duck, defend and parry well, because you can't use ANY weapon in your arsenal when you're in this form. Sorry. =) ----- Name: Mine Location: Light World Description: Mines aren't really enemies. They could be alive, but how would I know. They are small purple "things" on the ground, under some bushes and rocks, et cetera, that are found all over Hyrule, especially in desert regions. When you walk on them, they explode and damage you for a significant amount of energy. They are easy to avoid for the most part, just watch where you're going. They're a real nuisance when they are hidden under grass and in bushes, and you don't have time to react to them, before you step on them and it's too late. ----- Name: Mountain Lion Location: Dark World Description: Mountain Lions are enemies found exclusively atop the highest reaches of Death Mountain, and even then, only in the Dark World. These fierce, winged Lions look pretty fierce, and they are, as they shoot fireballs and move quite fast around their foe. However, you'll meet them for the first time after getting the fourth and final (and most powerful) sword in the game, in the Golden Sword, and with that sword, the Mountain Lions only take two slashes each to kill. You won't run into these enemies too much, but if and when you do, run away from them to avoid them, or bob and weave away from their fast moving fireballs while getting in close enough to them to where you can slash them, and therefore, dispatch them to the Netherworld. Enemies that look far more fierce than they actually are... just shows you that in the lands of Hyrule, looks can deceive. ----- Name: Mummy Location: Dark World Description: Mummies are actually called Gibdos, but I don't want to be a Zelda nerd about it, and not everyone is a Zelda nerd that'll be reading this FAQ/Walkthrough of mine, so I wanted to be clearer to the reading audience, by simply calling the Gibdos "Mummies," and so that's what I've done here. See the nice guy I am? However, Mummies in this game are far, far harder than they were in the original Zelda. It seems like they can take 10 or 11 hits with the Master Sword before they even die, which is out of control, but something we inevitably have to live with. In anycase, they don't have any actual attacks to harm you with, but they follow Link all around the room they're in at all times, making them impossible to continuously avoid. Your only real option, in that case, is to kill them off ASAP. Using a stronger weapon on them, or a magical Medallion is always an option, too, as they can just take so much damage that it's sometimes unbearable. In short, these dungeon-dwelling enemies can be a real menace if you aren't careful. ----- Name: Octorok Location: Light World Description: Octoroks are classic Zelda enemies that have been redone for this Zelda installment. Smaller and weaker, and far rarer than they were in the original Zelda on the NES back in 1986, Octoroks still shoot stones and rocks out of their snouts at their enemies at fast speeds. Still, they only take one hack to kill, and are all in all easy to defeat... nothing's changed there. Just use your shield to block their projectile attacks and move in close for the kill! ----- Name: Orange Bouncer Location: Dark World Description: These mysterious enemies should be familiar to anyone who's played the NES classics Super Mario Bros. 2 or Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Quite simply, these Orange Bouncers are four segmented enemies that bounce towards their enemies in an attempt to collide with them, and hence, damage them (hence the name). When you slash at them once, one segment will come off and actually shoot at you quickly, which is something you'll have to avoid. To kill them the most efficiently, try cornering them and slashing at them over and over again. This will not only end the life of the Orange Bouncer in question quickly, but it will help to also slash the body segments flying at you in a last ditch attempt you damage you before they die... either way, the Orange Bouncer is an enemy that you'll have to contend with in the later dungeons of the Dark World. And an interesting tidbit about the Orange Bouncer - when defeated, they almost always seem to drop a Fairy... so have that Bug Catching Net and empty Magic Bottle ready! ----- Name: Pig Soldier Location: Dark World Description: Pig Soldiers are pig-looking enemies found all over the lands of Hyrule in the Dark World. They are colored in the same color as found on a pig, with purple clothing. They are equipped with an infinite number of spears, however, that they throw at their enemies unendingly. To defeat these annoying enemies, block their spears with your shield, and move in close, slashing away at them with your sword. If you want to attack from afar, you could also use your Bow and Arrow, or a magical rod, either the Fire or Ice Rod will do on killing these foes. ----- Name: Rat Location: Light World Description: Weak, sewer dwelling enemies, Rats are exactly what I just said... Rats. They only take one slash of Link's weakest sword to kill, but are fast moving and can be dangerous in groups. They take advantage of their speed, along with their surroundings, as they are usually in dark or dimly lit areas. Destroy them quickly before they gather into groups; that's when they cause the most problems. ----- Name: Red Cyclops Location: Light World Description: The Red Cyclops is a stronger version of the generic Green Cyclops that you find in dungeons. Red Cyclops' are also found in dungeons, but are stronger, faster, and smarter than their green cousins. To kill them, use the Bow and Arrow and shoot two Arrows into their eye instead of just one. Just be careful though, they move rapidly! ----- Name: Red Dragon Knight Location: Dark World Description: The Red Dragon Knights are first found in the Dark World, in the Dark World's fourth dungeon, Blind's Hideout. The thing with these enemies is that they are extremely strong. They roam around, and, if they see you in their targets, they will shoot a fireball at you, that cannot be blocked with any shield in the game. The only way to avoid these fireballs is to simply move out of their line of fire. If these fireballs happen to hit you, however, it does massive damage, especially when all you have on you is your Green Clothes, which is all you should have at the time you enter Blind's Hideout and take these guys on in battle. The only advantage you have on them is the fact that they only take two slashes with the Master Sword to kill. And that's always a good thing, any way you look at it. ----- Name: Red Floater Location: Dark World Description: Red Floaters are the stronger, smarter and quicker cousins of the more common Blue Floaters. Both floater enemies are found in dungeons throughout the Dark World. Red Floaters are basically identical to the Blue Floaters, except for color. Also, when you strike a Red Floater with your sword, or other weapon, instead of being destroyed, they split into two smaller Red Floaters, who you'll also have to kill. Be weary, both forms of the Red Floater use the electrical current skill! If you need more information on this skill, please see the enemy description for the Blue Floater. I'm not going to type it up again, it's a waste of time and space. ----- Name: Red Ghost Location: Dark World Description: Red Ghosts are interesting enemies. You can't actually hurt them with any weapon in your arsenal, even your Master Sword, or a Tempered Sword to boot. However, these dungeon dwelling enemies, first found in Blind's Hideout, are still formidable, even more so because there's nothing you can do to rid yourself of them, you just have to avoid them and make due with that. However, you'll know you're fighting one, 'cause you'll see a translucent red "ghost" creature, that has a red blob coming in and out of him. This is his weapon. He can wing it out at enemies at will, which will damage them for a good clip of damage, and then bring it back to the confines of his jelly-like body. The only way to avoid getting hit by these red blobs that the Red Ghost shoots at you is to keep moving, never staying in a stationary area when they're around you. Otherwise, expect them to damage you. ----- Name: Red Knight Location: Light World Description: The Red Knights are the most powerful of the three varieties of Knight (Green, Blue and Red). They come in two major varieties. The first variety attacks via a pole axe. While some of them simply swing their pole axe at you, others actually throw them at you... but worry not, for they can be blocked with use of any Link's shields. Additionally, you will come across some Red Knights that throw Green Bombs, usually from high atop castle walls and plateaus. These have to be killed from a distance almost always, just be careful that their bombs don't explode in your vicinity, or you will be damaged! ----- Name: Red Knome Location: Dark World Description: Red Knomes are the stronger, quicker, and smarter cousin of the Green Knome. They have the same exact method of battle - move in the exact opposite direction that their foe moves in. If you move left, they move right. If you up down, they move up, et cetera. The catch with the Red Knome is twofold, however. First of all, they can actively attack. If you happen to be in line with them, they will shoot a fireball or two at you from their mouths, which do nice damage to their foes. Also, they are not vulnerable to attacks by swords, which means you have to strategically fight them with your Bow and Arrow. Fire an arrow into an empty void, and then move the opposite way you want the Red Knome to move, so that he moves into the line of fire of the arrow, which damages him. Do this twice to each Red Knome to kill them. ----- Name: Red Slime Location: Dark World Description: Red Slimes are small and relatively weak enemies that we first meet in the beginning dungeons of the Dark World. These enemies come from small holes they can make in any kind of ground, and come out of them, attacking their enemies with the ability to surprise them, by coming up to the side of them, behind them, or right in front of them. The Red Slimes have no physical attacks, however, and can only damage their foe by physically running into them. This is greatly halted, however, because one hit with basically any weapon in Link's arsenal will permanently do them in, making them attacking you and actually hurting you quite unlikely. Just keep your eyes peeled for them, be sure that they don't sneak up on you! ----- Name: Red Tentacle Monster Location: Light World Description: The Red Tentacle Monster is the red version of the Blue Tentacle Monster. Far rarer to find in the dungeons of Hyrule, the Red Tentacle Monster is stronger, faster, and can sustain more damage before biting the dust. I won't go off on a diatribe about this monster however. They act identically to their blue cousins, so if you need or want more information, see the Blue Tentacle Monster description above. ----- Name: Rhino Location: Light World Description: Rhionos are first encountered in the Tower of Hera. They are slow moving enemies that can sustain a lot of damage before being defeated. However, even for their small size and weak bodies, they have a powerful attack. They breathe fire, shooting it across the room. And even after the fire reaches its location, it still resonates on the ground or wall, making their attacks pains in the ass. Then again, if you're fast, you can kill them before they even get a chance to attack. But of course, that's not always the case. ----- Name: Rock Location: Light World Description: The Rock is inanimate, and it's not even an enemy. But it can certainly harm you. The rocks I am talking about are the brown-black-olive green colored boulders that fall from Death Mountain when you get high enough into the massive rock. They do massive damage, and are hard to avoid, because they come down the mountain at you in such droves. To avoid them, try staying as close to the rock face as you can... otherwise, you're going to be doing a lot of dashing and weaving to get out of the way of the falling rocks. ----- Name: Rock Frog Location: Dark World Description: The Rock Frog is an enemy that is often found around the areas where water can be found, in the Dark World. These surprisingly strong enemies are very small, but quick. Colored purple, they quickly run around, shooting out rocks from their mouths in all directions. They can take quite a bit of damage before biting the dust, and often come in groups, making them a pain in the butt if you aren't quick with them. They'll gang up on you quickly if there's a lot of them around. They are basically the Dark World equivalent of the Octorok. ----- Name: Rock Spider Location: Light World Description: The Rock Spider is a mysterious enemy that has one of those generic green rocks with the "8" on the back of them for a shell, or back. They blend in nearly perfectly with their surroundings, and look identical to a regular old green rock that are found all over Hyrule. There's a difference, however. When you get near to them, they start to move and run away. That's when you can slash them and kill them. Even with their rock hard shell and body, they are still easily killed in one fowl swoop of your sword, or other weapon. They are cool enemies, but easy, and not difficult to defeat or menacing at all. ----- Name: Sand Flower Location: Light World Description: Sand Flowers are desert-only creatures that dwell in the sands of Hyrule. They come in two varieties, both equally as powerful as one another - green and purple. They hide in the sands and then come up, rotating themselves out of the sand, at which point they float around the tops of the sand, going after their target, before going back into the sand to hide and do it all over again. Don't be intimidated by these rather elementary creatures. Slash away at them when they come out of the sands to end their feeble reign of terror. ----- Name: Sandman Location: Light World Description: The Sandman is a mysterious enemy found only in the Desert of Mystery to the southwest of the lands of Hyrule. He's a man made of sand, like his name says, but only his upper body every comes out of the sands of the desert. He pops up and down like a ghost of the desert, forever haunting whoever enters the desert, as he is very elusive, and hard to hit. Make sure to time your attacks well on him (if you choose to attack him at all), because he's hard to hit, and can be a true nuisance. If you don't want to bother with him, just avoid him the best you can! ----- Name: Sand Worm Location: Light World Description: Sand Worms are tricky sand/desert-dwelling creatures that can often sneak up on their victim if their victim isn't cautionary and actively paying attention. You'll know a Sand Worm is near by if you see quicksand- looking conditions on the sand you're walking on. The sand will be moving inward on itself, like a whirlpool in the desert. You'll know then that if you get too close, a Sand Worm, with its sharp pincers, will poke its head out of the sand and try to damage you. Once they are out of the sand though, and you're a safe distance from it, they're sitting ducks to your vast amount of weapons that you can hit them with, so don't be TOO worried about them. ----- Name: Skeleton Location: Light World Description: Skeletons are just that... Skeletons. Skeletons with a blue crack along their skulls. They are found primarily in the dungeons of Hyrule, and can be quite a pain. Not because they attack or do massive amounts of damage, but because they keep moving, and actually jump away if you go to attack them with your sword. This translates into the fact that you have to be quick if you want to be able to attack and damage these enemies with your sword. Alternatively, you could use clay jars on them, by chucking them at the Skeleton, which they can't avoid, and kill them in one hit. Pretty freakin' nifty. ----- Name: Skeleton Knight Location: Dark World Description: Skeleton Knights are absolutely humongous skeletons, equipped with a very strong body, and a shield and sword to boot. These smart enemies of massive size come flying down from ceilings when you walk underneath them in the latter Dark World dungeons, and from there, it's all downhill. When you slash them, they collapse into a bunch of bones, and then reassemble. They do this over and over again - it'll take you FOREVER to kill a Skeleton Knight like this. So just like Sahasrahla tells you in the Ice Palace, the first time you meet them, via a Sahasrahla plaque, they are weak to another kind of weapon when they are on the ground in shambles after you strike them with your sword. So to kill them easily (and practically), slash at them once with your sword, so that they collapse on the ground. Then, quickly place a bomb over their body, and if you did it quick enough, it'll explode before they reassemble themselves. This will kill them instantly. Pretty neat, right? Oh, and as far as their attacks, they can move pretty quickly and swing that sword of