INTRODUZIONE/INTRODUCTION [INTRO] Welcome to my FS text dump In this guide I intend as FS "Four Sword". In fact this guide contains the text dump of FS. The languages are Italian and, of course, English. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benvenuto al text dump di FS. In questa guida io intendo con il nome di FS "Four Sword". Infatti questa guida contiene il text dump di FS. Le lingue sono Inglese e, ovviamente, Italiano. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDEX 1) --> Introduction -------------------------------- [INTRO] 2) --> How I made this text dump ------------------- [COME] 3) --> The Text in English ------------------------- [INGL] 4) --> The Text in Italian ------------------------- [ITA] 5) --> Legal stuff --------------------------------- [LEGAL] SOMMARIO 1) --> Introduzione -------------------------------- [INTRO] 2) --> Come ho fatto per trovare questi testi ------ [COME] 3) --> Il testo In Inglese ------------------------- [INGL] 4) --> Il testo in Italiano ------------------------ [ITA] 5) --> Legalità ------------------------------------ [LEGAL] If you are asking to yourself what does [INTRO], [COME] etc. mean... it's very simple! Just press CTRL + F to open the search window and copy the words in the brackets (brackets included) to jump directly to the desired section. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- se vi chiedete cosa significano [INTRO], [COME] etc... è molto semplice! Premete CTRL + F per aprire la finestra di ricerca a copiate pari pari le parole tra parentesi (parentesi incluse) per arrivare direttamente al punto scelto. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW I MADE THIS TEXT DUMP/Come ho fatto per trovare questi testi [COME] It's very simple!!! I just opened the ROM with a Text Editor (WordPad) and I scrolled down searching some text (it's very long). Near the end I found that some words started to have a meaning... so I started copying them on another file. Then I removed the other languages (Spanish, German, French) and pasted them here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- è molto facile!!! Ho soltanto aperto la ROM con un programma di elaborazione testi (WordPad) E sono andato verso il fondo a cercare del testo (è molto lungo). Verso la fine ho visto che le parole cominciavano ad avere un significato e ho cominciato a copiarlo su un altro file. Poi ho rimosso le alter lingue (Spagnolo, Tedesco e Francese) e li ho incollati qui. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE TEXT IN ENGLISH [INGL] This text is ripped straight from the ROM... The phrases aren't in a specific order. Rupees are now worth double! Bonus: X' Rupees x X Share it with the others! with your sword! the flashing shot. pass it to another. your sword and shield. matches your tunic! two-toned flower! blossom! blossom! If he touches you, you'll start losing Rupees! XXXX Touch someone else! by the Rupee Wraith! You lose XX Rupees! The next time it will cost X' Rupees. Rupees to be revived! game will end! Get four to get X' Rupees! Now find XX more! for X' bonus Rupees!XX Please wait a moment. appropriate number of players x as shown in the diagram, then turn the power OFF and ON again.X Please check all connections and make sure all systems are ON. Returning to the title screen... Quit HIDEMARO FUJIBAYASHI - PLANNERS - HIDEMARO FUJIBAYASHI SU CHOL LEE MITSUAKI ARAKI JOKO KAZUKI - PROGRAMMING - TOSHIHIKO HONDA SHIMITAN YOSHIYUKI FUJIKAWA K.YOSHIDA - OBJECT DESIGN - KIMOKIMO ERI KIMOTO MINOBE HIROAKI SHIBAKI - SCROLL DESIGN - ASAE.N A.OHNISHI Y.TAKAHASHI - MUSIC - Y.TAKEHARA - SOUND EFFECT - HIROAKI KONDO TAKAJO YUUKISS - CHARACTER DESIGN - HARUKI SUETSUGU - EDITORIAL DESIGN - MIDUHO TOYONAGA - TITLE LOGO - SHOEI - SUPERVISORS - Y.YAMADA M.NARITA T.TEZUKA Y.YAMASHITA - SOUND ADVISOR - K.KONDO - PLANNER SUPPORT - NOSETAKE - EUROPEAN LOCALIZATION - PRODUCT LOCALIZATION TEAM - COORDINATION - Marcus Krause - ENGLISH TEXT - NATE BIHLDORFF BILL TRINEN - TRANSLATION - - GERMAN - Micky Auer - FRENCH - Thomas Miriel - SPANISH - Jes£s µngel Rodr¡guez Gago - ITALIAN - Massimo Maietti VALIDATION AND TESTING TEAM - SPECIAL THANKS - SUPER MARIO CLUB CAPCOM BCR MEGAMAN CLUB ORIGINAL ZELDA STAFF - PRODUCERS - NORITAKA FUNAMIZU YOSHIHIRO SUDO - GENERAL PRODUCERS - SHIGERU MIYAMOTO YOSHIKI OKAMOTO - EXECUTIVE PRODUCER - SATORU IWATA Developed by All Rights, including the copyrights of Game, Scenario, Music and Program, reserved by NINTENDO. There are no files to copy. There are no files to erase. There are no empty files. The game did not save properly. File XX's saved data is corrupted. Now copying... Do not turn the power off. The file couldn't be copied. The file couldn't be created. Erasing data... Do not turn the power off. Now saving... Do not turn power off. the palace of the Four Sword in A Link to the Past! the woodcutter's house in A Link to the Past. beams when your life meter is full in Four Swords! in Four Swords! Save completed... "LINK"We have arrived. That is the sacred blade I spoke of, the Four Sword. Sealed away in its forged steel is Vaati, the wind mage. Lately I have been sensing weakness in the seal. It worries me. That is why we have come here...Be careful. It is said that the body of one who touches this blade will be shattered to pieces. It has mysterious powers... Legends say that when mighty