****************************************************************************** X-Men: Reign of Apocalypse Game Script Version 1.0 Copyright 2005 Chris Castiglione (dinobotmaximized) Email: dinobotmaximized (at) yahoo (dot) com ****************************************************************************** I. Introduction II. Version History III. Script IV. Credits and Thanks V. Legal ****************************************************************************** I. Introduction ************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** In this FAQ I have typed the dialogue and story related text that appears in X-Men: Reign of Apocalypse for the Game Boy Advance. The text is exactly as it appears in the game except it's not all capitals. ****************************************************************************** II. Version History ********************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 1.0 - September 26, 2005 ****************************************************************************** III. Script ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ******************************************* * Opening * ******************************************* Returning from a journey to the Mojoverse, the X-Men enter into a space-time portal aboard their trusty plane, the Blackbird. As the portal shimmers before them, they see the X Mansion appear on the other side. The team is relieved to be returning home at last. As the Blackbird slides through the portal, an unexpected shockwave sends a jolt through the spacecraft. Storm: What was that? The X-Men watch in horror as their home, the X Mansion, transforms into a broken and battered version of its former self. Little do they know that they have been transported to a sinister, twisted mirror of their own world. Apocalypse is the ruler on this world, former friends are now foes. The X-Men will have to use every scrap of courage and strength they can muster to find their way home again. Cyclops: What the...? Professor X, come in... .. anyone?!?! Storm: Great heavens! The mansion is in ruins! What happened here? Wolverine: Nothin' good, by the smell of things... Let's have a look around. Cyclops?!?! Storm: What is it? Oh my... Scott, you may not want to see this... Cyclops: What's got you all riled up? Wolverine: I'm afraid it's you, buddy. It's a dead body that looks...and smells just like you, buddy. Cyclops: Whoever did this is gonna pay! Well, I hope this isn't an indication of things to come... Wolverine: No time for chitchat! We've got company... ******************************************* * Cut Scene 1 * ******************************************* Wolverine: What did you do to the mansion, Blob?!?!?! Blob: I'm not talking to you, muscle-head. Wolverine: Find anything, Rogue? Rogue: Well, I know this much- we're not in Kansas anymore. Cyclops: What do you mean? Rogue: According to these computers, the mansion was destroyed years ago. We must have somehow crossed into another dimension. Storm: So we need to find a way back to our own dimension, but how? Rogue: It seems the X-Men from this dimension went to Wolvie's old stomping grounds to avoid the sentinels. Maybe we can find some clues there... Wolverine: Department H, here we come. *********************************** Wolverine: The entrance should be right over there. Cyclops: Look out Wolverine! Looks like we've got company! Wolverine: Not quite the warm welcome I was expecting, but this should be more fun! ******************************************* * Cut Scene 2 * ******************************************* Wolverine: Good thing they never changed the locks... Rogue: You better lead the way, sugar. Wolverine: With pleasure. ********************************** Wolverine: Wait a minute. I smell something. We've got company boys and girls. Weapon Omega: You have trespassed on his high lord Apocalypse's grounds. Prepare to face Weapon Omega! Storm: Weapon Omega? Aren't these guys Alpha Flight? Cyclops: Looks like things are more different in this universe than we thought. Alpha Flight were our friends in our universe. Wolverine: Well, these clowns are anything but... ******************************************* * Cut Scene 3 * ******************************************* Cyclops: It appears that Apocalypse has created a warp gate and is using it to transport soldiers around the world. We must've gotten sucked into the gate as our portal took us some. We need to find the warp gate in order to get back to our dimension, but first we've got to stop any sentinels from tracking us. Storm: We have to get to the central dispatch base and destroy their communications grid. According to the data I downloaded, it's located in Colorado. Rogue: What's the catch storm? Storm: It also happens to be the regional sentinel headquarters! Wolverine: Perfect...just, perfect... ******************************** Wolverine: Looks like Phoenix is one of the bad guys in this universe She and her friends are making a beeline for the Blackbird and out to cause some serious damage. Cyclops: Someone needs to get out there and stop them! There's nowhere for me to land! Phoenix: Your plane won't fly so well without a wing, will it? ******************************************* * Cut Scene 4 * ******************************************* Cyclops: Nice work, team. Without our quick response the Blackbird surely would have crashed. Rogue: Aww shucks. It was easy, right Storm? Storm: Sure thing. Just a stroll in the park. ****************************** Cyclops: Ok, team, once we're inside, we need to locate the central cooling unit. Destroying it will cause the main computer to overheat, rendering the base inoperable. Wolverine, see if you can bypass the alarm to the dispatch base and get us inside. Wolverine: Too late, bossman! The jig is up! Time to do this the old fashioned way! ******************************************* * Cut Scene 5 * ******************************************* Rogue: Dandy, sugar. The bigger they are, the harder they fall! Wolverine: I'm bored, bossman. Can we go find some real competition? ******************************* Cyclops: What we need to do now is find the warp