theirs with quite a bit of skill, so try to do them in as quickly as you possibly can with that sword-bomb technique I just explained above. Otherwise, you'll be fighting them all day if you just use your sword. And you don't want that with them, trust me. ----- Name: Skull Location: Dark World Description: Skulls are interesting creatures. Initially, they sit still like rocks. They are out in the open, or could be find under tall grasses and bushes. But when they are run into, they instantly spring to life and pursue whoever awoke them from their slumber. They don't have any attacks, and are very weak, and easy to kill. However, the fact that they can often sneak up on their foes, but hiding themselves well, and waiting for someone to run into them to damage that foe, gives them an advantage. If you run into one, kill it off right away, or it'll pursue you all over the place, until you flee or finally kill it. ----- Name: Snake Location: Light World Description: These reptilian enemies are difficult, even for their small size. Unlike Rats and Bats, these small, weak enemies can actually pack a punch. Though small, they can take two hits of Link's regular sword before perishing, and move quickly, and in groups. Take them out individually, and don't let them gang up on you! If and when you let them gang up on you, that's when they'll start to damage you, and even start to cause some problems for you. ----- Name: Snake Bushel Location: Light World/Dark World (stronger version in the Dark World) Description: Snake Bushels are simple dungeon-crawling enemies that don't do much of anything but move around. I call them Snake Bushels because they look like a group of snakes (blue and orange in color) that simply move around in a big pack, slowly, jumping only sometimes at their enemy. They shouldn't give you ANY trouble, as almost all of your weaponry can kill them in one hit... and they always seem to drop a good amount of rupees, too, which is a pretty cool side note. ----- Name: Spark Location: Light World Description: Sparks are very simplistic monsters... well they aren't even monsters. I'm not sure what they are. But they look like fireballs, and they often surround treasure chests and whatnot. If you need an example, think of the fireballs in the Castlevania games and the Mario games, that rotate themselves around platforms and stuff. They are exactly like that. (more notably, Castlevania III, Super Castlevania IV and Super Mario 2.) ----- Name: Spike Roller Location: Dark World Description: Spike Rollers are huge spiked-ladened rolling pin-looking enemies that dwell in dungeons. We first find them very late in the game, in the Dark World's seventh dungeon, Turtle Rock. These enemies (if you can call them that) are inanimate objects that simply go back and forth, rolling over and stabbing anything in their path, doing drastic damage to any foe they strike. What you really need to be careful of, however, is that they don't roll over you. Time your movements so that they miss you completely. There's no weapon or item in your arsenal that'll stop them, so you really only have one choice, and that is to avoid them, or take damage from them. I think the choice is quite obvious. Another option is to use the Cane of Byrna and/or the Magic Cape to make yourself invisible, and then run straight through it... however, this technique should be reserved exclusively for a series of Spike Rollers that are harder to avoid then a single Spike Roller, which is rather simple to avoid if you just time your movements properly. ----- Name: Spike Traps Location: Dark World Description: Spike Traps are the famous Zelda "bad guy" that's found in basically every Zelda game in existence. They aren't exactly bad guys, but they ARE traps, so technically, I put them here in the enemy section out of convenience for you, the reader. These Spike Traps lay in their ready position until an enemy goes in front of them in any direction, where they'll shoot at you, doing massive damage if they manage to poke you. They are found in many dungeons throughout the game, primarily in the Dark World dungeons. It's in your best interest to be on the look out for these annoying enemies, and avoid them at all costs. That, or you'll get damaged badly by them. ----- Name: Spinner Location: Light World Description: Spinners are white star-looking enemies that fly around a particular room, with red tips on each end of them. They can't be damaged by any of your weapons, so you simply have to avoid them. They fly quick, and seem to semi-heatsink on their target, so keep moving to avoid getting damaged by these foes. They are especially common in dungeons, although you may run into them elsewhere, if you know where to look... ----- Name: Statue Location: Dark World Description: Statues are small inanimate enemies, that don't move, but obviously have some sort of intelligence. When a foe (primarily you... that rhymed) enters into a room, they immediately start shooting fireballs at you, and the fireballs go in your general direction no matter where you are in the room. The catch with these Statues is that you can't kill them, harm them, or stop them from shooting, no matter what attacks, skills, or items you use on them. So they are a true nuisance that you'll just have to avoid the best you can! ----- Name: Tongue Creature Location: Dark World Description: Tongue Creatures are found in various fields throughout the Dark World version of Hyrule. They look like some pretty freaky creatures to begin with, but when they get into range to hit you, they open up their huge mouths and shoot their ultra long tongue at you, which, if it hits you, will do a nice amount of damage. Not only that, but they can take quite a bit of damage before they bite the dust, even with the Master Sword slashing at them continuously. It takes three or four hits to kill a Tongue Creature, depending on how cleanly you slash at them. ----- Name: Turtle Location: Dark World Description: The Turtle is a weird enemy that seems unfazed by all of your weapons. And he is. This dungeon-dwelling enemy's shell is so powerful and strong, that no weapon can get past it. There is, however, a way around this, so that you can defeat this lasting enemy. Use the Hammer on the ground around a Turtle, and watch the Turtle get flipped over onto its back, or its shell. Its body is now vulnerable to attack. From here, you can slash at it or hit it with any number of weapons to destroy it. Turtles are enemies that go after you at all times, but it's usually too much trouble to hit them. Just avoid them, to make your life easier, and the game pass quicker. =) ----- Name: Viking Pig Location: Dark World Description: The Viking Pig is a name I give to the weak enemy sentries found throughout the lands of Hyrule. They are pig like creatures dressed in some armor, that carry around these poles that seem to have a leather end on the end of them, used for jabbing, I presume. The word Viking comes from the Viking horned helmets that they wear atop their heads. They are pretty smart creatures (the Dark World equivalent of a Blue Armored Knight in the Light World), and will pursue you just like a Knight would in the Light World, if they happen to see you. If they do, simply swipe at them for an easy kill. They really shouldn't give you any troubles at all. ----- Name: Vulture Location: Light World Description: Vultures are very similar to Crows in the land of Hyrule... just far bigger. They primarily spend their chill time in desert regions, and follow Link around if he gets to close to them. Like Crows, they'll fly around Link, harassing him and running into him. Unlike the Crows, they are a bit stronger and harder to hit, and can take more damage until they too are destroyed. Try to avoid going near them so that you don't have to deal with them at all. ----- Name: Wall Master Location: Dark World Description: Ash yes, Wall Masters. I hate Wall Masters. Everyone that has played the original Zelda on the NES or this version of Zelda on the SNES must too share my immense hatred for the Wall Master. Wall Masters are dungeon- dwelling enemies in the latter Dark World dungeons that are, in fact, evil and possessed hands. They come from the ceiling, and try to land atop of Link. If they do this, they'll damage him, and then grab him, bringing him back up to the ceiling. When this happens, Link is automatically transported back to the entrance of the dungeon. This can prove to be very, very annoying. They do give a warning, however, as when they are about to come, you hear a swooping noise, and see their shadow on the ground. If you see that shadow over you, however, your best bet is to run, run, run, because being brought back to the beginning of the dungeon is not a fun experience. Trust me. =) ----- Name: Water Bug Location: Dark World Description: Water Bugs are first found in the Dark World's second dungeon, the Watergate Dungeon. These enemies are always found on the surface of water. Since they are lighter than water, they barely break through the water's "skin" and hence can not only stand atop the water, but also run and skim across it at their enemy, as well. They are weak enemies, only able to take on slash of the Master Sword, or one hit with basically any weapon in Link's arsenal, however, making them far from formidable. But Water Bugs often attack (and chill, period) in large groups, making a swarming attack possible, which will inevitably overwhelm Link (and you, playing as Link). Hence, killing them off in groups as quickly as you see them is always the best option. ----- Name: Waterball Location: Dark World Description: Waterballs are odd water entities that you find beginning in the Watergate dungeon, the Dark World's second dungeon. These enemies are weird, because they are really just balls of water. You know they are there because they begin as dark black spots on the water (almost like a shadow)... after a few seconds in that state, a huge ball of water shoots up from the body of water it comes from, and shoots at the direction of its foe, shooting until it hits a hard object, like a wall or statue. Weird creatures (if you can even call them that), but formidable none-the-less. ----- Name: Water Worm Location: Dark World Description: Water Worms are interesting looking worm creatures that are found in the murky, dark, and dirty waters of the Misery Swamp. They wade through the deep and shallow parts of the Misery Swamp alike, jumping out of the water randomly, trying to strike and slash their foes with the pincers attached to the front of their mouths. They are only found in this region of Hyrule's Dark World, however, so you'll only have a few brief run-ins with them before the Misery Mire, while you're wading through the Misery Swamp trying to gain access to the sixth Dark World dungeon. While the Water Worm doesn't have any strong attacks, and doesn't do a whole lot of damage to Link, he should still be dealt with as is any enemy - with a few slashes of the Tempered Sword. Two slashes with the Tempered Sword will do the Water Worm in nice and quickly, so worry not, my friends! ----- Name: Wing Monster Location: Light World Description: These mysterious creatures are found atop Death Mountain in the Light World. They are odd, because they are small, and have even smaller wings attached to their body that seem to small to use for flight. These creatures don't have any active attacks, but they do have one mysterious trait. When you slash at them with your sword, they turn to stone. This is the equivalent of death for them, because they remain in that state forever after you slash them and turn them to stone. ----- Name: Wizard Location: Dark World Description: Wizards are more commonly known by the Zelda community as Wizzrobes, their common name. But as I said at the top of the enemy section of my FAQ, I don't call the enemies by their proper names... and not because I don't know them, but because a vast majority of the people reading these FAQs will hear the name Wizzrobe and it'll mean nothing to them, but if I say Wizard, they'll know what I'm talking about. In anycase, the Wizards are fairly popular dungeon-dwelling enemies that are found in most Zelda games. You'll be quite happy to know, however, that unlike in the original Zelda on the NES, and in the Nintendo64 Zelda titles, Wizards aren't difficult or pains in the ass at all. Quite the contrary, they are quite easy to defeat. Wizards appear and disappear all over the room. When they appear, they shoot some magic in your direction, and then disappear again. Avoid their magic beams and try to get in close to them, where you can give them a one hit kill with any number of weapons in your arsenal, although the Tempered Sword is the most obvious choice, as it gives the Wizard a one hit kill, and is the easiest weapon to hit the Wizard with. See, they aren't so hard anymore. Maybe the Nintendo programmers took a hint... the Wizzrobes in the original Zelda on the NES were ridiculous. =P ----- Name: Worm Location: Light World Description: These brown segmented creatures are first found in The Tower of Hera, the Light World's third and final palace. They are weak (can be killed easily), but move extremely fast, making them a nuisance to kill. Their fast movement, and sporadic movement can be a real pain, but if you use the powered up sword technique (the sword twirl), not only do you have a better chance of striking them with your sword, but you also will kill them in one hit. Two times the beauty. =) Just make sure to not let them gang up on you, or you'll be sustaining lots of damage, and could possibly die before you even know what hit you. ----- Name: Yellow Slime Location: Dark World Description: Yellow Slimes are slightly stronger versions of the Red and Blue slimes that we've come across in past dungeons of the game. Yellow Slimes are first found in the Misery Mire, the Dark World's sixth dungeon, but are agile and annoying little creatures, that won't really do a lot of damage, but will be more of a nuisance then anything else. Like their weaker cousins, Yellow Slimes appear from the ground after you walk over where they were, meaning that they'll always come at you from behind. Most of the time you can just ignore them, as they aren't a real big deal, but it's fun to slash them and kill them to get all of their goodies. One hit with the Tempered Sword is all it really takes, so it's worth striking at these enemies, to get whatever they might be carrying. And you don't have to worry about them attacking you - they have no attacks. They just jump around and try to collide with their foes. ----- Name: Zora Location: Light World Description: When I say Zora, I'm not talking about the big Zora that sells Link the Flippers for 500 (although he's one of the same). Instead, I speak of the half-fish, half-human enemies that inhabit all of the waters in the land of Hyrule. These enemies pop out of whirlpools they make in the water, and spit fireballs at their enemies before submerging themselves back in the water, safe from attack. They are pains in the ass to attack, so you shouldn't even bother, unless you want a good challenge. Otherwise, avoid them, and block or avoid their fireballs as well. They're annoying, yes... but they're a necessary obstacle to overcome in the water regions of Hyrule. Sucks for you. ^_~ /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XIII S E C T I O N T H I R T E E N | B O S S E S XIII /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ This section of the guide is information on all of the bosses in the game. They are in order of dungeons, so the first dungeon boss is first, sequentially. ********************** BOSS ONE - MACE KNIGHT ********************** The Mace Knight is by far the most simple boss fight in the game... some don't even consider it a boss fight, but I do! To defeat this rather intimidating enemy, this is what you want to do. Wait until he swings his huge ball and chain mace around once, and then brings it back to him. Then, run into him and slash him two times with your sword, and run back away a safe distance, and wait for him to do it again. He's that simple, really... just make sure to not get smacked up by his mace, which does considerable damage to the weak Link. Time your attacks and be patient, and the Mace Knight will fall quickly to Link's sword. ----- ************************ BOSS TWO - ARMOS KNIGHTS ************************ The Armos Knights are you first true boss battle. The Armos Knights count six, and they all attack you at the same time. However, they attack in formations, and aren't too hard to kill, especially with the services of your trusty Bow and Arrow. With the Bow and Arrow equipped, allow them to do their several formations, including circles, straight lines (both vertical and horizontal), and other such nonsense. While this is going on, shoot your arrows at any Armos you want. Each Armos takes three hits each with the Arrow to kill, so you'll slowly but surely narrow down their numbers as they jump around the room. Staying on the bottom of the screen will