Yu-Gi-Oh: Eternal Duelist Soul Deck Making Guide Written By Penguin Soldier and Pegasus2045 Sample Decks provided by Pokemanic Will, Mkiii Supra, and RandyP Last Updated on July 10, 2003 Version 2.00b Introduction This FAQ/Guide will provide the basics for deck building for do it yourselfers, and sample decks for people who don't want to make a deck or are confused on how to make one. Table of Contents Section 1: About the Authors Section 2: Version History Section 3: Basics of Deck Making Section 3a: Using the Deck Edit Option Section 3b: Explanation of the Types of Decks Section 3c: Restriction List Section 4: Sample Decks (A thanks to Mkiii Supra, RandyP and Pokemanic Will for this section) Section 5: Combos Section Section 6: Frequently Asked Questions Section 7: What's to Come Section 8: Credits and Legal Information NOTE: To find something easier on this and any other FAQ/Guide, please use Ctrl+F -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1: About the Authors From Penguin Soldier - Well, this is my first guide I have ever written and I hope it helps, I know a lot about Yu-Gi-Oh and Duel Monsters, not as much as, but I know how to make good combos and decks that can win. This guide will help you with the basics deck making, some strategies on how to beat your opponent in Eternal Duelist Soul and provide sample decks for all that don't want to make a deck or need help on making one. Again, I hope this Guide helps. From Pegasus2045 - I was first inspired of the card game from the actual show. And ever since I managed to have a deck and have some great help from my cousin and his friend. Now I'm getting the hang of the card and video games. I decided to help Penguin Soldier make this FAQ for pretty much the same reason: to help make good decks and provide winning combos (in the game EDS at least). So I hope it helps y'all. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 2: Version History Version 0.25 (January 28, 2003) Started the outline of this Guide/FAQ, Updates will be frequent and could be minor or major, who knows. Made the About the Authors Section, The Table of Contents and Version History, and Section 3a and b have also been created on this day! Version 0.30 (January 29, 2003) Still working on the basic outline of this Guide/FAQ, We have more of it finished, added a new section, combinations, this section explains several different combos, with the cards involved with it (Not like Fusion Monsters and such). Version 1.00 (January 30, 2003) Thanks to Mkiii Supra the sample decks section is completed and this FAQ is near ready for submission to GameFAQs! Thank You Mkiii Supra and Pokemanic Will! They completed this FAQ! I can't thank them enough! Version 1.00b (January 31, 2003) Sending this copy to GameFAQs today, we hope it'll be accepted! Version 1.00c (February 1, 2003) The events of this day have been grave and sad, we pray for the families of the victims on the Space Shuttle Columbia. About the FAQ, added dividers between sections. Version 1.10 (February 4, 2003) Yay! This guide was accepted! Okay, We've added the What's to Come section, and all those mentioned in that section well be added in the next update. Version 1.15 (February 15, 2003) All right, I didn't do the combos section, but that all right. Mkiii Supra sent me an update for his Dragon Deck. I separated the decks with a divider, hope this help for navigation, I am also thinking about putting in an sample deck Table of Contents, if you like this idea, please e-mail us about it. Version 1.30 (February 24, 2003) Decided to add the Sample Deck Table of Contents so you can find the decks much easier. Added another Question to the Frequently Asked Questions section. Fixed a few errors here and there, the next update will include some more sample decks, from us, finally. : P Version 2.00 (February 25, 2003) The Combos Section is finally going to be added, we don't have many combos at this moment, but there will be more coming up soon, help would be appreciated. And thank you if you do send us e-mail about combos, but please only use cards from EDS. Version 2.00a (March 28, 2003) Hey, I got lazy, oh well, at least I added one combo, I know it is a lot, but neoseekers would like to host this FAQ too, so this my reason for this update. Version 2.00b (July 10, 2003) Nothing really new, just changed my e-mail address. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 3: Basics of Deck Making This section is mainly about the basics of deck making and how to use the deck edit option in Yu-Gi-Oh Eternal Duelist Soul. There will be explanations of how to make a deck and different deck types. Section 3a: Using the Deck Edit Option Controls D-Pad - By pressing up or down direction on the D-Pad you can view the cards in your Trunk, Main Deck, or Side Deck. Also, you can skip five cards using the left or right direction. A Button - Confirm/Brings down the Command Menu B Button - Cancels/Command Menu goes back up L Button - Switches from Trunk to Side Deck to Main Deck R Button - Switches from Trunk to Main Deck to Side Deck Start - Nothing Select - Nothing Command Menu By pressing the A Button on any of theses options on the Command Menu activates the option. View - Allows you to get a closer look at the cards, allows you to read the text that the card has To Trunk - Moves a card from your Main Deck or Side Deck to your Trunk To Main Deck - Moves a card from your Trunk or Side Deck to your Main Deck To Side Deck - Moves a card from your Trunk or Main Deck to your Side Deck List Filter - Separates all the cards into the following categories: Regular Monster Cards, Effect Monster Cards, Fusion Monster Cards, Ritual Monster Cards, Magic Cards, and Trap Cards. After that (if you have chosen any type of Monster Cards) you can separate them into six more categories: Name, Attack, Defense, Level, Attribute, and Type Statistics - Shows you the percent of every type of card in your deck Exits - Exits the Deck Edit option Section 3b: Explanation of the Types of Decks The number of cards that should be in your deck varies from deck type to deck type. The minimum of 40 cards and a maximum of 60 cards, not counting your Fusion Deck, which can contain up to 20 cards. Also you have a Side Deck, which you use to store extra cards that can help you in between games in matches versus duelist in the game. This chart will show you the types of decks and the amount of cards that should be in them. Deck Type Number of Cards Annoyance 40-49 Anti-Exodia 45-50 Attribute 40-60 Beat Down 40-45 Deck Destruction 45-50 Exodia 40 Fusion 40-45 Hand Destruction 45-50 Ritual 40-45 Stall 60 Toon 40-45 Type 40-60 Weenie 45-60 If there are any types of decks that we have missed please contact us, either at Matt8th@aol.com or Section 3b: Explanation of the Types of Decks Annoyance An annoyance decks main objective is to annoy the opponent, and aggravate them. This deck should have anywhere from 40 to 49 cards. These decks consist of cards such as Needle Worm, Penguin Soldier, and Blast Sphere, and Magic Cards such as Chain Energy. Anti-Exodia The main objective of an Anti-Exodia deck is to keep your opponent from summoning Exodia. This deck should have anywhere 45 to 50 cards. These decks consist of cards such as Delinquent Duo, White Magic Hats, Morphing Jar, Needle Worm and Cyber Jar. Attribute This deck has no main objective, these deck consist of one Attribute (Fire, Water, Dark, Light, Earth, and Wind), and they could be any other type of deck such as a Light Beat Down deck. Depending of the Attribute and type of deck, cards will vary, so there could be anywhere from 40-60 cards in this deck. We have no suggestions for this type of deck, considering it could be any other type of deck too. Beat Down A Beat Down deck main objective is the beat the opponent down, with high attack level four monsters. This deck should have anywhere to 40 to 45 cards. Most, if not all of the monsters in this deck should be level four monsters with a very high attack (examples: Gemini Elf (1900/900), Vorse Raider (1900/1200) and Dark Elf (2000/800)) and should have very few tribute monsters, about the only monsters that are used in this type of deck are Summoned Skull (2500/1200) and Cyber-Tech Alligator (2500/1600). There should be a few, not many, effect monsters in this deck. Deck Destruction A Deck Destruction deck's main objective is to make your opponent's deck to run out of cards, before you do, so you should have anywhere between 45 and 50 cards. This deck should include such cards as Morphing Jar, Needle Worm and Bistro Butcher. This deck will have little chance of winning any other way, though. Exodia The objective of this kind of deck is to pull out all five pieces of Exodia for an automatic victory! This deck should include some stalling monsters such as Mystical Elf (800/2000) and Aqua Mandoor (1200/2000) for a defense and should include Witch of the Black Forest, Mystic Tomato, and Sangan effect monsters to pull out the pieces of Exodia as quickly as possible. There should also be the magic cards that allow you to draw cards, such as Graceful Charity and Pot of Greed, also with trap cards such as Backup Soldier. Fusion A fusion deck's main objective is to use fusion-material monsters to summon fusion monsters. This deck should have anywhere from 40-45 cards it. The most popular fusion deck is Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (4500/3000); these decks usually use cards like Cyber-Stein and other effect monsters than can act as fusion material monsters. The magic card that is needed for the deck is polymerization, so you can fuse the monsters. Hand Destruction Hand Destruction is sort of like Anti-Exodia Deck and can be used against an Exodia deck. This deck should have anywhere 45 to 50 cards. These decks consist of cards such as Delinquent Duo, White Magic Hats, Morphing Jar, Needle Worm and Cyber Jar. Ritual