*************** WARIO LAND 4 FAQ/Walkthrough *************** By TSC E-mail: ts_chapman@yahoo.com Version: 1.31 This game was produced by Nintendo for the Game Boy Advance(tm) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Legal Stuff--- No Plagiarizing: This walkthrough is intended for private and personal use ONLY. This walkthrough, in whole or in part, can only be reproduced or distributed with the permission of (me) the author. (TSC). This walkthrough has been designed to aid you in the game [Wario Land 4] and not to be used for profitable purposes. Anyone who wants my walkthrough on his/her website will have to write and ask (me) unless I offer to let them use it. Violation of this agreement is prohibited and punishable by law. Copyrights/Trademarks: "Wario Land 4" and all related characters and elements Copyright ((c)) 2001 Nintendo "Game Boy Advance(tm)" is a registered trademark of Nintendo "Wario Land 4 FAQ/Walkthrough" Copyright ((c)) 2002 TSC All copyrights and trademarks of things in this walkthrough which have not been specifically mentioned in this section are acknowledged. All Rights Reserved (r) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, that deals with that. On with the guide! --Contents-- + E-mail Guidelines + Introduction + Controls + The Story + Game Basics + Game Structure + Keep Wario Alive! + Wario's Reactions + Collectible Items + Types of Blocks + Mini-Games, Medals, and the Item Shop + A-Z of Enemies + Walkthrough + Entry Passage + Emerald Passage + Sapphire Passage + Ruby Passage + Topaz Passage + Golden Pyramid + FAQ + Version History + Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ***************** E-mail Guidelines ***************** Anyone who read the contents noticed that there is a FAQ section. But you can't just send me anything or my mailbox would be flooded out. Here are some guidelines to sending a question. Rule 1: Please put 'Your Walkthrough' or 'Wario Land 4 FAQ' or something similar as the subject. It makes my life a lot easier and you wouldn't want me to mix your message up with junk mail and delete it or something. Rule 2: MAIL I WILL ACCEPT: Constructive criticism (such as 'you missed so-and-so out) and also actually submitting a question to the FAQ. Rule 3: MAIL I WON'T ACCEPT: Threats, insincere or bogus stuff, or inconstructive criticism (such as 'your FAQ stinks' 'I've seen a better FAQ written by monkeys') and so on. Any mail like this will be ignored and any further contributions by that author will be deleted immediately. Rule 4: Your e-mail must be sensible/legible. If I can't understand it, it goes in the trash. Rule 5: If you want credit for your question/constructive criticism, send your name or nickname with the e-mail. ************ Introduction ************ Welcome to my third walkthrough! Wow, I'm really starting to like this. I'm no good at writing this sort of introduction, so on with the guide! ******* Controls ******* CONTROL PAD All Buttons: Make Selections in menus Left/Right: Move Wario Jump off a ladder Up: Enter a door Climb a ladder Grab a ladder (in mid-jump) Up+A: Enter an overhead pipe. Down: Crouch Climb down a ladder Enter a pipe that you're standing on. A BUTTON Jump Confirm Selections in menus B BUTTON B+D-Pad Left/Right: Bash Attack B+D-Pad Down: Slide down a ladder L/R BUTTONS L/R+D-Pad Left/Right: Run/Dash Attack START BUTTON Go to the Pause Screen. SPECIAL MOVES Walk into projectile/stunned enemy: Pick up B while holding something: Throw Hold B while holding something, then release: Power Throw D-Pad Underwater: Swim B Underwater: Quick Paddle A Underwater: Underwater Headbutt D-Pad Down on slope: Roll A while rolling: Rolling Jump B+A: Jump-Bash Attack A+D-Pad Down: Stomp A+D-Pad Down from a high spot: Super Stomp Stomp on enemy, then press A: Stomp Jump Hold D-Pad Down, then A: Crouching Jump B+D-Pad Left Right, then D-Pad Down: Crouching Slide FLYING CARPET CONTROLS D-Pad Left/Right: Move A repeatedly: Go Higher D-Pad Down: Go Lower ********** The Story ********** WARIO'S SECRET DIARY November 19, 2001 On a peaceful morning filled with the chirps of cheery birds, I was reading the morning paper and doing a little nose-cleaning. "Wh-Wh- What!?" I exclaimed in surprise. I was so surprised by one article in the paper, I accidentally jammed my finger straight up my nose! "Aaargh! I think I just poked my brain!" Anyway, enough bout' that. The headline of the article said that a legendary pyramid had been discovered. Hmmmmm... When I read the article, I learned that the ruins held the buried pyramid where the princess Shokora , who once ruled this area, had been put into a cursed sleep by the arrogant, selfish, money-crazed Golden Diva. "Do I smell treasure again?" I thought. "Heh, heh, hehhhh!" As this wicked laugh floated through my mind, I was already thinking about the money and nothing else! Forgetting even to take my mid-morning nap, I hopped into my fantastic Wario car and headed for the Golden Pyramid. "All that treasure for me! Guhahaha!" ************* Game Structure ************* The ultimate objective of the game is, of course, to defeat the evil Pyramid Master, but there are tons of other things you have to do first... + The game unfolds inside six passages: Entry, Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, Topaz, and Golden. Each passage contains four levels and one boss, with the exception of Entry and Golden, which have one level and one boss each. + To complete each level, you must find the Keyzer, step on the Vortex Switch (which will activate the time bomb), then get back to the vortex before time runs out. You don't have to find the Keyzer, but you need it if you want to unlock the next level. + Each level contains four Gem Pieces. (Ruby Pieces in the Ruby Passage, Topaz Pieces in the Topaz Passage, etc.) Find all four Gem Pieces in a level to get the level's Gem. + Complete all four levels, find all four Keyzers, and find all four Gems in a passage to unlock that passage's boss. + Defeat the Bosses on the Entry, Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, and Topaz Passages to unlock the mysterious Golden Pyramid. + Defeat the evil Pyramid Master, Golden Diva, in the Golden Pyramid, and you've won the game! Well not quite... + There are other things you can do too if you want to completely finish the game! Firstly, you must obtain a Crown in every level. There are three types of Crowns (Bronze, Silver, and Gold) and each one requires you to get a certain amount of coins. To get the coveted Gold Crown, you must get at least 10,000 coins in a level! Wow! If you have Gold Crowns on every level, you can unlock the Wario Karaoke feature in the Sound Room. Secondly, you must find every CD. CDs are found in Silver Chests, and you can listen to any CD's you find. The CD's are: E1: About that Shepherd E2: Things that Never Change E3: Tomorrow's Blood Pressure E4: Beyond the Headrush S1: Yesterday's Words S2: The Errand S3: You and Your Shoes S4: Mr. Ether and Planaria R1: Driftwood and the Island Dog R2: The Judge's Feet R3: The Moon's Lamppost R4: Soft Shell T1: So Sleepy... T2: The Short Futon T3: Avocado Song T4: Mr. Fly And thirdly and finally, the bosses all have three treasures behind them (except the first and last ones). As time runs out, the treasure starts to vanish. Beat the boss before any treasure can vanish! On the last boss, any treasures you collected on the previous four bosses will be there. Defeat the final boss, and you'll get to keep any treasure left! The secret ending is different depending on how much treasure you got. **************** Keep Wario Alive! **************** Unfortunately, unlike on his previous adventures, Wario is no longer immortal. He has a total of eight hearts, and if he loses them all, he'll get kicked out of the level and, if he got any coins, gem pieces or CDs that weren't saved on a previous run of the level, he'll lose them! However, there is no game over. If Wario loses all his hearts he'll simply return to the Stage Select Screen. There are two ways to lose hearts: + Get hit by an enemy attack. + Fall into or onto anything deadly (e.g. lava, spikes) And there are, fortunately, three ways to gain hearts: + Find a Heart lying around. + Collect 8 small Heart orbs. + Collect a Heart Medal from a Heart Chest (this restores all your hearts). At the end of a level, your Hearts will be added up and you will get bonus coins depending on how many you have left. *************** Wario's Reactions *************** As well as losing hearts, these things can happen to Wario: --Bouncy Wario-- How it happens: Get hit by a Malletman. Controls: D-Pad Left/Right: Move A: Jump extra high. Pros: Bounce up to high places or through blocks. Cons: Only lasts a short time. Remedy: Runs out after a few seconds, or you can hit a ceiling to end it faster. --Bubble Wario-- How it Happens: Get touched by a Bubble Controls: D-Pad Left/Right: Move Pros: Float through currents. Cons: Bubbles can be very hard to avoid if you don't want to be Bubble Wario. Remedy: Steer the bubble into an underwater ceiling, or wait for it to reach the surface. --Fat Wario-- How it Happens: Eat an Apple Chimp's apple. Controls: D-Pad Left/Right: Move A: Jump Pros: Can knock out enemies by walking into them. Can break Blue Blocks in a single jump. Cons: You're really slow and can't jump very high. Can't use ladders or enter doors. Remedy: Exercise! (Walk around a lot) --Flaming Wario-- How it Happens: Get hit by a Torch, a Fire Gargoyle, one of Aerodent's fireballs, etc. Controls: A: Jump Pros: After a few seconds, turns into the useful Fireball Wario. Cons: Run around crazily, like a madman, for a few seconds. Remedy: Wait a few seconds, you'll turn into Fireball Wario. Or just fall in water. --Fireball Wario-- How it Happens: Spend a few seconds as Flaming Wario Controls: D-Pad Left/Right: Move Pros: Can break Flame blocks. Cons: Slow, can't jump. Remedy: You'll turn back to normal after a few seconds. Or just fall in water. --Flat Wario-- How it Happens: Get crushed by a hammer. Controls: D-Pad Left/Right: Move A: Jump Pros: Can fit into small passages, and go right over holes in those passages that normal Wario can't crawl over. Glides when he jumps. Cons: Jumping can be very annoying. Remedy: Fall into water, enter an Unflattening Machine* * Unflattening Machines are found only on The Curious Factory (Stage R1). --Frozen Wario-- How it happens: Get hit by an Ice Troll. Controls: None Pros: Can destroy enemies and go through spikes while sliding. Cons: Can't control your sliding. Remedy: Hit a wall. --Puffy Wario-- How it happens: Get stung by a Beezley, get hit by one of Catbat's spike balls, get shot by an Archer. Controls: D-Pad Left/Right: Move in the air. B: Rise faster Pros: Float up to high places. Cons: Sometimes you don't want to float up to high places. Remedy: Hit a ceiling. --Snowman Wario-- How it happens: Get hit by falling snow. Controls: D-Pad Left/Right: Walk A: Jump Pros: Turns into Snowball Wario on a slope. Cons: Slow, can't jump high. Remedy: Become Snowball Wario. --Snowball Wario-- How it happens: Go on a slope as Snowman Wario. Controls: None Pros: Can break Snow Blocks. Cons: Uncontrollable. Remedy: Hit a wall. --Vampire Bat Wario-- How it happens: Get bitten by Minicula. Controls: A Repeatedly: Fly D-Pad Left/Right: Control direction in the air. Pros: Fly to high places. Cons: Can't get through narrow spaces. Remedy: Fly into a light. --Zombie Wario-- How it Happens: Get hit by one of Ghostly's attacks. Controls: D-Pad Left/Right: Move A: Jump Pros: If you jump when standing on a Through-Floor, you can go down through Through-Floors. Cons: Really slow, can barely jump. Remedy: Enter a light. ***************** Collectible Items ***************** Gem: If you find all four Gem Pieces in a level, and make it back out of the vortex, they'll piece together into a Gem. Find all four Gems in a passage to unlock that passage's Boss. Gem Piece: There are four in each level, scattered around in treasure chests. Sometimes they're well hidden, sometimes they're right in your way. Find all four in a level to earn that level's Gem. CD: You don't need CDs to finish the game 100%, but you can listen to the ones you've got in the Sound Room. Treasure: Bosses guard treasure. Rumor has it that if you get the Treasures from all four bosses, the mysterious Golden Pyramid will open... Medals: Awarded in Mini-Games. You can use them to buy stuff in the Item Shop. Heart Medallion: Found in Heart Chests. Restores your life gauge to full. Heart: Gives you one heart in your Life Gauge. Heart Orb: Collect 8 to earn one heart in your Life Gauge. Coins: Use them to buy Mini-Game access and earn Crowns. TYPES OF COIN Small Coin: Worth 10 coins. Bronze Coin: Worth 50 coins. Silver Coin: Worth 100 coins. Gold Coin: Worth 500 coins. Blue Crystal: Worth 10 coins. Red Crystal: Worth 100 coins. Big Diamond: Worth 1000 coins.* *These are so valuable that I will specifically list their locations in my walkthrough. *************** Types of Blocks *************** Small Block: Any attack destroys it. Roll into blocks wedged into narrow spaces. Large Block: Same as small block, only bigger (what did you expect?) Blue Block: Only a Dash, Super Stomp, or a jump by Fat Wario will beat this block. Snow Block: Only Snowball Wario can break these blocks. Flame Block: Only Fireball Wario can break these blocks. Frog Block: Jumping on the Vortex Switch turns outlined Frog Blocks into solid Frog Blocks and vice versa. '!' Switch: Turns outlined '!' blocks into solid '!' blocks and vice versa. '!' Block: Is changed from outline to solid by a '!' switch. Cat Face Blocks: Found only in Toy Block Tower, these blocks, if broken, reappear if you leave a room and come back. Domino Blocks: Found only in Domino Row, these can only be broken if you jump on the flags before the Dominoes hit them. ************************************* Mini-Games, Medals, and the Item Shop ************************************* --Mini-Games-- With the coins you collect in levels, you can play Mini-Games. They cost 5000 coins for 1 play. In Mini-Games you can earn Medals to spend in the Item Shop. These are the three Mini-Games: (If you have a Best Score on any Mini-Game that you'd like to share, send it in along with your name. I'll post it next update.) --Wario's Home Run Derby-- Controls: A to swing bat. Cost of Medal: 3 Home Runs. Objective. Hit the ball the pitcher pitches. 3 Strikes=Out=Game Over. Fouls also count as Strikes, but after 2 Strikes, Fouls don't count. Home Runs erase Strikes. My Best Score: 25 Home Runs (8 medals). Reader Best Score: --The Wario Hop-- Controls: A to jump. Cost of Medal: 15 Obstacles Cleared. Objective: On your unicycle, avoid obstacles. If you hit an obstacle, it's Game Over. Simple! My Best Score: 45 Obstacles Cleared (3 medals). Reader Best Score: --Wario's Roulette-- Controls: A to select a feature. Cost of Medal: 3 Correct Faces. Objective: Look at the face in front of you. It will soon disappear. Then, you must choose the correct eyes, nose and mouth on the roulette wheel. One incorrect face = Game Over. As time goes on, you will have less time to look at the face, and the roulette wheel will go faster. My Best Score: 10 Correct Faces (3 medals). Reader Best Score: --The Item Shop-- Before you face a Boss you will have the opportunity to buy Items. There are nine: Smile (which is free but does nothing, I don't know why it's there), Apple Bomb, Blast Cannon, Vizorman, Bugle, Black Dog, Large Lips, Big Fist, and Black Dragon. The four latter work much better then the five former. The latter four is each particularly good against a particular boss, and will reduce that boss to barely any health: Dog against Catbat, Lips against Aerodent, Black Dragon against Cractus, and Big Fist against Cuckoo Condor. (I have used the Fist on Cuckoo Condor, and it reduces him to just 2 health.) As you progress, prices inflate. ************** A-Z of Enemies ************** ALLIGATOR - Living in the waters of Monsoon Jungle, these crocs attack any trespassers on their lake. APPLE CHIMP -- These guys throw apples to you. If the apples hit you, you become Fat Wario. ARCHER - An Archer's arrow transforms you into Puffy Wario. AX RABBIT - Native to the Sapphire Passage, these crazed pink rabbits run at you with an ax. A good stomp takes care of them. BALLERINA - On Doodle Woods, some posters of ballerina pigs turn into real ballerinas. Jump on their heads to knock them down, then bash or stomp them to finish them off. BEEZLEY - The sting of a Beezley turns Wario into Puffy Wario. BOULDERCHUCK - These bad-tempered enemies toss boulders at Wario. Bashing doesn't affect them. DICEMAN - These guys appear in The Big Board if you land on a Diceman space. They are walking dice with spears. DRILLER - Drills on legs. The white ones simply try to run you over, while the red ones toss spikes at you. FANG BAT - They try to knock you off your flying carpet in Arabian Night. FIRE GARGOYLE - They spit fire, and can turn you into Flaming Wario. FIRE TORCH - This 'Goblet of Fire' (if you've read Harry Potter) can tip over and light fires on the ground. These fires turn you into Flaming Wario. GHOSTLY - These ghosts fly around throwing goo. If a blob of goo hits you, you become Zombie Wario. If you touch a Ghostly as Zombie Wario, the ghost becomes solid and can be attacked. GOGGLEY-BLADE - These water-dwellers have spikes strapped to their fins, and attempt to chase Wario while he's underwater. HOGGUS - The 'Flying Artistic Pig' can create Spike Pigs at will. He is also invulnerable. ICE TROLL - These icy cousins of the Boulderchuck can turn you into Frozen Wario with their icy breath. MALLETMAN - These mallet-wielding creatures attempt to smash you with their hammers and turn you into Bouncy Wario. MINICULA - These vampire bats turn you into Bat Wario when they bit you. MUTANT TOAD - These hole-dwelling creatures pop out and attack with vicious teeth when you least expect it. PIRATE PHANTOM - He lives in Crescent Moon Village, and makes a living out of stealing coins from the ground. PORCUPINE - Found only in Mystic Lake, they roll at Wario and are extremely fast. PURPLEY - Purpleys are the most pathetic enemy of all - they don't even damage you! If you stomp the ground near them, they turn red, and drop more coins when killed. Why the programmers put them in, I don't know... ROBO-GUY - Another non-damaging enemy, Robo-Guy is found in the pipe bonus rooms. He is invincible. SPEAR-MASK - These spear-wielding guys change color from yellow to blue to red when you stomp the ground near them. SPIKEBOT - These spiky robots throw their heads (which are also spiky) at you. Once they do this, they are vulnerable to a stomp. SPIKEBUTT - These enemies parachute down, trying to impale you with the spike on their rump. SPIKE CLAM - Another underwater enemy, the Spike Clam attacks by jumping up a Wario. SPIKE HEAD - These little balls have spikes on their heads. They are vulnerable to a stomp when they lower their spikes to charge. SPIKE LAUNCHER - These enemies, found only in the Pinball Zone, throw spiky balls at you. They are invincible, but can sometimes be used as platforms. SPIKE PIG TYPE 1 - These pigs drift down slowly out of the air. They have a spike on their head. They are thrown down by Hoggus. SPIKE PIG TYPE 2 - Another of Hoggus' masterpieces. These pigs crawl along and have spiky shells. They will sometimes roll at you. They can be killed by a stomp on the unspiked part of their shell, which is revealed after they roll. SPINEBACK - These guys look like spiky turtles. Stomp the ground near them to flip them over, then stomp their soft underbellies WARIO CART - These Wario clones ride around in little cars with spikes strapped to the front. Stomps can easily destroy them. WORM - One of the rarest enemies in the game, it is found only in a certain area in Wildflower Fields. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ************ WALKTHROUGH ************ Perfection is hard to obtain, but I'll do the best I can with this guide. Whenever I refer to a Gem Piece, Keyzer, or Vortex Switch. I will write it in ALL CAPS with around it so its location is easier to see. TR means Top Right Gem Piece, TL is Top Left, BR is Bottom Right, and BL is Bottom Left. Also, if you found a CD or Big Diamond that I didn't write, don't be surprised: I probably a) don't remember where it is, or b) haven't found it yet. If I miss something, send what is and its location and I'll put your name in the credits. I have listed the passages in order of difficulty and accessibility (Entry, Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, Topaz, Gold). If you disagree with this order, I apologize. On with the guide!! ************** Entry Passage ************** ------------------------ Training Stage Hall of Hieroglyphs ------------------------ This is the easiest level in the game (well duh... it's a training stage) and you can learn Wario's multitude of moves here. Let's get started! At the start, hop up the platforms and go right. Go down the pipe, kill the purpleys, and go up the other pipe. Head right and grab the . Keep going right, bash the block, then jump-bash the next one. Kill more annoying purpleys, and get the
. Bash the block, dash the next one, and jump-dash the next. Now, in the tight corridor, jump into the block on the far right of the ceiling, revealing a Big Diamond. Bash and dash your way to the next area. Here, you need to pick up a rock, powerthrow it through the blocks, then go in after it. If you're running short on hearts, bash the right block, then grab the Heart Medal; if not, just ascend the ladder. Throw the rock up at the block above you, then hop up the platforms and crawl past where the block was. Powerthrow the next rock, go after it, and get the . Keep going, roll through the blocks, jump through the through-floor and get the . Roll through yet more blocks, then get the . Before getting the piece, though, jump on top of the chest and get the crystals and Big Diamond. KO the spear guy, go into the next area, and stomp the block. Now continue left, climb the ladder, and Super Stomp the blue blocks. (Don't forget the Big Diamond, which is right in the path of your stomp.) Fall down, get the crystals, and bash the blocks. Now jump on the . TIME LIMIT: 1:00 Backtrack a ways, get the rock, and powerthrow it through the blocks. Crawl after it to reach the Vortex. ------------------ Training Boss Spoiled Rotten ------------------ TIME LIMIT: 1:00 The boss - a gigantic eggplant - may seem strange, but compared to the bizarre bosses you'll meet later on, it's an everyday object. Just avoid the small eggplants it releases, and bash attack it. When it gets ugly, and bares its sharp teeth, you can only hit it in the back. It is quickly and easily defeated. PASSAGE CLEAR! *************** Emerald Passage *************** ----------------------- Stage E1 Palm Tree Paradise ----------------------- Dash right, jumping off the blocks to get gems. Smash the blocks once you're done, then kill the purple guy. Plow through more blocks, bounce of the red guy to get crystals and a heart, jump up onto the platform for some blue crystals. Jump on top of the chest, jump to get crystals, then open the chest for the . Head to the next area, KO-ing enemies along the way for coins, and grab the
. Bash the blocks, then dash the blue one. Ahead, do some more block-breaking to reveal a door. Enter the door. In the cave, climb the ladder, stomp to flip the Spineback, then stomp on its underside. Climb the next ladder, get the , and climb the next. Go up the pipe. Grab the robot guy, powerthrow him at the '!' switch, then hop up the stairs for a Big Diamond. Go back down the pipe, fall to the right to get gems, and exit by the same door you entered by. Go right, and enter the next cave. Hop up to the first platform, then walk right. You'll go through the wall. Get the CD, then continue hopping up the platforms. At the top, go left for the and another 'Amazing Vanishing Wall' with a Big Diamond inside. After getting it, head right. Get hit by an apple and turn into Fat Wario, then stomp on the suspicious looking floor and fall down. Fall down here, hugging the left wall, and smash another block for a Big Diamond. Swim up, hit the '!' switch, and enter the pipe. Head left, hit the '!' switch, and hop up the steps for crystals and a . Go right, open the Heart Chest, then step on the . TIME LIMIT: 1:30 Getting back to the Vortex is astoundingly easy. Just dash left, dispose of anything in your way, and you're at the Vortex before you know it. (Note: As you go left, you'll notice some filled-in '!' block, which give you access to a pipe. Enter, and climb to the top. Throw Robo-Guy through the blocks, then the other blocks, and crouch-jump over for the Big Diamond.) ---------------------- Stage E2 Wildflower Fields ---------------------- Wow, compared to the last two, this level is COMPLICATED. You have to really know your way around to find everything. There is a secret here: If a Beezley lands on a flower, after it flies away, you can destroy the flower for coins. Only a limited time offer, however. Head to the first large daisy. Here, get stung, turn Puffy, and float to the first level of platforms. Rake in the cash, then drop back down and float up to the second level. Here, get more money, drop down, and float the the THIRD level for a CD. Drop back to ground level, and go right into the next area. Here, go right until you see a vine platform above you. Turn puffy, float up, hit the ceiling, and land on the vine platform. Super-Stomp the blue block, and fall down. Head left and drop down. Now head right and hop up the platforms until you reach a rock. Throw it up at the block above you. Now head left, bash the block, and return to the top. Crawl right and get the Big Diamond. Now jump back up, and head right to the next area. Jump up the leaf platforms, then head right and Super Stomp. Stomp some more blocks, and drop down. Enter the pipe. Throw Robo-Guy over the wall, then go down and get him. Throw him over again,and bounce off for a Big Diamond. Now leave. Head left, and ascend the platforms. Enter the door, drop in the water, and swim left. Enter the upward current. Keep going up, until you reach a left-right fork. Take left, keep going up until you reach the surface. Go left, and super stomp for a Big Diamond. Now take the same path as before, but go RIGHT at the fork, and you'll be carried to the Roll right, drop down for gems, then go back to where the Gem Piece was. This time enter the left door. Drop down, swim up, and let the current take you to the top of the tree. Enter the door at the top. Keep heading right, jumping gaps, then drop down and get the Heart Chest. Head left for the
. Now drop down left, and head right. Drop to ground level, become Puffy, and float up past the outline Frog Blocks. At the very top, float left, hit the ceiling, and get a Big Diamond. Drop down the left left, and you'll be back where the BR Gem Piece was. Go back to where the bee was that stung you when you floated up to the most recent Big Diamond. This time, head right, get the and go into the next area. Head to the far right and get hit by an Apple Chimp. Break the nearby Blue Block, get the crystals,and go down the pipe. Pick up the robot guy and powerthrow him at the '!' switch. Climb the ladder to him, stand on the '!' switch you just hit, and powerthrow the guy at the next '!' switch. Climb the ladder, get him AGAIN, stand on the '!' switch, and powerthrow him through the block. Crouch-jump after him, and get the Big Diamond. Descend the ladder, and go back up the pipe. Go back to the guy who made you Fat. Climb the ladder next to him (DON'T get hit!) and when you reach the top, jump to the left. Super- stomp to break the Blue Block, and hit the Vortex Switch. TIME LIMIT: 2:30 Go back to that same bee that stung you a while ago, hop up the platforms beside him, and go left to the next area. Pass the now outlined Frog Blocks, get the , then enter the next area. Keep heading left, jumping gaps and get the . Keep heading left, break the block, crawl through, keep heading left, drop down, keep heading left, and enter the Vortex. --------------- Stage E3 Mystic Lake --------------- At the start, go right and enter the door. In the next area, descend the ladder, hop across the water for a heart and crystals, then go back and dive into the first pool. Keep swimming right for crystals and a heart. Keep on swimmin' until you get to the next area. In the underwater cavern, swim right, avoiding enemies, until you see the . Jump out of the water to get it, then go back in the water, and swim right into the next area. In this area, you need to be careful around the holes in the wall, because if you get too near one with a pair of glowing red eyes in it, a gigantic toad will pop out and damage you. Swim up, avoiding enemies, until you reach a choice of paths. Take the left, break all the blocks, then swim up. When you see surface, go back down, take the right fork, break the blocks, get the Big Diamond, and swim to the surface. Head right into the next area. In this area, dodge the Malletmen, and get the . Then, get Bouncy, and shoot up through the suspicious-looking ceiling. Defeat the Purpleys for coins, then go back down. Progress to the next area. In this area, go in the water, and swim to the right, getting the crystals and avoiding the bubbles (if you turn into Bubble Wario, you'll get carried up through a through-floor and you'll have to get past mutant toads to get back to where you were). However, on the last section of this area, turn into Bubble Wario and you'll be carried up past the current to a Big Diamond. Once you've got past all the bubble- and-mutant toad areas, go up, past the fish, jump out of the water, and exit the area. Now, go in the water, dog-paddle right, and go up the pipe. To get the Big Diamond here, you have to jump up to the top, get the robot guy, powerthrow him into the water, drop down, head left, and quickly jump up on the ladder. When the guy hits the '!' switches, platforms will appear and you can go up for the Diamond. Exit out of the pipe. After leaving the pipe, head right and hit the . TIME LIMIT: 3:00 Head left, drop into the water, and swim down and right. Go up past the spike-toting octopus and get the . Now, swim down, left, and up, and go back to the last area. Jump up the platforms, and get the