nearly ensure that you won't get hit by them as their randomly bouncing around the room, but you should still be on guard. When five of the six Armos Knights are killed, the last remaining Armos Knight will turn red in color, and change his attack style. He'll simply jump around the room, trying to crush Link underneath him. At this point, the sword is easier to use than the Bow and Arrow, so go to work on his with the sword, and he took will bite the dust. Au revoir, Armos Knights. ----- ************************* BOSS THREE - THE LANMOLAS ************************* The Lanmolas are three huge Sand Worms... really, really huge Sand Worms. They work in conjunction with each other in such a way that they pop out of the ground at almost the same time and float in the air in random directions until they decide they want to go back into the ground to do it all over again. At that point in time, they do indeed do it all again. It really is difficult to explain The Lanmolas because they don't really attack, they just kind of do their thing. Needless to say, the only way they can damage you is if you run into them, or get hit by the rock debris that flies up when they shoot out of the ground (which is easy to avoid). To destroy the Lanmolas, you must slice at their heads with your sword, which takes good timing and patience, being that you basically have to guess when they're going to come out of the ground, and then get in a quick slash or two before they get away from you. You can try that, or standing in one place and waiting for them to come at you, and then slash at them, but that's playing your luck quite a bit. The catch with The Lanmolas is that each of them die individually, so you have to hit each of them around eight to ten times to defeat just one of them. When two of the three die off, that's when things get interesting, because the final Lanmola will start shooting more debris in the air as he comes out of the ground, and will move faster and stay above ground less time... making it a tad bit harder, yes, but not as hard as any boss you'll meet in the Dark World. Trust me. =) ----- ******************* BOSS FOUR - MOLDORM ******************* The Moldorm is an interesting enemy. It's basically a huge version of the generic Worm enemy that are found all over the Tower of Hera. He's not really a hard boss at all. In fact, he has no real attacks. He kind of just moves around. There's a catch, however. You fight him on a small platform, suspended over the floor below. Meaning that if he hits you hard enough into the sides of the platform, you will fall down to the floor below, and have to walk back up and fight him all over again. Not only that, but there's also a hole in the middle of the platform, towards the left-hand side, making the battle even more of a pain in the butt. To battle him, you have to have your sword equipped, and that's all you really need. His weakness is the rattle-like object on his tail. Any other part of his body is invulnerable to any kind of attack, so concentrate your attack on his tail. You'll know you hit him when he freezes, and you hear a weird "blargh" like noise that you hear whenever you hit a boss in this game. As you hit him, he gets faster and more sporadic in his movement. You have to be close enough to him to damage him, but try to keep your distance, too, because if he hits you into the chasm surrounding the platform or in the middle of it, you'll have to do the battle all over again. It takes approximately eight hits to defeat the Moldorm, however... so he shouldn't give you TOO much trouble. Just be patient! ----- ******************* BOSS FIVE - AGAHNIM ******************* Agahnim is very, very easy to beat, and you can easily defeat him without getting hit. All it takes is a little skill and a lot of patience. Agahnim fights in a predictable pattern, although he doesn't have a set fighting style. He'll teleport around the room, and then cast one of his three kinds of spells. The first (and most common) kind of spell he casts is a fireball, which he'll shoot at the direction of Link, but it doesn't follow you as you move away from it. The second attack he uses on you is an attack of four small spinning white balls, in an orb, nearly. When shot at you, they will follow you even if you move, until they hit a wall, where it'll knock the four balls loose and send them shooting back the other way across the room. The third and final spell, and the spell that he uses which is most powerful, is the Lightning spell. He only uses it when he's at the top middle of the room, facing downward. When he's there, you know he's going to cast it. At this point, he shoots powerful lightning bolts south across the room. When he does this, move next to him, out of the way of his lightning. So how to damage him? Easy, really. Equip the Bug Catching Net (yes, the Bug Catching Net), and when he shoots the fireball spell at you, use the Bug Catching Net to shoot them back at him, damaging him. You can also deflect his orb attack, but it won't go back to damage him. In anycase, this is the only way you can damage him. None of your other weapons, or the Master Sword itself, will work on him, so don't waste your time trying. Concentrate, instead, on deflecting the fireball spell back at him. Six hits or so with his own spell, and he'll be defeated, but not dead... ----- ************************* BOSS SIX - HELMASAUR KING ************************* The Helmasaur King is a huge enemy, and he seems hard, but he really isn't that hard. To fight him, have the Hammer equipped in the beginning of the battle. When the battle begins, run up to him and start bashing the blue mask over his face with the Hammer. As you do more and more damage to it, it starts to crack off bit by bit, until it comes off all together. This is your cue to unequip the Hammer, and equip your Bow and Arrow. The green dot over his two eyes, that's the area where you want to aim your Bow and Arrow and shoot him at. It takes about six shots with the Bow and Arrow at that green dot to kill him. As far as him attacking, and you avoiding, you can't go behind him because there is a plethora of Spike Traps behind him. The only attacks he has are his tail whip attack (which is pretty damaging, and hard to avoid), and his fireball attack. The fireball attack, in more detail, is when he shoots a fireball from his mouth, which then splits into three more fireballs, which then splits into four more fireballs. It sounds complicated, but it's really not. It's just that the fireballs are hard to avoid. And his huge size makes moving around hard as well, because he takes up about half of the room's space. Either way, remember - Hammer, then Bow and Arrow. ----- ******************** BOSS SEVEN - ARRGHUS ******************** Ah yes, Arrghus. It's a relatively easy fight, so I wouldn't worry about it. It just takes a lot of patience. As you enter into the fight, you'll basically see a floating blob of small balls, with some vine-looking things coming out from underneath it. So this is what you do, my friend. Equip the Hookshot on Link. Then, shoot the Hookshot at Arrghus, and one of these balls will stick to it and come back at you. When it lands on the ground, slash at it two times with your Master Sword to destroy it. Do this to all of the balls surrounding Arrghus' true form, and his true form will start to be revealed. He's basically a giant eyeball with a red body and some red-tentacle looking things coming down from underneath it. Basically an eyeball-Jellyfish-who knows what hybrid. Once all of the balls are off and destroyed, it's time to fight Arrghus himself. (keep in mind that if you don't kill the balls, they'll eventually run back to Arrghus and re-attach themselves to him. In this case, you'll have to get them back off and kill them - but be aware that if you slash at one once, it'll still have that damage attached to him, a plus for you). Anyway, once all of the balls are off of Arrghus, he starts to jump in the air, and land on you. So keep moving! When he lands on the ground, he'll shoot around the room until you hit him. We no longer have any need for the Hookshot anymore - instead, use your Master Sword and slash at his eye. When you hit him, he'll jump back up in the air and repeat this monotonous process. Five hits with the Master Sword in his eye (MAYBE six), and he'll be destroyed. The second crystal (and its maiden) are yours, as well as another heart piece! ----- ******************** BOSS EIGHT - MOTHULA ******************** The Mothula boss fight seems hard, because of the room he's in. It's surrounded by countless Spike Traps on all sides, and even some in the middle of the room. This would make it seemingly hard, but he's actually quite simple, if you know what to do. Moth's bodies, in the real world, are very delicate. Just imagine what a flame would do to it. *hint hint* That's right, as we've done throughout the game, use the dungeon's special item on the boss here. Equip the Fire Rod on Link and go to town on Mothula with it. As the battle starts, he'll come from his resting position to fly in the air. From here on out, he's vulnerable to attack. Keep your distance from Mothula and fire your Fire Rod at him. Even if it seems that his altitude is higher than ground level, still shoot in his direction and he'll be damaged regardless. If you run out of magic power in your magic meter in this fight by using the Fire Rod too much, you can use your Master Sword on him too, it's just not as strong. However, this shouldn't happen. If you have the 1/2 Magic Meter (and you should if you've been following my walkthrough), you can miss him every other shot and still beat him with magic in your magic meter to spare, so don't worry! As far as Mothula's attacks go, he only has one attack. He shoots, from his mouth, a set of three rays at Link, that look like circles in a straight line coming at you. They are slow moving, however, and easy to avoid. Don't let them hit you, though, or you'll be greatly damaged! Other than that, Mothula can control the plethora of Spike Traps in his lair, to come shooting out in whatever direction he wants, which makes the fight far more harder. If these Spike Traps weren't in the lair, this boss fight would be cake! It was probably an afterthought on the side of the Nintendo programmers to throw that in there, however, realizing he was far too easy without those... in anycase, Mothula is cake, just aim carefully with that Fire Rod of yours, and don't miss TOO much, and you'll be just fine! ----- *************************** BOSS NINE - BLIND THE THIEF *************************** Blind the Thief isn't actually Blind the Thief in his normal form here. If you remember correctly, we meet Blind early on in the game, in his hideout in Kakariko Village. When we meet him there, he's nothing more than a blond haired punk with some stylish sunglasses on, because he "hates light." Now, he's a huge red monster with one hell of an attitude. After you drag the chick you've been leading around the dungeon into the light, she'll turn into Blind, who'll turn into a monster. This monster is huge, and has quite a few interesting attacks, but nothing too life threatening. His primary attack is, as he floats around the room pretty randomly, that he'll shoot these huge laser beams at you, which does pretty good damage, and can't be blocked with your shield in any way, so don't bother. His other attack is, after you hit him enough times, his head comes off and starts rotating (or orbiting) around the room, shooting projectiles at Link continuously. These heads cannot be damaged or harmed in any way with any weapon in your arsenal, so don't waste your time on those, either. So how, exactly, do you hurt Blind the Thief, then? It's quite simple, really. No special weapons or items to use on him, just use your Master Sword and hack away at him. The disadvantage to having to use the Master Sword on him, is, of course, that you need to sacrifice any advantage you'd have with distance on him - getting in close and slashing away at him is the only way to damage this monstrous form of Blind the Thief... that bastard. =P ----- ********************* BOSS TEN - KHOLDSTARE ********************* Kholdstare is by far the coolest name for a boss enemy in any Zelda game, hands down. Hell, as a joke, me and my friend Devin (fellow GameFAQs writer - DMorgan) went and tried to register that name on AOL Instant Messenger, and someone already had it. I couldn't quite believe it, but such is life, and it figures that a fellow nerd like me is out there, and thinks that having Kholdstare as a backup AIM name is a cool idea. In anycase, Kholdstare, when you first fight him, looks like an eyeball stuck in some ice. And that's basically what he is. In this state, he can't attack, but huge chunks of ice continuously come down from above, raining down on you. While this is going on, equip your Fire Rod and fire at the ice of Kholdstare eight times. When the eighth fireball hits the ice, it'll melt away, and Kholdstare's true form will be revealed. He's actually three eyeballs, and he's incredibly easy. The only thing that can harm you here is the ice falling from above. This is because even in this state, Kholdstare still has no attacks. So when he is in this state, which is the only time you can actually physically harm him, start shooting your Fire Rod at any of the three eyeballs as they fly around the room, trying to collide with you. When you run out of magic energy in your magic meter (which you will), don't worry! Your Tempered Sword works just as good. You just have to get in close to them and start hacking away at them. It's really cool if you can slash them into a corner, which will literally corner them, and then you can slash away until they are destroyed. Each eye takes 6 to 8 hits with the Fire Rod and Tempered Sword each to kill, so be patient... but trust me, this boss fight is really easy. You'll be pleasantly surprised to have such an easy boss battle after the hell that was the Ice Palace. =) ----- ********************** BOSS ELEVEN - VITREOUS ********************** Vitreous is a disgustingly easy excuse for a boss. And that's something you should be thankful for. =D Vitreous is a huge eyeball, but he's accompanies by many smaller eyeballs, which have no name, but are still a vital part of Vitreous' being. Vitreous, initially, starts chucking his eyeballs at you (the smaller ones), eyeball after eyeball. Keep slashing in the air at them, and they'll all eventually die. Each small eyeball can only take four or five slashes each with the Tempered Sword, so you don't have a whole lot to worry about. During this onslaught of eyeballs, Vitreous will every so often shoot a huge lightning beam (identical, in fact, to the one Aghanim uses) across the room to the south. Don't bother avoiding it, just keep slashing away at those damn eyeballs. When all but four of the eyeballs that were once surrounding Vitreous' body are sent out (not necessarily killed yet), he starts to move around, out of the slime and ooze at the northern end of the room. Don't worry though, all he does is bounce around and shoot the occasional lightning beam across the room at you. When he bounces towards you, simply slash at him with the Tempered Sword, which will back him up. He'll then jump at you again, where you slash at him again. Really, I said it in the beginning of this boss description, and I'll say it again. Vitreous is disgustingly easy, and I mean it. He's THAT easy. =P If you have problems with him, well... read this description again, because it says it all. And if you're STILL having problems with him, then you've got some problems of your own, my friend. =) ----- ********************* BOSS TWELVE - TRINEXX ********************* Trinexx is a pretty easy boss enemy to defeat... there's just a few catches that you have to realize, to make sure that you're fully prepared to defeat him. Before entering the battle, have a full magic meter... that's basically all you have to worry about. If you have a full magic meter, the rest will work itself out. Trinexx is fought in three main parts. The huge rock beast has three heads. A center head, and two side heads. The two side heads are elemental... that is to say, one is a fire elemental enemy and the other is an ice elemental enemy. The fire elemental enemy uses fire attacks, such as a fireball, but is weak to ice. The ice elemental enemy uses ice attacks, such as making the floor slippery, but is weak to fire. Are you catching my drift yet? Well this is what you do. First, approach the right-hand side head (which is blue, and is the ice elemental enemy). Equip the Fire Rod on Link and fire it at the head, which will make it freeze. Then run up to the head and slash it three times with your Golden Sword, which will destroy it. Once that's done, run up to the left-hand side head, which is the fire elemental enemy. While avoiding his attacks, equip the Ice Rod and fire it once at his head, which will make him freeze. At that point, slash him three times with the Golden Sword and he too will be destroyed. All