Ritual deck's main objective is to summon a Ritual monster, and use it for victory. There should be anywhere from 40 to 45 cards in this type of deck. This deck should include Sonic Bird, The ritual monster and it's ritual magic card. Stall The main objective of a Stall Deck is to stall, and hope your opponent runs out of cards before you run out of life points. This deck should have 60 cards in it no matter what. This deck should include cards like Millennium Shield, Labyrinth Wall, Mystical Elf, and Spirit of the Harp. There also should be some cards to help the process of your opponent running out of cards such as Needle Worm. Also you should include healing magic cards, such as Dian Keto the Cure Master. Toon The main objective of a Toon Deck is to summon your toons and destroy your opponent's life points. There should be anywhere from 40 to 45 cards in this deck. This deck should include some high attack or defense level four monsters or below monster for tributes for your toons. This deck should include Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon and Toon Summoned Skull. The most important magic card in this deck is Toon World and you most protect with 7 Tools of the Bandit and Magic Jammer. Type This deck has no main objective, these deck consist of one Type (Dragon, Beast- Warrior, Fairy, Fish, Aqua, Spellcaster, Beast, Insect, Sea Serpent, Pyro, Zombie, Winged Beast, Dinosaur, Machine, Rock, Warrior, Fiend, Reptile, Thunder, and Plant), and they could be any other type of deck such as a Dragon Beat Down deck. Depending of the Type and type of deck, cards will vary, so there could be anywhere from 40-60 cards in this deck. We have no suggestions for this type of deck, considering it could be any other type of deck too. Weenie The objective of Weenie decks is to use the weakling effect monsters that attack your opponent's life points directly. Examples of these weenie cards are Jinzo #7 (500/400) and Rainbow Plant (400/300). Also equip magic cards will be should be everywhere in this deck, to make your monster as powerful as it can to attack your opponents life points. Also you will have to have some stalling elements in this deck so that you can pull out one of those equip magic cards, these cards would include Mystical Elf (800/2000) and Swords of Revealing Light (which is a staple in most decks anyway). NOTE: You can also make a deck around one kind of card, such as Shadow Ghoul and Jinzo, we did not include decks that are involved around one card (except Exodia), because almost every card in the game can have a deck based on them, making way too many decks for us to explain, sorry. Section 3c: Restriction List This is the restriction list is for Eternal Duelist Soul, not the current list, not to be confused with it. Limited Cards You may only have one of these cards in your deck: Left Leg of the Forbidden One, Right Leg of the Forbidden One, Left Arm of the Forbidden One, Right Arm of the Forbidden One, Exodia the Forbidden One, Dark Hole, Raigeki, Sinister Serpent, Megamorph, Harpie's Feather Duster, Jinzo, Monster Reborn, Pot of Greed, Change of Heart, Mirror Force, Snatch Steal, Confiscation, The Forceful Sentry, Painful Choice, Call of the Haunted, Cyber Jar, Ceasefire, Imperial Order, Magic Cylinder, Limiter Removal, and United We Stand Semi-Limited Cards You may only have up to two of these cards in your deck: Sangan, Swords of Revealing Light, Witch of the Black Forest, Bell of Destruction, Graceful Charity, Heavy Storm, Delinquent Duo, Backup Soldier, Nobleman of Crossout, Morphing Jar #2, and Riryoku You may have up to three of all of the other cards, not listed above, in your deck. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 4: Sample Decks NOTE: I give all the credit for this section to Mkiii Supra, Pokemanic Will, and RandyP for allowing me to use his decks in this FAQ! Thanks you much Mkiii Supra, Pokemanic Will, and RandyP! Sample Deck Information: Total Number of Sample Decks: 32 Total Number of Sample Decks from Mkiii Supra: 22 Total Number of Sample Decks from Pokemanic Will: 9 Total Number of Sample Decks from RandyP: 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample Decks Table of Contents 01M The Zero Attack Deck 02M Anti Exodia 03M Beat Down Deck 04M Black Luster Soldier Ritual Deck 05M Cyberstein Deck 06M Dragon Deck 07M Dragon Killing Deck 08M Exodia Deck 09M Fiend / Spellcaster Deck 10M Fire Deck 11M Fusion Deck: Black Skull Dragon 12M Fusion Deck: Meteor Black Dragon 13M Insect Deck 14M Level 4 Deck 15M Light Deck 16M Machine Deck 17M Permanent Elimination 18M Red Eyes Black Dragon Deck 19M Stall / Defensive Deck 20M Toon Deck 21M Warrior Deck 22M Water Deck 23P Water Washaway 24P Anti-Exodia 25P Reign of the Ultimate 26P Javelin Pact 27P Night of the Living Dead 28P 0 Attack Deck 29P Darkness Falls 30P Darkness Worship 31P Rise of the Robots 32R Weenie Rush Deck -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mkiii