-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Eowyn FAQ/Walkthrough for: ______________ \____ ____/ THE LORD OF THE RINGS: | | __________ THE | | \__ __/ | | | | ___ | | ___ ___ ___ | | ___ ___ ___ ____ _ __ / __\ | | \ \/\/ / / _ \ | | / _ \\ \/\/ // []_\ | _| ||__ | | \ / |(_)| | | |(_)| \ / | |__ | / \__ \ /____\ \_/\_/ \___/ |__| \___/ \_/\_/ \____/ |_| ___|| \___/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- For GameBoy Advance Version: 1.11 By: Numbers & zephyrmaster 4/21/03 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TABLE OF CONTENTS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1.Introduction - Introduction 2. Eowyn's Stats and Skills - Primary Stats - Skills 3. Eowyn Types - Eowyn Setup - Princess of Rohan Eowyn - Double Strike Eowyn - Passive Eowyn 4. Eowyn's Useable Items - Swords & Knives - Armor - Helms - Shields - Outerwear - Shoes - Neckwear - Uniques 5. Walkthrough A. Edoras - Main B. Rohan Plains - Edoras Plains - Rolling Fields - Grassy Fields - Nomad Fields - Village Outskirts C. Rohan Village - Village Residences - Village Square - Village Town Hall D. Mountain Pass - Mountain Pass South - Mountain Pass Steppe - Mountain Pass North E. Gap of Rohan - North Road - Vale F. Helm's Deep - Hornsberg - Battlements - Gorge - Valley - Glittering Caves - Glittering Tunnels - Glittering Darkness - Deep Caves - Cavern Rebuff 6. Special Thanks - Contributors - Contributing 7. Version History 8. Notes -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Introduction -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hello! Welcome to the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Eowyn FAQ/Walkthrough version 1.11. This FAQ provides you with an indepth walkthrough for the Eowyn character in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Also included is a series of tips and stratagies, to help you level up and build a strong Eowyn. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2. Eowyn's Stats and Skills -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ******************************************* Primary Stats ******************************************* Strength: 18 ~ Every 4 points will raise your damage. Alternating from +1-1 damage the first time to +0-1 damage the second time, and so on. This skill should be raised after Accuracy and Defense. Accuracy: 25 ~ This stat will incress your accuracy, a top priority stat for most people. This skill and Defense should recive a majority of the Stat Points. Health: 24 ~ Focus on only puting in the few odd stat points you gain and/or buy into this stat. Raising Strength also raises you health too. Defense: 20 ~ This is one of your most importiant stats. A good shield is also essential to a good defense. Around two out of every 5 skill points are sugested to be put into this skill. Courage: 25 ~ This skill is last priority. Only focus on rasing this substantialy if you are going to use high spirit point using skills. ******************************************* Skills ******************************************* Starting Skills =============== Herbal Remedy (1) Active Skills ============== 1st Tree --------- Herbal Remedy (Level 1) - Heals 25 hit points +5/level. Herbs are more effective. 8 spirit +2/level. ~ Don't put any more points into this skill than the one given to you. The more points you put in, the less health you get in return for your spirit points. Defending Fury (Level 5)- Increases Eowyn's Defense by 10, +2/level. Lasts 5 seconds, +0.5 per level. 10 spirit. Corrupt. ~ Not a very good skill. The defense bonus is small and doesn't last long. One points is needed in this skill to use the Princess of Rohan skill. Princess of Rohan (Level 8)- Stuns foes around Eowyn. Stun time increases per level. 4 spirit/level. ~ A good skill. Many people build their Eoywns around this because it can stun enemies for very substantial amount of time for few spirit points. Call Eomer (Level 10)- Summon's Eomer's Rohan soldiers to Eowyn's aid. 22 spirit. ~ I realy don't like this skill, it's costly and the soldiers are practicly useless. 2nd Tree --------- Shield Bash (Level 2)- Bash enemies with her shield for 5 damage +1/level, plus stun. 8 spirit. ~ The damage is small and the stun ability doesn't even compare to the Princess of Rohan skill. But this can be a very useful skill. At high levels this can be an effective alternative to Princess of Rohan when spirit points are low. One points is needed in this skill to use the Double Strike skill. Double Strike (Level 5)- Fast attack does +4 damage, +1/level. 7 spirit. ~ Nice skill to have. The attack is fast and will substantialy raise the damage you can dish out for only a few skill points. Putting several stat points into Courage is advised if you decide that you want to use this skill a lot. Passive Skills ============== 1st Tree --------- Strength of Heart (Level 2)- Lessens corruption by 5%/level and +2 damage to Ringwraiths per level. ~ A very good skill, lowering your overall corruption and becomes very useful when fighting Ringwraiths Iron Will (Level 10)- Eowyn regenerates health. ~ A very good skill, and the best alternative to Herbal Remedy. The regeneration is a useful thing to have and putting several points can make your health rise at a fairly good rate. 2nd Tree --------- Stand Fast (Level 5)- Eowyn has 5% +1/level to parry enemy blows, taking no damage. ~ Put several points into this skill if you're going to use a two-handed weapon. Even if you aren't, a few points won't hurt. Eyes of Rohan (Level 5)- Each level makes it more likely Eowyn will find better items. ~ This is a great skill, but only put in a few odd points you get or buy in the begining. Maxing out this skill would be a good idea latter in the game. Ferocity (Level 10)- Slain enemies restore spirit points to Eowyn. ~ This skill comes in useful when used in conjunction with Princess of Rohan and Double Strike skills. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3. Eowyn Types -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There are several diffrent ways to build up your Eowyn. Each Eowyn Type contains a what a "Sword and Shield Eowyn" and "Two-Handed Sword Eowyn" could be like. Each has an example of what a 30 point skill spread might look like, as well as a stat advice guide. These are not the only ways to build up your Eowyn. There are many diffrent ways, and each person has their own liking. ******************************************* Eowyn Setup ******************************************* There are two different ways to equip your Eowyn, with a Sword and Shield or with a Two-Handed Sword. Each has their advantages and disadvantages, while each also requires different preparations for each Eowyn Type. | Sword and Shield Eowyn | This is perhaps the best way to start off while playing as Eowyn. It provides more protection from enemy blows, while allowing you to get use to the game configuration and controls (if you aren't already). You will deal out less damage, but the extra protection is always good. This combination works well with nearly all Eowyn types. | Two-Handed Sword Eowyn | Although very unlikely that you will get a Two-Handed Sword early off in the game, you can raise an Eowyn with the intent of equipping one when you receive. Two-Handed Sword Eowyns deal out much more damage than a Sword and Shield Eowyn, though that downside is that you are very vulnerable to enemy attacks. With this Eowyn setup, the Stand Fast skill is a must have. You would do best to max this out as quick as possible. ******************************************* Princess of Rohan Eowyn ******************************************* People using a Princess of Rohan Eowyn find that stunning your enemies then hacking away at them to be a very good stragety. If you use this type of Eowyn, you will need to devote more points to courage. The Princess of Rohan skill is quite costly. | Sword and Shield Eowyn | Strength: You'll want to boost this skill when ever you can. Don't just stick an odd point in here, put in 4 at a time to raise your damage in one go around. Accuracy: Put points into this skill when ever you can spare them. Health: A few extra points should go in here. Defense: Ever so often, put points in here, but don't ignore it. Courage: You should put several points into this skill. Active Skills ------------- Herbal Remedy: (1) ~ Given to you. DO NOT PUT ANY SKILL POINTS IN THIS SKILL!! Defending Fury: (1) ~ Required to use your Princess of Rohan skill. Princess of Rohan: (10) ~ Obviously, its a Princess of Rohan Eowyn. You will want to max this out. Passive Skills -------------- Strength of Heart: (1) ~ Raise this to fight Ringwraiths and lower corruption. Iron Will: (4) ~ To regenarate health. You'll need it. Stand Fast: (4) ~ To lessen the damage you take. Eyes of Rohan: (1) ~ Extra points are well spent here. Better items are always good, and sell for more. Ferocity: (8) ~ To regenarate spirit points, the Princess of Rohan skill is costly. | Two-Handed Sword Eowyn | Strength: This skill should be ignored at lower levels, you already pack a good punch. Accuracy: Put points into this skill when ever you can spare them. Health: A few extra points should go in here, but don't ignore it. Defense: You should put several points into this skill. Courage: You should put several points into this skill. Active Skills ------------- Herbal Remedy: (1) ~ Given to you. DO NOT PUT ANY SKILL POINTS IN THIS SKILL!! Defending Fury: (1) ~ Required to use your Princess of Rohan skill. Princess of Rohan: (10) ~ Obviously, its a Princess of Rohan Eowyn. You will want to max this out. Passive Skills -------------- Strength of Heart: (1) ~ Raise this to fight Ringwraiths and lower corruption. Iron Will: (3) ~ To regenarate health. You'll need it. Stand Fast: (10) ~ You will really really want to max this out quick as posible so it will lessen the damage you take. Eyes of Rohan: (1) ~ Extra points are well spent here. Better items are always good, and sell for more. Ferocity: (3) ~ To regenarate spirit points, the Princess of Rohan skill is costly. ******************************************* Double Strike Eowyn ******************************************* People using a Double Strike Eowyn don't get the ability to stun enemies like a Princess of Rohan Eowyn, but can do more significantly damage. If you use this type of Eowyn, you will need to devote more point to courage or use it conservatively. The Princess of Rohan skill can be quite costly. | Sword and Shield Eowyn | Strength: With the strong attack that Double Strike skill provides, raising this should be last priority. Accuracy: A few extra points should go in here, you will eventualy what a high accuracy level. Health: Put leftover and odd points into this skill. Defense: You should put several points into this skill. Courage: You should put several points into this skill. Active Skills ------------- Herbal Remedy: (1) ~ Given to you. DO NOT PUT ANY SKILL POINTS IN THIS SKILL!! Shield Bash (1) ~ Required to use your Double Strike skill. Double Strike (10) ~ Obviously, its a Double Strike Eowyn. Maxing this out would be a good idea Passive Skills -------------- Strength of Heart: (1) ~ Raise this to fight Ringwraiths and lower corruption. Iron Will: (5) ~ To regenarate health. You'll need it. Stand Fast: (5) ~ To lessen the damage you take. Eyes of Rohan: (2) ~ Extra points are well spent here. Better items are always good, and sell for more. Ferocity: (5) ~ To regenarate spirit points, the Double Strike skill is costly. | Two-Handed Sword Eowyn | Strength: With the strong attack that Double Strike skill provides and your Two-Handed Sword, raising this should be last priority. Accuracy: A few extra points should go in here. You will eventualy what a high accuracy level. Health: Put leftover and odd points into this skill. Defense: You should put several points into this skill. Courage: You should put several points into this skill. Active Skills ------------- Herbal Remedy: (1) ~ Given to you. DO NOT PUT ANY SKILL POINTS IN THIS SKILL!! Shield Bash (1) ~ Required to use your Double Strike skill. Double Strike (10) ~ Obviously, its a Double Strike Eowyn. With the damage you can deal out with a Two-Handed Sword, maxing this