at once it seems as if Trinexx is defeated, but my friend, you've forgotten about Trinexx's center main head! Oh yes indeed, we have to contend with that now. Trinexx turns into a dragon-like enemy and flies at the room. It's nearly impossible to avoid getting hit by him, so make sure to use those Red Potions as much as you can. Even with the Blue Clothes on Link, Trinexx still does three hearts of damage with each his he lays on you, so don't take your eye off of your health meter! You'll notice that the center segment of his body is constantly glowing - this is where you need to hit him. Simply hit him three times with the Golden Sword in the center segment of his body, and watch as Trinexx bites the dust... for good. ----- ************************** BOSS THIRTEEN - AGAHNIM II ************************** This is our second fight with Agahnim, but it means nothing, really. Aghanim fights the same way as he did earlier in the game, but there's a catch. Instead of it just being him, the great wizard and magician has made two clones of himself that fight alongside with him. This might sound like kind of a pain in the ass, and hell... it is, but it's not SO bad. There will be three Agahnims running around, in that case, and you have to discern which one is the real one. It's easy, though. The three shadows that go around the room before Agahnim and the two clones attack... two of them are light and one of them is dark. The dark shadow is going to be the real Agahnim when they reappear to attack, you see? Furthermore, while all three Agahnims can attack, and can damage you (even if the attack comes from a fake clone), Agahnim lost his greatest attack from the last battle we had with him - that is, his lightning attack. So just like we did last time, equip the Bug Catching Net (or just use your sword) and deflect his fireball attack back at him. The actual beauty in having two clones fighting alongside with him is that the two fake guys' attacks can also be deflected back at the real Agahnim for damage. That's clutch at times. It's hard to avoid the clones' attacks when you're attacking Agahnim himself, however... so make sure to have a Red Potion handy to use when the time comes. Even then, Agahnim does VERY little damage, especially barring the fact that you have the Red Clothes on Link now. All in all, this battle is easy. Six or so reflections of his fireball attacks back on him, and Agahnim will bite the dust... for good. Oh, and about his other attack, the orb attack, if it's coming at you, slash it away. But just like with the last fight with Agahnim, deflecting that back on Agahnim won't damage him at all... only the fireball attack will. ----- ********************* BOSS FOURTEEN - GANON ********************* The battle with Ganon isn't hard at all, especially if you took my advice to get Red Potions before fighting him. Even with four Red Potions in your four Magic Bottles, you'll probably only need to use one... two, maximum. In anycase, the battle begins with Ganon running around his room, doing random attacks with fire. He has so many attacks that it's too hard to name them all. Before you do much of any damage to him, he just chucks around his trident a lot, and tries to strike you with it. Coincidentally, his trident has boomerang-like qualities, because it comes back to him when he throws it. So run up to him and strike him with your sword over and over again... it's quite simple. As you begin to do more damage to him, he starts to incorporate fire into his attacks. He'll shoot fire, shoot fire birds (like phoenix attacks, I suppose), and even do these crazy fire earthquake attacks that make the sides of the room fall apart, which makes the area in which you battle him even smaller. Don't worry about dodging his attacks, really, just concentrate more on hitting him over and over again. As you do even more damage, Ganon will start to teleport around. He'll do it relentlessly actually, making him a pain in the ass. Stay with him however, because when he stops teleporting to attack briefly, you'll have just a moment to strike him with your sword before he does it all over again. When you finally do enough damage to him, he'll tell you that he's going to use his Darkness Technique, and then the room will go semi- dark. You won't be able to see him. The idea is to equip your Fire Rod or Lamp and light the two torches on the bottom of the room. When both are lit, Ganon will be in full view. At this point, run up to him and slash him with your Golden Sword, which will turn him blue. While he's blue, equip your Bow and Silver Arrow and shoot him with it, which will make the room go back dark. Repeat this process four times total on him, and the fourth Silver Arrow will kill the evil Ganon for good. ----- /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XIV S E C T I O N F O U R T E E N | D U N G E O N S XIV /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ This section of the FAQ/Walkthrough has little descriptions and tips for each dungeon in the game. Just a nice little side-part to the FAQ for those of you who just need help in a particular dungeon. ********************** Castle Basement/Sewers ********************** Many wouldn't consider this beginning game trek through the castle's interior, and to the Sanctuary as a dungeon, but for those of you who do (like me), here's a little, short description for you. This beginning game trek is fairly easy. You'll only come across Green Knights and Blue Knights, as well as Rats, Bats and Snakes. Nothing that'll give you too much trouble. Also, the linear way that the dungeon moves means that it's almost impossible to get lost. No matter what door you really choose to take in the main room of the castle, you'll end up in the same corridor that points to the same door. Then, once in the castle's dark, damp and dreary basement, rely on Zelda's instructions and your Lamp to guide your way to the safety of the Sanctuary! *********** East Palace *********** The East Palace is the first true palace we come across in the game, the first true dungeon. As the beginning, it seems as if it's going to be difficult to defeat. There are three doors to choose from in the beginning, making it easy to get lost... or so it seems. When you figure out two of those three doors lead absolutely nowhere, it's made a lot easier. The true beauty of the dungeon is its simple layout and lack of enemies. This is something you should enjoy and soak in, because it won't last very long come later dungeons. Make sure to pick up the Bow in this dungeon, and go to work on those Armos Knights so you can get the Pendant of Courage and bring it back to Sahasrahla for your prize!... ************* Desert Palace ************* The Desert Palace is similar to the East Palace in that it seems far bigger and more intimidating than it actually is. Once you get over the massive main room, and come to a realization that some of those doors lead NO WHERE (making your life a lot easier, AFTER you figure that out, of course), the Desert Palace should be no problem for you. It's cool too, because it's segmented into two parts... the main part, and then the part after you get the Power Glove and move the green blocks outside out of the way to access the second hidden part of the dungeon. It's cool, too, how to gain access to the boss room, you have to light up the torches and force the wall out of the way, which reveals the lair of the Lanmolas, giant Sand Worm creatures. Well, if you haven't been there yet, you'll see what I mean. =) ***************** The Tower of Hera ***************** The Tower of Hera is the final palace of the three palaces that you have to go to in the Light World, and it's also the location where you get the vital Moon Pearl, that allows Link to keep his normal human shape while in the Dark World. The Tower is huge (six floors high), and semi-complicated, with all of the switches you have to knock as you go around the palace, and also, with all of the new enemies you have to face. Another great hazard in this palace is the vast amount of holes in the ground. If you walk into a hole or if an enemy knocks you into a hole, you can fall one or more stories down in the dungeon, so that you have to re-do the entire dungeon again. It sucks, and that's why you should take your time with this dungeon, and be patient! And hell, use my walkthrough for it too, it's pretty concise, and will probably cut down a bit on the frustration factor that comes along with this dungeon, especially for newer players to the game. ************* Hyrule Castle (en route to Agahnim) ************* When you're going to fight Agahnim, the evil wizard, after you obtain the Master Sword, it opens up an entire new area of Hyrule Castle. It's pretty short and straight-forward (not exactly your cliche Zelda dungeon/palace that you find in this game), but it's still a dungeon-esque area of the game. The enemies in here are all humanoid (except for Eyeball Bats), and you'll meet some powerful opposition in here, before you even fight the wizard himself. While the dungeon is completely linear, you will still need to practice patience here, and attack the powerful enemies within with patience and caution. Otherwise, they really can give you a hard time, for they are powerful and overwhelming in this particular dungeon. ********************** The Palace of Darkness ********************** The Palace of Darkness is the Dark World's first dungeon, and it's by far the easiest one as well. It's located in the Dark World's equivalent of the East Palace area (the Light World's first dungeon), and when you walk into the Palace of Darkness, it does actually look very similar in the beginning, with different color schemes the only difference. However, when you get deeper into the palace, you'll come to notice that the two palaces are quite different - this one, in a difference from the East Palace, is actually pretty hard. Follow my walkthrough for it closely, so you don't get lost, confused, or discouraged. Because the difficulty level from the Tower of Hera to this palace is like doubled, perhaps even tripled. It seems too extreme a difficulty hike, which was a mistake by the Nintendo programmers - regardless, it is what it is. In anycase, think out everything in this palace, and do everything you can possibly think of... sometimes the answer to a seemingly complex puzzle is right in front of you. ********************* The Watergate Dungeon ********************* The Watergate Dungeon is the second stop on our tour of the Dark World's seven dungeons and palaces. The Watergate dungeon is the hardest dungeon we've come to, by far, which makes sense, as the game should get harder as we go along. =) In anycase, the Watergate Dungeon is long, and it involves a lot of going back and forth, to make certain paths open, and to make certain things work, et cetera. The dungeon certainly involves a lot of practice in patience, because if you don't have patience, you aren't going to have a whole lot of luck in the dungeon as a whole - that's just the way it is. You won't find too many new enemies in this dungeon that we haven't yet come across, except for a few weak water-based enemies that can all be killed in one hit. The boss of the dungeon, Arrghus, is simple as well, but just like the dungeon he guards, he too takes a lot of patience to beat. It's not that the dungeon or Arrghus are necessarily difficult, that's something many people get confused with when I say "patience." Instead, what I really mean is that without the necessary patience, and without being willing to take a lot of time to figure this place out and go back and forth and do what you have to do, this dungeon can be a true chore... but that's only if you make it that way, because the place isn't even that difficult! ************* Skull Dungeon ************* The Skull Dungeon is our third stop through the dungeons of the Dark World. I freakin' hate the Skull Dungeon, for the record. While a relatively small dungeon (by the looks of the map for it, anyway), it's still a real pain in the butt, because it forces you back and forth, out of the various parts of the dungeon, back into Skull Woods. And, to boot, you have to find all of the entrances of the dungeon from Skull Woods, using them various times throughout your quest through the dungeon to successfully get through it. I apologized before the walkthrough for the Skull Dungeon, and I'll apologize again here - sorry for the shitty condition of the Skull Dungeon's walkthrough. I know that you expect more from me than three pages for a dungeon walkthrough, but that's what you got for the Skull Dungeon. Not that three pages is nothing, it's just that the dungeon is so confusing and annoying that I found it hard to explain certain parts of it, if you follow what I'm saying. So again, my apologies to you, the reading audience, if the Skull Dungeon walkthrough wasn't ample. But hey, it's still better than anything else you'll find on GameFAQs, and a hell of a lot longer too, so don't be TOO mad at me for it, okay? =) *************** Blind's Hideout *************** Blind's Hideout isn't hard at all... it's not confusing or anything of the sort... it's just a little bit of exploration and a little bit of common sense, and you'll be just fine. And listen, for the hell that was the previous dungeon, Skull Dungeon, Blind's Hideout should be considered cake for you, regardless, REGARDLESS of any trouble this dungeon may give you. The only novelty of this dungeon is the semi-cool boss fight in it, where you actually have to drag who you think is a chick in distress around the dungeon, and lead her into light, where you actually find out that it's Blind the Thief tricking you. That's pretty cool, and there are a lot of new enemies in this dungeon as well, but other than that, it's pretty run-of-the-mill. The only thing I always ask myself when I play this dungeon is, "this guy must be a pretty successful thief, because his complex is quite impressive." C'mon, how many "thieves" do you know that have massive subterranean dungeons that they can just chill in. You have to make a lot of successful scores to be able to gain that feat, let me tell you. ********** Ice Palace ********** The Ice Palace is the fifth dungeon we come across on our tour through the Dark World of Hyrule. It's not hard at all... harder than Blind's Hideout, but not quite as much a pain in the butt as was the Skull Dungeon. In anycase, the Ice Palace has a lot of new enemies, which is cool, and it's long and very deep. That doesn't equal hard, however... with a little patience (and with using my walkthrough ^_^), you should be able to reason your way and logic your way easily through the dungeon. It's deep (like eight floors deep), and there's a whole lot of backtracking, but it's not hard, and that is truly the key. The entire backtracking thing can be a bit tedious however, and confusing too, because you'll continuously be asking yourself "have I been here before?" et cetera... and the fact of the matter is "yes, you have been here before... go you." So, in the end, the dungeon isn't hard, but like all of the dungeons in Zelda: A Link to the Past, it takes a lot of patience, some reasoning and use of logic, and a little hard work. And hell, a few Red Potions never hurt anyone either... like... four of them. The enemies within do massive damage, until you finally find the dungeon's special item/weapon, the Blue Clothes, which cut damage Link sustains in half! Pretty sweet, I know. *********** Misery Mire *********** In the words of my favorite band of all time, 311, "I've said it before, I'll say it once more." Misery Mire is the coolest name for a Zelda game dungeon in any Zelda game ever created, period. Why is it the coolest? I don't know, really. It just sounds cool. It's fun to say, it's fun to type... but that's where the fun really ends. This is because the Misery Mire sucks. I hate the Misery Mire. It's a boring dungeon, a dungeon that takes very little intelligence to defeat, but at the same time, can be a real pain in the ass, because it takes a lot of patience, and a whole lot of backtracking, a Zelda trait that really needs to go. I understand that dungeons later on in the game are supposed to be hard and annoying... but this dungeon isn't hard, it's just annoying. I don't know why I hate the Misery Mire. I've ALWAYS hated the Misery Mire, which is a shame because of its cool name. Also, the Misery Mire's boss enemy, Vitreous, is a joke. He's about as easy as the Armos Knights we fought in the Light World's first dungeon, the East Palace... I mean, he's that ridiculous to beat. I don't know... it's a shame to waste such a cool name on such a poor excuse for a late-game dungeon. Difficulty lacks here, but the frustration factor is at a full 100%, unfortunately. Oh well. *********** Turtle Rock *********** Oh Turtle Rock... what a cool name. Sure, it's no Misery Mire, but Turtle Rock is still a killer name. Okay, so I'm joking. But y'know, Turtle Rock, being the seventh dungeon in the Dark World (and essentially the last dungeon, being