Supra's Decks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01M The Zero Attack Deck Monsters: 21 3x Unhappy Maiden 3x Millennium Shield 3x Labyrinth Wall 3x Kotodama 3x Dark Eyes Illusionist 3x Cocoon of Evolution 3x Ceremonial Bell Magic / Trap: 23 1x Raigeki 1x Giant Trunade 1x Dark Hole 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Mirror Force 2x Heavy Storm 1x Monster Reborn 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Pot of Greed 2x Graceful Charity 3x Gravekeeper's Servant 2x Swords of Revealing Light 3x Waboku 3x Negate Attack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02M Anti Exodia Monsters: 19 1x Cyber Jar (this lets players pick up 5 new cards and puts any level 4 or lower monsters on the field, which means that a player might put down an Exodia piece, which then can be killed) 3x Morphing Jar 3x Needle Worm (discards 5 cards on the top of the deck...very useful) 3x White Magical Hat (Discards one card...) 3x Vorse Raider (Destroys any monsters sent out) 3x Gemini Elves (Look at vorse raider) 3x Mechanical Chaser (look at vorse raider) Magic / Trap: 21 1x Raigeki 1x Dark Hole 1x Mirror Force 1x Heavy Storm 1x Pot of Greed 1x Monster Reborn 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 2x Graceful Charity 2x Delinquent Duo 3x Confiscation 3x Magic Jammer 2x Seven Tools of Bandit 1x Change of Heart -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03M Beat Down Deck Monsters: 21 3x Gemini Elves 3x Mechanical Chaser 3x Vorse Raider 3x La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp 3x Dunames Dark Witch 3x Summoned Skull 3x Cyber-Tech Alligator Magic / Trap: 20 1x Raigeki 1x Dark Hole 1x Heavy Storm 1x Giant Trunade 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Monster Reborn 1x Mirror Force 1x Pot of Greed 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 2x Graceful Charity 3x Axe of Despair 3x Malevolent Nuzzler -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04M Black Luster Ritual Deck Monsters: 19 3x Senju God of a Thousand Hands 3x Sonic Bird 2x Witch of the Black Forest 2x Sangan 3x Mechanical Chaser 3x Gemini Elves 3x Vorse Raider Fusion / Rituals: 3 3x Black Luster Soldier Magic / Trap: 18 1x Raigeki 1x Dark Hole 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Monster Reborn 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Heavy Storm 1x Mirror Force 1x Pot of Greed 2x Graceful Charity 2x Swords of Revealing Light 3x Black Luster Ritual 3x Trap Hole -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 05M Cyberstein Deck Monsters: 18 2x Witch of the Black Forest 2x Sangan 2x Cyber-Stein 3x Vorse Raider 3x Gemini Elves 3x Mechanical Chaser 3x Nimble Momonga Fusion Monsters: 1 1x Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon Magic / Trap: 22 1x Raigeki 1x Dark Hole 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Monster Reborn 1x Mirror Force 1x Pot of Greed 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 2x Graceful Charity 1x Megamorph 3x Enchanted Javalin 3x Dian Keto the Cure Master 3x Magic Jammer 3x Mystical Space Typhoon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06M Dragon Deck Monsters: 21 3x Lord of D. 3x Blue Eyes White Dragon 3x Blackland Fire Dragon 3x Koumori Dragon 3x B. Dragon Jungle King 3x Vorse Raider (This isn't a dragon, but this is a good level 4 monster and we need monsters that don't need tributes) 3x Gemini Elves (look at vorse raider) Magic / Trap: 20 1x Raigeki 1x Giant Trunade 1x Dark Hole 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Mirror Force 1x Heavy Storm 1x Monster Reborn 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Pot of Greed 2x Graceful Charity 3x Flute of Summoning Dragon 3x Axe of Despair 3x Trap Hole -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07M Dragon Killing Deck Monsters: 21 3x Dragon Seeker 3x Buster Blader 3x Vorse Raider 3x Gemini Elves 3x Mechanical Chaser 3x La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp 3x Dunames Dark Witch Magic / Trap: 20 1x Raigeki 1x Giant Trunade 1x Dark Hole 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Mirror Force 1x Heavy Storm 1x Monster Reborn 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Pot of Greed 2x Graceful Charity 3x DNA Surgery 3x Dragon Capture Jar 3x Trap Hole -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08M Exodia Deck Monsters: 18 1x Exodia the Forbidden One 1x Left Leg of the Forbidden One 1x Right Leg of the Forbidden One 1x Left Arm of the Forbidden One 1x Right Arm of the Forbidden One 2x Sangan 2x Witch of the Black Forest 3x Skelengel 3x Big Eye 3x Wall of Illusion Magic / Trap: 22 1x Raigeki 1x Giant Trunade 1x Dark Hole 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Mirror Force 1x Heavy Storm 1x Monster Reborn 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Pot of Greed 2x Graceful Charity 2x Backup Soldier 2x Swords of Revealing Light 3x Waboku 1x Change of Heart -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09M Fiend / Spellcaster Deck Monsters: 21 3x La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp 3x Neo the Magic Swordsman 3x Gemini Elf 3x Mystical Elf (This monster is used for defensive stuff or for being tributed) 3x Summoned Skull 3x Dark Magician 3x Dark Magician Girl Magic / Trap: 21 1x Raigeki 1x Giant Trunade 1x Dark Hole 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Mirror Force 1x Heavy Storm 1x Monster Reborn 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Pot of Greed 2x Graceful Charity 2x Yami 2x Swords of Revealing Light 3x Axe of Despair 3x Trap Hole -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10M Fire Deck Monsters: 22 3x Firewing Pegasus 3x Flame Cerebrus 3x Twin Headed Fire Dragon 3x Darkfire Soldier #1 3x Darkfire Soldier #2 3x Little Chimera 2x Witch of the Black Forest 2x Sangan Magic / Trap: 19 1x Raigeki 1x Dark Hole 1x Heavy Storm 1x Giant Trunade 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Monster Reborn 1x Mirror Force 1x Pot of Greed 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 2x Graceful Charity 2x Molten Destruction 3x Axe of Despair 3x Waboku -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11M Fusion Deck: Black Skull Dragon Monsters: 21 3x Summoned Skull 3x Red Eyes Black Dragon 3x Goddess with the Third Eye 3x Mystical Sheep #1 3x Vorse Raider 3x Gemini Elves 3x Mechanical Chaser Fusion Monsters: 3 3x Black Skull Dragon Magic / Trap: 17 1x Raigeki 1x Dark Hole 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Monster Reborn 1x Mirror Force 1x Pot of Greed 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 2x Graceful Charity 3x Polymerization 3x Fusion Sage 2x Swords of Revealing Light -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12M Fusion Deck: Meteor Black Dragon Monsters: 21 3x Meteor Dragon 3x Red Eyes Black Dragon 3x Goddess with the Third Eye 3x Mystical Sheep #1 3x Vorse Raider 3x Gemini Elves 3x Mechanical Chaser Fusion Monsters: 3 3x Meteor Black Dragon Magic / Trap: 17 1x Raigeki 1x Dark Hole 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Monster Reborn 1x Mirror Force 1x Pot of Greed 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 2x Graceful Charity 3x Polymerization 3x Fusion Sage 2x Swords of Revealing Light -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13M Insect Deck Monsters: 17 3x Needle Worm 3x Man-Eater Bug 3x Cocoon of Evolution 3x Flying Kamakiri #2 3x Insect Queen 3x Flying Kamakiri #1 Ritual / Fusion Monsters: 3 3x Javelin Beetle Magic / Trap: 20 1x Raigeki 1x Giant Trunade 1x Dark Hole 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Mirror Force 1x Heavy Storm 1x Monster Reborn 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Pot of Greed 2x Graceful Charity 3x Javelin Beetle Pact 3x Insect Armor with Laser Cannon 3x Trap Hole -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14M Level 4 Deck Monsters: 21 3x Gemini Elves 3x Vorse Raider 3x Mechanical Chaser 3x La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp 3x Dunames Dark Witch 3x 7 Colored Fish 3x Man-Eater Bug (You know, four star monsters can be taken down by higher level monsters, Man Eater Bug takes care of those higher level monsters) Magic / Trap: 20 1x Raigeki 1x Dark Hole 1x Giant Trunade 1x Heavy Storm 1x Pot of Greed 1x Mirror Force 1x Monster Reborn 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 2x Graceful Charity 3x Axe of Despair (Raises a monsters ATK by 1000, this can power up your four star monsters to help destroy higher level monsters) 3x Trap Hole (this is just to get rid of any monsters with 1000 or higher attack. if someone summons a powerful monster with a very good attack, well, trap hole them) 3x Widespread Ruin (when a monster attacks, this destroys the monster with the highest attack..) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15M Light Deck Monsters: 19 3x Dunames Dark Witch 3x Blue Eyes White Dragon 3x Neo the Magic Swordsman 3x Maha Vailo 3x Hoshiningen 2x Sangan (Look at witch of the black forest's explanation) 2x Witch of the Black Forest (it doesn't matter that the witch of the black forest is dark type, it's job is to get hoshiningen) Magic / Trap: 1x Raigeki 1x Dark Hole 1x Heavy Storm 1x Giant Trunade 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Monster Reborn 1x Mirror Force 1x Pot of Greed 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 2x Graceful Charity 2x Luminous Spark 3x Axe of Despair (This is a very useful card, but this becomes more useful with Maha Vailo) 3x Malevolent Nuzzler (This is another decent card, combine this with Maha Vailo again) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16M Machine Deck Monsters: 19 1x Jinzo 1x Barrel Dragon 3x Blast Sphere 3x Machine King 3x Mechanical Chaser 3x Ground Attacker Bugroths 3x Guardian of the Throne Room 2x Cyber-Tech Alligator Magic / Trap: 21 1x Raigeki 1x Giant Trunade 1x Dark Hole 