The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past /w The Four Swords Item/Equipment FAQ Written by: Wolf4knowledge COPYWRITE 2002 Wolf4knowledge Version 2.0 08/24/03 - Content - 1. Version History 2. Introduction 3. Game Info 4. Items 5. Inventory Menu 6. Inventory/Equipment 7. Four Swords Items 8. Contact Information 9. Credits 10. Copywrite Info 1. - Version History - 2.0 FINAL - 08/24/03 - Removed my E-Mail Address 1.6 - 06/16/03 - Changed something in Copywrite Info 1.5 - 02/04/03 - Whoops I had 2002 instead on 2003 =P Fixed a few things 1.41 - 02/01/03 - Whoops fixed a small error 1.4 - 02/01/03 - KrysT711 gave me the idea of putting the inventory menu so people know what items are found in the inventory menu So I added an invetory menu section 1.3 - 01/19/03 - Since 3 people (Gokachu, macman5689, and some other guy) E-Mailed me about Bow-Wow being an item I decided to put it in. 1.2a - 01/12/03 - Changed something in the credits section 1.2 - 01/09/03 - Added specific directions on how to get a certain item 1.1 - 01/06/03 - Fixed a few things thanks to people 1.01 - 01/02/03 - Changed the Contact Information Fixed a few things 1.00 - 01/01/03 - First Release 2. - Introduction - This FAQ will show you where to find every item, weapon, and equipment found throughout the game The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the past. This FAQ also covers some items found in The Four Swords 3. - Game Info - What is The legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past? The legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past was Link's first and only game to be released on the SNES. This game is considered one the best SNES and Zelda game made up to this date. With a big world, varities of items and weapons and dungeons this game will be a favorite for many people. What is The legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past /w Four Swords? The legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past /w Four Swords is the remake of the very popular SNES game The legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past plus they added a new multiplayer game. 4. - Items - Arrows - Arrows are found throughout the world. If can be found by defeating enemies, inside a chest, under bushes, and at the stores. It is used with the bow so you can shoot arrows. It can come in sets too. Silver Arrows - Silvers arrows are found after you get the Silver bow. Once you have that you can only get silver arrows. Hearts - Heart are also found almost anywhere in the game. A heart replenishs one heart lost in your health. Bombs - Once again Bombs can be found almost anywhere. It is used todestroy certain enemies and destroy crack walls. It can come in sets too. Rupees - Rupees are found practicallt anywhere in this game. It comes in three colors. Green (1) Blue (5) and Red (20). It can be used to purchase items, upgrading your bomb/arrow capicity and a lot more stuff. Apples - Apples can be found by dashing into certain trees or other objects. Apples replenished one heart lost in your health. Magic Jar - Magic Jar comes in both small and big. The small one replenishs some magic lost and the big one fully replenishs your magic. Keys - Keys are found in every duegeon in this game. It is used to unlock a locked door. Bee - Bee are captured using a Bug-Catching Net and also requires an empty bottle. If you release one it will damage enemies for you. It can be found under bushes or on trees. Good/Golden Bee - This bee is found in two places. First you need to capture one. Go to the cave where the ice rod can be found. Dash into the statue in one of the room with two fairies to lure the bee out. Capture it and you'll have it. If you show it to one of the shopkeepers in the village of outcast he will start to sell his also. The good/golden bee is the same as normal but still follows you if you go to another screen. Fairies - Fairies are usually found in secret places. If you touch one it will replenish seven hearts. It also can be captured. If you lose all of your hearts and have a fairy in one of your bottle, you'll be revived with seven hearts. Magical Mushroom - This mushroom is found in the Lost Woods. Once you find one take it to the witch's apprentice and give it too her. Leave the screen and some back and go in the shop to get a Magic Powder. Super Bomb - This bomb is only aviliable once you completed the Ice Cavern and Misery Mire. It is sold in the Bomb Shop for 100 rupees. Note that this bomb is only used to destroy the cracked wall on the pyramid. It doesn't damage anything else. Life Medicine - This item requires one empty bottle. Life medicine replenish all hearts lost. This is only found in stores. Magic Medicine - This item requires one empty bottle. Magic medicine replenish all magic lost. This can be found in the magic shop and throwing an empty bottle in the Waterfall of wishing and Mysterious Pond. Cure-All Medicine - This item requires one empty bottle. This item replenish all hearts and magic lost. This can be purchased in the magic shop. 5. - Inventory Menu - This section shows what items are in the inventory (select button) menu. The item that the numbers represent will be shown on the bottom _Item_____________ _________ | |Name of | A 1 2 3 4 5 6 |Item | | |_________| | 7 8 9 10 11 6 | | | | | | 12 13 14 15 16 6 | 26 | | | | | 17 18 19 20 21 6 | | |__________________|_________| _Do_______________ equipment | talk read run |27 28 29 | R swim Liftx swim |---------| | 22 23 24 25 | 30 31 | |__________________|_________| 1. Bow & Arrows/ Bow & Silver Arrows 2. Boomerang/ Magical Boomerang 3. Hookshot 4. Bomb 5. Magic Powder 6. Bottle 7. Fire Rod 8. Ice Rod 9. Bombos Medallion 10. Ether Medallion 11. Quake Medallion 12. Lamp 13. Magic Hammer 14. Flute 15. Bug-Catching Net 16. Book of Mudora 17. Shovel 18. Cane of Somaria 19. Cane of Byrna 20. Magic Cape 21. Magic Mirror 22. Pegasus Boots 23. Power Glove/Titan's Mitt 24. Zora's Flippers 25. Moon Pearl 26. Pendants/Crystals 27. Current Sword 28. Current Shield 29. Current Mail 30. Heart Pieces 31. Basket The x next to lift represent your lift level. 