=============================================================================== Yu-Gi-Oh Reshef of Destruction Gameboy Advance Hall of Eternity FAQ and Decklist Version 1.00 by KerntheGerm =============================================================================== Shonen Jump's ________ _______ _ _ __ _______ \_ ] [_ _/ ,' `._,- / \ ,--~* *~--, ,'| [ ] `. \ / ,' / _ / | | \ ,--, /| | \ / `. \_/ ,' / ,' `./ \_/ | | | | | | \ / `. /,--,,--, ___ | | ,--,,--, ___ | | | | | | __ | | | || || | /__/ | | /_ || | /__/ | | | | | ' | | | | || || | | \ | || | | | | | | ,-, | _ |__| | || `' | \ `-' || | \ \/ / | | | |/ / __ / \`.__,. `'/ `. __|| | \ / | | \ / (__) '----- `--' `--' `--' `, --' `-' TM Reshef of Destruction =============================================================================== All junk Copyright KerntheGerm 2004. This FAQ is to be hosted on Gamefaqs only. If this FAQ is seen anywhere else but Gamefaqs, please contact me immediately, that I might deliver swift and vengeful retribution. If you spot any errors in my guide, even trivial ones, please E-Mail me about them so I can correct them. Also feel free to E-mail me tips or suggestions you think would work well in my FAQ. You will be credited. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction and Game Information II. Gameplay Basics III. What is the Hall of Eternity? IV. Helpful Hints, Tips, and a Mini-FAQ. V. Overview of the Hall of Eternity: Who to Duel. VI. Quick Decklist Maximillian Pegasus Seto Kaiba Dark Joey Yami Bakura Yami Yugi Yami Marik Noah Shadi Paradox VII. Complete Decklist and Strategy Maximillian Pegasus Seto Kaiba Dark Joey Yami Bakura Yami Yugi Yami Marik Noah Shadi Paradox VIII. Thanks and Contact information Control+f the Roman numerals and character names to quickly find them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction and Game Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shonen Jump began running Kazuki Takahashi's manga, Yu-Gi-Oh, in 1996. Since then, YGO has blossomed into a huge commercial venture: A card game based on the series, a wildly popular TV show, even a feature-length movie was recently released in theaters. A game company called Konami holds all rights to all YGO related games, including the actual TCG itself. In 1998, Konami Released the first ever Yu-Gi-Oh Video game, Duel Monsters for the Gameboy. Since then, Konami has created nearly thirty Yu-Gi-Oh games. One recent one, The Sacred Cards (Duel Monsters 7 in Japan), was released on GBA to a lukewarm reception. About the only thing it had going for it was its rather simplistic gameplay and inclusion of the three Egyptian God Cards. Reshef of Destruction (Duel Monsters 8 in Japan), the sequel to Sacred Cards, was to improve on the new gameplay rules, include a wider variety of cards to play, and provide more ways to play the Egyptian God Monsters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II.Gameplay Basics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roughly one third of YGO: Reshef of destruction is spent running around town, bullying your friends and random people into duels. In the field, RoD plays much like a standard RPG, except there's no random battles and no treasure chests. You will need to move around a great deal to accomplish your goals, so I suggest you familiarize yourself with the controls. Personally, I like RoD's system much more than I like any other YGO game's travel methods. It just seems more convenient to me this way. Controls in the Field: Directional Pad - Move Character around Select Button - Bring up the Deck Menu Start Button - Bring up the Deck Menu "A" Button - Talk to an NPC "B" Button - Hold down to dash Left Shoulder Button - Bring up Deck Menu Right Shoulder Button - Challenge an NPC duelist A small (or large, depending on how determined you are) part of YGO: Reshef of Destruction is spent in the deck menu. This is where the most important part of the game takes place: Deck Construction. Reshef of Destruction follows a complicated deck system unlike any other YGO game before it, excepting its predecessor, Sacred Cards. There are no booster packs in Reshef of Destruction. Any and all cards you play with will either be bought from Grandpa's shop or won from other duelists. In addition, you are not allowed to just put any card you want into your deck. You have two statistics, Duelist Level and Deck Capacity, that govern which cards you are permitted to put in your deck. Deck Capacity: You begin the game with 1600 Deck capacity. The more you have of this, the better. Random NPCs and Bosses give you 3 Deck Capacity when you defeat them, but you can only duel them once. Important NPCs (People with portraits and names) can be dueled an infinite number of times, but only give 1 Capacity when defeated. Deck Capacity is the measure of the size of your deck. The more Capacity you have, the more high-level cards you can put into your deck. For example, a level 50 card takes up 50 of your Deck Capacity. When you run out of capacity, you won't be able to add more cards into your deck. So the trick to managing a deck is using up as much of your deck capacity as possible while still having the requisite 40 cards. Duelist Level: You begin the game at Duelist level 72. This is also something you'll want as high as possible. Your Duelist Level will rise at exactly one third the rate at which your Deck capacity increases. That is to say, Bosses and random NPCs will give 1 Duelist level, and important NPCs will give 1/3 of a Duelist Level. Duelist Level is the measure of the most powerful card you are permitted to put into your deck. For example, until you reach a duelist level of 200, you will not be permitted to put level 200 cards into your deck. It is important to note that, because you are restricted by Level and Capacity, at no time during the game will you be able to use cards as powerful as your opponents. The trick in building a successful deck lies in knowing how to get around these restrictions. Controls in the Deck Menu: Directional Pad - Move Cursor Select Button - Cycle Deck Organization type Start Button - Select Deck Organization type "A" Button - Confirm Selection "B" Button - Cancel Selection Left Shoulder Button - Cycle Card quick information Right Shoulder Button - No Function The bulk of Reshef of Destruction is spent in duels. You had best learn the controls for duels well, or suffer the humiliation of losing an easy duel because you accidentally discarded your most powerful card. Rules for dueling in Reshef of Destruction are very similar to the rules of the actual card game: You start with 8000 life points, one monster per turn, five magic/trap cards and 5 monster maximum, sacrifices for stronger monsters and rituals, certain cards are limited to one per deck, etc. However, in Reshef of Destruction, any number magic cards can be laid or activated during your turn, and traps can only be activated by an opponent's action during his own turn. Things worth noting in duels: 1. All monster effects are flip effects. You can only activate a monster's effect if it is face down and has not attacked that turn. Usually this means you can only activate right after you play it, but some cards have the ability to flip cards on your field face-down. 2. Trap cards activate automatically. If anything would set off a trap, the trap goes off without any input from the player. If something would set off two traps at once (for example, having both a Widespread Ruin and an Acid Trap Hole when a monster attacks), the game activates either the trap that was put down first or the trap furthest to the left (I'm not really sure on this one). 3. Your graveyard consists of exactly one card. For example, Vampire Lord's effect is that he is resurrected to the field at the beginning of the turn if he's in the graveyard. But if another monster is sent to the graveyard after Vampire Lord, you lose him forever. 4. God cards are immune to virtually every trap, magic, or monster effect in existence, with an exception for ones that increase or decrease level. Ostensibly this is so that you can use a Megamorph on your Obelisk, but this also allows Mai to stop and weaken your God Monster with an Amazon Archers trap. Be careful. Controls During a Duel: Directional Pad - Move Cursor Select Button - No Function Start Button - No Function "A" Button - Confirm Selection "B" Button - Cancel Selection, View secondary Menu Left Shoulder Button - Quick-view attack strengths of cards on the field Right Shoulder Button - View Enemy Duelist's Hand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. What is the Hall of Eternity? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you beat the game, you can re-load your last save and a new location on the world map will be opened, the Hall of Eternity. In the Hall of eternity you can find some of the hardest duelists in the game. The duelists in the Hall come in two varieties: Big and Small. These are just place names, so don't let this distinction fool you into thinking the Small duelists are particularly easier than the Big duelists. Small duelists start with 30,000 life points and yield 2500 Domino and 10 Deck Capacity when defeated. Big duelists start with 60,000 life points and yield 5000 Domino and 20 Capacity when defeated. Otherwise, there is no difference between the Big and Small duelists, other than the obvious differences in their decks. 20 Capacity and 5000 domino is the best you can find anywhere in the game. If you want to level up to duel a friend, this is the place to do it. Since by the time you can access the Hall of Eternity, you've already finished the entire game, it is unfortunately not a place that you can use to level up for the normal game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Helpful Hints, Tips, and a mini-FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The number one thing you have to remember in this game is that enemy duelists will always be much, much stronger than you unless you spend days leveling up on NPCs (or dozens of hours dueling a friend). At almost no point in the game will you be able to beat them down with powerful monsters. You'll be too poor to beat down early duelists, and later duelists will just steal your own monsters with Change of Heart and Monster Reborn. In addition, once you reach a certain point in the game their traps and magic will almost always be more powerful than yours, and their life points more plentiful. Fortunately for you, the "certain point" at which duelists become harder is right after you get your first God card. So this means that all of their powerful magic, traps, and monsters are useless in the face of your supreme God monsters. The first person you should start dueling is Duke Devlin. He carries and drops monsters with 700 attack power, about the strongest you'll be able to put into your deck at that time, so fill up. Pick out about 4-6 one-tribute monsters with 1500 attack or more and 1-2 two-tribute monsters with 2500 attack or more of varying elements to use for beatdown. If you have one of these monsters out, you can usually be sure to destroy an opponent's low-level monsters. It is important to remember that monsters are the only resource in this game, so if