Splinter Cell Guide for GBA Current version 0.2 Guide by Brian Webb (ticketeater2031) email speedracer4239@yahoo.com May 10, 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents 1) Version Information 2) Contact 3) Game Basics a) Controls b) In-Game Elements c) Weapons & Gadgets d) Other Items 4) Walkthrough a) Training b) Mission 1: T'bilisi c) Mission 2: Police Station d) Mission 3: Defense Ministry (incomplete) e) Mission 4: CIA (incomplete) f) Mission 5: Caspian Oil Refinery (incomplete) g) Mission 6: Shipyard (incomplete) h) Mission 7: Nuclear Plant (incomplete) i) Mission 8: Abattoir 1 (incomplete) j) Mission 9: Abattoir 2 (incomplete) 5) Bonus Missions a) Bonus Mission 1 b) Bonus Mission 2 (incomplete) c) Bonus Mission 3 (incomplete) d) Bonus Mission 4 e) Bonus Mission 5 (incomplete) f) Bonus Mission 6 g) Bonus Mission 7 (incomplete) h) Bonus Mission 8 (incomplete) i) Bonus Mission 9 (incomplete) j) Bonus Mission 10 (incomplete) 6) Credits & Copyright ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Version Information Version 0.2 -Walkthrough up to Mission 2 -Three bonus missions -Game Basics Section and Contact -Completed May 10, 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2) Contact If you have any questions, or would like to contribute to this walkthrough, please feel to contact me via email at speedracer4239@yahoo.com I can also be reached on AIM. My screen name is ticketeater20. Be aware though, I'm not on AIM frequently so email is the best way to contact me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3) Game Basics a) Controls D-PAD UP: Interact with objects such as medkits, guns, safes, computers, etc. D-PAD DOWN: Crouch or climb down. D-PAD LEFT/RIGHT: Move left/right. To run, double tap in the direction you want to run A BUTTON: Jump B BUTTON: Strike/use weapon START: Pause menu SELECT: Switch between pistol and gas grenades R BUTTON: Sticky cam, hold the R button while using the D-pad to move the camera around. L BUTTON: Draw pistol, select grenade throwing distance. -Close Attack: press the B button when near an enemy to hit him. You cannot have a weapon out while doing this. -Climbing: Walk up to a pipe, ladder, cable, or fence and press D-pad up or down to go up or down. Press A and D-pad left or right to jump off in that direction. Double tap down to slide down faster. -Shimmying: Where possible, you can drop down and hang onto a ledge by crouching then pressing D-pad down again. Press D-pad left or right to go in the corresponding direction. Press D-pad up to climb back up, assuming there is nothing obstructing you. -Hang Shooting: while hanging, with your legs untucked, you can take out your weapon and fire. This will be necessary on occasions. -Drop Attack: If you land on an enemy while falling down from an overhead pipe or a high stack of boxes, you will knock him out. -Rappelling: Crouch down near a small chimney and press D-pad down again to take out your rope. BE CAREFUL, you cannot go up when rappelling, so don't get stuck on a window with a guard walking by, as he'll trigger an alarm, and your mission is over. b) In-Game Elements Alarm Panel -Triggered by enemies to alert nearby comrades. -If the alarm is on, find an alarm panel and press D-pad up to deactivate the alarm. Automatic Gun -Don't get in their line of sight, otherwise they'll shred you to pieces. -To deactivate these guns, press D-pad up. Press A as fast as you can to destroy the gears. Surveillance Camera -The nanosecond the camera sees you it will trigger an alarm, so don't let them see you. -There is a blind spot underneath the camera. -To see what the camera can see, use your sticky cam, the red cone is what it can see. Computer -Always interact with a computer whenever you can. They can do numerous things, including completing objectives, turning off the lights (so the bad guys cant see you), and turning of laser beams. Locked Door -Use your lock pick to open the door. Simply try to go through the door to get to the lock pick screen. Use the D-pad to move the pick and hit the blue blocks. Once all blocks have been hit, the door will open. Key Card Door -These doors require that you have the correct key card. To see which key card is needed, look for a little colored box on, or near the door. It will be colored red, yellow, or green. Find that color key card to gain access. Laser Beam -If you cross one of these beams, they will either set of an alarm, or detonate explosives. To see the laser beams, use your thermal goggles. Mines -Mines are hidden on the ground and if you step on them, they really mess up your day. Avoid them by using your thermal goggles. Lambert will warn you if there are any mines in the area. Safe -Unlock all safes in the game to access one of the nine bonus missions. -Go up to a safe and press D-pad up. Use the R and L buttons to align the wheels with the pin. Press right to enter the pin. c) Weapons & Gadgets Press the L button to draw your pistol or set the grenade throwing distance. Then press the B button to either fire the pistol, or throw the grenade. WEAPONS SC Pistol -Pistol equipped with tranquilizer darts to put your enemies to sleep SC-20K -Long range sniper rifle. Used only during boss battles. Gas Grenades -Used to incapacitate enemies. Not harmful to you. GADGETS Night Vision -Used to amplify low light to enable you to see in the dark Thermal (IR) Vision -Use to see laser beams and mines. Sticky Camera -Use to look ahead and see where enemies and cameras might be hiding. A cameras field of vision is highlighted in red on the sticky cam, stay out of that red area. d) Other Items First-Aid Kit -Use to heal yourself. Press D-pad up when in front of it to use. Key Cards -Used to open doors requiring key cards -Three different levels of key cards: Red (Low-level clearance) Yellow (Medium-level clearance) Green (High-level clearance) Ammo Boxes -Run into them to pick up the ammo it contains. Gives you three bullets or two grenades. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4) Walkthrough a) Training Difficulty: Easy Objectives: N/A Number of Safes: 1 My best percentage: N/A Climb up the ladder and jump off to the platform on your right. Jump up onto the overhead pipe and drop down to the platform below. Jump onto, then off the pipe, jump onto the boxes, then onto the platform. Jump to the platform on your right, then run-jump to the next platform. Jump up onto the overhead pipe and tuck your legs in so you can fit through the big pipe. Untuck as soon as you exit and fall all the way down. Go under the platform, then crouch to get under the low ceiling. Jump up to the platform and climb the ladder. Jump up onto the overhead pipe, go across, then drop down once you get to the platform. Go right, slide down the ladder, and go through the door. Run to the right, use your sticky cam once you see the camera to see where it's looking. When it's looking right, get under the camera. When it looks left go right to the wall, drop down and hang from the ledge, and shimmy to the other side. Go to the small chimney, drop down, and rappel all the way down. Once you get to the bottom, pick up the pistol ammo and shoot the target right in front of you. Crouch and shoot the target below it. Climb up onto the boxes then onto the overhead pipe, take out your pistol, and shoot the other target. Drop down, go left, and pick up the box of gas grenades. Drop a grenade in the hole with a target, then go past the hole and through the door. Pick up the box of grenades to the left of the door. Stand to the right of the door about two arms "width" and throw the grenade at full strength. It should hit the boxes and bounce past the hole, nailing the 3rd target. From the same place throw a grenade at strength level three. It should get the 2nd target, the one in the hole. Stand next to the boxes and throw a grenade at strength level 2. It should get the target. Go through the door once your done. Go right and lock pick the door to get through. Go right, unlock the safe, then go through the door. Put on your nightvision goggles, then go right, jumping onto the boxes and platforms until you reach the door. Go through the door. Put on your thermal goggles and jump over the first two laser beams, then crouch and go under the last two laser beams. Go through the door to complete training. b) Mission 1: T'bilisi Difficulty: Easy Objectives: 1-Get through the building 2-Retrieve the documents 3-Find Blaustein's Black Box Number of Safes: 1 My best percentage: 100% From the starting point go right, over the crates, and down the zipline. Enter the door. Go right, over the boxes and the fire next to it and jump onto the pipe above the next fire. (Without toasting 1/4 of your health off) Climb to the top of the pipe and jump off going right. Jump over the fire and enter through the door. Run down the stairs, jump over the fire, and enter through the next door. Run to the left and jump onto the boxes, then onto the overhead pipe. Go all the way across, jump off, jump onto the first pipe, and jump onto each of the other pipes at the top to reach the other side. Go left and slide all the way down the pipe when you reach it. Go right, jump onto the pipe then the one overhead to get across the fire. Run all the way to the right, jumping over the fire and sliding down 3/4 of the pipe when you reach it. (Use the sticky cam to see why) Jump off to the left and enter through the door. Jump onto the overhead pipe and wait for the explosions to end before going across. Enter through the door. Jump onto the boxes, then the overhead pipe to get across the fire. Jump off to the left and RUN, yes, RUN all they way to the left. If you don't you'll probably get most of your health burned off, or end up dead when you get caught in the explosions. Enter through the door to complete the 1st objective. Run all the way to the left, jumping onto the overhead pipe and over the hole on the way. Slide all the way down the pipe and run to the boxes to your right. Jump onto the boxes, then onto the pipe to get across the fire. Run to the right so you can jump all the way to the otherside. Run to the right and enter the elevator shaft. Jump onto, then slide down the rope until your head is just above the floor you were just on. Then jump off to the right, landing onto the floor below. Go to the next screen. Go left, jump onto the overhead pipe and tuck your legs in to get across with both legs intact, and not burned. Jump over the fire to your left, and jump onto the pipe when you reach a big fire. Climb to the top, and jump left and then off the leftmost pipe to get back to the floor below, on the other side of the fire. Run left and enter through the door. Use the first-aid