out isn't top priority. Passive Skills -------------- Strength of Heart: (1) ~ Raise this to fight Ringwraiths and lower corruption. Iron Will: (3) ~ To regenarate health. You'll need it. Stand Fast: (10) ~ To lessen the damage you take, expecially without a shield. Eyes of Rohan: (1) ~ Extra points are well spent here. Better items are always good, and sell for more. Ferocity: (3) ~ To regenarate spirit points, the Double Strike skill is costly. ******************************************* Passive Eowyn ******************************************* People using a Passive Eowyn would obviously focus on their passive skills, finding active skills to be a waste of time and skill points. This would allow a person to build up their Eowyn with out having to waste any stat points on courage, allowing them to be put into more usefull stats. | Sword and Shield Eowyn | Strength: You'll want to boost this skill when ever you can. Don't just stick an odd point in here, put in 4 at a time to raise your damage in one go around. Accuracy: A few extra points should go in here, you will eventualy what a high accuracy level. Health: Put leftover and odd points into this skill. Defense: You should put several points into this skill. Courage: DO NOT put any points into this skill. Active Skills ------------- Herbal Remedy: (1) ~ Given to you. DO NOT PUT ANY SKILL POINTS IN THIS SKILL!! Passive Skills -------------- Strength of Heart: (10) ~ This will considerably lower corruption and give you a change a fighting chance at killing a Ringwraith. Iron Will: (7) ~ To regenarate health. You'll need it. Stand Fast: (6) ~ This will significantly lessen the damage you take. Eyes of Rohan: (6) ~ This will dramaticly incress your chances at geting some very good items. Better items are always good, and sell for more. Extra points are well spent here. | Two-Handed Sword Eowyn | Strength: You'll want to boost this skill when ever you can. Don't just stick an odd point in here, put in 4 at a time to raise your damage in one go around. Accuracy: A few extra points should go in here, you will eventualy what a high accuracy level. Health: Put leftover and odd points into this skill. Defense: You should put several points into this skill. Courage: DO NOT put any points into this skill. Active Skills ------------- Herbal Remedy: (1) ~ Given to you. DO NOT PUT ANY SKILL POINTS IN THIS SKILL!! Passive Skills -------------- Strength of Heart: (8) ~ This will considerably lower corruption and give you a change a fighting chance at killing a Ringwraith. Iron Will: (5) ~ To regenarate health. You'll need it. Stand Fast: (10) ~ This will significantly lessen the damage you take, expecially without a shield. Eyes of Rohan: (6) ~ This will dramaticly incress your chances at geting some very good items. Better items are always good, and sell for more. Extra points are well spent here. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4. Eowyn's Useable Items -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Swords & Knives Helms Neckwear ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- -Sabre -Hood -Brooch -Gladius -Cap -Amulet -Cutlass -Coif -Warg Collar -Smallsword -Pothelm -Necklace -Shortsword -Greathelm -Charm -Sword Rapier -Crown -Clasp -Backsword -Choker -Leaf Sword Shields -Medallion -Longsword ----------------------- -War Sword -Buckler Uniques -Scimitar -Small Shield ----------------------- -Falchion -Round Shield -Orcrist -Estoc -Kite Shield -The Maelstrom Sword -Broadsword -Large Shield -The Ruby Kingsword -Serrated Sword -Tower Shield -Ent Water -Soldier Sword -Horn of Boromir -Hand-and-a-Half Sword Outerwear -Book of Herbs -Flambard ----------------------- -Aldazar's Longsword -Greatsword -Cape -Warloch Hunter Sword -Claymore -Mantle -Devitt Warsword -Cloak -Chainmail of Sorinor Armor -Heavy Cloak -Iron Mail of Meijin ----------------------- -Dwarf Chain of Marr Kuz -Cloth Shirt Shoes -Garnet Cloak of Tamaras -Padded Shirt ----------------------- -Tolkien's Wool Cloak -Leather Jacket -Sandals -Tolkien's Wool Cloak -Brigandine -Shoes -Canvas Mantle of Mykwil Koz -Ringmail -Boot -King Caspur's Crown -Chainmail -Sollerets -Shining Helm of Jae Sunbae -Scalemail -Dark Hood of Grypt Tinyt -Lorica -Double Mail * Note: Prefixes and Suffixies do not have -Lamellar any effect on which items Eowyn can and -Breastplate can not use. -Corselet -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 5. Walkthrough -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ^ | Eowyn's Quest | / \ / \ Although Eowyn's quest is shorter, it can be very difficult | | due to the difficulty of enemies. So play Eowyn's quest catiously. | | If you don't wish to or just don't have enought time to read how | | to get through each level, just follow the | | "Strategy" section. #### | | |)##### | | Whenever you find a level with lots of < ### | | enemies and containing a shrine, you may want to \__/ ### | | play the level over several times to level up, //^\## | | collect Gems, get better items, ect... The very / ( ||\*** | | last levels are good for getting better items and | | || \ * | | some of the first levels are good for leveling up \ | |/\ \ * | | when you first start off. An Eowyn game takes about / / |/ / * | | 6-8 hours if you're speedy. / / \ / * _ |/O\| _ <========|(O) \*** / \--/O|O\--/ \ Before you start make sure / \ \_/---| |---\_/ you know what kind of Eowyn you would like / \ | | to build up. Also, make sure to level up and / \ | | equip better items as you get them. /____________\ | | | | \ \ /< >\ Now to get started and Good luck. | | \ \ \_O_/ (___] (___] The Walkthrough... ####################################################### Cutscene - Opening Scene: ####################################################### Theoden: Eowyn... The enemy is approaching and we have little time to waste. Would you lead the refugees to the safety of the caves? Eowyn: If it is your wish, Uncle, I will protect them with my life. Theoden: None of my soldiers can mix strength with sympathy... and this is what my people need most right now. They have been through much. Eowyn: Far too much, Uncle. If only I