. Head left, keep going left, grab the on your way, and once out of the jungle area, start dashing. Dash through the blue block, break the blocks, and get the CD. Now go back, enter the door, and enter the vortex. -------------------- Stage E4 Monsoon Jungle -------------------- Right off the bat, paddle left and jump into the pipe. Here, dash right, and as you dash, jump and hit the '!' switch. With any luck, you'll grab the rock before it falls in the water. Pick up the rock, throw it through the blocks, and get the Big Diamond. Now, go back left, hit the '!' switch again, and go down the pipe. Swim left, and go to the next area. Here, you have to cross leaf platforms and swinging logs without falling in the water. If you fall in, you'll most likely get hit by the alligator in the water. Sometimes the alligator jumps out of the water to attack you on a leaf or log. When you come to the end of the area, drop in the water, and swim left to an area with a Heart Chest. After getting the chest, swim back to the right, jump over the alligator when you come to him, and once you get back on dry land, cross the logs to the left, and exit the area. Immediately, get hit by an Apple Chimp's apple, and break the blue block. Fall down, collecing crystals along the way, and when you land, smash another block to the right. Get the Big Diamond, jump up the platforms, and get the
. Now crawl left, stomp the block on the far left, and keep stomping the ground to send the Malletman to the top. Go to the top yourself, let the Malletman hit you, and press A to shoot up, collecting crystals. If you did it right, you'll break a block in the ceiling. Roll right, and get the CD. Hop up the platforms, go back to the left, and drop down. Now, work your way over to the top right corner of the area. Jump in the pipe here. Here, go to the left, and get the archer to shoot an arrow at you. Run away from it, and stop under the hole in the ceiling. Let it hit you, become Puffy Wario, and float up for a Big Diamond. Hit the ceiling and go back down the pipe. Now, jump across the leaves to the top left of the area. Exit the area. Cross the swinging logs to the left, and exit THAT area too. You know what to do here. Cross the logs, avoid the alligator, and get to the next area, Here, drop down, get the , break the blocks, and when you come to blocks in the floor, stomp the one on the far left to make your life easier. Drop down, but DON'T STEP ON THE SWITCH YET! Instead, break the Blue Block, climb the ladder, pick up the archer, throw him down beside the toad, and let him shoot you. Float up, out of the top of the area. Here, jump across the leaves to the left and get the Big Diamond. Go back down and step on the . TIME LIMIT: 4:00 Run right, past the now outlined Frog Blocks. Keep going right, and break the second set of blocks. Enter the now revealed door and jump up the platforms. Drop down to the left and get the . Now break the block, crouch-jump, and exit the by the door you entered by. Keep running right and, once you get out of the area, drop down right and get the . Now go right, climb the ladder, cross the logs, jump up the platforms, go right, climb the ladder, and go to the next area. Drop down and go all the way right and into the next area. From here, it's the same as the start of the level, only backwards. Cross the logs and platforms to the right, dodging alligator attacks, until you're out of the area. Jump on the log, then onto the Frog Blocks, and get the . Go to the far right of the area, cross the logs, and jump in the Vortex. ----------------- Emerald Boss Cractus ----------------- TIME LIMIT: 4:00 Probably the second easiest boss, after Spoiled Rotten. When you gain control of Wario, Dash Cractus's pot. He'll come to life and attack. He has five attacks: One where he flies in the air, the top of his head offscreen, slashing with his leaves (he only does this when you're on a ladder). Then a high attack, medium attack, and low attack; he slashes at you with his leaves on all of them. Finally, one where he floats around, dropping goo. This goo turns you into Zombie Wario, but never fear, if it happens, a firefly will come. Jump into its light and you'll turn back to normal. The way to defeat him is to just stomp on his head, whenever you get the chance. Just keep wearing away at his health, and you'll be done in no time! **************** Sapphire Passage **************** ---------------------------- Stage S1 Crescent Moon Village ---------------------------- Immediately, get hit by a Ghostly and turn into Zombie Wario. Jump on the through-floor. You'll fall down, and get tons of crystals. Once you land in the water, swim down, left and up, grabbing hearts and avoiding bubbles. Enter the pipe. You'll be back at the start. Jump up the platforms, and enter the door. Go left, break the blocks, and knock out the demented ax rabbit. Climb the ladder, go right, and enter the door. You'll immediately notice a strange ghost. He steals coins from the ground, but he's not so annoying - for now. Go right, break the blocks, kill the Spinebacks, and hit the '!' switch. Go left, jump up the now filled in blocks, and get a Big Diamond. Go right again, hit the '!' switch again, jump up the stairs, and enter the door. Go right, jump up, break the blocks, and go left. Roll right, and jump over the hole. You'll roll through some blocks. Climb the ladder, turn into Bat Wario. Fly all the way to the left, ignoring the door and avoiding the candles. At the far left, fly into the light and get the . Go back right, turn into Bat Wario again, and this time go up to the door. Fly into the candle beside the door, and enter the door. Keep going right, smashing blocks and knocking out Spinebacks, until you reach a big drop. Get the Big Diamond, drop down, and break all the blocks on your left. It'll make your life easier later. Go left for the
then return right. Keep on goin' right, raking up crystals, until you reach a ramp. Roll down it to the left, and roll past where those blocks were (I told you breaking them would come in handy) and get the CD. Roll right, all the way to the other end of the area. Go down the pipe. Go right, get hit by a Ghostly, then go left, jump on the Through- Floor, and fall in the water. Jump out, get the ball from the ball- dropper, jump up, go right, and use the ball to break the blocks. Crouch-jump and get the Big Diamond. Then fall to the left, jump to the top, and go back up the pipe. Crawl left, ascend the stairs, and enter the door. Now run right, climb the ladder, and hit the '!' switch on your left. Roll right, jumping ledges, and you'll smash into a room with three ax rabbits. Roll into them, and line your pockets with their money. Now go back to the big slope by the door you entered by. Roll off it, get the and enter the door. Keep headin' right. When you get to a whole bunch of crates, keep breaking them until you break one that reveals a pipe. Go up the pipe. Powerthrow the robot guy over the wall into the block, then crawl past the place where the block was. Drop in the water, and when the Spikeheads try to get you, they'll fall in the water and leave tons of coins. Get the coins, then exit the way you came in. Keep breaking crates and going right. When you see a hole in the ground, drop in it, and collect crystals while swimming left. When you see the surface, don't go up, but go in the current which takes you left. When you hit dead end, break the crate, swim up, get the Big Diamond, go right, get the and go up the pipe. Now continue right until you reach a door. Enter it. In here, turn into Bat Wario, fly up, and get the Big Diamond . Fly into the candle and hit the . TIME LIMIT: 3:30 Getting out of the Vortex is basically just doing the level backwards, with a couple of small differences. First, once you hit the switch, you need to fly up to the very top, past the outlined Frog Blocks, and get the . Second, the pirate ghost flying around in the outdoor areas can steal your Keyzer. If he gets it, chase him down until you get it back. And third, in the area where the CD was, you need to go to where the BR Gem Piece was and jump up the platforms if you want to continue going back. When you reach the first area, drop down and enter the Vortex. ------------------ Stage S2 Arabian Night ------------------ Start off by entering the door. Then, fly on the carpet up to the next door. Enter, drop down, then ride the carpet up to the pipe. Enter the pipe. Jump over the Spinebacks, then go down to the '!' switch. Hit it, and the Spinebacks will all fall in the water. Line your pockets with their coins, then exit the pipe. Get on the carpet, and fly to the door at the upper right. In this room, work your way down, breaking all the crates. Then return to the top, become a zombie, and fall through all the platforms to the very bottom. Jump in the water, grab the Big Diamond, go back up, get the and enter the door. Go right and enter the next door. Get on the carpet and fly all the way up, getting crystals. Don't forget to make a stop at one point for the
. Once at the top, enter the door. Now drop down, don't go in the door yet, and get the carpet. Fly left, past the door you just exited, and get the Big Diamond and assorted crystals. Just don't fall off the carpet, or you'll have to do the big flying carpet room over again. Fly back to where you got the carpet, and enter the door to your left. In this room, ascend the platforms, and drop through the pipe with a Beezley picture on it. Now go right, let Beezley sting you, and floay up through the pipe with Minicula's picture. Now, go left, turn into Bat Wario, fly through the narrow passage, then go get the . Fly back, drop in the water, and exit. Now go right, get the carpet, fly up, and enter the door at the upper right. Scale the room to the very top, then become a zombie and walk through the spikes. When you are between the last two rows of spikes, jump, then get the crystals as you fall. Get the , then descend the ladder and hop on the . TIME LIMIT: 4:00 Drop through the outlined Frog Blocks, then jump in the water and swim to the far left. Jump out, get the , then jump to the carpet. Use it to fly around, collecting cash. If you see a crystal arrow, stomp on the place it points to for more goodies. Ultimately, you must exit at the lower left side of the room. In the next room, get the carpet, and fly up to the ceiling. There are TWO Big Diamonds up there, plus crystals galore. At the upper left, get the CD, then break the block and ascend the pipe. Exit the door to your left, then enter the Vortex. ---------------- Stage S3 Fiery Cavern ---------------- The first part of this level is straightforward, but annoying. Just keep going right, avoid falling in lava or getting hit by fire, and dodging the boulder chucking enemies. Enter the first door you see. In this next room, go right further, and when you reach a dead end, wait for the flames to go down, then jump down the platforms to the . Then, jump over to the left and enter the pipe. In here, drop down and get the robot. Carry him to the top and throw him through the blocks. Crawl after him, then get him again and throw him at the '!' switch (above the Big Diamond) which makes a bridge over the lava. Get him one last time, then throw him through the spike at the second '!' switch. This allows you to get the Big Diamond. Now ascend the platforms and leave the room. This time, go all the way right. Climb the ladder and enter the door. Go left, across the lava, then get the