kit on the wall if necessary, then open the safe to complete the 2nd objective. Exit through the door you came in, and make your way back to the elevator shaft. Jump onto the rope and go as far down as you can. Jump off to the right in between the rope and fire. Crouch down and go under the fire to get to the next screen. Run left, jump over the hole in the floor and crouch down to get under the low ceiling. Get back up and run all the way to the door and enter through it. Walk down the stairs and jump onto the overhead pipe, without toasting your feet. Jump onto the next pipe, climb up a little bit, jump to the next pipe, climb a bit, then jump off to the right, onto the floor next to you. Walk down the stairs, jump up onto the overhead pipe, go across, and go through the door after jumping off the pipe. Crouch down to get past the low ceiling. (Don't worry the floor wont collapse until you get off) Jump up onto the overhead pipe and jump off when you get across. Climb to the pipe of the pipe to your right, then jump onto the overhead pipe. Go across and drop down when your over the pipe below you. Go across on this pipe, jump off, and run right until you get to the next pipe, which you should slide down all the way. Run to the left, jumping onto the pipe overhead to get past the fire, then enter through the door that's down the hallway a little bit. Crouch down to get past the low ceiling then jump onto the overhead pipe to get past the fire. Enter through the door. Run to your left and go through the door. You should now be outside, and about to encounter your first two guards of the game. Jump onto the ledge that the guard is on, and wait for him to come back. When he goes back to the right, climb up, walk up to him, and hit him with your elbow. Don't use your pistol, you need the ammo later. Use the sticky cam and look down and right a little bit, there should be a guard. When he goes to the right, run jump to his platform, walk up to him, and hit him with your elbow. If for some reason he hears or sees you, shoot him with your gun. Jump up onto the ledge above you and lock pick the door to get in. Run to the right. When you see a guard, pull out your pistol and shoot him. One shot is all it takes. Go through the door to your right and shoot another guard that you see. Go into the elevator to your left and shoot yet another guard in the back of the head. (These guards need to learn how to look in more than one direction) Go into the elevator, and yet again, shoot the guard in the back of the head. Enter through the door and figure out what to do with the next guard. Go right and enter through the first door you come to. Inside there's ammo and a medkit, which i doubt you need to use at this point. Run to the right, walk down the stairs, and hit him from behind to knock him out of your way. Enter through the door to encounter a guard that actually moves, but not for long as you instinctively pull out your pistol and shoot the guard. Run past him, enter through the door, shoot another guard, and lock pick the door to get in. Run all the way to the right, interact with the bookcase, and you just finished you first mission. Congratulations! c) Mission 2: Police Station Difficulty: Easy Objectives: 1-Get into the police station 2-Find the Morgue 3-Access the security system Number of Safes: 2 My best percentage: 100% Go right, hop over the box, jump up to the telephone pole, jump off to the crate, then up onto the overhead railing. Tuck in your legs go past the fence, untuck jump to the crate, run-jump to the box, then up onto the crate. Drop down from the crate, take out your pistol, and shoot the guard when you see him. Jump up to the crate then jump up and land onto the guard below. Watch the camera and get under it when it looks away from you. When it turns back to the left, go to the next hiding spot in the wall and wait for the other camera to turn away before going underneath it. Shoot the guard whenever you see him if you haven't done so already and pick up his red key card. Go right and enter the police station through the door. Go right, crouch when you get to the window so the guard doesn't see you, keep going right, and shoot the guard in the head whenever you see him. Crouch walk past the 2nd window, stand up, and run to the elevator. once you get to the next floor, walk up to the guard's back and hit him with your elbow. Keep going left while watching the camera so it doesn't see you. Get under the camera, crouch walk past the window, and stop and stand up at the pillar just past the window. Shoot the guard when you see him. When the camera to your left turns away, get under it. When it turns back to the right, run out from under it and go through the door. WALK towards the guard and hit him with your elbow once you get to him. Crouch walk past the window and stand back up. Go right until you reach the elevator. If you don't need health take the elevator up, if you do, go right, watch out for the camera, and use the medkit. When you reach the next floor, crouch, and go left past the window and stop at the door and see where the camera is looking. Shoot the guard and get under the camera when you can. When the camera looks right, run left and go through the door. Hit the guard with your elbow and open the safe. Head back to the elevator, and don't forget about the