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Duel Monsters 5 Expert 1 Manual Translation v1.0 By YamiYugiOfDarkness Copyright 2002 This guide was created to help you in the game. Any plagiarism or copying is not permitted, and is punishable by law. This guide may only be used by ====================================================================== Table Of Contents ====================================================================== -Version -Legal Information -Manual Translation -Contact Me ====================================================================== Version ====================================================================== v1.0 (11/5/02 8:25 P.M.): Started the manual translation. ====================================================================== Legal Information ====================================================================== This FAQ may be used for yourself. Any copying and distributing is NOT allowed. If you do, you will be punished to the full extent of the law. Only may use this guide. If any other site uses my guide, please contact me IMMEDIATELY!!! If you really want to use my faq on your site, contact me. ====================================================================== Manual Translation ====================================================================== This is how you read the manual translation. Main section title will be surrounded with ============. Sub contents will be surrounded with --------. ********** will seperate each section. =============================================== ========================= Table Of Contents 02 ========================= ------------------------- ------------------------- Controls 04 Playing the Game 24 ------------------------- ------------------------- Duel Basics............24 ------------------------- Fighting...............26 Starting The Game 05 Building a Deck........26 ------------------------- Winning a Duel.........28 New Game...............05 Getting Farther........29 Continue...............06 D-Tactics..............07 ------------------------- Duel Rules 34 ------------------------- ------------------------- Game Mode 08 Damage.................34 ------------------------- Summoning Creatures....36 Campaign...............08 Battle Phase...........34 Deck&Trunk.............09 Magic&Effect Monsters..38 Duel...................10 Trade..................11 ------------------------- Calendar...............14 Cards 41 Option.................14 ------------------------- Types of Cards.........41 ------------------------- Looking at Cards.......46 Deck&Trunk 17 ------------------------- ------------------------- Viewing and Controls...17 Chain 49 Moving Cards Around....19 ------------------------- What is Chain?.........49 ------------------------- Magic, Trap, Effect....51 Dueling 20 Example of Speed.......52 ------------------------- Viewing and Controls...20 Dueling................22 ------------------------- ***************************************************** ========================= Introduction 03 ========================= What is Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters? -------------------------------- [Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters] is a cardgame based on the {Jump Comic} comic boook. There are magic and trap cards, and a lot of other cards. Have fun dueling and collecting cards. Birth of the Ultimate Duel Simulator! ------------------------------------- This [Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsteres 5 Expert 1] is a little different from the other games [Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 1, 2, 3, 4] because this game uses the official card game rules. The <> is being used in this game, and there are chain conbos and reverse effects. Also, the card series [Volume 1] to volume 2 series [Curse of Anubis] and Plus Alpha is in this game. _____________________________________ |P.24-25 explains <>.| |_____________________________________| ***************************************************** ========================= Controls 04 ========================= These are the basic controls. Please view specific pages for detailed controls. _________________ _________________ |L Button | |R Button | |In [Deck&Trunk], | |In [Deck&Trunk], | --|this changes the | |this changes the |--- | |screen. | |screen. Also in | | | |_________________| |a duel, this will| | | |draw a card. | | | __________________ |_________________| | | |+ Button | ___________________ | | |Move the cursor to| |Start Button | | | |select a menue, | |End your turn in a | | | |command, or card. | |duel. | | | |__________________| |___________________| | | | ____________________| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __|_________|_____________________________ | \-->/___|L____/ | \___R_____\ <--/ | | _| Nintendo | | \/_ | _____________ | | _| |_ | | | | | |_ _| | | | A__ | | |_| | | | __ B | | | \|/ |_____________| |_ | | | Start o ---|---- | | | Select o ---|--- | | | ---|-- | | \_________________________________|______|__/ ____________________________| | | | _____|__________ _____________|_____ |B Button | |A Button | |Cancel commands,| |Select what you | |Return to the | |highlighted. You | |screen before. | |can also use this | |Can also be used| |to go through | |when going into | |dialogues. | |Battle Phase. | |___________________| |________________| ***************************************************** ========================= Starting the Game 05 ========================= Insert the cartridge into the Game Boy Advance and turn the switch on. The opening screen will start. Whenthe title screen appears, press START. *To skip the opening screen, press START. When you press START in the title screen, there are 3 menues to choose from. Select with < > in + and A. ------------------------- New Game 05 ------------------------- Start a new game. Enter your duelist name and receive a deck. >Enter a duelist name [1] Move the cursor with + to select a letter, and press A to select. The B Button will delete a letter. Use the L/R Buttons to select Hiragana, Katakana, Alphabet, and Numbers. [2] When you finish inserting a name, press START. The cursor will move to OK so press A to accept. *You can change your name in CHANGE NAME in OPTION during the game. >Select a Deck Next you will select a deck. This will be your starting deck. They each contain some different cards. Use + and < > to select a deck. ______________________________________________________ |>Deleting Data | |______________________________________________________| |If you already have a saved file and press NEW GAME, | |it will ask you if you want to start a new game. If | |you press START, you will lose everything. To cancel, | |press B. | |______________________________________________________| ------------------------- Continue 06 ------------------------- You will start the game from where you left off last time. ______________________________________________________ |>Saving/Loading | |______________________________________________________| |The game will save/load automatically. In the game, | |the saved file will be over-written. When you turn the| |game on, the game will be automatically loaded to the | |place that you left off last time. | |______________________________________________________| ------------------------- D-Tactics 