that I don't really count Ganon's Tower as a dungeon, persay) is really not a very hard dungeon at all. In fact, it's fairly short and pretty straight forward. The real catch, when talking about Turtle Rock, is that you have to come prepared. You MUST come prepared. What does being "prepared" entail, when talking about Turtle Rock? Well, a few things, really. As Sahasrahla warns you telepathically at the beginning of the dungeon, if you don't have magic potions with you when you enter into the dungeon, you might as well turn back. And he's not shitting around - you really need to be prepared with magic potions (at least one) when coming to Turtle Rock. This is because of the INSANE amount of magic you'll be using while you're traversing through the evil corridors of Turtle Rock. You'll be using the Magic Cape often, and the Cane of Somaria even more often. Not only that, but the Fire Rod must be used as well. To boot, the boss of the dungeon, Trinexx, is an elemental boss... but he's TWO TIMES elemental, meaning that you need to use both the Fire Rod and Ice Rod to defeat the foe. All in all, Turtle Rock isn't a hard dungeon, you just need to come prepared, and even more importantly, you need to save your magic, use it sparingly, and only use it when you think you need to. This is the first dungeon where I highly recommend that you kill enemies conventionally, and don't use medallions in certain situations. But then again, that's just my opinion. ************* Ganon's Tower ************* Why do they even call Ganon's Tower "Ganon's Tower?" The boss you fight at the end of Ganon's Tower isn't Ganon at all, but it's actually just another fight with his right-hand man lackey, Agahnim. As far as Ganon's Tower goes, it's the most complex and annoying dungeon in the game, and for good reason - it's also the last dungeon in the game. It spans seven floors over a VAST, VAST area. The two basement floors are especially long and arduous. But once you find the Big Key and grab the Red Clothes from within the dungeon's big treasure chest, it's all uphill from there. When you finally get to the upper floors of the tower, it becomes VERY linear and VERY straight forward, making like all too easy. What else is there to say really? Oh yes... in your path through the tower, you'll end up fighting the three first bosses in the game, from the Light World dungeons. You'll fight the Armos Knights from the East Palace, you'll fight the Lanmolas from the Desert Palace, and you'll fight the Moldorms from the Tower of Hera. Conveniently, these enemies, that were once considered a challenge, fall all too quickly to the power of the Silver Arrows and Golden Sword, so fret not my friends... the boss enemies here are easy. And hell, so is our second run in with Agahnim. So all in all, this dungeon is the same as all of the others... just a lot bigger and more complex. =) Just be patient, it can take some time to get out of that dungeon. It really, really can. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XV S E C T I O N F I F T E E N | H E A R T S XV /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ This section of the FAQ/Walkthrough has the location of each piece of heart in the game. They are all found in fourths - that is, you need to find four heart pieces to get one heart in your energy meter. The only way to get one full heart is by defeating the boss of each dungeon in the game. Other than that, you'll have some searching to do. This section is to help you do just that! ***** HEART PIECE ONE ----- ----- --- Requirements: None. To get this heart, head south of Link's house, to the large field below. In the large field, you'll find a small stone building. Enter into it, and go as deep into it as you can. Pull the right-hand switch inside (avoiding the left-hand switch), then walk back outside of the building. To the left of the building, in the shallows there, will be sitting a heart piece. ***** HEART PIECE TWO ----- ----- --- Requirements: None. This heart is located in the beginning section of the Lost Woods. Once you enter into the Lost Woods, head north through the linear path, until you come to a log sticking out of the ground, that you can enter into. Don't bother going into it... instead, to the north of it is a group of nine bushes, in rows of three. Destroy the bushes with your sword, and you'll find that the middle one was hiding a hole into the ground. Jump into the hole, and to the south of where you land is your piece of heart! ***** HEART PIECE THREE ----- ----- ----- Requirements: Bombs. The third heart piece is located within the village. Go to the Thieves' Hideout in the village, which is the unusual looking silver house, with barred windows and a green, grassy roof. Yeah, that's the one. =) Enter into it, and go into the basement, where, at the north of the room, you'll see a cracked wall. Use a Bomb on the wall, and enter into the room it was hiding, where you'll find a total of 30 rupees, but more importantly, your third heart piece ***** HEART PIECE FOUR ----- ----- ---- Requirements: Bombs. At the southern most tip of the village, you'll find a large, long house. This house is located out of the town proper, and it borders the large mountains that separate the village from the desert to the south. This house holds two brothers that are fighting. Talk to the first brother in the leftmost room, then bomb the cracked wall to the left of his room, which will lead to his brother's room. Talk to him, and the two boys'll make up. Exit out of his room now, and talk to the young woman there, who'll offer you a chance to get through her obstacle course within 15 seconds. Do so, and the man at the end (bearing in mind that you need to get there within the time limit) will give you a piece of heart! ***** HEART PIECE FIVE ----- ----- ---- Requirements: Bombs. This heart piece is generally easy to get as well. In the northwest corner of the village, there is a hole in the ground, and a cave entrance right next to it. Go to the ridge above the hole, and jump into it from above, to enter into this secret cave. Grab the Bombs and rupees out of the chests and jars there, and then bomb the faulty northern wall there, to enter into a small secret room that holds a treasure chest, in which is the fifth heart piece. ***** HEART PIECE SIX ----- ----- --- Requirements: Bombs. This heart piece is located within the depths of the Desert of Mystery. Enter into the desert (heading south of Link's house, then west), and go into the cave to the very north, and east corner of the desert proper. Within this cave is Aginah... and to the south of Aginah's room is a faulty wall. Bomb it, friends, and grab the heart piece out of the chest in this hidden room! Booyah! ***** HEART PIECE SEVEN ----- ----- ----- Requirements: Pegasus Shoes The seventh heart piece can be gotten right after you defeat the East Palace and Sahasrahla gives you the Pegasus Shoes. Simply go to the Sanctuary at the northern end of Hyrule, and go to the plateau highlands right next to it. Up there, you'll notice some green rocks that are in a grouping, that you can actually break by simply dashing into them. Dash into them and destroy these rocks, which opens up a secret staircase leading into the subterrain. Within this small cave below ground is a treasure chest holding the seventh heart piece! ***** HEART PIECE EIGHT ----- ----- ----- Requirements: Access to the Desert Palace Once inside the Desert Palace (the second of three palaces you need to go to in the Light World), the eighth piece of heart is very simple to get. From the entrance of the palace, go north, past the Laser Statue, and then west, past the two clay jars, and north. Once north, ignore the door there, and go west, and then south all the way until you can't go south anymore. In this southern- most area, there will be a door to your left. Go through this door to another room, and then go south out of this room, back to the outside desert. On this solitary plateau, simply run south to the end of it, where the piece of heart will be waiting for you to the taking. It's located right next to the Vulture chillin' on the rocks there... just make sure the Vulture doesn't damage you! ***** HEART PIECE NINE ----- ----- ---- Requirements: Power Glove, Flippers To get this heart piece, it's quite simple. You should absolutely get it right after you purchase the Flippers from Zora for 500 rupees, to make your life a lot easier. From the location where you meet the big Zora and buy the Flippers, walk south and swim over the waterfall due south of his location. From there, walk or swim south to the second set of waterfalls, but avoid going over them. Instead, swim west to the grassy area there, and follow this grassy alcove, surrounded by a fence, westward until you run into the heart piece, which will be right out in the open. Nice, eh. ***** HEART PIECE TEN ----- ----- --- Requirements: Access to Death Mountain To get this heart piece, you have to use your noggin a bit. As you climb up Death Mountain, you'll come across a junction where there's a signpost that points to a door in the cave that leads to Kakariko Village. Right next to this door and sign is a long ladder leading up higher into the mountain. Climb up this ladder and head east a bit. You'll notice, as you head east, that you can jump off the cliff to a platform jutting out of the mountain, which leads to a door. Ignore the first one you come across, and go east a bit more. You'll come across another one below you, farther down. The one in question is right below a doorway on the level you're on, and a huge rock right in front of it. Jump down to the platform below and enter the door. Navigate the small cave, and you'll come across the heart piece chillin' on the ground. Grab it for heart piece number ten. ***** HEART PIECE ELEVEN ----- ----- ------ Requirements: Magic Mirror Okay, once atop Death Mountain, right near the transporter that first brings you into the Dark World, the heart piece is found. It's atop Spectacle Rock, actually. Go into the Dark World via the transporter, and walk left, to where the monster is kicking the ball around. You'll notice light brown ground in the shape of spectacles (hence Spectacle Rock), surrounded by the normal darker brown ground. Go to the north part of this light brown ground, and use the Magic Mirror to teleport back to the Light World. You'll now be ON TOP of Spectacle Rock. If you did it right, the heart piece will be to your right, on the edge of the rock. ***** HEART PIECE TWELVE ----- ----- ------ Requirements: Access to the Pyramid of Power (primary Dark World location) This heart piece is quite elementary to get. As you are on top of the Pyramid of Power, simply jump down one level, run to your right, past the statue below you, and jump down another level. Then, simply run right, and then up, and the heart piece will be at the edge of the pyramid's right-hand side, ripe for the taking. ***** HEART PIECE THIRTEEN ----- ----- -------- Requirements: Agahnim defeated Heart piece thirteen will be the final heart piece you'll acquire in the Light World, pending you've gotten the other eleven already, in the order that I chose to get them in. In anycase, to get this heart piece, travel north of Kakariko Village, past the entrance to Death Mountain. All the way up here is the hut of the Lumberjack Brothers. Next to their house, to the left, is a mysterious looking tree, with lighter green leaves than the other trees. You'll notice that this was the tree that they were cutting at the entire game before you defeated the evil wizard Agahnim. Now they aren't cutting it, but this is only AFTER you defeat Agahnim, so you MUST defeat him before trying this, or it won't work. Simply dash into the tree with the Pegasus Shoes' power, and the tree will fall over, leaving a hole into the underground behind. Go into this hole, which will bring you into a subterranean cave. Traverse the cave to find this heart piece. ***** HEART PIECE FOURTEEN ----- ----- -------- Requirements: Hammer, to access Dark World Lake Hylia The fourteenth heart piece is located to the south of the bridge that you need to pound down stakes with the Hammer on to get across it. From there, go south until you run into Lake Hylia. Jump into it, and you'll notice that most of it has turned to ice. To the west of the ice, however, it some shallow water surrounded by a circle of stone. Go into the middle of the shallows within the circle, and then equip and use the Magic Mirror to transport back to the Light World. If you did it right, you'll end up on a solitary island in the middle of the Light World Lake Hylia. On the island, a Magical Creature, and more importantly, a heart piece. Grab the heart piece and transport back to the Dark World with the same warp you used to get there in the first place. ***** HEART PIECE FIFTEEN ----- ----- ------- Requirements: Hammer In the Dark World, head west, and then south from where Link's house would be if we were in the Light World. Along the rockface bordering where the Desert of Mystery would be, all the way to the west of it, is a circle of the purple flower bushes in nestled in the corner. Hack your way into the center of this circle, and then equip the Magic Mirror. Use the Magic Mirror to warp yourself back to the Light World, and you'll be on a platform high above the Desert of Mystery rockface. Above you is a cave entrance. Enter the cave, and grab the heart piece from behind some clay jars there. It's that's simple. =) ***** HEART PIECE SIXTEEN ----- ----- ------- Requirements: Shovel In the Dark World, go to the area south of Kakariko Village (if we were in the Light World, that is), the same exact area where we got Heart Piece number four. In the Dark World, however, the Digging Game takes over the running game. Talk to the old man there, who'll give you a shovel if you don't have on in your inventory, and tell you that you have 30 seconds to dig his field, keeping whatever you find there. Good deal. Dig towards the middle of the small digging area, and the heart piece'll pop out of the ground. But no worries if you don't find the heart piece during your first 30 seconds. If you run out of time without finding the heart piece, don't give up hope! Leave the screen and come back, talk to the old man again, and he'll give you another chance. Take as many chances you need to find it, but it shouldn't take you more than two times maximum to find it. NOTE: I get a lot of e-mails on this, so lemme be clear once more. The location of the Heart Piece in the digging game is RANDOM. I tell you to dig in the middle because that's where you can dig the quickest with the fewest obstructions, hence finding the heart's random location quicker. So stop e-mailing me about it. I'll just delete these e-mails like I've been doing. ***** HEART PIECE SEVENTEEN ----- ----- --------- Requirements: Hookshot (mainly access to the Dark World equivalent of the graveyard). The seventeenth heart piece is located above the Dark World's equivalent of the graveyard, but it's technically in the Light World. Work your way to the back of the Dark World's "graveyard" and you'll see a wooden ladder leading up to a plain, empty platform above. Climb up the ladder to this platform and then equip the Magic Mirror, using it to get back to the Light World. The Light World equivalent of this platform actually leads to a cave! Go through the cave entrance right in front of you, and eight clay pots will be there. Grab the hearts and Bombs out of these pots, and bomb the northern faulty, cracked wall there to gain access to another small room. Within this small room is the heart piece we're in search of. Easy, right? ***** HEART PIECE EIGHTEEN ----- ----- -------- Requirements: Magic Cape This piece of heart can be complicated to get, but in the end, it's not too hard at all. In the Dark World, go to the cave equivalent where the Death Mountain cave would be if you were in the Light World. The signpost outside of it will guarantee a heart piece to someone who "wears the cape," so you know you're in the right place. Move the huge rock blocking the cave, and enter into it. Traverse the cave to the second level, where you'll come across a huge blue obstruction, that'll knock you backwards if you touch it. This is where that Magic Cape comes into play. Equip and activate the Magic Cape so you're invisible, and then walk through the blue obstruction. Keep walking to the outside of the cave, where a heart piece will be waiting atop a solitary platform for you. Easy enough, right? ***** HEART PIECE NINETEEN ----- ----- -------- Requirements: Access to the Village of Outcasts In the Village of Outcasts (the Dark World's equivalent of Kakariko Village), there is a house with a treasure chest above the door. Enter into this house, and give the monster there 50 rupees to play "The Treasure Chest Game" where he'll allow you to open any two chests in his house (of 15 or so chests) for this price, keeping whatever you find. In one of these chests is the heart piece we're looking for, but in no set area. If you don't find it, you have to