camera. Once you get to the elevator, crouch, go past the window, and lock pick the door. WALK up to the guard, hit him with your elbow, and get under the camera. When the camera looks away from the computer, interact with it to complete the 2nd objective. Head out the door. Jump over the pile of boxes, crouch walk past the window, stand up and shoot guard when you see him. Enter through the first door you come too, hit the guard with your elbow from behind, and take the ammo box. Run past the elevator, crouch walk to the safe, open it, then head back to the elevator. Go in the elevator, and shoot the guard to your right when you come out. Crouch go left, and watch out for the camera. When it turns to the left, get under it and shoot the guard. When the camera looks away, run left and lock pick the door. Quickly run under the camera and to the computer. It will turn off the lights thus making you invisible to cameras and guards. Run back to the elevator. Once you reach it, run right and lock pick the door. Run right and enter the elevator when you reach it. Hit the guard with your elbow and run to the computer. Interact with it to end the mission. d) Mission 3: Defense Ministry (incomplete) Difficulty: Easy-Medium Objectives: 1-Get into the Defense Ministry 2-Install laser-mic 3-Access Nikoladze's computer Number of Safes: My best percentage: 95% e) Mission 4: CIA (incomplete) Difficulty: Easy Boss Difficulty: Easy Objectives: 1-Enter CIA via the roof 2-Find Mitchell Dougherty's desk 3-Photograph some bureaucrats Number of Safes: My best percentage: 90% f) Mission 5: Caspian Oil Refinery (incomplete) Difficulty: Medium Objectives: 1-Get to the main platform 2-Find the mercenary technician 3-Find the helipad for extraction Number of Safes: My best percentage: 75% g) Mission 6: Shipyard (incomplete) Difficulty: Medium Objectives: 1-Find the submarine control room 2-Cut the satellite signal 3-Escape from the shipyard Number of Safes: My best percentage: 75% h) Mission 7: Nuclear Plant (incomplete) Difficulty: Hard Objectives: 1-Trigger the alarm 2-Find the central computer 3-Enter the power plant Number of Safes: My best percentage: 70% i) Mission 8: Abattoir 1 (incomplete) Difficulty: Medium-Hard Boss Difficulty: Medium Objectives: 1-Destroy the transmission antenna 2-Locate the hostages 3-Neutralize Grinko Number of Safes: My best percentage: 70% j) Mission 9: Abattoir 2 (incomplete) Difficulty: Medium-Hard Boss Difficulty: Easy-Medium Objectives: 1-Find the President's tape 2-Find the Ark's key 3-Neutralize Nikoladze Number of Safes: My best percentage: 65% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5) Bonus Missions a) Bonus Mission 1 Time Limit: 1 minute How to unlock: Complete missions 1-5 at 60% or higher My best score: 21 Points System: Terrorist (Red Hat)=5pts. Terrorist (Black Mask)=3pts. Black Suited Guy=1pt. Civilians=-2pts. -The 5pt. terrorists are usually found on the right half of the highest floor and both sides of the lowest floor. -The 3pt. terrorists are usually found anywhere except the highest and lowest floor, although one does come up occasionally in those floors. -The 1pt. black suited guys and -2pt. Civilians can be found everywhere. b) Bonus Mission 2 (incomplete) c) Bonus Mission 3 (incomplete) d) Bonus Mission 4 Time Limit: N/A How to unlock: Complete missions 6-9 at 60% or higher My best time: 1:33 Points System: Time This bonus mission is actually a timed obstacle course. After spending much time on this, this appears to be the fastest way through it. Here goes. Climb up the ladders until you get to the zipline. Go across and climb the ladder. You should be at the ladder at around 10 seconds. Jump up onto the overhead pipe, go right, tuck your legs in, go through the big pipe, untuck, drop down, and rappel down the wall. Go right, crouch, get past the low ceiling. and jump up to the platform above you. Jump onto the next platform, go right, and fall down in between the wall and the pipe. Crouch and walk through the low ceiling area. Run-jump to each pile of boxes and platforms until you reach a platform with a pipe on it. Climb it, then jump off to the platform on your right. Run jump to each platform until you reach an overhead pipe. Go across and fall down to the last tiny platform before the end of the pipe. Run jump to the next platform. Go right, and go down all the ladders. Once you reach the floor go all the way to the right. When you reach the end, jump up to each of the platforms until you reach a door. Go through it to end this mission. e) Bonus Mission 5 (incomplete) f) Bonus Mission 6 Time Limit: 1 minute How to unlock: Open all safes My best score: 44 Points System: Red suit=5pts. Blue suit=2pts. Black suit=-5pts. The red guys always appear in the same location everytime you play the game, so memorize their locations. You will have to get the blue guys whenever you can if you want to rack up a lot of points. g) Bonus Mission 7 (incomplete) h) Bonus Mission 8 (incomplete) i) Bonus Mission 9 (incomplete) j) Bonus Mission 10 (incomplete) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6) Credits & Copyright Walkthrough by: ticketeater2031 (Brian Webb) Thanks to: evrager (for finding out how to unlock the bonus missions) Ubi Soft (for creating an awesome game) Copyright 2003 Brian Webb This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.