. Return ALL the way right until you reach a door at the far end. Enter it. Now stomp through the blocks, and land on the TIME LIMIT: 5:00 Here's where it starts getting strange. The entire level turns into an ice cavern. All the lava becomes ice, and all the Boulderchucks become Ice Trolls. Go right and through the door. Jump up the platforms, and keep going up until you reach a door. Enter it. Jump across the platforms to the right. Go down and get the , then go right, breaking blocks, and become a snowman. Roll left and enter the door. Immediately enter the next door. Go right, become a snowman, and roll left to get the Big Diamond. Go right again and jump up. Go left, break the blocks, hop up and continue left. Enter the door. Now hop up the ice pillars to the left. First go right for the , then return left. Dash the block, and continue left until you reach a door. Enter it. (Note: Before entering the door, you can continue to the upper left for a Big Diamond.) Go left and up as far as you can (you do have to drop down once), then when you reach the top, break the block for the . Stomp the block, go down, and go left. Enter the Vortex. ---------------- Stage S4 Hotel Horror ---------------- Right off the bat, go all the way right for the . Then go left into Room 102. Here, become a bat, and fly to the upper right for goodies, including a Big Diamond. Leave, and this time go to Room 104. Hit the '!' switch, and climb the ladder on the right. If you want a heart, and a few coins, enter room 204. Once out of 204, hit the '!' switch to the left. Go right and ascend the ladder. Enter room 304. Go left for the . You have a choice of two doors: 302 and 303. Go in 302. Then, go left into 301. Go left again and you'll find yourself on the fire escape. Enter the pipe at the top. In this room, be careful not to touch the blue walls, as they teleport you back to the top of the pipe. First, grab the Apple Chimp at the top of the left-hand set of platforms and bring him down. Make him turn you Fat, then break the blue block. Get the Big Diamond. Now, get the Malletman on the right-hand platforms. Turn into Bouncy Wario, then bounce up through the blocks for another Big Diamond. Go down the pipe. Go into the next area on the right. Go in room 401. Go up for the Heart. Now go down, become Flaming Wario, and jump up. Become Fireball Wario, then break the block and get the . Leave, and go back on the fire escape. Turned into a zombie then drop down all the way to the bottom of the fire escape. Turn back to normal, then go back up. On the way up, you'll get a Big Diamond (if you didn't get it whilst falling, that is). Go back in the building. Go in 301, then hit the '!' switch and go down the stairs. Enter room 201. Go right for the
. Then enter Room 202. Break the blocks, become a bat, thn fly up the shaft on the right. Fly to the upper left for a Big Diamond, then drop down and enter 402. Get the . Enter 403. Break all the blocks, then hit the '!' switch and get the heart. Don't become Zombie Wario or you'll have no choice but to fall down to 303. Leave, and enter 404. Coax out the Apple Chimp, then carry him to the top. Become Fat Wario, then smash the Blue Block and land on the . TIME LIMIT: 4:00 Leave 404, and enter 403. This time, become a Zombie, and drop through to 303. Enter the door, then enter 302. Jump over and enter 301. Go out on the fire escape, go up, become a zombie, and drop to the very bottom. Go right. If you don't want the CD, jump in the Vortex now. If you do, go right and enter the now unlocked 103. Ascend all the way to a Ghostly. Become a Zombie, then drop down to the right. Now become normal, get the CD, break the block, and leave. Head left and jump in the Vortex. ----------------- Sapphire Boss Catbat ----------------- TIME LIMIT: 4:00 Another easy boss. Just don't fall in the water, because there is some sort of submarine-drill there that will damage you, and don't get hit by the Spike Balls, which turn you into Puffy Wario. Basically, all you have to do is jump on his tidal waves, then jump-bash the miniature cat on his head. Eventually, you'll destroy the cat. Now you must stomp on his head instead. And especially beware the red spike balls: they damage you. This is the easiest boss to get all three treasure chests on. ************ Ruby Passage ************ ------------------------- Stage R1 The Curious Factory ------------------------- This level starts out simple enough; just go right. To defeat the Spikebots, wait until they throw their heads, then stomp on their bodies. To control the ferris wheels, jump on the platform which is in the direction you want to go (for example, if you want to go right, jump on the right platform). When you reach a ladder, go down it, and get the . Then go up and ride the wheel right. Get flattened, then go back. Float to the left, and jump up the platforms. Go left and get the Big Diamond. Return to the hammer that flattened you, and this time continue right. Drop down for crystals, then break the block at left and go down the pipe. Get the robot and fling him at the '!' switch. Then roll left for the Big Diamond. Exit the pipe again. Continue right. Soon you'll reach a room full of wheels. You must use the wheels and platforms to reach the top. If you fall down and can't get back, just leave the room, return, and everything will be reset. There are tons of crystals for the collecting here. In the next room, jump on the first conveyer belt, and bash the wall to the left. Go in the pipe beyond the block. Pick up the rock, carry it past the hammer, and throw it through the passage. Get flattened, then float through the opening and land in the water. Go up to the rock, bring it down, and throw it through the block. Go back to the hammer, and float down so that you're standing on a small block. Then float left for a Big Diamond. Exit. Ascend the conveyors to the upper left. Bash the wall, then bash the Purpleys for coins. Now exit at the upper right. Slide down the ladder, get set on fire, break the Flame Block, and get the heart. Now go right for the . Dash the far right wall, then fall down. Ascend the spinning elevators to the top for crystals and a Big Diamond. Climb the ladder at the upper left, then jump up and ascend the next ladder. Cross the conveyor belts to the right. Fall down the second gap, and land on the . TIME LIMIT: 3:30 Crawl right, then go back left, and climb the ladder. Cross the conveyors, this time all the way right, getting the on the way. In the next room, fall down, collecting crystals and bashing Spikeheads, and get the
at the bottom. Keep going left. You'll find yourself in the wheel room again. Fall down and drop down at the lower right. (Note: If you want the CD, get flattened by the hammers in the BR Gem Piece room, then, when you reach this point, drift into the passage for the CD.) Cross the wheels and flying platforms to the upper left, where you'll find a Big Diamond, the and a pipe. Go up the pipe. From here, it's a straight path left to the Vortex. ----------------------- Stage R2 The Toxic Landfill ----------------------- Start the level by falling down to the bottom of this room, collecting crystals along the way. You will see a stack of items. Jump on top of the lowest level then bash, bash, stomp, bash and enter the next area.Get fattened by the left Apple Chimp, then stomp the nearby Blue Block. Get the
but don't enter the door yet. Instead, climb back to the top. Go right, and smash the Blue Block on the right. Get the Archer to shoot you, then become Puffy and float all the way up. Go to the very top, avoiding spikes, get the Big Diamond, and enter the pipe. Jump up, get a rock, and throw it at the '!' switch. Get another rock, jump up and left, and hit the next '!' switch. Go down, get a rock, and throw it onto the second '!' block platform, then get another rock, jump to the same platform, and hit the '!' switch. Get the rock you threw up earlier, jump to the third platform, throw it at the FOURTH '!' switch, then get the Big Diamond. Drop down and leave. Collect crystals and hearts on your way back down to where the BR Gem Piece was. Enter the door there. Cross the platforms to the next door, and enter. Get the then stand under the 4th block from the left. Spring up, and enter the door. Jump off to the right, and stomp down. Swim left, then up, for a Big Diamond. Avoid bubbles on your way back down and right. Collect the crystals in the current, then jump out and hop up the platforms. Exit the way you came in. Drop back down to the Malletmen. This time stand under the 3rd block from the right. Become Bouncy, spring up, and go right. Dash the Blue Block, then go up for the . Go back down, past where the Blue Block was, and Bash every block until you reach a door. Go back, until you reach the 15th step from the bottom. Then stomp, bash left, bash left, bash left, bash left, bash left, bash all the blocks, and get the CD. Then go down to the sixth step from the bottom. Stomp it, then smash blocks all the way left for a Big Diamond. Go right, stomp more blocks, and enter the pipe. Cross the blocks, then become Fat and kill all the Spinebacks for cash. Exit the pipe. Return to that door and enter it. Go right and activate the . TIME LIMIT: 5:00 Get fattened, then go left and smash the Blue Block. Fall all the way down, and jump out to the right. Stand under the second block from the right. Get bouncy, spring up, and fall down. Now stand under the 5th block from the left. Spring up, get the , then Super-Stomp through where the second from the right column of blocks was. You'll break a blue block. Fall down. Fall all the way to the bottom, then dash left. Jump up and dash right. Headbutt up until you reach the top. Stomp one block, then climb the ladder and Super-Stomp the rest. Then just keep using Dash to break rows of blocks, and finally a Blue Block, and climb the ladder out. Go right for the . Then let the Archer shoot you. Float up to the Vortex. -------------------- Stage R3 40 Below Fridge -------------------- Do the obvious and run right. Climb the ladder when you reach it, then cross the conveyors to the upper left. There is a Big Diamond there. Then go to the upper right and Super Stomp down. Drop into the gap. Drop down and head right. Get turned into a Snowman and roll right. Jump onto the platform you stopped against, and continue right. Enter the door. Jump across and get the