Vaati attacked, a hero arose and saved the people from destruction. They go on to say that by using this sword, the one was as four, and the four combined their strength! Let's check the seal... Step back a moment. Hoh hoh hoh hoh! Have you some business with me? - So, you noticed that the seal was weakening? How rude! Release me! Eh? I sensed a great power approaching, so I hid myself. But my, what a lovely catch! Surely you must be some noble maiden. My name is Vaati. I am the great wind mage! The seal is broken... so I shall rage yet again! Hoh hoh hoh! And what a gift awaits my return! I shall make you my bride! Onward we go, to my palace of winds! Hoh hoh hoh! EEEEEEK! Help me! Open your eyes... Young hero... The Princess Zelda has been carried off to Vaati's Palace. Hurry! You must go to her... But you cannot go alone... You have need of the Four Sword... Draw out the blade... No matter how mighty the enemy, with the power of four, you can defeat it... The Great Fairies ahead know the path to his palace... If the Great Fairies acknowledge your abilities, they will show you the way. If you are able to gather many Rupees along the path to the Great Fairies, they will likely acknowledge your courage... Please rescue the princess... You will find many traps and puzzles in the areas ahead. We will give you advice that will aid you in your quest. Do not fail to heed it. When each of you stands on a red warp zone, all will be transported to another floor, where you will learn about many items. Begin by standing on the warp zones' ahead. The one below will take you back to the map. Your Rupees are counted in the bottom-right corner of your screen. The Rupees each of you gather are pooled in a single wallet for all. If one of you fails in your quest, he can be revived for 50 Rupees. But the cost for revival will increase each time one of you fails... And while there is one wallet, your individual efforts are being watched by us fairies. And your efforts shall certainly be rewarded. He who gathers the most Rupees will be acknowledged as the greatest hero. and that you see on the ground are switches. Step on the switches to move traps and stones. A switch only operates while one of you is standing on it. If you see a conspicuous block, press in the direction you want to push the block. Everyone will have to cooperate to push big blocks. If you strike your swords together, sparks will fly! Try this in places where you want to light a fire. If you all step on switches at the same time, a nearby device will move. If you do not have enough people, try placing statues on switches. person to press them down. All will need to step on these. If you have a Small Key, you can use it to get past locked blocks. Once you enter deep water, you can only climb out of it into nearby shallow water areas. When swimming in deep water press (button) to swim and (button) to dive. Take care not to get sucked in by the whirlpools. in the water. If you exert some effort, you can swim against currents, but you'll never get past rapids. the walls may break. Press (button) to trade the item you have for the one before you. But will find some enemies cannot be defeated without using a Shield the Gnat Hat Then you can go through tiny holes without any trouble at all! But remember, you can carry only one item at a time. seen below can walk here. Anyone else will fall through. It is a very mystical path... the tiles ahead. But even one who can't see them can walk across them... direction of the arrow you stand on. Be careful! Haste leads to trouble. The switch beside you recalls the platform to this spot. into the hole in the wall, you'll receive a spectacular reward! Are you up to the challenge? the end! Step on the warp zones' to return to the previous floor. when standing before a tuft of grass, a rock, or a pot to lift it. large rock and combine your might, you will be able to lift it over your heads! them across gaps. defeat unless you pull them from the left or right. Be wary of such beasts! over your head and throw. You can even throw them into flames! to grab the lever below, you can press in the opposite direction to pull the lever. to grab small statues and use (button) to pull them. throw them. Without their shells, they're defenseless! (button) to lift the shining blue crystals. Then press it again to place them on another pedestal. Doing so will activate certain devices. If you drop a crystal and it shatters, you must do it all over again. (button) to destroy cracked blocks. Press (button) to take out a Bomb, then press (button) again to throw it. If you press (button) again after the Bomb falls to the ground, you can blow it up! over low walls to blow things up on the other side. to blow open cracked walls, too. also be blown open. Hold (button) hold out your sword and tap the wall. Listen for odd noises! to activate the red switch over there. won't reach the area you're trying to throw them to, try throwing them from low walls. you can run quickly by holding (button). You can even push your companions if they are standing in a line. You can also run up slippery slopes that you couldn't climb otherwise. with the Pegasus Shoes hold (BUTTON) to put power into your shot! There are some objects in the dungeon that will move when you shoot them. bowstrings simultaneously! is great for retrieving items that are