could have convinced Eomer and his soldiers to stay, we might have prevented some of this pain... ------------------------------------------------------- Eowyn: Eomer, where are you going? Eomer: Eowyn... I had hoped to slip away without my sister catching me. Eowyn: Well she has, dear brother. Speak up. Eomer: Word has reached us that the king's son and all his men were ambushed in East Rohan. We are going to investigate. Eowyn: Theodred is in danger? Hold for a moment Eomer, I am coming with you. Eomer: Eowyn no. This is too- Eowyn: Hush, brother. There is no time for debate. ####################################################### ****************************************** A. Edoras ****************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 1 - Main -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Northwest Corner Ending Location: Southeast Corner Difficulty: Very Easy Shrines: None Strategy: Go to the Southeast Corner. Guide: After the cutscenes, simply go to the Southeast Corner of the level to continue the game. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *********************************************** B. Rohan Plains *********************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 2 - Edoras Plains -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Southwest Corner Ending Location: Southeast Corner Difficulty: Very Easy Shrines: None Strategy: Move Southeast in a zig-zag pattern. Guide: The level starts with a cutscene, in which Eomer asks you to make a wide sweep across the plains. After entering the level, go directly to the right until you reach a thin little stream going downwards. Follow it until you can't. Go down from there. Keep going down until you reach some rocks with trees. Walk along them to the left. When they terminate, go down and turn right until you reach the end of the level. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 3 - Rolling Fields -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Southeast Corner Ending Location: Northeast Corner Difficulty: Easy Shrines: None Strategy: Move Northeast following the walls and river. Guide: At the start this level by following the wall above you to the right until you reach a gap in the wall. After the gap opens up into a much larger area go straight up until you reach a wall. Follow the wall to the left until you reach the end of it. Go up and left until you reach a body of water. Follow the riverbank to the left. After riverbank starts going to the right, stop following the it and just go right until you reach the Northeast Corner of the level. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 4 - Grassy Fields -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Southwest Corner Ending Location: Southeast Corner Difficulty: Easy Shrines: Northwest Corner Strategy: Move up towards the Northeast Corner, then left across the level, and then finnaly down into the Southeast Corner to end the level. Guide: Upon entering the level go straight up until you reach a wall. Go right and follow along the wall until you finally reach a gap leading upwards. Go upwards if you want to use a shrine. Otherwise, from the gap, go down until you hit another wall. Follow the wall towards the left until the wall finally terminates. Below the edge of the wall. Turn right and go that direction until you reach the end of the level. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 5 - Nomad Fields -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: SW corner Ending Location: NW corner Difficulty: Medium Shrines:(Shrine) Northwest of the burnt out tree Strategy: Guide: From the beginning of the level go to the right for a long time. Eventually you will reach a wall and see a barrel in the Southeast Corner of the level. From there start going upwards. You will pass a burnt out house and several barrels and boxes before you reaching another wall. After reaching that wall, go left until you see Eomer with two troops beside him. Talk to him: ####################################################### Cutscene - Nomad Fields ####################################################### Eowyn: Eomer! You found Theodred? Eomer: I have. All his men are dead, but Theodred lives still, though barely[.] Eowyn: How can I help? Eomer: Travel west to the nearest village. Tell them to send help to meet us, for we cannot carry Theodred too quickly without risking his life. Eowyn: I understand Eomer: Good luck, sister. (Eomer and his troops run away) ####################################################### Go up through the norther gap until you reach a large and extremely burnt out tree. From the EXACT place of the tree, go west until you reach a gap that you can enter. Go through that gap, going up and then to the left, to the exit. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 6 - Village Outskirts -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Northeast Corner Ending Location: Southwest Corner Difficulty: Medium Shrines: None Strategy: Move to the Southwest Corner and talk to the Villager. Guide: At the beginning, go up until you reach a wall right above you. Go left and follow that wall all the way down to the western edge of the level. If you have gone far enough, going down will take you through a small gap. Continue down until you reach a wall. Go right along the wall, and when you can, go down again. After you hit another wall, go right. Follow the wall until reach another gap. From that gap go left until you again reach the west end of the level. From there, go to the Southwest Corner, where you will meet a woman that you must talk to: ####################################################### Cutscene - Village Outskirts ####################################################### Eowyn: Hail! I need assistance! Villager: What is it, Lady? Eowyn: The king's son has been injured, east of her. Could you send a healer? Villager: I believe we can, Lady. Please head west into our village. ####################################################### Go West to the end of the level. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *********************************************** C. Rohan Village *********************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 7 - Village Residences -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Northeast Corner Ending Location: Southern Edge Difficulty: Easy Shrines: Strategy: Follow the dirt path South. Guide: Follow the dirt path South. Watch out for tough enemies and lots of Crebain. Eventually you will reach the villager again: ####################################################### Cutscene - Village Residences ####################################################### Eowyn: Your village's aid may save Theodred's life. Thank you. Villager: I only pray our village can withstand these attacks. I hope your brother's journey back to Edoras is a safe one. Eowyn: As do I... I am sure the King would also thank you for your kindness. Villager: Pardon, Lady, but there are rumors that King Theoden is ill these days... is this so? Eowyn: Not ill, no... Weary perhaps but- (Troop runs up) Troop: ORCS! ORCS are attacking the village! Eowyn: More Orcs? This far west? Troop: Big orcs! With White hand prints across their faces! Eowyn: Gather everyone together! Hurry! ####################################################### To finish the level just go down through the open arches. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ####################################################### *************************** Screenshot from movie *************************** (Orcs are ransacking a Rohan village) *************************** ####################################################### -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 8 - Village Square -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Northeast Corner Ending Location: Town Hall Door Difficulty: Easy to Medium Shrines: None Strategy: Enter the Town Hall building Guide: The level opens with a cutscene: ####################################################### Cutscene - Village Square ####################################################### Villager: There are too many of them, Lady! They have taken over the Town Hall! Eowyn: Where is the Town Hall? Villager: The largest building, south of here. ####################################################### Go down, following the dirt path. Eventually you will reach a large building that is the Town Hall. Enter. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Artifact - Judkins Scrolls -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DO NOT ENTER THE DOOR! Insteed, below the door area there is a chest. Open in and pick up the Judkins Scrolls like you would a normal item. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now enter through the open door to the next level. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 9 - Village Town Hall -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Southeast Corner Ending Location: Southeast Corner Difficulty: Medium to Hard Shrines: None Strategy: Kill all the enemies Guide: Kill everything inside the building. This includes: - One archer - Two normal Uruk-Hai - One red hero Uruk-Hai After killing these enemies, return to the entrance of the building, where you will again find the villager. Talk to the villager: ####################################################### Cutscene - Village Town Hall ####################################################### Villager: Now it is we who must thank you. You save our village. Eowyn: I don't think I have. Those Orcs were no raiders. They were bent on destruction. Villager: What are you suggesting, Lady? Eowyn: Evacuate the village. We are going to Edoras. ####################################################### -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ####################################################### Cutscene - Off to Helms Deep ####################################################### Eowyn: Uncle! What has happened here? Theoden: My son is dead, my nephew has deserted me, and my kingdom is crumbling! All is falling into ruin! Eowyn: Theodred Dead?! Eomer gone?! Uncle, refugess from nearby villages are pouring in. There is a new breed of Orcs roaming Rohan. (Fellowship runs up) Gandalf: Those are Saruman's agents. The Uruk Hai. Saruman has been breeding this army for many months. Theoden: Gandalf... Wise wizard, what do you suggest? Eowyn: Uncle, what is going on? Who are these people? Theoden: I will explain shortly, Eowyn. Let us retire to my hall, for this cemetery is crushing my spirit. ------------------- Fades to black -------------------- Theoden: ...And so, with Gandalf's aid, I was brought back to reason. Saruman holds no sway over me anymore. Eowyn: This is joyous news. Your people were worried about you. They were beginning to suspect the worst. Gandalf: Let there be no doubt now. Theoden, rise and lead your people! Theoden: The fact of my son's death weighs heavy on me, Gandalf. My mind is scattered. Theoden: Rohan is beset... but I will not risk open war. Aragorn: Open war lies before you - whether you would risk it or not. Theoden: The last time I looked, Theoden, not Aragorn, was King of Rohan. Gandalf: Then what is the King's decision? Theoden: ... Eowyn: Uncle? Theoden: We make for Helm's Deep. Eowyn, it will be your responsibility to lead the Refugees to safety. *************************** Screenshot from movie *************************** (Eowyn leading the refugees toward Helms Deep) *************************** ####################################################### *********************************************** D. Mountain Pass *********************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 10 - Mountain Pass South -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Southeast Corner Ending Location: Northwest Corner Difficulty: Medium Shrines: (Shrine) Northwest Corner Strategy: Go upwards, through the gaps. Guide: The level opens with a cutscene: ####################################################### Cutscene - Mountain Pass South ####################################################### Eowyn: We're ready to head north. This pass is safer than taking the road, but danger still lurks. I will scout ahead and clear a path. Villager: What would you have us do lady? Eowyn: Keep toghter, and stay behind me. Villager: Be safe, Lady Eowyn. ####################################################### Go up to the wall above you and walk along it towards the left. Keep follow it even when it turns upwards. Eventually, you will reach a gap in the wall. Go through the gap and then go up. If you encounter some rocks, go to the right until you can go up. Go as far up as you can until you reach a wall. Walk along the wall to the right. When you reach a another gap, go through it. It will begin to snow. Go up until you reach a wall. Walk along the wall to the left to beat the level. If you want to use a shrine, don't follow the wall, just go to the left. You'll eventually reach a Shrine. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 11 - Mountain Pass Steppe -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Southeast Corner Ending Location: Northeast Corner Difficulty: Medium Shrines: None Strategy: Follow the middle path and go through the passage. Guide: From the beginning of the level go straight up until you reach a gap. Go through it. You now have three paths. The one to the right leads to nothing and the one to the left leads to a red pool. Take the path going up until you have to turn to the left. You should pass through a little gap and start going down a southwest passage. The passage will turn upwards, and you have to continue foward. Eventually you will notice a dead body. Start going to the right. The passage will start going northeast and then change back to just going right. Eventually you will reach the end of it and have a choice to go down or up. Go up. You will hit a wall. Walk left along the wall until it starts going up and you see a gap. Walk straight up, through the gap, until you hit a wall. Walk right along the wall, and you will eventually reach the end of the level. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 12 - Mountain Pass North -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Difficulty: Medium Starting Location: Western Edge Ending Location: Northern Edge Shrines: Top (Ent Pool) Strategy: Find the three kids, then exit the level. Guide: The level opens with a cutscene: ####################################################### Cutscene - Mountain Pass North ####################################################### Villager: Eowyn, three children have wandered off! We can't leave them behind. Eowyn: Stay here. I'll find them and return them to you. Until then, keep well and out of sight. ####################################################### Walk right from the beginning of the level, keeping the upper wall in sight until you see a gap that you can enter by going up. Right after you go up through the gap, you can find a kid by going straight to the right until you reach him: ####################################################### Cutscene - Child 1 Found ####################################################### Eowyn: Quickly, child, stay out of sight and return to Morwen. ####################################################### Walk back to the opening of the gap. Walk to the left following the wall until you reach the west edge of the level. Go up. You should see a kid up on a ledge. Ignore him for now and follow the wall you should see to the right until you reach a gap. Go up through the gap and go left to rescue that kid: ####################################################### Cutscene - Child 2 Found ####################################################### Eowyn: Quickly, child, stay out of sight and return to Morwen. ####################################################### From where you found the kid, go up until you reach a lake. Walk to the right along the bank until you reach a shrine. Use the shrine if you want to. After using the shrine, continue going to the right. Even after the bank ends, continue going right. Eventually you will have to stop. At that point, go down until you reach the last kid: ####################################################### Cutscene - Child 3 Found ####################################################### Eowyn: Quickly, child, stay out of sight and return to Morwen. ------------------------------------------------------- Eowyn: All the children have been found. I must hurry to Helm's Deep. ####################################################### Go up again, until you have to go to the left. Continue going left until you can exit the level at the top of the screen. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *********************************************** E. Gap of Rohan *********************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 13 - North Road -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Southwest Corner Ending Location: Northern Edge Difficulty: Medium Shrines: None Strategy: Move Northward. Guide: The level opens with a cutscene: ####################################################### Cutscene - North Road ####################################################### Eowyn: We've made it over the pass. This road runs straight to Helm's Deep. Villager: The people are tired and hungary, Lady. Eowyn: I know, Morwen. I wish I could do something, but our only hope lies to the north. We must press on. ####################################################### From the very beginning of the level you want to follow the path. You will weave around and pass through two fences. Continue on along the path until you reach three grey plants things can be destroyed with several hits. If you go left before reaching the three plants and then go up, you will reach a red pool. Continue up the path to the end. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 14 - Vale -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: South Corner Ending Location: Northern Edge Difficulty: Medium Shrines: Strategy: Follow the paths Northward, Guide: Start off by following the path upwards. It will eventually split of into two seperate paths. To reach the shrine, follow the path to the left until it ends. Then just go up until you reach the shrine. Don't take either. Go left from the fork until you reach a tree barrier. Go up and then right from there. If you continue going to the right and you should be on the other side of the barrier that was blocking the path before. Go up to finish the level. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ********************************************* F. Helm's Deep ********************************************* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 15 - Hornsberg -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Southeast Corner Ending Location: Northwest Corner Difficulty: Easy Shrines: (Forge) Top, Near bridge Strategy: Follow the path and enter the stronghold. Guide: From the start follow the darker paved path to the Northwest. You will eventually see a bridge and two guards and enter a cutscene: ####################################################### Cutscene 1 - Hornsberg ####################################################### Guard: Lady Eowyn, you are safe! Eowyn: I am indeed. Has my Uncle arrived? Guard: Yes. You are to meet him on the terrace level. He is waiting. Eowyn: Thank you, soldier. ####################################################### Continue towards the building and go across the bridge, into the door. ####################################################### Cutscene 2 - Hornsberg ####################################################### Theoden: These past few days have indeed been difficult, my neice... but we are stronger for it. Eowyn: Our people have not suffered so badly for decades. Theoden: If only Eomer had not lost his faith in me. We might have had an even chance. Eowyn: Uncle...? Theoden: Bah, dwelling on my fears will not aid us. Go to the battlements... Aragorn wishes to speak to you. Eowyn: Be safe, Uncle. ####################################################### -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 16 - Battlements -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: NW corner Ending Location: n/a Difficulty: Very Easy Shrines: None Strategy: Talk to Aragorn. Guide: Go down the stairs and talk to Aragorn: ####################################################### Cutscene - Battlements ####################################################### Aragorn: So little time has passed since we began this quest, but so much has transpired. I have the strength to fight still, but I sometimes lack the conviction. Eowyn: If you do, you hide it well. Aragorn: But I do not have enough strength for every soldier! Eowyn: Your men fight by your side because they see your strength, Aragorn - They will not part with you. Aragorn: Thank you, Eowyn. I must speak with your Uncle now. Be safe. Eowyn: I will... (Legolas runs up) Legolas: Aragorn! Orcs from Isengard - approaching from the east. Hurry! Aragorn: Hurry Eowyn! Take your sword and go to your people! ####################################################### -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 17 - Gorge -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Southeast Corner Ending Location: Northwest Corner Difficulty: Medium Shrines: (Shrine) Top of the stairs Strategy: Cross, then follow the river. Guide: Go left upon entering the level. You will pass some stairs. I suggest going up them even though they don't lead to the end of the level. The stairs led to a room full of enemies, allies, a shrine, chests, and breakable containers. After you're finnished, go back down the stairs. From the stairs go left and reach the river. Go down and cross the path across the river. From there follow the edge of the river all the way to the end. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 18 - Valley -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Southeast Corner Ending Location: Northwest Corner Difficulty: Medium Shrines: None Strategy: Go to the left, crossing the bridge. Guide: At the begining of the level go to the left till you reach a bridge. Cross the bridge. If you are low in, health continue going left, without crossing the river, until you reach the red pool. After crossing the bridge go left. The exit of the level looks like a cave enterance. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 19 - Glittering Caves -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Northeast Corner Ending Location: Southwest Corner Difficulty: Medium Shrines: (Forge) Middle Strategy: Explore downwards from the Forge. Guide: Go down and to the left until you reach a bridge. Cross it. Go Southwest from the end of the bridge until you reach another. Cross it also. You will now have 3 paths to choose from. Southwest, Northwest, and Southeast. To the Southwest is a white pool. I would recommend going there first. The Northeast path is just a dead end with no special features and only normal enemies. Take the Southeast path to beat the level. Follow it until you see two walls structed like this: --- ---. There will be a Forge in front of the second wall. Use it if you want to. From the Forge, go down until you pass a wall. Go Southwest from that point on, until you reach a wall. From there go West and you will eventually exit the level. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 20 - Glittering Tunnels -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Northwest Corner Ending Location: Northeast Corner Difficulty: Medium Shrines: Eastern edge (Shrine) Strategy: Meander through the level. Guide: Go west upon entering the level until you reach a bridge. Cross it. At the end of the bridge go left until you reach the Western Edge of the level. Go down until you reach another bridge. Cross it also. Go in a Southwest direction until you can't. Then go South until you reach a wall. From the wall go right and continue until you pass between two large pillars. Go down to the bottom wall and then turn right. You will eventually reach a diagonal wall slanting to the right. Go up until you reach a shrine. From the Shrine left until you can go up. From there, go up until you hit a wall. Go left along the wall until you reach a gap. Go up through the gap and going right until you can go southeast. Go Southeast to the end of the level. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 21 - Glittering Darkness -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Northwest Corner Ending Location: Western Edge Difficulty: Medium Shrines: Middle (Forge) Strategy: Explore around, following the "path" until you hit the end of the level. Guide: Upon entering the level, you can go up and use a red pool located at the top edge of the level. Follow the top wall to the right until you reach the very far away Eastern Edge of the level. Go down until you reach a slanted wall like this: /. Go through the passage. Then go left until you reach the Forge. From the Forge go down until you reach a gap. Go down the gap and go right. Follow the grey floor path downwards. Eventually it will end but there will be two dots of it leading in a direction. Enter the passage that those two dots point to. Go left through the passage. Go left until you reach the very Western Edge of the level. Follow the Western Edge until you reach a red pool. From there, go right until you can go up. Go up and to the left to the end of the level. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 22 - Deep Caves -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Northeast Corner Ending Location: Eastern Edge Difficulty: Medium Shrines: None Strategy: Follow the path of red pools. Guide: From the beginning of the level follow the top wall to the left until you reach a red pool. Go down and to the left until you hit the western edge.From there go down until you reach another red pool. Go down from this red pool, walking around pillars etc... until you see a little gap with a red pool on the other side. Go through the gap and then go directly east from the redpool until you hit a small wall. Go up through a thin gap. From the gap, go up until you see another red pool! Go east from the pool until you hit a pillar or wall. Go Southeast to the end of the level. Use the red pools when you need to. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 23 - Cavern Rebuff -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Starting Location: Northwest Corner Ending Location: Northwest Corner Difficulty: Medium Shrines: None Strategy: Break the rock-like containers until the Lurtz look-alike boss apears. Kill him. Guide: At the opening of the level, use the red pool if you want to. Go southeast across the bridge and destroy the strange rock-like things you come across. Circle around the pool destroying the strange containers. Keep destroying the rock-like containers until the Lurtz look-alike boss apears. Kill him. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BOSS BATTLE: Lurtz Look-alike -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Description: This Uruk-Hai captain looks just like Lurtz. Weapons: Sword & Crossbow Strategy: Eowyn should use similar tactics as Aragorn does when facing Lurtz, the basic hit and run. But remember, don't run too far away or he will take out his crossbow. Estimated Hit Points: ??? Experience gained: 265 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ####################################################### Cutscene - Ending ####################################################### Theoden: Eowyn, the battle is won. Are my people well? Eowyn: The refugees are quite safe, Uncle. Theoden: As is Rohan, for the time being. Eowyn: The people are eager to return to their homes. What will we do now? Aragorn: While Saruman rules Isengard, Eowyn, we cannot pause. Theoden: Then we ride to Isengard now... I hope to sleep in people this evening. Gather your men, Aragorn. (Eowyn and Aragorn runs to the side) Eowyn: Where will you go, once Isengard is defeated? Aragorn: There is still much to do in the East. Gondor will soon be assaulted by Sauron's own forces. Eowyn: Will you fight with them? Aragorn: I must. They are my people. Eowyn: I see... (Aragorn walks away and turns around) Aragorn: You fought bravely today, Eowyn. May you always be as strong. Eowyn: It is not difficult to fight when you are fighting for people you love. Aragorn: Farewell for now, Eowyn. (Eowyn runs to the side) ####################################################### _____ __ __ __ | | | | | |\ | | \ | |--| |- |- | \ | | | | | | |__ |__ | \| |__/ Congratulations you have now beaten Eowyn's Quest. Your character will start over from the beginning again. You now have the choice to play through again and again; leveling up and collecting even better items. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 6. Special Thanks -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Zephyrmaster - For allowing me to use his guide, expand on it, add to it, and revise it. CJayC - For posting this guide and for Gamefaqs. ******************************************* Contributor Recognition ******************************************* skaven - Contributation to the "Primary Stats" section. More will be added as they come along. ******************************************* Contributing ******************************************* If you would like you contribute to the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Eowyn FAQ/Walkthrough, you can contact me, at: rdorrance@cox.net All information is appreciated. Credit will be given where it is due. Things that I am looking for include: - Information about Eowyn in the Books. - Shrine locations. - Hints and Tips. - Bugs in Eowyn's Quest. - Additional Eowyn Types. - Errors (factual or spelling). - You may even submit a Walkthrough for a certian level if you wish... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 7. Version History -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version: 1.11 - Updated 4/24/03 - Contributors added. - Several typos fixed. Version: 1.10 - Updated 4/21/03 - "Sword and Shield Eowyn" and "Two-Handed Sword Eowyn" added to each Eowyn Type. - "Special Thanks" section added. - Several typos fixed. Version: 1.00 - Submited 4/20/03 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 8. Notes -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. - This FAQ can only be viewed on GameFAQs. - You can contact me, if you wish to, at: rdorrance@cox.net © 2003 Numbers & zephyrmaster