you keep an opponent from having monsters out, you can keep him from summoning high-powered monsters and killing you. Even a single tribute monster is usually enough to wipe out your entire deck. Next duel Yugi for his Spellbinding Circles. They're worth oodles of Domino to sell. The next monsters you should try to buy and find are good effect monsters. Skelengel, Doron, and Fiend's Hand are good attack power early in the game, and their effects are useful even later in the game. Different Dimension Dragon is also a great card to have. Despite its huge Capacity cost, the earlier you can get one of these, the better. Mirage Knight is also a card that's definitely worth putting in your deck at this point. Also make sure you have plenty of traps. Infinite Dismissals, Amazon Archers, Houses of Adhesive Tape, Eatgaboons, Invisible Trip Wires, Acid Trap Holes, and Widespread Ruins are invaluable. Obviously you'll want to tailor your traps according to what enemy you're facing. An Eatgaboon is lovely against the first few bosses, but largely useless against the later ones. And a Widespread Ruin probably uses up too much deck space when you're against a low-level duelist or boss. Get three Beckoning to Darkness cards. I cannot possibly stress how awesome this card is. This card is so awesome, that at no point during the game will you be unable to think of a way to use it. After you get your first God card, you'll want to start looking for Vampire Lords, Dark Flare Knights, Ancient Lamps, and Revival Jams. Keep your 1700+ attack power one-tribute monsters and drop all of your two-tribute monsters. At this point you can also start hitting up the Duel Computer for money. Normal mode drops 500-ish domino when defeated, and occasionally ritual and divine monsters worth an astonishing 2000 domino to sell! Pow! Expert mode is probably a little too hard for you right now, but if you're feeling lucky, there's no harm in giving it a try. It drops 900-ish domino every time you win, but doesn't seem to drop the more expensive cards, though. The Expert Duel computer does, however, drop the kinds of cards you want to be using later in the game. At this point your strategy should revolve around Slifer. Any other monster will be destroyed by traps or stolen by magic, so even a Summoned Skull won't do you any good. Your weak monsters will almost never touch your opponent's life points. They're just there to provide you with something to tribute for Slifer. Three Dorons and at least one Different Dimension Dragon should provide plenty enough tribute fodder. Your monsters will be quickly killed, so you need to keep them alive with the same kinds of traps you used before. Later duelists will all have at least one Harpie's Feather Duster, so make sure you lay your traps one at a time. In addition, you will need to learn the technique of flushing out your opponent's traps and magic strategically. If you suspect your opponent has a Harpie's Feather Duster facedown on the field, you can put out a bait magic or trap card to fool him into wasting it. Use Infinite Dismissals, Ritual Magic Cards, Inexperienced Spies, and any other junk cards for bait. If you suspect your opponent has a Monster Reborn facedown on the field, dump a weak monster into your graveyard to prevent him from stealing one of your better ones. To flush out traps, you'll probably need a God card in play, because all it takes is one Torrential Tribute to wipe out your entire field. Get out a Different Dimension Dragon if you can to probe for traps, and you'll have it back the very next turn to try again. In lieu of a Dragon, you can use your low-level junk monsters to set off traps as well. Never ever attack with a junk monster unless the opponent either has no monsters on the field, or you can kill one of the existing monsters via elemental advantage. No sense in wasting a perfectly good attack if there isn't a trap. If you attack with the junk monster and do not spring any traps, discard it from the field immediately. A weak monster in attack mode is one of the fastest ways to lose. At the last stage of the game, you're going to want Phoenix Ra. In fact, your deck will be nearly the same as your mid-game deck, only now the monsters are for stalling as well as sacrifice. As soon as you that Ra in your hand, it's all over. I don't really like Slifer, because of the constant re-checking of the permanent effect, so I usually take it out of my deck at this point. I do admit that it can be quite useful though, as it's the most numerically powerful of the God cards. Obelisk, in my opinion, is much beter. His effect packs as much monster destruction as a Raigeki and can hit even through Swords of Revealing Light with ease, a definite plus against Hall of Eternity duelists who pack three Swords of Revealing Light each. A new kind of baiting is required in the latest stages of the game: Defense baiting. If you summon a God card while the opponent has a Swords of Revealing Light out, there's no sense in putting it out in attack mode; you can't attack with it anyway. Put it in defense mode and the enemy duelist, stupid as he is, will automatically attack it because it's facedown. Now you can put that 4000 Defense power to good use and have it deal life point damage. And that's about it. Against humans you're obviously going to need a very good deck, so I suggest training extensively at the Hall of Eternity to build up Duelist Level. Humans aren't going to have a bunch of Monster Reborns and Change of Hearts, so you can afford to put high-power monsters in your deck. Most of the best no-tribute monsters are Dark type, so throw in a few Dream monsters if you know your opponent plays beatdown. Reflect Bounder is perfect against human duelists, especially those who use God Cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Overview of the Hall of Eternity: Who to Duel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Obviously if you want a particular card, the person you should duel is whomever has it. In my personal experience, the hardest duelist is Yami Yugi, for a variety of reasons. Mostly, though, because of the way his Dark Flare Knight and Mirage Knight suddenly sprout powerful monsters if you don't keep an eye on them. Paradox and Shadi have the hardest-hitting basic monsters in the entire Hall, and their tribute monsters are pure beatdown as well. They both have a lot of Divine summons, but Shadi barely edges out Paradox because more of his monsters can take advantage of the Yami field. Even if you took off Yami, they've both still got a hardcore beatdown waiting for you. Kaiba and Joey also tend to be rather tough in my experience. Marik would have been a lot harder if he would just use that Phoenix Ra correctly; sadly, he's too dumb to kill you with it. Depending on how strong your monsters are, Pegasus can be either hard or easy; he was easy for me. Bakura can also be either hard or easy depending on how many cards he's already got on the field once Destiny Board hits play. Usually, though, if you can avoid setting off his Anti-Raigeki or Torrential Tribute, he will never finish Destiny Board and his deck will be sold short. Out of the whole bunch, Noah is the easiest. Most of his monsters are Fairies, so they get powered down by the Yami field. Even an apathetic beatdown deck would cream him, and you can even use Invisible Trip Wire traps on his sorry monsters. ----------------------------------------- Overall ranking, from hardest to easiest: ----------------------------------------- 1. Yami Yugi 2. Shadi 3. Paradox 4. Seto Kaiba 5. Dark Joey 6. Yami Marik 7. Maximillian Pegasus 8. Yami Bakura 9. Noah ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Quick Decklist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =================== Maximillian Pegasus =================== Small duelist Swords of Revealing Light x3 Relinquished x3 Harpie's Feather Duster x3 Castle of Dark Illusions x3 Pot of Greed x3 Change of Heart x3 Monster Reborn x3 Megamorph x3 Toon Summoned Skull x3 Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon x3 Thousand-Eyes Restrict x3 Big Shield Gardna x3 Torrential Tribute x3 Anti Raigeki x1 ========== Seto Kaiba ========== Big Duelist Ancient Lamp x3 Swords of Revealing Light x3 Z-Metal Tank x2 Y-Dragon Head x2 X-Head Cannon x2 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon x1 Harpie's Feather Duster x3 Monster Reborn x3 Megamorph x3 Vorse Raider x3 Torrential Tribute x3 Pot of Greed x3 Blue-Eyes White Dragon x3 Obelisk the Tormentor x1 Lord of D. x1 Change of Heart x3 Master of Dragon Knight x1 ========= Dark Joey ========= Small duelist Megamorph x3 Swords of Revealing Light x3 Gilford the Lightning x1 Jinzo x1 Zombyra the Dark x3 Torrential Tribute x3 Boar Soldier x3 Steel Fan Fighter x1 Panther Warrior x3 Pot of Greed x3 Monster Reborn x3 Harpie's Feather Duster x3 Exarion Universe x1 Gearfeid the Iron Knight x3 Black Skull Dragon x1 Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon x1 Red-Eyes Black Dragon x1 Change of Heart x3 =========== Yami Bakura =========== Big duelist Harpie's Feather Duster x3 Dark Necrofear x1 Megamorph x3 Flash Assailant x3 Pot of Greed x3 Headless Knight x2 The Earl of Demise x2 Nuvia the Wicked x3 Swords of Revealing Light x3 Dark Elf x3 Monster Reborn x3 Destiny Board x1 Gernia x1 The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams x1 Change of Heart x3 Earthbound Spirit x1 The Portrait's Secret x1 Torrential Tribute x3 ========= Yami Yugi ========= Big duelist Megamorph x3 Dark Elf x3 Change of Heart x2 Flash Assailant x3 Monster Reborn x3 Dark Magician x1 Slifer the Sky Dragon x1 Dark Flare Knight x1 Dark Paladin x1 Dark Magician Knight x1 Harpie's Feather Duster x3 Swords of Revealing Light x3 King's Knight x2 Jack's Knight x1 Queen's Knight x2 Big Shield Gardna x2 Pot of Greed x3 Dark Magician Girl x1 Mirage Knight x1 Torrential Tribute x3 ========== Yami Marik ========== Big duelist Change of Heart x3 Gil Garth x3 Dark Jeroid x3 Lava Golem x1 Torrential Tribute x3 Monster Reborn x3 Viser Des x3 Executor - Makyura x3 Newdoria x1 Harpie's Feather Duster x3 Pot of Greed x3 Swords of Revealing Light x3 Megamorph x3 Helpoemer x1 Winged Dragon of Ra (Phoenix Mode) x1 Byser Shock x1 Legendary Fiend x1 Anti Raigeki x1 ==== Noah ==== Big duelist Perfect Machine King x1 Nightmare Penguin x1 Shinato, King of a Higher Plane x1 Berserk Dragon x1 Yamata Dragon x1 F.G.D. x1 Anti Raigeki x1 Megamorph x3 Chirion the Mage x3 Giant Rex x3 Asura Priest x3 Aeris x3 Pot of Greed x3 Harpie's Feather Duster x3 Monster reborn x3 Change of Heart x3 Torrential Tribute x3 Swords of Revealing Light x3 ===== Shadi ===== Small duelist Change of Heart x3 Harpie's Feather Duster x3 Dark Elf x3 Megamorph x3 Monster Reborn x3 Boar Soldier x3 Pot of Greed x3 Flash Assailant x3 Cosmo Queen x1 Sengejin x1 Gemini Elf x3 Firewing Pegasus x1 Bracchio-raidus x1 Swords of Revealing Light x3 Torrential Tribute x3 Magician of Black Chaos x1 Crimson Sunbird x1 Anti Raigeki x1 ======= Paradox ======= Small duelist Torrential Tribute x3 Megamorph x3 Flash Assailant x3 Gemini Elf x3 Dark Elf x3 Change of Heart x3 Boar Soldier x3 Harpie's Feather Duster x3 Swords of Revealing Light x3 Pot of Greed x3 Monster