========================================================================== Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 FAQ/Walkthrough For the Game Boy Advance Handheld Video Game System By KirbyRockz Last Updated: 01/14/04 Version 2.42 This document is Copyright 2003 A.H. ========================================================================== Table of Contents 1. Overview 2. Updates 3. The Skaters 4. Amateur Tour Walkthrough 4.1 CA College 4.2 Alcatraz 4.3 Kona 4.4 Shipyard 4.5 Zoo 4.6 London 5. Before You Go Pro (Pro Challenges) 6. Pro Tour Walkthrough 6.1 CA College 6.2 Alcatraz 6.3 Kona 6.4 Shipyard 6.5 Zoo 6.6 London 9. Secrets 10. FAQ 11. Contact 12. Acknowledgements 13. Legal ========================================================================== 1. Overview ========================================================================== Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 lets players take on the role of renowned skateboarder Tony Hawk and 13 other athletes as they skate through enormous free roaming levels, choose from 190 progressively harder goals and build their skills to perform 14 of the greatest skateboarding stunts of all time. The game's new free-roaming career mode allows players to earn respect and the chance to take on all new pro goals by conquering a skater-specific Pro Challenge based on each skater's personal history. Better overview in a later update. XD ========================================================================== 2. Updates ========================================================================== 09/12/03- Starting up! I have all the way to Shipyard done, plus some skater stats. More to come! 09/18/03- The Walkthrough is complete! YAY! Now, for the "The Skaters" chapter, the Secrets chapter and the Pro Challenges. All done now, except for those! 11/12/03- I've been working on the Secrets section. Same with some of the Pro Challenges, and a bit more work on the Bios has been done. I'll probably have a short description of each skater in a future update. :) 11/14/03- Secrets and "The Skaters" are now complete. Pro Challenges are almost done. :) They're the only thing left. ;) 01/14/04- All done! This FAQ is 100% complete for now! ^_^ ========================================================================== 3. The Skaters ========================================================================== ************* * Tony Hawk * ************* Type: Vert DEFAULT SPECIALS: Froggy Grind BS Overturn Dbl. Kickflip to Indy Indo 900 DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * * * * (7) Hangtime: * * * * * (5) Ollie: * * * (3) Speed: * * * * * (5) Spin: * * * * * * * * (8) Switch: * * * * (4) Rail balance: * * * * * (5) Lip balace: * * * * * (5) Manual balance: * * * (3) ***************** * Bob Burnquist * ***************** Type: Vert DEFAULT SPECIALS: Sitdown Air Racket Air BS Rocket Tailslide The Fandangle DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * * * (6) Hangtime: * * * * * (5) Ollie: * * * * (4) Speed: * * * * * (5) Spin: * * * * * (5) Switch: * * * * * * * * (8) Rail balance: * * (2) Lip balance: * * * * * * * (7) Manual balance: * * * (3) ******************* * Steve Caballero * ******************* Type: Street DEFAULT SPECIALS: Air Guitar Kickflip Superman Daffy Grind FS 540 DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * * * * (7) Hangtime: * * * * * * (6) Ollie: * * * * * (5) Speed: * * * * (4) Spin: * * * * * (5) Switch: * * * * (4) Rail balance: * * * * * * (6) Lip balance: * * * * * (5) Manual balance: * * * * * (5) ******************* * Kareem Campbell * ******************* Type: Street DEFAULT SPECIALS: Kickflip Backflip Nosegrind to Pivot Casper Remo Slide DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * * * (6) Hangtime: * * * (3) Ollie: * * * * * * (6) Speed: * * * * * (5) Spin: * * * * * * * (7) Switch: * * * * * (5) Rail balance: * * * * * * * (7) Lip balance: * * (2) Manual balance: * * * * (4) ***************** * Rune Glifberg * ***************** Type: Vert DEFAULT SPECIALS: Crail Slide One Foot Bluntslide Double Kickflip Madonna Christ Air DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * * * * (7) Hangtime: * * * * * * * (7) Ollie: * * * * * (5) Speed: * * * * (4) Spin: * * * * * (5) Switch: * * * * * * (6) Rail balance: * * * * (4) Lip balance: * * * * * (5) Manual balance: * * (2) *************** * Eric Koston * *************** Type: Street DEFAULT SPECIALS: Falcon Slide The Fandangle Pizza Guy DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * (4) Hangtime: * * * (3) Ollie: * * * * * * * (7) Speed: * * * * (4) Spin: * * * * (4) Switch: * * * * * * * (7) Rail balance: * * * * * * * (7) Lip balance: * * * (3) Manual balance: * * * * * * (6) *************** * Bucky Lasek * *************** Type: Vert DEFAULT SPECIALS: Lien Rodeo One Foot Japan The Big Hitter Fingerflip Airwalk DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * * * * (7) Hangtime: * * * * * * * (7) Ollie: * * * (3) Speed: * * * * * (5) Spin: * * * * * * * (7) Switch: * * * * * (5) Rail balance: * * * (3) Lip balance: * * * * * * (6) Manual balance: * * (2) *************** * Bam Margera * *************** Type: Street DEFAULT SPECIALS: Russian Boneless 540 Tailwhip The @#%$ DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * (4) Hangtime: * * * * (4) Ollie: * * * * * * (6) Speed: * * * * * * (6) Spin: * * * * * (5) Switch: * * * * * * (6) Rail balance: * * * * * * * (7) Lip balance: * * * (3) Manual balance: * * * * (4) ***************** * Rodney Mullen * ***************** Type: Street DEFAULT SPECIALS: Gazelle Underflip Heelflip Darkslide 5-0 Fingerflip Nosegrind Half Cab Impossible DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * (2) Hangtime: * * (2) Ollie: * * * * * * (6) Speed: * * * (3) Spin: * * * * * * * * (8) Switch: * * * * * * * * (8) Rail balance: * * * * * * (6) Lip balance: * * (2) Manual balance: * * * * * * * * (8) ************** * Chad Muska * ************** Type: Street DEFAULT SPECIALS: Mute Backflip Muska Beatz Ghetto Tag Grind Muska Nose Manual DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * (4) Hangtime: * * * * (4) Ollie: * * * * * * * * (8) Speed: * * * * * (5) Spin: * * * * * (5) Switch: * * * * * (5) Rail balance: * * * * * * * * (8) Lip balance: * * * (3) Manual balance: * * * (3) ******************* * Andrew Reynolds * ******************* Type: Street DEFAULT SPECIALS: Dark Disaster Nosegrab Tailslide Hardflip Late Flip Triple Heelflip DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * (4) Hangtime: * * (2) Ollie: * * * * * * * * (8) Speed: * * * * (4) Spin: * * * * * (5) Switch: * * * * * * * (7) Rail balance: * * * * * * * * (8) Lip balance: * * * * (4) Manual balance: * * * (3) **************** * Geoff Rowley * **************** Type: Street DEFAULT SPECIALS: Rowley Darkslide Double Hardflip Half Flip Casper Sproing DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * * * (6) Hangtime: * * (2) Ollie: * * * * * * (6) Speed: * * * * (4) Spin: * * * * * (5) Switch: * * * * (4) Rail balance: * * * * * * * * (8) Lip balance: * * * * * * * (7) Manual balance: * * * (3) ****************** * Elissa Steamer * ****************** Type: Street DEFAULT SPECIALS: Judo Madonna Indy Backflip Madonna Tailslide No Comply 360 Shove It DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * * (5) Hangtime: * * * * * (5) Ollie: * * * * * (5) Speed: * * * * (4) Spin: * * * * * (5) Switch: * * * * * (5) Rail balance: * * * * * * (6) Lip balance: * * * * * (5) Manual balance: * * * * * (5) **************** * Jamie Thomas * **************** Type: Street DEFAULT SPECIALS: Laser Flip Layback Crook Big Spin Crook One Foot Nose Manual DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * (4) Hangtime: * * * * (4) Ollie: * * * * * * * (7) Speed: * * * * * (5) Spin: * * * * (4) Switch: * * * * (4) Rail balance: * * * * * * * * (8) Lip balance: * * * * (4) Manual balance: * * * * * (5) ******************* * Create a Skater * ******************* Type: Street DEFAULT SPECIALS: 540 Flip Darkslide Kickflip McTwist Crail Slide DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * * (5) Hangtime: * * * * * (5) Ollie: * * * * * (5) Speed: * * * * * (5) Spin: * * * * * (5) Switch: * * * * * (5) Rail balance: * * * * * (5) Lip balance: * * * * * (5) Manual balance: * * * * * (5) ********* * Mindy * ********* Type: Street DEFAULT SPECIALS: Handspring Layout Super Clap Awwww Yeah! No Comply 360 Shove It DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * * (5) Hangtime: * * * * * (5) Ollie: * * * * * (5) Speed: * * * * * (5) Spin: * * * * * (5) Switch: * * * * * (5) Rail balance: * * * * * (5) Lip balance: * * * * * (5) Manual balance: * * * * * (5) *********** * Frycook * *********** Type: Street DEFAULT SPECIALS: Froggy Grind Sitdown Air Crook Big Spin Crook Sproing DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * * (5) Hangtime: * * * * * (5) Ollie: * * * * * (5) Speed: * * * * * (5) Spin: * * * * * (5) Switch: * * * * * (5) Rail balance: * * * * * (5) Lip balance: * * * * * (5) Manual balance: * * * * * (5) ******** * Momo * ******** Type: Street DEFAULT SPECIALS: Double Kickflip to Indy Falcon Slide Layback One Foot Nose Manual DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * * (5) Hangtime: * * * * * (5) Ollie: * * * * * (5) Speed: * * * * * (5) Spin: * * * * * (5) Switch: * * * * * (5) Rail balance: * * * * * (5) Lip balance: * * * * * (5) Manual balance: * * * * * (5) ********* * Roger * ********* Type: Street DEFAULT SPECIALS: 5-0 Fingerflip Nosegrind FS 540 Heelflip Darkslide Reemo Slide DEFAULT STATS: Air: * * * * * (5) Hangtime: * * * * * (5) Ollie: * * * * * (5) Speed: * * * * * (5) Spin: * * * * * (5) Switch: * * * * * (5) Rail balance: * * * * * (5) Lip balance: * * * * * (5) Manual balance: * * * * * (5) ========================================================================== 4. Amateur Tour Walkthrough ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 CA College -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOAL CHECKLIST: Freshman Year: The Ollie Sophomore Year: Grinds Junior Year: Basic Air Senior Year: Manuals Final Exam: Land a 10,000 Point Combo Find the Hidden Tape Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I Collect C-O-M-B-O In One Line Part I Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II Collect C-O-M-B-O In One Line Part II Win a Medal in the Competition Get a High Score of 10,000 Points Get a Pro Score of 30,000 Points Get a Sick Score of 50,000 Points Bet You Can't Beat These Three Combos... There's a Study Group Tonight With Professor Skate! Tell the Skaters! Officer Tom is on a Rampage! Warn the Skaters! Freshman Year: The Ollie Firstly, you have to Ollie the staircase. Simply hold in B, and and release it when you get near the tip of the top step. Next, you'll be asked to do a Fastplant or a Boneless, depending on whether you are Vert or Street. To do this, tap Up twice, then press Ollie. Sophomore Year: Grinds At the start of this challenge, you'll be asked to Grind around a planter. Choose either planter, and when you get near the edge of it, tap A to grind. Keep the yellow arrow in the middle of the bar, so you don't fall off. Ollie off after you get the Planter Gap. Next, you have to do a transition grind on the curb your facing. This is simple if you know what to do. When you reach the curb, press A, then halfway to the end press Down+A. There are other combinations, but this is the one that's the easiest. Now you'll be asked to perform a Wallride anywhere. You'll have to go to a different wall then the Parking Garage to do this. When you approach a wall from the side, perform an Ollie, and when it looks like you're about to touch the wall, press A to perform a Wall Ride. While you're here, you might as well learn how to perform the Wallie. While in the middle of a Wall Ride, press B. You jump upward from the wall, which can provide an additional boost to get to those hard-to- reach areas. Lastly, you'll have to perform a Disaster. When you approach the vert ramp it places you near, press Down-Left+A if you are a Vert skater, or press Right+A if you are Street. Press B when you are ready to get off. Junior Year: Basic Air Right off, you'll have to do a Heelflip. Ollie, and in midair press Right+L. Next, you have to perform an Airwalk. Jump into the sewer close by, and get some air. When you are in the air, press Down+Down+A if Vert, and Down+A if you are Street. Next, you gotta do a 180. Simply get some air, and spin around one half a rotation or more to get this one. Senior Year: Manuals The first asking is to manual across the road ahead. Get some speed, and press Up+Down without Ollieing (weird word to say ^_^). Once again, keep the yellow arrow in the middle of the bar, until you make it over. Once over, simply Ollie or hold Up. Next, you have to pivot during a manual. Perform the manual, and press