keep playing, you have no choice! Gahahaha! It's that simple (or hard). ***** HEART PIECE TWENTY ----- ----- ------ Requirements: Titan Mitt, Hammer The twentieth heart piece is quite simple to get. In the Dark World, go to the Blacksmith's House. To your right as you enter the screen are two huge dark green rocks in your way. With the Titan Mitt, pick them up and throw them aside, so that you can get to the rest of the screen. Now, equip the Hammer on Link. Go to your right, where you'll see many stakes in the ground. Smash each stake into the ground, leaving no stake unsmashed. When the last stake is smashed into the ground, you'll hear the Zelda secret jingle I love to hear so much (^_^), and you can go south of the stake field, where a spot that used to be a tree trunk in the ground is now a staircase leading into the subterrain of the region. Enter down these stairs into the underground, where you will find the heart piece behind a few skull pots in the small underground cave. ***** HEART PIECE TWENTY-ONE ----- ----- ------ --- Requirements: Access to the Misery Mire region To get your twenty-first heart piece in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, it's really quite simple. When you enter the region where the Misery Mire is, you're in the right area. The Misery Swamp (as I lovingly call it), is a small and dark region of Hyrule, that's rainy, and all around shitty, with its dark and dreary weather. In anycase, the heart piece in question is located in a small dungeon/cave area to the northwest region of this small swamp. The entrance to the dungeon/cave is a tree trunk with a door in it. You'll know it when you see it (there are two of them flanking the main part of the swamp which leads to the Misery Mire). Go into this dungeon/cave, and pass by the two Fireballs, and then down the stairs. Go north a bit from there, and you'll come across two treasure chests, side-by-side, surrounded by some blocks. You'll have to maneuver the blocks in certain ways to get to each treasure chest (and leave and then comeback into the dungeon/cave to reset the blocks' positions). The left-hand treasure chest is the one that holds the piece of heart we're in search of. The right-hand treasure chest holds a red rupee piece, worth twenty rupees. All in all, a good score. ***** HEART PIECE TWENTY-TWO ----- ----- ------ --- Requirements: Access to the Misery Mire region The twenty-second heart piece is also located in the Misery Swamp (or as I lovingly call it, the Misery Mire region, for ease of location), just like the twenty-first heart piece was. It's just as easy to get, too... just takes slightly more effort, because we have to warp back to the Light World. But don't fret, it's simplicity is still extreme! =) In the Misery Swamp, go to the northeast corner of the swamp, into the little crevasse, along some rockface. When you're nestled in there nice and tight, equip the Magic Mirror and use it to get back to the Light World. You'll be atop a platform overlooking the Desert of Mystery, now. On this platform is a huge green rock. Pick it up to reveal a staircase leading into the ground below, where there is a small cave. Go down these stairs and into the cave, where you'll see the heart to the north of the small cave, surrounded by a seemingly complex series of blocks blocking it. You'll have to push the blocks out of the way in a certain order, but it's really easy to do, so don't worry. Work your way to the location of the heart and pick it up... but if you mess up, just leave the cave and go back in to reset the blocks... no big deal! ***** HEART PIECE TWENTY-THREE ----- ----- ------ ----- Requirements: Access to the highest reaches of the Dark World's Death Mountain The second to last heart piece we'll get in the game is located on the highest reaches of Death Mountain. It's actually located in the highest reaches of the Light World's version of Death Mountain, but to get there, the only way is to traverse the path via the Dark World's version of Death Mountain. So this is what you do. The farthest west screen of the upper level of the Dark World's Death Mountain is the entrance to Turtle Rock... so go one screen to the left of Turtle Rock, where you'll see, to the left of a cave entrance, a large green rock. Pick up this large green rock to reveal a staircase leading into the subterrain of the huge mountain. Go down these stairs into the Death Mountain, where you'll see a bunch of platforms and the like, with treasure chests, skull pots, et cetera on all of them. Ignore them, however, for at this point in the game, you shouldn't need the money contents of the various pots and treasure chests. Instead, go north along the platform until it seems that you can't go north anymore, or you'll fall into a chasm. From here, equip the Ether Medallion and use it, carefully watching the screen north of you. The powerful, magical light of the Ether Medallion will light up the area enough so that you can see the invisible pathway to your north that leads over the chasm, and to the door at the north end of the room. Go through this door to the intersection ahead, where you'll need to bomb the left-hand wall and go through the door, and then back outside on top of the mountain. On this barren ledge, use the Magic Mirror to get back to the Light World, where your twenty-third heart piece will be waiting for you, right next to where you warped. ***** HEART PIECE TWENTY-FOUR ----- ----- ------ ---- Requirements: Access to Turtle Rock The twenty-fourth and final heart piece in the game is probably one of the most simple to get. To get this heart piece, you must be within Turtle Rock. Now, in the first basement level, all the way to the south of the level, you can leave the dungeon by a door on the right, or blowing a hole in the southern wall on the left. Either way, go to the outside platform, a rock face jutting out of Death Mountain. Walk over to the right-hand side door (if you came out on the left, otherwise, just stand in front of the right-hand side door) and equip the Magic Mirror, using it to warp back to the Light World. Once back in the Light World, walk north into the cave there, where you'll be in a room with four Green Knomes. First, equip the Hammer, which you can use to smash in the four pink monsters jutting out of the floor there. Then, equip the Bow and Silver Arrows and go to work on the four Knomes patrolling the room, which, when they were all dead, will signal the door at the north of the room (which is sealed) to unseal and open, giving you passage to the room above. In this next room is a treasure chest, which holds the twenty-fourth and final piece of heart in the game. Then, just go back south and to the warp, and enter back into Turtle Rock to continue your quest. ***** /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XVI S E C T I O N S I X T E E N | S E C R E T S XVI /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ This section of the FAQ/Walkthrough addresses various secrets found in the game. They are in no particular order... they just ARE. =) ***************** The Kakariko Shed ***************** In Kakariko Village, at any time in the Light World, you'll find a shed that seems to have no door or entrance of any kind, in the southwest corner of the tiny village. However, if you bomb the front of it, you'll make a gapping hole in the front of it, which will lead to pots full of rupees, bombs and arrows, all ripe for the taking! ******************** The Chickens ATTACK! ******************** Yeah, sure, it's funny when you attack the chickens in the game with your sword, shoot them with arrows from your bow, and even blow them up with bombs. Harass the chickens enough, however, and a whole plethora of chickens will come and attack you! And boy do they love to attack! No real damage occurs, and it's actually kind of funny, but man... the animal rights guys are gonna get you if you keep hacking chickens! Them, and Frank Purdue. Gahahaha. ************************** Yes, the Townfolk Hate You ************************** For some good, wholesome fun, find the two old women in Kakariko Village that'll yell for help from the guards (you're the man they're looking for, afterall), and then run into their houses. The music'll change, and a guard of some sort (one woman calls a Green Knight, the other a Red Knight) will come and attack you. It's pretty funny, really. And after the fight, you'll find that their houses are locked. Heh heh. Neat-o. *************** The Running Man *************** No, I'm not talking about the early-90s rap dance craze. =) Quite the contrary, I'm talking about a mysterious man within Kakariko Village that always seems to run away from you whenever you get close to him. He's right above the Pub,and is dressed in all red. Approach him from the left, so that he'll be running right. When he takes off running, you catch him. When you do catch up with him, he'll admire your speed (telling you it must have been easy for you to kidnap Zelda with that speed!), and give you a tip to run into trees and other things to find secrets! Pretty neat, eh? *********************** The Chris Houlihan Room *********************** NOTE: I've left this trick in the guide in case you're accessing it to play the SNES version of the game. If you're playing the GBA version of the game, this trick WILL NOT WORK. Nintendo removed it from the re-release (although via an emulator, it can still apparently be accessed, minus the telepathy tile). So... if you're playing the GBA version, ignore this. It's not gonna help you. The Chris Houlihan Room is probably the best (and most mysterious) secret that The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past has to offer. I wasn't even aware of this secret until I browsed GameFAQs' Z:LttP message boards and stumbled on this awesome secret. Thankfully, someone there was kind enough to help me out. His name on the GameFAQs.com message boards is ABR, and here is what he had to say to help me: "Choose to Start at the sanctuary in light world (you need the running boots) Zoom down the path in front of you, go left (towards the village) Go south the first time you're able to(keep running) Enter the castle area. Dash up the path you did at the beginning of the game (the hidden entrance to the castle) run over the bush, and fall down the hole. If you did it fast enough you will find it. (It takes patience, do it several times)" He also provided me with an ASCII text map, but that's not necessary to put here. So thanks to him for that tidbit, but... well, of course I'll explain just what the Chris Houlihan Room is! Back before The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past was made, the famous magazine Nintendo Power held a contest for someone's name to appear in a soon- to-be-made videogame for the new powerful Nintendo system, the Super Nintendo, or SNES for short. Chris Houlihan, a Nintendo Power reader and subscriber, was chosen as the winner. And his room is in this game. While ABR's explanation of getting there is valid, David Wonn, the famous glitchmaster himself, has another way, a more common way of getting there. He insists on his website that the success rate of his way is far greater than starting at the Sanctuary to get there. He suggests that by walking to the north part of Kakariko Village on the path in the east side of the village, then running north, and east past the Fortune Teller's house, and then south and west into the castle's secret entrance is faster and gives you a better success rate. Either way you do it, it's a cool secret, and absolutely worth checking it out. Either way you do the trick, if you do it right, instead of landing in Hyrule Castle's hidden basement, you land in a room that looks like a cave. It has a blue floor and is covered in blue rupees, 45 to be exact. On the northern wall in the middle is a Sahasrahla plaque, that when you talk to it, says: "My name is Chris Houlihan. This is my top secret room. Keep it between us, OK?" Heh heh. But wait, there's more. OTHER people suggest (and it's actually confirmed, so it's not even a suggestion), that this Chris Houlihan Room is actually something that you automatically go to when there's a glitch in the game... others have gotten there by falling into a pit right before your final battle with Ganon. Anyway you get there, be glad you did. It's a nicely hidden secret in this awesome game. In anycase, I wrote a little FAQ for the Chris Houlihan Room that's on GameFAQs, that might just explain it a little bit better than this does. Here's the URL to the FAQ: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/snes/file/zelda_link_to_post_chris_houlihan.txt Go there if you want more information on the Chris Houlihan Room. ******************************* Talking Trees of the Dark World ******************************* Not really a secret, but it's still pretty cool. In the Dark World, there are some trees that have a face, and a long snout. If you run into them, they flash and shoot a bomb out of this snout. Wait for the bomb to explode, then go to talk to the tree, and they'll have some pretty cool (and interesting) stuff to say to you... mean or not, they are cool to talk to. So give it a try! ********************************************* Getting the Magic Cape without the Titan Mitt ********************************************* As I've discussed before, in both the FAQ section of this guide, and in the walkthrough, you can actually acquire the Magic Cape without the Titan Mitt. While this may not sound like a big deal, or even a secret, trust me, it's both. Getting the Magic Cape earlier than you should have will be a major advantage on your part, and without the Titan Mitt, all the better. While it's better explained in the walkthrough section (so see that for more in-depth details - go to the section after the Watergate Dungeon), the Magic Cape is found in the Light World's graveyard, right next to the Sanctuary. The grave in the upper right-hand corner of the graveyard hides a staircase, leading to a treasure chest with the Magic Cape in it. However, the grave is surrounded by the dark green stones that can only be moved with the Titan Mitt. To get around this, in short, go to the area of the grave in the Dark World, and use the Magic Mirror to warp back to the Light World. If done right, you'll warp within the confines of the dark green stones, enough so that you can rush the grave and gain access to the contents within! ************************** Getting the Tempered Sword ************************** To get the Tempered Sword, it's really quite simple. There's just a few things that you need to do. It's in the FAQ section of this guide, so here it is, straight from there (the answer, anyway): The Tempered Sword is simple to get, it's surprising how many people don't even know that it exists in the game. Okay, here we go. First of all, don't attempt to get it unless you have the Titan Mitt... otherwise, it won't work. You won't even get past the first part, so you have to beat Blind's Hideout and get the Titan Mitt first. Okay, still with me? Good. To the south of the Village of Outcasts in the Dark World is a frog behind some skulls. Pick up the skulls (that can only be lifted after you get the Titan Mitt) and talk to the frog, who'll tell you he wonders how his partner is, then begs you to bring him to his partner. From there, equip the Magic Mirror and travel to the Light World. Then go north into Kakariko Village with the (now) man behind you, and go east, to the Blacksmith's house. When you enter the house, the blacksmith will thank you, as will the man, for reuniting them with each other, and offer to temper your sword. Leave the house and come back in, and they'll ask for ten rupees in exchange for a sword temper. Take the offer, and they'll take your sword. Wander around or do some sidequests for a few minutes, and then go back to the blacksmith, where they'll give you the Tempered Sword for saving them. Just keep in mind they're tempering your Master Sword, so while they're doing this, you'll be swordless. ************ Free Fairies ************ To get quick Fairies, think back to your dungeon excursions, to those annoying spinning enemies that fly around the room, that you can't defeat. The ones that when they hit into you, they damage you and take some magic from your meter as well, but you can't defeat them. I lovingly call them Spinners, and, surprisingly, they have quite a positive use. Get close to them and equip the Magic Powder. Sprinkle some of that on them and watch them turn into Fairies! From there, you can do as you will with them... I prefer catching them with the Bug Catching Net and throwing them into a Magic Bottle for later use. Whatever you want to do with them is up to you. Another free fairy technique is kind of lame, but still ample if you're in the area. In Kakariko Village, walk up to the woman in front of her house that's sweeping. Sprinkle Magic Powder on here, and she too will turn into a fairy, for you to do with as you please. Neat, I know. =) **************** Weapon Weirdness **************** Some