Reborn x3 Zera the Mant x3 Black Luster Soldier x1 Aqua Dragon x1 Machine King x1 Cyber-Tech Alligator x1 Anti-Raigeki x1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Complete Decklist and Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =================== Maximillian Pegasus =================== ------------------ Notes and Strategy ------------------ Small type. 30000 life points, 10 Deck Capacity, 2500 Domino. Like all Hall of Eternity Duelists, he's got three of pretty much everything. But that's it. Only three. If you bait him into using all three Harpie's Feather Dusters, Change of Hearts, or Torrential Tributes, you don't have to worry about them again. Admittedly, it takes a lot of cards to flush out that kind of firepower, but it can be done. Aside from Divine, he only has three element types: Fiend, Earth, and Light. And all three types have an equal number of cards, so an elemental strategy is out. You'll have to rely on your God cards for this duel, since Pegasus has effectively 9 Change of Hearts thanks to his Relinquished and Thousand Eyes Restrict cards. Putting face-down defense mode monsters to lure him into attack mode is useless because he'll probably just take them from you. But that's one of his weaknesses: His monsters are only as strong as your own. Stick with weak monsters and he'll never lay a finger on you. If you insist on a beatdown, at least clear the field with a Last Day of Witch. Your best bet is to just play it safe not put out any monsters unless you're sure he can't take anything from you. His strongest no-tribute monster is Castle of Dark Illusions, so you don't have to worry so much about him depleting your life points unless things get dire. Beware though, he'll just as soon steal your own monsters from you if you try to defend yourself. Fiend's Hand and Beckon to Darkness work wonders to prevent him from putting out his heavy hitters, or even to destroy them if he gets them out. Because 6 of his monsters have 0/0 stats and thus will never attack, all it takes is just a few trap cards to stop his handful of attacking monsters dead in their tracks. Play it safe and you'll finish him off in no time. ------------ Flavor Text: ------------ Talk: The finest drink, the tastiest Gorgonzola cheese... The funniest comic book in the world... What more can any man want? Challenge: I've scanned your mind. I can read your strategies as if it were an open book! I hate to say this, but your have no chance to win! Turn: It's my turn! Lose: Nooo! I'm the creator of Duel Monsters! Losing is not in the cards! Unbelievable! =============================================================================== Monsters =============================================================================== Name: Castle of Dark Illusions Number: 83 Level: 493 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Attack: 1200 Defense: 2500 Text/Effect: Plunges both fields into darkness at the start of your turn. It also turns all own monster in the own field face down. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Toon Summoned Skull. Number: 729 Level: 279 Stars: ****** (6) Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Attack: 2500 Defense: 1200 Text/Effect: A cartoony skeleton fiend that has been summoned from its castle. It is a Summoned Skull in the Toon World. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Relinquished Number: 731 Level: 999 Stars: * (1) Type: Magician Summon: Divine Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Text/Effect: A horrifying monster that has a single malevolent eye. It can steal the abilities of a monster on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Thousand-Eyes Restrict Number: 734 Level: 999 Stars: * (1) Type: Magician Summon: Divine Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Text/Effect: A monster with countless eyes. It can steal the abilities of a monster on the foe's field to power up two levels. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Big Shield Gardna Number: 758 Level: 532 Stars: **** (4) Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Attack: 100 Defense: 2600 Text/Effect: A legendary shield of a massive size and ornate design. It is said To have fended off a million-strong army in the past. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Number: 767 Level: 95 Stars: ******** (8) Type: Dragon Summon: Light Attack: 3000 Defense: 2500 Text/Effect: A cartoony dragon that was a Blue-Eyes White Dragon. It had been drawn into the Toon World and transformed. Quantity in Deck: 3 =============================================================================== Magic =============================================================================== Name: Swords of Revealing Light Number: 348 Level: 300 Text/Effect: A spell that reveals all the foe's monsters over three turns. The opposing monsters are prevented from attacking over that time. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Monster Reborn Number: 601 Level: 250 Text/Effect: A spell that resurrects a monster from the opponent's graveyard and places it on the player's side of the field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Megamorph Number: 657 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A spell that gigantically transforms a monster on the field. The chosen monster is made much more powerful. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Harpie's Feather Duster Number: 673 Level: 100 Text/Effect: A feather duster that is made from a Harpie Lady's feather. It sweeps away all spell and trap cards on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Change of Heart Number: 784 Level: 500 Text/Effect: A spell that can take over a monster on the opponent's field. The affected monster is put under control. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Pot of Greed Number: 789 Level: 150 Text/Effect: A card that allows the player to draw cards from the deck. Up to two cards may be drawn if there is room in the hand. Quantity in Deck: 3 =============================================================================== Traps =============================================================================== Name: Torrential Tribute Number: 694 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A trap card that has dire consequences to anyone that trips it. If attacked, it destrows all monsters on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Anti-Raigeki Number: 782 Level: 150 Text/Effect: A trap card that protects the player's monsters from Raigeki. Instead, it destroys all the monsters on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- ========== Seto Kaiba ========== ------------------ Notes and Strategy ------------------ Big type. 60000 Life Points, 20 Deck Capacity, 5000 Domino Like his brethren, Kaiba has 3 of pretty much everything. Again, you'll need to flush out his Change of Heart and Torrential Tribute cards before it's safe to send out your more powerful monsters, and you'll also need to flush out his Harpie's Feather Duster's before you can safely set your more potent traps. Stick to Amazon Archers and Infinite Dismissals if you can until you're sure he's out, then move on to Widespread Ruins and your own Torrential Tributes. Kaiba's monsters pack a wallop. His deck seems to be beatdown with dragons and that whole XYZ schtick. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a unifying elemental type, so an elemental advantage deck is out of the question. Of important note is that Kaiba has absolutely no one-tribute monsters; all of his power cards require two or more. You can safely leave one of his monsters on the field, unless, of course, it happens to be one of the XYZ cards. A fusion of two of those (by their effect) is Kaiba's substitute for mid-level attack monsters. If he makes one, it will be dizzy for a turn and will also pull two cards off of his field. When he makes one, it's the perfect time for monster destruction cards. If you've got a Fiend's Hand handy, now is the time to use it. Alternately, you can change the field to Umi to take the steam out of his machine monsters. His Ultimate Dragon and Master of Dragon Knight may seem a bit intimidating at first, but then you realize that they're just regular monsters. You can kill them or take them from him as you please. Obelisk is the one to look out for in this deck. Fortunately, he will prefer to summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate and Master of Dragon Knight over Obelisk (they have higher attack power), so you have a fair chance of avoiding the wrath of a God card, especially if you prevent him from ever having 3 monsters to tribute. Just be careful if he does summon it. The only way to take it off the field is by summoning a stronger monster. His strongest 4-star monster is the 1800 La Jinn (summoned by Ancient Lamp's effect) because it gets a bonus from the Yami field type. Unless you've got plenty of beatdown that's better than that, you should probably stay away from a beatdown-style deck against him. If you've got the capacity and the cash to stock better cards than him, just watch out for Change of Heart. ------------ Flavor Text: ------------ Talk: You want to know who my strongest rival is? Heh. One thing's for certain. It's not you. Challenge: A duel can start anyplace and any time two duelists meet. I accept your duel! Turn: [Sound byte of Kaiba saying "It's my turn."] My turn. Lose: I...lost? Grr...you better not lose to anyone else! Not after you'd beaten me! =============================================================================== Monsters =============================================================================== Name: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Number: 1 Level: 95 Stars: ******** (8) Type: Dragon Summon: Light Attack: 3000 Defense: 2500 Text/Effect: A legendary dragon that takes pride in its enormous power. Its powers of destruction far exceed comprehension. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: X-Head Cannon Number: 149 Level: 260 Stars: **** (4) Type: Machine Summon: Wind Attack: 1800 Defense: 1500 Text/Effect: A combative machine that can combine with one or two other specific war machines on the own field to form a new monster. Quantity in Deck: 2 ---------------------------------------- Name: Obelisk the Tormentor Number: 234 Level: 0 Stars: ************ (12) Type: Warrior Summon: Divine Attack: 4000 Defense: 4000 Text/Effect: A monster that can wipe out all monsters on the foe's field. At the same time, it hits the foe with 4,000 LP worth of damage. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Vorse Raider Number: 268 Level: 289 Stars: **** (4) Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Fiend Attack: 1900 Defense: 1200 Text/Effect: A ferocious beast warrior that dedicates itself to evil deeds. It finds joy in carrying out misdeeds. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Number: 380 Level: 999 Stars: ************ (12) Type: Dragon Summon: Divine Attack: 4500 Defense: 3800 Text/Effect: The ultimate of all dragons that has three awe-inspiring heads. It is formed by three Blue-Eyes White Dragons. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Ancient Lamp Number: 535 Level: 161 Stars: *** (3) Type: Magician Summon: Wind Attack: 900 Defense: 1400 Text/Effect: An animated magic lamp. It can summon a La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp if there is open space on the own field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Y-Dragon Head Number: 575 Level: 207 Stars: **** (4) Type: Machine Summon: Pyro Attack: 1500 Defense: 1600 Text/Effect: A combative machine that can combine with one or two other specific war machines on the own field to form a new monster. Quantity in Deck: 2 ---------------------------------------- Name: Z-Metal Tank Number: 590 Level: 207 Stars: **** (4) Type: Machine Summon: Thunder Attack: 1500 Defense: 1300 Text/Effect: A combative machine that can combine with one or two other specific war machines on the own field to form a new monster. Quantity in Deck: 2 ---------------------------------------- Name: Master of Dragon Knight Number: 698 Level: 169 Stars: ************ (12) Type: Dragon Summon: Divine Attack: 5000 Defense: 5000 Text/Effect: A huge and awesomely strong dragon that can be powered up based on the number of dragons on the player's field. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Lord of D. Number: 741 Level: 121 Stars: **** (4) Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Attack: 1200 Defense: 1100 Text/Effect: A monstrous magician that wears a large, concealing cape. It has the power to rule over many dragons. Quantity in Deck: 1 =============================================================================== Magic =============================================================================== Name: Swords of Revealing Light Number: 348 Level: 300 Text/Effect: A spell that reveals all the foe's monsters over three turns. The opposing monsters are prevented from attacking over that time. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Monster Reborn Number: 601 Level: 250 Text/Effect: A spell that resurrects a monster from the opponent's graveyard and places it on the player's side of the field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Megamorph Number: 657 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A spell that gigantically transforms a monster on the field. The chosen monster is made much more powerful. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Harpie's Feather Duster Number: 673 Level: 100 Text/Effect: A feather duster that is made from a Harpie Lady's feather. It sweeps away all spell and trap cards on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Change of Heart Number: 784 Level: 500 Text/Effect: A spell that can take over a monster on the opponent's field. The affected monster is put under control. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Pot of Greed Number: 789 Level: 150 Text/Effect: A card that allows the player to draw cards from the deck. Up to two cards may be drawn if there is room in the hand. Quantity in Deck: 3 =============================================================================== Traps =============================================================================== Name: Torrential Tribute Number: 694 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A trap card that has dire consequences to anyone that trips it. If attacked, it destrows all monsters on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- ========= Dark Joey ========= ------------------ Notes and Strategy ------------------ Small type. 30000 Life Points, 10 Deck Capacity, 2500 Domino Standard Hall of Eternity Traps/Magic. 3 of each. Joey's got a hard beat-down deck. Fortunately, he doesn't have a single card that can take advantage of the Yami field element. Virus Crush can wipe out his entire field every time, and he doesn't have an Anti-Raigeki either. In addition, his deck has a lot of Warriors, so if you needed any more monster destruction, you could add a Warrior Elimination or two. His elements heavily favor Shadow, so a few Dream monsters should give you an advantage. Just watch out for his fiend-type dragons. If you keep his field free of basic monsters, you shouldn't have to worry. But can always get lucky and pull a Change of Heart and Monster reborn at the same time, so be on your toes. The big card to watch out for is Joey's Jinzo. It kills all your traps and he can get it out with just one tribute. Keep a monster destruction/control card handy just in case he puts out this monster, because you sure as hell aren't going to stop it with a trap. If you're not careful he can wipe out your entire strategy with Jinzo. Gilford the Lightning is another card to be wary of. It takes to monsters to summon, so it should be a bit less threatening than Jinzo, but its effect is just as dangerous. In a flash, every monster you have on the field could be wiped out instantly. Be ready. Other than that, he's just got Red-Eyes Black and its variants. If you're paranoid, put a Dragon Capture Jar in your deck. Otherwise, you shouldn't need to worry about them. They go down just as easily as any other normal monster. ------------ Flavor Text: ------------ Talk: [Player Name]... You're goin' down... Challenge: Even your Family won't recognize you after I finish pummeling ya! Turn: [Sound byte of Joey saying "It's my turn!"] My turn! Here goes! Lose: My... Memories... I remember I'm a True duelist... Gwaaaaaaaaaaaah! =============================================================================== Monsters =============================================================================== Name: Red-Eyes Black Dragon Number: 82 Level: 12 Stars: ******* (7) Type: Dragon Summon: Fiend Attack: 2400 Defense: 2000 Text/Effect: A sinister black dragon with eyes that shine a deep scarlet. It furiously spouts black flames that incinerate all things. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Gearfried the Iron Knight. Number: 115 Level: 260 Stars: **** (4) Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Attack: 1800 Defense: 1600 Text/Effect: A warrior that has been constructed out of tensile steel. Its steel hands have sharp cutting edges. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Boar Soldier Number: 197 Level: 319 Stars: **** (4) Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Earth Attack: 2000 Defense: 500 Text/Effect: A porcine beast warrior that wields a massive stone axe. It destroys everything that happens to be within sight. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Black Skull Dragon Number: 217 Level: 5 Stars: ********* (9) Type: Dragon Summon: Fiend Attack: 3200 Defense: 2500 Text/Effect: A fiendish dark dragon that is of extremely high rarity. It is the fusion of a rare fiend and a dragon. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Zombyra the Dark Number: 517 Level: 350 Stars: **** (4) Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Attack: 2100 Defense: 500 Text/Effect: A superhero on the dark side. In return for powering down, he can destroy one monster on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Gilford the Lightning Number: 667 Level: 58 Stars: ******** (8) Type: Warrior Summon: Light Attack: 2800 Defense: 1400 Text/Effect: A warrior of great strength with a devastating power. He can wipe out all monsters on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Exarion Universe Number: 675 Level: 289 Stars: **** (4) Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Shadow Attack: 1800 Defense: 1900 Text/Effect: A centair-like being that has the power to hit the opponent with LP loss identical to its ATK. It then powers down. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon Number: 742 Level: 58 Stars: ******** (8) Type: Machine Summon: Shadow Attack: 2800 Defense: 2400 Text/Effect: A Red-Eyes Black Dragon that has be metalized for more power. Its type has changed from dragon to machine. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Panther Warrior Number: 745 Level: 319 Stars: **** (4) Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Shadow Attack: 2000 Defense: 1600 Text/Effect: A feline warrior that attacks faster than sweeping winds. Its speed easily tops 60 mph. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Jinzo. Number: 752 Level: 231 Stars: ****** (6) Type: Machine Summon: Thunder Attack: 2400 Defense: 1500 Text/Effect: An android of great power distinguished by its thick, long neck. It can destroy all the trap cards on the opponent's field. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Steel Fan Fighter Number: 792 Level: 150 Stars: ****** (6) Type: Warrior Summon: Wind Attack: 2200 Defense: 1850 Text/Effect: A warrior who uses a steel fan that is etched with a dragon. He battles as if he were dancing. Quantity in Deck: 1 =============================================================================== Magic =============================================================================== Name: Swords of Revealing Light Number: 348 Level: 300 Text/Effect: A spell that reveals all the foe's monsters over three turns. The opposing monsters are prevented from attacking over that time. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Monster Reborn Number: 601 Level: 250 Text/Effect: A spell that resurrects a monster from the opponent's graveyard and places it on the player's side of the field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Megamorph Number: 657 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A spell that gigantically transforms a monster on the field. The chosen monster is made much more powerful. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Harpie's Feather Duster Number: 673 Level: 100 Text/Effect: A feather duster that is made from a Harpie Lady's feather. It sweeps away all spell and trap cards on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Change of Heart Number: 784 Level: 500 Text/Effect: A spell that can take over a monster on the opponent's field. The affected monster is put under control. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Pot of Greed Number: 789 Level: 150 Text/Effect: A card that allows the player to draw cards from the deck. Up to two cards may be drawn if there is room in the hand. Quantity in Deck: 3 =============================================================================== Traps =============================================================================== Name: Torrential Tribute Number: 694 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A trap card that has dire consequences to anyone that trips it. If attacked, it destrows all monsters on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- =========== Yami Bakura =========== ------------------ Notes and Strategy ------------------ Big type. 60000 Life Points, 20 Deck Capacity, 5000 Domino Standard Hall of Eternity Traps/Magic. 