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Mirror Force 1x Heavy Storm 1x Monster Reborn 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Pot of Greed 2x Graceful Charity 3x Metalmorph 3x 7 Completed 1x DNA Surgery 3x Magic Jammer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17M Permanent Elimination Monsters: 20 3x Banisher of Light 3x Dimensional Warrior 2x Sangan 3x Gemini Elves 3x Mechanical Chaser 3x Vorse Raider 3x La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Magic / Trap: 21 1x Raigeki 1x Giant Trunade 1x Dark Hole 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Mirror Force 1x Heavy Storm 1x Monster Reborn 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Pot of Greed 1x Premature Burial 2x Graceful Charity 3x Axe of Despair 2x Swords of Revealing Light 3x Trap Hole -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18M Red Eyes Black Dragon Deck Monsters: 21 3x Red Eyes Black Dragon 3x Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon 3x Giant Soldier of Stone 3x Wall of Illusion 3x Vorse Raider 3x Gemini Elves 3x Mechanical Chaser Magic / Trap: 19 1x Raigeki 1x Giant Trunade 1x Dark Hole 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Mirror Force 1x Heavy Storm 1x Monster Reborn 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Pot of Greed 2x Graceful Charity 3x Metal Morph 2x Magic Jammer 3x Seven Tools of Bandit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19M Stall / Defensive Deck Monsters: 36 3x Mystical Elf 3x Kuriboh 3x Giant Soldier of Stone 3x Spirit of Harp 3x Aqua Madoor 3x Labyrinth Wall 3x Millennium Shield 3x Man-Eater Bug (well, as you know, the opponent might spend time powering up his monsters or he might do some ritual / tribute his monsters for strong monsters. If this gets attacked or gets flipped up, say goodbye to that monster!) 3x Needle Worm (well, this deck is suppose to stall until they run out of cards, this helps make them discard all of there cards quicker) 3x Wall of Illusion 3x Hane-Hane 3x Penguin Soldier Magic / Trap: 1x Raigeki 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Mirror Force 1x Monster Reborn 1x Call of the Haunted (((As you can see, some staples are missing for good reasons. This is a defensive deck; so dark hole isn't good because you don't want to kill yourself. Giant Trunade and Heavy Storm get in the way of some of the traps / magic cards you might put down which can defend your monsters. Graceful Charity and Pot of greed draws cards for you, you don't want to draw cards because the opponent is suppose to run out of cards, not you. If this was a normal deck, you would have these staples, but not for now.))) 3x Waboku 3x Negate Attack 3x Widespread Ruin 3x Trap Hole 2x Swords of Revealing Light 3x Dian Keto the Cure Master (as a stall deck, you want to increase your lifepoints. This reason is obvious!) 2x Backup Soldier (get 3 monsters up to 1500 Attack back to your hand. All of the monsters in this deck are weaker than 1500 ATK, so this is a good card) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20M Toon Deck Monsters: 19 3x Vorse Raider 3x Gemini Elves 3x Mechanical Chaser 3x La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp 3x Toon Mermaid 3x Toon Summoned Skull 1x Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Magic / Trap: 21 1x Raigeki 1x Dark Hole 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Monster Reborn 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Heavy Storm 1x Mirror Force 1x Pot of Greed 2x Graceful Charity 3x Toon World 2x Swords of Revealing Light 3x Axe of Despair 3x Trap Hole -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21M Warrior Deck Monsters: 21 3x Beautiful Headhuntress 3x Panther Warrior 3x Battle Ox 3x Vorse Raider 3x Buster Blader 3x Judge Man 3x Man-Eater Bug (just there to kill some powerful monsters) Magic / Trap: 20 1x Raigeki 1x Giant Trunade 1x Dark Hole 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Mirror Force 1x Heavy Storm 1x Monster Reborn 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Pot of Greed 2x Graceful Charity 3x Axe of Despair 3x Sword of Dragon's Soul (increase attack of a warrior by 700, also, if any dragon attacks a monster with this card equipped on the monster, the dragon is destroyed) 3x DNA Surgery (You can make all of my beast-warrior cards warrior monsters, so sword of dragon's soul is useful, or if buster blader is out, I can make all cards dragon, so buster blader gets powered up) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22M Water Deck Monsters: 22 3x Suijin 3x 7 Colored Fish 3x Giant Red Seasnake 3x High Tide Gyojin 3x Penguin Soldier 3x Starboy 2x Witch of the Black Forest 2x Sangan Magic / Trap: 19 1x Raigeki 1x Dark Hole 1x Heavy Storm 1x Giant Trunade 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Monster Reborn 1x Mirror Force 1x Pot of Greed 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 2x Graceful Charity 2x Umi 3x