. In this room, most of the platforms lead to goodies. Here is a list: Top level:
2nd from Top: Big Diamond 3rd from Top: Heart & Big Diamond Middle level: Nothing 4th from Bottom: Exit 3rd from Bottom: 2nd from Bottom: Nothing Botom level: Heart From the top of this room, Super-Stomp to access a pipe. Enter the pipe. Grab the crystal orbs and hit both '!' switches to gain access to a Big Diamond. Then exit. Go to the 4th level from the bottom, and follow the path to the door. Exit. Go right, climb up, and become a Snowman. Roll right, then climb up for the . (Note: To get a Big Diamond, after getting the TR Gem Piece, roll left through the seemingly solid wall.) Ascend the platforms and ladders to the very top to become a Snowman. Then, drop all the way to the bottom. Get on the left slope, and roll right as a Snowball. You'll automatically go all the way to the top and reveal a door. Enter the door. The is immediately on your right (how easy can you get?). There are a lot of things in this room, and I'll list how to get them: : Go to the lower left of the room. Numerous Crystals: Become a Snowman with the snowdrift immediately to your left at the start. Then, roll on the slope to the right. Heart: Go all the way to the upper left. Pipe: Use the snowdrift to the right of the Heart to become a Snowman. Then, roll on the slope to the right of that snowdrift. (In the Pipe, carry the Ice Troll to the 2nd large platform up. Allow him to freeze you, then slide left for a Big Diamond. Exit the room.) Big Diamond: Roll left on the slope below the first snowdrift. Then, just ascend the platforms. Big Diamond #2: Roll normally off the ledge you used to get to the Pipe. But, jump as you're about to roll off of the slope onto the platforms. Exit: Become a Snowman at the Snowdrift near the door. Descend to the bottom, then roll left from the tiny ledge. In the next room, you'll automatically smash a Snow Block. Go left past it, and jump on the . TIME LIMIT: 4:00 Frog Blocks will vanish, giving you access to a ladder. Climb it, then become a Snowman and roll left. You'll break some Snow Blocks and fall waaaay down. Bash your way to a ladder. (There is a Big Diamond concealed in one of the blocks.) Climb the ladder, and keeping going up and across until you reach another ladder. Climb it all the way up to the Vortex. However, if you want the CD, go right instead. Climb the ladder, then cross the conveyors to the upper right. Drop down, then go to where you fell waaaay down before. Break the block above, then fall down again. Return to the Vortex AGAIN and go right AGAIN. By now, you'll probably be short on time, so hurry. Crawl right, get the CD, then crawl left and enter the Vortex. (Whew...) --------------- Stage R4 Pinball Zone --------------- Immediately, roll right. Now jump and climb, avoiding Spikelaunchers' balls, and enter the door. In this room, you must throw pinballs into all four goal boxes. Once you have activated all four, the main block will vanish, giving you access to a door. Roll right again, then smash the seemingly solid wall for the . In the next room, do the same as before with the pinballs. The pinball encased in a box (at the lower right) may seem impossible, but it is made up of breakable walls: a simple bash-jump will take care of it. The
is in an obvious spot on top of the same box. To get the upper-left ball, stomp the ground so it falls down, use the same trick combined with a bash-jump to break the block to get the upper right. (Note: Once you have destroyed the left goal box, there is an opening behind it: jump into this opening for a Big Diamond. Similarly, bash the block on the right to access a pipe. Once inside, get set on fire, then jump up onto the '!' block platform. Hit the '!' switches to activate more platforms to break a Flame Block, behind which is a Big Diamond.) Once you've completed the pinball room and are in the next room, cross the ladder-covered wall left (the best way to dodge the balls is to stay below the Spikelaunchers) and enter the next door. Get fattened ( I never knew an apple could be so fattening. I thought Wario Land 3 made more sense, where they used donuts) and smash the Blue Block for the . If still Fat, then go right and jump up and down to get the ball in the box; if not, stomp instead. Then get the ball at left. Carry it to the top and powerthrow it over into the upper center box. Then, go left. Stomp the floor so the ball goes in the box, then do the same at the upper right. Enter the door at center. Roll right yet again. In this room, you must use the Spikelaunchers as platforms to reach the CD (upper left) and exit (upper right). Yet another pinball room. Hoo boy... Before doing anything, get the on the right. Carry the first ball to the upper right and throw it in the box. Do the same at the upper left. Now, get a third ball. Go to the door platform, then jump up three platforms to the right. Powerthrow the ball into the notch in the wall, then follow it through and chuck it into a box. Super-Stomp to access a pipe. Drop down and throw up Robo-Guy. Throw him through a block, then follow him. See those two blocks? You've gotta get Robo-Guy, fall down and chuck him at the block AS YOU'RE FALLING. Then climb the ladder and smash the second block for a Heart Chest. Exit the room. Back in the pinball room, stomp the false floor on the left. Carry the ball down, then throw it up into the box. Enter the now-open door. Jump up the platforms, then crawl through the tiny gap and land on the . TIME LIMIT: 6:00 Enter the door. These next rooms are pretty complicated, so I'm just going to list ball and box locations: ROOM #1 Ball #1, 2, 3, 4: Go to the left. There is a box with a false floor. All the balls are in this box. Box #1: Jump up the furthest right platforms. Throw the ball over and left. Box #2: Same as #1, just throw it right instead Box #3: Ascend the far left platforms, and when you see a gap in the wall, throw in the ball. Box #4: Climb the same platforms as for #3, but this time roll the ball down the highest ramp. Exit: Above the ball box. As soon as you exit this room, you will drop down and automatically get a . Enter the door on your left. ROOM #2 Ball #1: Ascend the right-hand platforms, and stomp to drop the ball. Ball #2: After getting #1, jump up the platforms to your left. Stomp to make the second ball fall. Ball #3: Ascend the left-hand platforms. The ball is in plain sight. Ball #4: After getting #3, stomp the lowered floor section where the Ice Troll is/was. Stomp again. Then fall down for the ball. Box #1,2: Climb the middle platforms. Throw the ball left. After the first box disappears, another will be below. Box #3,4: Same as #1 and 2, just throw the ball right instead. Exit: At the far right. Now, jump up the platforms, and start rolling. Keep on rollin' wherever the ramps take you. Eventually, you'll get to the Vortex. -------------------- Ruby Boss Cuckoo Condor -------------------- TIME LIMIT: 4:00 A simple yet difficult boss. Know what I mean? This bird would be strange enough even if he didn't inhabit a flying clock. This is probably the most bizarre boss of all (barring Golden Diva). The easiest thing to do is to use a Big Fist from the Item Shop to reduce him to 2 HP, but for those of you who don't like to 'cheat', or those of you who want the satisfaction of beating him properly, here's how it goes. The first section is simple. Just run underneath him. He'll lower his claw; bash it and it'll swing up and hit him in the face. Also, watch out for his electric bolts; his gears; and getting picked up by the claw. After a while of this, the clock will explode, and the bird will come out. When it throws an egg, grab it before it hits the ground, and throw it at the little bird on his head. If the eggs hit the ground, they'll hatch into exploding ducks. With enough hits, the bird will explode, leaving behind a pair of earrings. Phew!! ************* Topaz Passage ************* You know how every passage has a theme? Emerald is Nature, Sapphire is Spooky, and Ruby is Hi-Tech? Well, I think the theme here is Surreal. Almost everything is out of the ordinary. Races against dominoes, giant game boards, enormous block castles... even a flying pig cartoonist! --------------------- Stage T1 Toy Block Tower --------------------- (Note: Whenever I say 'throw the pyramid into the slot' it means get the pyramid block and throw it at the pyramid outline above the door. Also, another bit of info... the cat face blocks regenerate if you leave the room, then return) Break the blocks on the right. Then, get the pyramid, carry it over to the door, and throw it into the slot. Enter the door. Go right, get the next pyramid, and throw it into the slot. Enter the door. Get the then climb up and smash that annoying little cart. Break the block, then bash the ball all the way right. Jump off it for crystals. Exit the door. Break the blocks, then go left for some crystals. Return right and enter the upper door. Immediately break the three Cat Blocks, then enter the door. Grab the crystals, Heart, and