useful information if you need it... Using the Hookshot not only allows Link to grapple to and fro, but while he uses it, an enemy can't hurt him! Also, a Boomerang can actually damage some enemies instead of just stunning them. The most common example of this is the Skeleton, which receives damage from your Boomerang. Hitting enemies with the Ice Rod will freeze them, which is very convenient. But after they are frozen, walk up to them and strike them to kill them, and you'll notice that you'll get a little bit of magic in your magic meter, barring you are missing any in the first place. ****************************************** Halving Your Magic Meter (1/2 Magic Meter) ****************************************** Another common question that's in the FAQ section of this FAQ. Halving your Magic Meter is doable and good to do, which allows Link to use half of the magic he would normally use on anything magic-oriented in your arsenal. You'll know that you have it when a 1/2 appears over your magic meter... here's more, straight out of the FAQ of this FAQ/walkthrough. After you get the Hammer from the Palace of Darkness, go to the Blacksmith's house, east of Kakariko Village in the Light World. To the east of the entrance to his house, smash the obstruction with your hammer, then go past it and jump into the hole below where you are standing. Go north through the cave door (when you land in the cave below), and use some Magic Powder on the shrine in front of you. A mysterious purple bat will fly out of the shrine, and allow you to use all magic spells, and other things, for half of the magic power it would usually take. It's a good thing to do, so make sure to NOT pass that up. ***************** "Pull For Rupees" ***************** What is pulling for rupees? Well, I can't even take direct credit for this, so here's a post from the Zelda:LttP Message Boards at GameFAQs.com, in which someone told me of this interesting trick/secret. (thanks to user Zanapher for this post and information!) Also, you could talk about the "pull for rupees" places. Most people know that pulling the Mario picture in the upper right house of Kakariko village gives you rupees (the house of the girl that calls for a guard), but there are 6 places in the outworld where you can do it also : 1. Hyrule Castle garden. Pull the right tree (this can only be done after the rain has stopped) 2. The screen where you enter the cave to Death Mountain (West and North of Sanctuary). Pull the upper tree. 3. In this same screen but in the Dark world. Pull the same tree. 4. In the Dark World, one screen East of the entrance of Water Palace. There are three statues, pull the central one. 5. One screen North of the previous one. There are many statues, pull the upper-right one. 6. On the screen where the entrance of Turtle Rock is. Pull the eastern "hand" of the turtle. 7. At the bottom of the pyramid of power there are 6 statues. Pull the leftmost one. Note: The locations in the Light World have to bee pulled after saving princess Zelda for the first time and before fighting Agahnim the first time. It doesn't work after entering the Dark World. ***************************************** The Magic Bottle Dealer Likes His Fish... ***************************************** The Magic Bottle Dealer seems pretty useless... he sells you one Magic Bottle and then just sits on his ass and does a whole lot of nothing. Don't worry though, he's good for more than that. In the Light World, go south of Link's house, to the Watergate. Deactivate the waterflow from the Watergate and walk back outside, where you'll see a fish struggling in the shallows of the water... pick it up and bring it back to Kakariko Village. Talk to the Magic Bottle Dealer there and he'll give you some goodies... 21 rupees, 8 Bombs, 10 Arrows and a full magic meter... for each fish you bring him. Heh heh, pretty cool, I know. ************************ The Ghost of Misery Mire ************************ Much like the Chris Houlihan Room, the Ghost of Misery Mire was only found fairly recently, and has become quite the phenomenon with the Zelda:LttP community. However, I can't take credit for this... in fact, the Ghost of Misery Mire is covered in a FAQ found on GameFAQs. It's my Tempest of Shadows, and here's the URL to it: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/snes/file/zelda_link_to_the_past_ghost.txt I won't even bother explaining it beyond that... I'll let him. He knows what he's talking about, I don't. I'm hardly familiar with the Ghost of Misery Mire, but Tempest of Shadows is an expert. Enjoy his FAQ. *************** Water Weirdness *************** Not at all a cool secret, but something worth mentioning anyway. If you throw anything into the waters of Hyrule (both in the Light World and Dark World), including pots, bushes, et cetera, a fish will pop out of the water where you threw the item into the water. Additionally, doing this in the Dark World will allow a Skeleton Fish to pop out of the water instead of a regular old fish. See what the evil powers of Ganon are doing to the wildlife! =) ********************* Random Dungeon Orders ********************* A very learned Zelda:LttP player from the GameFAQs message boards of the game, Water Gemini, first brought to my attention that beating the dungeons in different orders isn't only do-able, but sometimes, it's quite practical. As he told me, here's a few orders to defeat the dungeons: (This, of course, is for the Dark World dungeons. The Light World dungeons must be beaten in order). Key: 1 = Palace of Darkness 2 = Watergate Dungeon 3 = Skull Dungeon 4 = Blind's Hideout 5 = Ice Palace 6 = Misery Mire 7 = Turtle Rock 1,2,3,4,6,5,7 1,2,4,5,6,7,3 1,2,4,5,6,3,7 1,2,4,3,5,6,7 1,2,4,3,6,5,7 1,4,2,3,5,6,7 1,4,2,3,6,5,7 Then, another user brought to my attention another way of defeating the dungeons. The user master1kazooie gave me this order: 1,2,4,6,5,3,7 Another practical order indeed! Defeating the dungeons out of order serves many purposes for many different people. Having certain items in certain dungeons drives them to go out of order for ease. Others do it for difficulty. However you do it, bare in mind that my walkthrough WILL NOT WORK if you go out of order. The proper order of the dungeons, naturally, is: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 But then again, did I really have to say that? =) ************** The Rupee Room ************** The Rupee Room is a name for a room dubbed by players of the game, where you can get a total of 50 rupees each time you visit the room. Then you can leave it, go back and get them again. Going 20 times with no rupees when you start will net you 999 rupees in a matter of minutes. So where is this room, and what do you do? Well, the Rupee Room is located in the Light World. Go to the area right before the Desert of Mystery, where you meet the Middle Aged Man and such. Go to the south of him where two large green rocks are lined up one on top of the other. Pick up the bottom of the two rocks and it'll reveal a hidden staircase leading into the ground below. From there, just enter the small cave below, where a man is chillin', and there are ten clay pots surrounding him. Pick up each one to get a five rupee piece. Five rupee pieces times ten blue rupees equals 50 rupees. Then, just go back up the stairs, then walk back down and do it all over again. Before you know it, you'll have 999 rupees to do what you want with. The man within the cave tells you of the cave in Lake Hylia... it's no coincidence that he tells you of this because this cave is where you can spend a total of 1,400 rupees to upgrade your Bomb and Arrow carrying capacity. This is really where you should get the money for this expedition. Also, use this money to buy potions, or other such items you may need. The money here is so easy to get, all you need to gain access to the Rupee Room is the Power Glove... damn it's nice. So what about this Lake Hylia Cave? See below... ********************** The Cave of Lake Hylia ********************** If you read the description of the Rupee Room above, you undoubtedly came here right afterwards, as this is where it pointed you. The man within the Rupee Room tells you of a mysterious and great cave in the middle of Lake Hylia. This section discusses said cave. To get to the cave, you must be in the Light World. Swim to the middle of Lake Hylia (located in the southeastern corner of Hyrule), where you'll come to an island with two Magical Creatures on it, as well as three bushes (forming a triangle), and a dark green rock (which hides a teleporter to the Dark World, coincidentally used to gain access to the Ice Palace, the Dark World's fifth dungeon). Once here, simply enter the cave on the island. In this cave, go north and approach the water pond there, where you'll be asked to throw some rupees in. At first, you can only throw in 5 at a time, or 20. Throw in 20, then leave, come back and throw in 20 four more times. When 100 rupees (which equal 100 Happiness Points) are thrown into the pond, a fairy will appear and offer to raise either your Bomb carrying capacity or your Arrow carrying capacity. Raise either one, and either will go up five. After your first upgrade, when you come back to the Lake Hylia Cave, you can throw in 25 or 50 rupees at at time, but when you equal 100 rupees thrown, you can keep upgrading. In anycase, keep doing this until you've upgraded your Bombs to 50 and your Arrows to 70. Then, you can't do it anymore. The total cost of the upgrades, coming from a total of 10 Bombs and 30 Arrows, is 1,400 rupees. That means you'll have to make two trips between the Rupee Room and here to do it all the way. Oh, and if you offer more rupees to the Fairy after you've been fully upgraded, she'll give them back to you if you request an upgrade. Such a nice, honest fairy, indeed. PLEASE NOTE: I do not mention this in the walkthrough for one reason - it's something not everyone wants to do. Not only that, but a lot of people don't have the patience (for whatever reason) to run back and forth and take the time for this valuable upgrades. So if you're following my walkthrough, it's up to you to do this on your own time. Feel free to do it any time after you get the Flippers and the Power Glove... that way you'll have access to both the Rupee Room and the Lake Hylia Cave. Sweet deal. *************** Weird-Ass Bunny *************** In this high, thick grasses of the region south of Link's house in the Light World, you'll come across some hopping enemies once in a while that look like bunnies. Nothing will happen if you touch them, and vice-versa, unless you're running... if you dash into one when he jumps up, you'll catch the Bunny, if even for a brief instant. He'll almost always call you a thief, and give you some rupees if you let him go. Just a neat little secret that you might want to check out/try out. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XVII S E C T I O N S E V E N T E E N | F A Q XVII /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ This section of the FAQ basically answers some Frequently Asked Questions (hence "FAQ") that the common Zelda player might ask while playing The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past... so here we go... ***** 1.) Q - On top of the castle, there's a door guarded by an electrical force of some kind. What is that, and how do I gain access to that door? A - That door is the door that leads to the fight with Aghanim. You need to first get all three Pendants from the three Light World Palaces, and then get the Master Sword from the Lost Woods as well. Then, with the Master Sword, you can slice at this electrical gate, which will make it disappear, and you'll now have access to this mysterious door. ***** 2.) Q - How come the sick little girl in Kakariko Village won't give me her Bug Catching Net? A - The answer to that is quite simple, really. You HAVE to have at least one Magic Bottle in your inventory before you go talk to her. And if you don't, she'll even hint to you that you need a Magic Bottle (by asking you if you have one). Early on in the game, you can get these Magic Bottles via the secret entrance to the pub (through the back), or from the Magic Bottle dealer in Kakariko Village. Simple, eh? ***** 3.) Q - I gave the witch my Magic Mushroom, and now she won't give me the Magic Powder! What the hell!? A - Patience, my friend! It's best to find the Magic Mushroom in the Lost Woods before you even go to the first palace, and give it to her. Then, go and beat the first palace, and go back to her, and she'll have it for you, the Magic Powder you've been waiting so patiently for! Pretty sweet, eh? You just have to be patient, that's all! Of course, if you're farther on in the game, your best bet is to beat a palace (any palace) in between giving her the Magic Mushroom and going back to get the Magic Powder. It's that simple, really, just give her time! It's a complex methodology to making the Magic Powder you so crave! =) ***** 4.) Q - How come that guy in Kakariko Village keeps running away from me? A - That's just his style. And he'll keep running away from you... the secret is, wait until you get the Pegasus Shoes from Sahasrahla, and then catch up to him (see the Secrets section for a more in-depth description), and then you can talk to him. It isn't necessary to do this, but it is kind of fun, anyway. ***** 5.) Q - In the library, how do I get that big green book down? A - The big green book in question is the Book of Mudora, which allows you to translate the works of the ancient Hylians, which will give you access to the Desert Palace, as well as some other hidden secrets. To knock it off the shelf, you'll need the Pegasus Shoes. With the Pegasus Shoes, simply dash into the shelf it's on, and it'll get knocked off. Then, walk over to it and pick it up, and it's yours. ***** 6.) Q - What do I use the Magic Mushroom for? A - The Magic Mushroom that you find in the Lost Woods has one purpose and one purpose only, to give it to the witch outside of the Magic Potion Hut in the northeast corner of Hyrule. Give it to her, and leave her alone for some time, and then go back to her. She'll give you the Magic Powder, which she made out of the Magic Mushroom. Pretty cool, I know. ***** 7.) Q - How do I get into the Desert Palace? That stone tablet reads as pure gibberish. A - That pure gibberish is actually the secret and sacred ancient language of the Hylian, and you need to translate it. To do that, you'll need to read this tablet at the entrance of the Desert Palace with the Book of Mudora equipped. For more on how to get the Book of Mudora, you can see the Items section, the walkthrough itself, or question number five of this FAQ. ***** 8.) Q - How do I upgrade my Boomerang and Shield? A - Surprisingly, not a lot of people know how to upgrade their Boomerang and Shield into the Magical Boomerang and Red Shield. While I cover it more in- depth in the walkthrough section of this FAQ, the key is the Waterfall of Wishing, which you can access after getting the Power Glove and Flippers. For a precise location of the Waterfall of Wishing, you must see the walkthrough, but once in the cave there, offer the water your shield and Boomerang, and the fairy will give you upgraded versions of both back, which is good stuff, don't you think? ***** 9.) Q - How come I turn into a monster in the Dark World? A - You must have just gotten the Magic Mirror. Don't go playing with that thing until you're fully ready to, however! To keep your human form in the Dark World, you'll need the powerful aura of the Moon Pearl item, which is found in the big treasure chest in the Tower of Hera, the third and final Light World palace. Until you get it in your inventory, whenever you transport to the Dark World with the power of the Magic Mirror, you will be a monster. ***** 10.) Q - How come when I use the Magic Mirror, it transports me to the Light/Dark World temporarily, then automatically transports me back to the world I was just in? A - A complicated question perhaps, but it's not a complicated answer. The way the two world are programmed, they are completely different from each other. If you use the Magic Mirror at a certain coordinate in the Dark World trying to get back to the Light World, and in the Light World at that same coordinate is a mountain or some other obstacle, you won't be able to transport there. That's just the luck of the draw. That's why it pays to know where you're teleporting to and fro. ***** 11.) Q - In Hyrule Castle, there is a door blocked by this "energy"... how do I get through this energy? A - This "energy" blocking the door can only be destroyed by the Master Sword, so after you get the Master Sword, come back to this door. Beyond this door is a small dungeon, which at the end of it has the evil wizard himself, Agahnim, for you to fight. ***** 12.) Q - At the entrance of Hyrule Castle, whenever I walk through it, it transports me to the Dark World. Why is that? A - After you obtain the Magic Mirror from the old man in Death Mountain, this is the effect going through the gates of