6. - Inventory/Equipment - Bow - This item is located in the big chest at the eastern palace. The bow is used to fire arrows so having no arrows means the bow is useless. To upgrade the arrows to silver arrows you must do the following. Complete the Ice Cavern and Misery Mire dungeon. Then purchase a super bomb in the bomb shop. Use it to destroy the crack wall on the pyramid. Enter and throw your bow in the pond. The arrows will be upgraded to the silver arrows. Boomerang - Found in a treasure chest in hyrule castle. It is used to damage or stun enemies. It also retrives item that are some distance away. Magical Boomerang - Throw your boomerang in the waterfall of wishing pond to upgrade you boomerang. The magical boomerang travels fasters are farther the the original one. Hookshot - This item is located in the big chest at the swamp palace. It is used to retrive items and damage or stun certain enemies. It can also be use to grapple stuff to get across gaps. Bombs - This will be in your inventory once you pick up a bomb. It is used to destroy certain enemies and destroy crack walls. Magic Powder - Found after giving the witch a mushroom (check the magic mushroom in the items section). Different thing happens when you use this item so try sprikling it on everything.(Consume Magic) Fire Rod - Located in the big chest at Skull Woods. This item is used to burn enemies and light the torchs.(Consume Magic) Ice Rod - Found in the cave east of Lake Hylia in the light world. This item is use to freeze enemies for a short period of time. Bombos Medallion - To get this medallion you need the Master Sword or better and the Book of Mudora. Go to the swamp palace and head west. Keep going until you see a bunch of purple stakes. Go within the stakes and use the magic mirror. Use the Book of Mudora to encrypt the text on the green runes to aquire the Bombos Medallion. This item engulfs everything on the screen in flames. (Consumes Magic) Ether Medallion - To get this medallion you need the Master Sword or better and the Book of Mudora. Go to the tower of hera and head west across the bridge. Use the Book of Murda to encrypt the text on the green rune to aquire the Ether Medallion. This item freezes all enemies on the screen for a short period of time. This is also required to enter misery mire. (Consumes Magic) Quake Medallion - In the dark world locate the circle of stones found where the waterfall of wishing is found in the light world. Throw an item in the circle to aquire the medallion. This item turns most enemies into a vegetable and reveals hidden items found in trees and statues. Lamp: Found in Link's house (or any chest in Hyrule Castle if you didn't get it there). This item lets you see dark areas and light torches. Magic Hammer - Found in the big chest at Palace of Darkness. This is used to destroy stakes and enemies. Flute - Found by digging in the Haunted Grove in the light world (requires shovel). Play this in front of the bird statue in Kakariko villageto release the duck. The duck can take you to nine places in the light world only. 1. Death Mountain (near old man's house) 2. Magic Shop 3. Kakariko Village 4. Link's House 5. South of Eastern Palace (North of Ice Cave) 6. South West corner of the desert 7. Swamps 8. South East corner of Lake Hylia 9. Death Mountain (near the transporter to turtle rock)* *only availible once you go in the transporter Bug Catching Net - Found in Bug-Catching Kid's house in Kakariko Village. Used to capture fairies, bee, and items for the riddle quest. Book of Mudora - Found in the library in Kakariko Village. Dash and the bookcase to get it. This is used to encrypt Hylian Language. Shovel - Found in Haunted Grove in the Dark World. Just talk to the flute playing boy to get it. Use it to dig. Cane of Somaria - Located in the big chest at Misery Mire. Use this to create a block or platforms. It also can be used to attack. (Consumes Magic) Cane if Byrna - To find the cane you need the magic hammer. Enter the transporter on Spectacle Rock (one used to enter tower of hera). Once in the dark world go south and leap off the hill to reveal a cave. Use the hammer to destroy the stakes. And walk across the spikes (or use magic cape). The cane is found at the end. This item makes you invincible for as long as how much magic you have. It also destroys all enemies who touches you. (Consumes Magic) Magic Cape - To find the cape go to the cememtry in the Light World. You will see one tombstone surrounded by black rocks. Dash into that tombstone and enter to get the cape. The cape makes you invisible so you become invicible and you can walk through the blue bumpers. (Consumes Magic) Magic Mirror - The old man in the mountains will give it to you. Use it to return to entrance to any dungeon and trasport you from the dark world to the light world Bottles - Used to carry medicine, fairies, and bees There are four bottles in this game. - You can buy one for 100 rupees in Kakariko Village by talking to the merchant sitting next to the bottle. - Enter