Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul for Game Boy Advance Written by Misael Villegas Character Deck information provided by KronosCoreMagi Booster Pack information provided by grey41 Password List provided by Teara Last Updated: 03/19/03 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Welcome to the world of Duel Monsters. Konami has finally released a card game that is true to the actual Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card game. This FAQ is designed to help you get an idea of what strategies can be used when building a card deck, as well as give you an insight to some of the up and coming battles that you will be facing in this game. So get ready. It's time to duel. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] TABLE OF CONTENTS VERSION HISTORY FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS BUTTON FUNCTIONS MAIN MENU OPTIONS DECK EDIT SCREEN Commands Card Types Monster Types Monster Attributes Magic/Trap Effects DUELING Description of Field Duel Commands Duel Phases Summoning Monsters Fusion Rituals Magic/Trap Chains BUILDING A "GOOD" DECK CAMPAIGN DUELISTS Campaign Introduction Events Dueling First Tier Second Tier Third Tier Fourth Tier Fifth Tier Unlocking the Booster Packs CARD INFORMATION CREDITS and LEGAL STUFF Contributions [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] VERSION HISTORY Updated - 03/19/03 - Along with adding some relevant information, I have also added a small FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS section, covering basic questions. Updated - 02/18/03 - I added some more info and corrected some mistakes. Updated - 01/30/03 - Thanks to some help, I have been able to update the CARD INFORMATION section. I made some corrections and a slight format change, too. Final Version - 01/20/03 - Well, this is it, the Final Version. I've revamped some of the sections and completed the CARD INFORMATION section. I don't expect to change anything else once this is posted. Thanks to Eric Tremblay (e_t_brain@hotmail.com) for helping me finish the CARD INFORMATION section and to Richard Stinson (xenograftsoul@yahoo.com) for fixing a minor problem in the DECK EDIT section. Version 2.4 - 12/05/02 - Well, I finally finished what was left of the CARD INFORMATION section (with the exception of some cards which I still do not have). I'll consider this my near Final version. I'll be updating one more time to finish this up. Version 2.3 - 11/27/02 - The CAMPAIGN DUELIST section is more or less complete. I may decide to add other information at a later time. This FAQ should be more or less completed by the end of next week. Version 2.2 - 11/20/02 - I made a correction to one of the card's info (thanks to chadoken for the correction). I also put updated info to BUILDING A "GOOD" DECK (I forget the email of the person who notified me of the 40-60 cards in a deck.). Version 2.1 - 11/15/02 - KronosCoreMagi has been gracious enough to allow me to publish info on the Dueling Decks of Duelists. More cards in the CARD INFORMATION section has been added (up to letter L). Version 2.0 - 11/11/02 - I figured it was time for a little design change to this FAQ. I've also added Booster Pack info to the CARD INFORMATION section, thanks to the help of grey41 and his Booster Pack FAQ. Version 1.4 - 11/08/02 - Sorry for the long absence. I managed to add some more entries to the CARD INFORMATION section (up to letter J) and made some minor corrections to the FAQ. Version 1.3 - 10/31/02 - More has been added to the CARD INFORMATION section and to the CAMPAIGN DUELISTS section. Version 1.2 - 10/27/02 - The CARD INFORMATION section has been updated up to letter B (only including those cards that have passwords), and I have started work on the CAMPAIGN DUELIST section. Version 1.1 - 10/26/02 - I've added info on BUILDING A GOOD DECK, plus I started work on the CARD INFORMATION section, adding all the passwords possible to each card (thanks to Teara for the passwords) and info for some of the cards. Version 1.0 - 10/25/02 - The initial release of this FAQ. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS How can I use the Egyptian god cards (Obelisk the Tormenter, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and The Winged Dragon of Ra) in the game? The answer is, you can't. It states on the card "This is not able to play." For some weird reason, the cards are placed in this game, merely for the purpose of collecting them. There's no possible way to use them. I've beaten Simon once (and have 1 copy of each card), but Grandpa/Trusdale is not unlocked. How do I unlock him? This is a glitch that occurs in some games. It is still uncertain how this glitch occurs. Some people have reported that losing too many battles may trigger it, or if you don't have at least one copy of each card in your Main Deck. I really don't know the answer. You might be better off restarting the whole game and hope for the best. What is the best deck to use? That is a matter of your own opinion. Feel free to experiment with different cards. The sky's the limit (or the limit's the sky). I have a password for a certain card, but it won't accept the password. Why? Either the card does not exist in this game or the password for that card was disabled (or never programmed into the cartridge). How do I use [insert card name here]? Check the CARD INORMATION section for the answer. I do want to note that some information about cards may not be listed on the card itself. [For instance, you must pay 500 LP for Toon Monsters to create a Direct Attack and you must wait a turn, after summoning, before they can attack.] Is there an ending to this game? No. Since this game has no plot, you can really never beat the game. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] BUTTON FUNCTIONS L Button - In the Deck Edit screen, allows you to scroll between the Trunk, Main Deck, and Side Deck screens. In the Calendar screen, switches to the next month. R Button - In the Deck Edit screen, allows you to scroll between the Trunk, Main Deck, and Side Deck screens. In the Calendar screen, switches to the previous month. During a duel, allows you to draw a card during the Draw Phase. Control Pad - Used to move the cursor to call commands or menus B Button - Used to cancel commands, return to the previous screen, or to proceed to the next phase in battle. A Button - Used to confirm commands and to scroll through text. Select and Start Button not used. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MAIN MENU OPTIONS Campaign - This is where you go to duel with other trainers. You will start off with the ability to only battle 5 trainers. Once you meet certain conditions, you will have access to other trainers. Link Battle - This is where you can battle with a friend who has another GBA and Yu-Gi-Oh! Eternal Duelist Soul game pack. Deck Edit - Go here to choose which cards you wish to use. There are three options. Trunk - The trunk stores all the cards that are not used in your Main and Side Decks. Main Deck - This is the "heart" of your cards. (Just had to say that.) You must have at least 40 standard cards, but no more than 60 standard cards, in your deck in order to enter Campaign mode. Standard cards involve Normal Monster Cards, Effect Cards, Magic Cards, Trap Cards, and Ritual Cards. You can also store up to 20 Fusion Cards, which will not be considered as part of the standard cards in your deck. Side Deck - This deck is only useful when you play in a tournament style Duel. In between Duels in a tournament, you can switch cards between your Main Deck and Side Deck. The Side Deck can only hold 15 cards. No Fusion cards are allowed in the deck. Record - This will list your current record of Wins/Losses/Draws for each Duelist you have played in the game. This record is also shown when you highlight a Duelist in the Campaign mode. Calendar - A day will pass in the game after every duel. The Calendar will list days when you will get a Yu-Gi-Oh! magazine (which contains 5 cards), or when special tournaments are held. Magazines are acquired at the end of the day (after a duel). Tournaments (or Matches) replace standard Duels in Campaign mode. Card Trading - Trade with your friends. Just connect two GBAs each with a Yu-Gi-Oh! Eternal Duelist Soul game pack, and trade away. You must each trade one card. (You cannot give or take cards without trading one as well). Password - Those familiar with the actual Card Game might know that some of the cards contain an eight digit number on the lower left corner of the card. This number can be inputted into the Password screen to get a copy of that card in the game. These codes (if they are available) are listed in the CARD INFORMATION section of this guide. Thanks to Teara (ooh44@hotmail.com) for allowing me to use the Password List on this FAQ. The game will only allow you to use each password once unless you erase all data and start over. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] DECK EDIT SCREEN Commands -------- Card View - Get a detailed description of the card highlighted. To Trunk - Move the highlighted card to the Trunk. To Main Deck - Move the highlighted card to the Main Deck. [Note that you can move more than 40 cards (not including the Fusion Deck) to the main deck. However, you will not be permitted to duel until you remove all but 40 standard cards.] To Side Deck - Move the highlighted card to the Side Deck. List Filter - Allows you to sort cards to look by Card Type. Statistics - Lists the percentage of Card Types in your Decks or Trunk. Exit - Return to the Main Menu. Card Types ---------- There are a total of 6 card types, 20 monster types, 6 monster attributes, and 6 magic/trap effects in this game. Normal Monsters (Border color: Yellow) - These are just Duel Monsters that have no special abilities. Each monster card is listed with an attack power, a defense power, and a level (represented by the number of stars) that ranges from 1-8. Each monster also contains an attribute and type. Fusion Monsters (Border color: Purple) - These cards are only placed in a duel by performing a Fusion through Polymerization (or by a special process). The Fusion process in explained later in the FAQ. The cards look similar to Normal Monsters, but the levels can go from 1-12. Ritual Monsters (Border color: Blue) - These cards require a Magic Ritual Card to summon the Monster card. The Ritual process is explained later in the FAQ. The cards look similar to Normal Monsters. Effect Monsters (Border color: Orange) - These monsters have a special effect that can be activated by meeting the proper conditions listed on the card. The cards look similar to Normal Monsters. Magic Cards (Border color: Green) - These cards can be used during your Main Phase turns (some can be activated during the Battle Phase turn) to cause the ability listed on that card. Later in this section, I'll get into more detail about the type of Magic/Trap cards that are available. Trap Cards (Border color: Pink) - Trap cards can only be activated the turn AFTER they are set. Some traps cards can only be activated during the Battle Phase, while others can be activated during the Main Phases. Monster Types ------------- Dragon, Beast/Warrior, Fairy, Fish, Aqua, Spellcaster, Beast, Insect, Sea Serpent, Pyro, Zombie, Winged Beast, Dinosaur, Machine, Rock, Warrior, Fiend, Reptile, Thunder, and Plant Monster Attributes ------------------ Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Light, and Dark Magic/Trap Effects ------------------ Equip - A Magic Card can be equipped to a monster to alter their attack and/or defense. Quick-Play - A Quick-Play Magic Card can be activated during Main/Battle phases in your turn, or when a Monster is summoned, sent to the Graveyard, commands an attack, or is set on the opponent's turn. Continuous - These cards will remain on the field until it's destroyed. Ritual - These are the cards that describe the Ritual process. Field - These cards change the field to alter the attack/defense power of the card types listed on the card. Counter - A Counter Trap Card can be use to stop the activation of a Magic Card, Trap Card, or Effect Card. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] DUELING Description of Field --------------------- The playing field during a duel consists of several sections. Deck Zone - All your cards from your deck are here for you to draw. Hand - The cards on the bottom of your screen are your hand. You can play these cards and place them on the field during your turn. Field Card Zone - This represents the top 5 blocks on the screen. You can play up to five monsters in this zone. You cannot discard any of these cards once they are on the field, unless they are destroyed by your opponent, an Effect, Magic, or Trap Card, or by performing a Tribute, Fusion, or Ritual. Magic & Trap Card Zone - Up to five magic or trap cards can be placed on the field for use immediately or during your opponent's turn (depending on the type of card placed). Graveyard - Your cards, which are used or destroyed, are discarded here. Eliminated Card Zone - These cards are permanently removed from the duel and cannot be brought back. Cards that go here are cards that are placed here by Effect Monster Cards, Trap Cards, or Magic Cards. Field Card Zone - A Field Magic Card can be placed here to change the environment of the field. Fusion Deck Zone - This is where up to 20 Fusion Cards in your deck are placed. Information Zone - The Life Points of you and your opponents are located on the top of your screen (bottom of the opponent's screen). The phases of the battle are also shown here. Duel Commands ------------- Card View - Get a detailed description of the card selected. Set - Summon a Duel Monster from your hand to the face down Defense mode. Summon - Summon a Duel Monster from your hand in Attack mode. Activate - Activates the effects of Effect Monsters, Magic Cards, or Trap Cards. Def Pos - Turns a Duel Monster on the field from Attack to Defense mode. Atk Pos - Turns a Duel Monster on the field from Defense to Attack mode. Flip Summon - Turns a Duel Monster on the field from the face down Defense mode to Attack mode. Attack - Allows a Duel Monster to attack the opponent. Draw - Draws a card from your deck (or just press the R button). Surrender - Place the cursor on your deck during any phase (except Draw phase) to forfeit the game. Duel Phases ----------- The duel progress through six phases. In some case, you have to press the B button to proceed to the next phase (or to end your turn). Draw Phase (listed as D on Info Zone) - Draw one card from your deck by pressing the R button. Standby Phase (listed as S on Info Zone) - The effects of some cards may only be activated during this phase. Main Phase 1 (listed as M1 on Info Zone) - During this phase, you can place cards on the field from your hand. You can only summon one monster from your hand during your turn, with the exception of Special Summons (more on that in the next section). Battle Phase (listed as B on Info Zone) - Any monsters in Attack mode can issue the Attack command in this phase. Main Phase 2 (listed as M2 on Info Zone) - You can use this turn to place cards from your hand to the field, if you chose not to do so in Main Phase 1. A monster can be placed as long as long as no summoning occurred in Main Phase 1. However, any monster placed in Attack mode in this phase will not be able to attack until your next turn. End Phase (listed as E on Info Screen) - This ends your turn. [If you have no monsters in Attack mode (or you can't attack) after Main Phase 1, you will be prompted to end you turn. Also, you cannot attack during the very first turn in the duel.] Summoning Monsters ------------------ It's important to note how to Summon (or Set) Monsters in the game. Any Monster that is level of 4 or below can be Summoned (or Set) during either Main Phase. Only one Normal Summon is allowed per turn (unless you have a special card). To summon a level 5 or 6 monster, you must tribute (or sacrifice) one of your Monsters on the field. To summon a level 7 or 8 Monster, you must tribute 2 Monsters on the field. The Monsters that are used as tribute will be sent to the Graveyard. A Special Summon is a Summon that is done by a Fusion, Ritual, or using a Magic card like Monster Reborn. These cards do not count as a Normal Summon, so you can still place a Duel Monster on the field from your hand. These cards are also NOT subject to certain Trap Cards. Fusion ------ A Fusion allows two or more monsters to be combined to create a more powerful Duel Monster. In order for a fusion to take place, you must have the following. (1) The cards required for Fusion. These cards can be in your hand or on the field. [Thanks to Eric Gorohoff (zaybertamer2002@yahoo.com) for correcting me on this.] These cards are sometimes referred to in the game as Fusion-Material Monsters. (2) A "Polymerization" Magic Card. (3) The proper Fusion Monster Card in your Fusion Deck. Rituals ------- Just like a Fusion, a Ritual requires the following. (1) A Magic Ritual Card in your hand. (2) A Ritual Monster also in your hand. (3) Sacrificing a certain number of levels to meet the level requirements of the Ritual. Magic/Trap Chains ----------------- When a Magic or Trap card is activated, a Counter Trap Card can be used to destroy or prevent activating that magic. These cards must be on the field for their effects to be activated. A chain occurs when one Duelist counters the actions of a Magic or Trap card. A Magic or Trap card can be countered 3 times, as long as the proper cards are present in the field. You can also chain other Magic or Trap cards to activate multiple Magic or Trap cards on your field at one time. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] BUILDING A "GOOD" DECK I have the firm belief that there is no such thing as the PERFECT deck. No matter how good your cards are, all it comes down to is luck. It's a matter of drawing the right cards at the right time. However, I do believe that there are good cards and bad cards. This section will give you a good idea on the types of cards that you should have in your deck. I won't go into actual cards, since it would be best for each person to get a "feel" for each card (and learn how to use each of them). Check the CARD INFORMATION section later in this FAQ to learn about each card, plus my own opinions about them. The game allows to create a deck that can have as few as 40 cards and as many as 80 cards (60 cards in your Main Deck, with up to 20 Fusion cards). There are many advantages and disadvantages to having so few or so many cards. If your deck contains a lot of Ritual Cards, Fusion-Material Cards (cards that are used for Fusion), or the Exodia series cards, you may want just to have just 40 cards. This increases the chance of drawing the right cards in a duel. This is my breakdown of cards to have in your deck. Attack Monsters --------------- First off, you want to have a good number of Level 4 (or below) Normal Monster cards with good Attack Power. The strongest Normal Monster Card out there is Vorse Raider and Gemini Elf (ATK 1900). Then there is Mechanicalchaser (ATK 1850). Finally, there's Dunames Dark Witch, La Ginn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp, 7 Colored Fish, Giant Red Seasnake, and Harpie's Brother (ATK 1800). These cards are hard to get at the very beginning, but you should replace the cards you have, with stronger cards when you get Booster Packs. Defense Monsters ---------------- A strong offense should also have a good defense. The strongest Level 4 (or below) defense are Giant Solider of Stone, Aqua Madoor, Mystical Elf, and Spirit of the Harp. You start off with one Mystical Elf (regardless of which deck you choose at the beginning of the game), and possibly a second high defense card. Tribute/Fusion/Ritual Monsters ------------------------------ Have a couple of Level 5-6 Normal Monster Cards in your Deck. Cyber-Tech Alligator and Summoned Skull are the best in this category. You should have one or two Level 7-8 monsters as well, but it's only worth if they have special Effects. You run a high risk of unable to summon them. Fusion or Ritual Cards are better as you do not need to tribute cards on the Field, and they count as Special Summons. Effect Monsters --------------- Flip Monsters can change the tide of a Duel. These cards include Man-Eater Bug, Magician of Faith, Mask of Darkness, Penguin Solider, Cyber Jar, and Morphing Jar. Wall of Illusion can replace some Defense Monsters to force attacking cards to return to your opponent's hand. Strong Monster Cards, like Machine King, Jinzo, Barrel Cannon, Kazejin, Suijin, and Sanga of the Thunder can also be useful Magic/Trap Cards ---------------- Have a couple of Equip Cards like Metalmorph, Axe of Despair, Horn of the Unicorn, and Black Pendant. Some powerful Magic Cards include Change of Heart, Monster Reborn, Harpie's Feather Duster, Dark Hole, Rageki, and Swords of Revealing Light. You should also have some Trap Cards like Waboku, Mirror Force, Negate Attack, Magic Jammer, and Seven Tools of the Bandit. Just remember to use every card to your advantage, and you should be able to hold your own against the toughest of Duelists. You should also learn to modify your deck based on the Duelist you are dueling. Experiment with different decks and place Magic, Trap, and Level 5-8 cards in your side deck to switch between them when you in a tournament situation. Check the next section for some insight on the duelist that you will be facing in the game. I want you to realize that this is my opinion, you do not have to follow this perfectly. Feel free to "mix it up" and choose whichever cards you feel like using. As I said earlier, this deck will change as you advance and face more cunning duelists. Just take your time, learn from your mistakes, and try again. When building a deck, you can have 3 of the same cards in your deck. However, there are limitations on some types of cards. Limited to only 2 cards in a deck: Backup Soldier Bell of Destruction Delinquent Duo Graceful Charity Heavy Storm Morphing Jar #2 Nobleman of Crossout Riryoku Sangan Swords of Revealing Light Witch of the Black Forest Limited to only 1 card in a deck Call of The Haunted Ceasefire Change of Heart Confiscation Cyber Jar Dark Hole Exodia of the Forbidden One Harpie's Feather Duster Imperial Order Jinzo Left Arm of the Forbidden One Left Leg of the Forbidden One Megamorph Mirror Force Monster Reborn Painful Choice Pot of Greed Raigeki Right Arm of the Forbidden One Right Leg of the Forbidden One Sinister Serpent Snatch Steal The Forceful Sentry [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CAMPAIGN DUELISTS Game Introduction ----------------- The game begins with one of the Duelists, Tea, asking you to choose a starter deck. You have a choice of picking a blue deck, red deck, or green deck. These decks contain 40 cards, which contain the following types of cards. Normal Monsters 25 Levels 1-4 22 Levels 5-6 3 Effect Monsters 1 Levels 1-4 1 Fusion Monsters 0 Magic Cards 9 Trap Cards 5 Ritual Cards 0 For the most part, these cards are random. However, I have noticed that there are 13 cards that are always included, regardless of the pack you choose. Black Pendant Magic/Equip Card Change of Heart Magic Card Magic Jammer Trap/Counter Card Monster Reborn Magic Card Mystical Elf Normal Monster Card Mystical Space Typhoon (x2) Magic Card Pot of Greed Magic Card Seven Tools of the Bandit Trap/Counter Card Summoned Skull Normal Monster Card Swords of Revealing Light Magic Card Trap Hole (x2) Trap Card Events ------ When you are playing in the Campaign section, you will encounter some events. Most events are listed on your calendar, but there are a few random events that take place as well. Listed Events ============= [Y!] - Every Tuesday, you will get the Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh! magazine (received after a duel takes place on that day). This magazine contains 5 cards which are random. Check the CARD INFORMATION section for the cards available. [WY!] - On the 21st of the Month (or the 20th if the 21st falls on a Sunday), you will get the Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine (received after a duel takes place on that day). This magazine contains 5 cards which are random. Check the CARD INFORMATION section for the cards available. Weekend Duel - These matches take place on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each Month. These are tournaments. To win, you must win two of the three duels. Grandpa Cup - On the 1st Saturday in June, a special tournament will take place. If you win that duel, you will be awarded 5 rare cards and will be allowed to participate in the Finals, the next day. Winning the finals also entitles you to 5 rare cards. National Championship - This tournament begins on the 1st Sunday in November. Each victory will entitle you to participate in the following round. There are a total of 4 rounds. If you win the finals, you will be awarded with 5 of the rarest cards, which come from the Millennium Puzzle Yellow booster pack. Random Events ============= Special Duel - From time to time, a Duelist will ask you to play a match (best 2 out of 3) instead of a duel. The situation is the same as a Weekend Duel, but a random Field Magic Card (Forest, Mountain, Umi) is placed on the field. If you win, you will receive 5 cards, which are part of the Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh! magazine collection. Rare Hunters - One of the five Rare Hunters (the Duelists from Tier Three) may challenge you to a duel. If you lose, you will lose your rarest card in your Main Deck. If you win, you will be entitled to 5 rare cards, which are from the Millennium Eye booster pack. Dueling ------- Your first tier of dueling will involve facing 5 Duelists. You can choose to battle these Duelists as many times as you want. You earn a booster pack of cards that contain 5 cards every time you win a Duel. Now, let's begin by taking you through the first tier of Duelists. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| First Tier ========== Tristan Taylor Bakura Ryou Tea Gardner Joey Wheeler Yugi Muto You can Duel any of these Duelists in any order. When you start a Duel, you will play a game of Janken (or better known to us as "Rock, Paper, Scissors"). If you win, you will get the chance to go first or second. Once that is decided, each player will draw five cards, and have a chance to draw another card each turn. You can advance to the second tier by defeating each Duelist twice. [Deck Info for each Duelist provided by KronosCoreMagi and William Moran (cyberbill13@hotmail.com).] ****************************************************************************** First Tier Duelist: Yugi Muto Yugi's cards aren't all the powerful (with the exception of the Dark Magician and Summoned Skull). You will be fine as long as he does not have a chance to summon them. Although his deck includes all five pieces of Exodia, it's highly unlikely that he will gather all pieces, unless the duel lasts long. Cards in Yugi Muto's Deck Air Marmot of Nefariousness Ancient Jar Baby Dragon Battle Steer Beaver Warrior (x2) Buster Blader Celtic Guardian (x2) Dark Magician Exodia of the Forbidden One Feral Imp Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts Genin (x2) Griffore Hitotsu-Me Giant (x2) Koumori Dragon Kuriboh Left Arm of Forbidden One Left Leg of Forbidden One Mammoth Graveyard (x2) Meda Bat Monster Reborn Mystic Horseman Mystic Lamp Mystical Capture Chain Mystical Elf (x2) Penguin Soldier Petit Dragon Red Medicine Right Arm of Forbidden One Right Leg of Forbidden One Ryu-Kishin Sangan Silver Fang Swords of Revealing Light Time Wizard Torike Trap Hole Weather Control Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 Yamatano Dragon Scroll ****************************************************************************** First Tier Duelist: Tea Gardner Tea cards are not much of a problem either. You just need to beware when she uses Raigeki, Change of Heart, or if she calls the Gemini Elf card. She uses force and doesn't have any trap cards. She shouldn't pose much of a threat. Cards in Tea Gardner's Deck Beautiful Headhuntress Beaver Warrior Change of Heart Cyber-Tech Alligator Dancing Elf (x2) Dark Witch Dryad Enchanting Mermaid Fairy Witch Gemini Elf (x2) Graceful Charity Green Phantom King Happy Lover Ill Witch Key Mace #2 Lady of Faith Lunar Queen Elzaim Maiden of the Moonlight Monster Reborn Mystical Elf Oscillo Hero Oscillo Hero #2 Petit Angel (x2) Petit Dragon Protector of the Throne Queen of Autumn Leaves Queen's Double Raigeki Supporter in the Shadows (x2) Water Element Water Omotics Waterdragon Fairy Weather Control ****************************************************************************** First Tier Duelist: Joey Wheeler Joey will use a lot of powerful Monster Cards and some Magic/Trap Cards. His Red-Eyes B. Dragon is his most powerful card, but your Summoned Skull (which he also has) can take care of it. Use a card like Raigeki or Dark Hole, if possible when he uses Polymerization to call forth B. Skull Dragon or Thousand Dragon. Also watch out for the effects of the Time Wizard. Cards in Joey Wheeler's Deck Alligator's Sword (x3) Axe Raider Baby Dragon (x2) Battle Steer Battle Warrior Beaver Warrior Blackland Fire Dragon Change of Heart Dragon Zombie Garoozis Grateful Charity Heavy Storm Hero of the East Hitotsu-Me Giant (x2) Kageningen Koumori Dragon Lava Battleguard Magic Jammer Magic-Arm Shield Mirror Force Mystic Horsemen Panther Warrior Polymerization Pot of Greed Raigeki Red-Eyes B. Dragon Skull Dice Summoned Skull Swamp Battleguard (x2) Sword of Dragon's Soul The 13th Grave Thousand Dragon Tiger Axe (x2) Time Wizard Torike ****************************************************************************** First Tier Duelist: Tristan Taylor I wouldn't worry too much about Tristan. Just be careful when he calls his Summoned Skull out. He has a couple of Magic Cards, but other than that, his deck will consist of mostly Warrior Monster Types. Cards in Tristan Taylor's Deck Ansatsu Aqua Madoor Battle Warrior Dark-Piercing Light Doron Goblin's Secret Remedy Gryphon Wing Hiro's Shadow Scout Horn Imp Jinzo #7 Kagemusha of the Blue Flame Kanan the Swordmistress Kojikocy Legendary Sword Masaki the Legendary Swordsman Monster Reborn Moon Envoy M-Warrior #1 M-Warrior #2 Oscillo Hero Pendulum Machine Prevent Rat Seven Tools of the Bandit Shade Specter Shadow Specter Skull Servant Soul of the Pure Spirit of the Harp Stuffed Animal Summoned Skull Sword of Dark Destruction Swordstalker Unknown Warrior of Fiend Vishwar Randi ****************************************************************************** First Tier Duelist: Bakura Ryou I believe that Bakura will prove to be a challenge in the first tier. His Dark Elf is the only monster that hits hard, but in order for him to use it, he must constantly pay 1000 Life Points to attack with his 2000 ATK Dark Elf. Also, be careful about his Man-Eater Bug which will destroy one monster on your field. This can hurt, especially if you summoned a very good monster. Cards in Bakura Ryou's Deck Armored Zombie Axe of Dispair Black Pendant Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie Castle of Dark Illusions Change of Heart Clown Zombie Dark Assailant Dark Elf (x3) Dark Hole Dokuroizo the Grim Reaper Dokurorider Dragon Zombie Fiend's Hand Fire Reaper Ghoul with an Appitite Graveyard and The Hand of Invitation King of Yamimakai Magic Jammer Magical Ghost Man-Eater Bug Monster Reborn Pot of Greed Pumpking the King of Ghosts Revival of Dokurorider Spellbinding Circle Temple of Skulls The 13th Grave The Snake Hair (x2) The Three-legged Zombie Trap Hole Trial of Nightmare Wasteland Witty Phantom Wood Remains Yaranzo |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Second Tier =========== Espa Roba Mai Valentine Mako Tsunami Weevil Underwood Rex Raptor Tier 2 will contain Duelists that use more Magic and Trap Cards. Their strategy the use of some powerful Monster Cards. It might be a good idea to challenge the first tier Duelists a couple of times to get more booster packs and add some powerful cards to your collection. In this tier, you will need to defeat each Duelist 3 times to advance to the third tier. ****************************************************************************** Second Tier Duelist: Rex Raptor I wasn't kidding when I said this would be a challenge. The biggest concern with Rex his Summoned Skull, Dark Hole, Raigeki, Heavy Storm, and Mirror Force cards. You can lose a good set of cards if you aren't careful. Add that with his Magicians of Faith to get back used Magic Cards and you might find yourself in a losing situation. Hang tough! Cards in Rex Raptor's Deck Blackland Fire Dragon (x3) Crawling Dragon #2 (x2) Dark Hole Dragon Zombie Giant Soldier of Stone (x3) Graceful Charity Heavy Storm (x2) Little D Magic Jammer Magician of Faith (x3) Megalowzer Mirror Force Monster Reborn Mystical Space Typhoon Pot of Greed Raigeki Summoned Skull Sword Arm of Dragon Trakadon (x2) Twin-headed Fire Dragon (x2) Two-headed King Rex (x3) Uraby (x2) Wasteland Witch of the Black Forest (x2) ****************************************************************************** Second Tier Duelist: Espa Roba Mechanicalchaser is the card that can really set you back if you don't have a powerful enough card. If you are in luck, you can use Mystical Elf to defend, then use the Mystical Elf as a tribute to summon a stronger card (like a Summoned Skull). Make sure you have a Dark Hole and/or Raigeki. Cards in Espa Roba's Deck Big Eye (x2) Blast Juggler Blast Sphere (x2) Ceremonial Bell Change of Heart Cyber Falcon Cyber Jar Cyber-Tech Alligator Dark Hole Dimensional Warrior (x2) Disk Magician (x2) Giga-tech Wolf (x2) Heavy Storm Holograph Jinzo Machine King Mechanicalchaser Monster Reborn Negate Attack Raigeki Reaper of the Cards Time Machine ****************************************************************************** Second Tier Duelist: Weevil Underwood Weevil will use the Dark Elf card as often as possible. Even though its ATK power is 2000 (and is a Level 4 monster), Weevil must pay 1000 of his own Life Points to attack. If you have a good enough defense, you may wind up winning the match by just having him constantly deplete Life Points. If he does summon his Insect Queen, he will summon an Insect monster token (with ATK 100). You can attack them as well and really lower Weevil's Life Points. Also, watch out for the Parasite Paracide. Cards in Weevil Underwood's Deck Change of Heart Cyber Jar Dark Elf (x2) Dark Hole Flying Kamakiri (x3) Forest Gemini Elf (x2) Giant Rat (x2) Gokibore (x2) Graceful Charity Harpie's Feather Duster Insect Queen (x2) Magic Jammer Man Eater Bug (x3) Mechanical Spider Mirror Force Monster Reborn Needle Worm (x2) Parasite Paracide (x3) Pot of Greed Raigeki Sinister Serpent Swords of Revealing Light Witch of the Black Forest (x2) ****************************************************************************** Second Tier Duelist: Mako Tsunami Mako's Axe of Despair and his Penguin Soldier can be trouble. You shouldn't have too much of a problem with Mako, as long as he does not summon his Fortress Whale. Cards in Mako Tsunami's Deck 7 Colored Fish (x3) Axe of Despair Change of Heart Dark Elf Dark Hole Fortress Whale Fortress Whale's Oath Great White Harpie's Feather Duster Heavy Storm (x2) Magic Jammer Magician of Faith Mirror Force Monster Reborn Penguin Soldier (x3) Pot of Greed Raigeki (x2) Red Archery Girl (x3) Sinister Serpent (x2) Star Boy (x2) Suijin (x2) Swords of Revealing Light (x2) Umi ****************************************************************************** Second Tier Duelist: Mai Valentine Harpie's Feather Duster can remove all your Magic/Trap cards at once, so don't place too many of these cards on the field at the same time. Watch out for Elegant Egotist, which allows Mai to summon Harpie Lady Sisters with a Harpie Lady. Cards in Mai Valentine's Deck Blue Winged Crown (x2) Change of Heart Cyber Armor (x2) Dark Hole Dark Witch (x2) Elegant Egotist (x3) Harpie Lady (x3) Harpie Lady Sisters (x3) Harpie's Brother (x3) Harpie's Feather Duster Harpie's Pet Dragon (x1) Magic Jammer Mirror Force Mirror Wall Monster Reborn Mountain Raigeki Red Archery Girl Rising Air Currents (x2) Skull Red Bird (x2) Swords of Revealing Light Trap Hole (x2) Wall of Illusion |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Third Tier ========== Umbra & Lunis Marik Ishtar Arkana Strings Rare Hunter Now, the fun really begins. All these Duelists will be a pain to defeat. Their decks consist of many powerful cards and plenty of Effect Monster Cards. To advance to the fourth tier, you must defeat these Duelists 4 times each. ****************************************************************************** Third Tier Duelist: Rare Hunter This guy's BIGGEST threat is Exodia. Yep, he has all five cards on him. In fact, his entire deck is set in such a way to gather all the pieces of Exodia quickly (using the effects of Sangan and Witch of the Black Forest to draw a piece of Exodia from his deck). Of course, because of this, he doesn't have too many powerful cards. Many times, he will leave his field undefended instead of using a piece of Exodia to defend his Life Points. You can really give him a lot of damage that way. One way to really eliminate this threat is to use cards like Morphing Jar, to force him to discard his hand (as well as yours). [Info given by (SHADESXTR@aol.com).] I've even heard that there is a glitch in the game that causes Exodia to NOT be summoned even with all five cards in his hand. This appears to be random though. Cards in Rare Hunter's Deck Big Eye Cannon Soldier (x2) Dark Hole Exodia of the Forbidden One Giant Soldier of Stone Graceful Charity (x2) Harpie's Feather Duster Left Arm of the Forbidden One Left Leg of the Forbidden One Magic Jammer Magician of Faith (x2) Mirror Force Negate Attack Penguin Soldier Pot of Greed Right Arm of the Forbidden One Right Leg of the Forbidden One Sangan (x2) Skelengal (x2) Swords of Revealing Light Witch of the Black Forest ****************************************************************************** Third Tier Duelist: Arkana Arkana is the "master" of the Dark Magician Deck. His cards utilize Giant Soldier of Stone's high Defense points to use them as Tributes for either the Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl. He also uses Monster Reborn and Premature Burial to bring them back from the Graveyard (in combination with cards like Graceful Charity which allows you to draw three cards but requires that the user discard two cards in his hand). He shouldn't be much of a problem, if you can destroy his cards quickly. Also, beware of his Dark Elves (although, he does lose Life Points by using them to attack). Cards in Arkana's Deck Dark Elf (x3) Dark Magician (x2) Dark Magician Girl Dark Rabbit Giant Soldier of Stone (x3) Graceful Charity (x2) Harpie's Feather Duster Magic Jammer Man-Eater Bug (x2) Mirror Force Monster Reborn Mystical Space Typhoon Penguin Soldier Premature Burial (x2) Raigeki Sangan Sinister Serpent Skelengal (x2) Swords of Revealing Light (x2) ****************************************************************************** Third Tier Duelist: Strings I consider Strings one of the easier (and less threatening) of this group. His cards are somewhat strong, plus he uses Numinous Healer to gain back Life Points. Not much of a challenge actually, but the Duels can still get annoying. Cards in Strings' Deck Change of Heart Dark Elf (x2) Dark Hole Dimensional Warrior (x2) Graceful Charity (x2) Hane-Hane (x2) Harpie's Feather Duster Magic Jammer (x2) Magician of Faith (x2) Mirror Force Monster Reborn Morphing Jar (x3) Needle Worm (x2) Numinous Healer (x2) Penguin Knight Penguin Soldier (x2) Pot of Greed Raigeki Seven Tools of the Bandit Snatch Steal Summoned Skull Swords of Revealing Light The Bistro Butcher (x2) Tremendous Fire (x3) Witch of the Black Forest (x2) ****************************************************************************** Third Tier Duelist: Umbra & Lumis This Deck is VERY annoying. The cards in the hands of these two Duelists will make this Duel long and frustrating. They are Effect Monster Cards that force your Monster Cards in the field to either be returned to you or get destroyed. This makes summoning cards other than Levels 1-4 not worth it. Here, you must be lucky enough to get cards like Raigeki or Dark Hole, or just have a very large attack force and hope that you can slowly destroy all his cards. Be very patient and you should have the upper hand. Use Magic and Trap Cards as much as possible, and any cards that can destroy his cards quickly. Don't be afraid to change your Deck to have the advantage. Keep a couple of high attack Level 5+ monsters with you, though. Cards in Umbra & Lumis' Deck Blast Sphere (x2) Change of Heart Crass Clown Cyber Jar Gemeni Elf Giant Trunade Hane-Hane Heavy Storm Labyrinth Wall Magic Jammer Man-Eater Bug Millennium Golem Millennium Shield Mirror Force Monster Reborn Morphing Jar Penguin Soldier (x2) Pot of Greed Seven Tools of the Bandit Shadow Ghoul Snatch Steal Swords of Revealing Light (x2) The Bistro Butcher (x2) Trap Hole Vorse Raider (x2) Wall of Illusion (x2) Widespread Ruin ****************************************************************************** Third Tier Duelist: Marik Ishtar These cards are hard hitting and painful. You're quickest way to victory is to summon powerful monsters quickly (the opposite strategy from Umbra & Lumis). Dueling Marik Ishtar gives you a real challenge that is just a preview of what can lie ahead. Reinforce your deck whenever you can. Cards In Marik Ishtar's Deck Change of Heart Cyber Jar Delinquint Duo (x2) Dragon Seeker Dream Clown (x3) Gemini Elf (x3) Jinzo #7 (x2) Magic Jammer (x2) Magician of Faith (x3) Man-Eater Bug (x3) Millenium Golem Mirror Force Monster Reborn Morphing Jar Morphing Jar #2 Mystical Space Typhoon (x2) Pot of Greed Raigeki Sebek's Blessing Snatch Steal The Bistro Butcher Trap Hole Vorse Raider (x2) White Hole White Magical Hat (x3) |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Fourth Tier =========== Yami Bakura Yami Yugi Ishizu Ishtar Shadi Kaiba Seto Well, you have made it this far so hopefully you have a good variety of cards that you can use against these Duelists. You will be able to advance to the Fifth Tier by defeating these Duelists five times each. The Duelist all have cards that will support each other in every way possible. Good luck! ****************************************************************************** Fourth Tier Duelist: Kaiba Seto I'm amazed at the fact that he doesn't have a Crush Card. If you have one, I would suggest using it, if possible. Obviously, besides his three Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards, he also has three Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon cards. He will use the effects of Cyber-Stein to use 5000 of his Life Points to summon his Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to the field and cards like Witch of the Black Forest and Sangan to get a hold of a Cyber-Stein or Hoshiningen. Use Raigeki or Dark Hole to get rid of it as soon as possible. Cards like Swords of Revealing Light or Spellbinding Circle can by you some time. And like I mentioned earlier, a Crush Card can cripple his armada. Cards in Kaiba Seto's Deck Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (x3) Blue-Eyes White Dragon (x3) Change of Heart Cyber Jar Cyber-Stein (x2) Dark Hole Graceful Charity (x2) Harpie's Feather Duster Hoshiningen (x3) Hyozanryu Koumori Dragon (x3) Magic Jammer Mirror Force Monster Reborn Mystical Space Typhoon Nimble Momonga (x2) Pot of Greed Raigeki Sangan (x2) Sebek's Blessing (x2) Sinister Serpent Snatch Steal Solemn Judgement Twin-Headed Fire Dragon (x2) Vorse Raider (x3) Witch of the Black Forest (x2) ****************************************************************************** Fourth Tier Duelist: Ishizu Ishtar The cards here tend to support strengthening her Monster Cards, either by effects or equip cards. A Maha Vailo equipped with an Axe of Despair and Metalmorph can mean big trouble and that's just the beginning. Hoshiningen can also improve the strength of all her LIGHT Monster Cards (which are the only Monster Attribues in her Deck). Avoid using DARK Monster Cards in this Duel, if possible. Cards in Ishizu Ishtar's Deck Axe of Despair (x3) Banisher of the Light (x2) Blue-Eyes White Dragon (x2) Change of Heart Dark Hole Dunames Dark Witch (x3) Giant Trunade Harpie's Feather Duster Horn of Heaven Hoshiningen (x3) Luminous Spark (x2) Magic Jammer (x2) Maha Vailo (x3) Metalmorph (x2) Mirror Force Monster Reborn Mystical Space Typhoon (x2) Neo the Magic Swordsman (x3) Pot of Greed Raigeki Shining Fairy (x3) Solemn Judgement ****************************************************************************** Fourth Tier Duelist: Shadi Shadi's cards then to work against cards that most Duelists have in their deck, like Raigeki or Dark Hole. His cards can also hinder your Deck using all sorts of Magic and Trap Cards. His monsters aren't that powerful when used alone. Just be patient and you will win. Cards in Shadi's Deck Anti-Raigeki Banisher of the Light (x2) Call of the Dark Change of Heart Dark Hole Dian Keto the Cure Master Gyakutenno Megami La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp (x3) Lord of Zemia (x3) Magic Jammer (x2) Magician of Faith (x3) Millennium Golem (x2) Mirror Force Monster Reborn Mystical Space Typhoon (x2) Needle Worm (x3) Orion the Battle King (x2) Pot of Greed Raigeki Reaper of the Cards Seven Tools of the Bandit (x2) Sinister Serpent Sogen Solemn Judgement Tribute to the Doomed White Hole ****************************************************************************** Fourth Tier Duelist: Yami Bakura I wish he was as easy as his other half. Power, strength, and strategy is how Yami Bakura plays. Winning here is a matter of pulling the right cards at the right time. Reinforce your Deck to knock out his Magic and Trap Cards as quickly as possible. And beware of that Man-Eater Bug. Cards in Yami Bakura's Deck Change of Heart Dark Hole Dimensional Warrior (x2) Dream Clown Gemini Elf (x3) Giant Soldier of Stone Graceful Charity (x2) Harpy's Feather Duster Heavy Storm (x2) Kunai with Chain Kuriboh (x2) Magic Jammer (x2) Magician of Faith (x3) Man-Eater Bug (x2) Masked Sorcerer Mirror Force Monster Reborn Penguin Soldier Pot of Greed Raigeki Sinister Serpent Summoned Skull (x2) Swords of Revealing Light Vorse Raider (x3) Wall of Illusion (x2) Witch of the Black Forest (x2) ****************************************************************************** Fourth Tier Duelist: Yami Yugi This battle will be just as tough as Yami Bakura's duels. Yami Yugi has some very rare cards that can really put a HUGE dent in your Life Points if you aren't careful enough. You might very well experience several Duels before earning the proper five wins. Cards in Yami Yugi's Deck Alpha the Magnet Warrior Anti-Raigeki Beta the Magnet Warrior Big Shield Gardna (x2) Buster Blader Change of Heart Chorus of Sancuary Cyber Jar Dark Magician (x2) Dark Magician Girl (x2) Gamma the Magnet Warrior Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts Gemini Elf (x2) Graceful Charity (x2) Great Soldier of Stone Harpie's Feather Duster Kuriboh (x2) Magic Jammer (x2) Mirror Force Monster Reborn Mystical Elf Mystical Space Typhoon Pot of Greed Raigeki Seven Tools of the Bandit Sinister Serpent Snatch Steal Summoned Skull (x2) Swords of Revealing Light Valkyrion the Magna Warrior White Hole Witch of the Black Forest (x2) |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Fifth Tier =========== Maximillon Pegasus Solomon Trusdale Simon Duel Computer The Fifth Tier is built slightly different that the previous four tiers. You only get to challenge the Duel Computer at first. But eventually, you will have the chance to unlock the other three Duelists in this tier. ****************************************************************************** Fifth Tier Duelist: Maximillion Pegasus [Pegasus can be unlocked by acquiring the Toon World Magic Card.] Pegasus is big on using Toon World and the monsters that are in them. By destorying Toon World with a card like Mystical Space Typhoon or Magic Jammer, you pretty much cripple his chance of victory. He still has powerful cards like Relinquished, though so be careful of that. Cards in Maximillion Pegasus' Deck Black Illusion Ritual (x2) Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Change of Heart Cyber Jar Dark Hole Dark-Eyes Illusionist (x2) Graceful Charity Harpie's Feather Duster Magic Jammer Manga Ryu-Ran Megamorph Mirror Force Monster Reborn Nimble Momonga (x3) Pot of Greed Raigeki Red Archery Girl (x3) Relinquished (x2) Rouge Doll (x2) Sinister Serpent Solemn Judgement Swords of Revealing Light Time Machine Toon Mermaid Toon Summoned Skull (x2) Toon World (x2) Vorse Raider (x3) Witch of the Black Forest (x2) ****************************************************************************** Fifth Tier Duelist: Simon [Simon can be unlocked by winning all 4 rounds of the National Tournament in November.] This deck is almost as annoying as Umbra & Lumis' Deck, only here, your Magic and Trap Cards are the major target. Simon lacks any high level cards, which gives you an opportunity to strike him with Level 5+ cards. Expect a long battle, nonetheless. Cards in Simon's Deck Banisher of Light Cannon Soldier (x2) Change of Heart Cyber Jar Dark Hole Graceful Charity (x2) Harpie's Feather Duster Heavy Storm (x2) Imperial Order Magic Jammer Magician of Faith (x3) Mask of Darkness (x2) Mirror Force Monster Reborn Muka Muka (x2) Panther Warrior (x2) Pot of Greed Raigeki Sangan (x2) Seven Tools of the Bandit Sinister Serpent Snatch Steal Swords of Revealing Light Total Defense Shogun (x2) Vorse Raider (x3) Wall of Illusion Witch of the Black Forest (x2) ****************************************************************************** Fifth Tier Duelist: Duel Computer OK, I was wrong. This Deck is more annoying that either Umbra & Lumis' or Simon's Deck. Here, the focus of the computer is to destroy your cards, and find ways to use your own cards against you. The computer relies heavily on Magic and Trap Cards to compensate on the few Monster Cards it has. Cards in Duel Computer's Deck Bell of Destruction (x2) Call of the Haunted Change of Heart Cyber Jar Dark Hole Delinquent Duo (x2) Gemini Elf (x2) Gravekeeper's Servant (x2) Harpie's Feather Duster Magician of Faith (x3) Man-Eater Bug (x3) Mask of Darkness (x3) Mirror Force Monster Reborn Morphing Jar #2 (x2) Morphing Jar (x3) Mystical Space Typhoon (x2) Negate Attack Raigeki Snatch Steal Swords of Revealing Light The Bistro Butcher White Magical Hat (x3) Witch of the Black Forest (x2) ****************************************************************************** Fifth Tier Duelist: Trusdale [Trusdale can be unlocked by defeating Simon once.] This Deck is a spin-off of Rare Hunter's Deck, involving Exodia. Solomon has cards that can destroy a good deal of your cards if you aren't prepared. More time means a higher chance of pulling off Exodia. Use the strategy similar to the one I posted for Rare Hunter, but take into account what cards he has and adjust accordingly. Cards in Trusdale's Deck Anti-Raigeki Big Eye Blue-Eyes White Dragon Change of Heart Exodia of the Forbidden One Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts Gemini Elf (x3) Giant Trunade (x2) Graceful Charity (x2) Harpie's Feather Duster Imperial Order Left Arm of the Forbidden One Left Leg of the Forbidden One Magic Jammer Mirror Force Monster Reborn Mystical Elf (x3) Penguin Soldier (x3) Pot of Greed Raigeki Right Arm of the Forbidden One Right Leg of the Forbidden One Sangan Snatch Steal Spellbinding Circle (x2) Summoned Skull Swords of Revealing Light (x2) White Hole Witch of the Black Forest |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Unlocking the Booster Packs --------------------------- [Info provided by grey41.] You start off with the ability of choosing the Dark Magician, Mystical Elf, or Red-Eyes B. Dragon booster packs. Other booster packs can be unlocked by performing the following. [To find out which card is located in which booster, check out the CARD INFORMATION section.] Tier 1 - Earn a total of 10 wins in Tier 1: Judge Man Defeat each Duelist 10 Times: Harpie Lady Defeat Yugi Muto 20 Times: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Defeat Joey Wheeler 20 Times: Exodia Tier 2 - Advance to Tier 2: Tiger Axe Earn a total of 10 wins in Tier 2: Gate Guardian Defeat each Duelist 10 Times: Great Moth Defeat Mako Tsunami 20 Times: Gemini Elf Defeat Mai Valentine 20 Times: Launcher Spider Tier 3 - Advance to Tier 3: Garoozis Earn a total of 10 wins in Tier 3: Relinquished Defeat each Duelist 10 Times: Black Luster Soldier Defeat Marik Ishtar 20 Times: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Defeat Umbra & Lunis 20 Times: Battle Ox Tier 4 - Advance to Tier 4: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Earn a total of 10 wins in Tier 4: Millennium Puzzle Blue Defeat each Duelist 10 Times: Millennium Puzzle Green Defeat Seto Kaiba 20 Times: Millennium Eye Defeat Yami Yugi 20 Times: Buster Blader Tier 5 - Defeat Simon once: Millennium Puzzle Yellow [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CARD INFORMATION This section will give you the information for each and every card that is available for the game. There are a total of 819 cards to choose from. 599 cards are Monster cards, 148 are Magic cards, and 72 are Trap cards. I will list each card in alphabetical order. Name of Card Password Booster Pack(s) Card Type [M/T Effect] [Fusion-Material Monster] [Level] [Attack] [Defense] [Type] [Attribute] Description [Booster Pack info is supplied by grey41. Passwords supplied by Teara.] [Note that some cards may be found in your Starter Deck.] ****************************************************************************** # = 7 Colored Fish Password: 23771716 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1800 DEF 800 Fish Water "A rare rainbow fish that has never been caught by mortal man." 7 Completed Password: 86198326 Booster: Buster Blader, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "A Machine-Type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 700 points." ****************************************************************************** A = Acid Crawler Password: 77568553 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 700 Insect Earth "A giant caterpillar that secretes an acid mist that melts anything." Acid Trap Hole Password: 41356845 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Trap Card "Flip 1 face-down Defense Position monster face-up. If the monster's DEF is 2000 points or less, the monster is destroyed. If the DEF is more than 2000 points, return the monster to its face-down Defense Position." Air Eater Password: 08353769 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2100 DEF 1600 Fiend Wind "A monster that feeds on oxygen, suffocating any who stand near." Air Marmot of Nefariousness Password: 75889523 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 400 DEF 600 Beast Earth "A horned beaver that dive-bombs enemies with acorns." Akakieisu Password: 38035986 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 800 Spellcaster Dark "A sorcerer who utters spells that can render monsters unconscious." Akihiron Password: 36904469 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1700 DEF 1400 Aqua Water "This strange creature hides in the deep, dark corners of the seven seas." Alligator's Sword Password: 64428736 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1200 Beast Earth "This lizard man can swing a sword at velocities that exceed the speed of sound." Alligator's Sword Dragon Password: 03366982 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Fusion/Effect Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1700 DEF 1500 Dragon Wind "Baby Dragon + Alligator's Sword. You can inflict Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points with this card if the only Attributes of Monster Cards on your opponent's side of the field are EARTH, WATER, or FIRE." Alpha The Magnet Warrior Password: 99785935 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1700 Rock Earth "Alpha, Beta, and Gamma meld as one to form a powerful monster." Amazon of the Seas Password: 17968114 Booster: Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 1400 Fish Water "A mermaid who serves as herald of the Sea King and guards the sanctuary." Ameba Password: 95174353 Booster: Relinquished Effect Monster Card Level 1 ATK 300 DEF 350 Aqua Water "When this card is face-up on the field and control shifts to your opponent, inflict 2000 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points. This effect can only be used once as long as this card remains face-up on the field." Amphibious Bugroth Password: 40173854 Booster: Garoozis, Battle Ox Fusion Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1850 DEF 1300 Aqua Water "Ground Attacker Bugroth + Guardian of the Sea" Ancient Brain Password: 2431843 Booster: Battle Ox Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 700 Fiend Dark 'A fallen fairy that is powerful in the dark." Ancient Elf Password: 93221206 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1450 DEF 1200 Spellcaster Light "This elf is rumored to have lived for thousands of years. He leads an army of spirits against his enemies." Ancient Jar Password: 81492226 Booster: Judge Man Normal Monster Card Level 1 ATK 400 DEF 200 Rock Earth "A very fragile jar that contains something ancient and dangerous." Ancient Lizard Warrior Password: 43230671 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1100 Reptile Earth "Before the dawn of man, this lizard warrior ruled supreme." Ancient One of the Deep Forest Password: 14015067 Booster: Relinquished Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1800 DEF 1900 Beast Earth "This creature adopts the form of a white goat living in the forest, but is actually a Forest Elder." Ancient Telescope Password: 17092736 Booster: Battle Ox Magic Card "See the top 5 cards of your opponent's Deck. Return the cards to the Deck in the same order." Ancient Tool Password: 49587396 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1700 DEF 1400 Machine Dark "A destructive machine discovered in the Ruins of the Ancients." Ansatsu Password: 48365709 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1700 DEF 1200 Warrior Earth "A silent and deadly warrior specializing in assassinations." Anthrosaurus Password: 89904598 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 850 Dinosaur Earth "Man-like dinosaur with a high I.Q. that is lacking in strength." Anti Raigeki Password: 42364257 Booster: Gate Guardian Trap Card "When your opponent activates "Raigeki", all of your opponent's monsters are destroyed in place of your own." Anti-Magic Fragrance Password: 58921041 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Trap Card Continuous "As long as this card remains on the field, Magic Cards must always be Set on the battlefield and cannot be activated until a player's following turn." Appropriate Password: 48539234 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card Continuous "You can activate this card when your opponent draws a card outside of his/her Draw Phase. Draw 2 cards from your Deck." Aqua Chorus Password: 95132338 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Trap Card Continuous "If there are Monster Cards of the same name on the field, the ATK and DEF of those cards are increased by 500 points." Aqua Dragon Password: 86164529 Booster: Gemini Elf Fusion Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2250 DEF 1900 Sea Serpent Water "Fairy Dragon + Amazon of the Seas + Zone Eater" Aqua Madoor Password: 85639257 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 2000 Spellcaster Water "A wizard of the waters that conjures a liquid wall to crush any enemies that oppose him." Arlownay Password: 14708569 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 1000 Plant Earth "A lady monster dwelling in a flower, she sprinkles the air with poisonous pollen." Arma Knight Password: 36151751 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1000 DEF 1200 Aqua Water "An ammonite warrior that has protected the seas throughout history." Armaill Password: 53153481 Booster: Mystical Elf, Exodia Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 700 DEF 1300 Warrior Earth "A strange warrior who manipulates three deadly blades with both hands and his tail." Armed Ninja Password: 09076207 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia Effect Monster Card Level 1 ATK 300 DEF 300 Warrior Earth "FLIP: Destroys 1 Magic Card on the field. If this card's target is face- down, flip it face-up. If the card is a Magic Card, it is destroyed. If not, it is returned to its face-down position. The flipped card is not activated." Armored Glass Password: 36868108 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card "You can activate this card when a monster is equipped with an Equip Magic Card to deactivate the effects of all Equip Magic Cards on the field." Armored Lizard Password: 15480588 Booster: Harpie Lady, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1200 Reptile Earth "A lizard with a very tough hide and a vicious bite." Armored Rat Password: 16246527 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 950 DEF 1100 Beast Earth "The fur on this monster rat is tough enough to repel swords." Armored Starfish Password: 17535588 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 850 DEF 1400 Aqua Water "A bluish starfish with a solid hide capable of fending off attacks." Armored Zombie Password: 20277860 Booster: Gate Guardian, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!], [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1500 DEF 0 Zombie Dark "This warrior blindly swings a deadly blade with devastating force." Axe of Despair Password: 40619825 Booster: Relinquished , Millenium Eye Magic Card Equip "A monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 1000 points. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can offer 1 monster from the field as a Tribute to place it on top of your Deck." Axe Raider Password: 48305365 Booster: Gemini Elf, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1700 DEF 1150 Warrior Earth "An axe-wielding monster of tremendous strength and agility." ****************************************************************************** B = B. Dragon Jungle King Password: 89832901 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2100 DEF 1800 Dragon Earth "A jet-black dragon found in the deepest jungles who normally devours trees." B. Skull Dragon No Password Booster: Gate Guardian , Millennium Eye , [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Fusion Monster Card Level 9 ATK 3200 DEF 2500 Dragon Dark "Summoned Skull + Red-Eyes B. Dragon" Baby Dragon Password: 88819587 Booster: Great Moth , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 1200 DEF 700 Dragon Wind "Much more than just a child, this dragon is gifted with untapped power." Backup Soldier [Limited to only 2 cards in a deck] Password: 36280194 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card "You can activate this card when there are 5 or more Monster Cards in your Graveyard. Take up to 3 Normal Monster Cards with an ATK of 1500 points or less from your Graveyard and add them to your hand." Banisher of the Light Password: 61528025 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 100 DEF 2000 Fairy Light "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, any card sent to the Graveyard is removed from play." Barox Password: 06840573 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Fusion Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1380 DEF 1530 Fiend Dark "Frenzied Panda + Ryu-Kishin" Barrel Dragon Password: 81480460 Booster: Launcher Spider , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2600 DEF 2200 Machine Dark "Toss a coin 3 times. If 2 of 3 results are Heads, destroy 1 opponent's monster. This card can only be used during your own turn, once per turn." Barrel Lily Password: 67841515 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1100 DEF 600 Plant Earth "This wicked flower attacks enemies with pollen projectiles." Barrel Rock Password: 10476868 Booster: Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1000 DEF 1300 Rock Earth "Shouldering a pair of machine guns, this monster is unstoppable." Basic Insect Password: 89091579 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 500 DEF 700 Insect Earth "Usually found traveling in swarms, this creature's ideal environment is the forest." Battle Ox Password: 05053103 Booster: Battle Ox, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1700 DEF 1000 Beast-Warrior Earth "A monster with tremendous power, it destroys enemies with a swing of its axe." Battle Steer Password: 18246479 Booster: Great Moth, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1800 DEF 1300 Beast-Warrior Earth "A bull monster often found in the woods, it charges enemy monsters with a pair of deadly horns." Battle Warrior Password: 55550921 Booster: Judge Man Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 700 DEF 1000 Warrior Earth "A warrior that fights with its bare hands." Bean Soldier Password: 84990171 Booster: Tiger Axe Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1300 Plant Earth "A plant-warrior that attacks with seeds and sword." Beast Fangs Password: 46009906 Booster: Dark Magician , Blue-Eyes White Dragon Magic Card Equip "A Beast-type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points." Beastking of the Swamps Password: 99426834 Booster: Garoozis Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1000 DEF 1100 Aqua Water "You can substitute this card for any 1 Fusion-Material Monster. You cannot substitute for any other Fusion-Material Monsters in the current Fusion." Beastly Mirror Ritual No Password Booster: Black Luster Soldier Magic Card Ritual "This card is used to summon "Fiend's Mirror". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 6 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Beautiful Headhuntress Password: 16899564 Booster: Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1600 DEF 800 Warrior Earth "A vicious creature that has decapitated numerous enemy monsters." Beaver Warrior Password: 32452818 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1500 Beast-Warrior Earth "What this creature lacks in size it makes up for in defense when battling in the prairie." Behegon Password: 94022093 Booster: Garoozis Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1350 DEF 1000 Aqua Water "With a large mouth and massive teeth, this is one dangerous and strange sea snake." Bell of Destruction [Limited to only 2 cards in a deck] Password: 83555666 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow , [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Trap Card "Destroy 1 face-up Monster Card and inflict Direct Damage equal to the destroyed card's ATK to the Life Points of both you and your opponent." Beta The Magnet Warrior Password: 39256679 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1700 DEF 1600 Rock Earth "Alpha, Beta, and Gamma meld as one to form a powerful monster." Bickuribox Password: 25655502 Booster: Battle Ox, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Fusion Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2300 DEF 2000 Fiend Dark "Crass Clown + Dream Clown" Big Eye Password: 16768387 Booster: Gate Guardian Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1000 Fiend Dark "FLIP: Draw 5 cards from the top of your Deck, arrange them in any order desired, and replace them on top of the Deck." Big Insect Password: 53606874 Booster: Gemini Elf, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1500 Insect Earth "A giant ant that dwells in the jungle, it is powerful whether attacking or defending." Big Shield Gardna Password: 65240384 Booster: (It might be one of the cards given by winning the Grandpa Cup.) Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 100 DEF 2500 Warrior Earth "When this card is face-down and targeted by a Magic Card whose effect targets only 1 monster, the Magic Card is negated and this card is turned face-up in Defense Position. When this card is attacked, it is shifted to Attack Position following the Damage step." Binding Chain Password: 08058240 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 1100 Fairy Light "The mystic links of this chain can rob enemies of their power." Bio Plant Password: 07670542 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 500 DEF 1300 Fiend Dark "A monster created from a major accident in an underground lab." Black Illusion Ritual Password: 41426869 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Ritual "This card is used to Ritual Summon "Relinquished". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 1 or more from the field or your hand as a Tribute." Black Luster Ritual No Password Booster: Black Luster Soldier Magic Card Ritual "This card is used to summon "Black Luster Soldier". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 8 or more from the field or your hand as a Tribute." Black Luster Soldier No Password Booster: Black Luster Soldier, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Ritual Monster Card Level 8 ATK 3000 DEF 2500 Warrior Earth "This monster is summoned with the Ritual Magic Card, "Black Luster Ritual". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Black Pendant Password: 65169794 Booster: [Starter Deck], Relinquished Magic Card Equip "A monster card with this card increases its ATK by 500 points. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points." Blackland Fire Dragon Password: 87564352 Booster: Great Moth, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 800 Dragon Dark "A dragon that dwells in the depths of darkness, its vulnerability lies in its poor eyesight." Bladefly Password: 28470714 Booster: Great Moth Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 600 DEF 700 Insect Wind "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, increase the ATK of all WIND monsters by 500 points and decrease the ATK of all EARTH monsters by 400 points." Blast Juggler Password: 70138455 Booster: Gate Guardian Effect Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 900 Machine Fire "You can destroy 2 monsters with an ATK of 1000 or less by offering this card as a Tribute if it is face-up on the field during your Standby Phase." Blast Sphere Password: 26302522 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1400 Machine Dark "When your opponent attacks this monster in face-down Defense Position, this card is treated as an Equip Card and is used to equip the attacking monster (damage is not calculated). The equipped monster and this card are destroyed during your opponent's next Standby Phase. Your opponent then receives Direct Damage equal to the equipped monster's ATK." Block Attack Password: 25880422 Booster: Launcher Spider Magic Card "You can select 1 of your opponent's monsters and shift it to Defense Position." Blue Medicine Password: 20871001 Booster: Judge Man Magic Card "Increase your Life Points by 400 points." Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie Password: 35282433 Normal Monster Card Booster: Mystical Elf Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 700 Zombie Dark "The beams from the eyes of this creature are said to turn enemies into zombies." Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Password: 53183600 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 8 ATK 3000 DEF 2500 Dragon Light "This card cannot be summoned unless "Toon World" is on the field. This card cannot attack in the same turn that it is summoned. Pay 500 Life Points each time this monster attacks. When "Toon World" is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If your opponent doesn't control a Toon monster on the field, this card may inflict Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points. If the Toon monster is on your opponent's side of the field, your attacks must target the Toon monster." Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Fusion Monster Card Level 12 ATK 4500 DEF 3800 Dragon Light "Blue-Eyes White Dragon + Blue-Eyes White Dragon + Blue-Eyes White Dragon" Blue-Eyes White Dragon Password: 89631139, 80906030 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Millennium Puzzle Green Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 8 ATK 3000 DEF 2500 Dragon Light "This legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction. Virtually invincible, very few have faced this awesome creature and lived to tell the tale." Blue-Winged Crown Password: 41396436 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1600 DEF 1200 Winged Beast Wind "With hair shaped like a crown and a body encased in bluish white flames, this bird is a formidable sight." Boar Soldier Password: 21340051 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 2000 DEF 500 Beast-Warrior Earth "This card can only be summoned by a Flip Summon. If summoned by a Normal Summon, the card is destroyed. If your opponent has 1 or more monsters under his/her control, the ATK of this card is decreased by 1000 points." Bolt Escargot Password: 12146024 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1400 DEF 1500 Thunder Water "After rendering an opponent immobile by spitting a sticky goo, this monster closes in for the attack." Book of Secret Arts Password: 91595718 Booster: Dark Magician , Blue-Eyes White Dragon, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "A Spellcaster-type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points" Bottom Dweller Password: 81386177 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 5 ATK 1650 DEF 1700 Fish Water "This is one sea creatures whose wrath is something monsters fear to face." Bracchio-raidus Password: 16507828 Booster: Garoozis Fusion Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2200 DEF 2000 Dinosour Water "Two-Headed King Rex + Crawling Dragon #2" Breath of Light Password: 20101223 Booster: Harpie Lady Magic Card "Destroys all Rock-type monsters on the field." Bright Castle Password: 82878489 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "Increases the ATK of all LIGHT monsters by 700 points." Burglar Password: 06297941 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 850 DEF 1500 Beast Earth "A wily rat armed with a huge left claw." Burning Spear Password: 18937875 Booster: Tiger Axe Magic Card Equip "A FIRE monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 400 points and decreases its DEF by 200 points." Buster Blader Password: 78193831 Booster: Buster Blader , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!], [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Effect Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2600 DEF 2300 Warrior Earth "The ATK of this card increases by 500 points for every Dragon-type monster in your opponent's side of the field and Graveyard." ****************************************************************************** C = Call of the Dark Password: 78637313 Booster: Gate Guardian Trap Card Continuous "All monsters restored with "Monster Reborn" are sent to the Graveyard. "Monster Reborn" also cannot be played as long as this card remains on the field." Call of the Grave Password: 16970158 Booster: Gemini Elf Trap Card "Deactivate the effect of "Monster Reborn" when your opponent plays it." Call Of The Haunted [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 97077563 Booster: Buster Blader , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Trap Card Continuous "Select 1 monster from your Graveyard and Special Summon it to Attack Position. When this card is destroyed or removed from the field, the summoned monster is also destroyed, and vice-versa." Candle of Fate Password: 47695416 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 600 DEF 600 Fiend Dark "Decides the fate of an opponent when the candle on its fingertip burns out." Cannon Soldier Password: 11384280 Booster: Great Moth, Millennium Puzzle Blue Effect Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1300 Machine Dark "Offer 1 or more monsters on your side of the field as a Tribute to inflict 500 points of Direct Damage per monster to your opponent's Life Points. Monsters used for a Tribute Summon or that are offered as Tributes due to other cards' effects are excluded." Castle of Dark Illusions Password: 00062121 Booster: Battle Ox , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 920 DEF 1930 Fiend Dark "Increases the ATK and DEF of all Zombie-type monsters by 200 points for each turn this card is face-up. This effect remains for 5 turns." Castle Walls Password: 44209392 Booster: Gemini Elf Trap Card "Increased a selected monster's DEF by 500 points during the turn this card is activated." Catapult Turtle Password: 95727991 Booster: Millennium Eye Effect Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1000 DEF 2000 Aqua Water "Offer 1 of your monsters on the field as a tribute. Half of the Tribute monster's ATK is inflicted to your opponent's Life Points as Direct Damage." Ceasefire [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 36468556 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card "Flip all face-down Monster Cards on the field face-up (Flip Effects are not activated). For every Effect Monster Card on the field, decrease your opponent's Life Points by 500 points. Celtic Guardian Password: 91152256, 90101050 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon , Judge Man , Millennium Puzzle Green Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1200 Warrior Earth "An elf who learned to wield a sword, he baffles enemies with lightning-swift attacks." Ceremonial Bell Password: 20228463 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 0 DEF 1850 Spellcaster Light "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, you and your opponent must show your respective hands to each other." Chain Destruction Password: 01248895 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card "You can activate this card when a monster with an ATK of 2000 points or less is summoned (including Special Summon). Destroys all Monster Cards of the same name in the summoning player's hand and Deck. The summoning player's Deck is then shuffled." Chain Energy Password: 79323590 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card Continuous "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, both you and your opponent must pay 500 Life Points per card to play or Set cards from their prospective hands." Chakra No Password Booster: Black Luster Soldier Ritual Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2450 DEF 2000 Fiend Dark "This monster is summoned with the Ritual Magic Card, "Resurrection of Chakra". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 7 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Change of Heart [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 04031928 Booster: [Starter Deck], Gate Guardian Magic Card "Select and control 1 opposing monster (regardless of position) on the field until the end of your turn." Charubin the Fire Knight Password: 37421579 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Fusion Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1100 DEF 800 Pyro Fire "Monster Egg + Hinotama Soul" Chorus of Sanctuary Password: 81380218 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card Field "Increases the DEF of all Defense Position monsters by 500 points." Claw Reacher Password: 41218256 Booster: Mystical Elf Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 800 Fiend Dark "Stretching arms and razor-sharp claws make this monster a formidable opponent." Clown Zombie Password: 92667214 Booster: Launcher Spider, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 1350 DEF 0 Zombie Dark "A clown revived by the powers of darkness, its deadly dance has sent many monsters to their grave." Cockroach Knight Password: 33413638 Booster: Gemini Elf Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 900 Insect Earth "When this card is sent to the Graveyard, it is returned to the top of the Deck instead" Cocoon of Evolution No Password Booster: Millennium Eye Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 0 DEF 2000 Insect Earth "You may treat this card as an Equip Magic Card on a face-up "Petit Moth" on the field. When equipped, the ATK and DEF of "Petit Moth" becomes the same as "Cocoon of Evolution"." Commencement Dance No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Magic Card Ritual "This card is used to Ritual Summon "Performance of Sword". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 6 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Confiscation [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 17375316 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card "Pay 1000 Life Points to look at your opponent's hand. Select 1 card and discard it to the Graveyard." Cosmo Queen No Password Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green Normal Monster Card Level 8 ATK 2900 DEF 2450 Spellcaster Dark "Queen of the galaxies and mistress of stars." Crab Turtle No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Ritual Monster Card Level 8 ATK 2550 DEF 2500 Aqua Water "This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Magic Card, "Turtle Oath". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Crass Clown Password: 93889755 Booster: Battle Ox, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Fusion-Material Card Level 4 ATK 1350 DEF 1400 Fiend Dark "When this card is shifted from Defense Position to Attack Position, return 1 of your opponent's monsters to the owner's hand." Crawling Dragon Password: 67494157 Booster: Harpie Lady, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1600 DEF 1400 Dragon Earth "This weakened dragon can no longer fly, but is still a deadly force to be reckoned with" Crawling Dragon #2 Password: 38289717 Booster: Garoozis, Battle Ox , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1600 DEF 1200 Dinosaur Earth "A powerful dragon with teeth that can grind almost anything to dust." Crazy Fish Password: 53713014 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1600 DEF 1200 Fish Aqua "A flying fish that attacks with its pointed head." Crimson Sunbird Password: 46696593 Booster: Garoozis Fusion Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2300 DEF 1800 Winged Beast Fire "Faith Bird + Skull Red Bird" Crow Goblin Password: 77998771 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1850 DEF 1600 Winged-Beast Wind "A clever long-nosed goblin, he is a force to be reckoned with." Crush Card Password: 57728570 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Trap Card "Offer 1 DARK monster with an ATK of 1000 or less as a Tribute. Any opponent's monster with an ATK of 1500 or higher on the field, in your opponent's hand, or drawn in the next 3 turns is automatically destroyed." Curse of Dragon Password: 28279543 Booster: Mystical Elf , Exodia Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 5 ATK 2000 DEF 1500 Dragon Dark "A wicked dragon that taps into dark forces to execute a powerful attack." Curse of Fiend Password: 12470447 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card "Changes the battle positions of all Attack Position monsters on the field to Defense Position and vice-versa. These positions cannot be changed during the turn this card is activated except by the effect of a Magic, Trap, or Effect Monster Card. You can activate this card only during your Standby Phase." Curtain of the Dark Ones Password: 22026707 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 2 ATK 600 DEF 500 Spellcaster Dark "A curtain that a spellcaster made. It is said to raise a dark power." Cyber Commander Password: 06400512 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 750 DEF 700 Machine Dark "A strike force equipped with rocket launchers and bazookas." Cyber Falcon Password: 30655537 Booster: Buster Blader Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1200 Machine Wind "A jet-powered hawk that travels at the speed of sound." Cyber Jar [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 34124316 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon, Millennium Puzzle Blue Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 900 Rock Dark "FLIP: Destroys all monsters on the field (including this monster). Both players then pick up (not Draw) 5 cards from the top of their respective decks and show the cards to each other. Immediately Special Summon any Monster Cards of Level 4 or lower among them on the field in face-up Attack Position or face-down Defense Position. The rest of the cards picked up are placed in the players' hands." Cyber Saurus Password: 89112729 Booster: Launcher Spider Fusion Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1800 DEF 1400 Machine Dark "Blast Juggler + Two-Headed King Rex" Cyber Shield Password: 63224564 Booster: Millenium Puzzle Yellow, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "Increases the ATK of either "Harpie Lady" or "Harpie Lady Sisters" by 500 points." Cyber Soldier Password: 44865098 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1500 DEF 1700 Machine Dark "Guardian of the Machine Master, it crushes opposition by rolling over them." Cyber-Stein Password: 69015963 Booster: Garoozis, Battle Ox Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 700 DEF 500 Machine Dark "At the cost of 5000 of your own Life Points, you can Special Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck in the face-up Attack Position." Cyber-Tech Alligator Password: 48766543 Booster: Millenium Puzzle Yellow Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 2500 DEF 1600 Machine Wind "A winged dragon brought back to life by means of modern technology." ****************************************************************************** D = D. Human Password: 81057959 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 1100 Warrior Earth "Gifted with the power of dragons, this warrior wields a sword created from a dragon's fang." Dancing Elf Password: 59983499 Booster: Millenium Puzzle Green Normal Monster Card Level 1 ATK 300 DEF 200 Fairy Wind "An elf that dances across the sky with wings of razor-sharp blades." Dark Artist Password: 72520073 Booster: Tiger Axe, Gemini Elf Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 600 DEF 1400 Fiend Dark "The DEF of this monster is decreased by half when attacked by LIGHT monsters." Dark Assailant Password: 41949033 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1200 Zombie Dark "Armed with the Psycho Sword, the sinister assassin rules the bad land." Dark Chimera Password: 32344688 Booster: Launcher Spider, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1610 DEF 1460 Fiend Dark "A fire-breathing monster that dwells in the netherworld." Dark Elf Password: 21417692 Booster: Launcher Spider Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 2000 DEF 800 Spellcaster Dark "This card requires a cost of 1000 of your own Life Points to attack." Dark Energy Password: 04614116 Booster: Mystical Elf , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "A Fiend-type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points." Dark Gray Password: 09159938 Booster: Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 900 Beast Earth "Entirely gray, this beast has rarely been seen by mortal eyes." Dark Hole [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 53129443 Booster: Dark Magician , Blue-Eyes White Dragon Magic Card "Destroys all monsters on the field." Dark King of the Abyss Password: 53375573 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1200 DEF 800 Fiend Dark "It's said that this King of the Netherworld once had the power to rule over the dark." Dark Magic Ritual No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Magic Card Ritual "This card is used to summon "Magician of Black Chaos". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Dark Magician Password: 46986414, 40609080 Booster: Dark Magician , Blue-Eyes White Dragon , Millennium Puzzle Green Normal Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2500 DEF 2100 Spellcaster Dark "The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense." Dark Magician Girl No Password Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green , Millennium Eye Effect Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2000 DEF 1700 Spellcaster Dark "This card's ATK increases by 300 points for every "Dark Magician" or "Magician of Black Chaos" in either player's Graveyard." Dark Rabbit Password: 99261403 Booster: Gate Guardian, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1100 DEF 1500 Beast Dark "A cartoon rabbit that quickly leaps all over the place, making it a difficult target." Dark Sage Password: 92377303 Booster: (It might be one of the cards given by winning the Grandpa Cup.) Effect Monster Card Level 9 ATK 2800 DEF 3200 Spellcaster Dark "When you activate the effect of "Time Wizard" and call it right, you can summon this card from either your hand or your Deck by offering 1 "Dark Magician" as a Tribute. Then move 1 Magic Card from your Deck to your hand and shuffle your Deck." Dark Shade Password: 40196604 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 1000 Fiend Wind "A crystal monster that unleashes a brilliant light to blind enemies." Dark Witch Password: 35565537 Booster: Relinquished Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1800 DEF 1700 Fairy Light "A popular creature in mythology that delivers fatal attacks with a sharp spear." Dark Zebra Password: 59784896 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1800 DEF 400 Beast Earth "If this is the only card in your control during your Standby Phase, it is automatically placed in Defense Position. You cannot change the position of this card during the same turn." Dark-Eyes Illusionist Password: 38247752 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 0 DEF 1400 Spellcaster Dark "FLIP: As long as this card remains on the field, 1 designated monster cannot attack." Darkfire Dragon Password: 17881964 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Fusion Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1250 Dragon Dark "Firegrass + Petit Dragon" Darkfire Soldier #1 Password: 05388481 Booster: Buster Blader Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1700 DEF 1150 Pyro Fire "An explosive expert from a special elite force." Darkfire Soldier #2 Password: 78861134 Booster: Buster Blader Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1700 DEF 1100 Pyro Fire "A warrior who gained immeasurable power from the heart of a volcano." Darkness Approaches Password: 80168720 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card "Discard 2 cards from your hand. Select 1 face-up monster and flip it face- down, but do not change its battle position." Dark-Piercing Light Password: 45895206 Booster: Tiger Axe Magic Card "Flip all of your opponent's face-down Monster Cards on the field face-up. The effect of the monster will activate at this time." Darkworld Thorns Password: 43500484 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 1200 DEF 900 Plant Earth "A thorny plant found in the darklands that wraps itself around any unwary traveler." Deepsea Shark Password: 28593363 Booster: Harpie Lady Fusion Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1900 DEF 1600 Fish Water "Bottom Dweller + Tongyo" Delinquent Duo [Limited to only 2 cards in a deck] Password: 44763025 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card "Pay 1000 Life Points. Randomly select and discard 1 card from your opponent's hand. Your opponent then selects and discards another card from his/her hand." De-Spell Password: 19159413 Booster: Mystical Elf, Exodia, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card "Destroys 1 Magic Card on the field. If this card's target is face-down, flip it face-up. If the card is a Magic Card, it is destroyed. If not, it is returned to its face-down position. The flipped card is not activated." Destroyer Golem Password: 73481154 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1000 Rock Earth "A golem with a massive right hand for crushing its victims." Dian Keto the Cure Master No Password Booster: Judge Man Magic Card "Increases your Life Points by 1000 points." Dice Armadillo Password: 69893315 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1650 DEF 1800 Machine Earth "An armadillo monster that rolls up to form a dice-like shape." Dimensional Warrior Password: 37043180 Booster: Millennium Eye, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1000 Warrior Light "When this card Attacks or is attacked, both this card and the opposing monster are removed from play and cannot return during the current Duel." Disk Magician Password: 76446915 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1350 DEF 1000 Machine Dark "This monster hides in a saucer and only appears when executing an attack." Dissolverock Password: 40826495 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 1000 Rock Earth "A monster born in the lava pits, it generates intense heat that can melt away its enemies." DNA Surgery Password: 74701381 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card Continuous "Select 1 Type of monster. As long as this card remains on the field, all face-up Monster Cards will be treated as the Type you selected." Dokuroizo the Grim Reaper Password: 25882881 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 1200 Zombie Dark "A messenger of doom that steals a soul with a single blow." Dokurorider No Password Booster: Millenium Puzzle Green Ritual Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1900 DEF 1850 Zombie Dark "This monster is summoned with the Ritual Magic Card, "Revival of Dokurorider". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 6 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Doma The Angel of Silence Password: 16972957 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1600 DEF 1400 Fairy Dark "This fairy rules over death, and administers it when necessary." Doron Password: 00756652 Booster: Judge Man, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 900 DEF 500 Warrior Earth "This monster splits in two and attacks from opposite sides." Dorover Password: 24194033 Booster: Mystical Elf Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 800 Aqua Water "This ugly monster emits a highly poisonous gas." Dragon Capture Jar Password: 50045299 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Trap Card Continuous "All Dragon-type monsters on the field are switched to Defense Position and remain in this position as long as this card is active." Dragon Piper Password: 55763552 Booster: Great Moth, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 200 DEF 1800 Pyro Fire "FLIP: Destorys "Dragon Capture Jar", and turns all face-up Dragon-type monsters to Attack Position." Dragon Seeker Password: 28563545 Booster: Garoozis Effect Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2000 DEF 2100 Fiend Effect "When this card is summoned to the field (excluding Special Summon), one Dragon-type monster can be automatically destroyed." Dragon Treasure Password: 01435851 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "A Dragon-type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points." Dragon Zombie Password: 66672569 Booster: Battle Ox Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 1600 DEF 0 Zombie Dark "A dragon revived by sorcery. Its breath is highly corrosive." Dragoness the Wicked Knight Password: 70681994 Booster: Mystical Elf, Exodia Fusion Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1200 DEF 900 Warrior Wind "Armaill + One-Eyed Shield Dragon" Dream Clown Password: 13215230 Booster: Battle Ox Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 1200 DEF 900 Warrior Earth "When this card is changed from Attack to Defense Position, 1 opposing monster is automatically destroyed." Driving Snow Password: 00473469 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card "You can activate this card when 1 or more of your Magic Cards are destroyed and sent from the field to the Graveyard. Destroy 1 Magic or Trap Card on the field." Drooling Lizard Password: 16353197 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 800 Reptile Earth "A blood-sucking snake in human form that attacks any living being that passes nearby." Dryad Password: 84916669 Booster: Tiger Axe Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1400 Spellcaster Earth "A spirit of the forest powered by the surrounding trees and wildlife." Dunames Dark Witch Password: 12493482 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1800 DEF 1050 Fairy Light "Even when the odds are against this brave fairy, this monster will engage in battle and never run away." Dungeon Worm Password: 51228280 Booster: Gate Guardian , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1800 DEF 1500 Insect Earth "Hidden under the floors of a labyrinth, it swallows any who pass above." Dust Tornado Password: 60082869 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card "Destroy 1 of your opponent's Magic or Trap Cards on the field. You can then Set 1 Magic or Trap Card from you hand." ****************************************************************************** E = Earthshaker Password: 60866277 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card "Select two Monster Card Attributes. Your opponent then selects 1 of the 2 Attributes and destroys face-up monsters of that Attribute on the field." Eatgaboon Password: 42578427 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Trap Card "If the ATK of a monster summoned by your opponent (excluding Special Summon) is 500 points or less, the monster is destroyed." Eldeen Password: 06367785 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 950 DEF 1000 Spellcaster Light "The cane of this monster is the source of many powerful spells." Electric Lizard Password: 55875323 Booster: Harpie Lady Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 850 DEF 800 Thunder Earth "A non Zombie-type monster that attacks "Electric Lizard" cannot attack on their following turn." Electric Snake Password: 11324436 Booster: Relinquished Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 900 Thunder Light "When this card is sent directly from your hand to the Graveyard by your opponent's card effect, you can draw 2 cards from your Deck." Electro-Whip Password: 37820550 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "A Thunder-type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points." Elegant Egotist Password: 90219263 Booster: Harpie Lady , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card "When you have 1 or more "Harpie Lady" cards on the field, you can Special Summon a "Harpie Lady" or "Harpie Lady Sisters" card from your hand or your Deck." Elf's Light Password: 39897277 Booster: Tiger Axe Magic Card Equip "Increases the ATK of all LIGHT monsters by 400 points and decreases their DEF by 200 points." Empress Judge Password: 15237615 Booster: Gate Guardian Fusion Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2100 DEF 1700 Warrior Earth "Queen's Double + Hibikime" Enchanted Javelin Password: 96355986 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card "Select 1 of your opponent's monsters in Attack Position and add its ATK points to your Life Points." Enchanting Mermaid Password: 75376965 Booster: Mystical Elf, Exodia Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 1200 DEF 900 Fish Water "A beautiful mermaid that lures voyagers to a watery death." Eradicating Aerosol Password: 94716515 Booster: Harpie Lady Magic Card "Destroys all Insect-type monsters on the field." Eternal Draught Password: 56606928 Booster: Harpie Lady Magic Card "Destroys all Fish-type monsters on the field." Eternal Rest Password: 95051344 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Magic Card "Destroys all monsters equipped with Equip Cards." Exchange Password: 05556668 Booster: (It might be one of the cards given by winning the Grandpa Cup.) Magic Card "Both players show their hands to each other. You can both select 1 card from each other's hand and then add it to your own. When sent to the Graveyard, the cards are placed in the Graveyard of the original owner." Exile of the Wicked Password: 26725158 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green, Garoozis, Battle Ox Magic Card "Destroys all face-up Fiend-type monsters on the field." Exodia of the Forbidden One [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 33396948 Booster: [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 1000 Spellcaster Dark "An automatic victory can be declared by the player whose hand contains this card with the Left Leg/Right Leg/Left Arm/Right Arm of the Forbidden One." Eyearmor Password: 64511793 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 600 DEF 500 Warrior Earth "This warrior transforms into various creatures to confuse enemies in battle." ****************************************************************************** F = Fairy Dragon Password: 20315854 Booster: Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1100 DEF 1200 Dragon Wind "A beautiful and powerful dragon fairy." Fairy's Hand Mirror Password: 17653779 Booster: Relinquished Trap Card "Switch the opponent's Magic Card effect that specifically designates 1 monster as a target to another correctly targeted monster." Fairywitch Password: 37160778 Booster: Tiger Axe, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 1000 Spellcaster Dark "Though destined to be a fairy, this creature chose the way of the witch instead." Faith Bird Password: 75582395 Booster: Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1100 Winged Beast Wind "This long-tailed bird blinds its enemies with mystical light." Fake Trap Password: 03027001 Booster: Gate Guardian Trap Card "When you opponent uses a Magic, Trap, or Effect Monster Card to destroy your Trap Card(s), this card can be destroyed as a substitute for your Trap Card(s)." Feral Imp Password: 41392891 Booster: Gate Guardian, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 1400 Fiend Dark "A playful little fiend that lurks in the dark, waiting to attack an unwary enemy." Fiend Kraken Password: 77456781 Booster: Gemini Elf, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1400 Aqua Water "A giant squid that drags its enemies to a watery grave." Fiend Reflection #1 Password: 68870276 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 1400 Winged Beast Wind "This monster can draw its enemies into a mirror world that renders them helpless." Fiend Reflection #2 Password: 02863439 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1100 DEF 1400 Winged Beast Light "A bird-beast that summons reinforcements with a hand mirror." Fiend Sword Password: 22855882 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 800 Warrior Dark "Whoever resists the curse of this blade will gain untold power." Fiend's Hand Password: 52800428 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 600 DEF 600 Zombie Dark "Arms that reach out from the Swamp of Chaos to drag down the unwary." Fiend's Mirror No Password Booster: Black Luster Soldier Ritual Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2100 DEF 1800 Fiend Dark "This monster is summoned with the Ritual Magic Card, "Beastly Mirror Ritual". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 6 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Final Destiny Password: 18591904 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card "Discard 5 cards from your hand to destroy all the cards on the field." Final Flame Password: 73134081 Booster: Mystical Elf , Exodia Magic Card "Inflicts 600 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points." Fire Kraken Password: 46534755 Booster: Relinquished Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1600 DEF 1500 Aqua Fire "A squid that thrives on fire and heat." Fire Reaper Password: 53581214 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 700 DEF 500 Zombie Dark "A reaper with a flaming arrow that burns an enemy to a crisp." Firegrass Password: 53293545 Booster: Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 2 ATK 700 DEF 600 Plant Earth "A fire-breathing plant found growing near volcanoes." Firewing Pegasus No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2250 DEF 1800 Beast Fire "A heavenly stallion soaring through the skies on crimson wings." Fireyarou Password: 71407486 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 1000 Pyro Fire "A malevonent creature wrapped in flames that attacks enemies with intense fire." Fissure Password: 66788016 Booster: Dark Magician , Blue-Eyes White Dragon , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] , [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Magic Card "Destroys 1 opponent's face-up monster with the lowest ATK." Flame Cerebrus Password: 60862676 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2100 DEF 1800 Pyro Fire "Known to many as the "Burning Executioner", this monster is capable of burning enemies to cinders." Flame Champion Password: 42599677 Booster: Buster Blader Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1900 DEF 1300 Pyro Fire "A warrior protected by a flaming shield that nullifies any attack." Flame Ghost Password: 58528964 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Fusion Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 800 Zombie Dark "Skull Servant + Dissolverock" Flame Manipulator Password: 34460851 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 1000 Spellcaster Fire "This Spellcaster attack enemies with fire-related spells such as "Sea of Flames" and "Wall of Fire"." Flame Swordsman Password: 45231177, 40502030 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon , Millennium Puzzle Green , Millennium Eye Fusion Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1800 DEF 1600 Warrior Fire "Flame Manipulator + Masaki the Legendary Swordsman" Flame Viper Password: 02830619 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 2 ATK 400 DEF 450 Pyro Earth "A fire-breathing snake whose speed makes it a difficult target." Flash Assailant Password: 96890582 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 2000 DEF 2000 Fiend Dark "Decrease the ATK and DEF of this card by 400 points for every card in your hand." Flower Wolf Password: 95952802 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia Fusion Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1800 DEF 1400 Beast Earth "Silver Fang + Darkworld Thorns" Flying Kamakiri #1 Password: 84834865 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 900 Insect Wind "When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, you may select 1 WIND monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from your Deck and Special Summon it to the field (no Tribute is required for monsters of Level 5 or more). The Deck is then shuffled." Flying Kamakiri #2 Password: 03134241 Booster: Buster Blader Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 800 Insect Wind "A flying mantis that feeds primarily on insects." Follow Wind Password: 98252586 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "A Winged Beast-type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points." Forced Requisition Password: 74923978 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card Continuous "You can activate this card when you discard from your hand. Every time you discard from your hand, your opponent must also discard from his/her hand." Forest Password: 87430998 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Field "Increases the ATK and DEF of all Insect, Beast, Plant, and Beast Warrior-type monsters by 200 points." Fortress Whale No Password Booster: Black Luster Soldier, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Ritual Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2350 DEF 2150 Fish Water "This monster is summoned with the Ritual Magic Card, "Fortress Whale's Oath". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 7 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Fortress Whale's Oath No Password Booster: Black Luster Soldier Magic Card Ritual "This card is used to summon "Fortress Whale". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 7 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Frenzied Panda Password: 98818516 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1000 Beast Earth "A savage beast that carries a big bamboo stick for beating down its enemies." Fusion Sage Password: 26902560 Booster: Garoozis Magic Card "Take 1 "Polymerization" from your Deck and add it to your hand. The Deck is then shuffled." Fusionist Password: 01641882 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Fusion Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 700 Beast Earth "Petit Angel + Mystical Sheep #2" ****************************************************************************** G = Gaia Power Password: 56594520 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Magic Card Field "Increases the ATK of all EARTH monsters by 500 points and decreases their DEF by 400 points." Gaia the Dragon Champion Password: 66889139 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon , Exodia , Millennium Eye, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Fusion Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2600 DEF 2100 Dragon Wind "Gaia the Fierce Knight + Curse of Dragon" Gaia The Fierce Knight Password: 06368038, 00603060 Booster: Dark Magician , Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 7 ATK 2300 DEF 2100 Warrior Earth "A knight whose horse travels faster than the wind. His battle-charge is a force to be reckoned with." Gale Dogra Password: 16229315 Booster: Garoozis Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 650 DEF 600 Insect Earth "At the cost of 3000 Life Points, you can discard 1 monster from your Fusion Deck to the Graveyard." Gamma The Magnet Warrior Password: 11549357 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1800 Rock Earth "Alpha, Beta, and Gamma meld as one to form a powerful monster." Ganigumo Password: 34536276 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 600 DEF 800 Insect Earth "A crab that binds its enemies with a sticky web and attacks them with its sharp claws." Garma Sword Password: 90844184 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Ritual Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2550 DEF 2150 Warrior Dark "This monster is summoned with the Ritual Magic Card, "Garma Sword Oath". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 7 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Garma Sword Oath Password: 78577570 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Magic Card Ritual "This card is used to summon "Garma Sword". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 7 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Garnecia Elefantis Password: 49888191 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green Normal Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2400 DEF 2000 Beast-Warrior Earth "A monster so heavy that each step rocks the earth." Garoozis Password: 14977074 Booster: Garoozis, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1800 DEF 1500 Beast-Warrior Fire "An axe-swinging beast-warrior with the head of a dragon." Garvas Password: 69780745 Booster: Garoozis, Battle Ox Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2000 DEF 1700 Beast Earth "A wicked beast that resembles a winged lion." Gate Guardian No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 11 ATK 3750 DEF 3400 Warrior Dark "This card can only be summoned by offering "Sanga of the Thunder", "Kazejin", and "Suijin" as a Tribute." Gatekeeper Password: 19737320 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1500 DEF 1800 Machine Dark "An indestructible machine created for the sole purpose of protecting entrances." Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts Password: 05818798 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1200 Beast Earth "This monster moves so fast that it looks like an illusion to mortal eyes." Gemini Elf Password: 69140098 Booster: Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1900 DEF 900 Spellcaster Earth "Elf twins that alternate their attacks." Genin Password: 49370026 Booster: Judge Man Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 600 DEF 900 Spellcaster Light "A creature that defeats its enemies using a sleight-of-hand." Germ Infection Password: 24668830 Booster: Launcher Spider Magic Card Equip "The ATK of a non-Machine-type monster equipped with this card is decreased by 300 points at each of its Standby Phases." Ghoul with an Appetite Password: 95265975 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1600 DEF 1200 Zombie Dark "A monster with a very big appetite that has never been satisfied." Giant Flea Password: 41762634 Booster: Tiger Axe, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1200 Insect Earth "A massive flea that feeds on the blood of its enemies." Giant Germ Password: 95178994 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 1000 DEF 100 Fiend Dark "When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points. You can also take cards of the same name from your deck and Special Summon them to the field in the face-up Attack Position. The Deck is then shuffled." Giant Mech-Soldier Password: 72299832 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1750 DEF 1900 Machine Earth "This monster swings an earth-shaking axe that cannot be blocked by a common sword." Giant Rat Password: 97017120 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1450 Beast Earth "When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, you may select 1 EARTH monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from your Deck and Special Summon it to the field (no Tribute is required for monsters of Level 5 or more). The Deck is then shuffled." Giant Red Seasnake Password: 58831685 Booster: Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1800 DEF 800 Aqua Water "A sea-dwelling snake that attacks passing enemies with its sharp teeth." Giant Scorpion of the Tundra Password: 41403766 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1100 DEF 1000 Insect Earth "An extraordinary blue scorpion found in the tundra, not in the desert." Giant Soldier of Stone Password: 13039848 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia, Millennium Puzzle Blue, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!], [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 2000 Rock Earth "A giant warrior made of stone. A punch from this creature has earth-shaking results." Giant Trunade Password: 42703248 Booster: Relinquished, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card "Returns all Magic and Trap Cards on the field to the respective owner's hands." Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames Password: 96981563 Booster: Relinquished Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1400 DEF 1800 Aqua Water "A crimson-shelled tortoise that feeds on flames." Gift of The Mystical Elf Password: 98299011 Booster: Buster Blader, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Trap Card "Increases your Life Points by 300 points for every monster on the field, regardless of position." Giganto Password: 33621868 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1700 DEF 1800 Machine Dark "A massive monster that swings a huge steel ball to destroy anything in its path." Giga-tech Wolf Password: 08471389 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1400 Machine Fire "An iron wolf with razor-sharp fangs that can penetrate any armor." Giltia the D. Knight Password: 51828629 Booster: Great Moth , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Fusion Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1850 DEF 1500 Warrior Light "Guardian of the Labyrinth + Protector of the Throne" Glory of the King's Hand Ticket [This is not able to play.] [Qualifies you to participate in the Finals of the National Championship.] Goblin Fan Password: 04149689 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Trap Card Continuous "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all Flip Summoned monsters of Level 2 or lower are immediately destroyed without their effects being activated." Goblin's Secret Remedy Password: 11868825 Booster: Mystical Elf, Exodia Magic Card "Increases a selected player's Life Points by 600 points." Goddess of Whim Password: 67959180 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 950 DEF 700 Fairy Light "Toss a coin and call "Heads" or "Tails". Call it right and this card's ATK will be doubled during this turn. Call it wrong and the ATK will be halved during this turn." Goddess with the Third Eye Password: 53493204 Booster: Garoozis Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1000 Fairy Light "You can substitute this card for any 1 Fusion-Material Monster. You cannot substitute for any other Fusion-Material Monsters in the current Fusion." Gokibore Password: 15367030 Booster: Great Moth, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1400 Insect Earth "A large, spherical roach that attacks its enemies by rolling over them." Graceful Charity [Limited to only 2 cards in a deck] Password: 79571449 Booster: Gemini Elf, Millennium Puzzle Blue, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card "Draw 3 cards from your Deck, then discard any 2 cards from your hand." Graceful Dice Password: 74137509 Booster: (It might be one of the cards given by winning the Grandpa Cup.) Magic Card Quick "Roll a die. The result is multiplied by 100 points and added to the ATK and DEF of all monsters you control until the end of your turn." Grappler Password: 02906250 Booster: Battle Ox , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 1200 Reptile Water "A devious snake with a thick body that wraps around an enemy monster and squeezes the life out of it." Gravedigger Ghoul Password: 82542267 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia Magic Card "Select 2 Monster Cards from your opponent's Graveyard. These Monster Cards are removed from play for the remainder of the Duel." Gravekeeper's Servant Password: 16762927 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card Continuous "Each time your opponent attacks with a monster, the opponent must send 1 card from the top of his/her Deck to the Graveyard." Graverobber Password: 61705417 Booster: Buster Blader, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Trap Card "You can take 1 Magic Card from your opponent's Graveyard and play it during this turn. If you choose to play it, you must pay 2000 of your own Life Points." Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation Password: 27094595 Booster: Judge Man Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 700 DEF 900 Zombie Dark "A graveyard that serves as a power source for zombies." Great Bill Password: 55691901 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1250 DEF 1300 Beast Earth "This beast has a mouth that will swallow anything." Great Mammoth of Goldfine Password: 54622031 Booster: Garoozis Fusion Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2200 DEF 1800 Zombie Dark "The Snake Hair + Dragon Zombie" Great Moth No Password Booster: Great Moth , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 8 ATK 2600 DEF 2500 Insect Earth "This monster is summoned by offering "Petit Moth" as a Tribute on the 4th of your turns after it has been equipped with "Cocoon of Evolution"." Great White Password: 13429800 Booster: Battle Ox, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1600 DEF 800 Fish Water "A giant white shark with razor-sharp teeth." Green Phantom King Password: 22910685 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 500 DEF 1600 Plant Earth "This youthful king of the forests lives in a green world, abundant with trees and wildlife." Greenkappa Password: 61831093 Booster: Garoozis, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 650 DEF 900 Warrior Dark "FLIP: Select 2 face-down Magic or Trap Cards on the field and destroy them." Griffore Password: 53829412 Booster: Great Moth, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1500 Beast Earth "This monster's tough hide deflects almost any attack." Griggle Password: 95744531 Booster: Relinquished Effect Monster Card Level 1 ATK 350 DEF 300 Plant Earth "When this card is face-up on the field and control shifts to your opponent, you gain 3000 Life Points. This effect can only be used once as long as this card remains face-up on the field." Ground Attacker Bugroth Password: 58314394 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1000 Machine Earth "A surface battle robot that was once used for sea warfare." Gruesome Goo Password: 65623423 Booster: Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 1300 DEF 700 Aqua Water "A slime boss that is definitely tougher than it looks." Gryphon Wing Password: 55608151 Booster: Battle Ox Trap Card "When your opponent activates "Harpie's Feather Duster", all of your opponent's Magic and Trap Cards are destroyed in place of your own." Guardian of the Labyrinth Password: 89272878 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1000 DEF 1200 Warrior Earth "A monster that guards the entrance to the Netherworld." Guardian of the Sea Password: 85448931 Booster: Garoozis Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 1000 Aqua Water "A merman warrior that relentlessly attacks those who pollute the seas with their presence." Guardian of the Throne Room Password: 47879985 Booster: Relinquished Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1650 DEF 1600 Machine Light "A robot guard built to protect throne rooms, it is armed with homing missiles." Gust Password: 73079365 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card "You can activate this card when 1 or more of your Magic Cards are destroyed and sent from the field to the Graveyard. Destroy 1 Magic or Trap Card on the field." Gust Fan Password: 55321970 Booster: Tiger Axe Magic Card Equip "A WIND monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 400 points and decreases its DEF by 200 points." Gyakutenno Megami Password: 31122090 Booster: Judge Man, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1800 DEF 2000 Fairy Light "This fairy uses her mystical power to protect the weak and provide spiritual support." ****************************************************************************** H = Hamburger Recipe No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Magic Card Ritual "This card is used to Ritual Summon "Hungry Burger". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 6 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Hane-Hane Password: 07089711 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon , Exodia , Millennium Eye Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 450 DEF 500 Beast Earth "FLIP: Select 1 Monster Card on the field (regardless of position) and return it to its owner's hand." Haniwa Password: 84285623 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 500 DEF 500 Rock Earth "An earthen figure that protects the tomb of an ancient ruler." Happy Lover Password: 99030164 Booster: Judge Man Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 800 DEF 500 Fairy Light "A little fairy that fires beams of happiness from the heart-shaped jewel on its forehead." Hard Armor Password: 20060230 Booster: Mystical Elf, Exodia Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 300 DEF 1200 Warrior Earth "A living suit of armor that attacks enemies with a bone-jarring tackle." Harpie Lady Password: 76812113 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 1400 Winged Beast Wind "This human-shaped animal with wings is beautiful to watch but deadly in battle." Harpie Lady Sisters Password: 12206212 Booster: Harpie Lady , Millennium Eye Effect Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1950 DEF 2100 Winged Beast Wind "This monster can only be Special Summoned with the Magic Card "Elegant Egotist"." Harpie's Brother Password: 30532390 Booster: Buster Blader Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1800 DEF 600 Winged Beast Wind "With eyes like a hawk and a flying speed exceeding Mach 5, this monster is a master of the sky." Harpie's Feather Duster [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 18144506 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Blue , Millennium Puzzle Yellow Magic Card "Destroys all of your opponent's Magic and Trap Cards on the field." Harpie's Pet Dragon Password: 52040216 Booster: [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2000 DEF 2500 Dragon Wind "Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 300 points for each face-up "Harpie Lady" on the field." Heavy Storm [Limited to only 2 cards in a deck] Password: 19613556 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Blue, Battle Ox Magic Card "Destroys all Magic/Trap Cards on the field." Hercules Beetle Password: 52584282 Booster: Tiger Axe, Gemini Elf, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 5 ATK 1500 DEF 2000 Insect Earth "A massive beetle with a tough carapace and a dangerous horn." Hero of the East Password: 89987208 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1100 DEF 1000 Warrior Earth "A sword-swinging samurai from the Far East." Hibikime Password: 64501875 Booster: Gate Guardian , Garoozis Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1450 DEF 1000 Warrior Earth "Confuses enemy monsters with a noise that is harsh to the ears." High Tide Gyojin Password: 54579801 Booster: Relinquished Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1650 DEF 1300 Aqua Water "A very agile half-fish warrior known for its relentless attacks." Hinotama Password: 46130346 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Magic Card "Inflicts 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points." Hinotama Soul Password: 96851799 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 2 ATK 600 DEF 500 Pyro Fire "An intensive hot flame creature that rams anything standing in its way." Hiro's Shadow Scout Password: 81863068 Booster: Relinquished , Millennium Eye Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 650 DEF 500 Fiend Dark "FLIP: Your opponent draws 3 cards. Both players check the cards and any Magic Cards among them must be immediately discarded to the Graveyard." Hitodenchak Password: 46718686 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 600 DEF 700 Aqua Water "A rabid starfish that spits a lethal acid that can melt almost anything." Hitotsu-Me Giant Password: 76184692 Booster: Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1000 Beast-Warrior Earth "A one-eyed behemoth with thick, powerful arms made for delivering punishing blows." Holograh Password: 10859908 Booster: Mystical Elf Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1100 DEF 700 Machine Earth "This machine generates illusions that leave an enemy wide open to attacks." Horn Imp Password: 69669405 Booster: Great Moth, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 1000 Fiend Dark "A small fiend that dwells in the dark, its single horn makes it a formidable opponent." Horn of Heaven Password: 98069388 Booster: Great Moth Trap Card Counter "Offer 1 of your own monsters on the field as a Tribute to negate the summon of a monster and send it to the Graveyard." Horn of Light Password: 38552107 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card Equip "A monster equipped with this card increases its DEF by 800 points. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can pay 500 Life Points to place it on top of your Deck." Horn of the Unicorn Password: 64047146 Booster: [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Magic Card Equip "A monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 700 points. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, it returns to the top of your Deck." Hoshiningen Password: 67629977 Booster: Great Moth , Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 500 DEF 700 Fairy Light "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, increase the ATK of all LIGHT monsters by 500 points and decrease the ATK of all DARK monsters by 400 points." Hourglass of Courage Password: 43530283 Booster: Gemini Elf , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1100 DEF 1200 Fairy Light "For 3 turns (including your opponent's) following the Summon of this card (including Flip Summon), the ATK and DEF of this monster is halved. After that, both the ATK and DEF are doubled for the remainder of the Duel." Hourglass of Life Password: 08783685 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 700 DEF 600 Fairy Light "This creature grants power instead of shortening life." House of Adhesive Tape Password: 15083728 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Trap Card "If the DEF of a monster summoned by your opponent (excluding Special Summon) is 500 points or less, the monster is destroyed." Hungry Burger No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Ritual Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2000 DEF 1850 Warrior Dark "This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Magic card, "Hamburger Recipe". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 6 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Hunter Spider Password: 80141480 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1600 DEF 1400 Insect Earth "This monster feeds on whatever it catches in its web." Hyo Password: 38982356 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 1200 Warrior Water "None can survive the cold touch of this sub-zero warrior." Hyosube Password: 02118022 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 900 Aqua Water "This amphibian is strong on the attack, but leaves much to be desired when defending." Hyozanryu Password: 62397231 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2100 DEF 2800 Dragon Light "A dragon created from a massive diamond that sparkles with blinding light." ****************************************************************************** I = Ice Water Password: 20848593 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1150 DEF 900 Aqua Water "A very aggressive mermaid that attacks enemies with the spikes growing from its body." Ill Witch Password: 81686058 Booster: Garoozis Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1600 DEF 1500 Spellcaster Light "This monster blasts enemies with unexpected bursts of wind." Illusionist Faceless Mage Password: 28546905 Booster: Launcher Spider , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1200 DEF 2200 Spellcaster Dark "Manipulates enemy attacks with the power of illusion." Imperial Order [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 61740673 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card Continuous "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, the effects of all Magic Cards are deactivated. To keep this card in effect, you must pay 700 Life Points at your Standby Phase. If you cannot pay, this card is destroyed." Insect Armor with Laser Cannon Password: 03492538 Booster: [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "Increases the ATK of all Insect-type monsters by 700 points." Insect Queen Password: 91512835 Booster: Millennium Eye , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 8 ATK 2200 DEF 2400 Insect Earth "This card cannot attack unless you offer 1 of your monsters on the field as a Tribute. The ATK of this card increases by 200 points for each Insect-type monster on the field. When this card destroys an enemy monster, you can place an Insect Monster Token (face-up Attack Position/Insect-Type/EARTH/1 Star/ATK 100/DEF 100) on the field at the end of your turn." Insect Soldiers of the Sky Password: 07019529 Booster: Battle Ox Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 800 Insect Wind "The ATK of this card increases by 1000 points whenever it attacks a WIND monster." Inspection Password: 16227556 Booster: Buster Blader Magic Card Continuous "At your opponent's Standby Phase, you can randomly select 1 card in your opponent's hand and look at it, at the cost of 500 Life Points." Invader from Another Dimension Password: 28450915 Booster: Garoozis Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 950 DEF 1400 Fiend Dark "An extraterrestrial monster that came from a distant galaxy." Invader of the Throne Password: 03056267 Booster: Relinquished Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1350 DEF 1700 Warrior Earth "FLIP: Select 1 opponent's monster and switch control of it with this card. This card cannot be activated during the Battle Phase." Invigoration Password: 98374133 Booster: Battle Ox, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "An Earth Monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 400 points and decrease its DEF by 200 points." ****************************************************************************** J = Javelin Beetle No Password Booster: Black Luster Soldier Ritual Monster Card Level 8 ATK 2450 DEF 2550 Insect Earth "This monster is summoned with the Ritual Magic Card, "Javelin Beetle Pact". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 8 or more from the field or your hand as a Tribute." Javelin Beetle Pact No Password Booster: Black Luster Soldier Magic Card Ritual "This card is used to summon "Javelin Beetle". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Jellyfish Password: 14851496 Booster: Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1500 Aqua Water "An almost invisible, semi-transparent Jellyfish that drifts in the Sea." Jigen Bakudan Password: 90020065 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 200 DEF 1000 Pyro Fire "FLIP: After this card is flipped, offer it as a Tribute during your Standby Phase to destroy all monsters on your side of the field and inflict Direct Damage equal to half of the total ATK of all destroyed cards (excluding this monster) to your opponent's Life Points." Jinzo [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 77585513 Booster: Buster Blader Effect Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2400 DEF 1500 Machine Dark "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all the effects of Trap Cards are deactivated." Jinzo #7 Password: 32809211 Booster: Gate Guardian Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 500 DEF 400 Machine Dark "This monster attacks your opponent's Life Points directly" Jirai Gumo Password: 94773007 Booster: Battle Ox, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 2200 DEF 100 Insect Earth "When you attack this card, toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, attack normally. If you call it wrong, reduce your Life Points by half before attacking." Judge Man Password: 30113682 Booster: Judge Man, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2200 DEF 1500 Warrior Earth "This club-wielding warrior battles to the end and will never surrender." Just Desserts Password: 24068492 Booster: Battle Ox Trap Card "Inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points for each monster your opponent has on the field." ****************************************************************************** K = Kagemusha of the Blue Flame Password: 15401633 Booster: Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 800 DEF 400 Warrior Earth "Serving as a double for the Ruler of the Blue Flame, he's a master swordsman that wields a fine blade." Kageningen Password: 80600490 Booster: Judge Man Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 800 DEF 600 Warrior Dark "Uses both its physical and shadow forms to attack, making it a difficult monster to overcome." Kairyu-Shin Password: 76634149 Booster: Garoozis, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!], [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1800 DEF 1500 Sea Serpent Water "A sea dragon known as the King of the Ocean, it attacks its enemies with huge tidal waves." Kaiser Dragon Password: 94566432 Booster: Garoozis Fusion Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2300 DEF 2000 Dragon Light "Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 + Fairy Dragon" Kamakiriman Password: 68928540 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1150 DEF 1400 Insect Earth "A man-shaped mantis with two razor-sharp scythes." Kaminari Attack Password: 09653271 Booster: Harpie Lady Fusion Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1900 DEF 1400 Thunder Wind "Ocubeam + Mega Thunderball" Kaminarikozou Password: 15510988 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 700 DEF 600 Thunder Wind "This monster stores electricity within its body, unleashing it with lethal effect." Kamionwizard Password: 41544074 Booster: Mystical Elf Fusion Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 1100 Spellcaster Dark "Mystical Elf + Curtain of the Dark Ones" Kanan the Swordmistress No Password Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1400 Warrior Earth "A lady warrior armed with sword and shield, she floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee." Kanikabuto Password: 84103702 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 650 DEF 900 Aqua Water "A monster crab with huge claws for clipping enemies to little pieces." Karate Man Password: 23289281 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 1000 Warrior Earth "Once per turn, the original ATK of this card can be doubled. When this effect is applied, the card is immediately destroyed at the end of the turn." Karbonala Warrior Password: 54541900 Booster: Mystical Elf Fusion Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1200 Warrior Earth "M-Warrior #1 + M-Warrior #2" Kattapillar Password: 81179446 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 1 ATK 250 DEF 300 Insect Earth "Attacks enemies by spitting thin, sticky webs" Kazejin No Password Booster: Gate Guardian , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2400 DEF 2200 Spellcaster Wind "Reduce the ATK of an opponent's monster attacking this card to 0. This effect can only be used once. The card's owner chooses when to activate this effect." Key Mace #2 Password: 20541432 Booster: Tiger Axe Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1050 DEF 1200 Fiend Dark "The power this monster lies in its ability to suppress the good and bring out the bad in any monster." Killer Needle Password: 88979991 Booster: Gate Guardian, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1000 Insect Wind "A huge bee with exceptional strength that's particularly dangerous in a swarm." King Fog Password: 84686841 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 900 Fiend Dark "A fiend that dwells in a blinding curtain of smoke." King of Yamimakai Password: 69455834 Booster: Battle Ox, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 2000 DEF 1530 Fiend Dark "Wields the power of darkness to destroy its enemies." Kiseitai Password: 04266839 Booster: Buster Blader Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 300 DEF 800 Fiend Dark "When your opponent's monster attacks this card in face-down Defense Position, the attacking monster is equipped with this card (damage calculations are cancelled). At each of your opponent's Standby Phases, increase your Life Points by half of the ATK of the monster equipped with this card." Kojikocy Password: 01184620 Booster: Harpie Lady, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1200 Warrior Earth "A man-hunter with powerful arms that can crush boulders." Kotodama Password: 19406822 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 0 DEF 1600 Fairy Earth "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, monster of the same name cannot exist on the field at the same time (face-down cards not included). If a card of the same name is summoned in a later turn, that card is destroyed. If 2 cards of the same name are played at the same time, both cards are destroyed." Koumori Dragon Password: 67724379 Booster: [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1200 Dragon Dark "A vicious, fire-breathing dragon whose wicked flame corrupts the soul of its victims." Krokodilus Password: 76512652 Booster: Garoozis, Battle Ox , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1100 DEF 1200 Reptile Water "A vicious crocodile with great intelligence." Kumootoko Password: 56283725 Booster: Mystical Elf Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 700 DEF 1400 Insect Earth "A massive, intelligent spider that traps enemies with webbing." Kunai with Chain Password: 37390589 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Trap Card Equip "You can shift an opponent's monster in Attack Position to Defense Position. In addition, you can increase the ATK of 1 of your own monsters by 500 points." Kurama Password: 85705804 Booster: Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 800 Winged Beast Wind "A vicious bird that attacks from the skies with its whip-like tail." Kuriboh Password: 40640057 Booster: Launcher Spider , Millennium Puzzle Blue , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] , [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Effect Monster Card Level 1 ATK 300 DEF 200 Fiend Dark "Discard this card from your hand to the Graveyard to negate the damage inflicted by an opponent's monster. This effect can only be used once, and must be activated during your opponent's Battle Phase." Kuwagata a Password: 60802233 Booster: Tiger Axe Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1250 DEF 1000 Insect Earth "A very vicious stag beetle that goes for the head." Kwagar Hercules Password: 95144193 Booster: Tiger Axe Fusion Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1900 DEF 1700 Insect Earth "Kuwagata a + Hercules Beetle" ****************************************************************************** L = La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Password: 97590747 Booster: Battle Ox, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1800 DEF 1000 Fiend Dark "A genie of the lamp that's at the beck and call of its master." Labyrinth Tank Password: 99551425 Booster: Launcher Spider, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Fusion Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2400 DEF 2400 Machine Dark "Giga-tech Wolf + Cannon Soldier" Labyrinth Wall No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon , Millennium Puzzle Blue , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 0 DEF 3000 Rock Earth "These walls form a labyrinth with no exit for enemies." Lady of Faith Password: 17358176 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 1100 DEF 800 Spellcaster Light "Soothes the souls of others by chanting a mysterious spell." LaLa Li-oon Password: 09430387 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 600 DEF 600 Thunder Wind "An electrical cloud creature, its acid rain makes it very dangerous." Larvae Moth No Password Booster: Gate Guardian, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 500 DEF 400 Insect Earth "This monster is summoned by offering "Petit Moth" as a Tribute on the 2nd of your turns after it has been equipped with "Cocoon of Evolution"." Larvas Password: 94675535 Booster: Mystical Elf Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 1000 Beast Earth "A fast-moving, bird-like creature that strangles opposing monsters with its long, thin arms." Laser Cannon Armor Password: 77007920 Booster: Mystical Elf , Exodia , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "An Insect-type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points." Last Day of Witch Password: 90330453 Booster: Garoozis Magic Card "Destroys all face-up Spellcaster-type monsters on the field." Last Will Password: 85602018 Booster: Judge Man, Millennium Puzzle Blue Magic Card "If a monster of yours is sent from the field to the Graveyard during the turn that you've placed this card, you can select a monster with an ATK of 1500 points or less from your Deck and play it as a Special Summon. Shuffle the Deck after playing the card. This card is active for 1 turn only." Laughing Flower Password: 42591472 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 900 DEF 500 Plant Earth "A flower whose laugh can confuse the minds of enemies." Launcher Spider Password: 87322377, 80703020 Booster: Launcher Spider, Millennium Puzzle Green Normal Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2200 DEF 2500 Machine Fire "A mechanical spider with rocket launchers capable of random fire." Lava Battleguard Password: 20394040 Booster: Launcher Spider Effect Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1550 DEF 1800 Warrior Earth "Increase the ATK of this card by 500 points for each face-up "Swamp Battleguard" on your side of the field." Left Arm of the Forbidden One [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 07902349 Booster: Exodia , Millennium Puzzle Blue , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 1 ATK 200 DEF 300 Spellcaster Dark "A forbidden left arm sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this seal will know infinite power." Left Leg of the Forbidden One [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 44519536 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 1 ATK 200 DEF 300 Spellcaster Dark "A forbidden left leg sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this seal will know infinite power." Legendary Sword Password: 61854111 Booster: Dark Magician , Blue-Eyes White Dragon , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "A Warrior-type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points." Leghul Password: 12472242 Booster: Gate Guardian Effect Monster Card Level 1 ATK 300 DEF 350 Insect Earth "This monster attacks your opponent's Life Points directly." Leogun Password: 10538007 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1750 DEF 1550 Beast Earth "Huge monster with a lion's mane similar to the King of Beasts." Lesser Dragon Password: 55444629 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia, Judge Man Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1000 Dragon Wind "A minor dragon incapable of breathing fire." Light of Intervention Password: 62867251 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card Continuous "Monster Cards cannot be played face-down. Monsters Set in Defense Position are played face-up on the field. Flip Effects are not activated." Lightforce Sword Password: 49587034 Booster: Buster Blader , [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Trap Card "Select 1 card at random from your opponent's hand. Keep it face-down and play it outside of the field. The card is returned to its owner's hand on your opponent's 4th Standby Phase following this turn." Liquid Beast Password: 93108297 Booster: Relinquished Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 950 DEF 800 Aqua Water "A liquid life form that thrives on water." Little Chimera Password: 68658728 Booster: Great Moth Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 600 DEF 550 Beast Fire "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, increase the ATK of all FIRE monsters by 500 points and decrease the ATK of all WATER monsters by 400 points." Little D Password: 42625254 Booster: Tiger Ax Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1100 DEF 700 Dinosaur Earth "A tyrannosaurus offspring with a vicious disposition." Lord of D Password: 17985575 Booster: Millennium Eye , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1100 Spellcaster Dark "All Dragon-type monsters are not affected by Magic Cards, Trap Cards, or other effects while this card is face-up on the field." Lord of the Lamp Password: 99510761 Booster: Garoozis Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1200 Fiend Dark "A giant that appears from a mystic lamp and follows the orders of the lamp's owner." Lord of Zemia Password: 81618817 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 1000 Fiend Dark "A wicked entity that manipulates enemies towards a path of destruction." Luminous Spark Password: 81777047 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Magic Card Field "Increase the ATK of all LIGHT monsters by 500 points and decreases their DEF by 400 points." Lunar Queen Elzaim Password: 62210247 Booster: Judge Man Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 750 DEF 1100 Fairy Light "A lovely creature guarded by the moon. Her lunar curtain can block just about any attack." ****************************************************************************** M = Mabarrel Password: 98795934 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1700 DEF 1400 Fiend Dark "This cannon-like creature fires eyeballs so fast they can't be seen." Machine Conversion Factory Password: 25769732 Booster: Mystical Elf , Exodia , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "A Machine-type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points." Machine King Password: 46700124 Booster: Garoozis Effect Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2200 DEF 2000 Machine Earth "Increase the ATK of this card by 100 points for each face-up Machine-type monster on the field." Magic Jammer Password: 77414722 Booster: [Starter Deck], Great Moth Trap Card Counter "Discard 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard to negate the activation of a Magic Card. The Magic Card is sent to the Graveyard." Magic Thorn Password: 53119267 Booster: Garoozis Trap Card Continuous "You can inflict 500 points of damage per card to your opponent's Life Points when your opponent's cards are discarded to the Graveyard by the effects of Magic, Trap, or Effect Monster Cards." Magical Ghost Password: 46474915 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 1400 Zombie Dark "This creature casts a spell of terror and confusion just before attacking its enemies." Magical Hats Password: 81210420 Booster: [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Trap Card "Take 2 non-Monster Cards from you Deck and select 1 of your Monster Cards on the field, then shuffle your Deck. Shuffle the 3 selected cards and place them on the field in face-down Defense Position. These 3 cards are treated as monsters (ATK 0/DEF 0) and are destroyed at the end of your Battle Phase. This card can only be activated during your opponent's Battle Phase." Magical Labyrinth Password: 64389297 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "Equip "Labyrinth Wall" with this card. If you offer "Labyrinth Wall" equipped with this card as a Tribute, you can Special Summon "Wall Shadow" from your Deck." Magic-Arm Shield Password: 96008713 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Trap Card "You can activate this card when your opponent announces an attack. Select 1 of your opponent's face-up Defense Position Monster Cards on the field and designate it as the target of the attack." Magician of Black Chaos No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] , [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Ritual Monster Card Level 8 ATK 2800 DEF 2600 Spellcaster Dark "This monster is summoned with the Ritual Magic Card, "Dark Magic Ritual". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 8 or more from the field or your hand as a Tribute." Magician of Faith Password: 31560081 Booster: Millennium Eye Effect Monster Card Level 1 ATK 300 DEF 400 Spellcaster Light "FLIP: Select a Magic Card from the Graveyard and return it to your hand." Maha Vailo Password: 93013676 Booster: Relinquished Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1550 DEF 1400 Spellcaster Light "In addition to the effects of Equip Cards, the ATK of this monster is increased by 500 points for each card equipped to this monster." Maiden of the Moonlight Password: 79629370 Booster: Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1300 Spellcaster Light "A sorcerer blessed by the lunar light with powers far beyond mortal comprehension." Major Riot Password: 09074847 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card "You can activate this card when 1 of your monsters are returned from the field to your hand. Return all Monster Cards on the field to their respective hands. Both you and your opponent can then place the same number of Monster Cards on the field in face-down Defense Position." Malevolent Nuzzler Password: 99597615 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card Equip "A monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 700 points. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can pay 500 Life Points to place it on top of your Deck." Mammoth Graveyard Password: 40374923 Booster: Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 800 Dinosaur Earth "A mammoth that protects the graves of its pack and is absolutely merciless when facing grave-robbers." Man Eater Password: 93553943 Booster: Mystical Elf, Exodia Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 800 DEF 600 Plant Earth "Man-eating plant with poison feelers for attacking enemies." Man-Eater Bug Password: 54652250 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon , Millennium Eye Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 450 DEF 600 Insect Earth "FLIP: Destroys 1 monster on the field (regardless of position)." Man-eating Black Shark Password: 80727036 Booster: Gemini Elf Fusion Monster Card Level 5 ATK 2100 DEF 1300 Fish Water "Sea Kamen + Gruesome Goo + Amazon of the Seas" Man-Eating Plant Password: 49127943 Booster: Judge Man, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 800 DEF 600 Plant Earth "A meat-eating plant that is attractive to the eye but dangerous when approached." Man-Eating Treasure Chest Password: 13723605 Booster: Judge Man Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1600 DEF 1000 Fiend Dark "A monster disguised as a treasure chest that is known to attack the unwary adventurer." Manga Ryu-Ran Password: 38369349 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2200 DEF 2600 Dragon Fire "This card cannot be summoned unless "Toon World" is on the field. This card cannot attack in the same turn that it is summoned. Pay 500 Life Points each time this monster attacks. When "Toon World" is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If your opponent doesn't control a Toon monster on the field, this card may inflict Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points. If a Toon Monster is on your opponent's side on the field, your attacks must target the Toon monster." Marine Beast Password: 29929832 Booster: Garoozis Fusion Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1700 DEF 1600 Fish Water "Water Magician + Behegon" Masaki the Legendary Swordsman Password: 44287299 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1100 DEF 1100 Warrior Earth "Legendary swordsman Masaki is a veteran of over 100 battles." Mask of Darkness Password: 28933734 Booster: Harpie Lady , Millennium Puzzle Blue , Millennium Eye Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 900 DEF 400 Fiend Dark "FLIP: Select a Trap Card from your Graveyard and return it to your hand." Masked Sorcerer Password: 10189126 Booster: Gate Guardian Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 900 DEF 1400 Spellcaster Dark "Draw 1 card from your Deck when you inflict Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points with this card." Master & Expert Password: 75499502 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1000 Beast Earth "A deadly duo consisting of a beast master and its loyal servant." Mavelus Password: 59036972 Booster: Mystical Elf Fusion Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 900 Winged Beast Wind "Tyhone + Wings of Wicked Flame" Mechanical Snail Password: 34442949 Booster: Relinquished Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 1000 Machine Dark "A cyborg snail that still travels at a slow pace." Mechanical Spider Password: 45688586 Booster: Gemini Elf Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 400 DEF 500 Machine Earth "Any DARK monster attacked by this monster is automatically destroyed. Damage calculations apply." Mechanicalchaser Password: 07359741 Booster: Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1850 DEF 800 Machine Dark "A hunter that relentlessly pursues its target by order of the Machine King." Meda Bat Password: 76211194 Booster: Mystical Elf, Exodia Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 800 DEF 400 Fiend Dark "An eyeball fiend created by a servant of the wicked, it uses "Dark Blasts" to blow away its enemies." Mega Thunderball Password: 21817254 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 2 ATK 750 DEF 600 Thunder Wind "Rolls along the ground releasing bolts of electricity to attack its enemies." Megamorph [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 22046459 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "If your Life Points are lower than your opponent's, the original ATK of a monster equipped with this card is doubled. If your Life Points are higher, the original ATK is halved." Megazowler Password: 75390004 Booster: Battle Ox, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1800 DEF 2000 Dinosaur Earth "Nothing stands in the way of this spike-covered dinosaur." Meotoko Password: 53832650 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 700 DEF 600 Beast Earth "A huge monster with a single eye that fires a deadly beam." Mesmeric Control Password: 48642904 Booster: (unknown) Magic Card "When this card is played, your opponent cannot change the position of monsters during his/her next turn." Messenger of Peace Password: 44656491 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon , Millennium Eye Magic Card Continuous "You must pay 100 Life Points at each of your Standby Phases. If you cannot pay, this card is destroyed. All monsters with an ATK of 1500 points or more cannot attack." Metal Detector Password: 75646520 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card "You can activate this card when a Continuous Magic Card is played to deactivate all Continuous Magic Cards for the current turn." Metal Dragon Password: 09293977 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia Fusion Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1850 DEF 1700 Machine Wind "Steel Ogre Grotto #1 + Lesser Dragon" Metal Fish Password: 55998462 Booster: Relinquished Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1600 DEF 1900 Machine Water "A metal fish with a razor-sharp caudal fin." Metal Guardian Password: 68339286 Booster: Battle Ox, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1150 DEF 2150 Fiend Dark "A fiend guarding the treasures of the netherworld, it's most at home in the dark." Metalmorph Password: 68540058 Booster: [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Trap Card Equip "After activation, this card is used to equip a face-up monster. The monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points. When attacking a monster equipped with this card, you can further increase its ATK by an amount equal to half the ATK of your target." Metalzoa Password: 50705071 Booster: [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 8 ATK 3000 DEF 2300 Machine Dark "This monster is Special Summoned from the Deck to the field by offering "Zoa" equipped with "Metalmorph" as a tribute." Meteor B. Dragon No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Fusion Monster Card Level 8 ATK 3500 DEF 2000 Dragon Fire "Red-Eyes B. Dragon + Meteor Dragon" Meteor Dragon No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 6 ATK 1800 DEF 2000 Dragon Earth "This dragon appeared from the heavens and crashed to earth." Mikazukinoyaiba No Password Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green Normal Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2200 DEF 2350 Dragon Dark "A dragon warrior of the moon armed with a crescent sword." Millennium Golem Password: 47986555 Booster: Battle Ox Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2000 DEF 2200 Rock Earth "For nearly a millennium, this golem has served as guardian of an ancient treasure trove." Millennium Shield Password: 32012841 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 0 DEF 3000 Warrior Earth "A Millennium item, it's rumored to block any strong attack." Milus Radiant Password: 07489323 Booster: Great Moth Effect Monster Card Level 1 ATK 300 DEF 250 Beast Earth "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, increase the ATK of all EARTH monsters by 500 points and decrease the ATK of all WIND monsters by 400 points." Minar Password: 32539892 Booster: Relinquished Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 850 DEF 750 Insect Earth "When this card is sent directly from your hand to the Graveyard by your opponent's card effect, inflict 1000 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points." Minomushi Warrior Password: 46864967 Booster: Tiger Axe Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 1200 Rock Earth "A rock warrior that wields a heavy blade carved from stone." Mirror Force [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 44095762 Booster: Launcher Spider , [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Trap Card "When an opponent's monster attacks, negate the attack and destroy all opponent's monsters in Attack Position." Mirror Wall Password: 22359980 Booster: [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Trap Card Continuous "You must pay 2000 of your own Life Points during each Standby Phase. If you cannot, this card is destroyed. Decrease the ATK of all your opponent's attacking monsters by half." Misairuzame Password: 33178416 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1400 DEF 1600 Fish Water "A missle-launching fish protected by deadly spikes." Molten Destruction Password: 19384334 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Magic Card Field "Increases the ATK of all FIRE monsters by 500 points and decreases their DEF by 400 points." Monster Egg Password: 36121917 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 6 ATK 600 DEF 900 Warrior Earth "A warrior hidden within an egg that attacks enemies by flinging eggshells." Monster Eye Password: 84133008 Booster: Garoozis Effect Monster Card Level 1 ATK 250 DEF 350 Fiend Dark "At the cost of 1000 Life Points, you can return "Polymerization" from the Graveyard to your hand." Monster Reborn [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 83764718 Booster: [Starter Deck], Mystical Elf Magic Card "Select 1 Monster Card from either your opponent's or your own Graveyard and place it on the field under your control in Attack or Defense Position (face- up). This is considered a Special Summon." Monster Tamer Password: 97612389 Booster: Battle Ox, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1800 DEF 1600 Warrior Earth "A master of monsters that exercises control over several creatures." Monstrous Bird Password: 35712107 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2000 DEF 1900 Winged Beast Wind "Few have set eyes on this dive-bombing bird and lived to tell the tale." Moon Envoy Password: 45909477 Booster: Battle Ox Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1100 DEF 1000 Warrior Light "Many have fallen victim to this lunar warrior's crescent pike." Mooyan Curry Password: 58074572 Booster: Judge Man Magic Card "Increase your Life Points by 200 points." Morinphen Password: 55784832 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1550 DEF 1300 Fiend Fire "A strange fiend with long arms and razor-sharp talons." Morphing Jar Password: 33508719 Booster: Garoozis Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 700 DEF 600 Rock Earth "FLIP: Both you and your opponent discard your hands and draw 5 new cards from your respective Deck." Morphing Jar #2 [Limited to only 2 cards in a deck] Password: 79106360 Booster: Buster Blader Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 700 Rock Earth "FLIP: Return all Monster Cards on the field to their respective Decks and shuffle them. You and your opponent then draw cards until you both have the same number of Monster Cards that were returned to each Deck. Place the monsters on the field in face-down Defense Position. Any other cards drawn are discarded to the Graveyard." Mother Grizzly Password: 57839750 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1000 Beast-Warrior Water "When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, you may select 1 WATER monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from your Deck and Special Summon it to the field (no Tribute is required for monsters of Level 5 or more). The Deck is then shuffled. Mountain Password: 50913601 Booster: [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Field "Increases the ATK and DEF of all Dragon, Winged Beast, and Thunder-type monsters by 200 points." Mountain Warrior Password: 04931562 Booster: Judge Man Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 600 DEF 1000 Beast-Warrior Earth "A tough warrior that can move smoothly on even the roughest terrain." Mr. Volcano Password: 31477025 Booster: Buster Blader Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 2100 DEF 1300 Pyro Fire "This seemingly mild-mannered creature has an extremely volatile temper." Muka Muka Password: 46657337 Booster: Great Moth , Millennium Puzzle Blue , Millennium Eye Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 600 DEF 300 Rock Earth "Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 300 points for every card in your hand." Mushroom Man Password: 14181608 Booster: Launcher Spider , Battle Ox, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 800 DEF 600 Plant Earth "Found in humid regions, this creature attacks enemies with a lethal rain of poison spores." Mushroom Man #2 Password: 93900406 Booster: Launcher Spider Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1250 DEF 800 Warrior Earth "A player controlling this monster loses 300 Life Points during each his/her Standby Phase when this card is on the field. Control of this card is shifted to your opponent by paying 500 Life Points at your own End Phase." Musician King Password: 56907389 Booster: Great Moth Fusion Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1750 DEF 1500 Spellcaster Light "Witch of the Black Forest + Lady of Faith" M-Warrior #1 Password: 56342351 Booster: Mystical Elf, Exodia Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 500 Warrior Earth "Specializing in combination attacks, this warrior uses magnetism to block an enemy's escape." M-Warrior #2 Password: 92731455 Booster: Mystical Elf, Exodia Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 500 DEF 1000 Warrior Earth "Specializing in combination attacks, this warrior is equipped with a tough, magnetically coated armor." Mysterious Puppeteer Password: 54098121 Booster: Battle Ox Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1000 DEF 1500 Warrior Earth "When the monster is summoned (excluding Special Summon) or flipped face-up by attack or some effect, the Life Points of this card's owner increase by 500 points for each monster while this card is face-up on the field." Mystic Horseman Password: 68516705 Booster: Launcher Spider, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 1550 Beast Earth "Half man and half horse, this monster is known for its extreme speed." Mystic Lamp Password: 98049915 Booster: Gate Guardian, Battle Ox , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 1 ATK 400 DEF 300 Spellcaster Dark "This monster attacks your opponent's Life Points directly." Mystic Plasma Zone Password: 18161786 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Magic Card Field "Increases the ATK of all DARK monsters by 500 points and decreases their DEF by 400 points." Mystic Probe Password: 49251811 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card "You can activate this card when a Continuous Magic Card is played to deactivate all Continuous Magic Cards for the current turn." Mystic Tomato Password: 83011277 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1100 Plant Dark "When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, you may select 1 DARK monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from your Deck and Special Summon it to the field (no Tribute is required for monsters of Level 5 or more). The Deck is then shuffled. Mystical Capture Chain Password: 63515678 Booster: Judge Man Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 700 DEF 700 Fairy Light "A mystical chain that binds enemies, rendering them immobile." Mystical Elf Password: 15025844 Booster: [Starter Deck], Mystical Elf , Exodia Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 800 DEF 2000 Spellcaster Light "A delicate elf that lacks offense, but has a terrific defense backed by mystical power." Mystical Moon Password: 36607978 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!], [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Magic Card Equip "A Beast-Warrior-type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points." Mystical Sand Password: 32751480 Booster: Garoozis Fusion Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2100 DEF 1700 Rock Earth "Giant Soldier of Stone + Ancient Elf" Mystical Sheep #1 Password: 30451366 Booster: Garoozis Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1150 DEF 900 Beast Earth "You can substitute this card for any 1 Fusion-Material Monster. You cannot substitute for any other Fusion-Material Monsters in the current Fusion." Mystical Sheep #2 Password: 83464209 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 1000 Beast Earth "A monstrous sheep with a long tail for hypnotizing enemies." Mystical Space Typhoon Password: 05318639 Booster: [Starter Deck (x2)], Relinquished Magic Card Quick "Destroys 1 Magic or Trap Card on the field." ****************************************************************************** N = Needle Ball Password: 94230224 Booster: Garoozis Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 750 DEF 700 Fiend Dark "FLIP: You can inflict 1000 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points at the cost of 2000 of your own Life Points." Needle Worm Password: 81843628 Booster: Garoozis Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 750 DEF 600 Insect Earth "FLIP: Discard 5 cards from the top of your opponent's Deck to his/her Graveyard." Negate Attack Password: 14315573 Booster: (unknown) Trap Card Counter "When your opponent attacks with a monster, all attacks are negated and your opponent's Battle Phase ends." Nekogal #1 Password: 01761063 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1100 DEF 900 Beast Earth "Deceptively cute, this feline fairy has a set of fast and lethal claws." Nekogal #2 Password: 43352213 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1900 DEF 2000 Beast-Warrior Earth "A fast and lethal creature with very dangerous claws." Nemuriko Password: 90963488 Booster: Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 700 Spellcaster Dark "A child-like creature that controls a sleep fiend to beckon enemies into eternal slumber." Neo the Magic Swordsman Password: 50930991 Booster: Judge Man Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1700 DEF 1000 Spellcaster Light "A dimensional drifter who not only practices sorcery, but is also a sword and martial arts master." Nimble Momonga Password: 22567609 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 1000 DEF 100 Beast Earth "When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, increase your Life Points by 1000 points. You can also take cards of the same name from your Deck and Special Summon them to the field in face-down Defense Position. The Deck is then shuffled." Niwatori Password: 07805359 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 800 Winged Beast Earth "Swallows enemies whole and uses their essence as energy." Nobleman of Crossout [Limited to only 2 cards in a deck] Password: 71044499 Booster: Buster Blader Magic Card "Destroy 1 face-down monster and remove it from play. If the monster destroyed is a Flip Effect Monster, both players must remove Monster Cards of the same name from their respective Decks and remove them from play. The Decks are then shuffled." Nobleman of Extermination Password: 17449108 Booster: Buster Blader Magic Card "Destroy 1 face-down Magic or Trap Card and remove it from play. If the card is a Trap Card, both players must remove Trap Cards of the same name from their respective Decks and remove them from play. The Decks are then shuffled." Novox's Prayer No Password Booster: Black Luster Soldier Magic Card Ritual "This card is used to summon "Skull Guardian". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 6 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Numinous Healer Password: 02130625 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card "You can activate this card when you take damage to your Life Points. Increase your Life Points by 1000. In addition, increase your Life Points by 500 points per card if there are additional "Numinous Healer" cards in the Graveyard." ****************************************************************************** O = Obelisk the Tormentor No Password Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green Level 10 ATK 4000 DEF 4000 Divine Divine "The descent of this mighty creature shall be heralded by burning winds and twisted land. And with the coming of this horror, those who draw breath shall know the true meaning of eternal slumber." [This is not able to play.] Octoberser Password: 74637266 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1600 DEF 1400 Aqua Water "With the head of a fish and the legs of an octopus, this strange creature attacks enemies by flinging spears." Ocubeam Password: 86088138 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 5 ATK 1550 DEF 1650 Fairy Light "Frightening in appearance, this creature uses its large eyes and ears to keep track of any movement." Ogre of the Black Shadow Password: 45121025 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1400 Beast-Warrior Earth "An ogre possessed by the powers of the dark. Few can withstand its rapid charge." One-Eyed Shield Dragon Password: 33064647 Booster: Mystical Elf, Exodia Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 700 DEF 1300 Dragon Wind "This dragon wears a shield not only for its own protection, but also for ramming its enemies." Ooguchi Password: 58861941 Booster: Gate Guardian Effect Monster Card Level 1 ATK 300 DEF 250 Aqua Water "This monster attacks your opponent's Life Points directly." Ookazi Password: 19523799 Booster: Battle Ox Magic Card "Inflict 800 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points." Orion the Battle King Password: 02971090 Booster: Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1800 DEF 1500 Fairy Light "None have lived to tell tales of this powerful battle fairy." Oscillo Hero Password: 82065276 Booster: Tiger Axe Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1250 DEF 700 Warrior Earth "A strange warrior from another dimension." Oscillo Hero #2 Password: 27324313 Booster: Judge Man, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 500 Thunder Light "A creature that electrocutes opponents with bolts of lighting." ****************************************************************************** P = Painful Choice [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 74191942 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card "Select 5 cards from your Deck and show them to your opponent. Your opponent must select 1 card that will be added to your hand. Discard the remaining cards to the Graveyard." Pale Beast Password: 21263083 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1200 Beast Earth "With skin tinged a bluish-white, this strange creature is a fearsome sight to behold." Panther Warrior Password: 42035044 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green , Millennium Eye , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 2000 DEF 1600 Beast-Warrior Earth "This card cannot attack unless you offer 1 of your monsters on the field as a Tribute." Paralyzing Potion Password: 50152549 Booster: Launcher Spider Magic Card "A non-Machine-type monster equipped with this card cannot attack." Parasite Paracide Password: 27911549 Booster: [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 500 DEF 300 Insect Earth "FLIP: Put this card face-up in your opponent's Deck and shuffle it. When your opponent draws this card, it is Special Summoned on the field face-up in Defense Position. Your opponent's Life Points are decreased by 1000 points, and from this point, all of your opponent's face-up Monster cards are treated as Insect-type monsters as long as this card remains face-up on the field." Parrot Dragon Password: 62762898 Booster: Garoozis, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 2000 DEF 1300 Dragon Wind "A dragon from the cartoons that's more dangerous that it appears to be." Patrol Robo Password: 76775123 Booster: Tiger Axe , Gemini Elf Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1100 DEF 900 Machine Earth "During your Standby Phase, you can look at 1 face-down card that's been Set by your opponent as long as this card remains face-up on the field." Peacock Password: 20624263 Booster: Relinquished Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1700 DEF 1500 Winged Beast Wind "A large peacock that launches its features in a lethal attack." Pendulum Machine Password: 24433920, 20404030 Booster: Launcher Spider, Millennium Puzzle Green Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1750 DEF 2000 Machine Dark "A horrible torture machine with a large pendulum blade." Penguin Knight Password: 36039163 Booster: Relinquished Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 800 Aqua Water "When this card is sent directly from your Deck to the Graveyard by an opponent's card effect, combine your Graveyard cards with your own Deck, shuffle them, and form a new Deck." Penguin Soldier Password: 93920745 Booster: Garoozis, Battle Ox Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 750 DEF 500 Aqua Water "FLIP: You can return up to 2 Monster Cards from the field to the owner's hand." Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth No Password Booster: Millennium Eye , Millennium Puzzle Yellow Effect Monster Card Level 8 ATK 3500 DEF 3000 Insect Eartj "This monster is summoned by offering "Petit Moth" as a Tribute on the 6th of your turns after it has been equipped with "Cocoon of Evolution"." Performance of Sword No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Ritual Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1950 DEF 1850 Warrior Earth "This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Magic Card, "Commencement Dance". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 6 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Petit Angel Password: 38142739 Booster: Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 600 DEF 900 Fairy Light "A quick-moving and tiny fairy that's very difficult to hit." Petit Dragon Password: 75356564 Booster: Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 2 ATK 600 DEF 700 Dragon Wind "A very small dragon known for its vicious attacks." Petit Moth Password: 58192742 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 1 ATK 300 DEF 200 Insect Earth "This small but deadly creature is better off avoided." Polymerization Password: 24094653, 27847700 Booster: Great Moth, Blue-Eyes White Dragon , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!], [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Magic Card "Fuses 2 or more Fusion-Material Monsters to form a new Fusion Monster." Pot of Greed [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 55144522 Booster: [Starter Deck], Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia, Millennium Puzzle Blue Magic Card "Draw 2 cards from your Deck." Power of Kaishin Password: 77027445 Booster: Dark Magician , Blue-Eyes White Dragon , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "An Aqua-type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points." Pragtical Password: 33691040 Booster: Harpie Lady Fusion Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1900 DEF 1500 Dinosaur Earth "Trakadon + Flame Viper" Premature Burial Password: 70828912 Booster: Buster Blader Magic Card Equip "Pay 800 Life Points. Select 1 Monster Card from your Graveyard, place it on the field in Attack Position, and equip it with this card. When this card is destroyed, the monster is also destroyed." Prevent Rat Password: 00549481 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 500 DEF 2000 Beast Earth "This creature is shielded with a tough hide of hair and is excellent at defending itself." Princess of Tsurugi Password: 51371017 Booster: Launcher Spider Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 700 Warrior Wind "FLIP: Inflicts 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points for each Magic and Trap Card your opponent has on the field." Prisman Password: 80234301 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 1000 Rock Light "This crystalline monster filters light to create a lethal laser." Prohibition Password: 43711255 Booster: Buster Blader Magic Card Continuous "When you play this card, declare the name of 1 card. As long as this card remains on the field, the declared card cannot be played." Protector of the Throne Password: 10071456 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 800 DEF 1500 Warrior Earth "While the king is away, this queen protects his throne with a mighty defense." Psychic Kappa Password: 07892180 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 400 DEF 1000 Aqua Water "An amphibian with a myriad of powers to shield it from enemy attacks." Pumpking the King of Ghosts Password: 29155212 Booster: Battle Ox, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1800 DEF 2000 Zombie Dark "As long as the "Castle of Dark Illusions" remains face-up on the field, the ATK and DEF of this card increases by 100 points each turn. This effect remains active for 5 turns." Punished Eagle Password: 74703140 Booster: Great Moth Fusion Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2100 DEF 1800 Winged Beast Wind "Blue-Winged Crown + Niwatori" ****************************************************************************** Q = Queen Bird Password: 73081602 Booster: Relinquished Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1200 DEF 2000 Winged Beast Wind "This monster attacks enemies using its huge beak." Queen of Autumn Leaves Password: 04179849 Booster: Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1800 DEF 1500 Plant Earth "Queen of the Emerald Forest and wife of the Spirit King, she lives surrounded by vivid red leaves." Queen's Double Password: 05901497 Booster: Gate Guardian Effect Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 1 ATK 350 DEF 300 Warrior Earth "This monster attacks your opponent's Life Points directly." ****************************************************************************** R = Rabid Horseman No Password Booster: Launcher Spider, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Fusion Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2000 DEF 1700 Beast-Warrior Earth "Battle Ox + Mystic Horseman" Raigeki [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 12580477 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Magic Card "Destroys all of your opponent's monsters on the field." Raimei Password: 56260110 Booster: Judge Man Magic Card "Decrease your opponent's Life Points by 300 points." Rainbow Flower Password: 21347810 Booster: Gate Guardian Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 400 DEF 500 Plant Earth "This monster attacks your opponent's Life Points directly." Raise Body Heat Password: 51267887 Booster: Mystical Elf , Exodia , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "A Dinosaur-type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points." Rare Fish Password: 80516007 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Fusion Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1200 Fish Water "Fusionist + Enchanting Mermaid" Ray & Temperature Password: 85309439 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 1000 Fairy Light "The Sun and the North Wind join hands to deliver a devastating combination of heat and gale-force winds." Reaper of the Cards Password: 33066139 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia, Millennium Puzzle Blue Effect Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1380 DEF 1930 Fiend Dark "FLIP: Destroys 1 Trap Card on the field. If this card's target is face-down, flip it face-up. If the card is a Trap Card, it is destroyed. If not, it is returned to its face-down position. The flipped card is not activated." Red Archery Girl Password: 65570596 Booster: Relinquished, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1500 Aqua Water "A mermaid archer that hides in a protective shell, waiting for the right moment to strike." Red Medicine Password: 38199696 Booster: Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon Magic Card "Increases your Life Points by 500 points." Red-Eyes B. Dragon Password: 74677422 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 7 ATK 2400 DEF 2000 Dragon Dark "A ferocious dragon with a deadly attack." Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon Password: 64335804 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 8 ATK 2800 DEF 2400 Machine Dark "This card can be Special Summoned from the Deck to the field by offering "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" equipped with "Metalmorph" as a Tribute." Reinforcements Password: 17814387 Booster: Gemini Elf Trap Card "Increase 1 selected monster's ATK by 500 points during the turn this card is activated." Relinquished Password: 64631466 Booster: Relinquished , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Ritual/Effect Monster Card Level 1 ATK 0 DEF 0 Spellcaster Dark "This monster can take on the ATK and DEF of 1 opponent's monster on the field (a face-down monster results in an ATK and DEF of 0). Treat the selected monster as an Equip Magic Card and use it to equip "Relinquished". You may use this effect only once per turn and can equip "Relinquished" with only 1 monster at a time. When your opponent's monster attacks this monster with an ATK higher than "Relinquished", the equipped monster is destroyed instead of "Relinquished"." [Use "Black Illusion Ritual" to summon "Relinquished."] Remove Trap Password: 51482758 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Magic Card "Destroys 1 face-up Trap Card on the field." Respect Play Password: 08951260 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card Continuous "During their respective turns, each player must show their opponent their hands." Restructer Revolution Password: 99518961 Booster: Garoozis Magic Card "Inflicts 200 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points for each card in your opponent's hand." Resurrection of Chakra No Password Booster: Black Luster Soldier Magic Card Ritual "This card is used to summon "Chakra". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 7 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Reverse Trap Password: 77622396 Booster: Gemini Elf , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Trap Card "All increases and decreases to ATK and DEF are reversed for the turn in which this card is activated." Revival of Dokurorider No Password Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green Magic Card Ritual "This card is used to summon "Dokurorider". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 6 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Rhaimundos of the Red Sword Password: 62403074 Booster: Tiger Axe, Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1300 Warrior Earth "Armed with the Sword of Crimson Flames, this warrior can bind a monster with fiery restraints." Right Arm of the Forbidden One [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 70903634 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Blue Normal Monster Card Level 1 ATK 200 DEF 300 Spellcaster Dark "A forbidden right arm sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this seal will know infinite power." Right Leg of the Forbidden One [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 08124921 Booster: Harpie Lady , Exodia Normal Monster Card Level 1 ATK 200 DEF 300 Spellcaster Dark "A forbidden right leg sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this seal will know infinite power." Ring of Magnetism Password: 20436034 Booster: Battle Ox Magic Card Equip "A monster equipped with this card decreases its ATK and DEF by 500 points. All your opponent's monsters must attack the monster equipped with this card." Riryoku [Limited to only 2 cards in a deck] Password: 34016756 Booster: [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card "During your turn, your can reduce the ATK of 1 monster by half and add that amount to the ATK of another monster on the field." Rising Air Current Password: 45778932 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Magic Card Field "Increases the ATK of all WIND monsters by 500 points and decreases their DEF by 400 points." Roaring Ocean Snake Password: 19066538 Booster: Gate Guardian Fusion Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2100 DEF 1800 Aqua Water "Mystic Lamp + Hyosube" Robbin' Goblin Password: 88279736 Booster: Launcher Spider Trap Card Continuous "Each time 1 of your monsters inflicts damage to your opponent's Life Points, 1 card is randomly selected from your opponent's hand and discarded." Rock Ogre Grotto #1 Password: 68846917 Booster: Harpie Lady, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 1200 Rock Earth "Protected by a solid body of rock, this monster throws a bone-shattering punch." Rogue Doll Password: 91939608 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1600 DEF 1000 Spellcaster Light "A deadly doll gifted with mystical power, it is particularly powerful when attacking against dark forces." Root Water Password: 39004808 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 800 Fish Water "An amphibian capable of calling up a massive tidal wave from the dark seas to wipe out enemy monsters." Rose Spectre of Dunn Password: 32485271 Booster: Gate Guardian Fusion Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2000 DEF 1800 Plant Dark "Feral Imp + Snakeyashi" Royal Decree Password: 51452091 Booster: Garoozis, Battle Ox Trap Card Continuous "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, the effects of all Trap Cards, except this one, are deactivated." Royal Guard Password: 39239728 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1900 DEF 2200 Machine Earth "A mechanized soldier created to protect royalty." Rude Kaiser Password: 26378150 Booster: Gate Guardian , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1800 DEF 1600 Beast-Warrior Earth "With an axe in each hand, this monster delivers heavy damage." Rush Recklessly Password: 70046172 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card Quick "Increase 1 monster's ATK by 700 points during the turn this card is activated." Ryu-Kishin Password: 15303296 Booster: Battle Ox, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 500 Fiend Dark "A very elusive creature that looks like a harmless statue until it attacks." Ryu-Kishin Powered Password: 24611934 Booster: Battle Ox, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1600 DEF 1200 Fiend Dark "A gargoyle enhanced by the powers of darkness. Very sharp talons make it a worthy opponent." Ryu-Ran Password: 02964201 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2200 DEF 2600 Dragon Fire "A vicious little dragon sheltered in an egg that looks deceptively harmless." ****************************************************************************** S = Saber Slasher Password: 73911410 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1450 DEF 1500 Machine Dark "A lethal engine of destruction that wields a well-honed blade." Saggi the Dark Clown Password: 66602787 Booster: Launcher Spider, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 600 DEF 1500 Spellcaster Dark "This clown appears from nowhere and executes very strange moves to avoid enemies." Salamandra Password: 32268901 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "A FIRE monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 700 points." Sand Stone Password: 73051941 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1300 DEF 1600 Rock Earth "Appears from underground and attacks with long snake-like tentacles." Sanga of the Thunder No Password Booster: Gate Guardian , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2600 DEF 2200 Thunder Light "Reduce the ATK of an opponent's monster attacking this card to 0. This effect can only be used once. The card's owner chooses when to activate this effect." Sangan [Limited to only 2 cards in a deck] Password: 26202165 Booster: Great Moth, Millennium Puzzle Blue, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 600 Fiend Dark "When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can move 1 monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from your Deck to your hand. Your Deck is then shuffled." Sea Kamen Password: 71746462 Booster: Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1100 DEF 1300 Aqua Water "A merciless monster that tears opponents to shreds with razor-like claws." Sea King Dragon Password: 23659124 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2000 DEF 1700 Sea Serpent Water "Protected by a tough shell, this master of the sea attacks its enemies with toxic bubbles." Seal of the Ancients Password: 97809599 Booster: (unknown) Magic Card "At the cost of 1000 of your own Life Points, flip all of your opponent's face-down cards face-up. After seeing the cards, return them to their original positions (card effects are not activated)." Sebek's Blessing Password: 22537443 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Magic Card Quick "You can activate this card when your Monster Card inflicts Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points. Increase your own Life Points by an amount equal to the Direct Damage you inflicted to your opponent." Sectarian of Secrets Password: 15507080 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 700 DEF 500 Spellcaster Dark "A spellcaster that worships the dark, it is served by a sinister hand that drags enemies into oblivion." Seiyaryu No Password Booster: Millennium Eye , Millennium Puzzle Yellow Normal Monster Card Level 8 ATK 2500 DEF 2300 Dragon Light "A sacred dragon that burns away the unworthy with its holy flames." Sengenjin No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 8 ATK 2750 DEF 2500 Beast-Warrior Earth "An unstoppable savage that carries a Millennium item." Senju of the Thousand Hands Password: 23401839 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1000 Fairy Light "When this card is summoned to the field (excluding Special Summon), you may move 1 Ritual Monster Card from your Deck to your hand. The Deck is then shuffled." [Info on booster location given by witeman23@hotmail.com] Serpent Night Dragon No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2350 DEF 2400 Dragon Dark "A dragon created from the soul of a wicked knight." Set Sail for the Kingdom Ticket [This is not able to play.] [Qualifies you to participate in the 2nd Round of the National Championship.] Seven Tools of the Bandit Password: 03819470 Booster: [Starter Deck], Great Moth Trap Card Counter "At the cost of 1,000 of your own Life Points, negate the activation of a Trap Card and destroy it." Shadow Ghoul No Password Booster: Millennium Eye, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1600 DEF 1300 Zombie Dark "Increase the ATK of this monster by 100 points for each monster in your own Graveyard." Shadow Specter Password: 40575313 Booster: Judge Man, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 1 ATK 500 DEF 200 Zombie Dark "Powerful in groups, this animal spirit can be found in the wasteland." Share the Pain Password: 56830749 Booster: Battle Ox Magic Card "Both you and your opponent must select 1 of your own Monster Cards on the field and offer it as a Tribute." Shield & Sword Password: 52097679 Booster: Buster Blader, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card "For 1 turn, each face-up monster's ATK becomes their DEF and vice-versa." Shining Fairy Password: 95956346 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 800 Fairy Light "When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, you can select 1 LIGHT monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from your Deck and Special Summon it to the field (no Tribute is required for monsters of Level 5 or more). The Deck is then shuffled." Shovel Crusher Password: 71950093 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 1200 Machine Earth "Armed with a pair of shovels, this monster will destroy anything that stands in its way." Silver Bow and Arrow Password: 01557499 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "A Fairy-type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points." Silver Fang Password: 90357090 Booster: Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 1200 DEF 800 Beast Earth "A snow wolf that's beautiful to the eye, but absolutely vicious in battle." Sinister Serpent [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 08131171 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Blue , Millennium Puzzle Yellow Effect Monster Card Level 1 ATK 300 DEF 250 Reptile Water "During your Standby Phase, if a "Sinister Serpent" exists in your Graveyard, you can return the "Sinister Serpent" to your hand." Skelengel Password: 60694662 Booster: Harpie Lady Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 900 DEF 400 Fairy Light "FLIP: You can draw 1 card from your Deck." Skelgon Password: 32355828 Booster: Garoozis, Battle Ox Fusion Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1700 DEF 1900 Zombie Dark "The Snake Hair + Blackland Fire Dragon" Skull Dice Password: 00126218 Booster: (It might be one of the cards given by winning the Grandpa Cup.) Trap Card "Roll a die. The results is multiplied by 100 points and subtracted from the ATK and DEF of all monsters in your opponent's control until the end of your turn." Skull Guardian No Password Booster: Black Luster Soldier Ritual Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2050 DEF 2500 Warrior Light "This monster is summoned with the Ritual Magic Card, "Novox's Prayer". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 7 or more from the field or your hand as a Tribute." Skull Knight No Password Booster: Battle Ox Fusion Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2650 DEF 2250 Spellcaster Dark "Tainted Wisdom + Ancient Brain" Skull Red Bird Password: 10202894 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1550 DEF 1200 Winged Beast Wind "This monster swoops down and attacks with a rain of knives stored in its wings." Skull Servant Password: 32274490 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 1 ATK 300 DEF 200 Zombie Dark "A skeletal ghost that isn't strong but can mean trouble in large numbers." Skull Stalker Password: 54844990 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 800 Warrior Dark "Swift and deadly, this monster grabs victims with its claws and attacks with a poison stinger." Skullbird Password: 08327462 Booster: Tiger Axe Fusion Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1900 DEF 1700 Winged Beast Wind "Takuhee + Temple of Skulls" Sleeping Lion Password: 40200834 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 700 DEF 1700 Beast Earth "A very vicious creature that's best left sleeping." Slifer the Sky Dragon No Password Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Level 10 ATK X000 DEF X000 Divine Divine "The heavens twist and thunder roars, signaling the coming of this ancient creature, and the dawn of true power." [This is not able to play.] Slot Machine Password: 03797883 Booster: Relinquished , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2000 DEF 2300 Machine Dark "The machine's ability is said to vary according to its slot results." Snake Fang Password: 00596051 Booster: Relinquished Trap Card "Decrease 1 selected monster's DEF by 500 points during the turn this card is activated." Snakeyashi Password: 29802344 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1000 DEF 1200 Plant Earth "This monster is formed by several serpents that break off to individually attack nearby enemies." Snatch Steal [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 45986603 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card Equip "Take control of 1 of your opponent's face-up monsters. Your opponent gains 1000 Life Points at each of his/her Standby Phases." Sogen Password: 86318356 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Field "Increases the ATK and DEF of all Beast-Warrior and Warrior-type monsters by 200 points." Solemn Judgment Password: 41420027 Booster: Great Moth , Millennium Eye Trap Card Counter "When your opponent either activates a Magic or Trap card or summons a monster (including Special Summon), you can negate the action and destroy the cards involved at the cost of half of your Life Points." Solitude Password: 84794011 Booster: Mystical Elf Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1050 DEF 1000 Beast-Warrior Earth "This beast-warrior swings a massive scythe that feeds on the souls of the slain." Solomon's Lawbook Password: 23471572 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card "Skip your own Standby Phase." Sonic Bird Password: 57617178 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1000 Winged Beast Wind "When this card is summoned (excluding Special Summon), you move 1 Ritual Magic Card from your Deck to your hand. The Deck is then shuffled." Sonic Maid Password: 38942059 Booster: Tiger Axe, Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 1200 DEF 900 Warrior Earth "A maiden that uses sound to her advantage, she wields a scythe that's shaped like a music note." Soul Hunter Password: 72869010 Booster: Garoozis Fusion Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2200 DEF 1800 Fiend Dark "Lord of the Lamp + Invader from Another Dimension" Soul of the Pure Password: 47852924 Booster: Tiger Axe Magic Card "Increases a selected player's Life Points by 800 points." Soul Release Password: 05758500 Booster: Gate Guardian Magic Card "Select 5 cards from either you or your opponent's Graveyard and remove them from the current duel." Sparks Password: 76103675 Booster: Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon Magic Card "Inflicts 200 points of Direct Damage to you opponent's Life Points." Spear Cretin Password: 58551308 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 500 DEF 500 Fiend Dark "FLIP: After this card is flipped, when it is sent to the Graveyard, both you and your opponent select 1 monster your respective Graveyard and Special Summon it on the field in face-up Attack Position or face-down Defense Position (no Tribute is required for monsters of Level 5 or more). Spellbinding Circle Password: 18807108 Booster: Relinquished , [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Trap Card Continuous "Select 1 monster. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, the selected monster cannot attack or change its battle position except by the effect of a Magic, Trap, or Effect Monster Card. When the selected monster is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If the selected monster is offered as a Tribute, this card is not destroyed." Spike Seadra Password: 85326399 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1600 DEF 1300 Sea Serpent Water "Using the spikes sprouting from its body, this creature stabs its opponents and floods them with electricity." Spirit of the Books Password: 14037717 Booster: Tiger Axe, Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1200 Winged Beast Wind "This wise spirit dwells in books, using its accumulated knowledge to defeat enemies." Spirit of the Harp Password: 80770678 Booster: Mystical Elf, Exodia Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 800 DEF 2000 Fairy Light "A spirit that soothes the soul with the music of its heavenly harp." Stain Storm Password: 21323861 Booster: Harpie Lady Magic Card "Destroys all Machine-type monsters on the field." Star Boy Password: 08201910 Booster: Great Moth Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 550 DEF 500 Aqua Water "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, increase the ATK of all WATER monsters by 500 points and decrease the ATK of all FIRE monsters by 400 points." Steel Ogre Grotto #1 Password: 29172562 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 5 ATK 1400 DEF 1800 Machine Earth "A steel idol worshipped in the Land of Machines" Steel Ogre Grotto #2 Password: 90908427 Booster: Buster Blader, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1900 DEF 2200 Machine Earth "A mechanized iron doll with tremendous strength." Steel Scorpion Password: 13599884 Booster: Harpie Lady Effect Monster Card Level 1 ATK 250 DEF 300 Machine Earth "Non Machine-type Monsters attacking "Steel Scorpion" will be destroyed at the End Phase of your opponent's turn 3 turns later." Steel Shell Password: 02370081 Booster: Tiger Axe , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "A WATER monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 400 points and decreases its DEF by 200 points." Stim-Pack Password: 83225447 Booster: Battle Ox Magic Card Equip "A monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 700 points. Its ATK is then decreased by 300 points at each of its Standby Phases." Stone Armadiller Password: 63432835 Booster: Mystical Elf Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 1200 Rock Earth "With a body armored by rock-hard fur, this monster features excellent defense capabilities." Stone Ogre Grotto Password: 15023985 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon, Buster Blader Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1600 DEF 1500 Rock Earth "A behemoth shaped by giant boulders." Stop Defense Password: 63102017 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon , Exodia , Millennium Eye [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card "Select 1 of your opponent's monsters and switch it to Attack Position. If the card is face-down, flip it face-up. If the card has a flip effect, it is activated immediately." Stuffed Animal Password: 71068263 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Blue, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1200 DEF 900 Warrior Earth "It may look like a harmless stuffed animal, but its zipper mouth deals a deadly bite." Succubus Knight Password: 55291359 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1650 DEF 1300 Warrior Dark "An unworthy warrior wizard adept in casting death-dealing spells." Suijin No Password Booster: Gate Guardian , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2500 DEF 2400 Aqua Water "Reduce the ATK of an opponent's monster attacking this card to 0. This effect can be used only once. The card's owner chooses when to activate this effect." Summoned Skull Password: 70781052 Booster: [Starter Deck], Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 6 ATK 2500 DEF 1200 Fiend Dark "A fiend with dark powers for confusing the enemy. Among the Fiend-type monsters, this monster boasts considerable force." Super War-Lion No Password Booster: Black Luster Soldier Ritual Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2300 DEF 2100 Beast Earth "This monster is summoned with the Ritual Magic Card, "War-Lion Ritual". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 7 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Supporter in the Shadows Password: 41422426 Booster: Mystical Elf Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 1000 Warrior Earth "A cute little elf that hides in the shadows and provides spiritual support." Swamp Battleguard Password: 40453765 Booster: Launcher Spider Effect Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1800 DEF 1500 Warrior Earth "Increase the ATK of this monster by 500 points for every face-up "Lava Battleguard" on your side of the field." Sword Arm of Dragon Password: 13069066 Booster: Garoozis, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1750 DEF 2030 Dinosaur Earth "With a body covered in sword-like thorns, nothing dares stand in the way of this charging monster." Sword of Dark Destruction Password: 37120512 Booster: Tiger Axe , Battle Ox , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "A DARK monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 400 points and decreases it DEF by 200 points." Sword of Deep-Seated Password: 98495314 Booster: Launcher Spider Magic Card Equip "A Monster Card equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 500 points. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, place it on top of your Deck." Sword of Dragon's Soul Password: 61405855 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Magic Card Equip "This card can only be used to equip a Warrior-type monster to increase its ATK by 700 points. Any Dragon-type monster battling a monster equipped with this card is automatically destroyed at the end of a Battle Phase, regardless of ATK/DEF. (Damage calculations are applied normally.) Swords of Revealing Light [Limited to only 2 cards in a deck] Password: 72302403 Booster: [Starter Deck], Mystical Elf , Millennium Puzzle Blue , Millennium Eye , [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Magic Card "Counting from your opponent's turn, none of your opponent's monsters can attack for 3 turns of his/her own. When this card is activated, opponent's face-down monsters at that time are turned face-up, but remain in Defense Position. Any effects the monsters may have are immediately activated." Swordsman from a Foreign Land Password: 85255550 Booster: Gemini Elf Effect Monster Card Level 1 ATK 250 DEF 250 Warrior Earth "A monster attacked by this card will be destroyed at the End Phase 5 turns later." Swordstalker Password: 50005633 Booster: Judge Man, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2000 DEF 1600 Warrior Dark "A monster formed by the vengeful souls of those who passed away in battle." ****************************************************************************** T = Tailor of the Fickle Password: 43641473 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card Quick "Select 1 equipped Equip Card and switch it to another correct target." Tainted Wisdom Password: 28725004 Booster: Battle Ox Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 1250 DEF 800 Fiend Dark "When this card is changed from Attack to Defense Position, shuffle your own deck." Takriminos Password: 44073668 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Blue Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1200 Sea Serpent Water "A member of a race of sea serpents that freely travels through the sea." Takuhee Password: 03170832 Booster: Tiger Axe, Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1450 DEF 1000 Winged Beast Wind "This bird is known far and wide as a harbinger of doom." Tao the Chanter Password: 46247516 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1200 DEF 900 Spellcaster Earth "Master of Yin and Yang, this wizard handles a delicate balance of spells and counterspells." Temple of Skulls Password: 00732302 Booster: Tiger Axe, Gemini Elf Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 900 DEF 1300 Zombie Dark "A mysterious temple of skulls and bones that sucks in unwary enemies." Tenderness Password: 57935140 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 700 DEF 1400 Fairy Light "An adorable fairy that celebrates the gift of love." Terra the Terrible Password: 63308047 Booster: Mystical Elf, Exodia Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1300 Fiend Dark "Known as a swamp dweller, this creature is a minion of dark forces." The 13th Grave Password: 00032864 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1200 DEF 800 Zombie Dark "A zombie that suddenly appeared from plot #13 - an empty grave." The Bewitching Phantom Thief Password: 24348204 Booster: Mystical Elf Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 700 DEF 700 Spellcaster Dark "An elegant thief with a black cloak that charms its enemies." The Bistro Butcher Password: 71107816 Booster: Battle Ox Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1800 DEF 1000 Fiend Dark "When this card inflicts Direct Damage to your opponent, your opponent must draw 2 cards from the Deck." The Cheerful Coffin Password: 41142615 Booster: Gate Guardian Magic Card "You can discard up to 3 Monster Cards from your hand." The Drdek Password: 08944575 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 700 DEF 800 Fiend Dark "A bipedal eyeball that seldom misses an enemy with its lethal talons." The Eye of Truth Password: 34694160 Booster: Buster Blader, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Trap Card Continuous "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, your opponent must show his/her hand. Your opponent recovers 1000 Life Points at every Standby Phase if he/she has a Magic Card in his/her hand." The Flute of Summoning Dragon Password: 43973174 Booster: Millennium Eye Magic Card "Playing this card when you have a "Lord of D." card face-up on the field allows you to play up to 2 Dragon-type cards from your hand as a Special Summon." The Forceful Sentry [Limited to only 1 card in a deck] Password: 42829885 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card "Look at your opponent's hand, then select 1 card and return it to his/her Deck. The Deck is then shuffled." The Furious Sea King Password: 18710707 Booster: Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 700 Aqua Water "Grand King of the Seven Seas, he's able to summon massive tidal waves to drown the enemy." The Immortal of Thunder Password: 84926738 Booster: Launcher Spider Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1300 Thunder Light "FLIP: You gain 3000 Life Points. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you lose 5000 Life Points." The Inexperienced Spy Password: 81820689 Booster: Battle Ox Magic Card "Select and see 1 card in your opponent's hand." The Little Swordsman of Aile Password: 25109950 Booster: Battle Ox Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 800 DEF 1300 Warrior Water "Offer 1 monster on the field as a Tribute to increase this monster's ATK by 700 points until the end of the turn." The Monarchy Ticket [This is not able to play.] [Qualifies you to participate in the Semi-Final of the National Championship.] The Regulation of Tribe Password: 00296499 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card Continuous "Select 1 Type of monster. Any monster of the selected Type cannot attack. To keep this card in effect, you must offer 1 monster as a Tribute at each of your Standby Phases. If you cannot do so, this card is destroyed." The Reliable Guardian Password: 16430187 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card Quick "Increase 1 monster's DEF by 700 points during the turn this card is activated." The Shallow Grave Password: 43434803 Booster: Buster Blader Magic Card "Each player takes 1 Monster Card from their respective Graveyards and Sets them on the field in Defense Position." The Snake Hair Password: 29491031 Booster: [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh] Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1200 Zombie Dark "A monster with a head of poison snakes. One look from this monster can turn an opponent to stone." The Stern Mystic Password: 87557188 Booster: Judge Man Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1200 Spellcaster Light "FLIP: All face-down cards on the field are turned face-up, and then returned to their original positions. No card effects are activated when cards are turned face-up." The Thing That Hides in the Mud Password: 18180762 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1300 Rock Earth "This monster melts its way underground to attack enemies from below." The Unhappy Maiden Password: 51275027 Booster: Launcher Spider , Millennium Eye Effect Monster Card Level 1 ATK 0 DEF 100 Spellcaster Light "When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, the Battle Phase for that turn ends immediately." The Wandering Doomed Password: 93788854 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 800 DEF 600 Zombie Dark "A monster that wanders the edges of the netherworld." The Wicked Worm Beast Password: 06285791 Booster: Battle Ox, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1400 DEF 700 Beast Earth "This card is returned to your hand at the end of your turn." The Winged Dragon of Ra No Password Booster: [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Level 10 ATK ???? DEF ???? Divine Divine "Spirits sing of a powerful creature that rules over all that is mystic." [This is not able to play.] Thousand Dragon No Password Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green , Millennium Eye Fusion Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2400 DEF 2000 Dragon Wind "Time Wizard + Baby Dragon" Three-Headed Geedo Password: 78423643 Booster: Buster Blader, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1400 Fiend Dark "A three-headed nocturnal monster that is absolutely ruthless when fighting." Three-Legged Zombies Password: 33734439 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1100 DEF 800 Zombie Dark "A pair of friendly skeletons, lean and fat, that travels with extreme difficulty." Thunder Dragon Password: 31786629 Booster: Launcher Spider Effect Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 5 ATK 1600 DEF 1500 Thunder Light "You can add up to 2 "Thunder Dragon" card(s) from your Deck to your hand by discarding this card from your hand. After that, shuffle your Deck. This effect is activated only during a Main Phase." Tiger Axe Password: 49791927, 40907090 Booster: Gemini Elf, Millennium Puzzle Green Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 1100 Beast-Warrior Earth "A fast and powerful axe-wielding beast-warrior." Time Machine Password: 80987696 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Trap Card "When 1 monster is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, you can return it to the field in the same battle position as a Special Summon." Time Seal Password: 35316708 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card "Your opponent skips the Draw Phase of his/her next turn." Time Wizard Password: 71625222 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 2 ATK 500 DEF 400 Spellcaster Light "Toss a coin and call Heads or Tails. If you call it right, your opponent's monsters on the field are destroyed. If you call it wrong, your own monsters on the field are destroyed and you lose Life Points equal to half the total ATK of the destroyed monsters. This card can be used only during your own turn, once per turn." Toad Master Password: 62671448 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 1000 Aqua Water "A hermit frog that has been in existence for thousands of years, it attacks with tadpoles." Togex Password: 33878931 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1600 DEF 1800 Beast Earth "An agile monster that rolls up to ram its opponents." Toll Password: 82003859 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card Continuous "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, both you and your opponent must pay 500 Life Points per monster to attack." Tomozaurus Password: 46457856 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 500 DEF 400 Dinosaur Earth "Small but vicious, this monster even attacks its own kind." Tongyo Password: 69572024 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1350 DEF 800 Fish Water "This monster captures other fish with its long tongue and sucks the energy out of them." Toon Alligator Password: 59383041 Booster: Launcher Spider, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 800 DEF 1600 Reptile Water "An alligator monster straight from the cartoons." Toon Mermaid Password: 65458948 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon , Millennium Eye, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1500 Aqua Water "This card cannot be summoned unless "Toon World" is on the field. This card cannot attack in the same turn that it is summoned. Pay 500 Life Points each time this monster attacks. When "Toon World" is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If your opponent doesn't control a Toon monster on the field, this card may inflict Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points. If the Toon monster is on your opponent's side of the field, your attacks must target the Toon monster." Toon Summoned Skull Password: 91842653 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2500 DEF 1200 Fiend Dark "This card cannot be summoned unless "Toon World" is on the field. This card cannot attack in the same turn that it is summoned. Pay 500 Life Points each time this monster attacks. When "Toon World" is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If your opponent doesn't control a Toon monster on the field, this card may inflict Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points. If the Toon monster is on your opponent's side of the field, your attacks must target the Toon monster." Toon World Password: 15259703 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Continuous "This card is activated by paying 1000 of your Life Points." [You must also pay 500 Life Points at each of your Standby Phases to keep this card active.] Torike Password: 80813021 Booster: Great Moth , [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1200 DEF 600 Beast Earth "Although a poor defender, this monster's sharp horn gives it an edge when attacking." Total Defense Shogun Password: 75372290 Booster: (unknown) Effect Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1550 DEF 2500 Warrior Dark "When this card is summoned (excluding Special Summon), it is placed on the field in Defense Position. This card can attack without being shifted to Attack Position. Damage results are calculated normally." Trakadon Password: 42348802 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 3 ATK 1300 DEF 800 Dinosaur Earth "A tiger-striped dragon that is often seen racing across the wasteland at tremendous speeds." Trap Hole Password: 04206964 Booster: [Starter Deck (x2)], Dark Magician , Blue-Eyes White Dragon , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!], [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Trap Card "If the ATK of a monster summoned by your opponent (excluding Special Summon) is 1000 points or more, the monster is destroyed." Trap Master Password: 46461247 Booster: Garoozis Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 500 DEF 1100 Warrior Earth "FLIP: Destroys 1 Trap Card on the field. If this card's target is face-down, flip it face-up. If the card is a Trap Card, it is destroyed. If not, it is returned to its face-down position. The flipped card is not activated." Tremendous Fire No Password Booster: Launcher Spider Magic Card "Inflicts 1000 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points and 500 points of Direct Damage to your Life Points." Trent Password: 78780140 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1500 DEF 1800 Plant Earth "A guardian of the woods, this massive tree is believed to by immortal." Trial of Nightmare Password: 77827521 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 900 Fiend Dark "This fiend passes judgment on enemies that are locked in coffins." Tribute to The Doomed Password: 79759861 Booster: Gate Guardian Magic Card "You can destroy 1 opponent's monster (regardless of its position) by discarding 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard." Tri-Horned Dragon No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 8 ATK 2850 DEF 2350 Dragon Dark "An unworthy dragon with three sharp horns sprouting from its head." Tripwire Beast Password: 45042329 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1300 Thunder Earth "This creature attacks with electromagnetic waves." Turtle Oath No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Magic Card Ritual "This card is used to Ritual Summon "Crab Turtle". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Turtle Tiger Password: 37313348 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1000 DEF 1500 Aqua Water "A tiger encased in a protective shell that attacks with razor-sharp fangs." Twin Long Rods #2 Password: 29692206 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 850 DEF 700 Aqua Water "An amphibious creature with two whip-like tails." Twin-Headed Fire Dragon Password: 78984772 Booster: Launcher Spider , Buster Blader Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2200 DEF 1700 Pyro Fire "Two dragons fused as one from the effects of the Big Bang." Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon Password: 54752875 Booster: Millennium Eye Fusion Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2800 DEF 2100 Thunder Light "Thunder Dragon + Thunder Dragon" Two-Headed King Rex Password: 94119974 Booster: Garoozis, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1600 DEF 1200 Dinosaur Earth "A powerful monster whose two heads attack as one." Two-Mouth Darkruler Password: 57305373 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 700 Dinosaur Earth "A dinosaur with two deadly jaws, it stores electricity in its horn and releases high voltage bolts from the mouth on its back." Two-Pronged Attack Password: 83887306 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Trap Card "Select and destroy 2 of your monsters and 1 of your opponent's monsters." Tyhone Password: 72842870 Booster: Mystical Elf, Exodia Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1200 DEF 1400 Winged Beast Wind "Capable of firing cannonballs from its mouth for long-range attacks, this creature is particularly effective in mountain battles." Tyhone #2 Password: 56789759 Booster: Relinquished Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1700 DEF 1900 Dragon Fire "A crimson dragon that spits fireballs to create a blazing sea of fire." ****************************************************************************** U = UFO Turtle Password: 60806437 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1200 Machine Fire "When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, you may select 1 FIRE monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from your Deck and Special Summon it to the field (no Tribute is required for monsters of Level 5 or more). The Deck is then shuffled." Ultimate Offering Password: 80604091 Booster: Gemini Elf Trap Card Continuous "At the cost of 500 Life Points per monster, a player is allowed an extra Normal Summon or Set." Umi Password: 22702055 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Field "Increases the ATK and DEF of all Fish, Sea Serpent, Thunder, and Aqua-type monsters by 200 points. Also decreases the ATK and DEF of all Machine and Pyro-type monsters by 200 points." Umiiruka Password: 82999629 Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Magic Card Field "Increases the ATK of all WATER monsters by 500 points and decreases their DEF by 400 points." Unknown Warrior of Fiend Password: 97360116 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 500 Warrior Dark "The speed of this warrior creates an intense vacuum that can slice through a monster's hide." Upstart Goblin Password: 70368879 Booster: Relinquished Magic Card "Draw 1 card from your Deck. Your opponent gains 1000 Life Points." Uraby Password: 01784619 Booster: Mystical Elf, Exodia, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1500 DEF 800 Dinosaur Earth "Fast on its feet, this dinosaur rips enemies to shreds with its sharp claws." Ushi Oni Password: 48649353 Booster: Garoozis, Battle Ox Normal Monster Card Level 6 ATK 2150 DEF 1950 Fiend Dark "A bull fiend restored by the dark arts, this monster appears out of a jar." ****************************************************************************** V = Valkyrion the Magna Warrior Password: 75347539 Booster: [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Effect Monster Card Level 8 ATK 3500 DEF 3850 Rock Earth "You may Special Summon this card by offering "Alpha The Magnet Warrior", "Beta The Magnet Warrior", and "Gamma The Magnet Warrior" from your hand or the field as a Tribute. If "Alpha The Magnet Warrior", "Beta The Magnet Warrior", and "Gamma The Magnet Warrior" are in the Graveyard, you can offer this card as a Tribute to Special Summon these 3 cards to the field." Vermillion Sparrow Password: 35752363 Booster: Tiger Axe, Gemini Elf Fusion Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1900 DEF 1500 Pyro Fire "Rhaimundos of the Red Sword + Fireyarou" Versago the Destroyer Password: 50259460 Booster: Garoozis Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1100 DEF 900 Fiend Dark "You can substitute this card for any 1 Fusion-Material Monster. You cannot substitute for any other Fusion-Material Monsters in the current Fusion." Vile Germs Password: 39774685 Booster: Mystical Elf , Exodia , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Equip "A Plant-type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points." Violent Rain Password: 94042337 Booster: Great Moth Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1550 DEF 800 Aqua Water "This monster can call up sudden torrents of battering rain." Violet Crystal Password: 15052462 Booster: Dark Magician , Blue-Eyes White Dragon Magic Card Equip "A Zombie-type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points." Vishwar Randi Password: 78556320 Booster: Judge Man Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 700 Warrior Dark "This lady warrior with unquenchable bloodlust serves the forces of darkness." Vorse Raider Password: 14898066 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1900 DEF 1200 Beast-Warrior Dark "The axe in the hand of this evil animal has tasted the blood of many monsters." ****************************************************************************** W = Waboku Password: 12607053 Booster: Judge Man Trap Card "Any damage inflicted by an opponent's monster is decreased to 0 during the turn this card is activated." Wall of Illusion Password: 13945283 Booster: Judge Man, Millennium Puzzle Blue Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1000 DEF 1850 Fiend Dark "The monster attacking this creature is returned to its owner's hand. Any damage resulting from the attack is calculated normally." Wall Shadow No Password Booster: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Effect Monster Card Level 7 ATK 1600 DEF 3000 Warrior Dark "You cannot Normal Summon this monster. This card can only be Special Summoned by offering "Labyrinth Wall" equipped with "Magical Labyrinth" as a Tribute. No other Tribute Monsters are necessary." War-Lion Ritual No Password Booster: Black Luster Soldier Magic Card Ritual "This card is used to summon "Super War-Lion". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 6 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Warrior Elimination Password: 90873992 Booster: Harpie Lady Magic Card "Destroys all Warrior-type monsters on the field." Warrior of Tradition Password: 56413937 Booster: Tiger Axe, Gemini Elf Fusion Monster Card Level 6 ATK 1900 DEF 1700 Warrior Earth "Sonic Maid + Beautiful Headhuntress" Wasteland Password: 23424603 Booster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!], [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Magic Card Field "Increases the ATK and DEF of all Dinosaur, Zombie, and Rock-type monster by 200 points." Water Element Password: 03732747 Booster: Judge Man Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 700 Aqua Water "A spirit that dwells in water, this creature generates a mist to cloud the vision of foes." Water Girl Password: 55014050 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1250 DEF 1000 Aqua Water "A lovely lady who can launch water projectiles that turn into lethal ice spikes before they reach an opponent." Water Magician Password: 93343894 Booster: Garoozis Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1000 Aqua Water "This monster swamps an opponent with an almost endless supply of water." Water Omotics Password: 02483611 Booster: Harpie Lady Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1200 Aqua Water "Transforms the water overflowing from her jar into attacking dragons." Waterdragon Fairy Password: 66836598 Booster: Launcher Spider Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1100 DEF 700 Aqua Water "A water fairy that is said to be able to summon a giant sea serpent." Weather Control Password: 37243151 Booster: Judge Man, [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 600 DEF 400 Fairy Light "This creature controls weather and is often the cause of mountain storms." Weather Report Password: 72053645 Booster: Relinquished Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 950 DEF 1500 Aqua Water "FLIP: Destroys all opponent's face-up "Swords of Revealing Light" on the field. If "Swords of Revealing Light" is destroyed, you can perform your Battle Phase twice this turn (or your next turn, if activated during opponent's turn). Whiptail Crow Password: 91996584 Booster: Relinquished Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1650 DEF 1600 Fiend Dark "Attacks from the skies with a whip-like tail." White Hole Password: 43487744 Booster: Gemini Elf Trap Card "Your monsters are not destroyed when your opponent plays "Dark Hole"." White Magical Hat Password: 15150365 Booster: Gate Guardian Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 700 Spellcaster Light "When this card inflicts damage to you opponent's Life Points, 1 card must be discarded randomly from your opponent's hand to the Graveyard." Wicked Mirror Password: 15150371 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 700 DEF 600 Fiend Dark "A wicked mirror that hypnotizes enemies, diverting attacks from their intended targets." Widespread Ruin Password: 77754944 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Trap Card "When your opponent attacks with a monster, destroy his/her Attack Position monster with the highest ATK." Windstorm of Etaqua Password: 59744639 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Yellow Trap Card "Shift the position of all your opponent's face-up Monster Cards on the field to the opposite position (Defense Position to Attack Position or vise versa)." Wing Egg Elf Password: 98582704 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 500 DEF 1300 Fairy Light "This fairy in an eggshell uses massive wings to blow back almost any projectile attack." Winged Cleaver Password: 39175982 Booster: Dark Magician Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 700 DEF 700 Insect Earth "Few can withstand the scythe-like arms of this dangerous creature." Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 Password: 87796900 Booster: Harpie Lady, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1200 Dragon Wind "A dragon commonly found guarding mountain fortresses. Its signature attack is a sweeping dive from out of the blue." Wings of Wicked Flame Password: 92944626 Booster: Judge Man Normal Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 2 ATK 700 DEF 600 Pyro Fire "Crimson wings of fire make this a very lethal creature." Witch of the Black Forest [Limited to only 2 cards in a deck] Password: 78010363 Booster: Great Moth, Millennium Puzzle Blue Effect Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 4 ATK 1100 DEF 1200 Spellcaster Dark "When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can move 1 monster with DEF of 1500 or less from your Deck to your hand. Your Deck is then shuffled." Witch's Apprentice Password: 80741828 Booster: Great Moth Effect Monster Card Level 2 ATK 550 DEF 500 Spellcaster Dark "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, increase the ATK of all DARK monsters by 500 points and decrease the ATK of all LIGHT monsters by 400 points." Witty Phantom Password: 36304921 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Exodia Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1400 DEF 1300 Fiend Dark "Dressed in a night-black tuxedo, this creature presides over death." Wodan the Resident of the Forest Password: 42883273 Booster: Tiger Axe, Gemini Elf Effect Monster Card Level 3 ATK 900 DEF 1200 Warrior Earth "Increase this card's ATK by 100 points for every Plant-type monster that is face-up on the field." Wood Remains Password: 17733394 Booster: Mystical Elf Normal Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1000 DEF 900 Zombie Dark "A living corpse of wood reanimated by the powers of darkness." World Suppression Password: 12253117 Booster: Buster Blader Trap Card "You can activate this card when a Field Magic Card is played to deactivate the Field Magic Card for the current turn." Wow Warrior Password: 69750536 Booster: Tiger Axe Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1250 DEF 900 Fish Water "A fish with arms, legs, and some very sharp teeth." Wretched Ghost of the Attic Password: 17238333 Booster: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 550 DEF 400 Fiend Dark "A harmless monster found in just about any attic." ****************************************************************************** Y = Yado Karu Password: 29380133 Booster: Battle Ox Effect Monster Card Level 4 ATK 900 DEF 1700 Aqua Water "When this card's position is changed from Attack to Defense, you can place any number of card from your hand at the bottom of your Deck in any order you desire." Yaiba Robo Password: 10315429 Booster: Gate Guardian Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1000 DEF 1300 Machine Dark "A cubical machine equipped with cutting blades for shredding an opponent to mincemeat." Yamatano Dragon Scroll Password: 76704943 Booster: Judge Man Normal Monster Card Level 2 ATK 900 DEF 300 Dragon Wind "A dragon conjured from the very scroll in which it was depicted." Yami Password: 59197169 Booster: [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Magic Card Field "Increases the ATK and DEF of all Fiend and Spellcaster-type monsters by 200 points. Also decreases the ATK and DEF of all Fairy-type monsters by 200 points." Yaranzo Password: 71280811 Booster: Millennium Puzzle Green Normal Monster Card Level 4 ATK 1300 DEF 1500 Zombie Dark "A treasure box containing a monster that attacks any unwary bandit." ****************************************************************************** Z = Zanki Password: 30090452 Booster: Launcher Spider , [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 5 ATK 1500 DEF 1700 Warrior Earth "His swiftly drawn blade delivers quick and fatal damage." Zera Ritual No Password Booster: Black Luster Soldier Magic Card Ritual "This card is used to summon "Zera the Mant". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 8 or more from the field or your hand as a Tribute." Zera The Mant No Password Booster: Black Luster Soldier Ritual Monster Card Level 8 ATK 2800 DEF 2300 Fiend Dark "This monster is summoned with the Ritual Magic Card, "Zera Ritual". You must also offer monsters whose total Level stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand." Zoa Password: 24311372 Booster: [Weekly Yu-Gi-Oh!] Normal Monster Card Level 7 ATK 2600 DEF 1900 Fiend Dark "A monster whose full potential can be achieved when outfitted with Metalmorph." Zombie Warrior Password: 31339260 Booster: Mystical Elf, [Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine] Fusion Monster Card Level 3 ATK 1200 DEF 900 Zombie Dark "Skull Servant + Battle Warrior" Zone Eater Password: 86100785 Booster: Gemini Elf Effect Monster Card Fusion-Material Monster Level 1 ATK 250 DEF 200 Aqua Water "A monster attacked by this card will be destroyed at the End Phase 5 turns later." [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CREDITS and LEGAL STUFF This FAQ is written by Misael Villegas. This FAQ is posted on the sites which are listed below. http://www.gamefaqs.com http://faqs.ign.com http://www.yugiohdungeon.com http://www.zeldaguide.com/yugioh Contributions ------------- Thanks CJayC for having such a great site for FAQs. Thanks to IGN for keeping me up to date on all the great games out there. Thanks to Teara (ooh44@hotmail.com) for allowing me to use the password list. Thanks to grey41 (travisgilliam@attbi.com) and all those who contributed to his Booster Packs FAQ for providing info. Thanks to KronosCoreMagi (dark_kateria@yahoo.com) for supplying info on the Dueling Decks for Duelist from his Character Deck FAQ. Thanks to Joe Fortman (goten136@msn.com) for providing the "Black Illusions Ritual" password. Thanks to Josh Weiss (magus784@yahoo.com) for this info on the Grandpa Cup. Thanks to Pokemaniac Will, Crimson Hellkite, darknesswaters, Darkon, Niko Niko (the_red_amarant@hotmail.com), Michael (witeman23@hotmail.com), and conchairto810@hotmail.com for location of booster pack cards. Thanks to pokephoenix88@yahoo.com and Darkenedflame96@aol.com for corrections. Thanks to Konami for creating a true card game for Yu-Gi-Oh!