Hyrule Castle will have on you. If you need to get into the castle, you have to take the western entrance into the castle walls, or the secret entrance under the bush at the east end of the castle, that we took in the very beginning of the game to get into the castle's basement. This is primarily because the Pyramid of Power in the Dark World is located where the Hyrule Castle is in the Light World. Go figure. ***** 13.) Q - On the Pyramid of Power in the Dark World, there's a faulty wall that I should be able to bomb, but when I use a bomb on it, it doesn't work. What gives? A - This particular cracked wall (and a few others around the Dark World) can only be shattered by use of the Power Bombs that you can buy at the Dark World Bomb Shop after a certain period in the game. ***** 14.) Q - How do I "halve" my magic meter use? A - After you get the Hammer from the Palace of Darkness, go to the Blacksmith's house, east of Kakariko Village in the Light World. To the east of the entrance to his house, smash the obstruction with your hammer, then go past it and jump into the hole below where you are standing. Go north through the cave door (when you land in the cave below), and use some Magic Powder on the shrine in front of you. A mysterious purple bat will fly out of the shrine, and allow you to use all magic spells, and other things, for half of the magic power it would usually take. It's a good thing to do, so make sure to NOT pass that up. ***** 15.) Q - How do I gain access to the Watergate Dungeon? A - The Watergate Dungeon can be tricky, because it seems impossible to get into. This isn't the case, however. If you enter into the dungeon, the only accessible part has a Sahasrahla plaque there. If you read it, the old wise man will tell Link that some things in the Light World carry over into the Dark World, and vice-versa. Take this as a cue to leave the Watergate Dungeon, use the Magic Mirror to get back to the Light World, and enter into the Watergate Dungeon equivalent in the Light World. There's a switch within (the right-hand one) that will let the water flow again. Once the water flows, go back to the Dark World, and you'll be able to traverse the Watergate Dungeon at will. ***** 16.) Q - Can you get the Magic Cape without first acquiring the Titan's Mitt from Blind's Hideout? A - Yes, you certainly can. But I won't reiterate what I've said already. For more information, see the walkthrough section of the FAQ, right after the Watergate Dungeon's walkthrough, or you can see the Items appendix, and look at the Magic Cape on just what to do to get it "early." ***** 17.) Q - How do I get the Tempered Sword? A - The Tempered Sword is simple to get, it's surprising how many people don't even know that it exists in the game. Okay, here we go. First of all, don't attempt to get it unless you have the Titan Mitt... otherwise, it won't work. You won't even get past the first part, so you have to beat Blind's Hideout and get the Titan Mitt first. Okay, still with me? Good. To the south of the Village of Outcasts in the Dark World is a frog behind some skulls. Pick up the skulls (that can only be lifted after you get the Titan Mitt) and talk to the frog, who'll tell you he wonders how his partner is, then begs you to bring him to his partner. From there, equip the Magic Mirror and travel to the Light World. Then go north into Kakariko Village with the (now) man behind you, and go east, to the Blacksmith's house. When you enter the house, the blacksmith will thank you, as will the man, for reuniting them with each other, and offer to temper your sword. Leave the house and come back in, and they'll ask for ten rupees in exchange for a sword temper. Take the offer, and they'll take your sword. Wander around or do some sidequests for a few minutes, and then go back to the blacksmith, where they'll give you the Tempered Sword for saving them. Just keep in mind they're tempering your Master Sword, so while they're doing this, you'll be swordless. ***** 18.) Q - How do I get into the Ice Palace? A - It seems that when you swim to the Ice Palace in the Dark World, that there's no way to get within its castle walls, where the entrance to the palace depths lie. However, there is a way, so worry not. Equip the Magic Mirror and stand directly in front of the southern palace wall. Use the Magic Mirror to warp to the Light World, and you'll be in the water in Lake Hylia, in front of an island. From here, climb up the ladder onto the island, and pick up the dark green rock in front of you, which will reveal a warp back to the Dark World. Warp back to the Dark World using this rock, and you'll be within the castle walls. Then, all you have to do is walk north a bit to the entrance, and you'll be in the Ice Palace. See, it's simple! ***** 19.) Q - How do I find the entrance to the Misery Mire? A - Another simple question, which merits a simple answer. The Misery Mire is located in the middle of the Misery Swamp, the Dark World's equivalent of the Desert of Mystery. If you're there, you should have very little trouble finding the entrance of the Misery Mire. Go to the center of the swamp, to where there is a platform with a circle on it, which has a lightning bolt in it. This is the same symbol that symbolizes the Ether Medallion. Equip the Ether Medallion and stand on that symbol, and then use it. The entrance to the dungeon will now appear to your north. Have fun, 'cause Misery Mire sucks, even if it does have a cool name. =) ***** 20.) Q - When does the Super Bomb become available so I can blow the hole in the Pyramid of Power? A - After defeating the Misery Mire, go to the Bomb Shop of the Dark World (the Dark World's equivalent of Link's House), where you can buy the large, orange bomb for 100 rupees. From there, you'll have to drag it back to the Pyramid of Power for its desired use. ***** 21.) Q - If I fall into the holes around Ganon's lair in the Pyramid of Power during the last fight, where am I? A - Easy, my friend. You are within the Pyramid of Power. Just follow the linear path where it leads you, and you'll find yourself at the outside of the Pyramid of Power. From there, simply jump off of the pyramid, and work your way back to the hole at the top, where you can engage Ganon in battle once more. ***** 22.) Q - What happened to the Chris Houlihan Room!? A - Nintendo removed any way to access the room in the GBA re-release of this game, probably due to having to sign a new contract with Chris Houlihan, et cetera. In otherwords, too much work and not enough back for Nintendo to bother with the room again. The room is still in the game's programming, and can apparently be accessed with an emulator, but the tile with Chris' message has been removed. ***** 23.) Q - What are those glowing green rocks? A - That's a new addition in the GBA re-release of this game. Strike them repeatedly to get all sorts of goods out of it. The quicker and more you hit the rock, the more you'll get out of it. However, when it launches some green bombs, make way for some deadly explosions that you'll want to avoid! After those explosions, the green rock is "dead." They appear randomly, however, so go to town on them whenever you see one! ***** 24.) Q - How do I play the Four Swords mini-game? A - The Four Swords mini-game is a multiplayer game that was included with the re-release of this title on the GBA. You need at least one friend with a GBA, the game, and a Link Cable to play. ***** 25.) Q - What do I get for beating this mini-game? A - You and your friend(s) open up the Dungeon of the Four Sword (not a spelling error) in the Dark World, an all new, very hard dungeon which can be accessed via the Pyramid of Power in the Dark World, on the right-hand side. Completing this super hard dungeon will get you something special... ***** /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XVIII S E C T I O N E I G H T E E N | S N E S - G B A XVIII /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ This section of the FAQ covers the various changes that can be found in the Game Boy Advance version of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past that was released in 2002, as opposed to the SNES version of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past that was released in the USA in 1993. Below is a list of that changes. 1.) Most noticeably, there have been text changes, primarily with Link's conversation with his uncle in the Hyrule Castle basement at the beginning of the game, before you acquire your shield and sword. 2.) With the Master Sword, Tempered Sword, or Golden Sword, Link can cut down sign posts all over both the Light World and Dark World of Hyrule. 3.) With the Golden Sword, Link is able to smash various kinds of pots. This saves time in having to pick up and then throw the pot to get the contents within. 4.) Once you get 999 Rupees, that 999 on top of the screen will turn a light shade of yellow. 5.) Once you max out on Bombs (absolute maximum = 50), that number on top of the screen will turn into a light shade of yellow. 6.) Once you max out on Arrows (absolute maximum = 70), that number on top of the screen will turn into a light shade of yellow. 7.) Scattered randomly in the game's programming, the common small green rocks found in both worlds of Hyrule become now randomly shimmering and sparkling, emanating huge amounts of light. Walk up to these rocks and smash them repeatedly with your sword and goods will start to come out, including Bombs, Arrows, and Rupees. The more (and quicker) you hit the rock, the more goods come out, until, at the end, the rock throws out green bombs which will soon thereafter explode (which means you should run far away). This is a good way to get a few rupees if you see one of these. But remember, the first strike on the rock starts an in- game clock. Whether or not you keep hitting it, the clock will still keep going until no more goods come out of it. That's why it's in lieu of you to keep striking it until you can't anymore, to get the maximum amount of goods out of it as possible. 8.) Enemies seem to blur when you're attacking them. I doubt it's only my copy of the game, but this effect seems most noticeable with the various colored-Knights. When they come at you, and when you strike them, they seem to blur. It's odd, yes. 9.) When you start a new game in LttP, the intro that was before the menu in the SNES version of the game is now a mandatory "watch" -after- starting a new game in the GBA version. It gets annoying. 10.) Ported directly from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on the Nintendo64, Link has some new "voice effects" that he uses when he swings his sword, is struck by an enemy, or falls down into a chasm. This will make you want to turn the sound off on your GBA after fifteen minutes. 11.) Shoot an arrow at a pot to break it open. A waste of an arrow, but a neat trick none-the-less. 12.) The Ice Palace (in the Dark World) has been revamped in an area, making it twice as easy as it used to be. Instead of having to push a block from the floor above and onto a switch to hold a door open like in the SNES version, the GBA version has been revamped so this entire process can be skipped over. Why they did this, I don't know. That wasn't even that hard. 13.) Some dungeon names have been changed. The Tower of Hera (SNES) is now Hera's Tower (GBA). The unofficial names in the SNES version (Watergate Dungeon and Blind's Hideout) have now become Swamp Palace and Thieves' Town. 14.) In addition to being able to start off at various places upon starting your game (as we were in the SNES version), such as Link's House, the Sanctuary, Death Mountain and the Pyramid of Power, Link can now start at the very place he saved, called "The Saved Place." This is VERY useful if you saved at the beginning of a far-away dungeon or other annoying area. A great addition into the game by the Nintendo team. 15.) In the SNES version, the four Magic Bottles you acquired would appear as one on the Inventory Screen. You'd put the cursor over the Magic Bottle icon and a new menu would appear with however many you had, and what was in them, et cetera. In the GBA version, each Magic Bottle appears individually on the extended Inventory Screen, making things far easier for you as far as selecting what you want. 16.) In the SNES version, the Shovel item was a short lived part of your inventory which was replaced after you dug up the Flute for the Flute Player. In the GBA version, you get to keep both the Shovel and the Flute in your inventory. 17.) The Chris Houlihan Room has been removed completely. While it's still in the game's programming, every possible way to access the room has been removed, including the Hyrule Castle trick, the Ganon Fight trick, et cetera. Even if the room is accessed via a GBA emulator, the tile in which says The Chris Houlihan Room (et cetera) has been removed. This is almost certainly because Nintendo would have to sign a new contract with Chris Houlihan, pay him some money, et cetera. They figured enough people don't know about the room (and they don't), so they left it out. 18.) Famous Zelda:LttP tricks, such as The Ghost of Misery Mire and Death Mountain Decent have been left in. I'm not savvy on either of these tricks, so the best place to look is over at the SNES LttP FAQs and Message Boards. 19.) Naturally, a whole new mini-game (done by Capcom) is in the game, called The Four Swords. This opens up an all new dungeon in the game when defeated, and even a new sword technique. Unfortunately, you need at least one friend with a GBA, this game, and a Link Cable to play. 20.) Finally, with the shovel, Link can dig in all four directions instead of just left or right. This makes the digging game to get a Heart Piece, amongst other things, far easier than they would have been otherwise. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XIX S E C T I O N N I N E T E E N | C L O S I N G XIX /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ Well my friends, it's time to close this guide out! =) I hope you found it very helpful... I very much enjoyed writing it. It was fun, as is the game, and I'm sure that it was/is/will be enjoyable for you as well. And hey, if you have game related questions, comments, suggestions - whatever, e-mail them my way, cmoriarty311@cs.com. And make sure to put Zelda SNES (or whatever game you're writing in on, I have twenty-four other guides), in the header as the topic, so I know what the hell you're talking about. =) Take it easy. I'd like to take this chance to thank a friend of mine, Devin Morgan, a fellow FAQ writer on GameFAQs, for just being a good guy, a good friend, and someone I can talk to about everything. Thanks Dev. Thanks should also go out to other fellow FAQers, including Nemesis, flowerpot, MetroidMoo, AdrenalineSL, Psycho Penguin, Meowthnum1, et cetera. One final thank you goes out, once again, to Astro Blue and Shdwrlm3, for offering me use of some of their formatting from their Zelda OoS/OoA FAQs, which I gladly accepted. Thanks guys! Oh wait, that's not true. A big thanks goes out to Prima as well. Back in 1991, they released their unofficial guide for this game, when they were a widely unknown company. I thank them, and the author, Zach Meston, for writing it, because it gave me a lot of guidance when I was stuck. Thanks goes out to Prima! (go figure!) ANOTHER thank you goes to Water Gemini from the Zelda: LttP message boards on GameFAQs, who helped me get the Magic Cape earlier than I should have! Thanks, man! Also, thanks to Nintendo for making such a great game. The Instruction Manual that came with the game was a big help too. Thanks Nintendo! Phew, and even MORE THANKS! Everyone at the Zelda:LttP Message Board on GameFAQs.com who helped me out with the secrets section of this FAQ... here they are... thanks to all! (in no particular order): Water Gemini, DogDaySunrise, Corbow5, General Pepper, Mewothnum1, Starski, badreflector, master1kazooie, Zanapher, GreenGannon, and nephalim. Without those eleven guys, the secrets section of this walkthrough would simply be mediocre, and not kickass! THANKS GUYS! /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XX S E C T I O N T W E N T Y | A B O U T... XX /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ [accurate as of January 13, 2003] What's up guys? I'm Colin Moriarty. I'm 18 years old, living in Boston, Massachusetts, although I'm originally from Long Island, New York. I'm in Boston to go to college. I go to Northeastern University, and I major in history. I also work landscaping on the side, and am a freelance guide writer for IGN.com. Other than that, I'm just a fun-loving guy who enjoys gaming, playing hockey, chillin' with friends and picking up girls! THANKS FOR READING! This walkthrough is copyright (c) 2002-2003 to Colin Moriarty (CMoriarty), e-mail cmoriarty311@cs.com. All rights reserved. Completely unofficial - Zelda and all related items copyrighted 1986-2002 to Nintendo Japan/US, all rights reserved! http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4280.html Visit IGN Guides at http://guides.ign.com