. Enter the door. Climb the ladder, break the Cat Blocks again, and jump on the block. Jump up to the platform. Break the elevated blocks, then go down. Break the small block in the left wall, then crouch-jump into the space. Go down the pipe. In here, go down and hit the '!' switch. Then hit it again quickly to catch the blue blocks before they hit the floor. Dash left across them for a Hear Chest. Now, exit. Go back to where you were before, but continue onward and upward. Roll the ball left, then go up, and enter the door. Now, break only the top and bottom Cat Blocks, NOT the middle one. Then go past, and jump up from the blue block for crystals. Retrace your steps, but drop down this time. Break every single Normal Block you see. Go to the far right, then dash left. Jump up on the blocks and keep dashing. Jump again to smash the Blue Block and get a Big Diamond. Now, go right again. Jump to the platform, then dash left nonstop through the Cat Blocks for goodies. Now enter the door on the right. Make your way over to a Fire Gargoyle. Get set on fire, then break the Flame Block. Get caught on fire from the Gargoyle at the far right, and jump up all the platforms. Break the Flame Block and grab the Pyramid. Ascend to the top, throw the Pyramid into the slot, and enter the door. (Note: The wall at the upper right of the room is fake. Jump to it, and it will disappear, revealing a pipe. Enter it. In this room, climb the ladder, and push the ball left. Super Stomp from it to break the left Blue Block, then Dash the right. Push the ball into the groove under the Big Diamond, then get the Big Diamond. Now exit.) You'll see two Blocks supported by two Cat Blocks each. Break both Cat Blocks under the left block, and break the top one under the right. You'll have made a stairway to the upper level. Go up and across, then fall down and enter the door. Get the then get set on fire. Break the Flame Block, then break all the blocks except for the Cat Block under the normal one. Enter the door. Smash the carts for coins, then leave and hop on the . TIME LIMIT: 4:00 Jump on the Frog Blocks, then through the through-floors and enter the door. Break both Cat Blocks on the left, then use the remaining blocks as stairs. Go right, get the and go down the pipe. Get the . Go left, jump the pit, and duck-jump into the small gap. Jump over and break both Cat Blocks. Now jump from the Blue Block to get the Big Diamond. Fall in the gap. Go left, get the pyramid, and throw it into the slot. Enter the door, get the CD, and exit. Go back, past where the pyramid was, and jump up. Go up to the highest platform, and crouch-fall into the gap. Get the Big Diamond, break the block, fall, and go back left. Enter the pipe. Enter the door, and climb the ladder. Enter yet another door. Now it's a straightforward path back to the Vortex. ------------------ Stage T2 The Big Board ------------------ This level takes a lot of explaining before you even start. Throughout the level are dice. Hit the button on the bottom of the dice when it shows the number you want (1-6), and you'll advance that number of spaces on the board below. What happens depends on what space you land on: Platform: Turns all outline blocks in the level solid and vice versa. Wario Head: A certain reaction happens (depending on where you are). Big Diamond: Wario gets a Big Diamond. Diceman: Three Dicemen appear. Heart: Wario gets a Heart. Lightning: Wario loses a Heart. Goal: Goal Blocks disappear (only one Goal space at the end of the board.) Now on with the Level! At the start, head right until you reach a Dice. Any number you get will land you on a Platform Space. Use the first platform to get crystals and a Heart, and the second to clear the block. Now continue right. Get the under the blocks, then jump up to the top of the blocks. There are goodies on the platforms up there. Once you've got 'em, head right again. Now, try to use the Dice Block to hit a Wario Head Space. You'll become Flaming Wario. Jump up and break the Flame Blocks for a Big Diamond. Then go down, and drop in the gap. Smash the wall on the right, and enter the pipe. Get the glass balls from the green thing, and smash both rows of blocks. Then, use the Wario Carts to cross the spikes to the Heart Chest. Exit once you have it. Now, smash the blocks on the left. Get the
and go up. Continue right, as before. Get the below, then use the Dice to land on a Diceman space. Throw one of the Dicemen at the blocks on the right to access a Big Diamond. Then hop up, and break both blocks in the right column and the top one in the middle column. Use the remaining blocks as stairs to reach some crystals. Then, go right. Now simply go right, getting all the goodies (including the ). When you see a Dice, use it to land on a Wario Head and become Fat. Smash the Blue Blocks for a Big Diamond. Return to the top and continue right. In the cave, go down and use the Dice Block to become Flat with a Wario Head. Jump up the platforms to the small one above the pole. Then float to the blocks and continue right. Get the CD, then become normal again. Use the Dice to make the platforms outlines, then stomp the floor and bounce on the upturned Spineback for crystals. Go left some more, and enter the door. Just ignore the dice here (unless you want a Heart or Big Diamond, then go to the upper right (it's a straight path) and enter the door. Roll right, you'll automatically hit the . TIME LIMIT: 3:00 Jump up to the upper left. Enter the door. In this room is a Dice that never disappears. Keep hitting it until you land on a Goal Space. The blocks that spell 'Get a Goal' will vanish, and you can stomp the blocks and fall down for a . From here on, just repeat the level, only backwards, and you'll reach the Vortex. ------------------ Stage T3 Doodle Woods ------------------ Jump on the platform. Jump again, and that fake blue wall will vanish, revealing a . Now go right. Here, just go right, avoiding Hoggus and his Spike Pigs, until you reach a crystal arrow pointing to the lower right. Drop down where you see it. Head left until you have to drop down. Smash the half-block and go in the notch where it was. A fake wall will vanish, permitting you to go through to a pipe. In this room, roll left, hitting all the '!' blocks. You'll get a Big Diamond. Once you've got it, work your way up and exit. Continue left. You'll see what looks like a dead end, but it's just another fake wall. Go through, and behind the second fake wall, you'll see two blocks. Break both and enter the door behind them. The is there. Exit, and go left, then drop down. Go right until you reach a dead end. Go up, and all the way left, until you reach a wall. Go up and enter the pipe. Go all the way right. When you see a set of platforms, memorize their location, because a fake wall will appear hiding them. Once you get the Big Diamond, roll left and exit. Break the blocks and go right. Eventually, you'll reach some blocks with an arrow pointing down. Smash the blocks, go down, and hit the . TIME LIMIT: 6:00 Go right, fall down, go left. Get the . Roll left, then jump up and continue left. In the next room, bash the pencil. Go down, then jump up, staying to the left. Hit the pencil on the left, then the one on the right, and use them as platforms to continue up. Use the pencil to reach the
, then hit it. Keep going up until you see two pencils; a blue on the left and a purple on the right. Hit the purple, then use the blue one to continue up. Go right, fall down onto the purple pencil, and exit the room. Now, keep going right (stay on the highest platforms for a Big Diamond) and enter the next room. Just keep jumping up (the is on the way) until you reach two pencils. Hit the top one, then the bottom: then drop down and use them to continue up. Then exit, roll left, and walk left; at the far left is a door with a CD behind it. Leave, and hop up the platforms; then walk left and exit the Vortex. ---------------- Stage T4 Domino Row ---------------- (Note: In this level, there are dominoes. You must race the dominoes to the flag. If you jump on the flag before the dominoes land on it, the Domino Blocks will vanish). Run right and hop on the flag. The Domino Blocks will vanish. Enter the door. Now you have your first Domino race. If you beat the Dominoes and hop on the flag, the Domino Blocks will vanish, revealing two Hearts and two blue crystals. Once you get them, enter the door. Now, race right again, hopping over Wario Carts. If you beat the Dominoes, you'll gain access to the . Once you've got it, enter the door. In this race, whenever you reach a dead end, drop down and continue in the other direction. Keep in mind the crystals only appear during a race, with a few exceptions. If you beat the dominoes, you'll release a Malletman. Turn Bouncy, then spring up into the opening. Enter the pipe. Carry Robo Guy to the top platform, and throw him through the blocks. The Spinebacks will all fall in the water, yielding plenty of coins. Once you've filled your pockets, exit the pipe. Drop down to the right for crystals, then stomp the blocks and break the Blue Blocks (it'll make your life easier later). Now head right and enter the door. (If you didn't beat the dominoes, you'll have to crawl past and jump over all the spikes.) As soon as you trigger the dominoes, roll right. Once you stop, jump up the platforms and roll left. Jump and roll right, and you'll automatically trigger the flag (if the dominoes didn't get there first). Jump up and enter the left door (it'll only be open if you beat the dominoes. If you didn't beat them, enter the right door). There are lots of crystals on the way up, as an alternative to the spike-ridden route you have to take if the dominoes won. Once you reach the top, throw the Wario Cart there through the blocks. Then go over and bounce off a Cart for a Big Diamond. Enter the door. In this room, work your way down. When you get to the water, swim right, then work your way up to the Flag. Once the race is over, you can go down and get the goodies you missed, including the which is accessed by headbutting a block whilst in the water. Once you are done, enter the door. Beware, this next room is difficult. Not only are the dominoes faster, but the room is ridden with spikes and the platform layout as confusing. If you win, you'll access the upper door. If you don't, go down, break the block, and enter the lower door. A walkthrough for both ways follows: Upper Door: Go right and get the CD. Then, smash the Blue Block. Super-Stomp another Blue Block, then swim down and enter the pipe. Jump-bash the '!' switch, then land on the platform and jump-bash the next '!' switch. Keep doing this until you reach the top, where a Big Diamond awaits. Then exit the pipe and hop on the . Lower Door: Go in the water, and swim over (beware... the water is full of Goggley-Blades and Spike Clams) and hop on the . TIME LIMIT: 4:00 Swim over to the lower door. Enter it, then drop down past the outlined Frog Blocks. If you beat the Dominoes earlier, you can simply go left, but if not, you must work your way down, left, and up. Enter the door, then work your way down to another door (enter it). Now, roll left, and stay on the upper path for the