gate. Rogue: Yeah, but who knows where it is and how will we convince them to tell us? Storm: Forge. Cyclops: Of course! But how can we find him? Rogue: Not a problem. I can use the Blackbird's main computer as a mini-cerebro unit. He's here in the underwater complex. One problem though... Magneto is with him. Wolverine: Don't worry Rogue. I'm sure old helmet head will listen to reason. ******************************************* * Cut Scene 6 * ******************************************* Rogue: Forge! Can you help us? Forge: My name is no longer Forge. I am called Genesis now, X-Men. You are correct to seek me out. I created the warp gate. Apocalypse has been hunting me ever since he forced me to make the warp gate, because only I know how to destory it. Cyclops: Well you can't destroy it yet. We need to return home to our own dimension. Forge: I will tell you what I know, but you must promise me that you will use this code I am giving you to destroy the gate after you have passed through. We need your help to save our world from the reign of Apocalypse once and for all. Cyclops: We'll do our best... ***************************** Storm: Are you sure this is the right place, Cyclops? Cyclops: Forge...I mean Genesis said that the location of the warp gate could be discovered at the hellfire club, so let's get to it... Rogue: I knew we couldn't get there without a fight. Storm: Yeah, but it would be real nice if we could once in a while. ******************************************* * Cut Scene 7 * ******************************************* Cyclops: I've got it. The warp gate is in San Francisco. Let's go. ***************************** Wolverine: Hate to be disagreeable but this doesn't look like San Francisco, bossman. Cyclops: We've got to draw off some of Apocalypse's force before we can assault the warp gate. Let's do this by the numbers. We wreck some of Apocalypse's other bases and the power supplies to draw off troops from the main base where the gate is located. Then we go in for the kill. Wolverine: Wreckin' is what I do best... Cyclops: There is a geothermal tap here that Apocalypse is using to power his sentinel bases. Let's blast it sky high! ******************************************* * Cut Scene 8 * ******************************************* Storm: There goes the power for his bases! Now let's take out his main satellite transmitter at the statue of liberty. That should draw some attention. ******************************* Cyclops: Everyone remember to wait for the signal... Wolverine: Here goes nothin'... ******************************************* * Cut Scene 9 * ******************************************* Rogue: Looks like the torch has been lit, friends. Cyclops: Taking out the main transmitter link for all of Apocalypse's security stations should buy us some more time. Storm: All that's left is destroying the cloning plant in Genosha, then home sweet home. ***************************** Rogue: Why is it whenever Wolverine's in charge we end up swimming through polluted waters and climbing slimy pylons? Wolverine: 'Cause it works. And is it ain't broke, don't fix it. The mutant cloning plant is right over there. Ready? Storm: And willing. Let's destroy this disgusting body bank. Cyclops: There are fewer guards here than the other installations. Looks like our plan is working. We can hit the warp gate once we finish these goons off. ******************************************* * Cut Scene 10 * ******************************************* Wolverine: Warp gate, here we come. Next stop, San Francisco! ************************* Storm: He's using people for fuel?!?! I shouldn't be shocked but I can't help myself. Apocalyse is nothing but a self-serving tyrant. Cyclops: He's using them as fuel to power the warp gate. We must free these people before we leave. Are you with me, X-Men? Rogue: Do you have to ask, sugar? Wolverine: It's what we heroes do, bub. Storm: The madness must end. ******************************************* * Cut Scene 11 * ******************************************* Cyclops: Great work, team. Now these people should be able to free themselves, thanks to our efforts. I'm inputting the code for the warp gate's self destruct mechanism now... ******************************** Rogue: This doesn't look like the right place. Wolverine: Doesn't smell like it either. We're on the flamin' moon. Storm: I thought we were being sent directly to our own dimension? Cyclops: The warp gate probably only works by line-of- sight from the moon. Troops are sent anyplace on the earth from the gate here. There must be a main warp gate that can get us home from here with a little tweaking. Let's find the gate and get out of here! ******************************************* * Cut Scene 12 * ******************************************* Cyclops: I think we've finally found the gate that we've been looking for. Let's go home, X-Men. Wolverine: Just one last thing, boss. Cyclops: What did you do, Logan? Wolverine: Initiated Genesis' self-destruct program. ******************************************* * Ending * ******************************************* A portal opens on one end of the balcony and the battered X-Men step out. Professor X: I suspect there is quite a story behind this? Wolverine: You don't know the half of it, Chuck. Cyclops: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha..... ****************************************************************************** IV. Credits and Thanks ******************************************************* ****************************************************************************** Thank you to GameFAQs for hosting this FAQ. Thank you to IGN for hosting this FAQ. Thank you to Neoseeker for hosting this FAQ. ****************************************************************************** V. Legal ********************************************************************* ****************************************************************************** This FAQ is Copyright 2005 Chris Castiglione. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. There are three sites authorized to host this FAQ, they are: GameFAQs.com IGN.com Neoseeker.com