07 ------------------------- In D-Tactics, you can do practice duels where you have one turn to defeat the opponent. This mode teaches you basic ways to duel and other things you should know for the game.You get a selected duel and hand. The TACTICS LEVEL is the hardness of the level. ______________________________________________________ |Problems 001-006 are basic problems. Beginners should | |use this to learn the basics to the game. | |______________________________________________________| >Progressing in D-Tactics [1] Use + to move the cursor and use A to select the level. On each screen there will be 12 problems. Using L/R will show the next 12. Press B to go back to the title screen. [2] Next, the problem will be shown. This will give hints to how you should do the problem. Read it well and press A to start. ***************************************************** ========================= Game Mode 08 ========================= In the title screen, when you press NEW GAME or CONTINUE, the game mode screen will be shown. Press < > in + to move the cursor and A to select. Pressing B will return you to the title screen. ------------------------- Campaign 08 ------------------------- You will duel many people. First you can only duel 5 people, but as you progress you will be able to duel more people. Each time you win a duel you will recieve a pack of 5 cards. >Progressing in Campaign [1] The accessable players will appear. Use < > in + to select a duelist and press A to select. [2] The Rock-Paper-Scissors screen will appear. Use + and < > to pick one and press A to select. If you win the Rock-Paper-Scissors you will get to pick whether you want to go first or second. Pick one and press A. *If you lose, the one that is left on the screen is when you will go. [3] You will automatically draw 5 cards from your deck, and the duel will begin. [4] If you win a duel you will get to select a booster pack. There are more than one pack so use < > in + to move the cursor and use < > to select it. [5] After that the cards that were in the pack will appear. Use Up and Down to move the cursor and A to read the detail of the card. __________________________________________ |>Information on Booster Packs | |__________________________________________| |These are the same as the Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG. | |First you can only select the first packs | |Vol.1/Vol.2/Vol.3, but as you progress | |through Campaign, more packs will become | |available. | |__________________________________________| ------------------------- Deck&Trunk 09 ------------------------- You will check what cards you have and build decks here. Check Deck&Trunk (P.17) for details. __________________________________________ |>Information on Building a Deck | |__________________________________________| |Before you go into CAMPAIGN/DUEL, check | |and build your deck. You can't create or | |edit once you start. | |__________________________________________| ------------------------- Duel 10 ------------------------- Connect 2 Game Boy Advances with a Link Cable to duel against a friend. But even if you win, you will not receive a booster pack. Also, there are special cards you may not use. >Starting the Duel [1] Once you connect the Link Cable, turn the Game Boy Advance on and select Duel in the menu. Press A. *Once you select Duel, the duel will start immediately build your deck before the duel. ___________________________________________ |If there is a restricted card in your deck,| |you will get a warning. You must go to your| |deck and take those cards out. Those cards | |will have a red X next to them. | |___________________________________________| [2] The Rock-Paper-Scissors screen will appear, so use + and < > to pick, and A to select. The winnder will pick to go first or second. [3] 5 cards will be drawn from the deck and the duel will begin. ________________________________________________________________ |>Cards Not Allowed *I tried my best to translate. | |________________________________________________________________| |7 Card Complete Dark Eyes Illusionist| |DNA Changer Dark Familia | |Shallow Grave Chain Destruction | |Curse Change | |Pain Giver Angel's Mirror | |One Family Toon Demon | |Large Migration Toon Ryu-Ran | |Karate Man Toon Mermaid | |Parasite Toon World | |(sry can't translate) (sry can't translate | |(sry can't translate) Time Machine | |Hard Select Sealer of Time | |(sry can't translate) Grave Digger | |Pumpking the King of Ghosts Swords of Light (not Revealing)| |Ancient Glasses Mail Arrival | |(sry can't translate) Blue-eyes Toon Dragon| |(sry can't translate) Magical Hats | |Hypnosis Majical Arm Shield | |Paralyzation Sheild and Sword | |Dark Ritual Dark Castle | |Eye of Truth | |________________________________________________________________| ------------------------- Trade 11 ------------------------- Connecting 2 Game Boy Advances with a Link Cable will allow you to trade cards with each other. Each player selects a card to trade. *Connecting and warnings are writtin in [How to Connect Link Cable] on page 13. >Starting the Trade [1] Once you connect the Game Boy Advances, turn on the switch and start the game. In the game menue, go to Trade and press A. *You can only trade cards in your trunk. [2] The trade screen will appear. First, select [Card Select] and press A. Your Trunk will appear so select the card you want to trade. Move the cursor to a card. Press A to show the icon. That will be view. You will view the card, and if that's the one you want to trade, press Ok. To re-select, press [Card Select]. [3] When both players select a card, press [Start Trade]. The cards will be traded. ______________________________________________ |>Trade Warning | |______________________________________________| |You cannot make a deck that can't be used like| |an all fusion deck because fusion cards go | |into the fusion deck. | |______________________________________________| ------------------------- Calendar 14 ------------------------- During the game, there are dates. When you duel once, it is equal to one day. WJ and VJ are sold and duel tournaments are held. You can check the dates on the calendar screen. Icons WJ: Every Tuesday, WJ is sold. Contains 5 special cards. VJ: Every month on the 21st, VJ is sold. Contains 5 special cards. _ |_|: Every month on the second and fourth Saturday, a duel tournament is held. There are other tournaments as well. ------------------------- Option 14 ------------------------- Using + buttons and up/down, move the cursor. Press A to select. Press B to return to the game. > Change Name Change your duelist name. > Record Shows your duel record agaisnt duelists. >Password In the Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG, there is an 8 digit pw on the bottom left of the card. Use that to get that card. You can only get one of that card. >Sound Change the sound. Use + <> and A. ====================================================================== Contact Me ====================================================================== I WILL NOT SUPPLY YOU WITH THE ROM SO DON'T EMAIL ME ASKING FOR IT! E-Mail: AIM: Adudefaraway YIM: Newyorkcoolboy624 ICQ: 177724997 Websites: Messageboard: ======================================================================