out of reach. to activate switches from a distance. (BUTTON) to jump with the Roc's Cape Hold (BUTTON) to jump further! to pull your companions toward you. You can jump up through the gate or land on it to jump down through it. with the Magnetic Glove, you can pull yourself to or repel yourself from them. (BUTTON) to switch between' + and -. Use the power of repulsion' to cross over to the other side. defeat unless you use the Magnetic Glove against them. Be wary of these beasts. to pull your companions along if you have a wall between you. You can even walk as you draw them to you. should be ready for the test below. increase your power by two levels. Razor Seeds, increase sword power. Armor Seeds increase defense. Pegasus Seeds increase speed. that sometimes appear after you open a chest or defeat an enemy are Rupee Shards. If you collect four of them, they combine to form a giant Rupee worth a total of 500 Rupees. how quickly you are able to get to the end of a dungeon. The less time you take, the bigger your bonus. the stage selection screen. Enter this warp zone' to learn the first basic techniques' you'll need to know for your quest. second set of techniques' you'll need on your quest. The warp zones' beyond these will teach you about items. (shield) Use it to deflect enemy attacks! (bombs) Use them to blast open suspicious walls! press (BUTTON) after setting them to detonate them remotely! (arrows) Grab, pull, and fire away! Use it to hit distant objects! (Pegasus boots) Dash with the speed of the legendary steed! (magnetic gloves) Attract and repel with magnetic power! Release the button to change polarity between + and -. (gnat hat) Wear it and watch as you become tiny! (bow bow) He eats anything! Beware the mad dog! (roc's cape) Soar in the sky with an extra-long jump! guardian of the Sea of Trees. the guardian of Talus Cave. guardian of Death Mountain. adventurers. This time, you have managed to collect Rupees. me to acknowledge your courage. Yet I shall remain here, waiting. So show me your courage... collecting more Rupees. May we meet again! much treasure. I dub you... little eggs, waiting to hatch into heroes. I grant you this Silver Key. incredible feat! I dub you... brave heroes, and grant you this Golden Key. I dub you... The greatest of heroes, and grant you this Hero's Key. Keys' of the Great Fairies of Forest, Ice, and Flame, the path to Vaati's Palace shall open. You can then make your way there to rescue Princess Zelda. Onward, little hero eggs! three Silver Keys. Vaati's palace of winds is a great castle that floats in the sky. Now that you have gathered the keys of the Fairies of Forest, Ice and Flame, the palace shall appear. Onward, young heroes! You must save Princess Zelda! able to reach Vaati's Palace. Hurry! You must rush to Princess Zelda's aid! Onward, young heroes! Golden Keys' of the Great Fairies of Forest, Ice, and Flame... ...the path to Vaati's Palace shall open! Onward, heroes! three Golden Keys. You can now choose the path to Vaati's Palace. That path will likely be much more dangerous than any you've seen yet. And yet onward you must go, great heroes! the Great Fairies of Forest, Ice, and Flame, a path to Vaati's Palace shall open. Onward, great heroes! the three Hero's Keys. You should now be able to choose the path to Vaati's Palace. It is a path of twelve levels, all more dangerous than those you've seen. Yet onward you must go, great heroes! Rupees. But you must strive to reach greater heights. Show us your courage by gathering more Rupees! Only then shall we dub you to be the greatest of heroes, and only then shall I grant you the Key' that opens a harder path. May we meet again! three Hero Keys. You should already be able to open the way to Vaati's Palace. It is a dangerous place with 12 levels. So, onward, brave heroes! Gwoh hoh hoh hoh hoh hoh! Welcome to my palace! I never thought you would be so bold as to pursue the maiden, Zelda, until you stood before me. Eh? What's that? That blade you have... Is that not the accursed Four Sword? So it is the power of that blade that has brought you this far... Hoh hoh hoh hoh hoh! Did you think a dull and rusty blade such as that could defeat me again? You know not your own folly! Watch now as the hunted becomes the hunter! Gwoh hoh hoh hoh hoh hoh hoh! Prepare to meet the full might of Vaati the wind mage! Gwohhhhh-ohhhhh-hohhhhh! Did you think you could just leave? Fools!!! Impertinent brats! I'll shatter the Four Sword and cast its pieces to the wind! Gwohhhhhhhhhhh... I've been felled by a bunch of young kids?! My b-body! My being! I'm being sucked into the Four Sword!Gwohhhhhhhhhh... Uhhhnnn... Oh! You saved me, didn't you? Thank you! But this time, something seems different...Why!? There are X of you! So the legend of the Four Sword was true! But how can we get you back to normal? The Four Sword is the only blade that can contain the wind mage. Since you have fulfilled that destiny, the sword's power over you will fade. Now, let us return! And let us return the Four Sword to its shrine once again. (THE END) Italian Coming soon! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL STUFF [LEGAL] This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display without asking with a written e- mail is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2002 Marco Giacomelli End of the guide.