3 of each. Bakura has a beatdown deck much like Joey's, except that his monsters are all the right type to take advantage of the Yami field. In addition, most of them have 2000 attack power or more. But, like Joey, he falls easily to a Raigeki or a Crush Card, since he has nothing to stop them and little that would survive them. Since every single monster in his deck but one is Fiend type, you can be sure that an Exile of the wicked or two (or three) will rip his deck to pieces. Alternately, changing the field type can simultaneously hamstring his monsters and bolster your own, should you choose your monsters wisely. Unfortunately, strong monsters aren't the only thing in Bakura's deck. He also has a Destiny Board. Once its activated, you've got just a few short turns to either finish him off or destroy it, otherwise you lose instantly. If you get a Harpie's Feather Duster early in the duel, save it until this hits the field. Actually, even when it hits the field, you'll want to save it. Wait until he's got 4 of the letters on his board before you destroy it. That way, he'll have his magic/trap zone choked up for as long as possible. Jinzo will also work here, as will a Trap Master. I'm not exactly sure about this, but I think if you kill the Destiny Board with Trap Master, the other two or three Spirit Messages will stay on the field and clog up his Magic and Trap space. Good deal. If you're lucky, though, he might choke himself with Destiny Board. On many occasions, he's put out Destiny board while he had one card facedown on his field that he refused to activate. With that one slot taken up by a facedown card and the other four taken up by Destiny Board, he was wholly unable to play any magic at all. Usually it will be a Torrential tribute, so if you make sure to never ever attack except with God Cards, he'll never get Destiny Board to work. His elements very heavily favor Shadow. He's also only got one Fiend-summon card, so if you load up with Dream monsters he won't stand a chance. But not too many, because he also has some Earth-summon monsters that will do fine against Dream monsters. All in all, Bakura is one of the easier Hall of Eternity duelists if you prepare correctly. ------------ Flavor Text: ------------ Talk: Hahahahaha! I don't think it's wise for you to get to know me! Challenge: My occult deck will banish you to the shadows! Turn: My turn! Lose: Grr... I won't forget this... I will get my revenge! =============================================================================== Monsters =============================================================================== Name: Headless Knight Number: 108 Level: 233 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fiend Summon: Earth Attack: 1450 Defense: 1700 Text/Effect: A knight who had been beheaded on a fake charge of treason. Now its fiendish specter wanders without a head. Quantity in Deck: 2 ---------------------------------------- Name: Dark Necrofear Number: 138 Level: 58 Stars: ******** (8) Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Attack: 2200 Defense: 2800 Text/Effect: A being that can take over a monster on the opponent's field. The affected monster is put under the player's control. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Flash Assailant Number: 181 Level: 319 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Attack: 2000 Defense: 2000 Text/Effect: An extremely quick fiend that uses its speed to best advantage. If it is seen, the witness is sure to be killed instantly. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: The Earl of Demise Number: 472 Level: 86 Stars: ***** (5) Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Attack: 2000 Defense: 700 Text/Effect: A fiend of aristocratic status and fearsome bearing. He is feared by not only humans, but also by weaker fiends. Quantity in Deck: 2 ---------------------------------------- Name: Earthbound Spirit Number: 526 Level: 319 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fiend Summon: Earth Attack: 500 Defense: 2000 Text/Effect: A fiendish spirit that cannot take leave from the earth. It is made from the souls of soldiers vanquished in battle. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Dark Elf Number: 551 Level: 319 Stars: **** (4) Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Attack: 2000 Defense: 800 Text/Effect: A black-hearted elf that loves to fight above all else. It can be a troublesome enemy if it gets to strike first. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Gernia Number: 569 Level: 3140 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Attack: 1300 Defense: 1200 Text/Effect: A fiend whose arms end in large cruelly curved talons. It uses its powerful jumps to attack foes from above. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Nuvia the Wicked Number: 551 Level: 319 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Attack: 2000 Defense: 800 Text/Effect: A dark fiend that had once been a woman fixated on revenge. She changed to this form by selling her soul to a dark entity. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: The Portrait's Secret Number: 779 Level: 183 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fiend Summon: Earth Attack: 1200 Defense: 1500 Text/Effect: A portrait painting that has a sinister reputation of bad luck. It is said to bring misfortune to all those who own it. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams Number: 780 Level: 260 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Attack: 1300 Defense: 1800 Text/Effect: A dark fiend that haunts the dreams of those it comes to possess. Once it is in control, the victim cannot awaken voluntarily. Quantity in Deck: 3 =============================================================================== Magic =============================================================================== Name: Swords of Revealing Light Number: 348 Level: 300 Text/Effect: A spell that reveals all the foe's monsters over three turns. The opposing monsters are prevented from attacking over that time. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Monster Reborn Number: 601 Level: 250 Text/Effect: A spell that resurrects a monster from the opponent's graveyard and places it on the player's side of the field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Megamorph Number: 657 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A spell that gigantically transforms a monster on the field. The chosen monster is made much more powerful. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Harpie's Feather Duster Number: 673 Level: 100 Text/Effect: A feather duster that is made from a Harpie Lady's feather. It sweeps away all spell and trap cards on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Change of Heart Number: 784 Level: 500 Text/Effect: A spell that can take over a monster on the opponent's field. The affected monster is put under control. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Pot of Greed Number: 789 Level: 150 Text/Effect: A card that allows the player to draw cards from the deck. Up to two cards may be drawn if there is room in the hand. Quantity in Deck: 3 =============================================================================== Traps =============================================================================== Name: Destiny Board Number: 583 Level: 500 Text/Effect: A board that adds a letter at the start of the own turn. Victory is automatic if the "FINAL" message is completed. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Torrential Tribute Number: 694 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A trap card that has dire consequences to anyone that trips it. If attacked, it destrows all monsters on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- ========= Yami Yugi ========= ------------------ Notes and Strategy ------------------ Big type. 60000 Life Points, 20 Deck Capacity, 5000 Domino Standard Hall of Eternity Traps/Magic. 3 of each, except Change of Heart, of which he only has two. Yugi's deck is a hard one to classify. I'd say it's mostly a Dark Magician based Shadow deck than anything else. Surprisingly, his deck is mostly Warrior type monsters rather than the Magician types you'd suspect. Well, his heavy hitters are largely warriors. About half of his basic monsters are capable of taking advantage of the Yami field type. In addition, he has the Royal Knights combo, with Jack, Queen, and King. He doesn't really seem to get much use out of these three, and they can't even get the Yami bonus, so they're pretty useless. A warrior Elimination might help, but he probably won't ever have warriors on the field when you've got it in your hand. I would stick with Crush, Raigeki, and Beckon to Darkness because they're guaranteed to work every time. Change the field to anything but Sogen to slightly weaken him. The only warrior you really need to worry about is the Dark Flare Knight. If he gets this card out, get ready for a world of hurt. Once it dies, it summons a Mirage knight onto the field, which in turn splits into a Dark Magician and a flame Swordsman. Your best bet is to wait until you have some extra monster destruction handy before you try to kill it. When the Mirage Knight pops up, immediately use your monster destruction on it to prevent him from getting out a 3000+ attack power Yami-boosted Dark Magician on the field. As if that weren't enough, he also has another Mirage Knight lurking in his deck. if you're lucky, though, he won't get a chance to summon it. Worst of all is Slifer. God help you if Yugi gets this card on the field. Immune to all traps and magic, the only way you can kill it is with another, stronger monster. Thanks to its heavy powerup bonus, that means any other card is pretty much useless unless it's another Slifer. The only way to combat this monster is to have your own Slifer out early or just prevent him from summoning it entirely. I'm not sure if Dragon Capture Jar will work on Slifer, but it couldn't hurt to try. At worst you'll just die anyway when he summons it. One of the hardest duelists of the bunch. Beat him once for the sake of completion, but stay away from him otherwise. ------------ Flavor Text: ------------ Talk: [Player name], what can be seen and not see at the same time? Challenge: I accept your challenge! Turn: [Sound clip of Yami Yugi saying "It's my turn!"] My turn! Lose: You've become much stronger, [Player name]. But you won't win so easily next time. =============================================================================== Monsters =============================================================================== Name: Dark Magician Number: 35 Level: 20 Stars: ******* (7) Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Attack: 2500 Defense: 2100 Text/Effect: A sinister spell caster that possesses both power and defense. It is among the best of al magicians. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Flash Assailant Number: 181 Level: 319 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Attack: 2000 Defense: 2000 Text/Effect: An extremely quick fiend that uses its speed to best advantage. If it is seen, the witness is sure to be killed instantly. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Slifer the Sky Dragon Number: 238 Level: 0 Stars: ************ (12) Type: Dragon Summon: Divine Attack: 4000 Defense: 4000 Text/Effect: A dragon that can power up based on the cards in the hand. For every card in the player's hand, power is upped 3 levels. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Dark Elf Number: 551 Level: 319 Stars: **** (4) Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Attack: 2000 Defense: 800 Text/Effect: A black-hearted elf that loves to fight above all else. It can be a troublesome enemy if it gets to strike first. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Queen's Knight Number: 555 Level: 201 Stars: **** (4) Type: Warrior Summon: Light Attack: 1500 Defense: 1600 Text/Effect: A female warrior that bewilders foes with sinuous movements. It strikes abruptly when it spots an opportunity. Quantity in Deck: 2 ---------------------------------------- Name: Jack's Knight Number: 557 Level: 61 Stars: ***** (5) Type: Warrior Summon: Light Attack: 1900 Defense: 1000 Text/Effect: A warrior who is fully versed in all styles of swordplay. He fight to protect the weak from the forces of evil. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: King's Knight Number: 563 Level: 207 Stars: **** (4) Type: Warrior Summon: Light Attack: 1600 Defense: 1400 Text/Effect: A grandiose warrior that can summon Jack's knight if a Queen's knight is on the player's field. Quantity in Deck: 2 ---------------------------------------- Name: Dark Magician Knight Number: 578 Level: 20 Stars: ******* (7) Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Attack: 2500 Defense: 2100 Text/Effect: A Dark Magician that has earned the title of a knight. It has gained the mighty power of a warrior. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Dark Paladin Number: 636 Level: 76 Stars: ******** (8) Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Attack: 2900 Defense: 2400 Text/Effect: A warrior that can destroy a spell on the opponent's Field by discarding the far left card in the own hand. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Dark Flare Knight Number: 645 Level: 150 Stars: ***** (5) Type: Warrior Summon: Pyro Attack: 2200 Defense: 800 Text/Effect: A warrior of dark flames. If it is in the player's graveyard, it is able to summon a Mirage Knight to the own field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Mirage Knight Number: 646 Level: 58 Stars: ******** (8) Type: Warrior Summon: Dream Attack: 2800 Defense: 2200 Text/Effect: A warrior who, at the start of the foe's turn, can split into a Dark Magician and a Flame Swordsman. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Big Shield Gardna Number: 758 Level: 532 Stars: **** (4) Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Attack: 100 Defense: 2500 Text/Effect: A legendary shield of a massive size and ornate design. It is said to have fended off a million-strong army in the past. Quantity in Deck: 2 ---------------------------------------- Name: Dark Magician Girl Number: 760 Level: 86 Stars: ****** (6) Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Attack: 2000 Defense: 1700 Text/Effect: A beautiful female counterpart to the male Dark Magician. She powers up if there is a Dark Magician in the graveyard. Quantity in Deck: 1 =============================================================================== Magic =============================================================================== Name: Swords of Revealing Light Number: 348 Level: 300 Text/Effect: A spell that reveals all the foe's monsters over three turns. The opposing monsters are prevented from attacking over that time. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Monster Reborn Number: 601 Level: 250 Text/Effect: A spell that resurrects a monster from the opponent's graveyard and places it on the player's side of the field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Megamorph Number: 657 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A spell that gigantically transforms a monster on the field. The chosen monster is made much more powerful. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Harpie's Feather Duster Number: 673 Level: 100 Text/Effect: A feather duster that is made from a Harpie Lady's feather. It sweeps away all spell and trap cards on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Change of Heart Number: 784 Level: 500 Text/Effect: A spell that can take over a monster on the opponent's field. The affected monster is put under control. Quantity in Deck: 2 ---------------------------------------- Name: Pot of Greed Number: 789 Level: 150 Text/Effect: A card that allows the player to draw cards from the deck. Up to two cards may be drawn if there is room in the hand. Quantity in Deck: 3 =============================================================================== Traps =============================================================================== Name: Torrential Tribute Number: 694 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A trap card that has dire consequences to anyone that trips it. If attacked, it destrows all monsters on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- ========== Yami Marik ========== ------------------ Notes and Strategy ------------------ Big type. 60000 Life Points, 20 Deck Capacity, 5000 Domino Standard Hall of Eternity Traps/Magic. 3 of each. Marik has a very bizarre deck. Hard to classify. If I had to, though, I'd call it a "from behind" sort of deck. A lot of his cards seem to have sneaky, underhanded effects. They power you down, they work from the graveyard, they steal your own monsters and sap your life points. Marik seems to have no real elemental theme, except maybe a slight lean towards Shadow, but I doubt that Dream monsters will do you any good because of all the other element types he's got in there. He does, however, have a very large number of Fiend-type monsters: all of his monsters but two are fiends. Obviously this means he can take advantage of the Yami field type, but since most of his monsters have low attack power anyway, it's not like it does him any good, and that also means changing the field type won't hurt him much. Choose umi if anything to weaken Ra. Exile of the Wicked is perfect for dueling against Marik. Both Helpoemer and Newdoria can hurt you from beyond the grave. If he's got one of these on the field, I highly suggest you keep it alive until such time that you can safely dump another monster on top of it to prevent its effect. Or, if you have a Monster Reborn handy, you can just take them from him. Viser Des and Dark Jeroid will both power down your monsters. It's not too much of a problem for me, since my basic monsters too weak for it to matter and my God cards are too strong for it to matter, but your particular deck might have some trouble with it so watch out. Lava Golem is the best card in his whole deck. By "best," of course I mean "best for you." For the paltry sum of 700 LP per turn, you get a 3900-attack power monster on your field that doesn't even take up space in your deck or hand. Marik Rarely summons this monster, preferring instead to hand it over to you, so you shouldn't worry about it being on his side of the field too much. 700 would normally be a problem when you start to run out of LP, but the great part about Reshef of Destruction is that you can simply discard Lava Golem from the field when you tire of it. Keep it, sacrifice it, suicide attack with it,or simply dump it as you see fit. The one to watch out for, though, is Phoenix Ra. He rarely has enough cards to summon it, though, and never ever simply discards it from his hand to put it in Battle Mode. In fact, even if he gets it on the field, he probably won't have a chance to use Battle Mode's effect. It's obviously not going to die unless you attack it, so when you kill it and it comes back in Battle Mode, he will be unable to change it from attack position. When his turn comes, all his attack position cards are flipped face-up, so he is unable to use Battle Mode's effect. And thank God for that. If he had any brains at all, he'd be the hardest duelist in the entire game. ------------ Flavor Text: ------------ Talk: Hahahahahahaha! I'll destroy you and plunge the world into darkness! Challenge: I'll annihilate you quick. In fact, I'll beat you in one turn! Fuhahahahaha! Turn: My turn! Lose: Wh-what? How could I lose... Just wait. I will send you to the Shadow Realm in time! Ha ha ha... =============================================================================== Monsters =============================================================================== Name: Winged Dragon of Ra (Phoenix Mode) Number: 412 Level: 0 Stars: ************ (12) Type: Pyro Summon: Divine Attack: 4000 Defense: 4000 Text/Effect: A creature that can wipe out all enemy monsters at 1000LP cost. It can be returned from the graveyard in the Battle Mode. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Gil Garth Number: 565 Level: 260 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Attack: 1800 Defense: 1200 Text/Effect: A fiendish, murderous machine clad in an armor of tough steel. It attacks remorselessly with a wicked huge sword. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Helpoemer Number: 604 Level: 500 Stars: ***** (5) Type: Fiend Summon: Dreams Attack: 2000 Defense: 1400 Text/Effect: If this is in the own graveyard on the enemy's turn, and if the foe has 3 or more cards in hand, the foe must discard one. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Lava Golem Number: 605 Level: 95 Stars: ******** (8) Type: Fiend Summon: Pyro Attack: 3000 Defense: 2500 Text/Effect: If this is in the own hand, it can be made to appear on the enemy's field for two enemy monsters as tributes. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Newdoria Number: 606 Level: 121 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fiend Summon: Dreams Attack: 1200 Defense: 800 Text/Effect: If this is in the own graveyard at the start of the player's turn, it destroys an enemy monster, and then disappears Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Dark Jeroid Number: 607 Level: 183 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fiend Summon: Aqua Attack: 1200 Defense: 1500 Text/Effect: An odd aqua fiend that, if it is on the own field, will power down a monster on the opponent's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Executor Makyura Number: 616 Level: 207 Stars: **** (4) Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Attack: 1600 Defense: 1200 Text/Effect: A menacing monster that has been given the role of an executioner. It slices up the condemned with the sharp claws on its forelegs. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Byser Shock Number: 619 Level: 0 Stars: ***** (5) Type: Fiend Summon: Thunder Attack: 800 Defense: 600 Text/Effect: A fiend that can return all face-down cards on both fields to the hands of both players if there is space in the hands. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Viser Des Number: 623 Level: 121 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Attack: 500 Defense: 1200 Text/Effect: A dark fiend that can power down an enemy monster on the foe's field at the start of the own turn. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Legendary Fiend Number: 676 Level: 41 Stars: ****** (6) Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Attack: 1500 Defense: 1800 Text/Effect: A fiend with large black wings that is described in legends. It has the ability to power itself up. Quantity in Deck: 1 =============================================================================== Magic =============================================================================== Name: Swords of Revealing Light Number: 348 Level: 300 Text/Effect: A spell that reveals all the foe's monsters over three turns. The opposing monsters are prevented from attacking over that time. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Monster Reborn Number: 601 Level: 250 Text/Effect: A spell that resurrects a monster from the opponent's graveyard and places it on the player's side of the field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Megamorph Number: 657 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A spell that gigantically transforms a monster on the field. The chosen monster is made much more powerful. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Harpie's Feather Duster Number: 673 Level: 100 Text/Effect: A feather duster that is made from a Harpie Lady's feather. It sweeps away all spell and trap cards on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Change of Heart Number: 784 Level: 500 Text/Effect: A spell that can take over a monster on the opponent's field. The affected monster is put under control. Quantity in Deck: 2 ---------------------------------------- Name: Pot of Greed Number: 789 Level: 150 Text/Effect: A card that allows the player to draw cards from the deck. Up to two cards may be drawn if there is room in the hand. Quantity in Deck: 3 =============================================================================== Traps =============================================================================== Name: Torrential Tribute Number: 694 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A trap card that has dire consequences to anyone that trips it. If attacked, it destrows all monsters on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Anti-Raigeki Number: 782 Level: 150 Text/Effect: A trap card that protects the player's monsters from Raigeki. Instead, it destroys all the monsters on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- ==== Noah ==== ------------------ Notes and Strategy ------------------ Big type. 60000 Life Points, 20 Deck Capacity, 5000 Domino Standard Hall of Eternity Traps/Magic. 3 of each. Noah has a rather heavy predilection for Fairy monsters. One might call him the "King of Fairies," a fitting title if you consider what Yami does to Fairy types. If there were a card that killed all Fairies on the field it would be great against Noah, but there isn't. You can't even use Virus Crush or Raigeki because all his monsters are too weak to die from one, and he has a trap to counter the other. Not that you'd really need it, not after Yami field is done turning all of his monsters into helpless weaklings. Other than fairies, he seems to have a slight bias towards earth type, both of which are beat-down monsters. A Harpie's Brother fits right in, and so does an Ancient Lamp (especially with that La Jinn it spits out). His heavy tribute monsters are pushovers as well. Yamata dragon is too weak for the 2 tributes it costs him, Berserk Dragon dissolves itself if you wait long enough, Nightmare Penguin is too weak anyway, and even Five God Dragon dies just the same to any monster destruction you throw at it. Doubly so, considering its almost always going to the be strongest one on the field. Perfect Machine King is about the only thing in his arsenal you need to worry about, and even then only if you've got Battle Mode Ra on the field. Wait it out and finish him with an Aqua monster (one of the multiplying types) or just any old Monster destruction. Honestly, there's not really a lot going for Noah. He's the one to sink your teeth into when you first reach the Hall and the one to train on if you want to boost for a link battle. Makes you almost feel sorry for the little guy. ------------ Flavor Text: ------------ Talk: My name is Noah. Shall I make you a permanent citizen of my virtual world? Challenge: Heh. You want me to duel you? I admire your courage, but your stupidity will be your downfall! Savor the bitter taste of defeat! Turn: It's my turn! Lose: This can't be! My skills are superior to yours in every way! =============================================================================== Monsters =============================================================================== Name: Nightmare Penguin Number: 216 Level: 32 Stars: ***** (5) Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Attack: 1300 Defense: 1750 Text/Effect: A penguin that, while on the player's field, powers up all the aqua,fish, Sea Serpent, and reptile types on the same field. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Perfect Machine King Number: 236 Level: 43 Stars: ******* (7) Type: Machine Summon: Pyro Attack: 2700 Defense: 2200 Text/Effect: A fiery war machine that, while on the own field, powers up two levels for every machine-type monster on both fields. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Aeris Number: 435 Level: 260 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fairy Summon: Earth Attack: 1800 Defense: 1400 Text/Effect: An earth fairy that has a rare quality about its style. It prefers to fight with weapons rather than spells. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Giant Rex Number: 445 Level: 319 Stars: **** (4) Type: Dinosaur Summon: Earth Attack: 2000 Defense: 1200 Text/Effect: An earth dinosaur with a finned back that boasts a high ATK. It never fails to bring down targeted prey. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Asura Priest Number: 514 Level: 233 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fairy Summon: Dreams Attack: 1700 Defense: 1200 Text/Effect: A fairy of dreams, and a deity of war in the Far East. Using its six arm, it effortlessly mows down enemies. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Berserk Dragon Number: 617 Level: 229 Stars: ******** (8) Type: Zombie Summon: Dragon Attack: 3600 Defense: 0 Text/Effect: A powerful zombie that can attack all enemy monsters at once. It powers down at the start of the foe's turn. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Yamata Dragon Number: 643 Level: 117 Stars: ******* (7) Type: Dragon Summon: Pyro Attack: 2600 Defense: 3100 Text/Effect: A legendary dragon of the orient with eight serpent-like heads. It easily succumbs to the allure of alcohol. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Shinato, King of a Higher Plane Number: 644 Level: 168 Stars: ******** (8) Type: Fairy Summon: Light Attack: 3300 Defense: 3000 Text/Effect: The merciful king of the heavens where the fairies live. It shows no mercy to those it considers to be enemies. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: F.G.D. Number: 697 Level: 169 Stars: ************ (12) Type: Dragon Summon: Divine Attack: 5000 Defense: 5000 Text/Effect: A divine dragon of great power and five huge heads. It has the power to destroy every card on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Chirion the Mage Number: 772 Level: 260 Stars: **** (4) Type: Beast Summon: Earth Attack: 1800 Defense: 1000 Text/Effect: A centaur soldier that is clad in a knight's armor for war. It can destroy one monster on the opponent's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 =============================================================================== Magic =============================================================================== Name: Swords of Revealing Light Number: 348 Level: 300 Text/Effect: A spell that reveals all the foe's monsters over three turns. The opposing monsters are prevented from attacking over that time. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Monster Reborn Number: 601 Level: 250 Text/Effect: A spell that resurrects a monster from the opponent's graveyard and places it on the player's side of the field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Megamorph Number: 657 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A spell that gigantically transforms a monster on the field. The chosen monster is made much more powerful. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Harpie's Feather Duster Number: 673 Level: 100 Text/Effect: A feather duster that is made from a Harpie Lady's feather. It sweeps away all spell and trap cards on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Change of Heart Number: 784 Level: 500 Text/Effect: A spell that can take over a monster on the opponent's field. The affected monster is put under control. Quantity in Deck: 2 ---------------------------------------- Name: Pot of Greed Number: 789 Level: 150 Text/Effect: A card that allows the player to draw cards from the deck. Up to two cards may be drawn if there is room in the hand. Quantity in Deck: 3 =============================================================================== Traps =============================================================================== Name: Torrential Tribute Number: 694 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A trap card that has dire consequences to anyone that trips it. If attacked, it destrows all monsters on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Anti-Raigeki Number: 782 Level: 150 Text/Effect: A trap card that protects the player's monsters from Raigeki. Instead, it destroys all the monsters on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- ===== Shadi ===== ------------------ Notes and Strategy ------------------ Small type. 30000 Life Points, 10 Deck Capacity, 2500 Domino Standard Hall of Eternity Traps/Magic. 3 of each. Shadi has a generic beatdown deck. No unifying type theme, no unifying summon theme. The only way I can see is a lean towards Fiends and Magicians equally, and another lean towards Divine monsters. But what Shadi's deck lacks in variety, he makes up for in power. There is little to no chance you'll ever find yourself beating this guy's deck down. Crush Card is perfect against Shadi, doubly so considering his Anti-Raigeki. All I can say is pack a lot of monster destruction and pray for Phoenix Ra. His tribute monsters heavily favor Divine type, so there's no point in trying for an elemental advantage there, either. Unfortunately for you, unlike the rest of his Hall of Eternity counterparts, Shadi has a large number of heavy hitting tribute monsters, many of which are capable of taking advantage of the Yami field bonus. First thing on your list should be changing the Yami field, especially to something that will benefit your own monsters. Short, simple, and to the point, Shadi's deck will put you in a world of hurt if you take him lightly. ------------ Flavor Text: ------------ Talk: My name is Shadi... You have a room in your soul... Which I will disassemble! Challenge: This duel has been foretold milleniums ago... Can you overcome my test? Turn: It's my turn! Lose: You have prevailed... I am thoroughly defeated. =============================================================================== Monsters =============================================================================== Name: Flash Assailant Number: 181 Level: 319 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Attack: 2000 Defense: 2000 Text/Effect: An extremely quick fiend that uses its speed to best advantage. If it is seen, the witness is sure to be killed instantly. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Boar Soldier Number: 197 Level: 319 Stars: **** (4) Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Earth Attack: 2000 Defense: 500 Text/Effect: A porcine beast warrior that wields a massive stone axe. It destroys everything that happens to be within sight. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Crimson Sunbird Number: 407 Level: 188 Stars: ****** (6) Type: Winged Beast Summon: Pyro Attack: 230 Defense: 1800 Text/Effect: An inferno of a bird that blazes wildly in crimson all over. It looses a shower of embers with every flap of its wings. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Bracchio-radius Number: 509 Level:150 Stars: ****** (6) Type: Dinosaur Summon: Earth Attack: 2200 Defense: 2000 Text/Effect: A gargantuan dinosaur that has a thick and elongated neck. It stomps on anything that it discovers moving near its feet. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Gemini Elf Number: 532 Level: 289 Stars: **** (4) Type: Magician Summon: Light Attack: 1900 Defense: 900 Text/Effect: Twin elven sisters who practice in the ways of magic. They take turns while they attack. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Quantity in Deck: 3 Name: Dark Elf Number: 551 Level: 319 Stars: **** (4) Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Attack: 2000 Defense: 800 Text/Effect: A black-hearted elf that loves to fight above all else. It can be a troublesome enemy if it gets to strike first. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Sengenjin Number: 704 Level: 999 Stars: ******** (8) Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Divine Attack: 2750 Defense: 2500 Text/Effect: A primitive humanoid that awakened from a sleep of 1,000 years. It relies on strength and nothing else, no matter what. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Cosmo Queen Number: 708 Level: 999 Stars: ******** (8) Type: Magician Summon: Divine Attack: 2900 Defense: 2450 Text/Effect: A woman of distinguished demeanor and enormous power. She is said to rule over all the stars and planets in the cosmos. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Firewing Pegasus Number: 714 Level: 168 Stars: ****** (6) Type: Beast Summon: Pyro Attack: 2250 Defense: 1800 Text/Effect: A horse with massive wings that blaze in vivid, scarlet flames. It is a fiery sight to behold as it gallops across the sky. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Magician of Black Chaos Number: 721 Level: 999 Stars: ******** (8) Type: Magician Summon: Divine Attack: 2800 Defense: 2600 Text/Effect: A master of magicians who embodies the sinister power of chaos. He is the fusion of shadow and light. Quantity in Deck: 1 =============================================================================== Magic =============================================================================== Name: Swords of Revealing Light Number: 348 Level: 300 Text/Effect: A spell that reveals all the foe's monsters over three turns. The opposing monsters are prevented from attacking over that time. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Monster Reborn Number: 601 Level: 250 Text/Effect: A spell that resurrects a monster from the opponent's graveyard and places it on the player's side of the field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Megamorph Number: 657 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A spell that gigantically transforms a monster on the field. The chosen monster is made much more powerful. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Harpie's Feather Duster Number: 673 Level: 100 Text/Effect: A feather duster that is made from a Harpie Lady's feather. It sweeps away all spell and trap cards on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Change of Heart Number: 784 Level: 500 Text/Effect: A spell that can take over a monster on the opponent's field. The affected monster is put under control. Quantity in Deck: 2 ---------------------------------------- Name: Pot of Greed Number: 789 Level: 150 Text/Effect: A card that allows the player to draw cards from the deck. Up to two cards may be drawn if there is room in the hand. Quantity in Deck: 3 =============================================================================== Traps =============================================================================== Name: Torrential Tribute Number: 694 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A trap card that has dire consequences to anyone that trips it. If attacked, it destrows all monsters on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Anti-Raigeki Number: 782 Level: 150 Text/Effect: A trap card that protects the player's monsters from Raigeki. Instead, it destroys all the monsters on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- ======= Paradox ======= ------------------ Notes and Strategy ------------------ Small type. 30000 Life Points, 10 Deck Capacity, 2500 Domino Standard Hall of Eternity Traps/Magic. 3 of each. Paradox has a deck almost exactly like Shadi's, only there aren't as many magicians in it. Pure beatdown is the fare of the day. Stock Crush Cards and monster destruction primarily. Pretty much your only hope of beating him is with a God Card on the field. His deck has a bit of everything, so turn the field to Arena with Giant Soldier of Stone to prevent any of his monsters from getting a field bonus. Zera the Mant and Black Luster Soldier are his biggest heavy hitters, both divine type. Keep your monster destruction ready for when one of these shows up. Sometimes though, he can choke himself with all the Zera's he's got, especially if you can keep his basic monsters off the field. A very simple, straightforward deck. ------------ Flavor Text: ------------ Talk: I am Paradox. I am the sage for all duelists. Challenge: You're challenging me? Either you're brave... Or you underestimate me... Turn: It's my turn now. Lose: Perhaps my time has passed... =============================================================================== Monsters =============================================================================== Name: Flash Assailant Number: 181 Level: 319 Stars: **** (4) Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Attack: 2000 Defense: 2000 Text/Effect: An extremely quick fiend that uses its speed to best advantage. If it is seen, the witness is sure to be killed instantly. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Boar Soldier Number: 197 Level: 319 Stars: **** (4) Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Earth Attack: 2000 Defense: 500 Text/Effect: A porcine beast warrior that wields a massive stone axe. It destroys everything that happens to be within sight. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Zera the Mant Number: 360 Level: 999 Stars: ******** (8) Type: Fiend Summon: Divine Attack: 2800 Defense: 2300 Text/Effect: An extremely strong evil monster of imposing size. It attacks with its bulk and horribly hooked claws. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Black Luster Soldier Number: 364 Level: 999 Stars: ******** (8) Type: Warrior Summon: Divine Attack: 3000 Defense: 2500 Text/Effect: The strongest of all warriors, it suitably wears black. It equals the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in ability. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Machine King Number: 407 Level: 150 Stars: ****** (6) Type: Machine Summon: Pyro Attack: 2200 Defense: 2000 Text/Effect: A sturdy machine that, while on the own field, powers up one level for every machine-type monster on both fields. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Aqua Dragon Number: 442 Level: 168 Stars: ****** (6) Type: Sea Dragon Summon: Aqua Attack: 2250 Defense: 1900 Text/Effect: A furtive dragon that lurks quietly out of sight underwater. It attacks by shooting blocks of water from its mouth. Quantity in Deck: 1 ---------------------------------------- Name: Gemini Elf Number: 532 Level: 289 Stars: **** (4) Type: Magician Summon: Light Attack: 1900 Defense: 900 Text/Effect: Twin elven sisters who practice in the ways of magic. They take turns while they attack. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Dark Elf Number: 551 Level: 319 Stars: **** (4) Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Attack: 2000 Defense: 800 Text/Effect: A black-hearted elf that loves to fight above all else. It can be a troublesome enemy if it gets to strike first. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Cyber-Tech Alligator Number: 799 Level: 279 Stars: ***** (5) Type: Machine Summon: Wind Attack: 2500 Defense: 1600 Text/Effect: A winged dragon that has been made powerful using technology. It was made a cyborg by its owner on its deathbed. Quantity in Deck: 1 =============================================================================== Magic =============================================================================== Name: Swords of Revealing Light Number: 348 Level: 300 Text/Effect: A spell that reveals all the foe's monsters over three turns. The opposing monsters are prevented from attacking over that time. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Monster Reborn Number: 601 Level: 250 Text/Effect: A spell that resurrects a monster from the opponent's graveyard and places it on the player's side of the field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Megamorph Number: 657 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A spell that gigantically transforms a monster on the field. The chosen monster is made much more powerful. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Harpie's Feather Duster Number: 673 Level: 100 Text/Effect: A feather duster that is made from a Harpie Lady's feather. It sweeps away all spell and trap cards on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Change of Heart Number: 784 Level: 500 Text/Effect: A spell that can take over a monster on the opponent's field. The affected monster is put under control. Quantity in Deck: 2 ---------------------------------------- Name: Pot of Greed Number: 789 Level: 150 Text/Effect: A card that allows the player to draw cards from the deck. Up to two cards may be drawn if there is room in the hand. Quantity in Deck: 3 =============================================================================== Traps =============================================================================== Name: Torrential Tribute Number: 694 Level: 200 Text/Effect: A trap card that has dire consequences to anyone that trips it. If attacked, it destrows all monsters on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 ---------------------------------------- Name: Anti-Raigeki Number: 782 Level: 150 Text/Effect: A trap card that protects the player's monsters from Raigeki. Instead, it destroys all the monsters on the foe's field. Quantity in Deck: 3 --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Thanks and Contact information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to: - Chen Goujin for his excellent DM8 password guide. I never would have been able to get some of the card effects if not for him. Contact me at Kernthegerm@yahoo.com if you spot any errors or have anything to suggest. Thanks for reading my FAQ!