Axe of Despair 3x Trap Hole -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pokemanic Will's Decks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23P Water Washaway Lv. 4 Monsters (17) 7 Colored Fish x3 Giant Red Seasnake x3 High Tide Gyojin x3 Star Boy x3 Mother Grizzly x2 (Summons Catapult Turtle) Sinister Serpent x1 Witch of the Black Forest x2 Lv. 5-6 Monsters (2) Catapult Turtle x2 Lv. 7 Monsters (2) Suijin x2 Ritual Monsters (4) Crab Turtle x2 Fortress Whale x2 Magic Cards (18) Axe of Despair x2 Change of Heart x1 Graceful Charity x1 Harpie's Feather Duster x1 Monster Reborn x1 Pot of Greed x1 Raigeki x1 Swords of Revealing Light x2 Umi x2 Umiiruka x2 Fortress Whale's Oath x2 Turtle Oath x2 Trap cards (6) Bell of Destruction x1 Mirror Force x1 Magic Jammer x1 Seven Tools of the Bandit x1 Trap Hole x2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24P Anti-Exodia Monsters: 21 1x Cyber Jar 3x Morphing Jar 1x Morphing Jar #2 3x Needle Worm 3x White Magical Hat 3x Vorse Raider 3x Gemini Elves 2x Mechanicalchaser 2x Banisher of the Light Magic: 13 1x Raigeki 1x Change of Heart 1x Dark Hole 1x Heavy Storm 1x Pot of Greed 1x Monster Reborn 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Graceful Charity 2x Deliquent Duo 2x Confiscation 1x Exchange Trap: 7 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Acid Trap Hole 1x Mirror Force 2x Magic Jammer 2x Seven Tools of Bandit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25P Reign of the Ultimate Monsters Lv. 1-4 (20) 3x Vorse Raider 3x Gemini Elf 3x Nimble Momonga 3x Witch of the Black Forest 2x Cyber Stein 2x Man-Eater Bug 2x Magician of Faith 2x Goddess with the Third Eye Monsters Lv. 5-6 (3) 2x Summoned Skull 1x Jinzo Monsters Lv. 7 (3) 3x Blue Eyes White Dragon Fusion Monsters (3) 3x Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon Magic Cards (13) 1x Raigeki 1x Change of Heart 1x Dark Hole 1x Monster Reborn 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 3x Polymerization 2x Fusion Sage 1x Pot of Greed 2x Swords of Revealing Light Trap Cards (6) 1x Mirror Force 2x Magic Jammer 2x Seven Tools of the Bandit 1x Bell of Destruction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26P Javelin Pact Monsters Lv. 1-4 3x Man-Eater Bug 2x Needle Worm 1x Flying Kamakiri #1 3x Flying Kamakiri #2 2x Cocoon of Evolution Monsters Lv. 5-6 2x Insect Queen Ritual Monsters 3x Javelin Beetle Magic Cards 1x Raigeki 1x Change of Heart 1x Pot of Greed 1x Monster Reborn 2x Swords of Revealing Light 3x Javelin Beetle Pact 2x Insect Armor with Laser Cannon 2x Axe of Despair Trap Cards 2x Bell of Destruction 2x Magic Jammer 1x Seven Tools of the Bandit 1x Mirror Force 2x Widespread Ruin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27P Night of the Living Dead Monsters Lv. 1-4 (14) 3x Dragon Zombie 2x Armored Zombie 3x The Snake Hair 3x Castle of Dark Illusions 2x Witch of the Black Forest 1x Sangan Monsters Lv. 5-6 (4) 3x Shadow Ghoul 2x Pumpking the King of Ghosts Fusion Deck (-) 2x Great Mammoth of Goldfine Magic Cards (16) 1x Raigeki 1x Change of Heart 1x Monster Reborn 1x Pot of Greed 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 2x Swords of Revealing Light 2x Polymerization 3x Mystic Plasma Zone 2x Wasteland 2x Axe of Despair Trap Cards (6) 1x Mirror Force 2x Seven Tools of the Bandit 1x Magic Jammer 1x Call of the Haunted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28P 0 Attack Deck Monsters Lv. 1-4 (13) 3x The Unhappy Maiden 3x Cocoon of Evolution 3x Ceremonial Bell 3x Dark-Eyes Illusionist 2x Kotodama Monsters Lv. 5-6 (6) 3x Labyrinth Wall 3x Millennium Shield Ritual Monsters (3) 3x Relinquished Magic Cards (15) 1x Raigeki 1x Pot of Greed 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Monster Reborn 1x Dark Hole 2x Swords of Revealing Light 2x Chorus of Sanctuary 3x Black Illusion Ritual 1x Graceful Charity 2x Crush Card Trap Cards (10) 1x Mirror Force 3x Negate Attack 2x Waboku 2x Kunai With Chain 2x Magic Jammer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29P Darkness Falls Monsters Lv. 1-4 (18) Vorse Raider x3 La Jinn x3 Mechanicalchaser x3 Witch of the Black Forest x2 Witch's Apprentice x3 Versago the Destroyer x2 Monsters Lv. 5-6 (3) Summoned Skull x3 Monsters Lv. 7 (2) Red-Eyes B. Dragon x2 Magic Cards (15) Raigeki x1 Change of Heart x1 Monster Reborn x1 Harpie's Feather Duster x1 Pot of Greed x1 Mystic Plasma Zone x3 Swords of Revealing Light x2 Graceful Charity x1 Polymerization x2 Fusion Sage x2 Trap Cards (6) Mirror Force x1 Seven Tools x2 Magic Jammer x2 Bell of Destruction x2 Fusion Deck (2) B. Skull Dragon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30P Darkness Worship Monsters Lv. 1-4 (12) 3x Vorse Raider 3x La Jinn 2x Witch of the Black Forest 1x Senju of the Thousand Hands 3x Sonic Bird Monsters Lv. 5-6 (2) 2x Summoned Skull Ritual Monsters (8) 2x Relinquished 3x Zera the Mant 3x Magician of Black Chaos Magic Cards (20) 1x Change of Heart 