the Kakariko Inn through the north enterance - Swim under the bridge north of Lake Hylia - In the Dark World go to where the Blacksmith are in the light world. Get the chest found there. Go to the man sitting near the enterance to the desert in the light world. He will open the chest to reveal a bottle. Sword - Link's uncle gives it to you in Hyrule secret enterance. Use B to swing your sword. Hold B and let go once it's charged to do a spin attack. While doing a spin attack tape B rapidly to do a whirlwind attack. (Only availible on you complete the riddle quest) Master Sword - Get it by aquiring all three pendants and pulling it out at lost woods. Stronger and more range than original sword and can shoot beams when health is full. Tempered Sword - Go south of village of outcase and talk to the frog surrounded by dark skulls. Return the frog to the blacksmith shop. Leave then return again and they will temper the sword for 10 rupees. Tempered Sword is a stronger version of Master Sword. Gold Sword - Using the super bomb to destroy the cracked wall in the pyramid reveals a pond. Throw in the tempered sword to recived the Gold Sword. Gold Sword is a stronger version of the Tempered Sword. Shield - Recieved with Sword. Protects Link's front side from some projiles. Red Shield - Recived by buying it in stores in the dark world or throwing in your shield in the waterfall of wishing. This shield allows Link to block against fireball now. Mirror Shield - Found in the big chest at Turtle Rock. Allows Link to block against lasers now. Green Mail - Link's defualt armor Blue Mail - Found in the big chest at the Ice Cavern. Reduces damage from enemies attacks. Red Mail - Found in the Big cest at Tower of Ganon. Reduces even more damage from enemies attacks. Pegasus Boots - Given by Sasharla after completing the Eastern Palace. Push and hold R to dash in stuff. Power Glove - Found in the big chest at Desert Palace. Allows Link to lift up light colored stones. Titan's Mitt - Found in the big chest at Thieve's Hideout. Allows Link to lift up dark colored stones. Zora's Flippers - Found in Zora's pond, cost 500 rupees to buy it. Zora Pond is found North East of the magic shop and east of the waterfall of wishing. This item allows Link to swim in deep water. Push A to swim faster and B to dive. Moon Pearl - Found in the big chest at Tower of Hera. Allows Link to keep his shape in the Dark World. Heart Piece - Collect four to earn an extra heart to your health capicity Heart Container - Increase one heart in you health capicity. Basket - Use to capture required items for the riddle quest. 7. - Four Swords Items - Bow & Arrow - Press the A button to shoot an arrow. The longer you hold the A button the stronger your volley will be. Bombs - Press A to light a bomb and press A again to throw it. You can press A again after the bomb lands to set them off quickly. This item is used to damage enemies and blast through crack walls. Boomerang - This item attacks enemies or stuns it. It is also use to retrieve items. Gnat Hat - Wearing this item shinks you so you can enter small tunnels and etc. Roc's Cape - Press A to jump. Press A in midair float a little further. Magnetic Glove - With this item you can repel or pull yourself from a magnetic rock. This can also be used to attract other players Pegasus Shoes - Allows you to dash and run up slopes. Shield - Used to deflect enemies The item listed above in Four Swords can only be held one at a time. To equip a different item, press A at a item pedastal. Rupees - Items collected everywhere. Get more to unlock more stuff. Found in 3 colors and 2 sizes. Black Rupee - This item scatters your rupees everywhere so you might want to avoid this item. Rupee Shards - Collect 4 of them to get a gem worth a lot of rupees Heart - This item replenish one heart lost in your health. Fairy - This item recovers 7 hearts. Razor Seed - Increases your attack power if you get one Armor Seed - Increases your defense power if you get one Pegasus Seed - Increases your moving speed if you get one Heart Container - Increase your max health by one heart. The increase in hearts only last for that level only. Three Keys - There are three keys to get. Each one is recieved from a Great Fairy. Once you get all 3 you can enter Vaati's Palace. The Medal of Courage - If you did the best on the stage you get this item. Bow-Wow - Eats most enemys and "shakes" other players for 11 rupees from their collection. (since I never seen one before I just used Gokachu's description of this item) 8. - Contact Information - I removed my contact information because people like to be stupid. 9. - Credits - I would like to thank Gamefaqs - For making this FAQ possible Nintendo and Capcom - For making this game possible Me! Wolf4knowledge - for writing the FAQ KrysT711 for correcting some errors, gave me the idea for making an inventory section, and for writing two great FAQ for this game and all the people who helped out and corrected errors I made (Janet McKinley, Gokachu, macman5689, Grant Lile, Anthony Vaughn and Ccbb3344) 10. - Copywrite Info - This FAQ is copyrighted 2002 to Kennth Yeung A.K.A. Wolf4knowledge This is for personal use only, you may not put this in your site or use it to make a profit. If you wish to use this FAQ, contact me at me e-mail or IM me and I will consider it. Do not distribute this document, or alter it in any way shape or form. It can be printed out for personal use only. You can NOT use this document without my permission. If you find the FAQ on a site other than and then please contact me.