. Go down, and enter the door. Work your way to the upper left, and guess what? Enter the door. From here, just go left, and when you see two outlined Frog Blocks, drop past them, grabbing the on your fall. Work your way left, staying on the lower path (this requires a lot of stomping) until you see a rock. Go over and throw it up, then climb up after it. Keep throwing the rock to kill all the Spinebacks in your way, then get the . Do some more block stomping to get a heart, then take the upper path to a pipe. Enter it, then enter the Vortex. -------------- Topaz Boss Aerodent -------------- TIME LIMIT: 4:00 Another boss where it would be wise to use his weakness (which is Large Lips) if you want all three treasures. He starts by throwing down a Spikebutt. Jump on its head, then throw it up at the bear. It will deflate slightly, and sink. Its feet will start flashing. Jump-bash one to flip him over, then jump-bash the Rat. Rinse and repeat. Eventually, that darn rat will start tossing down fireballs. They don't hurt you, but the do turn you into Flaming Wario which wastes your time. After beating him, you'll get the final piece of Boss Jewelry, the Necklace. After all four bosses are beaten, the Golden Pyramid at the center of the Passage Select room will rise, and the sixth and final passage, the Golden Passage, is open to you. The Pyramid Master awaits!! ************** Golden Pyramid ************** ------------------- Final Stage Golden Passage ------------------- Immediately, when you start the level, you'll land on the . However, you can't go back in the Vortex yet, not until you have all the Gem Pieces. TIME LIMIT: 9:30 Run right, jumping over pits (if you fall in a pit, you will land in a fast-moving current which will take you back to the start of the level) and avoiding falling chandeliers, which will turn you into Flaming Wario if they hit you. There are two Big Diamonds right in your path, above the falling platforms. Keep going right and exit the area. DON'T get hit by the Ice Troll. If you do, you'll become Frozen Wario, and slide into the pit. Jump over him instead, and break the blocks to his right. NOW get hit, and you'll slide through the spikes and drop into the water. Swim down, and, when you get the opportunity, go right. Avoid the bubbles, as they will carry you into the current and back to the surface. Instead, get hit by a bubble on the far right. It will carry you up past a Big Diamond. Hit the ceiling at the top, then go into the current going left. Jump out when you reach a gap, and get the . You have no choice now but to go back in the water and get carried left, to the start. Go back to the same bubble and this time, when you hit the ceiling, swim right, jump out of the water, and go into the next area. Avoid the Malletmen, and drop down. Get the
and enter the pipe. You'll get taken back to the Malletmen. This time turn into Bouncy Wario, drop down to where the bottom right Gem Piece was, go to the right edge of the platform, and press A to shoot up. You'll automatically get a Big Diamond. Now go into the next area. Avoid the Ax Rabbits, and get the Big Diamonds above them as you continue right. Also watch out for Ghostlies. Go into the next area. Don't get hit by an Apple. Go right, and when you see a lump of snow, turn into Snowman Wario. Roll down as Snowball Wario, smash the Snow Block, and get the Big Diamond. Go left, go up the pipe, and hop up the platforms. Go right, this time avoiding the snow, and jump up above where the Snow Block was. Go right, get turned into Bat Wario. Fly up and left, avoiding the candles, and get the . Fall down, get turned ino a bat again, fly up and right, and go to the next area. Climb down the ladder, and break the blocks. Go right, hit the '!' block, and go back up the ladder. Go right, and roll right. Once you stop rolling, go left and get the Stomp the block on your right, let the water carry you left, and jump out once you reach a wall. Go right, get the robo guy, carry him right, and powerthrow him through the opening at the block. Go left, up the ladder, and roll right again. This time, you'll keep on rollin'. Get the Big Diamond on your way and, when you stop, get the . Go left, fall in the water, and let it take you left. When you reach a wall, jump out of the water, and break the blocks on the left. Drop down, get the Big Diamond, and get carried aaaallllll the way left. Once you reach the end jump out, go up the pipe, and jump into the Vortex. The Final Boss awaits!! ---------------- Final Boss Golden Diva ---------------- One thing to remember about this boss is that no Item Shop item affects her/him/it (I'm not really sure which) that much. When you enter the Boss Room, the Pyramid Master Golden Diva, who turns out to be some sort of ghost thing, descends in a beam of light. The cat you saw in the intro movie attacks, but Golden Diva fires a tractor beam out of her eyes and pulls in the cat. The room lights up, and the battle begins! TIME LIMIT: 6:00 The boss begins with four masks orbiting its face. It sends one at you, and you must jump on it, then throw it at the boss's fan. Do this with all four masks to destroy the fan. Now it starts its cycle, which has four attacks: + It sends a green spiky thing out at you. Jump on it, then throw it at the Diva's face. + It throws a teddy bear ball at you. This explodes after about 5 seconds, so quickly bash it so that it flies over and hits the Diva in the face. + It drops black eggs, which are similar to Cuckoo Condor's, but even the unhatched eggs explode. Catch them in mid-air, and throw them in the Diva's face. + It throws a spiky hammer. The spikes will retract, so pick up the hammer and powerthrow it in the air. Position yourself so it lands on you, and you'll become Bouncy. Spring up into the Diva's face. After two cycles of this, the Diva goes crazy. Now, it will attack faster (for example, if she throws a green spiky thing, she may throw a teddy bear ball before you even hit here with the green spiky thing), but it uses the same attacks as before. After it's taken four hits in this manner (the attacks you use against her don't matter) its mask will explode, revealing its true (very ugly) face. You must run under it, and when it smashes down, jump-bash its face. After three hits, the Diva will explode, and a pair of flashing lips will fall down. Stomp on them, and the game is beaten! ****** Ending ****** BEWARE! SPOILERS! If you don't want the ending spoiled, don't read this section. Unlike most, this game only has one ending, although it differs slightly. After defeating the nefarious Golden Diva, Wario followed a black cat as it climbed a ladder to safety. Wario and the cat escaped just as the Pyramid collapsed in a heap of rubble. "But what about Princess Shokora?" wondered Wario. "What will happen to her?" As he though this, the crown, bracelets, earrings, and necklace, which had been blown clear when the Diva disintegrated, were absorbed into the cat! It was transformed, before his very eyes, into...Princess Shokora!! (Note: Shokora's look changes depending on how much treasure you got from the Golden Diva. The more treasure you earn, the prettier Shokora looks.) She thanked Wario for all his help, then disappeared in a beam of light, surrounded by miniature flying angels. Later... The lights lit again on the Wario Car as it sped into the night once again. Is it treasure that Wario is after again? Not really... An advertisement flies out behind the car... BIG STEAK HOUSE ALL YOU CAN EAT...$ 10! The credits roll. ******************************* FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions ******************************* Sorry. This section is under construction since no-one has sent in a question yet. For question-sending guidelines, look at the E-mail Guidelines section. *************** Version History *************** --Version 1.31- Changed my E-mail address to ts_chapman@yahoo.com --Version 1.3-- I completed my revision of this FAQ, and am ready to send it in a second time. --Version 1.2-- GameFAQs didn't accept it, so I'm preparing for a HUGE update. First, I changed the entire FAQ to an acceptable font and size. Since I was missing some Keyzer locations, I added those in, and made some other changes in places where the walkthrough was wrong/didn't make sense. --Version 1.1-- Finished writing this (finally) and am ready to send it in. ******* Credits ******* Me -- I slaved away at this walkthrough for days on end, researching the game, even compiling an enemy list. I think I deserve a little credit, don't you?? Nintendo - For churning out another cool Wario game. Jeff 'CJayC' Veasey - For posting my previous two FAQs, and (hopefully) posting this one. Vienticus Prime - His guide helped me with a couple of difficult parts. You - For reading and using this guide (I didn't write it for no reason, you know.) And last but not least, Wario - For being cool about all the times I caused him to die! ^_^ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **************** The End...Or Is It? **************** Oh, just so you know... the only sites that can host this FAQ without permission are... www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com If anyone else wants this FAQ, please write and ask. *** END ***