1x Monster Reborn 1x Pot of Greed 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Raigeki 3x Mystic Plasma Zone 2x Yami 2x Black Illusion Ritual 3x Zera Ritual 3x Dark Magic Ritual 2x Axe of Despair Trap Cards (6) 1x Mirror Force 2x Seven Tools 2x Magic Jammer 1x Bell of Destruction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31P Rise of the Robots Monsters Lv. 1-4 (11) 3x Mechanicalchaser 2x Guardian of the Throne Room 2x Ground Attacker Bugroth 2x Blast Sphere 2x Witch of the Black Forest Monsters Lv. 5-6 (6) 2x Cyber-Tech Alligator 3x Machine King 1x Jinzo Monsters Lv. 7 (2) 2x Barrel Dragon Magic Cards (13) 1x Change of Heart 1x Monster Reborn 1x Pot of Greed 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Raigeki 1x Giant Trunade 1x Heavy Storm 3x 7 Completed 2x Graceful Charity 2x Axe of Despair 1x Mystical Space Typhoon Trap Cards (6) 2x DNA Surgery 1x Mirror Force 1x Metalmorph 2x Magic Jammer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RandyP's Deck -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32R Weenie Rush Deck Monsters (20): 3x Jinzo #7 3x Rainbow Flower 3x Mystic Lamp 1x Cyber Jar 2x Witch of the Black Forest 2x Sangan 2x Giant Soldier of Stone 2x Magician of Faith 2x Man-Eater Bug Magic (17): 3x Axe of Despair 3x Malevolent Nuzzler 3x Horn of the Unicorn 1x Sword of Deep-Seated 2x Swords of Revealing Light 2x Graceful Charity 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Monster Reborn 1x Pot of Greed Traps (12): 3x Waboku 3x Negate Attack 1x Mirror Force 2x Trap Hole 2x Widespread Ruin 1x Bell of Destruction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: This whole section is from Mkiii Supra and Pokemanic Will Sample Decks Topic on the Yu-Gi-Oh Message Boards, I give him for credit for this section, and thank him very much! Also the deck from RandyP has been modified from the e- mail that he send it in. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 5: Combos - Most Known Combos - No Credit will be given for these combos, because they are widely known. Cyberstein Combo - Prerequisites: To use this combo, you must have Cyberstein and any fusion monster in your fusion deck. - How to do Combo: Play Cyberstein, and then use his effect to pull out any fusion monster from your fusion deck. - Optional: Attach Megamorph to the fusion monster that you pulled out of your fusion deck with Cyberstein, and then attach Axe of Despair to it (Most likely you'll be trailing in Life Points after using Cyberstein's effect). This will cause your monster to have unbelievable attack power. - Example: You play Cyberstein, and then activate its effect. You take Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon (4500/3000) out of your Fusion Deck. You attach Megamorph to Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon to increase his points to 9000 (Remember only attach Megamorph if your Life Points are lower than your opponent's) and then attach Axe of Despair increasing its attack to an outstanding 10000! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 6: Frequently Asked Questions Question: Why can't I use the God Cards? Answer: The God Cards cannot be played in Yu-Gi-Oh Eternal Duelist Soul. They are used as trophies. Question: Does this game (Yu-Gi-Oh Eternal Duelist Soul) ever end? Answer: No, you'll continue to play until you go bored really. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 7: What's to Come This section is a list of things that will be included in a future update, any help would be appreciated, and thank you: - More Sample Decks - More Deck Descriptions - More Combinations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 8: Credits and Legal Information This may be not reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. The only Websites that can have this FAQ on it is: http//www.GameFAQ.com http//www.neoseekers.com Credits: Thanks to Mkiii Supra for allowing us to use his Sample Decks Thanks to Pokemanic Will for allowing us to use his Sample Decks Thanks to RandyP for allowing us to use his Weenie Rush Deck Thanks to Konami for making this great game And Thank You for reading this, our first FAQ/Guide! All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders If you wish to e-mail Penguin Soldier (Matt10th@earthlink.com) or Simon Thiphonphan (linkmajin@msn.com) then please include that you are e-mailing us about this FAQ. Please write the name of this FAQ in the subject in the e-mail. Also we will not make you a deck, all decks on this FAQ are made by Mkiii Supra and Pokemanic Will, and RandyP. Just e-mail us if you have suggestion or corrections, those are the only e-mail we will read! Also please do not e-mail us your decks, unless it isn't a deck that we don't have already listed in this FAQ. Also if you do send us your deck, we will rate it, and if it gets a good rating it will be posted. Copyright Matthew Shappell (Penguin Soldier) and Simon Thiphonphan (Pegasus2045) 2003