R. Just R, no directions on the D-Pad or anything. Then, Ollie out of it. Moving on, you'll be asked to do a Revert. Ollie at the end of the vert ramp ahead, and press R RIGHT WHEN YOU TOUCH THE RAMP ON THE WAY DOWN. Remember this. Finally, you have to transfer over the spine. When in the air after jumping off the ramp, hold L+R. You'll land on the opposite end of the ramp. Final Exam: Land a 10,000+ Point Combo Can't help you much here, but I would just keep a manual going and tap R to pivot alot. If you can make it to a rail first, you could nail some big points on there. Watch the points at the bottom, and when you think you have enough, jump out of it. Find The Hidden Tape On the northeastern wall, there's a line of buildings, with a red and white striped roof in the middle. Wallie up to that roof. Now, on the left building's roof is the tape. Wallie up to it. It can be a bit difficult. But, if you can't get this, there's a longer way. Next to the pool in the northwestern corner of the level, there's a ramp leading up. Follow it, and use the vert ramp to get up to the roof of the building. From there, grind the rail leading north. It'll lead you to the Tape. There's a study group tonight with Professor Skate! (Tell the 5 boys) The first one is the one it shows you at the beginning of the challenge (next to the rail). If you keep riding, you'll come across a building. From there, head southeast. You'll see the next one at the top of a wall, in the middle of a "triangle" of sorts. Wallie up to him. Next, go into the pool nearby. The next is in the middle of it. Now, follow the western border of the level, staying on the floor and not the grass. When you will see the next one next to a bench after a bit. The last one is on the bridge, in the middle of the level. Officer Tom is on a rampage! Warn the skaters! This one is simple, because of the arrow aid. Simply follow the arrows and touch everyone that it tells you to before you run out of time. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I VERT: S- On the ledge heading down. You'll see it at the beginning. K- On the steps you ollied over in the Freshman Year. A- On the northeastern ledge, leading out to the street. T- Going out onto the street, Ollie up the Vert Ramp on the right. T is on the top. E- Immediately after grabbing T, hit Grind to grind the roof ledge in the direction of the Parking Garage. E is near the end. STREET: S- On the grind rail ahead, toward the building. K- On the second grind rail, connected to the same building that S was at. A- From A, you should see a vert ramp connected to the adjacent building. Ollie up it, and grind the roof for A. T- Keep grinding the roof, around the parking garag, until the rail comes to a stop. Ollie back to the ground from where you are, and you'll see T on a rail next to the street. E- If you grind the rail in T heading west, you'll come across it on another rail. Collect C-O-M-B-O In One Line Part I VERT: You'll see C at the beginning. Grind the ledge, and follow it to get O. Ollie off at the end of the ledge to get M. Manual over to the ledge on the right, and grind it to get B. Stay on the ledge, and jump over the next gap for O. STREET: As always, you'll see the C at the beginning. Grind the ledge for it, and keep grinding it until you come to a gap. Ollie over it and grind again for O. Yet another gap. Ollie over this one as well and grind again for M. Keep grinding for B, and Ollie off at the end for O. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II VERT: S- You see it at the beginning, as always. Ollie up the vert ramp and grind the ledge for it. K- Ollie off the ledge, and head south. The first planter you see, grind it for K. A- Head in a southern direction, staying within the "area", and not leaving it. When you come to as far south as you can without jumping out of this "area", you can see the A. T- Head west now, and between the two bench terminal things lies the T. E- If you head east more and follow the edge of the level, you'll come across the E on a ledge surrounding a pool. STREET: S- You can see it at the beginning, on a planter. K- This one you can see as well from the beginning, on the Spine Ramp. A- Head south, and you'll see it on a ledge. T- Follow the ledge in a north-westernly direction, and you'll find it on a bench. E- Follow the benches until you see E on another ledge. Collect C-O-M-B-O In One Line Part II VERT: Start grinding the ledge for C. IMMEDIATELY after grabbing C, Ollie off and manual to the benches. O and M are on benches one and two, respectively. Ollie and grind from one to the next. After you grind all three benches, Ollie and manual. Keep manualling to the ledge for B. See inside of where the ledge is lies a pool? Manual into it, and Ollie up the ramp high enough just to reach O. STREET: Ride down the ledge you see ahead for C, then Ollie off and manual over to the nearby circular bench, and grind it for O. Ollie off and manual again, this time over to a ledge near the steps and grind it for M. You'll know which one ;). Grind all the way up the ledge, and manual in the same direction for B. Finally, aim a little right, next to the rail, for O. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 Alcatraz -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOAL CHECKLIST: Win a Medal in the Competition Find the Hidden Tape Do At Least 8 Tricks The Inmates Tell You To Disarm The Bombs!! Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I Collect C-O-M-B-O In One Line Part I Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II Collect C-O-M-B-O In One Line Part II High Score - 30,000 Pro Score - 60,000 Sick Score - 90,000 Beat 40,000 Points in a Single Combo Run Find 10 Keys to Escape Manual Down To Freedom Grind Around The Swimming Pool Yo Man, Transfer Off the Roof! Transition Grind Down the Hill Find the Hidden Tape You might want to spend some time on finding some Stat Points and upgrading your Ollie and Hangtime portions before you try this one. From where you start on Alcatraz, you can see two Vert Ramps on either side of a door. Here's a little illustration of what I mean: +----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | LEDGE (Grindable) | | ----------------------------- | | | | | | | +-------------------+ +---------+ +------------------+ | | | | | | | | | DOOR | | | | VERT RAMP 1 | | | | VERT RAMP 2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------------+----+---------+----+------------------+ The Hidden Tape is only accessible via the roof, but we have to get up there first. From "Vert Ramp 2", Ollie up to the Ledge, and start Grinding it. Immediately after grinding, Ollie again, and perform a Wallie on the wall. Hit Grind again, and you should be grinding the roof. Now, all that's left to do is to jump off onto it. Head east from your current location, and you'll see it in the air. To get it, get some speed heading to where the two "ledge vert ramps" come together, and hold in Up on the D-Pad, and B. Now, right before you leave the ramp, let go of B. You'll Ollie right off the roof and grab the tape. Do At Least 8 Tricks The Inmates Tell You To Can't help you with this one, as the tricks you have to perform are always random. Consult the Trick List in the Pause menu if you don't know how to perform a certain trick. Disarm The Bombs!! There's a total of 5 bombs you need to disarm. The 1st is one you see at the beginning. Grind all the way around the ledge it's on, and you'll come to the 2nd. Go west, and down to where the sidewalk breaks. Number 3 is on the intact rail. Now, on the Vert Ramp on the right side of the door, is a shadow (bomb #4). Ollie up to it via the Vert Ramp. On the Vert Ramp to the left of the door, is #5. Ollie up to that as well. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I VERT: S- Between the two Spines ahead. K- On the Spine, nearby S. A- If you head south from K, you'll see it near a bench with that red pants guy again ^_^ T- Keep heading south. It's on a Spine adjacent to the building. E- You can see it from T, on the rail, next to the boat. STREET: S- On the bench ahead. K- A little north from S, it's on some white flooring. A- Again, a little north of K, on a Spine. T- After you get A, head north a bit more. You'll see it. E- You can't miss it from T. :-P Collect C-O-M-B-O In One Line Part I VERT: The Vert and Street versions aren't really too different from each other. Well, you'll see C at the beginning. Ollie over to it, and grind the rail all in the same direction. When you grind all the way around the ledge, Ollie off and manual over to the Vert Ramp. Grind the tip of it for O. STREET: Probably the easiest C-O-M-B-O challenge in the game. You'll see C from the beginning. Grind the rail all the way around for C, O, M and B. Ollie off at the end and manual straight over to the Vert Ramp ahead. Ollie up it for O. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II VERT: S- Ahead of you, between the roof windows. K- In the north-eastern part of the roof, up above the Vert Ramp edge. A- From K, Ollie down off the roof, into the pool. Grind the north-eastern ledge, and Ollie off right before it curves and you'll grab A. T- If you keep going in the same direction as you land from A (as long as you didn't spin on your way down), you'll see T on a ledge. E- Grind the ledge T was on heading west, and you'll come down right next to it at the end. STREET: S- Up the Vert Ramp it places you near. K- After grabbing S, stay in the same direction you land (no spinning in the air now!), and you'll see T on the rail there. A- Come all the way around from that rail, across the gap, and A will be in sight. T- On one of the planters on the western side of the main prison building (the building you start near) E- From T, head north-east, and jump in the pool (sounds kinda funny, huh? ^_^) Get some air, and Ollie up to it. You'll know where it is via its shadow. Collect C-O-M-B-O In One Line Part II VERT: This one is rather easy. Skate on over to C, and grind the ledge it's on. Just keep grinding the rail until you reach the grass for O, M and B. Right before you hit the grass, hit Ollie then manual. Manual over to O. STREET: Head over to C (once again, you see it at the beginning lol), and grind the rail heading down the hill. You'll have to jump to grab O while you're going down. M is at the bottom of the ledge. After grabbing M, manual over to the white flooring that B is on and grind it. Immediately after getting B, Ollie and manual over to the nearby Vert Ramp, and Ollie up it for O. Find 10 Keys to Escape These are all in a basic line, so they're easy to get. The first 5 are all down the first hill, easy to get. When you reach the bottom of the first hill, you'll see the 6th key on a white floor. Head down the next hill and grab the 7th key at the bottom. At the bottom of the hill, there's two spines adjacent to a building. The 8th one is up one of them. Next, head north, still on the bottom floor, and you'll see number 9 on a bench, next to a guy with red pants. ^_^ Finaly, Keep heading north and you'll come across a planter, with the 10th one on it. When you complete this challenge, the door in between the two vert ramps at the start point will be unlocked. Inside of this place is a Board. Manual Down To Freedom You'll definitely want to do this after you get your Manual balance up, unless you're a really good balancer. This one is simple... all you have to do is Manual down the hill, and when it comes to an end, pull a u-turn and manual down the next hill. When you reach the end of that hill, go ahead and stop manualling. Grind Around The Swimming Pool WAY too self explanatory. Simply keep grinding the pool until you get the "No Diving" gap. Yo Man, Transfer Off the Roof! Too easy, as well. Keep going in the same direction you start at, and perform a Spine Transfer off the roof. You'll know you got it when you get the "Happy Landings" gap. Transition Grind Down the Hill This one can be confusing, just because of the name. But, it's actually easy. Grind the white flooring, and perform a Transition Grind on it. Then, Ollie to the next white floor, and grind it. Ollie off at the end to finish this one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3 Kona -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOAL CHECKLIST: Do a Lip Trick on Both Ovservation Decks Win a Medal in the Competition Find the Hidden Tape Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II High Score - 40,000 Pro Score - 80,000 Sick Score! - 110,000 Beat 60,000 Points in a Single Combo Run Do a Lip Trick on Both Observation Decks Do I really need to say anything here? *_* Too easy. Ollie up to the first Observation Deck you start near, and perform a Lip Trick (if you Grind instead, try launching up straighter). Then, jump into the southern pool area and do the same on the other Deck. Find the Hidden Tape Pretty simple. When you start, ride all the way back to where you start the level at. From there, you can see the shadow on the floor next to the door. Simply Ollieing up the Vert Ramp won't get you it, though. To get it, you have to Ollie up the Vert Ramp at an angle, and hit Grind. If you end up doing a Lip Trick, try again. When you start grinding, Ollie off onto the roof. From here, Ollie onto the left side of the roof, and grind the ledge leading to the Tape. When the ledge ends, Ollie, and you'll grab it. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I VERT: S- Start grinding the elevated floor ledge next to where you start, and jump the gap ahead and grind again for S. K- After a bit more grinding from S, you'll see it. A- From K, keep grinding until you reach another gap. Ollie off there, and proceed to the pool about a couple feet or so northeast of you. There's a planter in the middle of it with a girl walking on it. Grind around the planter to (or just ride over to ^_^) A. T- From A, head northeast of that pool you're in until you see an Observation Deck. To the left of it, suspended in the air about a feet or two is T. E- From T, start heading northwest. You'll come out of the pool on a little upramp, and nearby is a "water drain" pool of sorts. Get into it, and look around in it. Up one of the sides (the northern one) is E. STREET: S- Up ahead, on the ledge of the northern pool. K- From S, jump into the pool. In the northwest area of it, K rests on a "pink planter" of sorts. A- After grabbing K, head southeast. On the ledge of the pool is A. Perform a Spine Transfer to grab it. T- After the Spine Transfer, follow the western ledge of the pool. T is on it, next to the telephone pole. E- On the planter in the middle of the south pool T was in. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I VERT: You'll start out facing the wrong direction, but it's good to get some speed first. Ollie up the pool edge you're facing for a bit until you get some good speed, then head west, and grind the planter in the middle of the pool. You'll grab C, and after a bit of twisting around, you'll come to the end of the planter. But, about a second BEFORE you reach the end, Ollie off, and you should just grab O. Hit manual after that, and approach the pool edge. Perform a Spine Transfer over it for M, and immediately Revert and manual. Manual over to the "pink planter", and grind it for B. Finally, Ollie off the "planter", and manual over to the walk-in (the ramp into the pool). Grind the left ledge for O. STREET: The 50-50 grind is the key here. Start grinding the ledge for C, O, M, and B, but right after you grab B, hold Right on the D-Pad, and you'll fall into the pool. Immediately after you fall into the pool, Revert and Manual. Head southeastern a bit and you'll see O above the air. Ollie up to it. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II VERT: S- Over the gap in the pool. Ollie up to it. K- From K, head over to the most northern tip of the southern pool, where it's more like a small ramp up then a Vert Ramp. You can see K from there. To get it, get on the other side, and Ollie up to it. A- Right in front of the north pool's Observation Deck building. Ollie up to it as well. ^_^ T- From A, head North. When you can't go North any more, you'll find yourself on an elevated ledge. Grind it heading southeast, and you'll come across T. E- Head back to where you start the level (between the two Vert Ramps in the northwest area of the level). Jump up one Vert Ramp, and start Grinding heading east. the roof will turn into a telephone wire, and you'll eventually reach E. If you haven't done so already, the Hidden Deck is next to E. STREET: S- In the direction you start at. Ollie up to it. (you'll know where it is :-P) K- After you grab S, you should land near or on a deck with 8 grind ledges, parallel to each other in groups of 2. From there, head northeast, and you'll come across a Spine. K is on it. A- Head to the eastern corner of the level. It's on the Vert Ramp there. T- From A, head north, following the northeastern "wall". You'll come to 4 different Spines. Between the first two is T. E- Between the other two spines is E. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II VERT: Ride up to C, and grind the ledge. When it comes to an end, Ollie over to the other side of it, and Grind again for O. Now, this can be confusing right here, so listen up. :-P After the 90 degree angle shift that M's on, it'll be another turn after a sec. Right before it starts to turn, Ollie off and Manual. You'll grab B if you stay in the same direction. At the end of the grassy area you're on, manual over to O, which is suspended in air oh.. about... 6 inches. Got it? Good. ;) STREET: You'll see C when you start. (sounds kinda funny when you think about it ^_^) Grind the ledge for it, and keep going in the same direction. When the ledge comes to an end, Ollie to the other side, and Grind again. You'll grab O, M, and B on your long grind. When you come to another gap, Ollie over and grind again for the big O. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4 Shipyard -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOAL CHECKLIST: Win a Medal in the Competition Beat Spike the Dog to His Bones Grind the Length of the Roof Find the 5 Hot Rivets Find the Hidden Tape Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II High Score - 60,000 Pro Score - 100,000 Sick Score! - 130,000 Beat 60,000 Points in a Single Combo Run! Beat Spike the Dog to His Bones This one gives you a little aid from the arrows, so there's not much to say here. Here's some tips, though... - Spike is extremely slow, which can give you an edge, but he knocks you over if you touch him. - There's certain places where the bones are conveniently placed on ledges and grindable floors. Take advantage of this for extra speed (if you need it) - Sometimes you'll have to jump off a Vert Ramp at an angle to grab a bone. There's a total of 10 bones. Just grab them all within the time limit. Grind the Length of the Roof You'll start out in the right direction, so just keep it in the angle when you start moving. When you reach the wall, Wall Ride up to the top of it, and start grinding. Grind the whole thing (don't stop when you get the "Keep Going" gap) until you land. Find the 5 Hot Rivets You'll see the first one when you start. To get it, grind the ledge it's on. Ollie off when you get it. From there, you should be able to see a yellow "floor" of sorts, surrounded by iron frames on either side. Follow it heading west, and when it splits, pick the south route. After a bit, you'll see the 2nd rivet on the eastern iron frame. From here, head east until you come across a "pool" of water, surrounded by ramps. From here, you should be able to see the 3rd one, suspended in the air. Use the nearby Vert Ramp to grab it. After you grab #3, head southwest, and you'll drop into a lower floor, where the floor is yellow. In this area, there's also a ramp heading southeast. Ollie off it at the end, and you'll find yourself in a double pool. Get in the western one, and Ollie off the western pool ledge and grab #4. Well, you've been doing alot of running around by now, but the last one is nearby the level starting place. When you get to the starting place, go south, and you'll come across a ramp leading up to a large funbox with a guy on it, and ramps all along the ledges. the 5th is up there. To get it, Ollie off one of the ramps nearby it at an angle. Find the Hidden Tape Head to the roof of the northwestern wall. If you don't know how to get there, here's how: Head as northwest as you can go, until you come to a Vert Ramp next to a building. Ollie up to the top of the building, and use the Vert Ramp up there to get to the roof. Regardless of how you got up there, head as far west as possible without leaving the roof. When you get there, grind the western ledge, and right before it curves, hit Ollie. You'll grab it. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I VERT: S- Above the ramp you start near. To get it, Ollie from one side of the ramp to the other one, so you go over the ramp. There's two Vert Ramps on either side. K- Head to the water-filled "pool" surrounded by ramps. It's over it, Ollie up to it. A- From K, head northeast until you come to three chains connecting an "island" to the main area. Grind across one of them, and go up the Vert Ramp there for A. T- After you grab A, commit suicide by jumping off the edge into the water. You'll respawn back next to the water hole thing. Head north from here, until you come to the starting point. Now, from here, head down the ramp. On either side of the ramp are Vert Ramps. Ollie up one of them, and grind the wire up there heading east. You'll grab T. E- Head west now. You'll see it on the yellow pathway again. STREET: S- Over the gap between the Vert Ramps (you'll see it at the beginning). To get it, Ollie from one to another. K- From S, head west. You'll come across it, on an iron frame surrounding a yellow pathway of sorts. A- From K, head just a bit south, and you will come across a giant funbox with two ramps heading up to the top of it, and ramps all along the edges, and there's a guy in the middle of it all. A is on one of the ramps. T- After you grab T, head to the yellow floor surrounded by the frames again. It's to the west of the funbox A was on. You'll see T where one of the rivets was in the other challenge. E- Keep heading south after nabbing T, and you'll come across E up a Vert Ramp attached to a big machine of sorts. Ollie up to it. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I VERT: Start out grinding the ledge C is on. Right after you grab O on it, it'll turn south. Ollie off when it turns, and manual over to the M, grinding the ledge it's on heading southeast. When the ledge ends, you can see O floating above a Vert Ramp. Grab it. STREET: Head straight out from where you start. When you reach the ledge with C, grind it. You'll grab O right before the ledge turns south. Ollie off when it ends and manual over to where M is, and grind the ledge it's on heading southeast. Grind the whole thing for B and O. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II VERT: S- Above the two Vert Ramps, in between. K- If you go down the little hill to the main level, you can see it suspended above the right Vert Ramp. The easiest way to get it is to go ABOVE the Vert Ramp, and ramp off to it on the ramp there. A- When you land from K, you'll most likely land on the yellow floor path. Head in the direction you're facing (southwest), and you'll see A on one of the ledges surrounding the yellow floor. T- Keep going southwest, staying on the path, and you'll come to that trisplit. Follow the southwestern split, which will end right into a reddish brown Vert Ramp, with a building on its right, and another Vert Ramp on its far right. Ollie from that ramp to the other, over the building for T. E- When you land from the T, go south and you'll come to a ramp with green sides, flanked by two Pools. There's also a guy with grey overalls walking on it. The E is on it. STREET: S- Up that Vert Ramp you start facing. K- Head southwest, following the yellow flooring. You'll eventually find K on one of the ledges surrounding the "yellow flooring". A- If you follow that yellow flooring in the direction you were before, it'll end right in front of a Vert Ramp. Ollie up it going left. If you aim right, you'll land on the roof. Ramp off the opposite ledge for A. T- While in the air after grabbing A, DON'T SPIN! Instead, land heading in the same direction: straight. You'll come across that brownish pool, connected to a bridge with green ends. The T is on the other side of it. E- Surrounding the northeastern pool northeastern edge (sounds funny, huh?), there's the yellow flooring, right? Well, at a part of the ledge, a rail breaks off from the rest and curves around the pool. E is on that rail. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II VERT: Start out grinding the pool edge for C. When you come around, Ollie the gap for O, then when you land on the other side, Ollie off on the right and manual over to M. After grabbing M, manual over to the yellow flooring headed northeast and grind the ledge on the left of it for B, and, finally, O. STREET: You may feel like getting the O right now that's right in front of you, but it's better to wait for that. Start grinding the pool ledge, and Ollie over the gap in the middle for C. Grind around the other side, and Ollie over the next gap you get for M. If you keep going, you'll get B. Right when you get B, Ollie off towards the left, and manual over to that O. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5 Zoo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOAL CHECKLIST: Win a Medal in the Competition Find the Hidden Tape Do At Least 12 Tricks the Birds Chirp Out Catch the Runaway Penguins! Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II High Score - 80,000 Pro Score - 140,000 Sick Score! - 180,000 Beat 100,000 Points in a Single Combo Run! Beat the Monkeys to the Exit Before They Escape! Find the Hidden Tape This is probably the easiest one in the game. First off, climb into the lion exhibit. Ollie up the left Vert Ramp, heading left. If you have enough Air stat points, you should be able to reach it. If not, take the long way by going around, and Ollieing up onto the roof of that building. Do At Least 12 Tricks the Birds Chirp Out Pretty freaky, huh? Birds chirping out tricks? Sounds like Activision was a little desperate. :P Anyways, the tricks you have to do are random, so there's literally no way of explaining this. Consult the Trick List in the Pause menu if you don't know how to do a trick. Catch the Runaway Penguins! The first three are right ahead. ^_^ As for the other 2, they're at different places. Ollie up the northeastern wall aiming left, still in the penguin room, so you land in the other exhibit and get the "It's Freezing" gap. Make sure you don't Ollie as far out left as the rhino exhibit, though. The penguin should be right next to where you landed. After grabbing #4, go back up the ramp that leads to the penguin exhibit, but instead of heading west to the actual exhibit, Ollie off that hard-to- see Vert Ramp on the side of a building. From there, head to the level wall and Ollie up the Vert Ramp heading left, so you land on the top of the Aquarium. The last one is up there. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I VERT: S- You'll see it when you start. :) K- In the middle of the level, there's a giant hill that has rails on both ends and ramps heading up on either side. At the very top, T rests on a rail. A- After grabbing K, head down the ramp via the western side, and stay in that direction until you come to a ticket building with ramps leading up to it on all sides. K is on one of the rails surrounding it. T- Head to the western corner of the level, until you come to a caged-in room with birds surrounding the top. T is up one of the walls made of Vert Ramps. Ollie up to it. E- Still in the same room as T, Ollie up the northwestern wall, and grind the rail the birds are on. You'll see E right in the middle of two birds. STREET: S- You see it when you start. K- Keep heading in the direction as you were before, and you'll come to a planter filled with water. Grind around it, because K's on it. A- Head to the western corner of the level, and you'll see a circular ticket boot, with ramps coming up to it all around it. A is on one of the rails surrounding that. Grind it heading west. T- After grabbing A, keep going in the same direction when the rail ends, and you'll go up a Vert Ramp. Perform a Spine Transfer and you'll grab T. E- You should now be in the monkey exhibit (you'll know... there's a monkey running around in circles ^_^). From here, exit south, and hug the southern wall until you come up to E on a bench. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I VERT: This is a difficult one, but don't take my word for it. Ollie up the Vert Ramp heading west so you grab C, but also go up to the greyish-colored Vert Ramp, a little higher than where you start (you'll know you're going in the right direction if you get the "Farm Animals" gap). When you land on the ramp up there, Revert, and manual over to that rail on the side of the ramp. You'll eventually reach O, and soon you'll come to a wall of sorts blocking your path. Grind it, for M is on it. When it ends, hold in Grind to get the other side. I'll show a bit of a diagram for this: WEST Direction you're coming from EAST -- /\ /\ | -- / \/ \ | -- +-----/--------\---------+ |---- |------------------------| | | | | | | | |------------------------| -+--+-+---+---+--+--+--| | | | | | | |--+----+-----+----+---+-- | | | | | | | |------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | +------------------------+ | | | | | When you reach the eastern rail, Grind it, and it'll lead to B. After you grab B, Ollie off heading right, and manual. Manual over to the Vert Ramp next to the wall and Ollie up for O. STREET: Start grinding that ledge ahead, and you'll come across C, and eventually O. The O, however, is at the end of the ledge. Don't worry about manualing when it ends, just hold in Grind. You'll grind the corner of the red floor, which will lead to M. Once you grab M, keep grinding for about 2 feet or so, when the ledge turns right. At that point, Ollie off right before it does so, and manual straight ahead. Ollie up the Vert Ramp next to the Jeep and grind heading west for B. Keep grinding, and you'll eventually grind out of the lion exhibit, and onto a roof, and, finally, onto a rail heading down. O is on that. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II VERT: S- You'll start in the right direction, so just head that way and Ollie off the Vert Ramp. You'll grab it. K- From S, Ollie off the other end of the roof you're on, so you jump over the lions. If you miss it, Ollie up to it on the nearby Vert Ramp. A- Head straight forward from the Jeep's front, until you come across a planter filled with water. Ollie up one side to the other for A. T- Keep going in the same direction, and you'll come across the circular Ticket Booth. Wallie up to the top of it and grind the roof until you reach T. E- From the Ticket Booth, hug the western wall heading north, and you'll find a break in it which leads to a Vert Ramp with a wire above it. Grind that wire, and grab E. STREET: S- Ollie up the Vert Ramp ahead aiming a little west so that you grab S and land in the rhinocerus exhibit. K- K should be right next to you after you grab S. A- Now, get into the adjacent elephant exhibit. A is in the northwest corner there. T- From A, hug the southwestern wall, and you'll see T on a "ramp" of sorts. Grind the ledge for it. E- Keep grinding from T, heading east, and you'll come across E on a wall. Grind it. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II VERT: Grind the ledge of the Vert Ramp ahead for C, and keep grinding, heading west. You'll grab O before it ends, but right before it does, Ollie. You'll come out of the penguin exhibit and grab M if you Ollied at the right time. If you missed, try again. Make sure you grind the ledge of the ramp M's on. It'll end as well, and you'll fall into the rhinocerus exhibit. Hold in Grind while you're falling down to it, so you grind the Vert Ramp. If you stay on, you'll grind all the way to solid land again, while in the process nabbing B and O. STREET: This one can be a bit confusing, so listen close. Ollie up the green Vert Ramp C is on, and fall into the elephant exhibit, and revert, then go back up the ramp and grind the ledge heading east. It'll take you to O, and then M. Right after you grab M, the ledge will end. Manual when you're back on solid ground, and grind the bench nearby for O. Beat the Monkeys to the Exit Before They Escape! Alright, you have arrow aid in this one, but I'll give you a little tip: the monkeys can hurt you. Other then that, just pick what you think is the quickest route. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.6 London -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOAL CHECKLIST: Win a Medal in the Competition Collect 5 Subway Tickets Find the Hidden Tape Do at Least 20 Tricks for the Fans in the Subway! Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II High Score - 100,000 Pro Score - 160,000 Sick Score! - 200,000 Beat 110,000 Points in a Single Combo Run! Crossbone/Benihana 'Tween the Ramps Bet You Can't Beat These Three Combos... Collect 5 Subway Tickets The first is straight ahead; perform a Spine Transfer to grab it. From there, get out of the pool and head to the northern wall, where you'll find a line of 3 houses, with Vert Ramps in between each one. The second ticket is on the third house's roof. After grabbing #2, hug the eastern wall until you find a door on a yellow building. The third one is above it, on a ledge. Use the adjacent Vert Ramp to get it. After grabbing that one, head out into the middle of the road nearby, and follow the yellow line heading south. You'll eventually see the 4th ticket, near a giant planter of sorts. From there, head to the southeastern corner of the level. You can see a river there, and wires surrounding the northeastern and southwestern walls. To get the last one, hug the northeastern wall, and it will lead up a hill. From here, grind the ledge and it will take you to the last ticket, suspended in air. Ollie at the end of the ledge and grab it. Once you finish this goal, the subway will open up in the southern corner of the level. Find the Hidden Tape If you follow the northeastern wall, you will eventually find a door. Ollie up the adjacent Vert Ramp, and grind heading east. Eventually it'll curve, but right before it does, Ollie off. You should grab the Tape. If you miss, try again. Do at Least 20 Tricks for the Fans in the Subway! The tricks are all random, so I can't help you. But, if you don't know how to perform a certain trick, consult the Trick List in the Pause menu. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I VERT: S- Up the Vert Ramp ahead. K- When you land from S, stay in the same direction, so you go into the middle of the level. K is on the left Spine there. A- Head to the northern tip of the middle area, and you'll see a rail. Grind it heading East, and it will lead to A. T- Keep grinding. At the end, you should see T a few feet away, on an adjacent ledge. E- Head south from here, until you come across a giant planter in the middle of the street. Up one side is E, suspended in midair. STREET: S- You'll see it when you start. Ollie up to it. K- If you head into the middle of the level, you'll see to fountains with a red circle in the middle. Grind the left one's circle for K. A- It's in the southern tip of the middle area. Grind for it. T- Follow the yellow line on the nearby road, going south. Eventually, you'll come to it. It's on a ledge. Grind it. E- After grabbing T, head northeast. You'll see it on a ledge, near the ramp that leads down. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I VERT: First, Ollie up the Vert Ramp for C, then Revert and Manual across the street, but make sure you grab O in the middle. Now, grind the ledge at the other side heading northeast. Keep grinding until the ledge turns into a rail. Ollie up to the rail, and continue your grind. It'll lead to M. Right when you grab M, Ollie off aiming east, so you land on the other ledge. Grind that as well, and you should grab B at the end of it. Immediately hit manual, and manual over to the giant planter in the middle of the street. Ollie up the end with O on it with enough speed so you grab it. STREET: You're already in a good starting direction, so just go forward. When you come across C suspended between the Spines, just go up one to another. Don't Ollie for the air. You don't realy want air, because you'd miss O while trying to position yourself in midair. Just go over it, so you just barely grab C, and revert on the other side, then shift to a manual. grab O, and then grind the nearby rail heading east. The rail holds M and B. When it ends, manual over to the giant planter in the middle of the street. Ollie up the side with O on it with enough speed so you grab it. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II VERT: S- Up the Vert Ramp ahead... keep riding forward and Ollie up to it. K- When you come back down from S, head over to where the 3 buildings are lined up on the northwest wall of the level. The third one has it on it; grind the Vert Ramp for it. A- It's between the first and second buildings. Ollie from one to the other. T- It's in the western corner in the middle area of the level. E- This one is in the southern corner in the middle area of the level. ^_^ STREET: S- Between the first and second buildings ahead. Ollie from one Vert Ramp to another for it. K- It's between the second and third buildings. Ditto as above. ;) A- From K, follow the road heading north until it turns 90 degrees. There should be a Vert Ramp next to a door there. Ollie up the Vert Ramp and grab A. T- In the northern corner in the middle area of the level. E- In the eastern corner in the middle are of the level this time. Kinda funny, huh? +_+ Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II VERT: You'll have to do quite a bit of manualing, so make sure you have your Manual Balance stat up. You'll start out near C. Grind the ledge it's on heading south. When it ends, manual over to the giant planter in the middle of the street. O is on a ledge there; grind it. Immediately after you grab O, Ollie off and manual in the same direction. M is on the sidewalk ahead, and B is on a ledge heading down. Grab both, and when you land from B, head just a bit forward until you see a Vert Ramp on the left. Ollie up it for O. Note: This challenge takes an extreme amount of balance. If you don't do it the first time, try again. It takes time. Practice is key here. You can do it. :) STREET This one can be confusing, so bear with me. When you start out, you'll see C, but instead of Ollie between the Vert Ramps for it, grind the Vert Ramp ledges from one to the other. Keep grinding, and Ollie between each gap. C and O are between the first and second and second and third buildings, respectively. Remember to stay slow so you just make it between them. You don't want speed. Right when you grind on the last one, Ollie so you land on the grindable ledge that turns 90 degrees. When it ends, Ollie off so you land on the corner of the street, and grind it. M and B are on it. After you grind the entire ledge, Ollie off and manual straight ahead, and grind the ledge you see going south for O. Crossbone/Benihana 'Tween the Ramps Very simple. Head over to where it indicated to go to, and perform the trick that you have to do. For Vert, it's a Crossbone; for Street, it's a Benihana. ========================================================================== 5. Before You Go Pro (Pro Challenges) ========================================================================== ************* * Tony Hawk * ************* Location: CA College Goal: Tony, Transfer the "Senor's" Gap Three Times in a Row and Hit the 3 Tricks That are Asked of You! The goal of this challenge is to perform the Senor Bootleg's Gap three times. In case you don't know, the way to get the gap is to Ollie off the roof's Vert Ramp going west so you fall off the roof and onto the spine below. You might want to try it a couple of times just to get used to it. The first trick that is asked of you is an Airwalk. The second, a Kickflip to Indy. Finally, you have to do the legendary Indy 900. Remember, on the last one, you won't be in a good landing position. Be sure to fix your direction before landing. ***************** * Bob Burnquist * ***************** Location: London Goal: Win a Gold Medal in the Competition! Except in This Competition You Must Start Tricks From Switch! Well, since this isn't really anything that has to do with strategy much, I can't help ya here. Just remember to press R to go to Switch Mode when you start, and whenever you land, make sure you go back to Switch Mode. You'll know you're switch when you see the board icon with the word "switch" in the upper-left corner, next to the Special Bar. ******************* * Steve Caballero * ******************* Location: Kona Goal: Cab, Go for Broke and Get 12 Feet of Vert in 3 Tries! In this Pro Challenge, you must get the amount of air you are asked for 3 times. To do this, it is VERY helpful if you have your Air, Hangtime, Speed and Ollie stats maxed out. The first one is 7 feet of air, followed by 9 feet, and finally 12. If you still don't get the required amount, try going up and down the Vert Ramps a few times before going at it, so you have enough speed. ******************* * Kareem Campbell * ******************* Location: London Goal: Win a Gold Medal in the Competition! Except in This Competition You Must Start Tricks With A Nollie! This is the same as the other competitions, but you must start your tricks with a Nollie. To do this, press L while you're still on the ground. The board icon will show up in the upper-left corner, but this time with the word "Nollie" plastered upon it. Remember to do this whenever you attempt a trick. ;) ***************** * Rune Glifberg * ***************** Location: Kona Goal: Get 4 Combos of 50K+ Points Each, Using 1, 2, And Then 3 Spines! This is EXTREMELY difficult. I say without a doubt that this is the hardest Pro Challenge in the game. But, it is possible. First, collect all the Stat Points before you attempt this one, you'll need them. Once you're filled to the max on each skill, choose your favorite (and most point-earning) grab tricks. Use grab tricks because you can hold them in, and keep your Special meter up, thus making you faster. Now start the challenge. Now, you have a 1:00 time limit, so don't hesitate to ride up and down each of the two spines you're between, as if it were a half-pipe. Now, once you think you've got some good air, go off the northern spine, and do a Spine Transfer while you do a trick. This will get you some points. *ALSO* Remember, you never have to move your character. Keep them going in the same direction as when he started. Another thing to remember is to actually hit the trick combination first, then hit L+R IN THE AIR for the Spine Transfer. It has come to my attention that if you Spine Transfer too early, you won't get the gap you need to ensure success, "Ride the Waves". After the first spine, Revert, manual, and then do some more jumping for points. Finally, land. Second time around, you'll have to hit 2 spines. Use the same strategy as above, but after going over the first spine and going up the Vert Ramp ahead once, Revert, and manual over to the western spine, then Spine Transfer on that as well, remembering to pull off a special grab. Now, for the most difficult task on the last round: keeping your speed. Once again, do what is mentioned above, going on the two spines, then Revert after the second spine, and manual over to the southern Spine, then go off that as well. *Phew!* *************** * Eric Koston * *************** Location: Alcatraz Goal: Eric, Go "The Distance" Downhill, And Do 5 Transition Grinds In The Same Combo Along The Way! Simple. Start out by 50-50 grinding the ledge straight ahead. Now, along the way down, you have to transition grind 5 times. This can be easily done by pressing Down+Down+A and then Down+Down+R, and after you do this and the ledge ends, simply land. *************** * Bucky Lasek * *************** Location: Kona Goal: Bucky, The Fans Want You! Don't Disappoint Them. Now, this is all skill. You have to perform the tricks asked of you. You have to do at least 15 of them the first time around. If you don't know how to do a certain trick, consult the "View Tricks" option from the Pause Menu. The second round, you only have to do 7 of the tricks, but they are double tricks. Which means that you have to do both at the same time in the air. That will do it. *************** * Bam Margera * *************** Location: Zoo Goal: Rabid Monkeys!! Calm Them By Doing 15 Tricks They Request! Once again, a test of skill. Use the surrounding Vert Ramps to perform the Lip Tricks. Other than that, if you don't know how to do a trick, consult the Trick List. ***************** * Rodney Mullen * ***************** Location: Kona Goal: Rodney, Show Us Some Flatland Tricks! This can be quite the difficult task, but there is a complete list of Flatland Tricks in the Trick List in the Pause Menu. In this first round of the Pro Challenge, you must perform 15 tricks. The second round, though, involves Flatland Transitions. You must perform 10 of them. You just have to do both tricks in a single manual. ************** * Chad Muska * ************** Location: London Goal: Chad, Keep a Combo Line Around The Park And Include 5 Grind Transitions! This is related greatly to Eric Koston's Pro Challenge. Start off by grinding the ledge to your character's right going northwest. When it curves, it then ends. When it does end, stay in the same direction and hit Grind again so you grind the curb. When you come to the round rail on the other side, Ollie up to it and grind it. You'll curve all the way around. But, during all this, be sure to fit in 5 of those pesky Grind Transitions. Best way to do this: Down+Down+A, Down+Down+R. <---- This tip was contributed by ******************* * Andrew Reynolds * ******************* Location: Shipyard Goal: Andrew, Make "The Grand Transfer" Over the First Spine, And Then the Second One All In One Combo! This is a fairly easy challenge, if you know what to do. You start off on the roof of the northwestern buildings. Up ahead, there is a Vert Ramp which can be used for a Spine Transfer. Go up it and do a Spine Transfer on it, then revert, then manual across the small distance to a second Vert Ramp. But, when you go off it, aim to the right so you jump off the roof via the Vert Ramp, and while in midair, press L+R for the Spine Transfer. You'll transfer over to the other side, and that gives you the goal. ****************** * Elissa Steamer * ****************** Location: Kona Goal: Elissa, Beat the Boys At Their Own Game By Cranking Out Some Combos! "Beat Bucky Lasek's 100,000 Point Combo!" "Beat Eric Koston's 200,000 Point Combo!" "Beat Bam Margera's 300,000 Point Combo!" This Pro Challenge is pretty difficult, if you don't have high stats. Simply put in as many tricks as you can in one line. But, ALWAYS REMEMBER TO REVERT, AND MANUAL WHEN YOU CAN. First you need 100,000 points, then 200,000, and finally 300,000 points. The first one can easily be done by grinding on the pool ledges. The second one can be accomplished the easiest by performing Spine Transfers and tricks on the spines ahead. Finally, the last one can be stringed together with grinding the ledges and manual tricks. **************** * Jamie Thomas * **************** Location: CA College Goal: Jamie, Bust Out 3 Tricks Today For the Video Shoot! This is pretty easy. The first trick that you have to do is Crooked Grind (usually A+up right) on the ledge leading down that's right ahead of you. Remember, though, even if you stick in a No Comply, or even a Nollie at the beginning, it won't work. You have to get both the Crooked Grind and the gap going down. The second trick is Crook Big Spin Crook grind the ledge on your right (not your character's right). The Crook Big Spin Crook is a special trick, so read the Trick List for what the combination is if you don't know it already. Just keep grinding until the ledge ends. The final trick is doing a Sal Flip across the bridge. Use the ramp up as a ramp and do the trick (Up+Up+L). Also, do it from the north part of the bridge to the south. It won't work if you go from south to north. If you mess up the first time, go back and do it again. Don't do it coming back. ******************************************** * Mindy/Frycook/Momo/Roger/Create-a-Skater * ******************************************** Location: Alcatraz Goal: You have 5 minutes to score 1,000,000 points! Good luck. Not much to say... you have plenty of time to score the big million. Just remember to string combos whenever you can, but don't take risks if you have a big combo going. Instead, land it and then go for it. :) ========================================================================== 6. Pro Tour Walkthrough ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 CA College -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOAL CHECKLIST: Get a High Score of 100,000 Points Get a Pro Score of 160,000 Points Get a Sick Score of 200,000 Points! Get a Combo Score of 110,000 Points! Find the Hidden Tape Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II Find the Hidden Tape In the center of the level, there's a sewer with a bridge, right? Well, head over to it. Get in one side of the sewer, and Ollie to the other and grab the Tape. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I VERT: S- On the planter ahead. Grind it. K- Head into the pool area at the northwestern area of the level. Go up the ramp there, and Ollie up onto the roof of the building, but position yourself so you grab K on the way up. A- Skate around the building until you find a wire heading north. Grind it. A is on it. T- Now, the wire will eventually turn into the ledge of a line of buildings. When it ends, don't Ollie to the other side. Instead, fall onto the red-and-white striped roof, and grind the ledge there heading north. When it ends, Ollie to the wire sticking out from the Parking Garage and grind it. You'll grab T in the process. E- Head in the same direction as you land and keep going until you reach a rail going into a building entitled "Woodland School". Grind the rail, and when it ends, perform a Wallie on the wall and grind the top of the roof, then land there. Grind the top of the ledge and grab E. STREET: S- Suspended in air on the Vert Ramp ahead. Grab it at an angle so you fall into the pool below. K- Grind around the pool until you grab K. A- Exit the pool area via the southeast exit, and go straight into the other "pool" ahead. Go up the side A is on and grab it. T- Head into the southern corner of the level. T is on the Spine in that area. E- If you grabbed T by performing a Spine Transfer going north, keep going in that direction until you come to a ledge, then go left. If you didn't, go over in that direction. Anyways, you'll end up at the two bulletin boards/benches after a bit. Now, head a few feet northeast, but DON'T OLLIE OVER THE LEDGE THERE. Instead, grind it heading southeast. Right before it curves, Ollie straight ahead. You should grab E. If you don't, try again. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I VERT: Ollie up the Vert Ramp ahead and grind the ledge for C. Immediately after you grab C, Ollie to the other ledge ahead. Along the way, you'll grab O and M before it ends. Right after grabbing M,, Ollie off so you land in the street, and manual over to the ledge on the right side of the road. STREET: Start grinding the ledge there, heading southeast. When you come to the gap with C on it, Ollie over it, and grind again. Keep going, and you'll grab O on it before it curves, then ends. When it ends, manual onto that planter there for M, then manual over to the ledge there, and proceed grinding heading southeast again. It will curve, then a series of gaps will follow. Ollie over them. B is on the first one. When you finally come to rest when the ledge ends, manual straight ahead, and Ollie up the Vert Ramp there for O. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II VERT: S- Up ahead, between the ledges. Ollie when you get near it. K- On the spine in the souther corner of the level, next to the big building. A- From K, hug the western wall heading north until you come to a pool in- ground with a ramp heading down into it. Up one side is A. T- In the pool in the very northwest corner of the level. Ollie up the north edge where the shadow is. E- From T, go up onto the roof of the adjacent building via the ramp there. Once you're up, grind the wire there that's heading south. E is on it. STREET: S- Hop up the Vert Ramp in the sewer ahead, and Ollie up for it. K- Same as above, but in the other sewer side. A- After grabbing K, exit south. Hug the eastern wall in the middle area until you come to the ramp leading out there. A is on it. T- Remember the two Vert Ramps in the western corner of the level? Well, Ollie off the one on the left, and Grind the ledge heading left up high. It'll take you to T. E- Keep grinding. It'll eventually curve and end. When it does, Ollie to the wall there, and Wallie over the gap between the buildings. You should grab E. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II VERT: Start out by Ollieing up the Vert Ramp ahead and grinding the ledge so you grab C. Keep grinding until it curves. Right before it does curve, Ollie straight ahead so you land in the street and grab O. Manual over to the rail and grind it, and when it ends you should grab M. Keep grinding so you go over to the other rail and grind that one as well for B. O is on the side of the street, follow it either in a manual or a grind until you see it. STREET: Start by Ollieing up the Vert Ramp ahead and grinding the ledge of the building heading west and grab C. When it ends all the way, Ollie off straight ahead, grab O, and hold in Grind. You should grind the ledge below and grab M. Immediately after grabbing M, Ollie off onto the street, and manual over to the rail on the side and grind it for B. When the rail ends, manual south and grab O. It's right next to the street. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.2 Alcatraz -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOAL CHECKLIST: Get a High Score of 150,000 Points Get a Pro Score of 200,000 Points Get a Sick Score of 250,000 Points! Get a Combo Score of 130,000 Points! Disarm the Bombs!! Find the Hidden Tape Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II Disarm the Bombs!! The first one is near the building in the southern corner of the level, on a white floor strip. For #2, get onto the roof of the building in the souther corner via the two Spines, and grab it up there. From there, proceed up the hill there to the 2nd floor and grab the next one there. Where the two ramps leading their opposite ways up and down connect, there's a curve in the ledge. Ollie up it and proceed that way. Keep going that way until you grab #4 and #5 on it. Find the Hidden Tape To start out, head to the most northeastern area on the bottom floor (the area with spines and Vert Ramps aplenty), and get into the "halfpipe" made up of a Vert Ramp alont the wall and Spines on the opposite side. The Tape is up on the roof of this area. To get it, Ollie off the Vert Ramp part of the "halfpipe" and grind the roof ledge, and fall onto it. Slowly make your way over to the Tape. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I VERT: *TIP* This challenge takes place entirely on the top floor. S- It's up ahead, suspended in air. Perform a Spine Transfer and grab it. K- When you come down, go a bit south so you reach the middle rail that leads to the broken pathway. Grind it for K. A- Keep grinding, and when you see A, Ollie up for it. You can't reach it just by grinding. T- By the time you grab A, you should see T, on the U shaped ledge. Grab it. E- The final letter is above the door that leads into the Cell Block. Use the Vert Ramps on either side to grab it. STREET: S- It's up the ramp ahead. Ollie up to it. K- Climb back on the roof. K is up in the air on the northwestern wall. Grab it. A- A is in the northeast corner of the roof. Grab it, then Ollie off into the pool below. T- Grind around the pool and grab it. It's on the perimeter of it. E- Now, follow the path that leads south. You'll see E before you even make it over to the Cell Block door. Grind the ledge it's on for it. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I VERT: C is up ahead. After you Ollie up to grab it, come back down, Revert, then go back up again and Spine Transfer into the pit below. You should have just enough speed to make it to the top of the pool ledge. Grind it all the way around, pulling transition grinds to increase your speed. Also, O is on the ledge of the pool. Right after you grab it, Ollie out of the pool and grind the ledge there for M. Keep grinding it, down the hill, until you grab both B and O, then land. STREET: Start out by grinding the ledge ahead for C. Right before it turns, Ollie off so you land on the rail below and grind it. After the broken pathway gap, change over to the rail in the middle by manualing over to it. When that ends, you'll grab M. From there, manual over to the door of the Cell Block. B is on the Vert Ramp to the right of it. Ollie up to it. It's not really high, don't worry about that. Finally, get over to the left part of the U shaped ledge and grind it for O. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II VERT: S- That S is REALLY far away, isn't it? Once you make your way to it, Ollie up to it. K- From S, get to the closest ramp up to the second floor, but DON'T GO UP. Instead, grab K in the grass a few feet away. A- Now go up. Go up by grinding the left ledge. When it ends at the half floor, Ollie off so you land on the first floor again and grab A. T- From A, head to the ramp up to the second floor that's closest to the building. It's on the curve there. E- Now, head up that way. E is on the way. It's impossible to miss! ^_^ STREET: S- Above the broken path gap. Grind until the rail ends, then Ollie up to it and land on the other rail. K- Keep grinding until the rail ends. K is straight in front of you. You have to use the rail you were just on and Ollie off it to grab it. A- From K, you should see the ramp heading down. Connected to the ledge going down is a flooring that goes out for about 10 yards then drops to another level just like it. Follow it. When you fall, you should be on a planter. Grind the ledge looking over, and when you come to a gap, Ollie over to A, then fall down to the 2nd floor. T- Once on the second floor, Ollie off the Vert Ramp there heading a little right so you grab T and land down on the first floor's spine. You'll know you went the right way when you get the "Holy Frijoles!" gap. E- In the "halfpipe" in the same area as the spine you landed on, you should see E on one part. Ollie up to it. Grab it. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II VERT: You start out by Ollieing the gap in the Vert Ramps and grabbing C. After grabbing it, Revert then manual over to the rail guarding you from falling in the water. Grind it heading south, and right after you grab O, Ollie off onto land, and manual. M is on a white flooring strip in the immediate area of where you land. Grind it heading south. When you come to the bench, grind the ledge behind it until it curves. Right before it does, Ollie off and you'll grab B. Finally, manual over to the building in the southern corner of the level, and Ollie from one Spine to another and grab O. This takes a tremendous amount of speed to do. If you find it difficult, switch to a skater with the Street type. (See below) STREET: C is straight ahead, on a white flooring strip heading down. Grind for it. You should get the Swimming Team gap. That strip will end, and another one will start, so Ollie to the next one and grind that one as well for O. When that one ends, you should be on the bottom floor. Manual over to the building heading in the same straight direction as when you got off the strip. Manual all the way over to the Spine, and Ollie from one Spine to the other and grab M. You should also get the "Mr. Business" gap. Revert when you land, and manual straight ahead (northeast). B should be on a bench about 10 yards away from the building, and O is a little farther then that, on a white flooring strip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.3 Kona -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOAL CHECKLIST: Get a High Score of 200,000 Points Get Pro Score of 250,000 Points Get a Sick Score of 300,000 Points! Get a Combo Score of 150,000 Points! Find the Hidden Tape Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II Find the Hidden Tape If you have good stats, this is, by far, the easiest Hidden Tape in the Pro Tour. It's at the northeastern Observation Deck building. Ollie up to it. It may take more than one shot at it. It's pretty high. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I VERT: S- It's on the Spine dead ahead. Do a Spine Transfer on it. K- From S, you should note that in the area you're in, there are 4 spines lined up. S was on the northern one. K is accessible via the southern one; use it to grab K in the air. A- Drop into the pool a litte west. Now, you should see that there is a telephone wire surrounding most of the pool. Go over to the Observation Deck and Ollie up to the deck and grind the wire heading east. It'll curve 180 and go north. By the time it finishes the full turn, you would've already have grabbed A. T- Right after it finishes the full turn and goes straight north, Ollie down into the pool again. It will ramp down, and it will form a spine with the southern point of the other pool there. Perform a Spine Transfer and grab T on it. E- Finally, E is at the Amateur Tour starting place (the building attached to the northwest wall of the level). To get it, grind up the rail there and Ollie up to it. STREET: S- It's up ahead. Use a Spine Transfer to grab it. K- If you stayed in the same direction you started this challenge at, you should find it straight ahead, suspended in air. Use your Up+Ollie jump so you jump out of the pool, over the grass border, and into a giant halfpipe on the other side. A- From K, head to the northern corner of the level. From here, head southeast, being careful not to fall into the pool. You should see it ahead. Grind the ledge it's on. T- Remember they guy who asks you if you want a lift? Well, T is really close to him. If you don't know where, then just head to the starting point in the Amateur Tour. By now, you should've seen the T on the right side of the building, above a planter. Use the planter for an extra boost, and Wallie up to it. E- Same as T, but on the left side of the building. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I VERT: It starts you out in a bad place... you need to get over to C before you do anything. Once you're over to it, begin by grinding the west ledge, Ollieing when it ends so you grab C, and grinding the ledge on the other side. When that one ends, manual forward to the Spine. Perform a Spine Transfer and grab O. On the other side of the Spine, revert and manual over to the curved Vert Ramp in the eastern corner of the level. Grab M there, then manual over to the 4 Spines, a little north of M. Ollie from the southern Spine to the eastern Spine and grab B. Finally, O is accessible via the southern Spine. Ollie off the left side of it to the Observation Deck's Vert Ramp and grab it. STREET: C, O, M and B are all very easy to get. If you grind the ledge ahead of the starting point and watch carefully where the gaps and higher floors are, you'll be fine getting these, as they are all lined up along it. After the ledge ends at the souther corner of the level, however, hit manual and follow the southeastern wall. About 10 feet away is the funbox with 4 ledges coming out on both sides. You should see O on one of the closest ones to you. Grind for it. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II VERT: S- You know the drill. You see it when you start. ^_^ But to get it, you need a lot of air. Make sure your stats are up. K- You know in the middle of the level where the pool turns into a halfpipe? Well, K is there. Use a Spine Transfer so you land in the northern pool. A- Ride over to the building on the northwestern wall. When you get there, Ollie up one of the Vert Ramps there next to the door and go on the roof. Grind the wire heading northeast. After you grab A up there, Ollie off. T- Go in the halfpipe entrance there. It's up one of the sides, almost as far north as you can go in the halfpipe. Ollie up to it. E- Up the side opposite the Observation Deck. STREET: S- Between the two ledges on the funbox. K- After you land from the 2nd ledge from S, head straight forward. K is right there, next to the Spine. A- On the curved Vert Ramp in the eastern corner of the level. T- At the 4 Spines, between the southern and eastern ones. E- From the northern Spine, hug the northeast wall until you come to the Vert Ramp with three ledges at the top to grind. Ollie over that and you'll come to the Observation Deck. Go up that Vert Ramp there and grab E. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II VERT: First off, go up the halfpipe in front of the Observation Deck there and grab C. Revert at the bottom, then turn around and grind the halfpipe ledge, going east. Keep grinding and you'll grab O before there's a gap. Jump the gap and proceed ginding from M. There'll be a curve right next to it. After the curve, Ollie off onto land, and grind the white ledge for a bit until you have B and O. Then, Ollie off. STREET: First, Ollie up the Vert Ramp on the side of the building and grab C. When you come back down, revert, then manual in the same straight direction. Grind the ledge ahead, and you'll get O. It'll make a slight level-out, so Ollie over to the other side and grab M. The ledge will then elevate up a bit after a curve, so Ollie up and grind again. You'll also get B here. Finally, after you grab B, the ledge will make a little "secret" turn behind the Observation Deck and turn you toward the halfpipe. When it ends, Ollie up and grab that O. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.4 Shipyard -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOAL CHECKLIST: Get a High Score of 250,000 Points Get a Pro Score of 300,000 Points Get a Sick Score of 350,000 Points Get a Combo Score of 170,000 Points The "Ghost" of Spike is Coming Back! Quickly Gather All the Bones Before He Does Find the Hidden Tape Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II The "Ghost" of Spike is Coming Back! Quickly Gather All the Bones Before He Appears! Alright, this challenge sounds SOOO corny! Why not just say that he wants to get his bones back before he comes, or wakes up? Just my opinion. >_< Anyways, you also have the arrow help. Just follow the direction indicated and collect all 10 bones before the timer goes off. ;) Find the Hidden Tape This Tape seems very difficult, but it's rather easy. Ok... you need to head to the southern area of the level (where that big building thing is with wires connected to it ^_^). See the shadow of the Tape way up there underneath the building thingy? Impossible? No. Hard? No. Simply go down to the most southern corner of the level (not the rail out in the water), grind the Vert Ramp heading northeast, and Ollie when it lands on the Spine, and it will take you between the two wall things. From here, just Ollie over to it and grab it. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I VERT: S- On the Vert Ramp ahead. Spine Transfer to grab it. K- After you land from the Spine Transfer, keep going straight. There'll be a miniature spine there. Spine Transfer on this one as well and grab K. A- Head as far south as you can without falling down to the regular level. See A suspended in air? Ollie up to it. T- Now fall back down to the regular level. Go as far west as you can there without going back up. Now, hug the southwestern wall until you come to a gap with ramps on either side. Ollie over it. There will be another one right afterwards, but there are two big rails next to it. Go to those instead. If you stand next to the one on the right, you can see the T. Grind the ledge it's on to grab it. E- Remember that big maching building thing that the Hidden Tape was on? Well, E is on the spine on the southern wall of it.aa STREET: S- Grind on the side of the building ahead, and when it takes you on a wire, Ollie up and grab S. K- After you grab S, fall down. On the second building, where the white pathway is at, lies K on the handrail. A- Go as west as you can without going on the top level. There should be an orange Vert Ramp next to a building. Ollie up to the top of the building, and grind the other end heading northeast. It will turn into a wire that holds A. T- Now, go back to the eastern corner. Hug the southeastern wall until you come to a gap with ramps on both sides. To get T, Ollie from one side to the other so you grab it and land on the other side. E- A little more south is another gap just like the one T was on, but what we want is the rails next to it leading up then down again. The one on the right has E on it. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I VERT: C is right over the building ahead. Use the Vert Ramps on the right side to grab it, and land on the Vert Ramp on the left. Immediately revert then manual. O is right in front of you. Next, manual over the bridge ahead, surrounded by pools on either side. Grind the right side for M. After the ledge ends, manual exactly east until you come across B on a ledge by the yellow flooring. Keep going east after grabbing that, and you'll come across O on one of the two rails leading down. STREET: First off, go up the Vert Ramp ahead, then revert and manual over to the southwestern walls ledge and grind it. When you come to the gap in the ledge, Ollie over so that you grab O and grind the other side. Do this again on the next gap for M. If you keep grinding, you'll grab B just before the ledge curves. After it curves, it'll end briefly after. When it does end, Ollie so you grab O in midair. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II VERT: S- Between the two Vert Ramps ahead. K- Now, go down the ramp into the main area. The first building on the northwest wall has K on the rail. A- Remember the bridge with pools on either side of it? Well, get into the pool on the right. You should see the A on the southeastern wall. Ollie up to it. T- Now, exit the right pool via the northwestern wall of it. Just ahead of you should be the building flanked by Vert Ramps on either side. Ollie from one to the other for T. E- From T, head as far as you can west without going to the top level. E is up the Vert Ramp there. STREET: S- You can see it when you start. Perform a Spine Transfer for it. K- After you grab S, get up to the top level of the "spine building". On the southern Vert Ramp on the top, K floats in midair. A- Go as south as possible on dry land. You should see A in the top-left corner of the screen. Go get it. T- After grabbing A, go over to the other side by that Spine there. T is on the Vert Ramps there. E- Do you see where a rail leads up then ends, so you go flying into a double pool in the water? Well, right next to that rail is E. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II VERT: Start out by grinding the rail ahead. When it ends, Ollie. You'll fly into the pool there, whilst grabbing C. Keep going straight. When you reach the other end of the pool, Spine Transfer into the other one, and grab O in midair. revert, then grind the rail leading up to the rail suspended above the sea, but DON'T OLLIE TO THE RAIL! You'll miss M. After that rail turns into a platform, try to slow down a bit. You should see B on the ledge there. Grind the ledge, then Ollie when it ends so you grab O in the air. STREET: First, Ollie from right Vert Ramp to the other to grab C, then revert at the left one. From here, manual straight ahead to the building. Grind the ledge and grab O. Keep grinding until you come to the second building. When that building ends, Ollie off for M. From here, manual straight forward and grab B on the rail. Keep going in the same western direction until you see E on another rail. Grind it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.5 Zoo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOAL CHECKLIST: Get a High Score of 300,000 Points Get a Pro Score of 350,000 Points Get a Sick Score of 400,000 Points! Get a Combo Score of 190,000 Points! Find the Hidden Tape Catch the Runaway Penguins! Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II Find the Hidden Tape This one is rather simple. It's on the northwestern wall, in between the rhino exhibit and the elephant exhibit. Ollie from one of them to the other with a bit of speed and grab it. Catch the Runaway Penguins! Catch the Runaway Penguins! The first one is in the penguin exhibit. Grab him. The second one is on top of the aquarium again. Get up there via the Vert Ramps and grab him. The next one is just to the left of the penguin exhibit. Number 4 is next to the Jeep at the lion exhibit. Finally, #5 is over by the circular Ticket Booth in the western area of the level. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I VERT: S- Hanging out above the entrance to the bird cage. To get it, Grind the top of the cage until you come all the way around to it. K- On top of the Ticket Booth, a little south from the bird cage. Wallie up to it. A- Remember the black-and-white striped Jeep, near the monkey cage? A is on the spine to the left of it. T- Do you see that Vert Ramp on the side of the building, still near the Jeep? Well, Ollie up it and grind the building ledge, heading west. It will change to a wire, which holds T on it. E- Keep grinding the wire until it takes you to the center bridge. From here, head over to the lion exhibit (northeast). Once inside it, Ollie up one of the Vert Ramps on either side of the northeast wall, and land on the Vert Ramp a little higher then the others. Grab T up there. STREET: S- You see it when you start. To get it, Ollie up the Vert Ramp on the side of the building, and get up on the roof. Once up, grab it. It may look like it's really high up in the air, but you barely need to Ollie to grab it. Get some speed, go back a bit, and go north and Ollie off the roof. You should get it. K- For K, you have to go to the lion exhibit, but don't go in it. Instead, Ollie from one Vert Ramp to the other, over the Jeep, and grab K. A- On the central bridge. Grind for it. T- In the center of the bird cage, on the Spine. E- It's suspended in the air next to the circular Ticket Booth. Ollie out to it once you get the right angle. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I VERT: Start out by grinding the ledge heading west for C. Keep going until it ends, then manual over to the rail on the middle bridge, but make sure you grab O on the way. Grind all the way up and down for M, then manual when it ends. Manual over to the circular red tile floor, and grind it for B. Finally, manual over to the bench facing the elephant exhibit, and grind it for O. STREET: Start by grinding around the circular red tile floor for C, then Ollie off and manual over to the rail surrounding the elephant exhibit. Grind it heading northeast for O, then Ollie onto the wall, grind over it, then land on the rail on the other side. Keep grinding until you grab M, then Ollie off right after it curves, and then manual over to where the shadow is right between the Vert Ramp and the Penguin Exhibit. Ollie up where it is, and perform a Spine Transfer, so you go through the opening and into the penguin exhibit while also grabbing B. Revert, and manual directly forward until you see O on the other side. Ollie up to it. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II VERT: S- Above the aquarium. Use the adjacent Vert Ramp to grab it. K- It's on the Vert Ramp between the rhino exhibit and the penguin exhibit. Ollie up high and grab it. A- Between the rhino exhibit and the elephant exhibit. Ollie from one to the other on the northwestern wall and grab it. T- In the elephant exhibit, on the southwestern wall. Ollie up to this one as well. E- In between the two exhibits once again, but this time on the southeastern wall. Spine Transfer from one to the other and grab it. STREET: S- Straight ahead. Ollie out to it, off the roof. K- From here, head over to the penguin exhibit. When you get to the ramp that leads to it (next to the aquarium) you should see A. Use the nearby Vert Ramp to grab it. A- Into the penguin exhibit, now. A is on the southwestern wall. Use a Spine Transfer so you grab it and land on the Vert Ramp on the other side. T- Remember the wall piece that's between the rhino and the elephante exhibits, on the southeastern rail? Ollie up onto it and grab T on it. E- Head over to the bird cage, but don't go in it. Instead, keep going west without going in. You should see a Vert Ramp with a wire high above it. E is on it. Either Ollie up to it or Grind up to it. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II VERT: Begin by grinding the rail ahead for C. When it ends, manual over to the Vert Ramp there and grind the ledge heading south. It will end, and when it does, Ollie to the rail below and grind it. Make sure you grab O on the way down to it. When that rail comes to an end, manual straight ahead. You'll come to a bench. Grind it and grab M. Manual a little more west and you'll find another bench. Grind this one as well and grab B. Finally, Ollie into the elephant exhibit right next to you, and manual over to the southwestern wall. Ollie up it and grab O. STREET: Start out by grinding the ledge. After it turns into a wire, then back to a ledge again, you should grab C. When the ledge ends, Ollie off and manual north a bit. O is on the red tile flooring near the middle bridge. Now, grind the left rail on the middle bridge going up and grab M on it. Keep grinding until it finally ends, then Ollie off, and manual straight forward and grind the next rail directly ahead (at the ticket booth) for B. Finally, keep grinding that rail, and Ollie off at the end so you grab O in the air. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.6 London -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOAL CHECKLIST: Get a High Score of 350,000 Points Get a Pro Score of 400,000 Points Get a Sick Score of 450,000 Points! Get a Combo Score of 210,000 Points! Find the Hidden Tape Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II Find the Hidden Tape As you may have seen, there is a big building next to the three small buildings on the northwestern wall. Use the Vert Ramps to get on top of it. Once you get up there, Spine Transfer to the even higher floor and grab the Tape up there. Collect S-K-A-T-E Part I VERT: S- Grind the ledge ahead and grab it. K- You should now be on the big planter in the middle of the street. K is on the western tip of it. A- Head over to the northwestern wall, and hug to it until you come to the U shaped Vert Ramp with a guy in the middle of it. Ollie up the northwestern side, and perform a Spine Transfer so you land in the pool. A is in the eastern corner of the pool. Spine Transfer and grab it so you land in the street. T- Follow the street heading north until you come across the 3 lined up buildings. T is up the closest one, next to the constable (or whatever he is :Z). E- E is in the middle area of the level, on one of the 2 spines there. STREET: S- The funny thing in this one is that it shows you K first, not S. ^_^ You start out in a good direction for S. Go up the Vert Ramp ahead that's attached to the statue. S is up it. K- Now, you should know where K is via the opening hint. Grab it by grinding one of the ledges on either side and Ollieing up to it. A- Get out into the street. You should see a door on a building. Ollie up the Vert Ramp next to it and aim for A's shadow. T- Follow the street heading north, until you come to the last of the 3 buildings on the northwestern wall. Ollie up to the top of it, and grab the T on the way up. E- E is on the second building's front. Ollie up to it as well. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part I VERT: Start by grinding the ledge ahead for C. Make sure you grind the right side; the left side will end after a few feet. The ledge will turn into a rail that curves 90 degrees. O is on the tip of it. When it ends, Ollie out into the street, and manual to the other side. Grind the ledge of the street heading west, and you should get M near the second building. After grabbing M, go up the Vert Ramp attached to the building, and grind it going west. Ollie when the gap between the first and second buildings comes, and grind the first building. B is on it. Immediately after grabbing B, Ollie back out into the street and manual. O is right there, at the very western tip of the middle area of the level. STREET: First off, go up the Vert Ramp ahead and grab C, then revert and manual. You should see O by the time you're on solid ground. Grind the ledge it's on. Immediately after grabbing O, Ollie off and manual over to the second building. Grind the ledge of the Vert Ramp there and grab M. B is on the third building; Ollie over the gap to it once the second building's Vert Ramp is over. From here, you have two choices: 1. You could Ollie over to the curve in the corner there and onto the ledge of the street and grab O, or 2. Ollie off after grabbing B and manual over to O. Either way, make sure you don't miss it! :) Collect S-K-A-T-E Part II VERT: S- On the Spine ahead. Spine Transfer to grab it. K- Go straight ahead, right between the second and third buildings. Use the Vert Ramp there to grab K and land on the second building's roof. A- From the roof, Ollie off the left side via the Vert Ramp up there so you land on the first building and grab A in the air. T- Remember the big building in the western corner of the level? Well, get up on it via the first building's Vert Ramp. T is up there. E- You definitely will see E from T. If you can't, visit your local optometrist. Perform a Spine Transfer to grab it. STREET: S- Up on the roof of the first building. Ollie up to it. K- Go over to the third building. Ollie up the front Vert Ramp on it and grab K. A- Remember the door on the northeastern wall of the level? Go up the Vert Ramp on the side of it and grind the ledge up there heading east until you grab A. T- Ollie off the ledge. Head straight for a bit, and stay on the your right side of the road. You should see T on the side next to a building, at Ollie's height. Grab it. E- Go over to the eastern area. E is over there. It looks like it's on the big structure, but it's not. It's actually above a Vert Ramp there. Collect C-O-M-B-O in One Line Part II VERT: Everything is in the same place as the Street variation except O. After grabbing B, the ledge will curve. After that, it will come to a stop next to another ledge. Ollie out to the other ledge and grind it until you come to O on it. STREET: You can start by Ollieing up the Vert Ramp and onto the roof of the second building for C. Once you grab it, revert and manual over to the end of the roof. Grind it heading east for O, then Ollie over to the third building and grind it's ledge as well for M. Keep grinding, and you'll eventually grab B and O. ========================================================================== 9. Secrets ========================================================================== THPS4 has quite a few secrets in it, and some of them have been carried down from the very first Tony Hawk game. The newest feature in the world of THPS secrets is in this game- you must use cash that you find while playing in the various levels. More on that in a bit. But, as for the secrets themself, they are: PURCHASABLE ITEMS: Stud Mode (full stats) Perfect Rail Balance (you never fall from poor balance while grinding) Always Special (you will have infinite special meter, thereby allowing special tricks to be pulled off whenever you feel like it) Perfect Manual Balance (same as the Perfect Rail Balance, but with manualing instead) - Moon Physics (gravity is reduced, so you can jump impossibly high) - Jet Pack Mode (allows you to fly in the air. Once in the air, press B to go higher, L to go left, R to go right, and A to stay levitated) - Matrix Mode (whenever you go into the air, the game slows down, so you can pull off tricks in slow-motion) - Alt Outfit (provides an alternate outfit for the skater, accessible by going to the "Change Outfit" menu selection at the Skate Shop) NON-PURCHASABLE ITEMS: Secret Characters 1, 2, 3, and 4 (Mindy, Momo, Frycook and Roger) Secret Level (The Zone) Turbo Mode (makes the game run in fast speed) The sad part about the secrets in this Tony Hawk game is the fact that you can't get all of them. If you grab all the cash available in each level, you would total $600. But, in order to buy all the cheats, you would need $1160, which means you could buy only a few. But, you still get the choice! Also, Stud Mode, Perfect Rail Balance, Always Special, and Perfect Manual Balance cost $240 each, while Moon Physics, Jet Pack Mode, Matrix Mode, and the Alt Outfit all cost $40 each. My personal choices that I always make are Perfect Rail Balance, Perfect Manual Balance, Moon Physics, and the Alt Outfit, but that's just my combination. ;) Now, to get the Secret Characters Mindy, Momo, Frycook and Roger, you have to complete a certain amount of Pro Challenges. For example, you might have to complete 5 character's Pro Challenges to unlock Mindy. To get the Secret Level, The Zone, you have to collect all the Hidden Packages. This is a rather simple task compared to the dreaded Turbo Mode, but it is still a bit difficult. Just look around each level, searching high and low. You may need to do a Wall Ride to get some. Now for the Turbo Mode... †_† To get Turbo Mode, you must successfully accomplish every sing gap in the whole game (except for The Zone). This is extremely painstaking. Search high and low. I may eventually do a Gap List area in my FAQ, but I want to know the amount of people who actually read this FAQ want it. ?_? ========================================================================== 10. FAQ ========================================================================== Q. How do I access the Secrets menu? A. To get to the Secrets menu, go to the Skate Shop, and choose the "Checklists" menu. However, you will not be able to spend the cash you make there or even see the list until you complete the Pro Challenge for that character WITHOUT Kid Mode. Q. What is "Kid Mode"? A. The Kid Mode is for beginners, who get an advantage with that, but also lose some features. For instance, if you use Kid Mode and make a high score, it will show a red P under your name (I think it stands for "Poser"). The only real advantage to Kid Mode is that you don't have to land straight when you perform a trick, and you don't have to complete a Special Trick before you land. You just have to press the button combination for it. Also, if you complete a Pro Challenge with Kid Mode on, you won't unlock the cheats for that character. You have to complete it without Kid Mode. Got a question? Send it to me! Check out "11. Contact" below. ========================================================================== 11. Contact ========================================================================== If you have any questions or you know something that I missed, contact me at KirbyRockz_100@yahoo.com, or kirbyrockz@thewizclan.com. Some things you can contact me about: 1. Something I might have missed in the Walkthrough (MAKE SURE IT IS NOT IN THE FAQ BEFORE EMAILING!) 2. A good question that this didn't help with (I may put it in the FAQ) 3. CONSTRUCTIVE Criticism 4. Reporting people for plaigerizing my FAQ/Walkthrough or anything in it without giving credit Some things you CANNOT contact me about: 1. Rude/Obscene letters 2. Flaming/Spamming 3. Non-Video Game related talk 4. Anything that contains inappropriateness 5. Nonsense emails (such as typing something over and over and over) 6. Game questions that have already been answered in my FAQ/Walkthrough ANYTIME I get messages like these, I will delete them without even reading them. Make sure you add something in the subject liner to let me know what game it is, and what site you are seeing it at. Example: "Question: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 FAQ on GameFAQs". ========================================================================== 12. Acknowledgements ========================================================================== Thanks to CjayC for posting this FAQ, and Activision and Vicarious Visions for a great venture into the Tony Hawk world. And also, to everyone who actually reads this. ^_^ ========================================================================== 13. Legal ========================================================================== This document Copyright (C) A.H., 2003. This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly. These are the only places that are hereby permitted to use this guide: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ http://www.egameaddiction.com/ http://www.neoseeker.com/ http://www.fatmangames.com/ These are the only sites that I trust to use my FAQs as of now. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright (C) A.H. 2003Ìì