Wario Ware Inc. Pyoro FAQ FAQ by John Harris History v1.0: Initial release Pyoro and Pyoro 2 are secret full-edition games included in Wario Ware Inc: Mega Microgames. They are the usually the last things unlocked: Pyoro is unlocked after every minigame on the cartridge has been seen in the wild at least once, and Pyoro 2 is only opened up after the player has gotten the medal score in *all* of them. They are also probably the best of the included secret games: Dr. Wario is their nearest competitor, and while it is indeed cool it has been seen before. Both Pyoros are very addictive, in a certain old-school, early 80's arcade way. Both games would have been right at home before the crash. By the way, Pyoro is the game in the introductory scene that's doing so well that Wario decides to get into the game development business himself. Pyoro ----- Pyoro is a flightless, vaguely birdish thing with a bill and a long tongue. It lives its days in front of a row of bushes, simultaneously dodging and eating a hail of sprouts that fall eternally from the sky for no adequately explored reason. If Pyoro gets struck by a sprout he's knocked out and the game is over. That's right: he only gets one life. His abilities are limited to walking left and right, and launching his long, sticky tongue at the airborne vegetables. The tongue always shoots out diagonally upwards in the direction Pyoro is facing. It's kind of like a Yoshi tongue, but a lot less versatile, and a lot longer. The tongue is pretty quick, but the sprouts are all constantly falling so there's always some adjustment that must be made to intercept them. Because all the sprouts are falling down, and because Pyoro's tongue can't be fired straight up, the player is constantly having to run left and right to eat things right overhead. If Pyoro misses a sprout and it hits the ground, it takes out that block and leaves a hole. Pyoro can't walk over holes, so landed sprouts restrict his movement. If he eats one of the fairly common red sprouts, however, the game will replace one patch of ground. (It's always a patch that will restore movement range to Pyoro, it'll never be a hole on the other side of a gap.) If he eats a flashing sprout, then nine or ten patches of ground get quickly replaced with musical accompaniment, and all sprouts currently on the screen get destroyed. What makes all this difficult is the pace at which it happens. As time passes the fall speed of the sprouts is slowly increasing, and the rate at which new sprouts are introduced goes up too. It isn't long before the sprouts are almost raining down on the poor bird-thing, and movement becomes difficult between threatening sprouts and missing sections of ground. Even if Pyoro never gets hit, if he doesn't eat a good number of sprouts he can very quickly find himself trapped on a one-block-wide platform, with nowhere to dodge should a sprout appear right overhead. Those cases aren't always hopeless, since red sprouts are not rare and flashing ones show up with ever-greater frequency as points are scored, but it often is. The higher up on the screen a sprout is when Pyoro's tongue grabs it the more points it's worth. Sprouts close to the ground score only 10 points, but not too far above that they're worth 50. Even further up they score 100 and 300 points. If Pyoro is lucky enough to snatch a sprout that's just appeared at the top of the screen he gets a good 1,000 points, but there is a serious luck component in getting any bonuses like that. Points not only measure your skill in the game but they also determine when flashing sprouts show up. The first arrives at 5,000, then at 7,000, 9,000, and then every thousand points after that. Notice that the points required go *down* the more points the player has! This makes sense because the sheer flood of sprouts that fill the screen by that time makes survival very difficult, and you'll practically be living from flashing sprout to flashing sprout. When such a sprout is caught, it not only scores the typical points depending on its height on the screen but it also earns 50 for every sprout on the screen. Later on there's almost bound to be at least ten sprouts on screen at any given moment, so if you do the math you'll see that the very act of eating a flashing sprout is often almost enough to make the next one appear. As the player's score goes up the graphics in the background change subtly. Houses appear, buildings, then the Eiffel (or maybe Tokyo?) Tower, and a skyscraper, and a UFO, and then a stern-looking moon. Also the sky gets dark and goes from early evening to sunset to dark and star-sprinkled. The music also gets faster and more complex. At 10,000 points, every additional thousand earned not only calls another flashing sprout but also makes a shooting star appear in the background. Pyoro 2 ----- - The basic game is the same. Pyoro (a different color this time) again wanders around atop a row of blocks in front of a hedge. Again the sprouts fall, again when they land they destroy blocks, red ones put single blocks back, flashing ones restore many and clear the screen, again again again. Flashing sprouts appear at the same point intervals, the whole game gets faster at the same rate, things appear in the background at the same point scores (different things this time though). Even the music is the same, and does the same things. The only real difference is in Pyoro's weapon. Instead of a tongue, he spits seeds at the sprouts to destroy them. The seeds are spit so fast that they actually do not appear on-screen, though if you look closely you can see tiny droplets of Pyoro saliva with each shot. The seeds follow the same trajectory as the tongue did, just invisibly, and infinitely fast. Also, you can now take care of more than one sprout with each shot. The scoring system has changed a bit. Now all sprouts score 50 points regardless of height. However, if two are shot at once they're both score 100 points. If three or four are hit at the same time they all score 300 apiece, and more than four at a time is worth 1,000 *per sprout*! They're still all falling at their usual tremendous pace though, so payoffs like that are rare. In "plain" Pyoro, the good scores are usually all scored at the beginning, when you can afford to try to hit sprouts at the far side of the screen. As the game's speed increases you end up settling for 100, or even 50 points a sprout if you want to stay in the game. Pyoro 2 is the opposite. As the game continues you tend to get *more* bonuses because you accidently get multiple hits when the screen fills up. This means many more flashing sprouts, which means more points, and so on. You don't even have to worry about them getting blocked by intercepting sprouts! A good trigger finger will serve you in much better stead in Pyoro 2 than in 1. In fact, Pyoro 2 is easier in general. At 20,000 points, the screen turns gray (it sort of looks like the original Game Boy) and the music slows down and changes a lot. The game is still going at full speed however. The shooting stars stop occurring at this phase, but you still get a flashing sprout for every thousand points earned. That's not all! At 30,000 the screen turns mostly black except for a few background elements, and all the game elements are outlined in white! The music changes again! There's more! At 40,000 the lights in the background start flashing different colors! Plus! At 50,000 points, stars appear in the background, scrolling up very quickly! That's all I've got... so far. My current high score in Pyoro 2 is a little over 54,000 points. Thanks ------ Thanks to no one. I don't see why everyone who writes these FAQs thinks they've won an Academy Award. It's like naming saints on your knees at bedtime. Wario Ware is a great game, but Nintendo has already been thanked enough by the 30 bucks I paid for it, the $70 for my Game Boy Advance, the $150 for my Gamecube and the $50 for my Game Boy Player (which is, in my opinion, *the* way to play Wario Ware). Nintendo makes the best videogames in the world right now, hands down, but if you really want to thank a company you do it by buying their products. Legal ----- Copyright 2003 by John William Harris. http://www.hiddenglade.com/ Anyone can post this document wherever the hell they want. This document may be freely distributed.